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Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is one of the types of pollution we face daily. Like air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and other types, noise pollution has a major impact on our health. Atmospheric pollution is not the only pollution we go through, but noise pollution can bring destruction to our lives. According to the World Health Organization, noise pollution is a dangerous health issue. The European Environment (EEA) says noise pollution is responsible for 16,600 premature deaths in Europe alone.

A person continuously facing noise pollution can start meeting health issues and can be dangerous in the long term. Several unpleasant noise distractions can bring problems later in life.

Cities have become noisier with car honking, loudspeakers; traffic, etc. leading to noise pollution. Construction of roads, buildings, apartments and other areas are also resulting in increased noise pollution.

What is Noise Pollution?

According to the WHO, noise pollution is a noise above 65db, which can severely affect both humans and animals. A noise beyond 75 dB can be painful and will affect the person severely.

It is impossible to see the danger posed by noise pollution. On land and under the sea, you can't see it, but it still exists. Humans and other organisms can be affected adversely by noise pollution if it is an unwanted or disturbing sound.                     

A decibel is the measurement of sound. Rustling leaves (20-30 decibels) or thunderclaps (120 decibels) to the wail of sirens (120-140 decibels) are all sounds that occur naturally in the natural environment. If a person hears sounds whose decibel level reaches 85 decibels or higher, their ears can be damaged. The sounds of lawnmowers (90 decibels), trains (90 to 115 decibels), and rock concerts (110 to 120 decibels) are just a few familiar sources that exceed this threshold.

The presence of noise pollution has a daily impact on millions of people. Hearing loss caused by noise is the most common health problem caused by noise exposure. Furthermore, loud noise can also lead to health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress. All age groups are susceptible to these health problems, especially children. It has been shown that children living near loud airports and busy streets suffer from stress and other problems, such as memory problems, attention difficulties, and difficulties with reading.

Animals are also adversely affected by noise pollution. Caterpillars' hearts beat faster when loud sounds are made, and bluebirds have fewer chicks when loud noises are made. There are many reasons animals utilize sound, including to navigate, locate food, attract mates, and avoid predators. The noise pollution they encounter affects their ability to accomplish these tasks, affecting their survival.

Noisy environments are not only harming animals on land, but it is also getting worse for animals in the ocean. A once tranquil marine environment has become loud and chaotic because of ships, drilling devices, sonar, and seismic surveys. The negative effects of noise pollution are felt particularly by whales and dolphins. For marine mammals, echolocation is essential for communication, navigation, feeding and mate-finding. Excessive noise can interfere with echolocation.

It is the naval sonar devices that produce the loudest underwater noise. The use of sonar works similarly to echolocation in that sound waves are sent down into the ocean and bounce off objects, returning echoes to the ship that can pinpoint the object's location. Whales' ability to use echolocation is interfered with when they hear sonar sounds, which can reach 235 decibels and travel hundreds of miles under the surface. Research has shown that sonar can make whales strand on beaches and alter the feeding behaviour of blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus), which are endangered. Groups representing the environment have called on the U.S. Department of Defense to discontinue or reduce sonar-based military training.

Furthermore, hydrographic surveys can cause loud explosions from inside the ocean. Deep in the water, oil and gas are found using air guns that send sound pulses onto the ocean floor. There is potential for marine animals to be harmed by the sound blasts and to suffer serious damage to their ears. Additionally, the whales may also change their behaviour as a result of this noise. 

In Spain, bioacoustics researcher Michel Andre is studying the effects of noise pollution with the help of hydrophones. He has gathered data from 22 different locations during his project, LIDO (Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment). Using computers, the lab identifies 26 different species of whales and dolphins, including sounds produced by humans. In the analysis, underwater noise will be investigated for its effect on these animals.

What causes Noise Pollution?

Although the world is turning into the use of technology, at the same time, this technology is also harmful. Industries using compressors, exhaust fans, and generators are producing a lot of noise.

Similarly, bikes and cars with old silencers produce heavy noise that can lead to pollution. Planes, heavy trucks and buses are also part of this noise pollution. Low flying aircraft, especially military ones, causes noise pollution. Similarly, submarines can cause ocean sound pollution.

How Noise Pollution affects a Person?

Noise pollution can primarily start affecting the hearing ability of the person, causing permanent hearing impairment. Furthermore, it can cause an increase in blood pressure, hypertension, and other stress-related health issues. In many cases, noise pollution can cause a disturbance in a person's state of mind, which further causes disturbance in sleep patterns, stress, aggressiveness, and other issues. The psychological health of the person can also get disturbed due to regular exposure to noise pollution.  Noise above 45 dB can disrupt the pattern of your sleep. According to the WHO, the noise level should not be more than 30db. Change in the sleep pattern can also bring change in your behaviour.

If you have pets in your home or around your area, then noise pollution can bring a negative impact on the environment. Firecrackers can bring fear in them if they are regularly exposed to them. This will also bring change in their behaviour.

Effect on Wildlife and Marine Life

Animals and marine life are vulnerable to noise pollution. It can affect their listening skills, which further affects their behaviour pattern. These animals find it hard to listen during migration, which can negatively affect their lives. When it comes to marine life, noise pollution can lead to internal damage like physical problems in them.

Measures for Noise Pollution

There are many measures taken by the government and people to reduce the effect of noise pollution. Soundproof walls and windows are now being installed in many houses. Many flyovers in cities have soundproof walls to bring down the noise level to a nearby resident from vehicles running. As responsible citizens, we must contribute towards bringing down noise pollution. Needless honking should be stopped and officials should fine people doing it heavily. Hospitals and schools are built-in silent zones.

There should be rules to avoid noise in residential and sensitive areas. People need to be aware of health hazards from noise pollution.

One of the best ways to bring down noise pollution is by planting more and more plants. This process of planting trees can help to reduce the travelling of noise from one place to another.

Noise pollution is the most common problem faced by humans, thanks to various reasons that push many people to face health issues. Following standard measures can be helpful in the long term for both humans and the environment. The ultimate aim is to bring down noise pollution for a better environment.

Noise Pollution: Impact on Human Health

There are several ways in which noise pollution can harm human health:

Having an elevated blood pressure for a long period directly results in hypertension, which is caused by noise pollution.

Hearing loss occurs whenever humans are repeatedly exposed to sounds that exceed what their eardrums can handle, resulting in permanent damage to their hearing.

To function properly at work, it is necessary to get enough sleep every night. Sleep disorders affect energy levels throughout the day. Pollution causes disturbance in sleep cycles, which in turn results in irritation and unrest.

Heart issues such as blood pressure level, stress and cardiovascular diseases can arise in a healthy individual, but a person suffering from heart disease may experience a sudden increase.

It will affect your mental health also very badly because continuously hearing the noise this much loud will pressure your eardrums and that will badly affect your brain also


FAQs on Noise Pollution Essay

1. What are the significant factors causing noise pollution?

Multiple factors can result in noise pollution. Some of these are massive honking during road traffic, construction, poor urban planning, loudspeaker and others. Furthermore, firecrackers, the noise of bands and others can also result in noise pollution.

To eliminate or decrease noise pollution, it is crucial to know their effect. This will help to create measures and work towards it.

2. How can noise pollution be controlled?

There are different ways of controlling noise pollution. Some of the measures are-

Control at Receiver's End - For those people who are working in noisy installations- they can work on ear-protection aids like earplugs, earmuffs, noise helmets, etc.

Reducing Noise from Vibrating Machine - Another way is by the noise produced from the vibrating machine by vibration damping, beneath the engine.

Planting of Trees - One of the best ways to reduce noise pollution is to plant more and more trees along roads, around hospitals and schools.

3. Who is at the risk of the health effects of noise pollution?

When it comes to the effect of noise pollution, the risk of health effects can be for any age of the person. Sound louder than 80 dB can be hazardous. Be it, kids or young adults, high decibel sound can affect ears. People who listen to headphones can face noise-induced hearing loss issues. Additionally, there is the current scenario where people are completely used to using headphones and gadgets that impact their hearing ability. Because of that, those people are more likely to experience health problems caused by noise pollution.

4. In what different ways can noise pollution cause health problems?

We can say that there are three types of pollutants:

noise from transportation


transportation, noise from the surroundings


surroundings, and industrial noise

Noise from transportation: Traffic noise is mainly responsible for this disturbing noise, which has increased greatly since the number of vehicles has increased. Increased noise pollution causes older people to lose their hearing, headaches, and hypertension, among other diseases.

Noise from the Neighbourhood: Electronics, household utensils, etc. cause a lot of noise. Musical instruments, transistors, speakers, and others are the most common sources.

Noise from Industrial Processes: An industrial machine produces an especially loud noise due to its high intensity. A large number of studies have shown that industrial noise pollution damages hearing by 20% to 30%.

5. How does noise cause environmental pollution? What are the reasons why noise pollution must be taken seriously?

Noise pollution is caused by extreme noises generated by sources such as industry, transport, loudspeakers, etc, which adversely affect human health by causing headaches, migraines, mental imbalance, nervous breakdowns, and heart diseases.

There are numerous health hazards associated with noise. The following are some of the physical, physiological, and psychological effects of prolonged exposure to noise:

A reduction in sleep is one of the effects of repeated exposure to noise.

Noise noise, which affects human productivity and efficiency.

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Noise Pollution – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Noise Pollution For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on noise pollution for kids, a paragraph on noise pollution for children, short essay on noise pollution in english, long essay on noise pollution for kids, how to reduce noise pollution, what will your child learn from an essay on sound pollution.

The sounds produced in nature don’t have an irritating effect on our minds. For example, imagine birds singing, waves crashing, or wind blowing. All these sounds are comfortable to our ears. But the industrial era has introduced us to high-powered machines that produce higher decibel sounds. These machines are all around us, and they cause noise pollution. When writing an essay on noise pollution for classes 1, 2 & 3, we should introduce a background like this to set the tone. In this article, we will try to write an essay on noise pollution.

You must provide basic and simple information when writing an essay for lower primary classes. Please do not indulge in too many details because it can be difficult for kids to learn. Here are some key points on how to write an essay on noise pollution for lower primary classes:

  • Explain the meaning of noise. 
  • Explain what noise pollution is.
  • Add a paragraph about the causes of noise pollution.
  • Add a paragraph about the adverse effects of noise pollution.
  • Add a paragraph about how to prevent noise pollution.
  • You may even add some interesting points for kids to keep them engaged in the essay.
  • Do not write bulky paragraphs. Short and sharp sentences should do the trick.

Noise pollution is an underrated form of pollution. The severity of this issue is still unnoticed because it does not cause any immediate health concerns. However, authorities have become a lot more aware today and organise public awareness events to educate people about the harmful effects of noise. Here is an essay for classes 1 and 2 depicted through 10 simple lines:

  • The decibels found in nature are much lower than what we experience today.
  • When we introduce a loud foreign source into the environment, we cause noise pollution.
  • Noise pollution is caused by noisy machines, loudspeakers, vehicles, and other objects producing sound at high decibels. Even rock concerts are a cause of noise pollution.
  • Like air and water pollution, noise pollution also adversely affects our health.
  • The World Health Organisation recognises noise pollution as a major health hazard.
  • The European Environment Agency also monitors the effects of noise pollution on Europeans. They have stated that noise pollution is responsible for a lot of premature deaths.
  • When continuously subjected to noise pollution, a person can develop several chronic issues.
  • Noise pollution can lead to ADHD and other dangerous health hazards. Initially, the problem may not seem much, but it can lead to bigger problems over time.
  • Noise pollution also harms other living beings such as birds, whales, dolphins, bats, etc.
  • Noise pollution can be reduced by minimal use of loud machines, controlled loudspeakers, refraining from using horns, etc.

