A Conscious Rethink

7 Reasons Why Finding Hope For The Future Is So Important

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woman looking at sunrise over the ocean illustrating hope

What is hope?

Why is hope so important?

How can I find hope?

These are the questions we will attempt to answer in this article.

So let us begin.

Speak to an accredited and experienced therapist to help you find hope for the future if you’re struggling right now. You may want to try speaking to one via BetterHelp.com for quality care at its most convenient.

What Is Hope?

Of all the thoughts and notions a person can have, hope is probably closest to trust.

When you have hope, you are placing your trust in the potential for something positive to happen.

You are trusting that taking the right actions will make a positive outcome more likely than taking the wrong actions.

When you hope for a better future, you are placing trust in yourself to make good choices in life.

When you trust someone, you hope that they will act in a way that embodies that trust.

When you jump out of an airplane, you hope you land safely, and you trust in your parachute.

The very act of carrying on and living your life is, by itself, a display of hope. It is the trust you have that when you go to bed at night, you will wake up to a new day that is filled with possibility.

What Hope Is Not

Look in a dictionary and you’ll see definitions for hope that include words such as desire, anticipation, and expectation.

But these are not really what hope is about.

The problem with desire, anticipation, and expectation is that when a particular thing is not forthcoming, they can disappear, leaving a void into which negative thoughts and feelings enter.

Just think of a child opening his birthday presents. He desires, anticipates, and expects a particular thing – a toy or bike, for instance.

When this thing is not forthcoming, what does he do? He gets upset. He has a tantrum. He is not grateful for the presents he did get.

But hope is not tied to a particular outcome.

Hope does not depend on certainty. Hope is merely the belief that there is the potential for something good to happen.

That something good is not anything specific. It is merely the idea of a positive outcome.

As Desmond Tutu once said:

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.

The light is not a particular thing. The light is just something good – the potential for something good.

Why Is Hope So Important?

Now that we know what hope is and what it is not, why does it matter so much?

What are the reasons to have hope in life?

1. Hope is a healer.

We all face difficult times and we all get hurt. It’s inevitable.

But hope helps us to see that there are many positive possibilities ahead of us.

Hope whispers, “Things will get better.”

Hope puts the hurt and pain into perspective and reminds us that things are forever changing.

When we are at our lowest point, it is hope that lifts our head and shows us a path back toward something good.

Remember, hope is akin to trust, and when your general feelings are negative, you must trust that they will pass.

2. Hope shows us how to act.

Though hope is not tied to a particular outcome, it can still be a guiding force in our lives.

When we have hope, we are more likely to see the opportunities that come our way.

When we have hope, we are more likely to choose a path that leads to something positive.

When we have hope, we are more likely to act in a way that promotes a peaceful and joyful life.

Hope is a bit like an unseen compass that points us in the direction of something beneficial to our future.

3. Hope is a motivator.

Hope is a source of energy. It helps us to see something better up ahead and to put one foot in front of the other to move forward.

When we feel hopeful for the future, we wake up in the morning ready to embrace the day.

We are more prepared to work hard, to strive, to be willing to tackle and overcome the obstacles that we face .

Hope keeps us going when we hit a brick wall. It reminds us of why we are pursuing this path and of the potential for something good to come of it.

Hope allows us to answer Y-E-S! when life asks whether we’ve got what it takes.

4. Hope encourages self-belief.

Hope not only helps you to believe that something better is coming, it gives you the belief that you are the person who can make that something better come true.

When all we do is desire something to happen, we do not empower ourselves to try to make it happen.

But when we hope for something better, we tell ourselves that we have the power within us to change our direction of travel.

William Faulkner summed this up nicely when he said:

You cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.

If all you do is wish for new horizons, you are unlikely to see them.

It is hope that gives us the self-belief (or courage as Faulkner put it) to step onto a boat, cast off from the shore, and set sail, even if we do not yet know our destination.

5. Hope combats negative thoughts.

It is difficult to have negative thoughts and be hopeful at the same time.

Hope allows us to see light at the end of the tunnel and this light acts as a challenge to any unwanted thoughts.

When you think, “I can’t do this,” hope reminds you how capable you are.

When you think, “this is a disaster,” hope reminds you that things will improve.

When you think, “I hate my life,” hope reminds you that the future is full of potential.

Whilst hope can’t eradicate all negative thoughts immediately, the more we can nurture a feeling of hope, the less those thoughts will pop into our heads.

