Pediatric Nursing Research Topics for Students: A Comprehensive Guide


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Pediatric Nursing Research Topics for Students: A Comprehensive Guide

Pediatric nursing is a rewarding and specialized field that focuses on the care of infants, children, and adolescents. Research in pediatric nursing plays a crucial role in advancing knowledge, improving patient outcomes, and informing evidence-based practice. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on pediatric nursing research topics for students, offering examples and tips to help you select the perfect topic for your project.

Common Areas of Pediatric Nursing Research

Pediatric nursing research encompasses a wide range of topics aimed at improving the health and well-being of children. Find below some of the most common areas of research.

Neonatal and Infant Care

This area of research focuses on the health and development of newborns and infants, as well as the interventions and strategies that can enhance their well-being. Studies may investigate the impact of skin-to-skin contact on neonatal outcomes, the role of breastfeeding in infant nutrition and health, and the efficacy of various interventions for premature infants, such as music therapy, to reduce stress and improve development.

Topic Examples to Explore:

  • The impact of skin-to-skin contact on neonatal bonding and breastfeeding success
  • The role of kangaroo care in improving outcomes for preterm infants
  • Strategies for managing neonatal abstinence syndrome in infants exposed to opioids in utero
  • The effectiveness of different neonatal resuscitation techniques
  • The impact of maternal mental health on infant development and attachment
  • The role of probiotics in preventing necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants
  • The benefits of human milk fortifiers for premature infants
  • The long-term effects of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) environments on infant development
  • The impact of neonatal jaundice on infant health and development
  • The role of early intervention in improving outcomes for infants with congenital heart disease
  • The benefits of non-invasive ventilation techniques in neonatal care
  • The impact of delayed cord clamping on infant health
  • The role of family-centered care in the NICU
  • The effectiveness of developmental care interventions in the NICU
  • The impact of neonatal hypoglycemia on long-term outcomes
  • The role of therapeutic hypothermia in the management of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
  • The impact of various feeding methods on growth and development in preterm infants
  • The effectiveness of music therapy for reducing stress and promoting development in the NICU
  • The role of antibiotics in preventing early-onset neonatal sepsis
  • The impact of antenatal corticosteroids on neonatal respiratory outcomes
  • The effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for neonatal pain relief
  • The role of parental involvement in infant care in the NICU
  • The impact of noise and light reduction strategies on infant outcomes in the NICU

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Child Development and Growth

Research in this area examines the various factors that influence a child’s physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Topics may include the effects of parenting styles on children’s behavior, the role of nutrition in growth and development, and the impact of early intervention programs on cognitive and language development.

  • The effects of parenting styles on children’s cognitive and emotional development
  • The impact of screen time on children’s language and social skills
  • The role of play in promoting cognitive, social, and emotional development
  • The impact of early literacy interventions on children’s reading skills and academic achievement
  • The effects of childhood nutrition on cognitive development and school performance
  • The role of sleep in children’s growth and development
  • The impact of early intervention programs on language development in children with hearing loss
  • The effectiveness of physical activity interventions for promoting motor development in children with disabilities
  • Bridging the gap: tackling maternal and child health disparities between developed and underdeveloped countries
  • The role of attachment and bonding in early childhood development
  • The impact of adverse childhood experiences on cognitive and emotional development
  • The role of cultural factors in shaping children’s development and socialization
  • The effects of poverty on children’s cognitive, social, and emotional development
  • The impact of preschool and kindergarten programs on children’s school readiness
  • The role of creativity in promoting cognitive and emotional development in children
  • The impact of bilingualism on children’s cognitive development and academic achievement
  • The effects of parental involvement on children’s academic success and social development
  • The role of nutrition in preventing stunted growth and promoting healthy development
  • The impact of early exposure to music on children’s cognitive and social development
  • The effectiveness of interventions for promoting resilience in children exposed to trauma
  • The role of sports and physical activity in promoting children’s mental health and well-being
  • The impact of bullying on children’s social and emotional development
  • The role of peer relationships in children’s social and emotional development
  • The effects of parental mental health on children’s development and well-being

Pediatric Mental Health

With increasing awareness of mental health issues in children, research in this area is crucial to understanding and addressing the mental health needs of young patients. Studies may explore the prevalence and risk factors of various mental health disorders, such as autism, ADHD, and depression, as well as the effectiveness of interventions, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and psychopharmacological treatments.

  • The prevalence and impact of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy for treating childhood depression
  • The role of early intervention in preventing and treating childhood trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • The impact of bullying on the mental health of children and adolescents
  • The relationship between autism spectrum disorders and mental health challenges in children
  • The effectiveness of play therapy in addressing emotional and behavioral issues in children
  • The role of family therapy in promoting positive mental health outcomes for children and adolescents
  • The impact of substance abuse on the mental health of adolescents
  • The effectiveness of school-based mental health interventions for children and adolescents
  • The role of peer support in promoting positive mental health outcomes in children and adolescents
  • The impact of social media on the mental health of children and adolescents
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for promoting mental health in children and adolescents
  • The role of resilience in protecting children’s mental health
  • The impact of adverse childhood experiences on the development of mental health disorders in children and adolescents
  • The effectiveness of early intervention programs for children at risk of developing mental health disorders
  • The role of cultural factors in shaping children’s mental health and well-being
  • The impact of parenting styles on children’s mental health outcomes
  • The effectiveness of pharmacological interventions for treating mental health disorders in children and adolescents
  • The role of sleep in promoting mental health and well-being in children and adolescents
  • The impact of chronic illness on the mental health of children and adolescents
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in promoting mental health and well-being in children and adolescents
  • The role of sports and physical activity in promoting mental health and well-being in children and adolescents
  • The impact of parental mental health on children’s mental health and well-being

Childhood Chronic Illness

Research in this area investigates the management, treatment, and long-term outcomes of chronic conditions in children, such as asthma, diabetes, and cystic fibrosis. Studies may examine the effectiveness of different management strategies, the role of family support in disease management, and the impact of these conditions on children’s quality of life.

  • The impact of chronic illness on children’s growth and development
  • The role of family-centered care in the management of childhood chronic illnesses
  • The effectiveness of transition programs for adolescents with chronic illnesses moving to adult healthcare services
  • The impact of school-based interventions for children with chronic illnesses
  • The role of psychosocial interventions in promoting positive outcomes for children with chronic illnesses
  • The impact of chronic illness on children’s mental health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of telehealth interventions for managing childhood chronic illnesses
  • The role of nutrition in the management of chronic illnesses in children
  • The impact of chronic illness on children’s academic achievement and school performance
  • The role of parent and caregiver support in managing childhood chronic illnesses
  • The effectiveness of pain management strategies for children with chronic illnesses
  • The impact of chronic illness on children’s social and emotional development
  • The role of peer support in promoting positive outcomes for children with chronic illnesses
  • The effectiveness of exercise and physical activity interventions for children with chronic illnesses
  • The impact of chronic illness on the family system and sibling relationships
  • The role of cultural factors in shaping the experiences of children with chronic illnesses
  • The effectiveness of community-based programs for supporting children with chronic illnesses
  • The impact of chronic illness on children’s quality of life
  • The role of healthcare coordination in the management of childhood chronic illnesses
  • The effectiveness of integrative medicine approaches for managing chronic illnesses in children
  • The impact of chronic illness on children’s self-concept and identity development
  • The role of health literacy in promoting positive outcomes for children with chronic illnesses
  • The effectiveness of technology-based interventions for managing childhood chronic illnesses

Pediatric Pain Management

Pain is a common issue faced by children in various healthcare settings, and research in this area seeks to better understand and manage pain in pediatric patients. Topics may include the assessment of pain in children, the use of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions for pain relief, and the impact of pain management strategies on children’s recovery and well-being.

  • The effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for managing pediatric pain
  • The role of pharmacological interventions in pediatric pain management
  • The impact of pain on children’s growth, development, and well-being
  • The effectiveness of alternative and complementary therapies in pediatric pain management
  • The role of family-centered care in the management of pediatric pain
  • The impact of pediatric pain on children’s mental health and quality of life
  • The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral strategies for managing pediatric pain
  • The role of age-appropriate pain assessment tools in guiding pediatric pain management
  • Pediatric oncology: working towards better treatment through evidence-based research
  • The impact of chronic pain on children’s school performance and social functioning
  • The role of healthcare professionals in providing education and support for pediatric pain management
  • The effectiveness of interdisciplinary pain management teams for children with complex pain needs
  • The impact of pediatric pain on the family system and sibling relationships
  • The role of cultural factors in shaping pediatric pain management practices
  • The effectiveness of technology-based interventions for managing pediatric pain
  • The impact of pediatric pain on children’s self-concept and identity development
  • The role of pain management in promoting positive outcomes for children undergoing surgery or medical procedures
  • The effectiveness of integrative medicine approaches for managing pediatric pain
  • The impact of pain on children’s sleep and daily functioning
  • The role of preventive strategies in reducing pediatric pain associated with common childhood conditions
  • The effectiveness of early intervention programs for children at risk of developing chronic pain
  • The impact of pain on children’s physical activity levels and participation in sports
  • The role of peer support in promoting positive outcomes for children with chronic pain
  • The effectiveness of parent and caregiver support interventions for managing pediatric pain

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

This area of research aims to identify and implement strategies to promote health and prevent illness in children. Topics may include the effectiveness of vaccination programs, the role of physical activity and nutrition in childhood obesity prevention, and the impact of health education programs on children’s health behaviors.

  • The role of childhood immunizations in preventing infectious diseases
  • The impact of school-based health promotion programs on children’s health behaviors and outcomes
  • The effectiveness of nutrition education interventions for promoting healthy eating habits in children
  • The role of physical activity interventions in preventing childhood obesity and promoting healthy growth
  • The impact of dental health promotion programs on children’s oral health outcomes
  • The effectiveness of sun safety education for preventing skin cancer in children and adolescents
  • Pediatric nursing: caring for children and fostering a healthy future
  • The role of parental involvement in promoting health behaviors and preventing disease in children
  • The impact of community-based health promotion programs on children’s health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of early intervention programs for preventing and managing childhood asthma
  • The role of mental health promotion interventions in preventing mental health disorders in children and adolescents
  • The impact of anti-bullying programs on children’s mental health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of substance abuse prevention programs for children and adolescents
  • The role of sexual health education in preventing sexually transmitted infections and promoting healthy relationships in adolescents
  • The impact of environmental interventions on reducing children’s exposure to allergens and pollutants
  • The effectiveness of sleep hygiene education for promoting healthy sleep habits in children and adolescents
  • The role of injury prevention programs in reducing the incidence of childhood injuries and accidents
  • The impact of tobacco, alcohol, and drug prevention programs on children’s health and well-being
  • The effectiveness of child passenger safety education for preventing motor vehicle-related injuries in children
  • The role of health literacy interventions in promoting healthy behaviors and preventing disease in children and adolescents
  • Combating health care-associated infections: a community-based approach
  • The impact of culturally sensitive health promotion programs on improving health outcomes for diverse pediatric populations
  • The effectiveness of school-based mental health promotion programs for preventing suicide in children and adolescents
  • The role of family-centered health promotion interventions in supporting overall child health and well-being
  • The impact of public health policies on reducing health disparities and promoting health equity among children and adolescents

These topic examples should provide a comprehensive starting point for students interested in pediatric nursing research. By exploring various aspects of pediatric health, students can contribute to the growing body of knowledge and help improve care for children and their families.

