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Knowledge Management: A Study of Effective Management of Tacit Knowledge

  • Department of Mechanical, Aerospace & Civil Engineering

Student thesis : Phd

Date of Award31 Dec 2021
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
Supervisor (Supervisor) & (Supervisor)

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Type : Thesis

Kent State University

University Catalog 2024-2025

Knowledge management - m.s..

master thesis knowledge management

About This Program

Unlock the power of knowledge with the M.S. in Knowledge Management. Our program prepares graduates to create, share and manage knowledge within organizations, helping to drive innovation and improve performance. With a fully online curriculum that blends theory and practice, our graduates are well-equipped for careers in a variety of industries. Declare a dual degree with the M.B.A. for even more opportunities. Reach more...

Contact Information

  • Meghan Harper | [email protected] | 330-672-2782
  • Connect with an Admissions Counselor: U.S. Student | International Student

Program Delivery

  • Fully online

Examples of Possible Careers

  • Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
  • Information Architect
  • Knowledge Analyst
  • Knowledge Engineer
  • Knowledge Management Director
  • Knowledge Management Project Manager
  • Knowledge Management Specialist
  • Knowledge Management Systems Administrator
  • Knowledge Manager

For more information about graduate admissions, visit the graduate admission website . For more information on international admissions, visit the international admission website .

Admission Requirements

  • Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university
  • Minimum 2.750 undergraduate GPA on a 4.000-point scale 1
  • Official transcript(s)
  • Goal statement
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Minimum 94 TOEFL iBT score
  • Minimum 7.0 IELTS score
  • Minimum 65 PTE score
  • Minimum 120 DET score

In calculating total GPA, all grades from all courses taken at relevant level (bachelor's or master's) from all institutions are counted. Applicants who do not meet the minimum 2.750 GPA requirement must submit a statement that addresses the circumstances that contributed to the GPA and preparation for success in graduate study. Applicants should include recent professional achievements that indicate an ability to perform at a higher academic level to be considered for conditional admission to the program.

International applicants who do not meet the above test scores will not be considered for admission.

Technology Requirements

Appropriate technology and computer literacy skills are essential for each School of Information course. In order to be successful in the program, all incoming students must meet the School of Information computer competencies, as well as its minimum computer hardware, software and internet access requirements before the first day of class. For details, students should consult the school's website.

Application Deadlines

  • Application deadline: April 15
  • Application deadline: November 15
  • Application deadline: March 15

Applications submitted after these deadlines will be considered on a space-available basis.

Program Requirements

Graduation requirements, major requirements.

Course List
Code Title Credit Hours
Major Requirements
Major Electives, choose from the following: 12-15
Culminating Requirement
Choose from the following: 3-6
Minimum Total Credit Hours:30

Students who select thesis as their culminating requirement will complete 12 credit hours of electives. Students who select the internship, project or research paper will complete 15 credit hours of electives.

A maximum of 4 credit hours of KM 60693 may be applied to the degree.

Graduation Requirements Summary
Minimum Major GPA Minimum Overall GPA
- 3.000
  • No more than one-half of a graduate student’s coursework may be taken in 50000-level courses.
  • Grades below C are not counted toward completion of requirements for the degree.

Program Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the program will be able to:

  • Develop and deliver strategies for organizations and communities that apply knowledge to create value.
  • Demonstrate leadership in the design and implementation of strategies that align with and enable an organization’s culture, strategic intent and operational objectives
  • Design, build, operate and lead a comprehensive program that turns strategies into action through the integration of people, process and technology components.
  • Become a thought leader in advancing knowledge management ideas and practices.
  • Prepared to engage and collaborate with the global knowledge management community to grow the demand, practice and value of knowledge management.

Dual Degree with Master of Business Administration

Students have the opportunity to complete a dual degree program with the M.B.A. degree and the M.S. degree in Knowledge Management. A separate application must be submitted for each program. Students can view admission requirements for each program on their respective catalog page.

The M.B.A./M.S. dual degree program prepares students for responsible leadership positions and offers an integrated business and knowledge management curriculum. Dual degree graduates will be able to design, deliver, support and lead knowledge management programs at the enterprise and project levels. Through courses, internships and other opportunities, students gain real-world, practical experience in developing and applying knowledge to improve organizational strategies, processes and technical skills with an emphasis on regional, national and global implications.

Dual Degree Requirements

Course List
Code Title Credit Hours
Major Requirements
M.B.A. Business Administration Elective3
Major electives, choose from the following:12-15
Culminating Requirement
Culminating Elective, choose from the following: 3-6
Minimum Total Credit Hours:58-59

MGMT 68051 may be waived for students with at least two years of full-time work experience.

Students who select thesis as their culminating requirement will complete 3 credit hours of College of Communication and Information electives; all others will complete 6 credit hours.

  • Students may graduate with fewer than 59 total credit hours but no fewer than 58 total credit hours.

Full Description

The Master of Science degree in Knowledge Management prepares professionals to serve as leaders who guide organizations into improved performance through better use of organizational knowledge. Graduates of the program will be able to design, deliver and support knowledge management programs at the enterprise and project levels.

Organizations of all types, across all sectors of the economy, face a growing need for increased efficiencies. Gaining these efficiencies means organizations must mature into knowledge organizations by developing and applying knowledge to serve their markets better. This requires professionals with new skills and tools found in the emerging domain of knowledge management.

Students in the Knowledge Management major learn principles, values and best practices that will prepare them for leadership roles in their future careers. They learn from interaction with their instructors and student colleagues, many of whom are also professionals working in knowledge management. Through courses, internships and other opportunities, students gain real-world, practical experience in developing and applying knowledge to improve organizational strategies, processes and technical skills.

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2024-2025 University Catalog

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The role of big data and knowledge management in improving projects and project-based organizations

  • January 2018
  • Procedia Computer Science 138:851-858
  • 138:851-858
  • CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
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Nils O.E. Olsson at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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100s of Free Management Dissertation Topics and Titles

Published by Grace Graffin at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On April 16, 2024


The subject of management involves an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of business management, such as employee management, risk management, organisational behaviour, and many more.

When choosing a topic for your management dissertation, make sure to consider diverse topics that explore both the theoretical and practical aspects of management.

We understand that getting a dissertation topic approved can be extremely challenging as academic supervisors require students to research a unique case.

This is where our team of writers comes into play. Our writers can up with exciting and manageable management dissertation topics to help get the juices flowing in your head so you can write your dissertation on a unique and engaging topic.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics for here.

How to Select the Best Management Dissertation Topic?

A dissertation topic must be selected based on research interests, availability of data, time limitations, and the research’s scope and significance. The following management dissertation topics are carefully shortlisted while considering all these parameters. Please review these topics and let us know if you have any queries.

