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Essay vs. Composition: What's the Difference?

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Composition vs. Essay

What's the difference.

Composition and essay are both forms of written expression, but they differ in their purpose and structure. A composition is a broader term that encompasses various types of writing, including essays. It refers to the act of creating a piece of writing that conveys a message or idea. On the other hand, an essay is a specific type of composition that presents an argument or analysis on a particular topic. Essays typically have a clear structure, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, while compositions can be more flexible in their organization. Additionally, essays often require research and evidence to support the writer's claims, while compositions can be more personal and creative in nature.

DefinitionA written work that expresses ideas or opinions on a specific topic.A written work that presents an argument or analysis on a specific topic.
StructureTypically consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.Typically consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
LengthCan vary in length, from a few paragraphs to several pages.Can vary in length, from a few paragraphs to several pages.
PurposeTo inform, persuade, or entertain the reader.To present an argument, analyze a topic, or provide insight.
ToneCan be formal or informal, depending on the context.Can be formal or informal, depending on the context.
ContentCan cover a wide range of topics, including personal experiences, opinions, or research findings.Can cover a wide range of topics, including analysis, research, or personal perspectives.
Thesis StatementMay or may not have a clear thesis statement.Typically includes a clear thesis statement that presents the main argument or analysis.
Supporting EvidenceMay or may not include supporting evidence to strengthen the ideas presented.Includes supporting evidence, such as facts, examples, or quotations, to support the argument or analysis.
OrganizationCan be organized in various ways, depending on the purpose and content.Usually follows a logical organization, with clear transitions between paragraphs.

Further Detail


When it comes to academic writing, two common forms that students often encounter are composition and essay. While both serve as means of expressing thoughts and ideas, they have distinct attributes that set them apart. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of composition and essay writing, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Definition and Purpose

Composition and essay are both forms of written expression, but they differ in their definitions and purposes. A composition is a broader term that encompasses various types of writing, including essays. It refers to the act of creating a piece of writing that conveys a message or explores a topic. On the other hand, an essay is a specific type of composition that presents a focused argument or analysis on a particular subject.

When it comes to structure, compositions and essays also exhibit some differences. Compositions often have a more flexible structure, allowing writers to experiment with different formats and styles. They may include narrative elements, descriptive passages, or even dialogues. On the other hand, essays typically follow a more rigid structure, consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction presents the thesis statement, the body paragraphs provide supporting evidence, and the conclusion summarizes the main points and restates the thesis.

Content and Focus

Another distinction between compositions and essays lies in their content and focus. Compositions can cover a wide range of topics, from personal experiences to fictional stories or even technical subjects. They allow for more creativity and exploration of different themes. In contrast, essays are more focused and analytical. They require a clear thesis statement and demand the writer to provide evidence and logical reasoning to support their argument or analysis. Essays often require extensive research and critical thinking to present a well-supported viewpoint.

Tone and Style

The tone and style of compositions and essays can also differ. Compositions often allow for a more personal and subjective tone, depending on the purpose and audience. Writers can use a variety of styles, such as formal, informal, persuasive, or descriptive, to convey their message effectively. In contrast, essays generally adopt a more formal and objective tone. They require a logical and coherent presentation of ideas, relying on evidence and analysis rather than personal opinions or emotions.

Length is another factor that sets compositions and essays apart. Compositions can vary significantly in length, depending on the purpose and requirements. They can be as short as a paragraph or extend to multiple pages. The length of a composition often depends on the writer's intention and the context in which it is written. On the other hand, essays typically have a specific word count or page limit. They are usually more structured and concise, aiming to present a well-developed argument within a defined space.

The intended audience also plays a role in distinguishing compositions from essays. Compositions can target a broader audience, including both academic and non-academic readers. They can be written for personal enjoyment, entertainment, or educational purposes. In contrast, essays are primarily aimed at an academic audience. They are commonly assigned as part of coursework or academic assessments, requiring students to demonstrate their understanding of a subject and their ability to present a coherent argument.

In conclusion, while composition and essay share the common goal of written expression, they differ in various aspects. Compositions encompass a broader range of writing styles and formats, allowing for more creativity and exploration. On the other hand, essays are more focused, structured, and analytical, demanding a clear argument and supporting evidence. Understanding the attributes of both composition and essay writing can help students effectively adapt their writing style to different contexts and requirements.

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Home » Education » Difference Between Essay and Composition

Difference Between Essay and Composition

Main difference – essay vs composition.

Many students think that the two words Essay and Composition mean the same and can be used interchangeably. While it is true that essay is an essay a type of composition, not all compositions are essays. Let us first look at the meaning of composition. A composition can refer to any creative work, be it a short story, poem, essay, research paper or a piece of music. Therefore, the main difference between essay and composition is that essay is a type of composition whereas composition refers to any creative work .

What is an Essay

An essay is a literary composition that describes, analyzes, and evaluates a certain topic or an issue . It typically contains a combination of facts and figures and personal opinions, ideas of the writer. Essays are a type of commonly used academic writing in the field of education.  In fact, the essay can be introduced as the main type of literary composition written in school level.

An essay typically consists of a brief introduction, a body that consists of supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, the structure, content and the purpose of an essay can depend on the type of the essay. An essay can be classified into various types depending on the given essay title, or the style of the essay writer. Narrative , Descriptive , Argumentative , Expository , Persuasive , etc. are some of these essay types. The content , structure and style of the essay also depend on the nature of the essay. The complexity of the essay also depends on the type of the essay. For example, narrative and descriptive essays can be written even by primary school students whereas argumentative and persuasive essays are usually being written by older students.

Difference Between Essay and Composition

What is a Composition

The term composition can refer to any creative work . A composition can be a piece of music, art of literature. For example, Symphony No. 40 in G minor is a composition by Mozart.

The term literary composition can refer a poem, short story, essay, drama , novel or even a research paper. It refers to an original and creative literary work.

Main Difference - Essay vs Composition

Essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic.

Composition is a creative work.


Essay is a type of composition.

Not all compositions are essays.

Essay can be categorized as narrative, descriptive, persuasive, argumentative, expository, etc.

A composition can be a short story, novel, poem, essay, drama, painting, piece of music, etc.

Prose vs verse

Essay is always written in prose.

Difference Between Essay and Composition- infographic

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Difference Between Essay and Composition

Edited by Diffzy | Updated on: October 11, 2023

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  • Introduction

We often get confused between an essay and a composition because they generally sound the same. So, we end up using the terms interchangeably. Essay and composition are components of writing skills, but they are slightly different from each other even if they seem the same. This is why they cannot be used interchangeably while speaking because they serve different writing purposes. Essays are writing pieces that follow a particular structure and are mainly written to express opinions on a particular subject. Compositions, on the other hand, refer to any kind of creation, which can include writing pieces or music compositions. They do not follow any particular structure, and their structure primarily depends on the kind of creation. A composition can be created on any particular topic. The structural pattern of an essay generally consists of a paragraph on introduction, after which comes the body, and lastly a paragraph on conclusion. So, an essay follows a uniform structure. But this is not the case with composition, and an interesting fact about composition that should be noted is that composition is a huge category under which an essay lies as a subcategory.

  • Essay vs Composition

Essay and composition are different types of writing pieces that have their purposes. An essay is a piece of writing where an author expresses himself in his opinions or arguments regarding a particular topic. It follows a uniform structure from the beginning to the end, starting with an introduction paragraph, then a body, and then a conclusion paragraph. An essay can be of a few paragraphs or can extend up to several pages. So, an essay can be a quite long medium of self-expression. Moreover, the opinion expressed here can be either about world affairs, which means formal, or it can be about the writer's personal life, which means informal.

Composition is a general term that refers to any type of creation. It is a very broad concept, and an essay also comes under composition. Any piece of writing is a composition that includes stories and poems. It primarily means a creation, and any form of writing is indeed a writer's creation. So, compositions cannot be separately categorized as structured or unstructured.

  • Difference Between Essay and Composition in Tabular Form
A self-expressive piece of writing.It refers to any form of writing.
An essay follows a specific structural pattern having an introduction, body, and conclusion.Composition refers to any kind of writing which is why the format also varies accordingly.
Essays can have a formal or informal tone of writing depending on the topic.Composition can also be formal or informal but it mainly depends on the writing format.
Essays can be of a few paragraphs or several pages.Compositions can be shorter or longer than essays depending on the kind of type of writing.
Essays are usually written in prose forms.Compositions can be in prose or verse formats since it is a general term used for all kinds of writing.
Essays mainly aim to present a writer’s perspectives or educate the audience on a particular subject.Compositions are created either for spreading information, for entertainment, or for expressing one's emotions.
An essay is a type of Composition.Compositions include various other forms of writing along with essays.
  • What is an Essay?

Essays originated in the 16th century. It is a piece of writing where a writer conveys his opinion on a particular matter of interest. Today, essays as a genre have become very popular, and they are given as assignments in schools and colleges. A writer writes essays mainly to make the audience think over a particular topic of concern, and essays can have a formal or informal tone of writing. So, whether essays are formal or informal, they express the writer's opinion about something, which means that essays are written with a subjective approach. This is because subjective means personal emotions and feelings, and a writer's personal opinions can be found in an essay. Moreover, essays can be romantic or factual. Factual essays are when a writer writes about world affairs or daily life topics, but romantic essays consist of information about a writer's personal life, such as Charles Lamb's romantic essays.

Essay writing is a very good habit that enhances one's writing skills, improves the organization of information and thoughts, and improves one's expression of ideas. Essays follow a particular structural pattern, which includes an introductory paragraph, a body consisting of one or many paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. An essay can be of a few paragraphs, or it can extend up to several pages. Writing an essay is difficult since it conveys a writer's personal opinion, so essays should be authentic in providing information so that readers can believe a writer and the facts presented by a writer. So, a trustworthy relationship should be present between a writer and his readers or rather it should be built through an essay. Students often use essays to present their learning of a particular subject and the writing skills that they have developed. Scholars also use essays in academic fields to present their research on a particular topic. Essays are mainly written in prose format.

Types of Essays

Various types of essays can be found today, depending on the topic on which the essay is written and the writing style of an essayist. Some of them are: -

Critical Analysis Essays

Narrative essays, descriptive essays.

Critical analysis essays are primarily based on literature subjects. They provide a deep analysis of a particular piece of literature. Here, the author tries to make an argument or prove a point about the literary piece. It is very similar to argumentative or persuasive essays and follows the argument format by providing evidence in the form of quotations and citations.

An essay that is written in a storytelling format is a narrative essay. This kind of essay generally narrates some personal experiences of the writer or his imagination of what he wanted to experience. Hence, this kind of essay is romantic and extremely subjective. These kinds of essays are written in a well-structured way and should be engaging to the readers such as Charles Lamb's essays are extremely personal essays where he shares some instances of his personal life. So, these essays can also be called autobiographical essays.

Descriptive essays may seem like narrative essays, but they are slightly different. They tend to provide vivid sensory descriptions about an object or an event, but they do not give full details of the entire story. Just some specific points are provided, and they are more focused than narrative essays. They are also creative, like narrative essays.

  • What is Composition?

Composition is a very broad concept and is used to refer to any kind of creation such as a poem, short story or a novel. A piece of music is also composed so, it is also a composition. It is a much broader term than an essay. Moreover, since compositions include such a wide range of writing, the purpose of a composition solely depends on the kind of writing that is written. A composition, which is an essay, is a self-expressive piece of writing. Similarly, if the composition is a music composition, it has the purpose of entertaining the audience. There can be articles that have educational intent. So, compositions have a variety of purposes depending on the piece of creation.

It is also to be noted that essays are a type of composition because composition is a broad term and includes a wide variety of creations. So, essays come under compositions, but that does not mean that all compositions are essays. Compositions also have a pattern and structure, just like essays, but this again depends on the type of creation that a creator has produced because composition is not any particular type of writing. The tone of a composition also depends on the same factor. However, it should be known that since compositions involve any kind of creation, compositions can be longer or shorter than essays such as novels or short poems. Compositions, unlike essays, put more focus on the presentation of information. Compositions are expected to fully cover a topic, providing a detailed analysis of a topic.

Types of Composition

Compositions like essays can also be subdivided into various types. The different types of compositions are: -

  • Short Stories

A poem is a piece of writing where a poet pens down his collection of ideas in a creative way. Poems are usually written following a particular rhyme scheme and metrical pattern, but gradually, with time, poets started moving away from traditional patterns. They started writing poems in free verse, which does not have any particular rhymical pattern. Here, thoughts can continue from one line to another without any restriction. Poems are creative pieces serving multiple purposes, such as narrating a particular story, expressing one’s desires, sharing information, or recording one’s memory. Poems that provide a universally true message are the most appealing to readers.

Short Story

A short story is also a kind of composition. A short story is very similar to a novel because it is also a work of fiction. But a short story, as the name implies, is a short fictional tale. The main aim of a short story is to provide a conflict, compelling characters and everything else within a short and compact package. A short story is usually set in one particular location to keep things simple, and one or two main characters may be introduced. Their background is generally not provided to keep the short and simple, and subplots are not used here. Moreover, short stories arouse the interest of readers because they are open-ended. Short stories are usually between 1000 to 7500 words.

A novel is a longer version of a short story that has originated many years ago before short stories were a thing. It holds a significant status in the field of literature. A novel is a lengthy prose fiction, which is why it consists of a main plot with several subplots, several significant characters who develop throughout the course of the novel, and a particular theme. Novels are usually close-ended and explore a variety of issues, such as social and political issues, and complexities of human emotions and relationships. The characters here should be round and well-developed characters. The different genres of novel are thriller, romance, science fiction and fantasy novels.

