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Food tourism research: a perspective article

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Food (including beverages) tourism refers to “visitation to primary and secondary food producers, food festivals, restaurants and specific locations for which food tasting and/or experiencing the attributes of specialist food production region are the primary motivating factor for travel” (Hall and Sharples, 2003, p. 10). Various terms are interchangeably used to refer to food tourism, including culinary tourism, gourmet tourism and gastronomic tourism (Ellis et al. , 2019; Horng and Tsai, 2012). According to the World Food Travel Association (2019), food tourism offers tourists new tastes, flavors, textures, cultures, heritage, local culinary cultures, customs and authentic food and beverage experiences.

Previous studies on food tourism have addressed its role as an emerging industry (Tsai and Wang, 2017), as a stimulant of the food and agriculture industries (Hall and Gössling, 2016), as a primary motivator for tourists in choosing destinations (Andersson et al. , 2017) and as a sustainable development of destinations (Rinaldi, 2017). However, very few studies offered a holistic view of food tourism research (Baum, 2019; Ellis et al. , 2019; Henderson, 2009; Getz et al. , 2014; Okumus et al. , 2018; Yeoman and McMahon-Beatte, 2016). Given this, the current study provides a critical review of past and current research on food tourism and suggest future research topics and methodologies in this field of inquiry. The next section offers a brief review of past and current research on food tourism. The following section focuses on future food tourism research. The final section offers emerging conclusions and suggestions for future research.

Past perspective: the first 75 years (1946–2020)

The impact of food on tourism was first mentioned in general tourism publications in the 1970s (Brown, 1974). Belisle (1983) then examined the threshold between tourism and local food production. The first studies on food tourism lacked intellectual, conceptual and social structure (Okumus

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  • DOI: 10.1108/tr-11-2019-0450
  • Corpus ID: 219461139

Food tourism research: a perspective article

  • Published 21 May 2020
  • Environmental Science, Business
  • Tourism Review

102 Citations

Emerging themes in food tourism: a systematic literature review and research agenda, food tourism research in india – current trends and future scope, the synergy of food and tourism: a new recipe for regional tourism development, co-creative tourism experiences – a conceptual framework and its application to food & wine tourism, food, glorious food the intersection of food cultures and creative tourism in brunei, a sustainable future for food tourism: promoting the territory through cooking classes, the way we live, the way we travel: generation z and sustainable consumption in food tourism experiences, promoting food tourism through leading local products in padang, indonesia, co-creation of food tourism experiences: tourists’ perspectives of a lisbon food tour, sustainable food as an environmental marker in the food tourism industry, 38 references, what is food tourism, food tourism reviewed, experiential value in branding food tourism, exploring the food tourism landscape and sustainable economic development goals in dhofar governorate, oman, creating tourism experiences combining food and culture: an analysis among italian producers, food waste in tourist households: a perspective article, local food: a source for destination attraction, theoretical turns through tourism taste-scapes: the evolution of food tourism research, food heritagization and sustainable rural tourism destination: the case of china’s yuanjia village, food tourism reviewed using the paradigm funnel approach, related papers.

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100+ Tourism Research Topics: Trends and Future Directions

Tourism Research Topics

Tourism research stands at the crossroads of exploration and understanding, dissecting the intricacies of an industry that transcends geographical boundaries. In this blog, we delve into the realm of tourism research topics, examining their importance, trends, popular areas of study, challenges faced by researchers, and the future directions that the field is poised to take.

Key Trends in Tourism Research

Table of Contents

  • Sustainable Tourism

Sustainable tourism has become a cornerstone of research in recent years, reflecting the global shift towards eco-conscious travel. Researchers are delving into the intricate balance between satisfying the wanderlust of tourists and preserving the environment.

Initiatives such as wildlife conservation, eco-friendly accommodations, and community engagement are key focus areas.

Technology in Tourism

The pervasive influence of technology on tourism cannot be overstated. From online booking platforms to virtual reality experiences, researchers are exploring the impact of technology on travel behavior.

