MCQs on Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data

Data is basically a collection of comparative numerical facts as well as information. It consists of tools that can help conduct a proper analysis. The data that is collected can either be primary data (that is collected first hand in the process of investigation) or secondary data (which had been collected earlier by another agency or organisation for a different purpose).

We have listed below a number of multiple-choice questions on Collection, Organisation and Presentation of Data to help students get a better understanding of the topic.

  • The usage of information helps to save both time and money
  • The usage of primary data helps to save both time and money
  • The usage of secondary data helps to save both time and money
  • The usage of data helps to save both time and money
  • The misrepresentation and misunderstanding of any sort can be avoided by using questionnaires
  • The misrepresentation and misunderstanding of any sort can be avoided by holding personal interactions
  • The misrepresentation and misunderstanding of any sort can be avoided by mailing
  • The misrepresentation and misunderstanding of any sort can be avoided by using telephones
  • Once a question is ready, it is advisable that a pilot survey of the questionnaire is conducted with a small group
  • Once a question is ready, it is advisable that a survey of the questionnaire is conducted with a small group
  • Once a question is ready, it is advisable that an observation of the questionnaire is conducted with a small group
  • None of the above
  • The lottery method is also known as random sampling
  • The lottery method is also known as population sampling
  • The lottery method is also known as non-random sampling
  • The lottery method is also known as sampling
  • The difference between the sampling estimate and the corresponding parameter is not a type of sampling error
  • Sampling bias is not a type of sampling error
  • Errors in data is not a type of sampling error
  • Non-response is not a type of sampling error
  • In terms of spatial classification, data is classified on the basis of geographical location
  • In terms of spatial classification, data is classified on the basis of time series
  • In terms of spatial classification, data is classified on the basis of quantitative classification
  • In terms of spatial classification, data is classified on the basis of chronological classification
  • The analysis is a comprehensive method that helps in the classification of raw data
  • Frequency distribution is a comprehensive method that helps in the classification of raw data
  • Distribution is a comprehensive method that helps in the classification of raw data
  • Information is a comprehensive method that helps in the classification of raw data
  • The exclusive class intervals are used on a frequent basis in the case of continuous variables
  • The inclusive class intervals are used on a frequent basis in the case of continuous variables
  • The offline class intervals are used on a frequent basis in the case of continuous variables
  • The online class intervals are used on a frequent basis in the case of continuous variables
  • The pie charts are drawn only for continuous variables
  • The bar diagrams are drawn only for continuous variables
  • The histograms are drawn only for continuous variables
  • The frequency curves are drawn only for continuous variables
  • The main purpose behind the collection of data is to show the evidence required to reach a clear solution for the problem
  • The main purpose behind the collection of data is to show the movement required to reach a clear solution for the problem
  • The main purpose behind the collection of data is to show the design required to reach a clear solution for the problem
  • The main purpose behind the collection of data is to show the figures required to reach a clear solution for the problem
  • Primary data
  • Secondary data
  • Both a and b are correct
  • Both a and b are incorrect
  • A pilot survey is extremely useful in providing preliminary data about the survey
  • An airline survey is extremely useful in providing preliminary data about the survey
  • A mailing survey is extremely useful in providing preliminary data about the survey
  • A shipping survey is extremely useful in providing preliminary data about the survey
  • A census is carried out once every ten years
  • A census is carried out once every twenty years
  • A census is carried out once every seven years
  • A census is carried out once every five years
  • A good sample helps to provide reasonably accurate information about the population
  • A good sample helps to provide totally accurate information about the population
  • A good sample does not provide reasonably accurate information about the population
  • Increase, smaller
  • Decrease, larger
  • Decrease, smaller
  • Difference Between Primary Data and Secondary Data
  • Mcqs on Collection of Data
  • What Are the Sources of Data
  • Meaning and Objectives of Classification of Data
  • Diagrammatic Presentation of Data
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organization and presentation of data quiz

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BIOSTAT > CHAPTER 10 QUIZ > Flashcards

CHAPTER 10 QUIZ Flashcards

branch of applied statistics that concerns the application of statistical methods to medicine, biological problems, and public health research


refers to a set of pertinent activities such as collection, organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of quantitative data. It is a field of study which deals with the mathematical characterization of a group or group of items

