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Essay on My First Day At School – Short & Long Essay Examples

Short Essay on My First Day At School

Essay on My First Day At School: The first day of school is a milestone in every child’s life, filled with excitement, nerves, and anticipation. In this essay, I will be sharing my experience of my first day at school, recounting the mix of emotions I felt as I entered the classroom for the first time. From meeting new classmates to exploring the school grounds, every moment was etched in my memory forever. Join me as I take you through this unforgettable day in my life.

Table of Contents

My First Day At School Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by describing the excitement and nervousness you felt on your first day at school. Mention the significance of this day in your life and how it marked the beginning of a new chapter.

2. Describe the surroundings: Paint a picture of the school environment – the building, classrooms, playground, and other facilities. Talk about how everything seemed new and unfamiliar to you.

3. Meeting new people: Write about your interactions with teachers and classmates. Mention how you felt shy and hesitant to talk to strangers but eventually started making new friends.

4. Classroom experience: Share your thoughts on the first lesson you had in school. Describe how you felt sitting at your desk, listening to the teacher, and trying to absorb all the new information.

5. Lunchtime: Talk about your experience during lunch break. Describe the cafeteria, the food, and how you felt eating with your classmates for the first time.

6. Recess: Write about the fun you had during recess, playing games and getting to know your classmates better. Mention any new friends you made during this time.

7. Challenges faced: Share any challenges or difficulties you encountered on your first day at school. It could be finding your way around the school, understanding the class schedule, or adjusting to the new routine.

8. Lessons learned: Reflect on the lessons you learned from your first day at school. Talk about how you overcame your fears and insecurities, and how you grew more confident as the day went on.

9. Conclusion: Summarize your experience on your first day at school and how it has impacted you. Mention any memorable moments or insights you gained from this day.

10. Proofread and revise: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread it for any grammatical errors or typos. Revise any parts that may need improvement to ensure a polished and well-written piece.

Essay on My First Day At School in 10 Lines – Examples

1. I woke up early, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. 2. My parents helped me get ready and packed my backpack with all my school supplies. 3. We walked to the school together, and I held onto their hands tightly. 4. When we arrived, I saw other kids running around and playing on the playground. 5. My teacher greeted me with a warm smile and introduced me to my classmates. 6. We had a tour of the school and I was shown where my classroom was located. 7. I sat at my desk, feeling a little overwhelmed by all the new faces around me. 8. The teacher started the day with a fun icebreaker activity to help us get to know each other. 9. By the end of the day, I had made a few new friends and felt more comfortable in my new environment. 10. As I walked out of the school with my parents, I couldn’t wait to go back the next day.

Sample Essay on My First Day At School in 100-180 Words

My first day at school was both exciting and nerve-wracking. I remember feeling a mix of emotions as I walked through the school gates, clutching my new backpack tightly. The unfamiliar surroundings and faces made me feel a bit anxious, but at the same time, I was eager to start this new chapter of my life.

As I entered the classroom, I was greeted by my teacher and classmates who all seemed friendly and welcoming. I quickly found my seat and tried to settle in, taking in all the new sights and sounds around me. The teacher introduced herself and went over the rules and expectations for the year ahead.

Throughout the day, I participated in various activities and got to know my classmates better. By the end of the day, I felt more at ease and excited for the days to come. My first day at school may have been a bit overwhelming, but it was also a memorable experience that marked the beginning of many more adventures to come.

Short Essay on My First Day At School in 200-500 Words

My first day at school was a mix of excitement and nervousness. I remember waking up early that morning, feeling a rush of anticipation as I got ready for this new chapter in my life. My parents helped me pack my bag with all the necessary supplies, and we set off for the school.

As we approached the school gates, my heart started to race. I could see other children milling around, some looking just as nervous as I felt. My parents walked me to my classroom and introduced me to my teacher. She had a warm smile and welcomed me with open arms, which helped to ease my nerves a little.

The classroom was bright and colorful, with posters and artwork adorning the walls. I found a seat at one of the desks and looked around at my new classmates. Some were chatting excitedly, while others sat quietly, like me, taking in the new surroundings.

The teacher started the day by introducing herself and going over the rules of the classroom. She then asked each of us to stand up and introduce ourselves to the class. I felt a knot in my stomach as it got closer to my turn, but I managed to stand up and say my name in a shaky voice. The other children clapped politely, and I sat back down, feeling a little more confident.

Throughout the day, we did various activities to get to know each other and familiarize ourselves with the classroom. We played games, read stories, and even had a snack time. I started to relax and enjoy myself, realizing that school wasn’t as scary as I had imagined.

At lunchtime, I sat with a group of friendly classmates who invited me to join them. We chatted and laughed, and I felt like I was starting to make friends. After lunch, we had recess, and I joined in on the games and activities with the other children. I felt a sense of belonging and excitement as I ran around the playground, soaking in the new experiences.

As the day came to an end, I felt a mix of emotions. I was sad that it was over, but also excited for the days to come. My first day at school had been a whirlwind of emotions, but ultimately, it had been a positive experience. I walked out of the school gates with a smile on my face, looking forward to the adventures that awaited me in this new chapter of my life.

Essay on My First Day At School in 1000-1500 Words

My First Day At School

I still remember my first day at school vividly, even though it happened many years ago. It was a day filled with excitement, nervousness, and a little bit of fear. I was just a little kid, barely five years old, and I was about to embark on a new journey in my life – the journey of education.

I woke up early that morning, feeling a mix of emotions. I was excited to finally be going to school like all the big kids I had seen in my neighborhood. I was also nervous about what to expect – would the teachers be nice? Would I make friends? Would I be able to keep up with the lessons? These thoughts raced through my mind as I got ready for the day ahead.

My parents helped me get dressed in my new school uniform – a crisp white shirt, a navy blue skirt, and shiny black shoes. They packed my bag with all the necessary supplies – notebooks, pencils, erasers, and a lunchbox filled with my favorite snacks. I felt like a little soldier, ready to face the challenges of the day.

As we walked to the school, I clutched my mother’s hand tightly, feeling a sense of security in her presence. The school building loomed in front of us, a massive structure with rows of windows and a playground in the front. I could hear the sounds of children laughing and playing, and my heart raced with excitement.

We entered the school gates, and I felt a rush of adrenaline as I saw the bustling corridors filled with students of all ages. The air was filled with the chatter of voices, the ringing of bells, and the sound of footsteps echoing on the tiled floors. I felt like I had entered a whole new world, a world of learning and discovery.

My mother led me to my classroom, where I saw rows of desks and chairs neatly arranged in front of a blackboard. The walls were adorned with colorful posters and charts, and the room had a warm and inviting atmosphere. I found my assigned seat and sat down nervously, looking around at my new classmates who were all busy chatting and getting to know each other.

The teacher entered the room, and all the students fell silent. She introduced herself as Mrs. Smith, a kind and gentle-looking woman with a warm smile. She welcomed us to the class and started the day with a few icebreaker activities to help us get to know each other. I felt a little shy at first, but soon I was laughing and talking with my classmates, feeling like I had known them for years.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of lessons, games, and activities. I learned how to write my name, count to ten, and recite the alphabet. I played with my new friends during recess, running around the playground and laughing until my sides hurt. I even got a gold star for answering a question correctly in class, and I felt a surge of pride and accomplishment.

