
How Do Drones Work And What Is Drone Technology

Drone technology used in various popular Quadcopters

What is a drone and how do drones work is answered here in this easy to understand article. UAV drone technology is constantly evolving as new innovation and big investment are bringing more advanced drones to the market every few months.

Below, we discuss UAV technology on the most popular drones on the market, which have all the latest drone technology.  Most UAV drones will have very similar systems incorporated.

Also included is the latest list of top drones with cameras on the market right now.

Unmanned aerial vehicle technology covers everything from the aerodynamics of the drone, materials in the manufacture of the physical UAV, to the circuit boards, chipset and software, which are the brains of the drone.

One of the most popular drones on the market is the DJI Phantom series.  These drones are very popular with professional aerial cinematographers.

This Phantom UAVs are ideal to explain drone technology because they have everything in one package.  It includes the UAV, gimbal and camera. They also have some of the top drone technology on the market today.

In the past few months, more new and highly advanced drones such as the DJI Mavic Mini, Mavic 2, Mavic Air 2, Phantom 4 Pro V2.0, Yuneec Typhoon H3 and Autel Evo 2 have come to the market.

The fast pace of UAV drone technological innovation is tremendous.  I’ve included these latest drone technology advancements in the below article.  So this article is right up to date including all links.

How Drones Work

A typical unmanned aircraft is made of light composite materials to reduce weight and increase maneuverability. This composite material strength allows military drones to cruise at extremely high altitudes.

UAV drones are equipped with different state of the art technology such as infrared cameras, GPS and laser (consumer, commercial and military UAV). Drones are controlled by remote ground control systems (GSC) and also referred to as a ground cockpit.

An unmanned aerial vehicle system has two parts, the drone itself and the control system.

The nose of the unmanned aerial vehicle is where all the sensors and navigational systems are present. The rest of the body is full of drone technology systems since there is no space required to accommodate humans.

The engineering materials used to build the drone are highly complex composites designed to absorb vibration, which decrease the sound produced. These materials are very light weight.

What Is A Drone And UAV Technology

Below we examine the science and drone technology behind the DJI Phantom UAV.  We also have plenty of information on the latest drone technologies from the newest drones on the market.

There are plenty of links, where you can read deeper into various components of drone technology. For example, here is a terrific drone components overview article.  This gives information on the individual components seen in most drones.

Drone Types And Sizes

UAV drones come in a wide variety of sizes, with the largest being mostly used for military purposes such as the Predator drone . The next in size are unmanned aircraft, which have fixed wings and require short runways.  These are generally used to cover large sections of land, working in areas such as geographical surveying or to combat wildlife poaching.

VTOL Drones

Next in size for drones are what is known as VTOL drones.  These are generally quadcopters but not all. VTOL drones can take off, fly, hover and land vertically. The exact meaning of VTOL is “Vertical Take-Off and Landing”.

Quite a few of the latest small UAV drones such as the DJI Mavic Air 2  take VTOL to the next level and can be launched from the palm of your hand.

Radar Positioning & Return Home

The latest drones have dual Global Navigational Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as GPS and GLONASS.

Drones can fly in both GNSS and non satellite modes.  For example, DJI drones can fly in P-Mode (GPS & GLONASS) or ATTI mode, which doesn’t use GPS.

Highly accurate drone navigation is very important when flying, especially in drone applications such as creating 3D maps, surveying landscape and SAR (Search & Rescue) missions.

When the quadcopter is first switched on, it searches and detects GNSS satellites. High end GNSS systems use Satellite Constellation technology. Basically, a satellite constellation is a group of satellites   working together giving coordinated coverage and are synchronized, so that they overlap well in coverage. Pass or coverage is the period in which a satellite is visible above the local horizon.

UAV Drone GNSS On Ground Station Remote Controller

The radar technology will signal the following on the remote controller display;

  • Signal that enough drone GNSS satellites have been detected and the drone is ready to fly
  • Display the current position and location  of the drone in relation to the pilot
  • Record the home point for ‘Return To Home’ safety feature

Most of the latest UAVs have 3 types of Return to Home drone technology as follows;

  • Pilot initiated return to home by pressing button on Remote Controller or in an app
  • A low battery level, where the UAV will fly automatically back to the home point
  • Loss of contact between the UAV and Remote Controller, with the UAV flying back automatically to its home point

The latest Mavic Air 2 technology can sense obstacles during automatic return to home.

Obstacle Detection And Collision Avoidance Technology

The latest high tech drones are now equipped with collision avoidance systems. These use obstacle detection sensors to scan the surroundings, while software algorithms and SLAM technology produce the images into 3D maps allowing the drone to sense and avoid.  These systems fuse one or more of the following sensors to sense and avoid;

  • Vision Sensor
  • Time of Flight (ToF)
  • Monocular Vision

The DJI Mavic 2 Pro and Mavic 2 Zoom have obstacle sensing on all 6 sides. The Mavic 2 uses both Vision and Infrared sensors fused into a vision system known as omni-directional Obstacle Sensing.

The DJI Mavic 2 obstacle sensing system is top drone technology.  The Mavic 2 will sense objects, then fly around obstacles in front. It can do the same when flying backwards. Or hover if it is not possible to fly around the obstacle.

This technology is known as APAS (Advanced Pilot Assistance System) on the DJI Mavic 2 and Mavic Air drones.

In December 2019, the Skydio 2 drone was released. This also has obstacle avoidance on all sides.

The Skydio 2 autonomy technology visualizes and calculates what’s happening around the drone. It can then intelligently predict what will happen next and will make accurate decisions multiple times a second.

The Skydio 2 quadcopter uses 6 x 4k cameras to build a 3D map of its surroundings, which will include trees, people, animals, cars, buildings and more.

Gyroscope Stabilization, IMU And Flight Controllers

Gyro stabilization technology give the UAV drone its smooth flight capabilities.

The gyroscope works almost instantly to the forces moving against the drone, keeping it flying or hovering very smoothly.  The gyroscope provides essential navigational information to the central flight controller.

The inertial measurement unit (IMU) works by detecting the current rate of acceleration using one or more accelerometers. The IMU detects changes in rotational attributes like pitch, roll and yaw using one or more gyroscopes.  Some IMU include a magnetometer to assist with calibration against orientation drift.

The Gyroscope is a component of the IMU and the IMU is an essential component of the drones flight controller. The flight controller is the central brain of the drone.

Here is a terrific article, which covers gyro stabilization and IMU technology  in drones.

UAV Drone Propulsion Technology

The propulsion system (motors, electronic speed controllers and propellers) are the drone technology, which move the UAV into the air and to fly in any direction or hover.  On a quadcopter, the motors and propellers work in pairs with 2 motors / propellers rotating clockwise (CW Propellers) and 2 motors rotating Counter Clockwise (CCW Propellers).

They receive data from the flight controller and the electronic speed controllers (ESC) on the drone motor direction to either fly or hover.

Top UAV drone motors and propulsion systems are highly advanced and include the following components;

  • Motor Stator
  • Motor Bell (rotor)
  • Cooling System
  • Electronic Speed Controllers
  • ESC Updater

The Electronic Speed Controllers signal to the drone motors information on speed, braking and also provide monitoring and fault tolerance on the drone motors.

For more information, read this article on how drone motors and propulsion system work , which includes very informative videos.

Realtime Telemetry Flight Parameters

Nearly all drones have a Ground Station Controller (GSC) or a smartphone app, allowing you to fly the drone and to keep track of the current flight telemetry. Telemetry data showing on the remote controller  many include UAV range, height, speed, GNSS strength, remaining battery power and warnings.

Many UAV drone ground controllers use FPV (First Person View), which transmit the video from the drone to the controller or mobile device.

No Fly Zone Drone Technology

In order to increase flight safety and prevent accidents in restricted areas, the latest drones from DJI and other manufacturers include a “No Fly Zone” feature.

The no fly zones are regulated and categorized by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA).  Manufacturers can change the no fly zone drone technology using UAV firmware updates.

GPS Ready To Fly Mode Drone Technology

When the compass is calibrated, it then seeks the location of GPS satellites. When more than 6 are found, it allows the drone to fly in “Ready To Fly” Mode.

Internal Compass & Failsafe Function

Allows the UAV drone and remote control system to know exactly its flight location. A home point can be set and this is the location the drone will return to, if the drone and the remote control system stop connecting. This is also known as “fail-safe function”.

FPV Live Video Transmission Drone Technology

FPV means “ First Person View ”. A video camera is mounted on the unmanned aerial vehicle and this camera broadcasts the live video to the pilot on the ground.  The ground pilot is flying the aircraft as if they were on-board the aircraft instead of looking at the aircraft from the pilot’s actual ground position.

FPV allows the unmanned aircraft to fly much higher and further than you can from looking at the aircraft from the ground.  First Person View allows for more precise flying especially around obstacles.

FPV allows unmanned aerial vehicles to fly very easily indoors, or through forests and around buildings.

The exceptionally fast growth and development of the drone racing league would not be possible without FPV live video transmission technology.

This FPV technology uses radio signal to transmit and receive the live video.

The drone has a multi-band wireless FPV transmitter built in along with an antenna.  Depending on the drone, the receiver of the live video signals can be either the remote control unit, a computer, tablet or smartphone device.

Ad: Check out this superb DJI Mavic Mini deal on Amazon.

This live video feed is related to the strength of the signal between the ground control on the drone.

The DJI Mavic 2 has an FPV live video range of 5 miles (8 km) with a 1080p quality video transmission.

Other, slightly older UAV drones such as the DJI Mavic and Phantom 4 Pro, can transmit live video up to 4.3 miles (7 km).  The Phantom 4 Pro and Inspire 2 use the latest DJI Lightbridge 2 transmission system.

Drones such as the DJI Mavic use integrated controllers and intelligent algorithms to set a new standard for wireless high definition image transmission by lowering latency and increasing maximum range and reliability.

Live video and maximizing the range of the transmission is fascinating drone technology. Here is a tremendous article entitled “ Understanding FPV Live Video Transmission “.

FPV Over 4G / LTE Networks

In 2016, a new live video, which transmits over the 4G / LTE network, providing an unlimited range and low latency video was announced. This drone technology was released on the Sky Drone FPV 2  and comprises of a camera module, a data module and a 4G / LTE modem.

Firmware And Flight Assistant Port

The flight control system communicates with a PC Assistant through a micro-USB cable. This allows configuration of the UAV and to upgrade the drone firmware.

A very simple description of a UAV drone is that it is a flying computer with a camera or sensor attached. Like computers, drones have firmware software, which send commands to the physical components in the aircraft or remote controller.

Drone manufacturers release firmware upgrades to fix bugs and add new features to the aircraft, remote control unit or software if it is used to fly the drone.

LED Flight Indicators

These are found at the front and the rear of the drone. Generally, drone LEDs will be green, yellow or red.

The front LED indicators light up to indicate the nose of the UAV.

The rear LEDs flight indicators light up to indicate the various status of the drone when power on, getting a firmware upgrade and flying.

It is a good to understand what the flashing LEDs on your quadcopter indicate.

All drones come with a user manual, which list what each type of flashing LED mean.

Remote Control Drone Technology

UAV Remote Control System

On the DJI Phantom 3, this is the wireless communication device using the 5.8 GHz frequency band. Remote controls systems are also known as ground control. The drone and the ground control should already be paired when it leaves the factory.

UAV Remote Control Receiver  

The location of the 5.8 GHz receiver technology link button is under the UAV.

Almost, all the latest drones can use 2.4 or 5.8 GHz operating frequencies.

Range Extender UAV Technology

This is a wireless communication device which generally operate within the 2.4 GHz frequency. It is used to extend the range of communication between the smartphone or tablet and the drone in an open unobstructed area.

Transmission distance can reach up to 700 meters. Each range extender has a unique MAC address and network name (SSID).

The latest DJI drones out of the box can fly with a range of up to 5 miles (8 km).

Older drones from the other top manufacturers can’t fly as far as DJI drones.  However, products such as range extenders are very popular, which can push the distance even further.

Smartphone App Featuring Ground Station Function

Most of the UAV drones today can be flown by a remote controller or from a smartphone app, which can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store. The app allows for full control of the drone.

Each manufacturer will have their own app such as the Go 4 app from DJI.

Drones With High Performance Camera

The latest drones from DJI, Walkera, Yuneec and other manufacturers now include cameras, which can shoot film in 4k video and can take 12 megapixel stills.

The earlier drones used cameras, which were not fully suitable for aerial filming.  These aerial shots had barrel distortion because of the wide angle lens.

However, the latest 4k video drones such as DJI Mavic series, DJI Inspire 1, Phantom 3 Professional and Phantom 4 have a camera which is specifically designed for aerial filming and photography.

The best drone for professional aerial filming is the DJI Inspire 2 mounted with the DJI Zenmuse X7 camera.  The Inspire 2 image processing system CineCore 2.1, records video at up to 6k in CinemaDNG/RAW and 5.2k in Apple ProRes when used with the Zenmuse X7 camera.

The Inspire 2 is used by Hollywood producers. In fact, the Inspire 2 filmed all aerial and ground shots in a short film called The Circle with cinematic quality.

Drones With Zoom Cameras

In the past few years, a number of integrated gimbals with optical and digital zoom came to the market.

DJI released the Zenmuse Z3, which is an integrated aerial zoom camera and is optimized for still photography.  The Zenmuse Z3, which had a 7 x zoom made up of 3.5 x optical and 2x digital lossless zoom creating a 22 to 77 mm equivalent focal length range, making it ideal for industrial applications.

DJI later released the Zenmuse Z30 camera. This powerful Zenmuse Z30 is an integrated aerial zoom camera has a 30 x optical and 6 x digital zoom for a total magnification up to 180 x.

Ad: Check out this superb DJI Mavic 2 Zoom deal on Amazon.

This allows for more industrial uses such as inspecting cell towers or wind turbines to get a very detailed look at structures, wires, modules and components to detect damage. The Zenmuse is compatible with DJI Matrice range of drones.

The Walkera Voyager 4 comes with an incredible 18 x zoom camera.  The 18 times optical zoom camera on the Voyager 4 has unobstructed 360 degree filming.  It can film in 4k at 30 frames per second. The  high definition image transmission system uses a 3-axis brushless stabilization gimbal technology.

