opening speech wedding

How to Begin a Wedding Speech: Great Opening Lines

Handy one-liners to get your speech off to an amazing start.

opening speech wedding

If you've read our post on how to make a great wedding speech , you'll know that it's really important to start strong! Well, here we're showing you how to do exactly that, with a list of the best wedding speech opening lines . The beauty of this list is that it works for any kind of wedding speech, whether you're the bride, groom, best man, bridesmaid, father-of-the-bride, or even the flower girl or the groom's granny!

We've made sure to include lots of different options so there's something to suit every style of speech, whether you want to keep it simple, bring the audience to tears, or give them a giggle with a joke . Some of our wedding speech opening lines can be customised, too, to help you make your speech even more personal. So, let's dive in!

opening speech wedding

Our Favourite Wedding Speech Opening Lines

To help you find what you're looking for, we've split our sample opening lines into three categories; simple and sincere opening lines, funny opening lines and opening lines with quotes from famous people.

Note: (name) can indicate yourself, the bride/groom, the couple as a whole, or another member of the wedding party.  

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Simple and Sincere Opening Lines

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you (name) for the kind introduction."

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As (name's friend/relative), I'm delighted to welcome you all here tonight."

"Thank you so much, (name), for such a wonderful introduction. I only hope I can live up to your kind words!"

"Hello everyone. I hope you're all having a great night so far."

opening speech wedding

"Hello, I'm (name) and, for those of you who don't already know me, I'm (relation to couple)."

"Hi everybody, I'm (name), and I'm here to talk a little bit about my good friend (name)."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'm going to talk a little bit about (name). When I was writing this speech, I asked myself how I could sum up (X) years of friendship, laughter and adventures in one speech, and I decided that I can't. We'd be here all night."

"Hello everybody and welcome. I think we can all agree that it's been a wonderful day so far. (Couple names), you should be really proud of the amazing day you've put together. We're all very lucky to be a part of it."

"Hello everyone. I hope you're all having a great night so far. My life changed completely on (date, year), when (name) came into my life, and it changes again today, as they embark on their latest adventure with (name)."

"Hi everybody. Thank you for the warm welcome. Mark Twain once said that 'there are only two types of speakers in the world. 1. The nervous and 2. Liars.' I'm definitely in the former category, so I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little bit shaky this evening."

wedding speech opening lines funny opening lines sincere opening lines (9)

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Funny Opening Lines to Make Guests LOL

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and before any of you ask, yes I am single."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'll be your speaker for the next 95 minutes."

"Hi everybody. If you don't know who I am... well, you're probably at the wrong wedding! But stick around, we need extra people for the conga line."

"Hi everyone. You're probably wondering why I gathered you here today. I've got a once-in-a-lifetime investment opportunity that I know you're going to - sorry, wrong speech!"

"Hello everyone! Thank you all for being here on such an exciting night. Yes, the rumours are true, I will be debuting some new choreography on the dance floor this evening. But in the mean time, I suppose I should talk a little bit about (couple names)."

"Hello, and welcome. You may know me as (name's friend/relative), but tonight, I go by the title, (name), Lord of the Dance."

opening speech wedding

"Hi everyone. Just in case you don't already know, I'm (name) and I'm the best man. There are some really successful, good-looking, charming men in the room tonight, but now that it's written on the ceremony program in black and white, it's official - I am the best."

"Hi everyone, I'm (name), and I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from the great Seamus Heaney/Maya Angelou/Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr./Mother Teresa... but unfortunately I left my speech in my other jacket. So you'll have to make do with me!"

“Hi everyone. If I could just say a few words … I’d be a better public speaker! That gag was actually stolen from Homer Simpson, which should give you an idea of the caliber of speech you can expect from me tonight.”

"Hi everyone, and welcome. Webster's dictionary describes a wedding as, 'The process of removing weeds from one's garden'. That's a Homer Simpson quote, which should give you an idea of the caliber of speech you can expect from me tonight.”

opening speech wedding

"Hello everyone, I'm (name.) According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right?"

"Hi everyone. When I was preparing this speech, (name) gave me a list of topics that were strictly off-limits, so I'd like to start with those."

"Hi everyone. I'm (name). Anyone who knows me knows that I'm (name)'s biggest fan. So much so, that I was actually quite hurt when I learned that I wasn't going to be involved in the first dance!"

"Hi everyone. I just want to take a few minutes to talk about my good friend (name). I first met (name) when we were 13, and since then, I've always looked up to him. He was, after all, the only 6ft 2' student at (school name)!"

"Good evening everyone. To our English speakers, I'd like to say welcome, we're delighted that you could be with us today to celebrate the marriage of (couple names). To our (other language) speakers, I'd like to say (use Google Translate or ask a native speaker to translate, 'My llama is very handsome. I hope my translation is correct.')"

opening speech wedding

Wedding Speech Opening Lines: Beginning with a Quote

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Dr. James Dobson, who said, 'Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without.' "

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Franz Schubert, who said, 'Happy is the man who finds a true friend, and far happier is he who finds that true friend in his wife.' "

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who said, 'There is no more lovely, friendly, and charming relationship, communion, or company than a good marriage.' "

opening speech wedding

"Hi everyone. I'd like to begin my speech with a quote from Franklin P. Jones, who said, 'Love doesn't make the world go 'round; love is what makes the ride worthwhile.' "

"Hi everyone, I'm (name.) I hope you're all having a wonderful day so far. When I got married to my partner (name), somebody told me, 'Don't just be husband and wife, be president of each other's fan clubs,' and I'd like to pass on that same advice to (couple)."

"Hello everyone. I'd like to begin with a quote from Mignon McLaughlin, who said, 'A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.' Over the past (x) years, I've had the pleasure of watching (name) fall in love with (name) over and over again."

Click herefor a handy checklist of people to thank in your wedding speech , plus how to keep the speeches from being too long !

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Adam and grace, via one fab day, see more in:.

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Best Wedding Speech Opening Lines

If you have read our Ultimate Guide To Writing & Delivering A Great Wedding Speech or Toast post, then you know that adding a little bit of humor can really help break the ice and calm your nerves. If you are drowning in the sea of wedding speech examples online and need help writing a speech that you can be proud of- you’re in the right place.

The key to delivering a great wedding speech is how it begins and ends. So today, we’ve rounded up some great opening lines that will have the guests praising your witty wordsmithing. And the great news is these can work for any type of wedding speech ( Father of the Bride , Best Man , Groom , and more).

How you open your wedding speech is critical because you only have 30 seconds to capture the guests’ attention and intrigue them enough to listen. Kicking off your wedding speech with one of these gems, and you’ll have a terrific speech.

Man in tuxedo at microphone giving speech with champagne glass in hand

Spice Up The Introduction

Ditch the old boring introduction “For those who don’t know me; I am – blah, blah, blah” by adding a little spice and humor. Here are a few examples.

“Hi, Ladies & gentlemen. If you’re in this room tonight and don’t know me, you’re probably at the wrong wedding. I am, of course, [NAME] I’ve been [GROOM’S NAME] wingman for 25 years.”

“Hello and welcome to this evening’s reception, [BRIDE’S NAME]; YOU truly are MY biggest fan. Wait, that didn’t come outright. As I was saying….”

Address the Nerves

We know delivering a speech in front of a crowd of people has a way of bringing on nerves, anxiety, and downright fear for many. The fact that you are nervous can be a great way to open your wedding speech while also helping you to relax.

“Good evening, everyone. I am [NAME], I am the best man this evening and must say – I’m pretty nervous up here. So, I will rely on that expert advice of “picture the crowd naked” to get over it. And I must say…bridesmaids, you look incredible this evening.”

Add a Little Humor; Corny Jokes Are OK

Pretty sure most will agree that there is no better way to start a wedding speech than a well-delivered joke . But when deciding which jokes you can include, make sure to consider your audience. One of the biggest wedding speech gaffes you could make is to offend the Mr. & Mrs. or the guests, so keep it PG. With that said, if you can get them to laugh in the first 30 seconds, you’re going to kill the speech.

“Hello, I’m the father of the bride [NAME]. This entire day has been beautiful, romantic, and emotional so far. In fact, I’m getting emotional. The wedding cake has me in TIERS. (looking at a 3-tiered cake).”

Bride laughing hilariously at wedding speech

Deliver a Hilarious Joke With a Straight Face

Saying something downright hilarious and absurd with a straight face will always get the crowd to laugh (and sometimes cheer). If you can pull this off, you’re on your way to an unforgettable wedding speech.

“As Abraham Lincoln once said, [say something outrageous than Lincoln never said—an inspirational quote, movie line, piece of advice, etc.] … and that’s what brings us all together tonight to celebrate [COUPLE’S NAMES].” ( source )

“Thank you all for joining us here to celebrate the joining of two beautiful souls. I promise my toast is going to be like a mini-skirt, long enough to cover the goods but short enough to hold your attention.”

History in the Making

Here’s a simple and funny opening line that is appropriate for any presenter and any type of wedding.

“Family and friends, today we are witnessing a unique event in history – it’s the first, and probably the last time anyone will trust me to give a speech!”

Add Something Funny About The Previous Speech

Ok, hear us out on this one because this could really turn disastrous. If you are not first in the speech order, your opening line can be to say something funny about the previous presenter or speech. Just make sure it is not derogatory or insulting. Keep it clean, or you’ll make a few enemies. Here’s a great way to do it!

“I just want to start by congratulating (PREVIOUS PRESENTERS NAME) on their incredible wedding speech tonight. I knew that speech would be hard to follow and I was right; I couldn’t follow a word of it.”

Relationship Advice

“I’d like to begin my speech this evening by giving the happy couple some relationship advice. Unfortunately, I’m single and spend the majority of my time dressing my dog in cute outfits and trying to get their photos viral on Instagram.”

Just Be Yourself

The pressure is undoubtedly on when you have been asked to present a wedding speech. And while you may be tempted to WOW the guests and couple with witty jokes and charming sentiments, the best advice is just to be yourself. And you can even use this as your opening line. Here’s how.

“(NAME) knows that I’m am incredibly nervous about this speech, so they gave me some great advice. They said, ‘Don’t try to be too witty, charming, or intellectual… just be yourself!'”

We hope that you enjoyed this guide to the best wedding speech opening lines. If you need more guidance on wedding speech examples or wedding toast inspiration, we have you covered. Visit our Complete Guide To Wedding Speeches & Toasts . You’ll be writing a killer wedding speech in no time.

  • Certified Officiants


What to Say and How to Start the Ceremony When Officiating a Wedding

You’re officiating a wedding . You make  the last check of the five details , walk to the front of the room, turn, see 100+ people looking back at you, and take a breath to start the wedding ceremony.

Here’s where our Choose Your Own Adventure begins. (Remember those books ? Did I just date myself?)

Scenario One: You say, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today….” Okay, fine. Let’s reserve judgment (for now) on your choice to start the ceremony that way.

The question is: when you start like that, what do the guests know about how they are to behave and feel during this ceremony?

Answer: reserved. Quiet. Like an audience .

And if that’s what you and/or your couple are going for, you can stop reading now because you’re gonna get exactly the result you want with that opening. A nice tame group of listeners. Cheers – have a great week!

Okay… if you’re still here – hi!

Scenario Two: Now imagine you say, “Good afternoon, everyone. Are you ready for an event years in the making? Let me hear you, now! Are you ready for Jill and Andrew to finally get married?”

When you start like this, w hat do the guests know about how they are to behave and feel during this ceremony?

They’re going to cheer. And holler. And maybe even whoop. They know right away: the officiant sees me. We have permission to participate. We’re an active part of this ceremony. This is a celebration!

So if that’s what we’re going for – if that’s the vibe we want – then we don’t start with declarations like, “Welcome to the wedding of Jill and Andrew” or “Hi everyone, thanks for coming. We are gathered here today….”

The first thing we say to start a wedding ceremony is: a question.

It’s a question that can only be replied to with a rousing “YES!” from all the friends and family and guests.

The question is: “Are you ready for Jill and Andrew to finally get married??”

(Of course… make sure you change “Jill and Andrew” to the names of  your  couple. Otherwise it will make things really awkward.)

And now the guests are all in. They’re with us. And they’re grateful we’re made the wedding ceremony about them, too.

When I started out officiating, I learned this the long way. I learned it by comparing my first many weddings to each other. Sometimes the guests were a bit uptight. Other times they were really rowdy. What was the difference? Was it the decor? The seating? The echoi-ness of the room? The weather?

Sometimes a number of factors contribute to how free and relaxed the guests feel during the wedding ceremony. But soon I suspected the algorithm was me and how I was starting, and I started to test it.

And yep: in the weddings where I opened with just, “Hi everyone, welcome to the wedding of…,” the guests were a bit muted. When I opened with that YES!-inducing question, the guests laughed harder, cried freer, and cheered louder.

Boom. It was about the permission I was implicitly giving them. The tone I was setting for their level of participation.

“Okay, Mark, great. So that’s the first thing to say . But, wasn’t this post called What to Say and  Do  to Start the Wedding Ceremony?” What’s the  do  part?

‘Glad you asked. The first thing to do will come easy when we open with the cheer-inducing question.

The first thing we do when we take the front and turn, and see all those people looking back at us tense and anxious and tight as a drum is: smile.

Give everyone a huge smile for a few full beats. When we do, we’re prepping them in advance to answer us back when we ask them the cheer-inducing question. We’re inviting them in.

And then we say the thing. “Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to an event years in the making. Let me hear you, now! Are you ready for the wedding of Jill and Andrewwwwww?”

Let the cheering and the hollering and the whooping – and the celebration – begin.

It’s how I start 100% of my ceremonies. And now you have my secret.

Bonus! A W ord on Ceremony Opening Remarks

So, usually, the above part happens – the “first thing we say to start the wedding ceremony” – before the processional where the person getting married comes down the aisle after his/her wedding party.

Most of the time I’m standing up there with the groom and his groomsmen for these first words. Technically, the ceremony hasn’t started yet. It’s that part of the ceremony called the “opening remarks” or “announcements.”

Here are the two things the guests need to know before the processional starts – the two things we tell them in the opening remarks.

1. Guests may (or may not ) take photos.

In our planning session with our couple, we will have asked them if guests are allowed to take pictures. This is where I tell guests either:

  • “The couple have said we are permitted to discreetly take photos, but please, let’s not get in the way of the professionals,” OR
  • “The couple have asked that we not take any photos, so please put all your cameras and phones away.”

2. Please turn your phones on silent mode. 

Regardless of whether or not guests are permitted to take photos with their phones, as officiants, we need to remind everyone to turn their phones off or to silent mode.

Pro-tip: this is a good time to make a joke like, “Especially the groom. And groomsmen. C’mon guys, is everything off?”

With those things out of the way, I then say the magic words that are the  real  cue to get the processional started: “With that, let’s begin.” The music starts, and here we go.

What To Read Next:

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How to Start a Wedding Speech – Perfect Opening Lines

May 19, 2024 moneyspeech Wedding Resource

How to start wedding speech

Embarking on the journey of delivering a  wedding speech  can often stir up a mix of excitement and nerves. Knowing how to start a wedding speech can set the tone for the entire delivery, making it a crucial step in speech preparation. Whether it’s captivating wedding quotes, humorous  wedding jokes , or heartfelt stories, the opening lines play a key role in connecting with the wedding guests and honoring the wedding couple. Crafting a message that resonates with the wedding day’s celebration, aligns with the wedding style, and embraces wedding traditions can transform a simple speech into a memorable highlight.

This article endeavors to guide readers through crafting a personalized introduction, setting a strong tone right from the beginning, incorporating effective body language, and managing stage nerves for a confident delivery. It will also explore ways to conclude with impact, ensuring the speech for the wedding leaves a lasting impression. From selecting the perfect wedding quotes to navigating through wedding nerves, this guide provides a roadmap for delivering a speech that not only aligns with the wedding celebration’s spirit but also resonates with the wedding audience, making your message an integral part of the ceremony’s joy and the couple’s story.

Table of Contents

Understand Your Audience

Assessing the crowd.

Before diving into the heart of your wedding speech, take a moment to gauge the audience. Understanding the general mood and expectations of the crowd is crucial. If the guests lean towards a more serious demeanor, aim for a conservative and tasteful speech. On the other hand, a relaxed audience might appreciate a bit more playfulness and a few calculated risks. This initial assessment will guide you in choosing the right  tone and content  for your speech, ensuring it resonates well with everyone present.

Familiarizing Yourself with Guests

Getting to know the guests can significantly enhance the connection you establish during your speech. A helpful tip is to read the wedding website ahead of time. Often, couples share their love story, details about the bridal party, and other fun facts that can serve as excellent conversation starters or even elements to incorporate into your speech. This background knowledge not only helps in personalizing your message but also in making the guests feel seen and appreciated. Remember, a wedding speech is not just about addressing the couple but also about engaging with the entire gathering.

Adjusting Tone Based on the Audience

The tone of your speech plays a pivotal role in how well it is received. The “Grandmother Test” is a simple yet effective way to ensure appropriateness. If an anecdote or joke you plan to share wouldn’t be appreciated if heard by the couple’s grandmother, it’s probably best left unsaid. Moreover, keep your speech concise—aim for no more than five minutes—to maintain the audience’s attention. Making eye contact with the couple and various guests throughout your speech can help create a more intimate and engaging experience. Remember, the goal is to complement the joyous atmosphere of the wedding day, not to overshadow it.

Incorporating these strategies into your preparation will not only help you better understand your audience but also empower you to deliver a speech that’s memorable, respectful, and engaging.

Crafting a Personalized Introduction

Creating a personalized introduction for a wedding speech requires a blend of authenticity, humor, and a deep understanding of your relationship with the couple. It’s the perfect opportunity to set the tone for your speech, making it memorable and engaging for all the guests. Below are key strategies to craft an introduction that stands out and resonates with everyone present at the wedding celebration.

Breaking Away from Cliches

To make your wedding speech memorable, start by moving away from overused phrases and generic quotes. Instead of relying on terms like “soulmate” or describing the couple as “beautiful,” try to find unique descriptors that truly capture their essence. For instance, comparing your friend to a blend of Audrey Hepburn’s elegance and Debbie Harry’s cool factor not only avoids cliches but also adds a personal touch that’s both vivid and endearing. Remember, the goal is to wake the audience up with fresh language that paints a clear picture of the couple’s unique qualities.

