most important essay topics for css 2022


  • Hero-worship is the strongest where there is least regard for human freedom. (CSS 2000)
  • Personal liberty is the paramount essential to human dignity and human happiness. (CSS 2000)
  • Humanism. (CSS 2004)
  • All humans are born equal in dignity and rights but they are in shackles everywhere. (CSS 2010)
  • The War on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights. (CSS 2015)
  • In the fight against terrorism and corruption, it is imperative not to compromise human rights and civil liberties. (CSS 2018)
  • Universal human equality is utopia. (CSS 2021)
  • Human development and economic sustainability. (CSS 2022)


  • Global Warming (CSS 2006)
  • The future of mankind in a global warming perspective. (CSS 2007)
  • Global Warming, fact or fiction? (CSS 2008)
  • Government should eliminate subsidies and incentives for manufacturers and consumers of electric cars as they are costly and do not do enough to protect the environment. (CSS 2015)
  • The threat of Global Warming and the ways to counter it. (CSS 2018)

Truth and Reason

  • The search for truth. (CSS 2005)
  • Truth in short supply (CSS 2006)
  • Truth is a rare commodity despite the freedom by the print and electronic media. (CSS 2011)
  • In this country reason does not apply to anything. (CSS 2011)
  • Truth is lived not taught. (CSS 2019)
  • Of all the needs a book has, the chief need is that it be readable. (CSS 2002)
  • The pleasures of reading. (CSS 2011)

Morality/ Principles

  • Art and Morality. (CSS 2002)
  • There comes a time to put aside principles and do what is right. (CSS 2006)
  • Moral depravity is the root cause of poverty. (CSS 2008)

Global Issues & International Relations

  • Moral standards in international relations. (CSS 2000)
  • World scenario in 21st century and Pakistan’s role in it. (CSS 2002)
  • The end of cheap oil. (CSS 2004)
  • Globalization and electronic media. (CSS 2007)
  • The world politics stands more derisive than it was ever before due to the specific imperialist designs. (CSS 2010)
  • The time we live in is the winter of the world. (CSS 2011)
  • Brexit means globalization is the rhetoric of the privileged, and capitalism will return ferociously as ever. (CSS 2017)
  • Modernity is an unending project. (CSS 2017)
  • China – Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and its Socio-economic Implications for the Region and the World. (CSS 2018)
  • Pakistan and the future of Kashmir cause. (CSS 2020)
  • Global power dynamics and Pakistan’s foreign policy. (CSS 2020)
  • Global trade and trade policies of China. (CSS 2022)
  • Global politics and international relations. (CSS 2022)
  • World food systems: the economics of agriculture. (CSS 2022)

Science and Technology

  • Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to the economic prosperity of a country. (CSS 2000)
  • The suffering soul in the Scientific Age. (CSS 2012)
  • Modern day communication via social networks puts an end to true and sincere relationships. (CSS 2013)
  • The introduction of new digital technologies has radically altered identities. (CSS 2015)
  • Labor saving devices are more troublesome than they are worth. (CSS 2015)
  • Expanding information technology: a curse or blessing. (CSS 2019)
  • Is Pakistan ready for the digital revolution? (CSS 2020)
  • Covid-19 — A wake up call for Pakistani researches. (CSS 2021)
  • Human inventions move societies backward. (CSS 2021)
  • On tolerance. (CSS 2001)
  • Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. (CSS 2003)
  • Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. (CSS 2014)
  • Power of Media in the Modern World. (CSS 2009)
  • The emerging power of Social Media: Prospects and Problems. (CSS 2018)

War/ Peace/ Globalization

  • Can we prevent the third world war? (CSS 2008)
  • Great nations win without fighting. (CSS 2014)
  • World as a global village: Learning to live together. (CSS 2016)
  • Are modern wars not holy wars? (CSS 2017)
  • Pros and cons of globalization. (CSS 2021)
  • Intercultural communication is a panacea to avoid third world war. (CSS 2021)
  • An analysis of the concept of globalization of markets. (CSS 2022)

Democracy/ Governance/ Administration / Crisis / Tourism

  • Good governance and the role of the public servant. (CSS 2000)
  • Devolution of power in Pakistan. (CSS 2001)
  • The future of democracy in Pakistan. (CSS 2009)
  • The food crisis: problems, challenges and opportunities for Pakistan. (CSS 2009)
  • Pakistan is rich in natural resources but very poor in their management. (CSS 2010)
  • Disaster management and government preparedness. (CSS 2011)
  • Democracy is a culture rather than a process. (CSS 2012)
  • In a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence. (CSS 2015)
  • Crisis of good governance in Pakistan: Need for reforms and institution building. (CSS 2016)
  • Democracy in Pakistan: Hopes and Hurdles. (CSS 2018)
  • Democracy and illiteracy do not move together. (CSS 2019)
  • Promoting tourism in Pakistan: opportunities and challenges. (CSS 2020)
  • Digital democracy: social media and political participation. (CSS 2022)
  • Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave. (CSS 2000)
  • Economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of literacy in it. (CSS 2001)
  • Higher Science Education in the developing countries. (CSS 2002)
  • Education has for its object the formation of character. (CSS 2002)
  • Need for serious planning in technical education in Pakistan. (CSS 2002)
  • Reforms in Examination systems. (CSS 2005)
  • The present system of Education must assume some of the responsibilities of our failure. (CSS 2007)
  • Higher Education as an agent of change. (CSS 2008)
  • Co-education; Merits and Demerits. (CSS 2009)
  • English as the medium of Education in Pakistan. (CSS 2009)
  • A critical analysis of Education system in Pakistan. (CSS 2012)
  • There should be colleges and schools just for men/boys and some just for women/girls. (CSS 2013)
  • Meaning and purpose of education. (CSS 2013)
  • Privatizing higher education-generating knowledge or making more money for the opulent. (CSS 2014)
  • Higher Education in Pakistan: Ills and Remedies. (CSS 2018)
  • Classrooms decide the future of the nation. (CSS 2019)
  • Women universities as agents of change. (CSS 2020)
  • Meaning purposive education. (CSS 2021)

National Integration

  • The barbarity of ethnic cleansing. (CSS 2000)
  • National Integration. (CSS 2001)
  • Water crisis and national unity. (CSS 2016)
  • We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. (CSS 2000)
  • Dilemma of the water and energy crisis in Pakistan. (CSS 2003)
  • Do not waste water even if you were at a running stream. (CSS 2021)
  • Energy Crisis in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences. (CSS 2012)


  • Public office is a public trust. (CSS 2001)
  • Bureaucracy doldrums. (CSS 2021)

Poverty/ Progress

  • Progressive alleviation of poverty in Pakistan – an overview. (CSS 2000)
  • Strategies for the alleviation of poverty. (CSS 2005)
  • Look to the east for holistic progress. (CSS 2014)
  • Does foreign aid help to achieve economic stability? (CSS 2016)
  • Advancement in science and technology is the gateway to prosperity of a country. (CSS 2000)
  • Austerity as a solution to all our economic problems. (CSS 2002)
  • Economic problems in Pakistan and how to meet them. (CSS 2002)
  • Socio-Economic Challenges faced by Pakistan. (CSS 2005)
  • Foreign Direct Investment in Pakistan. (CSS 2006)
  • Promotion of tax culture in Pakistan: Perspective, prospects and challenges. (CSS 2016)
  • Real development should transform people’s lives, not just economic statistics. (CSS 2018)
  • New war fronts lie in economic zones. (CSS 2019)
  • Pakistan’s informal economy: the way forward. (CSS 2020)
  • IMF bailouts: roads to stability or recipes for disaster. (CSS 2020)
  • Is there such a thing as ethical consumerism? (CSS 2022)

Justice/ Rule of Law

  • Justice delayed is justice denied. (CSS 2001)
  • Will “Rule of law” always remain an impracticable myth in our country? (CSS  2018)
  • A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism; but depth in philosophy bringeth man’s minds about religion. (CSS 2002)
  • Pluralistic vision of Islam. (CSS 2004)
  • Islam versus the West. (CSS 2005)
  • The image of Islam in the western world and responsibilities of the Muslim Ummah. (CSS 2007)
  • Peace; the essential message of our religion. (CSS 2008)
  • Materialism is the death of spirituality. (CSS 2008)
  • Fair play and life, as it is lived, in the land of the pure. (CSS 2011)
  • Let there be more light in the corridors of worship places. (CSS 2019)

United Nations

  • The future of UNO: Hopes and Hurdles. (CSS 2009)
  • The UNO has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter. (CSS 2010)
  • The United Nations in the 21st Century: Obligations and Limitations. (CSS 2012)
  • More and more international military engagements by the United Nations; is the world moving towards peace? (CSS 2017)

Women/ Gender

  • Persecuted poor woman. (CSS 2005)
  • The state of women rights in Pakistan. (CSS 2007)
  • Status of Women in Islam. (CSS 2009)
  • Why is there no status of the third gender in Pakistan? (CSS 2010)
  • Can women be equal to men in Pakistan? (CSS 2010)
  • Does Pakistan society regard women as the angel in the house or source of all evils? (CSS 2011)
  • Social and Economic Securities for Women in Islam. (CSS 2012)
  • Gender equality is a myth. (CSS 2013)
  • Women sports persons are new ambassadors of the soft image of Pakistan. (CSS 2014)
  • Gender equality is a myth! (CSS 2016)
  • Frailty, thy name is woman. (CSS 2016)
  • Feminism is not really a Third World issue. (CSS 2017)
  • New Waves of feminism and our culture. (CSS 2019)
  • Gender equality: a popular slogan. (CSS 2021)
  • The controversial issues of feminism in contemporary women’s rights movements. (CSS 2022)

Accountability/ Corruption

  • Without independent truth-finding commission , accountability is unachievable. (CSS 2010)
  • Religion has done more harm than help to human relations in the world. (CSS 2010)

Nationalism/ Minorities

  • Being a minority is a fate no one wants. Can nationalism be really inclusive? (CSS 2017)
  • The purification of politics is an iridescent dream. (CSS 2000)
  • Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. (CSS 2002)
  • Personalization Of Pakistani Politics (CSS 2006)
  • Politics is the art of the possible. (CSS 2007)
  • Insanity in individuals is something rare but in groups, parties and nations it is the rule. (CSS 2011)
  • The emerging power of Public Opinion. (CSS 2012)
  • Not the economy but politics is the key to success. (CSS 2013)
  • The creation of new provinces in Pakistan: Implications for an integrated country. (CSS 2016)
  • Polarized politics: the issues and challenges of democracy in Pakistan. (CSS 2020)

