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Home > Books > Cement Industry - Optimization, Characterization and Sustainable Application

Introductory Chapter: Cement Industry

Published: 09 June 2021

DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.95053

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Cement Industry - Optimization, Characterization and Sustainable Application

Edited by Hosam El-Din Mostafa Saleh

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Author Information

Abeer m. el-sayed.

  • Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Al Azhar University, Egypt

Abeer A. Faheim

Aida a. salman, hosam m. saleh *.

  • Radioisotope Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt

*Address all correspondence to: [email protected]

1. Introduction

Cement is a capital-intensive, energy-consuming and critical sector for the construction of nation-wide infrastructure. The international cement industry, while constituting a limited share of the world’s output has been rising at an increasing pace compared to the local demand in recent years. Attempts to protect the environment in developing countries, particularly Europe have forced cement manufacturing plants to migrate to countries with less strict environmental regulations. Along with consistently rising real prices, this has provided a trend for economic performance and environmental enforcement [ 1 ].

It is worth noting that cement is known to be one of the most important construction materials in the world. It is primarily used in the manufacture of concrete. Concrete is a combination of inert mineral aggregates such as sand, gravel, crushed stones and cement. Consumption and production of cement are directly connected to the building sector and thus to the general economic activity. Cement is one of the most developed goods in the world, due to its importance as a building material and the geographical availability of the main raw materials, i.e. limestone, cement is manufactured in almost all countries. The widespread development is also due to the comparatively low price and high density of cement, which, due to the relatively high costs, decreases ground transport. Export trade (excluding border-based plants) is typically limited relative to global production.

Cement-based materials, such as concrete and mortars, are used in very significant amounts. For example, concrete production amounted to more than 10 billion tonnes in 2009. Cement plays an important role in terms of economic and social importance as it is necessary to develop and enhance infrastructure. This sector, on the other hand, is also a strong polluter. Cement processing emits 5–6% of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activity, accounting for around 4% of global warming. It may emit vast quantities of chronic chemical contaminants, such as dioxins and heavy metals and particulate matter. Energy use is also important. Cement production accounts for about 0.6% of all electricity generated in the United States. In the other hand, the chemistry driving the manufacture of cement and its applications can be very beneficial in solving these environmental concerns.

Cement manufacturing is an extremely energy-intensive method of processing. The energy consumption is measured at around 2% of global primary energy consumption, or approximately 5% of total manufacturing energy consumption [ 2 ], regarding to the prevalent use of carbon-intensive fuels, e.g. coal, in the manufacture of clinkers. In addition to energy consumption, the clinker process also releases CO 2 as a result of the calcination process. Ecofys Energy and Climate and Berkeley National Laboratory therefore carried out an appraisal for the IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Program on the role of the cement industry in the development of CO 2 and the options for lowering carbon dioxide emissions. This discuss the historical development and global distribution of cement production [ 3 ].

Moreover, the cement industry needs raw materials, fuel and chemical additives, and these activities generate emissions which have a negative effect on the quality of the atmosphere. The gas emissions emitted are CO 2 , CH 4 , NOx, SOx, N 2 O and particulate matter.

These emissions have an effect on the rise in global warming and the decrease in atmospheric air quality, which has an impact on human health and the atmosphere [ 4 ].

However, cement is the second primary source of anthropogenic pollution, source for about 7% of global CO 2 emissions. The technology for carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is considered by the International Energy Agency (IEA) to be a crucial technology capable of lowering CO 2 emissions in the cement sector by 56% by 2050. CO 2 capture technologies for the cement production process and analyses economic and financial problems relevant to carbon dioxide capture in the cement production has an important trend for study [ 5 ].

The overall CO 2 emissions from cement manufacturing, including process and energy-related emissions has a significant interest. Actually, much of the relevant evidence only covers process pollution. CO 2 pollution control solutions for the cement industry are also discussed. In 1994, the projected gross carbon emissions from cement manufacturing is 307 million metric tonnes of carbon (MtC), 160 MtC from process carbon emissions and 147 MtC from electricity usage. Overall, the top 10 cement-producing countries accounted for 63% of the total carbon emissions from cement manufacturing in 1994. The estimated strength of carbon dioxide emissions from global cement output is 222 kg of C/t of cement. Emissions reduction solutions include enhancing energy quality, new methods, transitioning to low-carbon oil, using waste oils, the use of additives in cement processing, and gradually eliminating substitute cements and CO 2 from flue gas in clinker kilns [ 6 ].

Contamination of the atmosphere in the area of cement factories, e.g. some cement emissions around it, it may be claimed that CaO percentages were found to be higher (37.7%) particularly in surface soil samples taken near the cement factory. Based on the geo-accumulation index, soils in the study area could be graded as moderately to highly contaminate with (As, Cd, Pb and Ni) and highly contaminated with Cr, whereas soils in the study region were moderately polluted with Zn. On the other hand, the soils of the sample region are considerably polluted with As, Cd and Cu (5 > EF > 20) on the basis of the Enrichment Factor (EF). The most hazardous areas are clustered within 0 to 2 km of the cement plant [ 7 ].

As the health history of factory employees and certain inhabitants of nearby areas indicates a high incidence of respiratory and skin infections. Regulation of the regulations on pollution enforcement and the establishment of a buffer zone around the cement factory can protect the atmosphere and public health [ 8 ].

Egypt increased cement production from 4 million tonnes in 1975 to 46 million tonnes in 2009 and now accounts for about 1.5 percent of global cement supply. Dust emissions account for around 6% of PM10 in Greater Cairo, hitting as much as 30% in areas near cement plants. New regulatory requirements, due to be approved in 2010, would-the emissions of dust from 300 to 100 mg/m 3 for existing plants and from 100 to 50 mg/m 3 for new plants. Online tracking of the 72 main stacks in the 16 cement plants by the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) offers real-time details on the emissions of carbon. New plants are 98% compliant and older plants are 92% compliant with pollution standards. No manual monitoring of SO X and NO X pollution is performed. Cleaner development and pollution control prospects for the cement sector include: i) the use of alternative fuels in cement kilns; ii) the reduction of NO X ; iii) the removal of dust emissions; iv) the use of silica waste to manufacture new cement products; v) the reuse of bypass dust; and vi) the disposal of radioactive waste [ 9 ].

