• సినిమా వార్తలు
  • ఓటీటీ వార్తలు



సమీక్ష : ప్రిన్స్ – పర్వాలేదనిపించే ఎంటర్టైన్మెంట్ లవ్ డ్రామా !

Prince Movie-Review-In-Telugu

విడుదల తేదీ : అక్టోబర్ 21, 2022

123తెలుగు.కామ్ రేటింగ్ : 3/5

నటీనటులు: శివ కార్తికేయన్, మరియా ర్యాబోషప్కా, సత్యరాజ్, ప్రేమ్ జి అమరన్, ఆనందరాజ్, సతీష్ కృష్ణన్, ప్రాంక్ స్టార్ రాహుల్

దర్శకత్వం : అనుదీప్ కెవి

నిర్మాతలు: ఏషియన్ సునీల్, డి సురేష్ బాబు, పుస్కూర్ రామ్మోహనరావు

సంగీతం: ఎస్ థమన్

సినిమాటోగ్రఫీ: మనోజ్ పరమహంస

ఎడిటర్స్: ప్రవీణ్ కేఎల్

సంబంధిత లింక్స్ : ట్రైలర్

శివ కార్తికేయన్ హీరోగా జాతిరత్నాలు ఫేమ్ అనుదీప్ కెవి దర్శకత్వంలో తెరకెక్కిన లేటెస్ట్ ఎంటర్టైనర్ మూవీ ప్రిన్స్. ఉక్రెయిన్ నటి మరియా ర్యాబోషప్కా హీరోయిన్ గా నటించారు. మొదటి నుండి అందరిలో మంచి అంచనాలు ఏర్పరిచిన ఈ మూవీ నేడు ప్రేక్షకుల ముందుకు వచ్చింది. మరి ఈ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందో ఇప్పుడు చూద్దాం.

దేవరకోట లోని ఒక స్కూల్ లో సోషల్ టీచర్ గా వర్క్ చేసే ఆనంద్ (శివ కార్తికేయన్), అదే స్కూల్ కి ఇంగ్లీష్ టీచర్ గా వచ్చిన జెస్సికా (మరియా ర్యాబోషప్కా) ని తొలి చూపులోనే చూసి ప్రేమలో పడతాడు. అయితే ఆమె బ్రిటన్ కి చెందిన యువతి కావడంతో ఆనంద్ తండ్రి విశ్వనాధ్ కి వారి ప్రేమ నచ్చదు. అయితే అదే దేవరకోటలో హీరోయిన్ తండ్రి ఒక సమస్యలో ఇరుక్కోవడంతో, ఆపైన దానిని పరిష్కారించేందుకు హీరో రంగంలోకి దిగుతాడు. మరి ఇటువంటి పరిణామాల మధ్య ఆనంద్, జెస్సికాల ప్రేమ ఫలించిందా ?, అలానే హీరోయిన్ తండ్రి స్థలం వివాదం ఎలా పరిష్కరించబడింది ? అనేది ప్రిన్స్ మూవీ మిగతా కథ.

ప్లస్ పాయింట్స్ :

ముఖ్యంగా ఈ మూవీ కి పెద్ద ప్లస్ పాయింట్ హీరో శివ కార్తికేయనే. హీరోగా ప్రతి సినిమాతో తన క్రేజ్ మరింతగా పెంచుకుంటూ పోతున్న శివ కార్తికేయన్ ఈ మూవీలో కూడా ఆనంద్ పాత్రలో కనబరిచిన ఎంటర్టైన్మెంట్ పెర్ఫార్మన్స్, ఫన్నీ డైలాగ్స్, మరీ ముఖ్యంగా డ్యాన్స్ మూమెంట్స్ సూపర్ గా ఉన్నాయి. ఇక ఉక్రెయిన్ భామ మరియా కూడా తన ఆకట్టుకునే అందం, అభినయంతో ఆడియన్స్ ని ఆకట్టుకుంది. సినిమాలో ప్రధాన పాత్ర చేసిన సత్యరాజ్, ప్రేమ్ జి పెర్ఫార్మన్స్ కూడా బాగుంది. ఇక డైరెక్టర్ అనుదీప్ ప్రిన్స్ మూవీని ఫస్ట్ సీన్ నుండి లాస్ట్ సీన్ వరకు పూర్తి ఫన్నీ ఎంటర్టైనర్ గా నడిపించారు. చాలా చోట్ల వచ్చే కామెడీ సీన్స్ కి ఆడియన్స్ కి మరింతగా గిలిగింతలు పెడతాయి. థమన్ సంగీతం, మనోజ్ పరమహంస విజువల్స్, ప్రవీణ్ కేఎల్ ఎడిటింగ్, నిర్మాతల భారీ నిర్మాణ విలువలు బాగున్నాయి.

మైనస్ పాయింట్స్ :

ఈ సినిమాని ఆద్యంతం కామెడీతో ఎంటర్టైన్మెంట్ మిక్స్ చేసి దర్శకుడు అనుదీప్ నడపడంతో చాలా వరకు సినిమా పెద్దగా బోర్ కొట్టదు. ఐతే, అక్కడక్కడా వచ్చే కొన్ని సీన్స్ కావాలని సాగదీసి ఇరికించారేమో అనిపిస్తుంది. నిజానికి ఈ మూవీలో ఆకట్టుకునే కథ, కథనాలు, థ్రిల్లింగ్ అంశాలు లేవు, అలానే ఎప్పటికప్పుడు తరువాత వచ్చే సన్నివేశాలు ఏమిటనేది ఆడియన్స్ కి తెలిసిపోతుంటుంది. హీరోయిన్ నానమ్మ తన ఫ్లాష్ బ్యాక్ వివరించే సన్నివేశాలను మరింత వివరణ హృద్యంగా చూపిస్తే బాగుండేదనిపిస్తుంది. సినిమాలో దాదాపుగా ప్రతి సీన్ కి ఫన్నీ టచ్ ఇవ్వడంతో మంచి యాక్షన్, ఎమోషనల్, థ్రిల్లింగ్ మూవీస్ చూసేవారిని ఇది పెద్దగా ఆకట్టుకోదు.

