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Essay on Role of Women in Society | Role of Women in Society Essay for Students and Children in English

March 13, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Role of Women in Society: Women are equally important in society as men are. They are the backbone for a progressing nation. Demographically, half a population of the country constitutes women, and they deserve equal importance and rights in society.

From keeping the home safe and clean to portraying excellent outcomes in the workplace, a woman can do it all. Their capabilities must not be underestimated based on their gender, and they should be given equal opportunity to display their talents. It is essential for us to know the status of women in our society, and therefore, we have compiled some extended, short, and ten lines essay on the role of women in society.

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Long and Short Essays on Role of Women in Society for Students and Kids in English

Given below is a Role of Women in Society essay of 400-500 words and is suitable for the students of standards 7, 8, 9, and 10 and a short piece of nearly 100-150 words for the students of standard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long Essay on Role of Women in Society 500 words in English

In the middle age, people had only one notion about the woman; that is, they were born to control the household chores and manage the children. But in today’s world, women empowerment has taken place which has opened new doors for the women to thrive and shine.

In the rural regions, the girls have started going to school, which is positively affecting the literacy rate in India and is taking the country in the forward direction. Campaigns are held all over the country to spread awareness about woman literacy.

In addition to literacy, personal health and hygiene are other issues that woman staying in the rural region have very less idea about. Women hold awareness programmes and free sanitary napkins are distributed amongst them. Such a programme is organised to remove a general taboo about the menstrual cycle.

Besides managing household works, women are also engaging themselves in the service sector like banks, hospitals, airlines, schools and every other possible work field as well as they have started showing interest in setting up their own business. Not to mention, they are providing excellent outcomes in their respective areas. In the world of sports, women have set up milestones for men to achieve.

Personalities like PV Sindhu and Saina Nehwal are idols. We must not limit or try to limit the role of women in society to be a homemaker or a mother because they are capable of doing so much more. The women who are homemakers are an essential member of the family who is responsible for managing the home, cooking, cleaning, doing the dishes, taking care of the elders and the kids.

Still, the saddest part is at times their efforts are overlooked, and they are never praised for the things they do. People assume these works as their duties and consider them to be a free servant. This outlook needs to change, and people should understand that she might even need some help in doing the works and she is not free labour, whatever she does is out of love and love only.

To conclude, women should be encouraged to do something out of the household works, and if they already want to work in offices to earn for themselves, no one should stop them. They are an individual identity who have full freedom of doing anything that they think is the best for them.

Short Essay on Role of Women in Society 150 words in English

In the modern world, women are progressing. The social and economic status of the women have soared to height, and they are no longer confined within the boundaries of the four walls. They are playing the roles of a working woman, an efficient homemaker, and a proud mother and daughter.

Earlier women were only associated with taking care of the household and babies. But nowadays, they are engaging in work fields to explore their inner talents and also to become independent and earn for themselves. They are one of the main reason behind the progress of the nation who makes our daily lives easy and the country proud.

10 Lines on Essay on Role of Women in Society in English

  • A woman should be given equal opportunities economically and socially.
  • They must be respected and never underestimated on the ground that they are women.
  • Schooling should be made available for the girls in the rural area.
  • Awareness must be spread on the topic of sanitary health and hygiene.
  • Their choice and perspective must be looked upon on as they are great leaders.
  • During the middle ages, the women’s position in the society became inferior as compared to men, and the condition of the women deteriorated.
  • The women should be given freedom in whatever she does and should not be confined within four walls of the house.
  • Women should be headstrong and believe in them. They must voice their option without any fear.
  • People should start believing that motherhood is an option and the decision solely depends on a woman.
  • We should remember the contribution of woman leaders and have a positive attitude towards woman controlling the government.

Role of Women in Society

FAQ’s on Essay on Role of Women in Society

Question 1. Is there any importance of women’s perspective?

Answer: A woman does not only bring competition into the work field but also help in the collaboration of ideas and execute teamwork correctly. They help in bringing a perspective that values an open economy, modern, and social system.

Question 2. Name a few roles a woman plays in society and the family?

Answer: Some of the roles played by a woman in daily lives are as follows: a supportive daughter, wife, mother, an extraordinary co-worker who can manage a team very well, and many more. A woman has a versatile nature and is capable of doing everything a man can.

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Role of Women in Society Essay

Kunika Khuble

Updated December 18, 2023

Introduction to the Role of Women in Society

A Daughter, Sister, Granddaughter, Wife, Mother, Mother-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Aunt, and Grandmother – not a superhero, but a remarkable woman.

A woman is a multifaceted bundle of strength, resilience, compassion, and wisdom, weaving together the threads of countless roles and responsibilities in the tapestry of life. From a daughter’s nurturing warmth to a grandmother’s guiding support, she intricately weaves various facets of life together. Her journey traverses through the corridors of sisterhood, daughterhood, and the responsibilities of a wife, mother, and beyond. In this dynamic mosaic of identities and responsibilities, the significance of a woman’s presence resonates deeply, shaping families, communities, and the very essence of society itself. Unveiling the layers of her myriad roles is to discover the remarkable nature of a woman, an indispensable force driving the narratives of our existence.

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Role of Women in Society Essay

Women’s Role in Ancient Societies

The annals of history unveil a diverse panorama of ancient civilizations, each with its nuanced tapestry of social norms and gender dynamics. In examining the role of women in these bygone eras, we find that their contributions were both profound and complex.

  • Economic Contributions: In agrarian societies, women often played integral roles in sustaining the economic fabric of their communities. From tending to crops in Mesopotamia to managing households in Ancient Egypt, their labor was indispensable. However, recognizing their contributions didn’t always translate into equitable status.
  • Cultural and Religious Significance: Ancient mythologies and religious texts frequently portrayed women as bearers of divine qualities. Goddesses like Isis in Egypt or Athena in Greece embodied wisdom, fertility, and protection. Despite such symbolic reverence, mortal women often faced societal restrictions.
  • Educational Constraints: Education in many ancient societies was reserved for the elite. While exceptions like the educated women of ancient Athens existed, the majority faced academic constraints, limiting their intellectual and philosophical contributions.
  • Matrilineal Societies: Some ancient cultures, like the Minoans, displayed matrilineal structures, where descent and inheritance were traced through the maternal line. In these societies, women held unique positions of authority and power, challenging the prevailing patriarchal norms.
  • Challenges and Restrictions: Despite these nuanced roles, it’s crucial to recognize the prevalent challenges. The ancient world was rife with societal expectations, limiting women’s agency in public life. Laws and customs often restricted their legal rights and participation in decision-making processes.

Education acts as a powerful tool in shaping the lives of women. It encompasses formal schooling and includes access to information, knowledge, and skills necessary for personal growth and societal contribution.

Empowerment through Knowledge

  • Education provides women with the necessary skills to navigate various aspects of life, from making informed health decisions to engaging in economic activities.
  • It helps women develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making abilities, helping them to advocate for themselves and their communities.

Economic Empowerment

  • Educated women are more likely to find employment opportunities, thus contributing to their economic independence.
  • Higher levels of education frequently correspond with improved earning capacity, which can substantially impact a woman’s financial stability and decision-making power within the home.

Breaking Societal Barriers

  • Education challenges traditional gender norms by empowering women to defy societal limitations and pursue careers and roles previously reserved for men.
  • It helps combat stereotypes and discrimination by showcasing women’s capabilities and achievements in various fields.

Health and Well-being

  • Women who are educated have better health outcomes for themselves and their families.
  • They are more likely to understand healthcare information, seek medical attention, and make healthier lifestyle choices.

Economic empowerment refers to women’s ability to control economic resources, financial decision-making, and access to opportunities for economic advancement.

Financial Independence

  • Economic empowerment gives women financial autonomy, reducing their dependency on others and allowing them to choose based on their preferences.
  • It gives them a sense of agency and self-worth, contributing to their well-being.

Entrepreneurship and Employment

  • Empowered women are more likely to engage in entrepreneurial activities, creating job opportunities for themselves and others in their communities.
  • Access to economic resources and employment opportunities allows women to contribute significantly to economic growth and development.

Participation in Decision-making

  • Economic empowerment often translates into greater participation in household and community decision-making processes.
  • Women with economic resources are better positioned to voice their opinions and influence decisions affecting their lives and families.

Social Empowerment

  • Economic empowerment often leads to social empowerment, increasing a woman’s status within her community and fostering her participation in social and political spheres.

Women in the Workplace

1. progress in workforce participation.

  • Historical Shift: The latter half of the 20th century witnessed a significant shift in the participation of women in the workforce. Once confined to limited roles, women began to enter various professions, challenging stereotypes and contributing to economic growth.
  • Professional Diversity: Women have excelled in diverse fields, from science and technology to business, politics, and the arts. Their contributions have become integral to the functioning of modern economies.  

2. Gender Wage Gap

  • Persistent Disparities: Despite advancements, the gender wage gap remains a glaring issue. On average, women continue to earn less than men for equivalent work, reflecting deep-rooted systemic inequalities.
  • Intersectionality and Wage Gap: The wage gap is often exacerbated by intersectionality, with women from marginalized groups facing even wider disparities.  

3. Barriers to Career Advancement

  • Glass Ceiling: The metaphorical glass ceiling impedes women’s advancement to leadership. Structural and cultural barriers limit their access to executive roles, board memberships, and other high-ranking positions.
  • Implicit Bias: Implicit biases and gender stereotypes persist in the workplace, affecting hiring decisions, performance evaluations, and opportunities for advancement.

4. Work-Life Balance and Caregiving

  • Dual Responsibilities: Women often struggle to balance professional careers with caregiving responsibilities. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is made more difficult by societal expectations and established gender roles.
  • Impact on Career Trajectory: Balancing work and caregiving responsibilities can impact career trajectories, leading to career interruptions, reduced opportunities for advancement, and potential wage gaps.

5. Combatting Harassment and Discrimination

  • MeToo Movement: The #MeToo movement has shed light on workplace harassment and discrimination, sparking conversations and driving organizations to reassess their policies and practices.
  • Need for Inclusive Policies: To create inclusive and equitable workplace environments, comprehensive policies that address harassment and discrimination, as well as develop a culture of respect and diversity, are required.

6. Initiatives for Gender Diversity

  • Diversity and Inclusion Programs: To encourage gender equality in the workplace, many businesses have created diversity and inclusion programs. These efforts seek to foster professional conditions in which women can succeed.
  • Mentorship and Sponsorship: Mentorship and sponsorship programs can support women’s career development by providing guidance, opportunities, and advocacy.

7. Remote Work and Flexibility

  • Impact of Remote Work: The rise of remote work, accelerated by global events, has provided new opportunities for flexibility. This shift can potentially alleviate some challenges associated with work-life balance for women.
  • Addressing Digital Gender Divides: However, it’s crucial to address potential digital gender divides and ensure that remote work policies are equitable for all employees.

Political Participation

1. progress in representation.

  • Historical Context: Women’s participation in politics has undergone a remarkable evolution. Over the years, there has been an increase in the representation of women in political offices worldwide.
  • Milestones: Landmark moments, such as the suffrage movements and the election of the first female heads of state, have paved the way for greater political involvement by women.

2. Representation in Legislative Bodies

  • Global Trends: While progress varies across regions, there has been a gradual increase in the representation of women in legislative bodies, including parliaments and congresses.
  • Challenges Persist: However, women are still underrepresented in many political spheres, and disparities persist in access to decision-making roles.

3. Barriers to Political Participation

  • Structural Barriers: Political systems may have inherent barriers, such as electoral systems favoring incumbents or political parties less inclined to nominate female candidates.
  • Cultural and Societal Norms: Deep-seated societal norms and gender stereotypes can discourage women from pursuing political careers, perpetuating a lack of representation.

