Written Samples

3 valedictorian speech samples that will impress.

As the pinnacle of academic achievement in high school or college, the valedictorian speech is a momentous opportunity for top graduates to share reflections, inspirations, and aspirations with their peers, families, and educators.

A great valedictorian speech is more than a recitation of gratitude and accomplishments; it’s a heartfelt, inspiring narrative that weaves together personal stories with universal themes of hope, resilience, and ambition.

3 Sample Valedictorian Speeches

In this article, we provide three sample valedictorian speeches crafted to captivate and inspire audiences. Each speech includes fictional details to enhance relatability and depth.

Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, faculty, family, and my fellow graduates, today marks a pivotal moment in our lives. As we gather in the spirit of celebration and reflection, it is with immense pride and a deep sense of gratitude that I stand before you as the valedictorian of the class. Our journey to this moment has been filled with challenges and triumphs, moments of uncertainty, and periods of exhilarating discovery.


When we embarked on this academic voyage, we were individuals from diverse backgrounds, holding a mosaic of aspirations. Today, we stand united, a testament to the enduring spirit of perseverance and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Our time at this esteemed institution has been more than just an academic endeavor; it has been a crucible, shaping us into the individuals we are today. We have been guided by an exceptional faculty, supported by devoted families, and inspired by each other’s ambitions.

The Journey

Reflecting on our journey, it’s evident that each step was a building block, a series of lessons learned, friendships forged, and dreams nurtured. We have delved into complex theories, grappled with challenging concepts, and sought to understand the intricate workings of the world around us. We have been challenged to think critically, act compassionately, and lead ethically. Our education has been an intricate blend of intellectual rigor and character development, preparing us not just for the professional realm but for the broader challenges of life.

Overcoming Challenges

Our path was not always smooth; we encountered obstacles that tested our resolve and determination. There were late nights and early mornings, times of self-doubt, and moments when the end goal seemed distant. Yet, with each challenge, we grew stronger, more resilient. We learned the value of hard work, the importance of persistence, and the satisfaction of overcoming difficulties. These experiences have left an indelible mark, shaping us into adaptable, determined individuals ready to face the future with confidence.

Moments of Triumph

Amidst these challenges were moments of sheer joy and accomplishment. The late-night study sessions that culminated in understanding a complex concept, the successful projects and presentations, the community service initiatives, and the cultural festivals—each event added color and vibrancy to our collective experience. We cheered each other’s successes and provided support through setbacks, creating a community of learners who thrive together.

As we stand on the precipice of the future, it is crucial to acknowledge those who have made this journey possible. To our esteemed faculty, your wisdom and dedication have not only educated us but also inspired us to strive for greatness. You have been our mentors, guiding us with patience and passion. To our families, your unwavering support and sacrifices have been the backbone of our success. Your belief in our dreams has been a source of constant encouragement. And to my fellow graduates, your camaraderie, and spirit have made this journey an unforgettable experience.

As we look forward, the future is an unwritten script waiting for us to make our mark. We are equipped with knowledge, skills, and a sense of purpose. The world we are entering is complex and ever-changing, but we are ready. We are the innovators, thinkers, and leaders of tomorrow. Our education has not just prepared us for a career; it has prepared us to make meaningful contributions to society. We are poised to tackle the challenges of the future, to create, to innovate, and to lead with integrity.

Call to Action

As we embark on this next chapter, let us take forward the lessons we have learned and the friendships we have formed. Let us be bold in our aspirations, ethical in our approach, and compassionate in our interactions. The world needs bright minds and kind hearts—let us be both. Let us not shy away from challenges but embrace them as opportunities for growth. Let us remain lifelong learners, forever curious and forever driven to improve ourselves and the world around us.

In closing, I am reminded of the profound journey we have shared. It has been an honor to learn, grow, and evolve alongside each of you. As we scatter across the globe, pursuing our unique paths, let us carry forward the legacy of our alma mater with pride. Let us continue to support each other, celebrate each other’s successes, and uplift each other during times of need. Today, as we close this chapter and begin anew, let us step forward with hope, determination, and the unyielding spirit of a graduate ready to make a difference. Congratulations, Class of [Year]! Our adventure is just beginning.

Esteemed faculty, proud parents, devoted friends, and, most importantly, my fellow graduates, it is an honor to speak before you on this momentous day. We gather here, cloaked in our gowns and caps, not just as a formality, but as a symbol of our dedication, our achievements, and the journey that has brought us to this pivotal moment in our lives. This day is not just a personal triumph but a collective victory for all who have supported us through this journey.

As we stand at the precipice of the future, it is natural to reflect on the past. Our journey through [School Name] has been transformative, an epic saga filled with challenges, achievements, and a constant quest for knowledge. We entered as young hopefuls, eager and perhaps a bit anxious about the path ahead. Today, we emerge as graduates, ready to embark on new adventures, armed with the education and experiences that we have gained.

The Path We’ve Walked

Our time here has been marked by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a drive to exceed expectations. We’ve spent countless hours in the library, participated in discussions that challenged our perspectives, and engaged in activities that pushed us beyond our comfort zones. Our education was never confined to the classroom; it spilled over into every aspect of our lives, teaching us about ourselves and the world we inhabit.

Celebrating Diversity and Unity

One of the most beautiful aspects of our journey has been the diversity of our class. We’ve learned from each other, blending our cultures, ideas, and dreams. We’ve created a vibrant tapestry that reflects not just who we are as individuals but also what we can accomplish together. Our differences have not divided us; instead, they have enriched our experience and given us a more profound understanding of the world.

Acknowledging Challenges and Resilience

Our path has not been devoid of obstacles. We’ve faced personal and academic challenges, moments of doubt and disappointment. Yet, here we stand, a testament to our resilience and determination. Each setback has taught us valuable lessons, forging our characters in the fires of perseverance. Our triumphs are all the sweeter for the hurdles we’ve overcome.

A Tribute to Our Pillars of Support

This journey would have been impossible without the unwavering support of those around us. To our esteemed professors, your wisdom and mentorship have illuminated our paths. You have not only been educators but also guides, challenging us to reach new heights. To our families and friends, your love and encouragement have been our anchor and our refuge. You celebrated our successes and stood by us through trials, believing in us even when we doubted ourselves.

Looking Forward

Today, as we stand ready to turn the page, we are not saying goodbye but rather stepping into a new chapter. The world awaits, ripe with challenges and opportunities. We are the architects of our destinies, equipped with a formidable arsenal of knowledge, skills, and experiences. Let us move forward with courage and optimism, ready to innovate, inspire, and contribute to a world that is ever-evolving.

As we embark on our next journey, let us pledge to carry the lessons we’ve learned into the future. Let us continue to be driven by curiosity, integrity, and a desire to contribute positively to our communities and beyond. Let us hold onto the friendships we’ve formed, the memories we’ve created, and the dreams we’ve nurtured.

In conclusion, my fellow graduates, today marks an end and a beginning. It is the end of our time at [School Name] but the beginning of a new, exciting phase of our lives. As we spread out across the globe, let us take pride in our achievements and face the future with confidence. We are the leaders, the innovators, and the dreamers of tomorrow. Congratulations to each one of you, and here’s to a future filled with promise and adventure. Well done, Class of [Year]!

Distinguished guests, beloved faculty, cherished family, friends, and my esteemed fellow graduates, as we assemble under the banner of accomplishment and anticipation, I am profoundly honored to address you as the valedictorian of this graduating class. Our collective journey has been an intricate blend of individual stories, each contributing to the beautiful mosaic that is our graduating class. Today is not just a culmination of academic rigor; it is a celebration of growth, resilience, and shared dreams.

We embarked on this academic journey as eager minds yearning to explore the vast landscape of knowledge and opportunity. We were driven by aspirations as diverse as our backgrounds, yet united by a common goal: to learn, to excel, and ultimately, to emerge as graduates ready to contribute to the world. Today, as we look back on the years that have shaped us, we also look forward with a sense of purpose and excitement.

Our Shared Odyssey

Our time at [School Name] has been an odyssey of transformation. We’ve navigated through courses that challenged our understanding, participated in discussions that sparked our curiosity, and undertaken projects that pushed our boundaries. Our education has been a holistic one, not just academically enriching but also personally transformative. We’ve laughed, debated, and sometimes even stumbled, but every step was a lesson leading us to this very day.

Embracing Our Differences

What makes our journey truly remarkable is the diversity we’ve embraced. Each of us brought unique perspectives and talents to the table, creating a rich and dynamic learning environment. We’ve learned the power of collaboration and the strength found in embracing our differences. Our varied backgrounds and viewpoints have not only enhanced our learning experience but have prepared us to be global citizens in an increasingly interconnected world.

Overcoming and Growing

Our path was not devoid of trials. We’ve all faced moments of doubt and adversity, academic challenges, and personal hurdles. Yet, each obstacle was an opportunity for growth. We’ve learned resilience, adaptability, and the undeniable power of persistence. These experiences have not weakened us; rather, they have fortified our resolve and equipped us with the grit necessary to face the complexities of life.

Heartfelt Gratitude

As we stand on the brink of a new beginning, it is essential to express our deepest gratitude. To our dedicated faculty, you have been our mentors and guides, challenging us to think critically and act compassionately. To our families and friends, your unwavering support and sacrifices have been the wind beneath our wings. Your belief in our potential has been a constant source of strength and motivation.

Vision for the Future

As we look to the horizon, the future is replete with possibilities. We are entering a world that is ever-evolving, filled with challenges but also opportunities for innovation and leadership. We are ready to apply our knowledge, embrace lifelong learning, and make a meaningful impact. Let us be agents of change, leaders in our fields, and compassionate citizens of the world.

Our Commitment

As we step into the future, let us carry the torch of [School Name] with honor and responsibility. Let us commit to using our education as a tool for positive change, to pursuing our passions with integrity, and to lifting others as we climb. Our journey does not end here; it evolves. We are the authors of the next chapter, ready to make our mark with confidence and grace.

Closing Reflections

In closing, my fellow graduates, let us savor this moment of achievement and joy. As we scatter in pursuit of our next adventures, let us hold onto the memories, friendships, and lessons that have shaped us. We are bound together by this shared chapter of our lives, and no matter where we go, we carry a piece of [School Name] with us. Congratulations, Class of [Year], for all that we have achieved and all that is yet to come. The world awaits, and we are ready!

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  • Example of a Valedictorian Speech

Looking for an example of a valedictorian speech ? You'll find one below. Use it to inspire you to write your speech. You can add and change the details to personalize it to your situation.

For help preparing your speech, read our Guide:  How to Write Valedictorian Speech .

Contents of the Example Below:

  • Start of the Valedictorian Speech
  •  Links  to additional help including another example of a valedictorian speech, a video example, and the do's and don't of a graduation speech.

"Valedictorian" derives from the Latin phrase vale dicere, meaning to say farewell. In some nations, the student with the highest grade average of a graduating class accepts the role and delivers the final goodbye speech at the graduation event, the valedictorian address. (Valedictorian. (2018, November 14). Retrieved from  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valedictorian )

In an excellent example of a valedictorian speech, the speaker gives thanks to faculty and administrators, celebrates and reflects on experiences with classmates, and inspires graduates to excel in the future. Afterward, the school officials hand out diplomas and send the students on to the next stage of life.

Example Valedictorian Speech by Graduate

Being your class Valedictorian is a great honor and achievement. Giving a speech that lives up to your prior success is a challenge. Important things to remember about giving a valedictory graduation speech are that:

  • it doesn't have to be lengthy to be memorable
  • it should honor the school and its officials
  • it should connect with your fellow students in an inspiring way.

Example of a Valedictorian Speech Head

Start of My Example of a Valedictorian Speech

Principal Stevens, Trustees, Faculty members, family, friends and fellow graduates, today is a day to be thankful and to be inspired.

Valedictorian Speaker

Body of the Valedictorian Speech

First, we have much to be thankful for. Here at Peterson School we have received a great education thanks to our fine administration and teachers. We are prepared to move on and to take on whatever challenges come next in our lives.

Fellow graduates, I want you to know what a great gift it is to be as prepared as we are, because not all schools offer such an advantage. Here we have had a high degree of academic excellence and whether you intend to continue your education or not, you will benefit from what you learned here.

We can also be thankful for our families. These past four years have presented us with a lot of ups and downs and it is good to know that we had our families in our corner, supporting us along the way. Thanks Mom and Dad. I would not be here today without you.

Finally, we can be thankful for each other. The friendships that we have made here will last a lifetime. In the same way we have supported each other and helped each other succeed in these years at Peterson, I hope we will continue to provide support and encouragement for each other in future endeavors.

Now, what can we be inspired by today?

Personally, I am inspired by our classmate Alan Rockford who has overcome so much adversity to be here graduating today. Alan, you have been tenacious and have had such a great attitude in the face of so many setbacks. Whenever I get a little down about something that didn't turn out just the way I wanted it to, I remember some of the talks we have had and it gives me the perspective I need. Thank you for that, congratulations, and all the best!

I'm also inspired by Bill Thomas and Tony Marcos who are leaving later this week for Marine boot camp. Billy and Tony, I honor you for making the choice to serve our country and I feel proud to know you. Please take care of yourselves and keep in touch.

Conclusion of the Valedictorian Speech

Often on graduation day we look outside for heroes but I see them right here among us. I have seen in my years at Peterson that we don't have to look far for inspiration and that we each have the potential to make an inspiring contribution to others, by being true to our values and committing ourselves to lofty goals.

When you leave here today, celebrate what you have accomplished, but look forward with an eye toward how you, too, can be the inspiration for others.

Congratulations Class of 2015!

Listen to this speech

End of the valedictorian speech

  • Guide:  How to Write Valedictorian Speech .
  • Find an additional example of a valedictorian speech here  submitted by Leon.
  • Watch a video example of a valedictorian speech by Paul Stephen . While the video is low-res, Paul's speech is substantial and includes great humor and attention gathering quotes. 

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Elementary School Graduation Speech - A Free Graduation Speech

An elementary school graduation speech should give thanks where thanks are due,  acknowledge accolades achieved, pay tribute to both knowledge and attitudes attained and leave the students with a message for the future.

elementary school graduation speech

You can use the speech with a bit of tweaking here and there, or you can use it as a guideline to structure your own speech.

Graduation day is indeed a memorable day in the minds of the students and their parents. You can add to their magical moment and present a  short, yet meaningful speech.

Don't be reluctant to edit and add as needed - the more personalized and unique... the better!

Good Evening Honored Guests, Ladies, Gentlemen and of course the Graduating Class of [insert year] .

It seems hard to believe. The year started off at a sprint and it seems to have left many of us still trying to catch our breath. As we looked forward to all the challenges that lay ahead of us, it did appear a little daunting at times - a huge mountain that lay ahead of us to climb. But my, what a wonderful year it has been. A year of challenges met, mountains climbed and summits conquered!

To our young Ladies and Gentlemen seated in front of us tonight listening to our elementary school graduation speech - we are immeasurably proud of each  and everyone of you. There were those of you who seemed to have wings and you just soared over the obstacles and challenges that crossed your path. It is a wonderful gift and one that never fails to amaze me. And although, not everyone may have had wings that saw them soaring over obstacles confronted - each and every one of you had feet - feet that you used to climb, bit  by bit every day, one day at a time and yes...you all got there. You all achieved your goals!

Step-by-step and day-by-day - your course was steadfast and you never lost sight of your goals. I can only applaud that kind of determination, that purposeful resolve to get where you need to be - even when it may not always have been very easy. Well done - you seized wonderful opportunities, academic, cultural and sporting  and made them your own. We are indeed proud!

But, allow me set another scene? No elementary school graduation speech is complete without a story? The end of recess bell has just rung. The Grade [insert highest year of students] 's are outside a class,  waiting for a lesson. Along comes a little Grade [insert lowest year of students] chap....shirt un-tucked and socks down  after a good game of something that involves running. He sees a Senior Teacher standing next to the class, waiting to lead the class in.

Quite undeterred, this young man walks up to the teacher. The conversation that follows goes something like this:

Boy: "Who are those boys?"

Teacher: "They are Senior Boys."

The boy looking disappointed, but still hopeful: "Oh...I'm looking for a tall Senior Boy ( little arms extended to the left and the right accompany this statement to show just how tall the boy is). Do you know him? He said he would play soccer with me after school!"

Teacher: "Well, do you know his name?"

Boy: "No...but will you find him for me please? Tell him I'll wait for him after school to play soccer."