Summarize & describe a dataset, providing an overview of the data w/o drawing conclusions- Measures of central tendency, dispersion, frequency

descriptive statistics

Quantifies the likelihood of a particular outcome


Draw conclusions Hypothesis testing, estimation

inferential statistics

Relationship bet. one or more independent & dependent variables- Linear & logistic regression, survival analysis

regression analysis

Randomization, replication, control of confounding variables

experimental design

study of changes in variables over time


examines the time until a specific event occurs

survival analysis

Quantify the occurrence & distribution of health-related events Incidence, prevalence, re

epidemiological measures

Graphical representations Bar charts, scatter plots, box plots

data visualizations

collection of facts, figures, or observations


statistical software

meaning fact or information

a person who simply collects information or one who prepares analysis or interpretations


simply describing the properties or characteristics of the data

drawing conclusions or generalizations from organized data

inferential statistcics

small part/subset that serves as the representative of the population

totality of all objects under study


refers to the method of getting a small part of the population

equal chance of being selected

simple random sampling

divided into non-overlapping strata or groups based on specific characteristics

stratified sampling

divided into naturally occurring groups or cluster

cluster sampling

every nth individual or item in the population is selected

systematic sampling

selecting individuals that are readily available

convenience sampling

Every individual has a chance of being selected

probability sampling

Does not have an equal chance of being selected and biased

non probability sampling

Non-numerical info that describes quality, attributes, or characteristics

qualitative variables

Interviews, focus groups, open-ended questionnaires, observations, document analysis

identifying name or membership in a group or category that have no intrinsic order or ranking

nominal data

connote ranking or inequalities

ordinal data

numeric in nature and can be ordered or ranked

quantitative variables

Surveys, experiments, secondary data sources

countable. Whole numbers

discrete data

assume any numerical value within a range

continuous data

equal unit of measurement separating each score, but w/o a true zero point

interval scales

similar to interval data, but has an absolute zero

directly from the source

primary data

previously collected by others

secondary data

organized in a specific format

lacks predefined structure


2 types of data

quantitative and qualitative

Is a characteristic or attribute that can take on different values or categories

Manipulated or controlled by the researcher

independent variable

Expected to change as a result of manipulation of the ind. variable

dependent variable

May influence the relationship bet. the ind. and dep. variable

confounding variable

held constant or controlled to minimize their impact on the dep. variable

control variable

take on any value within range; measured with precision

continuous variables

divided into distinct categories or groups

categorical variables

specific, countable values w/in a range

discrete variables

Systematic process of gathering and measuring information of variables of interest, in a consistent and organized manner

data collection

can be structured or semi-structured

surveys and questionnaires

By asking set of questions or rate their agreement

one-on-one or group conversations bet. researcher & participant

watching, recording, and analyzing behaviors, events, or interactions w/o interfering the participants or environment


researchers manipulate one or more ind. variables to observe the effect on the dep. variable


collecting & analyzing data that has already been collected by someone else

secondary analysis

in-depth examination of a single case or small number of cases

case studies

examines & interprets the content of texts, images, or audiovisual materials

content analysis

organizing, summarizing, & displaying data in a clear, visually appealing, and meaningful way Textual, tabular, graphical form

data presentation

2 Methods to organize the raw data

1) Setting up an array 2) Stem-and-leaf diagram

Is a statistical tool used to organize and summarize data by showing the frequencies or relative frequencies of diff. values in a dataset

frequency distributions

A way to group continuous or discrete quantitative data into non-overlapping ranges when creating a frequency distribution table, histogram, or other visualizations

class intervals

exact middle value bet. the lower and upper class limits. Calculated by dividing the sum by 2

the smallest and largest values that can be included in a particular class interval

class limits

precise points that separate adjacent class intervals.

class boundaries

Determined by adding or subtracting 0.5 units from the class limits

typically just consist of rows and columns

visual representations to see the relationship, trends, or patterns in the data more easily

charts and graphs

displays frequencies or percentages w/ bars representing each category, their height indicating the value

similar to bar charts, but used to display continuous or interval data w/ bars representing intervals, their height indicating the frequency

display trends or changes in numerical data over time, w/ points representing the values at each time point and lines connecting the points

line charts

relative proportions of categorical data, w/ slices representing each category, their size indicating the percentage

display the relationships bet. two numerical variables, with points representing the pairs of values on two axes

scatter plots

display the distribution of numerical data, with boxes and whiskers representing the quartiles, median, and range of data

present spatial data or data that has a geographical dimensions

Maps and Geographical Information Systems

visual narratives that combine text, images, icons, and charts to tell a story, convey a message or explain a concept


interactive tools that allow users to explore, filter, or manipulate data in real-time

Dashboards and Data Visualizations

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2.6 Class Quiz 10: Organization and Presentation of Data (II)

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  • Q 2 The heights of a class of studentsare measured and the results are grouped into class intervals. The first classinterval is 120 cm–129 cm . The classmark of this class interval is 119.5cm. 129.5 cm. 124.5cm. 128.5cm. 60 s

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Quiz 2: The Organization and Graphic Presentation of Data

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Multiple Choice

What is the formula for a proportion?

