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Unicorn Woodcut

What is a Unicorn?

A unicorn is a legendary creature that is known to possess magical abilities. Though in modern day this creature is thought to be nothing more than a myth, ancient cultures wrote of it as a real animal. In fact, it was included in many natural history books of the time.


The most popular depictions of the unicorn are known by Greek and European accounts and mythology, though there are similar unicorn-like creatures that have been recorded throughout the world. There were many interpretations of the beast – some saw it as the incarnation of purity and grace. Some believed that the horn of the beast had the power to provide cures for sickness and the ability to serve as an antidote for poison.

Because of its supposed magical abilities, the unicorn and its horn was greatly sought after by anyone with means in the early ages. It was common for those of great wealth or nobility to attempt to procure a horn to protect themselves against attacks or to extend their lifespan in general. In fact, many ‘horns’ were sold by traders who came from the north and south. While these were not unicorn horns (they were either rhinoceros horns or narwhal horns), they sold for many times their weight and gold and proved to be a very profitable industry.

Asian Unicorn

In Chinese mythology, there are many accounts of a creature that is known as the qilin . This creature is often thought to be the Chinese equivalent of a unicorn, though it also has the properties of a chimera .

Qilin - The Chinese Unicorn

The qilin is known to have the body of a deer, a lion head, green scales, and one long horn that was its defining characteristic. There is also a Japanese beast of similar makeup that is called the kirin, but it is known that this creature is based off of the qilin.

The qilin are peaceful creatures and are known to be very magical and powerful. The qilin are thought to be able to walk upon grass without disturbing a single blade. However, since these creatures did not want to harm the ground, they were often thought to walk on clouds or water instead. They were also thought to be good judges of character. Many ancient stories show these creatures as being able to know if a person was good or evil just by looking at them. They are peaceful in nature and only punish the wicked.

Also similar to unicorn mythology, qilin are often seen as a symbol of fertility. Although they were not hunted for their horns, they were often shown in art work as bringing infants to families.

African Unicorn

In Kongo oral traditions, there is a creature called the Ababda that is very similar to a unicorn. This creature is known to be about the size of a donkey and is said to have the tail of a boar. While it is known to have two horns instead of one like a unicorn, the horn of the Ababda is known to serve as a cure for many illnesses. Perhaps most importantly, however, the Ababda horn is known to be an antidote to many poisons.

South American Unicorn

The legend of the unicorn can be found in South America as well – specifically the country of Chile. This creature is called the camahueto and is known to possess many of the qualities of the unicorn.

Camahueto - The South African Unicorn

The camahueto is a creature that is very similar to a calf or bull. However, instead of having two horns, it only has one. The camahueto is known to be hunted by the machis (medicine woman) because their horn is known to possess the cures to illnesses. The machis are known to stalk the camahueto until she is able to capture it with a lasso and tear out its horn. After she has caught it, she bandages the opening and lets the beast continue on its way.

One of the most common uses for the camahueto horn is to scrape off shavings from the horn and mix them with sea water and apple cider. This combination was thought to cure impotency and restore vitality in older men.

It was also believed that the machis would plant small pieces of the horn back into the ground to allow other camahuetos to grow.

Greek / European Unicorn

The unicorn captured the minds and hearts of many in the European culture, especially because of the unique properties it supposedly possessed and the connection that was later made to Christianity. The unicorn was often portrayed as a magical white horse or goat-like creature with a long horn that rose from the center of its head. It was often thought to be a woodland creature that was difficult to capture and full of grace and majesty.

The unicorn was also thought to have cloven hooves and was known to possess powers that were invaluable for the time period. Among other things, the unicorn was thought to hold the cure to many sicknesses, the ability to purify water, and the antidote to poisons in its horn. Because it was so innocent and full of purity, it was commonly believed that only a virgin would be able to capture the creature.

It was also commonly sought after by nobility and royalty. There were many who were known to pay an impressive sum of money for the opportunity to possess the fabled horn. Though no real unicorn horns have been found to date, unicorns were thought to be a living creature that was easily found in early cultures. There was no speculation as to whether the creatures might be fictional – they were often included in natural history textbooks.

