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Agri Business

How to Start a Poultry Farming in Nigeria: Business Plan, Breeds, Cost, Profit, Loan, Subsidy, and Management

Table of contents, what is poultry farming in nigeria, choosing the type of poultry bird to rear in nigeria, steps to start a poultry business plan in nigeria, selecting a suitable location for poultry farming in nigeria, providing good housing for poultry farming in nigeria, feeding and caring for the poultry birds in nigeria, small-scale poultry farming in nigeria, poultry breeds available in nigeria, poultry farming areas in nigeria, poultry production methods in nigeria, is poultry farming profitable in nigeria, good husbandry practices for nigeria poultry farmers, poultry farming loans and subsidies in nigeria, poultry farm problems in nigeria, poultry farming challenges in nigeria, set-up cost to start a poultry farming business in nigeria, profit for poultry farming business in nigeria, organic poultry farming in nigeria .

Poultry farming is a major agricultural activity in Nigeria. The country has a large population and a growing demand for poultry products. Nigeria is Africa’s largest producer of eggs and the second-largest producer of chicken meat. The industry employs millions of people and contributes significantly to the country’s economy. 

How to Start a Poultry Farming in Nigeria

How to start a poultry farming in Nigeria

Poultry farming in Nigeria is raising chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other poultry for meat or eggs. Chickens are the most common poultry raised in Nigeria and can be raised for meat or eggs. Geese are the least common poultry raised in Nigeria. 

The common poultry birds raised by poultry farmers include chicken, turkey, duck, geese, quail, pigeon, and guinea fowl. Chicken is the widely consumed bird in Nigeria, making it an appropriate choice for farmers who want to take benefit of the growing poultry meat and egg demand in Nigeria; Turkey is a close second.

If you prefer a market with less competition, you can rearing quails, pigeons, or ducks. You will also need to consider the climate in Nigeria when choosing the type of bird to rear. Some types of poultry birds do not do well in hot climates, so it is important to choose a bird that can withstand the climate conditions in Nigeria.

  • Choose your poultry niche : You can start many poultry businesses in Nigeria, so it’s important to choose the right one. Do the research and decide which poultry farming would be the most profitable for you.
  • Get started with a business plan : A good poultry business plan is essential for any successful business, especially for a poultry business. Outline your goals, objectives, and strategies for your poultry farm and ensure you have a solid financial foundation.
  • Choose the right location : The success of your poultry farm will largely depend on its location. Make sure you choose a location convenient for transport and have access to good-quality water and land.
  • Build or buy your farm: Once you’ve chosen your location, it’s time to start building or buying your farm. If you’re building your farm, follow all the necessary construction regulations. If you’re buying an existing farm, ensure it meets all the requirements for a successful poultry operation.
  • Stock your farm : Now it’s time to start stocking your farm with birds. This is where much of the cost associated with starting a poultry business comes in, so make sure you purchase healthy birds

In case you missed it: Poultry Farming in the Philippines: How to Start, Breeds, Subsidy, Loans, and Profits

Poultry Farm

  • Several factors are considered for selecting a location for a poultry farm in Nigeria. The first factor is climate. The climate in Nigeria is generally hot and humid, which is ideal for chicken production. However, certain areas of the country experience periods of drought, which can impact poultry production negatively.
  • The second factor to consider is proximity to markets. Poultry farms need to be located near markets where they can sell their products easily. Transport costs will eat into profits if the farm is too far from the markets.
  • The third factor to consider is land availability and quality. Poultry farms require a lot of land for chicken housing and grazing areas. The land should also be of good quality to support chicken production effectively.
  • When selecting a site for a poultry farm in Nigeria, it is important to consider these three factors carefully. Doing so can ensure that your poultry farm has the best chance of success.
  • One popular type of housing for poultry farms in Nigeria is the A-frame chicken coop. These coops are simple to construct and can be made from locally sourced materials. They provide a safe and secure environment for your birds and can be easily expanded as your flock grows.
  • Another option for housing your poultry in Nigeria is to use an existing building on your property, such as a shed or outhouse. If you select this option, it is important to ensure that the building is well-ventilated and has plenty of light. You will also need to protect your birds from predators by installing wire mesh over all windows and doors.
  • Regardless of which type of housing you choose for your poultry farm in Nigeria, keeping it clean and well-maintained is important. Regular cleaning and disinfection will help prevent disease spread and keep your birds healthy and productive.

Commercial feeds are generally more expensive than locally produced feeds, but they are also more nutrient-rich and improve the health of your birds. If you decide to use commercial feeds, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations on how much to feed your birds. Locally produced feeds are often cheaper than commercial feeds but may not be as nutrient-rich.

In case you missed it: Raising Kadaknath Chickens (Black Chicken) in India: Check How this Guide Helps Profitable Kadaknath Poultry Farming from Scratch

Poultry Farming

You will need to experiment with different types of locally produced feeds to find one that works well for your birds. No matter what feed you use, it is important to provide fresh water for your birds. Water helps them stay hydrated and aids in digestion. Be sure to clean and refill water containers regularly to prevent the spread of disease.

Small-scale farmers have many opportunities to get involved in poultry farming, from raising chickens for eggs to meat production. The first step in starting a small-scale poultry farm is to choose the type of poultry you want to raise. Chickens are the most common choice, but you can raise turkeys, ducks, or geese. Once you’ve decided on the type of poultry you want to raise, you’ll need to purchase some baby chickens or other young birds. You can buy these from a local hatchery or online.

After you’ve obtained your baby chickens, you’ll need to set up a brooding area where they can stay warm and safe while they grow. A simple brooding set-up can be made using a cardboard box and a heat lamp. Once your baby chickens have outgrown the brooding area, they can be moved into a larger coop or pen. As your birds grow, you’ll need to provide them with food and water. A good diet for chickens includes grain, greens, and chicken feed. You can either grow your food for them or purchase it from a local feed store. Water must be available at all times and should be changed regularly.

  • The Kadaknath chicken is a native breed known for its black plumage. These birds are typically used for meat production.
  • The White Leghorn is a popular egg-laying breed that originates from Italy. These birds are white and are known for their high egg production.
  • The Rhode Island Red is another popular egg-laying breed in many commercial operations. These birds are red and are known for their high egg production.
  • The Sussex chicken is a dual-purpose bird that can be used for both meat and egg production. These birds are typically brown or red and originate from the United Kingdom.

There are many poultry farming areas and locations in Nigeria. The main poultry farming areas are in Kaduna, Oyo, Osun, and Lagos. There are also smaller poultry farms in other regions of the country. Nigeria has many poultry farming areas, but the three main regions are the Northern, Central, and Southern parts.

In case you missed it: How to Start Poultry Farming from Scratch: A Detailed Guide for Beginners

Poultry Shed Design

  • The Northern region is home to the majority of Nigeria’s chicken farms. This area has a more temperate climate, which is better for chicken production. 
  • The Central region is also a key area for poultry farming, as it contains the country’s capital, Abuja. This region has a hot climate, which can be tough on chickens, but many large-scale operations have overcome this challenge. 
  • The Southern region has a tropical climate and is home to some of Nigeria’s biggest commercial broiler farms. This area presents challenges for chicken farmers, but there is still good potential for success.

There are approximately 1,500 poultry farms in Nigeria, with the majority being small-scale operations. Over two million Nigerians are employed in the poultry sector. Poultry farms vary in size from small family-run operations to large commercial farms. The Nigerian government offers incentives for investors interested in starting or expanding a poultry farm. These incentives include tax breaks and access to low-interest loans. The government also provides training and extension services to farmers.

  • Intensive poultry production is the common method, requiring less land and capital investment. Birds are typically housed in overcrowded conditions and given little outdoor access. They are also fed a high-protein diet to promote rapid growth. While this method of production can be profitable, it often results in lower-quality meat and eggs due to the stressful living conditions of the birds.
  • Extensive poultry production is less common but is seen as more humane. Birds are given more space to move around and typically have access to the outdoors. They are also fed a more natural diet, which results in higher-quality meat and eggs. However, this method of production is less profitable due to the higher costs associated with it.

Poultry farming is a lucrative business that supplies the demand for chicken and eggs in Nigeria. One of the best ways to ensure profitability in poultry farming is to keep your chickens healthy. This means vaccinating them against common diseases and providing them with regular veterinary care.

One of the most important things a poultry farmer in Nigeria can do to ensure the health and productivity of their flock is to practice good husbandry. 

1. Keep your birds clean and healthy – Regularly clean and disinfect your bird pens, coops, and equipment. This will help prevent the spread of disease among your flock.

2. Provide fresh, clean water at all times – Make sure your birds have access to clean water. This is essential for their health and well-being.

3. Keep your birds well-fed – A healthy diet is essential for your birds’ growth and development. Be sure to provide them with a balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients.

4. Give your birds plenty of space – Birds need plenty of space to move around and exercise. If possible, allow them access to an outdoor area where they can stretch their wings and explore.

5. Monitor your birds closely – Keep a close eye on your birds’ health and behavior. If you notice anything unusual, contact a veterinarian immediately.

6. Vaccinations and other medical supplies – Keeping your birds healthy is crucial to the success of your poultry farm. Vaccinations and other medical supplies can add significant costs to your budget, but they are essential for preventing disease and ensuring high productivity levels.

7. Biosecurity on your poultry farm – Last but not least, you need to be careful about biosecurity on your poultry farm. This means taking measures to prevent the spread of diseases between your chickens and other animals or humans. Some simple steps include maintaining cleanliness, disinfecting equipment, and restricting visitors to your farm to prevent the spreading of diseases.

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Poultry Products

The poultry farming industry in Nigeria is the most lucrative business. Poultry farming loans and subsidies are available from various financial institutions in Nigeria. The interest rate on these loans is relatively low, making them affordable for small-scale farmers. The Nigerian government also provides subsidies for poultry farmers who meet certain criteria. These subsidies can cover up to 50% of the cost of poultry production, making poultry farming a viable option for small-scale farmers in Nigeria.

Poultry farming in Nigeria can be lucrative, but farmers face common problems. One of the most common problems is finding reliable staff to help run the farm. Another common problem is disease outbreaks. These can occur when birds are not appropriately vaccinated or come into contact with wild birds.

Infectious diseases such as Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza can quickly spread through a flock and decimate a farm’s population. Finally, another challenge that poultry farmers face is theft. This is particularly common in rural areas where farms are often left unattended for long periods.

One key challenge facing poultry farmers in Nigeria is disease control. Outbreaks of avian influenza have caused significant losses for the industry in recent years. However, with proper biosecurity measures in place, such outbreaks can be prevented.

  • The high cost of day-old baby chickens : Day-old baby chickens can be expensive if you buy from a reputable breeder. This makes it difficult for small-scale farmers to get started in the business.
  • The risk of disease : Poultry farms are susceptible to diseases such as Newcastle Disease and Avian Influenza, which can kill entire flocks. Strict biosecurity measures must be implemented to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks.
  • The need for specialist knowledge : Poultry farming requires specialist knowledge and skills, which can be difficult to acquire. There is also a lack of extension services and technical support available to poultry farmers in Nigeria.

Despite these challenges, poultry farming in Nigeria can be profitable if done correctly. With a growing population and increasing demand for chicken meat and eggs, there is great potential for growth in the Nigerian poultry industry.

You can start a small-scale poultry farming business in Nigeria with less than N150,000. Medium to large-scale farms need a lot more money, but starting a small poultry business is advisable even if you have more than enough funds to spare.

To calculate the profitability of poultry farming in Nigeria, you will need to consider the following factors:

  • The cost of feed per bird
  • The number of birds you plan to raise
  • The price you plan to sell your chicken at
  • The cost of any other necessary supplies (such as housing and water)

In case you missed it: Poultry Farming in New Zealand: Breeds, How to Start

Poultry Birds

The average poultry farm set-up cost in Nigeria is about N150,000. This cost includes the purchase of day-old baby chickens, equipment, and other materials needed to get started. Commercial poultry farm set-up costs in Nigeria can be as high as N1 million. The average profit from a poultry farm in Nigeria is about N50,000 per month. This profit can be increased by selling eggs and meat at higher prices or by reducing the cost of production through better management practices.

Organic poultry farming in Nigeria is a type of farming where chickens are raised without antibiotics or other growth-promoting drugs. Chickens are fed an organic diet and are provided with ample space to roam and forage. Organic poultry farmers in Nigeria must meet the standards the Nigerian government sets to be certified. These standards include providing chickens with a clean and comfortable environment, access to fresh air and sunlight, and a nutritious diet.

Farmers must also avoid using any synthetic pesticides or herbicides on their farms. Organic poultry farming in Nigeria is still relatively new, but it is growing in popularity as more people become aware of the benefits. Consumers are willing to pay more attention to organic chicken meat because they know it is better for their health and the environment. Poultry farmers who switch to organic production can expect higher profits as demand for their product increases.

Poultry farming provides employment for many people and contributes to the economy. Poultry farming generally requires less land and capital than other livestock farming ventures, making it a more accessible option for small-scale farmers. Poultry farming is an important agricultural activity in Nigeria. It provides a source of income for small-scale farmers and contributes to the country’s food security.

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Nigerian Price

Poultry farming business in nigeria & cost of starting (2024).

Poultry farming is one of the most lucrative forms of farming in Nigeria today. There is a very huge market for poultry products such as meat, eggs, and dung. The cost of starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria depends on the aspect of poultry farming that you want to engage in.

In this post, we will discuss the cost to start the different types of poultry farming. However, we will focus more on chickens (broilers and layers). We will also tell you how to start a profitable poultry farming business in Nigeria. Let’s dive straight in without further ado.

Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria and Starting Costs

Cost of Starting a Poultry Business in Nigeria

According to research, many Nigerians are becoming millionaires simply by becoming poultry farmers. The first step to starting a profitable poultry business is first finding out how much capital you need. How much does it cost to start a profitable poultry farm? Several ingredients go into running a poultry farm. It doesn’t matter whether you deal in broilers or layers, there are certain costs that you cannot do without. Here is a list below:

Land is one of the primary needs you must meet when starting a poultry farm. You can either purchase land or lease one for the business. The cost of land is relative as it depends on the scale at which you want to run the farm and your location. In some parts of Nigeria, you can get farmlands for between N300,000 and N3 million per plot.

Housing construction

After getting the land, the next thing that you must invest in is the housing for the birds. There are different types of housing depending on the rearing system that you will employ. The cheapest method is the free-range system where there isn’t an exact building. You just allow the birds to roam around in the compound.

For best results, it is best to employ floor or cage systems. The floor system just requires you to build a poultry house and allow the birds to roam around in the building. Alternatively, you can make use of bird cages. This method is regarded as the best for layers. The cost depends on the size of the farm, but cages could cost from N300,000 – N500,000 for 500 birds.

Poultry equipment

There is a whole array of poultry equipment that you need to run a profitable poultry farming business. Your choice will depend on the system that you choose. The common pieces of poultry equipment that you will need include:

  • Heaters or brooders
  • Laying nests
  • Ventilation fan

If you are running a commercial poultry farm, you should budget between N600,000 and N800,000 for poultry equipment. Smaller farms can budget between N60,000 and N210,000.

Vaccination and other medication costs

Vaccination is very important to ensure that your birds remain healthy. It also ensures that you reduce the mortality rate on your farm to the barest minimum. Just so you know, birds are highly prone to diseases and a single disease outbreak can wipe out the whole farm.

If you have a farm of 500 chicks, you should budget between N200,000 and N260,000 for vaccination and medication. The price may be negotiable depending on the veterinarian that you consult.

This is one of the most important and non-negotiable costs to deal with in poultry farming. You can either formulate your feed or purchase ready made feed from established vendors. The former option is more affordable, however, many of the feed ingredients on the market are adulterated. As such, we suggest that you stick to purchasing from established companies.

The feeding cost for 500 birds is between N150,000 and N300,000 for a month. If you are raising layers, you need to feed them for about 18 months. This means that you could spend between N2.7 million and N5.4 million on feeding alone.

Purchase of chicks

The main raw material for poultry farming is chicks. Without them, everything else is a waste of investment. Currently, day-old chicks cost between N500 and N1000. If you want to purchase point-of-lay birds, they cost between N2,500 and N3,000.


How to Start the Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

Wondering how to start the poultry business in Nigeria? Check out the tips below:

Study the market

The first thing that you should do is to study your market. A detailed feasibility study helps you to know what the market holds, how much capital you need, and who your prospective customers are. It also helps you to know who your competitors are and how to surpass them.

Write a business plan

After you have carried out a detailed study of the market, the next step is to write a business plan. A business plan gives a clear indication of what your business sets out to achieve. It acts as the map of your business and also helps you to attract investment when the need arises. If you cannot write a detailed business plan, you can draw up a Business Module Canvas (BMC) instead.

Seek out reputable suppliers

Two very important aspects of this business are getting healthy stock and purchasing healthy feed. You need reputable suppliers for both. Ensure that you find suppliers that have a healthy stock of birds. Doing this saves you from having excess mortality on your farm. It also assures you of high productivity. You should also seek out suppliers that have the best quality feed on the market. Don’t settle for cheap prices as they could mean substandard products.

Raise capital

Capital here means the funds you need for the business as well as the land and the equipment that you need. You can either raise capital from your savings or taking a loan. Other ways of raising capital include grants and funding from friends and family members.

Gather knowledge

In rounding up this post, we suggest that you gather as much knowledge about this business as possible. Poultry farming requires a hands-on approach, so you must be knowledgeable about raising birds. You can reach out to existing farmers to find out their failures and successes. This knowledge will help run your business.

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Poultry Farm Business | Operational Plan

Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria

Poultry Farm Business – The Poultry or Chicken Farm Business requires a well written Feasibility Study. The aim is to reduce any type of waste that may result in the set up of the business . I and my team do update the business plan document from time to time, this is done to correspond with the prevailing economic condition of the country.

The Poultry Farm Business Plan comes in form of an e-document, which can be converted to word document or PDF, depending on the request of the client, the following are content;

Poultry Farm Business Plan Table Of Content

Chapter One – This chapter contains the executive summary of the business plan on poultry farm, here is the overview;

  • The business Opportunity
  • The market Target
  • The competition
  • The competitive Strategies
  • The management Team
  • The financial Plan, It comes in an excel spreadsheet


A typical proposal for raising a poultry farm in Nigeria should at least come with the purpose of starting the business and then followed by other important information.

