360 degree feedback presentation

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360 degree feedback presentation

Your pain-free guide to 360-degree feedback

There’s no “single source of truth” for how you’re perceived in the workplace. 360-degree feedback might be the next best thing.

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Feedback is a powerful tool to help you improve. But it can also feel like “just one person’s opinion” – and that makes it tough to trust or attach too much credibility to.

“Feedback from others should not be treated as an objective data point,” says Marta Michaliszyn, an organizational psychologist designing the strategy for continuous feedback practices at Atlassian. “But the value of collecting perspectives from a variety of coworkers lies in the reality check it gives us: how others perceive me and my work matters, regardless of whether I agree with their feedback or not. The perceptions of others impact their behavior towards us, and this behavior can have very real consequences.”

360-degree feedback is designed to give that well-rounded perspective, digging deeper than constructive criticism from a single source. Done well, it will give you a better understanding of your perceived strengths and weaknesses, so you can not only build self-awareness , but also better relationships with your entire team. 

What is 360-degree feedback?

How to give honest feedback that builds your work relationships

How to give honest feedback that builds your work relationships

360-degree feedback means receiving feedback from a variety of sources. Think of it like being at the center of a circle and collecting insights from all around you. 

While a traditional feedback approach focuses on observations from your direct manager, 360-degree feedback taps other people you work with regularly – usually anywhere from three to eight individuals – to offer input on your capabilities and performance. 

What makes the 360-degree approach so thorough and helpful is that it encompasses each type of feedback:

  • Supervisor feedback from your direct manager
  • Peer feedback from close colleagues on the same level as you 
  • Upward feedback from people who report to you
  • Customer feedback from customers you directly serve

360-degree feedback collects perspectives from all of those sources (and sometimes more) at once to get a more holistic view of your strengths, weaknesses, and performance.

And though “feedback” often feels synonymous with a performance review, it’s important to differentiate between the two. 360-degree feedback is simply about gathering insights in order to learn and improve, while a 360 review attaches those insights to decisions about promotions, compensation, and other employment factors. 

And, according to Marta, “it simply makes sense to ask for feedback in a continuous way, throughout the year. There’s a growing body of research that shows that the mere fact that feedback is being given in the context of assessment dramatically decreases its effectiveness.” Even more reason to decouple feedback from performance review , psychologically speaking.

How 360-degree feedback works

There isn’t one “right” way to manage the 360-degree feedback process.

Some companies offer consistent, self-serve opportunities to provide feedback to people they work with, like through an employee recognition platform or readily accessible form. Other companies roll out 360-degree feedback as a more formalized and scheduled initiative that happens once or twice per year.

Feedback at Atlassian

Marta says, “one of Atlassian’s key values is Be the Change You Seek. In this spirit, every Atlassian has an individual responsibility to determine the right time for them to ask for feedback, and are encouraged to do so, at minimum, at key milestones in their work. That way, when they prepare for their Quarterly Check-In, they can include the perspectives of their key collaborators – stakeholders, peers, customers – and get feedback from their managers as well.”  Managers at Atlassian also have the tools to get the pulse check-in from their teams on a regular basis, and are encouraged to model good feedback behaviors on their teams, including asking for feedback for themselves. “At the end of day, the primary goal of feedback is to help folks adjust and develop quickly – not to inform anyone about how they did months ago when they can’t change anything about that situation anymore.”

The cadence and methods can vary. But generally speaking, 360-degree feedback typically works like this:

1. Choose the right people

This isn’t about collecting feedback from absolutely everybody . It’s about getting it from people who have firsthand knowledge of what a person is like to work with.

Usually, the feedback recipient, their direct manager, and the human resources department can collaborate to identify the appropriate people – whether they’re fellow team members, customers, or other leaders – who have the most hands-on experience and can provide the most helpful perspectives.

2. Ask for feedback

Need more help getting started.

Here are a few free 360-degree feedback templates you can use: 

  • SHRM’S 360-degree feedback template focused on leadership behaviors
  • Typeform’s 360-degree feedback form template
  • Culture Amp’s 360-degree review template

Those chosen people are contacted with a request, deadline, and instructions for providing feedback. This usually involves a survey or questionnaire with a combination of quantitative and open-ended questions.

For example, respondents could be prompted to rate their agreement with statements like:  

  • This person effectively carries out their job responsibilities.
  • This person manages their time effectively.
  • This person is trustworthy and reliable.
  • This person is a clear and effective communicator. 
  • This person lives and breathes our company values.

But they might also be asked to write out answers to questions like:

  • What are this person’s greatest strengths?
  • In what ways does this person demonstrate leadership? 
  • What challenges have you encountered when working with this person?

Along with your request for feedback, remember to clarify upfront whether responses will be anonymous or if names will be attached to the comments. 

3. Get feedback in the right hands

Companies have different processes for relaying feedback to the recipient. Some have feedback sent directly from the respondent to the intended person so they can review all of the comments and draw conclusions themselves.

Others send the feedback to the person’s direct manager who can parse through the responses, identify common themes, and relay the most helpful insights – without the person feeling buried under an avalanche of criticisms (particularly ones that could potentially be contradictory). 

4. Talk it through

Feedback can be hard to hear, and getting it from all angles can be overwhelming. That’s why it’s helpful to set up a conversation when the person can review the comments with their manager, ask clarifying questions, and develop a plan to move forward. After all, feedback is really only helpful if you act on it. 

Is it worth it? The benefits of 360-degree feedback

One of the biggest hangups about 360-degree feedback is that it can be a fairly tedious and time-consuming process for everyone involved.

Employees might have to complete surveys for several different team members. Leaders need to field a lot of feedback, aimed at both them and their direct reports. HR may need to nudge people to complete the questionnaires on time. 

While this more thorough approach to feedback does require a little more time and elbow grease, the benefits make it more than worth it. 

Gain a more thorough understanding of performance

One person’s opinion can feel biased and subjective. But pulling out common threads from a variety of different perspectives is far more credible and meaningful. 

That’s one of the biggest advantages of 360-degree feedback: It provides a more comprehensive understanding of the work you do – and how it’s perceived by the people you work with. 

Similarly, managers get a more exhaustive view of the performance and behaviors of their direct reports, which is valuable information to have as they support their growth and improvement. 

Minimize the impacts of office politics

Empathy is the antidote: conflict resolution at work

Empathy is the antidote: conflict resolution at work

Work relationships aren’t always smooth sailing. Anything from a small misunderstanding to clashing personalities can intensely color people’s perceptions of each other.

And those emotions inevitably find their way into feedback, which can sometimes make a singular point of view feel unfair, accusatory, or even like revenge.

360-degree feedback relies on a variety of perspectives. In addition to a more complete understanding, it also helps to minimize the role that hard feelings, tensions, and office politics can play in the quality of feedback. 

Fuel productive conversations

This type of feedback is about supporting growth and development – it’s not about dishing out reprimands or rigid performance improvement plans.

Managers and direct reports should use the points highlighted in 360-degree feedback as a launching point for candid, productive discussions. People should also be encouraged to ask clarifying questions to better understand the insights. 