Walkera have also released their latest Voyager 5 . This has an incredible 30x optical zoom camera.

The Voyager 5 includes redundancy systems such as dual GPS, dual gyroscope and 3 battery systems. It also has optional thermal infrared and low light night vision camera.

Gimbals & Tilt Control

Gimbal technology is vital to capture quality aerial photos, film or 3D imagery.

The gimbal allows the camera to tilt while in flight, creating unique angles.  More importantly, the gimbal reduces camera vibration. These are mostly 3 axis stabilized gimbals with 2 working modes. Non-FPV mode and FPV mode.

Practically all the latest drones have integrated gimbals and cameras.  The leader in aerial gimbal technology is DJI with their Zenmuse range.  You can read further on  drone gimbal design here .

Cinematography Drones Without Gimbals

At CES a few years back, a company called Ambarella announced the H22 chip for cameras in drones. This H22 chip allows the camera to film in 4k HD video and includes electronic image stabilization, removing the camera gimbal.

Drones With Sensors To Create 3D Maps And Models Using Sensor Fusion

Lidar , Multispectral and Photogrammetry sensors are being used to build 3D models of buildings and landscapes.  Low light night vision and Thermal vision sensors are being used on drones to  scan buildings and landscapes to assist in agriculture, firefighting, search and rescue.

Drones can carry different sensors with the software combining the data together for better results.  This technology is known as sensor fusion and works as follows;

Sensor fusion is software, which intelligently combines data from several different sensors such as a thermal camera and a regular RGB camera sensor for the purpose of improving application or system performance. Combining data from multiple sensors corrects the errors from individual sensors to calculate accurate position and orientation information.

For example, multispectral sensors on drones can create Digital Elevation Maps (DEMS) of land areas to provide precision data on the health of crops, flowers, fauna, shrubs and trees.

In 2016, drones using Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors came on the market.  ToF sensors, also known as “Flash Lidar” can be used on their own or with RGB and regular lidar sensors to provide various solutions across the sectors.

ToF depth ranging camera sensors can be used for object scanning, indoor navigation, obstacle avoidance, gesture recognition, tracking objects, measure volumes, reactive altimeters, 3D photography, augmented reality games and much more.

Flash lidar Time-of-Flight cameras have a huge advantage over other technologies, as it is able to measure distances to objects within a complete scene in a single shot.

For lidar and photogrammetry mapping, the UAV is programmed to fly over an area autonomously, using waypoint navigation. The camera on the drone will take photographs at 0.5 or 1 second intervals. These photos are then stitched together using specialized photogrammetry software to create the 3D images.

DroneDeploy is one of the leaders in the creation of 3D mapping software.  Their mobile app and Live Map is being used in various sectors for creating 3D maps and models. They have a specialized solution for the agriculture sector and their software will work with most of the latest drones.

Capturing high resolution images on a stabilized drone is very important. Using top photogrammetry software to process the images into real maps and models is just as important.  Some of the top drone mapping software is as follows;

  • DroneDeploy 3D Mapping Solutions
  • Pix4D Mapper Photogrammetry Software
  • AutoDesk ReCap Photogrammetry Software
  • Maps Made Easy – Orthophoto and 3D Models
  • 3DF Zephyr Photogrammetry Software
  • Agisoft PhotoScan Photogrammetry Software
  • PrecisionHawk Precision Mapper / Viewer
  • Open Drone Map
  • ESRI Drone2Map For ArcGIS

You can read a review on the above drone mapping software in this article on best photogrammetry software for 3D maps .

Anti-Drop Kit

Helps to keep the stabilizer and camera connected to the unmanned aircraft.

Video Editing Software

Having an excellent quality video software is essential for post processing. Most of the latest drones can film in Adobe DNG raw, which mean that all the original image information is retained for later processing.

Operating Systems In Drone Technology

Most unmanned aircraft use Linux and a few MS Windows.  The Linux Foundation have a project launched in 2014 called the Dronecode project.

The Dronecode Project is an open source, collaborative project which brings together existing and future open source unmanned aerial vehicle projects under a nonprofit structure governed by The Linux Foundation. The result is a common, shared open source platform for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV).

Drone Security And Hacking

UAV drones in many ways are like flying computers.  With an operating system, flight controllers and main boards with programmable code, they can also be hacked into.  Drones have been developed to fly around seeking other drones and hacking into the drones wireless network, disconnecting the owner and take over that drone.  However, there is some practical ways to protect your drone from hackers.

Latest Top Technology Drones With Camera

DJI have a huge command of the consumer and professional drone market.  Here are the latest advanced UAV drones with patented technologies are the following;

  • DJI Mavic Air 2 – Latest small sized professional drone.  Super HDR photos and video. Incredible APAS obstacle detection and avoidance and Intelligent Flight Modes
  • Autel Evo 2 – Latest drone with 3 choices of camera including an 8k, a 6k or a Dual 8k with FLIR thermal camera. In production now and will soon be in dealers
  • Skydio 2 – One of the best tracking drones in it’s price range
  • DJI Mavic Mini – Best micro drone on the market. Weighs just 249 grams (8.78 ounces) and can film in 2.7k (2720 × 1530 at /25/30p)
  • DJI Mavic 2 – Available as a Pro and Zoom model.  Both have 4k cameras and include collision avoidance on all sides
  • DJI Mavic 2 Enterprise (M2E) – Zoom or Thermal camera models. Includes special accessories such as a beacon, spotlights and loudspeaker. Designed specifically for search and rescue or similar work
  • DJI Phantom 4 Pro V2.0 – with “Vision” collision avoidance technology. Multi purpose drone including 4k aerial filming, photography and photogrammetry
  • DJI Inspire 2 – Patented design and motors.  Multi purpose drone for professional 5k aerial filming, photography, photogrammetry, multispectral and thermal imaging
  • Yuneec Typhoon H Pro – uses the patented Intel “Realsense” collision avoidance technology. Great for professional aerial photography and filming
  • Walkera Voyager 5 – This latest drone from Walkera is tremendous. Camera options include 30x optical zoom, thermal infrared and also a low light night vision camera
  • Walkera Vitus Starlight – latest small sized consumer drone from Walkera featuring collision avoidance sensors and a low light night vision camera
  • DJI Matrice 600 – This commercial multirotor is an true aerial cinematography platform with options to mount 7 different Zenmuse cameras
  • DJI Matrice 200 Commercial Quadcopter – Redundancy with dual battery, IMU and Satellite navigation systems.  You can mount 2 cameras under the quadcopter (e.g thermal and zoom camera). Also, mount a camera on top of Matrice 200, which makes surveying of bridges real easy.  The Matrice 200 has 6 directions of collision avoidance using ToF laser, Ultrasonic and Vision sensors

Intelligent Flight Systems

All these latest drones have intelligent flight controllers and modes such as Follow Me, Active Tracking, Waypoints, Return To Home and others.  The Phantom 4 Pro from DJI has the most autonomous intelligent flight modes of any drone.  The Phantom 4 Pro has the following intelligent flight modes;

  • Active Track (Profile, Spotlight, Circle)
  • Draw Waypoints
  • Terrain Follow Mode
  • Tripod Mode
  • Gesture Mode
  • S-Mode (Sport)
  • P-Mode (Position)
  • A-Mode (Attitude)
  • Beginner Mode
  • Course Lock
  • Obstacle Avoidance

Drones For Tracking

One of the most exciting drone technologies is the ability to track subjects (people, vehicles, boats), particularly in the area of outdoor sports such as running, cycling, skiing etc.  The latest drones with excellent tracking abilities is the Mavic 2 and also the latest Skydio 2 where it’s tracking is so good that it never loses contact with the subject it is tracking.

These drones uses their vision systems, detection sensors, GNSS systems, flight controllers, central processing and specific software to be able to track their subject with 100 accuracy.

There are many different technologies used to track drones and you can read further on the best follow you drones here along with their tracking systems.

Drones have so many terrific uses.  When you mount a camera or sensor such as LiDAR, Thermal, ToF or Multispectral, then the range of uses for drones keeps expanding.  Here is an excellent list of drone uses .

Over the coming years, drones will transform our cities, revolutionizing how people travel, how goods are delivered and how buildings look and are constructed.

Learning To Build And Code Drones

There are terrific drones, drone kits, along with online material, which show you how to build and code UAVs.  There are lots of programming languages, which are very easy to learn such as Scratch, Swift, Blockly and Tynker to code a drone. You can also program drones using text based languages such as Python and JavaScript.

There are various applications, which allow you to configure components of drones such as calibration of the IMU and the rotation of the drone motors.

These educational drones are very reasonably priced and have everything to build and code a drone.  You can learn about these top educational drones here .

Top Drone Technology Videos 

Below I have 2 videos which explain more about drone technology.  The first video is by top UAV scientist Raffaello D’Andrea who gives us a terrific understanding of the software science behind UAV technology.  He discusses the science of algorithms, control theory and model based design.

Military Drones

MQ-1B Predator and MQ-9 Reaper Military Drone

Two medium sized military drones, which are currently in use are the MQ-1B Predator and the MQ-9 Reaper .  These were widely used in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

The most expensive with the highest drone technology is the RQ-4 Global Hawk , manufactured by Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and L3 Comm.  It has an approximate price of USD 100 million.

The RQ-4 Global Hawk is a high altitude, long-endurance unmanned aircraft system with an integrated sensor suite, which provides intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capabilities worldwide.

Here is an excellent article, which covers the top 10 military drones with many of the top military drones being manufactured by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems.

Personally, I am much more fascinated by the drone technology and its uses in everyday life to assist with saving lives in search and rescue, site surveying by many  sectors, aerial cinematography or just to fly for fun by the hobbyist.

Up to a few years ago, much of the technology from military drones made their way into the consumer and business drones.

In the past few years, we have seen massive investment in drones especially in the business and consumer drone sector. Drone technology and innovation has really leaped forwarded in the past few years.

This last video is a quick look around the RQ-4 Global Hawk military ISR drone.

  • Top drone reviews
  • Terrific drone use across many sectors
  • Latest drone technology and innovation
  • Aerial photography tips and knowledge
  • Aerial filming tips and knowledge
  • Beautiful scenic aerial drone videos
  • Drone Company Interviews
  • Latest UAV news from the top websites

What Is a Drone?

presentation about drones

Drone Technology

A drone refers to an aerial vehicle that receives remote commands from a pilot or relies on software for autonomous flight. Many drones display features like cameras for collecting visual data and propellers for stabilizing their flight patterns. Sectors like videography, search and rescue, agriculture and transportation have adopted drone technology.

drone in sunset

Drone Definition

A drone, also called an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), is a broad term that refers to an aircraft that operates autonomously or by remote control, with no pilot on board. Drones are usually small-or-medium-sized, and these ‘flying robots’ can carry out a wide range of tasks, from stealth military operations to package delivery to aerial photography.

UAV Meaning

Another name for drones is unmanned aerial vehicle, which is an aircraft that doesn’t require a pilot to be physically onboard. UAVs are often separated into two categories — civilian and military. While civilian UAVs are used for package deliveries and recreation, military drones are used for reconnaissance missions and aerial combat.

What Are Drones Used For?

Drone technology has become a greater part of everyday life due to its increasing complexity. Here are a few ways drones are used today.  

Photography and Videography

Drones have been a boon for photographers who use UAVs to take expansive aerial photos . There are drones made specifically for photography that provide a new way to photograph some of your favorite city skyline, beach or building from high above. Drones can also be used to record videos for sporting events, films and virtual real estate tours, providing footage from unprecedented vantage points to enhance the viewing experience. 

Delivery Services

Delivery drones are UAVs used to transport food, packages or goods to your front doorstep. These flying vehicles are known as “last mile” delivery drones because they are used to make deliveries from stores or warehouses close by. Retailers and grocery chains all over the country are turning to drones as a more efficient delivery alternative, instead of relying on delivery drivers with inefficient trucks.

Search and Rescue

Sometimes it’s not safe enough to send humans into a rescue situation , due to the scope or severity of the disaster. That’s where drones come in. In the case of a capsized boat or drowning individual, officials can throw an autonomous underwater vehicle into the water to assist in the rescue. If there’s an avalanche, drones are deployed to look for those caught in the snow .


Drones have proven to be beneficial to the agriculture industry as well, presenting farmers with several ways to optimize their farms to maximize efficiency and reduce physical strain. Carrying out field surveys, seeding over fields, tracking livestock and estimating crop yield are all made easier through the use of UAVs while saving agriculture professionals valuable time.


Both local law enforcement and military personnel can operate more effectively with the help of drones. Police can use drones to monitor events, record and preserve video evidence of traffic violations and recreate crime scenes through mapping analysis. Meanwhile, military personnel can apply drone technology to track enemy soldiers’ locations, conducting more focused attacks and refining their strategies.   

Personal Use

Thanks to lower costs, drones are much more accessible to the average consumer. Anyone can use drones for recreational use, like taking pictures for personal use or practicing flying a drone in a park. In addition, pilots must follow recreational regulations and ensure they have any required certifications before flying a drone for fun.     

Wildlife Monitoring

Drones are a cheaper and more efficient alternative to wildlife conservation. Tracking wildlife populations is nearly impossible with humans on the ground. Having an eye-in-the-sky allows wildlife conservationists to track roaming groups of animals and get a better idea of the health of their species and ecosystems. Drones are also being used for reforestation efforts all over the world.

3D Modeling

LiDAR drones come outfitted with LiDAR sensors, which survey landscapes and compile in-depth data that can be used to build 3D models. Drones equipped with LiDAR can present far more accurate data than drones without the technology.

Military Operations

The British and U.S. militaries started using very basic forms of drones in the early 1940s to spy on enemies. Today’s drones are much more advanced than the UAVs of yesteryear, equipped with thermal imaging, laser range finders and even tools to perform airstrikes.

Types of Drones

There are several different types of drones , each tailored to the unique demands of different industries. For instance, some people require lightweight drones to hold a camera for photography, while others need robust drones to transport heavy medical supplies.

Multi-Rotor Drones

Multi-rotor drones have several propellers that push wind downward to vertically lift off the ground. Multi-rotor drones are probably the most accessible drones available to the public, since they are easy to control and maneuver during flight. Some multi-rotor drones are ideal for beginner pilots as well, leading to them being an affordable option in the drone market.