Poultry Farm Market Analysis

Poultry farm market analysis makes references to SWOT Analysis, they include the listed item below;

  • Opportunities



  • Project Strategies
  • Financial Strategies
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Operational Strategies
  • Human Resources Strategies


  • Organization Structure
  • Manpower Requirements
  • Manpower Plan
  • Man Power Budget
  • Roles And Responsibilities

Poultry Farm Technical And Operational Plan

  • Raw Material Requirements
  • Machinery And Equipment Requirements
  • Layout Of The Business Premises
  • Growth Management And Quality Assurance
  • Disease Control And Prevention
  • Egg Production Process


  • Location Of The Project

Poultry Farm Business Plan In Nigeria Projected financial Statement

  • Assumptions
  • Application Of Funds
  • Operating And Maintenance Costs
  • Daily EEG and Feed, Drugs Computation Analysis From Point Of Lay (POL) For 12 Months period
  • Income Statement Projections
  • Projected Profit And Loss For 4,000 Birds In 52 Weeks
  • Market Information
  • Mortality Losses
  • Profit projection For 4,000 Laying Birds
  • Profit Projection for 10,000 Broilers

Additional Content

  • Poultry farming egg Production Management
  • Broiler Management Guide
  • Broiler Starter formula
  • Broiler Grower formula
  • Pullet grower formula
  • Laying Bird feed formula
  • Layout Concentration Formula
  • Broiler Concentration formula

How To Use Your Poultry Farm Business Plan ;

Obviously, the Poultry Farming Business Plan was written not only or the execution of a business, but it also has other purposes for which it was written, the poultry farming business plan comes as a well researched feasibility study with well detailed information on how to start up a poultry farming business and how to successfully run the business. This is a business plan for poultry production & marketing in Nigeria, every entrepreneur deserves to have this document for various purpose apart from just starting up a farm business, especially when it concerns sourcing for fund in order to either begin the business or to increase business investment portfolio of the farm, below are the things you can use your poultry/chicken farming business plan to do;

BANK LOANS – Accessing a bank assistance in form of loan can be achieved using a well written business plan or feasibility study by a professional, most of these financial institutions , especially banks can be convinced that their money will be safe with you, they will have to trust you if you provide a template on how you intend making use of the loan facility issued to you. Banks are most times interested in the fact that the loan being issued will be recovered; your business plan for poultry farm will help out big time.

GRANTS – Your business plan on chicken farm gives you an edge while applying for grants from different organization, especially government agencies. The possibilities of having these agencies listening to you or even processing your application lies with the quality of your application, and this comes from the sample of the poultry business plan you will be submitting. This makes it a lot more easier and accessible. The thing is this, a written document outlining in details how you intend to use the money given to you will convince those issuing the grants to go ahead.

PROPOSAL – Quality proposal goes a long way in your pursuit for funding. Your business proposal application can get much attention when your document is not some random piece of writing. One of the factors that will make your proposal to be considered in any way is the information contained in the document. After getting our poultry farming business plan document, applying for a proposal will become as good as complete, you may want to make a few adjustments to suit your business objectives, By so doing you can defend your proposal before any board if need be. Your application for the loans and grant becomes a lot more easier, given that you now have a well detailed information contained in the business plan you intend to present.

Seminar presentation – You deserve a document that offers the best information required, so that in your presentation, you will not be caught reeling out unconfirmed data and information. The things is that this business plan forms the basis of your seminar presentation as well as research, however, you can as well get more information in order to compare information contained in your research work.

COMPETITIONS – Going for competition? This business plan gets you ahead your competitors. The aim most times is to be rewarded, these rewards most times comes inform of cash prize or scholarship, or for the entrepreneurs this competition might be where your journey in business begins. The essence is to win, and trust me the information contained in this business plan can earn you that..


Today’s Nigeria accommodates some of the biggest poultry farms in Africa, despite this fact, Nigeria is still one of the largest importers of chicken. Understandably, this is a country of over 200 million people hence the need for edible birds will always be on the high.

The high demands for poultry birds is not restricted to just the festive periods or seasons like Easter, Christmas, Sallah etc. In fact a visit to Chicken market in a town as small as Abakaliki will tell you that the demand for this birds are high, virtually every market in Enugu has a potion where live chicken are sold, and the number of people trooping in too buy will amaze you. The story is not different from other small and large cities, and there are families buying for their consumption. When you factor in the fast food restaurants , the Supermarkets the request for these live stock products, you will understand why the country still import these products despite the level o production.

In essence, demand has always been higher than supply, and that is where the business opportunities comes in from. As an individual poultry farmer, your business stands a chance of supplying birds to families, eateries, Malls as well as big supermarkets. The truth is that the industry has become a money spinning machine and it is estimated to worth a multi billion Naira industry.

Set Backs In The Poultry farming Business

As live stocks, the poultry industry suffered huge set back, these set back resulted in the loss of some birds, the setbacks came inform of avian influenza, salmonellosis, although it was contained, it caused huge losses to some farms as demand for birds reduced, that is not the case anymore even though there is still the challenges of incessant power outage which also affect other businesses not just the poultry business.

Factors Responsible for The Growth O Poultry Business In Nigeria

Despite the setback and other challenges, the industry has continued to progress, meanwhile, there are factors that have contributed to the remarkable development of the poultry industry in Nigeria, these factor has continued to control how the business is done, these factors includes the following;

  • The demands for eggs
  • The poultry meat which is the primary reason for raising a poultry farm.
  • The relatively profitability of the Poultry enterprise if brought into comparison with other agriculture enterprises.
  • The roles as well as the contribution of the Poultry association of Nigerian, this is the umbrella body that cover all the poultry farmers in Nigeria, they regulate the market, one of the ways they achieve this is through price control.

Hindrances To The Growth Of Poultry farm Business In Nigeria

Without a doubt, in as much as the industry is experiencing growth and profitability, there are factors that has caused hindrances to the Poultry Business; see below;

  • High cost of inputs
  • Power outages
  • Seasonal diseases (periodic)
  • Low purchasing power etc.

Factor To Consider Before Setting Up A Poultry Farming Business

Ensure you have the following in place before setting up your poultry farming business in Nigeria;

Overview – Write a comprehensive overview of the business you want to start up, outlining every other required information needed. You should also chose a business name for your Poultry Farm, other things to include are the services on offer, then the level of your farm production of quality, then you should highlight how affordable your poultry meat and eggs are. Also you should have a set of customers you get to target. In conclusion, the demand for poultry farm products and services is almost the same everywhere in Nigeria.

The Company – The business should at least be structured. Who are the owners, how are you going to finance the start up, what is the name of the Poultry Farm business, will it be established as a limited liability company, who will be the owner, manager as well as investors. And then describe your products and services, items that will likely be the poultry farm products, items such as the poultry eggs, chickens or poultry waste, the chicken itself etc, now what are the services, you could chose to provide the services known as KCW and F, in plan terms Kill–‐Cut–‐Wrap–‐Freeze, most poultry farms offer these services these days. Place emphasis on the quality of your products and how hygienic your eggs and how they are of high quality. Your business motto could be something like “We produce, process and package to meet Your standard”.

Capital And Start Up fund – You can’t successfully set up and run any business without at least having you capital in place, this is applicable to all kinds of business, some business minded individuals even resort to taking loans and advances, while others hunt for grant, business proposal etc. The essence is to have fund to start up the business.

Location – When sitting a poultry farm, the location to be selected should at least be conducive to house the birds, exposing the birds to extreme climatic conditions can affect their growth and development, which will lead to loss in profit margin.

Equipment – You need to have the best equipment in order to survive the delicate nature of handing your chicks. Ensure that your live stock supply are healthy, and also ensure that the Hatcheries in charge o delivering a day old chicks to your farm are well scrutinized. Also engage a qualified doctor to always check and apply vaccinations or medication when needed.

Sourcing Of Heat – Most poultry farms I have been to have their own way of generating heat for the birds. There are different ways to do this, but the most common sources of supplemental heat is through the use of electric bulb, this can benefit your poultry farm, below are some other ways you can achieve this;

  • Cooking stoves
  • Lesser extent paraffin stoves
  • Brooder stoves

You can place the stove on the roof or somewhere above ground level.

Feeding – Feeding technique varies, there is one which is common, it is called forced feeding, chicks find it difficult to feed to feed themselves, hence the need to do that yourself, at least for the first four weeks.

Types Of feed for your Poultry Farm Business

Broiler growth and efficiency are dependent on the type of feed you give to them, there are stipulated feeds you must offer to these birds, they as follows;

  • Starter feed crumbs
  • The Grower feeds
  • Finisher feeds

While the grower feeds is given to the birds between 14 to 16 days after the completing the Starter, you can then start administering the broiler finisher feeds, this is the feed that the broiler consumes most.

Other factors To Consider Includes The following;

  • Brooder Guards/Rings
  • Preparing For Arrival Of Chicks
  • Brooder Stove Arrangement And Temperature
  • Keys to Successful Brooding And Rearing

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[Beginners Guide] How To Start A Successful Poultry Farm In Nigeria

Starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria can be a rewarding venture, both financially and professionally. With a growing demand for poultry products in the country, there is a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs to establish successful poultry farms.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the essential steps and considerations to start a poultry farming business in Nigeria, from understanding the industry to scaling and expanding your operations.

How To Start Poultry Farming In Nigeria

Table of Contents

However, starting a poultry farming business requires careful planning , knowledge of the industry, and an understanding of best practices.

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Step 1: Identifying Your Niche and Target Market

Before starting a poultry farming business , it is essential to identify your niche and target market. Determine whether you want to focus on broiler production, egg production, or both. Assess the demand and competition in your chosen niche to identify potential opportunities.

Step 2: Conducting Market Research

Conducting thorough market research is crucial for understanding customer preferences, demand, and pricing in the poultry industry. Identify potential buyers, such as local markets, supermarkets, restaurants, and wholesalers. Gather insights on the prevailing market prices, product quality expectations, and consumer trends.

Step 3: Developing a Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan serves as a roadmap for your poultry farming business. It outlines your goals, strategies, financial projections, and operational details. Include sections on market analysis, organizational structure, production and marketing strategies, and financial forecasts.

Step 4: Acquiring Necessary Skills and Knowledge

To succeed in poultry farming , it is vital to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge. Attend training programs, workshops, or courses on poultry production, management, and health. Networking with experienced farmers and industry experts can also provide valuable insights.

Step 5: Selecting a Suitable Location

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Step 6: Constructing Poultry Houses and Facilities

Design and construct suitable poultry houses and facilities based on the type of production system you choose. Factors to consider include ventilation, lighting, temperature control, and adequate space for the birds. Ensure proper waste management systems and biosecurity measures are in place.

Step 7: Procuring Necessary Equipment and Supplies

Procure the essential equipment and supplies required for poultry farming. This includes feeders, drinkers, brooders, egg incubators, and cleaning equipment. Ensure that the equipment is of good quality and appropriate for your production scale.

Step 8: Ensuring Biosecurity Measures

Understanding the poultry farming industry in nigeria.

The poultry farming industry in Nigeria is diverse and encompasses various types of poultry production, including broiler farming, layer farming, and hatchery operations. Broilers are raised for meat production, while layers are specifically bred for egg production. Hatcheries play a crucial role in providing day-old chicks to farmers.

Potential Market and Profitability

Key challenges and considerations.

While poultry farming offers promising prospects, there are several challenges that aspiring poultry farmers need to be aware of. Some of the key considerations include:

Disease outbreaks and biosecurity:

Feed costs and availability:.

The cost and availability of poultry feed can impact profitability. Developing strategies to ensure a steady supply of affordable and nutritious feed is essential.

Market volatility and competition:

Key factors to choosing the right poultry breeds to start your farm, evaluating different breeds and their characteristics.

Read Also:  20 Common Diseases In Poultry Farm

Considering the Demand and Market Preference

Understand the preferences and demands of your target market. Determine whether they prefer specific breeds or traits, such as fast-growing broilers or high-yielding layers. Align your breed selection with market demand to maximize profitability.

Selecting Breeds Suitable for Local Conditions

Read Also:  12 Poultry Farming Tips For Beginners [Success Guide]

Managing Poultry Health and Nutrition

Implementing vaccination and disease prevention protocols, providing balanced nutrition and feed management.

Proper nutrition is crucial for optimal growth and productivity of poultry. Develop a well-balanced feed formulation that meets the nutritional requirements of your birds. Monitor feed quality, storage conditions, and feeding schedules to ensure consistent and appropriate nutrition.

Monitoring and Maintaining Flock Health

Regularly monitor the health of your flock through visual inspections, weight checks, and behavior observation. Identify and address any signs of illness or distress promptly. Establish a relationship with a veterinarian who can provide guidance and support for flock health management.

Poultry Farming Operations and Management

Day-to-day care and feeding routines, egg production and management.

If you are focusing on egg production, implement effective egg management practices. Collect eggs frequently to prevent breakage and contamination. Grade and store the eggs properly to maintain quality and freshness. Establish processes for cleaning, packaging, and distribution.

Broiler Production and Management

If you are raising broilers, develop a production plan that includes selecting quality chicks, managing brooder temperature and lighting, and implementing a feeding and growth strategy. Monitor the growth rate, adjust feed rations accordingly, and ensure proper ventilation in broiler houses.

Proper Waste Management and Disposal

Marketing and selling poultry products, identifying potential buyers and markets.

Identify potential buyers and markets for your poultry products. This can include local markets, supermarkets, hotels, restaurants, and direct sales to consumers. Build relationships with buyers and understand their product preferences and requirements.

Developing Marketing Strategies

Develop effective marketing strategies to promote your poultry products. Utilize both online and offline channels, such as social media, websites, local advertisements, and product demonstrations. Differentiate your products by highlighting quality, health benefits, or unique selling points.

Building Partnerships and Distribution Channels

Financial planning and record-keeping, estimating startup and operational costs.

Develop a comprehensive financial plan that includes the initial capital required to start your poultry farming business . Consider costs such as land, construction, equipment, feed, chicks, veterinary services, and marketing. Ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover both startup and operational expenses.

Tracking Expenses and Income

Maintain accurate and detailed records of your expenses and income. Implement a robust record-keeping system to track feed costs, veterinary expenses, labor costs, sales revenue, and other financial transactions. Regularly review your financial statements to assess the profitability of your business.

Evaluating Profitability and Making Informed Decisions

Regulations and compliance, understanding legal requirements and permits.

Ensure compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and permits for poultry farming. Familiarize yourself with local agricultural and livestock regulations, as well as food safety standards. Obtain necessary permits, such as those for land use, environmental impact assessment, and animal welfare.

Complying with Animal Welfare and Food Safety Standards

Maintain high standards of animal welfare and hygiene in your poultry farm . Provide adequate space, ventilation, and access to clean water and feed. Follow recommended practices for disease prevention, vaccination, and medication administration. Implement proper food safety measures during egg collection, processing, and packaging.

Scaling and Expanding Your Poultry Farming Business

Evaluating growth opportunities, increasing production capacity.

If there is sufficient demand and resources, consider increasing the scale of your poultry farm. This may involve constructing additional poultry houses, investing in more equipment, or expanding your workforce. Ensure that the growth is sustainable and manageable.

Diversifying Product Offerings

Explore opportunities to diversify your product offerings to cater to different market segments. This can include value-added products such as processed poultry meat, specialty eggs, or organic poultry products. Conduct market research and assess the feasibility and profitability of new product lines.

Can I start a poultry farming business with limited capital?

How long does it take to start making a profit in poultry farming.

The time it takes to start making a profit in poultry farming varies and depends on various factors, including your production scale, market conditions, and operational efficiency. Typically, it can take several months to a year to start seeing significant returns on investment.

What are some common challenges in the poultry farming industry?

Common challenges in the poultry farming industry include disease outbreaks, feed costs, market volatility, and competition. It is important to stay updated with industry trends, invest in disease prevention measures, and develop effective marketing strategies to overcome these challenges.

How do I ensure the health and well-being of my poultry flock?

What are the future prospects for the poultry farming industry in nigeria.

The future prospects for the poultry farming industry in Nigeria are promising. With a large population, changing dietary preferences, and increasing urbanization, the demand for poultry products is expected to continue growing. By adopting modern farming practices, leveraging technology, and focusing on quality, poultry farmers can capitalize on these opportunities.

How much does it cost to start up a poultry farm in Nigeria?

To start up a poultry farm in Nigeria, you will have at least 500,000 to 1 million nairas.

How can I start a small poultry farm?

How much do poultry farmers make in nigeria.

Nigeria’s chicken farming industry was valued at N1. 6 trillion in 2019 by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Godwin Emefiele, making it the most commercialized sub-sector of the country’s agricultural sector.

How many bags of feed can 500 layers consume?

For the first month, 500 layer chicks will require 750 kilograms of feed if each one consumes 1.5 kilograms of feed every month. Your chicks’ food intake will increase by about 1.75 kilograms a month over the next month.

How much does it cost to raise 100 chickens?

How can i become a successful poultry farmer.

To become successful as a poultry farmer , you need to be knowledgeable about birds, common diseases, what to feed your birds, and how to manage your poultry very well

Can a chicken lay 3 eggs in one day?

No, it is not possible, excerpt by chance.

How long do layers lay eggs?

How long does a baby chicken take to grow.

Breed-specific differences in how rapidly or slowly an individual chicken develops may also play a role in the timing of this stage of development.

How many eggs do layers produce per day?

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Poultry Farm Business Plan Sample (With Financial Template)

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This is a sample business plan for a poultry farm based in Nigeria. The sample business name used is Nutrichic Farms. 

The business operates a poultry farm that breeds broiler and layer chickens, and is located in Nasarawa state.

The business plan outline used is a simple business plan that follows a standard business summary template used by most business schools and is usable for applying for loans, grants, and equity funding.

You can use this business plan as a guide to develop a business plan for your poultry business.


Nutrichic Farms is a poultry farm located in Nasarawa state, Nigeria. We rear broiler and layer chickens for eggs and meat production and sales.

Through our farm, we produce healthy chickens and eggs, which are distributed at local markets in Nasarawa and other neighboring states.

Business Analysis

Nutrichic Farms operates a lean model poultry farm that houses a chicken shelter and a feed production chamber.

We produce our chicken feeds in-house to reduce cost of breeding and to ensure healthy nutrition for our chickens.

This ensures that our layer chickens lay more eggs, and our broilers are ready for sale as quickly as possible.

To ensure a fast and efficient sales process for our eggs and chickens, we have a distributor network that consists of 20 egg distributors and 15 chicken distributors within Nasarawa.

This makes our sales process faster and remittance of payments more accountable.

We are looking to make our production and distribution even more efficient by procuring more feed production machines and distribution vans for transporting our products to the market.

Product Pricing

Our fresh eggs are sold at a wholesale price of 720 Naira per crate. Our mature broilers are sold at a wholesale price of 1,500 Naira, while our old layers are sold at a wholesale price of 1,300 Naira.

On the average, we sell 65 crates of eggs, and 80 chickens per week.

Business Model & Profitability

Business model.

Our business model focuses on producing healthy chickens and eggs, reducing production costs, utilizing competitive price points, and being fast to market by leveraging our distributor network.

Expected annual customers

Since we already operate a direct B2B sales model using our distributor network, our customer base is already set. 

We have 20 egg distributors and 15 chicken distributors already. Once we increase our production capacity, we’ll be able to triple this number and grow our sales.

Estimated Annual Revenue

Currently, we are able to distribute 65 crates of eggs and 80 chickens per week, which brings us an annual revenue of 2.4 million Naira and 5.8 million Naira.

We estimate that our total annual revenue of 8.2 million can be tripled once we scale our production and make our distribution more efficient.

Production & Distribution Cost

Our production costs include procuring day-old chickens for 100 Naira each, raw materials for feed production, vaccination, and fuel to power the production plant, pump water, and power the chicken shelter.

Our distribution costs include weekly transportation, logistics and other miscellaneous expenses.

Profit Margin

Currently, our profit margin stands at 65% but we are looking to scale that up to 80% once we begin the next phase of our expansion plans.

