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Leave Application for Diwali Festival in Office, School

Want extra leaves on Deepavali ? Asking for leave for Diwali festival Celebration in India and other countries to get leaves from office, school, overseas employment, etc. Diwali is also called Lakshmi Puja, Laxmi Puja, and Diwali Puja.

India has a gazetted holiday on Diwali, but you may have to get leaves to celebrate the Diwali festival in other countries or additional leaves in India. So leave for Diwali and Chhath Puja to H.R. manager also available. Also, Checkout Diwali Gift Ideas . Salary Advance for Diwali .

Please do not forget to buy gifts for your family and friends. Shopping is easy, and you can buy Diwali gifts online with delivery to your desired address. So if you are far away from your family or friends, you can still send gifts from online shops.

Help Others: Share your Diwali leave application in the comments.

Simple Diwali Leave Application

I need four holidays for Diwali this year. I request you to grant me leave from 24th October to 28th October 2022. I will be grateful to you.

Sincerely Yours,

Leave Application for Diwali Festival in Office 2022

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to apply for five days’ leave from 22nd October to 27th October 2022. I am requesting this leave for the Diwali festival to go to My home and celebrate it. Please approve my request and grant me leave on those five days. I will be thankful for the approval.

Your Name, Designation

Leave Application for Diwali Vacation (Diwali ki Application)

Name of Manager, Company

Subject: Requesting Extra Leaves for Diwali

The renowned Diwali festival is coming up, and I need three days extra leave from the office. So that I can have happy moments with my family in (Name of your town), please give me holidays from (date) to (date). I will be grateful to you for the approval.

Diwali Holiday Leave Application by Overseas Indians

A renowned festival, Diwali, is approaching, and I want to travel to India for celebrations. So I request you to give me fifteen days off from (date to date). I will be grateful to you.

Official Leave Application for Diwali Festival and Chhath Puja

Dear Madam,

I want three days’ leave from the office on the festival of Diwali and Chhat Puja Festival dated from (date to date). Would you please grant me leave from (date to date)? I will be grateful for your kind approval.

Leave Application for Diwali and Chhath Pooja at Home Town

I am requesting two extra leaves to go home for the Diwali festival. I belong to (name of the place) and work here in (name of the working city). So I need one extra holiday to travel to my home town .

I am looking for your approval.

Leave Application for Diwali Festival for Going Native Place

I request you to please grant me leave from (date to date) to celebrate Diwali and Chhath Puja Festival at home town (name of home town). I will be grateful to you.

Leave Application for Diwali Festival to Principal

Dear Principal,

My home is far away, and I want extra leaves for Diwali celebrations. So request you to please grant me leaves from (date to date) to celebrate Diwali and Chhath Puja Festival at home (name of city/town or village). I will be thankful to you.

Diwali or Deepawali Leave Application for Going To Village (Leave before and after Diwali)

I live in a village, and on Diwali, I want to go to my village to celebrate this great festival with my family and friends. So I request you to please give me extra leaves two days before and two days after Diwali for my convenience to visit the village. I will be grateful to you.

Email Leave for Diwali Festival to Manager Going to Other City (Preplanned Leaves on Diwali)

Subject: Leave Application for Diwali Holiday

I want to inform you that I will go on leave for Diwali Celebrations. Now Diwali is approaching, and only a few days are left. So I ask you to please grant me one week’s leave from (date to date) to visit my family and enjoy the celebrations at home.

I am looking for your kind approval.

Yours Faithfully,

Extra Leaves for Diwali Festival to School Principal (Going to Village). Additional Leaves

Happy Diwali

Through this email, I request you to grant me some holidays in addition to gazetted holidays of Diwali. I belong to a village and want to visit my family members at this festival. My home town is far away, and I want to stay there for more days because I am visiting my family after a long time.

I request you to please approve four days from (date to date) in addition to gazetted holidays. I will be thankful to you.

Faithfully Yours,

Leave Application for Diwali Festival to Manager Abroad

I want to inform you that I belong to India and need holidays on Diwali from (date to date). Because my whole family lives there, I need vacations to join my family to celebrate Diwali, my religious ritual.

I will be very thankful to you for this favor.

Thanks, and regards,

Application for Diwali Leave in Email to Boss in Abroad (Going to India)

I am (Your Name) from India, and I am working in your firm as a (designation) in UAE. Our religious Diwali festival is approaching, and it will start from (date). So I request you grant me ten days’ leave to celebrate Diwali with my family and friends in India.

Leave Application for Diwali to HR in India (Home is far away from workplace)

Managing Director

I am (Your Name), an employee in the accounts department in your company. As you know, the prestigious event of Diwali is coming up, so I request you kindly grant me a leave for six days, i.e. (date to date).

Due to distance, I have not been able to meet my family much recently, and I have been spending Diwali with my family since the time I remember, and I would like to continue this tradition as much as possible. So I shall be very thankful to you for this gratefulness.

Email Leave Application Letter for Diwali Festival for Going to India (Overseas Employees)

As you know that the prestigious festival of Diwali is around the corner. I am hoping to return to India to celebrate Diwali with my family and friends. For that purpose, kindly grant me leave for three weeks, i.e. (dates). I will be available on the phone if any emergency ascends. Thank you for your kind gesture.

Yours Sincerely,

Leave Application Letter for Diwali by a Servant ( Celebrating in Other Country)

I beg to say that I am a sweeper in this branch and a  Hindu by religion. Our sacred festival of Diwali is coming this week. Our community has planned to celebrate this function in a particular place full of freedom.

As it is not a Government holiday here. I request you to allow me two days’ leave on (days and dates) to have great fun with my friends and family.

I am waiting for your kind approval.

Your servant,

Leave for Diwali, or Deepawali Vocation in India (Leave of One Week)

Dear Sir / Ma’am,

With due respect, it is to state that the most awaited colorful event of Diwali is coming, and you know it’s the most ceremonial festival. For this colorful event, I am moving to my native area with my family for its celebration, and for that reason wanted to have leave for one week. I will be grateful for your kind consideration.

