Gantt Chart for a Research Project Proposal: Step-by-step guide


In project management, there are few tools as effective and illuminating as the Gantt chart . This simple yet powerful visual tool is invaluable for anyone overseeing a complex task, including research project proposals. It is particularly beneficial in the early stages of a project, where meticulous planning is required to ensure that all elements of the project are understood, accounted for, and scheduled appropriately. Therefore, whether you're an academic researcher, a project manager in a corporate setting, or even a student planning your thesis, understanding how to create and use a Gantt chart can be a significant asset.

What is a Gantt Chart and what is it used for?

A Gantt chart, named after its creator, Henry Gantt, an American mechanical engineer and management consultant, is a type of bar chart that visually represents a project schedule. It was first developed in the early 20th century and has since become a staple in project management across various fields and industries. Today, it's used by project managers in sectors like construction, software development, research and development, and more.

At its core, a Gantt chart consists of two main components: tasks and time. The tasks related to the project are listed on the vertical axis, while the horizontal axis represents time. Each task is represented by a horizontal bar, the length of which corresponds to the duration of the task.

Make your own Gantt chart in Gleek .

Gantt charts are incredibly useful for planning and scheduling projects, tracking progress, and managing dependencies between tasks. They provide a clear visualization of the project timeline and help to identify potential bottlenecks and overlaps. This makes them an ideal tool for coordinating teams, allocating resources, and keeping stakeholders informed.

The versatility of Gantt charts solves numerous problems faced by project managers. They simplify complex projects by breaking them down into manageable tasks and visualizing their sequence and duration. This can help in avoiding over-scheduling, underestimating deadlines, and mismanaging resources.

Whether you're a seasoned project manager or a student working on a research proposal, mastering the use of Gantt charts can significantly streamline your project planning process and enhance your team's productivity.

Components needed for Research project proposal diagram

Creating an effective research project proposal diagram requires several key components. These elements provide a comprehensive overview of the project, including its timeline, tasks, and significant milestones.

Project Stages: Each stage of your research project should be clearly defined. This can include the literature review, methodology development, data collection and analysis, results compilation, proposal drafting, peer review, and final edits.

Timeline: The timeline provides a visual representation of the project's duration. It should outline the start and end dates of the project, as well as the estimated completion time for each stage.

Tasks: Each task within the project stages should be clearly outlined. This includes what needs to be done, who is responsible for it, and when it should be completed.

Milestones: Milestones mark significant achievements or phases in your project. These can help track progress and ensure that the project is moving forward as planned.

Dependencies: Dependencies show the relationship between different tasks. It's crucial to highlight how the delay in one task can impact others.

Status: The status of each task and stage helps monitor the project's progress. It can indicate whether a stage is completed, in progress, or yet to start.

Notes/Comments: Any additional information, observations, or feedback about the project can be included here. This could be insights gained during the research, changes made to the project plan, or issues that have arisen.

By incorporating these components into your diagram, you can create a well-structured, transparent, and efficient project proposal.

Creating a Research project proposal Gantt chart using the Gleek App

Step 1: launching gleek and selecting 'new diagram'.

First, launch in your web browser. Once you're in, select 'New Diagram' from the options available. In the diagram type, choose 'Gantt'.


Step 2: Defining Research Goals

The research project initiates with an active phase dedicated to defining research goals, which commenced on December 15, 2023, lasting for a week. This phase involves brainstorming, outlining objectives, and establishing the research's overarching scope.


Step 3: Literature Review Phase

Transitioning to the next stage, we have the completed 'Literature Review' phase spanning two weeks. This phase entails an in-depth analysis, sourcing relevant publications, synthesizing existing knowledge, and aligning it with the predefined research goals.


Step 4: Methodology Design Phase

Progressing to the 'Methodology Design' phase, currently active for three weeks, this stage intricately structures the research approach. It involves designing methodologies, frameworks, and strategies based on insights gleaned from the literature review, ensuring a robust research plan.


Step 5: Data Collection Phase

Following the planning stages is the critical 'Data Collection' phase, slated for four weeks. This phase involves meticulously gathering and assembling primary data, employing various methodologies such as surveys, experiments, or interviews, aligning with the established research framework.


Step 6: Data Analysis Phase

Post-data collection, the active 'Data Analysis' phase spans three weeks. This phase engages in thorough data examination, statistical analysis, and deriving insights from the accumulated information. It involves identifying patterns, correlations, or trends relevant to the research objectives.


Step 7: Results Compilation Phase

Subsequently, the 'Results Compilation' phase consolidates and organizes the analyzed data over two weeks, presenting it in a coherent format. This phase involves preparing comprehensive reports, graphs, or summaries, showcasing the findings derived from the data analysis stage.


Step 8: Drafting Proposal Phase

Advancing further, the active 'Drafting Proposal' phase, extending over three weeks, involves crafting the research proposal. It includes outlining the research problem, detailing methodologies, and structuring a cohesive proposal aligned with the project's objectives.


Step 9: Peer Review Phase

Upon completion of the draft, the two-week 'Peer Review' phase gathers insights and constructive feedback from peers or subject experts. It involves peer evaluations, discussions, and recommendations aimed at refining and enhancing the proposal's quality.


Step 10: Final Edits

Finally, the one-week active 'Final Edits' phase focuses on meticulous revisions, addressing feedback, and ensuring the proposal's completeness, accuracy, and compliance with set standards. This stage includes proofreading, formatting, and polishing the final document.


Step 11: Proposal Submission Milestone

The 'Proposal Submission' milestone, set for May 15, 2024, marks the conclusive stage, signifying the submission of the crafted and refined research proposal for evaluation and potential implementation.


Hurray, You Did It!

And there you have it! Your Research Project Proposal Gantt Chart is now complete.


This comprehensive diagram, with its clearly defined stages, tasks, timeline, dependencies, resources, and status, provides a holistic view of your research project. It not only serves as a visual representation of the entire project but also acts as a roadmap guiding you from the initial brainstorming phase to the final proposal submission. Utilizing such a diagram can greatly enhance your project planning and execution, ensuring all aspects are considered, dependencies are taken into account, and milestones are tracked. It fosters better coordination, communication, and understanding among team members, leading to more efficient and effective project management.

About is a powerful tool that can further enrich your project planning needs. It's an intuitive app designed to help you visualize complex ideas, processes, and systems through various types of diagrams. Whether you need to create a flowchart, UML diagram, or even a Gantt chart like the one we've just built, makes the process straightforward and hassle-free.

With its keyboard-centric approach, allows you to create diagrams faster than traditional drag-and-drop tools. You can quickly jot down your ideas and see them evolve into structured diagrams in real-time, making it an ideal tool for brainstorming sessions, project planning, and presentations.

In conclusion, is more than just a diagramming tool. It's a platform that enables you to visualize your thoughts, communicate complex ideas simply, and manage your projects more effectively. Give it a try for your next project and experience the difference it can make!

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Step-by-Step Guide: Research Proposal Gantt Chart Example

Gantt chart illustrating research proposal steps and deadlines.

Creating a research proposal can be challenging, but a Gantt chart can make it easier. This guide will show you how to make a Gantt chart step by step, helping you plan your research clearly and effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the importance of defining clear research goals and objectives.
  • Learn how Gantt charts can visualize your research timeline and enhance your proposal.
  • Follow a step-by-step guide to create a detailed Gantt chart for your research proposal.
  • Discover advanced techniques to optimize your Gantt chart for better clarity and efficiency.
  • Identify common mistakes and learn how to avoid them when making your Gantt chart.

Defining Research Goals and Objectives

Defining your research goals and objectives is the first step in any successful research project. This phase sets the foundation for everything that follows. Clearly outlining your research topic, objectives, and desired outcomes is crucial. This will guide you in structuring the subsequent stages of your project.

Identifying Key Research Questions

Start by identifying the key research question that your project aims to answer. This will help you focus your efforts and ensure that your research is relevant and meaningful. Make sure your questions are specific, measurable, and achievable within the given timeframe.

Setting Achievable Milestones

Break down your project into smaller, manageable tasks. Set achievable milestones for each stage of your research, such as literature review, data collection, and analysis. This will help you stay on track and make steady progress towards your goals.

Aligning Goals with Timeline

Align your research goals with a realistic timeline. Use a Gantt chart to visualize your project timeline and ensure that each task is completed on time. This will help you manage your time effectively and avoid any last-minute rushes.

Understanding the Role of Gantt Charts in Research Proposals

Gantt charts, created by Henry Gantt, are powerful tools for managing projects. They show tasks as horizontal bars on a timeline, making it easy to see how long each task will take and how they depend on each other. This simple format gives a clear overview of your research proposal process.

Visualizing Project Timelines

A Gantt chart helps you see the entire project at a glance. You can understand the steps involved, from the literature review to data analysis and final edits. This visual roadmap makes it easier to plan and execute your research.

Enhancing Proposal Clarity

Including a Gantt chart in your proposal makes your plan clear and concise. It shows that you have a well-structured and achievable project. This can make your proposal stronger and more convincing.

Demonstrating Feasibility

A Gantt chart shows that your project is doable. By laying out each step and its duration, you can demonstrate that you have thought through the process and have a realistic plan. This can help you get approval and support for your research.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Research Proposal Gantt Chart

Creating a Gantt chart for your research proposal can seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps makes it easier. This guide will help you navigate the process effectively.

Advanced Techniques for Optimizing Your Gantt Chart

To elevate your Gantt chart's effectiveness, consider these advanced strategies:

Incorporating Task Dependencies

Incorporating task dependencies is crucial for mastering time management . By linking tasks that rely on each other, you can ensure a smooth workflow and avoid bottlenecks. This method helps in identifying the critical path, which is essential for meeting deadlines.

Utilizing Color Coding for Clarity

Implementing color coding within your Gantt chart can visually distinguish between different types of tasks. For example, you can use one color for completed tasks and another for those nearing deadlines. This visual aid makes it easier to track progress and prioritize tasks.

Regularly Updating the Chart

Regular updates to your Gantt chart are vital for keeping your project on track. By frequently revising the chart, you can adjust for any changes in the project scope or timeline. This practice ensures that all team members are aware of the current status and any adjustments that need to be made.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Creating a Gantt chart for your research proposal can be tricky. Here are some common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Overloading the Chart with Details

A Gantt chart can quickly become overwhelming if you include too much information. Focus on key tasks and milestones to keep it clear and easy to read. Avoid adding every minor detail, as this can clutter the chart and make it hard to follow.

Ignoring Task Dependencies

Not considering how tasks depend on each other can lead to problems. Make sure to show which tasks need to be finished before others can start. This helps in planning and ensures a smooth workflow.

Failing to Update Progress

A Gantt chart needs regular updates to stay useful. If you don't update it, the chart won't reflect the project's true status. Set aside time to update the chart regularly, so it always shows the current progress.

Case Study: Successful Research Proposal Gantt Chart Example

In this section, we will delve into a real-world example of a research proposal Gantt chart that has proven to be effective. By examining this case study, you will gain insights into how to structure your own Gantt chart to enhance your research proposal's clarity and feasibility.

In our latest case study, we showcase a successful research proposal Gantt chart example that can help you plan your projects better. If you're struggling with organizing your research or feeling overwhelmed, our step-by-step guides are here to assist you. Visit our website to explore more resources and claim your special offer now !

Creating a Gantt chart for your research proposal can seem like a big task, but it doesn't have to be. By following the steps in this guide, you can build a clear and organized plan for your project. A well-made Gantt chart not only helps you stay on track but also shows others that your project is well thought out and doable. This can make a big difference when you're trying to get funding or approval for your research. So, take the time to make a detailed Gantt chart. It will pay off in the long run by making your research process smoother and more efficient.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a gantt chart.

A Gantt chart is a visual tool used in project management to show a timeline of tasks. It helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project.

Why use a Gantt chart in a research proposal?

Using a Gantt chart in a research proposal helps to clearly outline your project's timeline, making it easier for reviewers to understand your plan and see that it is doable.

What software can I use to create a Gantt chart?

There are many software options for creating Gantt charts, such as Microsoft Project, Excel, and online tools like Trello or Asana.

How do I break down research phases in a Gantt chart?

To break down research phases, list all the main stages of your research, like literature review, data collection, and analysis. Then, add specific tasks under each stage with deadlines.

What are task dependencies in a Gantt chart?

Task dependencies show how tasks are connected. For example, some tasks can only start after others are finished. This helps in planning the order of tasks.

How often should I update my Gantt chart?

You should update your Gantt chart regularly, especially when tasks are completed or if there are changes in the project timeline. This keeps your project on track.

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Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template: A Comprehensive Guide + Free Template Download + How to Write it

A comprehensive guide to gantt chart research proposal template.

As a researcher, one of the essential tools in my arsenal is a well-crafted and organized research proposal . However, I often found that traditional proposal formats lacked a clear and visual representation of the project timeline and tasks. That’s why I turned to Gantt Chart Research Proposal Templates. These templates provide a structured framework for outlining the research scope, timeline, and resources required , all within the context of a Gantt chart. In this article, I will explore the importance of using a Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template , and how it differs from a standard proposal in terms of organization and visualization. So, let’s dive into the world of Gantt charts and how they can revolutionize the way we approach research proposals .

Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template

Title: the impact of social media on mental health, introduction.

The introduction should provide a brief overview of the research topic and its significance. It should also include the research question and objectives.

The growing use of social media has raised concerns about its potential impact on mental health. This research aims to investigate the relationship between social media use and mental health, with a focus on the psychological effects of excessive use and cyberbullying. The objectives of the study are to (1) assess the correlation between social media use and mental health issues, (2) identify the contributing factors to negative mental health outcomes, and (3) explore potential interventions to mitigate the negative impact of social media on mental health.

