iisc bangalore phd interview results

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iisc bangalore phd interview results

Inorganic and Physical Chemistry

Indian institute of science, bangalore.

iisc bangalore phd interview results

Ph.D. Interview May 2024 – Provisional List (29/May/2024)

Note: Institute has provisionally approved the admission of the following students in different streams. The final admission will be intimated by email from the Institute, indicating the stream in which the students are being admitted. In case a student has been offered in their second choice, they will be moved to their first choice if a vacancy arises. Both selected and waiting lists are arranged based on application number. Waiting list will be operated based on vacancy in different streams/categories.

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Experiences at an PhD interview at IISc Bangalore

Neeraj Singh Bhauryal

Neeraj Singh Bhauryal

This is the record of my interview at IISc Bangalore for Integrated PhD program in Mathematics which took place on 28th May. So I was called at 2pm there and since I was 10th on the list my turn came at 6pm , I was little nervous and excited too. So the panel comprised of 5 Professors Prof Gautam Bharali , Prof Basudeb Datta, Prof E.K Narayan, Prof Dilip Patil, Prof Pooja Singla

Prof N- Welcome Neeraj , how do you pronounce your last name?

I- Sir it’s Bhawwr-yaal.

Prof G.B- So Neeraj you completed your BSc last year and we don’t have any record of yours from last year of what you’ve been doing, so would you please tell about that?

I- Sir currently I’m enrolled in Int-PhD program at IISER Mohali and I’ve just finished 1st year of M.S there.

Prof B-So why do you want to leave there?

I- Sir I’m interested in Analysis and I think that IISc Bangalore is the best option for me.

Prof G.B – So what courses have you done there?

I- Sir I’m not comfortable with the courses I’ve done.

Prof G.B- I think I just asked you a simple question?

I-( named all the courses from 1st year)

Prof G.B- So what are you really interested in?

I- Analysis.

(Profs started discussing amongst themselves on which topic to start, and finally decided to start Analysis itself)

Prof G.B – I think you must have seen it before but still can you tell whether the series $ sum frac{1}{nln n}$ converges or not?

I- ( I knew the general result that for $ p>1$ the series $ sum frac{1}{n(ln n)^p}$ converges) Sir it will diverge using integral test ( Then I showed that it satisfies all hypothesis required and thus divergent)

Prof G.B- Can you prove the Integral test? Just give me the idea how it’s done.

I- ( Luckily I had done its proof while preparing for TIFR’s interview, drew the diagram and explained the details roughly)

Prof G.B- very good.

( This made me more confident)

(Then they were discussing amongst themselves on which topic shall they ask next, then they decided to come back on Analysis after sometime and started Group Theory)

Prof P- Can you write some groups?

I- ( I got careful not to write any group which can get me in trouble as I knew next they are going to make out problems from them, wrote $ (mathbb{R},+), (mathbb{Q}setminus{0}, . ), (mathbb{Z},+))$

Prof P- You wrote all abelian groups , write some non-abelian groups!

I-( For 10 secs I couldn’t remember any non-abelian group, thoughts were coming in my mind like <em>paani main doob mar beta IISc ka interview hai aur non-abelian groups ni pata</em>!), then wrote $ S_n,D_n$.

Prof P- Okay so is $ (mathbb{Q}setminus{0}, . )$ cyclic?

I-( thought for a while ) It won’t be cyclic since it has exactly two elements $ 1,-1$ of finite order while $ (mathbb{Z},+)$ have only one element of finite order so that they both can’t be isomorphic.

Prof B- Okay then is $ (mathbb{Q}^{+}, . )$( group of positive rationals wrt multiplication) cyclic?

I- ( thought for a while ) it can’t have generator of the type $ frac{1}{q}$ for any $ q in mathbb{Q}$ since then it won’t generate elements of the type $ frac{p}{q}$.

Prof B- So you mean $ (mathbb{Q}^{+}, . )$is not generated by $ frac{1}{q}$ but it may have generator of the type $ frac{p}{q}$.

I- Then it won’t be able to generate elements of the type $ frac{1}{q}$

Prof P- Okay, can you give finite proper subgroup of $ (mathbb{Q}^{+}, . )$?

I- There won’t be any since any non identity element in the group will have infinite order and so cyclic group generated by that element won’t fit inside the finite subgroup.

Prof G.B- (smiles) But isn’t there always a finite subgroup for any group?

I- Yes sir the identity group!

Prof P- And what about $ (mathbb{R}^{+}, . )$ ?