4. Intersectionality and Representation

  • Diversity and Intersectionality: The importance of diverse representation, considering factors like race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status alongside gender, is increasingly recognized as essential for inclusive political landscapes.
  • Challenges Faced by Marginalized Groups: Women from marginalized communities often face compounded challenges, necessitating tailored approaches to ensure their political representation.

5. Leadership and Advocacy

  • Women in Leadership Roles: Despite challenges, women have risen to prominent political leadership positions, serving as heads of state, ministers, and influential policymakers, bringing diverse perspectives to governance.
  • Advocacy and Grassroots Movements: Grassroots movements led by women have been pivotal in advocating for policy changes and social justice and amplifying women’s voices in political discourse.

6. Global Initiatives for Gender Equality

  • International Efforts: Various international organizations and initiatives, like the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), include targets for achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment in political spheres.
  • Quotas and Affirmative Action: Some countries have implemented quotas or affirmative action measures to increase women’s representation in politics, aiming to address the imbalance in political participation.

7. Challenges and Future Prospects

  • Continued Struggles: Despite progress, persistent challenges, including stereotypes, institutional barriers, and cultural norms, underscore the ongoing struggle for equitable representation.
  • The Need for Continued Advocacy: Sustained efforts in advocating for policies that promote gender equality, dismantling barriers, and encouraging women’s political engagement are essential for the future of inclusive governance.

Social and Cultural Influences

1. historical context.

  • Traditional Gender Roles: Throughout history, societies have assigned specific roles to men and women based on perceived notions of gender. These roles often confined women to domestic spheres, while men were expected to take on public and economic responsibilities.
  • Evolution of Norms: Over time, societal norms and expectations regarding gender roles have evolved, influenced by factors such as industrialization, education, and social movements advocating for women’s rights.

2. Cultural Norms and Expectations

  • Cultural Diversity: Different cultures shape expectations for women’s behavior, appearance, and life choices. Cultural norms can influence everything from career choices to family structures.
  • Impact on Autonomy: Societal expectations may limit women’s autonomy, pressuring them to conform to predefined roles. This can affect their education, career, marriage, and motherhood decisions.

3. Impact of Religion

  • Diverse Religious Perspectives: Religious beliefs often play a significant role in shaping attitudes towards women. Interpretations of religious texts and traditions vary, impacting women’s rights and social standing.
  • Religious Conservatism: In some cases, religious conservatism may reinforce traditional gender roles and limit women’s access to education, employment, and leadership positions.

4. Media and Popular Culture

  • Representation in Media: Media portrayal of women can reinforce or challenge societal norms. Representation in movies, television, and advertising can shape perceptions of beauty, success, and acceptable behavior.
  • Influence on Body Image: The Media’s emphasis on specific beauty standards can contribute to body image issues, affecting women’s self-esteem and influencing lifestyle choices.

5. Family and Community Dynamics

  • Role of Family: Family structures and dynamics shape women’s experiences. Supportive families can provide a foundation for women’s empowerment, while restrictive environments may limit opportunities.
  • Community Expectations: Community expectations and collective values can influence women’s choices and behavior. Breaking away from traditional expectations may lead to social scrutiny or ostracization.

6. Changing Social Movements

  • Feminist Movements: Feminist movements have played a crucial role in challenging and reshaping societal norms. They advocate for women’s rights, equality, and the dismantling of systemic barriers.
  • Intersectionality: Contemporary discussions often emphasize intersectionality, recognizing that women’s experiences are shaped by the intersection of gender with other social factors such as race, class, and sexual orientation.

Challenges and Barriers Faced by Women

1. economic disparities.

Women continue to confront substantial economic challenges, with the gender wage gap persisting as a stark manifestation of inequality. Despite advancements, women, on average, earn less than their male counterparts for similar work. The roots of this disparity are deeply embedded in systemic issues, including occupational segregation, biased hiring practices, and the undervaluing of industries traditionally dominated by women. These economic challenges are compounded for women from marginalized communities, creating a cycle of financial inequality that extends across generations.

2. Glass Ceiling and Career Advancement

The metaphorical glass ceiling remains a formidable barrier to women’s career advancement. Structural and cultural impediments limit women’s access to executive roles, board memberships, and leadership positions. Implicit biases within organizational structures and the persistence of gender stereotypes contribute to a workplace culture that hinders the professional growth of women. Addressing the glass ceiling necessitates dismantling discriminatory practices and fostering inclusive environments that value and promote the diverse talents and perspectives women bring to the workplace.

3. Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence is a common and highly problematic issue for women all across the world. Domestic violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking can cause physical, emotional, and psychological harm to women. These forms of abuse not only violate individual rights but also foster an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, limiting women’s capacity to live productive lives. The fight against gender-based violence requires comprehensive legal frameworks, societal awareness, and a cultural shift to challenge ingrained notions that perpetuate such behaviors.

4. Underrepresentation in Leadership

The lack of women in leadership positions in different fields still poses a major obstacle to attaining gender parity. Often, women’s perspectives are disregarded during decision-making, leading to policies and practices failing to adequately address the needs and opinions of diverse communities. Breaking down barriers to leadership involves dismantling preconceived notions of gender roles, implementing affirmative action measures, and fostering mentorship programs to support the professional development of women.

5. Societal Expectations and Stereotypes

Societal expectations and ingrained stereotypes continue to shape and restrict women’s roles. From early childhood, girls are often socialized into specific gender norms that dictate behavior, career choices, and life aspirations. The pressure to conform to these expectations limits individual agency and perpetuates gender inequalities. Challenging societal norms requires a concerted effort to redefine perceptions of femininity and masculinity, encouraging a more inclusive and equitable understanding of gender roles.

Women’s intricate roles and contributions are the threads that stitch together the diverse fabric of our world. Women shape, nurture, and lead with unwavering resilience, from the foundational bonds of family to the broader tapestry of society. Their influence extends beyond their roles, encompassing education, the workforce, politics, and cultural dynamics. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of a woman as a daughter, sister, wife, mother, and more, it is important to dismantle barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster environments where every woman can thrive. Embracing the importance of women is not just a matter of equality but a commitment to realizing the full potential of humanity. With each role she assumes, a woman leaves an indelible mark, contributing to a richer, more inclusive narrative that transcends generations and paves the way for a future where the strength and significance of every woman are celebrated and valued.


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Essay on Role of Women in Society for School Students

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The role of women in society has been a highly contested topic throughout history. In general, the role of women has been largely subordinate to that of men; however, there have been a number of cultures and societies in which women have played a more equal or even dominant role. The status of women in society is determined by a number of factors, including economic, social, and political factors.

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The role of women in society has been changing rapidly in recent years. In many countries, women have been granted equal rights to men, and they have been able to participate in all aspects of society, including the workforce. However, there are still many societies in which women are not treated equally to men, and their roles are more limited.

We have provided various essays on role of women in society under different word limits for the school students.

Long and Short Essay on Role of Women in Indian Society in English

Role of women in society essay 1 (100 words).

Women play variety of significant roles in our society from their birth till the end of life. Even after playing her all the roles and all the job timely in efficient manner in the modern society, she is weak because men are still strongest gender of the society. Even after lots of awareness programmes, rules and regulations in the society by the government, her life is more complicated than a man. She has to take care of herself and family members as daughter, granddaughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc. By following such a big responsibility in the family, they are fully able to come out and do job for bright future of own, family and country.

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Role of Women in Society Essay 2 (150 words)

Women are considered as the goddess in the Indian society from the ancient time however it is also true that they are not treated as goddess. They are being ill-treated for many years and used just as things to fulfil the wishes of men. Considering them as goddess is not enough to give them full women empowerment in the society; however it needs positive continuous effort and participation of both men and women to really bring women empowerment.

Women play a great role in everyone’s life without whom we cannot imagine the success of life. They are the highly responsible for the successful continuation of the life on this planet. Earlier they were considered as only wives and mother who have to cook food, clean home and take care of the whole family members alone. But, now the condition has been improved a little bit, they have started taking part in the many activities other than family and kids.

Role of Women in Society Essay 3 (200 words)

The way of behaving, thinking and doing of women is completely different from the men so we can say that women are physically, physiologically and psychologically not equal to men. But women are more responsible than men in various means like child-bearing and child-rearing. The tradition and culture of women lifestyle in India is coming as usual for many years without any change however in terms of rights of women, it is so bad and backward than other countries. The main question is why it is so, is women are responsible for their backwardness or men or lots of women’s responsibilities in home.

Women are treated differently than men in terms of rights and dues in many Indian societies even in the modern world. Men have dominating nature over women in various perspectives. It is the matter of think that if women are given all the same facilities like men and force them to be free from all the home responsibilities and think like men then why not it is possible for women to be like men psychologically in every areas of life. Earlier women were limited to home works only and not allowed to go outside to perform social works like men. But things are getting changed now; women are being aware of their rights and understanding well the dominating nature of men over their whole life.

Article on Women Empowerment

Role of Women in Society Essay 4 (250 words)

If we compare the current status of women than the ancient time, we can say that really the condition is improving gradually. Women are being professional, bread-earners for their families and an independently thinking individual of the country even after only being responsible for many responsibilities of the life. Traditional Indian women have started proving themselves more skilled and competent in many professions than men. And, day by day the situation is improving fast by breaking all the barriers of the way.

The Indian government also has played great role in the women empowerment by implementing various rules and regulations. The ancient time trends such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, early child marriage, domestic abuse, child labour, sexual harassment, etc have been banned by the government which has really improved the women status in the society. A woman plays variety of great roles in everyone’s life in various forms by being involved in various relationships. From her birth till her end of life, she plays various roles as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and other relationships. However, her main roles are as a wife and mother. The status of women in urban societies is better however in various rural societies it is still worse because of lack of proper education and education system. A woman give birth to a baby and considered to be only responsible for her baby regarding care, education, job, etc for whole life. She never demands anything in return of her roles instead she performs her roles politely all through the life without any argue.

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Role of Women in Society Essay 5 (300 words)

Women in modern Indian society are really forward if we compare them from the ancient time but if we talk about the women empowerment, we can say that not really women are empowered in all areas. Even after being so forward, women need to go for long way defeating hard circumstances. Women have gained lots of influence in various fields until balance between two genders. We can say that women have more freedom than earlier however not true in many cases because prejudice still remains in the society.

In many places, women are still treated as inferior sex and forced to handle only house hold chores. Some women in the society love to follow the old traditions of the family and perform traditional female role by being housewife and mother. They live their whole life as general helpers to their husbands and kids. It has been in the usual practise for a woman by birth to handle home and stay unemployed at home. Some women from the society of high living status are keen to get employed like men in the future because they have been lived in the society having higher level of thoughts like that. They are never ill-treated in their family and always promoted to do better in life like men. However women in the backward society, where people only mean to earn food of two times daily, never understand their rights and responsibilities like men. All the differences are just because of the lack of proper education and education system in that area.

Women need to realize their roles towards their society and country together with their roles at home which is possible through the continuous effort, gender equality and women empowerment. People are being more advance in their behaviour and thoughts towards the women rights and empowerment.

Role of Women in Society Essay 6 (400 words)

Women play a great role in the growth and development of the society and making it an advanced and modern society. There is a famous saying by the Brigham Young that, “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” Educating and giving power to the women is of great importance which needs to be followed in the society to bring women empowerment and development of society. Because it is true that, if a man is getting educated and empowered, only he can be benefitted however if a woman is getting educated and empowered, whole family and society can be benefitted.

Women are not things which can be neglected because of their less power and authority instead they should be empowered and promoted to get higher education. Women are the half population of the world mean half power of the world. If women of any country are not empowered mean that country is lack of half power. By nature, women play their all the roles with great responsibilities and have capability to make a healthy family, solid society and powerful country. Lots of efforts have been done however still women are backward and limited to home activities. We need to understand that if an uneducated woman may handle home properly then why not a well educated woman can lead the whole country like men.