History of the Unicorn

The first mention of the unicorn comes from the Greek writer Ctesias. They are mentioned in his work entitled ‘Indika’ (meaning ‘On India’). He describes the unicorns as being a breed of wild ass that was incredibly fast and light on its feet. Its defining feature, of course, was a horn that was about 28 inches in length that grew from the center of its head. Unlike the later tales of unicorns, however, these horns could be white, red, or black instead of the white color that is characteristic of the modern day understanding of unicorns.

Ctesias supposedly got his information from his time in Persia. Aristotle also gives a similar description of two such beasts that come from the same region – the oryx and the ‘Indian ass’. It is thought that there were many others who drew their descriptions of unicorns from this area as well. In fact, carvings of unicorns have been found on a sculpture at the ancient capital of Perspolis.

There is also an account on the power of unicorns that was found by Cosmas Indicopleustes – a merchant from Alexandria that shed many insights on early India. While visiting the King of Ethiopia he saw four brass statues that portrayed the unicorn and wrote an account of what he had learned. He claimed that all the strength of the creature could be found in the horn. He also noted the tremendous ability of the creature and it’s tendency to throw itself from a high cliff rather than to be captured. It was supposedly able to absorb all the impact with its horn and escape safely.

The Image of the Unicorn Evolves in the Middle Ages

During the Medieval Ages, the image of the unicorn grew into the fantastic image that we now recognize the creature by today. This is partially due to the adaptation of the story by the Christian Church. The claiming of the creature by the Church allowed many artists to portray it in a wide variety of artwork. Because there was a great emphasis on religion during this time period, this enabled artists to work with mythology without being prosecuted by the church.

The unicorn was also seen in a new light in mythology. The beast was still seen as largely unconquerable – but with a few exceptions.

The Portrayal of the Unicorn

The unicorn was known to be a mighty beast that was a creature of the woodlands and largely unconquerable by man. However, there was one important exception to this rule – the unicorn could not resist its urge to be drawn to a virgin maiden. When hunters would go out in search of a unicorn, it was often thought that the prideful creature would pause every now and then instead of simply escaping to taunt the hunters.

To take advantage of this weakness, lore states that a virgin maiden was sometimes told to wait underneath a tree and wait for the unicorn to gallop by. When the unicorn saw the maiden, it would inevitably be drawn in and lay its weary head in her lap. When it fell asleep, the hunters would gather round and trap the creature.

The Unicorn and Romance

There were also connections that were drawn between the tale of the unicorn and the romance between men and women in the courting process. Many 13th century French authors liked to make the analogy that just as a unicorn is attracted to the virgin so is a lover attracted to his woman. There were also similar comparisons that sought to speak of the unicorn as a symbol of chaste love and faithful marriage.

Marco Polo’s Description of the Unicorn

Although there are many different interpretations of the unicorns throughout the Medieval Ages, many of these descriptions echoed the magical awe of the beast. Marco Polo’s account, however, leaves much to be questioned.

He describes the creatures as being close in size to elephants and hair similar to that of a buffalo. They had a black horn in the middle of their heads that could only be described as being similar to a boar. He also noted that they enjoyed basking in mud and slime – a far cry from the pure nature that was characteristic of the beast at the time.

He was shocked to note that the beasts were noticeably different from the enchanting creatures that could be captured by virgins. His obvious description of a rhinoceros in his writings leads many to wonder if he was mistaken in his identification of the creature or if he was alluding that the beast was an over exaggeration of the rhinoceros.

The Unicorn Interpreted By the Christian Church

The unicorn was enthusiastically adopted by the Christian Church who appreciated the many allegories that could be used to symbolize the creature’s connection to Christ. The two most popular expressions of this idea were used to describe the incarnation of Christ and the Passion of the Christ.

The Virgin Mary and the Incarnation of Christ

One of the most popular ways in which the legend of the unicorn was used to relate to Christianity was with the Incarnation of Christ. This version compares the unicorn approaching the virgin as the process that was undergone to allow the Virgin Mary to become impregnated by Yahweh. It is thought that this reference could clearly be seen by the unicorn laying its head down on the virgin’s lap – in close proximity to the womb.

The Passion of the Christ

Another interpretation of Christianity’s connections to the unicorn come in the form of the passion of the Christ. The hunters represent the sinners who sought to overcome Christ. The unicorn (Christ) was able to outrun the hunters easily because he was the embodiment of all that is pure and good. However, because of his great desire to save those who are pure of heart (the virgin) the unicorn goes to the virgin maiden and lays his head in her lap, selflessly sacrificing himself.