As far as processing is concerned, there are many alternate products that can be used to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions and limit energy consumption, such as calcium sulfoaluminate and b-Ca 2 SiO 4 -rich cements. The use of residues from other manufacturing industries will also increase the sustainability of the cement industry. Under suitable conditions, waste materials such as tires, fuels, urban solid waste and solvents can be used as additional fuel in cement plants. Concrete can be used to encapsulate discarded products such as rubber, plastics and glasses. In this manner, certain aspects of the cement industry related to environmental science are explored. Other problems, such as economic considerations, the chemistry of cement manufacturing and its properties, are also addressed. Special attention is paid to the role that cement chemistry can play in terms of sustainability. The most important elements, such as the use of substitute products, are outlined; fresh opportunities as well as the recycling of products. It is also argued that the role of research and development required to boost the sustainability of cement is a significant feature [ 10 ].

  • 1. T. Selim and A. Salem, “Global cement industry: Competitive and institutional dimensions,” 2010
  • 2. N. Martin, M. D. Levine, L. Price, and E. Worrell, “Efficient use of energy utilizing high technology: An assessment of energy use in industry and buildings,” London World Energy Counc. , 1995
  • 3. C. A. Hendriks, E. Worrell, D. De Jager, K. Blok, and P. Riemer, “Emission reduction of greenhouse gases from the cement industry,” in Proceedings of the fourth international conference on greenhouse gas control technologies , 1998, pp. 939-944
  • 4. C. Chen, G. Habert, Y. Bouzidi, and A. Jullien, “Environmental impact of cement production: detail of the different processes and cement plant variability evaluation,” J. Clean. Prod. , vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 478-485, 2010
  • 5. J. Li, P. Tharakan, D. Macdonald, and X. Liang, “Technological, economic and financial prospects of carbon dioxide capture in the cement industry,” Energy Policy , vol. 61, pp. 1377-1387, 2013
  • 6. E. Worrell, L. Price, N. Martin, C. Hendriks, and L. O. Meida, “Carbon dioxide emissions from the global cement industry,” Annu. Rev. energy Environ. , vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 303-329, 2001
  • 7. A. M. Al-Omran, S. E. El-Maghraby, E. A. Nadeem, A. M. El-Eter, and S. M. I. Al-Qahtani, “Impact of cement dust on some soil properties around the cement factory in Al-Hasa Oasis, Saudi Arabia,” Am. J Agric Env. Sci , vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 840-846, 2011
  • 8. O. Oguntoke, A. E. Awanu, and H. J. Annegarn, “Impact of cement factory operations on air quality and human health in Ewekoro Local Government Area, South-Western Nigeria,” Int. J. Environ. Stud. , vol. 69, no. 6, pp. 934-945, 2012
  • 9. Y. Askar, P. Jago, M. M. Mourad, and D. Huisingh, “The cement industry in Egypt: Challenges and innovative cleaner production solutions,” in Knowledge Collaboration & Learning for Sustainable Innovation: 14th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ERSCP) conference and the 6th Environmental Management for Sustainable Universities (EMSU) conference, Delft, The Netherland , 2010
  • 10. F. A. Rodrigues and I. Joekes, “Cement industry: sustainability, challenges and perspectives,” Environ. Chem. Lett. , vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 151-166, 2011

© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Indian Cement Industry Analysis

Indian cement demand is projected to grow by 6-7% in fy25, following a strong 7-8% yoy growth in the last quarter of fy24, advantage india, robust demand.

* India's cement production reached 374.55 million tonnes in FY23, a growth rate of 6.83% year-on-year (yoy).

* Indian cement demand is projected to grow by 6-7% in FY25, following a strong 7-8% YoY growth in the last quarter of FY24. Despite a pricing downturn due to increased competition, average cement prices declined by around 1.5% in FY24.

Robust Demand Icon

Attractive Opportunities

* Government schemes like the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) for affordable housing and PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan for infrastructure are driving cement demand. PM Gati Shakti's focus on transport networks and PMAY's expansion will further increase cement consumption in coming years.

Attractive Opportunities

Long-term Potential

* Oligopoly market, where large players have partial pricing control.

* Low threat from substitutes.

* Indian cement companies are amongst the world’s greenest cement manufacturers.

* India's top four cement companies—UltraTech, ACC-Ambuja, Shree Cement, and Dalmia Cement—are set to add over 42 million tonnes of capacity in FY25, increasing their market share from 48% in FY23 to an expected 54% by FY26. 

Long-Term Potential

Increasing Investments

* FDI inflows in the industry, related to the manufacturing of cement and gypsum products, reached Rs. 5.08 lakh crore (US$ 6.10 billion) between April 2000-December 2023.

* National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP) introduced projects worth US$ 14.59 billion (Rs. 102 lakh crore) for the next five years.

Increasing Investments

Cement Industry Report

India is the second-largest cement producer in the world and accounts for over 8% of the global installed capacity. Of the total capacity, 98% lies with the private sector and the rest with the public sector. The top 20 companies account for around 70% of the total cement production in India. As India has a high quantity and quality of limestone deposits throughout the country, the cement industry promises huge potential for growth.

In 2023, the market size of India’s cement industry reached 3.96 billion tonnes and is expected to touch 5.99 billion tonnes by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.7% during 2024-32. India's cement production reached 374.55 million tonnes in FY23, a growth rate of 6.83% year-on-year (yoy).

India’s cement production for FY24 is expected to grow by 7-8% driven by infrastructure-led investment and mass residential projects.

The Indian cement sector's capacity is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4-5% over the four-year period up to the end of FY27. It would thus begin the 2028 financial year at 715-725 MT/ year in installed capacity.

Cement consumption is expected to reach 450.78 million tonnes by the end of FY27.

At present, the Installed capacity of cement in India is 570 MTPA with a production of 298 MTPA.

Cement production increased by 7.3% in February 2023 over February 2022. Its cumulative index increased by 9.7% during April-February, 2022-23 over the corresponding period of the previous year.