సాంకేతిక వర్గం :

ముందుగా దర్శకుడు అనుదీప్ మూవీని ఆడియన్స్ కి కనెక్ట్ అయ్యేలా పెద్దగా బోర్ కొట్టించకుండా ముందుకి నడిపిన తీరు బాగుంది. థమన్ అందించిన సాంగ్స్ లో జెస్సికా, బింబిలికి సాంగ్స్ థియేటర్ లో సూపర్ గా ఉన్నాయి. ముఖ్యంగా బింబిలికి సాంగ్ కి శివకార్తికేయన్ స్టెప్స్, థమన్ బీట్స్ కి థియేటర్స్ షేక్ అవ్వడం ఖాయం. మనోజ్ పరమహంస గ్రాండియర్ లుక్స్, సినిమాలో డీసెంట్ కలరింగ్ మనకి వైవిధ్యమైన క్లాసిక్ కలర్ లో మూవీ చూసిన ఫీల్ కలుగుతుంది. కథ యొక్క పరిధి మేరకు ప్రవీణ్ ఎడిటింగ్ పనితనం బాగుంది. చాలా వరకు నిర్మాతలు పెట్టిన భారీ ఖర్చు మనకు తెరపైన కనపడుతుంది. అన్ని విభాగాల పనితీరు బాగుంది.

ఇక చివరిగా ఈ ప్రిన్స్ గురించి చెప్పుకుంటే.. సరదాగా సాగే ఎంటర్టైన్మెంట్ మూవీస్ కోరుకునే వారికి ఈ మూవీ బాగా నచ్చుతుంది. ఐతే, పెద్దగా ట్విస్టులు, థ్రిల్లింగ్ అంశాలు లేకుండా జస్ట్ నార్మల్ గా ఈ సినిమా సాగుతోంది. కాకపోతే, ఈ సినిమాని ఫస్ట్ నుండి లాస్ట్ వరకు కామెడీ టచ్ తో ఎంటర్టైన్మెంట్ మిక్స్ డైరెక్టర్ బాగా నడిపాడు. ఈ వారం సరదాగా ఫామిలీ తో కలిసి థియేటర్ కి వెళ్లి కామెడీ సినిమాను ఎంజాయ్ చేయాలనుకునే వారు ఈ ప్రిన్స్ ని ఒకసారి చూడొచ్చు.

123telugu.com Rating: 3/5

Reviewed by 123telugu Team

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సంబంధిత సమాచారం

కీర్తి సురేష్ “రఘు తాత” ఓటిటి రిలీజ్ కి డేట్ ఫిక్స్, “మా నాన్న సూపర్ హీరో” టీజర్ కి డేట్ ఫిక్స్, సెప్టెంబర్ 13న జీ5లోకి రాబోతున్న జీతూ జోసెఫ్ ‘నూనక్కళి’, ఇంటర్వ్యూ: ‘మత్తు వదలరా 2’లో ఫన్, థ్రిల్ డబుల్ ఉంటుంది – హీరో శ్రీ సింహ, ఇంటర్వ్యూ: ‘ఉత్సవం’ అందరూ గర్వపడే సినిమా – హీరో దిలీప్ ప్రకాష్, కొత్త రిలీజ్ డేట్‌తో ‘జనక అయితే గనక’.. ఎప్పుడంటే.., “వేట్టయన్” నుండి మనసిలాయో సాంగ్ రిలీజ్, ‘దేవర’ ప్రమోషన్స్ షురూ.. కపిల్ శర్మ షోలో పాల్గొన్న యాక్టర్స్, మరో కొత్త సినిమాను ప్రారంభిస్తున్న పీపుల్ మీడియా ఫ్యాక్టరీ, తాజా వార్తలు, ఫోటోలు : ఏ.ఆర్.యమ్ ప్రీ రిలీజ్ ఈవెంట్, కొత్త ఫోటోలు : ఐశ్వర్య రాజేష్, కొత్త ఫోటోలు : కృతి శెట్టి, వీక్షకులు మెచ్చిన వార్తలు.

  • ‘దేవర’ ట్రైలర్ కి రిలీజ్ టైమ్ ఫిక్స్
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  • వీడియో : మత్తు వదలారా 2 ట్రైలర్ (శ్రీ సింహా, ఫరియా అబ్దుల్లా)
  • పిక్ టాక్: ఎన్టీఆర్ తో క్రేజీ డైరెక్టర్
  • స్టార్ హీరో చేతికి కిరణ్ అబ్బవరం ‘క’ !
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Prince Review: Silly, But Funny

Prince Review: Silly, But Funny

Movie: Prince Rating: 2.75/5 Banner: Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP Cast: Sivakarthikeyan, Maria Riaboshapka, Sathyaraj, and others Story: Anudeep KV & Mohan Sato Music: Thaman S Cinematography: Manoj Paramahamsa Editor: Praveen KL Producers: Suniel Narang, D.SureshBabu, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao Release Date: October 21, 2022

Ever since “Prince” was announced, the film generated hype as it marks the combination of Tamil rising star Sivakarthikeyan and “JathiRatnalu” fame Anudeep. The bilingual hit the theaters today in Telugu and Tamil simultaneously.

Let’s find out whether Anudeep generates laughs again.

Story: Anand (Sivakarthikeyan) works as a teacher in school. His father Vishwanatham (Sathyaraj, a retired employee, wants his children to marry outside their caste or religion.

Vishwanatham is overjoyed when he finds his son fell in love with a foreigner Jessica (Maria), an English teacher in his son’s school.

The only problem is that Vishwanatham hates British people and Jessica turns out to be a British woman.

How will Anand resolve this issue and get married to Jessica?

Artistes’ Performances: Sivakarthikeyan became a huge star in the Tamil film industry with a series of hits like “Doctor” and “Don” and he is good at comedy. The role of Anand is in his zone. He pulls it off so easily.

Ukrainian actress Maria Riaboshapka suits perfectly. Sathyaraj is a huge asset to this film. He takes the responsibility of the main comedian. The film doesn’t have separate comedians. The comedy parts are taken care of by Sivakarthikeyan and Sathyaraj.

Premgi Amaren as a land grabber is neat. The film has only Tamil actors.

Technical Excellence: Thaman has given a peppy soundtrack. Two songs stand out – “Jessica Chilaka” and “‘Bimbilikki Pilapi”. The visuals are bright and colorful.

The film has a short running time but it gives a feel of a lengthy film due to its flimsy plotline. 

Highlights: Anudeep’s mark dialogues The first half The climax comedy

Drawback: No emotional connect Repetitive jokes

Analysis Sathyaraj plays a character who boasts of himself as a very knowledgeable person. He tells his son’s girlfriend that he has mastery over the Telugu language. Around the same time, his son’s phone rings and the ring tone is “Lusku Tapa Lasku Tapa” song. She asks what that means. The funniness of this situation cannot be described in words. Only one would get it while watching. Then there is a five-minute comedy scene about “Bottle gourd” aka sorakaya. After this another worth mentioning scene is of the police station with Anand Raj and the friends of Shiva Karthikeyan. These are three sequences in “Prince" which make the audience laugh.  