Single-Rotor Drones

Single-rotor drones look like tiny helicopters, with one central propeller attached to its frame. They can be powered by gas or electricity, and are usually used to transport heavier objects, including LiDAR systems, that can be used to survey land, research storms and map erosion caused by global warming.

Fixed-Wing Drones

Fixed-wing drones look like normal airplanes, where the wings provide the lift instead of rotors. Since these drones are usually much larger, they need to take off and land on runways just as airplanes do. Fixed-wing UAVs are used by the military to carry out strikes, by scientists to carry large amounts of equipment and even by nonprofits to deliver food and other goods to areas that are hard to reach.

Fixed-Wing Hybrid VTOL Drones

Fixed-wing hybrid vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) drones blend the best of fixed-wing and rotary drone models — they can take off and land vertically but then fly horizontally. Companies take advantage of this combination, relying on fixed-wing hybrid VTOL drones to further cut down on delivery times while offering a more versatile flight experience.

Other Common Types of Drones

Drones companies have responded to the demand for drones in specific sectors as well. Below are some more popular types of drone technology designed for various scenarios:

  • Underwater remotely operated vehicles
  • Combat drones
  • Delivery drones
  • Endurance drones
  • Racing drones
  • Reconnaissance drones

How Do Drones Work?

In order to fly, drones rely on a combination of hardware and software components. They are often equipped with rotors, propellers or fixed wings, sensors and cameras, navigation systems (GPS) and gyroscopes for stability.

Additionally, some of the most critical components of drone technology are its ground control station (GCS), payload and data links.  Ground control stations are the hardware and software setups that allow drone operators to communicate with a drone from the ground. The GCS can be user controlled or operated via satellites. Drones are often capable of carrying payloads , which can range from life-saving medication to Amazon packages.  Data links act as the transmission center that allow the drone to communicate with the ground operator while in flight.

drone carrying package

Future of Drone Technology

The global drone market is set to exceed $101 billion by 2032. While lower costs and more clear-cut regulations have made drones a viable option for individuals and businesses, technological innovation is perhaps the main driver behind the spread of drones.

Advances in Drone Technology

Drones have become much more complex with the help of other technologies. By equipping drones with AI and machine learning , they have achieved greater autonomy and the ability to complete more difficult tasks. Combining drone and IoT technology has also resulted in drones that can share data in real time with other drones and human operators. 

With increased intelligence and connectivity , it’s become possible to coordinate the movements of many drones at once. This powers what’s known as ‘drone swarms,’ which are capable of performing light shows as an alternative to fireworks. Enhanced drones can also make a meaningful impact in different industries:

  • Healthcare: Drones could assess accident and emergency scenes and share data with first responders to help them reduce their response times and save lives.  
  • Energy: Drones could survey infrastructure and equipment, reporting any damages or flaws for engineers to fix.
  • Search and rescue: Drones could map out environments and predict where disasters like avalanches and rockslides could occur, keeping travelers safe.
  • Weather forecasting: Drones could be flown into storms, tornadoes and other severe weather events to inform forecasting and safety response practices. 
  • Aerospace: Drones could aid in scanning other planets and celestial objects, with NASA planning to send a drone to Saturn’s moon Titan in 2028.    

Challenges in Drone Technology

The very developments that have made drones more complex have also created a new set of concerns for the future of drone technology.

Drones being flown in residential areas could capture private information , and the ability to instantly share this data with other drones and human operators poses another risk to data privacy . Even though the FAA has established drone regulations, these are still evolving and may not do enough to encourage ethical and transparent drone usage.

The application of drones in warfare has also ramped up, with the Russia-Ukraine war being labeled the “ first full-scale drone war .” Drone weaponry could soon become even more lethal with the introduction of swarm technology . While a single drone can be shot down easily, swarms of drones are far more difficult to defend against.

It’s how drones are used that could turn the technology into a danger for everyday individuals. If regulations don’t do enough to promote the responsible use of drones, the general public may lose trust and reject drone technology as a whole.

agriculture drone spraying fertilizer

Drone Regulations

General drone regulations.

The proliferation of drones has led the U.S. government to take a stronger stance on regulating its airspace. These are the FAA regulations that apply to drones in all contexts:  

  • Drones must weigh no more than 55 pounds. 
  • Drones must be registered with the FAA.
  • Drones must follow remote ID rules, except in FAA-recognized identification areas .
  • Drones must avoid ‘ no drone zones ,’ which can be viewed with the B4UFLY service .
  • Drones must abide by any additional airspace restrictions .
  • Drones must be flown no higher than 400 feet.  
  • Drones must be kept in the line of sight of the pilot or an observer. 
  • Drones must make way for other aircraft to maximize safety.  

Drone Regulations for Recreational Use

Recreational use means no compensation or professional services are involved. Even if someone is unpaid but offers to take photos for a nonprofit or volunteer organization, this still counts as non-recreational. Besides the typical guidelines, there are a few extra rules those using drones recreationally must adhere to: 

  • Pilots must take the TRUST test and carry proof of passing. 
  • Drones must be registered and have the registration number marked on them.
  • Drones must be flown only for personal use (no compensation or services involved). 
  • Drones must follow FAA-recognized community-based organization rules . 
  • Drones must not affect other aircraft and the national airspace system.    

Drone Regulations for Commercial Use

Those looking to become certified remote pilots or who want to fly drones commercially must meet a separate set of standards in addition to the general guidelines:

  • Pilots must follow Part 107 under federal regulations. 
  • Qualified individuals must pass the knowledge test.
  • Those seeking a remote pilot certificate must complete form 8710-13.  
  • Pilots must register their drones and mark them with their registration details.

Drone Regulations for International Operators

Non-citizens are allowed to fly drones in the U.S. as well, whether they’re merely visiting or establishing business operations. In addition to following U.S. rules for recreational and commercial drone use, international flyers must also abide by these rules: 

  • Pilots must register their drones or submit a notice of identification if their drone is registered outside the U.S.  
  • Recreational users must follow the guidelines for community-based organizations. 
  • Recreational users must visit the FAADroneZone portal and complete the necessary steps. 
  • Commercial users must follow Part 375 under U.S. Department of Transportation regulations. 
  • Commercial users must follow the typical rules for commercial flying. 
  • Commercial users must possess a foreign aircraft permit issued by the DOT. This process may vary, depending on which country the operator is from. 
  • Commercial users are responsible for taking steps to meet any additional standards, depending on the weight of their drones or business needs.

25 Drone Companies Taking Flight Across Industries

From hardware manufacturers to autonomous delivery services, here are some of the most noteworthy examples of drone companies.

drone companies

18 Types of Drones to Know

Is drone delivery on the horizon.

Delivery drones carrying packages over the horizon.

13 Drone Delivery Companies to Know


What Is Photogrammetry? How Drones Contribute to Photogrammetry.


Robots Aren’t Just for High-Tech Labs and Heavy Industry Anymore. And That’s a Good Thing.

drone companies

How Drones Are Getting the Job Done During the Pandemic

From contactless medicine delivery to helping kids learn STEAM principles, drones are a sustainable tool in the fight against COVID-19.

Drones hovering in the sky

12 Examples of Rescue Robots to Know


JD.com and Rakuten join forces to enable drone deliveries in Japan


Houston area police invest in drones as future of law enforcement


FAA: Drones must show registration number on exterior

Oklahoma lawmakers consider drone ban over rural property.


Aerial drones to map Jewish cemeteries in preservation efforts

Great companies need great people. that's where we come in..

presentation about drones

Intro to drones part 1: Drone basics

The use of drones for aerial photography has grown rapidly over the past few years, and systems are now available in all shapes and sizes, ranging from small hobby aircraft to complex commercial systems. Whether you’re a beginner just looking to have fun, or an experienced photographer exploring new creative opportunities , there’s never been a better time to try this technology.

If you’ve never flown one before, drones have the potential to be a bit intimidating. In this article, the first of a three-part series, we’ll familiarize you with the basic features and components that comprise most consumer drone systems. In parts two and three, we’ll talk about how to select the best drone to meet your needs, and what you need to know about safety before your first flight.

What’s in a drone system?

Let’s get some vocabulary out of the way. While it’s common to refer to a remote-controlled aircraft as a drone, you may also run into the terms UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) or UAS (unmanned aircraft system), and professional pilots usually prefer to use these descriptors. The words drone and UAV are largely interchangeable as they both refer to just the aircraft, while UAS refers to the entire system . For convenience, we’ll use the word drone throughout this article.

Every drone system is a bit different, but there are some basic things most have in common. In addition to the aircraft, they’ll generally include a lithium polymer battery for power, a camera mounted on a stabilized gimbal, and a radio communication system. Most also include a dedicated controller, though some less expensive consumer models can be controlled using only a smartphone.

From the outside, most drones appear to be simple devices, but they’re actually built around some fairly advanced technology that makes them easier to fly. This includes GPS for tracking the drone’s position, various sensors to help avoid unwanted collisions, and intelligent flight modes that can automatically focus on a point of interest or track a moving subject.

That’s a lot, so let’s break it down!

The aircraft

At the core of any system is the aircraft, and most consumer and prosumer drones today are quadcopters (though there are exceptions ). Today, all multi-rotor drone systems designed for photo and video use a fixed-pitch propeller system. Most models use removable propellers made from a plastic/fiberglass composite that have a simple twist locking system to hold the propeller in place. Alternatively, some will use a folding propeller system.

The drone's propellers are driven by brushless motors that spin at very high speed to produce the thrust required to fly. Each motor has a corresponding speed controller unit that allows for slight adjustments in the speed of the rotor; by varying the speed of the individual motors relative to one another, it's possible to induce pitch, yaw, roll and altitude.

Flight controller

The flight controller is your direct line of command to the drone, and the two are linked using a radio control system, typically at 2.4 or 5.8 GHz. Input from the sticks on the flight controller sends signals to the aircraft directing it to adjust the speed controllers on each motor, allowing you to maneuver the drone. Additional inputs allow you to control the camera and other features specific to the model you’re flying.

The same radio signal used for command and control also allows the video signal to be fed from the drone to the controller’s screen, providing a real-time view for shooting photos or video. In many cases, the screen is just an Android or iOS device running a control app that you’ve installed and paired with the controller, though some models, such as the DJI Phantom 4 Pro+ and Yuneec Typhoon 4K , have their own built-in screens.

In addition to seeing a live video feed, the screen allows you to monitor telemetry from the aircraft and includes all the controls you would expect for photography such as custom WB, bracketing, shooting style, and other camera settings.

If you’re planning to take photos or videos from the air, it’s critical that your camera remain as steady as possible. Most drones actually move quite a bit as they maneuver around or make corrections to maintain position. To compensate, the camera is mounted to a gimbal: a device that isolates it from the vibration and movement of the drone. Most gimbals use a 3-axis system that allows for yaw (rotational stabilization), pitch (holding the horizon during forward and backward movement), and roll (holding the horizon during side-to-side movement).

Gimbals use brushless motors that are very precise, and hold the camera in place so that video and photos (including long exposures) look amazing. In fact, if you watch a drone flying in even a moderate amount of wind you’ll notice quite a few small movements, but with a good gimbal the camera’s image will be rock solid. Some systems also offer a dual operator mode that allows the pilot to fly, while a separate camera operator runs the gimbal. This is the ultimate mode for shooting video!

Global positioning system (GPS)

Once your drone is in the air you want it to maintain its position, even in windy conditions. Though it’s possible for a skilled pilot to do this without assistance, all drones today rely on GPS technology, typically using both the Global Positioning System and GLONASS (the Russian GPS system), to automate this task with a high degree of precision.

The good news is that GPS makes it surprisingly easy to hold, fly a straight line, or orbit a subject while the computer does the hard work of making small adjustments to compensate for wind direction and turbulence, and as a result, drones are often much easier to fly than people anticipate. However, GPS, like any technology, can fail. As a result, learning to fly a drone without GPS assistance is an important skill to learn.

Collision avoidance systems

A big advancement over the past couple years has been the development of collision avoidance systems that use vision, sonic and infrared sensors to avoid obstacles. Vision systems can ‘see’ objects and halt the aircraft before it strikes something, however they usually have a limited range (15m/50ft), and the sun can sometimes create issues by causing them to think something is in the way when nothing is there.

Sonic systems use sound (much like bats) to sense objects, and are usually aimed at the ground and used for auto-landing operations and ‘positioning’ on the ground in lieu of GPS. Finally, IR (infrared) sensors are a relatively new option and work based on reflected IR spectrum light. These are short range and have issues in low light, but work in a similar fashion to vision systems for obstacle avoidance.

What are all these systems used for? Mostly, assisting new pilots in preventing collisions with objects in their vicinity, as well as preventing a loss of aircraft when returning to home by allowing the drone to avoid trees or other obstacles. However, it’s important to remember that the pilot in command is always responsible for the aircraft. Collision avoidance systems are useful but not infallible, so don’t depend on them to keep you out of trouble!

Let’s talk about power. Most drones use lithium polymer, or ‘LiPo’ batteries. These cells come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and power ratings. ‘Smart LiPo’ batteries have built-in charge/discharge regulators and sensors that can report battery voltage and temperature via an app or the press of a button. Typically, LiPo batteries run both the controller and the aircraft, and flight time usually ranges from approximately 15 to 30 minutes depending on your model, the conditions, and how aggressive you are at the controls.

LiPo batteries are energy dense and require special care, and can be dangerous if mishandled. Traveling with these batteries can be risky if you don’t take proper precautions, and in most countries, there are specific rules when you take these cells on airplanes.

In the US, the TSA/FAA provide specific rules and instructions , which technically permit a LiPo battery to be placed in checked baggage when installed in its intended device. However, individual airlines may have more restrictive policies, and the best practice is to carry these batteries on the plane with you and not in checked baggage. If you’re outside the US, make sure you understand the rules in your country before traveling with LiPo batteries.

A post shared by RyanMcMaster (@ryanmc_33) on Jun 24, 2017 at 7:13am PDT

Intelligent flight modes

Originally, drones were simply a tool that allowed you to get your camera off the ground and into the air, but thanks to all the technology packed inside, modern aircraft can usually do much more.