Nutrichic Farms was launched by Solomon, who is currently the CEO of the business.

Solomon has a background in agric economics and farming, and has been managing his family farm since the past 20 years.

The current business has remained a family holding, with staff consisting mainly of family members.

Other team members include Mr. Hassan, the feed plant technician; Mr. Kehinde, the truck driver and distribution head, and Ms. Victoria, our quality control and business development manager.

Each person on this team brings a unique skill set that is required to drive the business forward and fulfill the needs of our customers.

Business Journey

Nutrichic Farms was launched in 2015 by Solomon due to his passion for poultry and farming.

The business was launched with a capital of 300,000 Naira, which purchased 50 birds, built a makeshift chicken shelter, and purchased some chicken feeds.

Over the past 5 years, Nutrichic Farms has grown so much that we have been able to build a larger and more standard chicken shelter, drilled a borehole, and started our own feed production.

Since then, we have sold over 30,000 chickens and 10,000 crates of eggs, making sales of over 10 million Naira.

In that time, we have also implemented our strategy for business development and grown our distributor network. We are hoping to grow this network further in the next phase of our business.

Market Analysis

Market size/target audience.

According to Sahelcp, the poultry market in Nigeria is worth 80 billion Naira.

We estimate that the poultry market in Nasarawa and its environs is worth 0.5% of the total poultry market in Nigeria.

Hence, our market size is estimated to be worth 400 million Naira. 

With the population in Nasarawa growing impressively year-on-year, we estimate that our target customers comprise over 4,000 retailers of chickens and eggs, and over 1.5 million consumers of chicken and egg.

Marketing Plan

Our marketing plan involves incentivizing and leveraging our distributor network.

We want to help these distributors of chicken and egg get the right products promptly at the right prices and to make more profit.

We plan to grow our distributor network to at least 2,000 distributors in the next 2 years.

This would help us boost sales and collect better feedback on the needs of retailers and final consumers.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths: Our Strengths lie in our strategic distributor network, strong business efficiency, and growing brand.

Weaknesses: Our identified weak areas are limited markets due to physical nature of business, and Poor transport infrastructure which relies too much on external logistics partners.

Opportunity: Our identified opportunities include the growing population and demand for chicken and eggs, strong local brand identity, and the room for growth in our production and distribution.

Threats: We see threats to our business in different areas such as individual sellers in the market competing on price, logistics partners failing on deliveries, and wholesalers buying from outside the state.

Business Needs

Nutrichic Farms is in need of funds to purchase more machinery for our feed plant, purchase trucks for our distribution, and marketing to grow our distributor network.

We plan to grow our distributor network to at least 2,000 distributors in order to capture more market share and consolidate our brand positioning.

If these requirements are met, it would help us meet our business & financial goals.

Future Plans 

Over the next two years, we plan to grow our distributor network from less than 50 to 2,000.

This would help us capture a wider segment of the market, triple our sales, and enjoy a strong market advantage. 

Cash Flow Projection

To create a cash flow Projection for your poultry farm business plan, click here to use our Simple Financial Template .

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Chijioke Solomon

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Poultry Farming Guide in Nigeria: Business Plan, Breeds, Cost, Profit

Looking for a Poultry Farming Guide in Nigeria plus a business plan to go with alongside. Read this article as a poultry enthusiast or an academic to know more.

Nigerian poultry farmers raise chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other fowl for their meat and eggs. The most popular fowl grown in Nigeria is the chicken, which may be raised for both meat and eggs. The least often reared poultry in Nigeria is geese.

Chicken, turkey, duck, geese, quail, pigeons, and guinea fowl are among the main poultry species bred by poultry producers. The most popularly eaten bird in Nigeria is the chicken, making it an ideal choice for farmers who wish to profit from the country’s rising demand for poultry meat and eggs. Turkey is a close second.

poultry farming in nigeria business plan

You can raise ducks, quails, or pigeons if you want a market with less competition. The Nigerian climate must be taken into account while deciding what kind of bird to raise. It’s critical to select a bird that can survive the temperature in Nigeria since some species of poultry birds can not thrive in hot regions.

Selecting a suitable location for your chicken house in Nigeria

  • In Nigeria, a location for a chicken farm is chosen after taking into account a number of considerations. Climate is the first component. Nigeria’s typical temperature is hot and humid, which is perfect for raising chickens. However, drought conditions can have a severe effect on poultry production in some regions of the nation.
  • The second element to take into account is closeness to marketplaces. Poultry farms must be situated close to marketplaces so they may readily sell their goods. If the farm is too distant from the markets, transportation expenses will eat into the revenues.
  • Land quality and availability are the third element to take into account. For housing and grazing spaces for chickens, poultry farms need a lot of land. In order to properly sustain chicken farming, the land must also be of high quality.   In Nigeria, it’s crucial to carefully take these three elements into account while choosing a location for a chicken farm. By doing this, you may maximize the likelihood of your chicken farm’s success.

Housing for poultry farming in Nigeria

poultry farming in nigeria business plan

The A-frame chicken coop is one common design for poultry farms in Nigeria. These coops are easy to build and may be outfitted using materials found nearby. They give your birds a safe and secure home, and they are simple to extend as your flock size increases. Use an existing structure on your property, such a shed or outhouse, as a place to house your poultry in Nigeria. If you choose this route, it’s crucial to make sure the structure is well-ventilated and well-lit. Additionally, you must cover all windows and doors with wire mesh to shield your birds from predators. Poultry Farming Guide in Nigeria Whichever kind of accommodation you decide on for your poultry farm in Nigeria, it’s crucial to keep it tidy and maintained. Maintaining your birds’ health and productivity will assist avoid the spread of sickness.

Commercial feeds are typically more expensive than meals that are made nearby, but they are also more nutrient-rich and benefit your birds’ health. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for feeding your birds if you choose to utilize commercial foods. Locally produced foods may be less nutrient-rich yet are frequently less expensive than commercial feeds. To locate a feed that is effective for your birds, you will need to experiment with several locally made foods. It’s crucial to provide your birds access to clean water, regardless of the type of feed you use. Water assists with digestion and keeps them hydrated. you stop the spread of disease, be sure you frequently clean and replenish water containers.

Small-scale chicken rearing in Nigeria

Poultry farming offers several chances for small-scale farmers to become engaged, from growing birds for eggs to producing meat. The decision of the sort of chicken you wish to produce is the first stage in beginning a small-scale poultry farm. The most popular breed is chicken, but you may also have turkeys, ducks, or geese. You’ll need to buy some baby chickens or other young birds once you’ve chosen the breed of poultry you wish to keep. These may be purchased online or from a nearby hatchery.

You must construct a brooding chamber for your newborn chicks after you’ve acquired them so they may stay warm and secure as they develop. A cardboard box and a heat bulb may be used to create a straightforward brooding setup. Your young chicks can be transferred to a bigger coop or enclosure after they have outgrown the brooding space. You’ll need to provide your birds food and water as they grow. Grain, vegetables, and chicken feed make up a healthy chicken diet. You may feed them by either growing it yourself or buying it from a nearby feed store. Water must always be accessible, and it should be replaced frequently.

In Nigeria, the average cost to set up a chicken farm is around N150,000. This price covers the cost of the necessary equipment, starter ingredients, and day-old baby chickens. In Nigeria, the startup expenditures for a commercial poultry farm might reach N1 million. In Nigeria, a chicken farm typically makes around N50,000 per month in profit. Selling eggs and meat at greater prices or lowering the cost of production via improved management methods are two ways to enhance profit.

Organic Poultry Farming in Nigeria

In Nigeria, there is a style of farming called organic poultry farming where hens are reared without the use of antibiotics or other growth-promoting substances. The chickens are given an organic feed and lots of room to wander and forage. Nigerian government regulations must be met in order for organic poultry growers to receive certification. These requirements include giving hens access to clean, pleasant surroundings, sunlight and fresh air, as well as a healthy feed.

Additionally, synthetic pesticides and herbicides must not be used on farms. Nigerian organic poultry farming is still in its infancy, but as more people learn about its advantages, it is becoming more and more well-liked. Because they are aware that organic chicken meat is healthier for their health and the environment, consumers are prepared to pay more attention to it. Farmers of poultry who transition to organic farming should anticipate increased income as the demand for their product rises.

Now that you have read this Poultry Farming Guide in Nigeria, are you ready to get a business plan alongside?

How To Download The Complete Chicken Farming Business Plan for Broilers and Layers In Nigeria PDF and Doc

Above is a part of the chicken farming business plan in Nigeria. In case you a complete business plan, follow the procedures to download it.

Pay the sum of  N8000 (Eight thousand naira only)   to the account detail below: Bank: GTBank Name: Oyewole Abidemi (I am putting my name and not our company account so you know I am real and you can trust me, and trace me) Ac/No: 0238933625 Type: Saving

P.S: We can also tailor  the business plan to your name,  business size, capital requirements, and more to fit your direct needs. Call or message +234 701 754 2853 for enquiries

Thereafter, send us your email address through text message to  +234 701 754 2853 .  The text must contain the title of the business plan you want and also your email address. Immediately after the confirmation of your payment, we will send the chicken farming business plan for broilers and layers in Nigeria to your email address where you can easily download it.

Thanks for reading this Poultry Farming Guide in Nigeria

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poultry farming in nigeria business plan

Poultry Farming in Nigeria: How to Start and Operate a Profitable Business

  • by Aham Onyemachi

poultry farming in nigeria business plan

The poultry industry in Nigeria has experienced tremendous growth over the past decade. Rising demand for chicken and eggs coupled with improved production methods present lucrative opportunities for aspiring poultry farmers. However, starting and operating a profitable, sustainable poultry business in Nigeria requires proper planning and management.

This detailed guide provides poultry entrepreneurs key information on establishing and running a commercial poultry farm in Nigeria. It covers crucial aspects like housing, feed, breed selection, health and biosecurity measures, business registration, record keeping, processing, and marketing of chicken and eggs. Following scientifically proven practices can help maximize productivity and profitability.

Selecting a Suitable Location

– Locate the farm close to markets, input suppliers, and processors to minimize transport costs

– Ensure adequate availability of clean water for drinking and cooling chickens

– The area should have reliable access to electricity for powering equipment

– Choose land with good drainage and facilities to handle waste disposal

– Consider local zoning regulations and potential for future expansion

– Maintain isolation from other livestock farms to prevent disease spread

Housing Design and Construction

– The climate in Nigeria requires adaptating housing to provide ventilation and cooling

– Use local building materials like bricks, cement, and wood to reduce costs

– Proper flooring using concrete or litter helps manage droppings

– Provide a minimum space of 3 square feet per broiler chicken

– Design portable houses that allow rotating pens and maintaining hygiene

– Ventilation systems, cooling pads, and foggers help regulate temperatures

– Install feeders and drinkers suitable for bird’s stage of growth

– Lighting should provide 16-18 hours per day for proper growth

Poultry Equipment and Infrastructure

– Basic equipment like feeders, drinkers, lighting, and waste removal systems are essential

– Ventilation and misting systems help birds cope with hot conditions

– Have secure storage for feed, tools, records, and medical supplies

– Maintain backup power supply using petrol or diesel generators

– Have security features like perimeter fencing and warning signs

– Develop isolation facility for birds recovering from illness

– Invest in trucks, crates, cages for transporting chickens and eggs

Selecting the Right Poultry Breeds

– Choose breeds suited for meat or egg production or dual-purpose birds

– Consider climate adaptability, disease resistance, feed conversion efficiency

– Popular broiler breeds like Anak, Ross, Cobb, Marshall can achieve 2 kg weight in 7 weeks with good management

– Brown chickens like ISA Brown, Dominant Black perform well for egg production under tropical conditions

– Work with reputable hatcheries to source quality day-old chicks

Feeding Poultry for Optimal Growth

– Poultry require energy and protein-rich balanced feed tailored to growth stage

– Broiler starter feed with 21-23% protein fed for first 4 weeks followed by finisher feed

– Layer feed should contain 16-18% protein and high calcium for egg shell strength

– Continuously provide clean drinking water to enhance feed digestion and growth

– Avoid mouldy, contaminated feed which poses health risks

– Work with nutritionists to formulate cost-effective feed using locally sourced ingredients

– Automated feeding systems save labour and reduce wastage

Health and Biosecurity Measures

– Follow strict biosecurity protocols by restricting entry, sanitizing facilities and equipment

– Quarantine new birds for at least 2 weeks before introducing to flock

– Vaccinate against prevalent diseases like Gumboro, coccidiosis, and fowl typhoid

– Avoid introducing diseased birds which can spread quickly in high-density flocks

– Monitor for signs of illness including reduced feeding, diarrhoea, respiratory distress

– Maintain proper ventilation, temperature and hygiene to prevent outbreaks

– Promptly remove and isolate sick birds for treatment or culling

– Schedule visits by qualified poultry veterinarians for flock health monitoring

– Use recommended medications and avoid overusing antibiotics

Registration and Regulatory Requirements

– Register business name with Corporate Affairs Commission and suitable poultry farming association

– Obtain operational permits and certificates from NAFDAC , SON , and other regulators

– Seek counsel from professionals on business licensing, taxes, and regulatory obligations

– Develop operations manual covering safety procedures, emergency protocols, and contingency plans

– Maintain proper books of account for all incomes and expenses

Record Keeping and Data Management

– Keep detailed production data including feed intake, weight gain, egg production, mortality

– Track vaccination schedules, medication, and biosecurity measures

– Maintain inventory records of feedstock, medications, equipment, sales

– Analyse growth, egg production, and health metrics to identify issues and improve management

– Digital poultry farm management software helps organizing records and identifying trends

Processing and Value Addition

– Process chicken to add value through activities like slaughtering, de-feathering, evisceration, cut-up, deboning, packaging, and labelling

– Develop in-house processing or work with chicken processing MSME clusters

– Processing waste can be converted into pet foods, animal feed or compost

– Refrigerated storage and transport preserves chicken quality and shelf life

– Value-added egg products include powdered eggs, salted eggs, and speciality trays

– Quality control testing ensures safety standards are met

Marketing and Sales Channels

– Research market demand trends for chicken and eggs

– Develop marketing plan with pricing, partnerships, promotions, and channels

– Sell to wholesalers, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, schools, and processors

– Participate in poultry trade fairs and agricultural exhibitions to network and publicize your brand

– Leverage social media, online sales platforms, and digital marketing to expand reach

– Partner with food delivery apps, e-commerce companies, and organic food stores

Poultry farming presents a worthwhile entrepreneurial venture in Nigeria’s rapidly growing poultry industry. With sound planning and management focused on disease prevention, biosecurity, quality inputs, data-driven decisions, processing, and marketing, poultry businesses can achieve excellent productivity and profitability. Paying attention to regulatory requirements and maintaining proper financial records also helps build a sustainable enterprise. This guide outlines key steps involved in starting and operating a commercial poultry farm in Nigeria. With hard work and persistence, poultry farming can provide fulfilling self-employment and contribute to national food security.

Related posts:

  • The ABC of Poultry Farming in Nigeria for Agripreneurs
  • Poultry Farming in Nigeria: Opportunities, Challenges, and Success Stories
  • Harnessing Local Raw Materials: Strategies to Increase Domestic Poultry Feed Production in Nigeria
  • Hatching New Opportunities: The Booming Poultry and Egg Distribution Business in Nigeria

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Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria (2024 Complete Guide)

Welcome to this post about Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria, it is one of the most lucrative businesses you can start today. In this article we’ll guide you through the Advantages, Challenges and how to start a successful poultry farm.

Sustainable income production and economic empowerment can be achieved through poultry farming, which offers numerous advantages such as minimal beginning costs, high return on investment, and the ability to meet the demands of different markets.

Poultry farming provides prospects for job creation, skill development, and rural empowerment, thus the advantages go beyond just financial rewards. Looking ahead, the poultry industry’s continuous expansion could help solve important social problems while also encouraging sustainable and innovative farming methods.

Nigeria’s poultry industry is worth over N2.1 trillion, Nigeria’s egg production is the largest in Africa followed by South Africa. Before we begin i’ll like to answer a few questions;

Table of Contents

What is Poultry Farming

Poultry Farming is the act of raising Domesticated birds like “chicken, Ducks, Turkey” etc for the purpose of consuming their eggs, meat or selling.

Advantages and Benefits of Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

Before you venture into this business it is vital that you know what you stand to gain and the benefits of poultry farming;

1. Poultry Farm Animals lay lots of eggs

An average layer produces at least one egg In the space of two days. Imagine you have a farm with 2000 matured layers ready to produce eggs, you should be getting at least 1800-2000 eggs every two days. With the cost of an egg now over N100, assuming you choose to sell at the rate of N80-N100 per egg that would give you around N144,000 – N200,000.

2. The price for matured poultry products are very high

One good thing about poultry farming is that there is always an available market. With the average price for a mature chicken ranging from N4,500 – N5,000 (even higher during the festive period). Take for instance you have 150 matured birds ready for sale, that would give you an estimated sum of between N675,000 – N750,000 and that is a lot of money in Nigeria.

3. Meat is very important

Nigeria is country with over 180 million people, there is a daily demand for thousands of poultry products everyday.   Restaurants also need meat to serve the food of customers. Turkey and chicken the most sought-For after beef. Even doctors advise people above 50 to stay away from red meat and increase white meat intake (chicken and turkey).

4. These poultry farm animals grow fast

It only takes around 21 – 24 weeks for an average chicken to be fully grown and ready for sale. Compared to other farm animals that is an exponential growth. The chickens hatch In about 21 days and even in lesser days if incubators are used.

With this calculation you would be having at least a new chick every two to three weeks. Now assume you have 1000 mature birds ready to hatch, that would give you a grand total of 3000 poultry birds (including both the newly hatched and the existing birds) in the space of one month i.e 3x your existing birds In one month.

How to be a successful poultry farmer in Nigeria 

Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

Now that we have an idea of what poultry farming entails how lucrative it can be, is time to see how to start a successful poultry farm. SEE ALSO – 15 Small town business ideas – What every small town needs

How to start Poultry Farming In Nigeria 

Starting a poultry farm in Nigeria might seems easy, One would say all you need do is buy them, feed them and sell them when they are mature. However, without an adequate knowledge on poultry farming, you might end up killing the birds.

Yes, unintentionally, losing all of your capital investment before harvesting. To be a successful poultry farmer you need  detailed knowledge and proper study about poultry farming in Nigeria. Below is guide and steps on how to start a successful poultry farm and how lucrative it can be;

Step 1 – Choosing The Type Of Poultry Bird To Rear

This is the first step you need to take, It is important to have a clear  picture of what type of poultry breeds you want to farm.

Types of Poultry Farming 

Poultry farming is of different types such as duck rearing, rearing chicken, quails, turkey, emu, broiler, etc. However, the principles and practices underlying are almost or practically the same.

As mentioned earlier, poultry farming entails both egg production and chicken farming. Either you want to rare Broiler or layers, aside from locally grown chickens, there are two major breeds that are common among poultry farmers.

Broilers: Young males and Females raised for meat, They grow from a hatch weight of 40 g to a weight of approximately 1.5 to 2 kg within 6 weeks only.

Layers: Hens used for commercial egg production and then killed for meat. They start laying eggs at the age of 18-19 weeks and continue until they are 72-78 weeks of age.

