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Writing a Personal Statement

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Preparing to Write

Brainstorming, don't forget, sample prompts.

A personal statement is a narrative essay that connects your background, experiences, and goals to the mission, requirements, and desired outcomes of the specific opportunity you are seeking. It is a critical component in the selection process, whether the essay is for a competitive internship, a graduate fellowship, or admittance to a graduate school program. It gives the selection committee the best opportunity to get to know you, how you think and make decisions, ways in which past experiences have been significant or formative, and how you envision your future. Personal statements can be varied in form; some are given a specific prompt, while others are less structured. However, in general a personal statement should answer the following questions:

  • Who are you?
  • What are your goals?
  • How does this specific program/opportunity help you achieve your goals?
  • What is in the future?

A personal statement is not:

  • A variation of your college admissions essay
  • An academic/research paper
  • A narrative version of your resume
  • A creative writing piece (it can be creative, though)
  • An essay about somebody else

Keep in mind that your statement is only a portion of the application and should be written with this in mind. Your entire application package will include some, possibly all, of the materials listed below. You will want to consider what these pieces of the application communicate about you. Your personal statement should aim to tie everything together and fill in or address any gaps. There will likely be some overlap but be sure not to be too repetitive.

  • Personal Statement(s)
  • Transcripts
  • Letters of recommendations
  • Sample of written work
  • Research proposal

For a quick overview of personal statements, you might begin by watching this "5 Minute Fellowships" video!

If you are writing your first personal statement or working to improve upon an existing personal statement, the video below is a helpful, in-depth resource.

A large portion of your work towards completing a personal statement begins well before your first draft or even an outline. It is incredibly important to be sure you understand all of the rules and regulations around the statement. Things to consider before you begin writing:

  • How many prompts? And what are they? It is important to know the basics so you can get your ideas in order. Some programs will require a general statement of interest and a focused supplementary or secondary statement closely aligned with the institution's goals.
  • Are there formatting guidelines? Single or double spaced, margins, fonts, text sizes, etc. Our general guideline is to keep it simple.
  • How do I submit my statement(s)? If uploading a document we highly suggest using a PDF as it will minimize the chances of accidental changes to formatting. Some programs may event ask you to copy and paste into a text box.
  • When do I have to submit my statement(s)? Most are due at the time of application but some programs, especially medical schools, will ask for secondary statements a few months after you apply. In these instances be sure to complete them within two weeks, any longer is an indication that you aren't that interested in the institution.

Below is a second 5 Minute Fellowships video that can help you get started!

Before you start writing, take some time to reflect on your experiences and motivations as they relate to the programs to which you are applying. This will offer you a chance to organize your thoughts which will make the writing process much easier. Below are a list of questions to help you get started:

  • What individuals, experiences or events have shaped your interest in this particular field?
  • What has influenced your decision to apply to graduate school?
  • How does this field align with your interests, strengths, and values?
  • What distinguishes you from other applicants?
  • What would you bring to this program/profession?
  • What has prepared you for graduate study in this field? Consider your classes at Wellesley, research and work experience, including internships, summer jobs and volunteer work.
  • Why are you interested in this particular institution or degree program?
  • How is this program distinct from others?
  • What do you hope to gain?
  • What is motivating you to seek an advanced degree now?
  • Where do you see yourself headed and how will this degree program help you get there?

For those applying to Medical School, if you need a committee letter for your application and are using the Medical Professions Advisory Committee you have already done a lot of heavy lifting through the 2017-2018 Applicant Information Form . Even if you aren't using MPAC the applicant information form is a great place to start.

Another great place to start is through talking out your ideas. You have a number of options both on and off campus, such as: Career Education advisors and mentors ( you can set up an appointment here ), major advisor, family, friends. If you are applying to a graduate program it is especially important to talk with a faculty member in the field. Remember to take good notes so you can refer to them later.

When you begin writing keep in mind that your essay is one of many in the application pool. This is not to say you should exaggerate your experiences to “stand out” but that you should focus on clear, concise writing. Also keep in mind that the readers are considering you not just as a potential student but a future colleague. Be sure to show them examples and experiences which demonstrate you are ready to begin their program.

It is important to remember that your personal statement will take time and energy to complete, so plan accordingly. Every application and statement should be seen as different from one another, even if they are all the same type of program. Each institution may teach you the same material but their delivery or focus will be slightly different.

In addition, remember:

  • Be yourself: You aren’t good at being someone else
  • Tragedy is not a requirement, reflection and depth are
  • Research the institution or organization
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread
  • How to have your personal statement reviewed

The prompts below are from actual applications to a several types of programs. As you will notice many of them are VERY general in nature. This is why it is so important to do your research and reflect on your motivations. Although the prompts are similar in nature the resulting statements would be very different depending on the discipline and type of program, as well as your particular background and reasons for wanting to pursue this graduate degree.

  • This statement should illustrate your academic background and experiences and explain why you would excel in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (UMass Amherst - M.S. in Civil Engineering).
  • Describe your academic and career objectives and how the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies can help you achieve them. Include other considerations that explain why you seek admissions to the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies and your interests in the environmental field (Yale - Master of Environmental Management).  
  • Please discuss your academic interests and goals. Include your current professional and research interests, as well as your long-range professional objectives. Please be as specific as possible about how your objectives can be met at Clark and do not exceed 800 words (Clark University - M.A. in International Development and Social Change).
  • Write a 500- to 700-word statement that describes your work or research. Discuss how you came to focus on the medium, body of work, or academic area you wish to pursue at the graduate level. Also discuss future directions or goals for your work, and describe how the Master of Fine Arts in Studio (Printmedia) is particularly suited to your professional goals (School of the Art Institute of Chicago - MFA in Studio, Printmaking).
  • Your statement should explain why you want to study economics at the graduate level. The statement is particularly important if there is something unusual about your background and preparation that you would like us to know about you (University of Texas at Austin - Ph.D in Economics).
  • Your personal goal statement is an important part of the review process for our faculty members as they consider your application. They want to know about your background, work experience, plans for graduate study and professional career, qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the program, and any other relevant information (Indiana University Bloomington - M.S.Ed. in Secondary Education).
  • Your autobiographical essay/personal statement is a narrative that outlines significant experiences in your life, including childhood experiences, study and work, your strengths and aspirations in the field of architecture, and why you want to come to the University of Oregon (University of Oregon - Master of Architecture).
  • Personal history and diversity statement, in which you describe how your personal background informs your decision to pursue a graduate degree. You may refer to any educational, familial, cultural, economic or social experiences, challenges, community service, outreach activities, residency and citizenship, first-generation college status, or opportunities relevant to your academic journey; how your life experiences contribute to the social, intellectual or cultural diversity within a campus community and your chosen field; or how you might serve educationally underrepresented and underserved segments of society with your graduate education (U.C. Davis - M.A. in Linguistics).
  • A Personal Statement specifying your past experiences, reasons for applying, and your areas of interest. It should explain your intellectual and personal goals, why you are interested in pursuing an interdisciplinary degree rather than a more traditional disciplinary one, and how this degree fits into your intellectual and personal future (Rutgers University - Ph.D in Women’s and Gender Studies).
  • Your application requires a written statement to uploaded into your application and is a critical component of your application for admission. This is your opportunity to tell us what excites you about the field of library and information science, and what problems you want to help solve in this field. Please also tell us how your prior experiences have prepared you for this next step toward your career goals and how this program will help you achieve them (University of North Carolina Chapel Hill - Master of Science in Library Science).
  • After watching the video, please describe what strengths and preferences as a learner you have that will facilitate your success in this innovative curriculum. What challenges in our curriculum do you anticipate and what strategies might you use to address these challenges? (MGH Institute of Health Professions PT - They recently redesigned their curriculum)
  • Your personal goal statement should briefly describe how you view the future of the field, what your goals are to be part of that future, and what brought you to pursue an advanced education degree in your chosen field. You may include any other information that you feel might be useful. (Northeastern PT)
  • Personal Statement: In 500 words or less, describe a meaningful educational experience that affected your professional goals and growth and explain how it impacted you. The educational experience does not need to be related to this degree. Focus on the educational experience and not why you think you would be a good professional in this field. (Simmons PT)
  • Personal Statement (500 word minimum): State your reasons for seeking admission to this program at this institution. Include your professional goals, why you want to pursue a career in this field and how admission to this program will assist you in accomplishing those goals. (Regis College Nursing)
  • “Use the space provided to explain why you want to go to this type of program.” (AMCAS)
  • Address the following three questions(Though there is no set limit, most statements are 1–2 pages, single-spaced.): What are your reasons for pursuing this degree? Why do you wish to pursue your degree at this institution? How do you intend to leverage your degree in a career of this field? (Boston University MPH)
  • Please submit a personal statement/statement of purpose of no more than 500 words for the department/degree of choice. Professional degree essays require a clear understanding of the _______ field and how you hope to work within the field. Be sure to proofread your personal statement carefully for spelling and grammar. In your statement, be sure to address the following: what interests you in the field of _____ what interests you in a specific degree program and department at this institution and what interests you in a particular certificate (if applicable). Please also describe how you hope to use your ________ training to help you achieve your career goals. (Columbia PhD in Public Health - Epidemiology)
  • Because each Home Program requires significant original research activities in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, we are interested in obtaining as much information as possible about your previous research experiences. Those who already have such experience are in a better position to know whether they are truly interested in performing ______ research as part of a graduate program. Please include specific information about your research experience in your Statement of Purpose. You may also use the Statement to amplify your comments about your choice of Home Program(s), and how your past experiences and current interests are related to your choice. Personal Statements should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). Make sure to set your computer to Western European or other English-language setting. We cannot guarantee the ability to access your statement if it is submitted in other fonts. (Stanford Biosciences PhD)
  • Your statement of purpose should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the Department of ____ at ___ University. It would be helpful to include what you have done to prepare for this degree program. Please describe your research interests, past research experience, future career plans and other details of your background and interests that will allow us to evaluate your ability to thrive in our program. If you have interests that align with a specific faculty member, you may state this in your application. Your statement of purpose should not exceed two pages in length (single spaced). (Stanford Bioengineering PhD)
  • Statement of purpose (Up to one page or 1,000 words): Rather than a research proposal, you should provide a statement of purpose. Your statement should be written in English and explain your motivation for applying for the course at this institution and your relevant experience and education. Please provide an indication of the area of your proposed research and supervisor(s) in your statement. This will be assessed for the coherence of the statement; evidence of motivation for and understanding of the proposed area of study; the ability to present a reasoned case in English; and commitment to the subject. (Oxford Inorganic Chemistry - DPhil)

Related resources

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  • Cover Letter Templates Simple Professional Modern Creative View all
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  • Cover Letter Builder
  • CV Examples
  • Office Administrator

Anna Muckerman

Office Administrator CV Examples & UK Templates

Office Administrator CV Examples & UK Templates

Choosing the right CV format for an office administrator

Include your contact information, make use of a summary, outline your office administrator work experience: career journey to date, include the relevant key skills that make a great office administrator cv, detail your education & relevant administrative certifications, pick the right cv layout and design for an office administrator cv.

Proactive office administrators ensure everyone stays on track in the office. These talented multi-taskers wear many hats, from fielding calls and preparing professional documents to managing office supplies and organising filing systems. 

Employers are looking for office administrators who can apply their skills, experience, and high standards to ensure the office runs like a dream! So, how can you convince them that you’re the administrator they should hire?