360-degree feedback equips employees with honest observations, but this well-rounded approach is helpful for leaders too. By collecting comments from a variety of sources, they might uncover cultural problems, process issues, or other snags that need to be addressed at a higher level. 

Increase self-awareness

The Johari window: a fresh take on self-reflection

The Johari window: a fresh take on self-reflection

Traditional feedback doesn’t necessarily boost self-awareness – it simply loops you in on one person’s viewpoint. That’s not always so enlightening, especially when different people can have vastly different experiences working with you.

360-degree feedback relies on broader sources and challenges you to evaluate remarks, identify themes, make connections, and draw your own conclusions. As a result, it can illuminate aspects of your behavior, interactions, and performance that might not have bubbled to the surface if you had asked for one person’s opinion. 

This more profound feedback gives you a much deeper understanding of yourself, but that more solid grip also means you’ll have increased awareness and sensitivity as you move forward. 

Cast a wide (feedback) net

Feedback is powerful, particularly when it feels authentic, relevant, well-intended, and trustworthy. But that breadth of feedback can be surprisingly tough to collect from a single source.

360-degree feedback curates perspectives from different people so that you can get a deeper understanding of what you’re really like to work with — and how you can become even better. 

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360 degree feedback presentation

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Your Guide to Implementing 360 Feedback (+ Free Template)

Craft the perfect 360 feedback template. Learn how to design & optimize your template, overcome common challenges, & unlock employee & organizational growth.

Kinjal Dagli

Sr. Content Marketing Manager at Together

Published on 

February 9, 2024

Updated on 

Time to Read

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Remember that time Sarah nailed the client presentation, but her team felt the workload was unfairly distributed? Or Mark, the coding whiz who stumbled when it came to collaborating with colleagues? 

It happens – even the brightest stars have hidden blind spots. That's where 360 feedback shines, acting as a mirror that reflects strengths and weaknesses, empowering individuals and propelling organizations forward.

And just like any powerful tool, 360 feedback needs the right blueprint – a well-designed template that guides the process effectively. Think of it as the secret sauce that transforms a jumble of opinions into actionable insights, propelling personal growth and unlocking the collective potential of your team. 

This post dives deep into the art of crafting an impactful 360 feedback template, demystifying common challenges and uncovering hidden benefits. 

Get ready to design a feedback journey that sparks growth, fosters collaboration, and ignites the engine of organizational success. 

What is 360 feedback?

360 feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, is a comprehensive performance assessment method that gathers insights from various perspectives, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, and even self-evaluations. It paints a holistic picture of an employee's skills , behaviors, and impact within the organization.

Forget the one-dimensional performance reviews of the past. 360 feedback provides a multi-faceted perspective on employee performance, offering invaluable insights into:

  • Strengths and weaknesses - Go beyond self-perception and identify areas where employees excel and opportunities for targeted development.
  • Communication and collaboration - Gain real-time feedback on how individuals interact with colleagues and clients, fostering a culture of open communication and teamwork.
  • Leadership potential - Discover emerging leaders within your organization, equipping them with the necessary skills and support to thrive in leadership roles.

The benefits of effective 360 feedback extend far beyond individual development. Studies show it can:

  • Boost employee engagement by 83% - Feeling valued and heard through a holistic feedback process increases motivation and commitment. ( eLearning Study )
  • Improve team performance by 27% - By fostering open dialogue and understanding individual strengths, teams become more cohesive and productive. ( Gallup )
  • Attract and retain top talent - Companies with robust feedback systems are 40% more likely to attract and retain top talent. ( SHRM )

360 feedback isn't just a tool – it's an investment in your workforce and your organization's future. But implementing it effectively requires careful planning and execution. In the next section, we'll dive deep into the best practices and actionable tips for implementing this impactful feedback system.

Feedback systems play a pivotal role in building company culture. Lynita Taylor, Program Manager - Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Samsara, says there's an inextricable link between company culture and employee retention.  

What are the common pain points in 360 feedback implementation?

Implementing a 360-degree feedback process can be a transformative journey for organizations, but it's not without its challenges. To navigate the path successfully, HR professionals and organizational leaders need to be aware of common pain points that may arise. 

Let's shed light on some common pain points that can derail your 360 feedback journey and equip you with the knowledge to navigate them smoothly.

1. Lack of clarity in objectives

Imagine embarking on a hike without knowing your destination. That's the experience for participants when objectives are vague. "Improve communication" is nice, but "How can I effectively delegate tasks to boost team productivity ?" is actionable. 

Unclear objectives lead to meandering feedback and missed opportunities for targeted development. To address this, communicate the specific objectives of the feedback clearly, ensuring everyone involved understands the purpose and potential outcomes.

2. Resistance from employees

Some employees view 360 feedback as a performance audit , not a growth tool. Fear of judgment or negative feedback can lead to reluctance to participate, resulting in incomplete or biased data. This undermines the authenticity of feedback and negates its potential for positive change.

As an HR leader, you should proactively address this by fostering a culture that values constructive feedback and emphasizing its role in personal and professional growth.

3. Anonymity issues

Without the cloak of anonymity, employees may hold back on crucial feedback, fearing repercussions. Think about the honest criticism you wouldn't offer your boss if your name was attached. 

Protecting anonymity builds trust and encourages open dialogue, leading to more valuable insights.

4. Ineffective feedback design

A poorly designed template is like a faulty GPS, leading participants astray. Biased questions, unclear language, and a lack of focus can generate irrelevant feedback. Imagine asking "Are you a good leader?" instead of "How can I inspire and motivate my team more effectively?" The difference is stark.

So, it's crucial to invest time in crafting clear, specific, and unbiased questions that align with the objectives to facilitate more accurate and constructive feedback exchange.

5. Insufficient training for participants

Sending participants into the feedback wilderness without training is a recipe for confusion. Understanding the 360 process, how to give and receive constructive feedback , and managing their own reactions are crucial for accurate and impactful feedback. 

To prevent inaccurate insights, provide comprehensive training sessions, ensuring participants grasp the significance of their role in the process and can offer constructive and meaningful insights.

6. Limited follow-up and action plans

Effective follow-up is essential for translating feedback into tangible improvements. Without structured action plans and follow-up procedures, the impact of feedback diminishes over time.  

Organizations must dedicate resources to helping individuals and teams translate feedback into concrete steps for improvement. Otherwise, the feedback loop remains incomplete, and the potential for growth stagnates.

7. Overemphasis on quantitative data

While data analysis is valuable, relying solely on numerical ratings can paint an incomplete picture. Qualitative feedback, like detailed comments and observations, adds depth and context. Think of it like looking at a landscape through a kaleidoscope – with just numbers, you miss the vibrant details that tell the whole story.

Your aim should be to strike a balance and use narrative feedback and qualitative insights to enrich your understanding of an individual’s performance .

By acknowledging these challenges and implementing proactive strategies, you can ensure that feedback becomes a catalyst for growth and positive change within the organization.

360 feedback template example

Ready to dive into your own 360 feedback journey? We have designed a 360 feedback template that will serve as your launchpad, offering a solid structure and pre-populated questions to get you started. 

