Feb 15, 2023

Essays on Leadership for Students | 200 - 500 Word Essays

Are you writing an essay about leadership? Check out these examples!

Leadership is often defined as "the action of inspiring others to act in concert to achieve a particular goal." It signifies the harmony in actions that lead to a common objective. A genuine leader not only exudes confidence but also paves the way for their followers towards triumph. Over the years, various leadership styles have been identified and discussed by psychologists.

 Qualities such as intelligence, adaptability, extroversion, innate self-awareness, and social competence often emerge as the hallmarks of impactful leaders. There's a consensus that these traits mold an individual into an effective leader. Interestingly, some theories suggest that extraordinary situations can thrust an ordinary individual into the spotlight, bestowing upon them the mantle of leadership. It's also believed that leadership isn't a static trait but an evolving journey. It underscores the belief that with dedication and the right resources, anyone can hone their leadership abilities.

 True leadership goes beyond merely advocating for a cause. It involves taking responsibility, igniting motivation in others, and differentiating oneself from just being a 'boss'. A leader's essence lies in their ability to inspire and propel people towards grand visions, whereas a manager typically focuses on oversight and operational aspects.

What Is a Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay falls under the category of student application essays and serves to provide student admissions officers with insight into your past leadership experiences. Despite appearing to be very specific, this type of essay acknowledges that the nature and perception of leadership can vary significantly depending on the individual and the context.

 If you find yourself in need of further insights or a unique angle for your leadership essay, consider exploring an expert essay-writing tool designed to assist students in crafting compelling narratives by analyzing vast data and generating fresh ideas within minutes. In this article, we'll also delve into various leadership essay examples to offer a clearer understanding of the genre and inspire your writing journey.

4 Examples of Leadership Essays

Qualities of a good leader, introduction.

Confidence is the most important attribute first of all. One of the most important qualities in a leader is confidence in one's own abilities. A lack of self-assurance is fatal to a person's leadership potential. If you want others to follow you, you need to exude self-assurance. It's imperative for a leader to have faith in his own judgment and actions. How can people want to follow him if he doesn't even know what he's doing?

Every effective leader knows that they need to be an inspiration to their followers. A leader needs to set an example for his team. In addition, he ought to inspire them whenever feasible. A leader must also maintain optimism in trying times.

What qualities a good leader must have?

Leadership is the ability to influence and guide individuals or groups toward a common goal. A leader must possess several qualities to be effective, including:

Communication skills: A leader must be able to communicate their vision and goals clearly and effectively, both verbally and in writing. This requires excellent listening skills, empathy, and the ability to adapt to different communication styles.

Emotional intelligence: A leader must be able to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as those of their team members. This includes being able to understand and respond to the emotions of others, and handling conflicts in a constructive manner.

Visionary: A leader must have a clear and inspiring vision of the future, and be able to articulate this vision in a way that motivates others to work towards it.

Strategic thinking: A leader must be able to think critically and creatively to identify and solve problems, make decisions, and develop plans and strategies to achieve their goals.

Flexibility: A leader must be able to adapt to changing circumstances and be open to new ideas and perspectives. This requires the ability to embrace change, be innovative, and continuously learn and grow.

Integrity: A leader must have strong ethics and values, and be willing to make difficult decisions that are consistent with their beliefs. This requires honesty, transparency, and accountability.

Decisiveness: A leader must be able to make tough decisions quickly, without undue hesitation or procrastination. This requires courage and the ability to take calculated risks.

Empowerment: A leader must be able to delegate responsibilities, give team members the resources they need to succeed, and foster a sense of ownership and accountability among their team.


These qualities are essential for effective leadership, and when combined with hard work, determination, and a commitment to excellence, can help leaders to achieve great things.

How one can be a Great Leader?

Leadership is the act of performing the duties of a leader. In the business world, for instance, it is essential to have someone in charge of a team to ensure everything runs well. Effective leadership is essential for any group that wants to maximize its prospects of success.

Leadership Comes from Experience

As we've shown, leadership can be innate in some cases but is more often learned through practice and exposure. Sometimes the best traits of a leader must be learned over a lengthy period of time, so that one can become a notable one, proving that leadership is not always about a person's innate qualities. Leaders should continuously be on the lookout for opportunities to grow their leadership skills.

Nobody can disagree that experience is a key component of leadership. Numerous examples exist to back up this claim, such as:

Instance 1:

Our school's head boy or girl has traditionally been an older student who has been around for a while and thus has a better grasp of the ins and outs of school politics.

Instance 2:

When there is a vacancy for a team leader, it is common practice for the employee who has consistently put in the most effort and attention to the office job to receive a higher number of votes than their coworkers. 

“The best teacher for a leader is evaluated experience.” - John C. Maxwell

How one can be a Great Leader/Skills to be a Great Leader?

Effective leadership is a skill that develops through time. Developing into a leader with all the qualities that are needed takes a lot of hard work and potential. Being a prominent leader calls for a wide variety of traits. Some of these characteristics are addressed in further detail below:

One should be a Good Communicator

To be an effective leader, one must be able to convey his thoughts clearly to his/her/its subordinates.

Should have Confidence

The individual should have faith in what he says and does.

Give Credit to other Team Members too

A leader not only needs to impose his viewpoints and opinions instead he must also hear to the suggestions of other members of the team and offer them credit if their concept is appropriate.

Good Bond with the Team

A leader's ability to command respect from his team members depends on his ability to develop and maintain positive relationships with them.

Leads with Responsibility

A leader needs to be completely committed to his position. It's important that he takes on responsibility so that he can effectively deal with the various challenges he will inevitably face.

Any group or organization needs a leader above all else. Leadership development takes time and effort. One needs to have lived through a lot to be an effective leader. It's not enough to simply have years of experience in the field; one must also have the traits that make one an effective leader. You can't be a great leader unless you possess certain traits.

What makes a Good Leader?

Trying one's hand as a leader appears easy when viewed through this lens. Is that so tough? Of course not; leading is difficult, and not everyone aspires to be a leader. The vast majority of us have settled into well-established careers where we report to superiors and make a living. Still, not everyone is content to go along with the crowd. They become leaders in whatever field they pursue. A leader is an example to followers and will prioritize the needs of those around them.

Some Unique Qualities of a Leader

Many individuals resort to their leaders to vent their frustrations, therefore it's important for them to be good listeners.

A leader ought to be completely forthright; they can't play favorites or give anyone preferential treatment. One of the most essential qualities of a strong leader is the ability to make decisions with integrity.

They need to be aware of the bigger picture and understand what makes an individual stand out or become a leader. It's their expertise in addition to other distinguishing traits. Their awareness of current events and the results of recent studies is essential. In many ways, this is helpful, and it's the leader's responsibility to stay current.

Since some might not understand them, they should utilize straightforward, easily comprehended language. Leaders need to be able to communicate effectively at all times. In reality, what sets them apart is their exceptional communication skills. Adolf Hitler was such a gifted orator that his followers believed every word he said.

No matter how you're feeling or what's going on in the world, if you listen to a leader, they may make you feel energized. Since leaders are in charge of inspiring confidence in their followers, they can't afford to be wary or unsure of themselves. People tend to blindly follow their leaders.

Whether you're a leader or a doctor, you should devote yourself completely to your chosen field. Everything we do is for the benefit of others; engineers, for example, spend much of their time designing and constructing buildings for other people. So, take pride in what you do, and if you possess the aforementioned traits, you are also a leader who doesn't have to rely on others to succeed. No matter what you do, aspiring to leadership positions will always benefit others.

What is Leadership in Management and what are the weaknesses and strengths of a Leader?

Simply said, leadership is acting as a supervisor or manager of a group. Different mental pictures pop up when we hear the word "leadership" used in conversation. One might think of a political leader, team leader, corporate leader, school leader, etc. Leaders facilitate order and efficiency in the workplace. Teamwork and success are fundamental to effective leadership. Leaders utilize their managerial abilities to establish courses and guide their teams to success.

Strengths and Weaknesses of Leadership

Able to express oneself more clearly

Growth of character.


Possession of teamwork skills.

Gain assurance in yourself.


Acting favorably toward one's teammates.

Having no faith in the leader.

Thinks they're better than everyone else, but act hypocritically.

Not living up to the promised standard.

Insufficient morals.

Leadership and Management

Management and leadership are inextricably linked to one another. Leadership and management are both vital to the efficient operation of an organization; but, they accomplish very different things in the process. Leadership is a necessary skill for anyone aspiring to be an effective manager. The terms management and leadership are synonymous with one another. In this manner, we are able to draw the conclusion that a manager who demonstrates the traits of a successful leader is, in fact, a manager who is effective.

Leadership in School

Leadership is essential in nearly every group, as we've seen above. That group includes one's educational institution. Every school needs an outstanding figure to serve as its head of school. Class monitor, assembly captain, cultural leader, etc. are all examples of leadership roles that can be taken on at school, but this raises the question of what makes a person a successful school leader.

Any student hoping to be chosen as a student body leader will need to demonstrate a wide range of competencies. He or she needs to be a consistent student who pays attention in class and does well in extracurricular activities. For the simple reason that no intelligent and hardworking kid would ever be considered for leadership. Student leaders are most often selected from among those who participate fully in all activities.

Leadership in Organization

Leadership in an organization, also known as organizational leadership, is the process of establishing long-term objectives that further the company's mission and help it reach its ultimate destination. This is a classic illustration of how Bill Gates often works with his team: they agree on a strategy, and Gates implements it. To the same extent, it is the responsibility of the leader in each given organization to determine what it is that the group is trying to accomplish.

Leadership in Politics

Leadership in politics, also known as political leadership, is the process of becoming actively involved in a political party in the role of a party leader. Knowledge of political processes, their outcomes, and the political agenda is central to the idea of political leadership.

An effective leader can be developed in anyone who has the determination and drives to do so. Both the strengths and the areas for improvement should be nurtured. Whether in the classroom, the workplace, or the political arena, leadership is always necessary. Therefore, one can exercise leadership anywhere they like inside their own organization.

What are the types of Leadership?

The ability to lead is a rare trait that not everyone possesses. The ability to do so is a gift, so count your blessings if you possess it. It's recommended that you hone it even more so that you can propel your career forward and serve as an example to people around you. However, it is crucial to grasp the various leadership styles before you go ahead and polish your skills.

Types of Leadership Styles

Democratic Leadership

In this style of management, subordinates are given a voice in decision-making. Although the subordinates' efforts are highlighted, the leader is ultimately held responsible for the group's actions. Many people find this type of leadership to be effective.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leaders motivate and inspire others to adopt new behaviors and ways of thinking in order to improve their own performance and that of their teams and organizations. A transformational leader is someone who encourages their team to strive for greater things and works to boost morale and output.

Team Leadership

A good leader fully incorporates his team into the task at hand. Members of the team are motivated to reach their goals and advance in their careers thanks to the leadership of the group.

Strategic Leadership

It requires a chief executive who doesn't restrict himself to brainstorming sessions with his superiors. He contributes on every level of the team. He is well-liked for his ability to unite the need for fresh ideas with the necessity of grounding them in reality.

