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The evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) research in business management: a systematic review of the literature

Journal of Internet and Digital Economics

ISSN : 2752-6356

Article publication date: 16 August 2024

This paper systematically reviews the evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) research in business and management over the past decade and a half. It synthesizes current knowledge, identifies major themes, gaps, and future opportunities to guide scholars on potential research directions within this exponentially growing domain.


A structured systematic literature review methodology filtered IoT publications across business/management journals using Scopus database. Detailed thematic and bibliometric analyses chronologically mapped the progress of peer-reviewed articles from 2005–2023. Both quantitative metrics and qualitative coding inductively revealed historical trends, topics, applications and research implications.

Analysis uncovered six primary IoT research themes - business models, technology, data, customers, organizations, and sustainability. Dominant focuses were found on technological enablers, business model innovation and customer experience transformations. While technical aspects are well-documented, strategic technology integrations and organizational change management require greater emphasis.

Research limitations/implications

Focus restricted to academic articles published in management journals risks missing relevant papers published in other fields. Screening process involved some subjectivity. Lacks geographic analysis of research contexts. The rapidly evolving nature of technology domain risks findings’ generalizability.

Practical implications

Key enablers and success factors that we identified may support managerial decision making when it comes to IoT adoption.

Social implications

We discuss advancing IoT innovation through ethics and sustainability lenses and these may help ensure responsible adoption.


This analysis weaves together the extant literature and offers an evidence-based research agenda for management scholars by chronicling the state, evolution, influential factors, and future opportunities within IoT literature. It highlights major thematic shifts and priority gaps to address.

  • Internet of Things
  • Bibliometric analysis
  • Thematic analysis
  • Technology management
  • Information systems

Sevak, K.Y. and George, B. (2024), "The evolution of Internet of Things (IoT) research in business management: a systematic review of the literature", Journal of Internet and Digital Economics , Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2024, Kunal Yogen Sevak and Babu George

Published in Journal of Internet and Digital Economics . Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

The Internet-of-Things (IoT) ( Wortmann and Fluchter, 2015 ; Xia et al ., 2012 ) can be generally defined as a system or network of digitally connected devices that share data and communicate with each other ( Burgess, 2018 ; Lee and Lee, 2015 ). This system is usually supported by technological components such as wireless sensors, software applications, cloud computing and radio frequency identification devices (RFID) that jointly create value for the participants ( Ikavalko et al ., 2018 ; Lee and Lee, 2015 ).

IoT continues to be a “hot” topic of study among the scholarly community, partly due to an explosion of IoT adoption around the world at both organizational and individual levels over the last several years, and partly due to IoT’s multidimensionality and versatility, which make it relevant for a vast variety of fields. The academic literature on IoT has been burgeoning at a rapid pace, wherein IoT is conceptualized from a variety of viewpoints and studied in varied contexts due to its multidimensional nature ( Delgosha et al ., 2021 ; Ng and Wakenshaw, 2017 ). However, certain topics (e.g., smart cities; business process IoT) occupy a relatively larger proportion of the literature (see Delgosha et al ., 2021 ) resulting in blurred definitional boundaries and ambiguity on what constitutes IoT research in the management/business domain. Moreover, the largest literature on this topic, which is produced by scholars in the I.T./software engineering and industrial/manufacturing/operational fields, is micro-level and exclusive to the highly technical aspects of specific IoT applications, making it difficult to apply or examine it in the management/business domain. Meanwhile, with rapidly growing, widespread applications of IoT by mainstream businesses for mass consumption, both the relevance and significance of IoT for management/business scholars has increased tremendously over the years. However, barring a few notable efforts (e.g., Delgosha et al ., 2021 ; Sestino et al ., 2020 ), there is still a major dearth of information to guide and inform scholars of management/business on fruitful research avenues in IoT. The present research is an effort to fill that gap. Using a four-step structured process similar to Palmaccio et al . (2021) , we conduct a systematic literature review (SLR) of IoT in the management/business domain supported by a detailed thematic- and keyword analysis to create a comprehensive IoT research agenda for management/business scholars.

The need for an IoT literature review is timely due to the rapid pace at which the literature is growing in terms of the sheer number of publications, which means that new insights and revelations about IoT are being uncovered rapidly, thereby necessitating corresponding literature reviews to keep the scholars abreast of the latest developments in the field. Additionally, the currently available literature reviews of IoT are mostly found covering a period until 2019, thereby necessitating additional examination of subsequently published articles.

How has IoT research in the Management/Business domain evolved over the years?

What is the current state of IoT within the Management/Business field in terms of its major themes and the topics of study within each?

Going forward, which research areas and research questions represent fruitful opportunities for Management/Business scholars of IoT?

An SLR is considered ideal for this study because of its methodological rigor ( Okoli and Schabram, 2010 ) and its goal of “[…] identifying, evaluating, and synthesizing the existing body of completed and recorded work produced by researchers, scholars, and practitioners.” ( Fink, 2005 , p. 3). Moreover, an SLR is considered most appropriate when the aim of a study extends beyond merely aggregating all the information about a research question to developing evidence-based guidelines for future research ( Lenberg et al ., 2015 ; Kitchenham et al ., 2009 ; Palmaccio et al ., 2021 ). The present study conducts thematic- and keyword analysis to identify major research themes and study-areas pervading the management/business IoT literature and derive from them valuable topics of inquiry that can guide future research.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces a theoretical background on IoT and provides a synopsis of management/business research in this area. Section 3 explains the methodology followed in conducting the SLR. Section 4 presents the results and their application to the research questions. Finally, section 5 discusses the implications and contributions of this study along with suggested pathways for future research.

2. Background

2.1 an overview of iot research.

The first known use of the term “internet-of-things” dates back to 1999, when Kevin Ashton, an employee at Proctor and Gamble used it in his presentation about RFID tags ( Ashton, 2009 ; Rayome, 2018 ). Till date, no universally accepted definition exists for the term ( Wortmann and Fluchter, 2015 ); resulting in varied conceptualizations adopted by academicians, scholars, practitioners, programmers, and business executives who continue to pursue their own versions of its meaning ( Madakam et al ., 2015 ; Ng and Wakenshaw, 2017 ; Nord et al ., 2019 ). However, a generally accepted conceptualization of IoT is that of a multilayered network of machines and devices connected through the internet with the goal of generating and sharing data (see Nord et al ., 2019 ). This broad conceptualization has allowed scholars and practitioners in a variety of domains to examine IoT from different research lenses. However, it has also resulted in IoT literature evolving into “ a mass of disorganized knowledge ” and “ multiple, yet inconsistent paths ” ( Sestino et al ., 2020 , p. 1).

From an evolutionary standpoint, two primary and well-established streams of scholarly research exist on IoT – 1) the I.T./software-engineering stream, and 2) the Industrial/manufacturing/operational stream. The focus of our study is on a third , yet nascent, but rapidly growing stream of Management/business research on IoT, which exists at the intersection of the two aforementioned streams.

IoT being inherently comprised of digital architectures, the literature on IoT originally emerged in the I.T./software engineering domain where it has been studied from a technical perspective (e.g., Madakam et al ., 2015 ; Gubbi et al ., 2013 ; Laghari et al ., 2021 ) with the scholarly focus mainly on aspects such as its architectural elements (e.g., Al-Qaseemi et al ., 2016 ; Soumyalatha, 2016 ), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags (e.g., Jia et al ., 2012 ), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) (e.g., Kocakulak and Butun, 2017 ), and such. Here, scholars have uncovered valuable insights on the privacy, security, and trust related issues in IoT (e.g., Assiri and Almagwashi, 2018 ; Noor and Hassan, 2019 ; Stergiou et al ., 2018 ; Tewari and Gupta, 2020 ).

Later, the growing implications and usage of IoT for industrial processes led to the emergence of the industrial/manufacturing/operational stream of IoT research – commonly known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT) ( Boyes et al ., 2018 ; Sisinni et al ., 2018 ; Madakam and Uchiya, 2019 ) – which focused on topics such as smart production processes (e.g., Zhang et al ., 2018 ), intelligent automation and assembly (e.g., Liu et al ., 2017 ), industrial safety (e.g., Gnoni et al ., 2020 ; McNinch et al ., 2019 ), and such. The emphasis here is on the role of IoT in improving operational processes in industrial spaces. However, this stream of IoT research is not just limited to the manufacturing sector – healthcare, agriculture, transportation, construction and environment sectors have all benefitted from advances in Industrial IoT ( Fraga-Lamas et al ., 2017 ; Malik et al ., 2021 ; Qamar et al ., 2018 ).

Subsequently, the expansion of IoT applications beyond the I.T. and industrial processes and into mainstream businesses (for example, the growing consumer market for smart watches and smart home security systems) has attracted considerable interest and attention from scholars in the traditional management/business field. However, this stream of IoT research, being relatively nascent, is still fragmented and devoid of boundary conditions. It also continues to borrow heavily from the other two streams (viz., I.T./engineering and industrial/manufacturing ). In this manuscript, our focus is on developing a review-based future research agenda for scholars of this third stream of research.

Figure 1 visually depicts our area of inquiry in this manuscript. It indicates that the relatively nascent literature on management/business IoT research has emerged primarily at the intersection of the engineering and industrial domains.

2.2 IoT research from a management/business perspective

From a practical, real-life standpoint, the widespread influence and application of IoT in business and management practices can be readily explained via a few brief case examples: 1) In the financial services and banking sector, IoT is transforming the traditional business payments/ordering systems via increasing use of digital wallets and contactless payments ( Agrawal, 2021 ; Singh, 2019 ) where devices such as smartphones serve as “secure wallets” capable of paying and receiving digital currency. This example highlights the value that IoT generates for businesses in their core functions such as sales and order processing. 2) From the standpoint of organizational decision-making, particularly in large firms dealing with big data, IoT is assisting managers in making effective decisions in asset management and resource allocations ( Brous et al ., 2017 , 2019 ). Subsequently, in several mainstream enterprises, IoT is increasingly becoming pivotal for business processes in asset- and resource-management. 3) In the consumer electronics sector, IoT-based “smart” wearables and home security devices highlight the penetration and significance of this technology in the final product/service of a business ( Singh and Majumdar, 2018 ) and show how IoT is increasingly becoming a core component of a business’s ultimate value offering, thereby directly affecting its bottom line and revenues.

Subsequently, the management/business scholars view IoT mainly as a driver of value creation and value capture in business ( Metallo et al ., 2018 ; Lee and Lee, 2015 ; Saarikko et al ., 2017 ) with focus on topics such as new business opportunities and product development (e.g., Del Giudice, 2016 ; Krotov, 2017 ), business model innovation (e.g., Haaker et al ., 2021 ), consumer electronics (e.g., Gaur et al ., 2019 ; Singh and Majumdar, 2018 ), building customer profiles (e.g., Zare and Honarvar, 2021 ), and such.

One of these areas of research, namely, IoT business model innovation has been a prominent and recurring theme of research in the management/business domain (ref., Delgosha et al ., 2021 ; Dijkman et al ., 2015 ; Palmaccio et al ., 2021 ; Metallo et al ., 2018 ). Scholars in this area are involved in examining how IoT can influence and/or transform the core building blocks of an organization’s business model canvas and have found that it has the potential to positively influence a business’s value proposition, key partners, customer relationships, key resources, key activities, market segments, and cost as well as revenue structures ( Dijkman et al ., 2015 ; Metallo et al ., 2018 ).

In another sub-stream which can be referred to as the consumer electronics area, research has made significant forays into various aspects related to the security features, privacy issues, and technology vulnerabilities in IoT products (e.g., Alladi et al ., 2020 ; Blythe et al ., 2019 ; Meng et al ., 2018 ; Loi et al ., 2017 ; Poyner and Sherratt, 2018 ; Ren et al ., 2019 ; Shakdher et al ., 2019 ; Williams et al ., 2017 ). The focus of this set of scholars has been to improve the security and reliability of IoT products by identifying and highlighting the existing issues and subsequently suggesting solutions to resolve them.

Another sub-stream has explored the technology and social acceptability of “smart wearables” (a class of IoT products) (e.g., Dagher et al ., 2020 ; Niknejad et al ., 2020 ; Dian et al ., 2020 ; Motti and Caine, 2016 ; Li et al ., 2019 ; Oh and Kang, 2021 ; Qiu et al ., 2017 ; Sun et al ., 2017 ). Here, the researchers have investigated the potential role and impact of emerging technologies and their associated factors on the social adoptability of IoT products, specifically in the “wearables” market such as gadgets, accessories, and garments. This branch has also extended to IoT’s adjacent domains such as artificial intelligence (AI) ( Shi et al ., 2020 ; Zheng et al ., 2021 ), big data analytics ( Li et al ., 2021 ), and virtual reality ( Alshaal et al ., 2016 ).

Yet another research branch has focused on the user/consumer profile in the IoT ecosystem. Here, the focal topics of study have been the roles, perceptions, experiences, expectations, and behaviors of users/consumers in relation to IoT products (e.g., Aldossari and Sidorova, 2020 ; Al Hogail and Al Shahrani, 2018 ; Blythe and Johnson, 2018 ; Curry et al ., 2018 ; De Boer et al ., 2019 ; Fauquex et al ., 2015 ; Park et al ., 2017 ; Yerpude and Singhal, 2018 ). Scholars involved in this stream have uncovered valuable insights regarding the antecedents to IoT adoption (e.g., Aldossari and Sidorova, 2020 ) and factors affecting user experience (e.g., Curry et al ., 2018 ).

Each of the aforementioned research sub-streams has been growing steadily over the recent years with newer “sub-components” emerging at a continued pace.

2.3 The need for a literature review of IoT in management/business

Despite boasting a substantial body of work showing the implications of IoT for core management/business outcomes, this literature is still in need of establishing clear boundary conditions to qualify as a cogent, standalone stream of IoT research. A literature review is critical to the establishment of such boundary conditions. As Lim et al . (2022 ; p.486 ) state, “ literature reviews are necessary to take stock of the field (e.g., major themes) in order to chart the future trajectory of that field. This helps prospective scholars interested in that field to better position future research in terms of which exact stream(s) out of the many streams of research in that field that they wish to extend. ” Thus, a management/business -specific literature review of IoT research would significantly advance the research agenda for future management/business scholars. However, while several comprehensive literature reviews in the I.T./engineering and industrial/manufacturing domains have encapsulated the research on IoT and helped set up boundary conditions for those domains (see Madakam et al ., 2015 ; Laghari et al ., 2021 ; Čolaković and Hadžialić, 2018 ; Liao et al ., 2018 ; Malik et al ., 2021 ), the same does not hold true currently for the management/business domain.

