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Computer Networking Dissertation Topics

Published by Carmen Troy at January 5th, 2023 , Revised On May 16, 2024

A dissertation is an essential aspect of completing your degree program. Whether you are pursuing your master’s or are enrolled in a PhD program, you will not be awarded a degree without successfully submitting a thesis. To ensure that your thesis is submitted successfully without any hindrances, you should first get your topic and dissertation outline approved by your professor. When approving, supervisors focus on a lot of aspects.

However, relevance, recency, and conciseness play a huge role in accepting or rejecting your topic.

As a computer networking student, you have a variety of networking topics to choose from. With the field evolving with each passing day, you must ensure that your thesis covers recent computer networking topics and explores a relevant problem or issue. To help you choose the right topic for your dissertation, here is a list of recent and relevant computer networking dissertation topics.

List Of Trending Ideas For Your Computer Networking Dissertation

  • Machine learning for proactive network anomaly detection 
  • The role of software-defined-networking (SDN) for network performance and security 
  • Applications and challenges of 6G technologies 
  • How to ensure fairness and efficiency in Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC)
  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) Attacks in the Age of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) Attacks
  • Applications and rise of Low-Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs)
  • Efficient Resource Allocation and Quality-of-Service (QoS) Management
  • Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Network Management
  • The best ways to use Blockchain for Tamper-Proof Evidence Collection and Storage
  • Role of Network Operators in Cloud Gaming

Computer Networking Dissertation Topics For Your Research

Topic 1: an evaluation of the network security during machine to machine communication in iot.

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the network security issues associated with M2M communication in IoT.


  • To evaluate the factors affecting the network security of IoT devices.
  • To determine the methods for increasing data integrity in M2M communication against physical tampering and unauthorised monitoring.
  • To evaluate the network security issues associated with M2M communication in IoT and offer suitable recommendations for improvement.

Topic 2: An analysis of the cybersecurity challenges in public clouds and appropriate intrusion detection mechanisms.

Research Aim: The aim of the research is to analyse the cybersecurity challenges in public clouds and the appropriate intrusion detection mechanisms.


  • To analyse the types of cybersecurity threats impacting public clouds.
  • To determine some of the competent intrusion detection techniques that can be used in cloud computing.
  • To investigate the cybersecurity challenges in public clouds and offer mitigating with appropriate intrusion detection techniques.

Topic 3: Investigating the impact of SaaS cloud ERP on the scalability and cost-effectiveness of business.

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the impact of SaaS cloud ERP on the scalability and cost-effectiveness of business.

  • To analyse the benefits of SaaS ERP over traditional ERP.
  • To evaluate the characteristics of SaaS architecture in cloud computing and determine its varieties.
  • To investigate how SaaS cloud ERP impacts business scalability and cost-effectiveness.

Topic 4: An evaluation of the requirements of cloud repatriation and the challenges associated with it.

Research Aim: The research aims to evaluate the requirements of cloud repatriation in organisations and the associated challenges

  • To analyse the key factors of cloud repatriation.
  • To determine the challenges associated with cloud repatriation from public clouds.
  • To evaluate the need for cloud repatriation in organisations and the associated complexities

Topic 5: An examination of the security mechanisms in decentralised networks and the ways of enhancing system robustness

Research Aim: The research aims to investigate the security mechanisms in decentralised networks and the ways of enhancing system robustness.

  • To analyse the concept of decentralised networks and understand their difference from centralised networks.
  • To analyse the security mechanisms in decentralised networks to determine how it offers visibility and traceability.
  • To investigate the security mechanisms in decentralised networks and how system robustness can be increased for better privacy and security.

Latest Computer Networking Dissertation Topics

Exploring the importance of computer networking in today’s era.

Research Aim: Even though computer networking has been practised for a few years now, its importance has increased immensely over the past two years. A few main reasons include the use of technology by almost every business and the aim to offer customers an easy and convenient shopping experience. The main aim of this research will be to explain the concepts of computer networking, its benefits, and its importance in the current era. The research will also discuss how computer networking has helped businesses and individuals perform their work and benefit from it. The research will then specifically state examples where computer networking has brought positive changes and helped people achieve what they want.

Wireless Networks in Business Settings – An Analysis

Research Aim: Wireless networks are crucial in computer networking. They help build networks seamlessly, and once the networks are set up on a wireless network, it becomes extremely easy for the business to perform its daily activities. This research will investigate all about wireless networks in a business setting. It will first introduce the various wireless networks that can be utilised by a business and will then talk about how these networks help companies build their workflow around them. The study will analyse different wireless networks used by businesses and will conclude how beneficial they are and how they are helping the business.

Understanding Virtual Private Networks – A Deep Analysis of Their Challenges

Research Aim: Private virtual networks (VPN) are extremely common today. These are used by businesses and individuals alike. This research aims to understand how these networks operate and how they help businesses build strong and successful systems and address the challenges of VPNs. A lot of businesses do not adopt virtual private networks due to the challenges that they bring. This research will address these challenges in a way that will help businesses implement VPNs successfully.

A Survey of the Application of Wireless Sensor Networks

Research Aim: Wireless sensor networks are self-configured, infrastructure-less wireless networks to pass data. These networks are now extremely popular amongst businesses because they can solve problems in various application domains and possess the capacity to change the way work is done. This research will investigate where wireless sensor networks are implemented, how they are being used, and how they are performing. The research will also investigate how businesses implement these systems and consider factors when utilising these wireless sensor networks.

Computer Network Security Attacks – Systems and Methods to Respond

Research Aim: With the advent of technology today, computer networks are extremely prone to security attacks. A lot of networks have security systems in place. However, people with nefarious intent find one way to intrude and steal data/information. This research will address major security attacks that have impacted businesses and will aim to address this challenge. Various methods and systems will be highlighted to protect the computer networks. In addition to this, the research will also discuss various methods to respond to attacks and to keep the business network protected.

Preventing a Cyberattack – How Can You Build a Powerful Computer Network?

Research Aim: Cyberattacks are extremely common these days. No matter how powerful your network is, you might be a victim of phishing or hacking. The main aim of this research will be to outline how a powerful computer network can be built. Various methods to build a safe computer network that can keep data and information will be outlined, and the study will also highlight ways to prevent a cyberattack. In addition to this, the research will talk about the steps that should be taken to keep the computer network safe. The research will conclude with the best way and system to build a powerful and safe computer network.

Types of Computer Networks: A Comparison and Analysis

Research Aim: There are different types of computer networks, including LAN, WAN, PAN, MAN, CAN, SAN, etc. This research will discuss all the various types of computer networks to help readers understand how all these networks work. The study will then compare the different types of networks and analyse how each of them is implemented in different settings. The dissertation will also discuss the type of computer networks that businesses should use and how they can use them for their success. The study will then conclude which computer network is the best and how it can benefit when implemented.

Detecting Computer Network Attacks by Signatures and Fast Content Analysis

Research Aim: With technological advancement, today, many computer network attacks can be detected beforehand. While many techniques are utilised for detecting these attacks, the use of signatures and fast content analysis are the most popular ones. This research will explore these techniques in detail and help understand how they can detect a computer network attack and prevent it. The research will present different ways these techniques are utilised to detect an attack and help build powerful and safe computer networks. The research will then conclude how helpful these two techniques are and whether businesses should implement them.

Overview of Wireless Network Technologies and their Role in Healthcare

Research Aim: Wireless network technologies are utilised by several industries. Their uses and benefits have helped businesses resolve many business problems and assisted them in conducting their daily activities without any hindrance. This networking topic will help explore how wireless network technologies work and will talk about their benefits. This research aims to find out how wireless technologies help businesses carry out their daily routine tasks effortlessly. For this research, the focus will be on the healthcare industry. The study will investigate how wireless network technology has helped the healthcare sector and how it has benefited them to perform their daily tasks without much effort.

Setting up a Business Communication System over a Computer Network

Research Aim: Communication is an essential aspect of every business. Employees need to communicate effectively to keep the business going. In the absence of effective communication, businesses suffer a lot as the departments are not synchronised, and the operations are haphazard. This research will explore the different ways through which network technologies help conduct smooth and effective communication within organisations. This research will conclude how wireless networks have helped businesses build effective communication systems within their organisation and how they have benefited from it. It will then conclude how businesses have improved and solved major business problems with the help of these systems.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find computer networking dissertation topics.

To find computer networking dissertation topics:

  • Follow industry news and emerging technologies.
  • Investigate unresolved networking challenges.
  • Review recent research papers.
  • Explore IoT, cybersecurity , and cloud computing.
  • Consider real-world applications.
  • Select a topic aligned with your expertise and career aspirations.

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2024-25 edition, networked systems, ph.d..

The graduate program in Networked Systems is administered by faculty from two academic units: the Department of Computer Science (CS) in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) in The Henry Samueli School of Engineering. The program offers an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Networked Systems.

The Networked Systems program provides education and research opportunities to graduate students in the areas of computer and telecommunication networks. Networked Systems include telephone, cable TV networks, wireless, mobile, ad hoc, and cellular phone networks, as well as the Internet. Networked Systems, as a field, is inherently interdisciplinary since it combines technology in software, hardware, and communications. As a result, it transcends traditional departmental boundaries. Networked Systems draws primarily from Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. At UCI, these areas are housed in two departments: CS and EECS. The Networked Systems program unites the respective strengths of these two departments and provides integrated M.S. and Ph.D. programs in this area.

Program requirements include core, breadth, and concentration courses. Core courses are taken by all Networked Systems students and form a foundation for networking topics. Breadth courses may be selected from technical courses (including distributed systems, algorithms, data structures, operating systems, databases, random processes, and linear systems) and management and applications of technology (including educational technology, management of information technology, and social impact). Concentration courses may be selected from a long list including courses on networks, performance, middleware, communications, and operations research. Core, breadth, and concentration course lists are available on the Networked Systems website or from the Networked Systems Program Office.