Reading about noise pollution is crucial to know about its negative impacts. Here is how to write a noise pollution essay in 100 words:

Pollution means introducing contaminants into the atmosphere that cause adverse change. When it comes to noise pollution, the pollutants are sources of loud noise, and the negative change is the jacking up of natural decibels. People constantly subjected to noise pollution develop certain health issues like ADHD, irritation, migraine, anxiety, etc. It’s not just humans who suffer the wrath of noise pollution; animals are severely affected by it. Similarly, several birds risk being endangered because their reproduction rate is adversely affected when they dwell close to an environment with noise pollution. We can reduce noise pollution by educating people on the subject and introducing a strict penal system in case of breach of regulations.

Sometimes, teachers ask kids to write a short essay about noise pollution in primary classes. Here’s an example that you can refer to:

We know the adverse effects of water, air, and soil pollution because the hazards show themselves instantly in many cases. But it is difficult to imagine the damage caused by noise pollution because it is not something we can see. It is crucial to note that noise pollution impacts millions of people daily. The commonly reported problem due to noise pollution is hearing loss. Not everyone can afford high-end hearing devices, so it gets tough for people from lower-income strata. Apart from this obvious concern, noise pollution is known to cause hypertension, sleep disturbances, stress, and heart diseases. Thus, finding ways to reduce the overall noise level in all spaces becomes crucial. This can help avoid many health issues and keep everyone’s mental health at par. However, it requires more than just government policies to curb noise pollution — everyone has to put individual efforts.

As the kids reach higher grades at the primary level, they will be asked to write an elaborate essay. Now, let’s structure an essay for class 3:

High noise regions are areas close to airports, railway stations, construction sites, etc. Researchers have also studied the adverse effects of noise pollution on several animals. It has been observed that caterpillars’ hearts beat faster when they are exposed to loud noises. Similarly, it is reported that bluebirds have fewer chicks when exposed to high decibel sounds. We must not forget the natural utility of an atmosphere with clean sounds. Several animals rely on their ability to read sounds from their prey to hunt them. When noise pollution contaminates the wave frequency, it becomes difficult for these predators to survive, which is bad for the ecosystem.

Noise pollution and its impacts are not limited to the land. However, it is pertinent to note here that we are also responsible for noise pollution in the water bodies apart from water pollution.

Causes Of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is primarily caused by machines that produce high decibel sounds. The machines that use powerful motors are one of the primary causes of noise pollution. In an urban setup, the sound from vehicle engines and horns causes noise pollution. Aircraft and trains are the primary sources of noise pollution for people living near airports and railway stations. Additionally, construction sites have also been identified as one of the causes of noise pollution.

Effects Of Noise Pollution On Human Health

People from all walks of life are susceptible to the adverse effects of noise pollution. Here are some of the impacts of noise pollution on human health:

  • Children who live close to loud noise regions sometimes have stunted brain growth. These children often suffer from memory loss, ADHD, reading difficulties, etc.
  • Adults have been reported to suffer from migraine when subjected to noise pollution.
  • Anxiety, stress disorder, and irritability are quite common among people close to noise sources.

Effect Of Noise Pollution On Animals

Today, there are so many ships that it is hard to imagine a peaceful ocean. Similarly, all the countries are into offshore drilling, producing excessive noise levels. Among all the marine animals, whales and dolphins are the ones that rely on sound frequencies to catch their prey. Hence, they are the most affected by noise pollution in the sea. We know how important echolocation is for marine animals. Here are some adverse effects of noise pollution on animals:

  • Many predators use echolocation to communicate and feed. Unusually, loud noises interfere with their sound ecosystem, which is bad for their survival.
  • Sound navigation and ranging are used to locate objects underneath the water’s surface, so appropriate safety measures have been taken. Sonar devices send high-frequency sound waves to see if they bounce off an object. If the sound reflects off the surface of an object, its location is pinpointed. The technology is remarkable, but it is detrimental to marine animals because it works exactly like echolocation. Sonar sounds can achieve a peak loudness of 235 dB, which is magnanimous. When whales use echolocation, they are often interfered with by sonar waves, which impairs them.
  • Noise pollution is known to have caused alteration in the feeding behaviour of blue whales and dolphins.

We have talked about the negative impacts of noise pollution and its technicalities. Governments have also accepted this issue and implemented ways of reducing noise pollution.

The government has mandated that new houses be built according to the guidelines, which provides for installing soundproof walls if the building is coming up near a high noise region. The government is also running awareness campaigns so people would actively take care of noise pollution. Lastly, the governments have pledged to plant more trees, known to reduce noise pollution by quite a margin.

This noise pollution composition will teach your child the art of writing a structured article. Additionally, this article has plenty of information on noise pollution, which can be used as a teaching module for kids. Your child will learn how to cover the topic by going through the short and long paragraphs.

Noise pollution is a menace we all need to fight to save the environment. We hope this article works as an eye-opening guide for you to take the necessary steps toward curbing this common enemy.

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Essay on Noise Pollution: 100, 300 and 500 Words

noise pollution essay for class 3

  • Updated on  
  • Sep 8, 2023

Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution, an insidious environmental menace, refers to the excessive and undesirable sound that disrupts the tranquillity of our surroundings. Often originating from urban areas, transportation, industries, and recreational activities, noise pollution has far-reaching implications on human health and well-being. 

Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to stress, sleep disturbances, hearing impairment, and even cardiovascular problems. Moreover, it disturbs the natural habitat of wildlife and affects the overall quality of life. In this blog, we will give you a 100, 300, and 500-word essay on noise pollution. 

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100 Words Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a pressing environmental issue that has detrimental effects on human health and well-being. It refers to our surroundings’ excessive, unwanted, and disturbing sounds. These sounds can originate from various sources, such as traffic, industrial machinery, construction, and even recreational activities.

Exposure to high levels of noise pollution can lead to several health problems, including hearing loss, increased stress, sleep disturbances, and cardiovascular issues. Additionally, it can disrupt communication, hinder concentration, and decrease overall quality of life.

To mitigate noise pollution, it’s essential to implement sound regulations and promote noise-reducing technologies in urban planning and infrastructure development . Public awareness and responsible behaviour, such as reducing unnecessary honking and limiting loud activities during nighttime hours, also play a crucial role in combating this problem.

In conclusion, addressing noise pollution is vital for creating healthier, more livable urban environments and improving the overall well-being of communities.

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300 Words Essay on Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is a pervasive and often underestimated environmental issue that has a significant impact on the quality of life in urban areas. It refers to the excessive, unwanted, and disruptive sounds that fill our surroundings, leading to a wide range of physical, psychological, and social problems.

Sources of Noise Pollution

One of the primary sources of noise pollution in urban settings is traffic. The constant roar of engines, honking horns, and screeching brakes can be overwhelming. Industrial activities also contribute significantly, with the relentless hum of machinery and construction sites adding to the cacophony. In addition to these, social and recreational activities, such as concerts, parties, and even barking dogs, can add to the noise burden.

Consequences of Noise Pollution

The consequences of noise pollution are far-reaching. Physiologically, exposure to high noise levels can lead to hearing loss, elevated stress levels, and an increased risk of cardiovascular problems. It can disrupt sleep patterns, leading to chronic fatigue and irritability. Noise pollution can also impair cognitive functions and hinder concentration, impacting productivity and academic performance .

Moreover, noise pollution has social implications. It can strain relationships among neighbours, causing conflicts and reducing the sense of community. Children growing up in noisy environments may experience delays in language development and learning difficulties. Additionally, it affects wildlife, disrupting their natural habitats and communication.

How to Reduce Noise Pollution

Addressing noise pollution requires a multifaceted approach. Urban planning and zoning regulations can play a crucial role in minimizing noise exposure for residents. The development of noise barriers, quieter road surfaces, and improved public transportation can help mitigate the problem. Promoting the use of noise-reducing technologies, such as quieter machinery and better-insulated buildings, is also essential.

Individual responsibility is equally vital. Reducing unnecessary honking, limiting loud activities during nighttime hours, and using noise-cancelling headphones are practical steps individuals can take to reduce their contribution to noise pollution.

In conclusion, noise pollution poses a growing threat to urban life, affecting physical and mental health, social harmony, and overall well-being. To combat this issue effectively, a combination of government regulations, technological advancements, and individual awareness and responsibility is needed. 

500 Words Essay on Noise Pollution


Noise pollution encompasses unwanted and disruptive sounds generated by various sources, including transportation, industrial activities, and recreational events. 

This essay explores the causes, effects, and solutions to noise pollution, emphasizing the pressing need for collective action to mitigate its adverse impact on modern urban life.

Causes of Noise Pollution

1. Transportation: Urban areas are characterized by constant traffic flow, which is a primary source of noise pollution. The incessant rumble of engines, screeching tires, and incessant honking contribute significantly to the overall noise levels.

2. Industrial Activities: Industries and factories, often concentrated in urban zones, generate noise through the operation of heavy machinery, equipment, and manufacturing processes. Construction activities, with their bulldozers and pile drivers, are particularly notorious for their noise emissions.

3. Recreational Activities: Urban centres are hubs of entertainment and recreation, hosting concerts, sporting events, and social gatherings. These activities generate high levels of noise, especially when amplified music or cheering crowds are involved.

Effects of Noise Pollution

1. Health Implications: Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to severe health problems. Hearing impairment is a common consequence, with noise-induced hearing loss being a well-documented issue. Noise pollution is also linked to increased stress, anxiety, and elevated blood pressure, which can escalate the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

2. Sleep Disturbances: Noise pollution disrupts sleep patterns, leading to chronic sleep disturbances. Poor sleep quality can result in fatigue, irritability, and decreased cognitive performance, affecting overall productivity and well-being.

3. Cognitive Impairment: Noise pollution impairs cognitive functions, making it difficult to concentrate and focus. This can hinder academic performance and reduce workplace productivity.

Solutions to Noise Pollution

1. Urban Planning: Thoughtful urban planning and zoning regulations are essential to mitigate noise pollution. Separating industrial areas from residential zones, implementing noise-buffering green spaces, and designing soundproofed buildings can significantly reduce noise exposure.

2. Noise Barriers: Erecting noise barriers along highways and busy roads can shield residential areas from traffic noise. These barriers are designed to absorb or reflect sound waves, reducing their impact.

3. Quiet Transportation: Promoting quieter modes of transportation, such as electric vehicles and hybrid engines, can substantially reduce noise pollution. Improved public transportation can also reduce the number of private vehicles on the road.

Noise pollution poses a significant threat to urban life, affecting physical and mental health, social harmony, and overall well-being. 

To effectively combat this issue, concerted efforts are required at the individual, community, and government levels. Implementing noise-reducing technologies, adopting responsible behaviour, and enacting sound urban planning policies are steps toward creating quieter, healthier, and more livable urban environments for all. 

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Ans. The primary sources of noise pollution include transportation, industrial activities, and recreational events. Transportation-related noise comes from vehicles on roads, railways, and aircraft in the sky. Industrial activities generate noise through machinery, equipment, and construction. Recreational events like concerts, sporting events, and social gatherings also contribute to noise pollution.

Ans. Noise pollution can have adverse effects on human health. Prolonged exposure to high noise levels can lead to hearing loss, increased stress, anxiety, and elevated blood pressure. It can disrupt sleep patterns, resulting in chronic fatigue and irritability. Noise pollution can also impair cognitive functions, making it challenging to concentrate and focus, which can impact productivity and overall well-being.

Ans. To reduce noise pollution, several measures can be implemented. These include: 1. Urban Planning: Thoughtful urban planning and zoning regulations can separate noisy industrial areas from residential zones and incorporate green spaces to buffer noise. 2. Noise Barriers: Installing noise barriers along highways and busy roads can shield residential areas from traffic noise by absorbing or reflecting sound waves. 3. Quiet Transportation: Promoting quieter transportation options like electric vehicles and hybrid engines can reduce noise emissions.

