resume format for experienced business development executive

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resume format for experienced business development executive

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3 Business Development Executive Resume Examples

Stephen Greet

Business Development Executive Resume

Professional business development executive resume, formal business development executive resume.

  • Business Development Executive Resume Writing 101

It seems that everything you touch turns to gold, but it’s not magic—it’s your skill set. Your keen sense of strategy helps you seamlessly navigate massive takeovers and come out on top.

Outlining a large business expansion plan might seem like second nature to you, but outlining a resume is another story. How can you recommend yourself to potential employers with equal ease?

Writing a great cover letter and a solid resume is the key to landing your next role. You’re in the right spot—our business development executive resume templates have helped hundreds of execs land their dream jobs.

or download as PDF

Business development executive resume example with 8+ years experience

Why this resume works

  • Ideally, a job-winning business development executive resume should feature the specific keywords from the ad. Then, don’t overlook the importance of a thoughtfully curated work history section that emphasizes your capability to outdo yourself or outshine competitors. For instance, see how Mikelle talks about exceeding 2019 regional sales growth targets by 31%.

Professional business development executive resume example

Related resume examples

  • International business development manager
  • Director of business development
  • Entry-level business development
  • Business development associate
  • Business development

What Matters Most: Your Business Development Executive Skills & Work

Your resume skills and work experience

The list of skills that help you excel as a business development executive is almost as long as your past achievements. From relationship building to complex financial analysis, you’ve got a skill set to cover all the bases.

While your client acquisition and retention skills are crucial, now is the time to highlight your technical abilities. This will help you get past applicant tracking systems (ATS) often used by recruiters.

Underscore your skills in market research, sales prospecting, and portfolio management. Don’t forget to mention relevant CRM software, such as Salesforce. Additionally, you can include other tools like Tableau and Qualtrics.

9 most popular business development executive skills

  • Market Analysis
  • Financial Forecasting
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Google Analytics
  • Sales and Negotiation
  • Customer Acquisition

Sample business development executive work experience bullet points

Your path to get to this point is paved with relevant achievements. The work experience section of your resume is where you need to make the most of them.

This is not the place to be generic or vague, so don’t be modest! You know how important data can be, so use it to your advantage. Rely on recognizable metrics to emphasize your biggest wins.

Have you led a merger that delivered $4 million in revenue? Highlight that. Similarly, if your negotiation skills resulted in a 11% increase in market share, make it known.  

Here’s how to showcase your best accomplishments:

  • Managed a portfolio of 30+ client accounts, achieving a 95% retention rate through effective relationship management 
  • Developed a market entry strategy for a new geographical region, resulting in a 22% increase in market penetration
  • Led a team in securing a partnership with a Fortune 500 company, leading to a multi-year contract worth $9 million
  • Conducted market analysis and identified a niche segment, prompting the development of a specialized product line that generated $450,000 in revenue within the first year

Top 5 Tips for Your Business Development Executive Resume

  • Just listing “business acumen” on your resume isn’t convincing, so include achievements that prove your business prowess. Focus on demonstrating your impact on revenue, growth, market expansion, client acquisition, and strategic partnerships. 
  • As a business development executive, you collaborate with teams, clients, stakeholders, and potential partners. Demonstrate your interpersonal skills by highlighting initiatives you’ve spearheaded and project teams you’ve led. 
  • Formal training and specialist certifications assure hiring managers that you have a strong base of industry knowledge. Popular business development certifications include the CBD and CPBD. Throw them in, and add any marketing and leadership certifications, such as Lean Six Sigma.
  • Responsibilities can vary, so paying attention to the specifics of each job description is essential. Understand exactly what the company wants from its new exec and respond in kind. For example, if the company is expanding to a new region, show off the marketing campaign you led.
  • If you’re a member of any professional associations, like the AMA (American Management Association), including these on your resume can help showcase that you’re an active community member. It’s always good to show you’re well-connected and keep your hand on the pulse.

As a business development executive, your role is centered around driving revenue, so those are some of the best metrics to include. Talk about sales targets you’ve surpassed and the way you were able to increase market share.

Yes, cover letters are a potent tool as they allow you to elaborate on elements in your resume, provide context, and add a personal touch. Your resume should focus on your technical skills, but the cover letter lets you talk about developing customized solutions for specific clients and collaborating with dozens of experts on a large project.

The perfect resume always fits on one page. It’s challenging, but your resume template only has one very specific job to do, and that’s to hold concise and keyword-dense content. Let the numbers do the talking.

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Business Development Manager Resume Example for 2024

Background Image

Creating a resume is hard.

Creating a compelling resume that’s going to land you your dream business development manager job is even harder.

But worry not - in this guide, we’ll teach you everything you need to know to create a compelling business development manager resume!

Here’s what we’re going to cover:

  • Job-Winning Business Development Resume Example
  • Step-By-Step Guide on How to Create a Compelling Business Development Resume
  • Formula for Listing Work Experience the Right Way

Let’s dive right in. 

Business Development Manager Resume Example

business resume

The above business development manager resume example does everything right, including:

  • Picking the right resume format . The reverse-chronological resume format is the most popular format for recruiters worldwide, and as such, is always a safe choice.
  • Listing the relevant contact information. The resume includes typical details like phone number and email, as well as a LinkedIn profile (optional, but relevant for a business development role).
  • Capturing the recruiter’s attention with a compelling resume summary. The resume summary briefly describes the candidate’s work history and gives the recruiter a reason to dig deeper into the resume.
  • Using bullet points to concisely convey information. The recruiter doesn’t have all day. Unless they can scan your resume in a matter of minutes, they’re simply going to skip over you as a candidate. By including bullets in your resume, the hiring manager can read your resume more easily.
  • Keeping the education section minimalistic. Unless you’re a recent graduate, there’s no need to go too in-depth with your education section. Simply listing the degree, university, and dates attended is enough.
  • Lists the right skills. The above business development manager resume example skips over general and irrelevant skills, focusing solely on the ones that are relevant for the role.
  • Takes advantage of the optional resume sections. The resume example above includes “Honors” and “Certifications,” which help the applicant further stand out from the competition.

How to Write a Business Development Manager Resume - 8 Simple Steps

Inspired by the resume example above, but still not sure how to start your own business development manager resume?

We’ve got your back! Just follow these 8 steps and you’ll be good to go, starting with:

#1. Pick the Right Business Development Resume Format

As we previously mentioned, the best resume format for a business development manager is the reverse-chronological one , which looks like this:

reverse chronological business development manager resume

While there are other formats out there (namely functional and combination ), they’re nowhere near as popular as the reverse-chronological one and are more likely to harm your chances of getting a job than anything else.

Once you pick the format, then you have to start working on your resume layout, which includes:

  • Keeping your resume under 1 page. Unless you have 20+ years of work experience, most recruiters expect you to keep your resume under one page. Chances are if it’s more than a single page, you’re including information that’s not super relevant for your role. If Elon Musk can keep his resume under 1 page , so can you!
  • Creating distinctive section headings to ensure that the different sections in your resume are easily identifiable.
  • Picking the right font size and style. The norm is 11-12 pt for standard text and 13-14 pt for section headings. Pick a professional (but distinct) font like Ubuntu, Roboto or Overpass.
  • Save your resume as a PDF (unless requested otherwise). 

Or Use a Tried-and-Tested Business Development Manager Resume Template

Let’s face it: as a business development manager, you have much better things to do than spend hours formatting your resume.

You have to pick the right font size, structure the resume layout, make sure the format works with applicant tracking systems , and so on…

Want to skip over all that AND create a well-designed, compelling resume in minutes?

Use one of our free resume templates !

All you have to do is hit the link above, pick a template, and you’ll be set with a job-winning resume in less than an hour.

And the best part? Our resume templates look much, much better than the conventional text-editor resumes :

resume examples

#2. Add Your Contact Information (Avoid Typos!)

Once you’re done with your business development manager resume layout and formatting, it’s time to start filling in the contents…

And the first section you’ll have to tackle is contact information . This section consists of:

  • Your name and surname.
  • Your professional title.
  • Your phone number.
  • Your email.
  • Your location (City, state, and country. No need for an address)

If LinkedIn is important to your role (e.g. if you use it to reach out to potential biz dev partners), you should also include your LinkedIn profile URL in the contact information section.

Here’s what a business development manager contact information section would look like on a resume:

Business Development Manager


[email protected]

#3. Write an Eye-Catching Business Development Resume Summary

When a recruiter lays their eyes on your resume, you have around 6 seconds to convince them that you’re a relevant candidate and that they should read your resume more in-depth.

If you fail to do so, they’ll simply skip over to the next candidate.

So, how can you make sure that the recruiter sees value in your business development manager resume straight away?

The answer is simple: you need to create a compelling resume summary.

A resume summary is a short, 2-4 sentence “summary” of your work history. It gives the recruiter a snapshot of:

  • Your role and years of experience
  • Your 1-2 top achievements
  • Your most important skill(s) as a business development manager

Simply by scanning this resume section , the recruiter can instantly tell that you’re a qualified candidate for the role.

Here’s what a convincing business development manager resume summary would look like:

Self-starting business development manager with 6+ years of experience seeking to help Company X enter the German market. Experience at Company Y includes finding, negotiating with, and establishing partnerships with software installation partners in Berlin. Over $500,000 in revenue was generated for Company Y through such partnerships in 2020.

#4. Create a Compelling Work Experience Section

Your work experience is the #1 most important selling point for you as a candidate.

After all, work experiences are what differentiate an A-player business development manager from the rest.

So - how can you create a work experience section that stands out ?

First, let’s start with the formatting. When listing your work history, do this:

  • Start with your current or most recent role and go backward in time from there.
  • Don’t list jobs you’ve worked 15+ years ago or jobs that aren’t too relevant for the role you’re applying for. E.g. the hiring manager doesn’t need to know that you used to work as a part-time shop assistant 8 years back.
  • Begin each entry with your job title. Add the company name underneath that, the dates worked, and 3-5 of your top achievements or responsibilities in bullet points.

Simply listing your work experience, though, is not enough. Sure, it’s going to get your foot in the door, but it might not convince the recruiter to pick you over other business development manager candidates.

So, what can you do to take your resume one step further?

Here’s what we recommend:

  • When possible, focus on achievements over responsibilities. The recruiter has seen dozens of resumes for your profession, they know what your responsibilities are. Focusing on achievements helps you stand out better from other candidates.
  • When listing your achievements, quantity them. Instead of saying “Increased sales to a record high number,” say “Increased sales by 20% in 2021 by changing up the software demo process.” 
  • The best way to quantify your achievements is to include the achievement (increased sales), the number (by 20%), timeframe (2021), and the actions you took (changing up the software demo process).

Sounds simple enough, right? Now let’s see what achievements look like on a convincing business development manager resume example:

Pear Inc.  

05/2016 - Current

  • Helped drive over $500,000 in sales during my 2nd year at the company.
  • Hired 3 other business development specialists that reported directly to me.
  • Established SOPs and guidelines for partner outreach, sales negotiations, and more.

job search masterclass

#5. List Your Education Concisely

As a business development manager, your educational background is not nearly as important as your work history.

That said, it’s still important that you get this right.

When working on your educational history, do this:

First things first - add a section header saying “Education.”

Then, add your latest degree first . List the degree title and major (B.A. in Business Administration), university name (Chicago University), and years attended (2012 - 2016).

If you have more than a single relevant degree, you can include both (E.g. Masters and B.A.). You can completely skip on your high school degree, though, if you have any sort of higher education.

Here’s what the education section would look like on a business development manager resume:

B.A. in Business Administration

Boston University, Boston, M.A.

08/2012 - 05/2016

#6. Include the Right Skills

On to the next section!

After education, you need to include a skills section in your business development manager resume.

The key here, though, isn’t to list every skill under the sun, Instead, you should specifically include the ones that are going to help you excel at the role you’re applying for.

At the end of the day, not every business development job is the same. One hiring manager, for example, might be looking for a biz dev manager with more marketing skills, while another might be seeking someone with good knowledge of sales.

So, the best thing you can do here is to scan the job ad and look for the essential skills the role requires, and plug them in your skills section (as long as you actually possess these skills, that is).

Now in case the job ad doesn’t mention a lot of skills, here are some that are essential for business development managers in 2024:

13 Essential Business Development Manager Skills

  • Negotiation Skills
  • Sales Skills
  • Salesforce CRM
  • Pipedrive CRM
  • Google Analytics
  • Customer Acquisition
  • Digital Marketing
  • Time Management
  • Lead Generation
  • Communication skills
  • Active listening
  • Interpersonal skills

#7. Got Some Space Left? Include Additional Sections

At this point, your resume should already be one-page long . If that’s the case, you can simply skip over to the next section.

If you still have some space, though, you can use some of these optional resume sections to add some more substance to your business development manager resume.

These sections aren’t going to win you the job on their own, but they can help convince the recruiter to pick you over a candidate with a similar skill-set and work experience.

Here are the optional resume sections for a business development manager:

  • Certifications. Got a certification to prove your prowess with Salesforce CRM ? Or maybe you just have that fancy CBDM certification ? Any of these should go on your resume.
  • Honors & Awards. Have you won any industry-related awards? Add them to your business development manager resume!
  • Languages. Language skills come in handy in any client-facing role. You can use them to communicate with a prospect whose English is not as good or to simply build up a rapport.
  • Hobbies & Interests. While they’re not going to win you the job on their own, hobbies can still have a space on your resume. Specifically, they help show the recruiter what you’re all about in your free time and can sometimes serve as common ground with your interviewer.

Here’s how these optional sections would look like in your business development manager resume:


  • CBDM Certified Business Development Manager, June 2018.
  • Salesforce Sales Consultant Certification, October 2016
  • Spanish (Advanced)
  • Italian (Intermediate) 
  • Creative Writing

#8. Attach a Matching Cover Letter

Just like any other profession, business development managers are required to submit a cover letter alongside their resume within their application.

Here are some tips to ensure that your cover letter shines as bright as your resume:

  • Start by addressing the cover letter by the recruiter’s name, last name, or professional title. Writing “Dear Sir or Madam” and “To Whom It May Concern” just means that you didn’t do much research on where you’re applying.
  • Write an attention-grabbing introduction . Here, you mention your job title, years of experience, and 1-2 key achievements.
  • The bulk of your cover letter should elaborate on your key achievements and skills. If you want to go the extra mile, you can include information on why you’re passionate about working for that exact company.
  • Conclude your cover letter with a call to action.
  • Finally, go through our guides to cover letter tips and mistakes to make sure that your cover letter is nothing short of perfect!

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap! 

By now, you should have all the information you need to create a compelling business development manager resume.

Before you go, let’s do a quick summary of our main learning points:

  • Use the reverse-chronological resume format, as it’s the most popular one out there.
  • In your work experience section, focus more on achievements instead of responsibilities.
  • List essential business development manager skills like sales, lead generation, and more.
  • If you have extra space on your resume, include some of the optional sections like hobbies, certifications, and others.
  • Finally, work on your cover letter to make sure that it’s as good as your resume.

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  • • Increased sales by 15% between 2019 and 2020 following a targeted activation campaign and a real-time analysis of post-purchase client behavior
  • • Using a CRM archived data, tracked down old prospects and gained $2M in new business over six months
  • • Developed strategic partnerships with the supply chain of 3 top local retail companies
  • • First-year sales of $8 million doubled in the next year as a direct result of demonstrating the value of the new DataOps platform, as opposed to the competitor's project to rebuild
  • • Identify and connect with senior management at Corporate Houses with respect to expansion, relocation or consolidation of their real estate portfolio for smooth transition of their leasing transaction
  • • Prepared detailed presentations and dashboards with market analysis; financial projections; compiled demographics, and competition data using MS Office
  • • Client Relationship Management: Establishing and maintaining long-lasting relationships with corporate clients for future expansion relocation plans, lease renewals, and other supporting real-estate requirements
  • • Created and managed a database of corporate liens in the city, and creating effective meeting agendas to capture appropriate clients' information, needs and concerns
  • • Produced high quality lads for large accounts managed by senior executives; 55% of all leads resulted in closed transactions
  • • Managed a portfolio size of $2.5 million for over assigned 300+ high net worth clients; providing them full range of banking and investment services
  • • Analysed clients financial situations and solved financial needs by customising comprehensive investment and personalised retirement plans
  • • Cross-sold loans worth $750,000, investments, increased the deposit base by 20% quarterly and achieved 140% of the sales target
  • • Efficiently used CRM software for effective customer engagement and tracking sales leads
  • • Rewarded as the ‘Rising star of the Quarter by the Zonal head for consistent performance and new business acquisition
  • • Coordinated, organised and participated in promotional activities with developers and sales managers
  • • Planned and executed marketing drives and successful shore marketing campaigns in the city
  • • Analysed large data sets to identify market trends on Google Analytics and prepared presentations showcasing the results

13 Business Development Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

When crafting your business development resume, spotlight your track record of increasing revenue. Detail specific strategies and initiatives that led to growth. Showcase your ability to build and maintain relationships. It's crucial to highlight successful partnerships that you've developed with stakeholders.

