General Catalog

Developmental psychology.

ucla developmental psychology phd



Lab Members

Adriana Galván, Ph.D.


Principal Investigator

[email protected]

Curriculum Vitae

Adriana Galván, Ph.D. is a Professor of Psychology and faculty member of the Brain Research Institute at UCLA.  She is also the Director of the Developmental Neuroscience Laboratory and an executive member of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience at UCLA. The overall goal of her laboratory is to understand adolescent behavior by using neuroimaging methods to study the changing adolescent brain.  Specifically, she examines the role of stress, sleep habits, puberty, and social relationships on adolescent risk-taking and decision making.  Her work has been disseminated broadly in academic journals including The Journal of Neuroscience, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and Neuron and funded by the National Institute of Health, National Science Foundation, William T. Grant Foundation, The Jacobs Foundation, and the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience. Her research has been featured in several media outlets, in a TEDx talk on the adolescent brain and cited in U.S. Supreme Court cases regarding juvenile justice (Graham v. Florida, 2010; Miller v. Alabama, 2012).  Dr. Galván received her B.A in Neuroscience from Barnard College, Columbia University (2001) and her Ph.D. from Cornell Medical School (2006). She conducted her postdoctoral research fellowship at the UCLA Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Behavior. She is the recipient of the American Psychological Association Boyd McCandless Young Scholar Award, the Jacobs Foundation Young Scholar Award, a Network Scholar Award of The MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Law and Neuroscience, and the William T. Grant Foundation Scholar Award.

Paola Odriozola, Ph.D. 

ucla developmental psychology phd

Postdoctoral Scholar

[email protected]

Dr. Paola Odriozola is a Postdoctoral Scholar at UCLA in the Developmental Neuroscience Lab directed by Dr. Adriana Galván. Dr. Odriozola completed her B.A. in Psychology at the University of California Berkeley in 2013 and received her Ph.D. in Psychology with a Neuroscience concentration from Yale University in 2022. Broadly, Dr. Odriozola’s program of research centers on neurodevelopment, with a focus on the neural bases of emotion regulation in children and adolescents and how disrupted neurodevelopmental processes and environmental factors (e.g., trauma, immigration, caregiver separation, family, culture) contribute to anxiety and stress-related disorders across development.

Jasmine Hernández, B.A.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Graduate Student

[email protected]

Jasmine is a Developmental Psychology PhD student at UCLA in the labs of Drs. Adriana Galván and Andrew Fuligni. She graduated from UCLA in 2020 with a B.A. in Psychology. Prior to grad school, she was a research coordinator in Dr. BJ Casey’s Fundamentals of the Adolescent Brain Lab at Yale University, where she worked on the ABCD Study. Her research focuses on how positive human behaviors, such as prosociality, develop during the period of adolescence and how the adolescent brain and environment (e.g., family, peers, culture) support these positive behaviors and well-being, particularly among ethnically diverse youth.  

Namita Tanya Padgaonkar, B.A.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Tanya graduated from UC Berkeley in 2015 with B.A.s in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Public Health. She is now a neuroscience PhD student in the labs of Drs. Adriana Galván and Mirella Dapretto. She is interested in the functional and structural development of the brain, and how that relates to emotional functioning in children and adolescents. By learning more about these developmental processes, she hopes to better understand neurotypical development and what factors might contribute to and protect from the development of mood and anxiety disorders in subclinical populations.

(more recent departures listed first)

Amanda Baker, Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently a postdoc at Florida International University

Namita Tanya Padgaonkar, Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently a researcher at American Institutes for Research

Jessica Uy, Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently a postdoc at UCLA

Sarah Tashjian, J.D., Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the University of Melbourne

Natalia Orendain, MPH, Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently a data scientist at UC San Francisco

Daniela Sarmiento – Former undergraduate research assistant

Jason Muljadi – Former undergraduate research assistant

Emily Pham – Former undergraduate research assistant

Jordan Mullins- Former research assistant

Currently a graduate student at UC Riverside

Rachel Storer- Former Lab Manager

Currently a graduate student at Bryn Mawr College

Camille Johnston- Former research assistant

Currently a graduate student at Temple University

Jennifer Shintaku- Former undergraduate research assistant

Aya McGlothlin- Former undergraduate research assistant

Dan Zhu- Former undergraduate research  assistant

Sam Swanson, PhD. – Former Post Doctoral Student

Dominic Tran – Former undergraduate research assistant 

Kayla Oakley – Former Lab Manager

Currently a post-bacc at University of Ohio

Diane  Goldenberg , Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently a postdoc at the University of Southern California

Nadia Hassan – Former undergraduate research assistant

Steven Soltani – Former undergraduate research assistant

Aboudeh Almallouhi – Former undergraduate research assistant

Laura Rosales – Former undergraduate research assistant

Nina Mokhtarzada – Former undergraduate research assistant

Crystal Rivera – Former undergraduate research assistant

Kaitlyn S. Breiner – Former graduate student

Currently a postdoc with Dr. George Slavich at UCLA

Perri Katzman – Former research assistant

Currently a graduate student at NYU

César Hernández – Former undergraduate research assistant

Abby Loi – Former undergraduate research assistant

Marnee McClellan – Former undergraduate research assistant

Jessica Hernandez – Former undergraduate research assistant

Kathy Do – Former lab manager

Kathy is pursuing a Ph.D. in developmental psychology

at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign with Eva Telzer.