We hope that this blog on Noise Pollution has given you some known and unknown facts and secrets about Noise Pollution.  For more amazing reads on essay writing , follow Leverage Edu. 

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Aditi Gupta

A bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, I am an enthusiastic writer. I love to write about impactful content which can help others. I love to binge watch and listen to music during my free time.

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Pollution Essay for Class 3

Pollution is the fouling of the natural environment that exists around us and puts our lives in danger. All types of pollution in our natural surroundings and ecosystem causes health disasters and discomfort. It disorganizes the biological system and disturbs nature’s balance. Soil pollution, air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution are the main types of pollution.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 3 on the topic “Pollution” for reference.

Short Essay on Pollution of 100 Words

Pollution is a condition of our environment that may have harmful effects on plants, animals, and human beings. The environment around us is a combination of land, water, air which is essential to sustain life on earth. In the past, our environment was clean. Now, because of man’s own greed, our environment has been polluted.

Human beings want rapid success. They set up industries and cut down forests for their benefit. This disturbed the ecological balance, which led to pollution. Pollution is a global problem. If we don’t protect our planet now, we will undoubtedly face issues in the future.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 3  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Pollution of 150 Words

The addition of harmful substances into nature is all pollution. We human beings are satisfying our own needs by harming wildlife. Pollutants from factories, laboratories, hospitals, and vehicles are destroying the plant kingdom. Carbon dioxide in the air is the reason behind global warming. Acid rain is also a result of pollution.

Pollution has become a widespread yet severe issue today. It is everyone’s responsibility to take steps towards prevention. We should be alert and help reduce every kind of pollution. We should avoid loudspeakers and bursting crackers during festivals that cause noise pollution. Making use of public transport can help reduce air pollution.

Thousands of people are affected by diseases caused by pollution. We should learn to reuse, reduce, and recycle to control pollution. Planting more trees and reducing the use of plastic are ways in which we can reduce environmental pollution. Taking small steps like these will ensure a better future.

10 Lines on Pollution in English

  • Pollution is a dangerous threat to the whole world that arose because of human activities.
  • Harmful gases and chemicals from chimneys of factories pollute the air.
  • The heavy sound from machines and transportation systems cause noise pollution that can cause irritation.
  • Environmental pollution can cause serious health problems like allergy, infection, and even heart attack.
  • We are rapidly losing freshwater and other valuable resources, including aquatic life due to plastic and other water pollutants.
  • Environmental pollution has more severe consequences like global warming and acid rain that affects both the plant and animal kingdom.
  • Pollution causes severe diseases like cancer, skin disease, and chest pain that can lead to death.
  • Planting trees, conserving forests, and not using plastic are effective ways to reduce pollution.
  • The most dangerous of all, radioactive pollution is caused by wastes from nuclear power plants.
  • We can fight environmental pollution by using solar panels and wind energy.

Frequently Asked Questions on Pollution Essay

Question: What are some of the human causes of pollution?

Answer : Human activities are a major cause of air pollution. Humans pollute the air by building factories, power plants, cars, aeroplanes, chemicals, and by burning fossil fuel. The smog released from here causes severe and harmful diseases. Burning down forests increases the carbon dioxide levels in the air, leading to unbalance and global warming.

Question: What can we do to reduce pollution?

Answer : Using less energy like electricity can help reduce air pollution. We can help by turning off lights and fans when leaving our room and not leaving the television or computer switched on unnecessarily. Driving less or carpooling with friends instead saves money and gas.

Question: What are some effects on health because of pollution?

Answer : Air pollution can make people sick. It becomes difficult to breathe and causes disease such as lung cancer, lung infection and heart disease. Noise pollution can cause irritation that can lead to partial or complete deafness.

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Sound Pollution Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on sound pollution.

Sound pollution also known as Noise Pollution is one of the most rampant pollutions we find in the world. Especially in India, the nuisance of sound pollution is steadily on the rise, especially in urban cities and areas. Some statistics say that noise pollution in New Delhi is now having medical effects on the inhabitants of the city. But what exactly constitutes sound pollution? Let us read more in this sound pollution essay.

Sound or rather noise pollution is a physical form of pollution. Sound pollution does not affect any element of our environment directly. So it does not have a direct effect on the land, air, soil or any other such life-supporting elements. It actually affects the human population more directly. Essentially the excess of sound or noise, such that it causes disturbance and imbalances the day-to-day life of humans and animals is known as noise pollution.

sound pollution

Sources of Sound Pollution

While sound pollution is not fatal or lethal in any form to humans, it is still a very harmful form of pollution. In this sound pollution essay, it is essential that we look at some of the major sources of sound pollution and how they contribute to the ever-rising degradation of our habitats.

All the sources of noise pollution are man-made in nature. One of the most common and harmful sources is the noise caused due to various transportation systems and motor vehicles in particular. Increasing traffic congestions, the sheer number of vehicles on the roads, the noise from unnecessary honking, etc are all major contributing factors to sound pollution, especially in major cities like Mumbai and Delhi.

Read 500 Words Essay on Pollution here.

The other major source of noise pollution is industrial activities. Since the Industrial Revolution, the world has never slowed down manufacturing and other industrial activities. This has taken a toll on our environment in the form of land and air pollution. And now we can add noise pollution to the list. Factories, printing presses, mills, metal works, etc. are all contributing to the noise pollution of the area. Hence it is ideal to keep industrial areas and residential areas separate, but this is not always possible.

There are quite literally thousands of other sources such as loudspeakers, roadworks, crackers, household noises, agricultural activities, that all are also harmful and cause some degree of noise pollution.

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Effects of Noise Pollution

As we saw earlier in this sound pollution essay, the effects of sound pollution are directly on humans and not on the environment as such. While these effects are not instantaneous there are some very serious effects of noise pollution that cannot be taken lightly. The effects of noise pollution are both physical and psychological or behavioral in nature.

One of the obvious physical effects is the effect sound pollution can have on the hearing of a person. Hearing loss or some form of hearing impairment due to excessive noise is becoming increasingly common. And this is not only restricted to senior citizens, but even the younger generation is also being affected in this manner. Another common effect is the lack of sleep due to noise pollution. This, in turn, causes various other symptoms such as irritability, hypertension, ulcers and even cardiovascular diseases.

Persistent insomnia can cause humans to have certain negative psychological effects which we can also trace back to sound pollution. Fatigue, mental strain, stress and even depression in some capacity can be the effects of sound pollution.

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Noise Pollution Essay

Noise pollution or sound pollution refers to the presence of excessive and disturbing noise (from machines, transportation systems, aircrafts, trains, etc) in the environment that is very harmful to the physical and mental health of the living beings on earth.

Noise pollution : Causes of Noise Pollution | Effects of Noise Pollution |  Diseases caused by Noise Pollution | How to Control Noise Pollution

Long and Short Essay on Noise Pollution in English

Noise pollution has become one of the big problems in India affecting the human lives in many ways. We all should know the causes, effects and most importantly the preventive measures of the noise pollution in order to get prevented from the effects of it. School students generally get this topic to write something according to their own view during the competitions like essay writing, etc. We have provided below some easily written essay on noise pollution under different words limit for students. You can select any noise pollution essay according to your need and requirement.

Noise Pollution Essay 1 (100 words)

Noise pollution is considered as the environmental pollution caused in the environment by the excess level of noise through many sources. Noise pollution is also known as the noise disturbance. Excessive noise is harmful to the health and cause imbalance to the human or animal life. It has been a massive environmental issue in India which needs a proper attention to be solved however it is less dangerous than the water, air and soil pollution. Outdoor noise is hugely caused by the sources like machines, transportation systems, poor urban planning (construction of side-by-side industrial and residential buildings), etc. Indoor noise sources are household machines, building activities, loud music, etc. The most common impairment caused by the noise pollution is the permanent hearing loss due to ear drum damage.

Noise Pollution

Noise Pollution Essay 2 (150 words)

Normal level of the sound is necessary to maintain the daily lives however undesired sound or noise which is not tolerated by the people, animals or plants causes noise pollution in the environment. Noise is commonly called as the unwanted sound created by many industrial or non-industrial sources used in the daily life in our surrounding. High level sound creates unpleasant effects and discomfort to the health especially to the ears.

Unwanted sound generally interferes with the daily routine activities like sleep in night, conversation, hearing ability, feeling of well being, etc. Water animals are also affected by the noise pollution created by the noise of submarines and big ships in the ocean. Forest animals have been affected to a great extent due to the chain-saw operations (create extreme noise) by timber companies. Common sources of the noise pollution are household gadgets, transport vehicles, jet planes, helicopters, industrial machines, etc. According to the World Health Organization, industries must limit their sound production by 75 dB.

Noise Pollution Essay 3 (200 words)

Noise pollution is the pollution caused by the high and unsafe level of noise in the environment causes lots of health disorders to the human beings, animals and plants. Common problems caused by the noise pollution are stress related illnesses, anxiety, communication problems, speech interference, hearing loss, lost productivity, sleep disruption, fatigue, headache, irritability, nervousness, weakness, reduce sensitivity to sound which our ear receive to maintain body rhythm, etc. It causes gradual impairment to the hearing ability over a long period of time. Continuous exposure to high level sound causes permanent damage to the eardrum.

High level of the noise causes huge nuisance, injuries, physical trauma, bleeding around brain, large bubbles in organs and even death to the marine animals specially whales and dolphins as they use their hearing ability to communicate, find food, defend and survive in water. Source of noise in the water is navy submarine’s sonar which can be felt around 300 miles away. The consequences of the noise pollution are more dangerous and worrying in the near future.

There are many preventive measures of the noise pollution, some are like promoting soundproof rooms construction in the industries, industries and factories should be away from the residential building, repairing of motorbikes having damaged exhaust pipes, ban of noisy vehicles, airports, bus, railway stations and other transport terminals should be far from the living places, declaring silence zones near educational institutes and hospitals, allowing more vegetation along with roads and residential areas in order to reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound.

Noise Pollution Essay 4 (250 words)

Noise pollution is caused by the high level of unwanted sound in the environment which causes pain. Some of the main sources of the noise pollution are like noise generated by the road traffic, air craft noise, railroads noise, noise generated by the construction (of buildings, highways, city streets, flyovers, etc), industrial noise, noise created in home on daily basis (due to electrical home appliances, plumbing, generators, air conditioners, boilers, fans, etc), and noise from consumer products (like household equipments, kitchen appliances, vacuum cleaners, washing machine, mixer, juicer, pressure cooker, TV, mobile, dryer, cooler, etc).

In some countries (highly populated countries like India, etc) poor urban planning also plays vital role in the noise pollution as this planning includes the construction of congested houses having large families in small space (causing fight for parking, fights for basic requirements, etc) lead to the noise pollution. New generation people play music in full volume and dance for late night causing lots of physical and mental disturbances to the neighbors. High level of noise causes loss of normal person’s ability to hear properly. High level of noise slowly affects the health and acts as slow poison.

It hugely affects the wildlife, lives of plants, and human beings. Normally, the ability of our ear is to accept the only certain range of sounds without making any damage to the ear. However, our ear cannot bear the regular exposure to loud levels of noise and get damage to the ear drums which results in the temporary or permanent loss of hearing. It also causes other disorders like sleeping disorders, fatigue, weakness, cardiovascular issues, stress, high blood pressure, communication problem, etc.

Noise Pollution Essay 5 (300 words)

There are various types of pollution in the environment, soil pollution is one of them and have become more dangerous to the health. It has become so dangerous that it can be compared to the other most dangerous problems like cancer, etc in which slow death is sure. Noise pollution is the dangerous gift of modern living style and increasing level of industrialization and urbanization. If regular and effective actions are not taken to control, it can be very serious to the future generations. Noise pollution is the pollution caused by the noise due to the increased level of unwanted sound in the environment. It is a big potential hazard to the health and causes huge level of communication problems.