Autocratic Leadership

The leader in a command and control structure is the center of attention. The chief executive has absolute power in this setting. He decides things on his own, without polling his staff. He relays this information to his staff and stresses the importance of swift action. The buck stops with him, and he alone must answer for his actions. Not much room for negotiation exists. It's no secret that this method of leading has its detractors.

Visionary Leadership

This kind of leader appreciates the abilities and requirements of his team members. He describes his ideal outcome and the teamwork that will be necessary to attain it.

Coaching Leadership

Leaders who coach their teams do so regularly in an effort to raise output. He inspires his employees to do better and works to keep them motivated. This approach to leadership has been much praised.

Facilitative Leadership

With occasional guidance, a facilitative leader ensures that the process runs smoothly for his team. As a precaution in case his team is ineffective. If the team is highly effective, the leader will take a hands-off approach.

Cross-Cultural Leadership

The leadership of this type is necessary when interacting with people from various cultural backgrounds. Because of the wide variety of cultures represented in the workforce across the United States, many managers and executives hold cross-cultural positions.

Laissez-Faire Leadership

The members of the team are given responsibility in this style of management. They are free to choose how they spend their time at work, with minimal oversight from the boss. It's not a good way to lead, according to experts.

Transactional Leadership

An interactive approach is integral to this kind of leadership. When team members successfully implement their leader's ideas and choices, they are rewarded with immediate, material benefits.

Charismatic Leadership

In order to bring out the best in his followers, this kind of leader makes the effort to change their attitudes, values, and actions.

This article should dispel the notion that leadership qualities can't be further subdivided. It should also assist you in pinpointing your own personal brand of leadership so you can perfect it over time.

Final Words

In conclusion, leadership is a complex and multifaceted concept that involves various qualities and skills. Effective leaders possess traits such as integrity, vision, empathy, decisiveness, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. They are able to navigate challenges, make difficult decisions, and lead their team toward success. Leadership also involves continuous learning and self-improvement, as leaders must adapt to changing circumstances and remain relevant. Effective leadership can have a positive impact on both individuals and organizations, fostering growth and creating a culture of success.

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You can use Jenni.ai to quickly compose an essay on leadership, or any other topic, of your choosing. It's a fantastic choice that promises convenience and relief. Create an essay on any topic in a matter of minutes with the help of our AI-powered program. Sign up on Jenni.ai and get a free trial.

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20 Business Leaders Who Changed The World For The Better

Just like empires, companies can come and go with the times. However, there are some that last for ages, and great leadership is the secret. Great leaders have the ability to motivate employees, help others see and believe in a vision, and lead innovation in the company. Having a great leader at the helm is something that all investors, consumers, and employees want. Here is a list of the 20 most influential business leaders that are changing the world.

What Is an Industry Leader?

An industry leader is a reputable business professional with high levels of expertise in a specific field or area. Industry leaders are innovative, driven, strategic , and able to adapt to changing trends in their field. When technological developments arise or demand changes, they know how to respond appropriately and can offer valuable solutions.

On an organizational level, business leaders in an industry understand how to meet company and consumer needs. They research consumers and competitors while providing strategic solutions that address buyer and organizational demands.

To accomplish this, industry leaders must know their employers well, understand how competitors operate, and offer valuable solutions to improve business products and services. Their goal is to help transform a company for the better.

Industry leaders pave the way for company success with new ideas and unique approaches. Leaders can wear many hats, but they most frequently fill one of these roles:

  • Entrepreneur
  • Company founder

What Are the Qualities of a Business Leader?

Here are some of the most common qualities leaders in an industry demonstrate .

Informative and Innovative

Industry leaders remain at the top of their profession. They constantly research trends, examine the latest developments in their area, and devote time to devising solutions that benefit their organization.


Professional leaders across all industries thoroughly understand company objectives (both small and large). They have a detailed vision of what it takes to achieve attainable goals, helping to set the company up for long-term success.

Solid Communication Skills

Industry professionals know how to communicate effectively with board members, employees, and stakeholders to address opportunities and organizational challenges. Successful leaders don’t settle for subtle or abrupt communication. Instead, they lay out their goals and solutions clearly. They also engage in active listening to gain valuable feedback.


Every industry needs leaders willing to step into the unknown and embrace risk. Industry leaders understand that company success depends on striving toward goals both easy to attain and longer term.

These daring leaders are not afraid to voice their opinions and put their ideas into action, even in the face of potential failure. These qualities set famous business leaders apart.

15 Business Leaders Who Changed the World

1) reshma saujani.

Saujani is the founder of Girls Who Code, which promotes technology training (specifically coding) to girls. She is an American lawyer and politician. Her company, Girls Who Code, has camps set up in 42 states with over 10,000 girls attending. She has been a leader in empowering women in the workplace.

2) Tim Cook

Cook is the CEO of the most valuable company in the world, Apple. He took over Apple after the company’s founder, Steve Jobs, succumbed to cancer in 2011. Cook has helped navigate Apple through the transition after Jobs’ death as well as developing new product lines and opening Apple retail stores in China.

3) Sheryl Sandberg

Sandberg has served as the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook from 2008 to 2022. She founded a nonprofit, Lean In, named after her best-selling book. She has been an influential advocate for women in the business world. She has made the successful transition from government work at the Treasury Department to the tech industry at Google and Facebook.

4) Bob Iger

Iger is the Executive Chairman and former CEO of the Disney Corporation. He has led the acquisitions of major companies like Marvel, Pixar, and, most recently, Lucas Films. His leadership has also led to the expansion of Disney’s theme parks into Shanghai and Hong Kong.

5) Reed Hastings

Hastings is the co-founder and CEO of Netflix. What originally started as a no-late-fees, no-due-dates subscription service soon transitioned into online streaming, which shook the very foundation of digital entertainment. In addition, Hastings constantly uses his position of influence to promote change and reform in the California State Board of Education and through charter schools.

6) Mary Barra

Barra is the chairman and CEO of General Motors Company. Prior to her in 2014, she served as the Executive Vice President of Global Product Development, Purchasing and Supply Chain at GM. She is currently contesting for space in the electric automobile market. In 2016, she launched the Chevrolet Bolt EV with a battery that outlasts Tesla’s. As of late 2017, Barra was elected to the board of Disney with high regards from Robert Iger.

7) Huateng “Pony” Ma

Also known as Pony Ma, he is the founder and president of Tencent, Inc. Tencent is one of the largest internet companies in China. He has been named to Time’s most-influential-people list twice (2007 and 2014). Ma is known for his secretive lifestyle but wields substantial power both domestically and with foreign companies.

Ma was the first entrepreneur from mainland China to appear on the cover of Forbes magazine. He is also the founder of Alibaba Group, a group of internet companies. Before getting accepted to Hangzhou Teacher’s Institute, Ma was rejected from university three times. After graduation, he applied for 30 jobs and was turned down for all of them . He first learned about the internet during a short trip to the U.S., and when he returned home, he created a small website about China and Chinese products. This would be his first step towards creating a company that would hold the record for largest IPO in history.

9) Jan Koum

Koum was born in Kyiv, Ukraine but moved to the United States when he was 16 years old. He soon discovered his passion for programming and enrolled at San José State University. After a brief stint at SJSU and working as a security tester at Yahoo, Koum started WhatsApp. WhatsApp quickly became one of the fastest downloaded apps in the App Store, and one of the most internationally used apps. Koum sold WhatsApp to Facebook in 2014 for approximately $19.3 billion.

10) Bill Gates

Gates founded Microsoft, the world’s largest PC software company, and each year, he is consistently near the top of the list of the world’s wealthiest people. Over the years, Gates has slowly transitioned away from Microsoft and into philanthropic ventures. His foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation , is working to provide clean water and sanitation (among other things) to third-world countries. Like Warren Buffett, Gates has also promised to leave the vast majority of his wealth to charity.

11) Elon Musk

Musk was born in South Africa and is a businessman, inventor, and investor. Musk is most widely known for his founding of PayPal and SpaceX and his heavy involvement in Tesla Motors. His innovative vision and unrelenting passion for pushing the boundaries of technology and consumer integration have led to increased exposure to solar power, high-speed transportation, and artificial intelligence.

12) Warren Buffett

Buffett is one of the most successful investors in the world. Some people have referred to him as the “Wizard of Omaha” (his birthplace is Omaha, Nebraska) and he is consistently named as one of the wealthiest people in the world. He is currently the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He has also pledged to give away nearly 99% of his accumulated wealth to philanthropic causes after his death.

13) Jeff Weiner 

Weiner is the CEO of LinkedIn. Although LinkedIn was founded in 2002, it was under Weiner’s leadership that LinkedIn completed its IPO and became one of the most-used social media platforms in the world. Weiner is also extremely active in non-profits, sitting on the Board of Directors of DonorsChoose.org and Malaria No More.

  14) Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos is the founder of the mega-corporation Amazon. What started as an online bookstore is now the world’s largest online sales company. For 4 years from 2017-2021, Bezos was the wealthiest person in the world. As of 2021, he has stepped down as CEO of Amazon and moved to an executive chairman position.

15) John Zimmer

John Zimmer is the co-founder and president of Lyft, which started in 2012. The company was originally called Zimride, and started as a rideshare service on college campuses. Since the launch, Zimmer and his co-founder, Logan Green, have worked to make Lyft one of the fastest-growing tech companies.

16) Ursula Burns

Famous business leader Ursula Burns started at the Xerox Corporation as a summer intern in 1980 and became president of the company in 2007. From 2010 to 2017, she was the chairman of the board for Xerox and CEO from 2009 to 2016. She turned the company into one of the world’s most diversified business services companies during her tenure.

17) Arianna Huffington

In 2005, Arianna Huffington founded The Huffington Post. In 2016, she founded and became CEO of Thrive Global, a behavioral technology company. Its goal is to revolutionize the way people work and live. The company discussed the idea of burnout (and all but coined the term as a professional buzzword) before it became widely used.

18) Indra Nooyi

Nooyi was the Chairman and CEO of PepsiCo from 2006 to 2019. She was the creator of Performance with Purpose, PepsiCo’s declaration to create successful businesses by paying attention to the world’s needs. Initiatives from this pledge included adding more nutritious products to their portfolio, becoming more environmentally sustainable, and revolutionizing the business by highlighting the importance of design. With Nooyi as CEO, PepsiCo’s net revenue increased by more than 80%, and shareholder return was 162%.

19) Meg Whitman

Whitman was CEO of eBay from 1998 to 2008, taking the company from $5.7 million to $8 billion in sales. She then became CEO of Hewlett-Packard from 2011 to 2015, overseeing its division into Hewlett Packard Enterprise and HP Inc. She’s currently the United States ambassador to Kenya.

20) Rosalind Brewer

In 2006, Brewer had various leadership positions at Walmart before moving to Sam’s Club in 2012. Her tenure at Sam’s Club ended in 2017 when she moved to become the CEO and Group President of Starbucks. In 2021, she became CEO of Walgreens, making her a particularly famous business leader as she is the only Black woman CEO for an S&P 500 company.

