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How to Write a Chemistry Personal Statement Worthy of Oxbridge!

Writing a personal statement is a very daunting task, it can seem like the be-all and end-all of your university application. In this post, Oxford PhD Chemistry researcher and 1st Class Oxford Chemistry graduate, Zoe, outlines how to structure your personal statement, as well as discuss the do’s and don’ts when it comes to a Chemistry personal statement. We have also provided an example Chemistry Personal Statement for those looking for inspiration.

Four Top Tips for a Successful Chemistry Personal Statement:

When applying to the top universities such as Oxford and Cambridge or other Russell Group universities, your Chemistry personal statement is not going to be the single factor determining the success of your application. In that sense, there is no need to spend hours curating the ‘perfect’ personal statement - interview preparation and school grades will have a much stronger weighting in the eyes of the admissions office. That being said, a poorly written personal statement can negatively impact your chances and you’ll want to make sure you have avoided common pitfalls and checked all the boxes for a successful application.

Below I’ll discuss key things your Chemistry UCAS personal statement should include, along with common mistakes people make when trying to impress.

1.      Convey your genuine interest for the subject in your Chemistry personal statement

This should be the first paragraph and clearly indicate why you want to study Chemistry.

-          Don’t write clichés such as ‘I’ve wanted to be a chemist since I was 4 years old’ - they want to know what motivates you now.

-          Do be yourself and talk about what you genuinely find interesting and what got you motivated to study Chemistry in the first place e.g. at A-level (you don’t gain points for having stated to like Chemistry at an earlier age). Demonstrate your enthusiasm for chemistry by discussing what motivated you to study the subject, such as a particular experiment or a fascinating discovery

2.      Use your Chemistry Personal Statement to demonstrate your skills and motivation

Paragraphs 2 and 3 form the bulk of your personal statement and should be used to demonstrate that you have the skills and motivation to succeed in pursuing Chemistry at the highest level. Don’t get carried away, focus on one or two key examples that demonstrate your commitment to the subject.

-          Don’t lie in your Chemistry Personal Statement – this may seem obvious, but don’t mention books you haven’t read or experiments you haven’t done just to sound clever; this is the easiest way to get caught out in an interview. Tutors are not expecting you to know the whole 1st year undergraduate course and they will be well aware if you pretend you have.

-          Do include any research or reading you have done which shows commitment to the subject in your Chemistry UCAS personal statement. All they want is for you to show you have taken the time to go beyond the standard A-level syllabus, be that by reading books, keeping up with the literature or even attending talks or visiting an interesting exhibition at a museum. There is no right way to show interest in the subject! Highlight your academic achievements in Chemistry, including any relevant coursework, research projects, or awards that showcase your skills and knowledge

3.      Highlight skills in your Chemistry Personal Statement that show your suitability for the course

This should the final paragraph and should be a couple of sentences at most concluding your Chemistry Personal Statement. Showcase these skills, such as your ability to think critically, work collaboratively, and problem-solve, which are essential for success in the field of Chemistry.

-          Don’t mention extra-curriculars that are not directly relevant to the course. 4000 characters is not a lot and you do not want to waste space in your Chemistry personal statement on things that tutors will not even consider

-          Do include any extra-curriculars that demonstrate either proficiency and commitment to the subject (e.g., Chemistry Olympiad) or extra-curriculars that will show you are suited to high-paced and demanding environments such as Oxford or Cambridge (e.g. sports or activities that required significant dedication and skills such as time-management)

4. Be concise and focused

Keep your Chemistry Personal Statement concise and focused, with a clear structure and well-defined paragraphs. Finally, proofread your personal statement carefully to ensure that it is free of errors and flows smoothly. Consider asking someone else to read it and provide feedback before submitting your application.

Oxbridge chemistry college

Are You Looking For a Russell Group or Oxbridge Chemistry Personal Statement Tutor?

Our Chemistry tutors are brilliant at supporting students through all elements of the personal statement writing process, including the initial wider research and drafting process. They offer reading and research suggestions and can provide feedback on personal statement drafts to ensure your Chemistry personal statement makes you stand out. Visit our Personal Statement page or book a free consultation to discuss how we can support.

Demonstrating Interest Beyond the A-level Curriculum in your Chemistry Personal Statement

You may feel overwhelmed when it comes to searching beyond the A-level course. Chemistry is a huge subject so how do you find the best, most interesting things to read and talk about?

The short answer is you can’t. There is not right or wrong book to read just as there is no right or wrong thing to be interested in. The breadth of most Chemistry courses highlights this very fact – you can be interested in whatever area of Chemistry you want, and its completely okay if this ends up being a different area to your interviewer! In fact, you are more likely to invest time into learning new content, and thus are more likely to effectively demonstrate your skills if you have chosen something you are genuinely interested in. So, don’t spend ages trying to find the ‘right’ area to research but do pursue your actual interests!

Below are just a few examples of ways in which you can engage with chemistry outside of the classroom, but it is by no means an exhaustive list. So, if you find something else that sparks your interest then by all means, go with that!

Books You Could Mention in Your Chemistry Personal Statement:

Why Chemical Reactions Happen – James Keeler*

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out – Richard Feynman

The Most Beautiful Molecule – Hugh Aldersey-Williams

Periodic Tales - Hugh Aldersey-Williams

The Disappearing Spoon – Sam Kean

Napoleon's Buttons – Jay Burreson and Penny Le Couteur

*A very good introduction to some 1st year undergraduate topics but also a pretty big cliché so I would avoid having this as the main book in your personal statement

Books to enhance Chemistry personal statement

Chemistry Podcasts:

Chemistry for your life : A podcast helping you understand the chemistry of your everyday life

Chemistry in its element : A weekly tour of the periodic table, from Chemistry World, the magazine of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Chemistry Cayk

Distillations : Uncovering moments in science-related history

resources for Oxbridge chemistry personal statement

Extracurricular Activities For Success in Chemistry University Applications:

UK Chemistry Olympiad

Cambridge Chemistry Challenge (Year 12 only)

Giving a talk at your school’s Chemistry/ Science society

Seek out relevant work experience : If you have any relevant work experience, discuss it in your personal statement. This could include internships, volunteer work, or research assistantships

U2 Tuition’s co-curricular division, Minds Underground, host online specialised research projects, with many Chemistry-related options. Gaining research experience can be a valuable opportunity for school students, offering numerous benefits beyond what is typically learned in the classroom. Visit the Research Experience page for more information!

Writing a Chemistry Personal Statement: Oxbridge Applicants Guide

If Oxford is your dream destination for studying this fascinating subject, there are some crucial tips to consider. Here's a breakdown of key elements to enhance your Chemistry personal statement, especially tailored for Oxford.

1. Embrace Depth and Breadth:

Oxford values not just your depth of understanding in chemistry but also your ability to appreciate its broad applications. Showcase both your passion for specific areas of chemistry and your awareness of its interdisciplinary nature.

2. Highlight Research Awareness:

Demonstrate your awareness of cutting-edge research in chemistry. Mention specific projects, studies, or advancements that have caught your attention, showcasing a keen interest in staying updated on the latest developments in the field.

3. Demonstrate Critical Thinking:

Oxford places a strong emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills. Showcase instances where you've applied these skills in problem-solving, especially in chemistry-related scenarios.

4. Exhibit Your Intellectual Curiosity:

Oxford seeks students who are not only knowledgeable but also intellectually curious. Share instances where you've gone beyond the standard curriculum to explore your interest in chemistry, such as engaging with advanced books, attending seminars, or participating in relevant extracurricular activities.

5. Discuss Your Future Contribution :

Convey a sense of your long-term vision in the field of chemistry. Whether it's contributing to ground-breaking research, advancing technology, or inspiring future generations, Oxford wants to see your commitment to making a meaningful impact.

6. Make Sure You Personal Statement Is An Exciting Springboard For Discussion At Interview

Oxford places significant importance on the interview process, and your personal statement can serve as a crucial catalyst for engaging discussions during this stage. Craft your statement in a way that prompts curiosity, inviting interviewers to delve deeper into your experiences and viewpoints. Incorporate thought-provoking questions or reflections on your experiences, leaving room for insightful conversations. Showcasing your ability to articulate complex ideas and engage in dynamic discussions will not only demonstrate your readiness for the Oxford environment but also set the stage for a compelling interview experience.

Tailoring your statement with these specific considerations for Oxford will help you showcase your suitability for the challenging and enriching academic environment at the University.

Looking for Chemistry Personal Statement Examples?

Below, we have shared a personal statement example for a chemistry degree application. This is a succinct and focused piece, highlighting experiences from engaging with captivating books and podcasts to participating in the UK Chemistry Olympiad. From sugar plastics to sustainability, each facet contributes to a narrative showcasing the dynamic nature of chemistry and the student’s commitment to making a meaningful impact.