6. Hope brings inner peace.

As with negative thoughts, hope can help ease negative feelings too.

Hope is the opposite of despair.

Whereas despair creates a breeding ground for self-loathing, inaction, and depression, hope allows joy, enthusiasm, and a quiet contentment to grow.

Even whilst a challenging situation remains, hope can transform our inner landscape into one that is less affected by the outside environment.

7. Hope is contagious.

People want to feel hopeful. They really do.

They want to believe – to trust – that the future is bright.

Which is why they are so willing and able to absorb the hope of others.

Hope spreads quickly. When the possibility of a better future is put forward, people are ready to listen and believe.

And so, the last reason why hope is important is because the more hope we have, the more hope we will inspire in others.

How To Find Hope For The Future

Now that we’ve hopefully convinced you of the importance of hope, let’s turn our attention to some of the ways you can find it.

1. Recognize your power.

Believe it or not, every action you take has an effect on things.

Every action pushes you toward a particular outcome.

This is your power.

It is up to you to use this power in a way that is beneficial to your life.

Learn to recognize cause and effect in your life and be aware of the decisions you are making.

2. Ask what positive actions you can take.

Once you understand the power you have in life, it’s time to ask how you might influence things in a positive way.

Look for opportunities to take an action which increases the likelihood of a positive outcome occurring.

Don’t expect or desire any particular outcome – remember that these things are not hope.

Just try to act based upon your values and you should head in the right direction.

3. Connect with people who have faced similar circumstances.

Whatever you are going through right now that has left you lacking in hope, know that plenty of other people have been there too.

Try to find and connect to these people and allow them to both support you and guide you.

This might mean following personal blogs, finding online forums, or going to meetings in real life.

The key is to find a community – even if that only involves sitting quietly and reading or listening to others.

It makes it easier to find hope again when you know that you’re not alone.

4. Lean on those closest to you.

You might be doing a good job of hiding how you feel from your family and friends.

Or it might be written all over your face, body language, and actions.

Either way, these are people who love you and care for you. They will want to help you rediscover hope.

They may not be able to offer you the knowledge or guidance that comes from the communities discussed above, but they can still give you lots of time and energy to help you through this period in your life.

This support network can help you with the practical things and the emotional healing, so as difficult as it might be to admit that you’re struggling, trust that they will be there for you.

5. Speak to a professional.

Both the communities from point #3 and your more personal support network from point #4 will probably advise you to get help from a mental health professional.

Listen to this advice.

A professional has the expertise and experience to help you tackle the very specific thoughts, feelings, and challenges in your life.

They will be able to provide you with specific tools that you can use to change how you think and find hope once more.

As much as we’d like to say this article is all you need, we know that it is only the starting point of your journey.

BetterHelp.com is a website where you can connect with a therapist via phone, video, or instant message.

While you may try to work through this yourself, it may be a bigger issue than self-help can address. And if it is affecting your mental well-being, relationships, or life in general, it is a significant thing that needs to be resolved.

Too many people try to muddle through and do their best to overcome issues that they never really get to grips with. If it’s at all possible in your circumstances, therapy is 100% the best way forward.

Here’s that link again if you’d like to learn more about the service BetterHelp.com provide and the process of getting started.

6. Work on your self-esteem and self-worth.

People often feel despondent and without hope when they look in the mirror and don’t truly like the person they see staring back at them.

Part of the process of bringing hope back into your life is growing to like who you are and seeing the value you have as a person.

Again, a professional will help with this, but here is an article that might help you in the meantime: To Grow Your Self-Esteem Over Time, Do These 10 Small Things Regularly

7. Don’t expect answers to all of the questions.

Remember that hope is a show of trust in the likelihood of a positive outcome.

But it can’t predict the future.

If you struggle to find hope because you don’t know how everything will turn out, or even the steps you’re required to take, don’t worry.

You can’t know the answers to all of the questions.

You just have to trust that things will happen and that something good will come of it.

Sometimes you’ll know what to do and other times you’ll just have a feeling that something is right.

Go with that feeling – it is your intuition, which is strongly linked to hope.

8. Be a source of hope for others.

When you don’t know where to find hope, look for it in those who need your help.

Even when you are struggling, you have the power to bring hope to other people by giving your time and energy to their needs.

This might mean helping out at a community organization or performing acts of kindness and generosity to friends, neighbors, or strangers.

You’ll find that being a source of hope for others becomes a source of hope for you.

Make this something you do even when you regain your hope.