Anudeep has a peculiar style of comedy writing. His situations look silly but they work well if the actors can pull them off. Sivakarthikeyan and Sathyaraj have done their best in many places.

The comedy written here is for an educated A center audience.  This cannot be relished by the C-center audience who doesn't know about bottle gourd and Cambridge. Such viewers may miss the taste in funny single liners. 

Moreover, nativity is totally missing in the film with Tamil actors all over. There should have been a mix of Telugu audience like in pan India style films. Had that been done, the range of the film would have gone to the next level. Barring that limitation, everything goes well. 

Anudeep ends his films well. In “Prince”, too, it ended on a funny note. All said, “Prince” is neither a laughing riot nor a boring watch. It lands somewhere in between. Like Anudeep’s previous movie, it is silly but offers some decent comedy portions.

Bottom line: Works in parts

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Anand (Sivakarthikeyan), a teacher in a Krishna district village, falls in love with Jessica (Maria Riaboshapka), a new recruit teaching English at the same school. Vishwanatham, Anand’s father,is an idealist who makes his son write in a letter that he will only marry outside of their caste. When Vishwanatham learns that his son is in love with a girl from a French colony, his joy knows no bounds.

Jessica, much to Vishwanatham’s surprise, is not a French girl but has British ancestors. Vishwanatham and his grandfather despise everything British. So, how do Anand and Jessica become one?

‘Prince,’ a dubbed version of the Tamil film of the same name, is the third film from director Anudeep, who rose to prominence with the comedy entertainer “Jathi Ratnalu.”

Anudeep, like ‘Jathi Ratnalu,’ wrote a silly and absurd storyline. He places little emphasis on the story and instead concentrates on the laughs. To some extent, he succeeds. In today’s world, can anyone imagine a father objecting to his son’s love because the girl is British? And the central conflict becoming patriotism versus humanity? It makes no sense unless we interpret it as a sly satire on the current political environment and fake nationalism.

If we don’t take the story seriously, there are a couple of funny scenes. There are some clever dialogues as well. When everyone is attentively listening to hero’s speech about humanity, a world without borders, he confesses that he heard the word “border” for the first time in his life when his mother was comparing her Saree border (bottom of the Saree) with neighbour auntee’s. You’d definitely jump out of your seat.

“Lusku Papa” and “Halamithi Habibo” are two satires on meaningless lyrics. Nonetheless, the film has a song with a meaningless phrase – Bimbilikki Pilapi.

‘Prince’ is, in fact, more of a collection of jokes or scenes than a story. We’ll see an episode about the Telugu meaning of “Bottle Gourd,” followed by another about movie lyrics, and finally about the meanings of Humanity and E = MC Square. Some dialogues are clever and witty. Sarcasm is also difficult to obtain.

Even mundane scenes in “Jathi Ratnalu” provided big laughs, thanks to the performances of Naveen Polishetty, Priyadarshi, Rahul Ramakrishna, and Vennela Kishore. There aren’t many jokes here.

Sivakarthikeyan has played his part admirably. He’s in his element. He’s also charming. Sathyaraj is a revelation. His comedic timing is flawless.

Maria, the newcomer, plays her part well.

Thaman has performed admirably among the technicians. The songs are catchy. The cinematography of Manoj Paramhamsa is vibrant.

Bottom line: ‘Prince’ has silliness, irreverence, and laugh-out-loud moments in equal parts. Some jokes are good, but they are repetitive.

Rating: 2.5/5

By Jalapathy Gudelli

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Prince Movie Review

Article by Nanda Gopal Published by GulteDesk --> Published on: 5:15 pm, 21 October 2022 | Updated on 11:34 am, 26 October 2022

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2 Hr 23 Min   |   Comedy   |   21-10-2022

Cast - Sivakarthikeyan, Maria Riaboshapka, Sathyaraj, and others

Director - Anudeep KV

Producer - Suniel Narang, D.SureshBabu, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao

Banner - Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP

Music - Thaman S

Jathi Ratnalu fame Anudeep is back with a quirky comedy. This time he collaborated with Siva Karthikeyan and made it on large scale in Telugu-Tamil as bilingual. Did Siva Karthikeyan and Anudeep recreate the magic of Jathi Ratnalu and Varun Doctor? Did the duo live upto the expectations? Let’s find out.

Anand (Siva Karthikeyan) works as a social teacher in a small town. He falls for British girl Jessica (Maria Ryaboshapaka) who is his colleague. Anand’s father (Sathyaraj), who is a broad natured, unable to accept Jessica owing to her British nationality since his grandfather was killed by British. Jessica’s father turns against her love for his own reasons. Meanwhile, Jessica’s family land in the town is wanted by local Bhupathi this invites big troubles and leads to disturbances in their love story. How does Anand resolves it and wins Jessica forms the crux of the story.


Siva Karthikeyan is game for comedy. He does it again effortlessly. He slips into the role of Anand which is likely by youth and also has good principles. His comic persona drives the film forward. Jessica is good in emotional scenes. Sathyaraj does an impactful performance in a soft role. He generates fun. All the cast plays their parts well. The film intentionally has more Tamil actors which may affect the Telugu nativity.


Anudeep picked a wafer-thin plot which itself is quirky and comical. But he added his trademark comedy to make it even more hilarious. Visuals are refreshing, credit goes to cinematographer Manoj Paramahamsa. Thaman, who is of late catering thumping background score and loud music, impresses with feel-good and soothing music.

Siva Karthikeyan Laugh Moments Dialogues & Music

Hero-Heroine Love Track Logics Goes For Toss

Audiences are still not out of pandemic fatigue which is why there is good scope for comedy films to work miraculously well at the ticket windows. Relying on the same, Anudeep, who is fresh from heat of Jathi Ratnalu success, attempted the similar feat. He is successful largely. He caters to fun-loving masses with irreverent humour. Siva Karthikeyan adds his touch to it.

Simply put, Prince is Jathi Ratnalu version 2.0 with different scale, set-up. It has all the elements to work. But the problem is it underscores on logics. The film delivers nonsensical laughs throughout. Siva Karthikeyan goes on delivering lengthy speeches reminding us of courtroom scene in Jathi Ratnalu. Yet, it worked. It keeps viewers in splits.

Kudos to Anudeep. Inanities all over the film. Even the supporting cast and side cast keep uttering inane lines generating fun. It is the humour quotient that keeps us invested in the film. The dominance of Tamil cast may affect the Telugu nativity and sensibilities. Dialogues deserve special mention as they bring cheer immediately. The makers rely on dialogue-humour. The hero-heroine love track needs more attention. It has no emotional connect.

