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  • Define computer network.
  • Know the common types of networking cable.
  • Identify tools and materials needed in making Ethernet cables.
  • Apply safety rules when working with cables.
  • Fabricate Ethernet cable.
  • Know how to set-up or configure a peer to peer network.
  • Know how to share folder/s in the network.


  • A  computer network  is a set of connected computers.
  • Computers on a network are called  nodes .
  • The connection between computers can be done via cabling, most commonly the Ethernet cable, or wirelessly through radio waves.
  • Connected computers can share resources, like access to the Internet, printers, file servers, and others.
  • A network is a multipurpose connection, which allows a single computer to do more.


  • Coaxial cable
  • Fiber optic
  • Twisted pair




  • Crimping Tool


  • The tools required to install copper and fiber-optic cable may cause danger through improper use. When working with cables, strictly follow these safety rules:
  • Make sure that the tools you are using are in good condition.
  • Watch what you are doing, and take your time. Make sure that you do not cut yourself or place anyone in danger.
  • Always wear safety glasses when cutting, stripping, or splicing cables of any kind. Tiny fragments can injure your eyes.
  • Wear gloves whenever possible, and dispose any waste properly.

How to wire Ethernet cable

  • Cut into the plastic sheath 1 inch from the end of the cut cable. The crimping tool has a razor blade that will do the trick with practice.
  • Unwind the pair of similar colors
  • Pinch the wires between your fingers and straighten them out as show. The color order is important to do this correctly.

Use wire cutter to make a straight cut across the wires ½ inch from the cut sleeve to the end of the wires.

Push the wires into the connector. Each wire fits into a slot in the RJ45 connector.

  • Take view from top. Make sure the wires are all the way in. There should be no short wires.
  • Crimping the cable-carefully place the connector into the Ethernet Crimper and pinch down the handles tightly. The copper splicing tabs on the connector will pierce into each of the eight wires. There is also a locking tab that holds the blue/gray plastic sleeve in place for a tight compression fit. When you remove the cable from the crimper, that end is ready to use. For a standard straight-through cable, repeat all steps and wire color order on the end of the cable.
  • Test the ethernet cable using the LAN tester before installing them.









  • Odd numbers: stripe color
  • Even numbers: solid colors


  • In a peer-to-peer network, devices are connected directly to each other.
  • Each device has equivalent capabilities and responsibilities.
  • Individual users are responsible for their own resources and can decide which data and devices to share.
  • Peer-to-peer network has no central point of control or administration.




-Right click computer

-Click properties

-Click change settings

-Click Change

-Change Computer Name

-Change Workgroup


-On the task bar, locate the LAN icon, then right click

-Click open network and sharing

-Click change adapter settings

-Right click network adapter

-Highlight internet protocol version 4, then click properties

-click use the following ip address

-enter ip address



  • Click the folder you want to share
  • Click properties
  • Click sharing
  • Click advance sharing
  • Tick share this folder box, give share name, then click permissions and tick permission boxes of your choice.
  • To check, go to network and double click the computer name.


  • Right click shared folder
  • Click share with
  • Highlight specific people
  • Click drop down arrow
  • Select everyone then click add
  • Highlight everyone in the permission level then select permission level
  • Click share




  • My presentations

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Networks and Networking Concepts.

Published by Franklin Freeman Modified over 9 years ago

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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Networking

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make an informative presentation on basic networking concepts

Introduction to Networking

Computer networks play a crucial role in modern communication systems, allowing the exchange of data between devices and systems across the globe. Understanding the fundamentals of networking is essential for anyone interested in computer science or information technology. This article provides an in-depth introduction to networking, covering basic principles, types of networks, and the OSI and TCP/IP network models.

1.1 Networking Basics

A computer network is a system of interconnected devices that share information and resources. Networks facilitate communication between users, transfer data, and enable access to shared resources such as files, printers, and applications. The primary components of a network include:

  • Nodes: Devices that are part of the network, such as computers, servers, and network devices like routers and switches.
  • Links: Communication channels that connect nodes, such as wired connections (Ethernet cables) or wireless connections (Wi-Fi).
  • Protocols: Sets of rules that govern how data is transmitted and received over the network, ensuring that devices can communicate with each other effectively.

A network is a set of nodes and connections between nodes, where each node can have multiple connections.

A distributed system is a collection of machines that appear as a single system, usually presenting users with a single model or paradigm through a software layer above the operating system called middleware.

The client-server model is based on a remote machine, known as the server, contains all the data, and clients request information from the server.

The peer-to-peer model is a communication model where all processes are equivalent, there is no hierarchical order (opposite of client-server), and they exchange messages with each other.

The store-and-forward packet switch format is a method of transmitting data over a network in which the entire packet must be received and stored by the switch before it is forwarded to its destination. This is in contrast to other packet switch formats, such as cut-through switching, in which the switch begins forwarding the packet before it has received the entire packet.

In the store-and-forward format, the switch receives the entire packet and verifies its integrity before forwarding it to its destination. This method helps to ensure that the packet is error-free and complete, which reduces the likelihood of network congestion and packet loss.

Store-and-forward packet switching is commonly used in networks where reliability and accuracy are critical, such as in telecommunications networks, where even a small amount of data loss or corruption can cause significant problems.

Different networks

Broadcast network.

In a broadcast network, data is transmitted from a single source to all nodes on the network. This type of network is commonly used for television and radio broadcasting, and in some cases, for local area networks (LANs).

  • Simple to set up and manage.
  • Effective for distributing data to a large number of nodes.


  • Inefficient use of network resources, as all nodes receive the same data regardless of whether they need it.
  • Potential for congestion and network downtime.

Multicast Network

In a multicast network, data is transmitted from a single source to a group of nodes on the network. This type of network is commonly used for streaming video and audio, and for distributing software updates.

  • More efficient use of network resources than broadcast networks, as data is only sent to nodes that need it.
  • Scalable, as the network can support large numbers of nodes.
  • More complex to set up and manage than broadcast networks.
  • Potential for network congestion and packet loss.

Point-to-Point Network

In a point-to-point network, data is transmitted between two nodes on the network. This type of network is commonly used for telephone calls and for connecting two computers over a network.

  • Efficient use of network resources, as data is only transmitted between the two nodes that need it.
  • Low latency and minimal packet loss.
  • Not scalable, as each additional node requires a separate connection.
  • Less flexible than broadcast or multicast networks.

Unicast Network

In an unicast network, data is transmitted from a single source to a single destination node on the network. This is the most common type of network communication and is used for most internet traffic, such as web browsing and email.

  • Not effective for distributing data to a large number of nodes.
  • Less scalable than multicast networks.

Circuit-switched network and Packet-switched network

A packet-switched network is a type of computer network in which data is transmitted in the form of packets. In this type of network, data is divided into small packets and each packet is sent individually across the network.

The packets are sent through a series of switches or routers, each of which determines the next destination for the packet based on the destination address contained within the packet. The switches and routers also determine the best path for the packet to reach its destination, based on factors such as network traffic, distance, and available resources.

Packet switching enables more efficient use of network resources, as multiple packets can be sent simultaneously over the same network link, and each packet can take a different route to its destination. It also allows for more flexible network topologies, as nodes can be added or removed from the network without disrupting the flow of data.

Packet-switched networks are used in a wide range of applications, from local area networks (LANs) to wide area networks (WANs) and the internet. They are well-suited to transmitting data that is not time-critical, such as email, file transfers, and web browsing.

A circuit-switched network is a type of telecommunications network in which a dedicated communication path is established between two nodes for the duration of the communication session. This dedicated path, or circuit, is reserved exclusively for the use of the two nodes for the duration of the call.

When a call is initiated in a circuit-switched network, the network allocates a dedicated circuit for the call and reserves it for the duration of the call. This circuit remains open even if there is no data being transmitted, which means that the resources allocated to the circuit are not available for use by other nodes on the network.

Because circuit-switched networks provide a dedicated path for each communication session, they offer a high level of reliability and quality of service, with low latency and minimal packet loss. However, they are less efficient than packet-switched networks, as resources are tied up for the entire duration of the communication session, even if there is no data being transmitted.

Circuit-switched networks are typically used for voice communications, such as traditional telephone calls, and for videoconferencing, where real-time transmission of high-quality audio and video is critical.

1.2 Historical Overview of Networking

Computer networking has evolved significantly over time. Early networks were simple, point-to-point connections between mainframe computers and terminals. The invention of packet switching in the 1960s laid the foundation for modern networking, leading to the development of the ARPANET in 1969, which was the precursor to the Internet. The Internet itself emerged in the 1980s, followed by the World Wide Web in the early 1990s, revolutionizing global communication and information sharing.