This interpretation can possibly be seen in the seven panel tapestry piece entitled, ‘The Hunt of the Unicorn.’ This series depicts a unicorn that is pursued by many noblemen. They are unable to capture the creature until it goes to rest in the lap of a virgin. They appear to kill the creature, but the last panel shows a resurrected unicorn that lives happily in field of flowers.

The Value of the Unicorn in Early Cultures

The unicorn was highly sought after in many cultures – especially European cultures that hoped to gain some of the mythical powers of the beast. Many accounts from early times claim that the secret to the unicorn’s power is hidden in its horn. The horn itself is thought to be made of a substance called Alicorn that was thought to hold the ability to heal various ailments and diseases. In addition to this, it was also thought to cure impotency and give the owner the ability to purify water and protect against poisons.

Rainbow Alicorn

The horn was greatly desired by many royals and nobles. In fact, it was common practice for nobility to use alicorn to create ceremonial cups that were used by high ranking members of society. The protective abilities of the horn would prevent one from dying even if their cup had been spiked with poison.

The horns were also desired as decorative fixtures as well. The Throne Chair of Denmark was thought to have been made of unicorn horns for many years. In reality, these horns are likely narwhal horns that were sold by traders from the north. The Europeans were not aware of the narwhal and its unique horn – as a result, it was very easy for northern traders to scam the Europeans with fake horns that were sold for much more than their weight in gold.

Possible Explanations for the Myth

So what inspired the story of the unicorn? It’s likely that the mythical beast is no more than a misunderstanding of the natural wildlife of ancient worlds. It is extremely likely that the beast was created by European merchants and travelers who studied the drawings, statues, and paintings of the cultures they visited on their trading routes.

While it is possible that there was, indeed, a horse-like or goat-like creature called the unicorn it is doubtful the creature existed into modern day. It was likely wiped out by hunters who hoped to use its horn to make an impressive profit.

The Rhinoceros

One of the most logical answers to the question of the existence of unicorns comes from the rhinoceros. Many people point to the creature not only because of its characteristic single horn, but also because of the account of Marco Polo. In his writings, Marco Polo claims to have encountered a unicorn during his travels. However, the brutish account of the beast and the single black horn that protruded from its head was more characteristic of a rhinoceros than a magical unicorn.

This leads many to believe that the original unicorns were rhinoceros’ that were over exaggerated by travelers and merchants looking to make a profit from their stories.

The Aurochs

There are also those who believe that the aurochs of Europe could have been the inspiration for the tale. The aurochs are an extinct species of cattle that are known to have been very large. As an ancestor to domestic cattle, it is thought that creature could have inspired many stories because of its great power and strength.

When drawn from the side (as many creatures were in early cultures) it may have appeared that the aurochs was a single horned creature. As many years passed by, it would have been possible for the early cultures to think that the images referenced a strange and mythical creature. Additionally, the established sightings in history could have explained why this unknown creature was recorded in natural history instead of mythology.

The Narwhal

One of the biggest perpetrators of the myth was likely the northern hunters and traders that decided to pass off narwhal horns as unicorn horns. These hunters knew that the European population had never seen a narwhal and wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

In fact, there was often speculation as to what a unicorn horn could look like until the narwhal horn was introduced into trade. Previously, a unicorn horn could be long or short and many different colors. When narwhal horns were introduced into trade however, they set the standard for what was considered to be a proper horn. They passed all the tests that were in place to check for fake horns because they were made of real horn. Additionally, their long length and spiraled texture was quickly adopted as the norm for what a unicorn horn should look like and was adopted into what is now the modern day understanding of unicorns.

Genetic Engineering

Still many wonder, is it possible that a unicorn did exist? And if so, could it be brought into existence again?

Those who look to Oberon Zell-Ravenheart would say yes. Zell – a self-proclaimed wizard – has been pursuing magic and the secrets of the past for many years. It was this obsession, along with appreciation for the book, ‘The Last Unicorn’, that inspired Zell to experiment with genetically manipulating goats so that they displayed only one horn.