Application of Diwali for University Student (Additional leaves with gazetted leaves on Diwali)

I, (Name), a student of (class/grade), request for additional four days’ leave on Diwali.

I belong to Chennai and visit my parents and siblings almost after every year. So I want to spend some time at home because (my next visit may also be after next year)( I want to attend a marriage)(I will be attending an engagement ceremony) (you can add any reason). So the gazetted leave is also not enough for my travel and family gatherings from Delhi to Chennai in this short time.

I request you to approve at least four days’ extra leave after Diwali gazetted leaves. I will be thankful to you.

Leave Application for Diwali Festiwal and Chhath Puja

Diwali is approaching and will be held in October or November, like every year. So you can use the above leave application samples to submit in your office, company, or school to get leave for celebrations on Diwali.

Diwali is celebrated in India and in many other countries where the Hindu community lives. India has gazetted holiday on Diwali, but you may have to get leaves to celebrate the Diwali festival in other countries.

We at wish you a happy Diwali.

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Author: david beckham.

I am a content creator and entrepreneur. I am a university graduate with a business degree, and I started writing content for students first and later for working professionals. Now we are adding a lot more content for businesses. We provide free content for our visitors, and your support is a smile for us. View all posts by David Beckham

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  • Leave Application For Diwali Festival In Office, School

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a vibrant and significant celebration for many individuals and communities. It is a time when people come together to rejoice, offer prayers, and spend quality time with loved ones. To ensure active participation in this auspicious occasion, it may be necessary to request leave from work or school. We have prepared four templates to assist you in crafting leave applications for the Diwali festival in both office and school settings.The templates cover various scenarios, including requesting leave from office or school to celebrate Diwali, expressing gratitude for the cultural and religious significance of the festival, and providing assurance of completing pending tasks or catching up on missed assignments. It is crucial to customize these templates by adding specific dates and personal details to ensure they align with your specific circumstances.By utilizing these templates, you can effectively communicate your need for leave, demonstrate your commitment to your responsibilities, and express appreciation for understanding and support. Remember to adhere to any guidelines or procedures provided by your office or school regarding leave applications. Use these templates as a foundation to draft a thoughtful and concise leave application that reflects your genuine intent to participate in the joyous celebrations of Diwali while maintaining your professional or academic obligations.

Template Leave Application for Diwali Festival (School)

To, The Principal, XYZ School.

Subject: Leave Application for Diwali Festival.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am a student of class X-A in your esteemed school. I am writing to request your permission for a leave of absence from 4th November to 8th November 2023 on account of the Diwali festival. Diwali is a very auspicious and joyous occasion for me and my family, and I would like to celebrate it with them in my native place.

I have been regular and punctual in attending the classes and completing the assignments. I have also taken notes from my friends and teachers for the topics that will be covered during my absence. I will make sure that I do not miss any important lessons or tests when I return.

I request you to kindly grant me leave for the above-mentioned period and oblige. I promise that I will study hard and perform well in the upcoming exams.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours obediently,

PQR (Roll Number)

Template Leave Application for Diwali Festival (Office)

To, The Director, XYZ Organization.

I am writing to inform you that I would like to take a leave of absence from 4th November to 8th November 2023 on account of the Diwali festival. Diwali is a major cultural and religious festival for me and my family, and I would like to spend it with them in our ancestral village.

I have made all the necessary arrangements for the smooth functioning of my department and projects during my absence. I have delegated the tasks to my team members, Mr./Ms. ABC and Mr./Ms. DEF, who are well-versed with the details and deadlines. They will be able to handle any queries or issues that may come up during my absence. I will also be reachable on phone and email in case of any urgency.

I request you to kindly approve my leave application for the above-mentioned period and oblige. I appreciate your support and flexibility in this matter. I will resume my work on 9th November 2023 and continue to contribute to the organization's goals and vision.

Thanking you in advance for your positive response.

Yours faithfully,

PQR (Designation)

To, The Class Teacher, XYZ School.

I am a student of class X-B in your respected school. I am writing to seek your permission for a leave of absence from 4th November to 8th November 2023 on account of the Diwali festival. Diwali is a very special and important festival for me and my family, and I would like to enjoy it with them in our hometown.

I have been diligent and sincere in attending the classes and doing the homework. I have also collected the notes and assignments from my friends and teachers for the topics that will be taught during my absence. I will ensure that I do not lag behind in any academic work or activity when I come back.

I request you to kindly grant me leave for the above-mentioned period and oblige. I assure you that I will study well and excel in the forthcoming exams.

Thanking you in advance for your kindness and generosity.

Yours sincerely,

To, The Manager, XYZ Company.

I am writing to request your approval for a leave of absence from 4th November to 8th November 2023 on account of the Diwali festival. Diwali is one of the most important festivals for me and my family, and I would like to celebrate it with them in my hometown.

I have completed all my pending tasks and handed over the responsibilities to my colleague, Mr./Ms. ABC. He/she will be able to handle any urgent issues that may arise during my absence. I will also be available on phone and email in case of any emergency.

I request you to kindly grant me leave for the above-mentioned period and oblige. I assure you that I will resume my duties on 9th November 2023 and work with full dedication and sincerity.

Thanking you in advance for your consideration.

PQR (Employee ID)

We are delighted to extend our professional proofreading and writing services to cater to all your business and professional requirements, absolutely free of charge at . Should you need any email, letter, or application templates, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Kindly leave a comment stating your request, and we will ensure to provide the necessary template at the earliest.

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HR Cabin

Diwali Leave Application Formats for Office

Diwali is one of India’s public holidays. As Diwali is one of the biggest festivals in India, some employees want to visit their village and the house of their loved ones to celebrate it. In that case, a single holiday is not sufficient. To do so, they have to request additional leave from the office.

Here you will find examples of Diwali leave application formats that you can use in your office.