1.3 Types of Networks: LAN, WAN, PAN, and MAN

Computer networks can be categorized based on their size, geographic scope, and the technology they use:

  • Local Area Network (LAN): A network that connects devices within a limited area, such as a home, office, or school. LANs typically use Ethernet or Wi-Fi technologies.
  • Wide Area Network (WAN): A network that spans large geographic areas, often connecting multiple LANs. The Internet is the largest example of a WAN.
  • Personal Area Network (PAN): A network that connects devices in close proximity, typically centered around a single individual. Bluetooth is a common technology used for PANs.
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): A network that connects devices within a city or metropolitan area, typically used by governments, universities, or businesses with multiple locations.

1.4 Network Topologies

Network topology refers to the arrangement of nodes and links within a network. Different topologies offer various advantages and disadvantages in terms of performance, reliability, and cost. Common network topologies include:

  • Bus: All devices are connected to a single, central cable called the bus. This topology is simple and inexpensive but can suffer from performance issues as the number of devices increases.
  • Ring: Devices are connected in a circular loop, with each device connected to two others. This topology provides better performance than a bus but can be less fault-tolerant, as a failure in one link can disrupt the entire network.
  • Star: All devices are connected to a central node, typically a network switch or hub. This topology is more reliable and easier to troubleshoot than bus or ring topologies but can be more expensive due to the need for a central device.
  • Mesh: Devices are connected to multiple other devices, providing redundant paths for data transmission. Mesh topologies offer excellent reliability and fault tolerance but can be complex and expensive to implement.
  • Tree: Devices are connected in a hierarchical structure, with a central root node connected to multiple subtrees. This topology is scalable and provides a balance between performance and cost.

1.5 Network Models: OSI and TCP/IP

Network models provide a framework for understanding how data is transmitted and processed across a network. Two prominent models are the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model.

The OSI model is a theoretical framework that consists of seven layers, each responsible for a specific aspect of data communication. The layers, from top to bottom, are:

  • Application Layer: Provides network services to end-user applications.
  • Presentation Layer: Handles data formatting, encryption, and compression.
  • Session Layer: Manages connections and sessions between devices.
  • Transport Layer: Ensures reliable data transmission and error control.
  • Network Layer: Handles routing and forwarding of data packets.
  • Data Link Layer: Provides error detection and correction at the link level.
  • Physical Layer: Transmits raw data bits over the physical medium.

TCP/IP Model

The TCP/IP model is a more practical and widely used framework for network communication. It consists of four layers, which map closely to the OSI model:

  • Application Layer: Corresponds to the OSI Application, Presentation, and Session layers, providing end-user services and network communication.
  • Transport Layer: Equivalent to the OSI Transport Layer, ensuring reliable data transmission with protocols like TCP and UDP.
  • Internet Layer: Corresponds to the OSI Network Layer, managing routing and addressing with protocols like IP.
  • Network Access Layer: Combines the OSI Data Link and Physical layers, handling the physical transmission of data and link-level error control.

Understanding the principles of networking, types of networks, and network models provides a solid foundation for further exploration of computer networks and their applications in various domains.

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An Introduction to Basic Networking Concepts and Principles

Table of Contents

Nearly every facet of today's world depends on a type of network to function. Computer networks are the backbone of every organization. But to the not-so-tech-inclined, it is a far too technical area they would rather leave to the tech support guys. While the techies' livelihood depends on fixing your system, it doesn't hurt to be conversant in an area much of our work depends on.

This article aims to introduce you to the fundamental concepts of networking. It doesn't assume any previous knowledge on your part and is intended to make you conversant with the most important concepts of networking.

What is Networking 

Networking simply means the design and use of computer networks.  A network is an interconnection of devices to share data and perform other functions.

Computer networking involves the linking of different computer devices (known as hosts) by others and interfaces designed to ensure effective connection, security, and sometimes, integrity.

To proceed, it is pivotal for us to understand that a network essentially is, at its most basic level, a combination of elements that make up a system. Now, let's take a look at those elements.

An Introduction to Basic Networking Concepts and Principles

Also Read: Network Address Translation(NAT): A Useful Tool for IPV4 Address Translation

A simple computer network usually has components that are linked together to carry out operations. These components are broadly divided into three classes:-

a) The host devices: It is also known as end devices, are the components of the network that most people interface with, they are usually the source and final destination of networking information. Host devices include computers, phones etc.

A network could consist of numerous end devices, so, to distinguish them and ensure proper information routing, a networking principle known as IP (internet protocol) addressing is used.

The host devices are assigned unique numbers to identify them as part of a network. Currently, there are two versions of IP addresses:-

  • Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4)
  • Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6 )

b) The intermediary/networking devices: These devices are the links between host devices and the network or they can connect different networks together in an internetwork. Their primary function includes:-

  • Linking end devices
  • Routing data from one end device or network to another by regeneration and retransmission of signals.
  • Ensuring security and fast delivery etc.
  • Maintaining path information and communicating failure in links.

Examples of intermediary devices include routers and switches. Routers are devices whose primary function involves linking multiple networks and routing data through them. A switch on the other hand links different host devices in one network.

c) The network media : It is basically the channel through which signals pass from a source to a destination in the network. They include :-

  • Metallic wires
  • Fiber optics
  • Wireless transmitters.

Now that we have treated the fundamental components of a typical network it's important to look at what kind of networks are out there.

What are the types of Networks 

Networks can be classified based on many factors. But there are two popular ways to look at them.

A) Classification based on Area

If we decide to consider networks based on the area they cover then some of the common types includes below.

a) Local Area Networks (LAN ): this is one of the simplest forms of networks, this network typically includes a few network devices in a small geographical area. For instance, the network in a corporate office building is a LAN. WLAN (wireless LAN) is a popular type of LAN where communication between the devices is through wireless media.

b) Metropolitan Area Network (MAN): as you can deduce from the name, MANs are networks covering a city-wide range. They are normally owned by governments.

c) Wide Area Network (WAN): this is a type of network that covers a wider geographical area than a MAN. The geographical area might be as wide as even continents. The most popular example of these WANs is the internet.

d) Virtual Private Network (VPN): this is a point-to-point connection between two host devices through an encrypted channel. VPNs are normally used to ensure secure communication.

B) Classification based on Physical Topology

Networks can also be classified based on how the devices in the network are arranged and the physical connections. Considering these criteria, four common types of network topologies includes below.

a) Bus network topology : This is the most often used topology in LANs. In this architecture, the host devices (nodes) are all connected to a main cable, sometimes referred to as a bus. The main advantage of using this topology is that it is very easy to install and extend. Along with that it is also very cost effective. But if you are looking for speed, performance, reliability, or number of supported nodes then perhaps you should consider using any other network topology.

An Introduction to Basic Networking Concepts and Principles 2

b) Star network topology: In this setup, all the nodes are connected to a single point (usually a hub) at the center. It can be divided into a logical star topology or a physical star topology. In a physical star topology, central hub or a bridge controls the communications to and from attached nodes.

The main advantage of using star topology is that it is very easy to troubleshoot and provide better performance. But if you are looking for a complex system where you don't want to be too much dependent on central bridge then perhaps you should consider some other network design.

An Introduction to Basic Networking Concepts and Principles 3

c) Ring network topology : This network topology involves connecting nodes in a loop. Each of them is made to have a single neighbor on each side. In the ring network topology, a frame is passed from node to node until it reaches its destination. This topology is mostly used for Token Ring and FDDI LANs.

The main advantage of using ring topology is that there is no need to have a mechanism to ensure collision-free datagram passing. It can also be extended to cover greater number of nodes and is fairly simple to maintain. But at the same time any one node failure on the ring can cause an outage to all connected nodes.

An Introduction to Basic Networking Concepts and Principles 4

d) Mesh network topology: In this network topology, each and every node in network is connected to each other. This is a network topology that ensures high redundancy by connecting nodes in an overlapping manner. This topology is mostly preferred for Wireless networks. Mesh network topology is further divided into full mesh and partially connected mesh topology.

The main advantage of using this network topology is that it can handle large amount of traffic and any failure of one node does not break the entire node on the network. But at the same time it is very costly to implement as compared to other network topologies.

An Introduction to Basic Networking Concepts and Principles 5

Network Protocols and Layers

Network protocols and network layers are two very important aspects of the topic. Let's take a look at them.

a) Network Protocols

Networking protocols refer to a set of standards and principles governing the transmission of data from one device to another in a network. These protocols are fundamental to how the devices in the network interface with each other - how they communicate.

As you must have already noticed, networks are usually made up of different devices with different designs and underlying infrastructure. The protocols are the rules that govern how these devices work together. Without the network protocols, communicating with each other would be almost impossible for the devices.