High level of noise brings irritation in the behavior of many people especially diseased, old people and pregnant women. Unwanted sound causes deafness problem and other chronic disorders to the ear like damage to the ear drum, ear pain, etc. Sometimes high sound music pleases the listeners however irritates other people. Any undesired sound in the environment is injurious to the health. Some of the sources participating highly in the noise pollution are industries, factories, transportation, traffic, aeroplane engines, train sounds, home appliances, construction, etc.

The noise level of 60 db is considered as the normal noise however, noise level of 80 db or above become physically painful and harmful to the health. Cities having high noise quantum are Delhi (80 db), Kolkata (87 db), Bombay (85 db), Chennai (89 db), etc. Limiting the amount of noise to a safe level has become very necessary for the life on the earth as undesired noise affects the health of human beings, plants and animals too. It is possible through the general awareness among public about the noise pollution, its main sources, it’s dangerous effects, as well as all the possible preventive measures to get prevented from the noise pollution.

Noise Pollution Essay 6 (400 words)

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is caused by the noise when the level of noise gets increased than the normal level in the environment. Excessive amount of noise in the environment is unsafe for the living purpose. Unpleasant sound causes various disturbances in the natural balance. High volume noises are unnatural and create difficulty in escaping those generated noises. In such a modern and technological world, where everything is possible through the electrical appliances at home or outside the home, the risk of noise has been increased to a great extent.

Increasing the demand of urbanization and industrialization in India is causing major exposure of people to the unwanted sounds. Understanding, planning and implementing strategies to get prevented from the noise pollution has been necessary to curb within time. The sounds we make in our everyday life like loud music, unnecessary use of television, phone, traffic, dog barking and etc noise creating sources have become part of the urban culture as well as most disturbing things causing headache, sleep disturbances, stress, etc. Those things causing disturbance to the natural rhythm of life are called as dangerous pollutant. Following are the causes or sources and effects of the noise pollution:

Causes of Noise Pollution

  • Industrialization is putting our health and life at risk because all the (big or small) industries are using big machines producing high pitch sound in large amount. Other equipments (compressors, generators, exhaust fans, grinding mills) used in the factories and industries also produces big noise.
  • Regular social events like marriages, parties, pub, club, disc or place of worship, temples, etc create nuisance in the residential area.
  • Increasing transportation in the cities (vehicles, aeroplanes, underground trains, etc) produces heavy noise.
  • Regular construction activities (including mining, bridges, building, dams, stations, roads, flyovers, etc) involve big equipments creating high level of noise.
  • Use of household appliances in our daily life is also the main reason noise pollution.

Effects of Noise Pollution

  • Noise pollution causes various hearing problems (damage to ear drums and loss of hearing) because of the unwanted sound.
  • It reduces ear sensitivity to the sounds required to regulate body rhythm.
  • It affects the psychological health and causes the occurrence of aggressive behavior, sleep disturbance, stress, weakness, fatigue, hypertension, cardio-vascular diseases including other severe and chronic health issues in later life.
  • It creates communication problems and lead to misunderstanding.
  • Affects wildlife and makes pets more aggressive.

Preventive Measures:

General awareness should be increased among people and all the rules should be followed seriously by everyone in order to control the unsafe sound level in the environment. Unnecessary use of things generating high pitch sound should be reduced in the home or outside the home like clubs, parties, bars, discos, etc.

Noise Pollution Essay 7 (800 words)

Noise pollution is the pollution caused by the various noise sources whether by the industrial or non-industrial affecting the human beings, plants and animals health in many aspects. Regularly increasing level of the noise pollution is keeping the lives of people of present generation and coming generations at high risk. I have discussed below the sources, effects, legal aspects control noise pollution and conclusion of the noise pollution.

Following are the sources of noise pollution

The level of noise pollution has been increased a lot in India by the urbanization, modern civilization, industrialization, etc. The spread of noise is caused by the industrial and non-industrial sources. Industrial sources of noise include the use of big machines of high technologies working at high speed and high level of noise intensity in the various industries. Non-industrial sources of noise include noise created outside the industries such as through the transport, vehicles traffic and other means by people. Non-industrial source of noise can be natural or man made. Some of the industrial and non-industrial sources of noise pollution are mentioned below:

  • Noise created by the low flying military aircraft has also added noise pollution to the environment to a great extent.
  • Road traffic noise is increasing day by day in the city because of the motors and exhaust system of vehicles like trucks, buses, autos, motorcycles, personal cars, etc. Tall buildings in the cities cause noise to resound in that area for some time.
  • Industrial noise created by the manufacturing plants because of the use of motors, compressors, fans, etc.
  • Construction noises created by the construction of tall buildings, roads, highways, city streets, etc through the use of pneumatic hammers, bulldozers, air compressors, dump trucks, loaders, pavement breakers, etc.
  • Rail roads noise (from locomotive engines, whistles, horns, switching or shunting operations in the rail yards) are also very effective in the creating high level of noise pollution as they create peak level of noise of around 120 dB to the 100 feet distance.
  • Noise created in the building because of the plumbing, generators, boilers, household equipments, music, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, fans, and other noisy activities in the neighborhood.
  • Another source of noise pollution is the use of variety of fire crackers (high sound generating) during the festivals and other family occasions.

Following are the effects of noise pollution

Noise pollution highly affects the health of human beings, animals and properties. Some of are mentioned below:

  • Increasing noise pollution day by day is decreasing the efficiency and quality of work of human beings.
  • Noise pollution reduces concentration level as high level of noise causes fatigue and tiredness.
  • Hugely affects the pregnant women and cause irritation and abortion.
  • Causes various diseases (high blood pressure and mental illness) to the people because it disturbs the peace of mind.
  • High level of noise decreases quality of work and thus causes lack of concentration level.
  • It may cause temporary or permanent deafness because noise level of 80 to 100 db is unsafe for the people.
  • It also damage historical monuments, old buildings, bridges, etc because it weakens the structure by creating dangerous waves which struck to the walls.
  • Animals lose control on their mind and can be more dangerous because high level noise damage their nervous system.
  • It also affects the plants and causes poor quality crops production.

Following are legal aspects to control noise pollution

  • Constitution of India guarantees right to life, right to information, right to religion and noise.
  • Section 133 empowers human being to remove a public nuisance on a conditional or permanent order.
  • Noise Pollution Control Rule 2000 under Environment Protection Act 1996 involves controlling the growing problem of noise pollution.
  • Factories Act Reduction of Noise and Oil of Machinery limits for noise exposure in the work zone.
  • Motor Vehicle Act involves the use of horn and change of fault engines.
  • Indian Penal code deals with the health and safety issues caused by the noise pollution. One can be penalized under law of torts.

Increasing level of noise pollution has created the urgent need of general awareness about the sources, effects and preventive measures of the noise pollution. High level of noise should be prohibited in the areas like working places, educational institutes, residential areas, hospitals, etc. Young children and students should be motivated to not get involved in the high sound producing acts like use of high sound generating equipments and instruments on the occasions. Use of high level sound generating fire crackers should be reduced during the occasions like festivals, parties, marriages, etc. Subjects related to the noise pollution should be added into textbooks and activities can be organized in the schools like lectures, discussion, etc so that new generations can be more aware and responsible citizens.

More on Pollution:

Pollution Essay : Air Pollution | Water Pollution | Soil Pollution | Noise Pollution  |  Thermal Pollution

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Noise Pollution : Causes of Noise Pollution | Effects of Noise Pollution | Diseases caused by Noise pollution | How to Control Noise pollution

Paragraph on Noise Pollution

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Noise Pollution Essay in English for Students and Children

Noise pollution essay , its sources, health effects and practical solutions. Noise pollution is any type of unwanted sound that causes problems for humans and animals.

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November 3, 2023

Table of Contents

Noise Pollution Essay: While waiting for the traffic signal to turn green, do you get irritated by someone honking their car horn? When heavy construction occurs near your house, and the drilling sound deafens you, how will you focus on your work or studies? In this noise pollution essay, we will discuss more about noise pollution.

Despite hearing about air pollution, water pollution, land pollution, etc., children may be wondering if there is something like noise pollution as well. In addition to other types of pollution, noise pollution occurs when the noise level increases significantly from its average level.

Noise Pollution Essay in English

The issue of noise pollution in India has become a significant concern, greatly affecting the lives of its citizens. We must educate ourselves on the causes, effects, and preventive measures to avoid its harmful impacts.  It is not uncommon for people to use horns, and the long sirens disturb others, as well as to play loud music in cars and buses. As a result, we put other people in an uncomfortable position. When you consider the commotion that occurs during weddings and other festivals and the nuisance it causes to those living nearby, you can understand the seriousness of the matter. It is, therefore, our intention to shed some light on this issue by writing a noise pollution essay in English.

Noise Pollution Essay in 10 lines

  • Environmental pollution caused by excessive noise from various sources is a serious concern. Also known as noise disturbance, it can harm health and disrupt the balance of human and animal life. 
  • While it is a significant issue in India, it is considered less hazardous than water, air, and soil pollution. 
  • Outdoor noise is primarily generated by machinery, transportation systems, and poor urban planning, where industrial and residential buildings are located side by side. Indoor sources include household appliances, construction activities, and loud music. 
  • The most common effect of noise pollution is permanent hearing loss due to eardrum damage.
  • Through grinders, compressors, televisions, generators, and so on, technology has made our lives easier, but we don’t know that this same technology is ruining our health as well. 
  • Besides these machines, cars, bikes, buses, trains, and aeroplanes also create a lot of noise.
  • The most common health problem caused by noise is hearing loss.
  •  Loud noise can also cause health problems such as hypertension, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress.
  • Animals on land and in the ocean are both suffering from noisy environments.
  • We will learn about the various factors that contribute to noise pollution in the environment through this Noise Pollution Essay. 

Noise Pollution Essay in 150 Words

The average level of sound required for daily functioning can be disrupted by undesired noise, causing noise pollution that is not tolerated by humans, animals, and plants in our environment. This unwanted sound, commonly called noise, can come from industrial or non-industrial sources that are part of our everyday lives. When noise reaches high levels, it can have adverse effects on our health and can cause discomfort, particularly for our ears. This interference with daily activities such as sleep, conversation, and hearing ability can also affect the well-being of water animals. Forest animals are also heavily impacted by noise pollution from chain-saw operations by timber companies. Familiar sources of noise pollution include household gadgets, vehicles, aeroplanes, helicopters, and industrial machines. The World Health Organization recommends that industries limit their sound production to 75 dB.

Noise Pollution Essay in 500 Words

Nowadays, noise pollution is a form of pollution that has become very deadly. Noise pollution is an issue that is rapidly increasing and creating a dangerous environment. Noise pollution occurs when the level of noise exceeds the normal level, making it dangerous for living things. 

Put simply, loud noises are not normal. As society moves forward, so does noise pollution. Modern advancements have provided conveniences like appliances and devices for various tasks. Need to mix or blend something? Just use a mixer or blender. Feeling warm? The air conditioner or cooler can cool you down. Want some entertainment at home? Watch TV or listen to music. But, the downside of these comforts is their harmful impact on the environment. All these gadgets add to noise pollution, disrupting the natural flow of life and qualifying as pollutants.

What Causes Noise Pollution?

No matter how big or small an industry is, it contributes to noise pollution through the equipment they use like compressors, exhaust fans, generators and more. The world is turning towards technology for comfort, but it is also harming us.

Also contributing to this pollution is the ever-increasing use of automobiles. Not only are automobiles involved, but also other transport vehicles, such as aeroplanes, buses, bikes, trucks and more. People honk unnecessarily in the traffic and listen to loud music on the way.

Furthermore, social events such as weddings, parties, and religious functions in places like clubs, pubs, temples, halls and more create a lot of nuisance in residential areas. Also, construction activities such as mining, flyover construction, bridge construction and so on make a lot of noise.

