Quantitative Research in Education – IELTS Academic Reading Passage

Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to compare the amount of liquid in containers with different shapes. Those containers had the same capacity, but even when the young children were demonstrated that the same amount of fluid could be poured between the containers, many of them still believed one was larger than the other. Piaget concluded that the children were incapable of performing the logical task in figuring out that the two containers were the same size even though they had different shapes, because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase. Critics on his work, such as Donaldson, have questioned this interpretation. They point out the possibility that the children were just unwilling to play the experimenter’s game, or that they did not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter. These criticisms surely do state the facts, but more importantly, it suggests that experiments are social situations where interpersonal interactions take place. The implication here is that Piaget’s investigation and his attempts to replicate it are not solely about measuring the children’s capabilities of logical thinking, but also the degree to which they could understand the directions for them, their willingness to comply with these requirements, how well the experimenters did in communicating the requirements and in motivating those children, etc.

Here we are constantly getting questions about how valid the measures are where the findings of the quantitative research are usually based. Some scholars such as Donaldson consider these as technical issues, which can be resolved through more rigorous experimentation. In contrast, others like Mehan reckon that the problems are not merely with particular experiments or tests, but they might legitimately jeopardise the validity of all researches of this type.

Meanwhile, there are also questions regarding the assumption in the logic of quantitative educational research that causes can be identified through physical and/or statistical manipulation of the variables. Critics argue that this does not take into consideration the nature of human social life by assuming it to be made up of static, mechanical causal relationships, while in reality, it includes complicated procedures of interpretation and negotiation, which do not come with determinate results. From this perspective, it is not clear that we can understand the pattern and mechanism behind people’s behaviours simply in terms of the casual relationships, which are the focuses of quantitative research. It is implied that social life is much more contextually variable and complex.

Qualitative researches have an intensive focus on exploring the nature of certain phenomena in the field of education, instead of setting out to test hypotheses about them. It also inclines to deal with ‘unstructured data’, which refers to the kind of data that have not been coded during the collection process regarding a closed set of analytical categories. As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes, instead of coding behaviour concerning a pre-determined set of categories, which is what quantitative researchers typically would do when conducting ‘systematic observation’. Similarly, in an interview, interviewers will ask open-ended questions instead of ones that require specific predefined answers of the kind typical, like in a postal questionnaire. Actually, qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations.

Questions 28-32 Look at the following statements or descriptions (Questions 28-32) and the list of people below. Match each statement or description with the correct person or people, A, B, C or D. NB You may use any letter more than once.

Lists of People A  Piaget B  Mehan C  Donaldson D  Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert

Questions 33-36 Complete the sentences below. Choose  NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  from the passage for each answer.

In Piaget’s experiment, he asked the children to distinguish the amount of (33)………………..in different containers.

Most qualitative research conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert was done in a (36)…………………………

Questions 37-39 Choose  THREE  letters, A-F.

Which  THREE  are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

40. What is the main idea of the passage? A  to prove that quantitative research is most applicable to children’s education B  to illustrate the society lacks of deep comprehension of educational approach C  to explain the ideas of quantitative research and the characteristics of the related criticisms D  to imply qualitative research is a flawless method compared with quantitative one

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Quantitative research in education Ielts Answers and Questions

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IELTS Reading Passage: Quiet Roads Ahead

Road noise is becoming increasingly problematic. Automobile engineers have made great strides in reducing engine noise, but they have had less luck in other areas. More than half of the noise that automobiles make comes from the tires rolling over the road, and as road construction and vehicle sales continue to rise, especially in Asia and the United States, this is becoming a worldwide problem.

A tire is more prone to vibrate and make noise over a rough surface. Heavy rollers are used by road crews to smooth down freshly laid asphalt, but Kuijpers has come up with a technique that he believes can result in the quietest road possible. It all comes down to a unique mould that’s 3 meters broad and 50 meters long, which is his little secret. Rolling over the asphalt with a heavy roller, rail-mounted equipment spreads the hot asphalt mixture into the mould. As it cures, the 10-millimeter-thick sheet will have a surface smoother than anything that can be made using more traditional techniques.

Despite the complexity of the production process, placing the surface is rather easy. It is rolled onto a drum that is 1.5 meters in diameter like a carpet as it leaves the mill. They unroll it and use bitumen to adhere it to the base on location. The white lines are added at the manufacturer as well.

By adjusting the diameters of his resonators, Kuijpers has complete command over the acoustic signals they absorb. Given that various automobiles emit noise at various frequencies, this could be extremely helpful. Noise from car tires, for example, peaks at roughly 1000 Hz, whereas that from trucks drops to around 600 Hz. The frequencies absorbed by the concrete can be adjusted by altering the size of the Kuijpers resonators. The inside lane of a major highway is typically used by trucks, thus resonators installed there could be adjusted to absorb sounds at roughly 600 hertz, while those installed in other lanes could handle noise at higher frequencies caused by cars.

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Recommended Questions:

IELTS Reading Questions: Quiet Roads Ahead

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Upper and LowerStones• reduce oscillations caused by (10)___________.
• create pores that help (11)____________.
FoundationSlots• convert to heat. (12)__________.
• help to remove (13)___________.
• can be adapted to absorb different (14)________.

Quiet Roads Ahead Reading Answers

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Giải đề IELTS Reading Actual Test Vol 6 Test 2: Quantitative Research in Education


giai de ielts reading actual test vol 6 test 2 quantitative research in education


Đáp án
















rigorous experimentation


grammar school









Giải thích đáp án đề IELTS Reading Recent Actual Tests, Reading Test 2, Passage 3: Quantitive Research in Education

Question 28-32: quantitive research in education, question 28.

Vị trí thông tin: For instance, Mehan … by the experimenter.

Giải thích: Bài đọc cho biết Mehan tranh luận rằng học sinh (subjects - người tham gia thí nghiệm = học sinh) có thể diễn giải câu hỏi kiểm tra theo cách khác với cách mà người thử nghiệm nghĩ (“interpret the test questions in a way different from that meant by the experimenter” khớp với “a child's different perspective” ở đề bài). Vì vậy đáp án là B. Mehan.

Question 29

Vị trí thông tin: For example, one researcher Piaget .. the necessary phase.

Giải thích: Bài đọc cho biết Piaget kết luận rằng trẻ không có khả năng thực hiện nhiệm vụ có tính logic (“logical task” khớp với “logical reasoning”) bởi vì sự phát triển nhận thức của chúng chưa đạt đến giai đoạn đó (“their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase” khớp với “beyond children's cognitive development” ở đề bài). Vì vậy đáp án là A. Piaget.

Question 30

Vị trí thông tin: Critics on his work, … by the experimenter.

Giải thích: Bài đọc cho biết những nghiên cứu như Donaldson chỉ ra rằng có khả năng là bọn trẻ không muốn chơi trò chơi của người thí nghiệm hoặc chúng không hiểu rõ câu hỏi mà người thí nghiệm đưa ra (“unwilling to play the experimenter's game” khớp với “children's reluctance to comply with the game rules”, “did not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter” khớp với “miscommunication” ở đề bài. Vì vậy đáp án là C. Donaldson.


Question 31

Vị trí thông tin: A series of studies … among the students.

Giải thích: Bài đọc cho biết trong chuỗi nghiên cứu của Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert, họ áp dụng một cách tiếp cận dân tộc học hoặc quan sát người tham gia (“participant observation approach” khớp với “scientific observation approach” ở đề bài). Vì vậy đáp án là D. Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert.

Question 32

Vị trí thông tin: In a language development test, … all researches of this type.

Giải thích: Bài đọc cho biết nhà nghiên cứu Mehan cho rằng kiểu thí nghiệm về mức độ phát triển ngôn ngữ của trẻ có vấn đề (“problems” khớp với “a detail of flaw” ở đề bài. Vì vậy đáp án là B. Mehan

Question 33-36: Quantitive Research in Education

Question 33.

Đáp án: liquid

Vị trí thông tin: For example, one researcher … with different shapes.

Giải thích:

Từ loại cần điền: danh từ

Nội dung: Một thứ được đựng trong các chai lọ khác nhau

Giải thích: Trong thí nghiệm của Piaget, anh ấy yêu cầu học sinh so sánh lượng dung dịch trong các lọ có hình dáng khác nhau (“compare” khớp với “distinguish”, “containers with different shapes” khớp với “different containers” ở đề bài). Vì vậy đáp án là “liquid”.

Question 34

Đáp án: Disneyland

Vị trí thông tin: The children are required … responded 'Disneyland'.

Nội dung: Câu trả lời của đối tượng nghiên cứu trả lời sai

Giải thích: Khi được yêu cầu khoanh tròn phụ âm đầu tiên chính xác của từ 'lâu đài', nhiều em chọn D thay vì câu trả lời đúng là C. Khi được hỏi tên của tòa nhà là gì, các em trả lời 'Disneyland' (“The answer is C, many kids choose D” khớp với “subjects with the wrong answer”, “responded" khớp với “answer” ở đề bài). Vì vậy đáp án là “Disneyland”.


Question 35

Đáp án: rigourous experimentation

Vị trí thông tin: Critics on his work, … rigorous experimentation.

Nội dung: Thứ có thể khắc phụ lỗi trong nghiên cứu của Piaget

Giải thích: Bài đọc cho biết một số học giả như Donaldson coi đây là những vấn đề kỹ thuật có thể được giải quyết thông qua những thử nghiệm chặt chẽ hơn (“technical issues” khớp với “flaw”, “resolved” khớp với “rectified”). Vì vậy đáp án là “rigourous experimentation”.

Question 36

Đáp án: grammar school

Vị trí thông tin: A series of studies conducted … sociology of education.

Từ loại: danh từ

Nội dung: Điạ điểm mà Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert thực hiện các nghiên cứu định tính của họ.

Giải thích: Bài đọc cho biết một loạt nghiên cứu được thực hiện bởi Lacey, Hargreaves và Lambert tại một trường ngữ pháp dành cho nam sinh, một trường trung học hiện đại dành cho nam sinh và một trường ngữ pháp dành cho nữ sinh ở Anh vào những năm 1960 (“a series of studies” khớp với “most qualitative researches” ở đề bài). Vì vậy đáp án là “grammar school”.

Question 37-39: Quantitive Research in Education

Câu hỏi: Xác định 3 đặc điểm của nghiên cứu định tính.

Đáp án: B, D, E

Đáp án A: Bài đọc cho biết mã hóa hành vi liên quan đến một tập hợp các danh mục được xác định trước là đặc điểm của nghiên cứu định lượng. As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes, instead of coding behaviour concerning a pre-determined set of categories, which is what quantitative researchers typically I would do when conducting 'systematic observation' => Không chọn

Đáp án B: Bài đọc cho biết các cuộc phỏng vấn định tính thường được thiết kế giống với những cuộc trò chuyện thông thường (qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations: “casual conversations” khớp với “easy conversation”). => Chọn B

Đáp án C: Xử lý 'dữ liệu phi cấu trúc' - loại dữ liệu chưa được mã hóa trong quá trình thu thập liên quan đến một tập hợp các danh mục phân tích khép kín là đặc điểm của nghiên cứu định lượng (Qualitative researches…. also inclines to deal with 'unstructured data', which refers to the kind of data that have not been coded during the collection process regarding a closed set of analytical categories.) => Không chọn.

Đáp án D: các nhà nghiên cứu định tính sử dụng thiết bị âm thanh hoặc video để ghi lại những gì xảy ra hoặc viết chi tiết các ghi chú cho câu trả lời của câu hỏi mở (As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes: “detail open-ended field-notes” khớp với “full of details”) => Chọn D

Đáp án E: Bài đọc cho biết trong một cuộc phỏng vấn của nghiên cứu định tính, người phỏng vấn sẽ hỏi những câu hỏi mở thay vì những câu hỏi yêu cầu những câu trả lời cụ thể được xác định trước theo kiểu điển hình (Similarly, in an interview, interview- ers will ask open-ended questions instead of ones that require specific predefined answers of the kind typical: “ask open-ended questions” khớp với “asking to give open-ended answers”) => Chọn E

Đáp án F: Các nhà nghiên cứu ghi âm và ghi chép quá trình quan sát chứ không phải quá trình nghiên cứu (As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes) => Không chọn


Question 40

Phương án A: Bài viết không có dữ liệu về số lượng hay chi tiết cho thấy nghiên cứu định tính thường được áp dụng cho giáo dục trẻ em. => Không chọn.

Phương án B: Không nhắc đến xã hội thiếu hiểu biết sâu sắc về phương pháp giáo dục. => Không chọn.

Phương án C: Bài viết đề cập đến một số nghiên cứu định tính và các chỉ trích về nó (Here we are constantly getting questions about how valid the measures are where the findings of the quantitative research are usually based… Such criticisms of quantitative educational research have also inspired more and more educational researchers to adopt qualitative methodologies during the last three or four decades.) => Chọn C

Phương án D: Nửa sau của bài giới thiệu nghiên cứu định tính và cho biết nhiều nhà nghiên cứu đã áp dụng phương pháp này, đồng thời lấy ví dụ, không ám chỉ nó là là phương pháp hoàn hảo => Không chọn.

Xem tiếp: Giải đề IELTS Reading Actual Test Vol 6 Test 3, Passage 1: Timekeeper: Invention of Marine Chronometer

Trên đây là phần đáp án và giải thích cho Reading Recent Actual Tests Vol 6, Test 2, Reading Passage 3: Quantitive Research in Education , hy vọng sẽ có ích cho quá trình ôn tập của người học. Nếu có thắc mắc về câu hỏi hay các phương pháp ôn thi, người học có thể tham gia diễn đàn ZIM Helper để được giải đáp cặn kẽ.

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Dịch đề & phân tích đáp án IELTS Reading trong Actual Test Vol 6 Test 2

Passage 1: the innovation of grocery stores, 1. bài đọc & bản dịch tiếng việt.

The Innovation of Grocery Stores

Sự đổi mới của cửa hàng tạp hóa

At the very beginning of the 20th century, the American grocery stores offered comprehensive services: the customers would ask help from the people behind the counters (called clerks) for the items they liked, and then the clerks would wrap the items up. For the purpose of saving time, customers had to ask delivery boys or go in person to send the lists of what they intended to buy to the stores in advance and then went to pay for the goods later. Generally speaking, these grocery stores sold only one brand for each item. Such early chain stores as A&P stores, although containing full services, were very time-consuming and inefficient for the purchase.

Vào đầu thế kỷ 20, các cửa hàng tạp hóa ở Mỹ đã cung cấp các dịch vụ toàn diện : khách hàng sẽ nhờ những người đứng sau quầy (gọi là nhân viên bán hàng) trợ giúp về những món hàng họ thích, sau đó nhân viên bán hàng sẽ gói những món đồ đó lại. Để tiết kiệm thời gian, khách hàng phải nhờ người giao hàng hoặc đến tận nơi gửi trước danh sách những món hàng mình định mua cho cửa hàng rồi đi thanh toán tiền hàng sau. Nói chung, các cửa hàng tạp hóa này chỉ bán một nhãn hiệu cho mỗi mặt hàng. Những chuỗi cửa hàng ban đầu như cửa hàng A&P, mặc dù có đầy đủ các dịch vụ, nhưng việc mua hàng rất tốn thời gian và không hiệu quả.

Born in Virginia, Clarence Saunders left school at the age of 14 in 1895 to work first as a clerk in a grocery store. During his working in the store, he found that it was very inefficient for people to buy things there. Without the assistance of computers at that time, shopping was performed in a quite backward way. Having noticed that this inconvenient shopping mode could lead to tremendous consumption of time and money, Saunders, with great enthusiasm and innovation, proposed an unprecedented solution—let the consumers do self-service in the process of shopping—which might bring a thorough revolution to the whole industry.

Sinh ra ở Virginia, Clarence Saunders rời trường học ở tuổi 14 vào năm 1895 để làm nhân viên bán hàng đầu tiên trong một cửa hàng tạp hóa. Trong thời gian làm việc tại cửa hàng, anh ấy nhận thấy rằng việc mọi người mua đồ ở đó rất kém hiệu quả. Khi đó chưa có sự hỗ trợ của máy tính, việc mua sắm được thực hiện khá lạc hậu. Nhận thấy rằng phương thức mua sắm bất tiện này có thể dẫn đến việc tiêu tốn rất nhiều thời gian và tiền bạc, Saunders, với sự nhiệt tình và sáng tạo tuyệt vời, đã đề xuất một giải pháp chưa từng có—hãy để người tiêu dùng tự phục vụ trong quá trình mua sắm—điều này có thể mang lại một cuộc cách mạng triệt để cho toàn ngành.

In 1902, Saunders moved to Memphis to put his perspective into practice, that is, to establish a grocery wholesale cooperative. In his newly designed grocery store, he divided the store into three different areas: ‘A front lobby’ served as an entrance, an exit, as well as the checkouts at the front. ‘A sales department’ was deliberately designed to allow customers to wander around the aisle and select their needed groceries. In this way, the clerks would not do the unnecessary work but arrange more delicate aisle and shelves to display the goods and enable the customers to browse through all the items. In the gallery above the sales department, supervisors can monitor the customers without disturbing them. ‘Stockroom’, where large fridges were placed to maintain fresh products, is another section of his grocery store only for the staff to enter. Also, this new shopping design and layout could accommodate more customers to go shopping simultaneously and even lead to some unimaginable phenomena: impulse buying and later supermarkets.

Năm 1902, Saunders chuyển đến Memphis để thực hiện quan điểm của mình, đó là thành lập một hợp tác xã bán buôn hàng tạp hóa. Trong cửa hàng tạp hóa mới được thiết kế của mình, anh ấy đã chia cửa hàng thành ba khu vực khác nhau: ‘Sảnh trước’ đóng vai trò là lối vào, lối ra, cũng như quầy tính tiền ở phía trước. ‘Phòng bán hàng’ được thiết kế có chủ ý để cho phép khách hàng đi lang thang quanh lối đi và chọn cửa hàng tạp hóa mà họ cần. Bằng cách này, nhân viên sẽ không làm những công việc không cần thiết mà sắp xếp các lối đi và kệ tinh tế hơn để trưng bày hàng hóa và cho phép khách hàng xem qua tất cả các mặt hàng. Trong phòng trưng bày phía trên bộ phận bán hàng, người giám sát có thể theo dõi khách hàng mà không làm phiền họ. “Phòng chứa hàng”, nơi đặt những chiếc tủ lạnh lớn để bảo quản sản phẩm tươi sống, là một khu vực khác trong cửa hàng tạp hóa của anh chỉ dành cho nhân viên vào. Ngoài ra, thiết kế và bố cục mua sắm mới này có thể thu hút nhiều khách hàng hơn đến mua sắm đồng thời và thậm chí dẫn đến một số hiện tượng không thể tưởng tượng được: mua hàng bốc đồng và siêu thị sau này.

On September 6, 1916, Saunders performed the self-service revolution in the USA by opening the first Piggly Wiggly featured by the turnstile at the entrance store at 79 Jefferson Street in Memphis, Tennessee. Quite distinct from those in other grocery stores, customers in Piggly Wiggly chose the goods on the shelves and paid for the items all by themselves. Inside the Piggly Wiggly, shoppers were not at the mercy of staff. They were free to roam the store, check out the products and get what they needed by their own hands. There, the items were clearly priced, and no one forced customers to buy the things they did not need. As a matter of fact, the biggest benefit that the Piggly Wiggly brought to customers was the money-saving effect. Self-service was optimistic for the improvement. ‘It is good for both the consumer and retailer because it cuts costs,’ noted George T. Haley, a professor at the University of New Haven and director of the Centre for International Industry Competitiveness, ‘if you look at the way in which grocery stores (previous to Piggly Wiggly and Alpha Beta) were operated, what you can find is that there are a great number of workers involved, and labor is a major expense.’ Fortunately, chain stores such as Piggly Wiggly cut the fat.

Vào ngày 6 tháng 9 năm 1916, Saunders đã thực hiện cuộc cách mạng tự phục vụ ở Hoa Kỳ bằng cách mở Piggly Wiggly đầu tiên có cửa quay tại cửa hàng lối vào ở 79 Phố Jefferson ở Memphis, Tennessee. Khá khác biệt so với những cửa hàng tạp hóa khác, khách hàng ở Piggly Wiggly tự chọn hàng hóa trên kệ và tự thanh toán. Bên trong Piggly Wiggly, người mua sắm không phụ lòng nhân viên. Họ được tự do dạo quanh cửa hàng, xem sản phẩm và tự tay lấy thứ mình cần. Ở đó, các mặt hàng đều được niêm yết giá rõ ràng, không ai ép khách mua những thứ họ không cần. Thực tế, lợi ích lớn nhất mà Piggly Wiggly mang lại cho khách hàng chính là hiệu quả tiết kiệm. Tự phục vụ là lạc quan cho sự cải thiện. George T. Haley, giáo sư tại Đại học New Haven và giám đốc Trung tâm Cạnh tranh Công nghiệp Quốc tế, lưu ý: “Điều đó tốt cho cả người tiêu dùng và nhà bán lẻ vì nó cắt giảm chi phí. cửa hàng (trước Piggly Wiggly và Alpha Beta) đã đi vào hoạt động, bạn có thể nhận thấy rằng có rất nhiều công nhân tham gia và nhân công là một chi phí lớn.’

Piggly Wiggly and this kind of self-service stores soared at that time. In the first year, Saunders opened nine branches in Memphis. Meanwhile, Saunders immediately applied a patent for the self-service concept and began franchising Piggly Wiggly stores. Thanks to the employment of self-service and franchising, the number of Piggly Wiggly had increased to nearly 1,300 by 1923. Piggly Wiggly sold $100 million (worth $1.3 billion today) in groceries, which made it the third-biggest grocery retailer in the nation. After that, this chain store experienced company listing on the New York Stock Exchange, with the stocks doubling from late 1922 to March 1923. Saunders contributed significantly to the perfect design and layout of grocery stores. In order to keep the flow rate smooth, Saunders even invented the turnstile to replace the common entrance mode.

Piggly Wiggly và loại cửa hàng tự phục vụ này đã tăng vọt vào thời điểm đó. Trong năm đầu tiên, Saunders đã mở chín chi nhánh ở Memphis. Trong khi đó, Saunders ngay lập tức đăng ký bằng sáng chế cho khái niệm tự phục vụ và bắt đầu nhượng quyền kinh doanh các cửa hàng Piggly Wiggly. Nhờ việc sử dụng dịch vụ tự phục vụ và nhượng quyền thương mại, số lượng Piggly Wiggly đã tăng lên gần 1.300 vào năm 1923. Piggly Wiggly đã bán được 100 triệu đô la (tương đương 1,3 tỷ đô la ngày nay) trong các cửa hàng tạp hóa, trở thành nhà bán lẻ tạp hóa lớn thứ ba trên toàn quốc . Sau đó, chuỗi cửa hàng này đã niêm yết công ty trên Sở giao dịch chứng khoán New York, với lượng cổ phiếu tăng gấp đôi từ cuối năm 1922 đến tháng 3 năm 1923. Saunders đã đóng góp đáng kể vào việc thiết kế và bố trí hoàn hảo các cửa hàng tạp hóa. Để giữ cho tốc độ dòng chảy trôi chảy, Saunders thậm chí còn phát minh ra cửa quay để thay thế chế độ lối vào thông thường.