With that, the little chap turns happily on his heel, confident that the teacher will in fact find the "tall Senior boy" and he trots off to his next lesson. The Senior kids smile and chuckle good-naturedly at the little guy's enthusiasm and conviction.

Ok, so the teacher never did find the elusive "tall one" - but something more important was "found".

It is gratifying to find that at [insert name of School] a Senior Boy will still offer to play soccer with  a younger boy because he remembers looking up to the bigger boys when he was just a little guy. And what  a find it is when a Junior Boy wants to play soccer with the Senior Boys - no fear...just a little awe and admiration perhaps?

It is also heart-warming to see the complete trust and belief, as our young friend approached a teacher for help in this rather urgent matter,  and more importantly, to see the faith that the little guy had in the simplicity of his request, and the faith that the teacher would do their best to help him.

It is moments like these, not only the more tangible academic, sporting and cultural moments that are normally evident - when we are again reminded of what makes [insert name of School] so special. The moments are seemingly unimportant, magical and many - but they happen every day at [insert name of school] .

As you face a new academic year, my advise to you in our elementary school graduation speech is to continue soaring, continue boldly stepping forward, continue marching towards the beat of your drum and may the year that lies ahead be as phenomenal as your graduating year at [ insert name of School].

Your elementary school graduation speech will be even more effective with good quotes for graduation speeches.

Go on - visit  free graduation speeches for more ideas on free written speeches. Read them, copy and paste them, tweak them and present them!

WTO / Education / 12 Best Valedictorian Speech Examples

12 Best Valedictorian Speech Examples

A valedictorian is a student who attains the achievement of the highest academic standing in their class.

Valedictorians are honored because of their intellectual prowess, brilliant test results, and exceptional grades. They are the top achievers among their classmates. When a valedictorian is graduating from high school, he or she is expected to deliver a speech at the graduation ceremony. This speech is meant to honor their success and also inspire the other students academically.

As high school graduations mark the end of educational journeys, schools acknowledge the importance of celebrating students’ academic achievements. They publicly recognize their hard work and achievements to boost their confidence and spark their passions. 

A valedictorian gets the chance to deliver a special speech in front of a wide audience. This speech shares their educational experiences, motivating thoughts, personal opinions and aspirations. Such a speech not only motivates the top achiever, but also inspires the next junior batches to excel. 

What is a Valedictorian Speech 

It is a motivating speech that a top achiever of a class delivers at their graduation ceremony.

This speech is a source of inspiration to the younger students and self-reflection to the valedictorian. It is meant to encourage the students to work hard. Although this speech can be delivered at any educational level, we have focused our article on its high school type. In this article, we will describe in detail how to write a valedictorian speech for your high school graduation . We will provide details of how to craft each section of it so that you can be well-educated about it. 

Free Examples 

As a valedictorian, there is significant pressure on you to deliver a speech that captures the audience’s attention. It is essential that your speech is memorable and leaves an impact. To deliver such a speech, you must ensure that it contains a few necessary elements.

Following are the examples of valedictorian speech:

Free Editable Valedictorian Speech Embracing Growth Theme Template as Word File

How to Write a High School Valedictorian Speech 

Although being honored as a valedictorian gives you the freedom to choose how you want to speak on your achievement, your speech can be more attention-grabbing if you follow the proper layout. Include personal experiences and anecdotes, but stick with the main structure. This structure of a speech is present in the examples we provided before, but we have also broken down and explained each part of it for you below. 

The main parts of a this speech consist of: 

The opening

The opening of speech of the valedictorian sets its entire tone. It is essential to engage the audience from the very beginning. Start by choosing a theme that will guide each point of your speech till the end.

  • Failure is not defeat 
  • Mistakes are the best teachers 
  • The importance of kindness 
  • Overcoming struggles together 
  • Excelling unexpectedly 
  • Difficult situations don’t define you

Selecting and setting a suitable theme guides you about what to reflect on and how to deliver each part to the conclusion. It helps you focus on the main points to deliver. You can also choose other methods of coming up with the most suitable theme for your speech such as talking to your classmates and getting ideas from them. After selecting a theme, craft the opening of your speech pertaining to it.

Begin by introducing yourself as the humbled valedictorian and thanking the school for honoring you. Express gratitude for the opportunity to speak. Once you are done introducing yourself and showing gratitude, introduce an opening line or a thought-provoking quote relevant to your chosen theme. Doing this will capture the audience’s focus and interest. 

Good morning, honored guests, trustees, faculty members, and fellow graduates. I, Ken Adams, batch 20XX of Stevenson High School am elated to have the opportunity to speak as valedictorian today. It is a day to be inspired and thankful. I am also thankful to everybody present today, including the motivating teachers, loving parents, and the honored principal Ms. Eleanor Sparks.

Winston Churchill said:

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” 

I stand successful before you today, but I, too, have a history of what seemed to be brutal failures. I held on to courage throughout my journey till here. 

Personal anecdotes 

Then, share personal stories or experiences from the time you have spent in the school. Share stories that show your emotional strength, perseverance, and hard work. Mention memorable moments of your journey, challenges you overcame, and lessons you have learned. These stories should also involve others who may be present in the audience, as that will evoke emotions among the crowd, and you will connect with them on a personally engaging level. Shared experiences also convey the importance of collaboration to the crowd. 

I remember one day as a sophomore when I had not studied hard enough for a mathematics test but was expecting good results and was utterly demotivated upon receiving a dissatisfying grade. I had thought I would never regain the confidence to strive for success again. My buddy Joe Smith, who is seated with my brother in the audience right there, said something deeply personal and motivating to me that day. He had said, “lack of effort does not define your potential”. Ever since that day, I never forgot what he had said, and it stuck to me each morning when I tried a little harder to do better in class. 

Acknowledge the teachers and staff 

Extending thanks to the administration and teachers who have significantly contributed during your educational journey is important. Do it next in your speech. Recognize their efforts and dedication and highlight how much you value their actions in your journey to success. Doing this is not only appreciative of these people, but also fosters a feeling of unity among the audience. 

Here, at Stevenson, we are blessed with some of the most amazing teachers I have ever studied from. Some of these, including Ms Bellum and Ms Wunch, have had a significant impact on how I see gaining an education today. They have taught me the importance of studying to be enlightened and educated, not to solely earn money. Apart from the loving teachers, Principal Eleanor has always put in her best effort to arrange the facilities we require for personal and educational growth for us. I am grateful to each of the members of the administrative and teaching staff here. They have given their best, just as we, as students have. They contribute majorly to teaching us how to be productive and sensible contributors to society.

Tell stories on shared classmate experiences 

Then, share classroom experiences in which you also comment on the achievements and strengths of your classmates. By including the graduating class in your speech , you foster a motivating and uplifting environment. Explain the things that your classmates did during your journey that made you proud of them.

Highlight their accomplishments and contributions in a motivating way. One of the most effective ways to comment on your classmates is by combining school experience with them. Reflect on the experiences in which you share insights about challenges, combined efforts, and transformations your whole class witnessed. Jogging down memory lane emotionally engages your classmates significantly.

Throughout our journey as high school students, we, the batch of 20XX have had each other’s backs. Starting from combined studies in the library, solving challenging mathematical equations after classes as groups, and extending till working on group projects side-by-side, we have been strongly united. Valerie McKenzy from our class got an A in her science project this year, and I remember how she had even stopped availing lunch break during the time she was working on it. Roger Phil also secured  A’s in multiple subjects throughout the year, and he has always tried his best to help us understand complex topics after we had bothered our teachers enough and still not understood them. It is the amalgam of such caring, considerate, and hard-working classmates who I see in the audience today and feel equally proud of. I may be standing here as valedictorian today, but I feel you all with me up here in this moment. We are a hard-working bunch. I am sure we will be there for each other in the future, just as we have been during this journey that is now ending. 

Motivate the audience 

Motivate the audience to work hard and succeed how you have too. In this section, you must focus on delivering a message that uplifts your fellow graduates. Do this by conveying words on resilience, hard work, and beautiful possibilities that may lay ahead. Provide insightful knowledge on how you suggest them to embark on future paths. 

As we stand at a turning point in the journeys of our lives, let’s recognize and acknowledge the potential to succeed in us. We are resilient, intelligent, considerate, and united. Again, I would like to convey how I think that failure does not mean defeat. If it did, I would not have been standing before you here today. I want my beloved classmates and juniors to always remember to hold on to hope. Hope is a beautiful thing. Never get hopeless due to minor setbacks or failures because it is these same failures and setbacks that teach us to be better versions of ourselves. If you remain confident in yourself, you will find paths to a thousand doors of opportunities.


Then, conclude your speech by thanking the teachers , administration, and students in the audience once again. Also remember to mention the parents and family members that stood by you during the journey at this point. End the valedictorian speech with a convincing statement that leaves the audience inspired. 

I would once again like to sincerely thank the honored faculty and administrative staff, my beloved classmates, and, importantly, my family. My parents have gone one step beyond their comfort zones in trying to facilitate me to gain an education always. Being valedictorian is only the first step on the road to success which I look forward to embarking on to make all of you proud. No matter how dark the night is, I know I will shine as long as I have hope.


Delivering a speech as a valedictorian at a high school graduation may seem like a challenging task, but it is not, provided you are well-prepared. This article contains all the necessary resources you require to be prepared to deliver an excellent speech. We have ensured to provide you with the details that guide you to deliver a speech that emphasizes your hard work and efforts successfully. 

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Christopher Taylor

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4 Tips To Write The Best Valedictorian Speech (With Samples!)

You have a special honor to reflect on the past and inspire your classmates. Use our tips and templates to craft a perfectly memorable speech.

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Congratulations on being Valedictorian! 

You made it through the last 4 years, so believe us when we say writing a valedictorian speech doesn’t have to be complicated. Use our templates to write the perfect speech, and don’t miss our cheat sheet of inspirational quotes you can use at the bottom of the article.

Valedictorian Speech FAQ

What is a valedictorian speech?

A valedictorian speech is a graduation speech usually given by the student or students at the top of the graduating class. It is a farewell address to the other students in the graduating class to remember what has been accomplished and give inspiration for the future. 

How long should a valedictorian speech be?

A valedictorian speech should be from 5 to 10 minutes long but also check with your school administrators to find out what length they expect. Shorter is usually better. 

What are some features of valedictorian speech?

A valedictorian speech should include highlights, lessons learned, people who deserve thanks, and remembrance of anyone who may have died. Wrap up your speech with something motivational. 

What should I talk about in a valedictorian speech?

In your valedictorian speech, talk about the shared experiences of your class. Include any significant events and teachers who made a big impact, and include funny stories. Make sure to talk about the past and look forward to the future. See our templates below for more ideas.

How do I end a valedictorian speech?

To end a valedictorian speech, conclude with a final story or a statement that wraps up all your thoughts. End on a high note; remember that your final thoughts are what will stick the longest with your audience. 

How to Write a Valedictorian Speech

Step 1: ask around .

What memories will you take with you after you leave high school or college? 

Ask other students what their defining memories are, what they learned, and what their hopes are for the future. Remember, this speech is for all of you, so take the time to ask others to share their experiences. 

Ask Your Fellow Students These Questions: 

  • What was the funniest moment for our class?
  • What was a recurring joke from the last few years?
  • What will our class be known for? 
  • Was there a dramatic event on campus that impacted you?
  • What dramatic event in the world impacted you the most? 
  • What awards or accomplishments did our teams, clubs, or individuals receive? 
  • Who is your favorite teacher? What are they known for? 
  • Describe the last 4 years at our high school/college/university using 1 word. 

Step 2: Check for Themes

Once you’ve talked to others in your graduating class, look for any recurring themes. Write these down, and then think about world and school events that fit in with that theme. Tap into the nostalgia factor as you prepare to say goodbye to your school and classmates. 

Example Themes:

  • Learning from mistakes
  • Failure as an opportunity for growth
  • Tenacity in the face of adversity
  • Learning how to treat each other with kindness
  • Overcoming the loss of friends or a teacher
  • Teachers and students who inspire
  • Overcoming obstacles as a team
  • Accomplishing unexpected success

The great thing about choosing a theme is it provides you with a focus for the speech. Use your theme to guide what you reflect on and your main point. 

For example, if your theme is a failure as an opportunity for growth, you can tell a story about your experience with failure. Give examples of how classmates or teachers encouraged you to use failure as a springboard for success. 

Or, say the theme is overcoming obstacles as a team, you can reflect on obstacles that your class may have overcome, including challenges from current events. From there, you can inspire and encourage everyone to view future barriers in light of obstacles that have already been overcome. 

Step 3: Use This 3-Part Outline 

We know you hoped never to write another outline again. Don’t worry; you can skip the stuffy Roman numerals and break your speech into 3 sections. 

Here’s an inspiring outline that is especially suitable for a valedictorian speech:  

  • Gratitude (although this isn’t present in many speeches, this is a key part of a valedictorian speech). What are you grateful for? List the funny moments you are grateful for. The teachers you are most thankful for. The parts of the school that helped you and your class the most.
  • Reflect (similar to the above outline, reflecting looks at what is and what has happened). Is there an overview you can give of the last four years? What was Freshman year like? Sophomore year? Prom? Any particularly interesting homecomings you can reflect on?
  • Inspire (inspire your audience in a way that directly links to what you have just reflected on.) What should they remember about the last four years that they should use in the next four years? What lessons have you learned? What can we hope for?

Step 4: Your Opening Line

The hardest part of your valedictorian speech might be the opening line. But don’t worry–we have some ideas for you in our video below!

Never Start a Presentation with…

  • Anything technical! People make this big mistake when they have not done a tech check ahead of time or are feeling nervous. Never start with these openers:

Is this microphone working?

Can you hear me?

Wow, these lights are bright!

  • Your nervousness. Many people think it is vulnerable to start with how nervous they are about speaking — you can mention this later, but it should not be the first thing. Why? People will then only be looking for signs of your nervousness. Don’t start with:

I’m so nervous right now!

Wow, there are so many people here.

I’m not a great public speaker.

  • A lackluster or non-believable nicety. It’s great to be grateful to the person who introduced you, but it’s not a great way to include the audience. It’s ok to thank the audience for being there—but do it at the end (not as your opening line). These are all too boring:

Thanks for having me.

Thanks for that intro.

Nice to be here.

Boring! One exception here is if you can make it funny. Ken Robinson started with a nicety and then turned it into a joke. He said, ” “Good morning. How are you? It’s been great, hasn’t it? I’ve been blown away by the whole thing. I’m leaving.”

Action Step: Instead, start with a big idea, an important question, or a story, or grab one of our inspirational quotes below. These immediately capture attention. More Speech Opener Ideas here .

Step 5: Practice Like It’s Real

Practice your speech like it’s dress rehearsal:

  • Grab a parent or grandparent. Ask supportive friends and family, but don’t ask anyone that makes you nervous. For now, you’re building confidence. If you don’t want to practice with other people watching, record yourself giving the speech so you can rewatch it and notice any areas you can improve. 
  • Wear your graduation outfit. If you already have your cap and gown, wear that as well.
  • Practice in a similar environment. For example, practice the speech in your backyard if the graduation is going to be outside. Will you be at a podium? Try to practice with a high table.

Pro Tip: If you plan to wear heels, ensure you’re comfortable walking up and down stairs. If you aren’t, practice wearing the shoes you’ve picked, or consider wearing different shoes. 

Bonus Step 6: Learn the Art of Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video below to learn the 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

For every speaking skill you add to your toolbox, the less speaking anxiety you will feel.

If you want help really diving into your presentation skills, be sure to sign-up for our course…

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Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals

Have a question about the presentation or People School? Email Science of People support .

Valedictorian Speech Examples

High school valedictorian speech template.

This template uses Nancy Duarte’s 4-step outline of what could be and a promise for a new norm. 

  • Include funny or interesting pop culture and world events.
  • Add an anecdote for humor.
  • Tie it to your chosen theme.

Over the last four years, we have been devastated by the unacceptable ending of Game of Thrones, faced a global meltdown, and fought for #FreeBritney. And while most of us won’t remember the limits, differentiation, and integration needed for Calculus—sorry, Mrs. Meyers—we have learned what it means to persevere in the face of personal and global challenges. 

What Could Be: Use the theme to point to something positive you can attain as a class.

As we leave this point, we look forward to an uncertain but beautiful future. Despite the obstacles we may face, there is so much opportunity in front of us. 

What Is: Give some anecdotes of accomplishments and awards from your class. Include names and make the stories specific but concise. 

