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Essay My House in English for Class 10

Nearly everyone dreams of building his own house. First, he plants it in his imagination. Then he speaks of it to his friends. He discusses the detail hundreds of times. A house is an important necessity. Your own house will certainly improve your quality of life. My dreams come into reality through my house.  According to our taste, we decorate our rooms. We look after our plants and flowers with loving care.

“The home is a paradise for all family members.” (Quotation)

I have always been living in the same house for a long time.  It will be unjust, if, I only call it a house because it is more like a home. A house is indeed a great blessing.

  “A house is made up of walls and beams;” (Quotation)

  “A home is built with love and dreams.” (Quotation)

My house is something very dear and near to me. It holds all my childhood memories. It may lay look very ordinary to an outsider but to me, it is my personal paradise. So, the comfort I feel in my house cannot be compared to any other place.

 “East or west-east is the best” (Quotation)

It is situated at a very suitable place with all the facilities nearby. The street that runs by my house is very wide. There are very tall buildings on both sides of my house.

My house is not very large, but it is big enough for my family. It has three stories but we only use the first and the second one. It was specially designed by my father. It has a very beautiful front that attracts the attention of those who pass by.

It has a very nice living room, which has been beautifully decorated by my mother and me. The living room contains all the necessary stuff including a television, couches, lamps, etc. the kitchen of the house is very airy and decent. It is painted in different colors by my mother, which gives it really a majestic look. The walls are up of plywood and so is the floor. My mother’s crockery is placed in a very alluring and captivating cupboard made up of mahogany wood.

‘‘peace- that was the other name for home.” (Quotation)

My parent’s bedroom is carpeted wall to wall and has some wonderfully painted beautiful pictures of hills, forests, and seas. My mother’s contribution to this room is in the form of artistically designed and finely sewn curtains across the window. The dining room has a small dining table made up of glass and metal. As we go upstairs, the steps are covered by a thin carpet. The house has long windows, which make it very cool and light up. There are a lot of flowerpots in the house, which makes it a nice fragrance.

“Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes.” (Quotation)

The part I love the most about my house is my own room. It is the most beautiful room that I own. Every inch of its decorated according to my own choice. The best thing about it is that it has its own balcony from where I can see the garden of my house. My father and I love to work in the garden. We cut the bushes twice a year and we get our fruit trees sprayed once a month. My mother loves roses and lilies and she looks after the flowerbeds herself from time to time. I take extra care to keep the lawn tidy enough by using a lawn mower. There is a small bench in my garden, which I usually use for relaxing.

“A man’s home is his castle.” (proverb)

The front yard is also great. I usually skate and play with brother my in the front yard. Everything is right in its place and perfect for my family. I love everything about my house. My house is the place where I can be myself. Its atmosphere relaxes my thoughts.

Essay My House for 10th Class with Quotations

Apart from this, my house is surrounded by wonderful neighbors. We know our neighbors for a long time. They often come to meet us. They are very gracious people. Our house is located in a suitable area, which makes it quite a great advantage.

Whenever I look at my house, I feel warmth, love, and satisfaction. It gives me the type of comfort I can never feel anywhere else. Even the thought of living away from my house makes me shiver. It is more like a dream house. It is the type of house, which everyone wants and I am very thankful to Allah Almighty for providing me with such a nice shelter. To me my house is out of this world it gives me the necessary shelter from the world.

‘‘There is nothing half as pleasant as coming home again.’’ (Quotation)

I would never want to replace it with anything bigger or better because I think that it is the best house and I can never ask for anything else.

“Every house where love abides,

  And friendship is a guest,

  Is surely home and home sweet home?

  For there the heart can rest.”

Essay My house Quotations

 Published on: Dec 2, 2022, at 10:30

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Translation of Essay my house for 10th class