Clarence Saunders died in 1953, leaving abundant legacies mainly symbolized  by Puggly Wiggly, the pattern of which spread extensively and lasted permanently

Clarence Saunders qua đời vào năm 1953, để lại nhiều di sản phong phú, chủ yếu được tượng trưng bởi Piggly Wiggly, mô hình lan rộng và tồn tại vĩnh viễn

2. Câu hỏi 

Questions 1-5

Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. layout of Clarence Saunders’ store

2. a reference to a reduction by chain stores in labor costs

3. how Clarence Saunders’ idea had been carried out

4. how people used to shop before Clarence Saunders’ stores opened

5. a description of economic success brought by Clarence Saunders’s stores

Questions 6-10

Complete the sentences below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.

6. Clarence Saunders’ first job was as ….. in a grocery store.

7. In Clarence Saunders’ store, people should pay for goods in the ….

8. Customers would be under surveillance when shopping in the…

9. Another area in his store was called “…..”, which was only accessible to the internal staff.

10. In Clarence Saunders’ shopping design, much work was done by the ….

Questions 11-13

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D,

Write the correct letter in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.

11. Why did Clarence Saunders want to propel the improvement of grocery stores at his age?

  • A He wanted to transfer business to retailing.
  • B He thought it was profitable.
  • C He thought this could enable customers’ life to be more convenient.
  • D He wanted to create a new shop by himself.

12. The Piggly Wiggly store was

  • A located in Virginia.
  • B mainly featured self-service.
  • C initially very unpopular with customers.
  • D developed with a pessimistic future.

13. Today, the main thing associated with Clarence Saunders is that

  • A a fully automatic store system opened soon near his first store.
  • B his Piggly Wiggly store was very popular at that time.
  • C his name was usually connected with Piggly Wiggly stores.
  • D his name was printed together with that of his famous store.

3. Phân tích đáp án 

Question 1: Keywords: layout, Clarence Saunders’ store

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “In his newly designed grocery store, he divided the store into three different areas”, nghĩa là Trong cửa hàng tạp hóa mới được thiết kế của mình, anh chia cửa hàng thành ba khu vực khác nhau

children did different types of work like adults children were as adults, with all the intellect and personality

Question 2: Keywords: a reference, reduction, chain stores in labor costs

Thông tin ở đoạn D: “if you look at the way in which ….great number of workers involved, and labour is a major expense”, nghĩa là nếu bạn nhìn vào cách thức hoạt động của các cửa hàng tạp hóa (trước Piggly Wiggly và Alpha Beta), bạn có thể thấy rằng có rất nhiều công nhân tham gia và nhân công là chi phí lớn

Question 3: Keywords: how, Clarence Saunders’ idea, carried out

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “In 1902, Saunders moved to Memphis to …. grocery store, he divided the store into three different areas” nghĩa là Năm 1902, Saunders chuyển đến Memphis để thực hiện quan điểm của mình, đó là thành lập một hợp tác xã bán buôn hàng tạp hóa. Trong cửa hàng tạp hóa mới được thiết kế của mình, anh chia cửa hàng thành ba khu vực khác nhau

Question 4: Keywords: how, shop before Clarence Saunders’ stores opened

Thông tin ở đoạn A: “the American grocery stores … the items they liked, and then the clerks would wrap the items up.” nghĩa là các cửa hàng tạp hóa ở Mỹ cung cấp các dịch vụ toàn diện: khách hàng sẽ nhờ những người đứng sau quầy (được gọi là nhân viên bán hàng) trợ giúp về những món đồ họ thích, sau đó nhân viên bán hàng sẽ gói những món đồ đó lại.

Question 5: Keywords: description of economic success,  Clarence Saunders’s stores

Thông tin ở đoạn E: “Thanks to the employment…. grocery retailer in the nation.”, nghĩa là Nhờ việc sử dụng dịch vụ tự phục vụ và nhượng quyền thương mại, số lượng Piggly Wiggly đã tăng lên gần 1.300 vào năm 1923. Piggly Wiggly đã bán được 100 triệu đô la (tương đương 1,3 tỷ đô la ngày nay) trong các cửa hàng tạp hóa, trở thành nhà bán lẻ tạp hóa lớn thứ ba trên toàn quốc .

Question 6: Keywords: Clarence Saunders’ first job, a grocery store.

Thông tin ở đoạn A: “Clarence Saunders left school at the age of 14 in 1895 to work first as a clerk in a grocery store”, nghĩa là Clarence Saunders rời trường học ở tuổi 14 vào năm 1895 để làm nhân viên bán hàng đầu tiên trong một cửa hàng tạp hóa

ĐÁP ÁN: (a) clerk

Question 7: Keywords: In Clarence Saunders’ store, pay for goods

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “‘A front lobby’ served as an entrance, an exit, as well as the checkouts at the front”. nghĩa là Sảnh trước’ đóng vai trò là lối vào, lối ra, cũng như quầy thanh toán ở phía trước

ĐÁP ÁN: front lobby

Question 8: Keywords: Customer, under surveillance when shopping

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “In the gallery above the sales department, supervisors can monitor the customers without disturbing them.” nghĩa là Trong phòng trưng bày phía trên bộ phận bán hàng, người giám sát có thể theo dõi khách hàng mà không làm phiền họ.

ĐÁP ÁN: gallery

under surveillance monitor

Question 9: Keywords: Another area, only accessible to the internal staff.

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “‘Stockroom’, where large fridges were placed to maintain fresh products, is another section of his grocery store only for the staff to enter.” nghĩa là “Phòng chứa hàng”, nơi đặt những chiếc tủ lạnh lớn để bảo quản sản phẩm tươi sống, là một khu vực khác trong cửa hàng tạp hóa của anh chỉ dành cho nhân viên vào.

ĐÁP ÁN: stockroom

Question 10: Keywords: In Clarence Saunders’ shopping design, work, done

Thông tin ở đoạn D: “As a matter of fact… improvement.” nghĩa là Thực tế, lợi ích lớn nhất mà Piggly Wiggly mang lại cho khách hàng chính là hiệu quả tiết kiệm. Tự phục vụ là lạc quan cho sự cải thiện.

ĐÁP ÁN: customers

Question 11: Keywords: Clarence Saunders, propel the improvement of grocery stores, at his age

Thông tin ở đoạn B: “Having noticed that this …. industry.”, nghĩa là Nhận thấy rằng phương thức mua sắm bất tiện này có thể dẫn đến việc tiêu tốn rất nhiều thời gian và tiền bạc, Saunders, với sự nhiệt tình và sáng tạo tuyệt vời, đã đề xuất một giải pháp chưa từng có—hãy để người tiêu dùng tự phục vụ trong quá trình mua sắm—điều này có thể mang lại một cuộc cách mạng triệt để cho toàn ngành.

Question 12: Keywords: Piggly Wiggly store

Thông tin ở đoạn D: “Saunders performed the self-service … Jefferson Street in Memphis, Tennessee.” nghĩa là Saunders đã thực hiện cuộc cách mạng tự phục vụ ở Hoa Kỳ bằng cách mở Piggly Wiggly đầu tiên có cửa quay tại cửa hàng lối vào ở 79 Phố Jefferson ở Memphis, Tennessee.

Question 13: Keywords: main thing, associated with Clarence Saunders

Thông tin ở đoạn E: “Clarence Saunders died in 1… lasted permanently.”, nghĩa làClarence Saunders qua đời vào năm 1953, để lại nhiều di sản phong phú, chủ yếu được tượng trưng bởi Piggly Wiggly, mô hình lan rộng và tồn tại vĩnh viễn.

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Passage 2: The Study of Chimpanzee Culture

1. bản đọc & bản dịch tiếng việt .

After studying the similarities between chimpanzees and humans for years, researchers have recognised these resemblances run much deeper than anyone first thought in the last decade. For instance, the nut cracking observed in the Tai Forest is not a simple chimpanzee behavior, but a separate adaptation found only in that particular part of Africa, as well as a trait which is considered to be an expression of chimpanzee culture by biologists. These researchers frequently quote the word ‘culture’ to describe elementary animal behaviors, like the regional dialects of different species of songbirds, but it turns out that the rich and varied cultural traditions chimpanzees enjoyed rank secondly in complexity only to human traditions.

Sau khi nghiên cứu sự giống nhau giữa tinh tinh và con người trong nhiều năm, các nhà nghiên cứu đã nhận ra những điểm tương đồng này trở nên có nhiều điều bí ẩn hơn nhiều so với bất kỳ ai nghĩ đầu tiên trong thập kỷ gần đây nhất. Ví dụ, việc làm vỡ hạt được quan sát trong rừng Tai không phải là hành vi đơn giản của tinh tinh, mà là một sự thích nghi riêng biệt chỉ tìm thấy ở một phần cụ thể của châu Phi, cũng như một nét tiêu biểu được coi là biểu hiện của văn hóa tinh tinh bởi các nhà sinh vật học. Các nhà nghiên cứu này thường trích dẫn từ ‘văn hóa’ để mô tả những hành vi cơ bản của động vật, giống như tiếng địa phương của các loài chim biết hót khác nhau, nhưng hóa ra những truyền thống văn hóa phong phú và đa dạng mà những con tinh tinh được hưởng chỉ được xếp thứ hai trong độ phức tạp so với truyền thống của con người.

During the past two years, the major research group which studies chimpanzees collaborated unprecedentedly and documented some distinct cultural patterns, ranging from animals’ use of tools to their forms of communication and social customs. This emerging picture of chimpanzees affects how human beings ponder upon these amazing creatures. Also, it alters our conception of human uniqueness and shows us the extraordinary ability of our ancient ancestors to create cultures.

Trong hai năm qua, nhóm nghiên cứu chủ yếu nghiên cứu sự hợp tác chưa từng thấy trước đó ở tinh tinh và đã chứng minh bằng tài liệu về một vài sự khác biệt trong mô hình văn hóa, trong phạm vi từ thói quen sử dụng các công cụ cho đến hình thức giao tiếp và phong tục xã hội của động vật. Hình ảnh mới mẻ này của tinh tinh này ảnh hưởng đến cách con người hiện nay suy nghĩ về những sinh vật tuyệt vời này. Đồng thời, nó làm thay đổi quan niệm của chúng ta về sự duy nhất của loài người và cho thấy khả năng phi thường của tổ tiên cổ xưa chúng ta đã sáng tạo ra nền văn hóa.

Although we know that Homo sapiens and Pan Troglodytes have coexisted for hundreds of millennia and their genetic similarities surpass 98 per cent, we still knew next to nothing about chimpanzee behavior in the wild until 40 years ago. All this began to change in the 1960s when Toshisada Nishida of Kyoto University in Japan and renowned British primatologist Jane Goodall launched their studies of wild chimpanzees at two field sites in Tanzania. (Goodall’s research station at Gombe—the first of its kind—is more famous, but Nishida’s site at Mahale is the second oldest chimpanzee research site in the world.)

Mặc dù chúng ta biết rằng giống người hiện đại và tinh tinh đã cùng tồn tại trong hàng trăm thiên niên kỷ và tương đồng di truyền của chúng vượt quá 98%, chúng ta vẫn gần như chưa biết gì về hành vi của tinh tinh trong tự nhiên cho đến 40 năm trước. Tất cả điều này bắt đầu thay đổi vào những năm 1960 khi Toshisada Nishida của Đại học Kyoto ở Nhật Bản và nhà nghiên cứu nổi tiếng người Anh Jane Goodall đã đưa ra những nghiên cứu về tinh tinh hoang dã tại hai khu vực ở Tanzania. (Trạm nghiên cứu của Goodall ở Gombe — nơi đầu tiên thuộc loại này — nổi tiếng hơn, nhưng địa điểm của Nishida tại Mahale là địa điểm nghiên cứu tinh tinh lâu đời thứ hai trên thế giới.)

During these primary studies, as the chimpanzees became more and more accustomed to close observation, the remarkable discoveries emerged. Researchers witnessed a variety of unexpected behaviors, ranging from fashioning and using tools, hunting, meat eating, food sharing to lethal fights between members of neighboring communities.

Trong suốt thời gian nghiên cứu những điều cơ bản, khi những con tinh tinh ngày càng trở nên quen thuộc với việc quan sát ở khoảng cách gần, những khám phá đáng chú ý đã xuất hiện. Các nhà nghiên cứu đã chứng kiến ​​một loạt các hành vi bất ngờ, từ việc tạo ra và sử dụng các công cụ, săn bắn, ăn thịt, chia sẻ thức ăn đến cuộc tử chiến giữa các thành viên của các cộng đồng lân cận.

In 1973, 13 forms of tool use and 8 social activities which appeared to differ between the Gombe chimpanzees and chimpanzee species elsewhere were recorded by Goodall. She speculated that some variations shared what she referred to as a ‘cultural origin’. But what exactly did Goodall mean by ‘culture’? According to the Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary, culture is defined as ‘the customs. . .and achievements of a particular time or people.’ The diversity of human cultures extends from technological variations to marriage rituals , from culinary habits to myths and legends. Of course, animals do not have myths and legends, but they do share the capacity to pass on behavioral traits from one generation to another, not through their genes but via learning. From biologists’ view, this is the fundamental criterion for a cultural trait—something can be learnt by observing the established skills of others and then passed on to following generations.

Vào năm 1973, 13 hình thức sử dụng công cụ và 8 hoạt động xã hội có vẻ khác biệt giữa các loài tinh tinh Gombe và các loài tinh tinh ở những nơi khác được ghi nhận bởi Goodall. Cô ấy đã suy đoán rằng có một số biến thể chung về những điều mà cô ấy gọi là ‘nguồn gốc văn hóa’. Nhưng chính xác ý Goodall là gì đối với ‘văn hóa’? Theo Từ điển tiếng Anh bách khoa toàn thư Oxford, văn hóa được định nghĩa là ‘phong tục’. . .và những thành tựu của một thời đại hoặc con người cụ thể.’ Sự đa dạng của nền văn hóa của con người kéo dài từ sự khác nhau của công nghệ đến nghi lễ kết hôn, từ thói quen nấu nướng đến những chuyện tưởng tượng và truyền thuyết. Tất nhiên, động vật không có chuyện tưởng tượng và truyền thuyết, nhưng chúng chia sẻ khả năng để truyền các đặc điểm hành vi từ thế hệ này sang thế hệ khác, không phải thông qua bộ gen của chúng mà theo đường học tập. Từ quan điểm của các nhà sinh vật học, đây là tiêu chuẩn cơ bản cho một đặc điểm văn hóa – một vài thứ có thể học được bằng cách quan sát các kỹ năng của người khác và sau đó được truyền lại cho các thế hệ sau.

What are the implications for chimpanzees themselves? We must place a high value upon the tragic loss of chimpanzees, who are decimated just when finally we are coming to appreciate these astonishing animals more completely. The population of chimpanzees has plummeted and continued to fall due to illegal trapping, logging and, most recently, the bushmeat trade within the past century. The latter is particularly alarming because logging has driven roadways, which are now used to ship wild animal meat—including chimpanzee meat to consumers as far afield as Europe, into forests. Such destruction threatens not only the animals themselves but also a host of fascinatingly different ape cultures.

Điều gì có hàm ý liên quan đến tinh tinh? Chúng ta phải xem xét ý nghĩa to lớn đối với sự mất mát bi thảm của tinh tinh, những con vật bị tàn sát chỉ khi đến cuối cùng chúng ta mới hiểu rõ giá trị của những con vật đáng kinh ngạc này hoàn toàn hơn. Số lượng tinh tinh đã giảm mạnh và tiếp tục giảm do bẫy bất hợp pháp, khai thác gỗ và gần đây nhất là buôn bán thịt động vật hoang dã diễn ra trong thế kỷ qua. Điều thứ hai là đặc biệt đáng báo động vì việc khai thác gỗ đã thúc đẩy các con đường, hiện đang được sử dụng để vận chuyển thịt động vật hoang dã – bao gồm cả thịt tinh tinh cho người tiêu thụ ở rất xa như Châu Âu, điều này đã làm thay đổi những khu rừng. Sự hủy diệt như vậy đe dọa không chỉ các loài động vật mà còn là một loạt các nền văn hóa hấp dẫn khác nhau của loài khỉ.

However, the cultural richness of the ape may contribute to its salvation. For example, the conservation efforts have already altered the attitudes of some local people. After several organizations showed videotapes illustrating the cognitive prowess of chimpanzees, one Zairian viewer was heard to exclaim, ‘Ah, this ape is so like me, I can no longer eat him.’

Tuy nhiên, sự phong phú về văn hóa của loài vượn có thể góp phần vào sự cứu rỗi của nó. Ví dụ, những nỗ lực bảo tồn đã thay đổi thái độ của một số người dân địa phương. Sau khi một số tổ chức chiếu băng video minh họa khả năng nhận thức của loài tinh tinh, người ta nghe thấy một người xem Zairian đã thốt lên: “Ôi, con vượn này giống tôi quá, tôi không thể ăn thịt nó được nữa”.

How did an international team of chimpanzee experts perform the most comprehensive survey of the animals ever attempted? Although scientists have been delving into chimpanzee culture for several decades, sometimes their studies contained a fatal defect. So far, most attempts to document cultural diversity among chimpanzees have solely relied upon officially published accounts of the behaviors reported at each research site. But this approach probably neglects a good deal of cultural variation for three reasons.

Làm thế nào mà một nhóm chuyên gia quốc tế về tinh tinh thực hiện cuộc khảo sát bao hàm toàn diện nhất về những động vật đã cố gắng hoàn thiện hơn từ trước tới giờ? Mặc dù các nhà khoa học đã nghiên cứu sâu vào văn hóa tinh tinh trong nhiều thập kỷ, đôi khi các nghiên cứu của họ chứa đựng một khiếm khuyết chết người. Cho đến nay, hầu hết các nỗ lực để ghi lại bằng chứng về Sự đa dạng văn hóa giữa các con tinh tinh chỉ dựa vào duy nhất các tài khoản được công bố chính thức về các hành vi được báo cáo tại từng điểm nghiên cứu xác định. Nhưng cách tiếp cận này có lẽ bỏ qua rất nhiều biến thể văn hóa vì ba lý do.

First, scientists normally don’t publish an extensive list of all the activities they do not see at a particular location. Yet this is the very information we need to know—which behaviors were and were not observed at each site. Second, there are many reports describing chimpanzee behaviors without expressing how common they are; without this information, we can’t determine whether a particular action was a transient phenomenon or a routine event that should be considered part of its culture. Finally, researchers’ description of potentially significant chimpanzee behaviors often lacks sufficient detail, which makes it difficult for scientists from other spots to report the presence or absence of the activities.

Thứ nhất, các nhà khoa học thường không công bố số lượng lớn danh sách của tất cả các hoạt động mà họ không thấy ở một địa điểm cụ thể. Tuy nhiên, đây là thông tin chúng ta cần biết — những hành vi nào được và không được quan sát tại mỗi địa điểm. Thứ hai, có nhiều báo cáo mô tả hành vi của tinh tinh mà không thể hiện mức độ phổ biến của chúng; khi không có thông tin này, chúng ta không thể xác định liệu một hành động cụ thể có phải là hiện tượng nhất thời hay một sự kiện thường lệ được coi là một phần của văn hóa của nó. Cuối cùng, mô tả của các nhà nghiên cứu về các hành vi tinh tinh có khả năng có ý nghĩa thường thiếu các chi tiết đầy đủ, điều này gây khó khăn cho các nhà khoa học từ những địa điểm khác khó báo cáo sự hiện diện hoặc vắng mặt của các hoạt động.

To tackle these problems, my colleague and I are determined to take a new approach. We asked field researchers at each site to list all the behaviors which they suspected were local traditions. With this information, we assembled a comprehensive list of 65 candidates for cultural behaviors.

để khắc phục những vấn đề này, đồng nghiệp của tôi và tôi quyết tâm thực hiện một cách tiếp cận mới. Chúng tôi yêu cầu các nhà nghiên cứu thực địa tại mỗi địa điểm liệt kê tất cả các hành vi mà họ nghi ngờ là phong tục thuộc về vùng đó. Với thông tin này, chúng tôi đã tập hợp một danh sách toàn diện gồm 65 ứng cử viên cho các hành vi văn hóa.

Then we distributed our list to team leaders at each site. They consulted with their colleagues and classified each behavior regarding its occurrence or absence in the chimpanzee community. The major brackets contained customary behavior (occurs in most or all of the able-bodied members of at least one age or sex class, such as all adult males), habitual (less common than customary but occurs repeatedly in several individuals), present (observed at the site but not habitual), absent (never seen), and unknown.

Sau đó, chúng tôi phân phối danh sách của chúng tôi cho các nhà lãnh đạo nhóm tại mỗi địa điểm. Họ đã hội ý với các đồng nghiệp của họ và phân loại từng hành vi liên quan đến sự xuất hiện hoặc vắng mặt của nó trong cộng đồng tinh tinh. Các nhóm chính bao gồm hành vi phong tục thông thường (xảy ra ở hầu hết hoặc tất cả các thành viên có thể ở ít nhất một độ tuổi hoặc giới tính, chẳng hạn như tất cả nam giới trưởng thành), thường xuyên (ít phổ biến hơn là phong tục thông thường nhưng xảy ra nhiều lần ở một số cá nhân), xuất hiện (quan sát tại địa điểm nhưng không thường xuyên), vắng mặt (không bao giờ nhìn thấy), và chưa biết.

Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 has eleven paragraphs, A-K.

Write the correct letter, A-K, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14. an approach to research on chimpanzees’ culture that is only based on official sources

15. mention of a new system designed by two scientists who aim to solve the problem

16. reasons why previous research on ape culture is problematic

17. new classification of data observed or collected

18. an example showing that the cultural traits of chimpanzees can lead to a change in local people’s attitude towards their preservation

Questions 19-23

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet, write

  • TRUE               if the statement agrees with the information
  • FALSE             if the statement contradicts the information
  • NOT GIVEN   i f there is no information on this

19. The research found that scientists can make chimpanzees possess the same complex culture as human beings.

20. Humans and apes lived together a long time ago and shared most of their genetic substance.

21. Even Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall’s beginning studies observed many surprising features of civilized behaviors among chimpanzees.

22. Chimpanzees, like humans, have the ability to deliver cultural behaviors mostly from genetic inheritance.

23. For decades, researchers have investigated chimpanzees by data obtained from both unobserved and observed approaches.

Questions 24-27

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 24-27 on your answer sheet.

24. When did the unexpected discoveries of chimpanzee behavior start?

25. Which country is the researching site of Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall?

26. What did the chimpanzee have to get used to in the initial study?

27. What term did Jane Goodall suggest to describe chimpanzees in different regions using different tools in 1973?

Question 14: Keywords: an approach to research on chimpanzees’ culture , based on official sources

Thông tin ở đoạn H: “most attempts to document …. reported at each research site.” nghĩa là hầu hết các nỗ lực ghi lại sự đa dạng văn hóa giữa các loài tinh tinh chỉ dựa vào các tài khoản được công bố chính thức về các hành vi được báo cáo tại mỗi địa điểm nghiên cứu.