Chemistry captivates me as a subject that blends curiosity and practical understanding. My journey began with Hugh Aldersey-Williams' 'The Most Beautiful Molecule,' a book that provided a captivating exploration of molecular structures. What fascinated me most was the author's ability to unravel the complexities of these structures in a way that felt accessible and intriguing. Aldersey-Williams seamlessly blended scientific detail with a narrative that made me appreciate the elegance hidden within the microscopic world of molecules. This narrative approach to scientific storytelling resonated with me, creating a bridge between the abstract concepts of chemistry and their real-world implications. I enjoy listening to Chemistry podcasts and found the ChemTalk podcast episode featuring Dr. Karen Wooley discussing Sugar Plastics and Sustainability particularly fascinating. Unlike conventional plastics, which contribute to pollution and resource depletion, sugar plastics offer a renewable and biodegradable alternative. Her insights into sustainability, sugars, and their applications in industry resonated with me. This podcast demonstrated the bridge between theory and real-world challenges, showcasing the versatility of chemistry in creating alternative materials and emphasising the practical role of chemistry in addressing global issues. Inspired by Dr. Wooley's work, I undertook a project focused on developing sustainable alternatives to conventional plastics using sugars. Collaborating with peers, we explored the synthesis and properties of sugar-based plastics, aiming to contribute to environmentally friendly solutions. This hands-on project allowed me to witness the tangible applications of chemistry in addressing contemporary issues, reinforcing the importance of sustainable practices within the field. Attending a lecture on sustainability in chemistry further deepened my appreciation for the discipline's potential impact on global challenges. The lecture illuminated innovative approaches and advancements in sustainable chemistry, emphasising the role of environmentally friendly practices in research and industry. What fascinated me was the integration of green chemistry principles, showcasing how the field is evolving to minimise environmental impact and enhance efficiency. This experience broadened my perspective on the practical applications of sustainable practices within the realm of chemistry, reaffirming my commitment to contributing to solutions that align with the principles of environmental responsibility. Participating in the UK Chemistry Olympiad further deepened my understanding of the versatile nature of chemistry, challenging me to apply theoretical knowledge to solve real-world problems. Being a passionate debater, I have also honed my communication and critical thinking skills, learning to articulate complex ideas effectively. Additionally, running my school's Chemistry Society has provided a platform to share my enthusiasm for the subject with peers, organising events and discussions that foster a collaborative and interactive learning environment. These activities showcase my commitment to both academic excellence and fostering a broader understanding and appreciation for chemistry beyond the classroom. These experiences have solidified my passion for chemistry and its real-world applications. Eager to delve deeper, I am motivated to pursue a chemistry degree, driven by a genuine curiosity and a commitment to contribute meaningfully to this impactful discipline.

In conclusion, writing a strong Chemistry degree personal statement requires careful planning, organisation, and attention to detail. A successful Chemistry personal statement should demonstrate your passion for the subject, showcase your academic achievements, highlight your relevant experiences, and emphasise your skills. By following these guidelines and taking the time to craft a well-written and compelling personal statement, you can increase your chances of being accepted into the Chemistry degree of your choice. Remember to proofread your statement carefully, seek feedback from others, and let your unique voice and personality shine through. Good luck with your application!

Are You Looking For an Chemistry Personal Statement Tutor or Support with Your Wider Oxbridge Chemistry Application?

U2 Tuition specialises in Top UK University/ Oxbridge preparation, with a team of 700+ Oxbridge-educated tutors. We offer personal statement preparation with our Oxbridge Chemistry tutors, who host live sessions brainstorming ideas, helping with drafts etc. We also offer offline personal statement reviews for those with a full draft already complete.

Our experienced Oxbridge-educated tutors are experts in their field and have a proven track record of success in helping students achieve their goals and gain admission to some of the top universities in the UK. We also offer admissions test and interview preparation for those applying to Oxbridge and also top Russell Group Universities who interview such as Imperial.

Visit our Personal Statement page for more detail on how we can support.

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  • Chemistry Personal Statement Examples

Check out our personal statement example for Chemistry. You can use it for inspiration when applying to Oxford , Cambridge , Imperial College London, UCL, Durham , and other UK top universities. 

Below are two Chemistry personal statement examples from some of the best applicants. 

Chemistry Personal Statement

First example

Throughout my academic journey, I have been fascinated by the intersection of chemistry and technology, and the unique creative possibilities that a deeper understanding of these fields can offer. As a student of both Chemistry and Design & Technology at A-level, I was able to explore the potential interrelations of these subjects and develop my knowledge of chemistry, incorporating the use of computers with technology.

My passion for this subject area was further fuelled by my work experience placements, which provided me with valuable insights into the practical applications of chemistry and computer technology. During my time at I.C.I.’s analytical laboratory, I had the opportunity to analyse chemicals using advanced laboratory techniques such as an infrared spectrometer and gas chromatograph. I also utilised databases, which improved my computer literacy and developed my skills in teamwork, communication, and meeting deadlines. This experience deepened my understanding of the practical applications of chemistry and allowed me to explore the interface between pure science and computer systems.

As part of my Design and Technology coursework, I was able to develop my CAD skills extensively by producing a range of 3D models in Pro-Desktop. I was also rewarded with an ‘outstanding effort’ certificate in Design and Technology, which further highlighted my passion and dedication for the subject. These experiences have taught me the value of creativity, problem-solving, and attention to detail, which are essential skills for pursuing a career in this field.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I have also been actively involved in extracurricular activities such as my school’s Student Council. As a member of the council for four years, I learned how to collaborate with others to advocate for change. One of our successful initiatives was a recycling campaign that taught me the importance of sustainability. I also honed my planning skills while organising school fun days with my fellow representatives. Furthermore, I have participated in various fundraising activities for charities and performed in a Christmas concert for elderly people in the community. These experiences have taught me the value of teamwork, leadership, and community engagement.

During a week-long work placement as an administration assistant, I gained valuable experience working under pressure, both individually and with my colleagues. I also had the opportunity to develop my ICT and organisational skills. My role gave me a sense of responsibility, and I was able to demonstrate my willingness to rise to the challenge when faced with difficult tasks.

Looking ahead, I am excited to delve deeper into the intricacies of Spectroscopy at the university. The vast amount of data that can be obtained from one small sample is astounding, and I am eager to build upon my previous knowledge from A-level. I am also interested in exploring emerging technologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, which can enhance our understanding of chemical systems.

Ultimately, I aspire to have a career related to chemistry, either in research or analysis, as both require similar skills. However, I also have the desire to engage with the public and share my knowledge. Therefore, I hope to become a lecturer in later life and inspire others to pursue this fascinating field. I believe that science education is essential for fostering critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills, which are crucial for addressing global challenges such as climate change, health disparities, and resource depletion.

In conclusion, my academic and extracurricular experiences have shaped my passion for chemistry and technology, and I am eager to continue exploring this field and contributing to scientific knowledge and innovation. I believe that a career in chemistry offers endless possibilities for discovery, collaboration, and impact, and I am excited to be part of this dynamic field.

See also Chemical Engineering personal statement example

Chemistry Personal Statement Example

I have been captivated by the endless possibilities of Chemistry. From the development of cleaner fuels to research into the transformation of raw materials into products with useful properties, chemistry has the power to make a difference in the world. As Professor Dermot O’Hare has said, our generation has a responsibility to solve the energy crisis, and I am eager to contribute to this important global challenge by studying chemistry.

I have always enjoyed the challenge of chemical reactions in class, particularly those that require the use of logical and deductive thinking. One such experience was when I determined the mechanism of a reaction between two reagents, applying my previous knowledge to deduce the products independently. This exercise allowed me to hone my critical thinking skills and apply them to real-world scenarios. Additionally, I was captivated by the reaction between ethene and bromine in the presence of sodium chloride, which demonstrated to me how chemists can test their theoretical assumptions in practice. These experiences have deepened my love for chemistry and inspired me to pursue further studies in the field.

During my time in secondary school, I had the opportunity to participate in work shadowing in the Chemistry department at a local pharmaceutical company, where I gained valuable insights into the practical applications of chemistry and the inner workings of a professional laboratory. During this work experience, I worked in the Synthesis labs and learned about Analytical Chemistry and related departments. This experience allowed me to gain valuable insights into the practical applications of chemistry and develop my laboratory skills.

Learning for 5 A-levels is a challenging but rewarding experience that has allowed me to develop my organisational skills. While balancing my academic commitments, I have also pursued a range of extracurricular activities, including assisting with amateur dramatics productions. As someone who enjoys the technical side of theatre, I have been responsible for setting up and running special effects, lighting, and sound. This responsibility has taught me the importance of effective planning and teamwork. Outside of school, I am also a talented musician and play several instruments, including the piano, viola, and violin. I am an active member of the local orchestra, where I have had the opportunity to perform in a variety of settings and develop my musical skills further.

With the Duke of Edinburgh award, I learnt valuable skills that I have applied in various activities. For example, I volunteered to be a team leader on a year seven outward bounds course, where I used my leadership and teamwork skills to help the younger students overcome challenges and develop their confidence.

Looking ahead, I am excited to pursue my passion for chemistry at university and continue to explore the many possibilities that this field has to offer. I am particularly interested in the development of cleaner fuels and the role that chemistry can play in addressing global energy challenges. Ultimately, I hope to have a career related to chemistry, either in research or analysis, as I am eager to contribute to scientific knowledge and innovation.

My academic and extracurricular experiences have shaped my passion for chemistry and inspired me to pursue a career in this field. I am excited to continue exploring the many possibilities that chemistry has to offer and to make a difference in the world through my work.

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Crafting an Outstanding Chemistry Personal Statement


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  • Introduction to Writing a Chemistry Personal Statement

The journey to a successful career in chemistry begins with a powerful personal statement. This document is more than just a formal requirement for your university application; it’s a platform to showcase your passion, understanding, and preparedness for a chemistry degree.

This blog aims to guide you through crafting an outstanding chemistry personal statement, highlighting key elements, examples, and advice from admissions tutors.

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  • The Importance of a Personal Statement in Chemistry Admissions

Understanding the Role of Your Statement in University Applications

Your chemistry personal statement is a critical component of your university application. It’s an opportunity to convey to the admissions committee not just your academic credentials but also your personal qualities, experiences, and aspirations.

The statement allows you to present a compelling narrative of your journey in chemistry, emphasizing why you are an ideal candidate for the course.

Crafting a Statement that Reflects Your Passion for Chemistry

Your personal statement should radiate your enthusiasm for chemistry. Discuss how your interest in chemistry began, what aspects of the subject fascinate you the most, and how this passion has driven your academic and personal pursuits.

Use specific examples, such as projects, experiments, or books that have particularly inspired you, to illustrate your deep engagement with the subject.

Core Elements of a Chemistry Personal Statement

Highlighting your passion and knowledge in chemistry.

A standout personal statement goes beyond stating a love for chemistry; it demonstrates it. Talk about specific areas, such as organic, inorganic, or physical chemistry, that intrigue you.

Describe any independent research, reading, or experiments you’ve undertaken. This not only shows your passion but also your initiative and self-motivation in exploring the subject.

