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grade 12 english fal literature assignment memorandum

  • English FAL Grade 12 All Previous Exam Papers and Memos for All Years All Terms
  • Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

English FAL Grade 12 All Previous Exam Papers and Memos for All Years All Terms

  • 14 September 2022

Find all English FAL Grade 12 previous exam question papers and memorandums (memos) for all the years (2022, 2020, 2021, 2020 – 2015) in pdf downloadable format. At My Courses, we have collected almost every paper ever written for English FAL Grade 12  per school terms: Term 1 Papers, Term 2, Papers, Term 3 Papers, and Term 4 Papers. The English FAL Grade 12 examination papers collection is for NSC and Common Test Papers from National, Western Cape (WC), Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN), Gauteng (GP), Eastern Cape (EC), Mpumalanga (MP), North West (NW), Limpopo (LP), and Free State (FS).

Previous examination papers help students to practice for the exam using real questions. there is no better way to do a proper revision than using previous question papers. Using English FAL Grade 12 previous exam papers on this page, will enable learner to:

  • Practice time management skills for the exams
  • Discover the syllabus sections which still need more focus and attention
  • Discover the most common exam questions for English FAL Grade 12 subject (which are usually repeated
  • Discover different ways of answering various exam questions

Previous exam papers listed below can also aid English FAL Grade 12 teachers to pull out random questions for class tests and assignments. This is a perfect question bank for English FAL Grade 12.

2022 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2022 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

Term 1: Feb/March:

Term 2: May/June:

English FAL P1 May-June 2022

English FAL P2 May-June 2022

English FAL P3 May-June 2022

Term 3: August/ September

Term 4: November

2021 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2021 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

English FAL NSC P1 May-June 2021

English FAL NSC P1 May-June 2021 MG

English FAL NSC P2 May-June 2021

English FAL NSC P2 May-June 2021 MG

English FAL NSC P3 May-June 2021

English FAL NSC P3 May-June 2021 MG

English NSC FAL P1 QP Sept 2021

English NSC FAL P1 Memo Sept 2021

English NSC FAL P2 QP Sept 2021

English NSC FAL P2 Memo Sept 2021

English NSC FAL P2 QP Sept 2021 Supp

English FAL P2 Nov 2021

English FAL P2 Nov 2021 MG

English FAL P3 Nov 2021

English FAL P3 Nov 2021 MG

2020 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2020 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

English FAL P1 Sept 2020

English FAL P1 Sept 2020 Memo

English FAL P2 Sept 2020

English FAL P2 Sept 2020 Memo

English FAL P3 Sept 2020

English FAL P3 Sept 2020 Memo

English FAL P1 Nov 2020

English FAL P1 Nov 2020 Memo

English FAL P2 Nov 2020

English FAL P2 Nov 2020 Memo

English FAL P3 Nov 2020

English FAL P3 Nov 2020 Memo

2019 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2019 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

English FAL P1 May-June 2019

English FAL P1 May-June 2019 Memo

English FAL P2 May-June 2019

English FAL P2 May-June 2019 Memo

English FAL P3 May-June 2019

English FAL P3 May-June 2019 Memo

English FAL P1 Nov 2019

English FAL P1 Nov 2019 Memo

English FAL P2 Nov 2019

English FAL P2 Nov 2019 Memo

English FAL P3 Nov 2019

English FAL P3 Nov 2019 Memo

2018 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2018 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

English FAL P1 Feb-March 2018

English FAL P1 Feb-March 2018 Memo

English FAL P2 Feb-March 2018

English FAL P2 Feb-March 2018 Memo

English FAL P3 Feb-March 2018

English FAL P3 Feb-March 2018 Memo

English FAL P1 May-June 2018

English FAL P1 May-June 2018 Memo

English FAL P2 May-June 2018

English FAL P2 May-June 2018 Memo

English FAL P3 May-June 2018

English FAL P3 May-June 2018 Memo

English FAL P1 Nov 2018

English FAL P1 Nov 2018 Final Memo

English FAL P2 Nov 2018

English FAL P2 Nov 2018 FINAL Memo

English FAL P3 Nov 2018

English FAL P3 Nov 2018 FINAL Memo

2017 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2017 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

English FAL P1 Feb-March 2017

English FAL P1 Feb-March 2017 Memo

English FAL P2 Feb-March 2017

English FAL P2 Feb-March 2017 Memo

English FAL P3 Feb-March 2017

English FAL P3 Feb-March 2017 Memo

English FAL P1 May-June 2017

English FAL P1 May-June 2017 Memo

English FAL P2 May-June 2017

English FAL P2 May-June 2017 Memo

English FAL P3 May-June 2017

English FAL P3 May-June 2017 Memo

English FAL P1 Nov 2017

English FAL P1 Nov 2017 Memo

English FAL P2 Nov 2017

English FAL P2 Nov 2017 Memo

English FAL P3 Nov 2017

English FAL P3 Nov 2017 Memo

2016 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2016 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