Except for the review by Delgosha et al . (2021) (which is noteworthy, but quite broad in its scope and therefore not strictly “management/business-oriented”), there is a lack of overarching literature reviews capturing the noteworthy scholarly work on IoT by management/business scholars. Those that have uncovered valuable insights in this area have focused on a single theme within IoT such as the benefits/risks of IoT adoption (e.g., Brous et al ., 2020 ), IoT business models (e.g., Palmaccio et al ., 2021 ), IoT servitization (e.g., Suppatvech et al ., 2019 ), IoT business process management (BPM) (e.g., De Luzi, Leotta, Marrella, 2024 ), IoT supply chain management (SCM) (e.g., Rebelo et al ., 2022 ), and such. As a result, an overarching review of the IoT literature (comprising multiple themes) within the management/business domain is still largely nonexistent. Lastly, due to the rapid growth of IoT research, certain insightful reviews published almost a decade ago (e.g., Djikman et al ., 2015 ) run the risk of becoming obsolete, necessitating a fresh examination of the literature. Hence, the time is opportune for a literature review to examine and synthesize the existing work on IoT in the management/business area.

3. Methodology

The purpose of this study was to evaluate IoT research in management/business domain in terms of its scope, volume, boundary conditions, major topics/areas of study, and gaps therein with an aim to advise future research on this subject. To do so, we conducted an SLR based on the guidelines provided by Okoli and Schabram (2010) and Xiao and Watson (2019) . Additionally, the study followed the structural aspects of prior SLRs in the software industry such as Brereton et al . (2007) and Manikas and Hansen (2013) since IoT falls within the purview of information technology (I.T.).

Planning the review

Finding and evaluating the articles

Deriving and compiling the data

Reporting the results

This predefined process ensured the reproducibility of the SLR and reduces bias during the review process ( Tranfield et al ., 2003 ; Kraus et al ., 2020 ; Palmaccio et al ., 2021 ). Specifically, we followed the systematic process adopted by Palmaccio and colleagues (2021) in their SLR of IoT business models.

3.1 Planning the review

After validating the need for an SLR (explained earlier), we began by creating a review protocol to ensure the transparency and replicability of the review process. We chose the Elsevier’s Scopus database to search for the relevant articles and validated them using the Google Scholar database. Scopus is one of the largest and widely reputable multidisciplinary repositories of published research and has been used extensively by scholars to conduct similar literature reviews (e.g., Borges et al ., 2021 ; Reim et al ., 2015 ; Henriette et al ., 2015 ). The database is admired among the research community for its comprehensiveness, the relevancy of its search-results, and the accuracy of its filtering processes (e.g., Mahraz et al ., 2019 ; Reim et al ., 2015 ; Sestino et al ., 2020 ). Specifically, prior research on digital technologies has used Scopus extensively (e.g., Borges et al ., 2021 ; Henriette et al ., 2015 ; Mahraz et al ., 2019 ; Palmaccio et al ., 2021 ; Sestino et al ., 2020 ), which makes it particularly relevant for our study.

The goal of our review was to synthesize current knowledge on the business and management impacts of Internet of Things (IoT) guided by research questions on the state, topics, influential factors, and future opportunities of IoT research. Subsequently, peer-reviewed articles published in the last fifteen years examining managerial/organizational IoT implications were included in the study. Non-peer reviewed articles focused solely on technical aspects were excluded. We restricted our search to journals primarily in the areas of business and management (including management of information systems). The Scopus database was searched using “IoT” and relevant business terms. Extracted data encompassed article metadata, IoT technologies, business functions impacted, implementation issues, findings, and future research needs. Qualitative analysis coded patterns on IoT topics, challenges, successes, and research gaps. Quantitative analysis assessed publication and research trends.

3.2 Finding and evaluating the articles

Scopus journal database was systematically searched for English articles from 2005–2023 combining “IoT” with business terminology. The list of journals to be searched was derived from the Business and Management classification of the SCOPUS database. A total of 105 journals in Business/Management containing over 1200 articles were found to be relevant to our study. Subsequently, we searched these journals with the search keywords for our study. The key search terms included “internet of things” OR IoT AND manage* OR busi* OR organiz* OR compan* OR corporat* OR enterprise. This resulted in 52 journals with 351 articles containing the search term in either the title, keywords or abstract of the article. The other 53 journals did not return any results for the IOT key terms search and were removed from further consideration. For each of the 351 articles, we read and screened the title and abstract to identify and further filter the relevant articles that met the goals of our research. Articles that did not have IoT as one of the central themes or topics were removed from further consideration. Besides, articles focused on IoT but not relevant to management/business and/or not having a clear business implication for value creation or value capture were also removed from further consideration, since that was our defining criteria for IoT in management/business as explained earlier. The filtering resulted in a final set of 326 articles from 41 journals that were relevant to the purpose of our study. This final set of 326 articles meeting all relevance and quality inclusion criteria were moved forward to the data evaluation and extraction stage. A PRISMA process tracked the screening and selection process, showing the iterative filtering to obtain the final literature sample.

3.3 Deriving and compiling data

Key data points were extracted. Metrics compiled included publication volume trends, research methods used, and frequency of business areas, and the IoT technologies studied.

3.4 Reporting the results

Reporting aligned to each research question and the analysis was predominantly qualitative. Reporting followed generally accepted systematic review guidelines. Varied analytic approaches provided robust, structured insights for management scholars on the IoT domain.

While IoT as a concept has been in existence since almost a quarter of a century, largely in the domains of information technology and computer science, its relevance for and applications in the field of business have been relatively nascent. The results of our literature review revealed that the research on IoT in the business/management area – although nascent – is growing at a rapid rate. In terms of the volume of publication by outlets, significant variation was found between the articles published in top-tier versus lower-tier business/management journals. Specifically, higher ranked business publications were found to publish significantly fewer articles on the topic compared to relatively lower ranked business journals. We also observe noteworthy absences of IoT related themes in top-tier journals such as the Academy of Management Journal , the Academy of Management Review , and the Journal of Management , and only a single publication for the Strategic Management Journal . On the other hand, journals ranking on a comparatively lower tier such as the Journal of Business Research and the International Journal of Information Management had an exponentially high volume of publications on the topic. This difference underscores the relatively nascent nature of IoT in the business/management field because a sound theoretical foundation and methodological rigor are two criteria upheld by the higher ranked journals, and business/management research on IoT still has considerable progress to make in fulfilling both those criteria.

In the ensuing sections, we provide the results of the SLR in response to our research questions that were derived from the thematic and bibliometric analysis of the articles reviewed in our study. Initial thematic analysis based on inductive coding revealed several areas of IoT application in the business/management domain that were classified into six (6) primary themes, namely, 1) Business models and strategy, 2) Technology and infrastructure, 3) Data and analytics, 4) Customers and markets, 5) Organizations and work, and 6) Sustainability and environment. Major research streams within each of those six themes were further categorized into a total of 27 different sub-topics.

The examination of our first research question – the evolution of IoT research in the Business/Management domain over the years – was carried out by corresponding the results of the thematic analysis with the order (year wise) of IoT publications in our sample of articles. The resulting timeline provided below describes the major themes in IoT research from a historical standpoint starting at year 2000 and continuing beyond 2021 in 5-year segments.

Early Conceptualization of IoT: During this period, the concept of IoT was still in its infancy. Research focused on exploring the possibilities and defining what IoT could be, how objects could be connected to the internet, and potential applications. RFID technology received significant attention as a key enabler for IoT.

Technological Foundations and Protocols: This period saw increased interest in the technological infrastructure required for IoT, such as wireless sensor networks (WSN), communication protocols, and data transmission standards. Researchers were looking into how devices could effectively communicate and share data.

Security and Privacy Concerns: As the IoT concept gained traction, discussions began on the potential security risks and privacy implications of having numerous devices connected to the internet.

Standardization and Interoperability: There was significant research into creating standardized frameworks and ensuring interoperability among IoT devices, considering the vast heterogeneity in device functions, manufacturers, and purposes.

IoT in Industry (Industry 4.0): The term “Industry 4.0″ started to become popular, and IoT was recognized as a key component. Researchers explored the integration of IoT into manufacturing, inventory-management and industrial processes, known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), with implications for several fields such as healthcare, energy, retail, transportation, etc.

Smart Environments: The rise of smart homes, smart cities, and connected vehicles became prominent themes, with research focused on how IoT can improve efficiency, safety, and the overall quality of life.

AI and Machine Learning Integration: The latter half of the 2010s saw a push towards incorporating AI and machine learning with IoT, with research exploring how these technologies could enable smarter decision-making and predictive analytics in IoT systems.

Edge and Cloud Computing: As the amount of data generated by IoT devices soared, research explored the role of edge and cloud computing in processing and storing this information efficiently.

Blockchain for IoT: The potential of blockchain technology to secure IoT networks became a hot topic, given its capability to provide decentralized security and trust in device interactions.

Consumer IoT Adoption and Behavioral Studies: There was a shift toward understanding how consumers adopt IoT products and their behavioral responses to smart technology, alongside studies on the market and business models for IoT.

5G and Connectivity Improvements: The deployment of 5G networks is expected to be a significant driver for IoT research, focusing on ultra-reliable low-latency communications and enhanced mobile broadband.

IoT for Sustainable Development: IoT's contribution to sustainability and addressing global challenges like climate change, health crises, etc., is likely to emerge as a major theme.

Advanced IoT Applications in Healthcare and Remote Monitoring: Given the COVID-19 pandemic, there is likely to be a surge in research revolving around the use of IoT for telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and contact tracing.

Ethical AI and Trustworthy IoT Systems: As society becomes increasingly aware of the ethical implications of technology, there will likely be more research on developing trustworthy AI systems within the IoT ecosystem, emphasizing fairness, transparency, and ethics.

Human-IoT Interaction: Understanding the nuances of human interaction with IoT systems, including home automation, smart wearables, smart sensors and assistive technology, and improving the user experience (UX) will be critical areas of research.

The results of a keywords bibliometric analysis showed progressive changes in the research interests and topics of business/management scholars of IoT over the years. Table 1 provides the details of keywords highlighting major research topics in IoT corresponding to each time-period covered in our review.

The focus of IoT research in business/management during its early years (2000–2010) was mostly restricted to its industrial operations and applicability, with topics such as RFID systems, smart grids, and supply chain integration prominent in the publications. During 2011–2015, the research emphasis shifted towards the topics of cloud computing, big data, and analytics. Researchers also started examining security and privacy concerns surrounding IoT applications and making initial forays into examining IoT from a customer standpoint (e.g., smart shopping). However, it was only in the second half of that decade (2016–20) that business/management research fully started to examine IoT from a B2C standpoint, focusing on topics such as smart homes, autonomous vehicles, augmented/virtual reality, and 5G communication. This time-period also witnessed the rise of powerful new digital technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine-learning, and blockchains in the mainstream markets, and a corresponding rise in the number of business/management scholars studying them. Finally, since 2021, the post-COVID focus of IoT scholars has been on applications of IoT in healthcare, biosensors, quantum computing, robotics, automation, 6G networks, and brain-computer interfaces, among others. Furthermore, researchers have also started focusing on the ethical and sustainability aspects of IoT and AI.

Our bibliometric analysis also revealed variations in research topics by journal. Particularly, the articles in our 41 shortlisted journals for this review varied in their primary sub-topics of IoT, ranging from topics such as cybersecurity and logistics to smart grids and smart cities. The full list of major IoT topics found in each journal is provided in Table 2 below.

4.1 Overall major themes and subthemes

Our thematic analysis led to the identification of major themes across the period of study and also key elements within each primary theme, which are detailed below:

Servitization and Advanced Services: The way IoT assists manufacturers and B2B firms in shifting from product-focused to service-based models, encompassing remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven optimization.

Innovation in Business Models: The transformation of conventional business models across sectors through IoT-enabled offerings, digital servitization, and platform-centric models.

Sustainability and Circular Economy: The use of IoT in circular economy strategies, the attainment of sustainable development objectives, and the creation of sustainable business models.

Impacts and Capabilities of Organizations: The investigation into changes in company boundaries, knowledge flows, and the ambidextrous abilities needed for successful IoT integration.

Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0: The application of IoT, data analytics, and AI in smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, and the realization of Industry 4.0 objectives such as efficiency, flexibility, and predictive maintenance.

Technical Architecture and Security: The examination of robust IoT architectures, wireless communication technologies (like 5G), protocols, and data management solutions for dependable and secure systems.

Consumer Behavior and Intelligent Products: The comprehension of user perceptions, value evaluations, and brand preferences in relation to smart products and services.

Enhancement of Customer/User Experience: The use of IoT for personalization, customization, and innovative devices/interfaces such as wearables and conversational agents to boost customer loyalty and engagement.

Smart Monitoring and Applications: The emphasis on IoT applications in healthcare, smart homes/cities, tourism, and energy management, enabling remote monitoring, assisted living, and intelligent services.

Challenges in IoT Adoption: The addressing of technological, privacy, security, legal, and regulatory barriers, as well as the lack of standards and interoperability issues.

IoT and Emerging Technologies: The analysis of the synergy between IoT and technologies like AI, blockchain, cloud computing for the construction of smart systems and value extraction.

Data Analytics and Insights: The utilization of IoT data for effective data acquisition, analytics, and actionable insights for improved decision making, prediction, and monitoring.

Collaboration among Stakeholders: The significance of collaboration and co-creation among multiple stakeholders in the design of successful IoT solutions.

Ethical Considerations: The discussion of cybersecurity, privacy, and ethical risks associated with IoT data collection and usage, and the exploration of potential regulations and policies.

IoT is driving business model innovation: This includes developing new services, transforming existing business models, and creating platform business models.

IoT enables servitization and advanced services: IoT allows manufacturers to offer remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, and optimization services.

IoT has a significant impact on organizational structures and capabilities: It influences firm boundaries, knowledge flows, and ambidextrous capacities.

IoT is fostering integration with sustainability: It supports circular economy strategies, sustainable development goals, and sustainable business models.

IoT has a wide range of applications across different sectors: This includes manufacturing, retail, transportation, logistics, healthcare, and smart cities.

IoT involves various technical aspects: This includes wireless communication technologies, data management, and security.

IoT brings security, privacy, and trust challenges: These challenges need to be addressed to ensure the safe and ethical use of IoT devices and data.

Collaboration among stakeholders is essential for successful IoT implementation: This includes collaboration between businesses, governments, and consumers.