An article is also a kind of composition, but it is a non-fictional piece of writing. An article primarily aims to educate its readers on a particular topic of discussion. Articles use formal language for writing. An article is similar to an essay in structure as it consists of an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Articles are generally short and concise, containing factual information regarding a particular topic.

  • Main Difference Between Essay and Composition in Points
  • People often confuse the terms essay and composition. Essay and composition have many similar aspects. But they are also essentially different. An essay is a type of writing where the writer expresses his opinions or perspective on a particular subject of interest. So, essays are self-expressive. Composition, on the other hand, is a broad concept and is generally used to refer to any kind of creation, such as poems or short stories. Music compositions are also a kind of composition. Any kind of creation that is being created by a creator comes under composition. A musician composes music, so composition refers to any type of creation, and even essays come under composition. This is because an essay is also a type of writing piece, which means it is also a creation, and composition refers to any kind of creation. So, the essay comes under compositions. But that does not mean that every composition is an essay.
  • The tone of essays can be both formal and informal. But whatever the tone is, essays are always subjective because the writer expresses his puts his voice in an essay and tries to justify his perspective. It does not completely consist of facts, and hence it cannot be called objective. Formal essays are those essays where the writer expresses his views regarding world affairs, but informal essays contain a writer’s description of the events of his personal life. Charles Lamb’s essays are examples of informal essays where Lamb has described events of his personal life. Compositions, on the other hand, do not have any definite tone, and the tone of a composition depends on the type of creation. This is because compositions broadly refer to every type of creation. So, a poem can have a personal and informal tone, whereas an article will have a formal tone. Concerning this, it should also be noted that compositions can have either an objective approach or a subjective approach, and this entirely depends on the writing format. If it is a short story, it will have a subjective approach, and research papers or formal essays will have an objective approach.

Hence, it can be said that essays and composition are both different kinds of creation. An essay is a self-expressive piece of writing where an author expresses his judgments on a particular issue, whereas composition is a general term that is used to refer to any kind of creation. It happens many times that an essay and a composition are considered the same, and so, people use the terms interchangeably, but this is completely wrong. A Composition refers to any kind of creation that includes poems, short stories, novels, articles, and essays. Music pieces are also creations, so they also come under the category of composition. So, essays are a part of composition since composition is a broad term, but not all compositions are essays. An essay can have a formal or informal tone of writing and is usually subjective because a writer expresses his opinions here, but the tone of a composition depends on the kind of writing, whether it is a poem or an article. Moreover, similar to the tone, the approach of a composition also depends on the kind of writing. So, an essay and a composition may seem the same, but they are essentially very different.

  • https://thecontentauthority.com/blog/essay-vs-composition
  • https://www.grammarly.com/blog/types-of-essays/
  • https://www.masterclass.com/articles/guide-to-common-types-of-essays
  • https://www.scribbr.com/academic-essay/essay-types/
  • https://poemanalysis.com/genre/poem/
  • https://www.blurb.com/blog/what-is-a-short-story/
  • https://www.studiobinder.com/blog/what-is-a-novel-definition/
  • https://www.toppr.com/guides/english/writing/article/ 

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The Difference between an Essay and a Composition

In a few cases, an essay and a composition can mean the same thing. However, your composition for a music class will look much different than your composition for a history class.

What is an Essay?

Essay vs. Composition

An essay is an informative piece of writing that includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The purpose of an essay is to present a specific point that a writer has chosen to make on a topic and to lay out the reasoning for why the writer reached that conclusion. When the writer has completed their essay, they have in their hands a literary composition. Essays can only be completed using the written word.

What is A Composition?

A composition is any creative work, and creativity does not always come in the form of the written word. Written compositions can be essays, but there are many other forms of writing that fall under the definition of a composition. In fact, all original pieces of writing are defined as written compositions, including all the writing forms that are not essays. Compositions can also include many other forms other than writing, as well.

Essays come in four basic types: expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. Expository essays present facts about a topic, persuasive essays argue a point and try to convince readers to agree on that point, a descriptive essay paints a story using words, and a narrative essay tells a true story from a writer's personal experience. Each type of essay has its own structure to be followed but all should analyze, present, or describe a specific topic.

Compositions come in many forms: plays, short stories, musical scores, art, novels, and poems. Each has their own requirements for structure and allowances for creativity. Any original creative work is a composition, whether it's written, performed, sculpted, or drawn. Both modern American author Stephen King and 16th Century music composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are known for famous compositions like the novel The Stand and the opera The Marriage of Figaro.

While you don't need to be a great writer to publish a composition that will make you famous someday, you won't be able to take any shortcuts on learning an art form and honing it through years of practice. Whether your practice includes a pencil, word processing software, a paintbrush, or a piano, the original and creative results of that practice will all be compositions.

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Essay vs. Composition — What's the Difference?

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Difference Between Essay and Composition

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Guilherme Mazui

  • What is the Difference Between Essay and Composition?

The main difference between an essay and a composition lies in their definitions and the scope of their meanings.

  • Essay : An essay is a relatively short piece of writing on a particular topic. It is a specific type of composition that focuses on presenting and supporting an argument or discussing a particular topic. Essays can be categorized into various types, such as narrative, descriptive, persuasive, argumentative, and expository.
  • Composition : A composition is a broader term that encompasses various forms of written expression. It refers to any creative work, including short stories, poems, essays, research papers, and pieces of music. Compositions can also include other forms beyond writing, such as plays, musical scores, and paintings.

In summary, while an essay is a specific type of composition that presents and supports an argument or discusses a topic, a composition is a more general term that covers a wider range of creative works in various forms.

Comparative Table: Essay vs Composition

Here is a table comparing the differences between an essay and a composition:

Feature Essay Composition
Meaning A self-expressive piece of writing Refers to any form of writing
Structure Follows a specific structural pattern with an introduction, body, and conclusion The format varies depending on the writing format
Writing Tone Can have a formal or informal tone depending on the topic Can have a formal or informal tone depending on the writing format
Volume Usually shorter and focused on a specific topic Can be longer and cover a broader range of topics
Form Always written in prose Can take various forms, including plays, short stories, musical scores, and more

An essay is a self-expressive piece of writing where an author expresses their judgments on a topic. Essays typically follow a structured format with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. They can have a formal or informal tone depending on the topic. Essays usually focus on a specific topic and are shorter in length.

On the other hand, a composition refers to any form of writing. The structure and format of a composition can vary depending on the writing format. Compositions can be formal or informal, and they can take various forms, including plays, short stories, musical scores, and more. Unlike essays, compositions are not limited to prose and can include other forms of writing.

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Difference Between

Essay vs. Composition: Know the Difference

Shumaila Saeed

Key Differences

Shumaila Saeed

Comparison Chart

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Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth Homepage

Online Programs

Ap® english language and composition (intensive, ncaa approved).

  • Advanced CTY-Level
  • Session-Based
  • Language Arts

Learn to write college-level essays, expand your vocabulary, and prepare to take the Advanced Placement® Exam in English Language and Composition during this intensive 12-week course. We’ll study a variety of nonfiction texts to understand the interplay between author’s purpose, message, and audience expectations. You’ll also write your own arguments and research-based and rhetorical analysis essays while developing your skills at analyzing diction, syntax, persuasive appeals, methods of development, and more. After each essay, you will write a reflection explaining and evaluating your writing process. You’ll receive feedback from your instructor and often from your peers, revising your work along the way. You will also practice answering multiple-choice questions similar to those on past AP® exams, and develop strong essay test-taking skills like organization and time management. Through written collaboration with classmates from around the world, you’ll explore new perspectives and develop your own ideas. This writing course has been reviewed and approved by the College Board to use the AP® designation.

Time Commitment: 6-10 hours of independent work per week.  

Course Overview

What we'll do

Over 10 course units, we will develop key reading and writing skills and apply them in activities, workshops, writing assignments, and revisions. We’ll hone our text comprehension and analysis skills with multiple-choice questions based on nonfiction passages. In addition, we’ll write 13 full essays, including three for a final practice exam that mimics a full AP exam. Through our reading and writing, we’ll explore how people communicate their ideas and feelings through language, how readers understand those ideas and feelings, and what types of communication are most effective for each situation. You will continually improve by applying instructor and classmate feedback on your own writing.

What we’ll learn

  • To analyze an author’s use of diction, tone, syntax, comparisons, methods of development, figurative language, audience appeals, and formatting
  • To write persuasively on a variety of topics based on given evidence and your own knowledge and experiences
  • To effectively use strategies such as introducing and concluding an essay, writing strong thesis statements, seamlessly embedding quotations, qualifying arguments, rebutting counterarguments, and creating cohesion in an essay

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Explain how writers’ choices reflect the components of the rhetorical situation
  • Make strategic choices in a text to address a rhetorical situation
  • Identify and describe the claims and evidence of an argument
  • Analyze and select evidence to develop and refine a claim
  • Describe the reasoning, organization, and development of an argument
  • Illuminate the line of reasoning in an argument with organization and commentary
  • Explain how writers’ stylistic choices contribute to the purpose of an argument
  • Select words and use elements of composition to advance an argument
  • Annotate texts, narrow multiple-choice options, and outline essays to prepare for timed tests
  • Communicate effectively and empathetically about topics that affect all people

How we'll measure learning

The objectives for this course align exactly with those released by the College Board for this exam, and course lessons cover all of these objectives. You will demonstrate mastery of course skills with multiple-choice quizzes in every unit and three different types of essays. All multiple-choice questions and essay prompts either appeared on a previous AP exam, or closely mimic AP style and format. In this graded course, each assignment will be assessed using a rubric aligned to AP grading standards.

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Testing and Prerequisites

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Required Level Not required Advanced CTY-Level

Students must achieve qualifying scores on an advanced assessment to be eligible for CTY programs. If you don’t have qualifying scores, you have several different testing options. We’ll help you find the right option for your situation.

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  • Nonrefundable Application Fee - $15 (Waived for financial aid applicants)
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We have concluded our financial aid application review process for Academic Year 2023-2024 Online Programs (Courses with start dates July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024). Our application for Academic Year 2024-2025 Online Programs is expected to open in January. We encourage those who may need assistance in the future to apply for aid as early as possible.

Course Materials

Please acquire all course materials by the course start date, unless noted as perishable. Items marked as “perishable” should not be acquired until the student needs them in the course . If you have questions about these materials or difficulty locating them, please contact [email protected] .  

No textbooks are required for this course

Technical Requirements

This course requires a computer with high-speed Internet access and an up-to-date web browser such as Chrome or Firefox. You must be able to communicate with the instructor via email. Visit the Technical Requirements and Support page for more details.

This course uses a virtual classroom for instructor-student communication. The classroom works on standard computers with the Zoom desktop client , and on tablets or handhelds that support the Zoom Mobile app . Recorded meetings can only be viewed on a computer with the Zoom desktop client installed. The Zoom desktop client and Zoom Mobile App are both free to download.

Terms & Conditions

Students may interact in online classrooms and meetings that include peers, instructors, and occasional special guests.

After a you complete a course, your projects may be used to illustrate work for future students. 

You will need to create an account on a third-party site to access course resources.

About Language Arts at CTY

Enhance your skills in creative writing and critical reading, learn to craft effective sentences, and develop an analytical approach to reading and writing through our Language Arts courses. Guided by our expert instructors, you can further develop your communication skills in our interdisciplinary visual fluency courses, and explore topics in communication theory, design theory, and cognitive psychology. Through coursework and online discussions with classmates from around the world, you’ll elevate your writing structure and style, hone your craft, and become an adept wordsmith fluent in the language of literary arts. 

Write, Edit, Publish

Walk in the shoes of a writer, editor, and publisher this fall in Master Class I: Writing, Editing, and Publishing , and then collaborate with peers to create the next issue of our CTY Online student-developed literary journal, Lexophilia , in Master Class II: Writing, Editing, and Publishing , offered in the winter.

Explore Greek Myths

Newly revised for fall 2021, you'll read, discuss, and write about Greek myths in Young Readers’ Series: Greek Myths Revisited , studying exciting, heroic characters and ancient narratives that continue to teach us all valuable lessons about life, love, and family.

Meet our Language Arts Instructors

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I realize that I love teaching on an almost daily basis. It comes to me in the form of a student's 'ah-ha' moment, when everything clicks and the student understands a challenging concept. I get goose bumps just thinking about it!

Yvonne Borresen

Language Arts Instructor

Difference between composition and essay writing. What is the difference between "writing" and "composition" and "essay" ? "writing" vs "composition" vs "essay" ? 2022-10-28

Composition and essay writing are two forms of writing that are often considered to be similar, but are actually quite distinct. While both involve written communication and may involve similar topics, there are several key differences between composition and essay writing that are important to understand in order to be successful in either form of writing.

One of the main differences between composition and essay writing is the purpose of the writing. Composition is typically used for academic or professional writing, while essay writing is more commonly used in personal or creative writing. This means that the tone, style, and structure of the writing will often be quite different.

Composition writing is generally more formal and objective, with the primary goal being to convey information or present a well-reasoned argument. Essay writing, on the other hand, is typically more personal and subjective, with the goal being to express the writer's thoughts, feelings, or opinions on a particular topic.

Another key difference between composition and essay writing is the structure of the writing. Composition writing is often more structured, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, while essay writing may be more flexible and fluid in its structure. This means that composition writing is often more organized and easier to follow, while essay writing may be more creative and expressive.

