How to Write an Article Review: Template & Examples

An article review is an academic assignment that invites you to study a piece of academic research closely. Then, you should present its summary and critically evaluate it using the knowledge you’ve gained in class and during your independent study. If you get such a task at college or university, you shouldn’t confuse it with a response paper, which is a distinct assignment with other purposes (we’ll talk about it in detail below).

In this article, prepared by Custom-Writing experts, you’ll find:

  • the intricacies of article review writing;
  • the difference between an article review and similar assignments;
  • a step-by-step algorithm for review composition;
  • a couple of samples to guide you throughout the writing process.

So, if you wish to study our article review example and discover helpful writing tips, keep reading.

❓ What Is an Article Review?

  • ✍️ Writing Steps

📑 Article Review Format

🔗 references.

An article review is an academic paper that summarizes and critically evaluates the information presented in your selected article.

This image shows what an article review is.

The first thing you should note when approaching the task of an article review is that not every article is suitable for this assignment. Let’s have a look at the variety of articles to understand what you can choose from.

Popular Vs. Scholarly Articles

In most cases, you’ll be required to review a scholarly, peer-reviewed article – one composed in compliance with rigorous academic standards. Yet, the Web is also full of popular articles that don’t present original scientific value and shouldn’t be selected for a review.

Not sure how to distinguish these two types? Here is a comparative table to help you out.

🗞️ Popular articles are:🎓 Scholarly articles are:
Written by a professional or non-professional author. Written by someone with academic credentials.
Meant for the general audience.Published for the peer academic community.
Featuring reader-friendly, simple language. Containing professional jargon and vocabulary.
Illustrated by simple and engaging visuals. Illustrated by tables and graphs.
Structured in a simple way.Structured according to a scholarly publication’s standards.
Checked by the magazine’s editorial staff only. Thoroughly reviewed by peer researchers.
Featuring no or scarce references.Featuring a full list of references.

Article Review vs. Response Paper

Now, let’s consider the difference between an article review and a response paper:

  • If you’re assigned to critique a scholarly article , you will need to compose an article review .
  • If your subject of analysis is a popular article , you can respond to it with a well-crafted response paper .

The reason for such distinctions is the quality and structure of these two article types. Peer-reviewed, scholarly articles have clear-cut quality criteria, allowing you to conduct and present a structured assessment of the assigned material. Popular magazines have loose or non-existent quality criteria and don’t offer an opportunity for structured evaluation. So, they are only fit for a subjective response, in which you can summarize your reactions and emotions related to the reading material.

All in all, you can structure your response assignments as outlined in the tips below.

✔️ Both a reaction paper and an article review will start with a content summary.
✔️ For scholarly material, you will present a structured review after the summary.
✔️ For popular magazine content, you will write a response that sums up your emotions, thoughts, and reactions that the material aroused.

✍️ How to Write an Article Review: Step by Step

Here is a tried and tested algorithm for article review writing from our experts. We’ll consider only the critical review variety of this academic assignment. So, let’s get down to the stages you need to cover to get a stellar review.

Read the Article

As with any reviews, reports, and critiques, you must first familiarize yourself with the assigned material. It’s impossible to review something you haven’t read, so set some time for close, careful reading of the article to identify:

  • The author’s main points and message.
  • The arguments they use to prove their points.
  • The methodology they use to approach the subject.

In terms of research type, your article will usually belong to one of three types explained below.

This type of research is the most common and highly valued in the scholarly community. It uses primary data collected by the author specifically for this article and offers original findings and insights into the discussed research area.
This research type examines a particular event, phenomenon, or object closely by considering its environment, details, and context. It’s a close-up of the research object that can be achieved via different observation and data collection techniques.
These articles address new research procedures or methods for testing hypotheses in a specific area of research.

Summarize the Article

Now that you’ve read the text and have a general impression of the content, it’s time to summarize it for your readers. Look into the article’s text closely to determine:

  • The thesis statement, or general message of the author.
  • Research question, purpose, and context of research.
  • Supporting points for the author’s assumptions and claims.
  • Major findings and supporting evidence.

As you study the article thoroughly, make notes on the margins or write these elements out on a sheet of paper. You can also apply a different technique: read the text section by section and formulate its gist in one phrase or sentence. Once you’re done, you’ll have a summary skeleton in front of you.

Evaluate the Article

The next step of review is content evaluation. Keep in mind that various research types will require a different set of review questions. Here is a complete list of evaluation points you can include.

cover the article’s purpose comprehensively?
in data presentation?

Write the Text

After completing the critical review stage, it’s time to compose your article review.

The format of this assignment is standard – you will have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should present your article and summarize its content. The body will contain a structured review according to all four dimensions covered in the previous section. The concluding part will typically recap all the main points you’ve identified during your assessment.