As the day came to an end, I felt a sense of satisfaction and happiness. I had survived my first day at school, and it had been an amazing experience. I had made new friends, learned new things, and had a lot of fun in the process. I couldn’t wait to go back the next day and continue my journey of education and discovery.

Looking back on that day now, I realize how important it was in shaping the person I am today. My first day at school taught me valuable lessons about courage, resilience, and the joy of learning. It instilled in me a love for education and a thirst for knowledge that has stayed with me ever since.

I am grateful for that day and for all the days that followed, as they have helped me grow into the person I am today. I will always cherish the memories of my first day at school and the excitement and wonder that it brought into my life. It was a day that marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and I will always be grateful for the opportunities and experiences that it brought me.

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My First Day At School Paragraph in 100 to 300 Words for Students

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

Starting a new chapter in life can feel like stepping into a world filled with both excitement and nerves. Remembering the first day of school brings back a flood of emotions. It’s a day that marks the beginning of endless possibilities, new friendships, and a journey of learning. Many of us have gone through feeling a bit scared but also curious about what school has to offer. This article will take you through the whirlwind of emotions and experiences that make up the first day at school. As we dive in, we’ll explore the challenges and the moments of joy that shape our memories of starting school. Let’s embark on this nostalgic journey together, reflecting on the first steps taken in the vast world of education.

Paragraph on My First Day At School

Table of Contents

My First Day At School Paragraph – 100 words

My first day at school was a blend of excitement and nervousness. Upon entering the gates, the sight of the vast playground and colorful classrooms brought a smile to my face. The school assembly introduced me to the discipline and unity of students. My teachers were welcoming, explaining subjects like Mathematics and Science in an interesting way. Interacting with classmates for the first time was thrilling; we shared stories and played together during recess. The library, filled with books on every subject, promised a world of knowledge to explore. This day marked the beginning of my educational journey, filled with curiosity and eagerness to learn.

My First Day At School Paragraph – 150 words

On my first day at school, I stepped into a world that was a mixture of excitement and a bit of anxiety. The school’s environment, with its spacious classrooms, well-organized science labs, and extensive library, was impressive. My teachers introduced themselves and briefly outlined the curriculum, emphasizing the importance of subjects like English for communication and Mathematics for logical thinking. The highlight of the day was the art class, where we expressed our feelings about the new beginning through paintings.

I found myself making friends over shared interests during lunchtime in the canteen, where conversations sparked over favorite books and hobbies. This day was not just about starting a new academic year; it was about discovering a place where I could grow, learn, and form lasting friendships. The sense of belonging and the anticipation of new learning opportunities made me look forward to the days ahead.

My First Day At School Paragraph – 200 words

My first day at school unfolded as a memorable chapter in my life, filled with new experiences and discoveries. Walking through the school doors, I was greeted by the sight of lush greenery surrounding the playground, setting a peaceful tone for the day. The morning assembly was an enlightening experience, where I learned about the school’s values and ethics through speeches and the national anthem. My timetable was a mix of subjects like Social Studies, which promised to take us on a journey through India’s rich history, and Environmental Science, aimed at instilling a sense of responsibility towards our planet.

The teachers were supportive, providing a comfortable environment for us to express our thoughts and doubts. A visit to the computer lab was particularly exciting, introducing us to the basics of information technology and its significance in today’s world. Making friends felt easy, as shared interests over sports and literature broke the ice. The day concluded with a sense of achievement and the realization that school is not just about academic learning but also about personal growth, teamwork, and understanding diverse perspectives. It was the beginning of a journey to build a strong foundation for my future.

My First Day At School Paragraph – 250 words

The anticipation of my first day at school was a blend of excitement and nervousness. Waking up early, I dressed in my crisp new uniform, which felt like a badge of honor, signaling a new chapter in my life. Upon reaching school, the large gates and the sprawling campus seemed like a new world waiting to be explored. My parents accompanied me to the classroom, where I was greeted by the warm smile of my teacher. She introduced me to my classmates, who were just as anxious and curious as I was. The classroom, with its bright posters and neatly arranged desks, promised a realm of knowledge and learning.

The day was filled with a flurry of activities – from the introductory session where we learned about the school’s history and values, to interactive classes that piqued my interest in subjects I had never studied before. Mathematics, for instance, was taught through fun puzzles and games, making it less daunting and more intriguing. The highlight of the day was the library visit, where the vast collection of books on science, literature, and history fascinated me. It was a sanctuary of knowledge that I longed to delve into.

Lunchtime offered a chance to bond with new friends over shared stories and favorite hobbies. As the day concluded, I realized that my first day at school was not just about academic endeavors; it was about embarking on a journey of self-discovery and building friendships that could last a lifetime. The apprehension I had felt in the morning had transformed into eager anticipation for the days to come.

My First Day At School Paragraph – 300 words

The morning of my first day at school was filled with a kaleidoscope of emotions, from eagerness to explore new horizons to a slight trepidation about the unknown. Dressed in my new uniform, I felt a sense of pride and responsibility as I stepped into the school compound, a sprawling oasis of learning and growth. The school building, majestic and welcoming, beckoned me into its fold. My parents walked me to my classroom, a bright and airy space adorned with colorful charts and educational aids that immediately caught my attention.

Our teacher, a beacon of kindness, welcomed each of us with a gentle smile, making us feel at home. She introduced us to the school’s ethos, emphasizing respect, curiosity, and perseverance as the cornerstones of our educational journey. The day unfolded with an array of sessions designed to kindle our interest in various subjects. Science class was an adventure, with models and experiments that made the subject come alive. English literature opened the doors to enchanted worlds crafted by words, while social studies connected us with the rich tapestry of our heritage and the complexities of the world around us.

The library session was a revelation, showcasing a treasure trove of books that promised endless adventures and knowledge. It was here that I felt the true essence of learning – a boundless exploration driven by curiosity. The lunch break provided a wonderful opportunity to forge new friendships, sharing stories and dreams under the shade of the school’s ancient trees.

As the school day drew to a close, I reflected on the myriad experiences that filled my first day. It was not merely an introduction to academic subjects but a day that heralded the beginning of a profound journey of learning, friendship, and personal growth. The apprehension of the unknown had transformed into an exhilarating anticipation of what lies ahead, making my first day at school a cherished memory that will inspire me in the days to come.

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My First Day at School Essay in English For Kids

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On My First Day At School

10 lines on my first day at school, paragraph on my first day at school, short essay on my first day at school, long essay on my first day at school, what will your child learn from an essay on my first day at school.

Essay writing is an essential part of a student’s life. The first day of school is a special event in everyone’s life, and it is filled with some fond memories that will stay with us forever. An essay on the first day of school in English will help kids remember the events that occurred on their first day of attending school while improving written and analytical skills. This essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 will be ideal for the students as they will enjoy thinking about fun memories while learning to construct meaningful sentences to write an amazing first day of school essay.

Attending school is one of the most cherished memories of our lives, and the eventful first day of school is something that stays with us for a lifetime. Thus, specific points need to be taken into account to write a perfect essay on the first day at school for lower primary classes.