Cockerels: Cockerels can survive in many environments and  Just like the broilers, cockerels are also for meat production though its growth is very slow.

Step 2 –   Location/Site

Where your poultry farm is situated is very important for your business. Don’t put them in a congested place, The size of your farmland should correspond with the number you’re putting.

You can start with what you have like your backyard but make it a priority to get a better farm as soon as you can afford it. It should be calm and pollution free environment. The farm must have adequate, clean and fresh drinking water sources nearby.

Also, the site must be free of poultry enemies and predators like foxes and leopards. The site must be easily accessible from main roads so as to ease the transportation of farm products when they are ready for sale.

Your farmland must be situated adequately to prevent the risk of flooding. It should be spacious enough to permit free movement and running of the birds. In addition, the shelter must be adequately ventilated and protected from sunlight.

Step 3 – Feeding and Medication 

This is another important step you must take to keep the birds healthy so that they can grow fast. Highly nutritious food is a must, Quality and neat feeds is required to keep them very productive.

Proper medication and vaccination can prevent many poultry diseases. Contaminated feed can infect poultry which may lead to casualties. Fresh quality and nutritious food is the key to success in poultry farming business, Your birds need not lack water. You need to have a veterinary doctor that can come run a check on your birds regularly.

Step 4 – Marketing and Sales of THE POULTRY Birds

You don’t want your effort to go down the drain, every poultry farmer wants to make good sales after every harvest. So you need to pay attention to the marketing and sales aspect of your business.

Do not be caught up in the operational aspect of your business so much that you ignore the sales aspect. Nevertheless, the following ideas can help you in the marketing and sales of your chicken; taking your business online, selling to hotels and restaurants, advertising your products, employing marketers, home delivery, etc.

Poultry farming in Nigeria for Beginners 

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What is the Cost of Starting A Poultry Farming Business?

Though the the start up cost for a poultry farm is relative, by contrast, a small-scale poultry business has a low start-up cost and rapid returns. You can begin with as little as N100,000 (which basically to covers the cost of buying the day-old chicks and feeding them) and get a 100% return on your capital investment within six months.

And because chicks take only 21 days to hatch, you can start generating an income just three weeks after starting. Very few businesses can provide such a quick turnaround.

Poultry farming of chicken

Amongst all kinds of poultry farming “chickens, turkeys, geese, and ducks”,  chicken is the most common one. Farmers get a great number of chickens regularly either the egg for food, farming meat or selling.

What are the equipment for poultry farming?

There are several types of poultry equipment available to farmers for successful poultry farming. Proper management, care, and sufficient poultry equipment are necessary for the successful production of poultry.

On Afrimash , you will find essential poultry equipment including poultry water equipment like nipple drinkers and other poultry drinkers and feeders; Poultry housing equipment like battery cages; poultry egg hatching equipment like incubators and so on. SEE ALSO – Online Jobs in Nigeria you can start from Home .

Conclusion about Poultry Farming Business | Advantages & How to start in Nigeria

As we come to a close on our investigation into chicken farming as a potential profitable enterprise in Nigeria, it becomes clear that this sector offers ambitious businesspeople a host of benefits.

Starting a poultry farm, as we’ve already established, calls for research into the industry’s best practices in animal husbandry and management, as well as meticulous preparation and implementation. Aspiring poultry farmers in Nigeria can negotiate the complexity of the industry and construct thriving operations that contribute to food security and economic growth by following the described procedures and making the most of available resources.

Those in Nigeria who are thinking about getting into the poultry farming industry should be prepared for a long haul, but the potential payoff is enormous. Anyone can start a prosperous and successful poultry farming business in Nigeria by taking use of the industry’s natural strengths and using a strategic approach to entrepreneurship. We Hope you learned Something from this article, if you enjoyed it please Don’t forget to share and leave a comment.


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poultry farming in nigeria business plan

Poultry Farming in Nigeria: How to Get Started

Nigerians love poultry meat, it is the third most consumed meat in Nigeria, after beef and goat meat, reports indicate that Nigerians consume over 1.5 million tons of poultry meat annually , and the demand for poultry eggs and meat continues to rise steadily. However, local production of poultry in Nigeria only meets about 30% of demand, while poultry imports meet up the rest of the demand. This clearly indicates that poultry farming in Nigeria is a highly lucrative field of agriculture that is still largely under-exploited in Nigeria. Thus, if you are thinking of starting a career in agriculture , you should definitely consider poultry farming. 

Poultry farming refers to the raising of domestic birds like chicken, turkey, ducks etc for the purpose of producing meat, eggs, feathers and manure for human consumption and other purposes. It is a highly profitable venture with a lot of exciting opportunities, and if done right, you’ll be killing two birds with one stone– you will make a lot of profit due to high demand for poultry meat and eggs in Nigeria, and you’ll also be doing your part to ensure that local production of poultry meets demand, thus minimising importation of poultry products. If you want to get more insights about the facts, figures and statistics about poultry farming in Nigeria, read this blog post .

Continue reading this blog post if you want to learn about how to get started with poultry farming in Nigeria. It contains everything you need to know about starting a poultry farm in Nigeria.


  • Learning About the Cost and Creating a Budget
  • Choosing the Type of Bird to Rear

Selecting A Suitable Farm Location for Poultry Farming in Nigeria

Free-range poultry housing system, semi-intensive housing system, folding unit system, intensive system.

  • Feeding And Caring for the Birds
  • Marketing And Selling the Birds and Their Products

Learning About The Cost And Creating A Budget

The cost of starting and operating a poultry farm depends on the size of the farm and the scale of operations. A small-scale farm requires less capital due to the low cost of housing and feeding involved. Large scale poultry farms require well-constructed housing systems, large quantities of highly nutritious food and appropriate measures for disease and pest control which can be quite expensive. Before starting a poultry farm, decide the kind of farm you want to start, find out the cost of everything you need to start the farm and create a budget accordingly. You can start a small-scale poultry business in Nigeria with less than N100,000. Medium to large scale farms require a lot more money, but it is advisable to start small even if you have more than enough funds to spare.

Choosing The Type of Bird to Rear

The most common birds raised by poultry farmers today include chicken, turkey, geese, quail, pigeon and guinea fowl. However, chicken remains the most widely consumed bird in Nigeria, making it a suitable choice for farmers who want to take advantage of the growing demand for poultry meat and eggs in Nigeria, Turkey is a close second. However, if you prefer a niche market with less competition, you can consider rearing quails, pigeons or ducks. 

After deciding the type of bird, you want to rear, the next step is to identify the different breeds of the bird available and choose the most profitable breed(s) for your farm. For instance, if you decide to start rearing chickens, you can choose to raise only broilers, layers, cockerels or a mixture of all the different breeds. Broilers are young males and females raised for the sole purpose of providing meat, cockerels serve the same purpose but they grow at a slower pace than broilers. Layers are considered valuable and highly profitable because they provide both eggs and meat. Once you have decided the breed(s), you can now decide on a suitable location for your farm.

To start a poultry farm, you need a suitable farm site. Ideally, poultry farms should be situated far away from residential buildings due to the offensive odour that typically emanates from them. However, If you cannot afford to acquire a new site, you can start with any available space in your place of residence, but as your poultry farm expands and demands get higher, you will need to move your farm to a new site. 

If you can afford a new site away from your place of residence, select a location that is calm and free of pollution, predators and other threats. Also, ensure that the location is close to a good water source, if you cannot afford to install a borehole on your farm, to ensure an adequate supply of clean water to the farm. A good poultry farm should also be easily accessible, it should be situated in a location with good roads, to ensure easy transportation of farm products when they are ready for sale.

Providing Good Housing Or Shelter For poultry farming in Nigeria

To keep your birds, secure and safe, you must create a good shelter for them on the farm site. There are four major housing systems in poultry farming; The free-range or extensive system, the semi-intensive system, folding units’ system and the intensive system.

This is the oldest system of housing birds in poultry farming. In this system, the birds are allowed to roam freely around the farm during the day and are kept in a shelter at night. The shelter is usually provided by temporary roofing supported by ordinary poles. The free-range system is perfect for new poultry farmers because it requires less capital investment than other housing systems. It minimises not just the cost of housing construction, but also the cost of feeding the birds as this system allows them to get most of their food by searching around the farm. The major disadvantage of this system is that it may lead to loss of many birds due to exposure to predators, contaminated food and other dangers they may encounter while roaming around the farm.

This type of housing system is partly free-range and partly intensive. In this system, a small land surrounded by a wire mesh is attached to a poultry house. The small land area is called a run. The birds spend the daytime in the run and take shelter in the poultry house at night. 

This system also comprises a poultry house attached to a run but the space requirement is less and the total poultry unit can be shifted from one place to another.

This system is the most suitable and efficient housing system for large scale poultry farming. Commercial poultry farming is done only with this system. There are different types of intensive poultry housing systems:

  • Deep litter system
  • Slatted or Wired-floor system
  • Combination of the slatted floor and deep litter system
  • Cage system or Battery system

The intensive poultry housing system enhances productivity in many ways. It makes day-to-day management easy and the birds tend to save more energy because of the restriction of their movement. With this system, you can easily and accurately apply scientific management practices like breeding, feeding, medication and culling. This system also makes it easy to identify, isolate and treat sick birds, thus preventing disease outbreaks in the farm. The major disadvantage of this system is the high cost of construction and day-to-day management involved.

Feeding And Caring For The Birds

In order to attain maximum productivity, you must ensure that the birds in your farm receive adequate nutrition, care and medication when necessary. The birds must be fed with good quality food and clean water daily. Poultry feeds are usually in three forms: Crumbles, Pellets & Mash. Maize and soybean are the most common feed given to poultry in Nigeria and they are a cheap source of energy and protein respectively for your birds. There are other feeds which you can add to their nutritions such as balancers, concentrates, millets, fish oil and more. You can get all these from poultry feed companies.

If you are rearing chicks between 0-4 weeks old, you will want to get a starter feed or starter mash.

To prevent disease outbreaks, the poultry house must be kept clean and dry at all times, and measures such as vaccination and medication should be taken when appropriate.

Marketing And Selling The Birds And Their Products

Poultry farming in Nigeria is known to be very profitable, thus, many go into poultry farming with the sole aim of making money or profits. The cost of running a poultry farm in Nigeria can be very high, thus, if marketing is not done properly, the farmer may incur enormous losses that will cause the business to crumble. Do not be caught up in the operational aspect of your business so much that you ignore the sales aspect. You can advertise your business online through your social media accounts, WhatsApp status and groups, employ marketers, sell to hotels, restaurants and event caterers. If you run a small-scale poultry farm, inform friends, relatives and neighbours that you sell poultry meat and eggs. Also, try to boost your sales during festive seasons by giving discounts, encouraging referrals, offering home delivery etc.

Although the demand for poultry is high in Nigeria, not every poultry farmer will find success. Running a successful poultry farm can be very challenging, it requires adequate knowledge, finance, patience, attentiveness and good marketing skills. Before venturing into poultry farming in Nigeria, consider the cost involved, acquire extensive knowledge about the business and plan well. 

In 2021, Babban Gona supported over 40 poultry entrepreneurs to successfully raise over 40,000-day-old chicks across 10 cycles. 

You may also be interested in:

Farming in Nigeria: How to get Started. Maize Farming in Nigeria: How to get Started.

1 thought on “Poultry Farming in Nigeria: How to Get Started”

poultry farming in nigeria business plan

Is a very good initiative by Babban gonna Keep up the good job you have started. More grace to you. How can one be engaged as your poultry Enterprise?

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Poultry Farming in Nigeria: COMPLETE GUIDE + BUSINESS PLAN

by BusinessPlan 3 Comments

Growing up, the society looked down on poultry farmers, the few poultry farmers were thought to be uneducated individuals who could not get a white collar job or old individuals who wanted something doing so as not to be idle. Things have changed now, young graduates are at the forefront of poultry farming.

Click here for your free poultry farming business plan in Nigeria pdf

Also Read: Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Studies

To Get Your Poultry Business Plan in Nigeria pay: N10,000 to:

Bank Name: First Bank Plc

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Account Number: 3066880122

After payment, Text your full name, email address and title of business plan (i.e. business plan for poultry farming in Nigeria) to 07033378184.

Today I will be giving us few tips on how to start poultry farming in Nigeria , these tips are being practiced by most poultry farmers like the saying goes “the early bird catches the worm” most industries are already being populated already. Should you be on the look-out for what to invest in, poultry farming is one you should tryout.

Following the current trend in Nigeria, poultry farming is one of the most profitable businesses in which weekly income is guaranteed, this depends on how much capital is being invested. The business of rearing birds and producing eggs for sale has created an opportunity for earning a stable income.

When poultry farming is mentioned, most people limit this to just bird (turkey, chicken) rearing, but this is not so as poultry farming is a very wide business with different aspects, below are the different branches in the poultry business:

  • Egg production
  • Chicken breeding
  • Poultry equipment manufacturing
  • Egg and meat processing, packaging and marketing
  • Poultry feed production

The factors responsible for the remarkable development of the poultry business in Nigeria  includes;

  • Demand for eggs and poultry as source of food : majority of individuals put more value on poultry products above other types of meal, I know of families whose source of protein daily ranges from eggs, turkey and chicken, not forgetting the demand for birds such as chicken and turkey by fast food outlets on daily basis. This implies that want or demand for poultry can not dwindle.
  • Profitability of poultry farming in Nigeria :  When compared with other branches of agriculture ventures, poultry raising has high profit rate, poultry animals in general have a fast reproduction and growth rate, this implies that the quicker the growth, the faster they can be traded.
  • Price for poultry products have maintained high rise for years , an average sized chicken costs at least two thousand five hundred Naira (#2,500). At this rate, thousands of naira can be made monthly, especially during the festive months.

After much research, I have been able to out together few steps involved on how to start poultry farming in Nigeria:

  • Select Your Poultry Niche: The poultry industry has a wide range of sub-sectors like was earlier mentioned, you have the opportunity of choosing from the likes of: egg production, poultry feed production, meet production etc. You need to find out your area of specialization, (depending on the capital at hand, which of these branches are profitable in your area in terms of demand and income) then select the most attractive.

 Also Read: Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria / Feasibility Study Doc.

  • Poultry Location : A good location is vital to the success and profitability of any business, poultry faming is not an exception. A poultry farm should be situated where there is a large availability of cheap land, away from residential area , close to area with high population density. Locating lands in sparsely populated settlements although cheap, one needs to strike a balance and find a place that is favorable to customers. Your poultry farm should be situated in an area that is not exposed to extreme climatic conditions, establishing a poultry farm on a rented land is absolutely a bad idea.

 Also Read: Poultry Farming Business Plan & Feasibility Study in Nigeria

  • Layers: Theses are used for commercial egg production, if you will be interested in producing eggs commercially, this is your go- to breed of bird.
  • Broilers: These are very fast growing poultry breed, they are known to gain weight within a short time by consuming the right amount of food. They are used for commercial meat production.
  • Cockerels: These are also used for meat production, although these ones have slow growth rate but are in high demand.

How much does it cost to Start a Poultry Farm in Nigeria

Starting a poultry farm in Nigeria is capital intensive, depending on the location and how large you want your poultry farm to be. The turnover is largely dependent on the size of the farm. You will need about #70,000 naira to begin in a small scale with about fifty birds while rearing them in your backyard. For medium scale, you will need about#500,000 or more to start a mid-scale poultry farm which includes, housing and other materials spreading over 1-2 plots of land.

  •   Poultry Housing System: Poultry housing is one of the determinant of the rate of success that would be achieved in poultry farming. The housing system commonly used are:
  • Free roaming: in this system , the birds are allowed to roam freely and feed themselves. This system is not for an individual who wants to engage in wide scale production as the birds may go missing.
  • Battery cage: This is system where birds are kept in cages and fed on regular basis, it is highly organized and effective. The birds have access to food and water through troughs, the cages are separated into various compartments and also creates a perfect environment for laying eggs. This system of housing helps to keep the birds from coming in contact with their droppings which might cause infection but it is capital intensive.
  • Deep litter: In this system, saw dust is poured on a large mass of land so the birds can be comfortable. The major disadvantage to this is, it is difficult to manage disease outbreak. This does not require large capital.
  • Feeders: Like the name implies, this is used in feeding the birds. It is advisable for the feeders to be in equal proportion to the birds.
  • Heaters: To keep the temperature of the poultry farm during a cold weather, heaters are used to regulate or increase the temperature of the farm.
  • Incubator: This is an instrument used in hatching eggs, it can be employed when there are many eggs to be hatched.
  • Chick box: This is an equipment where the poultry birds are kept for egg laying, it helps in preventing egg damage.
  • Fly tray: This helps to prevent flies on the farm
  • Egg tray: This is used in housing the eggs.
  • Water pots and drinkers: Neat water is required for growth and digestion in poultry birds, these are used to supply water of the birds.

Other equipment include:

  • Laying nest
  • Poultry incubator controller
  • Poultry plucker rubber finger
  • Feeding Of Birds: Feeding is a major aspect of poultry farming, majority of the expenses is spent on feeding, it is important to figure out the feeding pattern of your choice before venturing into it. There are two ways to go about in poultry feeding: producing the feeds yourself , buying already made poultry feed. The former is of more advantage because it helps to save cost and on the long run, you might decide to engage in selling feed too.
  • Health: The birds needs to be checked regularly, they need proper vaccines and medications to prevent diseases and promote growth.
  • Marketing: Before venturing into poultry farming, you should consider the marketing strategies you would use to break into the market.

  Challenges of Operating a Poultry Farm in Nigeria

  • High startup capital
  • Outbreak of diseases
  • Non availability of vaccines
  • Adulteration and high cost of poultry feed.


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 Poultry Farming in Nigeria: COMPLETE GUIDE + BUSINESS PLAN © www.businessplan.com.ng

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I really don’t want to go into poultry farming. what I intend doing is, I buy from the farm and sell at a retail price. how much capital do I need for a start? thanks

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You have educated me, I now know more, Now you have just turn my interest to poultry. Thanks

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poultry farming in nigeria business plan

Profitability of Poultry Farming in Nigeria

June 15, 2024, 7:42 pm.

Are you thinking of going into poultry farming in Nigeria? I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about the profitability of poultry farming in Nigeria and how it is capable of employing millions of people, boost sustainable food production , growing GDP and making you millions of Naira.

Well, as someone who has a first-hand experience of living on and working in a poultry farm, I want to analyze the profitability of poultry farming in Nigeria. If you want to go into the poultry farming business in Nigeria, you need to be aware of the cost and profit potentials.

Poultry Farming in Nigeria

Poultry farming in Nigeria is one of the most advanced animal farming businesses in Nigeria . On closer inspection of national food expenditure in Nigeria, it can be observed that poultry and poultry-related food items has a total expenditure of over N800 billion annually, which amounts to over 2% of total food  expenditure in Nigeria. This huge market and demand for poultry makes it a good agribusiness to invest in.

I’ll be using four parameters to analyze the profitability of poultry farming in Nigeria. These parameters are:

  •     Startup capital
  •     Operation & Maintenance (O&M)
  •     Market
  •     Profitability

In order to do a fair and thorough analysis, I’ll be analyzing the profitability of poultry farming in Nigeria from the standpoint of someone who’s about going into poultry farming in Nigeria with 500 birds (layers).


