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Philosophy Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

On the Possibility of Secular Morality , Zachary R. Alonso

An Ecofeminist Ontological Turn: Preparing the Field for a New Ecofeminist Project , M. Laurel-Leigh Meierdiercks

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Karl Marx on Human Flourishing and Proletarian Ethics , Sam Badger

The Ontological Grounds of Reason: Psychologism, Logicism, and Hermeneutic Phenomenology , Stanford L. Howdyshell

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Interdisciplinary Communication by Plausible Analogies: the Case of Buddhism and Artificial Intelligence , Michael Cooper

Heidegger and the Origin of Authenticity , John J. Preston

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Hegel and Schelling: The Emptiness of Emptiness and the Love of the Divine , Sean B. Gleason

Nietzsche on Criminality , Laura N. McAllister

Learning to be Human: Ren 仁, Modernity, and the Philosophers of China's Hundred Days' Reform , Lucien Mathot Monson

Nietzsche and Eternal Recurrence: Methods, Archives, History, and Genesis , William A. B. Parkhurst

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Orders of Normativity: Nietzsche, Science and Agency , Shane C. Callahan

Humanistic Climate Philosophy: Erich Fromm Revisited , Nicholas Dovellos

This, or Something like It: Socrates and the Problem of Authority , Simon Dutton

Climate Change and Liberation in Latin America , Ernesto O. Hernández

Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa as Expressions of Shame in a Post-Feminist , Emily Kearns

Nostalgia and (In)authentic Community: A Bataillean Answer to the Heidegger Controversy , Patrick Miller

Cultivating Virtue: A Thomistic Perspective on the Relationship Between Moral Motivation and Skill , Ashley Potts

Identity, Breakdown, and the Production of Knowledge: Intersectionality, Phenomenology, and the Project of Post-Marxist Standpoint Theory , Zachary James Purdue

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Efficacy of Comedy , Mark Anthony Castricone

William of Ockham's Divine Command Theory , Matthew Dee

Heidegger's Will to Power and the Problem of Nietzsche's Nihilism , Megan Flocken

Abelard's Affective Intentionalism , Lillian M. King

Anton Wilhelm Amo's Philosophy and Reception: from the Origins through the Encyclopédie , Dwight Kenneth Lewis Jr.

"The Thought that we Hate": Regulating Race-Related Speech on College Campuses , Michael McGowan

A Historical Approach to Understanding Explanatory Proofs Based on Mathematical Practices , Erika Oshiro

From Meaningful Work to Good Work: Reexamining the Moral Foundation of the Calling Orientation , Garrett W. Potts

Reasoning of the Highest Leibniz and the Moral Quality of Reason , Ryan Quandt

Fear, Death, and Being-a-problem: Understanding and Critiquing Racial Discourse with Heidegger’s Being and Time , Jesús H. Ramírez

The Role of Skepticism in Early Modern Philosophy: A Critique of Popkin's "Sceptical Crisis" and a Study of Descartes and Hume , Raman Sachdev

How the Heart Became Muscle: From René Descartes to Nicholas Steno , Alex Benjamin Shillito

Autonomy, Suffering, and the Practice of Medicine: A Relational Approach , Michael A. Stanfield

The Case for the Green Kant: A Defense and Application of a Kantian Approach to Environmental Ethics , Zachary T. Vereb

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Augustine's Confessiones : The Battle between Two Conversions , Robert Hunter Craig

The Strategic Naturalism of Sandra Harding's Feminist Standpoint Epistemology: A Path Toward Epistemic Progress , Dahlia Guzman

Hume on the Doctrine of Infinite Divisibility: A Matter of Clarity and Absurdity , Wilson H. Underkuffler

Climate Change: Aristotelian Virtue Theory, the Aidōs Response and Proper Primility , John W. Voelpel

The Fate of Kantian Freedom: the Kant-Reinhold Controversy , John Walsh

Time, Tense, and Ontology: Prolegomena to the Metaphysics of Tense, the Phenomenology of Temporality, and the Ontology of Time , Justin Brandt Wisniewski

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

A Phenomenological Approach to Clinical Empathy: Rethinking Empathy Within its Intersubjective and Affective Contexts , Carter Hardy

From Object to Other: Models of Sociality after Idealism in Gadamer, Levinas, Rosenzweig, and Bonhoeffer , Christopher J. King

Humanitarian Military Intervention: A Failed Paradigm , Faruk Rahmanovic

Active Suffering: An Examination of Spinoza's Approach to Tristita , Kathleen Ketring Schenk

Cartesian Method and Experiment , Aaron Spink

An Examination of John Burton’s Method of Conflict Resolution and Its Applicability to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict , John Kenneth Steinmeyer

Speaking of the Self: Theorizing the Dialogical Dimensions of Ethical Agency , Bradley S. Warfield

Changing Changelessness: On the Genesis and Development of the Doctrine of Divine Immutability in the Ancient and Hellenic Period , Milton Wilcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Statue that Houses the Temple: A Phenomenological Investigation of Western Embodiment Towards the Making of Heidegger's Missing Connection with the Greeks , Michael Arvanitopoulos

An Exploratory Analysis of Media Reporting of Police Involved Shootings in Florida , John L. Brown

Divine Temporality: Bonhoeffer's Theological Appropriation of Heidegger's Existential Analytic of Dasein , Nicholas Byle

Stoicism in Descartes, Pascal, and Spinoza: Examining Neostoicism’s Influence in the Seventeenth Century , Daniel Collette

Phenomenology and the Crisis of Contemporary Psychiatry: Contingency, Naturalism, and Classification , Anthony Vincent Fernandez

A Critique of Charitable Consciousness , Chioke Ianson

writing/trauma , Natasha Noel Liebig

Leibniz's More Fundamental Ontology: from Overshadowed Individuals to Metaphysical Atoms , Marin Lucio Mare

Violence and Disagreement: From the Commonsense View to Political Kinds of Violence and Violent Nonviolence , Gregory Richard Mccreery

Kant's Just War Theory , Steven Charles Starke

A Feminist Contestation of Ableist Assumptions: Implications for Biomedical Ethics, Disability Theory, and Phenomenology , Christine Marie Wieseler

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Heidegger and the Problem of Modern Moral Philosophy , Megan Emily Altman

The Encultured Mind: From Cognitive Science to Social Epistemology , David Alexander Eck

Weakness of Will: An Inquiry on Value , Michael Funke

Cogs in a Cosmic Machine: A Defense of Free Will Skepticism and its Ethical Implications , Sacha Greer

Thinking Nature, "Pierre Maupertuis and the Charge of Error Against Fermat and Leibniz" , Richard Samuel Lamborn

John Duns Scotus’s Metaphysics of Goodness: Adventures in 13th-Century Metaethics , Jeffrey W. Steele

A Gadamerian Analysis of Roman Catholic Hermeneutics: A Diachronic Analysis of Interpretations of Romans 1:17-2:17 , Steven Floyd Surrency

A Natural Case for Realism: Processes, Structures, and Laws , Andrew Michael Winters

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Leibniz's Theodicies , Joseph Michael Anderson

Aeschynē in Aristotle's Conception of Human Nature , Melissa Marie Coakley

Ressentiment, Violence, and Colonialism , Jose A. Haro

It's About Time: Dynamics of Inflationary Cosmology as the Source of the Asymmetry of Time , Emre Keskin

Time Wounds All Heels: Human Nature and the Rationality of Just Behavior , Timothy Glenn Slattery

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Nietzsche and Heidegger on the Cartesian Atomism of Thought , Steven Burgess

Embodying Social Practice: Dynamically Co-Constituting Social Agency , Brian W. Dunst

Subject of Conscience: On the Relation between Freedom and Discrimination in the Thought of Heidegger, Foucault, and Butler , Aret Karademir

Climate, Neo-Spinozism, and the Ecological Worldview , Nancy M. Kettle

Eschatology in a Secular Age: An Examination of the Use of Eschatology in the Philosophies of Heidegger, Berdyaev and Blumenberg , John R. Lup, Jr.

Navigation and Immersion of the American Identity in a Foreign Culture to Emergence as a Culturally Relative Ambassador , Lee H. Rosen

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

A Philosophical Analysis of Intellectual Property: In Defense of Instrumentalism , Michael A. Kanning

A Commentary On Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz's Discourse on Metaphysics #19 , Richard Lamborn Samuel Lamborn

Sellars in Context: An Analysis of Wilfrid Sellars's Early Works , Peter Jackson Olen

The New Materialism: Althusser, Badiou, and Zizek , Geoffrey Dennis Pfeifer

Structure and Agency: An Analysis of the Impact of Structure on Group Agents , Elizabeth Kaye Victor

Moral Friction, Moral Phenomenology, and the Improviser , Benjamin Scott Young

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

The Virtuoso Human: A Virtue Ethics Model Based on Care , Frederick Joseph Bennett

The Existential Compromise in the History of the Philosophy of Death , Adam Buben

Philosophical Precursors to the Radical Enlightenment: Vignettes on the Struggle Between Philosophy and Theology From the Greeks to Leibniz With Special Emphasis on Spinoza , Anthony John Desantis

The Problem of Evil in Augustine's Confessions , Edward Matusek

The Persistence of Casuistry: a Neo-premodernist Approach to Moral Reasoning , Richard Arthur Mercadante

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Dewey's Pragmatism and the Great Community , Philip Schuyler Bishop

Unamuno's Concept of the Tragic , Ernesto O. Hernandez

Rethinking Ethical Naturalism: The Implications of Developmental Systems Theory , Jared J.. Kinggard

From Husserl and the Neo-Kantians to Art: Heidegger's Realist Historicist Answer to the Problem of the Origin of Meaning , William H. Koch

Queering Cognition: Extended Minds and Sociotechnologically Hybridized Gender , Michele Merritt

Hydric Life: A Nietzschean Reading of Postcolonial Communication , Elena F. Ruiz-Aho

Descartes' Bête Machine, the Leibnizian Correction and Religious Influence , John Voelpel

Aretē and Physics: The Lesson of Plato's Timaeus , John R. Wolfe

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Praxis and Theōria : Heidegger’s “Violent” Interpretation , Megan E. Altman

On the Concept of Evil: An Analysis of Genocide and State Sovereignty , Jason J. Campbell

The Role of Trust in Judgment , Christophe Sage Hudspeth

Truth And Judgment , Jeremy J. Kelly

The concept of action and responsibility in Heidegger's early thought , Christian Hans Pedersen

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Georgetown University.

College of Arts & Sciences

Georgetown University.

Past Dissertations

Hyperlinked dissertations are available through  Proquest Digital Dissertations .