Tips for selecting a pediatric nursing research topic

Choosing the right pediatric nursing research topic is an essential step in ensuring a successful research project. Here are some tips to help you select a topic that will be both engaging and valuable:

  • Consider Your Interests:

Selecting a research topic that genuinely interests you will make the entire research process more enjoyable and motivating. Passion for your topic can lead to more in-depth research and better quality work.

  • Scope and Feasibility:

Make sure your chosen topic is not too broad or too narrow. A topic with a manageable scope will allow you to explore it in-depth without becoming overwhelmed with information. Ensure that you have access to the necessary resources, such as literature, research tools, and study participants, to conduct your research effectively.

Choose a topic that is relevant to current pediatric nursing practice and has the potential to contribute to the field. Research that addresses current challenges and gaps in knowledge will be more likely to make a meaningful impact.

  • Consult with Mentors and Colleagues:

Discuss your potential research topics with your professors, mentors, or fellow students to gain insights and feedback. They may provide valuable suggestions or help you refine your topic further.

  • Review Existing Literature:

Conduct a thorough literature review to identify existing research in your area of interest. This will help you understand the current state of knowledge and identify gaps or areas that need further exploration.

  • Ethical Considerations:

Ensure that your research topic adheres to ethical guidelines and does not pose any harm to your study participants or their families. Obtain any necessary ethical approvals from your institution or relevant governing bodies.

  • Practical Implications:

Consider the potential practical implications of your research topic. Will your findings contribute to improving pediatric nursing practice or lead to the development of new interventions or policies?

  • Align with Your Career Goals:

If possible, choose a research topic that aligns with your long-term career goals. This can help build a foundation for your professional development and establish expertise in your chosen area.

  • Stay Updated with Current Trends:

Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in pediatric nursing to ensure your research topic remains relevant and timely. Subscribe to relevant journals, attend conferences, and engage with professional organizations to stay informed.

  • Be Flexible:

Remember that it’s okay to modify or refine your research topic as you progress. Be open to feedback and new ideas, and don’t be afraid to pivot your focus if necessary.

By following these tips, you can select a pediatric nursing research topic that is both engaging and valuable, contributing to the advancement of the field and your personal growth as a researcher.

Selecting a pediatric nursing research topic is an essential step in the research process. By exploring various areas of pediatric nursing and considering a wide range of topic examples, you can find the perfect subject for your project. Remember to choose a topic that interests you, is relevant and feasible, and consult with experts to ensure a successful research experience.

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A Scoping Review of Nursing Research Priorities in Pediatric Care


  • 1 Perth Children's Hospital, Nedlands, WA, Australia; School of Nursing and Midwifery, Edith Cowan University, WA, Australia. Electronic address: [email protected].
  • 2 School of Nursing and Midwifery, Edith Cowan University, WA, Australia.
  • 3 Perth Children's Hospital, Nedlands, WA, Australia; School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, Curtin University, WA, Australia.
  • PMID: 32008833
  • DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.01.006

Problem: Priority setting for pediatric nursing is important to plan, coordinate and direct future research. The aim of this scoping review was to systematically identify and synthesise the nature, range and extent of published pediatric nursing research priorities.

Eligibility criteria: English language full text publications focusing generic nursing research priorities for the child or adolescent, indexed in CINAHL, EMBASE, The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, AMED, MEDLINE and PsycINFO and published from 2008 to 2019.

Sample: A total of 789 citations were identified, 44 full text articles were retrieved and assessed for eligibility and eight studies were finally reviewed, quality assessed (CREDES) and synthesised.

Results: All eight studies used a consensus building method to identify research priorities reported by nurses. Six used Delphi technique, one Nominal Group Technique (NGT) and one consensus workshop. CREDES score range was 10-14 of a possible 16. Synthesis of the 234 nursing research priorities generated four themes; evidenced-based practice, pediatric context, child and family-centered care; pediatric nursing, with 14 subthemes.

Conclusion: The nursing research priorities reported appear to be still current and important to nurses. There was a focus on acute care, with fewer priorities reflecting areas of child-, school-, or mental- health. Consumer and community priorities have not been reported.

Implications: These nursing research priorities can be used to inform the national or local research agenda, although there is a need to establish priorities from the perspective of all stakeholders and in particular, identify what is important to consumers.

Keywords: Adolescent; Child; Children's nursing; Pediatric; Research priorities.

Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Publication types

  • Critical Care
  • Delphi Technique
  • Nursing Research*
  • Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric Nursing Research Paper Topics

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This page provides a comprehensive list of 100 pediatric nursing research paper topics , essential for students pursuing nursing and assigned to write a research paper. The article covers a vast range of topics, from pediatric assessment and examination to ethical and legal issues in pediatric nursing, serving as a valuable resource for students seeking inspiration for their research papers. Additionally, the page includes a detailed article discussing the significance of pediatric nursing, examining its various aspects, and presenting iResearchNet’s writing services. These services offer students the opportunity to order a custom pediatric nursing research paper on any topic, ensuring a high-quality submission.

100 Pediatric Nursing Research Paper Topics

Pediatric nursing is a specialized area of nursing that focuses on providing comprehensive care to infants, children, and adolescents. This field encompasses a wide range of responsibilities, from preventative care and health promotion to the management of acute and chronic illnesses. The role of a pediatric nurse is crucial in ensuring the well-being of the younger population, making research in this area incredibly important. The following is a list of pediatric nursing research paper topics that cover various aspects of this field.

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List of 100 research paper topics divided into 10 categories:

Pediatric Assessment and Examination

  • The importance of growth charts in assessing pediatric health.
  • Developmental milestones: A guide for pediatric nurses.
  • The role of pediatric health assessment in early detection of developmental disorders.
  • Assessing pain in pediatric patients: Challenges and best practices.
  • The importance of a comprehensive neurological examination in pediatrics.
  • Assessing nutritional status in children: A guide for nurses.
  • The role of skin assessment in identifying pediatric dermatological conditions.
  • Assessing the psychosocial well-being of children and adolescents.
  • The importance of vision and hearing screening in pediatrics.
  • Pediatric physical examination: A comprehensive guide for nurses.

Pediatric Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

  • The role of vaccinations in pediatric health.
  • Promoting healthy eating habits in children and adolescents.
  • The importance of physical activity in pediatric health.
  • Preventing accidental injuries in children: A guide for nurses.
  • The role of health education in preventing pediatric diseases.
  • Strategies for preventing obesity in children and adolescents.
  • The importance of dental health promotion in pediatrics.
  • Preventing substance abuse in adolescents: Strategies for nurses.
  • The role of sleep in pediatric health promotion.
  • Strategies for preventing mental health disorders in children and adolescents.

Common Pediatric Illnesses and Conditions

  • Asthma in children: Management and nursing care.
  • Pediatric diabetes: Management and nursing interventions.
  • The management of epilepsy in children and adolescents.
  • Pediatric infectious diseases: Nursing interventions and management.
  • The management of pediatric allergies: A guide for nurses.
  • Nursing management of children with congenital heart diseases.
  • The management of pediatric gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Nursing care of children with respiratory infections.
  • The management of pediatric skin disorders.
  • Nursing interventions for children with musculoskeletal disorders.

Pediatric Emergency Care

  • The management of pediatric trauma: A guide for nurses.
  • Nursing interventions for pediatric poisoning.
  • The management of pediatric burns: A guide for nurses.
  • Pediatric resuscitation: Best practices and guidelines.
  • Nursing management of pediatric head injuries.
  • The management of pediatric seizures in emergency settings.
  • Nursing interventions for pediatric respiratory emergencies.
  • The management of pediatric cardiac emergencies.
  • Nursing interventions for pediatric gastrointestinal emergencies.
  • The management of pediatric neurological emergencies.

Pediatric Chronic Illness and Disability

  • Nursing care of children with cerebral palsy.
  • The management of pediatric cancer: A guide for nurses.
  • Nursing care of children with chronic renal failure.
  • The management of pediatric rheumatic diseases.
  • Nursing interventions for children with cystic fibrosis.
  • The management of pediatric neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Nursing care of children with chronic respiratory diseases.
  • The management of pediatric endocrine disorders.
  • Nursing interventions for children with chronic gastrointestinal diseases.
  • The management of pediatric orthopedic disorders.

Pediatric Mental Health

  • The assessment and management of pediatric depression.
  • Nursing interventions for children with anxiety disorders.
  • The management of pediatric eating disorders: A guide for nurses.
  • Nursing care of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • The assessment and management of pediatric suicidal behavior.
  • Nursing interventions for children with autism spectrum disorders.
  • The management of pediatric behavioral disorders.
  • Nursing care of children with psychosis.
  • The assessment and management of pediatric sleep disorders.
  • Nursing interventions for children with developmental trauma.

Pediatric Pharmacology

  • The principles of pediatric pharmacology: A guide for nurses.
  • The challenges of medication administration in pediatrics.
  • The management of pediatric pain: Pharmacological interventions.
  • The use of antibiotics in pediatric care: A guide for nurses.
  • The management of pediatric asthma: Pharmacological interventions.
  • The use of psychotropic medications in children and adolescents.
  • The management of pediatric seizures: Pharmacological interventions.
  • The use of immunizations in pediatric care: A guide for nurses.
  • The management of pediatric allergies: Pharmacological interventions.
  • The use of growth hormones in pediatrics: A guide for nurses.

Ethical and Legal Issues in Pediatric Nursing

  • The ethical considerations in pediatric end-of-life care.
  • The legal aspects of pediatric nursing: A guide for nurses.
  • The ethical considerations in pediatric research.
  • The management of child abuse and neglect: Legal and ethical considerations.
  • The ethical considerations in pediatric organ transplantation.
  • The legal aspects of pediatric medication administration.
  • The ethical considerations in pediatric genetic testing.
  • The management of pediatric confidentiality: Legal and ethical considerations.
  • The ethical considerations in pediatric mental health care.
  • The legal aspects of pediatric consent and assent.

Pediatric Nursing Education and Practice

  • The challenges and opportunities in pediatric nursing education.
  • The role of simulation in pediatric nursing education.
  • The importance of continuing education in pediatric nursing.
  • The impact of technology on pediatric nursing practice.
  • The role of evidence-based practice in pediatric nursing.
  • The importance of interprofessional collaboration in pediatric care.
  • The impact of nursing leadership on pediatric care outcomes.
  • The role of nursing advocacy in pediatric care.
  • The challenges and opportunities in pediatric nursing research.
  • The future directions in pediatric nursing education and practice.

Future Directions in Pediatric Nursing

  • The impact of telehealth on pediatric nursing practice.
  • The role of genomics in pediatric nursing care.
  • The impact of climate change on pediatric health and nursing care.
  • The future of pediatric mental health care: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in pediatric nursing care.
  • The impact of global health initiatives on pediatric nursing practice.
  • The future of pediatric emergency care: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The role of advanced practice nurses in pediatric care.
  • The future of pediatric chronic illness management: Challenges and opportunities.
  • The future of pediatric nursing education and practice.

The field of pediatric nursing is both challenging and rewarding, requiring specialized knowledge and skills to provide comprehensive care to children and adolescents. The listed pediatric nursing research paper topics provide a wide range of areas for exploration and study, contributing to the advancement of knowledge and practice in this crucial field. It is encouraged that students and researchers delve deep into these topics, as their research can contribute to better nursing practices, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes for children and adolescents.