In a sample of 500 respondents,men account for 20% of all observations in the sample.What is the total number of females in the sample?

In a sample of 100 people,57 completed only high school,23 went on to complete only some college,13 went on to complete a two-year or four-year college,and 7 went on to graduate school.What proportion of the sample does not have a two-year or four-year college degree?

In a sample of 250 respondents,females account for three-fifths of all observations in the sample.What is the total number of males in the sample?

A relative frequency obtained by dividing the frequency in each category by the total number of cases and multiplying by 100 is a

A table showing the frequency at or below each category for a variable of interest is referred to as a

About 13 percent of survey respondents in a sample reported that they do not attend religious services regularly.About what proportion of respondents did not attend religious services regularly?

Which of the following is not a rate?

What is the formula for a percentage?

A graph showing the difference in frequencies or percentages among the categories of a nominal or an ordinal variable where the categories are displayed as rectangles of equal width with their height proportional to the frequency or percentage of the category is referred to as a

The sum of all frequencies in a frequency distribution should sum to

The sum of all proportions in a frequency distribution should sum to

Which of the following is not a proportion?

Inspecting the title and checking the sources are basic principles of

A cumulative percentage distribution shows the

A graph showing the differences in frequencies or percentages among the categories of a nominal or an ordinal variable where the "pieces" add up to 100% of the total frequencies is referred to as a

When constructing a rate,the denominator refers to the

A rate is usually expressed as a

A proportion is a

A rate based on the total population is referred to as a(n) ______ rate.

showing 1 - 20 of 64

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Organizing Data worksheets for Grade 7 are essential tools for teachers to help their students develop a strong foundation in math, specifically in the area of data and graphing. These worksheets are designed to engage students in various activities that involve collecting, organizing, and representing data in different formats, such as tables, charts, and graphs. By incorporating these worksheets into their lesson plans, teachers can effectively teach important concepts like mean, median, mode, range, and probability, while also encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, these worksheets are aligned with the Grade 7 curriculum, ensuring that students are learning relevant material that will prepare them for future success in math.

Quizizz is an excellent platform that complements Organizing Data worksheets for Grade 7, as it offers teachers a wide range of interactive quizzes and games to reinforce math concepts related to data and graphing. With Quizizz, teachers can create custom quizzes that align with their lesson plans, or they can choose from a vast library of pre-made quizzes that cover various topics in Grade 7 math. This platform not only provides an engaging and fun way for students to practice their skills, but it also allows teachers to track their students' progress and identify areas where they may need additional support. In addition to quizzes, Quizizz offers other resources, such as flashcards and interactive presentations, making it a comprehensive tool for enhancing the learning experience for Grade 7 students.

Commerce Aspirant » Economics Class 11 MCQs » Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data MCQs

Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data MCQs

Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data MCQs Class 11 Economics are covered in this Article. Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data MCQs Test contains 50 questions. Answers to MCQs on Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data Class 11 Economics are available after clicking on the answer. These MCQs have been made for Class 11 students to help check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and the application of your knowledge. For more MCQ’s, subscribe to our email list.

Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data MCQs Economics Class 11

1. Use of ___________ saves time and cost.

a) Secondary data b) Primary data c) Data d) Information


2. ___________ is the method of gathering information from individuals.

a) Collection b) Survey c) Analysis d) Inspection

Answer: (b) SURVEY

3. __________ Questions are easy to use, score and codify for analysis because all respondents can choose from the given options.

a) Multiple choice b) Open-ended c) Closed-ended d) True/False


4. Misinterpretation and misunderstanding can be avoided by _____________

a) Personal Interaction b) Mailing c) Telephone d) Questionnaire


5. Once the question is ready, it is advisable to conduct a try-out with a small group which is known as ______________

a) Pilot Survey b) Testing c) Survey d) Observation

Answer: (a) PILOT SURVEY

6.____________ is also called lottery method.