Without woman nothing is possible for men, they are basic unit of the society, they make a family, family make a home, home make a society and ultimately societies make a country. So the contribution of a woman is everywhere from taking birth and giving birth to a child to the care for whole life and other areas. All the roles and responsibilities of the women can never be neglected by the societies. Without education and women empowerment no development is possible in the family, society and country. Women know well how to talk, how to behave, how to deal with people of different classes, etc. She knows to handle all the situations because she knows well the basic fundamentals of a good society and play her roles politely as a main contributor in building a strong society.

Earlier, when the lives of women were worse than slaves, women were considered as animals and used as sex toys. It was a sin for women to give birth to a girl baby, either they were killed, buried alive or thrown away by the male head of the family. However, the condition has become advance now in many means but not completely.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Role of Women in Society

What is the role of women in society essay.

An essay on the role of women in society discusses the multifaceted roles women play, from homemakers to professionals, shaping the cultural, economic, and social fabric of their communities. It emphasizes the evolving importance and recognition of women's contributions over time.

What is women's status in society?

Women's status in society has seen significant evolution. Historically, many societies marginalized women, but today, increasing recognition of women's rights has led to their enhanced status in many areas. Yet, disparities persist in various regions and sectors.

What are the basic rights of women?

The basic rights of women include the right to life, equality, education, freedom from discrimination, right to work, health, and protection from violence. These rights aim to ensure women can live with dignity, make choices, and participate fully in society.

What are the problems faced by women today?

Women today face a myriad of challenges, including gender wage gaps, domestic violence, limited access to education in some regions, workplace discrimination, and societal stereotypes. These issues vary in intensity across different societies and cultures.

What are the biggest women issues in India?

In India, major issues faced by women include gender-based violence, dowry-related crimes, female infanticide, limited access to education in some areas, workplace discrimination, and issues related to women's reproductive rights.

What is the need for women empowerment?

Women empowerment is essential to ensure that women have equal opportunities to contribute to and benefit from economic, social, cultural, and political advancements. Empowering women leads to a balanced and progressive society, where all members can thrive.

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The Role of Women in Society

In the 21st century, women have undoubtedly achieved many advances regarding their role in society, at least in western countries. However, even there they may still experience difficulties. Women may believe that they have to behave like men to succeed, and avoid the responsibilities of having children in order to have a flourishing career. They have all the legal rights of men, and in theory have equal access to employment opportunities – yet in practice this may be hard to enforce.

In some ways, the role of women is still a traditional one. Many countries are still highly patriarchal, expecting women to play a submissive and supportive role, and perhaps even denying them equal legal rights to men. Even in progressive western countries, women often still bear the burden of responsibility for childcare, care of elderly relatives, and domestic tasks. Although the outlook is changing, certain professions are still seen as either male or female, and women experience difficulties entering traditionally male occupations such as science or engineering.

Changes are slow to occur, but they are happening. In the 2017 parliamentary elections in the UK, almost a third of MPs elected were women, the highest number to date. In the US, women hold only around 20% of seats in the Senate, Congress, and House of Representatives. It is important for these numbers to increase, so that women are fairly represented at the highest levels. Women can be equally capable as men, and if they enter more positions of power then not only will they be able to work to improve the situation of other women, but it will send a message that they should be regarded as equals. This creates a ‘trickle-down’ effect throughout society; if we see women in roles of importance, then other women (and men) begin to understand that females are not only deserving of equal opportunities, but that they are every bit as capable as their male counterparts.

Since we still have issues regarding equal opportunities in more liberal western societies in 2017, it can only be assumed that changes in more patriarchal societies will be much slower to occur. Yet again, there we see signs that changes may occur over time. Many countries have grass roots organisations working to improve the situation for women and girls, ensuring that they have equal access to education and to protect their rights. Even in the most patriarchal society of all, Saudi Arabia, there have recently been small improvements in the ‘guardian system’, which requires women to have the permission of a male relative to access many services such as healthcare, education and obtaining a passport. A member of the Saudi royal family has even stated that he believes one day women will be permitted to drive, and that they will indeed play a greater role in society. This is acknowledging the great potential that women have, and the contribution that they can bring to the country and its economy – something that is as yet untapped.

In conclusion, we must observe that the responsibility for changing the role of women to a more equal one is in many ways the responsibility of men. Returning to the example of Saudi Arabia, changes will only occur if men in power and in society agree to it. This is true to some extent everywhere. But women must keep up the pressure worldwide to demand their rights, and demonstrate that they are every bit as capable as men. It is perhaps unfortunate that they must prove themselves, but it is a good way of showing that they are deserving.

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Essay on Women Empowerment in English


  • Updated on  
  • May 3, 2024

essay on women empowerment

Women empowerment is one of the most debated social topics. It means recognising the importance of gender equality, and women’s participation in decision-making and offering them equal opportunities in education, employment, others. Women empowerment talks about making women strong so that they can lead a healthy and prosperous life and contribute to the development of society. Today we will be discussing some sample essay on women empowerment, which will cover details like how can eliminate discrimination against women, challenge traditional gender roles, and promote equal opportunities for women in various aspects of life.

This Blog Includes:

What is women’s empowerment, essay on women empowerment in 300 words, most popular women in the world, need for women empowerment, how to empower women, essay on women empowerment in 150 words, useful tips to ace essay writing, essay on gender equality and women empowerment, role of education in women’s empowerment essay, women empowerment essays pdf, article on women empowerment in 100 words (bonus), article on women empowerment in 200 words (bonus).

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Long Essay on Women’s Empowerment

“A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Women empowerment refers to the practice of making women independent so that they can make their own decisions and take decisions without any familial or societal restrictions. In simple terms, it entitles women to take charge of their personal development. The patriarchal society has always deprived women of their rights.

The main motive of women’s empowerment is to help them stand equally with men. It is a foundational step to ensure the prosperous growth of a family as well as the country. By empowering women, the world would witness gender equality and help women from every stratum of society stand on their own and steer their lives as per their wishes.

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Women empowerment is the process of giving women the ability to live a happy and respected life in society. Women are empowered when they have unrestricted access to chances in a range of domains, such as education, profession, and lifestyle, among others. It involves things like education, awareness, literacy, and training to help them improve their position. It also involves decision-making authority. A woman feels powerful when she makes a significant decision. Empowering women is the most important factor in a country’s overall growth. If a household has just one earning member, while another family has both men and women earning, who will have a better standard of living? The solution is straightforward: a household in which both men and women work. As a result, a country where men and women work together grows more quickly.

‘Feminism does not aim to make women powerful. Women are already powerful. It is about influencing the way the rest of the world views your strength.” Women have always had fewer opportunities and possibilities to develop their talents and knowledge since ancient times. Although the world is made up of both men and women. But men were regarded as the family’s most powerful members. They were the family’s decision-makers and were in charge of making a living. Women, on the other hand, were believed to be responsible person for all home chores and child-rearing, and they were not engaged in making any important family decisions. The roles were assigned depending on gender. If we look at the whole picture, research shows that women’s subjects are either centred on their reproductive role and their body, or their economic position as workers. However, none of them is aimed at empowering women. Women’s Empowerment is a progressive technique of putting power in the hands of women for them to have a happy and respectable existence in society. Women are empowered when they have access to opportunities in several sectors, such as the right to an education, gender equality, a professional (equal wage) lifestyle, and others. However, there are no constraints or limitations. It involves training, awareness, and increasing their position via education, literacy, and decision-making authority. For the total growth of each country, women’s empowerment is the most essential sector. Previously, the men were the sole breadwinners in the household. Assume the household has one earning person; on the other side, suppose the family has both male and women earning members. Who will have a better way of life? The answer is simple: a household in which both the man and the woman work. As a result, when gender equality is prioritized, a country’s growth rate accelerates. Standing up for equality, women have empowered and spoken up for other women.’

Essay on Women Empowerment in 200 Words

‘Women’s empowerment encompasses more than just ensuring that women get their basic rights. In its truest form, women’s empowerment comprises the aspects of independence, equality as well as freedom of expression. Through this, the real strive lies in ensuring that we bring gender equality.

When given the right support, women have shone brilliantly in every field. Even in India, we have seen women handle diverse roles, be it a Prime Minister, Astronaut , Entrepreneur, Banker and much more. Further, women are also considered the backbone of a family. From domestic chores to nurturing children, they handle multiple responsibilities. This is why they are great at multitasking and often many working women efficiently juggle between professional and personal responsibilities. While the urban cities have working women, the rural areas have still restrained them to household chores. How can we aspire to prosper as a nation where every girl does not get access to education or make their own choices? India is a country where we worship goddesses while we don’t bother thinking about gender equality. 

Hence, for all our mothers, sisters and daughters we must aim at creating an environment of integrity. We must boost their confidence to make them capable enough to make their decisions in every phase of life and this is how we can strive towards bringing women empowerment.’

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Popular women can play an important role when it comes to empowering other women. These influential women are aware of the difficulties faced by women in our society and can see their problems from their perspectives, as they have experienced similar situations. Nadia Murad Basee, a German human rights activist once said, “I want to be the last girl in the world with a story like mine.” Some other popular and influential women in the world are:

  • Gloria Marie Steinem
  • Malala Yousafzai
  • Joan Ruth Bader Ginsburg
  • Jane Seymour Fonda
  • Betty Friedan
  • Halima Aden

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Almost all countries, regardless of how progressive, have a history of mistreating women. To put it another way, women from all over the world have been defiant to achieve their current standing. While Western nations continue to make progress, third-world countries such as India continue to lag in terms of women’s empowerment. Women’s empowerment is more important than ever in India. India is one of the countries where women are not safe. This is due to a variety of factors.

Not only that, but horrific crimes against women such as rape, acid attacks, the dowry system, honour killings, domestic violence, and other forms of violence against women continue to occur throughout India. Women should account for 50% of the entire population. However, due to female foeticide practises, which are still prevailing in the rural and underprivileged sections of Indian societies, the girl-child population is rapidly declining, affecting the country’s sex ratio. Furthermore, the education and freedom scenario is extremely regressive in this situation.

Women are not permitted to continue their education and are married off at a young age. In certain areas, men continue to dominate women, as though it is the woman’s responsibility to labour for him indefinitely. They don’t let them go out or have any form of freedom and personal life. As a result, we can see how women’s empowerment is a pressing issue. We must equip these women with the tools they need to stand up for themselves and never be victims of injustice.

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There is a wide range of approaches and methods to empower women. Individuals and the government must work together to achieve this. Girls’ education should be made obligatory so that they do not become illiterate and unable to support themselves.

Women, regardless of gender, must be given equal chances in all fields. Women empowerment may also be achieved through government-sponsored programmes as well as on an individual level.

On a personal level, we should begin to appreciate women and provide them with chances equal to males. We should promote and encourage them to pursue jobs, further education, and entrepreneurial endeavours, among other things.

To empower women, the government has implemented programmes such as the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Yojana, Mahila Shakti Kendra, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana , and others. Apart from these programmes, we can all help women by eradicating societal problems such as the dowry system and child marriage. These simple actions will improve women’s status in society and help them feel more powerful.

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“To all the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful, and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams.” Hillary Clinton

Writing an essay on women empowerment? Check Out Top Women Entrepreneurs !

“It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, and now that I have it, I am not going to be silent.” Madeleine Albright

Before we begin with the essay samples on Women’s Empowerment, take a look at the following tips you must keep in mind while drafting an essay: 

  • Analyse the different topics carefully and pick according to your knowledge and familiarisation with the topic.  
  • Plan your time wisely and bifurcate it for outlining, writing and revision. 
  • Highlight/underline your key sentences for each paragraph.
  • Emphasise your introduction and conclusion while also keeping the main body of the content as concise as possible. 
  • Thoroughly revise it after completion.