The Range of Pediatric Nursing Research Paper Topics

Pediatric nursing is a specialized field that focuses on providing care to infants, children, and adolescents. This area of nursing is particularly significant because it deals with a vulnerable population that requires specialized care and attention. Children are not just small adults; they have unique physiological, psychological, and developmental needs that must be considered in their care and treatment. This makes pediatric nursing a unique and essential area of healthcare. A wide array of pediatric nursing research paper topics are available for exploration, as research in this area can contribute to better understanding and improvement of the health and well-being of children and adolescents.

One of the key aspects of pediatric nursing is the management of common pediatric illnesses and conditions. These can range from acute illnesses such as infections, to chronic conditions like asthma or diabetes. Managing these conditions often requires a multidisciplinary approach, involving not only nurses but also physicians, therapists, and other healthcare professionals. Nurses play a crucial role in the management of these conditions by providing direct care, educating patients and their families, and coordinating care among different healthcare providers. For example, in the case of a child with asthma, a nurse may be involved in administering medications, educating the child and their family about managing triggers and symptoms, and coordinating care between the primary care provider, pulmonologist, and school. Research in this area may focus on topics such as the effectiveness of different interventions, the impact of education on disease management, or the role of nurses in coordinating care. Delving into pediatric nursing research paper topics related to common pediatric illnesses and conditions can lead to the development of new strategies and interventions for managing these conditions and improving the quality of life of affected children and adolescents.

Another important aspect of pediatric nursing is pediatric emergency care. Children and adolescents can experience a wide range of emergencies, from accidents and injuries to acute medical conditions. Pediatric nurses working in emergency settings must be skilled in quickly assessing and managing these emergencies to stabilize the patient and prevent further harm. This may involve administering medications, providing resuscitation, managing wounds or fractures, and coordinating care with other healthcare professionals. Research in this area may focus on topics such as the effectiveness of different interventions in emergency situations, the impact of training and education on emergency care outcomes, or the role of nurses in managing pediatric emergencies. Exploring pediatric nursing research paper topics related to emergency care can contribute to the development of best practices and guidelines for managing emergencies in children and adolescents, ultimately leading to better outcomes for these patients.

Pediatric mental health is another crucial area of pediatric nursing. Mental health issues in children and adolescents are becoming increasingly prevalent and can have a significant impact on their overall well-being and development. Pediatric nurses play a key role in the assessment, management, and support of children and adolescents with mental health issues. This may involve assessing for signs and symptoms of mental health issues, providing support and education to the child and their family, coordinating care with mental health professionals, and providing interventions as needed. Research in this area may focus on topics such as the effectiveness of different interventions for mental health issues, the impact of mental health education on outcomes, or the role of nurses in supporting children and adolescents with mental health issues. Investigating pediatric nursing research paper topics related to mental health can lead to the development of new strategies and interventions for managing mental health issues in children and adolescents, ultimately leading to better mental health outcomes for this population.

In conclusion, pediatric nursing is a vital area of healthcare that focuses on the unique needs of children and adolescents. It encompasses various aspects, including the management of common pediatric illnesses and conditions, pediatric emergency care, and pediatric mental health. A wide array of pediatric nursing research paper topics are available for exploration, and research in this area can contribute to the development of new strategies and interventions for managing the health and well-being of children and adolescents. Ultimately, research in pediatric nursing can lead to improved outcomes for this vulnerable population, making it a crucial area of study for healthcare professionals and researchers alike.

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The following represent additions to UpToDate from the past six months that were considered by the editors and authors to be of particular interest. The most recent What's New entries are at the top of each subsection.


Running injuries in high school and collegiate athletes (March 2024)

Although running is the most common form of exercise, few high-quality reviews of running-related injuries have been published. A recent systematic review that included 24 prospective cohort studies (nearly 2000 adolescent and young adult competitive runners) found that female runners sustained more injuries than their male counterparts [ 1 ]. All runners, but particularly females, with risk factors for relative energy deficiency in sport (REDS) experienced higher injury rates; athletes with weak hip and thigh muscles were at increased risk of developing anterior knee pain (eg, patellofemoral pain). This study also confirmed known risk factors, such as a history of prior running-related injury. Overall, study quality and certainty of evidence were low to moderate. These findings reinforce the importance of sound nutrition and adjunct strength training to prevent running injuries. (See "Running injuries of the lower extremities: Risk factors and prevention", section on 'Sex and age' .)

Concussion and mental health disorders in children and adolescents (March 2024)

Ongoing research continues to examine the complex relationship between concussion and mental health disorders. In a recent case-control study of over 18,000 children (≤17 years old) with concussion and over 37,000 matched controls, concussion was associated with an increased risk for a new diagnosis of a behavior disorder at two and four years after injury [ 2 ]. For most diagnoses, the absolute numbers were low. Confidence in a causal relationship is limited by risk of confounding and reliance on an electronic medical record for establishing lack of baseline behavioral problems prior to injury. Whether pediatric concussion is an independent risk factor for new behavioral problems after recovery remains unclear. (See "Concussion in children and adolescents: Management", section on 'Mental health disorders' .)

Overuse injuries, overtraining, and burnout in children and adolescents (February 2024)

Greater numbers of children and adolescents now specialize in a single sport, thereby increasing the risk for overuse injuries, overtraining, and burnout. The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a new clinical report that reviews the medical literature about these conditions and summarizes key findings pertaining to risk factors, clinical presentation, and prevention [ 3 ]. The report emphasizes the importance of achieving a healthy balance between stress and recovery. Specific recommendations include taking one to two days off from competition and sport-specific training each week and two to three months away from any specific sport each year. Discussions of endurance sports and weekend tournaments are included. (See "Overtraining syndrome in athletes", section on 'Special considerations in the young athlete' .)

Risk of reinjury following ACL repair (February 2024)

Despite advances in surgical techniques, the risk of reinjury following repair of a ruptured anterior cruciate ligament remains substantial, ranging from 5 to 15 percent depending on the patient's age and activities. According to a systematic review of 71 studies involving over 600,000 patients, factors associated with an increased risk for retear following surgery include male sex, younger age, preoperative high-grade knee laxity, return to a high activity level or sport, and concomitant medial collateral ligament injury [ 4 ]. The modifiable factors identified highlight the importance of following a rigorous rehabilitation program and allowing time for complete healing before returning to sport. (See "Anterior cruciate ligament injury", section on 'Risk of reinjury' .)

Return to sport following stress fracture (November 2023)

Evidence is limited regarding return to sport (RTS) following stress fracture. A new systematic review of 76 studies involving nearly 3000 cases,provides some guidance; most of the studies were retrospective and involved predominately male athletes [ 5 ]. The lowest overall rates for RTS were reported for injuries of the femoral neck (55 percent), talus (69 percent), anterior tibial shaft (76 percent), and tarsal navicular (83 percent). The longest average times for RTS were reported for stress fractures of the tarsal navicular (127 days), femoral neck (107 days), and medial malleolus (106 days). These figures are averages, and healing for individuals may vary substantially given the many factors involved, including location within the bone, radiologic grade, duration of symptoms, compliance with treatment, and underlying bone health. Nevertheless, these findings inform treatment decisions and anticipatory guidance for athletes. (See "Overview of stress fractures", section on 'Return to activity' .)

Heavy load resistance exercise for tendinopathy (November 2023)

Evidence supporting the effectiveness of resistance exercise for the treatment of chronic (overuse) tendinopathy is growing. A recent systematic review and meta-analysis of 110 studies with just under 4000 subjects assessed research primarily involving the rotator cuff, Achilles, lateral elbow, and patellar tendons [ 6 ]. While noting that resistance dose was not well documented in many studies, researchers found consistent evidence that rehabilitation programs using resistance loads in excess of body weight and performed less frequently (ie, less than daily) demonstrated greater efficacy. These findings are consistent with our approach to treatment. (See "Overuse (persistent) tendinopathy: Overview of management", section on 'Heavy-load resistance training' .)

Avulsion fractures of hip and pelvis in children (October 2023)

There are few large-scale studies of pelvic avulsion fractures in children. A retrospective review of over 700 children with pelvic or hip avulsion fractures from a single tertiary care hospital reported the average patient age was just over 14 years and nearly 80 percent were sustained by males [ 7 ]. The anterior-superior and inferior iliac spines and ischial tuberosity were the most common sites, accounting for over 80 percent of fractures. Most injuries were sustained while the patient was running or kicking during sport, most often football (soccer). The incidence of avulsion fracture rose substantially during the study period, 2005 to 2020. (See "Pelvic trauma: Initial evaluation and management", section on 'Epidemiology and mechanism' .)


High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy in children with bronchiolitis (April 2024)

High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy is increasingly used for children with bronchiolitis and significant respiratory distress, but the clinical benefit has been questioned. In a meta-analysis of eight trials (over 2100 patients <2 years old with bronchiolitis) that compared oxygen therapy using HFNC with standard (low-flow) oxygen, the risk of escalation of therapy was lower with HFNC oxygen therapy; rates of adverse events were similar in the two groups (four studies, nearly 1800 patients, approximately 1 percent) [ 8 ]. Interpretation of these results is limited by significant heterogeneity and risk of bias. These findings suggest that HFNC oxygen therapy provides modest benefit for children with bronchiolitis without increasing adverse events. For children with bronchiolitis, we suggest HFNC in patients with severe respiratory distress; we advise against routine use of HFNC for children with hypoxemia and mild-to-moderate increased work of breathing. (See "Bronchiolitis in infants and children: Treatment, outcome, and prevention", section on 'High-flow nasal cannula' .)

Association between obesity in adolescence and development of chronic kidney disease (April 2024)

Observational studies have suggested that adolescents with obesity are at increased risk for impaired kidney function. In a new study of 630,000 adolescents in Israel, high body mass index (BMI) in late adolescence was associated with development of chronic kidney disease in early adulthood, as measured by albuminuria [ 9 ]. For severe obesity, the adjusted hazard ratio for early chronic kidney disease was 9.4 for males and 4.3 for females. These findings support our suggestion to screen for impaired kidney function in patients with risk factors for chronic kidney disease, including severe obesity, hypertension, or type 2 diabetes. Screening consists of measuring urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio. (See "Overview of the health consequences of obesity in children and adolescents", section on 'Kidney' .)

Management of children with mild sleep-disordered breathing (February 2024)

For children with mild sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and relevant symptoms, little evidence has been available to guide a choice between adenotonsillectomy and watchful waiting. In a randomized trial in 459 children 3 to <13 years with tonsillar hypertrophy and mild SDB (defined by habitual snoring with occasional episodes of obstruction with apnea per hour of sleep), executive function and attention were similar for individuals assigned to adenotonsillectomy compared with watchful waiting at 12 months follow-up [ 10 ]. However, children treated with adenotonsillectomy had greater decrease in snoring, obstruction with apnea or hypopnea, blood pressure, and caregiver-reported symptoms (sleep symptoms, behavioral problems, sleepiness) as well as increased quality of life. These findings support our suggestion to offer adenotonsillectomy to children with mild obstructive sleep apnea and relevant symptoms although watchful waiting is a reasonable alternative. (See "Management of obstructive sleep apnea in children", section on 'Adenotonsillectomy' .)

Cannabinoids and mental health in adolescents (December 2023)

Cannabis use is associated with an increased risk of mental health disorders. However, little is known about the effects of cannabidiol (CBD), a nonpsychoactive component of cannabis used for anorexia and childhood epilepsy, or of recreational synthetic cannabinoids. In a school-based survey from the United Kingdom that included over 6500 adolescents ages 13 to 14 years, reported use of cannabis, CBD, or synthetic cannabinoids were each associated with probable depression, anxiety disorder, or conduct disorder, as well as with auditory hallucinations [ 11 ]. For each disorder, the risk appeared greatest with synthetic cannabinoids. This study highlights the need for further investigation into the association between mental health effects in youth and the different types of cannabinoids. We advise adolescents (and younger children) to avoid cannabis consumption, including CBD. (See "Substance use disorder in adolescents: Epidemiology, clinical features, assessment, and diagnosis", section on 'Cannabis, cannabidiol, and synthetic cannabinoids' .)

