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Creating an Assignment Drop Box in Moodle

Moodle has an Assignment Tool which allows for students to download/view the assignment in Moodle, as well as upload their assignment file into Moodle to be graded.

Make sure editing is turned on by clicking  Turn Editing On in the top right corner of your Moodle page.

moodle assignment dropbox

Click on Add an Activity or Resource  under the section you wish to place the Assignment Dropbox.

moodle assignment dropbox

Under Activities, click on Assignment .

moodle assignment dropbox

Give a title to your assignment by typing in the Assignment Name field. You may also include information about your assignment in the description field. Or you may also upload a file for students to download with further instructions. Under Additional Files, search for your file and add or drag and drop the file here.

moodle assignment dropbox

Set the dates of your assignment.  Allow Submissions From  is the start date of your assignment.  Due Date is the date that the assignment is due.  Cut-off Date  is the date that you will no longer allow students to submit their assignment. Any assignments submitted between the due date and the cut-off date will be marked as late.

NOTE: you are not required to have a due date or a cut-off date.

moodle assignment dropbox

The remaining options are typically left as the default settings, but you may go in and change these if you wish. For example, if you would like students to upload more than one file you can alter the number as required. 

moodle assignment dropbox

Once you are done with all the settings you can click Save and Return to Course at the bottom.

moodle assignment dropbox

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How do I set up a Moodle Assignment in Moodle?

When adding a Moodle assignment activity in Moodle, there are a number of configuration options; this article suggests a typical configuration.

Add assignment to Moodle

To set up an assignment dropbox:

  • Go to your Moodle course and  turn editing on .
  • In the section where you will add the submission dropbox, click  Add an activity or resource .
  • From the  activity chooser  select  Assignment  (first choice) and click  Add .
  • Configure the settings as outlined below.
  • Click  Save and return to course  (bottom of the screen).

Configure assignment settings

When configuring a Moodle assignment, make sure the following settings have been configured. There are other settings that you can change for group work submissions, different types of feedback, and more. The following suggested settings are for a general set-up for a standard Moodle assignment.

  • Assignment name : Give a title to your assignment which will appears as a link in the homepage of your course.
  • Description: Description is an optional field, but it’s good practice to include useful information for your students, e.g. the deadline of the submission, requirements for file names of the submissions, anonymity etc.


  • Allow submissions from : Sets the date when your students will be able to start submitting their work.
  • Due date: The deadline for submissions.
  • Cut-off date : The date after which students will no longer be able to submit their work.
  • Remind me to grade by: Sets priorities for the notifications and reminders on the teacher’s dashboard.

Submission Types

  • File submissions is selected by default. You can also choose Online text
  • Accepted file types: Can be used to limit the types of files students are allowed to submit.

When you are finished configuring settings, select Save and return to course.

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Creating An Assignment Dropbox

The most commonly used activities, Assignment Dropboxes allow students to submit assignments online. This is convenient for Instructors, as it eliminates the possibility of losing a student’s paper and as it enables students to submit their assignments immediately. It also connects to gradebook so students can see their grades once they are corrected.

Click the 'Actions' icon in the top, right corner and turn editing on.

moodle assignment dropbox

Click 'Add an activity of resource' at the bottom of the topic.

moodle assignment dropbox

Choose 'Assignment'.

Then click " Add " at the bottom of the window.

moodle assignment dropbox

Enter a name for the assignment and add the assignment details in the description.

  • This is where you should publish the details and requirements of the assignment.
  • Attachments might include datasets, example submissions, or other resources that students need to complete the assignment.
  • Adjust the 'Availability' settings.

moodle assignment dropbox

Click the 'Grade' toggle to edit the maximum grade.

If your assignment is graded on a Pass/Fail basis, choose 'Scale' for the 'Type', then use the 'Fail/Pass' scale.

Change the maximum grade to align with your marking rubric.

If you want to edit the maximum grade later, you must do it from the assignment, not 'Gradebook settings'.

Optional: You may also add the assignment to the appropriate 'Grade category' using the dropdown menu.

You can change the grade category later in 'Gradebook settings'.

moodle assignment dropbox

Other options for your assignment dropbox.

You may set the parameters for your assignment dropbox using the following options. You can set the due date and cut off date, submission type, add the max grade and assign it to a category in your gradebook, etc.