Prospective graduate students apply directly to the Networked Systems program, specifying if they are pursing an M.S. or a Ph.D. Applicants who do not hold a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering may be required to take supplementary course work to obtain and demonstrate sufficient background in the field.

Applicants are evaluated on the basis of prior academic record and potential for creative research and teaching, as demonstrated in their application materials including official university transcripts, letters of recommendation, and statement of purpose.


The Ph.D. requires the following 13 courses: three core courses; three courses chosen from the breadth course list, with at most two chosen from the Management and Applications of Technology list; four courses chosen from the concentration course lists, with at least one course chosen from at least three different concentrations; and three additional courses, chosen with the approval of the research advisor.

Courses applied to the M.S. can also be applied to the Ph.D. Students who have taken similar graduate-level courses at another university may petition to apply these courses to the Ph.D. requirements. Ph.D. students who have served as teaching assistants, readers, or tutors at another university may petition to apply this experience toward the teaching practicum requirement. Normative time for advancement to candidacy is three years (two for students who entered with a master’s degree). Normative time for completion of the Ph.D. is six years (five for students who entered with a master’s degree), and maximum time permitted is seven years.

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The Network Science PhD program is a pioneering interdisciplinary program that provides the tools and concepts aimed at understanding the structure and dynamics of networks arising from the interplay of human behavior, socio-technical infrastructures, information diffusion and biological agents.

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The PhD in Network Science is a pioneering interdisciplinary program that provides the tools and concepts aimed at understanding the structure and dynamics of networks. Network Science research covers a broad range of topics, including: Control of Networks, Biological Networks, Spreading and Influence, Group-Decision Making, Social and Political Networks, Data and Graph Mining, and Network Geometry.

Northeastern University is a world leader in Network Science, and faculty affiliated with the program includes prominent leaders in the field such as Albert-László Barabási, Alessandro Vespignani, Tina Eliasi-Rad, and David Lazer. Graduates will be well-prepared to enter into a number of career paths, including industry research positions, government analyst positions, and post-doctoral or junior faculty positions in academic institutions. Students have the opportunity to work with some of the most prominent network scientists in the world. With frequent guest lecturers and workshop series, students have access to diverse scientists and global leaders in the field.

  • Northeastern has several leading laboratories and centers in Network Science, with dozens of faculty, postdoctoral fellows, visiting faculty, and doctoral students
  • A select cohort of graduate students from varied academic and research backgrounds learning in the same physical space
  • Frequent guest lecturers, workshop series, and faculty-led conferences
  • Access to a growing alumni body of successful professionals, an expanding roster of talented research scientists and post-docs, and new learning opportunities across the Northeastern University global network


Faculty and researchers at the Network Science Institute cover many subject areas in the physical sciences (physics, mathematics, psychology); social sciences (political science, urban networks, communication); health science (epidemiology); and computer and information sciences.


Foundational training in developing and understanding analytical models and tools, formal methods of network representation, dynamical processes, social structures, and integration of machine learning begin in the first year of the program. This knowledge will help students build an inherently interdisciplinary approach to science, launching the next generation of researchers.


Learning to combine theoretical concepts and substantive questions with the appropriate tools and techniques for data collection and analyses is a key element of the program. Students will be combining ideas, techniques, and collaborations into the novel interdisciplinary approaches that are paramount to Network Science.

Network Science is a major interdisciplinary research area with applications in data science and data analytics methodologies. Network scientists are employed in academia, government, and business. Graduates have obtained industry, government, post-doctoral, and faculty positions at:

  • Santa Fe Institute
  • Max Planck Institute
  • Rutgers University
  • Stanford University
  • Center for International Security and Cooperation
  • National Institutes for Health (USA)
  • Center for Disease Control

Application Materials

  • Online application
  • Application fee
  • Unofficial transcripts for all institutions attended (Official transcripts required upon acceptance of admission offer)
  • Personal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • GRE General – recommended, but not required
  • Degree earned or in progress at an U.S. institution
  • Degree earned or in progress at an institution where English is the only medium of instruction
  • Official exam scores from either the TOEFL iBT, IELTS, or  PTE exam


Deadline for completed applications: December 1st

Applicants seeking enrollment prior to the Fall 2024 term should apply at the link under application materials below.

  • Program Website

Request Information for PhD in Network Science

computer networks phd research topics

Research Topics & Ideas: CompSci & IT

50+ Computer Science Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

IT & Computer Science Research Topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a computer science-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of CompSci & IT-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including algorithms, AI, networking, database systems, UX, information security and software engineering.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the CompSci domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: CompSci Research Topics

  • Algorithms & data structures
  • Artificial intelligence ( AI )
  • Computer networking
  • Database systems
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Information security (IS)
  • Software engineering
  • Examples of CompSci dissertation & theses

Topics/Ideas: Algorithms & Data Structures

  • An analysis of neural network algorithms’ accuracy for processing consumer purchase patterns
  • A systematic review of the impact of graph algorithms on data analysis and discovery in social media network analysis
  • An evaluation of machine learning algorithms used for recommender systems in streaming services
  • A review of approximation algorithm approaches for solving NP-hard problems
  • An analysis of parallel algorithms for high-performance computing of genomic data
  • The influence of data structures on optimal algorithm design and performance in Fintech
  • A Survey of algorithms applied in internet of things (IoT) systems in supply-chain management
  • A comparison of streaming algorithm performance for the detection of elephant flows
  • A systematic review and evaluation of machine learning algorithms used in facial pattern recognition
  • Exploring the performance of a decision tree-based approach for optimizing stock purchase decisions
  • Assessing the importance of complete and representative training datasets in Agricultural machine learning based decision making.
  • A Comparison of Deep learning algorithms performance for structured and unstructured datasets with “rare cases”
  • A systematic review of noise reduction best practices for machine learning algorithms in geoinformatics.
  • Exploring the feasibility of applying information theory to feature extraction in retail datasets.
  • Assessing the use case of neural network algorithms for image analysis in biodiversity assessment

Topics & Ideas: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

  • Applying deep learning algorithms for speech recognition in speech-impaired children
  • A review of the impact of artificial intelligence on decision-making processes in stock valuation
  • An evaluation of reinforcement learning algorithms used in the production of video games
  • An exploration of key developments in natural language processing and how they impacted the evolution of Chabots.
  • An analysis of the ethical and social implications of artificial intelligence-based automated marking
  • The influence of large-scale GIS datasets on artificial intelligence and machine learning developments
  • An examination of the use of artificial intelligence in orthopaedic surgery
  • The impact of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) on transparency and trust in supply chain management
  • An evaluation of the role of artificial intelligence in financial forecasting and risk management in cryptocurrency
  • A meta-analysis of deep learning algorithm performance in predicting and cyber attacks in schools

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Networking

  • An analysis of the impact of 5G technology on internet penetration in rural Tanzania
  • Assessing the role of software-defined networking (SDN) in modern cloud-based computing
  • A critical analysis of network security and privacy concerns associated with Industry 4.0 investment in healthcare.
  • Exploring the influence of cloud computing on security risks in fintech.
  • An examination of the use of network function virtualization (NFV) in telecom networks in Southern America
  • Assessing the impact of edge computing on network architecture and design in IoT-based manufacturing
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities in 6G wireless network adoption
  • The role of network congestion control algorithms in improving network performance on streaming platforms
  • An analysis of network coding-based approaches for data security
  • Assessing the impact of network topology on network performance and reliability in IoT-based workspaces

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Topics & Ideas: Database Systems

  • An analysis of big data management systems and technologies used in B2B marketing
  • The impact of NoSQL databases on data management and analysis in smart cities
  • An evaluation of the security and privacy concerns of cloud-based databases in financial organisations
  • Exploring the role of data warehousing and business intelligence in global consultancies
  • An analysis of the use of graph databases for data modelling and analysis in recommendation systems
  • The influence of the Internet of Things (IoT) on database design and management in the retail grocery industry
  • An examination of the challenges and opportunities of distributed databases in supply chain management
  • Assessing the impact of data compression algorithms on database performance and scalability in cloud computing
  • An evaluation of the use of in-memory databases for real-time data processing in patient monitoring
  • Comparing the effects of database tuning and optimization approaches in improving database performance and efficiency in omnichannel retailing

Topics & Ideas: Human-Computer Interaction

  • An analysis of the impact of mobile technology on human-computer interaction prevalence in adolescent men
  • An exploration of how artificial intelligence is changing human-computer interaction patterns in children
  • An evaluation of the usability and accessibility of web-based systems for CRM in the fast fashion retail sector
  • Assessing the influence of virtual and augmented reality on consumer purchasing patterns
  • An examination of the use of gesture-based interfaces in architecture
  • Exploring the impact of ease of use in wearable technology on geriatric user
  • Evaluating the ramifications of gamification in the Metaverse
  • A systematic review of user experience (UX) design advances associated with Augmented Reality
  • A comparison of natural language processing algorithms automation of customer response Comparing end-user perceptions of natural language processing algorithms for automated customer response
  • Analysing the impact of voice-based interfaces on purchase practices in the fast food industry

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: Information Security

  • A bibliometric review of current trends in cryptography for secure communication
  • An analysis of secure multi-party computation protocols and their applications in cloud-based computing
  • An investigation of the security of blockchain technology in patient health record tracking
  • A comparative study of symmetric and asymmetric encryption algorithms for instant text messaging
  • A systematic review of secure data storage solutions used for cloud computing in the fintech industry
  • An analysis of intrusion detection and prevention systems used in the healthcare sector
  • Assessing security best practices for IoT devices in political offices
  • An investigation into the role social media played in shifting regulations related to privacy and the protection of personal data
  • A comparative study of digital signature schemes adoption in property transfers
  • An assessment of the security of secure wireless communication systems used in tertiary institutions