My advice on the introduction:

Ensure that the introduction clearly states the research question and objectives, and provides a compelling rationale for the study. It should effectively communicate the importance and relevance of the research topic to the audience.

Literature Review

The literature review should present a critical analysis of existing research and theories related to the topic. It should also identify gaps in the literature that the proposed study aims to address.

The literature review will examine previous studies on the relationship between social media use and mental health, including research on the potential psychological impacts of excessive use and cyberbullying. It will also explore theories and frameworks that explain the mechanisms through which social media may influence mental health outcomes. The review will highlight the gaps in the current literature, such as the need for more longitudinal studies and the exploration of potential interventions to promote positive mental health in the context of social media use.

My advice on the literature review :

Ensure that the literature review is comprehensive and critical, providing a synthesis of existing knowledge and identifying areas for further investigation. It should also demonstrate the theoretical and empirical foundation for the proposed study.


The methodology section should outline the research design , data collection methods, and data analysis techniques . It should also provide a timeline for the proposed research activities.

This study will utilize a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather data on social media use and mental health outcomes. The survey will be administered to a representative sample of social media users, while the interviews will involve individuals with personal experiences related to the research topic. Data analysis will involve statistical techniques for the quantitative data and thematic analysis for the qualitative data . The timeline for the research activities is presented in the Gantt chart below.

My advice on the methodology:

Ensure that the methodology is well-structured and aligned with the research objectives . It should provide a clear explanation of the research design and data collection procedures, as well as a realistic timeline for the proposed activities .

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart should visually depict the timeline for the research activities, including the duration of each task and the deadlines for completion.

| Task | Duration | Deadline | |—————————-|———–|————-| | Literature review | 2 months | 10/15/2022 | | Survey design and testing | 1 month | 11/15/2022 | | Survey administration | 2 months | 01/15/2023 | | Data analysis | 3 months | 04/15/2023 | | Interview recruitment | 1 month | 05/15/2023 | | Interview data collection | 2 months | 07/15/2023 | | Data synthesis and writing | 3 months | 10/15/2023 |

My advice on the Gantt chart:

Use the Gantt chart to visually organize and schedule the research activities, providing a clear timeline for each task. Make sure to allocate sufficient time for data collection , analysis, and writing, and consider potential delays or unexpected challenges in the research process .

Download free Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template in Word DocX, Powerpoint PPTX, and PDF. We included Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template examples as well.

Download Free Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template PDF and Examples Download Free Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template Word Document

Download Free Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template Powerpoint

Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template FAQ

What is a gantt chart in a research proposal.

A Gantt chart is a visual representation of the timeline for a research project , which lays out the tasks, milestones, and timeframes for completing different aspects of the research.

How can I create a Gantt chart for my research proposal?

You can create a Gantt chart using various software tools such as Microsoft Excel, Project, or specialized project management software. There are also online Gantt chart creators that can help you build a Gantt chart for your research proposal .

What information should be included in a Gantt chart for a research proposal?

A Gantt chart for a research proposal should include tasks, start and end dates, duration of each task, dependencies between tasks, milestones, and responsible individuals or teams for each task.

Can I use a Gantt chart for my qualitative research proposal?

Yes, a Gantt chart can be useful for qualitative research proposals as well. It can help you plan and organize the various stages of your research, from literature review to data collection and analysis.

How detailed should the Gantt chart be for a research proposal?

The level of detail in the Gantt chart will depend on the complexity and duration of the research project. It should be detailed enough to provide a clear overview of the timeline and tasks involved, but not so detailed that it becomes overwhelming.

Is it necessary to include a Gantt chart in my research proposal?

While including a Gantt chart is not always mandatory, it can greatly enhance the clarity and organization of your research proposal . It demonstrates your understanding of the project’s timeline and shows that you have a well-thought-out plan for executing the research.

Can I update the Gantt chart during the course of the research project?

Yes, it’s important to regularly update the Gantt chart throughout the research project to reflect any changes in timelines, tasks, or dependencies. This will help you to stay on track and make adjustments as needed.

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How to use a Gantt chart for a research project

gantt chart for research proposal

Using a Gantt chart for a research project can give all stakeholders a better understanding of timelines and the resources needed for each task.  With all project activities neatly laid out within a timeline and every minor detail accounted for, a Gantt chart provides your team with the framework for successful project operations.

In this article, we’ll discuss a Gantt chart and how you can use it in a research project to maximize efficiency and promote greater transparency. We’ll also share how you can use’s project management Work OS to simplify the management of any research project further.

What is a Gantt chart?

A Gantt chart is a bar chart popularized in the early 1900s by Henry Gantt. It lets you establish a detailed project plan according to when you need each task completed.

If done correctly, a Gantt chart creates a realistic time frame for a project by establishing a start date for the whole project and each task. Then, you can pair these start dates with an estimation of how long the task will take, broken down by days, weeks, or months.

What makes a Gantt chart unique is that it establishes dependency relationships between all relevant tasks, which can help you better understand necessary workflows.

For example, let’s say you’re creating a research proposal. One of your tasks is to promote awareness and garner support for the proposal on social media. However, before you can do that, you need to create informational materials you can distribute and have the proposal outline ready for viewing. Since these necessities are clearly outlined in the Gantt chart, you can plan your project timeline accordingly.

How can you use a Gantt for research projects?

Research projects are vast undertakings that require a lot of your time, effort, and brain power. Sometimes it’s easy to get sidetracked or confused about what comes next in your research or how you should put it together.

A clear understanding of objectives and deadlines can help you organize even the most complex research project undertakings. Even better, a Gantt chart provides clear step-by-step instructions with dependency relationships marked to ensure every team member understands their responsibilities.

A Gantt chart ensures all research project team members clearly understand objectives, deadlines, and task dependency relationships.

Best practices for planning and scheduling a research project

Understanding the best practices for planning and scheduling a research project can help you get the most out of your Gantt chart . A few best practices include:

  • Have a clear goal : Before sitting down to plan your research project, ask yourself some crucial questions. What are you trying to achieve? Why are you trying to achieve it? When do you need to complete it?
  • Use scheduling tools : Use task and resource scheduling tools when possible to reduce the risk of human error.
  • Get the team involved :  Gather your team together for a brainstorming session, if possible, when developing a list of tasks required to meet your final objective.
  • Consider dependency relationships :  Consider the dependency relationships between objectives carefully and be realistic about time frames. Ensuring your team has enough time to successfully and thoroughly complete each task from the beginning sets your research project up for success.
  • Identify potential issues : Identify risks and potential roadblocks in your schedule and have a backup plan for each to ensure a steady workflow with minimal pushbacks.
  • Consider resource requirements : Consider the resources necessary to complete each task. Remember to include work hours as resources and schedule each team member appropriately to achieve objectives in the desired time frame.
  • Plan for reporting : Assign specific times, or interval periods, for progress reports and compare these with your initial estimations. If these reports show alterations are necessary, don’t be afraid to make changes.
  • Identify KPIs :  Before the research project begins, identify key performance metrics and track them as you go to define your success clearly. You may find using a relevant tool or platform the easiest way to track performance metrics.

Having the right Gantt chart tools can increase efficiency, decrease downtime, and ensure objective deadlines are not only met but exceeded.

Managing research projects on’s robust project management Work OS makes managing research projects easier by:

  • Centralizing projects from start to finish : Our Work OS lets you centralize all projects from conception to completion, with customizable dashboards that show you the information you deem most important. Quickly assess risks, bottlenecks, and roadblocks to keep your research project moving forward.
  • Streamlining project workflows : Streamline workflows by automating routine tasks and assigning teammates to the work they’re most qualified for. Then, track individual and project-wide progress in real-time with regular task updates. Use color coding to make task management even more straightforward.
  • Enabling communication across teams :  Our Work OS promotes communication between project members and across different teams, so all stakeholders know where things stand at all times. You can share documents, leave notes, and work together in real-time for more effective communication that allows you to exceed every deadline and meet every objective. can provide your team with a Gantt chart view to make project management easier. Get started with’s powerful Work OS by building a research project workflow from scratch or try a few of our other templates for managing research projects easier.

Related templates

A basic Gantt chart can help you plan your research project in detail. On, you can add a Gantt View to any type of project board. Below are some of our recommended templates from our Template Center that you can use to fine-tune other essential aspects of your research project.

Keyword power tools template

Our  Research Power Tools Template uses a Gantt chart format to help you visualize project timelines, manage project resources, and monitor each phase of your research projects from one platform.

Publication and journals template

Our  Publications and Journals Template is an excellent tool for content publishing companies. You can use our template to:

  • Manage your publication process: Our template enables whole-process management from submission to approval. Easily track article status and monitor writer workload to ensure you meet publishing deadlines.
  • Visualize your publishing pipeline: Customizable dashboards allow you to receive a high-level overview of all current and upcoming articles and where they stand.
  • Track individual contributions: Ensure each writer meets minimum contributions and isn’t given too large a workload by tracking individual contributions.

By now, you should have a working idea of Gantt charts and how they increase transparency and efficiency in project management. However, if you still have questions, we’ve answered a few FAQs below.

How do you create a dissertation in a Gantt chart?

To create a Gantt chart for a dissertation, you should first understand your timeline and deliverables. Once you’ve written these down, create detailed task lists of how you’ll accomplish each deliverable and consider dependency relationships between each. Finally, use the Gantt chart to outline your dissertation from start to finish.

What should be in a dissertation timeline?

In a dissertation timeline, you should include the following:

  • Role assigning (if applicable)
  • Research tasks
  • Experiments, social or scientific (if applicable)
  • Data collection and analysis
  • First draft completion
  • Submission to the advisor (first) and dean (at completion)

How do you create a Gantt chart in Word?

You can create a Gantt chart in Microsoft Word by:

  • Opening a new Word document
  • Change the document orientation from vertical to horizontal
  • Insert a bar graph into your document
  • Make format alterations as necessary to make the graph look like a Gantt chart
  • Insert information and customize as necessary

Any team can increase transparency in their research projects with

Using a Gantt chart to create a detailed project timeline can help increase transparency and promote greater efficiency in your organization’s research projects.

When you pair a Gantt chart with’s robust project management system, you have the tools you need to meet deadlines, complete objectives, and exceed expectations.

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What is a Gantt chart

Some University departments require students to create a Gantt chart to represent a schedule for the research project. The Gantt chart shows the timelines of the various steps of the project including their dependencies and any  resources needed . In other words, the chart depicts when an event is supposed to take place in your project by providing an outline regarding the order in which the various tasks  need to be performed .

An example of a Gantt chart.

gantt chart for research proposal

Gantt chart on Moodle

How to create a Gantt chart - videos

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  • Last Updated: Apr 30, 2024 1:02 PM
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Creating Gantt Chart for Research Proposal: 5 Comprehensive Tutorial!


A research proposal is an essential document that outlines the objectives, methodology, and timeline for a research project. It serves as a blueprint for the entire research process , guiding researchers in their work. One crucial aspect of a research proposal is the timeline, which helps researchers plan and manage their project effectively. To plan the timeline effectively, creating a Gantt chart is deemed important.

Examples of Gantt Charts: A Gantt chart is an essential planning tool for any research project, ensuring the research process is completed within the allocated time. (Photo credited to

In this comprehensive tutorial, we will explore the importance of using a Gantt chart for your research proposal. We will discuss the components of this chart, how to create one for your research proposal, best practices for designing a Gantt chart, and common pitfalls to avoid. By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to effectively utilize a Gantt chart to enhance the planning and execution of your research proposal.

Why You Need a Gantt Chart for Your Research Proposal

A Gantt chart is a visual project management tool that helps in planning, scheduling, and tracking the progress of specific tasks within a project. It was first introduced by Henry L. Gantt in the 1910s. It provides a visual representation of the timeline and tasks involved in your project, allowing you to effectively organize and track your progress.

One of the main reasons why you need a Gantt chart for your research proposal is that it helps you to clearly define and communicate your project timeline. By breaking down your research into specific tasks and assigning them to specific time periods, you can ensure that you have a realistic plan in place. Additionally, a this chart allows you to identify any dependencies between tasks. This means that you can determine which tasks need to be completed before others can begin, ensuring that your project progresses smoothly and efficiently.

Components of a Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart consists of several key components that help in visualizing and managing the timeline of a research proposal.

Project Activities

The left side of the chart lists the project activities or tasks that need to be completed. These activities are usually represented as a series of horizontal bars.

The top of the chart shows the time frame for the research proposal. It can be divided into days, weeks, months, or any other relevant time units depending on the duration of the project.


A Gantt chart shows the dependencies between different activities. Dependencies indicate the order in which tasks need to be completed. For example, if Task B depends on Task A, Task B cannot start until Task A is completed.

This chart also includes information about the resources required for each activity. This can include personnel, equipment, or any other necessary resources.

Milestones are significant events or achievements in the research proposal. They are represented as vertical lines on the chart and help in tracking progress and evaluating the overall timeline of the project.

By including these components in a Gantt chart, researchers can effectively plan and manage their research proposal, ensuring that tasks are completed in the right order and within the specified time frame.

How to Create a Gantt Chart for Research Proposal

Step 1: make a project table.

The first step in creating a Gantt chart is to make a project table. List all the activities that you plan to do in your research project. This can include tasks such as literature review, data collection, data analysis, and writing the final report. Make sure to include the start and end dates for each activity.

Step 2: Make a Bar Chart

Once you have your project table, you can create a bar chart. This chart will represent the timeline of your project. The horizontal axis of the chart represents the time period, while the vertical axis represents the activities.