To land this key position, you’ll need a well-written CV that shows off your proactive outlook, top-notch organisation skills, attention to detail, and team-focused approach. Get ready to launch a successful job search with our office administrator CV that demands attention!  

CV guide for an office administrator CV

Accelerate success with Resume.io. Our guides and CV examples cover over 150 professions, and our CV builder makes creating a compelling CV easier than ever.

This CV guide and corresponding office administrator CV example will cover the following:

How to write an office administrator CV

  • How to add your contact information
  • Using summaries
  • Adding your administrative experience
  • Listing education and relevant experience
  • Picking the right CV design/layout

The first stage in crafting a top-tier office administrator CV is to be clear about the structure you will use. Your CV should include these key components:

  • The CV header
  • The CV summary (aka profile or personal statement)
  • The employment history section
  • The CV skills section
  • The education section

Office administrators often have a broad range of duties and responsibilities, which can be tricky to condense into a concise one or two-page document. In order to create an office administrator CV that will be successful, you’ll need to fully research the role and employer so that you can tailor your CV and highlight your most impressive administrative achievements.

What is your unique selling proposition? What makes you different from other job applicants? What value can you bring to the employer? The answer to these questions is what will set you apart in this competitive job market.

Try this formula to ensure you tick all the boxes on the hiring manager’s checklist:

  • Quantify achievements rather than simply listing responsibilities in your work experience section . What have you achieved in past administrative roles? Perhaps you streamlined administrative processes or implemented new systems that boosted efficiency. If so, explain how you achieved this and any positive outcomes.
  • Tweak your CV for each job opportunity. Use the job description as your guide and tailor your CV so that it fully meets the criteria of the advertised role.
  • Ensure professional formatting and use bullet points to break up large sections of text so recruiters can easily read and digest your information. This tends to work best in the work experience section, where bullet points can help your achievements to stand out.
  • Optimise your CV with appropriate keywords from the job description. This will help you get past applicant tracking systems that many companies now use.

Always optimize your CV for ATS

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) use algorithms to scan CVs for keywords that match the job description, ranking them according to keyword frequency. Those CVs that rank highly are likely to earn a review by a recruiter, whereas the rest will sink to the bottom of the list. 

Highlight keywords or terms that are emphasised as important or repeated in the job description, then sprinkle these terms across your CV. For example, an office administrator job posting may list the following essential requirements: 

  • “Office Administrator”
  • “Customer service”
  • “MS Office”
  • “Communication skills”
  • “Attention to detail”

Your CV profile summary, when integrating these keywords, could read: 

“Energetic Office Administrator, with a solid foundation in providing optimal administrative support and customer service in fast-paced service environments. Skilled in office software, including advanced knowledge of MS Office. Eager to apply strong communication skills and attention to detail to facilitate smooth and effective office operations.” 

In most cases, the best CV format to use for your office administrator CV is reverse chronological. This format details recent work experience listed under dated employer headings, starting with your current or most recent job and working back to earlier roles. Most hiring managers expect to see this format and, as a result, find it easy to read.

If you’re just starting out as an office administrator, the functional CV format might offer a better solution. This structure prioritises skills and strengths, with little or no focus on any work experience. While this format tackles a lack of experience, it can be viewed a bit like smoke and mirrors by recruiters who may think you’re hiding something. ATS also struggle to parse a skills-based CV as keywords are in the “wrong” place. 

A good compromise is a hybrid (combination) CV format. Often considered the offspring of the reverse chronological and functional CV, this format places equal weight on skills and experience. Perfect if you’ve acquired a little work experience as well as transferable skills.

Your CV needs to be super organised, polished, and professional—also qualities of a great office administrator. Stick to a one-page, clean, crisp, and modern CV design that is straightforward for the hiring manager to read. 

Check out our CV templates if you need some inspiration and choose the format that best suits your situation. We also have several administration CV examples you can review. 

One way to distinguish yourself from other job applicants is with an eye-pleasing CV header that draws attention to your contact information. Essentially, this is your visual brand, so it needs to communicate that you’re the full package: positive, proactive, and professional.

Make sure you use the same header design for your cover letter. By presenting your CV and accompanying cover letter as a matching pair, you’re showing your regard for cohesiveness and the finer details. Here’s what you need to include: 

  • Full name & title . List your first and last name in a large font and bold text, followed by the title of the role you are pursuing.
  • Professional email address . Include a straightforward email address, such as [email protected] . Avoid anything quirky or unprofessional.
  • Phone number . Share a phone number where you can be easily reached, complete with a professional voicemail message.
  • Location . Your full address on a CV is no longer expected. Provide your city or general location or a ‘Willing to relocate' if applicable.
  • LinkedIn . Include a link to your LinkedIn profile. Just check this is updated and consistent with the information on your office administrator CV.

Don’t include:

  • Social media : Avoid including any personal social media accounts, such as Instagram, X, YouTube, or Facebook.
  • Personal details : Personal details, such as marital status, number of children, date of birth, and your NI number, are not expected or required on your CV.

Teddy Bennett

Office Administrator 

07911 123 456

Norwich, UK

[email protected]

LinkedIn profile

Administrative Specialist 


5 Alderstone Terrace, Norwich, UK

Your professional summary is your initial pitch to the hiring manager, so it needs to set the tone and introduce you as an efficient, reliable, and top-notch office administrator. 

How have you reached this point in your career? What are your passions and aspirations? How do these fit with the requirements of the office administrator role? Bottom line: what can you do for this company if hired? An impressive summary will highlight your administrative talents and give the hiring manager a good sense of the value you can bring to their company.

Stick to three or four key sentences that outline your core administrative experience, top soft skills (communication, organisation, and multi-tasking) and the unique value you can offer. This could include your ability to administer multifaceted operations, your commitment to delivering seamless client care, or your proven success optimising administrative systems and processes.  

You will, of course, go into more detail elsewhere in your CV but this will give hiring managers a quick insight into what you have achieved and can achieve in the future. 

Need inspiration for your summary? Check out our related CV examples : 

  • Administrative assistant example
  • Personal assistant example
  • Administrator example

You can find adaptable placement CV example summaries below:

Detail-oriented professional, with valuable administrative and customer service skills gained via volunteer work for a local charity. Highly organised, with the ability to manage multiple tasks concurrently to exacting standards. Articulate and confident communicator.

Experienced, proactive office administrator, who acts with tact, discretion, and professionalism at all times. Skilled in complex diary management, events coordination, and general office management. Proficient in MS Office Suite and various office management software. 

Dynamic and reliable senior administrator, with 8+ years administrative experience in the FMCG sector. Superior organisation and communication skills, applied to ensure seamless office operations and lead the administrative team. Optimised office efficiency by 35% in current role via the introduction of automated systems.

The all-important work experience section is your opportunity to show employers that you’re the perfect administrator for their office. 

Using the job description as your guide, list your current (or most recent) job at the beginning of this section, then work back in reverse chronological order to earlier roles. Just include experience relevant to your target role, covering no more than 10-15 years.

Creating dynamic, concise bullet points under each employer and role heading will make your work history more impactful. Action verbs can build even more momentum. Verbs such as ‘organised,’ ‘handled,’ ‘maintained,’ and ‘revitalised,’ can be applied to create some impact.

As an office administrator, it can sometimes be difficult to include quantifiable information when it comes to detailing achievements on your CV. While you may not have been assigned specific targets, there are bound to be areas where you have gone above and beyond to achieve results. Avoid simply listing administrative responsibilities, for example:  

  • Delivered excellent patient service
  • Optimised internal systems and processes to enhance performance
  • Supervised junior administrators

. Offer insight into what you can achieve by describing beneficial results, such as: 

  • Recognised for customer-centric approach and strong problem-solving skills, leading to an increase in client satisfaction of 25%
  • Directly contributed to the practice of securing AGPAL accreditation as part of the project team tasked with optimising internal administrative policies
  • Successfully trained and mentored new employees to ensure smooth integration to the administrative team

Take a look at the office administrator employment history CV sample below:

Office Administrator at Aviva, Norwich  June 2018 - Present 

  • Manage calendars, schedule appointments, and coordinate meetings for senior executives
  • Handle incoming and outgoing correspondence, including emails, letters, and packages
  • Maintain and update filing systems, ensuring easy retrieval of important documents
  • Assist with the preparation of reports, presentations, and other materials
  • Liaise with various departments to ensure effective communication and collaboration

Administrative Assistant at Kettle Foods, Norwich  April 2016 - May 2018 

  • Provided comprehensive administrative support to the HR department
  • Maintained employee records, processed new hire paperwork, and assisted with onboarding
  • Coordinated travel arrangements and expense reports for staff
  • Assisted with the planning and execution of company events and meetings

How to write an office administrator CV with no experience

Writing a CV is tricky enough, but what if you’re targeting an office administrator role with zero experience? In this situation, your CV needs to highlight your potential to excel in the role whether that is via relevant education, transferable skills or experience. 

Focus on your educational background. If you’ve completed a degree, diploma, or certificate in business administration or a related field then highlight this prominently on your CV. Any training, projects, or coursework that showcase administrative skills should also be included.

Even without direct experience, it’s likely that you’ll have used a range of administrative skills in other settings. For instance, you may have had a part-time job in a local shop or worked on a group project as part of your academic studies. Both of these situations require great organisational, communication, teamwork , and problem-solving skills. Reference these skills in action in your CV will help you fill in the gaps.

Extracurricular activities can also be a huge bonus. Sports teams, clubs, volunteer work, hobbies, or interests that are relatable to the role of an office administrator can also be used to address a lack of direct work experience. 

Don’t let a lack of experience deter you from applying for an office administrator job posting that catches your eye. Employers are increasingly focusing on skills when making hiring decisions and you have more skills than you think!  

Your skills section should speak the language of the job description by including terms that are repeated and emphasised as important. This includes both hard skills and soft skills . 

Highlighting your hard (administrative) skills, such as diary management, preparing professional documentation, or organising events, could really give you an edge over the competition.

Soft skills are equally important. Administrative roles typically require top-level organisation skills as well as strong customer service, communication, and collaboration skills.  

If you’re wondering how best to outline your skills, check out our CV builder which provides examples of key skills as well as proficiency levels you can adjust. You can also include your own unique skills to add that personal touch.

Here’s what the skills box looks like in our office administrator CV template. 

  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Office Management Software
  • Strong Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Excellent Organisational and Time Management Abilities
  • Detail-oriented and Adaptable

Skills are easy to list, but tangible evidence is much more enticing. When writing your office administrator CV, always think of examples to back up what you are stating. Link each key skill to specific situations and positive outcomes to pique the recruiters' attention.

For example, in your professional profile and work experience, highlight your: 

  • Administrative skills by showcasing the level of your experience and whether you’ve worked in SMEs or large corporate organisations.
  • Technical capabilities by highlighting knowledge of systems such as MS Office Suite Google Workspace. Gmail, Dropbox, Zoom, and Expensify.
  • Teamwork by describing your success working in a cross-functional team in a demanding office environment.

Interviewers will want to hear about your administrative skills in action once you move to the next stage of the recruitment process, so it’s good to be prepared. 

Follow up once on a job application if you don’t hear anything back

Sometimes your application may be overlooked due to the sheer volume of responses a recruiter receives after posting a job advert. You have nothing to lose by sending a polite follow-up email a week or so after sending your initial application and this may just put you back on the radar. Set up a spreadsheet to track your applications.

