Doctoral Program

The Ph.D. program is a full time program leading to a Doctoral Degree in Economics.  Students specialize in various fields within Economics by enrolling in field courses and attending field specific lunches and seminars.  Students gain economic breadth by taking additional distribution courses outside of their selected fields of interest.

General requirements

Students  are required to complete 1 quarter of teaching experience. Teaching experience includes teaching assistantships within the Economics department or another department .

University's residency requirement

135 units of full-tuition residency are required for PhD students. After that, a student should have completed all course work and must request Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR) status.

Department degree requirements and student checklist

1. core course requirement.

Required: Core Microeconomics (202-203-204) Core Macroeconomics (210-211-212) Econometrics (270-271-272).  The Business School graduate microeconomics class series may be substituted for the Econ Micro Core.  Students wishing to waive out of any of the first year core, based on previous coverage of at least 90% of the material,  must submit a waiver request to the DGS at least two weeks prior to the start of the quarter.  A separate waiver request must be submitted for each course you are requesting to waive.  The waiver request must include a transcript and a syllabus from the prior course(s) taken.  

2.  Field Requirements

Required:  Two of the Following Fields Chosen as Major Fields (click on link for specific field requirements).  Field sequences must be passed with an overall grade average of B or better.  Individual courses require a letter grade of B- or better to pass unless otherwise noted.

Research fields and field requirements :

  • Behavioral & Experimental
  • Development Economics
  • Econometric Methods with Causal Inference
  • Econometrics
  • Economic History
  • Environmental, Resource and Energy Economics
  • Industrial Organization
  • International Trade & Finance
  • Labor Economics
  • Market Design
  • Microeconomic Theory
  • Macroeconomics
  • Political Economy
  • Public Economics

3.  Distribution

Required:  Four other graduate-level courses must be completed. One of these must be from the area of economic history (unless that field has already been selected above). These courses must be distributed in such a way that at least two fields not selected above are represented.  Distribution courses must be passed with a grade of B or better.

4.  Field Seminars/Workshops

Required:  Three quarters of two different field seminars or six quarters of the same field seminar from the list below.   

310: Macroeconomics
315: Development
325: Economic History
335: Experimental/Behavioral
341: Public/Environmental
345: Labor
355: Industrial Organization
365: International Trade & Finance
370: Econometrics
391: Microeconomic Theory

Ph.D. Program

Make an impact: The intellectual rigor from researchers associated with Yale Economics drives innovations in domestic and international policy.

Graduate school requirements

  • Requirements

Yale's Department of Economics offers a challenging and rigorous academic program, a distinguished and accessible faculty, and a friendly, supportive environment for study.

Our core teaching faculty of 66 is supported by a diverse group of visiting professors and graduate student teaching assistants, making it one of the largest economics departments in the United States with one of the highest teacher/student ratios for the 130 Ph.D. students in residence.

The Department of Economics also has close ties with professional schools in related fields, such as the Yale School of Management, the Yale School of the Environment, and the Yale School of Public Health, where many of its secondary faculty members teach. It also works with affiliated centers, including the Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, the Economic Growth Center, and the newly created Tobin Center for Economic Policy . 

  • The Program
  • Prospective Students
  • Milestones and Timeline
  • Student Resources
  • Student Directory

Our Program

Yale's economics faculty embraces a broad range of research and teaching interests. Courses and seminars span a wide spectrum of economics, from dynamic structural models to field experiments. Our students apply econometric and data analytic methods to a variety of subjects in macroeconomics, labor economics and finance. Our courses examine critical economic policy issues, including antitrust and environmental regulation. Our focus is global, spanning the United States and developed economies to the developing nations of Latin America, Asia and Africa. Whatever your interest, our faculty is ready to guide you through a wide offering of more than a hundred regular courses, seminars or workshops, combined with individually tailored reading and research courses to best prepare you for your Ph.D. research and dissertation.

Our faculty is eclectic in methodologies and views of economics. There is no Yale dogma or school. You will acquire a critical perspective on the full range of approaches to macroeconomics. You will be well trained in neoclassical theory and in the theory of public choice, externalities and market failures. You will master the skills of sophisticated modern econometrics and understand pitfalls in its applications. You will gain respect for the power of contemporary mathematical models and also for history and for the insights of the great economists of the past.  

Yale Economics graduate program

Fields of Study

Important dates.

Aug. 19, Mon. GSAS New Student Orientation week begins.

Aug. 26, Mon. Add/drop period opens, 8:00 am.

Aug. 28, Wed. Fall-term classes begin.

Full calendar

Yale Economics graduate students

Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Ph.D. Program

Welcome to the phd program.

The Georgetown University Economics Ph.D. program is a full-time program designed for students who seek research careers at the forefront of economic science. The Ph.D. program provides an excellent training environment for future scholars. Located in the nation’s capital, it is ideally situated for both students specializing in pure science and those who wish to study policy informed by science.

courses in phd economics

Main Contacts

  • Julius Shapiro serves as the PhD Program Coordinator. Please contact him first with any questions related to the PhD Program.
  • Professor  Toshihiko Mukoyama  serves as Director of Graduate Studies and is responsible for the PhD Program.

Information for Applying to the PhD Program

  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Supplementary Form

Biennial Conference

Recent Placements

Information for Current Students

Current PhDs Students

Razin Lecture and Prize

General Information

  • Directions to the Department
  • Housing Information
  • Current Job Market Candidates
  • Previous Job Market Candidates

Our PhD Students

  • Current PhD Student Profiles

Program Requirements

  • Course of Study
  • Core Courses
  • Field Courses
  • Policies and Procedures

Curriculum and Thesis

In their first and second years, PhD students are required to complete a series of core classes, coursework in their major and minor fields of study, and an advanced research methods course before proceeding to the thesis-writing stage.

Core courses

Students must satisfy the requirements in at least 10 of 12 half-semester first-year core courses (14.384 and 14.385 are considered second-year courses). The requirements can be met by earning a grade of B or better in the class or by passing a waiver exam.

Waiver exams are offered at the start of the semester in which the course is offered and graded on a pass-fail basis. Students who receive a grade of B- or below in a class can consult the course faculty to determine whether to take the waiver exam or re-take the course the following year. These requirements must all be satisfied before the end of the second year.

Course list

  • 14.121: Microeconomic Theory I
  • 14.122: Microeconomic Theory II
  • 14.123: Microeconomic Theory III
  • 14.124: Microeconomic Theory IV
  • 14.380: Statistical Methods in Economics
  • 14.381: Estimation and Inference for Linear Causal and Structural Models
  • 14.382*: Econometrics
  • 14.384*: Time Series Analysis (2nd year course)
  • 14.385*: Nonlinear Econometric Analysis (2nd year course)
  • 14.451: Dynamic Optimization Methods with Applications
  • 14.452: Economic Growth
  • 14.453: Economic Fluctuations
  • 14.454: Economic Crises

*Courses 14.382, 14.384, and 14.385 are each counted as two half-semester courses.

Most students will also take one or more field courses (depending on whether they are waiving core courses) during their first year. Feel free to ask your graduate research officer, field faculty, and advanced students for advice on how you structure your first-year coursework.

Second year students must also successfully complete the two-semester course 14.192: Advanced Research Methods and Communication. The course, which is graded on a pass-fail basis, guides students through the process of writing and presenting the required second-year research paper.

Major field requirement

By the end of year two, PhD students must complete the requirements for two major fields in economics. This entails earning a B or better in two designated courses for each field. Some fields recommend additional coursework or papers for students intending to pursue research in the field.

Major fields must be declared by the Monday following the spring break of your second year. Your graduate registration officer must approve your field selections.

Minor field requirement

PhD students are also required to complete two minor fields, taking two courses in each field and earning a grade of B or better. Your graduate registration officer must approve your field selections.

Minor coursework is normally completed by the end of year two, but in some cases students can defer the completion of one field until after general exams. Students must consult with their graduate registration officer before making a deferment.

Options for minor fields include the eleven economics major fields, plus computation and statistics (from the interdisciplinary PhD in Economics and Statistics).

Students who wish to satisfy one of the minor field requirements by combining two courses from different fields–for example, environmental economics and industrial organization II–can petition the second-year graduate registration officer for permission.

At least one minor field should be from the department’s standard field list.

The fields in which the Department offers specialization and the subjects that will satisfy their designation as a minor field are given in the chart below. Some fields overlap so substantially that both cannot be taken by a student. In any event, the same subject cannot be counted towards more than a single minor field. Students must receive the approval of their Graduate Registration Officer for their designated major and minor fields.

List of fields

Behavioral economics.

  • Development
  • Econometrics
  • Industrial organization
  • International
  • Macroeconomics
  • Organizational
  • Political economy
  • Public finance
  • Computation and statistics (minor only)

Subjects satisfying major and minor requirements

Advanced economic theory.

Major: At least two of 14.125, 14.126, 14.281, and Harvard Ec 2059. Recommended for major: 14.126, 14.281, and at least one of 14.125, 14.127, 14.130, 14.147, and Harvard Ec 2059.

Minor: Any subset adding up to two full semesters from 14.125, 14.126, 14.127, 14.130, 14.137, 14.147, 14.160, 14.281 and Harvard Ec 2059. 

*Effective academic year 2025-26, students may also complete a minor in economic theory by completing all four micro core courses 121-124 plus one of 125, 126, 281

Major and minor: 14.160 and 14.163

Econometrics and Statistics

Major: Any one of 14.386, 14.387, 14.388 in addition to one of 14.384 or 14.385. Recommended for major: 14.384 and 14.385. 

Minor: 14.382 in addition to one of 14.384 or 14.385. 

*Dual PhD in Economics and Statistics has an additional requirement of 14.386.

Economic Development

Major and minor: 14.771 and 14.772 or 14.773

Major: 14.416J and 14.441J

Minor: Any two of 14.416J, 14.440J, 14.441J, 14.442J, 14.448. 

Industrial Organization

Major: 14.271 and 14.272 or 14.273. Recommended for major: 14.271, 14.272, and 14.273.

Minor: 14.271 and 14.272 or 14.273. 

International Economics

Major and minor: 14.581 and 14.582

Labor Economics

Major: 14.661 and 14.662A. 

Minor: Two subjects chosen from 14.193, 14.661, and 14.662

Monetary Economics

Major and minor: Two subjects chosen from 14.461, 14.462, and 14.463

* Effective academic year 2025-26, students may also complete a minor in macroeconomics by completing all four macro core courses 451-454 plus either 461 or 462

Organizational Economics

Major and minor: 14.282 and one of 14.283-284, 14.441J, or an approved substitute

Political Economy

Major and minor: 14.770 and 14.773

Public Economics

Major and minor: 14.471 and 14.472

Minimum class requirement

Effective for students entering the program in 2025 or later, students must complete a total of 13 semester long classes plus 14.192 during their time in the PhD program. Subjects that are waived will not count towards this requirement.  Classes counting towards this requirement include classes in Course 14, classes that count for any major or minor field or interdisciplinary program requirement, and classes approved by the 2nd-year GRO.

