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  • Researcher Identifiers & Profiles:

Web of Science Researcher ID

Researcher identifiers & profiles: web of science researcher id.

  • Scopus Author ID
  • Google Scholar Citations Profile

A Web of Science Researcher ID is a unique identifier that connects an author to their work in the Web of Science Group products (Web of Science, InCites, EndNote). A Researcher ID is minted for every author with at least one publication indexed in the Web of Science.

researcher id (web of science)

Having a Web of Science Researcher ID helps to:

  • Solve author identity issues.
  • Ensure correct attribution between you and your publications on the  Web of Science.
  • Add dynamic citation metrics from the  Web of Science  Core Collection and other missing metadata to publication records on your  Publons  profile,  Web of Science ,  InCites, etc.
  • Keep your ORCID up to date by linking it to your Web of Science Researcher ID .

Web of Science Researcher Profile

Web of Science researcher profile is the only profile where you can:

  • Manage your publication lists, including publications in the Core Collection, publications outside of the Core Collection,
  • Grant reviews,
  • Include Peer reviews for journals and conferences  and/or editorial activities,
  • View your citation metrics,
  • Export a CV of your scholarly contribution,
  • Additional profile features will be added according to entitlements to the Core Collection.
  • Your researcher profile in Web of Science

Publons has joined Web of Science

"Publons has joined Web of Science"

Since 2022, Publons profiles have been integrated into Web of Science Researcher Profiles. From   webofscience.com   use your existing Publons or Web of Science credentials to sign in and manage your profile.

  • If you've had a Publons profile for a while, you'll find help here.

How to connect my ORCID to Web of Science researcher profile?

  • Navigate to  webofscience.com  and from there you can click Sign in .

researcher id (web of science)

  • Click on Open Menu and go to your profile then click Edit .

researcher id (web of science)

  • Navigate to the ORCID Syncing tab  of your Profile Settings, click Connect to your ORCID ID . This will give permissions to Web of Science to sync your account.

researcher id (web of science)

Once you have connected your ORCID account you will then be able to configure your sync preferences and keep ORCID up to date with changes in your Web of Science Researcher Profile and vice versa! Publications are synced automatically. Peer reviews are synced once per day.

  • << Previous: Scopus Author ID
  • Next: Google Scholar Citations Profile >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 27, 2024 10:35 AM
  • URL: https://bue.libguides.com/ResearchID


Researcher Identity & Impact

  • Scopus Author ID

Web of Science Researcher ID

  • Google Scholar Profile
  • Social Networking Websites
  • Article-level metrics
  • Author-level metrics
  • Journal-level metrics
  • Disciplinary Impact
  • Increse your impact
  • Bulgarian National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID)

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A  Web of Science Researcher ID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the Web of Science ecosystem and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information. In order to create your Researcher ID, you need to register . After that, you can update your personal information and records. You can add publications, peer reviews, editor records and memberships , and maintain your personal ResearcherID profile up-to-date.

Having a Web of Science ResearcherID helps:

  • solve author identity issues
  • ensure correct attribution between you and your publications on the Web of Science
  • add dynamic citation metrics from the Web of Science Core Collection and other missing metadata to publication records on your Publons profile, Web of Science, InCites, etc.
  • effortlessly keep your ORCID up to date by linking it to your Web of Science ResearcherID on Publons

Find out more about the Web of Science ResearcherID here .

Check out the screenshots below to find out the steps in creating your  Web of Science profile:

researcher id (web of science)

  • << Previous: Scopus Author ID
  • Next: Google Scholar Profile >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 22, 2024 3:32 PM
  • URL: https://aubg.libguides.com/impact

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Research identity.

  • Google Scholar Citations
  • Scopus Author ID
  • What is Web of Science ResearcherID?
  • Build and manage your Web of Science Researcher Profile
  • Dimensions Researcher ID
  • Other Profiles

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researcher id (web of science)

What is a Web of Science Researcher Profile?

Your  Web of Science Researcher Profile allows you to build and manage your Web of Science ResearcherID  and keep track of all your publications, peer reviews, and journal editing.   

Note: The citation metrics and visualisations will only display for Web of Science publications.

  • Web of Science Researcher Profiles

Build and manage your Web of Science Researcher Profile

Get started.

Create an account to create and manage your author profile.