Moving on to your education section. Keep this clear and direct, with relevant degrees or diplomas in reverse chronological order. If you’ve completed a degree, you don’t need to include your earlier education. Recruiters will understand the steps you’ve taken to reach this level. 

Beyond your degree, this section is a great opportunity to list any training and professional development activities as these will be of great interest to hiring managers:

  • Professional courses and certifications . Courses, workshops, and seminars improve your admin skills and show your commitment to professional development.
  • In-house training . Feature any company training programs covering administration, customer service, data management, technical skills, and leadership in your CV.

Check out the education section from our adaptable CV sample below:

Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, University of East Anglia, Norwich 

  • Graduated: June 2016

Recruiters receive hundreds of CVs on a daily basis, with often little time to read them fully, so having the right CV layout and design is critical. Similar to an organised stationery cupboard, you want the reader to easily find what they are looking for.  

While a splash of colour here and there is fine, avoid adding a lot of design elements and bright colours as this can be distracting. We recommend a modern format with clear sections, professional font , and the use of colour splashes sparingly. 

The office administrator CV sample below follows these principles and uses a two-column format which is visually appealing and also maximises valuable space. 

It’s not always easy to get your CV design right the first time, but with the help of our tried and tested CV templates , you should be able to create your very own masterpiece with ease.

Office administrator text-only CV example

Highly organised and efficient office administrator with over 6 years of experience in managing day-to-day operations, providing exceptional administrative support, and ensuring smooth functioning of office procedures. Adept at multi-tasking, problem-solving, and maintaining a professional demeanour in fast-paced environments. Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite and various office management software. Committed to fostering positive relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders to drive organisational success.

Employment history

Key takeaways for building an office administrator CV

In order to land the best administrative opportunities, your CV needs to showcase your stellar organisation and communication skills, strong attention to detail, flexible approach, and ability to work with professionalism and discretion.

Showcase your skill-set and tailor your CV as much as possible to the specific office administrator role and company using the job description as your guide.

Make your life easier using our online CV builder to create your office administrator CV with adaptable templates and AI-powered content.

Attractive CV templates at your fingertips

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Windsor Unified School District Logo

Paraeducator II - Behavior Assistant at Brooks Elementary School at Windsor Unified School District

Application Deadline

Until Filled

Date Posted

Number of openings, add'l salary info, length of work year, employment type, about the employer.

Windsor Unified School District Nondiscrimination in Employment Statement The Governing Board is determined to provide district employees and job applicants a safe, positive environment where they are assured of full and equal employment access and opportunities, protection from harassment or intimidation, and freedom from any fear of reprisal or retribution for asserting their employment rights in accordance with law. The Board prohibits district employees from discriminating against or harassing any other district employee or job applicant on the basis of the person's actual or perceived race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, military and veteran status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sex, or sexual orientation or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

Job Summary

HOURS: Monday through Friday: 8:15 am. to 3:15 pm.

Requirements / Qualifications

This position requires a pre-placement physical, fingerprinting and CPR/First aid. CPR/First Aid can be obtained during the first 3 months of employment.

  • Letter of Introduction
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation ((Three))

Comments and Other Information

Links related to this job.

  • Nondiscrimination Statement

CalPERS Links

  • CalPERS Retirement Benefits

personal statement for teaching jobs

Windsor Unified School District

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Walz VP selection spurs flurry of misinformation online

Vice President Kamala Harris announced Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate at an Aug. 6 rally in Philadelphia, sparking a flurry of online discussion about Walz and his background.

It wasn't all accurate.

Walz, formerly unknown by a majority of Americans, is now preparing to take the stage as the keynote speaker for tonight's Democratic National Convention. Here's a roundup of fact checks about Walz from the USA TODAY Fact-Check team.

More from the Fact-Check Team: How we pick and research claims | Email newsletter | Facebook page

Claim: Tim Walz has $138 million net worth, daughter with $82,000 in forgiven student loans

Our rating: False

The claims are fabrications, according to the publisher of the satirical Facebook account where they originated. Walz's actual net worth is far lower.

Full fact check: Tim Walz has $138 million net worth? No, that started as satire

Claim: Walz 'let Minnesota burn' during 2020 protests

This claim oversimplifies Walz's reaction to the 2020 protests. After witnessing the escalating violence in Minneapolis, Walz discussed the activation of the National Guard with the city's mayor, calling on the Guard three days after the murder of George Floyd. As the protests grew more violent, Walz increased the number of mobilized Guardsmen.

Full fact check explainer: GOP critics say Tim Walz 'let Minnesota burn' in 2020 protests. Here's what happened

Claim: Tim Walz signed a bill redefining ‘sexual orientation’ to include pedophiles

The bill Walz signed into law does no such thing. The state's definition of sexual orientation does not include pedophilia.

Full fact check: No, Tim Walz did not sign bill including pedophilia as 'sexual orientation'

Claim: Walz received nine different military awards and Vance only had two

Our rating: Partly false

The list for Walz is correct, but the post understates the number of awards and medals Vance earned during his military career.

Full fact check: JD Vance's military achievements misrepresented in viral post

Claim: Tim Walz said he wanted to invest in a ladder factory to help migrants get over border wall

The full context of this clip shows Walz's ladder factory reference was part of an argument that a wall is an ineffective way to secure a border. Walz didn't reference or say he supports helping anyone enter the U.S. illegally.

Full fact check: Walz ladder factory comment was argument border wall is ineffective

Claim: Tim Walz lied about coaching high school football team to state championship

Walz was a coach for a Minnesota high school football team when it won a state championship in 1999, according to local news reporting.

Full fact check: Tim Walz coached for high school football team that won state championship

Claim: Biden opposing SAVE Act is 'cheating'; Walz is allowing 'illegals' to vote in Minnesota

The post misrepresents two legislative actions. Noncitizens aren't allowed to vote, and vetoing the SAVE bill would not change that or violate any laws to constitute "cheating." Minnesota's automatic voter registration bill, signed by Gov. Tim Walz, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, does not allow noncitizens of any status to vote in state or federal elections.

Full fact check: Walz, Biden actions don't allow noncitizens to vote

Claim: Image shows Kamala Harris and Tim Walz posing with a communist sign

Our rating: Altered

Images and videos from the event pictured show the background included a sign that said, “Kamala and the Coach,” not "Revolutionary Communists of America."

Full fact check: Harris and Walz posing with a communist sign? No, image is altered

Claim: 'No one' attended Aug. 7 Harris and Walz rally in Michigan

Images and videos from the Aug. 7 event show a large crowd was present to greet Harris and Walz.

Full fact check: Images and videos show thousands attended Harris rally in Michigan

Claim: Image shows Fox Business graphic about Tim Walz's 'communist agenda'

The image doesn't show a real graphic broadcast on Fox Business, a spokesperson said. It was created as satire and is now being misrepresented as being authentic.

Full fact check: No, Fox Business didn't air graphic about Tim Walz's 'communist agenda'

Claim: Peggy Flanagan replaced Tim Walz as Minnesota governor after VP selection

Walz has not stepped down as Minnesota's governor, and Flanagan has not become the state's governor. Walz is also not required to leave office to run with Harris in the 2024 presidential election.

Full fact check: Gov. Walz does not need to resign after VP selection

Thank you for supporting our journalism. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or e-newspaper here .

USA TODAY is a verified signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network, which requires a demonstrated commitment to nonpartisanship, fairness and transparency. Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Meta .

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How to write the perfect teaching personal statement

Application and interview, tes editorial.

Teacher Personal Statement

When applying for a new job, you may be competing with tens or hundreds of other applicants in a race for the role.

The HR manager or headteacher recruiting for the job will be scrutinising every detail of your application to make sure they are bringing in the right people for interview.

The application form is the first hurdle you have to get over and sets the first impression of you as a person in the recruiter’s mind.

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The personal statement: why does it matter? 

The personal statement presents the perfect opportunity to show you are an exceptional candidate, understand teaching and know the school you are applying to.

It is not an easy task and is a tricky thing to get right. It requires being concise and clear – it shouldn’t be too long or read like a list.

You should talk about yourself and your professional achievements, while at the same time apply those experiences to the school itself.

We spoke to Malcolm Trobe, deputy general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders , about what goes into the perfect personal statement. Here's what he said:

What does a great teaching personal statement look like?

"In general, I would say no longer than two sides of A4 – typescript. It needs to be well structured and linked to the specific school. It will need to include a number of key areas, including behavioural management, educational philosophy, subject expertise, pedagogy, personal organisation and skills and enrichment activities that the candidate can bring."

What should it contain?

"I would recommend that candidates include three elements in each of the key areas:

  • What their beliefs/philosophy/approach is – i.e., the theory
  • Their experience in that area
  • How they would use that experience in the school they are applying to and specific to the job they are applying for

The statement should also include something personal in terms of their outside interests to indicate that they live an interesting and well-balanced life."

What are school leaders looking to read in a good personal statement?

"They will want to see something of the person’s character come through. It must not be just a list of achievements or repeat of the CV. It needs to be well-written, error-free and mention the school they are applying for – but not too many times. It should read as if it has been specifically written for the school and job they are applying for. I would be looking for something similar to the approach I have indicated above, covering all of the key areas and indicating that they have a vocation for working with young people. Somehow I would like to see a ‘generosity of spirit’ come through in the statement."

How can a candidate stand out in a personal statement?

"A good personal statement needs to include something of the person themselves. It has to make the reader believe that the candidate has something special without bragging or appearing arrogant – but something a bit above what other candidates may offer. A really good introduction and ending are important, and it's worth spending a great deal of time crafting those sections of the statement. Hook the reader in at the beginning and finish on a high note so that they want to meet the person and explore what has been written."

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WTO / Business / Statements / 6 Great Teaching Personal Statement Examples (How to Write)

6 Great Teaching Personal Statement Examples (How to Write)

Personal statements are used for different purposes, but their primary function is to convey the story of who you are and why you are apt for a job position. This guide will help you create the best statement for a teaching job so you stand out from the others.

Personal Statement

A personal statement allows an academic institution, an organization, a workplace, or a potential client to know more about you. The statement will be slightly different, but each one should highlight why you are the right candidate for the program or the position. You should also use past experiences and accomplishments to support the statement.

There is a fundamental difference between a personal statement and a cover letter , as the former is written casually and informally, while the cover letter is a formal document. 

Perfect Examples

Sample Letter of Introduction for College Teacher 01

Writing it for Teaching Job

Begin the statement by researching the institution that will read it. Read the organization’s mission statement , history, and recent news or bulletins to determine their value in a student or potential employee.

Write for a specific job

Each institution and organization will seek content specific to its mission and objectives. Do not send the same statement to several institutions and personalize each one you write.

For example, if you apply to a college that emphasizes community service and involvement, you will need to highlight your service work in that statement. However, another school may value academics more for that school and your grades.

Describe the education and experience

While you should not include a complete list of accomplishments in your statement, some of the most important ones are worth mentioning. Writing a list of your actions will help you remember each one and determine which ones to include.

The following are some formal accomplishments you can consist of:

  • Academic degrees and certificates
  • Scholarships, internships, and grants
  • Awards or distinctions from academic institutions (departmental distinctions and list of honors.)
  • Promotions, reviews, and workplace evaluations
  • Speak at a conference, convention, or workshop
  • Published works in the field of specialization
  • Official recognition for community service or contributions

Show your passion

Remember, you have to impress. Start by saying how excited you were about this position and how happy you would work for this institution. Your first sentence should emphasize your passion for this job, your interest in the institution, and perhaps emphasize why you want this job. Write a list of experiences and turning points in your life that led you to develop your current career or academic interests.