It is essential to note that an article review is, first of all, an academic assignment. Therefore, it should follow all rules and conventions of academic composition, such as:

  • No contractions . Don’t use short forms, such as “don’t,” “can’t,” “I’ll,” etc. in academic writing. You need to spell out all those words.
  • Formal language and style . Avoid conversational phrasing and words that you would naturally use in blog posts or informal communication. For example, don’t use words like “pretty,” “kind of,” and “like.”
  • Third-person narrative . Academic reviews should be written from the third-person point of view, avoiding statements like “I think,” “in my opinion,” and so on.
  • No conversational forms . You shouldn’t turn to your readers directly in the text by addressing them with the pronoun “you.” It’s vital to keep the narrative neutral and impersonal.
  • Proper abbreviation use . Consult the list of correct abbreviations, like “e.g.” or “i.e.,” for use in your academic writing. If you use informal abbreviations like “FYA” or “f.i.,” your professor will reduce the grade.
  • Complete sentences . Make sure your sentences contain the subject and the predicate; avoid shortened or sketch-form phrases suitable for a draft only.
  • No conjunctions at the beginning of a sentence . Remember the FANBOYS rule – don’t start a sentence with words like “and” or “but.” They often seem the right way to build a coherent narrative, but academic writing rules disfavor such usage.
  • No abbreviations or figures at the beginning of a sentence . Never start a sentence with a number — spell it out if you need to use it anyway. Besides, sentences should never begin with abbreviations like “e.g.”

Finally, a vital rule for an article review is properly formatting the citations. We’ll discuss the correct use of citation styles in the following section.

When composing an article review, keep these points in mind:

  • Start with a full reference to the reviewed article so the reader can locate it quickly.
  • Ensure correct formatting of in-text references.
  • Provide a complete list of used external sources on the last page of the review – your bibliographical entries.

You’ll need to understand the rules of your chosen citation style to meet all these requirements. Below, we’ll discuss the two most common referencing styles – APA and MLA.

Article Review in APA

When you need to compose an article review in the APA format , here is the general bibliographical entry format you should use for journal articles on your reference page:

  • Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year of Publication). Name of the article. Name of the Journal, volume (number), pp. #-#.

Horigian, V. E., Schmidt, R. D., & Feaster, D. J. (2021). Loneliness, mental health, and substance use among US young adults during COVID-19. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 53 (1), pp. 1-9.

Your in-text citations should follow the author-date format like this:

  • If you paraphrase the source and mention the author in the text: According to Horigian et al. (2021), young adults experienced increased levels of loneliness, depression, and anxiety during the pandemic.
  • If you paraphrase the source and don’t mention the author in the text: Young adults experienced increased levels of loneliness, depression, and anxiety during the pandemic (Horigian et al., 2021).
  • If you quote the source: As Horigian et al. (2021) point out, there were “elevated levels of loneliness, depression, anxiety, alcohol use, and drug use among young adults during COVID-19” (p. 6).

Note that your in-text citations should include “et al.,” as in the examples above, if your article has 3 or more authors. If you have one or two authors, your in-text citations would look like this:

  • One author: “According to Smith (2020), depression is…” or “Depression is … (Smith, 2020).”
  • Two authors: “According to Smith and Brown (2020), anxiety means…” or “Anxiety means (Smith & Brown, 2020).”

Finally, in case you have to review a book or a website article, here are the general formats for citing these source types on your APA reference list.

Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). Publisher.
Author’s last name, First initial. Middle initial. (Year). . Name of Website. URL.

Article Review in MLA

If your assignment requires MLA-format referencing, here’s the general format you should use for citing journal articles on your Works Cited page:

  • Author’s last name, First name. “Title of an Article.” Title of the Journal , vol. #, no. #, year, pp. #-#.

Horigian, Viviana E., et al. “Loneliness, Mental Health, and Substance Use Among US Young Adults During COVID-19.” Journal of Psychoactive Drugs , vol. 53, no. 1, 2021, pp. 1-9.

In-text citations in the MLA format follow the author-page citation format and look like this:

  • According to Horigian et al., young adults experienced increased levels of loneliness, depression, and anxiety during the pandemic (6).
  • Young adults experienced increased levels of loneliness, depression, and anxiety during the pandemic (Horigian et al. 6).

Like in APA, the abbreviation “et al.” is only needed in MLA if your article has 3 or more authors.

If you need to cite a book or a website page, here are the general MLA formats for these types of sources.

Author’s last name, First name. Publisher, Year.
Author’s last name, First name. “Webpage Title.” , Date, URL. Accessed Day Month Year.

✅ Article Review Template

Here is a handy, universal article review template to help you move on with any review assignment. We’ve tried to make it as generic as possible to guide you in the academic process.

Frequently, assignment instructions will ask you to include a full citation of your chosen text at the top of the first page of your article review.
In the introduction, you should summarize the background information and purpose of the research under review. In addition, consider explaining why you chose it for your assignment.
Next, summarize the article. If you review the original research, consider including the following points:
If you review a or a book, include the following in your summary: This section should be no more than a third of your total article review.
Then, you should critically evaluate the article. Consider answering these questions:
In the , share your reasoned opinion on the reviewed piece. Was it worth reading? Did you learn any lessons from it? Would you recommend it to someone else, and why?
In the end, add a separate page with bibliographic citations of your reviewed article and any other sources used in your paper.

📝 Article Review Examples

The theory is good, but practice is even better. Thus, we’ve created three brief examples to show you how to write an article review. You can study the full-text samples by following the links.

📃 Men, Women, & Money

This article review examines a famous piece, “Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances,” published by Amy Livingston in 2020. The author of this article claims that men generally spend more money than women. She makes this conclusion from a close analysis of gender-specific expenditures across five main categories: food, clothing, cars, entertainment, and general spending patterns. Livingston also looks at men’s approach to saving to argue that counter to the common perception of women’s light-hearted attitude to money, men are those who spend more on average.