I know this because I’ve seen you overcome obstacles and accomplish big and small things. We’ve been inspired by the likes of Larry Owen, who showed great tenacity while recovering from his life-threatening football injury; the kindness of Jill Knight, our class president, who spearheaded the fundraiser to help hungry children; and so many others. When we raised money for Ukrainian refugees, we learned that each of us has the power to impact the world when we work together. 

What Could Be: Drive home the theme again.

That power doesn’t stop when we leave this school. As we make decisions about the future, we enter the world with our eyes wide open, determined to make the changes required to secure our future and care for our earth. 

What is: Transition into thanking anyone who needs to be thanked, and include anyone you are grateful for. Be specific about why you are thanking them, and have a quick anecdote if it’s relevant. 

On behalf of myself and my fellow graduates, I want to thank some of the people who have brought us here. 

Mr. Knitt taught us to think about the consequences of our actions. That’s a lesson I didn’t enjoy, but one I won’t forget. 

Mr. Owen was always there when we needed someone to talk to, and he taught us that it’s essential to listen even when we don’t know what to say. 

Ms. Jackson may have had the most challenging quizzes, but she also encouraged us to push ourselves to accomplish more than we thought possible. A big thank you to all teachers, administrators, and our families. 

Promise/New Norm: Close with any final thoughts, and include a quote if you like. 

Today, we graduate! As we go out from this place, I want to leave you with this quote from Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, the emperor of Rome. 

“Never let the future disturb you. If you have to, you will meet it with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.” 

Class of —! 

College Valedictorian Speech Template

This template uses the 3-part outline of thank, reflect, and inspire. 

Gratitude: Start your speech with something funny, like a quote or something attention-grabbing, then lead into thanking the people who have helped you get to where you are.

The comedian Lily Tomlin once said, “I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific.” 

Each of us is on the path to becoming somebody, and we are thankful for the teachers, administrators, and family who have shown us glimpses of who we can become. 

Reflect: Reflect on the past and how that interfaces with the future. Think about what you have learned from the time you spent getting your degree. 

Unexpected moments of both uncertainty and joy filled the past four years. As you look back at the late-night studying, the endless papers, and the assigned reading, you should be proud of what you have accomplished. 

You have invested in your future, and now your future is suddenly not far off but within your reach. 

It’s a bit scary, isn’t it? We’ve worked so hard to reach this moment, but it’s not the end of the journey; it is only the start of a new adventure. 

What can we take with us as we go out into the world? What lessons have we learned that will carry us forward? 

During my time at ___ University, I’ve realized that success is not my GPA, my social status, or even my potential to get a job in my career of choice. I’ve learned the people who influence the world are those who prioritize kindness and strength of character. People like Professor Scoggins, who invested in me, pushing me further than I thought possible, and like Mr. Robbins, who does maintenance on campus—he always has a kind word for anyone who stops to talk to him. 

I am more confident today, not because I hold a degree in my hands, but because of the friendships I have formed and the obstacles I have overcome. 

Inspire: Use the lessons learned from the past to inspire your fellow graduates to go into the world and embrace the future. 

Let us not pursue success and recognition as we go into the future. Instead, let us pursue kindness and generosity, believing each person to be valuable and worthy of our respect. 

I leave you with this quote from Bob Marley: “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” 

Thank you, everyone, and congratulations! 

Get Inspired By Great Speeches

When writing your speech, think about what makes you unique. Instead of confining yourself to an expected template, use your personality and giftings to create a memorable speech.  

Everyone appreciates humor; if you can make your audience laugh, you’ll leave a lasting impression. Make the humor meaningful, like this Harvard speech. They playfully talk about how to remember the past while moving into the future.

If you can’t be funny, be passionate. This speech from a Plano Senior High School Graduation isn’t amusing but filled with passion and encouragement. In under five minutes, Hana Lone recalls some of the shared memories of the graduating class and motivates listeners to be successful and kind people. 

Bonus Speech: What Not to Do

As you prepare your speech, remember it’s not an autobiography of your accomplishments or experiences. A great valedictorian speech is about your shared experience as a class. While Rory Gilmore’s address from The Gilmore Girls made us all cry, it’s a great example of what NOT to do in real life. Not everyone has a shared interest in you and your success, so skip the self-focus and keep your speech directed to your graduating class. 

Cheat Sheet of Inspirational Quotes 

If you can’t think of anything inspiring to say, an inspirational quote never fails to be… inspiring. We’ve gathered some of the best quotes to use in your speech. 

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. —Eleanor Roosevelt, Diplomat & activist

The future depends on what we do in the present. —Mahatma Gandhi, Lawyer and activist

Stop being a prisoner of your past. Become the architect of your future. —Robin Sharma, Canadian writer

We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it. —Barack Obama, Former US president doing the best at this moment, puts you in the best place for the next moment. —Oprah Winfrey, Talk show host & businesswoman

Success isn’t always about ‘greatness.’ It’s about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success. —Dwayne Johnson, Actor & businessman

We have a choice. To Live or To Exist. –Harry Styles, Singer-songwriter & actor

Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. —Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman emperor and philosopher

The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively. —Bob Marley, Singer-songwriter

The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members. —Coretta Scott King, Activist & civil right leaders

You have to expect things from yourself before you can do them. —Michael Jordan, a Professional basketball player

I’ve failed over & over & over again in my life & that is why I succeed. -–Michael Jordan, a Professional basketball player

You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get. -–Michael Phelps, a Competitive swimmer

It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up. —Babe Ruth, a Professional baseball player

Now that you know how to write your speech, learn how to deliver it. Use these 15 Science-Based Public Speaking Tips to Be a Master Speaker.

Watch our video below to learn how to work a stage like a pro!

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Valedictorian Speech

Valedictorian speech generator.

sample valedictory speech for elementary

You have been named valedictorian, congratulations! In writing your valedictorian speech, a speech outline is necessary. A speech outline will help you compose a well-organized valedictory speech. Speech outlines will help you identify the important details of your speech and put them in order. Simply put, speech outlines will be your guide from the beginning to the end of your speech composition.

What Is a Valedictorian Speech?

Valedictorian speech bundle.

Valedictorian Speech Examples Bundle

Valedictorian Speech Bundle Download

Valedictorian Speech Format

1. opening:.

Greeting: Start with a warm greeting to acknowledge the audience. Example: “Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone.” Introduction: Introduce yourself briefly and your role as valedictorian. Example: “For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I am honored to stand before you today as your valedictorian.” Attention-Grabbing Opening: Use a quote, anecdote, or question to grab attention. Example: “As we stand on the threshold of a new chapter, I am reminded of a quote by Nelson Mandela: ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.'”

2. Acknowledgments

Thanking the Audience: Express gratitude to key individuals and groups. Example: “I want to start by thanking our incredible teachers for their dedication, our parents for their unwavering support, and my fellow students for making this journey unforgettable.” 3. Reflection on School Experience: Shared Memories: Mention significant moments or experiences that the class shared. Example: “We’ve come a long way since our first day here, from navigating the hallways to conquering challenging exams and celebrating our victories together.” Lessons Learned: Share personal anecdotes and lessons learned. Example: “One lesson I’ve learned is the importance of perseverance. There were times when I felt overwhelmed, but pushing through those moments taught me resilience.”

4. Inspirational Message

Encouragement: Offer words of encouragement and hope for the future. Example: “As we move forward, let’s embrace our dreams with confidence and determination. The future is ours to shape.” Motivational Story or Quote: Include a story or quote to inspire the audience. Example: “Remember, in the words of Steve Jobs, ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.'”

5. Looking Ahead

Future Aspirations: Talk about the bright future and the opportunities ahead. Example: “Today is not just an end, but a beginning. Let’s carry the spirit of optimism and hard work into our next adventures.” Call to Action: Encourage your peers to take action and make a positive impact. Example: “Class of [Year], let’s go out and make the world a better place. Congratulations to us all!”

6. Conclusion

Final Thank You: Express one last round of gratitude. Example: “Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way.” Closing Statement: End with a powerful closing statement or a wish for the future. Example: “Congratulations, Class of [Year]! Here’s to our bright future!”

Valedictorian Speech Example

Opening: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I am honored to stand before you today as your valedictorian. As we stand on the threshold of a new chapter, I am reminded of a quote by Nelson Mandela: ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.'” Acknowledgments: “I want to start by thanking our incredible teachers for their dedication, our parents for their unwavering support, and my fellow students for making this journey unforgettable. Without your encouragement and guidance, we wouldn’t be here today.” Reflection on School Experience: “We’ve come a long way since our first day here, from navigating the hallways to conquering challenging exams and celebrating our victories together. One of my favorite memories is [insert a meaningful or humorous anecdote, e.g., ‘the time our class pulled together to organize the best school carnival ever. The teamwork and spirit we showed made it an event to remember.’]” “Through these years, we’ve learned so much more than what’s written in textbooks. We’ve learned the importance of perseverance, the power of friendship, and the value of hard work. There were times when we felt overwhelmed, but pushing through those moments taught us resilience.” Inspirational Message: “As we move forward, let’s embrace our dreams with confidence and determination. The future is ours to shape. Remember, in the words of Steve Jobs, ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ Find your passion and pursue it relentlessly.” “We are stepping into a world full of opportunities and challenges. Let’s use the knowledge and skills we’ve gained here to make a positive impact. Whether it’s in science, art, business, or any field you choose, strive for excellence and never stop learning.” Looking Ahead: “Today is not just an end, but a beginning. Let’s carry the spirit of optimism and hard work into our next adventures. Let’s support each other as we embark on this new journey, knowing that we have the strength and courage to overcome any obstacles.” “Class of [Year], let’s go out and make the world a better place. Our journey doesn’t end here; it’s just the beginning of a new chapter filled with endless possibilities. Congratulations to us all!” Conclusion: “Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way. Your belief in us has made all the difference. To my fellow graduates, I wish you all the success and happiness in the world. Congratulations, Class of [Year]! Here’s to our bright future!” “Now, if everyone could please join me in a toast… Here’s to our hard work, our achievements, and the exciting journeys ahead. Cheers!”

Valedictorian Speech Short Example

Opening: “Good evening, everyone. For those who don’t know me, I’m [Your Name], and I’m honored to stand before you as your valedictorian. As we gather here today, I am reminded of Nelson Mandela’s words: ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.'” Acknowledgments: “First, I want to thank our incredible teachers for their dedication, our parents for their unwavering support, and my fellow students for making this journey unforgettable.” Reflection on School Experience: “We’ve come a long way since our first day here. One of my favorite memories is [insert a brief anecdote, e.g., ‘the time we all worked together on the school play and it turned out to be a great success.’] Through these years, we’ve learned perseverance, the power of friendship, and the value of hard work.” Inspirational Message: “As we move forward, let’s embrace our dreams with confidence. Steve Jobs once said, ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ Find your passion and pursue it with all your heart.” Looking Ahead: “Today is not just an end, but a beginning. Let’s carry the spirit of optimism and hard work into our next adventures. Class of [Year], let’s go out and make the world a better place. Congratulations to us all!” Conclusion: “Thank you to everyone who has supported us. Congratulations, Class of [Year]! Here’s to our bright future!”

More Valedictorian Speech Examples and Samples

  • Valedictorian Graduation Speech
  • Valedictorian Speech for High School
  • Valedictorian Speech for College
  • Inspirational Valedictorian Speech

Graduation Valedictorian Speech

Graduation Valedictorian Speech

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Short Valedictorian Speech

Short Valedictorian Speech

School Valedictorian Speech

School Valedictorian Speech

Student Valedictorian Speech

Student Valedictorian Speech

Valedictorian Nomination Speech

Valedictorian Nomination Speech

How to Start a Valedictorian Speech

Most great speeches are not created overnight. If you do not know where to begin, there are various speech templates and examples you may refer to. Now writing a valedictorian speech is an important responsibility that requires planning, creativity, and practice. Here are some steps to help you write a successful valedictorian speech:

Step 1: Brainstorming and Outlining

Begin by brainstorming ideas and organizing your thoughts into an outline. Consider your personal experiences, what you learned during your academic journey, and what you want to say to your peers and teachers. Write down all the key points that you want to include in your speech and organize them into a logical order. Read books and other  graduation speeches , and look for inspiring quotes and anecdotes to include in your speech.

Step 2: Introduction

Start your speech with an introduction that captures your audience’s attention. Consider using a personal story or a quote that relates to the occasion. This will help you connect with your audience and set the tone for the rest of your speech.

Step 3: Thanking the Teachers and Staff

Acknowledge the hard work and dedication of your teachers and staff members. Express gratitude for their support and guidance throughout your academic journey. This is an opportunity to recognize the efforts of those who helped you achieve your academic goals.

Step 4: Reflections on the Academic Journey

Reflect on your academic journey and share your personal insights with your audience. Discuss your experiences and challenges, and how you overcame them. Share your growth and achievements, as well as any lessons you have learned along the way. This is an opportunity to inspire your peers and offers valuable advice.

Step 5: Encouragement and Inspiration

Offer words of encouragement and inspiration to your peers as they embark on their next chapter in life. Share your hopes for their future success and emphasize the importance of perseverance, hard work, and dedication. You can also offer advice on how to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Step 6: Conclusion

End your speech with a memorable conclusion that summarizes your key points and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Consider using a call to action that encourages your peers to make a positive impact on the world. Here are samples of how to conclude a speech .

Step 7: Rehearsal

Practice your speech several times to ensure that you are comfortable with the content and delivery. This will help you build confidence and deliver your speech effectively.

Tips for Valedictorian Speech

  • Begin with a memorable quote, anecdote, or thought-provoking question.
  • Example: “As we stand on the threshold of a new chapter, I am reminded of a quote by Nelson Mandela: ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done.'”
  • Thank teachers, parents, and peers for their support and contributions.
  • Example: “Thank you to our incredible teachers for their dedication, to our parents for their unwavering support, and to my fellow students for making this journey unforgettable.”
  • Mention significant moments or challenges that the class faced together.
  • Example: “We’ve come a long way since our first day here, from navigating the hallways to conquering challenging exams and celebrating our victories together.”
  • Share a message of hope and encouragement for the future.
  • Example: “As we move forward, let’s embrace our dreams with confidence and determination. The future is ours to shape.”
  • Include personal anecdotes or lessons learned.
  • Example: “One lesson I’ve learned is the importance of perseverance. There were times when I felt overwhelmed, but pushing through those moments taught me resilience.”
  • Focus on positive experiences and future possibilities.
  • Example: “Today is not just an end, but a beginning. Let’s carry the spirit of optimism and hard work into our next adventures.”
  • Finish with a powerful closing statement or call to action.
  • Example: “Class of [Year], let’s go out and make the world a better place. Congratulations to us all!”
  • Rehearse your speech multiple times to feel confident and natural.
  • Time yourself to ensure it’s concise and within the allotted time.

What is the purpose of a valedictorian speech?

The purpose is to reflect on the graduating class’s experiences, celebrate achievements, and inspire classmates as they move forward.

Who delivers the valedictorian speech?

The highest-ranking student, known as the valedictorian, delivers the speech at the graduation ceremony.

How long should a valedictorian speech be?

A valedictorian speech typically lasts between 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the ceremony guidelines.

Should I rehearse my valedictorian speech?

Yes, practice multiple times to ensure smooth delivery, proper timing, and confidence during the actual presentation.

How can I make my valedictorian speech engaging?

Use humor, personal stories, and relatable experiences to connect with your audience and keep them interested.

How should I end a valedictorian speech?

End with a memorable conclusion, such as a quote, a call to action, or heartfelt best wishes for your classmates’ futures.

How do I start a valedictorian speech?

Begin with a greeting, a thank you to key individuals, and an engaging opening that captures the audience’s attention.

What should I include in a valedictorian speech?

Include personal anecdotes, reflections on school experiences, gratitude to teachers and parents, and an inspiring message for the future.

What should I avoid in my valedictorian speech?

Avoid negative remarks, controversial topics, and excessive self-praise. Focus on positivity, inclusivity, and inspiration.

Can I use multimedia in my valedictorian speech?

If allowed, incorporating multimedia elements like slideshows or videos can enhance your speech, but ensure they complement your message.


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Writing a Valedictorian Speech that inspires your classmates

How to craft a memorable Valedictorian Speech for graduation


Here’s a template for a valedictory speech.

Here’s a Template for a Valedictory Speech

You thought becoming the valedictorian of your high school class was tough? That’s nothing compared to giving a great valedictory speech. Spend just a few minutes on YouTube and you’ll see that most valedictory speeches are boring and, worse, embarrassing.

But there’s hope! You can give a great valedictory speech.

