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Personal Statement for Criminology Tips: With Helpful Examples

In this article, we discuss how to write a personal statement for criminology with helpful examples.

One student dreams of being an FBI officer and the other is fascinated by designing surveys. What do they have in common? Criminology will help both of them land their dream jobs. Read on for our top tips for writing a personal statement for criminology.

Table of contents, what is a personal statement for criminology, what should you consider when writing a personal statement for criminology, how to write an effective personal statement for criminology.

  • Example 1 – A focus on academic achievement
  • Example 2 – A focus on a professional goal

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

It’s a short essay that applicants of criminology programs submit when they apply for specific criminology courses at colleges or universities.

It helps applicants show their preparedness and convince the selection committee of their suitability to undertake the program.

The personal statement should include details of the applicant’s skills and strengths, motivations, career aspirations, and ability to contribute to the institute. It shows how the applicant stands out from other contenders.

1. Qualifications

To study criminology for an undergraduate (4-year) degree, applicants should generally have achieved a good GPA in High School and may be required to attend an admissions interview.

Furthermore, applicants may be asked to have achieved good grades in certain subjects such as psychology, sociology, and law. Finally, some courses may require applicants to have specific work experience or to have completed certain courses before they can be accepted and being able to use a computer is essential.

In order to ensure that applicants are well-prepared for a degree in criminology, they may also be expected to demonstrate knowledge of wider research, current affairs, and social, organizational, or global issues.

2. Motivation and interest in Criminology

It is important to consider motivation when writing a personal statement for criminology to show why you are interested in the field and what you plan to do with your degree.

Motivation can be personal, such as wanting to help people or make a difference in society, or professional, such as wanting to use your skills and experience to advance your career. You must be motivated to pursue this field to the best of your ability and use the knowledge you gain to benefit both yourself and society.

Motivation can include a commitment to research, a desire to solve problems, and a willingness to take on difficult tasks.

‘When people think of fighting crime it’s natural that they might think of police officers and the FBI, but I believe that without skilled researchers gathering and interpreting data policing will remain reactive rather than proactive.’

3. Life Experiences that relate to criminology

These could include:

  • Family situations that involve law enforcement or the judiciary system. How have these experiences shaped your life and motivated you to pursue a criminology degree?

‘Being the eldest daughter of two police officers has taught me how to balance life, a part-time job, volunteering and schoolwork. I have been taking college courses at our local community college while finishing up high school in order to accelerate my degree and I gained a great deal of knowledge from my social work college-level classes’

  • Personality traits that are suited to the intended career. Have you always been fascinated by the work of the police and the FBI?
  • Do you have a relative or family friend that worked in law enforcement, social services or in the courts that you want to emulate?
  • Talking about how psychology has had a direct impact on your life, such as having counselling sessions for anxiety and how this has given you the desire to work with people that have been affected by crime.

4. Background knowledge of criminology

It’s important to show an understanding of some elements of criminology. These could include some criminological research and theories or having an awareness of contemporary crime prevention strategies.

‘As part of our High School Psychology course, we studied critical analyses of crime studies, which involves looking at the various aspects of a crime such as the social and economic factors that lead to it and the use theoretical frameworks to understand the underlying causes and effects of criminal behavior.’

Being familiar with laws and criminal justice systems in your state, and an understanding of the ethical considerations applicable to criminology will be valuable to you.

During the application process, it is important to demonstrate that you have the following skills:

  • written and verbal communication skills,
  • critical reading and writing skills,
  • technology and analysis skills,
  • research and problem-solving skills,
  • understanding of social, organizational and global issues,
  • an awareness of current affairs on both a local and a global perspective.

Enhanced communication skills such as clarifying, listening and offering advice as well as the ability to gather and assess data and other information will help your application.

6. Experience

Think about your experiences in jobs, work experience, work placements, apprenticeships and any other relevant education or professional background.

Additionally, one should reflect on any current or past work in the criminal justice field, such as working in youth corrections.

Furthermore, it is important to consider any personal experiences that may have influenced the decision to pursue criminology, such as volunteering with victims or exposure to the criminal justice system.

Step 1: Talk about your qualifications

Discuss how your qualifications or current GPA specifically prepares you for a criminology degree.

Mention any other qualifications, volunteering positions or work experience you have that may be relevant.

Step 2: Explain why you chose criminology.