Incorporating Humor and Warmth

Humor is a fantastic way to connect with the audience and break the ice. Opening with a light-hearted joke, such as a playful set of “rules” for the guests or a humorous observation about the wedding day, immediately engages the audience. However, it’s essential to balance humor with warmth to ensure your speech feels genuine and heartfelt. Sharing a funny story about your first impression of the couple or a memorable moment you’ve shared with them can beautifully blend humor with warmth, showcasing your affection for the couple while keeping the mood light and joyful.

Highlighting Your Relationship to the Couple

Your relationship with the couple is the cornerstone of your speech. Begin by clearly introducing yourself and explaining your connection to the bride, groom, or both. This not only helps set the context for your speech but also personalizes your message. Sharing anecdotes that highlight the couple’s qualities, such as their shared love for board games or how they’ve supported you during a tough time, further personalizes your introduction. These stories not only entertain but also deepen the guests’ understanding of the couple’s character and the bond you share with them.

By focusing on these aspects, your introduction will not only capture the audience’s attention but also pave the way for a speech that’s both memorable and deeply meaningful. Remember, the best wedding speeches are those that reflect your genuine feelings for the couple and your excitement to celebrate their love and union.

Setting the Tone with a Strong Opening

Setting the tone with a strong opening is crucial for a memorable wedding speech. It’s your opportunity to capture the attention of the wedding guests and set the stage for your message. Here are some strategies to achieve that:

Using Anecdotes or Quotes

  • Incorporate Memorable Quotes : Begin your speech with a famous quote that resonates with the theme of love and marriage. For example, “It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” — Rita Rudner. This can immediately engage your audience and set a lighthearted tone.
  • Share a Personal Anecdote : Relate a brief story about your relationship with the bride or groom, or a moment you witnessed between the couple that left an impression on you. This personal touch can create a connection with the audience and add depth to your speech.

Starting with Gratitude or Compliments

  • Express Your Gratitude : Acknowledge the couple for inviting you to play a significant role in their special day. A simple expression of thanks can warm the hearts of the couple and the guests.
  • Compliment the Couple : Highlight the qualities you admire in the bride and groom. For instance, “I’ve always admired [bride’s] strength and [groom’s] sense of humor. Together, they make an unstoppable team.”

Incorporating Humor Appropriately

  • Choose Humor Wisely : Humor is a fantastic way to engage your audience, but it’s essential to tread lightly. Opt for light-hearted jokes that are inclusive and won’t offend anyone. A safe bet is self-deprecating humor, such as, “I’m the guy who hasn’t gone 4 feet from the bar all evening. I’m also the best man, but mostly the guy at the bar.”
  • Avoid Sensitive Topics : Steer clear of jokes about the couple’s past relationships or anything that might cause discomfort. Remember, the goal is to celebrate and uplift, not embarrass.
  • Test Your Material : If you’re unsure about a joke or story, run it by someone close to the couple. They can provide valuable feedback on what will resonate well with the couple and their guests.

By starting your wedding speech on the right note, you can create an atmosphere of warmth, celebration, and inclusivity. Whether you choose to open with a poignant quote, a heartfelt anecdote, or a tasteful joke, the key is to be authentic and speak from the heart. This approach will not only set the tone for your speech but also contribute to the joy and love that defines the wedding day.

Incorporating Body Language and Eye Contact

When delivering a wedding speech, the power of body language and eye contact cannot be overstated. These non-verbal cues play a significant role in how the message is received by the audience, making them essential tools for a speaker. Below are strategies to effectively use body language and make eye contact to connect deeply with wedding guests.

Engaging with the Audience through Body Language

Body language is a powerful aspect of communication, conveying emotions and intentions beyond what words can express. When standing before an audience, holding the microphone in one hand and a toasting glass in the other can seem like a balancing act. However, this setup can actually work to your advantage. By holding the mic in one hand and placing the toasting glass on a nearby table, you free up one hand to gesture. This allows for more animated expressions, making your speech more engaging. Gesturing with your hands can help emphasize key points and make your stories more vivid and memorable. Remember, an active speaker who uses their body to communicate leaves a much stronger impression than one who remains static.

Making Eye Contact to Build Rapport

Eye contact is a crucial element in establishing a connection with your audience. It conveys confidence, sincerity, and engagement. When speaking, aim to make eye contact with different people throughout the room, including the wedding couple and guests. This practice not only personalizes the experience for each listener but also helps in managing nerves, as connecting with individuals can make the vast audience seem more approachable. Moreover, eye contact can intensify the emotional impact of your words, making your speech more impactful.

Utilizing Gestures for Emphasis

Gestures are a natural part of communication, enhancing the delivery of your speech. They can be used to highlight important points, convey emotions, and keep the audience engaged. For example, using open hand gestures can signify honesty and openness, helping to foster a connection with the audience. However, it’s important to use gestures that feel natural and are appropriate to the content of your speech. Overdoing gestures or using them inappropriately can distract from the message. Practice your speech and experiment with different gestures to find what works best for conveying your message effectively.

In conclusion, incorporating body language and eye contact into your wedding speech plays a vital role in how your message is received. These non-verbal cues enhance the overall impact of your words, making your speech more engaging and memorable. By engaging with the audience through body language, making eye contact to build rapport, and utilizing gestures for emphasis, you can deliver a wedding speech that truly resonates with the wedding guests and honors the wedding couple.

Managing Nerves and Delivery

Managing nerves  and ensuring smooth delivery are critical aspects of giving a wedding speech that often go overlooked. However, with the right preparation and mindset, anyone can overcome these challenges and deliver a speech that is both memorable and impactful. Below are practical tips and strategies to help manage nerves, maintain an appropriate speaking pace, and deal with unexpected emotions during the speech.

Practical Tips for Calming Nerves

  • Understand the Source of Nerves : Recognize that the fear often stems from the possibility of embarrassment rather than the act of speaking itself. Knowing that the audience is supportive and not looking for you to fail can help alleviate some of this anxiety.
  • Prepare Thoroughly : Practicing your speech multiple times will boost your confidence. Familiarity with your speech allows you to focus on delivery rather than memorization.
  • Breathing Techniques : Learn diaphragmatic breathing to calm your nerves. Practicing the 4-7-8 breathing technique before going on stage can help relax your body and mind.
  • Positive Visualization : Imagine yourself delivering the speech confidently. Positive affirmations can transform your mindset and reduce negative thoughts.
  • Physical Preparation : Eating a banana before your speech can help with nerves due to its potassium content, which has a calming effect.

Speaking Pace and Pausing

  • Practice with a Timer : This helps you get a realistic idea of how long your speech will be and allows you to adjust your pace accordingly.
  • Mark Pauses in Your Speech : Identify moments in your speech where a pause for effect or for audience reaction would be appropriate. This helps in pacing your delivery and engaging with your audience.
  • Speak Slowly and Clearly : Nervousness can make you speak faster. Make a conscious effort to slow down, which will make your speech more understandable and impactful.

Dealing with Unexpected Emotions

  • Stay Grounded : Remember that feeling nervous is natural. Focus on the support you have from the ground beneath your feet and the room around you.
  • Allow Yourself to Be Authentic : It’s okay to show emotion. If you feel tears coming, let them. Authenticity resonates more with the audience than a perfectly delivered but emotionless speech.
  • Prepare for the Unexpected : Be open to deviating slightly from your prepared speech if the moment calls for it. Your preparation will give you the confidence to trust your instincts.
  • Connect with Your Audience : Making eye contact and connecting with the audience can help manage nerves. Seeing friendly faces in the crowd can reassure you and make the experience more personal.

By incorporating these strategies into your preparation and delivery, you can effectively manage nerves and deliver a wedding speech that is both heartfelt and memorable. Remember, the wedding guests are there to celebrate, and they are on your side. With the right mindset and preparation, you can turn your speech into a highlight of the wedding celebration.

Concluding with Impact

Concluding a wedding speech  with impact not only leaves a lasting impression on the couple but also on all the guests. It’s the final chance to encapsulate your feelings, wishes, and hopes for the newlyweds in a memorable manner. Here are strategies to ensure your conclusion resonates with everyone.

Ending on a Memorable Note

To leave your audience with something to remember, consider ending with a powerful quote or a personal anecdote that highlights the couple’s journey or your relationship with them. For instance, using a quote like, “May ‘for better or worse’ be far better than worse,” not only adds a touch of humor but also conveys heartfelt wishes for the couple’s future. Alternatively, sharing a personal memory that reflects the couple’s love and resilience can deeply touch the hearts of the listeners, making your speech unforgettable.

Encouraging Applause or a Toast

Inviting the guests to join you in a toast is a traditional and effective way to conclude. This gesture not only signals the end of your speech but also unites everyone in a shared moment of celebration. You might say, “Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple and wish them a lifetime of love and happiness.” This encourages a collective participation, turning your concluding words into an interactive and inclusive celebration of the couple’s love.

Wrapping up with Well-Wishes for the Couple

Concluding with well-wishes is a heartfelt way to wrap up your speech. Expressing hopes and dreams for the couple’s future not only leaves them with your blessings but also resonates with the guests’ sentiments. Phrases like, “May all your hopes and dreams come true, and may the memory of this day become dearer with each passing year,” beautifully encapsulate the essence of your wishes for the newlyweds. This not only provides a touching end to your speech but also reinforces the joyous atmosphere of the occasion.

By incorporating these elements into the conclusion of your wedding speech, you ensure that your final words are impactful, memorable, and filled with warmth. It’s a beautiful way to honor the couple’s journey, celebrate their love, and wish them well as they embark on their new life together.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

A truly good wedding speech is one that is heartfelt, engaging, and memorable. To achieve this, certain elements are crucial, including a personal touch, a blend of emotions, a well-structured format, and appropriate humor. Additionally, warmth, positivity, and thorough  practice  play significant roles in delivering a speech that resonates with the wedding guests and honors the couple. Keeping the speech concise and engaging the audience further ensures that your message is well-received. Here, we summarize these main points and provide encouragement and inspiration for making your wedding speech uniquely memorable.

Summarizing Main Points

  • Personal Touch : Share personal anecdotes and memories that highlight your unique relationship with the couple. This adds authenticity and depth to your speech.
  • Emotion : Balance humor with sentimentality and sincerity. A mix of emotions keeps the audience engaged and makes your speech more impactful.
  • Structure : Organize your speech with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. This helps in delivering a coherent and compelling message.
  • Humor : Use light-hearted jokes and funny anecdotes judiciously to entertain the audience without overshadowing the essence of the occasion.
  • Warmth and Positivity : Express your genuine love and support for the couple, sharing hopes and best wishes for their future.
  • Practice : Rehearse your speech multiple times to enhance your confidence and ensure smooth delivery on the big day.
  • Respectful Length : Aim for a speech duration of 3 to 5 minutes to respect the event’s flow and other speakers.
  • Engage the Audience : Make eye contact, speak clearly, and use appropriate body language to connect with your listeners.

Encouragement to Practice and Personalize

To ensure your speech is both memorable and impactful, practice is key. Begin crafting your speech early, allowing ample time for revisions and rehearsal. Use tools like recording yourself to identify and improve upon any distracting mannerisms. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to gain feedback and make necessary adjustments. Remember, the more familiar you are with your speech, the more confidently you can deliver it, making eye contact and engaging with your audience effectively.

Inspiration to Make the Speech Unique

Incorporating unique elements into your speech can make it stand out. Consider reversing the chronological order of your storytelling, starting from the present day and moving backward to when you first met the couple. Utilize music snippets from significant years, modify well-known songs with personalized lyrics, or include interactive elements like a quick-fire quiz about the couple. Embracing your personal style, whether it’s humorous or sincere, ensures your speech reflects your genuine sentiments. Always aim for authenticity, focusing on the couple’s journey and your relationship with them.

By keeping these key takeaways and next steps in mind, you’re well on your way to delivering a wedding speech that not only captures the essence of the couple’s relationship but also leaves a lasting impression on all the guests. Remember, this is a celebration of love, and your speech is a tribute to the couple’s special day. With preparation, personalization, and a touch of creativity, you can create a speech that is both meaningful and memorable.

Through the journey from starting a wedding speech to its impactful conclusion, this guide has walked readers through every crucial aspect, ensuring a speech that not just resonates but warmly lingers in the memories of the couple and guests alike. By weaving together personal anecdotes, a  balanced tone of humor and sincerity , alongside a well-structured format, speakers are equipped to deliver messages that harmonize perfectly with the joyous essence of the occasion. The emphasis on thorough practice and engaging storytelling serves as the backbone for delivering a speech that stands out as a highlight of the wedding celebration.

As we reflect on the elements that contribute to a heartfelt and memorable wedding speech, it’s clear that authenticity, emotional intelligence, and a keen understanding of the audience play pivotal roles. Encouragement to personalize your message, paired with the inspiration to infuse your unique style, underlines the importance of making each word count. With this foundation, speakers are poised to not only capture the essence of the couple’s story but to also enhance the celebratory atmosphere of the day, leaving an indelible mark on this significant chapter of their lives.

How Should I Kick Off a Wedding Speech?

To initiate a wedding speech on a high note, consider beginning with a heartfelt greeting such as, “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As [name’s] friend/relative, I’m thrilled to have you all here tonight.” Alternatively, if you’re responding to an introduction, you might say, “Thank you so much, [name], for such a wonderful introduction. I only hope I can live up to your kind words!”

What Are the Best Ways to Start a Wedding Ceremony Introduction?

When it comes to the opening words of a wedding ceremony, you have a few options depending on the tone and style you prefer:

  • For a  Generic Introduction : “Dear friends and family of the Bride and Groom, we welcome and thank you for being part of this significant occasion.”
  • For an  Intercultural Setting : “Today is a day to celebrate.”
  • For a  Religious Ceremony : “Dear family and friends, we are here to witness [Name Of Bride] and [Name Of Groom], as they exchange their vows of marriage.”

What Makes an Ideal Welcome Speech at a Wedding?

An excellent welcome speech for a wedding warmly greets the bride and groom along with their families, expressing gratitude to everyone for their presence. It highlights the joy of the occasion and the efforts of the couple in organizing a memorable ceremony, with a message like, “A warm welcome to the bride and groom and their families. We thank you all for being a part of this celebration. I hope everybody enjoys the ceremony, lovingly prepared by the wonderful couple we’re here to celebrate today.”

What Should Be Said at the Start of a Wedding Ceremony?

The beginning of a wedding ceremony traditionally involves seating the guests, followed by the bridal party’s entrance. A common opening statement is, “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the presence of God, family, and friends to witness a joyous occasion—the union of [Name] and [Name] in holy matrimony. Who gives [Name] to be married to [Name]?” This sets the stage for a solemn and celebratory union.

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  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception? How to Write a Wedding Toast Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech How to Write a Best Man Toast Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech What to Know About a Newlywed Toast Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

Public Speaking Experts Share Their Top Tips for Giving an Amazing Wedding Speech

Check out their best examples and advice to learn how to knock it out of the park.

opening speech wedding

Photo by Kurt Boomer

In This Article

Most people would agree that public speaking isn't easy, and this is especially true when you're feeling the added pressure that comes along with giving a speech at a loved one's wedding. Not only do you have the attention of dozens (if not hundreds!) of guests you probably don't know, but you're also trying to appeal to a group of people in a wide range of ages from all different phases of the couple's lives. What's more, you want your speech to delight the couple of the hour and be as appealing to your group of friends as it to the newlyweds' grandparents. All in all, it's a tough task.

Before you panic, know that we're here to help. Ahead, we're sharing a comprehensive guide on what you should include in your speech , how to nail your delivery, and questions to consider to get the brainstorming process started—all from noteworthy speakers, well-established speechwriters, and wedding planners (who have seen it all).

Wedding Speech Template

Every great wedding speech has one thing in common: the right flow. Factor in these guidelines to help you find your own organic rhythm.

Open With a Statement or Question

Don't lead with a joke or a reference to how nervous you are. "The goal is to engage your audience, not make it a boring one-way message," says award-winning motivational speaker Jaime Pfeffer . "You'll lose them if you do this."

Introduce Yourself

After your opener, introduce yourself, says Fallon Carter , a wedding planner, even designer, and professional speaker. "A lot of times, people don't know who is speaking, and they don't know their relationship to the bride or the groom," she says. "It's really important to identify yourself, so make sure you've prepared something."

Address Your Audience

As speaker and life strategy coach Mark Black, CSP , points out, focusing on yourself only enhances nerves. "Instead, concentrate on your audience and how you want them to feel. This will help you to speak from the heart, allowing your speech to do what it's supposed to do: Make the couple feel special while also engaging the audience."

Focus on a Few Points

Seasoned speaker Susan Bender Phelps, CEO of Odyssey Mentoring & Leadership , says her top guideline is to select one to three aspects of the newlyweds that you love and appreciate, along with no more than three short stories to illustrate each of these points (or that one point). "The simple, succinct story or stories where the bride and groom are the hero will work best." This is an excellent way to structure your speech and keep your message focused.

How Long Wedding Speeches Should Be

The ideal length for a speech is three to five minutes, with five minutes being the absolute maximum you should speak for. That's it. "I’ve never been to a wedding where anyone said, 'That was a great wedding, but the best man speech was just too short and that  ruined  it,'" says David Litt , the speechwriter for former President Barack Obama and author of Thanks, Obama .

Carter agrees: "I always say anywhere between two and five minutes—and no more than five minutes," she says. "You want to keep things short and sweet." It's just as important to keep in mind when the speech will take place when determining length, since toasts are often timed with meal courses: "Be mindful of how long a course generally takes or how long it takes people to eat," Carter adds, noting that most courses last between 15 and 20 minutes and that several speeches have to fit inside each window. "If there are other people speaking, you want to be mindful and give them space."

Wedding Speech Tips

Now that you've established the right framework for your words, take note of these essential tips for acing the delivery from a few speaking pros.

Rehearse Regularly

The better prepared you are, the more confident you'll be and the better your speech will be, says author and professional speaker Barry Maher . A good rule of thumb is to practice the speech enough that you can remember the points you want to make and the order in which you want to make them. That way, you can look out to the crowd and make eye contact every so often.

Record Yourself Practicing

Use your phone to take a video of yourself practicing, suggests Kate Kenfield , speaker and sex educator. "It can be a little uncomfortable to watch yourself, but you'll be able to identify distracting mannerisms, such as the verbal pauses 'um,' 'uh,' and 'like'." It's also a good idea to practice your speech in front of someone else. "A second opinion can help you craft your piece and make it that much stronger," she says.