Management/ Life/ Discipline / Ideology

  • Sweet are the uses of adversity. (CSS 2000)
  • “Turn not thy cheek in scorn towards folk nor walk with pertness in the land”. (Al-Quran) (CSS 2001)
  • Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. (CSS 2001)
  • Self-conceit may lead to self destruction. (CSS 2001)
  • Attitude of indifference. (CSS 2003)
  • Young habits die-hard. (CSS 2003)
  • Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. (CSS 2006)
  • Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late. Benjamin Franklin (CSS 2006)
  • A country is backward because it’s people are backward. (CSS 2007)
  • Time management is the keynote of success. (CSS 2008)
  • Lack of discipline – a national disaster. (CSS 2008)
  • Dreams for the future rely on the work of today. (CSS 2008)
  • Health is not a condition of matter, but of mind. (CSS 2009)
  • Without good communication skills, life becomes impossible in the modern world. (CSS 2011)
  • Obesity is the root cause of all diseases. (CSS 2012)
  • Let me take care of today, tomorrow shall take care of itself. (CSS 2013)
  • Country life is better than city life. (CSS 2013)
  • The character of a nation can be judged by its symbolic narratives. (CSS 2014)
  • Punctuality is the virtue of boredom. (CSS 2015)
  • Luxury predecessors become the necessity of successors. (CSS 2015)
  • When life throws you lemons, make lemonade. (CSS 2015)
  • We have to learn to be our own best friends, because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies. (CSS 2016)
  • Is colonial mentality impeding Pakistan’s progress? (CSS 2016)
  • Ideologies thrive on notions of resistance, yet change is a simulation. (CSS 2017)
  • Life without controversy is no life. But why should one not choose the safe haven of conformism? (CSS 2017)
  • Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. (CSS 2018)
  • Beware the barrenness of a busy life! (CSS 2018)

Nuclear Politics

  • Nuclear weapons are ‘not only a great peril, but a great hope. (CSS 2006)
  • The more developed a country, the more leathly it is armed. (CSS 2007)
  • International crisis of Terrorism. (CSS 2002)
  • Terrorism as a new threat to the contemporary world. (CSS 2007)
  • Pakistan’s War on terror and its impact on our psyche and politic socio-economic fronts. (CSS 2009)
  • How is terrorism and its perception shaped by the Mass Media? (CSS 2022)

Art/ Literature/ Poetry

  • Every art is an imitation of nature. (CSS 2002)
  • Art Critics and reviewers. (CSS 2003)
  • Humour in Urdu Literature (CSS 2006)
  • Poetry is the highest form of expression – the greatest proof is the Holy Quran. (CSS 2008)
  • Literature is the best criticism of life. (CSS 2010)
  • Literature as a great cultural artifact. (CSS 2014)
  • Language is a fit data for research in humanities and social science. (CSS 2014)
  • Can meaning be fixed? (CSS 2014)
  • The place of Urdu in Pakistan and Supreme Court’s ruling on making Urdu the official language of the country. 2016
  • Literature is a lonely planet of idealists. (CSS 2017)
  • Art for peace. (CSS 2019)
  • Do we really need literature in our lives? (CSS 2020)

Literary/ Philosophy

  • It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds. (CSS 2001)
  • Existentialism. (CSS 2003)
  • Liberalism (CSS 2006)
  • Brain, like hearts, go where they are appreciated. (CSS 2006, 2012)
  • There is no great genius without a mixture of madness. (CSS 2009)
  • Beggars can’t be choosers. (CSS 2012)
  • If gold rusts what shall the iron do. (CSS 2013)
  • Anticipation is often greater than realization. (CSS 2015)
  • Sometimes we do not see what we see. (CSS 2019)
  • I fall upon the thorns of life I bleed. (CSS 2021)
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge. (CSS 2022)

Diversity/ Freedom

  • Dialogue is the best course to combat terrorism. (CSS 2010)
  • Free speech should have limitations. (CSS 2013)
  • I disapprove of what you say, but I defend to death your right to say. (CSS 2015)
  • I do not agree with what you have to say, but I’ll defend to the death your right to say it. (CSS 2020)

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English Essay (CSS 2023)

English Essay (CSS 2024)

English Essay Syllabus for CSS 2024

English Essay: CSS Past Papers Analysis


Truth and reason, morality/ principles.

I constructed my essay deriving my arguments from several discourses, i.e. (Politics, economics, society, philosophy, strategy, literature, science, religion, etc.). In my opinion, even an issue-based essay should be developed on creative lines. For that, candidates should also practice literary and abstract essays during the preparation phase. Furthermore, I never delved into the technicalities of the structure of essay. I believe writing comes naturally. Atif Ameer (PSP) 2nd in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Essay Marks 52)

Global Issues & International Relations

Science and technology.

For English essay, I used to make outlines and practice paragraph writing. The key strategy in attempting an essay is to write it in simple, logical, coherent and precise way. One should refrain from using long sentences, jargons and difficult expressions. Furthermore, in order to avoid incoherence and jumps between essay paragraphs and outline, I left first two sheets of answer sheet for final outline, which I only wrote, once I was done writing essay. Aamina Ihsan (PAS) 18th in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Essay Marks 48)

War/ Peace/ Globalization

Democracy/ governance/ administration / crisis / tourism.

My essay followed a fixed trajectory: Introduction (Opening + Thesis Statement) – Context – Exposition – Authority – Analysis – Conclusion. This allowed me to present my arguments clearly and coherently. When you practice, read your essay and try to see it from an examiner’s perspective. If it is too text-intensive, boring, long and redundant, , or even the argument you made is not clear, you will not get good marks. Mohammad Murtaza (PAS), 3rd in Pakistan, CSS 2017 (Essay Marks 45)

National Integration


The Essay paper for CSS 2017 was somewhat out of the box. Despite that, I had complete control on my nerves and great confidence in my writing skills. I chose the topic “Is colonial mentality impeding the progress of Pakistan?” I supported this stance. First, I brainstormed and then wrote an outline on a rough page. Then, I presented it on the answer sheet in an impressive way so as to facilitate the examiner. I wrote almost twenty arguments or paragraphs to prove my stance. The language I used was simple yet flawless. Syed Fazul Shah (PSP), 3rd in Balochistan, CSS 2017-18 (Essay Marks 44)

Poverty/ Progress

Justice/ rule of law.

The essay which I attempted was argumentative in nature. So, I tried my best to follow the structure of such essays. I introduced the topic by giving a brief overview of the points I would be discussing; presented some examples from history, contemporary world and Pakistan; highlighted some counter arguments against the mentioned examples and re-countered them to justify my point, and concluded the topic with summing up all the arguments and justifications I had given in the body of the essay. Nawab Sameer Hussain Laghari (PAS), 2nd in Sindh, CSS-2016-17 (Essay Marks 45)

United Nations

Women/ gender, accountability/ corruption.

Essay is the most difficult thing in CSS, and, perhaps, rightly so. There are numerous ways to write it but the key is to understand the topic and giving sound arguments in grammatically correct English. Muhammad Murad (PSP), 7th in Pakistan, CSS 2017 (Essay Marks 60)

Nationalism/ Minorities

Management/ life/ discipline / ideology.

Structure and coherence make the key to success in the essay paper. I avoided verbosity and instead ensured I had understood the idea well. I also placed a lot of emphasis on the overall structure of the essay, making sure my paragraphs were coherent, sentences were well structured and the overall flow of the ideas was good. Muhammad Abrahim Shah (PAS) 3rd in Pakistan, CSS 2018-19 (Marks 61)

Nuclear Politics

Art/ literature/ poetry, literary/ philosophy, diversity/ freedom.

Essay is the very paper most aspirants fail. Reason? Lack of practice! Most aspirants know the reason but still they do not practice. If one cannot practice a long essay daily, one should write, at least, outline, introduction and conclusion daily, and practice a long essay once or twice a week. I did the same and when I sat to structure my essay, I did not face any problem in generating ideas and structuring them instantly. Bakhtiar Ismail (PAS), 1st in Balochistan, CSS 2017-18 (Essay Marks 66)

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CSS 2025: Essay Themes to Prepare


Written By Hamza Gill       Jun 11, 2024

Preparing for the essay paper in the CSS exam requires a broad understanding of various topics and the ability to articulate your thoughts clearly and coherently. Here is a detailed list of major topics and themes you should focus on for essay preparation:

1. Current Affairs

  • Global Politics : Major political events, international relations, global conflicts, and diplomatic strategies.
  • Economy : Global economic trends, economic policies, trade wars, financial crises, and economic development.
  • Social Issues : Human rights, gender equality, education, health, poverty, and social justice.
  • Environmental Issues : Climate change, sustainable development, conservation, and environmental policies.
  • Technology and Innovation : Impact of technology, digital transformation, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, and the fourth industrial revolution.

2. National Issues

  • Governance and Politics : Political systems, democracy, electoral processes, corruption, governance reforms.
  • Economy : Economic policies, fiscal management, taxation, poverty alleviation, and development programs.
  • Social Issues : Education, healthcare, population growth, social security, and cultural challenges.
  • Security : National security, terrorism, extremism, internal security challenges.
  • Judiciary and Law : Judicial reforms, legal challenges, law enforcement, human rights.
  • Nearpeer's monthly magazine CSS Chronicles has a portion of National Issues which explains monthly national topics by our experienced writers.
  • Link:

3. Philosophical and Ethical Topics

  • Ethics and Morality : Ethical dilemmas, moral philosophy, integrity in public life, ethical leadership.
  • Philosophy of Life : Human existence, the meaning of life, happiness, and well-being.
  • Social and Cultural Ethics : Cultural diversity, societal norms, ethics in media, ethical governance.

4. Historical and Cultural Topics

  • Historical Events : Significant historical events and their impact on the present, lessons from history.
  • Cultural Heritage : Preservation of cultural heritage, cultural identity, and multiculturalism.
  • Historical Personalities : Contributions of notable historical figures and their influence on society.

5. Scientific and Technological Developments

  • Scientific Advancements : Breakthroughs in science and their implications, space exploration, medical advancements.
  • Technological Impact : The role of technology in society, ethical implications of technology, future trends.

6. Literary Topics

  • Literature : Analysis of literary works, contributions of famous authors, the role of literature in society.
  • Art and Culture : The impact of art and culture on society, cultural expressions, and artistic movements.

7. Miscellaneous Topics

  • Education : Importance of education, educational reforms, challenges in the education sector.
  • Healthcare : Public health issues, healthcare policies, global health challenges.
  • Sports and Recreation : The role of sports in society, major sports events, physical and mental well-being.

Sir Abrar and Sir Daud Saleemi has explained almost all of the areas in detail in their Nearpeer CSS Essay Course.


