02 51 44 11 55

Travailler à l'ADMR


  • Garde d'enfants à domicile
  • Ménage repassage
  • Soutien à l'occasion d'un changement familial
  • Suite à une hospitalisation
  • Accompagnement d’enfants porteurs de handicap en structure d’accueil collectif
  • Lieu d’accueil enfants-parents
  • Micro-crèches
  • Soins infirmiers
  • Tarif Ménage & Repassage
  • Tarif Soutien temporaire aux familles
  • Tarif LAEP Pirouette
  • Tarif garde d'enfants à domicile
  • 6 bonnes raisons
  • Crédit d'impôt

presentation structure admr

  • Courses et repas
  • Livraison de repas à domicile
  • Sorties et activités de loisirs
  • Aide à la toilette
  • Soins aux personnes âgées
  • Soins et accueils de jour Alzheimer
  • Garde à domicile de jour et de nuit
  • Résidences autonomie et EHPAD
  • Téléassistance
  • Assistance administrative
  • Aide aux aidants
  • Tarif courses et repas
  • Tarif aide à la toilette
  • Tarif livraison de repas
  • Tarif téléassistance

presentation structure admr

  • Aide à la personne et cadre de vie
  • Soins aux personnes en situation de handicap
  • Accompagnement d'enfants porteurs de handicap en structure d'accueil collectif
  • Etablissements et services pour personnes en situation de handicap mental

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Demande de devis

  • Un réseau national
  • Les chiffres clés
  • Le projet politique
  • Nos financeurs et partenaires
  • Le fonds social ADMR Vendée
  • L'ADMR en vidéo
  • Nous contacter
  • Etre bénévole à l'ADMR
  • Travailler à l'ADMR
  • Nos offres d'emploi
  • Revue de presse
  • 70 ans d'expérience
  • Espace client
  • Accéder à l'espace client

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  • Qui sommes-nous ?

Premier réseau associatif français de proximité, l'ADMR est la référence du service à la personne depuis 70 ans.

En Vendée, 110 associations locales gérées par 1500 bénévoles emploient 2700 salariés qui interviennent auprès de 50 000 personnes. Nos services s'adressent à tous, d'avant la naissance jusqu'à la fin de vie pour permettre à chacun de bien vivre chez soi.

L'ADMR gère des services d'aide à domicile, des services de santé et des unités de vie dans lesquels la personne, dans sa globalité, est au centre de son action. Les services sont assurés par du personnel compétent et formé.

Un suivi rigoureux des prestations et l'engagement de chaque association dans la démarche de certification selon la norme NF Services aux personnes à domicile en garantissent la qualité.

Ancrés sur les valeurs d'écoute et de respect, de solidarité, de confidentialité et de convivialité, les bénévoles et les salariés de l'ADMR oeuvrent au quotidien en proximité pour vous apporter un maximum de satisfaction.

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Vous souhaitez des précisions sur nos services ou nos emplois, un devis personnalisé ?

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Les métiers à l'ADMR sont très diversifiés et le secteur des services à la personne embauche : découvrez nos offres d'emploi et postulez en ligne.

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Faites découvrir l’ADMR à vos proches et offrez du temps libre : 2 heures de ménage repassage avec la carte ADMR.

  • Devenir bénévole
  • Soutenir l'ADMR
  • Nos associations

Nos services

  • Garde d'enfants

Plus d'infos

  • Comment ça marche ?
  • Nos engagements
  • Démarche qualité
  • Médiateur de la consommation
  • Formation et professionnalisation
  • Portail ADMR
  • Espace clients ADMR
  • Mentions légales
  • Demande de documentation


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How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

August 3, 2018 - Dom Barnard

For many people the thought of delivering a presentation is a daunting task and brings about a  great deal of nerves . However, if you take some time to understand how effective presentations are structured and then apply this structure to your own presentation, you’ll appear much more confident and relaxed.

Here is our complete guide for structuring your presentation, with examples at the end of the article to demonstrate these points.

Why is structuring a presentation so important?

If you’ve ever sat through a great presentation, you’ll have left feeling either inspired or informed on a given topic. This isn’t because the speaker was the most knowledgeable or motivating person in the world. Instead, it’s because they know how to structure presentations – they have crafted their message in a logical and simple way that has allowed the audience can keep up with them and take away key messages.

Research has supported this, with studies showing that audiences retain structured information  40% more accurately  than unstructured information.

In fact, not only is structuring a presentation important for the benefit of the audience’s understanding, it’s also important for you as the speaker. A good structure helps you remain calm, stay on topic, and avoid any awkward silences.

What will affect your presentation structure?

Generally speaking, there is a natural flow that any decent presentation will follow which we will go into shortly. However, you should be aware that all presentation structures will be different in their own unique way and this will be due to a number of factors, including:

  • Whether you need to deliver any demonstrations
  • How  knowledgeable the audience  already is on the given subject
  • How much interaction you want from the audience
  • Any time constraints there are for your talk
  • What setting you are in
  • Your ability to use any kinds of visual assistance

Before choosing the presentation’s structure answer these questions first:

  • What is your presentation’s aim?
  • Who are the audience?
  • What are the main points your audience should remember afterwards?

When reading the points below, think critically about what things may cause your presentation structure to be slightly different. You can add in certain elements and add more focus to certain moments if that works better for your speech.

Good presentation structure is important for a presentation

What is the typical presentation structure?

This is the usual flow of a presentation, which covers all the vital sections and is a good starting point for yours. It allows your audience to easily follow along and sets out a solid structure you can add your content to.

1. Greet the audience and introduce yourself

Before you start delivering your talk, introduce yourself to the audience and clarify who you are and your relevant expertise. This does not need to be long or incredibly detailed, but will help build an immediate relationship between you and the audience. It gives you the chance to briefly clarify your expertise and why you are worth listening to. This will help establish your ethos so the audience will trust you more and think you’re credible.

Read our tips on  How to Start a Presentation Effectively

2. Introduction

In the introduction you need to explain the subject and purpose of your presentation whilst gaining the audience’s interest and confidence. It’s sometimes helpful to think of your introduction as funnel-shaped to help filter down your topic:

  • Introduce your general topic
  • Explain your topic area
  • State the issues/challenges in this area you will be exploring
  • State your presentation’s purpose – this is the basis of your presentation so ensure that you provide a statement explaining how the topic will be treated, for example, “I will argue that…” or maybe you will “compare”, “analyse”, “evaluate”, “describe” etc.
  • Provide a statement of what you’re hoping the outcome of the presentation will be, for example, “I’m hoping this will be provide you with…”
  • Show a preview of the organisation of your presentation

In this section also explain:

  • The length of the talk.
  • Signal whether you want audience interaction – some presenters prefer the audience to ask questions throughout whereas others allocate a specific section for this.
  • If it applies, inform the audience whether to take notes or whether you will be providing handouts.

The way you structure your introduction can depend on the amount of time you have been given to present: a  sales pitch  may consist of a quick presentation so you may begin with your conclusion and then provide the evidence. Conversely, a speaker presenting their idea for change in the world would be better suited to start with the evidence and then conclude what this means for the audience.

Keep in mind that the main aim of the introduction is to grab the audience’s attention and connect with them.