  • First, start your sentence with an introduction about schools in general.
  • Talk about the preparation at home.
  • Explain what you saw once you entered your school.
  • Next, explain the time you entered the class.
  • Talk about what you did in the class.
  • Then, talk about the teacher who came to your class.
  • Mention any special event on that day.
  • Next, talk about how you felt at the end of the day.
  • Conclude with the importance of school in your life.

Here are a few lines to remember while writing an essay for classes 1 and 2 to precisely explaining their first day at school.

  • A school is where children go to learn new ideas and receive an education.
  • I was admitted to the school when I was 5 years old. It was a primary school.
  • I woke up early on my first day of school and reached there with my parents.
  • The school had a grassy lawn and nine rooms.
  • As I entered my classroom, I saw a few benches on which other children were sitting.
  • I sat on the third bench, next to a student who later became my best friend.
  • Our teacher was amiable and encouraging.
  • The teacher made each of us stand one by one and introduce ourselves.
  • Then, we all recited the alphabet and number names.
  • My favourite part of the first day of school was playing on the lawns and making lots of new friends.

10 lines on my first day at school

Schools always carry beautiful memories for everyone. But when talking about the first day of school, a series of emotions engulf us. Kids need to learn to catch the essence by the same. Here is a sample to help your child write a my first day at school essay in 100 words.

Schools are the epitome of receiving knowledge and the first step toward the outside world. I got admitted to school at the age of 5. I woke up early, got dressed and went to school. I entered the school premises with my parents. The school was a two-storey-ed building with nine rooms and had a green lawn in the front. I was taken to my class, where other students were sitting. It was a small classroom with a window and six benches. I sat beside a boy who later became my best friend. Our class teacher was amiable and taught us the alphabet. It was a beautiful experience as I made new friends and played with them.

School holds a special place in every student’s heart. Writing essays on such topics will allow kids to revisit this special day. Given here is a short essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 to help kids write essays on the my first day at school in 150 – 250 words.

A school is a primary institution where children go to learn new ideas and habits and receive education while making new friends on the journey. I was admitted to the school when I was 5 years old. It was a primary school, and I was really scared to attend it as it was the first time I had to spend a long time without my parents outside the home. On the first day, I woke up early as it was morning school, wore the new uniform, and reached school with my parents. They dropped me off at the Headmistress’s office, from where I was taken to my class. As I entered my class, I saw a few high benches and low benches where other students were sitting on. I sat on the third bench, where I made a friend who later became my best friend. I loved my first day at school and still cherish the memories.

The first day of school is very different for every kid. Some cry, some get excited, and some feel reluctant about the new environment. A long essay should capture these various emotions and feelings in a streamlined manner. Here is an example of writing an essay on the first day at school for class 3.

My Classroom

On my first day at school, I woke up early and dressed in my new uniform. I went to the school premises with my parents. The premises was huge with green lawns and a two-storey-ed building with nine rooms. I went to the Headmistress’s office and was later taken to my classroom by our class teacher. It was a small yet airy room with some benches and a blackboard. I sat on the third bench where another student was seated, who later became my best friend. Our class teacher was very friendly, and we got to introduce ourselves. I learnt a new alphabet and played with my new friends. We were given the school tour on the first day.

We were shown restrooms, a swing area, a dance room, etc. Though I enjoyed my first day, it wasn’t easy to stay so long without my parents. I missed them terribly. My mother packed my favourite snack for lunch, and I missed her badly then. I remember many kids crying and teachers trying to soothe them and pamper them with toffees. We were given some sheets and colours to enjoy colouring. I recall I was given a butterfly to colour. My friend got a crocodile, and I saw another kid colouring a bird. It was such a fantastic activity. Another activity happened that day; we had to tell the teacher the one thing we instantly liked about the school. I said swings, and my friend said colours. It was a memorable day that I cherish even today.

Introduction To Teachers And Friends

Our class teacher introduced us to other teachers, and we were asked to introduce ourselves. Teachers made us sit alphabetically. Luckily my friend’s name also started with S, like me, so we sat together. We played fun Pictionary games. We were asked to perform our hobbies and were given toffees. It was amazing to meet my best friend, who shared the same hobby, dancing with me. The teacher also read a beautiful story to us. I really loved the overall experience.

This essay will help kids to grow their research, persuasion and analytical skills. Essay writing helps improve writing skills, demonstrate your intelligence, gain knowledge in multiple niches, improve critical and analytical abilities, and improve communication skills.

1. Why is the first day of school significant?

The first day of school holds significance as it marks the beginning of a new chapter in our lives. It’s a milestone where we embark on a journey of learning, growth, and new experiences. This day is etched in our memories because it symbolizes stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing new challenges.

2. What can I expect on my first day at school?

Your first day at school will be filled with a mix of emotions – excitement, nervousness, and perhaps a hint of apprehension. You’ll meet new classmates, teachers, and explore unfamiliar surroundings. While some may find it exhilarating, others might feel overwhelmed. Remember, it’s normal to have varied experiences, and with time, you’ll settle in and feel more at ease.

3. How can I make my first day at school enjoyable?

Making your first day enjoyable involves being open to new experiences and embracing opportunities to connect with others. Smile, introduce yourself to your classmates, and participate in activities or conversations. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you’re unsure about something. By being curious and engaging, you’ll start building positive memories right from the start.

Most of the kids have fond memories of their first day. Such essay-writing activities allow kids to explore their inner emotions well and learn the art of writing and simple essay on my first day of school. This essay on my first day at new school encapsulates the excitement and wonder of stepping into a new world of learning, marking the beginning of a journey that promises endless possibilities and discoveries.

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write an essay of my first day at school

Shaili Contractor

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My First Day at School Essay In 250 Words

The first day of school is a day that is filled with a lot of emotions. It’s a day that I had been waiting for and also feeling a little nervous about. I was excited to start a new adventure, but at the same time, I didn’t know what to expect. Here’s what happened on my first day at school.

Table of Contents

Essay On My First Day at School

Getting ready at home.

On the morning of my first day at school, I woke up very early. I was so excited that I didn’t even need my mom to wake me up. I quickly got out of bed and put on my brand new school uniform. It was a crisp white shirt and a blue skirt. I felt so grown up and important in that uniform. After getting dressed, I had a delicious breakfast that my mom had prepared for me. I was too excited to eat much, but I knew I needed the energy for the big day ahead.

Arriving at School

When I arrived at school, I couldn’t believe my eyes. There were so many students and parents everywhere. The school was buzzing with activity. Some kids were crying, while others were running around with their friends. I held onto my mom’s hand tightly as we walked through the gate. I was a little nervous, but also very curious to see what my new school looked like.

Meeting the Teacher and Classmates

As we entered my classroom, I saw my teacher standing at the front. She had a warm smile on her face and welcomed me with open arms. I instantly felt a little better knowing that my teacher seemed nice. She introduced me to the other kids in the class. They all smiled and said hello. I was relieved to see that everyone was friendly. I even made a new friend named Ada. We talked and laughed together, and suddenly, I didn’t feel so nervous anymore.

Classroom Experience

Our first day of school was filled with exciting activities. We learned about the alphabet and practiced writing our names. My teacher made the lessons so much fun that I didn’t even realize I was learning. We played games, sang songs, and even had a little art project. I was having such a great time that I almost forgot I was in school.