Finally, composition and essay writing also differ in terms of the audience for the writing. Composition writing is typically intended for a more general audience, while essay writing may be more personal and intended for a smaller, specific audience. This can affect the language and tone of the writing, as well as the level of detail and complexity of the content.

In summary, composition and essay writing are two distinct forms of writing that differ in terms of purpose, structure, and audience. Understanding these differences is crucial for successful writing in either form, and can help writers to effectively communicate their ideas and messages to their intended audiences.

Difference Between Essay and Composition

difference between composition and essay writing

An essay is a literary form based on the character of a person or a thing. An exercise book or composition book is a notebook that is used in schools to copy down schoolwork and notes. What are the black and white notebooks called? A composition can refer to any creative work, be it a short story, poem, essay, research paper or a piece of music. An essay is aimed to push readership to develop their own position on a topic. Login The Difference between an Essay and a Composition In a few cases, an essay and a composition can mean the same thing.

Difference between Essay and Composition

difference between composition and essay writing

It is a type of work that is meant to revolve around a particular topic. Its main purpose is to put the reader in a position of understanding why you chose to stick with your thoughts and opinions. While these two are completely different on one side, they have a few features that make them almost similar. Written compositions can be essays, but there are many other forms of writing that fall under the definition of a composition. What is an Essay? Composition is mainly meant to explain the subject matter in detail without getting extra thoughts and opinions. In composition, description is a rhetorical strategy using sensory details to portray a person, place, or thing. However, your composition for a music class will look much different than your composition for a history class.

What is the difference between "writing" and "composition" and "essay" ? "writing" vs "composition" vs "essay" ?

difference between composition and essay writing

An exercise book or composition book is a notebook that is used in schools to copy down schoolwork and notes. Each type of essay has its own structure to be followed but all should analyze, present, or describe a specific topic. It has a clear presentation structure. Difference Between High School and College Difference Between CPA and ACCA Difference Between Graduate School and Undergraduate School Difference Between Observation and Interviewing as Methods of Data Collection Difference Between Research and Scientific Method Filed Under: Tagged With: About the Author: Aron. Essay too is a composition. I would appreciate it if you would be very strict with me and point out my mistakes or anything unnatural no matter how small it is.

What is the difference between writing and composition notebook?

difference between composition and essay writing

Argumentative essay writing is a formal way of writing and this essay completely defines the arguments and the author explains the purpose of proposing and opposing arguments. To provide it, the paper must follow a set structure: an introduction that outlines the essential problematic of the topic, a body that explains and reveals the main idea of the composition, and a logical conclusion. The composition requires you to read the topic, understand it and then write about it creatively. These composition books by Yoobi are ideal notebooks for college students. Essays though have a simple structure that allows the author to express himself while compositions are more detailed in information and in volume.

Difference between composition and essay writing

difference between composition and essay writing

The US equivalent is composition book, which traditionally has a distinctive cover pattern. What is the meaning of composition notebook? While you don't need to be a great writer to publish a composition that will make you famous someday, you won't be able to take any shortcuts on learning an art form and honing it through years of practice. Excellent post, I will difference between composition and essay writing. Its presentation structure is clear. This is because you need to provide information to the reader, and answers to the questions your reader may pose. It describes any given topic or event in a very descriptive manner.

Essay vs. Composition

difference between composition and essay writing

A composition mainly contains the analysis of the topic. What is the purpose of a composition notebook? Each has their own requirements for structure and allowances for creativity. A composition is any creative work, and creativity does not always come in the form of the written word. It can be a descriptive narration of an event, preferably a historical event too. The word composition can have many different connotations to it, such as in a school setting where a teacher requires compositions on something in particular as homework for their students. An essay has the author express his own position clearly. An essay on the other hand requires minimal research.

difference between composition and essay writing

There are students who make the big mistake of thinking that essays and compositions are the same. The purpose of an essay is to present a specific point that a writer has chosen to make on a topic and to lay out the reasoning for why the writer reached that conclusion. Compositions can also include many other forms other than writing, as well. This is not a one-day job for most students. While gathering specific relevant information to the essay, you are also required to add your own thoughts and arguments on the subject matter. Articles are slightly long may be upto words. This is made possible by the set composition structure that includes an introduction that explains the topic in brief, a body whose main work is to explore the whole idea of the composition, and a conclusion that sums up both the introduction and body, in brief.

difference between composition and essay writing

To successfully write an essay, understand the problem to the core and share what your thoughts and opinions are towards that particular topic. What is an Essay? The basic format for an essay is known as the five paragraph essay — but an essay may have as many paragraphs as needed. What is composition techniques? Expository essays present facts about a topic, persuasive essays argue a point and try to convince readers to agree on that point, a descriptive essay paints a story using words, and a narrative essay tells a true story from a writer's personal experience. Compositions come in many forms: plays, short stories, musical scores, art, novels, and poems. What is description composition? It deals with the study of various meters employed in poetry. The essay requires to not only gather specific relevant information but also add it with your own thoughts and arguments.

Continue to create new account. You can compare the work of different authors and make a conclusion on what their visions will be. I'd like to use the word in this sentence: Could you please correct my xxxxx for me? That is, reveal their mindset, opinions, impressions, and opinions. A well organized outline can help you when writing a paper. Why is it called a composition notebook? This job cannot be done within a day and that is why students often look for writing help from professional essay writing services. Any task accomplished through the help of a professional writing service can confidently be termed as an essay. One final difference would be that compositions need research that is more extensive.

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5 Compare and Contrast Essay Examples (Full Text)

5 Compare and Contrast Essay Examples (Full Text)

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

Learn about our Editorial Process

A compare and contrast essay selects two or more items that are critically analyzed to demonstrate their differences and similarities. Here is a template for you that provides the general structure:

compare and contrast essay format

A range of example essays is presented below.

Compare and Contrast Essay Examples

#1 jean piaget vs lev vygotsky essay.

1480 Words | 5 Pages | 10 References

(Level: University Undergraduate)

paget vs vygotsky essay

Thesis Statement: “This essay will critically examine and compare the developmental theories of Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky, focusing on their differing views on cognitive development in children and their influence on educational psychology, through an exploration of key concepts such as the role of culture and environment, scaffolding, equilibration, and their overall implications for educational practices..”

#2 Democracy vs Authoritarianism Essay

democracy vs authoritarianism essay

Thesis Statement: “The thesis of this analysis is that, despite the efficiency and control offered by authoritarian regimes, democratic systems, with their emphasis on individual freedoms, participatory governance, and social welfare, present a more balanced and ethically sound approach to governance, better aligned with the ideals of a just and progressive society.”

#3 Apples vs Oranges Essay

1190 Words | 5 Pages | 0 References

(Level: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade)

apples vs oranges essay

Thesis Statement: “While apples and oranges are both popular and nutritious fruits, they differ significantly in their taste profiles, nutritional benefits, cultural symbolism, and culinary applications.”

#4 Nature vs Nurture Essay

1525 Words | 5 Pages | 11 References

(Level: High School and College)

nature vs nurture essay

Thesis Statement: “The purpose of this essay is to examine and elucidate the complex and interconnected roles of genetic inheritance (nature) and environmental influences (nurture) in shaping human development across various domains such as physical traits, personality, behavior, intelligence, and abilities.”

#5 Dogs vs Cats Essay

1095 Words | 5 Pages | 7 Bibliographic Sources

(Level: 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade)

Thesis Statement: “This essay explores the distinctive characteristics, emotional connections, and lifestyle considerations associated with owning dogs and cats, aiming to illuminate the unique joys and benefits each pet brings to their human companions.”

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

I’ve recorded a full video for you on how to write a compare and contrast essay:

Get the Compare and Contrast Templates with AI Prompts Here

In the video, I outline the steps to writing your essay. Here they are explained below:

1. Essay Planning

First, I recommend using my compare and contrast worksheet, which acts like a Venn Diagram, walking you through the steps of comparing the similarities and differences of the concepts or items you’re comparing.

I recommend selecting 3-5 features that can be compared, as shown in the worksheet:

compare and contrast worksheet

Grab the Worksheet as Part of the Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Pack

2. Writing the Essay

Once you’ve completed the worksheet, you’re ready to start writing. Go systematically through each feature you are comparing and discuss the similarities and differences, then make an evaluative statement after showing your depth of knowledge:

compare and contrast essay template

Get the Rest of the Premium Compare and Contrast Essay Writing Pack (With AI Prompts) Here

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Thesis Statement

Compare and contrast thesis statements can either:

  • Remain neutral in an expository tone.
  • Prosecute an argument about which of the items you’re comparing is overall best.

To write an argumentative thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay, try this AI Prompts:

💡 AI Prompt to Generate Ideas I am writing a compare and contrast essay that compares [Concept 1] and [Concept2]. Give me 5 potential single-sentence thesis statements that pass a reasonable judgement.

Ready to Write your Essay?

compare and contrast essay pack promotional image

Take action! Choose one of the following options to start writing your compare and contrast essay now:

Read Next: Process Essay Examples

compare and contrast examples and definition

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  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 21 Montessori Homeschool Setups
  • Chris Drew (PhD) https://helpfulprofessor.com/author/chris-drew-phd-2/ 101 Hidden Talents Examples

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How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

How to Write a Hook: Powerful Openers for Your Essay

Have you ever thought about how to grab your readers' attention right from the start of your essay? A good hook can really make a difference. It can pull your readers in and set the stage for an interesting piece of writing. This guide will help you understand what is a hook in an essay and give you ways to create strong openings that will keep your readers interested until the end.

What Is a Hook in an Essay?

A hook is the opening sentence or group of sentences that serves as an attention-grabbing introduction to your essay. Its primary purpose is to pique the reader's interest and create a specific tone for your writing. Good hooks are essential for academic papers, as they set the stage for your argument and encourage readers to continue exploring your ideas.

Some hook examples for essays are:

  • Anecdotes or personal stories
  • Thought-provoking questions
  • Surprising statistics or facts
  • Relevant quotations
  • Vivid descriptions or imagery
  • Bold statements or declarations

These hook examples can be tailored to suit various essay types and subjects, making them versatile tools for writers.

Placing Hooks in Your Essay Introductions and Conclusions

While hooks are typically associated with introductions, they can also be effectively used in conclusions to bring your essay full circle and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Introduction Hooks

In the introduction, your hook should:

  • Grab attention immediately
  • Provide context for your topic
  • Lead smoothly into your thesis statement

Hook sentence examples for introductions:

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, about 100 stars will have died in our universe."

"What if I told you that the most dangerous animal in the world isn't a shark, a lion, or even a human—but something so tiny, you can't even see it?"

Conclusion Hook

Hook ideas for conclusions:

  • Revisit the opening hook with new insight
  • Pose a challenge or call to action
  • End with a provocative question or statement

Hook sentence examples for conclusions:

"As we close this chapter on climate change, the question remains: will our grandchildren inherit a planet of possibilities or a world of what-ifs?"

"As we stand on the brink of AI-powered breakthroughs, one can't help but wonder: will machines dream of electric sheep, or will they dream of us?"

Loving these hooks? Aithor can write many more just like them for your next essay. 

Tips to Write Good Hooks for Essays

Writing good hooks for essays needs creativity and an understanding of who will read your work. Here are some tips to help you write strong openings:

  • Make your hook appeal to the specific people who will read your essay.
  • Make sure your hook fits with the overall feel of your essay, whether it's formal, funny, or serious.
  • A hook should be short and clear, usually no more than one or two sentences.
  • Using an active voice in your hook makes your writing more engaging and direct.
  • Stay away from common sayings or ideas that might bore your readers.
  • Your hook should connect directly to your essay's main topic or main idea.
  • Don't be afraid to rewrite your hook several times to make it better.

Remember, the goal is to create an opening that naturally leads into your essay's main content while piquing the reader's curiosity.

Step-by-Step Hook Creation Process

Follow these steps to come up with hook ideas that work:

  • Different kinds of essays (like argumentative, narrative, and descriptive) might benefit from different types of hooks.
  • Come up with several hook ideas based on your topic and essay type.
  • Definitions
  • Metaphors or similes
  • Write a few versions of your chosen hook type.
  • Look over your drafts, thinking about how well they fit with your essay's purpose and tone.
  • Share your hook with others to see how effective it is.
  • Make sure your hook flows naturally into the rest of your introduction.

Remember, the key to how to write a good hook is practice and improvement. Don't be afraid to change and make your hook better as you write your essay.

Types of Hooks

There are several types of hooks you can use to begin your essay. Here are some popular options:

Question Hook 

"Ever wondered why your dog tilts its head when you speak? The answer might surprise you – and reveal more about human-canine communication than you'd expect."

Anecdotal Hook 

"The first time I tasted durian, I thought I'd accidentally eaten something that had gone bad in the tropical heat. Little did I know, this pungent fruit would become my obsession and lead me on a culinary adventure across Southeast Asia."

Statistic Hook 

"In the time it takes you to read this sentence, over 700 hours of video will have been uploaded to YouTube. The digital content explosion is reshaping how we consume information, and it's happening faster than you might think."

Quotation Hook 

"'The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.' Dorothy Parker's words ring truer than ever in our age of endless information — but is our curiosity leading us to knowledge, or just more distraction?"

Description Hook 

"The air shimmers like a mirage, heat radiating from the cracked earth. In the distance, a lone tree stands defiant against the barren landscape. This is the face of climate change — stark, unforgiving, and impossible to ignore."

Metaphor or Simile Hook 

"Learning a new language is like trying to navigate a foreign city without a map. At first, every street corner looks the same, every sign is indecipherable. But slowly, patterns emerge, landmarks become familiar, and suddenly you're no longer lost — you're on an adventure."