I- Mam, same reason as above , it won’t have any finite subgroups except the identity group.

Prof P- Is $ (mathbb{R}^{+}, . )$ and $ (mathbb{R}, +)$ isomorphic?

I- Yes , the exponential map will work.

Prop B-Let’s come back to Analysis now, can you give a continuous onto map between $ (0,1)$ and $ (-1,1)$?

I- yes, $ f(x)= sin 2pi x$ will work.

( They agreed with that and were discussing that the thing they wanted to ask next will not work now!)

Prop N- What’s the value of $ f(frac{1}{4})$

Prof N- So this example wont’s work since 1 is not in the co-domain.

I-( then I just drew the line joining the points $ (0,-1)$ and $ (1,1)$).

Prof B- Write down the function.

I- $ f(x)=2x-1$

Prof B- So you’re first stretching the interval and then pushing it back.

I- yes sir ( this idea came in my mind initially but I was not getting the function and then wrote $ f(x)=sin 2pi x$)

Prof B- Now can you give an example of continuous onto function from $ [0,1)$ to $ (-1,1)$

I- ( I tried to find some function explicitly for few minutes but failed ) Sir can I draw?

Prof B- yes you can , otherwise it is tough to write down the formula.

( I was drawing something inside the rectangle $ x=0,x=1,y=-1,y=1$, but was not able to draw the required one)

Prof B-At least start somewhere at $ x=0$.

I- So finally I drew a function starting from $ (0,0)$ and monotone function like $ sin x$ which is increasing its magnitude steadily as x increases and tending to touch both +1,-1 but actually not touching them.

( Post interview my friend Soutrik gave an example $ f(x)= x^2sin frac{1}{1-x}$ which really works , the similar graph I had drawn)

Prof B- So now can you prove that this type of function cannot be one-one?

I-(After thinking for sometime) Sir if this function is one-one then since it is continuous it will be strictly monotone and thus wherever we start at $ x=0, f(x)$  won’t able to take values below $ f(0)$ and so it cannot be onto,but this is a contradiction since $ f$ is given onto!

Prof B- Okay but for that you need to prove that one-one continuous function must be strictly monotone.

I-( I did this theorem day before interview, but I was not much confident whether I remember that one!) yes sir I can prove that.

Prof B- Okay the same idea in that prove works here also so try to use that idea.

(After some time he gave me a hint that use ‘Intermediate Value Property’)

I-( I was getting closer but not to the point)

Prof B- what if $ f(0)=0$?

I- ( then I realised how it has to be done) okay so since it is onto it will take both positive and negative values and so $ exists cneq 0$ st $ f(c)=0$ , so that $ f$ is not one-one and similar it can be done for any value of $ f(0)$.

Prof B – Yes!

Prof N- Let $ f(x):S^{1}to mathbb{R}$ be continuous function ,prove that it can’t be one-one or precisely prove that $ exists xin S^{1} $ such that $ f(x)=f(-x)$

I- ( I had no idea for this one)

Prof N- I hope you’ve done some topology?

I- Yes sir.

(After a while)

Prof N- let me give you a hint, consider the function $ g(x)=f(x)-f(-x)$

I- ( still not getting anything!) Sir , I think we’ll have to make use of Intermediate value property.

Prof G.B- IVP is valid for intervals not for $ S^{1}$ !

I- (Thought for a while but was not getting anything)

Prof G.B- Okay Neeraj , I think you can do this problem later on.

I – Thank you sir.

So my interview went for around 50 mins and I think questions were not quite tough. I got to know after few days that I’ve not qualified the interview, I think I was not quick at many places which made them doubt on me and the last one I couldn’t do which made a bad impression before leaving. But it was fun to be at IISc where I stayed for 3 days thanks to Amar bhaiya , the campus is really beautiful and I really recommend IISc to everyone who’s interest area is Analysis as it has the best faculty in the country.

  [Neeraj is now an Integrated PhD student at the Centre for Applicable Mathematics, TIFR, Bangalore.]

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iisc bangalore phd interview results

Students at CNS are exposed to cutting-edge neuroscience research through the CNS faculty, whose interests span the gamut from molecular to systems and cognitive neuroscience. Research at CNS is highly interdisciplinary and reflects the diverse backgrounds of the faculty themselves. The department offers world-class facilities and equipment together with a vibrant environment for research that consists of journal clubs, seminars and workshops.

