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  • Pollution Due to Urbanisation Essay


Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Below, you will find an essay on pollution due to urbanisation (long) and also a short essay on pollution due to urbanisation. While urbanisation has its positives, it is imperative to look at every object according to its pros and cons. Here are two essays on pollution due to urbanisation of 400-500 words and 100-200 words, respectively. We will discuss the importance of urbanisation for countries, and how urbanisation is polluting the world.

Long Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Urbanisation is a great concept which is required to develop any country. It refers to the concept of urbanising remote areas by building infrastructure which then brings about development. Infrastructure refers to all the buildings and institutions which are necessary for economic development to take place in an area. For example, educational institutions like schools, colleges, vocational learning centres are part of the infrastructure. Healthcare facilities such as hospitals and clinics, employment opportunities, food security, etc. are also part of the infrastructure of a country.

It is seen very often that a big corporation sets up shop in a rural area, and around this, infrastructure is built, and development and urbanisation take place. Jamshedpur is an example of such a place, where Tata Industries set up shop many years ago and made the area highly developed. Thus, urbanisation definitely encourages the people of a place to have a better life by giving them more opportunities to achieve good life through education, jobs, etc.

On the other hand, it must be duly noted that urbanisation is one of the leading causes of pollution in today’s world. There are several different kinds of pollution, such as air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. The facets of urbanisation contribute to each one of these types of pollution in one way or another. Factories and mines contribute to air pollution through the fumes that each of them emits into the air. The damage done to the water and soil around factories because of their flowing septic is harmful to both humans as well as aquatic life. Additionally, the noises that come from mines, the whirring of machinery in factories, etc. contribute to noise pollution.

Additionally, it is not only big industries that contribute to pollution due to urbanisation. Part of urbanisation is also the development of roads, which means more cars, buses, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, trucks, etc. on the road. These all contribute to noise pollution because of the incessant honking, and also to air pollution, because of the fumes that all motor vehicles emit. Even when we are stuck in traffic in an auto, it becomes difficult to breathe because of the fumes which surround us on the roads. If we are finding it difficult to breathe, imagine what so many fumes are doing to our planet.

Short Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

150 Words Paragraph On Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Pollution takes place when air, water or soil becomes contaminated with unwanted substances. Air pollution takes place because of the fumes of factories and motor vehicles on th e road. Soil pollution and water pollution take place due to the septic waste being released into soil or water that surrounds a factory. Even oil spills are a major reason for water pollution, and all kinds of pollution can be very dangerous for living beings. Another type of pollution is noise pollution, which comes from the honking of cars, loud sounds in factories, the passing of aeroplanes and trains, etc.

Urbanisation is a result of the need to achieve economic development. It refers to when a relatively rural or remote area is made more urban by constructing roads, hospitals, schools, offices, etc. In this way, development is a result of urbanisation, which is extremely good for all countries.

However, all the great factors that urbanisation brings in, such as factories to work in, motor vehicles to drive, and so much more, all of these contribute to pollution more and more. Even though urbanisation is very important for a country, it is important to address all the kinds of pollution

Pollution is one of the most pressing concerns confronting our civilization today. When their environment deteriorates on a daily basis, humans face major challenges. The mixing of any toxic element or contaminants in our natural environment is referred to as pollution. Many contaminants are introduced into the natural environment as a result of human activities, contaminating it too dangerous proportions. Pollution is caused by a variety of factors, one of which is urbanisation.

The negative aspect of urbanisation is the manufacturers, which emit a great deal of pollution. Their equipment emits smoke into the environment, pollutes water streams and the surrounding land, and makes a lot of noise. As a result, there is a lot of pollution as a result of urbanisation, and it is extremely destructive to the environment when it first begins.

The majority of the pollution in our environment is due to urbanisation. It's because factories are springing up all over the place, there are a lot more cars on the road now, and so on.

Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Our mother planet is choking, and we are unable to do anything about it. Today, we confront several issues, one of which is pollution. Pollution occurs when a contaminating substance is introduced into our environment and pollutes our natural resources. There are numerous causes of pollution, most of which are caused by humans. Natural resources and habitats have been depleted as a result of our activities.

Urbanisation is one of the primary causes of human pollution. Pollution levels began to rise when humans began to construct cities and industrialization developed. Human needs continue to expand, and we loot our mother planet to meet them. As a result of development, many beautiful valleys, mountains, hilltop stations, and woods have become pollution carriers. Trees have been felled, rivers and lakes have been poisoned, and natural reserves have been exploited.

As a result, we now live in severely polluted cities where daily life has become increasingly challenging. As a result of urban pollution, we are experiencing a variety of health issues, the worst part of which is that we are fully unconscious of it. It is past time for us to take steps to reduce pollution and make the world a better place for future generations.

Urbanisation is a really great step forward for any country, and it is and should be the main aim of all countries. All people around the world should have access to proper healthcare, education, sanitation, nourishment and safety, and urbanisation is how we can help achieve this goal. However, in the process of meeting this goal, we cannot forget that pollution due to urbanisation does take place, and is very dangerous for the planet and, therefore, all species living on earth in the long run.


FAQs on Pollution Due to Urbanisation Essay

1. What are the pros and cons of urbanisation according to the essay on pollution due to urbanisation?

The essay on pollution due to urbanisation says that urbanisation is good and is vital for a country, but can also be harmful for the environment. Urbanisation brings in better education, better healthcare facilities, better roads, and better infrastructure in general. However, it improves the lifestyles of human beings at the cost of hurting the environment by putting more contaminants into air, water and soil in the form of toxic fumes and septic waste. Thus, urbanisation is important, but it has to be brought about in a more sustainable manner.

2. How can we reduce pollution due to urbanisation?

At the individual level, there are some very simple ways to reduce pollution due to urbanisation. To reduce air pollution, we can choose to walk, carpool, or use public transport instead of taking a taxi. Garbage should not be thrown on roads and in water bodies, in order for us to stop soil and water pollution. We should also not honk on roads unnecessarily, to curb noise pollution. Unless the big companies and industries do not decide to take a stand and do what’s good for the environment, we will have to keep relying only on individual measures.

3. What are the different types of pollution and their causes?

Pollution in Cities: Types and Causes

Air Pollution: The air in metropolitan places is constantly polluted with harmful compounds, making breathing increasingly dangerous. The air in cities is suffocating. The air is polluted by smoke from autos, factories, and power plants. There are also other contaminants in the air, such as chemical spills and other harmful substances.

Water Pollution: Natural water supplies are becoming increasingly scarce in metropolitan areas, and those that do exist are becoming progressively contaminated. There is a lot of waste dumping in lakes and rivers, such as residential and industrial waste. A lot of trash is washed into the rivers when it rains.

Soil Pollution: Toxic mixtures in the soil are causing ecosystem disruption.

Noise Pollution: Cities are among the noisiest places on the planet. Noise pollution is caused by a variety of sources, including traffic noises, loudspeakers, and other undesirable noises, which cause a variety of health problems.

Radioactive Pollution:   Nuclear power facilities' unintentional leaks represent a serious concern.

Visual Pollution: Signs, billboards, screens, high-intensity lights, and other forms of overexposure to sights in cities can also be highly unsettling.

There is also ' Thermal pollution ,' which is created by an excess of heat trapped in the earth's atmosphere.

4. How can pollution due to urbanisation be controlled?

One can implement the following methods to reduce pollution caused by urbanisation: 

Conserve Energy: People in urban areas always use more energy than people in rural areas. The use of energy results in numerous types of pollution. One of the most effective strategies to reduce pollution is to conserve energy wherever possible. When you are not using an electrical appliance, turn it off. This tiny step can make a tremendous difference.

Reduce water waste: We waste a lot of water on a daily basis, which might have negative implications. We must make every effort to utilize as little water as possible.

Plant more trees: Urban areas are the ones with the least amount of greenery. It's a good idea to have a kitchen garden and a little lawn near your house.

Green belts: The government can assist by declaring specific sections in each city as green belts, allowing trees and other plants to flourish freely.

Use fewer loudspeakers: Using fewer loudspeakers can significantly minimise noise pollution. It's also a good idea to turn down the music level at functions after a specific amount of time has passed.

Indoors: In cities, home interiors are likewise heavily contaminated. We must also have some plants inside our homes to filter the polluted indoor air.

Industrial trash: Factory owners must make every effort to avoid dumping industrial waste in lakes or rivers. The government can also enact legislation in this regard.

5.  What problems are caused due to Urbanization?

The necessity for open space to develop roads, buildings, and bridges, among other things, resulted in widespread deforestation. To accommodate the ever-increasing population, trees were cut down, fields were cleared, and built new space. It goes without saying that tree cutting is a major source of pollution. The high population density resulted in a scarcity of everything, including space and natural resources such as water and coal.

A number of serious challenges have arisen as a result of the interaction of the urban population with the environment. The spending habits and lifestyles of the urban people had a significant impact on the environment. Consumption of food, energy, and water is all higher in cities. Cities have much more filthy air than rural areas. This is mainly due to the increased use of automobiles and the expansion of industries and factories that pollute the air.  We utilise electricity to power almost all of our equipment.

6. What is urbanisation, and how is it caused?

The population shift from rural to urban regions, the resulting decline in the number of people living in rural areas, and the methods in which societies adjust to this transition are all referred to as urbanisation. It is basically the process by which towns and cities evolve and grow as more people choose to live and work in central locations.

Individual, community and state activity result in either organic or planned urbanisation. Living in a city can be culturally and economically advantageous since it can provide more options for access to the labour market, better education, housing, and safety conditions, as well as lower commute and transit time and costs. A healthy urban environment is characterised by density, proximity, diversity, and marketplace rivalry. However, there are also negative social consequences associated with urban living, such as alienation, stress, higher living costs, and mass marginalisation. Suburbanization, which is occurring in the greatest developing countries' cities, can be seen as an attempt to balance these negative aspects of city living while still giving access to a huge number of shared resources.

7. What is the Impact of Urbanisation in Indian Cities?

The following are the main effects of urbanisation on environmental quality in Indian cities:

According to the entire slum population in India in 1991, 41 per cent of the overall slum population lived in cities with populations of one million or more, which account for 27 percent of the country's total population.