Reflecting on Extracurricular Activities and Work Experience

Incorporate details of any chemistry-related extracurricular activities or work experiences. This could include participation in science clubs, chemistry Olympiads, research projects, or internships. Describe what you learned from these experiences and how they have shaped your desire to study chemistry at a higher level.

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  • Strategies for Writing an Effective Chemistry Personal Statement

Crafting an effective chemistry personal statement requires thoughtful planning and execution. Here are key strategies to help you create a standout document:

  • Capture Attention: Begin with an engaging opening that captures the reader’s interest immediately.
  • Personal Anecdote: Consider starting with a personal story or experience that sparked your interest in chemistry.
  • Relevant Coursework: Mention any chemistry-related courses and how they have prepared you for a university degree.
  • Achievements and Grades: Include any notable academic achievements, awards, or high grades in relevant subjects.
  • Specific Interests: Discuss specific areas in chemistry that fascinate you, such as organic, analytical, or biochemistry.
  • Personal Experiences: Share personal experiences that showcase your dedication and enthusiasm for the subject.
  • Chemistry-Related Activities: Include any clubs, competitions, or projects related to chemistry.
  • Skills Developed: Highlight skills gained from these activities, like teamwork, analytical thinking, or research.
  • Relevant Placements: Mention any work experience or internships in chemistry or related fields.
  • Skills and Insights Gained: Discuss what you learned and how these experiences have furthered your interest in chemistry.
  • Current Trends: Talk about current trends or advancements in chemistry that excite you.
  • Course Relevance: Relate your understanding to the specific chemistry course you are applying for.
  • Career Aspirations: Briefly mention your career goals and how a degree in chemistry will help you achieve them.
  • Contribution to the Field: Share how you hope to contribute to the field of chemistry in the future.
  • Simple Language: Avoid overly complex language or technical jargon.
  • Coherent Structure: Ensure your statement flows logically from one point to the next.
  • Strong Closing: End with a compelling conclusion that reinforces your passion and readiness for studying chemistry at university.
  • Future Outlook: Summarize how this degree is a crucial step in your academic and career journey.
  • Multiple Drafts: Be prepared to write several drafts to refine your statement.
  • Feedback: Seek feedback from teachers or mentors and incorporate their suggestions.
  • Authenticity: Ensure your personal statement genuinely reflects who you are and your passion for chemistry.
  • Individuality: Remember, your statement should be unique to you, so avoid copying or imitating others.

By employing these strategies, you can craft a compelling and effective chemistry personal statement that showcases your strengths, passion, and suitability for a chemistry degree program.


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  • Addressing Common Challenges in Personal Statement Writing

Writing a personal statement can be a daunting task, but understanding and addressing common challenges can make the process smoother. Here are key points to consider:

  • Start with a Brainstorm: Begin by listing down ideas, experiences, and reasons for your interest in chemistry.
  • Break It Down: Tackle the statement in sections instead of trying to write it all at once.
  • Seek Inspiration: Read examples of successful personal statements to get an idea of structure and content.
  • Personal Voice: Write in a tone that reflects your personality and style.
  • True Experiences: Focus on your real experiences and thoughts about chemistry.
  • Honesty is Key: Be truthful about your achievements and aspirations.
  • Unique Expressions: Use original language and avoid overused phrases like “since I was young” or “I have always loved.”
  • Specific Examples: Replace general statements with specific experiences or achievements.
  • Academic Achievements: Clearly articulate your academic successes and how they have prepared you for a chemistry degree.
  • Personal Experiences: Connect your personal experiences to your academic interests in chemistry.
  • Logical Flow: Ensure your statement has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Coherence: Each paragraph should smoothly transition to the next, maintaining a consistent narrative.
  • Be Concise: Express your thoughts clearly and concisely without unnecessary elaboration.
  • Prioritize Content: Focus on the most important and relevant points.
  • Your Unique Journey: Focus on what makes your journey into chemistry unique.
  • Avoid Plagiarism: Never copy content from other statements or sources.
  • Multiple Reviews: Have teachers, mentors, or peers review your statement.
  • Constructive Criticism: Be open to suggestions and use the feedback to refine your statement.
  • Error-Free Submission: Thoroughly proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
  • Final Read-Through: Ensure the statement accurately represents your passion and suitability for a chemistry degree.

By addressing these challenges, you can create a compelling and effective personal statement that highlights your passion for chemistry and readiness for university study.

  • Personal Statement Examples and Tips from Admissions Tutors

Learning from Successful Chemistry Personal Statement Examples

Examining successful chemistry personal statement examples can provide valuable insights. Look at how these statements are structured, the kind of language used, and how the writers have blended their personal stories with their academic interests. However, remember to use these examples as inspiration rather than templates to copy.

Insights and Advice from University Admissions Tutors

Admissions tutors often stress the importance of authenticity and specificity in personal statements. They advise against using overused phrases and general statements.

Instead, focus on providing concrete examples of your achievements and experiences, and explain how they have prepared you for a degree in chemistry.

Final Thoughts and Tips on Perfecting Your Chemistry Personal Statement

Seeking feedback and making revisions.

After drafting your personal statement, seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers. They can provide constructive criticism and help you polish your statement. Be open to suggestions and make revisions accordingly to enhance the clarity, impact, and coherence of your statement.

Submitting a Polished and Compelling Chemistry Personal Statement

Before submission, ensure that your personal statement is free of grammatical errors and is within the specified word limit. Read it multiple times to ensure that it flows well, clearly articulates your passion for chemistry, and effectively presents your case for why you should be admitted to the program.

Writing a chemistry personal statement is a vital step in your academic journey. It’s your chance to make a memorable impression on the admissions committee.

By demonstrating your passion for chemistry, reflecting on your experiences, and articulating your aspirations, your personal statement can become a powerful testament to your readiness and enthusiasm for studying chemistry at the university level.

  • FAQs on Chemistry Personal Statements

How important is work experience in a chemistry personal statement?

While work experience can greatly enhance your statement, it’s not the only factor. Focus on any experiences that demonstrate your interest and skills in chemistry.

Can I mention personal hobbies in my statement?

Yes, if they are relevant to your interest in chemistry. For example, hobbies that involve analytical skills, problem-solving, or creativity can be linked to your chemistry interests.

Should I mention specific universities or courses in my statement?

If you are applying to a specific course with unique features, it’s beneficial to mention why you are attracted to that course. However, if you are using the same statement for multiple applications, keep the content more general.

How can I make my personal statement stand out?

Focus on unique experiences, articulate your genuine passion for chemistry, and demonstrate how your experiences have prepared you for university-level study.

What are the common pitfalls in writing a chemistry personal statement?

Common pitfalls include exceeding the word limit, using clichés, lacking specificity, and failing to demonstrate a deep understanding of and passion for chemistry.

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Table of Contents

  • • Introduction to Writing a Chemistry Personal Statement
  • • The Importance of a Personal Statement in Chemistry Admissions
  • • Strategies for Writing an Effective Chemistry Personal Statement
  • • Addressing Common Challenges in Personal Statement Writing
  • • Personal Statement Examples and Tips from Admissions Tutors
  • • Conclusion
  • • FAQs on Chemistry Personal Statements

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  • Chemistry Masters Personal Statement Sample

Written by Jennifer Bevan

This is an example personal statement for a Masters degree application in Chemistry. See our guide for advice on writing your own postgraduate personal statement .

Chemistry is fundamental to our lives and without our ever-increasing understanding of Chemistry many of the much-loved products of today would not have been developed. The wide applications of Chemistry were what initially drew me to study the subject and after studying it for over 5 years from A-level to undergraduate level, my interest became more focused on polymers. A Masters in Chemistry is a perfect opportunity to develop a more thorough understanding of polymers before pursuing a career in polymer development, whether for clothing, building, nutrition or medication.

During my undergraduate degree in Chemistry, I developed an excellent understanding of the subject through studying modules in organic, inorganic, and synthetic Chemistry. Each module involved time in the laboratory and therefore, I became proficient with a range of laboratory techniques including distillation, thin layer chromatography (TLC), and titration. Similarly, I was trained to carry out mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy.

I studied modules in biological and physical Chemistry, which allowed me to develop an understanding of the interconnection of the sciences. This highlighted some of the uses of Chemistry, particularly in Biology and inspired me to select a final year project in which I synthesised copolymers for biomaterials to repair bone. The aim of my project was to polymerise poly(propylene fumarate) with a series of different monomers to form a copolymer with more favourable characteristics for bone repair. The specific skills and knowledge I gained from this project would provide an excellent base for a Masters in polymer Chemistry.

While at university, I worked part-time at a supermarket. My role involved picking online orders, restocking shelves, and helping customers. I developed excellent time management as orders were time-sensitive and gained valuable experience working as part of a team. During my free time, I was the treasurer of the squash society and was responsible for keeping track of the incoming and outgoing money. I kept the society under budget when organising events and had frequent meetings with the other members of the society to discuss where the money would best be spent. After graduating with a 2:1 earlier this year, I have been working as a science writer. This role has allowed me to significantly improve the quality of my written work, which will be valuable when writing my Masters dissertation.

I was drawn to your course because of the opportunity to learn and research the real-world applications of polymers under the supervision of both experts from academia and industry. I believe my prior experience with many of the laboratory skills covered in this course will help me to complete a Masters successfully. Your modules in polymer synthesis, advanced colloid materials and physical properties of polymers and nanocomposites would provide me with the essential skills I need to either undertake a PhD or begin an industry career in polymer synthesis.

What are some of my options for studying a Masters in Chemistry?

Mba sustainable chemistry management, leuphana university lüneburg professional school, environmental entrepreneurship msc, university of strathclyde department of civil & environmental engineering, msc/pgdip/pgcert - global decarbonisation and climate change, university of warwick department of chemistry, sustainability & environmental studies msc, msc biotechnology and business, university college dublin ucd school of biomolecular & biomedical sciences, find a masters in chemistry.

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Evidence your passion!

According to Andrew Pike, Admissions Tutor at Newcastle University, a 'genuine passion for the subject' is the top ingredient to convey in your chemistry personal statement. 'After all, you will be studying just chemistry for three to four years and would be mad to want to do that if you didn’t like the subject'.