The following are some questions worth asking yourself:

  • When did you start showing interest in the field of your choice?
  • What do you like the most about teaching?
  • Why do you think a teaching position is important?
  • What experiences have you had that helped you develop expertise in teaching?
  • Have you missed other dreams or expectations to focus on this position?

Some institutions may ask some questions. Write your text in a way that answers these questions. These are usually questions to know a little about you, your reasons for choosing the program, and what you can add if you teach at the institution.

Put emphasis on your value

When talking about you , talk about your projects, interests, and experiences that helped you grow as a human being. Remember to name even failures (if any) if you have added some exciting learning.

What can you add to the program? Think about what they might have from you: your skills on the subject, recognized research you have developed in the field, your experiences, and acquired knowledge to enrich the program. What is good offers the institution without extolling pride or excess vanity.

Typically, you will only have 1 or 2 pages to include all the information in return. Outlining it before writing it will ensure that you include the most salient points in the limited space. Try to pick 2 or 4 critical issues to have. Prioritize the purpose of the statement in the outline.

Address the job that the institution or organization has specifically mentioned. If there is a topic that the reader demands to see, please include it in the statement.

Show your personality

The opening paragraph should grab the recruiter’s attention. A strong introductory paragraph will present the thesis or the topic of the statement , and at the same time, create a narrative sense as if you were giving a story. Use an anecdote to hook recruiters with your personality. Avoid starting with common phrases or clichés like “The most important moment of my life was when.”

A better way to present that “important moment” would be to start simply by describing it in an informal and personal way. Provide as much detail as possible in the first paragraph. Present the main idea of ​​the statement and explain how it connects to the narrative. However, save any elaborate details or related notes and experiences for the body of your essay.

One of the best ways to avoid sounding like everyone else in your statement is to omit some of the most used phrases. For example, don’t say that you are a “hard worker” or that you “go above and beyond.” Try to find unique ways to explain who you are. One way to do this is to focus on particular examples: show them who you are, rather than tell them.

Use this Checklist

Before the final submission of the statement for the teaching job, it is necessary to polish the statement to maximize your chances of getting selected. Use this checklist to help you with the process:

Many individuals just spend a few minutes proofreading, trying to spot some obvious mistakes that surface on the page. But particularly after you’ve worked long, a simple and cursory reading typically misses a great deal. Acting with a definite strategy that encourages you to consistently look for forms of mistakes is easier.  The ideal is to wait some time after writing to do the review because if you do it right away, some errors under your nose may go unnoticed.

Edit and draft

As soon as you complete your first draft, editing is something you start doing. For starters, you reread your draft to see if the document is well-organized, the transitions between paragraphs are seamless, and the proof supports your point. It is possible to edit on many levels.


Does each paragraph have a simple sentence about the topic? Does one key definition stick to each paragraph? Are there any sentences in any of the paragraphs that are irrelevant or missing? Don’t forget to use short sentences and short paragraphs. Large blocks of text impair the understanding of the message where a line of reasoning begins and ends.

Spelling and grammar

A text full of misspellings can wipe out all the authority that you have struggled so hard to build, so review all the content you produce, not just to find errors but to see if it fits the standards mentioned above.

Once you are satisfied with the content, review it once to correct necessary spelling and grammar errors. Then, put the statement aside for 3-4 days and look at it again with fresh eyes. You may come across some mistakes that you missed during the first reading. Once you have resolved these issues, your statement is ready for you to submit.

Prove your writing skills

In the personal statement , you will have the opportunity to express yourself more fluently and show the reader your writing skills and your commitment to describing yourself. Remember to use a captivating and persuasive style, use keywords related to the position and the sector, and communicate enthusiasm.

Keep a positive tone

Write in an optimistic and confident tone, even if you tackle difficult topics. The statement should show how you will address problems and create solutions, and the style should reflect this. Avoid vague or weak phrases like “I’m not sure, but I think I would be a good candidate for the show.” Even when discussing the challenges or difficulties you have faced, focus on the triumphs rather than the problems.

Expand the statement if it is too short

The first draft can be as long or as short as you need it to be, but many institutions or organizations have a word or page limit for statements. If yours is not long enough, then you have space to add more additional information. When expanding your statement, look for ways to detail the information you already have. Include more specific details to create a complete description. Alternatively, you can make another point that contributes to the overall purpose of the statement.

If your statement has a short, full-page paragraph but contains all the relevant information, you do not have to expand it.

Shorten the statement if it is too long

When narrowing down the statement, check it for any parts that do not directly address the point. You should also remove any points that only serve to provide background information. You can also consider reducing the number of main points if any do not seem especially significant. Unlike a short statement, a lengthy statement cannot stay that way. Many job programs will not allow you to press the submit button until the return is of the proper length. That means if it is too long, you will have to shorten it.

Read it aloud

Reading the document out loud will give you a more accurate idea of ​​how it sounds. As you read, listen for mistakes or unclear phrases. You should also notice if there are sentences that seem out of place or inappropriate. When you hear the statement, ask yourself if it sounds like your natural voice. If you were to describe these things in person, would the way you speak sound like what you have written?

Tips for a Strong Statement

That you will get the job will depend much more on you, but we can give you some tips that will help in your approval process in the selection:

  • Do not be wordy; it is not the number of words that will guarantee your approval; on the contrary, the limit of words usually imposed is to avoid this.
  • The clearer and more objective, even if you emphasize some detail, the better your text will be. Find that balance.
  • If you have difficulties with this, train, ask for help. But do not make that mistake.
  •  Never lie! Even if your resume is not extensive, trust and bet on your qualities and your talent; focus on that. Don’t you think your information will be verified for accuracy? Yes, they will be. So, be sincere and do not overdo it. Believe in your potential and bet on it.

The focus should be on you, your work, and what you will have to share with the institution.

  • One of the best ways to avoid sounding like everyone else in your statement is to omit some of the most used phrases in cover letters. For example, don’t say that you are a “hard worker” or that you “go above and beyond”. Try to find unique ways to explain who you are. One way to do this is to focus on particular examples: show them who you are rather than tell them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Generally, 500-550 words are allowed in a personal statement.

It is not necessary to include it on a CV unless it is required.

Yes, you can talk about hobbies if they complement the application.

A personal statement gives a chance to highlight your story, experiences, and struggles. If written properly, it can be a real difference in getting a teaching position.

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Christopher Taylor

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Writing a Personal Statement

personal statement for teaching jobs

Going for your first NQT post can be a daunting prospect... especially when in teaching, you need to write a personal statement to support your application form.

Schools use your personal statement to help short list candidates for a position by checking off the criteria of the person specification that they can see in your statement. It is always a good idea to write your personal statement alongside the person specification, ensuring that you have included all the "essential" criteria and as much of the "desirable" criteria you can that are assessed through the application.

Where possible, you should also use the language of the school you are applying to - their vision, values, mission and ethos statements will help you here and should be available on the school's website. You will also sometimes find these in the application pack. Read this carefully and then read it again, reading between the lines of what they might be looking for.

Here is an example of the structure of a personal statement for a trainee teacher applying for their first NQT job:

Begin with an impact statement that summarises your philosophy on teaching or that refers to the mission/vision/values/ethos of the school you are applying to:

I believe that it is, as Einstein said, the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. As a passionate teacher, dedicated to ensuring the very best outcomes for all students I teach, this statement resonates with me as I endeavour to awaken joy in all of the learners within my classroom. It was your belief all young people have the right to a transformational educational experience, that will enable them, no matter what their starting point, to fulfil their potential and realise their ambitions that first attracted me to your school as it aligns with my own personal and professional philosophy on education.

Throughout my practice, I constantly encourage pupils to participate and contribute in an atmosphere highly conducive to learning. I have consistently set high expectations of pupils in different training contexts. There are high levels of mutual respect between me and pupils. I am very effective in promoting learners’ resilience, confidence and independence when tackling challenging activities. In my lesson, I generate high levels of enthusiasm, participation and commitment to learning.

Back this up with an example from your training.

I have also assumed a high level of responsibility for the attainment progress and outcomes of the pupils I have taught. I have demonstrated confident judgement in planning for pupil progression both within individual lessons and over time and I am able to articulate a clear and well-justified rationale as to how I am building on prior achievement. Within my lessons, I seek to actively promote engaging and effective methods that support pupils in reflecting on their learning. I have demonstrated that I am able to set appropriately challenging tasks, drawing on a sound knowledge of the pupils’ prior attainment, which has been obtained through systematic and accurate assessment. I regularly create opportunities for independent and autonomous learning. As a result the majority of pupils make very good progress.

In order to plan effective lessons, I draw on my in-depth subject and curriculum knowledge of [your subject or phase] to plan confidently for progression and to stimulate and capture pupils’ interest. Throughout my training, I have demonstrated very well-developed pedagogical subject knowledge, by anticipating common errors and misconceptions in my planning. I am astutely aware of my own development needs in relation to extending and updating my subject, curriculum and pedagogical knowledge in my early career and have been proactive in developing these effectively during my training. I always model very high standards of written and spoken communication in all professional activities. I also successfully identify and exploit opportunities to develop learners’ skills, in communication, reading and writing.

I plan lessons that often use well-chosen, imaginative and creative strategies, and that match individuals’ needs and interests. I am highly reflective in critically evaluating my practice. I am able to accurately judge the impact of my practice on individual and groups of learners and can use my evaluation to inform future planning, teaching and learning. During my training, I have shown initiative in contributing to curriculum planning and developing and producing effective learning resources in my placement settings.

I have been able to quickly and accurately discern my learners’ strengths and needs and I have been proactive in differentiating and employing a range of effective intervention strategies to secure progression for individuals and groups. I have an astute understanding of how effective different teaching approaches are in relation to impact on learning and engagement of learners

I can confidently and accurately assess pupils’ attainment against national benchmarks. I use a range of assessment strategies very effectively in my day-to-day practice to monitor progress and to inform future planning. In my practice, I systematically and effectively check learners’ understanding throughout lessons, anticipating where intervention may be needed and do so with notable impact on the quality of learning. I have shown that I am able to assess learners’ progress regularly and work with them to accurately target further improvement and secure rapid progress.

I have been able to rapidly adapt to the different circumstances in which I have trained, working confidently within the frameworks established in different settings and applying rules and routines consistently and fairly. I have also demonstrated an ability to adapt to remote working and remote delivery in response to the Global Pandemic. I consistently have high expectations and understand a range of strategies that experienced teachers use to promote positive behaviour and apply these very effectively, including use of school sanctions and rewards, and use of praise, in order to create an environment highly supportive of learning. I am able to manage pupil behaviour with ease so that learners display very high levels of engagement, courtesy, collaboration and co-operation. Where it is needed, I actively seek additional support in addressing the needs of pupils where significantly challenging behaviour is demonstrated.