📃 When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism

This is a review of Jonathan Heidt’s 2016 article titled “When and Why Nationalism Beats Globalism,” written as an advocacy of right-wing populism rising in many Western states. The author illustrates the case with the election of Donald Trump as the US President and the rise of right-wing rhetoric in many Western countries. These examples show how nationalist sentiment represents a reaction to global immigration and a failure of globalization.

📃 Sleep Deprivation

This is a review of the American Heart Association’s article titled “The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation.” It discusses how the national organization concerned with the American population’s cardiovascular health links the lack of high-quality sleep to far-reaching health consequences. The organization’s experts reveal how a consistent lack of sleep leads to Alzheimer’s disease development, obesity, type 2 diabetes, etc.

✏️ Article Review FAQ

A high-quality article review should summarize the assigned article’s content and offer data-backed reactions and evaluations of its quality in terms of the article’s purpose, methodology, and data used to argue the main points. It should be detailed, comprehensive, objective, and evidence-based.

The purpose of writing a review is to allow students to reflect on research quality and showcase their critical thinking and evaluation skills. Students should exhibit their mastery of close reading of research publications and their unbiased assessment.

The content of your article review will be the same in any format, with the only difference in the assignment’s formatting before submission. Ensure you have a separate title page made according to APA standards and cite sources using the parenthetical author-date referencing format.

You need to take a closer look at various dimensions of an assigned article to compose a valuable review. Study the author’s object of analysis, the purpose of their research, the chosen method, data, and findings. Evaluate all these dimensions critically to see whether the author has achieved the initial goals. Finally, offer improvement recommendations to add a critique aspect to your paper.

  • Scientific Article Review: Duke University
  • Book and Article Reviews: William & Mary, Writing Resources Center
  • Sample Format for Reviewing a Journal Article: Boonshoft School of Medicine
  • Research Paper Review – Structure and Format Guidelines: New Jersey Institute of Technology
  • Article Review: University of Waterloo
  • Writing Help: The Article Review: Central Michigan University Libraries
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example of article review assignment

An article review is a critical evaluation of a scholarly or scientific piece, which aims to summarize its main ideas, assess its contributions, and provide constructive feedback. A well-written review not only benefits the author of the article under scrutiny but also serves as a valuable resource for fellow researchers and scholars. Follow these steps to create an effective and informative article review:

1. Understand the purpose: Before diving into the article, it is important to understand the intent of writing a review. This helps in focusing your thoughts, directing your analysis, and ensuring your review adds value to the academic community.

2. Read the article thoroughly: Carefully read the article multiple times to get a complete understanding of its content, arguments, and conclusions. As you read, take notes on key points, supporting evidence, and any areas that require further exploration or clarification.

3. Summarize the main ideas: In your review’s introduction, briefly outline the primary themes and arguments presented by the author(s). Keep it concise but sufficiently informative so that readers can quickly grasp the essence of the article.

4. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses: In subsequent paragraphs, assess the strengths and limitations of the article based on factors such as methodology, quality of evidence presented, coherence of arguments, and alignment with existing literature in the field. Be fair and objective while providing your critique.

5. Discuss any implications: Deliberate on how this particular piece contributes to or challenges existing knowledge in its discipline. You may also discuss potential improvements for future research or explore real-world applications stemming from this study.

6. Provide recommendations: Finally, offer suggestions for both the author(s) and readers regarding how they can further build on this work or apply its findings in practice.

7. Proofread and revise: Once your initial draft is complete, go through it carefully for clarity, accuracy, and coherence. Revise as necessary, ensuring your review is both informative and engaging for readers.

Sample Review:

A Critical Review of “The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health”


“The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health” is a timely article which investigates the relationship between social media usage and psychological well-being. The authors present compelling evidence to support their argument that excessive use of social media can result in decreased self-esteem, increased anxiety, and a negative impact on interpersonal relationships.

Strengths and weaknesses:

One of the strengths of this article lies in its well-structured methodology utilizing a variety of sources, including quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews. This approach provides a comprehensive view of the topic, allowing for a more nuanced understanding of the effects of social media on mental health. However, it would have been beneficial if the authors included a larger sample size to increase the reliability of their conclusions. Additionally, exploring how different platforms may influence mental health differently could have added depth to the analysis.


The findings in this article contribute significantly to ongoing debates surrounding the psychological implications of social media use. It highlights the potential dangers that excessive engagement with online platforms may pose to one’s mental well-being and encourages further research into interventions that could mitigate these risks. The study also offers an opportunity for educators and policy-makers to take note and develop strategies to foster healthier online behavior.


Future researchers should consider investigating how specific social media platforms impact mental health outcomes, as this could lead to more targeted interventions. For practitioners, implementing educational programs aimed at promoting healthy online habits may be beneficial in mitigating the potential negative consequences associated with excessive social media use.