All resume examples in this guide

resume format for experienced business development executive

Business Development Executive

resume format for experienced business development executive

Director of Business Development

resume format for experienced business development executive

VP Business Development

resume format for experienced business development executive

Senior Business Development Manager

resume format for experienced business development executive

Business Development Intern

resume format for experienced business development executive

Business Development Analyst

resume format for experienced business development executive

Business Development Consultant

resume format for experienced business development executive

Engagement Manager

resume format for experienced business development executive

Planning Manager

resume format for experienced business development executive

Business Development Manager

resume format for experienced business development executive

Business Development Representative

Resume guide.

Writing a Business Development Resume

Resume Header

Resume Summary

Resume Experience

Resume Skills and Keywords

Education on Resume

Business Development Certifications

Key Takeaways

By Experience

Business Development resume example

Working in business development means you have an eye for the future and know how to get there. You’ve got the right skills and dedication to make any business better, but how can you communicate that to companies?

Your business development resume needs to show recruiters that you can develop strategic plans and impact success.

Hiring managers want to know how you’ll take their business to the next level.

They’ve got a stack of resumes from qualified candidates, and you have to stand out. Often it’s not about your skills -- it’s about how well you translate them into your resume.

In this business development resume guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to write a business development resume that gets shortlisted
  • What hiring managers focus on in your business development resume
  • How to guide recruiters’ attention to your strongest qualities and achievements
  • A resume format that lands business development interviews in 2024

How to write a business development resume that gets interviews

The first step in writing a resume that catches the eye of recruiters is to choose the right format. Professional layout and easy readability pull in recruiters before they’ve even started reading.

Business development resume formats to choose from

There are three resume formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological layout
  • Hybrid layout
  • Functional Layout

A reverse-chronological resume layout is best suited for your business development resume if you have 1-6 years of experience.

A hybrid and functional layout would be right for senior profiles like business development director or manager so they can put their career highlights on top.

Improve the scannability of your resume by using custom sections , bullet points, and headers. Create a custom resume layout that keeps your resume compact and guides recruiters' attention where you want.

Now that you’ve chosen your format, let’s move on and make a good first impression with your header.

What to include in your business development resume header

The header is a short but important section of your resume.

It contains crucial information recruiters and hiring managers need to follow up with you.

It’s the first thing they see when looking at your resume. There’s no room for error or your resume will end up in the trash immediately.

Let’s take a look at a few examples.

Business development resume header

What’s wrong with this example:

  • Includes entire address
  • No contact information
  • No LinkedIn or portfolio link

What works in this example:

  • Shows only city and state for location
  • Includes phone number and professional email address
  • Includes LinkedIn URL so hiring managers can do further research

While keeping your resume header clean, recruiters get a quick and accurate idea of who you are right away.

Now that you’ve gotten critical basic info out of the way, you can introduce yourself in more detail with an informative summary.

Business development resume summary: how to capture recruiters’ attention

In your career, whether you’re about to start off or have been there a while, your sales numbers do all the talking for you.

Pretty simple!

The best business development candidate closes the most and biggest deals.

Expect the hiring manager to look for numbers of closed deals and big figures in your resume.

Keep this in mind while you introduce yourself with your business development resume summary .

Business development resume summary samples

Every business relies on different growth methods. Some are more important than others. If your target company relies heavily on direct sales growth, your resume should at least mention a similar experience.

Bad example: digital marketing expert for a traditional cold-calling company

Good example: digital marketing expert for a traditional cold-calling company who made cold-calling more effective through automated CRM scripts and multi-channel marketing.

This example is much better. It gives specific examples and real numbers that will stand out to recruiters.

Let’s look at another one.

This example uses broad terms like “solid sales experience” that don’t really mean anything. Recruiters won’t know how to interpret your examples unless you get specific.

This candidate also describes responsibilities like “attending client meetings” with no explanation of success or impact.

Hiring managers already know the job description. They want to see what you achieved.

Look at the difference between these two examples.

A good summary presents a clear picture of how you spend your day at work and what results you achieve while doing so.

That makes the above summary 100% complete.

And it says you're their best candidate.

There, you’ve created a positive first impression. Kudos!

Let’s now move on to your resume experience section.

Business development resume experience: turning your work history into a magnet for recruiters

As you write your experience section, be selective about what accomplishments you choose to include.

Always tailor your work experience to your target job.

Note that the hiring manager will look for certain key factors in your resume:

  • Sales figures and number of closed deals
  • Whether you represent your company to the clients on your own
  • Make cold calls and write emails and reach out to clients on daily-basis
  • You have client servicing experience
  • You make sales collaterals and give presentations
  • You have industry-relevant experience or education

In your resume experience section, you want to write crisp sentences - short and meaningful.

How you write your resume experience will make a big difference.

It’s like when you pitch your prospective client a solution, you don’t want to list all the features.

You know it doesn’t work.

It works when your message is short and paints a picture of how useful your solution could be to your client’s business.

Similarly, you will show the hiring manager which of your hard skills can prove to be fruitful for their team and business if they hire you.

Take a look at these 4 business development resume experience section examples.

The bad example may not sound bad unless you read the good ones.

That’s the impact your business development resume should have on hiring managers.

Business development resume samples - experience section

  • • Run end-to-end sales cycle
  • • Cold-calling, emailing, in-person meeting, pitching services and negotiating deals
  • • Consulting clients and resolving product and service queries
  • • Client servicing for existing client
  • • Generating new leads and researching prospects
  • • Presenting products and new features to prospects and existing clients

This candidate makes the mistake of listing general roles and responsibilities.

Remember to focus on what you achieved, not just what duties you carried out.

  • • Devised and implemented sales initiative A-Deal-A-Day which is now a part of sales culture at Home@bay Inc. that raised deal closure by 30%.
  • • Identified and developed new business opportunities - expanded from selling locally to internationally, bringing in 10 new clients on an average every month.
  • • Qualify leads as sales opportunities and pursue for closure.
  • • Developed sales collaterals, case studies, and selling guide to migrate from SME to Enterprise selling.
  • • Expertise in expanding sales area, unlocked 15 new zones in Canada, USA, and Europe
  • • Present company to potential clients - run sales cycle from researching prospects to cold calling, in-person meeting, pitching, consulting, negotiating, and closing deals

This is a big improvement. It gives specific examples of achievements and uses industry-specific keywords.

Let’s look at a few more that follow the same advice.

2 business development resume experience samples

  • • Made huge sales all-year-around
  • • Created plans and strategies for the sales team to achieve their yearly targets
  • • Prepare sales collaterals and share with the team
  • • Strengthen relationships with existing clients and pitching new products
  • • Attend trade shows and all company functions
  • • Plan and execute marketing campaign with Marketing Head
  • • Cracked a $1million single sale within 3 months of first approach
  • • Devised case studies for sales team with pitch plans and approach strategies
  • • Explored and unleashed 3 new sales channels which has together generated $750k sales every month
  • • Plan and execute campaigns to achieve yearly sales target. Consistently achieved targets in excess of $500,000 during past 4 years
  • • Prospecting potential new clients- added 62 new clients in 48 months while training SDR on the job

Mentioning numbers in your resume is important, but some numbers make much more impact than others. Focus on business growth results and avoid routine.

Bad example: created 10 real-time business dashboards with relevant metrics

Good example: increased quarterly sales by 23% after implementing real-time user segmentation dashboards in every marketing department

See for yourself how nicely the good examples show a picture of what the candidate is worth.

It helps your hiring manager set clear expectations of you on the job.

While the bad examples describe similar job roles, they fail to create an impact.

The hiring manager has no way to understand if the applicant achieves results while carrying out their job.

This good example experience above is totally sellable.

Imagine the hiring manager’s confidence when they see you have a track record of making million-dollar sales.

That’s what they are looking for.

The sales figures that you’ve mentioned will be your advocate and your hiring manager will find it easy to remember and share this exciting information with the business team.

You’ve created your impact!

Another way to highlight your skills and qualifications is with an expert cover letter .

Not all job applications will require one, but they are a great opportunity to expand on achievements that don’t fit in your experience section.

Your cover letter is also a tool to demonstrate your linguistic articulation and communication.

Business development resume skills and keywords: what to mention

Your skills section is where you can showcase industry-specific skills. It also puts important keywords on your resume so it doesn’t get filtered out by ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) .

Add these job-relevant skills if you have them. Your aim should be to map your most powerful skills to those given in the job description.

22 business development resume skills and keywords

  • New/ Global Market Penetration

Business development education section: where to put it?

Educational requirements vary by industry, so there may not be a particular degree that is required for the job you want.

If you are an experienced industry professional, including the degree, school, and dates attended is sufficient. Hiring managers will likely be more interested in your work history than your educational background.

Business development resume - education section example

Don’t include your GPA on your business development resume.

The only time a GPA may be helpful is if you are a recent graduate applying for an entry-level position. Even then, only include it if it is truly exceptional.

Depending on your educational background and industry, you may also want to consider adding a certification section.

Are certifications necessary for a business development resume?

Great question!

There aren’t a lot of certifications for salespeople, but you may use what’s most probable to add value to your skills.

They are a good opportunity to highlight skills in a specialization if the job you’re applying for is in a niche industry.

Remember, if you’re a great salesperson, you may not need certifications. But, adding certifications to your resume shows that you invest time in honing your creative sales skills.

Here are some you that you could add:

  • Challenger Sales Certification
  • Spin Selling Certification
  • Sandler Training Certifications

Key takeaways for writing a great business development resume

Business development resume examples.

Explore additional business development resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Business Development Executive Resume Example

  • Showcase strong domain knowledge. Senior business development managers are nurtured within a company as it’s the sole way to ensure that the candidate knows their environment to the letter. When there’s a need to hire a senior from the outside, companies will favor candidates with deep relevant domain knowledge, e.g. e-commerce, retail, digital, etc. Frame your experience section to put relevant experience forward.

A job description contains all the info you need. Tailor your resume to the job and increase your chances of landing an interview.

Business Development Intern Resume Example

  • An internship experience is work experience. Don’t be intimidated by your lack of workplace experience. If you’re a recent graduate and have internship experience in the industry, recruiters will want to see what you accomplished.
  • Choose an appropriate layout. The right layout for your resume will depend on things like industry, experience, and level. This candidate uses a single-column reverse-chronological layout. This is a good choice for someone with limited experience who needs to be mindful of leaving blank spaces.

Business Development Analyst Resume Example

  • Break down your strengths . This candidate adds soft skills to their resume as “strengths” and offers a brief example beside each one. Soft skills can be interpreted in different ways. Don’t leave anything to the imagination and provide recruiters with specific examples.
  • Highlight volunteer experience. Your best industry experience may not have come from a paid job. If you have specialized experience that makes you uniquely qualified for your target job, don’t leave it out just because it doesn’t fit into the right category.

Adding extra sections to highlight special projects, volunteer work, and even hobbies can improve your chances of getting hired.

Business Development Consultant Resume Example

  • Showcase strategic development skills. The key difference between a business manager and entry-level business development roles is that entry-level jobs are all about execution, whereas business development managers combine both execution and a strategic effort. Showcase that you can operate and achieve results on a scale to gain an advantage over other candidates.
  • Experience working for regional and global companies. Modern business is global and connected. Any business that wants to grow needs to explore strategic global partnerships. Your business development manager resume should highlight either experience or skills relevant to these tasks.

Business Development Representative Resume Example

  • Showcase smooth execution of business tasks. Even sales-related achievements are valuable when it comes to business development representatives, as your tasks will revolve around attaining specific growth metrics. Highlight your results and ability to achieve and surpass business KPIs (sales, quotas, market share) in your business development representative resume to attract the recruiter’s attention.
  • Get an internship at well-known companies in your target domain. Even a couple of months’ internship at an industry leader or niche-leading company will dramatically increase your chances of getting hired by every company within the target domain.

business development resume example

Looking to build your own Business Development resume?

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Business Development Executive Resume Example for 2024

Create a standout business development executive resume with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Business Development Executive Resume Example

Looking for a Business Development Executive role? Look no further! Our Business Development Executive Resume Example article provides a comprehensive guide for crafting a standout resume to land your dream job. Learn how to highlight your sales accomplishments, industry knowledge, and strategic thinking skills. With our expert tips and sample resume, you'll be well on your way to impressing potential employers and securing the Business Development Executive position you desire.

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • Why you should use a resume template

What does a Business Development Executive do?

  • Identifies new business opportunities through market research and analysis
  • Builds and maintains long-term relationships with clients and partners
  • Develops and implements strategies to grow the business
  • Negotiates and closes business deals
  • Conducts presentations and pitches to potential clients
  • Special Events Coordinator Resume Sample
  • Internet Marketing Specialist Resume Sample
  • Director Of Business Development Resume Sample
  • Ticket Seller Resume Sample
  • Automotive Sales Manager Resume Sample
  • Advertising Director Resume Sample
  • Ecommerce Analyst Resume Sample
  • Content Strategist Resume Sample
  • Recruiting Assistant Resume Sample
  • Sound Technician Resume Sample
  • National Account Executive Resume Sample
  • Franchise Owner Resume Sample
  • Advertising Specialist Resume Sample
  • VP Marketing Resume Sample
  • Crm Analyst Resume Sample
  • Realtor Resume Sample
  • Assistant Product Manager Resume Sample
  • Business Relationship Manager Resume Sample
  • Sales Professional Resume Sample
  • Event Producer Resume Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Business Development Executive?

  • Identifying new business opportunities
  • Building and maintaining relationships with clients and partners
  • Developing and executing business development strategies
  • Conducting market research and analysis
  • Negotiating contracts and deals
  • Meeting sales targets and objectives

Sample Business Development Executive Resume for Inspiration

Personal Details:

  • Name: John Doe
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: (123) 456-7890
  • Address: 1234 Main Street, City, State, 12345

John Doe is a results-driven and goal-oriented Business Development Executive with over 8 years of experience in driving sales growth, developing strategic partnerships, and leading successful business initiatives. He excels in identifying new business opportunities and building strong relationships with clients and stakeholders. John is adept at creating and implementing effective business strategies to drive revenue and increase market share.

Work Experience:

ABC Company - Business Development Executive | January 2016 - Present

  • Identified and pursued new business opportunities, resulting in a 15% increase in sales revenue within the first year of tenure
  • Developed and maintained strong relationships with key clients and partners, resulting in a 20% increase in client retention
  • Led cross-functional teams to develop and implement strategic business initiatives, resulting in improved operational efficiency and increased profitability
  • Created and delivered compelling sales presentations to potential clients, resulting in a 25% increase in new business acquisition
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) - XYZ University
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) - ABC University
  • Strategic Planning
  • Business Development
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Client Relationship Management
  • Market Analysis
  • Team Leadership


  • Certified Business Development Professional (CBDP)
  • Strategic Selling and Negotiation Certification
  • English - Native proficiency
  • Spanish - Proficient

Resume tips for Business Development Executive

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Business Development Executive resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Business Development Executive - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight your sales achievements and targets met in previous roles.
  • Show your ability to develop new business opportunities and grow existing accounts.
  • Include specific examples of successful client relationships and partnerships you have built.
  • Demonstrate your knowledge of the industry and market trends that you have successfully utilized in your business development strategies.
  • Show your strong communication and negotiation skills, along with your ability to work effectively in a team environment.