Overall, the film has its moments. It only runs on laughs with no logics. Go for it if you want to keep your brains at home and enjoy the laugh ride in cinemas. It may not be another Jathi Ratnalu but Prince is Prince ( in Anudeep’s words).

Bottom line: All Laughs, No Logics!

Rating: 2.75/5

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Prince Review

Prince Review

What's Behind

Sivakarthikeyan is on a high, scoring hit with dubbing films Varun Doctor and Don. When he teamed with KV.Anudeep of Jathi Ratnalu fame for a bilingual entertainer, and people for excited as it marks his debut in Tollywood. The film's OTT rights have been bagged by Disney+Hotstar and will be streamed after it completes its theatrical run. The film is releasing today October 21, 2022, and let us see what Sivakarthikeyan offered to Telugu viewers on debut.

Story Review

The story of Prince is about a youngster who faces problems due to restrictions in society in his village. Anand (Sivakarthikeyan), a social teacher gets a huge shock when the people in his village decide to get him banned. Why the villagers decided to get Anand banned and what is the connection between his father Vishwantham(Sathyaraj), and British girl Jessie (Maria Ryaboshapka) to these developments, form part of the developments in Prince's life.

Artists, Technicians Review

The Story of Prince penned by KV.Anudeep of Jathi Ratnalu fame is very simple and he believed in creating humor out of it and entertaining viewers and score a hit. Anudeep tried to recreate the magic he created with his film Jathi Ratnalu but he failed to do so. Anudeep is failing to realize that he cannot continue in the same vein and come up with the same old formula for all the films without any powerful story. He believed only in slapstick comedy which at times worked but most of the time it failed ending up irritating the viewers. Just for a few comedy scenes, people are in no mood to come out to theatres as there are many such scenes available on Youtube. The story of Prince turned out to be extremely weak and routine and from then on his screenplay and direction turned out to be pathetic making viewers run towards the exit doors in the theatres.

Sivakarthikeyan is known for his ease in acting. He did full justice to his role with his dialogue delivery and comedy timing. Satyaraj did full justice to the role of Sivakarthikeyan's father. The scenes involving Sivakarthikeyan and Satyaraj came out quite well. Ukrainian beauty, Maria Ryaboshapka looked beautiful on screen but she got limited opportunities to showcase her talent. Despite Sivakartikeyan and Satyaraj trying their best to carry the film on their shoulders and, Maria Ryaboshapka trying her best to keep viewers glued to the screen, their attempts failed due to lack of real story in the film. Lot of Tamil actors and flavor robbed Telugu movie lovers the cinematic experience. 

Thaman's music is ok and a couple of songs Bimbiiki Pilapi and Jessica are good. His background score made an impact. Manoj Paramahamsa's cinematography beautified the film with realistic visuals. Editing of Praveen left a lot to be desired but he cannot be blamed because had he used the scissors, there wouldn't have been any film.

  • Siva Karthikeyan
  • The climax to some extent


  • Story,Screenplay,Direction
  • Lackluster elements

Rating Analysis

Altogether,  Sivakarthikeyan must have thought that he would conquer Tollywood by teaming with KV.Anudeep of Jathi Ratnalu fame after creating a market for himself with films like Varun Doctor and Don. But all his dreams came down crashing as KV. Anudeep instead of believing that a strong story and content are the recipe for success, doled out a silly story filled with scenes that are popular in comedy skits and youtube channels. With the atrocious story, senseless and spineless screenplay, and wayward direction, everything went awry. Altogether Prince turned out to be a novice. Considering all these aspects, Cinejosh goes with a 1.75 rating to Prince.

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Prince Review: Sivakarthikeyan starrer offers madcap comedy

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Movie Prince
Star Cast Siva Karthikeyan, Sathya Raj, Maria Ryaboshapka
Director Anudeep KV
Producer Suniel Narang, D Suresh Babu, P. Ram Mohan Rao
Music S S Thaman
Run Time 2h 23m
Release 21 Oct, 2022

Sivakarthikeyan and Maria Ryaboshapka starrer Prince hit the screens today. It is directed by Anudeep KV. Let’s check out the review:

In the opening of the movie whole village boycotts Anand (Sivakarthikeyan) for a mistake he made. Viswanadham (Sivakarthikeyan’s father) also agrees with the villagers and gets ready to disown his son. Then opens the flashback of Anand, who is irregular as a schoolteacher. He finds himself falling in love with a British woman, Jessica (Maria Ryaboshapka) who is teaching English at the same school. While he thinks his father will say yes to their marriage, he says no for a reason. How Anand won the heart of Jessica and how he changed his father’s mind forms the rest of the story.

On-screen performances:

Father and son duo Sivakarthikeyan and Sathyaraj steal the show with their stellar performance. Their combination scenes are funny. Yet Maria is very gorgeous onscreen. She has very less scope to perform because of her un-lengthy characterization. Premgi Amaren’s character is sure to surprise the audience. Rest of the characters are just fillers.

Off-screen talents:

S. Thaman with two chartbusters – Bimbiiki Pilapi and Jessica – delivered the needed background music for the film. Cinematographer Manoj Paramahamsa did a fabulous job by presenting the best visuals. He picturized everything well. Anudeep as writer tried to stretch a silly line in his own formulatic way but falls apart. He established several silly moments and tried to extract humour out of them.

Plus Points:

  • Sivakarthikeyan’s Performance
  • Climax Episode

Minus Points:

  • Silly Storyline
  • Unfunny dialogues in many parts

Verdict: Prince is a madcap comedy that relies on silliness. However, it has an important message at its core. The comedy cooked by Anudeep worked in some places, but fell flat in others. The audience expected that a lot more jokes would have worked on the screen as it is an Anudeep film. However, the director disappointed them in a big way. So, think before you watch this movie.

Telugubulletin.com Rating: 2/5


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Sathyaraj, Premgi Amaren, Sivakarthikeyan, and Maria Ryaboshapka in Prince (2022)

A teacher falls in love with a young British woman who works as an English teacher at the same school. He tries to woo her, leads conflicts that come crashing on them as they face the bigges... Read all A teacher falls in love with a young British woman who works as an English teacher at the same school. He tries to woo her, leads conflicts that come crashing on them as they face the biggest battle of their lives - to get married. A teacher falls in love with a young British woman who works as an English teacher at the same school. He tries to woo her, leads conflicts that come crashing on them as they face the biggest battle of their lives - to get married.