9. Rejoice in the little things that make life worth living.

When hope is missing, life can seem drained of all its color and vibrancy.

But you can combat this feeling and find your hope once more by recognizing the little things and brief moments of calm in your life.

Showing gratitude for those positive things that already exist in your life makes it easier to trust in the potential for even better things ahead.

If you’re struggling to think of such little things, check out this post: The Simple Things In Life: A List Of 50 Little Pleasures

To sum things up…

Hope is not just important, it is one of the most essential things in life.

Hope keeps us going. It reminds us that bad times cannot last. It spurs us on to greater things.

If you have lost hope, the challenges you face may seem insurmountable. Which is why it’s vital that you try to find hope again – even if it’s just a tiny slither to begin with.

Speaking to a professional should definitely be your first step, and we hope that the other points above will help you on your journey too.

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul – and sings the tunes without the words – and never stops at all. – Emily Dickinson

It is a good idea to seek professional help from one of the therapists at BetterHelp.com as professional therapy can be highly effective in helping you to discover hope where now you see none.

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About The Author

my hope for the future essay

Steve Phillips-Waller is the founder and editor of A Conscious Rethink. He has written extensively on the topics of life, relationships, and mental health for more than 8 years.

Future Plans Essay

500+ words future plans essay.

Everyone has dreams and plans for the future. In our childhood, we dream of becoming a doctor, an engineer, an astronaut, etc. It’s we who really know best what we like. We know what we want in our life. Future plans can be different for different students. Below is just a sample essay that students can use for reference. This future plan essay will help students to write an effective essay on their future plans. They can also get the list of CBSE Essays on different topics for their practice. It will boost their score in English exams and also help them to participate in various essay writing competitions.

My Future Plan

I often wonder about my future as I am about to finish my schooling. There are a number of questions in my mind, and the one which mostly revolves around my mind is which profession I should choose. It is difficult for me to make a choice because I am aware that the decision will impact my entire life. I always dream of a profession that I can enjoy, that brings a challenge to me and satisfies me. I believe in a job that is like a hobby for me. I just don’t want to do the job to make money. Instead, I want to love my profession and duty. Also, my job should be such that I contribute to society and help people.

From my childhood, I always wanted to treat people and cure their diseases. So, to fulfil this dream of becoming a doctor, I have some future plans. Firstly, I have to complete my secondary schooling. Then, I have to complete my higher secondary education, and thereafter, I would like to study in a prestigious medical college and later become a doctor.

Studying medical science takes a long time. It is a difficult course and requires a tremendous amount of hard work and patience. I hope that I will be able to meet all the challenges and complete my studies well. After the completion of my studies, I would like to work in a hospital, so I can make my dream come true.

During my studies, I will have to work on different biology projects. The experience of working on these projects will give me insight into science and help me in becoming a good doctor. In addition, I also have to develop patience and diligence. During the summer vacations, I will have to work under a good doctor as an assistant nurse. It will help me to get real-life experience of how doctors work. Moreover, the learning will help me to deal with patients, nurses, doctors and staff of the hospital. It will be the best kickstart for my career as a future medical student.

As for now, I am focusing on my studies and looking forward to completing my schooling. I do have a future plan for my family. But, before that, I would like to travel the world. I want to visit different countries like America, Finland and London and travel to all the continents. After finishing my education and going on a world trip, I would like to settle down in my life. So, I will get married and would love to have a small family. I would like to have a small home in a natural and calm place where I can live and enjoy myself with my family.

Students must have found “Future Plans Essay” useful for improving their essay writing skills. Visit BYJU’S website to get the latest updates and study material on CBSE/ICSE/State Board/Competitive Exams at BYJU’S.

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My Future Ambition (Essay Sample)

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My Future Ambition (Sample Essay)


While growing up every kid and teenager dreams about what they want to become in the future. We all have different ambitions in life and they usually keep on changing as we keep on growing. Our ambitions define how we act and behave by providing aim to our lives. An ambitious person is much more focused and attentive as compared to a person with no aim in life. Inspiration and influence are the driving forces behind the ambition. People want to become like those who influence and inspire them. I also have the ambition to become a medical doctor someday.  In this future ambition essay, I will discuss why I have a strong desire to become a doctor and who is the source of influence for me.

