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Signposting words and Phrases to use in Essays


Every professor or instructor will tell you that they undoubtedly enjoy reading and grading an essay or academic task where signposting words and phrases have been used. This is a secret that only the top grade and talented students have discovered. It is the reason they score As.

Essays that have a logical flow, where signposting words and phrases have been used, are appealing to read. When you signpost, no one struggles to read through your essay, identify your thoughts, claims, counterclaims, and arguments. In the end, such essays achieve their intended purpose, which then earns you the best grade.

Any student who aspires to score the best grades for their essays must master the art of signposting. Not only in essays but also in other academic tasks, assignments, or homework. It is a skill that sets you miles ahead of the rest.

In this guide, we take you through the best practices of signposting using examples for illustration and deep understanding before giving you a list of signposting words and phrases.

What is signposting?

You are probably wondering, "what are signposts in writing?" Let us begin by defining signposting before we head on to focus on signpost examples. 

Signposting is a commonly used strategy when writing academic and professional papers. It refers to the use of phrases and words to guide readers through the content of a piece of written work such as an essay, research paper, term paper, proposal, or dissertation. It entails flagging the most significant parts of your arguments, signaling transitions, and clarifying any stakes of an argument.

Signposts are these words and phrases that help you articulate the structure of any given piece of writing to ensure that your writers flow with the ideas.

There are two classes of signposting: Major signposts and linking words and short phrases.

Major signposting entails the introduction , conclusion, and outlining of main arguments or the direction of arguments. It equally entails the use of opening phrases. On the other hand, linking words and short phrases encompass any connecting words that guide the readers through the main arguments by linking sentences, ideas, and paragraphs.

Example of signposting

To understand Biden's foreign policy for China, it is imperative to evaluate the policy direction of Trump's regime.

This example helps the reader to understand in advance that you will be taking them through the characteristics of Trump's foreign policy for China before exploring Biden's current foreign policy to China in a cross-comparative approach.

Another way to view the issue of global warming is'

In this example, you are trying to remind the reader that although you have covered some aspects of global warming, they should note another vital point.

How to Signpost in an Essay for more effortless Flow of Ideas

When you signpost, a reader whose mind is preoccupied can read your essay or piece of academic writing and understand your point without struggling. It is a bulletproof strategy that helps your readers comprehend each point. The readers can connect points, sentences, ideas, and paragraphs, which gives an ideal flow as they read.

Signposting also makes your writing enjoyable; you sound professional in your arguments. In addition, when you signpost, the structure of your essay, especially in the introduction, helps you present your arguments well.

Here are eight effective strategies , tips, and tricks you can use when signposting to write an essay that scores an A .

1. Use Verbs to Signpost

When introducing quotes or referring to the sources or references, use various verbs to signpost your readers that you are about to introduce a quote, then connect it to the main argument.

You can use verbs such as asserts, opines, contends, reasons, reports, concludes, demonstrates, claims, shows, concurs with, refutes, opposes, etc.

Be vigilant enough not to use the wrong verbs in a given context when using these verbs. Besides, ensure that you are precise. Use these verbs to endorse what the scholar said, refute or oppose what the scholar said, or compare the opinion of scholars on a given issue.

2. Use Retrospective Signposts to Reiterate

When writing an essay or dissertation, capturing your readers' attention becomes your ultimate goal. And while you capture their attention, you must also keep them motivated and engaged so they stick to your work.

One way to achieve this is by reminding the readers about the key points you have covered and where you are headed. You prepare your readers for what is coming.

You can use phrases such as "as is now evident," "as mentioned earlier," "in other words," "as a complement to the last point on," or "the main point is"

Using retrospective signposts can help you show how the previous points matter to the existing idea or argument. In addition, it helps the readers to take keen note of a point before introducing a new idea.

In most cases, you can do this at the end of paragraphs where you want to highlight the earlier point and expose its relevance to the essay question.

You can as well apply this strategy to your conclusion. Also, you can repeat complicated ideas, points, or arguments to avoid sparking controversy or creating abrupt surprises.

When you remind the readers about these key points, your intended direction, and your expected destination, you orient them through your reading to allow some good flow of ideas.

Repetition makes your readers get bored by reading something so many times. However, when you signpost these ideas, you help them see that you address a different point connected to the past ideas.

3. Effectively use Transitions

Transitions knit together ideas in an essay or academic writing task. Using transition words and phrases, you can link ideas in two sentences or paragraphs. You can use different transition words when writing, depending on your goal. Only ensure that your intention and the choice of a transition align.

You can illustrate your previous point using transitions such as 'for example,' 'for instance,' 'as an illustration,' or 'to further expound on.'

You can compare, show cause and consequence, or give additional points to what you have already covered. And when you use transitions, be wise enough not to overuse or place them for the sake of it.

Related Reading: How to write explosive compare and contrast essays.

4. Precisely use Signposts

Although signposting is intended for all the good reasons we have explained, your work will sound sloppy when abused. For instance, using words such as 'conversely' or 'however' in the wrong context makes you look foolish.

Resist any urge to sprinkle signposting words all over your written piece. Instead, you must be meticulous and link sentences, paragraphs, or ideas only when necessary.

Choose a transition or linking word that fits the context. For example, only use 'as a result' to signpost when the following idea is a consequence of an idea you previously wrote.

As usual, precise language will enable smooth and accurate communication with your audience; you must stick to it when writing your essay. 

Related Read: How to make good paragraphs in an essay.

5. Signpost in your introduction

 When signposting in the introduction, clearly elaborate:

  • The overall aim of your essay, e.g., 'This essay argues'.'
  • The main ideas you will discuss and in what order, e.g., 'First, second, third'.'
  • The rationale of choosing your main argument for the topic, e.g., 'Given that'.' Or ''will form the key focus of this essay.'
  • Quantify the content or aims of your essay, e.g., 'This essay discusses the three strategies'.'

In short, your introduction should present the essay's overall aim and share the points you discuss in the body paragraphs.

6. Signpost throughout the body paragraphs

You need to use paragraph breaks and subheadings to signpost through your essay. It is a way to keep the readers focused on the main points of your essay. However, you can only do this for long essays such as term papers, research papers, or dissertations.