Don't forget body language! Rehearse the speech in front of a mirror and notice things like your facial expression, eye contact, and hand position.

Avoid Alcohol

Although it may be tempting to look for some liquid courage, alcohol definitely won't do you any favors, warns keynote speaker Amy Morin , author of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do . "It may cause you to slur your speech and forget your lines, so wait until after your toast to celebrate," she advises. If you need a drink to loosen up the nerves or can't refrain from participating in a toast without being rude, stick to one glass of Champagne before you address the crowd.

Use Nerves to Your Advantage

A little nervousness can actually liven up your speech. "I get worried if I'm not a little nervous," says Maher. "I'll actually try to make myself a little tense to get my energy level up." The key is to harness that energy and communicate it in a positive, genuine way; tensing up to the point that you forget your words or panic won't make for a great presentation.

Be Yourself

Keep in mind that you're not putting on a show, only sharing your personal perspective. Trying too hard to force the funny can yield the opposite of the desired effect, cautions Matt Dalley, co-founder of Simply Eloped . "I've noticed that keeping it short and sweet, heartfelt and warm, and coming across as authentic and focused on the couple is something we are all capable of and generates some very wonderful moments," he says.

Never Embarrass the Newlyweds

It's a wedding toast, not a roast. While this should go without saying, keep the bachelor or bachelorette party jokes out of it, and remember that grandma and possibly a few colleagues are in the audience, notes Laurie Battaglia , a keynote speaker and workplace strategist. "It's okay to look back at childhood and refer to something funny, but ask yourself if you'd like 200-plus of your closest friends knowing that story about you."

Use Your Notes

Reading your speech straight from a piece of paper is a big no-no. However, having a couple of note cards handy is encouraged. "You're likely to be nervous, excited, and exhausted, which can make you forget your lines," explains Morin. "The audience won't care if you glance at your notes. In fact, there's a good chance they won't even notice."

Wedding Speech Brainstorm Ideas

Need some inspiration? Ask yourself these questions to get the brainstorming process going.

  • Who will speak before you? After you? How will this affect the content of your toast? (Perhaps you want to include a reference to their speech, thank them for an introduction, or introduce the next speaker).
  • Is there someone you should thank for making the event possible and inviting you to speak?
  • What would you want to hear in this speech if you were in the audience?
  • Is there a favorite story or memory that the couple would want you to share with their friends and family?

Wedding Speech Examples to Make Your Own

So, what does it look like when all these elements come together? Wedding vow and speechwriter Katelyn Peterson , owner and creator of Wedding Words , offered us three examples of successful toasts to inspire your own.

Maid of Honor Wedding Speech Example

"Hi, I’m Maya, the bride’s older sister . With Lucy being three years younger, we fell right into our respective roles as sister-rivals growing up. We constantly fought over stolen clothes, monopolizing the phone back when landlines were a thing, and what boy band to blare from the car speakers. I’m still Team Backstreet Boys while Lucy is forever indebted to NSYNC.

Looking back on those memories, I should have stepped up and granted Lucy permission to wear my favorite sweater for picture day, to hand her the phone once in a while, and to let her play, 'Bye Bye Bye.' Even I can admit that’s a good one. But despite Lucy being the younger sister, she has always been more patient, more accommodating, and more thoughtful than me. And that’s because when it comes to the people she loves, she’s all in.

She’s the one to prioritize their desires. She’s the one to compromise first. And, she’s the one to support their dreams as if they were her own. 

This is why it makes me so happy to know that Lucy has found a home in David. He matches her in compassion, thoughtfulness, and warmth. And I know he’ll spend his life prioritizing her desires, being ready to compromise, and supporting her dreams as his own.

Cheers to Lucy and David! May you always feel loved because you always put each other first."

Best Man Wedding Speech Example

"Hello, everyone. My name is Luke and I’m the best man . I met Robert eight years ago when I became his neighbor. His reputation preceded him as I had heard about the 'Block Party King' before my closing papers were inked. 

Rob has never been the guy to wear fancy clothes. In fact, I’m still in shock seeing him in that tux tonight. And he’s never been the guy to show off even though the work he’s put into his vintage Mustang could make Henry Ford himself envious.

But when it comes to cooking, he should receive an award. His pulled pork is a staple at our summer block parties and his homemade barbeque sauce has remained our neighborhood’s best-kept secret. But the most satisfying part about his delicious dishes is that there’s always plenty to go around. And Rob makes sure your plate is never empty. I have no idea how he pulls it off, but Rob has a covert ability to scoop seconds onto your plate without you ever seeing him do it. I hope you all came hungry tonight, folks. You’ve been warned! 

The first time I met Jasmine I could immediately tell she was an amazing person. She laughed at his jokes which I never thought anyone would get. She supported his career and the nonstop travel involved. But most importantly, whenever we’re all hanging out, Jasmine is the one always topping off Rob’s plate with more pasta, more chicken, more of everything. When she’s around, it’s never empty. 

And that’s when I saw what a perfect match they were for each other. I know they will always put each other first, make sure their needs are met, and will never allow the other to go hungry.

So let’s raise our glasses to toast the newlyweds! As you begin this next chapter together, may your plates and your hearts always remain full."

Father of the Bride Wedding Speech Example

"Good evening, family, and friends. I’m Daniel Lee, the father of the bride. I’d like to welcome you to this special occasion where we get to celebrate the love between my daughter Allison and her new wife, Kristin. 

Standing up here today, I’m reminded of all the moments that led to this significant one. The dance recitals that ended with standing ovations and the soccer games that concluded with winning scoreboards. 

But, while those were fun and rewarding times, those aren’t the moments I cherish most with Allison. The memories that make me smile the brightest are those in-between the big stuff moments. It’s the makeshift magic shows in our living room using a bedsheet that Allison confiscated from our linen closet to convert into a curtain. It’s the countless tea parties she hosted with exclusive invitations just for me and her beloved stuffed bear, Buttons. And it’s the way she’d beg to stay up for just five more minutes but was asleep on the couch by minute number two.

Those everyday, blink-and-you’ll-miss-them moments with Allison are the ones that gave color to my life and filled my heart with a happiness I never knew could exist.

So, my beautiful daughter, as you begin your life with Kristin today, I have one wish for you: May your warmest memories come from the ordinary moments throughout your marriage, and may those moments give you a reason to smile brighter every day. Cheers! I love you both." —Daniel

What Not to Say in a Wedding Speech

Your job when delivering a wedding speech is to keep things light—tell an anecdote, make an emotional connection, then wish the couple well before you close out. Anything that doesn't feel definitively positive should be avoided. "I would advocate against bringing up negative details, specifically past relationships or past spouses," says Carter. "Skip anything that you wouldn't want to be physically recorded and played over and over again—this is a rule of thumb."

Keep it light, delicate, and present- and future-focused, Carter adds. "If you're going to go into the past, make those stories really intentional," she says. "Bring those stories back to who they are now. Your mission is to create a great environment and vibe and to potentially give some information about one of the newlyweds, so that it's enlightening for all guests."

A Guide to Wedding Reception Toasts

  • Who Gives a Speech at a Wedding Reception?
  • How to Write a Wedding Toast
  • Tips for the Father of the Bride Speech
  • How to Write a Best Man Toast
  • Advice for the Maid of Honor Speech
  • What to Know About a Newlywed Toast
  • currently on Public Speaking Experts' Wedding Speech Tips
  • 60 Quotes to Use for Your Wedding Toast

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opening speech wedding

How to Give A Pitch-Perfect Wedding Speech

  • The Speaker Lab
  • April 15, 2024

Table of Contents

Being chosen to deliver a wedding speech is an honor, yet crafting that perfect blend of humor, sentimentality, and sincerity is no small feat. Where do you even start?

Don’t worry—that’s where we come in. We’ll walk you through the essentials for creating a memorable toast, such as structuring your thoughts effectively, personalizing your message to strike a chord with the couple and their guests, and mastering delivery techniques that captivate. Armed with these insights—plus rehearsal tactics from our toolkit— you’ll ace that speech.

Crafting the Perfect Wedding Speech

Picture this: The clinking glasses pause, all eyes turn to you, and a hush falls over the room. It’s your moment to deliver a wedding speech that will be remembered long after the last dance. But where do you start?

Easy—crafting a speech for such an occasion requires storytelling, well-structured opening and closing remarks, and a personal touch. Let’s take a look.

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The Art of Storytelling in Wedding Speeches

Think about the last time a story truly captivated you. It might have been around a campfire, or when an old friend shared a memory of theirs over coffee. Now imagine bringing that same magic to a wedding speech.

Weaving Personal Anecdotes into Your Narrative

Tapping into the art of storytelling can transform your wedding speech from standard fare to something extraordinary. Begin by picking out moments with the couple that spark emotion and reveal their character. These are your gold nuggets, the stories that will resonate with guests because they paint a vivid picture of love and companionship.

Remember though, it’s not just what you say; it’s how you say it. When crafting stories for your speech, consider the tips on effective storytelling techniques offered by Toastmasters International. By heeding their advice, your words will pull the audience deeper into the world you’re painting for them.

Crafting Memorable Characters within Your Stories

Your anecdotes should introduce characters—not just any characters but real people whose quirks and qualities add depth to your narrative. Perhaps it’s Aunt Mabel’s legendary dance moves or how Mike always burns the barbecue ribs at family gatherings. These details create relatable scenes that bring smiles and nods from listeners.

To do this right, focus on specifics rather than generalities; give life to those involved by describing actions instead of listing traits.

Structuring Your Story for Maximum Impact

A great story has rhythm—a beginning that draws listeners in, a middle filled with tension or humor (sometimes both), and an end that ties everything together beautifully. Assemble your thoughts like building blocks: set up expectations early on, then lead up to pivotal moments before concluding gracefully.

Beyond content is pacing—how quickly one part of your speech shifts to another matters too. Practice varying speeds during different parts so every sentiment lands perfectly whether poignant silence or bursts of laughter are called for.

Mastering the Opening and Closing Remarks

Every wedding speech hinges on the opening and closing remarks. These moments are your first and last chances to connect with your audience, making them crucial for leaving a lasting impression.

The First Impression: Nailing Your Opener

The key to a great start is hooking your listeners from the get-go. Think of it like launching a rocket—your opener should have enough thrust to take off successfully. Begin with something relatable; perhaps an anecdote or reference that resonates universally, yet feels personal to the couple’s journey together.

A dash of humor can work wonders, but keep it tasteful. A well-placed joke not only eases any nerves you might have but also warms up the crowd for what’s ahead.

Closing With Impact: Ending On A High Note

When ending your speech, aim for emotional resonance. This could be through heartfelt wishes, reflective wisdom about love and companionship, or even an inspiring quote that encapsulates the essence of the day.

To wrap things up memorably, consider bringing your speech full circle by tying back into your opening remark—a technique often used by seasoned speakers to create cohesiveness in their delivery.

Pacing the Wedding Speech

Pacing is paramount when delivering both openers and closers—you want neither rush nor drag out these critical segments of your speech. Rehearsing beforehand helps fine-tune this timing, especially if you get nervous when speaking publicly. Also remember brevity is bliss; if your speech feels like it’s dragging, consider what parts can be cut or rearranged.

Personalizing Your Wedding Speech

Your wedding speech is not just another toast. If you’ve been asked to give a speech, it’s because of your bond with the couple, so your words should reflect that relationship in a personal way. Remember, authenticity wins over the crowd more than any generic well-wishing could ever do.

Tapping into Shared Memories

Dig deep into your shared history with the couple to find insightful tidbits about their strengths or personalities. A story that captures their essence will not only tug at heartstrings but also bring laughter and nods of recognition from those who know them best.

Alternatively (or perhaps additionally), pick an anecdote that encapsulates the couple’s spirit or reflects what you admire about them. Maybe it’s how they support each other through thick and thin or how their love seems to make even mundane moments magical.

Expressing Genuine Emotions

The strongest messages spring from sincerity. Speak from the heart about what this day means to you and why seeing these two individuals unite fills you with joy. Don’t shy away from showing vulnerability – true feelings are magnetic in public speaking.

If humor is part of your relationship, feel free to illustrate that in your speech, but remember to keep it respectful. Crafting jokes that land without offending anyone is an art worth mastering for occasions like these.

Incorporating Unique Qualities

No one else shares quite the same perspective on the bride and groom as you do, so use this to your advantage. Highlight qualities others may not have noticed, sharing insights only someone close would recognize. A fondness for charity work or a passion for adventure might be perfect examples here.

This approach helps paint a complete picture of who they are individually and together, ensuring guests leave feeling like they’ve gotten closer too.

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Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety

Picture this: your palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy. It’s not just an Eminem lyric—it’s the all-too-familiar feeling of public speaking jitters before giving a wedding speech. But fear not! There are proven strategies to beat those butterflies and deliver a speech that’ll be remembered for all the right reasons.

Preparation is Your Best Friend

The more you prepare, the less likely you’ll feel like bailing when it’s showtime. Start by outlining your main points and then flesh them out until your lines sound natural—not recited. After all, no one wants to listen to a robot-like monotone at a wedding. Next up? Get feedback from friends or family who can tell you honestly where you shine and where you might need some polish.

Finally, familiarize yourself with speaking skills techniques like body language . Learning how pauses can emphasize points or how varying vocal tones keeps listeners hooked and could help relieve your nerves as you gain confidence.

Mind Over Matter Mindset Shifts

When it comes to conquering your fear of public speaking , one of the most important steps is adopting positive affirmations. You probably have negative thoughts running through your head already, and these guys are confidence killers. To get the upper hand, you need to flip the script in your head and start training yourself to think more positively.

A change in perspective helps kickstart this process. Remember why people have gathered: love and celebration—not critique sessions over speeches. You’re part of making someone’s special day even brighter, which is pretty awesome when you think about it. So talk kindly to yourself in the days leading up to the big event—you might be surprised by how much of a difference it makes!

Breathing Exercises Are Not Just Hot Air

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk breathing exercises. Although it might sound like cliché advice, deep breaths actually go a long way towards calming down frantic nerve cells firing off SOS signals before your public speaking engagements. Simply inhale slowly through the nose for four counts, hold for seven, and exhale for eight. This is called the 4-7-8 breathing technique , and it helps release tensions in your body. Once you’re calm and collected, you’ll be ready to stand and deliver, no problem.

Etiquette and Timing Considerations

If you’re gearing up to give a wedding speech, remember it’s not just about what you say; it’s also about when and how long you speak. Think of the reception as prime time television, and your speech is the headline act—timing is everything.

Respecting The Schedule

You’ve got a golden window to capture attention without stealing the spotlight for too long. Weddings are tight ships, with caterers, DJs, and photographers all working on a set schedule. Find out from the couple or planner exactly when your moment will be so that you can plan accordingly.

A pro tip? Sync up with other speakers before the big day in order to make sure no one hogs the mic for an eternity. It shows respect for everyone’s time, including yours.

The Ideal Speech Length

No one likes a marathon session at a wedding, especially during speeches. A good rule of thumb? Aim for five minutes max. That’s enough time to tell your hilarious story without guests checking their watches.

To keep things short but sweet, crafting your message around key points is essential rather than meandering through memories better suited for another occasion.

Navigating Cultural Nuances

Cultural expectations vary widely and it pays off big-time to know these nuances beforehand because they can affect timing too. Some cultures love lengthy tributes; others expect succinct sentiments. When in doubt, do some digging on traditions, or simply ask someone who knows the ropes.

Remember that reading the room isn’t just smart—it’s etiquette 101.

Incorporating Quotes and Readings into Your Wedding Speech

Choosing the right quotes and readings for your wedding speech can be like finding the perfect spices for a meal—they enhance flavors and add complexity. When you’re up there delivering your wedding speech, dropping in a line from Rumi or Shakespeare isn’t just about showing off your literary chops. It’s about connecting deeper with the hearts of everyone present.

To start, think about what resonates with you and the couple. Choose a quote that mirrors their relationship or adds a layer of intimacy to your speech that generic advice can’t match. If the couple bonded over “The Lord of the Rings,” slip in something from Tolkien that speaks to companionship on great journeys. Or perhaps they share a love for music? Lyrics from their favorite song could strike all the right chords.

The key is context—make sure it fits snugly into your message without feeling forced. You don’t want guests scratching their heads wondering how Gandalf relates to this matrimony. So weave these words carefully into personal stories or themes throughout your toast; let them illuminate rather than overshadow.

Selecting Meaningful Passages

Picking passages doesn’t have to feel like searching for a needle in a haystack either—you’ve got more resources at hand than ever before. Look through books on love and marriage, seek out famous speeches, or even explore poetry websites dedicated solely to verses on love ( Poetry Foundation , we’re looking at you).

If you find something that makes you feel strongly when reading it aloud during practice runs—that’s usually gold. Just avoid clichés, unless you can put a fresh spin on one.

Making It Personal

Writing your own words shows genuine care and creates a personal touch that can resonate deeply with the audience. Make sure what you write is clear and easy to understand, because this will help it strike a chord more than anything overly complex or obscure ever could.

Rehearsal Techniques for a Flawless Delivery

Perfecting your wedding speech is like choreographing a dance; every step, turn, and pause needs practice to look effortless. Rehearsing isn’t just about getting the words right—it’s about making them feel natural.

Practice Methods That Work Wonders

Mirror work can be surprisingly effective. Stand in front of a mirror and deliver your speech. Watch for any awkward gestures or facial expressions—these are tell-tale signs you’re not yet comfortable with the material. The goal here is to sync what you say with how you say it so that each word matches your emotions and body language .

Gathering Constructive Feedback

Audience simulation takes things up a notch. Gather some friends who’ll give honest feedback—not just empty praise—and pretend they’re the wedding guests. This mini-audience will help acclimate you to speaking in front of people, which can do wonders for calming those jitters on the big day.

You might also consider recording yourself—a smartphone will do just fine here—and then reviewing the playback critically but kindly, as if helping out a friend rather than critiquing an enemy.

The beauty of these rehearsal techniques lies in their simplicity and effectiveness: no fancy equipment needed, just time-honored methods bolstered by genuine feedback that pushes you towards delivering that flawless wedding speech we all aim for.

FAQs on Wedding Speeches

What do you say in a wedding speech.

Highlight fond memories, express heartfelt wishes for the couple’s future, and sprinkle in humor to keep it light.

What is a good speech to give at a wedding?