I’ll be making an assumption that there’s an available land already. I won’t be factoring in the cost of getting a land.

Poultry Farming in Nigeria startup costs:

  •     500 birds (point-of-lay layers): N1,750,000
  •     5 cages (100 birds-per-cage) to house the 500 birds: N1,250,000
  •     Poultry cage house or pen construction: N3,000,000
  •     18-months’ worth of feeding (using packaged feeds): N17,550,000

Total startup capital for 500 birds (layers): N23, 550, 000


Poultry farming requires a very high level of O&M because the quality of their production depends on how well you manage them. You have to feed them 2 to 3 times a day and maintain good sanitation . You have to make sure you give them quality water to drink. And from time to time, they’ll be visited by a veterinary doctor who will administer drugs and injections to them in order to keep them healthy. Failure to do this will expose your birds to all manner of diseases and flus . I still remember, like it was yesterday, how the chickens in our farm were dying in their dozens due to the bird flu outbreak of 2006.


Also, you’ll need to hire one farm labour to help you with the O&M. Hire someone who lives close to your farm so that you won’t have to pay him or her too much. The current wages of a farm labour for poultry farming in Nigeria is between N40, 000 to N60, 000 a month.


There’s a very good market for poultry products . Eggs have many health benefits and are always in demand from both individuals and companies. Companies such as bakeries, restaurants, hotels etc. use eggs for making scotch eggs, cakes etc. While individuals love using eggs to eat bread , yam and to bake as well. The good thing about poultry (layers) is that after they’ve spent 18 months laying eggs for you, you can sell them off at a higher price than you bought them. If you can time the sales of your old layers (that’s what they call layers that have reached the end of their laying cycle) to coincide with a festive period like Christmas or Easter, people will fight among themselves just to buy your chickens!

The excretion of poultry can also be bagged as organic manure and sold to vegetable farmers as well. There’s a very good market , all-year-round, for everything that your poultry farm produces. Selling any of your products will never be a problem. Poultry farming in Nigeria is a business with a very strong cash flow



I’ll exclude the O&M costs from these calculations because the variables can’t be accurately forecasted generally. They are specific to each person’s situation.

Your birds, if well raised and managed, have the capacity to produce 9,000 crates of eggs for you over an 18 month period i.e. an average of 18 crates a day from the 2nd month to the 18th month. You can conveniently sell one crate of egg for N4,000. So, for 18 months,  eggs alone will generate N36, 000,000 (9,000 X N4000) for you. At the end of their production cycle, assuming you have a death rate or mortality rate of 5% (this means 5% of your 500 birds, 25 birds, die during their production cycle)  you should have about 475 birds left in your farm after 18 months.

Depending on what time of the year you choose to sell them. You can process the birds and sell them (prices of chicken are highest during festive periods like Christmas and Easter) for N3, 500 per chicken. So your 475 birds can generate N1,662, 500 (475 X N3, 500) for you.

From  egg and bird sales alone over an 18 month period, you will generate a total sale of N37,662,500. There’s also money to be made from selling their excretion as manure but the cash generated from this is insignificant compared to the  eggs and chicken sales. This is an aspect of poultry farming in Nigeria whose potential isn’t being properly harnessed.

With an invested capital of N23, 550, 000 and total sales of N37, 662,500, your gross profit margin is 59.92%.

Note that most of the things you spent your money on like the cages and poultry pen to house the cages are fixed assets in nature. You will be able to use them for future layer productions and you don’t have to recover their cost in one production. In poultry farming, the tanks and most of the structure you put in place are fixed assets in nature and their costs would be recovered over several productions.

As for the feeding, you don't have to provide the money for feeding all at once. You can be generating the feeding expenses monthly from egg sales . Personally, I love the positive cash flow aspect of poultry farming in Nigeria because you get to make sales on a daily and weekly basis.

Going by these four parameters that I’ve used to analyze the profitabilty of poultry farming in Nigeria, poultry farming in Nigeria has an overall rating of B. Poultry farming is a good business to go into and it has unique strong points and weak points.

The trick in poultry farming is to know the techniques and practices that will reduce mortality (or death rate) and boost growth and production. You should also maintain good records of treatment, egg production etc.

The analysis above is not 'cast in stone' or fixed. It's meant to give you a general overview of cost implications. You can decide to do away with some items in order to reduce cost and boost profitablity. For example, you can decide not to use cages and you can opt to manufacutre your own feeds instead of buying already manufactured feeds. If you want to manufacture your own feeds, you should consider maize farming too because maize is a very critical ingredient of poultry feed.


Also, not using cages means your  eggs would be laid on the floor making it susceptible to being broken and becoming very dirty. You should also factor insurance to help cover losses from unexpected disease outbreaks.

Poultry Farming Business Plan and Training

I hope this analysis helps you to make the decision to start your poultry farming business. There are other things you need to put in place before starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria but the ones highlighted above are the basics.

If you need a professional and comprehensive business plan to guide you and help you raise money to start and grow your poultry farming business, you can get one from us.

Our poultry farming business plan and online poultry farming training will show how to start a poultry farm with 5,000 (layer) birds and grow it to over 30,000 (layer) birds in 5 years. It will show you all the materials you need to get, poultry feed production  equipment you will need, how to reduce death rate on your farm (medication and vaccination plan guide), the best way to build your poultry house so that they lay more eggs , what you should feed your birds so as to reduce feeding costs, expected profits, balance sheet and cash flow for 5 year's of operation and so much more!

Please see a screenshot of our poultry farming business plan below:

poultry farming in nigeria business plan

For a payment of N30,000 we will send you our professional poultry farming business plan containing the latest and current prices needed for starting a poultry farming business (layers and broilers) and also give you one month access to our online poultry farming training course. You can see a sample of one of our poultry training video classes below:

Our professional poultry farming business plan also comes with architectural and structural drawings and design for building a modern poultry farming pen that can house 2,000 birds.

With our standard poultry farming business plan you can raise money to start and grow your poultry farming business from banks, investors, donor agencies etc.

To learn more about how to get our poultry farming business plan and online training, please call or chat with us on +2348089864121 or send a mail to [email protected]

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How to Start a Profitable Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

Ola Peter

So you want to start a poultry farming business in Nigeria? Excellent, you’ve come to the right place. Poultry farming in Nigeria can be an extremely lucrative business if you know what you’re doing. The demand for poultry products like eggs and meat is huge in Nigeria due to the large population. But to run a successful poultry farm, you need to understand how to raise healthy chickens, build proper housing, obtain the necessary pieces of equipment, and find customers to sell your products.

This article will walk you through the essential steps to starting your own profitable poultry farming business in Nigeria. By the end, you’ll have a solid plan to get your poultry farm up and running. Let’s get started!

What is Poultry Farming?

Poultry Farming in Nigeria

So, what is poultry farming? Poultry farming simply refers to raising chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other domesticated birds for the purpose of producing eggs, meat, or both. In Nigeria, poultry farming has become very popular and profitable. Many people are venturing into it as a way to earn an income and provide jobs. Many farmers are earning ₦500,000 per month or more from selling eggs and broilers.

So if you’re looking for a new business opportunity, poultry farming in Nigeria could be ideal. With hard work and the right skills, you’ll be well on your way to building a successful poultry farm.

Poultry Production Methods in Nigeria

Intensive and extensive are the two main methods of poultry production in Nigeria.

Intensive poultry production means keeping large numbers of birds together in a confined area. This method requires close monitoring and control. You’ll need to provide proper housing, ventilation, temperature control, and high-quality feed. While intensive production requires less capital and management, it leads to lower quality eggs and meat due to the stressful living condition but higher profits.

Different types of intensive poultry farm systems include;

  • Cage system or Battery system
  • Slatted or Wired-floor system
  • Deep litter system
  • Combination of the slatted floor and deep litter system

Extensive poultry production means allowing birds to roam freely during the day with minimal confinement. This high-cost method is good for rural farmers. You’ll need plenty of land, simple housing for protection, and workers to herd the birds. The quality of eggs is higher but has lesser profits due to the high cost of production.

What is the Cost of Starting a Poultry farming business in Nigeria?

With less than N150,000, you may establish a small-scale Poultry farming business in Nigeria. Medium to large-scale farms require a lot more money, but establishing a small poultry business is recommended even if you have plenty of money to spare.

When starting a profitable poultry farming business in Nigeria, proper planning is crucial for success. It sets the foundation for a well-organized and efficient operation. By carefully considering all aspects of your poultry farm, you can maximize productivity and profitability.

Learn about Poultry Farming

To get into poultry farming in Nigeria, you need to understand what it entails. Some key things to know:

  • Learn about the different types of poultry.
  • Know how to properly house and feed them.
  • You’ll need to construct a poultry house and equip it with feeders, drinkers, perches, nests, etc.
  • Understand poultry diseases and treatment.
  • Learn how to incubate eggs and hatch chicks.
  • Find out how to market your products.

Continuously improve your knowledge. Take courses on poultry farming, follow expert advice, and stay up-to-date with advancements in techniques, medications, and technologies to maximize productivity.

Poultry farming can be very rewarding, but you must be fully prepared for the demands of managing a successful operation. Do your research and get the necessary training to understand what the business entails before jumping in.

Conduct a Market Research

When starting a profitable poultry farming business in Nigeria, it is crucial to conduct thorough market research. Understanding the demand and competition in the poultry industry will give you a competitive edge and increase your chances of success.

Market research allows you to identify your target audience, their preferences, and their purchasing power. This information will help you tailor your poultry products to meet their specific needs, ensuring customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Additionally, market research enables you to analyze existing poultry farms in your area and assess their strengths and weaknesses. By identifying gaps in the market, you can position your poultry farm as unique and offer products that stand out from the competition.

Develop a Business Plan

A well-crafted business plan is the foundation of a profitable poultry farming business. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the various stages of establishing and running your farm. Start by outlining your goals and objectives, then determine the scale of your operation. Consider the initial investment required, including the cost of land, infrastructure, equipment, and livestock.

Next, create a detailed financial plan that includes projected expenses and revenue. This will help you estimate your breakeven point and set realistic pricing for your poultry products. Additionally, you can explore potential sources of funding, such as loans or grants to support your venture.

Choose Your Poultry Sector/Niche

There are four main types of poultry farming you can consider in Nigeria:

Layer breeding focuses on egg production. Layers start laying eggs between 18 to 22 weeks of age and can continue for 12-18 months. Popular breeds are Isa Brown, Bovans, and Dominant.

Broiler breeding focuses on meat (chicken) production. Broilers have a fast growth rate and are ready for harvest in about 8 weeks. Popular breeds are Arbor Acres, Ross, Cobb, and Hubbard.

Egg and meat processing involves collecting, grading, packaging, and distributing eggs and chicken meat to markets, retailers and consumers. This requires proper handling, storage, and transportation facilities.

Hatchery operation focuses on breeding and hatching layers and broiler chicks to supply poultry farms. It requires incubators, hatchers, chick boxes, and vaccination equipment. Popular breeds for hatching are mentioned above.

Within these types, you can specialize in free-range organic poultry farming or concentrate on a particular product like eggs, broiler meat, or day-old chicks. Choose an area you have experience in or are passionate about to start your profitable poultry business in Nigeria.

Choose the Right Breed of Poultry Bird for Your Farm

When starting a profitable poultry farming business in Nigeria, it is important to choose the right breed of poultry bird for your farm. Aside from chickens, which are the most common poultry bird that people invest in, and the most consumed bird in Nigeria, there are several other types of poultry birds you can grow.

Here are six distinct varieties of poultry birds that you can invest in as a farmer:

  • Ducks (for eggs, meat, and down feathers)
  • Turkeys (mainly for meat)
  • Geese (for eggs, meat, and down feathers)
  • Guinea Fowl (for eggs and meat)
  • Quail (for eggs and meat)
  • Pigeon (mainly for meat)

After you’ve decided on the type of bird you wish to raise, the next step is to identify the many varieties of birds available and select the most profitable breed(s) for your farm. If you decide to start raising chickens, you can opt to grow only broilers, layers, cockerels, or a mix of all breeds.

Remember, conducting thorough research and understanding the specific needs and characteristics of each breed will help you make an informed decision for your poultry farm.

When selecting a poultry breed for your farm, consider factors such as climate, production purpose, growth rate, disease resistance, and market demand. By choosing the right breed, you can maximize your farm’s profitability and ensure the success of your poultry farming business in Nigeria.

Select a Suitable Location for Your Poultry Farm

Choosing a suitable location for your poultry farm is critical to its success and profitability. Some key factors to consider:

Access to resources

Select a spot with easy access to feed, medication, equipment and other supplies. Being close to the main roads and suppliers will reduce costs and time.

Water supply

An abundant, clean water source is essential. Lack of water will severely limit your production. Boreholes, wells or municipal water connections are good options.

The area should have a warm and humid climate ideal for poultry production. Extreme heat or cold requires additional costs for cooling, heating and ventilation.

The soil should be able to support the weight of buildings and equipment. Sandy-loam soil with good drainage is best. Avoid swampy, rocky or steep areas.

Choose a location away from residential areas to avoid noise and odor nuisance to neighbors, which could lead to issues down the road.

Select an area that is secure from theft, predators and harsh weather events. Fencing, lighting and possibly security guards may be required.

Growth potential

Pick a spot that allows for business expansion as your farm grows. Extra space for more chicken houses, egg sorting or processing facilities, staff housing, etc.

Availability of utilities

Ensure there are utility connections for electricity, water and possibly natural gas on site or nearby for powering equipment, lighting, heating, etc.

Choosing a strategic location by evaluating these key factors will set your poultry business up for success from the start. Do your research, plan well and choose wisely!

Housing and Equipment: Providing Proper Shelter and Supplies for Your Birds

When starting your poultry farm, providing proper housing and equipment for your birds is essential.

You’ll want to consider several options for sheltering your flock:

  • Cages: Wire or slatted floor cages are common for egg-laying hens or broiler chickens. Cages allow droppings to fall through, keeping birds clean.
  • Battery cages: Similar to cages but stacked in columns and rows. Allows for a large number of birds in a small space but can limit movement.
  • Floor pens: Open pens with litter (wood shavings, rice hulls) allow birds to move freely. More space is required, and droppings must be removed regularly.
  • Free range: Birds have access to outdoor pens and coops. More natural but requires more space and may lead to loss from predators.

In addition to shelter, you’ll need equipment like:

  • Feeders and waterers: To provide food and hydration for your flock.
  • Nesting boxes: For egg-laying hens.
  • Incubators and brooders: To hatch and raise chicks.
  • Egg trays: For collecting and transporting eggs.
  • Catching nets: To capture birds when needed.
  • Crates: For transporting or isolating birds.
  • Perches: For egg-laying hens to roost on.
  • Fencing: To enclose outdoor areas.

Having the proper housing, feeders, waterers, incubators, and other essential equipment will help ensure your poultry business is profitable and sustainable in the long run. Providing good living conditions and quality care for your birds will lead to healthier, more productive flocks.

Feeding and Medications of Your Poultry Birds: Nutrition Requirements and Best Practices

The nutritional needs of your poultry birds depend on factors like age, breed, environment, and purpose (meat or egg production). Generally, poultry feed contains grains like corn and soybeans, along with added vitamins and minerals. For chicks, provide chick starter feed which has extra protein to support growth. After 6-8 weeks, switch to chick grower feed. For egg-laying hens, use layer feed with lots of calcium.

Provide clean, fresh feed and water daily. Place feeders at beak height and check that all birds can access them. Offer oyster shells, grit, and fresh greens for extra nutrition. Monitor your birds closely for signs of malnutrition, like feather plucking or bone weakness.

Medicating your flock may be necessary to prevent disease or treat infections. Work with an avian vet to develop a schedule for deworming, vaccinating, and administering medications. Only give medication specifically prescribed for poultry to avoid toxicity. Isolate and closely monitor any sick birds to provide prompt treatment.

Following recommended best practices for feeding, housing, and medicating your poultry flock will keep them healthy, productive and generate the highest profits. Paying close attention to the specific needs of your birds at every stage of growth and production is key.

Market Your Poultry and Products for Maximum Profit

Marketing your poultry and products is key to running a profitable business. You need to get the word out about your farm and products to build a customer base.

Advertise on local radio stations, in newspapers, and on community Facebook groups and websites. Explain you sell fresh, locally-raised chicken and eggs. Offer promotions and discounts to attract new customers.

Build a Website

Create a simple website to tell people about your farm, products, and mission. Share photos of your happy chickens and farm. Allow customers to order online for pickup or delivery.

Farmers Markets

Sell at local farmers’ markets and allow people to see and experience your high-quality products. Offer free samples and recipes. Engage with customers to build loyalty.


Approach local restaurants about supplying them with fresh chicken and eggs. Chefs and diners will appreciate locally-sourced, farm-fresh ingredients. Build strong relationships with restaurants and offer discounts for bulk orders.

Social Media

Start social media profiles for your farm on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Thread and Twitter. Post regularly about daily life on the farm, new products, promotions, recipes, and more. Engage with followers and build an online community. Social media is an easy, low-cost way to raise brand awareness and connect with customers.

Following these steps to actively market your poultry farm and products will set you up for success and maximum profitability. Get out there and spread the word about your amazing, farm-fresh chicken and eggs!

Good Husbandry Poultry Practices for Poultry Farmers in Nigeria

To ensure healthy, productive poultry, there are several good husbandry practices Nigerian poultry farmers should follow:

  • Provide clean, spacious housing. Coops should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected regularly to minimize disease. Allow at least 2 to 3 square feet of space per bird.
  • Supply fresh, nutritious feed. Offer pelleted feed formulated for your birds’ age and species. Also, provide clean, fresh water daily.
  • Maintain a regular lighting schedule. Most poultry require 12-16 hours of light per day to remain productive. Use timers to keep the schedule consistent.
  • Check birds daily. Closely monitor your flock for signs of illness or injury. Address any issues quickly to keep the flock healthy.
  • Control pests and predators. Use wire mesh or netting to keep out wild birds, rodents, and other threats. Practice good sanitation to limit infestations.
  • Keep accurate records. Note details like egg production, mortality, feed intake, and medical treatments. Records help identify problems and maximize productivity.
  • Provide nesting boxes. For egg layers, place one nest box for every four hens. Nest boxes encourage hens to lay eggs in a confined area.
  • Collect eggs frequently. Gather eggs at least once per day to keep them clean and prevent hens from eating them.
  • Practice biosecurity. Limit visitors and thoroughly clean equipment, shoes, and clothes when entering or leaving the coop to prevent disease transmission.
  • Vaccinate and deworm regularly. Follow a schedule recommended by a vet to protect the flock.

Challenges Associated with Poultry Farming in Nigeria with their solutions

Poultry farming in Nigeria faces several significant challenges, such as:

High cost of feed

A commercial feed can make up 60-70% of total costs. Look for cheaper alternative feed sources and join cooperatives to buy in bulk. You can as well consider formulating your own feed using locally available ingredients or exploring alternative feed sources. Additionally, proper storage and handling of feed can prevent wastage and ensure its quality.

