English Aspirants

Terrorism Essay in English [100, 150, 200-250, 300 Words]

Terrorism Essay in English: Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence for political ends. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on Terrorism. Here we’ve provided 4 short and long essays (100, 150, 200-250, and 300 words). These essays will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Terrorism Essay: 100 Words

Terrorism is the result of widespread discontentment that has gone deeper into the minds of the poor and exploited class of people. Being instigated by some power-hungry politicians, these people take up arms against the establishment to voice their protest. When the language of protest violence and cause takes the shape of immense damages to mankind, it becomes terrorism.

Poor, ordinary people remain helpless at the hands of terrorists who want to exercise their authority against the government. Explosions and other terrorist attacks make the country unsafe and take away the peace of common people. The government has taken many steps to curb terrorist attacks, yet the menace of terrorism is still rocking the foundation of a stable country like India.

Terrorism Essay in English

Essay on Terrorism: 150 Words

Terrorism is the use of violence to attain one’s political ends. Every day there are reports of sensational and shocking terrorist activities. A worldwide phenomenon, today it has struck terror in the hearts of the people. Terrorism includes kidnapping of eminent personalities, bombing of civilian territories, blowing of buses, trains, aeroplanes and killing innocent people all with a view to spreading fear among the masses. It is a kind of proxy war against the existing elected government.

The evils of terrorism are obvious and the world has become very familiar with its acts. It is a crime against humanity Terrorism must be curbed with a heavy hand. A group of senseless people cannot be allowed to hold the country to ransom. Law and order enforcement agencies should be made more effective to combat the terror campaign and prevent the creation of fear. The root causes should be analyzed to eradicate terrorism. If that is done people all over the world can live in peace and prosperity.

Essay on Terrorism

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Terrorism Essay in English: 200-250 Words

Terrorism becomes now a days a great problem all over the world. It is also a great threat to mankind. It is the use of terror or violence. A certain group of people adopt it as tactics for a purpose. This group is said to be the terrorists. The purpose is a gain, Most gains are political. Sometimes there may be a personal gain. The criminals operate violence to fulfill their wishes or demands. They have various modes of operation.

Sometimes it is in the form of kidnapping or hijacking. Sometimes it is a kind of blasting bombs in a crowded train or bus. In some cases, they release their hostage on a big ransom. At times their terms and conditions are hard to accept and impossible to fulfil. On most occasions, a dateline is fixed. If they are refused or dishonoured, they turn hostile. The criminals kill their captives. It is a matter of great regret that some countries harbour the militants.

Terrorism creates social unrest. It intends to damage the national progress. Even a government falls victim to their wishes. Such a group hijacked an Indian Boeing from Nepal on the 24th December, 1999. They released it when India freed their leader Masood Azhar from the jail. The militants skyjacked American planes and crashed them into World Trade Centre. It was destroyed completely. The massacres in our Parliament and the American Embassy are the glaring examples in the recent times. We can combat and perish it from the face of the earth. But we must keep it in mind: United we stand, divided we fall.

Terrorism in India Essay

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Terrorism in India Essay: 300 Words

Communal disharmony is one of the causes of terrorism in India. People here are belonging to the different ethnic groups. Prejudiced, some of them show their commitment to their own minority. And this kind of conservative attitude is the genesis of terrorism in India.

Since 1947 India and Pakistan are regarded as two different free countries, although they were undivided India during the reign of the British colonialists. The British left India by conferring freedom on both India and Pakistan, but the relationship remained unfriendly. Although it is not right to say that Pakistan directly gave shelter to the terrorists, there is little doubt that the terrorists have to some extent nourished by Pakistan.

The terrorists threatened the peace in Jammu and Kashmir. Even the terrorists often attacked India between these two countries by way of causing explosions in large cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad. Some Tamil terrorists have also been constantly threatening the peace of India. The most crucial problem that India has now been facing is the activities of the Maoists in West Bengal.

Indians are now uneasy because of the price hike, corruptions in a large scale, and the problem of unemployment. At this time terrorist activities are obligatory to the progress of the nation. All of the political leaders and the Government should be aware of the fact that communal disharmony causes this terrorism. Thus, the liberalism of Indians and proper development of the country, and above all, good administration are very necessary to stop this evil of terrorism.

If it continues, the nation will soon lose its integrity and become the most disgraceful country in the world. Unfortunately, political leaders do politics for the sake of politics only, not for the sake of the making of their country. Every Indian should be conscious of the curse of terrorism and should do well in order to restore the peace of India.

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  • Terrorism Essay


Essay on Terrorism

Terrorism is a blunder committed by the terrible individuals around us. To demonstrate their strength, a group of people attempts to govern a specific arena. Terrorism has a negative impact on both society and personal life. As a result of their acts, a large number of families are destroyed. Regrettably, the number of crimes in India is increasing on a daily basis. Ancient India was ruled by a monarchy, and the ruling was a source of pride for the king. However, India later accepted democracy, and everyone is treated equally under the Indian constitution. Even so, some cowards try to keep their power over the impoverished and weak.

Terrorism represents the foolish act done by the cruel people around us. The bunch of groups tries to rule the certain arena to show their power. Terrorism had a adverse effect on the society as well as a personal life. Their number of families gets destroyed due to their actions. In India, it's sad to say, but the number of crimes is increasing day by day. Ancient India was in Monarchy where ruling was a pride to the king, but later on India accepted democracy and everyone is treated the same under the Indian constituent. Still some cowards try to maintain their dominance over poor and helpless people.

Who could forget the date 26th November, better known as 26/11! Where 10 terrorists entered the country and attacked the economic city in India. Bringing grenades, pistols, automated rifles and other destructive weapons they almost destroyed the city and shocked the Indians in the midnight. The people are helpless, weaponless and in their own world of enjoyment at the railway station, hotels and in the drives on the roads, and suddenly a danger happens in their lives, which they did not expect. 

Osama Bin Laden was the greatest terrorist in the world! People are still afraid of hearing his name. He had destroyed a building named ‘world-trade center’ with the help of an airplane. It has also been stated in the reports that frequently Osama had been amorphous with him. Even the police themselves got confused and captured the wrong one. After his death there was lots of time still required to recognize the originality of him.

Lying in court is an offense. Frequently the needy and poor people lie in court for the sake of a certain amount of money. But, this money would be a help to criminals outside the world. Even, we purchased CDs and DVDs at an economic rate. To save a certain amount of money, we help piracy. These pirates invest this money in the armonony and indirectly we are sponsoring a bullet in every war which would be used against us only. 