Reflections and Emotions

Looking back, my first day at school was a rollercoaster of emotions. I started the day feeling excited, then I was nervous, and by the end of the day, I was happy and relieved. I realized that school wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. My teacher and classmates were all so nice, and I felt like I was a part of a big family. I was proud of myself for being brave and stepping into this new world.

In conclusion, my first day at school was a mix of emotions, but it turned out to be a wonderful experience. Getting ready at home, meeting my teacher and classmates, and experiencing the classroom for the first time were all memorable moments. I learned that school is a place where I can make friends, have fun, and learn new things. My first day at school marked the beginning of an exciting journey, and I couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for me.

Answers to Questions:

What did you feel on your first day of school?

On my first day of school, I felt a combination of excitement and nervousness. I was excited to start a new adventure and meet new friends, but I was also nervous about the unknown.

What was your first impression of your teacher and classmates?

My first impression of my teacher was that she was very friendly and welcoming. She had a warm smile that made me feel comfortable. My classmates were also friendly, and I quickly made a new friend named Ada.

What activities did you do on your first day of school?

On my first day of school, we did various activities such as learning about the alphabet, practicing writing our names, playing games, singing songs, and even doing a small art project. It was a day filled with fun and learning.

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Essay on First Day in School

Students are often asked to write an essay on First Day in School in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on First Day in School

Arriving at school.

The first day of school is filled with excitement and nerves. As I step into the school grounds, I’m greeted by the sight of a big, welcoming building.

Meeting New Friends

In the classroom, I meet my new classmates. Everyone is just as nervous as I am, but we soon start talking and making friends.

Learning New Things

The first lesson begins, and I’m eager to learn. The teacher is friendly, and the subject is interesting. I’m looking forward to the rest of the school year.

250 Words Essay on First Day in School

The anticipation of the first day.

The first day in school is a significant milestone that marks the beginning of a new phase in life. It is a day filled with a mixture of excitement, anxiety, and anticipation. The thought of entering an unfamiliar environment, meeting new faces, and embracing new challenges is daunting, yet thrilling.

The First Encounter

The learning experience.

The first day in school is not just about making new friends or getting acquainted with the teachers; it is also about getting a glimpse of the learning experience that lies ahead. The curriculum, teaching methodologies, and the school’s ethos are introduced, setting the tone for the academic journey.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Emotions run high on the first day. The joy of making new friends, the fear of the unknown, the anxiety of fitting in, and the excitement of the new journey create an emotional rollercoaster. But as the day progresses, the initial apprehension gives way to a sense of belonging and anticipation for the days to come.

The first day in school is an unforgettable experience that leaves an indelible mark on a student’s life. It is a day of new beginnings, learning, and emotional growth. It sets the foundation for the journey of education and personal development that lies ahead.

500 Words Essay on First Day in School


The first day at school is a significant milestone in everyone’s life. It’s a day filled with anticipation, excitement, and anxiety. It’s a day that marks the beginning of a journey of exploration, learning, and growth. The first day at school is a day of transformation, a transition from the familiarity of home to the unfamiliarity of a new environment.

The Anticipation

The first day at school is often preceded by a period of intense anticipation. The days leading up to it are filled with preparation – buying new books, uniforms, and stationery. It’s a time of mixed feelings. The excitement of stepping into a new world is often tinged with the fear of the unknown. The anticipation is not just limited to the student but extends to the parents as well. The first day at school is as much a milestone for them as it is for the child.

The Arrival

The experience.

The first day at school is a sensory overload. The hustle and bustle of the school, the chatter of the students, the ringing of the school bell, the aroma of the cafeteria – everything is new and unfamiliar. The first day is about finding one’s bearings in this new world. It’s about understanding the rules, the routines, and the expectations. It’s about making new friends and adapting to new teachers.

The Transformation

The first day at school is a day of transformation. It’s a day when a child steps out of the comfort zone of home and steps into the world of formal education. It’s a day when a child transitions from being a dependent to becoming an independent learner. It’s a day that marks the beginning of a journey of self-discovery, a journey that is going to shape one’s personality and character.

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My First Day in School Essay | Essay on My First Day in School for Students and Children in English

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

My First Day In School Essay: My parents got me admitted to Mount Valley School. At that time, I was six years old. I still remember my first day at school. My mother woke me up early in the morning and after my bath and breakfast, I got dressed in my brand new school uniform. I was very excited.

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Short Essay on My First Day in School 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on My First Day in School is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

My sister studied in the fourth class in the same school and my father took us there by car. The school compound was full of boys and girls. We went straight to the principal’s office and he asked my name and gave me a chocolate. After that, my father left for his office.

My First Day in School Essay

I was led to my class by the peon. My class teacher turned out to be a very sweet and kind lady. She made me comfortable and introduced me to the rest of the class. My classmates also proved to be quite friendly and welcomed me to the class. They told me about the timetable and various subjects and teachers.

During the recess, I met my sister in the canteen. We ate the lunch that she had carried from home. I told her about my day till then and how I had already made many friends, At 1:30 pm, the classes got over. Mother, who had come to pick us up, met us at the school gate and we left for home.

On the whole, it was a very pleasant and interesting experience. I will always remember my first day at school.

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Narrative Essay on My First Day in School

Narrative essay generator.

Childhood memories are the treasures of our past, vividly painting the innocence, adventures, and joy of our early years. These memories, both sweet and bittersweet, form the mosaic of our identity, influencing who we become. This essay delves into the essence of childhood memories, exploring their impact and significance through a personal journey back in time.

The Magic of Childhood

Childhood: a period of life where every day feels like a new adventure, filled with curiosity and wonder. My childhood was no different. It was a time when the smallest things felt like grand discoveries, from finding a caterpillar in the backyard to the first time I rode a bike without training wheels. These moments, though seemingly small, are monumental in the eyes of a child. They represent growth, learning, and the boundless joy of living.

A Journey Back in Time

One of my most cherished memories takes me back to my grandmother’s house, a quaint cottage nestled in the heart of the countryside. It was a place out of a storybook, surrounded by lush gardens and towering trees that whispered secrets with the wind. My summers there were filled with endless days of exploration, from the crack of dawn until the stars claimed the sky.

The Garden Adventures

The garden was a magical realm where imagination had no bounds. My cousins and I would embark on epic adventures, pretending to be explorers in a mystical land. We built forts out of branches and leaves, declaring them castles of ancient times. The garden was our kingdom, and in it, we were invincible. The laughter and shouts of our play still echo in my mind, a reminder of the carefree joy of youth.

Lessons Learned

Amidst the fun and games, childhood also presented its set of challenges and lessons. I recall a particular rainy day when our garden escapades led to a muddy disaster. Our clothes were stained, and the indoors became a canvas for our muddy footprints. The scolding that followed taught us the importance of responsibility and the consequences of our actions. Yet, even in that moment of admonition, there was love and the gentle guidance towards making better choices.

The Power of Friendship

Childhood is also a time when friendships are formed, bonds that often last a lifetime. I met my best friend under the most unusual circumstances, a mishap during a school play where a missed cue turned into a comedy of errors. Instead of embarrassment, we found laughter and a friendship that stood the test of time. It was through these friendships that I learned the value of trust, support, and the sheer joy of having someone to share life’s moments with.