Show the reader your enthusiasm and knowledge of the field by providing evidence of your passion for the subject. This could include discussing your experience with law enforcement or the judicial system or providing examples of research on crime and criminal justice topics.

‘My biggest dream is to be an FBI agent and with that goal in mind I am committed to studying the field of criminology, to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of criminal justice, law, and psychology.’

Your personal statement should include stories that highlight your experiences and explain how these contributed to your choice of a career in criminology. Make sure to connect your experiences and goals by emphasizing how they have helped shape your path.

Step 3: Share your knowledge of criminology and solving crime.

Show an intellectual interest in which authors, modules, theorists, and debates have interested you, and how they could help you with your criminology degree.

Demonstrate your knowledge of criminology by discussing the topics you’ve researched on your own. This could include specific theories, current events, or other relevant topics.

Step 5: Show your initiative and drive

Showing initiative and drive is important. You can do this by writing about your academic achievements, your extra-curricular activities, and any relevant work experience to show the review committee the level of commitment and dedication you have towards your chosen career path.

You should also include details of any wider research or current affairs you are interested in. This could include discussing how you understand local law enforcement and crime concerns and how they can be integrated into a larger global perspective, or mentioning articles or books you have read about your chosen field of study.

Step 6: Proofread and edit your personal statement before submitting it

Accuracy in grammar and spelling is of utmost importance when writing a personal statement for criminology. Good written communication skills are essential for this field of study, as they are necessary for understanding, interpreting and critically analyzing any given data.

These communication skills also have a direct impact on the overall impression of a written statement, as a document full of errors can create a negative impression and make it appear as though the author is sloppy or not careful enough. In addition, as criminology is a field that requires much research and problem solving, attention to detail is critical for any successful analysis.

Examples from winning personal statements for Criminology

Example 1 – a focus on academic achievement.

Being the eldest daughter of two police officers has taught me how to balance life, a part time job, volunteering and schoolwork. With a 4.0 GPA, I have been taking college courses at our local community college while finishing up high school in order to accelerate my degree and I gained a great deal of knowledge from my social work college classes. I was also fortunate enough to learn about the law, criminal justice system, and how the court process works when my sister obtained an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Chelmhurst College – she jokes that I spent more time reading her notes and textbooks than she did! I am committed to a career in criminal justice research and have already volunteered on two projects undertaken by the state office, working on collating survey data relating to local crime.

My ambition has always been to work in Criminology, and I am confident in my ability to remain dedicated and professional. My academic and professional achievements have set me up to be an ideal student for a degree in Criminology. When people think of fighting crime it’s natural that they might think of police officers and the FBI, but I believe that without skilled researchers gathering and interpreting data policing will remain reactive rather than proactive. I want to be a big part of better understanding and lowering crime rates in my state through well-designed research projects that connect with the citizens we are working hard to protect.

Example 2 – a focus on a professional goal

My biggest dream is to be an FBI agent and with that goal in mind I am committed to studying the field of criminology, to gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of criminal justice, law, and psychology. As part of our High School Psychology course, we studied critical analyses of crime studies, which involves looking at the various aspects of a crime such as the social and economic factors that lead to it and the use of theoretical frameworks to understand the underlying causes and effects of criminal behaviour. I was fascinated by the process of researching and analyzing data from crime statistics, identifying patterns, and coming to logical conclusions.

Working on interviews and other investigative techniques to gain insights into criminal mindsets and motivations will, I hope, make me a better FBI officer in the future and develop my sense of compassion for people trapped in challenging situations, as both the victims and perpetrators of crime. I have strong communication skills and am a team player, which I believe will fit well with the ethos of Milwaukee College.

Some of these questions were already covered in this blog post but I will still list them here (because not everyone carefully reads every paragraph) so here’s the TL;DR version.

What is Criminology?

Criminology is the scientific study of crime, including its causes, consequences, and control. It examines the legal and social aspects of crime, as well as the social, economic, and political factors that influence it.

It also looks into the various theories and approaches used to explain criminal behaviour and the effectiveness of various strategies used to control it. Furthermore, it considers the ethical issues related to criminal justice, such as the rights of victims and offenders, and the impact of crime on society.

By studying criminology, students can gain a better understanding of the criminal justice system, the causes of crime, and the ways in which it can be prevented and controlled.