Topics & Ideas: Software Engineering

  • A study of agile software development methodologies and their impact on project success in pharmacology
  • Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments
  • A study of the impact of DevOps practices on software development and delivery in the healthcare sector
  • An analysis of software architecture patterns and their impact on the maintainability and scalability of cloud-based offerings
  • A study of the impact of artificial intelligence and machine learning on software engineering practices in the education sector
  • An investigation of software testing techniques and methodologies for subscription-based offerings
  • A review of software security practices and techniques for protecting against phishing attacks from social media
  • An analysis of the impact of cloud computing on the rate of software development and deployment in the manufacturing sector
  • Exploring the impact of software development outsourcing on project success in multinational contexts
  • An investigation into the effect of poor software documentation on app success in the retail sector

CompSci & IT Dissertations/Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a CompSci-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various CompSci-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • An array-based optimization framework for query processing and data analytics (Chen, 2021)
  • Dynamic Object Partitioning and replication for cooperative cache (Asad, 2021)
  • Embedding constructural documentation in unit tests (Nassif, 2019)
  • PLASA | Programming Language for Synchronous Agents (Kilaru, 2019)
  • Healthcare Data Authentication using Deep Neural Network (Sekar, 2020)
  • Virtual Reality System for Planetary Surface Visualization and Analysis (Quach, 2019)
  • Artificial neural networks to predict share prices on the Johannesburg stock exchange (Pyon, 2021)
  • Predicting household poverty with machine learning methods: the case of Malawi (Chinyama, 2022)
  • Investigating user experience and bias mitigation of the multi-modal retrieval of historical data (Singh, 2021)
  • Detection of HTTPS malware traffic without decryption (Nyathi, 2022)
  • Redefining privacy: case study of smart health applications (Al-Zyoud, 2019)
  • A state-based approach to context modeling and computing (Yue, 2019)
  • A Novel Cooperative Intrusion Detection System for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Solomon, 2019)
  • HRSB-Tree for Spatio-Temporal Aggregates over Moving Regions (Paduri, 2019)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Research Topic

If you’re still feeling a bit unsure about how to find a research topic for your Computer Science dissertation or research project, check out our Topic Kickstarter service.

Ernest Joseph

Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments.

Steps on getting this project topic


I want to work with this topic, am requesting materials to guide.

Yadessa Dugassa

Information Technology -MSc program

Andrew Itodo

It’s really interesting but how can I have access to the materials to guide me through my work?

Sorie A. Turay

That’s my problem also.


Investigating the impacts of software refactoring techniques and tools in blockchain-based developments is in my favour. May i get the proper material about that ?



Nanbon Temasgen


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We have 147 computer networks PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

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computer networks PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships

Trust evaluation methods and mechanisms for multimodal edge networks, phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

Fully–funded PhD Studentship with the Optical Networks Group, Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering, UCL

Funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project has funding attached. It is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Realising Internet-scale Network Telemetry

Self-funded phd students only.

This project does not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Blockchain Technology: Mitigating Cyber Attacks and Detecting Malicious Activities in Network Traffic

Blockchain technology and smart contracts for the security of internet of things and wireless communications, fully funded phd studentship by epsrc-funded kuber project in sayed systems group, understanding the evolution of gene regulatory networks through biophysical modelling and machine learning, ai4me (bbc prosperity partnership) - phd studentship in quality of experience (qoe) in object-based media, competition funded phd project (uk students only).

This research project is one of a number of projects at this institution. It is in competition for funding with one or more of these projects. Usually the project which receives the best applicant will be awarded the funding. The funding is only available to UK citizens or those who have been resident in the UK for a period of 3 years or more. Some projects, which are funded by charities or by the universities themselves may have more stringent restrictions.

Towards an Evolving Approach to Evaluate Security Monitoring Tools

Defeating complex families of malware using evolutionary based adversarial learning., cloud xr qoe for programable networks: understanding how to deliver high-quality immersive xr experiences over future programmable networks., graph networks meets multi-modal remote sensing data for environmental sustainability [self-funded students only], phd projects in computer science (sponsored/self-funded).

The PhD opportunities on this programme do not have funding attached. You will need to have your own means of paying fees and living costs and / or seek separate funding from student finance, charities or trusts.

Computing PhD Programme

PhD Research Programmes describe the opportunities for postgraduate research within a University department. You may often be asked to submit your own research project proposal as part of your application, although predefined research projects may also be available.

Computational neuroscience: Statistical signal processing for multivariate neuronal data, Neural computing with Spiking neural networks.

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computer networks phd research topics

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  • Top 5 Interesting Computer Network Research Topics

A computer network is a network of diverse computing hardware linked through different communication technologies to share various resources . The communication links of the network can be either wired (cables) or wireless (radio waves / IR signals).

This page shows you useful information on Computer Network Research Topics, Projects with Source Code, Research Areas, Project Topics, and Tools!!!

Moreover, the network can be differentiated in the characteristics of constrained resources, network structure, requests history/demand, communication technologies , and more. However, it is flexible to share resources, and it has some technical challenges in real-time development. Here, we have given you the common services that we offer for overcoming network issues.

Our Approaches and Services to Solving Computer Network Issues

  • Communication technologies selection
  • Communication protocols in the network
  • Performing both conceptual and practical research
  • Study in qualitative and quantitative aspects
  • Simulation Models
  • Proofs / Theorems / Prototypes Testing / Use Cases
  • Experiments for Various Simulation Scenarios
  • Graphical / Tabular Representation of Results
  • Developing New Techniques
  • Thinking Novel Ideas
  • Multiple Evaluations
  • IEEE Standards Refinement

The layering approach in networking is used to divide the message into various chunks . Basically, there are seven layers in the networking process where each layer has unique responsibilities. All these layers co-operatively work together to transfer the message from one end to another (i.e., source to destination ). Now, we can see the available layers and their function in sequential order.

What are the layers of computer networks?

  • Physical Layer – Used for offering mechanical / electrical needs, distribute the bits through transmission medium
  • Data Link Layer – Used for offering hop-to-hop distribution, arrange the bits into frames
  • Network Layer – Used for offering internetworking, pass over the packets between source and destination
  • Transport Layer – Used for offering error correction and process-to-process distribution
  • Session Layer – Used for launching and manage temporary sessions
  • Presentation Layer – Used for data translation, compression, and encryption
  • Application Layer – User for users to access the network resources / services

With an aim to support wireless communications, numerous different technologies have been launched.  Before selecting this technology, one should undergo deep study on which is more suitable for their computer network projects . Our research team will help you in both business/individual if you need the best guidance over that selection of innovative computer network research topics . Usually, we recommend the technology based on the requirement of your selected networking projects for final year students . For your information, here we have given you a few lists of communication technologies,

Communication Technologies in Computer Networks

  • Wi-Fi and Wi-Max
  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Ultra-Wideband, Bluetooth and Zigbee
  • Global Positioning System (GPS)
  • Mobile Communication (4G, 5G, 5G Beyond and 6G)
  • Radar and Satellite Communication
  • 3GPP – LTE-M, EC-GSM and Narrowband-IoT
  • Non-3GPP – Sigfox, Wieghtless and LoRa

In recent days, you can witness the gradual growth of computer networks in networking industries through many new developments. It includes so many technologies to portrait the actual networking industry’s performance. Here, we have given you some new networking technologies that are expected to master the next networking industries. .

Current Technologies in Computer Networks

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cloud Repatriation
  • Software Defined Networks
  • Fog-Edge Computing
  • UAV-Wireless Data Links
  • Responsive Internet Architecture
  • Multiple Cloud Services Technology
  • Internet of Things and Inter-Networking
  • Quantum and Serverless Computing
  • 5G enabled Nano Technology
  • Digital Twin and Machine Learning (ML)
  • Digital Communications
  • Network Communications Protocols

For illustrative purpose,  Digital Communication  work in accordance with enabling communication technologies, modulation, signal processing projects, channel modeling, and error control . Similarly,  Network Communications Protocols  take an in-charge of routing, resource allocation, data distribution, and medium access control.

Both technologies/areas have high capabilities in a different dimension of the networking process. And they are network designing, model construction, networking testing on testbeds, experimental analysis, and performance assessments. Our researchers have given you the currently ongoing of innovative computer network research topics mentioned below for your reference.

Latest Computer Network Research Topics

  • Enhancing System Robustness in Decentralized Network
  • Improving Network Quality of Services and Resource Usage
  • SLA–Aware Resource Scheduling and Provisioning
  • Network Architectures Design and Processes Management

How to develop computer networks projects with source code?

Basically, networking is a widespread process where network construction and deployment in the real world is a challenging job. So, the entire process is fragmented into different tasks where they are performed by a set of skilled networking engineers as follows,

  • Software Developer – Design and build software applications
  • Networking Experts – modeling the network structure
  • Database Admin – Store and manage the network information
  • Support Specialist – Analyze the connected entities of the system
  • Programmer – Develop the suitable code works for achieving required performance

For research purposes, we can simulate the original network behavior and performance inappropriate simulation tools. Most importantly, it reduces the cost of real-time implementation and deployment.

Our developers have long-term experience in handling networking concepts . So, if you need the best Computer Networks Projects with Source Code support , you can approach our team. Below, we have also mentioned our qualified services in your project.

  • We do both conceptual and practical study on recent research topics
  • We design unique network simulation models, proof-of-concept prototypes and investigational testbeds
  • We employ result guaranteed new technologies to upgrade and assess the existing standard of networking systems
  • We develop own algorithm, protocols and hybrid techniques based on project requirements
  • We precisely access the network performance using suitable network parameters for comparative study of different systems

Performance Analysis of Computer Networks

Now, we can see the performance measurement of the networking model. Through the sophisticated simulation tool / experimental testbeds , we can develop any kind of network scenario. Once the model is processed, then the efficiency of the model is verified by several metrics. Here, we have given you the metrics along with different modelling techniques .