Preparation Tips for Essay Writing

1. Reading and Research

  • Read widely from various sources, including newspapers, magazines, journals, and books.
  • Stay updated with current events and global trends.
  • Use credible sources for research and gather diverse perspectives on each topic.

2. Practice Writing

  • Practice writing essays regularly on different topics.
  • Focus on structuring your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Develop coherent arguments and support them with evidence and examples.

3. Developing Critical Thinking

  • Analyze issues critically and present balanced viewpoints.
  • Practice logical reasoning and argumentation.
  • Reflect on ethical and philosophical dimensions of issues.

4. Feedback and Improvement

  • Get your essays reviewed by mentors or peers for constructive feedback.
  • Identify areas for improvement and work on them consistently.
  • Enhance your vocabulary and improve grammar and sentence structure.

5. Time Management

  • Practice writing essays within a specified time limit to simulate exam conditions.
  • Focus on clarity and conciseness to effectively convey your ideas within the word limit.

6. Mock Essays

  • Participate in mock essay writing sessions or exams.
  • Review model essays and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Sir Abrar has explained many essay topics in his Essay Course at Nearpeer.
  • Link:

By preparing these topics thoroughly and practicing consistently, you will be well-equipped to tackle the essay paper in the CSS exam. If you need more detailed resources or specific guidance on any of these topics, feel free to ask!

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Top 50 CSS Essay Topics in Pakistan for Exam Success: A Comprehensive List Covering Key Issues for National Development

 The CSS exam is one of the most competitive exams in Pakistan and requires a deep understanding of various topics to succeed. One of the most important components of this exam is the essay writing section. Candidates are required to write on a given topic within a specified time limit. Therefore, it is crucial to be well-prepared for this section.

To help candidates prepare for the essay writing section, we have compiled a list of the top 50 essay topics for the CSS exam in Pakistan. These topics cover a wide range of issues that are important for the development and progress of Pakistan. They include education, democracy, terrorism, foreign policy, healthcare, energy, and much more.

The first topic on the list is the importance of education in modern society. This topic is significant because education is the foundation of any society's progress. It explores the challenges and prospects of the education system in Pakistan and the role of education in shaping the country's future.

The second topic is the role of media in today's world. This topic is important because media is a powerful tool that can shape public opinion and influence decision-making. The essay can explore the impact of traditional and social media on society, its pros, and cons, and the responsibility of media in promoting social harmony.

The third topic is women empowerment in Pakistan. This topic highlights the importance of gender equality and women's empowerment in a society's development. The essay can explore the challenges and opportunities for women in Pakistan and the measures needed to promote their rights.

Other topics on the list include democracy and its challenges in Pakistan, terrorism and its impact on Pakistan's economy, climate change and its effects on Pakistan, corruption in Pakistan, the role of judiciary in Pakistan, economic challenges faced by Pakistan, and the significance of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

  • Importance of education in modern society
  • Role of media in today's world
  • Women empowerment in Pakistan
  • Democracy and its challenges in Pakistan
  • Terrorism and its impact on Pakistan's economy
  • Climate change and its effects on Pakistan
  • Corruption in Pakistan
  • The role of judiciary in Pakistan
  • Economic challenges faced by Pakistan
  • The significance of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)
  • Role of social media in shaping public opinion
  • The importance of the English language in Pakistan
  • Prospects and challenges of the Pakistani film industry
  • Pakistan's foreign policy challenges
  • The role of the youth in nation-building
  • Impact of globalization on Pakistan
  • Challenges faced by the agriculture sector in Pakistan
  • The importance of tourism for Pakistan's economy
  • Cybersecurity challenges in Pakistan
  • The importance of art and culture in Pakistan
  • Human rights issues in Pakistan
  • The role of civil society in Pakistan
  • Challenges faced by Pakistan's healthcare system
  • The role of NGOs in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's energy crisis
  • The importance of water conservation in Pakistan
  • The impact of social media on Pakistani society
  • Pakistan's relations with its neighboring countries
  • Education system in Pakistan: challenges and prospects
  • The role of sports in Pakistani society
  • Youth unemployment in Pakistan
  • Religious extremism in Pakistan
  • Population explosion in Pakistan
  • The role of science and technology in Pakistan's development
  • The future of democracy in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's space program and its potential
  • The role of Pakistani women in politics
  • Pakistan's defense strategy
  • The impact of the internet on Pakistani society
  • Cyberbullying in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's education emergency
  • The potential of renewable energy in Pakistan
  • The role of Pakistan in the war against terrorism
  • The impact of sectarianism on Pakistani society
  • The significance of Pakistan's coastal belt
  • The challenges of urbanization in Pakistan
  • Pakistan's cultural diversity and national unity
  • The impact of the Afghan conflict on Pakistan
  • The role of the police in Pakistan
  • The impact of inflation on the common man in Pakistan

In conclusion, the top 50 essay topics for the CSS exam in Pakistan cover a wide range of issues that are essential for the country's development and progress. Candidates should prepare well for these topics to succeed in the essay writing section of the CSS exam. They should be aware of the current issues and challenges in Pakistan and have a deep understanding of the country's history, culture, and society.

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State of CSS 2022

Web styling features of today and tomorrow, as seen at Google IO 2022, plus some extras.

Adam Argyle

The year 2022 is set to be one of CSS's greatest years, in both features and cooperative browser feature releases, with a collaborative goal to implement 14 features!

This post is the article form of the talk given at Google IO 2022. It's not meant to be an in-depth guide on each feature, rather an introduction and brief overview to pique your interest, providing breadth instead of depth. If your interest is piqued, check the end of a section for resource links to more information.

Table of contents

Use the list below to jump to topics of interest:

Browser compatibility

A primary reason so many CSS features are set to cooperatively release is due to the efforts of Interop 2022 . Before studying the Interop efforts, it's important to look at Compat 2021 ’s efforts.

Compat 2021

The goals for 2021, driven by developer feedback via surveys, were to stabilize current features, improve the test suite and increase passing scores of browsers for five features:

  • sticky positioning
  • aspect-ratio sizing
  • flex layout
  • grid layout
  • transform positioning and animation

Test scores were raised across the board, demonstrating upgraded stability and reliability. Big congratulations to the teams here!

Interop 2022

This year, browsers met together to discuss the features and priorities they intended to work on, uniting their efforts. They planned to deliver the following web features for developers:

  • Color spaces and functions
  • Containment
  • <dialog>
  • Form compatibility

Viewport units

This is an exciting and ambitious list that I can't wait to see unfold.

Fresh for 2022

Unsurprisingly, the state of CSS 2022 is dramatically impacted by the Interop 2022 work.

Cascade layers

Browser Support

Before @layer , the discovered order of loaded stylesheets was very important, as styles loaded last can overwrite previously loaded styles. This led to meticulously managed entry stylesheets, where developers needed to load less important styles first and more important styles later. Entire methodologies exist to assist developers in managing this importance, such as ITCSS .

With @layer , the entry file can pre-define layers, and their order, ahead of time. Then, as styles load, are loaded or defined, they can be placed within a layer, allowing a preservation of style override importance but without the meticulously managed loading orchestration.

The video shows how the defined cascade layers allow for a more liberated and freestyle authoring and loading process, while still maintaining the cascade as needed.

Chrome DevTools is helpful for visualizing which styles are coming from which layers:

Screenshot of the Styles sidebar of Chrome Devtools, highlighting how styles appear within new Layer groups.

  • CSS Cascade 5 specification
  • Cascade layers explainer
  • Cascade layers on MDN
  • Una Kravets : Cascade Layers
  • Ahmad Shadeed : Hello, CSS Cascade Layers

Before subgrid , a grid inside of another grid couldn't align itself to its parent cells or grid lines. Each grid layout was unique. Many designers place a single grid over their whole design and constantly align items within it, which couldn't be done in CSS.

After subgrid , a child of a grid can adopt its parents’ columns or rows as its own, and align itself or children to them!

In the following demo, the body element creates a classic grid of three columns: the middle column is called main , and the left and right columns name their lines fullbleed . Then, each element in the body, <nav> and <main> , adopts the named lines from body by setting grid-template-columns: subgrid .

Lastly, children of <nav> or <main> can align or size themselves using the fullbleed and main columns and lines.

Devtools can help you see the lines and subgrids (Firefox only at the moment). In the following image, the parent grid and subgrids have been overlaid. It now resembles how designers were thinking about the layout.

Screenshot of a subgrid demo, using the Chrome Devtools grid overlay tooling to show the lines defined by CSS.

In the elements panel of devtools you can see which elements are grids and subgrids, which is very helpful for debugging or validating layout.

Screenshot of the Chrome Devtools Elements panel labelling which elements have grid or subgrid layouts.

  • Subgrid specification
  • Subgrid on MDN
  • Bramus : Practical CSS Subgrid Video Tutorials

Container queries

Before @container , elements of a webpage could only respond to the size of the whole viewport. This is great for macro layouts, but for micro layouts, where their outer container isn't the whole viewport, it's impossible for the layout to adjust accordingly.

After @container , elements can respond to a parent container size or style! The only caveat is the containers must declare themselves as possible query targets, which is a small requirement for a large benefit.

These styles are what make the Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri columns in the following video able to be queried by the event elements.

Here is the CSS for querying the calendar-day container for its size, then adjusting a layout and font sizes:

Here's another example: one book component adapts itself to the space available in the column that it's dragged to:

Una is correct in assessing the situation as the new responsive . There are many exciting and meaningful design decisions to make when using @container .

  • Container Queries specification
  • Container Queries explainer
  • Container Queries on MDN
  • The new responsive on
  • Calendar demo by Una
  • Awesome container queries collection
  • How we built Designcember on
  • Ahmad Shadeed : Say Hello To CSS Container Queries


Before accent-color , when you wanted a form with brand matching colors, you could end up with complex libraries or CSS solutions that became hard to manage over time. While they gave you all the options, and hopefully included accessibility, the choice to use the built-in components or adopt your own becomes tedious to continue to choose.

After accent-color , one line of CSS brings a brand color to the built-in components. In addition to a tint, the browser intelligently chooses proper contrasting colors for ancillary parts of the component and adapts to system color schemes (light or dark).

Light and dark accented HTML elements side by side for comparison.

To learn more about accent-color , check out my post on where I explore many more aspects of this useful CSS property.

  • accent-color specification
  • accent-color on MDN
  • accent-color on
  • Bramus : Tint User-Interface Controls with CSS accent-color

Color level 4 and 5

The web has been dominated by sRGB for the past decades, but in an expanding digital world of high-definition displays and mobile devices pre-equipped with OLED or QLED screens, sRGB is not enough. Furthermore, dynamic pages that adapt to user preferences are expected, and color management has been a growing concern for designers, design systems, and code maintainers.