Step 3: Add Data

Next, you need to add data to your bar chart. For each activity, determine the duration and dependencies. The duration is the amount of time it will take to complete the activity, while the dependencies are the activities that need to be completed before the current activity can start.

Step 4: Add Task Descriptions

To make your chart more informative, add task descriptions to each activity. This will help you and others understand what needs to be done for each task.

Step 5: Transform the Chart Into the Gantt Chart

Finally, transform your bar chart into a Gantt chart by adding the start and end dates for each activity. This will give you a visual representation of the project timeline and help you track the progress of your research proposal.

Best Practices for Designing a Gantt Chart

When designing this chart for your research proposal, it is important to follow some best practices to ensure its effectiveness and accuracy. Here are some key tips to consider:

Start with a Clear Project Scope

Before creating your Gantt chart, make sure you have a clear understanding of the scope of your research proposal. This includes identifying the objectives, deliverables, and timeline of your project. Having a clear project scope will help you accurately plan and schedule your tasks.

Break Down Tasks into Manageable Units

To create a detailed and comprehensive Gantt chart, it is essential to break down your research tasks into smaller, manageable units. This will allow you to allocate resources and estimate the duration of each task more accurately. Breaking down tasks also helps in identifying dependencies and potential bottlenecks.

Define Task Dependencies

Task dependencies are the relationships between different tasks in your research proposal. It is important to identify and define these dependencies in your Gantt chart. This will help you understand the sequence of tasks and ensure that they are scheduled in the correct order. For example, if Task B cannot start until Task A is completed, you need to represent this dependency in your Gantt chart.

Use Milestones to Track Progress

Milestones are significant events or achievements in your research proposal. They serve as markers to track progress and provide a sense of accomplishment. Incorporating milestones in this chart will help you monitor the overall progress of your project and stay on track.

Regularly Update and Revise the Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a dynamic tool that should be regularly updated and revised throughout the duration of your research proposal. As tasks are completed or delayed, it is important to reflect these changes in the chart. This will help you stay informed about the current status of your project and make necessary adjustments to meet your goals.

Communicate and Collaborate with Team Members

If you are working on a research proposal with a team, it is crucial to communicate and collaborate effectively. Share the Gantt chart with your team members and ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities. Regularly discuss the progress and any changes in the chart to keep everyone informed and aligned.

Avoiding Pitfalls In Gantt Chart Creation

Overloading the chart with details.

One of the most common mistakes when using a Gantt chart is including too much information or too many details, which can make the chart cluttered and difficult to read. It is important to remember that the purpose of this chart is to provide a visual representation of the project timeline and key tasks, not to include every single task or subtask.

Using the Gantt Chart as the Initial Project Plan

Another pitfall to avoid is using the Gantt chart as the initial project plan. While this chart can be a helpful tool for visualizing the project schedule, it should not be relied upon as the sole project planning tool. It is important to create a detailed project plan before creating this chart, which includes all the necessary tasks, dependencies, and resources.

Manually Creating the Gantt Chart

Additionally, it is important to avoid manually creating the Gantt chart. Manually creating this chart can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Instead, it is recommended to use project management software or online tools that have built-in Gantt chart functionality. These tools allow for easier creation, editing, and updating of the Gantt chart.

Ignoring Potential Mistakes or Delays

Another common mistake is not considering the possibility of mistakes or delays in the project timeline. When creating a Gantt chart, it is important to leave room for error and account for potential delays in the schedule. This can help prevent unrealistic expectations and allow for adjustments as needed.

Using the Gantt Chart for Resource Management

Lastly, it is important to avoid using the Gantt chart for resource management. While this chart can provide an overview of the project timeline, it is not designed to track resource allocation or availability. It is recommended to use separate resource management tools or spreadsheets to effectively manage and allocate resources for the project.

In conclusion, a well-designed Gantt chart can greatly enhance the planning and management of a research proposal. By effectively visualizing the project timeline and tasks, researchers can ensure that their proposal is feasible and achievable. With careful planning and regular updates, a Gantt chart can be a valuable tool for successful research proposal execution.

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Creating a Gantt Chart for Your Research Project Proposal

gantt chart for research proposal

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Crafting a successful research proposal demands careful planning. However, managing intricate projects with numerous tasks and deadlines can be challenging.

This is where the Gantt charts come into play. These powerful project management techniques offer a visual roadmap for your research proposal, transforming your intricate plan into a clear and concise document. By incorporating a Gantt chart, you not only streamline the planning process for yourself but also strengthen your proposal by demonstrating a meticulously structured and achievable project.

Let's explore the power of the Gantt chart for crafting robust research proposals and a step-by-step guide on how to create one. 

Understanding Gantt Charts and their Application in Research Proposals

Gantt charts , developed by Henry Gantt, an American engineer and project management consultant, are powerful visual tools for project management. They represent project tasks as horizontal bars on a timeline, showing their duration and dependencies. This simple format provides a comprehensive overview of your research proposal development process.

In research proposals, Gantt charts are invaluable because they:

Visualize the Project Lifecycle: Understand the sequential steps involved, from literature review to data analysis and final edits.

Manage Task Dependencies: Identify tasks reliant on others' completion (e.g., data collection after finalizing research methodology).

Optimize Resource Allocation: Allocate essential resources, like software or equipment, to specific tasks within the timeline.

Crafting a Gantt Chart with Rework

Now that you understand the core functionality of Gantt charts, let's explore how to create one specifically for your research proposal. Here, we'll leverage the features of , a comprehensive project management platform that streamlines the process.

Rework transcends the limitations of basic Gantt charts, offering functionalities that empower a more streamlined research proposal creation process. Here's how it empowers you:

Seamless Integration:  Rework seamlessly integrates task management, workflow design, and progress tracking – all crucial aspects of building a strong research proposal.

Intuitive Interface:  No technical expertise is required! Rework's user-friendly interface allows you to create and customize Gantt charts effortlessly.

Real-Time Collaboration:  Facilitate effective teamwork and communication among your research team directly within the platform.

Streamlined Workflows:  Design clear and concise workflows for each research stage, outlining tasks, deadlines, and responsible team members.

To showcase the power of Rework, let's take a brief look at what a research proposal Gantt chart might look like on the platform.

Frame 17193

Each stage would then be broken down into specific tasks, with clear deadlines and assigned team members.

This level of organization and transparency not only strengthens your proposal but also paves the way for a smooth and efficient research journey.

Step-by-Step Guide: Constructing Your Research Proposal Gantt Chart

Having grasped the power of Gantt charts and the functionalities offered by, let's embark on the exciting journey of building your research proposal Gantt chart! Here's a step-by-step guide to navigate the process:

1. Define Your Research Goals

This initial step lays the foundation for your entire project. Clearly outline your research topic, objectives, and desired outcomes. Having a well-defined objective will guide you in structuring the subsequent stages.

2. Break Down the Project into Stages

Identify the key stages involved in completing your research, such as literature review, data collection, data analysis, and proposal writing.

3. List Tasks Within Each Stage

Now, delve deeper into each research stage and meticulously list all the specific tasks that need to be completed. For instance, the "literature review" stage might involve tasks like identifying relevant academic databases, searching for articles, and summarizing key findings.

4. Estimate Task Durations

Allocate estimated timeframes for completing each individual task within your research stages. Consider factors like the complexity of the task and the resources available.

5. Identify Task Dependencies

Analyze the sequence of your tasks and pinpoint any dependencies. Remember the data analysis example? It can't begin until the data collection stage is complete. Mapping these dependencies in your Gantt chart ensures a smooth and logical workflow.

6. Utilize Rework's Features

Leverage the user-friendly interface of Rework to effortlessly create your Gantt chart. Input your research stages, tasks, and estimated durations. Rework will translate this information into a clear visual representation of your project timeline.

7. Assign Team Members

If you're working with a team, utilize Rework's functionalities to assign specific tasks to individual team members. This promotes accountability and ensures everyone is on the same page.

8. Track Progress & Make Adjustments

Monitor progress within Rework, identify any potential roadblocks that might arise, and be prepared to adjust your plan as needed. The flexibility of Rework allows you to adapt your Gantt chart to maintain optimal project flow.

By following these steps and utilizing Rework’s capabilities, you'll craft a robust research proposal Gantt chart. This visual roadmap not only streamlines your research journey but also presents a structured plan to potential funders or reviewers, increasing your proposal's success rate.

Advanced Techniques for Optimizing Your Research Proposal Gantt Chart

To elevate your Gantt chart's effectiveness, consider these advanced strategies:

Conditional Formatting:  Implement conditional formatting within your Rework Gantt chart. This functionality allows you to utilize color coding to visually distinguish completed tasks from those nearing deadlines or overdue.

Task Annotations:  Move beyond simple task listings – enrich them with context for increased clarity and professionalism. Utilize Rework's functionalities to add detailed annotations directly within your Gantt chart for each task. These annotations can incorporate specific instructions, relevant resources, or crucial reminders for team members.

Rework Reporting:  Rework extends beyond Gantt chart creation; it empowers you to analyze project progress with robust reporting tools. Generate comprehensive reports that offer valuable insights into task completion rates, resource allocation, and overall project health. By identifying areas needing improvement or potential roadblocks early on, you can proactively adjust your plan and optimize research execution.

Crafting a compelling research proposal is crucial, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. With Rework's intuitive interface and powerful features, creating a professional Gantt chart tailored to your proposal is straightforward. By leveraging Gantt charts, you'll showcase a well-structured and achievable project, increasing your proposal's impact and securing funding. Ready to streamline your research journey? Start building your Gantt chart with Rework today!

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Gantt Chart Examples, Templates, and Styles

By Diana Ramos | October 31, 2022

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Gantt charts are the bread and butter of project scheduling. We’ve assembled dozens of example images and templates to help you make the best Gantt charts possible. 

Included on this page, you’ll find 30 downloadable Gantt charts, with helpful examples for marketing , software development , project management , product development , and human resources . Plus, read expert tips on making Gantt charts for various formats , including Google Sheets, Excel, Microsoft Word, and more.

What Does a Gantt Chart Look Like?

A Gantt chart is a simple bar chart that shows all the tasks, events, and milestones in a project. The x-axis depicts the project timeline, and the y-axis depicts project phases. Each horizontal bar represents a project task. 

In most Gantt charts, the current date is represented by a vertical line, which looks like a progress bar. 

Gantt Chart Progress Bar

Other common symbols are diamonds or stars, which represent milestones. 

Gantt Chart Milestones

Many Gantt charts use color-coding to separate project phases.

Gantt Chart Color Coding

“When creating a Gantt chart, each task is represented by a bar that extends over the duration of the task,” says Danny Trichter, Co-Founder of . “The length of the bar indicates the duration of the task, and the placement of the bar indicates when the task will begin and end. In addition, Gantt charts often include information such as task dependencies, milestones, and resources.” 

For some projects, especially those with tight deadlines, it can be helpful to include project dependencies in your chart. These are typically represented with arrows. You can use arrows to distinguish between the four types of dependencies: finish-to-start, start-to-start, finish-to-finish, and start-to-finish.

Gantt Chart Finish Start

You can also use Gantt charts to represent lead time, lag time, predecessor tasks, and successor tasks when necessary. 

Chad Sibila

“Gantt charts should be created in a way that is easy to read and understand. I believe if it's not simple, people won't use it,” says Chad Sibila , Sales Manager at VT Industries. “I really like to see a left-to-right, start-to-finish for one project, with the steps to complete along the way.”

For more detailed information about making and using Gantt charts for your upcoming projects, see this basic Gantt chart guide with how-to videos.

Gantt Chart Examples by Format

The format you choose for your Gantt chart depends on the type of project, accessibility needs, and preference. For example, if your team conducts most of their work in Microsoft Suite, then PowerPoint, Excel, and Microsoft Word are better options.

Gantt charts are popular because they are easy to use and adaptable. You can create them in any spreadsheet, word processing, or presentation software. For projects where collaboration and access are key, Google formats such as Google Docs and Google Sheets are the most useful.

Jan Schiller

Jan Schiller, Partner and Chief Project Officer at Berkshire Consulting, LLC , recommends that you select a tool that can create a Gantt chart from source data, such as Excel or Google Sheets. “The Gantt chart can be lifted into any format that is meaningful to stakeholders,” she explains. “I recommend using one format consistently. Why? For information integrity and transparency that supports informed decision-making. Seamlessly switching between source data and the Gantt chart improves trust and credibility while greatly reducing the effort of maintaining an accurate Gantt chart.”

Gantt Chart Example Template for Excel

Construction Project Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Construction Project Gantt Chart Template for Excel Download the Blank Construction Project Gantt Chart Template for Excel

Microsoft Excel is a popular software for creating and designing Gantt charts. For example, streamlined formulas allow you to keep all of your data in a centralized location, while generating Gantt charts automatically. Download the sample or blank template to see an example Gantt chart in Excel for a new home construction project.  

“I prefer using Excel for creating Gantt charts because it is easy to use and provides a lot of flexibility,” says Trichter. “I can easily add more information, such as task dependencies, milestones, and resources. Also, I can easily format the chart to make it look more professional.”

Find a how-to video, a step-by-step guide, and helpful tips for creating your own Gantt chart with this comprehensive guide to creating Gantt charts in Excel .

Gantt Chart Example Template for PowerPoint

Architecture Project Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Architecture Project Gantt Chart Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Architecture Project Gantt Chart Template for PowerPoint

Download a detailed example of a Gantt chart or a blank version in PowerPoint for an architecture project. This easy-to-use Gantt chart PowerPoint is the perfect solution for anyone looking to create or present a dynamic project schedule in a presentation format. 