Question 15: Keywords: a new system, two scientists, solve the problem

Thông tin ở đoạn J: “To tackle these problems, my colleague and I determined to take a new approach. We asked field researchers at each site to list all the behaviours which they suspected were local traditions.” nghĩa là Để giải quyết những vấn đề này, tôi và đồng nghiệp quyết định thực hiện một cách tiếp cận mới. Chúng tôi đã yêu cầu các nhà nghiên cứu thực địa tại mỗi địa điểm liệt kê tất cả các hành vi mà họ nghi ngờ là truyền thống địa phương.

solve tackle

Question 16: Keywords: reasons, previous research on ape culture, problematic

Thông tin ở đoạn I: “But this approach probably neglects a good deal of cultural variation for three reasons” nghĩa là Nhưng cách tiếp cận này có thể bỏ qua rất nhiều biến thể văn hóa vì ba lý do

Question 17: Keywords: new classification of data 

Thông tin ở đoạn K: “They consulted with their colleagues and classified each behaviour regarding its occurrence or absence in the chimpanzee community.”. Nghĩa là Họ đã tham khảo ý kiến của các đồng nghiệp và phân loại từng hành vi liên quan đến sự xuất hiện hoặc vắng mặt của nó trong cộng đồng tinh tinh.

Question 18: Keywords: example, cultural traits of chimpanzees, change in local people’s attitude towards their preservation

Thông tin ở đoạn G: “For example, the conservation …. exclaim, ‘Ah, this ape is so like me, I can no longer eat him.’”, nghĩa là Ví dụ, những nỗ lực bảo tồn đã thay đổi thái độ của một số người dân địa phương. Sau khi một số tổ chức chiếu băng video minh họa khả năng nhận thức của loài tinh tinh, người ta nghe thấy một người xem Zairian đã thốt lên: “Ôi, con vượn này giống tôi quá, tôi không thể ăn thịt nó được nữa”.

Question 19: Keywords: scientists, chimpanzees, possess the same complex culture as human beings.


Question 20: Keywords: Humans and apes, lived together, shared most of their genetic substance.

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “Although we know that … years ago.” nghĩa là Mặc dù chúng ta biết rằng Homo sapiens và Pan Troglodytes đã cùng tồn tại hàng trăm thiên niên kỷ và sự tương đồng về gen của chúng vượt quá 98%, nhưng chúng ta vẫn không biết gì về hành vi của tinh tinh trong tự nhiên cho đến 40 năm trước.


Question 21: Keywords: Toshisada Nishida. Jane Goodall’s beginning studies, surprising features of civilized behaviors, chimpanzees.

Thông tin ở đoạn D: “ Researchers witnessed …. fights between members of neighbouring communities.”. nghĩa là Các nhà nghiên cứu đã chứng kiến nhiều hành vi bất ngờ khác nhau, từ chế tạo và sử dụng công cụ, săn bắn, ăn thịt, chia sẻ thức ăn cho đến những trận đánh chết người giữa các thành viên của các cộng đồng lân cận.

many surprising features unexpected behaviors

Question 22: Keywords: Chimpanzees, deliver cultural behaviors, genetic inheritance.

Thông tin ở đoạn E: “animals do not have myths and legends, but they do share the capacity to pass on behavioural traits from one generation to another, not through their genes but via learning.”. nghĩa là động vật không có thần thoại và truyền thuyết, nhưng chúng chia sẻ khả năng truyền các đặc điểm hành vi từ thế hệ này sang thế hệ khác, không phải thông qua gen của chúng mà thông qua học tập.


Question 23: Keywords: investigated chimpanzees, data, from unobserved and observed approaches.

Thông tin ở đoạn H: “most attempts to document cultural diversity among chimpanzees have solely relied upon officially published accounts of the behaviours reported at each research site.”, nghĩa là hầu hết các nỗ lực ghi lại sự đa dạng văn hóa giữa các loài tinh tinh chỉ dựa vào các tài khoản được công bố chính thức về các hành vi được báo cáo tại mỗi địa điểm nghiên cứu.

Question 24: Keywords: When, unexpected discoveries of chimpanzee behavior, start

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “During these primary ….Researchers witnessed a variety of unexpected behaviours”, nghĩa là Trong những nghiên cứu cơ bản này, khi tinh tinh ngày càng quen với việc quan sát chặt chẽ, những khám phá đáng chú ý đã xuất hiện. Các nhà nghiên cứu đã chứng kiến nhiều hành vi bất ngờ

ĐÁP ÁN: the 1960s

unexpected discoveries remarkable discoveries

Question 25: Keywords: Which country, researching site of Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “ Toshisada Nishida of Kyoto University in Japan and renowned British primatologist Jane Goodall launched their studies of wild chimpanzees at two field sites in Tanzania.”, nghĩa là Toshisada Nishida của Đại học Kyoto ở Nhật Bản và nhà linh trưởng học nổi tiếng người Anh Jane Goodall đã bắt đầu nghiên cứu về loài tinh tinh hoang dã tại hai địa điểm thực địa ở Tanzania.

ĐÁP ÁN: Tanzania

Question 26: Keywords: What, chimpanzee, get used to in the initial study

Thông tin ở đoạn D: “During these primary studies, as the chimpanzees became more and more accustomed to close observation, the remarkable discoveries emerged.”, nghĩa là Trong những nghiên cứu cơ bản này, khi tinh tinh ngày càng quen với việc quan sát chặt chẽ, những khám phá đáng chú ý đã xuất hiện.

ĐÁP ÁN: close observation

the initial study primary studies
get used to became more and more accustomed

Question 27: Keywords: What term, Jane Goodall, describe chimpanzees, different tools, 1973

Thông tin ở đoạn E: “In 1973, 13 forms of … she referred to as a ‘cultural origin’”, nghĩa là Năm 1973, 13 hình thức sử dụng công cụ và 8 hoạt động xã hội dường như khác nhau giữa tinh tinh Gombe và các loài tinh tinh ở nơi khác đã được Goodall ghi lại. Cô ấy suy đoán rằng một số biến thể đã chia sẻ những gì cô ấy gọi là ‘nguồn gốc văn hóa’

ĐÁP ÁN: cultural origin

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Giải pháp tự học IELTS tại nhà, tiết kiệm chi phí , linh hoạt thời gian nhưng đảm bảo hiệu quả . Khóa học dạng video bài giảng có lộ trình học từng ngày chi tiết. Học viên học lý thuyết qua video bài giảng, thực hành Listening Reading trực tiếp trên website, còn Writing Speaking được chấm chữa trực tiếp bởi cô Thanh Loan. Mọi bài giảng đều có tài liệu học tập đi kèm.

quantitative research in education ielts reading answers with location

Passage 3: Quantitative Research in Education

Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to compare the amount of liquid in containers with different shapes. Those containers had the same capacity, but even when the young children demonstrated that the same amount of fluid could be poured between the containers, many of them still believed one was larger than the other. Piaget concluded that the children were incapable of performing the logical task in figuring out that the two containers were the same size even though they had different shapes, because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase. Critics on his work, such as Donaldson, have questioned this interpretation. They point out the possibility that the children were just unwilling to play the experimenter’s game, or that they did not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter. These criticisms surely do state the facts, but more importantly, it suggests that experiments are social situations where interpersonal interactions take place. The implication here is that Piaget’s investigation and his attempts to replicate it are not solely about measuring the children’s capabilities of logical thinking, but also the degree to which they could understand the directions for them, their willingness to comply with these requirements, how well the experimenters did in communicating the requirements and in motivating those children, etc.

Nhiều nhà nghiên cứu giáo dục đã từng nghiên cứu dựa trên giả thiết rằng trẻ em trải qua những giai đoạn khác nhau của sự phát triển, và rằng chúng không thể thực hiện được cấp độ cao nhất của hoạt động nhận thức cho đến khi chúng đã đạt được hình thức cao cấp nhất của quá trình nhận thức. Ví dụ, một nhà nghiên cứu Piaget đã có một thí nghiệm nổi tiếng mà trong đó ông đã yêu cầu những đứa trẻ so sánh số lượng chất lỏng được đựng trong những bình chứa có hình dạng khác nhau. Những bình chứa đó đều có cùng dung tích, nhưng mặc dù khi những đứa trẻ đã được giải thích rằng giữa những bình chứa đó có thể được đổ một lượng chất lỏng tương đương nhau, nhiều đứa trẻ vẫn tiếp tục tin rằng có một cái lớn hơn những cái khác. Piaget đã kết luận rằng những đứa trẻ không thể thực hiện được các nhiệm vụ suy luận logic rằng giữa hai bình chứa có cùng kích thước mặc dù chúng có hình dạng khác nhau, vì sự phát triển nhận thức của chúng chưa đạt đến giai đoạn cần thiết. Những người chỉ trích tác phẩm của ông, chẳng hạn như Donaldson, đã đặt câu hỏi về cách giải thích này. Họ chỉ ra khả năng có thể rằng những đứa trẻ đã không muốn chơi trò chơi của người thí nghiệm hoặc là chúng đã không hoàn toàn hiểu câu hỏi được hỏi bởi người thực nghiệm. Những lời chỉ trích này chắc chắn sẽ làm rõ sự thật, nhưng quan trọng hơn, nó đề xuất rằng những thí nghiệm là các tình huống xã hội nơi mà diễn ra sự tác động giữa những cá nhân với nhau. Hàm ý ở đây là nghiên cứu của Piaget và sự cố gắng của ông để nhân rộng nó không những chỉ nói về sự đánh giá khả năng suy nghĩ logic của những đứa trẻ mà nó còn là mức độ mà họ có thể hiểu được là sự hướng dẫn cho họ, sự tự nguyện của họ tuân theo những yêu cầu này, các nhà thực nghiệm đã làm tốt như thế nào trong truyền đạt những yêu cầu và trong sự thúc đẩy những đứa trẻ đó. 

The same kinds of criticisms have been targeted to psychological and educational tests. For instance, Mehan argues that the subjects might interpret the test questions in a way different from that meant by the experimenter. In a language development test, researchers show children a picture of a medieval fortress, complete with moat, drawbridge , parapets and three initial consonants in it: D, C, and G. The children are required to circle the correct initial consonant for ‘castle’. The answer is C, but many kids choose D. When asked what the name of the building was, the children responded ‘Disneyland’. They adopted the reasoning line expected by the experimenter but got to the wrong substantive answer. The score sheet with the wrong answers does not include in it a child’s lack of reasoning capacity; it only records that the children gave a different answer rather than the one the tester expected.

Những lời chỉ trích tương tự đã được nhắm mục tiêu vào các bài kiểm tra tâm lý và giáo dục. Ví dụ, Mehan lập luận rằng các đối tượng có thể diễn giải các câu hỏi kiểm tra theo cách khác với ý định của người thực nghiệm. Trong thí nghiệm về sự phát triển ngôn ngữ, những nhà nghiên cứu đã đưa cho những đứa trẻ một bức tranh về pháo đài thời trung cổ, với hào hoàn toàn bao quanh, cây cầu kéo bắc qua hào , tường chắn và 3 phụ âm đầu tiên: D, C, G. Những đứa trẻ được yêu cầu khoanh vòng tròn phụ âm đầu tiên chính xác cho “ castle”. Đáp án là C, nhưng nhiều đứa trẻ chọn D. Khi được hỏi tên của tòa nhà là gì, những đứa trẻ đáp lại là “ Disneyland”. Họ chấp nhận những dòng lập luận được mong đợi bởi người thực nghiệm nhưng nhận được một câu trả lời không có thật. Phiếu trả lời với những câu trả lời không đúng không có nghĩa là những đứa trẻ thiếu khả năng lý luận; nó chỉ nói lên rằng, những đứa trẻ đã đưa ra những câu trả lời khác nhau hơn cả sự mong đợi của người thực nghiệm.

Here we are constantly getting questions about how valid the measures are where the findings of the quantitative research are usually based. Some scholars such as Donaldson consider these as technical issues, which can be resolved through more rigorous experimentation. In contrast, others like Mehan reckon that the problems are not merely with particular experiments or tests, but they might legitimately jeopardize the validity of all research of this type.

Tại đây chúng tôi liên tục nhận được về như thế nào là hợp lý với sự đánh giá nơi mà những nhà nghiên cứu về định lượng thường dựa vào. Một số học giả như Donaldson coi đây là những vấn đề kỹ thuật, có thể được giải quyết thông qua thử nghiệm nghiêm ngặt hơn. Ngược lại, những người khác như Mehan cho rằng vấn đề không chỉ với những thí nghiệm hoặc thực nghiệm cụ thể, mà chúng còn có thể gây nguy hiểm cho tính giá trị pháp lý của loại nghiên cứu này.

Meanwhile, there are also questions regarding the assumption in the logic of quantitative educational research that causes can be identified through physical and/or statistical manipulation of the variables. Critics argue that this does not take into consideration the nature of human social life by assuming it to be made up of static, mechanical causal relationships, while in reality, it includes complicated procedures of interpretation and negotiation, which do not come with determinate results. From this perspective, it is not clear that we can understand the pattern and mechanism behind people’s behaviors simply in terms of the casual relationships, which are the focus of quantitative research. It is implied that social life is much more contextually variable and complex.

Trong khi đó, cũng có những câu hỏi liên quan đến giả thiết về sự logic của nghiên cứu định lượng trong giáo dục mà nguyên nhân có thể nhận biết thông qua thí nghiệm vật lý và/ hoặc thống kê vận dụng của các biến. Các nhà phê bình cho rằng, điều này không suy xét đến bản chất của đời sống xã hội của con người bằng cách giả định nó được tạo ra từ những vật tĩnh, mối quan hệ được tạo ra từ máy móc, trong trong trên thực tế, nó bao gồm giải thích những thủ tục phức tạp và sự dàn xếp, mà làm nó không đưa đến kết quả xác định. Từ quan điểm này, không rõ ràng rằng chúng ta có thể hiểu được mô hình và cơ chế đằng sau những hành vi của con người chỉ đơn giản trong giới hạn bình thường của mối quan hệ mà nó là mục tiêu của nghiên cứu định lượng. Nó muốn nói rằng cuộc sống xã hội gồm nhiều hơn nữa biến ngữ cảnh có thể thay đổi và phức tạp.

Such criticisms of quantitative educational research have also inspired more and more educational researchers to adopt qualitative methodologies during the last three or four decades. These researchers have steered away from measuring and manipulating variables experimentally or statistically. There are many forms of qualitative research, which is loosely illustrated by terms like ‘ethnography’ , ‘case study’, ‘participant observation’, ‘life history’, ‘unstructured interviewing’, ‘discourse analysis’ and so on. Generally speaking, though, it has characteristics as follows:

Những phê phán về nghiên cứu định lượng giáo dục đồng thời tạo cảm hứng ngày càng nhiều cho các nhà nghiên cứu giáo dục áp dụng phương pháp định tính diễn ra trong suốt 3 hoặc 4 thập kỷ. Các nhà nghiên cứu này đã tránh xa việc đo lường và thao túng các biến số bằng thực nghiệm hoặc thống kê. Có nhiều hình thức nghiên cứu định tính, được giải thích một cách mơ hồ bằng những thuật ngữ như:” dân tộc học ”,” nghiên cứu trường hợp”,” quan sát người tham gia”,” lịch sử cuộc sống”, “phỏng vấn không có cấu trúc”, “phân tích diễn thuyết” và nhiều hơn nữa.

Qualitative research has an intensive focus on exploring the nature of certain phenomena in the field of education, instead of setting out to test hypotheses about them. It also inclines to deal with ‘unstructured data’, which refers to the kind of data that have not been coded during the collection process regarding a closed set of analytical categories. As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field notes, instead of coding behavior concerning a predetermined set of categories, which is what quantitative researchers typically would do when conducting ‘systematic observation’. Similarly, in an interview, interviewers will ask open-ended questions instead of ones that require specific predefined answers of the kind typical, like in a postal questionnaire. Actually, qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations.

Các nhà nghiên cứu định tính tập trung chuyên sâu vào khám phá những bản chất của hiện tượng trong lĩnh vực giáo dục, thay vì đặt ra những giả thiết thực nghiệm về chúng. Nó đồng thời có khuynh hướng xử lý “ dữ liệu không có cấu trúc”,liên quan đến một dạng dữ liệu mà nó không được mã hóa trong suốt quá trình thu thập liên quan đến sự thành lập những danh sách phân tích đóng. Kết quả là, khi tham gia vào quan sát, những nhà nghiên cứu phân tích định tính sử dụng những thiết bị âm thanh và quay phim để ghi lại những sự việc xảy ra hoặc viết lại chi tiết trong các tờ ghi chú mở, thay vì mã hóa hành vi liên quan đã được xác định trước đó trong những danh mục, đó là những gì đặc trưng những nhà nghiên cứu định lượng sẽ làm khi tiến hành “quan sát có hệ thống”. Tương tự như vậy, trong cuộc phỏng vấn, người phỏng vấn sẽ hỏi những câu hỏi mở thay cho những câu hỏi khác mà nó yêu cầu phải trả lời theo một dạng đặc trưng riêng biệt được xác định trước, giống như trong câu hỏi bưu chính. Trên thực tế, những cuộc phỏng vấn định tính thường được thiết kế giống như những cuộc trò chuyện bình thường.

The primary forms of data analysis include verbal description and explanations and involve explicit interpretations of both the meanings and functions of human behaviors. At most, quantification and statistical analysis only play a subordinate role. The sociology of education and evaluation studies were the two areas of educational research where-criticism of quantitative research and the development of qualitative methodologies initially emerged in the most intense way. A series of studies conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert in a boys’ grammar school, a boys’ secondary modern school, and a girls’ grammar school in Britain in the 1960s marked the beginning of the trend towards qualitative research in the sociology of education. Researchers employed an ethnographic or participant observation approach, although they did also collect some quantitative data, for instance on friendship patterns among the students. These researchers observed lessons, interviewed both the teachers and the students, and made the most of school records. They studied the schools for a considerate amount of time and spent plenty of months gathering data and tracking changes over all these years.

Các hình thức phân tích dữ liệu chính bao gồm mô tả và giải thích bằng lời nói và liên quan đến các diễn giải rõ ràng về cả ý nghĩa và chức năng của các hành vi của con người. Cùng lắm là định lượng và phân tích thống kê chỉ đóng vai trò phụ. Xã hội học giáo dục và nghiên cứu đánh giá là hai lĩnh vực nghiên cứu giáo dục mà ở đó sự phê phán nghiên cứu định lượng và sự phát triển của các phương pháp luận định tính ban đầu nổi lên một cách gay gắt nhất. Một loạt các nghiên cứu được tiến hành bởi Lacey, Hargreaves và Lambert tại một trường trung học dành cho nam sinh, một trường trung học hiện đại dành cho nam sinh và một trường trung học dành cho nữ sinh ở Anh vào những năm 1960 đã đánh dấu sự khởi đầu của xu hướng hướng tới nghiên cứu định tính trong xã hội học giáo dục. . Các nhà nghiên cứu đã sử dụng phương pháp quan sát người tham gia hoặc dân tộc học, mặc dù họ cũng thu thập một số dữ liệu định lượng, chẳng hạn như về mô hình tình bạn giữa các sinh viên. Những nhà nghiên cứu này đã quan sát các bài học, phỏng vấn cả giáo viên và học sinh, và tận dụng tối đa hồ sơ của trường. Họ đã nghiên cứu các trường trong một khoảng thời gian đáng kể và dành nhiều tháng để thu thập dữ liệu và theo dõi các thay đổi trong suốt những năm qua.

Questions 28-32

Look at the following statements or descriptions (Questions 28-32) and the list of people below.

Match each statement or description with the correct person or people, A, B, C or D

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.

Lists of People

  • C Donaldson
  • D Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert

28. A wrong answer indicates more of a child’s different perspective than incompetence in reasoning.

29. Logical reasoning involved in the experiment is beyond children’s cognitive development.

30. Children’s reluctance to comply with the game rules or miscommunication may be another explanation.

31. There is evidence of a scientific observation approach to research.

32. There is a flawed detail in experiments on children’s language development.

Questions 33-36

Write your answers in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

33. In Piaget’s experiment, he asked the children to distinguish the amount of ….. in different containers.

34. In response to Mehan’s question, subjects are more inclined to answer with the wrong answer “…..” instead of the correct

35. Some people criticized the result of Piaget experiment, but Donaldson thought the flaw could be rectified by ……

36. Most qualitative research conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert was done in a ….

Questions 37-39

Choose THREE letters, A-F.

Write the correct letters in boxes 37-39 on your answer sheet.

The list below includes characteristics of the ‘qualitative research’.

Which THREE are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

  • A. Coding behavior in terms of a predefined set of categories
  • B. Designing an interview as an easy conversation
  • C. Working will well-organized data in a closed set of analytical categories
  • D. Full of details instead of loads of data in questionnaires
  • E. Asking to given open-ended answers in questionnaires
  • F. Recording the researching situation and applying note-taking

Questions 40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in box 40 on your answer sheet.

40. What is the main idea of the passage?

  • A to prove that quantitative research is most applicable to children’s education
  • B to illustrate the society lacks of deep comprehension of educational approach
  • C to explain the ideas of quantitative research and the characteristics of the related criticisms
  • D to imply qualitative research is a flawless method compared with quantitative one

Question 28:  Keywords: A wrong answer, child’s different perspective than incompetence in reasoning.

Thông tin ở đoạn B: “The score sheet with the wrong answers does not include in it a child’s lack of reasoning capacity; it only records that the children gave a different answer rather than the one the tester expected.” nghĩa là Bảng điểm với những câu trả lời sai không bao hàm trong đó sự thiếu năng lực suy luận của đứa trẻ; nó chỉ ghi lại rằng những đứa trẻ đã đưa ra một câu trả lời khác chứ không phải là câu trả lời mà người kiểm tra mong đợi.

Question 29:  Keywords: Logical reasoning, experiment, beyond children’s cognitive development.

Thông tin ở đoạn A: “Piaget concluded that the children … different shapes, because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase.”, nghĩa là Piaget kết luận rằng những đứa trẻ không có khả năng thực hiện nhiệm vụ logic trong việc tìm ra hai thùng chứa có cùng kích thước mặc dù chúng có hình dạng khác nhau, bởi vì sự phát triển nhận thức của chúng chưa đạt đến giai đoạn cần thiết.

Question 30:  Keywords: Children’s reluctance, comply with the game rules or miscommunication

Thông tin ở đoạn A: “Critics on his work, such as Donaldson,…. experimenter.” nghĩa là Những người chỉ trích tác phẩm của ông, chẳng hạn như Donaldson, đã đặt câu hỏi về cách giải thích này. Họ chỉ ra khả năng là bọn trẻ không muốn chơi trò chơi của người làm thí nghiệm, hoặc chúng không hiểu lắm câu hỏi mà người làm thí nghiệm đặt ra.

ĐÁP ÁN: iii

reluctance to comply with the game rules unwilling to play the experimenter’s game
miscommunication not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter

Question 31:  Keywords: evidence of a scientific observation approach

Thông tin ở đoạn G: “A series of studies conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert … Researchers employed an ethnographic or participant observation approach,” nghĩa là Một loạt các nghiên cứu được tiến hành bởi Lacey, Hargreaves và Lambert… Các nhà nghiên cứu đã sử dụng phương pháp quan sát người tham gia hoặc dân tộc học,

Question 32: Keywords: a flawed detail in experiments, children’s language development.

Thông tin ở đoạn B: “In a language development test, researchers…D, C, and G” nghĩa là Trong một bài kiểm tra phát triển ngôn ngữ, các nhà nghiên cứu cho trẻ xem bức tranh về một pháo đài thời trung cổ, hoàn chỉnh với hào nước, cầu rút, lan can và ba phụ âm đầu trong đó: D, C và G

Question 33: Keywords: Piaget’s experiment, children, distinguish, different containers.