The Cement sector has received good investments and support from the Government in the recent past.

In 2023, infrastructure emerged as the top sector, attracting US$ 11.6 billion across 57 deals, marking a 29% year-on-year growth (compared to US$ 9 billion across 75 deals in 2022), representing the second-highest investment level ever in PE/VC.

Real estate followed closely as the second-largest sector in 2023, witnessing a record-high of US$ 8 billion across 55 deals, reflecting a 15% increase year-on-year (compared to US$ 6.9 billion across 95 deals in 2022), marking the highest-ever value of PE/VC investments in this sector.

The real estate sector received the highest value of PE/VC investments in Q1 (January-March) of 2023 at US$ 5 billion, registering a year-over-year 123% growth.

In October 2023, the real estate sector received the second-highest PE/VC investments at US$ 601 million across six deals.

In April 2023, the infrastructure and real estate asset class recorded US$ 3 billion in PE/VC investments, an 82% increase y-o-y and a 3% increase over March 2023.

In 2022, PE/VC investments in real estate and infrastructure stood at US$ 5.81 billion across 71 deals and US$ 7.9 billion across 47 deals respectively.

PE/VC investments in real estate and infrastructure witnessed a sharp growth of 27%, at US$ 13.7 billion in December 2022 as compared to US$ 10.7 billion in December 2021

FDI inflows in the industry, related to the manufacturing of cement and gypsum products, reached US$ 6.10 billion between April 2000-December 2023.

JSW Group initiates IPO process for JSW Cement, aiming to raise Rs. 6,000 crore (~US$ 723 million), potentially the largest in the sector, with an array of bankers enlisted. Plans include diluting 10-15% stake, with further dilution over two years for capacity expansion to 60 MTPA.

Shree Cement announces US$ 844 million (Rs. 7,000 crore) investment for 12 million tonnes capacity expansion in India, including clinker manufacturing plants in Rajasthan and Karnataka, along with cement plants in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka by March 2025.

UltraTech Cement Limited pledged Rs. 1,000 crore (US$ 120.3 million), while Star Cement committed Rs. 650 crore (US$ 78.3 million) on the inaugural day, December 13, of the Bihar Business Connect-2023 Global Investors Summit at Gyan Bhawan, Patna. 15 prominent companies in general manufacturing also signed Memorandums of Understandings.

In June 2023, Shree Cement announced four planned capacity expansion projects that aim to increase its installed cement production capacity by 20% to 55.9 MT/year. 

In June 2022, UltraTech Cement approved Rs. 12,886 crore (US$ 1.65 billion) capital expenditure to increase capacity by 22.6 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) through brownfield and greenfield projects.

PE/VC investments in real estate and infrastructure stood at US$ 338 million and US$ 795 million respectively in September 2022.

India's cement production was expected to range between 380-390 million tonnes in FY23, a growth rate of 8-9% year-on-year (yoy).

Cement production in India increased by 12.1% in September 2022 compared to September 2021.

Adani Group will set up two new cement manufacturing plants, 15,000 MW of renewable power projects, and a data centre in Andhra Pradesh.

In November 2023, ACC received a renewed licence for its Rajasthan limestone mine, allowing it to increase its extraction of limestone there to 1.5 million tonnes per year. 

In December 2023, UltraTech Cement concluded an agreement to acquire Kesoram Cement from Kesoram Industries for US$ 912 million.

In October 2023, UltraTech Cement announced planned new capital expenditure (CAPEX) investments worth US$ 1.56 billion to grow its production capacity, beginning in the 2026 financial year.

In October 2023, Dalmia Bharat announced a planned investment of US$ 10.9 million in a grinding unit expansion at its 1 million tonnes/year Banjari cement plant in Bihar.

An MoU was signed between Star Cement Limited and the Government of Assam for an investment worth Rs. 1,400 crore (US$ 170.9 million) for setting up a Cement Grinding unit in Guwahati and another Cement Grinding unit in Cachar and AEC Block and other construction manufacturing units in Guwahati.

Ramco Cements is planning to invest a total of US$ 91.3 million towards growing its capacity in FY24. Its planned investments consist of US$ 15.8 million in an expansion to its Haridaspur grinding plant in Odisha and US$ 75.5 million in the acquisition of land in Bommanalli, Karnataka, on which to establish a limestone mine.

Dalmia Cement (Bharat) is planning to invest US$ 560 million following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Assam government on the construction of a new cement plant in the state.

In October 2022, UltraTech announced that it has been granted Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) certificates for four of its cement products, which are Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC), Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC), Portland Slag Cement (PSC) and PCC (Portland Composite Cement).

As per the Union Budget 2022-23, there was a higher allocation for infrastructure to the tune of US$ 26.74 billion in roads and US$ 18.84 billion in railways is likely to boost demand for cement.

Under the housing for all segments, 8 million households will be identified according to Rs. 48,000 crore (US$ 6.44 billion) set aside for PM Awas Yojana.

The government approved an outlay of Rs. 199,107 crore (US$ 26.74 billion) for the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, and this step is likely to boost the demand for cement.

Several government schemes such as MGNREGA, PM Garib Kalyan Rozgar Abhiyan and state-level schemes such as Matir Srisht (West Bengal) and public work schemes (Jharkhand) have aided demand

In October 2021, Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi, launched the ‘PM Gati Shakti - National Master Plan (NMP)’ for multimodal connectivity. Gati Shakti will bring synergy to create a world-class, seamless multimodal transport network in India. This will boost the demand for cement in the future.

Growth in the Infrastructure and real estate sector, post-COVID-19 pandemic, is likely to augment the demand for cement in 2022. The industry is likely to add an ~8 MTPA capacity in cement production.

India’s export of panel cement, clinkers, and asbestos cement products stood at US$ 682.32 million in FY23 while the imports were US$ 288.42 million.

As per DGCIS, India’s export of Portland cement, aluminous cement, slag cement, supersulphate cement and similar hydraulic cement stood at US$ 118.15 million in FY21. India exported cement to countries such as Sri Lanka, Nepal, the US, the UAE and Bangladesh.