As the years passed, the innocence of childhood gradually gave way to the responsibilities of adulthood. The endless days of play were replaced by schedules and commitments. Yet, the memories of those carefree days remain, a beacon of light guiding me through life’s challenges. They remind me to find joy in the simple things, to approach life with curiosity, and to cherish the bonds formed in the innocence of childhood.

Childhood memories are more than just moments of the past; they are the foundation upon which we build our future. They teach us lessons, shape our values, and influence our paths. As I reflect on my journey through childhood, I am grateful for the experiences that shaped me, the challenges that strengthened me, and the joy that filled my days. These memories are a precious gift, a reminder of a time of innocence and wonder that continues to inspire and guide me as I navigate the complexities of adulthood.

In the end, our childhood memories are a testament to the beauty of life, a collection of moments that remind us of who we are and where we’ve come from. They are treasures to be cherished, stories to be shared, and lessons to carry with us as we journey through life. For students participating in an essay writing competition, delve deep into your own reservoir of memories, and let the magic of your childhood illuminate your writing. Through your words, you have the power to transport your readers back in time, to relive the wonder, the lessons, and the joy of childhood.


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First Day of School Essay

500 words essay on first day of school.

The first day of schools is not easy for anyone. Even if you are not shy, it is still tough for the first day. When people say the first day of school, the mind usually goes back to our first day in class nursery. But, that is not the same as everyone. When a person transfers to a new school, their first day of the new school is also a new experience. Thus, the first day of school essay will tell us about it in detail.

first day of school essay

A Thrilling Experience

The first day of school is a thrilling experience. You are entering an unknown territory and you don’t know anyone there. While it might scare some, for some it is quite exciting. You get to learn about new things on the first day.

Moreover, the first day gives us a new perspective on things. Things we don’t often notice, we might notice on our first day of school. It is because we are very aware of our surroundings on our first day.

Nonetheless, it is an exciting experience for all. If you are a four-year-old joining school for the first time or a senior going to a new school for the first time, everyone usually remembers their experience and cherish it forever.

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My First Day of School as a Senior

My father has a government job which requires him to shift a lot. Even though we stayed in the same place, my father moved from one place to another. After being in the same school for 8 years, my father finally got a permanent posting.

This meant that we had to move to a new city and join a new school. I was very nervous to move to a new city and even more to join a new school. My present school has all my friends whom I cannot stay apart from.

Nonetheless, when we moved to the new city, I became friends with my neighbour . On my first day of school, I joined the fifth standard. The teacher introduced me and I went to sit in my seat.

Many children sitting beside me started talking to me. They were being friendly and cordial. Thus, all my nervousness went away. Upon talking with them, I realized that they are very welcoming.

Some of them also shared their lunch with me. My neighbour also came to meet me during the recess and we played on the swings. On the first day, only the feeling of being an outsider went away. I enjoyed my first day a lot and came back home smiling.

Conclusion of the First Day of School Essay

Thus, the first day of schools is not easy. It is equally difficult for little children as well as teenagers. It is not easy to enter a place with unknown faces, but it is definitely not impossible. We all need to come out of comfort zone someday, so it serves as a great way of reminding us of this fact.

FAQ of First Day of School Essay

Question 1: Is the first day of school memorable?

Answer 1: The first day of school whether for the first time or in a new school is memorable for everyone. It is a life-changing day for students as they enter into an unknown place without the support of anyone, all by themselves.

Question 2: Does the first day of school determine the rest of our school days?

Answer 2: Not at all. Our first day can be good or bad, but it does not determine anything. There are good days and bad days in life; it is upon us to take the journey forward happily without letting anything discourage us.

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Short Essay on First Day of School [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

For all of us, the first day of our school is very significant. We never forget the first day in our school. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write a short essay on the first day of your school. So, let’s get started.

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Short Essay on First Day of School in 100 Words

The memories of our school are always precious to us. When we grow up and leave our schools, we still remember those beautiful days. School gifts us with friends, good teachers, studies, manners, and also lots of happiness.

There is no one who does not enjoy going to school. And the best part of school life is the first day of school. As little children, we generally cry when we go to school. We do not understand everything happening there. Our parents take us there. Often we have to give an admission test for that school. But slowly we make new friends and start enjoying our school days.

Short Essay on First Day of School in 200 Words

School gives us one of the best memories of our lives. We will realize this after leaving our school and going for higher education. For a long period of our life, we spend time in our school. So it soon becomes our second home. Perhaps, the most important day in our life is the first day of our school. We get into that building for the first time.

All of us cry when we get into school. It happens because we do not want to leave our parents and house. For the time, school seems to be a different place. There are new people, new teachers, new friends, big classrooms, benches, and chairs. We get a pile of books and copies when we get into our school. But soon we start adjusting. We no longer cry we go to school. We wait to meet our friends. We come across our teachers. They start loving us just like our parents.

We feel home-like when we stay in school. As students, we have to follow rules. That we obediently follow. We enjoy our first school prayers and the assembly. The first day of our school remains like a precious memory. We do not forget that day and enjoy sharing it with everyone.

Short Essay on First Day of School in 400 Words

School gives us the best time of our lives. Everything seems very easy to understand. We learn, study, and also enjoy ourselves in school. School life gifts us with friends, good teachers, and good memories. And the best moment of our lives is the first day of school. Everything seems new and different. Yet it is a treasure of our lives. We can never forget the days of our school, especially the first day.

The first day of school is perhaps the most important. It is not only the beginning of our studies but also the start of a new life. We all remember how on the first day we had cried. We hated going to school back then. We thought someone will take us away from our parents and house. So parents always stay with us on our very first day. We all have to sit for an admission test. We prepare the basics back at home and then give the examination.

All children at the age of three are admitted to primary schools. Once our examination gets over, we get admission into the new school. We feel happiest as we get new school bags, books, copies, and other things. The first journey to school is an exciting one. Holding the hands of our parents, we attend the school.

We cry as the teacher takes us to our classes. But soon we see many little children sitting in the class. And we forget our tears. Soon we start making friends and enjoying the classes together. We share our tiffins and learn the habit of sharing. We come across some new people. We learn to call them teachers. They teach us in our class and we enjoy sitting with our friends and learning the same things. 

As the first day comes to an end, we hurry outside to our parents. We feel happy as we share the details of our first class. From that moment onward, we never cry to go to school. But we wait every morning to visit school and meet our friends. The best part of school life is having friends to play with.

Everything remains very soft and innocent. From the first day, the teachers and the school building become very dear to us. So just like the first day, we cry when we leave our school. We all get to go for higher education. We all do our jobs. But throughout our lives, the school remains a great memory. The first day of school is the biggest gift of God.

In this session above, I have tried to discuss the entire context in a very simple language that all kinds of students can easily understand. Hopefully, now you will be able to write such essays on your own. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, kindly let me know through the comment section below. To read more such essays on important topics, keep browsing our website. 

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School Essay

Essay On My First Day in School

  • Post category: Essay
  • Reading time: 33 mins read

Set 1: Essay On My First Day in School 400 Words

Apart from birthdays and festivals, there are certain memorable days in our life which we can never forget. Going to school for the first time is a thrilling experience for any child. One can never forget this occasion and its impression lasts forever.