According to the current situation of municipal solid trash creation and collection situation in Indian metropolitan cities, Maharashtra creates the most municipal solid garbage (11,000 tonnes per day), followed by Delhi (8700 tonnes per day) in 2019, both of which are expected to rise in the near future.

In India and other Metropolitan Cities, the number of automobiles on the road is increasing.

In India and other metropolitan cities, the number of automobiles on the road has increased. The usage of vehicles has increased by 10% or more on average, posing a significant threat to air pollution.

Water resources are dwindling day by day as a result of rising population, wasteful usage, and a lack of conservation. Huge amounts of wastewater enter rivers as cities and industries grow, contaminating river streams that are used for drinking and other reasons.


Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation


Urbanisation is the shift of population from rural to urban areas. It’s a sign of progress, but it also brings pollution.

Causes of Pollution

Urbanisation leads to increased vehicles, industries, and waste, causing air, water, and land pollution.

Effects of Pollution

Pollution harms our health, affects wildlife, and contributes to climate change.

While urbanisation is necessary, we must also focus on sustainable development to reduce pollution.

250 Words Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Types of pollution.

Urbanisation primarily contributes to air, water, and noise pollution. Rapid industrialisation, increasing vehicles, and construction activities have intensified the release of harmful pollutants into the air. Water sources are contaminated by industrial effluents and domestic waste, while the incessant noise from vehicles and industries disrupts the tranquillity of urban areas.

Impact on Environment and Health

This pollution has far-reaching impacts on both the environment and human health. It leads to climate change, biodiversity loss, and degradation of natural resources. For humans, exposure to polluted air and water increases the risk of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular conditions, and other health problems.

Need for Sustainable Urbanisation

The current trend of urbanisation is unsustainable. There is an urgent need to adopt eco-friendly practices, promote green technologies, and improve waste management. Policymakers must also focus on creating urban spaces that balance development with environmental preservation.

Urbanisation is a double-edged sword. While it brings economic prosperity and societal advancement, it also leads to pollution and environmental degradation. The challenge is to harness the benefits of urbanisation while minimising its negative impacts, ensuring a sustainable future for all.

500 Words Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Urbanisation, the process of transforming rural areas into urban spaces, has been a double-edged sword for humanity. On one hand, it has brought about economic growth, social development, and technological advancements. On the other hand, it has led to an unprecedented increase in pollution, posing a serious threat to the environment and human health.

The Impact of Urbanisation on Air Quality

Urbanisation and water pollution.

Urbanisation also significantly contributes to water pollution. Rapid urban growth often outpaces the development of necessary infrastructure, such as sewage and waste treatment facilities. As a result, untreated waste often finds its way into rivers and lakes, leading to the contamination of water bodies. This not only harms aquatic life but also poses risks to human health, as polluted water is a major source of diseases like cholera and dysentery.

The Role of Urbanisation in Soil and Noise Pollution

Soil pollution is another environmental issue exacerbated by urbanisation. The construction of buildings, roads, and other infrastructure often involves the removal of topsoil, leading to soil degradation. Additionally, the improper disposal of solid waste in urban areas can lead to soil contamination.

Urbanisation and the Heat Island Effect

Urbanisation also contributes to the phenomenon known as the urban heat island effect. This occurs when urban areas, due to their concrete structures and lack of green spaces, absorb and retain more heat than surrounding rural areas. This not only increases energy consumption for cooling but also exacerbates global warming.

In conclusion, while urbanisation brings about numerous benefits, it also contributes significantly to various forms of pollution. Therefore, it is crucial to adopt sustainable urban planning and development practices. This includes promoting energy-efficient technologies, improving waste management systems, and preserving green spaces. Only through such measures can we ensure that the process of urbanisation is in harmony with the environment, thus securing a healthier and more sustainable future for all.

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Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation


We often consider urbanisation to be a positive phenomenon. To a large extent, it is rightly so. We know how remote areas get developed, and huge infrastructure is set up as part of urbanisation. This leads to the creation of many educational and job opportunities so that people can lead better lives. Well, urbanisation sounds really interesting, right? But we must also be aware of how it contributes to pollution, and this essay on pollution due to urbanisation will be helpful to know more about it.

Children are familiar with air pollution , water pollution, and land pollution. It is time that we teach them how urbanisation leads to pollution and causes harm to the environment. Like building schools, hospitals and factories, and roads are also developed as part of urbanisation, increasing the chances of pollution by air, water or land. This short essay on pollution due to urbanisation will delve more into this topic.

Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Negative Effects of Urbanisation

Due to urbanisation, factories and industries are springing up in different places, and the number of vehicles on the road is increasing. The air and gases emitted from factories and vehicles contaminate the atmosphere, thus leading to pollution. In this essay on pollution due to urbanisation, we will see how urbanisation is a major threat to the environment .

The air in cities has become toxic due to the harmful gases and smoke given out by automobiles and factories. Besides, household and industrial wastes are dumped into the water bodies, thus making them unsafe for consumption and use.

We will also see other ways in which urbanisation is causing pollution in the environment through this short essay on pollution due to urbanisation. Trees are cut down to build houses and buildings, and there is a significant rise in noise pollution and land pollution because of urbanisation. Eventually, people will struggle to get clean food and water for survival and suffer from many health issues. Moreover, our environment will deteriorate as all our natural resources will get depleted, resulting in phenomena like global warming , deforestation and acid rain, among others.

Ways to Reduce Pollution Due to Urbanisation

We dream of making every village a city by constructing schools, buildings, offices and roads. Urbanisation is seen as a sign of development, and hence, we believe it to be good for us. But it is equally important to address the issues of pollution to truly enjoy the benefits of urbanisation. This essay on pollution due to urbanisation will now discuss some effective measures to curb pollution by various means.

By fixing leaky pipes, segregating dry/wet and paper/plastic waste, reusing plastic bottles, and using biogas for cooking, we can limit the pollution from households. Besides, we can ensure proper disposal of industrial waste without dumping it in water or land. Industries must also take care to use non-toxic chemicals or materials and set up efficient machines. Thus, this short essay on pollution due to urbanisation emphasises taking active steps to reduce pollution.

Urbanisation is an important developmental measure for any country, but we must ensure that it takes place without damaging the environment. Let us also make our children aware of this problem through this essay on pollution due to urbanisation. You can check out more amazing essays, stories , GK questions, and worksheets for kids on our website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is urbanisation.

Urbanisation is the process of turning rural villages and areas into modern cities by constructing roads, buildings, schools and offices.

Does urbanisation cause pollution?

Since urbanisation involves setting up factories and building roads, pollution is bound to happen through the air, water, soil, land, and noise.

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Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation: Pollution is a problem that has become more and more pressing over the last few decades. There are different kinds of pollution, which are air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution, all of which are incredibly harmful to the environment. These refer to contamination of the air by fumes or unwanted noise, contamination of water bodies and that of land, respectively. It is needless to say that these are rigid examples of pollution due to urbanisation.

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Long and Short Essays on Pollution due to Urbanisation for Children and Kids in English

Read below to find two essays about pollution due to urbanisation. The first essay is a long essay of 500 words, and the second is a short essay of 200 words. The former is suitable for class 7-10 students as well as for those aspiring for competitive exams. The latter essay is ideal for kids of class 6 and below.

Long Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation 500 words in English

Long Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation in English for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants

Below we have given a long essay about pollution due to urbanisation 500 words and is suitable for students of class 7 to 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Pollution has been a long-standing problem in our world for a few decades now. It is something that poses harm to the environment, and also to us humans as a result of that. Pollution refers to when there are contaminants that pose harm to the environment, and there are four main types of it. Air pollution refers to the harmful and toxic fumes in the air produced by vehicles, factories, smoking, etc. Water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies by toxic substances, plastic, oil spills, etc. Soil or land pollution refers to the wastage we leave on the land, and also toxic substances that seep into the soil and ruin its fertility. Noise pollution refers to unwanted and unpleasant noises; all the types of pollution are incredibly detrimental to the planet.

Urbanisation refers to the concept of rural towns and villages developing into urbanised towns and cities. Urban localities are characterised by having good infrastructure and prevalence of industry, both of which are almost undoubtedly linked to each other. A lot of venture capitalists and multinational corporations select smaller, rural towns to start manufacturing businesses because the factors of production most often come cheaper there. This means that the rent is lower, labour costs less, etc. thus, it makes for a convenient place to open up good-manufacturing factories there.  Urbanization has demerits more than merits.

When a factory opens in a rural area, it paves the way for the people living in and around the area to avail employment there. Since there will be many raw material trucks coming in and goods trucks leaving from the factory site, there is a requirement for paved roads. More and more facilities and infrastructure come up around the lands surrounding the factory, resulting in the development of the area. This process is called urbanisation, and it is important to know about so you can understand how pollution due to urbanisation takes place.

Where there is a factory, while a lot of infrastructure and development follows it, there is also a lot of waste produced there. Many factories may not follow the correct procedure for the disposal of waste, which can be dangerous as factory waste can sometimes be toxic. This toxic waste seeps into neighbouring soil, close-by water bodies, and poisonous fumes from the factories into the air. Aside from these forms of pollution, factories can also be noisy due to the machinery used inside. Thus it causes all four types of pollution. In this way, industries produce air, water, noise, and soil pollution due to urbanisation.

While pollution on its own is a pressing problem for our world, pollution due to urbanisation is a huge problem. Adding to that, it is becoming a bigger and bigger problem as urbanisation is taking over even the smallest areas. Yes, development is something to applaud, but not when it goes to the extent of causing harm to or destroying the environment.

Short Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation 200 words in English

Short Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation in English for Classes 6 and Below

Below we have given a short essay about pollution due to urbanisation of 200 words. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Pollution is a severe problem in today’s world. There are four kinds of pollution (air, water, soil and noise pollution) and they are all dangerous. When there are unwanted objects, smells or anything like that in the air, water, or soil, they are called pollutants. Some examples of pollutants are plastic in oceans, smoke in the air from vehicles, etc.

When industries decide to make factories in rural areas like villages and small towns, they also build good roads and other proper buildings around the factory. This is so that people can do work in factories with ease. When industries do this, it is called urbanisation. Many small towns have become big centres of development and factory work.

The bad part about urbanisation is that the factories which create a lot of pollutants. They release smoke into the air, harmful waste into water streams and surrounding land, and also make a lot of noise because of their machines. Thus there is a lot of pollution due to urbanisation, and it is very harmful to the environment when urbanisation starts.