Many who look at his successes are quick to call out the experiment as the phony replication of a unicorn. Others argue, however, that results are results and the creature is perhaps the best answer we have to how the unicorns of early cultures came into existence. Regardless of what the popular opinion is, many of Zell’s followers are certain that he is, indeed, a wizard and has brought the unicorn back into existence.

Thank you! This information was easy to understand and very helpful!!

I met a unicorn in my dreams and it explained things to me in a way I understood. The information available on the internet about unicorns is weirdly consistent with the unicorn I met. People know the nature of unicorns and what they represent. I think there is plenty of reason for us to think that unicorns are real but that they are largely hidden from the eyes of the majority which are not pure of heart.

I read the whole entire article and I absolutely love and although I am still young and my family and friends think I I’m wierd for this and it gets me down sometimes but I really think that they were and are still real.

I read the whole thing! Wow! This was REALLy intresting! Thank you for such fine infomation. ⭐

I like unicorns and i think they are real

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The Last Unicorn Essay Example

The Last Unicorn Essay Example

  • Pages: 5 (1247 words)
  • Published: November 8, 2017
  • Type: Book Review

The Novel “The Last Unicorn” by Peter S.

Beagle is a timeless classic story about love and loss. The story has a mesmerizing hold on the reader, drawing you in on its beautifully simplistic storyline. A unicorn learns that she is the last of her kind and sets out to find out what happened to the others. Along the way she meets a few friends that aid her on her quest.

It turns out that all the unicorns have been captured by an evil king and his Red Bull, so they set out to save the Unicorns from this dreadful fate. The easy flow and Beagles enchanted writing style brings the magic in the story alive.This can also be said about the movie made after the novel also titled “The Last Unicorn. ” The movie is rare among oth

er movies derived from novels in the fact that it almost sticks completely to the story line to an exact; with few exceptions that have changed.

The story begins in a lilac wood with two hunters discussing the disappearance of unicorns from the world. One is convinced that one unicorn still exists in the woods that they are hunting in, due to the seemingly magical properties of the forest; and warns her to stay in her forest to protect herself because she is the last.She hears him and decides to leave her forests safety in the hope that she may find the truth about the fate of her kind. On her journey through a world unfamiliar to her, she comes across a wide-range of characters, such as a crazy king, an old witch to a scatter braine

butterfly and a gang of outlaws. Eventually she is aided by a clumsy and unskilled magician, a haggard cold woman, and a love crazed prince. Through the support of her new found friends; the unicorn is able to learn what has happened to her kind and how to save them.

In both the book and the movie the characters speak in an almost odd poetic way where they speak in almost riddles. This seems to be apparent in the characters throughout both the movie and the book. The language of the book appears all through the story beginning with the narrative at the start and from the characters from then on. For example when the which spoke to the captured harpy she said, “Fool! Be still! I can turn her into wind if she escapes, or into snow, or into seven notes of music.

But I choose to keep her. The way the witch says this is kind of a riddle, what does she mean by turn her into seven notes of music, or how is something turned into seven notes of music. This may draw question but the point still gets across quite clearly. Another example of this comes from when Schmendrick the magician is trying to escape from the tree that tries to unnatural relations with him, and tells him, “I will keep the color of your eyes when no other in the world remembers your name.

” This line seems come straight from a love poem, and every character in the novel and the movie seem to speak with such poetic dialogue.This is one of the main attributes that lures you into this

fantasy world created by Beagle. This is one quality that was not altered or lost from the novel to the movie. There was one thing that appeared in both the novel and the movie that takes you from of the story. Although I found it less apparent in the novel because of Beagles wonderful writing ability it was however especially apparent in the movie.

There were too many inconsistencies with the medieval setting, such as characters reading magazines, Cully offering Schmendrick a taco.All the modern attitudes not found in most fairy tales seemed to distract from the mysticism and setting of the story; making it less enjoyable. For example Cully and his men, "And we don't steal from the rich and give to the poor," Dick Fancy hurried on. "We steal from the poor because they can't fight back — most of them — and the rich take from us because they could wipe us out in a day. We don't rob the fat, greedy Mayor on the highway; we pay him tribute every month to leave us alone. Beagle was trying to be humorous, and in some cases it is comical but it still takes from the story more than it gives.