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2024 Management Research Topics

Topic 1: an evaluation of organizational change management- why do people tend to oppose change.

Research Aim: The research will aim to assess the structure of organizational change management and to find the reasons why people resist or oppose the changes in an organization. There are many reasons through which change in organization’s management becomes important but some employees’ does not accept that changes. There are many reasons why people resist changes on organization. In certain circumstances, resistance to change might be beneficial. Resistance to change is, in fact, a crucial feedback mechanism that must not be neglected.

Topic 2: Investigating the effectiveness of customer relationship management in airlines

Research Aim: The research will aim to study the efficiency of CRM in airlines. Customer relationship management has evolved into a critical technique used by every corporation to better its operations and obtain a competitive advantage over competitors. Customer relationship management has evolved into a key priority for airline firms and an integral part of airline businesses’ corporate strategy to distinguish themselves from rivals in the eyes of the consumer. The goal of facility organisations, such as airlines, is to provide services that attract and maintain satisfied, loyal customers who promote the airline.

Topic 3: How does leadership affect employees’ productivity? A case of IT firms

Research Aim: This research will focus on leadership positions in IT organisations with the goal of increasing staff productivity and performance. Leadership is essential for increasing employee retention, career drive, and efficiency. Most companies’ progress is accelerated by effective leadership. As a result, it is critical to organisational success. Employee performance, on the other hand, is a critical pillar of every firm, and companies must examine the variables that contribute to great performance. Leadership is based on confidence, which is based on skill, sincerity, ethics, transparency, reactivity, empathy, and kindness.

Topic 4: The effect of organisation advancement tools on business performance

Research Aim: The research will aim to find the effect of organization advancement on business performance. Organizational tools are objects that assist you in organising your workspace, resources, and tasks in order to make your workday more effective. Physical instruments, planners, and software platforms are examples of what they can be. Organization advancement tools are a great source to improve your business performance as they help you in managing your daily tasks and workforce.

Topic 5: The importance of leadership and social skills in new entrepreneurs: An investigative study

Research Aim: The research will aim to investigate the importance of leadership and social skills in new entrepreneurs. Developing talent, introducing innovative goods and services, delivering efficiency, and gaining market share all benefit from improved leadership qualities. If you wish to stay small, you might be able to get away with not growing your leaders. Otherwise, it will restrict your progress. Social skills enable entrepreneurs to interact with customers more effectively, resulting in more agreements and more profitability.

Covid-19 Management Research Topics

Crisis management during covd-19.

Research Aim: This study will identify crisis management aspects during COVD-19, including its challenges and solutions.

Business management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will review business executives’ challenges in various scale industries and how they are recovering from the loss. How far did they succeed?

Hospital and medicine management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will highlight the role of hospital management during COVID-19, the challenges they came across, and the ways to overcome those challenges.

Educational management during COVID-19

Research Aim: This study will address the issues faced by students and educational institutes. How are they trying to overcome the challenges of imparting education during the coronavirus pandemics?

Maternal health care management during COVID-19

Research Aim: The lockdown situation has been an issue of concern for the patients, including pregnant women. This study will address the role of Maternal health care management during COVID-19.

Management Dissertation Topics for 2023

Topic 1: analyzing the traditions and trends in public administration and management in post-wwii europe.

Research Aim: The purpose of the research will be to analyze the characteristics of cultural and national communities that have influenced public administration and management in the 1970s and 1980s in Europe. The study will be carried out using a systematic literature review.

Topic 2: The Impact of Gender-inclusive Gatekeeping and Predecessors Influence on the Success of Female CEOs

Research Aim: The purpose of the research will explore how local organisational agents and contexts can help women leaders overcome barriers and achieve success at higher levels in corporate firms. The study will focus on CEO succession events and predecessor CEOS factors and their influence on women post-succession. The research design will be developed qualitatively.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Daily Psychological Power on Organisational Leaders

Research Aim: The research will use quantitative techniques to analyze power-holders relational and interdependent work contexts. The study will examine the effect of daily psychological power using the factors of abusive behaviour and perceived incivility.

Topic 4: Examining the Impact of Cultural Diversity on Interaction Process and Performance

Research Aim: Using quantitative techniques, the research will analyse the interaction process and performance factors in two groups of employees in the services industry – homogenous and culturally diverse. The effectiveness in operation and arrangements will be examined.

Topic 5: Analyzing the Impact of ‘Voice’ and ‘Silence’ on Destructive Leadership

Research Aim: The research will examine the limited and biased view of silence in management literature. The study will also analyse the impact of silence in an organisation in terms of a functional value using quantitative research techniques. Furthermore, how silence in organisations can be used as a strategic response will be discussed.

Topic 6: Examining the Relationship between Productivity, Management Practices, and Employee Ability in the UK Setting

Research Aim: Using quantitative techniques, the study will analyse a relationship between productivity, management practices, and employee ability using data from management practices surveys and employees’ longitudinal earnings records.

Topic 7: Analysing the Factors that Impact International Differences in Gender Pay Gap

Research Aim: The research will use quantitative techniques to analyse microdata from various countries between 1980 and 2010. The study will use the factors of wage structures, net supply, wage compression, collective bargaining coverage, and unionised wage setting to identify the lower gender pay gap internationally.

Topic 8: The Impact of Psychosocial Hazards on Workplace Risk Management

Research Aim: The study will investigate workplace risk management practices in industry sectors with a high risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and mental health disorders (MHDs) and the extent to which they may rise from psychosocial hazards. The research will be conducted using qualitative research techniques.

Strategic Management and Organisational Behavior Dissertation Topics

Strategic management and organisational behaviour can be described as the actions a firm takes to achieve its business objectives primarily derived from competitive markets’ dynamic behaviour. Following are some interesting dissertation topics under this field of study;

Topic 1: The Impact of Organisational Goals on Organisation Behavior

Research Aim: The primary focus of this research will be to combine factors from the theory of action, phases and self-determination theory to develop a motivational model that will explain the relationship between organisational goals setting process that lead to organisational behaviour. The research will be conducted using mixed methods of research techniques.

Topic 2: Integrating the Principles of Strategic Human Capital and Strategic Human Resource Management to Improve Organisational Performance

Topic 3: comparing the impact of family and non-family firm goals on strategy, family and organisational behavior.

Research Aim: This research will analyse the differences between family and non-family business goals and their impact on how businesses develop strategies. Also, the research will assess how these developed strategies would affect family and organisational behaviour. This research will use quantitative research techniques.

Topic 4: Analyzing the Effect of Strategy, Innovation, Networks and Complexity on Organisational Adaptability – The Mediating Effect of Leadership

Research Aim: The current study will use empirical analysis to examine the effects of strategy, innovation, networks, and complexity of organisational adaptability using leadership as a mediation factor.