But remember, it's just the first step! Don't hesitate to customize it to fit your specific needs and company culture. Consider your organization's unique context, the roles you're targeting, and the key areas you want to assess. 

This flexibility is what makes 360 feedback so powerful – tailor it to your needs, and watch it unlock the full potential of your team!

eBook A 360 Feedback Template to Get You Started

How to create a 360 feedback template

A 360 feedback template is your blueprint, the map that guides the expedition for valuable insights and fuels meaningful development. 

A strong template isn't just a collection of random questions; it's a meticulously designed instrument that gathers accurate, unbiased feedback. It amplifies individual strengths, fosters collaborative work environments , and propels your company towards its goals. 

Sounds pretty sweet, right? Well, that's the magic of a well-designed 360 feedback template.

But where do you start? We've got you covered with these essential building blocks:

1. Define objectives and focus areas

Imagine launching a new product line without a defined target audience. Similarly, unclear objectives leave your 360 feedback adrift. Is it about enhancing communication, strengthening leadership, or boosting collaboration ? 

These individual focus areas should not exist in a vacuum. Think of them as tributaries feeding into the mighty river of your organizational goals. By aligning the two, you ensure individual development contributes directly to your team's and overall company's success.

Here's an example:

  • Organizational goal - Increase client satisfaction by 20%.
  • Individual focus area - "Effectively build trust and rapport with clients."

See how these connect? Helping individuals hone their client-building skills directly contributes to achieving the bigger organizational objective. This alignment ensures everyone is rowing in the same direction, propelling the organization towards shared goals.

2. Selecting participants and raters

Diversity is key! Think beyond direct reports – assemble a crew with varied perspectives, including colleagues, peers, and even clients. This broadens the feedback landscape, revealing blind spots and hidden strengths.

For example, a manager's feedback crew might include team members, a senior colleague, and a key client, offering insights from different levels of the organization.

3. Design clear and relevant questions

No more "how's my work?" riddles! Your 360 feedback needs sharp, focused questions that pierce through the shadows and reveal the true landscape of strengths, weaknesses, and development opportunities .

Here's how to craft questions that pack a punch:

  • Target practice - Start by pinpointing your focus areas. Let's say you're honing your leadership skills. Your questions shouldn't be fluffy assessments like "Am I a good leader?" Instead, aim for actionable feedback with questions that drill down into specific behaviors and their impact:
  • "Did I clearly communicate project goals and expectations to my team?"
  • "When faced with challenges, did I effectively motivate and inspire my team members?"
  • "Did I delegate tasks effectively and provide the necessary support for team success?"
  • Mixing it up - Use the closed-ended ones to gather hard data, like the example above. But don't miss out on the rich qualitative insights that open-ended questions can unlock. For example:
  • "What are some things I could do to improve communication within the team?"
  • "How could I better support you in achieving your individual goals?"
  • "Share an instance where you felt my leadership made a positive impact."
  • Remember the balance - Like yin and yang, closed-ended and open-ended questions need to coexist in harmony. Too many closed-ended questions can feel rigid and impersonal, while too many open-ended ones can lead to ambiguity and lack of direction. Find the sweet spot that gives you both the hard data and the qualitative richness you need for meaningful development.

4. Ensuring anonymity and confidentiality

Fear of judgment or negative repercussions can stifle honest feedback, hindering both individual and organizational growth. The success of a 360 feedback program relies on ensuring anonymity and creating a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their authentic perspective without the fear of retaliation or bias.

Here are some tips to ensure that all voices, from junior members to senior leaders, are heard and considered:

  • Use secure online platforms to ensure information is encrypted and anonymized from the start.
  • Establish clear policies to communicate your commitment to anonymity and outline steps to protect participant identities.
  • Avoid revealing individual feedback resources by analyzing and presenting data in aggregate.
  • Foster a culture of transparency where feedback is seen as a valuable tool for growth, not a weapon for judgment.

5. Training participants and raters

Both participants and raters need clear instructions and the right tools to navigate the feedback journey effectively. That's where training comes in.

For participants, training is like a pre-flight briefing. They learn the purpose and benefits of 360 feedback, understand the different steps involved, and gain valuable insights into how to receive and apply feedback effectively. This empowers them to approach the process with confidence, openness, and a willingness to learn.

On the other hand, training equips raters with the ability to provide clear, specific, and actionable feedback that focuses on behaviors and actions, not personality traits. They also learn how to avoid bias and judgment, ensuring their feedback is fair and objective for everyone. 

6. Implementing a feedback delivery plan 

Timely and constructive feedback discussions are vital for unlocking the value of 360 feedback. By planning and facilitating effective conversations, you empower participants to embrace growth and steer their course toward success.

Here’s how to craft a stellar feedback delivery plan: 

Setting the stage

  • Timing is key - Define timelines for receiving and discussing feedback. Aim for prompt delivery, ideally within a week of completion.
  • Choosing the method - Consider your options! Will feedback be shared digitally, through meetings, or a combination of both? Choose a method that suits your participants' preferences and facilitates open communication.
  • Setting expectations - Prepare participants for what to expect during feedback discussions. Outline the format, ground rules for respectful dialogue, and the opportunity for questions and clarifications.

Navigating the discussion

  • Offer constructive feedback - Encourage participants to focus on specific behaviors and actions, avoiding generalizations or personal attacks.
  • Practice active listening - Be a lighthouse, guiding the conversation with attentive listening and open-mindedness. Let participants share their reflections and questions without interruption.
  • Provide actionable insights - Don't leave participants lost in a maze of information. Help them translate feedback into concrete action steps by identifying areas for improvement and setting personalized development goals.

Building a legacy

  • Follow-up, follow-up - Don't let the momentum fade! Schedule follow-up conversations to track progress on development goals and offer ongoing support.
  • Feedback culture -  Embed 360 feedback into your organizational fabric. Encourage regular feedback exchanges, not just formal 360 processes, to nurture a culture of continuous learning and growth.

7. Using technology effectively

Think of 360 feedback as a static map – it provides valuable information, but lacks interactivity and real-time guidance. Mentoring software , like Together, acts as your compass, injecting much-needed dynamism into the process:

  • Seamless integration - Imagine feedback flowing effortlessly into your development plans. Together seamlessly integrates with your 360 feedback processes, ensuring feedback insights instantly translate into actionable steps.
  • Improved communication - Break down communication silos. Together facilitates smooth interactions between mentors, mentees , and feedback providers, fostering ongoing dialogue and support.
  • Real-time feedback - Ditch the waiting game! Together allows for immediate feedback, enabling quick reflection and course correction.
  • Tailored development plans - Forget one-size-fits-all approaches. Together uses 360 feedback data to generate personalized development plans for each individual, ensuring targeted and meaningful progress.
  • Valuable insights - Gain a deeper understanding of your workforce. Together's comprehensive data dashboards provide insights for mentors , mentees, and leaders, allowing everyone to track progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make strategic decisions.
  • Alignment with goals - Bridge the gap between individual and organizational aspirations. Together ensures individual development plans align with your overall organizational objectives, creating a synergistic growth environment.

🧠 Mentorship program template: [Download 6 key steps]

8. piloting the template.

