
10 Church Welcome Speeches You Can Use To Start Strong

Lights, camera, action! 💡🎥🎬

The stage is set, the crowd is buzzing and the worship team is ready to unleash their heavenly melodies. It’s showtime, baby!

But you need more than just a run-of-the-mill church welcome speech and you can’t just make it up on the spot…

No, no, no! You need a great church welcome speech that’s going to welcome first-time visitors and set the right expectations.

Well, look no further because you’ve stumbled upon a goldmine of 10 dynamic church welcome speeches guaranteed to kickstart your service with a bang 💥

So let’s make your next service a service to remember , where hearts are touched, souls are stirred and lives are forever changed.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

What Is A Church Welcome Speech?

5 key elements of a church welcome speech, 10 church welcome speeches you can use, 4 great church welcome speech examples.

A church welcome speech is a brief address delivered at the beginning of a church service, usually by a church MC or worship leader..

More than a mere greeting, a church welcome speech is an opportunity to connect with both new and old faces, create a warm and inviting atmosphere, give valuable information and set the stage for a great worship experience.

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Whether your church is big or small, black or white, Baptist or Pentecostal, in the US or the Philippines, a great church welcome speech has 5 key elements.

Let’s walk through each one 👇

1. A Simple Introduction

The key here is to keep it short and sweet, yet warm and friendly.

As they say: less is more.

Especially when it comes to opening your church service. Say what needs to be said and move on.

A good church welcome officially starts the service and gets everyone focused, so give a quick introduction of yourself and the church.

This can be as simple as “Good morning and welcome to Grace Church. I’m Abi and it’s great to see you all here.”

2. Set Expectations

When done right, the person opening the service can help raise the faith level of your church right before entering into worship.

Help set the tone by giving everyone a general idea of what’s going to happen. You don’t need to give a minute-by-minute breakdown of the service, just a quick overview is good enough.

This is a good place to mention your current sermon series  or special guest speaker if you have one.

3. Give Useful Information

Give everyone the practical information they need to relax and feel comfortable.

Gently remind people to put phones on silent, tell them they’ll be coffee afterwards and point out where the Kid’s Church and bathrooms are.

4. Welcome Visitors

It’s good to take a moment to specifically welcome first-time guests and let them know you’re glad they’re here.

Launching your service this way is not only a great way to make church visitors feel at home :

It also helps outward-focused culture and sends a clear message to members that this is a safe place they can invite their family and friends to.

If your church has visitor connect cards (so you can do follow-up later) ask them to fill them out and drop them in the offering basket as it passes by.

5. End With What’s Next

Now you’ve officially opened up the meeting, it’s time to transition into the next part of the service.

If you’re going into worship, have everyone stand. Lead everyone in a faith-filled prayer welcoming the Holy Spirit to move in hearts and minds.

If it’s the sermon next, thank God for His Word, pray that their hearts and minds be ready to receive what God has to say to his people, then have everyone clap their hands to welcome the preacher.

best church welcome speeches

I’m going to share with you 10 church welcome speech outlines you can use at your next Sunday morning service or church event.

Use these to inspire you and spark new ideas and feel free to adapt them to your local church setting to make them your own.

Church Welcome Speech #1

Good morning and welcome to [CHURCH NAME]. My name’s [YOUR NAME] and if you’re visiting us for the first time here, thank you for coming! It’s great to have you with us.

You’ll find a connect card in [LOCATION], it would be great if you could fill that out – we’d love to get to know you better.

In the next [NUMBER OF MINUTES] we’re going to enjoy a time of worship before [PREACHER NAME] talks to us about [SERMON TOPIC]. It’s going to be good!

Please remember [to collect your children from/turn your phones on silent or any other useful info here].

Please join with me in prayer. [PRAYER].  As the worship team starts playing, let us stand together in singing [SONG TITLE].

Church Welcome Speech #2

Hi! I’m [YOUR NAME] and a very warm welcome to you. It’s so good to see so many smiling faces this morning!

If this is your first time at [CHURCH NAME] I want to extend a special warm welcome to you, it’s great to have you with us.

Please take a moment and fill out the connect card that can be found [LOCATION]. That’ll really help us get to know you a little bit better and know how we can serve or pray for you.

This week we start a brand 4-week series called [SERMON SERIES NAME] where we’re going to be talking about [TOPIC]. I know that God is going to speak to us, amen?

Before I go, let me just remind you that [USEFUL INFO HERE].

That being said, let’s get ready to [NEXT STEP HERE].

OK, let’s pray together. [PRAYER]

Church Welcome Speech #3

Good morning! Welcome to [CHURCH NAME], the place where miracles happen and lives are changed. My name is [YOUR NAME] and whether you’re a longtime member or a first-time visitor, we’re excited to have you with us.

At [CHURCH NAME], we believe that each person who walks through these doors is here for a divine purpose and today, we have a powerful service planned just for you.

We’re gonna dive into worship and lift our voices and hearts in praise to our amazing God. We’ll also have a thought-provoking message that will challenge and inspire you to grow in your faith.

For our first-time visitors, we have a special gift prepared just for you. Be sure to stop by our welcome table after the service to receive your gift and connect with our friendly team members.

Before we proceed, let’s take a moment to greet those around us and extend a warm welcome to everyone in our church family. Go ahead and share a smile, a handshake or even a high-five.

Now let’s prepare our hearts and minds as we enter into a time of worship together and let’s get ready to encounter God in a powerful way.

Church Welcome Speech #4

Before we kick off the service we’d just like to take a moment to welcome everybody to [CHURCH NAME].

We’re thrilled to have you with us today as we worship and seek God’s face and get wisdom from God’s Word.

Before we do that though, just a few important announcements:

This Friday, we have a special prayer night where we will intercede for the needs of our church and community. We invite you to join us. here at [CHURCH NAME] we believe in the power of prayer!

We also have Connect Groups available for all ages where you connect with God and each other.

If you’re interested in joining a connect group or volunteering in one of our service teams, please visit the Connect Corner after the service.

Other than that, all that’s left for me to say is let’s lean in today. Let’s lean with expectant hearts ready to receive what God has for us.

Let’s stand and pray together [PRAYER].

Church Welcome Speech #5

Hello, hello, hello! Is everyone ready to have an amazing time in the presence of God today? I know I am!

My name is [YOUR NAME], and I have the privilege of serving as [YOUR ROLE] here at [CHURCH NAME]. I want to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you and we ‘re excited to have you here today .

Whether you’re a familiar face or a first-time visitor, [CHURCH NAME] is a place where we come together as a family to celebrate, grow, and encounter the life-transforming power of God.

Today, we have an incredible service planned just for you. Get ready to experience passionate worship and hear a message that I know will speak directly to your heart.

So, once again, welcome to [CHURCH NAME]. Open your hearts, open your minds and expect God to move in a powerful way today.

Now let’s enter into worship together, knowing that we serve a great big God who is faithful and who desires to meet us right where we are.

Let’s pray. [PRAYER]

Church Welcome Speech #6

Good morning everyone and welcome to [CHURCH NAME], a place where normal people encounter an extraordinary God.

Today, we invite you to join us in a worship experience that will stir your soul and draw you closer to God’s presence.

After the service, we encourage you to visit our Connect Corner, where you can learn more about our various connect groups, ministries and service opportunities.

We believe that each person has a unique role to play in building God’s kingdom, and we’d love to help you find your place of service and connection within our church family.

Let’s pray as we have a time of worship and hear God’s Word together. [PRAYER]

Church Welcome Speech #7

Well, well, well! Look who decided to grace us with their presence today. It’s none other than the incredible congregation of [CHURCH NAME]!

Give yourselves a round of applause for making it here on this beautiful day.

My name is [YOUR NAME], and I’m thrilled you could join us for Sunday service.

Before we kick things off, why don’t you spread some joyful vibes and warm welcomes by high-fiving, fist-bumping or jazz-handing the person next to you.

Today is going to be good!

After worship, we’re going to hear a special message from Pastor [NAME] that I know is going to stretch our faith and help us to believe God for more.

So remember to put your phone on silent and of course, feel free to join us for coffee and treats after the service in the [LOCATION]. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet and connect.

And to our first-time visitors, welcome! Grab a welcome pack after the service—it’s filled with goodies and surprises just for you.

Right now we’re going to enter into a time of worship so feel free to stand, sit or dance in the aisles. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, Amen?

So let’s make a joyful noise!

Church Welcome Speech #8

Hello and a massive welcome to [CHURCH NAME] on this beautiful [CHRISTMAS/EASTER] morning!

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am so excited to be worshipping with you today. If you’re a visitor with us, thank you so much for coming and celebrating [CHRISTMAS/EASTER] with us.

For those with us for the first time, I’d love it if you could fill out the connect card that’s [LOCATION] and kindly drop it on the offering plate as it comes by. Thank you, this will just help us get to know you better.

I know we’ve got a lot coming up for you today. We’re going to kick things off here with a time of worship before we hear a special [CHRISTMAS/EASTER} message from [PREACHER NAME]. After that [INCLUDE ANY OTHER SPECIAL ELEMENTS].

Please note that [USEFUL INFO HERE].

Right, are we ready? Let’s pray. [PRAYER] [NEXT STEP]

Church Welcome Speech #9

Good morning, friends! Welcome to [CHURCH NAME] and I’m thrilled to be here with you today as we start this incredible worship experience.

Let’s just take a moment to connect with one another. Find someone nearby, give them a warm smile, and let them know how glad you are to see them.

Now, get ready for a time of worship in the presence of God. Then, after worship, we will have a powerful message which will challenge and inspire us in our faith.

If you’re new here, we’re delighted to have you join us. We have visitor connect cards available, where you can share your contact information and any prayer requests you may have.

Feel free to fill out the cards and drop them in the designated box. We would love to connect with you and support you in any way we can.

For families with children aged 3 to 12, we have an exciting Kids Church program available.

And after the service, we invite everyone to join us for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the [LOCATION]. It’s a fantastic opportunity to meet new people.

To our first-time visitors, we extend a special welcome. We’re thrilled that you’ve chosen to worship with us today.

Please feel free to approach our friendly volunteers at the welcome desk, who will be more than happy to assist you, answer any questions you may have, and provide you with a small gift as a token of our appreciation.

Now, let’s enter into a time of worship. Let’s lift our voices, open our hearts and invite the Holy Spirit to fill this place.

Church Welcome Speech #10

Good morning, everyone! Welcome to [CHURCH NAME]! It’s wonderful to see so many beautiful faces here this morning!

Now, if you’re joining us for the first time today, we want to extend a special welcome to you. Would you please stand?

Let’s give them a warm round of applause, everyone! It’s great to have you!

Our ushers will be coming around with a special welcome pack designed just for you. It contains helpful information about our church, upcoming events, and ways to get connected.

We want you to feel at home and supported as you explore what our church has to offer. Don’t hesitate to ask our ushers any questions you may have or let them know how we can serve you better.

Before we dive into a time of worship and listen to a great word from Pastor [NAME] I have just a couple of announcements.

Firstly, I want to invite you all to join us this coming Friday for our special prayer night. It’s a powerful time of seeking God’s presence and interceding for our church, community, and the world. Mark your calendars and be part of this transformative experience.

Also, if you’re not already part of a connect group, we have an incredible network of connect groups across the city that meet every Wednesday where you can grow in your relationship with God and one another.

We have a Connect Table at the back where you can find out more so be sure to visit after the service.

Once again, thank you to each and every one of you for being with us and we know where 2 or more are gathered in His name, He is here with us, amen?

Let’s stand together and pray as we enter into worship. [PRAYER]

I wanted to end things here with some real-life examples and give you my thoughts on what I think works well. 

It’s good to keep your speeches becoming predictable by mixing them up a little.

Here are 4 different styles and approaches you could take in your church:

1. The Comedic Approach

What a clever and funny way to open the service! Almost rapping, he does a great job of welcoming visitors, having them stand while the church applauds.

I also like how he sets expectations, saying “Today is Youth Sunday” .

YouTube video

2. The Evangelistic Approach

This wonderful woman has a really warm but powerful way of welcoming people to the church.

She starts off by getting people ready to worship and hear the Word. This can be a powerful way to set the tone for the rest of the service.

She introduces the church pastors and even points them out individually. This might work well depending on your style of church.

I was surprised to hear her nearly do an alter call saying “Don’t leave here today without knowing Jesus.”

She’s passionate and friendly, everything you want in someone giving the welcome at your church.

YouTube video

3. The Helpful Approach

This welcome takes less than a minute but works really well and is a great example of how we can make our church services more welcoming for guests.

He leads by introducing himself saying he’s part of the hospitality team and makes himself available if he can help them in any way, right before asking first-time visitors to stand up and thank them for coming.

YouTube video

4. The Faith-Fuelled Approach

This next one is short and sweet, but it’s a masterclass on how to use your church welcome speech to raise the faith level through the roof!

YouTube video

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Over To You

There you go – you now have 10 church welcome speeches to choose from for next Sunday!

If you really want to mix it up then take a look at these 36 church welcome poems .

And if you found this post useful, be sure to check out our step-by-step guides:

  • How To Make Church Visitors Feel Welcome
  • How To Make A Church Welcome Pack
  • 5 Common-Sense Church Greeting Tips
  • 10 Ways To Get More First-Time People Into Your Church
  • How To Be A Church MC: Tips & Scripts For Seamless Services

Now it’s time to hand it over to you:

What do you say in your church welcome speech?

And do you have any tips for giving a better welcome speech at the start of the service?

Let us know in the comments below! 🙏

18 thoughts on “10 Church Welcome Speeches You Can Use To Start Strong”

this is awesome, thanks for the ideas

Very helpful, thanks for sharing

These guide lines are very good and they are very brief

God bless you

Thanks you for that Spiritual Food,God Bless you Always.

Right back at ya Lynn! You got this! 🙂

These guidelines are super. God richly bless you.. I

This was very helpful

thank you so much it is very helpful

very helpful and we’ll articulated

You made a good point that having a strong welcome speech that has emphasis on evangelization can help a lot in making the people ready for worship. I’m planning to get church worship services for my neighborhood association that will be celebrating its foundation day on December. If the quarantine has been lifted by then, I think having a thanksgiving Mass would be ideal for that gathering.

Very helpful, glad I found your site.

Thanks so much for this write up. I found it when looking for welcome Speech. It’s very detailed. Thanks

Great examples/ very usecul

I feel so bless coming across your site. I was assigned to do a welcome remark and I was about to refuse but thought of like saying “no” to Jesus. I prayed for guidance and Holy Spirit led me to it. Thank you for the wonderful ideas. Bless you Bishop!

I’m the one welcoming new members to church next Sunday… God bless you for this.. I really need it

Bishop T. Randolph January 4, 2019 I love it!!! This is what I was used to growing up; This has been forsaken in many churches, even in my own. I shall re-enter this in our church services. To God be the glory and I thank God for you and His leading me to your site! We pray you be forever blessed in your purpose for God,The Father!

This is awesome God bless you

Bless you too, I’m glad you found these welcome speeches helpful!

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example of a welcome speech for church

5 Samples of Friendly Church Welcome Speeches

Emma Davis March 11, 2024 Uncategorized Leave a Comment

If you’re looking for inspiration for church greetings and welcome speeches, then look no further! By giving a very warm welcome, it’s your job to set the tone. A welcome speech for church may seem like a menial task, but it’s a vital part of any service. Any church service needs a good flow and rhythm.

A church welcome speech sets the stage for what’s ahead. Whether you’re hosting a conference, a normal Sunday morning, or a special event, welcoming your members is very important.

We’ve prepared several sample welcome speeches for churches that will hopefully inspire you. Prepare for a Sunday or your event with little stress!

Table of contents

What is a welcome speech, who gives the welcome speech, welcome first time visitors, match the speech with the event, use your emotions, don’t:, keep it brief, sunday service, women’s conference, guest speaker in the house.

Estimated reading time: 11 minutes

Welcome speeches are a great way to set the tone for an upcoming service, a church business meeting, or a church event to welcome old and new members of your church. Starting with welcomes for church gives your church service or meeting a warm and comforting start. It also helps those new to your church feel like they’re in the right place.

A church welcome speech is also an excellent way to share what to expect during the rest of the service. Essentially, the welcome sets the tone. When writing a Christian welcome message, try to find ways for church members to participate. You can do this by asking them to greet one another, maybe give someone a high five or a fist bump. Also let them know about how they can give tithes any time during the service using their smartphones, via text, or your online donation form.

example of a welcome speech for church

One common question that people wonder is who should give the church welcome speech. Should it be the pastor? An elder? Another speaker? A congregant? It isn’t the job of any one person. It might be useful however to match the welcome speaker to an event in the church.

Do you have a youth conference coming up? Have your youth pastor welcome people to church and remind them about the conference. You can do the same for a women’s or men’s event. Having someone involved in the specific event give information can be very welcoming.

Sometimes the welcome speaker is consistent — typically a pastor or other church leader . Perhaps you have multiple campuses, and the welcome speaker is your campus pastor. One thing that is always the same, regardless of who is talking, is that people who are confident, comfortable in front of a crowd, and can be trusted are great for the task.

No matter who you choose, make sure they’re an individual that you can trust to come through with a quality delivery every week.

Words of welcome before worship should be appealing to church visitors . Don’t say, “Welcome members of my church,” as a greeting. You can say something like, “Welcome brothers and sisters,” instead. 

You might also say something along the lines of, “If you are visiting us for the first time today, we’re happy you are here.” Don’t always point out first-time visitors in the audience because this can make them self-conscious. Feel free to give visitors directions to your welcome center or the bathrooms, especially if you have a large church.

Say something to put your first-time visitors at ease. “We won’t ask you to stand up or wave your hands” can be comforting for some people.  

Though you shouldn’t promote upcoming events during this specific time, you can point out that you meet every week and the visitors are welcome to return to your next service. You can also mention a newcomers’ gathering.  

Your church welcome greetings should reflect the event you are welcoming your guests to. For an average Sunday service, your tone should be upbeat and encouraging. But for a more somber occasion like a funeral, you may want to be more stoic and calm. And as mentioned above, at a youth conference, you’ll want to bring the energy!

With any event, this may be a time to give some practical information in your speech. If your service needs extra time or if you are serving food, you should include those details in your speech. You should include a brief description of your service so your audience knows what is coming up. 

It is typically appropriate to open with a prayer. If you struggle with writer’s block, consider leading the congregation in a prayer that reflects on the occasion in some way. You can also read an excerpt from the Bible to gather your thoughts.

example of a welcome speech for church

Smiling and moving your tone up is a good way to make your audience happy and feel at ease. But, don’t try and use complicated language. A welcome speech is usually given after the worship team is done. The church family is waiting to hear directions on what to do next. Tell a light-hearted joke such as “turn to your neighbor as you find your seat and tell them they look good today!”

Many people tell jokes to satisfy their audience, which can be risky. A joke can be inappropriate during a formal or somber occasion, and the joke may not land correctly. So, if you’re going to tell a joke, try doing a pun or wordplay. Never make a joke at someone else’s expense. Remember you’re in the House of God! Instead, try something like rhyming. It may not be funny, but it can catch your audience’s attention and connect two ideas. 

example of a welcome speech for church

Visuals can help what you are talking about and entertain your audience. You can put a simple graphic behind you that welcomes guests to your church . Also you can find stock art online for free with welcome messages, or you can make your own. 

Another effective way to put guests at ease is to give them something physical. At a minimum, they should have a Bible and songbook so they can follow along with the service. Perhaps you can also hand out bottles of water and snacks that they can consume during the event.

Church welcome materials can include church connect cards and handouts. Leave them at the front of the room for first-time visitors to collect, or you can have someone hand them out. 

Do’s and Dont’s

There are some simple do’s and don’t for any welcome speech. Hopefully, some of these are common knowledge, but it never hurts to review before stepping on stage. And don’t worry if you did a few of these don’ts – practice makes perfect!

  • Maintain eye contact
  • Speak slowly
  • Include a transition
  • Introduce yourself and your role
  • Read from a speech
  • Give too much information
  • Spend too much time welcoming everyone
  • Say anything inapproprate

Keep these in mind, and you’ll do great! The biggest thing to remember is to resist the urge to get sucked down the rabbit hole of treating your welcome speech as an information dump that overwhelms visitors. You want to include basic information for people like the church name or where the bathrooms are, but only include the most important stuff. Speak slowly and only say what is necessary. The rest can follow later on in the service or closer to the end for announcements.

Welcome speeches are rarely more than 150 words long. Your church welcome speech is not the time for an exegesis of the Bible. Say what you need to say to start the occasion and then move on.  

Consider writing out your speech word for word and seeing what details you can cut out. Besides adverbs and adjectives, you can cut out details that the pastor will say later. Save church announcements and in-house business for another occasion. You can send out reminders about upcoming events in emails and text messages . 

5 Great Welcome Speech Examples

example of a welcome speech for church

Take a look at these five great sample welcome speeches. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for a Sunday service, a baptism event, or a conference, we hope that you find what you need.

Hi! I’m [YOUR NAME] and a very warm welcome to everyone. It’s so good to see so many familiar faces this morning!

If this is your first time at [CHURCH NAME] I want to extend a special welcome to you, it’s great to have you with us.

Please take a moment and fill out the connection card that can be found [LOCATION] or on our church app . That will really help us get to know you a little bit better and know how we can serve or pray for you.

This week we’ll be starting a brand new 4-week series called [SERMON SERIES NAME] where we’re going to be talking about [TOPIC]. I know that God is going to speak to us, amen?

Before I go, let me just remind you that [USEFUL INFO HERE]. That being said, let’s get ready to [NEXT STEP HERE].

Good morning ladies! My name is [YOUR NAME] and I want to welcome you to [CONFERENCE NAME]. We are so expectant for what God is going to do here in these next few days. Here at [CHURCH NAME], we’ve been praying and believing the best for you. I would like to thank each one of you for your time and would like to welcome everyone to this joyous occasion for the women in the church. 

As daughters of the Lord, we have come together to celebrate the beauty that we hold as God’s children. We have prayed for such a glorious event and are truly pleased with the turnout today. Let us thank God for giving us a chance to gather in His name. 

We are here to share in the love that he has blessed us with today. Let us listen with love to the speakers who are ready to speak with us today and may they be guided by the Holy Spirit. Before we begin, I just want to say a few words of prayer [PRAYER].

Thank you, and God bless!

Hi everyone! I’m [YOUR NAME], the Campus Pastor here at [CHURCH NAME]. We’re so happy you decided to join us this Sunday. We’ve got a great service ahead of us on this beautiful morning. Just a few things to address.

Please take a chance to fill out the connect card on the back of the seat so we can get to know you better. Let us know how we can pray for you at the bottom of the card.

If you’re looking to get involved here, we’ve got several people out near the connection center in [LOCATION] ready to connect with you.

Today, we have an amazing service planned, as we welcome an amazing guest speaker [NAME] from [CHURCH NAME]. Let’s make sure we give them a warm welcome and prepare for the word today!

Hello, and a warm welcome to [CHURCH NAME] on this beautiful [CHRISTMAS/EASTER] morning!

My name is [YOUR NAME] and I am so excited to be with you today! If you’re a visitor with us, thank you so much for coming and celebrating [CHRISTMAS/EASTER] with us.

For those with us for the first time, I’d love if you could take a few moments and fill out the connect card that’s [LOCATION] and kindly drop it the back of the room at the end of service. This is one way it will help us get to know you better.

I know we’ve got a lot coming up for you today. So we’re going to kick things off here with a time of worship before we hear a special [CHRISTMAS/EASTER} message from [PREACHER NAME]. After that [INCLUDE ANY OTHER SPECIAL ELEMENTS].

We are gathered here today to celebrate the baptism of our fellow Christians. Some faces at this stage you may already know. Others, you may have only seen in passing on Sunday mornings. Whether or not they seem familiar to you, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ knows them well and today he will enter into their hearts to remain.  

On this glorious day, they all become your brothers and sisters in Christ! Today, their sins will wash away, and they will be redeemed just as you once did before our congregation. 

A welcome speech for your church community isn’t something to stress about. Follow the simple do’s and don’ts, speak with confidence, and practice beforehand. Set the tone for your event or Sunday morning service, and welcome first-time guests and long-time members with a friendly smile!

Related Links:

  • How To Welcome New Attendees To Keep Them Coming Back
  • 8 Church Conferences To Book In For 2018
  • 10 Powerful Ideas for an Effective Church Welcome Center
  • Top 14 Pastors Conferences to Attend in 2024
  • 16 Unique and Thoughtful Church Welcome Gifts

About The Author

example of a welcome speech for church

Emma currently lives in Texas where she loves to write, read, and bake. She graduated from Hillsong College in Australia and received her degree in Communications from DBU in Dallas. She uses her passion for writing to communicate the love God has for his people.

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example of a welcome speech for church


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Exciting Welcome Speeches for Churches: 29+ Examples to Choose From

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As a pastor, assistant pastor, or church leader, writing a welcome speech for the church is likely one of your duties or soon will be. These words of welcome are crucial, as they not only greet both new and long-time members of the congregation but also establish the tone for the message. In this comprehensive guide, we provide tips on delivering an excellent welcome speech, along with a remarkable collection of examples that you can use as-is or modify to suit your requirements.

example of a welcome speech for church

Table of Contents

Your complete guide to giving welcome speeches in church.

  • Examples of Welcome Speeches for Church
  • General Welcome Speech for Sunday Service
  • Welcome Address for Visitors and New Members
  • Opening Welcome for a Special Worship Event
  • Welcome Speech for a Baptism Ceremony
  • Greeting for a Youth Group Gathering
  • Welcome Address for Church Anniversary Celebration
  • Acknowledgment of Volunteers and Servant Leaders
  • Warm Welcome for a Fellowship or Coffee Hour
  • Introduction for a Guest Speaker or Pastor
  • Greetings for a Wedding Ceremony
  • Welcome Speech for a Women’s Ministry Event
  • Opening Remarks for a Church Business Meeting
  • Welcome for a Memorial or Funeral Service
  • Acknowledgment of Sunday School Teachers and Students
  • Warm Greetings for a Christmas Eve Service
  • Introduction for a Music or Choir Performance
  • Welcome Address for a Church Convention
  • Greeting for a Graduation Ceremony
  • Introduction for a Missionary or Outreach Program
  • Acknowledgment of Church Elders and Leaders
  • Opening Welcome for a Thanksgiving Service
  • Warm Greetings for a Church Picnic or BBQ
  • Welcome Speech for a Confirmation Service
  • Introduction for a Special Children’s Program
  • Greetings for a Church Fundraising Event
  • Welcome Address for a Seasonal Event (e.g., Easter, Advent)
  • Warm Welcome for a Volunteer Appreciation Event
  • Acknowledgment of Long-time Church Members
  • Closing Remarks for a Church Event or Service

ChurchPlus Introduction

Most young people these days do not attend church regularly, perceiving the services as dull or restrictive. To expand your congregation, you must take measures to ensure that everyone feels welcome, and giving great welcome speeches is one way to achieve that. However, mastering the art of giving welcome speeches in the church can be challenging. What tone should the best speeches adopt? How can you be inclusive without being too direct? What other actions should you take aside from speaking?

1. Tailor Your Speech for Every Occasion

To deliver an effective welcome speech, it’s crucial to understand the nature of the event you’re welcoming your guests to. For an average Sunday service, your tone should be positive and encouraging, while for a more solemn occasion like a funeral, a more serious tone may be more appropriate.

Your speech should also provide practical information, such as the duration of the service or whether food will be served, and include a brief description of the event to give the audience a sense of what to expect.

If you’re uncertain about what to include in your welcome speech for church, you can refer to church quotes and speech ideas for guidance. Opening with a prayer is usually appropriate, and if you’re struggling with writer’s block, leading the congregation in a prayer that reflects the event’s theme or reading a relevant passage from the Bible or another religious text can also be effective.

2. Give a Warm and Welcoming Greeting

When delivering a welcome speech, it’s important, to begin with, a brief introduction of yourself. Simply stating your name is sufficient, although you may include additional details. If you are a pastor or priest from another church, it’s helpful to mention this to avoid confusion with other staff members.

After the introduction, you can transition into the body of your speech. A statement such as “I am delighted to welcome all of you” can serve as a greeting to your audience and help you move forward.