What kind of career can be achieved with a Criminology degree?

With a degree in criminology, a wide range of career aspirations can be achieved.

  • Law enforcement, such as a police officer, detective, or federal agent;
  • Corrections, such as a probation officer or correctional officer;
  • Social work, such as a case manager or community outreach worker;
  • Criminal justice research, such as a crime analyst or research assistant;
  • Victim advocacy, such as a victim advocate or crisis counsellor.
  • Forensic psychology, forensic accounting, and cybercrime.

What traits are needed to be successful in Criminology?

Criminology is an exciting and challenging field which requires a range of skills and qualities to be successful. These include:

  • Dedication: Being dedicated to the study of criminology and its related fields, and having a strong commitment to learning.
  • Reliability: Being dependable and able to complete tasks accurately and efficiently.
  • Concentration: Having the ability to focus intently and pay attention to detail.
  • Professionalism: Being able to ethically and responsibly handle sensitive matters.
  • Adaptability: Being able to adjust to changing environments and quickly respond to issues as they arise.
  • Compassion: Being able to empathize with others, understand their views and opinions, and provide necessary assistance.

What kind of research should I do to write a personal statement for Criminology?

  • Review the Course Overview and Requirements: Research the topics that will be covered in the course, such as criminal law, criminal justice, criminology theories, and research methods.
  • Identify Your Interests: Think about why you are interested in Criminology and what experiences or skills you can bring to the course. Consider your past experiences, such as volunteering in a criminal justice organization or working in a related field, and any research or writing you have done on criminology topics.
  • Collect Evidence: Collect evidence to support your personal statement. This could include academic qualifications, recommendations, and any other evidence that shows your commitment to the field of Criminology.
  • Brainstorm and Outline: Create an outline of your personal statement. Brainstorm ideas and develop a strong thesis statement that outlines why you would be a good fit for the course and why you are passionate about Criminology.
  • Write and Edit: Once you have outlined your personal statement, it’s time to write and edit. Make sure to review your statement for grammar, spelling, and clarity and get feedback.

What should a Criminology personal statement include?

A Criminology personal statement should include information about the applicant’s interest in and knowledge of the field of Criminology, as well as their skills, experiences, and achievements in relation to the subject. It should also include their future ambitions and plans for contributing to society through their study of Criminology. Additionally, applicants should demonstrate their ability to research, their ability to work with others, and their readiness for the degree course.

In order to make their personal statement unique, applicants should start the essay with a personal experience, carefully curate the most relevant points, use storytelling instead of making formal statements, use simple language, and personalize the essay.

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A Guide to Writing A Criminology Personal Statement

Table of Contents

If you are interested in criminology, it’s about time you pursue your dream. Take a step by applying for a career course in any reputable institution. Sending out your application is not enough. You need to include a compelling personal statement. The criminology degree personal statement examples below is an excellent guide.

A personal statement allows you to market your skills and highlight your qualifications. If you have no idea how to write a personal statement, you’ll find some good samples in this article that will guide you. 

What Is A Personal Statement?

A personal statement is a document that expresses your reason for wanting to study criminology and describes any relevant experience or skills you have. Writing a personal criminology statement can be pretty tricky, but you must include all the relevant information about yourself.

In your statement, highlight your academic achievements and experience in the field of criminology. Explain your interest and motivation in studying criminology and detail what you’ll do after graduation.

Criminology Degree Personal Statement Examples

woman wearing academic cap and dress selective focus photography

I am interested in studying criminology as it is a fascinating field that combines elements of psychology, sociology, and law. I want to gain an in-depth understanding of criminal behavior and the factors that contribute to it to help reduce crime rates. My previous academic achievements demonstrate my ability to engage with complex theoretical concepts. Studying Criminology at university will equip me with the skills needed to pursue a career in this area. Through volunteering work experience, I have gained knowledge of how the criminal justice system operates, which has further cemented my interest in this topic.

My name is Megan Skye, and I am interested in studying criminology. I first became aware of this field when I was working as a psychiatric nurse and saw the link between mental health and crime. Since then, I have become increasingly fascinated by why people commit crimes and what can be done to prevent them.

I know that criminology is a necessary discipline, not just for understanding crime but also for developing effective strategies to tackle it. This is something that inspires me to continue learning about it. In my current role as an A&E nurse, I frequently see the consequences of crime on individuals. So I am keen to learn more about how we can address this issue from a wider perspective.