Overall, “The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health” is an important and informative piece that raises awareness about a pressing issue in today’s digital age. Given its minor limitations, it provides valuable

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Article review writing format, steps, examples and illustration PDF Compiled by Mohammed Yismaw

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2021, Article review writing format, steps, examples and illustration PDF Compiled by Mohammed Yismaw

The purpose of this document is to help students and researchers understand how a review of an academic journal is conducted and reported in different fields of study. Review articles in academic journals that analyze or discuss researches previously published by others, rather than reporting new research results or findings. Summaries and critiques are two ways to write a review of a scientific journal article. Both types of writing ask you first to read and understand an article from the primary literature about your topic. The summary involves briefly but accurately stating the key points of the article for a reader who has not read the original article. The critique begins by summarizing the article and then analyzes and evaluates the author’s research. Summaries and critiques help you learn to synthesize information from different sources and are usually limited to two pages maximum.

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How to Write an Article Review: Tips and Examples

example of article review assignment

Did you know that article reviews are not just academic exercises but also a valuable skill in today's information age? In a world inundated with content, being able to dissect and evaluate articles critically can help you separate the wheat from the chaff. Whether you're a student aiming to excel in your coursework or a professional looking to stay well-informed, mastering the art of writing article reviews is an invaluable skill.

Short Description

In this article, our research paper writing service experts will start by unraveling the concept of article reviews and discussing the various types. You'll also gain insights into the art of formatting your review effectively. To ensure you're well-prepared, we'll take you through the pre-writing process, offering tips on setting the stage for your review. But it doesn't stop there. You'll find a practical example of an article review to help you grasp the concepts in action. To complete your journey, we'll guide you through the post-writing process, equipping you with essential proofreading techniques to ensure your work shines with clarity and precision!

What Is an Article Review: Grasping the Concept 

A review article is a type of professional paper writing that demands a high level of in-depth analysis and a well-structured presentation of arguments. It is a critical, constructive evaluation of literature in a particular field through summary, classification, analysis, and comparison.

If you write a scientific review, you have to use database searches to portray the research. Your primary goal is to summarize everything and present a clear understanding of the topic you've been working on.

Writing Involves:

  • Summarization, classification, analysis, critiques, and comparison.
  • The analysis, evaluation, and comparison require the use of theories, ideas, and research relevant to the subject area of the article.
  • It is also worth nothing if a review does not introduce new information, but instead presents a response to another writer's work.
  • Check out other samples to gain a better understanding of how to review the article.

Types of Review

When it comes to article reviews, there's more than one way to approach the task. Understanding the various types of reviews is like having a versatile toolkit at your disposal. In this section, we'll walk you through the different dimensions of review types, each offering a unique perspective and purpose. Whether you're dissecting a scholarly article, critiquing a piece of literature, or evaluating a product, you'll discover the diverse landscape of article reviews and how to navigate it effectively.

types of article review

Journal Article Review

Just like other types of reviews, a journal article review assesses the merits and shortcomings of a published work. To illustrate, consider a review of an academic paper on climate change, where the writer meticulously analyzes and interprets the article's significance within the context of environmental science.

Research Article Review

Distinguished by its focus on research methodologies, a research article review scrutinizes the techniques used in a study and evaluates them in light of the subsequent analysis and critique. For instance, when reviewing a research article on the effects of a new drug, the reviewer would delve into the methods employed to gather data and assess their reliability.

Science Article Review

In the realm of scientific literature, a science article review encompasses a wide array of subjects. Scientific publications often provide extensive background information, which can be instrumental in conducting a comprehensive analysis. For example, when reviewing an article about the latest breakthroughs in genetics, the reviewer may draw upon the background knowledge provided to facilitate a more in-depth evaluation of the publication.

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Formatting an Article Review

The format of the article should always adhere to the citation style required by your professor. If you're not sure, seek clarification on the preferred format and ask him to clarify several other pointers to complete the formatting of an article review adequately.

How Many Publications Should You Review?

  • In what format should you cite your articles (MLA, APA, ASA, Chicago, etc.)?
  • What length should your review be?
  • Should you include a summary, critique, or personal opinion in your assignment?
  • Do you need to call attention to a theme or central idea within the articles?
  • Does your instructor require background information?

When you know the answers to these questions, you may start writing your assignment. Below are examples of MLA and APA formats, as those are the two most common citation styles.

Using the APA Format

Articles appear most commonly in academic journals, newspapers, and websites. If you write an article review in the APA format, you will need to write bibliographical entries for the sources you use:

  • Web : Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Title. Retrieved from {link}
  • Journal : Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Publication Year). Publication Title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
  • Newspaper : Author [last name], A.A [first and middle initial]. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Publication Title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx.

Using MLA Format

  • Web : Last, First Middle Initial. “Publication Title.” Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.
  • Newspaper : Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Newspaper Title [City] Date, Month, Year Published: Page(s). Print.
  • Journal : Last, First M. “Publication Title.” Journal Title Series Volume. Issue (Year Published): Page(s). Database Name. Web. Date Month Year Accessed.

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The Pre-Writing Process

Facing this task for the first time can really get confusing and can leave you unsure of where to begin. To create a top-notch article review, start with a few preparatory steps. Here are the two main stages from our dissertation services to get you started:

Step 1: Define the right organization for your review. Knowing the future setup of your paper will help you define how you should read the article. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Summarize the article — seek out the main points, ideas, claims, and general information presented in the article.
  • Define the positive points — identify the strong aspects, ideas, and insightful observations the author has made.
  • Find the gaps —- determine whether or not the author has any contradictions, gaps, or inconsistencies in the article and evaluate whether or not he or she used a sufficient amount of arguments and information to support his or her ideas.
  • Identify unanswered questions — finally, identify if there are any questions left unanswered after reading the piece.