The use of emerging technologies such as AI, blockchain, and cloud computing enhances IoT capabilities: This enables the development of smarter and more efficient IoT systems.

IoT offers opportunities for new revenue streams and improved operational efficiency: This includes data monetization, platform business models, supply chain optimization, and predictive maintenance.

With respect to the third research question – future opportunities for business/management scholars of IoT – our review found several fruitful avenues and important gaps in the literature that could serve as viable opportunities for future research:

Firstly, two strong research streams already dominate the current extant IoT literature, where the business/management scholars can make a timely impact. The first is the role of technology enablers and business value drivers in successful IoT applications. This body of IoT literature reflects the current stage of IoT adoption, where understanding capabilities and applications is crucial. The insights gained from examining such enablers/drivers can help businesses understand and decide which technologies to invest in and how to implement them for maximum impact. The second dominant research stream is the set of organizational factors relevant for IoT adoption. Recognizing the challenges and solutions for successful IoT adoption is vital for overcoming practical implementation hurdles. Understanding and leveraging the key organizational factors in the process can guide businesses in building the necessary skills and structures to thrive in the IoT landscape. From the standpoint of future research opportunity, the business/management scholars of IoT may benefit from taking a deeper dive into the organizational adoption factors. While barriers are acknowledged, more research is needed on specific strategies for building IoT capabilities. This could include case studies of successful companies, best practices for talent acquisition and training, and frameworks for navigating organizational change.

Expanding the focus on strategic considerations: Sustainability, privacy, security, and consumer behavior are critical pillars for long-term success. More research is needed on integrating these considerations into IoT initiatives from the outset, alongside technology and value aspects. This could involve ethical frameworks for data usage, consumer trust-building strategies, and security vulnerability assessments.

Exploring underrepresented domains: While applications in manufacturing, supply-chain and healthcare are crucial, exploring untapped potential in services, retail, media and entertainment can open new avenues for innovation and growth. Research could uncover unique use cases, business models, and challenges specific to these industries.

Policies and regulations: Current IoT literature lacks a thorough understanding of the role of government policies and regulations in shaping IoT adoption and addressing its ethical concerns. While the modern innovation frontiers continue to expand and companies continue to push newer IoT and AI technologies into markets, the subsequent and necessary examination of their sociomaterial dynamics and their larger implications for the society are yet to be fully examined. Future scholars may benefit tremendously from examining IoT in the light of institutional regulations and its “true societal benefit”. The potential “dark side” of IoT is still a relatively unexplored phenomenon and could lend itself to be a potent research stream for future scholars of IoT.

Cultural and social factors: While IoT can and does have an impact on societies and cultures, the reverse may also be true, especially with respect to the adoption and acceptance of IoT technologies. A potentially fruitful avenue of future research would be to examine the impact of cultural and social factors (including demographic and economic sub-components) on consumers’ acceptance and adoption of newer IoT technologies. One approach to examining this research area could be through the lens of interdisciplinary theories (such as the diffusion of innovations theory of marketing) to see if conventional theories of product diffusion and adoption apply to digital/IoT products.

New technologies redefining the very scope of IoT: Another research area worth examining is the ongoing evolution of new technologies and their potential to further enhance and redefine the IoT landscape. Rapidly evolving technologies such as AI, robotics, and virtual reality are constantly pushing the boundaries of the IoT domain, and particularly with the growing efforts targeting novel interactions of such technologies (e.g., using application programming interfaces (APIs) to make AI perform more advanced tasks), it is necessary to continuously reexamine the traditionally accepted roles, definitions and boundary conditions of IoT to ensure that they keep pace with the rapidly evolving IoT architecture and its various components. Scholars may benefit from examining the advancements in IoT at the intersection of its supporting technologies.

From the above, it is somewhat evident that the current research progress of IoT in business and management demonstrates a multifaceted approach, encompassing both transformative business aspects and technical considerations. There's a strong focus on business transformation, particularly in the areas of servitization, business model innovation, and sustainability. The research has progressed from exploring basic IoT infrastructure to investigating complex organizational impacts and technical architectures required for Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. User-centric applications have gained significant attention, with emphasis on consumer behavior, customer experience enhancement, and smart monitoring across various sectors. The field is actively grappling with adoption challenges, including technological, privacy, and security issues, while also exploring synergies with emerging technologies like AI and blockchain. Data analytics has emerged as a crucial area, focusing on extracting actionable insights from IoT data. Recent research has begun to address collaborative and ethical aspects of IoT implementation, though these areas, along with comprehensive governance frameworks, remain underexplored.

Table 3 presents a systematic summary of these themes, associated sub-themes, current research status, and gaps:

5. Discussion

This systematic review offers valuable insights into the evolution of IoT research in the business and management domain over the past one and a half decades. Our analysis reveals a rapidly accelerating pace of scholarship, with exponential growth in publications since the mid-2000s, coinciding with the expanding real-world adoption of IoT across industries and consumer segments. This trajectory points to a field still gaining momentum both in practice and research, reflecting the dynamic nature of IoT and its far-reaching implications.

The evolutionary path of IoT has emerged as a result of several interrelated factors. Primarily, it reflects the natural progression of technological capabilities, from basic sensor networks and RFID systems to complex, AI-driven ecosystems. This trajectory has been shaped by advances in complementary technologies such as cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence, which have expanded the potential applications and value proposition of IoT. Concurrently, the evolution has been driven by changing market demands and societal needs. For instance, the shift towards Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing in the 2011–2015 period was a response to increasing global competition and the need for greater operational efficiency. Similarly, the recent focus on sustainability and healthcare applications is a direct result of growing environmental concerns and the global health challenges highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The themes in IoT research are not isolated topics but rather form a complex, interconnected system. At the core, the Technology and Infrastructure theme serves as the foundation, enabling advancements in all other areas. It directly influences the Data and Analytics theme, as improved sensors and connectivity allow for more sophisticated data collection and analysis. This, in turn, feeds into the Business Models and Strategy theme, as new data-driven insights enable novel value propositions and revenue streams. The Customers and Markets theme is closely tied to both Business Models and Data and Analytics, as consumer behavior and market trends shape (and are shaped by) new IoT applications and the data they generate. The Organizations and Work theme intersects with all others, as IoT implementations require and drive changes in organizational structures, work processes, and skill requirements. Finally, the Sustainability and Environment theme has emerged as an overarching concern, influencing decisions and developments across all other themes.

We observe a predominantly technocentric perspective in existing literature, focused substantially on architectural configurations, communication mechanisms, data analytics, and security protocols. This is understandable given IoT's roots in engineering and computer science. However, a broader socio-technical view is imperative as IoT becomes entrenched in business strategy and daily life. Our findings already highlight growing scholarship at these intersections – whether industry applications, value creation dynamics, or user perceptions. But more interdisciplinary perspectives can enrich the management research on IoT, drawing theories and constructs from information science, marketing, organizational behavior, and beyond.

This interconnectedness highlights the need for a holistic approach to IoT research and implementation, recognizing that advancements or challenges in one area will inevitably impact others. For instance, the ongoing focus on security and privacy issues has become more complex as IoT systems have become more pervasive and interconnected, influencing developments across all themes from technology infrastructure to business models and consumer adoption.

Another significant takeaway is the relative underrepresentation of sustainability considerations, ethical implications, and policy discourse in the IoT literature thus far. These systemic issues pose risks such as e-waste, privacy violations, and digital inequity, requiring urgent attention. Research on responsible, ethical IoT that aligns economic goals and social welfare is vital. Integrative frameworks on IoT governance can guide technology regulation and industry self-regulation. This aligns with our observation of the Sustainability and Environment theme emerging as an overarching concern, influencing decisions and developments across all other themes.

While manufacturing and supply chain contexts dominate scholarship presently, the applicability of IoT in diverse sectors remains underexplored. Business scholars should probe emerging and hybrid use cases spanning media, retail, financial services, education, and more. Comparative research across contexts can reveal commonalities and idiosyncrasies around IoT integration, business model transformation, and value creation. This aligns with our understanding of the Business Models and Strategy theme and its interconnections with other themes like Customers and Markets and Organizations and Work.

We also observed limited scholarship on organizational capabilities and change management aspects of IoT adoption. Further research on managerial challenges, best practices, and contextual success factors can produce actionable frameworks for practitioners struggling with integration. IoT's long-term payoffs rely heavily on organizational readiness across skills, structure, and culture. This gap in the literature is particularly notable given the centrality of the Organizations and Work theme in our thematic analysis and its intersections with all other themes.

Qualitative, ethnographic, and critical research methodologies appear underutilized currently. These approaches could provide deeper insights into the socio-technical aspects of IoT adoption and use, particularly in understanding user perceptions, organizational culture shifts, and the broader societal implications of IoT. Qualitative case studies on IoT assimilation and business transformation in leading companies can yield contextualized insights for other adopters, contributing to both the Organizations and Work and Business Models and Strategy themes.

Bringing all these together, Figure 2 below depicts the evolutionary process of IoT, highlighting key themes and relationships with aspects of business management.

While the field of IoT research in business and management has shown remarkable growth and evolution, there remain significant opportunities for further development. The interconnected nature of IoT themes necessitates a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to research. Future studies should aim to address the identified gaps, particularly in sustainability, ethics, and organizational change management, while also exploring the applicability of IoT across diverse sectors. By doing so, researchers can contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of IoT's impact on business and society, guiding both scholarly discourse and practical implementation in this rapidly evolving field.

6. Conclusion

This literature review offers a comprehensive foundation and research agenda for management/business scholars pursuing research on the multifaceted phenomena of IoT. A combination of bibliometric analysis, temporal mapping, and thematic coding revealed both the current state and historical evolution of IoT research in this domain. Key observations indicate a burgeoning IoT literature focused predominantly on technological enablers, business applications, and consumer adoption. Information systems and technical disciplines still lead in volume output. However, growing attention to business model innovation, organizational change management and work practices signifies IoT’s penetration into core management terrain.

Our findings synthesize existing knowledge on IoT while surfacing priority gaps where researchers can enrich understanding. We highlight promising opportunities around integration with emerging technologies like AI, advancing strategic thinking on risks and ethics, probing new use contexts beyond manufacturing, and developing practical toolkits for organizational IoT readiness. As digitalization, especially AI, fuels the scale and scope of connected device ecosystems, the need for management research to inform leadership around technology integration, workforce enablement and customer experience will be intensified.

We must acknowledge some key limitations of this study. Firstly, the focus on peer-reviewed articles published in business and management journals over the past decade, while systematic, excludes potentially a lot of significant contributions. Not all management of IoT related research might appear in management journals. IoT is one of those fields of inquiry where professional practice is significantly ahead of scholarly understanding of it. The reliance purely on academic literature may skew findings towards theoretical rather than applied perspectives. The screening process also inherently involved some subjectivity in assessing relevance. Moreover, while major themes were identified through inductive coding, some niche IoT topics may have been overlooked without an a priori framework. Furthermore, the quality appraisal of articles was limited without a formal critical analysis of study rigor of each work. The geographic variability of research was not expressly analyzed which leaves uncertainty regarding the transferability of findings across different countries and contexts. Finally, we must also be humble enough to accept that, as a rapidly advancing technology, the IoT landscape continues to fundamentally evolve which risks the generalizability of a historical review.

We are hopeful that our analysis will provide a launching pad for progressing management scholarship amidst IoT’s expansive technological revolution. We offer a compass for researchers to orient future studies toward the most commercially and socially valuable directions. IoT’s advancement from this point can be substantially shaped through evidence-based insights on harnessing its transformation power for operational sustainability, responsible innovation and human-centric prosperity. In this regard, the gaps in the literature that we identified could become the starting point of further empirical research.

Scope of this Study in the Context of Broad IoT Research

The evolution of IoT and its interlacing with business management

Keywords analysis for historical research topics in IoT

−2010RFID systems, sensor networks, supply chain integration, inventory tracking, smart appliances, smart grids
2011–2015Cloud computing, big data, data analytics, smart meters, smart shopping, IoT platforms, M2M communication, IoT security, IoT privacy, IoT inventory management
2016–2020AI and machine learning, 5G and edge computing, blockchain, digital twins, autonomous vehicles and transportation, smart cities, smart homes, augmented and virtual reality, IoT security and privacy, APIs
2021-6G networks, ambient intelligence, quantum computing, robotics and automation, brain-computer interfaces, biosensors, AI in healthcare, nanotech, home automation, holographics, circular economy, digital ethics, AI regulations (ethical, security, privacy aspects), IoT for sustainability
Table by authors

Academy of Management Discoveriesblockchain, digital currencies
Academy of Management Perspectivesblockchain, governance
Academy of Management Proceedingsinternet of things, value proposition
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behaviortechnology, work, organizations
Big Data and Societysmart sensors, smart homes, human-computer interactions, APIs for smart cities, data co-creation, IoT for sustainability
Business Horizonsdark data, internet of things, sensor-based entrepreneurship
Business Information ReviewSmart libraries, automated work
Competition and Regulation in Network IndustriesSmart grids/meters, AI regulations, 5G, smart cities
Decision Support Systemsevents, internet of things
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practiceartificial intelligence, entrepreneurship
European Management Journalblockchain, shipping industry
Global Business ReviewHome automation, Smart cities
Industrial Marketing Managementsmart products, business markets
Information and Organizationinterfaces, internet of things
Information Processing and Managementblockchain, IoT, blockchain, industry 4.0
Information Systems ResearchData Analytics and Big Data, IoT Security and Privacy, IoT-enabled Business Models
International Journal of Engineering Business ManagementHealthcare, IoT Inventory and Equipment Management, IoT for sustainability
International Journal of Information Managementsmart warehousing, voice shopping, trust, privacy
International Journal of Management Educationonline business education
Journal of Business Researchservice encounter, smart goods, digital innovation, housing market, travel agents, sustainable development, blockchain, augmented reality, purchase intention, digital business
Journal of Business Venturingmaker movement, entrepreneurship, energy industry
Journal of High Technology Management Researchelectronic money, healthcare
Journal of Industrial Information Integration5G, internet of things, logistics, RFID, blockchain, industrial IoT, wireless sensor networks
Journal of Innovation and Knowledgeindustry 4.0, decision-making
Journal of Interactive Marketinganalytics models
Journal of Management Studiesinterorganizational, big data
Journal of MarketingSmart shopping/carts, retail
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Servicessmart parcel locker, logistics, internet of things, retail
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciencein-store technology, retail
Journal of World Businessbackshoring, industry 4.0
Long Range Planningdynamic capabilities, digital transformation
MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systemsdata analytics, asthma management, remote health, predictive analytics
Production and Operations ManagementSmart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0, Supply Chain Optimization, Predictive Maintenance
Organization and Environmentconsumer trust, energy utilities
Research Policysmart card
Socio-economic Planning Sciencesinternet of things, healthcare
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journaldisruptors, entrepreneurial change
Strategic Management Journalplatform creation
Technology in Societyinternet of things, technology acceptance, brain-machine interfaces
Technovationplatform competition, internet of things
Transportation Research, Part Ecybersecurity, logistics
Table by authors

ThemeSubthemesCurrent research statusResearch gaps
Business TransformationServitization and Advanced Services; Innovation in Business Models; Sustainability and Circular EconomyWell-developed; focus on shift to service-based models and IoT-enabled business modelsMore research needed on long-term sustainability of IoT-based business models
Organizational and Technical FactorsImpacts and Capabilities of Organizations; Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0; Technical Architecture and SecurityAdvancing rapidly; emphasis on organizational changes and Industry 4.0 applicationsFurther research required on organizational readiness and change management
User-Centric Applications and EffectsConsumer Behavior and Intelligent Products; Enhancement of Customer/User Experience; Smart Monitoring and ApplicationsGrowing focus; studies on user perceptions and IoT applications in various sectorsNeed for more diverse sector studies beyond manufacturing and smart homes
Challenges and Emerging TechnologiesChallenges in IoT Adoption; IoT and Emerging Technologies; Data Analytics and InsightsActive area of research; addressing adoption barriers and exploring synergies with AI, blockchainMore research needed on overcoming interoperability issues and standards development
Additional ThemesCollaboration among Stakeholders; Ethical ConsiderationsEmerging focus; relatively underrepresentedUrgent need for more research on ethical implications and collaborative IoT solution design

Source(s): Table by authors

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We are very grateful to the Provost, the Dean of Robbins College Of Business and Entrepreneurship (RCOBE), and the Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects (OSSC) at Fort Hays State University for the research grant offered to the lead author towards the fulfillment of this project.