The Government of India is strongly focused on infrastructure development to boost economic growth and is aiming for 100 smart cities. The Government also intends to expand the capacity of railways and the facilities for handling and storage to ease the transportation of cement and reduce transportation costs. These measures would lead to increased construction activity, thereby boosting cement demand.

The future outlook of the cement sector looks on track with the pandemic easing out.

In the next 10 years, India could become the main exporter of clinker and grey cement to the Middle East, Africa, and other developing nations of the world. Cement plants near the ports, for instance, the plants in Gujarat and Visakhapatnam, will have an added advantage for export and will logistically be well-armed to face stiff competition from cement plants in the interior of the country. India’s cement production capacity is expected to reach 550 MT by 2025. The cement demand in India is estimated to touch 419.92 MT by FY27 driven by the expanding demand of different sectors, i.e., housing, commercial construction, and industrial construction.

Related News

Indian cement producers are set to invest US$ 14.89 billion (Rs. 1.25 trillion) in capacity building by FY27, with stable credit risk profiles and strong demand driving growth.

Provisional data reveals a 1.2% increase in primary aluminium production in FY25 (April-June) to 10.43 lakh tons, with India maintaining its position as a top global producer of aluminium, lime, and iron ore.

Indian dealmaking soared in the second quarter of 2024 with 501 deals valued at US$ 21.4 billion, driven by strong M&A and PE activity.

The combined Index of Eight Core Industries (ICI) rose by 6.2% in April 2024, with growth in Electricity, Natural Gas, Coal, Steel, Refinery Products, Crude Oil, and Cement.

Cement industry plans to add 150-160 million tonne capacity by FY28, driven by infrastructure demand and market consolidation.

Cement Clusters

  • Andhra Pradesh
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Chhattisgarh

Cement Clusters in India

Industry Contacts

  • Indian Concrete Institute
  • National Council for Cement and Building Materials
  • Cement Manufacturers' Association (CMA)

Cement India

Cement India

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  • 2 semi wet process


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GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT CEMENT INDUSTRY • Cement is a basic material for building and civil engineering construction. • Cement is a finely ground, non-metallic, inorganic powder when mixed with water forms a paste that sets and hardens. • World cement production has grown steadily since the early 1950s, withincreased production in developing countries, particularly in Asia.

CEMENT PRODUCTION IN THE UEAND THE WORLD • Producers in the European Union have increased cement output per man/year from 1700 tonnes in 1970 to 3500 in 1991. • As a result of the introduction of larger scale production units. • The number of people employed in the cement industry in the European Union is now less than 60000.

EMISSIONS The emissions from cement plants which cause greatest concern are: • Nitrogen oxides (NOx) • Sulphur dioxide (SO2) • Dust • Carbon oxides (CO, CO2) • Volatile organic compounds • Polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) • Metals and their compounds

APPLIED PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES • It begins with the decomposition of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) at about 900°C to leave calcium oxide (CaO, lime) and liberate gaseous carbon dioxide (CO2). CALCINATION

MAIN PROCESS ROUTES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CEMENT • There are four main process routes: 1) Dry process: raw materials are ground and dried to raw meal in the form of a flowable powder. 2) Semi-wet process: the slurry is first dewatered in filter presses.

MAIN PROCESS ROUTES FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF CEMENT 3) Semi-dry process: dry raw meal is pelletised with water and fed into a grate preheater before the kiln or to a long kiln equipped with crosses. 4) Wet process, the raw materials (often with high moisture content) are ground in water to form a pumpable slurry.

SUB-PROCESSES • Winning of raw materials • Raw materials storage and preparation • Fuels storage and preparation • Clinker burning • Cement grinding and storage • Packing and dispatch

TECHNIQUES TO CONSIDER THE DETERMINATION OF BAT • Consumption of raw materials • Reduce the total consumption of raw materials. • Use of energy • To optimise the input of energy. • Process selection • The selected process will affect the releases of all pollutants, and will also have a significant effect on the energy use. • General techniques • Optimisation of the clinker burning process is usually done to reduce the heat consumption, to improve the clinker quality and to increase the lifetime of the equipment • Reduction of emissions, such as NOx, SO2 and dust, are secondary effects of this optimisation.

TECHNIQUES TO CONSIDER THE DETERMINATION OF BAT • Careful selection and control of substances entering the kiln can reduce emissions. • Specific techniques • Control NOx emissions • Control SO2 emissions • Control dust emissions • Control other emissions to air

DUST EMISSIONS • Main point sources: • Kiln systems • Clinker coolers • Cement mills • Techniques for controlling it: • Electrostatic precipitators • Fabric filters • Fugitive dust abatement

ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS • Generate an electrostatic field. • The particles become negatively charged and migrate towards positively charged collection plates. • The collection plates are vibrated periodically, dislodging the material so that it falls. CONDITIONS • High temperatures (up to approximately 400ºC). • High humidity.

ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS • Efficiency is affected by: • Flue gas flow rate • Strength of the electric field • Particulate loading rate • SO2 concentration • Moisture content • Shape and area of the electrodes

ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATORS • Electronics precipitators can reduce levels down to 5-15 mg/m3 as monthly average. • Besides dust, the EP also removes substances that adsorb to the dust particles, such as dioxins and metals if present. • EPs are not installed if emissions at startups and shut downs are very high.

FABRIC FILTERS • Fabric membrane which is permeable to gas but which will retain the dust. • As the dust cake thickens, the gas pressure drop across the filter increases Periodic cleaning • The use of modern fabric filters can reduce dust emissions to below 5 mg/m3. • Also removes substances that adsorb to the dust particles, such as dioxins and metals.

FUGITIVE DUST ABATEMENT • Fugitive emission sources mainly arise from storage and handling of substances and from vehicle traffic at the manufacturing site. • Some techniques for fugitive dust abatement are: • Open pile wind protection • Water spray and chemical dust suppressors • Paving, road wetting and housekeeping • Mobile and stationary vacuum cleaning • Ventilation and collection in fabric filters • Closed storage with automatic handling system

BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES FOR THE CEMENT INDUSTRY • The BAT for the production of cement clinker is considered to be a dry process kiln with multi-stage preheating and precalcination. • Process control optimisation. • The use of modern, gravimetric solid fuel feed systems. • Preheating and precalcination to the extent possible, considering the existing kiln system configuration. • The use of modern clinker coolers.

BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES FOR THE CEMENT INDUSTRY • Heat recovery from waste gas. • Power management systems. • Grinding equipment and other electricity based equipment with high energy efficiency. • Careful selection and control of substances entering the kiln can reduce emissions.

BAT FOR REDUCING DUST EMISSIONS • The combination of the above described general primary measures and: • Minimisation/prevention of dust emissions from fugitive sources. • Efficient removal of particulate matter from point sources by application of: - Electrostatic precipitators with fast measuring and control equipment to minimise thenumber of CO trips. - Fabric filters with multiple compartments and ‘burst bag detectors’. • The BAT emission level associated with these techniques is 20-30 mg dust/m3 on a daily average basis.

EMERGING TECHNIQUES IN THE CEMENT INDUSTRY • Fluidised bed cement manufacturing technology • Staged combustion combined with SNCR

FLUIDISED BED CEMENT MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY • Consists of a suspension preheater (SP), a spouted bed granulating kiln (SBK), a fluidised bed sintering kiln (FBK), a fluidised bed quenching cooler (FBK) and a packed bed cooler. • SP: conventional 4-stage cyclone preheater. • Granulating kiln: granulating the raw meal into granules of about 1,5-2,5 mm diameter at a 1300ºC.

FLUIDISED BED CEMENT MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY • The sintering of the granules is completed at a 1400ºC. • The fluidised bed quenching cooler quickly cools the cement clinker from 1400 to 1000ºC. • The cement clinker is cooled down to about 100ºC in the packed bed cooler.

Configuration of the 20 tonnes clinker/day fluidised bed cement kiln system:

FLUIDISED BED CEMENT MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY • The final target of the technical development of the fluidised bed cement kiln system are: • Reduction of heat use by 10-12%. • Reduction of CO2 emission by 10-12%. • A NOx emission level of 380 mg/m3 or less (converted to 10% O2). • To maintain the current SOx emission level. • Reduction of construction cost by 30%. • Reduction of installation area by 30%.

STAGED COMBUSTION COMBINED WITH SNCR • In theory, a combination of staged combustion and SNCR could be comparable to SCR in performance, that is NOx emission levels of 100-200 mg/m3. • This combination is considered very promising by suppliers but is not yet proven.

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Concrete & Cement Industry Email Leads

Concrete & Cement Industry Email Leads

Concrete & Cement Industry Email List database also includes contractors, wholesalers and manufacturers of concrete, cement and aggregates products. The Concrete & Cement Business Database is the ideal tool to effectively build business relationships with a targeted professional audience. And the database is updated regularly with the most current company email address and phone number to a highly responsive group of professional. You can pick the right step of the ladder and contact the right decision maker or the Executive Level titles within our Concrete & Cement Industry Email and Mailing Lists. [email protected]

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Cement Production - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation on cement industry

Cement Production

Cement production portland cement by ... production clinker phases alite or 3cao sio2 or c3s hydrates & hardens quickly high early strength higher heat of hydration ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • By definition
  • a hydraulic cement produced by pulverizing clinker consisting essentially of hydraulic calcium silicates, usually containing one or more of the forms of calcium sulfate as an interground addition
  • Raw materials are ground to powder and blended.
  • Clinker is ground with gypsum (calcium sulfate) to produce portland cement
  • Fine grinding is necessary for high early strength
  • 85-95 -325 mesh (45 microns)
  • 7 trillion particles per pound
  • Gypsum absorbs water and prevents setting of C3A during shipment
  • Alite or 3CaOSiO2 or C3S
  • Hydrates hardens quickly
  • High early strength
  • Higher heat of hydration (setting)
  • Belite or 2CaO SiO2 or C2S
  • Hydrates hardens slower than alite
  • Gives off less heat
  • High late strength (gt 7 days)
  • Modern cements are manufactured to be higher in alite for early strength
  • Aluminate or 3CaO Al2O3 or C3A
  • Very high heat of hydration
  • Some contribution to early strength
  • Low C3A for sulfate resistance
  • Ferrite or 4CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 or C4AF
  • Little contribution to strength
  • Lowers clinkering temperature
  • Controls the color of cement
  • II Moderate sulfate resistance
  • III High early strength
  • IV Low heat of hydration
  • V High sulfate resistance is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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The circular cement value chain: Sustainable and profitable

Cement and concrete are the linchpins of the built environment. Its global demand has nearly tripled over the past 20 years. Yet despite cement’s ubiquity, its surrounding economy is a major contributor to global carbon dioxide emissions. 1 Thomas Czigler, Sebastian Reiter, Patrick Schulze, and Ken Somers, “ Laying the foundation for zero-carbon cement ,” McKinsey, May 14, 2020. Furthermore, 30 to 40 percent of today’s solid waste is created through the construction and maintenance of the built environment. 2 Santiago Gassó Domingo, Luis Alberto López Ruiz, Xavier Roca Ramón, “The circular economy in the construction and demolition waste sector—a review and an integrative model approach,” Journal of Cleaner Production , March 2020, Volume 248.

About the authors

With a growing number of industries and sectors moving toward net-zero emissions, a significant amount of value is at stake in cement. General EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) carbon prices have reached nearly €100 per metric ton of carbon dioxide, 3 Based on figures from Ember’s EU carbon price tracker. For more, see “EU Carbon Price Tracker,” Ember, accessed January 24, 2023. a level that could become the norm by 2030. At the same time, the cost of landfill from construction and demolition waste (CDW) affects the entire building ecosystem, exceeding €100 per metric ton. 4 “Landfill taxes and restrictions,” Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plants, updated October 28, 2021. Combined, the total value at risk from carbon dioxide and landfill could reach approximately €210 billion by 2050.