Diwali Festival Leave Application

Sub: Leave request for injury in Diwali.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am [your name] , working as an [designated] in our company. this is to inform you that while firing the crackers, I injured my hand and applied medicine to the burnt area. It is a minor injury, one day of rest will be enough to recover.

So please consider today as my leave and I will return to work on tomorrow.

I shall be very grateful to you.

Thanking you.

Sincerely, Your name, Employee ID. Designation.

Diwali Leave Application

Sub: Leave request for Diwali.

Respectfully, I came to my hometown after several months to celebrate Diwali. But my parents want me to stay here for two more days.

I also want to stay here, because if I come there, I won’t be able to come back to my village for a few months. So I request you to give me leave for 2 days on 26 Oct 2022 & 27 Oct 2022 .

My parents will be very happy if you approve the leave and I hope you will consider my request.

Regards, Your name, Employee ID, Designation.

Simple Diwali Leave Application Format to Boss/Manager

To The Manager, Company name, Address.

Sub: Leave application for Diwali.

As the Diwali festival approaches, I would like to request two days of leave i.e on 26 Oct 2022 and 27 Oct 2022 to visit my village.

Because Diwali is one of the major festivals for my family, all my relatives come to my village and we celebrate. So please grant me two days of leave.

Sincerely, Your name, Signature. Employee ID.

Leave application for festival of Diwali for office

Diwali Leave Application to Manager

To The Manager, Company Name, Address.

Sub: Leave application.

With all due respect, I am [Employee name] , working as a [Designation] in [Department] . I would like to seek your approval to take a three-day leave during the Diwali festival.

Diwali is a very important festival for our family, so I am planning to go to my native place to celebrate it with my family members.

Therefore please grant me three days of leave from 26 Oct 2022 to 28 Oct 2022.

I will get back to work right after the leave.

Sincerely, Your name. Signature. Employee ID.

Diwali leave application to manager

Diwali Leave Application for Office

Respectfully, this Diwali I want to go on vacation to my hometown with my family. My parents invited me to participate in the Diwali festivities.

Therefore, apart from the Diwali holiday, I am requesting three additional days of leave from 25 Oct 2022 to 27 Oct 2022.

I shall be most grateful for this favor.

Regards, Your name. Signature. Employee ID.

Diwali Leave Request Email to Manager

Sub: Leave the request for Diwali.

It is my leave application for Diwali. Diwali is a major festival in our family. It is our tradition to celebrate the Diwali festival every year as a family in our village. That’s why I haven’t taken any leaves till now.

So I request you to grant me three days’ leave for this Diwali festival. I will join back to work as soon as the leave is over.

So please grant me leave for three days i.e. from 25 Oct 2022 to 27 Oct 2022.

I can be very grateful to you for this.

Sincerely, Your name, Designation. Employee ID.

Diwali Leave Request Email to Manager for One Day

I am [your name], [designated] in [department] in [company name] . Please grant me leave on 25 Oct 2022 to visit my hometown during this Diwali festival.

Please consider my leave request.

Sincerely, Your name.

Diwali leave email to manager

Diwali Festival Leave Application to Manager

My name is [Your name] , [designation] in your company. That Diwali, I want to go home and celebrate with my family members.

Among all festivals, Diwali is the most important festival for our family. It is only on Diwali that all members of our family gather to celebrate.

So I am requesting four days of leave from 25 Oct 2022 to 28 Oct 2022 .

Please approve my leave request, I would be most grateful for your favor.

Your name, Designation. Employee ID.

Diwali Leave Whatsapp Message to the Manager

With all due respect, I am requesting three days of leave from 25 Oct 2022 to 27 Oct 2022 for this Diwali Festival.

Because I want to go to my village and celebrate this auspicious festival with my family members.

So kindly consider my leave request.

Diwali leave WhatsApp message to boss

Diwali Leave request SMS to Boss

On the eve of the Diwali Festival, I would like to request two days of leave on 25 Oct 2022 & 26 Oct 2022 to go to my village.

So please accept my leave request and grant me the leave.

Sincerely, Your name, Designation, Employee ID.


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Sample Leave Application format for Diwali Festival

Sample Leave Application format for Diwali Festival

[Here briefly describe Sample leave application formats for Diwali festival in the Indian subcontinent and other countries to get leaves from School, office, overseas employment, overseas office etc. Diwali also called Lakshmi Puja, Laxmi Puja, and Diwali Puja. You can modify the format as your requirement.]

Leave Application for Diwali to Manager

Authority name,

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Application for Diwali

It is to inform you that I belong to the Hindu Religion and I need vacations for Diwali which is going to start from (Date) and will last on (Date). As I belong to India and my whole family is situated there that’s why I need vacations to join my family in India to celebrate my religious ritual.

I will be very thankful to you for this favor.

Thanks and regards,

Job Designation…

Contact no…

Another format,

Sub: Leave Application for Diwali

I am (Name) and I am the employee at accounts department (Job designation) in your company. As you are aware that the prestigious event of Diwali is coming up and for that, I request you to kindly grant me a leave for seven days i.e (date) to (date).

Due to distance, I have not been able to meet my family much recently and I have been spending Diwali with my family since birth and I would like to continue this chain as much as I can (Write your reasons). I shall be very thankful to you for this gratefulness.

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Leave Application for Diwali Festival in Office, School

Want extra leaves on  Deepavali ? Asking for leave for Diwali festival Celebration in India and other countries to get leaves from office, school, overseas employment, etc. Diwali is also called Lakshmi Puja , Laxmi Puja, and Diwali Puja. Please do not forget to buy gifts for your family and friends. Shopping is easy, and you can buy Diwali gifts online with delivery to your desired address. So if you are far away from your family or friends, you can still send gifts from online shops.