Thông tin ở đoạn A: “one researcher Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to compare the amount of liquid in containers with different shapes.” nghĩa là một nhà nghiên cứu Piaget đã có một thí nghiệm nổi tiếng, trong đó ông yêu cầu bọn trẻ so sánh lượng chất lỏng trong các bình chứa có hình dạng khác nhau.

ĐÁP ÁN: liquid

Question 34: Keywords: Mehan’s question, subjects, inclined to answer, wrong answer 

Thông tin ở đoạn B: “The answer is C, …expected by the experimenter but got to the wrong substantive answer.” nghĩa là Câu trả lời là C, nhưng nhiều em chọn D. Khi được hỏi tên của tòa nhà là gì, các em trả lời là ‘Disneyland’. Họ đã áp dụng dòng lập luận mà người thí nghiệm mong đợi nhưng lại đưa ra câu trả lời sai về nội dung.

ĐÁP ÁN: Disneyland

Question 35: Keywords: criticized the result of Piaget experiment, Donaldson, thought the flaw could be rectified by

Thông tin ở đoạn C: “how valid the measures …. issues, which can be resolved through more rigorous experimentation.” nghĩa là mức độ hiệu lực của các biện pháp là nơi mà các phát hiện của nghiên cứu định lượng thường dựa vào. Một số học giả như Donaldson coi đây là những vấn đề kỹ thuật, có thể được giải quyết thông qua thử nghiệm nghiêm ngặt hơn.

ĐÁP ÁN: rigorous experimentation

Question 36: Keywords: qualitative research, Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert

Thông tin ở đoạn B:  A series of studies conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert … Researchers employed an ethnographic or participant observation approach,” nghĩa là Một loạt các nghiên cứu được tiến hành bởi Lacey, Hargreaves và Lambert tại trường ngữ pháp dành cho nam sinh, trường trung học hiện đại dành cho nam sinh và trường ngữ pháp dành cho nữ sinh ở Anh

ĐÁP ÁN: grammar school

Question 37: Keywords: tropical depression, organize and strengthen, calm central hub , hurricane spins.

Thông tin ở đoạn F: “Qualitative researches …. categories.”. Nghĩa là Các nghiên cứu định tính tập trung chuyên sâu vào việc khám phá bản chất của một số hiện tượng nhất định trong lĩnh vực giáo dục, thay vì đặt ra để kiểm tra các giả thuyết về chúng. Nó cũng có xu hướng xử lý ‘dữ liệu phi cấu trúc’, đề cập đến loại dữ liệu chưa được mã hóa trong quá trình thu thập liên quan đến một tập hợp kín các danh mục phân tích.

Thông tin ở đoạn F: : “qualitative researchers use audio … pre-determined set of categories.” nghĩa là các nhà nghiên cứu định tính sử dụng các thiết bị âm thanh hoặc video để ghi lại những gì xảy ra hoặc viết chi tiết các ghi chú trường kết thúc mở, thay vì mã hóa hành vi liên quan đến một tập hợp các danh mục được xác định trước.

Thông tin ở đoạn F : “interviewers will ask open-ended … qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations.” nghĩa là người phỏng vấn sẽ hỏi những câu hỏi mở thay vì những câu hỏi yêu cầu câu trả lời cụ thể được xác định trước thuộc loại điển hình, như trong bảng câu hỏi gửi qua đường bưu điện. Trên thực tế, các cuộc phỏng vấn định tính thường được thiết kế giống với các cuộc trò chuyện thông thường.


Question 40.   Keywords: Main idea

Sau khi đề cập đến thí nghiệm có phản biện, tác giả đề cập đến đặc điểm của một nghiên cứu định lượng như đã đề cập ở câu 37-39. Sau đó, đoạn văn chỉ ra cụ thể các dạng dữ liệu và các phản biện đang diễn ra. Tóm lại, ý chính của đoạn văn phải là giải thích các ý tưởng của nghiên cứu định lượng và đặc điểm của các phê bình liên quan.

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You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13  which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

Americans today choose among more options in more parts of life than has ever been pos­sible before. To an extent, the opportunity to choose enhances our lives. It is only logical to think that if some choices are good, more is better; people who care about having infinite options will benefit from them, and those who do not can always just ignore the 273 versions of cereal they have never tried. Yet recent research strongly suggests that, psychologically, this assumption is wrong, with 5% lower percentage announcing they are happy. Although some choices are undoubtedly better than none, more is not always better than less.

Recent research offers insight into why many people end up unhappy rather than pleased when their options expand. We began by making a distinction between “maximizers” (those who always aim to make the best possible choice) and “satisficers” (those who aim for “good enough,” whether or not better selections might be out there).

In particular, we composed a set of statements—the Maximization Scale—to diagnose peo­ple’s propensity to maximize. Then we had several thousand people rate themselves from 1 to 7 (from “completely disagree” to “completely agree”) on such statements as “I never settle for second best.” We also evaluated their sense of satisfaction with their decisions. We did not define a sharp cutoff to separate maximizers from satisficers, but in general, we think of individuals whose average scores are higher than 4 (the scale’s midpoint) as maxi- misers and those whose scores are lower than the midpoint as satisficers. People who score highest on the test—the greatest maximizers—engage in more product comparisons than the lowest scorers, both before and after they make purchasing decisions, and they take longer to decide what to buy. When satisficers find an item that meets their standards, they stop looking. But maximizers exert enormous effort reading labels, checking out consumer magazines and trying new products. They also spend more time comparing their purchas­ing decisions with those of others.

We found that the greatest maximizers are the least happy with the fruits of their efforts. When they compare themselves with others, they get little pleasure from finding out that they did better and substantial dissatisfaction from finding out that they did worse. They are more prone to experiencing regret after a purchase, and if their acquisition disappoints them, their sense of well-being takes longer to recover. They also tend to brood or ruminate more than satisficers do.

Does it follow that maximizers are less happy in general than satisficers? We tested this by having people fill out a variety of questionnaires known to be reliable indicators of well­being. As might be expected, individuals with high maximization scores experienced less satisfaction with life and were less happy, less optimistic and more depressed than people with low maximization scores. Indeed, those with extreme maximization ratings had depression scores that placed them in the borderline of clinical range.

Several factors explain why more choice is not always better than less, especially for maxi­misers. High among these are “opportunity costs.” The quality of any given option cannot be assessed in isolation from its alternatives. One of the “costs” of making a selection is losing the opportunities that a different option would have afforded. Thus, an opportunity cost of vacationing on the beach in Cape Cod might be missing the fabulous restaurants in the Napa Valley. Early Decision Making Research by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky showed that people respond much more strongly to losses than gains. If we assume that opportunity costs reduce the overall desirability of the most preferred choice, then the more alternatives there are, the deeper our sense of loss will be and the less satisfaction we will derive from our ultimate decision.

The problem of opportunity costs will be better for a satisficer. The latter’s “good enough” philosophy can survive thoughts about opportunity costs. In addition, the “good enough” standard leads to much less searching and inspection of alternatives than the maximizer’s “best” standard. With fewer choices under consideration, a person will have fewer opportu­nity costs to subtract.

Just as people feel sorrow about the opportunities they have forgone, they may also suffer regret about the option they settled on. My colleagues and I devised a scale to measure proneness to feeling regret, and we found that people with high sensitivity to regret are less happy, less satisfied with life, less optimistic and more depressed than those with low sensitivity. Not surprisingly, we also found that people with high regret sensitivity tend to be maximizers. Indeed, we think that worry over future regret is a major reason that individuals become maximizers. The only way to be sure you will not regret a decision is by making the best possible one. Unfortunately, the more options you have and the more opportunity costs you incur, the more likely you are to experience regret.

In a classic demonstration of the power of sunk costs, people were offered season subscrip­tions to a local theatre company. Some were offered the tickets at full price and others at a discount. Then the researchers simply kept track of how often the ticket purchasers actu­ally attended the plays over the course of the season. Full-price payers were more likely to show up at performances than discount payers. The reason for this, the investigators argued, was that the full-price payers would experience more regret if they did not use the tickets because not using the more costly tickets would constitute a bigger loss. To increase sense of happiness, we can decide to restrict our options when the decision is not crucial. For example, make a rule to visit no more than two stores when shopping for clothing.

Questions 1-4

Look at the following descriptions or deeds (Questions 1-4 ) and the list of catego­ries below. Match each description or deed with the correct category, A-D . Write the correct letter, A-D , in boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet.

A           “maximizers” B           “satisficers” C           neither “maximizers” nor “satisficers” D           both “maximizers” and “satisficers”

1    rated to the Maximization Scale of making choice

2    don’t take much time before making a decision

3    are likely to regret about the choice in the future

4    choose the highest price in the range of purchase

Questions 5-8

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 5-8 on you answer sheet, write

TRUE                  if the statement is true

FALSE                 if the statement is false

NOT GIVEN       if the information is not given in the passage

5    In today’s world, since the society is becoming wealthier, people are happier.

6    In society, there are more maximisers than satisficers.

7    People tend to react more to loses than gains.

8    Females and males acted differently in the study of choice making.

Questions 9-13

Choose the correct letter A , B , C or D . Write the correct letter in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet.

9    The Maximization Scale is aimed to

A  know the happiness when they have more choices.

B  measure how people are likely to feel after making choices.

C  help people make better choices.

D  reduce the time of purchasing.

10    According to the text, what is the result of more choices?

A  People can make choices more easily

B  Maximizers are happier to make choices.

C  Satisficers are quicker to make wise choices.

D  People have more tendency to experience regret.

11    The example of theatre ticket is to suggest that

A  they prefer to use more money when buying tickets.

B  they don’t like to spend more money on theatre.

C  higher-priced things would induce more regret if not used properly

D  full-price payers are real theatre lovers.

12    How to increase the happiness when making a better choice?

A  use less time

B  make more comparisons

C  buy more expensive products

D  limit the number of choices in certain situations

13    What is the best title for Reading Passage 1?

A  Reasoning of Worse Choice Making

B  Making Choices in Today’s World

C  The Influence of More Choices

D  Complexity in Choice Making


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26  which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.  

Eco-Resort Management Practices

Ecotourism is often regarded as a form of nature-based tourism and has become an important alternative source of tourists. In addition to providing the traditional resort-leisure product, it has been argued that ecotourism resort management should have a particular focus on best-practice environmental management. an educational and interpretive component, and direct anil indirect contributions to the conservation of the natural and cultural environment (Ayala. I996).

Conran Cove Island Resort is a large integrated ecotourism-based resort located south of Brisbane on the Gold Coast, Queensland. Australia. As the world’s population becomes increasingly urbanised, the demand for tourist attractions which are environmentally friendly, serene and offer amenities of a unique nature has grown rapidly. Couran Cove Resort, which is one such tourist attractions, is located on South Stradbroke Island, occupying approximately 150 hectares of the island. South Stradbroke Island is separated from die mainland by the Broadwater, a stretch of sea .’ kilometres wide. More than a century ago. there was only one Stradbroke Island, and there were at least four Aboriginal tribes living and limiting on the island. Regrettably, most of the original island dwellers were eventually killed by diseases such as tuberculosis, smallpox and influenza by the end of the 19th century. The second ship wrecked on the island in 1894, and the subsequent destruction of the ship (the Cambus Wallace) because it contained dynamite, caused a large crater in the sandhills on Stradbroke Island. Eventually. the ocean bloke through the weakened land form and Stradbroke became two islands. Conran Cove Island Resort is built on one of the world’s lew naturally -occurring sand lands, which is home to a wide range of plant communities and one of the largest remaining remnants of the rare livistona rainforest left on the Gold Coast. Many mangrove and rainforest areas, and Malaleuca Wetlands on South Stradbroke Island (and in Queensland), have been cleared, drained or filled for residential, industrial, agricultural or urban development in the first half of the 20th century. Farmers and graziers finally abandoned South Stradbroke Island in 1959 because the vegetation and the soil conditions there were not suitable for agricultural activities.


Being located on an offshore island, the resort is only accessible by means of water transport. The resort provides hourly ferry service from the marina on the mainland to and from the island. Within the resort. transport modes include walking trails, bicycle tracks and the beach train. The reception area is the counter of the shop which has not changed for 8 years at least. The accommodation is an octagonal “Bure’’. These are large rooms that are clean but the equipment is tiled and in some cases just working. Our ceiling fan only worked on high speed for example. Beds are hard but clean. There is a television, a radio, an old air conditioner and a small fridge. These “Bures” are right on top of each other and night noises do carry. so he careful what you say and do. The only tiling is the mosquitoes, but if you forget to bring mosquito repellant they sell some oil the island.

As an ecotourism-based resort most of the planning and development of the attraction lias been concentrated on the need lo co-exist with the fragile natural environment of South Stradbroke Island io achieve sustainable development.


South Stradbroke Island has groundwater at the centre of the island, which has a maximum height of 3 metres above sea level. The water supply is recharged by rainfall and is commonly known as an unconfined freshwater aquifer. Couran Cove Island Resort obtains its water supply by tapping into this aquifer and extracting it via a bore system. Some of the problems which have threatened the island’s freshwater supply include pollution, contamination and over-consumption. In order to minimise some of these problems, all laundry activities are carried out on the mainland. The resort considers washing machines as onerous to the island’s freshwater supply, and that the detergents contain a high level of phosphates which are a major source of water pollution. The resort uses LPG-power generation rather than a diesel-powered plant for its energy supply, supplemented by wind turbine, which has reduced greenhouse emissions by 70% of diesel-equivalent generation methods. Excess heat recovered from the generator is used to heat the swimming pool. Hot water in the eco-cabins and for some of the resort’s vehicles are solar-powered. Water efficient fittings are also installed in showers and toilets. However, not all the appliances used by the resort arc energy efficient, such as refrigera­tors. Visitors who stay at the resort are encouraged to monitor their water and energy usage via the in-house television systems, and are rewarded with prizes (such as a free return trip to the resort) accordingly if their usage level is low.


We examined a case study of good management practice and a pro-active sustainable tourism stance of an eco-resort. In three years of operation, Couran Cove Island Resort has won 23 international and national awards, including the 2001 Australian Tourism Award in the 4-Star Accommodation category. The resort has embraced and has effectively implemented contem­porary environmental management practices. It has been argued that the successful implemen­tation of the principles of sustainability should promote long-term social, economic and envi­ronmental benefits, while ensuring and enhancing the prospects of continued viability for the tourism enterprise. Couran Cove Island Resort does not conform to the characteristics of the Resort Development Spectrum, as proposed by Pridcaux (2000). According to Pridcaux. the resort should be at least at Phase 3 of the model (the National tourism phase), which describes an integrated resort providing 3-4 star hotel-type accommodation. The primary tourist market in Phase 3 of the model consists mainly of interstate visitors. However, the number of interstate and international tourists visiting the resort is small, with the principal visitor markets com­prising locals and residents front nearby towns and the Gold Coast region. The carrying capac­ity of Couran Cove docs not seem to be of any concern to the Resort management. Given that it is a private commercial ecotourist enterprise, regulating the number of visitors to the resort to minimise damage done to the natural environment on South Stradbrokc Island is not a binding constraint. However, the Resort’s growth will eventually be constrained by its carrying capac­ity, and quantity control should be incorporated in the management strategy of the resort.

Questions 14-18

Choose the correct letter A , B , C or D . Write the correct letter in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14    The Stradbroke became two islands

A  by an intended destruction of the ship of the Cambus Wallace.

B  by an explosion of dynamite on a ship and following nature erosion.

C  by the movement sandhills on Stradbroke Island.

D  by the volcanic eruption on island.

15    Why are laundry activities for the resort carried out on the mainland?

A  to obtain its water supply via a bore system

B  to preserve the water and anti-pollution

C  to save the cost of installing onerous washing machines

D  to reduce the level of phosphates in water around

16    The major water supplier in South Stradbroke Island is by

A  desalining the sea water.

B  collecting the rainfall.

C  transporting from the mainland.

D  boring ground water.

17    What is applied for heating water on Couran Cove Island Resort?

A  the LPG-power

B  a diesel-powered plant

C  the wind power

D  the solar-power

18    What does, as the managers of resorts believe, the prospective future focus on?

A  more awards for resort’s accommodation

B  sustainable administration and development in a long run

C  economic and environmental benefits for the tourism enterprise

D  successful implementation of the Resort Development Spectrum

Questions 19-23

Complete the summary below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet.  

Being located away from the mainland, tourists can attain the resort only by 19 ………………….  in a regular service provided by the resort itself. Within the resort, transports include trails for walking or tracks for both 20 …………………….. and the beach train. The on-island equipment is old-fashioned which is barely working such as the 21 …………………… overhead. There is elevision, radio, an old 22 …………………….. and a small fridge. And you can buy the repellent for 23 …………………..  if you forget to bring some.

Questions 24-26

Choose THREE letters, A-E . Write the correct letters in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet.

Which THREE of the following statements are true as to the contemporary situation of Couran Cove Island Resort in the last paragraph?

A   Couran Cove Island Resort goes for more eco-friendly practices.

B   The accommodation standard only conforms to the Resort Development Spectrum of Phase 3.

C   Couran Cove Island Resort should raise the accommodation standard and build more facilities.

D   The principal group visiting the resort is international tourists.

E   Its carrying capacity will restrict the future businesses’ expansion.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40 which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

Theory or Practice?

—what is the point of research carried out by biz schools.

Students go to universities and other academic institutions to prepare for their future. We pay tuition and struggle through classes in the hopes that we can find a fulfilling and exciting career. But the choice of your university has a large influence on your future. How can you know which university will prepare you the best for your future? Like other academic institutions, busi­ness schools are judged by the quality of the research carried out by their faculties. Professors must both teach students and also produce original research in their own field. The quality of this research is assessed by academic publications. At the same time, universities have another responsibility to equip their students for the real world, however that is defined. Most students learning from professors will not go into academics themselves—so how do academics best prepare them for their future careers, whatever that may be? Whether academic research actually produces anything that is useful to the practice of business, or even whether it is its job to do so, are questions that can provoke vigorous arguments on campus.

The debate, which first flared during the 1950s, was reignited in August, when AACSB Interna­tional. the most widely recognised global accrediting agency for business schools, announced it would consider changing the way it evaluates research. The news followed rather damning criti­cism in 2002 from Jeffrey Pfefler. a Stanford professor, and Christina Fong of Washington Uni­versity, which questioned whether business education in its current guise was sustainable. The study found that traditional modes of academia were not adequately preparing students for the kind of careers they faced in current times. The most controversial recommendation in AACSB’s draft report (which was sent round to administrators for their comment) is that the schools should be required to demonstrate the value of their faculties’ research not simply by listing its citations in journals, but by demonstrating the impact it has in the professional world. New qualifiers, such as average incomes, student placement in top firms and business collaborations would now be considered just as important as academic publications.

AACSB justifies its stance by saying that it wants schools and faculty to play to their strengths, whether they be in pedagogy, in the research of practical applications, or in scholarly endeavor. Traditionally, universities operate in a pyramid structure. Everyone enters and stays in an attempt to be successful in their academic field. A psychology professor must publish competi­tive research in the top neuroscience journals. A Cultural Studies professor must send graduate students on new field research expeditions to be taken seriously. This research is the core of a university’s output. And research of any kind is expensive—AACSB points out that business schools in America alone spend more than $320m a year on it. So it seems legitimate to ask for,’what purpose it is undertaken?

If a school chose to specialise in professional outputs rather than academic outputs, it could use such a large sum of money and redirect it into more fruitful programs. For example, if a business school wanted a larger presence of employees at top financial firms, this money may be better spent on a career center which focuses on building the skills of students, rather than paying for more high-level research to be done through the effort of faculty. A change in evaluation could also open the door to inviting more professionals from different fields to teach as adjuncts. Stu­dents could take accredited courses from people who are currently working in their dream field. The AACSB insists that universities answer the question as to why research is the most critical component of traditional education.

On one level, the question is simple to answer. Research in business schools, as anywhere else, is about expanding the boundaries of knowledge; it thrives on answering unasked questions. Surely this pursuit of knowledge is still important to the university system. Our society progresses because we learn how to do things in new ways, a process which depends heavily on research and academics. But one cannot ignore the other obvious practical uses of research publications. Research is also about cementing schools’ and professors’ reputations. Schools gain kudos from their faculties’ record of publication: which journals publish them, and how often. In some cases, such as with government-funded schools in Britain, it can affect how much money they receive. For professors, the mantra is often “publish or perish”. Their careers depend on being seen in the right journals.

But at a certain point, one has to wonder whether this research is being done for the benefit of the university or for the students the university aims to teach. Greater publications will attract greater funding, which will in turn be spent on better publications. Students seeking to enter pro­fessions out of academia find this cycle frustrating, and often see their professors as being part of the “Ivory Tower” of academia, operating in a self-contained community that has little influ­ence on the outside world.

The research is almost universally unread by real-world managers. Part of the trouble is that the journals labour under a similar ethos. They publish more than 20,000 articles each year. Most of the research is highly quantitative, hypothesis-driven and esoteric. As a result, it is almost univer­sally unread by real-world managers. Much of the research criticises other published research. A paper in a 2006 issue of Strategy & Leadership commented that “research is not designed with managers’ needs in mind, nor is it communicated in the journals they read. For the most part, it has become a self-referential closed system irrelevant to corporate performance.” The AACSB demands that this segregation must change for the future of higher education. If students must invest thousands of dollars for an education as part of their career path, the academics which serve the students should be more fully incorporated into the professional world. This means that uni­versities must focus on other strengths outside of research, such as professional networks, tech­nology skills, and connections with top business firms around the world. Though many universi­ties resisted the report, today’s world continues to change. The universities which prepare students for our changing future have little choice but to change with new trends and new standards.

Questions 27-29

Choose the correct letter  A , B , C or D . Write the correct letter in boxes 27-29 on your answer sheet.

27    In the second paragraph, the recommendation given by AACSB is

A  to focus on listing research paper’s citation only.

B  to consider the quantity of academic publications.

C  to evaluate how the paper influences the field.

D  to maintain the traditional modes of academia.

28    Why does AACSB put forward the recommendation?

A  to give full play to the faculties’ advantage.

B  to reinforce the play to the pyramid structure of universities.

C  to push professors to publish competitive papers.

D  to reduce costs of research in universities.

29    Why does the author mention the Journal Strategy & Leadership?

A  to characterize research as irrelevant to company performance

B  to suggest that managers don’t read research papers.

C  to describe students’ expectation for universities.

D  to exemplify high-quality research papers.

Questions 30-31

Choose TWO letters, A-E . Write the correct letters in boxes 30-31 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO choices are in line with Jeffrey Pfeffer and Christina Fong’s idea?

A  Students should pay less to attend universities.

B  Business education is not doing their job well.

C  Professors should not focus on writing papers.

D  Students are ill-prepared for their career from universities.

E   Recognized accrediting agency can evaluate research well.

Questions 32-36

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3? In boxes 32-36 on you answer sheet, write

32    The debate about the usefulness of academic research for business practices is a recent one.

33    AACSB’s draft report was not reviewed externally.

34    Business schools in the US spend more than 320 million dollars yearly on research.

35    Many universities pursue professional outputs.

36    Greater publications benefit professors and students as well.

Questions 37-40

Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-E , below. Write the correct letter, A-E , in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.

A           it progresses as we learn innovative ways of doing things. B           the trends and standards are changing. C           their jobs depend on it. D           they care about their school rankings and government funds. E           it helps students to go into top business firms.

37    Most professors support academic research because

38    Schools support academic research because

39    Our society needs academic research because

40    Universities resisting the AACSB should change because

Reading Test 11

Reading test 13, answer reading test 12.