Nearly everyone dreams of building his own house.تقریباً ہر کوئی اپنا گھر بنانے کا خواب دیکھتا ہے۔
First, he plants it in his imagination.سب سے پہلے، وہ اسے اپنے تخیل میں لگاتا ہے۔
Then he speaks of it to his friends.پھر وہ اپنے دوستوں سے اس کے بارے میں بات کرتا ہے۔
A house is an important necessity.گھر ایک اہم ضرورت ہے۔
Your own house will certainly improve your quality of life.آپ کا اپنا گھر یقینی طور پر آپ کے معیار زندگی کو بہتر بنائے گا۔
My dreams come into reality through my house.میرے خواب میرے گھر کے ذریعے حقیقت میں آتے ہیں۔
According to our taste, we decorate our rooms.اپنے ذوق کے مطابق ہم اپنے کمروں کو سجاتے ہیں۔
We look after our plants and flowers with loving care.ہم اپنے پودوں اور پھولوں کی محبت سے دیکھ بھال کرتے ہیں۔
“The home is a paradise for all family members.” (Quotation)“گھر خاندان کے تمام افراد کے لیے جنت ہے۔” (اقتباس)
I have always been living in the same house for a long time.میں ہمیشہ ایک ہی گھر میں کافی عرصے سے رہ رہا ہوں۔
It will be unjust, if, I only call it a house because it is more like a home.یہ ناانصافی ہوگی، اگر، میں اسے صرف گھر کہوں کیونکہ یہ گھر کی طرح ہے۔
A house is indeed a great blessing.گھر واقعی بہت بڑی نعمت ہے۔
 “A house is made up of walls and beams;” (Quotation)“ایک گھر دیواروں اور شہتیروں سے بنا ہے۔” (اقتباس)
 “A home is built with love and dreams.” (Quotation)“ایک گھر محبت اور خوابوں سے بنایا گیا ہے۔” (اقتباس)
My house is something very dear and near to me.میرا گھر میرے لیے بہت عزیز اور قریب ہے۔
It holds all my childhood memories.اس میں میرے بچپن کی تمام یادیں محفوظ ہیں۔
It may lay look very ordinary to an outsider but to me, it is my personal paradise.یہ کسی باہر والے کو بہت عام لگ سکتا ہے لیکن میرے نزدیک یہ میری ذاتی جنت ہے۔
So, the comfort I feel in my house cannot be compared to any other place.لہذا، میں اپنے گھر میں جو سکون محسوس کرتا ہوں اس کا کسی اور جگہ سے موازنہ نہیں کیا جا سکتا۔
 “East or west-east is the best” (Quotation)“مشرق یا مغرب مشرق بہترین ہے” (اقتباس)
It is situated at a very suitable place with all the facilities nearby.یہ ایک بہت ہی موزوں جگہ پر واقع ہے جس میں آس پاس کی تمام سہولیات موجود ہیں۔
The street that runs by my house is very wide.میرے گھر کے پاس سے گزرنے والی گلی بہت چوڑی ہے۔
There are very tall buildings on both sides of my house.میرے گھر کے دونوں طرف بہت اونچی عمارتیں ہیں۔
My house is not very large, but it is big enough for my family.میرا گھر بہت بڑا نہیں ہے، لیکن یہ میرے خاندان کے لیے کافی بڑا ہے۔
It has three stories but we only use the first and the second one.اس میں تین کہانیاں ہیں لیکن ہم صرف پہلی اور دوسری کا استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
 It was specially designed by my father.یہ خاص طور پر میرے والد نے ڈیزائن کیا تھا۔
It has a very beautiful front that attracts the attention of those who pass by.اس کا ایک بہت ہی خوبصورت محاذ ہے جو گزرنے والوں کی توجہ اپنی طرف کھینچتا ہے۔
It has a very nice living room, which has been beautifully decorated by my mother and me.اس میں ایک بہت ہی خوبصورت رہنے کا کمرہ ہے، جسے میں اور میری والدہ نے خوبصورتی سے سجایا ہے۔
The living room contains all the necessary stuff including a television, couches, lamps, etc.لونگ روم میں ٹیلی ویژن، صوفے، لیمپ وغیرہ سمیت تمام ضروری سامان موجود ہے۔
The kitchen of the house is very airy and decent.گھر کا باورچی خانہ بہت ہوا دار اور عمدہ ہے۔
It is painted in different colors by my mother, which gives it really a majestic look.اسے میری والدہ نے مختلف رنگوں میں پینٹ کیا ہے، جو اسے واقعی ایک شاندار شکل دیتا ہے۔
The walls are up of plywood and so is the floor.دیواریں پلائیووڈ کی ہیں اور فرش بھی۔
My mother’s crockery is placed in a very alluring and captivating cupboard made up of mahogany wood.میری والدہ کی کراکری مہوگنی کی لکڑی سے بنی ایک انتہائی دلکش اور دلکش الماری میں رکھی گئی ہے۔
‘‘peace- that was the other name for home.” (Quotation)’’امن – یہ گھر کا دوسرا نام تھا۔‘‘ (اقتباس)
My parent’s bedroom is carpeted wall to wall and has some wonderfully painted beautiful pictures of hills, forests, and seas.میرے والدین کا بیڈروم دیوار سے دیوار تک کارپٹ ہے اور اس میں پہاڑیوں، جنگلوں اور سمندروں کی کچھ حیرت انگیز طور پر پینٹ کی گئی خوبصورت تصاویر ہیں۔
My mother’s contribution to this room is in the form of artistically designed and finely sewn curtains across the window.اس کمرے میں میری والدہ کا تعاون کھڑکی کے پار فنکارانہ طور پر ڈیزائن اور باریک سلے ہوئے پردوں کی شکل میں ہے۔