Dissertations from 2021
2024 John Greco
2023 Bryce Huebner
2023 David Luban
2022 Karen Stohr
2022 David Luban
2022 Quill R. Kukla
2022 Quill R. Kukla
2022 Bryce Huebner
2021 William Blattner
2021 Henry Richardson
2021 Maggie Little
2021 Mark Lance
2021 Bryce Huebner
2021 Quill R. Kukla
Table 1: Dissertations from 2020-2010
Karen Rice2020 Karen Stohr
Hailey Huget2020 Margaret Little
Michael Barnes2019 Rebecca Kukla
Matthew Shields2019 Mark Lance
Quentin Fisher2019 Mark Lance
Megan Dean2019 Rebecca Kukla
Daniel Threet2019 Henry Richardson
Joseph Rees2018 Rebecca Kukla
Paul Cudney2018 Nancy Sherman
Gordon Shannon2017 Mark Murphy
Nabina Liebow2017 Rebecca Kukla
Colin Hickey2017 Madison Powers & Maggie Litte
Cassie Herbert2017 Rebecca Kukla
Jacob Earl2017 Maggie Little
Francisco Gallegos2017 William Blattner
Laura Guidry-Grimes2017 Alisa Carse
Chong Un Choe-Smith2016 Mark Murphy
Trip Glazer2016 Rebecca Kukla
Patricia McShane2015 Mark Murphy
Torsten Menge2015 Rebecca Kukla
Anne Jeffrey2015 Mark Murphy
Oren Magid2015 William Blattner
Anthony Manela 2014 Maggie Little
Travis Rieder2014 Henry Richardson
Kyle Fruh2014 Judith Lichtenberg
Emily Evans2014 Tom Beauchamp
Diana Puglisi2014 Wayne Davis
Ann Lloyd Breeden2014 Henry Richardson
Richard Fry2014 Tom Beauchamp
James Olsen2014 William Blattner
Kelly Heuer2013 Maggie Little
Marcus Hedahl2013 Maggie Little
Yashar Saghai2013 Maggie Little
Tony Pfaff2013 Nancy Sherman
Nate Olson2012 Henry Richardson
Luke Maring2012 Henry Richardson
Christian Golden2012 Gerald Mara, Mark Lance
Karim Sadek2012 Terry Pinkard
Daniel Quattrone2011 Steven Kuhn
Amy Sepinwall2011 David Luban
Lee Okster2011 Alisa Carse
Jeffrey Engelhardt2011 Wayne Davis
David Bachyrycz2010 John Brough
Justyna Japola2010 Wayne Davis
Table 2: Dissertations from 2009-2000
Lauren Fleming2009 Maggie Little
Robert Leider2009 Henry Richardson
Billy Lauinger2009 Mark Murphy
Tea Logar2009 Maggie Little
Kari Esbensen2008 Madison Powers
Ashley Fernandes2008 Edmund Pellegrino
Chauncey Maher2007 Mark Lance
Michael Ferry2007 Mark Murphy
Matthew McAdam2007 Wayne Davis, Maggie Little
Jeremy Snyder2007 Margaret Little
Matthew Rellihan2006 Wayne Davis
Katherine Taylor2006 Alisa Carse
Patricia Flynn2006 Henry Richardson
Elisa A. Hurley2006 Margaret Little & Nancy Sherman
Colleen MacNamara 2006 Margaret Little
Daniel H. Levine2005 Henry Richardson
Michelle Strauss2005 Margaret Little
Jennifer K. Walter2005 Alisa Carse
Justin Weinberg2004 Henry Richardson
Matthew Burstein2004 Mark Lance
Todd Janke2004 William Blattner
Thane M. Naberhaus2004 John Brough
Nathaniel Goldberg2004 Linda Wetzel
Sven G. Sherman-Peterson2003 G. Madison Powers
Eran Patrick Klein2002 Edmund Pellegrino
Harrison Keller2002 Henry Richardson
Thaddeus Pope2002 Tom Beauchamp
William H. White2002 Mark Lance & Margaret Little
Stephen Scott Hanson2002 Tom Beauchamp
Cynthia Foster Chance2000 Terry Pinkard
Lauren Christine Deichman2000 Alisa Carse
Kevin Fitzgerald, SJ2000 LeRoy Walters
Jeffrey C. Jennings2000 Edmund Pellegrino
Table 3: Dissertations from 1999-1990
Frank Chessa1999 Tom Beauchamp
Elizabeth Hill Emmett-Mattox1999 G. Madison Powers
John J. Gunkel1999 William Blattner
Michael P. Wolf1999 Mark Lance
Laura Jane Bishop1998 LeRoy Walters
Whitley Robert Peters Kaufman1998 Henry Richardson
Jeremy Randel Koons1998 Mark Lance
Sharon Ruth Livingston1998 Steve Kuhn
Lester Aaron Myers1998 Wilfried Ver Eecke
Randall K. O’Bannon1998 John Langan
Julia Pedroni1998 LeRoy Walters
Carol Mason Spicer1998 LeRoy Walters
Susan Allison Stark1998 Margaret Little
Carol R. Taylor1997 Edmund Pellegrino
Andrew Cohen1997 G. Madison Powers
Suzanne Shevlin Edwards1997 G. Madison Powers
Robin Fiore1997 G. Madison Powers
Kimberly Mattingly1997 G. Madison Powers
Wilhelmine Davis Miller1997 Alisa Carse
Frank Daniel Davis1996 Edmund Pellegrino
Judith Lee Kissell1996 Edmund Pellegrino
Ronald Alan Lindsay1996Self-Determination, Suicide, and Euthanasia: The Implications of Autonomy for the Morality and Legality of Assisted Suicide and Voluntary Active Euthanasia (Volumes 1 & 2)Tom Beauchamp
Robert S. Olick1996Deciding for Incompetent Patients: The Nature and Limit of Prospective Autonomy and Advance DirectivesRobert Veatch
William Edward Stempsey1996Fact and Value in Disease and Diagnosis: A Proposal for Value-Dependent RealismRobert Veatch
John J. DeGioia1995The Moral Theories of Charles Taylor and Alasdair MacIntyre and the Objective Moral OrderTerry Pinkard
Susan Beth Rubin1995Futility: An Insufficient Justification for Physician Unilateral Decision MakingRobert Veatch
Daniel Patrick Sulmasy1995Killing and Allowing to Die, Volumes 1 & 2Edmund Pellegrino
Paul Fein1994We Have Ways: The Law and Morality of the Interrogation of Prisoners of War (Volumes 1, 2 & 3)John Langan
Catherine Myser1994A Philosophical Critique of the ‘Best Interests’ Criterion and an Exploration of Balancing the Interests of Infants or Fetuses, Family Members, and Society in the United States, India, and SwedenLeRoy Walters
Laura Shanner1994Phenomenology of the Child-Wish: New Reproductive Technologies and Ethical Responses to InfertilityLeRoy Walters
Christine Grady1993Ethical Issues in the Development and Testing of a Preventative HIV VaccineLeRoy Walters
Kevin Arthur Kraus1993Hoping in the Healing Process: An Integral Condition to the Ethics of CareEdmund Pellegrino
Patricia Von Gaertner Mazzarella1993Can Eternal Objects Be the Foundation for a Process Theory of Morality?Edmund Pellegrino
Cynthia Anderson1992Kant’s Theory of MeasurementJay Reuscher
Carol Jean Bayley1992Values and Worldview in Clinical Research and the Practice of MedicineRobert Veatch
Leonard Ferenz1992Social and Ethical Impacts of Life-Extending Technologies and Interventions into the Aging ProcessRobert Veatch
Aaron Leonard Mackler1992Cases and Considered Judgments: A Critical Appraisal of Casuistic Approaches in EthicsTom Beauchamp
Dennis E. Boyle1991Geometry, Place Relations and the Illusion of Physical SpaceWayne Davis
Dianne Nutwell Irving1991Philosophical and Scientific Analysis of the Nature of the Early Human EmbryoEdmund Pellegrino
Robert A. Mayhew1991Aristotle’s Criticism of Plato’s Republic: A Philosophical CommentaryAlfonso Gomez-Lobo
Cecilia Regina Ortiz-Mena1991From Existence to the Ideal: Continuity and Development in Kant’s TheologyJay Reuscher
Minerva San Juan1991Being Moved by Reasons: The Superiority of Kant’s InternalismHenry Richardson
Christopher Francis Schiavone1991The Contemplative Dimension of Rationality in the Thought of Karl Rahner: A Condition of Possibility for Revelation (Volumes 1 & 2)Frank Ambrosio
Virginia Ashby Sharpe1991How the Liberal Idea Fails as a Foundation for Medical Ethics, or, Medical Ethics “In a Different Voice”Edmund Pellegrino
Mary Louise Wessell1991Health Care for the Poor: A Critical Examination of the Views of Edmund A. Pellegrino and H. Tristram EngelhardtEdmund Pellegrino
Patrick Sven Arvidson1990Limits in the Field of ConsciousnessJohn Brough
Sigrid Fry-Revere1990The Social Accountability of Bioethics Committees and ConsultantsLeRoy Walters
Marilee R. Howard1990The Relevance of Catholic Social Teachings for Determining Priorities for Rationing Health CareJohn Langan
Jeffrey Paul Kahn1990The Principle of Nonmaleficence and the Problems of Reproductive Decision MakingTom Beauchamp
Mark Steven Mitsock1990Husserl on Modern Philosophy: A Study of Erste PhilosophieJohn Brough
Maura Ann O’Brien1990Moral Voice in Public Policy: Responding to the AIDS PandemicLeRoy Walters
William Charles Soderberg1990Genetic Obligations to Future GenerationsLeRoy Walters
Susan Sylar Stocker1990Husserl and Gadamer on Historicity of Understanding: Can Historicism Be Avoided?John Brough
Cornelia Tsakiridou1990The Death of Form: Artistic Being and Artistic Culture in HegelWilfried Ver Eecke
Bruce David Weinstein1990Moral Voice in Public Policy: Responding to the AIDS PandemicRobert Veatch
Table 4: Dissertations from 1989-1980
Fatin Khalil Ismail Al-Bustany1989Scientific Change as an Evolutionary, Information Process: Its Structural, Conceptual, and Cultural ElementsGeorge Farre
David Dion DeGrazia1989Interests, Intuition, and Moral Status (Vol. 1)Tom Beauchamp
Jacqueline Jean Glover1989The Role of Physicians in Cost Containment: An Ethical AnalysisLeRoy Walters
John Lawrence Hill1989In Defense of Surrogate Parenting Arrangements: An Ethical and Legal AnalysisLeRoy Walters
Eric Mark Meslin1989Protecting Human Subjects from Harm in Medical Research: A Proposal for Improving Risk Judgments by Institutional Review BoardsLeRoy Walters
Albdelkader Aoudjit1988A Critique of Existential MarxismGeorge Farre
Mary Ann Gardell Cutter1988Explanation in Clinical Medicine: Analysis and CritiqueTom Beauchamp
Marcella Fausta Tarozzi Goldsmith1988Nonrepresentational Forms of the Comic: Humor, Irony, and JokesWilfried Ver Eecke
Margaret McKenna Houck1988Derek Parfit and Obligations to Future GenerationsLeRoy Walters
Erna Joy Kroeger Mappes1988The Ethics of Care and the Ethic of Rights: A Problem for Contemporary Moral TheoryTom Beauchamp
Rolland William Pack1988Case Studies and Moral Conclusions: The Philosophical Use of Case Studies in Biomedical EthicsEdmund Pellegrino
Joseph Francis Rautenberg1988Grisez, Finnis and the Proportionalists: Disputes over Commensurability and Moral Judgment in Natural LawRichard McCormick
Najla Abri Hamadeh Osman1987Freud’s Theory of the Death Instinct and Lacan’s InterpretationWilfried Ver Eecke
Devra Beck Simiu1987Disorder and Early Alienation: Lacan’s Original Theory of the Mirror StageWilfried Ver Eecke
Barry Kerlin Smith1987The Problem of Truth in LiteratureJohn Brough
James Winslow Anderson1986Three Abortion Theorists: A Critical AppreciationLeRoy Walters
Angela Rose Ricciardelli1986A Comparison of Wilfred Desan’s and Pierre Teihard de Chardin’s Thinking With Regard to the Nature of Man’s Survival in a United WorldSr. Virginia Gelger & Thomas McTighe
Gladys Benson White1986A Philosophical Analysis of the Normative Status of the FamilyLeRoy Walters
Timothy Owen Davis1985The Problem of Intersubjectivity in Husserlian PhenomenologyJohn Brough
Eric Thomas Juengst1985The Concept of Genetic Disease and Theories of Medical ProgressTom Beauchamp