A good wedding speech balances emotion with wit, shares personal stories, and celebrates the couple’s journey together.

What is an example of a short wedding speech?

“To Jane and John: Your love inspires. May your days be filled with joy. Here’s to new beginnings.”

What do you say in your own wedding speech?

Talk about your partner’s impact on your life, share aspirations for what lies ahead, and thank everyone involved.

Delivering a wedding speech is an art. To connect with your audience, tell a story and personalize your message. After all, it’s your connection to the couple that resonates most deeply.

Feeling anxious about your speech? Tackle nerves head-on by preparing and practicing relentlessly. This calms jitters and sharpens delivery.

When the big day comes, mind your manners with timing and etiquette. Also consider employing thoughtful quotes in your speech—they enrich narratives when chosen well. Finally, rehearse like it’s showtime already;  get feedback to smooth out those edges for seamless execution on the big day.

It’s time to get out there and deliver a wedding speech that your friends and more importantly, the bride and groom, will love!

  • Last Updated: April 11, 2024

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How to Write a Wedding Speech (with Examples)

by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 22, 2023 | Post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.

Writing a wedding speech can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’ve never given one before. You want to make sure you honor the couple, entertain the guests, and avoid any embarrassing mishaps.

But don’t worry, with a little guidance , you can write a memorable wedding speech that will leave everyone feeling touched and inspired.

In this article, we’ll provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to write a wedding speech, along with examples to help you get started.

Whether you’re the best man, maid of honor, or a close friend or family member, we’ve got you covered. We’ll cover everything from how to structure your speech, to what to include, and even tips on how to deliver it with confidence.

Person giving a wedding speech

What is a Wedding Speech?

A wedding speech is a way for family members and friends to honor the newly married couple, share their thoughts and memories, and wish them a happy future together.

It is a chance to express your gratitude for being part of their special day and to thank them for inviting you to share in their joy.

Wedding speeches are typically given at the rehearsal dinner , the day before the wedding, and toward the end of the reception dinner on the wedding day.

The best wedding speeches are heartfelt, sincere, and personal. They should reflect your relationship with the couple and your feelings towards them. A good wedding speech should be short, sweet, and to the point. It should not be too long, as it may become boring and lose the attention of the audience.

Knowing Your Role

When it comes to writing a wedding speech, it’s important to know your role in the wedding party. Here are some tips on how to approach writing your speech depending on your role:

Father of the Bride’s Speech

As the father of the bride , your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your daughter and the joy she has brought into your life. Welcome the groom into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Maid of Honor’s Speech

As the maid of honor, your speech should focus on the bride and your relationship with her. Share some funny stories or heartfelt moments that highlight her best qualities. Be sure to also thank the groom and his family for welcoming you into their lives.

Best Man’s Speech

As the best man, your speech should focus on the groom and your relationship with him. Share some funny anecdotes or stories that highlight his best qualities. Be sure to also thank the bride and her family for welcoming you into their lives.

Mother of the Bride’s Speech

As the mother of the bride, your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your daughter and the joy she has brought into your life. Welcome the groom into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Father of the Groom’s Speech

As the father of the groom, your speech should focus on the groom and your relationship with him. Share some funny anecdotes or stories that highlight his best qualities. Be sure to also thank the bride and her family for welcoming you into their lives.

Mother of the Groom’s Speech

As the mother of the groom, your speech should be heartfelt and emotional. Share stories about your son and the joy he has brought into your life. Welcome the bride into your family and express your love and support for the newlyweds.

Structuring Your Speech

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, structuring it properly is key. This will help you stay on track and deliver a memorable speech that hits all the right notes. Here are some tips on how to structure your wedding speech:

OpeningIntroduce yourself, your relationship to the couple, and thank them for inviting you.
BodyShare a story or anecdote about the couple, offer words of wisdom or advice, and give a toast.
ClosingEnd with a final thought or sentiment about the couple and thank them for including you in their special day.

The opening of your speech is crucial as it sets the tone for the rest of your speech. Start by introducing yourself and your relationship to the couple. You can also thank the couple for inviting you to be a part of their special day.

If you’re nervous, it’s okay to start with a joke or a light-hearted anecdote to break the ice. Just make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion and doesn’t offend anyone.

The body of your speech is where you can share your thoughts and feelings about the couple. This is where you can tell a story or anecdote about the couple that highlights their love for each other.

You can also offer some words of wisdom or advice for the couple as they embark on this new journey together. This can be a great opportunity to share a quote or a poem that resonates with you.

The closing of your speech should be short and sweet. You can end with a final thought or sentiment about the couple and their future together. You can also thank the couple and their families for including you in their special day.

If you’re giving a toast , make sure to raise your glass and offer a heartfelt congratulations to the couple.

Example Wedding Speeches

Maid of honor speech example:.

Hello, everyone! I’m beyond thrilled to be here today as the Maid of Honor for these two incredible people. You know, when [Bride’s Name] asked me to be her Maid of Honor, my first thought was, ‘Does she really know me? Is she sure about this?’ But here I am, and I couldn’t be happier!

[Bride’s Name] and I have shared so many laughs, tears, and unforgettable moments over the years. We’ve been through thick and thin together. And when she introduced us to [Groom’s Name], it was like the missing piece of the puzzle just clicked into place.

Now, [Groom’s Name], I have to say, you’ve really brought out the best in [Bride’s Name]. You’ve filled her life with so much love, laughter, and joy. And I can’t thank you enough for that.

To the newlyweds, may your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day. May your journey together be filled with adventure, kindness, and endless inside jokes that only you two understand. And may your love story be as beautiful and inspiring as the two of you are.

So let’s raise our glasses to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to love, laughter, and a lifetime of happiness! Cheers!"

Best Man Speech Example:

Hey, everyone, I’m honored to be up here as the Best Man for this fantastic couple. Now, when [Groom’s Name] asked me to be his Best Man, I was like, ‘Really? Me?’ But then I remembered all the adventures, mishaps, and laughter we’ve shared over the years, and I thought, ‘Yep, I’m the guy for this job!’

[Groom’s Name] and [Bride’s Name], you two are a perfect match. I’ve watched your love story unfold, and it’s been a privilege to witness the love and respect you have for each other.

[Groom’s Name], you’ve always been there for me through thick and thin, and I have no doubt you’ll be there for [Bride’s Name] in the same way. And [Bride’s Name], you’re not just gaining a husband today, you’re gaining the best partner in crime you could ever ask for.

So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to a lifetime of adventure, love, and laughter. May your journey together be filled with joy, shared secrets, and lots and lots of dancing. Cheers!"

Best Friend Speech Example:

“Hello, everyone! Wow, what a beautiful day to celebrate the love between [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name]. I’m not the Maid of Honor or the Best Man, but I am a close friend, and I’ve been lucky enough to witness the magic of their love story from the beginning.

[Bride’s Name], we’ve been through so much together – from school crushes to college shenanigans. And when you introduced me to [Groom’s Name], I knew he was something special. He brings out the best in you, and together, you make an incredible team.

[Groom’s Name], you’re not just gaining a wife today; you’re gaining an amazing friend and confidant in [Bride’s Name]. You two complement each other in the most beautiful ways.

So, here’s to [Bride’s Name] and [Groom’s Name], to a love that’s as strong as it is genuine. May your journey together be filled with laughter, support, and all the adventures you can dream of. Cheers!”

Family Member Speech Example:

Good evening, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your relation to the bride and groom]. I’m thrilled to be here tonight to celebrate the love and commitment of [Couple’s names].

When they asked me to give a speech tonight, I was a little nervous. I mean, what do you say about two people who are so perfect for each other? But then I remembered something that [Bride’s name] once told me: “ Love isn’t about being perfect , it’s about being perfectly imperfect together.”

And that’s exactly what these two are. They’re imperfect in all the right ways, and that’s what makes them so perfect for each other. So here’s to [Couple’s names], two imperfect people who are perfect for each other. Congratulations, you two!

Close Friend Speech Example:

Hello, everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I am [Your relation to the bride and groom]. I’m honored to be here tonight to celebrate the wedding of [Couple’s names].

When I first met [Bride’s name], I knew she was something special. And when she introduced me to [groom’s name], I knew he was the one for her. These two have been through thick and thin together, and they’ve always come out stronger on the other side.

And that’s what love is all about, isn’t it? It’s about being there for each other through the good times and the bad. So here’s to [Couple’s names], a couple who knows that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s a commitment.

Incorporating Personal Touches

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, it’s important to make it personal and meaningful. After all, you’re speaking in front of the couple’s nearest and dearest, and you want to make sure that your words come straight from the heart.

One way to do this is to incorporate personal touches into your speech. This can be anything from a funny story about the couple to a heartfelt message about your own relationship with them.

When choosing what to include in your speech, think about what makes the couple special. What are their unique qualities and what do you love about them? What are some of the key moments in their relationship that have brought them to this point?

Once you have some ideas, consider how you can weave them into your speech in a way that feels natural and authentic. Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Keep it short and sweet: While it can be tempting to go on and on about how much you love the couple, it’s important to keep your speech concise. Aim for around 3-5 minutes, and focus on the most meaningful moments and messages.
  • Use specific examples: Instead of making general statements about the couple, try to use specific examples that illustrate their qualities and personalities. This will make your speech more engaging and memorable.
  • Get personal: Don’t be afraid to share your own experiences and feelings about the couple. Whether it’s a funny story about how you first met or a heartfelt message about what they mean to you, your personal touch will make your speech more meaningful.
  • Practice, practice, practice: Finally, make sure to practice your speech ahead of time. This will help you feel more confident and comfortable on the day, and ensure that your words come across as genuine and heartfelt.

Addressing the Audience

When it comes to giving a wedding speech, one of the most important things to keep in mind is your audience. After all, you are speaking to a room full of people who are there to celebrate the happy couple, so it’s important to make sure your speech is engaging, entertaining, and appropriate for the occasion.

First and foremost, you want to make sure your speech is inclusive of everyone in the audience.

While you may have a close relationship with the bride or groom, it’s important to remember that there are likely guests in attendance who may not know you or the couple as well. Make sure to introduce yourself and provide some context for your relationship with the couple.

It’s also important to consider the tone of your speech. While it’s okay to inject some humor and lightheartedness into your speech, you want to make sure it’s appropriate for the occasion.

Avoid making any jokes or comments that could be perceived as offensive or inappropriate.

If you’re addressing parents or family members in your speech, make sure to acknowledge their role in the couple’s lives and express your gratitude for their support.

Similarly, if you’re speaking as the best friend of the bride or groom, take some time to reflect on your friendship and share some heartfelt memories or anecdotes.

Keep in mind that you’re speaking to a room full of people who are there to celebrate the happy couple, so make sure your speech is a reflection of that joy and excitement.

Delivering the Speech

Now that you’ve written your wedding speech, it’s time to deliver it. Public speaking can be nerve-wracking, but with a little preparation, you’ll be able to deliver your speech with confidence. Here are some tips to help you deliver your speech like a pro:

  • Practice, practice, practice. Rehearsing your speech will help you feel more comfortable with the material and reduce your nervousness. Practice in front of a mirror or with a friend to get feedback on your delivery.
  • Take deep breaths. If you feel nervous before your speech, take a few deep breaths to calm your nerves. This will help you relax and deliver your speech more effectively.
  • Speak slowly and clearly. When you’re nervous, it’s easy to speak too quickly or mumble your words. Make a conscious effort to speak slowly and clearly so that everyone can hear you.
  • Make eye contact. Look at your audience as you deliver your speech. This will help you connect with them and keep their attention.
  • Use body language. Gesturing and moving around can help you convey your message more effectively. Just be sure to avoid any distracting movements.
  • Don’t be afraid to pause. If you need a moment to collect your thoughts or take a breath, don’t be afraid to pause. This will help you deliver your speech more effectively and give your audience time to absorb your message.

With a little preparation and practice, you’ll be able to deliver a wedding speech that will be remembered for years to come.

Dealing with Nervousness

It’s completely normal to experience nervousness when giving a wedding speech. After all, you want to do your best and make a positive impact on the happy couple and their guests. Here are a few tips to help you manage your nerves and deliver a memorable speech:

  • Practice, practice, practice : The more you practice your speech, the more comfortable you’ll feel delivering it. Practice in front of a mirror, with friends or family, or even record yourself and listen back to it.
  • Focus on the positive : Instead of dwelling on your nerves, focus on the positive aspects of the experience. You have the opportunity to share your love and well-wishes with the couple, and that’s something to be proud of.
  • Breathe deeply : Deep breathing can help calm your nerves and give you the energy you need to deliver your speech. Take a few deep breaths before you begin, and continue to breathe deeply throughout your speech.
  • Visualize success : Visualize yourself delivering a successful speech. Imagine the audience laughing at your jokes, nodding in agreement with your sentiments, and giving you a standing ovation at the end.
  • Project confidence : Even if you don’t feel confident, projecting confidence through your body language can help you appear more confident to your audience. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and speak clearly and slowly.

By following these tips, you can overcome your nervousness and deliver a wedding speech that you and the happy couple will remember for years to come.

Tips for a Memorable Speech

Writing a wedding speech can be intimidating, but with the right tips and tricks, you can deliver a memorable speech that will leave a lasting impression on the newlyweds and guests. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Tell the Couple’s Story

The most memorable speeches are the ones that tell a story. Start by brainstorming some memories or anecdotes about the couple that you can weave into your speech.

Think about the moments that defined their relationship, the challenges they’ve overcome, and the things that make them unique. By sharing these details with the audience, you’ll create a speech that feels personal and heartfelt.

Keep it Short and Sweet

While it’s tempting to share every detail about the couple, it’s important to keep your speech short and sweet. Aim for a speech that’s no longer than five minutes. This will give you enough time to share your message without losing the audience’s attention.

Practice Makes Perfect

The key to delivering a great speech is practice. Start by writing down your speech and then practice delivering it in front of a mirror or with a friend. This will help you get comfortable with the material and ensure that you’re able to deliver it confidently on the big day.

Focus on Friendship and Happiness

Weddings are all about celebrating love, friendship, and happiness. Make sure your speech reflects these themes by focusing on the positive aspects of the couple’s relationship.

Share stories that highlight their love for each other, their friendship, and the happiness they bring to each other’s lives.

Use Humor Wisely

Humor can be a great way to lighten the mood and engage the audience, but use it wisely. Make sure your jokes are appropriate for the occasion and that they don’t overshadow the message of your speech. Remember, the goal is to celebrate the couple and their love, not to steal the show.

Now that you’ve learned the basics of writing a wedding speech, it’s a good idea to read some real speeches to see how it all comes together.

Look for examples of speeches online or in books. Watching or reading other people’s speeches can give you inspiration and a better understanding of how to make your speech unique and special.

You might also want to check out books or articles about public speaking and storytelling, as they can help you improve your delivery and engagement skills.

And remember, it’s always a good idea to review some tips on wedding etiquette to make sure your speech is respectful and fitting for the occasion.

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Ryan Hart

Ryan Hart is a certified relationship coach and writer. His mission is to help make connections between people better, stronger, more meaningful, and longer lasting using technology.

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Wedding Welcome Speech: Tips for Expressing Gratitude and Joy

Natalia Bayeva


Being mandated with the duty to give wedding welcoming speeches is an honor. It means you share a stronger bond with the couple than many others present. But the anxiety and subtle confusion that comes with giving a welcome speech almost take out the fun.


To help calm your nerves and slay to perfection in this important event of your life, we’ve brought tips. In this post, you’ll find guides on how to start and give speeches to inspire you.

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Wedding Welcome Speeches Examples

There are different kinds of wedding ceremony speech samples. This is because although the bride’s father is traditionally the host, things are changing. The maid of honor, the best man, the groom himself, very close buddies, and anyone, can give the introduction to wedding welcoming speeches. And you’ll find beautifully crafted speech samples online.

“Hi, I’m (name) and it’s time for me to do this speech I scribbled down about an hour before the ceremony started.”
“My name is (name) and it’s an honour to be here today as (groom)’s best man.”
“Thank you for joining us today on such a wonderful occasion.”
“Welcome to _____ & _____ wedding reception! I am (name). Please take your seats so we can officially welcome our guests of honor.”
“Friends and Family of the _____ and _____, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day. We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between _____ and _____, by joining them in marriage.”
“Good evening, welcome to this most important moment in the lives of this couple. We invite you to leave behind the worries and concerns of every day life and join us in the celebration of their marriage.”
“Today is a celebration. A celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two people who are in it for forever.”
“We have been invited here today to witness and celebrate the uniting in marriage of _____ and _____. They are taking the first step of their new beginning; their new life together.”
“Hello and welcome! May your hearts be glad and your spirits be light. For every thing there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven. Now is the time for a wedding.”
“Hello everyone and welcome. Thank you for joining us on this day of gladness and good fortune. _____ and _____ are coming together to publicly proclaim their undying love through the celebration of their marriage. So we are all here to learn about loving and being loved, and to watch the miracle of love exchanged enriches every one of us.”
“Hi! My name is _____. We have come together – families and friends – to witness _____ and _____ as they exchange their vows of marriage. “We share with them their delight in finding love with each other, and support their decision to be together from now until the end of time.

Done! You’ve got the best wedding welcome speech! But wait, there’s more!

Wedding Reception Welcome Speech

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this magical day. Your presence makes this celebration truly special. Here’s to love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Let the festivities begin! Cheers!
Friends and family, your smiles light up the room. Thank you for sharing in our joy. Today is a celebration of love, laughter, and cherished moments. Let’s make memories that last a lifetime. Cheers to all of you!
To our dear guests, your presence fills our hearts with happiness. Thank you for being part of our love story. As we gather for this reception, let’s savor the joy, create memories, and dance the night away. Cheers to love and togetherness!

Wedding Welcome Speech Tips

Wedding introduction speeches can make even the boldest person nervous. So nervous that you either forget your lines or don’t know how to start. Below are a few tips to help you start great wedding welcoming speeches.

  • Introduce yourself

Don’t step on stage with the false pride that everyone knows you. Because there are lots of guests who need a fresh reminder of who you are. Always introduce yourself and keep it short. Don’t go on and on, it could get boring. You may also start with witty one-liners. They are ice breakers.

Crafting warm and inviting opening lines to engage the audience. Importance of expressing gratitude and acknowledging the guests’ presence.