The dining room has a small dining table made up of glass and metal.کھانے کے کمرے میں شیشے اور دھات سے بنی ایک چھوٹی کھانے کی میز ہے۔
As we go upstairs, the steps are covered by a thin carpet.جب ہم اوپر جاتے ہیں تو سیڑھیاں ایک پتلی قالین سے ڈھکی ہوتی ہیں۔
The house has long windows, which make it very cool and light up.گھر میں لمبی کھڑکیاں ہیں، جو اسے بہت ٹھنڈی اور روشن بناتی ہیں۔
There are a lot of flowerpots in the house, which makes it a nice fragrance.گھر میں پھولوں کی بہتات ہوتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے یہ ایک اچھی خوشبو آتی ہے۔
“Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes.” (Quotation)“گھر وہ جگہ ہے جہاں بغیر جوتوں کے گھومنا مناسب لگتا ہے۔” (اقتباس)
The part I love the most about my house is my own room.مجھے اپنے گھر کے بارے میں جو حصہ سب سے زیادہ پسند ہے وہ میرا اپنا کمرہ ہے
It is the most beautiful room that I own.یہ سب سے خوبصورت کمرہ ہے جس کا میں مالک ہوں۔
Every inch of its decorated according to my own choice.اس کا ایک ایک انچ اپنی مرضی کے مطابق سجایا گیا ہے۔
The best thing about it is that it has its own balcony from where I can see the garden of my house.اس کی سب سے اچھی بات یہ ہے کہ اس کی اپنی بالکونی ہے جہاں سے میں اپنے گھر کا باغ دیکھ سکتا ہوں۔
My father and I love to work in the garden.مجھے اور میرے والد باغ میں کام کرنا پسند کرتے ہیں۔
We cut the bushes twice a year and we get our fruit trees sprayed once a month.ہم سال میں دو بار جھاڑیوں کو کاٹتے ہیں اور ہم اپنے پھلوں کے درختوں پر مہینے میں ایک بار اسپرے کرواتے ہیں۔
My mother loves roses and lilies and she looks after the flowerbeds herself from time to time.میری ماں کو گلاب اور کنول پسند ہیں اور وہ وقتاً فوقتاً پھولوں کے بستروں کی دیکھ بھال کرتی ہیں۔
I take extra care to keep the lawn tidy enough by using a lawn mower.میں لان کاٹنے کی مشین کا استعمال کرتے ہوئے لان کو صاف ستھرا رکھنے کا زیادہ خیال رکھتا ہوں۔
There is a small bench in my garden, which I usually use for relaxing.میرے باغ میں ایک چھوٹا سا بینچ ہے، جسے میں عام طور پر آرام کرنے کے لیے استعمال کرتا ہوں۔
“A man’s home is his castle.” (proverb)“آدمی کا گھر اس کا محل ہوتا ہے۔” ( کہاوت )
The front yard is also great.سامنے کا صحن بھی بہت اچھا ہے۔
I usually skate and play with brother my in the front yard.میں عام طور پر سامنے کے صحن میں اپنے بھائی کے ساتھ اسکیٹنگ اور کھیلتا ہوں۔
Everything is right in its place and perfect for my family.سب کچھ اپنی جگہ پر ٹھیک ہے اور میرے خاندان کے لیے بہترین ہے۔
I love everything about my house.مجھے اپنے گھر کی ہر چیز پسند ہے۔
My house is the place where I can be myself.میرا گھر وہ جگہ ہے جہاں میں خود رہ سکتا ہوں۔
Its atmosphere relaxes my thoughts.اس کا ماحول میرے خیالات کو سکون بخشتا ہے۔
Apart from this, my house is surrounded by wonderful neighbors.اس کے علاوہ میرا گھر شاندار پڑوسیوں سے گھرا ہوا ہے۔
We know our neighbors for a long time.ہم اپنے پڑوسیوں کو ایک عرصے سے جانتے ہیں۔
They often come to meet us.وہ اکثر ہم سے ملنے آتے ہیں۔
They are very gracious people.وہ بہت مہربان لوگ ہیں۔
Our house is located in a suitable area, which makes it quite a great advantage.ہمارا گھر ایک مناسب جگہ پر واقع ہے، جس کی وجہ سے یہ کافی فائدہ مند ہے۔
Whenever I look at my house, I feel warmth, love, and satisfaction.میں جب بھی اپنے گھر کو دیکھتا ہوں، مجھے گرمجوشی، محبت اور اطمینان محسوس ہوتا ہے۔
It gives me the type of comfort I can never feel anywhere else.اس سے مجھے وہ سکون ملتا ہے جو میں کہیں اور محسوس نہیں کر سکتا۔
Even the thought of living away from my house makes me shiver.گھر سے دور رہنے کا سوچ کر بھی کانپ اٹھتا ہے۔
It is more like a dream house.یہ زیادہ خوابوں کے گھر کی طرح ہے۔
It is the type of house, which everyone wants and I am very thankful to Allah Almighty for providing me with such a nice shelter.یہ گھر کی قسم ہے، جسے ہر کوئی چاہتا ہے اور میں اللہ تعالی کا بہت شکر گزار ہوں کہ اس نے مجھے اتنی اچھی پناہ گاہ فراہم کی۔
To me my house is out of this world it gives me the necessary shelter from the world.میرے لیے میرا گھر اس دنیا سے باہر ہے یہ مجھے دنیا سے ضروری پناہ دیتا ہے۔
‘‘There is nothing half as pleasant as coming home again.’’ (Quotation)’’دوبارہ گھر آنے سے آدھی خوشگوار کوئی چیز نہیں ہے۔‘‘ (اقتباس)
I would never want to replace it with anything bigger or better because I think that it is the best house and I can never ask for anything else.میں اسے کبھی بھی بڑی یا بہتر چیز سے بدلنا نہیں چاہوں گا کیونکہ مجھے لگتا ہے کہ یہ بہترین گھر ہے اور میں اس کے علاوہ کبھی بھی کچھ نہیں مانگ سکتا۔