The CNS PhD program is designed to provide a solid foundation of neuroscience for students with absolutely no prior background/experience in neuroscience. Incoming first-year PhD students are not pre-assigned to an advisor, but are instead asked to take the entire first semester to decide on the lab that they wish to join for their PhD. They are encouraged to talk to the faculty & students in each lab and do at least 3 lab rotations of their preference in order to make an informed decision. In addition, they are required to take two core courses offered by the CNS faculty: (1) Systems Neuroscience and (2) Molecular and Cellular Basis of Behaviour, and also choose from elective courses such as Cognitive Neuroscience and Developmental Neuroscience depending on their interests. These courses are aimed at forming a broad foundation of neuroscience knowledge for their research. They also help students understand and form a preference for the kind of neuroscience research they wish to undertake. Students make the final choice of their thesis advisor/laboratory by the end of the first semester.

PhD students are provided with a monthly stipend (per institute norms) and with accommodation in the student hostels at IISc. Campus life at IISc is extremely vibrant with a broad spectrum of cultural and sports activities.

Who can apply

Given the interdisciplinary nature of neuroscience, we welcome students from diverse backgrounds. While we understand that students would have their domain knowledge specific to their individual exposure, we do expect students to possess some basic level neuroscience that reflects the motivation of students to pursue a PhD at CNS. Neuroscience is an inherently multi-disciplinary field, and the varied backgrounds of our PhD students provide an ideal setting for tackling neuroscience research questions from diverse perspectives.

Admissions to the Phd program are typically announced in January with an application deadline in March or April. Candidates are then shortlisted for the interviews which typically are held in May or June. The interview results are announced during that week itself. Selected PhD students join IISc in the first week of August.


The eligibility criteria to apply for the CNS PhD program along with other relevant info can be found at the following links:



How to apply

Students interested in pursuing PhD in CNS should submit an online application form on the IISc admissions website ( https://iisc.ac.in/admissions/ ).

Interview process

We receive a large number of applications to join our PhD program each year. We shortlist candidates from each mode of admissions based on their marks and then call for interviews. We conduct two rounds of interviews for shortlisted candidates. Our interview questions are based on the premise that if you understand your own undergraduate and graduate subjects well, there’s a good chance that you will also understand fully the neuroscience that you are taught here. Apart from questions related to your undergraduate and graduate curriculum, we expect you to be comfortable with basic mathematics and analytical thinking. We also expect that you would have some basic knowledge of neuroscience, that reflects your motivation and interest in the topic! The interview results are typically announced within a day or two after they are completed.

To get a basic idea regarding what to expect at the CNS PhD interview, please watch this informative YouTube video by Navneet Shahi, PhD student in Prof Kavita Babu’s lab:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Ttzqvf2H8

For any CNS admissions-related queries, please write to [email protected]


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Home » Shortlisted Candidates for Research Admissions – 2023

Shortlisted Candidates for Research Admissions – 2023

The candidates with the following application numbers have been  provisional ly shortlisted by CSA for the Research program after the interviews that were held from 22 nd  to 26 th  May 2023.   Note that this  list  is  provisional .   IISc admission section will release the final  list  of selected candidates shortly .

Application Number

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Tentative Merit List for PhD (mid-year admission) Interviews, Nov 21-23, 2022

The following candidates have been shortlisted following research interviews for CDS Ph.D. midterm admissions held between Nov 21-23, 2022.  Kindly note that this is only a provisional merit-list and not the final list of selected candidates.  The final list of selected candidates based on available seats, etc. will be available within two weeks with the admissions unit .


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  • Ashish Rout from CDS M.Tech. (Computational and Data Science) program receives Motorola Medal
  • Rishubh Parihar from CDS has been awarded Prof. Satish Dhawan Research Award 2024

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Department of Physics - Indian Institute of Science Bangalore.

ACADEMICS Integrated Ph.D Programme

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Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences PhD Programme

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  • Ph.D Interview Dates for Admissions 2024-25: May 10 & 11, 2024 .
  • Tentative Merit List of Ph.D. interviews for the Academic Year: 2024-2025.

The Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences is administered by the IISc Mathematics Initiative (IMI). This programme provides an unique opportunity for students to work in areas spanning mathematics, biology, physics and engineering. Students can work in any of the interdisciplinary research areas that have openings this year. Each selected student will work with two research supervisors (from two different Departments). For example, a student can have supervisors from Mathematics and an Engineering Department or Biology and an Engineering Department or Physics and Mathematics Departments.