Urbanisation is the cause of most of the pollution that there is our environment. It is because factories are everywhere, there are many more vehicles on the roads now, etc.

10 Lines on Pollution due to Urbanisation Essay in English

  • Pollution refers to when any of our surroundings have contaminants, toxins, pollutants and harmful substances.
  • There are four types of pollution, namely, air, water, soil, and noise pollution, which you find in those places, respectively.
  • Air pollution refers to when there are contaminants such as smoke, smells, fumes from vehicles, etc. in the air, which may even make it hard for us to breathe.
  • Water pollution refers to when there are unwanted substances in Earth’s water bodies, such as plastic, toxic chemicals from industries, oil from oil spills, etc. This is harmful to aquatic life, and also for the other life, including humans’ who drink this water.
  • Soil pollution refers to when toxins seep into the land or soil because of factory waste, untreated garbage and sewage, etc.
  • Noise pollution refers to when there are unwanted and disturbing noises, such as the sound of blaring horns in traffic, the loud whirring of machinery, etc.
  • Urbanisation brings infrastructure and employment opportunities, among various other forms of development.
  • Factories and industries do more harm to the environment than good for the people.
  • Factories let untreated waste into water streams and surrounding land sometimes, which causes soil and water pollution due to urbanisation. They also release toxic fumes into the air and jarring noises due to the heavy machinery, which is also pollution.
  • While development is a good thing as it brings in opportunities for thousands of people, it is not worth it if it causes uncontrollable levels of pollution which are highly detrimental to the environment.

FAQ’s on Pollution due to Urbanisation Essay

Question 1. What does it mean by urbanisation?

Answer: Urbanisation refers to the concept of a rural area becoming developed as factories, good roads, good schools, etc. are built there. An urban or urbanised city is one where there are great infrastructure and sizeable employment opportunities.

Question 2. What does it mean by pollution?

Answer: Pollution refers to the presence of toxic substances or pollutants in the environment, such as in the air, water, and soil. When harmful substances get into the air, water, or land, it means that they are polluted.

Question 3. What are the four main types of pollution in simple words?

Answer: The four main types of pollution are air, water, soil and land pollution – when there are intoxicants in the air, water, or soil, we name them as such, respectively.

Question 4. How is pollution linked to the concept of urbanisation?

Answer: With urbanisation, polluting factories come up, more fuming vehicles are on the road and other similar situations. Thus, pollution due to urbanisation is a sad but truthful reality.

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Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

Urbanization refers to the process of increasing population and industrialization in urban areas. As cities continue to grow and expand, pollution caused by urbanization has become a significant environmental concern. Urbanization leads to increased pollution in many forms, including air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution.

Air pollution is one of the most significant environmental problems caused by urbanization. Urban areas typically have a high concentration of vehicles, industry, and power plants, all of which are major sources of air pollution. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, releases harmful pollutants, including particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides, into the air. These pollutants can have a range of negative health effects, including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, air pollution can also damage crops and buildings, and contribute to climate change.

Water pollution

Water pollution is another major problem caused by urbanization. Urban areas typically have a high population density, which leads to an increase in the amount of waste and sewage produced. This can lead to the pollution of water sources, including rivers, lakes, and oceans, with harmful chemicals and pollutants. In addition, urbanization can also lead to the destruction of natural habitats, such as wetlands and rivers, which can negatively impact local ecosystems.

Noise pollution

Noise pollution is another environmental problem caused by urbanization. Urban areas typically have a high level of traffic and industrial noise, which can have negative effects on human health and well-being. Noise pollution can cause hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and stress, and can also negatively impact wildlife.

Urbanization also contributes to the destruction of natural habitats and loss of biodiversity. Urban areas often require large amounts of land for development, which leads to the destruction of forests, wetlands, and other natural habitats. This can have a negative impact on local ecosystems and wildlife, and can also contribute to climate change.

Urbanization can also lead to a lack of green spaces and access to nature in urban areas. This can have negative effects on human health and well-being, as well as negatively impacting local ecosystems.

To address the pollution caused by urbanization, there are several actions that can be taken. One approach is to reduce the use of fossil fuels and promote the use of clean energy sources, such as solar and wind power. This can help to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, strict regulations and laws can be implemented to control and minimize pollution from industrial and transportation sources.

Another approach is to promote sustainable urban planning and development. This can include incorporating green spaces and access to nature in urban areas, promoting compact and efficient land use, and encouraging the use of public transportation.

Finally, individuals can also play a role in reducing pollution caused by urbanization by making eco-friendly choices and taking actions such as reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, and recycling.

Urbanization leads to a range of environmental problems, including air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, loss of biodiversity, and lack of green spaces. To address these problems, a combination of policy measures, urban planning and individual actions are required. These measures include reducing the use of fossil fuels, promoting sustainable urban planning and development, and encouraging individuals to make eco-friendly choices and take actions to reduce pollution. By taking these actions, we can help to reduce the negative impact of urbanization on the environment and improve the health and well-being of both people and the planet.

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Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization in English

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Table of Contents

Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization: Pollution is one of the biggest issues that we as a society face today. The everyday deteriorating environment is a big challenge for humans. The mixing of any harmful substance or pollutants in our natural environment is called pollution. It is due to human activity, many contaminators get introduced into the natural environment thereby polluting it to harmful levels. There are many reasons why pollution occurs and one of the major one is urbanization.

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Long and Short Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization in English

In this section we have tried to cover all aspects of pollution due to urbanization in varying lengths to help you with the same in your exam. You can select any Pollution due to Urbanization essay as per your need:

Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization – Essay 1 (200 words)

Our mother earth is choking and we are helpless. We face many challenges today and one of them is pollution. When any contaminating substance is added in our environment and pollutes our natural resources called pollution. There are many reasons of pollution and human beings are responsible for most of it. Our activities have depleted our natural resources and our natural habitat.

One of the main reasons of human pollution is urbanization. When human being started establishing cities and industrialization happened than the level of pollution started increasing. The harsh reality of urbanization is that many beautiful valleys, mountains, hills stations and forests have been converted into vessels of pollution. The needs of human beings kept on increasing day by day and to satisfy those needs we exploited our mother earth. Trees were cut down, rivers and lakes were contaminated and natural reserves were misused.

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The result today is that we live in highly polluted cities where day to day life is becoming increasingly tuff. We face many health issues due to this urban pollution and the worst part is that we do not even realize that. It is high time that we must now adopt ways to curb this pollution and create a better world for our future generations.

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Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization in India – Essay 2 (300 words)


The days are gone when kids would roam freely on streets and birds would fly in the sky. Such a nice scene has been very rare to see, nowadays. We should blame ourselves only! India was a land of villages; our culture arose from villages only. But than we did something so bad that we are paying the price of it even today. We have replaced the major part of earth with factories, mills and building causing pollution .

There are Various Levels at which Urban Pollution is happening like:

Types and Causes of Urban Pollution

  • Air Pollution: The air in the urban areas is always polluted with harmful substances and it is becoming hazardous day by day to breathe. The air in the cities is choking. The smoke from automobiles, factories and power generators make the air unhealthy. There are other factors also like chemical spills and other toxic gases that contaminate the air.
  • Water Pollution: As it is there are very less natural water sources in the urban areas and the ones that are there are getting increasingly polluted. There is a lot of disposal in the lakes and rivers like household & industrial disposal. A lot of waste gets mixed with rain and washed into the waters .
  • Soil Pollution: The mixing of toxins in the soil is disturbing the eco-system.
  • Noise Pollution: Urban areas are one of the noisiest ones. Various sources of noise pollution include traffic noises, loud-speakers and other unwanted noises cause many health issues .
  • Radioactive Pollution: The accidental leakage by nuclear power plants poses a big threat.
  • Visual Pollution: The over exposure of visuals in the cities in the form of signs, billboards, screens, high intensity lights etc. are also quite disturbing .
  • Other than these there is also ‘Thermal pollution’ that is caused by excessive amount of heat trapped in earth’s atmosphere.


The various means of pollution in urban areas can lead to many health issues in the people living in cities. We are everyday exposed to more than one of these health issues sources.

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Essay about Problems Due To Urbanization – Essay 3 (400 words)

We achieved a big step when we urbanized our villages but it came with a price. We surely have a luxurious and a comfortable life in the modern day cities and towns but it has dent a big hole in the health of our environment. It has brought with it many problems that we face. The developing cities saw a rapid growth and this urbanization brought with it a web of difficulties and we seem to be stuck in them.

Problems Due to Urbanization

The need of free space to build roads, buildings and bridges etc made a massive deforestation happen. The trees were cut down, the fields were cleared and space was created to accommodate the ever rising population. It is a no-brainer that cutting of trees is a major reason of pollution. The high density of population created a lack of everything like space, natural resources like water, coal etc.

The interaction of urban population with environment caused some serious problems. The consumption patterns and the lifestyle of urban population changed the environment massively. The urban population consumes more food, energy and water. The air in urban areas is much more polluted than the rural ones. This is mainly because of the use of automobiles and building up of industries and factories that pollute the air at an increasing rate. Almost everything that we use works on electricity. The need for electricity in the cities is always rising and to meet that more power plants are build and that pollutes the air.

The lakes, rivers and any other water bodies in urban areas is always polluted by the dump of industrial waste and sewage. The marine life faces a lot of danger. We cannot ignore that noise pollution is one of the major causes of stress related issues in urban population. More and more trees are cut down to meet the needs of urban people and in exchange very less tress are planted. The use of plastic is another major reason of degradation of environment .

Studies show that urbanization is one of the major causes of depleting natural resources. We are constantly damaging our mother earth and the result is high pollution levels in the cities and towns. It is not possible to reverse the damage that we have already done but we can surely take some preventive measures and control the further damage. It is high time that we take some serious steps to save our planet and leave a better tomorrow .

Essay on Pollution Caused by Urbanization and Its Solutions – Essay 4 (500 words)

The advancement of technology and industrialization has caused the rapid growth in our lifestyle. Long back we started developing cities that are well equipped with all the facilities. The process of urbanization created a big dent in the health of our environment. The natural resources were depleted and this excessive use of technology and energy became a major source of pollution and today we live in a world that is highly polluted and unfit living .