  • Anudeep K.V.
  • Premgi Amaren
  • Finally Bharath
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Official Trailer

Top cast 15

Premgi Amaren

  • Police Inspector
  • Anbu Friend 2

Carl A. Harte

  • William Shafton
  • Town People 1
  • Ulaganaathan Son in Law
  • Anbu Friend 3

Subbu Panchu

  • Anbu Friend 1

Maria Ryaboshapka

  • Ulaganaathan


  • School Principal
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Did you know

  • Trivia Anbu, a social teacher falls in love with the English teacher who is also a British girl. The families and the society opposes the love. Whether anbu wins back his love or not forms the crux of the story.
  • Connections References Beast (2022)

User reviews 33

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  • October 21, 2022 (India)
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  • Runtime 2 hours 23 minutes

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Sathyaraj, Premgi Amaren, Sivakarthikeyan, and Maria Ryaboshapka in Prince (2022)

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Prince Movie Review: Sivakarthikeyan and Anudeep's madcap flick offers sporadic laughs

Director anudeep's prince is a madcap comedy that relies on silliness. the slapstick comedy worked in some places, but fell flat in others, says our review..

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  • Prince hit the theatres on October 21 ahead of Diwali.
  • The comedy film is directed by Anudeep.
  • Prince features Sivakarthikeyan, Sathyaraj and Maria Ryaboshapka.

Release Date: 21 Oct, 2022

Sivakarthikeyan started his career as a stand-up comedian and rose to prominence with his witty one-liners. Today, he is a bankable star in the Tamil industry, who has several hit films under his sleeve. When a star like Sivakarthikeyen joins hands with Telugu filmmaker Anudeep, who is known for his slapstick humour, you expect fireworks on screen. Did their film, Prince, offer that?

Anbu (Sivakarthikeyan) is being ostracized by the village for a ‘mistake.’ His father Ulaganathan (Sathyaraj) also agrees with the villagers and gets ready to disown his son. Now comes the flashback. Anbu, who is irregular as a school teacher, goes to school regularly because of a British woman, Jessica (Maria Ryaboshapka). She joins the institution as a teacher. He eventually falls in love with her. While he thinks his father will say yes to their marriage, he says no for a reason. Ulaganathan’s father died in the freedom fight against the Britishers. How will Anbu convince his father and his father-in-law forms the story.

Anudeep’s strength lies in slapstick humour. With the films he has directed, he has established his style of humour which rides on silliness. And Prince is no exception. The film establishes several silly moments and tries to milk humour out of them. Imagine an entire stretch of comedy, just a ‘bottle guard’ that the heroine, Jessica, asks.

Prince, however, offers only sporadic laughs. This madcap film makes you laugh out loud in places but also falls flat on its face several times. Not all one-liners and jokes landed well. The first half of Prince borrowed a lot of the audience’s time to take off. One can handpick moments from the film where the comedy worked. Be it the Anandraj police station scene or the climax stretch about humanity, you see Sivakarthikeyan in full form. Even Sathyaraj is exceptional as the quirky father. Their combination scenes, especially the scene where he’s asked the meaning of Gummuratappura, are funny.

Also, Prince is a self-aware film. The director and the actors make fun of themselves and their previous works and it’s done supportively. That said, the major grouse with Prince are the stretches where the comedy fails to evoke laughs.

Here's the trailer of Prince:

Sivakarthikeyan is in his prime form as Anbu in Prince. His expressions and one-liners are perfect for the situation. And we can literally see the real Sivakarthikeyan playing to his strength on screen. Sathyaraj, as a veteran, explores comedy to a large extent in this film. Maria did a fair job in her debut performance. The real surprise is Premgi Amaren who played the role of land-grabbing mafia head, Boopathy. The audiences are so used to seeing Premgi Amaren in a fun role and to see him playing a serious (to some extent) was a new experience altogether.

Thaman’s music, especially Bimbiiki Pilapi and Jessica, are picturised well by Manoj Paramahamsa. Extra points for Sivakarthikeyan and Maria’s energetic dance moves.

Prince is a madcap comedy that tries to make the audience laugh throughout its runtime. But, you get only occasional laughs in the latter half.

2 out 5 stars for Prince. Published By: K Janani Published On: Oct 21, 2022 --- ENDS --- ALSO READ | Prince trailer out. Sivakarthikeyan, romance and a lot of chaos

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Prince Review - A clean absurd comedy that struggles with the consistency of laughs!

Published date : 21/oct/2022.

Prince Review - A clean absurd comedy that struggles with the consistency of laughs!

Prince – A clean absurd comedy that struggles with the consistency of laughs!

Bharath Vijayakumar

I am not sure if calling Prince an absurd comedy is appropriate. The characters on screen might seem illogical and absurd but this is a film that actually mocks at the absurdness of the society. Before anything else, let me make it clear that Prince is certainly one of the most politically correct films in the mainstream space. Whether the film works or not is a different question, but Anudeep and his team deserve praise and respect for what they have set out to achieve and for what they have achieved with regards to this aspect.

Karthik Subbaraj’s Jagame Thandhiram talked about boundaries and the plight of immigrants in the guise of an action film. Anudeep’s Prince takes the comedy route. Ulaganathan (Sathyaraj) is a progressive individual who is against every form of discrimination. So much so, that he is ashamed that his daughter chooses to marry someone within caste. When his son chooses a girl from a different nationality, you would assume he would be delighted. Yes, he is delighted but the happiness is cut short when he gets to know her nationality. True to his name (Ulaganathan), he loves the entire world. But his love also comes with a clause. He just cannot stand the British.

Prince is an important film for the message it conveys. As simple and repetitive as the message may seem, the fact that the message is very relevant today is a disturbing fact. The characterization of Ulaganathan is such an important reminder about how even the most progressive can sometimes stick on to something so irrelevant. It is such a pleasant surprise to see a filmmaker not just talk about equality but also do it from the POV of someone from the other side. This is where Prince stands apart with its integrity. It is not the hero or ‘us’ who teaches a lesson or two about empathy. It is the heroine’s family or ‘them’ who end up doing it in Prince. The previous sentence is actually inappropriate. Anudeep’s intention is to not call anyone ‘THEM’ but bring everyone under the umbrella of ‘US'.


Prince isn’t as funny or entertaining as it should have been. But a couple of stretches bring the roof down. It is a clean absurd comedy with an important message at its core. I really wish that a lot more jokes worked but this is a simple film that deserves respect for its intentions.


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రాజకీయ ప్రవేశానికి ముందు తమిళ అగ్ర కథానాయకుడు విజయ్ (Vijay) నుంచి వస్తున్న చిత్రం ది గ్రేటెస్ట్ ఆఫ్ ఆల్ టైమ్ (The Greatest of All Time Movie). వెంకట్ ప్రభు దర్శకత్వం వహించారు. మరి ఈ పేరుకు తగ్గట్లుగానే ది గోట్ రివ్యూ (The GOAT Review) గ్రేటెస్ట్ అనిపించుకుందా?ప్రేక్షకుల అంచనాల్ని అందుకుందా?