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The Internet of Things: Impact and Implications for Health Care Delivery

Jaimon t kelly.

1 Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia

2 Centre of Applied Health Economics, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia

Katrina L Campbell

3 Metro North Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane, Australia

Enying Gong

4 School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Paul Scuffham

Associated data.

Examples of Internet of Things devices that can support health service delivery.

Examples of how smart homes can improve health care delivery.

Scenarios where Internet of Things can be used to improve health system efficiency.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of wireless, interrelated, and connected digital devices that can collect, send, and store data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. The IoT promises many benefits to streamlining and enhancing health care delivery to proactively predict health issues and diagnose, treat, and monitor patients both in and out of the hospital. Worldwide, government leaders and decision makers are implementing policies to deliver health care services using technology and more so in response to the novel COVID-19 pandemic. It is now becoming increasingly important to understand how established and emerging IoT technologies can support health systems to deliver safe and effective care. The aim of this viewpoint paper is to provide an overview of the current IoT technology in health care, outline how IoT devices are improving health service delivery, and outline how IoT technology can affect and disrupt global health care in the next decade. The potential of IoT-based health care is expanded upon to theorize how IoT can improve the accessibility of preventative public health services and transition our current secondary and tertiary health care to be a more proactive, continuous, and coordinated system. Finally, this paper will deal with the potential issues that IoT-based health care generates, barriers to market adoption from health care professionals and patients alike, confidence and acceptability, privacy and security, interoperability, standardization and remuneration, data storage, and control and ownership. Corresponding enablers of IoT in current health care will rely on policy support, cybersecurity-focused guidelines, careful strategic planning, and transparent policies within health care organizations. IoT-based health care has great potential to improve the efficiency of the health system and improve population health.


The challenges presented by an aging population with multiple chronic conditions are ubiquitous worldwide [ 1 ]. The medical, lifestyle, and personal health needs across aging populations will continue to place a burden on health care resources. Meeting these challenges requires a focus on empowering populations to self-manage their health through health innovation to improve well-being and attenuate health resource burden [ 2 ].

Background of Digital Devices and the Internet of Things

Entering the 2020 decade, more devices are connected to the internet than ever before, and this will continue to grow at a rapid trajectory. Worldwide, more than 21 billion devices have been estimated to be connected to the internet in 2020, which is 5 times the number of devices 4 years prior [ 3 ]. The Internet of Things (IoT) can be defined in its simplest scenario as a network that connects uniquely identifiable devices (or things ) to the internet, enabling them to collect, send, store, and receive data [ 4 ]. From a health care perspective, IoT can be considered as any device that can collect health-related data from individuals, including computing devices, mobile phones, smart bands and wearables, digital medications, implantable surgical devices, or other portable devices, which can measure health data and connect to the internet [ 5 ].

The growth of IoT technology has driven interest in a wide range of health practices to improve population health more specifically [ 6 ]. Recent reviews have overviewed the various services and applications of IoT in health care (eg, eHealth, mobile health [mHealth], ambient assisted living, semantic devices, wearable devices and smartphones, and community-based health care) [ 5 , 7 ]. These services have been detailed extensively and can have many applications across single condition and cluster condition management, including, for example, the ability to track and monitor health progress remotely by health care professionals, improve self-management of chronic conditions, assist in the early detection of abnormalities, fast-track symptom identification and clinical diagnoses, deliver early intervention, and improve adherence to prescriptions [ 8 ]. These applications can make better use of health care resources and provide quality and low-cost medical care.

Health Systems Are Changing

With the 2020 public health response to the novel COVID-19 pandemic to effectively shut down traditional modes of health service delivery worldwide, efforts to reduce implementation barriers to technology-supported health delivery highlight the potential to reframe traditional models of care into virtual and distance modalities [ 9 ]. In response, many countries have successfully implemented technology-supported services to maintain health care practices and social distancing [ 10 ]. As global leaders consider policies that potentially provide more access to technology-supported health services in response to (and considerations post) the current COVID-19 crisis, it is becoming increasingly important to understand how established and emerging IoT technologies can support health systems to deliver safe and effective care in either a complementary or an alternative way during times of crisis or health epidemics [ 11 ].

This viewpoint paper will overview current technologies in health care, outline how IoT devices are improving health service delivery, and outline how IoT technologies can affect global health care in the next decade. This viewpoint paper also overviews how the disruption in health care from IoT can lead to improved access and equitable primary, secondary, and tertiary smart health care, which is more proactive, continuous, and coordinated.

IoT-Based Health Care Architecture

The architecture of IoT in health care delivery essentially consists of 3 basic layers [ 12 ]: (1) the perception layer, (2) the network layer, and (3) the application layer. It is not our intention to extensively detail these layers; however, a summary and the related health implications are provided in the following sections.

Perception Layer: Sensing Systems That Collect Data

Perception and identification technologies are the foundation of IoT. Sensors are devices that can perceive changes in an environment and can include, for example, radio frequency identification (RFID), infrared sensors, cameras, GPS, medical sensors, and smart device sensors. These sensors allow for comprehensive perception through object recognition, location recognition, and geographic recognition and can convert this information to digital signals, which is more convenient for network transmission [ 12 , 13 ]. Sensor technologies allow for treatments to be monitored in real time and facilitate the acquisition of a multitude of physiological parameters about a patient so that diagnoses and high-quality treatment can be fast-tracked. There are many examples of potentially lifesaving IoT sensor devices; however, not all devices are clinically tested or have been proved to be safe or effective. A summary of IoT devices that may support and improve health service delivery is provided in Multimedia Appendix 1 [ 14 - 47 ].

Network Layer: Data Communication and Storage

The network level of IoT technologies includes wired and wireless networks, which communicate and store processed (layer 1) information either locally or at a centralized location. Communication between things can occur over low, medium, and high frequencies, the latter being the predominant focus of IoT. These include short-range communication technologies, such as RFID, wireless sensor networks, Bluetooth, Zigbee, low-power Wi-Fi, and global system for mobile communications [ 12 ]. High-frequency fourth-generation (4G) cellular networks have seen even more communication potential, and evolving 5G networks are becoming more readily available and are expected to be a major driver of the growth of IoT applications for health care, with the potential to provide reliable connection up to thousands of devices at the same time [ 48 ].

Communicated data are stored locally (often decentralized) or sent to a centralized cloud server. Cloud-based computing to support the delivery of health services has many benefits, as it is ubiquitous, flexible, and scalable in terms of data acquisition, storage, and transmission between devices connected to the cloud [ 49 ]. The use of the cloud can be foreseen to support data-intensive electronic medical records (EMRs), patient portals, medical IoT devices (which can include smartphone apps), and the big data analytics driving decision support systems and therapeutic strategies [ 5 ]. However, with more cloud apps entering the health market, it is just as important that an evidence base supports its effectiveness and safety and can deal with the security of health data and the reliability and transparency of that data by third parties. Furthermore, it has been suggested that centralized cloud storage will present issues in the future to users, such as excessive data accumulation and latency because of the distance between IoT devices and data centers.

Decentralized data processing and networking approaches may improve the scalability of IoT in health care. Edge cloud is a newer cloud computing concept that allows IoT sensors and network gateways to process and analyze data themselves (ie, at the edge ) in a decentralized fashion, reducing the amount of data required to be communicated and managed at a centralized location [ 12 , 50 ]. Similarly, blockchain storage uses a decentralized approach to data storage, creating independent blocks containing individual sets of information, which forms a dependent link in a collective block, which in turn creates a network regulated by patients rather than a third party [ 51 ]. There are examples of platforms engineering blockchain for medical practice already [ 51 , 52 ]; however, research on edge cloud and blockchains in health care is still limited and is an important area for future research.

Application Layer

The application layer interprets and applies data and is responsible for delivering application-specific services to the user [ 12 ]. Some of the most promising medical applications that IoT provides are through artificial intelligence (AI). The scientific applications of AI have proliferated, including image analysis, text recognition with natural language processing, drug activity design, and prediction of gene mutation expression [ 53 ]. AI has the capability to read available EMR data, including medical history, physical, laboratory, imaging, and medications, and contextualize these data to generate treatment and/or diagnosis decisions and/or possibilities. For example, IBM Watson uses AI to read both structured and unstructured text in the EMR, read images to highlight primary and incidental findings, and compile relevant medical literature in response to clinical queries [ 54 ].

IoT-based health care and use of deep machine learning can assist health professionals in seeing the unseeable and providing new and enhanced diagnostic capability. Although diagnostic confidence may never reach 100%, combining machines and clinician expertise reliably enhances system performance. For example, compared with the diagnostic evaluation by 54 ophthalmologists and senior residents, applying AI to retinal images improved the detection and grading of diabetic retinopathy and macular edema, achieving high specificities (98%) and sensitivities (90%) [ 55 ]. AI and deep learning can also optimize disease management, can provide big data and analysis generated from mHealth apps and IoT devices, and are starting to see adoption in health care [ 56 ]. Some examples of this include predicting risk, future medical outcomes, and care decisions in diabetes and mental health [ 57 ] and predicting the progression of congestive heart failure [ 58 , 59 ], bone disease [ 60 ], Alzheimer disease [ 61 ], benign and malignant tumor classification [ 62 , 63 ], and cardiac arrhythmias [ 64 ].

Expanding the Functions and Scope of IoT to Provide Smart Health Care

IoT is an infrastructure that enables smart health services to operate. When health data are collected by IoT sensors, communicated, and stored, this enables data analytics and smart health care, which can improve risk factor identification, disease diagnoses, treatment, and remote monitoring and empower people to self-manage.

Smart health care services make use of advancements in information technologies, such as IoT, big data analytics, cloud computing, AI, and deep machine learning, to transform traditional health care delivery to be a more efficient, convenient, and a more personalized system [ 65 ]. Current developments in information computer technologies have allowed the development of health care solutions with more intelligent prediction capabilities both in and out of the hospital. We are seeing the use of virtual models to transfer care provided in hospitals to the home through the use of sensors and devices that allow remote review and monitoring of patients in their homes or treated in hospitals and creates a continuum among these through cloud access [ 7 ]. More recently, the 2020 public health efforts around the world to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 have (at least temporarily) led governments and policy makers to remove implementation and remuneration barriers to enable health care professionals to use virtual models of care for people who need it [ 9 ]. IoT also provides the opportunity to improve the quality and efficiency of the entire ecosystem of service delivery, including hospital management, medical asset management, monitoring of the workflow of staff, and optimization of medical resources based on patient flow [ 66 , 67 ].

How IoT Can Improve Health Service Delivery

Primary health care becoming more accessible.

A focus on disease prevention must become a priority this decade, as the burden of disease attributable to modifiable risk factors is greater than ever before [ 1 , 68 ]. IoT in health care has the potential to improve population health and transition our health care model to a true hybrid model of primary, secondary, and tertiary care, where the health system can use its existing workforce in new and more efficient ways. Transforming health delivery in this way is crucial to improving self-management for people with chronic conditions, as even among high health care users, more than 90% of lifestyle self-management is done by patients themselves, outside of hospitals, and in clinical settings [ 69 , 70 ].

There is a clear public demand for easy-to-access health information. For example, in a 2015 US survey, 58% (931/1604) of smartphone users downloaded a health-related app for their lifestyle self-management [ 71 ]. AI has also driven the availability of point-of-care health information, such as chatbots (or AI doctors), which can deliver lifestyle and medical advice. Examples of these established AI bots are Woebot, Your.Md, Babylon, and HealthTap, where a patient can input their symptoms and advice is generated instantly [ 72 ]. However, more than half of the most highly rated apps make medical claims that are not approved [ 73 ], with no formal process of approving apps or informing consumer choice [ 74 ], and much remains to be done to understand the potential of chatbots to improve health. Therefore, a reliable digital health evidence base is essential [ 75 ]. If health professionals have evidence-based digital resources, devices, and mobile apps readily at their disposal, digital prescriptions could become an enabler of wider adoption of IoT in health care and facilitate a wider population focus on disease prevention.