  • Web of Science - Create account

Build your profile

1. Update your profile

You can add affiliations, variant publishing names, adjust your visibility, privacy and notification settings. 2. Connect to ORCID

You can connect your Web of Science Researcher Profile to your ORCID profile. You first need to allow your researcher profile to connect to ORCID, then you can choose different sync options. 3. Add publications

Go to Profile > My records > Add publications. You can add publications via various ways:

  • Import from ORCID  (you must first connect your profile to your ORCID account)
  • Add email addresses  you've used when publishing.  Web of Science will look for matching articles.
  • Claiming Web of Science author records : If you have publications in Web of Science, you have at least one author record.
  • Import from Web of Science  (add all 'Alternative publishing names' in your profile to improve the search results)
  • Search by identifiers  like DOIs or PubMed IDs
  • Import by file upload : upload an RIS, BibTex or CSV file (from Google Scholar, Endnote or other reference management software)
  • Web of Science - Building your profile

Keep your profile up to date

You can keep your profile current with:

  • Automatic updates : Web of Science automatically adds publications to your profile for you.  This is automatically enabled for your profile, but you can opt out at any time through your profile settings.
  • ORCID syncing : connect your profile to your ORCID account, and enable syncing
  • Manual updates : Add email addresses you've used when publishing, add publications using identifiers like DOIs or PubMed IDs, or manually upload a file
  • Web of Science - Keeping your profile up to date

Useful Links

  • Web of Science Researcher Profiles - Guide to creating a researcher profile Interactive guide
  • Web of Science Researcher Profiles - Duplicate profiles Request for your profiles to be merged if you have duplicate profiles or two Web of Science ResearcherIDs
  • Web of Science Researcher Profiles - What's new This is useful if you have previously managed a Publons profile and you need to know what is different in the new Web of Science environment.
  • Web of Science Researcher Profiles - Complete overview This is useful if you've never had a researcher profile.
  • << Previous: Scopus Author ID
  • Next: Dimensions Researcher ID >>
  • Last Updated: May 30, 2023 9:29 AM
  • URL: https://utas.libguides.com/ManageID

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  • Mayo Clinic Libraries
  • General Guides
  • Maximize Your Author Impact
  • Web of Science Researcher Profiles

Maximize Your Author Impact: Web of Science Researcher Profiles

  • Introduction
  • Scopus Author Profile
  • Google Scholar Citations
  • Funding Profiles
  • Web Profiles
  • Considerations & Risks

What is Web of Science Researcher Profiles (ResearcherID)?

Web of Science Researcher Profiles is a web platform where researchers can register for a unique researcher ID number and update their profile information, build their publication list, and select to make their profile public or private. It is now fully integrated with Publons .

Web of Science Researcher Profiles is a freely available resource for the global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. 

Find out more information about Web of Science Researcher Profiles  here .

Having a Web of Science Researcher Profiles gives you the following benefits:

  • Accurate author identification
  • Online user profile
  • Publication list
  • Citation metrics available
  • User privacy controls
  • Collaboration with other researchers possible


Web of Science Researcher Profiles has the following limitations:

  • Need to add publications that are not indexed by Web of Science manually or import them from another source

Getting started with Web of Science Researcher Profiles at Mayo Clinic


You can register for a ResearcherID  here . You will be sent an email with a link to complete the registration. After providing some personal information, your uniqute ReseacherID is sent to you via email.

Once you have a Web of Science Researcher Profile

  • Ensure that your Web of Science Researcher Profiles / ResearcherID has matched all your publications correctly. The information tied to the publications tied to your profile will affect your h-index.
  • log in to Publons using their ORCID account
  • export publications from their Publons profile to ORCID either automatically when Publons is updated or as a one-time action
  • export verified reviews from their Publons profile to ORCID either automatically when Publons is updated or as a one-time action
  • import publications from ORCID either automatically when ORCID is updated or as a one-time action
  • See more information on the ORCID website .
  • << Previous: Scopus Author Profile
  • Next: Google Scholar Citations >>
  • Last Updated: Oct 20, 2023 9:43 AM
  • URL: https://libraryguides.mayo.edu/researcherprofiles

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Web of Science Core Collection Help

A ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the ecosystem (i.e., , , and ) and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information.

Having a ResearcherID helps to:

Assigning a unique ResearcherID to every researcher with at least one publication on the , standardizes and clarifies author names and citations, and makes your information search straightforward and accessible. 