Jennifer Grijalva – Former undergraduate research assistant

Thomas Liu – Former undergraduate research assistant

Alexandra Sherman – former research assistant

Currently a graduate student at SFSU

Diana Guzman – Former undergraduate research assistant

Stephanie Tuncel  – Former undergraduate research assistant

Currently a behavioral specialist at TOTAL Programs

Emily Barkley-Levenson, Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently an Assistant Professor at Hofstra University

Elliott Gomez – Former undergraduate research assistant

Currently teaching English abroad in Spain

Elica Rahdar, Ph.D. – Former postdoctoral fellow

Currently COO and Head of Research at 3TEN8

Nancy Gomez – Former undergraduate research assistant

Currently a Program Representative at the UCLA Latin American Institute

Brian Delpasand – Former undergraduate research assistant

Currently a medical student at Temple University

Eva Telzer, Ph.D. – Former graduate student

Currently an Assistant Professor at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Kristine McGlennen – Former lab manager

Currently a Registered Nurse, Critical Care Immersion Program at Regions Hospital, St. Paul, MN

Linda van Leijenhorst, Ph.D. – Former postdoctoral fellow 

Currently an Assistant Professor at Leiden University

Marissa Sharif – Former undergraduate research assistant

Adriana Campos – Former undergraduate research assistant

Katherine Harmon – Former undergraduate research assistant

ucla developmental psychology phd

Brain and Body Lab

ucla developmental psychology phd

Bridget Callaghan, Ph.D. Principle Investigator


Bridget is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and is the director of the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab), which opened in 2019. Before starting at UCLA, Bridget was a postdoctoral research fellow at Columbia University in New York, and completed her doctorate in Psychology and her training as a clinical psychologist at the University of New South Wales in Australia. Bridget has experience working with animal models of early adversity, as well as in behavioral, fMRI, and biological research within human populations. Born in Sydney, Bridget is a lover of the sun and beaches. When she is not in the lab, she likes to spend time with her husband Beau, and dog Vinnie, hanging out, hiking (i.e., doing bush walks) and eating gre food.

Jennifer Somers, Ph.D. Post-Doctoral Fellow

Jenn is a Postdoctoral Fellow on UCLA’s T32 Program on Biobehavioral Issues in Mental and Physical Health. Before starting at UCLA, Jenn earned her doctorate in clinical psychology at Arizona State University. Her research interest is in biobehavioral processes through which close relationships support mental and physical wellbeing, especially among families facing socioeconomic disadvantage and contextual adversities. By evaluating bidirectional influences between children and their caregivers across multiple timescales (e.g., second-by-second processes that occur during social interactions, longer-term adaptation that unfolds across development), this research provides a framework for characterizing the effects of early social experiences on children’s development, which bears implications for both children and their caregiver’s wellbeing. During her time in the BABLab, she plans to study the effects of adverse early social experiences on parent-child biobehavioral synchrony and developing socioemotional and biological systems. Outside of the lab, Jenn enjoys spending time with friends and family, trying new recipes, and going to the beach with her rescue dog Rosie.

Desiree Delgadillo President’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Dr. Desi Delgadillo is a first-generation college graduate. She earned her PhD from UC Irvine and is currently a President’s Postdoctoral Fellow at UCLA. As a Health Psychologist, her program of research focuses on the interplay between emotions, stress, close relationships, psychophysiology and the composition of the microbiome in both children and adults. Desi’s research aims to reveal mind-gut-microbiome connections that improve quality of life across socioeconomic status, ethnic groups, and health statuses across the lifespan. As an interdisciplinary researcher, her goal is to help create a new, integrated understanding of how microbial and psychological systems may work together to mutually perpetuate wellness. Outside of work, Desi loves to spend time with family and friends, adventure seek, and discover delicious new restaurants! If you look closely, you may find her smiling at a sunset while roller skating down the boardwalk in Santa Monica!

ucla developmental psychology phd

Julia Ditzer Visiting Graduate Researcher

Julia is a visiting graduate researcher in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is also a PhD student in Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology at TU Dresden, Germany. Her research interests are the long-term effects of early life adversity on emotion processing and body perception. Julia is particularly interested in how experiences of childhood neglect and abuse impact survivors’ representations of their body. She is interested in self-report, psychophysiological, and neuroimaging data. When not doing research, Julia enjoys kickboxing, swimming, and seeking opportunities to dive with sharks.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Fran Querdasi Graduate Student

Fran is a Graduate Student in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Fran is broadly interested in how experiences during childhood affect long-term health and resilience. In the BABlab, her research focuses on the development of social processes (e.g., cognitions, memory, reactivity to social stress) and interconnected biological systems (e.g., the gut-microbiome, HPA-axis, and brain). Fran also studies factors that foster well-being for children who have been exposed to early adversity, such as positive relationships. She graduated from Pomona College (1 hour east of Los Angeles!) with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in 2018. Before joining the BABLab, Fran was a research coordinator at Stanford University, where she worked on projects investigating neurobiological development in infancy and the influences of early life experiences. Outside of the lab, Fran likes to spend time running, hiking, cooking, and traveling with family and friends.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Katelyn Phillips Graduate Student

Katelyn is a Scientia PhD Candidate at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She is working on a project about the psychological impact of congenital heart disease at the Heart Centre for Children at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. She is excited to be collaborating with the Brain and Body Lab at UCLA during her studies. Prior to commencing her PhD, Katelyn worked as a Research Assistant at Monash University on a study about adult outcomes in autism. She has also completed a Masters of Clinical Psychology at the University of Technology Sydney, where in addition to her clinical training, she completed a thesis focusing on schema therapy in older adults. In her spare time, Katelyn enjoys performing in musical theatre, listening to podcasts, and running her moderately successful Dungeons & Dragons campaign for her friends!

ucla developmental psychology phd

Naomi Gancz Graduate Student

Naomi studies how early experiences affect risk and resilience via the brain-gut-microbiome-axis. Her research approach incorporates various methods, including gut and oral microbiome analyses, neuroimaging, and electrogastrography. Naomi graduated from the University of Chicago in 2019 and worked as a study coordinator at the Pittsburgh VA before joining the BAB lab. Outside of the lab, she enjoys baking, walking dogs at the animal shelter, and exploring L.A. on her bike.