The origin of terrorism starts with a little things. The first pen stolen from a friend could even lead to mortal works. Everything has a start and if left unmanaged, they can leave the astray and lose the right path. In the school, if the adverse effects of being bad are explained properly with illustrations to some real life examples, the students may get aware about all the facts and take an initiative to stop the spread of crime. Instead of making criminals with heroic roles in the television serials, the more heroic movie super cops are to be made. Instead of writing biographies of terrorism supporters, write articles about terrorism demonization. The start of this cleaning starts from home, if you have a child, teach them the ways to be a great person in good habits rather than supporting him when he starts stealing something. Terrorism has an end, if we are united the terrorism can be thrown is out of the windows! 

Various Forms Of Terrorism

Political terrorism, which raises mass concern, and criminal terrorism, which involves abduction for ransom money, are the two sorts of terrorism. Political terrorism is significantly more essential than criminal terrorism since it is carried out by well-trained personnel. As a result, apprehending them in a timely way becomes increasingly challenging for law enforcement agencies.

Terrorism has spread across the country and around the world. Regional terrorism is the most dangerous type of terrorism. Terrorists feel that dying as a terrorist is a priceless and sacred experience, and they will go to any extent to attain it. Each of these terrorist groups was founded for a different motive.

Who can forget November 26th, often known as "26/11"? Ten terrorists infiltrated the country and assaulted India's economic centre. They nearly devastated the city and astonished the Indians by bringing explosives, pistols, automatic rifles, and other lethal weapons. People are defenceless, without weapons, and engrossed in their own realms of pleasure at the railway station, motels, and on the highways when an unanticipated menace enters their life.

The Origins of Terrorism

The invention or manufacture of vast quantities of machine guns, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear weapons, missiles, and other weapons fuels terrorism. Rapid population expansion, political, social, and economic issues, public dissatisfaction with the country's system, a lack of education, corruption, racism, economic disparities, and language disparities are all key factors in the development of terrorism. Terrorism is sometimes used to establish and maintain one's stance. Despite the contrast between caste and terrorism, the most well-known riots have taken place between Hindus and Muslims.

Consequences of Terrorism

Individuals are filled with fear as a result of terrorism, and people of the country feel vulnerable as a result. Millions of goods have been destroyed, thousands of people have died, and animals have been slaughtered as a result of terrorist assaults. People lose trust in humanity after seeing a terrorist attack, which fosters more terrorists. Terrorism comes in many forms and manifests itself in different parts of the country and outside.

Terrorism is becoming a problem not just in India, but also in our neighbouring countries, and governments throughout the world are battling it. The World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001, is considered the world's worst terrorist strike. Osama bin Laden launched an attack on the world's tallest tower, resulting in millions of injuries and thousands of deaths.


FAQs on Terrorism Essay

1. Who was Osama bin Laden?

Osama Bin Laden was the world's greatest terrorist! Hearing his name still makes people fearful. With the help of an aeroplane, he had destroyed the 'world-trade centre.' According to the rumours, Osama had been amorphous with him on several occasions. Even the cops got mixed up and arrested the wrong person. There was still a lot of time required after his death to acknowledge his uniqueness.

2. Identify the countries that are the most impacted by terrorism.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Syria were the countries most hit in 2014, with the highest number of terrorist incidents. This year has been dubbed "Terrorism Year." Furthermore, it has been reported that these five countries were the primary targets of 78 per cent of all attacks last year. Apart from them, there are 39 countries that endured the most attacks, and their index rating is based on the severity and frequency of attacks they experienced.

3. What is the true cause of terrorism?

Terrorism is defined as the use of violence for a specific purpose. This motivation could stem from a sense of social and political injustice, or just a belief that violence can bring about change. The main cause of terrorism is usually perceived unfairness or rage against specific societal conditions. Many people join terrorist groups out of desperation or to exact personal vengeance on powerful authorities. Terrorism is also a result of strong feelings of injustice. Millions of young people aspire to make a difference by utilising violence as a tool for social upheaval. As a result, in order to combat these extremists, we must provide them with alternatives to violence that can be useful to them.

4. What is the best way to combat terrorism?

The reduction of terrorism threats and the safeguarding of the state, its interests, and citizens against all types of terrorist activity are two of the State Security Service's top priorities in the battle against terrorism. It is critical to detect and suppress operations carried out by international terrorist groups and anyone linked to them. It is necessary to conduct an active search for persons linked to terrorist organisations. Enhancing the capacity of readiness and reaction to terrorist threats should receive special focus.

5. Give an overview of the history of terrorism.

The term "terrorist" was coined by François-Nol Babeuf, a French philosopher, in 1794. As a result of his denunciation of Robespierre's regime as a dictatorship, the Brunswick Manifesto threatened Paris with military punishment and complete devastation. This threat, however, only fueled the Revolution's determination to overthrow the monarchy. Tyranny, according to ancient philosophers, was the greatest political threat to Greco-Roman civilization prior to the French Revolution. Philosophers in the Middle Ages were also preoccupied with the concept of tyranny.

6. Explain the historical background of terrorism.

The word "terrorist" was first used in 1794 by François-Noël Babeuf who was a French philosopher. He denounced Robespierre's regime as a dictatorship therefore Brunswick Manifesto threatened Paris that the city would be subjected to military punishment and total destruction. But this threat only increased the Revolution's will to abolish the monarchy.

Prior to the French Revolution, ancient philosophers wrote tyranny as the greatest political threat to Greco-Roman civilization. Medieval philosophers were similarly occupied with the concept of tyranny.

7. How to fight against terrorism?

One of the main priorities of the State Security Service in fighting against terrorism is the reduction of the risks of terrorism and the protection of the state, its interests and citizens against all forms of terrorist activities. The detection and suppression of activities carried out by international terrorist organizations and persons related to them is important. Active search of individuals connected with terrorist organizations needs to be conducted. Considerable attention should be paid in enhancing the capabilities of readiness and responses to terrorist threats.

8. What is the real reason behind terrorism?

Terrorism is the use of violence for a certain cause. This cause may be due to the perceived social and political injustice or simply a belief that violence can lead  to change.

Usually perceived injustice or anger against a certain social conditions is the main cause  that foster terrorism. Many people join terrorist groups because of poverty or to take their personal revenge from the powerful authority. Strong feelings of injustice also results in terrorism. There are millions of young people who want to create change by using fight as the tools for social upheaval. So, in order to counter these extremists we need to give them alternatives to violence which can prove beneficial for them.

9. Name the countries which are most affected by terrorism.

Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria are the most affected countries which suffered the largest number of terrorist attacks in 2014. This year is called the year of terrorism.

Also it has been recorded that these five countries were the major victims of 78% of all attacks that happened last year. Apart from these countries there are 39 countries which saw the greatest number of attacks, and their index ranking is calculated against severity and frequency of attacks they experienced.