At the individual level, IoT offers the opportunity to link and potentially learn from nonhealth IoT technologies to monitor daily activities, provide support with information, and promote behavior changes ( Multimedia Appendix 2 ). In addition, IoT and data linkage create great potential of transparent, evidence-based decision making, which may be able to drive the shift of disease patterns and increase the well-being of citizens at scale. The integration of urban infrastructures, IoT technologies, and cloud computing allows the collection and analysis of a vast quantity of different human and non–human-related data. These data could provide valuable information about population-level surveillance in diseases and accidents, risk factors, and environmental conditions [ 76 ], which is difficult to collect through the traditional human-reported disease surveillance system and can be of particular benefit in pandemic responses [ 77 ]. For example, in Taiwan, big data analytics applied to electronic data (GPS, closed-circuit television surveillance, and credit card payments) in the community and personal mobile data have been effectively used to contact trace, communicate, and isolate potential contacts during the global COVID-19 pandemic [ 78 ]. Through IoT and data linkage, decision makers are likely to be able to make evidence-based decisions in promoting healthy social and built environments, safe transportation systems, high-quality public services, and smart health care and emergency response systems [ 76 , 79 , 80 ].

Secondary and Tertiary Health Care That Is Proactive, Continuous, and Coordinated

An IoT-based health care system enables the overall health care systems to move past a traditional model of service delivery, which is often reactive, intermittent, and uncoordinated, to a more proactive, continuous, and coordinated approach [ 81 ]. Such an approach is favorable because it offers the opportunity to provide high-quality care that is less invasive and appealing to patients and health care professionals. This change in the health care system landscape is also highly appealing for policy makers because it can greatly enhance the efficiency (and subsequently reduce resource use) of the health system [ 82 ] and also provide the health system flexibility to shift its models of care and delivery of services as required on an individual or population-wide basis. Multimedia Appendix 3 summarizes 7 examples of how IoT can improve the coordination of health services and likely improve our health system efficiency.

Enablers and Barriers to Address for IoT-Based Health Care

Policy support.

Policy support is one of the most important environmental enablers of IoT. Many countries already have policies in place for eHealth (eg, web-based and software programs to deliver health services) [ 83 , 84 ] and either have or are in the process of developing policies for IoT infrastructure, investment, and/or implementation in health care. For example, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the European Union, the United States, and Vietnam currently have relevant policies in place for IoT [ 85 ]. Australia is also in the process of establishing a policy for IoT development and investment [ 86 ].

Technology That Is Accessible and Easy to Use

The ubiquitous nature of technology means that consumers and health care professionals have greater access to digital resources than ever before [ 87 ]. However, it is also important for health systems to be aware of the inequities that may eventuate from the widespread implementation of IoT for health care, including individuals who may not be able to afford or access technology hardware or reliable internet services because of geographic location or financial disadvantage. Similarly, if individuals do not perceive the technology as user friendly , experience poor connections, or do not feel the initiative has been designed in consultation with them (both patients and health professionals), then this often results in frustration and reluctance to use such services [ 88 , 89 ].

Cybersecurity-Focused Guidelines for Robust and Resilient Market Adoption

Cyber risk is a major obstacle to the broad adoption of IoT [ 90 ]. The privacy of patients must be ensured to prevent unauthorized identification and tracking. From this perspective, the higher the level of autonomy and intelligence of the things, the more the challenges for the protection of identities and privacy.

Confidence and Acceptability

There is a gap in public awareness and understanding of data safety in cloud-stored health information. This is of concern, as it is the single biggest threat to the adoption of IoT from a societal perspective. The premise of IoT is clear to society; however, what is not clear to people is the actual value that IoT delivers to them personally from a health care perspective [ 91 , 92 ]. The potential threat of breached confidentiality may never go away; however, the perceived value to consumers needs to outweigh these concerns to confidently engage with IoT-supported health infrastructure [ 90 ]. The confidence and acceptability of IoT by health care professionals are similarly important. There is a diverse range of factors that affect clinicians’ acceptability of technology-supported programs, including the characteristics of the technology (eg, accuracy, compatibility with usual systems, and ease of use), individual’s attitudes and knowledge (eg, familiarity and impact on professional security), external factors (eg, patient and health professional interaction), and organization readiness (eg, training and reimbursement) [ 93 ].

Privacy and Security

IoT might allow opportunities for cyberattacks and for personal data to be collected inappropriately. IoT-based applications are vulnerable to cyberattacks for 2 basic reasons: (1) most of the communications are wireless, which makes eavesdropping very easy; and (2) most of the IoT components are characterized by low energy, and therefore, they can hardly implement complex schemes on their own to ensure security. The National Institute of Standards and Technology has recently released a draft security guide and recommendations for IoT devices, which will see an emphasis on data security in IoT devices [ 94 ]; however, whether such a guideline can or will be enforced across IoT health devices is unclear.

Data Storage, Control, and Ownership

To move forward in IoT-based health care, transparency and enforced codes of practice regarding where centralized cloud data are stored and who owns the data, needs to be considered For example, does the data host have viewing rights to someone’s data and are these data completely controlled by individuals or are they never deleted from the cloud, despite a user’s request? Another important consideration is the sharing of data across states or territories and internationally. Privacy, security, and confidentiality of data control and storage should be federally enforced, but international hosts and suppliers may not be required to follow any such code. Therefore, the use of these platforms requires strategic planning and transparent guidelines to develop and implement robust IoT-based health care policies and models of care.

Interoperability and Standardization Protocols

Issues around the interoperability and standardization of IoT and health care systems are a big threat to the wider adoption of IoT for health care systems. Lack of standardization threatens the development of IoT in the health setting context, as the industry and manufacturers are yet to reach a consensus regarding wireless communication protocols and standards for machine-to-machine communication. Without a unified, standardized, and interoperable system, the adoption of IoT into health care will be greatly hindered and is unlikely to have international reach [ 95 ]. Semantic interoperability in IoT is a necessary condition for big data techniques to support decision-making processes [ 96 ]. It is increasingly common for each new technology startup, device, or system manufacturer to define their own specific architecture, protocols, and data formats, which are unable to communicate with the health care environment unless they are appreciably redeveloped or adapted to interoperate with hospital IoT platforms [ 96 ]. This creates Vertical Silos [ 97 ], which demands the development of new features for granting interoperability between different systems. The future and full potential of IoT-enabled health care relies on addressing interoperability, of which some frameworks do exist [ 98 ]. Achieving interoperability across IoT platforms can provide a safer, more accessible, productive, and satisfying experience for clinicians and patients alike.


Finally, remuneration for technology-assisted health care has historically been challenging [ 99 ] and differs appreciably across different countries. This is likely to be even more complex for IoT-delivered health care, where reimbursement considerations have not been established (and this is unlikely until the abovementioned points are addressed). As international health systems establish robust policies and guidelines on cybersecurity and address the issues surrounding interoperability and standardization protocols, reimbursement and regulatory considerations across single-payer and multipayer systems should become a key priority to ensuring successful, effective, and cost-effective IoT health care models can be implemented in practice.


From this viewpoint, the potential of IoT is summarized as a growing area of research in health care. These developments provide a great opportunity for health care systems to proactively predict health issues and diagnose, treat, and monitor patients both in and out of the hospital. As the adoption of technology-supported health services increases to enable health systems to deliver flexible models of care, an increasing number of traditional health service delivery practices will be complemented or replaced through IoT. However, the implementation of IoT in health care will rely on a clear and robust code of practice for the management of data, privacy, confidentiality, and cybersecurity concerning the supply and use of IoT devices in health care. There are still important gaps for future research to address, which relate to the IoT technology itself, the health system, and the users of IoT technology. Specific future research on IoT technology needs to address how IoT devices can be designed with standardized protocols and interoperability with international and cross-state health systems. More research is also needed on the efficiency of blockchain storage compared with centralized cloud-based storage solutions in the context of IoT-supported health care delivery. From a health system perspective, there is a need for clinical guidelines on digital health prescriptions and robust policy regarding remuneration for primary and secondary care services provided through IoT. Finally, more research is needed to determine the acceptability and digital literacy of consumers and clinicians in the context of using IoT to improve the delivery and overall experience of health care. Although this viewpoint is a summary of selected literature only and not based on an exhaustive systematic review of the literature, we believe that addressing these areas for future research will go a long way to enable a wider uptake of IoT, which can ultimately save health care dollars and improve patient-centered care.


This research received no specific funding. JK was supported through a Griffith University Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. PS was partially funded through a National Health and Medical Research Council Senior Research Fellowship (#1136923). EG was supported by the Melbourne Graduate Research Scholarship. The authors wish to thank Dr Tilman Dingler for his assistance in the network section of this paper.


AIartificial intelligence
EMRelectronic medical record
IoTInternet of Things
mHealthmobile health
RFIDradio frequency identification

Multimedia Appendix 1

Multimedia appendix 2, multimedia appendix 3.

Authors' Contributions: Each author contributed to the conception and design of this paper. JK conducted the literature searches and drafted the first draft of the manuscript. EG, KC, and PS revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest: None declared.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity

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In recent years, the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) has increased exponentially, and cybersecurity concerns have increased along with it. On the cutting edge of cybersecurity is Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is used for the development of complex algorithms to protect networks and systems, including IoT systems. However, cyber-attackers have figured out how to exploit AI and have even begun to use adversarial AI in order to carry out cybersecurity attacks. This review paper compiles information from several other surveys and research papers regarding IoT, AI, and attacks with and against AI and explores the relationship between these three topics with the purpose of comprehensively presenting and summarizing relevant literature in these fields.

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1 Introduction

Since around 2008, when the Internet of Things (IoT) was born [ 1 ], its growth has been booming, and now IoT is a part of daily life and has a place in many homes and businesses. IoT is hard to define as it has been evolving and changing since its conception, but it can be best understood as a network of digital and analog machines and computing devices provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) that have the ability to exchange data without human intervention [ 2 ]. In most cases, this manifests as a human interfacing with a central hub device or application, often a mobile app, that then goes on to send data and instructions to one or multiple fringe IoT devices [ 3 ]. The fringe devices are able to complete functions if required and send data back to the hub device or application, which the human can then view.

The IoT concept has given the world a higher level of accessibility, integrity, availability, scalability, confidentiality, and interoperability in terms of device connectivity [ 4 ]. However, IoTs are vulnerable to cyberattacks due to a combination of their multiple attack surfaces and their newness and thus lack of security standardizations and requirements [ 5 ]. There are a large variety of cyberattacks that attackers can leverage against IoTs, depending on what aspect of the system they are targeting and what they hope to gain from the attack. As such, there is a large volume of research into cybersecurity surrounding IoT. This includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) approaches to protecting IoT systems from attackers, usually in terms of detecting unusual behavior that may indicate an attack is occurring [ 6 ]. However, in the case of IoT, cyber-attackers always have the upper hand as they only need to find one vulnerability while cybersecurity experts must protect multiple targets. This has led to increased use of AI by cyber-attackers as well, in order to thwart the complicated algorithms that detect anomalous activity and pass by unnoticed [ 7 ]. AI has received much attention with the growth of IoT technologies. With this growth, AI technologies, such as decision trees, linear regression, machine learning, support vector machines, and neural networks, have been used in IoT cybersecurity applications to able to identify threats and potential attacks.

Authors in [ 8 ] provide a comprehensive review of the security risks related to IoT application and possible counteractions as well as compare IoT technologies in terms of integrity, anonymity, confidentiality, privacy, access control, authentication, authorization, resilience, and self-organization. The authors propose deep learning models using CICIDS2017 datasets for DDoS attack detection for the cybersecurity in IoT (Internet of Things), which provide high accuracy, i.e., 97.16% [ 9 ]. In [ 10 ], the authors evaluate the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in a gateway device to able to detect anomalies in the data sent from the edge devices. The results show that the proposed approach can improve the security of IoT systems. The authors in [ 11 ] propose an AI-based control approach for detection and estimation as well as compensation of cyber attacks in industrial IoT systems. In [ 12 ], The authors provide a robust pervasive detection for IoT Environments and develop a variety of adversarial attacks and defense mechanisms against them as well as validate their approach through datasets including MNIST, CIFAR-10, and SVHN. In [ 13 ], the authors analyze the recent evolution of AI decision-making in cyber physical systems and find that such evolution is virtually autonomous due to the increasing integration of IoT devices in cyber physical systems, and the value of AI decision-making due to its speed and efficiency in handling large loads of data is likely going to make this evolution inevitable. The authors of [ 14 ] discuss new approaches to risk analytics using AI and machine learning, particularly in IoT networks present in industry settings. Finally, [ 15 ] discusses methods of capturing and assessing cybersecurity risks to IoT devices for the purpose of standardizing such practices so that risk in IoT systems may be more efficiently identified and protected against.

This review paper covers a variety of topics regarding cybersecurity, the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and how they all relate to each other in three survey-style sections and provides a comprehensive review of cyberattacks against IoT devices as well as provides recommended AI-based methods of protecting against these attacks. The ultimate goal of this paper is to create a resource for others who are researching these prevalent topics by presenting summaries of and making connections between relevant works covering different aspects of these subjects.

2 Methods of attacking IoT devices

Due to the lax security in many IoT devices, cyberattackers have found many ways to attack IoT devices from many different attack surfaces. Attack surfaces can vary from the IoT device itself, both its hardware and software, the network on which the IoT device is connected to, and the application with which the device interfaces; these are the three most commonly used attack surfaces as together they make up the main parts of an IoT system. Figure  1 illustrates a basic breakdown of a common IoT system; most of the attacks discussed in this paper occur at the network gateway and/or cloud data server connections, as these connections are generally where IoT security is most lacking.

figure 1

A high-level breakdown of typical IoT structure

2.1 Initial reconnaissance

Before IoT attackers even attempt cyberattacks on an IoT device, they will often study the device to identify vulnerabilities. This is often done by buying a copy of the IoT device they are targeting from the market. They then reverse engineer the device to create a test attack to see what outputs can be obtained and what avenues exist to attack the device. Examples of this include opening up the device and analyzing the internal hardware—such as the flash memory—in order to learn about the software, and tampering with the microcontroller to identify sensitive information or cause unintended behavior [ 16 ]. In order to counter reverse engineering, it is important for IoT devices to have hardware-based security. The application processor, which consists of sensors, actuators, power supply, and connectivity, should be placed in a tamper-resistant environment [ 16 ]. Device authentication can also be done with hardware-based security, such that the device can prove to the server it is connected to that it is not fake.

2.2 Physical attacks

An often low-tech type category of attacks includes physical attacks, in which the hardware of the target device is used to the benefit of the attacker in some way. There are several different types of physical attacks. These include attacks such as outage attacks, where the network that the devices are connected to are shut off to disrupt their functions; physical damage, where devices or their components are damaged to prevent proper functionality; malicious code injection, an example of which includes an attacker plugging a USB containing a virus into the target device; and object jamming, in which signal jammers are used to block or manipulate the signals put out by the devices [ 17 ]. Permanent denial of service (PDoS) attacks, which are discussed later in this paper, can be carried out as a physical attack; if an IoT device is connected to a high voltage power source, for example, its power system may become overloaded and would then require replacement [ 18 ].