Simple Diwali Leave Application

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Date] [Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position] [Company/Organization Name]

Subject: Diwali Leave Application

Dear [Recipient’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] in order to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family and loved ones. I understand the importance of maintaining workflow and ensuring that my responsibilities are covered during my absence. I will make sure to complete all pending tasks and delegate any ongoing projects to a colleague, if necessary. I believe that this proactive approach will help minimize any disruption during my leave. I assure you that I will be reachable in case of any emergencies and will ensure a smooth handover before I go on leave. I value the teamwork and collaboration at [Company/Organization Name] and will make every effort to ensure that my absence does not adversely affect the team’s progress. I kindly request your approval for this leave so that I can make the necessary arrangements for my absence. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Warm Regards, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Contact Information]

Leave Application for Diwali Festival in Office

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Department] [Date] [Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Designation] [Company/Organization Name]

Subject: Leave Application for Diwali Festival

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from [Start Date] to [End Date] to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family and participate in the festivities. I understand the importance of maintaining productivity and ensuring that my absence doesn’t disrupt the team’s progress. I will make sure to complete all pending tasks and responsibilities before my leave. Additionally, I am willing to assist in delegating my duties to a colleague or providing any necessary information to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I assure you that I will be accessible in case of any urgent matters that may arise and will make arrangements for a seamless handover before I go on leave. I value the collaborative environment at [Company/Organization Name] and will do my best to ensure that my absence doesn’t hinder the team’s success. I kindly request your approval for this leave so that I can adequately prepare for my time off. Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Extended Diwali Leave Application

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I am writing to formally request an extended leave of absence for the upcoming Diwali festival. Diwali holds immense cultural significance for me and my family, and I wish to celebrate this joyous occasion together with them. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This extended period will allow me to travel to my hometown and participate in various festivities and rituals associated with Diwali. I understand the importance of my responsibilities at work and assure you that I will complete all pending tasks and ensure a seamless handover to a colleague during my absence. I am committed to minimizing any disruption to the team’s workflow. Your understanding and support in granting me this extended leave would mean a lot to me. Thank you for considering my request.

Leave Application for Diwali Celebration Abroad

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request leave to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family overseas. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This period will allow me to travel to [Destination] and partake in the Diwali festivities with my loved ones. I understand the importance of my role in the team and assure you that I will complete all necessary tasks and ensure a smooth transition in my absence. I am committed to maintaining open communication and addressing any urgent matters remotely. Thank you for considering my request. Your support will greatly contribute to a memorable Diwali celebration with my family.

Best Regards, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Contact Information]

Diwali Holiday Leave Application by Overseas Indians

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID (if applicable)] [Your Current Location] [Date]

[Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Position] [Company/Organization Name]

Subject: Leave Application for Diwali Celebrations

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family and loved ones in India. Diwali holds significant cultural and traditional importance for me and my family. As an overseas Indian, I believe that this is an opportune time for me to reunite with my family, partake in rituals, and celebrate the festival together. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This period will allow me to travel to India, spend quality time with my family, and actively participate in the Diwali festivities. I assure you that I will make all necessary arrangements to ensure minimal disruption to my work responsibilities. I will complete any pending tasks, delegate my duties as needed, and provide clear instructions for any ongoing projects. I am committed to maintaining communication and addressing any urgent matters that may arise during my absence. I understand the importance of my role within the team and the company, and I am dedicated to making this leave as smooth as possible for everyone involved. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Warm Regards, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Official Leave Application for Diwali Festival and Chhath Puja

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Department] [Date]

[Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Designation] [Company/Organization Name]

Subject: Request for Leave during Diwali Festival and Chhath Puja

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to observe and celebrate the Diwali festival and Chhath Puja, both of which hold immense cultural significance for me. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] to allow me to participate in the Diwali festivities and observe the rituals associated with Chhath Puja. I understand the importance of my responsibilities within the team and the company, and I assure you that I will make all necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I will complete any pending tasks, provide detailed handovers, and collaborate with my colleagues to ensure that there are no disruptions. I believe that taking this time to celebrate these festivals will not only contribute to my personal well-being but also rejuvenate me to be more productive upon my return. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Leave Application for Diwali and Chhath Pooja at Home Town

Subject: Leave Application for Diwali and Chhath Puja Celebrations

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to celebrate the Diwali and Chhath Puja festivals with my family in my hometown. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This time off will allow me to participate in the Diwali and Chhath Puja festivities, engage in religious rituals, and spend quality time with my family. I understand the importance of my responsibilities within the team and the company. To ensure a seamless workflow during my absence, I will diligently complete all pending tasks and provide clear instructions for any ongoing projects. I will also collaborate with my colleagues to make sure that my duties are well-covered during my leave. Both Diwali and Chhath Puja hold immense cultural and personal significance for me, and celebrating them with my family is an important tradition that I wish to uphold. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Your consideration is highly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Warm regards, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Contact Information]

Leave Application for Diwali Festival for Going Native Place

Subject: Leave Application for Diwali Festival and Visit to Native Place

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to celebrate the Diwali festival and visit my native place during this special occasion. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This time off will allow me to celebrate Diwali with my family and loved ones, and also visit my native place where I have deep-rooted connections and cherished traditions. Recognizing the importance of my role within the team and the company, I am committed to ensuring a smooth workflow during my absence. I will complete all outstanding tasks, provide comprehensive handovers, and collaborate closely with my colleagues to minimize any disruptions. I believe that taking this time to celebrate Diwali with my family and connect with my heritage will not only enrich my personal well-being but also rejuvenate my commitment to contributing effectively to the team upon my return. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Your consideration is highly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Leave Application for Diwali Festival to Principal

[Your Name] [Your Class/Grade] [Date] [Principal’s Name] [School Name] [School Address]

Respected Principal [Principal’s Last Name], I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence from school to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family and loved ones. I kindly request your permission to grant me leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Diwali holds immense cultural significance for my family, and it is a tradition for us to celebrate this festival together. This time off will allow me to participate in various rituals, spend quality time with my family, and contribute to the celebrations. I understand the importance of maintaining my academic responsibilities and assure you that I will make every effort to complete any assignments, projects, or homework before my leave. I am committed to catching up on missed lessons and ensuring that my absence does not hinder my academic progress. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. I value my education and the opportunities provided by [School Name], and I will work diligently to minimize any disruption caused by my absence. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Class/Grade] [Student ID] [Contact Information]