Each of these hook examples for essays can be effective when used appropriately. The key is to choose a hook that aligns with your essay's tone and purpose.

Wrapping Up: The Impact of a Strong Essay Hook

A well-written hook can make the difference between an essay that keeps readers interested and one that doesn't. By understanding what a hook in an essay is and how to create one effectively, you can improve your writing and leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Remember, the best hooks not only grab attention but also fit well with your essay's main ideas. They should give a taste of what's to come, encouraging readers to keep reading your work.

For those looking to further enhance their essay-writing skills, try writing tools like Aithor . Aithor can give extra insights and suggestions to help you write even more engaging hooks and essays. By combining your own creativity with advanced writing help, you can make your essays even better and really connect with your readers.

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How To Choose Between But And However in Writing

Choosing Between But And However

Deciding when to use but and however in your writing might seem like a small detail, but your choice can affect clarity and tone.

The two words serve similar functions. They both introduce a contrast or contradiction but aren’t always interchangeable.

The subtle differences between them can help you write sentences that flow smoothly or create a deliberate pause, depending on what you want.

It’s one little vocabulary detail I constantly correct or change to get it right.

Article Contents

The grammatical difference

The word but is straightforward, direct, and easy to use.

It’s perfect for informal writing or situations where you want to maintain a tight, simple connection between ideas.

It’s a coordinating conjunction, meaning it joins two independent clauses without requiring any extra punctuation beyond perhaps a comma if the second clause is dependent .

On the other hand, however is a bit more formal and carries a sense of pause.

It’s a conjunctive adverb , so it most often appears at the beginning of a sentence.

If it comes before a clause later in a sentence, it’s usually preceded by a semicolon  or, in some cases, by a period (full stop) to begin a new sentence.

While but allows your sentences to flow without interruption, however can give the sense of introducing a slight break, giving the reader a moment to absorb the shift in thought.

The difference is not just in the formality  but also in how each word influences the rhythm, tone, and style of your writing.

But is always more conversational and immediate.

For more formal styles however is more reflective. You would use it frequently in technical, business, or academic writing.

Examples of usage

Let’s take a look at some examples to see how the choice between but and however can change the feel, tone, or formality of a sentence.

I wanted to go to the party, but I was too tired.

Here, but links the two ideas closely, making the contrast feel immediate and natural.

I wanted to go to the party. However, I was too tired.

The contrast seems too pronounced, with however creating an unnatural formal pause to over-emphasize the second clause.

The results were promising, but more research is needed.

It suggests a straightforward contrast.

The results were promising. However, more research is needed.

This is more formal and ideally suited to academic writing.

She enjoys cooking but hates cleaning up.

Again, it is a simple, clear, direct sentence.

She enjoys cooking; however, she hates cleaning up.

Considering the topic, it feels unnecessarily formal.

These examples highlight how the choice between but and however can subtly shift the tone and impact of your sentences.

Avoiding repetition

The most common issue with but or however is when they occur consecutively or in sentences close together in a paragraph.

Here’s a typical example.

It’s a free app. But a premium version is also available. But I don’t think the price is attractive.

You can make a variety of changes to avoid repetition.

While it’s a free app, a premium version is also available. However, I don’t think the price is attractive.

It’s a free app with a premium version, but I don’t think the price is attractive.

The app is free. However, a premium version is also available, but I don’t think the price is attractive.

If you need more variety, consider using although or yet to create a similar contrast to avoid repetition.

Differences in meaning

While both words are often interchangeable, there are some subtle variations in meaning.

As a conjunction, but introduces a phrase or clause contrasting with what has already been mentioned.

I didn’t get the job, but I won’t give up.

It can also mean, on the contrary, or with the exception that.

Everyone loved the concert, but me.

When however is used as a conjunctive adverb, it has a very similar meaning. It introduces a statement that contrasts with or seems to contradict something previously said.

She seems shy at first; however, she’s quite outgoing once you get to know her.

It can also be used as a relative adverb, which changes the meaning. It then means in whatever way or regardless of how.

However you decide to approach the problem, make sure you do your research first.

In most sentences, there is little difference, except when using a conjunctive adverb.

You can’t go wrong if you start a sentence with but or however.

The meanings are almost identical, and the only difference is that you need a comma after however.

When using either in the middle of a sentence to join two clauses, but is the better option as it is much easier to use and doesn’t interrupt the flow of a sentence.

If you want to use however, it’s a bit tricky because you need to use a semicolon or start a new sentence. Both options interrupt the flow or rhythm of a sentence.

In the past, starting a sentence with but was considered poor writing. Now, though, it’s fine to start a sentence with any coordinating conjunction.

The only time you might want to choose is to maintain either a casual, informal, or formal tone. In most cases, however is the better option for formal, business, or academic writing.

It’s always up to you to choose your vocabulary to suit a text. In most cases, it’s usually an easy decision to make.

For simplicity and clarity, you will probably use but most of the time.

The only reasons to use however are to reduce repetition, to add an intentional pause, or to raise the level of formality.

The key factor is to make a deliberate choice, using each word to its best effect to improve the clarity and flow of your writing.

Related Reading: One-Word Sentences In Writing Can Say More With Less

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Derek Haines

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Technical Writing vs. Essay Writing

Major variations of writing in both styles, beyond common writing distinctions, key challenges, how is technical writing different from writing an essay.


  • Read in 07 mins Published: 14-Nov-2023

how is technical writing different from writing an essay'

When we think of writing, we often connect it with articles, blogs or essays. But do you know there are many different styles and formats to consider while writing content? The two most popular writing types we are going to discuss here are technical writing and essay writing. Both of the styles involve the use of words and language to communicate ideas and information to a specific audience.

However, there are some key differences between the two styles that set them totally apart. Understanding these differences can help identify which approach is best suited for your particular needs. Through this article, we will explore how technical writing is different from writing an essay, their characteristics, as well as tips on how to excel in each style.

Technical writing and essay writing are two interesting styles of writing that have their unique characteristics and purposes for a diverse audience. So, whether you're a student working on an academic paper or a professional looking to communicate complex ideas, read on to discover the right way!

Technical writing focuses on providing clear and straightforward informative content to help readers understand complicated concepts. At the same time, essay writing aims to convince and engage readers with well-developed arguments and analysis. Understanding the difference between the two styles can help you figure out which approach is right for you.

For example , if you were writing a technical manual on how to assemble a computer, you would use technical writing to provide step-by-step instructions with clear diagrams and explanations. On the other hand, if you were writing an essay on the benefits of renewable energy, you would use essay writing to present compelling arguments supported by evidence and expert opinions.

Technical writing is highly objective and focuses on practicality and efficiency, aiming to convey information in a concise and precise manner. It is often used in fields such as engineering, technology, and science. Essay writing is more subjective and allows for the expression of personal opinions and interpretations. It is commonly employed in academic settings and aims to persuade and engage readers through effective rhetoric and logical reasoning.

Understanding the appropriate style for your purpose can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your writing and ensure that your intended message reaches and resonates with your target audience.

Four major variations of writing can be found in both technical and essay writing styles.

Formality and Tone

  • Technical Writing: The language in this style is straightforward and specific. It resembles a set of instructions for assembling structured content, avoiding unnecessary details, and focusing on clarity.
  • Essay Composition: Now consider it as a letter to a friend. It's informal, like a casual chat. The tone can be personal, expressing emotions and opinions freely. An essay weaves a narrative, allowing the writer's voice to shine through.

Use of Jargon

  • Technical Writing: It often includes industry-specific terms and jargon. The goal is to communicate efficiently within a particular field, assuming a level of knowledge among the readers.
  • Essay Composition: Essays generally avoid excessive jargon, opting for easy and accessible language. The emphasis is on connecting with a broader audience, making the content relatable and engaging.

Structural Framework

  • Technical Writing: Technical documents follow a structured and logical format, just like maps. Whether it's a manual or a report, the information is organized systematically, allowing readers to navigate with ease.
  • Essay Composition: Essays have a more flexible structure. While they may have an introduction, body, and conclusion, the content flows naturally, allowing for creativity and exploration of ideas.

Audience Considerations

  • Technical Writing: Technical writing is tailored to a specific audience with a particular knowledge base. It assumes the readers have a certain level of expertise in the subject matter.
  • Essay Composition: Essays adapt to various readerships, considering a broader spectrum of backgrounds and interests. The goal is to engage and resonate with a diverse group of readers.

Technical writing and essay writing both require solid skills in writing along with the ability to communicate information effectively. Let us understand some unexplored distinctions that can help writers tailor their approach and achieve their intended goals.

Intent of Communication

  • Technical writing mainly serves a practical purpose. It aims to express information, focusing on delivering instructions or presenting facts. The focus here is on providing guidance or documentation for a specific task or process.
  • Essay writing takes a more exploratory route. Essays are a platform for expressing ideas, opinions, and emotions. They invite readers to delve into the writer's thoughts, often without a predetermined practical outcome.

Emotional Engagement

  • Technical writing is more objective and factual. The major goal is the transmission of information with minimal emotional engagement or personal biases.
  • Essay writing encourages emotional connection. Essays often involve personal reflections, storytelling, or persuasive elements that light up emotions and relate with the reader on a more personal level.

Flexibility in Structure

  • Technical writing follows a structured and standardized format. Whether it's a manual or a report, our technical writing services follow a predetermined framework to ensure clarity and consistency.
  • Essay writing embraces a more flexible structure. It allows for creativity in the organization, enabling writers to experiment with different formats to suit the content and convey ideas effectively.

Language Complexity

  • Technical writing prioritizes clarity over literary flair. The language used is straightforward, avoiding unnecessary complexity. The focus is on delivering information comprehensively to a specific audience.
  • Essay writing celebrates the beauty of language. Essays often employ a more varied and expressive vocabulary, allowing writers to craft sentences that convey not only information but also evoke a particular atmosphere or emotion.

Objective & Subjective Evaluation

  • Technical writing is subject to objective evaluation. Technical documents are assessed based on accuracy, clarity, and adherence to predefined standards. Success is measured by how effectively it fulfills its intended purpose.
  • Essay writing involves subjective evaluation. The assessment of an essay includes factors such as creativity, originality, and the ability to engage the reader emotionally. Success is often measured by the impact on the reader's perspective.

Facing challenges is a natural part of life, and in various aspects, understanding the key challenges helps us find effective solutions. Here are some informative pointers illustrating key challenges to shed light on these hurdles:

Resource Limitations

Limited budgets and resources constrain growth and innovation. These limitations can hinder the ability to implement new ideas and strategies. In order to succeed in writing an impactful essay, it is important to incorporate factors such as creativity, originality, and the ability to engage the reader emotionally. However, one must also navigate technical communication hurdles and find a balance between creativity and coherence in the narrative.

Adapting to Change

Change is constant, but coping with it can be not easy. It requires individuals and organizations to be flexible and open-minded, willing to embrace new ideas and approaches. Adapting to change also involves overcoming resistance and fear of the unknown, as well as continuously learning and evolving to stay relevant in a rapidly changing world.

Market Competition

Staying competitive in a crowded market is a perpetual struggle. Companies must innovate and differentiate themselves to stand out from their competitors regularly. It involves understanding customer needs and preferences, conducting market research, and developing unique value propositions.

Regulatory Compliance

Following through complex regulations requires ongoing effort. Businesses must stay updated on changes in regulations, ensure their operations comply, and allocate resources to implement necessary changes. It may involve hiring legal experts or consultants to navigate the complexities of regulatory requirements and mitigate potential risks.

Talent Acquisition and Retention

Attracting and retaining skilled employees is a continuous battle. Businesses must develop effective recruitment strategies, offer competing remuneration packages, and develop a positive work environment to attract top talent. Additionally, implementing employee retention programs and providing opportunities for growth and development can help retain skilled employees and reduce turnover rates.

Technical writing and essays are distinct but equally valuable. In this guide, we have understood how technical writing is different from writing an essay. While technical writing ensures precision in conveying information, essays bring a personal touch, enriching the world of words with creativity.

As technical writing excels at delivering information with precision, essays unfold as a canvas for personal expression and exploration of ideas. Recognizing these differences empowers writers to choose the most suitable form based on their communication objectives and the nature of the content.

  • content development
  • technical writing

Mary Parker


Mary has extensive experience of over 5 years in writing on a wide range of topics, including healthcare, technology, science, and business. She is highly knowledgeable and skilled in researching and crafting accurate, well-structured, and engaging content. Mary is a reliable and professional writer who is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure her clients are satisfied with her work. She is committed to delivering quality content on time and within budget.

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  • Home Internet

Have Questions About Fiber Internet? Here’s Everything I Learned About Fiber Internet After Writing About It Daily

You’ve heard about cable and 5G, but what is fiber internet and is it worth the money?

essay composition difference

Fiber internet uses the speed of light to get you online, making it the fastest internet connection your money can buy by far.

What does that mean for affordability or accessibility?

When I first started writing about the internet my eyes glazed over trying to understand the difference between cable internet and fiber internet (and also what are Wi-Fi , Ethernet and 5G ?).

Locating local internet providers

It didn’t take long for me to catch on to the buzz around fiber, not just in broadband news, but also among internet providers and even my neighbors. Everyone wants the fastest (and most cost-efficient) internet connection. I quickly discovered that fiber speeds leave  cable , 5G fixed wireless , satellite internet and the middling speeds of DSL in the dust.

Fiber is one of the most popular internet service connections among customers nationwide. If people who buy fiber are happy with the internet service why don’t we just recommend fiber-optic internet to everyone? Why bother with other internet connection types? 