Step 2: Move on and review the article. Here is a small and simple guide to help you do it right:

  • Start off by looking at and assessing the title of the piece, its abstract, introductory part, headings and subheadings, opening sentences in its paragraphs, and its conclusion.
  • First, read only the beginning and the ending of the piece (introduction and conclusion). These are the parts where authors include all of their key arguments and points. Therefore, if you start with reading these parts, it will give you a good sense of the author's main points.
  • Finally, read the article fully.

These three steps make up most of the prewriting process. After you are done with them, you can move on to writing your own review—and we are going to guide you through the writing process as well.

Outline and Template

As you progress with reading your article, organize your thoughts into coherent sections in an outline. As you read, jot down important facts, contributions, or contradictions. Identify the shortcomings and strengths of your publication. Begin to map your outline accordingly.

If your professor does not want a summary section or a personal critique section, then you must alleviate those parts from your writing. Much like other assignments, an article review must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Thus, you might consider dividing your outline according to these sections as well as subheadings within the body. If you find yourself troubled with the pre-writing and the brainstorming process for this assignment, seek out a sample outline.

Your custom essay must contain these constituent parts:

  • Pre-Title Page - Before diving into your review, start with essential details: article type, publication title, and author names with affiliations (position, department, institution, location, and email). Include corresponding author info if needed.
  • Running Head - In APA format, use a concise title (under 40 characters) to ensure consistent formatting.
  • Summary Page - Optional but useful. Summarize the article in 800 words, covering background, purpose, results, and methodology, avoiding verbatim text or references.
  • Title Page - Include the full title, a 250-word abstract, and 4-6 keywords for discoverability.
  • Introduction - Set the stage with an engaging overview of the article.
  • Body - Organize your analysis with headings and subheadings.
  • Works Cited/References - Properly cite all sources used in your review.
  • Optional Suggested Reading Page - If permitted, suggest further readings for in-depth exploration.
  • Tables and Figure Legends (if instructed by the professor) - Include visuals when requested by your professor for clarity.

Example of an Article Review

You might wonder why we've dedicated a section of this article to discuss an article review sample. Not everyone may realize it, but examining multiple well-constructed examples of review articles is a crucial step in the writing process. In the following section, our essay writing service experts will explain why.

Looking through relevant article review examples can be beneficial for you in the following ways:

  • To get you introduced to the key works of experts in your field.
  • To help you identify the key people engaged in a particular field of science.
  • To help you define what significant discoveries and advances were made in your field.
  • To help you unveil the major gaps within the existing knowledge of your field—which contributes to finding fresh solutions.
  • To help you find solid references and arguments for your own review.
  • To help you generate some ideas about any further field of research.
  • To help you gain a better understanding of the area and become an expert in this specific field.
  • To get a clear idea of how to write a good review.

View Our Writer’s Sample Before Crafting Your Own!

Why Have There Been No Great Female Artists?

Steps for Writing an Article Review

Here is a guide with critique paper format on how to write a review paper:

steps for article review

Step 1: Write the Title

First of all, you need to write a title that reflects the main focus of your work. Respectively, the title can be either interrogative, descriptive, or declarative.

Step 2: Cite the Article

Next, create a proper citation for the reviewed article and input it following the title. At this step, the most important thing to keep in mind is the style of citation specified by your instructor in the requirements for the paper. For example, an article citation in the MLA style should look as follows:

Author's last and first name. "The title of the article." Journal's title and issue(publication date): page(s). Print

Abraham John. "The World of Dreams." Virginia Quarterly 60.2(1991): 125-67. Print.

Step 3: Article Identification

After your citation, you need to include the identification of your reviewed article:

  • Title of the article
  • Title of the journal
  • Year of publication

All of this information should be included in the first paragraph of your paper.

The report "Poverty increases school drop-outs" was written by Brian Faith – a Health officer – in 2000.

Step 4: Introduction

Your organization in an assignment like this is of the utmost importance. Before embarking on your writing process, you should outline your assignment or use an article review template to organize your thoughts coherently.

  • If you are wondering how to start an article review, begin with an introduction that mentions the article and your thesis for the review.
  • Follow up with a summary of the main points of the article.
  • Highlight the positive aspects and facts presented in the publication.
  • Critique the publication by identifying gaps, contradictions, disparities in the text, and unanswered questions.

Step 5: Summarize the Article

Make a summary of the article by revisiting what the author has written about. Note any relevant facts and findings from the article. Include the author's conclusions in this section.

Step 6: Critique It

Present the strengths and weaknesses you have found in the publication. Highlight the knowledge that the author has contributed to the field. Also, write about any gaps and/or contradictions you have found in the article. Take a standpoint of either supporting or not supporting the author's assertions, but back up your arguments with facts and relevant theories that are pertinent to that area of knowledge. Rubrics and templates can also be used to evaluate and grade the person who wrote the article.