There are several protocols and different organizations backing them. For example IEEE, ISO, and ITU have their sets of network protocols or standards. But all protocols fall under one of 4 classifications :-

  • Communication protocols are the protocols that are primarily concerned with communication between network devices. For eg: Internet Protocol (IP), Bluetooth transfer protocol, and instant messaging protocols.
  • Security protocols are a set of protocols that ensure the security of the data sent over networks and the networks themselves. For eg: Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols and encryption protocols.
  • Routing protocols govern the operation of routers. It enables them to exchange information about routes, compare data, and select the best route to a destination. For eg: OSPF (open shortest path first) and BGP (Border gateway protocol).
  • Service discovery protocols aid the automatic detection of devices, connections, or services. For eg: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Domain Name System (DNS).

b) Network Layers

From picking up data from the source to interpreting it at the destination, a network is implemented in functional layers. At each layer, information passes through additional processing, is encoded (based on the protocols in that layer), and moved to the next layer. This continues until it gets to the destination where it is decoded. The protocols discussed earlier all fall under certain layers.

Therefore, a network can be divided into layers - conceptual models. The most popular models for classifying network layers include the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) model.

Let's take a look at the seven layers in the OSI model and the protocols that exist in them:-

  • The physical layer is at the bottom of the OSI model, this layer is concerned with transmitting and receiving unstructured raw bit streams over a physical medium. Protocols here include USB physical layer and integrated services digital network (ISDN).
  • The data link layer ensures the error-free transfer of data frames from one node to another over the physical layer. Protocols here include Ethernet, Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) etc.
  • The network layer controls the operation of the subnetworks, mostly concerned with routing. Protocols here include Internet Protocol (IP), Open shortest path first (OSPF) etc.
  • The transport layer ensures ordered and loss-free delivery of messages. Protocols here include Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User datagram protocol (UDP).
  • The session layer establishes sessions between processes. Protocols here include Server Message Block (SMB), Short Message Peer-to-Peer (SMPP) etc.
  • The presentation layer formats the data to be presented to the application layer. It functions as a translator for the network. Protocols here include Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Socket Tunneling (SSL).
  • The application layer is the medium through which users and app processes access network services. Protocols here include Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Domain Name System (DNS).

These layers all work together to ensure the network as a system successfully carries out its operations.

Wireless Networks

Over the years network technologies has taken a strong leap forward resulted in the development of Wireless Networks which is probably the most used networks today. Today in almost every famous electronic devices, you would find a wireless adapter in it to connect to the wireless networks. As more and more network devices developed, there are certain common standards also developed which every manufacturer needs to adhere to. We will see some of the famous standards below. But before that let's understand few of the basic concepts in Wireless networks.

CSMA/CA, also known as Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance is an access method used in Wireless networks. Every wireless devices in a network uses this access method to get the hold of access point to transfer the data packets.

b) Radio Waves

As the name suggests, radio waves are the waves in radio frequency zone of the electromagnetic spectrum. All wireless communications goes through the radio waves. The basic principle of generating radio waves is by through passing an alternating current through a conductor and transmitted out from an antenna.

c) Frequency

Frequency is defined as the number of cycles it takes to complete per second. Each cycle is measured in a unit called Hertz(Hz). Every radio wave has some frequency. The higher the frequency, the shorter is the wavelength. However higher frequency facilitates more data transfer per second.

d) Modulation

Modulation is a method of modifying the amplitude, frequency or phase of transmitting radio waves to increase the efficiency. There are many different types of modulation techniques which can be efficiently utilizes in multiple frequency bands to provide the best usage of available bandwidth. We will see few of the modulation techniques used in different wireless standards in below section.

e) IEEE 802.11a

The IEEE 802.11a is a wireless standard supported for devices using 5 GHz frequency range. It was developed way back in September 1999. 802.11a utilizes Orthogonal Frequency Distribution Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation technique to provide the best usage of available bandwidth.

f) IEEE 802.11b

The IEEE 802.11b is a wireless standard supported for devices using 2.4 GHz frequency range. It was also released along with IEEE 802.11a in September 1999. This standard utilizes a modulation technique called Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) to provide efficient use of the available bandwidth.

g) IEEE 802.11g

IEEE 802.11g standard was developed to enhance the capability of IEEE 802.11a. This was released in the year 2003 and provide speed up to 54 Mbps in a frequency band of 2.4 GHz. The IEEE 802.11g standard uses modified OFDM modulation technique to provide the efficient use of available bandwidth.

h) IEEE 802.11n

IEEE 802.11n supported both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz, therefore devices utilizing both the frequency band are called dual-band. The devices supporting this standard usually has multiple antennas and utilizes the concept of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas.

i) IEEE 802.11ac

IEEE 802.11ac uses single 5 GHz frequency band. This is a very recent standard which uses a very efficient modulation technique called Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) to utilize the available bandwidth. The improvements added in this standard resulted in overall speed of 1.3 Gbps which is much more than the previous achieved speed in other standards.

Networks consist of components that communicate to ensure data is passed from a point to another. You can conceptually view networks as existing in functional layers with rules governing the operation at each one. In this article, we have seen about different types of networks. We have also gone through the basic understanding of Network protocol and layers. At last, we have gone through brief introduction of Wireless networks and some of its famous standards used.

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Networking Basic Concepts and Fundamentals Explained

This tutorial explains the basic concepts of computer networking. Learn the essential networking topics in detail with examples.

Computer networking is one of the most complex subjects. Describing all of its topics requires an encyclopedia. Learning and understanding all these topics at the primary stage are neither required nor recommended. It is just like learning the vocabulary from the dictionary. Unless you know what you need to know, you will never know what you want to know. In this tutorial, I will discuss two essential topics that you should learn at the elementary level. Understanding these topics will set the foundation for the rest of your studies.

Essential components of the computer network

When learning computer networking, this should be your first topic.

A computer network is made up of four essential components. These components are End devices, Media, Protocols, and Networking devices. Let's discuss these components in detail.

End devices

An end device is a device that sends or receives the data in the network. It can be a PC, Laptop, Smartphone, or any other device that is capable of sending and receiving data and is connected with the network. To build a network, at least two end devices are required.

end devices

Broadly end devices are categorized into two types; server end device and client end device. The server end device is the device that provides data or service. The client end device is the device that receives the offered data or service from the server end device.

The media provides connectivity between the end devices. Unless end devices are connected through media, they cannot exchange the data or service. Mainly there are two types of media; Wireless media and wired media.

In wireless media, radio signals are used to transfer the data between end devices, whereas, in wired media, the data is transferred through cables.

Both media types are further classified into several subtypes. Subtypes are categorized based on various factors such as length, data transfer speed, used metal, frequency band, etc. Subtypes are defined as the media standards. Two common media standards are the Ethernet and the IEEE802.11 or Wi-Fi standards.

media types

The Ethernet defines the standards for the wired media. The IEEE802.11 defines the standards for wireless media.

Protocols enable communication between two or more end devices. A protocol is a set of predefined rules that specifies standards for a particular stage or all stages of the communication.

Following are some common functions performed by the protocols.

  • Initializing and terminating the communication process
  • Performing encryption and compression before sending the data
  • Packing data in such a format that it can travel in the network
  • Providing logical addressing
  • Performing error correction
  • Performing authentication

Two popular networking models: the OSI Reference Model and the TCP/IP Model describe the functionalities of the most common protocols. Both models divide the entire communication process into logical layers. Further, they explain how the protocols work in each layer to enable the communication process.

Networking device

A networking device works between the end devices. It controls and forwards the flow of data. Based on the functionalities, a networking device can be categorized into three types; forwarding device, connecting device, and securing device.

http protocol example

A forwarding device forwards the data. This device usually has multiple ports which are used to connect more than two end devices in a single network. Hub, bridge, and Ethernet switch provide this functionality.

A connecting device connects two or more different types of media and protocols. If two end devices are located in different logical networks or connected through the different types of media, they need a connecting device to exchange the data. Router and Multilayer switch provides this functionality.

A securing device secures the data from unauthorized access. When a data packet arrives in it, based on pre-defined rules it performs security checks and takes the forwarding decision. Common devices which provide this functionality are the Firewall and NAT.

Classification of the computer network

After learning the essential components of the network, this should be your next topic. Computer networks are mainly categorized based on the geographical location, access types, and relationship between end devices.

Based on the geographical location

Based on the geographical location, a network can be classified into three types: LAN, MAN, and WAN. A network that is geographically spread over a small, medium, and large area are respectively known as the LAN, MAN, and WAN network.

Based on the access type

Based on allowing users to access network resources, the network is classified into three types; Intranet, Extranet, and the Internet. An Intranet is a private network. In this network, external users are not allowed to access the network resources. An Extranet is also a private network. But in this network, after proper authorization, external users are allowed to access a small portion of the network. The Internet is the public network. Any user can connect with this network.