Many drones today include a variety of semi-autonomous (‘intelligent’) flight modes that use technologies like GPS, computer vision and subject tracking to help with more complex tasks. Common examples include the ability to actively track and follow a subject as it moves, orbiting around a point of interest, or programming waypoints for the drone to follow.

Intelligent flight modes make it possible to get very creative shots with minimal effort by the pilot. In a sense, it’s a bit like having a separate drone operator while you focus on the creative side of things. These modes are particularly helpful if your intent is to shoot video as they can make your footage look very cinematic.

A word of caution, however. Don’t just take off and blindly start using these modes. They require good knowledge of how to disable them in case of an emergency, and should not be used by beginners until basic operation of the aircraft is mastered.

Who makes them?

There are numerous companies building consumer and prosumer drones today. The one most people will be familiar with is DJI , which is the 800-pound gorilla in the market. However, compelling models can also be found from companies like Yuneec , Autel Robotics , GoPro and Parrot , as well as a number of others.

Although it’s easy to lump these all into the same category, each creates different products and has different design philosophies. For example, Yuneec makes affordable hexacopters, and Autel Robotics provides options such a camera with thermal imaging capabilities in addition to visible light. In part two of this series, we’ll discuss how to go about choosing the drone that best meets your needs.

Drones are an amazing tool that allow us to do jobs remotely, safely, and in a way that doesn’t put a manned aircraft at risk. As technology advances the capabilities of these devices will only get better. If you’ve been looking for a way to bring a new perspective to your photos or video, consider taking to the skies. Just remember to fly respectfully and follow the rules in your locale – things we’ll discuss in upcoming articles.

The drone nay-sayers are unconvincing. Who does not dream to fly or see a bird's eye view of the world? For under $1,000, and with simple caution, one can realize that dream. That's more buzz for the buck than most other boy toys.

But there's no arguing taste. If some people prefer f/1.2 macro lenses or fidget spinners, so be it.

It is true that much of the unedited drone video people pose is unwatchable. But the same is true of most of anyone's terrestrial photos or video. Cameras in general can be seen as a waste of time and money--plus a distraction from chores. Just ask the Mrs. "Why do you need a drone? You are one!"

Tord S Eriksson

There are lots of security risks with drones, not least DJI's. If US Army forbids use of their drones, what about you and me?:


Then there is the risks of aircraft colliding with drones:


The Army is worried about DJI Go app transmission of usage data, which Chinese (or other) government intelligence might use. Hobbyists' usage data would be of null intelligence value relative to public satellite or street view images. It merely helps DJI verify gear failures or collisions for warranty or repairs, which might be a good idea for aviation in general.

People at large seem to have no qualms about web cookies, browser tracking, purchase histories, or abundant social media disclosure of their lives.

Hobbyist drones under 1kg pose less risk to commercial aircraft than geese or gulls. DJI drones fly under 400' and cannot fly near airports or other restricted spaces like DC.

Holger Drallmeyer

Tord, how many cases do you recall of manned aircraft/drone collision? I know of only one case in 2016 somewhere in Africa. However, I can attest of many cases where drunk plane passengers caused the plane to crash. Think about it.

I would be very interested in those many cases where drunk passengers has caused aircraft accidents — I've only read NTSB reports about drunk pilots.





Sadly it seems like photography has taken a turn for the worst. IMHO there's nothing artistic about taking snapshots with a drone. Then again I guess that's why we have hobbyists.

lickity split

Have you even bothered to look or does the idea of learning something new frighten you? Take a peek at the future.. https://www.flickr.com/groups/3036801@N25/pool/

The artistic downturn began with cameras, period. How can facile snapshots compare to pencil sketches or paintings? The apex was in the era of charcoal scratched on cave walls. But even early humans yearned to fly.

Benjamin Kanarek

What are you talking about??? Geeezzzz! :-(

That's an odd comment. Any grounds for this claim?


What a dumb and ignorant comment to make from someone who clearly hasn't flown a drone and realised that getting a great image (or video) is a whole new learning curve. For me it's an evolution of my photography; which had become boring. My new drone is exciting and challenging and has opened up a whole new photographic direction. Then and again, I guess that's why we have camera snobs!

If anyone can seriously compare or consider taking snapshots with a drone artistic then they obviously never really put any thought into making a picture or know nothing about the art of photography. That being said this is truely disheartening so I'll take my leave from the hobbyists.

Scottcraig ... your ignorance of drone photography (and clearly photography in general) is striking. Perhaps you'd like to tell us all exactly what this 'art of photography' really is?

How sad the photography world still has to suffer so called 'photographers' such as yourself.

Might I suggest you take another look at lickity splits link and let us all know how you'd improve the obvious lack of thought that resulted in these 'snapshots'? Yes, please, take your leave!




The amount of work, planning and effort that goes into getting professional level aerial photography from a plane, Heli or Drone makes them far more then "snapshots".

Before drones, A single aerial photo could take 2-5 days to just plan, and then multiple passes at a very high cost to obtain. With the advent of unmanned systems it makes it MUCH easier (sometimes, the FAA is a huge roadblock sometimes) to obtain these photos. Doing aerial photography now takes 2-5 hours to plan, not days, and on most modern Drone systems you have full camera control, and a unique perspective that is impossible to obtain without a full-size manned aircraft and large sums of money.

@lickity split: Yeah, I'd like to see someone try getting those views using their $29.95 tripod.

Why is DPR even mentioning drones ? Nothing to do with proper photography and total intrusive to the rest of us !


"Proper" photography? Do you smoke crack?

So you have a drone then

Dale Baskin

@oldbaldeagle, help me understand why drones don't have anything to do with 'proper photography.' A drone is simply a tool that allows you to take photos that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to capture. The same could be said for other tools like a tripod, a strobe, or an underwater housing. Each simply lets you expand your photographic opportunities.

If you want to argue that they're noisy, intrusive, or otherwise undesirable, that's a fair – but separate – argument to have, but it doesn't take away from their utility for capturing unique photos.

@oldbaldeagle it sounds more like you have a privacy issues and a lack of imagination which is a real shame for someone with an interest in photography, Imagine being able to take pics or video from a POV you could never get to before, its not only possible its pretty easy too. Try to imagine a 20 MP flying camera and the possibilities that come along with that. There's so much footage on TV nowadays thats shot with a drone the average joe has no idea ...

Ill just say this, with an aviation background and doing photography from planes.

Its dangerous, Costly ($500+/hr for a plane that is kitted to do photo work), and requires solid conditions to get photos.

Video from a Heli will run easily $1000/hr+ and again, is dangerous (much more so) then using a UAV

Insurance and liability for a plane/heli is insane as well. Also you can go places with a UAV you could never go with a manned aircraft. Also, since you are closer to your subject, you can get more creative and do much more amazing things!

I accept the comment about proper pictures . I really hadn't realised how many inconsiderate people there are out there Whp believe if they having fun who cares about others .

"Why is DPR even mentioning drones ? Nothing to do with proper photography and total intrusive to the rest of us !"

'"Proper" photography? Do you smoke crack?'

"So you have a drone then"

I would be ungrateful if I didn't thank both of you for a solid five minutes of belly laughs followed by ongoing sporadic outbursts. This was priceless!

Terrestrial "street photography" is certainly more intrusive than a (barely audible) puny Mavic or Spark drone at 200', whose wide angle view is great for landscape but useless for prying on people. Selfie shots succeed only in a very short circumference of the user. Trees, power lines, buildings, and local ordinances curtail other misguided drone peeping.

Law enforcement and the military drones are an entirely different matter.

Clearly a dinosaur with lack of vision !

A dinosaur who thinks peasants should be seen and not heard !

You're either trolling or being a pompous idiot from your 1945 dark room. Sighs at the ignorance of so called 'photographers'

who said anything about photography . Noise abatement society ! people who dont care about anyone but themselves

Sad commentary imo, oldbaldeagle. Even if you don't see the art and creativity in videography, surely you appreciate the value that camera angle adds to still photography?

I agree drones will get boring quite fast. Like digital photography about ten years ago for me, great novelty shooting thousands of pictures that plugged up my hard drive and impossible to look at through sheer unedited volume. Today I rarely shoot more than a few representative pictures of a particular place or moment and later chop that down more later. Great pictures, like art, capture moments and the viewer's mind fills in the blanks. That creative individual process draws people in. It's the mystery of the unseen that sparks the imagination and makes a picture memorable - not dozens of video-like sequences and shots that leave you empty. Great photographers like Walker Evans and Lewis Baltz are remembered by incredibly few yet iconic pictures. They had confidence (and skill) to sort out the chaff from the wheat leaving us with the essence. Digital encourages purposeless amateur pictures that clog places like Facebook and personal computers that simply bore and turn viewers off.

I'm sorry, but you can't "clog" places like Facebook. You might have filled up your hard drive with photos you didn't like, but that has NOTHING to do with the camera you chose to use. Whether someone uses a drone or a Nikon D810 makes no difference. It's how the photographer uses the equipment that matters.

Like it or not, time is bringing us technologies that pushes us to evolve and elaborate in new and different ways. Mostly for the good in MHO.

Walker Evans and Lewis Baltz would have liked drones, had they existed. Leonardo certainly wanted to fly. Or wasn't he a "real artist"? The beauty of drones is that one can fly, and see a "bird's view," for a fraction of the cost of a manned craft or a para-glider, and not risk breaking your neck.

An old bald eagle who refuses to fly is either very bored or must subsist on road kill.

in this article and last image showing one of the intelligent flight mode, anybody knows this app name?!?

That is Drone Deploy.

One of my favorite data collection apps for UAV/UAS systems

Got a good laugh at the phrase "... to help avoid unwanted collisions". So, does it also facilitate the wanted collisions?

Sadly, yes.

The systems are very sensitive to certain inputs: Bright light and low light make them very unreliable. Also, in DJI at least they are either always on or off, there is no "hey let me know if im close to something mode".

I usually fly with them off as they more hindrance then help.

Nice article, thanks!

It looks like the pic they used of a Phantom may have a severely crooked gimbal. :))

It was a bit windy when I took that photo, so the drone is dutch'd a bit to the aircraft's right!

Its perfect 99% of the time!

Franz Weber

Some people frear drones because they sense that the drone could be more intelligent then themselves. Well, not me

Funny how dislike is written off as fear. Some people dislike drones for the intrusion of annoying high-pitched noise.

"For example, Yuneec makes affordable hexacopters, and Autel Robotics provides options such a camera with thermal imaging capabilities in addition to visible light." Yuneec also has a thermal camera for their UAVs, the CGO ET.

For me, drone was a hobby that got boring really quickly. I spent thousand$ for drones, excited on first flight when the drone stayed stationary, fun while I could go get a cup of coffee, came back, it's still hovering, fun for a few months flying and shooting video. I even modded some to carry other cameras. My drones are collecting dust in the garage right now. I don't even bother to watch my drones' videos. In 100 years, the scenic videos that I shot will look the same; the mountains will be the same, the rivers, etc. Boring boring boring. Try youtube to see of you can watch anyone's uploaded drone video to its end. Well, unless the video is about how the drone crashed. That's the only fun part for viewers.

Funny, but I think you have a valid point. It is the same problem with ultra telephoto lenses. They are mostly used to shoot nasty little birds. Very uninteresting. One bird is like another. Why should anybody spent thousands of dollars just to portrait strange birds? Who will watch these photos anyway?

"For me, drone was a hobby that got boring really quickly. I spent thousands for drones,.... fun for a few months flying and shooting video. I even modded some to carry other cameras. My drones are collecting dust"

Watch this (spectacular) drone movie set in Vietnam then. If this doesn't change your mind nothing will. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAgSGUdXqN8


RE: F Weber- You made some typos here...should read more like this: Funny, but I think you have a valid point. It is the same problem with cell phones . They are mostly used to shoot nasty little people. Very uninteresting. One person is like another. Why should anybody spent thousands of dollars just to portrait strange people? Who will watch these photos anyway?

i felt the same as far as videos goes but that i why i started taking pictures intead and this is when i really got hooked, Incredible flying camera.


Stephcout: You got a great thing going. Fantastic collection of photos! Wow. Kudos to you.

Maybe you should find some snow skiers or kids that like to water ski. You could put those drones to use making some photos and videos that those people will cherish for years to come. A friend of mine makes good money photographing and videoing events from the air. He also gets paid to shoot photos of real estate from the air. It's not for everyone, but it can be interesting, as you already know. You just have to have an imagination, like with any type of photography, such as underwater photography or large format photography.

I have a TON of retired drones form the last 8 years, I use them as art pieces for my office now.

That being said there are TONS of opportunities outside of video/photo in the UAV space.

Drones are quite usefull for professional, and not necessarily photographers/videographers. The problem is thinking that they would be fantastic toys.

They are just tools and do not make you instant great story teller and videographer that will make the next blockburster.

In a hundred years, Steven Hawking says the human race will need to find another planet. Which, of course, humans will also decimate.

I didn't realize it until you pointed it out but its true. I watched the Vietnam video and quickly got bored and skipped through it. That said, I just put together a music video for someone who had some footage taken from a drone. I put in a few clips and both of us liked what it added.

I guess drone footage is kind of like what condiments are to eating. Lunch with only condiments is not very appealing. But judicious amounts here and there can add a lot to the experience.

Stephcout - amazing shots. Which drone do you use?

Thank you, I had many drones in the last few years but my last two ones have been the DJI Phantom 4 Pro and the Mavic Pro. The Phantom 4 Pro is better but harder to travel with unfortunately. Thanks again.


toughest commercial drone restrictions: - Canada, max 90 meters high and away 70 meters of everything - Belgium, max 10 meters high allowed within own private property. 90 meters with government approved license - Nicaragua, banned - Morocco, banned, 100% illegal, heavy penalties / jailtime - Fiji, impossible registration process, basically banned - Zambia, banned - North Korea, banned, do not even try it if you want to make it back out of North Korea - Cuba, banned, tourists regularly get jailed for it

GOOD, i hope they ban them here also, too many Idiots out there with these toys

I do find that it's drone users their own fault that governments are toughening their stance on drone use.