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“Feminism isn’t about making women stronger. Women are already strong, it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” G.D. Anderson

Women are taught to mould themselves based on others’ preferences and men are taught to lead because, at the end of the day, women have to manage household chores whereas men are the heroes saving their families and providing them financial support. This is the stereotype that has existed for centuries in India and one of the reasons women are denied basic human rights in society. A woman is denied the right to raise her opinions even in her household matters, political or financial viewpoints are far behind.  Women are born leaders and if given the opportunity can excel in every field. We live in a male-dominated society where a male has every right to do whatever he desires however thought in women’s minds is sacred. For centuries, women were not allowed to eat before men or sit in front of other men. Gender equality and women empowerment is a major concern globally. Gender equality starts with providing the same and equal resources of education to both genders. Education of girl child should also be a priority and not just an option. An educated woman will be able to build a better life for herself and the ones surrounding her. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are essential for the growth of women in society. Women empowerment ensures that every female gets an opportunity to get an education, seek professional training, and spread awareness. However, gender quality will ensure that access to resources is provided equally to both genders and ensure equal participation. Even at the professional level women face gender inequality because a male candidate is promoted way before a female candidate. The mindset should be changed and only deserving candidates should be promoted. Gender quality is a key step towards sustainable development and ensures basic human rights for everyone.

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“A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman.” Melinda Gates

‘Education is the biggest tool in women’s empowerment and also a factor that helps in the overall development of the country. Education can bring a change in women’s life. As the first prime minister of India once said “If you educate a man you educate an individual, however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family.

Women empowered means mother India empowered” An educated woman will promote the education of other females around her, mentor them and also be a better guide to her children. Education helps women gain self-confidence, esteem, ability to provide financial support. Education will also help to reduce the infant mortality rate because an educated woman is aware of health care, laws, and her rights.

Educating a woman will benefit her and also the development of society. With proper education, women can achieve more socially, and economically and build their careers. Women are still being denied their right to education in rural parts of India. Education will also reduce child marriage which is still practised in some parts of India also help in controlling overpopulation.

The government has launched various schemes over the years to create awareness around women’s education such as Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan , Operation Black-Board , Beti Padhaoo Beti Bachao , and many more. Education helps women to identify the good and bad and change their outlook, way of thinking, and way of handling things. Education helps women to become independent. Indian women have the lowest literacy rate as compared to other countries.

Education is a fundamental right of all and no one should be denied the right to education. Education helps to meet the necessities of life, and confidence to raise a voice against domestic violence or sexual harassment. Be a part of a change and empower a woman with the help of education.’

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“There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish.” Michelle Obama

Women have been facing issues since the day they were born. Fighting for their rights, society’s stereotypes, and their freedom. Women’s Empowerment means encouraging women through education, at a professional level, accepting their opinions, and providing them with the right they desire. Women should not stay behind someone’s shadow and not be able to express themselves. The main motive of women’s empowerment is to give women a chance to outshine others and get equal rights in society. The first step of women’s empowerment is literacy. A well-educated woman is confident, outspoken, and able to make decisions. Especially in a country like India, If women get a chance to study they can be a prime minister like Indira Gandhi, IPS like Kiran Bedi , or become a famous CEO like Indira Nooyi .

The need for women’s empowerment has existed for a long time but only in the last few years, it has become popular. Women’s empowerment is not just a fight for equal rights. Women empowerment is the upliftment of women from a society constantly pulling them down. In a country like India where female goddesses are worshipped at the same time a woman faces sexual harassment, is denied the right to education, her voice is suppressed and becomes the next case of domestic violence. Indian society will only be able to evolve when they stop putting constant pressure on women and allow them to share their thoughts with others. A woman in India is restricted to household chores and taking care of family members. Women’s Empowerment is the need of the hour in India because awareness among women is important for them to understand their rights. If they are aware of their basic rights only then women will be able to fight for it. The first step towards women’s empowerment starts with supporting their opinions. Don’t mock them or bury their opinions. Boost their confidence and build their self-esteem. Encourage them to pursue their dreams, provide resources for help and be their mentor. Women have the ability not only to shape their lives but also to shape the world. Equal opportunities and the right to make their own decisions are the basics to start with women’s empowerment.

Women’s empowerment is desperately required in today’s cultures. It is critical for women’s self-esteem as well as for society. Women have the right to participate equally in education, society, the economy, and politics. Women may participate in society because they have the freedom to select their religion, language, employment, and other activities.

Women’s Empowerment is the process of providing women with all of the rights and amenities available in society so that they can live freely and without fear or limitation. Women should be granted the same rights as men in society, with no gender discrimination.

Female or women empowerment, according to Keshab Chandra Mandal, may be classified into five categories: social, educational, economic, political, and psychological.

The Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) are a collection of Principles that provide businesses with direction on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community.

Improved female education leads to higher levels of economic growth because women spend 90%of their earnings back on their families, whereas males only invest 30-40% of their earnings. This is only one example of how women’s empowerment has a beneficial impact. Like this, there are several other benefits and positive sides of women’s empowerment

Gender Discrimination, Sexual Abuse and Harassment, Education, Child Marriage, etc.

Great social reformers in the past like  Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda, Acharya Vinobha Bhave and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar  etc abolished ghastly practices like sati and child marriage and worked relentlessly in the past for the upliftment of women in India.

Equal pay, financial independence etc are some examples of women empowerment.

In the Indian constitution, many provisions include women empowerment such as Article 15 which enables the state to make special provisions for women.

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This was all about an essay on women empowerment. We hope the above-listed essays will help you understand all dimensions of this important essay topic. For more information on such creative essay articles, visit our essay writing page and make sure to follow Leverage Edu .

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Gender Treatment: Changing Role of Women in Modern Society Essay

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In the last 50 years, the role and social functions of women have dramatically been changed due to extreme desire of women to fight for their rights and freedoms. The emergence of feminist movements allows male society to reconsider their attitudes to the roles of women. Specifically, the conventional views on women as mothers, wives, and friends have been blurred with the emergence of emancipated movement leading to the professional equality of women.

More and more females occupy leading positions at the top of managerial ladder by brining in confidence in other women. Significant advances have been achieved by women in educational, industrial, and social sphere. Despite the valuable contribution that women made to the development of society, the role reversal between US men and women is demonstrated most explicitly and painfully in the working class, having significant cultural and political consequences for the development of the American society.

So far, it was hard to imagine that women can occupy the leading positions in industrial, scientific, educational, and political spheres, since men were traditionally believed to be the most suitable for these professional areas. Nowadays, these stereotypes have been blurred and, as a result, a plethora of advances has been introduced to various social and cultural spheres.

In particular, because male prevailing society prevented them from learning, “knowledge…make[s] them question the binding power of the conventions and believes which…would show them how to achieve their freedom” (Barnes, 2009, p. 22). Education, therefore, was the only path to achieve privileges that men had. Moreover, women’s desire to gain advantage over men led to the achievement of the economic independence, as well as advances made in industrial spheres.

The criticism of gender differences has touched on the changes in top corporate positions that were previously taken by men. Thus, the shift of power from men to women has allowed the latter to possess greater control of middle management positions. The statistics shows that “women now hold 51.4 percent of managerial and processional jobs – up from 26.1 percent in 1980” (Rosin, 2010, n. p.).

Because of ongoing suppressions, women activated their aspirations to go through the barriers and acquire professional credentials to prove their knowledge is a valuable asset to the development of society. Thus, women have managed heighten the corporate performance and, therefore, each firm thinking beyond stereotypes ad interested in profits succeeded significantly in recruiting high-potential and skillful women.

Role reversal of American men and women have significantly affected cultural and political atmosphere in the United States. Clair (2011) emphasizes, “given the trends of pushing economy and society, this domination seems like a last gasp of a dying age” (p. 147).

Though male professionals hold about 15 job categories, women have captured the rest, including nursing, teaching, manufacturing, etc. Therefore, the role reversal has made women dominate and become even more independent and confident. As a result, women have become less reliant on men and, as result, the latter are now less independent and resolute.

In conclusion, the advances in various facets of societal development have posited women to higher professional positions. Advances made in education, industry, and leadership has significantly feminized the modern culture. Men become more development on women’s culture and companies encourage gifted and promising women to apply for their positions.

Barnes, E. (2009). Woman in Modern Society . US: Echo Library.

Clair, M. (2011). So Much, So Fast, So Little Time: Coming to Terms with Rapid Change and its Consequences . US: ABC-CLIO.

Rosin, H. (2010). The End of Men . The Atlantic. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 5). Gender Treatment: Changing Role of Women in Modern Society. https://ivypanda.com/essays/gender-treatment-changing-role-of-women-in-modern-society/

"Gender Treatment: Changing Role of Women in Modern Society." IvyPanda , 5 Apr. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/gender-treatment-changing-role-of-women-in-modern-society/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Gender Treatment: Changing Role of Women in Modern Society'. 5 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Gender Treatment: Changing Role of Women in Modern Society." April 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/gender-treatment-changing-role-of-women-in-modern-society/.

1. IvyPanda . "Gender Treatment: Changing Role of Women in Modern Society." April 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/gender-treatment-changing-role-of-women-in-modern-society/.


IvyPanda . "Gender Treatment: Changing Role of Women in Modern Society." April 5, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/gender-treatment-changing-role-of-women-in-modern-society/.

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Essay On Role Of Women In Society for Students and Children | PDF Download

Essay On Role Of Women In Society for Students and Children | PDF Download

Essay On Role Of Women In Society: In the present generation, women are equal to men in society. As compared to the past generation a lot of changes occurred in the case of women in society. The slavery towards women was decreased as compared to the past, but now women had started living independently. As with the previous points, the below essay on the Role of Women in Society was described and explained clearly. The below essay on the Role of Women in Society in India had highlighted many key points.

Long Essay On Role Of Women In Today’s Society

Women had become successful in society by overcoming all the illegal and depressed activities towards women. In ancient India, women were always dedicated to household chores without basic education. Child marriages are a real tragedy for a girl to marry an older person just to fulfill the chores and physical needs of men. Still, it has been followed by rural India that women were not allowed to study so they were not aware of their importance in the world. The men in the villages and rural areas take this advantage and suppress the women’s and women’s rights in the villages. Women were criticized and suppressed in society and not allowed to work like men in the open world.

Women had fought against all the discrimination and gained equal rights as men. In the modern days of India, women were working in every role of any sector as equal to men. There were many roles the women are working in present society, they are working as interpreters, pilots, CEOs, software employees, etc covering all the sectors like manufacturing, banking, It, etc. The role of women in society had become equal to that of men. The government of India provides some special schemes for security, education, development, to bring them into the light. Women need recognition and roles in society should be increased in the development and economical improvement of the country.

Equality In Society

Women were playing as equally as men in the society in the development of the country. If we compare the situations of women in the modern days to the past days in society we can see a lot of change this change had bought a major difference in women’s lives. In the olden days, women were always used to keep far from society matters. Women were not allowed even the basic education, to shop in the markets, and move into society individually. Women are to get married at a younger age and they were not given any importance except for the physical needs of their husbands.

Patriarchal society prevailed in India for many centuries, even the women herself let this happen by following all the saying of elders and society did not let a woman have an opinion or choice of herself which is horrifying. As we compare the women in society with the present days and with the past decade there is a huge evolution in the lives of the women. The huge discrimination towards women was got decreased as time passed with a lot of struggles and efforts made by women. There were many freedom fighters and positive preachers who came forward and fight against the things happening to women in society.

We know that women are successful in making decisions about family issues and needs. Even when they are uneducated their decision never went wrong about their families. In that way, the women are succeded and made the country fully fit and healthy. Women should be encouraged to move into society and work for the improvement of society.