2.3 Man-in-the-Middle

One of the most popular attacks on IoTs is Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attack. With regards to computers in general, an MITM attack intercepts communication between two nodes and allows the attacker to take the role of a proxy. Attackers can perform MITM attacks between many different connections such as a computer and a router, two cell phones, and, most commonly, a server and a client. Figure  2 shows a basic example of an MITM attack between a client and a server. In regards to IoT, the attacker usually performs MITM attacks between an IoT device and the application with which it interfaces. IoT devices, in particular, tend to be more vulnerable to MITM attacks as they lack the standard implementations to fight the attacks. There are two common modes of MITM attacks: cloud polling and direct connection. In cloud polling, the smart home device is in constant communication with the cloud, usually to look for firmware updates. Attackers can redirect network traffic using Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) poisoning or by altering Domain Name System (DNS) settings or intercept HTTPS traffic by using self-signed certificates or tools such as (Secure Sockets Layer) SSL strip [ 19 ]. Many IoT devices do not verify the authenticity or the trust level of certificates, making the self-signed certificate method particularly effective. In the case of direct connections, devices communicate with a hub or application in the same network. By doing this, mobile apps can locate new devices by probing every IP address on the local network for a specific port. An attacker can do the same thing to discover devices on the network [ 19 ]. An example of an MITM IoT attack is that of a smart refrigerator that could display the user’s Google calendar. It seems like a harmless feature, but attackers found that the system did not validate SSL certificates, which allowed them to perform an MITM attack and steal the user’s Google credentials [ 19 ].

figure 2

A simple representation of a Man-in-the-Middle attack

2.3.1 Bluetooth Man-in-the-Middle

A common form of MITM attack leveraged against IoT devices is via Bluetooth connection. Many IoT devices run Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), which is designed with IoT devices in mind to be smaller, cheaper, and more power-efficient [ 20 ]. However, BLE is vulnerable to MITM attacks. BLE uses AES-CCM encryption; AES encryption is considered secure, but the way that the encryption keys are exchanged is often insecure. The level of security relies on the pairing method used to exchange temporary keys between the devices. BLE specifically uses three-phase pairing processes: first, the initiating device sends a pairing request, and the devices exchange pairing capabilities over an insecure channel; second, the devices exchange temporary keys and verify that they are using the same temporary key, which is then used to generate a short-term key (some newer devices use a long-term key exchanged using Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman public-key cryptography, which is significantly more secure than the standard BLE protocol); third, the created key is exchanged over a secure connection and can be used to encrypt data [ 20 ]. Figure  3 represents this three-phase pairing process.

figure 3

A diagram illustrating the basic BLE pairing process

The temporary key is determined according to the pairing method, which is determined on the OS level of the device. There are three common pairing methods popular with IoT devices. One, called Just Works, always sets the temporary key to 0, which is obviously very insecure. However, it remains one of if not the most popular pairing methods used with BLE devices [ 20 ]. The second, Passkey, uses six-digit number combinations, which the user must manually enter into a device, which is fairly secure, though there are methods of bypassing this [ 20 ]. Finally, the Out-of-Band pairing method exchanges temporary keys using methods such as Near Field Communication. The security level of this method is determined by the security capabilities of the exchange method. If the exchange channel is protected from MITM attacks, the BLE connection can also be considered protected. Unfortunately, the Out-of-Band method is not yet common in IoT devices [ 20 ]. Another important feature of BLE devices is the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT), which is used to communicate between devices using a standardized data schema. The GATT describes devices’ roles, general behaviors, and other metadata. Any BLE-supported app within the range of an IoT device can read its GATT schema, which provides the app with necessary information [ 20 ]. In order for attackers to perform MITM attacks in BLE networks, the attacker must use two connected BLE devices himself: one device acting as the IoT device to connect to the target mobile app, and a fake mobile app to connect to the target IoT device. Some other tools for BLE MITM attacks exist, such as GATTacker, a Node.js package that scans and copies BLE signals and then runs a cloned version of the IoT device, and BtleJuice, which allows MITM attacks on Bluetooth Smart devices which have improved security over BLE [ 20 ].

2.3.2 False data injection attacks

Once an attacker has access to some or all of the devices on an IoT network via an MITM attack, one example of an attack they could carry out next is a False Data Injection (FDI) attack. FDI attacks are when an attacker alters measurements from IoT sensors by a small amount so as to avoid suspicion and then outputs the faulty data [ 21 ]. FDI attacks can be perpetrated in a number of ways, but in practice doing so via MITM attacks is the most practical. FDI attacks are often leveraged against sensors that send data to an algorithm that attempts to make predictions based on the data it has received or otherwise uses data to make conclusions. These algorithms, sometimes referred to as predictive maintenance systems, are commonly used in monitoring the state of a mechanical machine and predicting when it will need to be maintained or tuned [ 21 ]. These predictive maintenance algorithms and similar would also be a staple feature of smart cities, FDI attacks against which could be disastrous. An example of an FDI attack on a predictive maintenance system is sensors on an airplane engine that predict when the engine will need critical maintenance. When attackers are able to access even a small portion of the sensors, they are able to create a small amount of noise that goes undetected by faulty data detection mechanisms but is just enough to skew the algorithm’s predictions [ 21 ]. In testing, it would even be enough to delay critical maintenance to the system, potentially causing catastrophic failure while in use, which could cause a costly unplanned delay or loss of life.

2.4 Botnets

Another kind of common attack on IoT devices is recruiting many devices to create botnets and launch Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. A denial of service (DoS) attack is characterized by an orchestrated effort to prevent legitimate use of a service; a DDoS attack uses attacks from multiple entities to achieve this goal. DDoS attacks aim to overwhelm the infrastructure of the target service and disrupt normal data flow. DDoS attacks generally go through a few phases: recruitment, in which the attacker scans for vulnerable machines to be used in the DDoS attack against the target; exploitation and infection, in which the vulnerable machines are exploited, and malicious code is injected; communication, in which the attacker assesses the infected machines, sees which are online and decides when to schedule attacks or upgrade the machines; and attack, in which the attacker commands the infected machines to send malicious packets to the target [ 22 ]. One of the most popular ways to gain infected machines and conduct DDoS attacks is through IoT devices due to their high availability and generally poor security and maintenance. Figure  4 shows a common command structure, in which the attacker’s master computer sends commands to one or more infected command and control centers, who each control a series of zombie devices that can then attack the target.

figure 4

A graphical representation of a common botnet hierarchy

One of the most famous malware, the Mirai worm, has been used to perpetrate some of the largest DDoS attacks ever known and is designed to infect and control IoT devices such as DVRs, CCTV cameras, and home routers. The infected devices become part of a large-scale botnet and can perpetrate several types of DDoS attacks. Mirai was built to handle multiple different CPU architectures that are popular to use in IoT devices, such as x86, ARM, Sparc, PowerPC, Motorola, etc., in order to capture as many devices as possible [ 23 ]. In order to be covert, the virus is quite small and actually does not reside in the device’s hard disk. It stays in memory, which means that once the device is rebooted, the virus is lost. However, devices that have been infected once are susceptible to reinfection due to having already been discovered as being vulnerable, and reinfection can take as little as a few minutes [ 23 ]. Today, many well-known IoT-targeting botnet viruses are derived from Mirai’s source code, including Okiru, Satori, and Reaper [ 23 ].

2.5 Denial of service attacks

IoT devices may often carry out DoS attacks, but they themselves are susceptible to them as well. IoT devices are particularly susceptible to permanent denial of service (PDoS) attacks that render a device or system completely inoperable. This can be done by overloading the battery or power systems or, more popularly, firmware attacks. In a firmware attack, the attacker may use vulnerabilities to replace a device’s basic software (usually its operating system) with a corrupted or defective version of the software, rendering it useless [ 18 ]. This process, when done legitimately, is known as flashing, and its illegitimate counterpart is known as “phlashing”. When a device is phlashed, the owner of the device has no choice but to flash the device with a clean copy of the OS and any content that might’ve been put on the device. In a particularly powerful attack, the corrupted software could overwork the hardware of the device such that recovery is impossible without replacing parts of the device [ 18 ]. The attacks to the device’s power system, though less popular, are possibly even more devastating. One example of this type of attack is a USB device with malware loaded on it that, when plugged into a computer, overuses the device’s power to the point that the hardware of the device is rendered completely ruined and needs to be replaced [ 18 ].

One example of PDoS malware is known as BrickerBot. BrickerBot uses brute force dictionary attacks to gain access to IoT devices and, once logged in to the device, runs a series of commands that result in permanent damage to the device. These commands include misconfiguring the device’s storage and kernel parameters, hindering internet connection, sabotaging device performance, and wiping all files on the device [ 24 ]. This attack is devastating enough that it often requires reinstallation of hardware or complete replacement of the device. If the hardware survives the attack, the software certainly didn’t and would need reflashing, which would lose everything that might have been on it. Interestingly enough, BrickerBot was designed to target the same devices the Mirai botnet targets and would employ as bots, and uses the same or a similar dictionary to make its brute force attacks. As it turns out, BrickerBot was actually intended to render useless those devices that Mirai would have been able to recruit in an effort to fight back against the botnet [ 24 ].

Due to the structure of IoT systems, there are multiple attack surfaces, but the most popular way of attacking IoT systems is through their connections as these tend to be the weakest links. In the future, it is advisable that IoT developers ensure that their products have strong protections against such attacks, and the introduction of IoT security standards would prevent users from unknowingly purchasing products that are insecure. Alternatively, keeping the network that the IoT system resides on secure will help prevent many popular attacks, and keeping the system largely separated from other critical systems or having backup measures will help mitigate the damage done should an attack be carried out.

3 Artificial Intelligence in cybersecurity

In order to dynamically protect systems from cyber threats, many cybersecurity experts are turning to Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is most commonly used for intrusion detection in cybersecurity by analyzing traffic patterns and looking for an activity that is characteristic of an attack.

3.1 Machine learning

There are two main kinds of machine learning: supervised and unsupervised learning. Supervised learning is when humans manually label training data as malicious or legitimate and then input that data into the algorithm to create a model that has “classes” of data that it compares the traffic it is analyzing. Unsupervised learning forgoes training data and manual labeling, and instead the algorithm groups together similar pieces of data into classes and then classifies them according to the data coherence within one class and the data modularity between classes [ 25 ]. One popular machine learning algorithm for cybersecurity is naïve Bayes, which seeks to classify data based on the Bayesian theorem wherein anomalous activities are all assumed to originate from independent events instead of one attack. Naïve Bayes is a supervised learning algorithm, and once it is trained and has generated its classes will analyze each activity to determine the probability that it is anomalous [ 25 ]. Machine learning algorithms can also be used to create the other models discussed in this section

3.2 Decision trees

A decision tree is a type of AI that creates a set of rules based on its training data samples. It uses iterative division to find a description (often simply “attack” or “normal”) that best categorizes the traffic it is analyzing. An example of this approach in cybersecurity is detecting DoS attacks by analyzing the flow rate, size, and duration of traffic. For example, if the flow rate is low, but the duration of the traffic is long, it is likely to be an attack and will, therefore, be classified as such [ 25 ]. Decision trees can also be used to detect command injection attacks in robotic vehicles by categorizing values from CPU consumption, network flow, and volume of data written [ 25 ] as shown in Fig.  5 . This technique is popular as it is intuitive in that what the AI does and doesn’t consider anomalous traffic is known to the developer. Additionally, once an effective series of rules is found, the AI can analyze traffic in real-time, providing an almost immediate alert if unusual activity is detected.

figure 5

An example of a decision tree for classifying network traffic

Another approach to decision trees is the Rule-Learning technique, which searches for a set of attack characteristics in each iteration while maximizing some score that denotes the quality of the classification (i.e., the number of incorrectly classified data samples) [ 25 ]. The main difference between traditional decision trees and the rule-learning techniques is that traditional decision trees look for characteristics that will lead to a classification, whereas the rule-learning technique finds a complete set of rules that can describe a class. This can be an advantage as it can factor in human advice when generating rules, which creates an optimized set of rules [ 25 ].

3.3 K-nearest neighbors

The k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) technique learns from data samples to create classes by analyzing the Euclidean distance between a new piece of data and already classified pieces of data to decide what class the new piece should be put in, to put it simply [ 25 ]. For example, the new piece of data when k, the number of nearest neighbors, equals three (3) would be classified into class two (2), but when k equals nine (9), the new piece would be classified in class 1 as shown in Fig.  6 . The k-NN technique is attractive for intrusion detection systems as it can quickly learn from new traffic patterns to notice previously unseen, even zero-day attacks. Cybersecurity experts are also researching applications of k-NN for real-time detection of cyberattacks [ 25 ]. The technique has been employed to detect attacks such as false data injection attacks and performs well when data can be represented through a model that allows the measurement of their distance to other data, i.e., through a Gaussian distribution or a vector.

figure 6

How k-NN technique can classify a data point differently given different k values

3.4 Support vector machines

Support vector machines (SVMs) are an extension of linear regression models that locates a plane that separates data into two classes [ 25 ]. This plane can be linear, non-linear, polynomial, Gaussian, sigmoid, etc., depending on the function used in the algorithm. SVMs can also separate data into more than two classes by using more than one plane. In cybersecurity, this technique is used to analyze Internet traffic patterns and separate them into their component classes such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and so on [ 25 ]. As SVM is a supervised machine learning technique, it is often used in applications where attacks can be simulated, such as using network traffic generated from penetration testing as training data.

3.5 Artificial neural networks

Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are a technique derived from the way that neurons interact with each other in the brain in order to pass and interpret information. In ANNs, a neuron is a mathematical equation that reads data and outputs a target value, which is then passed along to the next neuron based on its value. The ANN algorithm then iterates until the output value is acceptably close to the target value, which allows the neurons to learn and correct their weights by measuring the error between the expected value and the previous output value. Once this process is finished, the algorithm presents a mathematical equation that outputs a value that can be used to classify the data [ 25 ].

A large benefit of ANNs is that they are able to adjust their mathematical models when presented with new information, whereas other mathematical models may become obsolete as new types of traffic and attacks become common [ 25 ]. This also means that ANNs are adept at catching previously unseen and zero-day attacks as they take new information into heavier consideration than static mathematical models can. Because of this, ANNs make solid intrusion detection systems and have performed well with attacks such as DoS [ 25 ].