The buzzing of drones is super annoying, people are invading other people's privacy, people are posting online video of private property / private companies, people are flying over crowds and roads, which scares authorities.

Not all drone users are like that, but you have like 40% of drone users ruining it for the other 60%.

I mean we've had RC planes for decades, and that was never an issue, since those people for the most part used their brain and didn't fly over crowds.


In the USA to fly a drone commercially the certification process is overkill, almost to the knowledge level required for air pilot license. Obviously this is a hurdle imposed to keep at bay as many drones as possible, rather than pure safety.

Notice the "banned" countries are right wing dictatorships with lots to hide. Drones might be a pain in free western countries but a powerful tool to film atrocities by evil armies attacking their own citizens. I'm sure a few brave souls will manage to sneak in a drone or two and live stream people being attacked below. What these regimes hate is indisputable eye-witness accounts - on live drones in these places.

For the idiots who are claiming that drones are a pain . . where did you actually see someone using a drone? I haven't seen even one being used, and I don't hide in a cave all the time. I live in south Florida, where there are millions of people. I've used a drone a few times, and I can't see how it could have been a "pain" for anyone around me when I used it. You can barely even see or hear them when they're in the air. In fact, they're so hard to see and hear that I couldn't tell where the drone was many times, and I had to make it come back in the opposite direction in order to even find it up in the sky. (I have it limited to less than 40 stories up, and it was still that difficult to find in the sky.) There are buildings in many places that are higher than the altitude that private, hobby drones are allowed to fly, so they are no threat to aircraft.

Sweden has or is attempting to ban any camera carrying drone that can store images under their privacy laws. These are considered surveillance devices are are generally not allowed. Last I heard, Sweden was a pretty liberal country.

Drones without cameras or ones that use cameras strictly for navigation are allowed with the usual caveats (e.g. don't fly near an airport).

Scottelly: Maybe the reason you don't see them is because it has become too much hassle to fly them anywhere interesting. I used to see them flying in parks and near the beaches in MIA, but that seems to have been banned now.

The altitude where drones are allowed to fly is a lot lower than the altitude they can fly. People have flown them a lot higher than the "allowed" limit (a quick search of YouTube with give you plenty of examples.

If everyone had flown their drones using common sense, we wouldn't be in the situation we are now with all the drone operating rules and restrictions.


I've been screwing with RC stuff for almost 30 years. This quad copter "revolution" scares a lot of RC hobbist for one reason. LACK of understanding flight. Most people (the serious photographer type isn't what my rant is about) will pull these things out of a box, charge them up, then count on the fact they have GPS & gyro to make flight "easy". Most people have no idea how to operate the controls, the difference in the control settings if you are flying the device away from you or toward you (discounting headless mode), the flight changes if you are flying into the wind or with the wind, flying in or around obstacles, AND PEOPLE. Some idiots are giving the RC and quad copter flyers that obey the rules a bad name and lumping us all in the "oh no, you are one of those DRONE flyers!"

RC hobbyists mimic full-scale aircraft. The POV they imagine, rather than see. They tend to look upward and "dead reckon," rather than down at a video monitor. Landings can be tricky.

This is very different from being attracted to a flying camera. If your aim is photography or video, and you have no co-pilot, of course you want GPS, stabilization gyros, a gimbal, and a fail-safe RTH button. A drone operator who neglects to research and learn the controls will lose the drone very soon.

The secret is to travel with your drone as often as possible. Away from home. Than it is impossible not to find unrestricted airspace. In 6 months I managed to fly 90 times. And Ireland is pretty windy, with winds at 45km/h, which can prevent a planned flight. And there is rain as well:) So, plan, always plan. Check restrictions, than winds and chance for precipitation. Than Sunset, Moon, light direction. See the shadows. There are apps for these. Than see terrain elevations beforehand, see the maps, because we are restricted to 120m altitude and there is the fancy valley you want to capture, but a sudden 50m increase in terrain elevation will prevent you to fly there. Ohh, beware of dogs. Drones make them angry. Really angry.

Killer advice!

Also if i can add a bit to ease of travel, Get a case! it makes traveling with your UAV/Drone SO much more simple!

Dogs? Do the Irish ones fly? Here they can only bark from below.

What about birds? In nesting areas, and during certain seasons, some birds can swarm or attack drones while in the air.

@ John Koch I have had unpleasant encounters with dogs, when I was about to land. As for birds, they can be an issue as well. I try to avoid small, predator birds, as they can prove to be a challenge, if they swarm around the drone. If they do, I hover still, generally won't come any closer than 10m, and leave me alone after inspecting me for a few minutes. Below 10m slowly changing altitude about 20-25m, and than moving away, slowly, will solve this. Anyway, fight the urge to burn away with full speed. That can be interpreted as an act of war.

This article is a technical discussion. Most sUAVs on the market nowadays do these things.

The much bigger problem is the rules and regulations that are in place or proposed and the public perception of drones caused by irresponsible operators who often post videos of their antics.

Before getting into "drones", potential operators should be well aware of these issues and the rules where they plan to operate (different countries have different rules). It should be the first thing discussed in any articles about them.

For instance, you cannot fly a sUAV anywhere within 15 nautical miles of the US Capitol (it used to be 30nm), or any place managed by the NPS.

Once people are aware of the issues, they may decide that a "drone" is not something they want to bother with.

Drones are being regulated into a costly no fun zone.

Drones are one regulation away from requiring insurance. Liability insurance would render Drones impractical and illegal for anything except commercial applications that can justify the insurance premiums. This is probably the reason why DJI is almost alone in the space. Too much uncertainty.

This is because drone are dangerous, extremely dangerous. We always think of the dumb guy that crash it randomly or invade privacy, but this isn't that dangerous.

What if for example you would mod a drone to have a grenade ? You don't even have to be physically here. Your control device only is needed and all smartphones connect to the net. You could perform a terrorist attack from the other side of earth with a bit of planing. No need to commit suicide or risk your life anymore.

The next step is fully autonomous flight where you would just give general orders and the drone or the your drone herd would do it.,Imagine 100 drones attacking a crowed area even if that just mean letting a grenade fall...

I have 2.5 million dollars in liability insurance through the Academy of Model Aeronautics. It includes many other benefits including the magazine, club support, scholarships, and so on. All that is only $75 a year precisely because model aircraft are so safe.

Thank you for this awesome article! Keep up with good work! Looking forward t next article can't wait! :)

I agree, thanks Ryan.

My daughter just bought herself a DJI Mavic drone so I have forwarded the link to the article to her. I am looking forward to reading the next two articles.

Thank you for reading!

Good article. I would at least touch on Part 107 rules, and the legal differences between flying for commercial (getting paid... This even includes monetizing your YouTube videos) and hobby reasons.

Wallbanger – Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3! That's something we're going to dig into.

Oh its coming!

"and you must always carry these batteries on the plane with you, and never place them in checked baggage – no exceptions".

LiPo batteries CAN be transported in checked baggage (...for the moment...).

They will, however, have to be installed in the destination device and switched off.

The provided link on your very own article correctly reproduces such IATA dispositions in "Q2/A".

Congratulations on an otherwise well-balanced, extremely informative article.

Thanks for pointing that out. I re-read the rule and it looks like you're correct – as long as the battery is installed in the device it's technically allowed, while spares are not.

A couple other variables here: 1) airlines may have their own individual policies, and 2) airline employees may be unfamiliar with (or misunderstand) the policy and apply it incorrectly. I've heard a fair number of anecdotal stories from travelers affected by #2.

While this is true every airline in the US I have flown gear with does not allow batteries, installed or not in cargo. Reasons are numerous but the main reason is pressure and tempature change in cargohold.

US airlines are IATA covenants, as most others are, around the globe.

The provision for cargo hold luggage batteries transportation are contained IATA's DGR manual, now on its 58th edition, one of the many pieces of legislation I carry along on a daily basis in my Electronic Flight Bag.


Here are the conformant provisions set out by United Airlines (Check "Batteries"). You’ll notice they are fully conformant with what IATA and the FAA outlines:


Here are the guidelines set out by the FAA (Check very first one). You’ll notice they are in tune with IATA provisions:


This said, there are some US companies that require the batteries to be removed from the devices for baggage checked in holds (i.e. American Airlines) - the "operator approval required" in that FAA document allows for such leeway.

In any case, It is always preferable to check the current policy with the airline (or the airlines, on multiple legs) before traveling but the "no exceptions" bit on the piece is certainly not accurate.

...and, Ryan, no, the reasons for the restrictive provisions are not "pressure and temperature change in cargo hold".

One really should only be that adamantly assertive about the things one has specific and extensive knowledge - both theoretical and practical - about.

Well, a bit U.S.-centric… ;-)

Flying to, in and from China you are NOT permitted to carry any batteries in your check-in luggage.

Further, there's a strict limit on how many and how powerful LiPo:s you may bring in your carry-on.

8 years in the industry makes me no slouch when it comes to flying gear on commercial and chartered flights (which were mostly un-pressurized cargo holds). Also, being a Pilot helps, I may not be ATP, but the 200+ hours I have in the cockpit have taught me a lot about "Safe practices" and what you can allow to go on and not go on in an airplane.

Most of the United, American and Delta captains have mentioned temp. While its a nice 20-25C in most airliner cabins, cargo holds get a bit cooler around 2-7C (cargo dependent).

Smart batteries, ones that can be "on or off" in my experience start going bad around anything under 5C for extended periods (more than 2-3 hours) even though they are rated to -5C in most cases. It does not take a lot to make a cell fail, a slight miss in chemistry can accelerate this rate of failure, improper storage in bags/cases where smart cells get turned on and either take critical damage or short.

Thank you for the comment, but I am speaking from experience.


I would love to know more about in/out of china! I have not been since I got into the industry.

Well, I am speaking professionally both as military fighter pilot with an ejection under his belt and over 14,000 thousand hours carrying our passengers confortably and safely because of, precisely, attention to little details like IATA's DGRs

I do know, though, we are in the Facebook/Twitter rad-expertise age. I've heard of Casey Neistat.

That said, you are still wrong, no matter how many Captains you've talked to.

Pressurization plays no part in li-ion batteries critical malfunctions (...apart from explosive decompression, on account of possible transferred mechanical forces...) and temperature is only a possible factor when said type of batteries are fast-charged at sub-freezing temperatures.

On a final note, from a certainly older reader to a possibly younger writer:

Good journalists thrive on added information instead of trying to antagonize their readers on account of some misplaced feeling of hurt pride.

(Note: Defectively manufactured batteries are a risk, yes, but irrespective of temperature and pressurization.)

UPS flight 6 was brought down by such defective batteries and the 747-44AF cargo areas are pressurized and temperature controlled)

Honestly, no clue who Casey Neistat is. Nor do I use Facebook or Twitter.

I appreciate your service, as an airman. In no way am I trying to antagonize, but sharing my real world experience with this industry that I love and care about.

Yes, Lithium Ion cells are much more stable due to the nature of how they are installed into most equipment. They also are much more durable and have rigid structures around them. These are not used in UAV systems.

Lithium Polymer cells do not have a hard casing around them and are encased in a soft metal foil as the means of separation in each cell. It is not very durable, a one foot fall can cause a fire if it hits just right!

I have seen: Cell failure at 10,000 MSL due to pressure difference inside the cell (small fire ensued). Low temps crystallize the material inside and cause micro-punctures in the foil, these cause fires and possible explosions. High temps cause the interior to expand and fail. Drops can do all of the above.

The Reasons we use LiPo cells in UAV's is they are about 20-25% lighter then an equivalent LiOn cell. They also have much higher discharge rates then LiOn cells which allows us to carry 6-10kg payloads under some of the larger UAV systems out in the world today.

These come with the risks above, and trust me a LiPo fire is no fun. Battery saftey, and aviation saftey are paramount in this industry since so many of us fly with these cells. I always err on the side of the airlines, or cargo companies I work with to move gear from A to B.

You don't need to thank for my service, unless you're a Portuguese citizen ;)

LiPo are Lithium Ion batteries also.

Their full name is "Lithium Ion Polymer". If you don't believe it, just check the label on any DJI battery,

They're just Lithium Ion in a different format that delivers different specified currents. That is why you don't find mention of LiPo batteries, specifically, in Dangerous Goods Regulations, just Lithium Ion.

Here are some Dangerous Goods guidelines for some companies around the world. (...some not that recent but, still...). You will notice 2 things:

1. In many, the tabulated format is the same. That's because they all come from the same "bible" format, IATA's DGRs.


2. They all state that Li-Ion batteries up to 100 Wh can be carried in checked baggage, as long as they are fitted into their destination equipments. They all state it because that’s what IATA's DGRs regulates.

(Some forget to mention the existing additional requirement that that equipment must have a full "On/Off" switch. Technically, DJI batteries can be carried stand-alone in their casings in checked luggage because they have a fully integrated "On/Off" switch but I wouldn't try to send them into the holds based on such technicality).







It was a mistake for me to buy a drone when theres alot of restricted air space around my city. I never really get to enjoy my Phantom III.

I find it's not just the restricted airspace, but just the general fear that at any point someone might come up to me and cause trouble because, in some places, the media have made drones public enemy number 1.

Public perception is a legitimate concern. I recently spoke with a Part 107 pilot who was approached by law enforcement in the middle of a flight (on behalf of a client) who seemed very concerned about his activity. Once he explained what he was doing, and showed them his FAA certificate and statement of work from the client, they apparently left him alone. However, their first reaction was to assume there was something to be concerned about.

Unfortunately, there are irresponsible pilots whose behavior will affect public perception.


Do not buy DJI. They have crippled their drones by putting severe flight restrictions on them. Other companies don't do this, or they allow the user to turn off these restrictions.

Also, they don't seem to support products very long. I have a Phantom 2 that is not even three years old, yet they consider it obsolete. There was an issue recently where they pushed out a firmware that bricked a lot of people's drones, but DJI wouldn't admit it was their fault. Drones are great, but I would steer clear of DJI. There's plenty of other companies in the game now.

I live 4 miles from a Class C airport and fly all the time. I call the airport and the tower, give them my name, phone, GPS location, and how high I will be flying. never been denied flight. June 22nd change as the FAA has restricted my ALT to 200 ft.