Essay on Global Terrorism for Students and Children

500+ words essay on global terrorism.

essay on global terrorism

Global Terrorism

The world has changed significantly since the September 11 attacks. Security has become an all-encompassing concern. People nowadays plan their vacations according to the factor such as whether the destination is safe or not, which route possess the least danger. Thus, after terrorist strikes took place people no longer feel safe in their own countries.

As we know about the attack on Twin Tower on September 11 in the USA in which militants associated with the Islamic extremist group al-Qaida hijacked four airplanes and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the United States.

Among four planes hijacked, two of the planes were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City, a third plane hit the Pentagon Washington D.C., while the fourth plane crashed in a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. These attacks eventually led to attack in Afghanistan by the USA to demolish Mullah Omar’s regime which is called War On Terror.

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War on Terror

After the September 11, 2001 attacks, an international military initiative was launched by the United States. This initiative was called the War on Terror. According to President Bush, this war was targeted at the radical network of terrorists as well as to the governments who supported them.

US and allied troops were deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan, both believed to be home to terrorist cells and leaders. Lastly, President Barak Obama’s administration formally called an end to the War and announced the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden had allegedly been killed by US Navy Seals and Al-Qaeda wasn’t considered the threat it once used to be.

However, 2014 saw the emergence of ISIS or ISIL. The jihadist organization was dubbed a terrorist group by the UN. This led to the formation of a new operation called Operation Inherent Resolve that would target terror in South Asia and the Middle East.

Threat to Humanity

The word terrorism indicates that extremists who use terror tactics use to develop fear in the hearts of people everywhere. They succeed in it because they target civilians in places where they would ideally be safe such as schools, malls, shopping thoroughfares, pubs, nightclubs, churches, and mosques.

Also, the shock value of these tactics is much higher. Terrorism is a strategy that various organizations use to achieve their aims by targeting innocent people. Terrorist attacks affect public morale and generate an atmosphere of fear. These attacks create divides between people from different regions, ethnicities, and religions. Instead of coming together to fight this threat, people are suspicious of each other and close themselves up.

Terrorism is very much a reality of modern times. The mere threat of a terrorist attack is enough to generate panic and fear among the general populace. We cannot deny the fact that global terrorism has affected policy decisions to a great extent. The internet has given terrorist organizations a global platform to spread their agenda and recruit more people. However, it may be time for a more militaristic solution to the problem of global terrorism.

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Terrorism Essay

Types of terrorism.

Right-wing terrorsim functions under a decentralised model and they are always in a position to attack law enforcement efforts. Al-Qaeda the notorious terrorist group functions under this decentralised model. Another terrorist network is white supremacy which functions under the decentralised model. Their conspiracy states that the Whites are being ostracised by racial minorities.

In conclusion, it can be said that terrorist attacks are one of the heinous crimes perpetrated by terrorists. It leads to annihilation and damage to properties, thus the entire economy of the nation where the terrorist attack has taken place gets shattered. Productive resources that would

2.) What is terrorism?

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Terrorism Essay

Terrorism Essay | Essay on Terrorism for Students and Children in English

Terrorism Essay: ‘Terrorism’ is a much talked about term today. And why should it not be when the whole world is coming under its shadow and under its threat. Even the most protected and most technologically advanced country in all modem techniques — America — could be attacked — who then is safe?

But what this terrorism is? The Chamber’s Twentieth Century Dictionary definites terrorism as ‘an organized system of intimidation especially for political ends’. This thus explains the mindset of terrorism and terrorists. But today this menace has grown to great dimensions and has taken big proportions.

Long Essay on Terrorism 500+ Words in English

Short essay on terrorism 300 words in english, 10 lines on terrorism.

  • What is Terrorism Explain?
  • What are the causes of terrorism?
  • What is the main purpose of Terrorism?
  • How can Terrorism be eradicated completely?

Long and Short Essays on Terrorism Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Terrorism’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Terrorism of 400-500 words. This long essay about Terrorism is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Terrorism of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Below we have given a long essay on Terrorism of 500+ words that is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

India has been suffering this menace of terrorism from Pakistan now for more than two decades. Pakistan has, just the one point political agenda, to grab Kashmir in any manner. Having failed in their attempts four times through full-scale wars on the issue, they resort to the terrorist activities, sponsoring and infiltrating brain-washed youngmen whom they send on with the lure of big money as well as with a fanatical fervor that they are fighting a ‘Jehad’, wherein, even if they lose their lives, they go straight to heaven.

That is how they even have come as human bombs, ready to blow themselves up in their attempt to blow up something important in India. It was this fanatical move that led the attack on the Red Fort, the J&K Assembly building, and on December 13, 2001, on the Indian Parliament. These have been open attempts of terrorism while there have been so many attempts going on in smaller and larger measures in Kashmir. Pakistan has not been able to swallow the political situation of compulsion that Kashmir stands constitutionally accessed to India. India had been fighting its own battle against this terrorism — all the world knew it, watched it but turned its eyes away, particularly the big powers like U.S. and U.K.

It has been when the Twin Trade Centre Towers and the Pentagon of the U.S. were attacked by terrorists that the whole world suddenly woke up to the terror of terrorism and the U.S. launched its offensive against the Taliban regime in Afghanistan — targetting Osama Bin Laden as the mastermind behind the attack. The Taliban regime has been finished but Osama Bin Laden has still not been apprehended.

Essay on Terrorism

Now the world has come to understand what terrorism is or can be. It is now that the shoe has pinched the biggest world power.

There has been terrorism in India on other fronts too. There was terrorism in Punjab over the demand of Khalistan; there has been terrorism in Nagaland over the demand of a separate Nagaland; there have been and are still the Naxalites operating in the South and in Madhya Pradesh. India has been suffering these diseases for long and on so many fronts.

The LTTE in Sri Lanka is also a terrorist outfit that has been fighting for a separate homeland in Sri Lanka. Their activities have also been going on for long without any cessation or solution. It was the LTTE terrorists who sent the human bomb which killed Rajiv Gandhi.

But there is one point which can be seen as common to all these terrorist activities. The terrorist group got created and got encouraged and ultimately those who encouraged them, they themselves became the victim of those very terrorists.

Below we have given a short essay on Terrorism is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

In Afghanistan, Russia was trying to wield its influence and power. The U.S. could not tolerate it. Afghanistan is an oil-rich country and the U.S. could not give that country up to Russia. So with the help and connivance of Pakistan, anti-Russian Taliban forces were sponsored, created, and encouraged. And those very forces today made the U.S. their target  — Russia has withdrawn from there.

Similarly against the Khalistan forces Indira Gandhi created a counterforce of Bhindemwala and he, ultimately became so powerful that he became a threat to Indian integrity and Indira Gandhi had to resort to Operation Blue Star to blast the Golden Temple of Amritsar to eliminate Bhindemwala and that ultimately resulted in the assassination of Indira Gandhi by her own Sikh security men.