Avoid using cliches such as “I welcome you on behalf of…” as they have lost their impact due to frequent use. Additionally, it’s best to avoid introducing someone else unless specifically requested.

When delivering the greeting, maintain a smile and raise the pitch of your voice slightly. Gesturing with an open palm signifies hospitality and openness.

Finally, when greeting anyone who joins you on stage, be sure to say their name and title, and provide a brief overview of what they will be discussing. Avoid asking for applause, as the audience will typically applaud naturally.

3. Evoke Emotions

Aside from smiling and using varied tones, employ creative language and dynamic verbs to inspire and captivate your audience. Avoid overusing adverbs or adjectives, and instead, seek out verbs with comparable meanings. For instance, “We’ll get through that quickly” can be phrased as “We’ll speed through that.”

While some speakers use humor to entertain their audience, it may not always be appropriate or effective, especially on somber occasions. If you choose to tell a joke, opt for puns or wordplay instead of potentially offensive material. Avoid making jokes at someone else’s expense and be cautious with self-deprecation. Experiment with rhyming as another way to connect ideas and capture your audience’s attention.

4. Keep It Short

Welcome speeches typically do not exceed 150 words. Avoid lengthy exegesis of the Bible or introducing a guest during this time. Simply convey the necessary information to commence the occasion and proceed. Try drafting your speech verbatim and then revise to eliminate any unnecessary details, in addition to adverbs and adjectives. If the priest or pastor will address specific points later, exclude them from your speech.

Announcements and in-house business should be postponed for another opportunity. Reminders for upcoming events can be disseminated through emails and text messages.

When welcoming worshippers, aim to appeal to first-time visitors. Avoid using phrases such as “Welcome members of my church,” and instead try using inclusive language such as “Welcome brothers and sisters.”

It’s also helpful to acknowledge first-time visitors by saying something like, “We’re glad you’re here with us today.” However, avoid singling them out by name or making them feel uncomfortable. Providing directions to key areas of the church, such as the welcome center or restrooms, can also be useful, especially in larger churches.

To put first-time visitors at ease, consider mentioning that they are not expected to participate in singing or stand up during the service. While you should avoid promoting upcoming events, it is okay to mention that your church meets every week and that visitors are welcome to join for the next service. Additionally, consider inviting newcomers to a gathering specifically designed for them.

5. Practice, Again, Perfect!

Write a draft and read it aloud to ensure its coherence. Then rehearse gestures and facial expressions in front of a mirror. Record your speech to identify areas for improvement and rehearse those parts until perfect. During delivery, maintain eye contact with the audience and avoid focusing on a single person. Lastly, get feedback from the service leader and other speakers to avoid repetition and ensure a smooth introduction.

example of a welcome speech for church

General Welcome Speech Examples

1. welcome speech for sunday service.

Good morning/afternoon/evening, [Church Name] family!

I am truly honored to stand before you today as we come together for another blessed Sunday service. Whether you’ve been a part of this faith community for years or if today is your first time worshiping with us, I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you.

On this beautiful Sunday, we gather not just as individuals but as a family of believers, united in our devotion to Christ. Our service today holds the promise of inspiration, connection, and the joy that comes from shared worship.

As we embark on this sacred time together, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your presence. Your commitment to being here, to sharing in this fellowship, is a testament to the strength and unity of our congregation.

Let us approach this service with hearts open to the divine, ready to be moved by the spirit of love and grace. Today, as we lift our voices in song, bow our heads in prayer, and reflect on the teachings of our faith, may the emotions stirred within us deepen our connection with God and with one another.

Before we dive into the heart of our service, I want to emphasize brevity. Our time together is precious, and I want to respect the rhythm of our worship. Today’s service holds the promise of spiritual nourishment, and I encourage each of you to engage fully in the moments we share.

In closing, let me express my joy in seeing familiar faces and extend a special welcome to those joining us for the first time. Your presence enriches our worship, and we are truly blessed to have you with us.

As we embark on this Sunday service, may the peace of the Lord be with you all. Let our worship be a source of inspiration and renewal for the week ahead.

Thank you for being here. Let us now enter into this time of worship with open hearts and eager spirits. Amen.

Please note : The ChurchPlus Messaging system offers a dynamic platform for sharing these speeches through email, SMS, voice, and WhatsApp with your members. To explore further and sign up, please visit: https:// my.churchplus .co/register . Additionally, for a comprehensive solution for your church’s general database management and financial needs, visit

2. Welcome Address For Visitors and New Members

I stand before you today with immense joy and a heart full of gratitude as we gather in the spirit of fellowship and worship. To those who are visiting us for the first time, and to our new members who have recently joined our faith community, I extend a heartfelt welcome to [Church Name].

This is a special moment in our church family, as we open our doors not just to a service but to new friendships, new connections, and new stories of faith. Your presence here is a blessing, and we are genuinely thrilled to have you with us.

To our guests, whether you walked through our doors out of curiosity or seeking a spiritual home, we’re honored that you chose to be here. To our new members, your decision to become a part of our community warms our hearts, and we are excited for the journey of faith we’ll share together.

As we come together, let us recognize that the church is more than a building; it’s a living, breathing community. It’s a family bound by love, strengthened by faith, and sustained by each and every member. Today, we celebrate the expansion of this family with open arms and open hearts.

Before we continue with our service, let me emphasize the brevity of this moment. We recognize that time is precious, and we want to respect yours. Today’s service is not just an event; it’s an opportunity for all of us to grow in our faith and deepen our connections.

To our guests, we invite you to consider this not just as a one-time visit but as the beginning of a beautiful journey. Feel free to explore, ask questions, and engage with our community. And to our new members, welcome to a family that stands by you, supports you, and rejoices in your journey of faith.

Once again, to our visitors and new members, thank you for gracing us with your presence. We hope that today’s service is a reflection of the love that defines our church. As we continue, may you feel at home, connected, and inspired.

May the peace of the Lord be with each and every one of you. Let us now proceed with our worship together. Amen.

3. Opening Welcome for a Special Worship Event

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], [Church Name] Family and Beloved Guests!

It is with hearts full of anticipation and gratitude that we gather today for a worship experience that goes beyond the ordinary. Whether you are a familiar face in our congregation or a cherished guest joining us for this special occasion, we extend a warm and sincere welcome to each one of you.

Today is no ordinary Sunday; it’s a moment in time where we purposefully set aside the routine to embrace the extraordinary. We’re here to encounter the divine, to seek a deeper connection, and to let the spirit of worship envelop us.

To our guests, your presence enhances our worship, and we are honored to have you share in this sacred time. To our [Church Name] family, thank you for being the heartbeat of this community. Your commitment to worship and fellowship is the foundation upon which moments like these are built.

As we embark on this special worship event, let us be mindful of the emotions that may stir within us. Let joy rise, let gratitude overflow, and let the peace that surpasses all understanding find a dwelling place in our hearts.

Before we dive into the heart of our worship, let me emphasize brevity. Today’s event is crafted with intention, each element carrying a message, each moment an opportunity for divine connection. So, let’s treasure this time and engage fully in the beauty of worship.

In the next few moments, let’s transcend the ordinary and enter into a space of reverence and awe. Together, let’s lift our voices, bow our heads, and open our hearts to the divine presence that is here with us.

Thank you for being present at this special worship event. May the grace of God permeate every note of our music, every word spoken, and every prayer uttered. May this be a time of spiritual encounter, renewal, and transformation.

May our worship today be a sweet fragrance rising to the heavens. Let us now enter into this sacred time of worship with expectation and anticipation. Amen.

4. Welcome Speech for a Baptism Ceremony

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], [Church Name] Family and Honored Guests!

It is with immense joy and a deep sense of reverence that we come together today to celebrate a profoundly sacred and joyous occasion—the baptism of [Name], a cherished soul on their journey of faith.

This baptism ceremony is not just a ritual; it’s a sacred step in one’s spiritual journey. Today, we witness a commitment to a life guided by the teachings of Christ, and it’s a privilege to share in this moment with each of you.

To the family and friends who have gathered to witness and support, your presence adds warmth and love to this sacred event. To our [Church Name] family, thank you for embracing [Name] and their family into the embrace of our faith community.

As we stand on the threshold of this baptismal ceremony, let us allow our hearts to be stirred with emotions of joy, hope, and gratitude. This is a moment of divine grace, a moment that marks a new beginning in [Name]’s spiritual journey.

Before we proceed, let me express the importance of brevity in this sacred time. The focus is not on the words we say but on the profound act of baptism itself—the symbolic immersion into the divine grace and the embrace of God’s love.

Baptism is a sacred sacrament, a visible sign of an invisible grace. It symbolizes the washing away of sin, the rebirth of the spirit, and the beginning of a life lived in accordance with Christ’s teachings.

To all present, you are not merely spectators today; you are witnesses to a significant moment in [Name]’s spiritual journey. As we immerse [Name] into the waters of baptism, let us collectively reaffirm our commitment to support and nurture their growth in faith.

In conclusion, let me express our collective joy in witnessing this baptism ceremony. May the waters of baptism bring not only a physical cleansing but a spiritual renewal that echoes through [Name]’s life.

As we proceed, let our hearts be open, our prayers sincere, and our joy contagious. Thank you for being part of this blessed occasion. May the grace of God guide us as we celebrate this sacred act of baptism. Amen.

5. Greeting for a Youth Group Gathering

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], awesome young souls of [Church Name]! It’s electrifying to see this room filled with the vibrant energy that only our youth can bring. Whether you’re a regular here or it’s your first time joining our youth group, welcome!

Today isn’t just any gathering; it’s a convergence of youthful spirits, a space where faith, fun, and friendship collide. I’m thrilled to embark on this journey with each one of you.

To our returning youth, welcome back! Your presence is the heartbeat of this youth group. To our new friends, whether you’re here out of curiosity, seeking connection, or just to hang out, we’re stoked to have you with us.

As we gather today, let’s tap into that unique blend of excitement and camaraderie that defines our youth group. Let laughter echo, let friendships deepen, and let the joy of being in God’s presence be our guiding light.

Before we plunge into the heart of our gathering, a quick shoutout for brevity – we know your time is precious. Today’s about quality moments, impactful connections, and a whole lot of fun.

In a world that’s constantly buzzing with noise, demands, and distractions, our youth group stands as a sanctuary—a space where authenticity is celebrated, questions are welcome, and where we learn and grow together.

So, whether you’re here for the games, the discussions, or just to soak in the good vibes, know that you belong here. Engage, participate, and let’s make today a memory worth cherishing.

As we kick off this youth group gathering, let the energy be contagious, the connections meaningful, and the laughter infectious. Let’s dive in, be present, and create moments that resonate with the vitality of our youth.

Thank you for bringing your enthusiasm to [Church Name]’s youth group. Let’s make this gathering epic! Get ready for an awesome time together. Amen!

example of a welcome speech for church

6. Welcome Address for Church Anniversary Celebration

Greetings, Beloved [Church Name] Family and Distinguished Guests!

A joyous and blessed [morning/afternoon/evening] to each one of you as we gather today to celebrate a momentous milestone—[Church Name]’s [Xth] Anniversary! What an extraordinary occasion it is to stand together, reflecting on the rich tapestry of our shared journey.

Today, our hearts beat as one in celebration. We’re not just marking the passage of years but commemorating a legacy of faith, growth, and unwavering commitment to God’s grace.

To our long-standing members, whose dedication has been the cornerstone of our church, thank you for your enduring commitment. To our guests and friends who join us in this celebration, your presence is a gift that adds to the richness of our joy.

As we stand on this anniversary milestone, let us be enveloped by emotions of gratitude for the countless blessings, joy for the shared memories, and hope for the vibrant future that awaits us.

Before we immerse ourselves in the festivities, let me emphasize brevity. Today’s celebration isn’t about lengthy speeches; it’s about savoring the essence of our journey and embracing the unity that defines our [Church Name] family.

From the humble beginnings that laid our foundation to the vibrant community we are today, this anniversary is a testament to the grace that has guided us, the challenges that have strengthened us, and the love that binds us together.

As we celebrate, let’s take a moment to reflect on the lives transformed within these walls, the prayers that have been lifted, and the impact we’ve had on our community. Each of you has contributed to the beautiful story that is [Church Name].

In closing, thank you for being a part of this significant moment in [Church Name]’s history. May our celebration today be a reflection of the faith that unites us, the hope that inspires us, and the love that binds us together.

Here’s to [X] years of faith, fellowship, and a future filled with God’s grace. Let the celebration begin! Amen.

7. Acknowledgment of Volunteers and Servant Leaders

Dear [Church Name] Family and Esteemed Volunteers,

It is with profound gratitude and a heart brimming with appreciation that I stand before you today to acknowledge the unsung heroes who are the lifeblood of our community—our dedicated volunteers and servant leaders.

On this [morning/afternoon/evening], as we come together in worship, let us pause and turn our attention to those whose selfless service embodies the very essence of Christ’s teachings.

To our volunteers—both the visible faces and those who work tirelessly behind the scenes—thank you! Your commitment to the work of the church is the driving force behind the seamless functioning of our ministries.

In recognizing our volunteers and servant leaders, let us be moved by the emotions of gratitude, admiration, and awe. Their dedication fuels the spirit of our community and creates a tapestry of love and support.

Before we continue with our service, let me emphasize brevity. While the impact of our volunteers is immeasurable, today is about expressing our appreciation succinctly, acknowledging the incredible work that often goes unseen.

To our servant leaders, you exemplify Christ’s teachings through your sacrifice and service. Your willingness to step forward, take on responsibilities, and lead by example is a testament to your deep commitment to our faith community.

As a congregation, let’s take a moment to reflect on the countless hours, the late nights, and the unwavering dedication that our volunteers and servant leaders contribute to the vibrant tapestry of our church.

In conclusion, dear volunteers and servant leaders, your efforts do not go unnoticed. Your service is a reflection of God’s love in action, and we are blessed to have each one of you as an integral part of our [Church Name] family.

May your hearts be filled with the joy of knowing that your work makes a difference. As we continue our worship today, let us carry in our hearts a deep appreciation for the volunteers and servant leaders who embody the spirit of Christ’s love.

Thank you for your service, dedication, and the love you pour into [Church Name]. Amen.

example of a welcome speech for church

8. Warm Welcome for a Fellowship or Coffee Hour

Greetings, Cherished [Church Name] Community!

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] to each of you, and what a delight it is to gather together for a time of fellowship and warmth. Today, as we step into this sacred space of connection, whether you’re a familiar face or a first-time visitor, you are genuinely and warmly welcomed.

This is more than a coffee hour; it’s a space where conversations flow like a gentle stream, laughter echoes like a melody, and friendships are nurtured. It’s a time to pause, to savor, and to build the bonds that make our church family truly special.

To our longtime members, your presence here adds the comforting familiarity that makes our fellowship complete. To those who are joining us for the first time, your arrival brings a new energy that enriches our community. Welcome!

As we enter this fellowship, let us be mindful of the warmth that emanates from these connections. It’s more than just sharing a cup of coffee; it’s about sharing moments, stories, and the simple joys that make our community thrive.

Before we delve into the joyous conversations and delightful refreshments, let me emphasize brevity. Today is about creating space for connection, so let’s keep our greetings concise and our hearts open.

Our fellowship is a testament to the strength of our community. In this shared space, we find solace, encouragement, and the support that defines our [Church Name] family. Each one of you contributes to the vibrant tapestry of our community life.

So, let’s take a moment to turn to those around us, greet one another with a warm smile, and extend a hand in friendship. Whether you’re catching up with old friends or making new ones, let this be a time of genuine connection.

In closing, thank you for being a part of this fellowship, for bringing your unique presence into this gathering. May the conversations be rich, the laughter be contagious, and the bonds we forge today deepen with every shared moment.

Let the warmth of fellowship envelop us, and may this time together be a beautiful reflection of the love that defines our [Church Name] family. Enjoy the fellowship, everyone! Amen.

9. Introduction for a Guest Speaker or Pastor

Ladies and Gentlemen, Esteemed [Church Name] Family, and Honored Guests,

A moment of anticipation and honor is upon us as we gather today, and I am privileged to stand before you to introduce a voice that carries both wisdom and inspiration. It is with great pleasure that I introduce our esteemed guest speaker/pastor for today’s service.

In our midst today is a person whose presence not only graces our sanctuary but brings with it a wealth of knowledge, passion, and a deep connection to the divine.

Our guest speaker/pastor today [Speaker’s Name/Pastor’s Name] comes to us with a wealth of experience in [mention relevant background, e.g., ministry, community service, etc.]. Their journey is marked by a commitment to [mention any notable achievements or contributions].

What makes [Speaker’s Name/Pastor’s Name]’s presence even more special is their alignment with the theme/message that resonates with our hearts and the spiritual journey we are on as a congregation.

So, with hearts open wide and spirits eager to receive, let us extend a warm [Church Name] welcome to [Speaker’s Name/Pastor’s Name]. We are eager to glean wisdom, find inspiration, and deepen our connection with the divine through the words and teachings that will be shared with us today.

May this be a moment of enlightenment, connection, and spiritual growth. Please join me in welcoming [Speaker’s Name/Pastor’s Name] with the warmth and enthusiasm that defines our [Church Name] family. Thank you.

Let us now eagerly anticipate the words that will enrich our hearts and guide us on our spiritual journey. Amen.

10. Greetings for a Wedding Ceremony

Ladies and Gentlemen, Family and Friends,

A radiant [morning/afternoon/evening] to each and every one of you, as we gather in the glow of love to witness and celebrate the union of two souls embarking on a journey together. What a joyous occasion this is!

Today is more than a ceremony; it is a celebration of love, a testament to the enduring power of commitment, and a gathering of hearts rejoicing in the beauty of unity.

To the families who have brought us here, thank you for allowing us to share in this sacred moment. To the friends who have gathered, your presence adds to the tapestry of joy that envelops this day.

As we stand witness to this union, let our hearts be stirred with emotions of love, joy, and hope. Today, we celebrate not only the love between [Partner 1] and [Partner 2] but also the love that surrounds and uplifts them.

Marriage is a journey of shared dreams, mutual support, and unwavering commitment. Today, we bear witness to the promise of a lifetime—a promise to stand together through all seasons of life.

Before we delve into the heart of this ceremony, let me emphasize brevity. Today is about the essence of love and commitment, and I invite you to savor each moment as we celebrate this beautiful union.

So, let us celebrate the love that has brought us together. As we witness the exchange of vows and rings, let our hearts resonate with the joy of this union.

In closing, thank you for being part of this extraordinary day. May the love that surrounds us today be a source of inspiration, and may the journey that [Partner 1] and [Partner 2] embark upon be blessed with love, laughter, and countless shared moments.

To love and to cherish, let us now begin this beautiful celebration of unity. Amen.

11. Welcome Speech for a Women’s Ministry Event

Ladies and Gentlemen, Sisters in Faith, and Cherished Guests,

A warm and heartfelt welcome to this gathering of strength, grace, and sisterhood. Today, we come together not only as women of faith but as a community bonded by the power of love and shared purpose. Welcome to our [Church Name] Women’s Ministry Event!

This event is more than a gathering; it is a celebration of the incredible spirit that resides within each woman present. It is a testament to the unique gifts, resilience, and profound impact that women bring to our faith community.

To our beloved sisters who walk this journey of faith with us, thank you for gracing us with your presence. To our honored guests, your arrival adds an extra layer of joy and diversity to our sisterhood. Welcome!

As we stand united today, let our hearts be filled with emotions of love, empowerment, and gratitude. This is a space where we uplift one another, celebrate our individual and collective strength, and honor the unique contributions each woman brings to our community.

In the tapestry of our faith, each of you is a vibrant thread. Our Women’s Ministry is a reflection of the sisterhood we share—the bonds that go beyond words, the understanding that transcends time, and the support that strengthens us in both joy and challenge.

Before we immerse ourselves in the heart of this event, let me emphasize brevity. Today is about celebrating, connecting, and embracing the unity that defines our Women’s Ministry.

So, let us connect, share, and uplift one another. Whether you’re a familiar face or a new friend, this is a space where every woman belongs, and every voice is valued.

In closing, thank you for being a part of this special Women’s Ministry Event. May the conversations be rich, the connections meaningful, and the sisterhood we share today inspire us to embrace the unique journey each one of us is on.

To the strength of women, the beauty of sisterhood, and the love that binds us together, let the event begin! Amen.

12. Opening Remarks for a Church Business Meeting

Dear [Church Name] Members and Leaders,

A warm and respectful greeting to each of you as we convene for this important Church Business Meeting. Today marks a significant moment in our journey as a faith community—a time when we come together to discuss matters that shape the direction of our shared mission.

The strength of any community lies in its ability to come together, share perspectives, and make decisions that propel us forward. Today, we gather not just as individuals but as stewards of a collective vision.

To our dedicated leaders, members, and guests, I extend a warm welcome. Your presence here signifies a commitment to the growth and well-being of our church family. Thank you for being here.

As we delve into the agenda before us, let us be mindful of the unity that binds us together. Our shared faith, purpose, and love for this church create a foundation upon which we can build and thrive.

Before we dive into the details, let me emphasize brevity. Our time together is precious, and our discussions today are focused on strengthening our church community. Let’s proceed with efficiency and purpose.

Our church is not just a building; it is a living, breathing community made vibrant by the contributions of each member. Your dedication to our various ministries, your prayers, and your support are the threads that weave the fabric of our shared mission.

Today is an invitation to open dialogue, a space where every voice is valued. Your insights and perspectives are crucial as we navigate the path ahead. Let us approach our discussions with respect, openness, and a collective commitment to the greater good.

In conclusion, thank you for your commitment to [Church Name]. May our discussions be guided by wisdom, our decisions be grounded in love, and may our collective efforts lead to the continued growth and flourishing of our church family.

Let us proceed with a spirit of unity and purpose. May this business meeting be a reflection of the faith and love that define our [Church Name] community. Amen.

ChurchPlus Introduction

13. Welcome for a Memorial or Funeral Service

Ladies and Gentlemen, Beloved Family, and Friends,

With heavy hearts, we gather today to remember, honor, and say farewell to a cherished soul who has touched our lives in profound ways. Although we come together in grief, let this be a time of reflection, love, and shared remembrance as we celebrate the life of [Name].

In the midst of sorrow, let us acknowledge the weight of our grief. The passing of [Name] leaves a void that words cannot fill. Today, we gather not only to mourn but to find solace in the memories that will forever remain etched in our hearts.

To the family and friends who mourn, we extend a compassionate welcome. Your presence here is a testament to the love and impact [Name] had on each of us. As we navigate this difficult journey together, may our shared sorrow be a source of strength.

As we walk through the corridors of memory, let us remember [Name] not for their final moments but for the beautiful tapestry of moments we shared. In each smile, in every shared laughter, and in the warmth of their presence, let us find comfort.

Before we proceed, let me emphasize the gentleness of this moment. Grief has its own rhythm, and today, we honor that rhythm. Let the tears flow, the memories linger, and the love we shared with [Name] be the balm that soothes our aching hearts.

To those who have come to offer comfort and support, thank you. Your presence is a light in our darkness, a reminder that, even in our grief, we are not alone.

As we gather in this sacred space, let us reflect on the legacy [Name] leaves behind. Their impact, their kindness, and the love they shared are the gifts that will continue to resonate in our lives.

In closing, may the memories we share today be a tribute to a life well-lived. Let us find solace in the company of one another, draw strength from the shared love we have for [Name], and carry their spirit with us as we navigate the path ahead.

May [Name]’s soul rest in peace, and may each of us find comfort in the love we shared and the memories that will forever bind us together. Amen.

14. Acknowledgment of Sunday School Teachers and Students

Dear [Church Name] Family,

As we stand here in the warmth of our shared faith, let us take a moment to shine a light on the dedicated individuals who play an instrumental role in nurturing the hearts and minds of our younger members—the Sunday School teachers and students.

To our Sunday School teachers, you are the guiding lights, the storytellers of faith, and the mentors who plant the seeds of wisdom in the fertile soil of young hearts. Your commitment to sharing the teachings of Christ shapes the foundation upon which our children’s faith will flourish.

To the bright and eager faces that grace our Sunday School classrooms, you are the blossoming flowers of our congregation. Your curiosity, enthusiasm, and open hearts are a testament to the beauty of faith in its purest form.

In acknowledging our Sunday School teachers and students, let our hearts be stirred with emotions of joy, gratitude, and admiration. The energy and vitality that flow through our Sunday School are a testament to the vibrancy of our faith community.

Before we proceed further, let me emphasize the graciousness of this moment. Sunday School is not just an educational space; it is a haven where bonds are formed, lessons are learned, and the love of Christ is embraced. Today, we express our gratitude for this sacred journey.

As we acknowledge our Sunday School teachers and students, let us reflect on the impact of their shared journey. The lessons taught, the friendships formed, and the spiritual growth witnessed are the fruits of their collective efforts.

In closing, thank you, Sunday School teachers, for your selfless dedication. Your commitment to nurturing the next generation of believers is a gift that reverberates through the very soul of our church.

To our Sunday School students, thank you for your curiosity, your energy, and the light you bring into our congregation. May the lessons learned in these classrooms be a beacon that guides you on your journey of faith.

Together, let us celebrate the beautiful tapestry of our Sunday School—a place where faith blossoms, friendships flourish, and the love of Christ is sown in every lesson. Amen.

15. Warm Greetings for a Christmas Eve Service

Dear Beloved [Church Name] Family,

In the tender glow of candlelight and the spirit of joy that envelops this sacred space, a heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you on this magical Christmas Eve. Tonight, as we gather to celebrate the birth of our Savior, let our hearts be filled with the warmth of love, the melody of hope, and the promise of peace.

To our cherished members, guests, and those joining us for the first time, your presence adds a special grace to our Christmas celebration. Thank you for being part of this beautiful tapestry of faith and fellowship.

Christmas Eve is not merely a night on the calendar; it is a sacred moment when the heavens draw close to Earth, and the divine light bathes us in its gentle radiance. It is a time to rejoice, reflect, and be embraced by the love that descended from the manger.

As we stand on the brink of this holy night, let our hearts be stirred with emotions of gratitude, wonder, and the timeless joy that accompanies the Christmas story. Tonight, we immerse ourselves in the magic that unfolds in Bethlehem—a story of love and redemption.

Before we continue, let me emphasize the tenderness of this moment. Christmas is a time of vulnerability, where the innocence of a child in a manger beckons us to embrace the simplicity and purity of God’s gift to humanity.

In the soft glow of candlelight, let us reflect on the gift of love bestowed upon us—the birth of Jesus Christ. May the flickering flames remind us of the eternal flame of hope that burns within our hearts.

In closing, thank you for being part of this cherished Christmas Eve tradition. May the carols we sing, the prayers we offer, and the moments we share be a testament to the boundless love that defines this holy night.

May the peace of Christmas be with you, and may the joy of this season fill your hearts with everlasting warmth. From our [Church Name] family to yours, Merry Christmas! Amen.

16. Introduction for a Music or Choir Performance

Ladies and Gentlemen, Esteemed Guests, and Beloved [Church Name] Family,

A harmonious and joyous welcome to each of you as we gather for a celebration that promises to uplift our spirits and resonate in the deepest chambers of our hearts—a musical extravaganza brought to life by the gifted voices of our [Church Name] Choir.

Tonight, we have the distinct privilege of being serenaded by the extraordinary talents of our choir members. Their voices, like cascading melodies, have the power to transport us to realms of inspiration, joy, and spiritual elevation.

For those who may be new to our community or unfamiliar with the choir, [Church Name] Choir is a collective of dedicated individuals who bring together their diverse talents to create a tapestry of worship through song. Their commitment and passion shine through each note, making their performances truly special.

As we delve into tonight’s musical journey, let us be mindful of the theme that threads through the selection of songs. Each lyric, each chord, is carefully chosen to resonate with the core of our faith, reflecting the timeless stories and messages that bind us together.

Before the first note fills the air, let us take a moment to express our appreciation for the countless hours of rehearsal, the dedication to perfection, and the love for music that our choir members pour into their performances.

As we embark on this musical adventure, let me emphasize the engagement of this experience. Feel free to let the music move you, to close your eyes and be transported, and to immerse yourself in the divine symphony that is about to unfold.