Women in modern society work at various parts of society and make the steps to the development of society. Women are working as pilots, enterprisers, mechanics, politicians, railway drivers, government officials, etc covering all the sectors like banking, IT, politics, government, manufacturing, and many more. All these roles of women parallelly fill the role of mother and all the needs of the family. In society, women were occupied by major opportunities compared to men. Women are giving huge competitions for the men and exposing their talents to make their performance in linear increase. Many companies were working with only women by exhibiting their business and giving huge competition in the market.

The Role of Women in society is that women had bought out in society and were treated as equal to men. When the women got equal importance and freedom to work in society then the country is in freedom. As the role of women had given importance then the steps of the country’s development had started. Women must be given equal importance and opportunities as men and women are equal in society. Illegal activities against women should come to end. Now in India woman is considered versatile.

Quotes on Role of Women in Society

  • Hiring and promoting talented women is the right thing to do for society – and it’s an economic imperative
  • Gender parity is not just good for women- it’s good for societies
  • The measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls
  • Women find little pleasure in the society of women
  • The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world
  • When women progress, all of the society benefits
  • Women are the real architects of society
  • A society can never be free without women’s liberation
  • Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world
  • The multiple roles that women can play in society if given the opportunity is a tremendous asset

Conclusion: We hope that the above essays on the role of women in society will help to gain some knowledge. The importance of women’s role in society is explained clearly and to get aware of women for the world.

Dear Students and Children, you can download the Role Of Women In Society Essay in the Hand Written Format by Clicking the Below Click Here Link.

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Essay on Gender Roles in Society

Students are often asked to write an essay on Gender Roles in Society in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Gender Roles in Society

Understanding gender roles.

Gender roles refer to societal expectations of behaviors, attitudes, and activities traditionally associated with males and females. They are shaped by cultural, historical, and social contexts.

Gender Roles in Different Cultures

Cultures worldwide have diverse gender roles. In some, men are seen as breadwinners while women manage home. In others, roles are more balanced, promoting equality.

Changing Gender Roles

Modern society is witnessing a shift in gender roles. Women are increasingly participating in professional fields, while men share domestic responsibilities.

Understanding gender roles is crucial for creating an equal society. It’s important to respect individual choices and promote flexibility in roles.

250 Words Essay on Gender Roles in Society

Introduction, the traditional view.

Historically, gender roles were distinctly defined. Men were primarily seen as breadwinners, expected to provide for their families, while women were relegated to the domestic sphere, tasked with child-rearing and household chores. These roles were deeply ingrained, limiting individual potential and perpetuating gender inequality.

Modern Perspectives

In contemporary society, the perception of gender roles has undergone a paradigm shift. The feminist movement, LGBTQ+ rights activism, and increased awareness about gender diversity have challenged traditional norms. Men are now more involved in child-rearing and household tasks, and women have made significant strides in professional fields. Yet, gender-based stereotypes and biases persist, influencing career choices, income levels, and social interactions.

Impact of Evolving Gender Roles

The evolution of gender roles has profound implications for society. It fosters diversity, promotes equality, and allows individuals to explore their potentials beyond traditional confines. However, it also presents challenges, such as resistance to change and the struggle for identity.

Gender roles in society are not static but evolve with cultural, economic, and technological shifts. The challenge lies in fostering a society that acknowledges and respects this diversity, ensuring equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender.

500 Words Essay on Gender Roles in Society

Gender roles are socially constructed and culturally specific norms that dictate the behavioral expectations of men and women in a society. These roles, deeply entrenched within the social fabric, profoundly influence individuals’ attitudes, behaviors, and identities.

The Evolution of Gender Roles

In contemporary society, we are witnessing a shift in gender roles, with an increasing number of women entering the workforce and men partaking in household chores and child-rearing. Despite these changes, traditional gender roles persist, subtly influencing our perceptions and expectations.

Impact of Gender Roles on Society

Gender roles exert a significant influence on societal structures and individual lives. They contribute to gender inequality, limiting the opportunities and potential of individuals based on their gender. For instance, traditional roles often stereotype women as emotional and men as rational, influencing career choices and opportunities, and perpetuating wage gaps.

Challenging Gender Roles

Challenging and reshaping gender roles is crucial for societal progress. Encouraging a culture that values individual capabilities over gender stereotypes can foster equality. Education plays a vital role in this process, promoting critical thinking about gender norms and fostering an understanding of gender as a social construct.

Additionally, media can play a significant role in challenging gender roles. By representing diverse gender identities and roles, media can help break stereotypes and promote a more inclusive understanding of gender.

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Women’s Changing Roles in Society, Essay Example

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Women’s roles have changed from the beginning until modern times. Initially, women were taught to be submissive. They were to obey God, people in authority, their parents, and their husbands. Married women’s submissiveness was both a religious and a legal duty. However, women fought for equality and human dignity and, with time, gained independence. As a result, the role of women has constantly been changing. For example, women were initially the primary givers of the elderly and children, but with time women are now taking the lead in helping families adjust to challenges and new realities. This paper will analyze the societal changes in the role of women in the workplace over time.

When two people perform the same job, they should get the same pay regardless of their hair colour, race, height, or gender. In 2018, the United States women’s national soccer team qualified for the World Cup. The team has been generating more revenue compared to its male counterparts over the years. The women players have a union that bargains for higher base pay and other benefits, including maternity leave. Women have gotten into soccer contracts that require the soccer management to pay accordingly until their contracts expire. Nowadays, women face no discrimination in pay, but their work choices lead to payment differences. Today, women have options and opportunities in the labour market; they can choose whether to take flexible jobs or climb the corporate ladder. Their choices depend on whether they want to work remotely or balance their family needs. Though there are some differences in men’s and women’s overall wages, regardless of gender, one can make choices, for there are free-market principles that create job opportunities and higher incomes for everybody (Greszler n.p.).

After the Second World War, many regarded a family as their center of life. Women gave up their jobs to take care of their families. As a result, the men became the only breadwinners as women were to care for the children. In 1920, 47% of college students were women, but the number declined; by 1958, the figure was 38%, despite federal aid in university education (Office of the Historian n.p). Women in congress had constraints due to the social expectations of women’s proper role. The women faced prejudice before joining politics because society believed women’s place was at home. Like in Andy Knutson’s case, women’s careers would be sabotaged by their husbands. Her husband would accuse her of neglecting their family and even having extra-marital affairs. However, in the 1960s, the women’s rights movement challenged traditional marriage and motherhood notions. Reproductive and sexual freedom provided several options for women. In the 1970s, women were in careers and would help with family duties. Divorce cases rose, and single working mothers became common. Over the years, women pursued male-dominated courses and engaged in national and state politics (Office of the Historian n.p).

Over the years, women have had different experiences. Some societies had political leaders, warriors, and powerful priests. Some people express that women are inferior to men. Currently, in Western societies, women enjoy equality. Women in the past have lost and gained power in different seasons. Women initially faced discrimination and gender-based violence. Some women were vital figures in ancient times, and their names echo history. Some women engaged in herbal medicine, and male doctors considered it witchcraft and quackery treatment. As a result, governments made it illegal to practice medicine without university studies, and women did not get admission opportunities to universities. Women were homemakers and were not allowed to vote. They could not own businesses and had lesser property rights than men. However, the world wars showed women were equal to the task in factory work as they positively contributed to the economy’s growth. In the 20th century, women had equality gains. Nowadays, women have work choices and enjoy job equality (McKeown, n.p.).

Regardless of the cultural narratives, women are heroes and leaders. Nowadays, there is a shift in perceptions of what women and girls can do. There have been a lot of female leaders, innovators, and heroes (Laitman, n.p). Women mainly constitute America’s workforce. Most managers in companies are women. Americans now prefer having a daughter because they think their daughters will have better lives than their mothers, great mothers, and even their brothers(Rosin n.p.). Initially, parents would reject daughters. Things are changing since women are doing better in the economy than men. Countries now force women into power to improve the nation’s fortunes (Sek?ci?ska et al., 365). For instance, after the post-genocide in Rwanda, citizens elected most women in parliament to heal themselves from the harm and massive killings that happened; women are believed to be comforters and a source of peace due to their caring nature. America’s working class is turning to matriarchy, which earlier had masculinity notions. Women making decisions at home initially meant to be done by men is common, for they have been increasingly absent from home.

American projects show that out of 15 job categories are projected to grow in future, except two. The rest of the job categories, including medicine and business, will be primarily occupied by women. Upper-class women leave their homes to work, creating domestic jobs for other women. Women are now going to work while their husbands stay home, minding their kids or looking for jobs; this has pushed women to do things against the natural norm. Women work as singles, and once they get married, they still work, leaving their children at home. They are even dominating middle management and several professional careers. In 1980, women held 26.1% of professional and managerial jobs, unlike today, where the rate has increased to 51.4% (Rosin, n.p.). Women are acquiring formal education, improving their social intelligence and communication skills. Women adopt office work. Nowadays, women have a better list of job requirements than men. As far as employers give women an opportunity to work with minimum pleasure, they are dutiful and intelligent. There have been prominent female CEOs in the past and even the present. However, women face challenges due to their motherly duties, breastfeeding. Some companies, for instance, Deloitte, have a model program that allows employees to adjust their working hours depending on their stage in life. The program solves complex issues, including breastfeeding women to balance work and motherhood. In leadership, women are competitive and assertive, with very slight variations from their male counterparts. Women are bringing superior moral sensibility to the business world.

A recent study shows many Americans believe women are competent just like their male counterparts. Initially, women had a glass ceiling that hindered them from rising to the top jobs (Bennett, n.p.). However, in the recent past, women are slowly rising to the top rank positions. They are no longer restricted to household chores and looking after their families. Women are increasingly acquiring higher education, getting better income, and they have long-term careers. They do not require heavy labour, for they are skilled just like men. In addition, most women are trustworthy and transparent (Sek?ci?ska et al., 365). Their transparency benefits the companies they work for and themselves; it fosters an inclusive environment for them to have more significant opportunities, fulfilling their potential. Women managers promote employee well-being more consistently than their male counterparts. They support the team members with work-life challenges and help them manage their workloads.

In the 21st century, women’s education and income continue to rise. The number of women in college continues to grow steadily. Higher education increases the likelihood of increased earnings. Women in the workforce increased by almost double in this century. Fifty per cent of American women-owned firms and about one million were in the private labour force.; Equal opportunities legislation, the feminist movement, economic knowledge, increased education access, and service sector expansion significantly contributed to the change in women’s labour force. Women are now in occupations previously regarded as male roles. Female employment trends have significantly impacted women’s economic empowerment. According to economists, the growing participation of women in the workforce substantially affects the nation’s GDP, raising it by 21%. Many women own businesses and are entrepreneurs who bring in money for the government.

In conclusion, women have made tremendous progress in the workforce. Women are now more educated and economically empowered than ever before; they earn higher wages for the same work as men and enjoy greater access to better jobs and positions of leadership. They have balanced their family life with their career options. Women in the workforce have significantly contributed to our society’s economic growth. It is essential to realize that despite the progress, there is still work regarding gender equality and equal pay for women and men. Women should continue to break boundaries, push for higher wages and strive for leadership positions. With determination and hard work, women can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Works Cited

Bennett, Jessica. “Who Still Calls It a ‘Glass Ceiling?’ Not the 6 Women Running for President.” The New York Times , 23 July 2019, www.nytimes.com/2019/07/23/us/politics/glass-ceiling-female-candidates-2020.html.

Greszler, Rachel. “Why the Pay Gap between Women’s and Men’s Soccer?” The Heritage Foundation , 2019, www.heritage.org/jobs-and-labor/commentary/why-the-pay-gap-between-womens-and-mens-soccer.

Laitman, Michael. “Women’s Changing Role in Society.” Medium, Good Audience, 28 Aug. 2018, blog.goodaudience.com/womens-changing-role-in-society-c7a957a0272b

McKeown, Marie. “Women through History: Women’s Experience through the Ages.” Owlcation, 4 May 2011, owlcation.com/humanities/Women-Through-History.