Topic 5: Examining the Effect of Appointment of a Racial Minority Female CEO on White Male Top Manager Intrapsychic and Behavioral Responses

Research Aim: This research will examine white male managers’ behavioural responses to a female racial minority CEO’s appointment. The behaviour that the research will analyse is the amount of help that the white male top manager provides to their fellow executives. The research will be conducted using quantitative techniques.

Topic 6: Analysis of the Effectiveness of an Affect-Based Model to Portray Recipients Responses to Organisational Change Events

Research Aim: The study will use the Affect-Based Model developed by Oreg et al. (2016) to analyse if it is useful in documenting and portraying the recipient responses to organisational change events. The research will use factors of valence and activation to assess the effectiveness of the model. The study will be conducted using quantitative techniques.

Topic 7: Evaluating the Relationship between the personality of a CEO and Employee Motivation

Research Aim: This research will investigate the relationship between a CEO’s personality and employee motivation. The core of this study will be to assess whether a CEO’s character possesses the power to influence employee motivation or not. Case studies from various companies will be used in this study.

Topic 8: Assessing the Role of Managers in Bringing and Implementing Technological Change in an Organisation

Research Aim: This research will focus on how managers implement technological change in their organisations. Change management is challenging as not all employees are open to accepting change. This research will focus on various ways through which managers successfully implement technological change in their companies.

Topic 9: An Analysis of Organisational Change Management: Why Employees Resist Change?

Research Aim: This research will focus on why employees resist change in organisations, i.e., why employees dislike change. Different causes and factors will be discussed in this study, and the research will conclude why employees do not wholeheartedly accept the change.

Knowledge Management Dissertation Topics

The importance of knowledge management for organisations can’t be understated because this aspect of management enhances the workforce’s capabilities and overall productivity. It leads to a competitive advantage and provides the basis for differentiating an organisation from its competitors. Some interesting dissertation topics under this field are;

Topic 1: Examining the Impact of Enterprise Social Networking Systems (ESNS) on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning

Research Aim: The research will investigate the effect of ESNS on knowledge management processes and organisational learning. The research will use knowledge creation and sharing to play the mediating role in analysing the proposed relationship. The proposed study will use empirical research methods.

Topic 2: A Review of Knowledge Management Research

Research Aim: The research paper will use a systematic literature review technique for the proposed study. The research will review the last twenty years of knowledge management literature to assess the presence of bias in explaining knowledge integration over research by exploring knowledge differentiation processes.

Topic 3: The Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Innovation and Knowledge Management Capacity

Research Aim: The purpose of this research will be to investigate the plausible relationship between knowledge management systems, open innovation, knowledge management capacity, and innovation capacity in firms. The research will be conducted using empirical techniques to draw reliable conclusions.

Topic 4: The Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management on MNC and their Subsidiaries Performance

Research Aim: The research will develop a model to test the possibility of a relationship between strategic knowledge management (SKM) processes and organisation performance compared between multinational companies and their subsidiaries. The research will also analyse the impact of relational context on knowledge creation and transfer.

Topic 5: Analyzing the Relationship between Knowledge Management Practices and Knowledge Worker Performance - The Mediating Role of Organisational Commitment

Research Aim: The study will analyse the role of knowledge management practices to address the issues of insufficient organisational commitment and knowledge workers’ performance in the UK’s public sectors. The proposed study will use quantitative research techniques to fulfil its aim and objectives.

Topic 6: The Relationship between Knowledge Management Processes and Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Private Business Schools in the UK

Research Aim: The proposed research will explore the impact of knowledge management processes on sustainable completive advantages by using knowledge-based view (KBV) and resource-based view (RBV) as mediators in the relationship. The research will be conducted using quantitative techniques of data collection (i.e. questionnaire) and analysis (i.e. structural equation modelling).

Topic 7: The Impact of Strategic Knowledge Management on Manufacturing Firm’s Performance

Research Aim: The purpose of the study will be to empirically investigate the relationship between the availability and use of IT solutions for strategic knowledge management and a manufacturing firm’s performance, which will be measured in unit production. The research will use the resource-based view and the knowledge-based theory to develop a conceptual framework to analyze this relationship’s effect.

Topic 8: Evaluating how Knowledge Management Impacts Company Performance: A Case Study of Sainsbury

Research Aim: This research will discuss the basic concepts of knowledge management. The study will also discuss the impact knowledge management has on a company’s performance, i.e. how it helps companies achieve their goals. The main focus of this research work will be on Sainsbury’s knowledge management framework.

Topic 9: Knowledge Management as a Core Competency? Evaluating the Application and Benefits of Knowledge Management

Research Aim: This research will uncover how companies utilise knowledge management as their core competency and how it benefits their business operations. This study’s main focus will be on applying the various concepts of knowledge management and their implication for businesses.

Topic 10: Exploring the Managerial Concerns and Issues in Knowledge Management and Their Impact on Organisations

Research Aim: This research will explore the managerial concerns and issues related to knowledge management. The study will also focus on assessing the impact of these issues on businesses and how they can influence day-to-day operations. This will be an evidence-based study where evidence from different companies and various situations will be evaluated.

Leadership and Management Information System Dissertation Topics

Leadership drives the organisational agenda and is regarded as one of the most influential factors in streamlining organisations’ processes. Good leadership results in better performance of any organisation because it gives direction to the business activities under the market conditions and requirements.

Similarly, management information systems are pivotal to any organisation’s success and successfully implementing them can benefit the organisation in many ways. Following are some dissertation topics under the subject of leadership and management information systems;

Topic 1: The Role of Information Systems (IS) in Enterprise Architecture and its Impact on Business Performance

Research Aim: This study will examine the relationship between IS Enterprise Architecture and business performance using technical alignment and IS capabilities mediators. This research will be conducted using quantitative techniques to fulfil its aim.

Topic 2: Exploring The Relationship between Ethical Leadership and Employee Knowledge Sharing

Research Aim: This research will use social learning theories and self-determination to investigate the relationship between ethical learning and employee knowledge sharing. The study will be conducted using empirical research techniques.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Relationship Leadership and Social Alignment on Information Security Systems Effectiveness in Private Organisations

Research Aim: This research will use social capital theory as its theoretical foundation to explore the impact of relational leadership on social alignment between business and IT executives. The relational model will study the factors of integrated knowledge, information security system effectiveness, and organisational performance. This research will use empirical techniques.

Topic 4: Examining the Relationship between Operating Room (OR) Leadership and Operating Staff Performance

Research Aim: This research will analyse the relationship between Operating Room leadership and operating staff performance. This will be done using emotional intelligence and collaboration variables to assess staff performance, using recovery numbers. The relationship will also be examined through the mediating role of leadership principles. The data will be collected and assessed using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 5: The Role of Transformational Leadership as a Mediating Variable in the DeLone and McLean Information Success Model.