At present, using AI in cybersecurity is a small but rapidly growing field. It is also expensive and resource intensive, so using AI to protect a small system may not be feasible. However, businesses that have large networks may benefit from these solutions, especially if they are considering or have already introduced IoT devices into their network. AI cybersecurity would also be beneficial in the massive systems one would find in a smart city, and the AI would be able to give very quick response times that are important in systems like traffic management. In the future, AI cybersecurity could also be integrated into smaller systems such as self-driving cars or smart homes. Additionally, many AI cybersecurity measures detect or thwart attacks in progress rather than preventing attacks in the first place, meaning that other preventative security measured should also be in place.

4 AI to attack IoT

Not all AI is used for the purposes of cybersecurity; cybercriminals have begun using malicious AI to aid attacks, often to thwart the intrusion detection algorithms in the case of IoT, or attacking beneficial AI in such a way that the AI works against its own system.

4.1 Automation of vulnerability detection

Machine learning can be used to discover vulnerabilities in a system. While this can be useful for those trying to secure a system to intelligently search for vulnerabilities that need to be patched, attackers also use this technology to locate and exploit vulnerabilities in their target system. As technology soars in usage, especially technologies with low-security standards such as IoT devices, the number of vulnerabilities that attackers are able to exploit has soared as well, including zero-day vulnerabilities. In order to identify vulnerabilities quickly, attackers often use AI to discover vulnerabilities and exploit them much more quickly than developers can fix them. Developers are able to use these detection tools as well, but it should be noted that developers are at a disadvantage when it comes to securing a system or device; they must find and correct every single vulnerability that could potentially exist, while attackers need only find one, making automatic detection a valuable tool for attackers.

4.1.1 Fuzzing

Fuzzing, at its core, is a testing method that generates random inputs (i.e., numbers, chars, metadata, binary, and especially “known-to-be-dangerous” values such as zero, negative or very large numbers, SQL requests, special characters) that causes the target software to crash [ 26 ]. It can be divided into dumb fuzzing and smart fuzzing. Dumb fuzzing simply generates defects by randomly changing the input variables; this is very fast as changing the input variable is simple, but it is not very good at finding defects as code coverage is narrow [ 26 ]. Smart fuzzing, on the other hand, generates input values suitable for the target software based on the software’s format and error generation. This software analysis is a big advantage for smart fuzzing as it allows the fuzzing algorithm to know where errors can occur; however, developing an efficient smart fuzzing algorithm takes expert knowledge and tuning [ 26 ].

4.1.2 Symbolic execution

Symbolic execution is a technique similar to fuzzing that searches for vulnerabilities by setting input variables to a symbol instead of a real value [ 26 ]. This technique is often split into offline and online symbolic execution. Offline symbolic execution chooses only one path to explore at a time to create new input variables by resolving the path predicate [ 26 ]. This means that each time one wishes to explore a new path, the algorithm must be run from the beginning, which is a disadvantage due to the large amount of overhead due to code re-execution. Online symbolic execution replicates states and generates path predicates at every branch statement [ 26 ]. This method does not incur much overhead, but it does require a large amount of storage to store all the status information and simultaneous processing of all the states it creates, leading to significant resource consumption.

4.2 Input attacks

When an attacker alters the input of an AI system in such a way that causes the AI to malfunction or give an incorrect output, it is known as an input attack. Input attacks are carried out by adding an attack pattern to the input, which can be anything from putting tape on a physical stop sign to confuse self-driving cars to adding small amounts of noise to an image that is imperceptible to the human eye but will confuse an AI [ 27 ]. Notably, the actual algorithm and security of the AI does not need to be compromised in order to carry out an input attack—only the input that the attacker wants to compromise the output of must be altered. In the case of tape on a stop sign, the attacker may not need to use technology at all. However, more sophisticated attacks are completely hidden from the human eye, wherein the attacker may alter a tiny part of the image in a very precise manner that is designed to misdirect the algorithm. That being said, input attacks are often categorized based on where they rest on two axes: perceivability and format.

The perceivability of an input attack is the measure of how noticeable the attack is to the human eye, while the format is the measure of how digital versus physical the attack is [ 27 ]. On one end of the perceivability axis is perceivable attacks. Altering targets, such as by deforming, removing part of, or changing its colors, and adding to the target, such as affixing physical tape or adding digital marks, are types of perceivable attacks [ 27 ]. While perceivable attacks are perceivable by humans, humans may not notice slight changes like tape on a stop sign or consider them important. A human driver still sees a stop sign with tape or scratches as a stop sign, even though a self-driving car may not. This lends itself to the effectiveness of perceivable attacks, allowing them to, in many cases, hide in plain sight. Conversely, imperceivable attacks are invisible to the human eye. This can include things such as “digital dust,” which is a small amount of noise added to the entire image that is not visible to the human eye but significant enough to an AI to change its output or an imperceptible pattern on a 3D printed object that can be picked up by AI [ 27 ]. Imperceivable attacks can also be made through audio, such as playing audio at ranges outside of the human hearing range that would be picked up by a microphone [ 27 ]. Imperceivable attacks are generally more of a security risk, as there is almost no chance that a human would notice the attack before the AI algorithm outputs an incorrect response.

The format of an attack is usually either digital or physical, without many attacks that are a combination of both [ 27 ]. In many cases of physical attacks, the attack pattern must be more obvious rather than imperceivable as physical objects must be digitized to be processed and, in that process, may lose some finer detail [ 27 ]. Some attacks are still difficult to perceive even with the detail loss, however, as with the case of 3D printed objects with a pattern that blends into the structure of the object such that it is imperceptible to humans [ 27 ]. Opposite of physical attacks are digital attacks, which attack digital inputs such as images, videos, audio recordings, and files. As these inputs are already digitized, there is no process wherein detail is lost, and as such attackers can make very exact attacks, allowing them to be more imperceptible to the human eye than physical attacks [ 27 ]. Digital attacks are not necessarily imperceptible. However—photoshopping glasses with a strange pattern over a celebrity, for example, may cause the AI to identify the image as a different person, but still a person nonetheless. An example of input attacks specific to IoT smart cars and, more broadly, smart cities. As mentioned earlier, simply placing pieces of tape in a specific way on a stop sign is enough for an algorithm to not recognize the stop sign or even classify it as a green light—this is harmful for passengers in the car if the car does not heed the stop sign, and at a larger scale could alter traffic pattern detectors in smart cities. Additionally, noise-based input attacks could cause smart assistants to malfunction and carry out unintended commands.

4.3 Data poisoning/false data injection

Data poisoning attacks and input attacks are very similar, but while the goal of input attacks is simply to alter the output of the affected input, the goal of data poisoning is to alter inputs over a long enough period of time that the AI that analyzes data has shifted and is inherently flawed; because of this, data poisoning is usually carried out while the AI is still being trained before it is actually deployed [ 27 ]. In many cases, the AI learns to fail on specific inputs that the attacker chooses; for example, if a military uses AI to detect aircraft, the enemy military may poison the AI so that it does not recognize certain types of aircraft like drones [ 27 ]. Data poisoning can also be used on AIs that are constantly learning and analyzing data in order to make and adjust predictions, such as in predictive maintenance systems. There are three main methods attackers can use to poison an AI.

4.3.1 Dataset poisoning

Poisoning the dataset of an AI is perhaps the most direct method of data poisoning—as AI gain all of their knowledge from the training datasets they are provided, any flaws within those datasets will subsequently flaw the AI’s knowledge. A basic example of this is shown in Fig.  7 : a significant portion of the data is corrupted in the second dataset, leading the resultant machine learning model to be flawed. Dataset poisoning is done by including incorrect or mislabeled information in the target dataset [ 27 ]. As AI learn by recognizing patterns in datasets, poisoned datasets break patterns or may introduce new incorrect patterns, causing the AI to misidentify inputs or identify them incorrectly [ 27 ]. Many datasets are very large, so finding poisoned data within datasets can be difficult. Continuing the example of traffic patterns, an attacker could change dataset labels in such a way that the AI no longer recognizes stop signs or add data and labels that cause the AI to classify a red light as a green light.

figure 7

A visual representation of dataset poisoning

4.3.2 Algorithm poisoning

Algorithm poisoning attacks take advantage of weaknesses that may be in the learning algorithm of the AI. This method of attack is very prominent in federated learning, which is a method of training machine learning while protecting data privacy of an individual. Federated learning, rather than collecting potentially sensitive data from users and combining it into one dataset, trains small models directly on users’ devices and then combines these models to form the final model. The users’ data never leaves their devices, and so is more secure; however, if an attacker is one of the users that the algorithm is using the data of, they are free to manipulate their own data in order to poison the model [ 27 ]. The poisoned algorithm, when combined with the rest of the algorithms, has the potential to poison the final model. They could degrade the model or even install a backdoor in this manner.

One example of federated learning is Google’s Gboard, which used federated learning to learn about text patterns in order to train predictive keyboards [ 28 ]. Although Google has extensive data vetting measures, in a less careful approach, users could potentially type nonsensical messages to confuse the predictive text or, more sinisterly, inject code into the algorithm to give themselves a backdoor. Similarly, some cutting-edge IoT devices are beginning to employ federated learning in order to learn from each other. One example of this is using machine learning to predict air pressure changes as it flows through gradually clogging filters, allowing the IoT sensor to predict when the filter will need to be changed [ 29 ]. This learning process would take a long enough time to make the study infeasible with just a few filters, but with federated learning the process is able to be sped up significantly. However, users could easily manipulate the process with their own filters in order to poison the algorithm. Although this is a relatively innocent example of algorithm poisoning, as federated learning increases in IoT, so will the potentially harmful applications of federated learning.

4.3.3 Model poisoning

Finally, some attackers simply replace a legitimate model with an already poisoned model prepared ahead of time; all the attacker has to do is get into the system which stores the model and replace the file [ 27 ]. Alternatively, the equations and data within the trained model file could be altered. This method is potentially dangerous as even if a model trained model is double-checked and data is verified to be not poisoned, the attacker can still alter the model at various points in its distribution, such as while the model is still in company’s network awaiting placement on an IoT device or on an individual IoT device once it has been distributed [ 27 ].

Many of the attacks as described above can be mitigated or prevented by properly sanitizing inputs and checking for unusual data. However, some attacks are subtle and can bypass the notice of humans and even other AI, especially when the attacks are created by malevolent AI systems. These attacks and how to defend against effectively them are at the forefront of current research as the popularity of these attacks grow, but at present many attacks do not use AI for the same reason that many security systems do not: AI is resource intensive and a good algorithm requires high-level knowledge to build, making it inaccessible and infeasible to many attackers.

5 Summary of attacks and their defenses

The various attacks discussed in this paper are listed in Table  1 , and are paired with one or more ways of protecting an IoT system from the attack. While comprehensively protecting an IoT system can be a challenging task due to the number of attack surfaces present, many of the methods listed will defend against many types of attacks; for example, as many of the attacks listed are carried out by first conducting MITM attacks, protecting the network on which an IoT system resides will protect the system from many common attacks.

6 Conclusion

Due to the nature of IoT systems to have many attack surfaces, there exists a variety of attacks against these systems, and more are being discovered as IoT grows in popularity. It is necessary to protect systems against these attacks as effectively as possible. As the number and speed of attacks grow, experts are turning to AI as a means of protecting these systems intelligently and in real-time. Of course, attackers find ways to thwart these AI and may even use AI to attack systems. This paper explores popular techniques to attempt to disrupt or compromise IoT and explains at a surface level how these attacks are carried out. Where applicable, examples are also provided in order to clarify these explanations. Next, several AI algorithms are introduced, and their applications in cybersecurity are investigated. In many cases, these models are not yet common in commercial applications but rather are still undergoing research and development or are still difficult to implement and thus rare. Nonetheless, the models discussed are promising and may become common attack detection systems within just a couple of years. Methods of attacking AI and using AI to attack are also discussed, with the frame of IoT systems. The growth of IoT systems will see these types of attacks become more and more of a threat, especially as massive networks such as smart cities begin experimentation; both as massive networks are harder to protect with a multitude of attack surfaces, and as daily life and safety revolve around AI which needs to be more or less failure-proof. This is followed by a chart reiterating the threats covered in this paper, paired with common or recommended methods of protecting against each attack. Having covered all these topics, this paper aims to provide a useful tool with which researchers and cybersecurity professionals may study IoT in the context of cybersecurity and AI in order to secure IoT systems. Additionally, it also aims to emphasize the implications of up and coming technology and the impacts that each of these fields will have on the others. It is important to consider all the potential consequences of a technological development both before and after it is made public, as cyberattackers are constantly looking to use new technologies to their benefit, whether this means diverting the technology from its original purpose or using the technology as a tool to perpetuate other attacks. This paper discusses how IoT and AI have been taken advantage of for criminal purposes or have had weaknesses exploited as an example of this, which will help readers understand current risks and help cultivate an understanding such that these weaknesses are accounted for in the future in order to prevent cyberattacks.

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This work was supported in part by the Commonwealth Cyber Initiative, an investment in the advancement of cyber R&D, innovation and workforce development in Virginia, USA. For more information about CCI, visit

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Batten College of Engineering and Technology, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA

Murat Kuzlu

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Corinne Fair

eKare, Inc, Fairfax, VA, USA

Ozgur Guler

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Kuzlu, M., Fair, C. & Guler, O. Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity. Discov Internet Things 1 , 7 (2021).

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Received : 29 September 2020

Accepted : 30 November 2020

Published : 24 February 2021


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The role of 6g technologies in advancing smart city applications: opportunities and challenges.

internet of everything research paper

1. Introduction

2. Potential 6G Enabling Technologies

2.1. role of ai in 6g and smart city arena, 2.1.1. applications, 2.1.2. challenges, 2.2. role of integrated sensing and communication (isac) in smart city concept, 2.2.1. applications, 2.2.2. challenges, 2.3. iot for smart cities with 6g, 2.3.1. characteristics of 6g-iot, 2.3.2. classification of iot, 2.4. blockchain (bc) and 6g-enabled smart cities, 2.5. terahertz (thz) communication, 2.5.1. applications/use cases, 2.5.2. challenges, 2.6. quantum communication (qc), 2.6.1. applications, 2.6.2. challenges, 2.7. immersive communication (ic), 2.7.1. types of immersive communication, 2.7.2. use cases for immersive communication, 2.8. visible light communication (vlc), 2.8.1. free-space optics (fso), 2.8.2. fiber-wireless system (fiwi), 2.8.3. power over fiber (pof), 2.8.4. challenges, 2.9. mobile edge computing (mec), applications, 2.10. reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (riss), 2.11. non-terrestrial networks (ntns), 2.11.1. airborne base stations (abs), uavs, and drones uses in a 6g smart city, applications/benefits, 2.11.2. satellite communication, 3. applications of 6g in smart cities, 3.1. industrial automation and smart manufacturing, 3.2. vehicle-to-everything (v2x) technology in smart cities, use cases of v2x, 3.3. smart healthcare, 3.4. smart grid, 3.5. smart waste management, 4. conclusions, open challenges and possible future research, conflicts of interest.