Once options are selected click Save and return to course or display to preview your drop box.

moodle assignment dropbox

You must select a time from the 24 hour clock, it is often convenient to make an assignment due at 23:55, or 11:55PM, on the date that it is due to avoid due date mix ups for students.

moodle assignment dropbox

Educate with Technology

Discussing use of technology in education.

by Yevgen Yasynskyy

moodle assignment dropbox

  • Mar 11, 2018

Assignment DropBoxes - Knowing What You Can Do.

Updated: Mar 12, 2018

Post from March 9, 2018

moodle assignment dropbox

Usually #assignment is an activity completed offline, outside of #Moodle . When the student completes an assignment, they either upload a file for the instructor's review or reports to the instructor in some other way that it is ready for grading. Assignment #DropBox allows students to deliver assignment file(s) to instructor through #Moodle LMS or notify them about completion.

There are number of purposes Assignment Drop Boxes can be used for. Some of them described below. Students can submit any digital content (files), including, for example, word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, audio and video clips. Assignments don't necessarily have to consist of file uploads. Alternatively, teachers can ask students to type directly into a text field (as example, provide a link to their online work) in Moodle or they can ask student to do both, upload a file or files and type text directly into Moodle. An assignment activity can also be set up to not accept any student submissions and serve as a reminder to students of a 'real-world' assignment they need to complete and to record grades in Moodle for activities that don't have an online component or a submission.

Assignment DropBoxes is the most common Moodle activity that is used by instructors to assess students work that can be compiled into the files. One of the most common uses of Assignment DropBoxes is submission of papers that are using specific guidelines, such as APA, as it allows documents to keep the original structure of the document and formatting. The one of few limitations of Assignment Drop Boxes is a file size that can be uploaded to Moodle. Current Moodle (v2.6, 2018 allowance) maximum allowed size for upload is 750MB; when it might be enough for text files it could be a problem for video files and some of the big presentation files.

Assignment DropBoxes can be also used for non-knowledge-assessment purpose. For example you can set up drop boxes for the submission of the prerequisite documents for certain activities; such as: consent forms (that will allow students to see clients), copies of licenses, practicum hours signed by preceptors, etc.

Assignment DropBoxes is a convenient way to deliver files to instructors and students in process of submission and returning feedback. It will also allow you to keep a record of submissions. Although it is convenient way, it does not contribute to increase or decrease of workload.

If student accidentally submitted assignment for your review you can return it back for re-submission using 'Revert to Draft' button. This situation is a regular occurrence in the online courses.

Another important setting in the assignments will allow you to manage Grade Books for #MasteryLearning submissions (when papers can be resubmitted and regraded more than once). Your Assignment DropBox will need to be set up to allow 'Reopening' of submission. It will save previous submission, feedback and a grade for the record.

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Last updated: December 13, 2023, 8:38 p.m.

Moodle is a very efficient way of collecting and facilitating the grading of assignments. Once an assignment is set up, Moodle automatically sets up an assignment "dropbox" where students submit date-stamped electronic files directly into Moodle. Most of the benefits of using the Assignment feature are administrative, but it can be very helpful in streamlining the assignment workflow in the following ways:

  • submission and feedback/grade more accessible to students
  • records for both students and instructors about assignment submission and status; no "lost" papers
  • facilitates assignment collection and feedback
  • more efficient grading

For the latest support videos, login to Moodle 4.1 .

Assignment submission types

There are three ways for students to submit assignments:

Online Poodll

This submission type allows students to record audio through a built-in recorder. Once they press the red record button, they can record up to ten minutes.

Online text submissions

In this mode, student do not upload any files, but rather they copy and paste text into a text box. This type of submissions is not recommended for assignments more than 800-1000 words. It is best suited for smaller assignments that do not require any markup by the instructor and that you want to read through quickly. 

Some examples of assignments that might be appropriate for online text submission include:

  • reading summaries/responses
  • reflections
  • homework questions

Grading for Online text assignments can be done right in Moodle without downloading attachments. Instructors either assign a grade or complete a rubric (see section below for more information) and make comments directly into Moodle that will become available to the students at the time designated by the instructor.