The GOAT Movie Story: ( కథేంటంటే) స్పెషల్ యాంటీ టెర్రరిస్ట్ స్వ్కాడ్ బృందంలో ఏజెంట్గా పని చేస్తుంటాడు గాంధీ (విజయ్). కానీ, తన ఉద్యోగం గురించి భార్య అను (స్నేహ)కు అసలు చెప్పడు. తనొకసారి ఓ మిషన్ కోసం థాయ్ ల్యాండ్ వెళ్లాల్సి వస్తుంది. అక్కడికి వెళ్లాక మిషన్ వల్ల గాంధీ కుటుంబానికి ఓ ముప్పు ఎదురవుతుంది. ఈ క్రమంలోనే తన ఐదేళ్ల కొడుకు జీవన్‌ను కోల్పోతాడు. ఆ ఘటనతో గాంధీ తీవ్రంగా కుంగిపోతాడు. తన వల్లే కొడుకును కోల్పోవాల్సి వచ్చిందన్న బాధతో ఉద్యోగం వదిలేస్తాడు. (The GOAT Movie Review) భార్య కూడా అతన్ని దూరం పెడుతుంది. అలా 15ఏళ్లు గడిచిపోతాయి. ఓసారి ఓ పని విషయమై మాస్కోకి వెళ్లిన గాంధీకి అనూహ్యంగా తన కొడుకు జీవన్ (విజయ్) కనిపిస్తాడు. ఓ రౌడీ బృందం ఉచ్చులో చిక్కుకొని ఉన్న తన బిడ్డను కాపాడి భారత్‌కు తీసుకొస్తాడు. కొడుకు రాకతో గాంధీ కుటుంబం మళ్లీ కలుస్తుంది. ఇక అంతా బాగుందనుకున్న సమయంలో గాంధీ స్క్వాడ్ టీమ్ బాస్ నజీర్ (జయరాంను ఎవరో చంపేస్తారు. ఆ తర్వాత ఆ టీమ్;లోని ఒక్కొక్కరూ వరుసగా హత్యకు గురవుతుంటారు. మరి ఈ హత్యలకు కారణమెవరు? జీవన్‌కు ఈ హత్యలకూ ఉన్న లింకేంటి? తను తండ్రిని చంపాలని ఎందుకు పగబడతాడు? జీవన్‌ను పెంచి పెద్ద చేసిన మేనన్ (మోహన్)కు.. గాంధీకీ ఉన్న విరోధం ఏంటి? అన్నది మిగతా కథ.

The Goat Movie Story Analysis: ఎలా సాగిందంటే: దేశ రక్షణ కోసం ఎంతకైనా తెగించే ఓ ఏజెంట్ కథ ఇది. అనుకోని పరిస్థితుల్లో అతను ఓ మిషన్‌లో తన కొడుకును కోల్పోవలసి రావడం.. కట్ చేస్తే ఆ కొడుకే 15ఏళ్ల తర్వాత తన పాలిట యముడిలా మారి దేశానికి పెను సమస్యలా మారడం.. ఈ క్రమంలో అతని ఆట కట్టించేందుకు ఆ తండ్రి ఏం చేశాడన్నది క్లుప్తంగా ఈ చిత్ర కథాంశం. నిజానికి ఈ కథ (GOAT Movie Story)లో పెద్దగా కొత్తదనమేమీ లేకున్నా.. స్క్రీన్‌ప్లే స్పెషలిస్ట్ వెంకట్ ప్రభు తెరకెక్కించిన సినిమా (GOAT Movie) కావడంతో దీంట్లో తప్పకుండా ఓ మ్యాజిక్ కనిపిస్తుందన్న భరోసా ప్రేక్షకుల్లో కపిస్తుంది. కానీ, ఏజెంట్ సినిమాల్లో కనిపించే ట్విస్ట్‌లు, మలుపులు, మెరుపులు ఏ ఒక్కటీ కథనంలో కనిపించలేదు. కనీసం హీరో చేసే ఆపరేషన్స్‌లోనూ థ్రిల్ లేదు. పైగా విరామం వరకూ కథంతా సాగతీత వ్యవహారంమే.(The GOAT Movie Review Telugu)

prince movie review 123 telugu

హీరో (Vijay Thalapathy)కి తన తనయుడు తారస పడతాడో.. అక్కడి నుంచే కథలో వేగం పుంజుకుంటుంది. ఈ క్రమంలో తనయుడిని కాపాడు కోవడం కోసం మాస్కోలోని విలన్ గ్యాంగ్‌తో గాంధీ చేసే ఛేజింగ్ యాక్షన్ సీక్వెన్స్ అలరిస్తుంది. విరామానికి ముందు జీవన్ పాత్రతో దర్శకుడు ఇచ్చిన ట్విస్ట్ ఆసక్తిరేకెత్తిస్తుంది. దానికి ముందు తండ్రీకొడుకులు మధ్య మెట్రోలో జరిగే యాక్షన్ సీక్వెన్స్ హైలైట్. విరామానికి ముందే జీవన్ విలన్ అని రివీలైపోవడంతో.. ద్వితీయార్ధంలో తండ్రీకొడుకుల మధ్య పోరు ఎలా ఉండనుందా? అన్న ఆసక్తి ప్రేక్షకుల్లో మొదలైపోతుంది.

దానికి తగ్గట్లుగానే ద్వితీయార్ధం ఆరంభంలో గాంధీకి.. జీవన్‌కూ మధ్య నడిచే మైండ్ గేమ్ కాసేపు ఆసక్తిరేకెత్తిస్తుంది. అయితే, తండ్రిపై పగ పెంచుకోవడానికి జీవన్‌కు ఉన్న కారణాన్ని ప్రభావవంతంగా చూపించలేదు. ఇక మధ్యలో మీనాక్షితో తన లవ్‌ ట్రాక్.. అనవసరంగా వచ్చి పడిపోయే పాటలు.. యోగిబాబు కామెడీ ట్రాక్.. అన్నీ సహనానికి పరీక్ష. చివరిలో వచ్చే యాక్షన్ సీక్వెన్స్.. దానితో ముడిపడి సాగే ఐపీఎల్ ట్రాక్ ప్రేక్షకుల్లో కాస్త ఉత్సాహాన్ని నింపుతాయి.