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  • How to Structure a Leadership Essay (Samples to Consider)

Leadership is a complex concept, but it’s essential for boosting your career. That’s why a leadership essay focuses on applying the theoretical models and concepts of successful management to real-life situations. 

If you don’t know where to start writing such a paper, please read on for professional tips!

What Is Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay is a paper that analyzes leadership concepts and their application to real-life situations that may involve everyday business management, crisis situations, and other scenarios. 

Every essay on leadership is about defining a concept. Then, it’s either comparing it to similar management tools or proving that it’s useful (or not).

While some students enjoy writing such papers, other learners hate them. The below samples will come in handy, no matter which group is yours.

What Does Leadership Mean to You? (Essay Sample)

It is one of the most popular topics for a leadership essay. If you need to write a paper like that, ask yourself:

  • Who is a good leader?  
  • What style do they use?  
  • What are the situations when they might switch styles?

You may take a more personal approach to such an essay if your professor allows you to. In the example below, you will see the academic approach to this topic. It analyzes three leadership styles to discover which one corresponds to the meaning of leadership if one thinks of it as guidance and support.


Why I Want to Participate in a Leadership Program (Essay Sample)

It’s another example of a popular topic. Such papers often have a meaning beyond the classroom since they may decide whether you plan to participate in a specific program. It’s critical to make them as effective and compelling as possible.

A personalized approach is the best when it comes to essays like this. In the example below, you will see the paper that relies on individual beliefs and a personal life story to explain why it’s so important for the specific student to participate in the chosen program.

My mother told me that a leader is not a tyrant, they are someone who helps people achieve goals. I have always been interested in studying leadership since there were a few cases in my life where I intuitively helped my friends coordinate their efforts. I believe that this program will help me supplement my practical experience with systematic knowledge.

I first took an interest in leadership in middle school, after my friends asked me to “be the boss” of a group project. At that time, I got advice from my mother and tried to help each member of my team achieve the best results. Although the coordination of efforts was not perfect, we have achieved a balance and our project was a success. After analyzing this event, I realized that I might have a natural inclination to be a leader. 

I have acquired more practical experience in coordinating and guiding different groups of people, from my classmates to my family members. For example, I planned and organized a themed Christmas party with my siblings. That was the first time that my ideas have received realization through teamwork. Later, I read that “envisioning visions and motivating are two core jobs of effective leadership” (Khan et al., 2020). These were my key roles in many projects, which is why I want to learn more about leadership and make my approach more informed.

Consequently, I want to participate in the leadership program to go from intuitive leadership to an approach that combines practical experience with comprehensive knowledge. My goal is to learn how to analyze my mistakes as a leader and improve my current leadership style. I am confident that this program can enhance my skills and benefit my future career.

Khan, H., Rehmat, M., Butt, T. H., Farooqi, S., & Asim, J. (2020). Impact of transformational leadership on work performance, Burnout, and Social Loafing: A mediation model. l, 6(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-020-00043-8 

How to Write a Leadership Essay

Like every other essay, this paper has an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion summarizing your thoughts. (1) The most important part of the introduction is the final sentence,  aka  a thesis statement. That’s where you state your claim to prove or develop in your leadership essay.

Each body paragraph should correspond to the purpose of your essay. To ensure you don’t stray from the aim you’ve established in the thesis statement, write the topic sentences for all your paragraphs in the outline . In simple words, write the first sentence of every paragraph to define its development in advance and see if you cover everything you need.

And now, to the conclusion:

Its most essential element is thesis restatement or the first sentence of that paragraph. It’s not just paraphrasing your thesis; it’s also considering the new information you’ve discovered while writing the essay.


Structure :

  • Introduction (End it with a thesis statement.)
  • Body paragraphs (Each one starts with a topic sentence.)
  • Conclusion (Start it with a thesis restatement.)

Understand the purpose of a leadership essay

When starting to write, think about why you’re creating this paper. Before you sit down and type the words, think about the ideas you want to convey and their meaning in your life:

Can this essay teach you to take responsibility? Or maybe will it help you understand how to be a leader in crisis situations? When you’ve answered the “why” question, begin outlining.

Build a strong thesis

Always start with your thesis statement. It will help incorporate your answer to that notorious “why” question into your essay. Once done, you can plan out the rest of the paper and start working on the body paragraphs as soon as you finish the introduction.

There’s another important tip —don’t rush into writing the conclusion before you finish everything else!

It might seem like a good idea to create a thesis statement and thesis restatement right off the bat. However, you’ll find yourself with more refreshing ideas after completing all the research and thinking necessary for the introduction and each body paragraph.

Decide on a structure; format accordingly

Even if your essay about leadership seems not so formal, and you can use personal pronouns, you still need a clear structure.

The best way to write any academic paper is to keep your introduction and conclusion as short as possible. (But no shorter than three sentences and four lines of text). 

Another important tip is to try making all your body paragraphs equal in length. That way, you’ll give the same attention to all the vital points of your essay.

Ready to Write Your Essay on Leadership Now?

Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the most critical elements of a leadership essay. 

Remember the structure, grammar, and appropriate academic style to create a top-level paper. Please don’t forget to answer the “why” question and remember  why  you’re writing. Then you’ll impress everyone with your results!


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Leadership Essay

27 August, 2020

12 minutes read

Author:  Richard Pircher

As a college student, you must write essays on a regular basis since the latter is one of the most common types of home assignments. All this means is that in order to get good grades and be successful with writing the papers, you need to have a sound understanding of the structure. Additionally, what you should never neglect is the variety of essay types. Indeed, your essay will significantly differ from one type to another: description essay will most likely have a structure that is slightly different from an argumentative one.

Leadership Essays

What you may have already encountered in your academic life is the work on a leadership essay. Although it sounds pretty complicated and vague, it is mostly possible to master an essay on leadership. Below is a guide for you to get an insight into this particular essay type.

What is a good leadership essay?

A good leadership essay is the one in which the essay writer has fully covered the topic of leadership and understood its core ideas. More specifically, to end up with a flawless leadership essay, you will need to indicate what makes a person a good leader. For achieving the latter, you will most likely need to conduct research and trace how a particular person reaches his or her goals. In other words, the task is to discover which actions the person undertakes, what their followers say about him or her, and how the person organizes the work. So, a leadership essay implies providing real-life success examples and further revealing them.

Above all, a good leadership essay is the one that follows a precise, clear, comprehensive structure. Structuring your essay about leadership in the most coherent way leads to a win-win situation: you have fewer troubles and barriers to writing a brilliant essay, and your teacher is able to comprehend the essay easily. This guide is what you will need to refer to to get an insight into how the flawless structure for a leadership essay looks like and how it will let you take a benefit.

How to write a Leadership essay?

To write a leadership essay that stands out, you first need to brainstorm all the ideas that you have and come up with a topic for your essay. If you are struggling with this step, you may think of some of the most influential people, read about them, and find out what makes them unique. Or, you can pick any topic which is mentioned at the end of this article. After you have chosen an issue, it is time to structure your essay appropriately.

how to write a leadership essay example

As you already know, an essay constitutes three essential sections: introduction, main body, and conclusion. Below is the more detailed description of each of the parts.


Of course, your leadership essay introduction will always vary depending on the topic of the essay. However, you can always begin by stating your vision of leadership regardless of the topic. Additionally, to motivate the reader and instantly catch his or her attention, you may use a quote of a famous leader, or simply a quote which you find relevant to the topic. Be aware that you should avoid outlining the essence and the role of the leadership in your introduction; leave it for the body paragraphs.

What you may also do in your leadership essay is ask a question, which will most likely intrigue the leader. Or it will at least give your reader an overview of what you will dwell on  in your essay.

Body Paragraphs

You will need to divide the main body into 3-5 paragraphs to make the structure more comprehensive. What you have to do at this point  is  give your reader a sound understanding of your ideas. Therefore, try to fit each idea in a single body paragraph so that you do not confuse your reader. Do not hesitate to indicate your examples to strengthen your arguments. For instance, you may explain a fact that makes a particular person you are writing about a real leader.

Also, always stick to your thesis statement and don’t forget that the body paragraphs should reveal the parts of your thesis statement.

As you may already know, you need to restate your opinion and briefly summarize all the points from the main body in conclusion. For instance, if you wrote your essay on qualities of an effective leader, state the most fundamental qualities and indicate why they matter the most. Besides, try not to copy what you have already written in the body – it is better to restate your opinion using different words. And, of course, beware adding any new and extra information; indicate only those points that you have already outlined in the text. Finally, keep in mind that it is always favorable to keep your concluding remarks short.

leadership essay

Leadership Essay Examples

Writing a leadership essay requires some research and time. In case you feel the necessity to go through an essay example, below is a leadership essay sample you can refer to.

Is leadership an inborn or an acquired feature?

Is everyone capable of becoming a leader, or is this ability innate? A lot of researchers have been struggling to answer this question. One assumption about leadership implies that the leader is the person who possesses particular characteristics. Another assumption claims that leaders are capable of acquiring specific features over their life span. As the evidence shows, leaders own many features that distinguish them among others and make more and more people become their followers. These might be cognitive abilities, psychological traits, professional qualities, and a lot more, and all of them will be either acquired or innate. Based on the importance of leadership qualities, such as commitment, stress resistance, and the ability to make quality decisions, it is reasonable to claim that leaders are made, not born. 

One can deem commitment as one of the top fundamental qualities of the leader. In essence, such a feature indicates that a person is passionate about the common goal, strives to be a team player, and makes every effort to reach a shared goal. As the history shows, none of the successful companies was uncoordinated by an influential, committed leader: Apple, Amazon, Microsoft – all of these companies are examples of dominant teams led by a dedicated leader. A committed leader also inspires his or her team to achieve common goals and put more effort into the shared activity. Besides, commitment is unlikely to be an innate feature; it instead comes with experience. This is so, since commitment implies dedicating oneself to the shared task, and one can reach it only via learning and continuous self-improvement.

Stress resistance is another incredibly important feature that every good leader should possess. This is because only a stress-resistant leader has sufficient capabilities to overcome any complexity and not let the anxiety and stress prevent him or her from making proper decisions. Besides, such a leader will most likely have a positive influence on the team, as long as leading by example will motivate the team members to attain the same emotional stability. What is so far familiar about stress resistance as an effective leader’s feature is that it can be either innate or attained. However, although some researchers admit that emotional stability is something one is born with, it is not entirely true; many people still put a great effort into self-improvement, changing the attitude to unfortunate situations, and so on. Therefore, being resistant to stress can be mostly attributed to a personality.

An ability to make high-quality decisions most likely determines the chances for an enterprise’s success. In particular, such quality is incredibly fundamental for a company of any size and professional orientation. Additionally, it is one of the top tasks of a good leader to make final decisions. What he or she should do implies brainstorming, discussing various opinions in the group, making forecasts, analyzing all the pros and cons. However, the leader is the one to make a final decision. Thereby, he is in charge of researching the market, discovering all the hidden truths, and analyzing the organization’s potential and capabilities to result in the most effective decision. As it flows logically from the latter, an ability to make sound quality decisions is purely a professional quality. This leads to the conclusion that one has to work hard to become a genuine leader and master the skill of making effective decisions. 