a) Random Sampling b) Non-Random Sampling c) Population d) Sampling


7. Which of the following is not a type of non-sampling error?

a) Sampling Bias b) Non-response c) Errors in data d) Difference between sampling estimate and corresponding parameter


8. In spatial classification data are classified with reference to_____________

a) Geographical location b) Time series c) Chronological Classification d)Quantitative Classification


9._____________ is a comprehensive way to classify raw data of a quantitative variable.

a) Frequency distribution b) Distribution c) Information d) Analysis


10. Class Mid-point or Class Mark is equal to _____________

a) (Upper class limit + Lower class limit) / 2 b) (Upper class limit – Lower class limit) /2 c) (Upper class limit + Lower class limit) * 2 d) (Upper class limit – Lower class limit) * 2


11. While preparing a frequency distribution, the following questions need to be addressed.

a) How many classes should we have? b) Should we have equal or unequal sized class intervals? c) What should be the size of each class? d) All of the above

Answer: (d) ALL OF THE ABOVE

12. In case of continuous variables, _____________ intervals are used very often.

a) Inclusive class intervals b) Exclusive class intervals c) Online class intervals d) Offline class intervals


13. Which of the following forms of presentations are true?

a) Textual / Descriptive presentation b) Tabular presentation c) Diagrammatic presentation d) All of the above

14. All of the above which of the following is not a type of Classification used in tabulation?

a) Spatial b) Temporal c) Qualitative d) None of the above


15. ___________ usually are not drawn with absolute values of a category.

a) Pie-charts b) Bar-diagram c) Histogram d) Frequency-curve

Answer: (a) PIE CHARTS

16. ____________ is drawn only for a continuous variable.

Answer: (C ) HISTOGRAM

17. The frequency-curve is obtained by drawing ___________

a) Smooth freehand curve b) Straight line c) Line with scale d) Circle


18. The use of class mark instead of actual values of the observation involves considerable ______________

a) Loss of Importance b) Gain of Importance c) Profit of Importance d) All of the above


19. Bar Diagram is a _______________

a) One-Dimensional diagram b) Two-Dimensional diagram c) Diagram with no Dimension d) None of the above


20. Ogives can be useful in locating graphically ____________

a) Mean b) Mode c) Median d) All of the above

Answer: ( C) MEDIAN

21. Which of the following methods give better results?

a) Census b) Sample c) Information d) Data

Answer: ( a) CENSUS

22. The purpose of the collection of data is to show _____________ for reaching sound and clear solution to a problem.

a) Design b) Figure c) Movement d) Evidence

Answer: ( D) EVIDENCE

23. ____________ is a tool which helps in understanding problems by proving information.

a) Excel b) Document c) Data d) Experiment

Answer: ( C ) DATA

24. Database on first-hand information is called ____________

a) Primary Data b) Secondary Data c) A is False d) B is False


25. ______________ is the method of gathering information from individuals.

a) Data b) Survey c) Analysis d) Information

Answer: ( b) SURVEY

26. The most common type of instrument used in surveys is _________________

a) Questionnaire b) Interview Schedule c) Both A and B d) None

Answer: ( C ) BOTH A AND B

27. The Questionnaire should be ____________ to understand and avoid different words.

a) Lengthy b) Easy c) Perfect d) Simple

Answer: ( B) EASY

28. Basic Way of collecting data are _______________

a) Personal Interview b) Mailing Survey c) Telephone Interview d) All of the above

Answer: ( d) ALL OF THE ABOVE

29. _______________ is used when the researcher has access to all the members.


30. Misinterpretation and misunderstanding can be avoided by________________


31. ________________ allows researchers to have access in remote areas too.


32. ______________ helps in providing a preliminary data about the survey.

a)  Airlines Survey b) Pilot Survey c) Mailing Survey d) All of the above

Answer: ( b) PILOT SURVEY

33. Census carried out once in every ____________ years

a) 10 b) 5 c) 15 d) 7

Answer: ( a) 10

34. Growth rate of population during 2001-2011 _______________

a) 1.97 b) 2.53 c) 1.64 d) 3.1

Answer: ( c) 1.64

35. ________________ in statistics means totality of items under study.

a) Population b) Universe c) Sample d) Both A and B 

Answer: ( d) BOTH A AND B

36. ________________refers to a group or section of the population from which information is obtained.

a) Bio-data b) Values c) Evidence d) Sample

Answer: ( d)SAMPLE

37. Good sample is capable of providing __________________ information about the population.

a) Absolute Accurate b) Reasonable Accurate c) A is false d) B is  false


38. _________all units of population don’t have equal chance of being selected.