Jameson Kurasha1985The Importance of Philosophy of Mind in Educational TheoryWayne Davis
Deborah Ruth Mathieu1985Preventing Harm and Respecting Liberty: Ethical and Legal Implications of New Prenatal TherapiesHenry Veatch
John Marcus Rose1985Plotinus and Heiddeger on Anxiety and the NothingThomas McTighe
Dorothy E. Vawter1985The Truth and Objectivity of Practical Propositions: Contemporary Arguments in Moral EpistemologyAlfonso Gomez-Lobo
Abigail Rian Evans1984Health, Healing and Healer: A Theological and Philosophical InquiryWilliam May
Sara Thompson Fry1984Protecting Privacy: Judicial Decision-Making in Search of a PrincipleLeRoy Walters
Michael Patrick Malloy1984Civil Authority in Medieval Philosophy: Selected Commentaries of Aquinas and BonaventureThomas McTighe
Ray Edward Moseley1984Animal Rights: An Analysis of the Major Arguments for Animal RightsLeRoy Walters
Jody Palmour1984The Ancient Virtues and Vices: Philosophical Foundations for the Psychology, Ethics, and Politics of Human Development (Volume 1)Wilfried Ver Eecke
Marcia Winfred Sichol1984The Application of Just War Principles to Nuclear War and Deterrence in Three Contemporary Theorists: Michael Walzer, Paul Ramsey, and William V. O’BrienJohn Langan
Donald Clare Bogie1983For an Ethical IndividualismHenry Veatch
Katheryn A. Cabrey1982An Ethical Perspective on the Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources as Exemplified in the Federal Financing of Care to Renal PatientsLeRoy Walters
Alan Lawrence Udoff1982Evil, History and FaithThomas McTighe
William R. Casement1981Indoctrination and Contemporary Approaches to Moral EducationJesse Mann
John Francis Donovan1981Church-State Relations in Hegel’s Philosophy of RightThomas McTighe
Fr. Thomas Joseph Joyce1981Dewey’s Process of Inquiry as the Basis of His Educational ModelJesse Mann
Josef Kadlec1981Aging – A New Problem of Modern MedicineH. Tristram Engelhardt Jr.
James Joseph McCartney1981The Relationship Between Karol Wojtyla’s Personalism and the Contemporary Debate Over the Ontological Status of Human Embryological LifeRichard McCormick
Nina Virginia Mikhalevsky1981The Concept of Rational Being in Kant’sMetaphysics of the Groundwork of MoralsH. Tristram Engelhardt Jr.
John MacMillan Simons1981Spirit and Time: Plotinus’s Doctrine of the Two MattersThomas McTighe
Carol Ann Tauer1981The Moral Status of the Prenatal Human Subject of ResearchTom Beauchamp
Charlotte Elizabeth Witt1981Essentialism: Aristotle and the Contemporary ApproachAlfonso Gomez-Lobo
Emmanuel Damascus Akpan1980The Pseudo Deontology of John Rawls: In Defense of the Principle of UtilityTom Beauchamp
Johanna Maria Bantjes1980Kripke’s Interpretation of Wittgenstein’s Theory of Proper NamesGeorge Farre
Gary Martin Seay1980Prescriptivism and Moral WeaknessTom Beauchamp
Table 5: Dissertations from 1979-1970
Peter McLaren Black1979Killing and Letting DieTom Beauchamp
Ileana Jacoubovitch Grams1979The Logic of Insanity DefenseTom Beauchamp
Sander H. Lee1979Does Moral Freedom Imply Anarchism?Henry Veatch
Francine Michele Rainone1979Marx and the Classical Tradition in Moral PhilosophyHenry Veatch
Francis Joseph Kelly1978Structural and Developmental Aspects of the Formulation of Categoral Judgments in the Philosophy of Edmund HusserlJohn Brough
Richard Norman Stichler1978Ideals of FreedomTom Beauchamp
Charles Coulter Verharen1978The Demarcation of Philosophy from Science and Art in the Methodology of WittgensteinGeorge Farre
Harold Bleich1977Herbert Marcuse’s Philosophy: A Critical AnalysisWilfried Ver Eecke
Andrea Beryl King1977Benevolent Dictatorship in Plato’s Republicn.a.
Emil James Piscitelli1977Language and Method in the Philosophy of Religion: A Critical Study of the Philosophy of Bernard LoneganThomas McTighe
Jane S. Zembaty1977The Essentialism of Kripke and Madden and Metaphysical NecessityTom Beauchamp
Michael Jan Fuksa1976Logic, Language and the Free Will DefenseHenry Veatch
Ann Neale1976The Concept of Health in Medicine: A Philosophical AnalysisLeroy Walters & Tom Beauchamp
Richard Chibikodo Onwuanibe1976An Ethical Inquiry on Franz Fanon’s Revolutionary Humanism: A Critique of the Use of ViolenceHenry Veatch & Jesse Mann
Sue Ellen Sloca1976An Examination and Evaluation of Criticism Directed Against the Linguistic Relativity HypothesisWilfried Ver Eecke
Michael Eugene Downey1975Language About God: Analytic, Synthetic, or Synthetic a priori?Henry Veatch
John Joseph Drummond1975Presenting and Kinaesthetic Sensations in Husserl’s Phenomenology of PerceptionJohn Brough
Thomas James Hickey1975Systems Approach to the Logic of Justification in Ordinary LanguageGeorge Farre
Francis Ignatius Kane1975Heidegger’s Sein and Linguistic Analytic ObjectionsThomas McTighe
George John Marshall1975Can Human Nature Change?: A Tentative Answer in the Light of the Positions of Dewey, Sarte, and Their CriticsWilfred Desan & Jesse Mann
Michael Christopher Normile1975Individual and Society: Dewey’s Reconstruction and ResolutionJesse Mann
Kathleen Louise Usher1975A Clarification of Edmund Husserl’s Distinction Between Phenomenological Psychology and Transcendental PhenomenologyJohn Brough
Debra Beth Bergoffen1974The Crisis of Western Consciousness: An Interpretation of Its Meaning Through an Analysis of the Temporal Symbols of Western CultureWilfried Ver Eecke
Sister Marietta Culhane1974Philosophical Clarification of the Contemporary Concept of Self-IdentityRocco Porreco
James George Fisher1974The Distinction Between Substances and Principal Attribute in DescartesThomas McTighe
Sister Patricia Hayes1974An Analysis of Kant’s Use of the Term ‘Metaphysics’John Reuscher
Thomas Albin Mappes1974Inductive Reasoning and Moral Reasoning: Parallel Patterns of JustificationTom Beauchamp
Joseph Edmund Martire1974The Logic of Depiction and the Logic of Description: An Analysis of ‘The Picture Theory’ of the Tractatus and Its Criticisms in the Philosophical InvestigationsGeorge Farre
John Patrick Mohr1974Self-Referential Language and the Existence of God in the Philosophy of HegelWilfried Ver Eecke
Sister Marilyn Clare Thie1974Whitehead on a Rational Explanation of Religious ExperienceLouis Dupré
Sister Mary-Rita Grady1973Time, The Form of the Will: An Essay on Josiah Royce’s Philosophy of TimeJesse Mann
Jerome Aloysius Miller1973The Irrefutability of Metaphysical TruthsThomas McTighe
Anne Rogers Devereux1973Der Vorgriff (The Pre-Apprehension of Being) and the Religious Act in Karl RahnerLouis Dupré
Thomas Toyoshi Tominaga1973A Wittgensteinian Inquiry into the Confusions Generated by the Question ‘What is the Meaning of a Word?’George Farre
Sister Mary Elizabeth Giegengack1972Can God Be Experienced? A Study in the Philosophy of Religion of William Ernest HockingLouis Dupré
Kevin Benedict McDonnell1971Religion and Ethics in the Philosophy of William of OckhamGermain Grisez
David Novak1971Suicide and Morality in Plato, Aquinas, and KantGermain Grisez
William M. Richards1971A New Interpretation of the Tractatus Logico-PhilosophicusGeorge Farre
Joseph Michael Boyle1970The Argument from Self-Referential Consistency: The Current DiscussionGermain Grisez
John Barnett Brough1970A Study of the Logic and Evolution of Edmund Husserl’s Theory of the Constitution of Time-Consciousness, 1893-1917Louis Dupré
Rev. Martin Joseph Lonergan1970Gabriel Marcel’s Phenomenology of IncarnationWilfred Desan
John Patrick Minahan1970The Metaphysical Misunderstanding of Wittgenstein’s TractatusGeorge Farre
George Francis Sefler1970The Structure of Language and its Relation to the World: A Methodological Study of the Writings of Martin Heidegger and Ludwig WittgensteinWilfred Desan
Thomas Joseph Shalvey1970The Philosophical Foundations of the Role of the Collective in the Work of Levi-StraussWilfred Desan
Olaf Philip Tollefsen1970Verification Procedures in Dialectical MetaphysicsGermain Grisez
Table 6: Dissertations from 1969-1960
Michael Didoha1969Conceptual Distortion and Intuitive Creativity: A Study of the Role of Knowledge in the Thought of Nicholas BerdyaevWilfred Desan
Joel Celedonio Ramirez1969The Personalist Metaphysics of Xavier ZubiriJesse Mann
Raymond Michael Herbenick1968C.S. Peirce and Contemporary Theories of the Systems Concept and Systems Approach to Problem-Solving and Decision-Making: An Introductory Essay on Systems Theory in Philosophical AnalysisJesse Mann
Rev. Walter John Stohrer1968The Role of Martin Heidegger’s Doctrine of Dasein in Karl Rahner’s Metaphysics of ManWilfred Desan
John H. Walsh1968A Fundamental Ontology of Play and LeisureWilfred Desan
Loretta Therese Zderad1968A Concept of EmpathyWilfred Desan
Mary-Angela Harper1967A Study of the Metaphysical Problem of IntersubjectivityLouis Dupré
Elena Lugo1967Jose Ortega y Gasset’s Sportive Sense of Life: His Philosophy of ManWilfred Desan
Carl Herman Pfuntner1967An Examination of the Extent of Philosophical Dependence, Methodological and Metaphysical, of John Dewey on Charles PeirceJesse Mann
Rev. Rene Firmin De Brabander1966Immanent Philosophy and Transcendent Religion: Henry Dumery’s Philosophy of ChristianityLouis Dupré
Joseph C. Mihalich1965The Notion of Value in the Existentialism of Jean-Paul SartreWilfred Desan
Magda Munoz-Colberg1965An Evaluation of Auguste Comte’s Theory of InequalityWilfred Desan
William A. Owen1964Whitehead’s Philosophy of Science the Concept of SubstanceJesse Mann
Thomas E. Schaefer1963The Meaning of Chun Tzu in the Thought of Menciusn.a.
Eulalio R. Baltazar1962A Critical Examination of the Methodology of Wilfred Desan
Pierre Emile Nys1961Body and Soul: The Center of Metaphysics?Thomas McTighe
Paul R. Sullivan1961Ontic Aspects of Cognition in PoetryRudolph Allers
Forrest H. Peterson1960The Study of Power in the Philosophies of Hegel and MarxH. A. Rommen
Table 7: Dissertations from 1959-1958
Rev. John R. Kanda1959Certain Intellectual Operations and the Neo-Scholastic MethodEdward Hanrahan
Rev. Robert R. Kline1959The Present Status of Value Theory in the United StatesRudolph Allers
Joseph G. Connor1958The Jesuit College and Electivism: A Study in the Philosophy of American EducationJohn Daley
Robert P. Goodwin1958The Metaphysical Pragmatism of Charles Sanders PeirceRudolph Allers
John Paul W. Fitzgibbon1958The Philosophy of Poetic Symbolism, Medieval and ModernRudolph Allers