3. The main body of your talk

The main body of your talk needs to meet the promises you made in the introduction. Depending on the nature of your presentation, clearly segment the different topics you will be discussing, and then work your way through them one at a time – it’s important for everything to be organised logically for the audience to fully understand. There are many different ways to organise your main points, such as, by priority, theme, chronologically etc.

  • Main points should be addressed one by one with supporting evidence and examples.
  • Before moving on to the next point you should provide a mini-summary.
  • Links should be clearly stated between ideas and you must make it clear when you’re moving onto the next point.
  • Allow time for people to take relevant notes and stick to the topics you have prepared beforehand rather than straying too far off topic.

When planning your presentation write a list of main points you want to make and ask yourself “What I am telling the audience? What should they understand from this?” refining your answers this way will help you produce clear messages.

4. Conclusion

In presentations the conclusion is frequently underdeveloped and lacks purpose which is a shame as it’s the best place to reinforce your messages. Typically, your presentation has a specific goal – that could be to convert a number of the audience members into customers, lead to a certain number of enquiries to make people knowledgeable on specific key points, or to motivate them towards a shared goal.

Regardless of what that goal is, be sure to summarise your main points and their implications. This clarifies the overall purpose of your talk and reinforces your reason for being there.

Follow these steps:

  • Signal that it’s nearly the end of your presentation, for example, “As we wrap up/as we wind down the talk…”
  • Restate the topic and purpose of your presentation – “In this speech I wanted to compare…”
  • Summarise the main points, including their implications and conclusions
  • Indicate what is next/a call to action/a thought-provoking takeaway
  • Move on to the last section

5. Thank the audience and invite questions

Conclude your talk by thanking the audience for their time and invite them to  ask any questions  they may have. As mentioned earlier, personal circumstances will affect the structure of your presentation.

Many presenters prefer to make the Q&A session the key part of their talk and try to speed through the main body of the presentation. This is totally fine, but it is still best to focus on delivering some sort of initial presentation to set the tone and topics for discussion in the Q&A.

Questions being asked after a presentation

Other common presentation structures

The above was a description of a basic presentation, here are some more specific presentation layouts:


Use the demonstration structure when you have something useful to show. This is usually used when you want to show how a product works. Steve Jobs frequently used this technique in his presentations.

  • Explain why the product is valuable.
  • Describe why the product is necessary.
  • Explain what problems it can solve for the audience.
  • Demonstrate the product  to support what you’ve been saying.
  • Make suggestions of other things it can do to make the audience curious.


This structure is particularly useful in persuading the audience.

  • Briefly frame the issue.
  • Go into the issue in detail showing why it ‘s such a problem. Use logos and pathos for this – the logical and emotional appeals.
  • Provide the solution and explain why this would also help the audience.
  • Call to action – something you want the audience to do which is straightforward and pertinent to the solution.


As well as incorporating  stories in your presentation , you can organise your whole presentation as a story. There are lots of different type of story structures you can use – a popular choice is the monomyth – the hero’s journey. In a monomyth, a hero goes on a difficult journey or takes on a challenge – they move from the familiar into the unknown. After facing obstacles and ultimately succeeding the hero returns home, transformed and with newfound wisdom.

Storytelling for Business Success  webinar , where well-know storyteller Javier Bernad shares strategies for crafting compelling narratives.

Another popular choice for using a story to structure your presentation is in media ras (in the middle of thing). In this type of story you launch right into the action by providing a snippet/teaser of what’s happening and then you start explaining the events that led to that event. This is engaging because you’re starting your story at the most exciting part which will make the audience curious – they’ll want to know how you got there.

  • Great storytelling: Examples from Alibaba Founder, Jack Ma

Remaining method

The remaining method structure is good for situations where you’re presenting your perspective on a controversial topic which has split people’s opinions.

  • Go into the issue in detail showing why it’s such a problem – use logos and pathos.
  • Rebut your opponents’ solutions  – explain why their solutions could be useful because the audience will see this as fair and will therefore think you’re trustworthy, and then explain why you think these solutions are not valid.
  • After you’ve presented all the alternatives provide your solution, the remaining solution. This is very persuasive because it looks like the winning idea, especially with the audience believing that you’re fair and trustworthy.


When delivering presentations it’s important for your words and ideas to flow so your audience can understand how everything links together and why it’s all relevant. This can be done  using speech transitions  which are words and phrases that allow you to smoothly move from one point to another so that your speech flows and your presentation is unified.

Transitions can be one word, a phrase or a full sentence – there are many different forms, here are some examples:

Moving from the introduction to the first point

Signify to the audience that you will now begin discussing the first main point:

  • Now that you’re aware of the overview, let’s begin with…
  • First, let’s begin with…
  • I will first cover…
  • My first point covers…
  • To get started, let’s look at…

Shifting between similar points

Move from one point to a similar one:

  • In the same way…
  • Likewise…
  • Equally…
  • This is similar to…
  • Similarly…

Internal summaries

Internal summarising consists of summarising before moving on to the next point. You must inform the audience:

  • What part of the presentation you covered – “In the first part of this speech we’ve covered…”
  • What the key points were – “Precisely how…”
  • How this links in with the overall presentation – “So that’s the context…”
  • What you’re moving on to – “Now I’d like to move on to the second part of presentation which looks at…”

Physical movement

You can move your body and your standing location when you transition to another point. The audience find it easier to follow your presentation and movement will increase their interest.

A common technique for incorporating movement into your presentation is to:

  • Start your introduction by standing in the centre of the stage.
  • For your first point you stand on the left side of the stage.
  • You discuss your second point from the centre again.
  • You stand on the right side of the stage for your third point.
  • The conclusion occurs in the centre.

Key slides for your presentation

Slides are a useful tool for most presentations: they can greatly assist in the delivery of your message and help the audience follow along with what you are saying. Key slides include:

  • An intro slide outlining your ideas
  • A  summary slide  with core points to remember
  • High quality image slides to supplement what you are saying

There are some presenters who choose not to use slides at all, though this is more of a rarity. Slides can be a powerful tool if used properly, but the problem is that many fail to do just that. Here are some golden rules to follow when using slides in a presentation:

  • Don’t over fill them  – your slides are there to assist your speech, rather than be the focal point. They should have as little information as possible, to avoid distracting people from your talk.
  • A picture says a thousand words  – instead of filling a slide with text, instead, focus on one or two images or diagrams to help support and explain the point you are discussing at that time.
  • Make them readable  – depending on the size of your audience, some may not be able to see small text or images, so make everything large enough to fill the space.
  • Don’t rush through slides  – give the audience enough time to digest each slide.

Guy Kawasaki, an entrepreneur and author, suggests that slideshows should follow a  10-20-30 rule :

  • There should be a maximum of 10 slides – people rarely remember more than one concept afterwards so there’s no point overwhelming them with unnecessary information.
  • The presentation should last no longer than 20 minutes as this will leave time for questions and discussion.
  • The font size should be a minimum of 30pt because the audience reads faster than you talk so less information on the slides means that there is less chance of the audience being distracted.