Not in 2022 though—CSS has a number of new color functions and spaces: - Colors that reach into the HD color capabilities of displays. - Color spaces that match an intent, such as perceptual uniformity. - Color spaces for gradients that drastically change the interpolation outcomes. - Color functions to help you mix and contrast, and choose which space you do the work in.

Before all these color features, design systems needed to precalculate proper contrasting colors, and ensure appropriately vibrant palettes, all while preprocessors or JavaScript did the heavy lifting.

After all these color features, the browser and CSS can do all the work, dynamically and just in time. Instead of sending many KBs of CSS and JavaScript to users to enable theming and data visualization colors, CSS can do the orchestrating and calculations. CSS is also better equipped to check for support before usage or handle fallbacks gracefully.

HWB stands for hue, whiteness, and blackness. It presents itself as a human-friendly way of articulating color, as it's just a hue and an amount of white or black to lighten or darken. Artists who mix colors with white or black may find themselves appreciating this color syntax addition.

Using this color function results in colors from the sRGB color space, the same as HSL and RGB. In terms of newness for 2022, this doesn’t give you new colors, but it may make some tasks easier for fans of the syntax and mental model.

  • HWB specification
  • Stefan Judis : hwb() – a color notation for humans?

Color spaces

The way colors are represented is done with a color space. Each color space offers various features and trade-offs for working with color. Some may pack all the bright colors together; some may line them up first based on their lightness.

2022 CSS is set to offer 10 new color spaces, each with unique features to assist designers and developers in displaying, picking, and mixing colors. Previously, sRGB was the only option for working with color, but now CSS unlocks new potential and a new default color space, LCH.


Before color-mix() , developers and designers needed preprocessors like Sass to mix the colors before the browser saw them. Most color-mixing functions also didn't provide the option to specify which color space to do the mixing in, sometimes resulting in confusing results.

After color-mix() , developers and designers can mix colors in the browser, alongside all their other styles, without running build processes or including JavaScript. Additionally, they can specify which color space to do the mixing in, or use the default mixing color space of LCH.

Often, a brand color is used as a base and variants are created from it, such as lighter or darker colors for hover styles. Here's what that looks like with color-mix() :

and if you wanted to mix those colors in a different color space, like srgb, change it:

Here follows a theming demo using color-mix() . Try changing the brand color and watch the theme update:

Enjoy mixing colors in various color spaces in your stylesheets in 2022!

  • color-mix() specification
  • color-mix() on MDN
  • Theming demo
  • Another theming demo
  • Fabio Giolito : Create a color theme with these upcoming CSS features


Before color-contrast() , stylesheet authors needed to know accessible colors ahead of time. Often a palette would show black or white text on a color swatch, to indicate to a user of the color system which text color would be needed to properly contrast with that swatch.

Screenshot of 3 Material palettes, showing 14 colors and their appropriate white or black contrast colors for text.

After color-contrast() , stylesheet authors can offload the task entirely to the browser. Not only can you employ the browser to automatically pick a black or white color, you can give it a list of design system appropriate colors and have it pick the first to pass your desired contrast ratio.

Here's a screenshot of an HWB color palette set demo where the text colors are automatically chosen by the browser based on the swatch color:

Screenshot of the HWB demo where each palette has a different pairing of light or dark text, as determined by the browser.

The basics of the syntax look like this, where gray is passed to the function and the browser determines if black or white have the most contrast:

The function can also be customized with a list of colors, from which it will pick the highest contrasting color from the selection:

Lastly, in case it's preferable not to pick the highest contrasting color from the list, a target contrast ratio can be provided, and the first color to pass it is chosen:

This function can be used for more than just text color, though I estimate that will be its primary use case. Think about how much easier it will be to deliver accessible and legible interfaces once the choosing of proper contrasting colors is built into the CSS language itself.

  • color-contrast() specification
  • color-contrast() on MDN

Relative color syntax

Before relative color syntax, to compute on color and make adjustments, the color channels needed to be individually placed into custom properties. This limitation also made HSL the primary color function for manipulating colors because the hue, saturation, or lightness could all be adjusted in a straightforward way with calc() .

After relative color syntax, any color in any space can be deconstructed, modified, and returned as a color, all in one line of CSS. No more limitations to HSL—manipulations can be done in any color space desired, and many less custom properties need to be created to facilitate it.

In the following syntax example, a base hex is provided and two new colors are created relative to it. The first color --absolute-change creates a new color in LCH from the base color, then proceeds to replace the base color’s lightness with 75% , maintaining the chroma ( c ) and hue ( h ). The second color --relative-change creates a new color in LCH from the base color, but this time reduces the chroma ( c ) by 20%.

It's akin to mixing colors, but it's more similar to alterations than it is mixing. You get to cast a color from another color, getting access to the three channel values as named by the color function used, with an opportunity to adjust those channels. All in all, this is a very cool and powerful syntax for color.

In the following demo I've used relative color syntax to create lighter and darker variants of a base color, and used color-contrast() to ensure the labels have proper contrast:

Screenshot with 3 columns, each column is either darker or lighter than the center column.

This function can also be used for color palette generation. Here is a demo where entire palettes are generated off a provided base color. This one set of CSS powers all the various palettes, each palette simply provides a different base. As a bonus, since I've used LCH, look at how perceptually even the palettes are—no hot or dead spots to be seen, thanks to this color space.

Screenshot of 15 palettes all generated dynamically by CSS.

Hopefully by now you can see how color spaces and different color functions can all be used for different purposes, based on their strengths and weaknesses.

  • Relative color syntax specification
  • Building color palettes with relative color syntax
  • Building color variants with relative color syntax

Gradient color spaces

Before gradient color spaces, sRGB was the default color space used. sRGB is generally reliable, but does have some weaknesses like the gray dead zone .

4 gradients in a grid, all from cyan to deeppink. LCH and LAB have more consistent vibrancy, where sRGB goes a bit desaturated in the middle.

After gradient color spaces, tell the browser which color space to use for the color interpolation. This gives developers and designers the ability to choose the gradient they prefer. The default color space also changes to LCH instead of sRGB.

The syntax addition goes after the gradient direction, uses the new in syntax, and is optional:

Here's a basic and essential gradient from black to white. Look at the range of results in each color space. Some reach dark black earlier than others, some fade to white too late.

11 color spaces shown comparing black to white.

In this next example, black is transitioned to blue because it's a known problem space for gradients. Most color spaces creep into purple during color interpolation or, as I like to think of it, as colors travel inside their color space from point A to point B. Since the gradient will take a straight line from point A to point B, the shape of the color space drastically changes the stops that the path takes along the way.

11 color spaces shown comparing blue to black.

For more deep explorations, examples and comments, read this Twitter thread .

  • Gradient interpolation specification
  • Demo comparing gradients in spaces
  • Observable notebook comparing gradients

Before inert , it was good practice to guide the user's focus to areas of the page or app that needed immediate attention. This guided focus strategy became known as focus trapping because developers would place focus into an interactive space, listen for focus change events and, if the focus left the interactive space, then it was forced back in. Users on keyboards or screen readers are guided back to the interactive space to ensure the task is complete before moving on.

After inert , no trapping is required because you can freeze or guard entire sections of the page or app. Clicks and focus change attempts are just simply not available while those parts of a document are inert. One could also think of this like guards instead of a trap, where inert is not interested in making you stay somewhere, rather making other places unavailable.

A good example of this is the JavaScript alert() function:

Notice in the preceding video how the page was mouse and keyboard accessible until an alert() was called. Once the alert dialog popup was shown, the rest of the page was frozen, or inert . Users’ focus is placed inside the alert dialog and has nowhere else to go. Once the user interacts and completes the alert function request, the page is interactive again. inert empowers developers to achieve this same guided focus experience with ease.

Here's a small code sample to show how it works:

A dialog is a great example, but inert is also helpful for things such as the slide-out side menu user experience. When a user slides out the side menu, it's not OK to let the mouse or keyboard interact with the page behind it; that's a bit tricky for users. Instead, when the side menu is showing, make the page inert, and now users must close or navigate within that side menu, and won't ever find themselves lost somewhere else in the page with an open menu.

  • Inert specification
  • Inert on MDN
  • Chrome Developers: Introducing inert

COLRv1 Fonts

Before COLRv1 fonts, the web had OT-SVG fonts, also an open format for fonts with gradients and built-in colors and effects. These could grow very large though, and while they allowed editing the text, there wasn't much scope for customization.

After COLRv1 fonts, the web has smaller footprint, vector-scalable, repositionable, gradient-featuring, and blend-mode powered fonts that accept parameters to customize the font per use case or to match a brand.

Comparison visualization and bar chart, showing how COLRv1 fonts are sharper and smaller.

Here's an example from the Chrome Developer blog post about emojis. Maybe you've noticed that if you scale up the font size on an emoji, it doesn't stay sharp. It's an image and not vector art. Often in applications when an emoji is used, it's swapped out for a higher quality asset. With COLRv1 fonts, the emojis are vector and beautiful:

Icon fonts could do some amazing things with this format, offering custom duo-tone color palettes, and more. Loading a COLRv1 font is just like any other font file:

Customizing the COLRv1 font is done with @font-palette-values , a special CSS at-rule for grouping and naming a set of customization options into a bundle for later reference. Notice how you specify a custom name just like a custom property, starting with -- :

With --colorized as an alias for the customizations, the last step is to apply the palette to an element that is using the color font family:

Screenshot of the Bungee Spice font with the word DUNE.

With more and more variable fonts and color fonts becoming available, web typography is on a very magnificent path towards rich customization and creative expression.

  • Colrv1 specification on Github
  • Chrome Developers: Colrv1 Fonts
  • BlinkOn developer explainer video

Graphic showing how the device screen and the browser window and an iframe, all have different viewports.

Before the new viewport variants, the web offered physical units to assist in fitting viewports. There was one for height, width, smallest size (vmin), and largest side (vmax). These worked well for many things, but mobile browsers introduced a complexity.

On mobile, when loading a page, the status bar with the url is shown, and this bar consumes some of the viewport space. After a few seconds and some interactivity, the status bar may slide away to allow a bigger viewport experience for the user. But when that bar slides out, the viewport height has changed, and any vh units would shift and resize as their target size changed. In later years, the vh unit specifically needed to decide which of the two viewport sizes it was going to use, because it was causing jarring visual layout issues on mobile devices. It was determined that the vh would always represent the largest viewport.