Avian influenza, Newcastle disease, and fowl pox can spread rapidly and kill entire flocks. Practice good biosecurity; it is crucial to stay informed about the latest disease trends and take proactive measures. Regular vaccination and deworming, alongside proper quarantine procedures for new birds, can significantly reduce the risk of disease transmission.

Lack of funding

Many small farms struggle to access loans and grants. Develop a solid business plan and build relationships with microfinance institutions. Farmers should actively seek partnerships with microfinance institutions that specialize in agricultural financing. Building relationships with these institutions can increase the chances of securing loans and grants to expand your operations.

Inadequate knowledge

Many farmers lack training in proper housing, feeding, and healthcare. To overcome the lack of knowledge in poultry farming practices, it is important for farmers to prioritize continuous learning. Seek out training programs and workshops that provide insights into efficient housing, feeding, and healthcare practices. Embracing new technologies and staying updated with industry advancements can further improve productivity and profitability.

Protecting your flock from predators is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive poultry farm. Implement measures such as installing sturdy fencing, using netting to cover open areas, and constructing protective shelters. Regularly inspect your farm for potential entry points and promptly address any vulnerabilities.

Lack of infrastructure

Inconsistent power supply and poor road conditions hinder business growth. Invest in alternative energy sources and coordinate with local government on infrastructure improvements.

By addressing each challenge proactively and persistently, poultry farming in Nigeria can become more sustainable and profitable. With improved practices, funding, and policy changes, the industry has the potential for huge growth.

Commercial poultry farming in Nigeria has produced and continues to create a profitable business opportunity for entrepreneurs as well as a good source of employment for job seekers. The majority of entrepreneurs prefer to raise day-old chicks and sell them to farmers since it is easier and less hazardous.

To ensure the profitability and sustainability of your poultry farm in Nigeria, you need to follow the steps stated above and learn more from professionals in the industry.

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How To Start A Lucrative Poultry Farming Business In Nigeria And Africa: The Complete Guide

Poultry farming in Nigeria is a vital agricultural activity, providing food and income to millions of people. It involves the breeding, rearing, and management of domesticated birds such as chickens, turkeys, and ducks for meat, eggs, and other byproducts. Poultry farming is a significant contributor to the Nigerian economy, and the industry has grown tremendously in recent years.

Nigeria has a large and growing poultry industry, with the sector contributing significantly to the country’s GDP. According to the Nigerian Poultry Association (NPA), the poultry industry employs over 20 million people, with over 180 million birds reared annually. The poultry industry is an essential source of protein for Nigerians, providing over 60% of the country’s animal protein requirements. The poultry industry in Nigeria also supports other industries such as feed production, processing, and distribution, creating jobs and stimulating economic growth.

The global poultry industry is also a significant contributor to the world’s food supply, with billions of birds reared each year. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the global poultry industry produces over 120 million tons of poultry meat and over 1 trillion eggs annually. The industry is also a significant employer, with over 100 million people working in the sector worldwide. The global poultry industry has grown significantly in recent years, driven by increasing demand for poultry products and improved production efficiency.

Nigeria has the potential to become a major exporter of poultry products, including chicken, turkey, and eggs from poultry farming activities in the country. The country has a large and growing domestic market for poultry products, which presents a significant opportunity for investors and poultry farmers in Nigeria. Furthermore, Nigeria’s strategic location and access to international markets make it an attractive destination for poultry exports.

In this article, we will explore the benefits and opportunities of poultry farming in Nigeria, including global and local data.

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What Is A Poultry Animal?

Poultry animals are domesticated birds raised for their meat, eggs or feathers. Examples of poultry animals include chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, quails and pigeons. The scientific name for chickens is Gallus gallus domesticus, while that for turkeys is Meleagris gallopavo. Ducks belong to the scientific family Anatidae, while geese belong to the family Anatinae. Quails are from the family Phasianidae, and pigeons from the family Columbidae.

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What Is Poultry Farming In Nigeria and Africa About?

Poultry farming is the rearing, breeding, and management of domesticated birds for meat, eggs, and other byproducts. In Nigeria, poultry farming is a vital component of the agricultural industry and a major source of animal protein for the growing population. Poultry farming involves the production of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and other birds that are raised in controlled environments to ensure the optimum growth, health, and productivity of the birds.

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Benefits of Poultry Farming In Nigeria and Africa

Poultry farming in Nigeria has numerous benefits, ranging from food security to economic development. Here are ten benefits of poultry farming in Nigeria:

  • Food Security: Poultry farming provides a significant source of animal protein for the growing population in Nigeria.
  • Job Creation: The industry provides employment opportunities for millions of people, from smallholder farmers to large commercial poultry farms.
  • Income Generation: Poultry farming is a profitable business venture that can generate income for farmers and investors.
  • Economic Development: The poultry industry contributes to the country’s economic growth and development by generating revenue, creating jobs, and promoting local industries.
  • Diversification of Agriculture: Poultry farming diversifies Nigeria’s agricultural industry, reducing reliance on a single crop or product.
  • Improved Nutrition: Poultry farming produces high-quality, nutritious meat and eggs that are essential for a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Waste Management: Poultry farming provides an opportunity to recycle agricultural waste products, such as poultry manure, which can be used as fertilizer for crops.
  • Improved Livelihoods: Poultry farming has the potential to improve the livelihoods of rural communities by providing a source of income and food security.
  • Export Opportunities: Poultry farming in Nigeria has the potential to become a significant exporter of poultry products, generating foreign exchange and boosting the country’s economy.
  • Support for Smallholder Farmers: Poultry farming provides an opportunity for smallholder farmers to participate in the agricultural industry and benefit from its growth and development.

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Health Benefits of Poultry Animals

Poultry farming involves raising domestic birds such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and guinea fowls for their meat, eggs, and feathers. Poultry animals are known to be a great source of nutrition and can provide numerous health benefits to the body. Here are 15 health benefits of consuming poultry products:

  • Rich in Protein: Poultry animals are a great source of protein which is essential for the growth and repair of body tissues.
  • Lowers Cholesterol Levels: Poultry meat contains lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol which can help lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Boosts Immune System: Poultry meat is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B6, iron, and zinc which can help boost the immune system.
  • Promotes Healthy Bones: Poultry products such as chicken and turkey contain high levels of calcium which is essential for healthy bones.
  • Improves Vision: Poultry meat is rich in vitamin A which can help improve vision and prevent night blindness.
  • Helps with Weight Loss: Poultry meat is low in fat and calories which can help with weight loss.
  • Reduces Risk of Cancer: Poultry products contain antioxidants and other nutrients which can help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
  • Good for the Skin: Poultry meat contains vitamin E which is known to be good for the skin.
  • Regulates Hormones: Poultry products contain selenium which can help regulate hormones and improve thyroid function.
  • Prevents Anemia: Poultry meat is a great source of iron which can help prevent anemia.
  • Good for the Brain: Poultry meat contains choline which is essential for brain function and development.
  • Supports Muscle Health: Poultry meat is rich in vitamin B12 which is essential for healthy muscle function.
  • Helps Prevent Arthritis: Poultry products contain nutrients such as chondroitin and glucosamine which can help prevent arthritis.
  • Good for the Teeth: Poultry products contain phosphorus which is essential for healthy teeth.
  • Helps with Sleep: Poultry meat contains tryptophan which can help improve sleep and relaxation.

Overall, poultry farming can provide numerous health benefits to the body, making it an important industry for both Nigeria and Africa as a whole.

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Business Opportunities In Poultry Farming In Nigeria and Africa 

Poultry farming in Nigeria provides numerous business opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. Here are ten business opportunities in the poultry farming industry in Nigeria:

  • Hatchery Services: Hatchery services involve the production and distribution of high-quality day-old chicks and eggs for poultry farmers.
  • Poultry Feed Production: Poultry feed production is a profitable business venture that involves the formulation, production, and sale of poultry feeds to farmers.
  • Poultry Equipment Sales: Poultry equipment sales involve the importation, production, and distribution of equipment and tools used in poultry farming, such as cages, drinkers, feeders, and incubators.
  • Poultry Processing: Poultry processing involves the slaughtering, cleaning, and packaging of poultry products for sale in local and international markets.
  • Poultry Health Services: Poultry health services provide veterinary care and support to poultry farmers, including disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
  • Poultry Marketing and Distribution: Poultry marketing and distribution involve the sale and delivery of poultry products to local and international markets, including supermarkets, restaurants, and hotels.
  • Poultry Waste Management: Poultry waste management involves the collection, processing, and disposal of poultry waste, including manure and feathers.
  • Poultry Training and Consulting: Poultry training and consulting provide support and guidance to new and existing poultry farmers, including training on best practices, business management, and marketing strategies.
  • Poultry Farm Real Estate: Poultry farm real estate involves the sale and lease of land and facilities for poultry farming, including land, buildings, and equipment.
  • Poultry Value-Added Products: Poultry value-added products involve the production of by-products from poultry farming, such as feathers, bones, and blood, which can be used for pet food, pharmaceuticals, and other products.

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Facts About Poultry Farming In Nigeria and Africa

Here are 20 interesting facts about poultry farming in Nigeria:

  • Poultry farming is one of the most popular and profitable agricultural activities in Nigeria.
  • The poultry industry in Nigeria accounts for over 25% of the agricultural sector and contributes significantly to the national GDP.
  • Nigeria is the largest producer of eggs in Africa, producing over 1.2 billion eggs annually.
  • Poultry farming in Nigeria provides employment opportunities for millions of people across the country.
  • The majority of poultry farms in Nigeria are small-scale and family-owned businesses.
  • The most common types of poultry farmed in Nigeria include chickens, turkeys, and ducks.
  • The high demand for poultry products in Nigeria has led to significant growth in the industry over the past decade.
  • Nigeria is the second-largest poultry market in Africa, after South Africa.
  • The Nigerian government has implemented various policies and programs to support the growth of the poultry industry in the country.
  • The Nigerian poultry industry faces several challenges, including high production costs, poor infrastructure, and limited access to credit.
  • Nigeria is also a major exporter of poultry products, particularly to other African countries.
  • The Nigerian poultry industry is valued at over $3.7 billion and is expected to continue growing in the coming years.
  • Poultry farming in Nigeria is largely concentrated in the southern and central regions of the country.
  • The Nigerian government has banned the importation of poultry products in an effort to promote local production.
  • Poultry farming is considered a key component of Nigeria’s agricultural transformation agenda.
  • The Nigerian poultry industry is expected to create over one million jobs in the coming years.
  • Poultry farming is a viable source of income for women and youth in Nigeria, particularly in rural areas.
  • The Nigerian government has introduced various financing schemes to support small-scale poultry farmers across the country.
  • Poultry farming in Nigeria is an important source of protein for the country’s growing population.
  • Poultry farming has the potential to significantly contribute to Nigeria’s food security and economic development in the coming years.

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Types Of Poultry Farming In Nigeria and Africa

There are several types of poultry farming in Nigeria, each with its own unique characteristics and requirements. Here are some of the most common types of poultry farming in Nigeria:

  • Layer poultry farming: This involves raising chickens that are specifically bred for egg production. Layers are kept for the sole purpose of producing eggs, which are sold to consumers or used in the food industry.
  • Broiler poultry farming: This involves raising chickens that are specifically bred for meat production. Broilers are raised for a short period of time (usually 6-8 weeks) and then sold to consumers or used in the food industry.
  • Free-range poultry farming: This involves allowing chickens to roam freely and forage for food in a natural environment. Free-range poultry farming is seen as a more humane and sustainable alternative to traditional confinement methods.
  • Organic poultry farming: This involves raising chickens that are fed only organic feed and are not treated with antibiotics or hormones. Organic poultry farming is gaining popularity in Nigeria as consumers become more health-conscious.
  • Backyard poultry farming: This involves raising a small number of chickens in a backyard or small plot of land. Backyard poultry farming is a popular form of subsistence farming in Nigeria, particularly in rural areas.
  • Commercial poultry farming: This involves raising a large number of chickens for commercial purposes. Commercial poultry farming is typically done on a large scale and requires significant investment in infrastructure and equipment.
  • Turkey farming: This involves raising turkeys for meat production. Turkey farming is becoming increasingly popular in Nigeria due to the high demand for turkey meat during festive seasons.
  • Duck farming: This involves raising ducks for meat and egg production. Duck farming is a niche area of poultry farming in Nigeria but has significant potential for growth.
  • Guinea fowl farming: This involves raising guinea fowl for meat production. Guinea fowl farming is a relatively small industry in Nigeria but has significant potential for growth.

Each type of poultry farming has its own unique set of challenges and opportunities, and farmers must carefully consider which type is best suited to their particular situation and resources.

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Types of poultry animals in nigeria and africa.

There are several types of poultry animals that are commonly raised in Nigeria for commercial and subsistence purposes. Here are some of the most common types of poultry animals in Nigeria:

  • Chicken: Chickens are the most common type of poultry animal in Nigeria, and are raised for both meat and egg production.
  • Turkey: Turkeys are also commonly raised in Nigeria for their meat, particularly during festive seasons like Christmas and Eid.
  • Duck: Ducks are raised for both meat and egg production, and are becoming increasingly popular in Nigeria.
  • Goose: While not as common as chickens, turkeys, and ducks, geese are sometimes raised in Nigeria for their meat and eggs.
  • Guinea fowl: Guinea fowl are a native bird to West Africa, and are raised for their meat, which is considered a delicacy in Nigeria.
  • Quail: Quails are a small bird that is becoming increasingly popular in Nigeria for their meat and eggs.

Each type of poultry animal has its own unique characteristics and requirements, and farmers must carefully consider which type is best suited to their particular situation and resources.

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The Rearing & Breeding Seasons For Poultry Animals In Nigeria and Africa

The rearing and breeding season for poultry animals in Nigeria and Africa depend on the type of bird and the intended purpose. For egg-laying birds, the breeding season is usually during the dry season from October to February, while the rearing season is during the rainy season from March to September. Broiler chickens, on the other hand, can be raised all year round, with a rearing period of about 6 to 8 weeks.

The breeding season for turkeys is usually between February and March, while the rearing period is from April to November. Ducks and geese can be raised all year round, but the breeding season is usually during the rainy season, while the rearing season is during the dry season.

Overall, poultry farming is a profitable venture in Nigeria and Africa, with a growing demand for poultry products such as eggs and meat.

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How To Start Poultry Farming In Nigeria and Africa: Step-By-Step Guide

Starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria can be a profitable and rewarding venture, but it requires careful planning and execution. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you start your own poultry farming business:

  • Conduct research: Before starting your poultry farming business, it is important to research the industry, including market demand, competitors, regulations, and best practices.
  • Develop a business plan: A well-written business plan is critical to the success of your poultry farming business. It should include your goals, financial projections, marketing strategy, and operations plan.
  • Choose a suitable location: Your poultry farm should be located in an area that is accessible, secure, and has a suitable climate for poultry farming.
  • Choose the type of poultry: Select the type of poultry that is best suited to your resources and goals. Popular options include chicken, turkey, duck, goose, and quail.
  • Set up the infrastructure: Build or purchase housing facilities for your birds, feeders and drinkers, and other equipment necessary for the successful running of your poultry farm.
  • Obtain necessary permits and licenses: Register your poultry farming business with relevant government agencies and obtain necessary permits and licenses.
  • Purchase birds and feed: Purchase high-quality birds from a reputable source and ensure they are healthy. Also, purchase feed and other supplies necessary for the proper growth and development of your birds.
  • Hire workers: If you require staff, hire workers with experience in poultry farming or provide adequate training.
  • Implement biosecurity measures: Implement measures to prevent the introduction and spread of diseases among your birds.
  • Market your products: Develop a marketing plan to sell your poultry products to customers, wholesalers, retailers, and other buyers.

Starting a successful poultry farming business in Nigeria takes time, effort, and investment, but with careful planning and execution, you can turn your poultry farming business into a profitable enterprise.

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How To Process & Package Poultry Products In Nigeria or Africa

Processing and packaging poultry animals is an essential step in the poultry farming business. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to process and package poultry animals in Nigeria and Africa:

  • Slaughtering: The first step in processing poultry animals is slaughtering. The process should be done in a humane manner and under hygienic conditions to ensure that the meat is safe for consumption. The slaughtering process involves bleeding, scalding, and defeathering.
  • Evisceration: After slaughtering, the next step is evisceration, which involves removing the internal organs of the bird. This is important to prevent contamination of the meat during further processing.
  • Cutting: The poultry animal is then cut into parts, including the breast, wings, thighs, and legs. The parts are separated by cutting through the joints.
  • Deboning: Deboning involves removing the bones from the meat. This process is optional, but it is essential for making boneless poultry products.
  • Washing and chilling: The poultry parts are then washed to remove any remaining blood and impurities. They are then chilled to preserve their freshness.
  • Packaging: After the chilling process, the poultry parts are packaged for distribution. The packaging should be done in airtight and hygienic packaging material to prevent contamination and spoilage.

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Types Of Equipment & Tools Used In The Poultry Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

  • Slaughtering equipment: This includes equipment such as knives, stunning equipment, defeathering machines, and evisceration machines used to slaughter and process the birds.
  • Cleaning equipment: This includes equipment such as washing machines and dryers used to clean the slaughtered birds.
  • Cutting and portioning equipment: This includes equipment such as deboning machines, portioning machines, and cutting machines used to cut and portion the poultry animals according to desired specifications.
  • Packaging equipment: This includes equipment such as vacuum sealers, heat sealers, and packaging machines used to package the poultry meat for sale and distribution.
  • Refrigeration equipment: This includes equipment such as cold rooms, chillers, and refrigerators used to keep the processed poultry meat at a safe and desirable temperature.
  • Transportation equipment: This includes equipment such as refrigerated trucks and vans used to transport the processed poultry meat to markets and distribution centers.
  • Waste management equipment: This includes equipment such as composting machines and waste disposal systems used to manage the waste generated during the processing and packaging of poultry animals.

These equipment are essential for the efficient and effective processing and packaging of poultry animals in Nigeria and Africa.

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Target Market For The Poultry Farming Business In Nigeria or Africa

  • Local Consumers: Poultry meat and eggs are highly consumed by local consumers in Nigeria and other African countries. They are a source of affordable protein and are widely used in local cuisine. Poultry products are also used in traditional celebrations and ceremonies.
  • Hotels and Restaurants: Hotels and restaurants are a significant market for poultry products in Nigeria and Africa. Poultry meat is an essential ingredient in many African dishes and is a staple food in most restaurants and hotels.
  • Supermarkets and Grocery Stores: Supermarkets and grocery stores are emerging markets for poultry products in Nigeria and Africa. The demand for processed and packaged poultry products has increased due to changing consumer preferences and lifestyles.
  • Export Markets: Nigeria and other African countries have significant potential to export poultry products to other countries. The demand for African poultry products has increased in the Middle East and Europe due to their unique taste and quality.