English FAL P1 Nov 2016

English FAL P1 Nov 2016 Memo

English FAL P2 Nov 2016

English FAL P2 Nov 2016 Memo

English FAL P3 Nov 2016

2015 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos

Below are the 2015 English FAL Grade 12 Exam Papers and Memos in pdf format:

  • Stanmore Physics
  • SA Exam Papers
  • Department of Basic Education
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  • Steps to writing shorter transactional texts in the exams
  • Advertisement
  • Invitation card
  • Diary entry
  • Instructions

What is expected from you in the exam?

Section c: shorter transactional texts.

This type of transactional text is a short written exchange of information, or a written record of communication. Each type of writing has a specific purpose and format, such as conducting business, or sharing news. In this section, you will learn the features of each type of shorter transactional text that will earn you marks in the final Grade 12 exam. There are three categories of shorter transactional text as shown above. The exam will contain one question from each of the three categories listed here. You will only have to answer ONE of the questions.

1. Steps for writing shorter transactional texts

There are four steps involved in writing a shorter transactional text in an exam:

  • Step 1: Choose your text type
  • Step 2: Plan your topic
  • Step 3: Write a draft of your text and edit it
  • Step 4: Write your final text

Step 1: Choose your text type and topic There are three categories of shorter transactional texts. The exam has one question for each of these three categories. You only have to answer ONE of the questions. Choose the text type format you know best.

Step 2: Plan your topic Remind yourself of the correct format for the text type you have chosen. Plan your text by writing down your ideas for the content. Remember that your ideas must be relevant to the topic and the text type you have chosen. There are many different ways to plan your text. For example, you could use a mind map. Use the planning method that works best for you. There are examples of planning tools on page 121. Once you have written down a few ideas, you can organise them by numbering them in a logical order. This is the order in which your ideas will appear in your text.

Ways to plan shorter transactional text

A plan helps you think about what ideas you want to include in your text. It also helps you put your ideas into a clear structure. You will earn marks for showing your planning. You can use a mind map or an ideas list to plan your text.

Step 3: Write and edit your draft text Write a draft of your text, using the ideas from your plan. Check that the format is right for the text type you have chosen. Read through each sentence carefully to proofread it. Look for any spelling, punctuation or other language mistakes. Edit your draft by correcting these mistakes and making any other changes you think are needed. This will improve your final text. Count the number of words in your text and make any changes to meet the word limit. For example, you may need to add some words or use fewer words.

Step 4: Write your final text Write your final text by rewriting your draft. Make sure that you make all the changes you marked in your draft so that your final text is error-free and clearly expresses all your best ideas. Check again that the text is in the correct format for the text type. When you have finished your final text, cross out your planning and draft text. If you do not do this, the examiner may mark your draft and not your final text.

Important differences between formal and informal writing

2. category a.

Category A in the exam paper covers the following texts:

2.1 Writing an advertisement

Advertisements aim to sell products or services. They are found in electronic media, such as on TV, radio and websites; in the cinema; and through sms’s to cellphones. They are also found in print media. Printed adverts can take the form of flyers, posters and billboards; catalogues and advertising supplements; and adverts placed in newspapers and magazines. 

eg: A learner's example of  an advertisement using the four steps

Step 1: Choose the text type This learner chose this question on an advertisement:

Your family runs a home business making products such as toys, ethnic jewellery and clothing. Write out the advertisement to promote the sale of ONE of the products to tourists. You should include the following in your advertisement: a brand name, a slogan, details of the product and where to find it. Note: Do not include illustrations.

Activity: Writing an advertisement

Here are some topics to help you to practise writing advertisements:

  • Your neighbour is a businessman who has developed a new hair care product. He wishes to advertise the product in a national magazine. He has asked you to write the advertisement. Write this advertisement. Note: Do not include illustrations.
  • You help your family run a small family business, but sales have recently decreased. Your father has asked you to write an advertisement that will promote the business.

2.2 Advertisement checklist

2.3 Writing an invitation card

An invitation card is a written request inviting someone to attend a specific occasion.

 Eg: A learner’s example of an invitation card using the four steps Step 1: Choose the text type and topic This learner chose this question on an invitation card:

You have been asked to invite guests to your school’s prize-giving function. A former principal of the school will be the guest speaker. Write out the invitation card you will send to the guests. Note: Do not include illustrations or drawings.