After the new viewport variants, small, large, and dynamic viewport units are made available, with the addition of logical equivalents to the physical ones. The idea is to give developers and designers the ability to choose which unit they want to use for their given scenario. Maybe it's ok to have a small jarring layout shift when the status bar goes away, so then dvh (dynamic viewport height) could be used without worry.

most important essay topics for css 2022

Here's a complete list of all the new viewport unit options made available with the new viewport variants:

Hopefully these will give developers and designers the flexibility needed to achieve their viewport responsive designs.

  • Viewport relative units specification
  • Bramus : The Large, Small, and Dynamic Viewports

Before :has() , the subject of a selector was always at the end. For example, the subject of this selector is a list item: ul > li . Pseudo selectors can alter the selector but they don't change the subject: ul > li:hover or ul > li:not(.selected) .

After :has() , a subject higher in the element tree can remain the subject while providing a query about children: ul:has(> li) . It is easy to understand how :has() got a common name of "parent selector", as the subject of the selector is now the parent in this case.

Here's a basic syntax example where the class .parent remains the subject but is only selected if a child element has the .child class:

Here's an example where a <section> element is the subject, but the selector only matches if one of the children has :focus-visible :

The :has() selector starts to become a fantastic utility once more practical use cases become apparent. For example, it's not currently possible to select <a> tags when they wrap images, making it difficult to teach the anchor tag how to change its styles when in that use case. It is possible with :has() though:

These have all been examples where :has() only looks like a parent selector. Consider the use case of images inside of <figure> elements and adjusting styles on the images if the figure has a <figcaption> . In the following example, figures with figcaptions are selected and then images within that context. :has() is used and doesn't change the subject, as the subject we're targeting is images not figures:

The combinations are seemingly endless. Combine :has() with quantity queries and adjust CSS grid layouts based on the number of children. Combine :has() with interactive pseudo class states and create applications that respond in new creative ways.

Checking for support is made simple with @supports and its selector() function, which tests if the browser understands the syntax before using it:

  • :has() specification
  • :has() on MDN
  • The CSS :has() selector is way more than a "parent selector"

2022 and beyond

There are still a number of things that will be hard to do after all these amazing features land in 2022. The next section takes a look at some of the remaining problems and the solutions that are actively being developed to resolve them. These solutions are experimental, even though they may be specified or available behind flags in browsers.

The upshot from the next sections should be comfort that the problems listed have many people from many companies seeking resolution—not that these solutions are going to be released in 2023.

Loosely typed custom properties

CSS custom properties are amazing. They allow all sorts of things to be stored inside of a named variable, which then can be extended, calculated upon, shared, and more. In fact, they're so flexible, it would be nice to have some that are less flexible.

Consider a scenario where a box-shadow uses custom properties for its values:

This all works well until any one of the properties is changed into a value that CSS doesn't accept there, such as --x: red . The entire shadow breaks if any one of the nested variables is missing or is set to an invalid value type.

This is where @property comes in: --x can become a typed custom property, no longer loose and flexible, but safe with some defined boundaries:

Now, when the box-shadow uses var(--x) and later --x: red is attempted, red will be ignored as it's not a <length> . This means the shadow continues to work, even though an invalid value was given to one of its custom properties. Instead of failing, it reverts to its initial-value of 0px .

In addition to type safety, it also opens up many doors for animation. The flexibility of CSS syntax makes animating some things impossible, such as gradients. @property helps here because the typed CSS property can inform the browser about a developer's intent inside of otherwise overly complex interpolation. It essentially limits the scope of possibility insomuch that a browser can animate aspects of a style that it couldn't before.

Consider this demo example, where a radial gradient is used to make a portion of an overlay, creating a spotlight focus effect. JavaScript sets the mouse x and y when the alt/opt key is pressed, and then changes the focal-size to a smaller value such as 25%, creating the spotlight focus circle at the mouse position:

Gradients can't be animated though. They are too flexible and too complex for the browser to "just derive" how you want them to animate. With @property , though, one property can be typed and animated in isolation, for which the browser can easily understand the intent.

Video games that use this focus effect always animate the circle, from a large circle to a pinhole circle. Here's how to use @property with our demo so the browser animates the gradient mask:

The browser is now able to animate the gradient size because we've reduced the surface area of the modification to just one property and typed the value so the browser can intelligently interpolate the lengths.

@property can do so much more, but these small enablements can go a long way.

  • @property specification
  • @property on MDN
  • @property on
  • Zoom focus demo
  • CSS Tricks: Exploring @property and its animating powers

Was in min-width or max-width

Before media query ranges, a CSS media query uses min-width and max-width to articulate over and under conditions. It may look like this:

After media query ranges, the same media query could look like this:

A CSS media query using both min-width and max-width may look like this:

Depending on your coding background, one of those will look much more legible than the other. Thanks to the spec additions, developers will be able to choose which they prefer, or even use them interchangeably.

  • Media query range syntax specification
  • Media query range syntax on MDN
  • Media query range syntax PostCSS plugin

No media query variables

Before @custom-media , media queries had to repeat themselves over and over, or rely on preprocessors to generate the proper output based on static variables during build time.

After @custom-media , CSS allows aliasing media queries and the referencing of them, just like a custom property.

Naming things is very important: it can align purpose with the syntax, making things easier to share and easier to use in teams. Here are a few custom media queries that follow me between projects:

Now that they're defined, I can use one of them like this:

Find a full list of custom media queries I use inside my CSS custom property library Open Props .

  • Custom media queries specification
  • Custom media queries PostCSS plugin

Nesting selectors is so nice

Before @nest , there was a lot of repetition in stylesheets. It became especially unwieldy when selectors were long and each was targeting small differences. The convenience of nesting is one of the most common reasons for adopting a preprocessor.

After @nest , the repetition is gone. Nearly every feature of preprocessor-enabled nesting will be made available built into CSS.

What's most important about nesting to me, besides not repeating article in the nested selector, is the styling context remains within one style block. Instead of bouncing from one selector, and its styles, to another selector with styles (example 1), the reader can remain within the context of an article and see the article owns links inside of it. The relationship and style intent are bundled together, so article gets to appear to own its own styles.

The ownership could also be thought of as centralization. Instead of looking around a stylesheet for relevant styles, they can all be found nested together within a context. This works with parent to child relationships, but also with child to parent relationships.

Consider a component child that wants to adjust itself when in a different parent context, as opposed to the parent owning the style and changing a child:

@nest helps overall with healthier style organization, centralization, and ownership. Components can group and own their own styles, instead of having them spread amongst other style blocks. It may seem small in these examples, but it can have very large impacts, for both convenience and legibility.

  • @nest specification
  • @nest PostCSS plugin
  • Bramus : The future of CSS: Nesting Selectors

Scoping styles is really hard

Before @scope , many strategies existed because styles in CSS cascade, inherit, and are globally scoped by default. These features of CSS are very convenient for many things, but for complex sites and applications, with potentially many different styles of components, the global space and nature of the cascade can make styles feel like they're leaking.

After @scope , not only can styles be scoped to only within a context, like a class, they can also articulate where the styles end and do not continue to cascade or inherit.

In the following example, BEM naming convention scoping can be reversed into the actual intent. The BEM selector is attempting to scope the color of a header element to a .card container with naming conventions. This requires that the header has this classname on it, completing the goal. With @scope , no naming conventions are required in order to complete the same goal without marking up the header element:

Here's another example, less component-specific and more about the global scope nature of CSS. Dark and light themes have to coexist inside a stylesheet, where order matters in determining a winning style. Usually this means dark theme styles come after the light theme; this establishes light as the default and dark as the optional style. Avoid the ordering and scope battling with @scope :

To complete the story here, @scope also allows the establishing of where the style scope ends. This can't be done with any naming convention or preprocessor; it's special and only something CSS built-in to the browser can do. In the following example, img and .content styles are exclusively applied when a child of a .media-block is a sibling or parent of .content :

  • @scope specification
  • @scope explainer

No CSS way for a masonry layout

Before CSS masonry with grid, JavaScript was the best way to achieve a masonry layout, as any of the CSS methods with columns or flexbox would inaccurately represent the content order.

After CSS masonry with grid, no JavaScript libraries will be required and the content order will be correct.

Screenshot of the masonry layout which shows numbers traveling along the top, then going down.

The preceding demo is achieved with the following CSS:

It's comforting to know that this is on the radar as a missing layout strategy, plus you can try it today in Firefox .

  • Masonry layout specification
  • Masonry layout on MDN
  • Smashing Magazine: Native CSS Masonry Layout with CSS Grid

CSS can't help users reduce data

Before the prefers-reduced-data media query, JavaScript and a server could change their behavior based on a user’s operating system or browser "data saver" option, but CSS could not.

After the prefers-reduced-data media query, CSS can join the user experience enhancement and play its part in saving data.

The preceding CSS is used in this media scroll component and the savings can be huge. Depending on how large the visiting viewport is, the more savings to be had on page load. Saving continues as users interact with the media scrollers. The images all have loading="lazy" attributes on them and that, combined with CSS hiding the element entirely, means a network request for the image is never made.

Screenshot of a TV show carousel interface with many thumbnails and titles shown.

For my testing, on a medium sized viewport, 40 requests and 700kb of resources were initially loaded. As a user scrolls the media selection, more requests and resources are loaded. With CSS and the reduced data media query, 10 requests and 172kb of resources are loaded. That's half a megabyte of savings and the user hasn't even scrolled any of the media, at which point there are no additional requests made.

Screenshot of a TV show carousel interface with no thumbnails and many titles shown.

There are more advantages to this reduced data experience than just data savings. More titles can be seen and there's no distracting cover images to steal attention. Many users browse in a data saver mode because they pay per megabyte of data—it's really nice to see CSS able to help out here.

  • prefers-reduced-data specification
  • prefers-reduced-data on MDN
  • prefers-reduced-data in a GUI Challenge
  • Smashing Magazine: Improving Core Web Vitals, A Smashing Magazine Case Study

Scroll snap features are too limited

Before these scroll snap proposals, writing your own JavaScript to manage a carousel, slider, or gallery could quickly get complex, with all the observers and state management. Also, if not careful, the natural scrolling speeds could get normalized by script, making user interaction feel a bit unnatural and potentially clunky.


As soon as the browser has released a snap child, this event fires. This allows UI to reflect the lack of a snap child and the indeterminate snap state of the scroller, as it's now being used and will land somewhere new.


As soon as the browser has snapped to a new child and the scroller is rested, this event fires. This lets any UI that depends on the snapped child to update and reflect the connection.


Scrolling doesn't always begin at the start. Consider swipeable components where swiping left or right triggers different events, or a search bar that on page load is initially hidden until you scroll to the top. This CSS property lets developers specify that a scroller should begin at a specific point.