File uploads

The most popular type of submission is the file submission. Moodle accepts any type of file for submission, including movie and program files, but it is recommended that faculty provide guidelines for students on which file types they will accept as students sometimes submit unexpected file types. You will need to be sure that you will have the appropriate software to run which ever file types students submit.

It is worth noting that in the Assignment set up, it is possible to limit the number and kinds of files accepted.

Bulk downloading & uploading of student submissions

One of the benefits of using the file upload submission type is that with one click, you can download all students’ submissions to your computer. You can then open each individually and work on giving feedback directly in the submission using track changes, comments, etc. Once finished with all the files, you then zip up the set of submissions and upload it back to Moodle in a zip file. Moodle then returns all the files to the associated students. This is a real time saver!

Grading assignments & giving feedback

There is a lot of flexibility for instructors to grade assignments using Moodle. They can either download files to their computer and do it offline, or they can do all the grading directly in Moodle. You will need to determine how you will grade when you are setting up the Assignment activity in Moodle in order to enable the desired functionality.

Grading options using Assignment

Moodle offers three options to grade.

This option allows for assigning a number or letter or other type of scale (many are preloaded in Moodle).

Marking Guide

Moodle allows you to create a set of criteria for different aspects of the assignment (e.g. Argument, Analysis, Conclusion, etc.) and assign a maximum number of points for each section. When it comes time to grade, you assign a grade for each section and optionally provide comments.

This particular mode of grading also allows you to preload a set of frequently used comments that you can pick and choose from for each student, making grading much more efficient.

Instructors can create a rubric (or use one they have already created or import one another instructor has created) for any assignment. The rubric can be made available to students before they submit the assignment, so they can see exactly where they lost marks once graded.

Once created, rubrics can be used or adapted in other Moodle courses and shared with colleagues.

Options for giving feedback in Assignments

There are several ways of giving feedback using the Moodle Assignment activity. It is important to make sure you have checked the format(s) you would like to use when you set up the course so that the options are available as you begin grading.

Feedback comments

This option provides a box at the bottom of the grading page Moodle to write overall comments about the assignment.

Annotate PDF

This option allows for instructors to mark up PDF submissions within the grading page by highlighting, commenting etc. No downloading of files is necessary to mark up individual submissions. Note this feature only works with PDF submissions, so if you prefer this feedback method, you will need to tell students to submit PDF documents. Most word processing programs (including free cloud editors like Google Docs) allow for options to save/export as PDF. You can also point students to a number of free online conversion tools.

Feedback files

This option allows for instructors to upload a file (any type) to give individual students as feedback that can be dragged in or uploaded as part of a bulk upload. The uploaded file may be their original submission with your suggestions, comments, etc. or it may be a different document that you created for that particular student.

Offline grading worksheet

Although not specifically for giving feedback, the offline grading worksheet offers a way to input grades for each student into an spreadsheet so that you do not need to grade directly into Moodle. To use the worksheet, first you download the blank sheet in Moodle, complete your grading at your leisure, then upload the sheet to Moodle. It then directs the grades to individual students.

This option provides a built-in audio recorder at the bottom of the Moodle grading page to record audio feedback. This is a great way of giving lots of feedback to students in a very efficient way.

Setting up Assignments in Moodle

Tips for creating accessible assignments.

When designing assignments, it's important to keep in mind some other principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in order to make it as accessible as possible. When following the principles of UDL, generally there will be less need to make individual accommodations; thus saving you time and effort later. Some basic things you do to make the assignment accessible:

  • Write clear directions - as if you were having a conversation with a student, so they don’t read like a textbook.
  • Create an informal two-minute explainer video to flesh out some details of an assignment and answer FAQs
  • Provide a rubric the rubric in advance (this can be done if using a Moodle Rubric ).
  • Share examples of student work (one excellent example and other average). These can be attached as files in the Assignment set up.
  • Provide options on the delivery format where suitable (i.e. video, poster, academic paper, info graphic, white paper, etc.). Moodle will accept any kind of file, so just make sure you will be able to open submitted files on your own computer.
  • Provide "soft" and "hard" due dates.  The soft due date is the due date for most students, but any students who need additional time (regardless of the reason) may have the extension without needing to ask. This will save you time and effort later so that you will not need to respond to individual emails and make separate accommodations.