Great valedictory speeches follow a pattern. They offer a fond reflection on the high school years. They connect with audiences using anecdotes and lots of name-dropping. And they offer gratitude. With that in mind, the key to a great valedictory speech is to keep it simple, short (ten minutes is perfect), mention lots of people by name, tell stories, and practice it so much that you don’t have to read it. You want to deliver it like you’re having an animated chat with a close friend.

Here’s a template to pass along to the valedictorian in your life.

My fellow graduates. Over the last four years here at [Insert name of high school.], we have learned a lot. Mr. [Insert name of math teacher.] taught us how to [Insert a complicated sounding math thing.]. Ms. [Insert name of English teacher.] taught us [Insert interesting tidbit from a favorite piece of literature.]. And Mr. [Insert name of widely known funny, popular teacher.] taught us [Insert something odd that parents might be surprised to learn. For example maybe he taught you how to swear in Portuguese. Or maybe he taught you the best way to approach a girl at a dance. Make it funny but revealing about a beloved teacher.].

And all of this knowledge will no doubt be valuable as we go forward in life. But I think that the most important thing that we have learned over the last four years is [Insert major theme. Keep the theme simple. Good themes include “How to build relationships and rely on each other,” “How to Work Together as a Community,” “How to respect each others differences,” and “How much we need each other to succeed.” Don’t worry if it’s corny. If it’s from the heart, go for it.].

Over the next few minutes, I’d like to talk about what we’ve learned, the people we have to thank, and the people we have to remember. [Notice that you’re setting up a little three-part structure, letting your listeners know where the speech is going.]

I told you that the most important thing that we learned was [Restate the theme.].

Let me give you just a couple of examples of what I’m talking about. [Give three or four quick and fun examples that bring in as many of your classmates’ names as possible. People love hearing their names. One of the examples might sound like this. “In ninth grade with our first pizza drive, we raised a lot of money for homecoming. It was a true team success. John Smith was our pizza baker. Cindy Jones showed us how to track and spend the money. Fred Williams played a critical role in getting people to turn out for the event with his creative posters. And Garth taught us that indeed one person can eat three entire pies in one sitting.” Give one longer example that is personal. For example, you might tell about how one of your teachers took an interest in your writing and encouraged you to submit your stories for publication. Be sure to tell about how you thought the story was really stupid but your teacher disagreed. Be sure to thank the teacher by calling her out from the audience, asking her to stand and asking the audience to give her a round of applause. Finish the story by telling how this teacher taught you that “Nothing we accomplish is done alone. Rather, we need each other for support and coaching.”]

Next, I’d like to take a moment on behalf of myself and my fellow graduates to thank the people that have brought us here.

[Pick five or six people to thank. But don’t just give their names. Tell why you’re grateful to them. And in telling why, give anecdotal context. For example, “I’d like to thank my mother Wendy Johnson, who taught me that if I want to make it to the bus stop on time, I can’t spend 20 minutes checking Facebook.” Or “I’d like to thank my Math teacher, Ms. Jackson, who drilled into my head “Getting the right answer isn’t everything. How you get there is important. So show me your stinking work!”]

Finally, I’d like to take a moment to remember our classmates and teachers who are not with us today.

[Here is where you mention anyone in your school community that died during your years in school. Once again, don’t just give their names. Give their names and then give a personal remembrance. “We all miss our friend Jenny Wilson. She was a wonderful sister and daughter, a great friend, and the best cheerleader on the squad. We also miss our teacher Mr. Carson. Mr. Carson didn’t allow us to show up late in his class. And we loved him for his humor. No one went through his class unchanged for the better.”]

So now we’re high school graduates. And soon we’re going to be signing each others’ yearbooks and saying goodbye. There will be hugs and tears. We’ll do our best to stay in touch. But we’ll be living our lives and doing our best.

As a final thought going forward, I’d like to leave you with a quote from [Insert name of someone you’d like to quote. The best people to quote are people that you’ve personally learned from, like your parents or grandparents. For example, “My grandfather told me that ‘A high school education is a great thing just as long as you’re willing to learn something after you graduate’.”]

He said, [Insert final quote.]

Thank you all.


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Sample of a Valedictorian Speech; Tips, Template, Expert Analysis

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 22 August 2024

Valedictorian Speeches are usually considered one of the main highlights of any graduation ceremony. As a Valedictorian, giving your peers a speech that encapsulates your entire experience during the years of graduation is a mighty task. Therefore, we present this article to make this task a little less difficult for you.

Throughout this article, we will provide you insights into preparing a powerful and memorable Valedictorian Speech. We will share all the key tips, templates, and Expert Analysis for such a speech. We will also provide you with a Sample of a Valedictorian Speech that will help you prepare your own speech with the utmost finesse.

So, if you are a Valedictorian worried about the speech for your graduation ceremony, go through the complete article.

Sample of a Valedictorian Speech

Valedictorian Speech Template


Prior to preparing any speech, it is extremely beneficial to know its template. Once you know the template of a speech, it is relatively easier to fit your substance into that template. In the case of Valedictorian Speeches, the conventional template includes the following entities:

  • A notable theme : One thing that binds all the elements of a speech together is a recurring theme. So, while preparing your speech, you can select and construct any theme around it.
  • The introduction part: A casual introduction where you talk about yourself to your peers very briefly.
  • Discussion of Past: In this part, you will mostly reminisce about your experience during your graduation years with your peers.
  • Significance of Today: After talking about your past in your institution, you will talk about the significance of today’s event. For this, you will show gratitude towards the event organizers, your teachers, and your friends.
  • Expectations from the Future: In this part, discuss what you think the future holds for you and your peers.
  • Conclusion of the Speech: Conclude your speech neatly by tying your ending message to the recurring theme.

Tips for a Valedictorian Speech 1

Valedictorian Speech Introduction

An engrossing introduction is necessary to engage the audience in your speech from the very start. When writing a Valedictorian Speech, there are multiple ways to prepare the introduction part .

The most common way to develop such an introduction is by using a quote. However, remember that if you have selected a theme for your speech, your quote must be in accordance with that theme.

Another good way of grabbing the attention of the audience is by using an inoffensive joke that evokes laughter from your peers. Similarly, you can share a small anecdote or story with which your peers can resonate.

Once you capture the attention of the audience, proceed to introduce yourself. Tell everyone present in the event your name, discipline, etc., and briefly establish your theme.

How to Prepare the Body of the Speech?

After introducing yourself and establishing the theme of your speech, you can move toward its body. If we go by the conventional structure of a Valedictorian Speech, the body of the speech has three major parts.

The first part includes a discussion of the past. For this, you can recall all of the achievements as well as the ups and downs you have had during your graduation years. It is suggested that you portray your raw emotions towards your institution and peers during this part for more impact.

After this, talk about the significance of today. Tell everyone why the graduation ceremony event matters and show gratitude to everyone who made it happen.

Finally, talk about what you expect from the future for you and your friends. Encourage your friends to put all of their efforts into making a good career after graduation.

Sample of A Memorable Conclusion to a Valedictorian Speech

To make your Valedictorian Speech a complete success, you must follow up the insightful body of the speech with a memorable conclusion. In this part, you must emphasize the takeaways of the recurring theme of the speech.

For example, if the theme of your speech is “The Sky Is The Limit”, remind your peers how capable they are and how they should not stop the hard work. Moreover, to end your speech on a powerful note, you can also give some message through the end sentence that motivates your peers to do better.

You can also go ahead and express your gratitude towards everyone once again while ending your speech.

Sample of a Valedictorian Speech

Good Morning/ Afternoon/ Evening to everyone present here. It is my utmost privilege to stand here in front of you all as the Valedictorian of our class. My name is [your name] and today, I proudly represent my class and my institution as we all celebrate this momentous occasion of the graduation ceremony. It still feels surreal to think that today marks the end of one of our lives most beautiful and important chapters.

When we all joined this institution a few years ago, we had no clue where life would take us. But as time passed, we all became an inseparable part of each other’s life. We went through all the thick and thin together, overcame all the hardships, and celebrated all the achievements together as a team.

During our graduation, we made some of the best memories I will cherish for my entire life. My friends and esteemed faculty have helped me become a better version of myself at each step of my college life; I have nothing but gratitude towards them.

We are all gathered here today to celebrate four years of togetherness, dedication, and perseverance. I specifically want to thank all the organizers of this event whose hard work made today a more special day than it already was.

As a new chapter of our lives begins from today onwards, I want to wish all my friends good luck for a super successful future. I firmly believe that we will also take the values and lessons we have acquired from this institution with us into this next phase of our lives. Thank you, and once again, congratulations to the graduating class of [your class].

Final Words

We hope our article successfully provided useful details for preparing your speech through our tips and Sample of a Valedictorian Speech. Our page is rich with useful content like this that we publish regularly.

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Anshika Saxena

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Frantically Speaking

Your Guide To Writing The Perfect Valedictorian Speech (With Sample Speech)

Hrideep barot.

  • Speech Writing

high school graduation ceremony

So, you have managed to achieve the feat that’s probably the dream of most high school students: you’re the valedictorian. 

Congratulations, that is amazing.

You definitely deserve a pat on your back–maybe multiple ones. 

But, while this sounds like the perfect time to sit back and relax, it’s probably not. You still have one big task left to complete: delivering your valedictorian speech. 

But don’t worry. 

You managed to seize the highest marks in your class. Compared to that, delivering this speech should be a piece of cake. And even if it’s not–if you’re someone more comfortable with books than speaking in front of other people–don’t worry. We’ve got you. 

For delivering a memorable Valedictorian speech, keep in mind a few things like incorporating humor and storytelling, having a theme, getting other students’ insight & keeping your most important point for the end of your speech.  

We’ve delved into them deeper in the following sections. 

Tips To Keep In Mind While Writing Your Valedictorian Speech

writing a valedictorian speech

1. Talk About Things You’ve Learnt Outside The Classroom 

While classroom learning is something that’s common to most of the students in the audience–that is, all of you probably learned the same coursework–what’s different is the stuff that you learned OUTSIDE the classroom. 

Talk about your personal experiences. The valuable lessons that seemingly trivial incidents taught you, what you remember the most from time spent with friends, etc. Teach them something they haven’t learned before; something that doesn’t involve an unwieldy textbook. 

2. Make Sure To Incorporate Humor 

Don’t just step up on the stage and start talking about a bunch of motivational stuff. If you truly wish to motivate your peers and make them remember you, then you need to incorporate humor in your speech. 

That’s because humor is a universal way to connect with people & make good memories with them. Think about all the good moments in your life, and chances are, you’ll realize you were smiling in more than one of them. 

For Example: “Your families are extremely proud of you. You can’t imagine the sense of relief they are experiencing. This would be a most opportune time to ask for money.”

We can also use the Paraprosdokian technique to make our speeches funny. It’s a simple technique which means narrating a story and having a surprise twist at the end. Want to know how some of our most beloved celebrities go about using this technique (and how you can too)? Check out this (entertaining) video we made:

3. Tell Stories 

Stories are another excellent way of connecting with your peers. Especially if it’s a popular story that most people recognize or was maybe quite the rage at a time in your school–chances are, at a time like this, repeating it will work to evoke fonder memories and emotions in your audience. 

So, make sure to use stories in your speech. 

For Example: Have you ever been the new kid in school? Well, I have…

We’ve created an entire video on how your can go about narrating great stories. The narrative structures and techniques discussed here will help you craft a compelling and engaging narrative:

4. Have A Theme 

Themes are a great way to enhance the impact of your speech. That’s because they are a common point that your entire speech is organized towards anything that you say in your speech can inevitably be traced back to it. 

Pick a theme that can inspire your audience. For example: 

  • Why the best years of our life are  not  behind us
  • What high-school didn’t prepare you for
  • Why it’s okay to fail
  • Why not being the top of class is not a big deal
  • Why the small picture is more important than the big picture

5. Talk To Other Students 

Your valedictorian speech is not just a cornerstone in your own high-school life, but also a testament to the life and experiences of the other students in the audience. So, why not include them in the writing of your speech?

I’m not asking you to get another student to write your speech for you. Rather, what I’m suggesting is talking to other students, and getting insight into their own thoughts, experiences & emotions. 

You can use them or the common themes you hear to structure your speech, and even include a couple of incidents or other things into your speech. This will greatly increase the impact that you make. 

Check our article 11 Engaging Ways To Interact With The Audience to make your speech a wholesome and interactive experience for the audience. 

6. Keep It Short & Simple 

Remember that your speech is a part of a larger ceremony that’s taking place and that most people in the audience are unlikely to pay attention to an hour-long speech. 

So, make sure that your speech is short and simple. Stick to the main points. A general guideline would be to have your speech be anything between 5-15 minutes. You can confirm if you have a time limit with the principal. 

7. Keep Your Most Important Point For The End 

How you end your speech is just as important as the way you begin it. That’s because while your beginning will determine whether people pay attention to your speech–or doze off–the ending will determine the takeaway that people return with. 

Your speech should be organized in such a way that it leads up to the final point that you make, which should be your most important point. 

This is going to be the line that people will most likely remember for a long time, the main takeaway from your speech. It can be a quote, the summary of a story or memory that you’ve spoken before, a few words of wisdom, or even a quote. 

For more inspiration on how to end your speech, check out our article on 50 Speech Closing Lines (& How To Create Your Own) l The Ultimate Guide 

How To Start Your Valedictorian Speech 

1. Start With An Anecdote 

As I mentioned before, stories and anecdotes are a must in any speech. And what better way to include them in your speech than have them right at the beginning? 

Stories will work to hook your audience right from the beginning and make it more likely that they will stick with you till the end. 

For Example: In Grade 11, one of my friends started the fire alarm…

2. Use A Prop 

Props are another great way to start off your speech. They are eye-catching, and if used correctly, can create an entire story for your audience. So you’re hitting two birds with one stone!

However, before using props, one thing to keep in mind is to make sure that they’re relevant to the topic at hand. Don’t just use a prop for the sake of using one. 

Examples of props:

  • Your high-school yearbook
  • A photograph
  • A memoir from a popular school incident
  • Your graduation cap
  • Memorable food from cafeteria

3. Make Them Imagine 

Another great way to start off your speech is to make your audience imagine a scenario. By evoking the power of imagination, you will pique your audience’s mind and make it more likely that they will pay attention to you. 

You can make them imagine many scenarios. You could get them to picture the future, or even make them recall a particular incident from the past. 

For Example: Imagine you’re sitting in the classroom…

4. Sing A Song 

This is a different–and somewhat unconventional–way to start off your speech. Was there a song or piece of lyrics that were really popular back in high school? Maybe something that was viral with a lot of students. 

Well, now would be a great time to make them remember it. Not only will this evoke fond memories, but it might also make them join in with you, thus taking the interaction to another level. 

5. Tell A Joke 

Another great way to start off your speech is by telling a joke. As I mentioned, humor is an essential element for any speech or presentation. It can spice up a boring speech, and make a more difficult point easy to remember. 

Start off your speech with a joke. This can be done in the form of a normal punchline format, or you could mix up different elements by telling a funny story or using your prop as a joke. 

For Example: I was good at math, once they decided to mix the alphabet into it. 

For more information on how to open your speech, check out our article on 50 Speech Opening Lines (& How To Create Your Own) l The Ultimate Guide. 

How Long Should The Speech Be? 

As mentioned above, you need to remember that you’re not giving an isolated speech. Neither is the speech the only important component of the entire event. 

Rather, your speech is part of a bigger ceremony that is going to be likely many times longer than it. 

So, it’s important to make sure that you don’t dawdle on for too long. Not only will this make most of the students in the audience more impatient, but longer speeches generally tend to be less intirguing and harder to retain. 

That’s why it’s important to keep your speech short. Preferably somewhere between 5-15 minutes. 

This will give you ample time to cover your most important details, while also making sure that your fellow students and teachers don’t doze off from boredom. 