High blood lead levels in US children after eating cinnamon applesauce pouches (November 2023)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have issued a health alert following reports of high blood lead levels from several states for a total of 22 children who were fed cinnamon-containing applesauce pouches that were subsequently found to contain extremely high concentrations of lead [ 12 ]. Children who have eaten a recalled product should undergo blood lead testing. Clinicians should advise parents, primary caregivers, and guardians to not buy specific cinnamon-containing apple puree or applesauce products named in the US Food and Drug Administration announcement and to discard any recalled products that they have purchased. (See "Childhood lead poisoning: Exposure and prevention", section on 'Food' and "Childhood lead poisoning: Clinical manifestations and diagnosis", section on 'Laboratory evaluation' and "Childhood lead poisoning: Management" .)


Association between gut bacteriophage abundance and asthma risk (April 2024)

The abundance and diversity of gut flora and their interaction with the immune system have been associated with a predisposition to childhood asthma. A recent study examined the role of the fecal virome, predominantly comprising temperate bacteriophages, in a Danish birth cohort of 647 one-year-old children who were subsequently longitudinally assessed for asthma [ 13 ]. The relative abundance of certain viral families was associated with subsequent asthma development, and the viromes in turn were associated with early life exposures (eg, siblings and season of birth). The association between virome and asthma was not mediated by the impact on gut bacteria, suggesting independent effects on the developing immune system. (See "Risk factors for asthma", section on 'Influence of microbiome' .)

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children incidence and severity (March 2024)

Although multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is increasingly rare as the overall COVID-19 burden declines, it continues to be associated with substantial morbidity. In 2023, 117 patients with MIS-C were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, resulting in an estimated incidence of 0.11 cases per million person-months [ 14 ]. Of these patients, 50 percent required care in an intensive care unit, 34 percent experienced shock, and 27 percent experienced cardiac dysfunction; mortality was 2.6 percent (3 patients). More than 80 percent of patients were SARS-CoV2 vaccine eligible but had not been vaccinated; among 20 patients who had been vaccinated, 60 percent likely had waning immunity at the time of diagnosis. This study suggests that MIS-C severity remains high, but that SARS-CoV2 vaccination may provide some degree of protection. (See "COVID-19: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) clinical features, evaluation, and diagnosis", section on 'Epidemiology' .)

Baricitinib for refractory juvenile idiopathic arthritis (November 2023)

Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors are one of several options for children with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis (pJIA) that is refractory to conventional therapy (eg, methotrexate with or without a biologic tumor necrosis factor inhibitor). In a phase 3, randomized trial of 220 children aged 2 to 17 years with JIA (66 percent with pJIA) who had inadequate response or intolerance to standard therapy, patients assigned to the investigational JAK inhibitor baricitinib had a longer time to disease flare compared with placebo [ 15 ]. During the study period, fewer patients receiving baricitinib had a flare compared with placebo (17 versus 51 percent, respectively), but more infections occurred in the baricitinib group than the placebo group. However, rates of serious adverse events were similar in both groups. Baricitinib compares favorably with tofacitinib , another JAK inhibitor used in refractory pJIA, but is not yet approved for this indication. (See "Polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Treatment", section on 'Baricitinib' .)


Pharmacotherapy for ADHD and mortality risk (April 2024)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with higher mortality than in the general population; whether treatment modifies that risk is unclear. In an observational study of nearly 149,000 individuals with ADHD in Sweden (mean age 17 years), initiation of medication within three months of diagnosis was associated with lower all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 0.79) as well as lower mortality from unnatural causes (eg, suicide, unintentional injury, and accidental poisoning; HR 0.75) over the ensuing two years [ 16 ]. While the study could not control for unmeasured confounders that may have impacted mortality risk (eg, lifestyle factors, social support), these data generally lend further support for pharmacotherapy of ADHD. (See "Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults: Treatment overview", section on 'Benefits of stimulant treatment' .)

Infertility and autism spectrum disorder (December 2023)

Patients with infertility often ask about the impact of the disorder and its treatment on risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in offspring. In a large population-based cohort study comparing ASD risk among children whose parents had subfertility (an infertility consultation without treatment), infertility treatment, or neither (unassisted conception), children in the subfertility and infertility treatment groups had a small increased risk of ASD compared with unassisted conception but the absolute risk was low (2.5 to 2.7 per 1000 person-years versus 1.9 per 1000 person-years with unassisted conception) [ 17 ]. The increased risk was similar in the subfertile and infertility treatment groups, suggesting that infertility treatment was not a major risk factor. Obstetrical and neonatal factors (eg, preterm birth) appeared to mediate a sizeable proportion of the increased risk for ASD. (See "Assisted reproductive technology: Infant and child outcomes", section on 'Confounders' .)



Proposed formal diagnostic criteria for hypophosphatasia in children and adults (March 2024)

Hypophosphatasia is a rare form of osteomalacia caused by pathogenic variants in the tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase gene ( ALPL ). Missed or delayed diagnosis is common, in part due to lack of formal diagnostic criteria. An international working group has proposed diagnostic criteria for hypophosphatasia in both children and adults [ 18 ]. Two major criteria or one major and two minor criteria are considered sufficient for diagnosis. For both children and adults, major criteria include a pathogenic (or likely pathogenic) variant in ALPL and elevated natural substrate concentrations (eg, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate). Additional major criteria for adults are atypical femoral fracture and recurrent metatarsal fractures and, for children, early loss of primary teeth and radiographic evidence of rickets. These criteria highlight the variable phenotypic expression of hypophosphatasia and the importance of considering this diagnosis in individuals with metabolic bone disease. (See "Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of osteomalacia in adults", section on 'Low alkaline phosphatase (hypophosphatasia)' and "Skeletal dysplasias: Specific disorders", section on 'Hypophosphatasia' .)

Janus kinase inhibition to preserve insulin secretion in early onset type 1 diabetes (January 2024)

In type 1 diabetes, the janus kinase (JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) pathway has been implicated in immune-mediated beta cell destruction. In a trial in 91 individuals (aged 10 to 30 years) with new-onset type 1 diabetes (diagnosed within 100 days), participants were randomly assigned to daily treatment with the oral JAK1/2 inhibitor baricitinib (n = 60) or placebo (n = 31) [ 19 ]. After 48 weeks of therapy, insulin secretion was greater with baricitinib compared with placebo (median stimulated mean C-peptide level 0.65 versus 0.43 nmol/L per minute, respectively). A1C, frequency of hypoglycemia, and the percentage of time spent in the target glucose range (70 to 180 mg/dL [3.9 to 10 mmol/L]) were not significantly different between groups. JAK/STAT pathway inhibition is a promising strategy for preserving insulin secretion in new-onset type 1 diabetes. (See "Type 1 diabetes mellitus: Prevention and disease-modifying therapy", section on 'Cytokine-directed therapies' .)

Investigational once-weekly basal insulin therapy (insulin icodec) for the treatment of adults with type 1 diabetes (November 2023)

Ultra-long-acting insulin icodec is an investigational basal insulin therapy that requires only once-weekly dosing. In a trial in 655 adults with type 1 diabetes (mean A1C approximately 7.6 percent), participants were randomly assigned to basal insulin therapy with once-weekly insulin icodec or once-daily insulin degludec [ 20 ]. After 26 weeks, the mean reduction in A1C was similar in the icodec and degludec groups (-0.47 and -0.51 percentage points, respectively). However, insulin icodec led to a nearly twofold higher combined rate of clinically significant (<54 mg/dL [<3 mmol/L]) or severe hypoglycemia (2836 versus 1495 events with insulin degludec). Additional studies are needed to determine whether risk of hypoglycemia will limit the use of ultra-long-acting insulin in individuals with type 1 diabetes. (See "General principles of insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus", section on 'Basal insulin analogs' .)


Budesonide oral suspension for eosinophilic esophagitis (March 2024)

In patients with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), use of topical glucocorticoids has been limited by lack of regulatory approval and potentially inconsistent drug delivery. Budesonide oral suspension is a formulation that was recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for treating EoE in adults and pediatric patients ages 11 years and older [ 21,22 ]. Approval was informed by clinical trials showing that topical budesonide resulted in higher rates of histologic remission and symptomatic improvement compared with placebo. We anticipate using budesonide oral suspension as the preferred topical glucocorticoid for treating EoE. (See "Treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)", section on 'Topical glucocorticoids' .)

Dupilumab for refractory eosinophilic esophagitis (February 2024)

Few data are available on the use of dupilumab (a monoclonal antibody) for treating refractory eosinophilic esophagitis. In a cohort study of 46 patients with refractory eosinophilic esophagitis, dupilumab therapy was associated with histologic remission (defined as <15 eosinophils/high-power field) in 37 patients (80 percent) and with symptomatic improvement in 42 patients (91 percent) after a median of six months [ 23 ]. These data support our approach of using dupilumab for patients with eosinophilic esophagitis who have not responded to other therapies (eg, topical glucocorticoids). (See "Treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE)", section on 'Dupilumab' .)

Testing for hepatitis C virus infection in infants with perinatal exposure (November 2023)

Perinatally acquired hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in the United States has increased sharply since 2010. New guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends early testing for infants with perinatal exposure to HCV ( algorithm 1 ) [ 24 ]:

● Test for HCV RNA during early infancy after two months of age, and ideally before six months of age.

● After 18 months of age, test any infant who has not previously been tested by measuring anti-HCV antibodies, with reflexive testing for HCV RNA.

A negative HCV RNA result at any time point after two months of age virtually excludes HCV infection and further testing is not required. Children with a positive HCV RNA test before three years of age should have repeat testing for HCV RNA before initiating antiviral therapy to determine whether they have spontaneously cleared the infection. This new guidance is consistent with our previous recommendations for early testing for infants with perinatal exposure to HCV. (See "Hepatitis C virus infection in children", section on 'How to test' .)


Investigational gene therapy for autosomal recessive deafness (March 2024)

Gene therapies for single gene disorders are an area of active study. In two recent studies, children with autosomal recessive deafness 9, a type of congenital deafness, were treated with gene therapy to supply functional otoferlin, encoded by the OTOF gene, using an adeno-associated virus vector injected into cochlear cells [ 25,26 ]. Of eight treated children, seven had significant improvements in hearing. This therapy has not been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. (See "Overview of gene therapy, gene editing, and gene silencing", section on 'Inherited single gene disorders' .)

N-acetyl-l-leucine (NALL) for Niemann-Pick disease type C (February 2024)

Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPD-C) is a rare lysosomal disease with a wide phenotypic spectrum; most patients have onset in childhood with cerebellar ataxia and slowly progressive neurologic deterioration. Investigational therapies include N-acetyl-l-leucine (NALL), a putative neuroprotective agent that improves cellular energy production and reduces neuroinflammation. In a recent placebo-controlled, 12-week crossover trial of 60 patients (age ≥4 years) with NPD-C, treatment with NALL was well tolerated and led to improved neurologic status on a scale that measures ataxia and other neurologic signs and symptoms [ 27 ]. While these results are promising, longer-term trials are needed to determine if NALL is beneficial for patients with NPD-C. (See "Overview of Niemann-Pick disease", section on 'Experimental therapies' .)