In closing, thank you for being part of this musical celebration. May the melodies that grace our ears tonight resonate in our hearts long after the final note. Without further ado, I invite you to sit back, be enchanted, and let the music speak to your soul.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the extraordinary talents of our [Church Name] Choir. Enjoy the performance!

17. Welcome Address for a Church Convention

Dear [Church Name] Family, Esteemed Guests, and Fellow Believers,

A resounding welcome to each of you as we gather under the banner of faith and unity for this momentous occasion—the [Year] [Church Name] Church Convention. What a joy it is to see this sacred space filled with the vibrant spirit of our church community and the presence of dear friends who have joined us for this divine assembly.

This convention is more than a gathering; it is a celebration of our shared journey, a testament to the strength of our unity, and a reaffirmation of our commitment to the principles that bind us together as one family in Christ.

To our longtime members, your steadfast presence is the bedrock on which our church stands. To our guests and visitors, your arrival enriches our fellowship, and we extend a warm welcome to each of you. May you feel the embrace of our church family.

As we convene for this convention, let us be mindful of the purpose that unites us—the worship of our Lord, the deepening of our faith, and the collective pursuit of living out the teachings of Christ in our lives.

Over the course of this convention, we are blessed to partake in moments of worship, engage in insightful discussions, and build connections that strengthen the fabric of our faith community. The schedule is crafted with care, with each session designed to inspire, educate, and deepen our spiritual bonds.

Before we embark on this enriching journey, let the spirit of anticipation fill our hearts. Anticipation for the wisdom we will gain, the connections we will forge, and the divine presence that will guide our collective endeavors.

In the spirit of inclusivity, let me emphasize that this convention is a space for everyone. Whether you are a seasoned member or a first-time visitor, your voice, your perspective, and your presence are valued and welcomed.

In closing, thank you for being part of this sacred assembly. May the love of Christ permeate every session, every conversation, and every interaction during this convention. May our time together be blessed, our spirits uplifted, and our faith strengthened.

To the journey ahead, the connections we’ll make, and the divine moments that await us, welcome to the [Year] [Church Name] Church Convention. May it be a gathering that leaves an indelible mark on our hearts and our faith. Amen.

18. Greeting for a Graduation Ceremony

Dear Graduates, Families, Faculty, and Honored Guests,

With immense joy and pride, we welcome you to the [Year] Graduation Ceremony—a momentous occasion that marks the culmination of hard work, perseverance, and achievement. Today, we gather not just as a community but as witnesses to the remarkable journey of our graduating class.

To the graduates before us, your accomplishments shine as beacons of dedication and determination. Each one of you has reached this pivotal milestone through unwavering commitment, late-night study sessions, and a passion for knowledge that lights the path to success.

To the families who have supported, encouraged, and celebrated alongside our graduates, we extend a warm welcome. Your steadfast love and guidance have been the pillars on which these young minds have grown and flourished.

We also express our heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated faculty and staff. Your tireless efforts, mentorship, and commitment to nurturing these students have played a crucial role in their academic and personal development.

As we stand on the threshold of this graduation ceremony, let us collectively bask in the sense of accomplishment that permeates the air. Today is a testament to the strength of intellect, the power of perseverance, and the endless possibilities that lie ahead.

Throughout the ceremony, we will celebrate not only academic achievements but also the growth of character, the bonds of friendship formed, and the transformative journey that has shaped these graduates into the remarkable individuals they are today.

Before we proceed, let the excitement for the future fill our hearts. Each graduate carries within them the potential to make a lasting impact on the world, and we eagerly anticipate the contributions they will make to society.

In closing, thank you for joining us in celebrating the achievements of our graduates. May this graduation ceremony be a poignant reminder of the power of education, the strength of community, and the boundless potential that resides within each graduate.

To the Class of [Year], may your futures be bright, your endeavors be fulfilling, and your journey ahead be marked by continued success and meaningful experiences. Congratulations!

example of a welcome speech for church

19. Introduction for a Missionary or Outreach Program

Dear [Church Name] Community and Esteemed Guests,

A warm and purposeful welcome to all as we gather with hearts full of compassion and a shared commitment to make a positive impact on the world around us. Today marks the commencement of a transformative journey—a Missionary and Outreach Program that extends the embrace of our faith beyond the walls of our church and into the broader community.

In the spirit of our shared mission, we come together not merely as individuals but as ambassadors of love, compassion, and service. Today’s program is an embodiment of our commitment to fulfilling the teachings of Christ—to love our neighbors as ourselves.

To our dedicated missionaries, both seasoned and newly inspired, thank you for answering the call to serve. Your presence is a testament to the power of individuals coming together for a higher purpose. To our guests and community members, your participation enriches our collective efforts, and we extend a warm welcome.

Throughout this Missionary and Outreach Program, we embark on a journey of service, empathy, and community building. From local initiatives that uplift our neighbors to broader outreach efforts that touch lives beyond our immediate vicinity, each endeavor is a step toward creating positive change.

As we stand united in purpose, let this program be a beacon of unity—a reminder that, as a faith community, our impact transcends the confines of our church. Together, we can be a source of hope, comfort, and transformation in the lives of those we encounter.

Before we dive into the various initiatives, let the anticipation for the impact we can collectively make fill our hearts. Whether through acts of kindness, support for those in need, or fostering connections with our neighbors, our efforts, big or small, contribute to a tapestry of positive change.

In closing, thank you for joining us in this noble undertaking. May this Missionary and Outreach Program be a catalyst for transformation—not only in the lives of those we serve but also in our own hearts as we learn, grow, and deepen our understanding of the profound impact we can make as a community of believers.

To a journey of service, compassion, and love—may it be as enriching for us as it is for those we aim to uplift. Let us embark on this mission together. Amen.

20. Acknowledgment of Church Elders and Leaders

As we stand within the hallowed walls of our beloved church, let us take a moment to acknowledge and honor those whose wisdom, guidance, and unwavering commitment have been the cornerstone of our faith community—the esteemed elders and leaders of [Church Name].

To our revered elders, your wisdom is a beacon that has illuminated the path of our church for years. Through the ebb and flow of time, your insights have been a source of strength, your counsel a guiding light, and your unwavering dedication an inspiration to us all.

To our leaders, both present and past, your visionary leadership has steered our church through challenges and triumphs alike. Your commitment to fostering a community of love, understanding, and faith has shaped the very fabric of [Church Name].

To our current leaders who carry the mantle, we extend a warm welcome and our heartfelt gratitude. Your selfless service, tireless efforts, and dedication to the well-being of our church family are the pillars upon which our faith community stands tall.

As we collectively acknowledge the elders and leaders in our midst, let our hearts be filled with gratitude for the countless hours, prayers, and heartfelt endeavors they have invested in nurturing our spiritual home.

Before we proceed, let us reflect on the indelible mark left by these leaders and elders. Their legacy is not merely etched in the annals of our church history but lives on in the lives they’ve touched and the foundation they’ve laid for generations to come.

In this acknowledgment, let us also recognize the unity that binds us. Our elders and leaders have fostered an environment where diverse voices are heard, where love prevails, and where our collective faith is a guiding force.

In closing, thank you, dear elders and leaders, for your enduring commitment, your profound influence, and the love you have showered upon our church family. May your journey continue to be blessed, and may your legacy be a source of inspiration for all who walk the path of faith with [Church Name].

To the leaders who have shaped our past, guide our present, and pave the way for our future—we honor you with deep gratitude and love. Amen.

example of a welcome speech for church

21. Opening Welcome for a Thanksgiving Service

Dear [Church Name] Family and Cherished Guests,

With hearts full of gratitude and a spirit of thanksgiving, we welcome each of you to this special gathering—the [Year] Thanksgiving Service. As we gather in this sacred space, let us come together with open hearts, reflecting on the countless blessings that grace our lives.

Today, we stand united in the warmth of gratitude—a gratitude that extends beyond the confines of our church to encompass the abundant blessings that weave through the tapestry of our lives. We acknowledge the divine providence that sustains us, the love that surrounds us, and the moments of joy that fill our days.

To our dear [Church Name] family, both longtime members and those who are joining us for the first time, we extend a warm welcome. Your presence adds a special grace to our thanksgiving celebration, and we are grateful to share this moment of reflection and praise with each of you.

Thanksgiving is more than a tradition; it is a sacred act of acknowledging the goodness that flows into our lives. It is a moment to bow our heads in humility, lift our voices in praise, and express gratitude for the bountiful blessings that enrich our journey.

As we embark on this thanksgiving service, let us do so with a sense of unity. Our individual expressions of gratitude, when woven together, create a beautiful chorus that resonates through the halls of our church—a chorus that acknowledges the goodness of our Creator.

Before we proceed further, let the anticipation for moments of reflection, praise, and communal thanksgiving fill our hearts. Today’s service is an invitation to pause, appreciate, and offer our gratitude as one church family.

In closing, thank you for being part of this Thanksgiving Service. May the moments we share today be filled with the spirit of thanksgiving, the joy of community, and the awareness of the blessings that surround us.

To a service of gratitude, unity, and praise—may it be a source of inspiration and a reminder of the abundant goodness that graces our lives. Amen.

22. Warm Greetings for a Church Picnic or BBQ

Dear [Church Name] Family and Friends,

As the sun smiles upon us and the laughter of fellowship fills the air, a joyous welcome to the [Year] Church Picnic and BBQ! Today, we come together not only as a congregation but as an extended family, ready to savor the flavors of friendship, community, and, of course, some delicious barbecue.

In the spirit of togetherness, we gather beneath the open sky to celebrate the warmth of friendship and the bonds that make our church community special. Each smile, each shared moment, adds a brushstroke to the canvas of our shared journey.

To our long-time members, new faces, and guests who have joined us for this delightful occasion, welcome! Your presence adds the perfect seasoning to our gathering, and we are thrilled to share this day of relaxation and joy with each and every one of you.

Today is not just about sizzling grills and delectable dishes; it’s about building connections, forging new friendships, and creating memories that will linger in our hearts long after the barbecue flames have flickered away. From games to good conversations, let today be a celebration of life, love, and laughter.

As the aroma of barbecue wafts through the air and the sound of laughter echoes, let us revel in the simple joy of being together. Our church picnic is a celebration of the vibrant tapestry of our community, where each one of you is a vital thread that contributes to the beautiful mosaic of [Church Name].

Before we fire up the grills and dive into the festivities, let the anticipation for fun, fellowship, and mouthwatering treats fill our hearts. Today is a day to unwind, connect, and relish the simple pleasures of life.

In closing, thank you for being part of this joyous occasion. May the laughter be contagious, the conversations be heartwarming, and the food be as delightful as the company. Let’s savor this day of camaraderie, grateful for the gift of community that makes our church truly special.

To good food, great company, and the blessings of fellowship—welcome to the [Year] Church Picnic and BBQ! Let the festivities begin! Amen.

23. Welcome Speech for a Confirmation Service

Dear [Church Name] Congregation and Honored Guests,

With hearts brimming with joy and a spirit of anticipation, we extend a warm welcome to each of you on this momentous occasion—the [Year] Confirmation Service. Today, we come together to witness a sacred journey, to celebrate the growth of faith, and to welcome a new chapter in the lives of our confirmands.

The Confirmation Service is more than a ritual; it is a profound declaration of faith, a personal commitment to walk the path of discipleship, and a celebration of the Holy Spirit’s transformative work within our young members.

To the families and friends who have gathered to support and celebrate our confirmands, we extend a warm welcome. Your presence adds a special grace to this service, and we are grateful to share this moment with you.

Confirmation is a sacred milestone, a spiritual journey that reflects a deepening commitment to Christ and His teachings. Today, we witness the affirmation of faith by our confirmands—a declaration that echoes through the ages and resonates within the walls of our church.

As we stand on the threshold of this Confirmation Service, let us acknowledge the spiritual growth of our confirmands. Through moments of study, reflection, and prayer, they have embraced the teachings of Christ and nurtured a personal relationship with the divine.

Before we proceed further, let the anticipation for blessings, guidance, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit fill our hearts. Today is a day of celebration, a day when we affirm the presence of God in the lives of our confirmands and embrace the rich tapestry of faith that binds us together.

In closing, thank you for being part of this sacred Confirmation Service. May the vows spoken, the prayers offered, and the laying on of hands be a source of inspiration and spiritual fortitude for our confirmands as they continue their journey of faith.

To the confirmands, may the Holy Spirit guide your steps, illuminate your path, and fill your hearts with the enduring love of Christ. Welcome to this moment of consecration and celebration. Amen.

24. Introduction for a Special Children’s Program

Dear Families, Children, and Beloved Guests,

A burst of excitement and a kaleidoscope of joy fill the air as we gather today for a truly special occasion—the [Year] Children’s Program at [Church Name]. It is with immense delight that we welcome each one of you to a celebration of innocence, creativity, and the boundless wonder that resides in the hearts of our little ones.

Today, our focus turns to the smallest members of our community—our precious children. Their laughter, curiosity, and untamed imaginations are a testament to the pure, unbridled spirit that graces our congregation.

To the families, friends, and guests who join us in this celebration, we extend a heartfelt welcome. Your presence adds a special warmth to this gathering, and we are grateful to share this delightful moment with each and every one of you.

The Children’s Program is not just an event; it is a journey into a world of wonder, discovery, and the simple joys of childhood. Through delightful performances, heartfelt presentations, and creative expressions, our children will showcase the beauty of their hearts and minds.

As we embark on this enchanting journey, let us do so with a sense of wonder. Today is a celebration of the innocence that dwells in the hearts of our children—a reminder that within every giggle, every story, and every song, there exists a universe of possibility and magic.

Before the program unfolds, let the anticipation for delightful moments, heartfelt expressions, and the sheer exuberance of our children fill our hearts. Today, we step into a world where imagination knows no bounds, and every child’s voice is a melody of hope.

In closing, thank you for being part of this special Children’s Program. May the giggles be contagious, the smiles be infectious, and the moments we share today be etched in our hearts as cherished memories.

To the little stars who grace our stage today, may your spirits shine brightly, and may this Children’s Program be a celebration of the beautiful tapestry of our church family. Welcome to a day of joy, laughter, and the magic of childhood. Amen.

example of a welcome speech for church

25. Greetings for a Church Fundraising Event

Dear [Church Name] Family and Generous Supporters,

With hearts full of gratitude and a spirit of shared purpose, we extend a warm welcome to each of you at our [Year] Church Fundraising Event. Today, we come together not only as a congregation but as a community united in the noble cause of supporting and uplifting the work of our church.

As we gather for this special fundraising event, we acknowledge the generosity that flows from the hearts of our church family and friends. Your willingness to contribute and support the mission of our church is a testament to the strength of our community.

To our dedicated church members, supporters, and those who have joined us for the first time, welcome. Your presence adds a special vibrancy to this occasion, and we are grateful for your commitment to the well-being and growth of our church.

Today’s event is more than a fundraiser; it is a celebration of our shared values, a testament to our collective commitment to the mission of our church, and an opportunity to sow seeds of generosity that will bear fruits in the lives touched by our outreach and ministry.

In the spirit of community, let us come together with open hearts, recognizing that every contribution, whether big or small, plays a vital role in the continued success and impact of our church’s initiatives.

Before we delve into the festivities of the event, let the anticipation for the impact we can collectively make fill our hearts. Each donation, each act of generosity, contributes to the realization of our shared vision and mission.

In closing, thank you for being part of this important fundraising event. May the spirit of generosity that dwells within our community continue to flourish, and may the fruits of our collective efforts be a source of blessings for many.

To a day of shared purpose, unity, and the joy of giving—welcome to the [Year] Church Fundraising Event. Let us make a difference together! Amen.

26. Welcome Address for a Seasonal Event (Easter)

Dear [Church Name] Family and Respected Guests,

With hearts overflowing with the joy of resurrection and the promise of new beginnings, we extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to each one of you on this glorious Easter morning. Today, as we gather in the embrace of our faith community, we celebrate the central tenet of Christianity—the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

On this sacred day, we stand united in the recognition of the profound significance of the resurrection. Easter is not merely a date on the calendar; it is a testament to the triumph of light over darkness, hope over despair, and life over death. It is a day that echoes through the corridors of history, proclaiming the victory of love and redemption.

To our beloved church family and to those joining us for this Easter celebration, welcome. Your presence adds a special radiance to this momentous occasion, and we are grateful for the shared joy, fellowship, and reverence that permeates our gathering.

Easter is a day of rejoicing, a day when we come together to commemorate the Resurrection and to bask in the transformative power of Christ’s love. Today’s celebration is not just a ritual; it is an affirmation of our shared faith, a renewal of hope, and an invitation to embrace the boundless grace of God.

As we enter into this Easter service, let us do so with hearts open to the renewal that this day symbolizes. May the message of resurrection resonate within us, inspiring a renewed commitment to love, compassion, and the teachings of Christ.

Before we proceed further, let the anticipation for spiritual rejoicing, shared worship, and the presence of the risen Christ fill our hearts. Today is a day of jubilation, a day when we rejoice not only in the historical event but also in the living presence of Christ in our lives.

In closing, thank you for being part of this momentous Easter celebration. May the joy of the resurrection infuse our hearts with hope, our spirits with courage, and our lives with the transformative power of God’s love.

To a day of resurrection joy, communal worship, and the everlasting grace of our risen Lord—welcome to this Easter service at [Church Name]. May the blessings of Easter be abundant for each one of you. Amen.

27. Warm Welcome for a Volunteer Appreciation Event

Dear Esteemed Volunteers and Honored Guests,

With hearts brimming with gratitude and a deep sense of appreciation, we extend the warmest of welcomes to each of you at our [Year] Volunteer Appreciation Event. Today, we come together not merely as an organization but as a family, bound by the common thread of selfless service and a shared commitment to making a positive impact on our community.

In this moment, we pause to acknowledge and celebrate the heartbeat of our organization—the dedicated volunteers who, through their selfless contributions, have woven a tapestry of compassion, support, and positive change.

To our cherished volunteers, both longstanding members and those who have recently joined our ranks, welcome. Your unwavering dedication has been the cornerstone of our collective success, and we are profoundly grateful for the time, talent, and heart you invest in our shared mission.

Today’s event is not just a token of appreciation; it is a celebration of the remarkable individuals who embody the spirit of service. Through heartfelt expressions, shared moments, and the joy of camaraderie, we aim to convey our deep gratitude for the positive impact you have made on the lives of those we serve.

In the spirit of community, let us come together with open hearts to celebrate not only the individual contributions but also the collective strength that arises when individuals unite with a shared vision of making a difference.

Before the festivities unfold, let the anticipation for well-deserved recognition, heartfelt expressions of gratitude, and the joy of shared accomplishments fill our hearts. Today is a day to shine a spotlight on the incredible work our volunteers have accomplished.

In closing, thank you for being the backbone of our organization, the driving force behind positive change, and the embodiment of the values we hold dear. May this Volunteer Appreciation Event be a reflection of the deep respect and gratitude we have for each of you.

To a day of heartfelt appreciation, shared laughter, and the joy of knowing that your efforts have made a meaningful difference—welcome to the [Year] Volunteer Appreciation Event. Your commitment is the cornerstone of our success, and for that, we are truly grateful. Amen.

example of a welcome speech for church

28. Acknowledgment of Long-time Church Members

With hearts filled with reverence and gratitude, we gather today to pay tribute to the steadfast pillars of our faith community—our long-time church members. As we stand on the shoulders of their enduring commitment, we extend a warm acknowledgment to those who have been the bedrock of our congregation.

In this sacred moment, we pause to acknowledge and celebrate the individuals who have walked alongside us, offering their unwavering dedication and steadfast commitment to the journey of faith. These long-time members are the living embodiment of the spirit that breathes life into our church.

To our cherished long-time members, welcome. Your presence is a testament to the depth of commitment and the enduring love that binds us as a church family. Your legacy is woven into the fabric of our history, and we are profoundly grateful for the rich tapestry of faith you have helped create.

Today is not merely a recognition; it is a celebration of the countless contributions, sacrifices, and moments of grace that our long-time members have shared with our church community. Through their leadership, kindness, and unwavering support, they have left an indelible mark on the journey of our congregation.

In the spirit of unity, let us come together with open hearts to celebrate the shared journey that has brought us to this moment. The stories, the wisdom, and the enduring faith of our long-time members are threads that weave us into a community bound by the common purpose of worship and service.

Before we proceed further, let the anticipation for moments of reflection, gratitude, and shared memories fill our hearts. Today is a day to honor the legacy of our long-time members and to express our heartfelt appreciation for the impact they have made on our church family.

In closing, thank you, dear long-time members, for being the cornerstone of our church. Your legacy is not only the years you have spent with us but the lives you have touched and the spiritual foundation you have helped establish. May this acknowledgment be a small token of the deep gratitude we hold for each of you.

To a day of remembrance, celebration, and the enduring legacy of our long-time members—welcome to this special gathering. May the bonds of our faith community continue to strengthen through the wisdom and love you bring to our midst. Amen.

29. Closing Remarks for a Church Event or Service

Dear [Church Name] Family and Honored Guests,

As we draw the curtains on this sacred gathering, I am compelled to express heartfelt gratitude and offer closing remarks that reflect the spirit of our time together.

First and foremost, I extend my deepest gratitude to each one of you for gracing us with your presence today. Your participation has added a special depth and richness to our collective worship and fellowship.

As we look back on the moments we’ve shared, let us carry with us the essence of the messages, the warmth of communal worship, and the connections forged during our time together. In these moments, we have drawn closer to the divine and to one another.

A heartfelt thank you to all who have contributed—whether through words of wisdom, musical offerings, prayers, or acts of service. Your contributions have been the threads that have woven the tapestry of our shared experience.

As we step back into the rhythm of our daily lives, let the inspiration and blessings we’ve received today accompany us. May the messages of faith, hope, and love resonate in our hearts, guiding our steps in the week ahead.

Our time together does not end with the closing of this service. Let us carry the spirit of fellowship beyond these walls, supporting and uplifting one another in the journey of life.

Before we part ways, let us bow our heads in prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the precious moments we’ve shared today. May the grace and peace of Your presence abide with us as we go forth from this sacred place. Grant us strength, wisdom, and a heart filled with love to navigate the days ahead. In Your holy name, we pray. Amen.

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. Amen.

As we conclude this gathering, may the love of Christ bind us together, and may the spirit of unity and grace guide our paths until we meet again. Thank you, and go in peace.

example of a welcome speech for church

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example of a welcome speech for church

Church Welcome Speech Guide (+5 Ready-to-Use Samples)

A welcome speech gives parishioners, meeting attendees, and visitors the chance to learn about your church and your goals. Your speech doesn’t have to be long, but there are a few things you must include. This article shares a step-by-step guide to help you write your church’s welcome speech and provides free samples to get you started.

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Everyone is seated and waiting for you to speak. Are you ready?

A welcome speech is the first thing parishioners, meeting attendees, and visitors to your church will hear. It’s the chance for people to learn more about your church , the day’s agenda, and your goals.

In this article, we’ll share step-by-step instructions to help you write your welcome speech and five free samples to get you started.

What is a Church Welcome Speech?

Welcome speeches are an excellent way to set the tone for an upcoming meeting, service, or event and welcome old and new members of your church. Starting with a welcome speech gives your church service or meeting a warm start and helps those new to your church feel like they’re in the right place.

A welcome speech is also a great way to share what to expect during the rest of the service or meeting. When writing a welcome speech, try to find ways for parishioners to participate. You can achieve this by asking them to greet one another and educating them about how they can give any time during the service using their smartphones, via text or your online donation form.

The Step-by-Step Approach to a Heartwarming Church Welcome Speech

Church speeches require a special approach and careful consideration. If you’re new to writing your church’s welcome speech, we’ve provided a few steps to help along the way.

1. Understand the occasion

The first and most important step to writing a welcome speech is understanding the situation. Whether you’re welcoming parishioners to your weekly Sunday service, a holiday special, or a church business meeting , each situation will have its own feeling and purpose.

Once you better understand why people are there, writing a welcome-to-church speech should be easier.

2. The introduction

Now that you’re ready to start, you’ll want to introduce yourself and your church. Start with a smile and hello or welcome, and move on to sharing your name.

After that, you’ll need to share the name of your church or internal church group and the purpose of the service or meeting.

If you’re welcoming people to Sunday service, you may want to share your church’s mission statement to help connect people to your church’s goals. If it’s a holiday service or business meeting, a quick explanation should do.

3. Set expectations

Another crucial part of a welcome speech is to set expectations. You can do this with details about the upcoming service or meeting and how you expect people to participate.

Keep in mind what emotions you hope to convey. If the service is more subdued, keep a serious tone to your script . You may also want to limit the amount of crowd participation.

You’ll want a more festive atmosphere for holiday events and other special occasions. In these cases, find ways for parishioners to connect with each other and include words and agenda items to excite your audience.

4. Important practical information

welcome speech for church

Great church welcome speeches provide information on what your service, meeting, or holiday special will entail.

Details like the names of your pastor , team leaders, and musicians introduce vital team members to the audience. A quick introduction to the sermon or play helps parishioners know what to expect.

You can also use this time to share how people can support your church or small group with a text or online donation. By sharing this information initially, you let church attendees choose when to give and how, and you don’t interrupt the service and visitors’ spiritual connections .

Text-to-give is a convenient giving option for your parishioners and potential donors. Simply share your text-to-give number and campaign ID with your congregants or post it around your church. This will help people understand the process and quickly make a donation from their smartphones.

This also ensures that you can focus on the speech and won’t have to explain the giving process to people. Check out this guide to understand how churches can use text-to-give.

5. Welcome newcomers

A primary role of church welcome speeches is to welcome newcomers. Introducing yourself and your church is a great first step, but you’ll also want to give them a chance to introduce themselves.

You can also ask them to share their name with the group if it’s a smaller meeting. However, this isn’t possible with Sunday and holiday services. So, take time to pause and ask everyone to introduce themselves to those around them.

This is essential to helping newcomers feel welcome in your church community.

If you’re looking for more church welcome ideas, check out this blog .

6. Transition to the next step

Once you’ve shared the names of your team members, what to expect, and given parishioners a chance to connect, what’s next?

That’s exactly what this step entails. Now’s your turn to hand over the reins to the choir, praise team, or another team leader. Take time to pray together before moving on.

5 Samples of Church Welcome Speeches

1. general welcome.

Good morning, my name is ( Name ), and I want to welcome you to ( Church Name ). We want to thank all of you for joining us and sharing our goal of ( Church’s Mission ).

On this beautiful winter morning, our praise team led by ( Director’s Name ) and pastor have so much to share! Pastor ( Pastor’s Name ) is starting a new series about ( Series Subject ), and we’ll all join together in a few songs to add cheer to our building and hearts this winter season.

If you hear something that touches your heart today, please feel free to share it online. Cell phones are welcome during our services, but please keep them on silent. Also, if you feel moved, you can always share your tithe or offering via text. Information to donate by phone or online is in the program you received when you came in.

Before moving on, we want to welcome newcomers to our church home. We are so grateful to have you join us today. Can everyone please stand up? Take a few minutes to turn around and introduce yourselves to a new face or friend you haven’t seen in a while.

Thank you. Now, before the praise team starts the first song, let’s pray.

2. Welcome speech for Sunday services

Good morning. We’re so grateful to have you join us at ( Church’s Name ) this beautiful Sunday morning to praise God and the Son of God. My name is ( Name ), and I’m the ( Title ). I also want to introduce you to our Choir Director ( Name ) and Pastor ( Name ).

Every week, we gather together to share in God’s blessings, and this week is no different. If you’re new to our church, we want to welcome you and ask you to reflect on the ways God has made a difference in your life. As the service continues, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet other members and join our community.

We also want to remind everyone that cell phones are welcome during the service, but please keep them on silent. Feel free to take notes on today’s service or share a comment on our Facebook page.

Also, if you feel so moved, you can always tithe or make an offering via text. Information to donate by phone or online is in your program.

Now, before our Choir takes the mic, let us pray.

3. Welcome speech for a church fundraising event

Hello, my name is ( Name ), and I want to welcome you to ( Church Name ). We’re excited to see so many members and new visitors here to celebrate our church home. God has granted us so many gifts and the opportunity to share God’s word with those who need him most.

This evening we’re here to raise funds for ( Campaign Goal ). We’re honored to welcome ( Sponsor Names ) and ( Special Guests ).