Overall, the leader may possess a multitude of different skills and master them perfectly. However, what has so far become transparent is that any leader, regardless of which team he leads, must possess three essential qualities. These qualities are commitment to the common goal, ability to handle and resist stress, and, finally, an ability to make effective decisions. All of the three qualities are most likely to be acquired over a lifetime. The statement below leads to the conclusion that even though some qualities can be innate, most are not the ones that leaders are born with. Hence, this answers an essential question: leadership feature is acquired, and not necessarily inborn.  

20 leadership essay topics

When coming up with your next leadership essay topic, it is imperative to brainstorm ideas and think of what leadership might be related to. If you are struggling with a topic of the importance of leadership essay or any relevant type of essay, you may quickly take a look at some of the possible topics we prepared for you:

  • What are the main qualities of the leader?
  • Successful Time Management as a feature of an effective leader
  • The role that rhetoric plays in leadership
  • The most exceptional leader in the history of the 20-th century
  • The role of female leadership
  • What are the challenges of the leader of the 21-st century?
  • How college helps students develop leadership skills?
  • Qualities of the leader that motivate people to follow them 
  • Top things to avoid doing to become a team leader
  • Examples of effective and ineffective leadership in the history
  • Top techniques for developing leadership skills
  • The interconnection of creativity and leadership 
  • Is a university’s role fundamental in developing leadership skills?
  • Dictatorship as an anti-example of leadership
  • Liberal vs Authoritative leadership: which one works better?
  • The influence of the leader’s role model on the followers’ mindset
  • Main difficulties that the new leader may face in a new team
  • Leadership of today vs leadership of the past: what has changed?
  • Reasons why I want to become a member if the leadership program
  • The role of cognitive abilities for the leader 

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Best topics on Leadership

1. What Type of Leader I Am: Examining My Leadership

2. How to Be an Effective Leader: Guiding with Excellence

3. How to Be a Good Leader: The Path to Effective Leadership

4. Are Leaders Born or Made: the Nature vs Nurture Debate

5. Analysis of President Barack Obama as a Leader

6. Leadership and Management: My Personal Philosophy of Leadership

7. Leadership Development: Analysis of My Leadership Experience

8. My Chevening Leadership: Leadership Skills that I Developed

9. What Is Leadership For You

10. Important Role of Leadership Quality and Professionalism

11. The Meaning Of Leadership To Me: Qualities That Create A Leader

12. The Definition Of Leadership: What Does Leadership Mean To Me

13. Chelladurai’s Model Of The Leadership

14. Example Of Effective Leadership In Jeff Bezos Life Path

15. Leadership Style Of Jeff Bezos

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A Full Guide On How To Create Good Leadership Essay

Guide On How To Create Good Leadership Essay

Attempting a leadership essay isn’t such a daunting task, provided you have a grasp of the necessary information needed for a leadership paper. To write this special essay, you’ll need to redefine what exactly an essay on leadership is, how to choose the perfect topic, what should be in the content, and how to organize and structure the paper. Let’s delve deeper!

What Is A Leadership Essay?

A leadership essay is a well-formatted, organized and specialized type of formal writing which elaborates on a generic leadership topic or a superior human figure exercising a great influence on people and transmitting desire and optimism to achieve goals.

What Makes A Good Leader Essay?

There are some peculiarities needed to infuse in your write-up if, for example, you’re trying to learn how to write a leadership essay about yourself.

Also, if you’re just trying to produce leadership essays for college, then you’d first and foremost, learn  how to structure an essay , among other skills needed for this type of essay. Here are some qualities which can be found in a good essay about leadership.

  • Choose a creative topic
  • Avoid the passive voice (the active voice sounds stronger)
  • Search for and study leadership essay examples
  • Follow the appropriate essay style
  • Focus on the essay structure
  • Review the essay

How To Choose A Topic And Make A Great Title?

To choose a topic for a paper on leadership, you need to do some research on the concept of a leader (whether in the corporate industry, political society or even in the criminal world). You have to know the current leadership tendencies in organizational groups or society. You can choose to make a leader the point of your reference by explaining the consequences of their leadership abilities or inabilities.

In the body of your essay, don’t forget to mention several types of leadership styles and point out which one the subject portrays. Finally, you should not rule out making comparisons of famous leaders in the modern world or in history. An example of a great prompt for a leadership essay that deploys the comparison technique would be the leadership styles of President Trump and The Philippines’ Rodrigo Duterte as both leadership styles have been subjected to political reviews in recent times since their emergence as president of their respective countries.

Outline For A Leadership Essay

When writing a college or professional essay such as -long and short essays on leadership, planning is the key to perfection. The general outline for any essay, including leadership papers, include an introduction, the body paragraphs (which must be properly linked with transition words and/or phrases) and a recapitulating or finding-based conclusions. Here’s what your outline should look like:


Knowing how to start a leadership essay depends on your introduction writing ability. The introduction is the gateway to the essay. Aided by punchy opening words, which are the hook, the purpose of the introduction is to draw the reader’s attention. The introduction presents the thesis statement and leaves the body paragraphs to sustain the reader’s interest.

Body Paragraphs

Having informed the readers of the topic of the essay in the introductory paragraph(s), the body paragraphs follow immediately.

Here, you can elaborate on the concept of leadership and do a meaningful interpretation of the subject – the topic or the thesis statement. Don’t forget to talk about your leadership philosophies and leadership experience in whatever capacity you might have found yourself in. Remember, people are more interested in personal experiences. They are great in helping to sustain readers’ attention.

Remember to state a thesis or hypothesis in the opening paragraphs – which is the intro. In each of the body paragraphs of the essay, try to relate your points to the thesis and use each point to prove its validity.

The conclusion is the end part of any well-structured essay. Its purpose is a no-brainer. You don’t want to leave your reader hanging by ending the essay cold turkey. Any standard essay without a conclusion is just as useless as an essay with no purpose. However, be careful not to present new ideas not mentioned in the body.

As mentioned, the conclusion serves to summarize the developed points, restate the thesis and/or present the findings. It is your last opportunity to create an impression on the reader, and this is where they take the message away. If your conclusion is weak, then we might say the essay’s objectives are not achieved.

What To Include In A Leadership Essay?

Here are some tips on what your leadership essay should include.

Your Definition Of A Good Leader And Why He Or She Is Important

Since your essay revolves around leadership and the traits of a good leader, you’ll need to define what it takes to be one. You may also take this opportunity to trash some common myths on what a leader is (i.e., a manager being confused for a leader).

For reference purposes, the concepts of leadership and being a good leader are explained:

Leadership is the quality of a leader and is that person capable of exercising a great influence on people and transmitting desire and optimism to achieve goals. A leader is a guide; someone with ideas and goals that can spread to a large group of people who still believe he or she can lead them in the right direction.

There are many types of leaders and therefore, of leadership since people generally always look for a person or group that shows them a direction to follow. You can find religious, political, social, or philosophical leadership. Leadership can be exercised in a traditional way. In many countries, there is a monarchy. The king or queen is a leader with limited political power, at least in western democracies, but still have the respect and consideration of the people. Their words continue to be heard and taken into account, especially in problematic times. There are other types of leadership that are not given by birth, such as legitimate leadership exercised by, for example, political leaders freely chosen by their people, or charismatic leaders.

In a way, charismatic leaders are what many understand as leaders since they are people who, by their way of behavior and characteristics, get many people to follow and adhere to their ideas. Some charismatic leaders can become legitimate leaders if they choose the path of politics. A traditional leader can also be charismatic. There have always been kings loved by his people more than others. But it can also be a person who prefers independent movements outside of power.

Charisma is the personal magnetism a person has. It is something very difficult to define but makes one capable of convincing others without too much effort, making people follow and trust the leading figure. Charisma can be used positively or negatively. The leaders of the most destructive sects are very charismatic people that are capable of convincing their followers of the eeriest ideas, including donating all their belongings or committing collective suicide.

Examples Of Your Leadership Style

In the content of your essay, you may consider giving an interpretation to your (or your chosen leader’s) leadership traits. Below are some examples of leadership qualities that separate a good leader from a bad leader.

What qualities are necessary for leadership

  • Communication
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Strategic thinking
  • Commitment and passion
  • Knowledge and experience
  • Leading by example
  • Active listening
  • Ability to enhance talent
  • Setting goals and expectations
  • People investment
  • Discernment
  • Concentration
  • Positive attitude
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-discipline

Leadership Essay Example

To know how to do essay fast, you’ll need some ready-made essay examples for the sake of guidance and inspiration. You may find below a leadership essay written by Oliver Smith useful in your leadership paper.

Writing a leadership essay should be easy. A good essay on leadership starts from the hook, and the thesis statement in the introduction. The points developed in the body paragraphs help affirm the hypothesis. Finally, the conclusion offers the reader a summary through the restatement of the essay’s main idea.

As required for every essay type, your essay on leadership has to follow a definite style and format. Examples are MLA, APA, Chicago and AP styles. Take your time in choosing a creative but new topic and also in writing the content. By following this guide, everything should be as perfect as possible.

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business leader essay

August 8, 2022

Writing a Powerful Leadership/Achievement Essay [Sample Essay]

Writing a Powerful Leadership/Achievement Essay

Essays that ask you to write about significant achievements fall under the category of

what are known as behavioral or experiential questions . The basic assumption behind these questions is that past behavior is a great predictor of future behavior . They are all varieties on the theme of “Tell us about a time when you…” These questions are meant to take the measure of your managerial potential.

Let’s look at how one candidate effectively addressed this essay question from  Stanford GSB  (*this question is not from the current application):

Tell us about a time when you made a lasting impact on your organization.

This writer avoids writing about leadership in any generic way and zeroes in on the specific aspects of his contributions and their impact:

Leadership essay example: The Change Agent

When I was invited to become the Vice President and General Manager at Third Way Associates (TWA)* two years ago, the company was in financial and administrative disorder. Employee retention was poor, and TWA took too long to pay vendors because of poor communication and accounting processes. Cash flow was managed based on immediate needs rather than by the logic of budgets planned by project and city. Sloppy expense reports that were turned in with no receipts were reimbursed to employees.

TWA founders Scott W ____ and Glenn L ____ had good intentions, but spent most of their time selling sponsorships and getting new clients rather than directing and managing the company. As we begin 20XX, TWA is much healthier in every way. Under my direction, vendors are paid in an average of 20 days from date of invoice, instead of 60 days or more. Our cash flow is better administered since I introduced very specific detailed area budgets with over 125 budget lines per city. Because I can give the company founders much better stability and macromanagement vision, the three of us are able to look more to the future rather than simply put out fires.

Despite the difficult economy in 20XX, we not only retained our same clients but also signed several new client agreements for three years or more, including a two-year contract with Big Shoe Company worth $1.3 million. I’ve brought fresh accounts and industries into TWA, including ____ Airlines and Drink Y, among others. Combined, these accounts generated more than $500,000 in 20XX, and we estimate close to $1 million dollars in the following year.