Paul Savoca Graduate Student

Paul is a Graduate Student in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He is interested in how early life experiences shape mental and physical well-being. His primary focus is on how interoceptive processes are altered over the course of development and following adversity. Paul graduated from Northeastern University in 2019 with a B.S. in Psychology. Prior to joining the BABLab, he worked as a clinical research coordinator in the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Lab at Massachusetts General Hospital. When not doing research, he enjoys watching soccer games, cooking, and hiking.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Shiba Esfand Graduate Student

Shiba is a Clinical Psychology Graduate Student in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) at UCLA. She is primarily interested in implementing multimodal methods to examine how exposure to early life adversity, and current stressors, can shape neural development and reward processing. Shiba is also interested in investigating how these factors may increase the risk of developing internalizing disorders in childhood and adolescence. She graduated from Boston University in 2021, where she worked in Dr. Melissa Kibbe’s Developing Minds Lab. After graduation she worked with Dr. Diego Pizzagalli at the Laboratory for Affective and Translational Neuroscience. In her spare time Shiba enjoys reading fiction novels, exploring LA with her friends, and going to the beach.

Siyan Nussbaum Lab Manager

She/Her/H ers

Siyan is the Lab Manager in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is interested in the social-emotional development of children, particularly processes underlying the development of self and interpersonal emotion regulation, empathy and prosocial behavior shaped by early life experiences and memories. She graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Clinical/Counseling Psychology, and a Master’s Degree in Psychology from Pepperdine University. Before joining the BAB Lab, she was a research and administrative assistant at the USC Center for Affective Neuroscience, Development, Learning and Education. During that time, she was also a research assistant at the UCLA SAN Lab and SAND Lab. More recently, Siyan had become a collaborator at the SAND Lab looking at how voice qualities may facilitate the efficacy of interpersonal emotion regulation utilizing cognitive reappraisal strategies. Outside of the BAB Lab, she enjoys spending time with her husband and cat – Safari !

Matt Figueroa Lab Manager

Matt is a Lab Manager in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) at UCLA. He is interested in examining the role of cognitive and affective processes as risk or resilience factors in the face of adversity. He is also interested in employing multiple levels of analysis (e.g., self-report, behavioral, immune) to gain a holistic understanding of these processes, with the goal of informing personalized treatment for internalizing disorders. He graduated from UCLA in 2023 with a B.A. in Psychology, where he worked primarily in Dr. Annette Stanton’s Stress and Coping Lab and Dr. George Slavich’s Laboratory for Stress Assessment and Research. When he is not in the lab, Matt enjoys traveling, trying new restaurants, and spending time with his husband and their puppy Moose!

Savannah Lopez Study Coordinator

Savannah is the study coordinator for the RISEUpEA+ project under the joint collaboration of Dr. Bridget Callaghan and Dr. Jennifer Silvers. She graduated from UCLA in 2024 with a B.S in Neuroscience and a minor in Disability Studies. During her undergraduate years, she gained valuable experience as a research assistant under Dr. Adriana Galvan and Dr. Tara Peris at the UCLA Childhood OCD, Anxiety & Tic Disorders Program. Savannah is interested in pursuing a PhD and conducting fMRI research to explore the neurobiological foundations of various mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, across diverse cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds. When she is not in the lab, Savannah enjoys spending time with her family/friends and watching movies/TV shows.

Vi Nguyen Senior Research Assistant

Vi is a Senior Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) in the Psychology department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is currently a second year student at UCLA majoring in Physiological Science. Following her undergraduate years, she plans to attend medical school. Her research interests lie at the intersection of physiology and psychology, and she hopes to work toward a future in which mental healthcare is integrated into primary healthcare. Outside of the BABLab, she enjoys volunteering and serves as President of Chapter Compassion, a club that works to raise awareness about empathy in medicine by providing social and emotional support to patients and families experiencing challenging times. In her free time, she loves watching sunsets, having photoshoots at random locations, trying lots of good food, and having really epic Just Dance and karaoke parties with friends (specifically, at 1 AM).

Sara Jones   Senior Research Assistant


Sara is a Senior Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab (BAB Lab) in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is a second-year undergraduate student majoring in biochemistry, and she hopes to attend graduate school after completing her degree. She is particularly interested in the microbiome and the complex interplay between mental and physical health. Outside of school, Sara enjoys reading, solving crosswords, and hanging out with friends.

Ashley Kang   Senior Research Assistant

Ashley is a Senior Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab at UCLA. She is a second year majoring in Psychology and Sociology and hopes to obtain a PhD in Criminology or Forensic Psychology! She loves learning about how childhood adversities and/or trauma can impact an indidivudal and their future actions. Ashley enjoys spending time with friends, gaming, and going out to eat.