Rajiv Gandhi boosted up LTTE cadres, had then to send Peacekeeping forces to Sri Lanka when the LTTE activities became uncontrollable and the net result was the LTTE terrorists assassinated Rajiv Gandhi through a human bomb.

The Kashmir terrorists also got encouraged when Indira Gandhi dismissed Farooq Abdullah’s duly elected government and we are kept on suffering the menace.

So terrorism has been the Alladin’s genii who once out of the bottle cannot be put back into the bottle.

One gets reminded of Faustus in Marlowe’s tragedy, whom Dr Faustus creates, and that results in his doom.

  • So this is all that terrorism and terrorists are and have been.

But India has to get determined to fight this ‘devil’ it may have to fight by itself particularly the terrorism in Kashmir. At least the world conscience has also got awakened to this menace and for all that the U.S. and U.K. pronounce, they also at least express their determination to fight terrorism, now that it has struck them straight.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

  • The most talked-about issue in the world today is ‘Terrorism’.
  • ‘Terrorism is an organized system of intimidation for political ends’.
  • India has been long suffering from this menace on so many fronts — North, South, Centre, North-East, and has been fighting its own battle against it.
  • With the terrorist attack on the U.S., the world at large has also awakened to this menace now that the biggest power of the world has been struck.
  • But there is one point which can be seen as common to all these terrorist activities.
  • Terrorism, wherever it has grown, the seeds have been sown by those who first encouraged them and then themselves became their targets. Terrorists are, thus, friends of none that stands proved.
  • Terrorism is like Alladin’s genii which once brought out of the bottle cannot be kept back in it. It must have its own way — that has been their history here, there, everywhere.
  • It is Political cancer that needs a very deep-rooted operation still will it get cured? one cannot be sure.
  • But India has to get determined to fight this ‘devil’ it may have to fight by itself particularly the terrorism in Kashmir.

What are the Causes of Terrorism

FAQs on Terrorism Essay

1. What is Terrorism Explain?

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government or its citizens to further certain political or social objectives.

2. What are the causes of terrorism?

People engage in Terrorism for plenty of reasons depending on their physiological state of mind. Their motivation to do so will be nothing but hate and desire to acquire power.

3. What is the main purpose of Terrorism?

The goal of terrorism generally is to destroy the public’s sense of security in the places most familiar to them.

4. How can Terrorism be eradicated completely?

There is no way to end Terrorism Completely. All we can do is try our best to defend against them. Ram Prasad ‘Bismil’ – The Great Martyr Summary

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10 lines Essay on “Terrorism: Causes, Effects & Way Out” for Students of Class 10, 11, 12.

10 lines on terrorism: causes, effects & way out.

  • Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political or ideological goals.
  • The causes of terrorism are complex and varied, but often include a desire to bring about political change, a sense of injustice or oppression, or a desire to spread fear and disruption.
  • The effects of terrorism can be wide-ranging and long-lasting, affecting not only the immediate victims, but also communities and societies as a whole.
  • Terrorism can have economic effects, such as damage to infrastructure and decreased tourism, as well as psychological effects, such as fear and mistrust among people.
  • One way to address terrorism is through the use of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to disrupt and dismantle terrorist networks.
  • International cooperation is also important in the fight against terrorism, as terrorists often operate across national borders.
  • Addressing underlying grievances and injustices that may drive terrorism is also critical.
  • Some governments have used military force to try to eliminate terrorists and their safe havens, but this approach can also have negative consequences and may not be effective in the long term.
  • Alternative approaches, such as conflict resolution and reconciliation, may be more effective in addressing the root causes of terrorism.
  • Education and awareness-raising can also play a role in reducing the appeal of terrorism and in promoting peace and tolerance.

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Defining terrorism is a tedious and confusing task as there is a lack of consensus at the international level. However several efforts have been made in this regard.

Table of Contents

Defining Terrorism

An agreed, comprehensive definition of terrorism has never been created by the international community. The United Nations’ attempts to define the term during the 1970s and 1980s failed mostly because of disagreements among its members over the use of violence in conflicts over self-determination and national liberation. Due to these differences, a conclusion cannot be reached.

According to the FBI: “Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”

Causes of Terrorism

There are many causes for terrorism such as:

Political causes

Insurgency and guerrilla warfare, a type of organized conflict, were the contexts in which terrorism was first theorized. A non-state army or organization committing political violence. Because they dislike the current system, they pick terrorism. They oppose the current social structure and wish to change it.

Religious reasons

In the 1990s, experts started to claim that a brand-new sort of terrorism propelled by religious zeal was on the increase. They cited groups like Al Qaeda, the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo, and Christian identity movements. Religious concepts like martyrdom were viewed as especially hazardous.

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According to socio-economic theories, persons who experience different types of deprivation are more likely to turn to terrorism or are more open to being recruited by groups that use terrorist tactics. Lack of political freedom, lack of access to education, and poverty are a few examples.

Types of Terrorism

The following are the various types of terrorism.

Ethno-Nationalist Terrorism

According to Daniel Byman, ethnic terrorism is the premeditated use of violence by a subnational ethnic group to further its cause. Such violence typically aims at either the establishment of a separate State or elevating one ethnic group above another.

Activities by Tamil nationalist groups in Srilanka are an example of Ethno-Nationalist terrorism.

Hoffman claims that those who engage in terrorism who are either wholly or partially driven by religious imperative view violence as a sacramental or heavenly responsibility. Religious terrorism is more destructive in nature because it adopts different justifications and modes of legitimization than other terrorist organizations.

Ideology oriented

Several ideologies have been used to legitimize terrorism. They include:

Left-Wing Extremism

The idea focuses on overthrowing the state through an armed struggle and establishing a communist state.

Right Wing Terrorism

Right-wing organizations typically aim to preserve the status quo or go back to a scenario from the past that they believe should have been preserved.

They might compel the government to seize a piece of land or to step in to defend the rights of a minority that is being “oppressed” in a neighboring nation.

State Sponsored Terrorism

State-sponsored terrorism and proxy war are as old as organized warfare itself. According to Walter Laqueur, these customs were in place in antiquity in the Eastern Empires, Rome and Byzantium, Asia, and Europe.

Impacts of Terrorism

It seriously jeopardizes global peace and security and undercuts the fundamental principles of growth, peace, and humanity. Terrorist activities not only have a catastrophic human cost in terms of lives lost or permanently changed, but they also endanger political stability and economic and social advancement.

Often, terrorist attacks disregard international boundaries.CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives) materials are used in terrorist attacks that have devastating effects on infrastructure and communities.