Since my arrival, we have a much wider and broader sales menu which has been crucial to generate more revenue. I’ve expanded our most popular sports events to 25 cities, giving our clients new investment opportunities. These events range from recreational soccer clinic tours to professional soccer games broadcast on TV.

I also expanded our field staff, and at present we have 25 strong and reliable managers who report directly to me from each city. Despite the economy, 20XX was not a bad year for TWA, and this year promises to be even better if we continue our current strategy and continue to work as a team.

Leadership essay analysis

In every paragraph, this writer mentions concrete measures he took to introduce order to a chaotic company that was trying to grow. From instituting budgets with line items, an improved accounts payable system, and recruiting additional big-name accounts, the writer proves how his efforts strengthened the organization.

How can you maximize on your thought leadership experiences?

As you choose among your own experiences as essay material, think about these questions to help you frame answers of substance:

  • What was the obstacle, challenge, or problem that you solved in this accomplishment? A tight client deadline? A complex merger transaction? A new product launch amidst fierce competition?
  • What did you do to rise to the challenge you are writing about? Motivate your team to work overtime? Sell senior management on the deal’s long-term upside? Identify a marketing profile for your product that no competitor can match?
  • What facts demonstrate that your intervention created a happy ending? Did your team submit the project deliverables three days early despite being 20% understaffed? Your client approved the $500 million merger, the largest ever in its industry? Your new product has 20% market share after only one year? What was the impact of your leadership?

Don’t forget about your people leadership skills

What we’ve spoken about until this point revolves mostly on skilled problem-solving, or “thought leadership.” But respected businesspeople need to be equally or even more talented at something we didn’t have a formal name for: people leadership. By effectively leading the thinking of client firms’ problems as well as motivating them to work long hours to develop solutions to these problems and collaborate with clients on implementing them, these businesspeople prove to have what it takes to be exemplary leaders.

So don’t forget to include strong elements of people leadership in your essays. Here are several to keep in mind:

  • Rallying others around a vision. Did you convince your team or group to follow a specific path/solution? How did you do it? Successful clients have talked about handling dissenting opinions diplomatically or presenting their teams’ detailed quantitative evidence for a recommendation. The more you can show that you understood your audience and tailored the content and form of your message to them, the better.
  • Harnessing others’ strengths – and expanding them. Did you provide team members tasks they could handle comfortably based on their capabilities, as well as opportunities to broaden their skills? For example, you may have handed your quant jock teammate the most complicated operations analysis as well as responsibility for leading a key client meeting. In this way, you leverage teammates’ strengths while helping them develop new ones.
  • Getting through tough times. Did you model for your team enviable cool in pressure-cooker situations, maybe helping them keep the big-picture goal in mind or lightening the mood with humor? Did you reward teammates with praise, pizza, or both for working long into the night? Did you pitch in on others’ responsibilities as deadlines loomed? Helping your team handle stress while managing your own is a cornerstone of strong leadership.

Use your words

Another tip: Look for opportunities to incorporate strong verbs that illustrate your strengths in these areas. Good examples of leadership might incorporate several of the following:

  • Establishing a goal or vision
  • Obtaining buy-in
  • Taking responsibility

The old adage, “Show, don’t tell,” remains a classic bit of wisdom in the writing process. Make that a guiding principle not only in your leadership/achievement essays, but throughout your application.

For personalized advice tailored just for you, check out our MBA Admissions Consulting & Editing services and work one-on-one with a pro who will help you discover your competitive advantage and use it to get accepted.

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Related Resources:

• School-Specific MBA Application Essay Tips • Tone Up Your Writing: Confidence vs Arrogance • “I’m Smart, Really I Am!” Proving Character Traits in Your Essays

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Leadership in Organization Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Leadership qualities, leadership styles.

Globalization affectsleadership in diverse ways. Indicatively, there is an eminent increase in the level of organizational competitiveness. This trend remains observable within different business and organizational arena. The pattern explains the need for strategic leadership within organizations (DuBrin, 2011).

This paper defines the concept of leadership. It also highlights the significance of leadership and outlines its basic disparities with management. In addition, the discussion outlines and explains the six qualities of an effective leadership within organizational settings. Finally, there is a discussion of four different leadership styles. The paper also compares and analyzes the leadership styles. In this process, it provides examples of such leaders.

Leadership involves several functions and processes. Simply, it involves the process of directing individuals towards the attainment of specific objectives. The process involves controlling, managing and even manipulating. Leadership bears a lot of importance. Generally, groups of persons require an effective guidance and stewardship. The process enables timely accomplishment of principal goals. Observably, organizations are composed of diverse personalities (Polelle, 2007). Leadership helps in the processes of conflict resolutions.

Leadership enables individuals to develop analytical and critical skills. These are appropriate for effective dispute resolution. Leadership is important for personal motivation and inspiration. It is critical to note that motivation is a vital element in the development of novelty amongst various groups.

Therefore, leadership forms the springboard for innovation and transformation within organizations. Most leadership strategies play significant roles in introducing transformation or change initiatives within organizations. This practice remains entrenched in positive value systems and beliefs. Leadership is applicable in the nurturing and development of constructive behavior patterns and organizational culture (DuBrin, 2011).

There are several disparities between leadership and management processes. For example, unlike management, leadership operates to develop concepts and principles. On the other hand, management operations are purely administrative. Whilst most management procedures accept a given status quo, leadership processes enhance innovation.

Management applies pragmatic approaches in handling situations. However, leadership remains more resourceful (Jones & Pound, 2008). Moreover, its basic aim is to apply transformative problem resolution mechanisms. Leadership applies humanistic attributes such as empathy. Additionally, it concentrates on the development of personality.

In these initiatives, it provides attention to individual understanding and motivation. Conversely, management operations assume linear perspectives. There is also an eminent focus on structure and mechanisms. Management processes perceive threats and reduce the notable weaknesses.

Effective leaders depict transformative and strong personal qualities. Foremost, an effective leader must be visionary. This means that such leaders must have the competency to initiate strong vision within their teams. This defines the scope of operation and the critical objective of the entire team.

It also indicates the path that followers must pursue. Secondly, it is vital for leaders to be reliable (Jones & Pound, 2008). The followers are able to depend on and build trust on their leaders. An effective leader must not indulge in issuing false promises. Moreover, such leaders must be steadfast in meeting their promises. This relates to promises pertaining to the internal and external stakeholders. This quality enhances the processes of delegation and task completion.

Effective leaders require audacity as an important quality. This quality enables leaders to be outspoken and commanding. Particularly, this relates to dealing with their followers. The quality is vital since leadership involves effective communication and feedback processes. Leaders need the capacity to empower their followers. Effective leaders stir the emotions and motivate followers to achieve their life goals. Most innovators indicate the significance of motivation in enhancing novelty.

This quality is vital in the accomplishment of collective organizational objectives. All effective leaders must have a positive and constructive attitude towards their duties (DuBrin, 2011). This quality enables them to act as role models. Through this, they are also able to initiate good examples for their followers. Lastly, it is necessary for leaders to adopt motivating and transformative qualities. These are necessities in decision-making processes.

Autocratic leaders exercise full control over their followers. This leadership style is very different from the transactional or transformational headship. In this style of leadership, the followers have minimal capacities to provide advice.

Moreover, they do not participate in decision processes within the system (Polelle, 2007). It is unlike the democratic leadership in which there is maximum consideration of the opinions of various followers. President Mugabe is d example of an autocratic leader. This leadership approach enables faster decision-making procedures. Additionally, major are effectively completed.

Charismatic leadership is appropriate for the development of followers. It is also attributable to transformational leadership system. Charismatic leaders have the capability to motivate and inspire the followers to attain their basic goals (Jones & Pound, 2008).

The leadership system helps to stir dedication and commitment towards the attainment of collective aims. It is an opposite of autocratic leadership. Autocratic leadership does not involve all followers. Principally, this relates to decision processes. Nelson Mandela is one of the world’s renowned charismatic leaders.

Transactional leadership bases its principles on team processes. According to this approach, all team members indulge in work and decision initiatives. All members are bound to accomplish specific obligations. This is largely unlike the bureaucratic or autocratic approaches to leadership. There are reimbursements provided to all the members.

However, this occurs only after their effective performance. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore provides an example of a transactional leader (Polelle, 2007). There are unique features of transactional leadership. For instance, there is a proper definition and delegation of individual roles. These have remarkable contributions to the collective objectives of particular teams.

Democratic leadership style utilizes the principles of participation. The approach is an opposite of autocratic leadership system. The leadership system considers the feelings and insinuations of all personalities or followers. In addition, unlike the bureaucratic processes, these leaders engage all persons in their decision processes.

There are notable similarities with other leadership systems (Polelle, 2007). For example, transformational leadership also encourages motivation and novelty. The maximum participation of followers lowers the basic time for decision operations. However, like in other constructive forms of leadership, the system is effective. One of the globally acknowledged democratic leaders is John F. Kennedy.

Poor leadership strategies make organizations more redundant and non-competitive. Therefore, leadership is a critical component of management. It is appropriate for organizations to be aware of various leadership approaches. Principally, there is an evident significance of leadership in enhancing competitive performance and output.

This is applicable to both the business and non-profit organization. There is a high level of competition within the domestic and global platforms. The paper focused on the analysis of the concept of leadership. Apart from this, it also discussed different leadership qualities and styles.

DuBrin, A. J. (2011). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills . Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Jones, C. A. & Pound, L. (2008). Leadership and management in the early years: From principles to practice . Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Polelle, M. R. (2007). Leadership: Fifty great leaders and the worlds they made . Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press.

  • Managers’ and Leaders’ Unique Qualities and Positions
  • What do individuals want from their leaders?
  • Leadership Analysis: Charismatic, Transactional and Transformational Theories
  • Leadership Theories: Charismatic and Transformational Approaches
  • Concept of Transformative Learning in Modern Education
  • Leadership of Change in an Organization
  • Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
  • The Chartered Management Institute Leadership and Management
  • Managerial Skills
  • Introduction to Management
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). Leadership in Organization. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leadership-in-organization/

"Leadership in Organization." IvyPanda , 6 Nov. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/leadership-in-organization/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Leadership in Organization'. 6 November.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Leadership in Organization." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leadership-in-organization/.

1. IvyPanda . "Leadership in Organization." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leadership-in-organization/.


IvyPanda . "Leadership in Organization." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/leadership-in-organization/.

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The Importance of Leadership

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Words: 777 |

Published: Mar 19, 2024

Words: 777 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Leadership as a set of skills and qualities, the ability to create a vision and set goals, empowering and developing others, driving innovation and change, leadership in everyday life, in conclusion.

Image of Prof. Linda Burke

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business leader essay

What is leadership?

" "

All leaders, to a certain degree, do the same thing. Whether you’re talking about an executive, manager, sports coach, or schoolteacher, leadership is about guiding and impacting outcomes, enabling groups of people to work together to accomplish what they couldn’t do working individually. In this sense, leadership is something you do, not something you are. Some people in formal leadership positions are poor leaders, and many people exercising leadership have no formal authority. It is their actions, not their words, that inspire trust and energy.