Emicizumab in infants with hemophilia A (April 2024)

Emicizumab is a monoclonal antibody that substitutes for the function of factor VIII; initial use has focused on older patients with factor VIII inhibitors. Now, two new studies report safety and efficacy in infants, most of whom did not have inhibitors. In HAVEN 7, there were no spontaneous bleeds or intracerebral bleeds [ 28 ]. In the second study, annualized bleeding rate decreased from 2 to 1 [ 29 ]. Neither study observed serious adverse events. Emicizumab is an attractive option due to its efficacy, lower rate of factor VIII exposure, and maintenance dosing schedule (subcutaneously once every other week), but use requires specialized knowledge of monitoring, risks, and treatment of breakthrough bleeding. (See "Hemophilia A and B: Routine management including prophylaxis", section on 'Emicizumab efficacy and adverse events' .)

Updates on congenital fibrinogen disorders (April 2024)

Congenital fibrinogen disorders are rare and remain underdiagnosed. New publications address the clinical manifestations of these disorders and provide obstetric guidance:

● A new report from the Rare Bleeding Disorders database described 123 patients with afibrinogenemia, hypofibrinogenemia, and dysfibrinogenemia and characterized bleeding and thrombotic manifestations [ 30 ]. (See "Disorders of fibrinogen", section on 'Clinical manifestations' .)

● New guidelines from the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) provide target fibrinogen levels and advice for managing postpartum bleeding and thromboprophylaxis in individuals with congenital fibrin disorders [ 31 ]. (See "Disorders of fibrinogen", section on 'Conception and pregnancy' .)

A high index of suspicion for these disorders and multidisciplinary management are required.

New international guideline for PK deficiency (March 2024)

A new international expert guideline for diagnosis and treatment of pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency has been published [ 32 ]. Key recommendations include testing in any individual with nonimmune hemolytic anemia after exclusion of hemoglobin and red blood cell (RBC) membrane disorders, acceptance of genetic testing alone for diagnosis, regular RBC transfusions for children <5 years with symptomatic anemia, monitoring for iron overload and its complications, use of mitapivat for symptomatic anemia in adults who are not receiving transfusions and do not have two nonmissense mutations, and discontinuing mitapivat for lack of efficacy. These guidelines are consistent with the advice in UpToDate. (See "Pyruvate kinase deficiency", section on 'Treatment' .)

Hemoglobin nadir in transfusion-dependent thalassemia (March 2024)

Thalassemia experts generally target a nadir hemoglobin of 9.5 to 10.5 in patients with transfusion-dependent thalassemia (TDT), but supporting evidence for this has been very limited. A new retrospective study evaluated outcomes in 779 patients with TDT and reported that higher pretransfusion hemoglobin (the nadir between regular transfusions) correlated with improved 10-year survival [ 33 ]. The survival benefit was not seen with ferritin >1000 ng/mL, emphasizing the importance of addressing iron overload. While several caveats apply to interpretation, this study supports our practice of targeting a nadir of 9.5 to 10.5 g/dL in TDT. (See "Management of thalassemia", section on 'Supporting evidence' .)

No benefit of routine thromboprophylaxis for children with ALL (January 2024)

Whether routine thromboprophylaxis reduces the risk of thrombotic complications in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) has been debated. In a multicenter randomized trial of over 500 children and adolescents with newly diagnosed pre-B or T cell ALL, patients assigned to prophylactic anticoagulation with apixaban compared with standard care alone had similar rates of symptomatic venous thrombosis (1.6 versus 2.3 percent, respectively) and asymptomatic venous thrombosis (11 versus 15 percent) [ 34 ]. Nonmajor bleeding episodes (mostly epistaxis) occurred more frequently in the apixaban group (4 versus 1 percent). These data do not support the routine use of thromboprophylaxis in children with ALL, although it may be warranted in selected patients with additional risk factors for thrombosis. (See "Thromboembolism in children with cancer", section on 'Primary prevention' .)

Maintenance eflornithine in high-risk neuroblastoma (January 2024)

For patients with high-risk neuroblastoma (HRNBL), there is interest in investigating novel maintenance therapies such as eflornithine, an ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor. In an externally controlled analysis of almost 100 patients with HRNBL who completed multimodality treatment and maintenance immunotherapy, extended maintenance therapy with eflornithine was associated with improved overall survival (hazard ratio 0.38) [ 35 ]. Based on these data, the US Food and Drug Administration approved eflornithine as maintenance therapy in patients with HRNBL who achieve at least a partial response to prior systemic agents and complete maintenance immunotherapy. Since maintenance eflornithine is not standard across all institutions, this agent may be offered on a case-by-case basis. (See "Treatment and prognosis of neuroblastoma" .)

Methemoglobinemia in infants due to contaminated hospital water supply (January 2024)

Methemoglobinemia is a potentially life-threatening condition in which heme iron becomes oxidized, preventing oxygen delivery. A report from a hospital in Japan described methemoglobinemia in 10 neonates who were fed infant formula prepared with tap water from the general hospital water supply [ 36 ]. The cause was identified as high levels of nitrites, and the source was traced to contamination by an anticorrosion agent from the heating system that entered the water supply due to a malfunctioning valve. All 10 survived, although 3 required methylene blue therapy. Infants are especially susceptible to methemoglobinemia because they have lower baseline levels of the enzyme that converts heme iron back to its normal state. (See "Methemoglobinemia", section on 'Nitrates and nitrites (from foods, drugs, preservatives, and chemicals)' .)


Pemivibart for prevention of COVID-19 in selected immunocompromised patients (April 2024)

Monoclonal antibodies have been used as adjunctive pre-exposure prophylaxis to reduce the risk of COVID-19 in individuals expected to have suboptimal response to vaccination, although emergence of variants that escape neutralization limit their utility. In March 2024 in the United States, the novel monoclonal antibody pemivibart received emergency use authorization (EUA) to prevent COVID-19 in individuals age 12 years or older (weighing at least 40 kg) who have moderate-to-severe immunocompromising conditions ( table 1 ) [ 37 ]. Pemivibart is active against JN.1, the dominant SARS-CoV-2 variant. We suggest pemivibart in individuals at the highest risk for vaccine nonresponse (eg, those with hematologic malignancy or recent history of transplantation) as long as it remains active against the main circulating variants. (See "COVID-19: Epidemiology, virology, and prevention", section on 'Limited role for monoclonal antibodies in selected patients' .)

Precautions for individuals with COVID-19 in the community (April 2024)

In March 2024, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated guidance for precautions for people with COVID-19 in the community [ 38 ]. Such individuals should stay at home until their symptoms are improving and they have been afebrile for 24 hours without the use of antipyretics. They can subsequently resume normal activities but are encouraged to use other precautions (eg, masking, social distancing, good ventilation) for an additional five days to further reduce the risk of transmission to others. These measures are particularly important when around persons who are at increased risk for severe disease (eg, advanced age, immunocompromise, cardiopulmonary disease). (See "COVID-19: Infection prevention for persons with SARS-CoV-2 infection" .)

Nirsevimab effectiveness in infants (March 2024)

During the 2023-24 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season, infants could receive the monoclonal antibody nirsevimab for the first time to protect against RSV-related hospitalization. In a case-control study of almost 700 infants <8 months old who were hospitalized in the United States for an acute respiratory illness during this RSV season, almost 60 percent tested positive for RSV; almost all of these patients had not received nirsevimab [ 39 ]. Among infants who tested negative for RSV, 18 percent had received nirsevimab. Estimated effectiveness against RSV-associated hospitalization among nirsevimab recipients was 90 percent. These data provide additional support for recommendations to administer nirsevimab to all infants <8 months old upon entering their first RSV season and to all newborns during the RSV season unless the birthing parent received RSV vaccination during pregnancy. (See "Respiratory syncytial virus infection: Prevention in infants and children", section on 'Immunoprophylaxis' .)

Short-course antibiotic therapy in children with febrile UTI (February 2024)

In children with urinary tract infection (UTI) without suspected kidney involvement, there is controversy about the duration of empiric antibiotic therapy. In an unblinded trial from Italy of amoxicillin-clavulanate to treat UTI, 142 children three months to five years of age were randomly assigned to a 10-day course (standard) or a 5-day course (short) of antibiotics [ 40 ]. Fewer children assigned to the short course had recurrent UTI within 30 days of antibiotic completion (2.8 versus 14.3 percent [difference -11.5 percent, 95% CI -20.5 to -2.5]). Rates of resistance to amoxicillin-clavulanate within 5 days following completion of antibiotics (1.4 versus 4.3 percent) and within 30 days (1.4 versus 0 percent) were similar. This trial lends further support for a 5-day course of antibiotics to treat UTI when kidney involvement is not suspected. (See "Urinary tract infections in infants older than one month and children less than two years: Acute management, imaging, and prognosis", section on 'Preferred empiric oral regimens' .)

R21/Matrix-M vaccine to prevent malaria in children (November 2023, Modified February 2024)

In October 2023, the World Health Organization (WHO) approved the R21/Matrix-M vaccine for prevention of malaria in children [ 41 ]. In a placebo-controlled randomized trial of 4800 children (age 5 to 36 months) in four African countries, 12-month efficacy of a three-dose vaccine series against clinical malaria was 75 percent at sites with seasonal transmission and 68 percent at sites with year-round transmission [ 42,43 ]. The vaccine was well tolerated. Injection site pain and fever were the most frequent adverse events. Together with the RTS,S/AS01 vaccine (recommended by the WHO in 2021), this approval is expected to facilitate sufficient vaccine supply to benefit all children living in areas where malaria is a public health risk. (See "Malaria: Epidemiology, prevention, and control", section on 'R21/Matrix-M vaccine' .)

Nirsevimab to prevent severe respiratory syncytial virus in infants (January 2024)

Nirsevimab is a new antibody that prevents severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in infants. In a trial conducted in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, more than 8000 otherwise healthy infants ≤12 months, born at ≥29 weeks' gestation, and entering their first RSV season were assigned to receive one dose of nirsevimab or no intervention [ 44 ]. The group who received nirsevimab had fewer hospitalizations for RSV-associated lower respiratory tract infection (0.3 versus 1.5 percent, efficacy 83.2 percent, 95% CI 67.8-92.0) and fewer infants with an oxygen saturation <90 percent (0.1 versus 0.5 percent, efficacy 75.7 percent, 95% CI 32.8-92.9). These findings further support the use of nirsevimab for RSV immunoprophylaxis in infants. (See "Respiratory syncytial virus infection: Prevention in infants and children", section on 'Immunoprophylaxis' .)


Neurodevelopmental effects of donor versus birth parent milk (March 2024)

For very low birth weight infants, feeding fortified human milk from the birth parent rather than preterm formula appears to have beneficial effects on cognitive development and significantly reduces the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC); whether cognitive benefits are seen with donor milk is unclear. In a randomized trial of 483 extremely preterm infants without access to birth parent milk that compared fortified donor milk with preterm formula during the birth hospitalization, individuals assigned to donor milk had similar cognitive development outcomes at approximately two years of age but had a lower risk of NEC during hospitalization (adjusted risk difference -5 percent) [ 45 ]. Despite the lack of benefit on cognitive outcomes, these findings support our suggestion to use fortified donor milk rather than preterm formula for very low birth weight infants without access to birth parent milk. (See "Human milk feeding and fortification of human milk for premature infants", section on 'Use of donor milk' .)