Angelina Meng  Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Angelina is a Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLAB) in the Psychology department at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is a second-year undergraduate student majoring in Psychology. She loves working with children and her research interests focus on the impact of one’s early experience on their development across lifespan. After graduating, she plans on pursuing a graduate degree in developmental psychology. Outside of BABLab, she is also an editor of the Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology at UCLA. In her free time, she enjoys watching musicals, playing ukulele, hiking, and taking pictures with polaroid!

Minella Aghajani  Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Minella is a 3rd year student at UCLA majoring in Psychology. Her research interests include studying the impact that culture has on a children’s emotional and social development. After graduating, she plans on earning her doctorate in Clinical Psychology, with hopes of becoming a Child Psychologist. In her free time, Minella enjoys playing basketball, spending time with family, and playing with her dog Max.

Cheryl  Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Cheryl is a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in psychology and minoring in Statistics. Her research interests focus on how social factors impact the presentation and treatment of clinical disorders, and her goal is to pursue a Clinical Psychology Ph.D. She is an international student from Shanghai, China. Outside of BAB Lab, she is also an editor at the Undergraduate Research Journal of Psychology (URJP) at UCLA. In her free times, she loves traveling, drawing, and baking.

Lily Li (she/her) Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Lily is a third-year UCLA student majoring in Psychology from Vancouver, Canada. She is interested in researching parent-child interactions and the impact of language and immigration on development. She plans on pursuing clinical psychology after her undergraduate education at UCLA. Outside of academics, Lily enjoys photography, travelling, attending K-pop concerts and learning new languages.

Sarah Xu  Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Sarah is a fourth-year majoring in Psychology with minors in Philosophy and Global Health. She is interested in exploring the intersection of developmental psychology, social welfare, and child advocacy. She particularly seeks to understand the systemic challenges faced by vulnerable populations, especially children and families. Outside of the BAB Lab, Sarah is a student worker at UCLA TIES For Families, co-president and volunteer piano teacher for SLAM! at UCLA, and an educational coach at UCLA Pathway. In her free time, she likes to bake, read, and spend time with her cat. She hopes to pursue law school and further research experience upon graduating.

Elena Chan  Research Assistant

Elena is a Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is a second-year student majoring in Psychobiology. After completing her undergraduate education, she aspires to become a general dentist and intersect mental health with dentistry advocating for improved mental health practices to promote a healthier culture in dental offices. Her research interests delve into the effects of childhood adversity and trauma on psychophysiological responses. Outside of BABLab, she is a co-chair for the Bruin Mental Health Advisory Committee and a student intern at CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services). In her free time, you can find her exploring new food spots in LA, weightlifting in the gym, and engaging in graphic design and other art mediums.

Jeslin Joshi  Research Assistant

Jeslin is an Undergraduate Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is a third-year student majoring in Psychology and minoring in Applied Developmental Psychology. After completing her undergraduate education, she hopes to become a Clinical Psychologist and work with with children in the future. Her current research interests are concerning the effects of early childhood development on mental and emotional health. In her free time, she loves to choreograph and perform dances, travel to new places, and bake for her family and friends!

Emily Hao  Research Assistant

Emily is a Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) in the Psychology Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). She is a first year student majoring in psychobiology. After graduating, she plans to attend medical school and pursue a career in psychiatry. Emily is particularly fascinated by research that explores the relationship between mental and physical health. Outside the lab, she also spends her time volunteering at the local Ronald Reagan Hospital. In her free time, she enjoys playing tennis, creating art, going to the gym, and listening to/playing music.

Angie  Eng Research Assistant

Angie is a 2nd year UCLA student majoring in Psychology, with hopes of minoring in Brain and Behavioral Health. After her undergraduate education at UCLA, she plans on obtaining a Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology, specializing in the mental, emotional, and social development of children. She joined the BABLab as an Undergraduate Research Assistant with hopes to learn more about parent-child interactions and how quality of early life experiences can effect development, and possibly predict the onset of future mental illnesses. Outside of academics, Angie is on a dance team and enjoys spending her time going to concerts, thrifting, and playing with her cats.

Jaiden Huang   Research Assistant

Jaiden is a first-year Psychobiology major at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Her current interests lie in studying mental illness and its interconnectedness with different parts of human physiology. After graduating from UCLA, she plans to attend graduate school (she isn’t sure what type yet!). She is currently a cadet in Air Force ROTC at UCLA, so she will additionally fulfill a period of service in the U.S. Air Force upon graduating. Outside of academics, she enjoys running, playing soccer, doing graphic design, playing piano, and reading!

Sarah Steffen   Research Assistant

Sarah is a current fourth year student at UCLA majoring in psychobiology with the hopes of pursuing a career in the medical field. She has always had an interest in psychology/psychiatry and trying to better understand the brain in terms of decision making, behavior, mental cognition, etc. and both genetic and environmental factors that play a part in influencing all of these things. She is currently working as a medical assistant at a neurology office for a doctor who graduated from UCLA med (go bruins)! When she is not working or doing school, she volunteers in a club on campus called Bruin Partners, where she tutors high school students in underserved communities of Los Angeles. In her free time, she loves to go hiking, especially in Malibu. She also loves finding new restaurants in Los Angeles to try with her friends. She also is a reality TV fanatic for anything on the Bravo network.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Jaelin Lai-Yates Research Assistant

Jaelin is a rising second year student at UCLA majoring in Psychology with the intention of double majoring in Business Economics. After graduation, Jaelin plans to pursue a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and ultimately, a career that combines both psychology and business. Jaelin is particularly interested in the interactions of the self, parent, and peer relationships and hopes to explore the parent and child dyad as an assistant in the BABLab. Outside of academics, Jaelin enjoys creating new mixes of matcha lattes (She recommends adding grass jelly or cinnamon), performing imaginary concerts to friends through dance and song, as well as discovering epiphanies and “aha” moments that challenge her. She is also a passionate boba lover and even worked at MeetFresh during her freshman year!