Get to know and directly engage with senior McKinsey experts on leadership

Aaron De Smet is a senior partner in McKinsey’s New Jersey office, Carolyn Dewar is a senior partner in the Bay Area office, Scott Keller is a senior partner in the Southern California office, and Vik Malhotra and Ramesh Srinivasan are senior partners in the New York office.

What’s more, leadership is not something people are born with—it is a skill you can learn. At the core are mindsets, which are expressed through observable behaviors , which then lead to measurable outcomes. Is a leader communicating effectively or engaging others by being a good listener? Focusing on behaviors lets us be more objective when assessing leadership effectiveness. The key to unlocking shifts in behavior is focusing on mindsets, becoming more conscious about our thoughts and beliefs, and showing up with integrity as our full authentic selves.

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There are many contexts and ways in which leadership is exercised. But, according to McKinsey analysis of academic literature as well as a survey of nearly 200,000 people in 81 organizations all over the world, there are four types of behavior that account for 89 percent of leadership effectiveness :

  • being supportive
  • operating with a strong results orientation
  • seeking different perspectives
  • solving problems effectively

Effective leaders know that what works in one situation will not necessarily work every time. Leadership strategies must reflect each organization’s context and stage of evolution. One important lens is organizational health, a holistic set of factors that enable organizations to grow and succeed over time. A situational approach  enables leaders to focus on the behaviors that are most relevant as an organization becomes healthier.

Senior leaders must develop a broad range of skills to guide organizations. Ten timeless topics are important for leading nearly any organization, from attracting and retaining talent  to making culture a competitive advantage. A 2017 McKinsey book, Leading Organizations: Ten Timeless Truths (Bloomsbury, 2017), goes deep on each aspect.

How is leadership evolving?

In the past, leadership was called “management,” with an emphasis on providing technical expertise and direction. The context was the traditional industrial economy command-and-control organization, where leaders focused exclusively on maximizing value for shareholders. In these organizations, leaders had three roles: planners (who develop strategy, then translate that strategy into concrete steps), directors (who assign responsibilities), or controllers (who ensure people do what they’ve been assigned and plans are adhered to).

What are the limits of traditional management styles?

Traditional management was revolutionary in its day and enormously effective in building large-scale global enterprises that have materially improved lives over the past 200 years. However, with the advent of the 21st century, this approach is reaching its limits.

For one thing, this approach doesn’t guarantee happy or loyal managers or workers. Indeed, a large portion of American workers—56 percent— claim their boss is mildly or highly toxic , while 75 percent say dealing with their manager is the most stressful part of their workday.

For 21st-century organizations operating in today’s complex business environment, a fundamentally new and more effective approach to leadership is emerging. Leaders today are beginning to focus on building agile, human-centered, and digitally enabled organizations able to thrive in today’s unprecedented environment and meet the needs of a broader range of stakeholders (customers, employees, suppliers, and communities, in addition to investors).

What is the emerging new approach to leadership?

This new approach to leadership is sometimes described as “ servant leadership .” While there has been some criticism of the nomenclature, the idea itself is simple: rather than being a manager directing and controlling people, a more effective approach is for leaders to be in service of the people they lead. The focus is on how leaders can make the lives of their team members easier—physically, cognitively, and emotionally. Research suggests this mentality can enhance both team performance and satisfaction.

In this new approach, leaders practice empathy, compassion, vulnerability, gratitude, self-awareness, and self-care. They provide appreciation and support, creating psychological safety so their employees are able to collaborate, innovate, and raise issues as appropriate. This includes celebrating achieving the small steps on the way to reaching big goals and enhancing people’s well-being through better human connections. These conditions have been shown to allow for a team’s best performance.

More broadly, developing this new approach to leadership can be expressed as making five key shifts that include, build on, and extend beyond traditional approaches:

  • beyond executive to visionary, shaping a clear purpose that resonates with and generates holistic impact for all stakeholders
  • beyond planner to architect, reimagining industries and innovating business systems that are able to create new levels of value
  • beyond director to catalyst, engaging people to collaborate in open, empowered networks
  • beyond controller to coach, enabling the organization to constantly evolve through rapid learning, and enabling colleagues to build new mindsets, knowledge, and skills
  • beyond boss to human, showing up as one’s whole, authentic self

Together, these shifts can help a leader expand their repertoire and create a new level of value for an organization’s stakeholders. The last shift is the most important, as it is based on developing a new level of consciousness and awareness of our inner state. Leaders who look inward  and take a journey of genuine self-discovery make profound shifts in themselves and their lives; this means they are better able to benefit their organization. That involves developing “profile awareness” (a combination of a person’s habits of thought, emotions, hopes, and behavior in different circumstances) and “state awareness” (the recognition of what’s driving a person to take action). Combining individual, inward-looking work with outward-facing actions can help create lasting change.

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Leaders must learn to make these five shifts at three levels : transforming and evolving personal mindsets and behaviors; transforming teams to work in new ways; and transforming the broader organization by building new levels of agility, human-centeredness, and value creation into the entire enterprise’s design and culture.

An example from the COVID-19 era offers a useful illustration of this new approach to leadership. In pursuit of a vaccine breakthrough, at the start of the pandemic Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel increased the frequency of executive meetings  from once a month to twice a week. The company implemented a decentralized model enabling teams to work independently and deliver on the bold goal of providing 100 million doses of vaccines in 12 months. “The pace was unprecedented,” Bancel said.

What is the impact of this new approach to leadership?

This new approach to leadership is far more effective. While the dynamics are complex, countless studies show empirical links among effective leadership, employee satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profitability.

How can leaders empower employees?

Empowering employees , surprisingly enough, might mean taking a more hands-on leadership approach. Organizations whose leaders successfully empower others through coaching are nearly four times more likely to make swift, good decisions and outperform other companies . But this type of coaching isn’t always natural for those with a more controlling or autocratic style.

Here are five tips to get started  if you’re a leader looking to empower others:

  • Provide clear rules, for example, by providing guardrails for what success looks like and communicating who makes which decisions. Clarity and boundary structures like role remits and responsibilities help to contain any anxiety associated with work and help teams stay focused on their primary tasks.
  • Establish clear roles, say, by assigning one person the authority to make certain decisions.
  • Avoid being a complicit manager—for instance, if you’ve delegated a decision to a team, don’t step in and solve the problem for them.
  • Address culture and skills, for instance, by helping employees learn how to have difficult conversations.
  • Begin soliciting personal feedback from others, at all levels of your organization, on how you are experienced as a leader.

How can leaders communicate effectively?

Good, clear communication is a leadership hallmark. Fundamental tools of effective communication  include:

  • defining and pointing to long-term goals
  • listening to and understanding stakeholders
  • creating openings for dialogue
  • communicating proactively

And in times of uncertainty, these things are important for crisis communicators :

  • give people what they need, when they need it
  • communicate clearly, simply, and frequently
  • choose candor over charisma
  • revitalize a spirit of resilience
  • distill meaning from chaos
  • support people, teams, and organizations to build the capability for self-sufficiency

Learn more about our People & Organizational Performance Practice .

Is leadership different in a hybrid workplace?

A leader’s role may look slightly different in remote or hybrid workplace settings . Rather than walking around a physical site, these leaders might instead model what hybrid looks like, or orchestrate work based on tasks, interactions, or purpose. Being communicative and radiating positivity  can go a long way. Leaders need to find other ways to be present and accessible, for example, via virtual drop-in sessions, regular company podcasts, or virtual townhalls. Leaders in these settings may also need to find new ways to get authentic feedback. These tactics can include pulse surveys or learning to ask thoughtful follow-up questions that reveal useful management insights.

Additional considerations, such as making sure that in-person work and togetherness has a purpose, are important. Keeping an eye on inclusivity in hybrid work  is also crucial. Listening to what employees want, with an eye to their lived experience, will be vital to leaders in these settings. And a focus on output, outcomes, results, and impact—rather than arbitrary norms about time spent in offices— may be a necessary adaptation in the hybrid era .

How should CEOs lead in this new world?

Just as for leadership more broadly, today’s environment requires CEOs to lead very differently. Recent research indicates that one-third to one-half of new CEOs fail within 18 months.

What helps top performers thrive today? To find out, McKinsey led a research effort to identify the CEOs who achieved breakaway success. We examined 20 years’ worth of data on 7,800 CEOs—from 3,500 public companies across 70 countries and 24 industries. The result is the McKinsey book CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest (Scribner, March 2022). Watch an interview with the authors for more on what separates the best CEOs from the rest .

Getting perspective on leadership from CEOs themselves is enlightening—and illustrates the nuanced ways in which the new approach to leadership described above can be implemented in practice. Here are a few quotes drawn from McKinsey’s interviews with these top-level leaders :

  • “I think the fundamental role of a leader is to look for ways to shape the decades ahead, not just react to the present, and to help others accept the discomfort of disruptions to the status quo.” — Indra Nooyi , former chairman and CEO of PepsiCo
  • “The single most important thing I have to do as CEO is ensure that our brand continues to be relevant.” — Chris Kempczinski , CEO of McDonald’s
  • “Leaders of other enterprises often define themselves as captains of the ship, but I think I’m more the ship’s architect or designer. That’s different from a captain’s role, in which the route is often fixed and the destination defined.” — Zhang Ruimin , CEO of Haier
  • “I think my leadership style [can be called] ‘collaborative command.’ You bring different opinions into the room, you allow for a really great debate, but you understand that, at the end of the day, a decision has to be made quickly.” — Adena Friedman , CEO of Nasdaq
  • “We need an urgent refoundation of business and capitalism around purpose and humanity. To find new ways for all of us to lead so that we can create a better future, a more sustainable future.” — Hubert Joly , former chairman and CEO of Best Buy

What is leadership development?

Leaders aren’t born; they learn to lead over time. Neuroplasticity refers to the power of the brain to form new pathways and connections through exposure to novel, unfamiliar experiences. This allows adults to adapt, grow, and learn new practices throughout our lifetimes.

When it comes to leadership within organizations, this is often referred to as leadership development. Programs, books, and courses on leadership development abound, but results vary.

Leadership development efforts fail for a variety of reasons. Some overlook context; in those cases, asking a simple question (something like “What, precisely, is this program for?”) can help. Others separate reflections on leadership from real work, or they shortchange the role of adjusting leaders’ mindsets, feelings, assumptions, and beliefs, or they fail to measure results.

So what’s needed for successful leadership development? Generally, developing leaders is about creating contexts where there is sufficient psychological safety in combination with enough novelty and unfamiliarity to cultivate new leadership practices in response to stimuli. Leadership programs that successfully cultivate leaders are also built around “placescapes”—these are novel experiences, like exploring wilderness trails, practicing performing arts, or writing poetry.