We fully integrated ResearcherID across collections, profiles, and . It can also link to your ORCiD to ensure you’re properly credited for your work across the web.

Expand the table to view a list of researchers who have claimed a publication using their ResearcherID or ORCiD identifiers.

The table includes:

ResearcherID of all authors who have claimed the publication. The hyperlink takes you to the author's ResearcherID, hosted on publons.com where you can view all the records in the author's publication list. profile.

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID, Inc.) is a non-profit organization that aims to solve the author/contributor name ambiguity problem in scholarly communication by creating a central registry of unique identifiers. These identifiers can be used within various systems you may interact with in your professional research workflow, including manuscript submission.

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.

For more information, go to the home page.

Because articles are self-claiming, the name of the person appearing in the table may not have authored the article you see in the full record. 

For example, a student researcher may create an account on ORCID and include articles on their publication list their professor wrote. So, If you click on orcid.org, you will see articles on the student researcher's list they didn't write.

Visit the to learn more about ResearcherID.

© 2020 Clarivate AnalyticsLast modified: 01/16/2020


Unique Author Identifiers

  • Scopus AuthorID
  • Web of Science ResearcherID

How do I find my ResearcherID?

In Web of Science , select Author Search to get to the author search page. 

Enter your first and last name. If your name is common, you may be asked to enter in more inforamtion.

Find yourself on the resulting list.  Be sure to thoroughly examine the results to see whether your publications are split between multiple authors on the list.  If that's the case, you'll want to merge the corresponding ResearcherIDs.

In  Publons , browse for your name. If your name appears in the list, select it and your ResearcherID will appear in the top-right corner of your profile.

If you do not how up in the Publons search results, you can register for a profile.

What is ResearcherID?

A ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects an author to their work in the Clarivate ecosystem, which includes Web of Science and Publons . A ResearcherID is minted for every author with at least one publication indexed in the Web of Science. Researchers can also claim a ResearcherID in Publons to showcase their work. 

What kind of information is shared on my ResearcherID profile?

In  Web of Science , your author profile displays any of your publications that are indexed in the database, as well as citation metrics that are associated with your research.

Learn more about Author Records and the author search in Web of Science.

In Publons , your profile is the public facing element of your Publons account where other members can see the publications, verified peer reviews, verified editorial board memberships, and editor records that make up your verified record of contributions to research.

Learn more about what can be included on your Publons profile.

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Research Impact Factors

  • ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Google Scholar Citation
  • Citation tools
  • Measuring Researcher Impact
  • Measuring Journal Impact
  • Maximizing Research Impact
  • University Rankings

ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers and supports automated linkages between you and your research activities. For example, funding organisations, such as ARC, NHMRC, are requesting ORCID ID in grant submissions; publishers are requesting ORCID IDs during manuscript submissions.

The University Research Committee has mandated ORCID as the unique persistent researcher identifer to be used by the University of Canberra in its November 2015 meeting.

Use your ORCID ID when you apply for grants, submit publications, for PDRs. Include your ORCID ID in your email signature. ORCID recommends that ID's be displayed as a URI with hyphens between every 4th digit, as such: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-2345-6789

Once registered in ORCID, you can import the papers from ResearcherID (Web of Science) and Scopus:

  • Login to your ORCID record.
  • Under Works section 
  • Click on "+Add works" and then "Search & link".
  • Follow the on screen prompts to send your papers to ORCID.

Importing publications from Google Scholar to ORCID:

  • Login to your ORCID record
  • Click "+Add works" and then "Import BibTeX"
  • Follow these instructions:  http://support.orcid.org/knowledgebase/articles/390530

You can also search for and add papers manually:

  • Login to your ORCID record. 
  • Click "+Add works" under the Works section of your profile.
  • Review the search results or enter information manually to add papers to your profile.

ResearcherID (Web of Science)

By using the MyResearcherID feature in Web of Science (Web of Knowledge), researchers are assigned an individual ID number that stays with them, regardless on institutional affiliation, thus allowing their research to be more easily tracked.

Once your MyResearcherID is created, your publications listed in the Web of Science database are added to your profile - thus ensuring accuracy in tracking your publication history and making it faster to track how your work is cited. 

Publications can be added to ResearcherID from Web of Knowledge by selecting the “I Wrote These Publications” button.

How to export Web of Science publications into ORCID?