Emerging areas of study include the use of artificial intelligence in personalized travel recommendations and the implications of augmented reality for enhancing tourist attractions.

What is the Importance of Tourism Research for Students?

Tourism research holds significant importance for students pursuing studies in various disciplines, including tourism management, hospitality, business, sociology, and environmental studies. Here are some key reasons why tourism research is valuable for students:

Academic Enrichment

  • Increases Understanding: By conducting study on the tourist business, students may increase their comprehension of the intricate relationships between the economic, social, cultural, and environmental facets of the sector.
  • Application of Theoretical information: This increases the practical relevance of their education by giving them the chance to apply the theoretical information they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations.

Skill Development

  • Research Skills: Gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data are just a few of the vital research skills that come from conducting tourist research. These abilities are adaptable and useful in a range of work environments.
  • Communication abilities: Through research papers, presentations, and conversations, students learn how to effectively express their results, which improves both their writing and spoken communication abilities.

Industry Insights

  • Current Trends and Issues: Research allows students to stay abreast of current trends, challenges, and emerging issues in the tourism industry. This awareness is crucial for adapting to the dynamic nature of the field.
  • In-Depth Knowledge: By delving into specific tourism research topics, students gain in-depth knowledge of particular sectors within the industry, positioning themselves as experts in specialized areas.

Career Opportunities

  • Competitive Advantage: Having experience in tourism research can provide students with a competitive advantage in the job market. Employers value candidates who can bring a research-driven perspective to decision-making.
  • Diverse Career Paths: Whether in academia, policy-making, destination management, or market analysis, a background in tourism research opens doors to a variety of career paths within the broader field of tourism and hospitality.

Contributions to Sustainable Practices

  • Environmental and Social Responsibility: Tourism research often focuses on sustainable practices. Students, through their research, can contribute ideas and solutions for promoting responsible tourism, minimizing negative impacts on the environment and local communities.

Global Perspective

  • Cultural Awareness: Researching diverse tourism topics exposes students to various cultures, traditions, and perspectives. This global perspective is crucial in an industry where interactions with people from different backgrounds are common.

Problem-Solving Skills

  • Analytical Thinking: Research involves analyzing complex issues and developing solutions. This cultivates students’ analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, valuable attributes in any professional setting.

Personal Growth

  • Confidence Building: Successfully conducting research and presenting findings builds students’ confidence in their abilities. It empowers them to tackle challenges and approach tasks with a systematic mindset.

In summary, tourism research is a multifaceted learning experience that goes beyond textbooks, providing students with the skills, knowledge, and perspectives needed for a successful and impactful career in the tourism industry or related fields.