During my training, I have been proactive in seeking out opportunities to contribute in a significant way to the wider life and ethos of the school. I have built strong professional relationships and have demonstrated that I am able to work collaboratively with colleagues on a regular basis. I have taken responsibility for deploying support staff in my lessons and for seeking advice from relevant professionals in relation to pupils with individual needs. I deliberately seek out opportunities to develop my own professional learning and respond positively to all the feedback I receive. I have also demonstrated that I can communicate very effectively, both verbally and in writing, with parents and carers in relation to pupils’ achievements and well-being when required to do so formally, but I am also proactive in communicating in relation to individual pupils’ emergent needs.

I always treat pupils with dignity, building relationships rooted in mutual respect, and at all times observing proper boundaries appropriate to a teacher's professional position. I realise the need to safeguard pupils' well-being, in accordance with statutory provisions. I show tolerance of and respect for the rights of others. I do not undermine fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. I always ensure that personal beliefs are not expressed in ways which exploit pupils' vulnerability or might lead them to break the law. I am always punctual and have good attendance. I have attended numerous CPD sessions and will continue to do so. I have also completed a weekly duty (before school and at break} and attends daily briefings (whole school, subject or pastoral). I have taken on board the policies of the school and maintain a high standard in all my practices. I have a good understanding of the framework within which I work and my professional duties

End with a statement that implies/assumes you will be invited for interview:

I would relish the opportunity to work at your school and look forward to discussing this further with you at interview.

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How to write a great personal statement for a teaching job.

Vinny Potter

7 Feb 2024, 16:23

Discover our top tips on what to include in your personal statement for a teaching job and how to present your skills, knowledge, experience and attributes.

Teaching personal statement

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Academies Enterprise Trust

Your personal statement is the heart of your application for work as an early career teacher and should be tailored for each role. For teaching applications this is sometimes also called a letter of application, but it is essentially the same thing. This is your opportunity to provide evidence of how you match the needs of the specific teaching job you are applying for, and earn yourself an invitation to the next stage, which is likely to be a selection day held at the school.

Writing tips for personal statements

See our example personal statement for primary school teaching, below. Imagine it was written in response to the following job advert:

We are advertising for a Year 3 Classroom Teacher. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Committed to our school and our values
  • Experience across a range of age groups
  • Committed to reflection and improving practice
  • Knowledge of the National Curriculum
  • Excellent lesson planning
  • Knowledge of assessment
  • Good knowledge of SEND and positive interventions
  • Positive approach to provide challenge and support student success
  • Excellent behaviour management
  • Good communication skills with parents
  • Enthusiastic and creative approach to lessons
  • Willing to contribute to the wider life of the school.

See our personal statement for secondary school teaching, below. Imagine it was written in response to the following job advert:

Country High School are advertising for an enthusiastic Secondary PE Teacher. The successful candidate will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Ability to adapt and tailor your approach for the differing needs of pupils
  • Knowledge of the National Curriculum for your subject
  • Knowledge of a wide range of sports
  • Willing to engage in extra curricular activities and the wider life of the school
  • Experience of supporting high ability students, as well as those who may be less able or motivated
  • Ability to use data effectively
  • Teach across all ability levels including SEND
  • Ability to use Technology to enhance learning.

When completing a personal statement for a teaching job, you should typically observe the following guidelines:

  • Do not write a generic statement. Instead use the person specification and job advert for the vacancy as a structure for your statement or consider using the government's Teachers' Standards if no person specification is provided.
  • Do not exceed two sides of A4, unless otherwise instructed.
  • Tailor your statement for each new application according to the nature of the school or LA and the advertised role.
  • Always read any guidance provided – many schools and LAs will tell you how they want this section set out.
  • Emphasise your individual strengths in relation to the role.
  • For a pool application, make sure you give a good overview of your skills and experience.
  • It is essential that you give specific examples of what you have done to back up your claims.

Primary school personal statement

Examples of a personal statements for a primary school teaching job.

Primary school personal statement example

Secondary school personal statement

See our example of a personal statement for a secondary school teaching job.

Secondary school personal statement example

What you should cover in your personal statement

When schools advertise graduate teaching jobs , they write a job description which states the essential attributes they are looking for. This is their marking criteria for the job. When they read your statement, they will usually score this based on their essential and desirable criteria. Therefore, you need to read their documents carefully to find the criteria and provide an example or evidence of each point. If the job advert does not include any documents which include their criteria, then you can use the following structure for your statement and use the Teachers’ Standards as a guide for the criteria they may be looking for.

Why you are applying for the role:

  • Refer to any knowledge you have of the LA or the school, including any visits to the school and what you learned from them.
  • Show you would be a good fit for the school. The best way to do this is to look at the school’s values and give an example of how you match these.
  • Mention any special circumstances (for example, your religious faith) which you think are relevant.

Details about your course:

  • Give an overview of your training course - including the age range and subjects covered - and any special features.
  • If you are a PGCE student, mention your first degree, your dissertation (if appropriate), any classroom-based research projects and relevant modules studied. Also mention if you have studied any masters modules.

Your teaching experience:

  • What year groups you have taught.
  • What subjects you have covered.
  • Your use and understanding of formative and summative assessment practices.

Your classroom management strategies:

  • Give examples of how you planned and delivered lessons and evaluated learning outcomes, including differentiation, scaffolding etc.
  • Explain how you have managed classrooms and behaviour.
  • Detail your experience of working with assistants or parents in your class.

Your visions and beliefs about primary/secondary education:

  • What are your beliefs about learning and your visions for the future? You could touch on areas such as learning and teaching styles and strategies.
  • Reflect on key policies relevant to the age range you want to teach.

Other related experience:

  • This can include information about any previous work experience.
  • Include training activities you have carried out and ways in which your subject knowledge has been developed.

Other related skills and interests:

  • Give details of any particular competencies, experiences or leisure interests. This will help the school to know more about you as a person and could ‘add value’ in a school environment.
  • Any involvement in working with children (running clubs, youth work and summer camps) is particularly useful to include.

Aim to end on a positive note. A conclusion which displays your enthusiasm in relation to the specific application and teaching in general will enhance your application - but avoid general statements and clichés.

Written by Vinny Potter, St Marys University, Twickenham, July 2023

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Teaching personal statement examples

Giving you the chance to show why you'd be a great teacher, your personal statement is an important part of your application and worth taking the time over

What is a teaching personal statement?

Your personal statement is used to explain why you want to become a teacher and your suitability for the role. While your application form briefly outlines your qualifications, skills and work experience, your teaching personal statement is where your personality shines through.

Take your time with it. Many candidates often spend a few weeks on this part of the application as you don't have to write it all at once. You should get someone to read over it and be prepared to receive constructive feedback and write a few drafts before you send it off.

It's important to:

  • use examples based on your recent teaching experience
  • tailor your personal statement according to the school/age group
  • use good, clear, written English, using first person terms such as 'my' and 'I'
  • be original and honest
  • avoid clichés and general statements, such as 'I've always wanted to teach'
  • demonstrate a passion for teaching.

While it's crucial to get it right, your teaching personal statement is only a small part of the application process. Find out how else you'll need to prepare to  get a teaching job .

How to write a personal statement for teaching

Your personal statement should be between 500 and 1,000 words. It's crucial that you  don't copy  and that the statement you provide is  your own work .

This is your opportunity to:

  • write about any relevant skills and experience you have
  • explain your understanding of why teaching is important
  • detail why you want to become a teacher
  • list any extra skills or experience you have, such as volunteering or first aid.

See  personal statements for postgraduate applications  for more guidance.

The nature of your personal statement will vary, depending on the type of teaching you'd like to pursue. Take a look at some of our example personal statements to get an idea of how they differ.

Personal statement for PGCE primary

As well as focusing on roles in which you've gained experience with primary-age children, a PGCE primary personal statement should demonstrate your well-rounded personality and any skills that could be useful for the range of extra-curricular activities primary schools provide (such as the ability to read music for recorder lessons, or drama experience to help with school plays).

Personal statement for PGCE secondary

Many good PGCE secondary personal statements acknowledge the challenges involved in teaching older pupils and provide examples of where the candidate has worked to overcome these problems. As secondary teaching roles are geared towards teaching a specific subject, training providers are looking for more evidence of your subject and degree knowledge.

Personal statement for School Direct

If you're applying for the salaried School Direct route, you should discuss the experience you've gained in the classroom prior to your application. One of your references will need to be from an employer, or someone who can comment on your work ethic and suitability for teaching. Don't worry if your degree is unrelated to the subject you'd like to teach - you may still be able to apply by completing a subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) course .

Find out more

  • Discover how to structure a teaching CV .
  • Find out what it's really like to be a primary or secondary school teacher .
  • Search postgraduate courses in teaching .

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How to write a teacher personal statement

A teacher talking to students while they're working.

Your personal statement is your first opportunity to show the school you’re a great fit for the job, and gets you closer to being shortlisted for an interview. The more you show how your skills and interests match the school’s ethos and values, the better. We’ve spoken to a range of teachers to get their top tips for success.

What experience do you have?

Schools want to hear about your trainee experience with different subjects, key stages, types of school, and working with a range of pupils.

Think about your approach to teaching, how you keep pupils engaged, and how you communicate with different kinds of people (children, staff, parents and carers). Ensure you provide evidence for how you have improved student engagement and built positive relationships with pupils.

Schools will be interested in your approach to behaviour management, so think about your go-to strategies.

Are you engaged in teaching theory and research?

Think about any research that has affected your teaching practice. Explain what has worked well and if it didn’t, what you learnt.

Are you up to date on safeguarding statutory guidance?

You need to demonstrate your awareness of the importance of safeguarding and the requirements of Keeping Children Safe in Education . Include any examples of how you worked with a Designated Safeguarding Lead.

What are your skills and qualities?

Are you a well-organised, confident, and motivated teacher? Say it, and provide examples! Schools are looking for great communicators, team players and relationship builders. Make sure you say how you create a positive learning environment, and consider skills like time management, organisation, and flexibility. Schools will also want to know how you overcome challenges.

How can you contribute to wider school life?

Set yourself apart by showing how your hobbies and achievements could contribute to the wider school community. Could you run an after school club or organise school trips?

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personal statement for teaching jobs

Writing the perfect personal statement

personal statement for teaching jobs

Written by Emma Johnston

Thinking about applying for a new teaching position? With so many roles available on Eteach , there are sometimes hundreds of applications for each post. So how can you make sure that your personal statement (or cover letter) stands out from the crowd?

Showcase your strengths

Probably the most important part of any job application (particularly those relating to teaching roles) is the personal statement. Most schools require applicants to fill in forms rather than include a CV, so this is your chance to show off just how suitable you are for the position. Make sure that you match your skills and experiences to the job specification closely - include any year groups or subjects you have taught that are relevant to the role advertised, as well as general teaching areas that you feel are strengths, such as deployment of additional adults, creativity, or behaviour management.

Be creative

An effective way to ensure that your personal statement stands out from the outset is to include an interesting opening sentence. This could be expressing your excitement about finding the vacancy, a reference to a particular accomplishment of yours or even something humorous or surprising. Once you have caught the reader’s attention, you need to maintain it, so it is a good idea to vary your sentence structure and keep the content interesting and relevant.

Do your research

The school staff advertising the position will be looking for somebody who will fit in with the school’s ethos and environment. This means that you must tailor your personal statement closely to the school. Explain why you are attracted to the school and why you think you would be a good fit. Flattery gets you everywhere, so do your best to highlight the school’s strengths and positive aspects. If possible, I would always recommend trying to plan a visit to the school in advance, or even an informal telephone call with the headteacher, so that you can ask questions and get a feel for the place.