Measures To Counter Terrorism

  • The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) is responsible for leading and coordinating the UN system’s efforts to prevent and combat terrorism and violent extremism worldwide.
  • Under UNOCT, the UN Counter-Terrorism Centre (UNCCT) encourages global collaboration in the fight against terrorism and assists the Member States in putting the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy into practice.
  • The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s (UNODC) Terrorism Prevention Branch (TPB) is a key player in global efforts.
  • International standards are established by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) , a global organization that monitors money laundering and terrorist funding with the goal of preventing these illicit actions and the harm they do to society.

A combined effort at the international level is the need of the hour to tackle the perils of terrorism. Terrorism of any form is unacceptable in a civilized society.

Article written by: Vivek Rajasekharan

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Essay on Terrorism

Students are often asked to write an essay on Terrorism in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Terrorism

Understanding terrorism.

Terrorism refers to the use of violence, often against civilians, to achieve political goals. It’s a form of fear-based manipulation, aiming to create panic and disrupt peace.

Impacts of Terrorism

Terrorism harms societies both physically and psychologically. It leads to loss of lives, property, and can cause trauma. It also hampers economic growth and societal harmony.

Countering Terrorism

Countering terrorism requires global cooperation. Nations must share intelligence, enforce strict laws, and promote education and understanding to prevent radicalization. Remember, peace and unity are our best defenses against terrorism.

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250 Words Essay on Terrorism

Terrorism, a term that sends chills down the spine, is an act of violence primarily intended to create fear, disrupt societal structures, and promote political or ideological agendas. It is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, which has been escalating in frequency and intensity worldwide.

The Root Causes

The root causes of terrorism are multifarious. It can be triggered by political instability, socio-economic disparities, religious fanaticism, or ethnic tensions. Often, it is a combination of these factors, creating a fertile breeding ground for extremist ideologies.

The Impact of Terrorism

The impacts of terrorism are far-reaching and devastating. Beyond the immediate human toll, it disrupts economic stability, social harmony, and political structures. It instills fear, leading to changes in behavior and attitudes, and can even alter the course of history.

Counter-Terrorism Strategies

Counter-terrorism strategies are as diverse as the causes of terrorism. They range from military interventions to intelligence operations, from diplomatic negotiations to socio-economic reforms. However, the most effective strategies are those that address the root causes of terrorism, rather than merely responding to its symptoms.

Terrorism, a grave threat to global peace and security, requires a comprehensive and holistic approach to be effectively countered. By understanding its root causes and impacts, we can devise strategies to combat it, ensuring a safer world for future generations.

500 Words Essay on Terrorism

Introduction to terrorism.

Terrorism, a term that sends chills down the spine of many, is a complex phenomenon that has been the subject of extensive study and debate. It is characterized by acts of violence or threats aimed at creating fear, disrupting societal order, and advancing political, religious, or ideological goals.

The Evolution of Terrorism

Historically, terrorism was primarily a tool of the weak against the strong, a way to destabilize oppressive regimes or draw attention to a cause. However, the advent of the 21st century has seen its evolution into a more global menace, with the rise of transnational terrorist networks like Al-Qaeda and ISIS. The digital age has made it easier for these groups to recruit, radicalize, and coordinate attacks, making terrorism a borderless problem.

The Psychology of Terrorism

Understanding the psychology of terrorism is crucial in tackling it. Many terrorists are not psychopaths or inherently evil people, but individuals manipulated into believing that their violent actions are justified. Factors such as social exclusion, economic deprivation, political oppression, and religious indoctrination can contribute to this mindset. This underscores the importance of addressing root causes to prevent terrorism.

Terrorism’s impacts are multifaceted. The immediate effect is loss of life and property, but the ripple effects are far-reaching. It instills fear and insecurity, disrupts economic activity, and can lead to restrictive security measures that infringe on civil liberties. Moreover, it can exacerbate social divisions and fuel cycles of violence and retaliation.

Counter-terrorism strategies must be as multifaceted as the problem they aim to solve. Military and law enforcement responses are necessary to protect citizens and bring perpetrators to justice. However, these approaches should be paired with efforts to address the underlying social, economic, and political conditions that breed terrorism.

Conclusion: The Future of Counter-Terrorism

The future of counter-terrorism lies in a balanced approach that combines hard and soft power. While military and law enforcement measures are necessary, they are not sufficient on their own. The fight against terrorism must also be a fight for hearts and minds, addressing the root causes of terrorism, and building inclusive societies where extremist narratives find no fertile ground.

In conclusion, terrorism is a complex problem that requires a nuanced understanding and multifaceted response. It is not just a security issue, but a social, economic, and political one. By addressing it in this holistic manner, we can hope to make progress in the ongoing struggle against this global menace.

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Essay on Terrorism in English for Children and Students

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An act of violence intended at the unsuspecting civilians or military personnel who are not in a combat, is termed as terrorism. Generally it is carried out for political gain and to destabilize a government. Those who carry out such attacks are called terrorists. World had been suffering from terrorism since long, yet there is no relief. People die and government’s struggle to end terrorism. Terrorism has also become global making its elimination difficult. There is a need to fight together against terrorism and make the world a better place to live.

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Long and Short Essay on Terrorism in English

Now-a-days people are really afraid of the terrorism and terrorists attack all time. It has become a warm topic as it is a big social issue .

We have provided below long and short essay on terrorism in English for your information and knowledge.

These Terrorism Essays have been written in simple English to make it easily understandable and presentable when required.

You can use following terrorism essay in your school events and occasions like essay writing, debate and speeches.

Terrorism Essay 1 (100 words)

Terrorism is the unlawful act of violence which is used by the terrorists to make people fear. Terrorism has become a common social issue. It is used to threaten common public and government. Terrorism is used by various social organizations, politicians and business industries to achieve their goals in very easy way.

A group of people who take support of terrorism are known as terrorists. Explaining terrorism is not so easy as it has spread its roots very deep. Terrorists have any rule and law; they only use violent acts intending to create and enhance level of terror in the society and country.

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Terrorism Essay 2 (150 words)

Terrorism has become a big national and international problem all over the world. It is a global issue which has affected almost all the nations throughout the world directly or indirectly. Opposing terrorism has been tried by many countries however; terrorists are still getting support by someone. Terrorism is a violent act of terrifying the common public anytime in the day or night. Terrorists have many objectives such as spreading threat of violence in the society, fulfilling political purposes, etc. They make civilians of the country their primary target.

Some of the examples of terrorism are bombing of US Embassy, atom bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, etc. The main goal of the terrorists is fulfillment of their demands by the government of a specific country. They contact online social media or newspaper, magazine, etc to spread their voices to the public and government. Sometimes, terrorists attack is done to fulfill the religious and ideological goal.

Terrorism Essay 3 (200 words)

India is a developing country who has faced many challenges in the past and currently, terrorism which a big national problem. It has faced challenges like hunger death, illiteracy, poverty, inequality, population explosion and terrorism which have affected its growth and development to a great extent.