AJ Estrella Research Assistant

AJ is a 4th year Psychobiology major minoring in Applied Developmental Psychology. AJ loves working with children and is particularly interested in their language and cognitive development. After graduating AJ plan to go into nursing school or grad school to pursue a degree in Psychology. Some other things AJ is involved in are UniCamp, Association of Students for Child Development (ASCD) as Recruitment Director, Swipe Out Hunger, and dance!

Andre Fabian (they/them) Research Assistant

Andre is a rising senior majoring in Physiological Sciences and minoring in Science Education. Through their college curriculum, they aim to explore the intersection between education and healthcare, hoping to pursue an MD/MPH program post-undergraduate. With these degrees, they wish to work in Internal Medicine, specializing in Community Healthcare and Health Advocacy. Outside of academics, they love to play tennis and practice their ukelele, as well as cook and bake traditional Filipino food!

ucla developmental psychology phd

Michael Srouji Research Assistant

Michael is a 4th year undergraduate who plans on attending graduate school for clinical psychology. His research interests include the neurology of PTSD and dissociative symptoms. Outside the lab Michael enjoys playing soccer, watching movies and going on runs.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Jericho Tran-Faypon Research Assistant


Jericho is a Research Assistant in the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). They are a second-year student double majoring in Psychology and Sociology. Currently, their research interests center on understanding and remedying the consequences of developmental stress on emotional maturity, intimate relationships, and somatic awareness. They plan on attending graduate school with the intention of pursuing a career in clinical and developmental research or clinical psychology (or both!) after graduating from UCLA. Outside of the lab, Jericho is a developmental editor for OutWrite Newsmagazine, UCLA’s queer student newsmagazine, and works as a front desk agent for UCLA Housing. They enjoy listening to people’s stories, eating good food, and spending time with friends!

ucla developmental psychology phd

Eddie Navarro Research Assistant

Eddie is a fourth-year student majoring in Psychology at UCLA. After completing his undergraduate degree he aspires to complete his MSW degree to become a mental health practitioner. Eddie has volunteered extensively with local support groups in the Los Angeles area, emphasizing the expression of emotional awareness and honesty. His work with these groups is what inspired him to become a therapist. In his free time he enjoys dancing to live music and exploring nature with friends.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Ashley Javaherian Research Assistant

I’m a third year student at UCLA studying psychobiology. After graduating, I plan to pursue a career in the medical field. I am particularly interested in understanding the complex interplay between mental health and physical well-being and how this knowledge can be applied to help patients. Outside of academics, I love playing piano, going on hikes, baking, and traveling.

Desiree Solis Research Assistant

Desiree is a fourth-year undergraduate student at the University of California, Merced, double majoring in Cognitive Science and Psychology. She is in her second year as a UC LEADS (University of California’s Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees) scholar and is working as a research assistant for the Brain and Body Lab (BABLab) this summer. Her academic interests encompass the intersections of cognitive science, neuroscience, and developmental psychology. Apart from her research interests, Desiree enjoys traveling, trying new cuisines, and expressing her creativity through event-planning and photography. After graduation, she plans to pursue a PhD in either Developmental Psychology or Cognitive Neuroscience.

Chase Savela Research Assistant

Chase is an undergraduate student at UCLA majoring in Psychology. He is interested in learning more about the bidirectional relationship between mental health and physical health, which he seeks to apply in research on the model of integrated mental healthcare. He is passionate about exploring ways to improve the accessibility and quality of current interventions for young people that struggle with trauma and internalizing disorders. After graduating, Chase plans to pursue a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology. Outside of the lab, he loves rock climbing (and coaching it), slacklining, and spending time outdoors!

Brandon Parenti Research Assistant

Brandon Parenti is an undergraduate Psychology student at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a prospective minor in Evolutionary Medicine. With a strong research interest in developmental psychology, he is excited to further assess the ontogenetic and phylogenetic trajectories of adolescent adversity and their psychological applications. Brandon is extremely thrilled to continue his education after graduation from UCLA as a prospective Ph.D. student in Developmental Psychology, where he will expand and assess the applications of developmental research. Within the BABLab, Brandon is currently a student researcher in the RISE-Up EA+ study, led by Dr. Callaghan and Dr. Jennifer Silvers, which aims to assess developmental trajectories of education and it’s profound influence on psychological maturation. Outside of the lab, Brandon has been a student course assistant for Developmental Psychology with Dr. Bridget Callaghan and has done extracurricular work as a high-school student peer counselor.

ucla developmental psychology phd

Jonathan Liu Social Media Coordinator

Jonathan is a Social Media Coordinator in the Brain and Body Lab at UCLA. He is a third-year undergraduate student majoring in Sociology and Human Biology & Society and hopes to explore the intersection between marketing and STEM. He is interested in progressing science communication through social media efforts to improve health equity. Outside of BAB Lab, Jonathan likes to spend time exploring cafes, music festivals, and thrifting with friends!