20. bicycle

21. ceiling fan

22. air conditioner

23. mosquitoes


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IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge 11 Test 4; Reading passage 1: Research using twins; with best solutions and explanations

This IELTS Reading post focuses on the best solutions and detailed explanations of IELTS Cambridge 11 Reading Test 4 Passage 1. The title of the passage is Research using twins. This post aims at those IELTS candidates who have major difficulties in locating and selecting Reading Answers. This post can be the best channel for you to understand every Reading answer easily and without trouble because all the answers have easy and clear explanations. Finding IELTS Reading answers is a step-by-step process and I hope this post can help you in this respect.

IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge 11 Test 4; Reading passage 1: Research using twins; with best solutions and explanations

Reading Passage 1 :

The headline of the passage: research using twins.

Questions 1-4:            (TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN):

[In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether:

The statement in the question matches with the account in the text- TRUE The statement in the question contradicts the account in the text- FALSE The statement in the question has no clear connection with the account in the text- NOT GIVEN

For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]

Question 1: There may be genetic causes for the differences in how young the skin of identical twins looks.

Keywords for the question: may be, genetic cause, differences, young, skin,

The answer can be found in lines 8-11 of the first paragraph. Here, the writer says, “Any differences between them – one twin having younger looking skin , for example – must be due to environmental factors such as less time spent in the sun.” It means the differences are because of the environment, not for genetic causes.

So, the answer is: FALSE

Question 2: Twins are at greater risk of developing certain illnesses than non-twins.

Keywords for the question: greater risk, developing certain illnesses,

Many of you might think the answer is in the second paragraph because of these lines, “If identical twins are more similar to each other with respect to an ailment than fraternal twins are, then vulnerability to the disease must be rooted at least in part in heredity. Unfortunately, the sentence starts with ‘if’, which means the writer only compares identical twins with fraternal twins, he doesn’t make a comparison between twins and non-twins.

So, the answer is: NOT GIVEN                    

Question 3: Bouchard advertised in newspapers for twins who had been separated at birth.

Keywords for the question: Bouchard, advertised, newspapers,

In paragraph no. 3 and 4, we find reference to the groundbreaking research on twins. However, nowhere in the paragraph we find any reference to advertisement in newspapers.

Question 4: Epigenetic processes are different from both genetic and environmental processes.

Keywords for the question: Epigenetic, different from, genetic and environmental,

In paragraph no. 6, the writer mentions, “… .. .nature and nurture are not the only elemental forces at work. According to a recent field called  epigenetics , there is a third factor also in play, one that in some cases serves as a bridge between the environment and our genes.” In the previous paragraphs, genetic and environmental processes (nature and nurture) have been explained. Now, in paragraph 6 this line means that the epigenetic process works as a bridge between those two processes. It means it is neither a genetic process nor an environmental process.

So , the answer is: TRUE       

Questions 5-9: (Matching statements with a list of researchers)

[In this kind of questions, the candidates have to match the statements which are stated by different researchers given in the list.]

Question 5: invented a term used to distinguish two factors affecting human characteristics

Keywords for the question: invented a term, distinguish, characteristics

It is quite easy to find this answer because there is a trick that works here perfectly.

Special Tips:

The phrase “invented a term” is synonymous to ‘coined the phrase’. It means saying something special that no one used this way before. Remember the saying, “ Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee ” by the greatest boxer Mohammad Ali. He coined the phrase. 🙂

So, for this question, we need to find ‘coined the phrase’ and we find it in paragraph no. 4. Here, the writer says, “The idea of using twins to measure the influence of heredity dates back to 1875, when the English scientist Francis Galton first suggested the approach (and coined the phrase ‘nature and nurture’.)”

So, the answer is: A (Francis Galton)

Question 6: expressed the view that the study of epigenetics will increase our knowledge

Keywords for the question: study of epigenetics, will increase, knowledge

The answer can be found at the end of paragraph 12 lines 1-3. Here, we find the comments or views of Geneticist Danielle Reed. “Reed adds, the latest work in epigenetics promises to take our understanding even further”. This means that Reed is hopeful that the study of epigenetics will give us a better understanding or knowledge.

So, the answer is: C (Danielle Reed)     

Question 7: developed a mathematical method of measuring genetic influences.

Keywords for the question: developed, mathematical method, measuring genetic influences

In paragraph 5, the author mentions, “Bouchard and his colleagues used this mountain of data to identify how far twins were affected by their genetic makeup. The key to their approach was a statistical concept called heritability. In broad terms, the heritability of a trait measures the extent to which differences among members of a population can be explained by differences in their genetics”.

Here, statistical concept = mathematical method

So, the answer is: B (Thomas Bouchard)

Question 8: pioneered research into genetics using twins

Keywords for the question: pioneered, research, genetics, twins

Answer to this question can be found in paragraph no. 4 lines 1-4, “The idea of using twins to measure the influence of heredity dates back to 1875, when the English scientist Francis Galton first suggested the approach. .. . . .”. Here, the phrase “ first suggested” means that Francis Galton was the first person or the pioneer to use twins to measure the influence of heredity.

Question 9: carried out research into twins who had lived apart

Keywords for the question: carried out, research, twins who had lived apart,  

To find the answer to this question, we need to locate the key phrase ‘ twins who had lived apart’ which can be found in paragraph no. 4. Here, the writer says in lines 6-10, “… .. twin studies took a surprising twist in the 1980s, with the arrival of studies into identical twins who had been separated at birth and reunited as adults. Over two decades 137 sets of twins eventually visited Thomas Bouchard’s lab….”

Question 10 -13:  (Summary completion using the list of words)

(In this kind of question candidates are given a summary for one, two, or three paragraphs with some fill-in-the-blanks questions. As these are fill-in-the-blanks or gaps, there is a condition of writing ONE, TWO, or THREE words for each answer or, for this kind of question, choose words from a given list. Candidates need to find out the related paragraphs by correctly studying the keywords from the questions. Then, they should follow the steps of finding answers to fill in the gaps.)

Question 10 and 11: In epigenetic processes, 10 __________ influence the activity of our genes, for example in creating our internal 11 ____________.

Keywords for the question: epigenetic process, influence, activity of our genes, creating, our internal,

The answer lies in paragraph 7. You need to read the whole paragraph. First, the writer says, in line 1 and 2, what epigenetic processes are. “Epigenetic processes are chemical reactions .. .. . ..” Then in the last few lines of the paragraph, the writer explains what these chemical reactions influence, “These reactions influence how our genetic code is expressed: how each gene is strengthened or weakened; even turned on or off, to build our bones, brains and all other parts of our bodies .”

So, it can be deduced or realized from these lines that ‘chemical’ reactions influence how our internal body parts are created such as ‘ our bones, brains’ etc.

So, the answers are:

  • D (chemicals)

Question 12 : The study of epigenetic processes is uncovering a way in which our genes can be affected by our  ________.

Keywords for the question: uncovering a way, our genes can be affected,   

In paragraph 9, the writer mentions in lines 1-5, “One way the study of epigenetics is revolutionizing our understanding of biology is by revealing a mechanism by which the environment directly impacts our genes.”

Here, the word ‘impact’ is synonymous to ‘affected’, ‘revealing’ is synonymous to ‘uncovering a way’.

So the answer is: E (environment)

Question 13: One example is that if a pregnant rat suffers stress, the new-born rat may show problems in its ____________.

Keywords for the question: pregnant rat, suffers stress,

The answer to this question can also be found in  paragraph  9, where the  writer  says  in lines 5-9, “Studies  of  animals,  for  example,  have  shown  that  when  a  rat   experiences  stress  during   pregnancy ,  it  can  cause  epigenetic  changes  in  a  fetus  that  lead  to  behavioral  problems as the rodent grows up.”

So the answer is: F (behavior/ behavior)

If this post helps you, please leave a comment and let me know how I can help you in a better way. You can always reach me at [email protected] .

Click here for all the solutions to Cambridge 11 Test 4 Reading Passage 2

Click here for all the solutions to Cambridge 11 Test 4 Reading Passage 3


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IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 6

IELTS Recent Mock Tests Volume 6

  • Published on: 15 Nov 2018
  • Tests taken: 3,401,664

Answer Keys:

Part 1: Question 1 - 13

  • 6 (a) clerk
  • 7 front lobby
  • 9 stockroom
  • 10 customers

Part 2: Question 14 - 27

  • 19 NOT GIVEN
  • 24 the 1960s
  • 25 Tanzania
  • 26 close observation
  • 27 cultural origin

Part 3: Question 28 - 40

  • 34 Disneyland
  • 35 rigorous experimentation
  • 36 grammar school
  • 37 39 B,E,F

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Ragnee Mantripragada 9.015:24
kamaldeep singh kohli 9.015:27
Nil Nguyen 9.015:29
4 JEAN TAN 9.015:41
5 Naveen Kumar 9.015:49
6 Princess Syrah Jolangcob 9.015:53
7 saiteja velisala 9.015:59
8 Manas ranjan Chhotaray 9.016:05
9 Ekaterina Soboleva 9.016:24
10 Saskia Putri Sukmana 9.016:35

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Review & Explanations:

Questions 1-5

Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs, A-F.

Which paragraph contains the following information?

Write the correct letter, A-F , in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1 A B C D E F     layout of Clarence Saunders’ store

2 A B C D E F     a reference to a reduction by chain stores in labour costs

3 A B C D E F     how Clarence Saunders’ idea had been carried out

4 A B C D E F     how people used to shop before Clarence Saunders’ stores opened

5 A B C D E F     a description of economic success brought by Clarence Saunders’s stores

layout of Clarence Saunders’ store

his newly designed grocery store, he divided the store into three different areas: ‘A front lobby’ served as an entrance, an exit, as well as the checkouts at the front. ‘A sales department’ was deliberately designed to allow customers to wander around the aisle and select their needed groceries. 



a reference to a reduction by chain stores in labour costs

labour is a major expense


:  how Clarence Saunders’ idea had been carried out

put his perspective into practice, that is, to establish a grocery wholesale cooperative. In his newly designed grocery store, he divided the store into three different areas

C should be the answer for this question.

: how people used to shop before Clarence Saunders’ stores opened

the customers would ask help from the people behind the counters (called clerks) for the items they liked, and then the clerks would wrap the items up


: a description of economic success brought by Clarence Saunders’s stores

opened nine branches in Memphis. Meanwhile, Saunders immediately applied a patent for the self-service concept and began franchising Piggly Wiggly stores. Thanks to the employment of self-service and franchising, the number of Piggly Wiggly had increased to nearly 1,300 by 1923. Piggly Wiggly sold $100 million (worth $1.3 billion today) in groceries, which made it the third-biggest grocery retailer in the nation. 

F contains the information.

Questions 6-10

Complete the sentences below.

Choose  NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet.

Clarence Saunders’ first job was as 6  in a grocery store.

In Clarence Saunders’ store, people should pay for goods in the 7

Customers would be under surveillance when shopping in the 8

Another area in his store was called ' 9 ’, which was only accessible to the internal staff.

In Clarence Saunders’ shopping design, much work was done by the  10 .

:  Clarence Saunders’ first job was as ________ in a grocery store.

work first as a clerk in a grocery store

B. According last sentences of the paragraph, he left school to work first as a clerk in a grocery store. In other words, Saunders’ first job was as (a) clerk in a grocery store. Thus, the answer must be “(a) clerk”.

: In Clarence Saunders’ store, people should pay for goods in the

A front lobby’ served as an entrance, an exit, as well as the checkouts at the front

C. as mentioned before, this paragraph refers to the layout of his store, then it must contain the information about the payment. After scanning, we find out that ‘a font lobby’ served as the checkouts. In other words, people should pay for goods at a front lobby. Hence, the answer must be “front lobby”.

: Customers would be under surveillance when shopping in the

monitor the customers without disturbing them.

Customers would be under surveillance when shopping in the gallery”.

: Another area in his store was called ‘________’, which was only accessible to the internal staff.

another section of his grocery store only for the staff to enter.

C, we can locate the information needed. According to the collected information, stockroom is another section of Saunders’ grocery store only for the staff to enter. In other words, stockroom was only accessible to the internal staff. Thus, we can conclude that the answer must be “stockroom”.

In Clarence Saunders’ shopping design, much work was done by the ________

was optimistic for the improvement. 


Questions 11-13

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D ,

Write the correct letter in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.

Why did Clarence Saunders want to propel the improvement of grocery stores at his age?

  • A He wanted to transfer business to retailing.
  • B He thought it was profitable.
  • C He thought this could enable customers’ life to be more convenient.
  • D He wanted to create a new shop by himself.

: Why did Clarence Saunders want to propel the improvement of grocery stores at his age?

proposed an unprecedented solution—let the consumers do self-service in the process of shopping—which might bring a thorough revolution to the whole industry.

B. Accordingly, Saunders proposed an solution which is letting the consumers do self-service in the process of shopping after he noticed that the inconvenient shopping mode at that time could lead to tremendous consumption of time and money. From that point, we can figure out that Saunders want to propel the improvement of grocery stores at his age because he thought this could enable customers’ life to be more convenient. Therefore, the answer for this question must be C.

The Piggly Wiggly store was

  • A. located in Virginia.
  • B mainly featured self-service.
  • C initially very unpopular with customers.
  • D developed with a pessimistic future.

: The Piggly Wiggly store was

located in Virginia


self-service revolution in the USA by opening the first Piggly Wiggly featured by the turnstile at the entrance store at 79 Jefferson Street in Memphis, Tennessee.


Today, the main thing associated with Clarence Saunders is that

  • A a fully automatic store system opened soon near his first store.
  • B his Piggly Wiggly store was very popular at that time.
  • C his name was usually connected with Piggly Wiggly stores.
  • D his name was printed together with that of his famous store.

: Today, the main thing associated with Clarence Saunders is that

abundant legacies mainly symbolised by Piggly Wiggly, the pattern of which spread extensively and lasted permanently.


Questions 14-18

Reading Passage 2 has eleven paragraphs, A-K.

Write the correct letter, A-K , in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.

14 A B C D E F G H I J K     an approach to research on chimpanzees' culture that is only based on official sources

15 A B C D E F G H I J K     mention of a new system designed by two scientists who aim to solve the problem

16 A B C D E F G H I J K     reasons why previous research on ape culture is problematic

17 A B C D E F G H I J K     new classification of data observed or collected

18 A B C D E F G H I J K     an example showing that the cultural traits of chimpanzees can lead to a change in local people’s attitude towards their preservation

: an approach to research on chimpanzees' culture that is only based on official sources

attempts to document cultural diversity among chimpanzees have solely relied upon officially published accounts of the behaviours reported at each research site.

H contains the information.

: mention of a new system designed by two scientists who aim to solve the problem

tackle these problems, my colleague and I determined to take a new approach. We asked field researchers at each site to list all the behaviours which they suspected were local traditions.


:  reasons why previous research on ape culture is problematic

this approach probably neglects a good deal of cultural variation for three reasons… First, scientists normally don’t publish an extensive list of all the activities they do not see at a particular location…

Q14, we can figure out the answer for this question. It is said that the approach in Q14 probably neglects a good deal of cultural variation for three reasons. As entering the next paragraph, the author lists these three reasons so that the information in this question must be contained in the next paragraph. For that reason, we can conclude that I is the answer.

:  new classification of data observed or collected

classified each behaviour regarding its occurrence or absence in the chimpanzee community. 

K. Thus, the answer must be K.

: an example showing that the cultural traits of chimpanzees can lead to a change in local people’s attitude towards their preservation

, the conservation efforts have already altered the attitudes of some local people. After several organisations showed videotapes illustrating the cognitive prowess of chimpanzees, one Zairian viewer was heard to exclaim, ‘Ah, this ape is so like me, I can no longer eat him.’


Questions 19-23

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?

In boxes 19-23 on your answer sheet, write

TRUEif the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVENIf there is no information on this

19 TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN     The research found that scientists can make chimpanzees possess the same complex culture as human beings.

20 TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN     Humans and apes lived together long time ago and shared most of their genetic substance.

21 TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN     Even Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall’s beginning studies observed many surprising features of civilised behaviours among chimpanzees.

22 TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN     Chimpanzees, like humans, have the ability to deliver cultural behaviours mostly from genetic inheritance.

23 TRUE FALSE NOT GIVEN     For decades, researchers have investigated chimpanzees by data obtained from both unobserved and observed approaches.

: The research found that scientists can make chimpanzees possess the same complex culture as human beings.



: Humans and apes lived together long time ago and shared most of their genetic substance.

Homo sapiens and Pan Troglodytes have coexisted for hundreds of millennia and their genetic similarities surpass 98 per cent, we still knew next to nothing about chimpanzee behaviour in the wild until 40 years ago.


: Even Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall’s beginning studies observed many surprising features of civilised behaviours among chimpanzees.

witnessed a variety of unexpected behaviours, ranging from fashioning and using tools, hunting, meat eating, food sharing to lethal fights between members of neighbouring communities.


: Chimpanzees, like humans, have the ability to deliver cultural behaviours mostly from genetic inheritance.

do not have myths and legends, but they do share the capacity to pass on behavioural traits from one generation to another, not through their genes but via learning.


: For decades, researchers have investigated chimpanzees by data obtained from both unobserved and observed approaches.

solely relied upon officially published accounts of the behaviours reported at each research site.

Q14, the researcher mostly based on official sources. In other words, they have investigated chimpanzees only by data obtained from observed approaches. Thus, the information is FALSE.

Questions 24-27

Answer the questions below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 24-27 on your answer sheet.

When did the unexpected discoveries of chimpanzee behaviour start?

Which country is the researching site of Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall?

What did the chimpanzee have to get used to in the initial study?

What term did Jane Goodall suggest to describe chimpanzees in different regions using different tools in 1973?

: When did the unexpected discoveries of chimpanzee behaviour start?

chimpanzees became more and more accustomed to close observation, the remarkable discoveries emerged. Researchers witnessed a variety of unexpected behaviours…

(in the) 1960s”.

: Which country is the researching site of Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall?

launched their studies of wild chimpanzees at two field sites in Tanzania.


: What did the chimpanzee have to get used to in the initial study?

primary studies, as the chimpanzees became more and more accustomed to close observation, the remarkable discoveries emerged.

close observation”.

: What term did Jane Goodall suggest to describe chimpanzees in different regions using different tools in 1973?

1973, 13 forms of tool use and 8 social activities which appeared to differ between the Gombe chimpanzees and chimpanzee species elsewhere were recorded by Goodall. She speculated that some variations shared what she referred to as a ‘cultural origin’

cultural origin”.

Questions 28-32

Look at the following statements or descriptions (Questions 28-32 ) and the list of people below.

Match each statement or description with the correct person or people, A, B, C or D

Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D , in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.

Lists of People
DLacey, Hargreaves and Lambert

28 A B C D     A wrong answer indicates more of a child’s different perspective than incompetence in reasoning.

29 A B C D     Logical reasoning involving in the experiment is beyond children’s cognitive development.

30 A B C D     Children’s reluctance to comply with the game rules or miscommunication may be another explanation.

31 A B C D     There is evidence of a scientific observation approach to research.

32 A B C D     There is a flawed detail in experiments on children's language development.

wrong answer indicates more of a child’s different perspective than incompetence in reasoning.

wrong answers does not include in it a child’s lack of reasoning capacity; it only records that the children gave a different answer rather than the one the tester expected.


involving in the experiment is beyond children’s cognitive development.

logical task in figuring out that the two containers were the same size even though they had different shapes, because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase.


reluctance to comply with the game rules or miscommunication may be another explanation.

unwilling to play the experimenter’s game, or that they did not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter


There is evidence of a scientific observation approach to research.

ethnographic or participant observation approach,


There is a flawed detail in experiments on children's language development.

a language development test, researchers show children a picture of a medieval fortress, complete with moat, drawbridge, parapets and three initial consonants in it: D, C, and G


Questions 33-36

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

In Piaget’s experiment, he asked the children to distinguish the amount of  33 in different containers.

In response to Mehan’s question, subjects are more inclined to answer with the wrong answer '‘ 34 ’' instead of the correct answer C.

Some people criticised the result of Piaget experiment, but Donaldson thought the flaw could be rectified by 35

Most qualitative research conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert was done in a 36

Piaget’s experiment, he asked the children to distinguish the amount of _________ in different containers.

Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to compare the amount of liquid in containers with different shapes. 


In response to Mehan’s question, subjects are more inclined to answer with the wrong answer instead of the correct answer C.

responded ‘Disneyland’. They adopted the reasoning line expected by the experimenter but got to the wrong substantive answer.


Donaldson thought the flaw could be rectified by ________

Donaldson consider these as technical issues, which can be resolved through more rigorous experimentation.

rigorous experimentation”.

Most qualitative research conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert was done in a

Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert in a boys’ grammar school, a boys’ secondary modern school, and a girls’ grammar school in Britain

grammar school”.

Questions 37-39

Choose THREE letters, A-F.

Write the correct letters in boxes 37-39 on your answer sheet.

The list below includes characteristics of the ‘qualitative research’.

Which THREE are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

  • A Coding behaviour in terms of a predefined set of categories
  • B Designing an interview as an easy conversation
  • C Working with well-organised data in a closed set of analytical categories
  • D Full of details instead of loads of data in questionnaires
  • E Asking to give open-ended answers in questionnaires
  • F Recording the researching situation and applying note-taking

: Which THREE are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

Coding behaviour in terms of a predefined set of categories

Designing an interview as an easy conversation

Working with well-organised data in a closed set of analytical categories

Full of details instead of loads of data in questionnaires

Asking to give open-ended answers in questionnaires

 Recording the researching situation and applying note-taking

record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes, instead of coding behaviour concerning a predetermined set of categories

will ask open-ended questions… Actually, qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations.

Q37-39 must be B, E, F (in any order)

Question 40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.

Write the correct letter in box 40 on your answer sheet.

What is the main idea of the passage?

  • A to prove that quantitative research is most applicable to children’s education
  • B to illustrate the society lacks of deep comprehension of educational approach
  • C to explain the ideas of quantitative research and the characteristics of the related criticisms
  • D to imply qualitative research is a flawless method compared with quantitative one

: What is the main idea of the passage?

to prove that quantitative research is most applicable to children’s education

to illustrate the society lacks of deep comprehension of educational approach

to explain the ideas of quantitative research and the characteristics of the related criticisms

to imply qualitative research is a flawless method compared with quantitative one

questions regarding the assumption in the logic of quantitative educational research … Such criticisms of quantitative educational research have also inspired more and more educational researchers to adopt qualitative methodologies… Qualitative researches have an intensive focus on exploring the nature of certain phenomena in the field of education, …



You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 , which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.

quantitative research in education ielts reading answers with location

The Innovation of Grocery Stores

A. At the very beginning of the 20th century, the American grocery stores offered comprehensive services: the customers would ask help from the people behind the counters (called clerks ) for the items they liked, and then the clerks would wrap the items up. For the purpose of saving time, customers had to ask delivery boys or go in person to send the lists of what they intended to buy to the stores in advance and then went to pay for the goods later. Generally speaking, these grocery stores sold only one brand for each item. Such early chain stores as A&P stores, although containing full services, were very time-consuming and inefficient for the purchase.

B. Born in Virginia, Clarence Saunders left school at the age of 14 in 1895 to work first as a clerk in a grocery store. During his working in the store, he found that it was very inefficient for people to buy things there. Without the assistance of computers at that time, shopping was performed in a quite backward way. Having noticed that this inconvenient shopping mode could lead to tremendous consumption of time and money, Saunders, with great enthusiasm and innovation, proposed an unprecedented solution—let the consumers do self-service in the process of shopping—which might bring a thorough revolution to the whole industry.