The Damaging Impact of Noise Pollution

Noise pollution has a serious impact on the lives of living beings. Firstly, noise pollution leads to a number of hearing problems. High levels of noise damage the eardrums, sometimes resulting in hearing loss.

Similarly, it reduces the ear’s sensitivity to the sounds that the body uses to regulate its rhythm. Additionally, it affects our psychological health.

It is common to experience fatigue and migraines when your sleep is disturbed or you constantly have headaches due to too much noise.

Noise pollution affects wildlife as well. For example, pets become aggressive when hearing loud noises. This is why crackers are not allowed around pets.

In short, we must make people aware of the impact of noise pollution. We must also encourage them to adopt ways that do not contribute to noise pollution. We will be able to reduce noise pollution greatly if we all start doing the same individually.

Noise Pollution Essay FAQs

Ans.  A noise pollution essay is a written composition that discusses the adverse effects of excessive and unwanted sound in our environment, its sources, impacts on health and well-being, and potential solutions to mitigate this problem.

Ans. Noise pollution refers to the presence of loud, disruptive, or unwanted sounds in the environment that can harm human health, well-being, and the ecosystem. Sources of noise pollution include traffic, industrial activities, construction, and recreational events. 

Ans. Noise pollution is harmful or disturbing noise in our surroundings, often caused by various activities and machines, affecting people's health and peace.

Ans. Noise pollution is when there is too much loud and unpleasant noise in the environment. It comes from things like traffic, construction, and loud music. Noise pollution can upset people, have trouble sleeping, and even harm their ears. It's essential to keep our surroundings quiet and peaceful for everyone's well-being.


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Essay on Noise Pollution for Students

Noise pollution is an issue that affects our daily lives in ways we might not always notice. In this essay, we will explore the significant impact of noise pollution on our health, environment, and overall well-being.

Noise pollution, also known as sound pollution, refers to excessive, displeasing, or disturbing sounds in the environment. It can come from various sources, such as traffic, industrial machinery, construction, and even our daily activities. Noise pollution can be harmful, and it’s an issue that deserves our attention.

Health Implications of Noise Pollution

Excessive noise can have severe health effects. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), noise pollution is associated with increased stress, sleep disturbances, and even cardiovascular problems. Studies have shown that children exposed to chronic noise may have difficulty concentrating in school.

Environmental Consequences

Noise pollution doesn’t just affect us; it also impacts the environment. Excessive noise disrupts the natural habitats of animals, often leading to stress and behavioral changes. It can even interfere with their ability to find food or communicate with one another. Additionally, noise pollution can harm marine life, such as whales and dolphins, who rely on sound for navigation and communication.

Quality of Life

Think about the last time you tried to enjoy a quiet moment in a noisy place. Noise pollution can diminish our quality of life by making it challenging to relax, focus, or even enjoy our surroundings. Quiet spaces, like parks and natural reserves, are essential for our mental and emotional well-being.

Impact on Learning

Schools should be quiet places for learning, but noise pollution can make it difficult for students to concentrate. Teachers have reported that noisy classrooms can lower academic performance. A study from the University of California, Berkeley, found that children in noisy classrooms had lower reading scores than those in quieter environments.

Effects on Wildlife

Wildlife often bears the brunt of noise pollution. Birds may struggle to communicate or locate mates, affecting their ability to reproduce. Noisy environments can also lead to disorientation and stress in animals, causing them to abandon their habitats or struggle to find food.

Noise Pollution and Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for our health, but noise pollution can disrupt our sleep patterns. Even if we don’t wake up completely, loud noises can lead to interruptions in our sleep cycles, leaving us feeling tired and less rested.

Noise Pollution in Urban Areas

Cities are often hotspots for noise pollution. Traffic, construction, and industry all contribute to the constant hum of noise. Residents in urban areas are more likely to experience the negative effects of noise pollution, such as increased stress levels and a higher risk of hearing damage.

Noise-Related Hearing Loss

Prolonged exposure to loud noises can result in permanent hearing damage. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 24% of adults in the United States have some degree of noise-induced hearing loss. This is a significant concern, as hearing loss can affect our ability to communicate and enjoy life fully.

The Need for Regulations

To address noise pollution, governments and communities have implemented regulations and noise control measures. These may include setting noise limits for vehicles, enforcing quiet hours, and soundproofing buildings. These efforts aim to reduce noise pollution and protect our health and environment.

Personal Responsibility

While regulations help, we can also take personal responsibility for reducing noise pollution. Simple actions like lowering the volume of our music, using headphones in public places, and maintaining our vehicles to minimize noise emissions can make a difference.

Conclusion of Essay on Noise Pollution

In conclusion, noise pollution is a real and often underestimated problem that affects our health, environment, and quality of life. It can disrupt our sleep, hinder our learning, harm our wildlife, and even lead to permanent hearing loss. Recognizing the impact of noise pollution is the first step in finding solutions. By advocating for quieter environments, supporting regulations, and being mindful of our own noise, we can work together to reduce noise pollution and create a quieter, healthier world for everyone. It’s time to turn down the volume and appreciate the importance of peace and quiet in our lives.

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Noise Pollution Essay

Noise Pollution is used to define an undesirable and unwanted sound that is often louder than what our ears could happily receive. There are many sources of noise pollution found in our houses and outside. Noise pollution is more prominent in urban areas as compared to rural areas. In the following essays, we will discuss everything about noise pollution including its effects on humans and other life forms.

Short and Long Essays on Noise Pollution in English

Short and long essays on Noise Pollution are given below in different word limits that is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Noise Pollution Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Noise louder than our ear could bear is considered noise pollution.

2) Noise pollution can be arises indoors or outdoors.

3) Noise pollution is higher in urban areas than in rural areas.

4) A sound is considered noise when its intensity is more than 70-75 dB.

5) Noise pollution is harmful to humans and living things.

6) Humans can suffer stress, cardiovascular disease, sleeplessness, etc due to noise pollution.

7) Noise pollution also disturbs and irritates animals.

8) Roads, airports, construction sites, etc are the areas with noise pollution.

9) By taking some simple steps, humans can reduce noise pollution.

10) By seeing the hazards of noise pollution, the government is taking steps to control it.

Essay 1 (300 Words) – Effects and Control of Noise Pollution


Whenever the sound level in our surroundings becomes noise, exceeding the permissible limit, the term noise pollution is used. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB) and any sound measured around 70 dB isn’t considered a noise. But, any sound above 70 to 75 dB is considered noise as it has severe consequences on human health and the ecosystem. In the below essay we will discuss the effects of noise pollution on human health and also some measures to control noise pollution.

Effects of Noise pollution on Human Health

Noise pollution has many severe effects on human health like sleeplessness, lack of concentration and performance degradation, stress, cardiovascular disease, etc. People who live in the proximity of noisy areas are unable to get sound sleep and are often irritated and stressed. Prolong exposure to noise could have a severe psychiatric effect on an individual.

Effect of Noise Pollution on Animals

Noise pollution also disturbs the environment as it scares away the animals and birds from a particular area, disturbing the ecological balance. Birds and animals get scared and disoriented due to noise and leave their resting place in haste and fear. Animals don’t understand the reason behind the loud noise as humans can and thus become very vulnerable to get confused and disoriented.

How to Control Noise Pollution?

Controlling noise pollution in some cases could be really easy while in others a daunting exercise. You can bring down the noise level of your neighborhood by taking some simple steps in your own house, like keeping the volume of your television and music system low, just enough to let you hear; avoiding unnecessary use of machinery, drill, etc in the house; ensuring that the privacy and peacefulness of your neighbors are maintained during celebratory events in your house.

Noise pollution has severe impacts on human health as well as on the environment, animals, and birds. Its health impacts on humans include both physical and psychological effects. Either humans or animals, when subjected to persistent noise pollution, could suffer from severe trauma, sometimes resulting in serious physical and mental disturbances.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Places where Noise Pollution Booms

When the decibel (dB) level of sound in an area passes the permissible limit (70 dB) it is usually referred to as “noise pollution”. Noise pollution has become a growing concern for human health as well as for the environment. In this essay, we will discuss some of the noise pollution examples.

Examples of Noise Pollution – Places where Noise Pollution Booms

Some of the most common examples of noise pollution are described below:

1) Construction Site

Construction sites are a very significant example of noise pollution. A busy construction site uses heavy and noise-generating machinery, all at the same time. Simultaneous use of several types of equipment at the same time generates noise that is much beyond the permissible limit.

2) Airports

Airports are other good examples of noise pollution. Engine noise and other mechanical noises coupled with aerodynamic noise generated by an aircraft during takeoff could easily reach up to 140 dB. The noise generated by the rotating fan blades of an aircraft when they reach supersonic speed could be deafening and disturbing for those living in the vicinity of an airport.

3) Roads and Highways

Busy roads and highways are some other examples of noise pollution. The vehicular movement on a road constitutes all kinds of vehicles – motorbikes, cars, trucks, buses, etc. Together, they generate noise beyond the permissible limit. Let’s also not forget the noise generated by honking and blowing horns. Highways are 24/7 busy with heavy traffic and huge transport vehicles and are a perfect example of noise pollution for any person residing in the vicinity of a highway.

4) Public Events and Concerts

Large public gatherings as in marriage functions, religious congregations, football matches, cricket matches, etc are also some of the most significant examples of the places with noise pollution.  For example, a religious event has too many people gathering at a place resulting in crowd. Also, there are several other activities like chanting, singing, and fairs are carried out simultaneously, thereby generating noise.

The sources of noise pollution are many and almost all of them constitute human activities of some form or the other. In some cases, noise could be considerably reduced by taking minor steps while in others it may require a collective effort and will to do so. Sometimes, to tackle noise pollution there might arise a need to make policy changes and to implement strict guidelines. Whatever the case may be, the capacity to bring a change is only in the hands of humans.

Noise Pollution Essay

Essay 3 (500 Words) – Sources and Control of Noise Pollution

“Noise Pollution” refers to the extension of noise in the environment we live in. It is also called sound pollution. Noise pollution is mainly caused due to human activities like transportation, construction work, heavy machineries, and urban settlements. The gravity of noise pollution and its effects on humans and the environment is often neglected. 

Sources of Noise Pollution

Potentially harmful noise could be generated by many sources. Below we will discuss some of the vital sources of noise pollution.

1) Transportation

Transportation is one of the main sources of noise pollution all over the world. Engine noise, horns, exhaust noise of autos, light motor vehicles, trucks, buses, etc generate constant noise pollution. During traffic jams or in narrow lanes, noise pollution becomes so prominent that sometimes it becomes difficult to hear one’s own voice. A busy road or high has a noise pollution level around 90 dB (decibel) or above against the permissible limit of 70 dB.

2) Construction Work

Construction work uses many types of machineries like – drill machines, bulldozers, transport vehicles, JCBs, dumpers, etc. Also, there is a lot of manual activity going on – welding, hammering, shouting, etc. Together these activities at a construction site constitute noise pollution. The noise level around a busy construction site could easily reach up to the level of 95 dB.

3) Organized Events

Many social events are organized in an urban settlement from time to time. Marriages, birthday celebrations, annual functions in schools and colleges, religious events are some of the regular events in an urban settlement. Such events commonly use loudspeakers and high sound music systems, which potentially contribute to noise pollution. In the events with huge public gathering, cheering and whistling, as in cricket match, the noise levels could easily reach up to the level of 105 dB.

How to Control Noise Pollution

Noise pollution could be effectively controlled by the following measures:

1) Noise Suppression at Source

The suppression of noise at source could be achieved by making some constructional changes or by using less noisy machineries and equipments. Regular servicing of transport vehicles and construction machineries will help reduce noise pollution at the source. 