We also want to welcome all the new visitors joining us tonight. We have several raffles and auction items for you to purchase tonight. We also welcome guests to donate what they can to support our campaign.

There are baskets around the building for cash or checks. You can also text your donation to ( Text Number – Share in your program or screen ).

Before I hand the mic over to our Auctioneer, I’d like to have ( Pastor’s Name ) lead us in prayer.

4. Church welcome speech for Christmas service

Welcome! Welcome! This Christmas, let’s celebrate Jesus’s birthday together! I’m ( Name ), and I want to welcome you all to ( Church Name ). We have a wonderful evening in store for you!

Tonight, several of our members will share the story of Jesus’s birth with a play titled ( Christmas Play Title ). We also have several incredible musicians who will share their gifts with all of us. We ask that you turn off your cell phones and if you do take photos, please turn off the flash.

Now, to start our evening off, please stand at sing ( Hymn Name ) with me.

5. Welcome speech for church business meeting

Hello, My name is ( Name ), the ( Title ). Welcome to the meeting of ( Group Name ). We’re here today to discuss ( the Purpose of the Meeting ). Everyone should have a printed agenda. Please ask ( Secretary’s Name ) if you haven’t received one.

Once we’ve addressed and voted on the last meeting’s action items, we’ll open it to new business. We have a few visitors here to share ( New Meeting Items ).

Before we start our meeting, I’d like to start with a prayer.

In Conclusion

Your church welcome speech will help you start your evening on the right foot. It’s not easy to ask for funds from your parishioners, but it is necessary, and your welcome-to-church speech is a good place to set the tone.

If your church doesn’t already have an online donation or text-giving tool, check out Donorbox. We have helped thousands of churches and other organizations in 96 countries raise over $1.6 billion in donations. Our features include text-to-give, recurring donations, peer-to-peer fundraising, crowdfunding, events, memberships, QuickDonate™, and more.

Sign up for free and get started right away!

For tips and resources on church fundraising, check out the rest of our Nonprofit Blog . Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a curated list of our best resources in your inbox every month.

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Kristine Ensor

Kristine Ensor is a freelance writer with over a decade of experience working with local and international nonprofits. As a nonprofit professional she has specialized in fundraising, marketing, event planning, volunteer management, and board development.

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example of a welcome speech for church

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Welcomes for Churches – 18 Speeches and Greetings

18 welcome speeches for churches

When you meet someone for the first time, you want to make a great first impression. You’ll choose your words carefully, find some common ground, and be sure to make them feel welcome. 

Showing that same kind of care when planning welcomes for churches, whether it’s through a welcome speech or a written church bulletin greeting, is a great way to help first-time visitors feel comfortable in an unfamiliar setting.

It can also incorporate welcoming back with open arms long time attenders and occasional visitors, so that they feel at home as well. And it can make sure that details like filling out welcome cards or what’s happening in the service get communicated.

Whether you’re a pastor, elder, part of a welcome team, or another volunteer, it’s always important to be ready to give a warm reception. Here are 18 ideas for welcomes for churches.

Table of Contents

Verbal Welcomes for Churches

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Have you been asked to open the service with a welcoming speech? These example speeches can give you some ideas on how to get started in demonstrating that you are a welcoming church. 

If you’ve been asked to pray, these Prayers Before Sermon can also help you plan what to say.

You’ll want to change the terminology to reflect your church’s culture. For example, one church might call a card with name, address, phone number, etc., a contact card; while others might call them a visitor card, guest card, connection cards, or welcome cards . Customize to match your situation.

Traditional Welcome

A traditional welcome usually contains a few facts and introduces the next part of the service. Here is a traditional welcome by a church pastor or another member of the staff.

“Good morning! I’m Pastor Mark, the youth pastor here at SAMPLE church. We are so happy to see you here today! Please take a moment to fill out a church connect card if you’re visiting here for the first time, or you would like to share a prayer request with us. Let’s prepare our hearts for worship as the worship team comes to the stage.”

Personal Introduction

Have you ever had to bluff your way through a group conversation where you didn’t really know who everyone was? That can be how a new visitor feels when trying to follow along with a church service, especially if they’ve never attended church before.

This example speech would be given by a church leader, for example a deacon, and orients people to who they are going to see. This is especially helpful if your bulletin does not include an order of service, or if you don’t hand out bulletins.

“Hi there! I’m Joe, one of the church leaders here at SAMPLE Church. We want to welcome you to our church and hope you feel at home here! We’ll be starting worship soon with our worship team, and later on Pastor Bob is going to be talking about how you can find hope.  If you have any questions about SAMPLE Church, please check in with me later. Let’s get our service started!”

This could immediately be followed by the worship music, or you could substitute “Let’s get our service started!” for “Let’s pray,” and add a prayer .

Scripture-Based Welcome

If you would like to incorporate Bible verses into your welcome to new visitors and returning attendees, consider this format. It’s best to keep it short unless you’ve been asked to open the Sunday service with a Bible reading. 

“Psalm 133:1 in the New International Version translation tells us ‘How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!’ We are so happy to get to come together as a church congregation to worship the Lord. Whether it’s your first time here, or you grew up here, we are glad to spend this time together with you! May God bless our gathering this morning.”

Worship Leader Welcome

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Does your church start its service with music, with only a little bit of talking beforehand? This short welcome by the worship leader or a member of the worship team can be an alternative to a more formal or traditional welcome.

Besides giving a welcome, it incorporates a short instruction about standing so that people who have never been before know what they are supposed to be doing. If you have a small but important direction to give, be sure to include it.

“Welcome to SAMPLE Church! We’re so glad you’re here today. We’re starting off with a few songs to get our hearts ready for worship and for God’s Word. You can stand if you are able or stay seated. Let’s worship the Lord together!” 

Storytelling Welcome

For some first-time guests, church can feel like an intimidating place. Show that the people at your church are relatable by opening with a glimpse into your morning or your Christian walk.

It can be difficult to achieve the right balance between “telling a relatable story” and “oversharing,” so if you’re not sure about your welcome speech, check it with another church leader.

“I am so glad to be here with the body of Christ today. This week has been a struggle, nothing earth-shattering but it’s been a hard one. Maybe this week has been hard for you, too. Let’s take this time to come together before the Lord today and get our hearts right before Him.  If you have any questions about what that means, check with me or one of the other church leaders over at LOCATION after the service.”

Youth Welcome

Does your church have a Youth Sunday or a Children’s Sunday where they help plan and participate in the worship service? This welcome will give you a place to start as you help them plan what they are going to say to welcome the church.

It’s best to put a lot of time into planning and practicing for these types of services. Many adults would be caught off guard if you said “Go up there and open the church service right now.” Why would we expect younger people to be ready to do this without preparation?

This is usually done by teenagers or pre-teens, but if there are small children, it would be best to have a children’s ministry volunteer accompany them to hold the microphone and offer encouragement.

Pray about which younger person will be ready for this responsibility. Since this is often the first item in the order of service, a good welcome can set the right tone for the rest of the youth-planned service. 

“Hi! My name is Kim, and I’m part of the youth group here at SAMPLE church. On behalf of the youth group, I want to welcome you to church today! We are excited to bring Youth Sunday to you this morning. Please fill out a connection card if you have a prayer request or if you are visiting for the first time today. Thank you for supporting our youth group at SAMPLE church. We pray that today will be a blessing to you.”

Greeters’ Welcome

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Greeters have the special privilege of often being the first person a new visitor meets. A church greeter should always be ready with a warm welcome. Here are a few friendly phrases that church greeters can extend to the people they meet.

“So happy to see you today!” “Glad you’re here!” “Welcome to CHURCH NAME!”

When greeters are certain that someone is new, then they could use these welcomes:

“So good to meet you! If you have any questions about anything, I’m here to help!” “Hi, I’m NAME, one of the members of the welcome team here. What’s your name? Would you like me to introduce you to a few friendly faces?” “So glad you’re here for the service! I hope you can make it to the EVENT afterwards. There will be more details in the church service.”

Welcome from the Parking Lot

Not every welcome needs a full speech. Sometimes a few words will do!

If your church needs to have parking lot volunteers to help handle traffic and parking, then your visitors and regular attenders are first interacting with your parking lot team members.

While safety and timeliness are important issues that need to be addressed, parking lot volunteers should also be reminded that they are also part of the welcome team.

A parking team member being kind when giving directions, and offering a smile, goes a long way. Remember that not everyone knows the routine.

Parking lot volunteers can also look for people who don’t seem sure of where they are going to greet them and find out if they need directions.

Parking team leaders should assess the needs of your parking lot ministry and advise the volunteers based on that important information.

Written Bulletin Greetings

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What purpose does your bulletin serve for your church? Many are focused on providing information, like sermon notes, small group and Bible study information, and maybe an order of service. 

But it should also be a place where a new visitor can find information that makes them feel welcome. It can also include details that might seem obvious to church members, but could confuse church visitors.

Some of that information could include: church contact information (phone number and email address especially!), silencing cell phones, the church’s mission or vision statement, or Sunday School and small group information. 

If you have a friend or family member visit, if it seems appropriate, get their feedback on what they don’t understand, and consider incorporating those suggestions. See if they think the church has clear signage or they understand the church’s website, or if the church welcome gifts seem helpful. 

These greetings for the bulletin can help clear up some of these issues. Many of these greetings can also be incorporated into your church welcome speeches.

General Welcome Message

This is an example of a short paragraph that includes words of welcome as well as needed information. It assumes that you have a special gift for new visitors, like a gift card or mug, that you offer with your welcome packets.

“First time guests, we welcome you to SAMPLE Church’s worship service today! We’re glad you are here. When the offering plate passes by you later, don’t feel obligated to give. New families, if you have children under 12, they can stay with you, or try out our children’s ministry upstairs – they are having a fun and meaningful time learning more about the Bible! 

If you have any questions, please check in with our welcome center located in the foyer. They’ll also have a free gift for you when you turn in your connection card and tell them you’re a first time visitor. We hope you will be blessed today!”

Invitation to Fellowship

Many of these welcomes and greetings focus on welcoming new guests, but it’s also encouraging to make church family feel at home as well. This next welcome highlights the opportunities to get to know each other better at a fellowship event following the service, like a potluck.

“Our special potluck Sunday is here! We look forward to catching up with each other and getting to know those newer to our church community.  If you didn’t happen to bring anything to the potluck, that’s OK! There’s plenty of food to go around, and there’s no cost to attend. We hope to see you there!”

Upcoming Events Highlight

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Welcoming words can also include upcoming events. This can help people know that they are invited to attend your special event, whether this is their first or their thousandth Sunday.

“Our church anniversary celebration is coming up next Sunday! We are looking forward to celebrating this with you.  Whether you just started attending or grew up in the church nursery, we look forward to celebrating with you. Be sure to RSVP through the app or on your welcome card today!”

Gratitude for Attendance

For various reasons, it can be difficult for someone to get to church. Maybe it is a transportation issue, perhaps they are battling grief or another hard time in their lives, or they might have difficulties with social situations. They could also be in a spiritual battle, and convinced that they aren’t good enough to go to church.

A simple appreciation of their presence is a great way to encourage those who struggle to get to church. Consider this example.

“Thank you for coming to church today! We know it can take a lot to show up on Sunday morning, and we are happy to see you here. We look forward to worshiping with you today!”

Community Engagement Call

It’s wonderful to be part of a church family, and we should always look to be welcoming new people into church! This welcome emphasizes connecting with the people outside the church on their own and with church organized events.

“Welcome to the house of the Lord today! We’re excited to see many a familiar face, as well as many new faces. We love to welcome new people to our church family! Be part of letting people know about Jesus by using our invitation cards at the welcome table in the lobby, or participating in our outreach booth at the upcoming fair.”

Specialized Welcomes for Churches

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There are special occasions that might require a specialized welcome. One of these welcomes for churches might be just right for your next church event!

Seasonal Welcome

Holidays and special celebrations may find you welcoming new or returning people to your church family, especially Christmas and Easter. Visiting a new church or returning after a long absence can be daunting for some. 

Be sure to make them feel welcome. Some might be tempted to poke fun at those who only show up for holidays. Do not do this under any circumstances! Sporadic attenders may already feel out of place, and this kind of joke could discourage them from ever returning again.

Instead, carefully choose your words. This is an example of a few quick words of welcome you could say.

“We are excited to be celebrating this special day with you! We look forward to worshiping and glorifying Jesus Christ together today. May you be blessed by today’s service, and may your worship bless our Savior.”

If you need specific welcomes for holidays, check out our  Christmas and Easter welcomes for churches.

New Member Welcome

Has your church recently welcomed new members? A new member welcome might be appropriate. 

For some churches, this would be a welcome immediately after the prospective church member is voted in at a business meeting, while other churches have different processes. This example is for a welcome after a business meeting.

“We are thrilled to extend the ‘right hand of fellowship,’ as they would say ‘back in the day,’ to our newest members. Please be sure to come say hello to our newest members, and introduce yourself if you haven’t met yet. We are glad you are officially part of our church family!”

Visitors’ Welcome

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While many of the welcomes for churches in this article are appropriate for new visitors, this example is tailored just to welcome visitors. The details walk them through what the next steps of the service will be.

“Good morning, church! I’m Pastor Ron, the senior pastor here at SAMPLE church. We are so happy to have you here today! Before we begin, I would like to take a moment to welcome our visitors. If you are new here, please take a moment to fill out a church welcome card. You can find one in the seat back in front of you. The welcome card is a great way for us to get to know you better and connect you with resources that can help you grow in your faith. I would also like to invite you to share a prayer request with us. If you have a specific need that you would like us to pray for, please write it on the back of your welcome card. Our prayer team will be praying for you this week. Next up, we’ll have our time of worship through song, then I’ll be giving a message about the love of Christ. If you have any questions, please check in with anyone in the lobby after the service. We’d love to connect with you!”

Multi-language Welcome

Does your church have services in other languages? Or do you partner with another church that has services in another language? Consider incorporating this into your welcome. 

Any welcome that includes multiple languages should be reviewed by a native or fluent speaker of both languages. It should also be checked for tone to make sure that it will be received well in one’s own language.

This sample speech uses the example of a church service in English that also offers a service in Spanish.

“Welcome to church! Bienvendios a la iglesia! Here at SAMPLE church, we have services in both English and Spanish. We want you to be able to worship in the language of your heart. We have an English-speaking service at 10:00 AM and a Spanish-speaking service at 1:00 PM.  We pray that one of these services will bless you. Please invite your friends to worship with us in whichever language they feel comfortable with.”

Virtual Welcome

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Online services have been available for some time, but have increased in popularity and acceptance over recent years. Many church services that happen in person are also being broadcast online, yet they don’t acknowledge the online audience.

Foster connection and fellowship with the people joining you online by incorporating them into your welcome. This sample welcome is designed for a church that is meeting both in person and online.

“We want to welcome you to SAMPLE Church! Whether you’re here in person with us, or online, we are glad to be worshiping with you today.  If you’re online, please take a moment to leave a comment or click the link to fill out our connection card (or contact card) so we know you stopped by, and how we can pray for you this week. Those in person at church can scan the QR code or fill out the welcome card in front of you. Wherever you are worshiping from today, we all do this for the glory of God! Please prepare your heart for worship today by joining me in prayer.”

Hopefully one of these welcomes for churches will work for you. As you plan what you are going to say, be praying for the Holy Spirit to lead you. 

Consider how your words of welcome might come across to someone who is visiting church for the first time. Edit out any confusing terms or “church-speak” that might make a first-time guest feel excluded when you are planning your church speeches. Set a tone of welcoming people with open hearts.

Our words can be so important in conveying a very warm welcome to every single person in the house of God. Choosing these words carefully can help us communicate the love of God to others. 

Don’t leave details like your welcome speech for church until the last minute. Welcome speeches can play an important role in setting an inviting atmosphere for these very special guests. These examples can be a great tool to shape the perfect welcome for your church today!

If you liked reading these Welcomes for Churches, you may also want to check out our Welcome Cards for Churches , our Easter Welcome Speeches or our Christmas Welcome Speeches .

Sharing is caring!


Church Welcome Speech

Church welcome speech generator.

example of a welcome speech for church

The church is a place of worship. Most religions allow individuals, even non-members of the church to attend their masses or services during Sundays and other days as well. These people are always welcomed with a welcome speech , mostly written and delivered by the residing priest or pastor.

  • Extemporaneous Speech Examples – PDF
  • Delivering an Iconic Speech- Examples and Tips

To help you in making a church welcome speech, we have provided examples in PDF format as well as our own samples of church speeches to guide you.

Basic Welcome Speech Example

Basic Welcome Speech Example

Size: 100 KB

Catholic School Speech Example

Catholic School Speech Example

Size: 105 KB

Church Welcome Speech Example

Church Welcome Speech Example

Size: 58 KB

Company Officer Welcome Speech Example

Company Officer Welcome Speech Example

Size: 60 KB

How to Write a Church Welcome Speech

Here are some tips to help you in writing a church welcome speech to welcome your guests on any type of occasion, either for a mass/service, spiritual activity, or outdoor event:

Welcome your guests in the first paragraph

Your welcome speech will mostly likely be delivered at the very beginning of the service or mass. As true to every speech in front of a large audience, the special guests are always recognized. Make sure in your church welcome speech, the guests will be introduced in the first paragraph. They may not be introduced in the very first line, make sure they are introduced at the start of your speech.

Although majority of the welcome speech will be about the guests, make sure they are introduced at the very beginning before you incorporate other stories or contents in the speech.

Acknowledge the name of your guests

Speaking of acknowledging the guests, you should list down the full names of guests as well as their designation and the location where they came from. If your guests consist of a large group (around 20 to more people), there is no need to mention all of them as it will take the entire activity to state all their names and designations.

Avoid writing a lengthy speech

A lengthy church welcome speech is not beneficial for everyone involved. A welcome speech is only delivered at the start of the activity, and it should take around 5–10 minutes maximum. A lengthy church welcome speech deprives the real purpose of the church activity and will definitely cause issues with most churchgoers.

Maintain a level of professionalism

Writing a speech is almost a fun and fulfilling activity, especially for informal speeches. But remember that you are not writing an informal speech but a very formal church welcome speech. Maintaining a level of professionalism is required.

Sample Church Welcome Speech (for new churchgoers)

Greetings everyone on this beautiful Sunday morning God has given to us!

It has been a week since I have seen you all, although there are some churchgoers of whom are in attendance now in which I had the opportunity to spend the past three days with because of the outreach activity and seminar. It was an eventful and fulfilling activity as we gave out clothes as well as food to the Greenhorn community. There were around 50 families and a total of 300 individuals in which were beneficiaries of the outreach activity. We hope we left a smile on their faces as we are planning to organize another outreach activity within the next few months.

We are thankful to the Lord for giving us another successful activity, giving out provisions and enjoyment to less fortunate communities. But we are also thankful to the God almighty for bringing us new individuals to our church today. May we call out the Jones family as well as the Smith family, and may we please give them a round of applause!

The Joneses and Smiths are on a vacation in our beautiful city for two weeks and were invited by one of our senior pastors, Rev. James, who is a close family friend of the Smiths. Rev. James is actually the godfather of Jon Jones, son of Andre Jones who is the high school classmate of Andre back in the day. I think there is no need to mention what year Andre and Rev. James both graduated.

Anyway, the church happily welcomes both the Joneses and Smiths. This church is not strict regarding to who goes in or who goes out. We aim to build to strong relationships not only with current church members, but also with churchgoers who attend our services for the first time. In honesty, we have built stronger relationships with people who attended our services a few times. And when they do come back from another city or country, they always take time to visit our church and take to the people around, not only the pastors but also the people they made a connection with when they were previously here.

To the Jones and Smith families, we welcome you again to our church and this service. May we unite in the name of the Lord and continue to ask for his guidance and thank him for the blessings he has showered upon us every day.  

Conference Sample for Church Speech Example

Conference Sample for Church Speech Example

IT Welcome Speech Example

IT Welcome Speech Example

Size: 90 KB

New Welcome Speech Example

New Welcome Speech Example

Size: 107 KB

Sample Church Welcome Speech (for returning churchgoers)

Blessed Sunday to one and all!

We are welcoming new churchgoers today! They actually traveled a distance, coming all the way from Mexico on a medical mission visit. They have been in the city for the past three days and have conducted three medical mission activities in two of the city’s outlying areas. They will be conducting two more medical mission activities in the next week before they travel back to Mexico.

Please help me welcome Father Gaviria, Father Iglesias, and the rest of the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation with a warm round of applause!

The church is very honored to have Father Gaviria and the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation in our presence, as they have conducted numerous outreach and evangelical missions around Mexico. Their spiritual work have extended in this country and we pray to the Lord that more hearts will be touched by their selfless acts.

We have invited Father Gaviria, Father Iglesias, Father Rodriguez, and the the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation in our mass today as we have done numerous outreach work in the past. Three months ago, me together with the other priests of this church visited Mexico and partnered with Father Gaviria to conduct an evangelical mission in the slums of Ciudad Juarez and managed to successfully convert 30 individuals to Christianity. And last year, me and Father Iglesias were part of the Easter congregation who conducted feeding programs to around 20 communities around Mexico.

To Father Gaviria, Father Iglesias, Father Rodriguez, and the New Mexico Catholic Church delegation, we once again welcome to our church and may we share together the word of the Lord in this blessed mass.

Good morning again, one and all!  

Bible Verses to Use When Welcoming Guests

Bible verses are essential to any church speech. Here are some Bible verses you can use when you will be making your own church welcome speech. Make sure to have an explanation or relate to a real-life situation the Bible verse or verses that you will be using in your welcome speech.

Psalm 100:4

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

Matthew 25:35–36

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

Ezekiel 44:17

And it shall come to pass, that when they enter in at the gates of the inner court, they shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within.

Revelation 22:14, 17

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Hebrews 13:1–2

Let brotherly love continue. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

1 Samuel 25:6

And thus shall ye say to him that liveth in prosperity, Peace be both to thee, and peace be to thine house, and peace be unto all that thou hast.

Romans 15:7

Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.

Matthew 5:46–48

For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same?

When the crowds learned it, they followed him, and he welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God and cured those who had need of healing.

When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church and the apostles and the elders, and they declared all that God had done with them.

Outline for Church Welcome Speech Example

Outline for Church Welcome Speech Example

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School Welcome Speech Example

School Welcome Speech Example

Size: 117 KB

Speech Sample for Church Speech Example

Speech Sample for Church Speech Example

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We hope you found this article to be insightful as well as beneficial when you will be writing your own church welcome speech. A church welcome speech is not difficult to compose, as it incorporates the basic contents and writing style of any speech. Don’t worry if you will be having problems composing the speech as we have included some tips as well examples (in PDF format) for your reference.

We also created two samples of church welcome speeches based from the PDF examples we provided. We also listed down relevant Bible verses that you can easily incorporate in the church welcome speech. Just make sure if you will be incorporating the Bible verses, you will also list down a short explanation or reflection on why you included the Bible verse.


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Write a Church Welcome Speech for Sunday service.

Create a Church Welcome Speech for a holiday celebration.

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39 Welcome Speeches for Churches That Excite

Pastor Giving a Church Welcome Speech

Making those who walk through the doors of your church feel welcome is important for church growth. Both current members and visitors need to feel a sense of belonging and that you’re happy to have them there.  

Well-known Christian leader Andy Stanley said, “The quality, consistency and personal impact of your ministry environments define your church.” Personal impact starts with ensuring that everyone who comes to your church is met with a welcoming spirit .  

Research has shown that visitors decide within the first 11 minutes of arriving at a church whether they’ll come back – before the worship and message begin. Hospitality is the effort to tell them, “We’re glad you’re here and you belong.”  

Table of Contents 

  • How to Give a Welcome Speech in Church: Your Essential Guide    
  • Welcome Speech for Church Examples  
  • General Words of Welcome Before Worship  

Scripture Based Greetings to the Church

  • Humorous Welcome Speeches 
  • Welcomes to Inspire Generosity
  • Greetings from Church Youths
  • Welcome Speech for a Good Friday Service  
  • Welcome Speeches for Women's Ministry  

Welcome Speech for a Church Convention

  • Sample Welcome Speeches for Church Events
  • Welcome Speeches to Promote Church Events During Services
  • Welcome Speech for Thanksgiving Services
  • Church Breakfast Speech Samples for Your Next Event
  • Easter Sunday Welcome Addresses
  • Free Church Welcome Video Loops

Welcoming Church Countdown Videos

What are the key elements of a good church welcome speech  .

How can I make a church welcome speech engaging?   

How often should the welcome speech format be updated in a church setting?  

What is the best way to address newcomers in a church welcome speech?  

What tips can help first-time speakers deliver effective welcome speeches at church?  

  • 192 Amazing Church Speeches and Templates  

How to Give a Welcome Speech in Church: Your Essential Guide 

Churches are in a crisis. Though 63 percent of Americans identify as Christian, 32 percent attend church once or twice a month. Many young people rarely if ever attend church, regarding services as being too boring or stifling.   

If you want to expand your congregation, you need to take steps to make everyone feel welcome. Delivering great welcome speeches is one effective step. But getting a handle on how to give a welcome speech in church can be complicated.   

What tone do the best speeches strike? How can you be welcoming to everyone without being too pointed about it? What should you do except speak?   

Answer these questions and you can create a wonderful and welcoming space for everyone to worship in. Here's your comprehensive guide.  

192 church Greetings & Speeches Resource

Understand the Occasion 

Your welcome speech should reflect the event you're welcoming your guests to. For an average Sunday service, your tone should be upbeat and encouraging. But for a more somber occasion like a funeral, you'll want to be more stoic.  

You may need to give some practical information in your speech. If your service needs extra time or if you're serving food, you should include those details in your remarks. You should also include a brief description of your service so your audience knows what to expect.  

When in doubt about your welcome speech for church, look at these church quotes and speech ideas . See what tone the speakers strike and what welcome speech details they provide.  

It's almost always appropriate to open with a prayer. If you're suffering from writer's block, consider leading the congregation in a prayer that reflects on the occasion in some way. You can also read an excerpt from the Bible or another religious document.  

Give a Warm Greeting 

Your welcome speech should always begin by introducing yourself. "Hi, my name is..." is all you need to say, though you can add other details. If you're a pastor or priest at another church, you should say that, so people don't confuse you with other staffers.  

After your introduction, you can transition into the body of your speech. A remark like, "I'm so happy to welcome all of you," is a good transition. It serves as a greeting to your audience and lets you move on.  

Try to avoid using cliches like, "I welcome you on behalf of..." Many people have heard remarks like these, and they've lost their power. You should also avoid introducing someone else unless you're requested to do so.  

While you're giving your greeting, smile and raise the pitch of your voice slightly. You can gesture with an open palm, which signifies openness and hospitality.  

You can also greet anyone coming onto the stage after you. Make sure to say their name and rank and give a brief summary of what they are about to say. Don't ask for applause, as your audience will likely clap as they come up.  

Create Emotions in Your Audience 

Smiling and shifting your tone up is a good way to make your audience happy. You can also use creative diction and action verbs to inspire your audience and encourage them to listen to you.   

Try to avoid using adverbs or adjectives, and instead find verbs with similar meanings. If you want to say, "We'll get through that quickly," you should say, "We'll speed through that."   

If you're going to tell a joke, try doing a pun or wordplay. Never make a joke at someone else's expense, unless you're being self-deprecating, but that can also be risky. Instead, try something like rhyming. It may not be funny, but it can catch your audience's attention and connect two ideas.  

Be Brief 

Welcome speech examples are rarely more than 150 words long. Your speech is not the time for an exegesis of the Bible or an introduction for a guest. Say what you need to say to start the occasion and then move on.   

Consider writing out your speech word for word and seeing what details you can cut out.  Save church announcements and in-house business for another occasion. You can send reminders about upcoming events in emails and text messages.  

Church Visitors Kit Download CTA

Accommodate First-Time Church Visitors  

Worship service greetings should appeal to first-time visitors to your church. Don't say, "Welcome members of my church," as a greeting. You can say something like, "We're so glad all of you could join us today," instead.  

You can also say something like, "If you're visiting us for the first time today, we're happy you're here." Don't point out first-time visitors in the audience because this can make them self-conscious. Feel free to give visitors directions to your church welcome center or the bathrooms, especially if you have a large church.   

You can say something to put your first-time visitors at ease. "We won't ask you to stand up or participate during songs" can be comforting for some people.   