ఎవరెలా చేశారంటే: ఈ చిత్రం (Vijay GOAT Movie) విజయ్ అభిమానులకు ప్రత్యేకంగా గుర్తుండిపోతుంది. ఎందుకంటే ఇది విజయ్‌లోని హీరోయిజాన్నే కాదు.. విలనిజాన్ని కూడా రుచి చూపించారు. తండ్రీకొడుకులుగా విజయ్ ద్విపాత్రాభినయం ఆకట్టుకుంటుంది. ఆయన నుంచి అభిమానులు కోరుకునే మాస్ మేనరిజమ్స్, పంచ్ డైలాగ్స్, యాక్షన్ సీక్వెన్స్ కొన్నిందులో కనిపిస్తాయి. ముఖ్యంగా ఆరంభంలో ఆయన కెప్టెన్ విజయ్‌కాంత్ లుక్‌లో ఎంట్రీ ఇచ్చిన తీరు ప్రేక్షకుల్ని బాగా అలరిస్తుంది. అయితే విజయ్ (Vijay) యంగ్ లుక్ కోసం దర్శకుడు వాడిన టెక్నాలజీ కొన్ని చోట్ల తేడా కొట్టింది. (GOAT Movie Review) స్క్వాడ్ ఏజెంట్స్‌గా జయరామ్, ప్రభుదేవా, ప్రశాంత్, అజ్మల్ పాత్రలు పరిధి మేరకు ఉన్నాయి. మీనాక్షి ద్వితీయార్ధంలో రెండు సీన్లు, ఓ పాటకు పరిమితమైపోయింది. పతాక ఘట్టాల్లో శివ కార్తికేయన్ అతిథి పాత్రలో తళుక్కున మెరిశారు. ‘ది గోట్ మూవీ’ (The GOAT Movie) దర్శకుడు వెంకట్ ప్రభు కథలో కొత్తదనం లేదు. ద్వితీయార్ధం బాగున్నా, ఓ బలమైన పాయింట్‌తో ముగించాల్సింది. సాంకేతికంగా సినిమా ఓకే.

  • + విజయ్ నటన, విలనిజం
  • + పోరాట ఘట్టాలు
  • + విరామ సన్నివేశాలు
  • - కొత్తదనం లేని కథ
  • - ఊహకు తగ్గట్లు సాగే కథనం
  • - ప్రథమార్ధం
  • చివరిగా: పేరుకే గ్రేటెస్ట్.. కథ పరంగా కాదు.. (The GOAT Movie Review)
  • గమనిక: ఈ సమీక్ష సమీక్షకుడి దృష్టి కోణానికి సంబంధించింది. ఇది సమీక్షకుడి వ్యక్తిగత అభిప్రాయం మాత్రమే!
  • Cinema News
  • Entertainment News

గమనిక: ఈనాడు.నెట్‌లో కనిపించే వ్యాపార ప్రకటనలు వివిధ దేశాల్లోని వ్యాపారస్తులు, సంస్థల నుంచి వస్తాయి. కొన్ని ప్రకటనలు పాఠకుల అభిరుచిననుసరించి కృత్రిమ మేధస్సుతో పంపబడతాయి. పాఠకులు తగిన జాగ్రత్త వహించి, ఉత్పత్తులు లేదా సేవల గురించి సముచిత విచారణ చేసి కొనుగోలు చేయాలి. ఆయా ఉత్పత్తులు / సేవల నాణ్యత లేదా లోపాలకు ఈనాడు యాజమాన్యం బాధ్యత వహించదు. ఈ విషయంలో ఉత్తర ప్రత్యుత్తరాలకి తావు లేదు.

రివ్యూ: సూపర్‌హిట్‌ యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ‘కిల్‌’.. ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: సూపర్‌హిట్‌ యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్‌ ‘కిల్‌’.. ఎలా ఉందంటే?

రివ్యూ: నింద.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ విభిన్న ప్రయత్నం మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: నింద.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ విభిన్న ప్రయత్నం మెప్పించిందా?

రివ్యూ: 35 చిన్న క‌థ కాదు.. నివేదాథామస్‌ నటించిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే..?

రివ్యూ: 35 చిన్న క‌థ కాదు.. నివేదాథామస్‌ నటించిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే..?

రివ్యూ: ది కాంధార్‌ హైజాక్‌.. ఏవియేషన్‌ చరిత్రలోనే అతిపెద్ద హైజాక్‌.. వెబ్‌సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ది కాంధార్‌ హైజాక్‌.. ఏవియేషన్‌ చరిత్రలోనే అతిపెద్ద హైజాక్‌.. వెబ్‌సిరీస్‌ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: సరిపోదా శనివారం.. నాని యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: సరిపోదా శనివారం.. నాని యాక్షన్ థ్రిల్లర్ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: శాఖాహారి: ఆశ్రయం కోసం వచ్చిన వ్యక్తి మరణిస్తే..?

రివ్యూ: శాఖాహారి: ఆశ్రయం కోసం వచ్చిన వ్యక్తి మరణిస్తే..?

రివ్యూ: ముంజ్య.. రూ.30 కోట్లతో తీస్తే.. రూ.130 కోట్లు రాబట్టిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: ముంజ్య.. రూ.30 కోట్లతో తీస్తే.. రూ.130 కోట్లు రాబట్టిన మూవీ ఎలా ఉంది?

రివ్యూ: విరాజి.. వరుణ్‌ సందేశ్‌ నటించిన థ్రిల్లర్‌ మూవీ ఎలా ఉందంటే?

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A close-up portrait of Prince.

The Prince We Never Knew

A revealing new documentary could redefine our understanding of the pop icon. But you will probably never get to see it.

Prince in 1983. Credit... Allen Beaulieu

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By Sasha Weiss

Sasha Weiss is a deputy editor at the magazine. She reported this article for a year and a half and interviewed more than 20 people. She is one of a small number of people to have seen the Prince film.

  • Sept. 8, 2024

Dig, if you will, a small slice of Ezra Edelman’s nine-hour documentary about Prince — a cursed masterpiece that the public may never be allowed to see.

Listen to this article, read by Janina Edwards

It’s 1984, and Prince is about to release “Purple Rain,” the album that will make him a superstar and push pop music into distant realms we had no idea we were ready for. The sound engineer Peggy McCreary, one of many female engineers he worked with, describes witnessing a flash of genius during the creation of his song “When Doves Cry.” Over a two-day marathon recording session, she and Prince filled the studio with sound — wailing guitars, thrumming keyboards, an overdubbed choir of harmonizing Princes. It was the sort of maximalist stew possible only when someone is (as Prince was) a master of just about every musical instrument ever invented. But something wasn’t right. So at 5 or 6 in the morning, Prince found the solution: He started subtracting. He took out the guitar solo; he took out the keyboard. And then his boldest, most heterodox move: He took out the bass. McCreary remembers him saying, with satisfaction, “Ain’t nobody gonna believe I did that.” He knew what he had. The song became an anthem, a platinum megahit.