Diwali or Deepawali Leave Application for Going To Village (Leave before and after Diwali)

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Your Department] [Date] [Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Designation] [Company/Organization Name] Subject: Leave Application for Diwali Celebration and Visit to Village

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to celebrate the Diwali festival and visit my village during this special occasion. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date Before Diwali] to [End Date After Diwali]. This period will allow me to travel to my village, participate in Diwali festivities, and also engage in post-Diwali celebrations with my family and relatives. I understand the importance of my role within the team and the company, and I am committed to ensuring a smooth workflow during my absence. I will complete all pending tasks, provide detailed handovers, and coordinate with my colleagues to ensure that my responsibilities are well-managed during this period. The tradition of celebrating Diwali in my village is a cherished one, and it holds deep cultural significance for my family. I believe that taking this time to connect with my roots and celebrate with my loved ones will not only rejuvenate me personally but also contribute to my overall well-being. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Your consideration is highly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Email Leave for Diwali Festival to Manager Going to Other City

Subject: Leave Request for Diwali Festival

Dear [Manager’s Name], I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to celebrate the Diwali festival in [City Name], where my family resides. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This time off will allow me to travel to [City Name], participate in Diwali celebrations with my family, and enjoy this special occasion together. I am aware of the importance of my responsibilities at work and assure you that I will make all necessary arrangements to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I will complete any pending tasks, provide detailed instructions for ongoing projects, and ensure that my colleagues have the necessary support to handle any unforeseen situations. Celebrating Diwali with my family is an annual tradition, and it holds significant cultural importance for me. I believe that this time spent with my loved ones will recharge me both personally and professionally, contributing positively to my work upon my return. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Leave Application for Diwali to HR in India

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Department] [Date] [HR Manager’s Name] [Company Name]

Dear [HR Manager’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request a leave of absence to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family and loved ones. I kindly request your approval for leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This period will allow me to fully participate in the Diwali celebrations, engage in traditional rituals, and spend quality time with my family. I understand the importance of my role within the company and assure you that I will take all necessary steps to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I will complete any pending tasks, delegate responsibilities as needed, and provide clear instructions for my colleagues to handle any ongoing projects. Celebrating Diwali is a significant cultural event for me, and it holds great personal importance. I am committed to returning to work after my leave period with renewed energy and dedication. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave for Diwali. Your consideration is highly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

One Day Leave Application for Diwali

[Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Department] [Date] [Supervisor’s Name] [Your Company/Organization Name]

Subject: One-Day Leave Application for Diwali

Dear [Supervisor’s Name], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a one-day leave on [Date] to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family and loved ones. I assure you that I will ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I will complete my tasks before leaving and communicate with my colleagues to ensure any urgent matters are taken care of. I kindly request your understanding and approval for this one-day leave. Your consideration is highly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Employee ID] [Contact Information]

School Leave Application for Diwali

Respected Principal [Principal’s Last Name], I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a leave of absence from school in order to celebrate the Diwali festival with my family. I kindly request your permission to grant me leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]. Diwali holds immense cultural and traditional significance for my family, and it is a cherished time for us to celebrate together. I assure you that I will complete any pending assignments, homework, or projects before my leave. I am committed to catching up on missed lessons and ensuring that my absence does not affect my academic progress. I kindly request your understanding and support in granting me this leave. Your consideration is greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your response.

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[…] is a festival of lights, which brings with it a message of peace and happiness. Here are some Diwali messages that […]

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Leave Letter for Festival – How to Write & 5+ Different Samples

  • Letter Writing
  • Dec 30, 2023
  • Leave Letters

Leave Letter for Festival – A Leave Letter for a Festival is a formal document written by an individual to request time off from work, school, or other commitments to celebrate a specific festival. Festivals are often significant cultural or religious events, and individuals may seek leave to participate in the festivities, observe rituals, or spend time with family and loved ones.

The purpose of a Leave Letter for a Festival is to formally communicate the intention to be absent during the festival period and to seek approval from the relevant authority, whether it be an employer, teacher, or supervisor. The letter typically includes details such as the duration of the leave, the specific festival being celebrated, and an assurance of responsibility in managing any pending work or responsibilities.

In this article we have given the 11+ leave letter for Festival in different formats you can use these formats according to your need.

Requesting 2 days Leave on Attending a Festival

Table of Contents

Leave Letter for Festival Overview

Below is an organized overview of a Leave Letter for Festival in a tabular format:

This structured format provides a clear and organized presentation of the leave request for a festival. Adjustments can be made based on specific requirements or policies.

Tips for Writing a Leave Letter for Festival

  • Be concise and to the point.
  • Clearly mention the festival and its dates.
  • Request the leave well in advance to allow for proper planning.
  • Provide assurance that your absence will not adversely affect work or commitments.
  • Follow the appropriate format and tone based on the recipient (formal for employers, teachers, or supervisors).

Requesting 2 days Leave on Attending a Festival

Subject: Leave Request for Diwali Festival Celebration

Dear Ms. Sharma,

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from work to celebrate Diwali, a significant event in my cultural calendar. The festival falls on November 2, 2023, and I am seeking permission to be on leave for the next two days, returning to work on November 4, 2023.

I have ensured that all my current tasks are up to date, and I will make arrangements for a smooth handover of any pending work to Mr. Patel during my absence. I understand the importance of my responsibilities and am committed to ensuring that my temporary absence does not disrupt the team’s workflow.

I appreciate your understanding of this matter and would be happy to discuss any necessary details further. Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to your approval.