Before setting sail with the whole crew, test your template with a small group! Gather feedback on clarity, relevance, and overall experience. Think of it as a test run, ironing out any kinks before the official launch. 

A pilot run helps you:

  • Uncover any confusing questions, technical glitches, or logistical challenges before they impact a larger rollout.
  • Invite participants and raters to share their experiences and suggestions for improvement, making the template more user-friendly and effective.
  • Demonstrate the value of 360 feedback, building trust and buy-in among employees and leaders.

9. Gathering and analyzing feedback data

Your 360 feedback template has been crafted, piloted, and is ready for action. Now comes the exciting part: collecting and analyzing the data it generates. 

Here are some best practices for analyzing and utilizing feedback data:

Analyzing the data

  • Identify trends - Look for patterns and common themes across different feedback sources to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.
  • Drill down - Don't just stop at overall scores. Analyze individual questions and comments to get deeper insights and actionable feedback.
  • Ensure confidentiality - Ensure anonymity is maintained throughout the analysis and reporting process.

Using data for action

  • Personalized development plans - Use feedback data to create personalized development plans for individuals, focusing on areas for improvement identified through the 360 process.
  • Organizational initiatives - Analyze feedback trends to identify areas for improvement in your organization's culture, training programs, or leadership development initiatives .
  • Continuous feedback culture - Foster a culture of continuous feedback by sharing insights with participants and using them to guide future 360 feedback processes.

10. Continuous improvement and iteration 

The journey to growth never ends, and neither should your template's evolution! Embrace continuous improvement, gathering feedback throughout the process to refine and iterate.

  • Listen to feedback - Ask participants and raters for suggestions – what worked well? What could be improved?
  • Stay relevant - As your organization and employees evolve, adapt your template to reflect new goals and development needs.
  • Measure progress - Track key metrics like participation rates, feedback response times, and development plan completion to identify areas for improvement.
  • Share insights - Encourage open dialogue about feedback data and its impact on individual and organizational growth.

Remember, a constantly evolving 360 feedback process reflects a commitment to growth. By embracing continuous improvement, you ensure your 360 journey remains a dynamic force for personal and organizational excellence.

Cultivate a thriving growth culture with Together

Crafting a 360 feedback template isn't just about ticking boxes and formatting questions. It's about igniting a journey of personal and organizational growth. 

But let's face it, even the most meticulously crafted template is just a map on a dusty shelf unless you have the tools to navigate its depths. This is where mentoring software like Together becomes your trusted guide, transforming static feedback into a dynamic ecosystem of growth.

Together doesn't simply deliver feedback; it orchestrates a symphony of development. Imagine real-time insights fueling immediate progress, tailored development plans charting personalized paths, and seamless communication keeping everyone in sync. That's the power of Together – unlocking the hidden potential within your 360 feedback process.

Invest in Together’s mentoring platform, and watch your entire organization flourish:

  • Empowered employees - Unleash the potential within your workforce with personalized feedback and ongoing support.
  • Data-driven decisions - Gain actionable insights to guide strategic interventions for individual and organizational growth.
  • A culture of growth -  Foster a thriving environment where continuous learning and development become the norm.

Ready to see Together in action? Don't settle for static maps. Book a demo and witness how Together can transform your 360 feedback into a dynamic journey of personalized growth and excellence.

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Effective 360 Degree Feedback PowerPoint And Google Slides


Editable 360 Degree Feedback Presentation Slides

Features of this templates.

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  • The slide contained 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the slide colors quickly.
  • It is a well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • strategy business plan
  • 360 Degree Feedback
  • Comprehensive Evaluation
  • Holistic Performance Review
  • Multi Source Assessment
  • Enhanced Self Awareness
  • Team Dynamics Improvement
  • Continuous Improvement Culture
  • Robust Performance Evaluation
  • Stakeholder Feedback Integration
  • Google Slides

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360 Degree Feedback PowerPoint Template

Cover Slide for 360 Degree Feedback

The 360 Degree Feedback PowerPoint Template is an assessment model presentation for business planning and marketing. This template contains 6 slides comprise of tables, diagrams, shapes, and clipart icons. The unique designs of PowerPoint objects make these slides attractive evaluation tools presentations. For example, the first slide shows twisted ribbon as cover of PowerPoint presentation. Whereas, the data table on second slide enables management team to list process and activities involved in assessment. This table includes skill areas, elements, feedback questions, and scores. It is an editable table, therefore, users can make changes to title columns according to presentation requirements.

The 360 Degree Feedback PowerPoint Template is suitable for various assessments, planning, and strategic risk management. The feedback model is a process of taking anonymous insights from all members of organization. After taking feedback, the management team assesses feedback and scores survey to understand strengths and weaknesses of organization. There are two slides in this template to display a colorful graphics model of 5 areas 360-degree feedback. These areas include feedback from team members, managers, self, peers, and direct reports.

The 6 slides of 360-degree feedback template are fully customizable templates. The users can add or remove clipart icons, change colors of PowerPoint shapes, manipulate effects and much more. This template could be used for evaluation presentation at different levels of organization i.e. business/management level, departmental or project base feedback.

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360 Degree Feedback – Definition, Benefits, Process and Examples

April 24, 2018 - Gini Beqiri

Providing feedback for development is useful for all employees because it helps them understand their strengths and weaknesses and how to progress in their career.

Using a 360 degree feedback system is one of the methods for gathering and providing this information. In this article, we discuss 360 degree feedback, including its benefits and limitations.

What is 360 degree feedback?

360 degree feedback, also known as multi-rater feedback, is a system in which anonymous feedback is gathered about a member of staff from various people they have working relationships with.

This is usually their managers, peers, direct reports, subordinates – hence the name “360 degree”. It’s designed so a range of people can share their opinion to provide a well-rounded view on the individual.

It’s used mostly as a development tool because it provides information about a subject’s work competencies, behaviour and working relationships. It’s also mainly used for individuals higher up in the organisation’s hierarchy.

The 360 feedback system process

Administering the survey:.

  • Around 6-10 respondents complete an anonymous online feedback form.
  • Respondents are arranged into groups depending on the relationship with the subject, such as, manager, peers etc. If it’s appropriate, feedback can also be gathered from external sources, such as clients or customers.
  • The surveys are  competency based  and the questions typically consist of: rating management competencies, such as, leadership and communication skills and open ended questions, for example, “What does X do well as a leader?”
  • Questions should always be regarding observable behaviour as this will be easier to quantify.
  • The subject of the feedback also completes the same questionnaire.
  • The whole process should be supervised by a manager, coach or a trainer – often external to the organisation.

Post-survey completion:

  • Individual answers cannot be identified as the feedback is provided as averages from the different rating groups.
  • Feedback is provided in a report usually created by a trusted third party and crucial areas for development are highlighted.
  • The information helps to create a development plan.
  • Those who  give the feedback  to the subject should be well-trained and they should provide the information objectively and constructively.
  • Support should be offered to help achieve the goals set, including follow-ups.