“Every house where love abides,

And friendship is a guest,

Is surely home and home sweet home?

  For there the heart can rest.”

“ہر گھر جہاں محبت رہتی ہے،

اور دوستی تو مہمان ہے

کیا یقیناً گھر اور گھر پیارا گھر ہے؟

کیونکہ وہاں دل کو سکون ملتا ہے۔”

Essay My House in English for Class 10

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Angrezi PK

Quotations For Essay My House

My house is an important essay at the matriculation level. Writing about your house and its charms is a good experience. But just prose does not adorn the subject matter of the essay. These are poetic quotes that make it beautiful and make it fascinating for the checker.

Writing just one line as my house essay quote and that too in prose form never suits the essay. Below are given stanzas and some poetry quotes to add to the essay “My House.”

You can put these quotations before or end of the paragraphs.

One thing to remember is to take great care of punctuation marks while writing these quotations in my house essay. The use of a marker or pointer will also highlight the quotations, which is a good move.

If you leave one line blank before and after the quotations on my house essay in English, it will make your quotation more visible.

My House Essay Quotations For 10th Class in Pakistan

Here are the best quotations on my house essay in English. You can use these quotes about essay my house in your test or paper with confidence.

From east to west, Is hole or nest, To take the rest, Home is best. Calym Nush

my house essay quotations for 10 class

As spouse to spouse is home to spouse, While go nowhere we go to house. Calym Nush

quotation for my house essay

As self-done, is the health, Having a house is too wealth, If you have, you are lucky, To the world, you are no ducky. Calym Nush

Quotations For Essay My House

If you look, is cement and wall, But in these, you can stand tall, All are love from big to small, House is heaven, it’s all in all. Calym Nush

best quotations on my house essay in English

In the life in every part, Life keeps moving in the cart, It is written on the chart, Home is there where is heart. Calym Nush

quotation on my house essay in English

Also, Check: Quotations For Essay My Last Day At School

In cursory glance, it is seen, Just four walls and a beam, In my heart my house has been, Twinkling twinkling evergreen. Calym Nush

quotes about essay my house

There is place what I believe, Either I come or I leave, It will welcome, it do receive, I have a house, what to achieve? Calym Nush

quotes about essay my house

Under the roof, among the walls, Here bro shouts, there sis calls, And when nephew also crawls, My house looks like bountyfalls. Calym Nush

Quotations For Essay My House

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  • Essay Quotations

Quotations for Essay My House

Updated at Oct 22, 2023 | by Admin

quotations for my house essay

"There’s no place like home"
"Home is where our story begins"
"Home is not a place…it’s a feeling"
"Seek home for rest, for home is best"
"Home is where my habits have a habitat"
"Peace — that was the other name for home"
"The sun at home warms better than the sun elsewhere"
"Home is the starting place of love, hope and dreams"
"Good food and a warm kitchen are what make a house a home"
"If you know you’re going home, the journey is never too hard"
"There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home"
"The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there"
"Maybe that’s the best part of going away for a vacation–coming home again"
"The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely"
"Home, the spot of earth supremely blest, a dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest"
"Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to"
"A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it"
"Be grateful for the home you have, knowing that at this moment, all you have is all you need"
"The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back"
"A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams"

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My House Essay in English For 10 Class

House is undoubtedly a necessity of life for shelter and security which is why here we are going to discuss today My House Essay in English For 10 Class. In order to live a comfortable life, a house is very necessary. Nothing in this world is living without a house. Allah doesn’t make any living thing in this world without a house. We may extract an example from animals and birds. Birds and animals are also living in houses in the form of holes and nests. Therefore, the house is mentioned at the top of the list of necessities of life. I have also a very beautiful house which is situated on the bank of the canal. It shows splendid and outstanding views due to the canal. There are so many lush green trees present near my house which adds some extra charm to its beauty.

My house is situated near one of the ideal places such as near the bank of the canal. My house is spread over an area of 700 yards. There are a total of 5 rooms in my house excluding the kitchen and bathroom. Two bathrooms and one kitchen are also available. There is also one storeroom. All rooms are fully furnished with the latest essential goods. Every room has a large airy window. Doors and windows are made up of aluminum metal.

My House Essay in English For 10 Class

There is also a huge garden in my house. So many types of flowers blooming in this garden. The attractive fragrance of these flowers gives a fresh feel in the morning. The lush green grass of this garden gives an awesome charming look to our house. The walls of my house are painted with a unique off-white color. A big yard is also situated inside my house for parking cars.

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There is also a huge tree of guava present in my house. It is 7 feet high and also gives fresh guava in the season of guava. I daily water my house’s garden and grass with fresh water. I am very proud to be a member of this house and family. The beautiful structure of your house ultimately increases the quality of your life and gives you a sense of standard living. There are a total of six members in my family and happily live in my house.

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Undoubtedly I am very blessed that Allah had given me such a beautiful house. I never want to leave this beautiful house ever. My grandfather laid the foundation of this house so many years ago. Finally, I love my house very much and want to live in it happily. I pray to Allah that He blessed everyone with this type of beautiful house full of necessities. That is all from our side about today’s topic My House Essay in English For 10 Class with quotations you can also add some if you want by commenting on this page.