Best regards,

Riya Kapoor Senior Analyst 7681679566

Application for Festival Leave in School

Neha Singh 10A JK Modi School Date -September 13, 2023

Sharma JK Modi School Hisar, Haryana

Subject: Application for Festival Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inform you that I will be unable to attend school for five days, from August 20th to August 27th. The reason for my absence is the celebration of an important festival in my hometown.

This festival holds immense cultural and traditional significance for my family, and it is essential for me to be present during this time. I kindly request you to consider my situation and grant me a leave of 5 days.

Thank you for your understanding.

Neha Singh 10A Date: September 13, 2023

Hostel Leave Application for Festival

Aakash Sharma Room 215 Greenfield Hostel Date – October 5, 2023

Mrs. Mehta Greenfield Hostel

Respected Mrs. Mehta,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a leave of absence from the hostel to celebrate Diwali with my family.

Details of the leave request are as follows:

Leave Start Date: October 27, 2023 Leave End Date: November 2, 2023 I understand the importance of adhering to hostel rules and assure you that I will return promptly after the festival. I will also ensure that my room is properly secured during my absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and look forward to your approval.

Aakash Sharma Room 215 7681679565

Leave Request due to Satyanarayana Sway Pooja at Home – to College

Neha Sharma 7th B Date – September 10, 2023

Priya ABC College

Subject: Leave Application for Pooja at Home

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to request a two-day leave from school on August 24th and 25th, 2023, to attend a special Puja ceremony, the “ Satyanarayana Puja ,” at my home. This annual tradition holds significant religious and cultural importance for my family.

I kindly request your permission to grant me this leave, and I assure you that I will catch up on any missed schoolwork promptly upon my return. Your understanding and approval of this leave would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Neha Sharma 7th B

Leave Request Mail for Pongal Festival to Manager

Subject: Leave Request for Pongal Festival

Dear Mr. Verma,

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing to request a short leave of one day on January 14th, 2024, to celebrate the Pongal festival with my family.

I have ensured that all my pending tasks are up to date, and I will make sure to communicate with my team to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence. I understand the importance of my responsibilities and will ensure a quick and efficient handover.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of this request. If there are any formalities or procedures to follow, please let me know.

Asha Patel Senior Analyst 7681679567

Leave Request for Family Religious Festival

Aarav Singh 9B Sunrise Public School Date – January 10, 2024

Mrs. Sharma Sunrise Public School

Respected Mrs. Sharma,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request a short leave from school to participate in a family religious festival.

Leave Start Date: January 15, 2024 Leave End Date: January 17, 2024 I understand the importance of maintaining regular attendance and am committed to catching up on any missed assignments and classwork promptly. I will ensure a smooth transition during my brief absence.

Thank you for your understanding. I appreciate your consideration and look forward to your approval.

Aarav Singh Class – 9B

Short Employee Time off for Festive Occasion

Subject: Time Off Request – Festive Occasion

Dear Mr. Patel,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request a short time off on January 20th to celebrate a festive occasion with my family. I have ensured that all my pending tasks are up to date, and I will communicate with my team to ensure a smooth workflow during my absence.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of this request.

Aisha Sharma Senior Analyst 67815245623

What is a Leave Letter for Festival?

A Leave Letter for Festival is a formal document written by an individual to request time off from work, school, or other commitments to celebrate a specific festival. It typically includes details such as the duration of the leave, the specific festival being celebrated, and assurances of responsibility during the absence.

Why is a Leave Letter for Festival important?

A Leave Letter for Festival is important as it serves as a formal request for time off, ensuring transparency and communication with the relevant authority. It helps in obtaining approval for the leave and demonstrates professionalism and courtesy.

What information should be included in a Leave Letter for Festival?

A Leave Letter for Festival should include the date of writing, recipient details, a clear subject line, a formal salutation, an introduction stating the reason for the letter, details of the festival and requested leave dates, assurances of responsibility, and a closing expressing gratitude.

How should I format a Leave Letter for Festival?

he letter should follow a formal business letter format. Include a header with the date, recipient details, a subject line, a salutation, clearly organized sections addressing the purpose and details of the leave, and a closing with your full name and signature.

How should the letter for Festival express assurance and responsibility?

The letter should convey the individual’s commitment to making up for any missed work or responsibilities during the absence. A clear plan for work handover, if applicable, should be outlined to ensure a smooth transition.

Writing a leave letter for festival celebration is an art that combines cultural sensitivity with professionalism. By carefully addressing the recipient, expressing the intent clearly, providing relevant details, assuring responsibility, and closing on a positive note, individuals can effectively communicate their need for leave while maintaining a harmonious balance between work or academic commitments and personal cultural observance.

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English Summary

Write An Application To The Boss Requesting Leave For Diwali Festival In English

The Boss, Musky Forest Park Street, Kolkata

Subject – Application for the request of leave for Diwali festival

Sir, With all due respect and honour, I would like to state that I would like to request a leave for tomorrow i.e. 12-11-2023 because of the Diwali festival. Diwali is a very important festival for quite a lot of Hindus, Sikhism and lots more. It is also known as the festival of lights. I want to take leave for this day so that I can spend this day and celebrate this event with our close and loved ones.

My grandparents living out of state will also be coming for this event which is more why I want to be with them. I have assigned my duties to Miss Agnes for the current project we are working on. I will be back by the day after tomorrow i.e. 22-3-2022 without any delay.

I, therefore, kindly request you to grant me my leave for which I shall remain forever grateful.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely, Aniya A Assistant Musky Forest Park Street, Kolkata

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Write Applications

7+ Diwali Leave Application For School / College

We all know how important diwali is for hindu religion. All students and workers have a holiday during the diwali festival. But there can be some reasons where we need more leave from school or college. For example, most people celebrate this festival in their village that can be far away from home.

That’s why I have written seven plus diwali leave applications. With the help of which you can easily take more vacations from school to enjoy the celebration. You can also modify these templates according to your needs.

Simple Leave Application for Diwali

To, The Principal, Adarsh Public School, Vikaspuri.

Subject: Diwali leave application.