Terrorism is a big threat fighting with a government and common public for the purpose of religion, motherland, and other unreasonable motives of the terrorists. Terrorists call themselves brave soldiers however, they are not real soldiers. Real soldiers never hurt common public and they fight only to save their country from the enemies. Real soldiers fight to fulfill the purpose of a nation. Whereas terrorists fight to fulfill their own, individual and unfair purposes.

A national soldier is fully responsible for his all the responsibilities however a terrorist never do that. Terrorists got their name from the word terror. Earlier, terrorism was limited to some specific areas like state of Jammu and Kashmir however; now-a-days, it has spread to almost all the areas especially regions of north eastern India. Recently, the terrorist attack in India was in Taj Hotel and Nariman house in Mumbai. In that attack, India had lost lives of many people and suffered financial loss.

Terrorism Essay 4 (250 words)

Terrorism is a big national issue which is using the human mind to get complete victory. Terrorism is terrifying the mind of the human being to make them weak so that they can rule the nation again. It needs to be solved on international level. We all should think about terrorism together to finish it from the root. We should make a strong policy to completely destroy its kingdom as well as removing the striking terror from the human minds. Terrorism uses violent ways to achieve the purpose and get positive result.

Terrorism is the act of violence performed by the group of people called terrorist. They become very common people and somehow they lost their control over the mind because of some unfair natural disasters or unfair activities with them by others which make them unable to fulfil desires in normal and accepted ways. Slowly they are taken under the confidence of some bad people in the society where they are promised to get fulfilled all the desires. They get together and form a group of terrorists to fight with their own nation, society and community. Terrorism has affected all the youths of the country, their growth and development.

It has pulled the nation many years back from the proper development. Terrorism is ruling the country just like Britishers, from which we again need to be free. However, it seems that terrorism would always continue spreading its root to deep because some rich people from our nation are still supporting them to fulfill their unfair purposes.

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Terrorism Essay 5 (300 words)

India had faced lots of challenges such as poverty, population growth, hunger, illiteracy, inequality, and many more however, terrorism is highly dangerous till now affecting the mankind and humanity. It is more than dangerous and frightening disease which is affecting the people mentally and intellectually. Whether it exists in the small (Ireland, Israel, etc) or big (USA, Russia, etc) countries; it has challenged both to a same level. Terrorism is act of using international violence by the group of frustrated people means terrorists to achieve some political, religious or individual goals. The spread of terror by the terrorists is increasing day by day.

Terrorism has no any rule and laws, it only attacks on society or colony or crowd of the innocent people living in order to spread terror as well as give pressure to government to complete their demands. The demands of the terrorist become very specific to fulfil only what they want. It is a greatest threat to mankind. They never compromise their friends, family, innocent kids, woman and old people. They only want to explode atom bomb at the place of people crowd. They shoot on crowd, hijack flight and other terror activities.

Terrorist target to spread terror in their preferred areas, region or country within minimum time. Previously, it is supposed that terrorist’s activities were limited to the Kashmir only however, it has spread its roots to all over the country. There are many terrorist groups exists in the nation with their special name depending on their name. Two main types of terrorism are political terrorism and criminal terrorism depends on their works. Terrorists are well-trained group of people prepared to perform some specific purpose. More than one terrorist group are trained to perform different purposes. It is like a disease which is spreading regularly and need some highly effective medicine for permanent removal.

Terrorism Essay 6 (400 words)

Terrorism is the process unfair and violent activities performed by the group of trained people called terrorists. There is only one boss who gives strict orders to the group to perform particular activity in any ways. They want money, power and publicity for the fulfilment of their unfair ideas. In such conditions, it is media which really helps to spread the news about terrorism in the society of any nation. Group of terrorist also take support of the media by especially contacting them to let them know about their plan, ideas and goals.

Various groups of the terrorists are named according to their aims and objectives. Acts of terrorism affects the human mind to a great extent and makes people so fear that they fear to go outside from their own home. They think that there is terror everywhere outside the home in the crowd like railway station, temple, social event, national event and so many. Terrorists want to spread terror within specific area of high population in order to publicize for their act as well as rule on people’s mind. Some recent act of terrorism are 9/11 attacks on the U.S. and 26/11 attack in India. It has affected the financial status and humanity to a great extent.

In order to reduce the terror and effect of terrorism from the nation, a tight security arrangement is done on the order of government. All the places which are crowded because of any reasons like social programmes, national events like Republic day, Independence Day, temple and etc. Each and every person has to follow the rules of security arrangement and has to pass from the automatic machine of full body scanner. Using such machines, security get help in detecting the presence of terrorists. Even after arrangement of such tight security, we are still unable to make it effective against the terrorism.

Our country is spending lots of money every year to fight against the terrorism as well as remove the terrorist group. However, it is still growing like a disease as new terrorists are getting trained on daily basis. They are very common people like us but they are trained to complete some unfair act and forced to fight against their one society, family and country. They are so trained that they never compromise their life, they are always ready to finish their life while fighting. As an Indian citizen, we all are highly responsible to stop the terrorism and it can be stopped only when we never come into the greedy talk of some bad and frustrated people.

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All the above essay on terrorism are written in such a simple way so that students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc can use very easily without any difficulty in understanding. Terrorism is an important social issue which urgently needs to be solved and ended in order to maintain a peaceful life all over the world. Terrorism essay written above may greatly help students to take part in the essay writing competition or get good marks in the exam. You can also get other related essays and related information such as:

Essay on Terrorism FAQs

What is the terrorism essay.

A terrorism essay is a written work that explains and discusses the topic of terrorism.

What is terrorism in 100 words?

Terrorism is the use of violence or threats to create fear for political, religious, or ideological reasons. It aims to intimidate or harm people to achieve specific goals.

What is the definition of terrorism?

Terrorism is when individuals or groups use violence, fear, or intimidation to pursue political, religious, or ideological objectives.

What are 5 common types of terrorism?

Common types of terrorism include suicide bombings, hijackings, cyberattacks, guerrilla warfare, and chemical attacks.

What are the 8 types of terrorism?

There are various forms of terrorism, but some common types include domestic terrorism, international terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism, and cyberterrorism.

What is the most common definition of terrorism?

The most common definition of terrorism is the use of violence or threats to create fear for political, religious, or ideological purposes.

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Study renewed terrorism in J&K first before telling what it is all about

Pakistan is at the core of exporting terrorism into jammu and kashmir since 1947 even before the state had acceded to india..

Photo of Arun Joshi

A series of acts of terror and gun battles between terrorists and security forces have been grabbing headlines as Jammu and Kashmir is in sharper focus on the issue of terrorism and the need for effective counter-terrorism strategies. The problem in surmounting the fresh challenge posed by the acts of terror is beyond the highly trained crop of terrorists who have come from across the Line of Control or international border, it is about the failure of complete analysis of what the terrorists want to achieve at the behest of Pakistan, and at this point in time when Islamabad is drowned in a sea of difficulties from its unprecedented economic woes and terror assaults which it alleges are being mounted from Afghan soil, why should it be doing what it is doing in J&K?