Pollution Caused by Urbanization

There are various pollution that are caused by urbanization like air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, thermal pollution, global warming, deforestation etc. It is high time that now we must adopt ways and means by which we can improve the health of the environment.

There is a Number of Solutions that we can apply and create a Better Tomorrow.

Solutions and Prevention of Urban Pollution

  • Conserve Energy: The urban area’s people always use more energy than the rural area’s people. The consumption of energy causes various kinds of pollution. Saving energy wherever possible is one of the best ways to curb pollution. Turn off the electrical appliances when they are not being used. This small step can help in a big way.
  • Use less water: We waste a lot of water daily and this can lead to bad consequences. We must try and use as less water as possible .
  • Plant more trees: The urban areas are the ones that have less greeneries. Try to plant many trees and vegetation as much as possible in your surrounding areas. Kitchen garden and small lawn near home is a good idea .
  • Green belts: Government can help and declare some areas in every city as green belts so that trees and other plants can be grown there without any obstruction .
  • Use less loudspeakers: The minimum use of loud speakers can reduce the noise pollution a lot. Decreasing the volume of music at functions after a certain time is also a good move.
  • Indoors: The indoors of the homes are also highly polluted in cities. We must have some plants inside the homes also, that can filter the indoor polluted air.
  • Industrial waste: The factory owners must try and make possible that industrial waste is not dumped in the lakes or rivers. Government can also make laws for the same.
  • Say no to plastic: Plastic is one of the most harmful substances that can pollute air, water and soil all together. We must try and minimize the use of plastic as much as possible. Use just cloth bags instead of plastic.
  • Use Public transport: Avoid using cars and bikes for daily use. Try to use public transport, bicycle and car pools. This will not only curb air pollution but will also decrease the traffic on roads.
  • Walk: Try to go to nearby areas on foot i.e. walking, this will reduce pollution and will also improve your health .
  • Better garbage disposal: Use the structural methods of garbage disposal in cities.

A small step can help in a big way and contribution of every citizen will make the urban areas more livable. Following these simple steps and with a little help from the government, we can definitely reduce the city pollution a lot. If we do not wake up today and do not realize the worst condition of natural resources then after some time our future generations will not be able to survive, It’s far to enjoy the environment .

Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanization and Digital India – Essay 5 (600 words)

In order to create a better tomorrow we have created a difficult toady. We have urbanized our villages and made them into hi-tech cities that have all the modern facilities and everyday we are creating something or the other new. Today we all dream of a digital India. In a country every citizen uses technology for his/her betterment. We aim to create a world where everything is just a button push away. Everyday more and more Indians are using technology for making their day to day life easy. Today we have become the slaves of technology and cannot live without technology even for a minute. We need to be connected all the time. Even our government is trying to transform the nation into a digitally empowered society.

Digital India and Environmental Importance

We see a smart phone in the hands of everybody even a labor of these days. Everybody understands the power and the reach of the internet. We no more call, now video call our loved ones. Any information can reach to any corner of the world in seconds now. We cannot ignore the power of digitalization. But what is the important question here is that can digitization of the digital movement be ‘environmental substantial’. We must ask this question to the founding fathers of digital India; can they assure that through this digitization our precious environment will not be harmed? Is it possible to move forward with modernization without harming the natural resources and without disturbing the ecological balance?

The digital revolution is such thing which touches every aspect of our life as it connects us to the rest of the world all the time. We all know that the digital appliances have carbon emissions and that has harmful effects on our eco system. We are also aware that these appliances emit radiations that are very harmful for humans. It is also advised not to keep mobile phones very near to your head or heart at night.

So in short, these digital devices are more harmful than helpful. We are also consuming power at a rapid speed and soon all the power will be exhausted. We are creating new and more advanced devices day by and day and we forget that all these use power and more devices means more use of power. The consumption is increasing day by day but what we do not realize that natural resources are scarce. There will be a day when they will not be able to satisfy our power needs. Soon there will be a time when these devices will become uncontrollable and we will then suffer from the harmful effects.

The digital India comes with a cost. It can have effects on us at many levels like, it pollutes our environment, it degrades our ecosystem and most importantly it causes many harmful effects on our physical health. The radiations cause vision problems, headaches and many other such issues. What we lack are the tools of awareness that can tell us how to control these effects. Do we really need a digital India today that cannot promise a better tomorrow?

There is a strong need to create a mass concern effort that can bring awareness about these problems. Digitization is good but it must be in controlled levels so that we can move forward but also make sure that our environment is safe. It is our duty to leave a pollution free environment and safe world for our future generations.

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Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanisation

Short Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanisation

Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanisation: Urbanisation has brought about numerous benefits such as economic growth and improved infrastructure. However, it has also led to a significant increase in pollution levels in cities. This essay will explore the various forms of pollution that have arisen as a result of urbanisation, including air pollution from vehicle emissions and industrial activities, water pollution from sewage and waste disposal, and noise pollution from increased urban development. The impacts of this pollution on human health and the environment will also be discussed.

Table of Contents

Pollution Due To Urbanisation Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing the topic of pollution due to urbanization. Explain how rapid urbanization has led to an increase in pollution levels in cities.

2. Define urbanization: Define what urbanization is and how it has been a major trend in recent years. Explain how urbanization leads to the growth of cities and the expansion of urban areas.

3. Types of pollution: Discuss the different types of pollution that are commonly associated with urbanization, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and light pollution. Explain how each type of pollution is caused by urban development and population growth.

4. Causes of pollution due to urbanization: Explore the various factors that contribute to pollution in urban areas, such as industrial activities, transportation, construction, and waste disposal. Discuss how these activities release harmful pollutants into the environment and impact the health of residents.

5. Effects of pollution: Describe the negative effects of pollution on the environment, public health, and quality of life in urban areas. Discuss how pollution can lead to respiratory problems, water contamination, biodiversity loss, and climate change.

6. Solutions to pollution: Offer potential solutions to address pollution due to urbanization, such as implementing stricter environmental regulations, promoting sustainable urban planning, investing in green infrastructure, and encouraging public transportation. Discuss how these solutions can help reduce pollution levels and create healthier and more sustainable cities.

7. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your essay and emphasize the importance of addressing pollution due to urbanization. Highlight the need for collective action and cooperation to combat pollution and create cleaner and more livable urban environments.

8. Additional tips: Make sure to use reliable sources and data to support your arguments, and cite them properly in your essay. Use clear and concise language, and organize your essay in a logical and coherent manner. Proofread your essay for any grammatical or spelling errors before submitting it.

Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanisation in 10 Lines – Examples

1. Urbanisation leads to increased pollution levels in cities due to the concentration of people, vehicles, and industries. 2. The rapid expansion of urban areas results in deforestation, which contributes to air pollution and loss of biodiversity. 3. Urbanisation leads to the generation of large amounts of waste, which can contaminate soil and water sources. 4. The construction of buildings and infrastructure in urban areas can lead to soil erosion and degradation. 5. Increased use of vehicles in cities results in higher levels of air pollution, including emissions of harmful gases and particulate matter. 6. Urbanisation can also lead to noise pollution, as a result of increased traffic and construction activities. 7. The lack of green spaces in urban areas can contribute to poor air quality and increased levels of pollution. 8. Urbanisation can also impact water quality, as runoff from roads and buildings can carry pollutants into rivers and lakes. 9. The concentration of industries in urban areas can result in the release of harmful chemicals and pollutants into the environment. 10. Overall, pollution due to urbanisation poses a significant threat to public health and the environment, highlighting the need for sustainable urban planning and development.

Sample Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanisation in 100-180 Words

Urbanisation has led to a significant increase in pollution levels in cities around the world. The rapid growth of urban areas has resulted in higher levels of air, water, and noise pollution. The increase in vehicles, industries, and construction activities has contributed to the degradation of the environment.

Air pollution is a major concern in urban areas, with emissions from vehicles and industries leading to high levels of harmful pollutants in the air. This has serious health implications for residents, leading to respiratory problems and other diseases.

Water pollution is also a significant issue, with urban runoff carrying pollutants into water bodies, contaminating them and affecting aquatic life. Noise pollution from traffic and construction activities can also have negative impacts on the health and well-being of residents.

Efforts must be made to address these issues through better urban planning, stricter regulations on emissions, and promoting sustainable practices in cities to mitigate the pollution caused by urbanisation.

Short Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanisation in 200-500 Words

Urbanization is the process of population migration from rural areas to urban areas, resulting in the growth of cities and towns. While urbanization has led to economic development and improved living standards for many people, it has also brought about a host of environmental problems, including pollution.

One of the most significant forms of pollution caused by urbanization is air pollution. The increase in vehicular traffic, industrial activities, and construction projects in urban areas has led to a rise in air pollution levels. Emissions from vehicles and factories release harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere, leading to smog and poor air quality. This can have serious health implications for residents, causing respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and even premature death.

Water pollution is another major issue resulting from urbanization. As cities grow, the demand for water increases, leading to the over-extraction of water from rivers and groundwater sources. Industrial activities and improper waste disposal practices in urban areas also contribute to water pollution, as toxic chemicals and pollutants are discharged into rivers and lakes. This contamination of water sources not only affects aquatic life but also poses a threat to human health, as contaminated water can lead to waterborne diseases such as cholera and typhoid.

Urbanization also contributes to soil pollution, as urban areas generate large amounts of solid waste that often end up in landfills. Improper waste management practices, such as open dumping and burning of waste, can contaminate the soil with toxic substances and heavy metals. This can have long-term effects on soil fertility and agricultural productivity, as well as pose a risk to human health through the consumption of contaminated food crops.

Noise pollution is another consequence of urbanization, as the increased population density and traffic in urban areas lead to higher levels of noise from vehicles, construction activities, and commercial establishments. Chronic exposure to high levels of noise can have detrimental effects on human health, including hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and increased stress levels.

In conclusion, pollution due to urbanization is a serious environmental problem that requires urgent attention and action. Governments, urban planners, and residents must work together to implement sustainable development practices that minimize the environmental impact of urbanization. This includes investing in public transportation systems, promoting green building practices, and implementing strict regulations on industrial emissions and waste disposal. By taking proactive measures to address pollution in urban areas, we can create healthier and more sustainable cities for future generations.

Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanisation in 1000-1500 Words

Urbanization is the process by which rural areas are transformed into urban areas, leading to an increase in population, infrastructure, and economic development. While urbanization has many benefits, such as improved access to healthcare, education, and job opportunities, it also has negative consequences, one of which is pollution. Pollution due to urbanization is a major environmental issue that affects the health and well-being of both humans and the planet.

One of the main causes of pollution due to urbanization is the increase in industrial activities in urban areas. As more people move to cities in search of better job opportunities, industries are set up to meet the growing demand for goods and services. These industries release harmful pollutants into the air, water, and soil, leading to air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination. The emissions from factories, vehicles, and power plants contribute to the deterioration of air quality, leading to respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and other health issues.

In addition to industrial activities, urbanization also leads to an increase in vehicular traffic, which is a major source of air pollution in urban areas. As more people own cars and motorcycles, the emissions from these vehicles contribute to the formation of smog, particulate matter, and other pollutants that can harm human health. The exhaust fumes from vehicles contain harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds, which can cause respiratory problems, lung cancer, and other health issues.

Another major source of pollution due to urbanization is the improper disposal of waste. As urban areas grow, the amount of waste generated also increases, leading to overflowing landfills, littered streets, and contaminated water bodies. The improper disposal of waste not only pollutes the environment but also poses a threat to human health. The decomposition of organic waste in landfills produces methane gas, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. The leachate from landfills can also contaminate groundwater, leading to water pollution and the spread of waterborne diseases.

Moreover, urbanization also leads to deforestation and the destruction of natural habitats, which further contributes to pollution. As cities expand, forests are cleared to make way for residential and commercial developments, leading to the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Deforestation not only reduces the capacity of forests to absorb carbon dioxide and mitigate climate change but also leads to soil erosion, flooding, and the loss of wildlife habitats. The destruction of natural habitats also disrupts the balance of ecosystems, leading to the extinction of species and the loss of valuable resources.

In addition to environmental pollution, urbanization also leads to social and economic disparities that exacerbate the problem of pollution. As cities grow, the demand for housing, infrastructure, and services increases, leading to the displacement of marginalized communities and the degradation of urban slums. The lack of access to basic services such as clean water, sanitation, and healthcare in urban slums leads to poor living conditions and the spread of diseases. The unequal distribution of resources and opportunities in urban areas also leads to social unrest and conflicts, further exacerbating the problem of pollution.

To address the issue of pollution due to urbanization, it is important to implement sustainable urban planning and development strategies that promote environmental protection and public health. One way to reduce pollution in urban areas is to promote the use of clean and renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydropower. By investing in renewable energy infrastructure and promoting energy efficiency measures, cities can reduce their dependence on fossil fuels and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Another way to reduce pollution due to urbanization is to improve public transportation systems and promote the use of non-motorized modes of transport, such as walking and cycling. By investing in public transportation infrastructure, such as buses, trains, and bike lanes, cities can reduce vehicular traffic and air pollution, while promoting sustainable mobility and reducing carbon emissions. Encouraging the use of electric vehicles and promoting carpooling and ride-sharing services can also help reduce air pollution and congestion in urban areas.

Furthermore, it is important to promote waste management practices that reduce, reuse, and recycle waste in urban areas. By implementing waste segregation programs, composting facilities, and recycling centers, cities can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators, while promoting a circular economy that minimizes resource consumption and waste generation. By promoting sustainable consumption and production practices, cities can reduce their environmental footprint and promote a more sustainable and resilient urban environment.

In conclusion, pollution due to urbanization is a major environmental issue that affects the health and well-being of both humans and the planet. The increase in industrial activities, vehicular traffic, waste generation, and deforestation in urban areas leads to air pollution, water pollution, soil contamination, and the loss of biodiversity. To address the issue of pollution due to urbanization, it is important to implement sustainable urban planning and development strategies that promote environmental protection and public health. By promoting clean and renewable energy sources, improving public transportation systems, and promoting waste management practices, cities can reduce their environmental footprint and promote a more sustainable and resilient urban environment.

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Pollution due to Urbanization for Students

Introduction :

Urbanization, defined as the process of population shift from rural to urban areas, has become a defining characteristic of the modern era. It is a result of various factors such as rapid population growth, industrialization, and economic opportunities. However, the development and expansion of cities have given rise to several environmental challenges, with pollution being a major concern. This essay examines the adverse effects of urbanization on the environment, focusing on air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution.

Urbanization: A Global Phenomenon:

Urbanization has become a global phenomenon due to several underlying causes. As populations grow and migrate in search of better opportunities, cities expand to accommodate these rising numbers. Additionally, industrialization and economic growth attract people to urban areas, leading to further urbanization. This trend is visible in both developed and developing nations, creating challenges that demand immediate attention.

Air Pollution: The Silent Threat:

One of the most significant consequences of urbanization is the alarming increase in air pollution. Vehicular emissions, a byproduct of urban transportation systems, contribute significantly to air pollution. Industrial activities, such as manufacturing and power generation, release harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. Furthermore, construction activities and the resultant dust particles further exacerbate the problem. The cumulative impact of these pollutants poses severe risks to human health, including respiratory diseases, cardiovascular issues, and even premature death. Additionally, air pollution harms the environment, leading to ecosystem imbalance and climate change.

Water Pollution: A Grim Reality:

Urbanization has also led to widespread water pollution. Industries often discharge untreated waste into nearby water bodies, contaminating them with harmful chemicals and toxins. Inadequate sewage treatment systems in rapidly growing cities contribute to the problem, as untreated wastewater finds its way into rivers and lakes. Moreover, urban surfaces, such as roads and parking lots, generate runoff during rainfall, carrying pollutants and debris into water sources. These pollutants harm aquatic life, degrade water quality, and pose significant risks to public health.

Noise Pollution: The Unwanted Symphony:

The rapid urbanization process gives rise to excessive noise pollution. Traffic congestion and the constant movement of vehicles contribute to noise pollution in urban areas. Construction activities, including the operation of heavy machinery and equipment, further contribute to noise levels. People living in urban areas are constantly exposed to high levels of noise, which can have detrimental effects on their physical and mental well-being. Prolonged exposure to noise pollution can lead to hearing loss, sleep disturbances, stress, and reduced cognitive performance.

Solutions and Mitigation Strategies:

Addressing the pollution challenges associated with urbanization requires a multi-faceted approach. Here are some potential solutions and mitigation strategies that can help combat pollution:

Sustainable urban planning and design: Incorporating green spaces, parks, and tree-lined streets in urban planning can help mitigate air pollution by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen. Well-planned cities can also promote walkability and reduce the dependency on private vehicles.

Promoting renewable energy sources: Encouraging the use of clean and renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can significantly reduce air pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion. Investing in renewable energy infrastructure and providing incentives for their adoption can accelerate the transition to a cleaner energy future.

Implementing stricter emission standards: Enforcing stringent emission standards for vehicles, industries, and power plants can help reduce air pollution. Governments can promote the use of electric vehicles, incentivize industries to adopt cleaner production technologies, and impose fines for non-compliance with emission regulations.

Improving waste management systems: Effective waste management practices, such as recycling, composting, and proper disposal of hazardous waste, can prevent water pollution. Implementing robust waste management systems, including efficient collection, treatment, and recycling facilities, is crucial to minimizing the negative environmental impact of urbanization.

Encouraging public transportation and cycling: Promoting the use of public transportation systems, such as buses, trams, and trains, can reduce vehicular emissions and alleviate traffic congestion. Developing cycling infrastructure and implementing bike-sharing programs can also encourage environmentally-friendly modes of transportation.

Conclusion :

The consequences of urbanization, particularly pollution, pose significant challenges to the environment and human well-being. Addressing these challenges requires a collective effort from governments, urban planners, industries, and individuals. Sustainable urban planning, promoting renewable energy, implementing stricter emission standards, improving waste management systems, and encouraging eco-friendly transportation options are crucial steps toward mitigating pollution caused by urbanization.

As we strive for economic development and urban growth, it is imperative to strike a balance between progress and environmental protection. By adopting sustainable practices, investing in green technologies, and raising awareness about the importance of pollution control, we can create cities that are not only vibrant and prosperous but also clean and healthy. It is our collective responsibility to act now and take the necessary measures to ensure a cleaner and sustainable future for generations to come.

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essay writing on pollution due to urbanization

Essay on Pollution: Samples in 100, 150 and 200 Words


  • Updated on  
  • Jun 20, 2024

Essay on Pollution

As the world embraced urbanization, mother nature witnessed the greener lands getting transformed into modern cities and metropolises. What followed is a trail of natural disasters signalling that something is wrong with the planet Earth. Pollution is increasingly asked under the writing section in school and college tests as well as competitive exams . This is because it is a relevant environmental issue today. This blog aims to help you with the necessary knowledge as well as tips and tricks to draft a well-written essay on pollution.

This Blog Includes:

What is pollution, types of pollution, causes and health effects of pollution, sample essay on pollution in 100 words, sample essay on pollution in 250-300 words, sample essay on pollution in 300-350 words, short essay on pollution in english.

Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These materials are called pollutants. They can be created by human activity like trash and nature like volcanic ash. Pollutants damage the quality of water, air and land. Pollution is a global problem. Air and water carry pollution into the ocean currents and migrating fish. Pollution is among the many things that harm our planet- once greener and healthier than it is now. Pollution is a dangerous phenomenon that is contributing to an array of health issues.

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In simple terms, pollution is defined as the contamination of the physical and biological constituents in the earth’s atmosphere. It affects human life and the natural environment to a very great extent. It degrades our natural resources, from the water we drink to the air we breathe. While writing an essay on Pollution, you must mention the major four types of pollution which are as follows:

  • Air Pollution : Air pollution is the contamination of air in the atmosphere when harmful or excessive quantities of substances such as smoke and harmful gases from industries, CFCs and oxides produced by automobiles, the burning of solid wastes, etc. are introduced into the environment.
  • Water Pollution : This refers to the contamination of natural resources of water, due to the addition of harmful chemical, biological or physical materials, which includes industrial wastes, oil spills, domestic and farm wastes, pesticides, as well as mining and agricultural wastes, to water resource which make it unusable.
  • Soil Pollution : Land/Soil Pollution occurs due to the degradation of the earth’s surface by different commercial, industrial, agricultural and domestic activities. Causes of soil pollution also include mining, deforestation, dumping of e-waste and other industrial wastes, usage of harmful chemicals such as insecticides, pesticides, etc.
  • Noise Pollution : Excess noise due to sounds created by machines, loudspeakers, microphones, loud music, noise from industries, construction and civil engineering works etc. lead to noise pollution.