“If I were creating a Gantt chart to share with a large group of people, I might choose to use PowerPoint so that I could include more visuals and make the chart easier to understand,” explains Trichter.

To learn how to create, import, and customize your own Gantt chart for a presentation, see this comprehensive guide to creating Gantt charts in PowerPoint .

Gantt Chart Example Template for Microsoft Word

Clinical Trial Project Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Clinical Trial Project Gantt Chart Template for Microsoft Word Download the Blank Clinical Trial Project Gantt Chart Template for Microsoft Word

Get started with a blank Microsoft Word template, or download the sample template for a prepared version that shows real data for a research project. In this case, the example is for a clinical trial of a new product. Microsoft Word is a great format option if you need a simple, printable Gantt chart. Use this template to track daily project tasks in a single document. Assign start and end dates, responsible team members, and statuses for each task in the chart. 

“Microsoft Word and Google Docs are formats that I typically use for more static content, such as reports or articles,” says Tricther.

To learn how to make and customize a Gantt chart, use this step-by-step guide to creating Gantt charts in Microsoft Word .

Gantt Chart Example Template for Google Sheets

Business Plan Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Business Plan Gantt Chart Template

Excel | Google Sheets

Download the Blank Business Plan Gantt Chart Template

Download the sample template in Google Sheets to see how a project manager might use a Gantt chart to make a business plan. Google Sheets is hard to beat for a collaborative, accessible option with lots of helpful formulas and features. Use this template to track every task in your project in one shareable, web-based document. 

For additional templates, guides, and helpful tips, see this comprehensive article on creating a Gantt chart for Google Sheets .

Gantt Chart Example Template for Google Docs

Sales Plan Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Sales Plan Gantt Chart Template

Microsoft Word | Google Docs

Download the Blank Sales Plan Gantt Chart Template

Google Docs is another easily shareable and printable format option for making a Gantt chart. Try this Gantt chart template to track the phases and milestones of any project. Download the sample template for a version of a Gantt chart for a sales plan.

Gantt Chart Examples for Marketing

Whether it’s a social media, print, email, or other type of marketing campaign, Gantt charts can help you account for every step along the way. We’ve gathered a helpful list of example images and templates for your next marketing project.

Ben Poirrier

“I started using Gantt charts for mobile project development, as they were taking over two to three months and involving dozens of people,” says Benjamin Poirrier, Founder and CEO of the marketing agency Prodima . “Nowadays, I use them to manage smaller digital marketing campaigns with various stakeholders (developers, designers, content writers, account managers), so I can follow up on the progress of their tasks.”

Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Example Template

Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Microsoft Word

Download a Blank Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Microsoft Word

This downloadable example template provides a roadmap for a basic marketing project. From project conception and initiation to launch and measurement, this template has you covered. Assign task owners, set deadlines, and track statuses of every step in the project.

Gantt Chart Example for Market Research

Market Research Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Market Research Gantt Chart Template for Excel Download the Blank Market Research Gantt Chart Template for Excel

Use this straightforward Gantt chart template to map all the phases of your market research project, from planning and developing a mission statement to conducting client surveys, focus groups, environmental studies, and more.

Gantt Chart Example for Video Production

Video Production Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Video Production Gantt Chart Template for  Excel | Microsoft Word

Download a Blank Video Production Gantt Chart Template for Excel for Excel | Microsoft Word

Use a Gantt chart for your next video production project to ensure that you account for all important tasks, from pre- to post-production. Download the blank template to begin mapping your project. For more guidance, try the completed template with sample text to see how someone might use a Gantt chart to schedule a video production project.

Digital Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Example

Digital Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Digital Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Digital Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

A successful digital marketing campaign can significantly expand the reach and impact of your brand or product. Use this template to monitor the various components of a digital marketing campaign. Track the timelines of your local marketing, content marketing, social media, web, and sales campaigns all in one convenient Gantt chart.

Example Gantt Chart for an Email Marketing Campaign

Email Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Email Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Email Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Email marketing campaigns are an effective way to inform existing and potential customers of upcoming sales, events, initiatives, and more. Follow the steps and phases in the customizable sample Gantt chart template for an example of how to effectively design, write, review, and release an email marketing campaign. Download the blank Gantt chart template to start from scratch.

Social Media Campaign Gantt Chart Example

Social Media Campaign Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Social Media Campaign Gantt Chart Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Social Media Campaign Gantt Chart Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Use a Gantt chart to streamline your multiplatform social media campaign to ensure that posts are consistently on-brand, timely, and polished. In this example, the chart separates tasks by platform making it easy for your team to give the appropriate amount of attention to each advertisement, whether it’s on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, or another platform.

Virtual Event Planning Gantt Chart Example

Virtual Event Planning Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Virtual Event Planning Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Download the Blank Virtual Event Planning Gantt Chart Template for Excel for Excel | Google Sheets

Event planning can be stressful and complicated. Use a Gantt chart to keep hiring staff, planning music and activities, and booking locations simple and organized. This Gantt chart demonstrates a timeline for planning a successful virtual event.

Gantt Chart Example for Event Marketing for Excel

Event Marketing Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Event Marketing Gantt Chart Template for Excel Download the Blank Event Marketing Gantt Chart Template for Excel

For an event to be successful, teams need to devote resources to promoting it, reaching out to donors or potential guests, and ensuring there is media in place so that the event will be adequately covered. Track every part of your event marketing campaign simultaneously with this comprehensive color-coded Gantt chart.

Examples of Gantt Chart for Software Projects

For software projects, opt for Gantt charts that support Agile methodology. These charts break down projects into sprints, allowing you to track requests from stakeholders and clearly depict key dependencies. 

“Gantt charts are used in both the Waterfall and Agile project management approaches,” says Rafał Gatkowski, Senior Python Developer at STX Next . “They perform especially well with Waterfall since a linear plan is developed to match customer expectations after gathering them at the beginning of a project. At STX Next, we mostly use the Agile approach to set our goals and use continuous customer feedback to update our plan in real time.”

Agile Gantt charts are a popular option for project managers leading software development projects. Assign various development teams to tackle different features, and trace dependencies using arrows. 

Gantt Chart Dev Assignments

For projects with only one development team, you can use a simpler Gantt chart that tracks the status and dependencies of each individual task.

Gantt Chart Dev Tracking

Gantt Chart Example for a Software Development Project for PowerPoint

Software Development Project Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Software Development Project Gantt Chart Template for PowerPoint Download the Blank Software Development Project Gantt Chart Template for PowerPoint

This presentation-ready, Agile Gantt chart will help you map out, schedule, and share your software development project roadmap. Diamond symbols represent key milestones, while arrows indicate the dependencies among tasks.

Gantt Chart Example for Website Development

Website Development Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Website Development Gantt Chart Template for  Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Website Development Gantt Chart Template for  Excel | Google Sheets  

A user-friendly, functional website is key to the health of any company or brand. Account for every detail in the website development process by downloading a Gantt chart template for Excel or Google Sheets. Track due dates for design, features, development, and launch.

Gantt Chart Example in Software Engineering for Excel

Agile Software Engineering Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Agile Software Engineering Gantt Chart Template for Excel Download the Blank Agile Software Engineering Gantt Chart Template for Excel

Track each phase in a software engineering project with an Agile Gantt chart. This Gantt chart tracks the development of each feature, separating each into sprints. Download and customize the blank Gantt chart template to create a dynamic timeline for any Agile project.

External IT Project Gantt Chart Template for Excel

IT Project Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample IT Project Gantt Chart Template for Excel Download the Blank IT Project Gantt Chart Template for Excel

Use this sample template as a comprehensive tool to help you plan and schedule an external IT project. Customize the project name, task names, and start and end dates in the left-hand column to populate the Gantt chart on the right. Select and move the milestone markers to indicate the various stages or milestones of your IT project. 

Download the blank version to get started mapping your project timeline, or download the version with sample data to see how an IT project progresses from planning graphics to testing, rollout, and documentation.

Mobile App Development Agile Gantt Chart Example Template

Mobile App Development Agile Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Mobile App Development Agile Gantt Chart Template for Excel Download the Blank Mobile App Development Agile Gantt Chart Template for Excel

Gantt charts that incorporate Agile methodology are perfect for software projects such as mobile app development. In this sample template, you can see how to use an Agile Gantt chart to map the sprints in a mobile app development project, from research and analysis to launch.

See this comprehensive guide on using Gantt charts for Agile with a template and examples to learn more.

Project Management Gantt Chart Examples

Gantt charts are a fundamental tool in project management. These blank and example Gantt chart templates cover various areas of project management. Find samples that you can use as a guide for creating a proposal, planning, consulting on a roadmap, and more. 

“Once properly created and maintained, a Gantt chart brings clarity to a lot of information, which improves the success of the project manager and, therefore, of the organization,” says Schiller. “Gantt charts help to improve project performance by improving coordination, decision making, and communication.”

Whether you’re consulting, drafting a project proposal, or leading a construction project, Gantt charts will help you stay on schedule. Try Gantt charts that incorporate the critical path method.

Gantt Chart Example for a Project Proposal for PowerPoint

Gantt Chart Project Plan Timeline Powerpoint

Download the Gantt Chart Project Plan Timeline for PowerPoint

Incorporate a Gantt chart into your project proposal presentation with this Gantt chart project plan timeline. This presentation-ready format is a great option for project managers who want to give a broad visual overview of the project timeline to stakeholders or company executives. Simply add this slide to your project proposal presentation to get the most out of this straightforward Gantt chart. 

For more resources and information on project proposals, see this article on writing a winning project proposal .

Project Plan Gantt Chart Example with Template

Gantt Chart Project Plan With Dependencies Example

Download the Sample Gantt Chart Project Plan With Dependencies for Excel Download the Blank Gantt Chart Project Plan With Dependencies for Excel

A project plan is a more detailed version of a project proposal. Use a Gantt chart to allot your team enough time to research and write every section, including overview, scope, schedule, budget, and more. By doing so, you can rest assured that your project plan will be successful. Download the blank version to get started identifying your project plan phases, or download the version with sample data to see how much time to allow for each phase.

To learn best practices and find expert tips on creating project plans, see this guide to writing a winning project plan .

Gantt Chart Example for a Consulting Project Roadmap

Consulting Project Gantt Chart Roadmap Template Example

Download a Sample Consulting Project Gantt Chart Roadmap Template for  Microsoft Word | PowerPoint | Google Slides  

Download a Blank Consulting Project Gantt Chart Roadmap Template for Microsoft Word | PowerPoint | Google Slides  

Create a consulting project roadmap as a Gantt chart to produce a clear and visually dynamic graphic of your timeline. In this example, every part of a consulting project, from developing partner strategy to reviewing the partnership development process, has a phase with individual tasks to which you can assign an owner, deadline, and status.

Construction Project Gantt Chart Example with a Critical Path

Construction Project Gantt Chart Critical Path Template Example

Download the Sample Construction Project Gantt Chart Critical Path Template for Excel Download the Blank Construction Project Gantt Chart Critical Path Template for Excel

By combining Gantt charts with the critical path method (CPM), project managers can optimize their schedules and minimize unexpected delays. Although CPM is appropriate for any project, it is particularly useful for those with many strict dependencies, such as construction projects. 

Try this free, customizable template that combines Gantt charts with critical path methodology. Download the blank version, and enter your tasks, start and finish dates, assignees, and statuses. The template will populate the Gantt chart at the bottom of the spreadsheet as you enter your data. You can also download the version with sample data for a construction project Gantt chart example. 

Learn about Gantt charts and the critical path method in this CPM guide with templates and examples .

Product Development Management Gantt Chart Examples

A Gantt chart can help simplify even the most ambitious product development project. From ideation and research to costing and commercialization, these Gantt chart examples can help set you and your team up for success.

“Gantt charts outline the proper order for completing tasks, as well as the amount of time required,” says Gatkowski. “Having this knowledge is useful while managing projects, as you can monitor the progress, plan the whole project, and manage resources. Project managers can check to see if specific activities are finished on time and modify the project plan accordingly.”

New Product Development Gantt Chart Example for Microsoft Word

New Product Development Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample New Product Development Gantt Chart Template for Microsoft Word Download the Blank New Product Development Gantt Chart Template for Microsoft Word

A new product development project requires careful planning. Try this simple Gantt chart to break down your project into manageable segments, such as developing a prototype, setting up materials acquisition, and creating a marketing plan.

Gantt Chart Example for Product Roadmap

Product Roadmap Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Product Roadmap Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Product Roadmap Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Create a product roadmap using this comprehensive Gantt chart tool. Track every product feature as you move through the development process, from grouping management controls and notifications to drafting product segment reports.

Product Launch Gantt Chart Example for Excel

Product Launch Gantt Chart Template Example

Download the Sample Product Launch Gantt Chart Template for Excel Download the Blank Product Launch Gantt Chart Template for Excel

This Gantt chart design for Excel allows you to track tasks and phases of a product launch. Copy and paste statuses from the color-coded key on the right-hand side of the template to ensure that anyone can take a quick look at your Gantt chart and understand the status of your product launch. Download the version with sample text to use as a guide to get started or the blank version to enter your own details.

Gantt Chart Example for the Manufacturing Process

Manufacturing Process Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Manufacturing Process Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Manufacturing Process Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Try this simple Gantt chart template to keep track of every phase in the manufacturing process. In this example, see how the manufacturing process moves from planning and product development to inspection, shipment, and delivery. Enter start and end dates for each task, and watch the Gantt chart populate with color-coded bars.

Gantt Chart Examples for Human Resources 

Human resources (HR) departments can use Gantt charts for varying projects. Download a sample template to help get you started on your HR Gantt chart, or use a basic Gantt chart template to plan your project schedule from scratch. 