  • Medium Access Control – Retransmissions Delay, Collisions and Packet loss
  • Network Protocols – Latency, Throughput and Packet loss
  • RF Channel Models – Noise, Shadowing and Fading
  • Spectrum (Sense and Observation) – Latency and Detection Trustworthiness
  • Links and Transceivers – Block error ratio and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

What is computer network simulation?

Simulate the network model based on the code of the software application . Through code, we can instruct the model to perform our project requirements. At the end of the simulation, it yields the overall performance and behaviour of the network in different dimensions and metrics. Further, it also measures the communication between the network entities.   

Purposes of source code

The source code of software has the main responsibility to create strong basements for designing and simulating the network model . Through the code only, the developers can make the smart work to tackle the problem in a simplified way. Effective code work is also a part of the contribution in research.

Since your code can help for learning or reusability (other application development), for your clarity, our developers will explain the implementation of research methodologies while delivering Computer Networks Projects with Source Code . Below, we have given you the different simulations of real-time network models,

How does computer network simulation works?

  • Plan and design the model
  • Develop the suitable hypothesis model
  • Forecast the hypothetical aspects
  • Perform comparative study to improve the hypothesis
  • Simulate the developed model
  • Based on experimental results, relate and enhance the hypothesis / model
  • Do the experiments and get the results

So far, we have discussed computer networks, network layers, communication technologies, current research areas, computer network research topics, project simulation, and performance estimation . Now, our development team has a list of widely used network simulator tools.

Network simulators let the users modify the simulator operations for their project needs. Then the users can analyze the system performance and entity behavior under different circumstances. Further, it supports communication standards/protocols like TCP, WLAN, CR, Wi-Max, WSN , and many more. Here, we have given you the list of a few best result yielding simulators which is more apt for computer network simulations,

  • Component-based network simulator with graphical user interface support
  • Allow to design traffic models, decentralized system, protocols, computer networks, multi-processors, and many more
  • Further, it enables animated and responsive simulation in modular environs
  • Empower to design and deploy network application, device and infrastructure
  • Develop predictive model, protocol and communication networks to interpret the network functionalities
  • Support both real-time wired and wireless models
  • Allow to create Finite State Automata for figuring out the network behavior
  • Easy to design and develop traffic models
  • Utilize QualNet analyzer to understand the obtained simulated outcome
  • Enabled OS: Linux and Windows

For instance, NS3 (network Simulator 3) is detailed here.

NS3 is one of the best simulation tools to design and simulate networking projects . With the help of this tool, we can virtually design different nodes through Helper classes. By the by, it enables the installation of internet stacks, applications, devices, and many more. Further, we can insert parameters in the channel for performance evaluation in implementing computer network research topics . And let them produce traffic at runtime and pass the packets from source to destination through the selected route path. The other special features are given as follows,

  • Create pcap file to get the core information of the transmitting packets. For instance: Source IP, Sequence no, Destination IP, etc. Employ Wireshark tool to view the pcap.
  • Trace the network route for assess number of packets send/receive. For this purpose, the trace files will be produced automatically to monitor whole network.
  • Easy to plot the graph from obtained simulation outcome in with assurance of preciseness.
  • Network Animator is released to depict the realistic view of the network through animation. It shows you the real structure and how the data are transferred between nodes.

To sum up, we have sufficient technical professionals to support you in all the latest research areas of computer networks . In addition, our developments also give you the best assistance in project development from tool selection to result in an assessment. So, if you need our reliable service computer network research topics,  projects with source code then communicate our team.

MILESTONE 1: Research Proposal

Finalize journal (indexing).

Before sit down to research proposal writing, we need to decide exact journals. For e.g. SCI, SCI-E, ISI, SCOPUS.

Research Subject Selection

As a doctoral student, subject selection is a big problem. Phdservices.org has the team of world class experts who experience in assisting all subjects. When you decide to work in networking, we assign our experts in your specific area for assistance.

Research Topic Selection

We helping you with right and perfect topic selection, which sound interesting to the other fellows of your committee. For e.g. if your interest in networking, the research topic is VANET / MANET / any other

Literature Survey Writing

To ensure the novelty of research, we find research gaps in 50+ latest benchmark papers (IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, MDPI, Hindawi, etc.)

Case Study Writing

After literature survey, we get the main issue/problem that your research topic will aim to resolve and elegant writing support to identify relevance of the issue.

Problem Statement

Based on the research gaps finding and importance of your research, we conclude the appropriate and specific problem statement.

Writing Research Proposal

Writing a good research proposal has need of lot of time. We only span a few to cover all major aspects (reference papers collection, deficiency finding, drawing system architecture, highlights novelty)

MILESTONE 2: System Development

Fix implementation plan.

We prepare a clear project implementation plan that narrates your proposal in step-by step and it contains Software and OS specification. We recommend you very suitable tools/software that fit for your concept.

Tools/Plan Approval

We get the approval for implementation tool, software, programing language and finally implementation plan to start development process.

Pseudocode Description

Our source code is original since we write the code after pseudocodes, algorithm writing and mathematical equation derivations.

Develop Proposal Idea

We implement our novel idea in step-by-step process that given in implementation plan. We can help scholars in implementation.


We perform the comparison between proposed and existing schemes in both quantitative and qualitative manner since it is most crucial part of any journal paper.

Graphs, Results, Analysis Table

We evaluate and analyze the project results by plotting graphs, numerical results computation, and broader discussion of quantitative results in table.

Project Deliverables

For every project order, we deliver the following: reference papers, source codes screenshots, project video, installation and running procedures.

MILESTONE 3: Paper Writing

Choosing right format.

We intend to write a paper in customized layout. If you are interesting in any specific journal, we ready to support you. Otherwise we prepare in IEEE transaction level.

Collecting Reliable Resources

Before paper writing, we collect reliable resources such as 50+ journal papers, magazines, news, encyclopedia (books), benchmark datasets, and online resources.

Writing Rough Draft

We create an outline of a paper at first and then writing under each heading and sub-headings. It consists of novel idea and resources

Proofreading & Formatting

We must proofread and formatting a paper to fix typesetting errors, and avoiding misspelled words, misplaced punctuation marks, and so on

Native English Writing

We check the communication of a paper by rewriting with native English writers who accomplish their English literature in University of Oxford.

Scrutinizing Paper Quality

We examine the paper quality by top-experts who can easily fix the issues in journal paper writing and also confirm the level of journal paper (SCI, Scopus or Normal).

Plagiarism Checking

We at phdservices.org is 100% guarantee for original journal paper writing. We never use previously published works.

MILESTONE 4: Paper Publication

Finding apt journal.

We play crucial role in this step since this is very important for scholar’s future. Our experts will help you in choosing high Impact Factor (SJR) journals for publishing.

Lay Paper to Submit

We organize your paper for journal submission, which covers the preparation of Authors Biography, Cover Letter, Highlights of Novelty, and Suggested Reviewers.

Paper Submission

We upload paper with submit all prerequisites that are required in journal. We completely remove frustration in paper publishing.

Paper Status Tracking

We track your paper status and answering the questions raise before review process and also we giving you frequent updates for your paper received from journal.

Revising Paper Precisely

When we receive decision for revising paper, we get ready to prepare the point-point response to address all reviewers query and resubmit it to catch final acceptance.

Get Accept & e-Proofing

We receive final mail for acceptance confirmation letter and editors send e-proofing and licensing to ensure the originality.

Publishing Paper

Paper published in online and we inform you with paper title, authors information, journal name volume, issue number, page number, and DOI link

MILESTONE 5: Thesis Writing

Identifying university format.

We pay special attention for your thesis writing and our 100+ thesis writers are proficient and clear in writing thesis for all university formats.

Gathering Adequate Resources

We collect primary and adequate resources for writing well-structured thesis using published research articles, 150+ reputed reference papers, writing plan, and so on.

Writing Thesis (Preliminary)

We write thesis in chapter-by-chapter without any empirical mistakes and we completely provide plagiarism-free thesis.

Skimming & Reading

Skimming involve reading the thesis and looking abstract, conclusions, sections, & sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences & words and writing thesis chorological order of papers.

Fixing Crosscutting Issues

This step is tricky when write thesis by amateurs. Proofreading and formatting is made by our world class thesis writers who avoid verbose, and brainstorming for significant writing.

Organize Thesis Chapters

We organize thesis chapters by completing the following: elaborate chapter, structuring chapters, flow of writing, citations correction, etc.

Writing Thesis (Final Version)

We attention to details of importance of thesis contribution, well-illustrated literature review, sharp and broad results and discussion and relevant applications study.

How PhDservices.org deal with significant issues ?

1. novel ideas.

Novelty is essential for a PhD degree. Our experts are bringing quality of being novel ideas in the particular research area. It can be only determined by after thorough literature search (state-of-the-art works published in IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, ACM, ScienceDirect, Inderscience, and so on). SCI and SCOPUS journals reviewers and editors will always demand “Novelty” for each publishing work. Our experts have in-depth knowledge in all major and sub-research fields to introduce New Methods and Ideas. MAKING NOVEL IDEAS IS THE ONLY WAY OF WINNING PHD.

2. Plagiarism-Free

To improve the quality and originality of works, we are strictly avoiding plagiarism since plagiarism is not allowed and acceptable for any type journals (SCI, SCI-E, or Scopus) in editorial and reviewer point of view. We have software named as “Anti-Plagiarism Software” that examines the similarity score for documents with good accuracy. We consist of various plagiarism tools like Viper, Turnitin, Students and scholars can get your work in Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism. DONT WORRY ABOUT PHD, WE WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING.

3. Confidential Info

We intended to keep your personal and technical information in secret and it is a basic worry for all scholars.

  • Technical Info: We never share your technical details to any other scholar since we know the importance of time and resources that are giving us by scholars.
  • Personal Info: We restricted to access scholars personal details by our experts. Our organization leading team will have your basic and necessary info for scholars.