360 degree feedback process

360 degree feedback strengths

If a 360 feedback system is implemented well, it can have a number of benefits for the individual, their team and the organisation:

  • Valuable development tool : The 360 feedback system shows the subject the differences between how they see themselves and how others see them. This increases their self-awareness which means that the subject is more conscious of their personality, strengths, weakness, beliefs, motivations etc. With this information they can adjust their behaviour and identify their training needs. Consequently, the subject can become more effective in their role and for the role they may be aiming for.
  • Multiple sources : A variety of people have contributed to the feedback, so the information is thought to be more valid and objective than feedback from, for example, just one manager. Also, the feedback is more likely to be accepted if multiple individuals “agreed” on the answers.
  • Motivation : Knowing multiple individuals gave the same feedback provides the subject with the drive to develop.
  • Company competencies : The company’s fundamental competencies will be reinforced, not only for the subject, but also for the respondents. During the survey the respondents will be answering questions which remind them of what behaviours and values are important to the company.
  • Customer service : Customer service can improve if customers and clients have completed the survey.
  • Method over outcomes : The 360 feedback system assesses the method rather than the outcome. It’s more important to do something the right way even if it doesn’t produce the correct outcome – nothing is ever certain so by focusing on the method you give yourself the best chances of producing the preferred outcome. For example, a tight deadline is coming up, but a manager tells his staff that they can only work a maximum of one hour overtime a day and no work is allowed on the weekends. The manager has made this decision because he believes that stress and over-working can increase the chances of mistakes being made and of producing poorer outcomes.
  • Large teams or autonomous workers : This type of feedback is significant in organisations where the  subject works independently  or with several teams because their manager will be unable to observe everything.
  • Safe environment : Answers are safely given as the system is confidential. A lot of the feedback would be too uncomfortable for colleagues to share and it would probably never be given if the system was not anonymous.
  • Improves communication : Communication increases between the team because the subject understands how others perceive them which in turn assists with teamwork.
  • Addresses personality and behaviour : It helps subjects understand how their behaviour affects themselves, their department and the organisation. This is also useful for reducing conflict.
  • Career development : The organisation benefits by this feedback improving career development planning and execution of this. This also promotes the organisation’s assurance of  employee development  which aids recruitment and staff retention

360 degree feedback meeting at a workspace

Practice Giving Feedback

Practice giving both positive and negative feedback to your colleagues in the workplace. Choose how to reply based on their reaction. Learn More

360 degree feedback weaknesses

If a 360 degree feedback system is implemented poorly, this can create distrust, conflict and low motivation amongst the team:

  • Conflicting feedback : Feedback can be conflicting and there is no way to be sure which feedback is more accurate.
  • Concentrating on negatives : Organisations sometimes make the mistake of discounting strengths and focusing completely on weaknesses. If all of the negatives were listed one after the other, it would be discouraging for the employee – they may either shut off or not trust the feedback. Staff should be working on their weaknesses and continuing to play to their strengths.
  • Importance of the leader : If the  organisation’s leader  believes that this feedback is not important or they do not contribute then it’s unlikely that other organisation members will treat it seriously. When the leader thinks it’s important, and that this will benefit the organisation, these beliefs will work down the hierarchy to persuade everyone else.
  • Smaller organisations : 360 degree feedback can be less effective in small organisations as there are fewer sources and reduced objectivity.
  • Vague questions : Vague questions should be avoided because it’s difficult to convert the answers into measurable behaviour. Questions that will give the subject actionable information should be used.
  • Lack of customisation : If the survey is not tailored to the needs of the organisation, it may not be useful.
  • Accuracy : The amount of time an individual has known the subject affects the accuracy of the feedback given. Eichinger (2004) found that staff who had been at an organisation long enough to get past first impressions (known the subject for 1-3 years), but not long enough to lose their objectivity (known the subject for more than 3 years), gave the most accurate ratings. Individuals who knew the subject for less than 1 year provided the second most accurate ratings.
  • Personal feedback : Respondents may provide personal rather than constructive feedback which can upset the subject and not have much value. It must be clear to staff why they’re doing the survey – that it must be constructive and not personal.
  • Not applicable for all : It’s important to keep in mind that 360 degree feedback is not useful for all organisations or for all jobs within an organisation.
  • Feedback never provided : Providing the feedback must be planned before the distribution of the surveys. Individuals cannot make changes if their feedback is not provided and if a development plan isn’t formed.
  • No follow-ups : A lack of follow-ups can make the review worthless because people may not be sticking to their development plans. Follow-ups should be carried out quarterly for two years, with the survey being re-administered every 6-12 months.
  • Lacking anonymity : A lack of anonymity can undermine the whole process. Confidentiality must be ensured or respondents will not be truthful. Also, external coaches can be hired to assist employees through their follow-ups as staff are likely to be more comfortable speaking with external sources rather than HR.
  • Inter-rater reliability : Greguras and Robie (1998) found that feedback from direct reports are the least reliable from: direct reports, peers and managers. This suggests that more people are needed to contribute to create a reliable outcome.
  • Employees may not be trained to evaluate others’ performance.
  • Respondents can manipulate this system, for example, one colleague may say to another “If you say X about me, I’ll say X about you,” or perhaps “Let’s say X about her.” For example, in the  New York Times Kantor and Streitfeld (2015)  reported this type of behaviour at Amazon.
  • The likelihood of manipulation increases if these reviews are used for employment decisions, such as, pay and promotions.
  • Trust at work decreases.
  • Work morale can decline when staff are given performance reviews in this format. When the  360 degree feedback system  has been used for development, negative feedback is seen as constructive.

Example 360 degree feedback questions

Here are some example 360 degree feedback competency based questions.

Please rate (Subject’s Name/Yourself) on self-awareness relative to peers:

  • Keeps control of his/her emotions and behaviour, even when involved in high-pressure situations
  • Is highly ethical
  • Acts professionally
  • Learns from his/her mistakes

Please rate (Subject’s Name/Yourself) in terms of drive for results relative to peers:

  • Is focused on the needs of the customer
  • Is a problem solver

Please rate (Subject’s Name/Yourself) proficiency in leadership relative to peers:

  • Inspires continuous growth and learning in others
  • Handles conflict in an appropriate manner
  • Takes initiative to solve problems
  • Motivates others to reach their goals

Please rate (Subject’s Name/Yourself) ability with interpersonal communication:

  • Communicates openly/effectively with others
  • Is open and receptive to feedback/seeks out feedback

Please rate (Subject’s Name/Yourself) ability with teamwork:

  • Works well in a team
  • Gives constructive and helpful feedback
  • Treats others with respect
  • Responds constructively to the mistakes of others
  • Is open to change and innovation

For more of these questions, visit  qualtrics.com .

360 degree feedback has multiple weaknesses but they are mainly avoidable. This is because most of these weaknesses are mistakes linked to how the system has been explained and executed.

If effective training has been provided and there is a clear plan of how the 360 degree feedback will be used then these problems disappear, thus providing an organisation with an anonymous, reliable and valid way of providing feedback for personal development.

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360 Degree Feedback: A Complete Guide

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360 degree feedback

Ensuring that employees receive well-structured, positive feedback is vital to ensuring that they excel at their jobs. Even the opposite is true; receiving employee input helps an organisation understand where it stands and what measures need to be taken to improve.