General exams

MIT requires doctoral candidates to complete an advanced course of study that includes general exams at its completion. Beginning in 2019-20, the Economics Department will operationalize this requirement to include successful completion of: the core and other required courses; course exams and other requirements of courses in each of a student’s two major and two minor fields; the written research paper and oral presentation components of 14.192. Students may present for the general exams while having one remaining minor field to complete. The faculty will review these components together with the candidate’s overall course record to determine whether students have passed the general exam requirement and can proceed to the thesis writing stage.

Typical course schedule

Math Camp begins on the second Monday in August.

Fall Semester

14.121/14.122 (Micro Theory I/II) 14.451/14.452 (Macro Theory I/II) 14.380/14.381 (Statistical Method in Economics & Applied Econometrics) Field Course (major or minor)

Spring Semester

14.123/14.124 (Micro Theory III/IV) 14.453/14.454 (Macro Theory III/IV) 14.382 (Econometrics) Field Course (major or minor)

2-3 Field Courses 14.192 (Advanced Research and Communication) 14.384  or  14.385 (Advanced Econometrics)

3 Field Courses 14.192 (Advanced Research and Communication)

Years 3 and up

Field workshop Field lunch Thesis writing

Upon satisfying the core and field requirements, PhD candidates embark on original research culminating in a completed dissertation. A PhD thesis normally consists of three research papers of publishable quality. The thesis must be approved by a student’s primary and secondary thesis advisors, and by an anonymous third reader. These three faculty members will be the candidate's thesis committee and are responsible for its acceptance. Collaborative work is acceptable and encouraged, but there must be at least one paper in the dissertation without a co-author who was a faculty member when the research started.

Criteria for satisfactory progress

Third-year students.

  • Meet regularly with their advisor
  • Participate consistently in their primary field advising lunch, their primary field workshop, and the third-year student research lunch
  • Participate in third-year meetings organized by the thesis graduate research officer

Students should present on their research in progress at least once in both the third-year student research lunches and their field advising lunch. Presentations provide opportunities for early and broad feedback on research ideas and the chance to develop oral presentation skills. Research ideas or early stage work in progress is encouraged and expected.

Fourth-year and later students

  • Participate consistently in their primary field advising lunch and their primary field workshop
  • Present at least once per year in their field advising lunch or field workshop. A presentation each semester in the field advising lunch is strongly recommended by most fields; consult your advisors for more information

Satisfactory progress toward a dissertation will be evaluated based on progress assessments by the student’s primary advisor, regular participation in the lunches and workshops, and field lunch or workshop presentations that show continued progress.

Secondary Menu

Ph.d. program.

Through a series of forward-looking initiatives, Duke Economics has transformed itself into a department that focuses on a distinctive intellectual vision of our discipline, a vision that combines methodological rigor with intellectual breadth and diversity — and an insistence on real-world relevance. As a student of our Ph.D. program, you are joining a community of economists that aspires to transform conventional assumptions and venture into areas of inquiry that transcend the traditional boundaries within the field of economics and between disciplines. There are many opportunities for interaction with related disciplines, including environmental economics in conjunction with the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, finance and regulation through the Fuqua School of Business, law and economics through the School of Law, public policy through the Sanford Institute of Public Policy, and statistics through the Statistical Sciences.

We strongly believe our graduate students will go on to become the next generation of intellectual leaders. To that end, most graduate-level classes — with the exception of the core courses — are sufficiently small so that each student gets individual faculty attention, and we offer countless opportunities for interaction with leading scholars from around the world. 

Our Program

two PhD grads

Duke University offers a world-class doctoral program in economics, featuring a vibrant faculty of exceptional scholars and teachers along with superior research facilities. The faculty is dedicated to anchoring all teaching and research firmly in the core disciplines of microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics. The first year of the program lays the critical foundation necessary for later work in field courses and dissertation-level research.

See Requirements

  • Fields of Study

The Department of Economics requires doctoral candidates to acquire certification in one major field and one minor field:

  • Applied Microeconomics
  • Econometrics
  • History of Political Economy
  • Macroeconomics and International Economics
  • Microeconomic Theory

For Prospective Students

For those interested in our program, learn more about our degree, our university, and our community. We'll explain the application process, financial support, and more.

For Current Students

We've compiled resources to assist you while working toward your master's – from requirements and processes, to advising and  EcoTeach services , useful Duke links, and more.

Learn more about the application process, deadlines and other resources for our candidates.

Application Information

  • Location & Directions
  • Our Newsletter
  • EcoTeach Center
  • Standards of Conduct and Values
  • Commencement 2024
  • What Economists Do
  • Career Paths
  • B.S. Concentration in Financial Economics
  • B.A. in Economics
  • Economics Minor
  • Financial Economics Minor
  • Differences between the B.A. and B.S. Degrees
  • Major Declaration & Registration
  • Independent Study
  • Co-Curricular Finance Programs
  • Duke Economic Analytics Laboratory (DEAL)
  • Duke Journal of Economics
  • Economics Student Union
  • Work-Study Jobs, Internships & Funding
  • Commonly Used Forms
  • Tutoring & Support Services
  • Mentors for Majors
  • Instructions, Dates, Resources & Templates
  • Awards & Past Theses
  • 4+1 Program
  • Trinity Ambassadors
  • M.A. Economics
  • M.A. Analytical Political Economy
  • M.S. Economics & Computation
  • Info for Prospective Applicants
  • Resources for Current Students
  • Master's Alumni Advisory Board
  • Master's Program Alumni Spotlights
  • Master's Program News
  • Year-by-Year Overview
  • Advising and Mentoring of Ph.D. Students
  • Application and Admission Information
  • Financial Support
  • Job Market Placements
  • Graduate Life
  • Graduate Mentorship Program
  • Pre-Graduate Fellows Program
  • Year-By-Year Overview
  • Preliminary Exam
  • Job Market Paper
  • Dissertation
  • Modules, Seminars & Workshops
  • Research & Travel Funding
  • Teaching Assistant Resources
  • Student Grievance Process
  • All Courses
  • Core Undergrad Economics Courses
  • Ph.D. Modules, Seminars & Workshops
  • Regular Rank Faculty
  • Secondary Faculty
  • Instructional Faculty
  • Emeritus Faculty
  • PhD Students
  • Doctoral Candidates
  • Development
  • Energy & Environment
  • Industrial Organization
  • International Economics & Trade
  • Labor & Health
  • Macroeconomics & Finance
  • Public & Political Economy
  • Conferences, Jamborees, & Lectures
  • Visitors Program Speakers
  • Working Paper Series
  • Journals & Editorships
  • Featured Publications
  • Selected Faculty Books
  • Center for the History of Political Economy
  • Duke Financial Economics Center
  • About the DEAL
  • DEAL Events
  • Woodman Scholars
  • Woodman Scholar Accomplishments
  • Learning Resources
  • Duke Help Resources
  • For Our Students
  • Assisting Duke Students

About Stanford GSB

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  • Center for Entrepreneurial Studies
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  • Stanford Seed

About the Experience

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  • Communication
  • Life at Stanford GSB
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  • Housing Options
  • International Students

Full-Time Degree Programs

  • Why Stanford MBA
  • Academic Experience
  • Financial Aid
  • Why Stanford MSx
  • Research Fellows Program
  • See All Programs

Non-Degree & Certificate Programs

  • Executive Education
  • Stanford Executive Program
  • Programs for Organizations
  • The Difference
  • Online Programs
  • Stanford LEAD
  • Seed Transformation Program
  • Aspire Program
  • Seed Spark Program
  • Faculty Profiles
  • Academic Areas
  • Awards & Honors
  • Conferences

Faculty Research

  • Publications
  • Working Papers
  • Case Studies

Research Hub

  • Research Labs & Initiatives
  • Business Library
  • Data, Analytics & Research Computing
  • Behavioral Lab

Research Labs

  • Cities, Housing & Society Lab
  • Golub Capital Social Impact Lab

Research Initiatives

  • Corporate Governance Research Initiative
  • Corporations and Society Initiative
  • Policy and Innovation Initiative
  • Rapid Decarbonization Initiative
  • Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative
  • Value Chain Innovation Initiative
  • Venture Capital Initiative
  • Career & Success
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  • Culture & Society
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Welcome, Alumni

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  • Alumni Voices
  • Contact Alumni Relations
  • Upcoming Events

Admission Events & Information Sessions

  • MBA Program
  • MSx Program
  • PhD Program
  • Alumni Events
  • All Other Events
  • Requirements
  • Requirements: Behavioral
  • Requirements: Quantitative
  • Requirements: Macro
  • Requirements: Micro
  • Annual Evaluations
  • Field Examination
  • Research Activities
  • Research Papers
  • Dissertation
  • Oral Examination
  • Current Students
  • Entering Class Profile
  • Education & CV
  • GMAT & GRE
  • International Applicants
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Reapplicants
  • Application Fee Waiver
  • Deadline & Decisions
  • Job Market Candidates
  • Academic Placements
  • Stay in Touch
  • Fields of Study
  • Student Life

Economic Analysis & Policy

Our doctoral program in the field of economic analysis and policy prepares students for research careers in economics. The program offers rigorous training and has several distinct advantages:

Low Student-to-Faculty Ratio

First, enrollment in the program is small. This encourages close faculty-student contact and allows students to become involved in research very early. Students work first as assistants on faculty research projects and, as their interests and skills develop, on their own research. Students often begin their publishing careers before completing their degrees.

Flexible and Innovative Program

Second, the program is flexible and innovative; students can draw on both the school’s and the university’s distinguished faculty. In addition to the faculty in the economics group at Stanford GSB and in the university’s economics department, students have access to faculty in political and behavioral sciences; accounting and finance; mathematics, statistics, and computer science; and many other disciplines.

A Top-Ranked School

Third, the program is part of a top-ranked professional school. This setting allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the actual processes of business decision-making and public policy formulation.

Preparation and Qualifications

Students who enroll in this program have a substantial background in economics and mathematics. They are expected to have, minimally, mathematical skills at the level of one year of advanced calculus and one course each in linear algebra, analysis, probability, optimization, and statistics.

The faculty selects students based on predicted performance in the program. Evidence of substantial background or ability in the use of mathematical reasoning and statistical methods is important. Most successful applicants had quantitative undergraduate majors in economics, mathematics, or related sciences.

In addition to evidence of ability and letters of recommendation, the faculty considers carefully the applicant’s statement of purpose for pursuing the PhD degree. The successful applicant usually has clearly defined career goals that are compatible with those of the program.

Acceptance into the program is extremely competitive. Admitted applicants compare very favorably with students enrolled in the top economics departments of major universities.