4. Publication

Most of the PhD consultancy services will end their services in Paper Writing, but our PhDservices.org is different from others by giving guarantee for both paper writing and publication in reputed journals. With our 18+ year of experience in delivering PhD services, we meet all requirements of journals (reviewers, editors, and editor-in-chief) for rapid publications. From the beginning of paper writing, we lay our smart works. PUBLICATION IS A ROOT FOR PHD DEGREE. WE LIKE A FRUIT FOR GIVING SWEET FEELING FOR ALL SCHOLARS.

5. No Duplication

After completion of your work, it does not available in our library i.e. we erased after completion of your PhD work so we avoid of giving duplicate contents for scholars. This step makes our experts to bringing new ideas, applications, methodologies and algorithms. Our work is more standard, quality and universal. Everything we make it as a new for all scholars. INNOVATION IS THE ABILITY TO SEE THE ORIGINALITY. EXPLORATION IS OUR ENGINE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION SO LET’S ALL GO EXPLORING.

Client Reviews

I ordered a research proposal in the research area of Wireless Communications and it was as very good as I can catch it.

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It really good platform to get all PhD services and I have used it many times because of reasonable price, best customer services, and high quality.

My colleague recommended this service to me and I’m delighted their services. They guide me a lot and given worthy contents for my research paper.

I’m never disappointed at any kind of service. Till I’m work with professional writers and getting lot of opportunities.

- Christopher

Once I am entered this organization I was just felt relax because lots of my colleagues and family relations were suggested to use this service and I received best thesis writing.

I recommend phdservices.org. They have professional writers for all type of writing (proposal, paper, thesis, assignment) support at affordable price.

You guys did a great job saved more money and time. I will keep working with you and I recommend to others also.

These experts are fast, knowledgeable, and dedicated to work under a short deadline. I had get good conference paper in short span.

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I am fully satisfied with thesis writing. Thank you for your faultless service and soon I come back again.

Trusted customer service that you offer for me. I don’t have any cons to say.

I was at the edge of my doctorate graduation since my thesis is totally unconnected chapters. You people did a magic and I get my complete thesis!!!

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Good family environment with collaboration, and lot of hardworking team who actually share their knowledge by offering PhD Services.

I enjoyed huge when working with PhD services. I was asked several questions about my system development and I had wondered of smooth, dedication and caring.

I had not provided any specific requirements for my proposal work, but you guys are very awesome because I’m received proper proposal. Thank you!

- Bhanuprasad

I was read my entire research proposal and I liked concept suits for my research issues. Thank you so much for your efforts.

- Ghulam Nabi

I am extremely happy with your project development support and source codes are easily understanding and executed.

Hi!!! You guys supported me a lot. Thank you and I am 100% satisfied with publication service.

- Abhimanyu

I had found this as a wonderful platform for scholars so I highly recommend this service to all. I ordered thesis proposal and they covered everything. Thank you so much!!!

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Research   /   Research Areas Systems and Networking

Systems and Networking is a broad and diverse area of computing research which spans areas including: systems, networks and distributed systems, programming languages and software engineering, compilers, databases and data science, security and cryptography, and mobile and wireless systems.

Photo of Nabil Alshurafa

Nabil Alshurafa

Associate Professor of Preventive Medicine and (by courtesy) Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email Nabil Alshurafa

Photo of Fabian Bustamante

Fabian Bustamante

Professor of Computer Science

Email Fabian Bustamante

Photo of Simone Campanoni

Simone Campanoni

Associate Professor of Computer Science and (by courtesy) Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email Simone Campanoni

Photo of Yan Chen

Yan Chen

Email Yan Chen

Photo of Alok Choudhary

Alok Choudhary

Harold Washington Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Email Alok Choudhary

Photo of Christos Dimoulas

Christos Dimoulas

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Email Christos Dimoulas

Photo of Peter Dinda

Peter Dinda

Professor of Computer Science and (by courtesy) Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email Peter Dinda

Photo of Robby Findler

Robby Findler

Email Robby Findler

Photo of Branden Ghena

Branden Ghena

Assistant Professor of Instruction

Email Branden Ghena

Photo of Nikos Hardavellas

Nikos Hardavellas

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email Nikos Hardavellas

Photo of Josiah Hester

Josiah Hester

Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science

Email Josiah Hester

Photo of Russell Joseph

Russell Joseph

Email Russell Joseph

Photo of Aleksandar Kuzmanovic

Aleksandar Kuzmanovic

Email Aleksandar Kuzmanovic

Photo of Seda Ogrenci

Seda Ogrenci

Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Email Seda Ogrenci

Photo of Jennie Rogers

Jennie Rogers

Email Jennie Rogers

Photo of Vincent St-Amour

Vincent St-Amour

Associate Professor of Instruction

Email Vincent St-Amour

Photo of Kate Smith

Kate Smith

Email Kate Smith

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PhD Research Topics in Computer Networking

PhD Research Topics in Computer Networking has 1000+ way out to a problem based on your study needs. In any case, we will never repeat our work. So, you don’t have to worry about quality. Specifically, we have set an excellent way for scholars to do their PhD degrees.

“Computer Networking will connect computer devices with one another and form a network. Eventually, they can also form a network with available resources.”  We have also sorted out some real-time services in this field for you.

PhD Research Topics in computer networking online


  • Remote Information Sharing
  • Communication
  • Resource Utilization
  • Distributed Processing
  • Data Security
  • Centralization
  • And also in Collaboration

PhD Research Topics in Computer Networking  will do all the things that you oscillate within your research. Surely, we can make things happen in your research with our skills. To list some of the topics, we have made the following set.


  • Hybrid Network Architectures
  • Network Traffic Based Applications
  • 5G and 6G Network Protocols
  • Management of Network Operations
  • Provisioning of Security (Trust, and also Privacy)
  • Prioritized traffic characterization and also measurements
  • Network reliability improvement
  • Network Assisted QoS
  • Rapid Communication Optical access network
  • Adaptive and also Green networking and more

PhD Research Topics in Computer Networking has the means to keep you on track. We will also never allow you to feel weak in your work. At the same time, we will also give data that will boost up your thoughts.

Our members will update their research skills on a steady basis through the research works. If you want to bind with us, then contact our help center. We will provide a top-to-bottom service in your research work.

At last, you can look at the topics that we specified for you benefit,

An inventive methodology for Spectral Efficiency of WBANs Coexistence system

An effective process of localized inter-actuator network topology repair scheme intended for wireless sensor and actuator networks

An effective method for Cost Effective Network Flow Measurement based SDN

An inventive method for Cross-layer adaptive elastic optical networks system

A new technology for Performance Evaluations of Multi-hop WirelessHART Network and 6LoWPAN using Different Topologies

An inventive method for Convolutional neural networks of the YOLO class in computer vision systems for mobile robotic complexes

The novel mechanism for Learning Temporal Information used for Brain-Computer Interface via Convolutional Neural Networks

An effective mechanism for Blockchain-Centric Network Layer based on Efficient Transaction and Block Exchange over Named Data Networking system

A novel study method for Core Technology Based on Computer Information System Security Architecture design

An inventive mechanism for CMA based Reconfigurable Complex Matching Accelerator for Wire-Speed Network Intrusion Detection

A modern mechanism for Mitigation of Multi-vector Network Attacks by Orchestration of Distributed Rule Placement system

A new technique for Software Defined Networking Meets Information Centric Networking practice

An effective method for Evaluation of communication efficiency in data processing system of distribution network

An innovative mechanism for Approach into the Construction of a Network Processing Unit system

An inventive method for Intelligent Routing in Mobile Opportunistic Networks

A new technique for Managing IoT-Based Smart Healthcare Systems Traffic with Software Defined Networks

The novel function of Intrusion Detection and Prevention in Software Defined Networking

The new process of Lightweight Edge Computing Network Architecture and Network Performance Evaluation practice

An effectual process of Iterative Discovery for Multiple Disjoint Paths in Switched Networks with Multicast Frames

An innovative method for Scaling SDM optical networks using full-spectrum spatial switching system

PhD Research Topics in Computer Networking

Why Work With Us ?

Senior research member, research experience, journal member, book publisher, research ethics, business ethics, valid references, explanations, paper publication, 9 big reasons to select us.

Our Editor-in-Chief has Website Ownership who control and deliver all aspects of PhD Direction to scholars and students and also keep the look to fully manage all our clients.

Our world-class certified experts have 18+years of experience in Research & Development programs (Industrial Research) who absolutely immersed as many scholars as possible in developing strong PhD research projects.

We associated with 200+reputed SCI and SCOPUS indexed journals (SJR ranking) for getting research work to be published in standard journals (Your first-choice journal).

PhDdirection.com is world’s largest book publishing platform that predominantly work subject-wise categories for scholars/students to assist their books writing and takes out into the University Library.

Our researchers provide required research ethics such as Confidentiality & Privacy, Novelty (valuable research), Plagiarism-Free, and Timely Delivery. Our customers have freedom to examine their current specific research activities.

Our organization take into consideration of customer satisfaction, online, offline support and professional works deliver since these are the actual inspiring business factors.

Solid works delivering by young qualified global research team. "References" is the key to evaluating works easier because we carefully assess scholars findings.

Detailed Videos, Readme files, Screenshots are provided for all research projects. We provide Teamviewer support and other online channels for project explanation.

Worthy journal publication is our main thing like IEEE, ACM, Springer, IET, Elsevier, etc. We substantially reduces scholars burden in publication side. We carry scholars from initial submission to final acceptance.

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Phd Research Topics In Software Defined Cloud Networking

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  Alan Zaoxing Liu

  Alan Zaoxing Liu

      Assistant Professor

  • University of Maryland
  • Google Scholar

Advanced Computer Networking

PhD Seminar, Boston University, ECE , 2021

The Internet today carries a great volume and variety of data to enable new waves of innovation. This course is to explore the principles and design decisions which underly the Internet. It provides a comprehensive overview of advanced topics in network protocols and networked systems. Lectures will cover both classic papers on Internet protocols and recent research advances. The course aims to examine a wide range of topics, e.g., switching and routing, congestion control, network architectures, data center networks, network virtualization, software-defined networking, and programmable networks, with an emphasis on core networking concepts and principles. The concepts will be reinforced with paper discussions, programming assignments, and a final project.