C. In 1902, Saunders moved to Memphis to put his perspective into practice, that is, to establish a grocery wholesale cooperative. In his newly designed grocery store, he divided the store into three different areas: A 'front lobby ’ served as an entrance, an exit, and included checkouts at the front. ‘A sales department’ was deliberately designed to allow customers to wander around the aisle and select their needed groceries. In this way, the clerks would not do the unnecessary work but arrange more delicate aisle and shelves to display the goods and enable the customers to browse through all the items. In the gallery above the sales department, supervisors can monitor the customers without disturbing them. ‘ Stockroom ’, where large fridges were placed to maintain fresh products, is another section of his grocery store only for the staff to enter. Also, this new shopping design and layout could accommodate more customers to go shopping simultaneously and even lead to some unimaginable phenomena: impulse buying and later supermarket.

D. On September 6, 1916, Saunders performed the self-service revolution in the USA by opening the first Piggly Wiggly featured by the turnstile at the entrance store at 79 Jefferson Street in Memphis, Tennessee. Quite distinct from those in other grocery stores, customers in Piggly Wiggly chose the goods on the shelves and paid the items all by themselves. Inside the Piggly Wiggly, shoppers were not at the mercy of staff. They were free to roam the store, check out the products and get what they needed by their own hands. There, the items were clearly priced, and no one forced customers to buy the things they did not need. As a matter of fact, the biggest benefit that the Piggly Wiggly brought to customers was the money-saving effect. Self-service was optimistic for the improvement. ‘It is good for both the consumer and retailer because it cuts costs,’ noted George T. Haley, a professor at the University of New Haven and director of the Centre for International Industry Competitiveness, ‘ if you look at the way in which grocery stores (previous to Piggly Wiggly and Alpha Beta) were operated, what you can find is that there are a great number of workers involved, and labour is a major expense .’ Fortunately, the chain stores such as Piggly Wiggly cut the fat.

E. Piggly Wiggly and this kind of self-service stores soared at that time. In the first year, Saunders opened nine branches in Memphis. Meanwhile, Saunders immediately applied a patent for the self-service concept and began franchising Piggly Wiggly stores. Thanks to the employment of self-service and franchising, the number of Piggly Wiggly had increased to nearly 1,300 by 1923. Piggly Wiggly sold $100 million (worth $1.3 billion today) in groceries, which made it the third-biggest grocery retailer in the nation . After that, this chain store experienced company listing on the New York Stock Exchange, with the stocks doubling from late 1922 to March 1923. Saunders contributed significantly to the perfect design and layout of grocery stores. In order to keep the flow rate smooth, Saunders even invented the turnstile to replace the common entrance mode.

F. Clarence Saunders died in 1953, leaving abundant legacies mainly symbolised by Piggly Wiggly, the pattern of which spread extensively and lasted permanently.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-27 , which are based on Reading Passage 2 below.

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The Study of Chimpanzee Culture

A After studying the similarities between chimpanzees and humans for years, researchers have recognised these resemblances run much deeper than anyone first thought in the latest decade. For instance, the nut cracking observed in the Tai Forest is not a simple chimpanzee behaviour, but a separate adaptation found only in that particular part of Africa, as well as a trait which is considered to be an expression of chimpanzee culture by biologists. These researchers frequently quote the word ‘culture’ to describe elementary animal behaviours, like the regional dialects of different species of songbirds, but it turns out that the rich and varied cultural traditions chimpanzees enjoyed rank secondly in complexity only to human traditions.

B During the past two years, the major research group which studies chimpanzees collaborated unprecedentedly and documented some distinct cultural patterns, ranging from animals’ use of tools to their forms of communication and social customs. This emerging picture of chimpanzees affects how human beings ponder upon these amazing creatures. Also, it alters our conception of human uniqueness and shows us the extraordinary ability of our ancient ancestors to create cultures.

C Although we know that Homo sapiens and Pan Troglodytes have coexisted for hundreds of millennia and their genetic similarities surpass 98 per cent, we still knew next to nothing about chimpanzee behaviour in the wild until 40 years ago. All this began to change in the 1960s when Toshisada Nishida of Kyoto University in Japan and renowned British primatologist Jane Goodall launched their studies of wild chimpanzees at two field sites in Tanzania . (Goodall’s research station at Gombe—the first of its kind—is more famous, but Nishida’s site at Mahale is the second oldest chimpanzee research site in the world.)

D During these primary studies, as the chimpanzees became more and more accustomed to close observation , the remarkable discoveries emerged. Researchers witnessed a variety of unexpected behaviours, ranging from fashioning and using tools, hunting, meat eating, food sharing to lethal fights between members of neighbouring communities.

E In 1973, 13 forms of tool use and 8 social activities which appeared to differ between the Gombe chimpanzees and chimpanzee species elsewhere were recorded by Goodall. She speculated that some variations shared what she referred to as a ‘ cultural origin ’. But what exactly did Goodall mean by ‘culture’? According to the Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary, culture is defined as ‘the customs. . .and achievements of a particular time or people.’ The diversity of human cultures extends from technological variations to marriage rituals, from culinary habits to myths and legends. Of course, animals do not have myths and legends, but they do share the capacity to pass on behavioural traits from one generation to another, not through their genes but via learning. From biologists’ view, this is the fundamental criterion for a cultural trait—something can be learnt by observing the established skills of others and then passed on to following generations.

F What are the implications for chimpanzees themselves? We must place a high value upon the tragic loss of chimpanzees, who are decimated just when finally we are coming to appreciate these astonishing animals more completely. The population of chimpanzees has plummeted and continued to fall due to illegal trapping, logging and, most recently, the bushmeat trade within the past century. The latter is particularly alarming because logging has driven roadways, which are now used to ship wild animal meat—including chimpanzee meat to consumers as far afield as Europe, into forests. Such destruction threatens not only the animals themselves but also a host of fascinatingly different ape cultures.

G However, the cultural richness of the ape may contribute to its salvation. For example, the conservation efforts have already altered the attitudes of some local people. After several organisations showed videotapes illustrating the cognitive prowess of chimpanzees, one Zairian viewer was heard to exclaim, ‘Ah, this ape is so like me, I can no longer eat him.’

H How did an international team of chimpanzee experts perform the most comprehensive survey of the animals ever attempted? Although scientists have been delving into chimpanzee culture for several decades, sometimes their studies contained a fatal defect. So far, most attempts to document cultural diversity among chimpanzees have solely relied upon officially published accounts of the behaviours reported at each research site . But this approach probably neglects a good deal of cultural variation for three reasons.

I First, scientists normally don’t publish an extensive list of all the activities they do not see at a particular location. Yet this is the very information we need to know—which behaviours were and were not observed at each site. Second, there are many reports describing chimpanzee behaviours without expressing how common they are; without this information, we can’t determine whether a particular action was a transient phenomenon or a routine event that should be considered part of its culture. Finally, researchers’ description of potentially significant chimpanzee behaviours often lacks sufficient detail, which makes it difficult for scientists from other spots to report the presence or absence of the activities.

J To tackle these problems, my colleague and I determined to take a new approach. We asked field researchers at each site to list all the behaviours which they suspected were local traditions. With this information, we assembled a comprehensive list of 65 candidates for cultural behaviours.

K Then we distributed our list to team leaders at each site. They consulted with their colleagues and classified each behaviour regarding its occurrence or absence in the chimpanzee community. The major brackets contained customary behaviour (occurs in most or all of the able-bodied members of at least one age or sex class, such as all adult males), habitual (less common than customary but occurs repeatedly in several individuals), present (observed at the site but not habitual), absent (never seen), and unknown.


You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 28-40 , which are based on Reading Passage 3 below.

quantitative research in education ielts reading answers with location

Quantitative Research in Education

Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to compare the amount of liquid in containers with different shapes. Those containers had the same capacity, but even when the young children were demonstrated that the same amount of fluid could be poured between the containers, many of them still believed one was larger than the other. Piaget concluded that the children were incapable of performing the logical task in figuring out that the two containers were the same size even though they had different shapes, because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase. Critics on his work, such as Donaldson, have questioned this interpretation. They point out the possibility that the children were just unwilling to play the experimenter’s game, or that they did not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter. These criticisms surely do state the facts, but more importantly, it suggests that experiments are social situations where interpersonal interactions take place. The implication here is that Piaget’s investigation and his attempts to replicate it are not solely about measuring the children’s capabilities of logical thinking, but also the degree to which they could understand the directions for them, their willingness to comply with these requirements, how well the experimenters did in communicating the requirements and in motivating those children, etc.

The same kinds of criticisms have been targeted to psychological and educational tests. For instance, Mehan argues that the subjects might interpret the test questions in a way different from that meant by the experimenter. In a language development test, researchers show children a picture of a medieval fortress, complete with moat, drawbridge, parapets and three initial consonants in it: D, C, and G. The children are required to circle the correct initial consonant for ‘castle’. The answer is C, but many kids choose D. When asked what the name of the building was, the children responded ‘ Disneyland ’. They adopted the reasoning line expected by the experimenter but got to the wrong substantive answer. The score sheet with the wrong answers does not include in it a child’s lack of reasoning capacity; it only records that the children gave a different answer rather than the one the tester expected.

Here we are constantly getting questions about how valid the measures are where the findings of the quantitative research are usually based. Some scholars such as Donaldson consider these as technical issues, which can be resolved through more rigorous experimentation . In contrast, others like Mehan reckon that the problems are not merely with particular experiments or tests, but they might legitimately jeopardise the validity of all researches of this type.

Meanwhile, there are also questions regarding the assumption in the logic of quantitative educational research that causes can be identified through physical and/or statistical manipulation of the variables. Critics argue that this does not take into consideration the nature of human social life by assuming it to be made up of static, mechanical causal relationships, while in reality, it includes complicated procedures of interpretation and negotiation, which do not come with determinate results. From this perspective, it is not clear that we can understand the pattern and mechanism behind people’s behaviours simply in terms of the casual relationships, which are the focuses of quantitative research. It is implied that social life is much more contextually variable and complex.

Such criticisms of quantitative educational research have also inspired more and more educational researchers to adopt qualitative methodologies during the last three or four decades. These researchers have steered away from measuring and manipulating variables experimentally or statistically. There are many forms of qualitative research, which is loosely illustrated by terms like ‘ethnography’, ‘case study’, ‘participant observation’, ‘life history’, ‘unstructured interviewing’, ‘discourse analysis’ and so on. Generally speaking, though, it has characteristics as follows:

Qualitative researches have an intensive focus on exploring the nature of certain phenomena in the field of education, instead of setting out to test hypotheses about them. It also inclines to deal with ‘unstructured data’, which refers to the kind of data that have not been coded during the collection process regarding a closed set of analytical categories. As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes, instead of coding behaviour concerning a pre-determined set of categories , which is what quantitative researchers typically would do when conducting ‘systematic observation’. Similarly, in an interview, interviewers will ask open-ended questions instead of ones that require specific predefined answers of the kind typical, like in a postal questionnaire. Actually, qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations.

The primary forms of data analysis include verbal description and explanations and involve explicit interpretations of both the meanings and functions of human behaviours. At most, quantification and statistical analysis only play a subordinate role. The sociology of education and evaluation studies were the two areas of educational research where-criticism of quantitative research and the development of qualitative methodologies initially emerged in the most intense way. A series of studies conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert in a boys’ grammar school , a boys’ secondary modem school, and a girls’ grammar school in Britain in the 1960s marked the beginning of the trend towards qualitative research in the sociology of education. Researchers employed an ethnographic or participant observation approach, although they did also collect some quantitative data, for instance on friendship patterns among the students. These researchers observed lessons, interviewed both the teachers and the students, and made the most of school records. They studied the schools for a considerable amount of time and spent plenty of months gathering data and tracking changes over all these years.

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Locating answers in the IELTS reading test

by Erato (Cyprus)

Hi! I've noticed that when I answer the questions for each exercise in a Reading passage, the specific part in the passage that supports the answer is not used twice. What I mean is that if I find the answer for question no.1 in the first two lines of the first paragraph, those two lines will not be used again for the support of another question. Is this a valid conclusion? Is it correct? Thank you.

It's difficult to know whether that occurs throughout all readings as obviously most people won't have checked that and we don't have access to all the official reading texts.

It's quite likely that is correct because obviously each question needs to be about something different. The reading is testing your comprehension of the text (whether you understand it) so they'd probably want to avoid testing you twice on the same bit of text.

I don't think though that when you are locating answers in the IELTS reading test you could automatically assume it will never be the case that perhaps an answer might be found in the same place.

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The Scientific Methods IELTS Reading with Answers

This IELTS reading passage delves into the complexities of scientific research, challenging the traditional perception of the scientific method as a purely inductive process. The author introduces the concept of hypothetico-deductive reasoning, emphasizing the role of hypotheses in driving scientific inquiry. The passage explores the misconceptions surrounding unbiased observation and the importance of imagination and guesswork in the research process.

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The Scientific Methods

‘Hypotheses,’ said Medawar in 1964, ‘are imaginative and inspirational in character’; they are ‘adventures of the mind’. He was arguing in favour of the position taken by Karl Popper in The Logic of Scientific Discovery (1972, 3rd edition) that the nature of scientific method is hypothetico-deductive and not, as is generally believed, inductive.

It is essential that you, as an intending researcher, understand the difference between these two interpretations of the research process so that you do not become discouraged or begin to suffer from a feeling of ‘cheating’ or not going about it the right way.

The myth of scientific method is that it is inductive: that the formulation of scientific theory starts with the basic, raw evidence of the senses – simple, unbiased, unprejudiced observation. Out of these sensory data – commonly referred to as ‘facts’ — generalisations will form. The myth is that from a disorderly array of factual information an orderly, relevant theory will somehow emerge. However, the starting point of induction is an impossible one.

There is no such thing as an unbiased observation. Every act of observation we make is a function of what we have seen or otherwise experienced in the past. All scientific work of an experimental or exploratory nature starts with some expectation about the outcome. This expectation is a hypothesis. Hypotheses provide the initiative and incentive for the inquiry and influence the method. It is in the light of an expectation that some observations are held to be relevant and some irrelevant, that one methodology is chosen and others discarded, that some experiments are conducted and others are not. Where is, your naive, pure and objective researcher now?

Hypotheses arise by guesswork, or by inspiration, but having been formulated they can and must be tested rigorously, using the appropriate methodology. If the predictions you make as a result of deducing certain consequences from your hypothesis are not shown to be correct then you discard or modify your hypothesis. If the predictions turn out to be correct then your hypothesis has been supported and may be retained until such time as some further test shows it not to be correct. Once you have arrived at your hypothesis, which is a product of your imagination, you then proceed to a strictly logical and rigorous process, based upon deductive argument — hence the term ‘hypothetico-deductive’.

So don’t worry if you have some idea of what your results will tell you before you even begin to collect data; there are no scientists in existence who really wait until they have all the evidence in front of them before they try to work out what it might possibly mean. The closest we ever get to this situation is when something happens by accident; but even then the researcher has to formulate a hypothesis to be tested before being sure that, for example, a mould might prove to be a successful antidote to bacterial infection. ieltsxpress

The myth of scientific method is not only that it is inductive (which we have seen is incorrect) but also that the hypothetico-deductive method proceeds in a step-by-step, inevitable fashion. The hypothetico-deductive method describes the logical approach to much research work, but it does not describe the psychological behaviour that brings it about. This is much more holistic — involving guesses, reworkings, corrections, blind alleys and above all inspiration, in the deductive as well as the hypothetic component -than is immediately apparent from reading the final thesis or published papers. These have been, quite properly, organised into a more serial, logical order so that the worth of the output may be evaluated independently of the behavioural processes by which it was obtained. It is the difference, for example between the academic papers with which Crick and Watson demonstrated the structure of the DNA molecule and the fascinating book The Double Helix in which Watson (1968) described how they did it. From this point of view, ‘scientific method’ may more usefully be thought of as a way of writing up research rather than as a way of carrying it out.

Questions 1-5 Reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-G. Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs C-G from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers i-x in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. The Crick and Watson approach to research ii Antidotes to bacterial infection iii The testing of hypotheses iv Explaining the inductive method v Anticipating results before data is collected vi How research is done and how it is reported vii The role of hypotheses in scientific research viii Deducing the consequences of hypotheses ix Karl Popper’s claim that the scientific method is hypothetico-deductive x The unbiased researcher

Example Answer

Paragraph A ix

1. Paragraph C 2. Paragraph D 3. Paragraph E 4. Paragraph F 5. Paragraph G

Questions 6-7

In which TWO paragraphs in Reading Passage does the writer give advice directly to the reader?

Write the TWO appropriate letters (A—G) in boxes 6-7 on your answer sheet.

Q6. ______ Q7. ______

Questions 8-11 Do the following statements reflect the opinions of the writer in Reading Passage?

In boxes 8-11 on your answer sheet write

YES if the statement reflects the opinion of the writer NO if the statement contradicts the opinion of the writer NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

8. Popper says that the scientific method is hypothetico-deductive. 9. If a prediction based on a hypothesis is fulfilled, then the hypothesis is confirmed as true. 10. Many people carry out research in a mistaken way. 11. The ‘scientific method’ is more a way of describing research than a way of doing it.

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Questions 12 Choose the appropriate letter A-D and write it in box 12 on your answer sheet.

Which of the following statements best describes the writer’s main purpose in Reading Passage?

A. to advise Ph.D students not to cheat while carrying out research B. to encourage Ph.D students to work by guesswork and inspiration C. to explain to Ph.D students the logic which the scientific research paper follows D. to help Ph.D students by explaining different conceptions of the research process

The Scientific Methods Reading Answers

1. iv 2. vii 3. iii 4. v 5. vi 6. B/F (in either order) 7. B/F (in either order) 8. YES 9. NO 10. NOT GIVEN 11. YES 12. D

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Keep Taking The Tablets Reading Answers: IELTS Reading Practice Test

Updated on Sep 02, 2024, 05:27

The passage discusses the history, development, and impact of aspirin. Initially derived from willow tree extracts, aspirin's significance as a pain reliever and its discovery in the late 19th century by Friedrich Bayer are highlighted. The passage also emphasises the need for public funding in clinical research to explore aspirin's potential further.

This passage is excellent for practising reading comprehension skills, such as identifying main ideas, summarising information, and understanding scientific explanations. It helps in developing the ability to recognise arguments, analyse evidence, and improve vocabulary related to health and science topics, which are essential for the  IELTS Reading section .

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1. Keep Taking The Tablets Reading Passage

You should spend approximately 20 minutes answering  Questions 1 - 14  based on the Reading Passage below. This approach can help manage time effectively during a reading comprehension activity or exam. 

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Keep Taking The Tablets Reading Passage

  • Read Instructions: Understand each question before answering.
  • Manage Time: Spend about 20 minutes per passage.
  • Skim and Scan: Quickly get the main idea and find specific information.
  • Highlight Key Info: Underline essential words or phrases.
  • Answer All Questions: Attempt every question; no penalty for wrong answers.
  • Stay Focused: Avoid distractions and keep your attention on the task.
  • Check Spelling: Ensure correct spelling and grammar.
  • Transfer Answers Clearly: Write answers neatly on the answer sheet.
  • Don’t Dwell: Move on if stuck and return later.
  • Review: If time allows, review your answers.

Keep Taking The Tablets Reading Passage 

Paragraph A:

Aspirin, which was first called "one of the most astonishing medical breakthroughs" by Diarmuid Jeffreys, "is incredibly versatile, curing some of the most dangerous human maladies, reducing headaches, and repairing limbs." It can ease your pain.

Paragraph B:

There is widespread agreement on its worth due to its long history of recognition. Willow tree extract was a common pain reliever in ancient Egypt. Centuries later, the Greek physician Hippocrates advocated willow bark as a treatment for labour pains and as an antipyretic. However, from the 17th century until the 19th century, salicylates, chemicals found in willow trees, were not the subject of much scientific research. There was a passion for discovering and synthesizing active chemicals. Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, was first discovered and improved in the late 19th century by Friedrich Bayer, a German pharmaceutical business.

Paragraph C:

There were many reasons why the scientific community of the late nineteenth century was open to experimenting. First, they were eager to find answers to some of the biggest questions in their field. Today, even the most fundamental scientific endeavours, like sequencing the human genome, require a team of experts, a network of computers, and many millions of dollars whereas once a lone researcher with a few chemicals and a test tube can discover new knowledge.

Paragraph D:

However, a knowledge of science and academic inquiry alone is insufficient to account for social innovation. The 19th century saw an intensification of both scientific progress and the rise of industry. People back then had resources, energy, and the determination to follow through on their adventures. The discovery of aspirin was a long process with many small milestones leading up to the big announcement. The great scientific, medical, and economic breakthroughs of this century are responsible for all of this.

Paragraph E:

There is an astonishing correlation between enormous wealth and advances in the pharmaceutical industry. Huge sums of money were spent on advertising to ensure its continued viability as a popular pain reliever during its first 70 years of existence. In the 1970s, pharmaceutical companies devoted resources to promoting new pain relievers such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. As these findings unfold, new information becomes available about aspirin's ability to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and other problems. may have been lost forever.

Paragraph F:

Against this background, the relationship between huge amounts of money and drugs is puzzling. Continuous access to our products for innovation and scientific research is built on commercial success. In contrast, the commercial market can eliminate products as much as more desirable ones emerge. Aspirin is an example of a potential 'miracle drug' that has existed for over 70 years without any clear knowledge of its mechanism of action, yet is highly profitable. If ibuprofen and paracetamol were on the market ten years before him, aspirin might not exist today. The drug had been lying around for some time, so no one had looked into it.

Paragraph G:

The relatively recently discovered benefits of aspirin have been identified by public sector scientists, not by multinational pharmaceutical companies. That's why. The pharmaceutical industry, which "only invests in profitable research," has decided that aspirin is no longer profitable. With low production costs, low-profit margins, and no patent protection, anyone can make one. This could lead to a drop in sales of more expensive products and bankruptcy, so pharmaceutical companies have put a strong brake on promoting the drug.

Paragraph H:

So how can we get more drug companies interested in the medical use of aspirin? Jeffreys argues that more federal funding should be spent on clinical research. If I was in healthcare, I would make a different decision. That said, "This drug is really affordable. It could potentially be used in a variety of other situations." You'd have to spend a lot more money to find out.

Paragraph I:

In addition to describing the creation of the "wonder medication," Jeffries's book investigates the necessity of such study by analysing the nature of the innovation and the roles played by major corporations, public funding, and regulation.

Keep Taking The Tablets Reading Answers & Questions

Discover exciting and informative IELTS reading answers about Keep Taking The Tablets

Questions and Answers 1-6

  • Complete each sentence with the correct ending A-H from the box below.
  • Write the correct letter A-H in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
  • the discovery of new medical applications.
  • the negative effects of publicity.
  • the large pharmaceutical companies.
  • the industrial revolution.
  • the medical uses of a particular tree
  • the limited availability of new drugs.
  • the chemical found in the willow tree.
  • commercial advertising campaigns.

1. Ancient Greeks and Egyptians had practical knowledge 2. Successful replication made Frederick Bayer & Co. possible. 3. Aspirin's success can be traced in part to the results of 4. Aspirin achieved market penetration as an analgesic 5. Aspirin availability may have been compromised if. 6. No one has studied how aspirin actually works.