When crafting a leadership development program, there are six ingredients to incorporate  that lead to true organizational impact:

  • Set up for success:
  • Focus your leadership transformation on driving strategic objectives and initiatives.
  • Commit the people and resources needed.
  • Be clear about focus:
  • Engage a critical mass of leaders to reach a tipping point for sustained impact.
  • Zero in on the leadership shifts that drive the greatest value.
  • Execute well:
  • Architect experiential journeys to maximize shifts in mindsets, capabilities, and practices.
  • Measure for holistic impact.

A well-designed and executed leadership development program can help organizations build leaders’ capabilities broadly, at scale. And these programs can be built around coaching, mentoring, and having people try to solve challenging problems—learning skills by applying them in real time to real work.

What are mentorship, sponsorship, and apprenticeship?

Mentorship, sponsorship, and apprenticeship can also be part of leadership development efforts. What are they? Mentorship refers to trusted counselors offering guidance and support on various professional issues, such as career progression. Sponsorship is used to describe senior leaders who create opportunities to help junior colleagues succeed. These roles are typically held by more senior colleagues, whereas apprenticeship could be more distributed. Apprenticeship  describes the way any colleague with domain expertise might teach others, model behaviors, or transfer skills. These approaches can be useful not only for developing leaders but also for helping your company upskill or reskill employees quickly and at scale.

For more in-depth exploration of these topics, see McKinsey’s insights on People & Organizational Performance . Learn more about McKinsey’s Leadership & Management  work—and check out job opportunities if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced include:

  • “ Author Talks: What separates the best CEOs from the rest? ,” December 15, 2021, Carolyn Dewar , Scott Keller , and Vik Malhotra
  • “ From the great attrition to the great adaptation ,” November 3, 2021, Aaron De Smet  and Bill Schaninger
  • “ The boss factor: Making the world a better place through workplace relationships ,” September 22, 2020, Tera Allas  and Bill Schaninger
  • " Leading agile transformation: The new capabilities leaders need to build 21st century organizations ," October 1, 2018, Aaron De Smet , Michael Lurie, and Andrew St. George
  • " Leading Organizations: Ten Timeless Truths ," 2017, Scott Keller  and Mary Meaney
  • “ Leadership in context ,” January 1, 2016, Michael Bazigos, Chris Gagnon, and Bill Schaninger
  • “ Decoding leadership: What really matters ,” January 1, 2015, Claudio Feser, Fernanda Mayol, and Ramesh Srinivasan

" "

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Essay Papers Writing Online

Learn the essential tips and techniques to write a compelling and impactful leadership essay that captures the attention of your readers.

How to write a leadership essay

When it comes to composing an outstanding leadership essay, there are several key insights that can greatly enhance your writing. By delving into the complexities of leadership, exploring its various dimensions, and weaving a compelling narrative, you can captivate your readers and leave a lasting impression.

Effective leadership goes beyond conventional definitions and involves a unique set of qualities and skills. A truly remarkable essay on leadership should not only provide a comprehensive overview of these qualities but also offer insightful perspectives that challenge traditional notions. By incorporating strong examples and relevant case studies, you can shed light on the intricate nuances of leadership and inspire your audience.

A truly exceptional leadership essay not only discusses the importance of leadership but also encourages self-reflection and personal growth. By exploring your own leadership journey and highlighting key lessons learned along the way, you can infuse your essay with authenticity and make it relatable for readers. Additionally, delving into the challenges and obstacles faced in your leadership role can demonstrate resilience and the ability to adapt, further enhancing the impact of your composition.

Identify your personal leadership experiences

One of the key aspects of crafting an impressive leadership essay is being able to identify and reflect upon your personal leadership experiences. These experiences can come in many different forms and may not always be obvious at first glance. It is important to delve deep into your past and consider all the times you have taken charge, made decisions, and influenced others.

Reflect upon your experiences in school, work, extracurricular activities, or any other area of your life where you have had the opportunity to take on a leadership role. Think about times when you have successfully led a team, solved a problem, motivated others, or made a positive impact. These are the moments that will serve as the foundation for your leadership essay.

  • Consider any leadership positions or responsibilities you have held, whether formal or informal.
  • Reflect upon any challenges you have faced as a leader and how you overcame them.
  • Think about the values and qualities that you believe are important for a leader to possess and how you have demonstrated these traits in your own experiences.
  • Consider any instances where you have been able to inspire or influence others to achieve a common goal.

By identifying and reflecting upon your personal leadership experiences, you will not only be able to provide examples and evidence in your essay, but you will also gain a deeper understanding of your own leadership capabilities. This self-reflection will help you to articulate your leadership style and philosophy, and ultimately make your essay more compelling and impressive.

Highlight your unique leadership qualities

Highlight your unique leadership qualities

When writing a leadership essay, it is crucial to showcase your distinctive leadership qualities and what sets you apart from others in a leadership role. Your essay should delve into the qualities that make you a standout leader and how you have demonstrated these skills in real-life situations.

One key aspect to consider is your ability to communicate effectively. As a leader, you must be able to clearly convey your thoughts and ideas to your team members. Your essay should highlight instances where you have effectively communicated your vision and goals, and how this has positively impacted your team’s performance.

In addition to communication, another important aspect of effective leadership is the ability to inspire and motivate others. Your essay should include examples of how you have inspired your team members to go above and beyond, and how you have motivated them to achieve shared goals. Whether it’s through leading by example or providing words of encouragement, showcasing your ability to inspire others will demonstrate your unique leadership qualities.

Furthermore, a strong leader is someone who can adapt to different situations and make sound decisions under pressure. Your essay should highlight instances where you have demonstrated adaptability and made difficult decisions that have positively impacted your team or organization. This showcases your ability to think critically and make rational choices, qualities that are essential for effective leadership.

A great leader is also someone who values collaboration and teamwork. Your essay should discuss how you have fostered a collaborative environment and encouraged your team members to work together towards a common goal. Highlighting instances where you have successfully collaborated with others and achieved results as a team will showcase your ability to bring people together and leverage their skills and strengths.

Lastly, don’t forget to include examples of how you have exhibited integrity and ethical behavior in your leadership role. A leader who acts with integrity and sets ethical standards for others is highly regarded. Your essay should highlight instances where you have made decisions based on moral principles and upheld ethical standards, demonstrating your strong character and unique leadership qualities.

  • Showcase your effective communication skills
  • Highlight your ability to inspire and motivate others
  • Demonstrate your adaptability and decision-making abilities
  • Emphasize your collaborative approach to leadership
  • Illustrate your integrity and ethical behavior

By highlighting these unique leadership qualities, your essay will stand out and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

Use real-life examples to demonstrate your leadership skills

One effective way to showcase your leadership abilities in an essay is by incorporating real-life examples. Instead of simply describing your skills and qualities, providing tangible examples will make your essay more engaging and credible.

By using real-life experiences, such as situations you encountered in school, work, or extracurricular activities, you can demonstrate how you exhibited leadership qualities and successfully influenced others. These examples will give your essay a personal touch and allow the reader to better understand your leadership style and effectiveness.

For instance, you can discuss a time when you took charge of a group project and led your team to success. Describe the specific challenges you faced, how you motivated and coordinated your team members, and the outcome of your leadership efforts. This example will not only highlight your ability to take initiative but also demonstrate your skills in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

In addition to discussing your successes, don’t be afraid to mention times when you faced obstacles or even failure. Sharing these experiences and reflecting on how you tackled them can demonstrate your resilience, adaptability, and ability to learn from mistakes. It also shows that you are not afraid to take risks and rise to the occasion, qualities that are crucial for effective leadership.

When using real-life examples in your essay, be sure to provide enough detail to make it vivid and relatable. Use specific anecdotes, dialogue, and outcomes to paint a clear picture of your leadership skills in action. Additionally, make sure to tie each example back to the overall theme or thesis of your essay, highlighting the value and relevance of your leadership experiences.

In conclusion, incorporating real-life examples into your leadership essay can significantly enhance its impact. By providing tangible instances of your leadership skills in action, you can capture the reader’s attention, establish credibility, and showcase your unique qualities as a leader.

Focus on the impact of your leadership on others

When crafting an exceptional leadership essay, it is vital to focus on the influence and effect that your leadership has had on others. One of the distinguishing factors of a great leader is the ability to inspire and motivate those around them, fostering growth and success. Sharing how your leadership style and actions have positively impacted individuals and teams will not only showcase your effectiveness as a leader but also highlight your ability to create a supportive and collaborative environment.

Highlight instances where your leadership has empowered others to reach their full potential, overcome challenges, and achieve meaningful goals. Discuss how you have mentored and guided individuals, encouraging them to develop their abilities and become confident in their own capabilities. Additionally, emphasize the collaborative nature of your leadership, demonstrating how you have fostered teamwork, encouraged open communication, and facilitated the sharing of ideas and perspectives.

It is important to provide specific examples and anecdotes that illustrate the impact of your leadership on others. These personal stories will help bring your essay to life and allow the reader to understand the tangible ways in which you have made a difference. Consider discussing moments where you successfully resolved conflicts, motivated a team to exceed expectations, or supported someone through a difficult situation.

Furthermore, show how you have created a positive and inclusive culture that values diversity and respects the individuality of each team member. Talk about how you have celebrated the successes of others, recognized their contributions, and provided opportunities for professional and personal growth. By highlighting these aspects, you not only demonstrate your impact as a leader but also showcase your ability to create an environment that fosters the growth and development of others.

In conclusion, when writing your leadership essay, focusing on the impact of your leadership on others is crucial. By highlighting how you have empowered, supported, and inspired individuals and teams, you can showcase your ability to create a positive and collaborative environment that drives success. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate these points and demonstrate the tangible ways in which your leadership has made a difference.

Reflect on your own growth and learning as a leader

Reflect on your own growth and learning as a leader

As you delve into crafting an impressive leadership essay, it is crucial to take the time to reflect on your personal growth and learning as a leader. This introspective process allows you to explore your experiences and identify the ways in which you have developed and evolved as a leader.

Think about the challenges you faced and how you overcame them, the opportunities you seized and the successes you achieved. Consider the lessons you learned from your failures and the skills you acquired along the way. Reflect on the relationships you built and the impact you made on those around you.

It is important to be honest with yourself and recognize both your strengths and areas for improvement. Acknowledge the obstacles you faced and how you navigated through them. Highlight the moments of growth and the transformative experiences that shaped your leadership journey.

Identify the values that guide you as a leader and the principles that you consistently uphold. Reflect on the importance of self-reflection and continuous learning in your development as a leader. Consider the ways in which your leadership style has evolved and adapted to different contexts and challenges.

Sharing these reflections in your leadership essay allows you to demonstrate your self-awareness, growth mindset, and commitment to personal development as a leader. It showcases your ability to adapt, learn from experience, and inspire others. Emphasize the impact of your growth and learning on your leadership approach and how it has influenced your ability to lead effectively.

In conclusion, reflecting on your own growth and learning as a leader is an essential aspect of crafting an impressive leadership essay. By delving into your experiences, challenges, successes, and failures, you can showcase your self-awareness, adaptability, and commitment to continuous improvement in your leadership journey.