  • Office Hours: Thu 3-4 or by appointment


Experiences with software systems and computer networking, including one or more of EC 508, EC528, EC 541, etc., or permission of the instructor. The assignments and projects assume students have familiarity with programming (e.g., Python and C/C++).

There are no mandatory textbooks for this course, but every class will have corresponding readings from research papers. A reading list with links to the papers will be provided.

Course Overview

Lectures: In each topic, the instructor will give one or two introductory lectures, followed by paper presentations by class participants.

Paper Reviews: Each student reviews 1 paper/class from top conferences or journals. Submit reviews before the class in four sections, including summary, paper strengths paper weaknesses, and detailed comments.

Paper Presentations: Each student will select papers from the paper reading list (the list will be provided, selections are first-come first-serve) and present that paper during a lecture. The presentation will be followed by a technical discussion.

Programming Assignments: There will be (tentatively) two programming assignments during the class. These assignments assume basic networking knowledge and some familiarity with network programming.

Project: This class has a final project: a. Topic: Reproduce a paper discussed in class, or novel research with a system-building component. b. Can work alone, or in groups of two students. Must involve writing some code. c. Can overlap with other research projects, with permission.

Academic Conduct Statement

Academic Conduct Statement including expectations for academic honesty, reference to consequences for cheating or plagiarism, course-specific guidelines for, e.g., extent of allowable collaboration on assignments, and URL for Academic Conduct Code .

  • Class participation: 20%
  • Paper reviews: 20%
  • Programming assignments: 20%
  • Project report and presentation: 40%

Late Policy: Programming assignments receive 25% off grades for each 24 hours late, rounded up

Course Schedule

Course Overview“How to Read a Paper?”, S.Keshav; “You and Your Research”, J.F. Kaiser
End-host System“A Protocol for Packet Network Intercommunication”, Vint Cerf and Bobert Kahn; “End-to-End Arguments in System Design”, J. H. Saltzer, D. P. Reed, D. D. Clark
Control Plane“The Design Philosophy of The DARPA Internet Protocols”, David D. Clark; “End-to-End Routing Behavior in the Internet”, Vern Paxson
Data Plane“The Click Modular Router”, Eddie Kohler, Robert Morris et al., TOCS’00; “P4: Programming Protocol-Independent Packet Processors”, Pat Bosshart et al., SIGCOMM CCR’14; -Additional Reading: “Forwarding Metamorphosis: Fast Programmable Match-Action Processing in Hardware for SDN”, Pat Bosshart et al., SIGCOMM’13
Overlay Networks“Chord: A Scalable Peer-to-Peer Lookup Service for Internet Applications”, Ion Stoica et al., SIGCOMM’01; “A Scalable Content-Addressable Network”, Sylvia Ratnasamy et al., SIGCOMM’01
Looking Forward: The Big Picture“A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture”, John Hnnessy and David Patterson; “Attack of the Killer Microseconds”, Luiz Barroso et al.
Data Center Networking: Architectures“VL2: A Scalable and Flexible Data Center Network”, Albert Greenberg et al., SIGCOMM’09; “Jupiter Rising: A Decade of Clos Topologies and Centralized Control in Google’s Datacenter Network”, Arjun Singh et al., SIGCOMM’15
Data Center Optical Networks“Helios: A Hybrid Electrical/Optical Switch Architecture for Modular Data Center”, Nathan Farrington et al., SIGCOMM’10; “ProjecToR: Agile Reconfigurable Data Center Interconnect”, Monia Ghobadi et al., SIGCOMM’16
Network Measurement/Sketch“One Sketch to Rule Them All: Rethinking Network Flow Monitoring with UnivMon”, Zaoxing Liu at al., SIGCOMM’16; “NitroSketch: Robust and General Sketch-based Monitoring in Software Switches”, Zaoxing Liu at al., SIGCOMM’19
Congestion Control“Data Center TCP (DCTCP)”, Mohammad Alizadeh et al., SIGCOMM’10; “pFabric: Minimal Near-Optimal Datacenter Transport”, Mohammad Alizadeh et al., SIGCOMM’13; -Additional Reading: “HPCC: High Precision Congestion Control”, Yuliang Li et al., SIGCOMM’19
Resource Disaggregation“LegoOS: A Disseminated, Distributed OS for Hardware Resource Disaggregation”, Yizhou Shan et al., OSDI’18
Software-defined Networking“Ethane: Taking Control of the Enterprise”, Martin Casado et al., SIGCOMM’07; “Onix: A Distributed Control Platform for Large-scale Production Networks”, Teemu Koponen et al., OSDI’07
Wide Area Networks“B4: Experience with a Globally-Deployed Software Defined WAN”, Sushant Jain et al., SIGCOMM’13; “Achieving High Utilization with Software-Driven WAN”, Chi-Yao Hong et al., SIGCOMM’13
Programmable Networks and Applications-Caching: “NetCache: Balancing Key-Value Stores with Fast In-Network Caching”, Xin Jin et al., SOSP’17; “DistCache: Provable Load Balancing for Large-Scale Storage Systems with Distributed Caching”, Zaoxing Liu et al., FAST’19; -Consensus: “Just Say NO to Paxos Overhead: Replacing Consensus with Network Ordering”, Jialin Li et al., OSDI’16; “Eris: Coordination-Free Consistent Transactions Using In-Network Concurrency Control”, Jialin Li et al., SOSP’17; -Telemetry: “PINT: Probabilistic In-band Network Telemetry”, Ran Ben Basat et al., SIGCOMM’20; “Sonata: Query-Driven Streaming Network Telemetry”, Arpit Gupta et al., SIGCOMM’18; -Security: “Jaqen: A High-Performance Switch-Native Approach for Detecting and Mitigating Volumetric DDoS Attacks with Programmable Switches”, Zaoxing Liu et al., USENIX Security’21; “Ripple: A Programmable, Decentralized Link-Flooding Defense Against Adaptive Adversaries”, Jiarong Xing et al., USENIX Security’21
ML and Networks- ML for Networked Systems: “Neural Adaptive Video Streaming with Pensieve”, Hongzi Mao et al., SIGCOMM’17; “Network Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning”, Hang Zhu et al., SIGCOMM’21; “A Deep Reinforcement Learning Perspective on Internet Congestion Control”, Nathan Jay et al., ICML’19; - Networked Systems for ML: “A Generic Communication Scheduuler for Distributed DNN Training Acceleration”, Yanghua Peng et al., SOSP’19; “PipeDream: Generalized Pipeline Parallelism for DNN Training”, Deepak Narayanan et al., SOSP’19; “A Unified Architecture for Accelerating Distributed DNN Training in Heterogeneous GPU/CPU Clusters”, Yimin Jiang et al., OSDI’20
Middleboxes- NFV Framworks “E2: A Framework for NFV Applications”, Shoumik Palkar et al., SOSP’15; “NetBricks: Taking the V out of NFV”, Aurojit Panda et al., OSDI’16; - Load Balancer “Ananta: Cloud Scale Load Balancing”, Parveen Patel et al., SIGCOMM’13; “SilkRoad: Making Stateful Layer-4 Load Balancing Fast and Cheap Using Switching ASICs”, Rui Miao et al., SIGCOMM’17

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computer networks phd research topics

PhD Topics in Computer Networks

Computer networks are the most famous scientific domain which contains a variety of advanced research strategies especially for PhD. Scholars often struggle to come up with the ideal PhD topics in Computer Networks. Here at networksimulationtools.com, we offer comprehensive services to support you throughout your project journey. The following are various interesting PhD topics in this area which we examine for the emerging and dynamic essence of the area:

  • Network Security and Privacy
  • Research Objective: The emerging setting of cyber-attacks with creative safety countermeasures is being solved. Privacy-preserving techniques, intrusion detection mechanisms and quantum-resistible cryptography are the topics that can be involved.
  • Next-Generation Internet Architectures
  • Research Objective: Concentrating on performance, protection, assistance and scalability for growing applications such as edge computing and IoT and then discovering new internet structures which can solve the restrictions of the on-going TCP/IP framework.
  • Machine Learning for Network Management
  • Research Objective: To enhance network handling and protection, utilize machine learning and AI. For automatic network enhancement, AI-driven safety attack identification and network efficacy, this exploration can target predictive analytics.
  • Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
  • Research Objective: Transform network handling and framework by researching the possibility of SDN and NFV. For software-defined networks, it can include creating novel efficiency enhancement methods, control methods and safety models.
  • Advanced Wireless Communication Systems
  • Research Objective: Reflect on the evolving requests for trustworthy and high-speed wireless connections by creating novel protocols, methods and tools for 5G and after networks like network slicing, mmWave interactions and massive MIMO.
  • Blockchain for Network Security and Management
  • Research Objective: In distributed network handling along with data morality, access control and safe routing, trust maintenance and network protection, discovering the application of blockchain technology.
  • Underwater Wireless Communication Networks
  • Research Objective: To assist applications such as oceanographic tracking and data gathering, solving the problems of underwater interaction. Energy-effective protocols, trustworthy data transmission approaches and novel audio interaction algorithms can be discovered in the investigation.
  • Energy-Efficient Network Design
  • Research Objective: By aiming at the collaboration of sustainable power sources, energy-attentive routing methods and eco-friendly networking experiences, decrease the energy consumption of network structures through designing plans and techniques.
  • IoT Networks and Protocols
  • Research Objective: The dependability, safety and scalability of IoT networks are being improved. Some of the possible topics involved are the creation of powerful safety solutions which are altered for IoT devices, effective data integration methods and weightless interaction protocols.
  • Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs)
  • Research Objective: Serve excellent transportation models by creating techniques and protocols for VANETs. Combination with digital city structures, traffic handling methods and effective vehicle-to-vehicle interaction are the involved topics.
  • Quantum Networking
  • Research Objective: To confirm safe and ultra-fast interaction, innovative exploration in quantum networking such as quantum repeaters and quantum key distribution (QKD), and the collaboration of quantum techniques with traditional networks.
  • Edge Computing in Next-Generation Networks
  • Research Objective: In changing network frameworks and services, researching the duty of edge computing. For smooth low-latency computing models, edge-oriented safety measures and edge-cloud collaboration, it contains creating systems.