I have a Mavic Pro and do not use the DJI software. I can fly where I want now that is legal for me to fly.

@racenviper that is really encouraging as I live within 5 miles of an airport. Is it as simple as looking for the general number of the airport and asking for "the tower"?

In general, I feel the same way. I have a $1,000 device that is rarely used because of restrictions.

I fly as a hobbyist, which allows me to fly but you need to tell the airport and tower(if there is one) where you are flying. They can not tell you cannot fly, but may have restrictions.



Hobbyist fly under these rules: Public Law 112-95, Section 336 – Special Rule for Model Aircraft

If you are collecting money then you fall under part 107.

It depends on what kind of airport/airspace it is. Class B is the busiest, and most restrictive. I've heard DJI owners say that their drone won't even spin the props because they live too close to an airport or other restricted area. In that case, they have a $1000+ paperweight. Personally, I would not buy from a company like DJI that cripples its product in this manner. We, the pilots, should be able to use our brains and follow the rules.

Another example here: https://petapixel.com/2017/05/22/dji-will-severely-limit-drone-dont-activate-online/

DJI sucks as a company.

I fly my DJI Mavic with Litchi and it is not crippled.

@sh00t3r Yeah things were going pretty good till that last firmware update that screwed a lot of people over and those who were unaffected by restrictions still have buggy feeds and whatnot, I'm a city dweller and I'm unaffected but I think this looks like the beginning of the end coming..

That article is in response to the FAA losing their case on the "hobby drone registration front.

My guess is DJI did this as a legal protection for themselves so they can transfer liability in the event someone does something stupid with a drone. The limits are to prevent "unregistered UAV"s from say, Crashing into a home or person and causing damage and said person running off with all the liability falling on DJI as they would then be the responsible party/one to be litigated.

You can get permission to fly in Bravo and Charlie. It used to be easier but has recently become much more difficult (140 permissions for C in April 2017, 67 in May 2017 and waiting on June numbers)

Detailed view (John, by the way is an AMAZING UAV guy/Pilot/Attorney!) of what the case was and what it means.


@lickity I was really happy with my Phantom 2, but after learning about the firmware issue, and how it was handled by DJI, I feel like a lot of were left us out in the cold. I bought a new wifi module for around $220, and that fixed the video feed problem, but I'm still disappointed in the company. If I had to buy a new drone today, I'd probably get the Yuneec Typhoon H. That thing looks sweet, and they will turn off the no-fly zones if you sign a waiver (or so I'm told).

@Ryan I get the reasoning for this, and I know there are a lot of numbskulls out there, but I still feel we should be able to make our own decisions and fly responsibly. If I go rent a real airplane today, it's up to me to know what airspace I can fly in. I heard DJI will allow flight in some zones, but you have to keep asking for permission, since it expires after 3 days or something.

They will, I have flown in C numerous times for hobby reasons and commerical.

Sadly DJI is non responsive when you get permission to fly within 1000ft of an airport to assist with public saftey, data collection to look at how flooding will affect an airport and surrounding areas. I used some gear from a different company (possibly a review on that gear!) that worked flawlessly!

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Is Drone Technology the Future?

  • by Refresh Science
  • August 20, 2022 August 20, 2022

Technology has developed very rapidly in recent years. And, if it weren’t for technology, life would be a lot slower and a lot more boring. But, technology has brought us a long way since the days before mobile phones.

Nowadays, we not only rely on our smartphones but also on other devices such as laptops, tablets, gaming consoles, smart watches, fitness trackers, etc. These items all play a part in modern day living. As well as being useful, these gadgets are fun and exciting. They keep us entertained while we work or study.

But, apart from providing entertainment, there is another use of technology that many people aren’t aware of – drones. Drones have been used for quite some time now. For example, people uses it for capturing pictures/videos and military forces use them to carry out surveillance missions or to drop bombs.

What Drone Means?

Drones have become increasingly popular in recent years. Many companies use them to create amazing videos, but the truth is that drones were originally designed to spy on people.

In fact, these small flying machines have been used by governments for decades. For example, the U.S. military uses them to gather information from far away places. This type of technology is also very useful when it comes to spying on criminals.

There are many different kinds of drones, and each one can be used for a variety of purposes. Some of the most common include:

  • Aerial photography
  • Real-time video streaming
  • Search and rescue missions
  • Firefighting
  • Surveillance
  • Inspection of crops

If you want to learn more about how drones work, then keep reading this article.

However, the main purpose of the device is to record high quality footage. So, if you’re looking to buy a new drone, make sure that the camera is capable of recording good quality photos and videos.

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How do drones work.

Drone technology has been advancing at an incredible pace lately. The truth is that these tiny flying machines have become so advanced, that many people don’t realize how much they actually know about them. So, here’s a list of the most interesting facts you need to be aware of.

Drones are made up of multiple parts. There are motors, batteries, propellers, and cameras.

The drones are controlled by human beings and they are also called as remote-controlled drones. The main purpose of the drones is to collect data and information.

The drones are used for carrying out different types of missions. The main objective of the drones is to collect data and information. Drones are controlled by a person sitting in front of a computer and can be operated by the people standing in front of the computer.

how to setup drone

In order to fly a drone properly, you’ll want to make sure that it has enough power.

Many people are worried about whether or not the FAA will ever approve drones for commercial use.

Types of Drones?

There is no doubt that drone technology has become more popular than ever before. Whether you want to build your own drone or you just need to buy one, you can find a variety of different models available online.

In this article, we will be looking at the various types of drones. We will also discuss how they differ from each other so that you can choose the right type of drone for you.

UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Unmanned aerial vehicles are the most commonly used drones. These drones are used to carry out different types of tasks such as delivering packages, monitoring and checking the environment.

UAVs are also used for taking aerial pictures and video recording. There are different models of UAVs available in the market such as the DJI Phantom series, Yuneec Q500, etc.


These are the most popular type of drones that can be used for different types of tasks. Quadcopters are used to carry out tasks such as surveying, photography, and filming.


Hexacopters are the newest version of drones. These are used for carrying out various types of tasks. Hexacopters are also called as multirotor drones.

What Are Some Positive Impacts of Drones?

Here are some positive impacts of drones.

1. Drone delivery

Nowadays, the delivery of products has become very complicated, because the products have to be delivered to the customer in a certain time.

With the help of drones, the delivery of products has become much easier. The customers just have to place their orders and the drones will deliver the products at the customer’s location.

Drone Delivery

2. Drone photography

It is also possible to use drones for taking photos.

You can also use it to capture the amazing landscapes, because drones have the ability to take high quality photos.

3. Remote control

You can also use a drone for remote control.

If you have lost your phone or you are not able to control it, you can use a drone to control it.

4. Agriculture

Agriculture is the main source of income for many countries, so drones are being used in agriculture.

You can use drones to monitor your crops and can keep an eye on the area.

5. Surveillance

Drones are also used for surveillance purposes.

If you are in the military and need to keep an eye on the areas, then drones are the best solution for you.

How Fast Do Drones Fly?

Drones are small devices and they don’t have any specific weight, so they can easily fly anywhere.

If you are wondering how fast does a drone fly then you must know that it is not possible to calculate it because it depends on the size of the drone, the battery, the weather condition and other factors.

But, you can judge how fast it flies by looking at the footage that you capture. If the video looks shaky and unsteady then you will understand that the drone is not steady enough and it is not flying properly.

If you want to capture the best quality footage then you need to buy a drone that has high speed.

What is a high speed drone?

A high speed drone is a drone that has a maximum speed of 7.2 meters per second. This is the fastest speed of the drone that you can get.

How Police Use Drones?

Police officers have been using drone technology for years now. Drones are unmanned aerial vehicles that fly through the air. There are a number of different ways in which these can be used by law enforcement agencies.

For example, police departments across the country use them to track down criminals. Other examples include surveillance, search, rescue, and firefighting.

In many cases, drones are used to assist with crime scene investigations. For instance, they can help determine where someone was shot.

They can also be useful when searching for missing persons. Police can use a drone to look for a person who is lost in the wilderness.

Drones are also being developed for other purposes, such as helping people get to their destinations more quickly. This could make it easier for elderly people or disabled individuals to travel around town.

Another way that police use drones is to monitor traffic and road conditions. The FAA has recently approved new rules regarding the operation of commercial drones.

How Much Weight Can a Drone Carry?

A drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which has been used as a flying camera or flying aircraft. The use of drones has become quite popular in recent years and the market is expected to grow exponentially in the near future. Drones have already been used in the fields of surveillance, filmmaking, photography, military, agriculture , construction, and other areas.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), drones can carry a maximum of 55 pounds and can fly up to 400 feet. These rules are applicable only to recreational drones and commercial use of drones needs special permission from the FAA.

Weight Limit of Drones

A drone can be used for different purposes, but its weight and size is one of the most important factors. The weight limit of the drone depends on the use of the drone. It can be divided into three categories:

First, UAVs that are used for non-commercial purposes have a weight limit of 55 pounds. For example, drones used for aerial photography and videography will fall in this category.

Second, drones that are used for commercial purposes will be allowed to carry a maximum of 200 pounds. Drones that are used for commercial purposes are usually equipped with a remote control and are used for advertising purposes.

Third, UAVs that are used for military purposes have a maximum weight of 100 pounds. They are usually equipped with weapons and used for surveillance.

What Is the Biggest Advantage of Drones?

If you want to know the best advantage of drones, then let’s discuss it in this article.

1. You can capture the video of the remote places

As the name suggests, drones can be used to capture the video of the remote places. If you have an idea of going to a certain place, then you can use drones to capture the best pictures of that place.

2. You can capture the images of the places that are difficult to reach

There are many drones that are designed to help the users to capture the images of the places that are difficult to reach.

3. You can capture the videos of the wildlife

If you have a passion for animals, then you can capture the best videos of the animals.

How Do Drones Benefit the Environment?

There are various benefits of using drones such as:

1. Monitoring Agriculture

If you want to see the condition of your farm or the crops and animals, then you don’t need to go to the fields and take the pictures manually.

Nowadays, with the help of drones, you can take the aerial images of the farm and analyze the situation. This way, you can understand the crop and the condition of the farm without any problems.

2. Inspecting the Damaged Area

It is very important for people to know what is going on in the surrounding areas.

If you are building an office or a shopping mall or you want to construct a new house, then it is necessary to check the area and the soil is the most common problem.

So, if you want to inspect the land, then you don’t need to go to the place; instead you can use drones and take the images from different angles.

3. Security

One of the biggest advantages of drones is that they can provide a better solution for the security purposes.

If you want to keep a watchful eye on your office or your home or on any other places, then drones are the best option.

They can help you to keep an eye on your children or your neighbors and provide you with live feed for your phone.

You can keep an eye on the suspicious activities in your area.

What are the Negative Impacts of Drone Technology?

There are many positive uses of drones but the negative impacts of the drone technology are becoming the major problem. People who use drone in their daily life are increasing day by day and there are some negative impacts of drone technology that are already affecting the life of the people.

Let us know about the negative impacts of drone technology,

1) Drone will replace the humans:

People who are living in remote areas or in the mountains are dependent on the helicopter to reach their destination. But now the drone is replacing the helicopters in these areas and this results in loss of job.

2) Drone will replace the pets:

In the past people loved taking the pet along with them, but with the development of drone technology, people are replacing the pets with the drones. The people are now taking the drone instead of their pets, they are flying the drone for their pets and giving the treats to them.

3) People will be at risk of getting kidnapped:

The main purpose of the drone is to deliver the products, but the people are not aware of the fact that the drone is delivering the product to the wrong address and the wrong person will get the product. There are chances that the person might get the product delivered by the person who is not the owner of the product.

4) Drone will replace the security:

Security is the most important aspect of the society and the security guards are the only people who are protecting the society from the intruders and the criminals. But with the increase of the drone technology, the security agencies are facing a tough time because of the absence of the security agents in the remote places.

Best Selling Drones

We are going to list some of the best drones that have sold really well.

DJI Mavic 2 Pro

Dji inspire 1, dji osmo action.

This is one of the best drones that have sold really well. If you are looking for a drone for commercial purposes, then this is the one. The drone has been designed and manufactured with the latest technology that is used in DJI’s Phantom line.

The Mavic 2 Pro is capable of capturing 4K video at 120 frames per second and it has a 12-megapixel camera that has a maximum zoom range of 8x.

DJI Inspire 1 is another best-selling drone that has been manufactured by the DJI company. The drone is capable of flying for up to 25 minutes on a single charge. It also has a maximum speed of 40 miles per hour and it can capture 4K videos at 30 fps.

The drone is compatible with the DJI Go app that lets you control the drone with ease.

DJI Osmo Action is one of the best action cameras that has sold really well. The drone has a maximum weight of 3.3 pounds and it is capable of shooting 1080p videos at a maximum resolution of 1440 pixels.

It has a 2.7-inch touch screen that is very useful in controlling the drone.

Drone IQ3 is another best-selling drone that has been manufactured by the DJI company. The drone is capable of recording videos at a maximum resolution of 4K and it is capable of flying for an average of 10 minutes on a single charge.

It also has a maximum speed of 37 mph and it can record 1080p videos at 60 frames per second.


Now you know about the negative impact of drone technology and also the way to overcome these negative impacts. So, start using drone technology to its full potential and don’t worry about the negative impact of drone technology, we will overcome it.


Why the future is bright for drone technology

Workers pack a box of vaccines to be delivered by a Zipline drone, in Ghana April 22, 2019.

In Ghana, drones delivered 13% of the country’s initial shipment of COVID-19 vaccine in just 3 days Image:  Gavi/2019/Tony Noel

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presentation about drones

.chakra .wef-9dduvl{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-9dduvl{font-size:1.125rem;}} Explore and monitor how .chakra .wef-15eoq1r{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;color:#F7DB5E;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-15eoq1r{font-size:1.125rem;}} Drones is affecting economies, industries and global issues

A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

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Stay up to date:.

  • During the pandemic, drones have helped communities to access goods and services.
  • Regulators across the globe are now looking at ways to support the expansion of drone technology, exploring carrying heavier loads and transporting people.
  • Saudi Arabia could become a global leader for emerging drone technologies.