Respected sir/ma’am, 

My name is Sneha Gupta from class 4th. I request you to kindly grant me leave from 18th to 21th October 2023 on account of Diwali vacations. I assure you that I will cover up the syllabus during this period.

Yours obediently, Sneha Gupta Class. 4th Roll No. 23

Diwali Leave Request for School

To, The Class Teacher, Carmel Convent School, Delhi.

Subject: Request to leave for diwali.

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am writing this letter to request for leave from 18th October 2023 to 22th October 2023 due to Diwali. Diwali is an important festival for my family and we have many traditions and rituals that require preparation and participation, so I need extra leave.

I promise to cover up the missed lessons once I am back. Kindly grant me the leave.

Yours sincerely, Ravi Sharma Class. 5th Roll no. 52

Diwali Leave Letter to Principal

To, The Principal, Neerja Modi School, Jaipur.

Subject: Leave letter for diwali.

Dear sir/ma’am,

This is Pooja from class 5th A. As you know Diwali is just a few days away. I want to say that this function is very important for our whole family. I need to attend. So please give me leave from date to date. I promise I will do all my homework.

I hope you understand the situation and grant me leave.

Thank you, Pooja Joshi Roll no. 21

Diwali School Leave Application

To,  The Principal, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.

Subject: Application for diwali leave.

Dear Sir/Mam,

This is Amitabh from class 9th C. As you know, the diwali festival is coming. I belong to the hindu family and this festival is very important for me. My house is far from school and I live in a hostel. It takes about 6 hours to reach my house, so I live in a hostel.

I would like to take two extra days off for Diwali, So I can celebrate well with my family. I promise I will complete all my missed homework and classwork as I return. 

Thank you, Amitabh Raj 9th C Roll no. __

Diwali Function Leave Letter

To,  The Principal, Era International School, Anantapur.

Subject: Leave letter for diwali function.

Respected sir/ma’am,

It’s me, Anjali from class 10th C. I want to inform you that I won’t be able to come to school for three days due to the diwali festival. My family hosts an open house where many guests will come. I need to be home to help cook, clean and welcome guests.

I promise I’ll complete the syllabus as soon as I return.

Thank you, Anjali Khanna Roll no. 12

School Diwali Leave Application

To,  The Class Teacher, Loyola High School, Anantapur.

Sub: Diwali school leave application.

Dear Teacher,

I hope you will be fine. I want to take (days) leave from school. The reason is that as you know, the diwali festival is coming. I have to do a lot of preparations for it. On this occasion, all of us in the family will go to our village to celebrate.

I hope you will understand the situation and I’ll try to return as soon as possible. 

Thank you, Neha Patel Class. 7th Roll no. 56 

Leave Application to School for Diwali

To, The Principal, Delhi Public School, City.

Sub: Seeking leave for diwali.

I am Mohan from class 10th A. I humbly request you to grant me extra 2 days leave on the occasion of Diwali. I want to visit the local temple on Diwali and participate in the special puja and celebrations there. That’s why it requires extra leave.

I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leave for __ days.

Sincerely,  Mohan Kumar Class 10th A Roll no, 52

Request for Leave on Diwali

To, The Principal, Chandigarh Baptist School, Loc.

Subject: Need leave for diwali.

Respected sir/ma’am

This is Suman from class __. As you know I belong to the hindu family and diwali festival is coming up. This festival is very big and important for us. I need to go to the village where my family lives. So we can celebrate dewali together.

Kindly allow me extra 2 days leave for Diwali celebrations. I promise I’ll complete all my assignments prior to the holidays.

Thank you Suman Choudhary Class. __ Roll no. __

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Application Formats

Leave Application For Festival For Office (8+ Sample) in 2024

Now, it will not be difficult for you to take a leave application for a festival from any organization/Company. A festival is a day in which a person forgets all his sorrows along with happiness and meets with one another.

Every country and religion has its festivals like Diwali, the Rakhi festival, Raksha Bandhan for Hindus, and Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Adha for Muslims.

Leave Application For The Festival

leave application letter for diwali festival

The Manager,

Company Name,

I hope you will be fine. I work as a clerk in your office. I want 2 days to leave, all the family members are going to their brother’s House to celebrate the festival. It is because of these festivals that people recognize their culture.

And I also want to celebrate this festival with my family and get to know them. Because this is also an important part of our life, please accept my request.

Thank You So Much,

  • Application For Leaving Hostel Permanently

One Day Leave Application For The Festival in The Office

leave application letter for diwali festival

After 5 days, our festival is coming. In which my cooperation is very important, we celebrate it every year with all our relatives. So could you give me a leave of 3 days? I hope you won’t mind. I won’t embarrass you by coming back. I also know the importance of my work.

And I assure you. When I come back, I will finish all my work and will not give you a chance to complain.

Leave Application For Rakhi / Raksha Bandhan Festival

leave application letter for diwali festival

The Principal,

School Name,

I am a student in the 5th class in your school. It is the Rakhi festival tomorrow. I want a day off so that I can enjoy this festival. You will be blessed. Every year, this festival is celebrated with his sister. This increases the love of my sister and others.

This festival also poisons our culture and strengthens the relationship of siblings. Please help me to approve this application.

Leave Application For A Village Festival

leave application letter for diwali festival

My name is Akash; I am going to my village tomorrow with my family. The purpose of going to the village is only for the festival of our village, in which all of us participate. This festival has been happening for the last 100 years. And it was very important for me to share it with you.

This is started from date _____ to date____. It reminds us of our elders. I am giving this request to you with the hope that you will definitely accept it.

Leave Application For The Holi Festival

leave application letter for diwali festival

Hope you will be fine. I need leave tomorrow from office. I always celebrate Holi with my children. Holi is one such festival. This day started with different colors.

And throwing colors on each other all day long is a sign of love. Colors have always been considered symbols of happiness; each color has its own example.

And I request your permission for this holiday. I assure you, I will go home today only after finishing my work.