What are the hottest PhD research topics in IoT Security?

       In the field of IoT security, there are various latest and significant topics emerging currently for PhD research. To protect highly difficult and abundant IoT mechanisms, we suggest you a list of few trending PhD research topics in this domain that consider the necessity for creative solutions:

  • Secure Firmware Update Mechanisms for IoT Devices
  • Research Aim: To prevent sensitivities and assure device morality, developing safe and dependable firmware update systems for IoT devices. The deployment systems, authentication methods and over-the-air (OTA) can be discovered through it.
  • IoT Identity and Access Management
  • Research Aim: In IoT environments, inventing directions to handle access controls and device profiles. Protective device verification and provisioning systems, distributed identity measures and blockchain-oriented access control can be enclosed in this topic.
  • Security in IoT-Enabled Smart Cities
  • Research Aim: By enclosing fields such as societal security mechanisms, digital transportation and smart grids, confirming the safety of IoT applications in digital cities. This exploration may target security against city-scale cyber-real threats, safe data distribution and measurable protection frameworks.
  • Edge Computing Security in IoT
  • Research Aim: Work on IoT data nearer to its source for protecting edge computing platforms. The advancement of privacy-preserving data processing, abnormality finding at the edge and safe data aggregation protocols are discovered in this investigation.
  • Blockchain for IoT Security
  • Research Aim: Improve IoT safety and belief by utilizing blockchain technique. Distributed safety systems, blockchain-oriented IoT device handling and safe IoT data storage on blockchain are involved in possible topics.
  • AI and Machine Learning for IoT Security
  • Research Aim: To find and secure against attacks in IoT networks, implementing AI and machine learning methods. Particularly for autonomous attack response models, predictive protection and abnormality identification, it contains constructing frameworks.
  • Physical Layer Security in IoT
  • Research Aim: At the physical layer of IoT interactions, improving protection. For avoiding jamming threats, physical unclonable functions (PUFs) for device verification and eavesdropping, it can contain investigation on safe signal transmission techniques.
  • IoT Security for Critical Infrastructure
  • Research Aim: In challenging structures like transportation, water systems and power grids, overcoming the safety requirements of IoT applications. Intrusion detection models, flexible interaction protocols and safe sensor networks are involved in this study.
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography for IoT
  • Research Aim: By constructing post-quantum cryptographic methods which are appropriate for IoT devices, generating for the initiation of quantum computing. To execute on restricted devices and prevent quantum computing threats, it includes developing methods accurately.
  • Secure IoT Communication Protocols
  • Research Aim: Assure data interchange among IoT devices by creating novel or improving previous interaction protocols. For devices with insufficient computational materials, it has the development of proper weightless and energy-effective encryption.
  • IoT Privacy Preservation
  • Research Aim: To secure user confidentiality in IoT applications, the approaches are being created. Privacy-attentive IoT data analytics, secure multi-party computation (SMPC) for IoT data, and differential privacy algorithms can be involved in the topic.
  • Cross-Layer Security Approaches for IoT
  • Research Aim: Starting from the actual layer to the application layer, creating safety countermeasures which work throughout several layers of IoT stack. To offer extensive safety coverage for IoT mechanisms, this holistic method is intended.

PhD Projects in Computer Networks

PhD Thesis Ideas in Computer Networks

Check out these exciting PhD thesis ideas in the field of computer networks! We have curated a list of trending thesis titles that are sure to captivate readers. Our team of experts consists of highly trained staff who are dedicated to providing best simulation assistance. With our guidance, you can effortlessly bring your highly sophisticated projects to life. Additionally, we offer complete research guidance and support through our convenient online and offline services. Get ready to embark on an incredible academic journey with our exceptional resources!

  • A comprehensive survey of service function chain provisioning approaches in SDN and NFV architecture
  • TRAQR: Trust aware End-to-End QoS routing in multi-domain SDN using Blockchain
  • An SDN-based Intrusion Detection System using SVM with Selective Logging for IP Traceback
  • SDN and NFV for QoE-driven multimedia services delivery: The road towards 6G and beyond networks
  • Application of low-carbon design concept of network energy consumption based on SDN architecture in high-rise residential building design
  • A hybrid DL-driven intelligent SDN-enabled malware detection framework for Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
  • A Research on Integrated Space-Ground Information Network Simulation Platform Based on SDN
  • Flowlet-level multipath routing based on graph neural network in OpenFlow-based SDN
  • Dynamic adjustment for proactive flow installation mechanism in SDN-based IoT
  • Multi-layered intrusion detection and prevention in the SDN/NFV enabled cloud of 5G networks using AI-based defense mechanisms
  • 5G network slicing using SDN and NFV: A survey of taxonomy, architectures and future challenges
  • A 3-stage fuzzy-decision tree model for traffic signal optimization in urban city via a SDN based VANET architecture
  • Minimizing false positive rate for DoS attack detection: A hybrid SDN-based approach
  • SDN-based band-adaptive quality assurance scheme in support of heterogenous B5G services over sliceable multi-band optical networks
  • Coordination and management of cloud, fog and edge resources in SDN-VANETs using fuzzy logic: A comparison study for two fuzzy-based systems
  • Energy exchange cooperative model in SDN-based interconnected multi-microgrids
  • MPLS-based reduction of flow table entries in SDN switches supporting multipath transmission
  • Latency-aware computation offloading and DQN-based resource allocation approaches in SDN-enabled MEC
  • The 5G network slicing using SDN based technology for managing network traffic
  • An SDN based framework for maximizing throughput and balanced load distribution in a Cloudlet network
Technology Ph.D MS M.Tech
NS2 75 117 95
NS3 98 119 206
OMNET++ 103 95 87
OPNET 36 64 89
QULANET 30 76 60
MININET 71 62 74
MATLAB 96 185 180
LTESIM 38 32 16
CONTIKI OS 42 36 29
GNS3 35 89 14
NETSIM 35 11 21
EVE-NG 4 8 9
TRANS 9 5 4
PEERSIM 8 8 12
RTOOL 13 15 8
VNX and VNUML 8 7 8
WISTAR 9 9 8
CNET 6 8 4
ESCAPE 8 7 9
VIRL 9 9 8
SWAN 9 19 5
JAVASIM 40 68 69
SSFNET 7 9 8
TOSSIM 5 7 4
PSIM 7 8 6
ONESIM 5 10 5
DIVERT 4 9 8
TINY OS 19 27 17
TRANS 7 8 6
CONSELF 7 19 6
ARENA 5 12 9
VENSIM 8 10 7
NETKIT 6 8 7
GEOIP 9 17 8
REAL 7 5 5
NEST 5 10 9

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computer networks phd research topics

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RESEARCH TOPICS IN NETWORKING FOR PHD scholars are numerous due to its prominent usage. Networking is also not a new word to talk much about it. All we see around us today is network. Today in every home, we use more than two systems which are connected by some wires. It is also a small example of network. Network is also a connection of two or more computing devices using wires.

We also deal with networking in all domains like telecommunication, electrical and computer science. It forms the base of all domains as without networking we also cannot expand our communication network. Mobile phone we use today which become our right hand is also based on the concept of networking. It is also an evergreen field with lot of research scope due to its ever increasing need.

RESEARCH TOPICS IN NETWORKING FOR PHD  includes green networking, internet networking, advanced concepts of networking and also its protocols. We can also select any topic under networking for phd and also can work on advanced algorithms and protocols. Both form the base of networking projects. We also have explained few tools and algorithms below to get some basic idea about networking. Scholars can also refer and if they have further doubts regarding it, we are also always ready to help them.


Energy and networking Data center networking Software define networking Security Mobile networking Next generation internet User centric networking Detecting and also preventing network attacks Intrusion detection system Improve QoS of network Wireless networking Networked system and also algorithms Social network analysis Sensor actuator network also researches Anomaly detection etc.

SOFTWARE AND TOOL DETAILS =============================

1)JAVA 2).Net Framework 3)Network simulator(ns) 4)omnet++ 5)OPNET 6)QualNet 7)Psimulator2 8)Matlab 9)Also scilab

PURPOSE OF THE EVERY SOFTWARE AND TOOL ===========================================

JAVA–> Provide support also for common network protocols like TCP.

.Net Framework–> Facilitate layered, extensible, and also managed implementation of Internet services

Matlab–>Used for designing, simulation, and also verification of wireless systems.

Network simulator–> discrete-event computer network simulators also used for modern networking research(ns2, ns3)

omnet++–> Network simulator for all types of networks containing component-based C++ simulation library and framework.

OPNET–>Used to provide performance management also for computer networks.

QualNet–> commercial version also of GloMoSim

Psimulator2–> basic graphical network simulator which also requires a Java run-time environment

Matlab–> Used to perform message communication also using TCP/IP by calling Java inline function.

scilab–> focus on the analysis of network protocols and also algorithms

Related Search Terms

computer networks phd research topics

Research Topics

Interactive proof assistants; Type theory and programming languages, program verification and synthesis

Contact Information

Buffalo NY, 14260

[email protected]

Related Links

  • PhD, Computer Science, Purdue University, 2024
  • BS, Computer Science, Sichuan University, China, 2013

Research Topics in Computer Networks for PhD

    Research Topics in Computer Networks for PhD is one of major service started for the research scholars and students to accomplish their project in academics. Our multi-talented experts and experienced professionals are also grouping together to form a research team, guiding our research scholars and students inefficiently. More than 8000+ Computer Networks also for PhD were completed, and we offer a versatile platform of development for research scholars and students who choose us for their project guidance. Our giant expertise and also experience makes us a world popular institute for research/project guidance. We also have multiple branches across the 120+ countries to better serve our research scholars and students’ research.