Business Development Executive Resume Summary Examples

A Business Development Executive Resume Summary or Resume Objective can help to showcase your skills and experience in a concise and impactful way. It can highlight your accomplishments, strengths, and career goals, making it easier for potential employers to understand your value as a candidate. Additionally, it can set the tone for the rest of your resume and grab the attention of hiring managers. For Example:

  • Strategic business development executive with 10+ years of experience
  • Successfully led team to secure $5M in new business opportunities
  • Proven track record of identifying and targeting new market segments
  • Strong relationship builder and negotiator with key stakeholders and clients
  • Proficient in market analysis, competitor research, and driving revenue growth

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Business Development Executive Resume

The experience section is crucial for a business development executive resume as it demonstrates the candidate's proven track record in driving business growth and generating revenue. It showcases their strategic planning, relationship-building, and negotiation skills, as well as their ability to identify opportunities and close deals. A strong experience section provides evidence of the candidate's ability to drive the success of the company and makes them a more attractive candidate to potential employers. For Example:

  • Developed and implemented successful sales and marketing strategies resulting in a 20% increase in revenue
  • Successfully built and maintained relationships with key clients, leading to a 30% increase in customer retention
  • Identified and pursued new business opportunities, resulting in a 25% expansion of the client base
  • Managed a team of sales professionals, providing guidance and training to improve overall performance
  • Collaborated with the marketing team to create effective promotional materials and campaigns
  • Analyzed market trends and competitor activities to identify potential areas for business growth
  • Provided regular reports and updates on sales performance and market trends to senior management
  • Negotiated contracts and agreements with clients and partners to secure profitable business deals
  • Participated in industry events and networking opportunities to establish and strengthen business connections
  • Implemented CRM systems to streamline sales processes and improve customer relationship management

Business Development Executive resume education example

A Business Development Executive needs at least a bachelor's degree in business administration, marketing, finance, or a related field. Many employers also prefer candidates with a master's degree in business administration or a related field. Additionally, business development executives should have strong analytical, communication, and negotiation skills, as well as a deep understanding of marketing strategies and business development techniques. Ongoing professional development and training are also important to stay current in the field. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Business Development Executive resume:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), XYZ University, 2010-2014
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA), ABC Business School, 2015-2017

Business Development Executive Skills for a Resume

It is important to add skills for a Business Development Executive resume as it showcases the candidate's capabilities and qualifications for the role. These skills demonstrate the individual's ability to build and expand business relationships, identify opportunities for growth, and drive revenue. Additionally, having a diverse skill set improves the candidate's competitiveness in the job market and enhances their overall professional profile. Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Negotiation
  • Interpersonal
  • Problem-solving
  • Adaptability
  • Time management
  • Influencing
  • Strategic planning
  • Market research
  • Cold calling
  • Negotiation skills
  • Financial analysis
  • Contract management
  • CRM software
  • Sales forecasting
  • Competitive analysis
  • Business intelligence

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Business Development Executive Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Business Development Executive resume

  • Highlight your track record of driving revenue growth and identifying new business opportunities.
  • Showcase your experience in building and maintaining relationships with key decision makers and clients.
  • Demonstrate your ability to conduct market research and analysis to identify potential areas for business expansion.
  • Emphasize your proficiency in creating and presenting business proposals and pitches.
  • Showcase your strong communication and negotiation skills.
  • Highlight your ability to lead and motivate a sales team to achieve targets and exceed sales goals.

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Business Development Executive resume examples for 2024

A business development executive's resume should showcase a range of skills that demonstrate their ability to drive growth and build relationships. According to Becky Sanchez , Executive Director of Career & Academic Services at Portland State University, "skills that are directly tied to the particular job the company is hiring for" stand out on business development executive resumes. These skills could include digital transformation, customer service, and cloud computing. Dr. Michael Harvey , Provost and Dean at Washington College, emphasizes the importance of soft skills like collaboration, communication, and critical thinking. Dr. Mark Harvey Ph.D. , Associate Professor and Director of Graduate and Undergraduate Programs at the University of Saint Mary, highlights the need for critical and creative thinking, writing, speaking, and social skills. By combining these skills, a business development executive can position themselves for success in their role and help their organization achieve its growth objectives.


Business Development Executive resume example

How to format your business development executive resume:.

  • Tailor your resume's job title to the role you're applying for, ensuring it matches the business development executive position.
  • Emphasize achievements, not responsibilities, in your work experience, such as managing P&L, developing customer relationships, and increasing revenue.
  • Compress your resume to one page, focusing on essential data like sales achievements, strategic planning, and industry trends, while utilizing tools like SalesForce to track clients and sales.

Choose from 10+ customizable business development executive resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use business development executive resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your business development executive resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Business Development Executive Resume

Business Development Executive resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your business development executive resume.

Business Development Executive Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Dhruv Johnson

[email protected] | 333-111-2222 |

2. Add relevant education to your business development executive resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Business Development Executive Education

Business Development Executive Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Bachelor's Degree In Business 2010 - 2013

American InterContinental University Chandler, AZ

Business Development Executive Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Bachelor's Degree In English 1995 - 1998

University of California - Davis Davis, CA

3. Next, create a business development executive skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an business development executive resume

Business development is the ideas or initiatives that work to make business work better. Selling, advertising, product development, supply chain management, and vendor management are only a few of the divisions involved with it. There is still a lot of networking, negotiating, forming alliances, and trying to save money. The goals set for business development guide and coordinate with all of these various operations and sectors.

Customer service is the process of offering assistance to all the current and potential customers -- answering questions, fixing problems, and providing excellent service. The main goal of customer service is to build a strong relationship with the customers so that they keep coming back for more business.

Cloud is a server that is accessed over the internet. There are different programs and software that also run on these servers. These clouds can be accessed from anywhere in the world as they are not present in your computer storage, but have their online servers. Cloud consists of data centers all across the world.

CRM stands for Customer relationship management and it is a complete process through which a business or organization monitors and administers its interactions with the customers. A process in which large amounts of data are collected through marketing via a company's website, polls, surveys, and other social media applications. The basic goal of CRM is to target the right audience for their product, and then fulfill their needs, to increase the sales and revenue of the company.

The process of strengthening the relationship between a company and client is called account management. Effective account management has two key objectives, one is to retain loyal customers and the second one is to help the company grow by creating connections with new customers.

Healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of a person's health by the diagnosis and treatment of a person's injury, illness, or any other disease. Healthcare is a basic necessity of human life and is the responsibility of the country's government to ensure that each person gets healthcare. Providing healthcare is the job of certified health professionals that includes doctors, surgeons, nurses, and other physicians. Pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, dentistry, therapy, and health training all come under healthcare. Healthcare plays a vital role in the country's economy and its development.

A value proposition is the moral and the conviction of why and how a business operates. A good value proposition may highlight what sets a business apart from its competitors, but it should always focus on how customers define your value. It summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service.

Top Skills for a Business Development Executive

  • Business Development , 13.4%
  • Digital Transformation , 7.6%
  • Customer Service , 5.7%
  • Client Relationships , 4.5%
  • Other Skills , 68.8%

4. List your business development executive experience

The most important part of any resume for a business development executive is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of business development executives" and "Managed a team of 6 business development executives over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Worked remotely with Columbia Athletics to promote social media presence on Facebook and Twitter - Created blueprint for Columbia Rowing alumni newsletter
  • Updated and maintained a blog, twitter account, and other social media websites
  • Developed fraternity members recruiting pamphlets for marketing.
  • Created, designed and managed social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, and BenU Newspaper and website.
  • Maintained social networking outlets such as Facebok and Twitter as well as the organization website !
  • Developed client Twitter posts; Researched and strategized blogger outreach to enhance the client's online presence.
  • Contributed to the role-mapping effort by detailing formal and informal channels of communication within the organizational hierarchy.
  • Focused specifically on digital marketing to include community management via Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.
  • Developed communications plans through issue research, policy monitoring, and media outreach for variety of multinational corporate clients.
  • Facilitated in the implementation of the Telecommunication Service Priority program that dictates circuit restoration process in catastrophic events.
  • Fixed Income Prime Brokerage: Summer analyst responsible for assigned daily support procedures and learning Prime Brokerage platforms/applications.
  • Developed PowerPoint presentations for all team meetings and leaders.
  • Provided training support with Disaster Recovery modules.
  • Supported business users in the Risk Architecture by building ad-hoc database SQL queries and Unix shell scripts per user requirements.
  • Directed the construction of the end-to-end shut down procedures within the PMO.
  • Developed and managed re-launch of online Brand e-store for the company.
  • Selected Awards and Recognitions: Received Verizon Directors Cup Award for demonstrating Core Values and going far above and beyond.
  • Resolved technical issues and troubleshoot devices.
  • Utilized effective call handling and communication techniques to achieve quality standards.
  • Authored creative copy for direct mail letters, television and radio scripts, and other marketing communications collateral

5. Highlight business development executive certifications on your resume

Specific business development executive certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your business development executive resume:

  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP)
  • Professional Certified Marketer (PCM)
  • Certified Manager Certification (CM)
  • Google IT Support Professional Certificate
  • Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)
  • Sales Management
  • Certified Information Technology Professional (CITP)
  • Certified Sales Executive (CSE)

6. Finally, add an business development executive resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your business development executive resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common business development executive resume skills

  • Business Development
  • Digital Transformation
  • Customer Service
  • Client Relationships
  • Sales Process
  • Account Management
  • Client Facing
  • Value Proposition
  • Market Trends
  • Lead Generation
  • Sales Presentations
  • Project Management
  • Sales Cycle
  • Sales Pipeline
  • Relationship Building
  • Customer Relationships
  • Develop Leads
  • Business Relationships
  • Revenue Growth
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Excellent Interpersonal
  • Professional Services
  • Trade Shows
  • Market Research
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Sales Strategies
  • Sales Quota
  • Infrastructure Management
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Product Development
  • Tactical Support

Business Development Executive Jobs

Links to help optimize your business development executive resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Business Development Executive resume FAQs

How do i write a business development resume, what are examples of achievements for a business development executive's resume, what is the job description of a business development executive, what should be on a resume for a business development manager, search for business development executive jobs.

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Business Development Executive Related Resumes

  • Business Developer Resume
  • Business Development Associate Resume
  • Business Development Consultant Resume
  • Business Development Coordinator Resume
  • Business Development Director Resume
  • Business Development Internship Resume
  • Business Development Manager Resume
  • Business Development Officer Resume
  • Business Development Representative Resume
  • Business Development Sales Manager Resume
  • Business Development Specialist Resume
  • Director New Business Development Resume
  • Director Of Sales & Business Development Resume
  • Head Of Business Development Resume
  • New Business Development Resume

Business Development Executive Related Careers

  • Account Executive
  • Business Developer
  • Business Development Account Manager
  • Business Development Associate
  • Business Development Consultant
  • Business Development Coordinator
  • Business Development Director
  • Business Development Internship
  • Business Development Manager
  • Business Development Officer
  • Business Development Representative
  • Business Development Sales Manager
  • Business Development Specialist
  • Director New Business Development
  • Director Of Sales & Business Development

Business Development Executive Related Jobs

What similar roles do.

  • What Does an Account Executive Do
  • What Does a Business Developer Do
  • What Does a Business Development Account Manager Do
  • What Does a Business Development Associate Do
  • What Does a Business Development Consultant Do
  • What Does a Business Development Coordinator Do
  • What Does a Business Development Director Do
  • What Does a Business Development Internship Do
  • What Does a Business Development Manager Do
  • What Does a Business Development Officer Do
  • What Does a Business Development Representative Do
  • What Does a Business Development Sales Manager Do
  • What Does a Business Development Specialist Do
  • What Does a Director New Business Development Do
  • What Does a Director Of Sales & Business Development Do
  • Zippia Careers
  • Executive Management Industry
  • Business Development Executive
  • Business Development Executive Resume

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Senior Business Development Executive Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the senior business development executive job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • A proven track record of achieving and exceeding revenue objectives in complex solutions environment at Fortune 500 clients
  • Customer focused, enjoys working autonomously, hits the ground running and demonstrates a willingness to learn
  • Continuously prospects to develop net new customers, as well as which include expanding existing relationships and products of assigned accounts
  • Participate in campaign tracking / campaign monitoring / post-mortem reviews (branch and/or company level)
  • Keep track of Merchandising and Licensing Royalties
  • Actively problem solving during the duration of the campaign to ensure results are met by the end of the campaign
  • Overcoming objections and scheduling meetings with field sales and prospects
  • Conduct agent performance analysis to assist Branh Manager in business development & growth
  • Segment agent base for training to provide to Team Leader Marketer (or Branch Manager)
  • Creation of sales planning/activity reports for production and sales targets to Team Leader or Branch Manager
  • Provide servicing and problem solving to Agents/Franchise/Banks for new business and renewal issues
  • One-to-one coaching session with Branch Manager or Team Leader
  • Activity review agent portfolios and performance
  • Provide 1st line Underwriting/quotation/indicative rate for simple cases
  • Developing tailored programs with customized pricing using a consultative selling approach
  • Develop Prospecting, cold calling, presenting, and closing sales
  • Responsible for the growing existing business and finding and closing new business in the territory
  • Responsible for originating and closing large risk and compliance consulting services
  • Managing account sales and strategy as well as the account handoff process in a team selling environment
  • Qualifying incoming briefs and project design and collaboration
  • Responsible for generating sales in excess of $3-5+M per year of IT consulting services
  • Professional, reliable, able to work under pressure and use own initiative
  • Excellent oral and written skills and a commitment to ensuring stakeholders are always advised of project status versus deliverable timetables
  • ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATION: Strong, demonstrable track record of achievement
  • Strong knowledge of information governance, ECM, workflow and business process automation
  • An experienced business development executive with expertise in one or more of the following areas: Central Reservations, Property Management, Revenue Management Sales and Distribution, Merchandising, Loyalty, Customer Sales and Service Solution Implementation Consulting and new Product Consulting offerings
  • A process improvement orientation and desire to achieve higher levels of organizational excellence. Successful track record seeking and achieving continuous improvement, as well as reducing cycle times improving project performance
  • Ability to influence without authority and team effectively at all levels of IRM and customer personnel (to include c-level) on a wide range of topics and issues
  • To learn more about the people and culture at Sabre, follow us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Sabre is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer and is committed to providing equal employment opportunities to minorities, females, veterans, and disabled individuals
  • Working experience in the financial services industry (retail, commercial, capital markets, private banking, etc.) and insurance industry (auto, financial services, home, etc.) either through direct industry roles or consulting / advisory roles
  • PERSUADING AND INFLUENCING: (1) Gains clear agreement and commitment from others by persuading, convincing and negotiating. (2) Makes a strong personal impact that inspires confidence and commitment from others. (3) Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and is able to adapt own style to be equally effective across a range of organisational, interpersonal and ethnic styles. (4) Communicates in a way that is appropriate to the situation, understandable to audience and demonstrating a constructive, assured and non-confrontational manner

15 Senior Business Development Executive resume templates

Senior Business Development Executive Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Assist account teams to prospect for and develop NFV related opportunities
  • Drive account portfolio sales strategy and focus on top accounts and establish sales cadence with the corporate account team
  • Provide a single point for overall coordination and tracking of NFV opportunities and deployment projects across field sales, PSO and the corp Telco NFV team
  • Responsibility to move transactions through the entire sales cycle
  • Drive virtualization adoption and identify new opportunities in named Telco accounts
  • Solidify existing customer accounts and elevate VMware to a more strategic position
  • Match VMware’s Telco NFV solutions to the customer’s business needs, challenges, and technical requirements
  • Manage regular team meetings, pipeline reviews and sales reports to executive management
  • 10+ years of experience in software and solution sales across Europe
  • Proven experience selling complex technical solutions into Telecommunications service providers
  • Experience coordinating matrixed v-teams of professionals in sales campaigns that include sales executives, field SE’s, Inside Sales, Field Marketing, Services, etc
  • Proven track record of success selling in a highly competitive environment
  • Proven track record of post-sales engagement management, driving from sale to the initiation of deployed solutions
  • BA/BS degree or higher, or equivalent job related experience
  • The Senior Business Development Executive will
  • Develop a strategy to identify, qualify and close multi-year strategic agreements that drive at least $10 million per year in revenue
  • Establish and maintain strong relationships with customers at the C-level
  • Collaborate with the SHS leadership team to provide market intelligence based on anticipated market needs so that SHS maintains competitive product offerings and pricing strategies
  • Develop close working relationships with the other senior leaders within Hospitality Solutions as well as key individuals who focus on the practice areas described above, including but not limited to Delivery, Sales and Account Management and Marketing and Solutions Management
  • Function as an experienced resource within Sabre and actively contribute to the business planning processes focused on its hospitality customers and other evolving clients
  • Position could require up to 50% travel
  • Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) preferred
  • 10+ years minimum of combined relevant professional experience
  • 5+ years of relevant Business Development experience
  • Candidates must excel in the following areas: being analytical, having a strong customer presence and outstanding problem solving abilities
  • Ability to manage multiple, simultaneous opportunities
  • A proven background of leadership experience where a culture of learning and development was created
  • Candidate must be able to travel up to 50% of the time
  • Make solid business lead connections on a daily basis to identify new business development opportunities
  • Make outbound prospecting calls and communicate via email with C-level executives
  • Meet monthly sales targets and provide regular status updates to management team
  • New Business Development as well as account penetration within key accounts in assigned territory
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to effectively present ideas and information in a professional business environment
  • Previous sales experience in the business consulting industry is preferred