You can point out that you meet every week and that visitors are welcome to return to your next service. You can also mention a newcomers' gathering.  

Introduce Your Church 

Your speech should serve as an introduction to your church as a whole, not just your service. You can include your church's mission statement if it's one or two sentences long. If it's longer than that, condense it into a brief description.  

Also mention any unique features of your church, like the year it was founded. Highlight only one detail in your speech so you don't spend too much time talking about your church's history. You can discuss any other relevant details in a sermon later in the program.   

Accompany Your Speech with Visuals and Handouts 

Visuals can underscore what you're talking about and entertain your audience. You can put a simple graphic behind you that welcomes guests to your church. You can find stock art online for free with welcome messages , or you can make your own.  

If you have guests who may not hear you properly, you should have a transcription of your words on the screen. Make sure you select an appropriate font like Times New Roman that's easy for people to read.  

You can also put flowers around the lectern or on stage. Try to find flowers associated with Christ that are reflective of your service. White lilies and orchids are extremely popular in churches because they signify purity and faith.   

Another effective way to put guests at ease is to give them something. At a minimum, they should have a Bible and songbook so they can follow along with the service. You can also hand out bottles of water and snacks that they can consume during the program.  

Church welcome materials can include church connection cards and fliers. You can leave them at the back of the room for first-time visitors to collect, or you can have someone hand them out.  

Practice How to Give a Welcome Speech in Church 

Practicing welcome speeches takes time. You should write a draft of your speech and then read it out loud to see if the sentences flow together. If anything seems choppy, you should rewrite your speech until everything feels fluid.   

Once you have a workable draft, stand up and rehearse - you can even use a mirror while you do this so you can make the right facial expressions as well.  

You don’t have to memorize your speech. But when you're not looking at notes, you should be making eye contact with your audience. Sweep across the room so you can look at everyone without focusing on a particular person.  

You should run your speech by the person leading the service. You should also run it by anyone who is speaking later in the program. This will help you avoid repetitive details and let you make a proper introduction.  

Go Back to Table of Contents

Welcome Speech for Church Examples 

A key approach to capture your audience's attentiveness is to include the core points of your speech in the introduction. You should also warmly invite the participants to connect with the church through prayer.  

Give a clear speech for your church program by identifying the reason why everyone is gathered.   Your welcome address for your church program not only creates a connection with the congregation but also honors your guests by thanking them for serving you and the church.  

Finding the perfect words of welcome before worship is a challenge for many. You want people to be inspired and welcomed, but how can you tell what will be effective? Unfortunately, there’s no crystal ball to see what will work, but you can borrow from others to get the inspiration you need.  

If you're looking for some inspiration to craft a well-worded and elegant welcome address for a church program, check out these examples.

General Welcome Speech Examples 

1. sunday services.

Good morning and welcome to [CHURCH NAME]. We're so glad that you have chosen this place of worship to honor the Lord's name with us.  

If you're new to this church, we would like to thank you for worshipping with us and we warmly welcome you into [CHURCH NAME] as our brothers and our sisters.  

Let us reflect on this day and give thanks to the Lord our God with the passage Psalm 100:4-5, "Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His court with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."


2. Church Speech

Good morning/ afternoon. It is so nice to see all that have gathered here today. Thank you for coming to our church to take part in the celebration of our Sunday mass.  

We're so blessed for our short time together and thank God for uniting us as one. We give thanks to God for both our regular churchgoers and the visitors to [CHURCH NAME] today.  

Each one of you is special to us and we want you to feel the love of Jesus as we worship together.

3. Church Welcomes

Church welcome sample #1 .

Welcome to all as we celebrate the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is my pleasure to welcome all the brothers and sisters of the church.  

We want to thank everyone for taking time out of their day to give praise to the Lord for continuing to bless their lives day in and day out. Your sacrifices have allowed you to be fruitful and abundant.  

We would also like to extend a warm welcome to any newcomers . The Lord brought you here as a stranger but will make sure that you leave as family.  

Please join me as we pray.  

Church Welcome Sample #2 

Good morning and happy Sunday! Thank you for taking time out of your Sabbath to gather with me in the house of our Lord.  

Today, I see many familiar faces of those whom I've grown to love and cherish. And today I thank the Lord, for I also see a few new faces of people who I can get the opportunity to meet.  

Please look around the room with me and see how blessed we are to be gathered with all these beautiful people! Now turn to your neighbor for a peace offering, for we are all loved by the same God, and He wants us to love each other.  

Hello everyone and welcome. We would like to thank you on behalf of [CHURCH NAME] for coming out to celebrate with us.

4. Welcome Address for Church Program

My name is [INSERT NAME] and I would like to welcome you on behalf of the church as we gather here today to honor our heavenly Father. We all embody the image and likeness of God, as we are His humble servants.  

Let us take time to recognize the significance of Christ's resurrection into the kingdom of Heaven. For God sacrificed His only son to save us.  

We're overjoyed with love as we celebrate this holy Sunday. May our journeys be filled with happiness and gratitude. May we overcome every obstacle we may face and resist all temptation with the grace of God.  

Thanks be to God.

Church Growth Pack Resource

5. Welcome Speech for Church

Good morning. I would like to extend a few words of welcome before worship. Thank you all for gathering here for this occasion.  

We have been blessed by God with another beautiful day. Let us rejoice in his sovereignty and give thanks.  

Let us quote from 1 Romans 6:4, "We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in the newness of life."  

We're all family here at [CHURCH NAME] and through the grace of God, let us join in communion and give thanks for the ability to worship.

6. Church Anniversary Welcome

Hello! We're so happy that you have chosen to celebrate with us at our place of worship. This is a very exciting time for [CHURCH NAME] as we welcome another anniversary of our church program .  

Let us take this precious moment to thank our heavenly Father for granting us yet another successful year. We're truly blessed by the Lord and with Him by our side, we can do anything.  

A hundred thanks to you, the people, because we would not have a church without its worshippers.  

We have been righteously guided by our wonderful pastor to carry out the works of God.  

May we continue to be blessed with abundance and opportunity in the years to come.  

In God's name, we pray.  

Get more ideas for anniversary speeches here .

Bible on Pulpit - Controlling Church Members

Incorporating scripture into your  church welcome is a great way to introduce others to the Word. Visitors may not be familiar with encouraging passages. Regular attendees came to hear God's Word, too.  

Here are a few examples of worship service greetings that highlight The Bible.  

Scripture Based Welcome Greetings to the Church #1 

Hebrews 13:2  says Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. My name is [name] and I'm [position at church]. We here at [Church Name] want to welcome you in the Name of Jesus...even if you're not a stranger!  

We're so blessed to have all of you here with us today. First and foremost, we want you to know about Jesus' gift to you. John 3:16 tells us that ‘God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son that we would not die, but have eternal life.’ If you have any questions about that verse and what it means, or any other questions, please find a pastor or church elder before you go today.  

I'll ask our pastors and elders to stand. These men and women would love to get to know you today and share the Word of God with you.  

Our church family loves to get together around the Bible each week. We're so happy you've come to join us. Please find a welcome card in the pew, fill it out and place it in the offering  basket when it comes around.  

After our service today, we'd love to have you stick around for Sunday School and adult education classes. They'll be meeting at [times and places].  

Feel free to join us for some coffee and fellowship after that. If you'd like to join us for an activity during the week, those are listed on our bulletin and on the website [give website verbally and on a slide/PowerPoint].  

Now let's stand as we worship the Lord together and dive into His Words for us.  

(This is a good time to lead a prayer or go straight into worship songs).  

Scripture Based Welcome Greetings to the Church #2 

Psalm 107 verse two tells us, ‘Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story— those He redeemed from the hand of the foe.’ We're so excited to be together today. We are the redeemed of the Lord and we can't wait to tell our story!  

It's great to see familiar and new faces today. If we haven't met, my name is [name] and I am [position at church]. We want to remind everyone how much God loves you. We hope you'll experience the power and might of our Heavenly Father today as we worship together.  

I have a few things I'd like to share with you today. First, we have Sunday school for adults and children after the service at [time and place]. Second, we'll be sharing a meal at [time and place] and would love to see you there as well.  

This month, pastor [name] is taking us through the book of [name of book] in a sermon series titled, [sermon series name]. If you're joining us for the first time today, you can catch previous sermons on our website at [verbally tell website and visually post it].  

With that, I'd like to extend to you the welcome Paul gave to the church in Romans chapter one, Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Let's pray over our time together today.  

Scripture Based Welcome Greetings to the Church #3 

In Matthew 18:20, Jesus says, ‘For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.’ Today, we gather in the great name of Jesus and know that He is here with us.  

Welcome to [church name]! It's so great to see new and familiar faces today. My name is [name] and I am [position at church].  

If this is your first time with us, we invite you to fill out a welcome card. Feel free to leave it at one of the baskets in the back before you leave or drop it off at the  welcome center .  

Today, pastor [name your pastor] will be preaching on a passage in the book of [name of book]. Let's open our Bibles to [name of book] today and locate that passage together. If you're not familiar with the Bible, you can find one in your pew or use a Bible app on your phone.  

First, flip to the book of [name of book], it's in the New Testament, towards the back of your Bible. I'll wait a minute here and let you find that.  

Now, find chapter [chapter]. The chapters are the big, bold numbers. Great!  

Once you've found chapter [name of book] find those teeny-tiny numbers, those are the verses. We'll be starting at verse one today to make things nice and simple for you.  

Before I close in prayer, I want to invite you to join us for Sunday school at [time and date]. Take a look at the screen up front for our weekly church schedule. You can also find the church activities calendar on our website.  

Thanks so much for being here. Let's pray together.

Make 'Em Laugh

Elderly Church Member Laughing

Laughter is contagious and it helps put people at ease. A well-delivered,  good-quality joke  helps  break the ice  and grabs parishioners' attention.  

Here are some church introductions that will make 'em laugh.  

Funny Church Congregation Greetings to the Church #1 

Good morning, everyone! I'm [name] and I am [position at the church]. It's great to see new and familiar faces here today.  

My job this morning is to welcome you with a few brief announcements. Your job is to listen. If you finish your job before I finish mine, please let me know!  

We're excited for what's coming up at [church name] this week. Check out your bulletin or the website for a full church calendar. If you're visiting us for the first time, stop by the welcome center for your  welcome packet .  

Today, pastor [name] will continue his sermon series on [title of series]. If you'd like to listen to previous sermons, they're on our website as well.  

Before I finish announcements, is anyone done with their job before me today? Show of hands? Who's not listening anymore?   

We really do hope you're blessed this morning. It's so great to laugh and worship as the body of Christ. Please join me as we thank our Heavenly Father for our time together today.  

Funny Church Congregation Greetings to the Church #2 

Good morning! It's great to see everyone here today. My name is [name] and I am [position at the church]. I'd like to start off by inviting all of you to enjoy coffee in the fellowship hall immediately following the service today.  

The  men in our congregation  have recently been informed it is their Biblical duty to make the coffee. You can find it in the New Testament...HeBrews.  

All joking aside, we have an exciting week coming up here at [church name]. If you're visiting for the first time today, we extend an especially warm welcome to you. Please feel free to pick up your free gift at the welcome center before you leave today.  

We hope you'll join us for Sunday school and adult education today after coffee hour. And if the coffee doesn't taste good, you know who to blame!  

Joking, joking, we know it will be great! Before pastor [name] comes to bless us with God's Word today, please bow your heads in prayer with me.

Evangelistic Worship Service Greetings

How to Record Church Services - Blog Post

Does your church love reaching those who haven't heard the Good News of Jesus? If so, you might want to take an evangelistic approach to your church's welcome speeches.  

Evangelistic Congregation Greetings to the Church #1 

Welcome, welcome, welcome to our church family and visitors today! We're so excited to worship together and share the love of Jesus today. If we haven't met before, I'm [name], the [position at the church].  

Our family of believers here at [church name] come before the Father every Sunday to praise Him for what he does for us. We believe that Jesus is God's one and only Son who saves us from our sin.  

We believe that Jesus loves us all and desires for us to know and love Him as well. We care deeply about  our visitors  and regular attenders here at [church name]. We want everyone to experience the love of Jesus today.  

We invite you to listen to our preacher's message today with an open heart. Please join us for our Sunday school and adult education classes at [time and place]. We'd love to see you at our coffee hour [time and place] as well, who doesn't love free coffee at treats?  

At this time, I'll ask our pastors and  church leaders  to stand. If there's anyone here who doesn't know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, please find one of these friendly folks before you leave today. They would love to talk with you and answer any questions you might have about God, Jesus and the Bible.  

Now, it's our delight and pleasure to worship together as a church family. Please join me in prayer before we listen to [pastor's name] bless us with the word of God.  

Evangelistic Congregation Greetings to the Church #2 

Hello, [church name] family and visitors. We're so glad you're here today to worship the Lord together. For those who don't know me, my name is [name] and I'm [position at the church].  

At [church name] we believe that Jesus has come to save us all from a sinful world. We believe that each and every one of you is loved by our God and Savior.  

It's our deepest desire that every person here is redeemed by our Lord and Savior. As you listen to [pastor's name] speak about [sermon topic or scripture] today, we invite you to pray together.  

Pray for [pastor's name] as he/she delivers God's message to us. Pray for the people sitting next to you today. Pray for our world and our country.  

Bring your troubles and your gratitude before God today. If you haven't already, we pray that you will come to know Jesus as your Savior. We would love to surround you as a supportive community in Jesus' Name today.  

Whether it's the first time you've been here or the 100th time you've been here, we want you to know Jesus and trust Him as your Savior. I'll ask our  church leaders  and pastors to stand at this time.  

If you have any questions about what you hear today or things you've heard about God in the past, find one of these friendly faces. They'll be more than happy to connect with you and address any questions you may have.  

If it's your first time here, grab a connection card or fill one out online. You'll find the QR code and website on the back of your bulletin. Join me in prayer today as we come before the Lord and ask Him to bless our time together.

Greetings That Inspire Generosity

Smiling Pastor & Member Shaking Hands

Your church congregation greetings can be a way to involve congregation members in community giving. Instead of providing welcome cards that only ask for information, try adding an element of charitable giving to the mix.  

Anyone attending your church (new or not) can fill out a card or mobile form with their contact information. Next, they'll be prompted to select from one of five charities. Your church will donate $5 to the charity of their choosing.  

This act shows visitors you  care about your community . It's a reminder about the importance of community engagement to your current members. A charitable church greeting could go something like this.  

Charitable Church Greetings to the Church 

Hello, and welcome to [church name]! I'm [name] and I'm [position at the church]. It's so great to have new and familiar faces joining us in worship today.  

I'd like to invite you to take out your cell phone or tablet right now. 

Scan the QR code in your bulletin or type the website on your screen into your browser. Today we're asking you to help us give back to our community. With your help, [church name] is donating $5 to one of those five organizations on the screen.  

You can tell us which of those you'd like us to select. We're so excited to have you worship with us and we appreciate you helping us give back to our community. We love our neighbors and want to show them the love of Jesus.  

Today, you're helping us share Christ's love with those around us and we do appreciate that! So, go ahead, right now. I'll wait a few minutes and when you're finished, we'll open today's service with a word of prayer.

Let Your Youth Shine

Church Ministry Evaluation Form Blog - 3 Youths sitting in grass

Youth should practice delivering their welcome messages  to a pastor or another adult before speaking in front of the entire church. They should have their message written down and prepared ahead of time.  

Youth Greetings to the Church 

Good morning! I'm [name], I'm a [grade in school or age] and I'd like to personally welcome you to [church name] today. On behalf of the youth group, I'd like to thank you for joining us here for morning worship. 

We meet every Sunday and Wednesday night to study God's Word and grow in faith together. Last year, we [name a few things the youth group has recently done or learned]. It's a great group here, and we're enjoying each other a lot as we learn more about the Lord's will for our lives.  

We've got quite a few things going on this week. Wednesday activities will take place [place and time]. I'd also like to let you know about the [upcoming event] this [time] here at the church.  

All funds raised help to send me and other members of the youth group to [event/convention/camp/mission trip]. We're truly grateful for your generosity and we hope you'll join us for some good food.  

Today, pastor [name] will be preaching on [title or passage]. After that, we'd like you to join us for Sunday school at [time and place].  

If you're visiting today, welcome! Feel free to fill out the contact cards in the pews and put them in the collection baskets as they come by. You can also find the welcome info online by scanning the QR code in your bulletin or heading to our website.  

Please pray with me as we prepare our hearts for worship this morning.  

Welcome Speech for a Good Friday Service 

Do you need a welcome speech for a Good Friday service?   

For the day that commemorates Jesus dying on the cross for our sins, you can't simply throw something together at the last minute. This welcome deserves thoughtful words and a stellar delivery.  

Read on for samples you can use or base your speech on.  

Sample Words of Welcome  

Hello and welcome! Today, we gather in the house of our Father to celebrate Good Friday.  

Many of you may know why we honor this day. But I can only hope that some of you came to this service because you're interested in a relationship with Jesus ! With you in mind, I'll remind the congregation of what this day means!  

Sample Explanation of Good Friday 

On April 3, AD 33 , the Romans forced Jesus Christ to walk from his jail cell to Golgotha, carrying a cross on his back. Savages lined the path, mocking him as blood dripped down his face from a crown of thorns and the guards flogged his back.  

When he arrived, after hours of walking, the Romans stripped him naked, only to further his humiliation. They then hung the son of God upon a cross.  

They nailed his hands and feet to the wood. Jesus took on great pain before life left his body.  

Sample Reason for Why This Friday Is Good  

This horrific account does not sound "good." In fact, we can without a doubt name it a treacherous abomination.  

So why do we call this day "Good Friday"? How can we attach anything positive to the horrendous treatment of our Lord and Savior?  

We call this Friday "good" because God allowed His one and only son to die for our sins! He let this manifestation of Himself go through Hell on Earth so that we may be saved!  

This makes today and every day of human existence good! Everything we filter through the grace of our God is always good!  

Because of this sacrifice, the blood of the lamb washes away our sins. We sinners can still walk with the Lord when our time comes.  

Sample for How We Can Give Back

How can we give back after such a sacrifice?  

We can worship and give praise. We can do our best to walk with the Lord.  

Though we will sin, we can try to be more like Jesus . Love thy neighbor and give to those in need.  

Break bread with the poor so that they may eat too. Bring the lost to church so that they may find themselves in the savior.  

Walk with Jesus in your heart. Be a leader in the church .  

Sample Welcome Speech for a Good Friday Service Closing

Today is a day that the Lord has made! Remember His great sacrifice so that you may enjoy eternal life.  

I come to you always forgiven by our God, but I too am a sinner. I ask that you bow your heads in prayer so together we may thank the Lord for making this day so good.  

After we pray, let's lift our voices up to Heaven in song. Let Jesus hear us rejoice for Him.  

Welcome Speeches for Women's Ministry 

Your event is ready to start, and the audience is watching you from their seats. This is your moment to shine and capture their attention with an engaging welcome speech for church.  

In this section, we will help you come up with content to welcome your assembly with open arms.  

Welcome speeches for the church are important whenever you have a large group gathered so you can focus on the reason why you're all together. It will also set the tone for the meeting.  

Not only will we provide you with the best welcome speech for women's ministry events , but also some helpful suggestions and variations to keep your audience involved.  

Here are a few wonderful speech examples to help get you inspired to deliver the best speech .  

Welcome Speech for Women's Ministry #1 

Good morning and God bless us all as we gather here on this beautiful day. I'd like to sincerely thank each one of you for your time and would like to welcome everyone to this joyous occasion for the women in the church.  

As daughters and servants of the Lord, we have come together to celebrate the beauty that we hold as God's children.  

We've prayed for an awesome event and are thrilled with the turnout today. Let's thank our Father for giving us a chance to gather in His name.  

We're here to share in the love that He has blessed us with. Let us listen with love to the speakers who are ready to speak with us today and may they be guided by the Holy Spirit.  

Thank you, and God bless.  

Welcome Speech for Women's Ministry #2 

Good morning and welcome. If this is your first time at this church, it's great to have you with us.  

It's lovely to see so many smiling faces filled with the Lord's joy this morning. I'm so excited to be worshipping with you today in this sacred place.  

We've have been brought together to spread the Good News.  

Women are the mothers of the church and daughters of the Lord.  

Thank you for your time today to gather and celebrate God's good grace and get ready to hear the Word of God.  

Let us pray over our speakers for the day and welcome them with open arms.  

Thank you all for gathering here today, glory be to God.  

Welcome Speech for Women's Ministry #3 

We welcome everyone here with a smile and fellowship, just as the rising sun greets us in the morning. May we give thanks for this special occasion today and honor our fellow sisters of God.  

Today is such a special gift from God, as we have been allowed to gather and speak in His name.  

We hope that the love and knowledge that you experience here today will guide you as you continue to walk in His path in the future.  

Let's ask God to bless our time together.  

Church conventions set the tone for the year or years to come. That’s why it’s important to kick them off right. Here’s a sample welcome speech for a church convention for inspiration.  

I welcome you in Jesus' name! We've been awaiting this moment for a long time, and we want to express our gratitude to God for allowing us to see it.  

As we begin the day, I want to extend a warm greeting to each and every one of you who took the time to come to this one-of-a-kind, life-changing conference. For those of you who are here for the first time, let me give a sincere greeting to all of you.  

Because of the Lord's blessings, we've been able to get safely to this place after traveling for a long time and from a great distance. Feel the warmth of Christ and know that God's love is with us! Matthew 18:20 says, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."  

1 Corinthians 5:4 says, "In the name of our Lord Jesus, when you are assembled, and I with you in spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus!"  

We should also express our gratitude to the Lord again for the precious gift of life as we start the day's schedule.  

All of our visitors, as well as the speakers, are here and will provide us with the word of God, which has come directly from the mouth of the Almighty God.   

I'll briefly sketch out some of our core values to give you a sense of who we are. Our mission is to bring individuals into a relationship with Jesus and to help them develop in that relationship.     So, first and foremost, our focus is on Christ. We firmly believe that Jesus was, in fact, the Son of God, sent to Earth to atone for our sins through his death on the cross. In other words, if you've never been to a church before, we hope that you'll learn to know Him as well as we have because He is the center of our lives.  

We value every person who comes to our church. Please let me know if you ever feel like a number when you come through our doors — we care about every single one of our members.     We care about you and your family as a congregation of God's people, and we're here to provide spiritual nourishment as well as practical assistance. It's what we do, and we like it so much!     While our primary goal is to build strong interpersonal relationships, we also want to deepen our spiritual connections with God. More than any collection of laws, Christianity is centered on a person. That implies we're here to have a relationship with Jesus, not just to follow rules and regulations.  

In order for God to infuse us with knowledge of truth and wisdom before we go, let us all examine ourselves.     Thank you for taking the time to hear what I had to say, and may God continue to bless you throughout your time with us.  

Sample Welcome Speeches for Church Events  

When visitors walk into your church, how do you want them to feel? This will help determine whether they will come again.  

During the service, help them feel comfortable and let them know that they belong. Research suggests that people revisit places again and again when they develop an emotional attachment  to those places.

A welcome speech for church invites newcomers, acknowledges loyal visitors and sets the tone for your service. Done well, it builds the bond that brings people back.  

Read on for three samples that will make guests feel at home in your church.

1. Sample Welcome Speech for Church Event 

Hello and thank you for coming! Today is a wonderful day for working together so we may build a new playground for our church!  

Many families attend our church. Children are an equally important part of our community, and we want them to feel it.  

Our old playground equipment was outdated and needed to come down due to safety issues. Today our bake sale will help make building a safe playground possible.  

We need [AMOUNT OF MONEY]. This may sound like a lot of money, but when we work in unison, we synergize!  

Remember in first Corinthians when God said that the body is supported by ALL of us, and he speaks of the strength in unity. Together we make this possible!  

Each and every one of you contributed something to his sale. Whether you gave your recipe, your skills or your time, the thanks will all be heard in our children's laughter for years to come! 

2. Sample Mass Baptism Speech 

We're gathered here today to celebrate the cleansing of our fellow Christians. Some faces at this stage you may already know.  

Others you may have only seen in passing on Sunday mornings. Whether or not they're familiar to you, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ knows them well and today, they're publicly displaying their intention to follow God in their lives.  

Even Jesus of Nazareth faced this deciding moment. At Bethany Beyond the Jordan, John the Baptist cleansed his human flesh as I will for those standing before you now.  

Can I get an amen!?  

3. General Sample Welcome Speech for Church 

It is nice to see familiar faces. We hope you take this time to build strong connections with your community members and establish new relationships.  

We hope that you'll walk away from this event with at least one new friend and  w e're extremely excited to celebrate with you. This will be a time of fun and blessings.  

Let's celebrate together the fruits of our labor and let us rejoice in the good tidings that have been gifted to us by the Lord. We have worked hard as a church to achieve what we have, so let us celebrate with delight.  

Thank you for coming, may God continue to grant you blessings.  

Church Events

ELCA CV Event Crowd

When you welcome someone to church, you may want to let them know about activities outside  church worship time . Pairing welcome messages with information about church activities invites guests and regular attendees to be involved.  

Church Events Welcome Message Greetings to the Church #1 

Welcome, one and all to worship today! We're delighted you've joined us this morning. If we haven't met, my name is [name] and I'm [position in the church] here at [church name].  

First and foremost, I want to direct your attention to our welcome slide up here. We'd love for you to join us for one or many church activities during the week.  

I'd like to highlight our Wednesday evening opportunities today. If you have children, we invite them to take part in our children's ministries' activities coming up this week.  

I'd like to personally invite you to join us at our Sunday school hour [time and location]. The nursery is open during [time] and is located [directions] for our tiniest VIPs.   

Please take a moment to fill out a prayer card or visitor info card and drop them in the offering basket by the doors on your way out. We're so excited to worship together today and continue our fellowship throughout the week together.  

Let's stand together and worship The Lord this morning with our voices.  

Church Events Welcome Message Greetings to the Church #2 

Good morning! I'm so happy to see you all here today, thank you for coming to [church name]. My name is [name] and I am [position at the church].  

At [church name], we love to gather together to worship, volunteer and study the Bible together. If this sounds like fun to you, we'd love to have you join us at [times and locations of Bible studies].  

Now, we also like to have fun! Any athletes or sports fans out there? Great! Meet up with [group name] for [sport or activity] on [time and date].  

Ok, who here likes to eat? Does anyone here today like food? Good news for you, we've got groups for that, too!  

Today, for example, there's coffee and treats at [time and location]. For a full calendar of our church events, check out our website or scan the QR code in your bulletin.  

I'll ask the  church leaders  to stand at this time. If you have any questions about activities or something you've heard about here today, find one of these fine people. They'd love nothing more than to get to know you and answer any questions you might have.  

Let's worship the Lord this morning together with a word of prayer. Please pray with me.

Welcome Speech for Thanksgiving Services 

Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on everything that God has done for us and to thank Him for it. That’s why your words of welcome before worship should express this theme. Here's a welcome speech for church example that is great for Thanksgiving services .   

My fellow church members, our senior pastor [INSERT NAME], and the administrative team of our church, please accept my greetings in the powerful name of Jesus, our Lord.  

I believe this day will go well, as we anticipate seeing the hand of God at work. As it is Thanksgiving, we're thankful for everything, and we want to extend our gratitude to each and every one of you who prayed for the event that is taking place today.     Colossians 2:7 says, "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving."     Colossians 3:15-16 says, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."     1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 continues by stating, "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  

As we gather here today, we have a great opportunity to explore these verses in the scripture and do as they conduct.     To begin, I want to express my gratitude to our omnipotent God for providing us with the amazing chance to show each other love while commemorating the virtuous acts of our Lord.     In the same manner that we read about how the Lord guided the Israelites through the desert and safeguarded them from their foes, we have also noticed the same thing in our own lives. Since it first opened its doors, the church has seen tremendous expansion, and now marks the occasion of its 40th year of service.     Your attendance at this celebration is very appreciated, and we want to thank each and every one of you for making the effort to come and share in the festivities with us.  

We also want to thank everyone who helped in any way to make this day a success, and we hope that our heavenly Father will continue to shower his abundant blessings on you in all that you do.

As we begin, may the Lord bless you and keep you safe throughout the whole ceremony.  

All of you, thank you.  