Sample Valedictorian Speech

high school valedictorian speech

You’re probably wondering why I’m smiling like an idiot right now–and why I have been the entire way on the stage. Well, that’s because as I prepare to deliver my final speech on this stage, I can’t stop thinking about my first time up here. When I first came to high-school, I was a shy kid whose worst fear was speaking in front of a big crowd of people. That’s because I have always been very imaginative, you see. But instead of using my imagination for writing stories as I now do, I used to use it to imagine the worst possible stories and scenarios in my head. And so when I somehow let my English teacher convince me to take part in a debate competition during my freshman year, most of my energy was focused on all the things that could go wrong during my speech rather than the speech itself. You know, like, me stumbling and falling on my face as I climbed all those big steps to the stage. Or me forgetting my speech in the middle. Or me bursting into tears from all the nerves and pressure–which is exactly what happened. Yep, ALL OF IT. Not only did I fall falt on my face the moment I stepped on the stage, but I also proceeded to tick off the other two items on the list–all within the span of two minutes. I was so embarrased that I swore to my mother I would NEVER in my life take another step inside this high-school. My mom indulged me for one day, and then sent me packing straight to school counselor’s office the next day. You’re probably wondering why I’m recounting what was probably the most embarrasing moment of my life on the best moment of my life. Well, that’s because, while at that moment it certainly felt that way, now I know that I’m not alone. Over the course of these four years, every single one of you has probably felt at least once as embarrased as I felt on that day. This speech is for all of you who’ve ever felt so humiliated that they felt like crawling under a giant rock and never showing your face to the other people sitting around you again. And yet, WE DID IT. The fact that we’re sitting in this room today is proof that we did. Despite the embarrasement or fear or regret or failure, we showed up. Maybe we didn’t show up right away, but we did pick ourselves up and got things together eventually. And in the end, that’s what matters: not when you get yourself together, but the fact that you do. As most of us in this room know from experience, being a senior is not all fun and games. Applying to a bunch of colleges, juggling classes and assignments, making sure your grades don’t slip, trying to squeeze in as many last-time high-school experiences as you can in the little time you can find between all them…well, it’s not easy. And yet we made it–all of us did. Graduation marks the close of a big chapter in our lives. It has been a chapter filled with tears and laughter, pranks and solutions, good memories and bad memories, of last-minute studying for exams taking place the next day, running behind the school bus in a seemingly impossible attempt to catch it, of attempts to stifle laughter in the middle of exams, and much much more… I can say with confidence that none of us sitting in this room today are the same person that we were on the day your story began. And all of us have witnessed each other bloom in this journey. And this is not the end–today, the doors to a new journey have been opened to us. And as we prepare to take our first step in this new journey, I’d like to thank each and every single one of the people who have helped us pass the previous one. I would like to thank our principal, all of our teachers and staff, our parents, and each and every single one of you sitting in this room today. Thank you. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been a small part of our journey or a big one, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve been in every single chapter of this book or only a paragraph–it wouldn’t have been the same without you. And I would like you to thank yourself as well. Thank yourself for having the courage to stand up after you fall, and to have the strength to show up day after day. Thank yourself for showing up despite the terrible food–if you can call it that–served in the cafeteria every single day. Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.

Valedictorian Speech Examples

1. the king’s academy class of 2019.

Takeaway: This speech is a great example of how you can structure your entire valedictorian speech around a central theme to make it more memorable and intriguing. You can use it to select & organize your own speech.

2. La Plata High School Class of 2015

Takeaway: This speech is a great example of how you can effectively incorporate humor into your own speech. Use it to structure the flow of humor in your speech and to understand how to use humor without making it seem too forced.

3. West Hall High School Class Of 2010

Takeaway: This is an excellent speech to figure out how you can creatively use props in your own speech to make it a more interactive, visually appealing & memorable experience for your audience.

To conclude, writing a memorable Valedictorian speech isn’t as daunting of a task as it sounds. For delivering a memorable Valedictorian speech, keep in mind a few things like incorporating humor and storytelling, having a theme, getting other students’ insight & keeping your most important point for the end of your speech.  

Hrideep Barot

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Inspiring Valedictorian Speech Examples to Help You Write Your Own


Most of us remember delivering a speech in front of our classmates during graduation, whether as salutatorian or valedictorian.

While inputting the right facts and research can be challenging, it’s important to make sure that your graduation speech is inspiring and motivating. Afterall, this is the last time you see many of your class mates, so you want your message to have an impact.

That’s why we’ve compiled some of the most memorable and inspiring valedictorian speeches. Review these examples to get ideas and help you craft your own unique speech. With thoughtful words and effective storytelling , you’ll be sure to make a lasting, positive influence to your classmates!

Reflecting on Our Journey

Throughout high school our journey of self-discovery and growth has been a constant.

As we look back on our journey, it’s important to recognize the significant role that memories have in helping us shape our lives and define who we are. What we reflect on can be both uplifting and humbling while inspiring us to strive for further success.

The more we reflect on our past experiences, the better able we are to learn from failures and successes alike. This not only helps us acknowledge our accomplishments, but it also gives us perspective and insight into how far we’ve come as individuals.

Reflecting on our journey is an opportunity to celebrate the best moments of our years in high school, from sports victories to unforgettable conversations with friends. It also allows us to appreciate all that we learned during those formative years that has helped shape the person we have become today.

It’s natural to feel hesitant about taking time out of a busy day to look back on our individual paths.

But it is a beneficial exercise, even if viewing the past causes painful emotions or overwhelming feelings of nostalgia. Reflection helps us fully appreciate what was achieved and reminds us to take time out of our daily routine for introspection.

Now that we have taken the time to reflect on our individual journey up to this point in life, let’s take a look at some of the notable accomplishments made by members of our class. In the next section, we will examine how remembering some of these triumphs can help provide insight into future goals and ambitions.

Remembering Our Achievements

The valedictorian’s job is to honor the successes and hard work of the graduating class. This can be done by looking back at our collective achievements over the past few years.

From faculty members to peers, remembering everyone who contributed to our success encourages a sense of gratitude and pride in our accomplishment.

One option for doing this is by recognizing special accomplishments or awards that were earned during our time together.

Names can be called out and stories can be shared , only if appropriate and welcomed by those mentioned. It is important to check with anyone beforehand if they are comfortable being publicly remembered in such a way.

It could also be done through sharing meaningful interactions and experiences with classmates. Narratives about how we have learned from one another and grown together remind us of all that we have accomplished, both as individuals and as part of a collective body.

Finally, it may be beneficial to recall moments of progress and growth throughout all of our years in school. Celebrating, even our smaller triumphs along the way further highlights the successes that brought us here today.

Remembering our achievements serves as a reminder of all the hard work our graduating class has put into their education and provides an opportunity to give credit where it is due.

Let us take this moment to pause and recognize everyone who was involved in ushering us here to this milestone moment in time. Now let us transition into celebrating our success as we look ahead at what is possible for us next on our journeys beyond this pivotal rite of passage.

Celebrating Our Success

When it comes to delivering the valedictorian speech, an important element is celebrating our success. The idea of celebration can take on different forms, from lightheartedness to a more serious acknowledgement of a job well done.

It’s up to individual taste as to how you as the valedictorian choose to celebrate and recognize your peers’ many accomplishments that brought you all together.

For those who prefer something more humorous and attractive to the crowd, celebrating with jokes or funny stories that have become part of the shared history of the graduating class can have a greater impact than simply citing general successes.

It shows familiarity and genuine appreciation for the special moments you’ve had with your peers that has led to your combined achievement.

Others may choose a more solemn tone, thanking their entire class for their hard work and dedication over the years which enabled them all to come so far in their respective fields.

This kind of approach also has its merits, as it adds a level of gravity to the speeches, conveying real admiration and gratitude amongst graduating students.

No matter which route one takes, celebrating success has long been an integral component in setting graduation ceremonies apart from everyday life.

As such, valedictorians do not only recognize the accomplishment of graduating classes but also the memories and stories held within their hearts that made it meaningful. Following this section about celebrating our successes, we’ll now discuss how we can look ahead to the future.

Looking Ahead to the Future

It’s perfectly natural to spend some time looking back and reflecting on our successes during the past few years, but when it comes to speeches, valedictorians should also look ahead.

Looking ahead creates a sense of direction and hope that can be shared with the other graduates, reminding them of all of the future possibilities that lie ahead. It also helps to encourage graduates to set goals for themselves and strive for a brighter future.

When talking about the future, many people have conflicting views on whether tackling hard challenges or taking risks should be considered a positive outlook.

On one hand, some would argue that taking risks can lead to incredible rewards and great opportunities. On the other hand, others may point out that the cost of taking too big of a risk can be very costly in terms of time and money spent.

However, instead of debating which side is right or wrong in this scenario, it is more important to focus on how graduates can prepare themselves for whatever life may bring their way.

Valadictorians can use their speech as an opportunity to challenge their peers by inspiring them to make proactive steps towards achieving their dreams – no matter what obstacles they may face along the way.

This may include setting goals apart from just focusing on academic performance; such as staying active, forming meaningful relationships and continuing to learn new skills.

Furthermore, valedictorians can talk about any struggles or set-backs they faced during their journey and about how perseverance eventually played a role in helping them reach their desired outcome – which could serve as an inspiration for those listening .

Overall, by looking ahead and encouraging their peers not just to take risks but find ways to proactively approach their future endeavors, valedictorians can get across an important message – even if it’s through leaving a graduation ceremony with mostly unanswered questions – that they are ready for the next step and up for the challenge.

With these thought processes in mind, let’s now look towards how we as individuals can set goals and understand the power of embracing each challenge head-on.

Setting Goals and Embracing the Challenge

It is no secret that words have the power to both motivate and to inspire. As graduating seniors, now is the time to reflect on our successes, our failures, and the many challenges we have faced in high school.

It can be easy to move onto the next step in life while leaving the past behind us; however, it is important that we acknowledge our individual growth and progress.

Having goals helps us to stay focused on what we set out to achieve. Presenting a detailed outline of your life’s purpose can help to keep you motivated and inspired throughout future milestones.

Remind your classmates that setting goals is essential for any success and should include listed plans; such as attainable academic objectives, personal fitness goals, financial milestones and career aspirations. Making achievable short-term objectives also allows you reflect on your progress as you reach them one by one.

Embracing challenge gives us an opportunity to enhance skills , learn from our mistakes, gain mental strength and resilience, improve problem solving capabilities and explore new ideas that just may lead to something great.

Even though a challenge may be uncomfortable or difficult, sometimes taking risks are necessary for growth. Highlight those times when everyone tried something unexpected out of their comfort zones and how they overcame their fears into becoming confident individuals who tackled anything that came their way because they weren’t afraid of failing.

Demonstrating this important message will help your classmates recognize that push through hard things in life; there are so many more opportunities waiting for them once they continue down this path in life until eventually reaching their end goal!

Through setting achievable goals paired with embracing the challenge of not knowing the outcome, we can take control of our own paths rather than allowing our futures to follow whatever route happens along the way.

Let your classmates know that every step taken in order to achieve something great adds up over time which is why it’s important not to give up no matter how long or hard it may seem! Now onto saying goodbye…

Saying Goodbye to Our Classmates

Saying goodbye to our classmates can be a hard task for any valedictorian speaker. On one hand, we want to express our gratitude for all the time shared together and the memories created. We have supported one another through difficult times and celebrated our successes together.

All of these experiences have brought us closer and given us the strength to overcome anything that comes our way.

On the other hand, some may argue that it is important to move on from this chapter in life and looking forward to what lies ahead in the future.

After all, every good ending paves the way for new beginnings and this could very well be a start of something great. It’s essential to take all these emotions while saying goodbye – sadness, happiness, excitement – and expressing them through an emotional yet motivating valedictorian speech tailored specifically to your graduating class.

These arguments aside, a valedictorian speech is not complete without expressing both appreciation and hopefulness of what lies ahead. To craft a memorable farewell speech that resonates with your classmates, you must include everything mentioned above and show your utmost sincerity in thanking your peers.

Armed with these sentiments, you can now put pen to paper for an example valedictorian speech that is sure to capture and move your entire audience.

An Example Valedictorian Speech

An example of a valedictorian speech can illustrate the harmonious combination of humor and humility, storytelling and self-reflection that creates an inspiring speech.

One such valedictorian speech was delivered by Valedictorian Avery June of Elmore County High School, who told moving stories about growing up in rural Alabama and the profound impact her teachers had on her success.

She poignantly noted that while she had pride in her own accomplishments, they were only part of her journey. Her understanding of the influence of her teachers and peers was instrumental in creating a sense of community and school spirit.

At the same time, not all good valedictorian speeches will be purely reflective or serious. There is a place for levity and humor, as demonstrated by another example valedictorian speech – given by Australian Valedictorian Tom Alchin from St Ives High School – which bravely mocked both himself and his school’s teachers to much applause.

He reminded the entire assembly of their shared accomplishments despite any internal disagreements – ultimately leading to contagious positivity and celebration. By using a humorous approach , he embodied the spirit of togetherness amidst any differences between individuals at the school.

These examples show how effective an inspiring valedictorian speech can be when rendered correctly – walking a fine line between self-reflection and levity without sacrificing either ambition or collaboration.

From these examples we can see how a valedictorian speech can set the tone for celebration while showing admiration for our schools’ greatest resource – its people.

In the next section, we’ll explore further examples which showcase proud alumni stories as well as advice on representing our schools with pride during a valedictorians speech. With this in mind, let us turn to exploring how we can be proud ambassadors for our schools during our own special day.

Being Proud of Our School

When it comes to delivering a powerful valedictorian speech, there is nothing more powerful than a heartfelt thanks and recognition of the school that you attended.

Every academic institution has unique features that set it apart from other schools, and as such, being proud of your school should play a prominent role in any valedictorian speech.

While everyone takes pride in their individual successes, acknowledging one’s school can be just as important—possibly even more important. Students should take time out of their speech to thank their school, students, teachers, administrators, and staff.

Doing so will provide an opportunity to show gratitude, recognize all those who have helped along the way, and provide an optimistic outlook of what the future holds for each student’s home school.

In addition to thanking components of the school community, valedictorians should also use their speech as an opportunity to speak about specific qualities about their home institution that makes it special.

Depending on the size or focus of the school (i.e., public vs. private), there may be some unique aspects worth mentioning from curriculum to diversity. Being able to recognize these qualities during a person’s valedictorian speech will serve as a direct compliment to the entire school community and provide validation for all its efforts.

It is important for a valedictorian to keep in mind though that not every criticism leveled against one’s school needs to be addressed during this time—instead, focus solely on what makes it great and why you chose to spend your time there.

Bring up positive stories or anecdotes if pertinent and while providing constructive criticism can be useful in other contexts and situations like alumni mentorship panels or boards of trustees meetings, remember that using your valedictorian speech is not really the place or time for it.

At the end of the day, no matter how much one does or does not agree with certain aspects of their school’s policies or traditions taking pride in where one went to high school should be sincere and heartfelt before anything else. With this in mind, being proud of our school should be at the center of any inspiring valedictorian speech!

In conclusion, crafting a memorable valedictorian speech can be an intimidating task. However, taking the time to plan out your speech and focus on elements such as tone , storytelling, and timing can help to make your valedictorian speech stand out.

Additionally, you should consider practicing in front of an audience or recording yourself ahead of time so that you can get comfortable with delivering your speech in front of a larger group.

Ultimately, a great valedictorian speech will take time and effort. But by utilizing inspiring valedictorian speeches as examples and paying close attention to the style and delivery of your own speech, you’ll be able to craft a meaningful and memorable valedictorian address for all to enjoy.

Frequently Asked Questions and Responses

What is the expected format of a valedictorian speech.

The typical format for a valedictorian speech is to first thank everyone involved in making the event possible and congratulate fellow classmates on their accomplishments. This can be followed by a brief reflection on the past four years, including any challenges that have been faced, before transitioning into an inspirational message about the future. The conclusion should include a memorable quote or saying to sum up the main themes of the speech.

In terms of structure, it is important to begin with an attention-grabbing statement , introduce topics in an organized manner, use vivid language and thought-provoking examples, and end with a strong conclusion . Additionally, it is important to vary sentence length and speak at a moderate pace so that your audience will remain engaged and follow your message.

How can I make sure my valedictorian speech is effective and impactful?

Making sure your valedictorian speech is effective and impactful requires you to be organized and creative. Before writing a word, brainstorm themes that represent your personal experience in the best light. Once you’ve identified your core message, you can begin structuring the speech in three parts: an opening statement, the body of the speech, and a closing.

When crafting your opening statement, use humor and heartwarming anecdotes to grab the audience’s attention. Opening statements should have a strong emotional connection with everyone in attendance.

The body of the speech should emphasize your core message by examples from your own life or experiences in high school. Try using visual aids such as pictures or videos to drive home key points in your presentation. Additionally, include quotes from educators, authors, politicians, or other influential figures to add depth to your delivery.

Finally, wrap up with a call-to-action for attendees to take away from the ceremony. End by expressing gratefulness for being selected valedictorian, for having been granted the opportunity to attend school with peers and teachers who have shaped their journey thus far.

By building an emotional base at the beginning of the speech and staying organized throughout, you can ensure that your valedictorian speech is both effective and impactful – regardless of how many people are present!