  • Login or register for ResearcherID
  • Click on ResearcherID
  • Select the appropriate action: To associate your ORCID with your ResearcherID account
  • Click Continue
  • Login to ORCID
  • Click Authorise for the data exchange between the two systems. This will return you to ResearcherID
  • Decide “What data would you like to exchange between ResearcherID and ORCID?” e.g. Profile ID, Send ResearcherID publications into my ORCID account, or Retrieve ORCID publications into my ResearcherID account
  • Select: Send ResearcherID publications to my ORCID account.
  • Click Send. This will send 100 publications at a time. (Grants & patents are not at the moment accepted by ORCID.)
  • Delete duplicates

Note: ORCID does not track citations. Times Cited will not display in ORCID.

Scopus Author ID

Scopus Author Identifier distinguishes between similar names by assigning each author in Scopus a unique number and grouping together all of the documents written by that author.

For more information see Scopus Author Identifier .  

How to import Scopus publications into ORCID?

  • Login to your ORCID record.  
  • Click on "Import Research Activities" and then "Scopus to ORCID".
  • Follow the on screen prompts to send your Scopus ID and papers to ORCID.
  • Click  Authorise
  • Select your Scopus profiles

At Scopus, it is easy for researchers to freely import their research papers to ORCID through a direct link on the author detail page, shown as follows:

Google Scholar Citation Profile

Creating your Google Scholar Citation profile will make sure that Google Scholar will easily and accurately group all the citations of your publications into one pool.   A profile generally lists your name, chosen keywords of research interest, generated citation metrics, and citations (including links to citing articles). 

In order to create a Google Scholar Citation profile, you need a Google Account.   Once the profile is set up, it will automatically update. 

For more information see the Google Scholar Citations help page.

How to create the profile?

1. Sign to your Google account, or create one if you don't have one. 2. After you sign in, the Citations sign up form will ask you to confirm the spelling of your name, to enter your affiliation, etc. 3. On the next page, you will see a list of articles. Add the articles that are yours. 4. Once you're done with adding articles, it will ask you what to do when the article data changes in Google Scholar. You can either have the updates applied to your profile automatically or you can choose to review them beforehand. 5.Finally, you will see your profile.Once you are satisfied with the results, make your profile public.

How to import Google Scholar publications into ORCID

ORCID has created a tool that allows you to import citations from BibTeX (.bib) files into your ORCID record, including files exported from Google Scholar and other popular citation management tools.

  • ORCID: Import and export links with BibTeX
  • << Previous: Researcher Profile
  • Next: Measuring Journal Impact >>
  • Last Updated: Jul 9, 2024 10:04 AM
  • URL: https://canberra.libguides.com/research_impact_factors


Managing your Academic Identity

  • What are Author IDs & Profiles
  • Benefits of Using Author IDs
  • Recommendations for Use
  • Pros of using ORCID
  • ORCID Registration
  • ORCID Account Settings
  • Authorizing Others to Manage Your ORCID Account
  • Add Works to your ORCID Record
  • Importing Works from Publons
  • Add your ORCID to Academ
  • Get Your ResearcherID

How to Get Your ResearcherID

  • Edit Your Publons Profile
  • Import Publications
  • Connecting Publons with ORCID
  • Displaying Publons Profile
  • Add your ResearcherID to Academ
  • Create Your Profile
  • Merging your Scopus Profile
  • How to Create Alerts
  • Connecting Scopus ID to ORCID
  • Viewing Profile
  • Google Scholar

Don't forget

To increase your research presence and visibility we recommend you to register your author profiles in Academ

To obtain a ResearcherID , create a Publons account and then import records from Web of Science. A Researcher ID will automatically be assigned for you overnight.

1. Go to Web of Science .

2. Select Publons .

3. Click on " Register" . Enter your name, email address and password and click on the Register button. A registration invitation link will be emailed to you. Click on it and authenticate the account .

4. Click on “ Continue ” to bring up your Publons profile. Click on “ Tie your profile to your Web of Science records by claiming your Research ID ”, in order to link your publications indexed in Web of Science and obtain your ResearcherID.

Use your institutional email (@iese.edu) for new registration. Input Univ Navarra, IESE Business Sch  for institution under your affiliations settings. Add alternative publishing names under your profile settings.

If you already have a ResearcherID or Web of Science account, you can log in using those credentials and start using Publons.