No benefit of early treatment of PDA in extremely preterm neonates (January 2024)

The optimal timing for intervention in extremely preterm (EPT) neonates with patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is debated; some centers favor early pharmacologic treatment while others favor expectant supportive care initially. In a multicenter, placebo-controlled trial involving >650 EPT neonates with large PDA, early treatment with ibuprofen resulted in higher rates of PDA closure by three weeks of age, but it did not reduce mortality, moderate or severe bronchopulmonary dysplasia, or other neonatal morbidities [ 46 ]. Based on these findings and results from prior clinical trials, we suggest expectant supportive care for PDA rather than early pharmacologic therapy.(See "Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in preterm infants: Management and outcome", section on 'Comparison of approaches' .)

Delayed cord clamping in preterm births (December 2023)

Increasing evidence supports delaying cord clamping in preterm births. In an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized trials of delayed versus immediate cord clamping at births <37 weeks (over 3200 infants), delaying cord clamping for >30 seconds reduced infant death before discharge (6 versus 8 percent) [ 47 ]. In a companion network meta-analysis evaluating the optimal duration of delay, a long delay (≥120 seconds) significantly reduced death before discharge compared with immediate clamping; reductions also occurred with delays of 15 to <120 seconds but were not statistically significant [ 48 ]. For preterm births that do not require resuscitation, we recommend delayed rather than immediate cord clamping. We delay cord clamping for at least 30 to 60 seconds as approximately 75 percent of blood available for placenta-to-fetus transfusion is transfused in the first minute after birth. (See "Labor and delivery: Management of the normal third stage after vaginal birth", section on 'Preterm infants' .)

Long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes for preterm infants receiving minimally invasive surfactant (November 2023)

The technique of administering surfactant via thin intratracheal catheter (called minimally invasive surfactant therapy [MIST]) to preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome reduces the risk of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD), but the long-term impact is uncertain. In a recent follow-up report of a multicenter international trial, infants who received MIST had lower rates of hospitalization for respiratory illness at two years but similar neurodevelopmental outcomes compared with those in the control group [ 49 ]. These findings and results from prior trials suggest that MIST improves short- and long-term pulmonary outcomes (ie, reduced need for intubation, reduced incidence of BPD, and reduced respiratory illnesses during the first two years). However, these benefits may not translate into meaningful improvements in long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes. Nevertheless, we continue to use MIST in appropriate candidates given the demonstrated pulmonary benefits. (See "Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm infants: Management", section on 'Minimally invasive surfactant therapy (MIST)' .)


Single versus divided doses of oral corticosteroids for nephrotic syndrome (March 2024)

Prednisone or prednisolone is the initial treatment of choice for children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (NS). In a randomized trial in 60 children with a first episode of NS, a single daily dose and divided-dose therapy both induced remission within six weeks in all participants [ 50 ]. Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis after six weeks of therapy was more common in children treated with divided-dose therapy (100 percent) compared with those treated with single-dose therapy (83 percent). These findings support our practice of using single daily doses of prednisone for this condition. (See "Treatment of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome in children", section on 'Initial steroid course' .)

Serial amnioinfusions for bilateral renal agenesis (January 2024)

Bilateral renal agenesis (BRA) is incompatible with extrauterine life because prolonged oligohydramnios results in pulmonary hypoplasia, leading to postnatal respiratory failure. A prospective study (RAFT) assessed use of serial amnioinfusions to treat 18 cases of BRA diagnosed at <26 weeks of gestation [ 51 ]. Of the 17 live births, 14 survived ≥14 days and had placement of dialysis access, but only 6 survived to hospital discharge. Of the 4 children alive at 9 to 24 months of age, 3 had experienced a stroke and none had undergone transplant. These findings show that serial amnioinfusions for BRA mitigates pulmonary hypoplasia and increases short-term survival and access to dialysis; however, long-term outcome remains poor with no survival to transplantation. Serial amnioinfusions remain investigational and should be offered only as institutional review board-approved research. (See "Renal agenesis: Prenatal diagnosis", section on 'Investigative role of therapeutic amnioinfusion' .)

Givinostat for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (April 2024)

The histone deacetylase inhibitor givinostat was recently approved by the US Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in patients six years of age and older. Approval was based on results from a small randomized trial, which suggest that givinostat may slow DMD progression [ 52 ]. Benefit was found on only one outcome (the four-stair climb test), as shown by a smaller performance decline from baseline to 72 weeks for the givinostat group compared with placebo (1.25 versus 3.03 seconds); statistical significance was marginal. Adverse effects of givinostat include gastrointestinal disturbances, thrombocytopenia, elevated triglycerides, fever, and potential QTc interval prolongation. While givinostat may be used in combination with glucocorticoid therapy and genetic therapies, its role in the treatment of DMD remains to be defined, and further data are needed to confirm benefit. (See "Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy: Glucocorticoid and disease-modifying treatment", section on 'Givinostat' .)

Intrathecal gene therapy for giant axonal neuropathy (April 2024)

Giant axonal neuropathy (GAN) is a severe, hereditary neurodegenerative disorder of childhood characterized by a motor and sensory polyneuropathy with ataxia. In a small dose-escalation study in 14 children with GAN, intrathecal administration of an adeno-associated virus-based gigaxonin-containing transgene was associated with slowing of functional decline at 6 to 24 months compared with the pretreatment baseline, and electrodiagnostic studies improved in some patients [ 53 ]. Cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis was observed in nearly all patients within six months after gene transfer but was asymptomatic and self-limited with immunosuppression; two deaths at 8 and 60 months after treatment were deemed possibly related to disease progression and unlikely related to the transgene. These promising results support the possibility of future disease-modifying therapy for GAN, pending further safety and efficacy assessments. (See "Overview of hereditary neuropathies", section on 'Giant axonal neuropathy' .)

Benign acute childhood myositis (January 2024)

Benign acute childhood myositis (BACM) is a self-limited syndrome associated with calf pain and creatinine kinase elevation, often following infection with influenza. In a retrospective study of 65 patients with BACM, the median age was 6.6 years and 66 percent of patients were male [ 54 ]. The most common symptoms were bilateral calf pain, refusal to walk, and diffuse weakness. The median creatinine kinase was 1827 U/L, which normalized after an average of seven days. Early recognition of this syndrome allows the clinician to avoid an unnecessary evaluation for other muscle diseases. (See "Overview of viral myositis", section on 'Benign acute childhood myositis' .)

Vamorolone for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (December 2023)

Glucocorticoid treatment with prednisone or deflazacort for Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is associated with improved motor function, but adverse effects include weight gain, slowing of growth, and bone loss. Vamorolone , a novel steroid, was designed to reduce adverse effects of glucocorticoid therapy for DMD. In the VISION-DMD trial, vamorolone treatment led to improvement on several motor outcomes compared with placebo, while efficacy was similar compared with prednisone [ 55 ]. Prednisone treatment (but not vamorolone) led to growth deceleration and bone biomarker abnormalities. Based on these findings, the US Food and Drug Administration approved vamorolone for children age ≥2 years with DMD [ 56 ]. We suggest glucocorticoid treatment for children with DMD and anticipate using vamorolone as an alternative to prednisone and deflazacort. (See "Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy: Glucocorticoid and disease-modifying treatment", section on 'Benefits of glucocorticoid therapy' .)

Acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion (November 2023)

Acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion (AESD) is a parainfectious syndrome characterized by presentation with febrile status epilepticus (FSE) followed by a brief seizure-free period before recurrence of seizures in clusters. In a retrospective study from Japan of 55 patients presenting with FSE, the development of AESD in 11 patients was associated with longer time from seizure onset to hospital arrival, presence of hypoxia, and later treatment with antiseizure medications [ 57 ]. These findings suggest that shortening the seizure duration by early effective treatment and preventing hypoxia during ambulance transportation might reduce the risk of AESD. (See "Clinical features and evaluation of febrile seizures", section on 'Acute encephalopathy with biphasic seizures and late reduced diffusion' .)

Expert panel on epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (November 2023)

Epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (EEM; Jeavons syndrome) is a female-predominant generalized epilepsy syndrome with onset from 3 to 12 years of age characterized by eyelid myoclonia, photosensitivity, and eye closure-induced seizures or paroxysms on electroencephalography (EEG). Recently, an international expert panel found a strong consensus that EEM is often underdiagnosed, that a correct diagnosis can only be made with EEG including photic stimulation, and that an earlier age at onset is associated with an increased risk of intellectual disability and drug-resistant epilepsy [ 58 ]. Management generally involves reducing exposure to provoking factors (eg, visual stimuli, various sources of natural and artificial light) and use of antiseizure medication such as levetiracetam or valproate [ 59 ]. (See "Photosensitive epilepsies", section on 'Epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (Jeavons syndrome)' .)


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Pediatric Nursing: An Overview Issues and Trends in Pediatric Nursing How Providing Nursing Care for Children Differs from Caring for Adults

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40+ research topics on pediatric nursing students, carla johnson.

  • August 24, 2023
  • Essay Topics and Ideas

Pediatric nursing is a pivotal branch of healthcare, offering specialized care to infants, children, and adolescents. This area requires distinct skills, knowledge, and empathy to address this vulnerable group’s healthcare needs effectively. For nursing students aspiring to specialize in pediatric nursing, it’s vital to grasp the nuances of this field. This article delves into pediatric nursing, explores significant PICOT questions, and suggests evidence-based practice projects, nursing capstone projects, research paper topics, research questions, and essay ideas that can enrich your comprehension and readiness in pediatric nursing.

What You'll Learn

Understanding the Essence of Pediatric Nursing

Pediatric nursing involves caring for patients from infancy to adolescence, focusing on their physical, emotional, and developmental needs. It necessitates a thorough understanding of growth and developmental milestones, family dynamics, and interventions suitable for different age groups. Pediatric nurses are pivotal in advocating for their young patients, administering medications , monitoring vital signs, and supporting families through challenging medical situations.

10 PICOT Questions in Pediatric Nursing

  • Population: Children with asthma; Intervention: Personalized asthma action plan; Comparison: Standardized care without personalized plans; Outcome: Reduced hospital admissions; Timeframe: 1 year.
  • Population: Preterm infants; Intervention: Skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo care); Comparison: Traditional incubator care; Outcome: Enhanced weight gain and improved vital signs; Timeframe: 6 weeks.
  • Population: Adolescents with type 1 diabetes; Intervention: Mobile app for glucose monitoring; Comparison: Conventional glucose monitoring methods; Outcome: Improved blood sugar control; Timeframe: 3 months.
  • Population: Pediatric oncology patients ; Intervention: Play therapy incorporation; Comparison: Standard supportive care; Outcome: Enhanced emotional well-being and reduced anxiety; Timeframe: Throughout treatment.
  • Population: Children undergoing vaccination; Intervention: Distraction techniques during vaccination; Comparison: No specific distraction techniques; Outcome: Decreased pain perception and reduced anxiety; Timeframe: Per vaccination visit.
  • Population: Infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome; Intervention: Non-pharmacological comfort measures; Comparison: Pharmacological treatment alone; Outcome: Shortened withdrawal symptoms duration; Timeframe: Until discharge.
  • Population: Children undergoing minor surgeries ; Intervention: Preoperative preparation programs; Comparison: Standard preoperative information; Outcome: Reduced preoperative anxiety and increased cooperation; Timeframe: Before surgery.
  • Population: Pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis; Intervention: Structured physical activity program; Comparison: No structured program; Outcome: Improved lung function and exercise tolerance; Timeframe: 3 months.
  • Population: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Intervention: Sensory-friendly interventions; Comparison: Conventional healthcare environments; Outcome: Reduced distress and improved cooperation; Timeframe: Per healthcare visit.
  • Population: Pediatric patients receiving chemotherapy; Intervention: Antiemetic medications prior to chemotherapy; Comparison: Antiemetics after chemotherapy ; Outcome: Decreased incidence and severity of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting; Timeframe: During chemotherapy cycles.