As we gather on this joyous occasion, let the warmth of our shared smiles illuminate the room. In the embrace of love, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to each one of you, dear guests, for gracing us with your presence today. Your smiles are the most beautiful decorations, and your presence adds a unique melody to this celebration of love. Let us embark on this journey of joy and togetherness, united by the bonds of love and friendship. Welcome, and thank you for being a part of this extraordinary moment.
  • Make eye contact

Making eye contact signifies confidence. Don’t look to the ground when giving a welcome speech. Look in the audience instead as it helps you comment. Roam around with your eyes and keep contact with specific persons for a few seconds. It makes everyone feel included.

  • Go with notes or cue cards

At the time of giving the speech, you may be quite stressed out or have your mind on other things. While it’s beautiful to say your speech off heart, the brains could play a trick on you. So always have a paper on hand. If you don’t want to write it out flat, then go with cue cards that act as reminders for your next line or paragraph.

  • Skip drinks

If possible, skip the drinks until after the welcome speech is over. You have enough time to celebrate. In other cases, it could be some Dutch courage you’re seeking. Still, skip the drink and use a mock audience backstage instead. Filling your head with drinks just before a speech will mess everything up for you. From incoherence to uncoordinated acts and possible misbehavior.

You could say all the funny jokes and witty one-liners. But if you’re not genuine, there’s no way of hiding it. Put some heart in your speech. Don’t give the welcome speech like an obligation. Do it as something you’re delighted at doing for someone who means the world to you.

  • Keep it short

Remember you’re giving the first speech out of many. There are still other activities on the program which must fly. So keep it short, straight the point and informative. It should last 10 minutes at the maximum. This sums up to about 1,000 words when written.

  • Mention the spouse

Don’t focus only on your half of the couple. Mention their spouse and praise them.

  • Closing Remark

Encouraging other speakers to follow with their toasts or speeches.Emphasizing the importance of creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

As we conclude this welcome speech, let us extend a warm invitation to other speakers to share their toasts and speeches. Each word spoken contributes to the tapestry of this celebration. Remember, the key is to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, where every expression of love and joy finds a place. Let us build on the warmth and camaraderie, making this wedding a truly memorable and inclusive experience for all. Cheers to love, laughter, and beautiful moments ahead!

Crafting the Perfect Wedding Welcome Speech Guide

Welcome to our guide on crafting an exceptional wedding welcome speech! In this guide, we’ll explore the importance of a welcome speech, who traditionally delivers it, and the ideal moment to present this warm introduction.

Is a Wedding Welcome Speech Necessary?

A wedding welcome speech is more than just a formality—it sets the tone for the entire celebration. It expresses gratitude to guests, creating a warm atmosphere and enhancing the overall experience. It’s a thoughtful touch that makes everyone feel valued.

Who Does the Wedding Welcome Speech?

Typically, the honor of delivering the welcome speech falls to a key figure such as the bride’s or groom’s parents, the master of ceremonies, or a close friend or family member. Whoever takes the stage should be someone who can convey warmth, gratitude, and excitement.

When Should You Give a Wedding Welcome Speech?

The wedding welcome speech is ideally delivered at the beginning of the reception, just before the festivities kick off. It ensures that everyone feels welcomed and sets a positive vibe for the rest of the celebration. This opportune moment allows guests to settle in, creating a seamless transition into the joyous occasion.

How To Deliver A Wedding Welcome Speech?

There’s really no ‘one size fits all’ to delivering welcome wedding speeches. But there are some “holy grails” that must never be quite neglected. Follow these tips and you’d deliver a welcome wedding speech no one will forget.

  • Start with something funny

The truth is weddings are solemn and the guests may not be over the ceremony yet. It might take an effort for them to listen to you. Their ears were not made for you after all. So if you want to get them interested, start with something funny.

  • Harvest the good memories

Do you have some personal experience with the couple? Then narrate it. If you’re closer to one of them, share sweet memories. The guests will be well delighted to know a little more about the couple they’ve come to celebrate.

  • Give well wishes and advice

The good memories are in the past and they’re about building a future together. So why not give them some bricks in the form of advice? Also, encourage and cheer them up.

  • Say thank you

Best Welcome Speech for Wedding

“Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, welcome to this beautiful celebration of love. Your presence here makes this day even more special, and we’re thrilled to share these joyous moments with you.”

What to Say to Welcome at a Wedding

“Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone! On behalf of [Couple’s Names], I extend a warm welcome to each of you. Thank you for gracing us with your presence on this joyous occasion.”

Best Opening Line for a Wedding Speech

“As we gather here today to celebrate the union of two incredible souls, let us embark on a journey of love, laughter, and cherished memories. Welcome, and let the festivities begin!”

Wedding speeches are as interesting as you make them. These are wedding welcoming speeches that could make guests howl with laughter or shed a tear. Regardless of who gives the wedding welcome speeches, there are guides to help you pull it off. Thus, we’ve rounded off tips and samples to keep you inspired as you prepare your wedding welcome speech .

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 1/3: Do’s

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How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do’s, Don’ts, and Delivery PART 2/3: Don’ts

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  • how to write a wedding speech
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how to write a wedding speech dos

how to write a wedding speech dos

Someone you love is getting married, and you’ve just been asked to give a speech at the wedding. What an honor! But also, if you’re not used to giving speeches, what a nightmare! Public speaking can be scary , which is why many people prefer to avoid it. But when your bestie asks you to make a speech at his or her wedding, it’s time to rally. But now you’re wondering if you even know how to write a wedding speech! What makes some wedding speeches fun and memorable, and what makes others cringy and fall flat? We’ve got you. We’ve put together the ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech, focusing on things you definitely should do, things you definitely should NOT do, and then how to deliver your killer wedding speech like a pro.

If you’re wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few “Do’s” to keep in mind.

  • Start planning early
  • Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom
  • Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple
  • Make it personal
  • Think of 3 traits with 3 stories
  • Talk about the couple
  • Have a beginning, middle, and end
  • Consider your audience
  • Keep it short and sweet
  • It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

1. Start planning early

If you don’t know how to write a wedding speech but the bride just asked you to give one, this is not a time to procrastinate. Public speaking is one of the number one fears many people have, so it’s likely you’ve avoided giving too many public speeches before this. And unless you’re a performer or a veteran improv comedian, you might not do too well winging this one. If you get nervous in front of an audience (as most of us do), the best defense against freezing up when you take the mic is being prepared. 

As soon as you know you’ve been asked to give a speech at the wedding, begin jotting down notes immediately. Whenever you’re inspired by a thought of the couple or remember an anecdote that might be worth retelling, make note of it. This will help to give you a pool of ideas to draw from when you start writing down the speech.

Begin gathering ideas and writing the speech a couple of weeks to a month before the wedding. You’ll need time to edit, fine-tune it, and make it concise. And as wedding showers, bachelorette parties, and other wedding festivities begin, you might find there are entertaining stories from these events you want to add as well. If you want to write it all at once, you can do that too. However, make sure to sleep on it and come back with fresh eyes. You don’t want just “okay,” you want your speech to be heartfelt and meaningful.

You will also want to begin early to give yourself time to practice and rehearse your speech plenty of times.

2. Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom

No matter how large or small the wedding is, it’s likely you will not be familiar with many of the guests on one or both sides. And they won’t be familiar with you either. So don’t leave them guessing! 

Make sure when you start to write a wedding speech to introduce yourself and mention how you know the couple. This will help them understand the context of your speech, which will also help it to be more well-received. 

3. Thank hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple

It’s also courteous to take this time to thank the hosts and other members of the wedding party for all the hard work that went into the event, and to thank guests for being there to support the newlyweds, especially those who had to travel far. 

It’s also a good time to officially congratulate the newlyweds and offer them your personal well-wishes for their future. It is imperative that you don’t forget this part, because they are the whole reason you’re there and giving a speech!

4. Make it personal

Whether you are the maid of honor, the best man, father of the bride, or just a friend, you were asked to give a speech because of your close connection and relationship with either the bride or groom (or both). 

And since you know your friend as well as you do, you probably have plenty of stories to share; so the next tip for how to write a wedding speech is don’t hesitate to make it personal and share those stories! This will also help guests get to know the other half of the couple they might not know as well or are just meeting for the first time. And those guests who do know them will love hearing some entertaining stories they might not have heard yet.

5. Think of 3 traits with 3 stories

If you’re finding it difficult to come up with anything, a useful approach for how to write a wedding speech is to think of 3 positive defining traits or qualities of the bride or groom and recount three stories or examples that illuminate a time they exhibited these traits. These stories could be comedic, heartwarming, or both. Just make sure they are relevant and entertaining!

6. Talk about the couple

If you’re the maid of honor and have been chatting up the bride for the whole speech, part of how to write a wedding speech is to make sure at some point it circles around to the groom, too, and to the two of them as a couple.  

Recount the time you met him, or how you remember talking about him with the bride in the beginning stages of their relationship. If you don’t know the groom all that well, talk about how good they are as a couple and about how happy he makes her. 

And If you’re not a fan of the groom, this is not the time to air your grievances. Always keep it positive. 

7. Have a beginning, middle, and end

All good speeches have a good flow and take the audience along with it. 

Don’t let your speech fall flat or jumble together in a haphazard confusion of disconnected anecdotes. Give it the structure of an overarching theme, with a beginning, a middle, and an end. 

We are not talking about a novel here, just make sure there is a direction to where the speech is going, and that the destination, end, or sentiment is achieved. It doesn’t need to be Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator, but a three-act structure does help keep you grounded. Most people also follow a story easier when there is a clear direction for a story or speech. 

8. Consider your audience

The next thing to keep in mind when considering how to write a wedding speech is to make sure you consider who your audience is. 

This is not the bachelor or bachelorette party. There will be a wide range of people present from children to the elderly, and from close friends of the bride and groom to casual acquaintances and coworkers. Make sure your speech is free of any crudeness that might not be fit for such a varied audience. Also, this isn’t the time to take a shot at any of the religious cermonies.

Be considerate and keep it positive and use language everyone can relate to. 

9. Keep it short and sweet

You want your speech to be meaningful and memorable; but the wedding is not about you, and yours is not the only speech. 

No one ever complains about a speech being too short, but they do begin to grumble if it runs on too long. A good rule of thumb to keep in mind when figuring out how to write a wedding speech is to keep your speech between 2-5 minutes long. Any longer than 5 minutes and you’ll lose everyone to thoughts of cake and whether or not to Cupid Shuffle later. 

10. Add humor

Don’t be afraid to be funny! Another tip for how to write a wedding speech is that if you’ve got a lighthearted, creative, joking side, use it and add humor to your speech! Everyone likes to be entertained. 

This doesn’t mean you should scour the internet for generic wedding-themed jokes, but if you’ve got some good original material to use that helps relate a story about the bride or groom in a comedic way, do it. As long as you’re not making fun of the couple but having fun with them, jokes are great. Or you can even poke fun at yourself to illuminate a higher quality in your bestie. It’s all about making the newlyweds shine. 

If you’re creative and have other talents, use them! If you are musical, bust out your instrument and/or vocal cords and make the speech in the form of a song! Use props, and get the other guests involved! The newlyweds will feel special because you created something for them, and the guests will love joining in the fun.

11. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful

If entertaining isn’t your thing, that’s okay! Don’t force it – just be yourself. It’s okay to be simple and meaningful with your speech. Always keep in mind when you go to write a wedding speech that what’s important is that you are genuine and speak from the heart.

Hopefully, you found these tips for how to write a wedding speech helpful, and can start writing today! And stay tuned to our blog for the next part in this ultimate guide for how to write a wedding speech where we highlight a few things you should definitely avoid.

Love this content and want more? Read more about weddings on our blog ! Involved in the wedding planning process and the bride is still looking for a venue ? Give us a call today and we’ll help you find the perfect place!

Jennings Trace

Jennings Trace

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I need an example of a good wedding speec for the bride.Its my first time.

[…] infusing genuine emotion into your wedding speech is essential for creating a heartfelt connection with the audience. Expressing warmth, sincerity, […]

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How to Write a Great Wedding Speech


Being asked to deliver a wedding speech can feel equal parts humbling and terrifying! Not only is there the daunting thought of speaking in front of a crowd, there’s also the overwhelming task of writing a memorable speech that ticks all the right boxes, from humorous to heartfelt. No pressure, right?!

If you’re currently trying to prepare for your wedding speech duties but feeling stuck with writer’s block, we’re here to help. From etiquette tips to wording examples, keep reading for our top tips on writing an epic wedding speech that leaves a lasting impression.


How to Write a Great Wedding Speech: Etiquette Tips

Before you sit down to craft your speech, take a moment to think first about the bigger picture. Whether you’re a bridesmaid, best man or sibling, there are a few etiquette guidelines you should keep in mind to ensure your speech is memorable for all the right reasons. We’ve rounded up the most important “unspoken rules” for a wedding toast below:

  • A great wedding speech strikes the perfect balance between sentimental and light-hearted. If your speech is overly sentimental and gushy, it might feel uncomfortable amongst a large crowd. On the flipside, if it’s too light-hearted and silly, it might come across as disrespectful or insincere. A 50:50 ratio will ensure your speech hits the mark!
  • The sweet spot for any wedding speech is generally between 2-5 minutes. This is the perfect amount of time to deliver a meaningful speech without losing the interest of guests or impacting the reception timeline.
  • While funny anecdotes are a great way to personalise your speech, steer clear of any embarrassing stories (or mentions of ex-partners!) that could make anyone feel uncomfortable. Keep it clean!
  • On that note – some gentle teasing is completely fine if that suits your relationship with the couple, but don’t paint anyone in an unflattering light. Playful humour should only be used if you’re 150% sure it will be well-received! 
  • Don’t copy a speech you found online word-for-word. Templates are a helpful starting point for ideas and inspiration, but the best wedding speeches are always personalised to reflect your relationship with the couple. 
  • Make sure your speech is directed at both of the newlyweds. Even though you’ll probably have a closer relationship with one half of the couple, it’s important to address both parties instead of delivering a one-sided speech. This is their big day, after all!


Gather Your Material

Now that the etiquette guidelines have been set, it’s time to start crafting your speech! Staring at a blank page can be seriously intimidating, so we recommend taking the pressure off and using a brainstorming session to get those creative juices flowing instead.

Grab a notebook and pen and take a trip down memory lane with these helpful prompts below:

  • What are your favourite qualities and personality traits of the bride/groom?
  • What are some examples of those traits in action?
  • How did you meet both halves of the couple?
  • What was your first impression of them, and how has this evolved?
  • What are your favourite memories and experiences together?
  • What do you admire about their relationship?
  • What makes them such a great match?
  • What do you hope for them in the future?

You might find it helpful to look back on old photos or even chat amongst other close friends and family members for further inspiration. Brainstorming your way through these prompts will give you the bones of a memorable, fun and personal speech, with plenty of material to work with.


Structuring Your Speech

Now for the fun part – pulling your speech together! A great wedding speech will usually include the following key elements. You can use these elements as a simple outline to build your speech around:

  • Introduction

Words of thanks

Personal anecdotes

Praise for the relationship


Open your speech by introducing yourself and your relationship to the couple. Your opening line could be as simple as:

“Hi everybody! For those who don’t know me, I’m (name), and I’m (bride/groom name)’s (sister/best man/maid of honour/etc).”

If you’re going for a more humorous approach, you could follow your introduction by cracking a joke to break the ice, such as:

“Just a couple of rules before we begin. If you have a mobile phone – that’s fine, leave it switched on, entertain yourselves. And if anyone texts you any good jokes, could you send them my way?”

“When I first sat down and started reflecting on what I wanted to say here tonight, I kept thinking to myself, ‘I can’t believe (name) is getting married in less than an hour.”

Welcoming guests and sharing some words of appreciation is always a nice touch, especially if the couple isn’t planning on making their own speech. You might want to include a special thanks to guests who have travelled, or for those who have helped with the wedding planning. For example:

“I’d like to thank you all for being here today to celebrate the marriage of (name) to (name), especially for those who have travelled far and wide. I’d also like to thank everyone who has helped in the lead up to the wedding in whatever way possible, big or small – you’ve all played a part to make the day special.”

This is the heart and soul of your speech! Look back on your brainstorming session and pick out some of your favourite memories as you begin to address the couple more personally. You might want to kick things off by talking about your relationship with the person you’re closest to, before sharing a fun anecdote or highlighting their best qualities. For example:

“I’ve known (name) all my life – we’ve laughed together, cried together, and watched way too many episodes of Friends together. I’ll never forget the time we (insert a funny anecdote or favourite memory)”

“I’ve had the privilege of growing up with (name), and so I couldn’t go past this opportunity to share some of my favourite memories of them. We’ve certainly shared some interesting moments – from the time we (insert a funny anecdote), to the time we (insert a favourite memory)”

“For those who know (name) well, I think we can all agree that one of her best qualities is her spontaneous nature. This was definitely highlighted when we (insert a funny anecdote or two).”

Next, you’ll want to expand on your relationship with their partner. For example:

“When (name) introduced me to (name), I had a good feeling about him immediately. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited for my (sister/friend/etc) – he’s funny, kind, intelligent, and most importantly – shares our family’s love for bad jokes and boardgames”

“I remember when (name) returned from his first date with (name). I’m not joking when I say he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face for the next 3 days! And when I met (name) a few weeks later, it all made sense. (Name), you’re an absolute catch, and one of the sweetest people I know. Thank you for being such an amazing partner to my best mate”

“I’ve known (name) for a long time, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen him as happy as he’s been since knowing (name). (Name), you have such a big heart and you truly light up a room. You’ve fit so perfectly into our family and we couldn’t imagine our lives without you in it!”


Next, share some praise for the couple and what you admire about their relationship. This is where you’ll want to bring it back to what this day is all about! For example:

“I think everyone here will agree that you two are a perfect match. From the way (name) supports (name)’s online shopping addiction, to your shared love of dogs and the crazy adventures you take together, I’m so happy that you’ve each found your soulmate and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes you.”

“I’ve been lucky enough to watch your relationship grow from the very beginning, and I can honestly say I’ve never seen two people so in love. The way you support each other and experience life together is beautiful to witness, and I just know that your marriage will be filled with passion, happiness and adventure”

End your speech by asking guests to raise their glasses for a toast. This is a great time to include a meaningful quote, words of marriage advice, or wishes for the future. For example:

“So with that being said, I’d like to invite everyone to raise their glasses and toast the newlyweds as they embark on this exciting journey together. Here’s to the happy couple – we love you guys!”