The demand for cement in the upcoming decades will likely remain consistent, which means there will be no additional value created from traditional approaches to cement production. As a result, players across the built environment must act now and explore alternative options to decrease both costs and carbon dioxide emissions. Circular technologies, such as alternative fuels, carbon curing, recarbonation, and carbon capture and storage (CCS), 5 For cement, we typically define this term as carbon capture and storage or utilization in other industries, such as chemicals. However, there are some carbon capture and utilization opportunities in construction, such as carbon curing. will be much more than niche solutions for decarbonizing the built environment. In fact, our research shows that they could help to decarbonize roughly 80 percent of total cement and concrete emissions by 2050. 6 Based on demand of four billion metric tons.

This article shows how the recirculation of carbon dioxide, materials and minerals, and energy can add €110 billion of annual net value gain to the built environment by 2050, therefore mitigating almost half of the stated value at risk. Moving forward, stakeholders across the value chain can seize the opportunity by engaging in circular business building and using circular technologies to react to evolving financial risks.

How circularity can work in cement

The cement value chain is well positioned to create closed loops, or automatically regulated systems, for carbon dioxide, materials and minerals, and energy (see sidebar “Three categories of circular technologies in cement”). This entails circular economies, which are based on the principles of eliminating waste and pollution, circulating products and materials, and regenerating nature (Exhibit 1). 7 For more on these principles, see “What is a circular economy?,” Ellen MacArthur Foundation, accessed January 24, 2023.

Three categories of circular technologies in cement

Three categories of circular technologies can help generate profit for cement players: energy, carbon dioxide, and materials and minerals.

Energy. This category comprises the use of alternative fuels from waste material and the recovery of energy and heat throughout cement and concrete production. The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) industry road map for net-zero cement forecasts the global average share of alternative fuels to reach 43 percent by 2050. 1 “Concrete future: The GCCA 2050 cement and concrete industry roadmap for net zero concrete,” GCCA, October 12, 2021.

Carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide emissions from cement and concrete production or other nearby industrial production sites can be reinserted into the value chain. Key technologies in this field include the enhanced recarbonation of construction and demolition waste (CDW), the mineralization of aggregates from concrete waste or other waste material, and carbon capture and storage (CCS).

Materials and minerals. This category includes the recirculation of waste material—for example, by directly reusing entire structures or recycling waste into gravel for road construction, aggregates for concrete, replacement for clinker, or limestone as a raw material. Waste material can come directly from CDW or other industries (for example, metal slags).

With these points in mind, circularity can work jointly with reducing carbon emissions in cement production because circular technologies follow the paradigm of three crucial decarbonization strategies: redesign, reduce, and repurpose. 8 Thomas Hundertmark, Sebastian Reiter, and Patrick Schulze, “ Green growth avenues in the cement ecosystem ,” McKinsey, December 16, 2021. To begin, addressing the total volume of materials needed—or redesigning materials, buildings, and infrastructure—can play a critical role in changing how industry leaders approach projects. Next, shifting from fossil to alternative fuels can help reduce emissions of materials. Finally, repurposing, repairing, and refurbishing existing assets and infrastructure can help limit the need for new products by utilizing captured carbon dioxide emissions and reinserting them into the value chain.

According to our estimates, and expected carbon prices, each of these circularity technologies will be value-positive by 2050, with some already more profitable than today’s business-as-usual solutions. That said, a few solutions were not factored into our analysis despite being critical to reaching net-zero emissions, including the reduction of clinker in cement through substitutes and low binder intensity, the reduction of cement in concrete through less overspecification by design, and the overall reduction of concrete in the built environment through alternative building materials. Thus, these solutions should be considered part of a broader definition of circularity. 9 “Our plan for cement? The circular economy,” Ellen MacArthur Foundation, May 10, 2021.

Circularity in cement is an opportunity to create additional value by 2050

Our estimates show that an increased adoption of circular technologies could be linked to the emergence of new financial net-value pools worth up to roughly €110 billion by 2050, providing a new growth avenue for cement players that would otherwise face shrinking demand for their core business and significant external costs (Exhibit 2). Adopting circularity is required to mitigate at least 50 percent of this value at risk. Emerging new technologies and business models will create additional value to mitigate the residual value at risk.

The annual net impact of recirculating carbon is estimated at €6 billion on a global average by 2050 (estimated at 2022 prices, disregarding inflation). This is driven mainly by the growing importance of global carbon markets, with expected carbon dioxide prices either mitigating or outweighing the costs of technology. In fact, our research shows that technologies utilizing carbon dioxide, such as curing ready-mix or precast concrete, can create positive economic value at carbon prices of approximately €80 per metric ton of carbon dioxide. It’s likely that technologies offering high carbon dioxide offtake will be implemented first in regions with rapid growth in carbon pricing mechanisms, such as Europe and North America.

Recirculating materials and minerals will be the largest driver of financial impact, reaching nearly €80 billion of annual EBITDA added to the industry by 2050. This includes the use of CDW as aggregates for concrete production, thus avoiding landfill costs, which are estimated at €20 per metric ton in 2050, and the costs of virgin material. In addition, CDW can be processed through Smartcrushing, which extracts unhydrated cement “fines” and helps reduce the amount of virgin cement needed for concrete. Reusing concrete modules and structures is the second-largest value driver, at an estimated €24 billion by 2050.

Finally, the greatest value potential for energy—specifically alternative fuels from waste material—arises in countries and regions with high availability and high landfill costs. In addition, cement and concrete production can provide an offtake opportunity for waste material, which could be supplied for free or even at a negative cost by the producing industries. The total annual net value gain from recirculating energy is expected to be €24 billion by 2050.

Cement emissions can be reduced or mitigated by 80 percent, though local differences apply

Based on the financial attractiveness of circular technologies in cement, there is significant potential for carbon dioxide abatement through circularity over the next 20 years. In fact, our estimates show that roughly two billion metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions could be avoided or mitigated through the application of these technologies by 2050 (Exhibit 3).

External factors, especially carbon dioxide prices, decarbonization subsidies, and costs of landfill, can potentially accelerate the time it takes to unlock the value of circular technologies. Therefore, the uptake of these technologies will differ from region to region. For example, mineralization for carbon reinsertion technologies is driven by regions with high carbon dioxide prices, such as Europe or North America (see sidebar “The case for circularity in Europe”).