Companies that implement regular employee feedback have turnover rates that are 14.9% lower than for employees who receive no feedback. ( Source )

Feedback is essential to accurately assess strengths and areas that need improvement and create an overall plan that aligns with the employee's career path and the company's growth and productivity plans.

What is 360 Degree Feedback?

360-degree feedback , also known as multi-rater feedback, refers to a system that collects feedback from various individuals who come into professional contact with an employee and interact with them on different levels.

This method is designed so that various people who interact with an employee can provide their feedback, and a more accurate and holistic assessment can be made.

The person who is the focus of the feedback is also required to rate themselves, and in doing so, a clear average comparison can be drawn.

360-degree feedback is most commonly used as a tool to understand which areas an employee, whether it is a manager or a CEO, needs to work on developing.

Implementing 360 Degree Feedback

Collecting feedback.

  • Between six to ten individuals that come into contact with the professional who is being assessed are selected. It could include managers, peers and, in some cases, even customers and suppliers.
  • They are divided into groups, depending on what level of interaction they have with the employee.
  • The questions are usually based on things such as their ability as a leader or their ability to communicate well. A rating system is provided so that the participants can rate the individual based on each of the required competencies.
  • It is advisable to base the questions on tangible, observable and thus quantifiable factors.
  • The employee whom the survey is centred around will also complete a self-evaluation survey.
  • While the HR department could spearhead such an initiative, it could be good to use someone not part of the organisation, such as a consultant.

Processing and Using the Feedback

  • The feedback is provided by taking the average ratings provided from the different groups. For example, the average rating from managers on a particular question could be 8.5 out of 10.
  • Once again, using a reliable third-party service provider may be best. The feedback helps highlight the crucial areas that the employee needs to focus on developing.
  • This information, once collected, can be used by HR departments to create an actionable development plan for that employee.
  • The person providing the feedback must have adequate training and knowledge. They can thus structure the feedback constructively, aiming for a specific outcome.
  • Once the development plan has been created and implemented, a system or the right personnel must guide the employee through their development.
  • Another round of feedback conducted after a specified duration can measure the development of that employee in the highlighted areas.

Advantages of 360 Degree Feedback

There are a host of benefits to implementing a 360-degree feedback system:

Employe e development

The feedback report acts as a tool that can set objective outcomes for the employee’s development path. Giving employees insights into the differences in how they see themselves how others see them at their job can significantly improve their self-awareness.

This is especially effective as the realisation comes from the employee. Thus, they are more prepared to address the areas that need improvement.

The goal is to ensure that the employee is more capable of executing their function in an organisation.

Larger, more varied data sample

Manager reviews and feedback for their subordinates tend to provide a rather one-sided view. When feedback is collected from various levels of the organisation and a larger sample, the chance to get a more accurate feedback report improves.

Understanding the need to develop

When a single person offers feedback, the question of perspective could arise. When multiple individuals provide the same sort of feedback, the employee in question is more likely to see the things that need changing more clearly.

Business values

The 360-degree feedback system allows companies to reinforce their core values and realign an employee to develop the competencies required by their role and the company.

When compiling, the feedback providers also get gentle reminders that the mentioned areas are organisational priorities. This should make it easier to realise the areas they need to work on. After all, it is human nature to compare oneself to the other.

Direct implementation of customer feedback

Getting feedback from customers works on two levels. It helps customers see the organisation as one that values customer interaction and their happiness. On the other end, it helps employees realise that what they do impacts the customer and understand how customers see them.

Then, via a good development plan, they can make the changes required to create a better image for the customer.

Method assessment

The 360-degree feedback is a tool that prioritises the way things are done rather than the outcome of that action. Improving the way things are done, sticking to best practices increases the chances of achieving a better outcome.

Useful for large teams

A single manager may not be able to manage every aspect of a large team. In fact, micromanaging could do a lot more harm than good. This system relies on many people at different levels around the worker, leaving the manager to focus on other tasks.

It is also a good way of comparing the managers' assessment and understanding of an employee to everyone else's.

Transparency by providing anonymity

Since the respondents are anonymous, they are likely to provide more honest and forthcoming feedback on the subject.

More open communication

The fact that an employee knows what different people think about them allows them to communicate more freely. The feedback may provide the employee with positive feedback in areas they didn't realise they excelled at.


Since the subject and the respondents are given similar questions, the subject can draw out how others see them. It allows them to understand how their actions, behaviour, work ethic, and personality affects those around them and, ultimately, their work.

It is a great tool that HR departments can use to create valuable learning and development programs. An employee working on their development is bound to be more beneficial to a company. When they see the results of their effort, they are likely to feel more inspired to continue developing.

This supports an organisation's agenda to retain talent.

Disadvantages of 360 Degree Feedback

As is with anything, there are downsides to the 360-degree feedback method too:

Differing views

Since the sample data is collected from individuals of varying competencies and skills, they may differ in how they view the subject. If the data collected varies too much, then no average can help employee development.

Being picked on

While this shouldn't be the case, and even when the intentions are noble, a poorly structured feedback questionnaire may leave the employee feeling demotivated and negatively perceived.

It is essential to balance the questionnaire to ensure that the feedback provided is constructive.

It is for everyone

Leaders have to be willing to put themselves on the stage. Leaders who refuse to be assessed by their peers and subordinates, or don't take the feedback seriously, set a negative example for the rest of the organisation.

Leaders need to focus on proving the importance of feedback by being the first to work on their development.

Sample size

The 360-degree feedback system works best in organisations that have more employees. Small teams that do not engage with other individuals are unlikely to benefit from this method.

Types of questions

This one is easily remediable; however, it is worth mentioning. Clear, objective questions are essential. Questions that do not address specific areas and cannot elicit an accurate response aren't helpful.

The accuracy of the report largely depends on the tenure of that employee and the people providing the feedback. You can't expect to get accurate results from a newly formed team that has never worked together before.

Personal views

While the question structure plays a part here, there is the possibility that the feedback provided could come from a personal level. That can end up lacking the constructive qualities required to make the 360-degree feedback system successful.

The 360-degree method is a sound feedback system for companies with teams that have worked together for some time and want to know how effective individuals are in their roles.

Darwinbox is a comprehensive HRMS software that allows for comprehensive employee management. It lets one gather sound, helpful feedback from various stakeholders of the company – subordinates, peers, leadership, and even customers – with 360-degree feedback. It allows for seamless real-time feedback with a user-friendly interface, perceptive analytics, customizable and configurable questionnaires, and most of all, an Anonymity feature.

It is recommended that this tool be used in combination with other sorts of surveys and assessment tools. The most important aspect of the 360-degree feedback system is that organizations must conduct it repeatedly and consistently.


Recommended Reading

15 best examples of honest employee feedback for managers, the 30 best employee feedback examples, everything you need to know about constructive criticism, speak your mind.

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What Is 360-Degree Feedback?

See the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

360 degree feedback presentation

  • What Is 360 Feedback?

Pros and Cons of 360-Degree Feedback

Frequently asked questions (faqs).