My Future Ambition Essay Example – 700 Word Long Essay


Everyone has a goal and ambition in life. As kids, we all dreamt about what we wanted to become in the future. People usually dream of being rich, living a good life, and owning a huge company, but for me, my ambition is to help humanity by becoming a doctor. My ambition in life is to be the best doctor and serve my community. As a doctor, I will serve my people by offering important medical services to save their lives. I will help the sick and needy patients no matter what their financial position is. Even if my patients could not afford my fee I will help them without asking for money. Unlike doctors nowadays who ask for large sums of money, I will help needy people on the basis of humanity and their smiles will be my fee.

A good doctor gives hope and encourages patients to look at the bright side of life. When I become a doctor, I will help the poor and the needy and will volunteer my services to ease their problems. My ambition of becoming a doctor gives me a sense of direction in life. Being a doctor means studying hard and getting good grades to go to the best medical school. For me becoming a doctor is not just a career, it is a symbol of joy and hope.

The journey is not easy, it requires a lot of sacrifices, but I have confidence that I will become a successful doctor. I will make a difference in my community by treating needy patients and educating poor students for free. I will treat my patient with respect and ensure that patients feel comfortable at all times. I will not ask for huge sums of money even for rich patients because it’s unfair to do so. I wish that I would one day fulfill my dreams to serve my community.


My ambition to become a doctor is not only my dream but also my parents’ dream. They see the potential in me and want me to progress towards achieving my ambition. I remember my grandmother died from cancer because my parents could not afford the treatment expense. My father wept for months after my grandmother passed away and blamed himself because he had no money. I saw my father in pain and agony and I don’t want that to happen to anyone ever again. My father is also proud of my ambition and he appreciates all my efforts to achieve this goal.

When I was a little boy, I always wanted to help those in need. I liked volunteering my services. During my free time, I would take care of my old grandmother who encouraged me to consider a career in medicine. Initially, I thought of being a singer because I loved singing, but I never considered being a doctor because it required much dedication. As I grew up and met many people in need of medical services, therefore I reshaped my ambition and left every other thing aside. I realized that I had the potential of becoming a doctor after I attended my first training as a volunteer at a local hospital. The experience changed my life.

After volunteering at the local hospital, I received positive feedback from the supervisor who recommended me for an exchange program. The program enabled me to get the chance to study medicine in one of the prestigious medical schools in the US. I try to do my best to become a good doctor by studying hard. I have many plans after I complete my studies and become a successful doctor. I also made a vow to myself that I would be faithful to my duties and respectful to my ambition.

Short Essay Sample On My Future Ambition – 300 Word Short Custom Essay


People always ask kids and teens about what they want to become in the future once they grow up. At some time in life, we all have wondered about our future ambitions in life. What we want to achieve or become is mostly influenced by the people and things that surround us. Children and teenagers want to become like people who inspire and influence them. Our ambition gives us purpose in life and we all want to become like someone. For me, I have an ambition of becoming a great dancer someday.

My Future Ambition

As a kid, I always asked myself: “That is ambition important in life?” I realized that ambition depends upon our interest, choice, and our role model in life. I had an interest in dancing and my role model was none other than Michael Jackson. From that day onwards I made dancing my future ambition and started practicing every day to improve my skill. Another reason I chose this as my future ambition is that everyone only wants to become a doctor or engineer. I want to remove this negative stigma when it comes to choosing passion over money. 

Why I Chose this Ambition?

It seems odd to people that I have chosen to become a dancer. I chose dancing because it lets me express myself, I feel relieved, and all my stress goes away. I also like the crowd groans when they are just amazed to see you move and I start feeling good about myself.

Other than all that dancing teaches us many life lessons of hard work, patience, determination, and consistency. These lessons don’t just make you a better dancer but also a better person in life. Through this ambition, I also want to eliminate all the negative stigmas associated with a creative career path. I want to tell people that engineers, lawyers, doctors, and scientists are not the only four professions in the world.

In Conclusion, everyone should be free to choose his/her ambition in life. Just like my parents, all parents should allow their children to choose any profession they want to. On the other hand, teenagers should also get good grades to enter their profession without a problem.

Do you like these sample essays about My Future Ambition? Reach out to Essay Basics to get a professionally written plagiarism-free and unique custom essay on any topic in less than 3 hours.

FAQ About My Ambition In Life Essay

How to write an essay about your future ambitions.

To write an essay on future ambition you have to tell about your ambition and then explain why you chose this ambition and what you want to achieve.

What Are Some Examples Of Ambition For The Future?

Doctor, pilot, soldier, engineer, lawyer, teacher, and scientist are some examples of most common future ambitions.