Writing three to four sentences to effectively use paragraph breaks before starting another paragraph. Paragraph breaks are the single line space, indentation, or both that mark the end of one paragraph and the beginning of the next.

In your body paragraphs, you can tell your readers about specific points to come or what has been discussed already.

Example: Having discussed the overall direction of Trump's foreign policy, it is necessary to consider Biden's current policy.

You can equally use words and short phrases within the paragraphs. For example, you can use words such as 'Consequently,' 'as a result,' 'therefore,' 'alternatively,' or 'however' to signal direction.

7. Signpost in your conclusion

Like the introduction, the conclusion of an essay also plays a critical role - a signpost in your conclusion to bring some element of closure and close the loop for your readers.

To signpost well, look for the verbs you used in the introduction and use the same verbs in their past tense. For example,  "t his essay has discussed and concluded."

Ensure that your conclusion reminds the readers about the main points, arguments, and reasoning you have achieved in your essay and how your essay has answered the question.

A good essay outline should help you signpost ideas in your conclusion. That way, you can craft a conclusion that satisfies your readers' appetite.

8. Ensure that your topic is clear earlier on

Provide a rationale for choosing your topic early enough. Then, you have a few seconds to capture the attention of your readers, after which you either keep or lose their interest.

To have your readers engaged in reading your essay past the title, let the reader know the direction. Begin by writing a great hook , providing a detailed background, and explaining how the topic is relevant to your essay. Also, ensure that your main arguments are clear off the bat.

List of Signposting Words and Phrases for Essays

Now that you understand what it is, its significance, and various approaches to achieve it, let's have a quick look at the phrases and words or signposts that you can use in your essay.

Introducing new idea

  • Firstly, secondly, thirdly'
  • First, second, third'.
  • The first/next/final section'
  • The current debate'.
  • The current issue'.

Adding similar points

  • In addition
  • On the same note

Specifying a particular idea

  • Considering
  • Specifically
  • In particular
  • More specifically
  • In relation to
  • In terms of
  • With respect to

Giving examples or illustrating

  • For instance
  • For example
  • As an illustration
  • This can be explained by
  • To further illustrate

Summarizing ideas

  • To conclude
  • As evident from the discussion
  • As is clear from the discussion above
  • To summarize
  • In conclusion
  • The main issue that is apparent
  • The main points here
  • It is clear that
  • The strength of this approach

Making comparison

  • On the one hand
  • On the other hand
  • Compared to
  • In comparison
  • In contrast
  • This contrasts'
  • This conflicts'
  • This is contrary
  • Another angle

Linking or developing a new idea

  • Having said that'.
  • Picking from the last point
  • Having established
  • To further understand'
  • To elaborate further
  • In addition to
  • As well as'
  • Another issue'
  • Of equal importance
  • Extending the argument further

Related Reading: How to write a compare and contrast essay.

Final Remarks

Signposting is a single ingredient that makes your essay stronger, more understandable, and more flowing. In addition, it improves the taste of your essay even when your instructor is in no good mood.

Using the signposting tips and tricks we have discussed can help you achieve so much, even when writing a short essay, as you would with a longer essay.

When creating a good flow, the instructor or professor can identify with your argument. You invite them to your world and keep them to the end of the essay. Even as you signpost, be meticulous just as you would with transition words. Ensure that you use it sparingly and as necessary.

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Exam Study Expert

How To Use Signposting Words: Easy Vocab and Examples for Excellent Essays

by William Wadsworth | Last updated Feb 17, 2023 | First published on Oct 9, 2019 | 0 comments

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William Wadsworth

Exam Study Expert founder William Wadsworth in a library. He is smiling.

By William Wadsworth , the Cambridge University trained cognitive psychologist and specialist in how to study smarter, not harder. He leads the world’s largest research study on use of effective learning strategies, is regular exam prep expert for The Times , and hosts the Exam Study Expert podcast , with 1 million downloads to date.

Review and additional research by Dr Kerri Edinburgh .

Looking to take your essay to the next level WITHOUT learning a load of complex structures, knotty grammar and fancy vocabulary? It’s simple: start using signposting words and you’ll level up your essays, dissertations and assignments in no time at all!

And here’s how to use signposting words to improve your writing in 5 easy steps:

First up, what is signposting in writing?

Not sure what I’m talking about? It’s actually pretty simple:

Signposting in writing acts just like signposts on a hike! Imagine a handily placed wooden post that proudly proclaims “ You are here! Conclusion: 3 miles “.

Essentially, they stop your reader from getting lost in the forest of your words and arguments.

Using signposting in your essays is all about adding strategically placed words and phrases to create a clear map of your structure. You need to scatter them throughout the path of your essay to show your reader where they are in the discussion and what’s up next – just like the physical signposts that point the way on a hike!

There are two common uses for signposts in your writing:

  • Firstly, to point out the structure of your overall essay or next section / chapter – usually in the introduction
  • And secondly, to remind your reader of that structure and show how everything links together

You probably already use some signposting words and phrases naturally as you write. Did you spot how I used it in the bullet points above?

For a truly top-mark essay, it’s best to plan out where you want to put some signposts to make your essay as streamlined and persuasive as possible!

Why bother using signposting words? An example!

There are plenty of benefits to using signposting words and phrases in your writing!

Most importantly, signposting language improves the clarity and readability of your essay. These are both important things that help your examiner understand your argument as smoothly as possible (great for top marks!).

Your examiner / teacher won’t get lost, have to re-read a paragraph or two, get frustrated … and dock you marks ! All achieved by some simple, well-placed vocab.

Let me show you the power of using signposting words in your essay writing:

Take a look at this example of writing without any signposting language. It reads like a series of disjointed information. Do you understand it easily?

signpost words for essays

So how can we improve this paragraph, and make the structure of our argument crystal clear – simply by adding signposting words?

Take a look at the next version of this example, now with signposting – it’s so much easier to understand !

an example of how signposting words and language can improve your essays and writing

Thanks to History On The Net for refreshing my high school history to be able to write these examples…

You can see how the highlighted green signposting language immediately makes the listed causes and examples easily identifiable. As an added bonus: any vague phrases ( “several factors”, “these factors” ) have been clarified with specifics, and paragraph breaks make the structure obvious!