  • << Previous: Publons & ResearcherID
  • Next: Edit Your Publons Profile >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 29, 2022 12:44 PM
  • URL: https://iese.libguides.com/c.php?g=686639
  • Author Record
  • Web of Science ResearcherID

Publons is a free resource for the global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. You get a Web of Science ResearcherID number if you claim your Web of Science publications in your Publons profile. This number doesn't change, even if you change your name or institution affiliation.

You can create an online profile to show your publication history. Publons draws a connection between you and your work, and assures an accurate record of output and attribution. Your colleagues can quickly find your published work and identify you as a potential collaborator. A Publons profile is used by researchers to claim, manage, and showcase their work. Researchers can:

  • claim their publications in the Web of Science
  • manage and show their full publication history
  • track their Web of Science Core Collection times cited counts and h-index
  • track their peer review history and editorial board memberships for scholarly journals
  • identify potential collaborators
  • help avoid author misidentification

Use Publons to track your publications, citation metrics, peer reviews, and journal editing work in a single, easy-to-maintain profile:

  • All your publications are imported from Web of Science , ORCID, or your bibliographic reference manager (e.g., EndNote or Mendeley).
  • Trusted citation metrics are automatically imported from the Web of Science Core Collection.
  • Correct author attribution, with your unique Web of Science ResearcherID automatically added to the publications you claim in Web of Science collections.
  • Your verified peer review and journal editing history is powered by partnerships with thousands of scholarly journals.
  • Downloadable record summarizing your scholarly impact as an author, editor and peer reviewer.

Publons links directly to the Web of Science , so researchers can claim and manage their Web of Science publication history, and display their history next to their peer review and journal editing history.

Sign In and Registration

If you're a member of Publons, sign in by typing your Publons email address and a valid password. If you're not a member, register by clicking Register from the homepage. The email address you use to register will be your contact email address and the email address you use to sign into Publons. We keep your email information confidential. Alternatively, if you're registered with Web of Science or EndNote , you can use those credentials to sign into Publons.


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  3. Web of Science ResearcherID

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  5. PDJH WOS TUTORIAL: How to search for researcher profile and view their Web of Science Researcher ID

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  6. Your Web of Science Researcher Profile : Web of Science

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  4. Web of Science ResearcherID

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  6. How to Use Scopus Author ID to Track Publications, Citation and h-index


  1. Web of Science ResearcherID

    A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the Web of Science ecosystem (e.g., Web of Science, Publons, and InCites) and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information. Web of Science Group products (Web of Science, Publons, InCites, EndNote) use a ...

  2. Web of Science ResearcherID

    A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that differentiates researchers in the Web of Science. What has a ResearcherID? Any algorithmically generated author record in the Web of Science Core Collection. Any Web of Science researcher profile. Having a ResearcherID does not mean that the author record has been claimed by the researcher.

  3. Web of Science ResearcherID

    A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that differentiates researchers in the Web of Science. What has a ResearcherID? Any algorithmically generated author record in the Web of Science Core Collection. Any Web of Science researcher profile. Having a ResearcherID does not mean that the author record has been claimed by the researcher.

  4. Web of Science

    Web of Science is a leading scientific research platform offering comprehensive data, metrics, and insights across disciplines.

  5. About Web of Science Researcher Profiles

    Web of Science Researcher Profiles provide an overview of a researcher's scholarly works, including publications in the Core Collection, publications outside of the Core Collection, peer reviews, grant reviews, and editorial board memberships. The features and content visible to you in the profile depend on your level of entitlement to the ...

  6. Researcher Identifiers & Profiles: Web of Science Researcher ID

    Having a Web of Science Researcher ID helps to: Solve author identity issues. Ensure correct attribution between you and your publications on the Web of Science.; Add dynamic citation metrics from the Web of Science Core Collection and other missing metadata to publication records on your Publons profile, Web of Science, InCites, etc.; Keep your ORCID up to date by linking it to your Web of ...

  7. Web of Science Researcher ID

    A Web of Science Researcher ID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the Web of Science ecosystem and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information. In order to create your Researcher ID, you need to register. After that, you can update your personal information and records.