Another thing is that there didn’t seem to be a lot going on in the world. The world created by Beagle seems to be populated by very little and only have a few hundred people tops. It seems that the characters and people are only created when they have a purpose or role. The writing of Beagle grabs the reader and keeps them interested, which is why these things are not easily

noticeable in his novel but in the movie they became apparent quite easily.

There are also some minor changes in the script of the movie that are different than the novel. Such thing include some scene like when Schmendrick was invited to dinner by the mayor of the town he was visiting; where Cullys’ outlaws came in and took him. This was different in the movie; the whole scene was cut out and shortened. In the movie the outlaws were traveling through the forest and saw Schmendrick and grabbed him up to bring to Cully. This was probably cut because it had no real significance to the lot of the story. However it does take away the chance for the reader to build and find that relationship with Schmendricks character.

There are small changes like this through the movie; for example the dialogue in the movie is different than that of the novel. The movie removed some of the words that appear in the novel, such as the word damn. In the Novel it appears three times, the first was spoken by the character Ruk when he says, “I don’t care how many damn spells you put on her! Get rid of that harpy! It was also removed from Molly Grue and from Prince Lir cry’s out in anger when he is descending the steps to meet lady Amalthea. This wouldn’t be a problem or even noticeable; to those who have not read the novel first, but for those that have it ruins the mood and show of emotion from the characters.

There are other things that are obviously going to be different such as a

musical sound track, voices done by stars; things that are apparently going to change from transition from novel to movie. Other than that the movie stayed close to the original plot of the novel.The key to staying faithful to the novels origins was the fact that Peter Beagle wrote the screen play to the movie. Beagle tried to keep as close as possible to his original work in the novel, only changing very minor details. Although Beagle attempted to keep the movie and the novel “The Last Unicorn” as closely together as possible, his transition from novel to movie failed to capture the magic of the novel. Without the beauty and descriptive words of Peter Beagle the movie seems to be nothing more than a entertaining cartoon; but never capturing the true magic of “The Last Unicorn.

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Skandar and the Unicorn Thief

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Analyze the author’s depiction of the Fourpoint Prison and the reasons why spirit-wielding prisoners are kept there. How does the society in Steadman’s book define “crime,” and how does this definition reflect on the larger society’s morals, values, and flaws?

Which element would be your affinity element? Why do you believe that? Use information from the book and outside sources about the elemental meanings to explain your choice.

The Weaver arguably has good intentions but uses poor methods to execute her plan. If she really wants to create a world in which anyone can bond with a unicorn, how might she have chosen to achieve this goal in a constructive way? Identify three actions that she could perform and explain why each one would serve her goals better than the choices she actually makes.

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The Unicorn in the Garden Analysis

The Unicorn in the Garden Analysis

The story ‘Unicorn in the Garden’ has two characters which revolve around the event of sighting a Unicorn in the garden by the husband. The story portraits the husband as a mild characterised person and the wife as mean spirited. At first the husband’s character comes to the reader as somewhat not in touch with reality. Then it further progresses to the wife’s character and portraits the wife as demeaning towards the husband. The story starts with highly imaginable and portrayal of the whole scene that occurred.

The use of the words such as ‘sunny morning’, ‘garden’, and ‘eating roses takes the imagination of the reader to a very realistic level and creates an engaging mood followed by curiosity. When the story progresses towards the event where the husband runs off to tell the wife about the sight he witnessed, takes a very interesting turn, the fact that the wife totally refuses to believe her husband, more interestingly the reaction of the husband, the reaction that he showed was in fact a result of somewhat presumed behaviour of her wife; “The unicorn is a mythical beast,’ she said.

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The wife’s behaviour then progresses towards the action of insult for the husband, where she refers to him as somewhat insane. “You are a booby,” she said, “and I am going to have you put in the booby- hatch,” The second paragraph really uncovers the wife’s true nature. “She was very excited and there was a gloat in her eye”, this truly paints her character, she was rather excited to hand his husband over to the authorities. This part really sheds light and gives an insight on the relationship between the husband and the wife.

As the story progresses, irony takes it turn, the authority’s arrival and the wives explanation of the sight seen by her husband to them results in rather a misfortune for the wife. The authorities without even conforming from the husband take the wife into custody. After this point, the arrival of the husband is the crux of the story, the smart and brilliant move made by the husband, the denial of the fact he witnessed a unicorn in the garden eating roses and a lily is crucial to investigate. This is the cold revenge he gets for the treatment from his wife, the master stroke he strikes with intelligent timing in the whole scenario.