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How To Sell or Market Poultry Products In Nigeria and Africa

Selling and marketing poultry products in Nigeria can be a challenge for farmers, but there are several effective strategies that can help them reach their target customers and increase sales. Here are 10 ways to sell or market poultry products in Nigeria:

  • Local markets: Poultry farmers can sell their products at local markets, which are often frequented by consumers looking for fresh, locally sourced produce.
  • Supermarkets and grocery stores: Many large supermarkets and grocery stores in Nigeria stock poultry products, providing a convenient sales channel for farmers.
  • Online marketplaces: E-commerce platforms such as Jumia and Konga provide an opportunity for poultry farmers to sell their products online, reaching a wider customer base.
  • Social media: Poultry farmers can use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote their products and connect with potential customers.
  • Direct sales: Farmers can sell their products directly to customers through farm stands, roadside stands, or by setting up pop-up shops in high-traffic areas.
  • Networking: Attending trade shows, conferences, and networking events provides an opportunity for farmers to meet potential customers and distributors.
  • Cold calling: Poultry farmers can identify potential buyers, such as hotels and restaurants, and make cold calls to pitch their products.
  • Referrals: Happy customers can refer friends and family to the farm, generating new business through word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Distributors: Poultry farmers can work with distributors who can help sell their products to a wider range of customers.
  • Product differentiation: Farmers can differentiate their products by emphasizing their quality, freshness, and locally sourced ingredients to stand out in a competitive market.

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Challenges Of Poultry Farming In Nigeria and Africa

Poultry farming in Nigeria faces several challenges that can affect the success and profitability of the business. Here are 12 challenges of poultry farming in Nigeria:

  • Poor infrastructure: Inadequate access to basic infrastructure like electricity, water supply, and good roads can pose challenges to poultry farming.
  • High cost of feed: The high cost of poultry feed and other inputs can negatively affect the profitability of poultry farming.
  • Disease outbreak: Poultry farms are prone to disease outbreaks, which can lead to significant losses if not managed effectively.
  • Poor biosecurity: Poor biosecurity measures can increase the risk of disease outbreaks on poultry farms.
  • Lack of access to finance: Limited access to finance is a major challenge for many small-scale poultry farmers in Nigeria.
  • Poor storage facilities: Inadequate storage facilities can lead to spoilage of poultry products, which can affect their quality and market value.
  • Inadequate veterinary services: Limited access to veterinary services can make it difficult for poultry farmers to manage diseases and pests.
  • Lack of government support: Poultry farmers in Nigeria often lack adequate government support, such as access to extension services and financial support.
  • Lack of training: Many small-scale poultry farmers lack adequate training and knowledge on modern poultry farming techniques and best practices.
  • Inadequate market access: Limited access to markets can affect the profitability of poultry farming, especially for small-scale farmers.
  • Power outage: Frequent power outages can affect the productivity and profitability of poultry farming.
  • Inconsistent policy: Inconsistent government policies can make it difficult for poultry farmers to plan and make long-term investments.

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To Sum It Up

In conclusion, poultry farming is a viable business opportunity in Nigeria with immense potential for growth and profitability. The industry offers a wide range of benefits and opportunities, including the potential for employment creation, food security, and economic development.

Despite the challenges faced by the industry, such as disease outbreaks, lack of access to credit facilities, and high cost of production, there are still ways to overcome these challenges and succeed in the business.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, and by taking a strategic and proactive approach to managing their farms, poultry farmers in Nigeria can be successful and profitable in their operations.

Overall, with the right skills, knowledge, and resources, starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria can be a rewarding and fulfilling venture that contributes to the country’s economic growth and development.

See Also:   How To Start A Lucrative Yam Farming Business In Nigeria Or Africa: The Complete Guide

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What are your thoughts on how to start poultry farming in Nigeria, Africa, or any other part of the world? Let me know by leaving a comment below.

Stan Edom

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[…] See also: How to start a profitable poultry farming business in Nigeria […]

Thanks for this tip …. Wil really go a long way in helping me and some folks out there

I’m glad you found this post useful Martin.

Thanks for the commendation.

Thanks for putting up this post, it’s very insightful. I want to start a poultry business in Ghana specifically egg production. I would love that you assist me with writing a business plan.

Thank you for reading, Nelson.

Please send an email to [email protected]

Thanks for putting this guide together. Could you share your tips about this. Which business can you recommend for a young Nigeria that have 400k to invest in business. And which business can one invest 400K to that can earn 80k profit monthly.

Hi Adesanmi,

Many low cost businesses can fly. What is ultimately important is the strength of your supply chain. Once you’re certain you can get a lot of paying customers, then you’ve found the right business.

Thank you for asking.

Thanks for the tip. Can we chat private on Facebook or Bbm please. Frederick Kennedy 56760C52

You can reach me via email at [email protected]

Thank you for asking Kennedy.

can u help me with a business plan / feasibility study. I want to apply for a soft loan from the bank and am already in the farming business.

Please sir, the download link? I don’t see any link up there!

When the eBook is available, I’ll do well to let everyone know.

You’re welcome, but I can have a template of a poultry farming? I need it to write my business plan. I will appreciate if you can help.

We currently don’t have one.

Overtime, we’ll have some freebies for download.

This piece really helped me understand how to start up a poultry business which my brother and I want to invest in. I hope it would be lucrative as we want to start on a low scale level.

I’d suggest you visit some poultry farms and ask more questions.

Thank you for asking Prince.

Nice job at relieving the unemployment in the country. How much do you think it will cost by starting with like 50 day chicks of broilers & layers ?

The price currently varies because of the unstable inflation.

I’d advise you visit a poultry farm to get a real time price.

poultry cages, layer cages, broiler cages, chick cages, pullet cages Layer cages for 96 to 200 layers per set all from factory, can be fully automatic or manually my whatsapp:008613653867913

This number is for which country? This write up has opened my eyes to investment oppurtunities and I think I might need you for the equipment supplies.

I need one for layer cage

This information is very helpful but would like to know which country code is this definitely not Nigeria.

thankx so much sir for this wonderful eye opener… you have really make it explicit for easy digestion. more grace to ur elbow… you shal live to see ur success @ hand… wonderful

Thank you for the amazing words Imam.

Have a wonderful time!

Wonderful piece…i am glad read this post, its definitely one the best articles i ve read this year. God bless you sir.

Thank you for the commendation Graham.

God bless you too.

Hi Edom thank s for your write-up. please can you write a business plan on poultry farming of chicken of 500chick to start with.in line with current price. thanks.

Yes we can Rapheal.

Hi Stan, I need exactly the same write-up Raphael demands. 500 DOCs for Egg production and in line with the current prices. Thank you.

Okay David,

Goodday am looking for experts on digitalised poultry startup please i need directions

I currently know none.

But watch this page, people would eventually advertise their service to you.

am a poultry farmer if you want to setup your farm you can contact me 08179853663

It was insightful reading your article. Thanks.

I’m glad you found the article valuable, Akani.

Thank you and have a great time.

thanks for this amazing write-ups. you have put together a wonderful business idea in poultry farming. God continue to bless you and enlarge your coast. please I need you to help me with business plan base on current price for raising 500 layers and 100 turkey using deep liter cage.

Hi Omotayo,

Do send an email to [email protected]

HI Edom I have 500,000 naira and i want start a poultry farming. Please can you held me with a business plan. Thanks.

Please send an email to [email protected] .

am good breeder… if you need help about animal breeding you can call on me…. 08165260993

Thanks for putting up this article i surely have learnt something i can use to support my drive for poultry farming.

You’re welcome, Ifeanyi.

wonderful peace of advice. Thanks for the guide

You’re welcome, Silver.

please sir I have #300,000 I wants to business plan for layer’s?

Thanks for the eye opener. pls I’ll need a sample of a detailed business plan. [email protected]

Thanks for the awesome tips. they are really helpful. i want to go into the farming business and your tips really gave me an idea of what I’m getting into. Thanks

I’m glad you found the article useful, Samuel.

Do have a great time.

hello sir good day pleas i want to know how much it cost to make cage for 500 Layers, and 500 Broilers, and the kind of feeds that is healthy for them from day one to 22 weeks,

Wow. I love this article, God bless you for sharing. Please help me with a business plan for 1,000 chick’s of broiler. Using battery cage system. Thanks.

Pls I need details about layers business plan [email protected]

I love this. I av to comment to show my appreciation. Thanks.

Nice write-up here, I have written a similar article on poultry farming on my blog.

Peter Edube, Am Much Interested In Poultry Farming, Pls I Need To Help Me Acheive Nice Loan To Start Business Of Poultry Farm.

I want to go into poultry farming please daily tip to keep updated by the day.

my is Bankole Ayodele I need a business plan of 600 birds of layers and what it can cost me also with cage cost. am into deep litter but those birds do break their eggs if am not there whenever they lay eggs I will like to go I’m into battery cage now. Thank you very much

Like your write up on poultry business plan. Can i get a complete poultry business plan with two hundred layers, with the battry cage system.

Please I want to startup a poultry farm here in Nigeria ,I need a proper direction and how to begins

Hello im interested in investing in poultry any body interested let me know. [email protected]

How much does a battery cage cost and how many birds can each house

Thanks for putting this piece up here, I’m really glad I found my way here. More power to your elbow. Gracias I need more help in staring up, I’ll definitely get in touch with you sir.

Thanks for putting this piece up here, I’m really glad I found my way here. More power to your elbow. Gracias I need more help in starting up, I’ll definitely get in touch with you sir.

Please, I’m interested on poultry Farming, can you help me write Proposal on POULTRY FARMING wot 5,000,000 and send through my e-mail address. NOTE: Include Land because i don’t secure land. Reply through e-mail address. Thanks

Thanks so much for this tip, I will try and put more effort on this propose busness

Please I am interested in starting a poultry farm. Can someone please help me out with a business plan worth 4,000,000 naira. [email protected] or 08038993022

Please, I need a business plan on poultry farming with a start up capital up to #7M. It’s very urgent. Thanks.

Hi Oladejo,

Thanks for the insights.

Please am interested in the poultry business plan.

Thanks for reading, Taiwo.

pls, i need to be enlightened more on how to start a poultry business with small money and make profit

Simple, detailed and accurate. God bless you for this article, i mean it was straight to the point, no prolonged and unnecessary paragraphs, i read a previous an article somewhere and it was like i was reading a biography. i am interested in this poultry business plan, please send an email to [email protected]

The write up is impressive I appreciate it. Thanks alot. I intend going into poultry farming business and your write up has given me a lot of insight. Please do well to respond whenever I call. Thanks

Thanks for this article it will help me a lot. Pls can you help with poultry business plan. This is my email: [email protected] . thanks

thank you for tip. i am seeking a loan to start up poultry farming. pls could u help with a comprehensive business plan on poultry farming ? i will grateful. thanks

Wow so educating Post

Thanks for this write up I’m so much interested in this poultry farming. I really need a business plan to start up.

I sent you an email now,

Comments are closed.

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8 Easy Steps to Start a Profitable Small-scale Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

start a poultry farming business in Nigeria

Most of us know this! Yes, we are aware that finding a good-paying job in Nigeria is almost impossible. Probably, the reason you’re reading this is that you are fed up with having to submit your CV to every job advert you come across. Then you stare at your Email every day, expecting a miracle, which honestly is what finding a job in Nigeria looks like nowadays.

Well, don’t fret! Please don’t give up yet, because I am about to disclose some secret gem hidden insight. Yes, you will learn the 8 simple steps to Start a Profitable Small-scale Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria .

We’ve all at one point in time heard of entrepreneurship. Simply put, being your boss. Thousands of Nigerians are successfully establishing their businesses. They are making decent profits annually from their establishments, but I won’t delve in on that fact because that is what we see every day.

You would, however, be learning one of the highly profitable businesses only a handful of people understand. That secret gem is poultry farming. This is raising and selling birds breeds and their byproducts in exchange for money.

Just like many starters, you might have low capital to start it up, or you may want to test the waters. Whichever’s the case, this piece got you covered.

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Table of Contents

What is a Small-scale Poultry Farming Business?

As the name implies, it is raising and selling birds and their byproduct on a low budget. This entails that a minimum labor force is required. In some cases where the number of birds is small, the need for extra hands might not be necessary. Immediate family members can aid in carrying out specific operations.

Poultry farming is considered small scale when the number of birds ranges from 50-500. There are about seven types of poultry farming in Nigeria, they include;

  • Chicken (broilers and layers)
  • Turkey (meat)
  • Guinea Fowl (meat, egg, feathers)
  • Geese (egg, meat, and feathers)
  • Ducks (egg, meat, and feathers)
  • Quail (egg and meat)
  • Pigeon (meat)

Each of them has regions where they are in high demand. Of course, more than one can be in demand in the same area. All you need do is study the local market and access the demands for poultry and their current prices in your preferred location. You can indeed combine more than one type of poultry farming, but it is advised you have ample knowledge and experience before you venture into any poultry business.

Having more than two types can be confusing for a single farmer and a bit more stressful because different types of poultry have similar and distinct characteristics, diseases, and feed preferences, which you as a farmer should know well. If you have little to no knowledge about birds, their health, and their diseases, ensure you sort the help of experienced poultry farmers. Also, keep a veterinary doctor handy.

When deciding on the type of poultry farming to go into, you should think of the housing type that best suits your needs and budget. Some of the poultry housing systems include,

  • Extensive poultry house system (allowing birds to roam)
  • The semi-intensive system (partly intensive and partly free-range, this is commonly used by small scale farmers)
  • Folding units poultry house system 
  • Intensive poultry house system ( deep litter house system and poultry cage house system)

Click  here   to read more on the types of poultry house systems.

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Essential things you need to start a poultry farming business in Nigeria

To start up your smalls scale poultry in Nigeria, you must secure land first. This can be a space behind your house or a different site altogether. The price of land varies in different regions and locations. A plot of land can be gotten between #600,000 to #2,000,000 in semi-urban areas.

In some rural areas, you can get lands for as low as #300,000 and more downward. The size of land should be dependent on the number of birds and possible future expansions.

This can be in the form of the simple construction of basic poultry structures, battery cages, free-range, depending on what is convenient and affordable for you.


This is used for brooding, feeding, egg production, as so much more. 

They include feeding trough, drinking trough, shovels, buckets, etc.

Breeders who want to rear day-old chicks should spread cartons on the floor for the first several weeks. Many farmers cover the floors of their brooder pens with wood dust, but studies show that the dust particles are inhaled by the chicks, creating respiratory issues.

Wood Shavings

In the final phases of chicken production, you can use this as flooring. When soaked in poultry excrement, it becomes a high-quality manure that may be sold to crop producers.

Feed/ medicine

An integral part of poultry production. The type and quality of feeding determine production output. Vaccines and drugs for common diseases should be bought alongside bird feeds.

8 Steps to Start A Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

Educate yourself/ choose the breed of poultry and poultry product.

As the saying goes, “when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You cannot just jump into the poultry business or any other type of business without reasonable knowledge and skill of the industry. It’ll only lead you to failure and frustration.

As an aspiring poultry farmer, you need to learn and practice. You can do this either by going for practical classes in poultry farmlands or employing an experienced poultry farmer to put you through. However, you needn’t stop there. You can gather more knowledge from books, articles, and blogs related to your desired niche on your own.

Sourcing information from other poultry farmers and your local market can help you determine the type of poultry and poultry product to venture into. Doing these solidifies your ground and goes a long way to make your ride less bumpy.

Secure your capital

This might be your savings , a loan, grant, etc. This is what you’ll decide to start poultry farming business in Nigeria with. Securing your capital can be done before or after planning your business. Depending on what you want to achieve, you may decide to work according to your budget or source for capital above your budget.

Be strategic

The location of your farm, your target market, the breed of bird, and everything involved in your poultry business should be aligned to accomplish one thing: solving a problem in the area of the establishment and neighboring places. This is a critical factor because solving a non-existent problem or not covering a good number of demands leads to failure or low-profit margin.

Build your poultry pen/purchase equipment

By now, you are aware of the different poultry housings and systems. However, there is one thing you should know regarding long-term production expenses such as pens and poultry equipment: you should strive to build and purchase high-quality ones so they don’t break down or damage over time, causing you to spend additional money on things you might want to avoid.

You should also know that birds are susceptible to rodents, thieves, and animal attacks, including birds of prey. So during construction, ensure that every hole, nook, and cranny is blocked. Younger birds should not be left roaming. 

Your equipment should be cleaned regularly. For metal or zinc-made equipment, always keep them dry and away from bird poop to avoid rusting.

Buy good breeds of birds from trusted hatcheries and supplies

This is of massive importance, dear aspiring entrepreneurs. Your whole effort would be in futility when you buy weak breeds of birds. As a starter, you will indeed record colossal mortality. So I suggest you carefully seek proper guidance from experienced farmers.

Do not look at the price of birds and opt for cheaper ones, although that doesn’t determine the quality. It simply means that the costlier ones are in high demand, meaning that they have been tested and proven to be of more substantial breeds.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t patronize upcoming breeders, but you wouldn’t want to take careless risks as a beginner yourself. Oh, can’t there be massive mortality for more substantial breeds? You might ask. The answer is definitely! There is a possibility, but it now depends on your managerial practices. This is why you should back your knowledge up with guidance from experienced farmers.

Cultivate a good feeding and medication plan

You might decide to make use of local feeds for your birds to save money, fine. But for your tiny babies, ensure you give them quality feed for the first few weeks to strengthen their small bodies and prevent mortality. Then, even when they are bigger, try to supplement their feeding with balanced feeds, vitamins, and boosters.

Those who would want to maintain quality feeding throughout are good, but you should know that the feed price is high. Therefore, you should be careful when feeding your birds to avoid food wastage. Do not keep their feeding trough where they can topple it over or jump on top of it. The best thing is to keep it hanging from a string. 

For medication, always give proper vaccination to your birds and at when due. As a starter, involve a veterinary doctor or an experienced poultry farmer when doing it for the first few times. At least they will help you get vaccines and medications from trusted suppliers. In addition, you would be saving your birds from the chances of vaccine failure, which is extremely harmful to them. Vaccine failure might lead to stunted growth or massive flock clearance.

Employ good marketing strategies

Before sending off your goods to your target market, it is ideal to prepare your market for the arrival of your goods. This should be in the form of advertising your goods. Technology had made it possible for your goods to reach a wider community of consumers, so don’t just leave them on billboards and posters. Post attractive pictures of your birds and eggs on social media pages. 

When the above is accomplished, do not allow the trail to get cold. You will likely get a more significant number of consumers to purchase your goods when you make them available shortly after the advertisement. This doesn’t mean you should stop advertising when your goods are ready for consumption. Instead, make it a routine to increase the consistency of your awareness creation during marketing. This will create a pattern that your customers would recognize.

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Another good marketing strategy is making your birds readily available during festive seasons. This means that from the time of purchase of birds to the time of maturity should be calculated well. This will help you sell out your birds. This strategy would as well increase your customer base.

For farmers raising minor birds, you should avoid selling your goods to wholesalers because this will surely leave a good percentage of your profit to them.

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Be committed and disciplined

It would be best if you cultivated this habit in all your dealings. Raising birds can be difficult and time-consuming, especially at their tender age. Also, there is the fact that you might get a couple of mortality at different stages. These things happen. Losing a bird or two is inevitable; losing 10 to 20 or more is likely.

But no, don’t be scared to take that step. The benefits are massive. However, just like every good thing, hard work, commitment and dedication are the backbones. Securing a good breed is not nearly enough. Seeing to it that you pay close attention to your business is of the utmost priority. It ensures lesser mortality and higher output. 

There you have it; these are the basis to start poultry farming business in Nigeria.