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10th Class English Grammar Nots PDF 2024

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Updated February 2024 The 10th Class English Grammar Notes 2024 have been uploaded on the Ilmkidunya website, along with their PDF files now available for download. This update provides valuable resources to students seeking assistance with their math studies.

Chapter Type Download Links
Translation Urdu to English
Correct Use of Verbs
Pair of Words
Direct & Indirect (Change of Narration)
Writing an Essay (K.B)

10th Class English Grammar PDF Notes

Chapters Chapter Name Medium
1 Essay on A Rainy Day
2 Essay on My House
3 My Self Essay
4 Quaid e Azam Essay

English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and having a good command of the language is essential. English is a compulsory subject for  Matriculation Board exams.  The subject is the blend of grammar, compositions, essay writing, letter writing, stories, and much more. The  English Board exam for SSC Part-II  consists of a total of 100 marks.

On this page, you can easily download essays and stories for matric in pdf format. A rainy day essay for class 10 and  my house essay for class 10  have been given here. The grammar part of the subject includes the following:


Essay writing is generally referred to as the writer’s perspective of writing a story regarding an event. Essays can be formal or informal depending upon the topic. The formal essays generally include the academic portion and raise some serious events, or topics whereas, the informal essays include the humorous side of the writer perceiving any event. My self essay for class 10 and Quaid e azam essay in english for class 10 have also been give at Ilmkidunya.

Essays are of different types:

  • Narrative Essays: These types of essays include the writer’s narration of any story or incident. 
  • Descriptive Essays: Descriptive essays are a way to convey an event in such a way that the reader may feel the story at the moment.

Some important essays for matriculation board exams include:

  • A Rainy Day
  • Technical Education
  • My House 
  • Sports and Games
  • Health is Wealth 

Few tips to enhance your essay writing:

  • Attract the readers through an interesting title
  • Make your essays simple and easy to understand 
  • Do not fall for complex sentences
  • Quotations make the draft look more interesting
  • Draft a rough draft to make the essay an organized way
  • Have a grip on grammar to avoid mistakes that might distract the reader’s attention

Grammar is the main component of English subjects. Grammar helps to form various structural sentences for different types of writing. With a grip on grammar, students can ace their essay writing, stories, and various others. The English paper includes some questions regarding grammatical errors in which the students have to identify the correct grammatical approach. 

A story is usually written to entertain or to convey a point. It is mainly a narration of real or imaginary events providing some sort of a moral lesson. A story is shorter as compared to essay writing. Story writing helps enhance your thinking and creative ability. Some common moral lesson stories for 10th grade are:

  • No Pain, No Gain
  • Honesty is the best policy
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed
  • Haste makes waste
  • Kindness is a Virtue
  • All that glitter is not Gold

The students who have to appear for SSC Part-II board exams can visit our website to learn more English essays and stories.

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My Home Essay

500 words on my home essay.

A home is a place that gives comfort to everyone. It is because a home is filled with love and life. Much like every lucky person, I also have a home and a loving family. Through My Home Essay, I will take you through what my home is like and how much it means to me.

my home essay

A Place I Call Home

My home is situated in the city. It is not too big nor too small, just the perfect size. My family lives in the home. It comprises of my father, mother, sister and grandparents. We live in our ancestral home so my home is very vintage.

It is very old but remains to be super strong. There are six rooms in my home. Each family member has a unique room which they have decorated as per their liking. For instance, my elder sister is a big fan of music, so her walls are filled with posters of musicians like BTS, RM, and more.

Our drawing room is a large one with a high ceiling. We still use the vintage sofa set which my grandmother got as a wedding gift. Similarly, there is a vintage TV and radio which she uses till date.

Adjoining the drawing room is my bedroom. It is my favourite room because it contains everything that I love. I have a pet guinea pig which lives in a cage in my room. We also have a storeroom which is filled with things we don’t use but also cannot discard.

Our lawn in front of the house has a little garden. In that garden , my mother is growing her own kitchen garden. She is passionate about it and brings different seeds every month to grow them out and use them in our food.

The fondest memories I have in a place is my terrace. Our terrace is huge with many plants. I remember all the good times we have spent there as a family. Moreover, we play there a lot when my cousins come over. Thus, every nook and corner of my home is special to me.

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Appreciation Towards My Home

I know a lot of people who do not have homes or not as big as mine. It makes me more grateful and appreciates my home more. Not everyone gets the fortune to have a good home and a loving family, but luckily, I have been blessed with both.

I am thankful for my home because when I grow up, I can look back at the wonderful memories I made here. The walk down the memory lane will be a sweet one because of the safety and security my home has given me. It is indeed an ideal home.

Conclusion of My Home Essay

My home is important to me because for better or worse, it helps me belong. It makes me understand my place in time and connect with the world and the universe at large. Thus, I am grateful to have a place I can call home.

FAQ on My Home Essay

Question 1: What is the importance of a home?

Answer 1: Home offers us security, belonging and privacy in addition to other essential things. Most importantly, it gives us a place with a centring where we leave every morning and long to return every night .

Question 2: Why is home important to a family?

Answer 2: A home signifies a lot more than a house. It is because we find comfort in our home as it contains memories and a place where our bonds strengthen. It is where we get plenty of benefits.