Economic Analysis & Policy Faculty

Mohammad akbarpour, claudia allende santa cruz, susan athey, lanier benkard, jeremy i. bulow, modibo khane camara, sebastian di tella, rebecca diamond, yossi feinberg, guido w. imbens, charles i. jones, jonathan levin, michael ostrovsky, garth saloner, yuliy sannikov, kathryn shaw, andrzej skrzypacz, paulo somaini, takuo sugaya, juan carlos suárez serrato, christopher tonetti, shoshana vasserman, ali yurukoglu, weijie zhong, emeriti faculty, alain c. enthoven, robert j. flanagan, david m. kreps, peter c. reiss, john roberts, a. michael spence, robert wilson, recent publications in economic analysis & policy, trading stocks builds financial confidence and compresses the gender gap, drivers of public procurement prices: evidence from pharmaceutical markets, redistributive allocation mechanisms, recent insights by stanford business, a “grumpy economist” weighs in on inflation’s causes — and its cures, if/then: why research matters, at what point do we decide ai’s risks outweigh its promise, placement director.

courses in phd economics

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Columbia | Economics

Ph.D. in Economics

The Ph.D. program in the Department of Economics at Columbia University trains students to do cutting edge research in economics.  Students in our program do research in all major areas of economics including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, international economics, labor economics, public finance, industrial organization, development economics, and urban economics.  Our department provides strong training both in theoretical economics and in applied and empirical economics.  The Ph.D. program is primarily designed for students that are interested in pursuing a career in teaching and research within academia but is also useful for student interested in certain positions within governments, research organizations, or private businesses.

The first two years of our Ph.D. program is largely devoted to rigorous coursework. After the second year, however, students devote most of their time to their own research under the supervision of faculty advisors. Students in our program generally complete their Ph.D. in 5 or 6 years.

Admission to the Ph.D. program is highly selective.  We receive approximately 1,000 applications each year for an incoming class of roughly 25 students.  We place a high value on attracting the very best minds, and recruiting members of groups who will both enhance the diversity of research in the field and contribute to the diversity of the university’s academic and professional community.

The Ph.D. program has a long and illustrious history.  Alumni of the program include some of the most distinguished economists of the last century – including Nobel Prize winners Kenneth J. Arrow, Milton Friedman, Simon Smith Kuznets, and William S. Vickrey.

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  • 6th Year Students (2019)
  • Bridge to the Ph.D. Program

courses in phd economics

1022 International Affairs Building (IAB)

Mail Code 3308

420 West 118th Street

New York, NY 10027

Department of Economics

grad students at a seminar

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The rigorous PhD economics program at Johns Hopkins is among the best in the nation. With its world-class faculty, individualized attention, and small classes, the doctoral program is the centerpiece of the Department of Economics. From financial analysis to applied research, students are well-prepared to be leaders in the field.

The department is dedicated to maintaining strong research and teaching cores in applied microeconomics, economic theory, macroeconomics, and econometrics. Faculty members are experts in their fields, and they are actively involved in thesis supervision and research seminars . The unique Hopkins difference is the direct interaction and one-on-one attention students receive from faculty. Such attention opens the door to myriad opportunities for students to conduct groundbreaking research, apply complex economic theories, and make educated financial analyses and predictions.

Student Life

Graduate students enjoy a diverse social life outside of the department’s rigorous curriculum and their individual research interests. Faculty and students – from both inside and outside the department – have ample opportunities to spend time together socializing and discussing their studies. 

In addition to frequent student-planned happy hours, social outings, and local events, the Department of Economics and the JHU Graduate Representative Organization host many functions throughout the year.

  • At the beginning of the fall semester, the Department of Economics hosts a welcome dinner and party to encourage new students to meet their peers, older students, and faculty.
  • The department throws an annual holiday party immediately following completion of the first term, as well as an end-of-year barbecue to celebrate the completion of the spring semester.
  • JHU sponsored coffee “happy hours” offer graduate students opportunities to meet people from outside their department.
  • Intramural sports are popular among graduate students at Hopkins, and the economics department often forms teams that compete against other departments.

Students and faculty members often know each other by name before taking classes together, and first-year students enjoy straightforward access to faculty members and their more experienced peers. This collegial atmosphere makes for an easy transition into graduate life and comfortable communication once research begins in earnest.

Economics across JHU Schools

Carey business school.

The Johns Hopkins Carey Business School is the graduate business school of Johns Hopkins University and offers full-time and part-time programs leading to the Master of Business Administration and Master of Science degrees.  The School has a number of distinguished economists who interact with the faculty and graduate students in the Department of Economics.

School of Advanced International Studies

The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies is a graduate school of Johns Hopkins University based in Washington, D.C., United States, with campuses in Bologna, Italy, and Nanjing, China. It is consistently ranked one of the top graduate schools for international relations in the world.  The economists at the school interact with the faculty and graduate students in the Department of Economics.

Advanced Academic Programs Applied Economics

The Johns Hopkins Division of Advanced Academic Programs is a  division of the Krieger School of Arts and Sciences in Washington DC which offers high-level graduate-level education in Applied Economics, with a variety of Masters Degrees designed to build on the intellectual strength and educational requirements of professional adults.

UCLA Economics

About the Ph.D. Program

APP 2016 presentations.

The Ph.D. Program in Economics at UCLA prepares students for careers as economists in academia, business and government. The program combines rigorous work in economic theory and careful study of real-world problems and institutions. Graduates from this program work at major universities around the world, national and international government agencies, banks, research centers and in private businesses. Some of our graduates have achieved great prominence, such as William Sharpe , who earned both his B.A. and Ph.D. degrees at UCLA, and was co-recipient of the 1990 Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on the capital asset pricing model.

The department includes internationally recognized scholars in economic theory, econometrics, and all the major applied fields. These outstanding scholars form one of the foremost departments of economics in the world.

The Economics Department is situated within one of the world’s most youthful and vibrant universities. Founded in 1919, UCLA first developed into a major university in the 1950’s. After so short a history, the university was ranked second in the United States among public research universities by the Conference Board of Associated Research Councils in 1982. Thirty-one of its Ph.D. programs are currently ranked in the top 20 in their field–third best in the nation.

The Ph.D. is the degree objective of the graduate program. This degree is awarded to students who demonstrate professional competence by passing written qualifying exams and by completing a major piece of individual research (the Ph.D. dissertation).

Preparation for the qualifying exams through coursework and independent study occupies most student time for the first two years. Thereafter the focus shifts to independent research and finally to the writing of a Ph.D. dissertation. Research in progress by our graduate students as well as our faculty is presented at workshops that meet weekly throughout the academic year. Currently, the Dept. has workshops in Theory and Mathematical Economics, International and Development Economics, Labor and Population Economics, Business Organization and Regulation Economics, Economic History, Econometrics, and Monetary Theory. In addition, many graduate students work as research or teaching assistants for faculty members. The normal time to degree is six years.

This degree program classifies as STEM (CIP Code 45.0603: Econometrics and Quantitative Economics).

UCLA Economics

UCLA Department of Economics

8283 Bunche Hall Mail Stop: 147703 Los Angeles, CA 90095

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UC Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics Logo

  • Programs Overview
  • Joint Finance PhD Program

PhD Graduates 2024

Joe Sterbenc

John List Convocation 2024

The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics is one of the world's foremost economics departments, and its faculty are renowned for their seminal contributions to the field, achievements recognized with numerous Nobel Prizes, Clark Medals, and other distinctions. Students admitted to doctoral studies research, interact daily with the faculty, as well as fellow graduate students, and pursue their own interests, thus furthering their own scholarship and research, ultimately continuing to shape the discipline itself.

The Department of Economics receives 600-700 applications for an entering class of 20-25 students per year. The number of well-qualified applicants exceeds the number of offers we can make. Nevertheless, we still strongly encourage those interested in graduate economic study to apply.


Sofia Shchukina, Department PhD Student, Awarded Funding through UChicago GRAD PhD Advance Program

Sofia Shchukina Awarded Funding through UChicagoGRAD Program

Sofia Shchukina, a PhD student in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, was awarded funding for the 2023-24 academic year as part of UChicagoGRAD's PhD Advance internship program for her work with NPR's Planet Money.

The PhD Advance program supports students in building new skills and applying their advanced-degree training in an area of professional interest in academia, industry, nonprofits, or government. The internships are student driven and engage students’ academic work. With coaching from UChicagoGRAD, PhD students create their own projects based on their specific interests and needs. They receive a $6,000 stipend for an internship lasting 300 hours.     The PhD Advance program prioritizes applicants who design customized, project-based internships. Project-based internships are those that engage the intern in a coherent set of responsibilities that progressively build toward a specific deliverable or outcome. Internships involving unrelated, ad-hoc tasks are not considered project-based opportunities. The program also gives preference to internship projects at organizations at which the applicant has no previous affiliation.

For more information about the program and to apply, visit .

Welcome incoming Ph.D. students! (alphabetical listing):  Hazal Basaran; Connor Brennan; Joseph Campbell; Seamus Duffy; Sebastian Freed Huici; Alfonso Gauna; Javiera Gazmuri; Ariel Goldszmidt; Maria Del Mar Gomez Ortiz; Jiesheng Hong; Reigner Kane; Hanvit Kim; Philipp Kropp; Neel Lahiri; Yier Ling; Ayman Moazzam; Matthew Neils; Kyunghee Oh; Laura Pittalis; Jose Rishmawi; Amy Smaldone; Marco Spinelli; Rathan Sudheer; Shengning Zhang

Congratulations 2023-2024 Ph.D. Graduates! 2023-2024 PhD graduates (alphabetical listing): Scott Behmer • Maria Ignacia Cuevas de Saint • Santiago Franco • Zhiyu Fu • Michael Galperin • Shanon Hsu-Ming Hsu   •   Elena Istomina • Ihsan Furkan   Kilic • Nadav Kunievsky • Marco Loseto • Nadia Lucas • Sangmin Oh • Aleksei Oskolkov • Estéfano Rubio • Francesco Ruggieri • Sidharth Sah • Marcos Gabriel Sorá  • Michael Varley


Postdoctoral Program The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics is proud to announce its first year (2023-24) of having a postdoctoral program! 

Selected postdoctoral scholars in the program for 2023-24 are Harshil Sahai (PhD '23) and Esperanza Johnson Urrutia (PhD '23).  Postdoctoral scholars in the program for 2024-25 are Elena Istomina and Shanon Hsuan-Ming Hsu.

STEM Eligibility The PhD program is STEM eligible for international students.

Divisional Graduate Resources

Find divisional Graduate Resources here.

The Economics PhD Program is administered by: Kathryn Falzareno Graduate Student Affairs Administrator SHFE 510 Phone: 773-702-3026 Email: [email protected]

PhD Admissions Application

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Tepper School of Business

Tepper School

Ph.D. Program in Economics

Graduates have exceptional research training in economic theory and the quantitative tools required for innovative research on complex economic problems..