Mathematical and Computational Biology Stream

The interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences PhD program includes a biology stream which comprises mathematical and computational biology. On-going research projects include, but are not limited to, Bioinformatics; System Biology; Computational Neuroscience; Computational Biophysics; Computational Biology; Evolutionary Biology; Theoretical Biology; Viral Dynamics; Constrained Biomolecular Dynamics; Mathematical Immunology; Network Biology; Biomolecular 3-D structures and design; Evolution of biological systems. Some of the projects may include a laboratory component as well.

We are open to admitting students from various backgrounds into our biology stream. In the past, many students with a degree in a branch of biological sciences (Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Systems biology etc) have joined this program. Biology background students with inclination towards fundamental mathematics/computing are particularly attractive to us. We also admit students with background in mathematics / physics / chemistry with good inclination towards a branch of biology.

Mathematical and Computational Engineering Stream

The interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Ph.D. program trains students in mathematical and computational models and algorithms in collaboration with domain experts.

This program trains students in the broad areas of mathematical modeling, scientific computing as well as computational mathematics. This program aims at advancing the computational approaches for solving engineering problems that have mathematical flavour.

Current students of the program work on interdisciplinary problems like medical image reconstruction, control system theory, numerical solution for differential equations, compressive sensing, reconfigurable computing, as well as visualization methods.

Students with a Masters background in Mathematics and Physics; Bachelors and Masters students in Engineering/Technology with strong mathematical background have been admitted earlier.

Eligibility Criteria:

M Sc or equivalent degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology or ME/M Tech or equivalent degree in Engineering discipline or BE/B Tech or equivalent degree in Engineering discipline

If you are interested in this programme please select your preference department as Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Programme in the online application form.

Click here for Application Procedure


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Indian Institute of Science - [IISc]

Bangalore IISc Bangalore Courses & Fees

Indian Institute of Science - [IISc]

IISc Bangalore PhD Admission 2023: Dates, Fees, Stipend, Entrance Exam, Cutoff

iisc bangalore phd interview results

Courses Offered By IISc Bangalore 2024

Select Degree and Streams to See Course Fees and Admission Details.

Offered By: 


Application Date:

Ph.D Courses FeesApplication DateCutoff (Rank)
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb
5 Feb

How difficult is it to get a PhD from IISc Bangalore?

Do you think the fees are wrong ?   Report Here

IISc Bangalore PhD admission 2023 are ongoing now. Admission to the program is based on GATE/UGC-NET JRF scores followed by a personal interview conducted by the institute. The GATE 2023 exam will be conducted between February 4 and February 12, 2023. IISc Bangalore PhD is a 3 year program specialized in 31 courses. Minimum eligibility required for admission is 50% marks in the Master’s degree in a relevant discipline. Total fee charged for the entire program is INR 75,600. Students pursuing  IISc Bangalore  PhD program get monthly stipend of INR 35,000.

Table of Content

  • IISc Bangalore PhD Admission 2023 Dates
  • IISc Bangalore PhD Eligibility
  • IISc Bangalore PhD Admission 2023
  • IISc Bangalore PhD Entrance Exam 2023
  • IISc Bangalore PhD Cut off 2023  
  • IISc Bangalore PhD How to Apply
  • IISc Bangalore PhD Fees 2022

IISc Bangalore PhD Stipend

  • IISc Bangalore Ph.D FAQ

IISc Bangalore PhD Admission 2023 Dates 

Website opens for online submission of applications February 01, 2023
Last date for online submission of applications (website closes at 23:59 hours of 23.03.2023) March 23, 2023
Last date for receipt of printed version of Sponsored/ERP applications upto 5.30 p.m March 31, 2023
Interdisciplinary programmes May 19 & 20, 2023
Research programmes/ERP May 22 - 26, 2023
Integrated Ph D programmes May 29-31, 2023, and June 1, 2023
Course programmes (Regular) July 17-18, 2023
Research programmes,Integrated Ph D, Sponsored M Tech and ERP programmes July 19-21, 2023
Commencement of Classes August 01, 2023
GATE 2023 Admit card release January 3, 2023
GATE 2023 Exam February 4, 5, 11 and 12, 2023
GATE 2023 Results March 16, 2023
Last Date to Apply To be notified
Date of Interview  To be notified

IISc Bangalore PhD Eligibility Criteria

Eligible criteria for PhD in various subject areas are as follows:

  • Completed a 4-years bachelor’s degree in science, engineering or technology
  • Masters degree in Science, Business, Technology or Engineering
  • Aggregate score (inclusive of Classes X, XII and graduation) should be a minimum of 50% or a second class.
  • Students with bachelor’s in engineering or technology from centrally Funded Institutes should have at least 8.5 CGPA.
  • A valid score of UGC-NET JRF or GATE as of 2021/ 2022/ 2023.