Research Aim: The research will use the DeLone and McLean Information Success Model to analyse if productivity software implemented in an organisation can improve its performance. However, the research will also evaluate the model and propose modifications to include transformational leadership as a mediating factor in the information success model. The research will be quantitative in nature.

Topic 6: Assessing the Role of Leadership in an Organisation to Help Adopt Advanced Technological Systems

Research Aim: This research will assess the role of leadership in an organisation to help companies realise the importance of innovative, technologically advanced systems. Many companies today are still naive to the ever more important role of technology. Thus this research will aim to help companies adopt innovative technological systems through leadership. The research will be evidence-based in nature.

Topic 7: Evaluating How Changing Business Leadership Impacts Technological Organisational Performance

Research Aim: Changing leadership in organisations can prove a disaster if not handled properly. The transition process is extremely challenging, and companies should have the capability to handle this phase. This research will explore how their decision to change leadership impacts technological and organisational performance and how to optimise the process. This research will be quantitative in nature.

Topic 8: Can Information Systems in Organisations Be Considered a Competitive Advantage?

Research Aim: Information systems, if implemented successfully, benefit organisations immensely. The impact that an information system has and its results help companies stay ahead of their competitors. This research will assess how companies can turn their information systems into a competitive advantage, and most importantly, whether they or not information systems should be considered a competitive advantage.

Topic 9: Understanding the Leadership Challenges of Implementing and Managing an Advanced Information System in an Organisation

Research Aim: This research will help explain the challenges that managers and the entire leadership of an organisation face when implementing an advanced information system. Bringing a change in a company is challenging, and throw in a technology to implement, the process becomes even more challenging. This study will explore in detail all related challenges through quantitative research.

Topic 10: Do all Business Processes in an Organisation need Information System Management?

Research Aim: It is often argued that not all business processes require information systems. However, when talking about today’s world and the technological advancements taking place, it is recommended that business processes in organisations adopt the technology. This research will be a comparative analysis of whether companies are successful and profitable with information systems or without them.

Also Read: Business Dissertation Topics

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Organisational Culture and International Business Dissertation Topics

Organisational culture shapes the work ethics and helps in defining the professional image of organisations. Organisational culture plays a huge role in international business.

Organisations that adopt the country’s culture they are operating in are known to run their operations more successfully. The following topics are related to organisational culture and international business and help students choose an appropriate topic according to their interests.

Topic 1: The Impact of Organisational Culture of Collaborative Networks Influence on IT Governance Performance in Large Enterprises

Research Aim: This research will explore the influence of collaborative networks’ organisational culture on IT governance performance. The study will use a case study to analyse multinationals as they have a wide working network. The purpose of the research will be to determine whether or not organisational culture helps businesses effectively use IT in business operations. The research will be conducted using mixed methods research.

Topic 2: Analysing the Relationship between Supervisor’s Job insecurity and Subordinates’ Work Engagement

Research Aim: The purpose of this research is two-fold. The research will analyse the relationship between the supervisor’s job insecurity and subordinates’ work engagement using a mediator and a moderator. The research will first examine the mediating role of subordinate’s pro-social voice between supervisor job insecurity and subordinates’ work engagement. Next, the research will examine the moderating role of organisational culture between the supervisor’s job insecurity and sub-ordinates pro-social voice. The research will be conducted through quantitative techniques.

Topic 3: Analysing the Impact of Individual Perception of Organisational Culture on the Learning Transfer Environment

Research Aim: The research will be conducted empirically to assess the relationship between culture (as perceived by employees) and the work environment based learning factors (i.e. learning transfer environment [LTE]) in the organisation). LTE is measured using feedback and coaching factors that received resistance or openness to chance, personal outcomes, and supervisor and peer support.

Topic 4: The Role of Organisational Culture on the Development of Psychological Distress in the Workplace

Research Aim: The purpose of the study will be to analyse how organisational culture may cause the symptoms of psychological distress in the workforce. The study will use corporate culture and work organisation conditions as base factors to relate them to employees’ psychological distress. The research will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 5: Analysing the Role of Leadership and Organisational Culture

Research Aim: The research will examine the relationship between organisational culture, leadership and employee outcomes. The paper will focus on the mediator of leadership processes and their impact on the relationship between culture and employee outcomes. The study will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 6: The Role and Relationships among Strategic Orientations, Cultural Intelligence, International Diversification and Performance of Organisations

Research Aim: The research will aim to understand the drivers of the international expansion of globalised firms. The research will explore the relationship between strategic orientations and cultural intelligence as drivers and international diversification and firm performance. Strategic orientations used in the study include international market orientation (IMO) and entrepreneurial orientation (IEO). The study will be conducted using quantitative research techniques.

Topic 7: Dynamics of Corruption Culture Distance to Core Values

Research Aim: The research will examine how corporate bribery is impacted by cultural distance between multinational enterprises (MNEs) in their home and host countries. The research will also analyse the organisational distance to core value between MNE’s entry into the host country and its headquarters. The research will use empirical data collection and analysis techniques.

Topic 8: Examining Organisational Export Performance by International Business Competencies

Research Aim: The study aims to explore the relationship between international business competencies and export performance. The research will also analyse export performance by singular analysis or combined analysis of the competencies. The research will be conducted using empirical data.

Topic 9: Does Organisational Culture Influence the Leadership Type that a Company Should Adopt?

Research Aim: This research will argue whether companies should hire leaders concerning their culture or not. Organisational culture and leadership are interconnected. Thus companies that do not operate according to their culture struggle to grow exponentially. This research will aim to focus on the possible relationship between leadership and organisational culture. The research will be evidence-based.

Topic 10: Organisational Culture and International Business Competition: Are they Interrelated?

Research Aim: Organisational culture plays a huge role in making a company competitive internationally. When a business’s culture is motivating to all employees and identifies the right culture for its employees, there is every likelihood of rapid growth for both the company and the employees. The research will explore how the two concepts are interrelated.

Important Notes:

As a management student looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing management theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The management field is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like operations management , business , business administration , MBA , human resource management and more. That is why creating a management dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field is imperative.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation , as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best management dissertation topics that fulfil your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample management dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Management Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this by your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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How to find dissertation topics about management.

To find management dissertation topics:

  • Research recent management challenges.
  • Explore industry trends and innovations.
  • Analyze organizational behavior or strategies.
  • Examine cross-cultural management issues.
  • Investigate sustainability and ethics.
  • Consult academic journals and experts.