Here are some additional resources for slide design:

  • 7 design tips for effective, beautiful PowerPoint presentations
  • 11 design tips for beautiful presentations
  • 10 tips on how to make slides that communicate your idea

Group Presentations

Group presentations are structured in the same way as presentations with one speaker but usually require more rehearsal and practices.  Clean transitioning between speakers  is very important in producing a presentation that flows well. One way of doing this consists of:

  • Briefly recap on what you covered in your section: “So that was a brief introduction on what health anxiety is and how it can affect somebody”
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss: “Now Elnaz will talk about the prevalence of health anxiety.”
  • Then end by looking at the next speaker, gesturing towards them and saying their name: “Elnaz”.
  • The next speaker should acknowledge this with a quick: “Thank you Joe.”

From this example you can see how the different sections of the presentations link which makes it easier for the audience to follow and remain engaged.

Example of great presentation structure and delivery

Having examples of great presentations will help inspire your own structures, here are a few such examples, each unique and inspiring in their own way.

How Google Works – by Eric Schmidt

This presentation by ex-Google CEO  Eric Schmidt  demonstrates some of the most important lessons he and his team have learnt with regards to working with some of the most talented individuals they hired. The simplistic yet cohesive style of all of the slides is something to be appreciated. They are relatively straightforward, yet add power and clarity to the narrative of the presentation.

Start with why – by Simon Sinek

Since being released in 2009, this presentation has been viewed almost four million times all around the world. The message itself is very powerful, however, it’s not an idea that hasn’t been heard before. What makes this presentation so powerful is the simple message he is getting across, and the straightforward and understandable manner in which he delivers it. Also note that he doesn’t use any slides, just a whiteboard where he creates a simple diagram of his opinion.

The Wisdom of a Third Grade Dropout – by Rick Rigsby

Here’s an example of a presentation given by a relatively unknown individual looking to inspire the next generation of graduates. Rick’s presentation is unique in many ways compared to the two above. Notably, he uses no visual prompts and includes a great deal of humour.

However, what is similar is the structure he uses. He first introduces his message that the wisest man he knew was a third-grade dropout. He then proceeds to deliver his main body of argument, and in the end, concludes with his message. This powerful speech keeps the viewer engaged throughout, through a mixture of heart-warming sentiment, powerful life advice and engaging humour.

As you can see from the examples above, and as it has been expressed throughout, a great presentation structure means analysing the core message of your presentation. Decide on a key message you want to impart the audience with, and then craft an engaging way of delivering it.

By preparing a solid structure, and  practising your talk  beforehand, you can walk into the presentation with confidence and deliver a meaningful message to an interested audience.

It’s important for a presentation to be well-structured so it can have the most impact on your audience. An unstructured presentation can be difficult to follow and even frustrating to listen to. The heart of your speech are your main points supported by evidence and your transitions should assist the movement between points and clarify how everything is linked.

Research suggests that the audience remember the first and last things you say so your introduction and conclusion are vital for reinforcing your points. Essentially, ensure you spend the time structuring your presentation and addressing all of the sections.


ADMR de Seine-Maritime

L'ADMR vous simplifie la vie : Garde d'enfants, soins infirmiers, petits bricolage, ...


presentation structure admr

L'ADMR est présente sur l'ensemble du territoire Français

Le mouvement national ADMR est né en 1945, il est fondé sur des valeurs sociales, familiales et associatives. Le réseau ADMR est constitué d'associations à but non lucratif gérées par des bénévoles et régies par la loi 1901.

Son objectif est de permettre à chacun de c ontinuer à bien vivre chez soi, quelles que soient les difficultés rencontrées. Ses buts sont : le soutien et l'accompagnement de la personne dans sa vie quotidienne et les actes essentiels de la vie courante.  

La Fédération départementale des Associations ADMR en Seine-Maritime :

  • 41 services et/ou associations d’aide à domicile
  •   2 Services de Soins Infirmiers à Domicile – SSIAD
  •   1 Centre de Santé Infimier
  •   2 Centres Locaux d’Information et de Coordination – CLIC
  •   1 Structure départementale des TISF
  •   1 Service de portage de repas - l’Assiette (service et association)
  •   2 Associations de Bénévoles

Nos chiffres ( source activité 2019 )

7 000 Foyers bénéficiaires

1 005 813 Heures d’intervention à domicile

28 064 Journées soins

250 Bénévoles

1450 Salariés

Retrouvez les coordonnées de nos différents sites sur tout le département :

Nos principaux partenaires

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Retrouvez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux

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Mentions légales

Trouver l'ADMR près de chez vous :

Sélectionner un service / un besoin

Accueil de loisirs

Aide aux aidants / aide au répit

Crèche – micro-crèche

Garde d’enfants à domicile


Livraisons de repas

Ménage - Repassage

Petit bricolage - petit jardinage

Service aux familles

Services pour personnes en situation de handicap

Services pour seniors

Service pour séniors

Soins infirmiers

Soutien aux familles

Soutien scolaire


Transport accompagné

Autre service

Je souhaite un devis pour :

Gestion de la page en cours


ADMR des Landes

Réseau ADMR

Un réseau intégré, original et innovant !

L'ADMR est organisée en réseau qui s'étend sur tout le territoire national. Chaque échelon, qu’il soit local, fédéral, régional ou national , a un rôle à jouer et des responsabilités propres.

Chaque maillon est indispensable à la bonne marche de l'ADMR et à la réalisation de son projet.

Le réseau apporte de la cohérence et est gage d'efficacité .

Il est aussi un appui pour tous les acteurs de l'ADMR, qu'ils soient bénévoles ou salariés.

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Présente dans toute la France métropolitaine et dans les DOM-TOM, l'ADMR est aujourd'hui la référence du service à la personne, avec :

  • 2 700 Associations locales
  • 94 Fédérations départementales
  • 1 Union Nationales
  • 265 000 adhérents dont 110 000 bénévoles actifs
  • 93 720 salariés dont 7 300 intervenant exclusivement en mode mandataire
  • 712 000 clients
  • 99 millions d'heures de prestations


Une éthique exigeante

Respect du lieu de vie et de l'intimité,

Respect de la culture et des choix de vie,

Confidentialité des informations échangées.

Une aide et un suivi personnalisé

Accueil courtois et respectueux, Ecoute attentive de la demande et étude des besoins, Service adapté et élaboré avec le client, Prise en compte de l'avis du client sur la qualité du service rendu.

Des professionnels compétents

Intervenants de confiance, sélectionnés et formés,

Interlocuteur privilégié qui répond à vos questions,

Equipe qui assure la continuité du service.


presentation structure admr

La démarche qualité dans le réseau ADMR 40

Le réseau ADMR des Landes est engagé depuis de nombreuses années dans une démarche d'amélioration de la qualité de ses services qui concerne l'ensemble des associations .

La moitié d'entre elles sont par ailleurs certifiées NF X50-056 "services aux personnes à domicile"

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La certification NF service est un gage de sérieux et de professionnalisme pour les clients et leurs familles. Délivrée par AFNOR Certification, elle est le fruit d'une démarche volontaire : si les salariés et les bénévoles de l'ADMR ont à cœur d'accomplir au mieux leurs missions dans l'intérêt des clients, la certification les conduit plus loin en leur permettant de consolider les bonnes pratiques et de s'inscrire dans une démarche d’amélioration continue très exigeante. C'est aussi une reconnaissance de l'engagement et du professionnalisme des équipes, au service des personnes aidées.