I got interested in criminology through the media. This was because of the broadcast messages about crimes that happened all over the world. I was displeased that people could go to any length to commit certain crimes.

Is there a reason why they derive pleasure from committing crimes? Are there people who are born criminals? How can we reduce the rate of crime in society? As these questions filled my mind, I took an interest in certain crime stories. I once volunteered in my community. And that experience equipped me to communicate with the public and criminology requires one to be good with the public. I have leadership skills that will make me successful in this field.

When I was younger, I loved watching detective shows on TV. The mystery and puzzle-solving always appealed to me. And as I got older, I began to see the criminal justice system in a new light. Seeing how crimes are investigated and criminals brought to justice has sparked my interest in criminology. A field that combines psychology, law, sociology, and investigative skills. 

Obtaining a Criminology degree will allow me to understand crime from all angles; its causes, effects on society and potential prevention methods. I would also like to gain practical experience through work placements with Police forces or similar organizations involved in crime prevention/investigation. This course of study is the perfect next step for me: it is both stimulating intellectually and offers plenty of scope for personal growth.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a police officer. However, over time I realized that I was more interested in why people commit crimes than in catching criminals. This led me to enroll in an online criminology and criminal justice course. 

I have enjoyed learning about crime and the criminal justice system. My favorite module so Far has been juvenile delinquency, which looked at why young people break the law. In addition to my studies, I also work as a volunteer with young offenders trying to help them stay away from crime. 

Studying for a criminology degree will equip me with the skills needed to pursue a career in this field. Ultimately, I hope to work within law enforcement or social work, helping offenders in rehabilitation.

I have always been interested in how societies work and why people commit crimes. This interest led me to study criminology at university, where I developed an understanding of the complexities behind criminal behavior. The course has given me a strong foundation in the theories and methods used by researchers in this field. I am keen to continue my studies and further develop my knowledge of criminology, aiming to become a researcher one day.

My fascination in criminology was born from my exposure to new ideas and contrasting ideologies surrounding crime and justice. After spending time immersed in this field, I am drawn to the notion that there is no single approach to tackling criminal activity. It is a complex issue requiring multifaceted solutions.

My current aim is to pursue a master’s degree in criminology. This is to develop a further understanding of both classical theories about crime and recent advancements within the discipline. Ultimately, I hope to play a role in shaping future policymaking around issues such as law enforcement, rehabilitation, and victim support services. This is while maintaining close collaboration with academics who are leaders within this field. In addition, working alongside those on the frontline will give me invaluable insight into how these policies impact those directly affected by crime daily.

A personal statement is a document in which you describe your reasons for wanting to study criminology and highlight your academic and professional qualifications. A criminology personal statement also shows off your knowledge of the criminal justice system and why you are interested in studying it.

When writing your statement, highlight any relevant experience or skills that could make you a valuable asset to any criminology program. With a well-written personal statement, you can achieve your career goal just like you desire.

The criminology degree personal statement examplesabove were generated using Hey INK . Why not try it out?

A Guide to Writing A Criminology Personal Statement

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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‘Your opening sentence needs to grab the reader’s attention.’

The dos and don’ts of writing a personal statement for law

Avoid legal jargon – and be aware of what is (and isn’t) covered on the course

I f you’re interested in the intricacies of a criminal mind, don’t bother putting it in your personal statement for law, says Pamela Thomas, admissions tutor and law lecturer at Birmingham City University. “Students often write about the psychology of criminals in their statement, but that’s really criminology rather than law. Before you start writing, make sure you know what’s covered in the course.”

Another way to irk admissions tutors is to write about your “passion” without any supporting evidence. To really show your enthusiasm, the opening statement should be based on your experiences and how they shaped your ambition to study law, says Dr Martina McClean, legal admissions tutor for the University of Hull.

Whether you’re interested in family, criminal or EU law, you need to immediately pique admissions tutors’ interest and convince them you’re right for the course. So what should you include? And what are the mistakes to avoid?

Make your first paragraph memorable: The key points to cover in your first paragraph are: “why law?” and “which aspects of law interest you?” says Thomas. And your opening sentence needs to immediately grab the reader’s attention. “Admissions tutors are looking for active, engaged learners with enquiring minds. Write about how you have reflected about an experience, what type of questions you had and how you went about finding answers,” says McClean.