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Knowledge Management Dissertation Topics That Are Trending In Market

Date published July 27 2020 by Stella Carter

For many, a dissertation topic may seem to be a collection of a few words. But in reality, those are the words that carry the weight of your entire academic paper. These few words are the door that gives your readers an insight into your entire paper the months, if not years, of effort you have put in it. Therefore, you must give maximum attention while choosing your topics for dissertation.

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Our top dissertation writing experts are waiting 24/7 to assist you with your university project, from critical literature reviews to a complete masters dissertation.

Knowledge Management Dissertation Topics You Will Not Find Anywhere Else

To make sure that your words adequately portray your efforts and hard work to your readers, our team of top PhD writers of UK has compiled a free list of the best custom knowledge management dissertation topics and knowledge management dissertation ideas that you can find online.

The aim of the study is to conduct a correlative analysis to determine the association and link between knowledge management (KM) and the strategic sustainable development (SSD). The research aims to analyze the role of knowledge management in organizations that practice Strategic sustainable development. Furthermore, the research also aims to elaborate on the state-of-art of knowledge management for the SSD.

The primary objective of the study is to achieve the aim. However, the aim of the study can be achieved through various secondary objectives. Therefore, the secondary objectives of the study are the following:

  • To evaluate the association between knowledge management and strategic sustainable development.
  • To analyze the role of strategic sustainable development in the management of knowledge.
  • To determine how the theory of knowledge management and its expertise certainly relate to strategic sustainable knowledge.
  • To analyze the knowledge management practice in an organization by applying sustainable strategic knowledge.
  • To investigate how the companies, apply strategic sustainable knowledge to operate knowledge management.

The aim of the study is to conduct an analysis of the utilization of knowledge management in the call centres. The research aims to study how implementing knowledge management in the call centre can certainly enhance consumer satisfaction. Therefore, the aim of the study is to discuss the role of consumer services in the call centres and the role of knowledge management in the call centre for enhancing consumer services. Additionally, the focus of the research will be on determining the factors which have an impact on knowledge management. The research aims to shed light on the association of knowledge management and call centres. The overall purpose of the study is to develop an in-depth understanding of the role of knowledge management in the call centres and how it will drive consumer satisfaction.

  • To study the concept of knowledge management.
  • To discuss different models of knowledge management.
  • To evaluate the association between call centres and knowledge management.
  • To analyze the role of knowledge management in driving consumer satisfaction in the call centres.

The aim of the study is to examine the lesson learned factor in knowledge management. The research aims to study the role of knowledge management in the industry of construction. Therefore, the aim of the study is to analyze the management of knowledge to correct market failure in information dissemination and information generation. The research will emphasize the institution and policies that enable the country to continuously assess the knowledge of construction and attain a higher level of quality in construction with a short period of time.

  • To analyze the role of knowledge management in the industry of construction.
  • To determine the impact of knowledge management on the construction industry.
  • To evaluate how knowledge management can lead to the success of the project.

The aim of the study is to analyze the significant effect of sharing unequal knowledge among the two countries. The research will aim at how it will certainly impact the developmental change rate.

  • To determine the significance of knowledge sharing.
  • To evaluate the role of knowledge sharing in the country.
  • To analyze those factors which certainly influence the sharing of knowledge.
  • To determine the significance of knowledge sharing with regards to the development of the country.
  • To analyze the impact of unequal sharing of knowledge between 2 countries.
  • To evaluate the knowledge management approaches
  • To determine the impact of knowledge sharing on the innovation of the country.
  • To discuss the sharing of knowledge within organizations.

The aim of the study is to determine the implementation of knowledge management in startups and small-scale organization. The aim of the study is to determine the similarities and difference between the startups and temporary organization. The research aims to determine the knowledge management use on the transition of the startup business to a semi-permanent business. Furthermore, the aim of the study is to determine the implementation of knowledge management within the startup.  Additionally, the research also aims to determine the process of transition of the start-up that is from a temporary business to a semi-permanent. Therefore, the aim of the study is to analyze the role played by knowledge management in the startup or small-scale organization.

  • To determine the implementation of knowledge management in the learning of the organization.
  • To determine how knowledge management impact startups or small-scale businesses.
  • To analyze the implementation process of knowledge management in startups or small-scale organization.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge management in startups or small-scale organization.

The aim of the study is to conduct a novel analysis on the knowledge management uniqueness in startups and small companies. The research aims to analyze how knowledge management can act as an effective strategy for enduring learning. Additionally, the research aims to study the knowledge management with the aspect of training demand in a private, small organization and in those organization, which are knowledge-intensive.

  • To analyze the significance of knowledge management in organizations.
  • To compare and analyze the environment which enables knowledge in small companies.
  • To evaluate the knowledge management uniqueness in small companies.
  • To analyze how effective management of knowledge can act as a good strategy for long-term learning.

Aims and Objectives As per the study of Souag et al., (2016), in a knowledge-driven economy, organisations constantly seek different ways to achieve long-term success, organisational growth and sustainability. In addition, knowledge management has been established to empower organisations with multiple supporting tools, methods, processes and theories. This help in bridging the gap between standard processes and task-based reality. Although, knowledge gaps related to design problems are unclear for which designers seek direction rather than the solution. Many organisations have faced critical challenges related to product-design, which led to the increased demand for reusing existing knowledge efficiently. Moreover, engineers apply best practices to continuously improve their working methodology which helps in enhancing incremental product development.

This helps in improving design-related issues which creates either negative or positive consequences for the organisation. Therefore, this study aims to provide the pathway for engineers to enhance their knowledge by utilising reuse of engineering knowledge through the perspectives of experience-based codified knowledge in incremental product development in the UK manufacturing firms. The objectives are;

  • To identify the concept of knowledge reuse in the engineering context.
  • To critically evaluate the characteristics and factors of codified knowledge that supports knowledge reuse.
  • To assess the use of knowledge reuse in enhancing incremental product development in UK manufacturing firms.

Aims and Objectives According to the study of Ahmady et al., (2016), knowledge management and decision-making strategies are the crucial factors in the development of the organisation. Knowledge Management provides a framework for understanding knowledge operations and infrastructure to support the organisational growth. In addition, new systematic perspectives have been developed related to soft system thinking, critical system thinking and so on in the context of knowledge management. This has provided an innovative way of thinking and useful toolbox for enhancing knowledge management processes among practical users.

Many of the researchers have identified the strong association of knowledge management systems and organisational structure through which organisation develop, simulate, create, and protect knowledge. The KM processes play a vital role in enhancing organisational growth by innovating business models and other operations. However, this study focuses on different knowledge management theories and their contributions on systems thinking, decision making and organisational learning. The objectives of this study are listed below;

  • To examine the relationship between knowledge management and organisational structure.
  • To analyse different knowledge management theories that help in enhancing the knowledge management practices in the organisation.
  • To critically evaluate different influencing factors and enablers of knowledge management in the organisation.