Bac philo : la méthode pour la dissertation de philosophie

La dissertation de philosophie est sans doute l’une des épreuves les plus redoutées du bac. Voici nos conseils pour la réussir. Introduction, problématique, développement, conclusion, la dissertation obéit à certaines règles...

Contrairement à ce qu'on pourrait penser, la dissertation de philo' obéit à certaines règles. marcelsinge

À juste titre, l’épreuve de philo du bac angoisse de nombreux étudiants : malgré les apparences, il ne suffit pas de rédiger ce qu’il nous passe par la tête. Voici la méthode et règles à respecter pour bien réussir cette épreuve écrite.

Bac philo 2024 : l’épreuve aura lieu le mardi 18 juin au matin - consultez ici toutes les dates et horaires du bac 2024 .

David König - professeur de philosophie à l’ Institut Stanislas de Nice, auteur de nombreux ouvrages de philosophie ... vous donne ses conseils très pratiques pour réussir l’épreuve de philo.

Durant les premières minutes de découverte du sujet

  • Bien lire le sujet : définir les mots importants ; repérer les présupposés ; prêter attention aux conjonctions (et, ou, car…) ;
  • Rattacher le sujet aux notions et aux thèmes du cours : identifier les auteurs, les thèses et les exemples qui vont vous servir à appuyer chaque partie ;
  • Noter au brouillon ce à quoi vous fait penser le sujet ainsi que le plan que vous pourriez envisager, puis vérifier que ces pistes ne sont pas hors-sujet.

Bac philo dissertation : l’introduction

Structure de l’introduction

  • L’amorce : introduire le sujet par un développement, un exemple, une référence historique ou artistique, permettant d’illustrer la question.
  • Ce qui permet d’aboutir au libellé du sujet , qu’il faut citer tel quel.
  • La problématisation : après avoir brièvement défini les termes du libellé, il faut dégager le problème posé par le sujet (pourquoi la question se pose-t-elle ? quelles difficultés entraîne-t-elle ? y a-t-il un paradoxe ?). Une fois menée cette réflexion, il est possible de formuler la problématique qui guidera le devoir.
  • Préciser les enjeux : intérêt et portée de la question, conséquences éventuelles.
  • Annoncer le plan en privilégiant la formulation interrogative (« nous nous demanderons si… » au lieu de « nous verrons que… ») : l’introduction montre que le sujet soulève un problème (problématisation) et indique la manière dont on va le traiter (plan). L’introduction annonce sans conclure : elle ne doit pas résoudre d’emblée le problème.

La problématique

Le sujet pose un problème qui ne se réduit pas à la question formulée dans le libellé. Comment trouver la problématique ? Il suffit de se demander pourquoi la question se pose. L’analyse des termes du sujet doit permettre de dégager une problématique. Il y a une différence entre question et problème : la question appelle une réponse, le problème appelle une discussion. Une dissertation de philosophie est la discussion du problème contenu dans le sujet par l’analyse des différents concepts qu’il met en jeu. Il n’y a pas de réponse unique à une question : ce qui est attendu, c’est une réflexion personnelle argumentée illustrée par une culture philosophique générale qui déploie les enjeux et les différents aspects de la question. Le correcteur veut vous voir réfléchir.

Bac philo dissertation : le développement

Chaque paragraphe du développement doit idéalement avoir la structure suivante :

  • Formulation de l’idée directrice et argumentation qui prouve cette idée ;
  • Référence philosophique sous forme ou non de citation (avec commentaire) ;
  • Illustration éventuelle (référence littéraire, artistique ou exemple) ;
  • Bilan : impérativement écrire une phrase de synthèse récapitulative.

Le raisonnement mené dans le développement doit correspondre au plan annoncé dans l’introduction. Lorsque vous rédigez, demandez-vous si ce que vous êtes en train d’écrire a un rapport direct avec le sujet. Passez d’un paragraphe à l’autre de manière fluide et logique, en indiquant pourquoi on passe d’une idée à une autre (→ transition).

  • 1 paragraphe = 1 idée. Pour simplifier votre rédaction et la lecture du correcteur.
  • Les exemples et les citations doivent être correctement introduits et commentés.
  • Les exemples ne sont pas des arguments !

Les exemples et les citations doivent venir appuyer le raisonnement, et non l’inverse.

  • Il faut assurer le lien entre les différentes parties (et paragraphes) par des transitions.
  • Les parties ne doivent pas être interchangeables.

Il doit y avoir une gradation dans les parties, c’est-à-dire une progression de la pensée d’une partie à l’autre.

  • Écrivez simplement et lisiblement !

Dissertation bac philo : la conclusion

Conclure en deux temps :

  • Reprendre l’argumentation (« dans un 1er temps… dans un 2e temps… etc. »)
  • Prendre position (« Finalement, il apparaît que… »)

⟼ Pas de conclusion ouverte ! Vous risquez de poser une question que vous auriez dû traiter dans le développement ce qui laisserai une mauvaise dernière impression

Ne négligez pas la conclusion : elle donne l’impression finale du devoir.

Surtout : relisez votre copie et tâchez de corriger les fautes d’orthographe.

Consultez aussi

  • Comment entretenir sa culture générale ?
  • Les philosophes à connaitre dans le domaine de l’art
  • Comment bien conclure sa dissertation ?
  • Quand et comment commencer à réviser ?
  • Grand oral du bac : les conseils pour se préparer
  • Résultats du bac / bac pro / bac techno
  • Résultats du bac

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Philosophy Dissertations and Theses

The Department of Philosophy Dissertations and Theses Series is comprised of dissertations and theses authored by Marquette University's Department of Philosophy doctoral and master's students.

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Place, Attachment, and Feeling: Indigenous Dispossession and Settler Belonging , Sarah Kizuk

Nepantla and Mestizaje: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Mestizx Historical Consciousness , Jorge Alfredo Montiel

The Categories Argument for the Real Distinction Between Being and Essence: Avicenna, Aquinas, and Their Greek Sources , Nathaniel Taylor

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Modeling, Describing, and Explaining Subjective Consciousness- A Guide to (and for) the Perplexed , Peter Burgess

Looking Through Whiteness: Objectivity, Racism, Method, and Responsibility , Philip Mack

Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Maritain on the Student-Teacher Relationship in Catholic Higher Education , Timothy Rothhaar

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Empathetic Autistic: A Phenomenological Look at the Feminine Experience , Dana Fritz

Concerning Aristotelian Animal Essences , Damon Andrew Watson

When to Trust Authoritative Testimony: Generation and Transmission of Knowledge in Saadya Gaon, Al-Ghazālī and Thomas Aquinas , Brett A. Yardley

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Status of Irrationality: Karl Jaspers' Response to Davidson and Searle , Daniel Adsett

Cosmic City - Cosmic Teleology: A Reading of Metaphysics Λ 10 and Politics I 2 , Brandon Henrigillis

Phenomenal Consciousness: An Husserlian Approach , John Jered Janes

Al-Fārābī Metaphysics, and the Construction of Social Knowledge: Is Deception Warranted if it Leads to Happiness? , Nicholas Andrew Oschman

The Epistemology of Disagreement: Hume, Kant, and the Current Debate , Robert Kyle Whitaker

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

'Our Feet are Mired In the Same Soil': Deepening Democracy with the Political Virtue of Sympathetic Inquiry , Jennifer Lynn Kiefer Fenton

Towards a Philosophy of the Musical Experience: Phenomenology, Culture, and Ethnomusicology in Conversation , J. Tyler Friedman

Humor, Power and Culture: A New Theory on the Experience and Ethics of Humor , Jennifer Marra

Care of the Sexual Self: Askesis As a Route to Sex Education , Shaun Douglas Miller

Re-Evaluating Augustinian Fatalism through the Eastern and Western Distinction between God's Essence and Energies , Stephen John Plecnik

The Fantastic Structure of Freedom: Sartre, Freud, and Lacan , Gregory A. Trotter

The Province of Conceptual Reason: Hegel's Post-Kantian Rationalism , William Clark Wolf

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Hume on Thick and Thin Causation , Alexander Bozzo

Evolution, Naturalism, and Theism: An Inconsistent Triad? , David H. Gordon

The Parable As Mirror: An Examination of the Use of Parables in the Works of Kierkegaard , Russell Hamer

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Contextualizing Aquinas's Ontology of Soul: An Analysis of His Arabic and Neoplatonic Sources , Nathan McLain Blackerby

The Social and Historical Subject in Sartre and Foucault and Its Implications for Healthcare Ethics , Kimberly Siobhan Engels

Investigations of Worth: Towards a Phenomenology of Values , Dale Hobbs Jr.

Hegel and the Problem of the Multiplicity of Conflicting Philosophies , Matthew M. Peters

Aquinas, Averroes, and the Human Will , Traci Ann Phillipson

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Nature, Feminism, and Flourishing: Human Nature and the Feminist Ethics of Flourishing , Celeste D. Harvey

Developing Capabilities: A Feminist Discourse Ethics Approach , Chad Kleist

Kierkegaard in Light of the East: A Critical Comparison of the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard with Orthodox Christian Philosophy and Thought , Agust Magnusson

The Secular Transformation of Pride and Humility in the Moral Philosophy of David Hume , Kirstin April Carlson McPherson

Living within the Sacred Tension: Paradox and Its Significance for Christian Existence in the Thought of Søren Kierkegaard , Matthew Thomas Nowachek

Moral Imagination and Adorno: Before and After Auschwitz , Catlyn Origitano

Essence and Necessity, and the Aristotelian Modal Syllogistic: A Historical and Analytical Study , Daniel James Vecchio

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Subversive Humor , Chris A. Kramer

Virtue, Oppression, and Resistance Struggles , Trevor William Smith

Health As Embodied Authenticity , Margaret Steele

Recognition and Political Ontology: Fichte, Hegel, and Honneth , Velimir Stojkovski

The Conceptual Priority of the Perfect , Matthew Peter Zdon

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Dangerous Knowledge? Morality And Moral Progress After Naturalism , Daniel Diederich Farmer

Nietzsche's Revaluation of All Values , Joseph Anthony Kranak

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Re-Enchanting The World: An Examination Of Ethics, Religion, And Their Relationship In The Work Of Charles Taylor , David McPherson

Thomas Aquinas on the Apprehension of Being: The Role of Judgement in Light of Thirteenth-Century Semantics , Rosa Vargas Della Casa

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Naturalized Panpsychism: An Alternative to Fundamentalist Physicalism and Supernaturalism , Earl R. Cookson

The Concept of Personhood in the Phenomenology of Edmund Husserl , Colin J. Hahn

The Humanistic, Fideistic Philosophy of Philip Melanchthon (1497-1560) , Charles William Peterson

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Knowledge and Thought in Heidegger and Foucault: Towards an Epistemology of Ruptures , Arun Anantheeswaran Iyer

William James's Undivided Self and the Possibility of Immortality , Anthony Karlin

The Poetics of Remembrance: Communal Memory and Identity in Heidegger and Ricoeur , David Leichter

The Ontological Foundations for Natural Law Theory and Contemporary Ethical Naturalism , Bernard Mauser

Sexualized Violence, Moral Disintegration and Ethical Advocacy , Melissa Mosko

Spinoza on Individuals and Individuation: Metaphysics, Morals, and Politics , Matthew David Wion