Office of the Historian. “Postwar Gender Roles and Women in American Politics.” US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives , history.house.gov/Exhibitions-and-Publications/WIC/Historical-Essays/Changing-Guard/Identity/.

Rosin, Hanna. “The End of Men.” The Atlantic , 8 June 2010, www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2010/07/the-end-of-men/308135/.

Sek?ci?ska, Katarzyna, et al. “The Influence of Different Social Roles Activation on Women’s Financial and Consumer Choices.” Frontiers in Psychology, 7 (2016): 365.

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Women Place in Society Essay with Outline and Quotations

Female education essay with quotations for matric/inter level in 1500 words.

Photo of Ameer Hamza

The objective of this article is not to delve into the current state of women’s rights in Muslim society, but rather to explore their significance in an authentic Muslim society. Therefore, an essay titled “ Women Place in Society Essay ” is available for reference. This essay encompasses various outlines and renowned quotations. By perusing this article, one can effectively compose an essay on the topic of women’s place in society. It is crucial to comprehend this distinction as contemporary Muslims are confronted with considerable confusion regarding this matter, which has permeated every aspect of life and given rise to two contrasting ideologies.

One advocates for Western ideologies and values, asserting that the restrictions imposed by Islam on women are not only oppressive and unjust, but also responsible for the economic stagnation of Muslims. They propose the concept of “moderating Islam” and aligning it with Western ideals. We have extracted notable quotations and outlines from this source.

The other view presents notions of strict seclusion for women, and that they should not be seen outside their homes unless chaperoned by a male, not in the prohibited degree, or participate in social affairs on equal terms with men or even gain more education. “Women’s rights” is the mantra that everyone aspiring for entry into the “mainstream” chants.

“Lucky is the woman, whose first child is a daughter”. ( Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)

Outline for Women Place in Society Essay

I. Introduction: Definition and significance of women’s place in society B. Brief overview of the essay structure

II. Background of Women’s Place: Historical context and traditional gender roles B. Evolution of women’s rights movements

III. Women’s Place in Hinduism: Traditional roles and expectations B. Prominent female figures and their contributions

IV. Women’s Place in Christianity: Biblical teachings on gender roles B. Women’s involvement in religious institutions and leadership

V. Concept of Women in Islam: Islamic principles on gender equality B. Misconceptions and stereotypes regarding women in Islam

VI. Women’s Place and Islamic Point of View: Rights and responsibilities of women in Islam B. Examples of empowered Muslim women throughout history

VII. Quotations for Women’s Place in Society: Inspiring quotes highlighting the importance of women in society B. Quotations from influential women leaders and thinkers

VIII. Conclusion: Recap of key points discussed in the essay B. Emphasis on the need for gender equality and empowerment C. Encouragement to promote inclusivity and respect for women in society.

Women Place in Society Essay for 9th 10th 11th 12th


The role and status of women in society have experienced remarkable changes across time. This essay delves into the dynamic evolution of women’s position in society, exploring diverse cultural and religious viewpoints while emphasizing the continuous pursuit of gender equality. 

Over the ages, women have confronted numerous challenges, including discrimination, limited opportunities, and societal expectations. However, with the rise of women’s rights movements and progressive ideologies, their roles have gradually expanded. Women have made substantial contributions in fields like education, politics, arts, sciences, and business, shattering barriers and defying stereotypes.

Different religions have approached women’s position in society in distinct ways. Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam hold unique interpretations and expectations regarding women’s roles and rights. Understanding these perspectives provides valuable insights into the intricate dynamics of gender and societal norms.

Women Place in Society Essay

Background About Women Place in Society Essay

Let us take a look at its background. The slogan reflects women’s reaction against prolonged “persecution”. In ancient times, roles were strictly defined for men and women. So “Adam delved and Eve span” became a proverb. At the same time, women were regarded as “the weaker gender,” incapable of performing physically arduous functions and even of protecting themselves. They were, therefore, treated as inferior to men. Even though Queen Boadicea led a rebellion against the Romans (62 A.D.) and Joan of Arc, a French peasant girl, led the French armies against the English in the early 15th century, still there was no place for women in social affairs.

“If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there are men on base.”

(Dave Barry)

Gradually men became more aggressive and began to treat women like chattel. Even queens were not spared. King Henry VIII of England had two of his queens (Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard) beheaded on charges of infidelity and adultery. Two he divorced and banished.

Women’s Place in Hinduism

In Hinduism, women were required to worship their husbands. They ate separately after all males had finished eating. A widow was burnt to death on her husband’s funeral pyre, according to a rite called sati. After Viceroy William Bentinck intervened to ban this religious practice, their widows were subjected to other torments. A widow had to keep her head permanently shaved, eat a frugal meal only once a day, always dress in coarse white, not remarry, nor participate in auspicious rituals such as marriages etc. And the Hindu law, embodied in manusmriti (the “Law of Manu”) and its two offshoots, the Mitakshara and Dayabhaga schools, both excluded women from inheritance Judeo-Christianity had no provision for inheritance nor did it define conjugal rights, such as maintenance and divorce. Francis and adultery were cursed like other sins, in passing but not treated as culpable.

”Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the World”. (Hillary Clinton)

Women’s Place in Christianity

Christianity’s failure to solve social problems triggered a revolt in 16th century Europe which came to be known as the period of Enlightenment. The world view expounded by its apostle. Francis Bacon, emphasized the need for man to “consult only things themselves.” Hobbes followed, rejecting everything, other than material existence, as unreal. And Descartes put the seal on it with the postulate “Never to accept anything for true which I did not clearly know to be such.” This new weltanschauung banished God from human affairs. A new concept of liberty synonymous with license emerged, evoking Milton’s famous line,

License they mean when they cry liberty.” Women took the cue from the Enlightenment to organize and agitate. Thus the expression “feminism” was born in 1895, implying “political, social and economic equality the success spurred them to claim absolute liberty. So, feminism became “women’s lib.” Their new claims included the right to use their body as they wished, to have babies out of wedlock, besides lesbianism. This attitude amounts to a revenge on religion for its failure to give them relief. So the laws on women’s rights in non-Muslim societies were made by man. But human knowledge, despite all his achievements, is never the last word.

Concept of Women in Islam

By contrast, Islam had codified the laws to protect the rights of women, 1,200 years before the phrase “women’s rights” had been coined. And eight centuries before King Henry VIII banished his divorced wives, Muslim women had been assured of appropriate settlement on divorce. cham’s laws relating to women, revealed them, marriage is the most glaring example. It is a contract according to the most rigorous definition of the term under the Law of Contract, embodying all the four basic ingredients of a contract, – offer, acceptance, consensus and idem and consideration. The woman’s free consent (acceptance) to marriage proposal (offer) is indispensable. Both must have a unity of minds on the issue (consensus ad idem). And the man must agree to pay a specified sum of money to the woman he marries (consideration).

Besides, not only married women have the right to maintenance but even divorcees have such rights under given circumstances. If follows, therefore, that a Muslim woman can only be married to a Muslim man.

Therefore, the marriage of any woman to the Quran, for instance, as practiced by some people in Pakistan, is not only invalid in Islam but also an enormous heresy because it amounts to attributing male gender to the Divine Revelation. The element of tender care for women is reflected in where it says, “Your wives are as a tilth unto you…” You have only to ask a farmer how he cherishes, cares for and covers his tilth, to capture the exquisite beauty of the simile. Reciprocal respect is enjoined spouses are called each other’s “garment.” There is no concept of the woman worshipping the husband.

Although one of the steps to discipline wives, “on whose part one fears disloyalty and ill-conduct,” permits “beating.” (4:34), all commentators, including Imam Shafei, are unanimous in holding that “beating” should be deprecated and if at all resorted to, should be nominal, without any element of cruelty. Besides, there must be no scandal at Abu Ghraib prison further highlight the consequences of carrying gender equality too far. To prevent such ugly eventualities, Islam emphasizes modesty.

Women’s Place and Islamic Point of  View 

The Quran asks not only women, but also men, to keep their gaze low. Islam puts a heavy premium on chastity which is still valued even in non-Muslim societies, despite widespread promiscuity. This should explain the restraints on women’s dress and conduct among relatives within prohibited degrees and others. “Elderly women, past the prospect of marriage, may lay aside their outer garments provided they do not make a wanton display of their beauty,” (24:60). For appreciating its profundity the ayah requires some reflection.

Fornication and adultery are crimes in Islam, for which specific punishment is prescribed without gender inequality (24:2). Anything beyond that (e.g. Karo Kari) is, therefore, transgression. There is no question that adultery is far worse than fornication. It breaks homes. It ruins lives. Islam preaches that everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Allah. That includes the human body. Humans had no choice in the creation of their bodies, the formation of their limbs, or their faculties. Therefore, all people are not equal physically and mentally. They cannot stop the onset of decay in their bodies.

Famous Quotations for Woman Place in Society for Matric/ Intermediate

  • “Women have the same rights in relation to their husbands”. – (Al Quran)
  • “Women are one half of society which gives birth to the other half so it is as if they are the entire society.” – (Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya)
  • “In some respects, a woman is superior to a man. She is more tender-hearted, more receptive, her intuition is more intense.” – (Abdu’l-Bahá)
  • “Men are what their mothers made them.” – (Emerson)
  • “Social science affirms that a woman’s place in society marks the level of civilization.” – (Elizabeth Cady Stanton)
  • “Women are at the very root of our social life.” – (Anyonmous)
  • “Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the World.” – (Hillary Clinton)
  • “Give me good mothers and i will give you a good nation.” – (Napolean)
  • “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission.” – (Eleanor Roosevelt)
  • “Women are the real architects of society.” – (Harriet Beecher Stowe)
  • “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” – (Brigham Young)
  • “Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little.” – (Samuel Johnson)
  • “Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners.” – (Lawrence Sterne)
  • “Men who love their mothers treat women wonderfully. And they have enormous respect for women.” – (Ellen Barkin)
  • “Treat people with respect and do it with feelings too, whatever you expect others is what you have to give.” – (Kemmy Nola)
  • “It’s a man’s job to respect women but the woman needs to give him something to respect.” – (Unknown)
  • “The measure of any society is how it treats its women and girls.” – (Michelle Obama)
  • “A successful Woman is one who can build a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at her.” – (Unknown)
  • “We need role models who are going to break the mold.” – (Carly Simon)
  • “The thing women have yet to learn is nobody gives you power. You just take it.” – (Roseanne Bar)


In fact, humans are lessees in perpetuity; Allah is the owner of their bodies, and unto Him shall they return eventually. As a lessee is not free to do whatever he wishes with his leasehold, so humans must use their limbs in the way their Creator and Owner have ordained. Therefore, the concept that women have a right over their own bodies to use it the way they wish is unacceptable in a Muslim society. To understand the spirit of the Islamic principles with regards to women, a careful study especially of Surah Nisa (4) and Surah Noor (24), is recommended.

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Essay on Status of Women in India for Students and Teacher

500+ words essay on status of women in india.

“You can tell the condition of a nation by looking at the status of its women.”

This is a famous quote by Jawaharlal Nehru on women. The status of women depicts the social, economic and mental condition in a nation. Women have been regarded as a symbol of spirituality in our scriptures. Yet, women were denied rights and equality in ancient Indian civilization. They have been treated badly and unequally to men. Social evils such as dowry , sati-system, child marriage, and female infanticide were widely prevalent in the early ages.  The spread of education and self-consciousness among women has led to their progress over the period. Women of today are empowered. Also, women are gaining advancements and success in each and every field. True female liberty is only achievable when people shift their restrictive attitudes and mindsets regarding women.

essay on status of women in india

History of the Status of Women in India

Going back to our origins, we can see how vital women are to society, not only biologically, but also culturally. Women have been mentioned in our Vedas and ancient books since ancient times, and they have been assigned important positions. Because of the contributions of women, the texts of Ramayana and Mahabharat have been tremendously influenced and due to women, they may have become the most sacred of all.