Aims and Objectives Schuller (2017) elaborated that due to increased global competition, knowledge-based resources are considered one of the significant factors for achieving competitive advantage in the firms. In addition, transferring knowledge has become a prominent problem for the large parent companies. Thus, knowledge tends to be sticky and difficult to transfer due to various contextual variables including, transfer implementation and internalisation. Moreover, the increase in knowledge stickiness beyond a certain limit can also deter the success of transferring knowledge. The concept of stickiness initially refers to the cost of sharing and accessing information for technical innovation due to knowledge management practices and its integration in the organisation. In addition, social embeddedness is an essential component that helps in expediting efficient knowledge transfer mechanism from the corporation to its subsidiary by ensuring corporate responsibility, minimising redundancy, and reducing costs. Therefore, this study aims to focus on unpacking stickiness from the perspectives of knowledge transfer approach. Following are the objectives of the study;

  • To identify the contents of the origin of knowledge stickiness and the influence of knowledge characteristics on unpacking stickiness.
  • To critically evaluate various organisation-specific factors for determining knowledge stickiness and knowledge transfer success.
  • To analyse the barriers and challenges that make the transfer process difficult.
  • To identify the characteristics of technical and social systems that are required to support knowledge transfer in different contexts.

Aims and Objectives As per the study of Smuts and Maramba (2020), the rapid evolutions in the organisations has increased the demand for knowledge management to transform old processes into new models for managing information. Moreover, knowledge management practices are considered essential for implementing effective strategic and technical planning to achieve long-term sustainability. Though, the resources of KM helps the organisations to enhance the capability of innovating the process which further supports different ways to achieve competitive advantage. In both, international and national environments, companies possessing more knowledge has the greater chance of achieving long-term success, thus, it is effective to utilise KM practices efficiently to gain strategic competence and sustainability.

This has increased the companies' core competencies resulting in the sustainability of competitive advantage. However, this study aims to evaluate how knowledge practices have become an essential asset for the organisation to gain a competitive advantage in both internal and national environments. The objectives are listed below;

  • To understand the significance of knowledge management and its practices within the organisation.
  • To examine different aspects of knowledge management as the source of sustainable competitive advantage in the organisation.
  • To assess the impact of knowledge management and practices on the sustainable competitive advantage of the firms in a national and international environment.
  • To explore certain issues in the integration of knowledge management and transferring process to attain long-term sustainability.

Aims and Objectives As per the study of Soto-Acosta and Cegarra-Navarro (2016), technical innovation is one of the significant aspects to provide sustainable growth and survival in a highly competitive market. For this purpose, organisations seeks ways to encourage innovation by exploiting potential resources and practices of advanced knowledge. To manage these resources efficiently, emerging changes associated with the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) tools are implemented for the management of knowledge flows. Moreover, the integration of technology has enhanced the organisational process by taking knowledge management initiatives to foster trust, cooperation and innovation in the organisation. Thus, this study mainly focuses on identifying and exploring the role of ICT and information systems (IS) for facilitating efficient knowledge management systems in the organisations. The objectives of this study are;

  • To recognise the reality and utilisation of emerging ICT tools and information systems in organisational development.
  • To assess the impact of ICT tools and knowledge management practices in various dimensions within the organisation.
  • To provide a conceptual framework for highlighting the utilisation of ICT and IS for facilitating knowledge management processes in the organisations.
  • To identify future trends, opportunities and challenges associated with the integration of ICT and IS for facilitating knowledge management in organisations.

Aims and Objectives Pathak and Nigam (2017) highlighted the prominent factors that helped the firm to manage its growing focus related to the knowledge management (KM). Out of the different processes, knowledge harvesting is the significant process of KM, which helps in managing the interviews of experts, documenting knowledge, and forming knowledge strategies to foster collaboration and effectiveness within the organisation. Considering the application of knowledge management and its flow from parent companies to their joint venture (the child) has been a complex issue related to harvesting knowledge. Transfer and transformation of knowledge in between parent companies and its joint venture highlight the major processes of harvesting knowledge.

Therefore, the main aim behind this study is to explore important factors which facilitate knowledge harvesting and identify its importance for the parent companies. This study includes a case study of Alphabet, which is a parent company of Google. The objectives of this study are listed below;

  • To investigate the importance of knowledge harvesting for parent companies.
  • To critically evaluate the factors that facilitate knowledge harvesting by integrating the case study of Alphabet (Parent) and Google (Child) firms.
  • To identify the barriers and opportunities in managing knowledge harvesting process in parent companies and joint ventures.

Aims and Objectives Massingham and Al Holaibi (2017) evaluated that knowledge management is a process of creating an environment for skilled individuals to utilise their expertise and knowledge in the development of an organisation. In addition, the dynamic nature of the market these days, demand highly organised and structure systems in order to achieve satisfactory levels, efficiency, flexibility and service. Thus, business development processes highly rely on the intensive use of KM methods which enables information for deploying successful business strategic outcomes. These outcomes help in processing information on both internal and external factors for the proper alignment of the goals and objectives.

Considering the perspectives of KM, human capital is one of the significant resources of the organisation for achieving long-term benefits. Though, in certain cases, it becomes harder for the companies to manage human skills and intelligence for the benefit of the firm. Therefore, this study aims to explore the facts that how organisations can improve their KM processes in order to enhance workflow and productivity. The objectives of this study are;

  • To analyse the idea of embedding knowledge management into business processes.
  • To investigate the effect of KM practices and approaches on job satisfaction and employee performance in the organisation.
  • To identify the factors that help organisations to improve KM activities for enhancing workflow and productivity.

Aims and Objectives As per the study of Massaro et al., (2016), the global society has been facing crisis including poverty, political tensions, knowledge and innovation, economic and environmental problems. In addition, many companies are seeking ways to avoid production, manufacturing, environmental, social, economic and other issues to sustain the competitive environment. Since its origin, knowledge management has put forward various practices in relation to social, cultural, economic and political context for developed countries. Though, numerous assumptions have been emerged based on the constructed models which certainly appear unrealistic to everyday situations in the underdeveloped countries. Embedding knowledge management in organisations helps in enhancing firms' performance and competitiveness. In addition, it is also considered beneficial in improving the economic conditions of the underdeveloped countries. However, this study aims to conduct research on knowledge management and its impact on the underdeveloped countries by understanding the case study of Venezuela. The objectives are listed below;

  • To identify the idea of embedding knowledge management in the organisations.
  • To critically evaluate the role of knowledge management in improving economic, social, cultural situations in the underdeveloped countries.
  • To analyse the effectiveness of KM in enhancing the economic development of underdeveloped countries.
  • To assess the impact and identify challenges of implementing knowledge management process in underdeveloped countries.