You can include various causes and health effects in your essay on Pollution from the following table:-

AirLung cancer, heart disease, asthma and respiratory problemsLung cancer, heart diseases, asthma and respiratory problems
WaterOil spills, rapid urbanisation, improper sewage system, chemical and radioactive waste dumping.Cholera, Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Polio, Dysentery and Diarrhea
NoiseMan-made noises like construction, loudspeakers, etc. and natural noises like thunderstorms and animals.Headaches, high blood pressure, loss of hearing, problems with reasoning and behavioural changes
SoilWaste disposal, industrial and agricultural activities, excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides.Loss of fertility, cancer, damage to the nervous system and kidney and liver failure

Essay on Pollution

Pollution is the addition of unwanted substances which are incorporated into the environment that can damage our Earth. There are mainly four types of pollution, these include water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution. One should note that any form of pollution is the result of careless activity carried out by man. We, humans daily dump waste directly into water bodies which leads to water pollution.

Vehicle emissions of smoke into the atmosphere impede the ability of all living things to breathe, leading to air pollution. Our garbage is dumped into landfills directly, which results in soil pollution. Although it cannot be seen, noise pollution is a severe type of pollution that can harm our ears.

The biggest threat planet Earth is facing is pollution. Unwanted substances leave a negative impact once released into an environment. There are four types of pollution air, water, land, and noise. Pollution affects the quality of life more than any human can imagine.

Due to air pollution, even teenage kids have developed various respiratory diseases. Water pollution has led to diseases in children. The waste we humans dump on the land or chemical fertilisers which are put on the land for agricultural purposes causes land/ soil pollution.

If the soil quality deteriorates due to such practices, the soil will become infertile and no crops could be grown in future. The government has launched various schemes over the years to fight pollution but individual efforts can also play a vital role.

Start by replacing plastic bags for shopping with cloth bags, stopping littering on roads and stopping wasting water are some of the basic things to start with that can lead to big changes in the environment.

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One of the most critical threats faced by our planet in the present-day scenario. Environmental pollution is a global issue affecting people around the world. It is occurring in different forms, whether by affecting the air we breathe or the water resources we utilise for several purposes.

Air pollution came into being with an increase in the level of carbon dioxide, with the increase in pollutants which are contaminating the air and causing breathing discomfort as well as skin diseases to human beings. Talking about the other aspect, there is no life without water.

The water bodies are polluting and becoming unsafe for drinking or any other use because of industrial development, rapid urbanisation and various other reasons. Due to air pollution, diseases that can occur in human beings are asthma, various skin diseases, cancer, etc. Therefore, it is the essential need of the hour to take serious steps to reduce pollution to its core.

At a personal level, we can minimise environmental pollution by taking public transport or carpools to reduce vehicular smoke, avoiding firecrackers at festivals and celebrations can also cut down on air and noise pollution, and not using fertilisers and pesticides which can cause both water and soil pollution, and switching over to organic farming. The government can also bring strict rules and regulations to lessen industrial pollution.  

To sum up, any type of pollution is harmful to the environment with serious consequences like global warming, uneven climatic changes, etc. Due to our greediness and illegal human activities, the innocent lives of animals are lost. The time has come to join hands and work towards preserving and protecting the environment for the present as well as future generations.

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Esssay on Pollution

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pollution is very harmful to the environment. By pollution many diseases and virus like coronavirus. So JOIN THE GREEN REVOLUTION AND STOP POLLUTION


really plz stop pollution. we are dying cause of that

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Pollution due to Urbanization – IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Aug 14, 2024


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essay writing on pollution due to urbanization

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Pollution due to Urbanization. Do you agree or disagree?

Opinion Essay


Sentence 1&2 – Introduce the topic.

Sentence 3 – I agree with the notion of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1 – Human beings have exploited natural resources to fulfil their needs.

Paragraph 2 – urbanization also has an impact on the health of the masses, in addition to its environmental impact.

Sum up the points discussed in the essay.

In today’s society, pollution is one of the most pressing issues . Our environment is deteriorating at an alarming rate, posing a great challenge for humans. The urbanization of the world has been cited as a source of pollution, and I completely agree with this opinion.

The increasing sense of prosperity and job opportunities in cities attracts people. Globally, 50% of the population already lives in cities. As the urban population is increasing, ample space is necessary for buildings, roads, and bridges. Massive deforestation is arising as a result. A growing population called for the cutting of trees, the clearing of fields, and increased space. Evidently, cutting trees contributes to pollution. As a result of the high density of population, natural resources like water, coal, etc. are becoming scarce. Air and water quality are worsened. There is insufficient water, waste disposal issues are exacerbated , and the energy consumption is high. Sadly, urbanization has posed a challenge to the ability of many valleys, mountains, hill stations, and forests to prevent the pollution of these natural locales. Increasingly, human beings have exploited mother earth to fulfill their needs.

The WHO says that urbanization also has an impact on the health of the masses, in addition to its environmental impact. Considering it causes more than 9 million deaths worldwide annually, air pollution from anthropogenic sources is one of the biggest health risks worldwide. In addition to that, the health hazards that come from the soil, water, noise, and radioactive pollution are also numerous.

Nevertheless, some cite the argument that pollution is a global problem that’s not just confined to urban areas. But studies in sparsely populated areas showed that they are less polluted and have a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion, urbanization is one of the main factors contributing to natural resource depletion . Pollution levels in cities and towns are high because of the constant deterioration of our mother earth.

  • Pressing issues

Meaning: Problem, need, or issue has to be dealt with immediately. Eg: Rising level of unemployment is the pressing issue of our county.

  • Deteriorating-

Meaning: to become worse Eg: The political tension is deteriorating into a civil war.

  • Evidently 

Meaning: clearly; that can be easily seen or understood Eg: Evidently, he no longer has the strength to fight back.

  • Exacerbated

Meaning: to make something worse, especially a disease or problem Eg: Her presence exacerbated the whole situation.

  • Anthropogenic

Meaning: originating in human activity. Eg : The overwhelming evidence points to the reality of anthropogenic global warming.

Meaning: a source or a situation with the potential for harm Eg: The sign indicated it was hazardous.

Meaning: to quote or refer to in substantiation as an authority, proof, or example. Eg: H cited a passage from the principal’s speech.

Meaning: very small, or to stay within the limits of something Eg: He was confined to jail for ten years.

  • Sparsely populated

Meaning an area that contains few people. Eg: The Atlantics are sparsely populated

Meaning to decrease seriously or exhaust the abundance or supply of Eg: The fire depleted the flora and fauna of the forest.

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Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Pollution Due To Urbanization – Causes & Impacts on Environment

Saral Study

A region that is converted from a rural or inhabited area into an urban area is known as Urbanization. It signifies the movement of people from rural to urban areas. With the introduction of urbanization, there can be an increase in the number of cities, population, and industrialization which directly or indirectly affects our ecosystems. Due to the uncontrolled urbanization only, environmental degradation has been arising very rapidly and is caused by many problems such as land insecurity, worsening of water quality, excessive air pollution, noise pollution, and the problems of waste disposal. According to a study, effective and preventive measures should be taken on the existing cause of damage to the environment due to urbanization. As it is impossible to restrict urbanization so it should be ensured that urbanization should proceed on the right path.

Table of Contents

Causes of Urban Pollution

  • Air Pollution: With the increase in population and industries the air in urban areas is always polluted with toxic substances. Which is becoming dangerous day by day to breathe as the air present inside cities is suffocating. The different cause of air pollution in the cities is smoke from automobiles, factories, and power generators which makes the air unhealthy. The other factors that contaminate the air are chemical spills and other toxic gases.
  • Water Pollution: Water, one of the most important natural resources of our environment, is being polluted day by day. There can be a different source of water pollution from industries to households to individuals. As the waste is disposed of directly to water from various sources that have arisen many water diseases.
  • Soil Pollution: The other cause of urban pollution is soil pollution. It occurs due to the mixing of toxins in the soil by industries or other sources. Which affects agricultural products.
  • Noise Pollution: One of the noisiest regions in the world is urban areas. With the population, it gives rise to various sources of noise pollution like traffic noises, loudspeakers, and other unwanted noises. It may cause many health issues like depression, mild deafness, etc.
  • Radioactive Pollution: It is caused due to the fortuitous leakage by nuclear power plants which poses a threat to our environment.
  • Visual Pollution: One of the most common pollution in urban areas is visual pollution. Signs, Billboards, Screens, high-intensity lights, etc are pretty disturbing and distracting due to the overexposure of visuals in cities.
  • Other than these there is also ‘Thermal Pollution’ which is caused by an extreme amount of heat trapped in the earth’s atmosphere.

Most Polluted Cities in the World

Here are given the top 20 most polluted cities according to the 2020 mid-year report:


Tetovo, North Macedonia



Kabul, Afghanistan



Kathmandu, Nepal



Faridabad, India



Ghaziabad, India



Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia



Dhaka, Bangladesh



Beirut, Lebanon



Accra, Ghana



Noida, India



Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam



Cairo, Egypt



Gurgaon, India



Yangon, Myanmar



Delhi, India



Allahabad, India



Hanoi, Vietnam



Kanpur, India



Manila, Philippines



Patna, India


Impacts of Urbanization on Different Components of Environment

Most of the important environmental problems will emerge in the future if the existing problems do not receive enough political attention. As the problems are not significantly noticed in many countries or the situation is being detected but nothing has been done for it. The most emerging issues that we are facing today are climate changes, freshwater scarcity, deforestation, and freshwater pollution, and population growth. These problems are very intricate and hard to define. It is very essential to examine problems through the social-economic-cultural system. Different impacts of pollution on our environment are as follows:

Impacts on Atmosphere and Climate

1. Change in Temperature

Cities remain warm at night when the countryside has already been cooled. It is due to the making of heat-absorbing materials like concrete, asphalt, bricks, etc which are used in building, household, industries, etc. The reflection of heat works differently than that of vegetation and soil.

2. Changes in Air Quality

A wide range of harmful gases is discharged due to human activities. Various gases that are released in the environment are carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides, lead, and many other pollutants. This gives rise to respiratory diseases like Asthma, Tuberculosis, acute respiratory infections, etc are most affected by the people living in urban areas.