The purpose of the Ph.D. program in Economics is to educate scientists who will advance the frontiers of economic knowledge through research and teaching.

The program is designed to provide students with sound training in economic theory, and the quantitative tools required for innovative research on economic problems. Equally important, the program is structured to allow students both time and guidance for research activities.

The goal of the doctoral program in economics is to help students learn to do original, creative research. Unlike most graduate programs in economics, we have chosen not to impose rigid course requirements on students. Instead, we emphasize involving students in research early in their graduate careers. Students in the doctoral program in economics at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon take courses in order to learn the fundamental principles of economic theory underlying all areas of application, and to master the analytic and modeling techniques of the practicing research economist. In-depth knowledge of specialized areas is required as a by-product of research activity.

At the completion of the Ph.D. program in economics at the Tepper School, a student should have mastered the fundamental principles of economic theory and the quantitative tools required for basic and applied research. Additionally, the student should have attained a level of skill in research techniques which will serve as the basis for continued self-development.

  • Students are expected to obtain knowledge of substantive research areas by taking elective courses, attending and participating in seminars, working with the faculty, and reading research papers.
  • Students are urged to actively involve themselves in the intellectual life of the school.
  • Seminars are a fundamental mechanism for exchange of information throughout the profession, and they are an essential professional activity of a successful research economist.
  • Students should plan to attend weekly seminars throughout their stay at the business school.

Research Topics

  • Real Business Cycles
  • Expectations and Indeterminacy of Monetary Equilibrian Experimental Economies
  • Consistent Incentive Mechanism (Contract) Design
  • Corporate Financial Policy Under Asymmetric Information
  • Bargaining Foundations of Product Innovation
  • Variation in Wages and Hours of Work Over the Business Cycle
  • Individual Adjustment to Changing Labor Markets
  • The Distribution of Income Within and Across Households
  • The Results of Deregulation
  • Macroeconomic Policy
  • International Trade Policy
  • Female Labor Supply and Fertility
  • The Economics Behind Marketing "New and Improving" Products
  • Risk Analysis and Management
  • Estimation and Inference for Dynamic Economic Models
  • The Duration of Interorganizational Relationships
  • The Endogeneity of Appropriability and R&D Investment

P lease visit our Ph.D. Student Profiles page t o view the profiles of our current doctoral candidates.

Program details.

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  • Building The Intelligent Future: Strategic Plan 2024-2030
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  • Statement of Assurance
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  • Tepper Gear Store
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  • Administration

Graduate Program

The Ph.D. Program in the Department of Economics at Harvard is addressed to students of high promise who wish to prepare themselves in teaching and research in academia or for responsible positions in government, research organizations, or business enterprises. Students are expected to devote themselves full-time to their programs of study.

The program prepares students for productive and stimulating careers as economists. Courses and seminars offered by the department foster an intellectually active and stimulating environment. Each week, the department sponsors more than 15 different seminars on such topics as environmental economics, economic growth and development, monetary and fiscal policy, international economics, industrial organization, law and economics, behavioral economics, labor economics, and economic history. Top scholars from both domestic and international communities are often invited speakers at the seminars. 

Undergraduate Program

The Economics Department has roughly 200-250 concentrators per class. One appeal of the department is that it can accommodate students with a wide range of interests: Economics is a way of thinking, and students can apply this way of thinking to nearly any aspect of the world.

The Economics Department requires all students to take courses in introductory and intermediate economic theory in order to have a strong grasp on fundamental economic principles. These key principles rely on mathematical models; thus, all concentrators are required to have a basic preparation in calculus. The Department also requires concentrators to gain the necessary statistical skills to use data from the real world to test economic theories. Putting all of these skills together, the Department’s required Sophomore Tutorial helps students apply their knowledge of economic theory, mathematics, and statistics in a course on learning how to read and understand economics research and how to carry out research of their own. The remainder of the course requirements for an undergraduate degree in economics serves to expose students to various applications of economics tools and theories. Concentrators also have the option to pursue honors in economics, either with or without a thesis.

  • Message from the Chair
  • Harvard Business School →
  • Doctoral Programs →
  • PhD Programs
  • Accounting & Management

Business Economics

  • Health Policy (Management)
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Technology & Operations Management
  • Program Requirements

Curriculum & Coursework

Research dissertation, areas of specialization.

  • Behavioral Economics
  • Development
  • Econometrics
  • Economic History
  • Economic Theory
  • Economics of Organization
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Industrial Organization
  • International Economics
  • Labor Economics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Political Economy
  • Public Economics
  • Organizational Economics

courses in phd economics

Fanele Mashwama

courses in phd economics

Sagar Saxena

“ HBS is the ideal environment because I get to think about the world like an economist, but I have the freedom and resources to draw on methods from other disciplines as I study market design and industrial organization. ”

courses in phd economics

Current Harvard Economics Faculty

  • Pol Antràs
  • Robert Barro
  • Emily Breza
  • John Y. Campbell
  • Raj Chetty
  • Gabriel Chodorow-Reich
  • Richard Cooper
  • David M. Cutler
  • Melissa Dell
  • Karen Dynan
  • Benjamin Enke
  • Richard B. Freeman
  • Benjamin M. Friedman
  • Roland G. Fryer, Jr.
  • Xavier Gabaix
  • Edward Glaeser
  • Claudia Goldin
  • Benjamin Golub
  • Gita Gopinath
  • Oliver Hart
  • Elhanan Helpman
  • Dale Jorgenson
  • Myrto Kalouptsidi
  • Maximilian Kasy
  • Lawrence Katz
  • Gabriel Kreindler
  • David Laibson
  • Robin S. Lee
  • N. Gregory Mankiw
  • Stephen Marglin
  • Eric S. Maskin
  • Marc Melitz
  • Jeffrey Miron
  • Ariel Pakes
  • Amanda Pallais
  • Matthew Rabin
  • Gautam Rao
  • Kenneth Rogoff
  • Amartya Sen
  • Neil Shephard
  • Andrei Shleifer
  • Stefanie Stantcheva
  • Jeremy Stein
  • James Stock
  • Ludwig Straub
  • Tomasz Strzalecki
  • Lawrence H. Summers
  • Elie Tamer
  • Winnie Van Dijk
  • David Yang

Current HBS Faculty

  • Laura Alfaro
  • Samuel B. Antill
  • Brian K. Baik
  • Malcolm P. Baker
  • John Beshears
  • Alberto F. Cavallo
  • Wilbur X. Chen
  • Katherine B. Coffman
  • Lauren H. Cohen
  • Shawn A. Cole
  • Joshua D. Coval
  • Mihir A. Desai
  • Mark L. Egan
  • Benjamin C. Esty
  • C. Fritz Foley
  • Stuart C. Gilson
  • Paul A. Gompers
  • Jerry R. Green
  • Shane M. Greenstein
  • Robin Greenwood
  • Brian J. Hall
  • Samuel G. Hanson
  • Victoria Ivashina
  • Ebehi Iyoha
  • Robert S. Kaplan
  • William R. Kerr
  • Tarun Khanna
  • Raymond P. Kluender
  • Jacqueline Ng Lane
  • Josh Lerner
  • Edward McFowland III
  • David A. Moss
  • Joseph Pacelli
  • Matthew Rabin
  • Sophus A. Reinert
  • Forest L. Reinhardt
  • Meg Rithmire
  • Clayton S. Rose
  • Benjamin N. Roth
  • Raffaella Sadun
  • David S. Scharfstein
  • Joshua R. Schwartzstein
  • Arthur I Segel
  • Emil N. Siriwardane
  • Adi Sunderam
  • Boris Vallee
  • Luis M. Viceira
  • Matthew C. Weinzierl
  • Dennis A. Yao

Current Business Economics Students

  • Maxim Alekseev
  • Sage Belz
  • Fiona Chen
  • Cameron Cohen
  • Jorge Colmenares
  • Terry Culpepper
  • Songyuan Ding
  • Jo Ellery
  • Simon Essig Aberg
  • Toren Fronsdal
  • Jacob Furst
  • Jeffrey Gortmaker
  • Shlok Goyal
  • Helene Hall
  • Ruru (Juan Ru) Hoong
  • Catherine Huang
  • Baiyun Jing
  • Nathan Kaplan
  • Justin Katz
  • Lev Klarnet
  • Shira Li
  • Alex Magnuson
  • Fanele Mashwama
  • Marcela Mello
  • Laura Nicolae
  • Lauren Rice
  • Maya Roy
  • Dominic Russel
  • Claire Shi
  • Wilbur Townsend
  • Jennifer Walsh
  • Andi Wang
  • Alex Wu
  • Jeffrey Yang
  • Jennifer Zou

Current HBS Faculty & Students by Interest

Recent placement, martin aragoneses, 2024, angela ma, 2024, john conlon, 2023, erica moszkowski, 2023, ran zhuo, 2023, matthew lilley, 2022, david zhang, 2022, karen shen, 2021, ravi jagadeesan, 2020, vitaly bord, 2019, weiling liu, 2019, michael blank, 2024, kunal sangani, 2024, spencer yongwook kwon, 2023, daniel ramos, 2023, francesca bastianello, 2022, frank pinter, 2022, andreas schaab, 2021, edoardo maria acabbi, 2020, michael thaler, 2020, oren danieli, 2019, janelle schlossberger, 2019, jiafeng (kevin) chen, 2024, hanbin yang, 2024, robert minton, 2023, sagar saxena, 2023, talia b. gillis, 2022, ron yang, 2022, gregor schubert, 2021, xiang ding, 2020, christopher anderson, 2019, yizhou jin, 2019.

PhD Courses

Grs ec701 microeconomic theory.

Prereq: GRS EC705 and consent of instructor. Primarily for PhD students. Neo-classical general equilibrium theory. Topics covered include consumption, production, existence of competitive equilibrium, fundamental welfare theorems, externalities, and uncertainty.

GRS EC702 Macroeconomic Theory

Prereq: GRS EC701 and consent of instructor. Primarily for PhD students. Basic Keynesian model: consumption, investment, and money demand functions. Extension to the open economy. Determinants of money supply. Effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy. Inflation and income policy. Elementary growth models.

GRS EC703 Advanced Microeconomic Theory I

Prereq: 701, 705 or equivalent. Walrasian equilibrium: existence, uniqueness and core equivalence. Uncertainty: Arrow Debreu contingent commodities, Radner equilibrium, incomplete markets. Economics of information: rational expectations, adverse selection, signaling and screening. The principal-agent problem.

GRS EC704 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory

Prereq: GRS EC702 and consent of instructor. Primarily for PhD students. Consumption theory and evidence, investment theory and evidence, monetary theory, microfoundations of macrosystems, theory of rational expectations, models of fiscal and monetary macroeconomic policy, and employment theory and policy.

GRS EC705 Introduction to Mathematical Economics

Prereq: consent of instructor. Linear algebra, differential calculus of functions of several variables, elementary real analysis, constrained maximization, and dynamics.