Linda Shaffer

“Gantt charts can be used for a variety of HR-related projects, such as onboarding new employees, planning company-wide training events, and tracking employee performance goals,” says Linda Shaffer, Chief People and Operations Officer at Checkr . “They are particularly useful for projects that involve multiple teams or individuals, as they provide a clear way to track progress and identify potential risks and issues.

“For example,” Shaffer continues, “if you're planning a company-wide training event, you can use a Gantt chart to track the progress of each team as they complete their training. This way, you can see at a glance which teams are on track and which ones are behind schedule.”

Gantt Chart Example for Interview Process

Interview Process Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Interview Process Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Interview Process Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Hiring a new employee takes time, resources, and careful consideration. Stay organized throughout the process, from pre-interviewing to hiring, with a comprehensive and visually dynamic Gantt chart. Complete each section of the pre- and candidate-interview phases, candidate selection, and hiring. This interview process Gantt chart example sets a timeline that ensures everyone who needs to talk to a potential new hire does before you send the offer.

Employee Onboarding Gantt Chart Example

Employee Onboarding Gantt Chart Template Example

Download a Sample Employee Onboarding Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Download a Blank Employee Onboarding Gantt Chart Template for Excel | Google Sheets

Well-organized employee onboarding processes help improve an employee’s long-term experience at a company and decrease overall employee turnover. This Gantt chart illustrates the path to preparing for a perfect first day on the job. 

Download these onboarding templates and checklists for more HR tools and advice.

Gantt Chart Example for Human Resources Planning

Human Resources Planning Template Example

Download the Sample Human Resources Planning Template for Excel Download the Blank Human Resources Planning Template for Excel

Use this Gantt chart to ensure that your organization has all the required team members available to complete your next project. Follow the sample template for an Agile software development projec t, or enter your own data to manage human resources for any upcoming project or initiative.

Easily Track and Manage Your Projects with Gantt Charts in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time.  Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Discover why over 90% of Fortune 100 companies trust Smartsheet to get work done.

The Research Whisperer

Just like the thesis whisperer – but with more money, how to make a simple gantt chart.

In every grant application, I want to see a simple visual guide (a Gantt chart ) that shows what you are planning to do. It is the perfect time to plan your project clearly. It shows the assessors that you have thought about your research in detail and, if it is done well, it can serve as a great, convincing overview of the project.

Clearly, these charts are hard to do. If they were easy, more people would do them, right?

Here are five steps to create a simple guide to your research project.

1. List your activities

Make a list of everything that you plan to do in the project. Take your methodology and turn it into a step-by-step plan. Have you said that you will interview 50 people? Write it on your list.  Are you performing statistical analysis on your sample?  Write it down.

A list of research tasks: have a meeting, do desk audit looking at three key elements (code, plain language and machine readable) plus maybe a fourth element - icons, do some testing and write a report.

Check it against your budget. Everything listed in the budget should also be listed on your uber-list? Have you asked for a Thingatron? Note down that you will need to buy it, install it, commission it… What about travel? Write down each trip separately.

2. Estimate the time required

For each item on your list, estimate how long it will take you to do that thing. How long are you going to be in the field? How long will it take to employ a research assistant? Realistically, how many interviews can you do in a day? When will people be available?

Initial meeting: about 3 weeks to find a time. Desk audit: 4 months. Draft key elements: about 1 week each. Testing: about 1 week each, but can start organising as soon as first element is drafted. Write up: 2 months. Final report: no time, really – just need to find a time to meet.

Generally, I use weeks to estimate time. Anything that takes less than a week I round off to a week. Small tasks like that will generally disappear from the list when we consolidate (see Step 4). Then I group things together into months for the actual plan.

3. Put activities in order

What is the first thing that you are going to do?  What will you do next? What will you do after that?

In the comments, Adrian Masters provided some great questions to help with this stage: What do I need to do by when? What do I need from others & when? How do I check that I am still on track?

One by one, put everything in order. Make a note of any dependencies; that is, situations where you can’t do one thing until another is started or finished. If the research assistant is going to do all the interviews, then the interviews can’t start until the research assistant is hired.

Where possible, you should eliminate as many as possible dependencies. For example, if you can’t find a decent research assistant, you will do the fieldwork yourself (but that might mean that work will be delayed until you finish teaching). It isn’t a necessary step to getting your time-line in order, but it is good project management practice.

In the comments, Amy Lamborg pointed out that you might want to work backwards . If you have a fixed end date, you might want to “…build back towards the project start date, then jiggle everything until it fits !” If you want an example of this, have a look at the post “ Work backwards “. It is about writing an application, but the principle of starting with the fixed end date and working backwards still applies.

4. Chunk it up

Now that you have an ordered list, and you know how long everything will take, you need to reduce the list without losing any specificity. At the same time, if you are combining tasks, you might want to add a bit of time as a contingency measure.

Meet with partners: 3 weeks. Review data protection regimes: 4 months. Draft three key elements: 3 months. Test three key elements: 3 months, with some overlap. Analyse test results and report: 3 months.

How you divide up your time depends on your project. If it is only one year long, you might list items by month. If your project is three years long, then you might list items by quarter. If you are planning over five years, you might break it down to six-month periods.

5. Draw me a picture

If you use project management software to manage your project, and you are comfortable with it, then use it to produce a summary of your project, too.

Most project management software (e.g. like Microsoft Project) will allow you to group activities into summary items. Chunk your tasks into major headings, then change the time interval to your months, quarters, half-years, or whatever you have chosen to use.

Or you can just draw it up with word-processing software (which is what I always do), spreadsheet software, or even hand-draw it.

Example of a Gantt chart

Frankly, I don’t care – as long as it ends up in your application!

Also in the ‘simple grant’ series:

  • How to write a simple research methods section .
  • How to make a simple research budget .

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This is useful. I’m writing my first SERIOUS research proposal for my PhD. Obviously not something I’ve ever done before so all advice is greedily welcome.

My best advice – write something quickly and then get someone else to look at it. I’m a big fan of quick iterations to get started.

Your readers might be interested in Tom’s Planner ( ). It’s a very easy tool to help you create a schedule or project plan (and there is a free version). On our blog we have a bunch of guest blogs about planning your thesis or dissertation with a template and example to help you get started.

The free version is a farce you cannot print, export or do anything but view it online. So don’t waste time with this product it is not a real proof of concept.

Sometimes, when the chunks are too big, you end up failing to understand what’s in those chunks, then your estimate ends up WAY off when you realize the extra work you didn’t consider might go into a give task.

That looks like a useful technique for getting the right information together for a Gantt. I’d be interested in any techniques for step 5. It’s something I’ve done recently as part of my first year PhD report and I wrote about how I produced my Gantt chart here:

I can’t imagine many people use MS project to manage their entire PhD (I could be wrong?) therefore it seems a bit excessive to use it just for a Gantt chart. Equally I find Excel plots look a bit naff and it’s difficult to show linkages between items.

“I’m not looking for a tool to perform PERT or CPM or do resource levelling for me.”

Absolutely! I just want to plug in my info and get a simple image out. How hard is that?

I’m not a big fan of big-iron project management tools either. More time seems to go into managing the information than getting actual work done.

I do think that most group projects that are going to last twelve months or more could do with a simple project management tool, though. I’m a bit of a fan of Basecamp , even if it doesn’t draw Gantt charts.

Of course, everybody has to understand the tool and want to use it, which is a different matter.

Thanks for the post.

I’m currently trying my hand at project management software, but I seem to find it easier to simply write down stuff in a piece of paper before committing it to electronic format. Anybody else has the same issue?

Absolutely, Carlos. As someone who has managed a big project that included spending a lot of time wrangling MS Project, I’m a big fan of just scribbling it down on paper and then mocking it up in MS Word.

[…] How do you create a Gantt chart?  The best advice we have seen is at the useful Research Whisperer blog, where they list 5 steps to creating your very own Gantt Chart in the post ‘How to make a simple Gantt chart’.  […]

Excellent introduction to project planning. I’ve seen recent examples of project managers jumping into MS Project without this level of thinking, with predictable results.

Questions that should help (and which you would need to answer anyway when asked by seeking funding or approval) include: What do I need to do by when? What do I need from others & when? How do I check that I am still on track?

Build those answers into the simple paper approach above, and you’ll have covered the critical project basics (activities, resources, dependencies, scheduling, milestones and checkpoints)

Like Liked by 1 person

Thanks, Adrian.

I liked your questions so much, I added them into the original post. 🙂

An Excel bar chart is pretty much all you need to create a Gantt chart. Unless of course you intend to explore resourcing and costs.

Your info really helped me by doing my D.T ( Design Technology) homework. Thank You 🙂 Eirene Masri From Jordan, Amman

Thanks for your comment. It made me smile. 🙂

I haven’t been to Jordan for a very long time, but I had a great time when I was there.

[…] that you are going to do?  What will you do next? What will you do after that? In the comments, Adrian Masters provided some great questions to help with this […]

Thanks for this particular piece of ‘whisper’… I was in a dire need of a ‘quickie’ method to make a simple Gantt Chart. 😀

Cheers, Yan London

No worries, Yan. Happy to help.

[…] Jonathan. “How to make a simple Gantt Chart” The Research Whisperer. 13 September […]

I have just gone through.Iam also planning to undertake a phd programme and would want to recieve guild as i make progress using gantt Chart

Reblogged this on Queer Fear: Alternative Gothic Literary and Visual Cultures and commented: Stumbled across this useful piece on the use of Gantt charts in research projects. I realise this may seem rather common knowledge to scientists but as a Arts and Humanities-based person I found it gave useful insights for new researchers.

Thanks, Hanoconnor.

I suspect that there are plenty of science people who don’t get any formal training in this, either.

good job. very helpful

[…] Read More At: […]

This is my first time using a Gantt chart in research paper.. hmm. thanks for the info. 🙂

Gantt charts are really useful. Thanks for posting this information about gantt charts. This is a very informative post and very helpful, too.

Thanks Jonathan. I have just completed my first Gantt chart for my Doctorate in Health. I was beginning to get a bit jumpy about some of the very involved instructions I had found previously so your ‘idiots guide’ was really helpful.

No worries, Ade.

Happy to help. Good luck with your doctorate.

I have been using a Gantt chart to plan and track my doctorate since I began last year. It’s just an Excel spreadsheet but suits my purposes, very simple. One thing I’ve found useful us to mark all the highlighted cells bright blue initially, for ‘future action’. Each week, I update that week’s column to green (completed) or red (overdue). This gives me good feedback not only about where I need to change the priorities on my current ‘to do’ list, but is a very satisfying display of how much I’ve already done.

I love Excel, postgradpanda. I reckon that seeing the blue change to green would be very satisfying.

Thanks for this.

[…] […]

Thanks for this. It helped me alot for doing our work schedule in research for short allotted time.

Ohh Thank God Jonathan for that!! you have no idea how much you saved my life.. I was having a real hard time planning my first ever research proposal Loved it alot.. Looking forward for much guidance along the path!!!

Sruti… (From a far far away land.. INDIA)!! 🙂

Thanks, Sruti

Happy to help.

Sruti was right. It’s very helpful to me as well. Saves me a lot of trouble. Keep it up Jonathan.

No worries, Paul

Are you a commercial representative for Ganttic, or did you link to them because you like them? Just wondering.

[…] published a short article about doing research in academia. Some of their articles are mundane (How to make a simple Gantt chart), whereas others are more esoteric (Hashing it over) and heartfelt (Academic […]

[…] out your timeline and your budget. Working up a Gantt chart for your project will force you to think about how long different phases of the project will take. This is important […]

list any six elements that go into the format of a research report?

Hi abukamara

I don’t have a set list. It depends who your audience is, and what sort of report you are writing.

I’m usually helping people to write grant applications, where the format is set by the funding agency. They make it pretty simple, really – they generally tell you exactly what they want.

[…] logframe analysis is well worth reading, while the Research Whisperer explains how to make a simple Gantt chart. And Mind Tools overviews a range of project scheduling tools as does this from MIT. Over at […]

[…] take you three or maybe three-and-a-half years. However, PhDs in my area rarely follow the sort of gantt chart anybody approving funding, ethics clearance or candidature milestones might approve. A tangent I […]

[…] How to make a simple Gantt chart – Jonathan O’Donnell. […]

Jonathan, i suppose that you should try more intuitive service) My experience in project management tells me there are a lot of comlicated tools such as MS Project. After years of searching and trying (Wrike, Liquid Planner, Smartsheet) i start using GanttPRO, especially because of its simplicity and high visibility. So try GanttPRO to facilitate workflow.

[…] O’Donnell, J 2011, How to make a simple Gantt chart, The Research Whisperer, weblog, 13 September, viewed 23 April 2017, < ;. […]

[…] research design is important. Following the steps outlined in O’Donnell’s (2011) blog How to make a simple Gantt Chart, I constructed this graph and a risk matrix to ensure that my time was used efficiently. […]

[…] Other tips on Gantt charts, including how to make one manually: […]

Thanks Jonathan! I am a grant writer, and your post is a great reminder that I should probably make a timeline visually appealing, like your hand-made Gantt. I’m going to do it!

I wanted to point out that for a grant funded project (which often has a specified end date by which the money must be spent), I often find myself making a timeline backwards. That is, I start creating the timeline from the specified end date, and then ask myself the questions that Adrian Masters posed: What do I need to do by when? What do I need from others & when? I build back towards the project start date, then jiggle everything until it fits!

BTW, did you know that in your text descriptions of the example timeline, the time is in weeks, but in your Gantt chart the time is in months? I have a feeling that you really meant for these to match….