Documents Required

Following are the documents required while applying online:

  • Mark sheets of Class X, XII, graduation and postgraduation
  • In case the certificates of the final semester are not available, provisional certificates of all the semester is a mandate for submission. However, the final certificate is required during registration.
  • Scanned image of signature and passport-size photograph
  • Scanned copies of caste certificates (if applicable) and domicile certificate as in case of Kashmir valley residents 

Read more : IISc Bangalore Admission

IISc Bangalore PhD Admission 2023

The selection procedure takes place in two stages. The shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. The performance at the interview decides the final selections of candidates. The details of the procedures are mentioned below:


For PhD programs, students are shortlisted based on their previous academic performance, scores at the national level examinations and publications they own. Few facts that are considered for shortlisted candidates:

  • Grades or marks obtained in Classes X and XII board examinations
  • Grades or CGPA in Bachelor’s program
  • Grades obtained in Master’s program
  • Noteworthy academic accomplishments like research publications, scholarships or awards
  • Ranks in national level examinations

Final Selection

  • Shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview. 
  • In certain departments, the interview will be preceded by a written test.
  • Hence, the performance at the written test, personal interview and records of national level entrance tests will lead to the final selection of PhD candidates.

IISc Bangalore Entrance Exam 2023

PhD admissions at IISc Bangalore are based on Joint CSIR/UGC NET/ GATE/ JEST exam scores. JEST is jointly conducted by IISc Bangalore, IISERs, NISER, etc. for admission to PhD and Integrated PhD exam. Every detail related to IISc Bangalore Entrance exam 2023 is given in the table below:

Exam Name Joint Engineering Screening Test ( )
Conducting Body
Exam Level PhD level
Exam Frequency Once a Year
Mode of Exam Offline
Courses Offered Integrated MSc / MTech- PhD/ PhD
Application/ Exam Fee Gen category: INR 800 SC/ST/ Female: INR 400
Exam Duration 180 minutes
Total Questions 50
Total sections
Total marks 150
Marking Pattern +3 for each correct answer (Part A and Part B) +1 for each correct answer (Part C) -1 for each incorrect answer (Part A) -1/3 for each incorrect answer (Part C)
Language English
Official Website  https://www.jest.org.in/

Note:  Shortlisted candidates will not be separately communicated through posts. Students have to check the application status in the admission section on the official website of IISc. Making personal arrangements for transportation and accommodation for the interview, students have to carry the original documents pertaining to all academic transcripts, caste, EWS or PD certificates. 

IISC Bangalore PhD Cutoff 2023 (Expected)

Biochemistry GATE BM 800
BT 700
CY 800
EY 800
XL 700
GPAT - 200
UGC NET for JRF - All
Molecular Biophysics Unit GATE All Papers 700
GPAT - 300
JEST - All
UGC NET for JRF - All
Molecular Reproduction, Development, and Genetics GATE BM 750
BT 750
XL 750
GPAT - 160
UGC NET for JRF - 190
Centre for Neuroscience GATE All Papers 700
GPAT - 200
JEST - All

Inorganic And Physics Chemistry
UGC NET for JRF - All

Materials Research Centre
BT 550
CY 570
MT 650
UGC NET for JRF - All
Organic Chemistry GATE CY 575
GPAT - 100
Solid State and Structural Chemistry GATE CY 550
PH 600
JEST - 160
UGC NET for JRF - 100