2) Noise Control at the Receiver’s End

People, who are working in or near a noisy construction site, must use earplugs, helmets and similar equipments to reduce the effects of noise. Also, the houses constructed in the vicinity of noisy areas must be constructed using the material that absorbs noise. The doors and windows must be able to absorb noise and vibration and also completely isolate the room from the outside environment.

Till now noise pollution and its effects have been grossly neglected. But now governments around the world are starting to realize the severe health and environmental hazards caused by noise pollution. Noise pollution when it reaches beyond a specified limit could cause hearing loss and serious mental disturbances. There is a need to take collective measures for minimizing the effects of noise pollution. Persons at the source as well as the receiver’s end must take responsibility and take necessary measures to reduce the generation and reception of noise respectively.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Noise Pollution

Ans . The noise pollution rule was passed in India for the first time on 14th February 2000.

Ans . The green plants grown along the roadside to reduce noise pollution are called green mufflers.

Ans . The unit for measurement of noise is Decibel.

Ans . The permissible level of noise in residential areas in India is 55dB.

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Essay on Noise Pollution : Causes, Effects & Solutions

February 2, 2021 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Table of Contents

What is Noise pollution?

Noise pollution is a type of pollution that does not directly affect the environment but has adverse effects on the hearing abilities of the inhabitants of our ecosystem.

Hearing of an organism is directly linked to the nervous systems internally.

Hence noise pollution affects the mental health and disturbs the delicate balance of an individual in case of over-exposure to noise levels beyond a certain decibel.

There may have been many instances, especially when you’re living in a city, that you’ve been so annoyed with the noise around you, that you lose your composure. You grab your ears and just wait for the noise to stop.

That is the essence of noise pollution. It comprises of all the loud noises around you, caused by vehicular traffic, heavy machinery in factories and sometimes, the disturbance of trains and aeroplanes, if you live near an airport or railway station .

The blaring sounds from loudspeakers and high speakers are not to be left behind, especially when there are processions or big festivals taking place.

Let us ponder over a few examples for better understanding.

Whales are known to emit their call louder when they detect a submarine since a submarine uses SONAR and other sound oriented devices for communication and navigation.

The SONAR dampens the whale’s call, making it less effective, which in turn might lead to some members not hearing it and missing some vital signal, like a hunting call.

Causes of noise pollution

Let us first begin by trying to understand how noise is generated technically.

Noise basically is a mixture of all sounds around us. These sounds originate from various sources.  Inside the waveform of a noise, we can find overlapping waveform indicating mixed and jumbled outputs rendering ‘noise’.

The outcomes may contain undesirable and irritating waveform called noise. Noise pollution is more prominent in urban areas than in rural areas.

This is because rural areas have only half the amount of vehicles, minimal amount of factories and other sources producing loud noises.

It is more discomforting and annoying in particular to senior citizens, who seek a calm and peaceful atmosphere in their days of retirement. In India, festivals are a crucial part of our culture and thus, are given utmost importance.

But the celebrations and proceedings involved with these festivities result in noise pollution on a wide scale.

This scenario especially gets worse when people disregard the fact about patients in hospitals, nursing mothers, pregnant women and ill patients who need relief from such blaring noises.

Similar is the case with wedding celebrations. Nowadays, almost everyone holds a wedding procession which involves the bride and groom, either walking or on horses or carriages, slowly proceeding towards the groom’s house.

Celebrations take place on a large scale involving huge loudspeakers and noise from trumpets and drum beats causing inconvenience to residents and other establishments, including schools, colleges, hospitals and other religious establishments like temples and churches.

Well known incidences of noise pollution occur during festivals, normal, everyday traffic on the road, etc.

During festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi , Diwali etc the occurrence of sound pollution is really high.

Diwali causes noise as well as Air pollution , people celebrate Diwali for their joy, and indeed they burst crackers that create massive noise.

Traffic on the road is the primary reason for sound pollution in big cities. There are many other factors too that cause the deadly noise pollution.

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Effects of noise pollution

Our human ear can detect sounds in the frequencies between 20Hz to 20 KHz. But constant exposure to sound beyond certain intensity is harmful to the ears.

We already know that sound intensity is measured in Decibels, also denoted as dB. In a normal airport, a plane that is landing or leaving the run way creates a noise exceeding intensities of 120 dB.

There are chances of irreversible damage to the human ear when exposed to noises above 80 dB. Instances of noise have been recorded from the ancient times in the cities of Rome, on account of the dawn of industrialization.

Poorly planned cities and towns are another reason where residents have to become victims of noise pollution. If the city is near an industrial area, then the residential areas face heavy instances of noise pollution.

Though the human ear’s maximum capacity of tolerating noise cannot be exactly measured, it is believed that the intensity is about 80 dB.

Continuous exposure to sounds of intensities higher than this may lead to a myriad of health problems. It may lead to physical as well as psychological changes.

A person shows increased levels of stress and becomes prone to mental illnesses if he is prone to irregular levels of noise.

Every person’s tolerance is inbuilt differently and the ability of a person to tolerate noise provides him stability from within. Beyond that threshold level, the mind senses disturbance and gets irritated by the effects of noise.

This irritability is then transferred to the inner regions on the brain wherein complex reactions alter normal functioning of brain components.

When this process happens over long periods of time, the brain functioning itself gets altered and that’s when we say that an abnormality has occurred in the mental well being of a person.

The chances of a cardio vascular disease are also highly elevated. It is not just humans who are affected, but animals in the vicinity too face disturbance.

Dogs, with a higher sense of hearing, may get their ears damaged by exposure to higher levels of noise pollution.

Wildlife is adversely affected, as the loud man-made noises drown the mating calls, warning alarms and threat noises that animals use normally to communicate with one another.

For example in birds, the bird robin is observed to sing more likely at night, in a heavily noise polluted area since, in the day time, the noises are significantly louder.

Solutions for noise pollution

The threat of noise pollution is being realized and the governments are taking measures to reduce them.

In India too, certain rules and regulations have been set up regarding noise generation and emission. But the enforcement of these laws is not incorporated on strict terms and thus the defaulters escape scot-free.

It is good to know that there are many NGOs (non-government organizations) that have taken the initiative to reduce noise pollution and so far they’ve made tremendous progress, especially in the urban areas.

The rural areas, unfortunately, still face the wrath of noise pollution. It is up to us, the educated urban crowds, to control and prohibit the curse of noise pollution.

It’s also good to create awareness among the rural inhabitants regarding the ill effects of noise pollution.

Today, everyone has come to know the deadly effect of noise pollution. The government has taken some of the crucial steps to reduce the sound pollution.

The noise of Loud Speakers should be limited and should not cross beyond a certain decibel. An individual or group isn’t permitted to use loud speakers in the vicinity of schools, colleges, and hospitals.

Government has imposed strict restrictions and posed limitations on the use of loudspeakers during festivals. It has posted a big list do’s and don’ts and applied the rules at appropriate regions of high noise traffic.

The effects of noise pollution is not restricted to human beings alone, it has deadly impacts on lives of animals as well.

To control this type of pollution, people should create awareness on its impact on human health. Airports should be situated far away from residential areas.

Manufacturing industries such as steel and iron establishments should be situated far away from residential complexes.

It’s more of an individual effort to control noise pollution.  We may not be able to totally stop noise pollution , but we can definitely take steps to reduce it by a great level.

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Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions Essay

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Effects of noise pollution, causes of noise pollution, potential solutions, works cited.

Some people may frown upon it, while others might nod their heads with their whole-hearted smiles on their faces – no matter which category you belong to, as a person, especially as a person who must live in a neighborhood, the quality of the neighborhood has always been an important issue to be concerned about when you are looking for a place to live.

For most people, the quality of the neighborhood is at the center of attention even more than the quality of the living spaces. As much as a good neighborhood can positively affect our mental and physical health and improve the quality of our lives, a bad neighborhood can increase anxiety among neighbors and can decrease their lives’ efficiency.

Although there exist lots of problems that need to be solved in every neighborhood, noise pollution, no matter whether this noise is made by your neighbors or the surrounding environment, is with no doubt the most important issue in almost all neighborhoods. First, it is essential to investigate the reasons why noise is an important issue in almost every neighborhood and then explore the main contributing causes of the noise problem.

The first and also foremost reason why noise is an important issue in neighborhoods lies in the inevitable fact that noise pollution can have negative effects on our physical health. Living in a noisy area can affect the quality of people’s sleep, daily activities, and even general physical health factors.

According to the International Program on Chemical Safety, “an adverse effect of noise is defined as a change in the morphology and physiology of organism that results in an impairment of functional capacity, or an impairment of capacity to compensate for additional stress or increases the susceptibility of the organism to harmful effects of other environmental influences” (Siano).

Environmental noise exposure is responsible for a range of health effects, including increased risk of ischemic heart disease as well as sleep disturbance, cognitive impairment among children, annoyance, stress-related mental health risks, and tinnitus. This noise pollution becomes more important when we look at the noise level in residential neighborhoods where people spend most of their time.

For instance, “the health risks caused by noise pollution in high-income European countries account for a loss of 1-1.6 million disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) – a standard measure of healthy years of life lost to illness, disability, or early death” (Siano). Also, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), “noise pollution is one of the most dangerous environmental threats to health” (IBERDROLA). Moreover, according to the European Environmental Agency (EEA), “noise is responsible for 16,600 premature deaths and more than 72,000 hospitalizations every year in Europe alone” (IBERDROLA). Not only noise pollution can cause health issues for humans, but it has a devastating impact on animals as well.

According to the National Park Service (NPS) in the United States, “noise pollution has an enormous environmental impact and does serious damage to wildlife” (IBERDROLA). Most of the experts say that noise pollution can interfere with breeding cycles and rearing, and it is even hastening the extinction of some animal species. Therefore, noise pollution can not only affect mental health, but it can also affect our physical health.

Another reason, which is as important as the preceding one, if not more, is that noisy neighborhoods can substantively affect the efficiency of people’s work and their daily life activities. In the present day, the amount of noise in a living neighborhood becomes even more important since most of the people are forced to work from home due to the rules that companies made for their employees during the pandemic. To elucidate, the noisier a neighborhood is, the harder it becomes to concentrate on the activities that neighbors do, especially for the employees who work from home. The lower efficiency of activities will result in the lower efficient people in society. Moreover, the lower efficient people in society become more anxious and depressed as they see their activity outputs. B

ased on the report of the IKO Community Management survey, “48 percent of all survey takers said noise is number one complaint among the people who live in a neighborhood in large cities, whether this noise is from raucous late-night parties or opposite sleep schedules that result in one neighbor waking up the other” (IKO Community Management).

As an illustration of the effect of noise pollution in the community that I live in, we always see struggling between the people who work at home during the day and the teenagers who play loud music and have parties at their apartments. Once, our neighbor, Larry, who is a programmer, complained to the community management office about George, a young boy who invites his friend to their apartment any time of the day to play loud music and laugh loudly. Larry told me, “it is important that people like George be aware of the rights of other people who live in the same area with them” (Pileggi). Therefore, noise pollution can affect our mental concentration level and efficiency at work.

After understanding the effects of noise on the neighbors, it is highly essential to explore the main contributing causes of noise. In comparison with ancient times when there were not many sources causing noise, these days, multiple different causes of noise exist. These causes can range from natural environment causes to human-generated causes.

Although nature can make noises caused by animals and natural effects, human-generated noises are usually more dangerous and annoying. From a personal perspective, the most important three causes of noise that are also generated by humans are traffic and transportation noise, construction sites, and nightlife, though noise can come from a variety of other places as well.

Among these three sources of noise, I believe that the first and the most important cause of the noise is traffic and transportation noise. Without a doubt, we all live in homes that are close to at least one street or one alley. Living close to streets or alleys will cause being affected by the noise that is generated by passing cars. Moreover, some homes are close to bus stations or railroads, which means that people who live in these apartments suffer from louder noises generated by these huge public transportation facilities.