James Lian , Visiting Scholar

Zhidi (Judy)   Zhang , Visiting Graduate Researcher

Jessica Uy , Post-Doctoral Researcher

Genesis Flores , Research Assistant

Alyssa Ortega , Research Assistant

Liz Harty , Senior Research Assistant

Maggie Yu , Research Assistant 

Megan Ngai , Research Assistant

Rory Simpson , Research Assistant

Maisara Sukar , Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Audrienne Ow , Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Jackie Jones , Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Natasha Reddivalam , Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Caitlin Ballantyne, Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Madie Bachelor , Research Assistant & Micro-FIMS Coder

Teague Ruther , Research Assistant

Maria Molina , Research Assistant

Madelyn Robinson, Senior Research Assistant

Lorena Gonzalez , Senior Research Assistant

Meredith Faivre , Honors Research Assistant March 2022 – June 2023, project coordinator for the Mood, Emotion, & Development Lab at Vanderbilt

Andrew Hanna , Senior Research Assistant October 2021 – July 2022

Yash Mehta , Senior Research Assistant March 2021- August 2022

Alice Deng , Research Assistant April 2022 – August 2022

Daniel Huang , Research Assistant September 2021 – August 2022

Michael To , Senior Research Assistant January 2020 – August 2022

Sapir Yona , Research Assistant July 2020 – August 2022

Shir Atias , Research Assistant July 2020 – August 2022

Nicole Fonacier , Research Assistant November 2019 – August 2021

Anna Bretz , Senior Research Assistant November 2021 – June 2022

Andre Chan , Research Assistant March 2021 – May 2022

Deborah Banner , Senior Research Assistant May 2021 – April 2022 

Sienna Osadon , Senior Research Assistant March 2021 – April 2022

Keegan Buch , Research Assistant August 2020 – March 2022

Tiffany Nassirian , Senior Research Assistant September 2020 – October 2021

Grant Grech , Research Assistant March 2020 – July 2021

Maria Calderon , Research Assistant July 2020 – June 2021

Leticia Herrera ,  Senior Research Assistant August 2020 – June 2021

Daisy Ramirez ,  Research Assistant May 2020 – June 2021

Charis Stanek ,  Senior Research Assistant August 2020 – April 2021

Reese Wix , Research Assistant November 2019 – November 2020, UCLA Hammer Museum

Danielle Ladensack ,  Senior Research Assistant/ Co-Project Coordinator for the EGG & Emotionality Study October 2019 – October 2020

Emily Towner ,  Lab Manager / Research Associate July 2019 – September 2020, Gates-Cambridge Scholar and Ph.D. student at Cambridge University

Alyssa Wieand , PROPS Scholar & Research Assistant November 2019 – September 2020, USC Imaging Genetics

Chloe Schwartz , Senior Research Assistant March 2020 – July 2020 UCLA Semel Institute, Jeste Lab

Aileen Gozali , Senior Research Assistant October 2019 – June 2020 University of California, San Fransisco (UCSF) Medical School

Ananya Eeraveni , Research Assistant November 2019 – May 2020 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Eason Taylor , Lab Manager July 2019 – January 2020 Loyola Marymount University (LMU), HeadsUP! Labs


Nim Tottenham, Ph.D. Columbia University, New York, United States

Lila Davachi, Ph.D. Columbia University, New York, United States

Paul Bloom Columbia University, New York, United States

Camille Gasser Columbia University, New York, United States

Natalie Brito, Ph.D. New York University, New York, United States

Nadine Kasparian, Ph.D. The University of New South Wales, New South Wales, Australia

Akemi Tomoda, Ph.D. University of Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan

Shota Nishitani, Ph.D. University of Fukui, Fukui Prefecture, Japan

Catherine Monk, Ph.D. Columbia University, New York, United States

Clare McCormack, Ph.D. Columbia University, New York, United States

Sarah Whittle, Ph.D. University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Julian Simmons, Ph.D. University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Tovah Klein, Ph.D. Barnard College, Columbia University, New York, United States

Program Profile Report: Psychology






Notes and definitions

data are the averages for Fall 2019 - Fall 2023.
= number of admits divided by number of applications.
= number of new registrants divided by the number of admits.

Annual snapshot







Notes and definitions

= Average number enrolled for Fall 2019 - Fall 2023. This is adjusted for those programs that have not been in existence for the entire five years.
includes domestic students identified as American Indian/Native American, African American/Black, Mexican American/Chicano, Latino/Other Hispanic, and Filipino.
are those on temporary visas. They include all students who are not US citizens, Permanent Residents, Immigrants, or Refugees.
Combined percentages may appear lower than 100% if registrants are pursuing other degree objectives including JD, MD, or DDS degrees.

Historical trends






Notes and definitions

are the number of degrees awarded from 2018-19 through 2022-23.
Average elapsed time-to-degree is calculated by counting and then aggregating the total number of terms for students whom were in graduate standing under the specific program's major code from point of entry through degree completion.
Average registered time-to-degree is calculated by counting and then aggregating the total number enrolled terms for students whom were in graduate standing under the specific program's major code from point of entry through degree completion excluding leaves.

For historical information about this program please view the .