Signposting makes everyone happy – trust me!

Your examiners, teachers and tutors LOVE it when you use signposting. And not just because it makes their job easier! But because:

  • Using signposting properly helps your writing s ound professional, establishing your authority and skill in your topic instantly . This is a great skill to develop before college applications are due!
  • Plus, you’re creating a sense of anticipation for what is to come in your reader – you’ll make reading your arguments enjoyable!
  • No one loves spending time marking, so by making your reader’s life easier, they may be inclined to generosity when it comes to awarding your mark.
  • By making your argument and structure as clear as possible , you give yourself the best possible chance of getting all the credit you deserve! Both for the quality of the points you made, and the style with which you strung them together.

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How to use signposting words in your writing: 5 easy steps!

So, how to start incorporating signposting into your essays?

Remember that analogy between signposting language and actual signposts that keep you from getting lost on countryside hikes?

Well, it’s time to set out your latest essay draft on the table like an unchartered forest, and make a map ! Your signposting vocab list: that’s your stash of wooden arrows to hammer into the ground next to forks in the trees. Or (if you prefer different imagery) your Hansel and Gretel breadcrumbs, or luminous glow-sticks!

So grab a pen and some scrap paper for mapping out your overall structure and noting where you might need a signpost. And then start at the beginning 😊

Leave no reader behind!

map showing 6 steps to effective signposting in your writing

Step 1: Give your reader the map

One of the most important places to add clear signposting words to your essay is right at the beginning, in the introduction.

This is where you hand your unsuspecting reader a map that shows them what to expect from the structure of your essay.

Here’s an example of structural signposting in an introduction:

“ This essay will explore the beautiful scenery surrounding Yorkshire’s magical Malham Cove. The analysis begins with a gentle riverside stroll to explore the argument surrounding the history of Janet’s Foss. This is followed by a short walk into the dramatic evaluation of five pros and cons of rock climbing at Gordale Scar . Next, this essay will examine the geological evidence during a scenic hilly stroll across to the beautiful Limestone Pavement at the top of Malham Cove. Finally, the conclusion will draw together the themes of history and tourism and will suggest that future walks should be finished at the pub in Malham.

Immediately, our reader (or hiker) will know to expect in order: an analysis, historical argument, five pros and cons, and an examination of the evidence. And they also know what themes and suggestions our conclusion will focus on – great for keeping their mind focused on these concepts as they read.

signpost words for essays

In our short WWI example above, the map is quite simple but clear. I started by saying that “ there were five interlinked causes ”. That’s all that was needed for our reader to know to watch for 5 signposts on the route!

Top tip : It’s important to be as specific as you can when signposting! Notice there were five causes, and five pros and cons. Not “ some causes “, not even “ the pros and cons “. That number is really helpful in setting out the map.

Here are some more examples of introductory signposting in action:

  • “There are six reasons why…”
  • “… happened in eight steps”
  • “We need to evaluate three factors when deciding…”
  • “There are two reasons to support X, and three reasons to support Y.”
  • “There are three good reasons to …, but one strong reason not to”

A good introduction should include at least one sentence with signposting like this, to prepare your reader.

Want to learn some more kick-ass techniques for starting your essay off on the right foot ? Check out our guide to all things introduction, from mysteries and drama to facts and assumptions!

Step 1 BONUS: point out the sights for a more detailed map

For longer essays or dissertations, you might offer more than a single introductory paragraph.

In that case, part of your signposting might be a short description of what each area of discussion or chapter will cover :

  • For example, heading back to the causes of WWI : if we were writing several long paragraphs exploring the historical context of each of the five causes, then setting all five out in the introduction would be helpful to the reader.

This style of signposting makes use of lots of listing words and phrases: firstly, secondly, this will be followed by … and is often presented in a long list following a colon ( : ) and separated by semi-colons ( ; ).

You might also give an overview of any facts and evidence explored, or theories questioned .

  • Think of it like a note in your hike directions: “ Along this stretch of the river there have been several reported sightings of the elusive signposting moth, and this analysis will examine their validity in light of … “

This will give your reader a better understanding of the arguments within your overall structure – and fuel their anticipation!

Here are some examples of signposting phrases for complex arguments:

  • “First, evidence for … will be put forward.”
  • “ Second, I will discuss …”
  • “This will lead, third, to an examination of…”
  • “… which will be followed, fourth, by exploration of…”

Here’s a quick toolbox of useful verbs you can use to keep your writing varied when presenting more complex “maps” of this nature: discuss, divide, examine, explore, present, put forward evidence for .

Step 2: Show them where they are on your map

If you’ve given your reader a clear map at the start, then this step is simple to add to your essays! It’s the big “ YOU ARE HERE! ” marker on the map.

As you progress through your essay – and especially at the start of new sections:

You just refer back to the structure you told them you were following , and explain which section you are moving into as you make each fresh argument.

For a simple list of points (as in the First World War example above), this could be as simple as starting each paragraph with a s ignposting word that points to your list (in words, never a numeral!):

  • “The first of these five underlying causes was …”
  • “Secondly, imperialism, which often … “
  • “Fourth, there was strong nationalism in …”

For longer essays, your reminder signposts might be as simple as repeating the purpose of this next section. State your signposting directly and clearly, for example:

  • This analysis of the arguments surrounding the history of Janet’s Foss begins with …
  • Following on from this dispute, it is necessary to examine the geological evidence found on the Limestone Pavement at the top of Malham Cove.

Even if a reader is skimming your essay quickly, it will still be obvious where they are in the overall structure of your argument. Even better, it makes it easy for them to skip ahead or go back to check an earlier point without getting totally lost.

Step 3: Use connectives to join up the journey

When it comes to effective essay writing, connective words are an important tool in your arsenal.

And connective words can be a great help when it comes to signposting too. Think of them as a thread you can use to connect your essay into a logical flow (detours included!).