Based on the relationship between the end devices

Based on how the end devices access each other, the network is categorized into two types; peer-to-peer network and clients/server network. In peer to peer network, all end devices have equal rights. In the clients/server network, the server decides which client will have what rights.

That’s all for this tutorial. If you like this tutorial, please don’t forget to share it through your favorite social networking sites.

By ComputerNetworkingNotes Updated on 2018-01-19

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Basics of Computer Networking

Computer networking is a cornerstone of modern technology, enabling the interconnected systems that power the Internet, business communications, and everyday digital interactions. Understanding the fundamentals of computer networking is essential for anyone involved in technology, from enthusiasts to professionals. This article will explore the basics of computer networking, including network types, components, protocols, and essential services like the Domain Name System (DNS).

Computer Networking

Computer Networking

What is a Computer Network?

A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices that share resources and information. These devices can include computers, servers, printers, and other hardware. Networks allow for the efficient exchange of data, enabling various applications such as email, file sharing, and internet browsing.

How Does a Computer Network Work?

Basics building blocks of a Computer network are Nodes and Links. A Network Node can be illustrated as Equipment for Data Communication like a Modem, Router, etc., or Equipment of a Data Terminal like connecting two computers or more. Link in Computer Networks can be defined as wires or cables or free space of wireless networks.

The working of Computer Networks can be simply defined as rules or protocols which help in sending and receiving data via the links which allow Computer networks to communicate. Each device has an IP Address, that helps in identifying a device.

Basic Terminologies of Computer Networks

  • Network: A network is a collection of computers and devices that are connected together to enable communication and data exchange.
  • Nodes: Nodes are devices that are connected to a network. These can include computers, Servers, Printers, Routers, Switches , and other devices.
  • Protocol: A protocol is a set of rules and standards that govern how data is transmitted over a network. Examples of protocols include TCP/IP , HTTP , and FTP .
  • Topology: Network topology refers to the physical and logical arrangement of nodes on a network. The common network topologies include bus, star, ring, mesh, and tree.
  • Service Provider Networks: These types of Networks give permission to take Network Capacity and Functionality on lease from the Provider. Service Provider Networks include Wireless Communications, Data Carriers, etc.
  • IP Address : An IP address is a unique numerical identifier that is assigned to every device on a network. IP addresses are used to identify devices and enable communication between them.
  • DNS: The Domain Name System (DNS) is a protocol that is used to translate human-readable domain names (such as into IP addresses that computers can understand.
  • Firewall: A firewall is a security device that is used to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic. Firewalls are used to protect networks from unauthorized access and other security threats.

Types of Enterprise Computer Networks

  • LAN: A Local Area Network (LAN) is a network that covers a small area, such as an office or a home. LANs are typically used to connect computers and other devices within a building or a campus.
  • WAN: A Wide Area Network (WAN) is a network that covers a large geographic area, such as a city, country, or even the entire world. WANs are used to connect LANs together and are typically used for long-distance communication.
  • Cloud Networks: Cloud Networks can be visualized with a Wide Area Network (WAN) as they can be hosted on public or private cloud service providers and cloud networks are available if there is a demand. Cloud Networks consist of Virtual Routers, Firewalls, etc.

These are just a few basic concepts of computer networking. Networking is a vast and complex field, and there are many more concepts and technologies involved in building and maintaining networks. Now we are going to discuss some more concepts on Computer Networking.

  • Open system:  A system that is connected to the network and is ready for communication. 
  • Closed system:  A system that is not connected to the network and can’t be communicated with.

Types of Computer Network Architecture

Computer Network falls under these broad Categories:

  • Client-Server Architecture: Client-Server Architecture is a type of Computer Network Architecture in which Nodes can be Servers or Clients. Here, the server node can manage the Client Node Behaviour.
  • Peer-to-Peer Architecture: In P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Architecture , there is not any concept of a Central Server. Each device is free for working as either client or server.

Network Devices

An interconnection of multiple devices, also known as hosts, that are connected using multiple paths for the purpose of sending/receiving data or media. Computer networks can also include multiple devices/mediums which help in the communication between two different devices; these are known as Network devices and include things such as routers, switches, hubs, and bridges. 

Network Devices

Network Topology

The Network Topology is the layout arrangement of the different devices in a network. Common examples include Bus, Star, Mesh, Ring, and Daisy chain. 

Network Topology

OSI Model  

OSI stands for Open Systems Interconnection . It is a reference model that specifies standards for communications protocols and also the functionalities of each layer. The OSI has been developed by the International Organization For Standardization and it is 7 layer architecture. Each layer of OSI has different functions and each layer has to follow different protocols. The 7 layers are as follows: 

  • Physical Layer
  • Data link Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Session Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Application Layer

Network Protocols

A protocol is a set of rules or algorithms which define the way how two entities can communicate across the network and there exists a different protocol defined at each layer of the OSI model. A few such protocols are TCP, IP, UDP, ARP, DHCP, FTP, and so on. 

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Function: The foundational protocol suite of the internet, enabling reliable communication.


TCP: Ensures data is delivered reliably and in order.

IP: Routes data packets to their destination based on IP addresses.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and HTTPS

Function: The protocols used for transmitting web pages.

HTTP: Unsecured communication.

HTTPS: Secured communication using SSL/TLS encryption.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Function: Protocol for sending email.

Components: Works with other protocols like POP3 and IMAP for email retrieval.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

Function: Protocol for transferring files between computers.

Components: Includes commands for uploading, downloading, and managing files on a remote server.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

Function: Automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on a network.

Components: Reduces manual configuration and IP address conflicts.

Domain Name System (DNS)

Function: Translates human-friendly domain names into IP addresses.

Components: Ensures seamless navigation on the internet.

Unique Identifiers of Network 

Hostname: Each device in the network is associated with a unique device name known as Hostname. Type “hostname” in the command prompt(Administrator Mode) and press ‘Enter’, this displays the hostname of your machine.   


IP Address (Internet Protocol address):   Also known as the Logical Address, the IP Address is the network address of the system across the network. To identify each device in the world-wide-web, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) assigns an IPV4 (Version 4) address as a unique identifier to each device on the Internet. The length of an IPv4 address is 32 bits, hence, we have 2 32 IP addresses available. The length of an IPv6 address is 128 bits.

In Windows Type “ipconfig” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this gives us the IP address of the device. For Linux, Type “ifconfig” in the terminal and press ‘Enter’ this gives us the IP address of the device.

MAC Address (Media Access Control address):  Also known as physical address, the MAC Address is the unique identifier of each host and is associated with its NIC (Network Interface Card) . A MAC address is assigned to the NIC at the time of manufacturing. The length of the MAC address is: 12-nibble/ 6 bytes/ 48 bits Type “ipconfig/all” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this gives us the MAC address. 

Port:  A port can be referred to as a logical channel through which data can be sent/received to an application. Any host may have multiple applications running, and each of these applications is identified using the port number on which they are running. 

A port number is a 16-bit integer, hence, we have 2 16 ports available which are categorized as shown below: 

Well known Ports 0 – 1023
Registered Ports 1024 – 49151
Ephemeral Ports 49152 – 65535

Number of ports: 65,536  Range: 0 – 65535  Type “ netstat -a ” in the command prompt and press ‘Enter’, this lists all the ports being used. 

List of Ports

List of Ports

Socket:  The unique combination of IP address and Port number together is termed a Socket. 

Other Related Concepts 

DNS Server:   DNS stands for Domain Name System . DNS is basically a server that translates web addresses or URLs (ex: into their corresponding IP addresses. We don’t have to remember all the IP addresses of each and every website. The command ‘ nslookup ’ gives you the IP address of the domain you are looking for. This also provides information on our DNS Server. \

Domain IP Address

Domain IP Address

ARP:   ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol . It is used to convert an IP address to its corresponding physical address(i.e., MAC Address). ARP is used by the Data Link Layer to identify the MAC address of the Receiver’s machine. 

RARP:   RARP stands for Reverse Address Resolution Protocol . As the name suggests, it provides the IP address of the device given a physical address as input. But RARP has become obsolete since the time DHCP has come into the picture.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a critical component of computer networking. It converts easily recognizable domain names, such as, into numerical IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network.

How DNS Works?

User Input: When a user enters a domain name in a browser, the system needs to find its IP address.

DNS Query: The user’s device sends a DNS query to the DNS resolver.

Resolver Request: The DNS resolver checks its cache for the IP address. If not found, it forwards the request to the root DNS server.

Root DNS Server: The root DNS server provides the address of the TLD (Top-Level Domain) server for the specific domain extension (e.g., .com).

TLD DNS Server: The TLD server directs the resolver to the authoritative DNS server for the actual domain.

Authoritative DNS Server: The authoritative DNS server knows the IP address for the domain and provides it to the resolver.