Church Breakfast Speech Samples for Your Next Event 

A good welcome speech for church will draw your audience in and make them feel comfortable. Below are some samples of church breakfast speeches that you can use to jump-start your creative juices to ensure you craft the best speech for your upcoming event.  

Welcome Speech for Church Breakfast Sample #1   

Below is a sample of a welcome speech for church where the speaker welcomes newcomers and encourages them to fill out connection cards to get to know them better. This speech is designed to make visitors feel at home and encourage them to become part of the worship family.  

Before we begin with the day’s activities, I want to take a few moments to extend a very warm welcome to everyone here, and I especially want to welcome those of you who are here for the first time.

To those of you who are new, we're so glad to have you here with us. Whether you're searching for a permanent place of worship or just want to have a look around, please feel free to make yourselves at home. Also, for our newcomers, we have connection cards that are located in the pew in front of you. Please feel free to fill one out and place it in the offering basket so we can get to know you better. We look forward to connecting with every one of you.    

Welcome Speech for Church Breakfast Sample #2 

This sample is a youth program welcome speech for church that can be used at a church breakfast that will precede any occasion.   

I want to wish everyone here a good morning. Thank you so much for coming here today. It's awesome to see so many familiar faces in the crowd. If there are any who are new here, I want to extend our warmest welcome to you. We're so glad to have you here today. It is our hope that you can use this time to make some strong connections that will lead to long-lasting relationships.  

Now, a few things before we begin: [mention all important items]. Before you're excused, [give directions you want the youth to follow and talk about what will happen during the event].  

Welcome Speech for Church Breakfast Sample #3 

This short welcome speech for church is one that can be used if breakfast will be followed by a social event that will consist of food, fellowship and fun.  

I want to extend a warm welcome to each one of you here today. For those of you who don't know me, my name is [insert name here]. We're so excited you can come to [insert name of event].  

For those of you who are new here, we're happy you're with us. We look forward for the opportunity to know you better .   

The reason we are gathered today is so we can enjoy some tasty food, fellowship and fun. We're confident that everyone will have an awesome time.  

In a minute, I am going to excuse all of you so you can make your way to the food tables. Before I do that, however, let us petition God in prayer.   

Our dear Heavenly Father:  

We want to come to you today to thank you for this lovely opportunity to gather to enjoy some tasty food, fellowship and fun. We're so grateful for the event that is about to take place, as it will be a source of wholesome socialization. Our dear Father in Heaven, we pray that this food here will provide us with great nourishment, and we pray that this event will be a source of encouragement to everyone here today.  

In Jesus' name I humbly pray, Amen.  

Easter Sunday Welcome Addresses 

When your congregation gathers on Easter Sunday, it's important to quickly get them focused on the reason why. We refer to this address as a "welcome speech," and it is the foundation for setting the stage. The welcome speech establishes the tone, catching and keeping the attention of your audience.  

Often, speakers try to start their sermons with off-the-cuff improvisation. This can be a mistake. Here are several examples of welcome messages that you're welcome to present on Easter Sunday .  

  • I feel blessed, seeing all your faces this morning. To see Christ alive is this community fills me with a joy that I can't express right now [pause] because it would take up most of this Sunday. But I know how fortunate I am to have you here. I know how hard it is to be Christian today. We struggle with so many challenges in a world that wants us to believe our path makes no sense. But I'm telling you, They. Are. Wrong!  
  • Peace to you from our Lord Jesus Christ. We're here today at [CHURCH] to acknowledge — to embrace and celebrate — His rising. A resurrection that reminds us that every day is a miracle because we're here and we're smiling and we're crying because of Him, His sacrifice!  
  • Brethren in Christ, I wish you all a Happy Easter. It brings my heart great joy to stand here and welcome you to share this great day. I don't know about you, but it's a wonderful moment for a sinner like me to stand before you accepted by His blood before the Lord Almighty.  
  • Before we begin, let me say how honored I am to stand before you and our Lord Jesus Christ this morning. Once again, it's time to learn from the One who died for our sins and keeps teaching us every day that through his abundance the lives we live shall not be ours but belonging to the Christ who lives through us.  
  • Brothers and sisters, I accept this moment in the name of the Lord with great humility. I am blessed — we all are! — to see this day, to commemorate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus who grants us His ministry from the heavenly courts.  
  • For a Youth Easter speech: I'm humbled, standing before all these young faces, eager to thank the Lord as we celebrate this glorious day. The Holy Spirit spoke to me. He reminded me how important it is to remind you that the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior is important to all of you.  
  • Thank Jesus for this day. Thank Jesus because it's for Him that we have everything. We get to gather here as a congregation and smile in great spirits, to turn and look at family and friends and neighbors ... and celebrate.  

Church Welcome Video Loops

Worship service greetings can take many shapes and be delivered in a variety of ways. You need not limit yourself to addresses from the pulpit. Many churches play   church welcome videos   before worship while members and guests gather. The videos are colorful and upbeat music accompanies the graphics. By playing these videos with the volume on low, you can create a welcoming atmosphere for all.

If you’re looking for   videos   you can play on your projector at church, Vanco has created a YouTube playlist just for you.

If you would like to access more video resources, please   subscribe to Vanco’s channel . Our team is hard at work building videos for welcomes, countdowns,   closing prayers , offerings and informational guides.

Imagine this: it's Sunday morning, and the church is buzzing with anticipation. Friends, families and first-timers all waiting for the worship service to begin. But how do you build up that excitement and make sure everyone's on the same page? Enter  church countdown videos!

These time-tested gems are perfect for worship service greetings, getting your congregation's attention, creating a sense of unity and setting the stage for an unforgettable experience. With a blend of engaging visuals, uplifting music, and the ever-ticking clock, these videos are the missing ingredient to kickstart services with a bang.

But where can you find these videos for your worship service greetings? Building engaging video countdowns can be time consuming and paying for them can be expensive. Don't worry. Vanco's got you covered with  eight church countdown videos that are free to stream on YouTube for any church or religious service. The videos come in a variety of increments, including one minute, two minutes, five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minute, 20 minutes and 30 minutes. They all use welcoming music and visuals too.

If you're looking for even more videos and resources, such as guides, offering or prayer videos and  church invitation letter templates , click on the links in this text and be sure to  subscribe to our channel . We're always hard at work building engaging video content to guide and simplify your church management and worship services.

Frequently Asked Questions

A good church welcome speech sets the tone for the service and lets visitors know about your church’s personality and what they can expect. It’s their first chance to hear from a pastor, priest or other church leader and get a sense for what you’re all about. It should be to the point and clearly communicate that you’re glad to have each person hearing it as part of the service. Let them know and set expectations for the service ahead.  

How can I make a church welcome speech engaging?    

An engaging church welcome speech should reflect the style and atmosphere of your church. Using humor, smiling and trying to defuse some of the anxiety or scariness that can come from visiting a new church can help put visitors at ease. Letting those visitors know that they’re welcome just as they are and that you care about them and want to make sure they’re able connect, ask questions and learn about your church are vital steps in that process. Making eye contact with listeners is another way to engage them in your message.  

Update your welcome speeches regularly, or even consider having a few different welcome messages you can alternate between. If visitors — or even members — hear the same welcome message every week, they’ll start to tune it out and might even think that the church isn’t putting much thought or effort into that message. Consider varying the message by referencing different things going on in your church at a given time, such as upcoming holiday seasons or recent activities or projects.  

What's the best way to address newcomers in a church welcome speech?  

In welcoming newcomers, it’s good to acknowledge them and express appreciation for their presence, but also to remember that many visitors prefer not to be singled out or made the focus of attention. Simple words like, “We’re glad you’re here and thank you for joining us,” or “If you have any questions or want to know more about our church, feel free to ask any of our leaders or volunteers, and we’re happy to help,” can go a long way.  

Being a first-time speaker in church can be intimidating, but it doesn’t need to be. Here are some helpful tips for delivering an effective welcome speech:  

  • Prepare: For any speaker, preparation is key . Knowing what you want to say, what topics you want to cover and the most important takeaway you want listeners to have should guide your words.  
  • Rehearse: Prepare notes or an outline and take time to rehearse your message before speaking.  
  • Don’t try to be perfect: Remember, you don’t have to be perfect. It’s OK to stumble on a word here or there. In fact, messages that are too perfect can come across as impersonal.  
  • Be friendly: Do your best to allow warmth and friendliness to come across in your message. Smile and try to talk to people as if you’re having a normal, one-on-one conversation.  

1 92 Amazing Church Speeches and Templates  

Writing messages, remarks and sermons for different occasions can take a lot of work. That's why we built a resource filled with nearly 200 messages for every occasion. Download the free eBook to get:  

  • Benedictions for worship
  • Dozens of holiday greetings and messages
  • Welcomes for worship services
  • And much more!  

Free Church Speeches for All Occasions Resource

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Church Welcome Speech: Guide To Welcoming New Members

Cody Perez

Cody Perez is an editor for Venture 4th Media, dealing with editing, general content creation, and assisting with launching new websites. He also writes for a variety of large media companies, including IGN and Destructoid. Cody currently studies remotely for Tokyo International University, focusing on Business Economics and Japanese, which has complemented his 10+ years of experience in marketing, public relations, social media, and content creation.

Part of showing the love of Jesus to those who walk through the doors of our churches is to welcome them. If they don’t feel welcomed, are we really showing our love adequately enough? Unfortunately, despite this importance, giving a church welcome speech is neither easier said nor done.  After all, church welcome speeches can […]

lead pastor holding up a welcome sign behind a podium for church welcome speech

Part of showing the love of Jesus to those who walk through the doors of our churches is to welcome them. If they don’t feel welcomed, are we really showing our love adequately enough? Unfortunately, despite this importance, giving a church welcome speech is neither easier said nor done. 

After all, church welcome speeches can come off as awkward, forgettable, or even forced. They don’t always make good on their intended purpose and I’ve seen this in the past at churches I attended. That said, church welcome speeches are nonetheless necessary for turning new members into regulars. To help you with this, I’ve come up with some simple but effective examples in this guide. 

I’ll cover:

What is a church welcome speech, what should a church welcome speech include, church welcome speech examples, church welcome ideas, what is a good closing for a welcome speech.

A church welcome speech is the greeting you give onstage at every church service you do. Most churches I’ve ever been to have this welcome speech in some form or another, so it is possible that you already have one at your church. 

Regardless, a good welcome speech is exactly what it sounds like: a moment during your service in which you greet the congregation. The key here is introducing your church to any newcomers that day and making them feel, well, welcome. It is a flexible feature of your service, being as elaborate or simple as you want it to be. 

Some churches have major speeches that go over quite a lot while others just say hello and good morning to the first-time guests and the existing members and leave it at that. This range, of course, can be confusing and daunting for some. 

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Why Is It Important To Have A Welcome Speech?

Without a church welcome speech, you are essentially leaving your prospective new church members hanging without any introduction to your Christian community. They will know nothing about your church, who the pastor is, and what to expect from the service. 

But even more important than that, a warm welcome speech is necessary for showing the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. At its core, a church should be the spiritual home of everyone (see the bible verse Ephesians 2:19-22). Would you ever let someone enter your home, especially someone you don’t know well, without saying hi, greeting them, and getting to know them? 

I sure hope you wouldn’t and the spiritual home known as the church should be the same. The welcome speech is exactly how you start out your service on the right foot and show the loving, Holy Spirit-led environment that your church is. 

This loving welcome speech is there to not only greet the special guests but to, hopefully, show that this is the new home church for them. If they don’t feel the love or passion from your church through a proper church welcome , chances are the church visitors won’t return to hear it again. 

When Should You Give a Church Welcome Speech? 

Now, this may seem rather odd but the timing of your church welcome speech is actually more crucial than you realize. This is a welcome message so it should come, understandably, near the beginning of the service. 

Though most churches get this, I have been in a lengthy Sunday service before where it was unnecessarily done more than half an hour into the service. This is a huge chunk into the schedule to the point where it is hard to clarify it as a welcome greeting. Other than that, though, it’s rather flexible on when you should give the welcome address. 

Some churches will do it the moment that church starts and kick off with that, which is fine, especially if you want a shorter speech. Others will play a song or two in worship before giving a welcome speech and then kicking it back to the worship team. This is what I prefer, personally, as it strikes the right balance and ebb and flow of the service without being too long. 

Still, others will wait until after worship is completely finished, but this runs the risk of waiting too long to greet everyone. But as long as the speech is effective, loving, God-filled, and unique, the timing is ultimately up to whatever works best for your church. Feel free to test out different methods, too. 

What Is The Best Way To Welcome Someone To Church?

Before you can ever greet your guests on the stage, there is the actual act of welcoming your guests into the service in the first place. There are a few ways to do this, but, in general, the more, the merrier. One thing to note, though, is that new guests are likely to be anxious and concerned about this new environment, so always practice restraint and flexibility when necessary. 

For instance, it’s awesome to have special designated parking spaces for new visitors to your church close to the doors. Then at those doors, have friendly and passionate greeters who will lovingly welcome them to church. Also, have a welcome desk for visitors to answer any questions about the kids ministry, where the restrooms are, and so on. 

Just make sure not to be forceful in any of these. Offer your services and help, but know when to lay off if the person seems apprehensive or closed off. If they are receptive, though, feel free to have the church volunteers you manage or deacons show them to some great seats in the sanctuary. All of these will compound and transition nicely to the later welcome speech.

The scariest part about a church welcome speech is how much it can include or exclude, depending on your preferences and needs. At the very bare minimum, it’s a simple hello and greeting for everyone who came to church today with a quick note for newcomers. 

But on the other end of the spectrum, there can be interactive questions, activities, announcements about what’s coming up, teases for the sermon, prayer, offering, next steps, and so on. A church welcome speech can be jam-packed with information and features, so it is up to you to figure out what works best for your church. 

Given how varied welcome speeches can be, I thought I’d give you a few different examples that I really appreciate, plus my own personal speech that I use at my local church. 

First off, I adore this welcome speech that comes from Miracle Temple Baptist Church . I apologize for the low video quality, but I adore the heartfelt greeting here. It is so lovely, loving, and professional. You get a little bit of personality from the greeter plus some useful information about the church in a succinct manner. 

Secondly, there is this speech from Pastor Matthew Barnett at my previous church, Angelus Temple. It starts around the 18:05 mark and goes for a few minutes after worship. What I love here is the referencing back to the worship songs that were just sung and the testimony from a church member whose life was changed. It gives a nice introduction to the lead pastor and a glimpse of what the church is all about. 

For the third example, there is this example of a welcome speech from Bethel Church for the first couple of minutes of this live-streamed worship service video. 

It’s impactful with a quick testimony from what happened with a church member’s recent healing, it gives some quick details about announcements about baptism, and gives the opportunity to greet your neighbor to get to know them. Altogether, a pretty standard look at a welcome speech.

My Personal Welcome Speech Example and Tips

Lastly, there is my own speech that I use. To be clear, I work primarily in kids and youth ministries, so I am all about energy and having fun. That said, this is crucial to adult church services, too, as they want to feel engaged and interested in what you have to say. You could use this as a template of sorts for creating your own speech.

Usually, I will start out by saying hello to everyone at church and encouraging them to stand up if they feel comfortable for worship. After the first lively worship song, I will come back and do the proper speech. This is where I will ask how everyone’s week was, say that I hope they are excited for church, etc. 

During the speech, don’t forget to always use eye contact with everyone in the crowd (the stage lights can make that tough, but try at least) during this speech, too. 

I will then throw in a special welcome for our new visitors. I’ll give them a quick rundown of our church, maybe what’s coming up next, and some next steps. This could be a welcome desk we have that they can visit after church if they’d like for a free small gift like a shirt or gift card, and include a form in their church bulletin that they can fill out with their information if they want. 

Then at this point, there will be a small fun activity that we’ll do like maybe some trivia, a random giveaway of a shirt, prayer for some needs in the church, and then some announcements. The key here is to end it nicely and then transition to either more worship songs or someone else to lead the offering and the sermon. This may sound like a lot but it should be no more than three or four minutes in length. 

The entire experience of welcoming a new church member starts from the moment they see the church name on the sign and pull into your church grounds. Everything from the signs that they see to the parking spots that are available to the greeters at the entrances should be tailored to show love and passion. 

There are so many different ideas you could use from the hype level you give off to which church leaders actually give the welcome speech in the first place. There are a lot of possible ideas, which is why I previously covered 15 main church welcome ideas and tips that I think can help to elevate the church service experience for newcomers, whether it’s Easter or a normal Sunday morning. 

It’s not just about how well you start but how well you finish, too. There are a few different ways to end your welcome speech, and it comes down to how your church is set up. Here is a short list of a few conclusion ideas I have for you: 

  • End your church welcome speech by leading into worship songs
  • Have a prayer, possibly for the service as a whole or any needs with the congregation 
  • Offer next steps for newcomers, such as a provided lunch after service, free gift, or meeting with the lead pastor
  • Transition to the next person to come on stage, perhaps for the sermon or tithing
  • Tease the theme for today’s sermon
  • Provide announcements about what’s coming up in the next few weeks like an exciting church event or special church program
  • Encourage first-time guests to fill out one of the connect cards

Communication Is Always Key

Communication is at the heart of everything that we do as a church body. The church speech for first-time visitors is a clearer example of communication at work in the church service, but there is so much more to it than just that. Communication is both a verbal and non-verbal area you should focus heavily on. 

For instance, there is the aforementioned church bulletin that you pass out or sermon notes for what the pastor is preaching on. These areas need to swiftly communicate ideas and what’s happening in the church in effective ways. Find out more info about how to do just that with Alexandria Schmidt’s free church communication plan template . Or, find more church bulletin ideas here and church bulletin examples here .

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Crafting the Ideal Welcome Speech for Church Tips and Examples

Every worship service begins with an opening that sets the tone for the event. It’s during this introductory moment that leaders have an opportunity to connect deeply with the congregation. Crafting remarks that resonate with attendees can enhance their experiences and create a sense of belonging.

Imagine, you’ve just had your morning coffee and you’re filled with energy. You’re standing at the pulpit, looking out over a sea of faces. They look to you for guidance, inspiration, and welcome. What you say in these next few minutes has the power to strengthen faith, build community, and honor traditions. Choosing thoughtful, effective words can weave together a tapestry of hope, faith, and unity.

There are numerous factors to consider during this brief yet crucial task. Perhaps you’re addressing a funeral, a fundraiser, or a recent gathering of women’s ministries. Each event calls for different types of content and adjectives to create an engaging, heartfelt experience. Your remarks should be like a wonderful piece of music, harmoniously composed and meticulously delivered.

Standing before your congregation, your words are more than just sounds. They are values and memories collectively shared. You might wonder which strategies will leave a lasting impression or which changes you can make to improve. Remember that few things in this world are set in stone, and the art of addressing an audience is no different. By paying attention to the dos and don’ts of public speaking, you can save yourself a lot of anxiety and genuinely connect with those who are listening.

Hello and welcome – these opening sentiments are just the start of an unforgettable address. Whether you’re speaking for the first time or you’re a seasoned pro, aiming for a speech that speaks directly to the hearts of your listeners will always be the ultimate goal. Hopefully, through these insights, you’ll be better equipped to convey your message in a way that invokes wonder, fosters community, and ultimately strengthens your congregation’s collective memory.

Understanding Your Audience

Effective speeches start with understanding who you’re addressing. Knowing your audience deeply impacts the message’s delivery and reception. It reflects your professionalism and empathy. This audience awareness isn’t merely academic – it’s practical and dynamic.

Is it an afternoon service or a special event like baptisms? Each situation gives a unique tapestry for your message. Focused on the upcoming activity, like a women’s retreat or a church picnic, will help you craft something relevant. Think about the primary verbs that describe these events. Birth, growth, celebration. They are mostly positive and uplifting.

Guest speakers and church leaders often encounter incredibly diverse audiences. Consider reflecting both specialized and general themes within your speech. Make an effort to understand if your listeners include many new faces. Are there mostly families, or is it a community gathering celebrating something like Christmas? Each detail adds to the richness of your message.

Acknowledging special moments such as baptisms or significant birthdays can be extremely impactful. It shows that you’ve done your research and genuinely care. Once you’re familiar with the group’s demographics and focused activities, giving examples from recent sermons can unify hearts. This balance of specificity and universality makes for a strong connection.

Creativity also plays a big part. Using rhyming phrases or poetic verbs can add a unique flavor. Being professional doesn’t mean you can’t be imaginative. Sample speeches can offer inspiration, but make sure your message is your own. Find a unique angle that helps everyone feel included.

Thank your audience. From seasoned members to first-time visitors, a heartfelt gratitude goes a long way. In writing your speech, focus on including everyone. Again, the balance of formal and casual elements creates a welcoming atmosphere. It’s not just about what you say, but also how you make them feel. Your words act as the birth of a new connection, leading to an afternoon of meaningful encounters. Combining these elements can make your speech truly memorable and effective.

Crafting a Powerful Opening

When setting the tone for an inspiring address, it’s crucial to create an impactful opening. The beginning is what grabs attention and connects deeply with the congregation from the start. Whether it’s a bright Friday evening or a serene Sunday morning, you want your audience to feel included and engaged. Ground yourself in a message that resonates with both old and new members, establishing a sense of unity and purpose.

A strong opening has several elements that work together seamlessly. From invoking the Lord’s guidance to acknowledging the day’s significance, everything needs to fall into place to create a compelling start. Remember to be genuine, as sincerity forms the bedrock of any meaningful oration.

  • Welcome with Warmth: Begin by expressing your heartfelt joy at gathering together. Smile warmly, and let your demeanor reflect the welcoming nature of your message.
  • Invoke Spiritual Guidance: Mention the Lord and seek His blessings for the hour. This sets a reverent tone and grounds the proceedings in faith.
  • Acknowledge the Occasion: If it’s a special day like Women’s Day, highlight the importance. Recognize the contributions of women’s strength and sisterhood within the community.

Consider incorporating a personal touch–share a real-life story or an anecdote. It could be something learned during your college years or a moment when music uplifted your spirit. Authentic stories not only hold attention but also make your message more relatable and memorable.

It’s effective to use powerful visual imagery. Talk about the “heavens opening up” or describe “the central block of our spiritual building.” These metaphors draw vivid pictures in the minds of your listeners, making your message resonate deeper.

  • Start with an Upbeat Note: Kick off with something cheerful or comforting. Whether it’s heartfelt music playing as people walk in or a slide show of cherished moments displayed via signage, upbeat beginnings help settle any nerves.
  • Recognize New Faces: Make newcomers feel at home. Mention them specifically, showing that you care and are honored by their presence. This can turn casual visitors into long-term friends.
  • Set the Agenda: Outline what will happen. Give a brief overview of speeches, choir performances, and any special tasks planned for the evening.

Lastly, don’t forget to introduce yourself if you are a new face to some. This personal connect matters. Be a servant leader who is there to accompany this journey, guided by love and commitment to the community. With these key components in place, you’ll be ready to proceed into the body of your welcome address with confidence and grace.

In summary, crafting a powerful opening involves careful consideration of many elements. From warm welcomes to invoking divine guidance, and from recognizing new attendees to setting the agenda, each piece contributes to a cohesive and inviting start that sets the stage for what follows.

Integrating Scripture Effectively

Incorporating verses from the Bible can deeply enrich your message. It’s an uplifting way to share faith with the congregation. By thoughtfully choosing and integrating Scripture, you can resonate with the hearts and minds of the churchgoers. Scripture can serve as a timeless guide and is useful to address any theme or occasion. Whether your topic is celebrating a new beginning, marking an important transition, or acknowledging the tireless efforts of your community, the right verses can make a significant difference.

Choosing Appropriate Verses

Selecting the right Scripture requires understanding your audience and the overall theme. If you’re addressing a sisterhood event or a church school graduation, focus on scriptures that highlight unity and growth. Verses discussing stewardship are perfect for talking about funds management and charity programs. Elder members might appreciate passages that reflect on wisdom and life’s journey. Children’s services can incorporate simpler verses, filled with love and encouragement from God’s word.

One should always consider the specific context of the church event. Whether it’s a solemn service or a joyful celebration, the tone should align. Scriptures on joy or peace are excellent choices to uplift spirits. For example, Psalm 133:1 goes, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” This verse not only celebrates togetherness but also enhances a sense of belonging.

Effective Techniques for Scripture Integration

Here are several techniques for weaving Scripture into your speech seamlessly. Begin by reading the chosen verse aloud, then provide an interpretation. Explain its relevance to the occasion, and share how it reflects the church’s values. Personal anecdotes or historical references can help illuminate the meaning. Rather than presenting Scripture in isolation, it’s beneficial to associate it with real-life scenarios. This makes the verses come alive and be more relatable.

Your presentation method matters as well. When quoting Scripture, stand confidently, and ensure your voice conveys the verse’s gravity. Take moments to pause and let the message sink in. This not only shows reverence but also gives listeners time to reflect. Remember, your goal is to impart wisdom and inspiration through God’s word.

Occasion Scripture Suggestions
New Year Service Isaiah 40:31, Philippians 3:13-14
Graduation Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Timothy 4:12
Fundraising Event 2 Corinthians 9:7, Luke 6:38
Women’s Retreat Proverbs 31:25, Psalm 46:5

Integrating Scripture is not just about quoting verses; it’s dealing with the depth of their meaning to convey a powerful message. Take time to reflect on these techniques, and your speeches will reflect God’s glory and engage your audience profoundly. If invited to speak at a convention or any gathering, preparation and a heartfelt approach are key. Over the years, these practices can elevate ordinary moments into extraordinary engagements.

Personal Anecdotes and Stories

Personal anecdotes can deeply connect you with your audience. They bring warmth and relatability. These stories often make your address more engaging. Think about moments when you felt the goodness of God. Share those. Stories have a unique way of drawing attenders in, creating a sense of belonging.

One story that comes to mind involves a younger me and my beloved grandmother. She always said, “Whenever you feel lost, wash your heart with prayer.” This simple advice etched itself into my soul. During various difficult situations, her words provided solace. Whether I faced graduations or transitions in life, her wisdom guided me.

Laughter is another important element. A funny yet meaningful story can ease any tension in the room. For instance, I once invited a friend to our service. He hadn’t been to church in years. He told me afterwards, “Your story about the tireless efforts of students was so relatable!”

It’s crucial to address the audience directly. Use one-on-one language. Phrases like “I believe” or “you are” create a conversational tone. Include scriptural references whenever appropriate. A verse can add great depth to your narrative. John 15:12, for example, helps emphasize love and sacrifice, foundational elements of our faith.

In summary, your personal stories should act as bridges connecting your life and theirs. They should be moments of relatability and teaching. The anecdotes should take people on a journey, however brief. Each story you tell isn’t just yours; it becomes part of a collective experience, shared and appreciated by all.

Maintaining a Warm Tone

Ensuring your message feels warm and inviting is crucial in any church setting. This can help everyone feel more included and embraced by the congregation.

Start with Heartfelt Greetings

A warm tone begins with heartfelt greetings. Before diving into your key points, extend a sincere welcome to new attenders and lifelong members alike.

  • Express genuine happiness to see everyone gathered.
  • Mention special events like Easter or any upcoming celebration.
  • Include personal touches, such as thanking volunteers or acknowledging the elders.

Anyone who walks into the church should immediately feel the peace and love that surrounds the community. Remember, first impressions last, so start strong by conveying your warmth right from the beginning.

Include Personal Stories and Examples

Incorporate personal anecdotes or examples from your life or the lives of others in the church. This could be a time when someone was prayed for during a tough moment or a story of long-term fellowship within the congregation.

  • Share inspiring tales of faith.
  • Talk briefly about someone’s journey and their witness to Jesus’s love.
  • Reflect on how collective prayers have brought peace to the community.

By sharing these moments, you create a token of connection that goes beyond mere words. It’s a simple way to remind everyone why they came together and how they can learn from each other.

Create an Encouraging Atmosphere

Maintain an uplifting and encouraging atmosphere throughout your message. Talk about the future and how the church aims to serve the lord and the poor in various circumstances.

  • Encourage a spirit of unity and togetherness.
  • Highlight the support that members provide one another.
  • Describe upcoming missions or projects aimed at spreading good.

Remember to be extemporaneous at times, veering slightly off your prepared cards to humanize your message. When you speak from the heart, it forms a stronger bond with your audience, making them feel they are part of something worthy.