He wants to see you actually demonstrate this passion in a way that's unique to you – just saying 'I love chemistry' or 'I have a passion for chemistry' won’t cut it. You could explain what it is about the subject that makes you feel sure you will be motivated by it, or how you see it fitting into your longer term plans or career:

This doesn't mean you need to know exactly where you want your future career to lead. But it's good to write a sentence or two about what you think you might want to achieve through your chemistry degree, whether in terms of career progression, personal fulfilment, academic curiosity, specific topics you want to learn about, or whatever.

Don't be general, be personal

Tutors also like to see applicants who say something personal in their statement – this sounds obvious but some applicants don't.

The issue here is that some applicants try to demonstrate their knowledge of chemistry by describing a particular theory or by making some random observations about the subject that don’t genuinely resonate with them. It’s no good just explaining a theory in your statement, there’s nothing personal about that and you’re just telling admissions tutors things they know already – they're experts.

They can also easily tell if you’ve just written something for effect. But what does interest them is anything that has genuinely impacted on your knowledge, understanding or enthusiasm, or on you as a person – it’s that personal touch they’re after.

Our guide to studying chemistry has more need-to-know advice to explore.

Motivation and real world connection

Dr Simon Gerrard, Assistant Admissions Tutor for chemistry at University of Southampton, is slightly less concerned about your longer-term objectives – although, it’s always good practice to briefly mention this in your statement if you have genuinely thought about it. But he does want evidence of your motivation. 'It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what you want to do after university, what I really like to see is enthusiasm and a passion for the subject’.

One way to really get your passion and commitment across is if you can give an example or two of how you have applied your learning to real life – for example, through work experience, a lecture you attended, a documentary you saw, a podcast you heard, or something specific you’ve discovered through your wider reading. Hopefully, you can see ways to really bring your statement alive and prove conclusively that you really do love chemistry.

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  • Chemistry personal statements

Chemistry degree personal statement example (1d) Imperial offer, with review and advice

This is a real personal statement written by a student for their university application. It might help you decide what to include in your own. There are lots more examples in our . 

Science is incredible. It has such diversity that no-one can specialise in every field, yet it has such depth that anyone can learn a new fact or figure every day. Our world has been shaped by Science in the past, is what it is today because of Science and Science will ultimately determine our future. It has always fascinated me as a subject- when I was eight I tried to make a telescope out of tracing paper and kitchen roll. When I was ten I was looking at Plant Leaves under a microscope and when I was sixteen I started to read popular Science, such as ‘Bad Science’ by Ben Goldberg.

Science is an immense subject- whilst on a Headstart Course over the Summer I first experienced University level Chemistry. I decided immediately that I wanted to use the equipment and learn the theory of the ‘Queen of Sciences’. I hope to pursue a career in the Chemical Industry - it is fast growing, vital to our world and will give me the opportunity to work with other Scientists and Engineers in Theoretical and Practical situations every day. As a hardworking and dedicated student, I took five AS levels and achieved A grades in all my module examinations, excelling in Maths and Chemistry, where I achieved 292/300 and 298/300 UMS scores. I am now taking 4 A levels and further mathematics AS Level, for which I am studying towards Further Pure Mathematics 1 and 2, and self-studying Statistics 1.

I have played in the QIFL, a Qatari amateur football league for the last year, which has improved my ability as a goalkeeper. I have also been training children to play football at a local club as part of my International Award Service. These have taught me the importance of teamwork and successful leadership in reaching a goal. Over the past three years I have learnt to sail and was part of a crew that sailed 137 nautical miles from Doha to Bahrain for my International Award Expedition. I also learnt how to sail Laser class dinghies as my skill at a local sailing academy. These taught me the importance of teamwork, good preparation and determination to succeed. These have been further emphasised by my Silver Expedition to the Himalayas, which involved climbing to the peak of a mountain 4080m above sea level.

I have held several authority positions in school. I have worked as a prefect for the last year and more recently as a Deputy House Captain. This involves working with children from year seven to thirteen, other House Captains and teachers to organise sporting, musical and academic competitions within school. I have also been working in similar roles outside of school as my Service section of the International Award. I am now working towards Gold level.

Model United Nations (MUN) conferences have been an important activity for me, and have attended several in Qatar. I have been selected as a Chair for the upcoming Doha College MUN and have been chosen as an ICC Defence Lawyer for the Qatar MUN in November. To support this, I have taken up debating in the last 10 months. Through these I have built a formidable skills base in argument formulation and public speaking. These skills are helped through studying A-Level History. It is a particular area of interest to me. When I lived in the UK I visited the Northumbrian Castles and Roman fortifications along Hadrian’s Wall. Through extensive reading I also learnt about the interesting and varied History of Science and its immense importance in all aspects of life. Studying History has also taught me how to structure a written argument and the importance of planning, detail and methodical writing in presenting an idea.

I believe that I am well suited towards the rigours and rewards of Higher Education, possessing the drive and ability to reach my full potential both in terms of academic success and in my future career. I am looking forward to studying Chemistry at University level, and to pursuing a career in the dynamic and rewarding Chemical Industry.

Universities Applied to:

  • Imperial College London - Offer Accepted
  • York - Offer
  • Bristol - Offer
  • Durham - Rejected

General Comments:

There are good aspects to this statement and the applicant has plenty of good outside interests to discuss, however there is a fundamental lack of chemistry related content in this PS. There is greater discussion of history than there is of chemistry and that will be deeply worrying to a tutor reading it. It doesn't show the applicants interest for chemistry specifically and only discusses science in general. Talking about science in general terms is fine for a couple of sentences, but it needs to be backed up with a detailed discussion of chemistry. Discussion of the chemical industry is one of the few indications that the applicant is interested in chemistry and this aspect of the statement is good. More of this is needed!

Discussing subjects can be a good approach in a personal statement but this should be focused on what they have learnt and how it can be applied to Chemistry. How do the subjects relate to each other? What A-levels are being studied and the marks achieved are not required in a PS and are a waste of valuable place. Instead, these should be put in the reference.

The structure of this statement is generally ok, although it would benefit from moving positions of responsibility and more formal extra-curricular activities like MUN ahead of the informal hobbies like sailing, which should come near the end just before the conclusion.

Spacing the paragraphs out with a single line break would be a good idea so it is easier to read and more appealing to the eye. Capitalisation is a big problem and there are numerous errors throughout the statement.

Comments on the statement:

Science is incredible.  This is a bit of a bland opening for a personal statement and doesn't really say anything. The first sentence is important and so the applicant needs to say something worthwhile.  It has such diversity that no-one can specialise in every field, yet it has such depth that anyone can learn a new fact or figure every day. Our world has been shaped by  s cience  science is not a proper noun and so does not need capitalising  in the past  is what it is today because of Science  and  Science  will ultimately determine our future.  This is ok, if slightly general. However, it needs to state that it is for these reasons that a career in chemistry excites the applicant and that they want to be involved in developing the world through chemistry.   Chemistry  has always fascinated me as a subject ;  when I was eight I tried to make a telescope out of tracing paper and kitchen roll. When I was ten I was looking at  p lant  l eaves under a microscope and when I was sixteen I started to read popular  s cience, such as  " Bad Science "  by Ben Goldberg.  It would be better to change both these examples to chemistry-based ones, since this is an application to study chemistry. The applicant fails to mention Chemistry at all in their opening paragraph. They need to be more specific right from the beginning as all sciences differ greatly. They need to sell to the reader that it is chemistry that interests them, not just general science!

Science is an immense subject   Too cliché!   W hilst on a Headstart Course over the  s ummer I first experienced  u niversity level  c hemistry.  The Headstart Course is engineering-based and has little chemistry content. The reader will spot this and may doubt the credibility of the remaining text.  I decided  immediately  that I wanted  a career in this field so that I can  use the specialized equipment and learn the theory of the  " Queen of Sciences "   Why not comment that they have read up on it and want to pursue this specific interest at university? Even better, why not replace this theory with a chemistry-based theory they are interested in and state some books/articles that they have read, relating to chemistry specifically.   I hope to pursue a career in the Chemical Industry - it is fast growing, vital to our world   This was already extensively discussed in the opening paragraph   Chemistry  will give me the opportunity to work with other  s cientists and  e ngineers in  t heoretical and  p ractical situations every day.  As a hardworking and dedicated student   This comment is unnecessary and is more appropriate for the reference  I took five AS levels and achieved A grades in all my module examinations,  excelling   Use of the word "excelling" here does come across as slightly arrogant/big-headed.  in  m aths and  c hemistry, where I achieved 292/300 and 298/300 UMS scores. I am now taking  four   Small numbers should be written out in full in a personal statement  A-levels and  F urther  M athematics AS  l evel, for which I am studying towards Further Pure Mathematics 1 and 2, and self-studying Statistics 1.  Mention of A-Level subjects undertaken, grades and UMS marks is unnecessary here. This is already on the application form and much of this paragraph is better off in the reference. There are a number of different topics mentioned in this paragraph that don't really link up to each other and would be better off elsewhere in the statement. Instead, this paragraph should be used to talk about school or college, making it relevant by discussing skills or knowledge relevant to the course they are applying for.

I have held several authority positions in school.   This is a needless lead in and just takes up valuable space  I have worked as a prefect for the  past year and more recently as a Deputy House Captain. This involves working with children from year seven to thirteen, other House Captains and teachers to organise sporting, musical and academic competitions within school. I have also been working in similar roles outside of school as my Service section of the International Award. I am now working towards Gold level. Model United Nations  (MUN)  conferences have been an important activity for me and  have attended several in Qatar.  I have been selected as a Chair for the upcoming Doha College MUN  and have been chosen as an ICC Defence Lawyer for the Qatar MUN in November.   It's important not to spend too much time on each hobby and the applicant need only give a flavour of what they have done. The important thing is the skills they gained from it.  To support this, I have taken up debating in the last  ten  months. Through these I have built a  formidable   Again this could come across as slightly arrogant  skills base in argument formulation and public speaking.  These skills are helped through studying A-Level History. It is a particular area of interest to me. When I lived in the UK I visited the Northumbrian Castles and Roman fortifications along Hadrian’s Wall. Through extensive reading I also learnt about the interesting and varied History of Science and its immense importance in all aspects of life. Studying History has also taught me how to structure a written argument and the importance of planning, detail and methodical writing in presenting an idea   Talk of history here is unnecessary and dangerous so best to remove it! The paragraphs have been moved around here to improve the structure of the statement. Positions of responsibility should come after discussing school subjects and before discussing outside interests and hobbies.