Image by Theresa Chiechi © The Balance 2019 

360-degree feedback is a method of employee review that provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from their supervisor or manager and four to eight peers, reporting staff members, coworkers, and, in some cases, customers.

Key Takeaways

  • Unlike standard feedback from a single source, 360-degree feedback takes in comments from peers and reporting staff members in addition to supervisors and managers.
  • This strategy helps workers understand their strengths and weaknesses from a variety of perspectives.
  • The advantages of 360-degree feedback include drawing on many different sources, strengthening teamwork, and uncovering procedural issues that might otherwise go unnoticed.

How 360-Degree Feedback Works

Successful organizations strive to evaluate and guide their employees toward constant improvement, but a standard performance review system is often found wanting. 360-degree feedback is a method and a tool that provides each employee the opportunity to receive performance feedback from his or her supervisor or manager and four to eight peers, reporting staff members, coworkers, and customers. Most 360-degree feedback tools are also responded to by each individual in a self-assessment.

Organizations can do a poor job of introducing and using this type of multi-rater feedback process. But, it is possible, with the right steps, to do a good job of introducing and maximizing the value of 360-degree feedback . This matters because nothing raises hackles as fiercely as a change in performance feedback methods, especially when they may affect decisions about an employee's compensation.

360-degree feedback allows each individual to understand how his effectiveness as an employee, coworker, or staff member is viewed by others. The most effective 360-degree feedback processes provide feedback that is based on behaviors that other employees can see.

The feedback provides insight into the skills and behaviors desired in the organization to accomplish the mission, vision, and goals and live the values . The feedback is firmly planted in behaviors needed to exceed customer expectations.

People who are chosen as raters or feedback providers are often selected in a shared process by both the organization and the employee. These are people who generally interact routinely with the person who is receiving feedback .

Examples of 360-Degree Feedback

Feedback provided for this review process can be as detailed or brief as the person giving it chooses to be. For example, a manager may give a detailed breakdown of goals they had discussed with the employee, the progress toward those goals, and the way the employee dealt with unexpected challenges along the way. A peer review might be much more basic, such as a note about what it's like to work with them. For example, a coworker could say something like "this worker is friendly and always completes their portion of the project by the deadline."

Provides feedback to employees from a variety of sources

Develops and strengthens teamwork and accountability

Uncovers procedural issues that can hinder employee growth

Reveals specific career development areas

Reduces rater bias and discrimination tendencies

Offers constructive feedback to improve employee outputs

Supplies insight on training needs

Serves as only part of overall performance measurement system

Causes organizational issues if implemented in hasty or incomplete fashion

Can fail to add value if not effectively woven into existing performance plans

Prevents recipients from getting more information because the process is anonymous

Focuses on employee weaknesses and shortcomings instead of strengths

Provides feedback from inexperienced raters, and groups can "game" the process

Requires large degree of data collection and processing in some cases

Pros Explained

360-degree feedback has many positive aspects and many proponents.

According to Jack Zenger, a highly-regarded global expert on organizational behavior, he has come to recognize "...the value of 360 feedback as a central part of leadership development programs. It’s a practical way to get a large group of leaders in an organization to be comfortable with receiving feedback from direct reports, peers, bosses and other groups. Once leaders begin to see the huge value to be gained, in fact, we see them add other groups to their raters such as suppliers, customers, or those two levels below them in the organization."

And later, Zenger adds: "More than 85% of all the Fortune 500 companies use the 360-degree feedback process as a cornerstone of their overall leadership development process. If you are not a current user, we encourage you to take a fresh look."

Organizations that are happy with the 360-degree feedback component of their performance management systems identify these positive features of the process that manifest in a well-managed, well-integrated 360-degree feedback process.

  • Improved feedback from more sources : This method provides well-rounded feedback from peers, reporting staff, coworkers, and managers and can be a definite improvement over feedback from just a single individual. 360 feedback can also save managers time in that they can spend less energy providing feedback as more people participate in the process. Coworker perception is important and the process helps people understand how other employees view their work.
  • Team development : This feedback approach helps team members learn to work more effectively together. (Teams know more about how team members are performing than their manager.) Multi-rater feedback makes team members more accountable to each other as they share the knowledge that they will provide input on each member’s performance. A well-planned process can improve communication and team development.
  • Personal and organizational performance development : 360-degree feedback is one of the best methods for understanding personal and organizational developmental needs in your organization. You may discover what keeps employees from working successfully together and how your organization's policies, procedures, and approaches affect employee success. In many organizations that use 360-degree feedback, the focus has switched to identifying strengths. That makes sense for employee performance development.
  • Responsibility for career development : For many reasons, organizations are no longer responsible for developing the careers of their employees—if they ever were. While the bulk of the responsibility falls on the employee, employers are responsible for providing an environment in which employees are encouraged and supported in their growth and development needs. Multi-rater feedback can provide excellent information to an individual about what he or she needs to do to enhance their career. Additionally, many employees feel 360-degree feedback is more accurate, more reflective of their performance, and more validating than feedback from a supervisor alone who rarely sees them working. This makes the information more useful for both career and personal development.
  • Reduced discrimination risk : When feedback comes from a number of individuals in various job functions, the possibility of discrimination because of race, age, gender, and so forth is reduced. The "horns and halo" effect, in which a supervisor rates performance based on his or her most recent interactions with the employee, is also minimized.
  • Improved customer service : Each person receives valuable feedback about the quality of their product or services, especially in feedback processes that involve the internal or external customer. This feedback should enable the individual to improve the quality, reliability, promptness, and comprehensiveness of these products and services they supply to their customer.
  • Training needs assessment : 360-degree feedback provides comprehensive information about organization training needs and thus allows planning for classes, online learning, cross-functional responsibilities, and cross-training.

A 360-degree feedback system does have a good side. However, 360-degree feedback also has a bad side—even an ugly side.

Cons Explained

For every positive point made about 360-degree feedback systems, detractors can offer the downside. The downside is important because it gives you a road map of what to avoid when you implement a 360-degree feedback process.

The following are potential problems with 360-degree feedback processes and a recommended solution for each one.