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About the Author

Maryjane C. Chiedozi, a writer with an untamed passion for creativity, research and productivity, all put together to create masterpieces. Maryjane C. Chiedozi is also an author of the novel ‘Our Hearts Beat For Anne’ which can be read exclusively on GoodNovel.

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FEGEOSTOM Poultry farm involves in the commercial production of poultry birds. We specialize in the husbandry of turkey, chicken, duck, geese, pigeon, and games birds. Our poultry farm is a start-up poultry that produces quality and affordable poultry products and by-products such as eggs and meats which is processed and packaged to meet local and global standards.

Poultry business is a great choice for us as it represents an excellent choice of protein. Of all the birds, chicken is the most reared in all poultry businesses, hence, like most other farms in Nigerian, we rear chicken predominantly.

We breed layers for their eggs while broilers and cockerel are bred for their meat. Broilers have a lump of more tender meat when compared to the cockerel. They also mature faster and fetch a better price in the market than cockerels. Our poultry farm also consists of the hatchery which is where poultry eggs are hatched.  Hence, we sell birds hatched within the last twenty-four hours are called day-old

The market for poultry in Nigeria is enormous. Hardly will you find a practice (religious, medical) that prohibit the sales or use of poultry product. In fact, it is being directly and indirectly promoted for consumption during local festivals, Easter, Christmas, New Year, Id El-Fitri and Eid Kabir all promote the consumption of poultry products. Sales recorded at those times of the year are usually high.

Apart from the festive period, restaurants, grill shops, hotels, and other catering outlets rely on poultry meats and eggs for food and snacks like chicken suya, scotch eggs, egg roll, chicken burger, egg soup and salad. Eggs are also used in pastries for leavening and an ingredient for hair shampoo.

To be one of the top 5 poultry farms in Nigeria by 2025, providing excellent meats and eggs


  • To be the one-stop-shop for high-quality poultry products
  • To achieve sales growth target quarterly and at the end of the fiscal year
  • To achieve profit in the first year and increase the margin in subsequent years
  • To exceed customers’ expectations by providing quality sales services and products at an optimum price.

Main Products:

The main focus of this business is to produce eggs from layers, chicks (day-old to two-weeks old), meat from broilers, cockerel, culled layers and breeders.

By products:

The byproducts of the poultry include dropping, offal, and hatchery wastes.

Why should people buy from us?

  • We not only produce live and raw poultry products, but we also deliver quality processed poultry products
  • Our facility is neat, hygienic and modern. We use the state-of-the-art systems for the production of poultry and rendering of kill-cut-wrap-freeze (KCWF) services
  • Market chain management, optimum inventory and various slaughter systems.
  • We give a fair price and discount offers so that our clients get the best value for their money. Our policy is “Customer is the king”
  • Regular visit by veterinaries

It is located in Mowe area of Ogun state. An area with a relatively stable climate. The poultry is safe from extreme heat and cold which increases mortality rate. It is located far away from the residential and industrial areas. It is also far from other competing poultry farms – the closest being around 7km.

We employ two major housing systems for our poultry farm. They are deep litter and battery cage.

Deep litter is less expensive to set up and easy to manage. This is the housing system used for the broilers for poultry meat production. Sawdust is used as the litter and it is changed regularly. The waste is then sold to other agricultural farmers for organic manure.

The second housing system, battery cage, is a bit more expensive to build when compared to the deep litter system. Our cages are set up for the birds with water and food trough. We use this housing system for layers which allows the eggs to be easily collected in the cage rails, free of dirt and poultry faeces and safe from being broken.

Heater is also available to keep the birds warm during cold weather conditions.

Stock and equipment for sample Poultry Business Plan in Nigeria

We have two hatcheries to deliver day-old chicks to the farm. We have also liaised with a reputable feed meal retailer in Mowe to supply feeds on demand.

Our poultry house is always cleaned, disinfected, and furnished with fresh saw-dust for litter, water trough, feeder, and other equipment.

Feeders used in feeding the birds are located in proportion to the birds while water pots/drinker/trough supplies water, water-soluble drugs and nutrients to the birds.

The farm also has egg trays used to collect and house eggs to avoid damage.

Cost of operation for sample Poultry Business Plan in Nigeria

We hope to expand our farm to more birds, an estimate of 4500 broilers, 4500 layers, and 1000 breeders.

The building and the installations require a sum of ₦11,485,000. A sum of ₦17,360,000 is needed for the overhead cost and a total of about ₦28,000,000 is needed to raise 10,000 poultry birds.

5 flocks would be raised per year to meet the major festive period.

Expected profit:

A profit of ₦8,000,000 is expected after all expenses have been paid for in the first year. With a 25 percent increase in profit in subsequent years.


  • Huge expansion capital
  • Adulteration of poultry feeds
  • Disease outbreaks


Please call our business plan consultants : + 2348147161686

We have a team that can help you write your specific business plans, feasibility studies, Marketing plan,  grant application,  market research, business brand story and so on.

Contact : + 2348147161686 for details

Why you should invest in poultry farming:.

The significance of poultry farming (products and byproducts) to Nigeria’s economy cannot be overstressed. Nigeria poultry farms haven’t been able to meet the demand for animal protein consumed in the nation. Apart from being one of the best sources of animal food, it also creates employment opportunities.

This setup will employ as many as 50 direct labours and hundreds of indirect labours. For example, shop owners, fumigators, meat sellers, restaurants and other retailers will experience a flow of profits. The number of employment opportunities will also increase as the business grows.

The planning and development of this business have been ongoing for about a year. Research and tests have also been carried out with success registered. Hence, the successful launching of this business will tilt the scale to favour the indigenous population.

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Akwa Ibom on the Nigerian map

Akwa Ibom on the Nigerian map

Nigerian woman feeds her children with chicken feeds

The children are all girls, the oldest five years old and the youngest slightly above one year.

A 22-year-old woman in Akwa Ibom State, south-south Nigeria, has been feeding her four children with chicken and fish feeds, apparently because of poverty and hunger.

The woman, Grace Eseneowo, a widow, works at a small farm in Eket Local Government Area of the state. The farm, which is a fishery and poultry, is at Ikot Abia community in Okon Eket.

She lives in her father’s house in the community and earns N15,000 monthly at the farm, PREMIUM TIMES gathered.

Grace’s pathetic story became public a few days ago after a digital content creator, QueenPraise Uzoma , who got the story from her father, John Uzoma, who is the farm owner, posted it on her Instagram page.

The discovery

Dangote Refinery

On Thursday, the farm owner, Mr Uzoma, explained to PREMIUM TIMES how he discovered that Grace was feeding her children with animal feeds.

“We had discharged her because she wasn’t showing up at the farm regularly. But her uncle and others came to beg that we should keep her, and my wife was saying that since she lost her husband, she’ll need money to keep going on, so let her work. So, last week, I went to the farm and sent for her,” said Mr Uzoma, an Anglican priest serving in Uyo.

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“When she came, we were discussing and the other farm hand said she could come back to work but should not bring the children to the farm. I said to him, that I did not have any issue with the children coming to the farm. Are they destroying anything? He said no but that they eat the feeds for the chicken and the fish.”

Mr Uzoma said he was shocked by what he heard.

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“If the boy had told me this in the girl’s absence, maybe I would have felt the boy didn’t want her to work at the farm, but the girl was there.

“So I asked the girl, is that true? She said yes. I said, why? Don’t you give them food? She said they (the children) sometimes stay for three days without food.

“My heart failed me. I am a father. I am a pastor. I felt terribly indicted. So, the little I could do was that the plantain I had cut to bring back to Uyo, I gave to her, and then I gave her the only N2,000 I had on me.”

Audience Survey

A resident of Okon Eket, where the farm is, told PREMIUM TIMES that Grace usually prepared the animal feeds as akamu (fermented cereal pudding) for her children.

“I wouldn’t know about that. I didn’t go to that details,” Mr Uzoma said in reaction. “I was particularly touched that the children were kept hungry.”

Mr Uzoma later narrated Grace’s story to his daughter, QueenPraise, when she visited.

“We are trying to rehabilitate the girl, we have paid rent for her and have bought a lot of food items for her and the children,” he said.

QueenPraise, as of 13 August, said on Instagram that she raised N1.4 million as donations online for Grace and her children.

Akwa Ibom governor’s wife to the rescue

Meanwhile, the Akwa Ibom governor’s wife, Patience Eno, has stepped in to help Grace and her children.

“While thanking QueenPraise for drawing attention to this worrisome situation and raising over a million naira overnight from empathetic and generous Individuals, organisations and others, the First Lady has directed her NGO, the Golden Initiative For All and her aides to work with the Ministry of Women Affairs and female stakeholders in Eket, to fashion out a holistic support for the young mother and her children,” Uduak Ekong, a spokesperson to Mrs Eno, said in a statement on Tuesday.

“To start with, the Governor’s wife has made an initial personal donation of Five Hundred Thousand naira only in support of plans to provide immediate accommodation, food supplies and other basic necessities for the young family of five,” the statement added.

Akwa Ibom’s poverty rate

Akwa Ibom State has one of the lowest poverty headcount ratios in Nigeria. According to NBS, the state currently has a poverty rate of 26.8 per cent, falling below the national average of 52.1 per cent.

The state is ranked 27th on the national poverty rate ladder released by the NBS in 2019. The agency has not released new data on the state poverty rate since it was last published.

The National poverty headcount in 2019 was 70 per cent; by 2020, it had increased to 72.32 per cent, according to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Nigerian youths recently took to the streets to protest against economic hardship and rising food prices in the country.

“POS is our only employment now in Nigeria,” an Akwa Ibom resident said in Uyo during the nationwide protest.

“Good jobs are reserved for children of the elites immediately after graduation,” he added, advising that the governments at all levels should do more to create jobs.

The Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Umo Eno, has put out an ambitious plan to fight unemployment and poverty in the state through agriculture and rural development. His administration has been building and donating low-cost housing, “compassionate homes”, to the poor in the state’s rural communities.

READ ALSO: Nigerian woman appointed into board of philanthropy group for children

Hope for Grace

Grace dropped out of school when she was in SS1. Now, she wants to learn hair-dressing as a vocation, according to Mr Uzoma.

“There’s a take-home to this,” Mr Uzoma said of Grace’s story.

“These people are from a family, and a wealth-to-do family for that matter, but they abandoned these children. People should do more to help their relatives, regardless of family rivalry.”

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Cletus Ukpong

Cletus Ukpong

Cletus Ukpong is PREMIUM TIMES' Assistant Managing in charge of South-East/South-South region of Nigeria. He is a graduate of Mass Communication, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Twitter : @CletusUkpong

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UK food and drink manufacturers ready to invest again – FDF report

Nine out of ten food and drink manufacturers expect to maintain or increase investment levels over the coming year.

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A report from UK industry body the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) suggests manufacturers have “turned the corner” and are looking to invest again.

The body’s State of Industry Q2 2024 report, published today (15 August), revealed almost nine out of ten food and drink manufacturers expect to maintain or increase investment over the coming year after facing inflation in their supply chains and consumer resistance to price increases.

“This is a signal that the sector has turned the corner after the policy turmoil and external shocks that have disproportionately impacted food and drink businesses, leading to a 30% drop in investment since 2019,” the report concluded.

But the FDF has called on the newly-installed Labour government to take action to unlock the sector’s full growth potential.

Its findings show that food and drink manufacturers are seeking out opportunities to make long-term investment decisions in manufacturing and supply chains. Over one third of manufacturers also plan to increase their R&D spend over the coming year.

But the report found that businesses remain concerned about policy and regulatory uncertainty and worry that non-tariff barriers could risk denting the industry’s export competitiveness.

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Balwinder Dhoot, the FDF’s director for sustainability and growth, said: “Despite investment in our sector being down by a third compared to 2019, it’s encouraging that manufacturers are planning to increase or sustain their investment this year.”

He added: “ A well-crafted industrial strategy – working in partnership with the UK’s largest manufacturing sector – will also allow us to seize investment opportunities and tackle some of the nation’s critical challenges around food security, health, productivity and net zero.

“It is crucial for government to help establish a stable business environment that removes the burden of unnecessary and costly regulation and bureaucracy.”

The report also suggests that reforms to the country’s Apprenticeship Levy would help the industry thrive by addressing both the skill gaps and labour shortages.

More than half of manufacturers would like to be able to use the levy funds for engineering conversion modules or business improvement techniques.

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  1. Poultry Farming Business Plan Sample Format Nigeria Resource Hub

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  2. Poultry Business Plan for Broilers and Layers for Nigeria

    poultry farming in nigeria business plan

  3. Poultry Farming In Nigeria: Business Plan, Feasibility Studies, How To

    poultry farming in nigeria business plan

  4. Poultry-business-plan-in-Nigeria

    poultry farming in nigeria business plan

  5. Poultry Farming Business Plan In Nigeria Docpdf 2022

    poultry farming in nigeria business plan

  6. How to Start Lucrative Poultry Farming in Nigeria (Best Guide)

    poultry farming in nigeria business plan


  1. PDF Business Plan for Establishing a Poultry Farm in Ni-geria

    esis is to develop my business plan for starting a poultry farm particularly broilers in Nigeria. The objective is to create a guidebook that can be used to start a poultry farm which includes st. p by step of everything it entails when planning to start a broilers poultry business in Nigeria. Also, it will include how profitable this business ...

  2. How to Start a Poultry Farming in Nigeria: Business Plan, Breeds, Cost

    How to start a poultry farming in Nigeria, Business plan, Breeds, Cost, Profit, Loan, Subsidy, and management, Choosing the type of poultry bird to rear in Nigeria and more

  3. Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria & Cost of Starting (2024)

    Poultry farming is one of the most lucrative forms of farming in Nigeria today. There is a very huge market for poultry products such as meat, eggs, and dung. The cost of starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria depends on the aspect of poultry farming that you want to engage in.

  4. Poultry Farm Business

    Poultry Farm Business | Operational Plan Poultry Farm Business - The Poultry or Chicken Farm Business requires a well written Feasibility Study. The aim is to reduce any type of waste that may result in the set up of the business. I and my team do update the business plan document from time to time, this is done to correspond with the prevailing economic condition of the country.

  5. [Beginners Guide] How To Start A Successful Poultry Farm In Nigeria

    Starting a poultry farming business in Nigeria can be a rewarding venture, both financially and professionally. With a growing demand for poultry products in the country, there is a significant opportunity for entrepreneurs to establish successful poultry farms.

  6. PDF Poultry Farming Business Plan in Nigeria

    Overview TATA Poultry Farm is a start-up poultry Farm that will be involved in production of quality and affordable poultry meat and egg and other poultry derivates targeting consumers in southwest Nigeria and will be located in Osogbo, osun state.

  7. Poultry Farm Business Plan Sample (With Financial Template)

    This is a sample business plan for a poultry farm based in Nigeria. The sample business name used is Nutrichic Farms.

  8. Poultry Farming Guide in Nigeria: Business Plan, Breeds, Cost, Profit

    Looking for a Poultry Farming Guide in Nigeria plus a business plan to go with alongside. Read this article as a poultry enthusiast or an academic to know more.

  9. Poultry Farming in Nigeria: How to Start and Operate a Profitable Business

    This comprehensive guide outlines steps for establishing a profitable poultry business in Nigeria including housing design, breed selection, feeding, biosecurity, processing, and marketing. It provides key insights on optimizing productivity, reducing risks, and overcoming challenges facing commercial poultry farming in Nigeria's rapidly growing industry.

  10. Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria (2024 Complete Guide)

    These poultry farm animals grow fast. How to be a successful poultry farmer in Nigeria. How to start Poultry Farming In Nigeria. Step 1 - Choosing The Type Of Poultry Bird To Rear. Types of Poultry Farming. Step 2 - Location/Site. Step 3 - Feeding and Medication. Step 4 - Marketing and Sales of THE POULTRY Birds.

  11. Poultry Farming in Nigeria: How to Get Started

    Before venturing into poultry farming in Nigeria, consider the cost involved, acquire extensive knowledge about the business and plan well. In 2021, Babban Gona supported over 40 poultry entrepreneurs to successfully raise over 40,000-day-old chicks across 10 cycles.

  12. Poultry Farming in Nigeria: COMPLETE GUIDE

    To Get Your Poultry Business Plan in Nigeria pay: N10,000 to: Bank Name: First Bank Plc. Account Name: Chibuzor Tochi Onyemenam. Account Number: 3066880122. After payment, Text your full name, email address and title of business plan (i.e. business plan for poultry farming in Nigeria) to 07033378184. Today I will be giving us few tips on how to ...

  13. Profitability of Poultry Farming in Nigeria

    Our poultry farming business plan and online poultry farming training will show how to start a poultry farm with 5,000 (layer) birds and grow it to over 30,000 (layer) birds in 5 years.

  14. How to Start a Profitable Poultry Farming Business in Nigeria

    This article will walk you through the essential steps to starting your own profitable poultry farming business in Nigeria. By the end, you'll have a solid plan to get your poultry farm up and running. Let's get started!


    tonnes of poultry meat were consumed.Hence. there is a projected growth of 4.5%. Nigeria's consumption of poultry meat is expected to increase to 208,000 tonnes in 2029, which translates to ₦205.82 billion judging by a projected fall in the international poultry meat price from $2,153 per tonne to $1,979 at th. Year.

  16. How To Start A Lucrative Poultry Farming Business In Nigeria And Africa

    Poultry farming in Nigeria is a vital agricultural activity, providing food and income to millions of people. It involves the breeding, rearing, and management of domesticated birds such as chickens, turkeys, and ducks for meat, eggs, and other byproducts. Poultry farming is a significant contributor to the Nigerian economy, and the industry has grown tremendously

  17. 8 Easy Steps to Start a Profitable Small-scale Poultry Farming Business

    Finding a good-paying job in Nigeria is almost impossible. Don't fret because you'll learn ways to start poultry Farming business in Nigeria.

  18. PDF A Business Plan on Poultry Farm

    The venture to be established is a poultry farm that will concentrate on the production of eggs and sales of. broilers, birds because of the fund required the venture will start as a small scale business having the. Government Area of Lagos, whichare Alimosho, Agege, Ifa. o - Ijaiye are target market. The farm site will b.


    Cost of operation for sample Poultry Business Plan in Nigeria We hope to expand our farm to more birds, an estimate of 4500 broilers, 4500 layers, and 1000 breeders.

  20. Animal agriculture in Nigeria

    Livestock farming is a part of Nigeria's agriculture system. In 2017, Nigeria had approximately over 80 million poultry farming, 76 million goats, 43.4 million sheep, 18.4 million cattle, 7.5 million pigs, and 1.4 million of its equivalent. [1] Livestock farming is about 5% of Nigeria's gross domestic product and 17% of its agricultural gross ...

  21. Nigerian woman feeds her children with chicken feeds

    A 22-year-old woman in Akwa Ibom State, south-south Nigeria, has been feeding her four children with chicken and fish feeds, apparently because of poverty and hunger. The children are all girls ...

  22. Namibia resumes live poultry, bird imports from South Africa

    Namibia has resumed imports of live poultry and birds from South Africa, the agriculture ministry said in a statement on Friday.

  23. UK manufacturers ready to invest again

    A report from UK industry body the FDF suggests manufacturers have "turned the corner" and are looking to invest again.