3. Changes in Patterns of Precipitation

As cities are warmer than the surrounding countryside, it often receives more rainfall. Since dust can stimulate the precipitation of water vapour into rain droplets.

Impacts on Lithosphere and Land Resources

1. Erosion and other changes in the quality of land

High levels of erosion and sedimentation in river channels are the result of rapid developments. The construction of buildings, roads, etc gives rise to deforestation which results in erosion and changes in the quality of the land.

2. Pollution

Burying a huge amount of waste in the ground results in land pollution. Pollutants are usually scattered over cities or concentrated in industrial areas or waste sites. Lead-based paint that is used on roads, highways, and buildings is one such example of a widely dispersed pollutant that found its way into the soil.

Impacts on Hydrosphere and Water Resources

1. Flow of Water into Streams

Unlike rural areas, urban areas are not surrounded by natural vegetation and undisturbed soil which are substituted with concrete, asphalt, brick, and other water-resistant surfaces. It means that when it rains in cities water is less likely to be absorbed into the ground. Which results in the direct flow of rainwater into river channels or streams.

2. Degraded Water Quality

With time the water quality has degraded due to urbanization. As all the city’s waste is deposited in rivers. That eventually leads to increased sedimentation thereupon increasing the pollutant in the run-off.

Impacts on Biosphere

1. Alteration of Habitats

The fertilizers that are spread across yards to promote the growth of plants find its way into water channels at the expense of fishes. The waste which is dumped into streams lowers the level of oxygen during its decay and results in the perishing of plants and animals.

2. Disruption of Habitats

As an outcome of urbanization complete eradication of habitats can be seen in cities. As a result, native species of the particular place are driven out of cities.

Other Impacts of Urbanization on the Environment

The other important effect of urbanization on the environment is a major increase in greenhouse gasses which creates an excessive risk to the environment. These are those gaseous components of the atmosphere that absorb and release radiation at a specific wavelength. The absorption of greenhouse gasses (GHG’s) in the atmosphere has rapidly increased due to the man-made activities connected to the urbanization growth which results in an irrelevant increase in the temperature of the earth. These gases absorb the energy radiated from the sun making the lower part of the atmosphere warmer. This foremost aspect is known as a natural greenhouse gas effect. These effects expanded with the emission of gasses from various man-made activities ensuing to industrialization and urbanization.

1. Industrial Sector

A major source of greenhouse gas emissions is industries. One-third of global carbon dioxide emission is due to the industrial sector only. In India, and other countries as well industries are the main source of emission of harmful gases. Industries like the steel industry, thermal power, cement plants, chemical production, and other industries mostly emit carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.

2. Waste Generation

The waste sector mainly contributes to the emission of carbon dioxide due to the waste burning of the inorganic matter when there is no energy renewal. Annual anthropogenic methane is produced approximately 10-23 percent and is discharged into the atmosphere. Both domestic and industrial water source wastewater treatment may be responsible for ten percent of anthropogenic methane emissions.

3. GHGs emissions due to the transportation sector

Most of the greenhouse gas emissions are due to the transport sector in urban areas. Due to an increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, there is an increase in the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere. The traffic structure of the megacities of India (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad) represents that there is a tangible shift from the share of slow-moving vehicles to fast-moving vehicles and public transport to private transport. For example, Delhi’s transport sector generates six times as much greenhouse gas discharges (GHG) as that of Kolkata’s, five times as much as Ahmedabad’s and three times as much as Greater Mumbai and Chennai Followed by Banglore and Hyderabad, Delhi’s transport sector emits 12.39 million ton of carbon dioxide. As compared to other Indian cities Hyderabad emits the greatest portion of GreenHouse gases according to 2015 reports.

Impact of Urbanization in Indian Cities

The main impact of urbanization on the environmental quality in Indian cities are:

  • The total slum population according to size or class of towns in India during 1991 shows that 41% of the total slum population was living in million-plus cities, where 27% of the total population of India lives.
  • According to the status of Municipal solid waste generation and collection in Metropolitan Cities of India Maharashtra generates the largest amount of municipal solid waste which is 11,000 tonnes/day followed by Delhi (8700 tonnes/day) in 2019 which are most likely to be increasing in near future.
  • Growth in motor vehicles in India and other Metropolitan Cities.
  • There has been an increase in the number of vehicles used in India and other metropolitan cities. An average of 10% or more increase has been found in the use of vehicles which is a major concern for air pollution.
  • Due to the increase in population, wasteful consumption, and negligence of conservation, water resources are diminishing day by day. With an increase in urbanization and industrialization, huge quantities of wastewater enter rivers which affect the river streams that are used for drinking and purposes.

Urbanization lies in the enactment and the regulating agencies of the country. Due to some bad decisions of governance, today’s cities resulted in the growth of informal settlements and slums that constitute unhealthy living and working environments. Serious attention should be given to the need for improving urban strategies, which promote productivity in resource use. In metropolitan cities, top priority should be given to the control of Vehicular pollution. Primary attention should be addressed to reduce the generation of solid waste. In case adequate steps are not taken to prevent pollution and to improve the quality of life by providing more social amenities, the life of the urban inhabitants of metropolitan cities may become more discontented this may be the cause of health hazards and worst devastation. We can follow these major steps also:

  • By promoting economic development and creating jobs we can combat poverty which is also an important aspect of urbanization.
  • We can involve local communities who are working for the environment.
  • By upgrading energy use and alternative transport systems we can reduce air pollution.
  • Waste disposal and housing facilities can be provided through a private-public partnership.
  • A key element in urban planning is to plant trees and incorporate the care of city green spaces.

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Home — Essay Samples — Environment — Pollution — Combating Environmental Pollution: Key Causes and Solutions


Combating Environmental Pollution: Key Causes and Solutions

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Published: Jun 13, 2024

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Industrial emissions and chemical wastes, vehicular emissions and urbanization, agricultural practices and pesticides, deforestation and habitat destruction.

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Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization

Pollution is one of the biggest issues that we as a society face today. The everyday deteriorating environment is a big challenge for humans. The mixing of any harmful substance or pollutants in our natural environment is called pollution. It is due to human activity, many contaminators get introduced in the natural environment thereby polluting it to harmful levels. There are many reasons why pollution occurs and one of the major one is urbanization.

Long and Short Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization in English

In this section we have tried to cover all aspects of pollution due to urbanization in varying lengths to help you with the same in your exam. You can select any Pollution due to Urbanization essay as per your need:

Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization – Essay 1 (200 words)

Our mother earth is choking and we are helpless. We face many challenges today and one of them is pollution. When any contaminating substance is added in our environment and pollutes our natural resources called pollution. There are many reasons of pollution and human beings are responsible for most of it. Our activities have depleted our natural resources and our natural habitat.

One of the main reasons of human pollution is urbanization. When human being started establishing cities and industrialization happened than the level of pollution started increasing. The harsh reality of urbanization is that many beautiful valleys, mountains, hills stations and forests have been converted into vessels of pollution. The needs of human beings kept on increasing day by day and to satisfy those needs we exploited our mother earth. Trees were cut down, rivers and lakes were contaminated and natural reserves were misused.

The result today is that we live in highly polluted cities where day to day life is becoming increasingly tuff. We face many health issues due to this urban pollution and the worst part is that we do not even realize that. It is high time that we must now adopt ways to curb this pollution and create a better world for our future generations.

Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization in India – Essay 2 (300 words)


The days are gone when kids would roam freely on streets and birds would fly in the sky. Such a nice scene has been very rare to see, nowadays. We should blame ourselves only! India was a land of villages; our culture arose from villages only. But than we did something so bad that we are paying the price of it even today. We have replaced the major part of earth with factories, mills and building causing pollution .

There are Various Levels at which Urban Pollution is happening like:

Types and Causes of Urban Pollution

  • Air Pollution: The air in the urban areas is always polluted with harmful substances and it is becoming hazardous day by day to breathe. The air in the cities is choking. The smoke from automobiles, factories and power generators make the air unhealthy. There are other factors also like chemical spills and other toxic gases that contaminate the air.
  • Water Pollution: As it is there are very less natural water sources in the urban areas and the ones that are there are getting increasingly polluted. There is a lot of disposal in the lakes and rivers like household & industrial disposal. A lot of waste gets mixed with rain and washed into the waters .
  • Soil Pollution: The mixing of toxins in the soil is disturbing the eco-system.
  • Noise Pollution: Urban areas are one of the noisiest ones. Various sources of noise pollution include traffic noises, loud-speakers and other unwanted noises cause many health issues .
  • Radioactive Pollution: The accidental leakage by nuclear power plants poses a big threat.
  • Visual Pollution: The over exposure of visuals in the cities in the form of signs, billboards, screens, high intensity lights etc. are also quite disturbing .
  • Other than these there is also ‘Thermal pollution’ that is caused by excessive amount of heat trapped in earth’s atmosphere.


The various means of pollution in urban areas can lead to many health issues in the people living in cities. We are everyday exposed to more than one of these health issues sources.

Essay about Problems Due To Urbanization – Essay 3 (400 words)

We achieved a big step when we urbanized our villages but it came with a price. We surely have a luxurious and a comfortable life in the modern day cities and towns but it has dent a big hole in the health of our environment. It has brought with it many problems that we face. The developing cities saw a rapid growth and this urbanization brought with it a web of difficulties and we seem to be stuck in them.

Problems Due to Urbanization

The need of free space to build roads, buildings and bridges etc made a massive deforestation happen. The trees were cut down, the fields were cleared and space was created to accommodate the ever rising population. It is a no-brainer that cutting of trees is a major reason of pollution. The high density of population created a lack of everything like space, natural resources like water, coal etc.

The interaction of urban population with environment caused some serious problems. The consumption patterns and the lifestyle of urban population changed the environment massively. The urban population consumes more food, energy and water. The air in urban areas is much more polluted than the rural ones. This is mainly because of the use of automobiles and building up of industries and factories that pollute the air at an increasing rate. Almost everything that we use works on electricity. The need for electricity in the cities is always rising and to meet that more power plants are build and that pollutes the air.