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Paradox of Nature: Merleau-Ponty's Semi-Naturalistic Critique of Husserlian Phenomenology , Shazad Akhtar

Hume's Conception of Time and its Implications for his Theories of Causation and Induction , Daniel Esposito

Arabic Influences in Aquinas's Doctrine of Intelligible Species , Max Herrera

The Attestation of the Self as a Bridge Between Hermeneutics and Ontology in the Philosophy of Paul Ricoeur , Sebastian Kaufmann

Love's Lack: The Relationship between Poverty and Eros in Plato's Symposium , Lorelle D. Lamascus

Friendship and Fidelity: An Historical and Critical Examination , Joshua Walter Schulz

Natural Law Theory and the "Is"--"Ought" Problem: A Critique of Four Solutions , Shalina Stilley

Attending to Presence: A Study of John Duns Scotus' Account of Sense Cognition , Amy F. Whitworth

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Friendship and Self-Identity in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur , Cristina Bucur

The Finality of Religion in Aquinas' Theory of Human Acts , Francisco José Romero Carrasquillo

The finality of religion in Aquinas' theory of human acts , Francisco J Romero

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Self-Identity in Comparative Theology: The Functional lmportance of Charles Taylor's Concept of the Self for a Theology of Religions , Richard Joseph Hanson

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Husserl's Noema: A Critical Assessment of the Gestalt and Analytic Interpretations , Peter M. Chukwu

A Social Contract Analysis of Rawls and Rousseau: Supplanting the Original Position As Philosophically Most Favored , Paul Neiman

To Validate a Feeling: the Role of the Mood of Angst in Human Being , Gregory P. Schulz

The Conception and Attributes of God: A Comparison of Charles Sanders Peirce and Alfred North Whitehead , Scott W. Sinclair

John Rawls, Public Reason, and Natural Law: A Study of the Principles of Public Justification , Christopher Ward

Submissions from 2006 2006

Hans Jonas's ethic of responsibility applied to anti-aging technologies and the indefinite extension of the human life span , Jeffrey P Goins

David Hume and the Principle of Sufficient Reason , Ginger Lee

Virtue Theory in Plato's Republic , Griffin T. Nelson

The Principle of Alternate Possibilities: Finding Freedom after Frankfurt , Matthew F. Pierlott

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

Is There a Future for Marxist Humanism? , Jacob M. Held

Self-Love and Morality: Beyond Egoism and Altruism , Li Jing

Eikos Logos and Eikos Muthos: A Study of the Nature of the Likely Story in Plato's Timaeus , Ryan Kenneth McBride

Hume's Conclusions on the Existence and Nature of God , Timothy S. Yoder

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

The Foundations of the Politics of Difference , Peter Nathaniel Bwanali

The foundations of the politics of difference , Peter Nathaniel Bwanali

The Place of Justice in the Thinking of Emmanuel Levinas , Michael H. Gillick

New Waves in Metaethics: Naturalist Realism, Naturalist Antirealism and Divine Commands , Daniel R. Kern

Reason in Hume's Moral System , John Muenzberg

Conceiving Mind: A Critique of Descartes' Dualism and Contemporary Immaterialist Views of Consciousness , Kristin P. Schaupp

Respecting Plurality in Times of Change: Hannah Arendt's Conceptions of Political, Personal, and Ethical Responsibility , Stephen Schulman

Francis Suárez on the Ontological Status of Individual Unity vis-à-vis the Aristotelian Doctrine of Primary Substance , John W. Simmons

Through a Glass Darkly: Bernard Lonergan and Richard Rorty on the Possibility of Knowing Without a God's-Eye-View , Russell Snell

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Building a Heideggerian Ethic , Kelly A. Burns

St. Thomas Aquinas and the Self-Evident Proposition: A Study of the Manifold Senses of a Medieval Concept , Michael V. Dougherty

Ricoeur's Narrative Development of Gadamer's Hermeneutics: Continuity and Discontinuity , Keith D'Souza

Beauty's Resting Place: Unity in St. Augustine's Sensible Aesthetic , Matthew J. Hayes

Empathy and Knowledge: Husserl's Introductions to Phenomenology , Kevin Hermberg

The Transactional Model: A Critical Examination of John Dewey's Philosophy of Freedom , Mark N. Lenker III

Reflection on the "good" As a Source of Freedom in Virtue Theory , John D. Morse

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

An Evaluation of Alvin Plantinga's Religious Epistemology Does It Function Properly? , James Beilby

Merleau-Ponty: Embodied Subjectivity and the Foundation of Ethics , Sarah A. Fischer

Kant on Love for Oneself: Why Respect for the Moral Law, But not the Desire for Happiness, is a moral incentive , Lawrence Masek

Essence, Individuation, and Artifact: An Aristotelian Model for Familiar Concrete Particulars , Chad V. Meister

Normative Strategies for Resolving Human Rights Conflicts , Eugene T. Rice

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Philosophy Department

Philosophy Theses and Dissertations

This collection contains theses and dissertations from the Department of Philosophy, collected from the Scholarship@Western Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

Solidarity Building in a Structurally Unjust World , Emily T. Cichocki

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

The Phenomenology and Intentionality of Normative-Evaluative Experience , Shawn K. Bartlett

Causal Variable Choice, Interventions, and Pragmatism , Zili Dong

What Do We Owe The Other Animals In Health-Related Research? , Jessica A. du Toit

Using Formal Epistemology to Model Epistemic Injustice Against Neurodivergent People , Mackenzie Marcotte

Conceptual Engineering & Contextualism , Madhavi Mohan

Human Extinction in the Pessimist Tradition , Ignacio L. Moya

The Exclusion of Religious Reasons , Jaclyn Rekis

Kant's Concept of Freedom in the Metaphysics Lectures , Alin Paul Varciu

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Effective Field Theories: A Philosophical Appraisal , Dimitrios Athanasiou

Essays on Privilege and its Implications for Relational Autonomy and Vaccine Hesitancy , Nicole Fice

A Critical Examination of Informed Consent Approaches in Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Trials , Cory E. Goldstein

Craft and Virtue in Plato's Early Dialogues , Cecilia Z. Li

On Powerful Qualities , Dean J. Morales

Dissolving Nature/Nurture: Development as Coupled Interaction , Derek E. Oswick

Imagination as Thought in Aristotle's De Anima , Matthew Small

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Thomas Reid on Language and Mind , Alastair L.V. Crosby

Back to the Beginning: An Empiricist Defense of Scientific Stories About the Past , Craig William Fox

Autonomy, Paternalism, and the Moral Foundations of the Fiduciary Relationship , Austin Horn

Vindicating Evans: A Defence Of Evans' Theory Of Singular Thought , Dylan A. Hurry

Theories: Reconsidering Ramsey in the Philosophy of Science , John D. Lehmann

The Moral and Political Status of Microaggressions , Heather Stewart

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Aristotle's Account of Time: A Moderate Realism , Pierre-Luc Boudreault

On Polysemy: A Philosophical, Psycholinguistic, and Computational Study , Jiangtian Li

Apology and Reconciliation in Settler States , Nicholas B. Murphy

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

On Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Surplus Structure and Artifacts in Scientific Theories , Marie Gueguen

Theory construction in high-energy particle physics , Adam Koberinski

Understanding Interdisciplinary Corroboration: Lessons from a Review Paper in the Mind-Brain Sciences , Jaclyn Lanthier

Derogatory Words and Speech Acts: An Illocutionary Force Indicator Theory of Slurs , Chang Liu

Rethinking Individuality in Quantum Mechanics , Nathan Moore

Methodological Challenges for Empirical Approaches to Ethics , Christopher Shirreff

In Search of Psychiatric Kinds: Natural Kinds and Natural Classification in Psychiatry , Nicholas Slothouber

A Groundwork for A Logic of Objects , David Winters

Modes of Argumentation in Aristotle's Natural Science , Adam W. Woodcox

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

A Duty to Adopt? On the Ethics and Politics of Adoption , Veromi Arsiradam

A Practical and Practice-Sensitive Account of Science as Problem-Solving , Frédéric-Ismaël Banville

Empirical Evidence and the Multiple Realization of Mental Kinds , Danny Booth

Kant and Tetens on Transcendental Philosophy , Richard D. Creek

Computing, Modelling, and Scientific Practice: Foundational Analyses and Limitations , Filippos A. Papagiannopoulos

A Pluralism Worth Having: Feyerabend's Well-Ordered Science , Jamie Shaw

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

A Complete Special Goods Theory of Filial Obligations , Cameron Fenton

The Goal of Habituation in Aristotle: A Neo-Mechanical Account , Dioné Harley

Foreknowledge, Free Will, and the Divine Power Distinction in Thomas Bradwardine's De futuris contingentibus , Sarah Hogarth Rossiter

A New Framework for Enactivism: Understanding the enactive body through structural flexibility and Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of flesh , John Jenkinson

The Foundations of Revealed Religion 100 Years before David Hume: The Contribution of Anthony Collins , Nicholas Bryant Nash

Virtue Ethics for Relational Beings , Mathieu Roy

Fiduciary Duties and Commercial Surrogacy , Emma A. Ryman

Evidence in Neuroimaging: Towards a Philosophy of Data Analysis , Jessey Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

On the Role of Mathematics in Scientific Representation , Saad Anis

Species Pluralism: Conceptual, Ontological, and Practical Dimensions , Justin Bzovy

Tesitmony as Significance Negotiation , Jennifer F. Epp

The Moral Status and Welfare of Patients Diagnosed as Vegetative With Covert Awareness , Mackenzie S. Graham

Similarity, Adequacy, and Purpose: Understanding the Success of Scientific Models , Melissa Jacquart

Varieties of Objectivity: What's Worth Keeping? , Lori Kantymir

Evaluating the Quantum Postulate in the Context of Pursuit , Molly M. Kao

A Pure Representationalist Account of Belief and Desire , Stephen Pearce

The Constellations of Empiricism, New Science, and Mind in Hobbes, Locke, and Hume , Lisa Pelot

Assessing Decision-Making Capacity After Severe Brain Injury , Andrew Peterson

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Probabilistic Reasoning in Cosmology , Yann Benétreau-Dupin

Civil Interests, The Social Contract, and The Conditions of Political Legitimacy , Michael S. Borgida

Gamete Provision and Moral Responsibility , Reuven A. Brandt

Rethinking Empathy: Value and Context in Motivation and Adaptation , O'Neal Buchanan

Representationalism About Sensory Phenomenology , Matthew Ivanowich

Contesting Gender Concepts, Language and Norms: Three Critical Articles on Ethical and Political Aspects of Gender Non-conformity , Stephanie Julia Kapusta

A Biopsychological Foundation for Linguistics , Jonathan J. Life

On Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics , Joshua M. Luczak

The Debate about Time: Examining the Evidence from our Ordinary Experience of Time , Melissa MacAulay

On Philosophical Intuitions , Nicholas D. McGinnis

Weaving the Statesman: the Unity of Plato's Politicus , Ryan Middleton

Trusting to a Fault: Criminal Negligence and Faith Healing Deaths , Ken Nickel

The Modern Secularization of Just War Theory and its Lessons for Contemporary Thought , Aviva Shiller

Aggregating Evidence in Climate Science: Consilience, Robustness and the Wisdom of Multiple Models , Martin A. Vezér

Moral Sense Theory and the Development of Kant's Ethics , Michael H. Walschots

Philipp Frank: Philosophy of Science, Pragmatism, and Social Engagement , Amy N. Wuest

Phenomenal Intentionality and the Problem of Cognitive Contact , Christopher A. Young