GRS EC707 Advanced Statistics for Economists

Prereq: GRS EC705 or consent of instructor. Application of statistical tools, covering properties of estimators, covariance matrix and correlation, analysis of variance, hypothesis testing, likelihood functions, and likelihood ratio tests. Intended as preparation for GRS EC708.

GRS EC708 Advanced Econometrics I

Prereq: GRS EC705 and EC707. Basic course of econometric theory for MAPE/PhD students. Covers the theory and applications of the LS and ML estimators of the linear single equations models. OLS, GLS, and Gauss-Markov theorem, autocorrelation, heteroscedesticity, nonlinear estimators, distributed lags, errors in variables, instrumental variable estimators, choice models. Introduction to simultaneous equation models.

GRS EC709 Advanced Econometrics II

Prereq: GRS EC708 or consent of instructor. Advanced course for second-year PhD students who have a solid knowledge of basic econometric methods. Covers estimation and simulation of simultaneous equation models and some selected topics in multivariate analysis.

GRS EC711 Advanced Topics in Econometrics

Prereq: GRS EC709 and consent of instructor. Discusses, in abstract fashion, approaches to estimation and inference that are most often used in econometrics, including maximum likelihood and method of moments; recent developments in econometrics that allow one to overcome some of the shortcomings in using the standard approaches to estimation. Main emphasis on cross-sectional applications with some mention of time series applications and further discussions of specification analysis and testing.

GRS EC712 Time Series Econometrics

Prereq: GRS EC708 or consent of instructor. The course first presents the standard theory of stationary stochastic processes: models, estimation in the time and frequency domain, spectral analysis, asymptotic distribution, Kalman filter; VAR models. The second part deals with nonstationary processes (i.e., unit roots) and discusses such topics as functional central limit theorem, asymptotic results with unit roots, tests for unit roots, estimation and tests in cointegrated systems, models with structural changes.

GRS EC716 Game Theory

Prereq: GRS EC705 or a course in real analysis. Introduction to noncooperative and cooperative games with applications in the social sciences.

GRS EC717 Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory I

Prereq: consent of instructor. Topics in advanced microeconomic theory to be selected by course instructors. Critical analysis of key papers in the literature.

GRS EC718 Advanced Topics in Microeconomic Theory II

Prereq: GRS EC703 or consent of instructor. Topics in advanced microeconomic theory to be selected by course instructors. Critical analysis of key papers in the literature.

GRS EC721 Topics in Development Economics

Prereq: GRS EC701, EC702, EC703 and EC704 or consent of instructor. Examines the economic development of nations from the perspectives of their relationship with the global economy, to identify issues that are central to economic development in the world economy, and to provide analytical methods for analyzing these issues and formulating policy. Evidence on these issues from Africa, Asia, and Latin America are examined. Some topics to be covered: the role of international trade in economic growth; trade between developed and developing countries; public and private foreign capital; research and development and technology transfer; exchange rate regimes and capital flight.

GRS EC722 Topics in Economic Development II

Prereq: 701, 703, 708 or equivalents. This course covers a range of topics on failures of markets and governance in developing countries. Recent research papers including both theoretical and empirical analysis are discussed, including class presentations by students. Topics include credit and insurance market imperfections; implications for investment, inequality and growth; social networks and social learning. Models of political economy and government accountability, with applications to land reform, decentralization, education, tax policy, and role of the media.

GRS EC731 Market Organization and Public Policy

Prereq: GRS EC701 or EC703. Analytical foundations of public policy toward market organization. Theoretical emphasis on imperfect competition, theory of the firm, and markets with incomplete information. Implications for policy in developed and less-developed countries.

GRS EC732 Topics in Industrial Organization

Prereq: consent of instructor. Topics vary from year to year and may include the economics of contracting and the firm, the economics of regulation, and dynamic models of oligopoly.

GRS EC741 Topics in Macroeconomics and Monetary Theory

Prereq: GRS EC701, EC702, or consent of instructor. Alternative views of demand and supply of money and financial assets. Analytical theories of monetary policy. Problems in the exercise of monetary policy.

GRS EC742 Applied Macroeconomics

Prereq: GRS EC704, EC708, and consent of instructor. Empirical specification of macroeconomic functions including measuring variables, lag structures, and functional forms; estimation and simulation of multiple equation macro models; and use of models for optimal policy design and positive policy prognosis.

GRS EC744 Economic Dynamics

Prereq: consent of instructor. Introduces the theory and application of dynamic optimization and equillibrium analysis, with emphasis on computational methods and techniques. Covers discrete and continuous time models in both deterministic and stochastic environments.

GRS EC745 Macroeconomics and Financial Markets

Prereq: consent of instructor. The course covers recent developments in utility-based asset pricing theory with applications to stocks, bonds and currencies. It integrates macroeconomic and financial theories and their empirical evaluations, focusing on tests and consequences of asset returns’ predictability.

GRS EC751 Topics in Labor Economics I

Prereq: consent of instructor. A survey course which combines an examination of all the major fields in labor market analysis with a comprehensive treatment of methodological topics. Designed to provide the tools necessary to begin a thesis in the field. Topics covered in depth include unemployment, wage setting models, human capital models, and labor motility.

GRS EC752 Topics in Labor Economics II

Prereq: GRS EC701 and consent of instructor. Considers models which explain the origins and persistence of differences in incomes between individuals, groups, and regions. Draws on literatures in applied microeconomic theory, labor economics, development economics, public finance, and social choice theory. Discusses topics at the juncture of economics and sociology which bear on the theme of inequality.

GRS EC761 Public Finance

Prereq: GRS EC701 or consent of instructor. The theory of excess burden; optimal taxation; static, dynamic, and interregional tax incidence; public goods; externalities; corporate taxation; dynamic fiscal policy; and cost-benefit analysis. Extensive use of calculus.

GRS EC762 Topics in Applied Public Finance

Prereq: GRS EC701 and EC702, or consent of instructor. Theory and practice of benefit-cost analysis and other similar techniques for evaluating investment projects. Emphasis on sources of divergence between public and private investment decisions through the estimation of shadow prices in a context of market distortions and disequilibrium. Case studies applying theoretical approach.

GRS EC764 Topics in Economic History

Grs ec781 health economics i.

Prereq: GRS EC701 or consent of instructors. Advanced concepts of health economics, covering classic problems of uncertainty, moral hazard, adverse selection, and agency problems. US and foreign settings considered The primary focus is on understanding the implications of incentives on individual agents without worrying about market interactions.

GRS EC782 Health Economics II

Prereq: GRS EC701 and EC708 or consent of instructor. Advanced concepts of health economics, emphasizing the market interactions and diverse institutions. Developed and developing country experience is examined. Households, individuals, providers and insurers are all considered from both theoretical and empirical perspective.

GRS EC791 International Trade

Prereq: GRS EC701 and consent of instructor. Pure theory of international trade. Analysis of various models that determine comparative advantage. Welfare effects of trade. Emphasis is placed on the use of formal models to analyze tariffs, quotas, and subsidies. Analysis of trade under various competitive frameworks.

GRS EC792 International Finance

Prereq: GRS EC791 or consent of instructor. Extension of important topics introduced in GRS EC791; gains from trade and balance-of-payment adjustment under various conditions of market imperfection; effective production analysis; monetary approach to the balance-of-payment; theorems in the pure theory of trade.

GRS EC794 Financial Econometrics

Prereq: doctoral standing. For PhD students working in the area of econometrics, finance, and applied macroeconomics. Topics include prediction of asset returns, financial volatility, asset allocation, value at risk, and high frequency data analysis.

Graduate Workshops for MAPE/PhD Candidates

Grs ec901-902 dissertation workshop in macro and monetary economics.

Prereq: completion of PhD qualifying examinations. Presentation and discussion of dissertation topics and work in progress.

GRS EC903-904 Dissertation Workshop in Applied Microeconomics

Grs ec905-906 dissertation workshop in economic theory.

Directed study courses are to be arranged with individual faculty members at the time of registration. The Graduate Academic Administrator should be notified of such arrangements, including the course credit agreement, which varies.

Odd-numbered courses are offered in the fall and the first summer session. Even-numbered courses are offered in the spring and the second summer session.

GRS EC905/906 Directed Study in Economic Theory GRS EC911/912 Directed Study in Statistics and Econometrics GRS EC915/916 Directed Study in Economic Planning GRS EC921/922 Directed Study in Economic Development GRS EC931/932 Directed Study in Rural and Agricultural Development GRS EC935/936 Directed Study in the Economics of Public Enterprise GRS EC941/942 Directed Study in Money and Finance GRS EC943/944 Directed Study in Macro/Money GRS EC951/952 Directed Study in International Economics GRS EC961/962 Directed Study in Economic History GRS EC963/964 Directed Study in History of Economic Thought GRS EC965/966 Directed Study in Public Finance GRS EC971/972 Directed Study in Labor and Manpower Economics GRS EC979/980 Directed Study in Urban and Regional Economics GRS EC989/990 Directed Study in Health Economics GRS EC991/992 Directed Study in Comparative Economic Systems GRS EC995/996 Directed Study in Industrial Organization

Course Preparation for Required Examinations

The following courses are recommended as preparation for the PhD qualifying exams:  EC701, EC702, EC703, and EC704.

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courses in phd economics

Preparing for a PhD in Economics

The minimum requirements of the Economics undergraduate major are not designed to be training for doctoral economics programs. Students who plan to continue their education should take more quantitative courses than the minimum required for the major. Preparation should start early in your undergraduate education. In addition to the information below, we recommend visiting the Career Center and the Career Library for additional graduate school planning resources.

Students who plan on going on to graduate school should participate in research as an undergraduate, and plan on writing an honors thesis during their senior year. NOTE: For students who completed P/NP courses in 2020-2021, we recommend reviewing this statement from the Council of Deans which reaffirms UC Berkeley's Graduate Division committment to a holistic review.

Course recommendations

  • Math 53 and Math 54 (multivariable calculus and linear algebra)
  • Economics 101A-B, the quantitative theory sequence
  • Economics 141, the more quantitative econometrics course
  • Additional math and statistics courses (linear algebra, real analysis, probability, etc.)
  • Additional economics courses that emphasize theory and quantitative methods, such as Economics 103, 104, and 142.

Upper-division math and statistics courses for those who are adequately prepared (in order of importance)

  • Math 110, Linear Algebra
  • Math 104, Introduction to Analysis
  • Stat 134, Concepts of Probability
  • Stat 150, Stochastic Processes
  • Math 105, Second Course of Analysis
  • Math 170, Mathematical Methods of Optimization
  • Stat 102/Stat 135, Linear modeling Theory and Applications
  • Stat 151A, Statistical Inference
  • Math 185, Introduction to Complex Analysis

Graduate math and statistics courses for those who are adequately prepared (in order of importance)

  • Math 202A/202B, Introduction to Topology
  • Stat 200A/200B,Introduciton to Probability and Statistics at an Advanced Level; graduate version of 101/102 sequence, not much more difficult, but harder than 134/135
  • Stat 205A/205B,Probability Theory; graduate probability, much higher level than 200A/200B

Please note: This is just a recommendation; not all courses are required. Admissions requirements vary by university and by program. Students interested in pursuing graduate school should begin gathering information from prospective programs as early as possible.