The answer is simple: Fast speeds and customer satisfaction alone don’t automatically make fiber the best option for every household. Prices, availability, fees and other details impact how efficient fiber may be for your broadband needs and budget. Plus, most households don’t exceed an average of 600 megabits per second in download speeds, according to the latest data from OpenVault , so you may not need the 1,000Mbps or 5,000Mbps speeds offered by some fiber providers.

Fiber internet is still pretty marvelous. Since a fiber-optic internet connection relies on the speed of light to transmit data, we're still getting acquainted with all the possibilities of the technology. Still, it has already had a tremendous impact on the way we communicate and use the internet. 

It's an internet connection that you'll find CNET recommending again and again, provided it's available to you. If you're like me and have questions about what fiber broadband is and how it even works, let's get in the weeds about how fiber internet functions as the fastest internet connection and whether it's a worthwhile investment.

What is fiber internet exactly?

Fiber internet gets its name from the fiber cables it relies on to get you online. The cables are made up of thin, long strands of glass or plastic encased in layers of cladding and coating that transmit data through light signals across long distances.

Technically, the speed of light used to transmit this data is reduced by 30% because of the refraction that occurs within the cables, but the speeds are still very fast. All that may seem baffling, and it was to me too, but fiber cables have long been used to get us online.

You’re reading this right now because of the lightning-fast fiber cables under the ocean , powering your internet connection -- whether it’s fiber or not.

What does all that mean for you? That means you get symmetrical download and upload speeds on any speed tier, even up to a 50-gigabit (or 50,000Mbps) plan. Compared to the upload speeds of most cable internet providers, which usually range between 20 to 50Mbps, that’s a vast improvement. 


You should also know that fiber cables are very expensive, as is the installation process for a fiber network . That means it may be difficult for some providers to extend a fiber network to your neighborhood, especially if you’re in a rural area or just outside a big city. 

Because fiber internet requires an existing infrastructure or fiber network to work, the speeds you get depend on which fiber internet provider has already been active in your area. Occasionally, fiber providers will share each other's networks to mitigate costs. 

There are a few different ways an internet provider will connect a fiber network to your home, depending on the existing infrastructure. Note that the only true fiber internet connection is a direct one or Fiber to the Home connection.

  • Fiber to the Home : Fiber-optic cables run directly from the network to your house. This is the fastest option.
  • Fiber to the Curb :  If your household can’t be wired for fiber directly, the fiber cables connect with a coaxial cable from a utility pole or cabinet, which will inevitably slow the connection down but is still plenty fast.
  • Fiber to the Neighborhood : This fiber internet connection, also known as Fiber to the Node, runs from a connection hub or node utility pole. Your house is then connected to the network through coaxial cables, meaning it travels the furthest of the three options and is the slowest connection type of the three.

Despite what direct fiber connection may be available to you, fiber internet is installed using a small utility box or an optical network terminal that a technician installs either inside or outside your home. The ONT is wired to the fiber network and converts light signals into electric signals, giving you the fastest internet connection on the block.

Is fiber internet the best internet connection?

There’s plenty to consider before calling fiber “the best” internet connection type. Fiber is definitely the fastest, but it’s also the most limited internet connection type in terms of availability. 

According to the Federal Communications Commission , less than half of the population is wired for a fiber internet connection. Compared to cable availability, which covers 82% of the population, fiber providers have some catching up to do.


The costs of fiber internet also determine whether it's a good option for your home. There's no doubt that fiber internet has higher starting prices than cable, with many starting prices averaging around $50 per month. There are a few cheap fiber internet providers, like Frontier Fiber and Ziply Fiber, which start at $30 for 200Mbps and $20 for 100Mbps a month, respectively. 

If you look at the cost per Mbps , fiber is often the most cost-efficient internet connection type, and prices don’t typically increase year after year as they do for some cable providers. For example, Spectrum and AT&T Fiber both offer 1,000Mbps for $80 a month or 8 cents per Mbps. Spectrum will increase that price to around $110 monthly in a year or two. AT&T Fiber won’t. Also note that AT&T Fiber offers 1,000Mbps upload speeds, lower latency and more overall reliability than Spectrum’s 35Mbps upload speed for that tier.

Even for Google Fiber , one of the more expensive fiber providers, which starts at $70 a month for 1,000Mbps and only goes up from there, the cost per Mbps reveals you’re getting pretty good value for the offered speeds. Paying $125 a month for 5,000Mbps may seem like a lot, but that price comes down to around 3 cents per Mbps. 

Again, consider first how much internet speed you actually need , so you make the best use of your dollar. Not all of us require 5,000Mbps, but for those who work at home, are avid gamers and have multiple busy internet users in the house, a multi-gig internet connection may be the way to go. 

Lastly, fiber internet has the best customer service track record when compared to other internet service types. The American Customer Satisfaction Index points to positive trends for fiber internet providers in the past few years. AT&T Fiber scored at the top of the ACSI’s 2024 satisfaction benchmark with a score of 80, while the lowest score came from Optimum Fiber at 66. For context, the scores for non-fiber internet providers (DSL, fixed wireless and cable) ranged from a low of 56 to a high of 76, held by T-Mobile Home Internet . 

Data from J.D. Power , another customer satisfaction surveyor, notes that customers were happier with wireless internet overall during 2023, although they may not have separated the fixed wireless offerings from the fiber offerings from one provider. For example, Verizon offers 5G home internet as well as fiber through Verizon Fios, although there are no separate categories in the data. Either way, AT&T, Frontier Fiber, Verizon and Google Fiber scored at the top of all regional surveys.

What internet providers offer fiber?

There are upwards of 1,400 fiber internet providers in the country, according to the latest report from the FCC . Most of those providers are local. Only around seven providers serve more than 1% to 2% of the population, with Verizon Fios and AT&T Fiber covering the most ground with 9% and 12% coverage, respectively.

  • AT&T Fiber
  • Brightspeed
  • Frontier Fiber
  • Google Fiber
  • Kinetic by Windstream
  • Point Broadband
  • Quantum Fiber
  • Verizon Fios
  • Ziply Fiber

Bottom line: Is fiber internet worth it?

The answer to this question will depend on several factors, but perhaps most important is whether fiber is available in your area. If you can get fiber, it’s absolutely worth it. You may not need multi-gigabit tiers for over $100 a month, but even the lower tiers of 300Mbps download/300Mbps upload outpace the speeds offered by cable, fixed wireless providers and especially DSL. Fiber usually features unlimited data as well as no contracts or monthly equipment fees (although this varies by provider). Fiber internet isn’t the only solution to our broadband needs. Working out the expansion of fiber networks and improving the affordability of multi-gig tiers are some of the biggest priorities, but while we wait for those improvements, you’d be hard-pressed to find an internet connection that’s as lightning-fast as the speeds you get from fiber.

What is fiber internet FAQs

How fast is fiber internet.

The fastest known residential internet connection (at the moment) is Ziply Fiber’s 50,000Mbps tier , which raises the bar for all internet providers. Some fiber providers, like Google Fiber, start at 1,000Mbps and max out around 8,000Mbps or 10,000Mbps. Others have lower starting speeds, like Frontier Fiber or Verizon Fios, which start at 200Mbps and 300Mbps, respectively.

Is fiber internet expensive?

It definitely can be, depending on your internet provider and how fast you want your internet to be. Some of the cheapest fiber providers have plans starting at $20 a month for 100Mbps (Ziply Fiber) or $30 a month for 200Mbps (Frontier Fiber), but most starting prices average around $50.

What’s the difference between fiber internet and “fiber-rich” internet?

Cable providers often use the term "fiber-rich" to describe their services, but that doesn't mean you'll get true fiber internet. It usually means fiber-optic cables are somewhere along the network but not fiber to your home. You can usually tell if an internet provider offers true fiber service by the download and upload speeds. If they're symmetrical, it should be fiber.

Where can I get fiber internet?

If you live in or near a big city, your chances of getting fiber internet are much higher. You can plug your address into the availability checkers on most provider websites or use data from the FCC to determine if your address is eligible for fiber.

Home Internet Guides

  • Best Internet Providers in Los Angeles
  • Best Internet Providers in New York City
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  • Best Internet Providers in San Francisco
  • Best Internet Providers in Seattle
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  • Best Speed Tests
  • AT&T Home Internet Review
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  • Verizon 5G Home Internet Review
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  • Eero 6 Plus Review
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  • Nest Wi-Fi vs. Google Wi-Fi
  • Best Wi-Fi Extender
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  • Best Wi-Fi Routers
  • What is 5G Home Internet?
  • Home Internet Cheat Sheet
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  • How to Switch ISPs
  • Internet Connection Types
  • Internet for Apartments
  • Top 10 Tips for Wi-Fi Security
  • How to Save Money on Your Monthly Internet Bill
  • How Much Internet Speed Do You Need?

Essay Papers Writing Online

A comprehensive guide to crafting a successful comparison essay.

How to write comparison essay

Comparison essays are a common assignment in academic settings, requiring students to analyze and contrast two or more subjects, concepts, or ideas. Writing a comparison essay can be challenging, but with the right approach and guidance, you can craft a compelling and informative piece of writing.

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with valuable tips and examples to help you master the art of comparison essay writing. Whether you’re comparing two literary works, historical events, scientific theories, or any other topics, this guide will equip you with the tools and strategies needed to create a well-structured and persuasive essay.

From choosing a suitable topic and developing a strong thesis statement to organizing your arguments and incorporating effective evidence, this guide will walk you through each step of the writing process. By following the advice and examples provided here, you’ll be able to produce a top-notch comparison essay that showcases your analytical skills and critical thinking abilities.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into writing a comparison essay, it’s essential to understand the basics of comparison writing. A comparison essay, also known as a comparative essay, requires you to analyze two or more subjects by highlighting their similarities and differences. This type of essay aims to show how these subjects are similar or different in various aspects.

When writing a comparison essay, you should have a clear thesis statement that identifies the subjects you are comparing and the main points of comparison. It’s essential to structure your essay effectively by organizing your ideas logically. You can use different methods of organization, such as the block method or point-by-point method, to present your comparisons.

Additionally, make sure to include evidence and examples to support your comparisons. Use specific details and examples to strengthen your arguments and clarify the similarities and differences between the subjects. Lastly, remember to provide a strong conclusion that summarizes your main points and reinforces the significance of your comparison.

Choosing a Topic for Comparison Essay

When selecting a topic for your comparison essay, it’s essential to choose two subjects that have some similarities and differences to explore. You can compare two books, two movies, two historical figures, two theories, or any other pair of related subjects.

Consider selecting topics that interest you or that you are familiar with to make the writing process more engaging and manageable. Additionally, ensure that the subjects you choose are suitable for comparison and have enough material for analysis.

It’s also helpful to brainstorm ideas and create a list of potential topics before making a final decision. Once you have a few options in mind, evaluate them based on the relevance of the comparison, the availability of credible sources, and your own interest in the subjects.

Remember that a well-chosen topic is one of the keys to writing a successful comparison essay, so take your time to select subjects that will allow you to explore meaningful connections and differences in a compelling way.

Finding the Right Pairing

When writing a comparison essay, it’s crucial to find the right pairing of subjects to compare. Choose subjects that have enough similarities and differences to make a meaningful comparison. Consider the audience and purpose of your essay to determine what pairing will be most effective.

Look for subjects that you are passionate about or have a deep understanding of. This will make the writing process easier and more engaging. Additionally, consider choosing subjects that are relevant and timely, as this will make your essay more interesting to readers.

Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when finding the right pairing. Sometimes unexpected combinations can lead to the most compelling comparisons. Conduct thorough research on both subjects to ensure you have enough material to work with and present a balanced comparison.

Structuring Your Comparison Essay

When writing a comparison essay, it is essential to organize your ideas in a clear and logical manner. One effective way to structure your essay is to use a point-by-point comparison or a block comparison format.

Point-by-Point Comparison Block Comparison
In this format, you will discuss one point of comparison between the two subjects before moving on to the next point. In this format, you will discuss all the points related to one subject before moving on to the next subject.
Allows for a more detailed analysis of each point of comparison. Provides a clear and structured comparison of the two subjects.
Can be helpful when the subjects have multiple similarities and differences to explore. May be easier to follow for readers who prefer a side-by-side comparison of the subjects.

Whichever format you choose, make sure to introduce your subjects, present your points of comparison, provide evidence or examples to support your comparisons, and conclude by summarizing the main points and highlighting the significance of your comparison.

Creating a Clear Outline

Before you start writing your comparison essay, it’s essential to create a clear outline. An outline serves as a roadmap that helps you stay organized and focused throughout the writing process. Here are some steps to create an effective outline:

1. Identify the subjects of comparison: Start by determining the two subjects you will be comparing in your essay. Make sure they have enough similarities and differences to make a meaningful comparison.

2. Brainstorm key points: Once you have chosen the subjects, brainstorm the key points you want to compare and contrast. These could include characteristics, features, themes, or arguments related to each subject.

3. Organize your points: Arrange your key points in a logical order. You can choose to compare similar points side by side or alternate between the two subjects to highlight differences.

4. Develop a thesis statement: Based on your key points, develop a clear thesis statement that states the main purpose of your comparison essay. This statement should guide the rest of your writing and provide a clear direction for your argument.

5. Create a structure: Divide your essay into introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section should serve a specific purpose and contribute to the overall coherence of your essay.

By creating a clear outline, you can ensure that your comparison essay flows smoothly and effectively communicates your ideas to the reader.