Like Liked by 2 people

Thanks, Amy

This article has been viewed over 150,000 times, and you are the first person to point out the weeks / months issue. I’ve fixed it now (although it is a bit of a bodge).

I agree with the backwards process, so much so that I wrote a post about it: Work backwards . It is about the grant writing process, but the principle is the same.

This particular instance was one of those rare times when I truly didn’t have an end date, and could work out the actual time the project would take (surprise – it took longer).

I’ve added a bit into the post about working backwards. Thanks for that.

Proofreading touchdown? You just made my day! Thanks for this, and for Research Whisperer in general. I am probably not really your intended audience, but I get a lot of value from all the posts. You-all do good work!

[…] Research Whisperer. (2016). How to Make a Simple Gannt Chart.[online] Available at: [Accessed 14 Mar. […]

[…] O’Donnell, J 2011, ‘How to make a simple Gantt chart’, The Research Whisperer, 13 September, viewed 13 April 2018, < ;. […]

[…] you know how to make a simple Gantt […]

[…] How to make a simple Gantt chart: This article provides steps on making a Gantt chart (generally, not specific for PhD). […]

[…] “How to Make a Simple Gantt Chart,” by Jonathan O’Donnell on The Research Whisperer […]

[…] analysis of all their blog search terms. His analysis  showed lots of people were looking for how to make a simple Gantt Chart. Jonathan’s excellent analysis left me wondering: what do readers think is ‘high value […]

If your university has the Microsoft suite of programs Viso (I think it is called) is easy to learn the basic functions to make a Gantt and the nice thing is that when you change a date the program moves the bars for you so fewer errors 🙂 winning.

Thanks, Wendy. Good advice.

[…] complex, messy, and not as linear as suggested by the timeline of activities we outline in project Gantt charts. During my doctorate, there were twists and turns as I made decisions around which literature to […]

[…] webinars should I register for? What about grants? Reading groups? Mentoring? How exactly does a research GANTT chart work (or does it)? How can I get research and writing done without sacrificing my entire summer on […]

[…] my various projects. This method was originally inspired by two academic Gantt chart enthusiasts (one, two). However, I found that the traditional way of setting up a gantt chart (with the projects on […]

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Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

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As a qualitative researcher, planning and organizing your research activities can be a daunting task. But fear not! ClickUp's Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template is here to make your life easier.

With this template, you can:

  • Efficiently map out your research timeline, from literature review to report writing
  • Schedule and allocate time for data collection, analysis, and interpretation
  • Ensure that each task is completed on time, preventing any delays in your research project

No more scrambling to meet deadlines or feeling overwhelmed by the research process. ClickUp's Gantt chart template will help you stay on track and smoothly navigate your qualitative research journey. Start planning today!

Benefits of Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Planning and managing a qualitative research project can be a daunting task, but with the Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template, you can streamline the process and achieve success. Here are some benefits of using this template:

  • Visualize the timeline of your research project, allowing you to easily track progress and deadlines
  • Identify dependencies between different research activities, ensuring a smooth flow and efficient use of resources
  • Allocate resources effectively by assigning tasks and responsibilities to team members
  • Communicate project milestones and deliverables with stakeholders, ensuring everyone is on the same page and informed about project progress

Main Elements of Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

ClickUp's Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart template provides an efficient way to plan and execute your qualitative research projects.

Key elements of this template include:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of your research tasks with statuses like Complete, In Progress, and To Do, ensuring that all project phases are accounted for and easily managed.
  • Custom Fields: Utilize custom fields such as Project Phase, Project Progress, and Attachment to capture and organize important information related to your research proposal, ensuring that all relevant details are readily available.
  • Different Views: Access multiple views to visualize your project timeline and progress. The Project Gantt view allows you to create a comprehensive Gantt chart, the Project Plan view provides a detailed overview of the project, and the Template Guide view offers a helpful guide to assist you in utilizing the template effectively.

How to Use Gantt Chart for Qualitative Research Proposal

Putting together a project timeline can be a complex task, but with the help of the Gantt Chart template in ClickUp, you can easily create a comprehensive timeline that keeps everyone on track. Follow these {{Steps_Random #}} steps to effectively use the Gantt Chart template:

1. Define your project tasks

Start by listing all the tasks that need to be completed for your project. Break them down into smaller, more manageable tasks to ensure clarity and accuracy.

Use tasks in ClickUp to create a detailed list of project tasks, assign them to team members, and set due dates.

2. Determine task dependencies

Identify any tasks that are dependent on one another and establish the order in which they need to be completed. This will help you visualize the flow of your project and ensure that tasks are completed in the correct sequence.

Use task dependencies in ClickUp to link tasks together and create a clear visual representation of the project timeline.

3. Assign task durations

Estimate the amount of time each task will take to complete. Consider factors such as resources, team availability, and any potential obstacles that may arise. Assign realistic durations to each task to create a more accurate timeline.

Use custom fields in ClickUp to track and assign durations to each task.

4. Set milestones

Identify key milestones or deadlines throughout your project. These are major accomplishments or events that mark important progress points. Setting milestones will help you track the overall progress of your project and ensure that it stays on schedule.

Use milestones in ClickUp to mark important points in your project timeline and track progress towards your goals.

5. Monitor and update

Regularly monitor your project timeline and update it as tasks are completed or new tasks arise. Keep an eye on any changes or delays that may impact the overall timeline and make adjustments accordingly.

Use the Gantt Chart view in ClickUp to easily visualize your project timeline, track progress, and make necessary updates.

6. Communicate and collaborate

Share your project timeline with team members and stakeholders to ensure everyone is on the same page. Collaborate on the Gantt Chart to discuss any changes, updates, or potential issues that may arise during the project.

Use the Comments and @mentions features in ClickUp to facilitate communication and collaboration within the project timeline.

add new template customization

Get Started with ClickUp’s Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Qualitative researchers can use the Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template to effectively plan and schedule their research activities.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to plan your research project:

  • Use the Project Gantt View to visualize and manage your research timeline
  • The Project Plan View will help you outline and organize your research activities
  • Use the Template Guide View to access a guide that provides best practices and tips for using the Gantt chart effectively
  • Organize tasks into three different statuses: Complete, In Progress, To Do, to keep track of progress
  • Update statuses as you complete each research activity to stay organized and on track
  • Monitor and analyze your progress to ensure timely completion of your research project

Related Templates

  • Finance Teams Gantt Chart Template
  • Nurses Gantt Chart Template
  • Refinery Operators Gantt Chart Template
  • Board Of Trustees Gantt Chart Template
  • Electrical Project Gantt Chart Template

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Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

Featured blog post image for Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

It’s a common scenario: you have never heard about Gantt charts. Then, when writing a PhD application or planning your PhD timeline for the upcoming years, someone suggests: You should include a Gantt chart! No need to worry. Here is all you need to know about Gantt charts for your PhD timeline.

What are Gantt charts?

Gantt charts belong to the family of bar charts. In a Gantt chart, bars depict different project tasks. The length of each bar is proportionate to the task duration and indicates both start and finish dates.

Why are Gantt charts frequently used for PhD timelines?

A Grantt chart is a great way to provide an overview of project tasks, activities and milestones.

Gantt charts are frequently used to illustrate PhD timelines because doing a PhD essentially means creating, managing and implementing a project with many components over several years.

Furthermore, Gantt chart PhD timelines allow PhD students to track their progress. They can also help PhD students to stay on track with their work.

You may also like: How to develop an awesome PhD timeline step-by-step

What information is included in Gantt charts for PhD timelines?

Gantt charts can include all kind of information, based on the specific project they are focusing on. When it comes to Gantt chart PhD timelines, there are several elements that are commonly featured:

Of course, every PhD project is unique. This uniqueness should be reflected in your Gantt chart. For instance, your Gantt chart PhD timeline will look different if you write a PhD based on articles or if you write a monograph .

How do you create a Gantt chart for your PhD timeline?

Creating a phd timeline gantt chart in microsoft excel.

You can create a table, turn it into a bar chart and manually edit it until it looks like a Gantt chart. If you have some experience with Excel, it is doable. Detailed instructions on the process can be found in this manual from

However, why go through all the hassle when you can simply download a template? You can use Microsoft’s own free Gantt project planner template and adjust it to your PhD project.

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in Microsoft PowerPoint

First, you need to open a blank PowerPoint slide. Then click on Insert (1.), then Chart (2.). A popup will appear. Select Bar (3.) and finally select the Stacked Bar option (4).

A standard bar chart will appear on your slide and a small Excel table with open next to it. The first column in the Excel table is called Categories . You can replace categories with the PhD tasks that you want to display. For instance, Literature Review, Interviews, Transcribing and Analysis. You can add more categories or delete existing ones by removing a row in the small Excel table.

Next to the Categories (now tasks) column, you see three more columns: Series 1 , Series 2 , Series 3 . You can use these columns to showcase the length of tasks. Rename Series 1 into Start Date and Series 2 into End Date . Series 3 indicates the overall length. Depending on the timeframe you want to showcase, you can opt for instance for Length (weeks) or Length (months) .

In the example below, I decided to plan PhD tasks for a year. Thus, 1 means January, 2 means February, 3 means March and so forth. The length of tasks is also indicated in months:

Next, click on your chart and three icons will appear in the upper-right corner next to it. Click on the bottom one, the Chart filters , remove the tick of the check box of End Date , and click on Apply. You will see that the bar chart will start to look like a Gantt chart:

Now, the blue parts of the bar, indicating the Start Dates, need to be removed. Just click on one of them, and on the righthand side, Format Data Series should appear. Select No fill. Alternatively, in the upper menu, select Format , go to Shape fill, and select No fill .

Now comes the fun part, namely decorating. You can add a chart title, colour the bars in the colour of your choice, edit the legend and the axis descriptions. Just play with it to explore the options.

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in a Microsoft Word

To start the process in Word, it is smart to first change the orientation of your page to Landscape . In the top menu, click on Layout , then select Orientation , then choose Landscape .

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart with an online tool

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of creating your own Gantt chart but are not convinced by any templates, you can make use of online tools and software.

The site requires no signup. You can editing and simply start filling in the Gantt chart, and export it as an Excel, Image or PDF file when you are done!

PhD timeline Gantt chart templates

Best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft excel, best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft powerpoint, best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft word.

Useful Gantt chart templates for Microsoft Word can be downloaded here from TemplateLAB. I like these templates as they can be easily adjusted to the needs of a PhD timeline. For instance, a weekly Gantt chart template can be useful to establish a detailed plan with weekly objectives to keep your PhD progress on track.

PhD timeline Gantt chart examples

Gantt chart phd timeline example in microsoft excel, gantt chart phd timeline example in microsoft powerpoint.

Using the Gantt chart PowerPoint template by above, an example PhD timeline to present a plan for a 3 year PhD could look, for instance, like this:

Gantt chart PhD timeline example in Microsoft Word

Using a weekly Gantt chart template from TemplateLab mentioned above, an example PhD timeline with weekly tasks and objectives could look, for instance, like this:

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13+ SAMPLE Gantt Chart Research Proposal in PDF | Excel

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Gantt Chart Research Proposal | Excel

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Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

Research Proposal Timeline Gantt Chart Template

Research Proposal Timeline Gantt Chart Template

Gantt Chart Timeline Research Proposal

Gantt Chart Timeline Research Proposal

Gantt Chart Research Project Proposal

Gantt Chart Research Project Proposal

Sample Paper Research Management Proposal

Sample Paper Research Management Proposal

Gantt Chart Research Proposal

Gantt Chart Research Proposal

Gantt Chart Research Proposal Form

Gantt Chart Research Proposal Form

Market Research Proposal Gantt Chart

Market Research Proposal Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart Research Plan Proposal

Gantt Chart Research Plan Proposal

Master Research Proposal Gantt Chart

Master Research Proposal Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart Short Research Project Proposal

Gantt Chart Short Research Project Proposal

Research Project Gantt Chart Template

Research Project Gantt Chart Template

Proposal for Thesis Gantt Chart Template

Proposal for Thesis Gantt Chart Template

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Example of Gantt Chart For Research Proposal

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Gantt Chart For Research Proposal

Are you looking example of a Gantt Chart for a Research Proposal?

Do you know how to set up a gantt chart for the research proposal.

If you don’t know how to set up one then this article is definitely for you because here you will find a sample Gantt chart idea. The easy sample Gantt chart For Research Proposal given below describes the method break down in a very simple and effective way.

By following the steps you will very easily be able to construct your own chat on a research proposal in just a couple of hours. Learn how to personalize your work in the following steps given below. The sample can help you in formatting any types of chart models that you need to insert in your important projects.

Get customized research proposal along with Gantt Chart from our experts at a 25% discount and 100% chance to get approved

Find out about your projections in business strategies related to market fluctuations by following this chart.

By means of this chart, a proper analysis can be drawn out based on projected sales level in the market or these charts can easily be used as a plan out weekly timetable.

These projections just help to show any kind of breakdown that’s needed, it can be in days or weeks, or in a price commodity.

Learning these simple ways of making them, will not just clear the whole concept of the proposal you wish to put forward, but also help in selecting your instrument for approach in your dissertation,

The Gantt Chart has two sides showing, one is for the weaker side projection and the other is for any kind of increase in the value or percentage even shows progress on it.

This Gantt Chart For Research Proposal will always have a central point which is its balance level, and it can predict things on the basis of bar colors. You can easily make them by referring to the samples below.


These websites have collected data from a specimen from many researchers on the basis of the social and commercial needs of the chart. You can refer to them for developing your own easy-to-go chart for multi-purpose.

Follow the guide to get yourself the best and easy tips to build your own Gantts Chart for research purposes.