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My House Quotations Essay For Students

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My house essay quotations.

My house is an important essay for low-level students. Writing about your house and its charms is a pleasant experience. But the prose does not adorn the essay’s subject matter. These are poetic quotes that make it beautiful and fascinating.

Writing just one line as my house essay quote and that too in a prose style never suits the essay. Below are stanzas and poetry quotes to add to the essay “My House.” The quotations can be placed before or at the end of the paragraphs.

Television Essay Quotations For Students

One thing to remember is to take careful care of punctuation marks while writing these quotations in my house essay. The use of a marker or pointer will also highlight the quotations, which is a wise move.

If you leave one line blank before and after the quotations in my house essay in English, it will make your quotations more visible.

My House Quotations

  • From east to west, Is hole or nest, To take the rest, Home is best.
  • As spouse to spouse is home to a spouse. While going nowhere we go to a house.
  • As self-done, is health, Having a house is to wealth If you have, you are lucky, To the world, you are no ducky.
  • If you look, all is cement and wall, But in these, you can stand tall, All are love from big to small. House is heaven, it’s all in all.
  • In life in every part, Life keeps moving in the chart, It is written on the chart, Home is where the heart belongs.
  • In a cursory glance, it is seen, Just four walls and a beam, In my heart my house has been, Twinkling evergreen.
  • There is the place where I believe, Either I come or I leave, It will welcome, it will receive, I have a house, what to expect?
  • Under the roof, among the walls, Here bro shouts, their sis calls, And when nephew crawls, my house looks like bounty falls.

My Home quotations

  • “Home is the starting place of love, hope, and dreams.”
  • “The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back.”
  • “Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.”
  • “A house is made of bricks and beams. A home is made of hopes and dreams.”
  • “Home is not a place…it’s a feeling.”
  • “With you, I am home.”
  • “What I love most about my home is who I share it with.”
  • “There is nothing more important than a good, safe, secure home.”
  • “Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to.”
  • “There’s no place like home.”
  • “Where we love is home- a home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.”
  • “In this home… We do second chances. We do real. We do mistakes. We do I’m sorry. We do loud really well. We do hugs. We do together best of all.”
  • “May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends.”
  • “The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”
  • “You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart will always be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”
  • “Bless out a house as we come and go. Bless our home as the children grow. Bless our families as they gather in. Bless our home with love and friends.”
  • “Home is a shelter from storms-all sorts of storms.”-William J. Bennett
  • “Home is where one starts from.” –T.S. Eliot.
  • “Home is where our story begins…”

My Hobby Essay Quotations For Students

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Matric English 10th Essay My Last Day at School with Quotations

Matric English 10th Essay My Last Day at School with Quotations

Matric Notes, 10th Class English Essay Notes, Essay with Quotations, Quotations for Essays, TCA Notes, tcanotes, The Concept Academy Notes

If you want to view other Matric English 10th Essays with Quotations. Click Here .

If you want to view Quotations for Essays. Click Here .

The 15th of February, 2009, was my last day at school. It was a day of mixed joy and sorrow. We were happy because we were going to be free from the strict discipline of the school. We were sad because we were going to part from our teachers and friends.

On that day were given preparatory holidays. No teaching work was done. Our class teachers came as usual to our class. They laid great stress on the importance of revising papers. “It is easier,” said they, “to satisfy the examiner with a few lines written correctly and well, than with pages full of mistakes.”

They also advised us not to be nervous but take the examination with courage. The Headmaster assured us that even during the preparatory holidays we could get our difficulties removed if we wanted to.

The ninth class students had arranged a farewell party on the eve of our departure. We all assembled in the hall. We were served with sweets and tea. Songs were sung and speeches suited to the occasion were made.

The Monitor of the Ninth Class read out the farewell address which was so touching. He referred to our good behaviour and the splendid role played by us in making the school so popular. He sincerely prayed to God for our success in the Board examination.

After this our worthy Headmaster and teachers showered their blessings on us and addressed a few words of wisdom and advice. Those words are still ringing in my ears. One of our friends sang a farewell song which moved everyone to tears.

On behalf of my class I thanked the ninth class friends for the sumptuous party they had given and the fine words they had spoken. I heartily thanked the Headmaster and the teachers for their keen interest in and parental love for us. The occasion was so touching that I could not help shedding tears.

Then we were photographed along with the Headmaster and the teachers. We bade good-bye to one another. Our throats were too choked to utter a word.

Gloom reigned in the school. I took leave of my teachers, asked for their blessings and started for home. My feet faltered. I left the gate, but the school building, seemed to beckon to me.

I threw back a wistful glance. I then consoled myself. I thought I should visit this seat of light and learning once a year. I should pay back my debt to the school by helping it with money.

Days have rolled by since I left the school. Whenever I sit in an idle and thoughtful mood the whole picture of my school is raised before me. I bend my head of respect of my school. Can I ever forget my school? No, never.

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Essay on “My School” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

A school is a pious place of learning. It is said to be the temple of Goddess Luxmi. The school plays a significant part in shaping the future personality of a child. A good school is a centre for learning good habits at a tender age which has an everlasting impact. Our country is not fortunate enough to provide good schooling to all the school going children. The schools are generally not provided with food facilities like good buildings, teachers, equipment and the like. Only a few schools in  big cities are good centre of learning and education. The schools in rural areas and small towns presents a very bad picture resulting  in very poor performance of students. lot of improvement is required in this field, then only can we boast of being a developing country.