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Project Ideas in Pediatric Nursing

  • Assessing the effectiveness of pain management techniques in pediatric patients.
  • Investigating the impact of family-centered care on pediatric patient outcomes.
  • Implementing strategies to enhance medication adherence in adolescents with chronic conditions.
  • Evaluating the use of telehealth for pediatric follow-up appointments.
  • Studying the benefits of music therapy in reducing anxiety among hospitalized children.

Nursing Capstone Project Suggestions in Pediatric Nursing

  • Designing an informative program for parents of children with asthma.
  • Developing a protocol for early recognition and intervention in pediatric sepsis cases.
  • Creating a guide for transitioning adolescents with special healthcare needs to adult care.
  • Designing a simulation-based training program for pediatric nurses to improve emergency response skills.
  • Establishing guidelines for pain assessment and management in non-verbal pediatric patients.

Nursing Research Topics in Pediatric Nursing

  • Impact of chronic illness on the psychosocial development of school-age children .
  • Prevalence and consequences of bullying among pediatric patients with chronic conditions.
  • Role of pediatric nurses in advocating for children’s rights in healthcare settings.
  • Long-term effects of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) stays on preterm infants’ cognitive development.
  • Challenges and strategies for providing culturally sensitive care to pediatric immigrant populations.

5 Research Questions for Pediatric Nursing

  • How does parental involvement influence pediatric patient outcomes in chronic illness management?
  • What are the barriers to effective pain management in pediatric patients and how can they be addressed?
  • What is the impact of pediatric obesity on the development of chronic diseases in adulthood?
  • How do pediatric nurses contribute to fostering a sense of normalcy and routine for children in hospital settings?
  • What are parents’ experiences caring for children with rare genetic disorders , and how can healthcare providers support them?

Essay Topic Ideas & Examples in Pediatric Nursing

  • The Role of Pediatric Nurses in Easing the Hospital Experience for Children.
  • Ethical Considerations in Pediatric End-of-Life Care.
  • The Importance of Family-Centered Care in Pediatric Nursing.
  • Exploring the Challenges and Rewards of Pediatric Home Healthcare.
  • Promoting Immunizations : Strategies for Overcoming Vaccine Hesitancy in Pediatric Patients.

Stepping into the realm of pediatric nursing opens doors to both challenges and rewards. As nursing students, you can shape healthcare’s future by dedicating yourselves to the youngest patients’ well-being. Engaging with thoughtful research topics in pediatric nursing, PICOT questions, delving into evidence-based projects, and exploring impactful research and essay topics arms you with the skills needed for compassionate and effective pediatric care. As you continue on this educational journey, remember that seeking guidance and assistance is a part of growth. If you ever require support, consider exploring our professional writing services that can help convey your insights and findings effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What is the role of a pediatric nurse?

 A pediatric nurse specializes in providing medical care to infants, children, and adolescents. They administer medications, monitor vital signs, educate families, and create a comfortable and safe environment for their young patients.

  • What is the difference between a nurse and a pediatric nurse?

While both nurses and pediatric nurses provide medical care, pediatric nurses specifically focus on the unique needs of children and adolescents . They possess specialized knowledge in child development, growth milestones, and age-appropriate interventions.

  • What are the topics in pediatric nursing?

Pediatric nursing covers a wide range of topics, including growth and development assessment, family-centered care, pediatric illnesses, injury prevention, pediatric medication administration, and ethical considerations in pediatric care.

  • What are the principles of pediatric nursing?

The principles of pediatric nursing include providing family-centered care, promoting growth and development, ensuring a safe and supportive environment, tailoring interventions to meet the needs of each child, and maintaining open communication with patients and their families.

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Digital Commons @ USF > College of Nursing > Theses and Dissertations

Nursing Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Psychological Distress, Resilience, and the Impact on Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Survivors With Taxane-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy , Lauren Schwab

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Medication-Assisted Treatment Versus 12-Step Group Therapy: A Comparative Analysis of Adherence and Abstinence In Patients With Opioid Use Disorder , Derrick C. Glymph

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Quality of Life of Older Adults with Complicated Grief Receiving Accelerated Resolution Therapy: A Mixed Methods Study , Tina M. Mason

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

In Post-Extubated Patients What are the Preferred Methods of Communication During Their Experience of Endotracheal Intubation with Mechanical Ventilation , Lanette Dumas

The Effect of Hope on the Relationship between Personal and Disease Characteristics and Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer , Sharon B. McNeil

Predictors of Nonadherence to Radiation Therapy Schedules Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients , Jennifer Lynn Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Perceived Discrimination and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Blacks: A Secondary Data Analysis of the Heart SCORE Study , Marilyn Aluoch

Exploration of Gratitude in Cardiovascular Health: Mediators, Medication Adherence and Psychometrics , Lakeshia A. Cousin

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Fatigue-related Symptom Clusters and their Relationship with Depression, and Functional Status in Older Adults Hospice Patients with Cancer. , Suzan Fouad Abduljawad

Genetic Moderation of Pain and Fatigue Symptoms Resulting from the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Breast Cancer Program , Carissa Bea Alinat

The Moderating Effect of Religion on Death Distress and Quality of Life between Christian Cancer patients in the United States with Muslim cancer patients in Saudi Arabia , Doaa Almostadi

Prevention of Post Intensive Care Syndrome-Family with Sensation Awareness Focused Training Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial Pilot Study , Paula L. Cairns

Assessing Abstinence in Infants Greater Than 28 Days Old , Genieveve J. Cline

The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Motor Function in Hospitalized Older Adult Survivors of Critical Illness , Maya N. Elías

The Role of Migration-Related Stress in Depression Among Haitian Immigrants in Florida: A Mixed Method Sequential Explanatory Approach , Dany Amanda C. Fanfan

The Effect of Depression, Inflammation and Sleep Quality on Risk for Cardiovascular Disease , Catherine L. O'Neil

Adapting SafeMedicate (Medication Dosage Calculation Skills software) For Use In Brazil , Samia Valeria Ozorio Dutra

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Relationship Between Total Neuropathy Score-reduced, Neuropathy Symptoms and Function. , Ashraf Abulhaija

Validation of the Electronic Kids Dietary Index (E-KINDEX) Screening Tool for Early Identification of Risk for Overweight/Obesity (OW/OB) in a Pediatric Population: Associations with Quality of Life Perceptions , Patricia A. Hall

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effectiveness of an Intervention Designed to Improve Chlorhexidine (CHG) Bathing Technique in Adults Hospitalized in Medical Surgical Units , Janette Echemendia Denny

Levels of Distress Among Women Veterans Attending a Women’s Health Specialty Clinic in the VA Healthcare System , Debbie T. Devine

Examination of the Use of Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) in the Treatment of Symptoms of PTSD and Sleep Dysfunction in Veterans and Civilians , Marian Jevone Hardwick

Investigating the Mutual Effects of Depression and Spiritual Well-being on Quality of Life in Hospice Patients with Cancer and Family Caregivers Using the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model , Li-Ting Huang

The Change in Nutritional Status in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients: A Retrospective Descriptive A Retrospective Descriptive Study , Dina A. Masha'al

Exploring the Relationship Between Severity of Illness and Human Milk Volume in Very Low Birth Weight and Extremely Low Birth Weight Infants Over Six Weeks , Shannon Leigh Morse

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Scores and Novel Risk Factors in Relation to Race and Gender , Johanna Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

A Comparative Evaluation of the Learner Centered Grading Debriefing Method in Nursing Education , Marisa J. Belote

Sleep, Depressive Symptoms and Cognition in Older Adults and Caregivers of Persons with Dementia , Glenna Shemida Brewster

The Relationship between Hearing Status and Cognitive Performance and the Influence of Depressive Symptoms in the Older Adult , Julie A. Daugherty

Basal Salivary Oxytocin and Skin to Skin Contact among Lactating Mothers of Premature Infants , Jessica Marie Gordon

The Relationship Between Nurses' Emotional Intelligence and Patient Outcomes , Mary Kutash

Sexual Functioning and Body Image in Younger Breast Cancer Survivors , Carly Lynn Paterson

Cognitive Load of Registered Nurses During Medication Administration , Sarah Faith Perron

A Comparison of Quality of Life between Intense and Non-Intense Treatment for Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia and High-Risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome , Sara Marie Tinsley

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Acculturation, Self-Efficacy and Breastfeeding Behavior in a Sample of Hispanic Women , Ivonne F. Hernandez

Knowledge and Acceptance of HPV and the HPV Vaccine in Young Men and Their Intention to be Vaccinated , Brenda Renee Jasper

The Relationships Between Sleep Disturbances, Depression, Inflammatory Markers, and Sexual Trauma in Female Veterans , Ellen Marcolongo

Examination of Possible Protective Effect of Rhesus D Positive Blood Factor on Toxoplasma-related Depressive Symptoms in Pregnancy , Lisa Lynn Parnell

Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice of Primary Care Nurse Practitioners Regarding Skin Cancer Assessmnets: Validity and Reliability of a New Instrument , Debra Michelle Shelby

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Knowledge and Practice of Reproductive Health among Mothers and their Impact on Fetal Birth Outcomes: A Case of Eritrea , Winta Negusse Araya

Race/Ethnicity, Subjective and Objective Sleep Quality, Physical and Psychological Symptoms in Breast Cancer Survivors , Pinky H. Budhrani

Factors Predicting Pap Smear Adherence in HIV-infected Women: Using the Health Belief Model , Crystal L. Chapman Lambert

The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Body Mass Index on Vitamin D Levels in African American Women with and without Diabetes Living in Areas with Abundant Sunshine , Shani Vann Davis

Predictors of Quality of Life in Patients with Cutaneous T cell Lymphoma , Darcie Marie Deaver

Relationship between dysphoric moods, risk-taking behaviors, and Toxoplasma gondii antibody titers in female veterans , Allyson Radford Duffy

Prenatal Stress, Depression, and Herpes Viral Titers , Pao-Chu Hsu

Factors Associated with Fear of Breast Cancer Recurrence Among Survivors , Jean Marie Lucas

Sickle Cell Disease: The Role of Self-Care Management , Nadine Matthie

Factors Influencing Vaccination Decisions in African American Mothers of Preschool Age Children , Chauntel Mckenzie Mcnair

The Strong Black Woman, Depression, and Emotional Eating , Michelle Renee Offutt

Development of an Investigator-designed Questionnaire Concerning Childbirth Delivery Options based on the Theory of Planned Behavior , Chun-Yi Tai

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Mediating Effect of Distress Caused by Constipation on Predictors of Quality of Life of Hospice Patients with Cancer. , Abdel Alkhalouf

Testing a Model of Bacterial Vaginosis among Black Women , Jessica Brumley

The Effect of Tight Glycemic Control on Surgical Site Infection Rates in Patients Undergoing Open Heart Surgery , Sierra Gower

Development of a Tool for Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment and Preventive Interventions in Ancillary Services Patients , Monica Shutts Messer

Hospice Nurses- Attitudes and Knowledge about Pain Management , Amie Jacqueline Miller

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Literacy and Hazard Communication Comprehension of Employees Presenting to an Occupational Health Clinic , Christine Bouchard