But during the past few centuries, the conditions of women worsen. Previously, women were referred to as housekeepers. It was thought and passed down to others that women are meant to marry, take care of the house and their in-laws, and sacrifice all of their aspirations in order to realise the dreams of their husbands and children. Furthermore, women were kept out of school because families believed that only boys deserved to be educated and follow their aspirations. Women were married off at a young age, and occasionally without their consent. They have also been subjected to a slew of dehumanising practises, societal neglect, and rituals designed to limit them, and they are frequently considered commodities rather than human beings.

Women in India in Ancient Age

Women, in the early ages, were very educated but suffered from the evils of society. Some open-minded citizens like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Swami Vivekananda , Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, and others worked for the wellbeing of women. Thus, the practices of sati, child marriage, and others were abolished. Various acts such as the Child Marriage Restraint Act were passed in this direction. Mahatma Gandhi also emphasized the abolition of child marriages.

Women were also provided training in martial arts. Moreover, women acquired a significant position in politics. Sarojini Naidu was a key figure in this context. She was the first Indian woman to become the President of the Indian National Congress and the governor of a state in India. Indira Gandhi was another woman who stood out in a male-dominated field. She became India’s first female Prime Minister and effectively led the country for fourteen years, contributing to domestic and financial progress.

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Women in Free India

Gender equality.

Women today are eager to take up professions and work. Thus, they enjoy equal respect and dignity in the family. Women in free India also enjoy equal pay for equal work in comparison to men. Also, there are provisions for maternity leave for them. Furthermore, females are provided equality of opportunity under Article 16 of the Constitution of India.

Educational Status

The girls in urban areas are almost at par in education with the boys. But there is a less educated female population in rural areas. This has also affected the social and economic development of rural India. The poor (hygienic facilities) facilities at school and lack of female staff have affected education. Kerala and Mizoram have a universal literacy rate.

Women and Politics

The maximum figure of female politicians in the world is from India. Women have occupied significant positions i.e. of President, Prime Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha and other high offices. “ Indira Gandhi ”, is the first female who held the office of the Prime Minister for 15 years.

Evils Against Women

The violence against women in India includes kitchen fires for want of dowry, sexual assaults, cases of rape, prostitution, throwing of acid. Also, the evils of child marriages are also widespread even today. Female infanticide, indecent behaviour, and honour killings add to the misery of the women. Also, sex-selective abortion is a deep-rooted evil leading to inequality in the sex ratio.

Current Status of Women in India

Following the development of the freedom movement across the nation, the ladies of the society began to emerge and burst through their shells. A larger proportion of women began to be given the opportunity to study and seek education. Currently, India does not have a shortage of women in the medical, technical, teaching, legal, or any other profession. India has seen an increase in the number of empowered women holding higher positions in various offices and organisations.

Women are involved in a variety of occupations and compete alongside males in a variety of disciplines such as technology, law, administration, teaching, and so on. Apart from traditional occupations, we have women who thrive in sports, such as P.T. Usha, Sania Mirza, P.V Sindhu, Mithali Raj, Mary Kom, Saina Nehwal, Dipa Karmakar, and others, who have represented and inspired many aspiring sportswomen in India.

We also have women who have had a significant impact on the art and entertainment industries since their inception, as well as cultural icons in many schools of art. Indira Gandhi, Vijay Lakshmi Pandit, Annie Besant, Mahadevi Verma, Nita Ambani, Sachet Kripalani, Amrita Pritam, Sushma Swaraj, Padmaja Naidu, Kalpana Chawla, Mother Teresa, Subhadra Kumari Chauhan, and others are some of the great Indian women leaders, social reformers, social workers, administrators, and literary personalities who have significantly changed the women’s status.

There has been a steady transformation in the status of women in comparison to earlier periods. Women of today take part completely in areas such as politics, status, military sectors, economic, service, and technology sectors. Moreover, they have contributed wholly to sports too. Thus, they have occupied a dignified position in family and society.

However, ending crimes against women is still a challenge. Even after significant advancements in women’s rights in India, they are still exploited, harassed, and abused in a variety of ways such as rape, sex discrimination, and so on. We can prevent ills by ensuring women’s autonomy, also increasing participation and decision making power in the family and public life.

FAQ’s on Status Of Women In India Essay

Question 1: What is the present state of women’s rights in India?

Answer 1: Women’s standing in India has evolved as a result of education and other societal progress. They are also given the freedom to pursue their objectives, obtain an education, and make their job goals a reality. Even in marriage, women are given the liberty to express themselves. Women in India today are well aware of their rights and benefits, and they are no longer politically, socially, economically, or educationally backward. They now have the same opportunities and rights as everyone else. They are capable of achieving any position or status in life.

Question 2: What is the Government of India’s role in improving the status of women in India?

Answer 2: The government has adopted numerous regulations and laws in favour of women. The Indian government launched a slew of initiatives aimed at empowering women in the country. Each of these plans is created with a focus on women and their needs in mind, so that Indian women, like women all around the world, can achieve all of their goals and enjoy a life of equal status. Among the most well-known schemes are:

  • Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
  • Women Helpline Scheme
  • Nari Shakti Puraskar
  • Mahila Police Volunteers
  • Mahila Shakti Kendras (MSK)

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Role of Women in Society Essay

Essay on role of women in society for school students.

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In this essay of women empowerment we have discussed the topic role of women in society. This topic is the most common topic now-a-days which school students are generally assigned during the exams or essay writing competitions. We have provided various essays on same topic under different word limits for the school students.

Long and Short Essay on Role of Women in Indian Society

Role of women in society essay 1 (100 words).

Women play variety of significant roles in our society from their birth till the end of life. Even after playing her all the roles and all the job timely in efficient manner in the modern society, she is weak because men are still strongest gender of the society. Even after lots of awareness programmes, rules and regulations in the society by the government, her life is more complicated than a man.

She has to take care of herself and family members as daughter, granddaughter, sister, daughter-in-law, wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, etc. By following such a big responsibility in the family, they are fully able to come out and do job for bright future of own, family and country.

Role of Women in Society Essay 2 (150 words)

Women are considered as the goddess in the Indian society from the ancient time however it is also true that they are not treated as goddess. They are being ill-treated for many years and used just as things to fulfil the wishes of men. Considering them as goddess is not enough to give them full women empowerment in the society; however it needs positive continuous effort and participation of both men and women to really bring women empowerment.

Women play a great role in everyone’s life without whom we cannot imagine the success of life. They are the highly responsible for the successful continuation of the life on this planet. Earlier they were considered as only wives and mother who have to cook food, clean home and take care of the whole family members alone. But, now the condition has been improved a little bit, they have started taking part in the many activities other than family and kids.

Role of Women in Society Essay 3 (200 words)

The way of behaving, thinking and doing of women is completely different from the men so we can say that women are physically, physiologically and psychologically not equal to men. But women are more responsible than men in various means like child-bearing and child-rearing. The tradition and culture of women lifestyle in India is coming as usual for many years without any change however in terms of rights of women, it is so bad and backward than other countries. The main question is why it is so, is women are responsible for their backwardness or men or lots of women’s responsibilities in home.

Women are treated differently than men in terms of rights and dues in many Indian societies even in the modern world. Men have dominating nature over women in various perspectives. It is the matter of think that if women are given all the same facilities like men and force them to be free from all the home responsibilities and think like men then why not it is possible for women to be like men psychologically in every areas of life. Earlier women were limited to home works only and not allowed to go outside to perform social works like men. But things are getting changed now; women are being aware of their rights and understanding well the dominating nature of men over their whole life.

Role of Women in Society Essay 4 (250 words)

If we compare the current status of women than the ancient time, we can say that really the condition is improving gradually. Women are being professional, bread-earners for their families and an independently thinking individual of the country even after only being responsible for many responsibilities of the life. Traditional Indian women have started proving themselves more skilled and competent in many professions than men. And, day by day the situation is improving fast by breaking all the barriers of the way.

The Indian government also has played great role in the women empowerment by implementing various rules and regulations. The ancient time trends such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, early child marriage, domestic abuse, child labour, sexual harassment, etc have been banned by the government which has really improved the women status in the society. A woman plays variety of great roles in everyone’s life in various forms by being involved in various relationships. From her birth till her end of life, she plays various roles as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and other relationships. However, her main roles are as a wife and mother. The status of women in urban societies is better however in various rural societies it is still worse because of lack of proper education and education system. A woman give birth to a baby and considered to be only responsible for her baby regarding care, education, job, etc for whole life. She never demands anything in return of her roles instead she performs her roles politely all through the life without any argue.

Role of Women in Society Essay 5 (300 words)

Women in modern Indian society are really forward if we compare them from the ancient time but if we talk about the women empowerment, we can say that not really women are empowered in all areas. Even after being so forward, women need to go for long way defeating hard circumstances. Women have gained lots of influence in various fields until balance between two genders. We can say that women have more freedom than earlier however not true in many cases because prejudice still remains in the society.

In many places, women are still treated as inferior sex and forced to handle only house hold chores. Some women in the society love to follow the old traditions of the family and perform traditional female role by being housewife and mother. They live their whole life as general helpers to their husbands and kids. It has been in the usual practise for a woman by birth to handle home and stay unemployed at home. Some women from the society of high living status are keen to get employed like men in the future because they have been lived in the society having higher level of thoughts like that. They are never ill-treated in their family and always promoted to do better in life like men. However women in the backward society, where people only mean to earn food of two times daily, never understand their rights and responsibilities like men. All the differences are just because of the lack of proper education and education system in that area.

Women need to realize their roles towards their society and country together with their roles at home which is possible through the continuous effort, gender equality and women empowerment. People are being more advance in their behaviour and thoughts towards the women rights and empowerment.

Role of Women in Society Essay 6 (400 words)

Women play a great role in the growth and development of the society and making it an advanced and modern society. There is a famous saying by the Brigham Young that, “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” Educating and giving power to the women is of great importance which needs to be followed in the society to bring women empowerment and development of society. Because it is true that, if a man is getting educated and empowered, only he can be benefitted however if a woman is getting educated and empowered, whole family and society can be benefitted.

Women are not things which can be neglected because of their less power and authority instead they should be empowered and promoted to get higher education. Women are the half population of the world mean half power of the world. If women of any country are not empowered mean that country is lack of half power. By nature, women play their all the roles with great responsibilities and have capability to make a healthy family, solid society and powerful country. Lots of efforts have been done however still women are backward and limited to home activities. We need to understand that if an uneducated woman may handle home properly then why not a well educated woman can lead the whole country like men.

Without woman nothing is possible for men, they are basic unit of the society, they make a family, family make a home, home make a society and ultimately societies make a country. So the contribution of a woman is everywhere from taking birth and giving birth to a child to the care for whole life and other areas. All the roles and responsibilities of the women can never be neglected by the societies. Without education and women empowerment no development is possible in the family, society and country. Women know well how to talk, how to behave, how to deal with people of different classes, etc. She knows to handle all the situations because she knows well the basic fundamentals of a good society and play her roles politely as a main contributor in building a strong society.

Earlier, when the lives of women were worse than slaves, women were considered as animals and used as sex toys. It was a sin for women to give birth to a girl baby, either they were killed, buried alive or thrown away by the male head of the family. However, the condition has become advance now in many means but not completely.

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The Victorian Women: Their Struggles and Role in Society

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Published: Mar 19, 2020

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Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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women's role in society short essay

women's role in society short essay

Friday essay: girls have long been woefully underestimated – but now they’re roaring back

women's role in society short essay

Associate Professor in Literary Studies, Monash University

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Teenage girls are typically the least powerful and most underestimated group within Western cultures – where adults are seen as superior to children, and men are privileged above women. Girls can also provoke cultural fears and anxieties because they occupy a transitional space between childhood and adulthood.