I have played in the QIFL, a Qatari amateur football league for the last year, which has improved my ability as a goalkeeper. I have also been training children to play football at a local club as part of my International Award Service. These have taught me the importance of teamwork and successful leadership in reaching a goal. Over the past three years I have learnt to sail and was part of a crew that sailed 137 nautical miles from Doha to Bahrain for my International Award Expedition.  I also learnt how to sail Laser class dinghies as my skill at a local sailing academy.   This is probably unnecessary detail having already given a good flavour of their sailing interest  These taught me the importance of teamwork  avoid repeating skills more than once in a personal statement. Discuss a different one instead to show that the applicant has a wide range of skills , good preparation and determination to succeed. These have been further emphasised by my Silver Expedition to the Himalayas, which involved climbing to the peak of a mountain 4080m above sea level.

I believe that I am well suited towards the rigours and rewards of Higher Education, possessing the drive and ability to reach my full potential both in terms of academic success and in my future career  This is good  I am looking forward to studying  c hemistry at  u niversity level, and to pursuing a career in the dynamic and rewarding  c hemical  i ndustry.

~Another thing - "Bad Science" was written by Ben Gold acre , not 'Goldberg. Surprised no one else spotted this.  CallieCat  15:13, 21 September 2011 (UTC)

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personal statement based on chemistry

ACS Student Magazine

How to Craft a Great Personal Statement for Grad School

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Just as summer break wraps up, grad school application season arrives. You’re probably sorting through different programs and beginning to think about writing a personal statement. How do you winnow down your entire life story into two or three pages of spell-checked exposition that impresses administrators?

Personal statements are critical to your full application. They have the power to justify a poor GPA or emphasize an already good one. They can tell admissions committees what you dream of doing, rather than what you've done. They showcase your abilities and personality.

Your transcript can’t convey curiosity and perseverance, but your personal statement can unveil how you designed a clever spectroscopic experiment to explain weird voltage measurements in your electrochemistry lab. It’s your chance to share the stories and highlights of your life that have prepared you for graduate school.

Jahan Dawlaty , an associate professor of chemistry at the University of Southern California, says the best approach is to “make it anecdotal, personal, informative, and not a duplication of your CV.”

If you've never seen one before, check out a couple of annotated examples from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . What you'll find is that these personal statements typically flow in chronological order, and they present the most important points as early as possible. They describe why you are where you are, some recent experiences, and some of your ambitions for grad school and beyond. They also describe why you are interested in a specific program. You should always customize your statement to each program you apply to.

But beyond that, they all look different. Some people begin with a story; others begin with a statement declaring why they are applying to this specific school. It's all fair game. Because at their core, the best essays are personal . And we’re here to give you tips on reflecting before you ever touch the keyboard, what to say once you do, and how to say it.

Beyond the résumé

When you begin writing your personal statement, it helps to reflect on your past and present experiences. Recall what inspired you to pick your major or what now drives you to apply to graduate school. “Show enthusiasm for the field,” says Dawlaty. “However, do realize that nearly everybody who applies to the chemistry department is enthusiastic about chemistry.” Specificity is key here. It might be a book that changed you profoundly, a time you sat next to a chatty scientist on an airplane, or a day you learned chemistry through baking bread with a grandparent. Describe your amazement when the sourdough doubled in size because of fermentation, for instance, or how different methods of kneading the dough led to different strengths of gluten protein networks. Really investigate what led you to chemistry and what you like about it.

Next, reflect on some of the most important experiences you've had in college. These may include an internship or volunteering experience . Perhaps you helped in a professor's lab for three months or three years. “Make it as personal as possible,” says Dawlaty. “Highlight as many of the memorable and personal anecdotes as you can.” Ask yourself, what did I learn in my internship that inspired me to continue on this path? How did my volunteer experience with my student chemistry club polish my organizing, planning, and professional skills? Basically, you want to point out where your extra efforts have shaped you as a scientist, student, and person. The answers are building blocks for your letter.

“I want to come away thinking I know a little something about you,” says Sharon Glotzer, the Anthony C. Lembke Department Chair of Chemical Engineering at the University of Michigan. If you’re driven by the societal impacts of science, highlight your specific motivations and previous contributions: Do you volunteer at a science museum, write a blog, or tutor kids in STEM? Recognize that scientists play an important role in their community, as well as society at large. You might instead be motivated by a passion for discovery or a pursuit of the credentials needed to lead interesting projects in industry. “I wouldn’t say that any one of those reasons matters over any other reason. But what does matter is that you have some reason,” says Glotzer.

A personal statement also gives you the space to share more context about the struggles you have overcome. Maybe a close friend or family member passed away, forcing you to balance your personal and professional obligations. If adversity has affected your grades, say that—admissions committees want to know. ”People want to know whether you have a GPA of 3.7 in the face of difficulties or a GPA of 3.7 without any difficulties," says Dawlaty.

“In some cases that hardship, surprisingly, prepares the student better for graduate school,” he continues. “We have had applicants who have been the breadwinner for the family—and wow , it takes a lot of responsibility to be the breadwinner for the family.” Some applications require diversity, equity, and inclusion statements in which you describe your experiences as or with a member of an underrepresented group or your feelings on the topic. If the application does not, consider incorporating some of your thoughts into your statement.

That’s not to say that you need adversity to get accepted, he adds: “Some people haven't gone through hardship. It doesn't mean that your application sucks.” You can talk about what you’ve contributed to a research group or a past job. For example, maybe you and a lab mate struggled to get a chemical reaction to produce a high yield, until you finally figured out the issue and fixed it. It doesn’t matter whether the solution came from an epiphany or methodical teamwork. Both are crucial ingredients of how real science works. Your essay will stand out if you can convey that understanding. “It communicates to me that you have good communication skills—that actually can tell me that these things happen,” says Dawlaty. “But most importantly, that tells me you are a problem solver.”

Grad school is not just about remembering the difference between reduction and oxidation or memorizing the steps to make an organic catalyst. It’s a place where you’ll collaborate, make decisions, and commit to learning skills that make you a more well-rounded scientist. (Some universities require a separate essay for research experience.) “Whether it’s a big role or a little role, I wanna see detail,” says Glotzer.  “The more technical detail you provide, the more I have the impression you did the work.” Admissions committees will appreciate reading anecdotes, especially if they demonstrate how you’d fit into a research team. After all, grad school is all about creating new knowledge and spreading knowledge. That’s a very different goal than undergraduate academics. They want to see that you know what skills and goals matter to become a scientist in society.

Predicting the future

Midway through your essay, you've established who you are by sharing what Past You experienced. A university will be getting Current You. They’ll expect that you can contribute to their research efforts. And they’ll be betting that Future You will be a rock star chemist that they can count as one of their esteemed alumni.

Think about your goals , state them clearly, and describe why they interest you. Here’s a secret: Nobody will force you to pursue that 10-year goal you write about. Nobody will even force you to work in the area you write about. I applied to various graduate schools for their energy and catalysis research programs. In my essay, I described my interest in their ongoing research in those areas. Once I visited my top choice after getting accepted, I found that an entirely different project in biomedicine and nanotechnology interested me even more.

It’s okay to end up on a different path than what you want now. And it’s okay to not know what field you want to study in. But for the admissions committee to accept you, they need to be sure that you'd fit with what they offer, so you can still write about what you do know. “Students can say I don't know what research area, whether it's energy or bio or nano—but I love computers, and I'd like to learn computer simulation,” says Glotzer.

Find specific professors and projects that match your interests. Mention those projects by name and explain why you'd enjoy them. Dawlaty suggests mentioning three to five professors in the department and writing one or two sentences about why you’d want to work with each. You will eventually meet with professors and decide on a lab to join. But you’re never guaranteed to land your first choice for reasons largely out of your control (such as project funding), so you should always set yourself up to have multiple options of interesting labs. “If you only say I'm interested in Professor X and that's it,” says Dawlaty, “it raises eyebrows in the committee.” It’s important for schools to see that they’d have no trouble pairing you with an advisor.

Don’t worry about misinterpreting what those professors work on or mentioning a project that’s no longer active. These scenarios happen. Perhaps “the professor hasn’t updated their website, or the professor has moved on since last year and got a new grant,” Dawlaty says. “We are not going to judge the student too harshly.” What’s important is that schools know that you’re interested in that research area. 

Some schools also combine the personal statement with a “research statement,” so you would expand more on your research interests at the end of the essay accordingly.

 “The bottom line is: make it easy for the committee to admit you,” he says.

How to tell your story

Clarity is king. The most important tip to remember as you begin writing is that you must communicate your ideas clearly. You may have exemplary research skills, strong professional experiences, creative ideas, and impactful anecdotes to share, but if the admissions committee can’t understand what they are reading, all that upside becomes meaningless.

Does this mean you need to find the fanciest words to show your mastery of the English language? Absolutely not. “Make it easy and efficient for them to read,” says Dawlaty. Short sentences are great. Specific, common words, too. Avoid hyperbole and exclamation points. Remember whom you are writing for. “Imagine sleep-deprived academics who are just sitting around and just want to do their job, and they have hundreds of these things in front of them.” They care about the facts. You can even bold important details like skills or the names of professors.

Now, readable and clear does not mean vague. “Chemistry is good” is a clear, short sentence with common words, but it lacks detail. You’ll want to be specific about your actions in anecdotes, and your feelings when describing why your research area excites you. If you’ve enjoyed creating nanoparticles, for instance, tell committee members a brief version of the synthesis and characterization protocol, then describe the satisfaction you felt from making the right stuff.