Step 7: Craft a Conclusion

In this section, revisit the critical points of your piece, your findings in the article, and your critique. Also, write about the accuracy, validity, and relevance of the results of the article review. Present a way forward for future research in the field of study. Before submitting your article, keep these pointers in mind:

  • As you read the article, highlight the key points. This will help you pinpoint the article's main argument and the evidence that they used to support that argument.
  • While you write your review, use evidence from your sources to make a point. This is best done using direct quotations.
  • Select quotes and supporting evidence adequately and use direct quotations sparingly. Take time to analyze the article adequately.
  • Every time you reference a publication or use a direct quotation, use a parenthetical citation to avoid accidentally plagiarizing your article.
  • Re-read your piece a day after you finish writing it. This will help you to spot grammar mistakes and to notice any flaws in your organization.
  • Use a spell-checker and get a second opinion on your paper.

The Post-Writing Process: Proofread Your Work

Finally, when all of the parts of your article review are set and ready, you have one last thing to take care of — proofreading. Although students often neglect this step, proofreading is a vital part of the writing process and will help you polish your paper to ensure that there are no mistakes or inconsistencies.

To proofread your paper properly, start by reading it fully and checking the following points:

  • Punctuation
  • Other mistakes

Afterward, take a moment to check for any unnecessary information in your paper and, if found, consider removing it to streamline your content. Finally, double-check that you've covered at least 3-4 key points in your discussion.

And remember, if you ever need help with proofreading, rewriting your essay, or even want to buy essay , our friendly team is always here to assist you.

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What Is A Review Article?

How to write an article review, how to write an article review in apa format.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

example of article review assignment

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How to Write an Article Review: Guide with Examples

By: Angelina Grin

How to Write an Article Review: Guide with Examples

Whether you’re studying at a high school or a college, you will most likely have to deal with various writing assignments. An article review is one of the most challenging tasks for many students because it doesn’t depend on personal knowledge and skills. It is also essential to choose the article correctly and to follow the requirements of your professor.

What an Article Review Is

Journal review, research review, science review, what does your professor expect of you, define an article review, try time-management techniques, get rid of any distractions, make sure you have anything you need, read the article, retell the article, come up with a topic, cite the article, provide general information about the article, write your introduction, write the main body, write your conclusion, do you need an article review example, introduction, don’t ignore the professional help, don’t forget about proofreading, don't overload yourself.

The whole writing process may take you a lot of time. Most students have other priorities: they want to spend free time with friends, watch TV series, and travel. You may have a busy workload with many assignments from different professors as well. It is impossible sometimes to complete all tasks on time and with a guaranteed result.

Our writing service was created to help students and make their lives easier. We can explain to you how to write an essay , how to come up with an article review, and how to make your document flawless. Years of experience is a solid base we are ready to share. Whenever you need our help of our article review writers , just let us know!

It is a paper where you summarize someone else’s piece and provide short conclusions. This task aims to make sure students can find useful articles from proven sources, read them attentively, and assess them. To summarize any text adequately, students need to comprehend the text's essence, thesis statements, main arguments, and ideas. Being assigned with such a task, you’re expected to show your research, analyzing, and critical thinking skills.

Like any other paper, you can’t write an article review without thorough preparation. The writing process itself may take you an hour or about. However, the prewriting stage may last for weeks. The exact term depends on your deadline since some professors give you only a few days to submit the task. And it is why students are looking for help, they don’t know how to meet all deadlines and don’t spoil their academic performance.

Types of Review

Just as there are many different types of essays differing in some details, there are also other types of review articles. Below you will learn more about 3 of them. In any case, you need to understand what style you are dealing with before you start writing. It helps to choose the right approach and to understand what result you should provide.

You need to read a journal article about a particular topic and find strengths and weaknesses. The task is to show your analytical skills and provide facts that support your opinion.

This type of review differs from a previous one since it evaluates not the content only. You need to define the research methods the author has used, analyze, and critique one’s approach. Reviewing one’s research paper is a challenging task because you should be a researcher, as well. You can’t decide whether the author did an excellent job if you haven’t walked one’s way. Your reader’s perspective is also of great significance because you can evaluate the text from both sides.

When reviewing a scientific article, you also need to take a scientific approach. It is important to understand the background, previous publications on this topic, the author's experience, etc. The more information you have, the better your review will be.

Article Review Format

Any paper has its format, especially the academic one. There are things you can experiment with, and something you should make standardized. It goes about the format: title page, number of pages, structure, font type, font size, spacing, and so on. One more thing that matters is citing. You’re writing about someone else's article, so you need to cite it correctly.

It is impossible to come up just with one format that would be accepted in the whole world, but some scientific societies have developed them themselves. For example, U.S. lawyers use the Chicago style, and many people adhere to it even outside the country.

Formatting is the most boring but vital part of the writing process. If you don’t want to fail with it, it would be a great idea to hire a professional editor or proofreader who will make sure your document is standardized.

Starting working on any student or work project, you should understand the requirements. It is the moment that defines your final grade because you can’t provide the expected result if you skip some important task features.

That’s why you should make sure you have answers to the following questions before you get your feet wet:

  • Do you have a substantial piece to review, or you need to find it?
  • Which sources are trustworthy?
  • What format should you adhere to? (The most common styles are MLA and APA, but there are also Chicago, Turabian, ASA, and so on.).
  • How many pages should have your review paper?
  • Should it be based on your personal opinion, critique, or summary?
  • Do you need to analyze the central idea or exclusively the methods the author used to describe it?
  • Does your professor need you to provide background information about the article?
  • Should you use other review papers to cover the topic from different angles?