Post-Baccalaureate Research Opportunities

Pursuing research after completing an undegraduate degree is a great option for students who would like to gain more experience prior to graduate school. Post-baccalaureate research opportunities can be found through the  National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)  and PREDOC: Pathways to Research and Doctoral Careers . For research opportunities outside of the NBER,  click here  and  follow @econ_ra  on Twitter.

Graduate School Preparation Additional Resources  (Considerations for prospective graduate students in Economics)  (Alphabetical list of U.S Graduate Programs in Economics)  (Conferences, events and fellowships through the American Economic Association) (American Economic Association Summer Training Program, AEASP)

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MRes/PhD Economics

  • Graduate research
  • Department of Economics
  • Application code L1U4
  • Starting 2024
  • Home full-time: Closed
  • Overseas full-time: Closed
  • Location: Houghton Street, London

This programme offers you the chance to undertake a substantial piece of work that is worthy of publication and which makes an original contribution to the field of economics. You will begin on the MRes degree, and will need to meet certain requirements to progress to the PhD.

The Department of Economics pioneered the development of systematic research training in economics in Britain and our MRes/PhD Economics aims for the highest international standard of achievement and professional competence. The programme offers structured research training and supervision by faculty prominent in their fields. It begins with two years of rigorous coursework, equipping you with the theoretical knowledge and analytical techniques necessary to proceed to the research component of the programme. 

Many research students are associated with the work of one of LSE's research centres. You could work with the Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines on areas ranging from development economics to public policy; or on research technology, growth and globalisation as part of the Centre for Economic Performance . You could contribute to major research programmes addressing the key issues of unemployment, inflation, fiscal and monetary policy, macroeconomic development and growth, financial markets, and changes in the world economy at the  Centre for Macroeconomics ; or specialise in risk management, asset pricing, financial institutions and corporate finance as part of the Financial Markets Group .

Programme details

Start date Introductory course in Mathematics and Statistics begins in August 2024
Application deadline
Duration Five to six years full-time: two years MRes, three to four years PhD. Please note that LSE allows part-time PhD study only under limited circumstances. Please see   for more information. If you wish to study part-time, you should mention this (and the reasons for it) in your statement of academic purpose, and discuss it at interview if you are shortlisted.
Financial support LSE PhD Studentships, ESRC funding, departmental scholarships (see 'Fees and funding')
Minimum entry requirement 2:1 degree or equivalent in any field, along with some preparation in economics, a strong mathematics background and evidence of research potential
GRE/GMAT requirement GRE is required for all applicants (see for further information and exceptions)
English language requirements Standard (see 'Assessing your application')
Location  Houghton Street, London

For more information about tuition fees and entry requirements, see the fees and funding and assessing your application sections.

Entry requirements

Minimum entry requirements for mres/phd economics.

An upper second class honours (2:1) degree (or equivalent) in any field. Some preparation in economics, a strong mathematics background and evidence of research potential are essential. The goal of the MRes/PhD Economics is to train first class researchers. We will use all available information to assess research potential.

Competition for places at the School is high. This means that even if you meet our minimum entry requirement, this does not guarantee you an offer of admission. 

If you have studied or are studying outside of the UK then have a look at our  Information for International Students  to find out the entry requirements that apply to you.

GRE/GMAT requirement

GRE is required for all applicants. This must be no more than five years old on 1 October 2024 and must show full and percentile scores for all three sections. Most successful MRes/PhD Economics applicants score 166 or above in the quantitative section.

Find out more about GRE/GMAT

Assessing your application

We welcome applications for research programmes that complement the academic interests of members of staff at the School, and we recommend that you investigate  staff research interests  before applying.

We carefully consider each application on an individual basis, taking into account all the information presented on your application form, including your:

- academic achievement (including existing and pending qualifications) - statement of academic purpose - references - CV - research statement - GRE/GMAT

See further information on supporting documents

You may also have to provide evidence of your English proficiency. You do not need to provide this at the time of your application to LSE, but we recommend that you do.  See our English language requirements  for further information.

When to apply

The application deadline for this programme is 14 December 2023 . However, to be considered for any LSE funding opportunity, you must also have submitted your application and all supporting documents by this deadline. See the fees and funding section for more details.

Research statement

An application for entry to the MRes/PhD Economics should include a Research Statement, along with other required information  (Note: A separate sample of written work is not required as part of the MRes/PhD Economics application).

What should my Research Statement contain?

Your Research Statement should be submitted in place of the Outline Research Proposal, along with your application form and other required supporting documents, via the LSE online application system.

Please answer the following questions clearly and concisely. Max 200 words per question.

  • Why do you want to do research in economics?
  • Can you explain how your studies and experience make you suitable to do research in economics?
  • Which aspect of the PhD do you think you will like the most? Which will you dislike the most? Why?
  • Tell us about your favourite paper in economics. What do you like about it? How would you improve it?
  • Write a comment for a general audience on ONE of the following topics  (i) Is inequality good for growth?   (ii) Do immigrants take the jobs of native workers?   (iii) Is CEO compensation excessive?  (iv) Is universal minimum income a good idea?  (v) Overall, has central banks' move to inflation targeting has been a success?  (vi) Is culture an important determinant of differences in income per capita across countries?  (vii) Markets function well as information is aggregated efficiently through prices.  (viii) Elections are effective at disciplining politicians who do not have the public interest as their main goal.

How can I demonstrate research potential?

If you have served as research assistant for an economist please ask that person to write a letter focussing on your research skills and describe your experience – reference point 2 (above) of the research statement.

If not, please list any evidence you think would be valuable. Examples include but are not restricted to: experience working autonomously under stress without any guidance, demonstration of creativity in any form, experience of writing original research.

Fees and funding

Every research student is charged a fee in line with the fee structure for their programme. The fee covers registration and examination fees payable to the School, lectures, classes and individual supervision, lectures given at other colleges under intercollegiate arrangements and, under current arrangements, membership of the Students' Union. It does not cover  living costs  or travel or fieldwork.

Tuition fees 2024/25 for MRes/PhD Economics

Home students: £4,786 for the first year Overseas students: £22,632 for the first year

The fee is likely to rise over subsequent years of the programme. The School charges home research students in line with the level of fee that the Research Councils recommend. The fees for overseas students are likely to rise in line with the assumed percentage increase in pay costs (ie, 4 per cent per annum).

The Table of Fees shows the latest tuition amounts for all programmes offered by the School.

The amount of tuition fees you will need to pay, and any financial support you are eligible for, will depend on whether you are classified as a home or overseas student, otherwise known as your fee status. LSE assesses your fee status based on guidelines provided by the Department of Education.

Further information about fee status classification.

Scholarships, studentships and other funding

The School recognises that the  cost of living in London  may be higher than in your home town or country, and we provide generous scholarships each year to home and overseas students.

This programme is eligible for  LSE PhD Studentships , and  Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funding . Selection for the PhD Studentships and ESRC funding is based on receipt of an application for a place – including all ancillary documents, before the funding deadline. 

For the MRes/PhD Economics, the funding deadline is the same as the application deadline for the programme: 14 December 2023

The Economics Department also has a number of scholarship packages for direct entry MRes/PhD students. After the first year of the MRes/PhD Economics, there are teaching and research assistantships available in the Department. Read more about funding opportunities through the  Economics Department .

In addition to our needs-based awards, LSE also makes available scholarships for students from specific regions of the world and awards for students studying specific subject areas.  Find out more about financial support.

External funding

There may be other funding opportunities available through other organisations or governments and we recommend you investigate these options as well.

Further information

Fees and funding opportunities

Information for international students

LSE is an international community, with over 140 nationalities represented amongst its student body. We celebrate this diversity through everything we do.  

If you are applying to LSE from outside of the UK then take a look at our Information for International students . 

1) Take a note of the UK qualifications we require for your programme of interest (found in the ‘Entry requirements’ section of this page). 

2) Go to the International Students section of our website. 

3) Select your country. 

4) Select ‘Graduate entry requirements’ and scroll until you arrive at the information about your local/national qualification. Compare the stated UK entry requirements listed on this page with the local/national entry requirement listed on your country specific page.

Programme structure and courses

Introductory course (mres).

In early September, before the academic year commences, you will begin your degree programme by taking the Introductory Mathematics and Statistics course.

First year (MRes)

In the first year of the programme you will take advanced core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics, to equip you with the theoretical knowledge and analytical techniques necessary for research. Permission must be obtained to sit Econometric Analysis as it is intended for students with a strong econometric background and an interest in pursuing a PhD with econometrics as the primary field.

Microeconomics for MRes students Introduces the basic analytical tools that are necessary to conduct research in any field in economics.

Macroeconomics for MRes students Covers topics in advanced macroeconomics with emphasis on fundamentals and applications to recent theoretical advances. Either Econometrics for MRes students Covers inference, classical and generalised linear regression, generalised regression methods, time-series, panel-data, and microeconometric methods, and specialised econometric methods. Or Econometric Analysis Gives an advanced treatment of the theory of estimation and inference for econometric models.

Second year (MRes)

In the second year, you will typically take two PhD field courses and write a research paper in your major field. Currently, there are economics PhD field courses covering: econometrics, international, labour, public, development, industrial, microeconomics, macroeconomics, political economy. In addition, there are PhD field courses offered in Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing. From the second year onwards, you will also participate in a departmental research seminar and a work in progress seminar allied to your major research field.

Research Paper in Economics A research paper, between 5,000 and 10,000 words, related to the student's designated major field, to be submitted mid-way through the Spring Term.

Two courses from a range of options

Upon successfully completing the MRes and progressing to the PhD, you will work on your research and write your PhD thesis. You will also take one further PhD field course. You will also attend Work in Progress seminars, where you present your research, as well as the weekly departmental seminar series closest to your major field.

One course from a range of options.

Second and subsequent years of the PhD programme

You will continue to work on your research and write a PhD thesis. You will also continue to attend Work in Progress seminars, where you present your research, as well as the weekly departmental seminar series closest to your major field.

For the most up-to-date list of optional courses please visit the relevant School Calendar page .

You must note, however, that while care has been taken to ensure that this information is up to date and correct, a change of circumstances since publication may cause the School to change, suspend or withdraw a course or programme of study, or change the fees that apply to it. The School will always notify the affected parties as early as practicably possible and propose any viable and relevant alternative options. Note that the School will neither be liable for information that after publication becomes inaccurate or irrelevant, nor for changing, suspending or withdrawing a course or programme of study due to events outside of its control, which includes but is not limited to a lack of demand for a course or programme of study, industrial action, fire, flood or other environmental or physical damage to premises.  