The overarching goal is to foster an environment where love and kindness are at the central core. Even when briefly introducing new members or speaking during an Easter celebration, maintaining this warm tone helps the message resonate with everyone, both new and long-term attenders. It’s about making everyone feel at home, in the space where they gather to collectively celebrate their faith.

Keeping It Concise and Clear

Focusing on clarity and brevity is vital for any effective speech. People have just walked in, probably after a busy week, and want to feel welcomed without being overwhelmed. Your job is to make them feel comfortable and at ease. This isn’t the time to throw in everything but the kitchen sink.

Emphasizing Key Points

Start by identifying the core message you want to convey. One or two main ideas are sufficient. For example, if you’re hosting an Easter service, weave in the theme of renewal. Weddings can focus on love and unity. Keep it simple.

Outline your speech in brief points. Touch on important areas without going into excessive detail. Respect your audience’s time and emotions; they didn’t come for a lecture. They came to unite, celebrate, and reflect. They’d appreciate your effort in keeping it concise.

Using Simple Language

Avoid complex words and jargon. Speak as if you’re having a conversation with a friend. For instance, say “meeting” instead of “assembly” or “event.” It makes your speech more relatable and easy to follow. Even when discussing deep topics, remember simplicity resonates well.

Including relatable anecdotes and jokes can make your speech more engaging but ensure they fit the context. If it’s Easter, a short story about renewal could be impactful. If it’s a baby dedication, perhaps a gentle joke about sleepless nights would connect with young parents.

Remember to breathe. Pauses are not your enemy. They provide your audience a moment to absorb your words. This is especially crucial when you’re speaking about significant events or holidays. It creates space for deepening the message’s meanings.

In conclusion, less is often more. Keep your speech clear, concise, and impactful, and you’ll find that your message resonates much more powerfully with your audience. The ordinary becomes extraordinary when woven with care and simplicity!

Welcome Speech

Mixed Media: Using Visuals and Audio

Bringing various media into your church greeting can profoundly enrich the experience. Visuals and audio create a more immersive environment, making it easier to convey spiritual messages profoundly. It’s not just about speaking; it’s about engaging everyone’s senses.

By incorporating visuals, you open up new avenues to illustrate your message. Whether it’s through slides, videos, or artwork, these elements can make abstract concepts more tangible. On httpsmychurchpluscoregister, you’ll find useful resources to start integrating these tools seamlessly.

  • Slides: Use scripture-based slides to highlight key points of your talk.
  • Videos: Short clips can provide a break from traditional speech rhythms and add a visual aspect to your narratives.
  • Artwork: Displaying art can evoke emotions and thoughts that words alone might not capture.

Audio elements can also elevate your presentation. Integrate background music, sound effects, or recordings of profound church moments. These auditory aids keep your audience engaged and create an atmosphere that’s both spiritual and inviting.

  • Background Music: Choose ambient tracks that complement the mood of your message.
  • Sound Effects: Subtle sounds can underscore important points or create transitions.
  • Recorded Testimonials: Sharing audio clips of members’ experiences can foster a sense of community.

For those unable to attend in person, mixed media is even more crucial. Virtual church? No problem. Your online audience can participate just as fully with these tools. Whether they’re watching a live stream or a recorded service, these elements ensure they feel included and engaged.

Getting started might seem hard, but you don’t need a big budget or extensive technical skills. Begin with simple visuals and audio, and solicit feedback from your congregation. Leaders who routinely engage with mixed media find their methods profoundly affect both new and long-time members.

Your Sunday morningafternoonevening greeting sets the tone for the entire service. A well-crafted, media-rich greeting can make all the difference in connecting with your congregation. Do you want to know more about effectively incorporating mixed media? Then consider connecting with groups specializing in these aspects often!

Don’t forget: frequency matters. Consistent use of mixed media creates anticipation and familiarity. Your church family can better grasp and meditate on the message. They’ll value your efforts to go beyond traditional formats, recognizing your dedication to making spiritual growth accessible and engaging.

In summary, employing visuals and audio in your greeting isn’t merely innovative; it’s needed in today’s diverse and dynamic congregations. Make those tools work for you and your community. Remember to keep the conversation open, gather feedback, and continuously refine your approach. In doing so, you’ll help create a more spiritually enriching environment for everyone involved, whether they attend in person or virtually.

Practicing Your Delivery

Delivering a welcome speech requires more than just drafting the perfect text. Practicing your delivery is equally crucial. It’s an opportunity to connect deeply with your congregation. Your tone, pace, and body language significantly affect how your message is received.

Engage with Inclusiveness

Inclusiveness is key. Be mindful of longtime members and newcomers alike. Greet everyone warmly to foster a feeling of belonging. A universal message resonates more when it includes everyone. Avoid lengthy introductions that can make guests feel out of place. Instead, an introductory phrase that opens the door to inclusivity works magic.

Effective communication something everyone in your audience will appreciate. Whether your congregation is Catholic, Protestant, or of another faith, extending a warm welcome sets a positive tone. Morningevening or morningafternoonevening services, acknowledging the specific celebration helps.

Anticipate and Adapt

Anticipate your audience’s reactions and questions. Being prepared helps you handle unexpected situations confidently. Think about families, individual attendees, and spiritual seekers. Tailor your speech to accommodate different needs and backgrounds. This approach deepens connections and makes everyone feel valued.

As you practice, consider the primary points you want to communicate. Keep your speech concise to avoid a lengthy monologue that can lose attention. Practicing in front of a buddy or a mirror can provide valuable feedback. Even recording your practice sessions for later review can be helpful.

Remember, delivering a welcome speech is more than reciting words. It’s about making genuine connections and setting an inviting atmosphere. With a bit of preparation and thoughtful practice, you’ll feel more confident and your audience will feel more valued.

Fundraiser Welcome: Engaging the Congregation

Today’s ceremony is not just an event–it’s a heartfelt gathering where we come together with a purpose. We’ve all heard about the significance of our fundraiser, but it’s the unity we build here that strengthens our messages. Together, we can transform this cause into something truly impactful.

Our team has worked diligently to plan an enjoyable and spiritual experience for everyone. From heartwarming stories to impactful testimonials, we aim to entertain and inspire. We also have activities tailored for our children’s ministry, ensuring that young hearts feel included in this communal event.

As we anticipate the various milestones we’ll reach, your presence is what makes it special. Each face here today is a testament to our collective commitment. We will acknowledge both the large contributions and the small acts of kindness; every effort counts.

Questions are welcome throughout the ceremony, so don’t hesitate to partake. Feel free to accompany your inquiries with real-life stories and personal messages. This level of interaction not only increases the effectiveness of our event but also brings us closer as a community.

We won’t neglect the basic comforts either. Enjoy some warm coffee as you mingle around. Sharing a warm beverage often stimulates meaningful conversations. Don’t simply be spectators–be active witnesses and participants in this initiative.

We’ve built this event on techniques and processes that have proven successful in past conferences. We know you’ll be moved and motivated to contribute more as you witness the genuine enthusiasm and commitment of others. This is more than an event; it’s a movement.

So let’s mark this gathering as a significant milestone in our journey. Let’s celebrate the birth of new possibilities and the real change we can bring when we unite. Deliver your support and partake in this noble cause. Together, we are much stronger. Let’s not just entertain but also uplift, inspire, and transform the lives around us.

What are the essential elements to include in a church welcome speech?

In a church welcome speech, it’s essential to begin with a warm greeting that acknowledges and welcomes all guests, including first-time visitors and regular attendees. Mention any significant events or special services happening that day. Introduce yourself and your role within the church community. It’s also vital to highlight the church’s mission or core values to set a positive tone for the service. Conclude with an invitation to participate in specific parts of the service or stay for fellowship after the service.

How long should a church welcome speech be?

A church welcome speech should generally be brief but heartfelt, typically lasting between two to five minutes. The goal is to warmly greet the congregation, provide essential information, and set a welcoming tone without taking too much time away from the rest of the service. Keeping it concise yet meaningful ensures that it holds the attention of your audience and effectively sets the stage for the worship experience.

What should I avoid when giving a welcome speech in church?

When delivering a welcome speech in church, avoid overly long or detailed messages that may bore or overwhelm the audience. Avoid using complex language or jargon that may be unfamiliar to visitors. Steer clear of controversial or divisive topics that could make guests feel uncomfortable. Additionally, it’s important to avoid making the speech too personal or self-focused; instead, the emphasis should be on welcoming and making everyone feel included and valued in the church community.

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10 Welcome To Church Speeches For Your Next Event in 2023

Updated november 10, 2023  |  jayson bradley.

example of a welcome speech for church

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example of a welcome speech for church


The other side of the rambling coin is the stammering. When you haven’t cemented the opening remarks you want to say, it’s so easy to get stuck in a mental loop. Your brain’s going 1,000 miles a second trying to construct your speech. In the meantime, the stuttering starts and you have a hard time getting back on track.


Both the person that’s rambling and the one that’s flustered try to ease their stress by cracking wise. Nothing breaks tension like jokes, right? Well, not so fast. Jokes are like pork: Wonderful if properly prepared, but when you start serving them up only half-baked, you have a good chance of turning off everyone.

When your brain is struggling to feed you the next line, it’s not going to do a good job of assessing the quality of a joke. In this situation, it’s easy to throw out a quip that’s incoherent, inappropriate, or awkward.


It’s likely that there are important points or directions that need to be communicated during a welcome speech. You might think, “It’s only a couple of items. What are the chances that I’ll forget them?” The chances are higher than you think.

Rules to Follow with These Welcome to Church Speeches

Before we get into the content of a welcome to church speech, here are a couple of rules to remember when you’re giving your address:


You’re setting the tone of this gathering, and most of the time you’re trying to make people comfortable. The key to being prepared lies in being able to speak in a way that feels extemporaneous.

You can definitely bring a card with some notes on it, but it’s there as a guide, not a crutch.


Being personable isn’t too difficult. You just want to appear cool, calm, and confident. Preparedness will help you get there. Meeting the gaze of people in the room is going to help sell it. Just don’t stare them down.


Talking too fast is almost inevitable when you’re not used to speaking in public. You get up there and the adrenaline starts pumping through you, and you end up speaking three times faster than you intend.

As crazy as it sounds, speak a little more slowly than feels comfortable.


Polonius speaks the truth in Hamlet when he says, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” Keep your warm welcome tight and concise and everyone will think you did brilliantly!

6 Key Elements of a Good Welcome to Church Speech

Most good welcome to church speeches are going to share some common components. But they might need to be packaged or delivered differently based on the kind of event you’re greeting people for. Here are six things every good welcome to church speech should do:


Start by welcoming everyone to the event and introducing yourself. This can be as simple as “Welcome to Redeemer Lutheran Church. My name is Susan.”


This is just a brief explanation of what people can expect to happen at the event. This should be as simple as possible. You’re not breaking everything down at an atomic level, you’re just giving a quick synopsis.


Let people know what they may need to know in order to enjoy themselves. This could include things like the location of restrooms, a reminder to turn down cell phones, or the location of refreshments.


Let visitors know that they’re welcome. It’s amazing how much tension is alleviated in visitors when they’re told, “We know there are some new people here.” This gives them permission to figure stuff out as they go.

You’ll also want to address any methods you use to capture their contact information. A simple, “If you’re new here today, we want to extend to you a special welcome. In the pew in front of you is a contact card, we’d love for you to fill it out and drop it in the offering basket so we can get to know you better.”


After you’ve welcomed everyone, your job is to smoothly transition to the next thing. That might mean that you’re encouraging them to welcome a speaker or releasing them to get food or refreshments. Whatever it is, make sure that you’re helping to facilitate the next steps.


If the situation calls for it, you can also open in prayer. The same general rules apply to public prayers that apply to welcome speeches. Unless you have some experience under your belt, it’s better to over-prepare than it is to wing it.

Welcome to Church Speech Templates

Here are some templates for various welcome speeches that you can use for your next gathering. Feel free to use these as springboards to get your creative juices flowing!

Sunday Morning

Welcome to church speech #1.

Good morning! My name is [NAME] and I’d like to welcome you to [CHURCH NAME]. If this is your first time here, we’d like to thank you for coming and we hope that you’ll be comfortable. We look forward to spending the next [service time period i.e. hour] worshiping with you. You’ll find a contact card in [location], please fill that out—we’d love to get to know you better.

Please remember [include any pertinent information about childcare, cell phone usage, or whatever here].

Please join me in prayer. [Insert prayer*] As the worship team comes forward, join me in singing [song title].


Hi! My name is [name] and we’re really glad that you decided to join us this morning. If this is your first time at [church name], we want to let you know how excited we are that you’re here. I hope that our casual environment will help you feel comfortable. I also want to let you know that [include any pertinent information about childcare, cell phone usage, or whatever here]. Lastly, please take a moment and fill out the comment card that can be found [location]. We’d love to get to know a little bit more about you, and how we can serve or pray for you.

Let’s ask God to bless our time together. [Insert prayer*] [Introduce next element]


Welcome speech #3.

Good evening. My name is [name] and it is my pleasure to welcome the families, friends, and teachers of our [year] graduating class. It seems like just yesterday that these graduates were preparing for their first years here at [school name], and here we are celebrating their great accomplishments.

We want to thank each and every one of you for the part you have played in helping each of these students get here. Your sacrifice has made their [high school, middle school, college, etc.] career successful. Thank you.

Throughout the program we’ll hear from some of the faculty and a few of the students, pass out diplomas, and send these students on the next part of their journey. [Insert whatever elements you need to include]

Please remember to [insert important information]. And join me as we welcome [next presenter/speaker].


Families and friends of the [year] graduates of [school name], my name is [name] and the faculty and I would like to welcome you to this wonderful evening. We look forward to remembering some of the fun and inspirational stories from the last [number] years.

This journey would have been impossible without the love, support, and encouragement of each one of you here tonight. So before we even begin, the faculty and students would like to thank you for the important role you played in this evening.

Lastly, we’d like to remind you that [insert important information]. Now, please join me in welcoming [next presenter/speaker].

Social Gatherings

These general speeches are helpful for picnics, potlucks,  welcome-back dinners for students , and other get-togethers


Hello everyone, I just really want to thank you for coming out. It’s nice to see so many familiar faces. If this is your first time with us, my name is [name] and we [if appropriate insert the name of the church or organization] want to extend the warmest welcome to you. We hope that you can use this time to make some important connections and build some relationships.

A couple things before we get started: [Insert any important information]. When I excuse you, we’ll start by [give directions for the next element]. [Share about any other events that will be happening during the gathering]. [Insert prayer* if appropriate]


Welcome! If you don’t know me my name is [name] from [organization or church], and we’re really excited that you all were able to come out and join us for [name of gathering]. If you’re new here, we’re glad you’re with us and we’d all love an opportunity to get to know you better.

The reason we’re here today is [reason—it can be as simple as an opportunity to share a meal and enjoy some fellowship]. It’s going to be an awesome time of fun, food, and [include other elements that will occur.]

In a minute I’m going to excuse you and we’ll [insert directions]. Please note that [important reminders or information.] Thank you and welcome again!

Membership or Business Meeting

Welcome speech #7.

Good [morning, afternoon, evening]. Thanks for making time to be here for [name of meeting type]. Our objective is to go over these items [briefly list topics] and be done in [time period]. If time allows we’ll also discuss [auxiliary items].

[If there are people who are new to this meeting] It looks like there are some new people here, so let’s quickly go around the room and introduce ourselves. From there, [name] will be taking minutes and we can get down to business.

Baby Dedication

Welcome speech #8.

Children are a gift from God. To recognize this gift and the responsibility to the parents, to the extended family, and to the community of faith, we are gathered to dedicate this child. My name is [name], and on behalf of the family, I would like to welcome you to [church name] for this wonderful event.

We believe that Christian parents have a wonderful joy, privilege, and duty to raise our children in a way that honors God. Because our children ultimately belong to God, it only seems appropriate that we take the time to dedicate [child name] to God.

[Any important information that people need to know about the ceremony or for after the ceremony.]

[Prayer if appropriate unless someone else is performing this step.] Let’s welcome [person responsible for dedication] up to the front as we begin.

Christmas Service

Welcome speech #9.

Good morning! We’re so thankful that you have chosen to worship with us at [church name] as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Whether you’re a regular attender or are just visiting with us this morning, we’re glad that you’re with us—and we’re excited to sing some Christmas carols and talk about what the season’s all about with you.

My name’s [name] and I just wanted to let you know [important service information]. If you’re visiting, it would mean a lot if you’d take a second to fill out one of the contact cards in [location of contact information] and deposit it [wherever your church puts them]. We’re looking forward to getting to know you better.

Won’t you pray with me? [Insert prayer] [Introduce next service element]

Easter Service

Welcome speech #10.

Welcome to [church name]! My name is [name], and I am excited you’re worshiping with us this Easter. If you’re a visitor, we want to thank you for joining us on the most celebratory Sunday of the year. Today we’ll be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ with singing, teaching, [any other elements Sunday will include].

If you’re new here, please take a second right now to fill out a contact card located in [card location] and drop it in the offering plate as it come by. This will help us get to know you better. Please note that [insert important information that needs to be known about the service].

Join me as we pray. [Introduce next service element]

Connect with Your People Beyond Sunday

After the events of 2020, church shopping is on the rise. According to  Pew Research Center , many Americans are experiencing virtual services for the first time. Additionally, most virtual worshippers have watched congregations other than their own. Have you considered ways to engage new people beyond your virtual Sunday service? 

As your congregation grows, both in-person and online, it’s not easy to connect with (and stay connected with) everyone. Fortunately, there are some great tools to help keep people from slipping through the cracks. 


With a church app , you can easily connect with people where they’re already at a majority of the time – their smartphones. If you use a platform like  Pushpay , you’ll have access to church app features such as: 

  • A streamlined  App Media Experience  that makes it easy for your people to stay connected and engaged. 
  • Custom Church App Profiles  so your people can choose what information they’d like to receive regularly.
  • Live Polls and Fill-in-the-Blank Notes  allow your people to engage with your sermon from the pew or their couch. 
  • Push Notifications  so you can send the right messages at the right time to the right people. 


With the help of our church management system , you can keep better track of your new people and help them get quickly connected. With this platform, you’ll have access to features such as:

  • Groups  to help leaders know where their people are at and the next steps they can take in their spiritual journey.
  • Process Queues  that make it easy to follow up with first time guests, connect someone with a volunteer opportunity, and more.
  • Check-in  from a tablet or touchscreen, freeing you up to welcome guests.

Get started to learn more about some of these great features!

Comprehensive church software built to grow community, generosity, and engagement.

example of a welcome speech for church

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The Perfect Welcome Address for Your Church

The Perfect Welcome Address for Your Church

We’ve partnered with thousands of churches, and with their help, we’ve crafted a church welcome speech that simply works. Members and guests are taking action in response to the speech! We know you have a ton on your plate, and since we love seeing churches thrive, we’re giving you this church announcement template completely free! (It’s the least we can do to lighten your load!)

We have kept this formula simple and straightforward; you can pretty much copy, paste, and then tweak it to fit your needs, whether it's for a general service or specifically tailored as a welcome speech for a church anniversary or a welcome speech for church on women's day.

We call it the Cornerstone Method. It’s the building block for earning trust by making your people feel welcome and providing them with a clear next step. Your goal here is to collect their information to effectively follow up with church guests after their visit.

If you fail to gain a guest’s contact information, then you can’t follow up with them (scratching your head about follow-up? Make sure you aren’t making any of the 3 critical mistakes of guest follow-up ). If you can’t follow up with them, then your chances of building that relationship with them have failed. Hence the name “cornerstone”; without this basic foundation, nothing else can be built.

So, without further adieu…

Crafting Your Church Welcome Speeches

Crafting your church welcome speeches involves creating a warm and inviting message that sets the tone for the entire service. It is important to convey a sense of hospitality, gratitude, and inclusivity to make guests feel welcomed and valued. Your welcome speech should be genuine, heartfelt, and reflective of your church's values and beliefs.

When crafting your church welcome speeches, consider the tone and language you use to ensure that it resonates with your audience. Keep it simple, sincere, and engaging to capture the attention of both newcomers and regular attendees. Remember to thank guests for choosing to worship with your congregation and express your hope that they feel at home in your church.

In addition to welcoming guests, your church welcome speeches can also provide important information about upcoming events, programs, and ways to get involved in the community. This is a great opportunity to showcase the vibrant and welcoming nature of your church and encourage guests to become more engaged members of the congregation.

Overall, crafting your church welcome speeches is a key component of creating a positive and welcoming environment for all who enter your doors. By putting thought and care into your welcome message, you can make a lasting impression on guests and set the stage for a meaningful and fulfilling worship experience. Here’s an example:

Welcome! I am glad you’re here and chose to spend the morning with us! My name is Adam, and I am a part of the welcome ministry at City Church. My family and I have been here for 3 years and love being a part of this amazing community. Whether it's your first visit or you're here for our church anniversary, your presence is celebrated.
Our church is focused on and dedicated to building up strong Christian families; hopefully you will get a chance to see and experience that as you worship with us today! A recent example of how we are striving to build up families is the parent workshop we had this last week.
As I mentioned a moment ago, I am glad you are here with us! If you are a first time guest, we’d love to connect with you! We know everyone prefers a different method of communication, so you can either fill out a connection card in the seatbacks in front of you and drop it in the offering plate later in the service, or take out your phone and text the word Welcome to 816-482-3337. We hope to provide you important information about our church, open a personal line of communication, and give you everything you need to see if this place is a good fit for you!
Again, Welcome and if you have any questions please stop by the Welcome center. Stephanie would love to chat, and she has a free gift for you!

You might be wondering why this welcome address for church works so well…

Elements Of A Great Welcome Speech For Church

1. introduce yourself (welcome).

For most of your guests, you will be the first impression they get of the church and what kind of people are in your community. People like to put a name to a face and they will connect even deeper if you share a little about yourself, too. We recommend introducing yourself with your name, your role in the church, how long you’ve been in the church, and some connection to the community.

This personal touch helps to establish a sense of trust and familiarity with your guests, making them feel more comfortable and welcomed. It also sets a positive tone for the rest of the service or event. By sharing a bit about yourself, you are showing that you are approachable and relatable, which can help to break down any barriers or reservations that newcomers may have.

Additionally, introducing yourself allows you to establish credibility and authority as a leader within the church. This can help to build confidence in your guests and make them more receptive to the message you will be sharing. Overall, taking the time to introduce yourself in a welcome speech for church is a simple yet effective way to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for all who attend.

2. Tell Your Story (Connect)

Now, it’s time to get to the heart of your church. Who are you as a community and what do you stand for? This is a perfect place to tell a super quick story or give an example of your church living out that value in real life. Use specific numbers, groups or events for greater impact.

Sharing your church's story is a powerful way to connect with your audience and show them what sets your community apart. Whether it's a story of how your church helped a family in need, organized a successful community event, or reached a milestone in membership growth, these personal anecdotes can help illustrate the values and mission of your church in a tangible way. By sharing these stories, you can create a sense of unity and purpose among your guests, making them feel like they are a part of something special. 

So don't be afraid to share your church's story and let your guests see the heart and soul of your community.

3. Call To Action (Desire)

Sometimes, you have to tell people exactly what you want them to do. Otherwise, they aren’t going to do it. Spelling out your expectations clearly and having multiple ways for people to provide their information is crucial. We aren’t begging here though, just simply providing the different options and asking them to complete the action you want them to take.

Make it easy for your guests to take action by including clear calls to action throughout your communication. Whether it's signing up for a newsletter, attending a service, or volunteering for an event, make sure the steps are simple and straightforward. By providing multiple ways for people to get involved, you are increasing the likelihood that they will take action. 

Remember, a strong call to action can inspire and motivate your guests to become active members of your church community. So don't be shy about asking for what you want - your guests will appreciate the clarity and direction.

4. What Will Happen? (Why)

Before they take action, they need to be able to answer the question “Why?” Let them know what they can expect if they give you their information as well as the benefit of doing so. It’s also ok to talk about what others have thought in order to prove that it’s ok to trust you and your church.

By clearly outlining what will happen when they take action, you are providing transparency and building trust with your guests. Let them know the benefits of joining your church community, such as a sense of belonging, spiritual growth, and opportunities for service and fellowship. 

Share testimonials or success stories from current members to show that others have had positive experiences with your church. This will help alleviate any concerns or doubts they may have about getting involved. Remember, communication is key in inspiring action and building a strong, engaged church community.

Click here to see the perfect welcome address speech for church in action.

Text in Church script

Engage Your Church Visitors With Your Welcome Speech (Conclusion)

Use the Cornerstone Method this weekend to connect with your guests and members and get them to take action! PLUS, we thought it would be helpful for you to have a Cornerstone Method Worksheet (link directly to your new PDF resource) with not only the copy and paste script, but also questions to help you form the perfect welcome speech for your congregation.

Remember, the 4 elements are…

  • Welcome: Introduce yourself
  • Connect: Tell your story
  • Desire: Tell them what you want them to do
  • Why: Why should they and what is going to happen now?

Remember, the goal is to make everyone feel included and inspired to take action. So, this weekend, try out the Cornerstone Method and watch as your church visitors become more connected and engaged than ever before. Don't forget to personalize your welcome speech and make it genuine.

Share a little bit about yourself, your journey, and why you are passionate about your faith. Encourage your congregation to participate, whether it's joining a small group, volunteering, or simply getting to know their fellow church members. So, give it a try this weekend and see the positive impact it can have on your church community.

Bonus Tips For Your Speech

We thought it would be helpful for you to have a Cornerstone Method Worksheet (link directly to your new PDF resource) with not only the copy and paste script, but also questions to help you form the perfect welcome speech for your congregation.

  • Don’t rush – You have important things to say, so make sure your people can actually process what you are saying. Include some pre-service slides to peak interest.
  • Look up – It is super hard to follow someone that is just reading from a paper.
  • Practice – Prepare for your welcome speech by reading through your speech ahead of time so you are familiar with the content, allowing you to look up and… (which leads us to our next point).
  • Stay on topic – A little ad-lib here or there isn’t terrible, but try to strip down your content so you can keep their attention.
  • Mix it up – Keep things fresh by using different presenters each week. This could be your children’s ministry director or someone on your hospitality team.
  • Look happy – It may seem obvious, but try your best to be comfortable up there. Smile and have energy, it’s contagious!
  • Use props – If you have a gift for your guests, have the speaker hold it up so the guests can make a visual connection to what they are supposed to pick up, making it more likely they will connect with someone at the welcome center.

Engaging your audience is key to keeping them interested and coming back for more. By staying on topic and keeping your content concise, you can ensure that your message is clear and easy to follow. Mixing up your presenters can also add variety and keep things interesting for your audience. 

Remember to always bring a positive and energetic attitude to the stage. A smile goes a long way in making your audience feel welcome and engaged. Using props can also help to make your message more memorable and interactive. By incorporating visual aids, you can help your guests connect with the information you are sharing.

Overall, the key to a successful presentation is to keep things fresh, engaging, and interactive. By following these tips, you can create a welcoming and enjoyable experience for your audience.

P.S. If your church has a different goal in mind for your church welcome address , say introducing a new program or inviting your congregation to sign up for an event, check out this free welcome talk training video series ! You can download each script to this 5-part series as well.

P.P.S. What is the most important goal your church is trying to accomplish during the welcome speech? You may also want to check our guide on church welcome letter .

example of a welcome speech for church

Church Greetings And Welcome

Black church welcome speech, short welcome speech for church, church welcome verses, welcome speech for church revival, online church welcome script, welcome greeting speech.

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6 Great Church Welcome Speech Ideas |

Wondering how to write a church welcome speech? We'll highlight 6 great topics to cover in a welcome speech for new visitors. Click here to read!

example of a welcome speech for church

Most church visitors have a completely passive experience during their first time in church.

  • They observe the lobby.
  • They watch the sermon.
  • They analyze the service program.
  • They sort-of-pretend to know the music

The church welcome speech is the pastor’s one chance to make new visitors feel like they’re not aliens visiting from Mars.

Church welcome speeches are the single opportunity that church leadership have to make an irreversible impression on newcomers.

Because here's the hard truth:

Visitors are judging.

Visitors are forming opinions.

Visitors are putting you in a box with other people they’ve experienced.