What are some tips for writing a valedictorian speech?

1. Think carefully about your topic. Consider what would be meaningful and inspiring to your classmates as they prepare to transition into the future. Take time to brainstorm ideas and narrow down your focus until you come up with something that stands out.

2. Get organized. Once you have chosen a topic , create an outline that divides your speech into sections, beginning with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Develop your main points and make sure that each one is addressed within each section of the outline .

3. Start writing as soon as possible. Begin drafting the body of your speech , utilizing concrete examples when possible to make it relatable and memorable for your peers. You can always edit your work later, but getting started is key in order to finish on time.

4. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Reach out to teachers or other members of the school community who may have advice or feedback on how you can improve your speech before delivering it. Even if they are not familiar with valedictorian speeches specifically, they may be able to provide insights on writing or public speaking in general that will benefit you as you create your address.

5. Practice, practice, practice ! Rehearse your speech in front of friends and family until you are comfortable speaking it aloud from memory; this will help build confidence and give you the chance to iron out any issues before taking the stage at graduation day .

Writing Your Valedictorian Speech from Beginning to End

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Writing Your Valedictorian Speech from Beginning to End

Decide on a Theme

Writing your valedictorian speech starts with creating a theme or main message for your speech. What do you want to portray to your classmates? Some common themes for graduation speeches are:

  • Past, present, future: describe how your classmates have gone from kindergarten up to 12th grade together, and now, you are looking toward the future; or for college graduations, you can describe freshman week to senior year to careers.
  • What your education has done for you and your classmates.
  • How you are going to fit into the world with this degree.
  • Hard work and perseverance paid off for your education, and they will pay off in your future.
  • Memories from school will keep you grounded as you go out into the world and start a new life.

Be Thankful

Most speeches generally starts with a thank you section. You want to thank the hosts of the graduation and the people responsible for giving you the opportunity to speak. For example, a high school speech giver might thank the school board members, the superintendent, the principal and the student body before beginning the speech.

Get Your Audience’s Attention

When creating your valedictorian speech, the next thing you need to do is decide how you want to begin your speech. You can start with a/an:

  • inspirational quote

One of the most popular ways to start a speech that really grabs the audience’s attention is to use an anecdote. An anecdote is a true story that fits with the theme of your speech. You could tell a story from your own life, from a famous person’s life, from your parents’ lives or from a classmate’s life. As long as it is inspirational and says something about the future or about a positive outlook on life, you can use the story. Many speech writers will start with a story from an essay in a book series like Chicken Soup for the Soul or Cup of Comfort.

The Body of the Speech

Depending on the theme you choose when writing your valedictorian speech, you will create an outline that has a beginning, middle and end – just like if you were writing an essay. In the body of the speech, you may include stories, quotes, memories, facts and even current events. The important thing is to keep in mind what your theme or message is, and everything in your speech should fit that theme. For example, if you are doing a past, present and future speech, then you would have three parts to the speech, and each would highlight that time with stories, quotes or facts. The body of your speech is the longest part and could vary anywhere from five minutes to 15 minutes, depending on your school’s requirements and guidelines.

In Conclusion

When writing your conclusion, remember this is the last message you will leave with them. So, it should summarize our overall message, be inspirational, or possibly have a call for action. For example, if your theme is how you and your classmates are going to fit into the world, you could finish the speech with a prediction – what do you see some of your classmates doing in the future? If you can find a quote by a famous person, that’s another good way to end a speech.

Giving a valedictorian speech at graduation is a privilege, so speak from your heart and deliver an honest message.

Valedictorian Speeches, https://www.stfranciscollege.edu/about/ValedictorianSpeeches

Valedictorian Speech

Table of Contents


As the valedictorian of your graduating class, you have the honor—and the challenge—of delivering a speech that encapsulates years of hard work, celebrates the achievements of your peers, and looks forward to the future. Crafting a valedictorian speech is not just about reflecting on past experiences; it’s about inspiring your classmates as they embark on their next chapters. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to write a memorable and impactful valedictory speech.

Understand the Purpose of Your Speech

Start with a clear structure, crafting the introduction, reflecting on the past.

This section of your speech should resonate with your peers as it revisits shared experiences. Be selective about the memories you choose to share:

Expressing Gratitude

Acknowledging those who have helped along the way is a key component of your speech. Be sincere and specific:

Looking to the Future

Writing the conclusion, valedictorian speech sample.

Good morning, respected principal, esteemed teachers, staff, proud parents, and, above all, my fellow graduates. Today marks a pivotal moment in our lives, the day we step forward from the familiar into the unknown, armed with education, memories, and dreams.

We faced academic challenges that pushed us to our limits and beyond. We celebrated victories in sports, arts, and science, proving that our talents are diverse and our capabilities vast. We also supported each other through setbacks, learning that failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of it.

To our parents and families, you were our first teachers and our constant champions. Your sacrifices and encouragement fueled our ambitions. Thank you for standing by us through every step, offering love and guidance.

As we look to the future, it’s filled with uncertainties, but also limitless possibilities. We are equipped not only with knowledge but with critical thinking skills and a sense of social responsibility. Whether our next steps are in further education, the workforce, or exploring the world, I am confident each of us will leave a mark of excellence and kindness.

In closing, while today we celebrate the end of a significant chapter, let’s also look forward to the new beginnings that await us. Remember, graduation is not the end; it’s the commencement of new journeys, new challenges, and new achievements.

Final Tips for Writing and Delivering Your Speech

Be authentic.

Your speech should reflect your personality and values. Write in a way that feels true to yourself, and your sincerity will resonate with the audience.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Keep it concise, engage with your audience.

Make eye contact and use gestures to connect with your audience. This engagement makes your delivery more effective and dynamic.

Be Prepared for Emotions

Final thoughts, about mr. greg.

sample valedictory speech for elementary

Valedictorian Speech Examples Challenge Class To Reach For The Stars

Valedictiran speech examples - valedictorian inspoired graduates

A valediction speech is a short speech that recaps the years the graduating class spent at the school and honors their achievement. The valedictorian prepares it, and it may be heartfelt, humorous, or inspirational. The best valedictorian speech examples advice, wish the graduates good luck, thank honored guests, and reminisce about the journey the class has experienced together.

At high school and college graduations, the students who rank the highest in the class are the ones who speak on behalf of their classes. The top student, called the valedictorian, presents a short speech known as the valedictorian speech .

This often follows words by the salutatorian, the second highest-ranking student, who also gives a speech.

Table of Contents

What Is The Definition Of Valedictorian Speech?

A valedictorian speech is a commencement speech given by the person with the highest grade point average (GPA) in the graduating class. It is worth noting that some schools have a weighted scale to ensure that students who have taken honors or advanced placement classes outscore students with an easier load of courses through their high school years.

It is a high honor to be the person to give this speech, as it is clear to all that the valedictorian has engaged in years of hard work to get to that point.

Valedictorian speech example/ Highest-ranking classmate speaks

What Is A Valedictorian Speech About?

The graduation day speech given by the valedictorian is typically given after the salutatorian has spoken. While the salutatorian speaks on behalf of the graduating class, the valedictorian is speaking for (and to) his or her fellow students who are graduating.

Topics presented during great valedictorian speeches include:

  • Gratitude:  The valedictorian or salutatorian expresses gratitude to everyone who has helped the graduates get to where they are appropriate, including faculty members, family, community members, friends, and fellow graduates. Speakers should communicate with other speakers to prevent duplication.
  • Memories:  It is worth noting that class valedictorian recount not only their personal memories but those relevant to the entire class during their high school experience.
  • Future Endeavors:  As graduates prepare to move to the next stage of life, a speaker may discuss what the future holds for the assembled students.
  • Inspire:  The speaker inspires the class to pursue their dreams as they move on to the next stage of life.
  • Quotes:  Quotes that inspire or reflect are excellent for graduation speeches. One might choose inspirational quotes to help set the stage for the speech or as part of the conclusion. The quote can also help transition between main points.

How Do You Write A Short Valedictorian Speech?

What if you are tasked with writing a very short speech? In some middle or high school graduation ceremonies, the speakers are requested to keep it short (3-5 minutes). When that is the challenge set before you, speech writing can feel tricky.

When given a shorter time, you need to get a lot of bang with fewer words. Shorten your introduction. Limit your main ideas to two (rather than 3-4). Find efficient transition thoughts. As you conclude your speech, you can pull the ideas together in a few sentences to make sure the anecdotes you have shared are clearly linked for those listening. One important rule for public speaking is quality over quantity. You can say a lot in just a few words!

Maya Angelou quote

What Do You Do If You Have A Lot Of Things To Say In A Valedictorian Speech?

It may be necessary to limit your speech due to certain factors. First, knowing how long the faculty advisors expect you to speak is important. Traditionally the valedictorian speaks for anywhere from 5-10 minutes.

As you begin brainstorming about your speech, sticking to the main ideas that resonate with most people assembled is essential. In other words, this is not about you and your best friends. The speech you prepare for the graduating class’s big day should engage the entire class. This is not the time or place for inside jokes or stories involving just a few class members.

Valededictorian speech examples appeals to whole class

Often, a class’s years together may revolve around a significant event that occurred during high school or college. Recent classes may have bonded over Covid restrictions, but natural disasters, the untimely death of a classmate, or political upheaval may have marked the years. (Ask grandparents. They may remember the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the Vietnam War, or Y2K as the focal point of their school years.)

One should also refrain from discussing anything controversial during a graduation speech. While current issues can be significant and worth talking about, this is not the forum for doing so.

When choosing anecdotes to share, limit it to three or four stories or thoughts that can be somehow linked together in an interesting way.

How To Write A Valedictory Speech For Graduation?

Wondering how to write your speech?

  • Talk to others:  Classmates will have ideas on important memories you might want to share.
  • Brainstorm:  Give yourself some time to think things through and brainstorm ideas on topics to cover.
  • Planning:  Make an outline or organize your thoughts before writing. Do you have stories you can pull together?
  • Write:  Start writing your speech! Like all speeches, the valedictorian speech should have a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Read it out loud:  As you read your speech out loud, set a timer. Do you fit within the parameters given to you?
  • Revise:  All great writers revise. Don’t assume your first copy is the best.
  • Practice:  Once you have the final speech written, be sure to practice it either with someone, in front of a mirror, or by making a video.

What Are Some Valedictorian Speech Examples?

Valedictorian  Carl Aquino , graduating class of 2010 from West Hall High School, compares life to solving a Rubik’s Cube. He gives his speech with the help of a classmate who accompanies him by playing the guitar. You will enjoy the stories and analogies he uses with such fun humor.

Chase Dahl  of Weber High School class of 2015 gave another speech in a unique style. His speech is also a fairly short 5 minutes.

What Is The Best Valedictorian Speech Example?

Arguably, a contender for the best high school valedictorian speech ever was given by Alex Stone, part of West Boca Ratan’s high school class of 2022. He was particularly poised as he hit all the required elements for a graduation speech, wove an important personal loss into his speech, and tied the speech together with the quote by May Angelou, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away,

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam has honed her speaking skills in the classroom and before professional groups. Pam enjoys sharing her insights about public speaking almost as much as she enjoys running, which she does daily.

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Amazing Valedictorian Speech Examples & Tips

Memorable valedictorian speech examples (+ tips & ideas).

Becoming a valedictorian and giving a speech in front of other fellow graduates is a great honor. On the flip side, drafting a memorable speech that the audience will remember for a long time is a huge stress. You need to reflect about four years in high school, choose a theme that will resonate with others, and keep the audience engaged during the entire speech.

To make things easier for you, in this post, our pro speechwriters share the secrets for writing a perfect speech for your graduation ceremony.

Keep reading to find out:

  • tips & tricks for writing a great valedictorian speech,
  • two speech examples for your inspiration, and
  • recommendations for polishing your delivery.

Are you too stressed to write your high school graduation speech? No worries - our experienced speech writers can craft your text from scratch or revise it. We prepare witty, inventive, and attention-grabbing speeches even if you need them by tomorrow. Contact us ASAP to get a free quote and your special student discount!

Good valedictorian speech examples

If you're not sure where to get started, take a look at the example valedictorian speeches to get inspired:

Source:  https://www.sampletemplates.com/business-templates/valedictorian-speech-examples.html

This speech reflects on the unique experience of everyone present and the importance of seeing each day as a learning experience. It also has an inspirational note, encouraging the classmates not to let our self-doubt stand in front of the new opportunities. As any other valedictorian address, it expresses gratitude to teachers, peers, parents, and faculty, and mentions that graduation is only the start of an exciting life.

Source:  https://www.docformats.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Graduation-Speech.png

This concise valedictorian speech congratulates proud graduates and is less formal than the previous one. It emphasizes the importance of education and academic excellence, as well as the friends you made in high school, and ends on a high note, congratulating peers on graduation day and encouraging them to take any path that students want in life.

You can use these examples to get an idea of how to organize your text and what to add. Below, we'll share tips and guidance for writing memorable, inventive valedictorian speeches.

What to say in your graduation speech: Tips & strategies

Good valedictorian speeches share some common elements. They express gratitude for being invited to speak, reflect on shared memories of school days, and look forward to the next phase of life. Here's how to craft a strong high school graduation speech:

Begin with a welcome and gratitude

The opening of your valedictorian speech sets the tone for the rest of your presentation, so it's essential to grab your audience's attention from the start.

Begin your speech by thanking everyone who helped you achieve something in life and guided you along the journey - teachers, students, and parents. This will set a humble, appreciative tone. Congratulate fellow students on their big day and start with an anecdote or an interesting fact.

Choose a theme for your valedictorian speech

Good speeches have a central element that sets the tone. You may use one element for the entire graduation speech, or use two or three, just be sure to keep your speech concise. Reach out to other presenters to make sure that they don't use the same theme as you, otherwise the audience will be bored. Here are some popular valedictorian speech perspectives you can use:

  • friends and friendship
  • shared memories
  • overcoming obstacles and failures
  • advice to achieve success
  • importance of gratitude
  • stories about classmates, etc.

Mention collective experiences

After four years in high school, you and your classmates surely have some interesting stories and experiences. Consider telling about challenges you faced, anecdotes, or stories about important milestones. You can mention both achievements and learning experiences.

Sharing such stories will make your speech personal and human, and also will remind your friends and teachers about the most memorable moments.

Use inspiring quotes

Every great valedictorian speech quotes some accomplished person: Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rawling, Steve Jobs, etc. A relevant quote helps inspire the audience, better get your message across and surely draws the attention. Use quotes related to education, achievements, professional development, staying true to yourself, and overcoming setbacks.

Reflect on challenges you faced

Your graduating class surely had its fair share of challenges. Recollect the obstacles that the entire class or several students faced and how they overcame these challenges in your valedictorian speech. Such stories highlight resilience and determination, and show the life lessons you learned.

Similarly, you can tell about the shared triumph - winning in the contest or achieving a big goal together. Just be sure to pick stories that matter to your classmates and resonate with everybody. Such stories will inspire your peers to do better and overcome adversity in the future.

Storytelling techniques make any speech better. They keep the audience engaged and make people relate to your message. Weaving in inspirational stories will also remind your peers about the friendship and the importance of events they had together.

Look into the future

Graduating from school is not the end of your academic journey. In addition to reflecting on the past, a good valedictorian speech also looks positively in the future. Encourage your classmates to embrace change, pursue their dreams fearlessly, and make a positive impact on the world. No matter what path they choose, wish well to everyone in your graduating class and express hope for a great future.

Mention the importance of developing their talents and gaining knowledge for achieving success in life. Encourage everyone to grow professionally and personally. Everybody has the power to make a difference, so, you might want to make this a central element of your speech.

End on a positive note

At the end of the speech, recap the key points and remarkable moments you've shared in your address. Remind the audience about the amazing journey you had together. You don't know if you'll cross paths with your classmates and whether you'll go to the same university. So, wish them luck in all future endeavors and thank them for the time spent together.

Consider adding an inspiring call to action as well. Encourage your friends to pursue their dreams, realize their potential, and stay true to themselves. This will leave your audience with a closing statement that exudes optimism for the future and the great opportunities it holds.

Practice delivering your speech

Your valedictorian speech won't captivate the hearts of the audience if you don't show genuine emotions and read it from paper. After you've written your speech, take some time to polish your delivery. Practice speaking it at home in front of the mirror, or deliver the speech to your friends and family.

Watch your body language and use gestures.

Speak in front of the mirror to control your gestures, facial impressions, and other elements of body language. Use specific hand movements, facial expressions, and posture to enhance your message and connect better with the audience. Make sure that your posture and face are consistent with what you are saying.