According to the IBERDROLA, “a car horn produces 90 dB of noise and a bus produces 100 dB of noise.” On the basis of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) definition of noise, if we consider noise above 65 dB as noise pollution, this generated transportation noise can have a negative effect on our health. To be precise, noise becomes harmful when it exceeds 75 dB, and it will become painful if it is above 120 dB.

According to WHO, “it is recommended that noise levels to be kept below 65 dB during the day and 30 dB during nighttime” (WHO). A worse case is living close to the rail yard, as neighbors of the rail yard suffer from a higher level of noise pollution.

Based on the interview that has been done about pros and cons of living close to a major rail yard, the interviewees felt that despite the fact that “the rail yard had a positive reputation and was highly valued for the jobs and economic growth it provides, it was also perceived, however, as a major contributor to the surrounding air quality as well as the noise pollution” (Spencer-Hwang). Several participants believed that “living in such close proximity to the rail yard had caused ailments in family, friends, and neighbors, as well as themselves” (Spencer-Hwang). Moreover, transportation noise can cause health-related issues, as previously discussed ones.

According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Clark et al. 2017 found “an increasing risk of diabetes with increasing exposure to transportation noise, but not with increasing exposure to traffic-related air pollutions.” In their study, noise pollution was independently associated with the incidence of diabetes in adult residents of metropolitan Vancouver, British Columbia (Clark). Therefore, transportation noise is not only unacceptable for most of the neighbors, but it is also risky for our health.

As the second source of noise, which is not as common as the first resource, we can consider construction. You may have experienced construction noise, even in the early morning, that affected your sleep quality and caused you to wake up because of this construction noise. Although not all the neighbors are close to construction zones and construction noise is not a common cause of the noise, building, car park construction, and road and pavement resurfacing generate an even greater amount of noise, with noise level even higher than transportation. As an example, according to IBERDROLA, “a pneumatic drill produces 110 dB noise,” which is higher than the noise that is generated by car horns and buses. Whether self-inflicted or common, everyday living noise can cause temporary or permanent deafness.

When one is around noise for long periods of time, the risk of deafness is increased. “Construction noise has become the second most serious acoustic pollution in many cities, which could cause significant health damage and social costs. In addition, housing renovation and construction noise, which has rarely been investigated before, is a significant covariate of a wide range of mental health symptoms” (Ma).

Specifically, as big cities are experiencing rapid urbanization processes, there are numerous ongoing construction projects that have led to an increase in environmental complaints, and construction noise has become a serious problem in the majority of big cities. For example, among people at higher risk of health problems caused by construction noise, “construction workers are at increased risk for being hearing impaired” (Cunningham). Therefore, construction as the second cause of the noise can result in serious mental and physical health problems as well.

The third cause of the noise is related to the nightlife. Humans have been created to live in social groups naturally. That is why all of us spend most of our time and socialize with our friends and family. However, sometimes this socialization can affect other people, especially if gatherings and socialization are generating loud noise and we are not paying attention to the others living close to us.

Especially, a person who lives close to bars, restaurants, and clubs will feel noise that is generated by socialization and gatherings much more. According to IBERDROLA, “bars, restaurants, and terraces that spill outside when the weather is good can produce more than 100 dB noise. This includes noise from pubs and clubs”. According to Peplow et al., “sustained exposure to noise in areas close to public places also has been correlated with cognitive impairment and behavioral problems in children, as well as the more obvious hearing damage and sleep deprivation”.

The European Environment Agency (EAA) has blamed “900 thousand cases of high blood pressure (hypertension), 43 thousand hospital admissions and 10 thousand cases of premature deaths a year in Europe on noise”. As a real example, I talked to our neighbor, Mr. Smith, about the reason of his high blood pressure. He told me that “the doctor told me that the main reason of my high blood pressure is living in the busiest part of the Santa Monica area. To decrease my blood pressure, the doctor recommended my wife and me to move to a suburb area”. Therefore, living close to the places that are designed specifically for nightlife can increase the risk of being affected by noise pollution.

Having scrutinized the issue, although people’s ideas vary on different points of the spectrum regarding the noise pollution issue in a neighborhood, I strongly believe that noise pollution is the first and most important issue that should be solved because of its destructive effects on mental and physical health. Although there exist many causes for noise pollution, I believe that transportation noise as the first and the most important cause, construction, and night life are the three most important causes of noise pollution. Hence, I think the explanation that I have provided above in favor of the destructive effects and the main causes of noise pollution are much stronger.

After finding out that all types of noise in living areas have an immeasurably negative impact on people’s health, work efficiency, and daily life activities, I see that the potential solutions to the problem of noise pollution are to either control its level by the government or allow people to use various techniques in order to decrease the level of noise independently. However, as the government cannot apply effective measures to all areas where people live, citizens’ individual measures will be more efficient.

It goes without saying that noise pollution has already become an international problem as almost all big cities across the globe face it. In general, the most common measures aimed to reduce the level of noise include the limitation of noisy leisure activities, especially at night, the use of bicycles instead of cars, environmental education, and the insulation of houses with noise-absorbing materials (IBERDROLA).

As a matter of fact, governmental policies may ensure noise control and correct control management by area protection and sustainable building construction. For instance, the United States Environmental Protection Agency established the Office of Noise Abatement and Control (ONAC) under the Clean Air Act to study noise pollution and investigate its impact on the public health and people’s welfare (EPA). Since 1972, ONAC had been operating “to coordinate federal monitoring and regulation of noise at its source and facilitate informed policy-making at the state and local levels” (APHA).

The Office’s scope was expanded in 1978 by Congress that passed the Quiet Communities Act, including research funding and public health education dedicated to noise pollution (APHA). In general, ONAC created model noise ordinances, issued standards for local governments, and promulgated guidance documents in accordance with recommended or already existing exposure levels. In general, the governmental response includes appropriate planning policies and the introduction of the standards of sustainable construction in order to reduce the level of noise from the external environment in living buildings. In addition, the level of noise in residential buildings should be reduced as well according to the Building Regulations Approved Document E (Simonsen).

At the same time, governmental control cannot be regarded as a highly efficient measure. First of all, in 1981, the Administration decided that all issues related to noise pollution should be monitored by state and local governments (EPA). That is why, due to funding limitations, ONAC was closed. As a result, since 1986, no standards, regulations, or rules have been promulgated to limit sources of noise in electronics, appliances, industry, recreational items, or machinery (APHA). In addition, contemporary measures are not fully efficient due to their limited scope. In other words, only such territories as city parks, areas of natural interest, and new parts of the city may be protected (IBERDROLA).

As a result, the majority of districts, especially old ones with established infrastructure, will be left without any changes. In addition, the idea of the construction of houses with the use of noise-absorbing materials is relevant only for new buildings. Thus, old buildings will be unprotected, and the level of noise in them will remain the same. Consequently, people who live in old districts with established infrastructure will suffer from the same levels of noise until they solve this issue by themselves.

That is why private measures that aim to reduce noise pollution for individuals and families who apply them are more efficient in comparison with policies that cannot affect all people. In other words, citizens may apply multiple useful, cost-effective techniques in order to reduce noise pollution in their apartments by themselves. The measures include the installation of acoustic wall panels, window shutters, or noise-blocking doors, placing furniture strategically, and turning off electrical appliances that constantly produce noise as well (JosTec).

Noise-canceling headphones or earplugs may serve as a short-term solution in the case of construction work. Due to them, people will have a good sleep at night. Moreover, such design elements as wall hangings and carpets or rugs help reduce the level of noise. In addition, planting bushes and trees around the house by community members will reduce noise pollution and improve air quality as well. All these techniques may be defined as an excellent alternative for all people living in big cities, especially for those ones who cannot afford to move to another area protected from noise pollution.

APHA. “Environmental Noise Pollution Control.” 2013, Web.

Clark, Charlotte. “Association of Long-Term Exposure to Transportation Noise and Traffic-Related Air Pollution with the Incidence of Diabetes: A Prospective Cohort Study” , Environmental Health Perspectives , vol. 125, no. 8, 2017, pp. 087025-087025. Web.

Cunningham, William P. “Noise Pollution” , The Gale Encyclopedia of Environmental Health , col. 2, 2 nd Ed., 2019, Web.

EEA. “Noise in Europe 2014”, EEA Report 10 , 2014, Web.

EPA. “Clean Air Act Title IV – Noise Pollution.” Web.

IBERDROLA. “Noise Pollution: How to Reduce the Impact of an Invisible Threat?” Web.

IKO Community Management. “8 Of The Most Common Neighbor Disputes (And How To Handle Them),” 2017, Web.

JosTec. “How to Reduce Noise Pollution.” Web.

Ma, Jing. “A Multilevel Analysis of Perceived Noise Pollution, Geographic Contexts and Mental Health in Beijing” , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol. 15, no. 7, 2018, p. 1479. Web.

Peplow, Andrew. “Noise Annoyance in the UAE: A Twitter Case Study via a Data-Mining Approach” , International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol. 18 no. 4, 2021, p. 2198. Web.

Pileggi, Larry. Personal Interview . 2021.

Siano, Daniela. “Noise and Environment.” IntechOpen, 2021, Web.

Simonsen, Jan. “How Can the Government Reduce Noise Pollution?” Rockwool , 2019, Web.

Spencer-Hwang, Rhonda. “Experiences of a Rail Yard Community: Life Is Hard.” Journal of Environmental Health , vol. 77, no. 2, 2014. Web.

World Health Organization (WHO). “Guideline Values of Noise”, 1995, Web.

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IvyPanda . 2022. "Noise Pollution: Effects, Causes, and Potential Solutions." October 25, 2022.

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Noise Pollution Essay | Essay on Noise Pollution for Children and Students

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Noise Pollution Essay: Noise is unpleasant sounds that disturb us all. However, it has now become a major problem all around the world. Noise pollution refers to an unwanted and dangerous level of noise created in the environment. Also known as sound pollution, it has harmful effects on all living beings. Noise pollution has many sources, indoor and outdoor.

Noise pollution can cause many health problems such as hearing impairment, high blood pressures, and affects a person’s mental health. It also concerns an animal’s communication and hearing. Noise pollution needs to be controlled, and awareness should be spread on this invisible danger.

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Long and Short Essay on Noise Pollution in English for Students and Children

Below we have provided one long essay on noise pollution of 400-500 words and one short essay on noise pollution of 200 words.

Long Essay on Noise Pollution in English 500 words

The long essay on Noise pollution is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9, 10, and competitive exam aspirants.

Noise pollution or sound pollution refers to the dangerous and unwanted level of disturbance caused by noise. Noise is measured in decibels or dB. A sound more than 85db is said to be a damaging level of sound that, over time, can causing hearing loss. Noise pollution is a problem faced all over the world.

There are numerous sources of noise pollution. One of the primary causes is industrialization, especially in urban areas. Industries use heavy equipment such as generators, compressors, mills, etc. that make high pitched sounds that are very unpleasant and cause a disturbance. Road traffic is another major contributor to noise pollution. Increased transport of cars, motorcycles, trucks, etc. have to lead to increased noise disturbance on the road.

Construction of roads, buildings, apartments, highways, etc. uses heavy equipment such as excavators, compressors, hammers, etc. These create a lot of noise, causing disturbance to its surroundings. Poor urban planning such as congested living spaces, large families living in a small area, parking spaces, etc. causes many fights as they are competing for the same resources. The use of firecrackers during festivals is also a source of noise pollution. These crackers generate very high pitched and sudden sounds. They are contributing to noise as well as air pollution. Another source of noise pollution includes playing loud music, especially during social events like marriages. Low flying aircraft of the military also cause noise pollution. Ocean sound pollution is caused due to submarines. Other sources of noise pollution include household equipment, air conditioners, kitchen appliances, etc.