Giving students extensions for assignments

It may be necessary to give individual students and extension to an assignment from the designated due date. Note that Moodle automatically time stamps all submissions, so if you have not enabled a "cut off date" students will continue to be able to submit after the the due date. However, if you want to adjust individual students' due dates in Moodle, you can grant individual students an extension following these instructions:

1. Click on the assignment for which the you want to offer the extension.

2. Click View all submissions .    A List of students and their submission status appears.

3. Locate the student for whom you would like to give the extension and click Edit next to their name.    The edit menu options appear.

4. Click Grant extension.

5. In the Extension Due Date drop-downs, enter the new due date for that student, and click  save changes .

    The student's due date is now updated.

Further resources

  • Concordia Moodle  Help for Instructors  (Moodle login required) 
  • Assignment page in Moodle Docs
  • Clear instructions, great expectations: Creating good writing assignments  (Roger Graves, University of Western Ontario)
  • Transparent assignment template  (Mary-Ann Winkelmes, TILT Higher Ed)
  • Accessibility toolkit
  • Activity and resource list
  • Assignments
  • Collect student feedback
  • Discussion forums
  • Take home exams: Quiz or assignment?

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December 4, 2023, by Ben Atkinson

Dropboxes and Quizzes for Assessment in Moodle 4.1

In this post, we outline the process of creating Moodle Dropboxes and Quizzes in your module for formative or summative student assessment.

A Moodle Assignment (also called a Moodle Dropbox) is an activity requiring students to either upload files or text, or that relates to an offline or other activity that needs to be marked. A Moodle Quiz meanwhile is an MCQ (Multiple Choice Quiz) activity in Moodle which can be used to run formative assessments which require students to answer a series of questions, rather than uploading files or text.

For Moodle Assignment, you can also use Turnitin. However it should be noted that Turnitin in a Moodle assignment is solely intended for the production of similarity reports and not for marking and feedback.

Moodle Assignments (Dropboxes)

You can create a Moodle assignment in any module site by navigating to the relevant topic on your module and using the ‘Add an Activity or Resource’ button. Before you add your Moodle assignment, you will need to ensure the edit mode is turned on (Toggle switch on the top menu bar of Moodle 4.1).

To create your Moodle assignment:

moodle assignment dropbox

  • Within the section you wish to create the assignment click on the  + Add an activity or resource  link.
  • Towards the top, in the ACTIVITIES section, click the icon for ‘Assignment’ and the assignment settings page will load

moodle assignment dropbox

Moodle activity search showing icons for different types of activity.

4. Fill in and select your options from the Settings page. The settings are outlined below

5. When you have finished with the settings, click on the  Save and display button to start adding questions

6. When you have finished your quiz, click the  ‘Turn editing off’ button.

Moodle Assignment Settings

There are a number of assignment settings which you will need to be aware of when creating your Moodle assignment activity.

General section

The general settings window for a Moodle assignment, including name and description boxes.

  • “Assignment name”: Enter the assignment name, preferably recognisable and unique.

Link icon

  • A pop up window will appear. Type the link address  http://bit.do/assignmentcheck  in the “Enter a URL” text box. Check the box for “Open in new window” (this will mean the checklist opens in a new tab). Then press the  ‘ Create link’  button.

Create a link within your Moodle assignment.

  • “Display description on module page” :  Tick this box for the Description text to appear beneath the Moodle assignment, this is recommended because it enables students to see any key information before they submit.
  • “Additional files”: If you want to add a file for students that will assist them in the assignment then you can add this here.

Beyond these general settings, you can define the availability settings of the assignment, the types of file you will allow students to upload and whether or not your assignment will be group submission. A full overview of these settings can be found on our workspace page for creating Moodle assignments .

Moodle Quizzes

Moodle quiz is a MCQ (multiple choice quiz) activity which can be used for formative assessment. There are many question types in Moodle quiz. A key feature is that it allows the use of MathJax for Mathematical notation and STACK style questions throughout the activity in questions, student answers and feedback.

If you are creating online summative exams then ExamSys should be used. It is more secure than Moodle quiz and has features that are used to support the full lifecycle of a summative exam.

There are lots of additional settings you can enable for your Moodle quiz depending on the kind of assessment you are running. This includes availability, timing, grading and feedback. You can find out more about all these settings for Moodle quiz on our workspace page .