  • Exceptional expectations for the process : 360-degree feedback is not the same as a performance management system. It is merely a part of the feedback and development that a performance management system offers within an organization. Additionally, proponents of the system may lead participants to expect too much from this feedback system in their efforts to obtain organizational support for its implementation. Make sure that the 360 feedback is integrated into a complete performance management system and not used as a stand-alone venture.
  • Design process downfalls : Often, a 360-degree feedback process arrives as a recommendation from the HR department or is shepherded in by a senior leader who learned about the process at a seminar or in a book. Just as an organization implements any planned change, the implementation of360-degree feedback should follow effective change management guidelines. A cross-section of the people who will have to live with and utilize the process should explore and develop the process for your organization.
  • Failure to connect the process : For a 360 feedback process to work, it must be connected with the overall strategic aims of your organization. If you have identified competencies or have comprehensive job descriptions, give people feedback on their performance of the expected competencies and job duties. The system will fail if it is an add-on rather than a supporter of your organization’s fundamental direction and requirements. It must function as a measure of the accomplishment of your organization’s big and long-term picture.
  • Insufficient information : Since 360-degree feedback processes are currently usually anonymous, people receiving feedback have no recourse if they want to further understand the feedback. They have no one to ask for clarification about unclear comments or for more information about particular ratings and their basis. Thus, developing 360 process coaches is important. Supervisors, HR staff people, interested managers, and others are taught to assist people to understand their feedback and trained to help people develop action plans based on the feedback.
  • Focus on negatives and weaknesses : At least one book, " First Break All the Rules: What The World's Greatest Managers Do Differently ," advises that great managers focus on employee strengths, not weaknesses. The authors said, "People don't change that much. Don't waste time trying to put in what was left out. Try to draw out what was left in. That is hard enough." These are apt words when you consider a 360-degree feedback methodology. Focus on strengths for best success.
  • Rater inexperience and ineffectiveness : In addition to the insufficient training organizations provide both people receiving feedback and people providing feedback, there are numerous ways raters go wrong. They may inflate ratings to make an employee look good. They may deflate ratings to make an individual look bad. They may informally band together to make the system artificially inflate everyone’s performance. Checks and balances must exist to prevent these pitfalls as well as training for the people who are providing the ratings.
  • Overload on paperwork and data entry : In traditional 360 evaluations, multi-rater feedback upped the sheer number of people participating in the process and the subsequent time invested. Fortunately, most multi-rater feedback systems now have online entry and reporting systems. This has almost eliminated this former downside.

360-degree feedback is a positive addition to your performance management system when implemented with care and training to enable people to better serve customers and develop their own careers.

However, if you approach it haphazardly just because everyone else is using it, 360 feedback could create a disaster requiring months and possibly years for you to recover.

There are negatives with the 360-degree feedback processes, but with any performance feedback process, it can increase positive, powerful problem solving and provide you with a profoundly supportive, organization-affirming method for promoting employee growth and development.

However, in the worst case, it saps morale, destroys motivation, and enables disenfranchised employees to go for the jugular or plot revenge scenarios against people who rated their performance less than perfect.

What is the meaning of 360-degree feedback?

Feedback becomes "360-degree feedback" when it takes in comments from many different sources. Traditional feedback in the workspace comes from managers and supervisors, but 360-degree feedback also takes into account reviews from peers and employees who answer to the person being reviewed.

What is an example of 360-degree feedback?

Any feedback can be an example of 360-degree feedback, but workplaces will specify the types of comments they're seeking from employees. These comments can be as simple as "this worker has shown up late a few times this quarter," or they can be much more detailed.

What is the importance of 360-degree feedback?

The purpose of the 360-degree feedback is to assist each individual to understand their strengths and weaknesses and to contribute insights into aspects of their work that need professional development.

Forbes. " How Effective Are Your 360-Degree Feedback Assessments? "

Gallup. " First, Break All The Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently ." Gallup Press, 2016.

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360 degree feedback

360 Degree Feedback

Nov 19, 2014

260 likes | 554 Views

360 Degree Feedback. 360 Degree Feedback. 360 Degree Feedback. Benefits of applying appropriate feedback will help in the manager in people and task areas of development. 360 Degree Feedback.

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Presentation Transcript

360 Degree Feedback Benefits of applying appropriate feedback will help in the manager in people and task areas of development.

360 Degree Feedback The most effective 360 degree feedback processes provides feedback that is based on behaviours that others around you can see. This feedback provides insights and perspectives about the skills and behaviours desired in the organization to accomplish the mission, vision, and goals and live the values. The feedback is firmly founded on what the organisation values and expects from their leaders and desires for their people.

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Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback 360 degree feedback allows each individual to understand how their (current) effectiveness as an employee, co-worker, or staff member is viewed by others. The purpose of the 360 degree feedback is to assist each individual to understand their strengths and weaknesses, and to contribute insights into aspects of their personal and professional future development.

Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback Leadership is about defining a clear purpose, developing measurable expectations, holding people accountable for the results, and providing regular feedback so people know where they stand and how to improve. Consider airplanes flying on autopilot. When a plane is on autopilot the system provides feedback every few seconds and the plane makes continuous course corrections - so slight that the passengers don't even notice. But what if that plane only received feedback once every twenty minutes? How far off course would it be and how large a course correction would be required to get the plane back on track? Frequent and specific feedback is essential to provide guidance and improvement.

360 Degree Feedback The following features will manifest themselves in well-managed, well-integrated 360 degree feedback processes. Team Development: Helps team members learn to work more effectively together. Multi-sided feedback makes team members more accountable to each other as they share their perspective and knowledge that they will provide input on each members’ performance.

Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback • Personal and Organizational Performance Development: • 360 degree feedback is one of the best methods for understanding and addressing personal and organizational developmental needs so that both individuals and the organisation benefit from the feedback process.

Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback • Responsibility for Future Leadership Development: • For many reasons, organizations are no longer responsible for developing the careers of their employees, if they ever were. Multi-perspective feedback can provide excellent information to an individual about what they need to do to enhance their vocational calling. Additionally, many employees feel 360 degree feedback is more accurate, more reflective of their performance, and more validating than prior feedback from the supervisor alone. This makes the information more useful for both career and personal development.

Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback • Reduced Discrimination Risk: • When feedback comes from a number of individuals in various job functions, discrimination because of race, age, gender, and so on, is reduced. The "horns and halo" effect, in which a supervisor rates performance based on her most recent interactions with the employee, is also minimised.

Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback • Improved Customer Service: • Especially in feedback processes that involve internal and external people, each person receives valuable feedback about the quality of their efforts and communications. This feedback should enable the individual to improve the quality, reliability, promptness, and comprehensiveness of their future work efforts and communications.

Benefits of 360 Degree Feedback • Training Needs Assessment: • 360 degree feedback provides comprehensive information about organisation training needs and is foundational to future planning for classes, cross-functional responsibilities, and training initiatives. • Refer to Reading; 360 Feedback: Strategies, Tactics, and Techniques for Developing Leaders John E. Jones, William Bearley Published by Human Resource Developement Press, 1996

360 Degree Feedback Guidelines to Follow when giving feedback Giving tough feedback is difficult. But it can be positive if we follow a few basic rules. First, provide feedback when you see the undesired behaviour. Second, start by stating your positive intention. Third, provide feedback about the person's behaviour, not their personality. Fourth, reinforce that behaviour has consequences.

360 Degree Feedback Honest feedback is the heart of a relationship between any quality team that cares about each other and their future. As leaders, performance is our responsibility. If we fail to give feedback then we suffer the consequences. Feedback given with good intentions, a focus on behaviour and its consequences, and the freedom of choice is a powerful and positive tool.

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  4. Your Guide to Implementing 360 Feedback (+ Free Template)

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    Presentation Transcript. 360 Degree Feedback Benefits of applying appropriate feedback will help in the manager in people and task areas of development. 360 Degree Feedback The most effective 360 degree feedback processes provides feedback that is based on behaviours that others around you can see. This feedback provides insights and ...

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  20. 360 degree assessment feedback process

    PowerPoint presentation slides: Presenting this set of slides with name 360 Degree Assessment Feedback Process. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are 360 Degree, Assessment, Feedback, Process. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.