The next sequence starts to probe the origins of Prince’s genius, how it grew alongside a gnawing desire for recognition. His sister, Tyka Nelson, a woman with owlish eyes and pink and purple streaks in her hair, appears onscreen. She describes the violence in their household growing up. How their musician father’s face changed when he hit their mother. The ire he directed at his son, on whom he bestowed his former stage name, Prince — a gift, but also a burden, a reminder that the demands of supporting his children had caused him to abandon his own musical career. Prince would risk lashings by sneaking over to the piano and plinking away at it — the son already embarked on his life’s work of besting his father, the father giving and withdrawing love, the son doing the same.

Cut to Jill Jones, one in a long line of girlfriend-muses whom Prince anointed, styled, encouraged and criticized. Hers is one of the most anguished testimonies in the film, revealing a side of Prince many of his fans would rather not see. Late one night in 1984, she and a friend visited Prince at a hotel. He started kissing the friend, and in a fit of jealousy, Jones slapped him. She says he then looked at her and said, “Bitch, this ain’t no [expletive] movie.” They tussled, and he began to punch her in the face over and over. She wanted to press charges, but his manager told her it would ruin his career. So she backed off. Yet for a time, she still loved him and wanted to be with him, and stayed in his orbit for many more years. Recounting the incident three decades later, she is still furious, still processing the stress of being involved with him.

In the next sequence, it’s the evening of the premiere of “Purple Rain,” the movie, which will go on to win the Academy Award for best original song score in 1985. Prince’s tour manager, Alan Leeds, was with him in the back of a limo on the way to the ceremony. He remembers one of Prince’s bodyguards turning to Prince and saying: “This is going to be the biggest day of your life! They say every star in town is there!” And Prince clutched Leeds’s hand, trembling in fear. But then, as Leeds tells it, some switch flipped, and “he caught himself.” Prince’s eyes turned hard. He was back in control. “That was it,” Leeds says. “But for maybe 10 seconds, he completely lost it. And I loved it. Because it showed he was human!” In the next shot, we see Prince emerging from the limo and walking down the red carpet in an iridescent purple trench coat over a creamy ruffled collar, his black curls piled high. He swaggers, twirling a flower, unbothered: a creature of regal remove.

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Well, speaking in an interview, Tamannaah revealed what the biggest turn-off in a relationship is. “Lying is one of the biggest red flags in any relationship. I do not like men trying to change partners by lying in a relationship,” said Tamannaah.

The star heroine also adds that she does not like anyone giving her expensive gifts. “If anyone gives me expensive gifts, I feel they are putting a price tag on me,” said Tamannaah.

The Milky Beauty is busy with multiple Hindi films and is back in demand thanks to the success of Stree 2. We need to see how she handles the success from here on.

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  20. The Goat Review Telugu: రివ్యూ: ది ...

    The GOAT Movie Review Telugu: విజయ్‌ కథానాయకుడిగా వెంకట్‌ ప్రభు దర్శకత్వంలో ...

  21. Prince Review and Rating

    Job Opening : Wanted Telugu Content Writers; Horror film Munjya now streaming on OTT; Pic Talk: Megha Akash visits Rajinikanth with her fiance; Priyanka Arul Mohan being trolled for hyping Pawan Kalyan's Kushi; Mega hero's latest film up for OTT debut; Biggest multi-starrer in Bollywood to go on floors during this time

  22. Why You May Never See the Documentary on Prince by Ezra Edelman

    Cut to Jill Jones, one in a long line of girlfriend-muses whom Prince anointed, styled, encouraged and criticized. Hers is one of the most anguished testimonies in the film, revealing a side of ...

  23. Prince Review

    Vijay's The GOAT fails to generate any buzz in Telugu States; Pic Talk: Chiranjeevi shares Pawan Kalyan's unseen pic on his birthday; Viral Video: Naga Chaitanya meets cricket legend Sourav Ganguly; Photo Moment: Ustaad Bhagat Singh team meets Pawan Kalyan on his birthday; Hanu-Man director's cryptic post leaves fans confused

  24. Latest: Rana backs this Cannes-winning Indian movie

    The Cannes-winning Malayalam film's Indian distribution rights have been acquired by none other than Tollywood actor Rana Daggubati. He will distribute the movie in India through Spirit Media, with the release date yet to be announced. All We Imagine As Light features Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha, Chhaya Kadam, and Hridhu Haroon in key roles.

  25. Uruku Patela Telugu Movie Review

    Movie Name : Uruku Patela Release Date : September 07, 2024 123telugu.com Rating : 1.75/5 . Starring : Tejus Kancherla, Khushboo Choudary, Goparaju Ramana, Lavanya Reddy, and others Director : Vivek Reddy Producer : Kancherla Bala Bhanu Music Director: Pravin Lakkaraju Cinematographer: Sunny Kurapati Editor: Sasank Vupputuri Related Links : Trailer

  26. 35-Chinna Katha Kaadu Telugu Movie Review

    Movie Name : 35-Chinna Katha Kaadu Release Date : September 06, 2024 123telugu.com Rating : 3.25/5 . Starring : Nivetha Thomas, Priyadarshi, Vishwadev Rachakonda, Gautami, Bhagyaraj, Krishna Teja Director : Nanda Kishore Emani Producers : Srujan Yarabolu, Siddharth Rallapalli Music Director: Vivek Sagar Cinematographer: Niketh Bommi Editor: T C Prasanna Related Links : Trailer

  27. Maa Nanna Superhero's first look poster looks vibrant

    Nava Dhalapathy Sudheer Babu enters the Dussehra race with his new movie, Maa Nanna Superhero. Directed by Abhilash Reddy Kankara, known for his work on the Loser series, the film's first look has been unveiled. The makers released a cool poster featuring Sudheer Babu riding a Bajaj Chetak and reaching out to a school kid.

  28. Suhas' Janaka Aithe Ganaka gets its new release date

    Talented Telugu actor Suhas carved a niche for himself in the industry with his diverse roles and script selection. His film Janaka Aithe Ganaka, directed by Sandeep Reddy Bandla, should have hit the screens on September 7, but the makers postponed the movie at the last minute due to the ongoing floods in Andhra Pradesh.

  29. Tamannaah opens up on red flags in a relationship

    Tamannaah Bhatia is in top form as her new film Stree 2 is a big hit at the box office. Her crazy dance number only enhanced the film's success to another level and she is all over the news. Well, speaking in an interview, Tamannaah revealed what the biggest turn-off in a relationship is. "Lying ...