100+ Tourism Research Topics: Category Wise

  • Impact of Technology on Travel
  • Cultural Tourism and Heritage Preservation
  • Dark Tourism: Ethics and Motivations
  • Community-Based Tourism for Socioeconomic Development
  • Wildlife Tourism and Conservation
  • Gastronomic Tourism: Culinary Experiences
  • Adventure Tourism: Risk and Reward
  • Medical Tourism: Trends and Implications
  • Religious Tourism and Pilgrimages
  • LGBTQ+ Tourism: Diversity in Travel
  • Film Tourism: Influence on Destination Choice
  • Cruise Tourism: Environmental Impact
  • Rural Tourism: Exploring Off-the-Beaten-Path
  • Urban Tourism and City Planning
  • Educational Tourism: Learning Journeys
  • Wellness Tourism: Mind and Body Retreats
  • Space Tourism: Future Frontiers
  • Luxury Tourism and Experiential Travel
  • Sports Tourism: Events and Impact
  • Volunteer Tourism: Traveling for a Cause
  • Accessible Tourism: Inclusive Travel
  • Niche Tourism: Unusual Destinations
  • The Psychology of Tourist Behavior
  • Destination Marketing and Branding
  • Over-tourism: Challenges and Solutions
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism
  • Cruise Tourism: Cultural Interactions
  • Heritage Tourism Management
  • Tourism and Globalization
  • Impact of Political Instability on Tourism
  • COVID-19 and Tourism: Recovery Strategies
  • Solo Travel: Trends and Safety Concerns
  • E-Tourism: Online Booking Trends
  • Responsible Tourism Practices
  • Agritourism: Farm and Rural Experiences
  • Wildlife Sanctuaries: Balancing Conservation and Tourism
  • Backpacking Culture: Trends and Challenges
  • Tourism Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Social Media Influencers in Tourism
  • Geotourism: Exploring Geological Wonders
  • Virtual Reality in Tourism Experiences
  • Tourism Policy and Regulation
  • Sustainable Transportation in Tourism
  • Wellness Retreats: Trends and Impacts
  • Coastal and Marine Tourism
  • Historical Tourism and Interpretation
  • Space-Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Tourism
  • Cross-Cultural Communication in Tourism
  • Slow Tourism: Embracing the Journey
  • Geopolitics and Tourism
  • Adventure Sports Tourism: Risk Management
  • Wellness Tourism: The Spa Industry
  • Religious Festivals and Tourism
  • Volunteer Tourism: Cultural Exchange
  • Impacts of Terrorism on Tourism
  • Tourism and Gender Equality
  • Dark Sky Tourism: Stargazing Adventures
  • Social Justice in Tourism
  • Music Tourism: Festivals and Events
  • Cruise Tourism: Port Infrastructure
  • Urban Regeneration through Tourism
  • Wellness Tourism: Mindful Travel
  • Cultural Appropriation in Tourism
  • Sports Mega-Events and Tourism
  • Virtual Tourism: Exploring from Home
  • Tourism Education and Training
  • Destination Resilience to Crises
  • Adventure Tourism: Environmental Stewardship
  • Slow Food Movement and Culinary Tourism
  • Accessible Tourism: Technology Solutions
  • Adventure Tourism: Cultural Immersion
  • Experiential Learning in Tourism
  • Tourism and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Indigenous Tourism: Empowerment and Challenges
  • Film-Induced Tourism: Pop Culture Impact
  • Ephemeral Tourism Events
  • Adventure Tourism: Cultural Sensitivity
  • Slum Tourism: Ethical Considerations
  • Tourism and Water Conservation
  • Space Tourism: Ethical Considerations
  • Rural Tourism: Community Engagement
  • Wellness Tourism: Mind-Body Connection
  • Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Adventure Tourism: Extreme Sports
  • The Role of Festivals in Tourism
  • Cultural Tourism and Social Inclusion
  • Wellness Tourism: Alternative Therapies
  • Tourism and Human Rights
  • Heritage Conservation and Tourism
  • Adventure Tourism: Risk Perception
  • Virtual Reality Museums and Tourism
  • Responsible Wildlife Tourism
  • Tourism and Disaster Management
  • Festivals as Cultural Tourism Attractions
  • Adventure Tourism: Psychological Benefits
  • Wellness Tourism: Eco-Friendly Retreats
  • Tourism and Aging Population
  • Culinary Tourism: Fusion Cuisine
  • Adventure Tourism: Cross-Cultural Interactions

Challenges and Opportunities in Tourism Research

Data collection and analysis.

While technology has streamlined data collection, challenges persist in ensuring data accuracy and relevance. Researchers are exploring advanced methodologies, such as big data analytics and machine learning, to overcome these hurdles and derive meaningful insights.

Globalization and Tourism

The globalization of the tourism industry poses both challenges and opportunities. Researchers are scrutinizing the impact of global trends on local economies, cultural identities, and the environment. Striking a balance between global and local interests is a complex task that requires careful consideration.

Future Directions in Tourism Research

Emerging tourism destinations.

The landscape of tourist destinations is ever-evolving. Researchers are turning their attention to emerging destinations, investigating the factors that contribute to their rise and the implications for the broader tourism industry. 

This includes understanding the appeal of off-the-beaten-path locations and the potential challenges associated with their sudden popularity.

Post-Pandemic Tourism

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the tourism industry in unprecedented ways. Researchers are exploring the long-term effects of the pandemic on travel behavior, destination preferences, and the overall structure of the tourism sector. 