Program: Human Development and Psychology

Jeffrey Wood

Jeffrey Wood

Rashmita Mistry

Rashmita Mistry

Anna Markowitz

Anna Markowitz

Jennie Grammer

Jennie Grammer

Sandra Graham

Sandra Graham

Connie Kasari

Connie Kasari

Alison Louise Bailey

Alison Louise Bailey

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UCLA Department of Psychology

Open-rank Faculty Position in Social Influence in the UCLA Department of Psychology


The UCLA Department of Psychology invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track or tenured faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor specializing in social influence, attitudes, and/or behavior. Possible areas of specialization include but are not limited to: social influence; social cognition; social judgements; beliefs; morality and moral behavior; information seeking and spread; mechanisms underlying the above processes (e.g., emotions); or how the social environment shapes decision making and behavior. Potential applicants who have questions about how their specialization aligns with the position can inquire to Prof. Jaimie Arona Krems, search committee chair, at [email protected] . The UCLA Department of Psychology is located within the Division of Life Sciences, part of the College of Letters and Science that serves undergraduate and graduate students. The search is particularly geared toward candidates who share our belief that, as professors at a leading public university, we strive for excellence in teaching, service, research, and in promoting equity, diversity and inclusion. We are eager to welcome an outstanding scientist and mentor who will create opportunities designed to advance development of the next generation of diverse scientists, while also contributing to the collaborative and supportive environment that characterizes our Department. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in Psychology or a related field no later than one year after hire. Applicants should demonstrate a strong track record of or potential for productive and impactful research relative to their career stage, with a substantive focus on social influence and related processes. In addition to an outstanding record of research and potential for extramural research support, the successful candidate will demonstrate a history of, or the potential for, contributing to the teaching, mentoring, service, and diversity missions of the Department and University. Applicants with a history of commitment to mentoring and supervising students from underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply. We strongly encourage applications from women, individuals from racial and ethnic groups historically excluded in higher education, and individuals from groups who remain underrepresented, across national origin, physical ability, gender and sexual identity, age, socioeconomic status, and other minoritized identity groups. UCLA offers a diverse campus community and is a leader in advancing strategies to diversify its faculty. This includes recent initiatives such as Rising to the Challenge, Hispanic-Serving Institution initiative, and Native American/Pacific Islander Bruins Rising. UCLA aims to achieve federal designation as a Hispanic Serving Institution by 2025. UCLA is home to a diverse student body of 46,000 undergraduate and graduate students and is ranked highest among the top 20 national universities for social mobility — a measurement of the achievement of students from challenging socioeconomic backgrounds. UCLA also has programs to assist in partner employment, childcare, schooling, and other family concerns. For additional information, visit the UCLA Academic Affairs and Personnel Office website ( ) or the UC Office of the President’s website ( and ). To ensure full consideration, the online application should be completed and submitted by October 24, 2024. Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, contact information for three recommenders, three relevant publications, and three personal statements, each of no more than three pages. Letters of recommendation will be requested at a later date from applicants who progress to a later stage of review. UCLA and the UCLA Department of Psychology are firmly committed to the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). Therefore, in addition to research and teaching statements, we require applicants to submit an EDI statement that addresses their past, present, and future (planned) contributions to EDI in their scholarship, teaching, and service. Applicants should indicate their history of commitment to mentoring students from underrepresented groups in their cover letter or EDI statement. Additional information about the EDI statement is available at . Requests for information should be sent to the search committee chair at [email protected] . The posted UC salary scales ( ) set the minimum pay determined by rank and step at appointment. See Table 1. The salary range for this position is $78,200-$205,400. “Off-scale salaries”, i.e. a salary that is higher than the published system-wide salary at the designated rank and step, are offered when necessary to meet competitive conditions. Apply at the following website: . The University of California is committed to creating and maintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application, and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors through academic excellence, where all individuals who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in a safe and secure environment, free of violence, harassment, bullying and other demeaning behavior, discrimination, exploitation, or intimidation. With this commitment as well as a commitment to addressing all forms of academic misconduct, UCLA conducts targeted employment reference checks for finalists to whom departments or other hiring units would like to extend formal offers of appointment into Academic Senate faculty positions. The targeted employment reference checks involve contacting the finalists’ current and prior places of employment to ask whether there have been substantiated findings of misconduct that would violate the University’s Faculty Code of Conduct. To implement this process, UCLA requires all applicants for Academic Senate faculty positions to complete, sign, and upload the form entitled “Authorization to Release Information” into RECRUIT as part of their application. If the applicant does not include the signed authorization to release information with the application materials, the application will be considered incomplete. As with any incomplete application, the application will not receive further consideration. Although all applicants for faculty recruitments must complete the entire application, only finalists (i.e., those to whom the department or other hiring unit would like to extend a formal offer) considered for Academic Senate faculty positions will be subject to targeted employment reference checks. As a University employee, you will be required to comply with all applicable University policies and/or collective bargaining agreements, as may be amended from time to time. Federal, state, or local government directives may impose additional requirements. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status. For the University of California’s Affirmative Action Policy, please visit . For the University of California’s Anti-Discrimination Policy, please visit .


  1. PhD Hooding Ceremony Information • UCLA Department of Psychology

    ucla developmental psychology phd

  2. Join

    ucla developmental psychology phd

  3. Developmental Psychology Course

    ucla developmental psychology phd

  4. UCLA Psychology Presents “Risk and Resilience: How Stress and Adversity

    ucla developmental psychology phd

  5. Online Ph.D. in Psychology

    ucla developmental psychology phd

  6. UCLA Psychology Presents: The Neuroscience of Cravings, Consciousness

    ucla developmental psychology phd


  1. California Institute for Immunology and Immunotherapy at UCLA Research Park

  2. Westside Transformation

  3. Autism Research: The Daniel Geschwind Lab

  4. UCLA Psychology Department Commencement 2012

  5. Mirella Dapretto, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UCLA (2023)

  6. UCLA Doctoral Hooding 2021 Held May 11 2022


  1. Developmental Psychology • UCLA Department of Psychology

    The Developmental Psychology Graduate Program at UCLA is research intensive. Our research examines human development from infancy to young adulthood using a variety of laboratory and naturalistic techniques. The goal of the program is to produce independent scholars, and incoming students are expected to become research-active quickly upon ...