Response to User: The resolver stores the IP address in its cache and sends it to the user’s device.

Access Website : With the IP address, the user’s device can access the desired website.

DNS works efficiently, translating user-friendly domain names into IP addresses, allowing seamless navigation on the internet.

Network Security

Ensuring the security of a network is crucial to protect data and resources from unauthorized access and attacks. Key aspects of network security include:

Firewalls: Devices or software that monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules.

Encryption: The process of encoding data to prevent unauthorized access. Commonly used in VPNs, HTTPS, and secure email.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): Tools that monitor network traffic for suspicious activity and potential threats.

Access Control: Mechanisms that restrict access to network resources based on user identity and role.

Regular Updates and Patching: Keeping software and hardware up to date to protect against vulnerabilities.

Understanding the basics of computer networking is essential in today’s interconnected world. Networks enable the seamless exchange of information, support countless applications, and underpin the functionality of the internet. From different types of networks and their components to protocols and security measures, a solid grasp of these concepts is foundational for anyone working in or with technology. As technology evolves, so too will the complexity and capabilities of computer networks, making continuous learning and adaptation crucial.

Basics of Computer Networking – FAQs

What is an ip address.

An IP (Internet Protocol) address is a unique identifier assigned to each device on a network. It allows devices to locate and communicate with each other. There are two types of IP addresses: IPv4 (e.g., and IPv6 (e.g., 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334).

What is a firewall?

A firewall is a network security device or software that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predefined security rules. It acts as a barrier between a trusted internal network and untrusted external networks like the internet.

What is the difference between TCP and UDP?

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol): A connection-oriented protocol that ensures reliable and ordered delivery of data. It is used for applications where data integrity is critical, like web browsing and email. UDP (User Datagram Protocol): A connectionless protocol that does not guarantee delivery or order. It is used for applications where speed is more important than reliability, like streaming and gaming.

What is DNS?

DNS (Domain Name System) is a system that translates human-readable domain names (like into IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network.

What is a subnet mask?

A subnet mask is used in IP addressing to divide the network into sub-networks, or subnets. It helps determine which portion of an IP address is the network address and which part is the host address.

What is NAT (Network Address Translation)?

NAT is a method used by routers to translate private IP addresses within a local network to a public IP address before sending data over the internet. This helps to conserve IP addresses and add a layer of security by hiding internal network addresses.

What is a MAC address?

A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface card (NIC) for communication on a physical network segment. It is a hardware address that is unique to each network device.

What is bandwidth?

Bandwidth refers to the maximum rate of data transfer across a network or internet connection in a given amount of time. It is usually measured in bits per second (bps).

What is latency in networking?

Latency is the time it takes for data to travel from the source to the destination across a network. It is usually measured in milliseconds (ms) and can affect the performance of networked applications.

What is VPN (Virtual Private Network)?

A VPN is a secure connection that allows users to access a private network over the public internet. It encrypts the data traffic and helps maintain privacy and security.

What is a proxy server?

A proxy server acts as an intermediary between a user’s device and the internet. It can be used for purposes such as improving security, filtering content, or bypassing geographical restrictions.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Networking

  • Rakshitha Arni Ravishankar

make an informative presentation on basic networking concepts

Connecting with people doesn’t have to be transactional.

Networking doesn’t have to feel opportunistic. It can be a moment to make genuine connections. Here’s how to get started:

  • Networking is not about meeting new people. It’s also a chance to connect with people you’ve known for a while but haven’t had the chance to interact with.
  • Use networking as an opportunity to help others. Think about what you’re good at, what you like to do, and what others often ask you to help with.
  • Instead of small talk, engage in conversations that are more intimate and help you as well as the other person become vulnerable, even if you’re meeting them for the first time.
  • Know that networking is not always inclusive. But you can change that narrative by owning your identity, understanding your strengths, and becoming confident.

I’ve always had a love-hate relationship with networking. When I was in college, networking seemed transactional. I disliked the idea of building relationships for my own personal gain and small talk with strangers triggered my social anxiety . As I’ve grown in my career, however, I’ve learned that networking doesn’t have to be opportunistic.

make an informative presentation on basic networking concepts

  • RR Rakshitha Arni Ravishankar is an associate editor at Ascend.

Partner Center

A Beginners Guide To Computer Networking

Aleksa Tamburkovski

Aleksa Tamburkovski

hero image

In This Guide:

What is a computer network and why is it important, how does a computer network work, networking basics: important terms and concepts, what's the difference between network topology and computer networks, an introduction to different network topologies, the 6 common types of computer networks, the 5 types of enterprise-level computer networks, the 7 layers of the osi model, what is cryptography in networking, the basics of compression, an introduction to network protocols, so what's the next step.

Are you curious about how the internet works?

Maybe you're just starting a career in either DevOps Engineering or Cybersecurity and need to understand networking, or perhaps you're simply fascinated by the intricate web of connections that make up our digital world.

Whatever your motivations, understanding networking basics is the first step towards making sense of these interactions.

That’s why in this beginner's guide, I’ll break down a mile-high overview of what networks are and how they work, as well as demystify some important concepts like network topologies, network devices, and the OSI model, so you can take a little peek behind the scenes.

So grab a coffee and let’s dive in!

The concept of a computer network might seem complex, but in reality, it's fundamentally quite straightforward. A computer network is just a group of computers and devices linked together in a way that allows them to communicate and share resources with each other.

For example

Imagine your home setup with multiple devices—laptops, desktops, smartphones, smart TVs, printers. Instead of each device operating in isolation, they're all connected, sharing a common link to the internet and even resources amongst each other.


That's a computer network in action.

But why does it matter?

Well, imagine a situation where every person in your home needs to print something (and the printer actually works).

In a world without networks, each person would need their own individual printer attached to their device or would have to move to the printer each time. But with a network, on the other hand, everyone can share a single printer. Suddenly, one resource serves many people, improving efficiency and reducing costs.

Take this concept and expand it exponentially, and you can start to see how critical networks, especially computer networks, are to our modern digital world.

If your friend in Europe wanted to print that same file, you would have to post that USB drive with the file to them, and they might have to wait weeks for it to arrive! But with a network, it’s as simple as sending an email.

Networks are incredibly important, and they enable everything from your local grocery store's inventory management system to the global reach of a multinational corporation.

Understanding how these networks function, then, is not just interesting; it's essential for anyone looking to work in a technology-related field.

There are multiple types of computer networks, but they all pretty much work like this:

Establishing the Network : To start, devices need to be connected—forming a network. This can be done physically through cables (like Ethernet), or wirelessly (via Wi-Fi)

Communication Protocols : Now that our network is established, devices need to 'speak the same language' to communicate effectively. This 'language' is known as a protocol. Some widely recognized ones include HTTP (for web traffic), FTP (for file transfers), and the foundational protocol that governs Internet traffic—TCP/IP. (More on these later)

Data Transmission : Now that communication is up and running, it's time for our devices to send and receive data. This data is broken down into small chunks or 'packets' to be sent across the network to the receiving device

Routing : A packet doesn't necessarily travel straight from the source to the destination. It journeys across the network, guided by various devices (like routers and switches) to reach its final destination. There are a few reasons for this, that we’ll cover more as go through this guide

Data Receipt and Confirmation : Upon reaching the destination, the receiving device sends a confirmation back to the sender. If the sender doesn't receive this confirmation indicating that something went awry with the transmission, it will attempt to resend the data

Important: Keep in mind, though, that this confirmation and resending sequence is only applicable to TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). UDP (User Datagram Protocol), on the other hand, sends the data without confirming receipt or checking for errors, meaning some or all of the data could potentially be lost during transmission.

We’ll cover the differences between TCP and UDP further later in this guide, but now that we've got a handle on how a network operates, let's look at some key terms and concepts that are fundamental to understanding networking.