MLA and APA citing depend on the source you use, whether it is the web, newspaper, or journal. Make sure you have the most relevant guide because you need the latest information about the rules. If your professor didn’t provide you with the one, you can use associations’ online resources or even buy the guide if you’re always dealing with different academic assignments.

  • Last, First Middle Initial;
  • Title of the publication;
  • Website title;
  • Website publisher;
  • Date of publication in the DDMMYYYY format;
  • Date of assessment in the DDMMYYYY format.
  • Last, First, M.;
  • Newspaper title;
  • Journal Title Series Volume;
  • Issue and the year it was published;
  • Database Name;
  • Web-address;
  • Last name of the author;
  • First and middle initial;
  • Date of publication (year and month);
  • Article title;
  • Retrieved from link.
  • Date of publication in the YYYYMMDD format;
  • Page(s) number.
  • The year of publication;
  • Title of the journal;


The prewriting stage is important because you can set yourself up on the working process. You need a particular mood that doesn’t let you procrastinate.

The first thing you need to do is decide what you will write. We have indicated above that there are different types and formats of reviews, and you should start with that.

Next, analyze your target audience. You are most likely not writing an article review for the general public, but for people who already have some knowledge in this area. They may have even read this journal article and have their understanding. Now they want to read your review to dig deeper, to get new arguments.

Next, you need to synthesize your ideas and research experiences. Are they enough to conduct a full analysis and provide a high-quality review?

Plan Your Work on the Review

Good planning is half of your success. You should know how much time you have for this assignment and whether you’re able to submit it without delays. Here are several tips proposed to help you.

Regardless of your educational institution, if you don’t know how to manage your time yet, you should fix the situation as quickly as possible. This skill may be crucial for your studies and your future career because you’ll deal with dozens of various assignments simultaneously. You can use the following techniques to succeed:

  • Start with the most straightforward task.
  • Start with the most complicated task.
  • Use the Pomodoro method.
  • Divide your assignment into several parts and reward yourself with completing each of them.
  • Place all your tasks in a convenient calendar to see them all the time.

Working on a paper, you should be concentrated on it. So, forget about your smartphone for a while, there is no need to check the Facebook news feed all the time.

Some students study with the music well, while others need complete silence to stay focused. If you know your preference, choose a play-list or switch off all devices in advance.

If you’re living with parents, friends, or neighbors, ask them not to bother you while you’re studying.

Starting writing an article review, you’ll use the text itself, some books, a notebook, a pen, a pencil, and so on. You should have all this stuff just in front of you. Don’t create a situation when your thoughts are flowing, and then you realize you’re out of paper sheets or don’t have a marker to underline the critical quote.

This prewriting stage may take you time, but once you make sure you have no reasons to postpone the review, you’ll begin work efficiently.

You will have to read the text several times because it is crucial to understand all its aspects. If you notice some meaningful words or phrases, highlight them. You should also have a notebook to write down all thoughts and ideas that come to your head during the reading.

Supplement the content with what you already know about the topic. You may have discussed it in the class, read on your own, and so on. Don’t wait until you start writing to understand whether your existing knowledge supports or contradicts the ideas in the text you’re exploring.

If you come across paragraphs you don’t understand, you should research more. It is impossible to write a decent review without enough knowledge. You may not get the point

the author conveys. So, look for some sources to fill in gaps. Ask your professor if you need one’s help.

After you read the text, you should be able to retell it. You may remember this exercise from elementary school. It was necessary to improve your memorization skills. Now your goal is almost the same: when you’re retelling something, it is easier to know whether you understand all the points well and focus on the most important issues.

It will also be a great idea if you discuss this article with your friends or fellow students. You have a lot of thought in your head, but several heads are always better. Besides, you can exercise on the fake audience to organize your ideas for the review better.

Outline Your Review

If you want to write a structured piece and convey your ideas clearly, you should prepare a paper outline without gaps. It is a plan you can use to simplify the whole writing process.

Most likely, your professor won’t ask you to provide an article review outline so that you can decide on its format on your own. It may be a regular list of paragraph titles or a mind map with all your ideas. You can prepare a written outline or an illustrated one, it doesn’t matter since the main point is to keep it useful.

It doesn’t mean you should adhere to this structure and don’t make any amends. Be flexible, get rid of some ideas, add new ones, and so on. But if you’re starting your way with an understandable map, you feel better.

This stage is the most interesting but the most responsible at the same time. The content is a king, so you should devote enough time and effort to it. Don’t worry if you can’t come up with the whole text at once; just start, and you’ll see how thoughts are flowing from under your fingers.

You need to title the paper to show the main focus of your review. You can do it from the start, if you have a good idea, or come back to this step once you’ve finished the piece. Try to convey the real sense of the whole text just in one sentence. You can come up with several options and choose the best one.

Start your paper by referring to the article's name and author, the journal or newspaper title, and publication year. The concrete citing format depends on the style you use. For example, if you study psychology, sociology, economics, and other social sciences, you’ll work with the APA style. And if you’re learning English language or literature, arts, you should check the MLA guide.

The next stage is to provide your readers with general information about the source you’re going to review. For example, a couple of sentences about the author, one’s expertise. Readers should understand the context to be able to support or decline your point of view. You can also comment on the source where this piece was published, whether it is an official journal with a huge audience or a small website that is not popular enough.

The introductory part may be crucial since it provides the reader with the basic understanding of concepts you’re going to write about. You should make it as enjoyable as possible to attract their attention.