  2. Human Development & Psychology Division

    Graduate students at UCLA Department of Education benefit from — and contribute to — the resources of the country's number one public graduate school of education. ... Drawing on methods from developmental psychology, education, and neuroscience, she focuses on processes - including executive functions, self-regulation, attention ...

  3. Graduate Program • UCLA Department of Psychology

    Graduate Program

  4. Developmental Psychology • UCLA Department of Psychology

    Department of Psychology. 1285 Franz Hall, Box 951563 Los Angeles, CA 90095 310-825-2961

  5. Application & Instructions • UCLA Department of Psychology

    Application & Instructions. The deadline to submit the application and all supporting materials (e.g. letters of recommendation, transcripts, etc.) for Fall 2025 admission for the Clinical area only is November 1, 2024. The deadline for all other areas (Behavioral Neuroscience, Cognitive, Developmental, Health, Quantitative, Social, and Social ...

  6. Prospective Graduate Students

    The fee to apply to the developmental psychology PhD program at UCLA for the 2021-2022 academic year was set at $120 for US citizens and permanent residents, and $140 for other applicants. Check the application fees page for updated information and more details. There are fee waivers available for applicants who qualify.

  7. Information for Prospective Students • UCLA Department of Psychology

    Welcome to the Department of Psychology! The graduate admissions office is operating on a hybrid schedule. Please email [email protected] with any questions or to request an advising appointment.. Prospective Students. Students are admitted by one of the department's eight areas: Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical, Cognitive, Developmental, Health, Quantitative, Social, and Social and ...

  8. Bonnie Goff • UCLA Department of Psychology

    She earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology in 2016, contributing significant insights into how early-life experiences influence future mental health outcomes. Since 2017, Dr. Goff has been a full-time lecturer at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), including the co-instruction of the Applied Developmental Psychology minor.

  9. Psychology

    Graduate Program: Psychology

  10. Developmental Psychology

    Current graduate program information, including complete text for officially approved graduate programs and requirements, is available on the Graduate Division website. University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, California 90095-1361 Main telephone: 310-825-4321 (campus operator) Speech- and hearing-impaired access: TTY 310-825-2833

  11. Clinical Psychology • UCLA Department of Psychology

    Clinical Psychology

  12. Program Requirements for Psychology

    The M.A. degree requires nine graduate courses (36 units). This course work must include Psychology 250A, 250B, 251A, 251B, 251C, and 16 units from major courses required for the doctoral degree. Up to four units of 596 may be applied toward the 36 unit requirement. In addition, the Psychology 251C research project must be completed.

  13. Admissions Requirements for the Graduate Major in Psychology

    Applicants to the Clinical and Health areas must upload a supplemental essay up to 500 words in response to prompts to provide more detail on specific research interests and training goals. Applicants to the Social area must upload a supplemental essay up to two pages, single-spaced. Admission is for Fall Quarter only and on a full-time basis only.

  14. People

    Director. Andrew is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences and the Department of Psychology. He also is Co-Executive Director of the UCLA Center for the Developing Adolescent, and a Senior Scientist in the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior. Receiving his Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology at the ...

  15. Lab Members


  16. Best Developmental Psychology Graduate Programs

    Best Developmental Psychology Graduate Programs

  17. Our Team

    They plan on attending graduate school with the intention of pursuing a career in clinical and developmental research or clinical psychology (or both!) after graduating from UCLA. Outside of the lab, Jericho is a developmental editor for OutWrite Newsmagazine, UCLA's queer student newsmagazine, and works as a front desk agent for UCLA Housing.

  18. Information for Current Students • UCLA Department of Psychology

    UCLA Be Well Bruin Online Hub. Department of Psychology. 1285 Franz Hall, Box 951563. Los Angeles, CA 90095. 310-825-2961. UCLA Home. College. Life Sciences. Department Directory.

  19. Human Development and Psychology (HDP) Student Directory

    2021 UCLA Graduate Summer Research Mentorship; 2020-2021 UCLA Ed&IS Wasserman Dean's Scholarship; ... Torrey is a doctoral student in the Human Development and Psychology program and a member of the Kasari Lab. Torrey's research interests involve early social and neurobehavioral development, particularly in the context of autism spectrum ...

  20. Brenda Bursch, PhD

    Dr. Bursch received her PhD from Claremont Graduate School in 1990. She is a Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Sciences and Pediatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, where she has been on faculty since 1994. She is the Director of the Pediatric Psychology Consultation Liaison service, overseeing ...

  21. Program Profile Report: Psychology

    Total masters and doctoral degree data are the number of degrees awarded from 2018-19 through 2022-23. Average elapsed time-to-degree is calculated by counting and then aggregating the total number of terms for students whom were in graduate standing under the specific program's major code from point of entry through degree completion.

  22. Program: Human Development and Psychology

    Human Development and Psychology Archives - UCLA School of Education & Information Studies. Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, & Student Testing (CRESST) Children's Understanding of Economic and Social Inequality Lab. CONNECT, A Center for Research and Innovation in Elementary Education. Institute for Immigration, Globalization and ...

  23. Open-rank Faculty Position in Social Influence in the UCLA Department

    The UCLA Department of Psychology invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track or tenured faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor specializing in social influence, attitudes, and/or behavior. Possible areas of specialization include but are not limited to: social influence; social cognition; social judgements; beliefs; morality and moral ...