Strategies for recovery and resilience are also under the microscope as the industry adapts to the new normal.

Resources for Tourism Research Topics

  • Academic Journals and Publications: Leading academic journals in tourism research, such as the “Journal of Sustainable Tourism” and the “Annals of Tourism Research,” provide a wealth of knowledge for researchers. These publications cover a wide array of topics, from sustainable practices to cultural tourism.
  • Conferences and Events: Attending conferences and events, such as the “International Conference on Tourism Research” and the “World Tourism Forum,” offers researchers the opportunity to engage with peers, present their work, and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field.
  • Online Databases and Research Platforms: Online databases, including Google Scholar, ResearchGate, and Tourism Management Database , provide access to a vast repository of research articles, theses, and reports. These platforms facilitate collaboration and information exchange among researchers.

In conclusion, the landscape of tourism research topics is vast and dynamic, reflecting the multifaceted nature of the tourism industry. As researchers continue to explore sustainable practices, emerging trends, and the post-pandemic landscape, the importance of their work cannot be overstated. 

By navigating the challenges and embracing the opportunities presented, tourism researchers contribute to a more informed and resilient industry, ensuring that the joy of travel remains accessible for generations to come.

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Environmental Resilience and Sustainable Agri-food System Management

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The world is grappling with severe environmental degradation, making environmental resilience a critical priority. Climate change intensifies this challenge, with rising temperatures, shifting weather patterns, and extreme weather events threatening ecosystems and food security. In the agricultural sector, environmental pollution has worsened recently, contributing to soil degradation, water contamination, and biodiversity loss. Restoring the environment and enhancing agricultural resilience is crucial for sustainable agriculture. Addressing these challenges requires integrating environmental resilience with sustainable practices to create agri-food systems that are economically viable and resilient to climate change. This Research Topic aims to develop economically viable strategies that enhance the resilience of agri-food systems to environmental changes while promoting sustainable resource use and ecological balance. By focusing on effective methods to improve environmental resilience, we seek to create agri-food systems that are both profitable and capable of withstanding the challenges posed by climate change. Ultimately, enhancing environmental resilience is crucial for increasing agricultural sustainability and ensuring a stable food supply in the face of a changing climate. High-quality Original Research and Review articles in this field are all welcome for submission to this Research Topic. Research interests include but are not limited to the following areas: • Enhancing environmental resilience in Agri-food Systems • Policy and innovative mechanisms for resilient and sustainable Agriculture • Ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation in Agri-ecosystems • Policy optimization and innovative mechanism towards a resilient Agri-food System • Climate change mitigation and adaptation in agricultural practices • Sustainable agricultural practices management • Resource management in agricultural practices • Climate risk in Agri-Food production and circulation

Keywords : environmental resilience, climate change, agri-food system, sustainable supply chain, resource management

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, food tourism reviewed.

British Food Journal

ISSN : 0007-070X

Article publication date: 18 April 2009

The purpose of this paper is to review the contribution of food to tourism with particular reference to the importance of food tourism and the factors which are critical to its success, highlighting topics for future research.


Findings are based on analysis of academic and practitioner materials in the public domain collected from a range of print and electronic sources.

Food is the subject of various types of tourism product and is a common theme in marketing, by businesses and destination authorities. Tourism in which food plays a primary or supporting role is already popular and has good prospects, but there are also challenges for the food and tourism industries to overcome, which vary with location.

Practical implications

Opportunities are suggested as well as some of the problems to be resolved by suppliers and marketers if the potential of food tourism is to be fully exploited.


The paper is a reassessment of the significance of food tourism as a product and market and a reminder of possible pitfalls regarding its successful sales and marketing.

  • Food products

Henderson, J.C. (2009), "Food tourism reviewed", British Food Journal , Vol. 111 No. 4, pp. 317-326. https://doi.org/10.1108/00070700910951470

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2009, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the contribution of food to tourism with particular reference to the importance of food tourism and the factors which are critical to its success, highlighting topics for future research. Design/methodology/approach. Findings are based on analysis of academic and practitioner materials in the public domain ...