Pay attention to your vocal delivery.

Use appropriate pauses and variations of tone to make your speech not only informative, but also emotional. Practice speaking in the microphone to choose the appropriate volume of your speech. Record yourself to see shortcomings in your delivery and fix them. Use a positive, hopeful tone to inspire your classmates and leave a lasting impression.

Maintain eye contact.

When delivering your valedictorian speech, you'll need to maintain eye contact to keep your audience engaged. Learn to scan the room and make eye contact with different sections of the audience. If this sounds challenging at first, try looking at the most distant person in the hall and speaking to them.

Mistakes to avoid when delivering your valedictorian speech

When it comes to delivering a stellar valedictorian speech, content and delivery are equally important. Be sure to avoid these common mistakes to leave a lasting impression:

  • Don't read your speech  - while using speaker's notes is okay, reading from paper makes a poor impression. It shows your fellow graduates that you didn't take enough time to rehearse and practice.
  • Don't rush  - some people start speaking faster when they get nervous. Yet, there's a risk that the audience miss the content of your speech. Practice to maintain a steady pace so that everyone understands your message.
  • Don't use little-known facts  - in your speech, use stories that most graduates know and will find relatable. Sharing a story about your friend that anyone knows isn't likely to sound impressive.
  • Don't keep it too formal  - leaving high school is an important emotional moment, so being too reserved can spoil the moment. Use genuine emotions when crafting your valedictorian speech - they will surely resonate with the audience.
  • Don't overuse cliches  - each bad valedictorian speech is full of cliches. To make your speech memorable, use authentic stories and vivid language. If you struggle to pick the right words, consider working with a speechwriter.

By following these tips, you'll craft a valedictorian speech that reflects your shared journey, motivates your classmates for great things in life, and leaves everyone uplifted and inspired. So, encourage your classmates to strive for excellence in everything and highlight the potential of each individual.

Use storytelling techniques, show genuine emotions, and use an enthusiastic tone to get your speech remembered by everyone.

Let our valedictorian speech experts help and impress your graduating class

Writing and delivering a valedictorian speech is a responsible task. If you feel the pressure or your perfectionism gets in the way, consider getting help from a talented speechwriter. At SpeechPaths, we prepare affordable speeches for any special occasion, including high school graduation.

You'll work one-on-one with a pro writer who will find the right words and use storytellin

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How to Write a Valedictorian Speech

Last Updated: December 10, 2022 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,160,316 times.

Giving your valedictorian or graduation speech at the end of your time at high school is both an exciting and sometimes daunting task, and it is one that most speech givers relish. Its aim is to provide a persuasive, moving, and ultimately uplifting speech. You want to give your listeners a fond farewell to high school, and also inspire them to go out and achieve greatness. That's quite a task for a speech giver in just one address. You can do it, though, as long as you plan and prepare your address before you get up to speak.

Planning Your Speech

Step 1 Read other graduation speeches.

  • Steve Jobs at Stanford in 2005
  • J.K. Rowling at Harvard in 2008
  • David Foster Wallace at Kenyon in 2009

Step 2 Find a theme.

  • “Find and follow your passion”
  • “You do not need to be perfect”
  • “If you think and believe you can, you can”
  • “Try selflessness and give back”

Step 3 Make an outline.

  • Your outline should include multiple parts, sections, and subsections.

Step 4 Talk to other students.

  • Note any themes or trends amongst the students. Find the most common and important ones, and stick with those.
  • Don't forget the smaller memories and lesser-known stories. Mentioning them during your speech will help make those people feel noticed.

Step 5 Remember your audience.

  • If you aren’t sure how your speech will go, think about if you were listening to it. Is this the kind of speech you would like to hear at your graduation? [5] X Trustworthy Source University of North Carolina Writing Center UNC's on-campus and online instructional service that provides assistance to students, faculty, and others during the writing process Go to source
  • If you’re not sure you would enjoy it, your fellow students probably won’t either.

Step 6 Keep it short.

  • Talk to your principal or teachers to get a sense of how much time you have. If they don’t have good guidelines, 5 to 10 minutes should be more than enough.
  • The average speaker reads about 120 words in a minute. That is a little less than 1 page of double-spaced,16-point font, which you’ll want because it is easier to read. [7] X Research source

Step 7 Put your most important message at the end.

  • Keep the message short, brief and to the point. This will make it easier to remember.
  • Your message does not have to be philosophical or mundane. It can be humorous.

Including Important Parts

Step 1 Thank people.

  • One way to make this more accessible to the rest of the class is to finish this section by encouraging or reminding the other graduates to thank someone too.

Step 2  Include a...

  • One style of joke is the funny inspirational quote, like Will Rogers’s “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there,” or Ben Franklin’s “You will find the key to success under the alarm clock.” These clever lines can be a good start to a speech, introducing your big theme. [10] X Research source
  • Look for funny stories specific to your school. These can help personalize your speech, and reference things that most of the audience will recognize. You can make fun of school construction that was “building the future one closed hallway at a time.”
  • You only need to include a few jokes. This is a valedictorian speech, not an audition for your stand-up comedy career.
  • Remember to write them down and rehearse them just like the rest of your speech. You don’t stumble over the punchlines or forget how they go on the big day.
  • Keep it clean. Your audience will include teachers, parents, grandparents, and siblings, including your own, so make sure your jokes are appropriate for all.

Step 3 Reflect on the past.

  • Make sure you mention specific accomplishments. Look for sports championships, awards, charity events, anything that you or your classmates accomplished during your time in high school. The more examples you can include that don’t involve you, the better. You are celebrating your whole class’ accomplishments, not just your own.

Step 4 Talk about what comes next.

  • As the valedictorian, you are probably going on to college after graduating. That may not be true for everyone in your class, so don’t forget to mention other possible avenues like getting a job or serving in the military.
  • If you aren’t sure what kinds of things your classmates are doing after graduation, that’s a great thing to ask when you talk to them.

Step 5 Tell a personal story.

  • If you don’t have a specific funny story about you or your friends, consider talking about how you’ve changed over your time in high school. Think about how you felt when you started as a freshman, how you got lost in the large school, or couldn’t reach your locker. A personal story is also a good way to add a little self-deprecating humor, as long as you are comfortable telling a story where you don’t look brilliant or cool.

Step 6 Avoid cliches.

  • This means quotes too. One or two good quotes from famous people can be useful, as long as they relate directly to your main point. Remember that people want to hear you talk, not recite a list of famous lines.

Delivering Your Speech

Step 1 Practice your speech.

  • If you can, recreate the setting as much as possible. Wear your cap and gown so you will be comfortable in them, and practice at the podium or where the graduation is, if possible. The more familiar you are with the setting, the more comfortable you will be in giving your speech.

Step 2  Keep it...

  • Letting one or two tears out can be fine. You can always pass it off by blaming allergies, or make a joke about it being dusty in the room.

Step 3 Enjoy yourself.

Sample Valedictorian Speeches

sample valedictory speech for elementary

Expert Q&A

Lynn Kirkham

  • Remember that you were picked to be valedictorian for a reason. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, to speak as the representative of your graduating class, so give it your best. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 0
  • Bring a copy of your speech. While you may be able to memorize it, practicing in front of the mirror or your friends is a bit different than speaking at the actual graduation. Even if you think you know it all by heart, you’ll want the little reminder just in case. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

sample valedictory speech for elementary

  • Avoid doing distracting things while giving your speech. This means keeping your phone off, making sure you don’t have a noisy keychain or coins in your pocket, and not chewing gum while speaking. These will make it difficult for people to hear you, and won’t keep their attention on your words. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 2
  • Many high schools will review your speech before you give it to make sure you don’t touch on any controversial or inappropriate topics. It is not a good idea to submit one speech to the school, then give a completely different one as a way to get around this. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 6
  • Avoid plagiarism. This is your speech, not a chance to use someone else’s. Make sure your work is original to you and your school. With so many speeches available online, it can be tempting to just copy one for yourself, but remember that will make it easy for people to catch you as well. Thanks Helpful 16 Not Helpful 7

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  • ↑ https://personalexcellence.co/blog/graduation-speeches/
  • ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/speeches/
  • ↑ http://onlinespeechwriting.com/how-to-write-a-valedictorian-speech-an-effective-guide.html
  • ↑ Lynn Kirkham. Public Speaking Coach. Expert Interview. 20 November 2019.
  • ↑ http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/audience/
  • ↑ https://skillpath.com/blog/hate-public-speaking
  • ↑ http://blog.oup.com/2015/05/how-to-write-graduation-speech/
  • ↑ https://www.bigbencomedy.com/archives/what-do-you-do-when-nobody-laughs/
  • ↑ https://routinelynomadic.com/funny-inspirational-quotes/
  • ↑ https://www.hawaii.edu/mauispeech/html/practicing_speeches.html
  • ↑ http://www.npr.org/2010/12/06/131734718/just-breathe-body-has-a-built-in-stress-reliever

About This Article

Lynn Kirkham

To write a valedictorian speech, start by deciding on your theme. Choose something inspiring, like “find and follow your passion,” “you don’t need to be perfect,” or “if you think and believe you can, you can.” Then, make an outline of the speech with a few major points and a couple of jokes throughout, and plan to make your most important point at the end. Remember to thank the people who have helped your class along the way, and take time to reflect on the past. For tips on handling speech anxiety and connecting with your audience, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Valedictorian Speech Templates


A valedictorian speech is a culminating address delivered by the class’s highest achiever, similar in spirit to a student council speech , where leadership and inspiration converge. It encapsulates the journey, trials, and triumphs of the graduating class, weaving in gratitude, reflections, and forward-looking aspirations. This sample speech serves not only as a farewell but also as a beacon of encouragement for graduates stepping into the future

Valedictorian Speech Examples

24 sample speech examples, 9+ salutatorian speech samples.

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  • 44+ Speech Samples

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Valedictorian Speech for High School

Good evening, esteemed faculty, proud parents, honored guests, and, most importantly, my fellow graduates. Today, as we stand on the precipice of the future, it is my profound honor to address you as the valedictorian of our class.

Four years ago, we embarked on a journey together, not knowing where it would lead us or the challenges we would face. We entered the halls of our high school as children, but today, we leave as adults, armed with knowledge, experiences, and memories that will last a lifetime.

To our teachers, thank you for your unwavering dedication and for pushing us beyond our limits. You have not only been educators but mentors, guiding us with patience and wisdom, and preparing us for the challenges ahead. You saw potential in us even when we doubted ourselves, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

To our parents and families, thank you for your love and support. You have been our backbone, cheering us on from the sidelines, celebrating our victories, and comforting us in our defeats. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed, and today is as much your achievement as it is ours.

And to my fellow graduates, what can I say? We did it! Together, we have experienced highs and lows, successes and failures, laughter and tears. We have learned not just from textbooks, but from each other. We have grown together, shaped by each other’s perspectives, dreams, and values. As we move forward, let us carry these lessons and friendships with us, for they are the true essence of our high school experience.

As we stand on the threshold of the future, it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The road ahead is uncharted, full of possibilities and opportunities. Some of us will go on to college, others will enter the workforce, and some may travel or pursue other passions. Whatever path you choose, pursue it with passion and determination. Remember, success is not measured by the destination, but by the journey and the lives we touch along the way.

Let us also remember that with great potential comes great responsibility. We are the leaders of tomorrow, and it falls upon us to make the world a better place. Whether through small acts of kindness or grand gestures of innovation and change, let us contribute to a future where equality, justice, and compassion prevail.

As we bid farewell to our high school years, let us embrace the future with open hearts and open minds. Let’s dream big, take risks, and never forget where we came from. The world is vast, and the possibilities are endless.

So, to the class of [Year], congratulations! Our adventure begins now. Let’s make it a journey worth remembering. Thank you.

valedictorian speech for high school

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Valedictorian Speech for Graduation

Good evening, esteemed faculty, dedicated parents, honored guests, and, most importantly, my fellow graduates. As we gather here today, on the brink of our futures, it is my privilege to stand before you as the valedictorian of our class, not just to celebrate our accomplishments but to reflect on our journey and ponder the vast horizon that lies ahead.

We embarked on this journey together, navigating the challenges of high school, each of us fueled by our dreams, our passions, and an unwavering hope for the future. It was a journey marked by endless assignments, countless late nights, and, yes, an unimaginable amount of coffee. Yet, here we are, having emerged stronger, wiser, and ready to take on the world.

To our teachers, thank you for your invaluable guidance, patience, and unwavering belief in our potential. You have not only taught us academic subjects but life lessons that we will carry with us as we move forward. Your dedication has shaped us in ways that go beyond the confines of the classroom, and for that, we are eternally grateful.

To our parents and guardians, your unconditional love and support have been our anchor. You have cheered us on at our highest highs and comforted us during our lowest lows. Your sacrifices have not gone unnoticed, and we stand here today as a testament to your unwavering commitment to our success.

And to my fellow graduates, what can I say? We did it! Together, we have laughed, cried, succeeded, and sometimes failed, but most importantly, we grew up together. The bonds we have formed will last a lifetime, and the memories we have created will be cherished forever.

As we stand on the precipice of the future, it is natural to feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. The world we are stepping into is filled with uncertainties, but it is also ripe with possibilities. We are entering this new chapter at a time when the world needs fresh ideas, compassion, and resilience more than ever. I have no doubt that we are up to the challenge. We are a generation of dreamers, innovators, and change-makers, ready to make our mark on the world.

As we go forth, let us carry with us the lessons we have learned, the friendships we have forged, and the determination to make a difference. Let us approach the future with open hearts and open minds, ready to embrace the opportunities that await us.

In closing, I offer you this piece of advice: never forget where you came from, but never let that hold you back from where you are going. The future is ours for the taking, so let us go out there and make it amazing.

Congratulations, Class of [Year]! We did it!

valedictorian speech for graduation

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Inspirational Valedictorian Speech

Dear esteemed faculty, beloved families, honored guests, and, most importantly, my fellow graduates,

Today marks a pivotal moment in our lives, a day where achievement and anticipation intertwine, creating a foundation for our future. Standing here, I am overwhelmed with a sense of pride in our collective accomplishments and a profound gratitude for those who have guided us to this moment.

We began this journey as individuals from diverse backgrounds, each with our unique dreams and aspirations. Yet, over these transformative years, we have woven a tapestry of shared experiences, learning not just from textbooks, but from each other. We have faced challenges that tested our resilience, celebrated victories that lifted our spirits, and shared moments that will forever be etched in our hearts.

To our esteemed teachers and mentors, you have been our compass in this journey, providing us with the knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration to pursue our dreams. Your dedication has not only illuminated our minds but has also kindled in us a passion for learning that extends beyond the classroom. For this, we are eternally grateful.

To our families, your unwavering support and love have been our anchor in times of storm and our beacon of light, guiding us towards our aspirations. Your sacrifices have paved the path for our success, and though we may not say it enough, we appreciate and cherish everything you have done for us.

And to my fellow graduates, as we stand on the brink of a new chapter, let us take a moment to reflect on our journey. We have grown in knowledge and character, ready to embark on new adventures. The world before us is vast and filled with endless possibilities. It beckons us to explore, to create, and to make our mark.

As we move forward, let us carry with us the spirit of optimism, the courage to face challenges, and the determination to pursue our dreams. Let us remember that success is not measured by the heights we achieve but by the obstacles we overcome while attempting to succeed.

Let us also cherish the memories we have created, for they will be the fuel that inspires us to achieve greatness. And as we step into the future, let us do so with the confidence that we are prepared to make a difference in the world.

In closing, I urge you, my fellow graduates, to embrace your potential, to be bold in the pursuit of your passions, and to always remember that within us lies the power to shape our destiny. As we part ways, let us hold onto the bonds we have formed, for they will provide us with strength and support as we navigate the journey ahead.

Congratulations, Class of [Year]! Our adventure begins now. Let us step forward with hope, ready to build, to dream, and to achieve. Together, we are unstoppable.

inspirational valedictorian speech

How to Start a Valedictorian Speech

Starting a valedictorian speech can feel daunting, but it’s your moment to inspire and connect with your audience from the very beginning. Here are some effective strategies to craft a memorable opening:

1. Share a Memorable Quote:

Begin with a quote that resonates with your message or experience. It could be from a famous figure, literature, or even something from a teacher or classmate. For example, “As [Famous Person] once said, ‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.’ Today, as we stand on the threshold of our own futures, these words have never felt more true.”