“If everyone could please raise their glasses for the newlyweds – I’d like to wish you both a lifetime of love, happiness, romance and adventure together. Cheers!”

“As you embark on this new chapter together, I wanted to leave you with a quote: A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Ladies and gents, please raise your glasses and join me in toasting the newlyweds – cheers!”


Nailing Your Wedding Speech

Once you’ve crafted your wedding speech, remember: practice makes perfect, so alleviate those public speaking nerves by rehearsing your speech until you feel confident and comfortable with the material. Notecards are a great resource to keep you on track, but try not to rely on them – it’s okay not to follow your script word for word. Instead, allow yourself to be swept up in the moment and enjoy the experience!

While it might seem scary, being asked to deliver a wedding speech is actually an honour and shows just how much the newlyweds value your relationship. Simply follow our pointers above, and you’ll be sure to bring down the house with a memorable speech written from the heart.

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8 Wedding Ceremony Scripts to Borrow & Printables

Find beautiful wedding ceremony scripts ranging from unique to traditional. Print and borrow them, or get inspiration to write your own!

By Allison Cullman

Last updated June 10, 2024


Inside this article:

Simple wedding ceremony script

Modern wedding ceremony script, humorous wedding ceremony script, inclusive wedding ceremony script, christian wedding ceremony script, catholic wedding ceremony script, jewish wedding ceremony script, protestant wedding ceremony script, 4 tips for writing your own ceremony script, simple wedding ceremony script starter outline, faqs about wedding ceremony scripts, summarizing ceremony and officiant wedding scripts.

In the midst of the organized chaos of wedding planning, the wedding ceremony is often left until the last minute. But the ceremony is quite significant—after all, it’s the part where you and your future spouse actually become joined in marriage.

We all know about the “I do’s” of a wedding ceremony, but the rest of your ceremony is just as important. While you want to create a wedding ceremony script that’s meaningful and personal to you and your future spouse, figuring out how to do this can leave some couples scratching their heads. If you’re wondering where to begin writing your wedding ceremony script, our tips and examples below are here to help.


This script has been reviewed by Rev. Lisann G. Valentin, an ordained minister at Universal Life Church .

For a nonreligious wedding ceremony, there’s no standard script you need to adhere to. The script below can be a helpful starting point for a simple wedding ceremony you can build upon and personalize however you like.


Opening words/welcome

The ceremony will begin with the officiant addressing the reception.

Officiant: “Welcome friends, family, and loved ones. We’re gathered here today to celebrate [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] in their lifelong commitment of love to each other. Finding your life partner is a true joy, and the commitment to share in life’s ups and downs as one is no small feat. While marriage will bring its own challenges and triumphs, let this day be a reminder of what your love has already accomplished, as well as the possibilities for your partnership as you grow together for years to come.”

While a simple wedding ceremony might omit this part altogether, some couples like to personalize their ceremony wedding scripts with a chosen reading or song to celebrate their union. A close friend or family member, the officiant, or the couple themselves might perform readings. For example, the officiant might call upon a chosen friend or family member to perform an original poem or share a story about the couple’s relationship.

Officiant: “As our reading today, [PARTNER A/B] has asked [his, her] [friend/cousin/other family member] to recite an original poem in honor of their union.”

[Reading proceeds.]

Vows and ring exchange

Couples may choose to write their own vows or omit reciting vows altogether.

Officiant to reception: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and lifelong commitment.”

At this point, couples may exchange their vows (if desired) before placing their rings on each other's fingers. Below is an example of vows that might be exchanged:

Partner A to Partner B: “With this ring, I promise to support you, care for you, laugh with you, share in your burdens, be honest with you, and be faithful to you in all that we may face in the years ahead. I promise to love you with everything I have, from this day forward and beyond.”

Partner B to Partner A: “With this ring, I promise to love you and commit myself to you for the rest of my life. I promise to stand by your side, be there for you always, and to find laughter and joy even in tough times. I promise to love and accept you just as you are, and grow with you for every year to come.”

Declaration of intent

Officiant to Partner A: “Do you, [PARTNER A], take [PARTNER B] to be your lawfully wedded [husband, wife, partner]? Will you honor and cherish them, continue to deepen your understanding of them, and treat them with love and compassion in joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life might throw your way?”

Partner A: “I will” or “I do.”

Officiant to Partner B: “Do you, [PARTNER B], take [PARTNER A] to be your lawfully wedded [wife, husband, partner]? Will you honor and cherish them, continue to deepen your understanding of them, and treat them with love and compassion in joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life might throw your way?”

Partner B: “I will” or “I do.”


Finally, the officiant will pronounce the couple as married. To capture the perfect moment, couples might also request that the officiant steps to the side for the kiss during the wedding nuptials.

Officiant to all: “By the authority vested in me, and with the trust of you all here today, I now declare you joined in love. You may now kiss!"

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this momentous occasion for [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”


This script has been reviewed by Sheena Wheadon, licensed wedding officiant at Why Knot Weddings .

Any wedding ceremony can take a modern spin. Any number of personal touches can be added to your ceremony to make it more modern—whether you want to include your pets, switch up how your wedding party is presented, or simply add some modern flair to your wedding vows and readings. Personalizing your wedding ceremony script is a great way to infuse who you really are into your big day.


The officiant script will begin by welcoming the reception.

Officiant: “Good afternoon and welcome! We’d like to thank everyone on this beautiful day for coming to support [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] in this exciting endeavor and union. Your friendship and support has helped to strengthen them as they’ve made their way to this moment, and they thank you for being here.”

Couples may choose to include a reading in their marriage ceremony script. This reading can be anything you wish, whether it’s a special poem, a reading from a book, a quote from a movie, or a story about the couple’s relationship shared by a close friend or family member.

Vows Exchange

Many modern couples opt to write their own wedding vows or omit them altogether. It’s up to you! Below is an example of modern wedding vows:

Officiant to couple: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], please exchange your vows.”

Partner A to Partner B: “[NAME], you’re my best friend. I’m in awe of your lightness, your kindness, and the purity of what it looks like to be loved by someone like you. It’s a love with no expectations, no strings attached, only a desire to support me and see me fulfilled. To know and be known by you is a gift and a privilege. I know we were made for each other. So here’s what I promise:

I vow always to strive to be the best version of myself so that I can show up for you every single day. I vow to seek joy and hope even in dark times and be there for you when you need me. I vow to trust you and love you unconditionally. I vow to continue to learn from the examples of patience and selflessness that you have always embodied.”

Partner B to Partner A: “[NAME], I love you with my whole heart. You’ve loved me with a loyalty that I’d never experienced before, and didn’t even know existed. You have seen every part of me, and even at my lowest you have stood by my side. You’ve never given up on me, and I have no doubt that you are the person I’m meant to spend my life with. I vow to keep a soft heart when challenges come, and to be aware of my words and actions and how they affect you. I vow to support you in all things, to love you well, and to create a life we’re proud of. Life is fleeting, and I want to cherish every minute of it with you.”

Officiant to couple: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], do you take one another as partners from this day forward?”

Couple in unison: “We do.”

Officiant: “Will you love, honor, and cherish one another as partners for the rest of your lives?”

Couple responds: “We will.”

  • Ring exchange

Officiant to reception: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] have chosen these rings as a symbol of their unbreakable love. Please place these rings on each other’s fingers and repeat after me:

‘I give you this ring as a reminder of our love that unites, inspires, and celebrates what we have.’”

[Couple repeats to each other.]

Finally, the officiant will pronounce the couple as legally wed:

Officiant to all: “By the authority vested in me, it is with joy that I pronounce you married. Now kiss and go celebrate!”

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this beautiful occasion for [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”

8 Ways to Keep Family Involved in Wedding Traditions During the Ceremony

There’s no rule that says your wedding ceremony has to be serious from start to finish. Some couples prefer to add a bit of humor to their ceremony for a more lighthearted affair. The following funny wedding ceremony script has all the required legal elements of becoming legally married, with a humorous touch to keep your guests on their toes.


The officiant will begin by welcoming the crowd and introducing the ceremony.

Officiant to all: “Hello and welcome! We’re here today because [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] have decided they love each other so much that they want to get the government involved! But in all seriousness, a huge thanks to all who have joined us. We promise we’ll get these two hitched quickly so you can make a beeline to the open bar!

I’d like to take this opportunity to ponder the meaning of marriage. Now I know I made a joke about these two loving each other so much they’ve decided to get the government involved, but we know that’s not all marriage is. It’s a tradition, yes, but it’s so much more. It might take a lot of work and compromise, but at the end of the day, this is about choosing your person until the end of this thing we call life. So no matter how many dishes they leave in the sink, no matter how horrible their cooking is, no matter how bad their mood might be on occasion—you’ve got someone who chooses to stick with you through it all. And that’s what marriage is about!”

Including readings in your ceremony is optional, but some couples opt to personalize their ceremony with a particular reading, quote, or story. Some humorous wedding ceremonies might involve a close friend or family member sharing a lighthearted account of the couple’s relationship, with some light humor to get a laugh out of the crowd. The wedding ceremony officiant script can even include fun elements,

Officiant: “As our reading today, [PARTNER A/B} has asked [his, her] [friend/cousin/other family member] to share a personal story of their relationship in honor of their marriage today.”

At this point, couples may exchange vows if they’ve chosen to write them. Here’s an example of wedding vows with a little humor:

Officiant to Partner A: “Now, it’s time to put a ring on it! [PARTNER A], repeat after me: ‘I give you this ring as a symbol that I will love and cherish you, and that I’ll try to keep my mouth shut when it’s your turn to choose the movie we watch.’”

[Partner A repeats.]

Officiant to Partner B: “[PARTNER B], repeat after me: ‘I give you this ring as a symbol that I will love and cherish you, and that I’ll consider making you dinner every once in a while.’”

[Partner B repeats.]

Officiant to Partner A: “Do you, [PARTNER A], take [PARTNER B] to be your lawfully wedded [husband, wife, partner], to love and cherish them for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, and reap as many tax benefits as you can for as long as you both shall live?”

Partner A: “I do.”

Officiant to Partner B: “Do you, [PARTNER B], take [PARTNER A] to be your lawfully wedded [wife, husband, partner], to love and cherish them for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, and reap as many tax benefits as you can for as long as you both shall live?”

Partner B: “I do.”

Now, the officiant will pronounce the couple as legally wed:

Officiant: “What a romantic exchange. Now, I guess there’s only one thing left to do: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]! Now kiss!”

Officiant to all: “That’s a wrap on the formal proceedings of today. [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will greet you in [LOCATION] at [TIME]. We thank you for coming—now get out of here and go celebrate!”

8 Gender-Neutral Readings for Your LBGTQ+ Wedding Ceremony

While traditional gender roles often make up the bulk of how many sample wedding ceremony scripts are written, this doesn’t have to be the case for a more inclusive ceremony. The following example script does away with gendered language and puts the focus on the love shared between the couple and what that means for them.


The officiant will begin by welcoming the reception. This is also when the wedding officiant script can include any specific announcements, like requesting guests to silence their phones.

Officiant: “Welcome friends, family, and loved ones! We’re gathered here today in celebration of (Partner A) and (Partner B) and to bear witness as they join their lives in marriage. On behalf of (Partner A) and (Partner B), it’s a true pleasure to have you here to celebrate this incredible moment.

Love is one of the greatest gifts life has to offer. Love offers hope, joy, comfort, and security, in good times and bad. Love is what spurs our personal growth and allows us to face life and all its challenges, with the unending support of the person we’ve chosen to commit our lives to. (Partner A) and (Partner B) stand before you today to share the love and happiness in their hearts as they take their relationship to a deeper level of commitment by making a passage into marriage.”

While totally optional, couples can choose to include a reading of their choice in their ceremony. This can be anything from a particular poem or section from a book to a special movie quote or personal story about the couple’s relationship. Couples might have the officiant perform the reading or have a loved one come up to share instead.

Officiant: “(Partner A) and (Partner B) have selected a reading from [SOURCE] that represents their unique journey and the commitment they’re making today.”

Vows exchange

Couples who have chosen to write their own wedding vows will recite them here. These could be in a question-and-answer format or long-form vows written beforehand (or a combination of both). Couples can also ask their officiant to step to the side during the vow readings—it helps make the moment more intimate!

Here’s an example of wedding vows for you to work from:

Officiant to couple: “Marriage is a lifelong commitment to love and care for each other to the best of your ability. Are you both ready to take this step together?”

Couple responds: “Yes!”

Officiant to couple: “Do you promise to care for each other, treat each other with respect and compassion, and to always move toward love in your efforts to support one another?”

Couple responds: “We do.”

Officiant to couple: “Do you promise to meet each challenge and triumph with integrity, gratitude, and patience, and to strive to learn and grow together for all of your days?”

Affirmation of family and friends

Officiant to reception: “Do you, the family and friends of (Partner A) and (Partner B), give your full support today and wish them a lifetime of happiness together?”

Reception responds: “We do.”

Expression of intent

Officiant: “In the presence and witness of the loved ones you have gathered here today, I now ask you to state your intentions.

(Partner A) and (Partner B), have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in the commitment of marriage?”

Couple responds: “Yes.”

Officiant: “Once more, will you love, honor, and cherish one another as partners for the rest of your lives?”

Officiant to reception: “(Partner A) and (Partner B), please repeat after me:

‘I give you this ring as a symbol of the vows we’ve made today. I pledge to you my love, respect, and commitment. With everything that I am, I honor you.’”

Officiant: “Now that you, (Partner A) and (Partner B), have promised to give yourselves fully to each other, to love each other through the vows you have made, and through the giving and receiving of these rings, it is my great pleasure by the power vested in me to now pronounce you married! You may now kiss!”

Closing/invitation to reception

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this joyous occasion for (Partner A) and (Partner B)! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”

A Guide to the Wedding Ceremony Order of Events

This script has been reviewed by the ordained ministers at Universal Life Church Monastery .

As the name indicates, this script for weddings includes religious aspects, such as Bible readings and prayers. Feel free to personalize this idea to your liking and include more or fewer scriptural elements.



The processional is simply the beginning of the wedding ceremony, when guests are seated, followed by the entrance of the bridal party.

Officiant to reception: "Welcome, loved ones. We are gathered here today in the sight of God and these witnesses to join together [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] in holy matrimony.”

The declaration of intent is a crucial element of any wedding ceremony, and is legally required to show consent among both parties to be married.

Officiant to the couple: "[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], you have come together this day so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of this minister of his word and this community of family and friends and so, in the presence of this gathering, I ask you to state your intentions:

Have you both come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage? If so, answer by saying 'I have.'"

[Couple responds in unison with ‘I have.’]

A reading from the Bible is a common component in many Christian wedding ceremonies. While choosing a passage from Corinthians isn’t required, it’s a popular choice for many.

Officiant to reception: “A reading from the Apostle Paul, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7: ‘Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.’

Let us pray for this couple as they make their marriage vows.

Father, as [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] pledge themselves to each other, help them and bless them that their love may be pure, and their vows may be true. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen."

Today’s wedding vows are often personalized according to whatever feels right to the couple. However, a traditional statement of vows is also common in Christian wedding ceremonies.

Couple to each other: “I, [NAME], take thee, [NAME], to be my wedded (husband, wife), to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part. This is my solemn vow.”

Officiant to Partner A: "[PARTNER A], please take the ring you have selected for [PARTNER B]. As you place it on his/her finger, repeat after me:

‘With this ring, I thee wed.’"

[Partner A repeats the phrase as they place the ring on Partner B’s finger]

Officiant to Partner B: "[PARTNER B], please take the ring you have selected for [PARTNER A]. As you place it on his/her finger, repeat after me:

[Partner B repeats the phrase as they place the ring on Partner A’s finger]

One distinction of a Christian wedding ceremony script is including a prayer of blessing over the union.

Officiant to the couple: "May Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, always be at the center of the new lives you are now starting to build together, that you may know the ways of true love and kindness. May the Lord bless you both all the days of your lives and fill you with His joy. Amen."

Officiant to reception: “By the power vested in me by the state of [STATE], I now pronounce you [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]! You may kiss the bride!”

Officiant to all: “Thank you all for joining in this joyous occasion for [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B]! They now invite you to join them for a reception at [LOCATION]. Thank you all!”

What to Wear to a Church Wedding

As with the Christian script, this version includes religious elements. However, Catholic ceremonies are greatly rooted in tradition and include formal aspects at their core. The officiant is typically a priest, and these services traditionally take place in the church.


Entrance rite

As the entrance song is played, the assembly stands while the priest, ministers, and servers take their places, followed by the wedding party. The rest of this part of the processional can take two forms.

In the first form, the vested priests and servers greet the bridal party at the church door, and then all enter as is customary for Mass. In the second form, the priest and servers wait in the sanctuary area prepared for the couple to greet them when they arrive. In both forms, the priest always leads the procession.

Once everyone is in place and the music has ended, the priest leads the sign of the cross, or the traditional beginning of Christian prayer, before greeting the assembly.

Priest: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy spirit.”

All respond: “Amen.”

Priest: “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Collect (opening prayer)

The priest invites the assembly to pray. After he prays over the couple, the assembly is seated for the Liturgy of the Word.

Priest: “Be attentive to our prayers, O Lord, and in your kindness uphold what you have established for the increase of the human race, so that the union you have created may be kept safe by your assistance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.”

Liturgy of the word

The liturgy of the word outside of mass usually includes three readings proclaimed by the priest, one from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament aside from the Gospel, and one from the Gospel. At the conclusion of each reading, the lector will say, "The Word of the Lord," and the assembly will respond, "Thanks be to God."

Priest: “A reading from the book of Genesis 1:26-28:

Then God said: ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the ground.” God created man in his image; in the image of God he created him; male and female, he created them. God blessed them, saying: “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the living things that move on the earth.” God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good. The word of the Lord.’

Assembly responds: “Thanks be to God.”

Priest: “A reading from the New Testament, 1 John 4:7-12:

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

The word of the Lord.”

All respond: “Thanks be to God.”

Priest: “A reading from the Gospel, Matthew 5:13-16:

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

All respond: “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.”

Assembly is seated.

The assembly is seated while the priest (or deacon) offers a homily taken from the Scripture readings. The priest uses this text to discuss the sacredness of Christian marriage, the dignity of conjugal love, the grace of the sacrament, and the responsibilities of married people.

Priest: "John 3:30 says ‘He must increase, but I must decrease.’