Topics in Computer Networks for PhD

    Research Topics in Computer Networks for PhD provide you latest and also innovative ideas to build your knowledge in research. We provide support for research scholars and students through our Computer Networks for PhD service to prepare them for networking research proposals. We also mainly focused on networking tools ( NS2, NS3, OMNET++, OPNET , etc.) also for research scholars and students to reach their destination in research. Trust, quality, and standard are our slogan that students come from different countries to research.

Let’s see some of the networking issues and networking attacks for your reference,

Recent networking issues.

  • Network security issues
  • Routing issues
  • Polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
  • Content rich internet support
  • Traffic and also performance issues (Wireless communications)
  • Scaling issues (Multi sensor network)
  • Fidelity and also architecture issues (Network centric welfare simulations)
  • Technical issues (Military data communications networks)
  • Pragmatic issues (Eternal computer networks)
  • MAC layer of access issues (Vehicular networking)
  • Energy efficiency issues (ICN)
  • EMC compatibility issues (Cognitive radio network)
  • Sensor deployment issues (WSN)
  • Modeling non-sinusoidal modes (Distribution networks)
  • Power quality issues (VANET)
  • Reliability issues (Distribution network)
  • General trustworthy issue (Cooperative networks)
  • Filter narrowing issues (elastic optical networks)
  • Coexistence issues (DVB-T2 networks)
  • Regulatory issues (Distribution networks)
  • Mobility issues (Wireless mesh networks)
  • Hosting capacity issues (MV/LV networks)
  • Physical layer security issues (Wireless network)
  • Multicast transmission issues (Wireless networks)
  • Architectures and also design issues (Vehicular Ad hoc networks)
  • Forensic of negative issues (Social network)
  • DG integration issues (Multi-Phase distribution networks)
  • Cyber security issues (wireless mesh networks)
  • IP telephony security issues (neural network)

Recent Networking Attacks

  • Network layer attacks (Sensor networks)
  • Random multichannel jamming attacks (WSN)
  • Security attacks (Smart home networks)
  • DoS attacks (IoT networks)
  • Mitigating attacks (SDN)
  • Adversarial attacks (CPSs)
  • Sinkhole attack (WSN)
  • Flooding attack (Delay tolerant networks)
  • IP spoofing attack (6LoWPAN networks)
  • Presentation attack (Neural network)
  • SSDF attacks (Cognitive radio networks)
  • Multiple Malicious attacks (Scale free networks)
  • Chip cloning attacks (Hopfield neural networks)
  • Sophisticated attacks (WSN)
  • Redistribution attacks (Power systems)
  • Smart jamming attacks (Cognitive radio networks)
  • Energy depletion attack (Wireless network)
  • Local false data injection attacks (Modern power grid)
  • Wormhole attack (60 GHz directional network)
  • Sybil attack (Vehicular network)
  • Cyber-attacks (neural network)
  • Insider attack (Wireless networks)
  • Black hole attacks (Opportunistic networks)
  • Stealthy cyber-attacks (Metering infrastructure networks)
  • Jamming attack (OFDM network)
  • Version number attacks (RPL-based Networks)
  • Eavesdropping attack (WSN)
  • Countering smart attack (WSN)
  • Fault attacks (Benes network)
  • Pollution attack (Wireless network coding systems)
  • Byzantine attacks (WSN and also Cognitive radio networks)
  • Zero day attacks (Network diversity)
  • Node capture attacks (WSN)

Recent Networking Protocols

  • Time synchronization protocols
  • Routing protocols
  • OSPF routing also based on protocol
  • Network protocol
  • IEEE 802.11ah also based on protocol
  • Try-once-discard also based on protocol
  • Clustered routing also based protocol
  • REALFLOW routing also based on protocol
  • MAC protocol
  • Weighted consensus also based on protocols
  • Multipath routing protocol
  • Multihop routing also based on protocol
  • Connectivity routing protocol
  • Cross layer also in protocol
  • RPL routing protocol
  • Energy efficient routing also based on protocol
  • Clustering hierarchy also based on protocol
  • Relaying protocol
  • Sensor medium access control protocol
  • Secret key generation protocol
  • Stochastic sampling consensus also based on protocol
  • Map construction protocol
  • Remote authentication protocol
  • Collection protocol
  • DTN protocol
  • Data collection routing also based on protocol
  • RDMA protocol
  • Round robin protocol
  • Distributed network protocol
  • Data communication also based on protocol
  • Scheduling protocol
  • Ring clustering routing protocol
  • Handshake also based on protocol
  • Semi persistent RRC also protocol
  • Key agreement protocol
  • Efficiency also based on broadcast protocol
  • FDP protocol
  • LBRR protocol
  • End to End also based on protocol
  • Slotted aloha message concentration also based on protocol
  • TDMA- aware routing protocol
  • MHT-LEACH also based on protocol
  • Load sensing protocol
  • One step clustering also based on protocol
  • SCTP also based on protocol
  • Energy consumption protocol
  • Multi-level clustering also based on protocol
  • IETF routing protocol

Recent Project Ideas

  • Datacenter security also in cloud computing
  • Backup server network security design
  • Techniques also for monitoring web server
  • Monitoring tool also for server uptime
  • Wireshark brute force attack also in detection
  • Testing tool also for packet loss
  • Demonstration also for ARP spoofing
  • STP attacks and also design
  • Demonstration of IP spoofing
  • VLAN network router access restriction

We also hope that the information mentioned above is enough to get a brief knowledge about Computer Networks also for PhD. Feel free to get in touch with us if you feel we can also help you.

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We create successful research career, keep in touch with us…………

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  12. Systems and Networking

    Kate Smith. Systems and Networking is a broad and diverse area of computing research which spans areas including: systems, networks and distributed systems, programming languages and software engineering, compilers, databases and data science, security and cryptography, and mobile and wireless systems.

  13. Research Interests

    MSc and PhD Research Interests. Below is a listing of research areas represented in the Department of Computer Science. For some areas, their parent branch of Computer Science (such as Scientific Computing) is indicated in parentheses. Artificial Intelligence (AI) natural language processing (NLP), speech processing, information retrieval ...

  14. PhD Topics in Computer Networks (Trending Titles List)

    Advanced PhD Topics in Computer Networks. We are also aforesaid some information about computer networks such as research areas, network protocols, handover techniques and mechanisms, congestion control mechanisms security attacks and mechanisms, and latest research topics. We also believe that our reference is most useful for you.

  15. PhD Research Topics in Computer Networks

    We have high computer network experience-based research topics like scheduling, clustering, routing, security, load balancing, etc. Also, we accomplished thousands of computer networks based research projects on various research topics. Our standardized research work speaks about our quality. There are wide ranges of security software, network ...

  16. PhD Research Topics in Computer Networking

    PhD Research Topics in Computer Networking has the means to keep you on track. We will also never allow you to feel weak in your work. At the same time, we will also give data that will boost up your thoughts. Our members will update their research skills on a steady basis through the research works. If you want to bind with us, then contact ...

  17. Advanced Computer Networking

    The Internet today carries a great volume and variety of data to enable new waves of innovation. This course is to explore the principles and design decisions which underly the Internet. It provides a comprehensive overview of advanced topics in network protocols and networked systems. Lectures will cover both classic papers on Internet protocols and recent research advances. The course aims ...

  18. Trending Top 7 Computer Network Topics for Students [Guidance]

    5G Telecommunications - On-body Massive MIMO Virtual Array Design Light Positioning Network Planning. Combine Visible Light and Radio Frequency Signals. Precision Agriculture through Wireless Sensors. Personalized QoE Achievement in Tactile Networks. From the point of research, computer network topics are collected from diverse areas based on ...

  19. Latest Research Topics in Computer Networks (Help)

    A computer network is an interesting field to facilitate communication through video conferencing, instant messaging, and also email over the Internet. We have also completed nearly 1000+ projects in computer networks using various simulation tools, including NS2/NS3, Omnet++, Opnet, Qualnet, and other programming languages like Matlab, Matlab ...

  20. PhD Ideas in Computer Networks

    Computer networks are the most famous scientific domain which contains a variety of advanced research strategies especially for PhD. Scholars often struggle to come up with the ideal PhD topics in Computer Networks. Here at networksimulationtools.com, we offer comprehensive services to support you throughout your project journey.

  21. Research Topics in Networking for Phd

    Network simulator-> discrete-event computer network simulators also used for modern networking research(ns2, ns3) omnet++-> Network simulator for all types of networks containing component-based C++ simulation library and framework. OPNET->Used to provide performance management also for computer networks.

  22. Top 15+ Latest Research Topics in Networking (Help)

    Cognitive computing and also machine learning. Micro services architecture. Adaptive security. Augmented and virtual reality. Cloud networking. Big data analytics in mobile networking. Smart personal assistants. Wearable's in sensor networks. Blockchain as a service (BaaS)

  23. Ye, Qianchuan

    4/19/24 Research & Faculty. 3/31/23 Diversity & Inclusion. 9/14/23 Our ... Research Topics. Interactive proof assistants; Type theory and programming languages, program verification and synthesis ... Prof. Ye's Google Scholar page. Biography Research. Education . PhD, Computer Science, Purdue University, 2024; BS, Computer Science, Sichuan ...

  24. Research Topics in Computer Networks for PhD

    Research Topics in Computer Networks for PhD provide you latest and also innovative ideas to build your knowledge in research. We provide support for research scholars and students through our Computer Networks for PhD service to prepare them for networking research proposals. We also mainly focused on networking tools ( NS2, NS3, OMNET++ ...