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Language, Mind, and Cognitive Science: Remarks on Theories of the Language-Cognition Relationships in Human Minds , Guillaume Beaulac

Love and Ethics in the Works of J. M. E. McTaggart , Trevor J. Bieber

A Feminist Defense of Moderate Moral Intuitionism , Bill JC Cameron

Hypothetical Necessity and the Laws of Nature: John Locke on God's Legislative Power , Elliot Rossiter

William James' Theory of Emotion , James Southworth

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

A Defence of Anti-Psychologism About Reasons , Alex Beldan

Aristotle on the Good of Friendship: Why the Beneficiary is Not What Matters , Kristina L. Biniek

An Ethical Justification for Research with Children , Ariella Binik

Method and Metaphor in Aristotle's Science of Nature , Sean Michael Pead Coughlin

On the Physical Explanation for Quantum Computational Speedup , Michael Cuffaro

The Methodological Roles of Tolerance and Conventionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics: Reconsidering Carnap's Logic of Science , Emerson P. Doyle

Well-Being, Authority, and Worth , Michel Hebert

Structures in Real Theory Application: A Study in Feasible Epistemology , Robert H. C. Moir

Husserl's Transcendental Idealism and the Problem of Solipsism , Rodney Parker

Fertility Preservation Technologies for Women: A Feminist Ethical Analysis , Angel Petropanagos

Some disputed aspects of inertia, with particular reference to the equivalence principle , Ryan S. Samaroo

The Resilience of a Refined Higher-Order Thought Theory of Consciousness , Lee-Anna T. Sangster

Justice, Rights, and Capabilities , Jeffrey E. Spring

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Does Empirical Moral Psychology Rest on a Mistake? Understanding Theories About the Nature of Moral Judgment as Moral Propositions , Patrick Clipsham

The Reasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences , Nicolas Fillion

Hannah Arendt and Feminist Agency , Katherine N. Fulfer

From Mirror to Mirage: The Idea of Logical Space in Kant, Wittgenstein, and van Fraassen , Lucien R. Lamoureux

Creating and Raising Humans: Essays on the Morality of Procreation and Parenting , Jason T. Marsh

Anti-Foundational Categorical Structuralism , Darren McDonald

Explanation in Science , James A. Overton

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©1878 - 2016 Western University

PH399       Dissertation in Philosophy

This information is for the 2020/21 session.

Teacher responsible

Dr Marie Milofsky


This course is available on the BSc in Philosophy and Economics, BSc in Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, BSc in Philosophy, Politics and Economics and BSc in Politics and Philosophy. This course is not available as an outside option nor to General Course students.

Course content

The dissertation may be on any topic for which a suitable supervisor in the Philosophy department can be found.

Selection of topic

Candidates should have the subject of their dissertation approved by their supervising member of department.

Arrangements for supervision

The dissertation is an opportunity to do extended independent research and writing and to present this work to one's peers. It should reflect the candidate's own views but must develop out of some established part of the philosophical literature. Students should carefully discuss their topic and approach with their supervisor who will also advise on reading and give feedback on written work. Students must have regular meetings with their supervisor, submit written work regularly, and keep a formal record of their work and progress. Students must also present an early version of their argument to fellow students and will be given feedback on the quality of their presentation as well as on the content of their arguments.

2 hours of seminars in the MT. 20 hours of seminars in the LT.

This year, some or all of this teaching will take place online.

Formative coursework

Students will be expected to produce 1 piece of coursework in the MT and 2 essays, 1 presentation and 1 other piece of coursework in the LT.

The formative coursework sets out several steps towards the dissertation: a literature review (due in MT); a first 2,000 words (due in week 1 of LT), a subsequent 3,000 words (which may be in part a revision of the first 2,000 words), due in week 5 of LT; a presentation of the student's arguments in LT; and a full draft of the dissertation, due in week 11 of LT. All written coursework must be submitted by email to both the student's supervisor and the teacher responsible. Students who fail to submit this coursework on time may be barred from submitting the dissertation. Participation in the weekly seminar and the quality of the presentation will determine 10% of the final mark for the course.

Dissertation (90%, 7000 words) in the ST. Class participation (10%).

Dissertations must be submitted in May 2021, exact date to be confirmed. They should be 5,000-7,000 words, and should be typewritten.

Student performance results

(2017/18 - 2019/20 combined)

Classification % of students
First 63.2
2:1 31.6
2:2 3.9
Third 0
Fail 1.3

Important information in response to COVID-19

Please note that during 2020/21 academic year some variation to teaching and learning activities may be required to respond to changes in public health advice and/or to account for the situation of students in attendance on campus and those studying online during the early part of the academic year. For assessment, this may involve changes to mode of delivery and/or the format or weighting of assessments. Changes will only be made if required and students will be notified about any changes to teaching or assessment plans at the earliest opportunity.

Department: Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method

Total students 2019/20: 28

Average class size 2019/20: 14

Capped 2019/20: No

Value: One Unit

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Home > Dissertations, Theses & Capstones Projects by Program > Philosophy Dissertations

Philosophy Dissertations

Dissertations from 2024 2024.

Fragmentation and Some Applications , Joseph Bendana

Law's Legitimacy: Lon Fuller in a Consequentialist Frame , Daniel L. Feldman

Language, Legitimacy, and the Law: The Social Roots of Legal Obligation , Joshua Keton

Complicity , Eliana Luxemburg-Peck

Equality, Solidarity, and Exploitation: An Essay on the Philosophical Foundations of Socialism , Callum Zavos MacRae

Extractivism and the Defense of Life and Territories: An Account of Latin American Environmental Thought , Pedro Monque

Intuitionism, Justification Logic, and Doxastic Reasoning , Vincent A. Peluce

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Theorizing Racial Democracy , Teófilo de Souza Carmo Reis

Etiology of Injustice , Susan Erck

Demarcating Psychopathologies: Nosology, Validity, and the Taxonomic Problem in Psychiatric Medicine , Julia Zentz Kolak

Speakers and Addressees as Creative Interpreters , Svitlana Novikova

Three Essays on Substructural Approaches to Semantic Paradoxes , Brian C. Porter

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Decolonizing Genderqueer: An Inquiry into the Gender Binary, Resistance, and Imperialistic Social Categories , Lauren E. Abruzzo

Recovering Authenticity: Care, Conversation and Value , Shannon M. Brick

Epistemic Priors, Social Justice, and the Ethics of Humor , Paul Butterfield

Tell Me A Story: The Normative Power of Storytelling , Zoe Cunliffe

Facing the Fringe , Laura Gradowski

Necessity, Essence and Analyticity: Toward an Analytic Essentialist Account of Necessity , Dongwoo Kim

Actual Causation: Apt Causal Models and Causal Relativism , Jennifer R. McDonald

Pervasive Nonarbitrariness: Meaning from Form in Natural Language , David J. Neely

Marx, Race, Black Radicalism, and Racial Justice , Gregory Slack

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Rethinking Thinking About Thinking: Against a Pedagogical Imperative to Cultivate Metacognitive Skills , Lauren R. Alpert

Collective Intention and Class Consciousness , Aaron T. Bentley

Climbing The Mountain When There Is No Mountain To Climb: Pragmatism and the Reconstruction of Moral Philosophy , Ryan Marshall Felder

Pictorial Communication , Nada Gatalo

Legal Purgatory: Why Some Animals are Neither Persons nor Property , Sharisse Kanet

Desire, Culture, and the Body , Zoey Lavallee

Cooperation: The Ethics of Shared Agency , Jules F. Salomone-Sehr

Perceiving the Body: On the Bodily Senses and the Nature of Perception , Fiona C. Schick

Essays on Communication , Shawn M. Simpson

Informed Consent: Foundations and Applications , Joanna Smolenski

Fighting Words: Slurs, Semantics, and the Law , Richard Stillman

What We Owe to Our Audience: The Hermeneutical Responsibility of Fiction Creators , Kathryn Wojtkiewicz

The Emotional Illusion of Music: Contemporary Western Musical Aesthetics in Dialogue with Ancient Eastern Philosophy , Yin Zhang

Dissertations from 2020 2020

Production, not Dependence: The Metaphysics of Causation and its Role in Explanation, Responsibility, and the Law , Yuval Abrams

Identity and Counterparthood in a Many Worlds Universe , Sophia A.M. Bishop

Logical Pluralism and Vicious Regresses , Daniel Boyd

The Police and the State , Brandon del Pozo

In and Out of Character: Socratic Mimēsis , Mateo Duque

Metaethical Intentionalism and the Intersubjectivity of Morals , Kyle Ferguson

An Eco-Political Theory of Territory , Jonathan Kwan

Ethical Validity: An Ethical Validity Claim for Discourse Ethics , Jamie B. Lindsay

Emotion in Mind , Kathryn E. Pendoley

Environmental Transformative Justice: Responding to Ecocide , Manuel Rodeiro

Continuity as Crisis: Two Traditions of Theorizing about Animal Minds , Adam See

A Modelist Proposal , Jian Shen

The Coherence of Left-Libertarianism: A New Approach to Reconciling Libertarianism and Socialism , Jesse E. Spafford

Epistemic Injustice and Sexual Violence Intervention Advocacy , Jennifer Ware

Freedom, Markets, and Equality in Eighteenth Century Philosophy , Nicole Whalen

Dissertations from 2019 2019

How Racial Injustice Causes Ignorance , Eric Bayruns

Mentality and Fundamentality , Christopher D. Brown

A Volitional Theory of Aesthetic Value , John Dyck

Who Needs Blame?: Answerability Without Expressed Blame , Sarah Gokhale

A Defense of Pure Connectionism , Alex B. Kiefer

The Origin of Power in the Need to Cooperate: Parallels Between Political and Economic Power , David Nagy

Quantum Uncertainty Reduction (QUR) Theory of Attended Access and Phenomenal Consciousness , Anatoly V. Nichvoloda

Some Non-Human Languages of Thought , Nicolas J. Porot

How We Act Together , Matthew Rachar

Intention and Interpretation in Law , Cosim J. Sayid

Frontiers of Conditional Logic , Yale Weiss

Basic-Acceptance Teleosemantics , Esteban Withrington

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Toward a Science of Morals , Ross Taylor Colebrook

A Philosophical Defense of Judicial Minimalism , Cory A. Evans

On A and B Theories of Time , Edward Freeman

Demystifying the Placebo Effect , Phoebe Friesen

The Fragmented Mind: Working Memory Cannot Implement Consciousness , Javier Gomez-Lavin

Experimental Philosophy and Feminist Epistemology: Conflicts and Complements , Amanda Huminski

The Philosophical Foundations of PLEN: A Protocol-theoretic Logic of Epistemic Norms , Ralph E. Jenkins

Morality as Social Software , Jongjin Kim

The Psychology of Plato's Republic: Taking Book 10 into Account , Daniel Mailick

Essence, Explanation, and Modal Knowledge , Antonella Mallozzi

The Syndrome of Romantic Love , Arina Pismenny

Unarticulated Constituents and Theories of Meaning , Jesse Rappaport

The Two Inexical Uses Theory of Proper Names and Frege's Puzzle , Daniel S. Shabasson

Infodynamics: A Naturalistic Psychosemantics , Daniel E. Weissglass

Scanlon's Contractualism and Its Critics , Kenneth R. Weisshaar

Theories of Perception and Recent Empirical Work , Philip Zigman

Dissertations from 2017 2017

W.E.B. Du Bois: Freedom, Race, and American Modernity , Elvira Basevich

Evil and the Ontological Disproof , Carl J. Brownson III

Scientifically Responsible Metaphysics: A Program for the Naturalization of Metaphysics , Amanda Bryant