Having a list of signposting connective words on hand is great for linking together points, paragraphs and arguments. You can use them to:

  • Show contrasting sides of a debate
  • Develop a point further
  • Describe things in order
  • Provide examples
  • Demonstrate results

So to get you started, here’s a list of some of the top signposting words for connecting up your essay:

a list of connective signposting words to improve your essay or thesis

Here are some examples of how you can put together connecting signposting words at the start of a new section to indicate different things:

  • Nevertheless, the following two counter-arguments are …
  • Furthermore, we found that X was … as demonstrated by …
  • Third, and in contrast, X was not a common feature of …

Step 4: Break up long journeys with paragraph breaks and subheadings

Nobody likes encountering a long and daunting wall of text.

Happily, paragraph breaks are a form of signposting in and of themselves. They show the reader when you are entering a new sub-section of your argument .

I’m not a big fan of a hard-and-fast rules about how many sentences a paragraph should contain: some sentences are short, others are long. Sometimes, a good paragraph might only be a couple of relatively long sentences. Other times, you might have five or six shorter ones.

If you’re not sure about the paragraph conventions of your writing genre, check out our ultimate guide to paragraph lengths for some specific advice!

In the meantime, remember that:

  • Signposting will help to keep your essay clear even as you make longer, multi-paragraph points. Use connectives to indicate which paragraphs belong to which sections of your overall structure.
  • In many areas of academia, there is an established protocol for headings (e.g. “Abstract / Introduction / Methodology / Results / Conclusion”).
  • Feel free to add subheadings under these major headings if you feel it will help your reader, especially in the sections that tend to get longer, such as the Methodology and Results.

Top Tip: Make sure to check that your newly signposted sentences and paragraphs still make sense grammatically with available tools such as Grammarly * – even the free version will give your mistake-checking a boost!

5. Signpost the destination to conclude smartly

Finally, be sure to wrap things up with a clear conclusion statement that heralds your reader’s arrival back at the pub in Malham after their long (but hopefully enjoyable) hike!

You might begin with a phrase like this:

  • To summarise
  • In conclusion
  • To conclude

Your conclusion might also remind the reader of all the sights they’ve strolled through – a sort of reverse of the introduction, in which all your threads are pulled together to support your concluding arguments.

Here are some examples of concluding signposting phrases in action:

“ Finally, to summarise the geological and historical debates surrounding the impact of tourism in Malham Cove …”

“In conclusion, while these five factors were powerful on their own, what in my opinion made them particularly dangerous was their interlinked nature, where one would fuel the other…”

And so, in conclusion…

…when used well, signposting words will help YOU do well in your essays this year.

Just remember to make it obvious, and be specific – especially when it comes to numbers!

And once you’ve got your essay written and signposted, check out my guides for successful proofreading , and printing and binding , to make sure that you hand in a winning assignment!

For more help becoming a phenomenal essay and exam-answers writer, I am currently accepting clients for 1:1 coaching – read more and get in touch here .

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* Please note : Grammarly is one of very few products I’m sufficiently enthusiastic about to recommend to my readers, and I may earn a small commission if you sign up to Grammarly services through the above link.

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Effective Signposting

Signposts are words or phrases that help articulate the structure of a piece of writing and ensure that readers don’t get lost. Signposting will flag the most important parts of an argument, signal transitions, and clarify the stakes of an argument.

Here are some examples of helpful signposts:

“This essay examines biblical symbolism in Moby-Dick . . . ” This signpost states the focus of the essay .
“After a review of recent scholarship on biblical symbolism, I consider how Melville relates funerary symbolism to both death and rebirth . . . ” This signpost clarifies how the author’s focus is distinguished from previous scholarship .
“My purpose in focusing on Queequeg’s coffin . . . ” This signpost clarifies the stakes of the author’s argument .

Single words and short phrases can be useful signposts, such as additionally , consequently , however , also , in contrast . But make sure to use these words correctly. However should be used to pivot to an opposing idea or to acknowledge another side of an argument, and consequently indicates that an idea is a result or consequence of a previously discussed idea or point. Signposts that identify the sequence or direction of your argument can also be effective: for example, first , next , then , finally ; or first , second , third , and so on.

Using signposts can improve your writing by giving it structure and direction, but excessive signposting creates unnecessary wordiness and can give the impression that you don’t trust the reader’s ability to follow your argument or that you’re grafting signposts on to compensate for a poorly articulated argument. Here are some signposts that may do more harm than good:

“ It’s important to note that Melville’s treatment . . . ” Show, don’t tell, what is important.
“ What I want to call attention to in this passage . . . ” Skip the wordy opening; lead with “In this passage . . . ”
“ I will now turn to the pulpit of Father Mapple . . . ” If you’ve signposted your essay’s structure at its beginning, you don’t have to give directions throughout .
“ As I argued in the previous section, the symbolism of the white whale . . . ” If the point has been well made, your reader will remember it. Summarize it briefly, but you don’t need to mention the earlier section .

Early drafts of an essay are likely to include some extra signposting, because you may be developing and revising the essay’s structure as you write. For this reason, it’s a good idea to read the final draft of a piece of writing with an eye toward its transitions and signposts, to make sure that they support and clarify your argument. At this stage of revision, you can eliminate any wordy or excessive signposts.

Frank Nzewi 07 October 2021 AT 10:10 AM

This topic is useful to me, because it clarifies the use of signposting.

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Signposting & cohesion

On this page we'll take a look at a whole load of signposting examples.

A useful technique to achieve clarity and structure is the use of ' signposts '.

Signposts include specific words and phrases integrated into the text to direct the reader .

Signposting helps guide the reader through your argument. Whether introducing a new concept, highlighting a transition in your argument, or echoing a key concept, signposting will create and maintain direction and coherence in your writing.

Signposts can be categorised into two main groups : ' major signposting ' and ' linking words and phrases '.

Major signposting

Major signposting is generally used to signal the main elements of the work , such as the rationale/purpose of an academic text and its structure.

Here are some examples of major signposting:

  • In conclusion…
  • The aim/purpose of this study is to…
  • This chapter reviews/discusses…

Linking words and phrases

Linking words and phrases establish coherence and provide the reader with guidance by signalling transitions between sentences and paragraphs.