Keep Taking The Tablets and Reading Answers with Explanations (1-6)

Type of question: Matching

The given question type is a  "matching" question. In this type of question, you are provided with a list of items or descriptions and a set of options. Your task is to match each item with the correct option.

How to best answer the question

  • Carefully read the incomplete sentence and try to understand what information is missing.
  • Pay attention to the context and any clues provided in the sentence or the surrounding text.
  • Choose the option that best completes the sentence based on the information from the reading passage.


Paragraph B Willow tree extract was a common pain reliever in ancient Egypt. Centuries later, the Greek physician Hippocrates advocated willow bark as a treatment for labour pains and as an antipyretic. 

Explanation:  This line explains the practical knowledge of ancient Greeks and Egyptians in using willow tree extracts for medical purposes.

Reference:  Paragraph B Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, was first discovered and improved in the late 19th century by Friedrich Bayer, a German pharmaceutical business.

Explanation:  This line shows that Friedrich Bayer & Co.'s work, focusing on the chemical found in willow trees, made the successful replication and commercialisation of aspirin possible.  

Reference: Paragraph D The great scientific, medical, and economic breakthroughs of this century are responsible for all of this. 

Explanation:  This line indicates that the success of aspirin is partly due to the results of the industrial revolution and the associated breakthroughs.  

Reference: Paragraph E Huge sums of money were spent on advertising to ensure its continued viability as a popular pain reliever during its first 70 years of existence.

Explanation:  This line explains that aspirin achieved market penetration as an analgesic through extensive commercial advertising campaigns.

Reference: Paragraph F If ibuprofen and paracetamol were on the market ten years before him, aspirin might not exist today. 

Explanation:  This line suggests that the availability of aspirin may have been compromised if newer pain relievers like ibuprofen and paracetamol had been introduced earlier.  

Reference: Paragraph F The drug had been lying around for some time, so no one had looked into it.

Explanation:  This line indicates that no one studied how aspirin actually works, highlighting the role of commercial market priorities in the research focus.

Read more about  Dictation Words for IELTS: Practice and Preparation !

Questions and Answers 7-11

  • YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
  • NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
  • NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this

7. Nineteenth-century scientists were able to make important discoveries through small-scale studies. 8. The industrial revolution of the 19th century changed where scientists look for answers. 9. The discovery and development of aspirin in the 19th century followed a set schedule. 10. New pain relievers surpassed aspirin in the 1970s. 11. The availability of pharmaceuticals may be affected, for better or worse, by the actions of commercial firms.

Keep Taking The Tablets Reading Answers with Explanations (7-11)

Question Type:  Yes/No/Not Given

In this task, you are presented with a statement, and your task is to determine if it agrees with the information in the passage (Yes), contradicts the information in the passage (No), or if there is insufficient information in the passage to decide (not given).

How to best answer the question:

  • Read the statement carefully to ensure you understand exactly what it is saying. 
  • Pay attention to details such as dates, numbers, and specific information.
  • Scan the passage to find the section where the relevant information is likely to be located. 
  • Focus on finding evidence that either supports or contradicts the statement.
  • Yes: If the statement agrees with the information in the passage.
  • No: If the statement contradicts the information in the passage.
  • Not Given: If there is no information in the passage that confirms or contradicts the statement.  

Reference: Paragraph C A lone researcher with a few chemicals and a test tube can discover new knowledge.

Explanation:  This line supports the view that nineteenth-century scientists could make important discoveries through small-scale studies.

Reference:  Not available.  Explanation:  The passage does not provide information about the industrial revolution changing where scientists look for answers.  

Reference: Paragraph D The discovery of aspirin was a long process with many small milestones leading up to the big announcement.   

Explanation:  This line contradicts the statement by showing that the discovery and development of aspirin did not follow a set schedule but rather a series of small milestones.

Reference:  Not available. 

Explanation:  The passage does not provide information about new pain relievers surpassing aspirin in the 1970s.

Reference: Paragraph F Continuous access to our products for innovation and scientific research is built on commercial success. 

Explanation:  This line supports the statement that the availability of pharmaceuticals may be affected by the actions of commercial firms.

Read more about  A Guide on Most Common English Words Used in Daily Life !

Questions and Answers 12-14

  • Complete the summary below using the list of words A-I below.
  • Write the correct letter A-l in boxes 12-14 on your answer sheet
  • international
  • major drug companies
  • public sector scientists
  • health officials

Jeffreys argues that the reason why 12. ....... did not find out about new uses of aspirin is that aspirin is no longer a 13. ..... He, therefore, suggests that there should be 14. ............... support for further research into the possible applications of the drug.

Keep Taking The Tablets Reading Answers with Explanations (12-14)

Type of Question: Summary Completion

Summary completion questions provide a summary of part of the reading passage with several blanks. Your task is to fill in these blanks with appropriate words or phrases from the passage. The summary may cover a whole passage or a part of it, focusing on key points and main ideas.

How to best answer this question:

  • Quickly skim the passage to get an idea of its main ideas and structure.
  • Focus on keywords in the summary and look for them or their synonyms in the passage.
  • Carefully read the instructions to know the word limit and any specific guidelines.
  • Identify the part of the passage related to the summary. This often involves scanning for keywords or phrases.
  • Ensure the words you choose fit grammatically and contextually within the summary.
  • After filling in the blanks, review the summary to ensure it makes sense and adheres to the word limit.  

Reference: Paragraph G The relatively recently discovered benefits of aspirin have been identified by public sector scientists, not by multinational pharmaceutical companies.

Explanation:  This line explains that major drug companies did not find out about new uses of aspirin because it was no longer profitable for them.

Reference: Paragraph G The pharmaceutical industry, which "only invests in profitable research," has decided that aspirin is no longer profitable. 

Explanation:  This line indicates that aspirin was no longer a profitable drug for the pharmaceutical industry.  

Reference: Paragraph H Jeffreys argues that more federal funding should be spent on clinical research.

Explanation:  This line suggests that there should be public sector support for further research into the possible applications of aspirin.

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  • The Department of Ethnography reading answers

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Q. What types of questions are in the IELTS Reading section?

Ans.  The IELTS Reading section features various question types, including multiple-choice, true/false/not given, matching headings, summary completion, sentence completion, and short answer questions. These are designed to test a range of reading skills, such as understanding main ideas, detail, logical argument, and recognising writers' opinions, attitudes, and purposes.

Q. How long is the IELTS Reading test?

Ans. The IELTS Reading test lasts for 60 minutes. During this time, candidates must read three passages and answer a total of 40 questions. Time management is crucial to ensure all questions are attempted.

Q. Can I write on the question paper?

Ans. Yes, candidates are allowed to write on the question paper, which can help note key points or highlight important information. However, only answers written on the answer sheet will be marked, so it is essential to transfer answers accurately.

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Quantitative Research in Education giải chi tiết, dịch hoàn thiện, giải thích rõ ràng



Quantitative Research in Education

Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to compare the amount of liquid in containers with different shapes. Those containers had the same capacity, but even when the young children were demonstrated that the same amount of fluid could be poured between the containers, many of them still believed one was larger than the other. Piaget concluded that the children were incapable of performing the logical task of figuring out that the two containers were the same size even though they had different shapes, because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase. Critics on his work, such as Donaldson, have questioned this interpretation. They point out the possibility that the children were just unwilling to play the experimenter’s game, or that they did not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter. These criticisms surely do state the facts, but more importantly, it suggests that experiments are social situations where interpersonal interactions take place. The implication here is that Piaget’s investigation and his attempts to replicate it are not solely about measuring the children’s capabilities of logical thinking, but also the degree to which they could understand the directions for them, their willingness to comply with these requirements, how well the experimenters did in communicating the requirements and in motivating those children, etc. ĐOẠN 1

Nhiều nhà nghiên cứu giáo dục từng giả định rằng trẻ em trải qua các giai đoạn phát triển khác nhau và chúng không thể thực hiện hoạt động nhận thức ở cấp độ cao nhất cho đến khi đạt đến những hình thức nhận thức tiên tiến nhất. Ví dụ, một nhà nghiên cứu Piaget đã thực hiện một thí nghiệm nổi tiếng, trong đó ông yêu cầu bọn trẻ so sánh lượng chất lỏng trong các bình chứa có hình dạng khác nhau. Những thùng chứa đó có dung tích như nhau, nhưng ngay cả khi trẻ nhỏ được chứng minh rằng có thể đổ cùng một lượng chất lỏng vào giữa các thùng chứa, nhiều em vẫn tin rằng cái này lớn hơn cái kia. Piaget kết luận rằng bọn trẻ không có khả năng thực hiện nhiệm vụ logic trong việc tìm ra hai thùng chứa có cùng kích thước mặc dù chúng có hình dạng khác nhau, bởi vì sự phát triển nhận thức của chúng chưa đạt đến giai đoạn cần thiết. Các nhà phê bình về tác phẩm của ông, chẳng hạn như Donaldson, đã đặt câu hỏi về cách giải thích này. Họ chỉ ra khả năng là bọn trẻ không muốn chơi trò chơi của người thí nghiệm hoặc chúng không hiểu rõ câu hỏi mà người thí nghiệm đưa ra. Những lời chỉ trích này chắc chắn đã nêu lên sự thật, nhưng quan trọng hơn, nó gợi ý rằng các thí nghiệm là những tình huống xã hội diễn ra sự tương tác giữa các cá nhân. Hàm ý ở đây là cuộc điều tra của Piaget và những nỗ lực của ông để nhân rộng nó không chỉ nhằm đo lường khả năng tư duy logic của trẻ mà còn là mức độ chúng có thể hiểu được những hướng dẫn dành cho mình, mức độ sẵn sàng tuân thủ những yêu cầu này của chúng, mức độ thực hiện tốt như thế nào. những người thực nghiệm đã làm trong việc truyền đạt các yêu cầu và động viên những đứa trẻ đó, v.v.

The same kinds of criticisms have been targeted to psychological and educational tests. For instance, Mehan argues that the subjects might interpret the test questions in a way different from that meant by the experimenter. In a language development test, researchers show children a picture of a medieval fortress, complete with moat, drawbridge, parapets and three initial consonants in it: D, C, and G. The children are required to circle the correct initial consonant for ‘castle’. The answer is C, but many kids choose D. When asked what the name of the building was, the children responded ‘Disneyland’. They adopted the reasoning line expected by the experimenter but got to the wrong substantive answer. The score sheet with the wrong answers does not include a child’s lack of reasoning capacity; it only records that the children gave a different answer rather than the one the tester expected.  ĐOẠN 2

Những lời chỉ trích tương tự đã được nhắm vào các bài kiểm tra tâm lý và giáo dục. Ví dụ, Mehan lập luận rằng các đối tượng có thể diễn giải các câu hỏi kiểm tra theo cách khác với cách mà người thử nghiệm nghĩ. Trong một bài kiểm tra về khả năng phát triển ngôn ngữ, các nhà nghiên cứu cho trẻ xem bức tranh về một pháo đài thời Trung cổ, hoàn chỉnh với hào nước, cầu kéo, lan can và ba phụ âm đầu trong đó: D, C và G. Trẻ được yêu cầu khoanh tròn phụ âm đầu chính xác của 'lâu đài' '. Câu trả lời là C, nhưng nhiều em chọn D. Khi được hỏi tên của tòa nhà là gì, các em trả lời “Disneyland”. Họ đã áp dụng cách lập luận mà người thí nghiệm mong đợi nhưng lại đưa ra câu trả lời sai về nội dung. Bảng điểm có câu trả lời sai không bao hàm việc trẻ thiếu năng lực suy luận; nó chỉ ghi lại rằng bọn trẻ đã đưa ra một câu trả lời khác với câu trả lời mà người kiểm tra mong đợi.

Here we are constantly getting questions about how valid the measures are where the findings of the quantitative research are usually based. Some scholars such as Donaldson consider these as technical issues, which can be resolved through more rigorous experimentation. In contrast, others like Mehan reckon that the problems are not merely with particular experiments or tests, but they might legitimately jeopardise the validity of all researches of this type.  ĐOẠN 3

Ở đây, chúng tôi liên tục nhận được câu hỏi về mức độ hiệu lực của các biện pháp mà các phát hiện của nghiên cứu định lượng thường dựa trên. Một số học giả như Donaldson coi đây là những vấn đề kỹ thuật có thể được giải quyết thông qua những thử nghiệm chặt chẽ hơn. Ngược lại, những người khác như Mehan cho rằng các vấn đề không chỉ nằm ở những thí nghiệm hoặc thử nghiệm cụ thể, mà chúng có thể gây nguy hiểm một cách hợp pháp cho tính hợp lệ của tất cả các nghiên cứu thuộc loại này.

Meanwhile, there are also questions regarding the assumption in the logic of quantitative educational research that causes can be identified through physical and/or statistical manipulation of the variables. Critics argue that this does not take into consideration the nature of human social life by assuming it to be made up of static, mechanical causal relationships, while in reality, it includes complicated procedures of interpretation and negotiation, which do not come with determinate results. From this perspective, it is not clear that we can understand the pattern and mechanism behind people’s behaviours simply in terms of the casual relationships, which are the focuses of quantitative research. It is implied that social life is much more contextually variable and complex.  ĐOẠN 4

Trong khi đó, cũng có những câu hỏi liên quan đến giả định trong logic của nghiên cứu giáo dục định lượng rằng nguyên nhân có thể được xác định thông qua thao tác vật lý và/hoặc thống kê của các biến số. Các nhà phê bình cho rằng điều này không tính đến bản chất của đời sống xã hội con người bằng cách cho rằng nó được tạo thành từ các mối quan hệ nhân quả tĩnh, máy móc, trong khi trên thực tế, nó bao gồm các thủ tục giải thích và đàm phán phức tạp, không mang lại kết quả xác định. Từ góc độ này, không rõ liệu chúng ta có thể hiểu mô hình và cơ chế đằng sau hành vi của con người một cách đơn giản dưới dạng các mối quan hệ thông thường, vốn là trọng tâm của nghiên cứu định lượng. Điều này ngụ ý rằng đời sống xã hội có nhiều biến đổi và phức tạp theo ngữ cảnh hơn.

Such criticisms of quantitative educational research have also inspired more and more educational researchers to adopt qualitative methodologies during the last three or four decades. These researchers have steered away from measuring and manipulating variables experimentally or statistically. There are many forms of qualitative research, which are loosely illustrated by terms like ‘ethnography’, ‘case study’, ‘participant observation’, ‘life history’, ‘unstructured interviewing’, ‘discourse analysis’ and so on. Generally speaking, though, it has characteristics as follows:  ĐOẠN 5

Những lời chỉ trích như vậy đối với nghiên cứu giáo dục định lượng cũng đã truyền cảm hứng cho ngày càng nhiều nhà nghiên cứu giáo dục áp dụng các phương pháp định tính trong suốt ba hoặc bốn thập kỷ qua. Những nhà nghiên cứu này đã tránh xa việc đo lường và thao tác các biến số bằng thực nghiệm hoặc thống kê. Có nhiều hình thức nghiên cứu định tính, được minh họa một cách lỏng lẻo bằng các thuật ngữ như 'dân tộc học', 'nghiên cứu trường hợp', 'quan sát người tham gia', 'lịch sử cuộc đời', 'phỏng vấn phi cấu trúc', 'phân tích diễn ngôn', v.v. Tuy nhiên, nhìn chung nó có những đặc điểm sau:

quantitative research in education ielts reading answers with location

1. Mua bộ đề gần 400 bài ielts reading - Dịch và giải chi tiết Chỉ 199k  bao gồm toàn bộ đề trong bộ Cambridge ( từ bộ 1 -18) và nhiều đề thi thực tế ( xem danh sách 400 đề ielts reading tại đây ). Xem bài mẫu tại đây, Bài mẫu 1 , bài mẫu 2 , bài mẫu 3 . Giải đề bao gồm phần dịch bài đọc, dịch phần câu hỏi, giải thích chi tiết, có thể tải về, in phần đề để luyện tập.

                   >>>>>>>>>>>  Đặc biệt tặng kèm Dịch và giải chi tiết bộ đề Ielts listening từ Cam 10-18 và tặng kèm hơn 300 đề Ielts thực tế ( không có lời giải chi tiết chỉ có đề và đáp án) ( khác với bộ 400 đề ở trên). Vui lòng điền thông tin theo form tại đây  và thanh toán theo thông tin CK trong form. 

2. Mua bộ đề Ielts listening từ Cam 10-18 - Dịch và giải chi tiết Chỉ 99k bao gồm phần dịch transcript, dịch câu hỏi, giải đề. Xem bài mẫu tại đây . Để mua bộ đề Vui lòng điền thông tin theo form tại đây  và thanh toán theo thông tin CK trong form. 

3. Dành tặng 100 bạn hoàn thành buổi học thử miễn phí khóa học Ielts Speaking online 1 kèm 1, các bạn sẽ được tặng bộ đề 400k bài Ielts reading và bộ đề Ielts Listening bộ Cam từ 10-18 gồm bài dịch và giải chi tiết, giải thích từ vựng khó ( thời hạn sử dụng trong vòng 2 tháng). Xem thông tin khóa học Ielts Speaking online 1 kèm 1 và đăng ký học thử tại đây.

Qualitative researches have an intensive focus on exploring the nature of certain phenomena in the field of education, instead of setting out to test hypotheses about them. It also inclines to deal with ‘unstructured data’, which refers to the kind of data that have not been coded during the collection process regarding a closed set of analytical categories. As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes, instead of coding behaviour concerning a pre-determined set of categories, which is what quantitative researchers typically would do when conducting ‘systematic observation’. Similarly, in an interview, interviewers will ask open-ended questions instead of ones that require specific predefined answers of the kind typical, like in a postal questionnaire. Actually, qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations.  ĐOẠN 6

Các nghiên cứu định tính tập trung chuyên sâu vào việc khám phá bản chất của một số hiện tượng nhất định trong lĩnh vực giáo dục, thay vì đặt ra mục tiêu kiểm tra các giả thuyết về chúng. Nó cũng thiên về xử lý 'dữ liệu phi cấu trúc', đề cập đến loại dữ liệu chưa được mã hóa trong quá trình thu thập liên quan đến một tập hợp các danh mục phân tích khép kín. Kết quả là, khi tham gia quan sát, các nhà nghiên cứu định tính sử dụng thiết bị âm thanh hoặc video để ghi lại những gì xảy ra hoặc viết chi tiết các ghi chú thực địa mở, thay vì mã hóa hành vi liên quan đến một tập hợp các danh mục được xác định trước, đó là điều mà các nhà nghiên cứu định lượng thường làm. sẽ làm gì khi tiến hành 'quan sát có hệ thống'. Tương tự, trong một cuộc phỏng vấn, người phỏng vấn sẽ hỏi những câu hỏi mở thay vì những câu hỏi yêu cầu những câu trả lời cụ thể được xác định trước theo kiểu thông thường, như trong bảng câu hỏi qua đường bưu điện. Trên thực tế, các cuộc phỏng vấn định tính thường được thiết kế giống với những cuộc trò chuyện thông thường.

The primary forms of data analysis include verbal description and explanations and involve explicit interpretations of both the meanings and functions of human behaviours. At most, quantification and statistical analysis only play a subordinate role. The sociology of education and evaluation studies were the two areas of educational research where criticism of quantitative research and the development of qualitative methodologies initially emerged in the most intense way. A series of studies conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert in a boys’ grammar school, a boys’ secondary modem school, and a girls’ grammar school in Britain in the 1960s marked the beginning of the trend towards qualitative research in the sociology of education. Researchers employed an ethnographic or participant observation approach, although they did also collect some quantitative data, for instance on friendship patterns among the students. These researchers observed lessons, interviewed both the teachers and the students, and made the most of school records. They studied the schools for a considerable amount of time and spent plenty of months gathering data and tracking changes over all these years.  ĐOẠN 7

Các hình thức phân tích dữ liệu chính bao gồm mô tả và giải thích bằng lời nói, đồng thời liên quan đến việc diễn giải rõ ràng cả ý nghĩa và chức năng của hành vi con người. Cùng lắm, việc định lượng và phân tích thống kê chỉ đóng vai trò thứ yếu. Xã hội học về giáo dục và nghiên cứu đánh giá là hai lĩnh vực nghiên cứu giáo dục trong đó sự phê phán nghiên cứu định lượng và phát triển các phương pháp định tính ban đầu xuất hiện một cách gay gắt nhất. Một loạt nghiên cứu được thực hiện bởi Lacey, Hargreaves và Lambert tại một trường ngữ pháp dành cho nam sinh, một trường trung học hiện đại dành cho nam sinh và một trường ngữ pháp dành cho nữ sinh ở Anh vào những năm 1960 đã đánh dấu sự khởi đầu của xu hướng nghiên cứu định tính trong xã hội học giáo dục. . Các nhà nghiên cứu đã sử dụng phương pháp quan sát dân tộc học hoặc quan sát người tham gia, mặc dù họ cũng thu thập một số dữ liệu định lượng, chẳng hạn như về mô hình tình bạn giữa các sinh viên. Những nhà nghiên cứu này đã quan sát các bài học, phỏng vấn cả giáo viên và học sinh, đồng thời tận dụng tối đa hồ sơ của trường. Họ đã nghiên cứu các trường học trong một khoảng thời gian đáng kể và dành nhiều tháng để thu thập dữ liệu và theo dõi những thay đổi trong suốt những năm qua.

>>>> Xem thêm:

                                                 ♦  Tổng hợp câu trả lời, câu hỏi, từ vựng của hơn 70 chủ đề Ielts Speaking part 1

                                                 ♦  Tổng hợp gần 400 đề thi Ielts reading ( bao gồm dịch, giải chi tiết, từ vựng)

Questions 28-32

Look at the following statements or descriptions (Questions  28-32 ) and the list of people below. Match each statement or description with the correct person or people,  A,   B ,  C  or  D Write the correct letter,  A ,  B ,  C  or  D , in boxes  28-32  on your answer sheet.

NB   You may use any letter more than once.

Lists of People

A   Piaget B   Mehan C   Donaldson D   Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert

28    A wrong answer indicates more of a child’s different perspective than incompetence in reasoning.

29    Logical reasoning involving in the experiment is beyond children’s cognitive development.

30    Children’s reluctance to comply with the game rules or miscommunication may be another explanation.

31    There is an indication of a scientific observation approach in research.

32    There is a detail of flaw in experiments on children’s language development.

Questions 33-36

Complete the sentences below. Choose  NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 33-36 on your answer sheet.

33    In Piaget’s experiment, he asked the children to distinguish the amount of ……………………… in different containers.

34    Subjects with the wrong answer more inclined to answer ‘………………………….’ instead of their wrong answer D in Mehan’s question.

35    Some people criticised the result of Piaget experiment, but Donaldson thought the flaw could be rectified by ……………………….

36    Most qualitative researches conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert were done in a …………………………

Questions 37-39

Choose  THREE  letters,  A-F . Write the correct letters in boxes  37-39  on your answer sheet. The list below includes characteristics of the ‘qualitative research’.

Which  THREE  are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

A   Coding behavior in terms of predefined set of categories

B   Designing an interview as an easy conversation

C   Working with well-organised data in a closed set of analytical categories

D   Full of details instead of loads of data in questionnaires

E   Asking to give open-ended answers in questionnaires

F  Recording the researching situation and applying note-taking

Question 40

Choose the correct letter,  A ,  B ,  C  or  D . Write the correct letter in box  40  on your answer sheet.