A Normative Account of Political Representation , Kenneth R. Courtney

The Proscriptive Principle and Logics of Analytic Implication , Thomas M. Ferguson

Meaning Through Things , Marilynn Johnson

Toward a Social Ontology of the Family , Laura W. Kane

Grounding, Causation and the Unity of Ontological Structure , Thomas Kivatinos

Syntax and Semantics of Perceptual Representation , James K. Quilty-Dunn

The Nature of Introspection , Adriana Renero

Aspects of Biological Explanation , Derek J. Skillings

For Narrativity: How Creating Narratives Structures Experience and Self , Natallia Stelmak Schabner

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Art as Display , Frank M. Boardman

Virtue’s Web: The Virtue of Empathic Attunement and the Need for a Relational Foundation , Georgina D. Campelia

Darwinian Debunking Reconsidered , Amanda J. Favia

Toward a Kripkean Concept of Number , Oliver R. Marshall

Seeing and Perceptual Content , Ben S. Phillips

Actions, Reasons and Self-Expression: A Defense of Subjectivist-Internalism about Reasons , Carolyn P. Plunkett

Three Essays in Intuitionistic Epistemology , Tudor Protopopescu

Consciousness, Perception, and Short-Term Memory , Henry F. Shevlin

Construing Character: Virtue as a Cognitive-Affective Processing System , Denise Vigani

The C3 Conditional: A Variably Strict Ordinary-Language Conditional , Monique L. Whitaker

Semantic Holism Revisited , Chun-Ping Yen

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Home > College of Liberal Arts > CLA Departments & Centers > Department of Philosophy and Religion > Theses > Philosophy ETDs

Graduate Theses in Philosophy

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Supernatural Law? A Refutation of Three Recent Natural-Law Arguments Against Catholic Integralism , Jackson Dellinger

Person First Workplaces: How an Ethic of Care can Help to Improve Workplace Conditions and Promote Workplace Relations , John Jacob Ratliff

Affording the Value of Technology: Normalcy and Moral Frameworks , Mitchell Roberts

A Care Ethical Defense of Intergenerational Obligations , Owen Spalding

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022


The truth value of sentences with legal empty terms. , jose cubillo

Kierkegaard's Self as Synthetic Tension , James Edward Johnson



Inevitable Mortality and the Incessant Momentum of Medicalized Death , Clifford McKay

Karaites & Reformers: Two Failed Cases of Coherent Interpretation , Menashe Chaim Roberts

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021


The Validity of Transracialism , Samantha Nichole Priest

Absurdity is a Distinct Aesthetic Category , Sarah Jean Szopinski

From Goethe to Godel: Against the Language of Thought Hypothesis , Berit Turnquist


Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Hayek And Natural Law: Grounding Social Institutions In Human Action And Morals , Ethan Davis

Narrative Identity In Online Spaces: Selves In 280 Characters Or Less , Adam Louis Paul

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Care in the Workplace:The Employer’s Role in the Alleviation of the Eldercare Problem , Joseph Michael Duda

Fictionalist truth conditions for an expressivist semantics of slurs , Celine J. Geday

The Temporal Conatus and the Problem of Motion from Eternity , David Harmon

Moral agency: a philosophical inquiry into its scientific foundations , MaKensey Sanders

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

A Teleosemantic Theory Of The Deep-Unconscious: A Response To John R. Searle's Account Of The Unconscious , Kelly Adkins

A Critical Examination Of Understanding’s Characteristics: Why, In A Sense, Understanding Is Unique , Christopher Becker

A Song Of Confusion And Annoyance: Kant On The Beauty Of Absolute Music , Ryan Walton Turner

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The False Intent-Purpose Distinction In Textualism , Aaron Graham

Consciousness In Comatose Clowns: No Funny Business , Mary Gregg

Persistent Problems In Modified Divine Command Theory , Brandon Trey Jackson

The Grounding Of Effective Aristotelian Law , Kyra Kinnaman

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Berkeley on the Source of Self-Knowledge: Introspection and Causal Maxim , Scott Harkema

The Logical Analysis Of Key Arguments In Leibniz And Kant , Richard Simpson Martin

A Non-Classical Solution To Vague Persistence , Seth Waite

PTSD And Emotionally Augmented Perception: An Argument For Direct Realism , Patrick Travis Woodruff

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Is The God Of Christian Theology Apathetic? , Kenneth Wayne Gilmore

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Panpsychism And Mind-Dust , John Heath Hamilton

An Examination Of Wanting In Anscombe's Intention , Mallory Dianne Kunz

Laughing Matters , Matthew Moore

Reconsidering The Theoretical/Practical Divide: The Philosophy Of Nishida Kitarō , Lockland Vance Tyler

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Modern Ontological Argument: in Which the Position of Alvin Plantinga Is Refuted , Zachary Green Crownover

Between God and Man: Community's Place in Virtue, Practical Reason, and Transcendent Good , Jordan Herz Davis

Problems With Truth: Scope, Mixing, and Truth Pluralism , Christopher Dyer

VirEthics and the Problem of Aging , Robert Edward Mongue

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Korsgaard on Reason and the Normativity of Rationality , Robert Colin English

Theses/Dissertations from 1950 1950

An Apparatus for Constant Pressure Perfusion of Organs , George Glaucus Armstrong Jr.

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College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


The semesters listed are graduation dates. All dissertations are available at UIC Indigo .

Dissertations with graduation dates Heading link Copy link

  • Calibrating and Evaluating Simulations, Deborah Haar (Spring 2022)
  • Five Aporiai on Place, Seth Christensen (Spring 2022)
  • Presentism and Special Relativity , Brandon Kidd (Spring 2021)
  • A Combinatorial Theory of Compossibility in Leibniz’s Metaphysics,  Jun Young Kim (Fall 2021)
  • Form of Intuition and Formal Intuition , Chen Liang (Fall 2020)
  • Defending the Assurance View of Testimonial Justification , Michael Hurwitz (Fall 2020)
  • Hegel’s Ethical Naturalism , Nicolas Garcia Mills (Fall 2019)
  • Kant on Humanity and the Ground of the Innate Right to External Freedom , Robert English (Fall 2019)
  • Beauty and Virtue in the Moral Theory of David Hume and Adam Smith,  Zaccheus Harmon (Summer 2019)
  • Logic Elaborated: An Account of the Source of the Normativity of Logic , Nader Shoaibi (Summer 2019)
  • Locke’s Confusion About the Confused Idea of Substance , Tyler Hanck (Spring 2019)
  • Taking Oneself As Someone At All: Trauma, Recovery, and the Self , Kei Hotoda (Fall 2018)
  • The Nature and Appropriateness of Forgiveness , Myisha Cherry (Summer 2018)
  • Kant’s Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Epistemic Normativity , Reza Hadisi (Summer 2018)
  • On the Systemacity of Descartes’ Ethics: Generosity, Metaphysics, and Scientia, Saja Parvizian (Summer 2018)
  • The Scope of Biology , Janella Baxter (Spring 2017)
  • Dimensions of Mathematical Explanation , William D’Alessandro (Fall 2017)
  • The Ethics of War and Friendship: The Moral Significance of Fellowship of Arms , Adam Betz (Summer 2016)
  • ‘Consciousness,’ Consciousness, and Self-Consciousness , Joseph Gottlieb (Summer 2016)
  • Fictional Realism , Radu Motoarca (Fall 2016)
  • Common Sense Rationalism , Robert Farley (Spring 2015)
  • Kant’s Response to Hume in the Second Analogy , Saniye Vatansever (Summer 2015)
  • Paradox Lost and Paradox Regained: The Banach-Tarski Paradox and Ancient Paradoxes of Infinity , Ken Martin (Summer 2015)
  • Quantum Ontology , Josh Norton (Summer 2015)
  • The Pessimistic Induction and the Epistemic Status of Scientific Theories , Burkay Ozturk (Summer 2014)
  • For The Time Being: Our Experience of Time in the Block Universe , Maria Balcells (Spring 2013)
  • Kant, Hume, and the Notion of Material Substance , Cameron Brewer (Spring 2013)
  • Emergent Spacetime in String Theory , Tiziana Vistarini (Spring 2013)
  • Thought Experiments in Personal Identity: A Literary Model , Aleks Zarnitsyn (Spring 2013)
  • Russell’s Multiple Relation Theory of Judgment: Evolution and Demise , Alexander Dolnick (Spring 2012)
  • Civic Friendship, Justice, and Political Stability , Cullen Padgett Walsh (Spring 2012)
  • Locke on Substance, Mode, and Personal Identity , Jessica Gordon-Roth (Fall 2012)
  • Investigating the Universe: Quine, New Foundations, and the Philosophy of Set Theory , Sean Morris (Summer 2012)
  • Modal Knowledge, in Theory , Robert Fischer (Fall 2011)
  • Theories of Experiential Awareness , David Potts (Spring 2011)
  • The Aristotelian Notions of Theoria and Praxis in Heidegger’s Early Thought and Its Reverberations in Gadamer and Arendt , Itir Gunes (Spring 2011)
  • A Theory of Perceptual Entitlement , Seishu Nishimura (Fall 2010)
  • Carnap’s Ideal of Philosophical Neutrality: Epistemology Between Kant and Quine , Kent Schmor (Fall 2010)
  • Personal Autonomy, Oppression, and the Just Society: An Externalist Account , Melissa Kozma (Fall 2010)
  • Justice with Humanity: Hugo Grotius and the Ethics of International Conflict
  • Persons and Cultures
  • A New Cognitive Theory of the Emotions
  • Wittgenstein on Grammar and Method (from 1929 to the Philosophical Investigations )
  • The Logical Interpretation and the Measurement Problem
  • Theories and Reality: Five Essays on Quine and Underdetermination
  • Wittgenstein and Myths of Meaning
  • A Dialogical Account of Authenticity
  • Progress and Preservation: Increased Unification and The Realist’s Conception of Scientific Success
  • The Practice of Personhood: Understanding Individual Responsibility of Oppression
  • Foundations of Arithmetical Knowledge
  • Choosing To Be Harmed: Autonomy and its Limits in Living Organ Donor Transplantation
  • A Federation of Peoples: An Unorthodox Liberal Approach to Minority Nationalism
  • New Directions in Scientific Observation: Theories Concepts, Objectivity, and the Analogy of Discovery
  • A Conceptual Analysis of Ecosystem Health
  • Work Song!: Personal Autonomy and Authenticity From The Ground Up
  • Equal Protection: Sex Equality In Liberal Democracies
  • The Phenomenal Character of Visual Consciousness
  • The Liar Paradox, Self-Understanding, and Nietzschean Perspectivalism
  • Continuity, Inquiry, and the Possibility of Wisdom in John Dewey’s Pragmatism
  • On the Point of What We Say: Kant, Wittgenstein, and Cavell on When Words Are Called For
  • On Lengths of Lines and Reals
  • Motivating the Discursive Turn in Moral Theory
  • Language, Theory, and the Human Subject: Understanding Quine’s Natural Epistemology
  • Tractarian Mysticism: Moral Transformation through Aesthetic Contemplation in Wittgenstein’s Early Philosophy
  • On Testing for the Stage Collapse in Quantum Mechanics
  • The Variety of Reasons: Justification and Requirement in Rationality and Advisability
  • Local Time: Foundational Studies for a Theory of Temporality in a Relativistic Universe
  • A Wittgensteinian Study of Experimental Psychology
  • The Dialectical Theory of Progress: A Study of Jürgen Habermas’ Theory of Social Evolution
  • St. Thomas, Molina, and Leibniz on Divine Providence and Foreknowledge
  • The Best Test Theory of Extension
  • The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities
  • Inequality, Vulnerability, and Morality
  • Autonomy and Desire: An Essay in Moral and Philosophical Psychology
  • A Deflationary Response to the Ontological Problem: In Defense of the Coherence Theory of Justification
  • Justice and Health: The Cultural Politics of Medicine
  • Material Girls: A Game-Theoretic Revision of the Social Contract Enterprise with Women Present
  • Three Essays on Spinoza’s Philosophy
  • Unity and Uniqueness in the Early Schlick
  • Measurement and Macroscopic Quantities