When you summarize the big picture of why you’re a good fit for that program, be specific about that program’s strengths and your potential contributions. And once you have all of the pieces of your story—your experiences, your interests, and your professional goals—then be sure that you summarize that ensemble in your first and last paragraph. Make your take-home message as memorable as possible.

A great way to make sure you’ve done a good job is to have others read your essay. Politely ask your professors or any chemistry graduate student you may know to give you feedback. Peers and family can also help if they are familiar with the process. Listen to that feedback and make the necessary changes. Doing this means you shouldn’t procrastinate. Give your proofreaders a couple of weeks, just as you would for letters of recommendation.

Don’t be afraid to ask peers or professors to see examples of successful personal statements. But don’t panic about any differences. It’s up to you whether you use a bunch of space expanding on experiences on your résumé or introducing biographical information that doesn’t appear in your résumé.

Your experiences make a case for what you can do. But your trajectory speaks volumes too. Dawlaty likes to think of this in calculus terms: hiring people based on an integral and a derivative. The integral, like the area under a curve, captures the collection of what a person has done; the derivative, like a sharp slope or a flat line, predicts their ability to grow and learn.

“We want a diverse class of individuals that are going to contribute,” says Glotzer. And that means broadening the definition of success beyond GPA,  GRE, and even research accomplishments. “There are so many different measures of potential for success, some of which have nothing to do with book smarts. A lot of which have to do with experience and mindset.”

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Applied in: Winter 2013

University offers: imperial college, bath, york.

It is science’s ability to translate abstract ideas into the tangible that truly fascinates me and is perhaps the main reason I wish to study it at a higher level. I find, through elegantly marrying theories with observable reality - such as Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and the explanation of orbitals, bonding, consequent behaviours of substances and entire systems, both chemical and biological - it reveals a certain beauty, not only at our scale but also at smaller ones. I still marvel at the fact that the complexity of the universe, and our ability to comprehend it is only made possible through the increase of its entropy, which in a sad twist of fate is complicit in its heat death. Some of the questions surrounding the second law of thermodynamics have intrigued me, and I am currently working my way through the book "Why chemical reactions happen" by James Keeler and Peter Wothers with the aim of clarifying why chemical equilibria can exist.

In addition to the A-level syllabus last year, I took on a project to synthesise 2-methylhexan-2-ol from propanone and a Grignard reagent made in situ from 1-bromobutane. As well as sparking an interest in organic synthesis and practicals, it gave me the perfect opportunity to solve a real chemical problem, whilst highlighting the importance of thorough preparation. When tetrahydrofuran was initially used as the reaction solvent instead of dry ether due to safety concerns, the synthesis was unsuccessful. Frustrated and somewhat bewildered by this, I carried out some chemical tests to identify the compounds produced and read further, where I learnt that THF polymerises in the presence of acids. However, I was unfortunately unable to satisfactorily work out why the synthesis did not go according to plan, although I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and it really deepened my appreciation of the effects structural differences can have on reaction mechanisms.

It was a natural progression then, to optical isomerism; preparing for the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge in particular introduced me to the fascinating ways in which chirality can affect the properties of some molecules, including thalidomide, limonene and rapamycin. I discovered during this period that I was just as excited by the biological implications of chemical concepts as I was in the chemical implications of physical ones, confirming chemistry was certainly the subject for me. This drove me to seek work experience at Pro Bono Bio and Cantab Biopharmaceuticals, who specialise in lipid nanotechnology and factor VIII stabilisation respectively, where I familiarised myself with a number of chemical and biochemical assay methods such as mass spectrometry and gel electrophoresis. This acquired knowledge really aided me in designing the methodology for my prize-winning independent research project investigating the compositional differences between battery farmed and free-range eggs, and being at the cutting edge of drug development certainly appealed to me as a potential career path. I also recently gave a short lecture on the biochemistry behind chronic pain for our school's Biology Society, of which I am a committee member - a role that involves writing and presenting original material every fortnight. In requiring clear explanations of complex concepts, it has reinforced in me the habit of thorough groundwork, while providing the perfect platform to present individual research to a questioning audience.

These elements of performance and teamwork are not unique to the society; I am a member of the school chamber and chapel choirs and lead the symphony and chamber orchestras. I look forward to the new responsibilities my appointment as Head Girl will present, but will endeavour to still make time for hiking, drama, the odd spot of golf and German. The immediate application of its grammatical logic when speaking is particularly enjoyable and will undoubtedly be of great use in a job in the industry.

Please note UCAS will detect any form of plagiarism. PSE and its contributors do not take any responsibility for the way in which personal statements are used.

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By Tamsyn McLennan (Writer, The Uni Guide) | 21 September 2023 | 4 min read

Writing a chemistry personal statement: expert advice from universities

Find the winning formula to stand out from the crowd with your chemistry degree application

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The university application personal statement is changing in 2025
University admissions service Ucas has announced that a new style of personal statement will be launched in 2025. This will affect anyone making a university application from autumn 2025 onwards.


There are no wrong answers when you’re writing a personal statement

Avoid the clichés, your personal statement can mark the first step in your relationship with the course tutors, if you know where you want your career to take you, talk about it in your personal statement, include any relevant work experience or hobbies, and think about how other extracurriculars could be relevant, chat your personal statement through with your friends and family, you may want to look at these..., personal statement secrets – universities reveal all.

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Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science (Physical) At Cambridge

Last Updated: 12th April 2022

Author: Chloe Hewitt

  • Natural Sciences

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Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Natural Science applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Cambridge University. The Natural Science Course at Cambridge is a unique and demanding course focused on blurring the boundaries between the different fields of science. 

Read on to see how this candidate wrote a Personal Statement that helped secure their place on a reputable degree. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


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Natural Science (Physical) Personal Statement

The more I discover about physics, the less I realise that I know, and the keener I am to further explore unfamiliar topics at university. Studying areas such as special relativity and quantum mechanics have made me question concepts I took as given, such as the nature and manipulation of time and the degree of certainty to which we can truly know anything.

My particular interest in physics was sparked when I read an article on quantum physics, and was introduced to a simple description of the fundamental constituents of matter. This led me to read further about particle physics. I particularly enjoyed Brian Greene’s The Elegant Universe, which gave me a brief insight into the intricacies of string theory, and The Feynman Lectures on Physics, from which I learnt new mechanics and probability theory. I watch lectures on the MIT website, read New Scientist and am a junior member of the IoP to further my knowledge of new scientific developments. I enjoyed visiting CERN last year and learning more about the experiments conducted there. I have also competed in national challenges to develop my thinking skills further, achieving bronze in the Physics Olympiad, silver in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge and gold in the Senior Maths Challenge. Additionally, this year I won the school leavers’ physics prize.

Last summer I attended a residential Headstart physics course at the University of Leicester, and spent three days at the Debate Chamber physics school. I enjoyed performing undergraduate experiments, and was particularly interested by the lectures on recent developments in nanotechnology and the ways in which nanoparticles could be used to destroy cancerous cells in the body. I also had a tantalising glimpse of some of the complex mathematics behind General Relativity, and would love to study this intricate topic in more detail. These experiences confirmed my love of physics as well as increasing my appreciation of more complicated subjects not covered by my A Level courses. Furthermore, they helped to develop my skills in processing new information and quickly adapting to unfamiliar concepts.

I recently took part in an extended-essay competition at school, producing an independently researched piece of work on the superluminal neutrinos apparently found in 2011. I focused on the impossibility of faster-than-light travel according to special relativity, and the implications for time travel the discovery would have had if the measurements had been correct. This gave me the chance to explore further a subject I was interested in but had not studied at school. I researched my essay by reading scientific journals and textbooks, and speaking to scientists I met at physics events.

I will shortly begin a paid internship at Hildebrand Technology Ltd, where I will be using mathematical modelling of real life situations for statistical analysis. This will be an opportunity to apply mathematical techniques I have learnt in school to more complex problems. This placement, along with self-studying university textbooks and extra further maths modules, will ensure that I maintain and expand my maths skills and scientific knowledge during my gap year.

In my final year I was captain of the school Boat Club. I have rowed in the top senior boat since I was 15, and in 2013 I won silver at National Schools and gold at Schools Head. This sport has involved intensive training, which demands self-discipline and commitment. I love music, and take part in many close harmony groups and choirs, as well as taking grades in musical theatre, singing and piano. My music and sport, along with lifeguarding and weekly volunteering at a local primary school, have allowed me to develop my time management skills and use the time I have for work efficiently and productively.

I am a hardworking and intellectually curious student and am excited by the prospect of developing my mathematical skills and studying physics at a more advanced level at university.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

This is a very good statement. The statement is well structured, and the student’s motivation to study physics is clear. All points are explained clearly, and experiences expanded on. The student uses examples beyond their A-level studies to explain their desire to study physics, which comes across very well to the reader.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student forgets to use quotation marks around the names of books etc., and also ‘the’ before ‘New Scientist’. Whilst these are rudimentary errors, a simple proof-read would have found these. The main issue with this statement is its length. There are eight paragraphs in total.  By the penultimate paragraph it is clear enough that the student has done many physics-related extra-curricular activities. The quality of the statement will not be reduced if it is shortened.  The student does not explain acronyms, e.g. ‘IoP’. Some sentences can be shortened in order to save space, e.g. ‘I have also competed in national challenges to develop my thinking skills further, achieving bronze in the Physics Olympiad, silver in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge and gold in the Senior Maths Challenge’ can be shortened to ‘I have also competed in national challenges to develop my thinking skills further, achieving bronze, silver and gold medals in the Physics Olympiad, Cambridge Chemistry and Senior Maths Challenges respectively’.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

In general, this is a very good statement. It is well written, and the student’s motivation to study physics at university is clear from the very beginning. Due to the length of the statement, it is quite cumbersome to read. With some shortening, this would be a compact and powerful statement.

This Personal Statement for Natural Science is a solid example of demonstrating a wealth of knowledge, motivation and interest, vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

Check out our other successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Cambridge Natural Science application.