Define the central themes of the articles and the main arguments the author uses. You should also state one’s thesis statement or determine it yourself. It would be a mistake to write an introduction in the first person (“I’ve read this journal article and want to write about its ideas”). You should provide an overall impression. Use the third person, for example: “This article reveals the following ideas”. Your style should be formal and academic.

Finish the introduction with the thesis statement that addresses the issues you’re going to discuss. For example, “The author has some good ideas; however, his content is developed insufficiently since he has missed some essential facts that may affect the conclusions.” Read some information on how to write a thesis since this skill is useful for any paper you’ll deal with.

The main body paragraphs are the core of your review. Here you should talk about each of the main concepts separately and explain why you consider the provided evidence sufficient or insufficient. If you think the author is biased, you should also mention it.

The next goal you should achieve in these paragraphs is to show the author’s role. Has one contributed something to the overall understanding of the topic? Is this piece significant or useless?

Remember that even though you can provide your personal opinion, it should be evidence-based. Read some other writings on this topic to back your judgments. It would be great to find some reviews that share another opinion because they can show you the details you may have missed.

Try to devote each of the body paragraphs to one idea. For example, you can write one paragraph about the author’s contribution, the second one about the paper's strengths, the third one about its weaknesses, and the fourth one about your opinion. You may use another structure, but you should have it.

The last paragraph usually takes no more than 10% of your paper. This where you can summarize the article and connect it with your judgment. You should decide whether this article is worth reading and how the audience can receive more information and ideas on this topic.

If you’ve already written book reviews in middle or high school, you are familiar with this format and have a general understanding. When it goes about an article, the principle is the same. However, you may want to read some examples to get inspired or understand how other students and experienced authors write.

This coin has two sides. On the one hand, examples are beneficial because you can learn some writing techniques, look at the problem from someone’s point of view, analyze the paper, and understand whether it is good and why.

On the other hand, someone else’s paper doesn’t teach you how to write an article . You may just waste your time looking for different sources and thinking you’re doing something to come up with your review.

So, what do we recommend? You can read a couple of samples. Ask your professor to advise you on the best ones to understand what they take as the model. However, don’t expect too much from these examples.

Successful Article Review Example to Follow

We’ve divided this sample into 3 parts to help you understand the basic structure. Look for an original piece firstly and try to define your opinion and arguments on this topic.

The article "Why Have There Been No Great Female Artists?" was written by Linda Nochlin, a famous USA art historian. Reading this paper, it is easy to understand that the content's main focus lies in feminist art history and theory. The author is a woman and an artist, so she starts the text to declare her feminist position that differs from the everyday feminist movements’ activities. Throughout the article, Linda provides historical investigations and appeals to the emotions of the audience. She points out several essential issues that modern women have to face.

Linda’s position is that modern society people should stop judging female artists and instead analyze this movement's history and its perceiving in the industry.

The article tells about women who have worked a lot to rise out of poverty and steal the show against female artists' stereotypical role in society. Linda Nochlin thinks that this problem was very hot in aristocratic circles, where women's expectations were too hard. That’s how she explains why they couldn’t practice enough and grow as professionals.

Linda doesn’t like the popular idea that women are different from men when it goes about art. She provides examples to illustrate her opinion. Sylvia Plath was an outstanding writer, and there were also many fantastic actors, musicians, and artists who can easily be equated to men in their respective periods.

The author also notes that one of the main reasons why there have been not so many famous female artists is the lack of opportunities for women in this industry. Educational institutions were open to men only, and society supported men only as well. Women could study art, but only as a hobby. There was no question of building a stable career and declaring one’s name.

According to this article, it is easy to explain why female artists were not so famous as male ones. They didn’t have training opportunities, they didn’t learn the art, and couldn’t demonstrate their successes in public. Fortunately, the current situation differs; however, women still feel discrimination. If we want to understand feminist art and perceive it as it is, we must learn the historical context and evaluate the challenges the female artists face today.

Three Additional “Don’t-s” to Go

Now you have anything to write a killer journal article review. However, we want to provide you with some additional tips to make your student life a bit brighter. The main point is: try to enjoy everything you’re doing and do only those things you enjoy!

If you don’t know how to eat healthily, you go to a person with a dietology degree. If you don’t know how to write a book , you ask the experienced writer. The same rule works for any student papers you deal with. You need a professional author who has written dozens of similar pieces and knows all the academic requirements well.

Not so many students call this part their favorite one. It is pretty hard to find such a student. Proofreading is a bit boring since you need to read all the lines carefully, looking for mistakes. It goes not about the spelling or commas only, but the incorrect structure or logical inconsistencies as well. You can hire a professional editor with a keen eye who will guarantee you the flawless final version.

Students' life is not so easy, but it doesn’t mean you should spend days and nights with your assignments. The busy workload is the first cause of stress and burnout. If you feel that you can't cope with all the tasks volume, just don't force yourself. Define your priorities, choose the assignments you like the most, and concentrate on them. Outsource the others to professional writing service and enjoy the final result!

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  6. Article Review

    example of article review assignment


  1. Article Review Assignment Instructions

  2. Module 2 Assignment Article Analysis & Presentation


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  5. How To Write An Article, Skills in Article Writing, Article Writing

  6. Article Writing