The lakes, rivers and any other water bodies in urban areas is always polluted by the dump of industrial waste and sewage. The marine life faces a lot of danger. We cannot ignore that noise pollution is one of the major causes of stress related issues in urban population. More and more trees are cut down to meet the needs of urban people and in exchange very less tress are planted. The use of plastic is another major reason of degradation of environment .

Studies show that urbanization is one of the major causes of depleting natural resources. We are constantly damaging our mother earth and the result is high pollution levels in the cities and towns. It is not possible to reverse the damage that we have already done but we can surely take some preventive measures and control the further damage. It is high time that we take some serious steps to save our planet and leave a better tomorrow .

Essay on Pollution Caused by Urbanization and Its Solutions – Essay 4 (500 words)

The advancement of technology and industrialization has caused the rapid growth in our lifestyle. Long back we started developing cities that are well equipped with all the facilities. The process of urbanization created a big dent in the health of our environment. The natural resources were depleted and this excessive use of technology and energy became a major source of pollution and today we live in a world that is highly polluted and unfit living .

Pollution Caused by Urbanization

There are various pollution that are caused by urbanization like air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, thermal pollution, global warming, deforestation etc. It is high time that now we must adopt ways and means by which we can improve the health of the environment.

There is a Number of Solutions that we can apply and create a Better Tomorrow.

Solutions and Prevention of Urban Pollution

  • Conserve Energy: The urban area’s people always use more energy than the rural area’s people. The consumption of energy causes various kinds of pollution. Saving energy wherever possible is one of the best ways to curb pollution. Turn off the electrical appliances when they are not being used. This small step can help in a big way.
  • Use less water: We waste a lot of water daily and this can lead to bad consequences. We must try and use as less water as possible .
  • Plant more trees: The urban areas are the ones that have less greeneries. Try to plant many trees and vegetation as much as possible in your surrounding areas. Kitchen garden and small lawn near home is a good idea .
  • Green belts: Government can help and declare some areas in every city as green belts so that trees and other plants can be grown there without any obstruction .
  • Use less loudspeakers: The minimum use of loud speakers can reduce the noise pollution a lot. Decreasing the volume of music at functions after a certain time is also a good move.
  • Indoors: The indoors of the homes are also highly polluted in cities. We must have some plants inside the homes also, that can filter the indoor polluted air.
  • Industrial waste: The factory owners must try and make possible that industrial waste is not dumped in the lakes or rivers. Government can also make laws for the same.
  • Say no to plastic: Plastic is one of the most harmful substances that can pollute air, water and soil all together. We must try and minimize the use of plastic as much as possible. Use just cloth bags instead of plastic.
  • Use Public transport: Avoid using cars and bikes for daily use. Try to use public transport, bicycle and car pools. This will not only curb air pollution but will also decrease the traffic on roads.
  • Walk: Try to go to nearby areas on foot i.e. walking, this will reduce pollution and will also improve your health .
  • Better garbage disposal: Use the structural methods of garbage disposal in cities.

A small step can help in a big way and contribution of every citizen will make the urban areas more livable. Following these simple steps and with a little help from the government, we can definitely reduce the city pollution a lot. If we do not wake up today and do not realize the worst condition of natural resources then after some time our future generations will not be able to survive,  It’s far to enjoy the environment .

Essay on Pollution Due To Urbanization and Digital India – Essay 5 (600 words)

In order to create a better tomorrow we have created a difficult toady. We have urbanized our villages and made them into hi-tech cities that have all the modern facilities and everyday we are creating something or the other new. Today we all dream of a digital India. In a country every citizen uses technology for his/her betterment. We aim to create a world where everything is just a button push away. Everyday more and more Indians are using technology for making their day to day life easy. Today we have become the slaves of technology and cannot live without technology even for a minute. We need to be connected all the time. Even our government is trying to transform the nation into a digitally empowered society.

Digital India and Environmental Importance

We see a smart phone in the hands of everybody even a labor of these days. Everybody understands the power and the reach of the internet. We no more call, now video call our loved ones. Any information can reach to any corner of the world in seconds now. We cannot ignore the power of digitalization. But what is the important question here is that can digitization of the digital movement be ‘environmental substantial’. We must ask this question to the founding fathers of digital India; can they assure that through this digitization our precious environment will not be harmed? Is it possible to move forward with modernization without harming the natural resources and without disturbing the ecological balance?

The digital revolution is such thing which touches every aspect of our life as it connects us to the rest of the world all the time. We all know that the digital appliances have carbon emissions and that has harmful effects on our eco system. We are also aware that these appliances emit radiations that are very harmful for humans. It is also advised not to keep mobile phones very near to your head or heart at night.

So in short, these digital devices are more harmful than helpful. We are also consuming power at a rapid speed and soon all the power will be exhausted. We are creating new and more advanced devices day by and day and we forget that all these use power and more devices means more use of power. The consumption is increasing day by day but what we do not realize that natural resources are scarce. There will be a day when they will not be able to satisfy our power needs. Soon there will be a time when these devices will become uncontrollable and we will then suffer from the harmful effects.

The digital India comes with a cost. It can have effects on us at many levels like, it pollutes our environment, it degrades our ecosystem and most importantly it causes many harmful effects on our physical health. The radiations cause vision problems, headaches and many other such issues. What we lack are the tools of awareness that can tell us how to control these effects. Do we really need a digital India today that cannot promise a better tomorrow?

There is a strong need to create a mass concern effort that can bring awareness about these problems. Digitization is good but it must be in controlled levels so that we can move forward but also make sure that our environment is safe. It is our duty to leave a pollution free environment and safe world for our future generations.

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Essay On Pollution Due To Urbanization In 500+ Words Step by Step

Essay On Pollution Due To Urbanization

Essay On Pollution Due To Urbanization

Hello Friends, In this post “ Essay On Pollution Due To Urbanization In 500+ Words “, we will read about Pollution Due to Urbanization as an Essay in detail with its all aspects. So…

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Essay On Pollution Due To Urbanization | Pollution Due to Urbanization Essay


Pollution due to Urbanization becomes increases day by day. because in industrialized cities pollution is a major problem. it may be caused by the industries or by the excessive movement of vehicles.

Today we consider urbanization as a symbol of development, but due to urbanization, our environment suffers a lot of damage.

The Urbanization words come from the Latin word  “Urbs”, which means “City” . The term urbanization means the Lifestyle that is common in a city becomes prevalent. This can happen in two different ways:

Through the growth of cities; called physical Urbanization and Through the change of behavior of people living in rural areas; called  Functional urbanization.

Urbanization refers to the concept of a rural area becoming developed as factories, good roads, good schools, etc . are build there.

“Act seriously over all the solution to pollution. Think about future generations and reduce pollution.”

Body (Essay On Pollution Due To Urbanization)

If we talk about the problems of urbanization , then environmental problems become very important. The biggest problem of urbanization is pollution. People are getting serious diseases due to pollution and millions of people are also dying from it.

According to the United Nations Report , currently, half of the world’s population is living in cities. By the year 2050 , half of the population of India will start living in cities and metro cities.

Then it’s obvious that an increase in population will responsible for more Industrial Development in urban areas and as a result, pollution will increase, which level has been increasing over the years.

Cities are turning into heat Island due to concrete roads and buildings. The sacrifice of green areas for the development of cities is promoting global warming. Which is also a warning for very serious problems coming in the future.

Due to the sheets of road-laid concrete in the cities , on one hand, groundwater recycling is being affected, on the other hand, the cities are getting flooded due to unplanned urbanization and drainage system . Due to this, problems of drinking water are also increasing.

We achieved a big step when we urbanized our villages but it came with a price, we certainly have a luxurious and comfortable life in modern cities and towns, but due to this there is a big hole in the health of our environment.

This has brought with us many problems that we face. developing cities saw a boom and this urbanization brought with it a web of difficulties and we are getting entangled in them.

There is various pollution that is due to urbanization such as air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, Thermal Pollution, global warming, deforestation, etc .

It is high time that we should adopt the means by which we can improve the health of the environment . There are a number of solutions that we can implement and create a better tomorrow.

In the present scenario, pollution is becoming a serious challenge where breathing in the air is similar to poison. Areas of the Delhi NCR occupy an average severe category in the air quality index . where even a healthy person can become ill by breathing.

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There are many types of Pollution due to Urbanization:-

Soil pollution, water pollution, noise pollution.

  • Air Pollution etc.

Due to overpopulation in the urban areas, the amount of garbage, plastic, non-biodegradable dustbin, etc, become increased and due to the establishment of factories, the number of trees also decreased which is the main cause of soil erosion as well as pollution due to urbanization.

Excessive use of water especially in urban areas by people as well as factories is also responsible for water pollution . because we do not have enough resources to stop the dirty water from getting into the river. So, dirty water mixed with the river makes it even more polluted, so that the creatures living in the water have to face difficulties.

The number of vehicles, Industries, construction, parties, functions, etc  becomes increased in the urban areas is the main reason for noise pollution due to urbanization .

Air Pollution

Due to increasing the population in urban areas the number of vehicles, industries, etc also increases. So, the air quality becomes decreased continuously is also the cause of air pollution due to urbanization.

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Conclusion ( Essay On Pollution Due To Urbanization)

Pollution levels began to rise when humans started establishing cities and industrialization took place.

The harsh reality of urbanization is that many beautiful valleys, mountains, hill stations, and forests become polluted due to an increase in human activity.

Overall, Systematical urbanization is good for developing countries, by this, we can able to reduce “ pollution due to urbanization”.

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Essay on Pollution due to Urbanization

Hello, students today we have come up with an essay on Pollution due to Urbanization. In this essay we have given information about pollution caused due to urbanization. So let us start with the essay.

vehicle leting smoke image

Pollution due to Urbanization Essay

Urbanization is the process by which more and more people move from rural areas to urban centers, resulting in the growth and development of cities. This process has numerous benefits, such as increased access to education, healthcare, and employment opportunities. However, it also has significant negative consequences, one of which is pollution.

In conclusion, urbanization can lead to pollution, which has negative consequences for the environment and human health. To address this issue, it is necessary to adopt sustainable development practices and educate the public about the importance of protecting the environment.

Students, what are your thoughts on pollution caused by urbanization? Do tell us in the comment section below.

This essay can be used by students of classes 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th for their educational purposes.

Students, we hope this essay was helpful to you and if you need an essay any other topic then do tell us in the comment section below.

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