Senior Business Development Executive for Hospitality Solutions Resume Examples & Samples

  • A successful background of developing large-scale outsourcing relationships with the world’s largest hotel companies
  • Demonstrated success in identifying, qualifying and closing large-scale, long-term agreements (i.e. $10+ million per year) building In depth knowledge of the following: Hospitality technology, distribution and operations. Enterprise Software or SaaS technologies
  • Bachelor’s Degree in a related field required
  • A fundamental understanding of the hospitality technology and distribution market is strongly desired
  • Creating highly qualified opportunities for Account Executives
  • Analysing customer needs in terms of current business obstacles, identifying projects and scoping potential Tibco solutions
  • Ability to multi-task at a very high level, while consistently generating high quality results
  • Fluency in English and another European language (Preferred languages for this role are Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish)
  • Knowledge of Tibco's products or previous experience in the IT industry will be useful though not essential

Senior Business Development Executive, Cheras Resume Examples & Samples

  • Account Engagement
  • Roll out campaigns to Agents/Franchise/Banks
  • Engage in one-on-one/small group sessions with Agents/Franchise/Banks
  • Support other marketers Agents/Franchise/Banks if assigned marketer is unavailable
  • Follow up on outstanding documents after Business Support chase
  • Follow-up on CBC & premium warranty after initial chase
  • Continuous Development
  • Attend internal/external AXA trainings
  • Other tasks assigned by team leader/ branch manager
  • Diploma & Degree in any and/or related education
  • Possess good presentation skills
  • Possess good negotiation skills
  • Assesses prospective and assigned customer’s current and potential needs, determining appropriate new revenue streams for Iron Mountain’s Information Governance and Digital Solutions offerings. Develops and implements strategies and business plans through understanding the customers; business model, planning and decision making channels from understanding the customer's value proposition and ability to explain how they differentiate themselves in the marketplace
  • Positions and illustrates alternative ways of creating the real value of IRM’s total solution offerings for customers through assessing their problems or opportunities and highlighting IRM’s areas of strength, competitive pricing, customer satisfaction and competitive advantages within each existing and net new accounts
  • Actively participates in marketing campaign initiatives in demand and field program execution
  • To increase the net new revenue stream, builds customer relationships through strategic conversations across multiple customer functional areas to understand organizational business objectives and goals, key customer decision maker(s) to structure partnership strategy as it relates to customer requirements (service level expectations, training of IM solutions, FBR structure/timetable)
  • Ensures frequent communication to enable superior customer satisfaction and to keep customer educated on emerging industry trends and best practices related to customer’s organizational information management, business processes and governance needs. Employs appropriate methods of persuasion when soliciting agreement
  • Maintains a consistent ‘pipeline’ that enables meeting and exceeding quota attainment
  • Activities to support pipeline and account activity include, managing timely detailed responses to RFP’s, tracking activity in SFDC, forecasting, conducting competitive research and knowledge of IRM product offerings
  • Responsible for final opportunity profitability through leading negotiation process and ensuring an acceptable on time outcome from a pricing, profitability, liability, operational, and SLA perspective for accounts to meet and exceed quota attainment. This is facilitated in conjunction with CPO, Legal and market VPs/Directors when needed
  • Responsible for identifying, selling and closing new areas of opportunity, securing resources and driving sales process to assist in scoping and pricing for recurring and non-recurring projects within net new and assigned accounts
  • The SBDE will have successful experience in working with customers to influence RFP development so their solution offering is best positioned to win
  • The SBDE will also have strong proposal writing experience and be able to lead a proposal response team when needed
  • Activity within industry associations in the market to increase IM awareness, through attending tradeshows, reviewing whitepapers and keep current within market trends
  • Candidates must have a strong background and knowledge of information governance, electronic content management, business process / workflow enablement and outsourcing, document and information capture, etc., strategic account management, sales process and solution selling
  • Minimum of 10 years of direct sales experience in the services based industry or equivalent
  • Experience in large, complex sales organizations
  • Strong knowledge of information governance, ECM ,workflow and business process automation
  • Sells solutions to achieve sales and revenue goals in assigned market/territory
  • Works to achieve pre-set sales, gross margin targets and call rates
  • Identifies, wins and delivers new sales opportunities and accounts
  • Researches all available information to search out potential new customers
  • Organizes sales calls and coordinates appointments to take full advantage of travel time with intent to close business at each sales call
  • Visits clients and potential clients to generate new sales and add-on sales
  • Develops a focused list of institutional targets that meet a defined set of criteria as well as a territory sales plan to meet quarterly and annual sales goals
  • Maintains accurate and timely notes of calls, reports and pipelines
  • Provides forecast data for short and long range sales opportunities
  • Communicates with customers (verbally and in writing) about current product offerings, services and future vision of the company
  • Presents product and services demos to small and large groups utilizing PowerPoint presentations
  • Represents company at trade associate meetings to promote products
  • Bachelor’s degree in Sales, Marketing or Business or directly related year for year experience
  • 8 years sales or related experience
  • Ability to travel up to 40% of the time in Australia and New Zealand
  • Key strategic and tactical business wins
  • New business targeting
  • ACCOUNTABILITY: (1) Hold self and others accountable for their contribution (2) Delivers on promises, follows through on commitments even in challenging circumstances
  • INTERPERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS: (1) Demonstrates a high level of self-awareness in relation to strengths, weaknesses, relating style etc. and the impact this has on interactions with others. (2) Is confident in own abilities (3) Displays high levels of emotional intelligence (4) Demonstrates integrity in all situations and always treats others with respect and fairness
  • MANAGING AMBIGUITY: (1) Is comfortable working in uncertain and ambiguous situations (2) Deals quickly and effectively with unexpected obstacles (3) Takes a creative approach to problem solving (4) Learns quickly, is flexible and quick to adapt to changing circumstances
  • KNOWLEDGE BUILDING ( 1) Looking to learn commercial value of MB products and services, and can successfully link them with current MB thinking (2) Stays-up-to-date with competitor activity in this space and feeds this into MB solutions development efforts (3) Shares expertise and experience to continuously build skills and knowledge at the team level (4) Takes ownership for own professional development, actively seeks out opportunities to improve professional skills and keeps self up-to-date with new developments and/or innovations in the MB solutions portfolio
  • RESILIENCE: (1) Recovers quickly from setbacks (2) Demonstrates persistence, even in challenging/conflict situations
  • ANALYTICAL THINKING: (1) Applies a logical reasoning process to break down and work through a situation or problem to arrive at an outcome
  • BUSINESS ACUMEN (1) Understands all MB financial performance indicators and takes a balanced approach to sales ensuring that all financial targets can be met (2) Motivated by working in a commercial business environment
  • PERSUADING AND INFLUENCING : (1) Gains clear agreement and commitment from others by persuading, convincing and negotiating. (2) Makes a strong personal impact that inspires confidence and commitment from others. (3) Demonstrates cultural sensitivity and is able to adapt own style to be equally effective across a range of organisational, interpersonal and ethnic styles. (4) Communicates in a way that is appropriate to the situation, understandable to audience and demonstrating a constructive, assured and non-confrontational manner
  • Experience of working in the market research industry
  • Experience of working on client accounts
  • Exposure to working on new business (pitches, proposals)
  • Knowledge of core MB solutions and techniques
  • ACCOUNTABILITY:(1) Hold self and others accountable for their contribution (2) Delivers on promises, follows through on commitments even in challenging circumstances
  • KNOWLEDGE BUILDING (1)Looking to learn commercial value of MB products and services, and can successfully link them with current MB thinking (2) Stays-up-to-date with competitor activity in this space and feeds this into MB solutions development efforts (3) Shares expertise and experience to continuously build skills and knowledge at the team level (4) Takes ownership for own professional development, actively seeks out opportunities to improve professional skills and keeps self up-to-date with new developments and/or innovations in the MB solutions portfolio
  • RESILIENCE:(1) Recovers quickly from setbacks (2) Demonstrates persistence, even in challenging/conflict situations
  • BUSINESS ACUMEN(1) Understands all MB financial performance indicators and takes a balanced approach to sales ensuring that all financial targets can be met (2) Motivated by working in a commercial business environment
  • Sells software, solutions and services to current and prospective customers; works with other sales/pre-sales/domain/personnel to position and leverage sales opportunities to acquire, grow and retain customers within assigned territory
  • Ability to proactively identify and quantify industry challenges. Creatively align customized SAS solutions in a scalable matter to rapidly monetize the market opportunity
  • Develops go to market plans for emerging solutions with multiple distribution approaches; identifies market segments with high "close" potential, qualifies, advances opportunity through milestone steps of sales cycle and forecast time frames to close business within Orion
  • Ability to foster close working relationships with SAS partners and industry consultants to maximize revenue potential and accelerate market adoption of an emerging solution where appropriate
  • Works closely with SAS resources and peer executives to identify relevant client organizations aligned to highly qualified, high revenue potential opportunities from the emerging initiatives group
  • Fulfills wide range of requests for information from prospective customers, internal SAS executives and external partners. Qualifies level of opportunity and resources required. Works closely with internal partner organizations to ensure appropriate allocation and utilization of resources
  • Applies knowledge of company marketing goals and objectives, SAS applications, supported hardware platforms, marketing and business trends, and industry knowledge to assess emerging solution requirements
  • Recommends appropriate solutions with the optimal distribution strategy and optimized deployment method for monetization
  • Works closely with virtual sales team, account managers and executives to facilitate timely response to highly qualified, high revenue potential leads
  • Assists in evaluation of territory or account potential; uses BASE or Strategic selling methodology, pipeline management and forecasting to identify accounts with high "close" potential, qualifies, and forecasts time frames to close business
  • Develops action plans to close business for emerging initiatives group solutions
  • Develops plans to identify emerging initiatives group solutions that have the potential for further development and executes them
  • Teams with pre-sales resources and executives on strategic account development opportunities
  • Knowledge of modern sales techniques, distribution and partnership models; knowledge of hardware and/or software acquisitions cycles and buying influences
  • Ability to evaluate and quantify (in dollar potential) a specific market opportunity in an industry
  • Ability to analyze and evaluate territory dynamics and develop a sales plan; ability to communicate technical and business concepts and relate them to SAS applications and user needs; ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Located out of Charlotte NC or Greater New York City Area, NY
  • 8+ years of working experience
  • Ability to proactively identify and quantify industry challenges specifically as it relates to cloud computing and hosting services in the insurance and financial services industries
  • Ability to innovate new software-as-a-service (SaaS), results-as-a-service (RaaS), and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings targeted at the financial services and insurance industries
  • Creatively align customized SAS cloud computing, hosting and analytics solutions in a scalable matter to rapidly monetize the market opportunity
  • The below is standard senior AE language
  • Applies knowledge of company marketing goals and objectives, SAS applications, supported hardware platforms, business trends, and industry knowledge to assess emerging solution requirements
  • Specifically tailor cloud-oriented business cases respective to targeted industries and industry challenges
  • Works as a member of a business development team
  • Demonstrates knowledge including various solutions, markets, and competitive intelligence within the RISC discipline
  • 4+ years of sales experience OR experience as a buyer of the mentioned solutions in risk and compliance
  • Candidates with expert Risk and Compliance Consulting experience are highly preferred
  • Willingness and ability to travel up to 50%
  • Applies and leverages Perficient Sales Processes, Solution Selling and Account Management practices
  • Candidate should possess a strong suite of local client relationships (Fortune 500, CIOs, Senior Information Systems Executives, and Senior Business Executives) as well as industry relationships (software vendors, integrators)
  • Years of Experience: 8-15+ years of services sales or professional consulting experience
  • Strong verbal, written communication, and listening skills; strong customer service and interpersonal skills
  • To maintain and secure all motor renewals from all assigned branches
  • To provide assistance to confirm NCD in ISM for urgent refund cases for their assigned branches
  • Minimum of 3 years experience in and /or similar role / capacity
  • Cultivate a targeted list of companies within a protected geographic territory
  • Implement a top-down sales strategy targeting Presidents, CEOs, CFOs and Owners to convert prospects into clients
  • Develop relationships with C-level executives
  • Connect customers' business needs with ADP products and services
  • Cross-sell other ADP solutions to existing clients
  • Build network in person and via phone with key decision makers in a designated territory, including C-level executives
  • Provide overall direction, motivation and leadership to a sales team in a designated territory
  • Represent ADP by spending time in the field, at tradeshows, demonstrations and seminars
  • Develop and maintain relationships with other internal groups in the territory
  • 4 year Bachelor's degree
  • Two or more years of outside business-to-business sales experience, with proven proficiency in selling and presentation skills, prospecting, and territory management
  • Goal oriented and ambitious, with demonstrated ability to exceed sales quotas
  • Proven relationship building skills
  • Ability to effectively communicate through all mediums (verbal, listening, written), including with C-level executives
  • Organized, with effective time management skills
  • Ability to work independently and with a team
  • Capacity to effectively manage a team
  • Keen business intelligence
  • Mature and self-confident
  • Ability to proactively identify and quantify industry challenges specifically as it relates to model design, implementation and validation services in the insurance and financial services industries
  • Ability to innovate new software-as-a-service (SaaS), results-as-a-service (RaaS), and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offerings specifically focused on increasing consumption of model implementation and validation solution and services – either direct or enabling partner programs
  • Creatively align customized SAS model design, implementation and validation solutions in a scalable matter to rapidly monetize the market opportunity
  • Specifically tailor model governance and validation business cases respective to targeted industries and industry challenges
  • Deep, nuanced understanding of capital markets, asset management and commercial banking risk calculation programs and requirements (FRTB, buy-side risk management, LCR, etc.)
  • Ability to understand and quantify the impact of inefficient risk programs and the impact that causes in banking or strategic management decisions regarding portfolio and book management
  • Develops go to market plans for emerging solutions in risk management and modeling with multiple distribution approaches; identifies market segments with high "close" potential, qualifies, advances opportunity through milestone steps of sales cycle and forecast time frames to close business within Orion
  • Spearhead sales SAS® Capital Requirements for Market Risk (CRMR) which serves as a central platform for addressing FRTB planning, scenario execution, and management activities
  • Will use knowledge of risk domain to determine where emerging and existing IP can be used for buy-side risk management, liquidity risk in corporate banking and other major risk management requirements
  • Take ownership of the full sales process
  • Proactively source, pitch and close deals that feature on Groupon, continually expanding the range of offers for our subscribers
  • Present Groupon as the unique opportunity for businesses to acquire new customers
  • Achieve and exceed on weekly and monthly KPIs
  • Educate merchants on how Groupon works and how they can maximise the opportunity post feature
  • Maintaining regular contact with merchants until effectively handing them over to our Account Management team to ensure a long term and successful relationships with Groupon
  • Strong knowledge of all aspects of the Groupon business model and the daily deal market
  • Work with internal support functions to ensure that every deal that goes live on the platform meets quality standards
  • Utilises internal tools to optimise performance
  • Actively carry out research on the travel industry and your market
  • Researches, contacts, qualifies, prepares and presents packaged solutions to acquire new Large Accounts
  • Works with the Sales Manager to develop target account lists
  • Coordinates and leads sales efforts with other sales resources (e.g. Account Manager, Product Specialist, and Sales Manager)
  • Ensures smooth transition of on-going account management to Account Manager and Regional Account Executive
  • Achieve revenue, gross margin and account targets through sales to new Large Accounts
  • Achieve L.O.B. targets based on Large account potential
  • Target Segmentation – Assigned Accounts, Geographic Territory $120,000 to $350,000 in annual sales potential
  • Participate in weekly Call Days and prospecting activities
  • Time Allocation –80% Prospect/Customer Time, 20% Non-Customer Time
  • Develops a focused list of targets that meet a defined set of criteria as well as a territory sales plan to meet quarterly and annual sales goals
  • Identifies high potential prospects and qualifies opportunities to effectively manage the sales process efficiently
  • Forecasts quarterly close dates; closes business to achieve and exceed quarterly and annual sales targets
  • Defines and effectively communicates changing elements to the product development team so solutions may be implemented in time to maximize business opportunities
  • Presents VitalSource capabilities presentation according to expectations and actively demonstrate all VitalSource solutions
  • Visits clients and potential clients to generate new sales and up sells
  • 8 years sales experience
  • Must have a minimum of 5 years sales experience, preferably selling to companies in the assigned account base or similar type federal integrators
  • Minimum of 5 years of direct sales experience in the services based industry or equivalent
  • Ability to work cross functionally within a matrix environment
  • Security clearance is preferred but not mandatory
  • Manage the Book Club accounts, sending out material, preparing for meetings, processing orders, presenting to customers, looking at opportunities for exclusive editions
  • Manage Enterprise accounts (PCS Books, TK Maxx)
  • Assist on preparation for all TBP and own brand meetings, as well as sending out material
  • Assist on preparation for and attending trade fair events
  • Show initiative and creative thinking across the list, working alongside SBDM looking at opportunities for new product for own brand accounts and creative sales, as well as licensing opportunities
  • Liaise with Booktrust on ongoing projects and submit titles to be considered for future programmes
  • Coordinate and manage work-experience interns
  • Create and update trade catalogues and presentations for all Bookclub, Own Brand and Enterprise sales accounts
  • Help establish new contacts, researching brands and opportunities
  • Send out monthly advance samples / proofs
  • Create special sale ISBNS and request PlanG records
  • Minute and attend fortnightly non-trade meeting, with export, special sales, design, editorial and production
  • Experience within a publishing sales environment
  • Experience of utilising Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • Ability to communicate at all levels, both written and verbally
  • Effective team player
  • Participate in recruitment of Agents/Franchise/Banks
  • Train agents in products, systems and branch processes
  • Conduct agent performance analysis to assist Branh Manager in business development & growth
  • Demonstrate AXA values
  • Develop vertical expertise in order to successfully execute business development objectives
  • Develops deep knowledge of assigned prospects
  • Penetrate and develop strategic relationships at the state, local and/ or federal level
  • Sell software/consultative solutions in a government/public sector for selected vertical markets
  • Create/develop innovative networking skills to develop and drive pipeline across Inmar’s three Networks
  • Manage a complex sales environment involving multiple decision makers
  • Manage presentations and strategy associated with business development with little to no assistance from their Sales Leader
  • Manage internal cross functional relationships and communications for maximum productivity
  • Perform risk analysis to determine risk and potential business impacts
  • Liaise and co-ordinate with IS Security Manager on all IS security activities within department
  • Ensure compliance on IS Security standards and IS Security guidelines are adhere to within department
  • Assesses prospective and assigned customer’s current and potential needs, determining appropriate new revenue streams from Iron Mountain products and solutions. Develops and implements strategies and business plans through understanding the customers; business model, planning and decision making channels from understanding the customer's value proposition and ability to explain how they differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Positions and illustrates alternative ways of creating the real value of IRM’s total solution offerings for customers through assessing their problems or opportunities and highlighting IRM’s areas of strength, competitive pricing, customer satisfaction and competitive advantages within each existing and net new accounts. Actively participates in marketing campaign initiatives in demand and field program execution
  • To increase the net new revenue stream, builds customer relationships through strategic conversations to understand organizational business objectives and goals, key customer decision maker(s) to structure partnership strategy as it relates to customer requirements (service level expectations, training of IM solutions, FBR structure/timetable). Ensures frequent communication to enable superior customer satisfaction and to keep customer educated on emerging industry trends related to customer’s organizational information management needs. Employs appropriate methods of persuasion when soliciting agreement
  • Continuously prospects to develop net new customers, as well as which include expanding existing relationships and products of assigned accounts. Maintains a consistent ‘pipeline’ the enables meeting and exceeding quota attainment. Activities to support pipeline and account activity include, managing timely detailed responses to RFP’s, tracking activity in SFDC, forecasting, conducting competitive research and knowledge of IRM product offerings
  • Responsible for final account profitability through leading negotiation process and ensuring an acceptable on time outcome from a pricing, profitability, liability, operational, and SLA perspective for accounts to meet and exceed quota attainment. Responsible for identifying, selling and closing new areas of opportunity, securing resources and driving sales process to assist in scoping and pricing for special projects within net new and assigned accounts
  • The representative will work to partner with the customer on renewals and work through any RFP process by identifying gaps in current contract in place and understanding customer needs in order to successfully renew the contract, partnering with other Iron Mountain departments as necessary. Negotiate pricing and SLA as appropriate to drive customer retention strategy. May be required to perform customer needs and service analysis, make recommendations on appropriate pricing structure and contract requirements, communicate pricing programs, and contribute to RFP responses
  • Minimum of 5-10 years of direct sales experience in the services based industry or equivalent
  • Experience in complex sales organizations
  • Posses a thorough understanding of strategic selling methodologies