Electronic Systems Engineering
EC 600
EE 800
IN 800
UGC NET for JRF - All
Computer Science and Automation GATE CS 750
EC 820
EE 820
GE 750
IN 750
MA 750
ME 750
ST 750
UGC NET for JRF - 250
Electrical Communication Engineering GATE CS 600
EC 600
EE 720
IN 720
PH 600
ST 600
JEST - 10
UGC NET for JRF - All
Electrical Engineering GATE CS 600
EC 600
EE 650
IN 650
PH 650
XL 650
JEST - 50
UGC NET for JRF - 195
Management Studies GATE All Papers 725
UGC NET for JRF - 170
Aerospace Engineering GATE AE 700
CE 700
CH 700
CS 700
EC 700
EE 700
IN 700
ME 800
XE 700
JEST - 30
UGC NET for JRF - 250
Chemical Engineering GATE BT 700
CE 700
CH 650
CY 700
EE 700
ES 700
IN 700
ME 700
TF 700
XE 700
XL 700
Civil Engineering GATE AE 800
AG 800
AR 800
BT 800
CE 700
CH 800
ES 800
GE 800
GG 800
MA 800
ME 800
MN 800
NM 800
XL 800
UGC NET for JRF - 250
Mechanical Engineering GATE All Papers 750
Mathematics GATE AE 820
CE 820
CH 820
CS 820
EC 820
EE 820
ES 820
IN 820
MA 820
ME 820
PH 820
ST 820
XE 820
Physics GATE PH 680
JEST - 40
Computational and Data Sciences GATE AE 800
AG 700
BM 700
BT 700
CE 800
CH 800
CS 700
CY 700
EC 700
EE 700
ES 700
EY 700
GE 700
GG 700
IN 700
MA 700
ME 800
MN 800
MT 800
NM 800
PH 700
PI 800
ST 700
TF 800
XE 800
XH 700
XL 700
JEST - 300
UGC NET for JRF - 175
Centre for Nanoscience and Engineering GATE AE 800
AG 800
BM 900
BT 750
CE 800
CH 900
CY 900
EC 750
EE 750
ES 900
EY 900
GE 900
GG 900
IN 800
MA 900
ME 700
MT 750
PH 650
ST 900
TF 900
XE 800
XH 900
XL 900
GPAT - 100
JEST - 150
UGC NET for JRF - 150
Biosystems Science and Engineering GATE AG 600
BM 600
BT 490
CE 600
CH 525
CS 400
CY 500
EC 600
EE 650
ES 600
EY 750
IN 650
MA 600
ME 600
PH 700
XE 550
XL 800
GPAT - 100
JEST - 150
UGC NET for JRF - 200
Interdisciplinary Program- Brain and Artificial Intelligence GATE All Papers 790
JEST - 20
UGC NET for JRF - 175

Check category-wise IISc Bangalore PhD Cutoff 

How to Apply for IISc Bangalore PhD Admissions?

Students have to apply online for IISc Bangalore PhD programs. The steps are as follows:

  • Visit the official website: iiisc.ac.in
  • Go to the Apply Online tab and click on it.
  • You will be redirected to another page, where you will have to click on the ‘Apply to PG program’.
  • Next, you have to register, if you are a new user. Click on New User to Register link.
  • Enter all your personal details that are required for registration.
  • Registration will require the user's email ID and password for verification. This will allow the portal to communicate with the applicant.
  • Once the registration is over, students can simply log in to apply.
  • Enter all the personal details and upload the required documents. Make sure any field is not left blank or incomplete.
  • Click on Save and proceed.
  • Make the payments for application through net banking or debit/credit/visa master cards. 

General Instructions

Before applying, here are some of the general instructions that students need to follow:

  • Applicants need to go through the guidelines carefully before beginning to apply.
  • Make sure the application is completely filled. Incomplete applications will not be entertained at any cost.
  • Students need to make sure accurate information is inserted in the form.
  • Students need to bring all the original copies of uploaded documents for verification at the time of registration.

IISc Bangalore PhD Fees 2023

IISc Bangalore charges an amount of INR 15,000 for its PhD progam per annum as a tuition fee. The amount is payable by General/OBC category students only. For SC/ST category students, the tuition fee is fully waived. All the factors in the IISc Bangalore PhD fee structure is given in the table below:

INR 15,000 Fully waived
INR 1,200 INR 1,200
INR 3,700 INR 3,700
INR 7,500 INR 7,500
INR 7,500 INR 7,500
INR 300 INR 300

IISc Bangalore gives monthy stipend of INR 25,000 to INR 28,000 to its PhD scholars. For the first two years PhD scholars get INR 25,000 per month. For the next three years, students get INR 28,000 of monthly stipend. After five years, they are eligible for a monthly financial assitance of INR 12,000 for one year. PhD candidates who do not avail hostel accommodation will be eligible for a house rent allowance (HRA) as per norms.

>Ques. What type of questions are asked in IISc Bangalore PhD Interview?

Ques. How to apply for IISc Bangalore PhD admissions?

Ques. What is the stipend for PhD students in IISc Bangalore?

Ques. What is the tuition fee for IISc Bangalore PhD programs?

Ques. Are fellowships available for PhD students at IISc Bangalore?

Ques. What is the last date for IISc Bangalore PhD admissions?

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Fee structure and facilities :.