With our  Cambridge Natural Science Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , perform strongly on the Admissions Test  and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our Cambridge Natural Science Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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Graduate School Personal Statement

Criteria for success.

  • Your personal statement convinces a faculty committee that you are qualified for their program.
  • It convinces them that you a good fit for their program’s focus and goals.
  • You show a select group of skills and experiences that convey your scientific accomplishments and interests.
  • Your experiences are concrete and quantitative.
  • Your personal statement is no more than 3 pages.

Structure Diagram

personal statement based on chemistry

The graduate school personal statement tells your story and demonstrates that you are a good match for a particular department or program. Matching goes both ways: they should be interested in you, and you should be interested in them. Your personal statement should make this match clear.

Analyze Your Audience

Your personal statement will be ready by a graduate committee, a handful of faculty from your program. They’re trying to determine if you will be a successful graduate student in their department, a positive force in the department’s intellectual life, and a successful scientist after you graduate. They are therefore interested in your qualifications as a researcher, your career goals, and how your personality matches their labs and department.

The graduate committee probably reads hundreds of applications a year. To make it easy for them to figure out that you are a good fit, make direct, concrete statements about your accomplishments and qualifications. To make it easy for them to remember you, create a narrative that “brands” you.

Create a personal narrative

PhD programs invest in the professional and scientific growth of their students. Get the committee excited about investing in you by opening your essay with a brief portrait of what drives you as a scientist. What research directions are you passionate about, and why? What do you picture yourself doing in 10 years?

Close your essay with a 2-3 sentence discussion of your career interests. No one will hold you to this; this just helps your committee visualize your potential trajectory.

Describe your experiences

Experiences are the “what” of your essay. What experiences led you to develop your skill set and passions? Where have you demonstrated accomplishment, leadership, and collaboration? Include research, teaching, and relevant extracurriculars. State concrete achievements and outcomes like awards, discoveries, or publications.

Quantify your experiences to show concrete impact. How many people were on your team? How many protocols did you develop? How many people were in competition for an award? As a TA, how often did you meet with your students?

Describe actions, not just changes in your internal mental or emotional state. A personal statement is a way to make a narrative out of your CV. It is not a diary entry.

During this project, my mind was opened to the possibility of using different programming languages together to create code that is faster to run and easier to understand and modify. During this project, I collaborated with other group members to develop a user-friendly Python wrapper for a 10,000-line Fortran library.
I showed initiative in my second project in the lab. Frustrated with the direction of my first project, I consulted with other faculty and proposed an entirely new project.
During my first year, I became a more curious and capable scientist. I explored the literature and proposed two alternative procedures to make the experiment efficient.
I won the physic department’s Laser Focus prize. I won the physics department’s prize for top student among my cohort of 20 students.
I learned about the role of enzymes in cancer. I quantified the kinetics of three enzymes implicated in cancer onset.

Explain the meaning of your experiences

Meaning is the “why” or “so what” of the document. Why was this experience important to your growth as a scientist? What does it say about your abilities and potential? It feels obvious to you, but you need to be explicit with your audience. Your descriptions of meaning should also act as transition statements between experiences: try to “wrap” meaning around your experiences.

Demonstrate match to your target program

Demonstrate an understanding of the program to which you’re applying and about how you will be successful in that program. To do this:

  • Read the program’s website. See what language they use to describe themselves, and echo that language in your essay. For example, MIT Chemical Engineering’s website points out innovative research areas and interdisciplinary opportunities.
  • Get in contact with faculty (or students) in your target program. If you have had a positive discussion with someone at the department, describe how those interactions made you think that you and the department may be well-matched.
  • State which professors in the program you would be interested in working with. Show how their research areas align with your background and your goals. You can even describe potential research directions or projects.

Resources and Annotated Examples

Annotated example 1.

This is the personal statement from an MIT ChemE graduate student’s successful application to the MIT ChemE program. 121 KB

Annotated Example 2

This is the personal statement from an MIT ChemE graduate student’s successful application to the MIT ChemE program. 361 KB

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Chemistry Personal Statement

This is a sample personal statement written by our professional writer. Please note that our website is scanned by various anti-plagiarism software, so do not attempt to copy/paste this personal statement. You will get caught and your university career will be over before it has begun! To get a custom-written personal statement, just complete the order form and we will write an original personal statement, based specifically on the information you give us, which will never be published or resold.

I have been greatly fascinated by chemistry since my first exposure to the Periodic Table of Elements. The natural order of the first 12 elements, discovered approximately 450 years ago, made it possible for the elements to be placed on a chart consisting of rows and columns, such that elements sharing a column were discovered to have similar characteristics. This led Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleyev to predict the existence of the element with the atomic number 32, germanium, as well as its colour, weight, density, and melting point. The predicted elements have since been discovered and I was greatly marvelled at this feat amongst many others. My interest in chemistry has been further stimulated as I have continued to learn more about the characteristics of the individual elements, the nature of their atoms, and how they form familiar chemical compounds that are particularly critical to the existence of life and the practice of medicine.

Arriving at the decision to study Applied Chemistry took me quite some time. This was because I was determined to find out where my interests really lie as I excelled in most of my Science subjects. However, I knew that I love experimenting in Chemistry and also that it is one of my favourite subjects. I dutifully attended a number of career sessions and open days for science subjects at various universities, and the ones focussing on Chemistry left a lasting impression on me. Also, I took time to visit one or two commercial chemistry-oriented laboratories in my area to talk with the chemists there. Their experiences have reinforced my love for the subject. They helped me to understand the wide variety of careers available for a graduate with a good knowledge of Chemistry, i.e. research, pharmaceuticals, and even environmental management. The prospect of a career in research and pharmaceuticals is of great interest to me. At this point, I was finally convinced that studies in Chemistry and a career in research in the same subject is what I wanted to pursue, this is largely due to my love for Chemistry as a science.

My first work-experience in Chemistry was a two-week work placement in a school chemical laboratory. During this two weeks period, I actively participated in the setting up of apparatus for different practical classes, and I also actively participated in carrying out the experiments. I saw an array of chemical reactions firsthand and vivid displays of the properties of the chemical elements. The activities gave me an opportunity to put textbook knowledge to use as well as gaining further knowledge, and this has greatly improved my ability to conduct experiments. The day-to-day experience at this laboratory further stimulated my growing interest in Chemistry and it made me want to learn and study more, especially on the applied side.

To gain an insight into Applied Chemistry I decided to seek and secure a week’s experience in the laboratory of a hospital. At the hospital, I discovered how Chemistry is applied to tests relating to disease agents. The experience at this laboratory brought all my textbook knowledge to life. I was particularly impressed by the versatility of Chemistry and the role that it plays in the life of man. At the end of the week I was totally convinced that I wanted pursue a degree, and subsequently a career, in Chemistry. This decision was based on my interest in the subject and my work exposure to both pure and applied chemistry in real life situations.

I have always known that it will require more than just an interest in Chemistry to ensure success in my chosen course of study and career. Hence, I have paid particular attention to the supporting body of science such as Biology and Mathematics. A good foundation in Biology will ensure that I understand the intricacies of life while a good foundation in Mathematics is essential to having a good hold on the chemical reactions and their attendant calculations. My A–Level results of B in Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics demonstrate my excellent understanding of these subjects. Besides these, I also have nine GCSEs with grades ranging from A to C.

My interest in Chemistry as a subject is huge. This interest is built on a fascinating exposure to this subject and my work experiences. My work experience for three weeks in total has left a lasting impression on me. All of these, over the years, have made me resolute about studying Applied Chemistry at a notable university that will adequately prepare me for a life-long career in Applied Chemistry within the health sector. I have worked hard in my studies, with particular focus on Chemistry and other critical sciences, that have helped ensure that I have a good foundation for my study and subsequent career in applied chemistry. I sincerely look forward to attending the course in Applied Chemistry at your university as a necessary and critical step on my chosen career path.

Your personal statement is vital in ensuring you get the university place you want. Don’t take a chance with it. Secure your university place today!

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A Trainee’s Guide: Crafting a Personal Statement for Laboratory Medicine Fellowship Applications

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Ria C Fyffe-Freil, Joesph R Wiencek, A Trainee’s Guide: Crafting a Personal Statement for Laboratory Medicine Fellowship Applications, The Journal of Applied Laboratory Medicine , Volume 9, Issue 5, September 2024, Pages 1091–1094, https://doi.org/10.1093/jalm/jfae067

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There are many unique paths that can lead an individual to the field of laboratory medicine. For some, the profession may be a natural sequence from their current work or research, and for others, the trail might be much more challenging at first to locate. Common paths to the field usually fall into 2 categories: medical doctors (MD, DO, MBBS) and doctorate-degree holders (PhD, DCLS, etc.). For medical doctors, a pathology residency is completed; then subspecialization can be pursued. Doctoral trainees, on the other hand, may be required to use an online tool such as myIDP to explore scientific career options based on aptitude and values ( 1) or may uncover the field by word-of-mouth. Regardless of route, once a prospective trainee commits to a vocation in lab medicine, there is ultimately no reversing course. Fortunately, to help navigate prospective trainees through the process, there are countless individuals in academic, private, and industry job settings who are ready to inspire the next generation by paying it forward. In this laboratory reflection, the goal is to provide some practical advice for one of the most critical aspects of the process—the laboratory medicine fellowship application stage, specifically the personal statement (or letter of intent). And while this piece focuses on clinical chemistry fellowships (as this is what both authors completed), the personal statement “do’s and do not’s” apply more broadly to any clinical laboratory medicine fellowship. Of note, aside from clinical chemistry, there are clinical fellowship opportunities in microbiology, biochemical genetics, laboratory genetics and genomics, as well as clinical immunology/human leukocyte antigen specialties.

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Chemistry personal statement example 15.