Here are some examples of linking words and phrases:

  • Firstly... . Secondly...
  • For example…

Cohesive signposting (an example)

Cohesion is what ties your various points together and guides the reader through your argument. 

You can create cohesion using the signposting words and phrases on this page so as to show the relationships between your points.

Cohesive words and phrases are shown in bold in this example paragraph about how language background affects maths skills development :

The time taken to pronounce number words is another linguistic factor that  could affect children’s arithmetical development. If number words take longer to pronounce, fewer items can be held in working memory, which could affect the strategies used to solve arithmetic problems (Geary et al., 1993; Geary et al., 1996). In East Asian languages, number words are generally short, one-syllable words, while in English and other languages they can be much longer. The effect of this on working memory is seen in Chinese children’s longer digit span memory compared to their American peers (Geary et al., 1993). It also  seems to influence the choice of strategies used by the two groups to solve arithmetic problems, with Chinese children using faster processes than American children (Geary et al., 1996). This limitation of working memory may mean speakers of less transparent languages rely more on slow procedural strategies than speakers of a transparent language, extending even to adulthood (Campbell & Xue, 2001).

Examples of signposting Why not follow the link above to take a look at a whole load more examples of signposting words?

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Here's some more signposting examples:

Highlighting or emphasising a point.

  • Importantly, …
  • Indeed, …
  • In fact, …
  • More importantly, …
  • Furthermore, …
  • Moreover, …
  • It is also important to highlight … 

Providing more details on a point or rephrasing a point

  • In particular, …
  • Specifically, …
  • Concentrating on …
  • By focusing on … in more detail, it is possible to …
  • To be more precise, …
  • In other words, …
  • To put it simply, …
  • In relation to …
  • More specifically, …
  • With respect to …
  • In terms of …
  • Giving an example
  • For example, …
  • For instance, …
  • This can be illustrated by …
  • …, namely, …
  • …, such as, …

Acknowledging something and moving to a different point

  • Although …
  • Even though …
  • Despite …
  • Despite the fact that …

Adding a related point to an argument

  • To further understand the role of …
  • In addition, …
  • Similarly, …
  • Again, …
  • Also, …
  • Likewise, …
  • What is more, …
  • Another issue regarding … is …
  • Another line of thought on … is …

Reintroducing or revisiting a topic

  • As discussed/explained earlier, …
  • The earlier discussion on … can be developed further here, …
  • As stated previously, …
  • As noted above, …

Linking to a different point

  • Having established …, it is possible to consider …
  • … is one key issue; another of equal/similar importance/significance is …
  • Also of importance is the issue of …

Introducing a new idea or point

  • One aspect which illustrates … can be identified as …
  • The current debate about … illustrates/identifies/highlights …
  • With regard to…/ with respect to…
  • Initially/secondly/finally, …

Introducing an opposing or alternative view

  • However, …
  • Conversely, …
  • Rather, …
  • In contrast, …
  • Alternatively, …
  • On one hand, …
  • On the other hand, …
  • In comparison, …
  • Compared to, …
  • Another point to consider is …
  • Nevertheless/Nonetheless, …
  • An alternative perspective is given by … who suggests/argues that …
  • Despite this, …
  • This conflicts with the view held by …

Reasoning or summarising the point

  • Consequently/As a consequence, …
  • Accordingly, …
  • Therefore, …
  • Subsequently, …
  • Hence …
  • As a result, …
  • As a consequence, …
  • To this end, … 
  • It could be concluded that …
  • The strength of such an approach is that …
  • For this reason …
  • In short …
  • From this, it can be concluded/inferred/suggested that …
  • The evidence highlights that …
  • Evidently*, …
  • Clearly/It is clear that, …*
  • Naturally*, …
  • It is clear that* …

*These indicate very strong arguments, so only use such phrases if you really are sure that your arguments cannot be challenged.

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signpost words for essays

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Academic writing skills guide: signposting, transitions & linking words/phrases.

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  • Brainstorming Techniques
  • Planning Your Assignments
  • Thesis Statements
  • Writing Drafts
  • Structuring Your Assignment
  • How to Deal With Writer's Block
  • Using Paragraphs
  • Conclusions
  • Introductions
  • Revising & Editing
  • Proofreading
  • Grammar & Punctuation
  • Reporting Verbs
  • Signposting, Transitions & Linking Words/Phrases
  • Using Lecturers' Feedback

Signposting is how you guide your reader and indicate to them the direction your writing will take. It can help to make your discussion flow smoothly by connecting the ideas and arguments in your writing and avoid the reader having to guess what is happening or what is being argued.

A lack of signposting can lead to writing with abrupt, disjointed breaks, stopping and starting with each new point, leaving the reader wondering what your points have to do with one another or what their relevance is. In this way, your writing can lose direction, become confused and read more like a series of unrelated points. A lack of signposting can also indicate that your argument is more descriptive than analytical. 

introductions, conclusions and outlining main arguments; the signalling of key points in paragraphs through topic sentences.
connecting sentences/words that help guide the reader through the argument by linking ideas within your writing and indicating the direction of the discussion.
In addition to presenting your argument, you should guide the reader as you are doing it. Tell the reader what you will discuss next, then discuss it, then tell them what you have just done. These are your major signposts. Doing this helps the reader understand why you are discussing something and how it relates to the overall argument. At the same time, it forces you to write more concisely and avoid unnecessary repetition. The reader expects and needs signposts. You need to include headings or transitional sentences between major sections of your writing to indicate to your reader that you have finished one section and are moving on to another. Major signposts are used in the introduction to indicate how you are going to address the assignment, the key themes you will cover and in which order. They are also used to direct the reader throughout the assignment and to signal the conclusion. They can also indicate to the reader the important elements of your writing such as the purpose and connection between points.