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resume format for experienced business development executive

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

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  • Sales Resumes
  • Business Development Resume Guide & Examples

Business Development Manager Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Business Development Manager Roles

Jump to a template:

  • Business Development Manager
  • Business Strategy Manager
  • Sales Manager

Get advice on each section of your resume:

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  • Business Development Manager Resume Tips

Business Development Manager Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., business development manager resume sample.

As a Business Development Manager, you'll be focusing on driving sales and generating new clients for the company. Your resume should showcase your ability to build professional relationships and skills in market research, sales strategy, and negotiation. It's essential to demonstrate how you've contributed to the growth of previous organizations by generating leads and closing deals. Tailor your resume to highlight your achievements in sales, negotiation, and market expansion, as well as any industry-specific expertise you possess. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and company developments to make your resume stand out. Being knowledgeable about recent changes in the business landscape and how they may affect the company you're applying to will show your potential employer that you're proactive and well-prepared. Highlight any relevant certifications, training, or prior experience that demonstrates your ability to adapt to new technologies and market conditions.

Business Development Manager resume example

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Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your business development manager resume in 2024,    showcase quantifiable achievements.

Use specific figures, percentages, or statistics to highlight your accomplishments in sales and business development. This helps employers quickly understand the impact you've had in previous roles and better visualize the potential value you could bring to their company.

Showcase quantifiable achievements - Business Development Manager Resume

   Highlight relevant industry experience

If you have experience in the industry the company operates in, make sure to emphasize that in your resume. This knowledge, combined with your business development skills, will demonstrate your ability to understand the unique challenges and opportunities that the company faces.

Highlight relevant industry experience - Business Development Manager Resume

A skilled or experienced business development manager can be the defining asset of a business due to the responsibilities encompassed by the position, and hiring managers are looking for applicants who have risen to the challenge. If you have a significant background in business development management, you should similarly emphasize the most impactful accomplishments at your most recent position.

Experienced business development managers should indicate their ability to grow in their capacity to help businesses by showcasing their most impactful accomplishments at their most recent positions.

   Show increasing levels of positive impact and responsibilities

Growing in the capacity of business development manager should naturally equate to producing increasingly positive results. This applicant demonstrates that by showing a sequential progression in their accomplishments across the positions they’ve held. At their first listed position, for example, they successfully ran 20 trades shows, while at their most recent position, they increased the number of customers by 20 percent through Adwords.

Show increasing levels of positive impact and responsibilities - Business Development Manager Resume

   Includes and exemplifies business development techniques

At the bottom of the resume, the applicant lists the techniques they are familiar with (such as “business strategy” and “resource planning”). These words can help get past applicant tracking systems and hiring managers - and they are especially effective when they are backed up by the listed accomplishments.

Includes and exemplifies business development techniques - Business Development Manager Resume

Business Strategy Manager Resume Sample

Sales manager resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited business development managers at companies like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Oracle, I've seen countless resumes over the years. The best resumes that catch my attention are the ones that are tailored to the specific job and showcase the candidate's impact in their previous roles. Here are some tips to help you create a strong business development manager resume that will stand out from the competition.

   Highlight your sales achievements with metrics

Hiring managers want to see the impact you've made in your previous roles. Use specific metrics to showcase your sales achievements:

  • Increased revenue by 25% year-over-year by closing deals with enterprise clients
  • Exceeded sales quota by 20% for 3 consecutive quarters
  • Generated $500K in new business within the first 6 months

Avoid using vague statements that don't quantify your impact, like:

  • Responsible for sales growth
  • Helped increase revenue

Bullet Point Samples for Business Development Manager

   Emphasize your experience in the full sales cycle

Business development managers are involved in the entire sales process, from prospecting to closing deals. Highlight your experience in each stage of the sales cycle:

  • Identified and qualified 50+ new leads per month through cold calling and email outreach
  • Conducted product demos for key decision-makers, resulting in a 30% increase in conversion rates
  • Negotiated and closed contracts worth over $1M with enterprise clients

Avoid focusing too much on just one aspect of the sales process. Show that you have a well-rounded skill set.

   Showcase your industry expertise and network

Hiring managers prefer candidates who have experience in their specific industry and have a strong network of contacts. Highlight your industry expertise and connections:

  • Built relationships with key decision-makers in the healthcare industry, resulting in 5 new client accounts
  • Spoke at 3 industry conferences on trends in cloud computing, generating 20+ new leads
  • Member of the American Marketing Association and attended monthly networking events

Avoid listing generic skills or buzzwords without context, like:

  • Strong communication skills
  • Extensive network

   Include relevant certifications and training

Certifications and training show that you're committed to your professional development and have the skills needed for the job. Include relevant certifications and courses:

  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP) from the National Association of Sales Professionals
  • Completed Salesforce Administrator training and earned certification
  • Attended a 3-day workshop on consultative selling techniques

Only include certifications and training that are relevant to the business development manager role. Avoid listing generic or outdated courses.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Hiring managers want to see that you've taken the time to read the job description and tailor your resume accordingly. Here's an example of a generic resume summary:

Business development manager with 5+ years of experience in sales and marketing. Proven track record of success in generating new leads and closing deals.

Instead, tailor your summary to the specific job requirements:

Business development manager with 5+ years of experience in the SaaS industry, with a focus on enterprise clients. Proven track record of exceeding sales quotas by 20% and generating over $5M in new business annually. Skilled in consultative selling, product demos, and contract negotiations.

   Use action verbs to describe your accomplishments

Using strong action verbs helps to convey your impact and makes your resume more engaging to read. Here are some examples:

  • Spearheaded a new outbound sales strategy that increased qualified leads by 40%
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop custom solutions for enterprise clients
  • Mentored and trained a team of 5 junior sales reps, resulting in a 25% increase in team quota attainment

Avoid using passive language or weak verbs, like:

  • Responsible for generating leads
  • Helped with product demos
  • Worked with other teams

Writing Your Business Development Manager Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for a Business Development Manager position is an optional section that sits at the top of your resume. It provides a brief overview of your most relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that align with the job requirements. While a summary is not mandatory, it can be beneficial if you have extensive experience in the field or are making a career transition.

Keep in mind that a resume objective, which focuses on your career goals rather than your qualifications, should never be used. Stick to a concise summary that showcases your value to the employer and entices them to read further.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Business Development Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Business Development Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Business Development Manager Resume Summary Examples , or Business Development Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the business development role

When crafting your Business Development Manager resume summary, it's essential to align your skills and experiences with the specific requirements of the role. Research the company and the position to identify the key qualifications they are seeking.

For example, if the job description emphasizes sales growth and client acquisition, highlight your relevant achievements in those areas:

Results-driven Business Development Manager with 5+ years of experience in B2B sales and client acquisition. Proven track record of expanding market share by 25% and securing multi-million dollar contracts with Fortune 500 companies. Skilled in relationship building, negotiations, and strategic partnerships.

Avoid using a generic summary that could apply to any business development role, such as:

Experienced Business Development Manager seeking a challenging position in a dynamic organization. Possess strong communication and interpersonal skills. Team player with a passion for success.

2. Quantify your impact and showcase value

When possible, use specific numbers and metrics to quantify your achievements and demonstrate the value you bring to the table. This helps employers understand the tangible impact you've made in previous roles.

  • Increased revenue by 30% through strategic partnerships and new market penetration
  • Secured $5M in new contracts within the first year of employment
  • Led a team of 5 business development associates to exceed sales targets by 20%

Avoid using vague or unsubstantiated claims in your summary, such as:

  • Significantly increased revenue and market share
  • Consistently exceeded sales targets
  • Managed a large team of business development professionals

By quantifying your achievements, you provide concrete evidence of your abilities and make a stronger case for your candidacy.


Your work experience section is the heart of your business development manager resume. It's where you highlight your relevant experience, key accomplishments, and the impact you've had in your previous roles.

To make this section stand out, you need to focus on showcasing your skills in areas such as sales, marketing, client relationship management, and strategic planning. Use specific examples and metrics to demonstrate your success in driving revenue growth, expanding market share, and building strong partnerships.

1. Use strong action verbs to showcase your impact

When describing your work experience, use powerful action verbs to highlight your contributions and achievements. This helps to create a strong impression of your capabilities and the value you bring to the table. Consider using verbs such as:

  • Spearheaded a cross-functional team that secured a $2M contract with a key client
  • Orchestrated the launch of a new product line, resulting in a 25% increase in revenue
  • Cultivated relationships with top-tier partners, leading to a 30% expansion in market share

By using strong, industry-specific action verbs, you can effectively communicate your expertise and make your resume more impactful.

Action Verbs for Business Development Manager

2. Highlight your sales achievements with metrics

As a business development manager, your ability to drive sales growth is crucial. Employers want to see concrete evidence of your success in this area. Use specific metrics to quantify your achievements and show the impact you've had. For example:

  • Exceeded annual sales targets by 20%, generating $5M in new revenue
  • Closed deals with 15 new enterprise clients, contributing to a 35% increase in market share

By contrast, avoid vague or generic statements that don't provide any real insight into your performance, such as:

  • Responsible for sales growth and meeting targets
  • Worked on various sales initiatives and projects

3. Showcase your expertise in key business development tools

Business development managers often rely on a variety of tools and technologies to support their work. Highlighting your proficiency in these tools can help demonstrate your technical skills and industry knowledge. Some examples might include:

  • Salesforce CRM: Managed a pipeline of 50+ deals using Salesforce, resulting in a 25% increase in conversion rates
  • HubSpot Marketing Automation: Implemented HubSpot to streamline lead generation efforts, leading to a 40% increase in qualified leads
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365: Utilized Dynamics 365 to analyze customer data and identify new revenue opportunities, contributing to a 15% increase in upsell/cross-sell revenue
Proficient in leveraging Salesforce CRM to manage a robust pipeline of 75+ qualified leads, resulting in a 30% improvement in sales cycle time and a 20% increase in deal size.

4. Demonstrate your career growth and progression

Employers value candidates who have a track record of growth and advancement within their field. If you've been promoted or taken on increasing levels of responsibility in your previous roles, make sure to highlight this in your work experience section.

For example, you might showcase a progression like:

  • Started as a Business Development Associate and was promoted to Business Development Manager within 18 months
  • Took on additional responsibilities, including managing a team of 5 business development representatives and overseeing key client accounts
  • Led the development and implementation of a new sales strategy that resulted in a 30% increase in revenue growth year-over-year

By highlighting your career progression, you demonstrate your ability to learn, grow, and take on new challenges – all qualities that are highly valued by employers.


The education section of your business development manager resume should be concise yet impactful. It's an opportunity to showcase your relevant academic background and certifications that have prepared you for the role. Follow these tips to effectively highlight your education and stand out to potential employers.

How To Write An Education Section - Business Development Manager Roles

1. List degrees relevant to business development

Include your highest degree first, followed by any other relevant degrees or certifications. For example:

Master of Business Administration (MBA) University of California, Los Angeles 2018-2020 Bachelor of Science in Marketing California State University, Long Beach 2014-2018

If you have a degree in a field not directly related to business development, consider highlighting relevant coursework or projects that demonstrate applicable skills.

2. Showcase relevant certifications

In addition to formal degrees, include any professional certifications that are relevant to business development. For example:

  • Certified Business Development Professional (CBDP)
  • Salesforce Certified Sales Cloud Consultant

These certifications demonstrate your commitment to professional development and can set you apart from other candidates.

3. Keep it brief for senior-level positions

If you are a senior-level business development manager with extensive work experience, your education section should be brief. For example:

MBA, Marketing Concentration University of Pennsylvania BS, Business Administration University of California, Berkeley

Focus on your most recent and relevant degrees, and avoid listing dates to prevent potential age discrimination. In contrast, here's an example of what not to include:

Master of Business Administration University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School Graduated: May 1995 GPA: 3.8/4.0 Relevant Coursework: Marketing Management, Business Strategy, Financial Accounting, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior Bachelor of Science in Business Administration University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business Graduated: May 1993 GPA: 3.6/4.0 Relevant Coursework: Principles of Marketing, Business Communication, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Calculus for Business

This example is too lengthy and includes unnecessary details for a senior-level candidate.