Aims and Objectives Shapira et al., (2017) highlighted that maintaining sustainability has always been an important goal for the organisations to be accomplished in the early stages of development. Knowledge is at the centre of evolution, emerging business processes and technologies related to sustainability and technological innovation has transformed the mentality of society and the businesses. Thus, knowledge management has become a key interest for the academia and businesses based on the knowledge-driven economic growth strategies for managing, forming, distributing and harvesting proper source of knowledge. Moreover, usually, companies lack in attaining proper guidelines, definitions, policies related to strategic sustainable development. The companies should in a new direction to avoid ecological damage. This approach of sustainable development strategy (SSD) has provided pathways for the organisation to meet the needs of the present without concern for the future. The lens of SSD provides various tools, concepts and methods for the decision-makers to resolve the issues. However, this study aims to evaluate how organisations apply SSD model to a knowledge management framework for moving organisations towards sustainability. The objectives are;

  • To evaluate the effectiveness of the framework for strategic sustainable development.
  • To examine the role of knowledge management and strategic sustainable development in moving the organisations towards sustainability.
  • To assess the future opportunities and challenges in applying the SSD model to KM framework for maintaining organisational sustainability and growth.

Aims and Objectives As per the study of Andrawina et al., (2018), organisations continually seek unique ways, methods, processes, and techniques for implementing innovation to achieve desired goals and objectives. For managing changes, organisations embed knowledge-sharing philosophies and activities for achieving competitive advantage among other businesses. The necessity of knowledge management systems has been rapidly increasing due to the importance of business analytics and influence of the competitive advantage to balance working areas including production, utilisation of resources and organisational goals. Though, organisational readiness is used as a prerequisite for the individual or companies to implement and manage the change successfully. Organisation readiness for KM refers to the organisation's capability of identifying, storing, sharing, and distributing knowledge to adopt and utilise advantages for implementing the change. Though, this study focuses on establishing a conceptual framework to measure organisational readiness for adopting knowledge management. The objectives are listed below;

  • To analyse how companies assess the factors to develop and adopt knowledge management activities in their communities.
  • To provide a conceptual framework for measuring organisational readiness to adopt knowledge management processes.
  • To identify the factors for measuring organisational readiness to adopt KM systems in the organisation.

Aims The aim of this study is that it is the critical study on the impact of the stressing knowledge organisational closeness and the knowledge acquisition under pressure. Organisations are the analytically conceptualised to individuals for a long time. This study based on the organisations which exhibited the familiar symptoms of the stress and become unreceptive to the input and external stimuli. The aim of this study is that to create the analytical framework for dynamic studying of the organisational permeability to eternal knowledge. Objectives The objectives of this study are the following:

  • To assess the stressing knowledge of organisations.
  • To evaluate the organisational closeness and knowledge acquisition under pressure.
  • To analyse the impact of the stressing knowledge organisational closeness and knowledge acquisition under pressure.

Aims The aim of this study is that it is a critical evaluation of standardized knowledge transfer which is based on the case study of the project-based organisations in the construction and the IT sectors. This paper investigates the knowledge transfer process in the organisation of the project based on the organisation perspective. This study also emphasizes the organisational importance in project based organisation and the implications of the project management. This study also finds the difference between organisational culture and professional culture. Objectives The objectives of this study are the following:

  • To analyse the standardized knowledge transfer.
  • To assess the case study of the project based organisation.
  • To analyse the project based organisations in the construction and IT sector.
  • To critically evaluate the standardised knowledge transfer case study of the project based organisations in the construction and IT sectors.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this research shows a strategy and approach which presents the framework requires for knowledge that shares to the sales-oriented in the team for a dynamic organization. It can be realised with familiarising the others to develop an understanding of the concept of knowledge management and innovative ideas with proper concepts depends on the case study of online e-commerce websites. This paper aims to identify the framework which will develop as the beginning of implementing a solution for knowledge that may share within the team (Bashir & Farooq, 2019). Thus, the purpose of this work is to utilize existing strategies of knowledge management to analyse the team to initiate the project in an organization.

The objectives of this study are listed below:

  • To provide an overview of the ideas of knowledge management sharing the dynamics of sales
  • To evaluate the insight on knowledge management and analyse the sales in an organization
  • To develop the base of the entire assessment and to demonstrate the recent status about capabilities towards knowledge sharing.
  • To assess the framework of knowledge management with having a strong alignment to the requirement of assessing dynamic of an organization for sales.

This study aims to enhance the understanding of the concept of knowledge management at the organization specifically in the public sector by considering an example of a case study based on the industry of the UK. The study explores the knowledge at the level of enterprises in the public or private sector while considering the knowledge of the economy and to generate a framework that will identify and adopt good practice about knowledge management (Al-Qubaisi, et al., 2018). Furthermore, this paper aims to elaborate on a discussion about theoretical perspectives based on empirical guided studies. In this way, the case study based on UK industry evaluates the knowledge management system specifically in the public sector.

The objectives of this research are listed below:

  • To evaluate and advance the concept of knowledge management system within the public sector organization.
  • To consider the case study for gaining information about managing knowledge system in UK industries.
  • To evaluate the process of adopting new technology to enhance the knowledge system within the organization.

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Knowledge Management Dissertation Ideas To Get The Brain Rolling

The advantage of using dissertation ideas over topics is that the ideas can help you get your brain rolling. Moreover, a good idea can be modified and taken further than a simple topic. This is the reason why our subject specific writers have prepared a free list of the best knowledge management dissertation ideas you can use to land yourself with the perfect knowledge management dissertation topics.

The aim of this study is that it is the case study for the understanding of improvement of the knowledge sharing capabilities of the organisations. This study is based on the case study of the UK’s research and the development sector. The projects also complex because of the stakeholders the skills diversity and the uncertainties that involved which require accurate information and the management of the social interaction. This study also emphasized the information exchange, communication barriers, skills and knowledge dependence and different terminal technologies. The objectives of this study are the following:

  • To evaluate the knowledge sharing capabilities of the organisation.
  • To assess the understanding of how to improve the knowledge sharing capabilities of the organisations.
  • To analyse the case study of the UK research and the development sectors.
  • To critically evaluate the factors of the knowledge sharing capabilities of the organisation.

To analyse the impact of the knowledge sharing capabilities after the improvement of the UK's research and development sector.

This research aims to develop an understanding of the importance of knowledge management for service industries and the process through which such organization utilized the knowledge management to attain competitive advantage. Although to explore the barriers faced by a service organization that may anticipate during the implementation of knowledge management (de Souza Moraes, et al., 2019). The research also deals with a different aspect of knowledge management that particularly concentrate on sharing knowledge in service industries.