  8. Web of Science

    Web of Science

  9. Web of Science Core Collection Help

    index Web of Science ResearcherID. A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the Web of Science ecosystem (i.e.,Web of Science, Publons, and InCites) and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information.. Having a Web of Science ResearcherID helps:. solve author identity issues

  10. ResearcherID

    ResearcherID and Publons are also integrated with Web of Science and ORCID, enabling data to be exchanged between these databases. [3] ResearcherID has been criticized for being commercial and proprietary, [4] but also praised as "an initiative addressing the common problem of author misidentification". [5]

  11. Web of Science Researcher Profiles

    Web of Science will look for matching articles. Claiming Web of Science author records: If you have publications in Web of Science, you have at least one author record. Import from Web of Science (add all 'Alternative publishing names' in your profile to improve the search results) Search by identifiers like DOIs or PubMed IDs

  12. Registering and Signing in the Web of Science

    Click the Sign in drop down on top menu bar and choose Sign in. Enter your email address . Enter you password. Click "Sign in". Note: You can use any connected account (Facebook, ORCID, LinkedIn, Google, WeChat) to sign in to your Web of Science Researcher Profile. You can connect these account via the Settings page once your are signed in. If you have registered using connected social ...

  13. Maximize Your Author Impact: Web of Science Researcher Profiles

    Web of Science Researcher Profiles is a web platform where researchers can register for a unique researcher ID number and update their profile information, build their publication list, and select to make their profile public or private. It is now fully integrated with Publons.. Web of Science Researcher Profiles is a freely available resource for the global, multi-disciplinary scholarly ...

  14. Web of Science Core Collection Help

    A Web of Science ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects you to your publications across the Web of Science ecosystem (i.e., Web of Science, Publons, and InCites) and provides the global research community with an invaluable index to author information. Having a Web of Science ResearcherID helps to: solve author identity issues.

  15. LibGuides: Unique Author Identifiers: Web of Science ResearcherID

    A ResearcherID is a unique identifier that connects an author to their work in the Clarivate ecosystem, which includes Web of Science and Publons. A ResearcherID is minted for every author with at least one publication indexed in the Web of Science. Researchers can also claim a ResearcherID in Publons to showcase their work.

  16. Web of Science

    Web of Science is a leading platform for scientific research and citation data, covering all disciplines and sources.

  17. ORCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID, Google Scholar Citation

    By using the MyResearcherID feature in Web of Science (Web of Knowledge), researchers are assigned an individual ID number that stays with them, regardless on institutional affiliation, thus allowing their research to be more easily tracked.. Once your MyResearcherID is created, your publications listed in the Web of Science database are added to your profile - thus ensuring accuracy in ...

  18. Introduction to your Web of Science Researcher Profile

    To view your researcher profile please use one of the following methods: On the side navigation panel click on 'person icon'. Click on the side navigation panel "Menu", then click on 'Profile' and 'My researcher profile'. Your Web of Science researcher profile is broken into four distinct sections: Profile card. Metrics panel.

  19. LibGuides: Managing your Academic Identity: Get Your ResearcherID

    A Researcher ID will automatically be assigned for you overnight. 1. Go to Web of Science. 2. Select Publons. 3. Click on "Register". Enter your name, email address and password and click on the Register button. A registration invitation link will be emailed to you.

  20. Home

    1948 - Utilizar Web of Science para identificar los documentos más relevantes. 19/09/2024 : Abierto : 1947 - Utilizar operadores booleanos y guardar mis consultas en Web of Science. 18/09/2024 : Abierto : 1946 - Mis primeros pasos con Web of Science. 17/09/2024 : Abierto : II Ciclo Formación Online Web of Science (17-19 de septiembre de 2024 ...

  21. Researcher Search

    Searching for an Author Record. Any author with a paper indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection has an author record. You can search for an author by name or their author identifier. (Web of Science ResearcherID or ORCID). To find an author by name, enter both a last name and first name or initial (s). You can include a hyphen, a space ...

  22. Web of Science Researcher Profile Settings

    Access your researcher profile settings. You can access your Profile Settings while viewing your profile by clicking on the edit pencil button in the top right corner of your profile card. You may also access these via the side navigation bar. First click on the menu button found in the side navigation bar. From here please click on the 'EDIT ...

  23. Author Search

    Note: Author Search is only available in the Web of Science Core Collection.. Use author search to search for an author and see their author record contains a set of documents likely authored by the same person..Author Search helps identify articles likely authored by the same person. In the appropriate fields, find an author by typing their last name followed by their first name.

  24. Publons

    Publons is a free resource for the global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. You get a Web of Science ResearcherID number if you claim your Web of Science publications in your Publons profile. This number doesn't change, even if you change your name or institution affiliation.