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Published by Surya Susman Modified over 5 years ago

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post lscs pregnancy management protocols

Post LSCS Pregnancy Management protocols

Sep 23, 2014

230 likes | 564 Views

Post LSCS Pregnancy Management protocols. Dr. Geetha Balsarkar, Associate Professor and Unit incharge, Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital, Seth G.S. Medical college, Parel , Mumbai Joint Asst. Secretary to the Editor, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India,

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  • uterine rupture
  • previous caesareans
  • neonatal risks
  • previous vaginal birth
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Presentation Transcript

Post LSCS PregnancyManagement protocols

Dr. Geetha Balsarkar, Associate Professor and Unit incharge, Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital, Seth G.S. Medical college, Parel , Mumbai Joint Asst. Secretary to the Editor, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, Secretary, AMWI, Mumbai branch

Plan of Discussion • Comparison of Trial of labour vs Planned Repeat Caesarean • Selection of patients for VBAC • Management of patients undergoing VBAC • Check list for patients planned for Trial of labour

Delivery Outcomes • Planned repeat caesarean delivery (PRCD) - Maternal morbidity – 3.6% • Trial of labour after caesarean • Emergency repeat caesarean delivery (ERCD) - Maternal morbidity – 14.1% • Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) - Maternal morbidity – 2.4%

Maternal Consequences of PRCD • Anesthesia risks – high spinal, Mendelson’s syndrome, gastro intestinal symptoms • ↑ risk of short term maternal morbidity – increased bleeding, wound healing • Placenta praevia in future pregnancies • Morbid adhesions of placenta in future pregnancies

Advantages of VBAC over PRCD • ↓ febrile morbidity (OR 0.7) • ↓ blood transfusion (OR 0.6) • ↓ rates of Hysterectomy (OR 0.4) • ↓ venous thrombo- embolism (OR 0.4)

Neonatal Risks of PRCD • Neonatal respiratory morbidity • ↑ admission to NICU (7% vs 4.6% for attempted VBAC)* * ‘Healthy cohort selection bias’

Neonatal / Fetal advantages of PRCD • ↓ incidence of neonatal trauma, intra-cranial haemorrhage & Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (vs attempted VBAC) • ↓ incidence of unexplained antepartum stillbirth

Maternal Risks of VBAC • Perineal / Vaginal lacerations • Emergency caesarean delivery • Uterine rupture • PRCD 1.6 / 1000 • Spontaneous labour 5.2 / 1000 • Induction with oxytocin 7.7 / 1000 • Induction with prostaglandins 24.5 / 1000

Long Term Maternal Consequences of VBAC • Urinary incontinence (prevalence 21% vs 15.9% for PRCD) • Uterovaginal prolapse

Fetal / Neonatal Risks of VBAC • Fetal death following uterine rupture • Neonatal sepsis following failed VBAC • ↑ incidence of perinatal death (OR 1.7) (Absolute risk 0.6%) • Women with a previous caesarean have a two to three fold ↑ incidence of unexplained stillbirth after 39 weeks gestation (Absolute risk 0.1%)

Risks of Failed VBAC • Intra-operative injury during emergency LSCS (1.3% vs 0.6% for PRCD) • Non significant trend towards increased maternal mortality

Prediction of Success • Maternal age • Maternal obesity • Indication of previous CS • Previous vaginal delivery • Gestational diabetes • Birth weight • Spontaneous or induced labour • Progress in early labour

Prediction of rupture • Previous non lower segment incision • Number of previous caesareans (2 – 3 fold increase in women with two previous caesareans as compared to only one previous caesarean) • Previous rupture • No previous vaginal birth • Single layer closure (4 fold increase) • Interval between previous caesarean and next pregnancy (3 fold increase with interdelivery interval < 18 months) • Use of prostaglandins (RR 4.7)

Influence of Patient intentions • Patient willingness to undergo VBAC (Informed consent) • Future reproductive intentions

Prerequisites to Attempting VBAC • Obstetrician available continuously to monitor labour • Availability of emergency anaesthesia, neonatal and blood banking services • Availability of continuous electronic fetal monitoring • Institutional capability of decision to incision interval of < 30 minutes for performing emergency surgery

Management During Attempted VBAC • Absolute risk of uterine rupture – 1:100 to 1:200 • Continuous electronic fetal monitoring • Epidural analgesia is not contraindicated • Use of Intra-uterine pressure catheters is not necessary • Partogram to assess progress • Oxytocin for augmentation to be used with caution and only for inadequate uterine activity • Second stage to be shortened • Exploration of the uterine scar after delivery not necessary