Ces structures sont référencées sur AFNOR Pro Contact, site internet qui répertorie les professionnels de services pour qui la qualité de service et par conséquent, la satisfaction des clients, est une priorité.

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Mentions légales

Trouver l'ADMR près de chez vous :

Sélectionner un service / un besoin

Garde d’enfants à domicile

Livraisons de repas

Ménage - Repassage

Petit bricolage - petit jardinage

Services pour personnes en situation de handicap

Services pour séniors

Soins infirmiers

Soutien aux familles

Je souhaite un devis pour :

Gestion de la page en cours


ADMR de l'Allier


Le projet de l'ADMR vise à permettre aux familles et aux personnes de bien vivre chez elles.

Chaque personne, chaque famille est considérée comme autonome. 

Elle est acteur de sa propre vie, libre de ses choix et à même de décider, avec l'accompagnement éventuel de son entourage et de l'association, ce qu'elle souhaite en matière de soutien.

L'ADMR est et veut demeurer généraliste dans son approche. Pour les personnes en voie d'exclusion (que ce soit pour des motifs physiques, psychologiques ou sociaux), l'ADMR veut favoriser le retour à une situation d'intégration sociale, c'est-à-dire leur                    permettre de participer à part entière à la vie sociale et y occuper la place qu'elles souhaitent.

L'action de l'ADMR est d'abord et avant tout une action solidaire.

Elle cherche à créer de nouvelles solidarités là où celles qui existaient se révèlent défaillantes ou insuffisantes. C'est pour cela qu'elle met au premier rang de ses objectifs la décentralisation de l'action la plus grande possible, permettant à de petites équipes issues de la société civile  de développer une action collective porteuse de réciprocité, de reconnaissance mutuelle, de création et d'amplification du lien social. C'est à travers le développement de ces relations, pour lesquelles les responsables s'engagent et qui créent de la cohésion sociale, que l'ADMR réussira à atteindre son objectif central d'intégration sociale. 

Accéder au site ADM Union Natinale

Mentions légales

Trouver l'ADMR près de chez vous :

Sélectionner un service / un besoin

Ménage - Repassage

Services pour personnes en situation de handicap

Services pour séniors

Je souhaite un devis pour :

Gestion de la page en cours


ADMR d'Ille-et-Vilaine

  • L'ADMR d'Ille-et-Vilaine
  • Devenez bénévole
  • Offres d'emploi
  • Candidature spontanée
  • Nous contacter
  • L'admr près de chez vous
  • Demande de devis

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La vie de l'ADMR

Gagne ton permis de conduire avec l'ADMR 35

Toutes les actualités

Des services à la personne sur-mesure

Pour tous, toute la vie, partout

En plus d'offrir une large gamme de services auprès des familles et enfants, des séniors, des personnes en situation de handicap et des aidants.

L'ADMR c'est aussi :

TUBA - Établissement d'accueil temporaire pour enfants et adultes atteints de troubles autistiques

Établissement d'accueil temporaire pour enfants et adultes autistes

 En savoir plus 

Soins infirmiers à domicile et centre de santé

La promotion de la santé et la réalisation de soins infirmiers 

La PSAPA - l'accompagnement des aidants d'un proche en fin de vie

L'accompagnement des aidants d'un

proche en fin de vie

 En savoir plus

Devenez acteur de l'ADMR

L'ADMR d'Ille-et-Vilaine recrute des salariés d'intervention, administratif et d'encadrement

En Ille-et-Vilaine, 2300 salariés d'intervention, administratifs et encadrement ont déjà rejoint notre réseau. Pourquoi pas vous ?

Venez tenter l'expérience ADMR !

Toutes nos offres d'emploi

Le bénévolat à l'ADMR d'Ille-et-Vilaine

Des missions passionnantes ! 620 bénévoles se sont déjà engagés dans notre réseau.

Selon vos envies, vos disponibilités, devenez bénévole ADMR !

En savoir plus

Pourquoi choisir l'ADMR ?

Voici les 6 bonnes raisons de nous faire confiance

Le réseau ADMR est engagé dans une démarche d'amélioration de la qualité des services

Le réseau ADMR est engagé dans une démarche d’amélioration continue de la qualité de ses services pour la satisfaction de ses clients.

Plus de 70 ans d’expérience à l'ADMR d'Ille-et-Vilaine

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femme avec lunettes de profil, salle de formation

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De nombreux métiers du secteur médico-social sont représentés au sein de l'ADMR de Loire-Atlantique. Ils contribuent tous, avec nos services administratifs, à améliorer le quotidien de nos clients, à domicile ou en structure spécialisée.

Les métiers d’intervention à domicile nécessitent la maîtrise des savoirs et des gestes techniques. Ces métiers demandent de fortes capacités d’autonomie, d’écoute, et de prise de responsabilités. Etre intervenant à domicile implique d'avoir de bonnes capacités d'adaptation et d'aimer le contact aux autres. Mobile et autonome, le savoir-faire et le savoir-être sont les qualités essentielles de nos professionnels. Chacune de ces professions mobilise des compétences techniques spécifiques (savoir et savoir-faire) et des compétences relationnelles (savoir-être, capacités comportementales), qui s’acquièrent par la formation initiale et continue, mais pour lesquelles l’expérience est également essentielle.

Travailler au sein de nos Établissements et Services

Nos professionnels accompagnent et soutiennent les personnes en situation handicap pour leur permettre de gagner en autonomie et en qualité de vie. Qualités humaines, écoute, maîtrise de soi, autonomie et esprit d'équipe : telles sont les compétences essentielles pour exercer dans nos lieux d'accueil.

Chaque responsable de structure gère son établissement dans ses différentes dimensions : humaine, financière et administrative.

La formation au coeur de la démarche ADMR

Notre enjeu ? Améliorer encore et toujours les services apportés à nos clients et favoriser l'évolution professionnelle de nos salariés. La formation professionnelle permet de développer les compétences de nos collaborateurs, maintenir et actualiser leurs connaissances afin qu'ils s'épanouissent dans leur travail. La fédération ADMR de Loire-Atlantique a d'ailleurs mis en place un partenariat avec l'organisme de formation Expersona. Une coopération qui garantit des formations de qualité et une meilleure prise en compte des besoins du terrain.

Métiers administratifs

Nous recrutons aussi des profils assurant des fonctions support telles : le secrétariat, les ressources humaines, la communication, la qualité, la comptabilité...

Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap et peuvent faire l'objet d'aménagements.

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L'Association d'Aide à Domicile en Milieu Rural (ADMR) est présente sur tout le département de la Haute-Saône à travers 24 associations locales. Elle compte 300 bénévoles, plus de 1000 salariés au service de plus de 13 000 personnes.

Le réseau ADMR haut-saonois

La première association est créée en  1950 à Courchaton  pour aider les familles du territoire. Convaincu de son utilité, son président,  Jean Malivernay  fonde une  structure départementale en 1953  : la Fédération Départementale Rurale des Associations Locale Familiale de Haute-Saône.

Depuis plus de 70 ans , l'ADMR 70 n'a cessé de s'adapter aux besoins de la population du territoire rural pour faciliter la qualité de vie et l'autonomie des personnes à domicile.

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7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Written by: Orana Velarde

presentation structure - header wide

The most successful and memorable presentations have one thing in common.