Adding Questions to your Moodle Quiz

There are lots of different types of question in Moodle Quiz and you can find out more about them in our earlier blog post covering different question types .

Follow the steps below to add questions to your Moodle quiz:

  • Enter the “Question name”.  This is not the question, just the title for your information, students will not see this.
  • Enter the “Question text”.  This is the actual question you would like the students to answer.
  • Enter the “Default mark” that can be gained from this question.  You can amend this later on via the ‘question page’ if you need to.
  • Optional:  Enter some “General feedback” for the students taking the quiz.  This is shown to all students after the quiz whatever their answers.  This is a useful tool if you’d like to give students some links to further information, possibly in the module itself, relevant to the question.
  • Enter the “Answers” for the question.  The layout for this section varies for every question.  In some case you can even incorporate images into the question; if you choose to do this it’s better to upload an image that to paste it in as sometimes this provides an error message.
  • Optional:  Enter some general feedback for students with correct, partially correct and incorrect answers.  This doesn’t need to be a statement about the correct answer as they can see this at the end of the quiz (dependent on quiz settings).
  • Optional:  Provide some hints to go with the quiz.  This feature can be useful if you use the hint text.  The other options involve ruling out all incorrect answers or highlighting all correct answers.
  • You can shuffle the choices if you wish (default is yes)
  • Ensure that one of the choices (the correct one) has a grade of 100% (or some combination of choices)
  • Once complete click on the  Save changes  button.

Further information and guidance

You can find further guidance on all aspects of assessment within Moodle on our workspace pages for this topic .

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Moodle Assignment Dropbox FAQ

  • How do I grant an extension for a student?
  • How do I export grades in a Moodle dropbox to a spreadsheet?
  • How do I change a student’s mark in a Moodle Assignment?
  • How do I reveal student identities?
  • How do I release student  grades?
  • Can I apply rubric to my Moodle assessment dropbox?
  • How do I download a submission and marker’s comments for a Moodle Assignment?
  • How do I grade a participant differently from the rest of the group?


Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.2. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version is available here: Assignment module .

Assignment module

  • Managing activities
  • External tool

The assignment module allows teachers to collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including grades. The work a student submits is visible only to the teacher and not to other students.


  • Assignment settings
  • Using Assignment
  • Assignment FAQ

Students can submit any digital content (files), including, for example, word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, audio and video clips. Assignments don't necessarily have to consist of file uploads. Alternatively, teachers can ask students to type directly into Moodle using an online text assignment. There is also an offline activity assignment which can be used to remind students of 'real-world' assignments they need to complete and to record grades in Moodle for activities that don't have an online component.

Assignment types

There are 4 types of assignments:

  • Workshop module allows peer to peer evaluations
  • Using Moodle single file upload vs. advanced uploading forum discussion
  • Activity modules

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Turnitin for Students: Submit an Assignment to the Turnitin Dropbox (Moodle)

In Moodle, your instructor may provide a Turnitin dropbox for you to submit an assignment instead of a regular assignment dropbox.

Turnitin provides the opportunity for students and instructors to check their papers for originality.

View the complete Student User Guide  for instructions for submitting assignments via Turnitin or follow this quick guide below.

1) Click on the link to the Turnitin assignment dropbox. (Note: if asked to agree to the  Turnitin User Agreement , you must agree or you will not be able to submit your paper.)


2) Read and follow assignment and submission directions provided by your instructor. Locate and click Submit Paper icon in lower right. 


3) A pop-up window will appear allowing you to submit your paper. Enter title, browse or drag desired file, click Add Submission. You will receive a digital receipt. 


Note: The Grading Rubric (if available) is accessible on the screen after the student clicks the Add Submission button. See below:


About Turnitin File Requirements 

Student guide - turnitin file requirements, submitting a pdf.

If the file you are trying to upload or display is a PDF and you are encountering problems, please check the following settings using Adobe® Reader:

  • Open the PDF in Adobe Reader.
  • From the 'File' menu, select 'Properties.' 
  • Select the following tabs and check to see what they contain:

(a).  Security tab - Check to see if both 'Page Extraction' and 'Content Copying' are set to 'Allowed'. If they are not, then Turnitin may not be able to extract the text to allow the system to work. (The solution is to ensure that a new PDF is created which allows copying and extraction). (b).  Font tab -  If some fonts have (embedded subset) next to their names, then this may explain why the submission has failed, as our system has not been able to extract the text associated with those fonts. (This is often linked to (a) above).