Pakistan is committed to what it terms “solidarity with the people of  Kashmir suffering because of the difficult situation,”, it has added August 5 to its earlier calendar of solidarity day of February 5. It is relying on drugs, drones, and easy money that comes with it to revive terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir in the most audacious way. Barring two attacks, one in Reasi on June 9, and another in the Hiranagar area of Kathua district, terrorists have targeted army personnel, and till date killed 15 of them. In reply to a written question in the parliament, Union Minister of State for Home Nitya Nand rai had stated that 14 soldiers and 14 civilians were killed in J&K until July this year. Two soldiers and one civilian (whose credentials are a subject of investigation)  have been added to this list on August 9, in south Kashmir’s Kokkernag forests, establishing that the terrorists have moved into the Valley from the Jammu region which since June 9 was on the radar of terrorists.

Every time it comes to diagnosing the problem of terrorism, there are obvious answers about the obvious culprit – Pakistan, its military, and spy agency Inter-Services- Intelligence. Pakistan is at the core of exporting terrorism into Jammu and Kashmir since 1947 even before the state had acceded to India. It launched a massive terror campaign in the shape of a full-fledged invasion in October 1947, that time its objective was to annex the Muslim -majority state then under Dogra rule. It thought that it will have free run of the Himalayan territory and will achieve with war what it could not by making Maharaja Hari Singh to accede the state to Pakistan. It had not anticipated that Kashmir would get acceded to India and the Indian army would push its forces back. But before the task could be accomplished, the ceasefire came in between. That created a dispute, the legacy of which still impacts people in Pakistan, they form the support base for terrorism and fall into the trap of manipulations of Pakistani establishment.

Seventy-seven years down the line Pakistan’s mindset remains the same. It might have changed ways of bleeding India vis J&K, but the mindset is to keep J&K on boil. This time, it is targeting the soldiers because that serves bigger purpose for it than the IED blasts or suicide bombings. It chose the Jammu region, which was peaceful and had rebuffed terrorism time and again. Soldiers were targeted because doing so, it attempted to show the vulnerabilities. It struck at the army convoys, camps in a way to keep the number of soldiers killed not more than five in any of the terror incidents. But it spread its terror campaign from plains to hills to the mountains, giving an impression that terrorists had a free run of the terrain. More than two months have passed – since June 9- when it began its campaign, the statistics of casualties of soldiers is alarming. The alarm bells have started ringing among the people in J&K, and also among the military strategists.

While Pakistan has to be in focus because of its sinister acts, there is a need to make a fresh study of counter-terrorism strategies. That is to review and bring newer elements into the strategy so that both short-term and long-term objectives are achieved to foil Pakistani design of J&K blipping on the radar as a conflict zone. the real objective of Pakistan is to keep J&K appearing on the map of terrorism and turbulences, which may force induction of more forces, giving an impression that the existing level of the security forces in J&K is insufficient to maintain peace and order. The arrival of more forces doesn’t bring an overnight solution , and the tendency to fix a time frame that everything will be over by next few months is more of rhetoric, far removed from reality than the actual counter-terrorism strategy. The decline in the terror incidents and casualties as compared to what was happening in 1990s to 2019 was a consequence of extraordinary work done by the security forces, public fatigue and the political will, but once it is claimed that everything is hunky dory, few incidents that too which often happen after regular intervals are more dangerous than when the number of terrorists ran into thousands.  A cool headed and a strategy that includes geopolitics in it is required.

The fact is that the inner system should also be understood in proper perspective. The forces, including its retired officers, should desist from peddling political narratives just to give two contradictory impressions – that it is a serious situation of extreme proportions or it will go away just like that. Such rhetoric is not answer to the problem. It complicates the problem. It is also time for politicians to stay cool and watch the situation with extreme care and allow the security forces to work their own ways. Their words and fixing of deadlines of elimination of terrorism unnecessarily put pressure on the forces and their counter-terrorism strategies.

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Essay on “Global Terrorism- The Fight Against Terrorism” Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12.



The world is today witnessing a rise of terrorist activities in different parts of the world.  A number of groups, owing allegiance to some political ideology or some particular religious beliefs, have chosen the path of violence and terror to achieve their objects.  These vested interests are rabid fundamentalists or fanatics having no sanctity for life. The know no principles or values.  They believe in the power of the gun and want to achieve their objects overnight.

While some of these groups are fighting for control over some pieces of land, others are fighting for spreading their own ideology or religious philosophies.  They choose to defy public opinion and refuse to see reason.  They think that their own view point or stand is the only right view point or stand, and that they have a right to convert other people to their thinking by force.  For this avowed purpose they do not hesitate from committing the worst of crimes including murder of innocent citizens, looting or burning property, kidnapping people, hijacking planes and creating terror in one way or the other.

Some of the important terrorist organizations operating in different parts of the world have already been identified. The Al0Aaeda in Afghanistan, the Jaishe Mohmmad and the Lashker-e-Toiba based in Pakistan, the Palestine Liberation Organisation in the Middle East, the LTTE in Sri Lanka, the Maoists in Nepal, the Naxalite organization called People’s War Group (PWA) in parts of India, the Naga National Council, several pro—Pakistan groups operating in Jammu and Kashmir, the Irish Army in the U.K., etc. are already playing havoc in their respective areas.  The number of these organizations is so large that it is difficult to list them out.  They have their own training systems where they catch hold of young boys and indoctrinate them in subtle ways through guile, treachery, temptations or money.  At several places they are running their own schools to ‘Catch them young’ and wash their brains.  Some of the Madarsas being run by Muslim fundamentalists are allegedly involved in this type of activities.

It would on September 11, 2001 that the world woke up to the dangers of this terrible menace.  A group of Al- Qaeda terrorists, guided and supported by the Taliban leader Osama Bin Laden based in Afghanistan, struck terror in the U.S.A. in a big way.  They hijacked four US planes from some US civilian airports.  While one of these planes hit against the US headquarters in Pentagon, another two planed brought down the towering World Trade Centre, killing at least 5000 innocent US citizens.  The fourth, luckily, missed the target.  It was, the reports say, scheduled to hit the White House, the residence of the US president.

George Bush, the President of the USA, swung into action and ordered US air force to attack Afghanistan and bring the terrorists to book.  In a massive attack, the Talibans were defeated and destroyed and a new government came to control Afghanistan.  Similarly America attacked Iraq as President Saddam himself appeared to be a big terror.  Iraq was badly damaged.  A group of terrorists trained in Pakistan attacked the Indian Parliament House on December 13, 2001 even when the Parliament was in session.  The Indian security personnel killed all the five attackers on the spot but the incident shook whole of the country and the world.  The war against terrorists is continuing and the world community has decided to continue to fight till terrorism is fully wiped out from the face of this earth.