2. Start with a Story or Anecdote:

Open with a short, personal story or anecdote that reflects your high school experience, a lesson learned, or a moment that defines your class. This approach personalizes your speech and draws your audience in. For instance, “I remember the first day we walked into these halls, not knowing the incredible journey that awaited us.”

3. Use Humor:

Light humor can ease your nerves and engage your audience. A funny, school-related observation or a light-hearted comment about your time in high school can set a positive tone. For example, “I’ve spent the last four years trying to find the perfect balance between sleep, study, and social life. Spoiler alert: I’m still searching.”

4. Ask a Rhetorical Question:

Begin with a thought-provoking question that piques interest and sets the stage for your speech. For example, “What does it truly mean to be a graduate of [School Name]? Today, I hope to explore that question together.”

5. Acknowledge the Occasion:

Recognize the significance of the graduation ceremony and the sense of achievement among your peers. For example, “Today marks the culmination of years of hard work, challenges overcome, and successes celebrated. It’s a day we’ve all eagerly anticipated.”

6. Express Gratitude:

Start by thanking the people who helped you and your classmates reach this moment—teachers, families, and friends. This not only shows appreciation but also connects with the audience on an emotional level. For example, “Before I begin, I want to take a moment to thank those who have been our guides, our supporters, and our inspiration.”

7. Reflect on the Journey:

Highlight the shared experiences of your class, focusing on growth and the journey rather than just the destination. For example, “As we gather here today, it’s not just the diploma that marks our achievement, but the journey we’ve taken together to get to this moment.”

8. Set the Tone:

Decide what you want your audience to feel or think as they listen to your speech. Your opening can set the tone for inspiration, reflection, gratitude, or a call to action.

By choosing an opening that resonates with you personally, you’ll speak more authentically and connect more deeply with your audience. Remember, the best way to start your valedictorian speech is with sincerity, enthusiasm, and a clear sense of purpose.

how to start a valedictorian speech

High School Graduation Speech Examples

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Free Valedictorian Speech Examples

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Tips to Write the Best Valedictorian Speech

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  • Start with Reflection: Begin by reflecting on your shared experiences as a class. Highlight memorable moments, challenges overcome, and achievements that defined your journey. This sets a relatable tone and connects you with your audience.
  • Incorporate Gratitude: Acknowledge the support and guidance of teachers, family, and friends. Personalize your thanks to make it heartfelt, showing genuine appreciation for the roles they’ve played in your and your classmates’ academic and personal growth.
  • Share Personal Stories: Use personal anecdotes or stories that encapsulate your high school experience. These stories can illustrate lessons learned, moments of growth, or funny memories that add a personal touch and engage the audience.
  • Offer Inspiration: Infuse your speech with inspiring messages about the future. Encourage your peers to pursue their dreams with determination and resilience. Use motivational quotes or advice that has personally impacted you as a way to inspire others.
  • Call to Action: Challenge your classmates to make a positive impact in whatever path they choose. Whether it’s continuing education, entering the workforce, or pursuing other passions, encourage them to approach the future with optimism and a desire to contribute meaningfully to society.
  • Close with Hope: End your speech on a hopeful and uplifting note. Express your confidence in your class’s ability to succeed and make a difference in the world. Leave your peers feeling motivated and optimistic about the next chapter of their lives.

Valedictorian Speech Sample

valedictorian speech sample

My fellow graduate friends, it was only four years ago that we entered here and it is already time to leave. Time really passed in the blink of an eye. All the knowledge instilled in us by our teachers would surely prove to be immensely valuable to us in our future endeavors. The most significant value that I have learned is teamwork and collaborative approach. I am sure we would not measure the time we have spent here in years but in the friendships we have built and the memories we have made. You may also see speech writing examples .

I am grateful to each and everyone over here. (You can take some names of teachers and talk about the unique quality that they possessed. You can even share some incidents that you would fondly remember through the years.) I am having  mixed feelings at the moment- the feeling of relief for being graduated and the feeling of leaving amazing teachers and friends. What I am today is all because of the wonderful teachers and friends I met here. I would like to congratulate all the graduates on finishing their degrees. It is surely a great accomplishment and something in which you can take pride. I wish everyone many congratulations once again and good luck for a bright future. You may also see introductory speech examples .

What is a Commencement Speech?

A commencement speech is a speech given at a graduation ceremony, often by a notable figure, to congratulate and inspire graduates as they transition to the next phase of their lives. It typically includes advice, reflections, and encouragement for the graduating class.

What Type of Speech is a Commencement Speech?

Type of Speech Description
Inspirational Aims to motivate and inspire graduates.
Reflective Often includes reflections on achievements.
Encouraging Offers encouragement for future endeavors.
Advice-Giving Provides guidance and life lessons.
Celebratory Celebrates the accomplishments of graduates.
Future-Focused Emphasizes transitioning to the next phase.

What is a Commencement Speech Meant to Do?

A commencement speech is meant to inspire and motivate graduates as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. It often provides guidance, encouragement, and reflections on their achievements, aiming to instill hope and confidence in their future endeavors.

Commencement Speech Topics?

  • Overcoming challenges and adversity.
  • Pursuing dreams and passions.
  • Embracing change and uncertainty.
  • Importance of resilience and persistence.
  • Navigating life’s transitions.
  • Making a positive impact on the world.
  • Embracing diversity and inclusivity.

Difference Between Commencement Speech and Valedictorian Speech?

Commencement Speech Valedictorian Speech
Given by a guest speaker or notable figure, often external to the graduating class. Delivered by the top-ranking student academically within the graduating class.
Offers general advice, reflections, and motivation for all graduates. Focuses on personal experiences, memories, and gratitude specific to the graduating class.
Often includes broader life lessons and encouragement for future endeavors. Reflects on the academic journey, thanks teachers, peers, and families, and often includes memories shared by the class.
Intended for the entire graduating class and guests. Addresses and represents the thoughts and experiences of the graduating class.

Valedictory Speech Sample PDF

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Four years ago, we came with dreams and aspirations. Today, we are leaving with even bigger ambitions. All of us had different backgrounds when we entered here but we are leaving as the proud students of the same university with a common wish to be successful. As I say this, I feel a heavy heart. Once we hurl our caps, we will have to leave the comfortable premises of our University and things will change. You may also see salutatorian speech samples

All of us are gearing up for the next phase of our life with passion, perseverance and dedication to make it big in the time to come. I have realized that external factors cannot define me. The committed faculty members of my university have played a pivotal role in molding my personality and constantly encouraged me. I owe all my achievements to my parents, family, friends, professors and God who have helped me in pursuing my goals and inspired me to attain it. I express my heartfelt gratitude to them all and congratulate the fellow graduates for the huge success. You may also see tribute speech examples

College Valedictorian Speech

college valedictorian speech

My fellow graduates, it is an utmost honor for me to deliver the valedictorian speech today. It will be one of the most memorable days for me all my life. Graduation is the day that represents the beginning of one chapter of our life and end of another. I am pretty sure all of us have some really wonderful experiences at this college. The effort and hard work that we have put throughout the academic years has finally paid off and today, we stand together as proud graduates of our college. You may also see graduation speech examples .

The vision of our college and its institutional excellence has made us what we are. I can still see myself as that student on the first day and how my college professors have made me competent enough to stand here in front of so many honorable guests. This college has given me a direction to move forward in life and for that, I am extremely thankful to my professors and seniors from the bottom of my heart. On this day, we stand together as respectable graduates of our college and I am sure we will do it proud. Many Congratulations to all my friends and wishing everyone good luck for the future. You may also see ceremonial speech examples

Speech About Valedictorian

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What are Some Features of Valedictorian Speech?

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Valedictorian speeches, marking a significant educational milestone, typically share several key features that distinguish them from other addresses:

  • Reflective: They look back on the experiences shared by the class during their academic journey, highlighting both challenges and triumphs.
  • Inspirational: These speeches aim to inspire fellow graduates to pursue their dreams and ambitions with courage and determination as they embark on the next phase of their lives.
  • Gratitude: They express thanks to teachers, families, and mentors who have supported the students throughout their educational endeavors, acknowledging their invaluable contribution.
  • Personal Growth: Valedictorian speeches often touch upon the personal growth and development of the speaker and their classmates, emphasizing the lessons learned beyond academic knowledge.
  • Futuristic: They look forward to the future, discussing the potential and possibilities that lie ahead for the graduates, often with a sense of optimism and excitement.
  • Encouraging: Valedictorian speeches encourage peers to face the future with resilience, embracing challenges as opportunities for further growth and success.
  • Memorable: They aim to leave a lasting impression on the audience, often through the use of compelling stories, meaningful quotes, or a strong, motivational closing.
  • Inclusive: While delivered by the class’s top academic performer, these speeches are inclusive, celebrating the achievements and contributions of the entire graduating class.

By incorporating these features, valedictorian speeches not only commemorate a pivotal moment but also unite the graduating class, preparing them for the journey ahead with a shared sense of purpose and hope.

Best Valedictorian Speech

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Short Valedictorian Speech Examples

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Valedictorian Speeches

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Valedictory Message

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Valedictorian Speech Ideas

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How to Proceed?

In order to write an interesting valedictorian speech, you should follow a pattern. You should be able to portray the concerned organization in a way that expresses gratitude and a sense of fondness in it. Make sure it is short and subtle. Deliver the graduation speech examples such that it seems that you are having a heart to heart conversation with your best friend.

You can personalize these example valedictorian speeches and add the names of your esteemed chancellor, principal, professors and senior faculty members, and even your friends. It would surely be a great valedictorian speech if you go through these simple examples and our ideas. We are also open to your feedback and inputs. You may also see self introduction speech examples .

How to Write a Valedictorian Speech?

To write a valedictorian speech , focus on gratitude, memorable experiences, future aspirations, and inspirational messages. Begin with a captivating opening, express gratitude, share personal stories, offer advice, and end with a hopeful conclusion. Keep it concise, rehearse, and connect with the audience.

Who do you Address in a Valedictorian Speech?

In a valedictorian speech, you address fellow graduates, faculty, family, and guests, expressing gratitude and reflecting on shared experiences.

What Do You Say in Valedictorian Speeches?

In valedictorian speeches, you typically express gratitude, share memorable experiences, offer advice, and convey inspirational messages . Start with a captivating opening, thank teachers and classmates, share personal stories, provide guidance for the future, and end with a hopeful conclusion. Keep it concise and connect with the audience.

What is the Main Purpose of Valedictorian Speech?

The main purpose of a valedictorian speech is to inspire and reflect, expressing gratitude, sharing experiences, offering advice, and leaving a memorable impression on the audience, often at a graduation ceremony .

Who is the Valedictorian?

The valedictorian is the student with the highest academic achievement in a graduating class, typically earning the highest grade point average (GPA).

What are the Top 3 Graduates Called?

The top 3 graduates are often referred to as the valedictorian (1st), salutatorian (2nd), and historian (3rd), based on their academic achievements in a graduating class.

How Do You Become a Valedictorian?

To become a valedictorian, typically achieve the highest grade point average (GPA) in your graduating class by consistently earning top grades throughout your academic career.

How Do You End a Valedictorian Speech?

To end a valedictorian speech, offer a hopeful and memorable conclusion. Express gratitude, inspire your peers, and leave a lasting impression with a positive and meaningful closing statement.

How Do You Congratulate a Valedictorian?

To congratulate a valedictorian, offer heartfelt praise, commend their hard work and achievements, and express confidence in their future success. A simple “Congratulations on your outstanding achievement!” is a great way to start.

What is a Valedictory Message?

A valedictory message is a farewell or parting message, often delivered in a speech, offering thanks, best wishes, or words of inspiration, typically by a valedictorian or at the end of a significant event or occasion.

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  2. Valedictory Speech Free Download

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  5. 14+ Perfect Valedictorian Speech Examples in MS WORD

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  6. Elementary Valedictorian Speech

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  1. Sample Valedictory Address for Elementary

    Find two sample speeches for elementary valedictorians from different schools and regions in the Philippines. Learn how to express your gratitude, achievements, and aspirations in your valedictory address.

  2. 3 Valedictorian Speech Samples That Will Impress

    Sample 1. Ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, faculty, family, and my fellow graduates, today marks a pivotal moment in our lives. As we gather in the spirit of celebration and reflection, it is with immense pride and a deep sense of gratitude that I stand before you as the valedictorian of the class. Our journey to this moment has been ...

  3. Example of a Valedictorian Speech

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  4. Elementary School Graduation Speech

    To our young Ladies and Gentlemen seated in front of us tonight listening to our elementary school graduation speech - we are immeasurably proud of each and everyone of you. There were those of you who seemed to have wings and you just soared over the obstacles and challenges that crossed your path. It is a wonderful gift and one that never ...

  5. 12 Best Valedictorian Speech Examples

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  6. 4 Tips To Write The Best Valedictorian Speech (With Samples!)

    Step 2: Check for Themes. Once you've talked to others in your graduating class, look for any recurring themes. Write these down, and then think about world and school events that fit in with that theme. Tap into the nostalgia factor as you prepare to say goodbye to your school and classmates. Example Themes:

  7. Valedictorian Speech

    A valedictorian speech is a formal address delivered by the valedictorian of a graduating class during the graduation ceremony. The valedictorian, typically the student with the highest academic achievements in their class, is given the honor of presenting this speech. Valedictorian Speech Bundle. Valedictorian Speech Bundle Download ...

  8. Here's a Template for a Valedictory Speech

    Here's a template to pass along to the valedictorian in your life. My fellow graduates. Over the last four years here at [Insert name of high school.], we have learned a lot. Mr. [Insert name of math teacher.] taught us how to [Insert a complicated sounding math thing.]. Ms. [Insert name of English teacher.] taught us [Insert interesting ...

  9. Elementary Valedictorian Speech

    Elementary Valedictorian Speech - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document appears to be a graduation speech thanking various people for their support throughout the speaker's educational journey. In three sentences: The speaker reflects on their experiences in school from their morning routine to studying for exams and ...

  10. Sample of a Valedictorian Speech; Tips, Template, Expert Analysis

    We will share all the key tips, templates, and Expert Analysis for such a speech. We will also provide you with a Sample of a Valedictorian Speech that will help you prepare your own speech with the utmost finesse. So, if you are a Valedictorian worried about the speech for your graduation ceremony, go through the complete article.

  11. Your Guide To Writing The Perfect Valedictorian Speech (With Sample Speech)

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  13. Inspiring Valedictorian Speech Examples to Help You Write Your Own

    Get organized. Once you have chosen a topic, create an outline that divides your speech into sections, beginning with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Develop your main points and make sure that each one is addressed within each section of the outline. 3. Start writing as soon as possible.

  14. Writing Your Valedictorian Speech from Beginning to End

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  15. Valedictorian Speech

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  16. How to Write a Valedictorian Speech (Ideas, Tips, and Examples)

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  18. Ang Kalyeserye ng Ating Buhay: A valedictory address

    Araw ng Pagtatapos 2016 "Ang Kalyeserye ng Ating Buhay: A valedictory address". Sa ating panauhing pandangal sa araw na ito, sa mahusay na punong guro ng Paaralang Elementarya ng _____ , sa Barangay Captain ng Barangay _____, sa aming masipag, masayahin at butihing punong guro_____, sa mga mahal naming mga guro ng paaralang elementarya ng _____, sa 'king mga kaibigan at kamag-aral, mga ...

  19. Valedictorian Speech (Sample)

    Valedictorian Speech (Sample) - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The student gives a graduation speech thanking the teachers, parents, and school officials for their support and guidance over the years. They express gratitude for helping them become better people and preparing them for the future.

  20. Amazing Valedictorian Speech Examples & Tips

    The opening of your valedictorian speech sets the tone for the rest of your presentation, so it's essential to grab your audience's attention from the start. Begin your speech by thanking everyone who helped you achieve something in life and guided you along the journey - teachers, students, and parents. This will set a humble, appreciative tone.

  21. How to Write a Valedictorian Speech (with Pictures)

    6. Keep it short. Your speech is just one part of a larger ceremony, and people probably won't want to listen to you give a half-hour lecture on the nature of friendship and the universe. Keep your thoughts short and to the point. Plus, if you don't like giving speeches, keeping it short will make it go faster. [6]

  22. FREE 15+ Valedictorian Speech Sample & Templates in PDF

    Valedictorian Speech for High School. Good evening, esteemed faculty, proud parents, honored guests, and, most importantly, my fellow graduates. Today, as we stand on the precipice of the future, it is my profound honor to address you as the valedictorian of our class. Four years ago, we embarked on a journey together, not knowing where it ...