Those simple, direct words of St. John the Baptist, whose feast we celebrate today, summarize the life of the Christian disciple. In all things, we want Jesus to increase and our own will, our own desires, our own attachments, to decrease. In my heart, in my prayer, in my family, in my parish, in my work, in my study, in my leisure, in my entertainment - may the Lord Jesus increase!"

Celebration of matrimony

All stand, and the couple comes to the altar, flanked by their witnesses. The priest will address the couple with a celebration of matrimony:

Priest: “Dearly beloved, you have come together into the house of the church so that in the presence of the church’s minister and the community, your intention to enter into marriage may be strengthened by the Lord with a sacred seal.”

If both parties are Christian: “Christ abundantly blesses the love that binds you. Through a special sacrament, he enriches and strengthens those he has already consecrated by holy baptism, that you may be enriched with his blessing, so that you may have the strength to be faithful to each other forever, and assume all the responsibilities of married life. And so, in the presence of the church, I ask you to state your intentions.”

Address and statement of intentions

All stand, including the couple and witnesses, while the priest asks the couple some questions to state their intentions about their freedom of choice, fidelity to each other, and the acceptance and upbringing of children (if necessary).

Priest to couple: “[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], have you come here to enter into marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?”

Couple in unison: “I have.”

Priest to couple: “Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?”

Couple in unison: “I am.”

Exchange of consent

The couple will declare their consent to be married by stating their vows. If you’re writing your own vows, they must be prepared with the wedding script beforehand.

Partner A: “I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [wife, husband]. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.”

Partner B: “I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [husband, wife]. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life.”

Blessing and giving of rings

Priest: “Bless, O Lord, these rings which we bless in your name. so that those who wear them may remain entirely faithful to each other, abide in peace and in your will, and live always in mutual charity. Through Christ our Lord.”

Assembly responds: “Amen.”

The priest now sprinkles the wedding rings with holy water before handing them to each partner.

Partner A: “[NAME], receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.”

[Partner A places the ring on Partner B’s finger]

Partner B: “[NAME], receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit.”

[Partner B places the ring on Partner A’s finger]

The priest and the assembly sing or pray the Lord’s Prayer in unison.

Nuptial blessing

The couple kneels at the altar, where the priest faces them and prays over them.

Priest: “Now let us humbly invoke God’s blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony.”

The priest performs communion and distributes the body and blood of Christ to Catholics in the assembly, starting with the newly married couple. An appropriate song is usually sung as the assembly proceeds to the altar for communion.

Priest to reception: “By the power vested in me by the state of [STATE], I now pronounce you [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]! You may now kiss!”

Priest to assembly: “Go in peace to glorify the Lord with your life.”


At the closing of the ceremony, the couple, bridal party, ministers, and the priest will proceed out of the church, often accompanied by music.

Planning a Traditional Queer Jewish Wedding2_Brindamour Photography

A Jewish wedding also has traditional elements, many of which are centuries old. Talk to your officiant (often a rabbi) about making changes and personalizing this wedding ceremony outline to fit your needs without breaking Jewish tradition.


Signing of the Ketubah

The Ketubah is an ancient marriage contract that documents the commitment between the couple. Typically, the groom signs the contract with the rabbi and two male Jewish witnesses present, along with the bride, in private before the main ceremony begins.

Officiant: “Please gather around for this ‘ceremony before the ceremony’, the signing of the Ketubah. Bride and groom, in this quiet moment before your public wedding ceremony begins, those closest to you are here to witness the signing of the important documents that make this day a remarkable moment for you both. As you become legally husband and wife, we delight in your happiness, and we wish you only good things to come as you face life together. This beautiful Ketubah has these words for you today, and I ask the groom’s witness [NAME] to read the words.”

[Groom’s witness reads the Ketubah.]

Officiant: “I ask you both to sign the Ketubah as the first ceremonial act of your wedding day celebration.”

[Couple signs the Ketubah.]

Officiant: “Now I ask your parents to sign the Ketubah.”

[Couple’s parents sign the Ketubah.]

Officiant: “And now I sign it as well.”

[Officiant signs the Ketubah.]

The ceremony begins once guests are seated.

Officiant to reception: “This is the day that [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] marry the person they love the most in the world…the one they will laugh with, live for, and love for the rest of their lives. So it is only fitting that those closest to them are here to witness this special day. Your presence at this wedding celebration is a reminder to [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] of how lucky they are to have you in support of their union.”

The chuppah

The chuppah is a canopy structure symbolizing the home the couple will build together following their marriage. Modern couples use the chuppah as an opportunity to customize their wedding and use it as a reflection of their unique taste and style.

Officiant: “The chuppah under which [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] stand is the traditional structure used in a Jewish wedding ceremony. What you see in the setting for this ceremony tells you so much about the path that brings [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] to be married. Today, their families are joined together, and the combined richness of their two heritages will be the foundation for their life together.

As the open sides of a chuppah symbolize hospitality, the chuppah in this ceremony invites you all to feel welcome today, for this is the day of all days that [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] want to share with you.”

After the couple enters the chuppah, the bride/groom circles the bride/groom seven times, symbolizing building a wall of love around the relationship. It also represents the seven days of creation.

Declaration of support

Officiant to the couple: “A marriage is a lifelong adventure. Today’s ceremony, while important, is only the beginning of that journey. Marriage is a challenge that will require [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] to have love and understanding. You must dedicate yourselves to each other, listen to each other, and be honest with each other. You will need laughter and forgiveness, tenderness and empathy.”

Sand ceremony

Officiant to the couple: “We will now begin the sand ceremony. Through it, [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] will symbolize the permanence of the commitment of their marital relationship. They will each pour separate containers of sand into one vessel.

Each of these grains represents a unique aspect of themselves. Their experiences, outlooks, feelings, and the events that shaped them into the person that stands before you. As these grains of sand intermingle in one shared vessel, they symbolize the merging of two individual lives into an inseparable pair.

[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], just as these grains of sand can never again be separated, so too will you be forever joined.”

Officiant to Partner A: "Do you, [PARTNER A], take this [woman, man] to be your lawfully wedded [wife, husband], to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto [her, him] for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I do.'"

Officiant to Partner B: "Do you, [PARTNER B], take this [man, woman] to be your lawfully wedded [husband, wife], to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto [him, her] for as long as you both shall live? If so, answer 'I do.'"

Officiant to Partner A: "[PARTNER A], as a token of your intentions, please place this ring upon [PARTNER B]’s finger and repeat after me:

‘[PARTNER B], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness.’"

[Partner A repeats the words while placing the ring on Partner B’s finger.]

Officiant to Partner B: "[PARTNER B], as a token of your intentions, please place this ring upon [PARTNER A]’s finger and repeat after me:

‘[PARTNER A], I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and faithfulness.’"

[Partner B repeats the words while placing the ring on Partner A’s finger.]

Blessing of the hands

Officiant to the couple: "[PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], please join hands. Look at these hands, for they are of your closest friend. They are strong and full of love. As you join hands today, you make the promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever.

Your future will be built by these hands. As the years pass, these hands will love you and cherish you. The slightest touch from these hands will give you comfort. These are the hands that will hold your children. These are the hands that will keep your family as one. When you have tears of sorrow or tears of joy, they will be wiped away by these hands."

The Seven Blessings

The Seven Blessings are now recited.

  • Blessing over the wine as a symbol of joy
  • Blessing praising God to whom all creation proclaims praise
  • Blessing praising God as creator of humanity
  • Blessing praising God who created humanity in the divine image
  • Prayer of hope
  • Prayer for the happiness of the couple
  • Prayer for the individual hope for happiness for the couple combined with prayer for joy in the messianic future

Following the Seven Blessings, the couple shares a cup of wine.

Breaking the glass

The ceremony is concluded by the tradition of the groom (or bride) stomping on glass and shattering it. This signals the audience to cheer, dance, and shout “Mazal tov!”

After the ceremony concludes, the final ritual takes place in the yichud or “tent of seclusion.” This is considered to be one of the most private and intimate parts of the wedding day, where the newlyweds can savor their first moments alone before the celebration continues.

couple at wedding altar

There are many denominations within the Protestant faith, and the standard ceremony for each may vary. Those with a more liberal interpretation of the wedding ceremony might be open to including more nontraditional elements in the wedding script. The script below is adapted from the Book of Common Prayer, and is just one of many possible variations of a Protestant wedding ceremony.


Introductory prayer

The officiant, known as the celebrant, faces the couple and congregation and offers an introduction:

Officiant: “Dearly beloved, we have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this couple in holy matrimony. The bond and covenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by His presence and first miracle at the wedding at Cana in Galilee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and His church, and holy Scripture commends it to be honored among all people.

The union of marriage is intended by God for their mutual joy, for the help and comfort given each other in prosperity and adversity, and, when it is God’s will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore, marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God.”

The interrogation

Celebrant to the congregation: “Into this union [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B] now come to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully wed, speak now, or else forever hold your peace.”

Celebrant to the couple: “I charge you both, here in the presence of God and the witness of this company, that if either of you know any reason why you may not be married lawfully and in accordance with God's word, do now confess it.”

Celebrant to Partner A: “[PARTNER A], will you have this [woman, man] to be your [wife, husband], to live together with [her, him] in the covenant of marriage? Will you love [her, him], comfort [her, him], honor and keep [her, him], in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto [her, him] as long as you both shall live?”

Partner A: “I will.”

Celebrant to Partner B: “[PARTNER B], will you have this [man, woman] to be your [husband, wife], to live together with [him/her] in the covenant of marriage? Will you love [him/her], comfort [him/her], honor and keep [him/her], in sickness and in health, and, forsaking all others, be faithful unto [him/her] as long as you both shall live?”

Partner B: “I will.”

Celebrant to the congregation: “Will all of you witnessing these promises do all in your power to uphold these two persons in their marriage?”

Congregation responds: “We will.”

The presentation

The presentation represents the traditional “giving away” of the bride, typically followed by a hymn. Modern Protestants may opt for a poem, romantic reading, or song of their choice in place of a hymn.

Celebrant: “Who gives [PARTNER A] to be married to [PARTNER B]?”

Partner A or B’s father: “[He, she] gives [himself, herself], with the blessing of [his, her] mother and father.”

Some modern Protestants might choose to write their own wedding vows, but the traditional vows most often recited are as follows:

Partner A to Partner B: “In the name of God, I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [wife, husband], to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do we part. This is my solemn vow.”

Partner B to Partner A: “In the name of God, I, [NAME], take you, [NAME], to be my [husband, wife], to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do we part. This is my solemn vow.”

The blessing and exchange of rings

The celebrant offers a blessing on the rings: “Bless, O Lord, these rings as a symbol of the vows by which this couple have bound themselves to each other, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”

Congregation responds: “Amen.”

Partner A and Partner B place the rings on each other’s fingers and say: “I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

The celebrant joins the right hands of both partners and says: “Now that [NAME] and [NAME] have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, with the joining of hands and the giving and receiving of rings, I pronounce them [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife] in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Those who God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”

Concluding prayers

The celebrant asks the congregation to stand and repeat the Lord’s Prayer:

All: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.”

In traditional Protestant weddings, the celebrant will direct the couple to kneel while further blessings and songs are offered. The celebrant then addresses the kneeling couple and recites another blessing:

Celebrant: “May God bless you and keep you; may the Lord mercifully with his favor look upon you, filling you with all spiritual benediction and grace; that you may faithfully live together in this life, and in the age to come have life everlasting. Amen.”

Celebrant to the congregation: “The peace of the Lord be with you always.”

All respond: “And also with you.”

Finally, the couple stands to face each other while the celebrant offers a final line to end the ceremony:

Celebrant: “[NAME] and [NAME], having witnessed your vows of love to one another, it is my joy to present you to all gathered here as [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]. You may now kiss!”


While writing your wedding ceremony script might feel daunting, these tips can help take the pressure off and provide some much-needed guidance on how to bring your ceremony vision to life—whatever that means to you.

1. Talk with your partner

Writing your script is an opportunity to reflect on the significance of your relationship before you enter into marriage. Talking with your partner about your ideas and desires for your wedding ceremony is an important first step—it helps you get aligned on a mutual vision and ensures the ceremony is a reflection of what matters most to you as a couple.

2. Work with your officiant

Your officiant can provide practical advice on how to get started crafting your ceremony script, and some might even have an outline for you to work from. Since your officiant has most likely conducted their fair share of wedding ceremonies, they’re an excellent resource for any questions you might have.

3. Don’t procrastinate

While you certainly don’t need to memorize your wedding ceremony script, don't put it off until the last minute—especially if you plan on writing your own vows . Procrastinating until the week of your wedding can add a ton of pressure to an already hectic time, so do yourself a favor and get started early!

4. Consider the length of your script

While your wedding ceremony script should be whatever you want it to be, being mindful of time and length is something your guests will appreciate. Anything longer than 30 minutes might leave guests checking their watches! Once you’ve written a draft and have the chance to rehearse it, you’ll find that you can pack plenty of meaning and resonance in less than 15 minutes.


Now that you’ve read some ceremony script examples, you can confidently start writing your own! No matter what you decide to include, what matters most is that the words shared are from the heart and represent what your marriage means to you. Here’s an ultra-simple outline to help you start formulating your own wedding script for officiants to use.

  • Officiant’s welcome
  • Short sermon to the congregation
  • Charge to the couple
  • Declaration of the intent to marry
  • Pronouncement of marriage
  • Conclusion and invitation to reception

Find answers to any lingering wedding ceremony script questions below.

How do I personalize my wedding ceremony script?

Start by nailing down the overall format of your script, including the order of the ceremony and the role of the officiant. Then weave in personal elements significant to you and your partner, such as customizing your vows, a special unity ceremony, or a reading that holds meaning. Remember, there’s no rule that says you have to follow a traditional wedding ceremony script.

How do I start a wedding ceremony script?

Most wedding ceremony outlines start with the wedding officiant welcoming guests and thanking them for joining in the wedding day. Religious ceremonies may start with a reading from the Bible or whatever is customary for different faiths. That said, your ceremony script can begin however you like, whether that’s opening with a meaningful quote, poem, or endearing story about you and your partner.

Where can I find wedding ceremony scripts?

The best place to find both religious and non religious wedding ceremony scripts is online. You can find downloadable pre-written scripts by searching for a specific religious denomination or the mood you want your ceremony to take. For extra inspiration, search for wedding ceremony videos on YouTube to get a feel for what different scripts sound like during a real ceremony.

How long should the officiant speak at the wedding?

Your officiant wedding script should get straight to the point while adding personality. Talk to your celebrant about the parts that are most important to you, such as giving a blessing to the couple . However, if the sermon isn’t essential to you, feel free to shorten it. The last thing you want to do is bore your guests, so concise yet interesting is best.

Although there is a bit of protocol surrounding the order of service, there is a lot of freedom within with most scripts. If you’re particularly religious, you may want to chat with your priest, rabbi, or pastor about how to best adapt your ceremony. However, if you’re not planning on a religious ceremony, chat with your partner about expectations and how to go from expected to highly personal.

As you finish off your wedding planning, Zola is here to help every step of the way. Whether designing custom wedding invitations or putting the final touches on your wedding registry , Zola has all the expert advice you’ll need to make your wedding vision come to life.

Even more answers

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  • Wedding Ceremony Order & Outline
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  • Adventure Wedding Ideas
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  • August Wedding? Here's Everything You Need to Know
  • Guide to Wedding Vows: Examples + How to Write Your Own

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opening speech wedding

3 Best Opening Words and Introduction of a Wedding Ceremony

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How do you decide on the opening words for your wedding ceremony?

Although they may not be a right or wrong way to deliver opening words and introductory remarks at a wedding ceremony , a good welcome speech is very essential. It makes a statement about the importance of the occasion and its significance to the couple getting married and everyone present. Here are three examples of a wedding ceremony introduction .

Table of Contents

Dear friends and family of the Bride and Groom, we welcome and thank you for being part of this important occasion. We are gathered together on this day to witness and celebrate the marriage of Name Of Bride and Name Of Groom.

Every one of us has a deep desire to love and to be loved. Your marriage today is a public and legal affirmation of the bonding that you had already begun. Marriage is a commitment to live that will allow you to share your lives together.

Marriage will stretch you as individuals, deepen your love for one another and bring out the best in each other. So, enjoy your marriage and let it be a time of waking each morning and falling in love with each other all over again.

2. Intercultural

Today is a day to celebrate. We are celebrating the love, commitment, and friendship of two people who love each other and wish to spend the rest of their lives together.

The marriage ceremony is a significant part of nearly every culture, religion, generation, and society. Despite all of our differences, we all share the love. Love is the great unifier, regardless of who we are, where we’ve come from or what we believe in.

We can all describe love in many ways and love can look different from one person to the other, but we all know love when we see it. And we can see love right here.

3. Religious

Dear family and friends, we have gathered here together to witness Name Of Bride and Name Of Groom, as they exchange their vows of marriage. We rejoice with them in their delight of finding love with each other, and support their decision to commit themselves to a lifelong relationship.

Marriage is like an umbrella that covers and protects love. As 1 Corinthians 13 says, we learn that love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful; it is not irritable or resentful, nor arrogant or rude.

Love does not seek self, nor does it rejoice in the wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears and believes in all things. Love hopes in all things endure all things and love has no end.

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Father of the Bride Speech Template (Fill in the Blanks)

Father of the Bride Speech Template (Fill in the Blanks)

If you’re feeling at all daunted by the prospect of putting together your speech, the good news is that a solid structure will help keep you on track.

The exact structure you use will depend on whether you want to give a super short speech that only covers the bare essentials, or a slightly longer speech that covers all the traditional points.

But for a comprehensive speech, that covers all the expected topics you can use the following handy template.

Creating a perfectly structured speech is simply a case of painting by numbers when you use my comprehensive eight-part template.

1) Opening words (Icebreaker)

The opening words of any speech are important, and this is particularly true for the first speaker.

It’s often recommended to start with an “icebreaker” to start your speech on a high note.

So briefly introduce yourself and then follow up with a few words designed to grab people’s attention and signal the start of your speech. You could say something funny or a little surprising. The main purpose is to shift the guests’ focus from each other to you.

Even if you’re not naturally funny, it’s worth spending some time crafting a few words likely to raise a smile.

But try to avoid any cliches or wedding speech jokes borrowed from elsewhere.

2) Thank the guests for coming

Most guests will have travelled at least a short distance to the wedding and incurred some expense so it’s important to express your appreciation on behalf of the couple.