This CSS selector will match elements in a scroll snap container that are currently snapped by the browser.

After these scroll snap proposals, making a slider, carousel, or gallery is much easier as the browser now offers conveniences for the task, eliminating observers and scroll orchestration code in favor of using built-in APIs.

It's still very early days for these CSS and JS features, but be on the lookout for polyfills that can help adoption, and testing, of them soon.

  • Scroll Snap 2 draft specification
  • Scroll Snap 2 explainers

Cycling between known states

Before toggle() , only states built into the browser already could be leveraged for styling and interaction. The checkbox input, for example, has :checked , an internally managed browser state for the input that CSS is able to use for changing the element visually.

After toggle() , custom states can be created on any element for CSS to change and use for styling. It allows groups, cycling, directed toggling, and more.

In the following example, the same effect of a list item strikethrough on complete is achieved but without any checkbox elements:

And the relevant CSS toggle() styles:

If you're familiar with state machines, you may notice how much crossover there is with toggle() . This feature will let developers build more of their state into CSS, hopefully resulting in clearer and more semantic ways of orchestrating interaction and state.

  • toggle() draft specification
  • Bramus : The Future of CSS: CSS Toggles

Customizing select elements

Before <selectmenu> , CSS didn't have the ability to customize <option> elements with rich HTML or change much about the display of a list of options. This led developers to load external libraries that recreated much of the functionality of a <select> , which ended up being a lot of work.

After <selectmenu> , developers can provide rich HTML for options elements and style them as much as they need, while still meeting accessibility requirements and providing semantic HTML.

In the following example, taken from the <selectmenu> explainer page , a new select menu is created with some basic options:

CSS can target and style the element's parts:

A select looking menu with red accent colors.

You can try the <selectmenu> element on Chromium in Canary with the web experiments flag enabled. Watch out in 2023 and beyond for customizable select menu elements.

  • Selectmenu specification
  • Selectmenu demo

Anchoring an element to another

Before anchor() , position absolute and relative were position strategies provided for developers to have child elements move around within a parent element.

After anchor() , developers can position elements to other elements, regardless of them being a child or not. It also allows developers to specify which edge to position against, and other niceties for creating position relationships between elements.

The explainer has a few great examples and code samples provided, if you're interested in learning more.

  • anchor() explainer

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2022-05-11 UTC.

  • CSS Syllabus 2025 |
  • Past Paper MCQs |


CSS 2023 Important Topics For Essay, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs

Preparation With Sir Tauqeer

CSS 2023 Important Topics For Essay, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs 

Here, you will have all the essential topics of English Essay, Current Affairs and Pakistan affairs for CSS and PMS Exams 2023. These are the CSS Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs, International relations and English Essay 2023 Guess Questions For the upcoming CE-2023 made by the qualified CSSMCQs team members while keeping in review all the major aspects of the Current scenarios. Insha’ALLAH, you will have 4-8 same nature questions in your real exam papers of PA, CA and IR and English Essay 2023. You can practice these questions right away, however, it will be updated with the lapse of time.

  • ➤ CSS  Current Affairs Guess Paper For 2022 By CSS MCQs [ 35% Paper came from this guess paper… CHECK HERE ]

Important Topic for CSS and PMS Exams 2023

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1) Inflation:

  • Ukraine war and Inflation.
  • Climate change, factor of inflation.
  • Covid-19, and Supply chain disruption.
  • Inflation in Pakistan
  • Inflation, the way forward.

2) The Crisis Of Energy:

  • Ukraine war and Energy Crisis.
  • The issue of oil production.
  • The Crisis of Energy in Pakistan.
  • Energy Crisis, the way forward.

3) Islamophobia:

  • Hiduvata Vs Islamophobia.
  • Political gains and Islamophobia.
  • Islamophobia and OIC.
  • Potential Impacts of Islamophobia.
  • Academic approach, the way forward.
  • Tackling the issue of Islamophobia.

4) Climate Change:

  • Climate Justice.
  • Climate Change and The Economic Cost.
  • Climate Emergency and its consequences
  • Climate Crisis And Pakistan, 2022 Floods.
  • Climate struggle, Impact of international conflicts.
  • IPPC 6th Assessment Reports, Working Groups 1,2 &3.
  • COP 26 Successes
  • COP 27 and Way forward

5) Water Crisis.

  • Manifestation, and Reports.
  • Climate and Water Crisis.
  • Dames, the Way Forward.
  • Water Policies.
  • Management of Water Resources.
  • Potential Impacts and Recommendation.

6) Foreign Policy

  • Geo-Political Dynamics, opportunity and challenges of Pakistan foreign policy.
  • The Concept of independent foreign policy.
  • Climate and Pakistan’s Foreign policy.
  • The challenge of Balancing ties between major powers.
  • Energy crisis and Pakistan’s Foreign policy.
  • National security policy 2022-26, and foreign policy.
  • International conflicts, and Pakistan foreign Policy.
  • The challenges, IMF and FATF.

7) Afghanistan Issue:

  • Taliban Govt., and Pakistan Concerns
  • The role of OIC in Taliban recognition.
  • Afghanistan, the issue of Human rights.
  • Afghanistan Economic Collapse .
  • Humanitarian Crisis.
  • Tehreek e Taliban ( TTP)

8) Financial Action Task Force.

  • What Pakistan lost due to its position on Gray list.
  • Politicization of FATF.
  • Role of Diplomacy in FATF.

9) Food Insecurity.

  • World Population Reaches 8 Billion, U.N. Says. The rapid population growth has been driven by the world’s poorest countries and they are confronting food insecurity, how to mitigate these crises?
  • International conflicts, and food insecurity.
  • Climate change and food insecurity.
  • Covid-19, and Food insecurity.
  • Food insecurity, and Pakistan.
  • Food insecurity the way forward.

10) Russian_Ukraine Crisis.

  • Potential impacts on Pakistan.
  • Energy Aspect of Russian_Ukraine Crisis
  • Food security and Russian_Ukraine Crisis.
  • Russian_Ukraine Crisis and Nuclear option.
  • Russian_Ukraine Crisis and new new blocs.
  • Russian_Ukraine Crisis, the information warfare

11) Indo-Pacific:

  • IPEF, pivot to Asia 2.0 and CPTPP AND RECEP.
  • The crisis in Taiwan, New developments.
  • USA, the strengthening of Indian Defense.
  • Developments in South China Sea.
  • $600, Partnership for global infrastructure.

12) The Emerging New World Order.

  • The war in Ukraine and new world order.
  • Sino-Russian, unlimited friendship.
  • Strengthening of BRICS.
  • Competition in Indo-Pacific.
  • US Sanctions and New Payment Systems.
  • Energy , factor in new world order.

13) The Decline of USD.

  • Tough US sanctions, finding alternative payments.
  • New payment systems, CIPS, SPFS, UPI.
  • Yuan-Ruble trade.
  • Indian rupee-rubble
  • BRICS Business Forum, Putin proposal of New Trading Currency,
  • Condition of Rubble Payment for Russian Gas.

14) Political Instability:

  • Leading causes.
  • Potential Impacts.

15) Constitutional Crisis:

  • Developments and Judiciary Role.
  • Constitutional Crisis and Development

16) Economic Crisis of Pakistan

  • Political instability.
  • Climate impacts on the Economy.
  • Role of FATF Gray list.
  • Structural issue.
  • Issues of Industrial and Agricultural sectors,

17) Electoral Reforms.

  • Facts and Observation.
  • Obstacles in making reforms.
  • EVMs and Its issues.
  • i-voting, Criticism.

18) National Security Policy 2022-26.

  • Description of NSP.
  • Importance of NSP.
  • Criticism of NSP.

19) The Crisis of Overpopulation.

  • Manifestation, UN world population prospects 2022.
  • A crisis of negligence.
  • Responsible factors.
  • Making population productive, investments in Hum. Resources.
  • Urbanization and potential Impacts of overpopulation.

20) International Monitoring Fund, IMF.

  • The eternal issue of BoP.
  • IMF, the Lifeline.
  • Drawbacks of IMF Funding.
  • Way forward

21) Single National Curriculum (SNC) and Pakistan

  • Is SNC implemented in Pakistan?
  • What are the benefits of single national curriculum in Pakistan?
  • Which curriculum is followed in Pakistan?
  • What are the disadvantages of SNC?
  • Analyzing the Pros and Cons of Single National Curriculum
  • Single National Curriculum & Educational Disparities in Pakistan

Detail Explanation: CSS 2023 Important Topics For Essay, CA, PA & IR

Detail Explanation of CSS 2023 Important Topics For Essay, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs Here, you will have all the essential topics of English Essay, Current Affairs and Pakistan affairs for… Continue Reading

Watch on Youtube CSS 2023 Essay, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs & IR Most Important Topics For 2023

These ESSAYS and CURRENT AFFAIRS CSS 2023, Special CSS 2023, Punjab PMS 2023. are prepared by Mr. Salah Uddin. Subject Specialist, Political Science. NOA Teacher

Click below to download in PDF CSS Essay, Current Affairs, Pakistan Affairs Important Topics For 2022.

Important Essay Topics For CSS 2024

If you are searching for important essay topics for CSS 2024 then you are here on the right page to get the list of CSS English essay topics 2024. The purpose of CSS English Essays is to moderate and access the ability of candidates in English writing, sentence making, and grammar. A good essay is based on a good flow of sentences and the way that how a writer expresses his ideas and views about that topic on which he is writing an essay. There are some important features for writing a good essay. You are suggested that don’t use repetition of the same sentence and also avoid grammatical mistakes. Always write an essay in a proper structure and use the borders on right and left sides. Central Superior Services CSS is a legal governmental authority that is responsible for regulating the civilian bureaucratic operations. Every year the CSS takes a test for different bureaucracy departments. In this test, there is a question for essay writing for assessing the ability of a candidate in English. So here we are providing you the list of important essay topics for CSS 2024 which I have given below according to the officials taken out the papers in previous years.

In the following list, you are taking out the list of all the important CSS English esstopicspic for 2024 examinations. These are analyzed from the last few years, and we are also providing you the past papers so that you can take better assistance regarding the preparation of your exams. Remember that the English Essay is an important a complicated paper but if you make good practice in it you can earn good marks in this paper.