They all tell a story.

No matter how many facts or charts need to be presented, incorporating stories into a presentation will keep your audience focused and intrigued.

Using stories to support data is a well-known technique in all aspects of public speaking, from motivational talks to in-company sales pitches.

Here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit modern presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

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In this guide, we will look at 7 ways to structure your presentations using storytelling techniques to keep your audience engaged until the very end.

Look closely at each one to see which fits your presentation’s purpose best!

Planning Your Presentation Structure: Like Building a Lego Model

presentation structure 7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

Is it easier to separate the correct pieces before you start building?  Or is it better to search in a big bucket with mixed parts for every new piece you need?

We’re pretty sure you will pick the first option.  In the beginning, it might seem like this option would take longer, but the opposite is true.

The first step to a successful presentation structure is to brainstorm your ideas and combine them into a rough draft. But first, consider the message you want to relay to your audience.

RELATED: A Non-Designer's Guide to Creating Memorable Visual Presentations

The Message

What is the message you want to convey with your presentation?

A good starting point is to decide if it will be informative, entertaining, inspiring or persuasive.

In a business setting, you might want your presentation to do two of these things: inform and persuade. If you are a mindset coach for companies, then you might want to entertain and inspire.

The main message should be easy to grasp from the title on your first slide. Think of an appropriate way to word what you want to give your audience in one or two sentences. This can of course be changed later, but having a preliminary title will help get your ideas in order for what comes next.

RELATED: 150+ Presentation Topic Ideas for Students [Plus Templates]

Once you know which direction your presentation will take, it’s time to jot all your ideas down on paper to create a presentation outline and rough draft of all the points you will cover.

presentation structure presentation message entertain inform persuade inspire

7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation

Now that the brainstorming and rough draft are out of the way, it’s time to start structuring your presentation. This is when we introduce the storytelling aspect into the equation.

All the information you have gathered and organized in your rough draft now needs some attitude to really get your message across.

We are going to look at 7 different styles of storytelling structures that work great for presentations. They all have a different style of delivery and cadence. Choosing one for your presentation will depend on your message and who your audience is.

presentation structure 7 Ways to Structure Your Presentation to Keep Your Audience Wanting More

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Fact and Story

The first structure we will look at is Fact and Story . The premise is that the presentation moves back and forth between facts and stories.

Presentation guru Nancy Duarte wrote about this presentation structure in her book " Resonate ." She suggests that mixing storytelling with the relay of facts can help your audience stay interested until the end of your presentation.

presentation structure facts and stories

According to Duarte, this type of structure should start off with an initial setting of the present reality: the “what is.” From there, an invitation to adventure is presented and the first instance of “what could be” is told as a story to illustrate how the initials facts can be improved.

This comparison of presenting the facts as what they are at the present moment with stories that show how things could be improved is what keeps your audience interested and waiting for more.

The conclusion should end at a high point, considerably higher than where it began. The audience should feel like they learned something and, at the same time, inspired to change.

This structure maintains a level of suspense and excitement, perfect for presentations that need to inspire AND inform.

This TED talk by David McCandless about the The Beauty of Data Visualization is a perfect example of the Fact and Story structure. He presents a collection of data visualizations which he created himself, along with a story of why he chose each particular set of data.

The topics he chose were extremely relevant to our present day and the audience related to all of them. The personal stories added to the intrigue and the audience left feeling like data visualizations are not only beautiful but also quite important.

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The Explanation

According to Gavin McMahon, co-founder of fassforward Consulting Group , the presentation structured labeled as The Explanation is meant to teach new insights and abilities.

Its main purpose is to inform about a process or plan to either fix a problem or learn something new. A good way to incorporate storytelling into the structure is to show the progression of the facts along with the progression of a story.

the explanation presentation structure

The presentation progresses in an upward motion following these steps:

  • The Lay of the Land shows how things stand right now, what the destination is and how you plan to get there. The point is to get the audience excited and on board as quickly as possible by showing them the entire process straight up. Tell a story that relates directly to the introduction. Better yet, start with a story.
  • The Roadmap is a visual map of how you will get to the final destination and reach the resolution. Set the audience on the right track.
  • The First Step begins the adventure to get where you want to go.
  • T he Next Steps is the middle section of the presentation, where all the steps are laid out one by one.
  • Almost there is the catharsis where you look back at how much has changed and progressed since the first step.
  • The Arrival is the celebration of the end of the journey. The audience should feel like they have learned something new and gained new knowledge.

The Explanation structure can be used for presentations by consultants that want to teach new ways of doing things inside a company or department. It could also perfectly fit in a sales meeting where a presenter can explain their process of a masterful sales plan.

This TED talk by Amy Cuddy about how your body language shapes who you are is a great example of an Explanation structure. She tells us about her experiment on power poses and how they can affect the outcome of a difficult situation.

The presentation starts off with a discussion on the natural animal and human condition of power and ends with a personal invitation to change your life with a 2-minute practice of power posing.

If you are a lover of the show "Grey’s Anatomy," this is the idea behind the power pose that the neurosurgeons do before a big procedure.

As you know, a pitch in the business sense is when a presenter uses the power of a presentation or speech to convince the audience of something he/she believes will improve a system or solve a problem, according to Gavin McMahon, co-founder of fassforward Consulting Group .

The Pitch presentation structure is like a climb uphill that takes you over a hurdle and on to a positive resolution.

It shows how the presenter’s idea can really improve a situation. By using a real and relatable story, the pitch makes more sense and feels more important.

the pitch presentation structure

  • The Wind Up is a quick summary of what’s going on right now to presents the facts in a way that is easy to grasp and relatable to the audience.
  • The Hurdle presents the problem that needs to be solved . Relay the problem with a story so that the emphasis is doubled.
  • The Vision presents a glimpse into the main idea on how the problem can be solved.
  • The Options is the moment when two different options are laid out as possibilities to solve the initial problem. The idea is to give an average option first, followed by a great option second. If there have already been tests and experiments to prove these facts, then these are the story.
  • The Close is the point where the ideal option is presented as the best and only option.
  • The Fine Print tells the audience exactly how the problem will be solved, the steps that need to be taken and the tasks to be resolved.
  • The Hook is the uplifting conclusion to the presentation which relays an added bonus to the solution of the problem.

Use The Pitch presentation structure when you want to convince someone that your idea is the best for their problem. This structure also works when a new startup is looking for new funding or sponsorship opportunities.

This TED talk by Enric Sala about how to turn the high seas into the world’s largest natural reserve is a great example of a Pitch structure. He starts off with a story of how a group of fishermen revived an area of the ocean by stopping all the fishing there and turning it into a natural reserve.

Ten years later, that piece of ocean makes more money from scuba diving tourism than it ever did from fishing. He continues to talk about the same problem at a larger scale, the diminishing supply of fish and the destruction of the oceans.

His pitch to solve the impending problem is to turn the high seas into a natural reserve. He finishes by telling the audience that the plan is being pitched to the UN and that every individual can help their country abide by the new agreement if it goes through.

There is a well-known structure in literature called “The Hero’s Journey” which follows the plight of a main character from the beginning of a story to the end and leaves the reader feeling like they've learned a lesson they will never forget.