Signposts can also be used to signal transition in your writing. These signposts are words or phrases that express a connection between two ideas and make the transition from one point to the next in sentences, paragraphs, and sections of your writing and help your reader understand the logic of how your ideas fit together and the direction of your discussion. Without them, it can be difficult to follow the flow of ideas in your writing. They can help your reader see how a part of your argument is being continued, developed, challenged, changed, or summarised. Used within your paragraphs, they can help your reader move from one idea to another as well as move to the next paragraph and avoids any jarring changes of topic that leave your reader struggling to understand the connection between two paragraphs. Rather than leap from one idea to the next, a transitional word or phrase can help your ideas connect and flow and make your writing more reader friendly. You can also think of a transition as a sort of bridge between ideas or between paragraphs. Transition sentences can inform the reader when your writing is moving from one idea to another, and how those ideas are connected. Clear transitions will help to avoid a list style paper of seemingly unconnected points about an issue.

a clear challenge for a different view is admittedly against this all the same alternatively
although although this may be true although true (and) yet another possibility at the same time
balanced against besides better/worse still claims but contrastingly
conversely correspondingly despite this/being differing from equally even so
even though for all that however in/by comparison in/by contrast in fact
in opposition in spite of instead likewise nevertheless nonetheless
notwithstanding on the contrary on the one/other hand otherwise rather though
unlike whereas while/whilst      
an example of this is an illustration of this is another example as an example as an illustration as follows
a typical/particular/key example chiefly clearly especially for example for instance
including in effect in other words in particular in the case of in this case
in this situation mainly most importantly namely naturally notably
not least obviously one such particularly primarily say
significantly specifically such as that is that is to say thus
to be more precise to demonstrate/this demonstrates to illustrate to show that to simplify typical of this/such
above all accordingly additionally again also another
apart from this as a result as well as as with at the same time besides
collectively comparatively compared to correspondingly coupled with equally
equally important equivalent to further furthermore in addition in a similar way/fashion
in/by comparison indeed in essence in the same way/manner it could also be said just as…so too
likewise more importantly moreover next relatedly similarly
similar to taken together too      
accepting/assuming this accordingly as a result/consequence as previously stated as such as this assignment/research has demonstrated
because of this/that clearly then consequently the effect of this is finally from the evidence detailed it seems that
from this it can be seen that for this/that reason given these points has been noted/shown hence in all
in brief in conclusion in essence in order to in short in summary
in the end in the final analysis in this/that case in view of this it follows that it is evident
it might be concluded from this leading to on the whole otherwise overall owing to/due to the fact that
resulting from/in consequence of this since so subsequently then therefore
these examples show that this evidence strongly suggests that this implies this may stem from this suggests that throughout
thus to conclude to summarise to sum up ultimately whenever
above all additionally after after that afterwards another
as long as as soon as at first at last at length at present
at that/this time at the same time at this/that point before concurrently consequently
currently during earlier eventually first and foremost first and most importantly
finally first(ly) first of all followed by following on following this
formerly gradually henceforth immediately in addition initially
in the first/second place in the past lastly lastly and most importantly meanwhile more/most importantly
moreover next once previously primarily prior to (that)
recently second(ly) simultaneously since so far soon
subsequently then thereafter third(ly) to begin/start with ultimately
until now while        
above all certainly chiefly clearly conceivably conclusively
crucially doubtless especially evidently for this reason indeed
in fact it should be noted no doubt of course particularly significantly
singularly surely undoubtedly unfortunately unquestionably with attention to
as a rule as usual for the most part generally generally speaking in most cases
on the whole ordinarily usually      

signpost words for essays

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Signposting in essays: A short guide

When should you signpost, signposting in conclusions.

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Signposting in an introduction

The signposts in your introduction should indicate:

  • What the overall aim of your essay is ('This essay intends to...')
  • What ideas or factors will be discussed and in what order ('Firstly... secondly... finally...').

You may also wish to:

  • Justify why you have chosen to focus on certain aspects of a topic ('For this reason... will be the main focus of the essay.')
  • Quantify your aims or the content of your essay ('This essay will discuss three approaches to the issue of...')  

Signposting throughout an essay

Throughout an essay you will probably use two types of signposting: small and large scale.

1. Large scale signposting tells the reader specifics about what is to come or what has gone before, for example:

'Having discussed the arguments in favour of the Third Way, it is also necessary to consider its limitations'. 

2. Small scale signposts are individual words or short phrases which help to signal direction, such as:

  • Consequently
  • As a result
  • Alternatively
  • Additionally

signpost words for essays

The conclusion should remind your reader of the line of reasoning you have guided them through, and how your essay has answered the original question. 

Verbs can be signposts, too

When introducing quotes or referring to other people's work, think about the verbs you can use. These can act as signposts to the reader in terms of how you feel about the theories or ideas you are discussing. 

For example:

Shoolbred (2013) demonstrates...

Cooper (2014) claims...

Verbs like 'shows' or 'demonstrates' give the impression that you are endorsing a scholar's viewpoint, whereas verbs like 'asserts' or 'claims' indicate that you might be about to challenge their perspective. Never use a verb like 'proves' if that person did not actually prove something. Additionally, be careful with words like 'portrays' and 'conveys'. Find out their exact meaning and use them wisely. 

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Better Essays: Signposting

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Improving your essays

Explore how to structure your assignments, introduce new topics and take your reader on a journey

Essays can be considered a journey from the introduction to the conclusion. You're the driver, your readers are the passengers, and signposts are the roads you choose to take. The principles discussed here apply to most types of assignment.

Not signposting your essay is a bit like sleeping on a journey and only waking up occasionally – it can be disorientating. You'll wonder where you are and how you got there. Your tutors can feel this way if your content isn't clearly signposted.

The examples below are suggestions and you don't need to reproduce them exactly; each word and phrase has a precise meaning so you should check their meaning before you use them. Most of these terms can be used in any section of an essay, but some will suits particular fields more than others.

What signposting means

Signposting means using words to tell your reader about the content of your essay to help them understand as clearly as possible. Here are three examples of signposts and what they mean:

Signpost example Meaning
…in order to explain and understand the causes of this offence, it would be useful to apply the criminological theory. The reader knows that you'll use theory to explore and explain a criminal offence.
There are several ways in which the new style shopping centres may be seen as attractive. The reader knows that you'll include at least two aspects of attractiveness.
Another issue which often concerns feminists is the pay gap. The reader is reminded that you've already covered one issue, and introduces another.