Sample Gantt chart

That was a practical example for you to make a Gantt chart for a research proposal of your own. Just make sure, you are not using it as it is. Follow clicks by clicking to get your own Gantt Chart For Research Proposal.

Grantt chart For Research Proposal Example

That was a practical example for you to make a Gantt chart for a research proposal of your own. Just follow the easy steps to build the desired chart for your personal research or any other proposal, you are not using it as it is.

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FREE 10+ Gantt Chart Research Proposal Samples in PDF

Gantt Chart Research Proposal Image

According to the book “Mastering the Gantt Chart,” the use of the Gantt chart allowed for real progress and advancement in industrial management in the early 20th century. By using a simple and powerful graphical representation, a specific research or work project can be accomplished easily. In this article, we will discuss beneficial steps of creating a proposal for your Gantt chart  research , plus we have various downloadable proposal templates for you to use. Keep on reading!

Gantt Chart Research Proposal

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gantt chart timeline research proposal template

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proposal for thesis gantt chart template

A Gantt chart research proposal   is a useful document that comprises main goals, objectives, and methods or strategies established by the researchers in demonstrating the specific timeline and progress, or the essential tasks and time intervals of a particular project.

Being an effective researcher, you need to really learn and apply the significant process and skills, improve your skills, and fully develop a unique end product. In this matter, we suggest that you follow the steps below while freely using one of our templates in this article:

Before anything else, you need to identify the research problem, and define specific goals, and objectives in creating a research proposal for your thesis Gantt chart.  Be inspired by the words said by Henry Davod Thoreau: “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”  So, establish a solid foundation of your proposal by creating your goals.

The second step that you should do is collecting and evaluating important data for your proposal. The information you collected will help you to gain valuable information on how you can manage and structure your plan properly. Donato Diorio said: “Without a systematic way to start and keep data clean, bad data will happen.” To maintain order and harmony in your work, use some quality research and analysis methods on your data.

Then, you need to explain thoroughly the different kinds of methods and strategies that you are planning to use for your research study . An Indian actor named Ashish Vidyarthi said: “We make life difficult, and then we try to solve it. My methodology is to simplify things and share them with life examples.” Avoid setting up complicated methods but opt for simple yet effective ones. Also, make a clear list of activities that you need to include for your plan, and sequence them in the proper order.

You need to indicate an estimated time for each item or activity on the list of your research proposal. This will show some clarifications for your readers or evaluators to know if you have allocated enough time to finish your proposed research paper. 

To create a Gantt chart, you need to review the scope baseline, and create and sequence activities. Then, estimate your resources and time durations. Later on, you can develop a structured schedule.

Write a catchy title and compelling introduction and a resource review. Describe thoroughly the implementation of your methods. Predict your results. Discuss the possible effect of your results.

An example of a Gantt chart is a bar chart that portrays the beginning and end dates of various elements of a certain project such as resources, milestones, tasks, and dependencies.

A good Gantt chart should have a sufficient time duration or time frames which can be precisely estimated. Include a hierarchical list of goals or work divisions, with tasks and subtasks listed below them.

Therefore, writing a proposal for your Gantt chart research may not be an enjoyable task to you in the first place yet despite the difficulties, you eventually find them to be achievable, inspiring you to perform your best in completing your research work. For planning and scheduling projects, you need to be an expert in using a Gantt chart. So, we recommend that you get a proposal template today to work efficiently on your thesis research project! 

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Gantt Chart for Dissertation – Important Ingredient for Dissertation Success

Published by Ellie Cross at January 26th, 2023 , Revised On October 9, 2023

A dissertation is an important part of academic life. You may have spent a lot of time thinking about it, researching it, and writing it. And because of that, you want to put your best foot forward.

You want to make sure that your dissertation is well-organized, easy to read, and compelling. One way you can do this is by using a Gantt chart for your dissertation.

Gantt Chart for Dissertation 

The Gantt chart is one of the most important and useful tools for dissertation writing or even in project management. It enables the planner to develop a detailed schedule showing all the planned work, activities, milestones, and deliverables. 

The Gantt chart is not just a simple table with dates, but it is a graphical representation of a project plan that can be used to show relationships between tasks. For example, the Gantt chart shows when something has to be done and how long it takes to finish this task. It also shows how long other tasks take before they can start or after they are completed. 

The basic concept behind the Gantt chart is that there must be sufficient time allocated for each task within a given time scale so that there is no interference between different tasks being carried out simultaneously by students. 

With the help of a research Gantt chart , you can create a visual roadmap that shows how your project will be completed. This is especially important when you have many tasks to complete.

When Using a Gantt Chart for a Dissertation?

Gantt charts are really helpful for project management. It is often used in business management, engineering and construction, software development, and other fields where projects must be managed.

Sometimes, it is possible to use these charts even if there are no deadlines set for your tasks. This can be useful if you want to understand how much time different types of activities take and how they affect each other.

We use them because they help us visualize our workload and plan our resources accordingly:

  • They help us see which activities depend on each other so we can better coordinate them.
  • They allow us to see what parts of our project are delayed easily.
  • They show whether or not we have enough resources at our disposal.
  • They help us decide when we should reschedule some activities if necessary.

How Can ResearchProspect Help?

ResearchProspect writers can send several custom topic ideas to your email address. Once you have chosen a topic that suits your needs and interests, you can order for our dissertation outline service which will include a brief introduction to the topic, research questions , literature review , methodology , expected results , and conclusion . The dissertation outline will enable you to review the quality of our work before placing the order for our full dissertation writing service!

How to Create a Gantt Chart

Creating a Gantt chart for a dissertation is simple. First, you need to enter your task names, durations, and start dates into an Excel spreadsheet and then use the built-in tools to insert a Gantt chart. There are the following steps:

  • Start with a blank Gantt chart and customize it according to your needs.
  • Add tasks in the form of boxes that represent activities in your project plan. If more than one person is involved in an activity, add lines between them for each step in the process.
  • Add resources (people or equipment) by clicking on the “Resources” tab at the top of the page, selecting from a drop-down menu, or typing in a name manually if you know it already. You can also search for specific names from here if needed and assign resources to tasks by clicking on them once they’ve been added.
  • Use different colours for each task or phase of your project. This makes it easy to see at a glance whether each phase is on track or behind schedule.

Dissertation Planning Template

You can plan your dissertation with the dissertation planning template. This is not a strict structure. It is just a guide. You can adapt it to suit your needs as long as you clearly understand what you want to achieve before you start writing.

The Dissertation Planning Template has Five Main Sections:

Introduction – and overview of the problem and why it is important.

Research question(s) – clearly defined research questions will be investigated during the project.

Objectives – specific objectives that need to be met to achieve the research goals. These may include several smaller objectives (e.g., data collection methods).

Literature review – an analysis of existing literature related to your topic and any gaps in understanding. This section should also include any relevant theory (e.g., theories from other disciplines) and methodologies used within those disciplines which could be applied to your project (if applicable).

Methodology – an outline of how you will address each research objective in relation to your chosen methodology.

Why Choose a Dissertation Gantt Chart Template?

There are many reasons why you would want to use a Gantt chart for a dissertation template rather than creating one yourself:

They Save Time  

Creating a dissertation Gantt chart takes time, effort, and knowledge using Microsoft Excel or PowerPoint software. Therefore, you may find it easier to use an existing template instead of creating one from scratch if you do not have much experience with these programs.

They Look Professional

Gantt chart templates will make your final presentation look more professional using the best dissertation.

Gantt Charts Help Prevent Problems from Arising.

By using a Gantt chart template, you can spot potential problems before they arise. Such as missing deadlines or conflicting tasks and taking action immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a gantt chart for a dissertation.

A Gantt Chart for a dissertation is a visual timeline that outlines the research tasks, milestones, and deadlines. It helps students plan and manage their dissertation projects efficiently.

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Table of Contents

Free 10+ research gantt chart templates in pdf | ms word, 1. research project gantt chart, 2. research centre gannt chart, 3. masters research proposal gantt chart, 4. research proposal gantt chart, 5. research framework gantt chart, 6. managing research project gantt charts, 7. operational research gantt chart, 8. research gantt chart for students, 9. research implementation gannt chart, 10. recruitment research gannt chart, 11. research phase gantt chart, 5 steps to create the research gantt chart, what are the purpose of the research gantt chart, what are the examples of the research gantt chart, how does the research gantt chart works, what are the drawbacks of the research gantt chart.

  • Graphic Design

The Research Gantt Chart is utilised to represent the project schedule that involves the duration of the individual tasks, the stages and its depencies and ordering. It keeps up the process of the planning by calculating its duration, the identification of resources, and lays out the order in which the research work need to be completed. It calculates the starting and the end point of the completion of project.

gantt chart for research proposal

Step 1: Two methods used in creating gantt chart

Step 2: mention research’s start and end line, step 3: gathering all the information, step 4: evaluating activities depending on other, step 5: create graph including timeline and list, more in charts.

Business Research Gantt Chart Template

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How to Create and Use a Gantt Chart for PhD Studies

Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a common tool used in the project management field. It is used for schedule planning of a project and its tasks and activities. It shows the tasks, their start and end dates, and the duration needed to complete them.

A PhD is a project and may last from as few as three years to as long as six years depending on the university and department a student is enrolled in.

In order to successfully complete a PhD program, one needs to plan when each of the tasks will be completed from the word go. A Gantt chart is very useful in doing this.

A PhD student can create one comprehensive Gantt chart or several smaller Gantt charts for each of the major deliverables.

This article discusses a Gantt chart for a general PhD program that has both coursework and dissertation components.

Benefits of a Gantt chart for planning PhD studies

Steps involved in creating a gantt chart for phd studies, how to effectively use the phd gantt chart, final thoughts on the phd gantt chart.

Creating a Gantt chart at the beginning of PhD studies has the following benefits:

  • It is easy to create. A student can use the traditional pen-and-paper method or existing digital tools or softwares to create a Gantt chart.
  • It is easy to read. The visual presentation of the Gantt chart makes it easy for the student to read and know what is expected of him at any point in time.
  • A Gantt chart makes it easy to monitor progress of PhD studies. The user can choose to use different colors for tasks that have already been completed, tasks that are close to completion, and tasks that require more time and effort to complete.
  • It forms the basis for monthly, weekly, and daily planning of the PhD studies. Depending on how detailed a student wants to go in terms of planning, the Gantt chart comes in handy when writing out the monthly, weekly and even daily plans.

Step 1: List all the deliverables expected of your PhD program. In this example, the PhD program has the following requirements:

  • Coursework, divided into 4 modules each lasting 2 weeks. All 4 modules need to be completed within the first year of study.
  • A comprehensive written exam at the end of the fourth module.
  • An oral exam once a student passes the written exam.
  • Submission of a concept note.
  • Submission of a research proposal once a student passes the oral exam.
  • Writing a business management case study.
  • Three journal papers.
  • At least two conference papers.
  • A dissertation.

Step 2: For each of the requirements listed above, note the start and end dates. For the above example, the PhD program lasts a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years. Assuming the minimum of 3 years (beginning January 2021), the activities’ start and end dates are as follows:

Year of studyTasks/activitiesStart and end dates
Year 1Module 1January 2021
Module 2April 2021
Module 3July 2021
Module 4October 2021
Concept noteJune 2021
Comprehensive examNovember 2021
Year 2Proposal defenseMarch 2022
Business management case studyApril – June 2022
Journal article 1 submitted to a journalJune 2022
Data collection and cleaning for dissertationJuly – September 2022
Data analysisOctober – November 2022
First conference paper presentedNovember 2022
First draft submittedDecember 2022
Year 3Second conference paper presentedMarch 2023
Two journal articles submitted to journalsMay 2023
Revision and finalization of manuscriptJanuary-October 2023
PhD vivaNovember 2023

Step 3: Using the above information, create the Gantt chart using Microsoft Word, Powerpoint or Excel.

The following are useful resources for creating a Gantt chart using:

  • Microsoft Powerpoint:
  • Microsoft Excel:
  • Microsoft Word:

The Gantt chart created from the above data is shown below. The chart was created using Microsoft Powerpoint.

PhD Gantt chart

Step 4: Once the Gantt chart is complete, print it out and hang it on the wall of your study room/area. This serves as a constant reminder of the tasks that need to be done at any point in time, as well as of the progress that has been made so far.

The greatest strength in using the Gantt chart for PhD studies lies in its ability to help one plan ahead. Using the Gantt chart above as an example, the user can plan as follows:

  • At the beginning of every month, look at what is required of you. For instance, the student above needs to complete module one of the coursework and at the same time start working on proposal writing.

The student can plan for module one in advance by going through the course structure and expected readings, and reading in advance before the start of the module so that he is able to follow and understand what is being taught. If there are pre- and post-module exams, the student can also prepare for them in advance.

Preliminary tasks for proposal writing can include: discussing your proposed topic with your supervisor, and searching for and quick review of literature to identify the gap that your topic will be addressing. All these can be done in the first month before the actual proposal writing starts.

  • The Gantt chart can help you identify the skills that are required for the successful completion of your dissertation. For instance, the student above is expected to write a Business Management case study by June of year 2.

If the student does not have case study writing skills, he can start looking for courses that teach case study writing and complete them way before the deadline for the case study. Same case for skills such as preparing and writing a journal paper, writing a conference paper, data analysis using softwares such as Stata, SPSS, NVivo etc.

  • The Gantt chart can help you plan for academic-related events such as conferences.

In the example provided above, the student is expected to attend two scientific conferences (in November of year 2 and March of year 3) and make presentations.

The student can start looking for conferences related to his field that are held during the proposed times and mark the key dates and requirements of the conferences (for instance, abstract submission deadlines, abstract submission guidelines, registration deadlines etc).