You must also note that places are limited on some courses and/or subject to specific entry requirements. The School cannot therefore guarantee you a place. Please note that changes to programmes and courses can sometimes occur after you have accepted your offer of a place. These changes are normally made in light of developments in the discipline or path-breaking research, or on the basis of student feedback. Changes can take the form of altered course content, teaching formats or assessment modes. Any such changes are intended to enhance the student learning experience. You should visit the School’s  Calendar , or contact the relevant academic department, for information on the availability and/or content of courses and programmes of study. Certain substantive changes will be listed on the  updated graduate course and programme information  page.

Supervision, progression and assessment


You will be assigned a lead supervisor (and a second supervisor/adviser) who is a specialist in your chosen research field, though not necessarily in your topic. Lead supervisors guide you through your studies.

Progression and assessment

In order to progress to each subsequent year of the programme, and to progress to PhD registration, you will need to meet specific progression requirements, such as achieving certain grades in your coursework.

Your final award will be determined by the completion of an original research thesis and a viva oral examination.

More about progression requirements

Student support and resources

We’re here to help and support you throughout your time at LSE, whether you need help with your academic studies, support with your welfare and wellbeing or simply to develop on a personal and professional level.

Whatever your query, big or small, there are a range of people you can speak to who will be happy to help.  

Department librarians   – they will be able to help you navigate the library and maximise its resources during your studies. 

Accommodation service  – they can offer advice on living in halls and offer guidance on private accommodation related queries.

Class teachers and seminar leaders  – they will be able to assist with queries relating to specific courses. 

Disability and Wellbeing Service  – they are experts in long-term health conditions, sensory impairments, mental health and specific learning difficulties. They offer confidential and free services such as  student counselling,  a  peer support scheme  and arranging  exam adjustments.  They run groups and workshops.  

IT help  – support is available 24 hours a day to assist with all your technology queries.   

LSE Faith Centre  – this is home to LSE's diverse religious activities and transformational interfaith leadership programmes, as well as a space for worship, prayer and quiet reflection. It includes Islamic prayer rooms and a main space for worship. It is also a space for wellbeing classes on campus and is open to all students and staff from all faiths and none.   

Language Centre  – the Centre specialises in offering language courses targeted to the needs of students and practitioners in the social sciences. We offer pre-course English for Academic Purposes programmes; English language support during your studies; modern language courses in nine languages; proofreading, translation and document authentication; and language learning community activities.

LSE Careers  ­ – with the help of LSE Careers, you can make the most of the opportunities that London has to offer. Whatever your career plans, LSE Careers will work with you, connecting you to opportunities and experiences from internships and volunteering to networking events and employer and alumni insights. 

LSE Library   –   founded in 1896, the British Library of Political and Economic Science is the major international library of the social sciences. It stays open late, has lots of excellent resources and is a great place to study. As an LSE student, you’ll have access to a number of other academic libraries in Greater London and nationwide. 

LSE LIFE  – this is where you should go to develop skills you’ll use as a student and beyond. The centre runs talks and workshops on skills you’ll find useful in the classroom; offers one-to-one sessions with study advisers who can help you with reading, making notes, writing, research and exam revision; and provides drop-in sessions for academic and personal support. (See ‘Teaching and assessment’). 

LSE Students’ Union (LSESU)  – they offer academic, personal and financial advice and funding.  

PhD Academy   – this is available for PhD students, wherever they are, to take part in interdisciplinary events and other professional development activities and access all the services related to their registration. 

Sardinia House Dental Practice   – this   offers discounted private dental services to LSE students.  

St Philips Medical Centre  – based in Pethwick-Lawrence House, the Centre provides NHS Primary Care services to registered patients.

Student Services Centre  – our staff here can answer general queries and can point you in the direction of other LSE services.  

Student advisers   – we have a  Deputy Head of Student Services (Advice and Policy)  and an  Adviser to Women Students  who can help with academic and pastoral matters.

Student life

As a student at LSE you’ll be based at our central London campus. Find out what our campus and London have to offer you on academic, social and career perspective. 

Student societies and activities

Your time at LSE is not just about studying, there are plenty of ways to get involved in  extracurricular activities . From joining one of over 200 societies, or starting your own society, to volunteering for a local charity, or attending a public lecture by a world-leading figure, there is a lot to choose from. 

The campus 

LSE is based on one  campus  in the centre of London. Despite the busy feel of the surrounding area, many of the streets around campus are pedestrianised, meaning the campus feels like a real community. 

Life in London 

London is an exciting, vibrant and colourful city. It's also an academic city, with more than 400,000 university students. Whatever your interests or appetite you will find something to suit your palate and pocket in this truly international capital. Make the most of career opportunities and social activities, theatre, museums, music and more. 

Want to find out more? Read why we think  London is a fantastic student city , find out about  key sights, places and experiences for new Londoners . Don't fear, London doesn't have to be super expensive: hear about  London on a budget . 

Student stories

Hanwei Huang MRes/PhD Economics, 2018 China

Hanwei Huang

I am a PhD student studying economics in the LSE. I am also affiliated with the Centre of Economic Performance (CEP), one of the largest research centres in the LSE. My main research interest is international trade.

One thing that I have learned from the faculties is that economics is not just about mathematics, it should answer interesting economics questions. Over the past few years in the LSE, I have been conducting a few research related to China. This is not surprising given my Chinese origin. Given the anti-globalization current that we have been witnessing, it is also quite relevant to the academic and policy circle to understand how China has become a global manufacturing power house and the champion of global trade.

My work features a close link between theory and empirics, another lesson I have learned in the LSE. My first piece of work done in the LSE focuses on the evolving structure of Chinese production and export. My second paper, which is a joint work with my supervisor Professor Ottaviano, studies how Chinese exporter producing multiple products respond to competition due to comparative advantage. My current research project studies how the domestic infrastructure construction boom that has been taking place in China has enabled China to make better use of globalization.

The most exciting part of LSE is that we are seated near the centre of the UK policy-making. I am fortunate enough to be able to be on a team from the CEP which has been studying various issues related to Brexit. It is only by doing this bit of work that I have seen how LSE research has shaped the debate in the media and the UK parliament.

As a one of the largest economics departments in the world, with numerous seminars and visitors every week, you bump into various people all the time. You might run into a workshop introducing machine learning. You might also hear people talking about big data in the Bean Counter, where we have our coffee. And I am very glad to be one of them here.

Stephan Maurer MRes/PhD Economics, 2017 Germany

Stephan Maurer

I came to the LSE in 2011 after having completed my MSc in Economics at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. Already during my undergraduate studies in St. Gallen, I had gotten hooked to economics and to the idea of doing a PhD, and my time in Barcelona further confirmed this.

My research is in applied economics broadly, at the intersection of labour economics, political economy, and economic history. Economic history is for me both a tool and an end itself - I am interested in better understanding historical events, but I also frequently use exogenous variation provided by history to study questions in labour economics and political economy.

What I really like about research and the academic profession is that it offers a lot of freedom and allows me to work independently on a variety of issues. For example, I have studied determinants of city growth in Iron Age Europe, but also local economic effects of resource booms in the early 20 th century US South. I also enjoy teaching - during my time here, I have taught various courses and have found it very enriching. Being asked to explain concepts such that students can understand them often has deepened my own understanding. In this respect, I particularly enjoyed teaching in the MPA and MSc Programmes.

Research can also be frustrating. It involves a great deal of failed projects, ideas that do not materialize, and work that does not reap rewards. It is also very discontinuous - you can make great progress in few days, or feel like you’re banging your head against a wall for months. I was lucky to have two very dedicated supervisors to guide me through my PhD, helping me triage my ideas, strengthening my results by constantly questioning them, but also cheering me up when needed. My colleagues and friends at the LSE have also been a great help, not only but especially those from my cohort. Studying for the first year exams and going through the first research steps together has created a lot of cohesion and friendships that I am sure will continue to last for a long time.

After finishing my PhD, I will be joining the Department of Economics at the University of Konstanz as an Assistant Professor. I am very much looking forward to this new endeavour, but I will make sure to be back in London and at the LSE from time to time!

Preliminary reading

Readings are included in the respective course guides in the Calendar .

Quick Careers Facts for the Department of Economics

Top 5 sectors our students work in:

  • Financial and Professional Services              
  • Education, Teaching and Research            
  • Government, Public Sector and Policy   
  • Consultancy      
  • Advertising, Marketing, PR Media, Entertainment, Publishing and Journalism

The data was collected as part of the Graduate Outcomes survey, which is administered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Graduates from 2020-21 were the fourth group to be asked to respond to Graduate Outcomes.

Students who successfully complete the programme often embark on an academic career. See information on the placements of previous students on this programme . 

Further information on graduate destinations for this programme

Starting from the second year of the MRes, students are encouraged to undertake some class teaching in the Department, as this represents useful professional training. Additional information about teaching in the Department .

Support for your career

Many leading organisations give careers presentations at the School during the year, and LSE Careers has a wide range of resources available to assist students in their job search. Find out more about the  support available to students through LSE Careers .

Find out more about LSE

Discover more about being an LSE student - meet us in a city near you, visit our campus or experience LSE from home. 

Experience LSE from home

Webinars, videos, student blogs and student video diaries will help you gain an insight into what it's like to study at LSE for those that aren't able to make it to our campus.  Experience LSE from home . 

Come on a guided campus tour, attend an undergraduate open day, drop into our office or go on a self-guided tour.  Find out about opportunities to visit LSE . 

LSE visits you

Student Marketing, Recruitment and Study Abroad travels throughout the UK and around the world to meet with prospective students. We visit schools, attend education fairs and also hold Destination LSE events: pre-departure events for offer holders.  Find details on LSE's upcoming visits . 

How to apply

Virtual Graduate Open Day

Register your interest

Related programmes, msc econometrics and mathematical economics.

Code(s) L1UB

MSc Economics

Code(s) L1U1

MRes/PhD Finance

Code(s) N4ZC

MPhil/PhD Economic Geography

Code(s) L7ZQ

MPhil/PhD Environmental Economics

Code(s) L7ZR

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Department of Economics

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Highly ranked worldwide

Arizona State University is ranked No. 26 among global universities for economics and business ( U.S. News & World Report , 2022-2023). Explore W. P. Carey rankings

Undergraduate economics program

Economics is a social science concerned with how societies deal with scarcity. Economists explain and predict economic behavior at both the micro- and macro- levels. With an ASU economics degree, you’ll learn to model economic phenomena in a precise and rigorous way using quantitative tools such as algebra, calculus and statistics.

ASU economics degrees

There are two ways to complete an undergraduate degree in economics: The Bachelor of Science offered by the W. P. Carey School of Business, or the Bachelor of Science offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at ASU. Both degrees are offered in person and online. Learn about academic advising and tutoring for economics students.