Engaging the Reader

When writing a comparison essay, it is crucial to engage the reader right from the beginning. You want to hook their attention and make them want to keep reading. Here are some tips to engage your reader:

  • Start with a strong opening statement or question that entices the reader to continue reading.
  • Use vivid language and descriptive imagery to paint a clear picture in the reader’s mind.
  • Provide interesting facts or statistics that pique the reader’s curiosity.
  • Create a compelling thesis statement that outlines the purpose of your comparison essay.

By engaging the reader from the start, you set the stage for a successful and impactful comparison essay that keeps the reader engaged until the very end.

Point-by-Point vs Block Method

Point-by-Point vs Block Method

When writing a comparison essay, you have two main options for structuring your content: the point-by-point method and the block method. Each method has its own advantages and may be more suitable depending on the type of comparison you are making.

  • Point-by-Point Method: This method involves discussing one point of comparison at a time between the two subjects. You will go back and forth between the subjects, highlighting similarities and differences for each point. This method allows for a more detailed and nuanced analysis of the subjects.
  • Block Method: In contrast, the block method involves discussing all the points related to one subject first, followed by all the points related to the second subject. This method provides a more straightforward and organized comparison but may not delve as deeply into the individual points of comparison.

Ultimately, the choice between the point-by-point and block methods depends on the complexity of your comparison and the level of detail you want to explore. Experiment with both methods to see which one best suits your writing style and the specific requirements of your comparison essay.

Selecting the Best Approach

When it comes to writing a comparison essay, selecting the best approach is crucial to ensure a successful and effective comparison. There are several approaches you can take when comparing two subjects, including the block method and the point-by-point method.

The block method: This approach involves discussing all the similarities and differences of one subject first, followed by a thorough discussion of the second subject. This method is useful when the two subjects being compared are quite different or when the reader may not be familiar with one of the subjects.

The point-by-point method: This approach involves alternating between discussing the similarities and differences of the two subjects in each paragraph. This method allows for a more in-depth comparison of specific points and is often preferred when the two subjects have many similarities and differences.

Before selecting an approach, consider the nature of the subjects being compared and the purpose of your comparison essay. Choose the approach that will best serve your purpose and allow for a clear, organized, and engaging comparison.

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Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art

In 1953, Roald Dahl published “ The Great Automatic Grammatizator ,” a short story about an electrical engineer who secretly desires to be a writer. One day, after completing construction of the world’s fastest calculating machine, the engineer realizes that “English grammar is governed by rules that are almost mathematical in their strictness.” He constructs a fiction-writing machine that can produce a five-thousand-word short story in thirty seconds; a novel takes fifteen minutes and requires the operator to manipulate handles and foot pedals, as if he were driving a car or playing an organ, to regulate the levels of humor and pathos. The resulting novels are so popular that, within a year, half the fiction published in English is a product of the engineer’s invention.

Is there anything about art that makes us think it can’t be created by pushing a button, as in Dahl’s imagination? Right now, the fiction generated by large language models like ChatGPT is terrible, but one can imagine that such programs might improve in the future. How good could they get? Could they get better than humans at writing fiction—or making paintings or movies—in the same way that calculators are better at addition and subtraction?

Art is notoriously hard to define, and so are the differences between good art and bad art. But let me offer a generalization: art is something that results from making a lot of choices. This might be easiest to explain if we use fiction writing as an example. When you are writing fiction, you are—consciously or unconsciously—making a choice about almost every word you type; to oversimplify, we can imagine that a ten-thousand-word short story requires something on the order of ten thousand choices. When you give a generative-A.I. program a prompt, you are making very few choices; if you supply a hundred-word prompt, you have made on the order of a hundred choices.

If an A.I. generates a ten-thousand-word story based on your prompt, it has to fill in for all of the choices that you are not making. There are various ways it can do this. One is to take an average of the choices that other writers have made, as represented by text found on the Internet; that average is equivalent to the least interesting choices possible, which is why A.I.-generated text is often really bland. Another is to instruct the program to engage in style mimicry, emulating the choices made by a specific writer, which produces a highly derivative story. In neither case is it creating interesting art.

I think the same underlying principle applies to visual art, although it’s harder to quantify the choices that a painter might make. Real paintings bear the mark of an enormous number of decisions. By comparison, a person using a text-to-image program like DALL-E enters a prompt such as “A knight in a suit of armor fights a fire-breathing dragon,” and lets the program do the rest. (The newest version of DALL-E accepts prompts of up to four thousand characters—hundreds of words, but not enough to describe every detail of a scene.) Most of the choices in the resulting image have to be borrowed from similar paintings found online; the image might be exquisitely rendered, but the person entering the prompt can’t claim credit for that.

Some commentators imagine that image generators will affect visual culture as much as the advent of photography once did. Although this might seem superficially plausible, the idea that photography is similar to generative A.I. deserves closer examination. When photography was first developed, I suspect it didn’t seem like an artistic medium because it wasn’t apparent that there were a lot of choices to be made; you just set up the camera and start the exposure. But over time people realized that there were a vast number of things you could do with cameras, and the artistry lies in the many choices that a photographer makes. It might not always be easy to articulate what the choices are, but when you compare an amateur’s photos to a professional’s, you can see the difference. So then the question becomes: Is there a similar opportunity to make a vast number of choices using a text-to-image generator? I think the answer is no. An artist—whether working digitally or with paint—implicitly makes far more decisions during the process of making a painting than would fit into a text prompt of a few hundred words.

We can imagine a text-to-image generator that, over the course of many sessions, lets you enter tens of thousands of words into its text box to enable extremely fine-grained control over the image you’re producing; this would be something analogous to Photoshop with a purely textual interface. I’d say that a person could use such a program and still deserve to be called an artist. The film director Bennett Miller has used DALL-E 2 to generate some very striking images that have been exhibited at the Gagosian gallery; to create them, he crafted detailed text prompts and then instructed DALL-E to revise and manipulate the generated images again and again. He generated more than a hundred thousand images to arrive at the twenty images in the exhibit. But he has said that he hasn’t been able to obtain comparable results on later releases of DALL-E . I suspect this might be because Miller was using DALL-E for something it’s not intended to do; it’s as if he hacked Microsoft Paint to make it behave like Photoshop, but as soon as a new version of Paint was released, his hacks stopped working. OpenAI probably isn’t trying to build a product to serve users like Miller, because a product that requires a user to work for months to create an image isn’t appealing to a wide audience. The company wants to offer a product that generates images with little effort.

It’s harder to imagine a program that, over many sessions, helps you write a good novel. This hypothetical writing program might require you to enter a hundred thousand words of prompts in order for it to generate an entirely different hundred thousand words that make up the novel you’re envisioning. It’s not clear to me what such a program would look like. Theoretically, if such a program existed, the user could perhaps deserve to be called the author. But, again, I don’t think companies like OpenAI want to create versions of ChatGPT that require just as much effort from users as writing a novel from scratch. The selling point of generative A.I. is that these programs generate vastly more than you put into them, and that is precisely what prevents them from being effective tools for artists.

The companies promoting generative-A.I. programs claim that they will unleash creativity. In essence, they are saying that art can be all inspiration and no perspiration—but these things cannot be easily separated. I’m not saying that art has to involve tedium. What I’m saying is that art requires making choices at every scale; the countless small-scale choices made during implementation are just as important to the final product as the few large-scale choices made during the conception. It is a mistake to equate “large-scale” with “important” when it comes to the choices made when creating art; the interrelationship between the large scale and the small scale is where the artistry lies.

Believing that inspiration outweighs everything else is, I suspect, a sign that someone is unfamiliar with the medium. I contend that this is true even if one’s goal is to create entertainment rather than high art. People often underestimate the effort required to entertain; a thriller novel may not live up to Kafka’s ideal of a book—an “axe for the frozen sea within us”—but it can still be as finely crafted as a Swiss watch. And an effective thriller is more than its premise or its plot. I doubt you could replace every sentence in a thriller with one that is semantically equivalent and have the resulting novel be as entertaining. This means that its sentences—and the small-scale choices they represent—help to determine the thriller’s effectiveness.

Many novelists have had the experience of being approached by someone convinced that they have a great idea for a novel, which they are willing to share in exchange for a fifty-fifty split of the proceeds. Such a person inadvertently reveals that they think formulating sentences is a nuisance rather than a fundamental part of storytelling in prose. Generative A.I. appeals to people who think they can express themselves in a medium without actually working in that medium. But the creators of traditional novels, paintings, and films are drawn to those art forms because they see the unique expressive potential that each medium affords. It is their eagerness to take full advantage of those potentialities that makes their work satisfying, whether as entertainment or as art.

Of course, most pieces of writing, whether articles or reports or e-mails, do not come with the expectation that they embody thousands of choices. In such cases, is there any harm in automating the task? Let me offer another generalization: any writing that deserves your attention as a reader is the result of effort expended by the person who wrote it. Effort during the writing process doesn’t guarantee the end product is worth reading, but worthwhile work cannot be made without it. The type of attention you pay when reading a personal e-mail is different from the type you pay when reading a business report, but in both cases it is only warranted when the writer put some thought into it.

Recently, Google aired a commercial during the Paris Olympics for Gemini, its competitor to OpenAI’s GPT-4 . The ad shows a father using Gemini to compose a fan letter, which his daughter will send to an Olympic athlete who inspires her. Google pulled the commercial after widespread backlash from viewers; a media professor called it “one of the most disturbing commercials I’ve ever seen.” It’s notable that people reacted this way, even though artistic creativity wasn’t the attribute being supplanted. No one expects a child’s fan letter to an athlete to be extraordinary; if the young girl had written the letter herself, it would likely have been indistinguishable from countless others. The significance of a child’s fan letter—both to the child who writes it and to the athlete who receives it—comes from its being heartfelt rather than from its being eloquent.

Many of us have sent store-bought greeting cards, knowing that it will be clear to the recipient that we didn’t compose the words ourselves. We don’t copy the words from a Hallmark card in our own handwriting, because that would feel dishonest. The programmer Simon Willison has described the training for large language models as “money laundering for copyrighted data,” which I find a useful way to think about the appeal of generative-A.I. programs: they let you engage in something like plagiarism, but there’s no guilt associated with it because it’s not clear even to you that you’re copying.

Some have claimed that large language models are not laundering the texts they’re trained on but, rather, learning from them, in the same way that human writers learn from the books they’ve read. But a large language model is not a writer; it’s not even a user of language. Language is, by definition, a system of communication, and it requires an intention to communicate. Your phone’s auto-complete may offer good suggestions or bad ones, but in neither case is it trying to say anything to you or the person you’re texting. The fact that ChatGPT can generate coherent sentences invites us to imagine that it understands language in a way that your phone’s auto-complete does not, but it has no more intention to communicate.

It is very easy to get ChatGPT to emit a series of words such as “I am happy to see you.” There are many things we don’t understand about how large language models work, but one thing we can be sure of is that ChatGPT is not happy to see you. A dog can communicate that it is happy to see you, and so can a prelinguistic child, even though both lack the capability to use words. ChatGPT feels nothing and desires nothing, and this lack of intention is why ChatGPT is not actually using language. What makes the words “I’m happy to see you” a linguistic utterance is not that the sequence of text tokens that it is made up of are well formed; what makes it a linguistic utterance is the intention to communicate something.

Because language comes so easily to us, it’s easy to forget that it lies on top of these other experiences of subjective feeling and of wanting to communicate that feeling. We’re tempted to project those experiences onto a large language model when it emits coherent sentences, but to do so is to fall prey to mimicry; it’s the same phenomenon as when butterflies evolve large dark spots on their wings that can fool birds into thinking they’re predators with big eyes. There is a context in which the dark spots are sufficient; birds are less likely to eat a butterfly that has them, and the butterfly doesn’t really care why it’s not being eaten, as long as it gets to live. But there is a big difference between a butterfly and a predator that poses a threat to a bird.

A person using generative A.I. to help them write might claim that they are drawing inspiration from the texts the model was trained on, but I would again argue that this differs from what we usually mean when we say one writer draws inspiration from another. Consider a college student who turns in a paper that consists solely of a five-page quotation from a book, stating that this quotation conveys exactly what she wanted to say, better than she could say it herself. Even if the student is completely candid with the instructor about what she’s done, it’s not accurate to say that she is drawing inspiration from the book she’s citing. The fact that a large language model can reword the quotation enough that the source is unidentifiable doesn’t change the fundamental nature of what’s going on.

As the linguist Emily M. Bender has noted, teachers don’t ask students to write essays because the world needs more student essays. The point of writing essays is to strengthen students’ critical-thinking skills; in the same way that lifting weights is useful no matter what sport an athlete plays, writing essays develops skills necessary for whatever job a college student will eventually get. Using ChatGPT to complete assignments is like bringing a forklift into the weight room; you will never improve your cognitive fitness that way.

Not all writing needs to be creative, or heartfelt, or even particularly good; sometimes it simply needs to exist. Such writing might support other goals, such as attracting views for advertising or satisfying bureaucratic requirements. When people are required to produce such text, we can hardly blame them for using whatever tools are available to accelerate the process. But is the world better off with more documents that have had minimal effort expended on them? It would be unrealistic to claim that if we refuse to use large language models, then the requirements to create low-quality text will disappear. However, I think it is inevitable that the more we use large language models to fulfill those requirements, the greater those requirements will eventually become. We are entering an era where someone might use a large language model to generate a document out of a bulleted list, and send it to a person who will use a large language model to condense that document into a bulleted list. Can anyone seriously argue that this is an improvement?