I am a student of the 6th standard. But I still remember my first day in school. My sister who is 4 years elder to me, was a student of Sharada Mandir. My parents decided to enroll my name in the same school. I was admitted to the

My school at the age of 5 years. | still remember that day. It was a rainy day. My mother woke me up early in the morning. I had a bath and got ready for school. I had milk and bread for breakfast. I wore the school uniform. I was very excited when I saw new shoes, a schoolbag, and all other accessories. My father drove my sister and me to

school. The school had a big and beautiful three-storeyed building. A watchman in khaki uniform was standing at the main gate. My father parked the car near the main gate and we all entered the school. My sister went to her classroom. My father took me to the Principal’s office. Many children along with their parents were standing in front of the office.

The Principal serially called out the children and then signed their admission form. I was admitted to the first standard. My classroom was on the ground floor, When į entered the classroom, I saw 20 to 25 students present there. I also saw Sudha’s sister in the classroom. Sudha is my sister’s friend. She welcomed me. My class teacher asked me to take a seat in the first row. After two hours we had our recess. We all closed our schoolbags and came out.

My sister was waiting for me outside the classroom. Both of us finished our tiffins. After that, we played for some time and went back to our respective classrooms. Our class teacher told us about the rules and regulations that we need to follow in the school. Then she gave us the list of books, asked us to learn the tables. She also asked me to recite a poem. She congratulated me for reciting it correctly.

The school got over at 12.30 p.m. My sister came to pick me up. She carried me to the main gate where our mother was waiting for us. All three of us took a rickshaw and came back home. I feel very happy and pleased when I remember my first day of school.

Set 2: Essay On My First Day in School 500 Words

School is regarded as a temple of learning. It is also considered as a training institution for future good citizens. Unfortunately, not all children are lucky to go to school. A school is a training ground for the child. The child builds new relations, meets boys and girls of different natures, and forms new thoughts and habits. The right kind of school is of great importance because a school prepares the child for taking up different challenges in life.

My parents had enrolled me in a local school at the age of five. The memory of my first day in school is still fresh in my mind. It was a big school. It had six floors. There were thirty classes in my school. In all, there were thirty-three teachers and four sirs. There was a separate room for the Principal. He was a very strict person. The school had a compound where we played during thirty minutes recess. There was a big ground behind the school. However, we were not allowed to go there.

One day my parents took me to the Principal’s room and got me admitted to the school. I was very afraid of seeing the big white beard of the Principal. He asked me my name, my age, and some other small questions. I answered them nervously. Later after having some talks with my parents, he gave me a small packet of candies and asked me to distribute them among my classmates after school reopened next month.

In the next twenty days, the school reopened. As it was my very first day, I went crying to the school. I felt very bad leaving my parents. I entered the class and sat on the first bench. My class teacher entered the class. She seemed very kind. She treated me very well. In the beginning, I felt a bit nervous in the new atmosphere. Children looked at me surprisingly and smiled. Maybe because I was little fat and tall than them. That day I got my first lesson in English alphabets and Maths digits.

The bell for recess rang. Children rushed out of the classroom. Some of them gathered around me as if they were watching some strange creature. They started laughing at me and made fun of me. I felt very bad. However, a few children felt sad for the trouble caused to me by other children in the class. Some came forward to support me. This was something very new for me.

The final bell rangat two o’clock in the afternoon. All the children were overjoyed. Even I was happy that the first day got ended. I picked up my bag and water bottle and hurried back to my home.

Set 3: Essay On My First Day in School

Apart from birthdays and festivals, there are certain memorable days in our life which we can never forget. Going to school for the first time is a thrilling experience for any child. One can never forget this occasion and its impression lasts for ever.

I am a student of gth standard. But I still remember my first day in school. My sister who is 4 years elder to me, was a student of Sharada Mandir. My parents decided to enroll my name in the same school. I was admitted to the

school at the age of 5 years. | still remember that day. It was a rainy day. My mother woke me up early in the morning. I had a bath and got ready for the school. I had milk and bread for breakfast. I wore the school uniform. I was very excited when I saw new shoes, schoolbag and all other accessories. My father drove my sister and me to

school. The school had a big and beautiful three storeyed building. A watchman in khaki uniform was standing at the main gate. My father parked the car near the main gate and we all entered the school. My sister went to her classroom. My Father took me to the Principal’s office. Many children along with their parents were standing in front of the office. The Principal serially called out the children and then signed their admission form. I was admitted in the first standard. My classroom was on the ground floor, When į entered the classroom, I saw 20 to 25 students present there. I also saw Sudha’s sister in the classroom. Sudha is my sister’s friend. She welcomed me. My class teacher asked me to take a seat in the first row. After two hours we had our recess. We all closed our schoolbags and came out.

My sister was waiting for me outside the classroom. Both of us finished our tiffins. After that we played for some time and went back to our respective classrooms. Our class teacher told us about the rules and regulations that we need to follow in the school. Then she gave us the list of books, asked us to learn the tables. She also asked me to recite a poem. She congratulated me for reciting it correctly.

Set 4: Essay On My First Day in School

A lot of the things I did just yesterday I will have difficulty in remembering but many years ago my first day in school, I remember in every detail. It was a Wednesday morning in March at Mount Abu. It was a cold morning and I was shivering because I did not want anything to spoil the new school uniform I was wearing.

The previous day my Mother, Father and I had visited the school to see my class and meet my class teacher and so I knew where I had to go and who would be my teacher.

That day my mother woke me up very early. I was just two and a half years old and I cried when I was awoken so early. She reminded I had to go to school that day and I quietened down and went through the process of getting ready fast. My mother gave me a bath. That day she prepared my most favourite breakfast which I had happily. For my recess break too she prepared my favourite upma and packed it neatly into my new tiffin box and put it into my bag. I was ready and waiting outside before my Mum and Dad joined me. The taxi brought us to school well in time. My parents took me to my class where the teacher Mrs. Varghese stood with open arms to receive me. She was a very kind and gentle lady. I was the first student to reach her class. After speaking briefly to her my parents kissed me and assuring that they would return to pick me up, they went away.

My teacher showed me where to sit and made me comfortable. Just then a class mate of mine came, a girl by the name of Richa and she was crying loudly. Soon after her many came in with their parents and all were crying. I felt that there must be something that I am supposed to fear and so I too started crying. My teacher sang for us, played music for us, acted the clown for us but we just cried. In the end she started crying and then one by one we stopped crying. I went over to my teacher and told her not to cry. Then my teacher stopped crying and we did whatever she told us to do. We loved her because she was just like us.

Set 5: Essay On My First Day in School

My mother accompanied me to school on the first day. Other parents accompanied their children as well. We all waited in front of the school office.

Soon a teacher came and led us to some classrooms. There we were put into four separate classes. This was when some children began to cry as the parents were not allowed into the classrooms. I did not cry because I had been to kindergarten before. Actually my mother went home soon after for she knew I would be all right.

It was an enjoyable time for me as I got to know my new classmates. The teacher was very busy writing down our particulars so we had plenty of time to ourselves.