a) Random b) Lottery Method c) Choice d) None

Answer: ( d) NONE

39. It is possible to reduce the magnitude of sampling error by taking a __________ sample.

a) Smaller b) Larger c) Thick d) Thin

Answer: ( b) LARGER

40. Non-Sampling errors are more ____________ than sampling errors.

a) Serious b) Dangerous c) caution d) All of the above

Answer: ( a) SERIOUS

41. The raw data are summarized, and made comprehensible by ____________

a) Classification b) Division c) Information d) None


42. The raw data consists of observations on _____________ 

a) Constants b) Information c) Variables d) Population

Answer: ( C) VARIABLES

43. The raw data is classified in various ways depending on time is known as __________

a) Spatial classification b) Chronological classification c) Geographical classification d) Time series


44. The population of India classified in terms of years is a ____________

Answer: ( d) TIME SERIES

45. A continuous variable can take any _____________

a) Numerical value b) Integral value c) Functional value d) All of the above

The class limits for the class 60-70 (from 46 – 49) 

46. What are its lower class limits

a) 60 b) 70 c) 75 d) None

Answer: ( a) 60

47. What are upper class limits

a) 70 b) 60 c) 65 d) 75

Answer: ( a) 70

48. What is the class mark

a) 70 b) 60 c) 75 d) 65

Answer: ( d) 65

49. What is the Class Width?

a) 70 b) 60 c) 10 d) 15

Answer: ( C) 10

50. ______________ is the difference between upper class limit and lower class limit?

a) Class Interval b) Class Width c) Class Mark d) Both A and B

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    the United States. To make sense out of these data, a researcher must organize and summarize the data in some systematic fashion. In this chapter, we review three such methods used by social scientists: (1) the creation of frequency distributions, (2) the construction of bivar - iate tables and (3) the use of graphic presentation.

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    PRESENTATION OF DATA. refers to the organization of data into tables, graphs or charts, so that logical and statistical conclusions can be derived from the collected measurements. Textual, Tabular, Graphical Presentation. Three methods of presenting data. Textual Presentation.

  16. Quiz 2: The Organization and Graphic Presentation of Data

    Quiz 2: The Organization and Graphic Presentation of Data. What is the formula for a proportion? In a sample of 500 respondents,men account for 20% of all observations in the sample.What is the total number of females in the sample? In a sample of 100 people,57 completed only high school,23 went on to complete only some college,13 went on to ...

  17. Data Presentation and Analysis Quiz

    Data Presentation Methods. Approximate information: Histograms provide only approximate information about the data.; Statistical Data Characteristics. Central Tendency: The characteristic of statistical data where most values tend to concentrate at the center.; Data Presentation Methods Comparison. Precision and Accuracy: Tables are more precise and accurate than diagrams, but they are not ...


    1. Multiple Choice. It is a method by which the people organize, summarize and communicate information using a variety of tools such as tables, graphs and diagrams. 2. Multiple Choice. It is a method of presenting data using statistical table. 3. Multiple Choice. It is most useful in displaying data that changes continuously over time.

  19. Organization and Presentation of Data Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Organization and Presentation of Data, Methods of Presentation of Data, Principles of Data Presentation and more. Try Magic Notes and save time.

  20. Types of Data Collection and Organization

    This quiz covers the types of data, including qualitative and quantitative data, as well as the collection, organization, presentation, analysis, and interpretation of numerical and descriptive data. ← Recent Show all results for "" My Library Library Go to Features Feature Overview

  21. Free Printable Organizing Data Worksheets for 7th Grade

    Explore printable Organizing Data worksheets for 7th Grade. Organizing Data worksheets for Grade 7 are essential tools for teachers to help their students develop a strong foundation in math, specifically in the area of data and graphing. These worksheets are designed to engage students in various activities that involve collecting, organizing ...

  22. Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data MCQs

    Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data MCQs Test contains 50 questions. Answers to MCQs on Collection Organisation and Presentation of Data Class 11 Economics are available after clicking on the answer. These MCQs have been made for Class 11 students to help check the concept you have learnt from detailed classroom sessions and the ...

  23. Data Presentation Flashcards

    To describe the data set or draw conclusions from it, the researcher must organize the data in some meaningful way. most convenient method of organizing data; consists of classes and their corresponding frequencies. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Statistics, Data Presentation, Frequency Distribution and more.