Be curious: Seek out opportunities to learn more about law and mention this in your application. “You could visit your local courts and talk about what you learned from the experience. They are open all year and free to attend,” says Deborah Ives, senior lecturer in employment law at the University of East Anglia.

Another way to show you’re committed to law is to draw on everyday life. “You could tell a story about a work placement in a local supermarket and how complaints were handled there,” says McClean. “This may have inspired you to look up consumer protection laws and reflect on dispute resolution mechanisms, for example.”

Show you’re hard working: Use your personal statement to show off your work ethic. Imogen Goold, associate professor and admissions co-ordinator at the University of Oxford, says that if you mention extra-curricular activities, such as sports or positions of responsibility, you should “do it in a way that demonstrates that you can stick with something difficult”.

Writing about volunteering or doing work experience will show you’re proactive, says McClean. The placement doesn’t have to be law-related, but try to relate your experiences to the legal profession.

Be honest: “We want the statement to give us an insight into who you are, not who you think we think you should be,” says Goold. Our tutors recommend resisting school or parental help. “We want to hear your voice. A statement that is overly sophisticated for a 17-year-old stands out and gives us cause for concern,” adds Ives.

What not to do

Don’t fixate on criminal justice: “Criminal law is a small part of a law degree,” says Ives. Yet this is what admissions tutors often see written about in statements. Instead, talk about a variety of law specialisms, such as civil rights, intellectual property or immigration law. “We want students who understand the breadth of the law and how it influences day-to-day life.”

Avoid jargon: Words are all you have in law and clarity is essential, so you shouldn’t overuse legal concepts or jargon, says Ives. “Tell the reader about yourself in simple and clear language,” says McLean And make sure you proofread your statement so it is clear, accurate and authentic.

Don’t plagiarise: Admission tutors read hundreds of statements, so they are likely to notice if yours is similar to something written online. “Stay away from the internet. When you receive 1500 statements a year, it’s easy to see where copying has taken place,” says Ives.

Don’t be formulaic: “We don’t have a checklist of things we want to see that you’ve done, and we don’t penalise you if you haven’t done work experience or don’t have lots of extra-curricular activities,” says Goold. “You don’t need to include a quotation, or list the law books you’ve read. Just tell us why law is for you.”

Thomas agrees: “We often get people writing a philosophical quote about law – which really doesn’t add anything to their application.”

Ives adds that you should avoid writing long lists of work experience. “We want to know about you. It is not the quantity but what you thought of the experience and how you have learned from it that counts.”

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Personal Statement Tips

Personal statement example criminology and forensics studies personal statement, criminology and forensics studies personal statement.

Lewis F. Korns simply stated, ‘Crime is as much a condition as an intention’. This quote resonates with me as everyone is influenced by oversimplified perspectives of crime. The complexity of crime and the criminals who commit them is what draws me to Criminology. In my opinion, crime is something which is constantly influenced by many factors such as the law, socio-economics, socialisation and geographical location. Each of these being one piece of a complex puzzle.

The A-Levels I am studying are Anthropology , Philosophy & Ethics and ICT. These subjects complement this field of study and enable me to have an eclectic and diverse understanding of crime from various perspectives. Anthropology consists of the study of humans and cultures and has allowed me to identify both differences and similarities between different cultures, for example, polygamy is viewed as a crime in western culture but is the norm in some cultures. Conversely, Philosophy & Ethics has enabled me to identify and differentiate between what is considered to be moral and immoral. It has also enabled me to gain an understanding of religious beliefs, theories and their approach as well as their different perspectives on crime.

Studying ethics in particular has allowed me to explore moral dilemmas and the ethical implications that lead people to commit criminal offences. This suggests that the law and criminality are not black and white and I find this reality interesting. Good people have potential to do bad things when put in particular situations. Also, studying ICT has allowed me to enhance my skills in statistical analysis and information formatting which will prove useful when undertaking research as part of a Criminology degree. Moreover, it gives me insight into internet crime which is rising rapidly in a society that is currently undergoing a technological revolution.