Before we get into more complex networking details, we need to take a second and learn some basic networking terms and concepts:

Node: A node is the term used to describe any device that can send, receive, or forward information on a network. This could be a computer, a mobile phone, a printer, a switch, or a router

Network Interface Card (NIC): Each node has a NIC, which creates a physical connection to the network. It also has a MAC address which is a unique identifier

MAC Address: This 'Media Access Control' address is a unique identifier assigned to a NIC by its manufacturer. It's like your device's postal address on the network

IP Address: This is another unique identifier, but assigned by the network according to its own rules. Think of it as a temporary P.O. Box number that can change

Router: This hardware device routes data from one network to another. Picture it as a traffic officer, directing packets of data along the network to prevent congestion and ensure data gets to the right place

Switch: Yet another vital network device, a switch connects devices on a network. It operates much like a multi-port bridge, further directing traffic

Packet: Information sent over a network is broken into smaller pieces called packets. These are like the individual letters that make up a word or the words that make up a page

Bandwidth: This reflects the maximum amount of data that can be sent over a network connection in a given time. It can be likened to the width of a highway: a wider highway can accommodate more cars (But cars still need to be the same width and size)

Protocol: These are the set of rules that dictate how data is transferred on a network. Picture it as conversational etiquette that all devices on the network must adhere to, much like traffic on a highway

Ethernet: This is the most common protocol for wired Local Area Networks (LANs). If you've seen a cable connecting a computer to the internet, you've seen Ethernet at work

Wi-Fi: This is a protocol for wireless networking, where devices connect to a network through a Wi-Fi router

TCP/IP: The Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol is the fundamental protocol that governs data transfer over the internet

Firewall: This is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, akin to a security guard checking who enters and leaves a building

VPN: A Virtual Private Network extends a private network over a public one, like the Internet. This allows users to send and receive data as if their devices were directly connected to the private network

Network Topology: This refers to how various elements (nodes, links, etc.) are arranged in a network. This structure determines how information is transferred across the network

ISP: Your Internet Service Provider is the company that provides your Internet access

Still with me?

I know it seems like a light detour, but these terms form the backbone of understanding networking and form the building blocks for more advanced concepts.

That being said, networking can be a little hard to grasp at first, simply because there’s a lot of overlap between topics. With that in mind, I want to quickly cover 2 areas that can seem similar at first glance, before breaking them down in more detail.

In simple terms, the difference between network topology and a computer network can be thought of as the difference between the layout, and its size or scope.

Network Topology

Network topology refers to the arrangement or layout of devices within a network.

You can think of it almost like the floor plan of a house, showing how rooms (devices) are connected to one another via doors or hallways (network links).

basic floor plan

Knowing the topology of a network helps you understand how data flows within it, and how the network can be managed and expanded.

Computer Networks

A computer network on the other hand, refers to the scale or reach of the network - essentially, how big the network is and who it serves.

If we look at the same network topology analogy, this can then be the difference in the size of the floor plan. Is it a single house, a neighborhood, or even an entire city?

large house floor plan

Understanding the scale of a computer network (or even the required scale) can help you decide what kind of network infrastructure and technologies are needed to connect devices across short or long distances.

The topology refers to the layout, while the computer network refers to the scale and size.

Understanding both aspects is crucial because the layout (topology) and the size (type of network) together determine the overall design, functionality, and capabilities of a network.

With that out of the way, let’s look at both of these in more detail.

Understanding the different network topologies is crucial whether you aim to become a DevOps Engineer or enhance your knowledge in cybersecurity.

This is because each topology has its own set of advantages and challenges that can significantly impact network performance, cost, and reliability.

types of network topology

Here's a quick breakdown of the major topology types:

Bus Topology

  • Pros: Cost-effective, easy to implement, and requires less cable than other configurations, reducing initial setup costs
  • Cons: If the main cable (backbone) fails, the entire network goes down. It can become slower and more error-prone as more nodes are added
  • Practical Application: In DevOps, uptime is critical. The simplicity of a bus topology can be appealing for smaller setups, but its vulnerability to single points of failure is a significant risk

Ring Topology

  • Pros: Each packet of data travels around the ring reducing the chance of packet collisions. A simple protocol can be used to manage data transmission
  • Cons: A failure in any wire or node can disrupt the entire network. Adding or removing nodes can temporarily disrupt the network
  • Practical Application: For applications requiring consistent performance and uptime, the ring topology's dependency on continuous connections might be a hindrance

Star Topology

  • Pros: High reliability—if one link fails, only that node is affected. It’s easy to add or remove nodes without disrupting the entire network
  • Cons: Requires more cable than bus or ring topologies. If the central hub fails, the whole network goes down
  • Practical Application: The star topology's central management makes it ideal for networks where managing and monitoring traffic centrally is critical, like in data centers

Mesh Topology

  • Pros: Provides high reliability and redundancy. If one node or connection fails, data can reroute through another path
  • Cons: It's expensive and complex to install and manage due to the large number of cables and connections
  • Practical Application: In environments where communication must never fail (like in trading systems), mesh topology offers the necessary robustness but at a higher cost

Tree/Hybrid Topology

  • Pros: Allows more devices to connect to a single hub and combines the benefits of star and bus topologies. It's scalable and easy to manage
  • Cons: Highly dependent on the main bus cable—if it fails, that entire segment of the network goes down
  • Practical Application: Suitable for large networks like campuses where both broad coverage and reliability are required

Understanding the pros and cons of each of these options helps us to make informed decisions about which network design to choose for both performance and cost-effectiveness.

Just like how there are different topology options, there are also different types of computer network options available.

However, the best network type to use for a given situation is mainly determined by factors like its intended geographical coverage, the number of users/devices it needs to support, and the security level required.

Here are the most common types:

#1. Personal Area Network (PAN)

The smallest and most basic network type, a PAN typically covers a small area like a room and is used for connecting personal devices such as computers, phones, printers, and gaming consoles. Connections can be wired or wireless.

When you enable a mobile hotspot on your phone to allow other devices like laptops, tablets, or other phones to connect to the internet through your mobile's data connection, you are essentially setting up a PAN.

This network configuration allows the devices within proximity to your phone to access the internet or communicate with each other via your phone's connection, making your phone the central node of this personal network.

  • Pros: Highly convenient for connecting personal devices within close proximity; can be easily set up and managed; both wired and wireless connections are possible
  • Cons: Limited range and not suitable for more than a few devices; not ideal for larger or more demanding network tasks

#2. Local Area Network (LAN)

A LAN connects devices within a limited area like a house, school, or office building. It's typically owned, controlled, and managed by a single person or organization.

Back in the day, if you wanted to play against someone on a PC game, you would need multiple PCS connected via a LAN cable, and that is where the term ‘LAN party’ originated.

lan party

  • Pros: Ideal for small to medium-sized areas like homes, schools, or offices; offers high speed and relatively low latency
  • Cons: Limited to a small geographical area, and requires significant cabling and infrastructure for larger setups

#3. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN)

Similar to a LAN but wireless. If you've connected to Wi-Fi at home or in a café, you've used a WLAN.

  • Pros: Provides all the benefits of a LAN without the need for physical cables, so it has added flexibility and ease of connectivity
  • Cons: However, this type of network is more susceptible to interference and security risks when compared to wired networks. You always want to use a VPN if you’re using public wi-fi. Not only that but wi-fi performance can be affected by physical barriers like walls

#4. Wide Area Network (WAN)

A WAN spans large geographical areas, such as a city, a country, or even the whole world. The Internet is the most well-known example of a WAN.

  • Pros: Covers large geographical areas, which is ideal for businesses with multiple locations; enables a vast reach
  • Cons: High setup and maintenance costs; complexity in managing and securing such a network. (This is assuming we’re setting up the infrastructure)

#5. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

A MAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a WAN. It's used to connect LANs within a specific geographical area like a city or a large campus, or even multiple government offices across a city.

  • Pros: Ideal for connecting several LANs within a city; can serve as the backbone for high-speed connectivity across a metropolitan area
  • Cons: Requires significant investment in infrastructure and maintenance; operational costs can be high

#6. Virtual Private Network (VPN)

A VPN extends a private network across public networks, allowing users to exchange data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network.

A common use could be employees connecting to their company’s network remotely from different geographical locations. But in more recent years, they’ve become popular with general internet usage for added security, and bypassing Netflix geolocks!

  • Pros: Provides secure connections over public networks, offering privacy and security for data transmission
  • Cons: Can introduce latency and potentially slower speeds, and requires proper setup and management to ensure security

Each of these network types is designed to cater to specific requirements, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Depending on the circumstance, one may be more suitable than the others. You couldn’t make a hotspot on your mobile for an entire city to use right!?

However, because we’re possibly going to work in DevOps, let's take this another step further and look at networks that are used in enterprise-level settings, where scale and traffic size (or even added security) might be a goal.

Enterprise networks are large networks that can be spread across multiple locations. They need to be secure, reliable, and scalable to keep the organization's operations running smoothly.

Here are five common types of enterprise-level networks.

#1. Campus Area Network (CAN)

A CAN is larger than a LAN but smaller than a MAN and is typically used to connect various buildings.

Universities use CANs to link libraries, academic halls, student centers, and more into a single network.

  • Ideal for covering larger geographic areas such as university campuses or large business sites
  • Effectively supports a large number of users and integrates multiple buildings into a single network
  • High setup and maintenance costs
  • Requires sophisticated network management tools and skilled personnel

#2. Enterprise Private Network (EPN)

An EPN is built and used exclusively by an organization, connecting local and wide-area networks.

Multinational companies often establish EPNs to connect their offices across different countries securely and privately.