It’s not impossible that one day we will have computer programs that can do anything a human being can do, but, contrary to the claims of the companies promoting A.I., that is not something we’ll see in the next few years. Even in domains that have absolutely nothing to do with creativity, current A.I. programs have profound limitations that give us legitimate reasons to question whether they deserve to be called intelligent at all.

The computer scientist François Chollet has proposed the following distinction: skill is how well you perform at a task, while intelligence is how efficiently you gain new skills. I think this reflects our intuitions about human beings pretty well. Most people can learn a new skill given sufficient practice, but the faster the person picks up the skill, the more intelligent we think the person is. What’s interesting about this definition is that—unlike I.Q. tests—it’s also applicable to nonhuman entities; when a dog learns a new trick quickly, we consider that a sign of intelligence.

In 2019, researchers conducted an experiment in which they taught rats how to drive. They put the rats in little plastic containers with three copper-wire bars; when the mice put their paws on one of these bars, the container would either go forward, or turn left or turn right. The rats could see a plate of food on the other side of the room and tried to get their vehicles to go toward it. The researchers trained the rats for five minutes at a time, and after twenty-four practice sessions, the rats had become proficient at driving. Twenty-four trials were enough to master a task that no rat had likely ever encountered before in the evolutionary history of the species. I think that’s a good demonstration of intelligence.

Now consider the current A.I. programs that are widely acclaimed for their performance. AlphaZero, a program developed by Google’s DeepMind, plays chess better than any human player, but during its training it played forty-four million games, far more than any human can play in a lifetime. For it to master a new game, it will have to undergo a similarly enormous amount of training. By Chollet’s definition, programs like AlphaZero are highly skilled, but they aren’t particularly intelligent, because they aren’t efficient at gaining new skills. It is currently impossible to write a computer program capable of learning even a simple task in only twenty-four trials, if the programmer is not given information about the task beforehand.

Self-driving cars trained on millions of miles of driving can still crash into an overturned trailer truck, because such things are not commonly found in their training data, whereas humans taking their first driving class will know to stop. More than our ability to solve algebraic equations, our ability to cope with unfamiliar situations is a fundamental part of why we consider humans intelligent. Computers will not be able to replace humans until they acquire that type of competence, and that is still a long way off; for the time being, we’re just looking for jobs that can be done with turbocharged auto-complete.

Despite years of hype, the ability of generative A.I. to dramatically increase economic productivity remains theoretical. (Earlier this year, Goldman Sachs released a report titled “Gen AI: Too Much Spend, Too Little Benefit?”) The task that generative A.I. has been most successful at is lowering our expectations, both of the things we read and of ourselves when we write anything for others to read. It is a fundamentally dehumanizing technology because it treats us as less than what we are: creators and apprehenders of meaning. It reduces the amount of intention in the world.

Some individuals have defended large language models by saying that most of what human beings say or write isn’t particularly original. That is true, but it’s also irrelevant. When someone says “I’m sorry” to you, it doesn’t matter that other people have said sorry in the past; it doesn’t matter that “I’m sorry” is a string of text that is statistically unremarkable. If someone is being sincere, their apology is valuable and meaningful, even though apologies have previously been uttered. Likewise, when you tell someone that you’re happy to see them, you are saying something meaningful, even if it lacks novelty.

Something similar holds true for art. Whether you are creating a novel or a painting or a film, you are engaged in an act of communication between you and your audience. What you create doesn’t have to be utterly unlike every prior piece of art in human history to be valuable; the fact that you’re the one who is saying it, the fact that it derives from your unique life experience and arrives at a particular moment in the life of whoever is seeing your work, is what makes it new. We are all products of what has come before us, but it’s by living our lives in interaction with others that we bring meaning into the world. That is something that an auto-complete algorithm can never do, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. ♦

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The Full Guide to Writing Comparison Essays with Point-by-Point Method

Comparison essays are a common type of academic writing that requires writers to analyze and evaluate similarities and differences between two or more subjects. This type of essay is often used in literature, history, and social sciences. In this text, we are keen on explaining the different types of writing comparison essays, the critical elements of an adequate comparison essay, and practical tips for writing successful paragraphs for your reader.

What is Point-by-Point Comparison?

A point-by-point comparison essay is a type of essay that presents a comparison of other subjects, the point-by-point method by analyzing a paragraph in detail. In this type of essay, the writer presents each comparison between the block method and then analyzes it before moving on to the next paragraph.

When writing a comparison essay, it’s crucial to choose a clear and concise thesis statement in your contrast and compare writing. Don’t worry if you don’t know something about the contrast comparative essay! With our custom essay service , you can move mountains. The essay is structured in a way that allows the reader to follow the paragraphs quickly, making it easier to compare the first subject and the second subject. They should be specific enough to guide the writer’s block, and each sentence to specify the discussing manner.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Contrast Essay

The assignment should then be structured and provided, each paragraph focusing on a single point. One of the advantages of using an essay structure is that it allows for a more detailed analysis of the first and second subjects being compared. By breaking down the comparison into specific points, the author can provide a more nuanced and comprehensive analysis of the differences between the ideas using the block method in each paragraph.

We are here to cope with your students` obstacles and write college essay instead of you . This can make the essay more interesting to read, and it can also provide a deeper understanding of the first and second subject.  However, one of the challenges of writing a comparative essay is that it can be difficult to maintain a clear and coherent complex for your reader. It’s essential to ensure that each point of comparison is fully explored and analyzed without losing sight of the overall thesis of the essay.

Additionally, it can be challenging to find the right balance in the paragraph between the amount of detail provided and the length of the academic writing. Overall, a comparative essay can be an effective way to compare and contrast signal words or ideas. By writing each paragraph in detail, the author can provide a more nuanced and comprehensive point of the second subject being discussed. However, it’s essential to maintain a clear and coherent structure of each sentence to balance the amount of detail provided with the length of the thesis.

essay composition difference

How to Use the Point-by-Point Organization?

When using such a block method, it’s essential to identify the critical moments between the points being compared. This will help you determine which ideas to compare in your paragraph. For example, if you are comparing types of cars, you might focus on ideas such as price, fuel efficiency, safety features, and overall performance for your readers. Once you have identified the key, you can create a point-by-point method of writing each sentence and providing a brief description for your future reader.

This list should be structured in a way that is easy to follow, with each point clearly labelled and organized logically. You may also want to include the sub-paragraph within each main point to provide additional detail and analysis.

When writing a point-by-point compare and contrast essay , it’s essential, to begin with, an introduction paragraph that provides background information on the subjects. The essay’s body should then be structured around each paragraph, focusing on a single point and providing a detailed analysis of how the elements are similar or different. It’s essential to use specific examples for the paragraph and evidence to begin your analysis.

Additionally, it’s important to use transition words and phrases to signal when you are moving on to a new point, such as “in addition”, “likewise”, or “conversely”. Finally, the conclusion paragraph should summarize the main points of the comparative essay and provide a final analysis of how the factors are similar or different overall. It’s important to restate the thesis statement in the conclusion, as well as provide the final sentence or recommendations based on your analysis. In conclusion, using the point-by-point method can be an effective way to begin and compare two or more ideas in a thorough and detailed way.

essay composition difference

Point-by-Point Method – Tool for Compare-and-Contrast Essay

A-by-point structure of a compare-and-contrast essay is a tool that helps organize the information in each paragraph for your reader. This type of plan breaks down the points of comparison into specific, discrete categories that can be easily compared and contrasted in each paragraph. Each category should be clearly labelled, and the points within each category should be listed logically in a way that makes sense to the reader.

A typical point-by-point method for a compare-and-contrast essay outline might include an introduction that provides background information on the two subjects being compared.

The body of the structure would then be broken down into discrete categories, such as “price,” “features,” “performance,” and “reliability.” Within each category, specific points would be listed as an example, such as “gas mileage,” “safety features”. This can help you organize your thoughts and ensure you cover all the necessary points in your writing assignment. It can also help you identify any gaps in your research or areas where you need to do more analysis.

By breaking down the points into discrete categories, you can create a clear and organized structure that will make it easier to write your comparative essays . In addition, a point-by-point method can help you identify the paragraph where you need to focus your analysis. For example, suppose you notice that one category has significantly more points of comparison than another. In that case, you may need to spend the time-commitment request in that category to ensure that you provide writing through the subjects being discussed.

In conclusion, a point-by-point organization is a helpful tool for organizing the information you plan to write in your compare and contrast paper. By breaking down the points into specific categories, you can create a clear and organized complex that will make it easier to write your longer comparative essays. This complex can also help to compare in your research or areas where you must pay attention to your comparing analysis and an example.

Point-by-Point Outline of Compare and Contrast Paper

I. Introduction

  • A. Writing brief background information about the books using the block method
  • B. Thesis statement and example

II. Resemblance and contrasting features between Book A and Book B

  • B. Characters
  • C. Writing style

III. The distinguished features between Book A and Book B

  • A. Characteristics
  • B. Point of view

IV. Significance of the similarities and differences

  • A. What do the similarities tell your reader about the genre or writing style
  • B. What do the differences tell us about the author’s intent or purpose

V. Final sentence

  • A. Explaining the and contrast of the two books.

Example of Point-by-Point Method Writing

Topic: Organic Farming vs. Conventional Farming

The farming industry is a crucial sector in providing food for the population. In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for organic food. Organic farming is a farming method that avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Conventional farming, on the other hand, uses synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to maximize crop yields. In this essay, I will compare and contrast organic farming and conventional farming using the point-by-point method.

Point 1: Environmental Impact One of the main differences between organic farming and conventional farming is their impact on the environment. Organic farming methods prioritize the preservation of the natural environment and biodiversity. Organic farmers use natural methods such as crop rotation, cover crops, and natural fertilizers to maintain soil fertility and protect crops from pests. In contrast, conventional farming practices have been known to contribute to soil erosion, water pollution, and loss of biodiversity due to the heavy use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Point 2: Nutritional Value The nutritional value of crops produced through organic and conventional farming methods can differ. Organic crops are grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which means they contain fewer chemical residues. Organic crops are also known to have higher nutrient content, such as vitamins and minerals, compared to conventionally grown crops. Conventional farming, on the other hand, uses synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can leave residues on crops, reducing their nutritional value.

Point 3: Cost The cost of farming can vary between organic and conventional methods. Organic farming often requires more labor and time to maintain crop yields, as natural methods are used instead of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. This can result in higher production costs for organic farmers. Conventional farming, on the other hand, uses synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which can increase crop yields and reduce production costs. This can result in lower prices for consumers.

Point 4: Health Impacts The use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in conventional farming has been linked to various health issues such as respiratory problems, cancer, and neurological disorders. Organic farming practices prioritize the use of natural methods and avoid the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, reducing the health risks associated with conventional farming.

In conclusion, organic farming and conventional farming have their own advantages and disadvantages. Organic farming promotes environmental sustainability and can produce crops with higher nutrient content, but can be more expensive. Conventional farming can be more cost-effective, but its reliance on synthetic fertilizers and pesticides can have negative impacts on the environment and human health. Ultimately, the choice between organic and conventional farming depends on the individual’s priorities and values regarding the environment, nutrition, cost, and health.

How many paragraphs is a compare and contrast essay?

The number of paragraphs in a point-by-point essay will depend on the points being compared or contrasted in your academic writing. Each should have its paragraph to clearly explain and support the contrast. For example, suppose the essay is comparing and contrasting three different movies. In that case, there should be three paragraphs, each one dedicated to a specific film and its common or similarities with the others.

When should you use block vs. point-by-point method?

The block method essay is generally used when the two subjects being compared or contrasted have many differences or are complex in nature. The block method involves all the aspects of one subject in your first paragraph and then academic writing. This allows for a comprehensive understanding of both subjects but can make the essay longer and more challenging for being discussed. On the other hand, the point-by-point method is used when the being compared or contrasted has a few paragraph features for academic writing. The block method essay discusses each contrast in a separate paragraph, allowing for a straightforward sentence. Ultimately, the block method chosen should be based on the purpose and point of the academic writing.

What is the difference between subject by subject vs point by point comparison?

The subject-by-subject involves discussing one subject at a time and writing all aspects of that point before academic writing. This method works best when the subjects are complex or have many differences among the paragraphs, allowing for a thorough analysis of each point. The point-by-point method involves writing each point of comparison or contrast between the subjects in a separate paragraph. The block method is ideal when you start your academic writing.

Which point is decisive in choosing a method?

The choice between the block method and others will depend on the specific nature of the subjects being compared and the essay’s paragraph.

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Difference Between Article and Essay

article vs essay

An article is nothing but a piece of writing commonly found in newspapers or websites which contain fact-based information on a specific topic. It is published with the aim of making the reader aware of something and keeping them up to date.

An essay is a literary work, which often discusses ideas, experiences and concepts in a clear and coherent way. It reflects the author’s personal view, knowledge and research on a specific topic.

Content: Article Vs Essay

Comparison chart.

Basis for ComparisonArticleEssay
MeaningAn article refers to a written piece of information, usually appears in newspaper, magazine, encyclopedias and website.An essay is a piece of literary work, wherein a particular issue or topic is analysed and discussed.
ToneConversationalEducational and Analytical
Headings and SubheadingsYesNo
ReaderAlways written with a specific objective and reader group in mind.Not written with a specific reader group in mind.
Backed byPhotographs, charts and reports.Not required
Citation and ReferenceNot RequiredRequired

Definition of Article

An ‘article’ can be described as any form of written information which is produced either in a printed or electronic form, in newspaper, magazine, journal or website. It aims at spreading news, results of surveys, academic analysis or debates.

An article targets a large group of people, in order to fascinate the readers and engage them. Hence, it should be such that to retain the interest of the readers.