Are there any contraindications to VBAC ? • Number of previous lower segment caesareans • J shaped / Inverted T scar on uterus • A scar other than on the lower uterine segment • Past H/O uterine rupture / dehiscence of scar • Presence of an obstetric indication for LSCS • Doubtful adequacy of the pelvis / suspicion of feto-pelvic disproportion • Institutional policy on induction of labor in a scarred uterus • Lack of capability to provide continuous supervision during trial of labour • Lack of institutional capability to undertake expeditious operative delivery

Assessment of prognostic factors for a successful VBAC • Indication of previous caesareans (Dystocia / Non dystocia) • Past H/O vaginal birth • Maternal age • Maternal obesity • Post datism • Station and attitude of vertex • Favourability of cervix • Spontaneous or induced labour

Assessment of Prognostic Factors for Uterine Rupture During Trial of Labour • Unknown uterine scar • Uterine closure during previous caesarean (Single / Double layer closure) • Post operative recovery following previous caesarean • Inter delivery interval • Fetal macrosomia • Thickness of the lower uterine segment (if possible to assess) • Spontaneous or induced labour • Delay in progress of labour • Augmentation of labour

Patients intention • Informed consent

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THE 10 BEST Tyumen Specialty Lodging

Tyumen specialty lodging, property types, distance from, traveler rating, hotel class.

  • Best Value Properties ranked using exclusive Tripadvisor data, including traveler ratings, confirmed availability from our partners, prices, booking popularity and location, as well as personal user preferences and recently viewed hotels.
  • Traveler Ranked Highest rated hotels on Tripadvisor, based on traveler reviews.
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1. Atma House

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2. Apart Hotel Abazhur


3. Tyumen Time Hotel

Zimmer mit sehr schlechten Betten

4. Zhemchuzhina

6. apartamenty na osipenko, 7. apart-hotel rehome, 8. happy apartments on semenova 31.

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9. Apartments on Malygina

11. 7 floors apart hotel tyumen centre, 12. apartamenty central park na tavricheskoy 9k1, 13. granny hostel, 14. kristall, 15. apartments in novin kvartal, 16. 2k prostornaya kvartira v samom serdtse goroda, 17. apartamenty na maksima gor'kogo 59, 18. apartment on 50 let oktyabrya 51 tyumgngu, 19. otel' apel'sin, 20. hotel complex open thermal pool, 21. hotel apelsin, 22. apartamenty rayon ashan, 23. hotel mandarin, 24. gostevoi dom aelita, 25. salut apartments, 26. vydoma on 50 let vlksm 13, 27. apartments on maxima gorkogo, 28. apartamenty v novom zhilom komplekse kristall, 29. apartamenty m90, 30. kharkovskaia 64, tyumen hotels information.

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The bourgeois charm of Siberia's oil capital

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If you’re driving west across Russia from the Pacific Ocean, the first thing that you notice upon entering the city of Tyumen is the McDonalds. Tyumen has long been one of the only Siberian cities with a McDonalds restaurant. Although the fast-food giant has plans to open locations in nearby Novosibirsk and other regional cities, Siberia still contains one of the longest distances on earth outside of Africa where you can remain on a major highway and not see a McDonalds. Until you reach Tyumen, that is.

A stop in Tyumen provides an interesting glimpse into how modern Russia’s oil revenue has influenced Siberia’s oldest Russian city. Tyumen is a great stopover point on the Trans-Siberian Railroad and a short ride from Yekaterinburg (five hours) or Tobolsk (four hours).

In the 16th century, Russia started expanding eastward into parts of Central Asia ruled by the Tatars, an Islamic people who still live thoughout Russia. A band of Cossacks wrested control of Tyumen from the Tatars in 1580. Six years later, Russians established a fort in Tyumen on the Tura River.

For centuries, Tyumen vied with the nearby city of Tobolsk—once the official capital of Siberia—for the prestige of the region’s most important city. Tyumen won in the end, when the Trans-Siberian Railroad bypassed Tobolsk and was routed through this now oil-rich city.