Do your research and have a look at their website and Ofsted report, then try to quote aspects from these in your letter, along with how your skills and experience fit in. Headteachers are looking for staff who can bring something extra to the school and meet their needs. For example, if the school is known for having quite challenging students, write about your behaviour management skills and how you have developed positive relationships with pupils in the past.

Express to impress

Headteachers also want to know that you are going to be enthusiastic and committed, so it is important to express through your cover letter just how much you love teaching. Provide real-life examples of when you have really made a difference to your pupils and added value to the lesson. You need to demonstrate that you are willing to go the extra mile for the students in your class. If this is going to be your first teaching role since completing your teacher training, then use examples from your placements or even non-teaching experiences that may be relevant.

Extra-curricular experience

Additional experiences all count towards making your application stand out. If you provide tuition (which you can do through our very own Education Boutique ) or take part in volunteering in your spare time, be sure to include this. Likewise, if you have any specific skills, such as knowledge of working with learners with special educational needs or experience preparing pupils for national assessments, do not forget to add this in. Include any extracurricular hobbies, interests or skills that you have – if you are fluent in Mandarin or an expert chess player, you could run an after-school club. Schools are keen to employ anybody who can expand their staff’s skillset.

End on a high note

When completing your personal statement, try to end on a positive note and thank your potential employer for taking the time to consider you. Don’t forget to proofread and ask somebody else to have a read if you can - a fresh pair of eyes is always useful.

Whichever role you are applying for, do not be disheartened if you aren’t successful. Eteach makes it easy to submit your details using our ‘Fast Apply’ tool, so you have the opportunity to apply for any vacancies that look like they might be a good match for you. With so many teaching jobs at your fingertips both in the UK and overseas, the world is your oyster. Search jobs

About the author

Emma johnston.

After graduating with a BA in Communications from Bournemouth University, Emma worked in public relations and marketing before deciding to undertake a PGCE at Kingston University and begin her journey as a primary school teacher. Emma taught for 15 years in schools around London and Surrey, in a variety of roles including lead practitioner and assistant headteacher. Emma now works for Eteach as Education Partnerships Coordinator, where she can share her knowledge of the education sector and support those beginning their teaching career.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis vitae turpis sed magna pretium gravida quis vel sapien. Nunc malesuada ornare aliquam. Nulla rutrum tellus et dolor auctor suscipit. Curabitur a elit vehicula, maximus est non, fringilla urna. Sed vel lacus sit amet nibh auctor lobortis. Duis suscipit, metus id aliquet sodales, augue turpis congue magna, vel sagittis sapien lorem accumsan sem. Nulla tincidunt felis non sapien pulvinar fermentum

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Free Examples of Effective Teaching Personal Statement

Table of Contents

The personal statement is an important part of the teaching application process. It allows you to provide information about yourself that doesn’t appear in your resume or transcripts.

When writing your personal statement, be sure to focus on the qualities that make you a good teacher. Before giving you  examples of personal statements for teaching jobs , we have a few tips to help you.

Important Tips for Writing a Personal Statement for a Teaching Job

When creating your personal statement , it’s important to remember why you want to become a teacher. We dive further into this and more in this section of the article.

Start With Why You Chose Teaching As a Profession

What do you love about teaching? What drives you? Define what makes a great teacher for you and explain how your experiences have prepared you for this career.

Be specific and honest in describing both your strengths and weaknesses as they relate to teaching. Ultimately, the goal is for the recruiter to understand why you’re the best choice for the job.

Explain How You Have Developed This Passion

Your statement should explain how you developed your passion for teaching. Choosing teaching as a profession isn’t enough. How did you nurture this passion?

Describe Any Experience You Have Had Working With Students

You need to describe your previous experience working with students. Doing this helps demonstrate your ability to handle students and work in a school environment.

Highlight Your Strengths and Skills As They Relate to Teaching

Don’t be shy to highlight your teaching strengths and skills. You’re competing with others for the job. Only qualified candidates with skills related to the job get interviewed. Highlight any experience or qualifications that are relevant to the role.

Tailor the Statement to the Job Description

Like any job opening, be sure to read the job description. This helps ensure you tailor your personal statement specifically for the position you’re applying for . 

It is unbecoming for a teacher to submit a statement full of errors. Proofread and edit your statement carefully before submitting it.

Examples of Personal Statements for Teaching Jobs

man and woman sitting on chairs

We have some of the best examples of personal statements for teaching jobs for you. Read through to see what your personal statement should look like.

Teaching has been a lifelong passion of mine. I began working with children as soon as I was old enough to volunteer in my local Sunday school program. Since then, I have continued to work with students of all ages in many different settings, including public schools, after-school programs and summer camps. My experience has taught me that nothing is more rewarding than helping young people learn and grow. 

I am confident that my skills and passion for teaching would make me an excellent educator. In addition to having classroom experience, I possess strong organizational and communication skills, which are essential for successfully managing a classroom environment.

Above all, however, what makes me an ideal teacher is my dedication to the success of each individual student. Every child deserves the opportunity to find their own unique strengths and passions. It is my goal as a teacher always be there to help them discover these things within themselves.

I am a compassionate and dedicated teacher with years of experience in the field. Above all, I believe that teaching is not simply a profession. Rather, it is a calling that allows me to share my knowledge and help others learn and grow. 

My approach is student-centered. I adapt my instruction to meet their unique needs while fostering an environment where they can feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. In addition to having strong classroom management skills, I have a proven track record of developing engaging curricula tailored for students at different levels. Ultimately, I view teaching as an opportunity not only to impart important academic knowledge but instill lifelong values such as curiosity, resilience, and compassion.

It’s always nerve-racking to go through the application process for a teaching job. If you put some thought into it, it becomes easier. Focus on what’s important: the skills, strengths, and experience that make you right for the job. 

Free Examples of Effective Teaching Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Your NQT Personal Statement – 13 Tips to Make it Stand Out

When you’re applying for your first NQT teaching job it can be quite challenging. You might feel like you’re all alone, with no one to help and advise you. We don’t want you to struggle and perhaps lose the opportunity to get that teaching position you have set your eyes on. Therefore, we’ve created this post just for you.

Once you’re ready to start looking for a teaching position, one of the first things you will need to prepare is your application. There are usually three main components to an effective application, and these elements are:

  • The application form
  • A supporting statement or letter of application
  • An executive summary to show how you comply with the criteria, and that you are the person the school is looking for.

In this article we will be focusing on your NQT Personal Statement. 

Your NQT personal statement is likely to be the first impression that you will make with this new school or NQT pool and an ideal opportunity to show your unique qualities that make you the best person for the position on offer. 

Therefore, you will want this opportunity to promote yourself to the school in the best way possible. So it’s important that your writing is coherent, focused and clearly explains your reasoning behind wanting to be a teacher. In addition, a strong NQT personal statement will set you apart from other candidates in the competitive marketplace. 

Just like a resume and cover letter for a regular job, your personal statement should be rewritten for every position you apply for.

Never use the same NQT personal statement for multiple applications. Generic personal statements are super easy for employers to spot. And after all, you want to shine, right? Plus, you don’t want to copy someone else’s statement. Your employer might screen all personal statements using a similarity detection service like Copycatch. This could really hurt your application right out of the gate. And quite possibly end up in the bin. 

Remember, your personal statement is your chance to show your personality and enthusiasm, relevant to the school and prove you understand what they are looking for.

Your personal statement also shows your communication skills. That’s why you want to grab their attention, just like you want to with your students at the start of every lesson.

What is the NQT personal statement?

The NQT personal statement is an important document which schools use to understand why you want to become a teacher and whether you are suitable to teach at their school.

Of course, your application form will lay out all your qualifications, your skills, your strengths and weaknesses and also any relevant work experience. But your NQT personal statement is where you allow your unique personality to shine.

It is important to put your heart into writing your statement. And be prepared to write multiple drafts.

How do you write an effective NQT personal statement?

Your application and your NQT statement are going to be the first steps in securing the position you are looking for. Therefore, you obviously want to make a great first impression. Be ready to go through multiple drafts. Take your time, and get feedback from friends and family members.

I’m sure you have a ton of questions, such as:

  • How do I write a killer, successful NQT statement?
  • Where do I start?
  • What should I include in my NQT statement?

These are all important questions. And I’m sure you have many more. So, let’s dive in and show you how to write an NQT statement which will stand out and give you the best chance of getting hired in your chosen teaching position.

Are you ready to write your killer NQT personal statement?

Great. Here are some important tips to help you.

1. The first rule when writing a successful NQT statement is to know your audience.

Before you start, it’s a great idea to step back for a minute and put yourself in your hiring manager’s shoes.

Think about what's important to them. What are they passionate about? What are they looking for? How can you improve their life?

When you think about what your hiring manager is looking for, you’ll have a much better chance of writing a concise and effective personal statement.

It’s a good idea to write a list of 10 things you think will be important to them.

However, the most critical step at this stage is to do your research and find out exactly what is required for this specific application. Different schools or LEA’s will have different requirements for the personal statement and should have guidelines somewhere in their application advert or portal.

Clearly your first task is to make sure that the personal statement you prepare is tailored to the requirements that have been set out for that job.

2. What is your objective?

  • What is the purpose of your personal statement?
  • Why should they hire you?
  • What action are you trying to get the reader to take?

You need to be clear on this before you start writing your personal statement. If the answer isn't clear to you, it certainly won't be clear to your potential employer.

3. Why do you want to be a teacher?

Seems a simple question on the surface. But this is a great opportunity to show you’ve thought through this question. You could mention a past teacher who inspired you. Or the challenges and rewards of teaching. You could also talk about any lessons you have observed or taught previously which impacted you. You could also discuss particular teaching styles and your interests in using technology in the classroom.

Key tip: Think about creating a story for this question. Remember, the hiring manager is first and foremost a human being. Many new teachers make the mistake of forgetting this vital point. You are equal to them in this respect. Use emotional language to touch your reader. Help them imagine themselves in the situation you are describing. Help them feel what it was like in the situation that drove your desire in becoming a teacher. This is a major key in rousing your reader’s emotions.

4. Make sure you start your personal statement strongly.

Just like a great book or movie, your opening sentence should stand out. Make it memorable, without being overly dramatic. Effective personal statements often start with what inspired you to enter teaching in the first place.

  • Did a high school teacher inspire you?
  • Was it your own experience of learning?
  • Was it a good or bad teacher you had previously?

This is a great opportunity to show some passion. Like point no.3 above, use some emotional language.

5. Why do you want to teach a particular age group?

Be ready to explain why a certain age group appeals to you. Mention specific examples of your experience with this age group.

For example, anyone who has taught kindergarten knows how much energy the students have. Lessons are always full on. And as cute as the kids are, if your lessons are not jam-packed with active, high-energy games, you’re going to lose them. 

Similarly, elementary students are at a stage where they are slowly beginning to think for themselves and many of them think they already know it all. At this age role-playing is effective, as the students like to see themselves as tiny adults. 

If your chosen age group is teenagers, you’ll be aware that this age group has its own challenges. Being a teenager has never been an easy task, and with so many changes going on in their lives and their bodies, their confidence is up and down. 

So, when you answer this question, you’ll need to show that you can relate to what is going on in your chosen group’s world. Show you are able to look back to when you were their age, relate to the age group and show how you keep your lessons relevant and exciting.