Click here to enlarge figure

Data Rate, Band~20 Gbps, sub-6 GHz, Crowded~1 TBPS, ultra-fast (THz)
ServicesLimited capability to support new communicationHolographic communication, augmented reality, immersive gaming, etc.
LatencyLow latencyUltra-low latency and high reliability
ArchitectureMassive MIMOCell-free massive MIMO, intelligent surfaces
CoverageInfrastructure-basedUbiquitous connectivity (space–air–ground–sea)
SecuritySecurity issuesBlockchain and quantum communication.
AI IntegrationPartialFull
Satellite IntegrationNoFull
Source DatabasesIEEE Xplore, Web of Science (WoS), Taylor and Francis, ASCE Library, Scopus, and Springer
Search String(“Artificial Intelligence” OR “THz” OR “ISAC” OR “Block Chain” OR “UAV”) AND (“6G”) AND (“Smart Cities”)
Time period2019–2024
Article TypeJournal, Review, Letter, Book Chapter, Short Survey, Article
Language RestrictionEnglish
Included Subject AreaComputer Science, Engineering, Energy, Business, Management and Accounting, Mathematics, Environmental Science, Decision Sciences
Excluded Subject AreaChemical Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Health Professions, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Neuroscience, Multidisciplinary, Psychology, Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics, Immunology and Microbiology, Nursing, Social Sciences, Economics Econometrics and Finance, Physics and Astronomy, Materials Science, Medicine, Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Planetary Sciences
Ref.AuthorsYear of Public.Research AreaMajor Contribution
[ ]Fong, B et al.2023VehicularInvestigates technical issues regarding the design and implementation of vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) systems to enhance reliability in a smart city with 6G as backbone.
[ ]P Mishra et al.2023IoT, VisionProposes framework, architecture and requirements for 6G IoT network. Discusses emerging technologies for 6G concerning artificial intelligence/machine learning, sensing networks, spectrum bands, and security.
[ ]Nahid Parvaresh, Burak Kantarci,2023UAV base stationNetwork performance of UAV-BS is improved by use of proposed continuous actor-critic deep reinforcement learning method to address the 3D location optimization issue of UAV-BSs in smart cities.
[ ]Z. Yang et al.2023Edge cloud, Energy efficiencyPaper analyzes challenges in developing a low-carbon smart city in 6G-enabled smart cities. Also proposes a visual end-edge-cloud architecture (E C) that is AI-driven for attaining low carbon emission in smart cities.
[ ]N. Sehito et al.2024IRS, UAV, NOMA, Spectral efficiencyPaper introduces a new optimization scheme by utilizing IRSs in NOMA multi-UAV networks in 6G-enabled smart cities, resulting in significant performance enhancement in terms of spectral efficiency.
[ ]Prabhat Ranjan Singh et al.2023AI, Technology evolution, Smart city applicationsPaper covers evolution of network technology, AI approaches for 6G systems, importance of AI in advanced network model development in 6G-enabled smart city applications.
[ ]Murroni, M et al.2023Vision, Enabling technologiesPaper furnishes an update on the smart city arena with the use of 6G. Paper describes the role of enabling technologies and their specific employment plans.
[ ]Kamruzzaman2022IoT, Energy efficiency, Use casesPresents key technologies, their applications, and IoT technologies trends for energy-efficient 6G-enabled smart city. Also, identifies and discusses key enabling technologies.
[ ]Kim, N et al.2024Standardization and key enabling technologies Paper provides key features and recent trends in standardization of smart city concept. Paper highlights potential key technologies of 6G that can be used in various urban use cases in 6G-enabled smart cities.
[ ]Ismail, L.; Buyya, R2022AI-enabled 6G smart citiesDiscusses evolution of wireless-technology generations, AI implementation in 6G and its self-learning models in smart city applications.
[ ]Zakria Qadir et al.2023Survey, IoTEmerging 6G connectivity solutions and their applications in IoT to serve smart cities are surveyed in this paper.
[ ]Misbah Shafi et al.20246G technologiesThe framework of 6G network is presented with its key technologies that have substantial effect on the key performance indicators of a wireless communication network.
Natural Resources and EnergyMobility and TransportLiving and EnvironmentPeople and EconomyGovernment
Smart Grid.People Mobility.Pollution Control.Education and School.e-Governance.
Public Lighting.City Logistics.Public Safety.Entertainment and Culture.Transparency.
Waste Management. Health Care.Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
Water Management Public Spaces
Welfare Services.
Smart Homes.
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This Paper
Potential 6G TechnologyBrief Description
Artificial Intelligence (AI)AI can be used to analyze, manage and optimize resources and to efficiently support 6G networks. AI can be used for tasks like efficient channel estimation, energy efficiency, modulation recognition, data caching, traffic prediction, radio resource management, mobility management, etc.
Terahertz Communication (THz)Uses frequency band 0.1 to 10 THz. Ability to attain ultra-high (up to 1 Tbps) data rates and wide bandwidth.
Blockchain (BC)A type of distributed ledger technology to ensure safety, privacy, scalability and reliability in this complex heterogeneous architecture.
Quantum Computing (QC)Based on quantum no-cloning theorem and the principle of uncertainty, absolute randomness is introduced by the use of the quantum nature of information, which provides security and enhanced channel capacity.
Non Terrestrial networks (NTN)Includes drones and satellites and is used to extend coverage footprint of terrestrial base stations, provide additional capacity in dense urban hotspots. Used in disaster recovery and remote or rural areas.
Mobile Edge Communication (MEC)By placing computing resources closer to end user, it reduces delays and latency and enhances processing speed and on-premise security
Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC)Optimizes the allocation of scarce resources and contributes to better decision-making processes by combining both sensing and communication tasks, which enhances efficiency.
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs)A planar surface with array of passive elements whose characteristics can be altered dynamically. Used in 6G-THz to improve coverage, NLOS scenarios.
Holographic Communication (HC)HC is an application used in transmitting human-sized immersive and interactive holograms consisting of 3D videos and images that require extremely high data rates with ultra-low latency.
Visible Light Communication (VLC)VLC offers numerous advantages, such as, energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, un-licensed spectrum, no electromagnetic interference, secure access technology, and large bandwidth.
Ref.YearApplication Domain of Smart CitiesTechnologies UsedAreas/Topics Covered
[ ]2024V2X6G,
Federated learning,
Fog Computing
Comprehensive V2X security analysis.
Future research direction for privacy in XR, secure SDN, physical layer security in THz.
[ ]2024Smart Traffic ManagementEdge Computing, Blockchain, Reinforced learningTraffic optimization is achieved by decentralized integration of IoT sensors on vehicles and traffic signals and edge devices and the use of BC rules for real-time decisions.
[ ]2024Supply Chain ManagementBlockchain, IoT, Edge ComputingA Blockchain-based and IoT-enabled transparent and secure supply chain management framework is proposed for public emergency services in smart cities.
[ ]2023Intelligent Transport System (ITS)BlockchainAn ITS cross-domain data interaction framework between devices and agencies is proposed to achieve secure and efficient cross-chain communication.
[ ]2023IoTBlockchain, Big Data, AIFramework and architecture based on Blockchain, AI and Big Data.
[ ]2023Industrial Applications6G, Blockchain, IoTCase study of smart supply chain.
Benefits and challenges of BT and 6G-IoT
[ ]2023IoD (Internet of Drones)6G, BlockchainAnalysis of multilayered Blockchain-IoD novel Global Compliance System (GCoS) and Swarm Security (Sse) system
[ ]2023IoT-Blockchain efficiency6G, IoT-oriented BlockchainImproves Blockchain-IoT performance by targeted optimization to improve low power efficiency and slow ledger synchronization.
[ ]2022IoV6G, BlockchainA survey paper for BC in IoVs sharing underlying 6G technology. Explores how privacy and security issues in IoVs can be tackled using BC technology.
[ ]2022Food Supply Chain ManagementIoT, BlockchainBlockchain enables traceability of food supply from factories/fields to the customer’s table. IoT devices probe food condition.
Use CaseDescription
Remote Surgery ]. ]. ].
Holographic Teleconferencing ]. ]. ].
Immersive Gaming ].
Metaverse ].
AI ]. , ]. , , , ]. ]. ] ]. ]. , , , , , , , , , , , ]. ]. ]. , , ].
ISAC , ]. ]. ]. ]. ].
THz , ]. , ]. ] ]. ]. ].
BC , ]. ]. ]. ]
QC , , ]. , ]. , ]. , , ] ]. , ].
NTN , ].
MEC , ]. ].
RIS ]. ] ] and high-precision positioning [ , ]. ]
IC , , ]. , ]. ]. ].
Application (Use Case)BenefitsDevices/Tech Used
Smart RoutingAvoidance of traffic congestion.
Useful for emergency vehicles.
Traffic balancing on roads.
Reduction in emissions [ ]
Reduce delays.
IOT sensors.
Vehicle ad-hoc networks.
AI real-time routing algorithms [ ].
Cloud and edge computing for data processing and analysis.
Smart ParkingContribution to sustainability.
Optimal utilization of parking spaces.
Reduced time for drivers to search for parking spaces.
V2V and V2I communication.
Use of sensors for indicating parking status.
AI and cloud computing.
Speed HarmonizationReduces frequent need for acceleration and deceleration.
Continuous traffic flow.
Reduces emissions.
Safe travel.
AI and cloudification.
Green-light coordination.
Green DrivingReduction of fuel consumption.
Reduction of pollution near critical areas like hospitals.
Collection of pollution data by roadside sensors.
Data transfer to centralized cloud.
Traffic management decision based on AI algorithm.
On-road displays for flashing traffic management decisions.
Coordinated ManeuversSmooth traffic flow.
Emission reduction.
V2I information exchange among vehicles and RSU [ ].
Low-latency, low-delay transmission.
Advanced AI implemented at edge for delay-free decisions.
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Sharma, S.; Popli, R.; Singh, S.; Chhabra, G.; Saini, G.S.; Singh, M.; Sandhu, A.; Sharma, A.; Kumar, R. The Role of 6G Technologies in Advancing Smart City Applications: Opportunities and Challenges. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7039.

Sharma S, Popli R, Singh S, Chhabra G, Saini GS, Singh M, Sandhu A, Sharma A, Kumar R. The Role of 6G Technologies in Advancing Smart City Applications: Opportunities and Challenges. Sustainability . 2024; 16(16):7039.

Sharma, Sanjeev, Renu Popli, Sajjan Singh, Gunjan Chhabra, Gurpreet Singh Saini, Maninder Singh, Archana Sandhu, Ashutosh Sharma, and Rajeev Kumar. 2024. "The Role of 6G Technologies in Advancing Smart City Applications: Opportunities and Challenges" Sustainability 16, no. 16: 7039.

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Virgin Money research reveals a third of people know someone without data or internet access

The research, which was commissioned by our supporter Virgin Money, also revealed other shocking statistics around internet use.

Research reveals friends & family are experiencing digital exclusion

New research commissioned by our supporter Virgin Money reveals almost a third of people (29%) know a friend or relative who doesn’t have access to data/the internet¹, which has often prevented them from completing simple tasks like registering for a service, purchasing an item, or booking travel.

Those who are connected are increasingly dependent on the internet

The research also found that one in five people (20%) in Britain could only cope a maximum of two hours without access to the internet while over one in ten (11%) can only cope less than an hour.

During the weekend a fifth of people in Britain spend between four to five hours using data enabled services (such as browsing the internet, scrolling through social media etc.); 14% use it for over 10 hours.

The most common everyday tasks people complete online (via any internet-enabled device) include:

Virgin Money's mission to fix the digital divide

The research was carried out as part of the bank’s ongoing work to help reduce the digital divide and raise awareness of the impact of data poverty. 

Data from our Digital Nation infographic shows that although 92% of people in the UK think most essential services require internet access ², 4 in 10 (45%) households with children in the UK today do not meet the Minimum Digital Living Standard and 8.5 million people lack the most basic digital skills to use the internet .

Experiencing digital exclusion: 'SIM-Free Saturday' challenge

In response to this and as part of its work to tackle data poverty, Virgin Money recently completed its first SIM-Free Saturday, a new company-wide challenge that encourages colleagues to take part in an internet detox and experience the impact of digital exclusion for themselves.

During the challenge, which took place on 10 August, Virgin Money colleagues were asked to live a day without data and complete a series of tasks that could usually be done quickly and easily online, without using the internet for help. 

This included checking their bank balance, finding out the cost of a train ticket between their nearest national rail station and London King’s Cross or London St.Pancras and checking the weather forecast for their local area for the next seven days, plus others.

James Peirson, general counsel & purpose officer at Virgin Money, said: “Digital exclusion is a real issue in the UK. For many low or no-income households paying for regular internet access is another bill they simply can’t afford but, in this digital age, it’s essential. 

“We designed the SIM-Free Saturday challenge to help showcase just how important bridging the digital divide is. We’re thankful to those colleagues who took part and have had a great response, with many saying it has really helped them to experience the importance of our drive to support digital inclusion and better understand why we’re working hard to reduce data poverty.”

Raising awareness of digital exclusion

SIM-Free Saturday is just one in a number of initiatives Virgin Money is carrying out to help raise awareness of and reduce the digital divide.

Virgin Money is the first and only bank in the UK to take part in the National Databank programme - founded by Good Things Foundation and Virgin Media O2 - which works like a foodbank, but provides free mobile data, texts and calls for people in need . 

Through the National Databank, digitally excluded people (whether they are a Virgin Money customer or not) can visit their nearest Virgin Money store or banking hub and pick up an O2 SIM card loaded with 25GB of free data, which renews every month for six months.

Colleagues across the bank also work to raise awareness and secure donations to our National Device Bank, which works alongside the National Databank to provide free smart devices, including laptops, mobiles and tablets , to people who are unable to afford them. 

Virgin Money are also working with us on Learn My Way, our free beginners' online digital skills platform , to provide training to anyone looking for help to improve their digital skills.

For more details about Virgin Money, including store and banking hub locations visit: .

¹ Research carried out with 2,000 UK adults by OnePoll in July 2024

² Public First (2024), Poll for Good Things Foundation

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