  • Verify that the PDF is text-based (image-based PDFs are not supported for Similarity Check). Proceed to highlight the text of your document with your mouse. If you are not able to highlight any text, your PDF is an image and does not contain text. Another option is to try a 'Save As' or 'Save as Other' and save to a .txt file. If the resulting .txt file is empty, then no text can be rendered from the document.
  • Verify that the PDF is not a 'Portfolio' containing multiple files. If the 'File' menu option shows 'Portfolio Properties' rather than the 'Properties' option, the file type is not supported.
  • Verify that the PDF is not a form. If you are prompted to 'Please fill out the following form,' within Adobe Reader, the file type is not supported.

To resolve this, the student would need to recreate the PDF following the above guidelines.

Submitting a MS Word Document

Docx files can fail for a number of reasons, such as unusual formatting found within the document, an unsupported file type being changed to .docx, or the file may be corrupted. There is also a current known issue affecting some .docx files that has been brought to the attention of our Engineering Team and is currently being investigated. The issue involves Microsoft files generated using Windows, which have been found to occasionally fail to process when uploaded to Turnitin. Information about this has been published on our  known issues  page as well. If the issue persists, we recommend students try saving and re-submitting papers in one of the other supported file types as this has been known to be a successful workaround to the problem. For example, if a paper was saved in Microsoft Word (.docx) format, try saving and re-submitting in the Portable Document Format (.pdf). Please note, if the reason the file has been rejected by Turnitin is the file itself, then the 'Resubmit to Turnitin' button will return the same result.

Seek Further Assistance

For additional assistance please contact, Clarkson OIT Help Desk;

Email: [email protected] Call: 315-268-HELP (x4357)


  1. How to create a Moodle Assignment dropbox

    moodle assignment dropbox

  2. How to create an assignment "drop box" for your Moodle course

    moodle assignment dropbox

  3. Creating an Assignment Drop Box in Moodle

    moodle assignment dropbox

  4. Creating an Assignment Drop Box in Moodle

    moodle assignment dropbox

  5. How to create a Moodle Assignment dropbox

    moodle assignment dropbox

  6. How to create an assignment submission dropbox in Moodle

    moodle assignment dropbox


  1. Creating an Assignment Drop Box in Moodle

    Make sure editing is turned on by clicking Turn Editing On in the top right corner of your Moodle page. Click on Add an Activity or Resource under the section you wish to place the Assignment Dropbox. Under Activities, click on Assignment. Give a title to your assignment by typing in the Assignment Name field.

  2. How to submit a file to a Moodle assignment dropbox

    Here's how to upload a file to Moodle

  3. Moodle Dropbox: How to turn in an assignment

    This tutorial shows students how to upload a document or share a document from their google docs or skydrive account into a dropbox.

  4. Moodle in English: Assignment Drop Box (new assignment type)

    It still has name "AU assignment type" which can be changed into "Upload&return", "Assignment Drop Box", etc. Some of our main requirements were: - ability to upload multiple files (for student) - ability to manage files before submitting them for marking. for example, delete and upload another file (for student) - ability to upload multiple ...

  5. How to create an assignment submission dropbox in Moodle

    How to create an assignment submission dropbox in Moodle

  6. How do I set up a Moodle Assignment in Moodle?

    Go to your Moodle course and turn editing on. In the section where you will add the submission dropbox, click Add an activity or resource. From the activity chooser select Assignment (first choice) and click Add. Configure the settings as outlined below. Click Save and return to course (bottom of the screen).

  7. Submit an Assignment

    The following are steps to submit an assignment using the Assignment dropbox. This Guide Will Help You To: Locate the assignment activity in Moodle. Submit the file or text in the Assignment Activity; Check on the status of the Assignment; Locate a grade and feedback. Video Tutorial (2 min): Student Submit Moodle Assignment.mp4 (echo360.org) Steps:

  8. Creating An Assignment Dropbox

    Moodle. Faculty. Activity or Resource. Creating An Assignment Dropbox. Creating An Assignment Dropbox. The most commonly used activities, Assignment Dropboxes allow students to submit assignments online. This is convenient for Instructors, as it eliminates the possibility of losing a student's paper and as it enables students to submit their ...