Noise pollution primarily affects a person’s hearing, leading to hearing impairment to even permanent loss of hearing. It causes an increase in blood pressure, hypertension, fatigue, and cardiovascular diseases. Noise pollution also disturbs a person’s state of mind causing disturbed sleep patterns, stress, aggressive behavior, decreased concentration, and poor quality of life. Noise disturbance is extremely dangerous to elderly people and pregnant women.

Noise pollution also affects wildlife and marine life. Animals have a more advanced hearing. Noise pollution can impact their listening skills and cause changes in their behavior, starting with a pet at home. It leads to changes in their hearing due to which their communication also becomes affected. They are unable to hear properly during migration as they require sound to find their way. Noise pollution also affects crop production. Ocean sound pollution causes internal damage such as cardiovascular problems and physical problems such as hearing impairment in marine life. They are forced to leave viable habitats.

There are noise pollution preventive measures available. Soundproof walls and windows are one way to prevent noise pollution from entering the premise. Faulty equipment must be checked and repaired regularly. Needless honking must be discouraged. Many hospitals and schools are silent zones to ensure that disturbance does not occur. Rules to prevent noise at certain hours are in place, which many governments have implemented. Using earplugs and switching off appliances when not required, can also help. Planting trees can also help as they absorb noises. International Noise Awareness Day is witnessed every year, usually on the last Wednesday of April. This day was marked on April 29 in 2020.

Short Essay on Noise Pollution in English for Kids 200 words

Noise Pollution Essay is suitable for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Noise pollution refers to unwanted and dangerous levels of noise. Many factors cause noise pollution. Factories use big equipment that creates a lot of noise and can be disturbing. Traffic such as cars, bikes, trucks has increased on the road. These vehicles cause a lot of noise when they honk. The building of roads and apartments also causes noise pollution. When firecrackers burst, they create a lot of noise and smoke, which affects people around them. Playing loud music at weddings, kitchen appliances, ACs, etc. are sources of noise pollution.

Noise pollution is hazardous. It causes damage to the ears, and a person may not be able to hear correctly, sometimes even go deaf. It causes heart problems, lack of sleep, and cannot concentrate. It is a danger to animals. Noise pollution affects their hearing and behavior and their movements.

We need to control noise pollution. One way to prevent it is to soundproof windows and walls. Planting trees also help as trees take in the noise. Noise cannot be created near hospitals and schools. Honking should be reduced and turn off appliances when not in use. Music should not be played too loud, and we must follow the rules related to noise to make everyone live a peaceful life.

10 Lines on Noise Pollution Essay in English

These ten lines are suitable for competitive exam aspirants and while making speeches.

  • Noise pollution or sound pollution refers to the dangerous and unwanted level of disturbance caused by noise.
  • A sound more than 85db is said to be a damaging level of sound that, over time, can causing hearing loss.
  • Noise pollution is caused by industries that use heavy equipment like compressors, generators, mills, etc. Construction of roads and buildings is also a factor.
  • An increase in road traffic has also caused noise pollution due to needless honking.
  • Poor urban planning causes many fights as they are competing for the same resources.
  • The use of firecrackers during festivals is also a source of noise pollution.
  • Noise pollution causes hearing impairment, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, fatigue, lack of sleep, and increased stress. Animals suffer behavioral changes and loss of hearing.
  • Soundproofing, establishing silent zones, and rules laid down to prevent making noise are some ways to avoid noise pollution.
  • Others include discouraging needless honking, turning off appliances when not in use, and planting trees as they absorb sounds.
  • International Noise Awareness Day is witnessed every year, usually on the last Wednesday of April. It was celebrated on April 29 in 2020.

FAQ’s on Noise Pollution Essay

Question 1. What is the definition of noise pollution?

Answer: Noise pollution or sound pollution refers to the dangerous and unwanted level of disturbance caused by noise.

Question 2. How many decibels of sound are dangerous?

Answer: A sound more than 85db is said to be a damaging level of sound that, over time, can causing hearing loss.

Question 3. What are the significant factors that cause noise pollution?

Answer: The major factors that cause noise pollution are industries, road traffic, construction activity, and poor urban planning.

Question 4. When is International Noise Awareness Day witnessed?

Answer: International Noise Awareness Day is witnessed every year, usually on the last Wednesday of April. This day was marked on April 29 in 2020.

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Noise Pollution

We know that a sound is a form of energy. Sometimes the sound can be soothing to listen to and, at times, loud to hear. Sound can travel in the air and is produced by the vibration of objects. Regular exposure to a higher sound level that impacts humans and other living organisms is known as sound pollution. This article will help us understand what noise pollution is, the types of noise and pollution, and its causes and examples.

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What is Noise Pollution?

The word noise is derived from the Latin word ‘Nausea’, which means sickness in which one feels the need to vomit. Noise is the unpleasant and undesirable sound which leads to discomfort in human beings. The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB) . The faintest sound that the human ear can hear is 1 Db. Due to increasing noise around the civilizations, noise pollution has become a matter of concern. Some of its major causes are vehicles, aircraft, industrial machines, loudspeakers, crackers, etc. When used at high volume, some other appliances also contribute to noise pollution, like television, transistor, radio, etc.

Types of Noise Pollution

Following are the three types of pollution:

  • Transport Noise
  • Neighbourhood Noise
  • Industrial Noise

Noise pollution

It mainly consists of traffic noise which has increased in recent years with the increase in the number of vehicles. The increase in noise pollution leads to deafening of older people, headache, hypertension, etc.

The noise from gadgets, household utensils etc. Some of the main sources are musical instruments, transistors, loudspeakers, etc.

It is the high-intensity sound which is caused by heavy industrial machines. According to many researches, industrial noise pollution damages the hearing ability to around 20%.

Causes and Sources of Noise Pollution

Following are the causes and sources of noise pollution:

  • Industrialisation: Industrialisation has led to an increase in noise pollution as the use of heavy machinery such as generators, mills, huge exhaust fans are used, resulting in the production of unwanted noise.
  • Vehicles: Increased number of vehicles on the roads are the second reason for noise pollution.
  • Events: Weddings, public gatherings involve loudspeakers to play music resulting in the production of unwanted noise in the neighbourhood.
  • Construction sites: Mining, construction of buildings, etc add to the noise pollution.

Noise Pollution Examples

Following are the examples of noise pollution:

  • Unnecessary usage of horns
  • Using loudspeakers either for religious functions or for political purposes
  • Unnecessary usage of fireworks
  • Industrial noise
  • Construction noise
  • Noise from transportation such as railway and aircraft

Effects of Noise Pollution on Human Health

Noise pollution can be hazardous to human health in the following ways:

  • Hypertension: It is a direct result of noise pollution which is caused due to elevated blood levels for a longer duration.
  • Hearing loss: Constant exposure of human ears to loud noise that are beyond the range of sound that human ears can withstand damages the eardrums, resulting in loss of hearing.
  • Sleeping disorders: Lack of sleep might result in fatigue and low energy level throughout the day affecting everyday activities. Noise pollution hampers the sleep cycles leading to irritation and an uncomfortable state of mind.
  • Cardiovascular issues: Heart-related problems such as blood pressure level, stress and cardiovascular diseases might come up in a normal person and a person suffering from any of these diseases might feel a sudden shoot up in the level.

Prevention of Noise Pollution

Some noise pollution preventive measures are provided in the points below.

  • Honking in public places like teaching institutes, hospitals, etc. should be banned.
  • In commercial, hospital, and industrial buildings, adequate soundproof systems should be installed.
  • Musical instruments’ sound should be controlled to desirable limits.
  • Dense tree cover is useful in noise pollution prevention.
  • Explosives should not be used in forest, mountainous and mining areas.

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noise pollution essay for class 3

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How is sound measured, what is sound.

The unpleasant and undesirable sound that leads to discomfort in human beings is noise.

What are the types of noise pollution?

Types of noise pollution are:

State true or false: Mining does not contribute to noise pollution.

What are the various effects of noise pollution on human health, human effect on the environment.

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noise pollution essay for class 3

Nice information for learning about noise pollution

It is good. It really makes the child understand the child very Clearly and the best part is the visuals. And here u can chat with academic counselors for the Clearence of the doubts

Very informative. Kudos to your effort in preparing the content.

ver nice content for project work related to this topic.

good for project information ..

Good for academic purposes

It is good for project work

noise pollution essay for class 3

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Noise pollution.

Noise pollution can cause health problems for people and wildlife, both on land and in the sea. From traffic noise to rock concerts, loud or inescapable sounds can cause hearing loss, stress, and high blood pressure. Noise from ships and human activities in the ocean is harmful to whales and dolphins that depend on echolocation to survive.

Anthropology, Sociology, Biology, Ecology, Conservation

Construction Noise Pollution

A man working with a jackhammer in a construction site. Noise pollution becomes and increasingly larger issue in big cities.

Photograph by Construction Photography/Avalon

A man working with a jackhammer in a construction site. Noise pollution becomes and increasingly larger issue in big cities.

Noise pollution is an invisible danger. It cannot be seen, but it is present nonetheless, both on land and under the sea. Noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms.

Sound is measured in decibels . There are many sounds in the environment, from rustling leaves (20 to 30 decibels ) to a thunderclap (120 decibels ) to the wail of a siren (120 to 140 decibels ). Sounds that reach 85 decibels or higher can harm a person’s ears. Sound sources that exceed this threshold include familiar things, such as power lawn mowers (90 decibels ), subway trains (90 to 115 decibels ), and loud rock concerts (110 to 120 decibels ).

Noise pollution impacts millions of people on a daily basis. The most common health problem it causes is Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). Exposure to loud noise can also cause high blood pressure, heart disease, sleep disturbances, and stress. These health problems can affect all age groups, especially children. Many children who live near noisy airports or streets have been found to suffer from stress and other problems, such as impairments in memory, attention level, and reading skill.

Noise pollution also impacts the health and well-being of wildlife. Studies have shown that loud noises can cause caterpillars' dorsal vessels (the insect equivalent of a heart) to beat faster, and cause bluebirds to have fewer chicks. Animals use sound for a variety of reasons, including to navigate, find food, attract mates, and avoid predators. Noise pollution makes it difficult for them to accomplish these tasks, which affects their ability survive.

Increasing noise is not only affecting animals on land, it is also a growing problem for those that live in the ocean. Ships, oil drills, sonar devices, and seismic tests have made the once tranquil marine environment loud and chaotic. Whales and dolphins are particularly impacted by noise pollution . These marine mammals rely on echolocation to communicate, navigate, feed, and find mates, and excess noise interferes with their ability to effectively echolocate.

Some of the loudest underwater noise comes from naval sonar devices. Sonar , like echolocation , works by sending pulses of sound down into the depths of the ocean to bounce off an object and return an echo to the ship, which indicates a location for object. Sonar sounds can be as loud as 235 decibels and travel hundreds of miles under water, interfering with whales’ ability to use echolocation . Research has shown that sonar can cause mass strandings of whales on beaches and alter the feeding behavior of endangered blue whales ( Balaenoptera musculus ). Environmental groups are urging the U.S. Navy to stop or reduce using sonar for military training.

Seismic surveys also produce loud blasts of sound within the ocean. Ships looking for deep-sea oil or gas deposits tow devices called air guns and shoot pulses of sound down to the ocean floor. The sound blasts can damage the ears of marine animals and cause serious injury. Scientists believe this noise may also be contributing to the altered behavior of whales.

Among those researching the effects of noise pollution is Michel Andre, a bioacoustics researcher in Spain who is recording ocean sounds using instruments called hydrophones . His project, LIDO (Listening to the Deep Ocean Environment), collects data at 22 different locations. Back in the lab, computers identify the sounds of human activities as well as 26 species of whales and dolphins. The analysis aims to determine the effects that underwater noise is having on these animals. Andre hopes his project will find ways to protect marine animals from the dangers of ocean noise.

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