9th Class Arts Subjects List In Pakistan

Most Important CSS English Essays Topics 2024:

  • Baluchistan Crisis
  • Future of Democracy in Pakistan
  • Talibanization
  • Women Empowerment
  • Terrorism And The Role Of Pakistan
  • Energy Crisis in Pakistan
  • Water Crisis
  • Failure of Democracy in Pakistan
  • Foreign Policy of Pakistan
  • Art critics and reviewers
  • Alleviation of poverty
  • Foreign direct investment (F.D.I) in Pakistan
  • Global warming
  • Personalization of Pakistani politics
  • Formal and casual dressing codes
  • Existentialism
  • Socio-economic challenges faced by Pakistan
  • Islam versus the west
  • International crisis in terrorism
  • Humor in Urdu literature
  • Higher science education in developing countries
  • The search for truth
  • Nuclear weapons are not only a great peril but great hope
  • Austerity, As a solution, go all our economic problems
  • The economic prosperity of a nation is directly proportional to the level of literacy in it
  • National Integration
  • Risk of “Soviet syndrome” for Pakistan
  • The higher economic problem at Pakistan and how to meet them
  • Devolution of power in Pakistan
  • Art and morality
  • Need for serious planning in technical education in Pakistan
  • Is the world ready for the Gene age?
  • Public office is a public trust
  • Piety at public expense
  • The greatest of evil and the worst crime is poverty
  • The struggle to raise’s a nation’s living standard is fought first and foremost in the classroom
  • Pakistan is rich in natural resources but very poor in its management
  • Pleasure of idleness
  • What are the hurdles in our way to becoming a truly independent state?
  • A Critical Analysis of Education Systems in Pakistan
  • Democracy is a culture rather than a process
  • Role & Power of Media in the Modern World
  • Social Networking

So this is the list of all Important Essay Topics For CSS 2024. If your vocabulary is good and you know the sentence and tense making then you can write any of these essays easily. But if you are not aware of the CSS essay writing techniques then you should, first of all, learn those opponents and then your essay will be effective and more marks making. We have given the important essay topics for CSS 2024 and you must be aware of them you must prepare these essays as per the rules and regulations for attempting this paper. You can leave your comment in the following commenting section for taking out the details.

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most important essay topics for css 2022

CSS 2022 Solved English Précis and Composition Paper


  • Syed Kazim Ali
  • May 13, 2022
  • CSS Solved Precis

CSS 2022 Solved English Précis and Composition Paper | Are you looking for CSS 2022 solved English Précis and Composition Paper? Here is the paper solved by Sir Syed Kazim Ali

Sir Syed Kazim Ali has attempted the entire paper. Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been the only CSS and PMS English coach who always attempts the whole question paper for his students and also help other competitive teachers to follow him. He has been Pakistan’s only top competitive English teacher who has the highest success rate of his students. Even some of his students have scored above 80 in the precis paper. Moreover, he is also known because of his teaching English writing and communication skills to his students and helping them give their thoughts words. That is why Google also names Sir Syed Kazim Ali the best CSS and PMS English teacher in Pakistan. Nearly 60 per cent of students always qualify for their essay and precis papers in a single go. Let’s read and practice the CSS 2022 Precis and Composition paper. Cssprepforum will soon publish the solution of all compulsory and optional subjects’ questions.

most important essay topics for css 2022

CSS 2022 Solved Synonyms

Choose the word that is nearly most similar in meaning to the given word.

Tremble AlterHide
(v) means: To stop violent behavior or to forcefully put an end a disorder or rebellion
Extinguish, destroy, crush, reduce, allay, stifle, quiet, pacify, quench, repress, suppress, calm, put out, subdue, and quench, over- power.
(v) means: To execute vengeance, inflict vengeance, or to cause damage or harm
Inflict, wreck, unleash, execute, effect, cause, prepetrate, vent, etc.
(adj.) means: Easily influenced or yielding
: Compliant, docile, pliable, obedient, yielding, flexible, supple, ductile, stiff, facile, etc.
(n) means: Anything rubbish or trash
Ground, excrement, stain, muck, dregs, feculence, filth, etc. 
DrearyCatchy Jolly
(n) means: Excessively harsh or severe (especially related to law)
Harsh, severe, strict, extreme, drastic, stringent, tough, cruel, heavy-handed, oppressive, brutal, exorbitant, etc.
A penny share A common fundA long term loan
(n) means: A debenture is a type of savings bond which offers a fixed rate of interest over a long period. Debentures are usually issued by a company or a government agency.
Bond, voucher, etc. 
(adj.) means: Anything, which is gritty usually contains grit (small loose particles of stone or sand), is covered with grit, or has a texture like that of grit.
Dusty, grainy, rough, abrasive, friable, sandy, gravelly, lumpy, etc.
Warming again Falling againResting again
(adj.) means: Anything that is becoming active or vigorous again is called renascent
Renascence, reviving, rebirth, awakening, cheering, consolation, invigoration, rising, etc.
NoiseWeakness Nerve
(n) means: Confident, elegant, or stylish way
Charisma, dash, flourish, flair, flamboyance, style, verve, vigor, swagger, etc.


(n) means: A place where stones are dug for building or extracted
: Aim, chase, objective, prize, prey, quest, excavate, mine, etc. 

CSS 2022 Solved Antonyms

Choose the word that is nearly most opposite in meaning to the given word.

DebutanteNovice Pious
(n) means: A  person who does not like or understand art, literature, music, etc.
: Cultured, intellectual, nerd, sophisticated, wizard, aesthete, liberal, etc. 
(adj.) means: Anything relevant to a subject, which is under discussion
: Irrelevant, unrelatable, inapplicable, irrelative, extraneous, unsuitable, immaterial, ancillary, etc. 
ForgetCharm Absurd
(adj.) means: Having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality. Something or someone that is droll is amusing or witty, sometimes in an unexpected way.
: Common, dramatic, boring, dull, serious, unamusing, tragic, usual, etc.
Seriousness LevityDespair
(n) means: Shrewd, brave, initiative person
: Ignorance, stupidity, indolence, inanity, apathy, cowardice, unemployment, etc. 
(adj.) means: Difficult to penetrate; incomprehensible to one of ordinary understanding or knowledge
: Obvious, plain, simple, straightforward, easy, shabby, manifest, facile, simple, etc. 
Fickle ElaborateSelective
(adj.) means: Capable to change frequently or easily. If we describe someone or something as protean, we mean that they have the ability to continually change their nature, appearance, or behavior.
: Incapable, faithful, frequent, inapt, static, constant, fixed, unchangeable, abiding, assiduous, stated, etc. 
Moistness SourGenerosity
(n) means: Roughness of manner or of temper, harshness of behavior or speech that expresses bitterness or anger
: Geniality, civility, comfort, dullness, boon, calm, amenity, politeness, happiness, etc. 
WhipFlattenShow off
(v) means: If we say that someone flaunts their possessions, abilities, or qualities, we mean that they display them in a very obvious way, especially in order to try to obtain other people’s admiration.
: Hide, conceal, cover, secrete, camouflage, refrain, disguise, belie, belittle, burry, cache, confine, ensconce, etc. 
FlourishFlush Nourish
(v) means: To accustom a young child or animal to take food otherwise than by nursing, to detach from a source of dependence. When a baby or baby animal is weaned, its mother stops feeding it milk and starts giving it other food, especially solid food
: Cling, addict, fasten, lass, compensate, etc. 

CSS 2022 Solved Sentence Corrections

Sentence correction – 1:.

I must walk two miles to school every morning when I was a child.

Correction :

The sentence shows a compulsion for the subject in the past. And we know that we use “ Had To ” to show past compulsion, not the modal verb “ Must “. So, to correct the sentence, we have to replace “ Must ” with “ Had To “.  

Moreover, we can correct this sentence by using the expression “ Used To “. We use the expression “ Used To ” when we want to talk about our PAST “Habits” or “Repeated” actions, which we don’t do in the present.

Thus, the correct answer is the following:

I had to walk two miles to school every morning when I was a child. I used to walk two miles to school every morning when I was a child.

Sentence Correction – 2:

After the storm, we had got to pick up some fallen branches.


The expressions “ Have To ” and “ Have Got To ” have the same meaning. Both are used in compulsive sentences. However, we do not use “ Have Got To / Had Got To ” with the past or future tenses. Whenever we want to talk about past compulsion, we use the expression “ Had To ”, not “ Had Got To ”. So, to correct the given sentence, we have to use the expression “ Had To ”

After the storm, we had to pick up some fallen branches.

Sentence Correction – 3:

Guitar is most popular instrument among teen age boys, but not girls.


The sentence has three errors. The sentence lacks  a n article  before the subject, a preposition in the “ but phrase ”, and the word “ The ” before the superlative “ Most ”.

We know that no singular countable noun can come without an article in a sentence. The subject “ Guitar ” is a countable singular noun in the given sentence. So, we have to place the article “ A ” before it. 

Next, we know a superlative adjective always takes the article “ The ” before it. So, we have to place the before the adjective “ Most ”. 

Lastly, we must place a preposition after the word “ But ”. If we do not add, the sense of the sentence remains ambiguous. 

Thus, the correct answer is anyone of the following:

A guitar is the most popular instrument among teenage boys, but not among girls.

Sentence Correction – 4:

You are not well and I wish you feel better soon.

In this sentence, two independent clauses are connected with the coordinating conjunction “ And “. However, we know that we have to place a comma before coordinating conjunctions whenever they join two independent clauses. So, have to place a comma before the conjunction “ And “. 

Next, there is a difference between the verbs “ Hope ” and “ Wish ”. We use the verb “ Hope ” when we want things to happen that are likely possible. However, we use the verb “ Wish ” when we want things to happen that we do not make possible. So, we have to place the verb “ Wish ”. 

Thus, the correction is the following:

You are not well, and I hope you feel better soon. You are not well, and I hope you will feel better soon.

Sentence Correction – 5:

The grass not looking green now because it is not raining since last month.

In this sentence, there are verb issues in both clauses. To correct the sentence, we have to place “ Is ” before “ Not Looking ” to make sense. And in the second clause, we have to put “ Has Not Rained ” instead of “ Is Not Raining “. We know that we always use perfect or perfect continuous tenses with time phrases. 

Thus, the correction is,

The grass is not looking green now because it has not rained since last month.

Sentence Correction – 6:

The cold air made me shiver a little when I was waiting for him.

It is always confusing for non-natives to know in which conditions or situations they should use the subordinating conjunction “ While ” or in what situation they should go for the subordinating conjunction “ When ”. Let me explain it to you; we use “ While ” in a clause with a continuous action: using a verb in a continuous tense. However, we use “ When ” in a clause with a single action: using a simple or indefinite present or past tense. So, to correct the given sentence, we have to replace  “When “ with “ While ”.  

Thus, the correct answer is any of the following:

The cold air made me shiver a little while I was waiting for him.

Sentence Correction – 7:

I offered my seat to an older woman who just smiled me.