Your skills section is a critical part of your business development manager resume. It's where you highlight the specific abilities and knowledge that make you a strong candidate for the role. Hiring managers and applicant tracking systems (ATS) will scan this section to quickly assess if you have the right qualifications. Here are some key tips to make sure your skills section is effective:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Business Development Manager Roles

1. Tailor your skills to the job description

When crafting your skills section, always keep the specific job description in mind. Carefully review the posting and identify the key skills and qualifications the employer is looking for. Then, make sure to prominently feature those relevant skills on your resume.

For example, if a business development manager job description emphasizes 'SaaS sales experience', 'CRM proficiency', and 'account management', your skills section might look like:

SaaS Sales Salesforce CRM Account Management Business Development Contract Negotiation

By mirroring the language from the job description, you signal to both the ATS and the hiring manager that you're a good fit for the role.

2. Focus on hard skills and technical proficiencies

As a business development manager, employers want to see that you have the specific hard skills needed for the job. Emphasize your knowledge of sales techniques, business software, financial analysis, or any other technical abilities that are important in your field.

Here's an example of a skills section that effectively highlights relevant hard skills:

Sales : Solution Selling, Sales Forecasting, Territory Management Software : Salesforce, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics, ZoomInfo Financial : P&L Management, Financial Modeling, ROI Analysis

Avoid listing soft skills like 'Communication' or 'Leadership'. While these are important qualities, they are better demonstrated through your work experience and achievements. Keep your skills section focused on the hard skills that qualify you for the job.

3. Be specific and use industry terms

Wherever possible, be specific about your level of expertise with each skill. Using descriptors like 'Advanced', 'Proficient', or 'Expert' can give employers a clearer sense of your capabilities. Avoid generic or outdated skills that could make you seem less qualified.

For example:

Skills: Communication, Microsoft Office, Sales, Leadership Qualities

This skills section is too broad and doesn't provide any real insight into the candidate's abilities. Instead, try:

Skills Sales Methodology: MEDDIC (Expert), SPIN Selling (Advanced) CRM: Salesforce Sales Cloud (Advanced), Microsoft Dynamics (Intermediate) Prospecting Tools: LinkedIn Sales Navigator (Advanced), ZoomInfo (Proficient)

Using industry-specific terms and detailing your skill level will make a much stronger impression on hiring managers in your field.

Skills For Business Development Manager Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Business Development Manager job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

Skills Word Cloud For Business Development Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Business Development Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Business Development Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Business Development Manager Resumes

  • Template #1: Business Development Manager
  • Template #2: Business Development Manager
  • Template #3: Business Development Manager
  • Template #4: Business Strategy Manager
  • Template #5: Sales Manager
  • Skills for Business Development Manager Resumes
  • Free Business Development Manager Resume Review
  • Other Sales Resumes
  • Business Development Manager Interview Guide
  • Business Development Manager Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Business Development Manager
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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Senior Business Development Executive Resume Sample

The resume builder.

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Work Experience

  • Demonstrated successful experience in solutions sales or successful demonstration of the other requirements indicated below
  • Successful experience chasing, cultivating and closing relationship based deals
  • Successful in understanding strategy, positioning and building relationships
  • Understanding of a balance sheet, income statement and inventory “ins” and “outs’ as they impact a financial statement
  • Team effectively throughout IRM and to engage with IM and customer personnel from ‘user’ to ‘C-level’ on a wide range of topics and issues
  • Experience in complex sales cycles
  • Proven ability to manage complex, multi-departmental sales engagements
  • Accurately encapsulate customer and IM technical and business requirements
  • Identification of trends, threats and opportunities within your marketplace with the ability to help develop and execute on reasonable/rational plans to exploit or defend against the changes as appropriate
  • Match VMware’s Telco NFV solutions to the customer’s business needs, challenges, and technical requirements
  • Effectively communicating TIBCO’s solutions
  • Conduct relationship management external visits to Agents/Franchise/Banks
  • Account Engagement Planning & Monitoring
  • Conduct agent performance analysis
  • Handling of direct accounts

Professional Skills

  • Excellent client care skills with experience of client relationship management, including face to face meetings and events
  • Skills – Proficient in English, Possess good presentation skill, Possess good negotiation skill, IT literate
  • A strong client relationship orientation; outstanding “EQ” and listening skills that contribute to the development of lasting, trust-based client relationships
  • Excellent drafting and copywriting skills
  • Strong presentation and communication skills, with the ability to listen and engage with customers at all organizational levels, including the CXO level
  • Excellent communication skills including a business level competency in both English and Portuguese (fluent Spanish is also desirable)
  • Previous experience opportunity profiling, cold calling, generating referrals and leveraging relationships for prospecting Past B2B sales experience

How to write Senior Business Development Executive Resume

Senior Business Development Executive role is responsible for presentation, events, drive, customer, development, communications, pipeline, benefits, litigation, compensation. To write great resume for senior business development executive job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Senior Business Development Executive Resume

The section contact information is important in your senior business development executive resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Senior Business Development Executive Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your senior business development executive resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous senior business development executive responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular senior business development executive position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Senior Business Development Executive resume experience can include:

  • Operative active learning skills to understand the implications of new information for both current and future problem-solving and decision-making
  • Create/develop innovative networking skills to drive pipeline development at the decision making level
  • Effectively prospect potential clients through personal CPG, retail, agency and supplier network and other lead sources (including cold calling)
  • Create/develop innovative networking skills to develop and drive pipeline across Inmar’s three Networks
  • Persistent follow-up skills that advance deal progress at a rapid pace
  • Generally requires 3-5 years of demonstrated successful experience in solutions sales in the retail space

Education on a Senior Business Development Executive Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your senior business development executive resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your senior business development executive experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Senior Business Development Executive Resume

When listing skills on your senior business development executive resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical senior business development executive skills:

  • Effective resource tracking, instructing, and quality control analysis skills, to evaluate the quality of performance and take corrective action when necessary
  • Effective questioning skills that uncover needs and the ability to tailor solution benefits
  • Strong presentation and time management skills
  • Strong IT skills (especially MS Office and Adobe CS) and affinity to new trends
  • Basic sales skills such-as opening, probing, benefit selling and closing
  • Excellent understanding and demonstrated success related to strategy, positioning and building relationships

List of Typical Experience For a Senior Business Development Executive Resume

Experience for senior business development executive, cheras resume.

  • Excellent customer service skills with a strong service orientation focus
  • Several years work experience in a professional services environment, with experience gained in marketing and/or Business Development (Essential)
  • Welcome are also applications from experienced lawyers with significant business development experience who wish to transition into a business development role
  • First rate communication skills, with the ability to explain complex issues to people at all levels
  • Analytical and numeracy skills are prerequisites for this role
  • Experience in decision support analytics, including knowledge of the clinical and operational benchmarking and performance management space
  • Experience targeting new markets/segments and developing unique offerings that are clearly distinguished from the competition
  • A strong team player, adept at collaborating with colleagues across business units/functions and building alignment around a clear vision and set of objectives

Experience For Senior Business Development Executive for Hospitality Solutions Resume

  • Good knowledge in the Finance, Banking, Insurance and Payments
  • Experience in team sales and/or team solution development
  • Proven ability to work across boundaries and styles
  • Broad experience in team sales and/or team solution development
  • Retail sales experience to pharmacy, inventory, POS and/or supply chain environments
  • Identify themes of inefficiency and develop effective processes

Experience For Senior Business Development Executive Resume

  • Outside technical solutions sales experience
  • Organized, assertive, and self-directed; able to rapidly prioritize and pivot as needed
  • Establish and maintain strong working relationships with the company's Customer Services, and Operations teams
  • Support the implementation and maintenance of Service Level Agreements across functional areas to ensure efficient and effective business processes
  • The ability to establish and maintain strong relationships
  • Leverage prior contacts in the Financial Services, Insurance or Telco clients to help facilitate speed-to close
  • Be an expert on all things social media, CB history, product offering, positioning, pricing and competitor differences
  • Educate and build relationships across organizations, cultivating numerous touch points supporting the value proposition of the TranZform Platform offering
  • Support existing and developing marketing campaigns and events
  • Meet and exceed monthly revenue targets by proactively sourcing prospects, opening and closing new business for the related IBI products
  • Manage pitches and panel reviews starting from developing the concept to realization
  • Manage our clients by maintaining information about them and supporting the client care plans
  • Possess a thorough understanding of selling methodologies
  • Engages in regular portfolio planning with Marketing to determine areas of focus
  • Present solutions using a highly consultative sales approach and techniques, leveraging internal experts as appropriate
  • Participate in campaign tracking / campaign monitoring / post-mortem reviews (branch and/or company level)/
  • Create and deliver value based pricing at the decision making level
  • A challenging yet rewarding position with upwards mobility
  • Begin supporting and identifying opportunities with a number of key IT/Commercial clients
  • Segment agent base for training to provide to Branch Manager
  • Create and deliver value based solution pricing
  • Target new business from existing as well as new clients
  • Fluency in German and in English both orally and in writing
  • Understand client business objectives, propose and close strategic solutions leveraging CB products, rate card, budget template, and timeline standards
  • Retain existing business and continually search for ways to grow that business
  • Utilize for prospect tracking, opportunity identification and internal communication
  • Prospect research before making the call
  • Drive the onboarding of new customers
  • Attend relevant industry and partner conferences, trade-shows and networking events
  • Through deep, trust-based relationships, continually partner with clients to identify and refer consulting opportunities
  • Lead negotiations, coordinate complex decision-making process, and overcome client concerns to capture new business opportunities
  • UK CIM or similar marketing/business qualification an advantage
  • To develop and bring in new business
  • Participate in the management of programs by actively engaging with the program management team
  • Develop repeat clients and grow share of marketing spend YOY
  • Work with product management to refine our offering and improve our value proposition
  • Act as a thought leader with clients in running successful addressable media campaigns
  • Give training to agents
  • To continue seeking ways to generate premium income growth through varies distribution channels
  • Personal qualities – mature personality, friendly and outgoing characters, able to work under pressure and independently, team player
  • Performing Business Development activities
  • We offer competitive salary, benefits and learning and development opportunities
  • For over 55+ years, the principles of CACI’s unique, character-based culture has been the driving force behind our success
  • Self-critical and capable of handling rejection
  • A working knowledge of the Agricultural industry particularly in South America is also desirable
  • Brief the design team to present a succinct, compelling message
  • Deal with people at all levels, including partners and fee earners
  • Previous marketing knowledge
  • Maintains awareness of developing technologies and takes some responsibility for personal development
  • Follow-up on renewals after distribution by New Business Support
  • Positions and illustrates alternative ways of creating the real value of IRM’s total solution offerings for customers through assessing their problems or opportunities and highlighting IRM’s areas of strength, competitive pricing, customer satisfaction and competitive advantages within each existing and net new accounts
  • Ensures frequent communication to enable superior customer satisfaction and to keep customer educated on emerging industry trends and best practices related to customer’s organizational information management, business processes and governance needs. Employs appropriate methods of persuasion when soliciting agreement
  • Maintains a consistent ‘pipeline’ that enables meeting and exceeding quota attainment
  • Roll out campaigns to Agents
  • Participate in recruitment of Agents and to develop business
  • Engage in one-on-one/small group sessions with Agents

List of Typical Skills For a Senior Business Development Executive Resume

Skills for senior business development executive, cheras resume.

  • Outstanding verbal and written communication skills – with the ability to develop pitch documents
  • Consultative selling experience (proven track record of meeting and exceeding sales goals)
  • Communicates fluently and effectively in business writing and present information to both technical and non-technical audiences
  • Proven experience building relationships with high level directors and decision makers
  • Financially literate, with excel modelling experience and strong attention to detail
  • Proven ability to develop and maintain excellent customer relationships

Skills For Senior Business Development Executive for Hospitality Solutions Resume

  • Understanding and demonstrated success related to strategy, positioning and building relationships in government sector
  • Successful experience chasing, cultivating and closing complex relationship based deals
  • Experience selling strategic digital marketing solutions to CPG and/or retail clients
  • >7 years of direct sales experience in the institutional financial markets, preferably working with commercial lending banks & insurance
  • Experience in developing and executing sales/territory plans
  • Quota carrying and/or other customer-facing enterprise software applications sales experience
  • Experience in developing and subsequently winning solutions which are highly competitive

Skills For Senior Business Development Executive Resume

  • Experience in technical sales with a thorough understanding of IT principles and practices
  • Good knowledge in one of the following business sectors. Telco, media, technology, healthcare, logistics and retail sector and related businesses
  • Good knowledge in the Telco, Media & Entertainment, Technology, Logistics, Finance, Banking, Insurance and Payments
  • Understands and demonstrates a systematic approach to problem solving
  • Build and maintain strong networks by participating in industry and affinity groups such as NAHU, SHRM and EBPA
  • Working experience in and/or similar role/capacity
  • Previous consulting experience an asset
  • Experience winning large, technology-based solutions contracts within the Federal Government with emphasis on IC, DoD, and FedCiv agencies
  • Relevant industry knowledge or experience in selling digital publications
  • Experience of operating or an alternative Sales CRM
  • Proven track record of winning large, technology-based solutions contracts within the Federal Government with emphasis on IC, DoD, and FedCiv agencies
  • Or at least 2 years Strategic Consultancy Experience from a leading consultancy practice
  • The ability to work well under pressure, to project manage competing priorities and the ability to get things done quickly at high quality
  • Experience in B2B sales, including solutions and technology specific SaaS solutions
  • Demonstrated results selling multiple solutions across a variety of decision makers
  • Excellent understanding of the marketplace
  • A proven record of success in consultative selling to senior level decision makers within the healthcare provider industry
  • Experience working with the most highly regarded and complex integrated delivery networks (IDNs) in the country
  • Demonstrated ability to consult/sell to the highest level decision makers in large companies
  • Proven success of over-achievement in a phone based sales environment
  • Understanding of methods, techniques, and tools for planning, organizing, resourcing, and coordinating on going (non-project) activities
  • Prospecting for new customers through existing leads, cold calling and maximizing lead generation
  • Working knowledge of challenges in standing up complex big data and IoT operating environments
  • Representing Agent Services products in the market and supporting the Domain core
  • Maximising revenue opportunities and growing market share via customer acquisition
  • Exceeding revenue targets, market share targets and cross-selling opportunities
  • Attending relevant industry and partner conferences, trade-shows and networking events
  • Working within a matrix environment
  • Handling daily business in the department
  • Understanding of cloud, hosted services, SaaS/PaaS models, cloud-based commerce/business networks
  • Developing key client relationships (both internally and externally)
  • Working with major clients and prospects for new and up-sell opportunities
  • Becoming the subject matter expert for Agent Services products in your region
  • Attending relevant internal/external forums, industry and client events
  • Working closely with both current and future clients
  • Driving acquisition of Agent Services products within the real estate vertical
  • Working to revenue targets and KPI's
  • Spotting opportunities to cross-sell promote other services
  • Collaborating with teams across the Domain Group
  • Attending relevant industry and client events
  • Understanding of or similar type CRM platform
  • Overseeing BBC Worldwide’s content ID actvities with a specific focus on YouTube
  • Contributing to pitches to target digital partners
  • Providing support to commercial negotiations
  • Closing deals to exceed defined sales and GP quota and earn uncapped commissions
  • Providing world-class service
  • Be responsible for selling new business, Regence and solutions, meeting or exceeding sales goals, including membership and cross-selling
  • Commercial Orientation: Keeping commercial aspects continually in mind when taking actions or making decisions
  • Customer Focus: Understanding the needs of the customer when taking actions or making decisions
  • Keep close contact to customers by phone and individual personal meeting by holding regular meeting / services review, etc

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Senior Business Development Executive Resume

Responsibilities for senior business development executive, cheras resume.