  • Provides complete control over the network infrastructure, enhancing security and customization
  • Expensive to establish and maintain as connectivity and bandwidth needs grow

#3. Data Center Network (DCN)

A DCN provides communication between data center resources such as storage systems and servers and is designed for reliability and scalability.

Cloud service providers utilize DCNs to ensure fast and reliable access between storage and computing resources.

  • High availability and robustness for critical data center operations
  • Complexity and high costs associated with advanced technology and redundancy

#4. Storage Area Network (SAN)

A SAN connects servers to data storage devices, providing access to shared storage, crucial for environments handling large data volumes.

Financial institutions use SANs for managing extensive transaction data, allowing for improved performance and resource utilization.

  • Consolidates storage resources, enhancing performance and utilization
  • High initial investment and requires specific expertise to manage

#5. System Area Network (SAN), also known as Cluster Area Network (CAN)

This type of network offers high-speed connections suitable for high-performance computing environments like server clusters.

Research institutions deploy SANs to perform complex simulations and data analyses, requiring rapid data transfer between servers.

  • Facilitates efficient and high-speed data transfer for demanding applications
  • Expensive to implement and maintain; typically used for specialized applications

We’ve only covered the basics of each type of network here, but as you can see, each option has its pros and cons depending on its setup and your goal.

For now though, let’s dive deeper into the nuts and bolts of how these networks operate, and start with one of the fundamental concepts that form the bedrock of networking - understanding the OSI Model.

Understanding the OSI model (for designing networks)

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework used to understand how different network components interact and communicate.

It's crucial in networking because it provides a standardized framework that defines how data should be transmitted between different devices in a network.

Not only that, but it also helps with:

  • Framework for Understanding : The OSI model helps break down the complex process of networking into more manageable, conceptual layers, each responsible for handling different aspects of the communication. This layered approach makes it easier to learn and understand how networks operate.
  • Troubleshooting : Knowing the OSI model assists in troubleshooting network issues by allowing you to pinpoint which layer a particular problem is occurring at. For example, if there is a problem with data not reaching its destination, you might look at the Transport layer (Layer 4) to ensure there are no issues with data transmission protocols.
  • Designing Networks : When designing a network, the OSI model provides guidelines that help in structuring and developing network services and devices. It ensures that these components can work together seamlessly, regardless of their underlying architecture.
  • Communication Between Different Systems : The OSI model ensures that products and software from different manufacturers can communicate effectively. By adhering to the standards set by each layer of the OSI model, different network technologies can interoperate successfully.
  • Educational Tool : For anyone studying IT or networking, the OSI model is a fundamental concept that helps students and professionals understand network architecture, the roles of protocols, and the functions of networking hardware.

The OSI model is important to understand because it standardizes the networking process, ensuring devices can communicate effectively regardless of their differences.

If you understand this, then you can work on almost any network and troubleshoot issues.

The OSI model is divided into seven layers, each defining specific network functions:

  • Physical Layer (Layer 1): This is the most basic layer of the model. It defines the physical characteristics of the network, including cabling, connectors, signal strength, and the like
  • Data Link Layer (Layer 2): This layer manages how data is transmitted over the physical layer, handling error-checking and delivering and receiving packets
  • Network Layer (Layer 3): The Network Layer manages the routing and forwarding of packets. It assigns IP addresses and manages network traffic
  • Transport Layer (Layer 4): This layer manages the delivery of data between devices. It is responsible for error checking and data recovery, ensuring that data transfer is reliable
  • Session Layer (Layer 5): The Session Layer establishes, manages, and terminates connections between applications on each end. It also coordinates the communication process
  • Presentation Layer (Layer 6): This layer is a translator, converting data into a format that applications can understand. It also manages encryption and compression
  • Application Layer (Layer 7): The Application Layer is what users interact with directly. It includes protocols for email, file transfer, and web browsing

Each layer of the OSI model has a specific role in network communication, so understanding this model is invaluable. It provides a roadmap to the sometimes complex workings of networks, making it easier to troubleshoot and manage them effectively.

So, now that you understand the OSI model, let’s take a quick look at some of the basics of network security.

Understanding the basics of network security

Network security is about preventing unauthorized access, misuse, or denial of a network's resources. In simple terms, it's about taking measures to protect the network's data from being intercepted, manipulated, or interrupted.

A few years back, professional football players were having their homes robbed - even though they had fairly good home security systems.

It turns out that they all had smart devices (smart fridges, etc) connected to their homes wifi, and the devices had very basic security in place. (Because who would care if you hacked a fridge right?). However, this then gave hackers backdoor access to the entire home security network !

So as you can see, network security should be top of mind when setting up any network, be it a home network or an enterprise-level one - even if you don’t specialize in cybersecurity.

That being said, network security is too big of a topic to cover here fully, but I do want to talk about one of the basic elements so that you can understand the core principles, and that element is cryptography.

Cryptography originally stems from the world of espionage and secret messages.

In the context of networking and cybersecurity , cryptography is about ensuring that the data you send across a network, be it text, images, or any other form, is only readable by the intended recipient.


It achieves this with 2 processes: Encryption and Decryption.

  • Encryption: This is the process of transforming plain text data into something that appears to be random and meaningless, called 'ciphertext'. This is done with the use of an encryption algorithm and a key
  • Decryption: This is the reverse of encryption, where the ciphertext is turned back into plain text. This is done with a decryption algorithm and a key

Simple enough right?

However, there are two main types of cryptography. One is faster but more vulnerable, while the other is slower but more secure. The big difference, is the number of keys used.

So let’s break them down:

  • Symmetric Cryptography: In this instance, the same key is used for both encryption and decryption. This method is fast and efficient but poses a risk if the key is lost or stolen. Think of how the same car key can be used to both lock and unlock your car door. If someone had access to it, they could steal your car
  • Asymmetric Cryptography: Also known as public-key cryptography, is where two different keys are used - one for encryption and one for decryption (public key and private key). In this instance, one key could lock your car, but it would take a different key to open it.

This means there are more hoops to jump through, but the main advantage is that even if the encryption key is known, the data cannot be decrypted without the other key.

Cryptography is a vital part of network security and something that we’ll talk about in more detail in future posts.

For now though, let’s look at another critical concept in networking - compression techniques!

Remember when we were talking about traffic on a network, and how we could affect it by either reducing packet size or changing the bandwidth?

Well, another method we can use is compression, which is the process of reducing the size of data to save space or speed up transmission. Kind of like how you might compress a PDF file or an image.

In the context of networking, compression can help to save bandwidth as file sizes are now smaller. Not only does this make your network more cost-effective, but it’s also more efficient.

I won't get into exactly how to do this, but in the interest of understanding the basics, there are two main types of compression that you need to understand - lossless and lossy.

Lossless Compression

This type of compression reduces the size of the data without losing any information. When decompressed, the data is exactly the same as it was before compression.

Imagine you just shot a 4k film for cinema release, but it’s just the raw footage, and you need to send it to editors.

You could either post a hard drive with it on, or much quicker would be to compress it slightly and send it, helping to decrease the time for the file to be received, but without losing the original quality.

Lossy Compression

This compresses data by removing some information. When decompressed, the data is not exactly as it was before compression, but it's close enough for the usage.

When we take photos, they are normally in a much higher resolution than the human eye can actually pick up. The reason is that if we want to zoom in or expand the image (maybe for a billboard or a cinema screen), then it wouldn’t seem all blurry.

However, if we wanted to put that same image on a website, it has far more information and pixels than needed for the size of the screen.

So we can compress the image and lose some of the quality, but not enough that we can notice.e. However, if we tried to expand it again to billboard size we would see an issue, but for now, it's fine.

In networking, compression can be a significant performance booster, especially in situations where bandwidth is limited.

Now that you've got a handle on the basics of network security and compression, let's move on to understanding an essential concept that keeps our networks up and running - the protocols.

We talked about these briefly in our networking basics section, but let's dive a little deeper before closing up this guide.

As I said before, a network protocol is a set of rules that govern the exchange of data over a network, just like traffic on a highway has to stick to certain rules and laws.

As DevOps engineers and cybersecurity professionals, we need to understand these. Simply because these different protocols define the format and order of the messages exchanged between two or more communicating entities, the actions taken on the transmission and/or receipt of a message, or other communication event.

That being said, there are hundreds of different protocols, each designed for specific purposes and environments, so in the interests of staying sane, here are a few of the most important ones that you should know about, so you can get a rough idea:

  • Internet Protocol (IP): IP is the primary protocol in the Internet Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite and has the task of delivering packets from the source host to the destination host based on their addresses
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP): TCP is one of the main protocols in the Internet Protocol Suite. It provides reliable, ordered, and error-checked delivery of data between applications running on hosts communicating over an IP network
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP): UDP is an alternative to TCP and is suitable for purposes where error checking and correction are either not necessary or are performed in the application instead
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): HTTP is the foundation of any data exchange on the Web and is a client-server protocol, which means requests are initiated by the recipient, usually the Web browser
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP): FTP is used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): SMTP is used to send emails and route email between mail servers

Although we’ve only covered the basics of just a few of the more popular protocols here, you will need to learn more as you go deeper into your career, as they affect traffic on your network.