I read in the Bal Bharati Public School, Karol Bagh , New Delhi. My school is at a walking distance from my house. The building of my school is three – storied. It is painted in red colour on the outside and in white colour from inside. It is a spacious building. In all there are 60 class- rooms, a hall, a large library, three laboratories and two staff rooms. There is a small but comfortable separate room for the visitor. The administrative Block of our school is a separate structure. It consists of the Principal’s room and the office. There is a large courtyard where we assemble in the morning for prayers. In the big hall cultural activities take place. Adjoining this hall is our dispensary.  

In front of the hall there is a large open space used as a playground. On the three sides of this ground are flowerbeds and lawns. The lush green lawns, plants and flowers around this open space make it a pretty sight to look at. Our principal and a few of our teachers are very fond of gardening. They look after the flowerbeds with great care. There is also a gardener. He is well trained in his work of gardening. He also has a long experience in the line. There is a grand swimming pool where every facility is provided to the  students to learn swimming.

All our laboratories  are well equipped with instruments, etc., for doing practical’s. The library and its big reading room are a specialty of my school. There are thousands of books on all school- subjects. In the reading room we enjoy reading newspapers, magazines and books. About 50 students can sit at a time in the library and reading room.

The school has its own canteen where some eatables, hot tea, coffee and cold drinks are always available at subsidized rates.

There are about 2,000 girl and boy students in our school. It is a co- educational school. It is a co-education  school. Education and learning are imparted in Arts, Commerce and Science subjects in our school. Last year computer training was added to the long list of our school subjects. It is one of the best schools in Delhi. The results of my school are a matter of envy for many other schools in the city. In games and other extra- curricular activities also my school enjoys a high reputation.   

The standards of our school are very high. The teachers of my school are highly qualified. They are a devoted team of men and women headed by an experienced Principal. They love the students like their own sons and daughters. Special classes are held for weak students. brilliant students are also given   extra coaching. The  poor and needy besides meritorious students are liberally given stipends and scholarships. That is why students from far off places of the city come seeking admission in my school.

In real sense, our school is an ideal school. I like my school very much. I take pride in being a student of such a good school.

Essay No. 2

School is a temple of learning and a training ground for future citizens. The name of my school is JB High School. It was set up in 1943 by a landlord in our area. He donated land and money for the school.

The atmosphere in which our school is situated is very pleasant. It is surrounded by a playground on one side and a garden with a small pond on the other. The school has two rows of big buildings. The name of the school is written on the front building. There are ten classrooms in the front building.

Another ten rooms in the back building are for the Head Master’s Office, Library, the Clear’s Office, the Science Laboratory, the Teacher’s Common – room , the N.C.C. and Scout Room, etc. there is also a hostel in our school campus.

The total number of students in our school is about five hundred. The school functions from 10.30 A.M. to 4 P.M. The classes begin after a mass prayer. During the recess hour we go to the playground. In games period, we play football, volleyball, etc.

The library of our school is a big one. There are about two thousands books on different subjects; we have a library period in our weekly routine. We take books from our library and return them after a week.   

 The District Science Exhibition is also held in our school. Two years ago a classical teacher from our school won the  Governor’s Award. The discipline , the study atmosphere and the brilliant academic result of our school attract many meritorious students from distant parts our state. It is an ideal school in all respects.

Essay No. 03

I read in A.K. Model School. It is situated on the Pusa Road. It is one of the best schools in Delhi.

 It is a very big school. It is spread on a vast stretch of land. The land for the school was donated by some renowned philanthropists.

 It has a huge building. It has about one hundred rooms. All the rooms are spacious, airy and well-ventilated.

About four thousand students study in my school. There are over one hundred teachers who teach them. All the teachers are great scholars. They have mastery over their subjects. They are also very hardworking.

There is a big auditorium hall in my school. There is also a stadium where matches and other sports events are held.

 In my school there are so many other things such as a big library, a beautiful canteen, a swimming pool, a cycle and scooter shed, a car parking shed, a badminton court, a boxing court, a gymnasium, etc.

The administrative block is situated near the gate of the school. The gate is guarded by a security man. In my school there is also a garden-cum-nursery. It is supervised by two gardeners. There are also a number of officials, peons and sweepers in the school.

The name of my school Principal is Mrs. Kusurn Lata. She is a highly learned middle-aged lady. She is very kind-hearted. But she is a strict disciplinarian.

 Our school excels in studies as well as sports and extracurricular activities. It shows very good results every year. Its various teams often win trophies. So many students of our school have often won prizes at local, district, state and even national levels.

I am proud of my school. At present, it is progressing by leaps and bounds. I hope it will continue progressing rapidly forever.

Essay No. 04

I study in Jain Happy School in Daryaganj. It is a double storeyed building. Its clock-tower can be seen from very far.

There are thirty rooms. All the rooms are spacious and well ventilated. There is a big library, a science laboratory, and one office room in my school.

Our library has thousands of books. There are many magazines. Students may be seen reading there in the hall.