What is the main idea of the passage?

A   to prove that quantitative research is most applicable to children’s education

B   to illustrate the society lacks of deep comprehension of educational approach

C   to explain the ideas of quantitative research and the characteristics of the related criticisms

D   to imply qualitative research is a flawless method compared with quantitative one

quantitative research in education ielts reading answers with location


34. Disneyland

35. rigorous experimentation

36. grammar school


Dịch và giải thích đáp án đề thi ielts reading:  how deserts are formed.








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Quantitative Research in Education

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Quantitative Research in Education

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Nội dung bài viết

Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to compare the amount of liquid in containers with different shapes. Those containers had the same capacity, but even when the young children were demonstrated that the same amount of fluid could be poured between the containers, many of them still believed one was larger than the other. Piaget concluded that the children were incapable of performing the logical task in figuring out that the two containers were the same size even though they had different shapes, because their cognitive development had not reached the necessary phase. Critics on his work, such as Donaldson, have questioned this interpretation. They point out the possibility that the children were just unwilling to play the experimenter’s game, or that they did not quite understand the question asked by the experimenter. These criticisms surely do state the facts, but more importantly, it suggests that experiments are social situations where interpersonal interactions take place. The implication here is that Piaget’s investigation and his attempts to replicate it are not solely about measuring the children’s capabilities of logical thinking, but also the degree to which they could understand the directions for them, their willingness to comply with these requirements, how well the experimenters did in communicating the requirements and in motivating those children, etc.

The same kinds of criticisms have been targeted to psychological and educational tests. For instance, Mehan argues that the subjects might interpret the test questions in a way different from that meant by the experimenter. In a language development test, researchers show children a picture of a medieval fortress, complete with moat, drawbridge, parapets and three initial consonants in it: D, C, and G. The children are required to circle the correct initial consonant for ‘castle’. The answer is C, but many kids choose D. When asked what the name of the building was, the children responded ‘Disneyland’. They adopted the reasoning line expected by the experimenter but got to the wrong substantive answer. The score sheet with the wrong answers does not include in it a child’s lack of reasoning capacity; it only records that the children gave a different answer rather than the one the tester expected.

Here we are constantly getting questions about how valid the measures are where the findings of the quantitative research are usually based. Some scholars such as Donaldson consider these as technical issues, which can be resolved through more rigorous experimentation. In contrast, others like Mehan reckon that the problems are not merely with particular experiments or tests, but they might legitimately jeopardise the validity of all researches of this type.

Meanwhile, there are also questions regarding the assumption in the logic of quantitative educational research that causes can be identified through physical and/or statistical manipulation of the variables. Critics argue that this does not take into consideration the nature of human social life by assuming it to be made up of static, mechanical causal relationships, while in reality, it includes complicated procedures of interpretation and negotiation, which do not come with determinate results. From this perspective, it is not clear that we can understand the pattern and mechanism behind people’s behaviours simply in terms of the casual relationships, which are the focuses of quantitative research. It is implied that social life is much more contextually variable and complex.

Such criticisms of quantitative educational research have also inspired more and more educational researchers to adopt qualitative methodologies during the last three or four decades. These researchers have steered away from measuring and manipulating variables experimentally or statistically. There are many forms of qualitative research, which is loosely illustrated by terms like ‘ethnography’, ‘case study’, ‘participant observation’, ‘life history’, ‘unstructured interviewing’, ‘discourse analysis’ and so on. Generally speaking, though, it has characteristics as follows:

Qualitative researches have an intensive focus on exploring the nature of certain phenomena in the field of education, instead of setting out to test hypotheses about them. It also inclines to deal with ‘unstructured data’, which refers to the kind of data that have not been coded during the collection process regarding a closed set of analytical categories. As a result, when engaging in observation, qualitative researchers use audio or video devices to record what happens or write in detail open-ended field-notes, instead of coding behaviour concerning a pre-determined set of categories, which is what quantitative researchers typically would do when conducting ‘systematic observation’. Similarly, in an interview, interviewers will ask open-ended questions instead of ones that require specific predefined answers of the kind typical, like in a postal questionnaire. Actually, qualitative interviews are often designed to resemble casual conversations.

The primary forms of data analysis include verbal description and explanations and involve explicit interpretations of both the meanings and functions of human behaviours. At most, quantification and statistical analysis only play a subordinate role. The sociology of education and evaluation studies were the two areas of educational research where-criticism of quantitative research and the development of qualitative methodologies initially emerged in the most intense way. A series of studies conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert in a boys’ grammar school, a boys’ secondary modem school, and a girls’ grammar school in Britain in the 1960s marked the beginning of the trend towards qualitative research in the sociology of education. Researchers employed an ethnographic or participant observation approach, although they did also collect some quantitative data, for instance on friendship patterns among the students. These researchers observed lessons, interviewed both the teachers and the students, and made the most of school records. They studied the schools for a considerable amount of time and spent plenty of months gathering data and tracking changes over all these years.

Questions 28-32: Match each statement or description with the correct person or people, A, B, C or D . NB You may use any letter more than once.

28. A wrong answer indicates more of a child’s different perspective than incompetence in reasoning.

29. Logical reasoning involving in the experiment is beyond children’s cognitive development.

30. Children’s reluctance to comply with the game rules or miscommunication may be another explanation.

31. There is evidence of a scientific observation approach to research.

32. There is a flawed detail in experiments on children’s language development.

Questions 33-36: Complete the sentences below. Choose  NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS  from the passage for each answer.

In Piaget’s experiment, he asked the children to distinguish the amount of 33……….. in different containers.

In response to Mehan’s question, subjects are more inclined to answer with the wrong answer ‘’34…..’’ instead of the correct answer C.

Some people criticised the result of Piaget experiment, but Donaldson thought the flaw could be rectified by 35……..

Most qualitative research conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert was done in a 36…………..

Questions 37-39: Choose  THREE   letters,  A-F. The list below includes characteristics of the ‘qualitative research’. Which  THREE   are mentioned by the writer of the passage?

Coding behaviour in terms of a predefined set of categories

Designing an interview as an easy conversation

Working with well-organised data in a closed set of analytical categories

Full of details instead of loads of data in questionnaires

Asking to give open-ended answers in questionnaires

Recording the researching situation and applying note-taking

Question 40: What is the main idea of the passage?

to prove that quantitative research is most applicable to children’s education

to illustrate the society lacks of deep comprehension of educational approach

to explain the ideas of quantitative research and the characteristics of the related criticisms

to imply qualitative research is a flawless method compared with quantitative one

Nghiên cứu định lượng trong giáo dục

Nhiều nhà nghiên cứu giáo dục đã từng làm việc trên giả định rằng trẻ em trải qua các giai đoạn phát triển khác nhau và chúng không thể thực hiện mức hoạt động nhận thức cao cấp nhất cho đến khi chúng đạt đến dạng thức phát triển nhất của quá trình nhận thức. Ví dụ, nhà nghiên cứu Piaget đã có một thí nghiệm nổi tiếng, trong đó ông yêu cầu bọn trẻ so sánh lượng chất lỏng trong các bình chứa có các hình dạng khác nhau. Những bình chứa đó có cùng dung tích, nhưng ngay cả khi những đứa trẻ được chứng kiến rằng có thể đổ cùng một lượng chất lỏng qua lại giữa các bình, nhiều trẻ trong số đó vẫn tin rằng có bình này lớn hơn bình kia. Piaget kết luận rằng bọn trẻ không có khả năng hoàn thành nhiệm vụ mang tính logic trong việc tìm ra hai bình chứa có cùng kích cỡ cho dù chúng có hình dạng khác nhau, lý do vì sự phát triển nhận thức của chúng chưa đạt đến giai đoạn cần thiết. Những người phản biện đối với nghiên cứu của ông, chẳng hạn như Donaldson, đã đặt ra nghi vấn về cách giải thích này. Họ chỉ ra khả năng có thể là bọn trẻ không thích chơi trò chơi của người thí nghiệm, hoặc chúng không hoàn toàn hiểu rõ câu hỏi mà người làm thí nghiệm đặt ra. Những lời chỉ trích này chắc chắn đã nói lên khả năng thực tế, nhưng quan trọng hơn, nó cho thấy rằng các thí nghiệm là những tình huống xã hội nơi diễn ra những tương tác giữa các cá nhân với nhau. Hàm ý được nhắc đến ở đây là cuộc điều tra của Piaget và các nỗ lực lặp lại nó không chỉ nhằm đánh giá khả năng tư duy logic của trẻ em, mà còn là mức độ mà chúng có thể hiểu được những chỉ dẫn, mức độ sẵn sàng tuân thủ các yêu cầu này, mức độ thành công của những người tiến hành thử nghiệm trong việc truyền đạt các yêu cầu và thúc đẩy các em, v.v.

Những lời chỉ trích tương tự cũng được nhắm vào các bài kiểm tra về tâm lý và giáo dục. Ví dụ, Mehan lập luận rằng các đối tượng tham gia có thể diễn giải các câu hỏi thử nghiệm theo hướng khác với ý tưởng của người tiến hành thử nghiệm. Trong một bài kiểm tra phát triển ngôn ngữ, các nhà nghiên cứu cho trẻ em xem tranh về một pháo đài thời trung cổ, có đầy đủ hào bao quanh, cầu kéo, công sự và ba phụ âm đầu: D, C và G. Các em được yêu cầu khoanh tròn phụ âm đầu đúng của ‘lâu đài’. Câu trả lời là C, nhưng nhiều em chọn D. Khi được hỏi tên của tòa nhà là gì, các em trả lời là ‘Disneyland’. Chúng đã đi theo dòng suy luận mà người thử nghiệm dự đoán trước nhưng lại đưa ra câu trả lời sai cơ bản. Bảng điểm có những câu trả lời sai không có nghĩa là trẻ thiếu năng lực suy luận; nó chỉ thể hiện rằng những đứa trẻ đã đưa ra một câu trả lời khác chứ không phải là câu mà người làm thử nghiệm mong đợi.

Chúng tôi liên tục nhận được câu hỏi về mức độ tin cậy của các phép đánh giá mà các kết quả nghiên cứu định lượng thường lấy làm cơ sở. Một số học giả như Donaldson coi đó là những vấn đề kỹ thuật, có thể được giải quyết thông qua thử nghiệm chặt chẽ hơn. Ngược lại, những người khác như Mehan cho rằng các vấn đề không chỉ xảy ra với các thí nghiệm hoặc bài kiểm tra cụ thể, mà chúng có thể gây nguy hại một cách hợp pháp đến giá trị của tất cả các nghiên cứu thuộc loại này.

Trong khi đó, cũng có những câu hỏi liên quan đến sự giả định trong logic của nghiên cứu giáo dục định lượng rằng nguyên nhân có thể được xác định thông qua tác động vật lý và/hoặc thống kê của các biến số. Các nhà phê bình cho rằng điều này không xem xét đến bản chất của đời sống xã hội con người khi cho rằng nó được tạo thành từ các mối quan hệ nhân quả một cách máy móc, cố định, trong khi trên thực tế, nó bao gồm các quy trình diễn giải và điều đình phức tạp, không mang lại kết quả xác định. Từ góc độ này, không cho thấy là chúng ta có thể hiểu rõ mô hình và cơ chế đằng sau các hành vi của con người chỉ đơn giản là xét đến các mối quan hệ thông thường, vốn là trọng tâm của nghiên cứu định lượng. Nó ám chỉ rằng đời sống xã hội biến đổi theo ngữ cảnh và phức tạp hơn nhiều.

Những phản biện như vậy đối với nghiên cứu giáo dục định lượng cũng đã truyền cảm hứng cho ngày càng nhiều các nhà nghiên cứu giáo dục áp dụng theo các phương pháp luận định tính trong ba hoặc bốn thập kỷ vừa qua. Các nhà nghiên cứu này đã tránh việc đánh giá và tác động vào các biến số theo thực nghiệm hoặc thống kê. Có nhiều hình thức nghiên cứu định tính, được minh họa một cách sơ sài bằng các thuật ngữ như ‘dân tộc học’, ‘ví dụ thực tế’, ‘quan sát người tham gia’, ‘lịch sử cuộc đời’, ‘phỏng vấn phi cấu trúc’, ‘phân tích nghị luận’, v.v. Nói chung, nó có các đặc điểm như sau:

Các nghiên cứu định tính tập trung chuyên sâu vào việc khám phá bản chất của một số hiện tượng nhất định trong lĩnh vực giáo dục, thay vì đặt ra để kiểm chứng các giả thuyết về chúng. Nó cũng thiên về giải quyết ‘dữ liệu phi cấu trúc’, loại dữ liệu chưa được mã hóa trong quá trình thu thập đối với một tập hợp đóng các danh mục được phân tích. Kết quả là, khi tiến hành quan sát, các nhà nghiên cứu định tính sử dụng các thiết bị âm thanh hoặc video để ghi lại những gì xảy ra hoặc viết chi tiết nhật ký hiện trường mở, thay vì mã hóa hành vi liên quan đến một nhóm danh mục được xác định trước, đó là điều mà các nhà nghiên cứu định lượng thường sẽ làm khi tiến hành ‘quan sát có hệ thống’. Tương tự, trong một cuộc phỏng vấn, người phỏng vấn sẽ hỏi những câu hỏi mở thay vì những câu hỏi yêu cầu câu trả lời đã được định trước thuộc loại điển hình, như bảng câu hỏi qua đường bưu điện. Trên thực tế, các cuộc phỏng vấn định tính thường được thiết kế để giống như các cuộc nói chuyện thông thường.

Các hình thức phân tích dữ liệu chủ yếu bao gồm mô tả và giải thích bằng lời nói đồng thời bao hàm việc giải thích rõ ràng về cả ý nghĩa và chức năng của các hành vi của con người. Sự định lượng và phân tích thống kê nhiều nhất cũng chỉ đóng vai trò phụ. Xã hội học về giáo dục và nghiên cứu đánh giá là hai lĩnh vực nghiên cứu giáo dục, nơi mà ban đầu những chỉ trích đối với nghiên cứu định lượng và sự phát triển các phương pháp định tính nổi lên một cách mạnh mẽ nhất. Một loạt các nghiên cứu được thực hiện bởi Lacey, Hargreaves và Lambert tại một trường liên cấp dành cho nam sinh, một trường cấp hai dành cho nam sinh và trường liên cấp dành cho nữ sinh ở Anh vào những năm 1960 đã đánh dấu sự khởi đầu của xu hướng nghiên cứu định tính trong xã hội học giáo dục. . Các nhà nghiên cứu đã áp dụng phương pháp dân tộc học hoặc quan sát người tham gia, mặc dù họ cũng thu thập một số dữ liệu định lượng, ví dụ như về mô hình tình bạn giữa các học sinh. Các nhà nghiên cứu này đã quan sát các bài học, phỏng vấn cả giáo viên và học sinh, và tận dụng tối đa hồ sơ học tập. Họ đã nghiên cứu các trường học trong một khoảng thời gian đáng kể, dành nhiều tháng để thu thập dữ liệu và theo dõi những thay đổi trong suốt những năm qua.

Câu hỏi 28-32: Ghép từng câu hoặc mô tả với đúng người, A, B, C hoặc D. NB Bạn có thể sử dụng bất kỳ chữ cái nào nhiều hơn một lần.

28. Câu trả lời sai cho thấy một đứa trẻ có góc nhìn khác hơn là thiếu khả năng suy luận.

29. Suy luận logic liên quan đến thí nghiệm nằm ngoài sự phát triển nhận thức của trẻ.

30. Sự miễn cưỡng của trẻ em trong việc tuân thủ các quy tắc trò chơi hoặc việc truyền thông tin sai lệch có thể là một cách giải thích khác.

31. Có bằng chứng về phương pháp quan sát khoa học để nghiên cứu.

32. Có một chi tiết thiếu sót trong các thí nghiệm về sự phát triển ngôn ngữ của trẻ em.

Câu hỏi 33-36: Hoàn thành các câu dưới đây. Chọn KHÔNG QUÁ HAI TỪ trong bài đọc cho mỗi câu trả lời.

Trong thí nghiệm của Piaget, ông yêu cầu bọn trẻ phân biệt số lượng  trong các bình chứa khác nhau.

Với câu hỏi của Mehan, các đối tượng thí nghiệm có xu hướng trả lời sai câu trả lời ”  ” thay vì câu trả lời đúng C.

Một số người chỉ trích kết quả thí nghiệm của Piaget, nhưng Donaldson cho rằng thiếu sót này có thể được sửa chữa bằng cách

Hầu hết các nghiên cứu định tính do Lacey, Hargreaves và Lambert tiến hành đều được thực hiện trong

Câu hỏi 37-39: Chọn BA chữ cái, A-F . Danh sách dưới đây bao gồm các đặc điểm của ‘nghiên cứu định tính’.   BA  đặc điểm nào được đề cập bởi tác giả bài đọc?

Hành vi mã hóa theo nhóm danh mục được xác định trước

Thiết kế cuộc phỏng vấn như một cuộc trò chuyện thông thường

Làm việc với dữ liệu có tổ chức trong một tập hợp đóng các danh mục phân tích

Đầy đủ chi tiết thay vì hàng loạt dữ liệu trong bảng câu hỏi

Yêu cầu đưa ra câu trả lời mở trong bảng câu hỏi

Ghi lại tình huống nghiên cứu và áp dụng việc ghi chép

Câu 40: Ý tưởng chính của bài đọc là gì?

chứng minh rằng nghiên cứu định lượng có thể áp dụng tốt nhất cho giáo dục trẻ em

minh họa sự thiếu hiểu biết sâu sắc về phương pháp giáo dục trong xã hội

giải thích các ý tưởng của nghiên cứu định lượng và đặc điểm của các chỉ trích liên quan

ngụ ý rằng nghiên cứu định tính là một phương pháp không có điểm yếu so với phương pháp định lượng

28. B 29. A 30. C 31. D 32. B
33. liquid 34. Disneyland 35. rigorous experimentation 36. grammar school 37. B,E,F
38. B,E,F 39. B,E,F 40. C

Quantitative Research in Education

Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and 

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IELTS Reading Recent Actual Tests Volume 2 with Answers – PDF Ebook

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Updated On Jul 19, 2024


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quantitative research in education ielts reading answers with location

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Do you want to improve your IELTS reading skills with the real IELTS reading tests which appeared in various IELTS exams between 2023 and 2024?

IELTS Reading Actual Test Volume 2 gives IELTS learners authentic IELTS Reading Tests from 2006 – 2012, including 7 tests with a range of different topics such as Health in the Wild (1 July 2012), Bird Migration (5 October 2012), California’s Age of Megafires (26 Nov 2011), Going nowhere fast (12 Feb 2012), or Man or Machine (16 Dec 2010), all of them with answers! Also, take more IELTS Reading Practice Tests to ace your IELTS test, today.

These tests with Answer keys are a great help to students who are taking IELTS examinations and will help them improve their reading skills.

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Grab Our IELTS Reading Ebook Today!

  • Going Bananas
  • Coastal Archaeology of Britain
  • Travel Books
  • Tackling Hunger in Msekeni
  • Placebo Effect – The Power of Nothing
  • Going Nowhere Fast
  • The Seedhunters
  • Assessing the Rish
  • The Origins of Laughter
  • The Lost City
  • Designed to Last: Could Better Design Cure Our Throwaway Culture?
  • Alfred Nobel
  • Bird Migration
  • The Ingenuity Gap
  • Man or Machine?
  • California’s Age of Megafires
  • The Rainmaker
  • Health in the Wild
  • The Conquest of Malaria in Italy, 1900 – 1962
  • Sunset for the Oil Business?

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Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam, a Senior Content Marketing Specialist and a Certified IELTS Trainer of 3 years, crafts her writings in an engaging way with proper SEO practices. She specializes in creating a variety of content for IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL, and certain immigration-related topics. As a student of literature, she enjoys freelancing for websites and magazines to balance her profession in marketing and her passion for creativity!

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How to find correct answers in IELTS reading from the right location?

Many students face this problem that they can find the location but not the exact answer. In order to overcome this problem you need two things while attempting reading first is Vocabulary which obviously everybody knows but the second thing which many students do not know or ignore is common sense. I have always maintained that even if your English is not that good but you keep your mind open while reading you can easily score 6–6.5 bands in reading.

Now what do I mean by common sense. While attempting any question you need to understand the underlying idea of the question that is while it is asking about noun for example some person or place, or verb like some kind of activities. These small small things make it very easy to attempt reading. This method is particularly effective for blanks and diagrams.

For MCQs which students find incredibly difficult, the easier method is not to look for the answer but to look for the options which are not there. Since you can find the location of the question. The next step should be at out of four options A, B, C and D find out which ones are not mentioned at the location. Then after elimination you are generally left with two likely answers. To find the exact answer find the synonyms for both the options and which every has more synonyms in the passage is the answer.


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    This web page provides a mock test for IELTS reading with two passages on different topics: the invention of marine chronometer and ancient people in Sahara. The test includes multiple-choice, true/false and gap-fill questions.

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  7. Mock Test

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    Quantitative Research in Education. Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well ...

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    Trang web này cung cấp bản dịch và giải thích chi tiết của đề thi IELTS Reading về nghiên cứu phát triển nhận thức của trẻ em. Đề thi này không liên quan đến việc thực hiện cuộc điều tra và nhân rộng nó, mà chỉ đề cập đến các khác nhau giả định và phương pháp của nhà nghiên cứu Piaget và Donaldson.

  17. Quantitative Research In Education IELTS Reading Answers with

    Quantitative Research In Education IELTS Reading Answers ...

  18. Quantitative Research in Education

    Quantitative Research in Education. Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well ...

  19. Đáp Án Và Giải Thích Quantitative Research In Education

    This web page provides a reading passage and questions about quantitative research in education, its limitations and qualitative alternatives. It also offers answers and explanations for the questions, with examples and tips for IELTS test takers.

  20. Quantitative Research in Education

    In a language development test, researchers show children a picture of a medieval. fortress, complete with moat, drawbridge, parapets and three initial consonants in it: D, C, and G. The. children are required to circle the correct initial consonant for 'castle'. The answer is C, but many kids.

  21. 雅思阅读054套PASSAGE 3:Quantitative Research in Education

    Quantitative Research in Education Many education researchers used to work on the assumption that children experience different phases of development, and that they cannot execute the most advanced level of cognitive operation until they have reached the most advanced forms of cognitive process. For example, one researcher Piaget had a well-known experiment in which he asked the children to ...

  22. IELTS Reading Recent Actual Tests Volume 2 with Answers

    IELTS Reading Actual Test Volume 2 gives IELTS learners authentic IELTS Reading Tests from 2006 - 2012, including 7 tests with a range of different topics such as Health in the Wild (1 July 2012), Bird Migration (5 October 2012), California's Age of Megafires (26 Nov 2011), Going nowhere fast (12 Feb 2012), or Man or Machine (16 Dec 2010 ...

  23. How to find correct answers in IELTS reading from the right location?

    Since you can find the location of the question. The next step should be at out of four options A, B, C and D find out which ones are not mentioned at the location. Then after elimination you are generally left with two likely answers. To find the exact answer find the synonyms for both the options and which every has more synonyms in the ...

  24. Luyện Tập Bài Đọc Quantitative Research In Education

    The sociology of education and evaluation studies were the two areas of educational research where criticism of quantitative research and the development of qualitative methodologies initially emerged in the most intense way. A series of studies conducted by Lacey, Hargreaves and Lambert in a boys' grammar school, a boys' secondary modem ...