The question I chose to answer will deduce the relationship between the husband and the wife. The couple suffers from marital burnout and clearly the wife is the most belligerent. If we look at the event when the husband comes upstairs to tell her wife about the unicorn the wife responds coldly, for example, when the husband wakes up his wife to tell her he saw a unicorn in the garden, she just turns over, glares at him and responds in disgust, “You are a booby and I am going to put you in the booby-hatch. The women represent a very aggressive behaviour on the other hand the husband presents more of a cunning character.

For example, at the end of the story the denial of the husband against the wife’s story to the authorities, he simply feigns ignorance turning the tables against his wife. This depicts the whole relation between the two. ?”The Unicorn in the Garden” has no particular moral as such. Thurber is just illustrating the fact that friction does exist between husbands and wives in many marriages. The War between Men and Women,” which was reprinted in his anthology titled The Thurber Carnival. The story is showing husbands and wives in conflict. His male characters are typically impractical dreamers like the husband in “The Unicorn in the Garden” and like the hero of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. ” His female characters are often hard-core realists and intensely practical. Thurber is probably best remembered for his stories and cartoons dealing with domestic infelicity. ?

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Intel CEO suggests AI can help to create a one-person Unicorn

And possibly replace entire business units too.

Intel Vision In his Intel Vision Keynote on Tuesday CEO Pat Gelsinger outlined a scenario in which AI will eventually automate entire offices – or potentially even whole businesses.

He described this as the age of AI functions, in which agents – think highly tuned, application-specific models – start to interact with other agents to complete tasks. "Literally entire departments become AI automated solutions," he envisioned. "Maybe we'll have the age of the first one-person, billion-dollar company." In StartupLand parlance, that's a "Unicorn".

Naturally, Gelsinger would prefer if the hardware used to train and run these AI agents and functions were created, or at the very least manufactured, by Intel. Throughout his roughly hundred-minute keynote address, he touched on everything from AI PCs capable of running models at home and Xeon 6 servers capable of running modestly sized chatbots like LLama2-70B, to the Habana team's flagship Gaudi3 accelerator. The latter, Intel contends , is capable of going toe-to-toe with Nvidia's H100.

Gelsinger is counting on widespread adoption of AI infrastructure and services to fuel Intel's future growth. "I simply call it: every company becomes an AI company and this becomes the driving force of this expanding semiconductor TAM [total addressable market] from about $600 billion to more than $1 trillion by the end of the decade," he predicted.

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And – as Gelsinger later pointed out – to sell its hardware and claim a meaningful share of the AI infrastructure market, Intel is going to have to deliver tangible business outcomes.

According to Accenture's chief AI officer Lan Guan, one of the technology's biggest obstacles is "ambiguous value realization."

This shouldn't come as much of a surprise. The AI accelerators used to train and run large language models – like those underpinning Microsoft's Copilot and Google's Gemini – are incredibly expensive.

"Many clients are telling me it is really hard to realize value from their AI investments," Guan told Gelsinger on stage.

Because of this, the idea of replacing whole swaths of knowledge workers with AI is no doubt a tantalizing prospect for enterprises – and a terrifying one for workers.

Intel is well aware of this. The x86 giant has already committed to training 30 million people to work with AI – either in their current role, or a new one – by 2030. And last week, the chip biz joined other tech titans to form a consortium to determine which jobs are most likely to be initially eliminated by AI and which workers can be retrained.

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Intel Gaudi's third and final hurrah is an AI accelerator built to best Nvidia's H100

The good news, according to Gelsinger, is these changes aren't going to happen overnight. It seems there's still a lot of work to be done before AI functions come for our jobs.

"We see this enterprise AI transformation happening right around us today, but we see it unfolding in three different stages," he opined.

The first he described as the "age of the AI copilot," in which smart assistants like those from Microsoft, Google, and others help to boost worker productivity. "We expect productivity improvements of maybe 25 percent from those kinds of capabilities," Gelsinger observed.

The next step, he predicted, will see the rise of AI agents which can handle more sophisticated tasks and automate entire workflows – like generating business reports. It will only be at that point when we can start stringing them together into AI functions, he concluded. ®

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