Yes, its feasible. Fro PhD students its Rs.20K per annum. Where as for ME, M.Tech, Int.PhD, M.Des - Its Rs.14K per year. Where as for sponsored students the fee structure is little on higher side. And you can pay it in 3 instalments in total. SC and ST candidates have to pay even lesser amount. This includes emergency medical insurance, sports, gymkhana fee and many more.

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Course curriculum overview :.

There is course work. You and your Ph.D supervisor will decide the courses to take. There are more than 30 departments. Each department has at least 15 professors. Each and every subject of science and engineering are offered in different courses.

IISc Bangalore: 1 Answered Question

What is the fees structure of iisc bangalore.

Akanksha Gupta

The Indian Institute of Science (IISC) Bangalore offers various programs that are listed below.

  • Bachelor of Science ( Research) Undergraduate Program- (Master of Science is only offered to those who wish to continue after 4 years of UG programs)
  • M.Tech/M.Des/ M.Mgt
  • Integrated Ph.D. programs
  • Research Program- M.Tech (Research)/ Ph.D

The following table has the annual fee structure for the various programs offered at IISc Bangalore.

The fee structure for General/OBC students (INR for annum)

Regular Students

Sponsored Students from(Defence/DRDO/ISRO/NAL etc.)


Bachelor of Science (Research)


M Tech


Int. PhD

M Tech/ M Des

M Mgt

M Tech

Tuition Fee








Gymkhana Fee








Other Academic Fees








Statutory Deposit









Library Deposit (Refundable)*








Student Emergency Fund
















* to be paid in the first year.

**for the 1st two years and thereafter on per with PhD

Fee structure for SC/ST category (INR per annum)


Bachelor of Science (Res)


M Tech (Res)

Int. PhD

M Tech/ M Des

M Mgt

Tuition Fee

Fee waived

Gymkhana Fee







Other Academic Fees







Statutory Deposit (Refundable)*







Library Deposit (Refundable)*







Students Emergency Fund














*to be paid in the first year

There are many scholarships or fellowships available for student in need of financial assistant at IISC Bangalore.

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IISc Bangalore selects candidates for its BSc (By Research) program based on the JEE Main/ KVPY/ NEET-UG/ JEE Advanced exam and is of 3 years duration. The BSc program at the IISC Bangalore is a flagship program, and it has ranked one of the best research institutes in India. It has ranked 1st for Overall by NIRF 2023. It has ranked 155 Overall by QS 2023. If you want to pursue a career in the research field BSc program from IISC would be the better choice. The Btech from NIT is the 4 years duration course and specializes in tech fields like computer science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, etc. 

Farida M's profile photo

Admission to PhD at IISc Bangalore is done based on GATE/NET(JRF) to get selected and you can check out tha page IISc Bangalore PhD course for the same.

The IISC admits students to MSc courses on the basis of written test and interview conducted by IISc Bangalore. The Applications for MSc programs can be filled and submitted through online mode.

Are You Interested in this College?

iisc bangalore phd interview results

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Dear PhD aspirant,

Firstly, congrats for getting shortlisted for the PhD interviews at CeNSE-IISc. As you are, we are equally excited to meet young minds like you in pursuit of research in science and engineering. This may be the first time you might be called for an interview or perhaps first time travelling to a new place, we all had been there, so we want to do our part in helping you.

You would have received the call letter from the IISc admissions office inviting you for an interview at IISc for admission to the PhD program at the Center for Nano Science and Engineering (CeNSE). This letter is to provide some information on the interview process followed at CeNSE.

The interview process tests your subject knowledge as well as your aptitude for research. Students appearing for the interview are expected to have a good grasp of the fundamentals in their respective subjects. In addition, they must also have a strong mathematical background and be conversant with topics such as plotting of common mathematical functions, solutions of simple ordinary differential equations and so on. These are essential for completing the course requirements of the research program. If you have not had Mathematics as a subject during your undergraduate studies, you must independently prepare for the interview by going through some basic reference books or other study materials. Most importantly, during the interview, you must demonstrate your ability for problem-solving and analysis, which is essential for completing a good PhD thesis. We are not really looking for the "correct answer" in most cases but trying to see if you have the correct approach for solving a problem. So don't expect to encounter typical textbook questions requiring descriptive knowledge. Instead, the questions will be aimed at testing your grasp of the basic concepts in your subject and your ability to think independently.