  9. Using Assignment

    To submit a file submission, students complete the following steps: Click the 'Add submission' button to bring up the file upload page. Upload the relevant file into the submission. They are able to 'drag and drop' the file into the submission box. Click 'Save Changes'.

  10. How to create a Moodle Assignment dropbox

    Step 1: To create a Moodle dropbox for your module, first ensure that the ' Editing' is turned on. The 'Editing' slide bar is located in the top right corner of your module site, underneath your name. Step 2: Then, go to the ' Assessment and Support Materials ' topic/section to add the assignment dropbox, and then click on the ...

  11. Assignment DropBoxes

    Post from March 9, 2018 Usually #assignment is an activity completed offline, outside of #Moodle. When the student completes an assignment, they either upload a file for the instructor's review or reports to the instructor in some other way that it is ready for grading. Assignment #DropBox allows students to deliver assignment file(s) to instructor through #Moodle LMS or notify them about ...

  12. Creating an assignment submission area

    An assignment is an activity for students to work on and submit to the teacher. This can be done by hand or electronically. The teacher can comment upon the assignment and award a grade. Teachers may also comment and return it to students before accepting the assignment for grading. Creating and Using Assignments Select assignment activity

  13. How to Add an Assignment with a Dropbox

    This video shows instructors how to add an assignment to their Moodle course with a dropbox for submission

  14. Assignments

    Once an assignment is set up, Moodle automatically sets up an assignment "dropbox" where students submit date-stamped electronic files directly into Moodle. Most of the benefits of using the Assignment feature are administrative, but it can be very helpful in streamlining the assignment workflow in the following ways: For the latest support ...

  15. Dropboxes and Quizzes for Assessment in Moodle 4.1

    A Moodle Assignment (also called a Moodle Dropbox) is an activity requiring students to either upload files or text, or that relates to an offline or other activity that needs to be marked. A Moodle Quiz meanwhile is an MCQ (Multiple Choice Quiz) activity in Moodle which can be used to run formative assessments which require students to answer ...

  16. Moodle Assignment Dropbox FAQ

    How do I export grades in a Moodle dropbox to a spreadsheet? How do I change a student's mark in a Moodle Assignment? How do I reveal student identities? How do I release student grades? Can I apply rubric to my Moodle assessment dropbox? How do I download a submission and marker's comments for a Moodle Assignment?

  17. Moodle

    The Assignment activity provides three main functions: Share information about, and set due dates for, class assignments. Provide a place for students to upload work to Moodle (optional). This can be in the form of a single file, multiple files or online text. Allow faculty to review and grade assignment submissions, and return grades, files ...

  18. Assignment module

    The assignment module allows teachers to collect work from students, review it and provide feedback including grades. The work a student submits is visible only to the teacher and not to other students. Students can submit any digital content (files), including, for example, word-processed documents, spreadsheets, images, audio and video clips.

  19. Creating Assignment Dropboxes in Moodle

    A guide for Instructors on creating Assignment Dropboxes in Moodle that provide students with a place to submit their files online.-Provided by the eSupport ...

  20. How do I submit my assignment online?

    Each lecturer sets their Moodle site up differently so the dropbox might appear in a different place for each unit you study. If you can't find the dropbox on a particular unit's Moodle site, contact your lecturer or tutor to ask them where you can find the dropbox in Moodle. If you've found the dropbox, but aren't sure how to upload your work ...

  21. Moodle in English: How to move assignments to a folder

    For each student with a submission for unit 1, change the setting to Prevent changes to Submission. In the Assignment administration menu, there is a Download all submissions function. Use this to download the files and then move it to your desired folder. Kind Regards.

  22. Assessments

    In Moodle, you can view your grades and feedback for assessments that you have undertaken (e.g. quizzes and assignments). Grades and feedback for each assessed task will be available as soon as your lecturer has released the marks. For self-graded assessments such as quizzes, the marks may be available immediately after your attempt.

  23. Turnitin for Students:...

    Steps: 1) Click on the link to the Turnitin assignment dropbox. (Note: if asked to agree to the Turnitin User Agreement, you must agree or you will not be able to submit your paper.) 2) Read and follow assignment and submission directions provided by your instructor. Locate and click Submit Paper icon in lower right.