Leave Application For The Festival Of Diwali

leave application letter for diwali festival

I want 1 leave from office. Because Diwali is coming on this start date ——— end date ———, which is a Hindu festival. I need to join it. I know that your international Company does not believe in such things, but for us, these festivals which have been going on for centuries are very important. Please accept my request.

Leave Application For The Festival Of Eid

leave application letter for diwali festival

Due To Respect, I work as a software developer in your office. I wanted 3 days off next week because our Eid is coming. Eid is a Muslim festival which is celebrated twice a year. All my friends are getting together.

There is only one Eid on which we all go to meet our relatives, even if you are angry with them. So please accept my application.

Leave Application For The Festival Of Puja

leave application letter for diwali festival

Due To Respect, I can’t come to the office tomorrow start date ————- end date ————— because there is puja at our house. And all our friends and relatives are also coming to our House. It’s not possible for me to come to the office tomorrow, so please give me 1 day off.

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Application Wallah

One Day Leave Application For Festival In Office – 3+ Different Samples

Festivals are like big parties that everyone in the town is invited to ! We celebrate them because they are special days when we remember happy stories and eat lots of yummy food. But sometimes, we might need a break from school or work to enjoy these festivals properly.

In this article how to write a One Day Leave Application For Festival In Office.

What to Include?

  • Your Name: So they know who you are!
  • Date: The day you are writing the application.
  • Reason: Why you need the day off. For example, “I want to celebrate Diwali with my family.”
  • Date of Leave: The day you want off.
  • Thank You: Always say thank you for their kindness!

One Day Leave Application For Festival In Office

To The Manager, [Company Name], [Address]

Sub: Leave Application to Visit Village for Dussehra

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am [Your Name], [Your Designation] in your company. I would like to request a two-day leave on [Date] and [Date] to visit my hometown to celebrate the Dussehra festival.

Dussehra holds immense importance for my family as it’s the time when we all come together to celebrate and strengthen our bonds. I kindly request your approval for this leave.

Your understanding and support are greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, [Your Name] Employee ID: [Your Employee ID] Designation: [Your Designation]

  • Diwali Leave Application
  • Leave Application For Office For Personal Reason
  • Short Sick Leave Application For Office

One Day Leave Application For Festival In Office In English

To The Manager, [Company Name], [Address].

Sub: Leave Application for [Festival Name].

I am [Your Name], [Your Designation] in your company. I am writing to request a one-day leave on [Date] to celebrate [Festival Name] with my family. I assure you that I will complete all pending work before my leave and make sure it doesn’t hamper the team’s progress.

I kindly request you to grant me this leave, and I will be grateful for your understanding in this matter.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Employee ID] [Designation]

One Day Leave Application for Festival Celebration

Sub: One-Day Leave Application for Festival Celebration.

I, [Your Name], working as a [Your Designation] in your company, am writing to request a one-day leave on [Date] to celebrate an important festival with my family. I assure you that I will complete all my pending work before taking the leave.

I sincerely hope for your kind consideration in granting me this leave. Thank you for your understanding.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Always sign your leave application.
  • No grumpy words, always be polite and respectful.
  • Always tell the truth.
  • Try your best to write neatly.
  • Don’t be scared to ask for a day off. Just be polite and honest.

See, asking for a day off for a festival is as easy as pie! Just be honest, polite, and plan ahead. Festivals are special, and everyone understands that. Now, go enjoy your festival and make lots of happy memories with your loved ones!

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Sample Letter Leave Request For Festival (Leave Letter for Going to Temple )

Sample letter leave request for festival.

Letter/Application Writing is an art we can easily adapt it to practice. Sometimes many people are experiencing a problem with writing letters or applications.

We had Added a sample letter to Request for Leave to Attend Festival Celebration in a temple. This letter can also be used not only for the case mentioned in the letter. It can also be used for any such related scenarios just by editing the reason for Leave.

The portions marked in red are information that you need to fill in for Festival Leave Letter Sample. Please add appropriate details.

Subject: Letter Requesting School Leave for a Religious Occasion

(Write your name here) (your standard) (Your School Name)

The Class Teacher ( Last Name of Classteacher ) (your standard) (Your School Name)

Respected Madam/Sir,

With respect, I am writing this letter to inform that I am going to (place name) since we have an important festival next week from (start date) to (end date) .

Kindly accept my request and grant me permission to take leave on those 3 days . Thank you in advance to consider my application.

Thank You Again.

Yours Obediently,

(Your Signature) (Date)

Read Also:  Sample Leave Letter (Request for Leave to Attend Cousin’s Marriage)

Sample Leave Letter – Attending the Festival (leave letter for going to temple)

Your Name, Your Address, City Name.

Dear Ms/Mr. Last Name of Class Teacher ,

I hereby wish to apply for leave on (Monday), (10th October, ’17) as I (Describer your reason for leave).

I request you to kindly grant me (one day’s) casual leave for the same.

Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

( Your Name )

Occasions In Which This Letter Can Be Used

  • leave letter for going to temple
  • leave application for raksha bandhan
  • diwali leave application
  • leave letter format for going temple
  • leave application for going hometown
  • leave letter for festival
  • leave application for diwali vacation
  • leave application for festival of diwali
  • leave letter for teacher
  • leave letter for temple function
  • letter format for school
  • leave letter to the class teacher
  • leave for festival
  • how to write school leave letter
  • leave letters for school
  • leave application for diwali festival
  • leave application for durga puja festival
  • raksha bandhan leave application
  • school leave letter for going to temple

5 thoughts on “Sample Letter Leave Request For Festival (Leave Letter for Going to Temple )”

Statistics homework help help college students to excel, achieve, confidence, gain knowledge and fearless in mathematics with the better of tutoring services and dad and mom shall be satisfied with the student’s efficiency .

I am going to temple I am unable to the atten the class .give me one day leave (15.11.2018)

Very useful for school students

Temple Poona for 2 days

I am going for temple give me a permission one day

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