This type of presentation structure, The Drama , has a strong storytelling aspect. This is often used to tell the story of an influential company from founding days, through trials and tribulations, and then finishes with an inspiring show of success.

the drama presentation structure

Another perfect presentation for The Drama structure is an inspiring personal story.

These are the steps of a Drama style presentation structure:

  • One Fine Day . The introduction sets the stage with a situation where things are not perfect but just average. Imagine as if it were the first page of a book, where the setting is laid out and the audience gets an idea of a time and place.
  • The Challenge. Suddenly a problem appears that can’t be ignored. The things that need to be solved are presented as a challenge.
  • Descending Crisis . At this point, the problem is attacked head on but things gets worse until it hits rock bottom.
  • Rock Bottom. When all seems lost and everything is at its worst, the story arrives at a standstill. As an added bonus, the presenter can pause for effect.
  • The Discovery . This is the moment when a glimmer of light shows up and there is a discovery, a new way of resolving the problem.
  • The Rise . By discovering new abilities, the problem can be tackled in a positive way.
  • The Return . Not only are the problem and challenge resolved, the character and the audience break through and reach an unexpected happiness threshold, opening the world to a whole new range of possibilities.
  • The Lesson . The conclusion is reached with an unforgettable lesson and resolution. The audience will feel inspired, informed and entertained.

This TED talk by Adam Driver about his journey from Marine to actor is the perfect example of The Drama structure.

He begins the story by telling the audience about what his life was like before he joined the Marines and what drove him to do it.

He tells how the Marines became his family, and closest friends. Then, right before deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan, he had an accident that separated him from the Marines for good.

He continues to explain how he went on to become an actor, followed by the creation of his project to unify theater with military service.

His talk ends with an example of the theater pieces he coordinates to be presented at military camps. Listeners are left with their hearts full of a newfound hope for humanity.

RELATED: This Classic Storytelling Model Will Help You Give a Mesmerizing Presentation

Situation - Complication - Resolution

According to Gavin McMahon , co-founder of fassforward Consulting Group, most presentations in the realm of B2B sales and business consultancy follow the Situation - Complication - Resolution structure. It is a three-element storyline linked by the words  but  and  therefore .

situation complication resolution presentation structure

The starting point is The Situation , where current conditions are shown in an unbiased and transparent way. The situation connects to the next step through the word but .

A simple example: Our home decor company is selling pretty well this month, but…

This is when The Complication is presented.

In the above example, it could look something like this:

Our home decor company is selling pretty well this month, but  … we have been spending too much on international shipping.

When presenting The Complication , use facts to prove it. Present it as the challenge that needs to be overcome. The Complication is a low point, but from a low point we can only go up.

The final destination is The Resolution , which is connected to The Complication with the word, therefore .

Our home decor company is selling pretty well this month, but we have been spending too much on international shipping. Therefore,  we need to start using a new company that has a better price range and great service.

Back up all of your information with real facts and proof.

Situation - Opportunity - Resolution

A similar structure to the one above, the Situation - Opportunity - Resolution  replaces  Complication with   Opportunity . This three-part structure is also joined by the words  but  and  therefore .

The difference is that instead of the movement going down and then up, it goes slightly up and then levels out.

situation opportunity resolution presentation structure

This structure is perfect when you need to show that something is not that hard to fix; that the problem might not be so big after all and that the solution is easy to grasp.

A presentation that follows this structure could turn out to be quite short, if only the facts are presented, but that would leave the audience feeling like “is that it?” Adding an interesting story to help the audience relate makes the overall presentation more effective.

This TED talk by Adam Galinsky about how to speak up for yourself is a perfect example of the Situation - Opportunity - Resolution presentation structure. He starts off by saying: “Speaking up is hard,” and instantly everyone in the audience can relate.

He gives a few personal stories about times when he should have spoken up and others when he shouldn’t. He gives contextual proof and explanations about how sometimes we feel powerless, other times powerful, and how this affects if we speak up or not.

His solution to the problem is not a huge effort but rather a personal mindset change. The presentation ends with an inspiring quote by the speaker’s father which leaves the audience feeling like they will know exactly when it’s the perfect time to speak up, or not.

Hook, Meat and Payoff

This presentation structure, like The Drama, is deeply founded in the art of storytelling. While the Hero’s Journey is more of a literary technique,  Hook, Meat and Payoff is more like a spoken-word progression.

hook meat and payoff presentation structure

The idea is that with the Hook , the presenter gives the audience a sense of place and time, plus a situation that will put them at the edge of their seats, wanting more.

The Meat is the middle section and usually the longest part of the presentation where the story progresses and all the information is relayed in an interesting and inviting way.

The Payoff is the inspiring conclusion that circles back to the beginning and leaves the audience feeling inspired.

It's like when you come out of the movie theater: You feel better about yourself and the world around you, as if you've learned something important that will make your life a little better.

This TED talk by Jill Bolte Taylor about her stroke of insight is a perfect example of a Hook, Meat and Payoff presentation structure.

One of the most famous TED talks of all time, this presentation starts with her personal story of the time she suffered a brain hemorrhage and stroke.

She is a neuroanatomist; she studies brains for a living. Her experience of having a stroke is one of the deepest stories you'll ever hear about the union between science and spirituality.

Her presentation hook, a real human brain which she shows to the audience, very much grabs your attention. The meat of the talk is also entertaining and interesting; she has the audience laughing and crying right along with her.

In the end, she recounts the moment when she felt her body die and then woke up feeling like she was a different person. She had lost all capacities with the stroke, and it took her eight years to learn to talk and walk again.

The Payoff is her invitation to everyone to feel like they have Nirvana at their fingertips, that being conscious of the world around us is not an impossible task.

RELATED: 7 Storytelling Techniques Used by the Most Inspiring TED Presenters

Make a Storyboard

Now that we've looked at the seven different ways that you can structure your presentation with storytelling techniques, it’s time to make a storyboard.

A storyboard is what film makers use to set up the structure of their movie before filming it. It is created with the help of the screenplay, following the flow of the story. Each rectangle in the storyboard is a scene in the film.

Presenters use this process of storyboarding to set up their presentations because it really helps with productivity. A storyboard is essentially a visual draft of your presentation.

(A note for the “un-artistic”: Don’t worry about things looking amazing right now! Uneven squiggles and weird shapes work the same way as perfect squares. The designed and finished look will come later when you set it all up in the Visme editor.)

As you add the story aspect to your presentation, make sure you don’t get too wordy and try using visuals instead of too much text. Use one or two sentences at most for each slide.

The best way to make a storyboard is with index cards, using each card as a slide. You can add things or easily take them away before you even start to design the final draft.

If it makes things easier, you can take a look at some presentation templates in Visme to see how we've created different slides. This might visually inspire the cards in your storyboard.

Image Source

Build it with Visme

You are now ready to move on to the final step: building your presentation with Visme. Okay, you can create it with whichever presentation software you like, but we think you'll conclude Visme is one of the best choices out there.

Promotions aside, it’s time to bring it all to life.

First, open a new presentation canvas, then choose a template or start from scratch. When you start from a blank canvas in Visme, you can add pre-built slides one by one from the slide library.

Create your slides by following the storyboard. For an added bonus, you can use animations, videos and audio to make your presentation unique.