Meantime some children continued to sob while their parents looked in anxiously through the windows.

Soon recess came. Some of us headed for the tuckshop while the rest headed for their parents. I bought a drink with the money my mother gave me. Getting to know my new friends had made me thirsty.

After recess we went back to our classroom and my new friends and I managed to coax two boys to stop crying. In fact, soon we were laughing and playing together. Once in a while the teacher had to tell us to keep quiet as we were making too much noise.

Still some parents looked in anxiously through the windows.

Finally the bell rang for us to go home. Some of us relieved to be reunited with our parents. I too were very was glad to see my mother waiting for me at the school gate. I had made many friends. It had been a wonderful first day at school.

Set 6: Essay On My First Day in School

This is my third school. Yet, on the day I joined it, I was very nervous. We had shifted to Singapore recently and so I had to change to this school.

This school is very different from my previous one. It has a very grand and imposing building. There are big playgrounds on two sides and a beautiful garden in front. I was very happy to come to this school and had visions of all the games that I would be able to play. And yet I was full of apprehensions.

I saw some students walking around. They seemed to be quite indifferent to me. A few even stared at me insolently. It frightened me. How would I get along with these students? Just at that time, the class teacher of my class came out of the Principal’s room. She took me to my class, introduced me to the students, asked a student to give a seat to me and told me that I should sit there every day. That student did not even say ‘hello’ to me. All my apprehensions came to the fore. I felt very alone and stupid.

Then the bell rang. The teacher left the class. Some five-six students crowded round me, asking my name, telling me theirs, making fun of each other and pulling each other’s leg. Soon I was one of them. What I considered their aloofness was just discipline. How could they talk in front of the teacher! Now, I love my school.

Set 7: Essay On My First Day in School

I got admission in the nursery class after my parents and I were interviewed. Yesterday was my first day at school. I went to school with my father and elder sister, When I entered the school building I found many boys and girls with their parents and guardians. Some of them had come for getting admission and others were to join the school for the first day.

The building of the school was very beautiful. There were forty rooms and the Principal’s office was on the ground floor. It was a two-storeyed building. In the library, a large number of boys and girls were reading magazines and newspapers. Some boys and girls were playing different games in the playground.

Many parents and children were going in and then coming out of the Principal’s office after the interview. I went to my classroom. My class teacher Mrs. George was teaching the class. On entering the class room, I greeted my teacher and I was asked to sit. She taught us English, Hindi and some numbers with the help of pictures and toys. I was very happy to learn through playway method. After the class my teacher introduced me to all the students of my class.

In the recess, many classmates came to me and asked my name and address. We ate our lunch together. After recess we had periods of games and music. Then the last bell went and the school was over. My father had already come and was waiting for me. I went home along with my father. I liked the school and enjoyed my first day at school.

Set 8: Essay On My First Day in School

A lot of the things I did just yesterday I will have difficulty in remembering but many years ago my first day in school, I remember in every detail. It was a Wednesday morning in June and it was raining. But I was not ready to wear a raincoat. because I did not want anything to spoil the new school uniform I was wearing.

That day my mother woke me up very early. I was just two and a half years old and I cried when I was awoken so early. She reminded I had to go to school that day and I quietened down and went through the process of getting ready fast. My mother gave me a bath. That day she prepared my most favourite breakfast which I had happily. For my recess break too she prepared my favourite Cheese burger and packed it neatly into my new tiffin box and put it into my bag.

I was ready and waiting outside before my Mum and Dad joined me. The taxi brought us to school well in time. My parents took me to my class where the teacher Mrs. Varghese stood with open arms to receive me. She was a very kind and gentle lady. I was the first student to reach her class. After speaking briefly to her my parents kissed me and assuring that they would return to pick me up, they went away.

Set 9: Essay On My First Day in School

Loknath Memorial School is a very big school with large grounds and three huge buildings. I entered the school gate, clutching both my parents’ hands as I was very nervous. My mother put a gentle arm around my shoulders and I felt a little comforted.

A peon from the school showed my parents the way to the principal’s office. Now I was almost in tears. As we entered the room, the principal rose from his chair and walked up to me. He held out his hand and my father gave me a little push towards him. We shook hands and he welcomed me to his school. He was cheerful and tried to make me smile, putting some sweets into my pocket.

Then we were sent to the Primary Department as I was to start my first day in class III. The teacher greeted my parents, took me by the hand and led me to a desk in the first row. I looked at my parents and waved as they turned to leave.

The teacher introduced me to the class and all the children said a loud “hello” to me. At once I felt I belonged to the class. During the break, some boys gathered around me and asked me many questions. We talked for a while, then it was time for lessons again. Naveen, who sat beside me, very kindly shared his text books with me as my parents hadn’t bought my books, on the first day. During the last period we had a singing class. I joined in happily as I love music.

The boys rushed out when the bell rang at 1.00 p.m. and I ran out too, eager to reach home.

Set 10: Essay On My First Day in School

The family was extremely excited that day. My parents had taken me to the temple the previous day and my bag was packed with great care. I was to go to School for the first time in my life. I was three years old and I still remember the day I first went to school. My father came to drop me to my classroom and helped me to get familiar with my teacher and class. I hated the thought of being away from home for so many hours. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I got off the car and held my father’s hand.

My father could sense my fear and tried to cheer me up by drawing my attention to the playground where the swings were inviting me to come and play. I felt a little better as I saw many other boys and girls entering the class where I had to go. Father left me in the room and drove to the house. I felt my heart sink as I saw but I soon began to feel better.

Mrs. Smith. She was a kind lady who made all of us feel comfortable. Soon I realized that school was fun as Mrs. Smith taught us some songs and told us a few stories. She took the place of our mother in our school.

My partner began to share his lunch with me everyday. We became the best of friends and soon I fell in love with my school. However even today, when I think of my first day at school I remember the fear that I had and how my teacher and my friends helped me to overcome this feeling.

My memories of the first day at school haunt me till today. Never again have I experienced such a mixture of strange feelings. The anxiety of being in school along with the excitement of making new friends- all these made my first day at school most memorable and I long for the innocence and fun that was common among me and my friends.

Set 11: Essay On My First Day in School

Set 12: essay on my first day in school.

My first day at school is a memorable one. I saw boys go to school and I also felt a keen desire to be among them. One day, when I was hardly seven, my father took me to the school in a neighbouring village at a distance of a kilometre and half from my own. It was a small primary school. There were two teachers, the head teacher and his assistant.

We went straight to the head teacher, as he was already known to my father. The head teacher scanned me from head to foot and remarked that I seemed to be intelligent and promising. My father offered him the sweets that we had brought with us. The sweets were distributed among the students of the school and I was admitted to the first infant class. My father left and I was sent to the assistant teacher.

The assistant teacher was a bug-bear for me. He carried in his hand a big cane. He now beats one boy most mercilessly and then another. I trembled with fear in my shoes. My blood curdled cold in my veins. I cursed my stars. At last, the teacher turned his attention towards me. He taught me the first few letters of the Urdu alphabet and asked me to memorise them. On a gloomy afternoon, with an aching heart, I was cramming the first few letters of the Urdu alphabet. What on earth did they mean? What was their sense? It all seemed absolute rigmarole to me. However, there was one thing I could always do; I could learn by heart. In due course, the teacher returned.