  • Prior experience of proactive B2B telephone sales
  • Demonstrated BD experience with the IC, DoD, FedCiv customer organizations and programs
  • Continuous Development : (i) One-to-one coaching session with Branch Manager; (ii) Attend internal/external AXA trainings; (iii) Demonstrate AXA values
  • Direct field experience selling software or Cloud Solutions
  • Experience within a technology sector would be an asset
  • O 5+ years of outside technical solutions sales experience with a focus in either the Financial/Healthcare/Insurance Verticals
  • Develop new business by prospecting and following up on leads and referrals within existing and new markets

Responsibilities For Senior Business Development Executive for Hospitality Solutions Resume

  • Manages sales and marketing activities for the service offering
  • Solve problems using inductive and deductive reasoning
  • To focus on growing the core business lines in line with AXA's vision and strategy
  • Deliver compelling product demonstrations that translate complex technical concepts to the day-to-day needs of non-technical audiences
  • Maintains sales database and generates special reporting

Responsibilities For Senior Business Development Executive Resume

  • Maintain comprehensive understanding of healthcare marketplace applicable to IoT
  • Comfortable working in a matrixed organization with global responsibility and distribution of resources
  • Develop and implement the sales strategy for the Philippines, taking into account industry/regulatory requirements, market trends and client requirements
  • Support and coach the team in deal creation/progression/closing, in particular with more complex sales
  • Responsible for selling more complex solutions such as credit risk models, credit analytics and enterprise datafeeds into a small, defined territory
  • Successfully introduce and promote existing and new products into the market in line with the businesses strategic objectives
  • Involvement in the formation of Sales & Marketing budgets
  • Proficiency in PowerPoint, Excel, Gmail (including Google drive and calendar)
  • Conduct relationship management external visits to Agents
  • Support other marketers Agents if assigned marketer is unavailable
  • Proactively identify and quantify industry challenges specifically as it relates to Internet of Things (IoT) in the insurance industry across auto, home, property, financial, commercial and asset insurance domains. Creatively align customized SAS solutions in a scalable matter to rapidly monetize the market opportunity
  • Leverage Inmar’s market position to drive strategic solutions in a complex sales environment
  • Familiarity with state statutes, regulations, and policies
  • Team player who has strengths to cultivate internal relationships as well as external
  • Travel if necessary 50%
  • To meet growth and profitability targets
  • Tracking , analysing and reporting on the performance of existing digital partnerships and identifying, recommending and implementing opportunities to improve performance
  • Acting as the single point of contact for operations and go to market for new digital partnerships, and helping to design and implement new operational processes for digital partners
  • Helping to ensure there is high quality governance to support BBC Worldwide’s digital partnership activities – building relationships across BBC Worldwide stakeholders in the Regional, content and brand teams and ensuring coordination and information sharing
  • Segment agent base for training to provide to Team Leader Marketer
  • Creation of sales planning/activity reports for production and sales targets to Branch Manager
  • Follow-up on renewals after distribution by New Business Support / Monitoring renewal retention
  • To assist Branch Manager in business development & growth
  • To support other marketers Agents / Franchise / Banks of assigned marketer is unavailable. i.e. Bank in Cheque & cash by daily basis / To assist agent to stamp IG / Survey
  • Develop vertical expertise in order to successfully execute sales objectives
  • Develops deep knowledge of assigned clients/prospects
  • Penetrate and develop strategic relationships at the client’s C-suite and senior level
  • Sell software/consultative solutions in a retail environment for selected vertical markets
  • Work autonomously and manage presentations and strategy associated with sales with little to no assistance from their Sales Leader
  • Generally requires 5-10 or more years of demonstrated successful experience in solutions sales or successful demonstration of the other requirements indicated below
  • Sales performance consistently in the top 10% vs. peer group
  • Work very autonomously and manage presentations and strategy associated with sales as well as internal communications garnering support and getting appropriate buy-in with little to no assistance from their Sales Leader
  • Obtain “expert” level understanding of all supply chain network products and solutions with the ability to conduct demonstrations of technology in all sales stages, including late stages of sales meetings
  • Develop and maintain expertise on industry trends, technology, best practices, and regulations of relevance to the promotion network
  • Develop and maintain senior level strategic relationships
  • Sell software/consultative solutions in a retail environment or CPG manufacturer environment
  • Gain interest and successfully introduce new products to the market
  • Develop and implement business development and client plans
  • Create and manage communications strategies for clients in line with the business plans
  • Monitor and analyse the market and stay up to date with trends
  • Obtain systematic client feedback to enable a client focused approach and identify unmet needs in the Swiss market
  • Develop, manage, and track a territory/account plan to meet quarterly and annual sales goals
  • As the primary sales conduit for assigned clients, attend kick-off, post-analysis and other important meetings with clients as a means to sell additional work, not to lead or direct the work on existing campaigns
  • Collaborate with specified Client Services teams to oversee accounts from proposal through post-analysis to resell
  • Approximately 5-10 days a month of travel
  • Timely execution of all sales activities - leads, campaigns, referrals & any self-generated leads
  • Be the face of Fairfax for client interactions
  • Engage with C-suite healthcare provider clients through a highly consultative, relationship-building approach that reflects a deep understanding of client needs
  • Understand, articulate, and effectively sell the Cognizant’s compelling business case and economic value proposition to payer and provider clients, in part by connecting client challenges to the unique capabilities and insights delivered by TranZform solutions
  • Seek new and unique business channels and non-traditional sales targets based on a deep understanding of the application of the value proposition in new areas of focus
  • Use insights from the business development process to inform product development roadmaps and priorities
  • Demonstrated knowledge of clinical and operational processes within healthcare systems
  • Develop and maintain an expert level knowledge of all TranZform Platform products and services
  • Establish/maintain strong industry presence and reputation through participation in industry conferences, white paper authorship, speaking engagements, effective use of social media, etc
  • Build a pipeline of prospective sales and demonstrate the ability to move prospective sales through the process to closed / won status, managing numerous prospective clients simultaneously

Related to Senior Business Development Executive Resume Samples

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Business Development Executive Resume Samples

In this present competitive world, the business development executives are the ones who provide scope for business expansion across the world. To satisfy this business expansion goal of the company, these executives shoulder various roles and responsibilities such as – working with marketing team to conduct market research and take company to the next level, maintaining relationship with current and potential clients, creating product and service presentations, conducting sales meetings, identifying leads and converting leads to clients.

This role is a sales position, and hence candidates are supposed to exhibit a high level of communication-based soft skills; they should also have technical skills and be able to show proficiency in conducting market research. Negotiating skills and presentation skills are detrimental to this role, these executives should as well be well-versed in maintaining strong networks among clients. Employers prefer to see on the Business Development Executive Resume a bachelor’s degree in marketing, business administration or the similar.

Business Development Executive Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Business Development
  • Business Development Executive

Business Development Executive Resume

Objective : To obtain a position in customer relations, marketing, or sales within a competitive and professional environment that allows opportunity for both career advancement and personal growth.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Inventory Management, Sales, Sales, Project Management, New Business Development, Team Building.

Business Development Executive Resume Format

Description :

  • Studied and learned new high-end technologies including storage infrastructure, application performance management, and security, to better serve clients and deliver new lead-generation products for the company.
  • Worked directly with Directors and VP's of Marketing and Channels for clients including RingCentral, HP, Arrow, Riverbed, Gigamon, Prosperoware, and several of their larger Value Added Resellers.
  • Strategically reached out to Directors, VP's, and CTO's of companies ranging from 50 employees to Fortune 500 companies to introduce new technologies and their potential benefits on behalf of my clients.
  • Managed up to 20 different clients, building sales pipelines for each.
  • Scheduled high-level, quality conference calls, GoToMeetings, and face-to-face appointments with decision makers who were sales ready.
  • Awarded several consecutive accolades including Highest Conversion Rate, Most Appointments Set, Best Quality Appointments, and the newly created Rock Star award.
  • Consistently increased the amount of appointments set each month and rewarded with more responsibilities as well as given new, high-end clients.

Senior Business Development Executive Resume

Summary : Highly effective Sales and Marketing Professional with 10+ years of working in a competitive sales team atmosphere. Skilled in strategy, closing and relationship building. Self-directed, enthusiastic sales professional who is adept at branding, business development, marketing, public relations, sales and service. Entrepreneurial spirit with very high personal and professional goals. Solution oriented, consultative, team player adept at building and maintaining relationships.

Skills : Computer Skills Customer Service Communication Cold.

Senior Business Development Executive Resume Format

  • Business Development and as an Internet Marketing Consultant in the Medical, Cosmetic and Beauty industry team with a focus on revenue generation in this B2B (business to business) sales.
  • Drove strategic client acquisition strategies by identifying and cultivating relationships within the Medical, Cosmetic and Beauty industry.
  • Established as a key player in leading business development and generating revenue.
  • Worked in partnership with cross-functional teams including Sales, Marketing, Training, Product, & Service organizations to propose appropriate offerings that paralleled the industry needs/changes.
  • Introduced new offerings and vendors to members of the sales team and existing Strategic Clients in an effort to expand Strategic Clients' multi-product portfolios.
  • Led efforts to acquire new Strategic Clients by identifying potential clients, meeting with the decision-makers within these businesses and establishing relationships to partner with industry leaders.
  • Identified opportunities for product, program, and process improvement with a focus on driving revenue growth including seasonal/promotional campaigns across digital programs.

Junior Business Development Executive Resume

Objective : Excellent situational problem solver inspiring product confidence Valued consultant for in-depth product knowledge and application Vast electronic rolodex containing thousands of professional contacts in the Health Care community.

Skills : Bilingual - Spanish.

Junior Business Development Executive Resume Example

  • Leading provider of service desk, IT service management, and IT asset management software.
  • Recruited to bolster awareness and penetration of the company's portfolio of products to new and existing accounts.
  • Identified and qualified opportunities, educated on the effectiveness of technology solutions, secured appointments and collaborated with the sales team to secure strategic deals.
  • Achieved and/or exceeded monthly sales quota during tenure by building a strong pipeline of qualified leads.
  • Identified opportunities, introduced company and portfolio of products to stakeholders, secured the participation of business leaders and technical resources during webcasts and established critical relationships with key decision-makers.
  • Collaborated with the Business Development Manager to define strategies to grow specific territories.
  • Defined effective go-to-market strategies leveraging prospecting, event follow-up, and marketing campaigns that contributed to capturing new accounts and enabling business growth.

Business Development Executive I Resume

Summary : Skilled Business Development Executive with proven history of acquiring new accounts Experienced sales executive with international sales experience. Proven track record of achievement with customers in selling, and managing products, services and solutions. Management of various disciplines to ensure business and program objectives.

Skills : Salesforce, Developing Skills.

Business Development Executive I Resume Template

  • Responsible for sourcing, generating and building new business opportunities for the company through cold calling, emails and following up on warm leads from lead-inception to close.
  • Required to have the sales skills to build a pipeline of qualified new prospects and deliver, or to be trained to deliver, effective presentations and product demonstrations.
  • Responsible for the relationship with a prospect from lead-inception to close.
  • Collaborating with management and team members at all levels enhance the opportunity for a sale, including but not limited to working with the VP to schedule appointments and close larger-volume sales.
  • Responsible for training and developing a sales team of 10 to 15 employees.
  • Responsible for achieving monthly sales objectives/quotas and weekly activity metrics.
  • Prospect for and identify new account opportunities to build a robust pipeline; involves a fair amount of cold calling and quickly moving the prospect through the company's pre-qualification process.

Business Development Executive II Resume

Summary : To obtain a position that challenges me and provides me the opportunity to reach my full potential professionally and personally utilizing my abilities and years of experience. To join an Organization that is progressive intellectually and technically, and one in which practices collaborative leadership with integrity and honesty throughout.

Skills : MS Office, Salesforce.

Business Development Executive II Resume Template

  • Successfully mastered a very sharp learning curve in a short period of time, achieving the highest sales closing ratio of all training participants.
  • Proactively evaluated competitive activity and business operations and determined recommendations to restructure the organization and to improve the company brand.
  • Consistently ranked among top performers, expanding customer base while maintaining excellent client rapport despite intense market competition and a tumultuous economic climate.
  • Identified customer requirements and maintained contacts.
  • Involved in the decision-making process together with technical staff and management decision-makers, facilitating the execution of the sales process.
  • Built sound, lasting, working relationships with key partners and clientele.
  • Analyzed important industry market intelligence in relation to market trends and future product development.
  • Worked in business-development teams on business-planning strategies Prepared business proposals and maintained client accounts and relations.

Business Development Executive III Resume

Summary : Government affairs and business development professional with 20 years experience successfully advocating the public policy agenda of government and revenue generation objectives of businesses.

Skills : Proposal Management And Writing, Contract Management, Government Affairs, Public Affairs, Legislative, Regulatory Compliance, Legal, Contracts.

Business Development Executive III Resume Template

  • Created and enhanced strategic relationships with elected, appointed, and career state and local government officials including governors, legislators, agency and department level directors, county supervisors, and mayors.
  • Advocated corporate public policies to state and local governments.
  • Managed political action committee and corporate donations.
  • Successfully lobbied against restrictions on the sales and marketing activities of government contractors.
  • Responsible for drafting and negotiating state legislation decreasing corporate tax obligations.
  • Served on the boards of directors and committees of industry trade associations, political parties, and community service organizations.
  • Sold information technology consulting and business process outsourcing services to state and local governments and healthcare providers.
  • Created and presented value propositions, technical solutions, cost and prices models, and risk-mitigation strategies to EDS' management, partners and subcontractors.

Retail Sales & Business Development Executive Resume

Summary : Sales Team Management Dynamic sales leader who increases revenue through consultative sales methodologies. Consistently exceeds sales quotas through individual sales production as well as recruiting, training and developing productive sales teams.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Sales.

Retail Sales & Business Development Executive Resume Sample

  • Designed and directed sales & marketing strategies.
  • Manage the entire sales process, from uncovering opportunities, developing solutions/value propositions, monitored compliance integrity, creating contracts, negotiating terms, closing opportunities and providing on-going customer service after agreement implementation.
  • Monitored compliance integrity to achieve and guarantee stakeholders' project goals and objectives.
  • Selected Achievements o Introduced new medical rehab/athletic commercial equipment product lines.
  • Introduced numerous new product solutions to customers in the territory.
  • Provided product presentation to key decision-makers.
  • Implemented programs, project procedures, and materials related to compliance assessments.
  • Leading efforts to establish cost-effective, long term solutions with key suppliers to optimize the total acquisition cost of materials, reducing project cost, increasing profit margins to ensure budget integrity and availability of required materials.

Sales/Business Development Executive Resume

Objective : Account Management Dynamic sales executive with a record of surpassing million-dollar sales quotas within highly competitive markets. Exceptional communicator with a consultative sales style, account management skills, exceptional problem-solving abilities, and a keen client needs assessment aptitude. Aggressively identify opportunities, develop focus, and provide tactical business solutions. Available for travel.

Skills : Microsoft Office, Accounting.

Sales/Business Development Executive Resume Sample

  • Generated tens of millions of dollars in new loans and deposits, consistently meeting aggressive sales targets.
  • Managed sales process from beginning to end.
  • To generate prospects, Cold called businesses, networked with industry-related professionals to develop referral opportunities, networked in trade organizations & chambers of commerce, participated in community events, and developed referrals and new business from existing clients.
  • Visited clients and prospects on site to present solutions.
  • Reviewed business trends to advise clients about expected changes and structured deals to balance the clients' needs with the bank's benchmarks.
  • Prepared forms and agreements to complete sales.
  • Partnered with internal departments to produce proposals, ensuring that proposals met funder specifications and deadlines.
  • Developed a network of professional contacts, negotiated partnership arrangements with external vendors.

Business Development Executive/Consultant Resume

Summary : Self-starter business development executive, offering fifteen years proven success in achieving business goals in highly competitive markets. Outstanding knowledge of the jewelry industry, market demands and effective organizational structure of businesses. Broad background in account management, sales and closing skills. Proficient in accessing decision makers, discovering buyer's influencers, negotiations, and overcoming customer objections.

Skills : Korean, Project Management, Global Marketing/Strategy.

Business Development Executive/Consultant Resume Sample

  • Opened Caribbean and Alaska markets through personal networking generating 3 million dollars in year to date sales.
  • Strengthened Caribbean & Alaska client base to 30 accounts averaging 100k per door.
  • Exceeded sales by 15-20% each year by opening 2 to 3 new doors per year generating in $200-300k in additional sales.
  • Managed cruise ship promotions for Caribbean & Alaska territories to create brand awareness in the tourist market.
  • Gather current marketplace information on newly introduced products, delivery schedules, pricing, and merchandising techniques in order to monitor competition.
  • Investigate problems; prepare reports; develop solutions, and make recommendations to management in order to resolve customer complaints.
  • Attend educational workshops; review publications, and be involved in professional societies.
  • Provide historical records by keeping records on customer inquiries and sales.

Asst. Business Development Executive Resume

Summary : Worked with the largest companies in the world, down to individual consulting in the B2C space. Challenged and rewarded for those efforts. Complex problems for clients and spending time with them learning about their greatest challenges.

Skills : CORE SKILLS Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access,.