Try to keep things general here – you don’t want to thank individual attendees since that’s more often done by the Groom in his speech and you don’t want your speech to run too long.

You could say something simple like: “Thanks to all of you for being here. I know it means a lot to Richard and Debbie for you to share their special day.”

3) Mention other important people

Say a quick thank you to the key people who helped pull everything together behind the scenes in the lead-up to the wedding.

Typically, you’d mention your wife or partner for their help and support during the preparations and also thank the Groom’s parents and welcome them into the family.

Traditionally, you’d also mention people who weren’t able to make it to the wedding.

For instance, if someone close to the couple has passed away you could say something like: “I know Debbie’s Nana would have been so proud to see her today looking so amazing in her dress.”

4) Say something complimentary about the event

It’s good to say something briefly about the day itself. Doing this helps the speech feel less scripted since it’s not something that you could easily prepare weeks in advance.

You could mention the weather (good or bad) or say something about the venue or the ceremony or just refer to something notable that happened or made it particularly memorable for you.

Obviously you can’t script this upfront (that’s the whole point!) but you can leave a place for it in your speech and decide what to say on the day.

5) Tell stories about the Bride

Next you should shift your attentions to your daughter, the Bride.

This is really the core of your speech – talking about the Bride from your perspective as her father. In fact, I recommend spending around half of the total length of your speech on this section.

Stories from your daughter’s childhood are a reliable source of material. Try to pick stories that are memorable and reflective of her character, particularly her most positive traits.

There are a few different ways of structuring your stories:

  • Life stages : pick stories from distinct phases of her life, e.g., her as a small girl, her as a teen, and her as a young woman.
  • Life roles : pick stories that illuminative her various roles as a person, e.g., daughter, sportswoman, student.
  • Personal qualities : pick stories that highlight certain specific qualities, e.g., loyalty, tenacity, adventurousness.

Whatever you choose to say, try to leave the guests feeling that they know the Bride a little better by the time you finish.

Who knows, the Groom may even learn a thing or too about his new wife he didn’t know before!

6) Mention the Groom

While the primary focus of your speech should always be the Bride, you’d be neglecting someone very important if you didn’t at least briefly mention her new husband.

You needn’t spend long talking about the Groom and you have a few easy options here:

  • Talk about your first impressions on meeting the Groom (assuming they were positive or at least potentially amusing!)
  • Praise the Groom’s qualities and/or achievements – why he’s a worthy person to marry your daughter.
  • Mention the positive impact he’s on your daughter’s life, e.g., how supportive he is or how happy he makes her.
  • Talk about how he complements your daughter’s personality and why they make such a great couple.

Remember, there would be no wedding without the Groom, so spend at least a little of your speech talking about him. And be sure to wrap up by welcoming him to your family!

7) Share words of wisdom

By this point you’re on the home straight and it’s time for some closing words before the final toast.

It’s traditional for you to offer some words of wisdom for the newlyweds. You’ll be able to find some ideas online but a more personal approach is to draw from your own life experience.

Is there some genuine advice from your own relationship with your partner you could pass on to your daughter and her new husband?

You should also wish them health and happiness for the future.

8) Finish by toasting the happy couple!

You’re almost done!

It’s time to wrap things up by raising a toast to the Bride and Groom. This signals the end of your speech and energises the guests by getting them to stand (and drink!)

You could say something like:

“Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding and raise your glasses to Debbie and Richard – the Bride and Groom!”

Copy This Template and Get Writing!

Use my Father of the Bride speech template and you can be confident you’re building your speech on solid ground.

Go heading by heading and start writing each essential part of your speech.

Before you know it, you’ll have a well-structured speech that includes all the essential information and flows smoothly from beginning to end.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get going!

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If this site has helped you with your Father of the Bride Speech why not say thanks by buying me a (virtual) beer?

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Words at Ease

6 Short Groom Speech Examples

Your wedding day is one of the most special, meaningful, and memorable days of your life.

As the groom, you have the opportunity, and some would say the duty, to stand up and deliver a heartfelt speech expressing your love for your bride and gratitude to all those who made the day possible.

Short Groom Speech Examples

Short Groom Speech Examples

But let’s face it – giving a speech in front of a crowd can be nerve-wracking, even on the happiest day of your life.

Don’t worry though – we’ve got you covered with these short groom speech examples you can use for inspiration as you write your own perfect words.

So without further ado, let’s dive into these sample groom speeches for your special day!

Thank you all so much for being here to celebrate this incredible day with us. Lisa, from the moment I met you, I knew my life would never be the same. Your kindness, beauty, humor, and spirit drew me to you like a moth to a flame. I still pinch myself that I get to be your husband. I promise to love you fiercely, make you laugh daily, support you endlessly, and be your partner in all of life’s adventures. To my beautiful bride!


Commentary: This short and sweet speech packs a lot of emotion into a small package. The groom expresses his love and promises to his bride in a succinct yet meaningful way. This would be ideal for a groom who wants to honor his bride without a long, drawn-out speech. Perfect for an intimate gathering or a groom who prefers to keep his public words brief but impactful.

I want to start by thanking everyone for being here, especially those who traveled from far and wide. Having you here to witness the start of our marriage means the world to us.

Alicia, you are the answer to every prayer I’ve ever had. You’ve made me a better man through your love. I still remember the moment I first saw you – it was like my soul recognized you before we even spoke. Since then, you’ve become my best friend, my greatest support, and now, my wife. I will strive to give you the best of myself and make you as happy as you make me.

To both of our families – your love, guidance, and example have shaped us into who we are. We wouldn’t be here without you. To my groomsmen, you keep me laughing and grounded. Thanks for having my back today and always.

And finally, to my radiant bride – I love you beyond words and am overjoyed to start this next chapter with you. Here’s to a lifetime of love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!

Commentary: In this medium-length speech, the groom thanks the guests, honors his bride with heartfelt promises, and acknowledges his family and wedding party. This well-rounded speech strikes a nice balance of humor, sincerity, and love. It would be appropriate for most wedding sizes and styles, and showcases the groom’s appreciation and excitement nicely without being overly lengthy.

Wow, where do I even begin? Jen, you’ve rocked my world since day one. I never knew love could feel like this until I met you. You’ve seen me at my best and worst and loved me through it all. Your strength astounds me, your beauty captivates me, and your huge heart inspires me. You make me want to be the best version of myself.

I vow to be your constant friend, your faithful partner, and your love from this day forward. I promise to love you when our love is simple and when it is an effort. I promise to pursue you, to fight for you, and to love you unconditionally and whole-heartedly for the rest of my days.

I still remember our first date, when I was so nervous that I spilled coffee all over myself. You put me at ease with your infectious laugh and warm smile. Since then, you’ve continued to light up my life with your brilliance. Thank you for taking this leap of faith with me today. In you, I’ve found my soulmate, my confidante, and my forever love.

To all our family and friends who have supported and guided us on our path here, we are so grateful. Please know that our home, like our hearts, will always be open to you.

And to my gorgeous bride – saying “I do” to you is the easiest and best choice I’ll ever make. I love you endlessly. To the start of our forever!

Commentary: For the groom who wants to pull out all the stops, this longer speech allows space to weave in more memories, promises, and expressions of gratitude. The heartfelt vows add an extra touch of romance, while the nod to the couple’s history and the warm welcome to their loved ones make it feel intimate and inclusive. A great choice for a traditional wedding or a groom who feels at ease speaking for a few minutes.

I’ve been told that a good speech has a great beginning and a great ending, and that these should be as close together as possible. So here goes nothing…

Jess, I love you. The end.

Just kidding! In all seriousness though, Jess, you are my everything. You’ve been my rock, my muse, my favorite person to order takeout with at 2am. From our first date hiking through the mountains to our late night talks putting the world to rights, every moment spent with you has been the best moment of my life. Until the next moment, of course.

I promise to always put us first, to never go to bed angry, and to make sure the toilet roll is always the right way around. I vow to be your partner and equal, to respect and cherish you, and to love you with my whole being for the rest of our days. You make me the happiest man alive and I can’t believe I get to be your husband.

To our parents, thank you for your unwavering love and for shaping us into the people we are today. We hope to make you proud. To our wedding party, thanks for being the best crew we could ask for and for making this day epic. We love you all.

And finally, to the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on – Jess, my love, thanks for saying yes. I can’t wait to see what adventures await us. I’m the luckiest guy in the world. To my bride!

Commentary: This speech perfectly balances humor and heartfelt emotion. The playful joke at the beginning sets a lighthearted tone that the groom maintains with witty one-liners throughout, while still expressing his deep love and promises to his bride. The personal references to the couple’s relationship make it feel intimate, while the succinct thanks to parents and the wedding party hit all the key notes. Fantastic for a casual wedding or for a groom with a good sense of humor who still wants to sprinkle in plenty of romance.

Natalie, you looked amazing walking down that aisle today. Actually, you look amazing every day, and I can’t believe I get to spend each of those days with you for the rest of my life. You are my love, my life, my wife.

Whenever I need a reminder of how lucky I am, I just take a look at the photo from our first vacation together, when we got horribly lost and ended up on that deserted beach as the sun was setting. In that photo, we’re covered in sand, wearing flip flops and bathing suits and huge smiles. To me, that image sums up our relationship – an incredible adventure, full of love and laughter, even when things don’t go exactly to plan.

Life with you is one long, beautiful adventure, and today marks the start of our greatest adventure yet – marriage. I promise to always be the flip flop to your sandy foot, the map when we’re lost, and the smile to your laughter. I promise to love and support you, to fill our life with joy and silliness, and to always cherish the amazing woman you are, from this day forward.

A huge thank you to our parents for your love and guidance, to our siblings for putting up with the two of us and for dealing with our hectic wedding planning, to our hilarious wedding party for making this day unforgettable, and most of all, to my breathtaking wife for making me the happiest man alive by agreeing to go on this lifelong adventure with me.

Get ready for the ride of your life, babe – I call shotgun! Let the adventure begin. To us!

Commentary: Adventure is the name of the game in this energetic and playful speech. From the memorable story of the couple’s first trip together to the extended metaphor comparing marriage to an exciting journey, this speech is perfect for an adventurous couple who loves to laugh and doesn’t take themselves too seriously. The groom’s promises to his bride and thanks to his loved ones are earnest and sweet, but balanced nicely with the humorous “shotgun” reference at the end. Great for an outdoorsy or offbeat wedding.

You always hear people throwing around the term “soulmate” as if it’s a mythical holy grail that only exists in rom-coms and romance novels. But standing here today with you, Olivia, I know without a shadow of a doubt that soulmates are real. Because you are mine, and I am yours.

Before I met you, I was content. I had a good job, great friends, a nice life. But it wasn’t until you walked into that life that I understood what I’d been missing. You filled a void I never knew existed. It’s like my soul was waiting for its match, holding space for you before I even knew you.

Falling in love with you has been the greatest honor and adventure of my life. Your grace, intelligence, kindness, and unwavering ability to recite every line from The Princess Bride humble and inspire me every single day. You make me a better man through your love.

In you, I have found my person, my love, my match. I vow to spend the rest of my days loving you wholeheartedly, supporting you unfailingly, and making you laugh with my terrible puns daily. I promise to be your rock in stormy seas, your guiding light in darkness, and your partner in every aspect of life. Most of all, I promise to love you with every fiber of my being, in this lifetime and for all eternity.

To my parents, thank you for the love you’ve shown me and for welcoming Olivia so warmly into our family. To my new parents-in-law, thank you for raising the incredible woman I get to call my wife. I promise to love and cherish her always. To our wedding party and all our loved ones here today, thank you for your friendship, support, and for making this day so incredibly special.

And to my breathtaking bride, my soulmate, my love – thank you for walking into my life and making it extraordinary. Thank you for choosing me. I love you beyond measure and promise. Here’s to forever, my love.

Commentary: Emotional, poetic, and deeply romantic, this lengthy speech is ideal for the true romantics out there. The groom waxes poetic about finding his soulmate, vowing to love and cherish his bride in a serious of beautiful metaphors and imagery. Heartfelt gratitude is expressed to both sets of parents as well as the couple’s close friends. The speech ends with an earnest and powerful declaration of eternal love that is sure to leave the bride and wedding guests reaching for the tissues. Perfect for formal or black tie weddings.

As these examples demonstrate, the ideal groom speech is one that comes straight from the heart.

Whether you go for short and sweet, lengthy and poetic, or something in between, the most important thing is that your words are genuine and tailored to your unique love story.

Use these samples as a starting point, but don’t be afraid to put your own spin on things.

Include personal anecdotes, inside jokes with your bride, and specific details about your relationship. The more authentic you are, the more powerful your words will be.

Remember, this is one of the most special moments of your big day.

Enjoy it! Take a deep breath, look your beautiful bride in the eye, and speak from your heart.

She, and everyone else in the room, will be hanging on your every word.

Cheers to love, laughter, and happily ever after!

You’ve got this.


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    So, my beautiful daughter, as you begin your life with Kristin today, I have one wish for you: May your warmest memories come from the ordinary moments throughout your marriage, and may those ...

  9. How to Write Your Bride Speech With Examples & Tips

    Thank Your Guests. The first step when it comes to how to write a killer bride speech: thank your favorite people! The room is filled with loved ones who put in the time, money and effort to support you on your special day, so the first words you say should be a big, heartfelt "thank you." 2. Shout-Out Your VIPs.

  10. How to Give A Pitch-Perfect Wedding Speech

    Every wedding speech hinges on the opening and closing remarks. These moments are your first and last chances to connect with your audience, making them crucial for leaving a lasting impression. The First Impression: Nailing Your Opener. The key to a great start is hooking your listeners from the get-go. Think of it like launching a rocket ...

  11. How to Start and End a Wedding Speech

    Wedding speeches are surely the highlight of the wedding reception. They have the power to make a room roar with laughter or bring a tear to every eye. However, crafting the perfect beginning and ending to your wedding speech can be tricky. The opening is your first impression, and you want it to be memorable for all the right reasons.

  12. How to Write a Wedding Speech (with Examples)

    Here are some tips on how to structure your wedding speech: Section. What to Include. Opening. Introduce yourself, your relationship to the couple, and thank them for inviting you. Body. Share a story or anecdote about the couple, offer words of wisdom or advice, and give a toast. Closing.

  13. Wedding Speeches: How To Write, Free Samples + Etiquette Tips

    Wedding Quotes for Speeches. "I've seen nothing more satisfying than two people coming together to become one. They share in each other's pleasure, and bear each other's pain. They crush their enemies together and make home with their friends.". "The pain and weight of life vanish from our lives by one word.

  14. Wedding Welcome Speech: Tips On Writing + Speech Samples

    Best Opening Line for a Wedding Speech "As we gather here today to celebrate the union of two incredible souls, let us embark on a journey of love, laughter, and cherished memories. Welcome, and let the festivities begin!" Wedding speeches are as interesting as you make them. These are wedding welcoming speeches that could make guests howl ...

  15. How to Write a Great Wedding Welcome Speech

    Throughout your wedding day, plenty of loved ones will raise a glass and give a toast in your honor. Wedding speeches are common at both the ceremony and the reception, and they're often given by family members, best friends, and bridesmaids and groomsmen—but that doesn't mean you can't get in on the fun too. Couple speeches, especially wedding welcome speeches, are becoming popular ...

  16. How To Write A Wedding Speech: The Ultimate Guide For Do's, Don'ts, and

    If you're wondering how to write a wedding speech, here are a few "Do's" to keep in mind. Start planning early; Introduce yourself and how you know the bride and groom; Thanks to hosts, guests, and wedding party; congratulate the couple; Make it personal; Think of 3 traits with 3 stories;

  17. How to Write a Great Wedding Speech

    Structuring Your Speech. Now for the fun part - pulling your speech together! A great wedding speech will usually include the following key elements. You can use these elements as a simple outline to build your speech around: Introduction. Words of thanks. Personal anecdotes. Praise for the relationship. Toast.

  18. 8 Wedding Ceremony Scripts to Borrow & Printables

    It's up to you! Below is an example of modern wedding vows: Officiant to couple: " [PARTNER A] and [PARTNER B], please exchange your vows.". Partner A to Partner B: " [NAME], you're my best friend. I'm in awe of your lightness, your kindness, and the purity of what it looks like to be loved by someone like you.

  19. 3 Best Opening Words and Introduction of a Wedding Ceremony

    2. Intercultural. 3. Religious. 1. Generic. Dear friends and family of the Bride and Groom, we welcome and thank you for being part of this important occasion. We are gathered together on this day to witness and celebrate the marriage of Name Of Bride and Name Of Groom. Every one of us has a deep desire to love and to be loved.

  20. 17 Unique Wedding Speech Ideas to Leave Your To-Be-Weds Amazed

    11. Write a Special Song. @wedding.inspiration4 Maid of honor speech song #weddingtiktok #wedding2024 #usa🇺🇸 #maidofhonor #usa_tiktok #foryou #fyp ♬ original sound - Wedding Inspiration. If you want to elicit lots of laughs throughout your performance, forget the wedding speech order and join forces with other wedding party members for a song. We love how this duo wrote silly lyrics to ...

  21. Father of the Bride Speech Template (Fill in the Blanks)

    The opening words of any speech are important, and this is particularly true for the first speaker. It's often recommended to start with an "icebreaker" to start your speech on a high note. ... But try to avoid any cliches or wedding speech jokes borrowed from elsewhere. 2) Thank the guests for coming ...

  22. 6 Short Groom Speech Examples

    The speech ends with an earnest and powerful declaration of eternal love that is sure to leave the bride and wedding guests reaching for the tissues. Perfect for formal or black tie weddings. Conclusion. As these examples demonstrate, the ideal groom speech is one that comes straight from the heart.

  23. The Wedding Speech Order Guide to Easily Follow

    2. The Father of the Groom or Parents of the Groom. Next up in the traditional order of toasts at a wedding, according to Croce, is the groom's family. This could include the father of the groom's speech, mother of the groom speech or a few words from both parents. Some couples opt to have the father of the groom's speech take place during the ...

  24. How to Write a Father of the Bride Speech From Start to Finish

    We've compiled expert public speaking and wedding speech tips to help you write an authentic, tear-jerker father of the bride speech that's sure to wow everyone in the crowd. 1. Start with a welcome greeting. Begin the speech by introducing yourself as the bride's father (or father figure), including your name. 2.