Chemistry is in my opinion the most important of the sciences today. As a science of matter and its properties, Chemistry can be applied to almost any situation from forensics through medicine to environmental sustainability. It is this practical side of Chemistry that has made me want to study it at university. I am particularly interested in Organic Chemistry and I enjoy working out the outcomes of various reactions and naming the products with systematic nomenclature. Another aspect of Chemistry that I am interested in is Quantum Chemistry which has a strong overlap with some of my favourite modules of Physics. I am drawn to its often theoretical and experimental nature.

My studies in Geography and World Development have stimulated an interest in Green Chemistry. I feel that this is very important due to climate change and other environmental issues that affect us. Research in making processes more sustainable and less harmful to the environment is crucial to contributing to the future of planet.

I have gained the position of subject ambassador for Chemistry; which involves representing the Chemistry department during open evenings and helping out fellow classmates with their work. Within the open days I have demonstrated experiments to future students and their parents, helping them to understand the content of the course and whether they should take Chemistry as an A level subject. I have also been nominated by my school for the Oxford University chemist of the year award, due to my attitude and achievements. During my ISAs I demonstrated a strong practical ability and achieved full marks for my practical skills. This reflects my ability to work independently and my competence at handling lab apparatus. I also volunteer to help out in a chemistry lesson once a week; this is an excellent opportunity to help others and put my knowledge and expertise to practical use.

I am reading "The Problems of Chemistry" by W. Graham Richards and "The Consumers Good Chemical Guide" by John Emsley both of which have stimulated my interest in practical applications of Chemistry. Another book "Chemistry: Facts, Patterns and Principles" by W.R. Kneen adds to my general knowledge of Chemistry. I have also joined the Royal Society of Chemistry.

I have excelled at all of my chosen subjects and have demonstrated a commitment and ability to work above the average level in each one. For example during my GCSEs I was picked as one of the top ten geographers in my year to take an AS in World Development a year early. While taking my A2 in World Development last year I researched and wrote a report on a local wind farm. This project was a good opportunity to work on my own initiative and helped me develop important communication and analysis skills. I also represented Kenya in a Model UN General Assembly conference where I learned about other cultures and gained an insight into world politics.

My studies in Maths and Physics both provide me with subject matter, problem solving and calculating skills that support my primary interest in Chemistry. Outside school I have an enthusiasm for the sport of dog agility. My dogs and I have won many competitions and we have competed at Crufts and other major events. I also train and work with dogs for other people. This is a considerable responsibility, but one that I enjoy. I also have experience caring for a disabled child which has made me more mature.

In common with my friends, I enjoy music and travel. I have played the drums in several bands and have backpacked through a number of countries, including Brazil, Peru and Thailand. I hope to take advantage of the social opportunities at university as well as the academic ones.

In summary, my skills and experiences make me well suited to study Chemistry at university. I intend to tackle the course with the same determination and interest that I have shown to date and to make a significant contribution during my studies.

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This personal statement was written by bfraser for application in 2011.

bfraser's university choices The University of York Oxford University University of Southampton

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

Related Personal Statements

didnt u receive any offers?

Wed, 10/11/2010 - 06:07

very well donee :)))

Wed, 09/11/2011 - 20:49

oxford should have accepted you.

Mon, 13/02/2012 - 15:16

Develop the topic further! It is interesting to know more details..!!

aint half bad

Sun, 25/11/2012 - 15:18

Fri, 02/08/2013 - 16:47

Enjoyed every bit of your blog post.Really thank you! Awesome.

Did you get an interview?

Thu, 10/07/2014 - 22:30

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Illustration showing polarity in alcohols

Module Overview

This module uses simple alcohols as the primary examples to supplement the standard organic topics of physical properties, intramolecular forces, base stability, and an introduction to mechanism arrows. This module is designed to be taught in consecutive class periods of one week early in the Organic I term. Students need to be familiar with basic naming and hybridization. There are three units: 1) intramolecular forces, properties, and alcohol toxicity 2) acidity and the acid-base mechanism, and 3) biofuels: considering a system. These units also serve as a platform to introduce and reinforce the concepts of systems thinking, using Loopy to understand a plastic bag life cycle, a pro/con chart to choose a hand sanitizer, and evaluating biofuels sustainability. Acid/base chemistry is covered in class with a guided learning activity. Green chemistry principles of minimizing hazardous products and wastes are addressed in the properties unit, and awareness of the sustainability of reactants is addressed in the biofuels unit. UNSDG 3: Good health, 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, and 12: Responsible Consumption and Production are addressed throughout.

Module Goal

The goal of this module is to learn the acid-base mechanism and stability and to understand the structure, properties, and reactivity of alcohols as sustainable fuels and commercial products. Students will compare and evaluate the environmental impact, toxicity, and life cycle from source to the end-fate of alcohols obtained from bio-feedstocks vs. nonrenewable feedstocks.  Students will evaluate and develop systems diagrams for alcohol products and will connect them to the larger sustainability goals of UNSDG 3: Good health, 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, and 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. 

First-semester organic chemistry undergraduates

Class Time Requirement

Approximately three consecutive 50-minute class periods

Module Authors

Felicia A. Etzkorn, Virginia Tech; Jamie L. Ferguson, Emory & Henry College; Maggie B. Bump, Virginia Tech

Module Summary

Assumed prior knowledge.

Students should be able to demonstrate the following skills and concepts to successfully begin this module:

  • Familiarity with basic naming and hybridization

Special Resources

If instructor chooses to have students do Loopy systems diagram s in class, students will need laptops.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Understand molecular models of alcohol structures.
  • Predict trends in boiling point, flash point, and miscibility with water.
  • Evaluate how structure and physical properties affect toxicity and consumer applications.
  • Interpret and apply toxicity data to a consumer product using a systems thinking approach.
  • Use understanding of relative acidity to predict the major species found at equilibrium in a system of two acids.
  • Analyze utility, environmental impacts, and chemical limitations of biobased alcohols in consumer and industrial applications.

Unit Overview

Unit 1: alcohols: structure, properties, and toxicity.

Lecture (50 minutes): Introduction to Green Chemistry, Structure, Naming, and Models Properties of Alcohols: Polarity, Hydrogen Bonding, Boiling Point, Flash Point. 

In-class Activities: Flammability and Flambé; Toxicity of Alcohols; Hand Sanitizers Systems Thinking

Homework (15 minutes outside of class): Boiling Point Trends. Homework (20 min outside of class): Alcohol Toxicity

Unit 2: Hydrocarbons and Feedstocks

Guided Learning activity (50 minutes): Organic Acids and Bases: Relationship between Structure, pKa, and thermodynamic stability.

In-class Activity: Acidity Questions

Homework (40 minutes outside of class): Introduction to Alcohol Mechanisms and Reactions

Unit 3: Alcohols as Sustainable Fuels

Lecture (50 minutes): Alcohols as Sustainable Fuels

In-class Activity: Group Discussion Systems Thinking Approach to Assess Biofuel Sustainability

Homework (30 minutes outside of class): Discussion forum: Alcohols as biofuels. Homework (60 min outside of class): Are alcohol solvents the answer?

Download Module

Alcohols  Includes:

  • Module Overview Document
  • Formative Assessments
  • Summative Assessments

This module references the following  UN Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs):

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being

Related Resources

Learn about the Green Chemistry Teaching & Learning Community

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About the Green Chemistry Module Project

The ACS Green Chemistry Instiute has partnered with chemistry instructors from over 45 institutions to develop green chemistry education resources for undergraduate students studying general and organic chemistry.

Contact the ACS Green Chemistry Institute

  gci@acs.org   +1 202-872-6102 or 1-800-227-5558, ext. 6102

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    Keep it specific and keep it personal. "When writing your personal statement for chemistry courses, avoid sweeping statements like 'chemistry is the stuff of life' and focus instead on what makes you passionate about chemistry," says David Robinson, chemistry admissions tutor at Nottingham Trent University. "To be successful in chemistry ...

  18. Chemistry Personal Statement Example 2

    Chemistry Personal Statement Example 2. Science is not just a subject taken in school, or a body of knowledge; it is a state of mind as well - always inquisitive and wondering. As a child, the world around me constantly captivated me and inspired questions, and I found delight in having my questions answered, always wanting to learn more ...

  19. Successful Personal Statement For Natural Science At Cambridge

    With some shortening, this would be a compact and powerful statement. This Personal Statement for Natural Science is a solid example of demonstrating a wealth of knowledge, motivation and interest, vital to Admissions Tutors. Remember, at Cambridge, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so ...

  20. Graduate School Personal Statement

    Criteria for Success. Your personal statement convinces a faculty committee that you are qualified for their program. It convinces them that you a good fit for their program's focus and goals. You show a select group of skills and experiences that convey your scientific accomplishments and interests. Your experiences are concrete and ...

  21. Chemistry Personal Statement

    To get a custom-written personal statement, just complete the order form and we will write an original personal statement, based specifically on the information you give us, which will never be published or resold. I have been greatly fascinated by chemistry since my first exposure to the Periodic Table of Elements.

  22. A Trainee's Guide: Crafting a Personal Statement for Laboratory

    And while this piece focuses on clinical chemistry fellowships (as this is what both authors completed), the personal statement "do's and do not's" apply more broadly to any clinical laboratory medicine fellowship. Of note, aside from clinical chemistry, there are clinical fellowship opportunities in microbiology, biochemical genetics ...

  23. Chemistry Personal Statement Example 15

    Chemistry Personal Statement Example 15. Chemistry is in my opinion the most important of the sciences today. As a science of matter and its properties, Chemistry can be applied to almost any situation from forensics through medicine to environmental sustainability. It is this practical side of Chemistry that has made me want to study it at ...

  24. Chemistry Personal Statement 2

    PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Chemistry Personal Statement . Submitted by Filiz. All Chemistry Statements Search Chemistry Courses . Get a gold-standard education at Leicester University (REF 2023). Gain hands-on experience, transferable skills, and exciting career prospects with a degree in Chemistry.

  25. Alcohols: Green Chemistry Module

    This module uses simple alcohols as the primary examples to supplement the standard organic topics of physical properties, intramolecular forces, base stability, and an introduction to mechanism arrows. It is designed to be taught in consecutive class periods of one week early in the Organic I term.