“Have you learned it?” he asked. “I think I can say it, Sir,” I replied. I gabbled it off. He seemed to be satisfied with it. My fears were a bit allayed. I hated the school. What a life of anxiety at the school! I wept in my heart at the loss of my freedom. I yearned for my mother’s kisses, love and tenderness. I badly missed the cakes and biscuits. I badly missed my friends. I was deprived of my games and pranks. I lost all smiles and joy. I counted the minutes and hours to the end of the daily round of school.

200 During the recess period, all my class fellows crowded around me. One pulled my ear, another my shirt and the third pulled my hair. A boy knocked me to the gro ground. I received bruises on my knees and elbows. I could not help crying.

At 4 o’clock, the last bell rang. I made for home along with my village fellows. I told everything to my mother. I wept but she consoled me and advised me to bear it all. My fears were not dispelled. But there was no way out of it. I must go to school and face the teacher’s rod.

Set 13: Essay On My First Day in School

School is regarded as a temple of learning. It is also considered as a training institution for future good citizens. Unfortunately, not all children are lucky to go to school. A school is a training ground for the child. The child builds new relations, meets boys and girls of different natures and forms new thoughts and habits. A right kind of school is of great importance because a school prepares the child for taking up different challenges in life.

My parents had enrolled me in a local school at the age of five. The memory of my first day in school is still fresh in my mind. It was a big school. It had six floors. There were thirty classes in my school. In all, there were thirty-three teachers and four sirs. There was a separate room for the principal. He was very strict person. The school had a compound where we played during thirty minutes recess. There was a big ground behind the school. However, we were not allowed to go there. One day my parents took me to the Principal’s room and got me admitted in the school. I was very afraid seeing big white beard of the Principal. He asked me my name, my age and some other small questions. I answered them nervously. Later after having some talks with my parents, he gave me a small packet of candies and asked me to distribute them among my classmates after school reopened next month.

In next twenty days, school reopened. As it was my very first day, I went crying to the school. I felt very bad leaving my parents. I entered the class and sat on the first bench. My class teacher entered in the class. She seemed very kind. She treated me very well. In the beginning, I felt a bit nervous in the new atmosphere. Children looked at me surprisingly and smiled. May be because I was little fat and tall than them. That day I got my first lesson in English alphabets and Maths digits.

The bell for recess rang. Children rushed out of the classroom. Some of them gathered around me as if they were watching some strange creature. They started laughing at me and made fun of me. I felt very bad. However, a few children felt sad for the trouble caused to me by other children in the class. Some came forward to support me. This was something very new for me. The final bell rangat two o’clock in the afternoon. All the children were overjoyed. Even I was happy that the first day got ended. I picked up my bag and water bottle and hurried back to my home.

Set 14: Essay On My School

It is very important that every child, rich or poor, goes to school because it is in a school that we learn many important things. We are taught how to behave with others and how to live a better life.

I study at St Martin’s High School, Civil Lines, Lucknow. The school has four buildings. My class de four b is in the building for primary children. The beautiful garden, the grassy lawn and the Ashoka trees along the pathways make the school a beautiful sight.

Besides the beautiful buildings, my school also has a basketball court, a huge field for outdoor games, a swimming pool and a canteen where fresh food is cooked everyday.

Our school takes part in inter-school hockey, football and cricket tournaments, as also in debates and elocution contests. Our school has won many trophies, especially for debates and football.

Every year, our senior students from Class X and XII secure very good results and our school is on the merit list every year.

The principal of our school is a great scholar and our teachers are highly qualified and well trained, so we students get a good foundation in our studies. I am certainly very proud to belong to a school like this.

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A New Day: my First School Adventure – my First Day in School

This essay about the first day of school offers a vivid portrayal of a child’s experience navigating unfamiliar territory. Through the protagonist’s eyes, readers witness a mix of emotions—excitement, apprehension, and ultimately, triumph—as they take their first steps into the classroom. The narrative unfolds with descriptive detail, capturing the sights, sounds, and sensations of this pivotal moment in the child’s life. From the nervous anticipation of meeting new classmates to the joy of making friends during recess, each scene is painted with warmth and authenticity. Ultimately, the essay highlights the universal themes of resilience and growth, reminding us of the power of courage in the face of uncertainty.

How it works

The sun rose lazily, casting a soft golden glow over the sleepy town as I clutched my mother’s hand tightly, my heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. Today was the day I would embark on a new adventure: my first day of school.

As we approached the school gates, a wave of nervous energy washed over me. The playground buzzed with activity as children chattered excitedly, their laughter filling the air. I watched them with wide eyes, feeling a surge of anticipation mingled with a hint of fear.

Would I fit in? Would I make friends? These questions swirled in my mind like leaves caught in a gust of wind.

With a reassuring smile, my mother led me to the classroom door. The scent of freshly sharpened pencils and crayons greeted us as we stepped inside. The room was a kaleidoscope of colors, with posters lining the walls and desks arranged in neat rows. I found my name written on a desk near the window and hesitantly took my seat, feeling a flutter of excitement in my stomach.

As the morning progressed, the classroom gradually filled with eager faces, each one brimming with anticipation for the day ahead. Our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, greeted us warmly, her smile putting me at ease. She began the day by introducing herself and explaining the various activities we would be doing. From learning the alphabet to making new friends, the possibilities seemed endless.

The minutes ticked by, and soon it was time for our first lesson. I listened intently as Mrs. Johnson taught us how to write our names in big, bold letters. With shaky hands, I gripped my pencil tightly, carefully tracing each curve and line. It was a small victory, but it filled me with a sense of accomplishment that lingered long after the lesson had ended.

As the day progressed, I found myself growing more comfortable in my new surroundings. I eagerly participated in class discussions, my confidence growing with each passing moment. I raised my hand eagerly whenever Mrs. Johnson asked a question, eager to share my thoughts with the class. And to my delight, I discovered that I wasn’t alone—there were other children who felt just as nervous and excited as I did.

During recess, I joined a group of classmates as we raced around the playground, our laughter echoing in the crisp morning air. We played tag and climbed on the jungle gym, our childish antics drawing curious glances from the older students. But in that moment, none of that mattered—we were just kids, reveling in the simple joy of being together.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I felt a pang of sadness mingled with excitement. It had been an unforgettable day, filled with new experiences and unexpected discoveries. I said goodbye to my new friends with a promise to see them tomorrow, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

Walking home with my mother, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride swell within me. I had conquered my first day of school, overcoming my fears and embracing the adventure that lay ahead. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, I knew that this was only the beginning of a journey that would shape me in ways I had yet to imagine.


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My First Day In School Essay Examples

My First Day In School - Free Essay Examples and Topic Ideas

The first day in school is a momentous occasion, filled with anticipation, excitement, and perhaps a twinge of nervousness. It is a day of new beginnings, where fresh-faced students embark on a journey of education, discovery, and growth. On this day, children meet their teachers, make new friends, and take the first steps on the path towards their future. The classrooms are filled with colorful decorations, bright textbooks, and eager faces, all ready to start the adventure that lies ahead. It is a day that will stay with students for the rest of their lives, a memory that will be touched upon fondly each time they think back on their school days.

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