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Shaping the Future of Business Through Academic Research

11 business professors share expertise needed to be trusted to lead in a future without a blueprint.

September 3, 2024

Experts in Business | Trusted to Lead

What does it take to prepare the next generation of leaders? To transform the way we do business and address today’s most critical issues? To connect the dots others don’t see?

Research at the forefront of new business insights.

And that’s exactly what the faculty at the Wisconsin School of Business are delivering. These experts are helping businesses think farther into the future by uncovering new knowledge and developing solutions across industries and job functions.

Explore WSB’s new digital stories and discover how 11 business professors investigate an array of solutions to complex questions, including how to drive business innovation, harness the power of AI, push financial systems forward, spur entrepreneurship growth, solve the housing crisis, and improve our health care system.

Through these short videos, professors passionate about what lies ahead highlight the relevance and importance of business research in a future without a blueprint.

.a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } Artificial Intelligence

.a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } self-evaluation, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } entrepreneurship, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } marketing, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } tax systems, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } change management, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } real estate, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } financial equity, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } decision-making, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } creativity, .a { fill: #ffc62f; } .b { fill: #f1a341; } operations.

Academic research is a time-consuming labor of love, and its value isn’t always immediately understood by all. But at a time of unprecedented change, the application of these insights and the frameworks they provide are immediate and profound. Because research doesn’t just impact industries—it powers insights in the classroom and creates new educational opportunities, preparing students to lead in a rapidly evolving world.

These business professors are shaping the future of business by opening the door for new ways of thinking, creative partnerships, and overall value creation. The impact of that work —meeting needs in Wisconsin and beyond—pays dividends for generations, as each research paper and each generation builds on the work of others.

See how research at WSB develops frameworks and new solutions to address some of the most pressing matters and issues businesses and society face today.  Read more.

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  • As a lawyer, I now see the power of a big smile.

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My mom's positivity is pervasive. When I was a teenager, my parents took my sister and me on a backpacking canoe trip in the Adirondacks. It wasn't the sort of thing we did often, and our heavy canoe was difficult to carry through the necessary portages. On one particularly steep, weed-riddled stretch, Mom struggled with Dad to get the canoe over the hill. Every time they set it down for a break, she'd shake her head, smile, laugh a little, then continue onward until the canoe was back in the water.

That's how I meet challenges today, but growing up, I didn't always appreciate Mom's glass-is-always-half-full attitude . I wanted to be a successful leader, and to be a leader, especially as a woman, I knew I needed to be taken seriously.

Though I didn't put much stock in smiling or laughing , Mom passed those traits on to me without my intention.

When I smiled too much, I worried my other skills would be overlooked

"Good at smiling" isn't the sort of thing that goes on a résumé , and I long dismissed its value, even as I smiled and laughed through college, then law school, and then climbed the ranks of a multinational corporate law firm.

The first time I recognized the power of a smile in a professional setting was my sophomore year in college, when a business professor said, "I really appreciate how you always come to class with a smile." At the time, happy wasn't a word I'd use to describe myself. But he was right. I smiled and laughed a lot.

Yet, more often than compliments, my tendency toward smiling caused others to overlook and even dismiss my other credentials.

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When I was offered a position at a prestigious law firm, my then-boyfriend said, "Of course you got the job; you have an attractive smile." He said nothing about my other qualifications, like graduating magna cum laude   from Georgetown University or being at the top of my class at Columbia Law School. No, it was just about the smile, and he was an echo of what I heard from the larger culture: Don't smile too much, or your other skills and talents will be overlooked.

I learned smiling was an undervalued leadership superpower

While practicing corporate law, staying calm amid high stakes and demanding deadlines was a crucial skill. But it wasn't until a senior partner told me my smile put him and clients at ease, that I recognized how my ability to stay calm stemmed from the way my mother modeled positivity by smiling in the face of challenge.

Whether I was presenting to the Department of Justice, managing a team of over 100 lawyers, or responding to an urgent client request, smiling enabled me to do the job more effectively.

It wasn't just how the positive energy calmed others, but perhaps more importantly, how it calmed me, too. Smiling enabled me to stay present and attentive during many frenzied moments at the office. Indeed, science supports this. A study found that smiling reduces the body's reaction to stress .

My mother's smile not only carried me through some of life's most difficult moments but enabled me to find success in a demanding, high-stakes career. From the vantage point of age, I now understand that an ability to smile and laugh often, when combined with hard work and intelligence, makes for a powerful leader.

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At the Jerusalem synagogue where Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in life, grief and anger reign after his death

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JERUSALEM — Three hundred and thirty-two days after Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in the courtyard next to his Jerusalem synagogue on the holiday of Simchat Torah, more than a thousand people gathered there in grief and prayer to mourn his murder by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

During the Sunday night vigil, the courtyard railings were lined with oversized yellow ribbons to symbolize advocacy for the hostages, Hapoel Jerusalem soccer flags — the 23-year-old’s favorite team — and posters that read, “We love you, stay strong, survive,” a mantra coined by his mother, Rachel Goldberg-Polin.

Just hours earlier, one of the posters had been hanging over the balcony of the home of Shira Ben-Sasson, a leader of Hakhel, the Goldberg-Polins’ egalitarian congregation in the Baka neighborhood of Jerusalem.

“We were sure we would take it down when he came home,” Ben-Sasson said.

The community wanted to unite while respecting the Goldberg-Polins’ desire for privacy, she said, prompting them to organize the prayer gathering.

“But it’s like a Band-Aid or giving first aid, it’s what you do in an emergency. I don’t know how we go on after this,” she said.

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A covered courtyard at the Hakhel congregation was filled with mourners the day after Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose family are prominent members, was found to have been killed in Gaza. Hundreds of other people crowded outside the gates, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

She added that the community, which has a large contingent of English-speaking immigrants, was not prepared for the High Holidays, which begin in about a month. She said, “Seeing his empty seat is hard.”

For Ben-Sasson, who wore a T-shirt bearing the Talmudic dictum “There is no greater mitzvah than the redeeming of captives,” the tragedy is especially painful because, she said, it could have been avoided with a ceasefire agreement that freed hostages.

“Hersh was alive 48 hours ago. We think a deal could have saved him. There is no military solution to this,” she said.

That feeling of bereavement, often mixed with betrayal, pervaded gatherings across Israel on Sunday, as the country struggled with the news that six hostages who may have been freed in an agreement were now dead as negotiations continue to stall. Speakers at protests in Tel Aviv blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who himself apologized for not getting the hostages out alive but blamed Hamas for obstructing a deal. The country’s labor union, the Histadrut, has called a national strike on Monday to demand a deal.

A rare early September rain lashed parts of Israel on Sunday, leading to a widespread interpretation: God, too, was weeping.

Some at the Jerusalem gathering, including the relative of another former hostage, said Netanyahu had chosen defeating Hamas over freeing the captives.

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Josef Avi Yair Engel’s grandson Ofir was released from Hamas captivity in November. He paid tribute to Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered in captivity, in Jerusalem, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Josef Avi Yair Engel, whose grandson Ofir, 18, was released from Hamas captivity in November during that month’s ceasefire deal, expressed shock over Hersh’s murder but said he was not surprised, given the wartime policies of Netanyahu’s government.

“We knew months ago this was going to happen. Bibi’s formula, to dismantle Hamas and return the hostages, wasn’t logical. It’s an either/or situation,” Engel said, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. “He’s tearing the country apart. I’m afraid that in the coming months there won’t be a state at all.”

Engel said he felt a close bond with Hersh’s father Jon Polin, not only because of their joint activism in the hostage families’ tent outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, but also because of their shared identity as Jerusalemites.

“There aren’t many of us in the hostage circle,” he said. “We’re like family.”

Sarah Mann, who did not know the family personally, said the weekend’s tragedy reminded her of Oct. 7.

“This day has sparks of the seventh, which created numbness and an inability to talk. Just complete shock,” she said.

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Mourners left notes at a gathering at Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s family synagogue in Jerusalem. Many of the messages used the Hebrew word for “sorry.” (Deborah Danan)

Part of the reason for that, Mann said, was Rachel, who she described as a “force of faith.” Goldberg-Polin’s mother emerged as the most prominent advocate for the hostages globally and became a symbol in her own right as she crisscrossed the world calling for her son’s freedom.

“Millions of people around the world held onto her. Once that was cut, people’s ability to hold onto faith was knocked out today. But even though this has shattered us, we need to keep holding onto God,” Mann said.

For Susi Döring Preston, the day called to mind was not Oct. 7 but Yom Kippur, and its communal solemnity.

She said she usually steers clear of similar war-related events because they are too overwhelming for her.

“Before I avoided stuff like this because I guess I still had hope. But now is the time to just give in to needing to be around people because you can’t hold your own self up any more,” she said, tears rolling down her face. “You need to feel the humanity and hang onto that.”

Like so many others, Döring Preston paid tribute to the Goldberg-Polins’ tireless activism. “They needed everyone else’s strength but we drew so much strength from them and their efforts, “she said. “You felt it could change the outcome. But war is more evil than good. I think that’s the crushing thing. You can do everything right, but the outcome is still devastating.”

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Guy Gordon, with his daughter Maya, added a broken heart to the piece of tape he has worn daily to mark the number of days since the hostage crisis began, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Guy Gordon, a member of Hakhel who moved to Israel from Dublin, Ireland, in the mid-1990s, said the efforts towards ensuring Hersh’s safe return have been an anchor for the community during the war. The community knew him as the family described him in its announcement of his funeral on Tuesday, as “a child of light, love and peace” who enjoyed exploring the world and coming home to his family, including his parents and younger sisters, Leebie and Orly.

“It gave us something to hope for, and pray for and to demonstrate for,” he said. “We had no choice but to be unreasonably optimistic. Tragically it transpired that he survived until the very end.”

Gordon, like many others in the crowd, wore a piece of duct tape marked with the number of days since Oct. 7 — a gesture initiated by Goldberg-Polin’s mother. Unlike on previous days, though, his tape also featured a broken red heart beside the number.

Nadia Levene, a family friend, also reflected on the improbability of Hersh’s survival.

“He did exactly what his parents begged him to do. He was strong. He did survive. And look what happened,” Levene said.

She hailed Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s “unwavering strength and belief in God,” adding, “There were times I lost faith. I suppose I was angry with God. But she just kept inspiring us all to pray, pray, pray.”

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Leah Silver of Jerusalem examined stickers showing Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s mantra for her son Hersh, who was murdered in captivity in Gaza, at a gathering after Hersh’s death, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Jerusalem resident Leah Silver rejected politicizing the hostages’ deaths.

“Everything turns political so quickly. I came here because I felt that before all the protests, we need to just mourn for a moment and to pray. And show respect for each other,” she said. “We’ve become confused about who the enemy is. It’s very sad.”

But not everyone at the gathering joined in to sing Israel’s national anthem at the closing of the prayer gathering.

“I’m sorry, I can’t sing ‘Hatikvah,'” Reza Green, a Baka resident who did not know the Goldberg-Polins personally, said. “I’m too angry. We shouldn’t be here.”

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