  • To represent the aspect that may help in creating and sustaining the success of managing knowledge work at the organization.
  • To focus on the process of utilizing knowledge management for the organization based on the service sector.
  • To analyse the problems faced by an organization to adopt knowledge management and handles such problems.
PhD An analysis of the use of knowledge technology applications for knowledge management in UK.
PhD Exploring the effectiveness of IT based systems for managing knowledge management system
PhD A critical evaluation of knowledge processes and their capabilities in project based organizations.

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Some horrendous downfalls for choosing bad knowledge management dissertation topics are:

  • Your supervisor might not be interested in working on it
  • Dissertation may not have any academic credibility
  • Your study might not be viable
  • Your research may not make any logical sense

There are 3 major types of research topics that are

  • Comparative research topics
  • Causal research topics
  • Descriptive research topics
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Since dissertation topic is the first thing a reader will see, therefore it is recommended to spend a proper time on brainstorming until you nail the dissertation topic. For this you can consult with your supervisor or advisor, or even read dissertation published on famous academic journals to get an idea.

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    etween three compo. entsof knowledge management, namely knowledge creation, kno. knowledge sharing. Although knowledge creation is the process of generating new. n the memorysystem (Argote et al., 2003), the present literature review focu. sharing as a knowledge management process. This is not only because knowledge.

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    Knowledge management (KM) is vital for an organization to succeed in a highly dynamic and competitive world. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies that managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use to effectively integrate KM into business practices. The study population comprised 5 managers from 2 SMEs

  6. Knowledge Management: A Study of Effective Management of Tacit

    This thesis presents a grounded theory approach to conceptualising the challenges of knowledge management from a tacit perspective through qualitative analysis of data generated in the context of Chinese not-for-profit organisations. It seeks to present a theoretical contribution in the form of maturity model that enables the determination of ...

  7. PDF Knowledge Management in Global Teams

    Draft of Master thesis by Johan Annell & Chao Wu, 2013-05-24 Knowledge Management in Global Teams A Case Study at Volvo IT in Sweden and China Johan Annell Master of Science Thesis in Management and Economics of innovation Chao Wu Master of Science Thesis in Production Engineering

  8. PDF Master Thesis

    knowledge flows and enablers. In Journal of Knowledge Management 18 (6), pp. 1101-1126. • Xue, Colin Ting Si (2017): A literature review on Knowledge Management in organizations. In Research in Business and Management 4 (1), pp. 30-41 Tasks and Goals This master thesis is closely related to the current research of the chair and you will ...

  9. Knowledge Management

    Unlock the power of knowledge with the M.S. in Knowledge Management. Our program prepares graduates to create, share and manage knowledge within organizations, helping to drive innovation and improve performance. With a fully online curriculum that blends theory and practice, our graduates are well-equipped for careers in a variety of industries.

  10. (PDF) The Analysis of Knowledge Management Process on Thesis

    The Analysis of Knowledge Management Process on Thesis/Dissertation Management: A Systematic Review ... This article reports the outcomes of a synergic approach between master (MA) students, a ...

  11. (PDF) The role of big data and knowledge management in improving

    Knowledge management plays a significant role in organizations; supporting organizations to deal effectively with changes, increasing their productivity and paving the way to development and ...

  12. The role of knowledge management in organisational performance

    Abstract: An organisation s success to a great extent depends on its capability to leverage knowledge and produce value from its knowledge resources. However, shifting workforce demographics are causing challenges to organisations in this regard. A significant number of experienced employees are retiring, changing to part-time or moving from ...

  13. 100s of Free Management Dissertation Topics and Titles

    Some interesting dissertation topics under this field are; Topic 1: Examining the Impact of Enterprise Social Networking Systems (ESNS) on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning. Topic 2: A Review of Knowledge Management Research. Topic 3: The Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on Innovation and Knowledge Management Capacity.

  14. PDF The Importance of Knowledge Management Practices in Overcoming the

    Master Thesis Software Engineering Thesis no: MSE-2008-16 August 2008 School of Engineering Blekinge Institute of Technology Box 520 SE - 372 25 Ronneby ... Knowledge Management is considered to be the most important asset of an organization. Before going deeper, first knowledge can be defined as "Knowledge is experience or ...

  15. Master thesis Organization Studies Knowledge management and innovation

    was very instructive, stressfully, fatiguing, but above all, satisfactory, and finally this master thesis is finished within the master program Organization Studies of Tilburg University in the academic year 2010-2011. Central to this research is the concept of knowledge management which has served as a source inspiration for my future perspective.

  16. PDF Knowledge transfer and learning

    School of Business in Sweden. Considering that the researcher's master is in Project Management, she decided to apply the gained knowledge in her thesis, with special interest in knowledge transfer and learning in and between projects in companies. The researcher chose the topic for three reasons:

  17. Information and Knowledge Management

    This one-year Information and Knowledge Management programme at the Stellenbosch University comprises a research project in the field of the management of, leadership in and strategic development of knowledge intensive organisations. Stellenbosch University. Stellenbosch , South Africa. Top 2% worldwide. Studyportals University Meta Ranking.

  18. Thesis Knowledge Management in The Building Industry

    THESIS KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN THE BUILDING INDUSTRY Submitted by Michael Gordon Hall Department of Construction Management In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the Degree of Master of Science Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado Fall 2014 Master's Committee: Adviser: Kelly C. Strong Bolivar Senior Brian Fugate

  19. List of Knowledge Management Dissertation Topics 2020 [Free]

    14. A novel research on knowledge management and its impact on the underdeveloped countries. A case study of Venezuela. 15. An evaluation of how organizations can apply the strategic sustainable development (SSD) framework as a lens and filter to a knowledge management framework to move an organization towards sustainability. 16.

  20. PNSB PFA Recipients Discuss Studying abroad and internships

    PNSB Palau Fellowship Award Recipients Discuss Studying abroad and internships | August 7, 2024 | EPFM Studio

  21. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

    596K subscribers in the vexillology community. A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and…

  22. Flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia : r/vexillology

    601K subscribers in the vexillology community. A subreddit for those who enjoy learning about flags, their place in society past and present, and…

  23. The flag of Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia which I bought there

    For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond.

  24. Kapotnya District

    A residential and industrial region in the south-east of Mocsow. It was founded on the spot of two villages: Chagino (what is now the Moscow Oil Refinery) and Ryazantsevo (demolished in 1979). in 1960 the town was incorporated into the City of Moscow as a district. Population - 45,000 people (2002). The district is one of the most polluted residential areas in Moscow, due to the Moscow Oil ...