What is STEM designation?

For STEM-designated programs, eligible graduates on student visas have access to an Optional Practical Training extension for up to 36 months. This longer work authorization term may help international students gain additional skills and experience in the U.S.

Concurrent degrees and more

In partnership with the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, students may complete the W. P. Carey economics degree concurrently with engineering management. These degrees provide students with multifaceted coursework, in preparation for leadership in engineering enterprises.

In collaboration with the School of Politics and Global Studies, the W. P. Carey Department of Economics offers a Politics and the Economy concentration option for the economics degree offered by The College and a standalone degree in politics and the economy.

These majors combine the expertise of the faculty in both the Department of Economics and the School of Politics and Global Studies, preparing students to evaluate society's most relevant issues. Students majoring in politics and the economy are eligible to apply for the accelerated Master of Arts in Political Science offered by the School of Politics and Global Studies.

ASU economics minor

Arizona State University also offers a minor in economics to complement almost any undergraduate major or career. The economics minor teaches you to understand the interactions between individuals, firms, and governments — providing insight into decisions made by households, private entities, and public entities.

Take your next steps at W. P. Carey

The W. P. Carey School of Business provides a tight-knit community where you can thrive, within Arizona State University. Explore additional information for future ASU business students :

Economics - Master of Arts (MA)

Hagey Hall expansion building

Hagey Hall Hub located on Waterloo's main campus

Hone your analytical and problem-solving skills through coursework, research, and practice with the Master of Arts in Economics program.  

Completed full time-over over 12 months, you’ll take courses from faculty members who are renowned scholars and experts in their fields, and you’ll conduct original research culminating in a master’s research paper .   

The program will foster your capacity for economic analysis through rigorous instruction in economics theory and econometrics , preparing you for further study at the PhD level or to pursue a successful career in the private sector as an economist, data analyst, policy advisor, economic consultant and many others .     

Program overview

Department/School : Economics Faculty : Faculty of Arts Admit term(s) : Fall (September - December) Delivery mode : On-campus Program type : Master's, Research Length of program : 12months (full-time)* Registration option(s) : Full-time, Part-time Study option(s) : Master's Research Paper

Application deadlines

  • February 1 (for admission in September)

Key contacts

[email protected]   (for program inquiries)

Amanda Campbell  (for all other inquiries) 

519-888-4567, ext. 45099

Admission limitations

Due to funding restrictions, the Faculty of Arts is currently limiting the number of international students we can admit. Please contact the department's Associate Chair, Graduate Studies prior to applying to discuss your interest in this program.


  • Review finding a supervisor resources
  • No supervisor is required to apply to this program

Admission requirements

  • An Honours Bachelor's degree in English, or its equivalent, with an average of at least 78% in English courses, and at least 75% overall.
  • Those with Honours degrees not in English may apply to the program but may be required to take as many as 10 undergraduate courses in English to prepare them for graduate-level study in the discipline. Additional courses will be chosen in consultation with the Graduate Officer and will generally correspond to the minor program in English.

Degree requirements

  • Review the degree requirements in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar, including the courses that you can anticipate taking as part of completing the degree

Application materials

  • Transcript(s)
  • Two academic  references are required
  • TOEFL 90 (writing 25, speaking 25), IELTS 7.0 (writing 6.5, speaking 6.5)
  • The Department of Economics does not consider international applicants whose English language proficiency scores fall below the minimum requirements

Tuition and fees

Visit the  graduate program tuition page  on the Finance website to determine the tuition and incidental fees per term for your program

Review living costs and housing

Review the   funding graduate school resources   for graduate students


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  2. Economics Graduate Programs

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  6. PhD. in Economics

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  1. PhD Program

    The Ph.D. Program in the Department of Economics at Harvard is addressed to students of high promise who wish to prepare themselves in teaching and research in academia or for responsible positions in government, research organizations, or business enterprises. Students are expected to devote themselves full-time to their programs of study.

  2. Doctoral Program

    Doctoral Program. The Ph.D. program is a full time program leading to a Doctoral Degree in Economics. Students specialize in various fields within Economics by enrolling in field courses and attending field specific lunches and seminars. Students gain economic breadth by taking additional distribution courses outside of their selected fields of ...

  3. PhD Program

    PhD Program. Year after year, our top-ranked PhD program sets the standard for graduate economics training across the country. Graduate students work closely with our world-class faculty to develop their own research and prepare to make impactful contributions to the field. Our doctoral program enrolls 20-24 full-time students each year and ...

  4. Ph.D. Program

    Our Program. Yale's economics faculty embraces a broad range of research and teaching interests. Courses and seminars span a wide spectrum of economics, from dynamic structural models to field experiments. Our students apply econometric and data analytic methods to a variety of subjects in macroeconomics, labor economics and finance.

  5. Ph.D. Program

    Welcome to the PhD Program The Georgetown University Economics Ph.D. program is a full-time program designed for students who seek research careers at the forefront of economic science. The Ph.D. program provides an excellent training environment for future scholars. Located in the nation's capital, it is ideally situated for both students specializing in pure science […]

  6. Graduate

    Graduate The doctoral program in Economics at Harvard University is one of the leading programs in the world. Supported by a diverse group of faculty who are top researchers in their fields and fueled by a vast array of resources, the PhD program is structured to train and nurture students to become leading economists in academia, government agencies, the technology industry, finance and ...

  7. Ph.D. in Economics

    Economics Graduate Office. Department of Economics. 530 Evans Hall #3880. Berkeley, CA 94720-3880. Fax: (510) 642-6615. Email: [email protected]. The Ph.D. program at Berkeley is designed for students interested in pursuing advanced study and conducting original research in Economics. The Ph.D. degree is awarded in recognition of the ...

  8. Curriculum and Thesis

    Major and minor: Two subjects chosen from 14.461, 14.462, and 14.463. Effective academic year 2025-26, students may also complete a minor in macroeconomics by completing all four macro core courses 451-454 plus either 461 or 462. Major and minor: 14.282 and one of 14.283-284, 14.441J, or an approved substitute.

  9. Ph.D. Program

    Our Program. Duke University offers a world-class doctoral program in economics, featuring a vibrant faculty of exceptional scholars and teachers along with superior research facilities. The faculty is dedicated to anchoring all teaching and research firmly in the core disciplines of microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics.

  10. Economic Analysis & Policy

    Students who enroll in this program have a substantial background in economics and mathematics. They are expected to have, minimally, mathematical skills at the level of one year of advanced calculus and one course each in linear algebra, analysis, probability, optimization, and statistics. The faculty selects students based on predicted ...

  11. Ph.D

    Ph.D. in Economics. The Ph.D. program in the Department of Economics at Columbia University trains students to do cutting edge research in economics. Students in our program do research in all major areas of economics including microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, international economics, labor economics, public finance, industrial ...

  12. Graduate

    The rigorous PhD economics program at Johns Hopkins is among the best in the nation. With its world-class faculty, individualized attention, and small classes, the doctoral program is the centerpiece of the Department of Economics. From financial analysis to applied research, students are well-prepared to be leaders in the field. The department is dedicated to...

  13. PhD in Economics

    PhD in Economics. PhD students take 16 courses, roughly half of which are spent acquiring the core analytic tools of the profession (microeconomics, macroeconomics, and quantitative methods), with the balance spent applying those tools in particular fields of specialization. All PhD students must complete a doctoral dissertation (thesis).

  14. About the Ph.D. Program

    The Ph.D. Program in Economics at UCLA prepares students for careers as economists in academia, business and government. The program combines rigorous work in economic theory and careful study of real-world problems and institutions. Graduates from this program work at major universities around the world, national and international government ...

  15. PhD

    The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics is proud to announce its first year (2023-24) of having a postdoctoral program! Selected postdoctoral scholars in the program for 2023-24 are Harshil Sahai (PhD '23) and Esperanza Johnson Urrutia (PhD '23). Postdoctoral scholars in the program for 2024-25 are Elena Istomina and Shanon Hsuan-Ming ...

  16. Economics

    Students in the doctoral program in economics at the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon take courses in order to learn the fundamental principles of economic theory underlying all areas of application, and to master the analytic and modeling techniques of the practicing research economist. In-depth knowledge of specialized areas is ...

  17. Programs

    Graduate Program The Ph.D. Program in the Department of Economics at Harvard is addressed to students of high promise who wish to prepare themselves in teaching and research in academia or for responsible positions in government, research organizations, or business enterprises. Students are expected to devote themselves full-time to their programs of study.

  18. Business Economics

    As a Business Economics PhD student, you will take courses alongside your peers in the Department of Economics, studying microeconomic theory, macroeconomic theory, probability and statistics, econometrics, and other specialized topics. In addition, your doctoral coursework and two MBA courses at HBS deepen your theoretical knowledge and ...

  19. PhD Courses

    The Graduate Academic Administrator should be notified of such arrangements, including the course credit agreement, which varies. Odd-numbered courses are offered in the fall and the first summer session. Even-numbered courses are offered in the spring and the second summer session. GRS EC905/906 Directed Study in Economic Theory

  20. Economics

    PhD in Economics. The doctoral program in economics gives students exposure to the distinct fields of Austrian economics, experimental economics, and public choice. With the influence of two Nobel Laureates, the late James Buchanan, Mason professor, and Vernon Smith, Mason professor emeritus, the program provides students with a rich ...

  21. Best Economics Programs in America

    University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, PA. #9 in Economics (tie) Save. 4.6. With a graduate degree in economics, students may find jobs as analysts and economists in the government ...

  22. Preparing for a PhD in Economics

    Preparing for a PhD in Economics. The minimum requirements of the Economics undergraduate major are not designed to be training for doctoral economics programs. Students who plan to continue their education should take more quantitative courses than the minimum required for the major. Preparation should start early in your undergraduate education.

  23. MRes/PhD Economics

    Minimum entry requirements for MRes/PhD Economics. An upper second class honours (2:1) degree (or equivalent) in any field. Some preparation in economics, a strong mathematics background and evidence of research potential are essential. The goal of the MRes/PhD Economics is to train first class researchers.

  24. Economics (Applied Economics)

    Review the degree requirements in the Graduate Studies Academic Calendar, including the courses that you can anticipate taking as part of completing the degree; Check out Waterloo's institutional thesis repository - UWspace to see recent submissions from the department of Economics graduate students

  25. Undergraduate Economics Program

    There are two ways to complete an undergraduate degree in economics: The Bachelor of Science offered by the W. P. Carey School of Business, or the Bachelor of Science offered by The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at ASU. Both degrees are offered in person and online. Learn about academic advising and tutoring for economics students.

  26. Economics

    An Honours Bachelor's degree in English, or its equivalent, with an average of at least 78% in English courses, and at least 75% overall. Those with Honours degrees not in English may apply to the program but may be required to take as many as 10 undergraduate courses in English to prepare them for graduate-level study in the discipline.