Tyumen played an important role in Russian history during times of war. At the beginning of the Russian Civil War, the Bolshevik Red Army slowly pushed the White Army, commanded by Admiral Alexander Kolchak, into Siberia. Kolchak and his anti-Bolshevik forces holed up in Tyumen until the Red Army overtook them in January of 1918.

During the Second World War, many Russian industries were moved away from the front to Siberian cities. Tyumen had already become an industrial capital during the early Soviet era, and the city became an ideal spot to relocate Russia’s western factories. As Nazi forces approached Russia in 1941, the embalmed body of Vladimir Lenin was sent from the Lenin Mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square by train to the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy for safekeeping. In 1945, Lenin’s body was shipped back to Moscow.

Some of the factories relocated to Tyumen during wartime remained in the city. The discovery of oil in the region catapulted Siberia’s oldest Russian settlement to further prosperity. Modern Tyumen is a vibrant city with a number of universities and a revamped center well-suited for exploration by foot.

Start your walking tour around central Tyumen on Ulitsa Respubliki. The city’s main drag has fine pedestrian walkways and leads wanderers past an impressive collection of tsarist-era buildings that recall Tyumen’s importance in the beginning of Russia’s colonization of Siberia.

From the southeastern end of Ul. Respubliki, head north toward the Tura River and take a brief side trip onto Ul. Ordzhonikidze to visit the Fine Arts Museum (47 Ul. Ordzhonikidze) which houses exhibits of classical Russian and Soviet art as well as traditional bone carving and works produced by the native people who live in the far north of Tyumen Oblast.

Back on Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon see the city’s requisite Lenin statue by the local government buildings. A block away, opposite Lenin, is Tyumen’s city park, a delightful place to walk or hop on one of its amusement rides.

Most Siberian cities developed under the watchful eyes of the atheist Soviet regime and churches are usually not Siberia’s strongpoint. But this isn’t true in four-centuries-old Tyumen. Strolling up Ul. Respubliki, you’ll soon come to the Church of the Saviour (41 Ul. Lenina) and the Znamensky Cathedral (13 Ul. Semakova). Each of these stunning Baroque-influenced churches are located right off Ul. Respubliki and were built in the late 18th century.

Tyumen is also famous for its historic wooden houses. Heading further up Ul. Respubliki, stop to wander around some of the side streets and snap photos of these ornate wooden structures which provide a glimpse back in time. Near the Tura River, you’ll pass a civil war monument in remembrance of the Tyumen natives who died fighting the White Army and the Tyumen State Agricultural Academy (7 Ul. Respubliki) an impressive building in its own right where Lenin was stored during the Second World War.

Near the end of Ul. Respubliki, take a walk over the Tura River on the Lover’s Bridge, a suspension bridge open to foot traffic only that has become one of Tyumen’s iconic sights. The other side of the river is a great place to see more of Tyumen’s signature wooden houses as well as take in the churches scattered around the city center.

Save the best for last and visit the Trinity Monastery (10 Ul. Kommunisticheskaya) at the end of Ul. Respubliki. A white wall surrounds the monastery, giving it the appearance of a mini-kremlin, and the golden onion domes of the 18th century churches within should not be missed.

Although navigating Tyumen is straightforward enough, the St. Petersburg-based travel company OSTWEST can arrange a city tour in Tyumen and the surrounding countryside.

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    Sep 23, 2014. 230 likes | 553 Views. Post LSCS Pregnancy Management protocols. Dr. Geetha Balsarkar, Associate Professor and Unit incharge, Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital, Seth G.S. Medical college, Parel , Mumbai Joint Asst. Secretary to the Editor, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology of India, Download Presentation.

  7. 19

    19 - LSCS - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Caesarean section is a surgical procedure used to deliver a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen and uterus after 28 weeks of gestation. It is classified as either elective or emergency. Common indications include fetal distress, abnormal ...

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    Mussart N, Qureshi S, Roohi M. Lower segment cesarean section (LSCS); indications and complications at teahcing hospital, Faisalabad. Professional Med J 2013;20(6): 916-923. Article Citation ... an elective procedure is breech presentation and for an emergency procedure includes labour dystocia and non- reassuring fetal heart rate tracings6.

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    lscs V2.0 The uterus is closed with absorbable sutures. The skin can be closed with either absorbable or non-absorbable sutures. If non absorbable sutures are used, the sutures will be removed in about 1 week after surgery. The surgery usually takes 45 to 60 minutes to complete. POST OPERATIVE CARE Expect a hospital stay of 3 to 5 days.

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