Don’t worry about it too much for now though. Like I’ve said a few times, this is just the introduction so you can understand the core ideas and concepts.

Phew! That was a lot to cover, so I hope it wasn’t too much info, and you managed to grasp the basics of how networks work. I promise that the more intricate details will come with time as you learn the role.

And remember that networking is a broad field with a lot of interconnected elements, so it's normal to feel a little overwhelmed at first. But as you delve deeper and start figuring out how the pieces fit together, you'll find that it's a truly interesting world to explore, full of technical challenges and opportunities.

Whether you're planning to be a DevOps engineer, work in cybersecurity, or just want to understand more about how our digital world works, getting a handle on the basics of networking is a great first step.

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networking basics

Networking BASICS

Mar 29, 2019

1.22k likes | 2.55k Views

Networking BASICS. Introduction to Networking Unit 1 Lesson 1. Objectives. Define a computer network. List the four purposes of a network. Explain the elements of communication. List and describe the two types of networks. What Is a Net?.

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  • hard disk drives
  • wide area network
  • computer management
  • relatively close
  • small offices


Presentation Transcript

Networking BASICS Introduction to Networking Unit 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Objectives • Define a computer network. • List the four purposes of a network. • Explain the elements of communication. • List and describe the two types of networks. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

What Is a Net? • A netis made up of individual pieces of rope woven together. • Single pieces of rope cannot trap an object. • Woven-together pieces form a netthat can ensnare objects. • The strength of a net comes from the pieces being connected together. • “The sum is greater than the parts.” Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

What Is a Network? • A network is anything that resembles a net. • Examples include a network of politicians or a network of roads. • Like a net, a network accomplishes more through being connected together. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

What Is a Computer Network? • A computer network is computers and devices connected together. • A single computer is limited to its own hardware and software. • The capabilities of a computer are increased when connected with other devices to form a computer network. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Purpose of a Computer Network • Summarized in a single word: sharing. • Individual computers are isolated. • Networked computers can share resources. • Three types of resources can be shared. • Networks also make computer management easier. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Share Software and Data • Application and utility software can be shared by all users across the network. • This requires only a single software copy to be purchased and maintained. • Data files can also be shared. • This makes data more accessible and maintains integrity. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Share Hardware • Sharing is an essential feature of a computer network. • This reduces costs and the work of support staff. • Printers, fax modems, scanners, hard drives, CD-ROMs, and DVDs can all be shared. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Improve Communications • Communication is essential in today’s businesses. • Computer networks can help in improved communications through groupware. • E-mail, electronic calendars, collaborative writing, and video conferencing are available. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Centralize Management • Support staffs are stretched to the limits. • Computer networks allow computers to be managed from one central location. • Software updates can be “pushed” to users’ computers. • Problems can be diagnosed over the network. • Training can be done over the network. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Source Message Channel Receiver Noise Feedback Context Network Communications Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

NetworkCommunications Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Types of Networks • Two types of network classifications • Classified by device that controls network • Classified by distance between devices Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Types of Networks Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Peer-to-Peer Network • No single computer controls the network. • Each computer is the same (a peer) to all others. • It is suitable for small offices. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Server-Based Network • The network is controlled by a special high-powered server. • The server is dedicated to running the network. • Print and file servers, application servers, communication servers, and directory service servers are common. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Server-Based Network Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Local Area Network • Network computers are located relatively close to each other. • They are generally limited to buildings owned by one organization. • They operate at high speeds. • They are low-cost networks. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Local Area Network Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Wide Area Network • Network computers are spread out over a larger area. • They generally cross public thoroughfares. • They are often managed by public carriers. • They operate at lower speeds. • They are a higher-cost network. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Wide Area Network Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Summary • A computer network is defined as multiple computers and devices that are all connected together. By connecting the computers together, the capabilities of each computer are increased so the users can accomplish more. • The purpose of a computer network is to share. Application software, utility software, and the data that serves as input into the software can all be shared across a network. Computer hardware can also be shared on a computer network. Printers, fax machines, scanners, modems, hard disk drives, CD-ROM drives, and DVD drives are just a few of the hardware devices that can be shared across a computer network. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Summary (continued) • Computer networks can be important tools that help improve communication between users. A special category of software that assists with communication over a computer network is known as groupware. Groupware refers to programs that help people work together collectively even if they are located remotely from each other. One of the most common groupware applications used across computer networks is electronic mail, or e-mail. Groupware services also include electronic calendars, collaborative writing software, and video conferencing. • The communication that takes place between devices on a computer network is known as telecommunications. Telecom-munications is defined as transmitting information over a distance and is generally considered to be a two-way transmission of voice, video, or data. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Summary (continued) • Computer networks allow the computers connected to the network to be managed from one central location. Software updates can be “pushed” across the network to all computers, thus eliminating the need for support staff to visit every office and perform the new installation. Problem diagnosis can be performed across the network. Centralized management can be used for training as well. • Computer networks are generally classified two different ways. The first classification of networks involves the device that actu-ally controls the network. In a peer-to-peer network, no single high-powered computer controls and manages the network. The computers collectively run the network instead of a special dedicated computer doing it. These networks are suitable for small offices that need to share a printer or computer data. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Summary (continued) • The second type of network classified by the device that con-trols the network is known as a server-based network. Unlike a peer-to-peer network, a server-based computer network is con-trolled by at least one special high-powered computer. These special computers are called servers, while the individual com-puters on the network are called clients. Servers are usually dedicated to running the network and do not function as clients. Instead, their sole job is to service requests quickly from the network clients and ensure the security of the software and hardware. There are many different types of specialized servers. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

Summary (continued) • Networks can also be classified by geography or how close the devices are to each other. There are two categories of networks based on geography. The first is a local area network (LAN). A LAN is a computer network that has all the computers relatively close to each other. They operate at high speeds for a low cost. A wide area network (WAN) transmits over a public thorough-fare, such as a road, highway, railroad, or body of water. A WAN service must be purchased from a carrier. WANs are managed by the carrier instead of by the user. Compared to LANs, the cost of WANs is high and they operate at a low speed. Lesson 1—Networking BASICS

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    Basics of Computer Networking. Computer networking is a cornerstone of modern technology, enabling the interconnected systems that power the Internet, business communications, and everyday digital interactions. Understanding the fundamentals of computer networking is essential for anyone involved in technology, from enthusiasts to professionals.

  10. A Beginner's Guide to Networking

    Summary. Networking doesn't have to feel opportunistic. It can be a moment to make genuine connections. Here's how to get started: Networking is not about meeting new people. It's also a ...

  11. Principles of Networking PPT Slides

    Basic Networking Concepts 1. Introduction2. Protocols3. Protocol Layers4. Network Interconnection/Internet 1. Introduction -A network can be defined as a group of computers and other devices connected in some ways so as to be able to exchange data.-Each of the devices on the network can be thought of as a node; each node has a unique address.

  12. PPT

    Introduction to Networking Frank Stanley, Jason Fisk, Philip Berg. Overview • Definitions • Network Topology • Ethernet • OSI Model • Hubs, Bridges, Switches, and Routers • Network Adaptor • Network Links. Definitions • Network - A group of computers connected together in a way that allows information to be exchanged between them. . • Node - Anything that is connected to the

  13. PDF Lecture 13: Introduction to Networking

    nection on a single computer, as well. A network requires one computer to act as the server, waiting patiently for an incoming connec. ion from another computer, the client.Server-side applications set up a soc. et that listens to a particular port. The server socket is an integer identifier associated with a local IP address, and a the port ...

  14. A Beginners Guide To Computer Networking

    Networking basics: Important terms and concepts. Before we get into more complex networking details, we need to take a second and learn some basic networking terms and concepts: Node: A node is the term used to describe any device that can send, receive, or forward information on a network. This could be a computer, a mobile phone, a printer, a ...

  15. PPT

    Lesson 1—Networking BASICS. Summary • A computer network is defined as multiple computers and devices that are all connected together. By connecting the computers together, the capabilities of each computer are increased so the users can accomplish more. • The purpose of a computer network is to share.

  16. Unit 4: Week 2: Understanding Basic Networking and the Internet

    The students collaborate on adding to their Frayer-type digital presentation or other documentation that records and illustrates key vocabulary and concepts in the Units. Students contribute to these files throughout the semester to prepare for the CompTIA certification exam and to contribute to the Help Desk knowledge base.