Is ambition important in life?

Yes, ambition is very important in life. Without any ambition, you will feel like you have no aim and that’s not good for emotional and mental well-being.

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Published: Jan 15, 2019

Words: 685 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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  • InterviewPenguin.com – Your best job interview coach since 2011

What is your vision for the future? Sample interview answers & more

The future of the world doesn’t seem too bright. But that doesn’t mean your future cannot be bright , or that you should have no vision for the future at all. Applying for a place at a study program , for a scholarship , or for an entry level job , you may often face this question. But what do the people in the admission committee, or the hiring managers, want to hear from you? We will try to find the answer on the following lines.

First of all, they want to hear that you have some vision for the future . Saying that you have no idea whatsoever what to do with your life won’t take you anywhere–even if that’s true. Now, it doesn’t mean that you have to be laser-targeted, calling out a specific job or even a specific organization you want to work for in five or ten years. But you should at least vaguely tell what’s ahead for you.

Secondly, your vision for your future should at least somehow correspond with the thing you want to study, or the job you try to get (while facing this question). As an example, it would not make much sense talking about running your own vet clinic, or about becoming a professional musician, while you apply for a place at law school. Saying that you’d like to work for some non-profit organization (fighting for a cause you support), or perhaps become a divorce lawyer, makes much more sense in this case. Of course this was just an example, but I hope you got my point.

Another option would be philosophize a bit about the future of the world, focusing on the bigger picture. Even in this case though, try to avoid excessive negativity . Even if you share negative predictions, try to point out some positive contribution you want to make, basically how you hope to make things at least a bit better. Okay, let’s have a look now at 7 sample answers to this interesting question. Needless to say, in a selection of 7 answers I cannot cover all possible areas and directions one can take in life, but I tried to come up with a nice mix of answers (including some unconventional answers) that will hopefully give you a good idea about your own answer to this one. Enjoy!

7 sample answers to “What is your vision for the future?” interview question

  • My vision for the future is to have a great job, one in which I can have some impact, ideally in the sphere of social work. That’s why I chose your study program . Ideally I want to work with the elderly population, since I understand this group is getting bigger and more vulnerable every year. Of course, life’s not only work. I also hope to start a family one day, and to live a good and balanced life, getting an opportunity to spend time in the nature, devote myself to music–my hobby, and at the same time be a good employee, husband and father .
  • The future looks super uncertain to me. With the wars erupting left and right, climate change, water crisis, and you name it, I find it a bit brave to think too far ahead. Having said that, I believe we should not be mere passive observers , and negativity won’t change anything either. That’s why I want to study Physics, and perhaps in the future help with developing solutions that will tackle the climate change , or at least add my small bit when we talk about saving the Earth. That’s my vision for the future, and you can be sure I will give it my best shot.
  • I imagine teaching at an elementary school , ideally in my city. Maybe it isn’t a big vision for the future, but it is one that gives me joy, and strength to continue in my studies, and to give it my very best shot every day . Then one day I hope to become a mother myself, and do a good job in this department too. I also imagine being healthy, and you can be sure I will continue eating healthy and exercising, doing my best to stay in shape. All in all, I am grateful for the opportunities I have in life , and enthusiastic about the future ahead.
  • Vision for my future, or for the future of the world ? When we speak about the second, a lot needs to happen so we have any future as a mankind. But yeah, I can probably not do much to change the bigger course of things, or can I? And you can be sure I do not cry at night or have nightmares. At the end of the day, we should focus on what we can control (at least to some extent) and that’s our own future. In that department, I hope to become a successful manager, leading big projects. Having said that, I understand that everyone needs to start from the bottom , and that many years will pass until I reach my goals. But I am ready to work hard and to dedicate myself 100% to my career, and then I know a good income will come. Law of action and reaction cannot be broken.
  • My vision for the future is to always focus on the present moment . Because that’s the only real thing to be honest. Of course, it is good to have goals and dreams, and I would like to make a career in medicine , but at the same time, the only moment we always really live, and take care off, is the present moment . Thinking too much about the future, being nervous about whether we will succeed or not, or having excessive expectations on ourselves will bring us only to psychiatrists and an early grave. Hence I do not think about it at all. I just know I want to be the doctor, and that’s it. Will give my best in the classes, study hard, and enjoy every moment of this journey. Of course, all of that is possible only if you give me a chance to study here.
  • I want to win a medal at the Olympics . That’s why I chose the best school, that’s why I train so hard every day. That’s my vision for the future- -seeing me standing there, on the top of the world, with a national anthem playing in the background, and tears running down my cheeks. Of course, I know a lot has to happen until then, and that many other people have the same dream . But I have the talent, the dedication, and if I get a scholarship here I will also have all I need to pursue this dream, and make my vision become a reality one day.
  • Well, I hope to find out soon . At the moment I am not exactly sure what I want to do with my life, and how I hope it will look like, let’s say in ten years from now. But I want to give myself a good start , and having a degree in management is definitely something that will allow me to pursue my career in various organizations and fields. Generally speaking, I hope to do a good service to society , and be a valued member of local community.