Over the past year we have seen drones become more relevant to people’s lives. The technology has matured, and during the pandemic there has been a new urgency about finding new ways of accessing goods and services. In Ghana, drones delivered 13% of the country’s initial shipment of COVID-19 vaccine in just 3 days. In the United States, the Alphabet-owned drone delivery company Wing saw demand for its services double as people looked for contactless ways to get access to consumer goods.

In response, many regulators across the globe have demonstrated interest in helping this industry to expand its operations.They are granting more approvals under current frameworks, and also adopting more comprehensive frameworks to enable larger scale drone operations

Have you read?

How drones in cities can help distribute medical supplies, revamping drone regulations for innovation and safety.

Previously, drones were only capable of transporting light packages. But a new class of system is emerging that can carry 70 kg to 500kg loads, depending on the aircraft. This means that new delivery models can be more efficient and cost-effective than existing helicopter, truck, or ferry-based infrastructure, especially for goods that are of high social or economic value in areas that are not well served by current infrastructure. Remote, rural, and offshore communities can receive essential goods via autonomous aerial systems, if the right regulations can be put in place.

Heavy-lift drone delivery has recently reached a level of technical maturity, and the systems are ready for certification by civil aviation authorities. Approving heavy cargo operations may also serve as a bridge to platforms that carry people, such as Advanced Aerial Mobility (AAM) and Urban Aerial Mobility (UAM), as the technology is similar. AAM platforms have seen a rapid influx of capital. In the last six months, four companies - Joby Aviation, Lilium, Archer, and Elevation Aerospace - have announced plans to go public later this year.

The World Economic Forum is partnering with governments and companies to create flexible regulations that allow drones to be manufactured and used in various ways to help society and the economy.

Drones can do many wonderful things, but their upsides are often overshadowed by concerns about privacy, collisions and other potential dangers. To make matters worse, government regulations have not been able to keep up with the speed of technological innovation.

In 2017 the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution teamed up with the Government of Rwanda to draft the world’s first framework for governing drones at scale. Using a performance-based approach that set minimum safety requirements instead of equipment specifications, this innovative regulatory framework gave drone manufacturers the flexibility to design and test different types of drones. These drones have delivered life-saving vaccines, conducted agricultural land surveys, inspected infrastructure and had many other socially beneficial uses in Rwanda.

Today, the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution is working with governments and companies in Africa, Asia, Europe and North America to co-design and pilot agile policies that bring all the social and economic benefits of drone technology while minimizing its risks.

Read more here , and contact us if you're interested in getting involved with the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution's pioneering work in the governance of emerging technologies.

Saudi Arabia could become a global leader in enabling heavy lift cargo solutions, and serve as a hub for emerging drone technologies. Although Saudi Arabia generally has excellent transportation infrastructure, some communities still have poor access to important medical and general consumer and industrial supplies due to complicated mountain, dessert, or water terrain. The country's Vision 2030 notes a “significant backlog across the road network, leading to inadequate transport infrastructure,” along with a strategic objective to “promoting ease/possibility of living across [the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia].” Heavy-lift drone delivery offers an opportunity to address these challenges and objectives.

However, regulation and business models lag behind and in some cases actively prevent companies from realising the potential of this technology. Public-private collaboration is needed to make sure cargo drones develop in a way that protects public safety, ensures community interests are represented, and considers how the integration of new technologies into supply chains is done in a cost-effective manner.

The World Economic Forum and the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Saudi Arabia are initiating a heavy-lift drone project. This will support the Saudi Ministry of Transport and the General Authority of Civil Aviation to develop a regulatory framework, building on successful collaborations with Rwanda, Switzerland, India, and other governments on this topic. The Forum also works with key stakeholders from the private and public sectors in Saudi Arabia to identify socially beneficial uses for heavy-lift drone delivery, and make sure the regulations support them.

By integrating these two mutually supportive components of regulatory transformation and pilot tests, Saudi Arabia can be a model for the rest of the world while supporting its own industrial development and social goals. The Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Saudi Arabia will launch its first ‘Saudi Forum for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Harnessing 4IR’ that will take place in Riyadh on July 28-29 th of this year. The forum will gather a broad range of senior international policy experts and leaders from the public and private sectors in the region to discuss, among other topics, the opportunities that we can seize with the advent of the 4IR to advance efficiency, sustainability, and economic growth.

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Drone Technology PowerPoint Template

Drone PowerPoint Template First Slide

The Drone Technology PowerPoint Template is a compilation of PowerPoint slides that address the importance and applications of UAVs. Unnamed Aerial Vehicles or UAVs are an innovation that finds their applications in every field of science. These are based on the concept of ground-controlled drones, which will perform many functions like shooting videos, land mapping, navigation, food delivery, and much more. UAVs have a smart controller, directing the drone to a guided flight.

The Drone Technology PowerPoint Template has multiple slides representing various drone applications. For example, an architect-engineer is shown on the slide, having a drone remote-controller in hand. This slide is meant to explain the uses of UAVs in architecture like land mapping, area planning, etc. There is another slide showing a drone with a camera that can present the application of UAVs in asset inspection or aerial imaging.

The drones with the camera sometimes have navigation systems enabled. This tool can be applied for drone-based item deliveries, and experts in UAV technology will communicate and guide the drone. The third slide of the template represents this use case with the help of a graphic image showing a drone carrying a delivery box. Some UAVs also work on pre-planned programs and don’t require a smart controller. The slide showing single unnamed aircraft in the air can explain such a concept. The following slides show other graphics like an intelligent controller, a controller with a drone, and two drones with a camera.

Drone surveying is another use of UAVs. Companies and agencies can gather statistical data in this application, like population density, traffic patterns, and real-time imaging of some remote areas. This concept can also be elaborated through any of these slides. Alternatively, you can download other presentation templates like the Drone PowerPoint template with additional illustrations and icons.

Presenters can customize the Drone Template to present any topic related to UAVs or Drone. Placement of graphic images, background and object colors, fonts, everything is editable. These slides are editable and also available for Google Slides.

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  • Drone Technology
  • Drone Videography
  • Drone Mapping
  • Drone Surveillance
  • Drone Safety
  • Flying Drone
  • Robotic Surveillance
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Powerpoint Templates and Google slides for Drone

Save your time and attract your audience with our fully editable ppt templates and slides..

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If you require a professional template with great design, then this Drone And Agriculture Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using fourteen slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well-structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

Artificial Intelligence Powered Drones For Military Operations Training Ppt

Presenting Artificial Intelligence Powered Drones for Military Operations. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts, and every slide consists of appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content, and present it with confidence.

Drones In Digital Transformation Technologies Training Ppt

Presenting Drones in Digital Transformation Technologies. This PPT presentation is thoroughly researched by the experts, and every slide consists of appropriate content. All slides are customizable. You can add or delete the content as per your need. Download this professionally designed business presentation, add your content, and present it with confidence.

Drone Accessories Sugarcane Navigation Controller Sunglasses

Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this Drone Accessories Sugarcane Navigation Controller Sunglasses. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This Drone Accessories Sugarcane Navigation Controller Sunglasses PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Agriculture IoT Drone Application Icon

Presenting our well structured Agriculture IoT Drone Application Icon. The topics discussed in this slide are Agriculture Iot, Drone Application Icon. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

IoT Drone Application For Agriculture Sector

Presenting our set of slides with IoT Drone Application For Agriculture Sector. This exhibits information on three stages of the process. This is an easy to edit and innovatively designed PowerPoint template. So download immediately and highlight information on Iot Drone Application, Agriculture Sector.

IoT Drone Delivery Mechanism In Supply Chain Management

The template shows an IoT technology-based working of drone delivery. This slide aims to collect and store operational data and conduct hassle-free delivery. The major components are blockchain full nodes, message transmission, etc. Presenting our well structured IoT Drone Delivery Mechanism In Supply Chain Management. The topics discussed in this slide are Blockchain Full Nodes. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

IoT Drone Delivery Technology For Supply Chain Management

This template shows the application of IoT technology in drone delivery. The purpose of this slide is to assist and provide an enhanced method of product delivery via automated processes and instructions. Major use cases are energy management, time management, environment friendly, etc. Introducing our IoT Drone Delivery Technology For Supply Chain Management set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Use Case, Working, Benefit. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Agricultural Data Monitoring Using Drone Based Dashboard

This dashboard depicts farm based data using drone system dashboard. The key performance indicators are field humidity, field moisture, water pump status, light status, weather forecast etc. Introducing our Agricultural Data Monitoring Using Drone Based Dashboard set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Agricultural, Monitoring, Drone. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Challenges Of Applying Drone Technology In Agriculture

This slide consists of various Challenges of applying drone technology in agriculture which compel farmers to continue with old means of farming and remain restricted to a limited yield . Key challenges are connectivity issues, skill and operation, cost and weather department Presenting our well structured Challenges Of Applying Drone Technology In Agriculture. The topics discussed in this slide are Challenges, Applying, Technology. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Deployment Of Digital Transformation In Insurance

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing adoption of drone technology by insurers in fortune500 companies. It highlights percentage of insurers pending approval and percentage of insurers permitted to fly drones. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Deployment Of Digital Transformation In Insurance. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Adoption, Insurers, Technology. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Deployment Of Digital Transformation In Insurance

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing efficiency of using drone technology in insurance sector as compared to traditional methods for on site inspections. It highlights comparison of time taken in manual process and with drone. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Deployment Of Digital Transformation In Insurance. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Efficiency, Gains, Insurers using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Car racing track drone view image

Presenting this set of slides with name - Car Racing Track Drone View Image. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are Car Racing Track, Competition, Transportation.

Drones Technology Factors To Be Considered Improving Management Logistics Automation

This slide covers suitable warehouse features for implementing drones. It includes characteristics such as relatively larger size, long corridors, high shelves, single deep pallet racks. Increase audience engagement and knowledge by dispensing information using Drones Technology Factors To Be Considered Improving Management Logistics Automation. This template helps you present information on six stages. You can also present information on Technology, Considered, Characteristics using this PPT design. This layout is completely editable so personaize it now to meet your audiences expectations.

Utilizing Drones For Last Mile Deliveries Enabling Smart Shipping And Logistics Through Iot

The following slide showcases using drones for last mile deliveries. It provides information about trial run, aviation task, traffic, congestion, distance, turnaround, inventory management, loading, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Utilizing Drones For Last Mile Deliveries Enabling Smart Shipping And Logistics Through Iot. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Customer Satisfaction, Greater Accessibility, Decreased Expensive. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Drones Technology Factors To Be Considered Implementing Warehouse Automation

This slide covers suitable warehouse features for implementing drones. It includes characteristics such as relatively larger size, long corridors, high shelves, single deep pallet racks. Introducing Drones Technology Factors To Be Considered Implementing Warehouse Automation to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with six stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Drones Technology, Factors To Be Considered, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Drone Delivery Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Give your next presentation a sophisticated, yet modern look with this 100 percent editable Drone delivery colored icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. Choose from a variety of customizable formats such as PPTx, png, eps. You can use these icons for your presentations, banners, templates, One-pagers that suit your business needs.

Drone Delivery Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Make your presentation profoundly eye-catching leveraging our easily customizable Drone delivery monotone icon in powerpoint pptx png and editable eps format. It is designed to draw the attention of your audience. Available in all editable formats, including PPTx, png, and eps, you can tweak it to deliver your message with ease.

Drone Applications And Use Cases In Manufacturing Industry Implementation Manufacturing Technologies

This slide represents drone application and use cases in manufacturing sector. It covers inventory monitoring, intralogistics, asset monitoring and compliance, asset management and planning. Introducing Drone Applications And Use Cases In Manufacturing Industry Implementation Manufacturing Technologies to increase your presentation threshold. Encompassed with four stages, this template is a great option to educate and entice your audience. Dispence information on Inventory Monitoring, Intralogistics, Management, using this template. Grab it now to reap its full benefits.

Utilizing Drones For Last Mile Deliveries Deploying Internet Logistics Efficient Operations

The following slide showcases using drones for last mile deliveries. It provides information about trial run, aviation task, traffic, congestion, distance, turnaround, inventory management, loading, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Utilizing Drones For Last Mile Deliveries Deploying Internet Logistics Efficient Operations. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Destination, Limitations, Management. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Utilizing Drones For Last Mile Deliveries Ppt Professional

The following slide showcases using drones for last mile deliveries. It provides information about trial run, aviation task, traffic, congestion, distance, turnaround, inventory management, loading, etc. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Utilizing Drones For Last Mile Deliveries Ppt Professional. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Customer Satisfaction, Increase Distribution, Inventory Management using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

IoT Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT CD

Deliver this complete deck to your team members and other collaborators. Encompassed with stylized slides presenting various concepts, this IoT Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT CD is the best tool you can utilize. Personalize its content and graphics to make it unique and thought-provoking. All the seventy slides are editable and modifiable, so feel free to adjust them to your business setting. The font, color, and other components also come in an editable format making this PPT design the best choice for your next presentation. So, download now.

Drone Service Provider Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template

This in-depth and intuitively designed Drone Service Provider Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template It is a resourceful tool for every organization. Use it to showcase your services and present a strategic outlay of your business activities. This complete deck helps give a quick overview of the companys viability. It also targets various topics of interest, thus being a comprehensive tool that you can download and use. Take advantage of this PowerPoint pitch deck to discuss your business plans and vision in an impressive manner. You can also use this deck to give a quick demonstration of your product and its USP that can be shared on Google Slides or PowerPoint. This complete deck comes in an editable format and two aspects ratios, thus increasing its applicability and visibility. It also acts as a visual reinforcer to make your presence felt in the industry.

Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template

Provide your investors essential insights into your project and company with this influential Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is an in-depth pitch deck PPT template that covers all the extensive information and statistics of your organization. From revenue models to basic statistics, there are unique charts and graphs added to make your presentation more informative and strategically advanced. This gives you a competitive edge and ample amount of space to showcase your brands USP. Apart from this, all the thirty three slides added to this deck, helps provide a breakdown of various facets and key fundamentals. Including the history of your company, marketing strategies, traction, etc. The biggest advantage of this template is that it is pliable to any business domain be it e-commerce, IT revolution, etc, to introduce a new product or bring changes to the existing one. Therefore, download this complete deck now in the form of PNG, JPG, or PDF.

Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template

Provide your investors essential insights into your project and company with this influential Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is an in-depth pitch deck PPT template that covers all the extensive information and statistics of your organization. From revenue models to basic statistics, there are unique charts and graphs added to make your presentation more informative and strategically advanced. This gives you a competitive edge and ample amount of space to showcase your brands USP. Apart from this, all the thirty three slides added to this deck, helps provide a breakdown of various facets and key fundamentals. Including the history of your company, marketing strategies, traction, etc. The biggest advantage of this template is that it is pliable to any business domain be it e-commerce, IT revolution, etc, to introduce a new product or bring changes to the existing one. Therefore, download this complete deck now in the form of PNG, JPG, or PDF.

Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck Ppt Template

Give an introduction of your business to your potential investors and get funded with our Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck Ppt Template. This is a pitch deck PPT presentation that you can use to provide a breakdown of various aspects. This involves topics like executive summary, vision, business models etc. Comprising thirty one slides, each ingrained with invaluable information, this is a resourceful tool to use for all your presentations. Use it to highlight and provide an expansive view of your product, service, project, or business. This complete deck conforms to every presenters needs and style of expertise as it comes in an editable format. The visual graphics and layout are structured in such a way that it gives you ample space to add customization and build a unique presentation every time you present it. Not only that it provides concise details about different aspects, thus inducing strategic thinking. Therefore grab this PPT now.

Drone Technology Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

Deliver a lucid presentation by utilizing this Drone Technology Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Use it to present an overview of the topic with the right visuals, themes, shapes, and graphics. This is an expertly designed complete deck that reinforces positive thoughts and actions. Use it to provide visual cues to your audience and help them make informed decisions. A wide variety of discussion topics can be covered with this creative bundle such as twenty two. All the twenty two slides are available for immediate download and use. They can be edited and modified to add a personal touch to the presentation. This helps in creating a unique presentation every time. Not only that, with a host of editable features, this presentation can be used by any industry or business vertical depending on their needs and requirements. The compatibility with Google Slides is another feature to look out for in the PPT slideshow.

IoT Drones Applications Across Industries Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

If you require a professional template with great design, then this IoT Drones Applications Across Industries Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles is an ideal fit for you. Deploy it to enthrall your audience and increase your presentation threshold with the right graphics, images, and structure. Portray your ideas and vision using eighteen slides included in this complete deck. This template is suitable for expert discussion meetings presenting your views on the topic. With a variety of slides having the same thematic representation, this template can be regarded as a complete package. It employs some of the best design practices, so everything is well structured. Not only this, it responds to all your needs and requirements by quickly adapting itself to the changes you make. This PPT slideshow is available for immediate download in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, further enhancing its usability. Grab it by clicking the download button.

5G Drone Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

Deliver a credible and compelling presentation by deploying this 5G Drone Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Intensify your message with the right graphics, images, icons, etc. presented in this complete deck. This PPT template is a great starting point to convey your messages and build a good collaboration. The twelve slides added to this PowerPoint slideshow helps you present a thorough explanation of the topic. You can use it to study and present various kinds of information in the form of stats, figures, data charts, and many more. This 5G Drone Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles PPT slideshow is available for use in standard and widescreen aspects ratios. So, you can use it as per your convenience. Apart from this, it can be downloaded in PNG, JPG, and PDF formats, all completely editable and modifiable. The most profound feature of this PPT design is that it is fully compatible with Google Slides making it suitable for every industry and business domain.

Drone And Agriculture Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles

The slide exhibits the allocation of raised funds in business areas such as marketing, HR, Services, IT, Innovation, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Allocation Of Funds Drone Service Provider Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Innovation, Services, Business. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Financial Performance Drone Service Provider Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide highlights the financial performance of the company including details such as business revenue. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Financial Performance Drone Service Provider Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Revenue, Performance, Financial using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Financial Projections Drone Service Provider Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide outlines the financial projections of the company containing estimated revenue growth and expected percentage of decline in business expenditures. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Financial Projections Drone Service Provider Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Growth, Services, Processes. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Allocation Of Funds Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide exhibits the allocation of raised funds in business areas such as marketing, HR, Services, IT, Innovation, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Allocation Of Funds Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Allocation Of Funds. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Financial Performance Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide highlights the financial performance of the company including details such as business revenue. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Financial Performance Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Financial Performance, Revenue. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Financial Projections Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide outlines the financial projections of the company containing estimated revenue growth and expected percentage of decline in business expenditures. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Financial Projections Online Drone Platform Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Financial Projections, Revenue Growth using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Allocation Of Funds Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide exhibits the allocation of raised funds in business areas such as marketing, HR, Services, IT, Innovation, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Allocation Of Funds Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Business, Allocation, Marketing. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Financial Performance Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide highlights the financial performance of the company including details such as business revenue Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Financial Performance Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Financial, Performance, Revenue using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Financial Projections Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck

The slide outlines the financial projections of the company containing estimated revenue growth and expected percentage of decline in business expenditures Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Financial Projections Drone Service Company Investor Funding Elevator Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Financial, Projections, Services. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Adoption Rate Of Drones Usage Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS

This slide showcases the adoption rate of drone usage by industry. It includes industries such as manufacturing, real estate, healthcare, logistics and delivery, public safety and defense, energy and utilities, construction and agriculture. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Adoption Rate Of Drones Usage Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Adoption, Technology, Adjustments. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Dashboard For Monitoring Field Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS

This slide showcases the IoT drone dashboard used for tracking field conditions and crop health. It incorporates drone battery health, weather conditions, humidity, soil temperature, light intensity, current temperature, flight duration. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Dashboard For Monitoring Field Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Dashboard, Current Temperature, Soil Temperature. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Global Market Analysis Of Iot Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS

This slide highlights the synopsis of the IoT drone market report to get an idea of the industrys growth. It covers the IoT market drivers, CAGR, market size, key players of IoT drones industry, and recent trends of IoT drones industry. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Global Market Analysis Of Iot Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Analysis, Technology, Government using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Iot Industry Analysis Cagr Market Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS

This slide highlights the synopsis of the IoT market report to get an idea of the industrys growth. It covers the IoT market drivers, CAGR, market size, key players of the IoT industry, and market potential of the IoT industry. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Iot Industry Analysis Cagr Market Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Opportunities, Processing, Technology. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Synopsis Of Global Drones Market Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS

This slide showcases the analysis of worldwide drone market size along with major insights. It also provide the CAGR and major market growth drivers such as diverse application and technological advancement. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Synopsis Of Global Drones Market Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Technological, Advancements, Expansion. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Table Of Contents Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS

Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Table Of Contents Iot Drones Comprehensive Guide To Future Of Drone Technology IoT SS. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Introduction To Iot Drones, Current Challenges And Barriers, Industry Outlook Of Drone Market. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Technology Deployment In Insurance Business

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing adoption of drone technology by insurers in fortune500 companies. It highlights percentage of insurers pending approval and percentage of insurers permitted to fly drones. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Technology Deployment In Insurance Business Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Businesses, Property using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Technology Deployment In Insurance Business

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing efficiency of using drone technology in insurance sector as compared to traditional methods for on site inspections. It highlights comparison of time taken in manual process and with drone. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Technology Deployment In Insurance Business Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Efficiency Gains Using Drones, Insurers This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Guide For Successful Transforming Insurance

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing adoption of drone technology by insurers in fortune500 companies. It highlights percentage of insurers pending approval and percentage of insurers permitted to fly drones. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Guide For Successful Transforming Insurance. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Drone Technology, Adoption By Insurers using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Guide For Successful Transforming Insurance

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing efficiency of using drone technology in insurance sector as compared to traditional methods for on site inspections. It highlights comparison of time taken in manual process and with drone. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Guide For Successful Transforming Insurance. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Efficiency Gains Using, Drones For Insurers. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Drone Technology Long Term KPI Comparison

This slide showcases long-term KPI comparison drone technology that helps in development of longer battery run time and reduces environmental impacts. It includes elements such as annual delivery cost, cost per vial, flight time, charging frequency and regulatory support. Presenting our well structured Drone Technology Long Term KPI Comparison. The topics discussed in this slide are Drone Technology Long Term, Comparison. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Drone Technology Short Term KPI Comparison

This slide showcases short-term KPIs of drone technology which helps in improving cold chain maintenance and takes less time in transportation. It includes elements such as delivery cost, time consumption, energy consumption, CO2 emission and truck space utilization. Presenting our well structured Drone Technology Short Term KPI Comparison. The topics discussed in this slide are Drone Technology Short, Term Kpi Comparison. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Field Monitoring Using Drone Technology Dashboard

This dashboard depicts drone technology dashboard which helps to identify and measure key performance indicators. It includes elements such as field humidity, field moisture, water pump status, light status and weather forecast. Presenting our well structured Field Monitoring Using Drone Technology Dashboard. The topics discussed in this slide are Moisture Date, Soil Temperature. This is an instantly available PowerPoint presentation that can be edited conveniently. Download it right away and captivate your audience.

Global Military Drone Technology Market Analysis

This slide showcases drone technology market cap which shows increasing demand for short-range drones and improved surveillance capabilities. It includes elements such as regional analysis, range, endurance segment, short-range, long-range, strategic alliances and technological advancement. Introducing our Global Military Drone Technology Market Analysis set of slides. The topics discussed in these slides are Regional Analysis, Market Size. This is an immediately available PowerPoint presentation that can be conveniently customized. Download it and convince your audience.

Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Key Steps Of Implementing Digitalization

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing adoption of drone technology by insurers in fortune500 companies. It highlights percentage of insurers pending approval and percentage of insurers permitted to fly drones. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Drone Technology Adoption By Insurers Key Steps Of Implementing Digitalization. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Drone Technology Adoption using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Key Steps Of Implementing Digitalization

The following slide showcases graphical chart representing efficiency of using drone technology in insurance sector as compared to traditional methods for on site inspections. It highlights comparison of time taken in manual process and with drone. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Efficiency Gains Using Drones For Insurers Key Steps Of Implementing Digitalization. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Efficiency Gains, Using Drones For Insurers. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Allocation Of Funds Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck

This slide shows information about various areas in which company is planning to allocate the funds that will be raised from investors in latest fundraising round. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Allocation Of Funds Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Security And Data Protection, Risk Management, Marketing. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Financial Performance Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck

This slide shows information about financial performance or revenue generated by the company which can help investors to estimate companys potential earnings in coming years. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Financial Performance Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Financial Performance. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Financial Projection Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck

This slide shows details regarding future revenue projections of the company in coming years which can help investors to take better decisions based on the future projections of organization. Deliver an outstanding presentation on the topic using this Financial Projection Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck. Dispense information and present a thorough explanation of Financial Projection using the slides given. This template can be altered and personalized to fit your needs. It is also available for immediate download. So grab it now.

Funding History Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck

This slide shows graph which includes details regarding various funding rounds conducted by the company till the date. It also includes details about amount raised, number of funding rounds, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Funding History Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Funding History. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Market Potential Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck

This slide shows information regarding the market potential or opportunity of drone services presently and in coming years. It includes details regarding compound annual growth rate. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Market Potential Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Market Potential. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Shareholding Pattern Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck

This slide shows information regarding ownership structure in the organization. It includes owners such as founder, venture capitalists, series A investor, series B investor, series C investor, etc. Present the topic in a bit more detail with this Shareholding Pattern Drone Fleet Management Company Fundraising Pitch Deck. Use it as a tool for discussion and navigation on Before Funding, After Funding. This template is free to edit as deemed fit for your organization. Therefore download it now.

Aerial Footage Drone Videos Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This coloured PowerPoint icon offers a stunning visual representation of drone videos. Perfect for presentations, it features a high-quality image of a drone in flight with a vibrant blue sky background.

Aerial Footage Drone Videos Monotone Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

This monotone powerpoint icon is perfect for presentations related to drone videos. It features a black and white drone in the center of a circle, with a subtle gradient in the background. It is a great way to add a professional touch to your presentation.

Aerial Photography Drone Videos Colored Icon In Powerpoint Pptx Png And Editable Eps Format

Impact of using drones in emergency medicine: What does the future hold?

Add to collection, downloadable content.

presentation about drones

  • Affiliation: Gillings School of Global Public Health, Department of Epidemiology
  • Other Affiliation: Department of Emergency Medicine, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States
  • Other Affiliation: Institute for Transportation Research and Education, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, United States
  • Affiliation: School of Nursing
  • The use of unmanned aerial vehicles or “drones” has expanded in the last decade, as their technology has become more sophisticated, and costs have decreased. They are now used routinely in farming, environmental surveillance, public safety, commercial product delivery, recreation, and other applications. Health-related applications are only recently becoming more widely explored and accepted. The use of drone technology in emergency medicine is especially promising given the need for a rapid response to enhance patient outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to describe some of the main current and expanding applications of drone technology in emergency medicine and to describe challenges and future opportunities. Current applications being studied include delivery of defibrillators in response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, blood and blood products in response to trauma, and rescue medications. Drones are also being studied and actively used in emergency response to search and rescue operations as well as disaster and mass casualty events. Current challenges to expanding their use in emergency medicine and emergency medical system (EMS) include regulation, safety, flying conditions, concerns about privacy, consent, and confidentiality, and details surrounding the development, operation, and maintenance of a medical drone network. Future research is needed to better understand end user perceptions and acceptance. Continued technical advances are needed to increase payload capacities, increase flying distances, and integrate drone networks into existing 9-1-1 and EMS systems. Drones are a promising technology for improving patient survival, outcomes, and quality of life, particularly for those in areas that are remote or that lack funds or infrastructure. Their cost savings compared with ground transportation alone, speed, and convenience make them particularly applicable in the field of emergency medicine. Research to date suggests that use of drones in emergency medicine is feasible, will be accepted by the public, is cost-effective, and has broad application.
  • Unmanned aerial vehicle
  • Emergency medicine
  • Emergency medical services
  • https://doi.org/10.17615/cjba-4473
  • https://doi.org/10.2147/OAEM.S247020
  • In Copyright
  • Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
  • Open Access Emergency Medicine
  • National Institutes of Health, NIH: UL1TR002489
  • National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, NCATS
  • Dove Medical Press Ltd

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Drones Pitch Deck

Drones pitch deck presentation, free google slides theme and powerpoint template.

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