There is a large playground. It also has a beautiful garden. There are many kinds of plants and trees. My school is one of the best schools in my city.

My school has 40 teachers and a principal. All our teachers are highly qualified. Our Principal is a middle-aged gentleman.

He believes in simple living and high thinking. He never punishes a student. About a thousand students come to study in my school.

I love my school very much. I am proud of my school.

About evirtualguru_ajaygour

essay my house quotations for 10th class


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True sista 😊🙂

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All sentences are very helpful but….you write “”The schools in rural areas and small towns presents a very bad picture resulting in very poor performance of students. lot of improvement is required in this field,””

…..listen all rural areas school are not bad and I think Indian 67% people success from rural areas school 😒😒

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You are absolutely right 😊

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Rural area have bad schools. No facility.

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It is good….. Even everyone has to go to through these essay… It represents the best way of working and ideas… It is helpful… Thank you so much….

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Thanks for this essay it is very very good

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thank you. the essayes are very help full me.

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thanks a lot.

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Tanks too All

Tanks too All students and writer

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It was very helpful for me thankyou for such a beautiful essay

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I have no words to appreciate the Deepness of this essay

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Really very great, my daughter won first prize in essay writing competition by writing this essay

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I have no words to describe the Deepness of this essay

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Thanks for you all

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Thanks for these fabulous paragraphs.Actually tha truth is that these have changed writing skills. Thanks a lot

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Thnx a lot It helps me I like the essay

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My school essay is a good essay for the student it is easy for the students

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I LIKE these essay very much I read it very carefully and I think is that very important useful brilliant and interesting essay I read the whole essay these are beautiful essay I like the first essay very very much Thank you for giving like such essay

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very nice i have put this on my website

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Thank you🌹🌹😊😊

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Thanks it helps me a lot ☺️❤️

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Thanks a lot

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I like the 3 essays very much.

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Essay on Libraries with Quotations in English for Class 10

Essay on Libraries with Quotations in English is here for the students of Class 10. There are 3 samples of this essay in this post. Students can choose any of them to prepare. The first essay on Libraries is with Quotes and other 2 essays are without quotations. you can visit this link for more English Essays .

Libraries Essay with Quotations for 10th Class in English

A library is a shed of knowledge. It is the proper place where everyone can find some books that are full of knowledge. This is an age of progress in education. Great importance is attached to the libraries as they play a vital role in promoting literacy and education.

“The true university these days is a collection of books” (Thomas Carlyle)

Books are said to be man’s best companion. Books are the core of knowledge. They are the torches that lead us to the path of knowledge. Books are the medicine for the soul. A truly alive mind seeks books because books are key for confronting our problems, searching for solutions and making pathways to the future.

“A good book is the best of friends” “Books are the lighthouses created in the great sea of time” (Edwin P. Whipple)

A library has a large collection of books and is a place where any individual can walk in and make us of those books. Libraries are the places where one learns manners, discipline, methods of working and concentration. Since all types of people flock to libraries one gets to indulge and communicate with different people. One learns culture, etiquette and ways of dignified and elegant behaviour from other people. People learn remarkable habits and marvellous qualities in such a civilized environment.

“A library is thought in Cold Storage” (Herbert Samuel)

Libraries provide an atmosphere of deep concentration and study in perfect calm. They help us in building up concentration. They give us glorious flashes of knowledge. A reader feels indulged in the books. For students, libraries provide a suitable environment in which they can study properly without any kind of disturbance and interference. Libraries are stocked with academic books and textbooks for students. LIbraries also assist the needy scholars and students who cannot afford to buy expensive books. Libraries become a tremendous advantage for these students who can easily borrow books from here and study them at home.

“Books are the over burning lamps of accumulated wisdom” “books are the window through which the soul looks out”

Reading is regarded as one of the most enriching habits. It’s not just a hobby or a pass time that entertains us but it’s also an educational activity. Reading brings us a vast reservoir of knowledge. Reading inspires people to gain more information. Thus, a library is a treasure of valuable books for people who want to use and gain from it.

“The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest man of past centuries” (Descartes)

2nd Essay on Libraries for Class 10 Easy

The history of the library is very old. It started when the man learns to write. The libraries have becomes a need of the day. All sort of books that a man is unable to buy can be had from libraries. Many public libraries have thousands of books, magazines, fictions and daily newspaper.

The books are arranged subject-wise in a library. They are nicely bound and carefully numbered. They are issued to fixed days to the cardholders only. if a book is not returned the borrower has to pay a per-day find fixed by the librarian. All who love to improve and disperse knowledge should go to libraries regularly.

Libraries receive newspapers and magazines. A man who has thirst for knowledge goes there and studies them so long as he wants. Libraries are a big source of knowledge. They serve the purpose of literacy and universal education. They have a vital role in dispersing knowledge and awareness in public. The advanced countries establish libraries in their cities. They publish hundreds of books daily. Their reading habits are for better than ours. In order to enhance our literacy rate and awareness in modern trends, the establishment of libraries in every city is the dire need of our motherland. No nation can make progress without books on relevant topics.

Essay on Libraries in English, Libraries Essay for Class 10, Essay on Libraries in English for 10th Class

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