The case for circularity in Europe

There is significant potential for Europe to rapidly evolve its uptake of circular technologies by 2050. For example, prices for carbon dioxide could reach up to €130 per metric ton of carbon dioxide in Europe by 2030. 1 The new EU climate target will increase carbon prices and could phase out coal power in Europe as early as 2030,” Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, April 27, 2021. In addition, prices for landfill disposal or treatment could average €25 per metric ton of construction and demolition waste (CDW) by 2030 and €35 per metric ton of CDW by 2050, and the value of the built-environment value chain could increase by as much as €3.7 billion by 2030 and €28 billion by 2050.

Deviating from the global average scenario, our analysis of Europe shows that value generated from technologies recirculating carbon dioxide, especially mineralization technologies and carbon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon dioxide offtake in other industries, could over-haul other circular technologies and be the main value driver by 2050, accounting for 45 percent of the stated value by 2030 and 54 percent by 2050.

Given the high carbon dioxide offtake potential, the financial impact of technologies utilizing carbon dioxide could significantly increase with higher regulatory carbon dioxide prices. Furthermore, the high technological standard and infrastructure potential in Europe means this transition could happen relatively quickly and result in the assumption that by 2050, 100 percent of total CDW created in Europe will be recycled, up to 35 percent of which is likely to be used to produce carbon dioxide–enriched aggregates.

These regional cost differences illustrate the importance and impact of regulatory frameworks, which can facilitate circularity in the built environment from two angles: financial incentives and standardization.

For financial incentives, regulators directly influence the cost benefit of abated carbon dioxide emissions through carbon dioxide pricing schemes, such as the EU ETS. 10 For more, see “EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS),” European Commission, accessed January 24, 2023. Further incentives, such as carbon-credit systems and permits that allow owners to emit certain levels of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases, can stimulate players to lower their emission levels. In the same manner, pricing of CDW through landfill taxation can drive opportunity costs and therefore make the recycling of waste materials even more attractive. In fact, our calculations show that an increase of landfill tax by €5 per metric ton of CDW can reduce the carbon dioxide abatement cost of technologies that use CDW as feedstock by up to 60 percent.

New business models for all players in the built environment are expected to evolve from actions that facilitate circularity along the value chain.

For standardization, regulations directly affect the amount of waste material that can be used in the cement and concrete mix. As an example, the draft version of the cement standard addition in European countries, EN197-6, limits the use of recycled-concrete fines in cement to 20 percent. 11 “Cement—part 6: Cement with recycled building materials,” European Committee for Standardization, June 2022.

What stakeholders can do to seize the opportunity

Cement players and other ecosystem players should double down on circularity now to secure a stake in untapped value pools. Winning will require stakeholders to think along two dimensions: engaging in circular business building and using circular technologies to react to evolving financial risks.

Engage in circular business building

New business models for all players in the built environment—not only cement and concrete manufacturers—are expected to evolve from actions that facilitate circularity along the value chain as well as actions that deliver the value of circularity to consumers.

Consider recycling, repairing, or supply chain services. Construction companies, waste providers, new players, and building materials manufacturers alike can consider digital marketplaces for waste materials. At the same time, technologies that facilitate design and standardization are expected to increase potential value pools even further, enabling technology providers and designers to secure a significant stake in the overall value pools.

Pursue new opportunities for building green businesses. Increasing customer centricity will likely create new opportunities across the built environment. For example, a growing number of people—including construction players and building residents—are increasingly interested in affordable housing or structures that have “housing flexibility,” which allows residents to participate in the design of their homes. Precast building modules can also be provided to customers in a lease-like mechanism, which can be facilitated either directly by cement and concrete players or through construction companies that have direct offtake agreements with materials producers.

Build new business models related to carbon dioxide offtake. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions while creating value pools can be accomplished by exploring carbon dioxide offtake opportunities in other industries. Captured and concentrated carbon dioxide can be transported—by pipeline or by trucks—to places where it can be used as an input. For example, carbon dioxide can be used as a feedstock for processes in the plastics and chemicals industry or in hydrogen production. The challenge is to create viable business models for both the cement industry and offtakers, which highlights the need for increased collaboration across industries.

Use circular technologies to react to the evolving financial risks

Given local and strategic constraints, different stakeholders will have different approaches to adopting and implementing circular technologies to respond to risks in the built environment.

Build a cost-benefit position with existing carbon dioxide prices, landfill costs, and regulatory frameworks. Individually assessing externalities and selecting the most beneficial technologies by region and location of plants will secure a cost-benefit position. Starting with technologies with the lowest carbon dioxide abatement cost on a global average, players can assess the impact of the selection of technologies based on region and the location of plants on their individual business case and identify the most easily adoptable solutions.

Determine if sufficient waste material for recirculation is available and accessible. Availability refers to the amount of waste material created by one region. For example, in countries with high waste leakage, such as most parts of Asia (China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam account for about 85 percent of mismanaged plastic waste globally), the cement and concrete value chain can serve as a real offtake opportunity for other industries even today. In terms of accessibility, circularity is already feasible in developed countries and could be in other parts of the world by 2050. Thus, players across the entire building and construction value chain can accelerate this transition by planning to locate facilities together in industrial hubs.

Ensure offtake agreements for circular products. Offtake agreements for low-carbon building materials will likely soon become available across the world. In fact, more than 100 small and medium-size construction companies across ten countries joined the Race to Zero campaign by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. 12 For more, see “Race To Zero campaign,” United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, accessed January 24, 2023; and “Race to Zero hits breakthrough built environment targets,” Climate Champions, October 26, 2021. In addition, the Paris 2024 Olympics recently announced that building materials used in its construction must meet sustainable criteria. 13 For more, see “Environmental ambition,” Paris 2024, accessed January 24, 2023.

In the long term, new value pools could arise by shifting from selling cement not as a material but as a sustainable solution and service. This approach requires a customer-centric posture to explore new opportunities for green-business building, especially as builders and house owners increasingly request sustainable, affordable, durable, and flexible structures rather than focusing on cement and concrete as a standard material.