  • The Gantt chart can help you create monthly and weekly plans for longer tasks such as proposal writing.

In the above sample Gantt chart, proposal writing and defense spans a period of 15 months. By March of the second year, the student is expected to defend his proposal. This may seem like such a long period of time but in reality it is not. This is because it is not the only task that the student will undertake during this period. As a result, it is easier to focus on the tasks at hand and forget about the tasks that seem to have adequate time.

Proposal writing is a daunting task and requires constant reading and updating. To ensure that the student submits his proposal in time, he can create monthly and weekly plans for the task. An example of monthly planning for the proposal writing is provided in the table below:

Month 1 – 3Literature search and review
Month 4Write chapter 1
Month 5Share chapter 1 with supervisor for review
Month 6Address comments
Month 7 – 8 Write chapter 2
Month 9 Share chapter 2 with supervisor for review
Month 10 Address comments
Month 11 – 12Write chapter 3
Month 13Share chapter 3 with supervisor for review
Month 14 Address comments and finalize the proposal
Month 15Defend your proposal

The monthly plan is based on assumptions, for instance, that the supervisor will review the document within the scheduled timeframe. This may or may not hold, depending on the supervisor.

It is therefore important to allow ample time for such factors that are out of your own control in order to ensure that the task is completed by the deadline.

The monthly plans can further be broken down into weekly (and even daily) plans, for instance:

  • Number of papers to read per week (day).
  • Number of words to write per week (day).
  • How many citations and bibliographies to insert (update) every week (day).
  • Number of additional articles to search and add to your library each week etc.

Each of these tasks contributes to the overall proposal writing and make the task completion easier and faster than waiting for the last few months to do it all at once.

A PhD is a medium- to long-term project depending on how long it takes to finish. It therefore requires effective and careful planning from the start of the program to ensure that each deliverable is completed within the stipulated time. The Gantt chart is an easy-to-create, and easy-to-use planning tool that can be used by all PhD students. Not only does it save the student time but it also gives him peace of mind knowing the progress of each and every task required.

Grace Njeri-Otieno

Grace Njeri-Otieno is a Kenyan, a wife, a mom, and currently a PhD student, among many other balls she juggles. She holds a Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Economics and has more than 7 years' experience with an INGO. She was inspired to start this site so as to share the lessons learned throughout her PhD journey with other PhD students. Her vision for this site is "to become a go-to resource center for PhD students in all their spheres of learning."

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Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; Coastal Ocean Program Grants Proposal Application Package

A Notice by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on 08/16/2024

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  • Document Details Published Content - Document Details Agencies Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Document Citation 89 FR 66688 Document Number 2024-18438 Document Type Notice Pages 66688-66689 (2 pages) Publication Date 08/16/2024 Published Content - Document Details
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Department of Commerce

National oceanic and atmospheric administration.

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.

Notice of information collection, request for comment.

The Department of Commerce, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed, and continuing information collections, which helps us assess the impact of our information collection requirements and minimize the public's reporting burden. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment preceding submission of the collection to OMB.

To ensure consideration, comments regarding this proposed information collection must be received on or before October 15, 2024.

Interested persons are invited to submit written comments to Adrienne Thomas, NOAA PRA Officer, at [email protected] . Please reference OMB Control Number 0648-0384 in the subject line of your comments. All comments received are part of the public record and will generally be posted on without change. Do not submit Confidential Business Information or otherwise sensitive or protected information.

Requests for additional information or specific questions related to collection activities should be directed to Laura Golden, Grants Administrator, by telephone 240-569-0196 or by email [email protected] .

This request is for a revision and extension of a currently approved information collection. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coastal Ocean Program (COP) now known as the Competitive Research Program (CRP) under the National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science provides direct financial assistance through grants and cooperative agreements for research supporting the management of coastal ecosystems and the NOAA Restore Science Program. The statutory authority for COP is Public Law 102-567, section 201 (Coastal Ocean Program). NOAA was authorized to establish and administer the Restore Science Program, in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, by the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies (RESTORE) of the Gulf States Act of 2012 ( Pub. L. 112-141 , section 1604). Identified in the RESTORE Act as the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Science, Observation, Monitoring, and Technology Program, the Program is commonly known as the NOAA RESTORE Science Program (RSP). In addition to standard government application requirements, applicants for financial assistance for both programs are required to submit a project summary form, current and pending form, and a Data Management form template. The Data Management form template is a new addition to the application package. Data Management is a required element of the application package and the use of this form the will reduce the public burden by providing a specific format instead of requiring each applicant to create their own format. The Key Contacts form has been removed from the collection. CRP recipients are required to file annual progress reports and a project final report using CRP formats. The RSP recipients are required to file semiannual progress reports, a final report and a Gantt chart showing project milestones using RSP formats. All of these requirements are needed for better evaluation of proposals and monitoring of awards.

Respondents have a choice of either electronic or paper forms.

OMB Control Number: 0648-0384.

Form Number(s): None.

Type of Review: Regular submission (revision/extension of a currently approved collection).

Affected Public: Non-profit institutions; State, local, or tribal government; business or other for-profit organizations.

Estimated Number of Respondents: 1,200.

Estimated Time per Response: 30 minutes each for a project summary, data management template and current and pending Federal support; 5.5 hours for a semi-annual report; 5 hours for an annual report, 10 hours for a CRP final report, 10.5 hours for the RSP final report and 1 hour for the milestone Gantt chart.

Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 1,912.5.

Estimated Total Annual Cost to Public: $0 in recordkeeping/reporting costs.

Respondent's Obligation: Mandatory.

Legal Authority: The statutory authority for COP is Public Law 102-567, section 201 (Coastal Ocean Program). NOAA was authorized to establish and administer the Restore Science Program, in consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, by the Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies (RESTORE) of the Gulf States Act of 2012 ( Pub. L. 112-141 , section 1604).

We are soliciting public comments to permit the Department/Bureau to: (a) Evaluate whether the proposed information collection is necessary for the proper functions of the Department, including whether the information will have practical utility; (b) Evaluate the accuracy of our estimate of the time and cost burden for this proposed collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ( print page 66689) Evaluate ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) Minimize the reporting burden on those who are to respond, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology.

Comments that you submit in response to this notice are a matter of public record. We will include or summarize each comment in our request to OMB to approve this ICR. Before including your address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. While you may ask us in your comment to withhold your personal identifying information from public review, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to do so.

Sheleen Dumas,

Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, Commerce Department.

[ FR Doc. 2024-18438 Filed 8-15-24; 8:45 am]


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  2. Figuration Example Of Gantt Chart for Research Project Check more at

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  4. Gantt Chart Template For Research Proposal

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  5. 41 Free Gantt Chart Templates (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) ᐅ TemplateLab

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  6. Download Gantt Chart Example Research Proposal

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  1. Gantt Chart for a Research Project Proposal: Step-by-step guide

    Learn how to create and use a Gantt chart for your research project proposal using the Gleek app. A Gantt chart is a visual tool that helps you plan, schedule, and track your project tasks and milestones.

  2. Step-by-Step Guide: Research Proposal Gantt Chart Example

    Understanding the Role of Gantt Charts in Research Proposals. Gantt charts, created by Henry Gantt, are powerful tools for managing projects. They show tasks as horizontal bars on a timeline, making it easy to see how long each task will take and how they depend on each other. This simple format gives a clear overview of your research proposal ...

  3. Gantt Chart Research Proposal Template: A Comprehensive Guide + Free

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  4. How to use a Gantt chart for a research project

    Learn how a Gantt chart can help you plan and manage your research project with timelines, resources, and dependencies. Find out how to use's project management Work OS to create and customize Gantt charts for your research needs.

  5. How to write a Research Proposal: Creating a Gantt chart

    Some University departments require students to create a Gantt chart to represent a schedule for the research project. The Gantt chart shows the timelines of the various steps of the project including their dependencies and any resources needed.In other words, the chart depicts when an event is supposed to take place in your project by providing an outline regarding the order in which the ...

  6. Creating Gantt Chart for Research Proposal: 5 Comprehensive Tutorial!

    Step 1: Make a Project Table. The first step in creating a Gantt chart is to make a project table. List all the activities that you plan to do in your research project. This can include tasks such as literature review, data collection, data analysis, and writing the final report. Make sure to include the start and end dates for each activity.

  7. Gantt Chart Templates for Research Project Proposals

    Find out how to create and use Gantt charts for research projects with ClickUp's templates. Choose from different types of Gantt charts for project roadmap, business plan, deliverables, waterfall and construction management.

  8. How to Create a Gantt Chart for Research Project/Thesis in Excel

    This tutorial covers how to create a Gantt chart from start to finish. Feel free to ask any questions or leave a comment. Check out more resources on our blo...

  9. Creating a Gantt Chart for Your Research Project Proposal

    Learn how to use Gantt charts to visualize and manage your research project timeline, tasks, and dependencies. Follow a step-by-step guide and leverage Rework's features to craft a professional and effective Gantt chart for your proposal.

  10. Master Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

    Use this template to break down your research proposal into manageable tasks and milestones, visualize the timeline and dependencies, and track progress and deadlines. Customize the template to suit your specific needs and collaborate with your research team in ClickUp.

  11. Gantt Chart Examples

    Gantt Chart Example for Market Research; Gantt Chart Example for Video Production; Digital Marketing Campaign Gantt Chart Example; ... A project plan is a more detailed version of a project proposal. Use a Gantt chart to allot your team enough time to research and write every section, including overview, scope, schedule, budget, and more. By ...

  12. How to make a simple Gantt chart

    Draft three key elements: 3 months. Test three key elements: 3 months, with some overlap. Analyse test results and report: 3 months. How you divide up your time depends on your project. If it is only one year long, you might list items by month. If your project is three years long, then you might list items by quarter.

  13. Gantt Chart Research Proposal

    21+ Gantt Chart Research Proposal Templates. Gantt charts are a useful productivity apparatus for project management. They are a bar chart derivative for task scheduling and progress tracking. The user plots the activity progress along the y-axis, with respect to the indicated time on the x-axis. The leftmost column contains the list of tasks ...

  14. Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template

    ClickUp's Qualitative Research Proposal Gantt Chart Template is here to make your life easier. With this template, you can: Efficiently map out your research timeline, from literature review to report writing. Schedule and allocate time for data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Ensure that each task is completed on time, preventing any ...

  15. PDF Gantt Chart Example

    Learn how to use a Gantt chart to visually show your project timeline in a grant proposal. See an example of a Gantt chart for a research project with activities, dates, and responsibilities.

  16. Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

    A Gantt chart is a visual representation of a project schedule and a widely used tool in project management. Gantt charts belong to the family of bar charts. In a Gantt chart, bars depict different project tasks. The length of each bar is proportionate to the task duration and indicates both start and finish dates.

  17. 13+ SAMPLE Gantt Chart Research Proposal in PDF

    Learn how to create a Gantt chart research proposal to manage and monitor your research project effectively. Find out the different uses of Gantt charts, the basic components, and the steps to write a compelling proposal, plus download various templates.

  18. Example of Gantt Chart For Research Proposal

    The easy sample Gantt chart For Research Proposal given below describes the method break down in a very simple and effective way. By following the steps you will very easily be able to construct your own chat on a research proposal in just a couple of hours. Learn how to personalize your work in the following steps given below.

  19. FREE 10+ Gantt Chart Research Proposal Samples in PDF

    What is a Gantt Chart Research Proposal? A Gantt chart research proposal is a useful document that comprises main goals, objectives, and methods or strategies established by the researchers in demonstrating the specific timeline and progress, or the essential tasks and time intervals of a particular project.. How to Create a Gantt Chart Research Proposal

  20. 13+ Gantt Chart Research Proposal Templates in PDF

    13+ Gantt Chart Research Proposal Templates in PDF | MS Word. A Gantt chart is a form of bar chart illustrating a schedule of a project. It has been named after its inventor, Henry Gantt, who designed such a chart around 1910-1915. Some modern Gantt charts also display the relation of dependence between the current status of the schedule and ...

  21. Gantt Chart for Dissertation

    The Gantt chart is one of the most important and useful tools for dissertation writing or even in project management. It enables the planner to develop a detailed schedule showing all the planned work, activities, milestones, and deliverables. The Gantt chart is not just a simple table with dates, but it is a graphical representation of a ...

  22. FREE 10+ Research Gantt Chart Templates in PDF

    The Research Gantt Chart is utilised to represent the project schedule that involves the duration of the individual tasks, the stages and its depencies and ordering. It keeps up the process of the planning by calculating its duration, the identification of resources, and lays out the order in which the resarch work need to be completed. It calculates the starting and the end point of the ...

  23. How to Create and Use a Gantt Chart for PhD Studies

    Submission of a research proposal once a student passes the oral exam. Writing a business management case study. Three journal papers. At least two conference papers. A dissertation. ... In the above sample Gantt chart, proposal writing and defense spans a period of 15 months. By March of the second year, the student is expected to defend his ...

  24. Federal Register :: Agency Information Collection Activities

    CRP recipients are required to file annual progress reports and a project final report using CRP formats. The RSP recipients are required to file semiannual progress reports, a final report and a Gantt chart showing project milestones using RSP formats. All of these requirements are needed for better evaluation of proposals and monitoring of ...

  25. Win the Client With Your Next SEO Proposal (+ Expert Tips and ...

    Good SEO proposals - Clearly communicate the scope of work, ... The best format for this is usually a Gantt chart supplemented with commentary to provide extra information. Pricing. ... the research, and what you will do to achieve the client's goals. It's also helpful to launch straight into the interesting stuff (the research, strategy ...