From a young age, I have had a keen interest in reading crime novels by authors such as James Patterson. To gain more insight into the legalities of criminal justice system, I have spent some time at The Old Bailey Court, where I sat through hearings and legal proceedings. This encouraged me to try and understand how this process operates, and this is how I discovered my interest in criminology. Furthermore, through sitting in a public trial I managed to identify the various job roles that influenced the final verdict. This was interesting as it highlighted potential career paths I could follow.

Outside of academic learning, I am an active member in the school community. As a Prefect, I am responsible for organising events. This has given me the opportunity to listen to other people’s opinions. This has also helped me to become a more conscientious worker. My part-time job has allowed me to gain confidence in myself whilst working as an individual and also as a crucial team member. From this I have developed skills such as decision making, critical thinking and working under pressure. These are all skills I believe to be necessary for successfully completing a degree.

Recently in my local area, there has been an increase in the crime rate. I attended a talk held by the Metropolitan Police about how crime can be prevented through the use of devices such as CCTV; this has aided my Extended Project where I am assessing how the development of technology has impacted on the human right of privacy. This has been helpful in developing my written communication skills while also linking it to my personal interest in human rights. To do this research, I made contact with my local MP Boris Johnson who discussed with me via letter his views of CCTV and human rights. In addition, my chosen topic will be relevant to my future career plans as I want to become a crime scene investigator in the police force

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Sociology with criminology personal statement example.

Society plays a vital part in our lives, providing the norms and values we follow throughout our daily routine. Sociology helps us understand the aspects of society from the seemingly insignificant to those of greatest importance. I am fascinated by topics such as crime, culture, education, and government policy; therefore, sociology became an essential part of my life, enticing me to study it further.

Alongside sociology, criminology captured my particular attention, with its in-depth focus on criminality and the criminal justice process. The summer 2011 riots increased my interest in the subject as the country constantly debated the causes and consequences of such delinquent behaviour. As a result I have decided to combine my two interests and pursue a degree in Sociology and Criminology at university.

Studying A-level Sociology has allowed me to be critical and objective about how I perceive the world surrounding me. Key perspectives such as Marxism captivated me in the way it distinguishes the class division between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat; how it explores the influence of capitalist ideology within the institutions of society. What interests me about studying this subject is that the perspectives always challenge each other, influencing my ideologies, allowing me to learn the differences and find my place in these on-going debates.

The forensic psychology unit of my A-level psychology has attracted me in the ways researchers explore crime, and provide possible reasons for engaging in criminal behaviour. I find the study by Wikstrom & Tafel very thought-provoking, as it focuses on the social influence in delinquent behaviour such as poverty, and living in a disadvantaged neighbourhood. It helped me discover some features of the origins of criminal behaviours.

I thoroughly enjoyed learning about the research methods used in psychology, sociology and geography. Knowledge of the different methods enabled me to understand their use and suitability in different settings. Throughout my Geography A-level, I found that human geography in many ways relates to sociology. The unit on rebranding places interested me the most. Conducting surveys and interviews with the developers of Kings Cross Central, and Kings Cross police force, enabled me to gain an insight into the main reasons behind rebranding, and evaluate the levels of criminality within the area.

Throughout my secondary school and in my sixth form I have volunteered for numerous events including open days, parents evenings and enrolment day. These have improved my communication skills, enabling me to communicate with people of all ages and backgrounds, also allowing me to use my bilingual skills in a productive way. I have undertaken various responsibilities as the chairperson of Amnesty International at my sixth form, a member of the school council executive and a form representative. I believe these experiences have helped increase my confidence, leadership skills, group work and time management.

My work experience as a reception assistant at a primary school and, as receptionist at an education resource centre taught me the importance of interpersonal skills, teamwork and also increased my awareness of self-reliance. As a checkout assistant I come across different customers every day and have experienced dealing with difficult situations in a professional manner.

In my spare time I enjoy swimming, reading novels and graphic designing using various software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. I also have a passion for surreal art and photography. I won a photography competition recently with Thomson Reuters, where many students from schools across different boroughs participated.

I am a reliable and committed student who is passionate about sociology and criminology. I feel that university will deliver the vast knowledge and understanding of these subjects that I crave, providing me with opportunities to pursue a rewarding future career.

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You've given me real.

Wed, 20/11/2013 - 01:30

You've given me real inspiration for my personal statement, there's not much else around apart from yours!

Thanks so much :)

where can I find Wikstrom &

Sat, 30/08/2014 - 19:56

where can I find Wikstrom & Tafel study?

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