*For NA applicants only*

Unlike our regular program interdisciplinary PhD (NA), the selection is against a project that is already defined. You are expected to identify a minimum of 2 projects that you would like to work on and your interview will be just for those projects. If selected (against a project) you are not allowed to change the project after joining. So give some thought on your choices. A list of available projects will be shared with you shortly that should help you to make those choices.  

You may have a technical or non-technical query on PhD and life at CeNSE. We request you to post your question on forums like Twitter, Facebook, Quora or Reddit. You can also follow-us on Twitter and post your query there as well.

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CeNSE.IISc/

Twitter : @CeNSEatIISc

We have also planned to organise a live streaming session with you to briefly introduce you to CeNSE and research activities undertaken by individual faculty members. You will receive schedule to the interaction in a separate mail. Please check your email regularly or follow-up in Twitter and Facebook. 

We look forward to seeing you at the interview.  Good luck!


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  1. Interview Results

    Tentative Recommendation list including Selected and Waitlisted Candidates for Research Interviews 2023-24 held on 19 - 20 May, 2023. Check Result. For any queries, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected]. Telephone: +91-80-22933430, +91-80-22932046.

  2. Results

    Results. Date: 05/06/2023 - Tentative Recommendation list including Selected and Waitlisted Candidates for Research Interviews 2023-24 held on 19 - 20 May, 2023. Check Result.

  3. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

    M.Tech. (Research) and Ph.D. Programmes. The Institute offers opportunities for pursuing advanced research in frontier areas of science, engineering and technology to motivated and talented students with a keen sense of scientific inquiry. Research students constitute the largest group on the campus (more than 70% of the student body).

  4. Results

    Results. August 2, 2023. Interview Results - MTech, PhD (Autumn Semester) Tentative Recommendation list including Selected and Waitlisted Candidates for Research Interviews 2023-24 held on 19 - 20 May, 2023. Check Result For any queries, please use the contact information below: […] Read More+. About.

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  6. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

    The short-listing of candidates for in-person(offline) interview is done based on the performance in JAM 2024. Short listing for Physical Sciences is also done based on JEST 2024. The selection of candidates for admission to research programmes is through an interview to be held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. To see Important Dates

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  8. Research Admissions (PhD/MTech(Research)) 2022

    Important News. The Provisional Merit List for the Research Interviews has been posted (3PM, 28 May, 2022).; The list of candidates (Application ID) selected for the Phase 2 of the research admission process (in-person interview at CDS, IISc between 23-27 May is available here.Please attend as per your call letter.

  9. CSA

    Only the admissions unit at IISc is authorized to make a final offers of admission, and they do so based on the number of vacancies and in keeping with government norms. Admissions offers are expected to go out from the admissions unit in early June 2024. The shortlist of application numbers: Application Numbers. 240100027. 240100111. 240100168.

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  11. Experiences at an PhD interview at IISc Bangalore

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  12. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

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  13. Centre for NeuroScience, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

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  14. CSA

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  16. PDF Important information to the research applicants called for interview

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  17. Department of Physics

    [email protected]. Integrated Ph.D Programme in Physical Sciences. General information and eligibility: The Indian Institute of Science, through its Integrated Ph.D. programme, offers exciting opportunities to talented students holding a Bachelor's degree for acquiring a rigorous and modern education in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry ...

  18. Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences PhD Programme

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  19. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

    IISc is the premier institute for advanced scientific and technological research and education in India. ... ERP& Integrated PhD programmes (website closes at 23:59 hours) ... M Tech/M Des/M Mgt interview/ written test schedule: M Tech/ M Des programmes (regular) - aptitude test/interview: April 15-19, 2024 ...

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    IISc Bangalore PhD admission 2023 are ongoing now. Admission to the program is based on GATE/UGC-NET JRF scores followed by a personal interview conducted by the institute. The GATE 2023 exam will be conducted between February 4 and February 12, 2023. IISc Bangalore PhD is a 3 year program specialized in 31 courses.

  22. Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

    Interview: To view the online Interview date for admission of Sponsored Category applicants in the M.Tech programme at IISc, click here. (Updated on 17/06/2021) (Updated on 17/06/2021) Offer letter: Selected candidates in Regular Research Programme [ PhD and M.Tech(Research)] and Integrated PhD programme can download the Offer letter by logging ...

  23. PhD Interview Process Letter

    PhD Interview Process Letter. Dear PhD aspirant, Firstly, congrats for getting shortlisted for the PhD interviews at CeNSE-IISc. As you are, we are equally excited to meet young minds like you in pursuit of research in science and engineering. This may be the first time you might be called for an interview or perhaps first time travelling to a ...