Record your own audio and voiceovers within Visme

If your presentation is meant to be seen on its own, online or sent as a scrollable PDF, there might need to be more text than on a visual presentation which accompanies a speech. You can try animating the text so it's not just a big block of words.

Using audio also helps, but if the viewer has their computer on mute, they might miss it. Make sure your first slide gives the instruction to turn up the volume.

If your visual presentation is going to be used as a backdrop for a speech, you can forgo some of the text and make it more visual.

Remember to rehearse your speech along with the slides so it all flows seamlessly. TED speakers suggest you rehearse a spoken presentation at least 10 times until it flows naturally.

If you need more help with your presentation design, don't forget to grab our free e-book below.

presentation design ebook

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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at oranavelarde.com

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ADMR Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse (70800)

Maintien à domicile - Aide à domicile - Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse - 70 - Haute-Saône

Vous êtes le responsable de cet établissement ?

Vous avez des postes à pourvoir ?

18 rue Henry Guy 70800 Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse

Localisation ADMR - 70800 - Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse


ADMR est une structure d’aide et de maintien à domicile qui est localisée à Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse du département Haute-Saône. Elle exerce son activité sous statut privé non lucratif et met à votre disposition un personnel qualifié dans l’accompagnement des personnes qui ont besoin d’une assistance pour la réalisation des gestes quotidiens ou pour la gestion de leur foyer.

En savoir plus

Une association ou une entreprise d'aide et de maintien à domicile comme ADMR doit vous proposer du personnel qualifié pour les différentes prestations proposées

Les prestations d 'aide et de maintien à domicile sont très variées et les organismes comme ADMR doivent faire appel à un large éventail de professionnels qualifiés pour les assurer. La qualité du service rendu en dépend ! Cette garantie doit s'appliquer qu'ils s'agissent de personnels infirmiers pour les soins à domicile ou pour les travaux de la maison confiés à des assistantes ménagères expérimentées . Il faut absolument vous renseigner sur les modalités de recrutement, les diplômes des personnels mis à disposition et la politique de formation continue des organismes d'aide et de maintien à domicile comme ADMR avant d'en choisir un. Cela devrait être même le critère majeur de votre décision avant même le prix, la réalisation des prestations elles-mêmes auprès de personnes qui vous sont chères est conditionnée par ce paramètre humain essentiel. Pour les prestations techniques comme l'informatique ou le bricolage, il est même nécessaire de se renseigner sur l'expérience et les qualifications des professionnels que la société ou l'association veut mettre à votre disposition. Parmi les autres métiers des personnels employés par ces organismes intervenant à Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse ou dans un périmètre plus large dans le département Haute-Saône , les plus fréquents sont les auxiliaires de vie aux compétences caractérisées par la polyvalence et les Techniciennes d'Intervention Sociale et Familiale (TISF) qui exercent leurs compétences plus dans le conseil et l'orientation en matière sociale.

Les aides fiscales et sociales pour financer les prestations d'aide et de maintien à domicile à Haute-Saône

Les prix des prestations d' aide et de maintien à domicile , comme en propose la structure ADMR, peuvent paraître élevés et représentés une charge bien importante pour ceux qui les financent. Cependant ces prestations d'aide et de maintien à domicile bénéficient d'une exonération fiscale concernant l'impôt sur le revenu, représentant la moitié du coût total des prestations dans une limite de 12 000 Euros par an. Ainsi un coût horaire de 20€/h ne représentera plus qu'une charge réelle de 10€/h après déduction fiscale. De surcroît vous pouvez bénéficier de l' Aide Personnalisée Autonomie (APA) , versée par le département Haute-Saône où se situe Haute-Saône, ce qui allégera d'autant la note finale. Elle ne peut être perçue qu'à partir d'un certain seuil de perte d'autonomie de la personne âgée ou handicapée concernée. Son montant sera dépendant également de ses revenus. Plus ils seront faibles, plus le montant versé mensuellement au titre de l'APA sera élevé. Enfin pour les particuliers-employeurs, ils seront exonérés d'une part des cotisations sociales patronales dues à l' URSSAF . Toutes ces aides financières ou exonérations fiscales sont tributaires des habilitations et agréments obtenus par ADMR. Il est donc absolument indispensable de se renseigner au préalable pour valider ce point. En cas de défaut, notre portail d'information en ligne vous propose un vaste choix d'associations ou de sociétés qui en bénéficient, en recherchant sur la ville de Haute-Saône ou sur le département Haute-Saône .

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Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding The Formation And Composition Of Stars PPT Presentation ST AI

Dive into the cosmos with our professional PowerPoint presentation, Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding the Formation and Composition of Stars. This comprehensive deck offers insights into stellar evolution, core processes, and elemental makeup, perfect for educators, students, and astronomy enthusiasts seeking to deepen their knowledge of the universe.

Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding The Formation And Composition Of Stars PPT Presentation ST AI

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Step up your game with our enchanting Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding The Formation And Composition Of Stars PPT Presentation ST AI deck, guaranteed to leave a lasting impression on your audience. Crafted with a perfect balance of simplicity, and innovation, our deck empowers you to alter it to your specific needs. You can also change the color theme of the slide to mold it to your companys specific needs. Save time with our ready-made design, compatible with Microsoft versions and Google Slides. Additionally, its available for download in various formats including JPG, JPEG, and PNG. Outshine your competitors with our fully editable and customized deck.

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People who downloaded this PowerPoint presentation also viewed the following :

  • Complete Decks , General
  • Stellar Evolution ,
  • Nucleosynthesis ,
  • Star Formation ,
  • Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding The Formation And Composition Of Stars PPT Presentation ST AI with all 42 slides:

Use our Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding The Formation And Composition Of Stars PPT Presentation ST AI to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding The Formation And Composition Of Stars PPT Presentation ST AI

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  • Services et Soins aux Séniors
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Soin et accompagnement pour personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer et maladies apparentées


Soins suite à une hospitalisation

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Centre de santé infirmier

Aide à la toilette

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  1. Présentation de l'ADMR by lucie moreno on Prezi

    presentation structure admr

  2. Le réseau ADMR

    presentation structure admr

  3. L'ADMR en France

    presentation structure admr

  4. PPT

    presentation structure admr

  5. Présentation ADMR Bocage Virois by LECONTE OCEANE

    presentation structure admr

  6. PPT

    presentation structure admr


  1. Qui sommes-nous ?

    Au coeur de l'économie sociale et solidaire depuis 1945, l'ADMR est le premier réseau associatif national de service à la personne. Notre réseau propose de nombreux services répartis en quatre pôles : Enfance et parentalité, Accompagnement du handicap, Services et soins aux séniors, Entretien de la maison.

  2. PDF Présentation du réseau et des services ADMR

    L'universalité. Être au service de toutes les personnes, à tous les âges de la vie, qu'elles soient malades ou en pleine santé. La proximité. Bien répondre au besoin de nos clients requiert la plus grande proximité. Le respect de la personne. Respecter le choix de vie des personnes en préservant leur autonomie. La citoyenneté.

  3. ADMR

    Le réseau ADMR (Aide à domicile en milieu rural) est un réseau associatif de services à la personne. Fondé en 1945, il intervient en France de la naissance à la fin de vie, dans quatre domaines : autonomie, services de confort à domicile, famille et santé. Il est constitué de 2 700 associations locales autonomes qui interviennent sur ...