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The SEP gratefully acknowledges founding support from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Science Foundation, The American Philosophical Association/Pacific Division, The Canadian Philosophical Association, and the Philosophy Documentation Center. Fundraising efforts were supported by a grant from The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

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Dissertation, « Discuter, est-ce renoncer à la violence ? », sujet de métropole, juin 2021

Introduction, i. la discussion est typiquement l'issue non violente dans les affaires humaines, car elle tisse et stabilise les liens humains qui composent la société, 1. la discussion rationnelle est aux antipodes du combat, 2. l'exemple de la polis grecque : la discussion argumentative ordonnant les relations humaines, 3. l'éthique de la discussion à la base des normes et des décisions dans les démocraties modernes, ii. les discussions peuvent occulter, inciter ou accomplir certaines formes de violences, 1. les discussions peuvent être la source de violences symboliques, 2. les discours de haine, exemple de violence langagière porté au paroxysme, 3. se faire violence à soi-même pour se rendre intelligible, iii. la discussion franche et critique, mais bienveillante, comme moyen de connaissance de soi et de l'autre, 1. envisager la discussion comme une libération de soi-même dans l'ouverture vers autrui, 2. la conférence de montaigne : la franchise et le désaccord bienveillants, créateurs des liens amicaux, 3. le dialogue socratique : connaissance de soi en réfléchissant dans la polis.

  • Méthodologie de la dissertation en Philo

Vous n'êtes pas sûr d'avoir compris les objectifs de la dissertation en philo ? Vous n'avez pas la bonne méthode ? Faites le point grâce à notre fiche de révision consultable et téléchargeable gratuitement.

Plan de la fiche

  • A quoi sert-elle ?

Comment se construit-elle ?

  • Introduction
  • Exemple d'introduction proposée pour le sujet "Doit-on toujours dire la vérité ?"
  • Le développement
  • Exemple : Plan proposé pour le sujet "Doit-on toujours dire la vérité ?"

À quoi sert-elle ?

La dissertation sert à évaluer votre capacité d'écriture et de réflexion. C'est également un contrôle de culture générale. C'est un exercice qui a du sens car il s'agit de vous aider à délibérer et donc à réfléchir sur une question difficile. Disserter c'est surtout prendre l'habitude de dé-libérer avec soi afin de libérer ce qui est caché en nous et qui n'est que notre vrai, le vrai. Lorsqu'une question est difficile, il faut en effet la passer au tribunal de sa conscience en pesant le pour et le contre, en cherchant les nuances.

Exemple de dissertation qui peut être proposée :

Doit-on toujours dire la vérité ? Il s'agit d'une question complexe qui nécessite de votre part une analyse, des nuances et un approfondissement des différentes possibilités que le sujet offre, des références et de judicieux exemples extraits de la culture « officielle ». Il ne faut pas répondre oui, non ou peut-être. Il faut penser le sujet. La bonne dissertation est celle dont l'introduction ressemble à la conclusion de la plupart des copies. C'est un travail accompli.

La dissertation contient trois parties qu'il faut bien soigner : L'introduction, le développement, la conclusion. Attention : La bonne dissertation doit être une œuvre soignée et personnelle. Pensez à la rédiger en quatre étapes et en 4 heures :

  • Choix du sujet (15 minutes).
  • 1re étape au brouillon : recherche du sens du sujet, approfondissement des idées (30 minutes).
  • 2e étape au brouillon, début de rédaction introduction, plan détaillé et conclusion (1heure).
  • 3e étape : rédaction au propre du travail (2 heures). Dernière étape : relecture. (15 minutes)

Lire la suite de la fiche ci-dessous et la télécharger :

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  1. Dissertation philosophie ️ Comment la faire rédiger

    dissertation philosophie 2021

  2. La dissertation de philosophie

    dissertation philosophie 2021

  3. La dissertation de philosophie

    dissertation philosophie 2021

  4. Dissertation Philosophie

    dissertation philosophie 2021

  5. Dissertation De Philo Exemple

    dissertation philosophie 2021

  6. Réviser son bac avec le Monde : Philosophie 2021

    dissertation philosophie 2021


  1. Bac 2021 : les sujets de philosophie (série générale)

    Bac Philo série générale : les 3 sujets de dissertation. Sujet 1. - Discuter, est-ce renoncer à la violence ? Sujet 2. - L'inconscient échappe-t-il à toute forme de connaissance ?

  2. Sujets corrigés bac 2021

    Retrouvez tous les sujets corrigés de l'épreuve de philosophie pour le bac général et le bac technologique 2021. Nous mettons également à votre disposition les sujets corrigés des années ...

  3. Philosophy Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2021. PDF. Hegel and Schelling: The Emptiness of Emptiness and the Love of the Divine, Sean B. Gleason. PDF. Nietzsche on Criminality, Laura N. McAllister. PDF. Learning to be Human: Ren 仁, Modernity, and the Philosophers of China's Hundred Days' Reform, Lucien Mathot Monson. PDF.

  4. Dissertation de philosophie : le guide ultime pour la réussir

    20/04/2021 à 16:39 Bac de philosophie : les citations à retenir. Chaque jour l'épreuve de philosophie se rapproche, et tu commences à paniquer ou à te demander ce que tu vas bien pouvoir dire dans ta copie ? digiSchool t'a compilé 30 citations qui pourront, on l'espère, te débloquer pour la dissertation !

  5. Past Dissertations

    1990. Husserl on Modern Philosophy: A Study of Erste Philosophie. John Brough. Maura Ann O'Brien. 1990. Moral Voice in Public Policy: Responding to the AIDS Pandemic. LeRoy Walters. William Charles Soderberg. 1990.

  6. Bac philo : la méthode pour la dissertation de philosophie

    La dissertation de philosophie est sans doute l'une des épreuves les plus redoutées du bac. Voici nos conseils pour la réussir. ... Le 19 octobre 2021 à 13h05, modifié le 15 décembre 2023 ...

  7. PDF Bac 2021 de philosophie, voie générale

    Bac 2021 de philosophie, voie générale Corrigé du sujet n° 1 : Les vérités scientifiques sont-elles définitives ... Idée: Depuis Socrate, la philosophie commence toujours par définir le terme qu'elle emploie avant de résoudre un problème. Il s'agit donc de définir le terme « vérité ».

  8. Philosophy Dissertations and Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. Place, Attachment, and Feeling: Indigenous Dispossession and Settler Belonging, Sarah Kizuk. Nepantla and Mestizaje: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Mestizx Historical Consciousness, Jorge Alfredo Montiel. The Categories Argument for the Real Distinction Between Being and Essence: Avicenna, Aquinas, and Their ...

  9. Philosophy Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022. PDF. Effective Field Theories: A Philosophical Appraisal, Dimitrios Athanasiou. PDF. Essays on Privilege and its Implications for Relational Autonomy and Vaccine Hesitancy, Nicole Fice. PDF. A Critical Examination of Informed Consent Approaches in Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Trials, Cory E. Goldstein.

  10. PH399 Dissertation in Philosophy

    The dissertation is an opportunity to do extended independent research and writing and to present this work to one's peers. It should reflect the candidate's own views but must develop out of some established part of the philosophical literature. ... Dissertations must be submitted in May 2021, exact date to be confirmed. They should be 5,000 ...

  11. Sujets et corrigés Bac : l'épreuve de Philosophie

    Retrouvez le corrigé Bac 2021 de l'épreuve de philosophie de Terminale. Extrait du corrigé : Sujet 1 : Discuter est-ce renoncer à la violence ? Ce sujet est un sujet transversal qui met en ...

  12. Full article: Pedagogy of the philosophy dissertation in France: paths

    Cet article prend pour objet la dissertation de philosophie telle qu'elle existe dans l'éducation nationale en France, la caractérisant comme pratique culturelle. ... regular numbers and special issues (e.g. Pépin Citation 2015) of Philosophie magazine (which on 1st April 2021 claimed to have located the philosophy dissertation written ...

  13. Philosophy Dissertations, The Graduate Center, CUNY

    Dissertations from 2021 PDF. Rethinking Thinking About Thinking: Against a Pedagogical Imperative to Cultivate Metacognitive Skills, Lauren R. Alpert. PDF. Collective Intention and Class Consciousness, Aaron T. Bentley. PDF

  14. Graduate Theses in Philosophy

    Theses/Dissertations from 2019. PDF. Care in the Workplace:The Employer's Role in the Alleviation of the Eldercare Problem, Joseph Michael Duda. PDF. Fictionalist truth conditions for an expressivist semantics of slurs, Celine J. Geday. PDF. The Temporal Conatus and the Problem of Motion from Eternity, David Harmon. PDF.

  15. Dissertations

    2021. Presentism and Special Relativity, Brandon Kidd (Spring 2021) A Combinatorial Theory of Compossibility in Leibniz's Metaphysics, Jun Young Kim (Fall 2021) 2020. Form of Intuition and Formal Intuition, Chen Liang (Fall 2020) Defending the Assurance View of Testimonial Justification, Michael Hurwitz (Fall 2020) 2019

  16. Philosophy Theses and Dissertations

    Mere Appearance: Redressing the History of Philosophy. Zimmer, Amie (University of Oregon, 2021-09-13) The principal aim of this dissertation is to seriously consider what accounts of fashion and dress can offer—have indeed already offered—to philosophy. In recounting these histories, I have two primary goals.

  17. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy organizes scholars from around the world in philosophy and related disciplines to create and maintain an up-to-date reference work. Co-Principal Editors:Edward N. Zalta and Uri Nodelman. Masthead | Editorial Board.

  18. PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy

    PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. We monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, and open access archives.We also host the largest open access archive in philosophy.Our index currently contains 2,635,796 entries categorized in 5,942 categories.

  19. Dissertation,

    Imprimer Philosophie - Travailler sur des sujets du bac Dissertation, « Discuter, est-ce renoncer à la violence ? », sujet de métropole, juin 2021 Choisir ce que vous souhaitez imprimer : Vous devez sélectionner au moins une valeur.

  20. PDF Depth Dissertation handbook 2021-2022

    The 2021-2022 Dissertation Handbook reflects the following changes in dissertation ... indigenous philosophies that integrate the unconscious, the natural world, and the more-than-human world as forces operating synergistically to inform epistemological assumptions.

  21. Philosophie 2021 : les sujets qui sont tombés au bac ...

    Quels sont les sujets du bac 2021 ? Nos professeurs font la correction de tous les sujets de l'épreuve du bac de philo de terminale générale : un plan détail...

  22. Fiche méthodologie : la dissertation en Philo

    Attention : La bonne dissertation doit être une œuvre soignée et personnelle. Pensez à la rédiger en quatre étapes et en 4 heures : Choix du sujet (15 minutes). 1re étape au brouillon ...

  23. 263

    Dissertation philosophique, programme BEL Conception HEC Paris Session 2021 1 - Le sujet Le travail de la politique 2 - Barème, attentes du jury L'épreuve de philosophie du concours n'admet pas de barème de correction, mais elle conditionne un certain nombre d'attentes. Sur un plan général et très formel, ces