I offered my seat to an old woman who smiled at me. I just offered my seat to an old woman who smiled at me. I offered my seat to just an old woman who smiled at me.

Sentence Correction – 8:

She packed her bags, carried downstairs and put the back seat of her car.

In this sentence, there are a number of mistakes. First, the sentence lacks the pronouns “ Them ” before the word “ Downstairs ” and “ Them ” after the verb “ Put “. Second, another error is a preposition error. If we place or put something in a car’s seat, we always say, “ In The Car’s Seat / In The Seat Of The Car “. So, we must put the preposition “ In ” before the noun phrase “ The Back Seat Of Her Car “.

She packed her bags, carried them downstairs, and put them in the back seat of her car.

most important essay topics for css 2022

CSS 2022 Solved Pair of Words

1- annalist & analyst.

“ Annalist ” (noun) means: An annals writer or a person who writes annals “ Analyst ” (noun) means: An analysis conductor

  • Sarah’s acceptance in any particular case of the version given by an annalist by no means implies that she has by careful inquiry satisfied herself of its truth.
  • He is a psychoanalyst, and his political personality approach assumes that knowledge of the relevant personality traits enable the analyst to understand political attitudes and behavior.

2- Gest & Jest

“ Gest ” (noun) means: A tale of adventures, a story or tale or a deed or exploit “ Jest ” (noun) means: A joke, a thing that said or done for amusement

  • Ayan was looking for one grand  gest  that would serve as a fitting finale for his writing career.
  • Hina was not amused at the embarrassing  jest  made about her in the business meeting.

3- Sleigh & Slay

“ Sleigh ” (noun) means: A vehicle mounted on runners and pulled by horses or dogs; for transportation over snow “ Slay ” (verb) means: To kill a person or animal violently

  • From that sleigh , one could hear the mummers’ shouts, laughter, and voices.
  • He was found slain in an alley two blocks from his friend’s apartment.

4- Shoot & Chute

“ Shoot ” (verb) means: To kill or wound someone with something, like an arrow or a bullet “ Chute ” (noun) means: A steep, narrow slope down which people or things can slide

  • The man was shot dead by the police during a raid on his house.
  • Passengers escaped from the plane’s front four exits by sliding down emergency chutes .

5- Coign & Coin

“ Coign ” (noun.) means: A place from which it is easy or possible to see something “ Coin ” (noun.) means: A flat metal disk with stamp that used as money

  • Their position gave them a panoramic  coign  of vantage.
  • We each wanted the bedroom with the balcony, so we tossed a  coin  to decide.

6- Key & Quay

“ Key ” (adj.) means: Having married to only one person at a time “ Quay ” (noun.) means: A strong and long structure where boats can be tied up to take on and off their goods

  • Asma Jhangir was a key figure in the national law world.
  • The dock area on the port was full of dilapidated warehouses and quays .

CSS 2022 Solved Prepositions

Re-write the following sentences after filling in the blanks with an appropriate preposition.

______ luck, we should be in Islamabad by 5 p.m.


With Luck (Phrase) means: Showing a hope that something is going to happen in the way described. So, the correct preposition is “ With ”.

Thus, the right answer is,

With luck, we should be in Islamabad by 5 p.m.

He went ______ his own accord; nobody forced him to go.

In this sentence, we need the preposition “ Of ”, because the correct expression is “ Of One’s Own Accord ”. That means a person does something because he wants to do it intentionally.

He went of his own accord; nobody forced him to go.

My husband brought me some flowers today. He must be _______ something!

This sentence can be corrected by using multiple idiomatic expressions.  

  • Be On For Something (Idiom) To want to do something special.
  • Onto Something (Idiom) Having done something important or special that has already been planned or discussed.

My husband brought me some flowers today. He must be on for something!

My younger son tripped _________ the cat and fell downstairs.

Trip  (verb) means: To catch the foot against something so as to stumble

We always “ Trip Over / Trip On ” someone or something. So, there is a cat in this sentence. Thus, the right answer is ”  On / Over .”

My younger son tripped on the cat and fell downstairs. My younger son tripped over the cat and fell downstairs.

You look really _______ the weather. Are you ill?

Under the weather  (Phrase) means: Unwell or indisposed. So if we say that we are under the weather, it means that we feel slightly ill. So, the correct preposition here is “ Under “.

You look really under the weather. Are you ill?

He told that his career was _____ ruins because of pandemic.

Be In Ruins (Phrase) means: Spoiled or destroyed. If something is in ruins, it means it is completely destroyed. So, the correct preposition here is “ In “.

He told that his career was in ruins because of pandemic.

most important essay topics for css 2022

CSS 2022 Solved Punctuation

Original Paragraph

unfortunately we often miss a basic school lesson every big task consists of small ones done precisely and perfectly as a nation we actually need to learn the art of breaking down our moonlit goals into small accomplishable tasks it will reduce frustration anxiety depression in society and embarrassment for the government machinery too as they dont have to defend their unkept promises

Solved Punctuation by Sir Syed Kazim Ali

Unfortunately, we often miss a basic school lesson. Every big task consists of several small ones, done precisely and perfectly. As a nation, we acutely need to learn the art of breaking down our moonlit goals into small accomplishable tasks. It will reduce frustration, anxiety, depression in society, and embarrassment for the government machinery, too, as they don’t have to defend their unkept promises.

CSS 2022 Solved Paragraph

Urdu Paragraph

ہر دور اپنے ساتھ بہت سے ایسے معاملات بھی لے کر آتا ہے جو کسی کی پسند کے نہیں ہوتے مگر انہیں قبول کرنا ہی پڑتا ہے۔ بعض اوقات ایسا بھی ہوتا ہے کہ قدرت شاید ہمیں آزمانے کی خاطر ایسا بہت کچھ ہمارے سامنے رکھتی ہے جو ہمارے مطلب کا نہیں ہوتا بلکہ اس سے ہمارا کوئی تعلق ہی نہیں ہوتا مگر پھر بھی اسے زندگی کا حصہ بناتے ہوئے چلنا پڑتا ہے۔ آج بھی ایسا ہی چل رہا ہے۔ ہر صدی اپنے ساتھ ایسی تبدیلیاں لاتی رہی ہے جو گزشتہ صدیوں کے مقابلے میں بالکل نئی تھیں۔ فطری علوم و فنون کی ترقی نے انسان کو ایسا بہت کچھ دیا ہے جسے علمی و معاشی عمل کا کچرا قرار دیا جا سکتا ہے۔ قدرت ہمیں پھل دیتی ہے تو ساتھ ہی ساتھ اس بات کا پابند کرتی ہے کہ اس کے چھلکوں کو ڈھنگ سے ٹھکانے لگائیں۔ اگر ایسا نہ کیا جائے تو ملک کی غلاظت بڑھتی ہے۔

Translation by Sir Syed Kazim Ali

Each era brings many issues that no one likes but has to accept. Sometimes, nature tests us by getting something in front of us that we really do not like or have nothing to do with us. Still, we have to make it a part of our lives. Similarly, each century has brought with it such changes that have no parallel compared to the previous centuries. The development of natural sciences and arts has given man a lot, which can be termed a waste of scientific and economic processes. For instance, nature gives us fruit and, at the same time, binds us to dispose of its peels properly. If not done correctly, the environment undoubtedly gets polluted.

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Expected English Essay Topics for CSS 2021


  • December 13, 2020
  • CSS Examination

Here you will find some of the expected English Essay topics for CSS 2021. The English Essay is the toughest part of the CSS Examination every year. Most of the candidates failed to pass this paper due to multiple reasons. One of the major reasons for failure in the English Essay paper is not choosing the right topic. The English Essay topics are often taken from the current scenarios of the world as well as of Pakistan. So, for every CSS aspirant, it is so important to give such topics proper preparation time. Here we have listed some of the most Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2021.

List of Expected Essay Regarding COVID-19

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2021 regarding COVID-19:

  • Pakistan and COVID-19; Impacts, Digitalization, Education, and Economy
  • The World after COVID-19
  • COVID-19 and the World Political Order
  • Post-Pandemic Digitalization, Online Education in the Post COVID World- Future prospects and Challenges
  • COVID-19 and preparedness of Pakistan’s National 1 teal. care system: Pitfalls and Way forward
  • Together Apart: Role of Digital Communication Technologies During COVID-19
  • New Normal is abnormal
  • COVID-19 and the future of Globalization
  • COVID-19: A wake-up call for Pakistani think tanks
  • Pakistan’s response to COVID-19 and the role of NDMA
  • COVID-19 and the emergence of a potential Biological War

List of Expected Essay Regarding Technology

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2021 regarding Technology:

  • Artificial Intelligence: Boon or Bane?
  • Rise of Artificial Intelligence: the threat of jobless future or better job opportunities through reskilling and upskilling
  • Digital economy: A leveler or a source of economic inequality
  • Science and Technology is the panacea for the growth and development of Pakistan
  • Although the marvels of technology surround us every day, their arc moments when we all would give anything to be freed from that technology

List of Expected Essay Regarding Islamophobia

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2021 regarding Islamophobia:

  • The heinous game or Islamophobia in the west and the Muslim World
  • How to project and rebrand the soft image of Islam
  • Islamophobia – Causes, Effects, and Solutions

List of Expected Essay Regarding Domestic Issues

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2021 regarding Domestic Issues:

  • Freedom of Speech and Assembly, has this led to the rise in religious extremism, intolerance, and hate speech in the country?
  • Is Pakistan in friendship with Religious Extremism?
  • What’s wrong with the Government’s Economic Policies
  • Construction of Dams: To be or not to be. The solution to Pakistan’s water crisis

List of Expected Essay Regarding Women Issues in Pakistan

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2021 regarding Women Issues in Pakistan:

  • Women Development in Pakistan – Need of the hour
  • Curbing Growing incidents of Women and Child Rape in Pakistan- Role of Government and the Civil Society
  • Women Abuse- Is Pakistan a safe country for women?
  • Gender discrimination is a myth?

List of Expected Essay Regarding Current Affairs

Following are the Expected Essay Topics for CSS 2021 regarding Current Affairs:

  • Climate change and global warmings – impacts, and remedies
  • Xenophobic sentiments in the west and their impacts
  • The education sector of Pakistan more attention than other sectors
  • Judicial activism, the flaws In judiciary playing havoc with the development. Discuss
  • Pakistan’s Foreign Policy in the historical global power dynamics perspective & Pakistan USA relations
  • How can we make the Democracy to deliver,
  • Water scarcity in Pakistan-causes and remedies
  • Major challenges to Pakistan Foreign Policy with reference to the Middle East

So these are the most expected Essay topics for CSS 2021. I hope this will help you a lot in preparing for your next examination.

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