  4. PDF L'ADMR, Rapport au cœur des d'activité 2021 transformations du service

    ent Ressources humaines de l'Union nationale ADMR est au cœur de ces enjeux humains. En charge du recrutement, de la fidélisation, de l'employab. lité et de l'évolution des collaborateurs, il a vécu en 2021 une année charnière.Mis en œuvre le 1er octobre 2021, l'Avenant 43 constitue une avancée majeure en termes de.

  5. Qui sommes-nous ?

    Qui sommes-nous ? Premier réseau associatif français de proximité, l'ADMR est la référence du service à la personne depuis 70 ans. En Vendée, 110 associations locales gérées par 1500 bénévoles emploient 2700 salariés qui interviennent auprès de 50 000 personnes.


    Septembre 2022 • Directeur de la publication : Thierry d'Aboville • Coordination : Direction de la communication et du marketing • Conception éditoriale et rédaction : AndJOY • Création graphique et réalisation : BA-BA (www.ba-ba.fr) • Photographies, illustrations : ADMR, Franck Beloncle, David Mendiboure/Matignon, Marc Moitessier, Nicolas Robin, Adobe Stock, iStock, Vecteezy,

  7. How to Structure your Presentation, with Examples

    This clarifies the overall purpose of your talk and reinforces your reason for being there. Follow these steps: Signal that it's nearly the end of your presentation, for example, "As we wrap up/as we wind down the talk…". Restate the topic and purpose of your presentation - "In this speech I wanted to compare…". 5.

  8. PDF Rapport activité FD ADMR 2021

    Le nombre d'heures moyen d'interven on par famille a pro-gressé de + 7 heures en 2021 en aide à domicile compara -vement à 2019 et baissé de 4 heures en TISF. La baisse globale du nombre d'heures et des clients en aide à domicile a donc été très par ellement compensée par l'augmenta on moyenne des durées d'interven on.


    Ses buts sont : le soutien et l'accompagnement de la personne dans sa vie quotidienne et les actes essentiels de la vie courante. La Fédération départementale des Associations ADMR en Seine-Maritime : 41 services et/ou associations d'aide à domicile. 2 Services de Soins Infirmiers à Domicile - SSIAD. 1 Centre de Santé Infimier.

  10. Réseau ADMR

    L'ADMR est organisée en réseau qui s'étend sur tout le territoire national. Chaque échelon, qu'il soit local, fédéral, régional ou national, a un rôle à jouer et des responsabilités propres. Chaque maillon est indispensable à la bonne marche de l'ADMR et à la réalisation de son projet. Le réseau apporte de la cohérence et est ...


    Le projet de l'ADMR vise à permettre aux familles et aux personnes de bien vivre chez elles. Chaque personne, chaque famille est considérée comme autonome. Elle est acteur de sa propre vie, libre de ses choix et à même de décider, avec l'accompagnement éventuel de son entourage et de l'association, ce qu'elle souhaite en matière de soutien.

  12. Des services à la personne sur-mesure

    A chaque besoin, une solution. Grâce à un large panel de services proposés, nous répondons à l'ensemble de vos besoins. L'ADMR d'Ille-et-Vilaine vous propose une large gamme de services pour vous faciliter la vie : accompagnement des personnes âgées ou en situation de handicap, entretien du logement, garde d'enfants ….

  13. ADMR

    Le réseau ADMR est engagé dans une démarche d'amélioration continue de la qualité de ses services pour la satisfaction de ses clients. La dimension humaine. Au-delà de la prestation technique, l'humain est au cœur de notre action. Une offre globale. A chaque besoin, une solution. Grâce à un large panel de services proposés, nous ...

  14. Habiter autrement ADMR

    Elle regroupe la ville de Cerizay, la Fédération ADMR des Deux-Sèvres et 13 salariés, devenus sociétaires. Un comité exécutif de 7 membres assure la co-gérance de l'établissement. La résidence compte 26 places d'accueil pour personnes âgées. Contact : Résidence Séviléano, 66 Avenue du 25 Août, 79140 Cerizay, 05 49 80 56 98.

  15. Les professionnels qui font l'ADMR

    Travailler à domicile. De nombreux métiers du secteur médico-social sont représentés au sein de l'ADMR de Loire-Atlantique. Ils contribuent tous, avec nos services administratifs, à améliorer le quotidien de nos clients, à domicile ou en structure spécialisée. Les métiers d'intervention à domicile nécessitent la maîtrise des ...

  16. ADMR de Haute-Saône

    Le réseau ADMR haut-saonois La première association est créée en 1950 à Courchaton pour aider les familles du territoire. Convaincu de son utilité, son président, Jean Malivernay fonde une structure départementale en 1953 : la Fédération Départementale Rurale des Associations Locale Familiale de Haute-Saône.


    L'association ADMR FOUGEROLLES ST LOUP intervient sur les communes suivantes : Aillevillers-et-Lyaumont, Bouligney, Briaucourt, Conflans-sur-Lanterne, Corbenay, Fleurey-lès-Saint-Loup, Fontaine-lès-Luxeuil, Fougerolles, Francalmont, Hautevelle, La Vaivre, Magnoncourt, Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse, Saint-Valbert.


    L'association ADMR Nord CERIZEEN intervient sur les communes suivantes : Bressuire, Bretignolles, Cerizay, Cirières, Combrand, Le Pin, Montravers, Saint-André-sur-Sèvre. Elle est animée par une équipe de bénévoles qui encadrent une équipe de salariés.

  19. 7 Ways to Take Your Presentation Structure to the Next Level

    Hook, Meat and Payoff. This presentation structure, like The Drama, is deeply founded in the art of storytelling. While the Hero's Journey is more of a literary technique, Hook, Meat and Payoff is more like a spoken-word progression. Source. Create your own graphics with this drag-and-drop tool.

  20. ADMR, Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse (70800)

    Présentation. ADMR est une structure d'aide et de maintien à domicile qui est localisée à Saint-Loup-sur-Semouse du département Haute-Saône. Elle exerce son activité sous statut privé non lucratif et met à votre disposition un personnel qualifié dans l'accompagnement des personnes qui ont besoin d'une assistance pour la ...

  21. Nos métiers

    Rendez-vous sur "L'ADMR recrute près de chez vous". Les métiers des services à la personne : auxiliaire de vie sociale, aide-soignant (e), agent à domicile, employé (e) à domicile, technicien (ne) de l'intervention sociale et familiale infirmière coordinatrice, directeur, accompagnant de proximité, ergothérapeute, secrétaire, RH ...

  22. Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding The Formation And ...

    Dive into the cosmos with our professional PowerPoint presentation, Exploring Stellar Structure Understanding the Formation and Composition of Stars. This comprehensive deck offers insights into stellar evolution, core processes, and elemental makeup, perfect for educators, students, and astronomy enthusiasts seeking to deepen their knowledge ...


    Présentation. L'association ADMR Nord CERIZEEN intervient sur les communes suivantes : Bressuire, Bretignolles, Cerizay, Cirières, Combrand, Le Pin, Montravers, Saint-André-sur-Sèvre. Elle est animée par une équipe de bénévoles qui encadrent une équipe de salariés. ADMR Nord CERIZEEN.