So that’s it! I hope my answers gave you some idea, and you are now ready to deal with this tricky interview questions. With you good luck in your interview, and if you’re still not sure, I recommend you to check 7 sample answers to the following questions:

  • What is your purpose in life?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years from now?
  • What does quality mean to you?
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When a college asks for an essay about what gives you hope in the future, what are good/not good things to say?

Elon University's essay prompt is "As you look in your future, what gives you hope?" I am just not sure what they want me to say, and I don't want to be generic. What are ways can I stand out when answering this prompt?

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Unless you have a special story or unique anecdote, I wouldn't focus on COVID-19 (not because it's a bad topic, just because admissions officers will probably see many of these kinds of essays.) If you have something that relates to an extracurricular activity or a field of study you hope to go into, I would recommend focusing on that, as it will allow you connect personal experience to the essay. Colleges tend to value authenticity over anything fabricated to make you stand out - that said, if you have a unique idea, go for it! Picking something unusual to find hope in would be a great way to do this, but don't sacrifice the quality of your essay just to pick something you think the admission officers would find weird.

Best of luck!

I agree with @gsielin here that it's probably best not to write about COVID-19 but I would argue it's probably not even a good idea to write about even if you have a special story or unique antidote. COVID has been a global experience which the entire world is facing together. The unfortunate reality is that there is a very small chance you would have a unique enough story to tell because of how many people this has affected. And, on the small chance you do have something incredibly unique to write about on COVID I bet more often than not there's a way you could write it without mentioning the pandemic.

I got sidetracked though so let me get to your main question. I don't intend for this to sound rude but I don't think you're approaching this question with the right mindset. You said in your post "I am just not sure what they want me to say" like you are looking for/hoping there is some answer you can have to this question where an admissions officer will think "Yes! This is it, this is what I wanted to read". That's just not going to be the case. @gsielin said it perfectly, colleges are looking for authenticity. They don't want an answer that is forced because it's what you think they want. They want a genuine answer so they can get to know more about you.

Here's an activity which I think might help you or others who stumble upon this question. Find some time where you can be alone and in a quiet place. Get away from your phone, computer, tv, etc. Maybe put on some calming music if that's something that helps you relax but whatever you do make sure you're comfortable. Now, take 10-15 minutes or more if you need, dig deep, imagine the future, and truly think of how you would answer this question. Make a list and jot down whatever comes to your mind that gives you hope even if it seems small or silly. Keep jotting down ideas until you can't think of anything else. Once you're done take some time to think about WHY you wrote those answers down because there is definitely a reason even if you are unsure what it is. If you know why you wrote it, put the reasoning next to the item on the list. Now, take a look at what you wrote for what gives you hope and what you wrote for your reasoning. I bet you there are connections you can make between what gives you hope, why it gives you hope, and who you are as person. I would also bet many of these things are (hopefully!) present in other areas of your application. Pick whichever one you feel most confident about or where you think you can relate to more throughout your entire application. The more you can connect your answer to who you are as a person and what your goals are for college/the future the easier it will be to write about. Don't worry about if it's "generic" because a lot of people are hopeful for similar things. The important thing is that you give an authentic answer that is genuine to who you are and one you can, ideally, tie into other aspects of your application. If you can do that you don't need to worry about "standing out" because your answer is going to be unique to who you are and that's going more important to an AO.

My hope for the future is that the wars will stop and we will quit losing our precious men in battle, making their wives husbandless, fathers and mothers childless, and their children parentless. I wish that the people of America will come together and stop being so cruel to each other one day.

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / 20 Years From Now / My Vision for the Future: a Fulfilling Life in 20 Years

My Vision for the Future: a Fulfilling Life in 20 Years

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  • Topic: 20 Years From Now , Future Plan

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