Activity: Writing an invitation card

Here are some topics to help you to practise writing invitation cards:

  • The couple living next door to you has been married for 50 years. They are planning to celebrate this by hosting a formal function. You have been asked to prepare the formal invitation. Write the invitation that will be sent to their families and friends. Note: Do NOT include illustrations.
  • Your school’s Life Orientation teacher has invited a well-known personality to give a motivational talk to the learners at your school. As chairperson of your school’s Learners’ Representative Council, you wish to invite the chairpersons of the Learners’ Representative Councils of neighboring schools. Write the invitation you will send to them.

2.4 Invitation card checklist

2.5 Writing a flyer

A flyer is a cheap and simple form of advertising. It is usually a one-page leaflet that is handed out to people.

eg: A learner’s example of a flyer using the four steps Step 1: Choose the text type and topic This learner chose this question on a flyer:

You employed a painter, Isaac Khumalo, to paint your house. His work was of a high standard. He now wishes to promote his business and has asked you to write a flyer.  Write out this flyer. Note: Do not include illustrations or drawings.

Activity: Writing a flyer

Here are some topics to help you to practise writing flyers:

  • You live next door to the Public Relations Officer for your town/ city/suburb. He/she is organising a flea market to raise funds to beautify the town/city/suburb. Write this flyer.
  • You are a Grade 12 learner who is excellent at Maths. You wish to earn some pocket money by offering extra lessons. Write a flyer in which you advertise your services.
  • Your uncle has a small gardening service. However, he needs more customers and he has asked you for help. Write a flyer in which you promote his business.

2.6 Flyer checklist

2.7 Writing a poster

A poster is a large printed notice in a public place. It is a simple form of advertising that uses bold lettering and an interesting layout to catch people’s attention.

 eg: A learner’s example of a poster using the four steps Step 1: Choose the text type and topic This learner chose this question on a poster:

Your friends have formed a band and have been offered the opportunity to play at a local restaurant. Write the poster that promotes their appearance at this venue. Note: No drawings or illustrations are required.

Activity: Writing a poster

Here are some topics to help you to practise writing posters:

  • You live next door to the local councillor for your ward/suburb. He/she is organising a flea market to raise funds to beautify the suburb. Write out this poster. Note: No illustrations are required.
  • Road deaths are a continual source of worry for traffic authorities. The campaign that they have come up with to make motorists obey the rules of the road and drive safely is called Arrive Alive. Write out a poster for Arrive Alive. Note: No illustrations are required.

2.8 Poster checklist

3. Category B

Category B in the exam paper covers the following texts:

3.1 Writing a diary entry A diary entry is a personal account of events, thoughts and feelings that the writer has experienced.

Eg: A learner’s example of a diary entry using the four steps Step 1: Choose the text type and topic This learner chose this question on a diary entry:

You are in Grade 12 and you have been experiencing mixed feelings about the final examinations. Write down your diary entries for the following TWO days:

  • The day before the examination starts
  • The last day of the examination

Activity: Writing a diary entry

Here are some topics to help you to practise writing diary entries:

  • You have gone through a difficult period recently. You recorded your experience in a diary. Write your diary for two of the difficult days.
  • Imagine that you played very well in a sports match for the school. Write a dairy entry that describes your feelings.
  • You and your best friend have had an argument. Write the diary entry for two consecutive days.

3.2 Diary entry checklist

3.3 Writing a postcard

A postcard is a short message sent by post that briefly tells someone your news and lets them know you are thinking of them.

 Eg: A learner’s example of a postcard using the four steps Step 1: Choose the text type and topic This learner chose this question on a postcard:

You are far away from home at a beautiful holiday resort. Write the text (words) of a postcard that you would send to a family member describing your experiences. Note: Do not include illustrations.

Activity: Writing a postcard

Here are some topics to help you to practise writing postcards:

  • You are on holiday with school friends after completing Grade 12. Write a postcard to your family indicating that all is well and that they need not worry about your fellow matriculants misbehaving.
  • You are on holiday in a resort in South Africa. At the last moment you decide to stay on longer and then travel elsewhere. Your family, however, is expecting your return. Write a postcard to your family explaining your decision.
  • You have been sponsored to stay on a farm and learn another language. Write a postcard to your sponsor telling him or her of your progress and your experiences.

3.4 Postcard checklist

4. Category C

Category C in the exam paper covers the following texts:

4.1 Writing instructions The purpose of instructions is to explain how something is done.

eg: A learner’s example of instructions using the four steps Step 1: Choose the text type and topic This learner chose this question on instructions.