Types of signposting

You can signposting using single words, short phrases, long phrases, or whole sentences. Examples of each are provided below:

  • single words: however, furthermore, initially
  • short phrases: in contrast, in conclusion, an additional point is
  • sentence: Having discussed the reliability of the research, this report will next address its validity.

Signposting in the introduction, body and conclusion

These lists include some terms you could use for signposting in your introduction, main body and conclusion.

Signposting in the introduction

You could use an opening statement like this to signpost your introduction: 

This essay will:

It will then: 

To quantify what your essay will do, you could say: 'This essay will address three aspects'. You could also signpost how this will be done, for example: 'This essay will attempt to determine whether cats are better pets than dogs by analysing studies of their behaviour.'  

Signposting in the body

These examples show a word or phrase and what it tells the reader:

  • 'This essay will now' — introduces what is next
  • 'Furthermore' — takes the point, issue, or data further
  • 'In contrast' — includes a strong alternative or challenge 
  • 'However' — adds an alternative or challenge, but less strongly than the phrase 'In contrast'

Signposting don't always have a statement of intent (like 'It will then', or 'In addition'). You could say: 'Cats are often seen as less affectionate than dogs'.

Signposting in conclusions

You can use many terms and phrases from the introduction and main body of your essay in the conclusion too, but not all of them are appropriate. You shouldn't introduce new material in a conclusion and can use the past perfect tense ('This essay has focused on') or present tense ('This essay shows that'). 

Download our signposting for better essays revision sheet

Download this page as a PDF for your essay signposting revision notes.

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Critical writing: Signposting

  • Managing your reading
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  • Individual arguments
  • Signposting
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“Do not expect your reader to make the connections in your ideas ... make those connections explicit” Andy Gillet, Angela Hammond and Mary Martala, Successful Academic Writing

Signposting words and phrases are essential elements of academic writing - they make your writing flow. By making explicit how points are connected to each other you make it easier for your reader to follow your arguments . The reader is, after all, your marker and you don't want to make their job too hard. This page gives you a selection of common phrases that you can use to link together your paragraphs and so make logical connections between your ideas.

Student holding sign saying "Here's a new idea"

Signposts to introduce something new

One aspect which illustrates … can be identified as …

The current debate about … illustrates/identifies/highlights …

With regard to…/ with respect to…

Initially/secondly/finally, …

student holding sign saying "...and there's more"

Continuing an argument with a related point

Furthermore, …

To further understand the role of …

In addition, …

Similarly, …

Likewise, …

What is more, …

Moreover, …

Another issue regarding … is …

Another line of thought on … is …

Student holding magnifying glass thinking "focus"

Going into more detail on a point/rephrasing

In particular, …

Specifically, …

Concentrating on …

By focusing on … in more detail, it is possible to …

To be more precise, …

In other words, …

To put simply … /To simplify, ...

Stident holding two signs saying "Here's a good point" and "& here's another"

Linking to a different point 

Having established …, it is possible to consider …

… is one key issue; another of equal/ similar importance/significance is …

Also of importance is the issue of …

Student holding sign saying "I want to look at this some more"

Reintroducing a topic

As discussed/explained earlier, …

The earlier discussion on … can be developed further here, …

As stated previously, …

As noted above, …

Student holding two signs saying "Some think this" and "Others disagree"

Introducing an opposing/alternative view

However, …

Conversely, …

In contrast, …

Alternatively, …

Nevertheless/Nonetheless, …

An alternative perspective is given by … who suggests/argues that …

Despite this, …

This conflicts with the view held by …

Student holding a sign saying "Am I persuading you?"

Reasoning/summarising the point

Consequently/As a consequence, …

Accordingly, …

Therefore, …

What this means/suggests is...

It could be concluded that …

The strength of such an approach is that …

For this reason …

Evidently*, …

Clearly/It is clear that, …*

Naturally*, …

It is clear that* …

In short, …

From this, it can be concluded/inferred/suggested that …

The evidence highlights that …

------ *Only use such phrases if you really are sure that your arguments cannot be challenged.

These are just a selection of the phrases you can you to make your writing flow and to keep the reader with you and following your line of argument. Academics often complain about a lack of this in assignments they mark so make sure you use them in your writing.

Don't overdo it . Only use signposts when they add clarity to your work. Some students try to put a signposting word into every sentence which can actually obscure meaning.

Be precise . The signposting words have very specific meanings. Only use a word like 'consequently' if you really mean that the following sentence is a true consequence of the previous one!

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What is Signposting in an Essay (+ 43 Signposting Words)

Stefani H.

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Good Essay Writing: A Social Sciences Guide

Student resources, great signposting words.

The art of signposting is using key words and phrases to enable the reader to navigate their way through your argument. Here are some signposting words that will prove invaluable in that process. You may have your own favourites.

Great Signposting Words – download for a table of signposting synonyms.

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Essential Transition Words and Phrases for Writing

Essential Transition Words and Phrases for Writing

The art of great signposting words is using key words and phrases to enable the reader to navigate their way through your argument. Here are some essential transition words and phrases for writing which will prove invaluable in that process. You may have your own favorites

The Great Signposting Words is a name commonly given to words or phrases that express a connection between two ideas and make the transition from one point to the next in writing. They can link ideas within a sentence, link two sentences, two paragraphs, or even two parts of the essay together. They help to make writing flow smoothly, without any abrupt, disjointed breaks that leave the reader wondering what your points have to do with one another or what their relevance is. Signpost words specify how the two ideas are related: for example, whether they are similar ideas, contrasting ideas, or whether one idea adds more detail or a further example to another. They can show that one idea is the result or conclusion of another, or to show the order of the ideas in a sequence. They are a key component in developing your argument showing the structure of your argument. They help your reader to follow where your essay is going; hence the term ’signposts’.