And you get about 3 minutes to proactively carve out a box for yourself, make visitors feel at ease, and communicate to them that your church is trustworthy, warm, energetic, and maybe even a place worthy of calling “home.”

Because this is the burden every church welcome announcement carries for new visitors, the bar is very high.

If you’re too boring, you’ll lose visitors’ attention.

If you’re too dogmatic, you’ll lose the visitors’ trust.

If you’re too self-interested, you’ll lose the visitors’ goodwill.

And you know what?

That’s not a bad thing.

The fact that the church welcome speech carries so much weight means it is a highly condensed opportunity to speak meaningfully to people who you’re encountering for the first time.

Here are 5 elements every church welcome speech should have in order to keep attention, build trust, and grow good will among people visiting your church for the first time.

Perk: The better you are at welcoming people, the more your veteran members will love it, too.

1. Make people laugh

Professional presenters often say: “If you can make ‘em laugh, you can make ‘em cry.”

The point is this: If you can make people laugh, it helps them relax. This will definitely help church members have a good morning if you have an early service.

Laughter will cause people to trust you more and be more interested in things you say.

If you say one thing that people find funny, they’ll believe you understand human nature and they’ll start to anticipate that your following comments will be profound and meaningful.

But making people laugh is about more than doing a standup routine.

The goal of the church welcome speech isn’t about you being funny , but about the visitors feeling welcomed.

Here are a few tips to introduce humor into your welcome speeches that don’t risk offending visitors, but which help you avoid being tacky:

  • Never let your humor be at someone else’s expense (this makes you seem like a bully)
  • Make a dad joke (this makes you seem fun-loving, but not self-serious)
  • Use a pun or two (this adds light-heartedness to a church event)
  • Reference your love of a local food favorite (it humanizes you so that people perceive you as relatable) — for example, “I pitched the elders that we move the church to Chick Fil A, but they didn’t want to do Sunday school in the drive thru, so we’re moving forward with the building campaign.”

Again, remember: Humor isn’t a frivolous matter.

If you can make them laugh, you can make them cry.

2. Give them something

A good way to put visitors at ease is to give them something for free.

Try to find a way to give away a new item every single week to first-time visitors:

  • A special invite to an event
  • A free book for Bible study
  • Church SWAG, such as branded mugs and coffee tumblers
  • A Chick Fil A gift card

This may sound expensive, but the value of a first impression is priceless.

If your Chick Fil A gift card tips the scale for a first-time visitor to become a second-time visitor, you just paid $10 for a recurring attendee at your church. Google charges most people more than that just for a website visit .

Most businesses would pay $100 to convert a one-time user into a second-time user.

Don’t underestimate the value of your visitors by neglecting to utilize gifts to create good will with new church visitors.

The relational, communal, and financial payoff for the church of acquiring a new tithing member could have returns of 1000% and more.

3. Don’t use church welcome as an announcement junk drawer

Don’t use the church announcement time like a Starbucks bulletin board.

These precious few minutes are about people , not yammering on and on about in-house business that could be more easily and efficiently communicated through a church app .

Communicate logistical information to your church through email, text, and push notifications.

Use the precious real estate of your welcome speech to create a personal experience for new visitors.

Your return on investment will be much higher.

4. Always welcome newcomers

We’ve talked a lot about visitors so far, but it’s important not to forget the most important thing about a church welcome speech — welcoming .

This means that you should speak directly to new visitors.

  • Say “Thank you.” Express how grateful you are that visitors are at your church.
  • Tell them where to go. Explain exactly where to go in the visitor’s center afterward.
  • Tell them why you want them to go there. Explain that you would like to take new visitors out to lunch and learn more about them.

Create a script template that you can reuse week after week, using new humor, new ways of delivering your invitation, and new offerings to give visitors a warm welcome.

5. Tell people to download the app

One of the most important elements of your welcome speeches will be to direct people toward a tool that can immediately capture their information.

Ideally, you would have a church app that you can direct them to download directly during the welcome speech.

Tell them to enter their information in the church app , and then go to the visitor center after the service to collect this week’s free gift.

Use this prompt as a way to express to the entire congregation that they will need the church app for the best resources to follow along with the sermon, take notes, and share insights socially.

6. Explain the logistics of childcare

Childcare should be every church’s very first logistical priority.

If people don’t feel that a church has excellent childcare, they will not become members at that church.

Expressing clear childcare instructions to the congregation is the single greatest way to communicate to new visitors: “We care about you.”

Show how excellent your childcare is by preparing and communicating the necessary security, administrative, and custodial protocol so that visitors can simply enjoy the service and use your church's check-in station.

This will increase the rate at which you convert first-time visitors into second-time visitors, and second-time visitors into long-term members.

Take 15 seconds during the welcome speech to explain and detail instructions for parents.

Over to you

Many pastors spend hours a week preparing for the sermon, but they’ll wing the welcome speech.

The welcome speech is like the meet cute, and the sermon is the first date.

If you can spend 15 minutes preparing your welcome speech to optimize it for new visitors, you’ll have a much more eager audience among new visitors during the sermon.

Just follow this five-step protocol:

  • Make them laugh
  • Give them something
  • Don’t use the church welcome speech as a church announcement junk drawer
  • Always welcome newcomers
  • Tell people to download the app
  • Explain the logistics of childcare

You’ll be surprised how much return you’ll get on that 15 minutes of preparing and reviewing this welcome speech protocol every week.

Editor’s Note: This post was updated on May 29, 2020 for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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7 Welcome To Church Speeches For Your Next Event

church speeches

Church welcome speeches are a critical part of communication for your congregation. Whether you’re the lead pastor, an experienced worship leader, or someone new to congregation leadership, you may need to give a short speech to welcome people to a ministry event. This is why knowing a few Welcome to Church speeches can go a long way.

Welcome speeches serve a few general purposes:

  • They call the event to an official order, ensuring people know it’s time to take their seats, stop visiting with neighbors, and pay attention to the main event.
  • They help ensure everyone understands what’s happening, which can be important for newcomers or during special events.
  • They set the tone, letting people know what type of event they can expect.
  • They tell people you’re happy they came and thank them for their presence, which is more than just good manners. It helps people feel truly welcome and a part of the event.

In general, welcome speeches should be friendly, easy to understand, and brief. It’s best to give the speech without reading word-for-word from your notes, as that can come across as stilted. But do  have some talking points on hand to reference so you don’t forget any important information.

If you’re prepping to give a welcome speech for your church in 2021 or beyond, start with one of the seven types of church welcome speeches below.

1. Hello and Prayer

This basic type of church welcome speech couples a quick hello to the congregation with a short prayer. You can use this to welcome people to regular Sunday services, business meetings, or other events where most people know what’s going on and their roles in it.

Sample welcome speech template:

Good morning/afternoon/evening. I’m so happy to see everyone here today/tonight. Thank you for coming out to worship/fellowship/take part in church business. Before we start, let’s open in prayer. ( Insert short prayer thanking God for those present and asking Him to bless the events that are about to unfold.)

2. Informational Welcome

Use this type of church welcome speech when it’s important to convey some information about the event before getting underway. You might also use this type of speech to make people aware of where bathrooms and childcare are.

Sample informational welcome speech template:

Welcome, all. We’re so glad to have you here today and hope you’ll be blessed by our time together. Before we Get started , let’s cover a few administrative matters. ( Insert a short, concise list of the important information you want people to know. If possible, display the information on a projector screen too.)

You can close this speech with a prayer or turn it over to someone on the worship team for a song or prayer.

3. Introductory Welcome

This short speech can be used when the event involves a speaker or guest of honor and you’re moving directly from the welcome to their part in the proceedings. If the speaker won’t be involved until later in the service or event, consider choosing a different type of welcome speech and allow someone to introduce them just before they come on. Otherwise, people might not remember some of the pertinent facts.

Sample introductory welcome speech template:

I’d like to welcome you to ( insert church or event name). We’re so excited to have ( insert special guest name) here today, and we can’t wait for you to hear from him/her. ( Share a little bit about who the person is, what they do, and why they’re at the event. Usually, the special guest can provide a short bio or other information for this purpose.) Now, let’s welcome ( name) !

Optionally, you can include a prayer for the person and their ministry before you end your speech and hand it over to them.

4. Celebration Welcome

Bring this speech out when you’re celebrating something, including birthdays, new babies or baby dedications, church anniversaries, baptisms, or anniversaries.

Sample celebration welcome speech template:

Good morning/evening. My name is ( your name), and I’m so pleased to welcome everyone to this celebration of ( brief explanation of who and what you’re celebrating). Thank you everyone for coming out to celebrate this event with us. We hope you enjoy the ( brief description of any program involved in the celebration) , and you’re all welcome to stay after for (a brief description of any refreshments, meal, or other parts of the celebration).

5. Fundraiser Welcome

Give this type of church welcome speech when you’re hosting a fundraising event for the church or church programs. Examples might include fundraising for building needs, outreach efforts, or youth mission trips.

Sample fundraising welcome speech template:

Welcome, everyone, and thank you for taking the time to support this ministry. ( Brief description of the team behind the program or event) have been working hard to bring you something special today, and I’m looking forward to seeing it unfold.

Before we move on to the event, I’d like to give some brief information about the fundraising effort. ( Provide a brief overview of why money is being raised, including who the effort is going to help. Let people know how they can help, especially if there are various levels so that everyone has an option to pitch in. Highlight digital giving options and consider having information displayed on projector screens during the event to help people remember how they can offer support. Consider closing in prayer for God’s guidance over the effort.)

6. Bible Verse Welcome

One way to change up your welcome speeches, especially for regular services, is to incorporate a Bible verse . This can also be a great way to tie any event or church effort to God and the Scripture and remind people about the real purpose for the gathering.

Sample Bible verse welcome speech template:

Good morning/evening. Welcome to ( insert church or event name). Thank you so much for choosing to be with us today. I’d like to open today by sharing a Bible verse with you. I’ll be reading from ( give a book, chapter, and verses and pause a moment to allow people to find it in their Bible if they want to read along. Then read the Bible verses. Consider having them displayed on a projector screen too.)

These verses feel especially pertinent to me today because ( tie the verses into the event or day before moving into the next order of worship.)

7. Food Welcome

Turn to the food welcome speech when you’re greeting people at an event that’s primarily about sharing a meal.

Sample food welcome speech template:

Good afternoon/evening. It’s really smelling delicious in here, isn’t it? My mouth is certainly watering! We’re so happy to have everyone gathered here today to enjoy a meal together. ( Insert a sentence or two about what you’re celebrating, if pertinent.)

Before we partake, we have a few instructions to help the lines go smoothly. ( Give some instructions for the meal, such as where lines should start or whether you’d like to allow elders to go first.)

Let’s pause to say a blessing before we dig into this delicious meal. ( Say a prayer, asking for a blessing for the meal before dismissing people to eat.)

You Need More Than Welcome to Church Speeches

Check out the DonorWerx resources for more articles and tips for engaging with and leading your congregation. And if you’re leading an effort to raise funds for a mission or building — or just want to create more effective tithing processes for your members — check out our online coaching services to find out how to develop strong donors.

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Welcome speech for church conference examples

You been looking for welcome speech for church conference examples?

Welcome to our page for some samples that can help you as you prepare for the up coming conference in your church.

We understand that this might be your first time you been tasked to prepare for welcome speech for the church conference and that is the reason we created this page to cater for people like you who need help.

If you are used to giving church speeches and are only here because you want some insights as partains to giving a speech in church, you will also learn one or two things.

Mostly we take care of church members who is their first time to deliver an occasion speech and they really need help on how to go about it.

We have created sample speeches that will help them to have a glimpse how an occasion church speech looks like and we also help them to create a church speech if they want.

Therefore welcome to our page and below is a welcome speech for church conference examples that you can have a look at.

welcome speech for church conference examples

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus, good morning!

Let me take this chance to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to congregate here today for this church conference,

We have fasted and prayed for this wonderful occasion and finally the Lord has enabled us to see it, we want to give Him honor and glory for the provision and opportunity to see one another as we share love together.

As we start the day, let me welcome each and every one of you who found time to attend the conference that is unique and life changing.

Feel at Jesus feet and stay blessed.

church annual convention welcome speech

Here is the  church annual convention welcome speech to help you as you prepare for the occasion.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.

what a joy to stand before you today as I welcome you to our annual convention. It is an event we have looked forward to and want to thank our heavenly Father for allowing us to be here today.

We have traveled from far and wide, finally we are here because of the mercies of the Lord who granted us the grace to travel here safely.

Feel at Jesus Feet and know that the love of God is with us.

As we begin the program of the day, want to thank the Lord for the gift of life.

All our guests including the speakers are all present and are going to feed us with the word of God that proceeded from the mouth of God.

Let us all examine ourselves so that when we leave,God shall have fill us with the knowledge of truth and understanding.

Thank you for listening to me and God bless in the period you are going to be here.

example of a welcome speech for church

We hope the above speech sample has helped you.

If you wanted some specifications that were not included in the sample above then you can contact us now using the contact form below here and we shall be able to create one from scratch and send you through email.

This is only when you don't have time and want something quick to help you during the occasion.

Here is the contact form that you can use to send your details so  that we can help you write one.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

If you also want a guidance that give you a step by step from scratch until you do the delivery in the conference then you can download our 35 page eBook that can give you a great assistance.

Here is the eBook that you can download instantly, how to write and deliver a church speech.

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Religious Welcome Speeches -  Invite and Encourage

Religious welcome speeches and words of wisdom, that encourage and make your congregants and visiting guests feel welcome, are an incredible introduction to set the tone for a meaningful and positive opportunity for fellowship and worship.

religious welcome speeches

A church welcome speech need not to be very long - you need to create an atmosphere that is warm, welcoming and conducive to fellowship shared.

Our free church welcome speech is a great starting point. Religious expression tends to be quite personal - so go ahead...use it as a guideline, add a bit or change it to suit your needs. This is one speech that you can't get wrong - speak from your heart, be sincere and feel His Presence surround you.

Dear Friends, Guests, Brothers and Sisters,

May I take this opportunity to welcome you all here today on behalf of [insert name of place of worship] . 

It is wonderful, as always, to see all the familiar faces of our friends and all the special members of our congregation. I know that you all join me this morning in extending a heartfelt and sincere welcome to all our new members and any visitors who may be joining us today. Welcome one and all.

May this Ministry and its congregation offer you the opportunity to grow spiritually. We trust that the message today will uplift and encourage you as we share together in fellowship. May your burdens be lifted, may you feel comforted and as the lord reveals His plan and purpose in your lives, may you be inspired and encouraged to become active and involved in one of the many ministries that this body has to offer.

Be encouraged with God's Word:  John 15:5

"I am the Vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit"

God bless you and keep you - may His light continue to shine upon you.

Religious welcome speeches are like welcome back to school speeches and welcome to the family speech - speak from your heart, emphasize your message with positive body language and smile so that a twinkle reaches your eyes too!


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Church Welcome Speech Sample; Ultimate Guide

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Reported by Anshika Saxena

Published on 15 September 2024

A Church Welcome Speech is an integral part of any event in a church. With this speech, you welcome every single individual to your church with open arms. However, constructing a good welcome speech for everyone attending the church is much trickier than it appears.

You not only give all visitors a warm welcome through this speech but also set the tone for the event, address the significance of the event, give them brief insights into your agenda, etc.

More importantly, you have to cram in all these elements in a very short speech. So, the process of preparing a Welcome Speech in Church tends to get difficult. But do not worry because we are here to help you to do this mighty task with the utmost finesse.


Throughout this article, we will share all the details that constitute a memorable and impactful Church Welcome Speech. Plus we will also share a sample of such neatly structured and worded speech. So, do go through this article to the end.

Church Welcome Speech

Ultimate Guide to Prepare a Church Welcome Speech

In most cases, welcome speeches in Church are specific to an occasion. So, you must understand the occasion you are giving the welcome speech. Your welcome speech must fit the vibe of the occasion.

After this, you can give your speech a proper structure. One can argue that a welcome speech doesn’t require a conventional structure. However, not having a pre-planned structure usually makes your speech appear like pointless rambling.

Therefore, it is better to give your speech a structure according to which you will prepare its material. If you are clueless about structuring your speech , you can check out the complete guide in the following article.

Dos and Don'ts for a Church Welcome Speech

Introduce Yourself and Your Church

First of all, introduce yourself to everyone present at the church. Keep a gentle smile on your face, greet with a “Hello” or “Welcome” and tell everyone your name. After this, let everyone know the name of your church.

You can also say a brief sentence about the event for which you have gathered at the church. For example, if it is Christmas Eve, you can address that by saying “I warmly welcome you all to the auspicious evening of Christmas”.

The introduction is a short yet crucial part of your speech as it sets the tone for the rest of the speech.

Tell Everyone What to Expect from the Event

After completing the introduction part , set everyone’s expectations for the event. You have to give them a brief synopsis of the event. However, keep in mind that your brief synopsis must encapsulate the essence of the event in limited words.

The emotions you are conveying in this part must align with the significance of the event. If it is a serious event, then you can just let everyone know what the event is and how they will participate. But, if it is a festive event , you can also interact with everyone present to keep a light atmosphere.

Share Insightful Details about the Church

In this part of the speech, you must share details about your Church that will be informative for everyone present . For this, you can tell everyone the names of Church Leaders, Musicians, and other team members.

You can also share the rules of the church very briefly. For example, if using mobile phones is not allowed in the church, you can politely ask everyone to keep their phones silent.

Besides this, you can also use this opportunity to tell everyone about any community you are raising funds for. Your churchgoers will love this gesture, and it will also benefit that community.

Acknowledge the Presence of Newcomers

The primary objective of welcome speeches is to welcome new visitors heartfelt. Therefore, you must also make sure that you acknowledge their presence in your welcome speech. For this, you must first let all the newcomers know you appreciate them coming to your church.

You can also take their introductions to make them feel special. Moreover, if there are any church formalities you need them to complete, you can inform them about that as well.

Let Everyone Know What to Do Next

Your welcome speech is just meant to give everyone a sweet welcome and give them brief details about the event. However, there are different activities in the event to follow. So, while concluding your speech, you can let everyone know what will happen in the event next.

For example, if the food refreshments are being dispersed next, then you can tell everyone to get them. Furthermore, if a prayer will take place next, then you can humbly ask everyone to stand up and instruct the choir to start the prayer.

Church Welcome Speech Sample: A Fundraising Event

Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. My name is [your name], and I heartily welcome you all to [name of the church]. It warms my heart to see all of you coming here daily and praying to god with such enthusiasm. But today, I want you to show this enthusiasm in performing another holy deed.

On this beautiful day, we are dedicating our time to raise funds for [name of the campaign]. For this, I want to especially thank [name of the organizers], who organized this important fundraising event and made us all part of this important campaign.

I see a lot of familiar faces as well as a lot of new faces here today. All the new visitors to this Church are wholeheartedly welcome from my side. I am glad your faith in god brought you to this holy place. I look forward to more of our meetings in the future.

Since we are about to begin today’s prayer, I humbly ask all of you to keep your mobile phones on silent for some time. Mr. [Pastor’s Name] will be leading everyone in the prayer today, so I kindly invite him over here.

Final Words

We hope this article was helpful for you in preparing a heartfelt Church Welcome Speech. If you have any more queries or want to give feedback about our article, you can let us know by commenting below. Also, to consume more interesting content like this regularly, kindly stay connected to us through the NVSHQ Homepage .

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Anshika Saxena

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How to write a welcome speech in 3 steps

With a printable welcome speech planner, outline and a sample welcome speech

By:  Susan Dugdale  

So, you've been asked to give a short welcome speech for an event. Congratulations! And now you want to be doubly sure you get it right. The right content. The right tone. Plus, the right length!

You'll find everything here you need to do that easily, from start to finish. 

Jump in. You are just three steps away from a completed welcome speech. Shall we start?

The fastest and best way to get your speech done is to:

  • skim read this page to get an overview of the speech writing process, ( the welcome speech template and the planner you're going to use), to  read the example welcome speech , and to find out more about the function of a welcome speech and the importance of its tone .
  • then download, print and complete the welcome speech planner .
  • and lastly, use the notes you made in the planner to write your welcome speech . To help with that, you can download and print the outline of my example welcome speech to use.  Edit, and add your information to make the speech your own.

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The welcome speech template

To be effective your welcome speech needs to meet expected, as well as any specific, requirements dictated by the occasion.

The 6 standard welcome speech content ingredients

A woman with a cookbook reading a welcome speech recipe. Plus, a list of ingredients.

There are six common or standard content items in a good welcome speech.

  • Greetings to welcome everyone and thanking them for coming along.
  • Acknowledgement of special guests, if there are any.
  • An introduction of the event itself and a brief overview of special highlights the audience will want to know about.
  • Any important housekeeping information, for instance: where the bathrooms are, where lunch will be served and when...
  • An introduction for the next speaker, if there is one.
  • Thanking everyone for coming once more and then concluding having made everybody feel at ease, eagerly anticipating what is to come.

Numbers 1, 3, and 6 are basic essentials you cannot do without. Numbers 2, 4 and 5 may, or may not, be applicable. Pick what you need from them to fit your occasion.

dividing line dark green

Short sample welcome speech for a conference 

Now let's put all six ingredients into an example of a short welcome speech to open a conference that you can adapt for your own speech.

* (This speech is pure fiction! I made it up to show you how it's done. You'll see its tone is formal rather than informal to fit the occasion. I don't think there is a group called Parents United. However, there are others with a similar mission: 10 Inspiring Organizations that Promote Literacy and Education .)  

Example welcome speech - "Readers by Right"

"Sue-Ellen Thomas, Jim Smith, Jane Brown and all of our guests, good morning!

My name is April Molloy, and it's my privilege and great pleasure on behalf of Parents United to welcome you all here today.

We are delighted to have you with us to participate and share in this special occasion, our 5th annual Children's Day Conference. Thank you for coming. That many of you have willingly traveled long distances to be here serves as a reminder to us all just how important our work is.

Quote extract: We want all children, regardless of race, creed or circumstance to achieve their full potential.

Parents United is committed to actively raising the quality of life for every child. We want all children, regardless of race, creed or circumstance to achieve their full potential. Our task is to make it possible. Our mission is to provide practical, step by step assistance.

This year our theme is literacy. We've named the day 'Readers by Right'.

Thanks to the 1948 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, we are aware of 'rights' in many spheres, including education.  Article 26 declared it should be compulsory and free for children.

That goal is as pertinent today as it was then. And it's a goal I know we all share - the full development of every child. As a body, Parents United recognizes good reading skills established in childhood as the foundation of fulfilling, and ongoing education.

Quote extract: Jim and Jane bring their passion and knowledge of how to reach those in our communities who are frequently overlooked or bypassed.

We are honored to have Sue-Ellen Thomas, Jim Smith and Jane Brown with us today. All three are esteemed specialists in teaching young children to read.

Sue-Ellen has worked for a long time with educational authorities to establish programs putting in place necessary pre-reading skills. Her hard work needs no introduction. The results speak for themselves.

Jim and Jane bring their passion, and knowledge of how to reach those in our communities who are frequently overlooked or bypassed. Their work among disadvantaged English-as-a-second-language families has bridged gaps that were deep dark chasms.

Prepare yourself to be challenged, excited and inspired.

And before I handover to Lesley Watts, our coordinator for 'Readers by Right', who will outline the day's various events, I want to say once more on behalf of the Parents United organizing committee, welcome. It's wonderful to see so many of you here." 

Get your welcome speech started

To shortcut wondering, "Should I say this?" or "Maybe I should say that?" and "Then again there's also ...", I have a very simple solution for you.

Get yourself a printable welcome speech planner

Illustration of an audience listening intently with text overlay saying: Click to download a welcome speech planner

Download and print my  special greeting address planner .

It covers ALL the necessary ingredients that go into preparing a successful welcome speech. It's simple to use and easily filled out. Once it's done, writing your speech will be a lot less hassle as you'll have the core content ready to work with.

Writing your welcome speech

Tips to help you get your speech right.

When you're entering information into your speech planner:

  • ensure you've got all the names of individuals or special guests you need to mention specifically and, that you know how to pronounce each of them. Also check that you know and use their preferred pronouns: them/they, she/her, he/him...
  • double check the remarks you're going to make about them, or anything else, are factually correct.

Use your introduction of your guests/or the event, as a "teaser" for what is going to come. It will help create anticipation in the audience. Don't ruin it by giving too much away! Just enough to tempt and no more.

Keep it brief. One to two minutes is generally sufficient.

(The word count of my sample welcome speech is 357. It will take approximately 2 minutes to say .) 

Use the S-S-S formula for success: Short, Simple and Sincere. Your listeners will appreciate it.

Infographic: SSS speech formula: simple, short and sincere

Get a printable welcome speech outline

If you would like to use and adapt the structure I used in my sample speech as the foundation for your welcome speech, click the link to download the printable: welcome speech outline .

Then edit; delete, amend and add, until you are done.

Illustration of an audience listening intently with text overlay saying: Click to download a welcome speech outline

Get a hand with vocabulary

If you're stuck for words, here's a large selection of  adaptable welcoming phrases with example s entences.  Reading through them could help you to find exactly what you want.

What does a good welcome speech do?

Audience members listening intently.

An effective welcome speech has three important functions. It:

  • signals the official beginning of an event . It says to the audience, hush, sit down, stop talking and listen. What you came for is starting!
  • sets the tone for the occasion through the choice of language used . For example, using light-hearted and informal words to welcome guests to a dear friend's birthday party may be completely appropriate.  However, the same type of language to welcome family and friends to a memorial service is unlikely to be. In that setting, people generally expect a more solemn and formal word choice. They could be deeply offended and think the use of casual language is disrespectful.  Understanding and getting tone right is a key element in the overall success of your welcome speech.  
  • unites the audience . It draws everyone together in the common purpose at the heart of the occasion. For example, at a birthday party, the welcome speech invites everyone to join in celebrating the person whose birthday it is. The welcome speech opening a specialist conference will affirm its principal purpose: the coming together of people with mutual interests to meet and share new knowledge. Or if a welcome speech is given to newcomers in a workplace, club or educational setting, its purpose is to give an introductory overview of how things work to help them feel more at ease in their new situation - to help them develop a sense of belonging.

Getting the tone right for an event

What is tone.

Tone is the combined impact of the words chosen to express something, with how they are structured and, delivered.  All three elements come together to create tone * . 

Get tone wrong, and your welcome speech is a disaster.

Get it right, and it's a triumph!

(Yes, that's hyperbole but I'm sure you get the idea. ☺)

* Tone - a mood, quality or feeling

How to choose the right words

The beginning of getting tone right is to think about your audience and the event itself. Your goal is to unite and bring them together in the main purpose at the core of the occasion. What type of language will do that most appropriately and easily?

Infographic illustrating the principal differences between formal and informal language to create tone

To answer that question, think about the common interest everybody shares - the principal reason behind them getting together.  It will help guide your language choice.

Is it a fun event like a birthday party for close friends and family? If so, then informal language is likely to be the most apt.

You might hear something along the lines of: "Well, here we all are! The big day has finally arrived. Jean-Marie is 50! Half a century! How on earth did that happen?"

If it's a remembrance service for someone who has recently died, the language you're likely to hear is more formal.

For example: "Friends, family, colleagues, thank you for joining us today to celebrate and give thanks for our dear Jean-Marie. Your presence is gratefully appreciated." 

What is appropriate? What is expected?  Do spend some time thinking tone through. Misunderstanding and getting it wrong can be very embarrassing for everyone. If in doubt, ask someone whose opinion you trust.

Related helpful pages

Help rehearsing your welcome speech.

Get  step by step instructions on how to rehearse  including how to make and use cue cards.

Image: Young man rehearsing his welcome speech.

And please do rehearse. It makes a huge difference! You'll sound, and look better. Taking the time to rehearse shows respect for yourself, the audience and the event. Truly.

Help to manage pre-speech jitters

Label: 14 ways to manage public speaking fear.

Nervous? If you're shaking in your boots at the thought of having to speak in front of an audience, click  overcoming public speaking fear  for assistance. Take your time. The page has 14 tried and tested suggestions to consider.

Help with other types of welcome speeches

Or perhaps you need  welcome to the family speeches   or a  church welcome speech sample ? Click the links to find easily adaptable examples.

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example of a welcome speech for church


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