You have been asked by your sports coach to help if a mouth-to-mouth emergency situation occurs on the sports field. He has asked you to write a set of instructions on mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. These instructions will be distributed to all athletes. Write out this set of instructions.

Activity: Writing instructions

Here are some topics to help you to practise writing instructions:

  • You have been asked to do a short oral presentation for a Life Orientation lesson on how to lead a healthy, balanced life. Write down a list of 6–7 tips you would give your classmates in your presentation.
  • Your younger brother has asked you to help him cover his school exercise books. Write out a set of instructions that will enable him to carry out this task.
  • Your school wishes to start a recycling programme. Your principal has asked you, as a member of the Learners’ Representative Council, for assistance. Write out a set of instructions that will be posted on the wall of every classroom.

4.2 Instructions checklist

4.3 Writing directions

Directions explain to someone how to get to a certain place.

 eg: A learner’s example of directions using the four steps Step 1: Choose the text type and topic This learner chose this question on directions:

You and your friends have decided to meet at your house to celebrate the end of the examinations. Write out the directions you will give your friends to travel from the school to your house. Note: In your response, you must include some distances, turns and landmarks. Do not include sketches or maps.

  • If you live in an urban area, include landmarks like a fast-food outlet, an intersection or a park.
  • If you live in a rural area, include landmarks like a bridge, a river, or a road sign.

Activity: Writing directions

Here are some directions topics to help you to practise your writing skills:

  • A friend from another province will be in your town and would like to visit you at your home. Write the directions from a nearby bus stop to your house. You must include at least three turns and two landmarks (e.g. a school, a shop, a sports field) in your response. Note: do not include illustrations or drawings.

4.4 Directions checklist

In the exam, you must write one shorter transactional text that is no less than 80 words long and no more than 100 words long. The shorter transactional text question is worth 20 marks out of 100 marks in the exam. Examiners will give marks for your shorter transactional text based on:

  • Content, planning and format (12 marks)
  • Language, style and editing (8 marks)

The exam is 2 1/2 hours long and you should spend about 30 minutes on the shorter transactional text question. The rubric on the next page is a table the examiners use to mark your shorter transactional text. It shows the five levels of achievement that the examiners can award a shorter transactional text, from the lowest achievement (Inadequate column) to the highest achievement (Exceptional column). The table also describes the skills the examiner looks for when marking. For example, when marking the text, the examiner will assess how well the ideas relate to the topic, whether they are well planned, and that the format used is correct for the text type. The rubric is a useful guide for you to use when practicing your shorter transactional text writing because it reminds you of the skills the examiner will be assessing when marking your work.


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    Download. Type: docx. Size: 0.38MB. Share this content. Summary of short stories - plot, Characterisation and themes. Literary devices / Figures of Speech. from English FAL Grade 12 - Short Stories.

  19. 2019\English FAL\Gr 12_SBA Tasks\Term 2\Task 7 Literature Test

    School Term Term 2. Grade / Level Grade 12. Age 17. Year 13. Type Tasks, Tests and Exams. Curriculum Kenya - CBC, Mauritius Primary Curriculum Framework, Nigeria - Universal Basic Education (UBE), South Africa - CAPS. Subjects English First Additional Language. File Type zip. Memorandum/Rubric Included.


    2.1 2.1.1. Jem is upset/angered by Mrs Dubose's taunts about their father representing a black man in court. (1) Jem loses his temper and destroys Mrs Dubose's camellias/ flowers. (1) As punishment, Jem has to read to Mrs Dubose every afternoon. (1) Before Mrs Dubose dies, she arranges that a camellia be given to Jem.

  21. English Grade 11 Term 2 Task 5 Literature Assignment Memorandum

    A GRADE 11 ENGLISH FAL LITERATURE ASSIGNMENT. . × ... ENGLISH GRADE 11 TERM 2 TASK 5 LITERATURE ASSIGNMENT MEMORANDUM. ... especially the person offering it. √ 1.12. The love potion is a relevant title because in the whole story, there is a narration of a young man who used the Juba-berry (love potion) to win the heart of a young lady he had ...

  22. ENGLISH FAL REVISION BOOKLET 2024 T2 Gr. 11 Learner and Teacher

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Studying Literature Elements of a short story Literature Test Literary Assignment Oral: A Listening Comprehension Language Revision Notes Creative Writing ... 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 BROADCASTS . Online, Radio & TV MY LEARNER DASHBOARD ... ENGLISH FAL REVISION BOOKLET 2024 T2 Gr. 11 Learner and Teacher resource