How old is a “girl”? The definition has shifted, along with things like the age of consent and marriage. The significance of marriage has tended to mean young women are called “girls” even into their early twenties. While female children are also understood as girls, a distinct girls’ culture begins, it’s generally thought, around the pre-teen years.

The separate stage of life we know as girlhood originated in the second half of the 19th century. It was brought into being by two major transformations: the raise of the age of marriage to the early twenties and girls working outside the home. In Britain and the United States, these changes created a time of independence for young women, between being under the control of parents and the confines of marriage, as literary historian Sally Mitchell has written .

The reality of girls having financial and personal freedom was a worrying prospect. As Mitchell writes , the way a girl is seen as both immature and occupying a liminal stage “gives her permission to behave in ways that might not be appropriate for a woman”.

Yet a separately designated period of girlhood also gave rise to a girls’ culture designed to cater to their unique interests, such as books, magazines and organisations. This “girl culture” would expand and become more visible in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Today’s girls enjoy a wide range of interests and pursuits, from Taylor Swift fandom to political action and elite sport. Yet their interests are often trivialised or dismissed.

women's role in society short essay

Girls of substance

Girls are often framed as “ at risk ”, or as potential dangers to themselves via sex and drugs. At the same time, they are typically dismissed in terms of their political or cultural influence. A popular nursery rhyme suggests girls are made of “sugar and spice and all things nice”. This implies a pleasant, compliant nature, rather than challenging the status quo.

When girls have made a political impact and risen to international prominence, they have often been the target of significant hatred. For example, activist Greta Thunberg gained global notoriety as a 15-year-old when she began the School Strike for Climate movement in 2018.

She became a figure of online hate, especially after sailing to the US in 2019 to participate in climate talks. Thunberg was criticised for having political passion (“whining” and exhibiting “anger”), and for daring to speak up when she was only a “child”.

Even Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, who survived being shot by a Taliban gunman in Pakistan in 2012 and subsequently became an activist for girls’ education, has been the subject of waves of “ Malala hate ”. Her acceptance into Oxford University, her Nobel Peace Prize and high-profile interviews in magazines such as Vogue have only heightened the volume and vitriol of the disapproval.

women's role in society short essay

Girls of substance, such as Thunberg and Yousafzai, defy feminine expectations by being assertive and refusing to accept social and political norms largely established by male leaders. The degree of irritation these outspoken girls have provoked illustrates how they disrupt the cultural expectations of girls as compliant and unimportant.

Boys vs girls in popular culture

Just as girls themselves have been dismissed when they have attempted to influence politics or culture, the interests and passions of girls have typically been derided as trivial in comparison with those of boys and men.

One of the first visible manifestations of female fandom was teenage girls’ early enthusiasm for The Beatles in the 1960s. As expert on media fandom Mark Duffett explains , the enthusiasm of girls and women for the band was distinguished as “feminized ‘hysterical’ affect” in contrast with “intellectually mature, artistic appreciation”.

The idea that the aspects of culture girls are attracted to are inferior or disposable is another way their interests have been belittled.

women's role in society short essay

Words associated with the music girls primarily consume, such as “bubblegum” pop, signal its “sweetness” and lack of substance. In the 1980s and 1990s, girls’ fandom of “boy bands” such as New Kids on the Block and the Backstreet Boys was disparaged.

More recently, there is some animosity towards “Swifties” and dismissal of the musical quality and likely longevity of Taylor Swift’s music. However, her undeniably successful recent tour to Australia attracted reams of positive media coverage. Articles celebrated girls and their mothers wearing glitter and sequins and attending concerts together.

women's role in society short essay

In the realm of cinema, superhero and comic films are big business today: the Marvel cinematic universe is the highest-grossing franchise in history. These films, with huge production and marketing budgets, are derived from publications and toys typically associated with boys. Though some of these fictional universes include female characters, they are less commonly at the forefront.

In contrast, girls’ interests and hobbies have been so derided and marginalised that Greta Gerwig’s Barbie (2023) was one of the first films to elevate a girls’ toy to major cinema prominence.

Unlike the seven-film Transformers franchise , which has grossed over $5 billion , Barbie exhibits a high-degree of self-awareness and irony about the toy and how girls play with it. Barbie, which has grossed 1.45 billion US dollars at the box office, was widely dissected as a measure of contemporary feminism.

women's role in society short essay

While a predominantly male viewership can uncritically watch action films about robots that change form for entertainment, a story about an iconic fashion doll for girls carried many other expectations – because of its rarity and the sense that girls’ toys and interests are frivolous.

From dismissal to lucrative market share

In the 1870s, in both Britain and the United States, doctors argued against the value of girls’ education by suggesting girls entering puberty required the limited supply of energy available within their bodies to prepare their reproductive systems for womanhood. If girls undertook rigorous academic study, their ability to have healthy children and to retain “their natural grace and gentility” might have been compromised, writes historian Kathleen E. McCrone.

These historical opinions highlight two perceptions of girls: first, that they were physically “weaker” beings who were not capable of the same physical and intellectual activities as boys; and second, that their primary purpose was to bear children.

Things have changed a great deal since. Teenage girls, for instance, are participating in the Olympics in notable numbers as peak athletes. Skateboarding in particular features girls such as 14-year-old Australian skateboarder Arisa Trew , who became the youngest ever Australian Olympic gold medallist this week. (She also became the first woman to land a 720 – two full rotations while mid-air – in competition.)

Girls now have a different kind of cachet: market power in a capitalist economy. In 2000, a Disney executive observed the number of girls dressed in generic princess costumes for live Disney on Ice performances. In response, he initiated the Disney Princess line of merchandise. These toys, costumes, books and accessories reached annual sales in the billions in the early 2000s .

women's role in society short essay

In 2023, Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, which appealed largely to girls and young women, became the highest-grossing tour of all time .

Nevertheless, Swift attracts criticism that her performances are as not as legitimate as those of male bands who cater to an older fanbase (which includes more men). In a direct reference to the Eras Tour, the Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl, for example, joked with a live audience that his band was undertaking the “Errors Tour”, “because we actually play live”.

One cultural arena where girls dominate is reading. The 2024 Report of the Australian Teen Reading in the Digital Era project shows twice as many girls are “fiction fanatics” (avid readers) as boys. And boys are far more likely than girls to abstain from reading altogether.

Most young adult fiction is written by women , for an audience of primarily girls and young women. Girls are highly influential on the book industry, by sharing their opinions about books on BookTok and exerting pressure on publishers through social media to increase the diversity of published authors .

The gendered nature of teen reading is commonly framed as a “problem”, with campaigns for more fiction to be published that will directly appeal to boys , to improve their rates of literacy. However, research has repeatedly found male characters have been historically overrepresented in children’s literature. This continues to be the case, despite modest improvements in recent years.

Until comparatively recently, girls have been expected to identify vicariously with male protagonists in fiction and film. Yet it is typically presumed that boys are not willing to read or view stories about girls or written by women, just as men largely refuse to read books written by women . Author of the Harry Potter series, Joanne Rowling, famously adopted the pen-name “J.K” because of her publisher’s assumption that boys would not read a book written by a woman .

The women of tomorrow

In 2024, young women comprise around 60 per cent of Australian university students , reflecting women’s entry into numerous professions. Meanwhile Kamala Harris is a serious contender to become the first female US president, showing girls they can aspire to almost any role in life.

Yet despite movements towards equality for girls and women, sexism continues to permeate many institutions and girls continue to experience sexual assault at double the rate of boys .

Girls are the women of tomorrow. To improve the future for women, it is important to reevaluate attitudes towards girls’ culture and interests. We need to consider why they are often dismissed, compared to the hobbies and passions of boys.

For parents, there is a vital role to play in counteracting stereotypes about girls. Adults can also improve their engagement with girls to prepare them to face a sometimes hostile world.

Chelsey Goodan’s Underestimated: The Wisdom and Power of Teenage Girls , for instance, talks about the need to trust girls to make their own choices, the importance of discussing complex issues, such as sexuality, with them honestly, and why we need to listen to them in ways that allow them to reveal difficult emotions, such as shame and fear.

As Goodan suggests, by dismissing girls with labels like “hormonal”, “crazy” and “dramatic”, our culture “minimizes their voice until it’s silent”.

Most importantly, we can empower girls to speak up. We can also improve our level of respect for them and what they have to say. Devaluing the period of youth for half of the population contributes to attitudes that diminish the contributions, achievements and interests of women, too.

  • Olympic games
  • Taylor Swift
  • Malala Yousafzai
  • Skateboarding
  • Teen reading
  • Friday essay
  • Teenage girls
  • J.K. Rowling
  • Greta Thunberg

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    Women empowerment refers to making women powerful to make them capable of deciding for themselves. Women have suffered a lot through the years at the hands of men. In earlier centuries, they were treated as almost non-existent. As if all the rights belonged to men even something as basic as voting. As the times evolved, women realized their power.

  17. Essay on Gender Roles in Society

    500 Words Essay on Gender Roles in Society Introduction. Gender roles are socially constructed and culturally specific norms that dictate the behavioral expectations of men and women in a society. These roles, deeply entrenched within the social fabric, profoundly influence individuals' attitudes, behaviors, and identities.

  18. Women's Changing Roles in Society, Essay Example

    Married women's submissiveness was both a religious and a legal duty. However, women fought for equality and human dignity and, with time, gained independence. As a result, the role of women has constantly been changing. For example, women were initially the primary givers of the elderly and children, but with time women are now taking the ...

  19. Women Place in Society Essay with Outline and Quotations

    Quotations for Women's Place in Society: Inspiring quotes highlighting the importance of women in society B. Quotations from influential women leaders and thinkers. VIII. Conclusion: Recap of key points discussed in the essay B. Emphasis on the need for gender equality and empowerment C. Encouragement to promote inclusivity and respect for ...

  20. Importance of Women In Our Society

    The Importance of Women in Society: Women are essential contributors to the economy. They play a significant role in the labor force and contribute to the growth and development of businesses ...

  21. (PDF) Roles of Women within the Society

    The major roles of women within the. household are dedicated towards transmission of cultural values, principles and beliefs to. their children and they tend to implement them throughout their ...

  22. Essay on Status of Women in India for Students

    The status of women depicts the social, economic and mental condition in a nation. Women have been regarded as a symbol of spirituality in our scriptures. Yet, women were denied rights and equality in ancient Indian civilization. They have been treated badly and unequally to men. Social evils such as dowry, sati-system, child marriage, and ...

  23. Long and Short Essay on Role of Women in Indian Society

    Role of Women in Society Essay 6 (400 words) Women play a great role in the growth and development of the society and making it an advanced and modern society. There is a famous saying by the Brigham Young that, "You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.". Educating and giving power to the women is ...

  24. The Victorian Women: Their Struggles and Role in Society: [Essay

    Published: Mar 19, 2020. In the Victorian era, women were expected to live by certain rules and virtues and had a pretty rigid role in society. They were to bear children, do housework and to be selfless, submissive and pure. They were considered to be the weaker sex and was thereby not allowed to work (with some exceptions) or to get a higher ...

  25. Friday essay: girls have long been woefully underestimated

    In 2024, young women comprise around 60 per cent of Australian university students, reflecting women's entry into numerous professions. Meanwhile Kamala Harris is a serious contender to become ...

  26. Unemployment in South Africa: A Youth Perspective

    Education plays a crucial role in equipping young people with the skills and competencies necessary to succeed in the workforce. However, according to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) for the 1st Quarter of 2024, only 9,8% of the employed youth were graduates. Limited educational attainment, as well as social and economic disadvantages ...