6. What experience do you have?

Relevant teaching experience is always going to help you when applying for any position. But it is also important to reflect on how that experience has helped you develop as a teacher. If you haven’t had much classroom time:

  • Do you have any experience in voluntary teaching?
  • Have you coached a sports team or been involved with a summer camp?

Obviously, as a new teacher, you can’t recite years of experience. Help your hiring manager imagine you in action. For example, you could describe a particular lesson which was either a success or failure. Think about retelling a memorable or challenging experience with a student, or a description of what your classroom looks and sounds like on a typical day. This will be much more valuable to enable them to envision your teaching experience than to cite pedagogical terms or talk vaguely about your teaching experience.

Always use specific examples of how your experiences have developed your teaching skills.

7. You should highlight your achievements, strengths and skills

Explain what you can bring to the school. Show how you differ from the other candidates. You could mention past experience and achievements, your unique talents, as well as your professional goals. You could also add specific classroom strategies you have developed and how they helped your students.

Many applications will make it clear that they want you to cover your specific qualifications, skills and understanding of elements of the National Curriculum, your classroom and educational skills plu your short and long term goals for making a difference to the education of your pupils.

The exact requirements should be set out in the application guidelines which should also tell you what you need to focus on.

8. How long should your NQT personal statement be?

This is not an essay. It’s simply a summary of you, your skills and your experience, and how they relate to the position you are applying for. Therefore, you should be specific and keep your personal statement short and informative.

This will help you keep your personal statement under a widely recommended  500-word limit. The school will not be impressed by minor childhood achievements, so keep your statement pertinent and focused.

That said, again, check the specific requirements in each case. Some applications will welcome a longer NQT personal statement, as is the case with Lambeth where we are happy to read up to three pages of A4, but no more.

If there is no guidance then the 500 word range is a very solid guide.

9. Make every word count

It’s a good idea to take a leaf out of a professional copywriter’s book here. Don’t waffle. Make every word count. Use powerful words where possible, without being overly dramatic. Avoid weak words like may, maybe, hope, wish, try, and perhaps. Instead, use words like will and can to help your personal statement command attention.

10. Take your time

Edit and then re-edit your personal statement. Besides being difficult to read, misspelled words and grammatical errors will destroy your credibility. Once you think you’ve written a great personal statement, it’s a good idea to leave it for a day or two. Then come back and see if you can improve it.

11. Read your statement out loud

This next tip is super-effective, and one many people fail to do. Read your statement out loud. If you do this, you’ll spot areas that don’t flow properly. And if you stumble when reading your statement out loud, you can be sure your potential employer will have the same trouble.

Key tip: Why don’t you record yourself as you read out your statement? This is simple to do with your phone. Then play it back and see if you can spot areas you can improve.

12. Let friends and relatives read your personal statement

Make sure whoever you ask to read your personal statement knows you want them to be critical. The whole purpose of this exercise is to improve your statement, not to make you happy that they love it. Choose your feedback team carefully. 

13. Finish strongly

The way you finish your personal statement should reinforce your enthusiasm for your career in teaching. Acknowledge that hard work is necessary, but also make your excitement stand out.

Your personal statement for PGCE primary

You should explain the experience you’ve gained with primary-age children.

The PGCE primary personal statements usually demonstrate your personality and the various skills you have which would benefit primary schools such as being artistic, your musical talents or your sporting prowess. 

All these types of skills would be very useful during primary schools’ extracurricular activities.  

Your personal statement for PGCE secondary

In this type of personal statement, you will want to make it clear you understand the challenges of teaching older students.

You could mention specific examples of situations and challenges you have faced teaching this age of students, and how you overcame them.  

You’ll also want to document how your degree ties in with the position you are applying for.

Final thoughts on your NQT Personal Statement

So, that is the nuts and bolts of what your NQT personal statement should include. The basic foundation for an effective personal statement is that it’s all about the pupils. What the school wants for the pupils, what you can provide for the pupils.  

You should always write your personal statement, and indeed your whole application from the angle of what will benefit the pupils, not what’s best for you.  The school is not interested at this stage in what’s good for you, it’s more interested in what’s good for its pupils, and if you can provide that. 

Now you know the structure of a strong NQT personal statement, we hope you will be in a perfect position to write an effective statement to get that dream job you’ve had your eyes on.

There’s more on the specific requirements of what Lambeth are looking for in the NQT personal statement for the Lambeth NQT pool on pages 10 and 11 of the NQT Information Pack which you can download here .

Remember that, as we said at the start of this article, each job you apply for should come with clear requirements for the application and hopefully some guidance. In the case of Lambeth we have a requirement for your NQT personal statement to clearly cover how your skills, knowledge and experience meet the requirements of being an NQT, and we outline a set structure that helps you do that.

Download our NQT Information Pack now to learn more.

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How to Write a Personal Statement for a Teaching Job – 7 Step Guide

Education / August 9, 2020 by admin / Leave a Comment

When you’re applying for a new teaching job, you want to do everything that you can to impress your future employer. You want them to see your potential and understand why you’d be such a good fit for the job. Luckily, your personal statement can help you show them exactly that.

personal statement for teaching jobs

A personal statement is your chance to leave that unique mark on your application and make it more memorable. It will help you stand out from the rest of the candidates and show your personality. All you have to do is know how to write it. Don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered. Keep reading to find some of the best tips on writing a personal statement for a teaching job.

How to write a great cover letter for teacher jobs?

Let’s break it down together.

1. Write For a Specific Job

First things first, each personal statement that you write needs to be written for a specific job that you have in mind.

That means that you shouldn’t have one generic personal statement and send it out to all teaching job openings.

Instead, you need to rewrite it paying attention to:

  • The job description
  • Type of work it requires
  • Type of skills they’re looking for

After you analyze the job description, you can start brainstorming and getting ready to write your personal statement. Adjust it to the job description, and it’s going to have more success than you expect.

personal statement for teaching jobs

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2. Share Your Education & Experience

Your personal statement should include your previous education and experience that you’ve had so far. But, since you’ll be sending your CV as well, don’t go into too much detail in this part of the personal statement. Make it short and mention,

  • Formal education
  • Professional experience
  • Skills you’ve acquired

You can make it a one to two-sentence introduction since it’s a more technical part of your personal statement. Then, you can move on to a more personal level.

How to be a better online teacher | Best practices for teaching online

3. Share What Drives You

Every potential employer wants to see the passion and drive in their candidates. Since you’re applying for a teaching job, it’s very important that you show your love for the job.

A teacher needs to be motivated and ready to walk the extra mile just to reach all their students.

Therefore, make sure that you cover the following:

  • Why you love teaching
  • How you first started doing it
  • What makes transferring knowledge so special for you
  • What is it about this job you’re so passionate about

Tell them why you love teaching and just how passionate and motivated you are to wake up every day to a job you love. This will make sure they recognize you as a potentially great employee.

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Now it’s time to distinguish yourself from all the candidates that will apply for the same job. There could be tens and even hundreds of them applying. 

So, why you?

There’s nothing wrong with distinguishing yourself from the rest of the candidates and saying why you are the obvious choice.

personal statement for teaching jobs

Make sure that you share:

  • Your vision for this job opening
  • The contribution you’d make
  • The opportunity it would give you to show your skills and talents
  • The specific reason why you would be perfect for it

Don’t just say, “I’d be a perfect fit for this job.” Instead, share something more specific like:

 “Thanks to my year working with children with special needs, I learned how to be patient and adjust to the needs of every student.”

Give actual examples and make this section the strongest one in your personal statement.

5. Show Your Personality

A personal statement gives you the chance to show your personality and help the hiring managers get to know you better.

Unlike a CV, which is more technical in terms of structure and content, a personal statement makes room for you to be yourself.

Make sure that you:

  • use everyday language
  • show our personality
  • add your spice to it

Don’t make your personal statement too reserved or uniform. Instead, make it more about you and tailor it to fit your personality.

This will impress hiring managers and potential employers.

Remote education jobs | How To Land Remote Education Jobs

6. Make it Short

A personal statement needs to be short yet powerful. 

If you make it too long, it will seem like you think too highly of yourself. Also, you might come across as unprofessional and unable to distinguish the most important facts they want to hear.

personal statement for teaching jobs

This is why the length and structure of your personal statement plays an important role.

Here’s a couple of rules to follow:

  • Keep your sentences short
  • Make every word count
  • Avoid fluff words
  • Be to the point
  • Keep the whole thing up to 600 words long (unless they specifically require a different length)

Make sure your personal statement is informative and packed with valuable information. Don’t waste any words on making the sentences sound poetic.

10 Teacher interview questions & answers | Guide to teaching interview

7. Watch Your Accuracy

Finally, before you turn in the personal statement, you have to ensure you’ve written it like a true academic worker. 

As a teacher, your writing accuracy is highly valuable and will be appreciated by the hiring managers. That’s why you have to check your accuracy.

That implies:

  • Proofreading
  • Removing any spelling or grammar mistakes
  • Adjusting your vocabulary
  • Checking sentence structure

You can use one of the  writing services  if you need help with this, and polish your personal statement to perfection.

This will show you’re educated, professional, and detail-oriented.

Final Thoughts

Writing a personal statement for a teaching job is a process that requires some strategic planning and preparation. You need to make sure your personal statement is unique and shows you in the best possible light.

Use the tips we’ve shared above to write a killer personal statement for a teaching job. Make sure you submit a memorable statement that will help you outshine the rest of the candidates. 

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How To Write an ECT Personal Statement and Land Your First Job as a Newly Qualified Teacher

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About over 2 years ago By Scott Owen

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If you’re an early career teacher (ECT; still known in Wales as an NQT), then a well-written ECT personal statement is the bridge between you and an interview for the school of your choice. But how to write a personal statement?

While Googling examples of ECT personal statements can sometimes prove helpful, it can also just lead to more confusion. There’s a reason for that. Whilst it’s helpful to get some guidance on what people are looking for, at the end of the day, the personal touches on your statement are what make you stand out. Sticking rigidly to someone else’s template is a risky road to take.

Most people will admit to finding personal statements tedious things to write, particularly when tailoring them to multiple different applications. Protocol Education can help you find an ECT job for September without the need to handcraft dozens of personal statements.

Our ECT Pool consists of a single application form, a few chats with your consultant and interviews in schools where you want to work.  Find out more about the ECT Pool here .

However, if you’re dead set on a particular job which expects you to write a personal statement as part of the application process, here’s how you do it.

So, let’s think about the actual purpose of the statement, show the school you are the right person for their job, the right fit for their school, and how you will benefit their students.

Did you notice how many times I used 'their' in that sentence?

This is because a one-size-fits-all ECT Personal Statement is not going to cut it. Any school hiring manager can see straight through a generic, templated statement.

Where do I begin, though, you ask? These tips for writing your personal statement should help you get started.

Read, read, read

The very first thing you need to do is read all the documentation included in the application pack. The letter, the job description, the person specification, the application guidance, everything!

Get out your highlighter pen and start reading and colouring in anything that stands out as important. Focus on important things to the school, unique to the school’s ethos, approach, values, and anything that is particularly aligned to your skills and work experience.

Get personal with the Person Specification

Next up, you need to look at what they have specified the essential criteria for the role. Put each point on a sheet of paper and start jotting down notes underneath each showing how you meet that criteria – it could be a qualification, teaching experience, depth of subject knowledge, your extra-curricular interests, your approach to teaching or your particular specialisms.