It discusses stories, reports and describes news, present balanced argument, express opinion, provides facts, offers advice, compares and contrast etc. in a formal or informal manner, depending upon the type of audience.

For writing an article one needs to perform a thorough research on the matter, so as to provide original and authentic information to the readers.

Components of Article

  • Title : An article contains a noticeable title which should be intriguing and should not be very long and descriptive. However, it should be such that which suggests the theme or issue of the information provided.
  • Introduction : The introduction part must clearly define the topic, by giving a brief overview of the situation or event.
  • Body : An introduction is followed by the main body which presents the complete information or news, in an elaborative way, to let the reader know about the exact situation.
  • Conclusion : The article ends with a conclusion, which sums up the entire topic with a recommendation or comment.

Definition of Essay

An essay is just a formal and comprehensive piece of literature, in which a particular topic is discussed thoroughly. It usually highlights the writer’s outlook, knowledge and experiences on that particular topic. It is a short literary work, which elucidates, argues and analyzes a specific topic.

The word essay is originated from the Latin term ‘exagium’ which means ‘presentation of a case’. Hence, writing an essay means to state the reasons or causes of something, or why something should be done or should be the case, which validates a particular viewpoint, analysis, experience, stories, facts or interpretation.

An essay is written with the intent to convince or inform the reader about something. Further, for writing an essay one needs to have good knowledge of the subject to explain the concept, thoroughly. If not so, the writer will end up repeating the same points again and again.

Components of the Essay

  • Title : It should be a succinct statement of the proposition.
  • Introduction : The introduction section of the essay, should be so interesting which instantly grabs the attention of the reader and makes them read the essay further. Hence, one can start with a quote to make it more thought-provoking.
  • Body : In the main body of the essay, evidence or reasons in support of the writer’s ideas or arguments are provided. One should make sure that there is a sync in the paragraphs of the main body, as well as they,  should maintain a logical flow.
  • Conclusion : In this part, the writer wraps up all the points in a summarized and simplified manner.

Key Differences Between Article and Essay

Upcoming points will discuss the difference between article and essay:

  • An article refers to a written work, published in newspapers, journals, website, magazines etc, containing news or information, in a specific format. On the other hand, an essay is a continuous piece of writing, written with the aim of convincing the reader with the argument or merely informing the reader about the fact.
  • An article is objective in the sense that it is based on facts and evidence, and simply describes the topic or narrate the event. As against, an essay is subjective, because it is based on fact or research-based opinion or outlook of a person on a specific topic. It analyses, argues and criticizes the topic.
  • The tone used in an article is conversational, so as to make the article easy to understand and also keeping the interest of the reader intact. On the contrary, an essay uses educational and analytical tone.
  • An article may contain headings, which makes it attractive and readable. In contrast, an essay does not have any headings, sections or bullet points, however, it is a coherent and organized form of writing.
  • An article is always written with a definite objective, which is to inform or make the readers aware of something. Further, it is written to cater to a specific niche of audience. Conversely, an essay is written in response to a particular assertion or question. Moreover, it is not written with a specific group of readers in mind.
  • An article is often supported by photographs, charts, statistics, graphs and tables. As opposed, an essay is not supported by any photographs, charts, or graphs.
  • Citations and references are a must in case of an essay, whereas there is no such requirement in case of an article.

By and large, an article is meant to inform the reader about something, through news, featured stories, product descriptions, reports, etc. On the flip side, an essay offers an analysis of a particular topic, while reflecting a detailed account of a person’s view on it.

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Anna H. Smith says

November 15, 2020 at 6:21 pm

Great! Thank you for explaining the difference between an article and an academic essay so eloquently. Your information is so detailed and very helpful. it’s very educative, Thanks for sharing.

Sunita Singh says

December 12, 2020 at 7:11 am

Thank you! That’s quite helpful.

Saba Zia says

March 8, 2021 at 12:33 am

Great job!! Thank u for sharing this explanation and detailed difference between essay and article. It is really helpful.

Khushi Chaudhary says

February 7, 2021 at 2:38 pm

Thank you so much! It is really very easy to understand & helpful for my test.

Dury Frizza says

July 25, 2022 at 8:18 pm

Thanks a lot for sharing such a clear and easily understood explanation!!!!.

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22 Essay Question Words You Must Understand to Prepare a Well-Structured Essay

(Last updated: 3 June 2024)

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Now, we may be experts in best essay writing , but we’re also the first to admit that tackling essay questions can be, well, a bit of a challenge. Essays first require copious amounts of background reading and research so you can include accurate facts in your writing. You then have to figure out how to present those facts in a convincing and systematic argument. No mean feat.

But the silver lining here is that presenting your argument doesn’t have to be stressful. This goes even if you’re a new student without much experience and ability. To write a coherent and well-structured essay , you just have to really understand the requirements of the question. And to understand the requirements of the question, you need to have a good hold on all the different question words. For example, 'justify', 'examine', and 'discuss', to name a few.

Lacking this understanding is a pitfall many students tumble into. But our guide on essay question words below should keep you firmly above on safe, essay-acing ground.

Definition of Question Words with Examples

No matter their nature, question words are key and must always be adhered to. And yet, many students often overlook them and therefore answer their essay questions incorrectly. You may be a font of all knowledge in your subject area, but if you misinterpret the question words in your essay title, your essay writing could be completely irrelevant and score poorly.

For example, if you are asked to compare the French and British upper houses of parliament, you won’t get many points by simply highlighting the differences between the two parliamentary systems.

So, what should you do? We advise you start by reading this guide – we’ve divided the question words either by ‘critical’ or ‘descriptive’ depending on their nature, which should help you identify the type of response your essay requires.

These are the question words we will cover in this blog:

Critical question words Descriptive question words
Analyse Define
Evaluate Demonstrate
Justify Describe
Critically evaluate Elaborate
Review Explain
Assess Explore
Discuss Identify
Examine Illustrate
To what extent Outline

Question Words that Require a Critical Approach

Once you have done this, it’s also important that you critically (more on this word later) examine each part. You need to use important debates and evidence to look in depth at the arguments for and against, as well as how the parts interconnect. What does the evidence suggest? Use it to adopt a stance in your essay, ensuring you don’t simply give a narration on the key debates in the literature. Make your position known and tie this to the literature.

2. Evaluate

It is essential to provide information on both sides of the debate using evidence from a wide range of academic sources. Then you must state your position basing your arguments on the evidence that informed you in arriving at your position.

Also, you may want to consider arguments that are contrary to your position before stating a conclusion to your arguments. This will help present a balanced argument and demonstrate wide knowledge of the literature. Here, a critical approach becomes crucial. You need to explain why other possible arguments are unsatisfactory as well as why your own particular argument is preferable.

4. Critically evaluate

The key to tackling these question words is providing ample evidence to support your claims. Ensure that your analysis is balanced by shedding light on, and presenting a critique of, alternative perspectives. It is also important that you present extensive evidence taken from a varying range of sources.

State your conclusion clearly and state the reasons for this conclusion, drawing on factors and evidence that informed your perspective. Also try to justify your position in order to present a convincing argument to the reader.

Put another way, ‘review’ questions entail offering your opinion on the validity of the essay question. For example, you may be asked to review the literature on electoral reform in Great Britain. You'll need to give an overview of the literature. and any major arguments or issues that arose from it. You then need to comment logically and analytically on this material. What do you agree or disagree with? What have other scholars said about the subject? Are there any views that contrast with yours? What evidence are you using to support your assessment? Don’t forget to state your position clearly.

Review answers should not be purely descriptive; they must demonstrate a high level of analytical skill. The aim is not simply to regurgitate the works of other scholars, but rather to critically analyse these works.

However, when assessing a particular argument or topic, it is important that your thoughts on its significance are made clear. This must be supported by evidence, and secondary sources in the literature are a great start. Essentially, you need to convince the reader about the strength of your argument, using research to back up your assessment of the topic is essential. Highlight any limitations to your argument and remember to mention any counterarguments to your position.

Give a detailed examination of the topic by including knowledge of the various perspectives put forward by other scholars in relation to it. What are your thoughts on the subject based on the general debates in the literature? Remember to clearly state your position based on all the evidence you present.

You should also try to provide some context on why the issues and facts that you have closely examined are important. Have these issues and facts been examined differently by other scholars? If so, make a note of this. How did they differ in their approach and what are the factors that account for these alternative approaches?

‘Examine’ questions are less exploratory and discursive than some other types of question. They focus instead on asking you to critically examine particular pieces of evidence or facts to inform your analysis.

9. To what extent

Such questions require that you display the extent of your knowledge on a given subject and that you also adopt an analytical style in stating your position. This means that you must consider both sides of the argument, by present contrasting pieces of evidence. But ultimately, you must show why a particular set of evidence, or piece of information, is more valid for supporting your answer.

Question Words that Require a Descriptive Response

It is important that you provide more than one meaning if there are several of them as it shows that you are very familiar with the literature.

2. Demonstrate

Make sure you assert your position with these types of questions. It's even more important that you support your arguments with valid evidence in order to establish a strong case.

3. Describe

‘Describe’ question words focus less on the basic meaning of something, therefore, and more on its particular characteristics. These characteristics should form the building blocks of your answer.

4. Elaborate

In addition, always remember to back any claims with academic research. In explanatory answers it is important that you demonstrate a clear understanding of a research topic or argument. This comes across most convincingly if you present a clear interpretation of the subject or argument to the reader. Keep in mind any ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions as this will help you to structure a clear and logically coherent response. Coherence is extremely important in providing explanatory answers.

A somewhat detached, dispassionate tone can be particularly effective, in contrast to the more assertive, argumentative tone you might adopt for other types of essay question. Just remember that the key objective here is to give a nuanced account of a research topic or argument by examining its composite parts.

7. Identify

8. illustrate, 10. summarise, 11. clarify.

Such questions require you to shed light on a topic or, in some instances, break down a complex subject into simple parts. Coherence is very important for acing such questions, remembering to present your answer in a systematic manner.

12. Compare

Furthermore, you may also want to emphasise any differences, although the focus of your essay should be on establishing similarities.

13. Contrast

How to strategically structure essay based on question words.

Understanding how to structure an essay based on question words is crucial for producing clear, focused, and compelling academic writing. The question words we analised above guide the direction of your response and dictate the type of content required. Recognising the demands of each question word allows you to strategically organise your essay, ensuring that your arguments are relevant and comprehensive. By mastering this approach, you can enhance the clarity and impact of your writing, making your academic work more persuasive and effective.

Here are a few more handy tips to bear in mind when addressing your essay questions:

When you first get your essay question, always try to understand exactly what the question means and what it is asking you to do. Look at the question word(s) and think about their meaning before you launch into planning what to write. Hopefully, our guide has shown you how to do this expertly.

Remember to read the question several times and consider any underlying assumptions behind the question. Highlight the key words and if possible, make a very basic draft outline of your response. This outline does not have to be detailed. But if you follow it as you write, it will help keep your response coherent and systematic.

Finally, remember to read through your essay at the end to check for any inconsistencies and grammatical or spelling errors. Or, if you're in search of the perfect finishing touch, have a professional apply an edit to your final essay. It always helps to have a second set of fresh eyes to assess your work for any errors or omissions.

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Guest Essay

Republican Donors, Do You Know Where Your Money Goes?

An illustration showing hands shoving money into an open pit in a table shaped like Donald Trump’s head.

By Juleanna Glover

Juleanna Glover is the chief executive of Ridgely Walsh, a corporate consultancy, and a former adviser to many Republican officials.

We long ago blew past any meaningful controls on political giving in American elections. Now we should focus on the rules governing political spending, which are in equally terrible shape. For that we can blame the Trump campaign and the federal government’s feeble enforcement efforts.

Anyone who has spent time reviewing Donald Trump’s campaign spending reports would quickly conclude they’re a governance nightmare. There is so little disclosure about what happened to the billions raised in 2020 and 2024 that donors (and maybe even the former president himself) can’t possibly know how it was spent.

Federal Election Commission campaign disclosure reports from 2020 show that much of the money donated to the Trump campaign went into a legal and financial black hole reportedly controlled by Trump family members and close associates. This year’s campaign disclosures are shaping up to be the same. Donors big and small give their hard-earned dollars to candidates with the expectation they will be spent on direct efforts to win votes. They deserve better.

During the 2020 election, almost $516 million of the over $780 million spent by the Trump campaign was directed to American Made Media Consultants, a Delaware-based private company created in 2018 that masked the identities of who ultimately received donor dollars, according to a complaint filed with the F.E.C. by the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center . How A.M.M.C. spent the money was a mystery even to Mr. Trump’s campaign team , according to news reports shortly after the election.

All but 18 of the 150 largest expenditures on a Trump campaign’s 2020 F.E.C. report went to A.M.M.C. None of the expenses were itemized or otherwise explained aside from anodyne descriptions including “placed media,” “SMS advertising” and “online advertising.” F.E.C. rules require candidates to fully and accurately disclose the final recipients of their campaign disbursements, which is usually understood to include when payments are made through a vendor such as A.M.M.C. This disclosure is intended to assure donors their contributions are used for campaign expenses. Currently, neither voters nor law enforcement can know whether any laws were broken.

A.M.M.C.’s first president was reported to be Lara Trump , the wife of Mr. Trump’s son Eric. The New York Times reported that A.M.M.C. had a treasurer who was also the chief financial officer of Mr. Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign. Mr. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner signed off on the plan to set up A.M.M.C., and one of Eric Trump’s deputies from the Trump Organization was involved in running it.

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