Sarah Heincke is a consultant in McKinsey’s Berlin office, Jukka Maksimainen is a senior partner in the Helsinki office, Daniel Pacthod and Humayun Tai are senior partners in the New York office, Sebastian Reiter is a partner in the Munich office, and Michel Van Hoey is a senior partner in the Luxembourg office.

The authors wish to thank Leopold Baumgartner, Thomas Czigler, and Patrick Schulze for their contributions to this article.

This article is part of an ongoing effort between the World Economic Forum and McKinsey & Company to explore opportunities within the cement industry and provide further insights on how to scale circularity solutions at speed.

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    The cement industry at a turning point: A path toward value creation4. -5 percent to +10 percent; over the whole period, the sector beat the MSCI market index, with an average TRS CAGR of 11 percent versus 9 percent. In many industries, TRS performance as a measure of performance is closely linked to ROIC and generation of economic profit.

  4. Digitization and the future of the cement plant

    A carbon-neutral cement industry: Pioneering the response to climate change. Cement production in 2017 was responsible for 7 percent of global CO 2 emissions. Increased pressure for more-stringent emissions standards and decarbonization from society and governments alike will have a major impact on the industry. This has the potential to ...

  5. Introductory Chapter: Cement Industry

    The international cement industry, while constituting a limited share of the world's output has been rising at an increasing pace compared to the local demand in recent years. Attempts to protect the environment in developing countries, particularly Europe have forced cement manufacturing plants to migrate to countries with less strict ...

  6. PDF The Ramco Cements Limited Corporate Presentation

    Source: Survey of Cement Industry & Directory Rank Company Cement Capacity MTPA Share % 1 Ultratech Cement Limited 114.40 21% 2 Lafarge Holcim India (ACC + Ambuja) 62.70 12% 3 Shree Cement Limited 43.40 8% 4 Dalmia Bharat Limited 30.75 6% 5 Nuvoco Vista Corp. Limited 22.32 4% 6 The Ramco Cements Limited 19.40 4% 7 India Cements Limited 15.55 3%

  7. Cement Industry

    Cement Industry - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Cement is produced via several processes involving grinding raw materials such as limestone, heating to high temperatures to produce clinker, and grinding clinker to produce cement powder. The best available techniques are dry kilns with multi-stage ...

  8. Construction Materials: Concrete

    With a uniquely simplified design using cement gray, this concrete-focused presentation template is perfect for Google Slides and PowerPoint. It allows you to present all the essential attributes of construction materials, primarily focusing on concrete. This clean, easy-to-use template helps you articulate your points clearly and present vital ...

  9. Presentation On Cement Industry

    This presentation summarizes the cement industry in India. It discusses the history and growth of cement production in India since the early 1900s. It outlines the major manufacturing processes used to produce cement and factors that have contributed to the industry's growth, such as government initiatives and technological advances. The presentation also profiles the top 10 cement companies ...

  10. PDF How cement companies create value: The five elements of a successful

    (See " The cement industry at a turning point ," on, December 2015.) That chronic underperformance stems in part from structural factors such as large fixed costs and fluctuations in supply and demand. However, many companies also have trouble creating and executing a coherent commercial strategy, 1 a

  11. Indian Cement Industry Analysis

    In 2023, the market size of India's cement industry reached 3.96 billion tonnes and is expected to touch 5.99 billion tonnes by 2032, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.7% during 2024-32. India's cement production reached 374.55 million tonnes in FY23, a growth rate of 6.83% year-on-year (yoy). India's cement production for FY24 is expected to grow by ...


    Title: CEMENT INDUSTRY. Description: Cement is a finely ground, non-metallic, inorganic powder when mixed ... Also removes substances that adsorb to the dust particles, such as dioxins and metals. ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 34159. Avg rating:3.0/5.0. Slides: 28.

  13. 5,000+ Cement Industry PPTs View free & download

    Green Cement Market Size, Share, Trend, Forecast, & Industry Analysis - 2021-2026 - Green Cement Market is likely to witness an impressive CAGR of 14.9% during the forecast period. The prime factor generating a major thrust to the demand for green cement is mainly the growing infrastructure and construction activities, such as construction of bridges, under passes, and sewages.

  14. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT CEMENT INDUSTRY • Cement is a basic material for building and civil engineering construction. • Cement is a finely ground, non-metallic, inorganic powder when mixed with water forms a paste that sets and hardens.

  15. Cementing your lead in the green transition

    The road to a greener cement industry. The cement and concrete industry has established new targets to lower and even eliminate emissions, such as those set by the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA). These targets aim for a 20 percent reduction of CO 2 per metric ton of cement and a 25 percent reduction of CO 2 per cubic meter of ...

  16. 30 Best Cement Industry-Themed Templates

    30 Best Cement Industry-Themed Templates. CrystalGraphics creates templates designed to make even average presentations look incredible. Below you'll see thumbnail sized previews of the title slides of a few of our 30 best cement industry templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides. The text you'll see in in those slides is just example text.

  17. Cement Production

    1. Cement Production. 2. Portland Cement. By definition. a hydraulic cement produced by pulverizing. clinker consisting essentially of hydraulic. calcium silicates, usually containing one or more. of the forms of calcium sulfate as an interground.

  18. The circular cement value chain: Decarbonizing cement

    With a growing number of industries and sectors moving toward net-zero emissions, a significant amount of value is at stake in cement. General EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) carbon prices have reached nearly €100 per metric ton of carbon dioxide, 3 Based on figures from Ember's EU carbon price tracker. For more, see "EU Carbon Price Tracker," Ember, accessed January 24, 2023. a ...

  19. Cement Industry: Indian cement makers to invest Rs 1.25 lakh cr in 2

    New Delhi: The Indian cement industry has lined up a capex of around Rs 1.25 lakh crore for FY25 to FY27 to meet the growing demand, said a report by rating agency CRISIL.During this period, the industry is expected to add 130 million tonne of cement grinding capacity, which is a fifth of the existing capacity.