also, and, as well (as)



in addition


having established that

if so

in order to

in that/this case

in this connection



that/which implies


in conclusion

in summary

to conclude

to recap

to summarize

all the same

by way of contrast


despite that


in contrast


never the less

none the less

on the other hand

as an illustration

exemplifying this

for example

for instance


because of

due to

for this reason


effectively, this suggests

in essence

more precisely

more specifically

to make this explicit


alternatively/an alternative is

in other words

on the other hand



that is




as a result


for this reason





Importantly, …

Indeed, …

In fact, …

More importantly, …

Furthermore, …

Moreover, …

It is also important to highlight …

In particular, …

In relation to …

More specifically, …

With respect to …

In terms of …

Therefore, …

Subsequently, …

Hence …

Consequently, …

Accordingly, …

As a result, …

As a consequence, …

To this end, …

However, …

Rather, …

In contrast, …

Conversely, …

On one hand, …

On the other hand, …

In comparison, …

Compared to …

Another point to consider is …

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4.4 Link and signpost

Use linking words and signposting to connect your ideas. These make clear to your reader both how your argument progresses logically from one point to the next and how each new point is relevant. Here are some examples:

  • Draw attention to certain points: ‘equally importantly’, ‘furthermore’.
  • Indicate cause and effect progression : ‘this results in’, ‘consequently’, ‘for this reason’.
  • Indicate progression within an argument: ‘therefore’, ‘however’, ‘nevertheless’.



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  1. PDF Signpost words and phrases

    Simply adding a few connecting words - known as "signposts" - make it much more readable: Transitions show the reader the "movement" between ideas/points. They show that the ideas follow a logical order and build on each other, creating "flow". If a paragraph flows well from point to point, it should be obvious to the reader ...

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    Like the introduction, the conclusion of an essay also plays a critical role - a signpost in your conclusion to bring some element of closure and close the loop for your readers. To signpost well, look for the verbs you used in the introduction and use the same verbs in their past tense. For example, "this essay has discussed and concluded."

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    Andy Gillet, Angela Hammond and Mary Martala, Successful Academic Writing. Signposting words and phrases are essential elements of academic writing - they make your writing flow. By making explicit how points are connected to each other you make it easier for your reader to follow your arguments. The reader is, after all, your marker and you ...

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    Using signposts precisely. It can make your work seem sloppy if you use signposting words in the wrong contexts. Avoid the temptation to dot signposting words throughout your text at random. Think carefully about the link between two paragraphs or phrases, and choose a word that effectively conveys that link. For example, 'however' should ...

  11. Signposting, Transitions & Linking Words/Phrases

    Major Signposts: introductions, conclusions and outlining main arguments; the signalling of key points in paragraphs through topic sentences. Transitions & Linking Words/Phrases: connecting sentences/words that help guide the reader through the argument by linking ideas within your writing and indicating the direction of the discussion.

  12. When should you signpost?

    Throughout an essay you will probably use two types of signposting: small and large scale. 1. Large scale signposting tells the reader specifics about what is to come or what has gone before, for example: ... Small scale signposts are individual words or short phrases which help to signal direction, such as: Consequently; As a result ...

  13. PDF Signposting words and phrases

    Centre for Learner Success ± Handout Series: Signposting words and phrases IN CONFIDENCE Signposting words and phrases Having researched your topic in preparation for writing an essay, you will probably have accumulated a wide range of facts, published research, and other inf ormation relevant to the topic.

  14. PDF Using 'signpost' words

    These 'signpost' words and phrases make connections and transitions between the ideas in your writing. They help to make your argument clear to the reader by pointing out the relationship between your ideas, and where your line of thought is going. They can be used to signal the structure of your essay or the logical connections in your ...

  15. Better Essay Signposting

    What signposting means. Signposting means using words to tell your reader about the content of your essay to help them understand as clearly as possible. Here are three examples of signposts and what they mean: …in order to explain and understand the causes of this offence, it would be useful to apply the criminological theory.

  16. Signposting

    Signposting. Signposts are words and phrases that guide the reader through your argument. This language feature indicates the logical progression of your critical position and the links between your points. You can use signposts to introduce your critical position, indicate the development of your position, introduce alternative views, rebut ...

  17. Critical writing: Signposting

    Andy Gillet, Angela Hammond and Mary Martala, Successful Academic Writing. Signposting words and phrases are essential elements of academic writing - they make your writing flow. By making explicit how points are connected to each other you make it easier for your reader to follow your arguments. The reader is, after all, your marker and you ...

  18. The Writing Center

    Return to all guides. "Signposts" are short phrases that writers use to highlight the connections between ideas and sentences. Functions of Signposting Language. 1) They highlight a point. "The fish-tetrapod transition has been called the greatest step in vertebrate history (Long and Gordon, 2004) and even one of the most significant ...

  19. What is Signposting in an Essay (+ 43 Signposting Words)

    Signposting the structure of your essay strengthens the presentation of your argument, especially when used in the introduction. Here are six tips to keep in mind when using signposting words, to help you write an essay that stands out. 1. Address the main topic early on. You have only eight seconds to capture the reader's attention.

  20. Great Signposting Words

    Great Signposting Words; Transition Words; Writing Conclusions. Three Conclusions; Referencing. Referencing DOs and DON'Ts; Jumbled References; Essay Writing Skills an Other Forms of Social Science Writing. Identifying Social Science Essay Practice in Other Formats; Some Common Worries. When to Stop Writing; What Tutors Look for When Marking ...

  21. PDF Signposting

    These words may not seem important, but they're really the glue that holds a piece of writing together. Without signposting language, writing can lose direction, become confused and read like a series of unrelated points. Try reading the paragraph without them and see how it changes the meaning.

  22. Essential Transition Words and Phrases for Writing

    Signpost words specify how the two ideas are related: for example, whether they are similar ideas, contrasting ideas, or whether one idea adds more detail or a further example to another. They can show that one idea is the result or conclusion of another, or to show the order of the ideas in a sequence.

  23. Succeeding in postgraduate study: Session 4: 4.4 Link and signpost

    4.4 Link and signpost. 5 Tips for writing a critical essay. 6 Summary and reflection. 7 This session's quiz. 8 Closing remarks. References. ... 4.2.2 Writing using your own words. 4.2.3 Using quotations. 5 Communicating and collaborating online. 5.1 Giving constructive feedback. 5.2 Assessing feedback.