The UNO has, in a resolution, called upon various nations to join hands and work as United Alliance to face this threat of terrorism anywhere at any time in the world.

Pak-trained terrorists continue to cross over to India and let loose a reign of terror in        J & K.  Terrorism has already taken a heavy toll of life and property.  It is a shame that even as the human civilization is marching ahead,  some people are bent upon pushing the world back to the age of barbarism and brutality full of chaos and indiscipline.  The law of the jungle will take us nowhere.  We can only pray for good sense of prevail so that the world is able to share and enjoy the blessings bestowed upon mankind by new leaps in the field of science and technology.

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essay on terrorism class 10


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It is a topic of most people’s concern today. I really liked this essay, including every points needed to be covered in the simplest way.

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  1. SOLUTION: write Essay on terrorism

    essay on terrorism class 10

  2. Terrorism Essay in English [100, 150, 200-250, 300 Words]

    essay on terrorism class 10

  3. Essay on Global Terrorism

    essay on terrorism class 10

  4. How to write essay on Terrorism

    essay on terrorism class 10

  5. Essay On Terrorism || how to essay on terrorism in english

    essay on terrorism class 10

  6. The Evolution Of Terrorism Free Essay Example

    essay on terrorism class 10


  1. Terrorism Essay for Students and Teacher

    Terrorism is an act, which aims to create fear among ordinary people by illegal means. It is a threat to humanity. In this Essay On Terrorism will discuss the causes and effects of Terrorism.

  2. Terrorism Essay in English [100, 150, 200-250, 300 Words]

    Terrorism Essay in English: Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence for political ends. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on Terrorism. Here we've provided 4 short and long essays (100, 150, 200-250, and 300 words). These essays will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let's begin.

  3. Terrorism Essay for Students in English

    Learn about Terrorism Essay topic of english in details explained by subject experts on vedantu.com. Register free for online tutoring session to clear your doubts.

  4. Essay on "Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and

    Essay on "Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. Essay No. 01. Terrorism. Recent serial bomb blasts in Mumbai brought the issue of terrorism on center stage again. Terrorism has not become a worldwide phenomenon. Terrorism means an armed violent movement directed against government as well as non ...

  5. Essay on Terrorism in India for Students and Children

    Terrorism in India has a long history. It is a cowardly act by the terrorist groups who wish to disturb the peace of the country. Read Essay on Terrorism in India.

  6. Essay on Terrorism

    100 Words Essay on Terrorism. Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political and personal aims. It is a global phenomenon that has affected countries worldwide, causing harm to innocent civilians, damaging economies, and destabilizing governments. The causes of terrorism are complex and can include religious ...

  7. Essay on Global Terrorism for Students and Children

    Conclusion Terrorism is very much a reality of modern times. The mere threat of a terrorist attack is enough to generate panic and fear among the general populace. We cannot deny the fact that global terrorism has affected policy decisions to a great extent. The internet has given terrorist organizations a global platform to spread their agenda and recruit more people. However, it may be time ...

  8. Essay on Terrorism in 500+ Words in English for School Students

    Essay on Terrorism: The horrific events of 9/11 at the World Trade Centre and the terrorist strikes on the Taj Hotel in Mumbai on June 26, 2011, come to mind when we discuss terrorism. Terrorism is an act of violence to achieve political or ideological gains. Terrorism is a threat to life.

  9. Terrorism Essay for Class 10, 12 (Board) and Mains Exam

    Essay on Terrorism (550 Words) for Class 10, 12 Board. Terrorism Essay is also for Competitive exam aspirants.

  10. Essay on Terrorism for Students and Children in English

    The first essay is a long essay on the Terrorism of 400-500 words. This long essay about Terrorism is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Terrorism of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

  11. 10 lines Essay on "Terrorism: Causes, Effects & Way Out" for Students

    10 lines on Terrorism: Causes, Effects & Way Out Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political or ideological goals. The causes of terrorism are complex and varied, but often include a desire to bring about political change, a sense of injustice or oppression, or a desire to spread fear and disruption. The effects of terrorism can be wide-ranging and long ...

  12. Terrorism

    According to the FBI: "Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.".

  13. Essay on "Terrorism in India" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and

    Essay on "Terrorism in India" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  14. Essay on "The Menace of Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class

    Essay on "The Menace of Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. The Menace of Terrorism Terrorism, as a method to achieve political aims has gained worldwide popularity. The terrorists, it is alleged, are financed and trained by the powers which are hostile to India.

  15. Terrorism Essay: Essay on Terrorism For Students in 500+ Words

    Terrorism Essay in English: Short Essay on Terrorism in 500+ Words Terrorism Essay: Terrorism is a cheap act of threatening people and promoting violence. It destroys communal harmony and evokes fear in the public. Terrorism can include violent acts that aim to spread unrest and fear among the local populations.

  16. Essay on "Terrorism" for School, College Students, Long and Short

    Essay on "Terrorism" for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

  17. Essay on Terrorism

    High-quality essay on the topic of "Terrorism" for students in schools and colleges.

  18. Essay on "The Changing face of Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10

    Essay on "The Changing face of Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  19. Essay on Terrorism in English for Children and Students

    Terrorism Essay for Class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and others. Find paragraph, long and short essay on Terrorism in English language for your Kids, Children and ...

  20. Study renewed terrorism in J&K first before telling what it is all about

    Study renewed terrorism in J&K first before telling what it is all about Pakistan is at the core of exporting terrorism into Jammu and Kashmir since 1947 even before the state had acceded to India.

  21. Essay on "International Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class

    Essay on "International Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. International Terrorism The biggest threat that the nation-state is facing today, flows out of terrorism which is widespread geographically and diverse ideologically. Modern terrorism thrives on its ability to hit where it hurts the most.

  22. Essay on terrorism for class 10th

    According to director morgan spurlock, the idea for "super size me", the hugely popular documentary that explored the health impact of fast. essay on terrorism for class 10th Romeo as i ought to see what your friends o clock and many friends and comment free essays written in sanskrit best technical subjects, speaks to marathi 6,.

  23. Essay on "Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and

    Essay on "Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 9, Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

  24. Essay on "Global Terrorism- The Fight Against Terrorism" Complete Essay

    Essay on "Global Terrorism- The Fight Against Terrorism" Complete Essay for Class 10 and Class 12. GLOBAL TERRORISM - AMENACE TO HUMANITY OR THE FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM­­ ­— THE NEED OF THE HOUR The world is today witnessing a rise of terrorist activities in different parts of the world.