A Meta-Analysis of Cultural Competence Education in Professional Nurses and Nursing Students , Ruth Wilmer Gallagher

Relationship Between Cancer-Related Fatigue and Depression: A Pilot Study , Gloria Michelle Guess

A Comparison of Oncology and Non-Oncology Nurses in Their Knowledge of Cancer Pain Management , Nicole Houle

Evaluating Knowledge and Attitudes of Graduate Nursing Students Regarding Pain , Eric Bartholomew Jackson

Bone Marrow Transplant Nurses' Attitudes about Caring for Patients Who are Near the End of Life: A Quality Improvement Project , Leslie Lauersdorf

Translation and Adaptation of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression (CES-D) Scale Into Tigrigna Language for Tigrigna Speaking Eritrean Immigrants in the United States , Mulubrhan Fisseha Mogos

Nurse Manager Emotional Intelligence as a Predictor to Registered Nurse Job Satisfaction and RN Perceptions of the Practice Environment and the Relationship to Patient, Nursing and Hospital Outcomes , Jacqueline Cecilia Munro

The Relationship of Mid-Pregnancy Levels of Cytokines, Stress, and Depression with Gestational Age at Delivery , Melissa Molinari Shelton

Prophylactic, Risk-Reducing Surgery in Unaffected BRCA-Positive Women: Quality Of Life, Sexual Functioning and Psychological Well-Being , Sharon Tollin

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Relationship Between FAM5C SNP (rs10920501) Variability, Metabolic Syndrome, and Inflammation, in Women with Coronary Heart Disease , Jennifer L. Cline

Women’s Perceptions of Postpartum Stress: A Narrative Analysis , Nancy Gilbert Crist

Lived Experience: Near-Fatal Adolescent Suicide Attempt , Phyllis Ann Dougherty

Exploring the Relationships among Work-Related Stress, Quality of Life, Job Satisfaction, and Anticipated Turnover on Nursing Units with Clinical Nurse Leaders , Mary Kohler

A Comparative Study of Knowledge of Pain Management in Certified and Non-Certified Oncology Nurses , Sherrie A. LaLande

Evaluating Knowledge and Attitudes of Undergraduate Nursing Students Regarding Pain Management , Jessica Latchman

Evaluation of Oncology Nurses' Knowledge, Practice Behaviors, and Confidence Specific to Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy , Rebecca Denise McAllister

Moderating the Effectiveness of Messages to Promote Physical Activity in Type 2 Diabetes , Rachel E. Myers

Factors Affecting the Process of Clinical Decision-Making in Pediatric Pain Management by Emergency Department Nurses , Teresa A. Russo

The Correlation Between Neuropathy Limitations and Depression in Chemotherapy Patients , Melissa Thebeau

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Fatigue Symptom Distress and Its Relationship with Quality Of Life in Adult Stem Cell Transplant Survivors , Suzan Fouad Abduljawad R.N., B.S.N.

Nursing Advocacy and the Accuracy of Intravenous to Oral Opioid Conversion at Discharge in the Cancer Patient , Maria L. Gallo R.N., O.C.N.

Transitional Care for Adolescents with HIV: Characteristics and Current Practices of the Adolescent Trials Network Systems of Care , Patricia Gilliam

The Effect of Ethical Ideology and Professional Values on Registered Nurses’ Intentions to Act Accountably , Susan R. Hartranft

Falls in Bone Marrow Transplant Patients: A Retrospective Study , Lura Henderson R.N., B.S.N.

Predictors of cancer caregiver depression symptomatology , Henry R. Rivera

Psychosocial outcomes of weight stigma among college students , Sabrina Joann Robinson

The Experience of Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients with Advanced Lung Cancer , Andrea Shaffer

The Relationship Between Uncertainty in Illness and Anxiety in Patients With Cancer , Naima Vera

Shifting Paradigms: The Development of Nursing Identity in Foreign-Educated Physicians Retrained as Nurses Practicing in the United States , Liwliwa Reyes Villagomeza

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Prostate Cancer Screening Intention Among African American Men: An Instrument Development Study , Susan Anita Baker

The Geriatric Cancer Experience in End of Life: Model Adaptation and Testing , Harleah G. Buck

Communication Systems and HIV/AIDS Sexual Decision Making in Older Adolescent and Young Adult Females , Rasheeta D. Chandler MS, ARNP, FNP-BC

Relationship of Anger Trait and Anger Expression to C-Reactive Protein in Post-Menopausal Women , Rosalyn Gross

Identifying Patients with Cancer at Risk of Experiencing a Fall While Hospitalized , Joann M. Heaton

Modulation of Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Maturation and Function by Cigarette Smoke Condensate in a Bronchial Epithelial Cell Co-Culture Model , Alison J. Montpetit

Cancer Patients with Pain: Examination of the Role of the Spouse/Partner Relationship In Mediating Quality of Life Outcomes for the Couple , Mary Ann Morgan

Development of an Ecological Model to Predict Risk for Acquisition of Clostridium difficile -Associated Diarrhea During Acute Care Hospitalization , Susan Elaine Steele

Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Assessment Tool , Cindy S. Tofthagen

Health Decision Behaviors: Appropriateness of Dietary Choice , Daryle Hermelin Wane

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

The Relationship Between Sleep-Wake Disturbance and Pain in Cancer Patients Admitted to Hospice Home Care , Marjorie Acierno

Wheelchair Positioning and Pulmonary Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy , Lee Barks

Structural Equation Model of Exercise in Women Utilizing the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms and Social Cognitive Variables , Sarah Elizabeth Cobb

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  1. (PDF) Pediatric Nursing: An Overview Issues and Trends in Pediatric

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  2. (PDF) Neonatal, paediatric and child health nursing journal

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  3. 😝 Nursing topics to write about. 250 Excellent Nursing Research Topics

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  4. BUNDLE Pediatric nursing notes 46 full pages Instant digital

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  5. Pediatric Nursing Imp Topics Discussion by Dr Anand Bhatia

  6. 10 Textbooks to help: RNs/ NNPs/ MDs/ students in the NICU


  1. Current Issue Table of Contents: Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing

    The effect of structured supportive approach based on Kolcaba's comfort theory applied to parents of children with cerebral palsy on child's comfort, quality of life, and parent's self-efficacy: A randomised controlled trial. Bircan Kahraman Berberoğlu, Hüsniye Çalişir. Published online: January 20, 2024. e65-e74.

  2. PDF Journal of Pediatric Nursing

    A scoping review of nursing research priorities in pediatric care Evalotte Mörelius, RN, PhDa,b,⁎, Mandie Foster, RN, PhDb, Fenella J. Gill, RN, PhDa,c a Perth Children's Hospital, Nedlands, WA, Australia b School of Nursing and Midwifery, Edith Cowan University, WA, Australia c School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, Curtin University, WA, Australia

  3. Journal of Pediatric Nursing

    Read the latest articles of Journal of Pediatric Nursing at, Elsevier's leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature ... Research Commentary; Articles; Hot Topics Department; Technology Department; SPN Department; PENS Department; Editorial; Special issue on Health Care Transitions; ... View PDF. Article preview.

  4. Journal of Pediatric Nursing

    The Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families (JPN) covers the life span from birth to adolescence and publishes evidence-based practice, quality improvement, theory, and research papers from global authors. Submissions must relate to the nursing care needs of healthy and ill infants, children and adolescents, addressing their biopsychosocial needs.

  5. 18476 PDFs

    The nursing care of children from birth to adolescence. It includes the clinical and psychological aspects of nursing care. | Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference ...

  6. Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing

    The Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing (JSPN) is an international child health care journal publishing advances in evidence-based practice relevant to nurses who specialize in the care of children and families. JSPN bridges the gap between research and practice through peer-reviewed reliable, clinically relevant, and readily applicable evidence, also valuing interdisciplinary approaches.

  7. Pediatric Nursing Research: A Guide and Topics for Students

    Pediatric nursing is a rewarding and specialized field that focuses on the care of infants, children, and adolescents. Research in pediatric nursing plays a crucial role in advancing knowledge, improving patient outcomes, and informing evidence-based practice. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on pediatric nursing research ...

  8. A Scoping Review of Nursing Research Priorities in Pediatric Care

    CREDES score range was 10-14 of a possible 16. Synthesis of the 234 nursing research priorities generated four themes; evidenced-based practice, pediatric context, child and family-centered care; pediatric nursing, with 14 subthemes. Conclusion: The nursing research priorities reported appear to be still current and important to nurses. There ...

  9. (PDF) Nursing research goals in pediatric care

    Abstract. The creation of knowledge by pediatric nurse scientists that informs and directs everyday nursing practice is essential to delivering safe and effective nursing care to children. The ...

  10. (PDF) Pediatric Nursing Care and Its Practices in Three Health Care

    Open Journal of Nursing. Pediatric Nursing Care and Its Practices in. Three Health Care Facilities. Daniel Muhayimana, Doriane Arakaza, David Ndayegamiye, Jovith Bamboneyeho, Tkachuk Anna, Edouard ...

  11. Pediatric Nursing Research Paper Topics

    List of 100 research paper topics divided into 10 categories: Pediatric Assessment and Examination. The importance of growth charts in assessing pediatric health. Developmental milestones: A guide for pediatric nurses. The role of pediatric health assessment in early detection of developmental disorders.

  12. What's new in pediatrics

    The American Academy of Pediatrics has issued a new clinical report that reviews the medical literature about these conditions and summarizes key findings pertaining to risk factors, clinical presentation, and prevention [ 3 ]. The report emphasizes the importance of achieving a healthy balance between stress and recovery.

  13. (PDF) Pediatric Nursing: An Overview Issues and Trends in Pediatric

    Download Free PDF. Download Free PDF ... (e.g., health fairs, screenings, etc.) TRENDS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING RESEARCH TRENDS IN PEDIATRIC NURSING EDUCATION Use of child and infant human patient simulators (Figure 1-4) Inclusion of multicultural care topics and family theory in nursing programs Incorporation of growth and development concepts ...

  14. 40+ Research Topics on Pediatric Nursing Students

    40+ Research Topics on Pediatric Nursing Students. Carla Johnson. August 24, 2023. Essay Topics and Ideas. Pediatric nursing is a pivotal branch of healthcare, offering specialized care to infants, children, and adolescents. This area requires distinct skills, knowledge, and empathy to address this vulnerable group's healthcare needs effectively.

  15. Nursing Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2014. PDF. Acculturation, Self-Efficacy and Breastfeeding Behavior in a Sample of Hispanic Women, Ivonne F. Hernandez. PDF. Knowledge and Acceptance of HPV and the HPV Vaccine in Young Men and Their Intention to be Vaccinated, Brenda Renee Jasper. PDF.

  16. (PDF) a textbook of pediatric nursing

    Abstract. The intent of ' textbook of pediatric nursing' focuses on helping students synthesize new knowledge, growth and development, apply evidence-based findings collaborate with children ...

  17. Paediatric Nursing Care Clinical Research

    A study to assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program on knowledge and practice regarding intravenous therapy among pediatric staff nurses: Ms.Divya A Guide: Mrs.Vijayasamundeeswari.P: 2016: Departmental: 7: A study to assess the behavioural problems of preschoolers among working and non working mothers attending pediatric outpatient ...

  18. An integrative review of clinician-administered comforting touch

    Preterm infants experience numerous stressors in the neonatal intensive care unit. Non-pharmacological interventions, including maternal comforting touch, reduce stress responses of preterm infants; however, the effects of clinician-administered comforting touch are unclear. The purpose of this integrative review was to synthesize findings from clinical trials to determine the effect of ...