Asst. Business Development Executive Resume Template

  • Responsible for leadership, mentoring, and managing product teams doing research, development and engineering.
  • Total responsibility for work of teams resolving technical & operating problems as well as budgets.
  • Provided technical leadership to teams with guidance and advanced subject matter skills mainly in robotics.
  • Developed a family of totally new products for lean manufacturing- US Patent #7,694,583.
  • Current workforce was not used to working with robots and needed to mentor them with the applications.
  • Guided the sales force as to new potential customer contacts as well as leading the engineering group to adapt new thinking of holding parts in robotic grippers as well as measuring parts at the same time.
  • Worked with high level teams such as the Board of Directors and President of the company and got their full support for implementing strategic plans in all departments of the organization.

Associate Business Development Executive Resume

Objective : Searching for a challenging career as Business Development Executive of well-established company in which to put my skills to the test.

Skills : Strong communication and presentation skills.

Associate Business Development Executive Resume Example

  • Responsible for prospecting and closing new business opportunities and developing new business partnerships.
  • Specialize in strategic sales and customer relations with more than 25 years of experience in high-energy negotiation strategies.
  • Competencies include: new business development, market research and analysis, management, product positioning and promotion, advertising strategy, vendor/agency selection and management.
  • Excellent decision making and problem solving skills; a respected manager who leads by example.
  • Extensive expertise directing all aspects of sales and vendor relations.
  • Proven ability to train, motivate, and lead successful cross-functional teams of subordinates.
  • Strong presentation and negotiation skills.

Headline : Responsible for Managing all appointments from initial confirmation through attendance by performing due diligence and following up to ensure all parties were still ready to engage.

Skills : Market Growth And Sales Support, Executive Adminstrative, Relationship Building.

Business Development Executive Resume Format

  • Plan, negotiate and manage vendors for delivery of services such as food and beverage, housing, special event venues, audiovisual, transportation, registration and security.
  • Scheduled on-site client meetings while allocating travel and extended conference times.
  • Partner with executive management and third party to execute marketing, logistics and program management for events.
  • Analyze and gather feedback from attendees to determine areas of potential development after each event or marketing campaign.
  • Directed event and member communications and publicity, utilizing cold calls, direct mail, print ads, and broadcast emails.
  • Collaborated with marketing department on marketing concepts and delivery.
  • Branded, strategized, coordinated marketing content and value proposition for a focused approach to gain interest in target markets.

Table of Contents

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Top 17 Business Development Executive Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 20, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that appears at the top of your resume and outlines your career goals. It should be tailored to the specific position you are applying for and showcase your skills, experience, and qualifications that make you an ideal candidate. When writing a resume objective for a business development executive position, consider emphasizing any relevant professional experience, such as sales or project management, as well as soft skills like communication and problem solving. Additionally, highlight any success stories from previous positions to demonstrate how you can contribute to the company’s growth. For example: “Dynamic business development executive with 10+ years of experience in growth-oriented roles seeking to leverage exceptional communication, organizational, and problem-solving skills to drive corporate success at ABC Company.”

Business Development Executive Resume Example

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Top 17 Business Development Executive Resume Objective Samples

  • To utilize my strong business development and sales skills to increase the customer base of the organization.
  • To leverage my expertise in market analysis and strategic planning to expand the company’s reach.
  • To contribute to the growth of the organization by developing new business opportunities.
  • To use my excellent communication and interpersonal skills to build strong relationships with clients.
  • To apply my problem-solving abilities to identify potential solutions for increasing sales.
  • To employ my knowledge of market trends and industry best practices to develop effective strategies for business growth.
  • To utilize my experience in product management and marketing to drive revenue.
  • To develop innovative approaches for expanding customer base and generating new leads.
  • To create value through strategic partnerships, alliances, and joint ventures.
  • To develop a comprehensive understanding of customer needs and preferences in order to create tailored solutions that meet their requirements.
  • To collaborate with other departments within the organization to ensure successful implementation of strategies for business development initiatives.
  • To use my knowledge of competitive landscape and industry trends to identify areas for improvement within existing processes.
  • To provide effective guidance on product positioning, pricing, promotion, distribution, etc., in order to maximize profitability.
  • To analyze data from various sources such as customer feedback surveys, market research reports, etc., in order to identify areas of improvement within existing processes or products/services offerings.
  • To implement creative strategies for expanding into new markets or developing new products/services that meet customer needs more effectively than competitors’ offerings do.
  • To manage projects related to business development initiatives while ensuring deadlines are met without compromising quality standards

How to Write a Business Development Executive Resume Objective

Writing an effective resume objective for a Business Development Executive position is key to getting noticed and landing the job. A well-crafted objective statement should highlight the skills, experiences, and qualifications that make you stand out from other applicants. It should also reflect your professional goals and ambitions, as well as demonstrate how your abilities can benefit the company.

When crafting your resume objective, focus on tangible achievements that demonstrate your success in business development roles. Start by mentioning any relevant industry certifications or degrees that can set you apart from other candidates. Then, list any past positions held in business development roles and describe the results you achieved in those positions. Highlight any skills or experiences that are particularly relevant to the position you’re applying for, such as strategic planning, market research, or client relations.

You should also mention any awards or recognition received in connection with business development efforts. This will show potential employers that you have a track record of success in this field. Finally, include an indication of how your skills and experience can be used to help the company reach its goals. This demonstrates that you understand what the organization needs and are prepared to contribute to its success.

Overall, a strong resume objective for a Business Development Executive position should demonstrate your expertise and accomplishments while conveying enthusiasm for taking on new challenges with the organization. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to make a great impression on potential employers and increase your chances of landing the job!

Related : What does a Business Development Executive do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Business Development Executive Resume Objective

In crafting a compelling resume for the role of a Business Development Executive, it's crucial to emphasize specific skills in your objective statement. This section serves as your first opportunity to grab potential employers' attention and convince them that you are the ideal candidate for the job. Highlighting key skills such as strategic planning, client relations, market research, and negotiation abilities can make a significant difference. In this section, we will discuss the essential skills to include in your Business Development Executive resume objective that can set you apart from other applicants.

1. Salesforce

A Business Development Executive is responsible for driving growth and profitability by building new business relationships and identifying potential market opportunities. Salesforce, a customer relationship management solution, is a crucial skill for this role as it helps in managing all the company's relationships and interactions with customers and potential clients. It aids in finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support and additional services throughout the relationship. Proficiency in Salesforce can help streamline processes, improve follow-ups, enhance data reporting, automate tasks, which ultimately leads to increased sales and improved customer satisfaction. Hence, mentioning Salesforce as a skill in a resume objective can demonstrate an individual's capability to efficiently manage client relationships and drive business growth.

2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for identifying and connecting with potential clients or partners. It allows users to target specific industries, companies, or job titles, making it an invaluable resource for business development executives who need to expand their network and generate new leads. Having proficiency in LinkedIn Sales Navigator demonstrates that the candidate has the necessary skills to effectively identify and reach out to potential business opportunities, which is crucial for driving business growth.

3. Market Research

A Business Development Executive needs the skill of market research to effectively identify new business opportunities, trends, and potential areas of growth. This skill is essential for understanding the competitive landscape, customer preferences, and emerging markets. It aids in making informed decisions about business strategies and plans. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates an ability to gather and analyze information that can drive business growth and success.

4. Lead Generation

A Business Development Executive is responsible for identifying and securing new business opportunities to drive growth and profitability. Lead Generation is a critical skill in this role as it involves researching, identifying, and attracting potential clients or customers. It's essential for a resume objective because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to proactively seek out new business opportunities, initiate first contact with potential clients, and effectively market the company's products or services to increase revenue. This skill also shows that the candidate can strategically target key demographics, build strong relationships with potential clients, and contribute significantly to the company's growth.

5. Cold Calling

Cold calling is a crucial skill for a Business Development Executive as it involves reaching out to potential clients or customers who have not previously expressed an interest in the products or services being offered. This skill is necessary to generate new business opportunities and leads, helping the company to grow and expand. Having this skill can demonstrate to employers that the candidate is proactive, has excellent communication skills, and is comfortable with initiating conversations and building relationships with new people.

6. Negotiation

A Business Development Executive needs strong negotiation skills as they are responsible for forging business relationships and closing deals. They often need to negotiate terms of contracts, prices, and other business agreements in a way that is most beneficial for their company. Having this skill can help them achieve their objectives more effectively, making it an essential addition to their resume.

7. Networking

A Business Development Executive needs strong networking skills as they are responsible for building and maintaining relationships with potential clients, vendors, and partners. This skill is crucial in identifying new business opportunities, expanding the company's reach, and driving growth. Networking also allows them to gain industry insights, understand market trends, and stay ahead of competition. Including this skill in a resume objective demonstrates the candidate's ability to effectively connect with others and leverage those relationships for business success.

8. CRM Management (e.g., HubSpot)

A Business Development Executive is often responsible for managing relationships with potential clients and partners. CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems like HubSpot allow these professionals to track, manage, and analyze interactions with these contacts. Proficiency in CRM Management demonstrates the ability to effectively monitor leads, manage customer data, streamline processes, and improve customer service - all crucial aspects of business development. Including this skill in a resume objective can highlight the candidate's capability to leverage technology for business growth and relationship management.

9. Proposal Writing

A Business Development Executive is often responsible for identifying new business opportunities, building client relationships, and negotiating contracts. Proposal writing is a crucial skill in this role as it involves creating detailed and persuasive business proposals to attract potential clients or partners. These proposals need to effectively communicate the value of the company's products or services, making proposal writing an essential skill for driving business growth and achieving revenue targets. Including this skill in a resume objective can demonstrate a candidate's ability to contribute to strategic business expansion activities.

10. Presentation

A Business Development Executive often needs to present ideas, strategies, and progress reports to clients, team members, or other stakeholders. This requires the ability to communicate effectively and persuasively. Having presentation skills on a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of representing the company professionally and convincingly in various settings. It also indicates that they can effectively convey complex information in an understandable manner, which is crucial for driving business growth and building strong relationships with clients.

Top 10 Business Development Executive Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, the objective section of your Business Development Executive resume should effectively highlight your key skills. This is a critical opportunity to showcase your unique capabilities and strengths that make you an ideal candidate for the role. Remember, this section serves as your first impression to potential employers; therefore, it should be compelling, concise, and tailored to the specific job description. By strategically emphasizing your key skills in this section, you can set yourself apart from other candidates and increase your chances of securing an interview.

Related : Business Development Executive Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing a Business Development Executive Resume Objective

Business development executive resumes should be crafted carefully to ensure that they stand out from the competition and highlight the candidate's strengths. One of the most common mistakes when writing a business development executive resume objective is not focusing on specific achievements. A resume objective should be tailored to the position and showcase the candidate’s accomplishments rather than merely stating their career goals.

Another mistake that many candidates make is using generic language in their resume objectives. Business development executives are expected to have technical skills and knowledge, so it is important to include specific details about these skills in the resume objective. Candidates should also avoid using phrases such as “seeking a challenging position” or “looking for an opportunity” as these are too vague and do not demonstrate any real value-add.

Furthermore, some candidates may try to cram too much information into the resume objective, making it difficult for employers to quickly identify their qualifications. It is important to keep your objective concise and focused on your key strengths and accomplishments in order to effectively capture an employer’s attention.

Finally, many business development executives fail to include action verbs in their objectives. Action verbs are essential as they demonstrate initiative and help employers better understand what you can bring to the table. Including strong action words such as “initiated”, “developed” or “managed” will help you stand out from other applicants.

By avoiding these common mistakes when crafting a business development executive resume objective, you can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed by potential employers and landing your dream job!

Related : Business Development Executive Resume Examples

Business Development Executive Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for a business development executive would be to maximize profits for the company by building relationships with existing and potential clients, while a wrong resume objective would be to increase personal career growth without considering the needs of the company.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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    Business development rep with 3 yrs of solid sales experience taking client calls and answering queries to maintain customer relationships. Carry out sales lifecycle with a team of 5 members and attend client meetings. WRONG. This example uses broad terms like "solid sales experience" that don't really mean anything.

  10. How To Create a Business Development Executive Resume

    Here is a template you can use to create your business development executive resume: [First name] [Last name], [Degree or certification if applicable] [Phone number] | [Email address] | [City], [State] Professional Summary. [Two to three sentences that highlight years of experience, relevant skills, education or certifications and achievement.]

  11. Business Development Manager Resume: Sample & 20+ Tips

    Sprinkle your entire business development resume with your top skills. Your resume profile and experience sections are great places. Pro Tip: Make sure the skills you choose to present match the position you're applying for. A VP business development resume surely needs to be packed full of strong business skills. 6.

  12. Business Development Executive CV Examples [2024]

    Format your business development executive CV so that it is easy to read by ATS software and human eyes. ... Kellie is a Certified Professional Resume Writer with 20+ years of experience in digital media and is passionate about helping job seekers navigate their careers. She earned a B.A. in English and writing from Temple University.

  13. 15 Business Development Resume Examples for 2024

    Template 3 of 15: Business Development Manager Resume Example. As a Business Development Manager, you'll be focusing on driving sales and generating new clients for the company. Your resume should showcase your ability to build professional relationships and skills in market research, sales strategy, and negotiation.

  14. Business Development Executive Resume Example

    Business Development Executive with over 8 years of experience in driving revenue growth, creating strong partnerships, and delivering results. Proven track record in identifying lucrative business opportunities, leading high-performing teams, and achieving sales targets.

  15. Business Development Executive Resume Example for 2024

    Ongoing professional development and training are also important to stay current in the field. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Business Development Executive resume: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), XYZ University, 2010-2014. Master of Business Administration (MBA), ABC Business School, 2015-2017.

  16. Business Development Executive resume examples for 2024

    How To Write The Perfect Resume Header. 2. 2. Add relevant education to your business development executive resume. Your resume's education section should include: The name of your school. The date you graduated (Month, Yearor Yearare both appropriate) The name of your degree.

  17. Senior Business Development Executive Resume Samples

    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the senior business development executive job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best ...

  18. Business Development Manager Resume Examples

    Lead Generation. Cold Calling. Business Development. Team Building. Team Collaboration. Vendor Management. Staff Management. You should sprinkle skills and abilities throughout your resume. Include them in your professional summary, work experience blurbs and a dedicated skills section.

  19. Business Development Manager Resume Examples for 2024

    Google Docs Template #2 Business Development Manager Resume Sample. A skilled or experienced business development manager can be the defining asset of a business due to the responsibilities encompassed by the position, and hiring managers are looking for applicants who have risen to the challenge.

  20. Senior Business Development Executive Resume Sample

    Senior Business Development Executive. 01/2017 - PRESENT. Detroit, MI. Demonstrated successful experience in solutions sales or successful demonstration of the other requirements indicated below. Successful experience chasing, cultivating and closing relationship based deals. Successful in understanding strategy, positioning and building ...

  21. Business Development Executive Resume Sample

    04/2021 to Current. Business Development Executive Verizon Communications - Rutland, VT. Developed and executed strategic initiatives to implement key changes and improvements in business development and sales programs. Identified and pursued valuable business opportunities to generate new company revenue and improve bottom line profit.

  22. Business Development Executive Resume Samples

    Branded, strategized, coordinated marketing content and value proposition for a focused approach to gain interest in target markets. Business Development Executive Resume Samples with Headline, Objective statement, Description and Skills examples. Download Sample Resume Templates in PDF, Word formats.

  23. Top 17 Business Development Executive Resume Objective Examples

    Hence, mentioning Salesforce as a skill in a resume objective can demonstrate an individual's capability to efficiently manage client relationships and drive business growth. 2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a powerful tool for identifying and connecting with potential clients or partners.

  24. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Experienced resume format. Download This Resume Format ... and [relevant skill #2], aiming to help [Company Name] grow and reach its business objectives now and into the future. Work Experience. Current (or Most Recent Job Title) / Start Date - End Date. Company Name / City, State ... Hiring Manager. February 20, 2024. Resume Help. 54+ Resume ...

  25. Business Owner Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Business Owner. Bay Area Software Partners Inc., San Francisco, CA | September 2011 - present. Build, manage, and develop a start-up technology company delivering innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions to enterprise businesses, which includes securing over $1.5 million from angel investors and providing presentations on the product and overarching business model.

  26. MBA Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    A combination format makes it easier to group skills, such as technical proficiencies, management competencies, and soft skills, for a more engaging and organized resume. A combination format also gives you room to include a shortened version of the traditional professional experience section, giving a hiring manager a better idea of your ...

  27. Chief Operating Officer Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Look for a template that includes plenty of white space. While a one-page resume can be easy to manage, a two-page template might be necessary to include more than a decade of experience. A COO resume might include a small professional flourish or two, but keep the design elements minimal to ensure a clean, easy-to-process document. Chief ...