Get your skeleton structure in place

Good supporting statements share a fairly consistent anatomy. Here’s a handy NQT personal statement example structure:

Your area(s) of interest/expertise: Subjects, age ranges, SEN, all the details relevant to your desired career route and the needs of their role.

Your teaching experience – Include a general overview and a specific example that lets them visualise you in the classroom, how you work, how you support their pupils with their teaching and learning.

Address the Person Spec - This is where you demonstrate how you meet any additional criteria in the Person Specification that haven’t been covered yet. Have they said that experience in a particular area would be beneficial? Are they looking for knowledge of a specific learning style? Do they want some technical expertise to help with blended learning? This is the part to include all that extra detail.

Your USP - Your unique selling point goes in your NQT personal statement here. This is where you make yourself stand out from the crowd – try to answer the question ‘why would you hire you? It may be a specific skill, achievement or experience, your approach to teaching or work, or your alignment to their mission and ethos.

Let’s say you're applying for an SEN primary school that has a sensory garden, and you are an experienced gardener who has been involved in community gardening? Tell them. Do they run a chess club, and you played chess for the county? Let them know. Perhaps they have a dedicated SEN department, and you have volunteered in this area for the past couple of years. Whatever value you can add, it’s on you to make them aware of it.

Sum up what you have learnt in your teacher training and experience so far and how you are looking to develop your skills. Talk about why teaching is so important to you, and explain clearly why you want to work for that particular school.

Finally, the ‘SO-WHAT’ test

Once you’ve written everything up, apply the so-what test to each point.

For every point you have included, ask yourself – so what?

How does this point show I can benefit the students – and if it doesn’t, re-write or remove it. This document is not about what you want for yourself; it’s about what you can give to the individuals you are teaching, and highlighting this throughout is what will make your NQT Personal Statement shine!

Oh, and one last thing – proofread your statement, and proofread it again!

​Alternatively, you could just join our ECT Pool to bypass it altogether and start teaching in your first role as an early career teacher. The choice is yours.

Join the ECT Pool

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Teaching Personal Statement

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Are you applying for your dream teaching role but you’re not sure what to write in your personal statement? Here is our expert advice on what to include and how to present your knowledge, skills and experience in the best way. The key to a successful teaching personal statement is for it to portray how and why you teach, and who you are as an individual.

Personal statements give applicants the chance to shine. We recommend using this short space to show off your strengths, achievements and share your career aspirations. Use this 100-150 words to provide evidence of how you match the job specifications, and how much you would love this teaching role.

Alternatively, you can check out our generic  personal statement guide .

What to include in your teacher personal statement

Why you’re applying for the role.

  • Refer to any knowledge you have of the school and the role at hand, including any research you have done on the school, or any visits specifically.
  • Include reference to what appealed to you about this school and position.

Provide details about your education/course

  • Provide information on your previous education (School/University/Courses)
  • Reference any relevant courses or qualifications you have completed.
  • If you completed a PGCE course, mention your degree and dissertation, if appropriate, along with any classroom-based projects and modules.

Your teaching experience

  • Highlight the year groups you have taught in the past.
  • Mention the range of subjects you have covered.
  • Point out any use of specific teaching strategies that you have used.

Provide details on classroom management

  • Lesson planning and delivery tactics.
  • Provide any details, if applicable, of experience working with teaching assistants.
  • Mention how you handled classrooms and behavioural issues.

Short Example

A kind hearted, friendly, professional and highly trained teacher. I am extremely passionate about teaching, I find the position personally satisfying and beneficial to the students I work with. I am a great communicator and listener, and have the ability to understand a student’s needs. I love creating lesson plans, organising work flow and interacting with the students. Education is a passion of mine and creating a safe, friendly and productive environment for my students to learn is a top priority. I’ve worked as a teacher for several years across a range of subjects, with my experience and set of skills I feel that I would make a great asset to your team.

If you’re seeking your next teaching role, then be sure to check out the range of other resources that we have available:

  • Teaching Assistant Personal Statement
  • Teacher CV Template

Related links

  • How to Become a Primary School Teacher

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Teaching personal statement example.

My lifetime goal and aspiration since a young age has been to become a school teacher. While I was in school, I had a favourite teacher whose impactful teaching inspired my interest. Her kindness, genuine appreciation for me, and unique teaching style sparked my passion for becoming an educator. I always want to work with children as I care for them a lot. I always find it interesting to handle children. I can understand well their situation. During my time in school, my principal noticed my rapport with younger students and suggested I assist primary teachers. Engaging with the kids and their fondness towards me inspired me to start teaching. I was able to assist the children in reading, helping them with words that they think are difficult. Witnessing their growth and fostering their self-confidence was immensely rewarding. I just loved having the responsibility of supervising children.

I used to teach my younger brother from kindergarten to fourth grade. He felt most comfortable learning from me within our family. Sometimes, when I had exams, I couldn't teach him, and surprisingly, his grades did not improve during those times. However, whenever I resumed teaching him, his results became excellent, catching everyone's attention. I felt incredibly proud. I recall how my brother wasn't very interested in Bengali initially, but my teaching approach motivated him to study harder, eventually achieving the highest marks in his class.

I have a fondness for children and believe that they can be taught vital and valuable life lessons during their time in primary school which will then help them to grow emotionally and mentally into mature young people. It is this that I want to be a part of, the progression to their success. I remember as a child the amount of respect that teachers earned from their classes which drove me to learn in primary school. I'm extremely passionate about having a big input into a young person's life and making a difference. it is my ambition to become a good role model for the next generation. I am a responsible, hard-working and friendly girl who is known for my strong passion to attain a career as a primary school teacher. I firmly believe that in order to become a great teacher, the desire to help and assist children should be there. The learning process can be tough and challenging, which is one of the reasons that I really love about this profession.

I completed an Access to Higher Education Diploma in Business Management. I learned independently through online classes. I went to university for Business Management but realized it wasn't right for me. The course didn't make me happy. My inner self urged me to follow my true passion. I discovered I love teaching children the most and being around them brings me joy and real happiness. I'm good at talking with people and making things easy to understand. At work, I learned a lot and got inspired. People know me for being friendly and reliable, and I love taking on challenges. In my role at work, I am responsible for providing initial training to new employees. Colleagues find me approachable, and I have a knack for explaining things in a way that's easy for them to understand. I genuinely enjoy teaching people new things. I have great communication skills and work well with others, but I can also do things on my own. When things get busy, I stay organized and always meet goals on time.

The new lessons going to be learned from this program can make me further more suitable and stronger to take up teaching as profession in primary school. Definitely, I will use wisely my past experience to gather more knowledge from this program and groom myself as a best teacher for the primary school. All my past experiences and this current one will help me to explore new heights in your program and I am going to be a special student among the program for sure too.

I feel that my experience and enthusiasm for Primary teaching would make this a fulfilling and rewarding career. I am very much looking forward to expanding my practical and theoretical knowledge by attending university. In pursuing a degree in teaching, I seek to advance my knowledge and work to achieve my life ambition. I believe I have the commitment, patience and persistence to succeed. My teaching practice has confirmed my belief that teaching is one of the most challenging, demanding, exhausting but varied and exciting careers there are. look forward to university and ultimately having a job that is so important and a vital part of so many young lives.

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We're arriving at 7am in velikhy Novgorod tomorrow off the overnight train from Moscow and can't check in to our hotel until 2pm. Any recommendations for cafes where we can crash, chill for a few hours to get our energy back? Is anything open that early? Thanks!

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Hi Noelle, We are planning the same journey: did you find any cafe's open?


Change time and day of the week to your liking.

many hotels will sell you the morning as extra if they have some room of your category empty and free for the whole duration, and anyway you can ask them to call you for earlier checkin if possible.

If you do the travel in midsummer, early morning 07:00/08:00 is a good time for photography, kremlin and old town are still mostly empty. Anyway, winter or summer, there's so much architecture to absorb that you can get a first feeling and overview a first time, to scratch the surface and do a second circuit later.

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    These tips may help you include the most important information. Here are some basic steps to compose a strong personal statement for teaching positions: 1. Generate ideas. Before you start your draft, take time to generate ideas to help you decide what to include in your personal statement, including accomplishments, strengths, strategies and ...

  17. Your NQT Personal Statement

    Use emotional language to touch your reader. Help them imagine themselves in the situation you are describing. Help them feel what it was like in the situation that drove your desire in becoming a teacher. This is a major key in rousing your reader's emotions. 4. Make sure you start your personal statement strongly.

  18. How to Write a Personal Statement for a Teaching Job

    Writing a personal statement for a teaching job is a process that requires some strategic planning and preparation. You need to make sure your personal statement is unique and shows you in the best possible light. Use the tips we've shared above to write a killer personal statement for a teaching job. Make sure you submit a memorable ...

  19. How To Write an ECT Personal Statement and Land Your First Job as a

    Good supporting statements share a fairly consistent anatomy. Here's a handy NQT personal statement example structure: Your area (s) of interest/expertise: Subjects, age ranges, SEN, all the details relevant to your desired career route and the needs of their role. Your teaching experience - Include a general overview and a specific example ...

  20. Teaching Personal Statement

    Personal statements give applicants the chance to shine. We recommend using this short space to show off your strengths, achievements and share your career aspirations. Use this 100-150 words to provide evidence of how you match the job specifications, and how much you would love this teaching role. Alternatively, you can check out our generic ...

  21. Teaching Personal Statement Example

    This personal statement is unrated. My lifetime goal and aspiration since a young age has been to become a school teacher. While I was in school, I had a favourite teacher whose impactful teaching inspired my interest. Her kindness, genuine appreciation for me, and unique teaching style sparked my passion for becoming an educator.

  22. How to write a primary teacher personal statement in 6 steps

    If you want to write a personal statement for a primary school teacher job application, consider the steps below: 1. Check the instructions. In the job advertisement, you may find instructions or guidelines for writing your personal statement. A good first step is to look for these instructions to determine what the hiring organisation expects ...

  23. How to write a personal statement for teacher training

    Consider splitting your personal statement into weighted sections and allocate a portion of the word count to each section. For example, for a 500-word statement dedicate 100 words each to your introduction, education, experiences, goals and conclusion in the main body of the statement. This strict structure is unlikely to fit your final ...

  24. Novgorod for Day Trip From Cruise Ship in St. Petersburg

    We are taking a Baltic Cruise, and we have three days in St. Petersburg.This will be our second cruise to the Baltics and St. Petersburg. We have arranged for the same private guide all three days that we used last time - she's so wonderful that she's become a personal friend and came to visit us in the USA as our house guest for a week!

  25. St Petersburg to Veliky Novgorod

    Answer 1 of 15: My husband and i would like to go from St. Petersburg to Veliky Novgorod. We see there is a train, but it leave very early in the morning, which is not ideal. Also, is there a bathroom on the train or does it stop so you can use one? Is smoking...

  26. Arriving early V Novgorod, where to get breakfast?

    Answer 1 of 3: We're arriving at 7am in velikhy Novgorod tomorrow off the overnight train from Moscow and can't check in to our hotel until 2pm. Any recommendations for cafes where we can crash, chill for a few hours to get our energy back? Is anything...

  27. Category : en:Places in Novgorod Oblast

    English names of places of all sorts in Novgorod Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. NOTE: This is a name category.It should contain names of specific places in Novgorod Oblast, not merely terms related to places in Novgorod Oblast, and should also not contain general terms for types of places in Novgorod Oblast.