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What is English B1 Level? Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples

English Levels consist of 6 English levels in total. These levels are; A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User). This code system is created by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR).

English level B1 is the first level in the independent user level group. It indicates that the knowledge of English is at an intermediate level . If it is explained in general terms, “as an English learning level, people who have received an average of 200 lessons in the English course and can speak English at an intermediate level” can now switch to B1 level. At this level in English you easily could be able to communicate about common topics such as culture, work, social events and leisure with the four skills of English, Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.

With the B1 level of English, you can meet all your needs during your travels abroad, communicate on familiar topics and make new friendships. Your ability to understand English at B1 level is higher than at A2 level and you can speak at an intermediate level. Usually in speaking, you express yourself with short and repetitive sentences instead of long and complex sentences.

How Do You Know If You Are at B1 Level in English?

The best way to understand your English level is to take a test. You can measure your English level with exams such as TOEFL and IELTS.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) are likely the best and most commonly known English proficiency tests. They are widely accepted by American universities too.

You can also check your English level here and your test your English skills here.

b1 level essay topics

English B1 Level Subjects

In order to get a B1 level in English you need to learn these subjects.

present simplepresent progressive
stative verbsadverbs of frequency
past simplepast progressive
prepositions of timepresent perfect simple
present perfect progressivecomparisons
future will / going tofuture progressive
future perfectmust / have to / need
defining and non-defining relative clauseszero, 1st and 2nd conditionals
articlespast perfect simple
past perfect progressivetime linkers
had better, would rathershould + present and perfect infinitive
may,might,could,must,can’t,couldn’tpresent and perfect infinitive
clauses of concessionpassive voice 1
present participleparticiple clauses
infinitives and -ing formspassive voice 2
causativeinfinitive of purpose, for + ing form
reported speechwishes and unreal pst
clauses of result3rd conditional
wishes in the past

B1 Level Paragraph Writing Sample

Topic : What are the consequences of traffic congestion?

Suggested ideas for this topic:

-delays -stress -tiredness -frustrating time -frustrated drivers -road rage -increasing fuel consumption costs -increasing amount of CO2 emission -increasing air pollution

Paragraph Sample

There are lots of vehicles everywhere and the number of cars in big cities is increasing. This causes serious traffic congestion. Traffic congestion can have some negative effects not only on drivers but also on the people who live in cities. First of all, due to traffic jams, lots of people are late to their work. Therefore, they can’t start their work on time. For example, the people who work for big companies can be late. When people can’t finish their job on time, they have to stay in their office longer. This limits their free time so they feel unhappy. Secondly, the cars which are stuck in traffic jams cause air pollution. This air pollution has negative effects not only on nature but also on people who live in cities. Air pollution causes serious health problems. Finally, traffic congestion causes people to feel angry so some people can make dangerous things. To give an example, they can argue and fight with other drivers in traffic jams. Briefly, traffic congestion has negative effects on people’s psychology.

B1 Level Writing and Essay Ideas

Ideas for how do you write an opinion for B1 essay.

Essay 1: Social Networking Websites

Subject : These days most young people spend a lot of time on social network sites. Do you think this is a good thing or not? Write an essay about the good and bad sides of social media websites!

In your essay you should: • introduce the subject • present arguments in favour of and against using social media sites • write about your own habits concerning social networking

Your essay should be about 300 words long !

Essay 2: School and Part-Time Work

Subject : Many students work part-time while they are still at school or get a job in their summer holidays. What are the arguments for and against working and going to school at the same time?

Write an essay in which you • state the advantages and disadvantages • describe jobs you would work in if you had the opportunity • explain how working at an early age can affect your future life

Essay 3: Discrimination of Women

Subject : On Women’s Day, a famous American feminist visited your school. Your English teacher has asked you to express your opinion on today’s situation of women in an essay: “Although the position of women in society today has improved, there is still a great deal of discrimination. Do you agree?” In your essay you should:

• evaluate which disadvantages working women face • judge if a woman’s position in society has improved over the years • analyse whether discrimination is still a problem today.

Write an essay of about 300 words and give it a title.

Essay 3: Home By Ten ?

An American magazine is running an essay competition about rules teenagers have to follow. As a teenager you are used to hearing your parents say: “Be home by ten.” So, you have decided to send in an essay.

In your essay you should: • compare what you and your friends are allowed to do. • argue whether 10 p.m. is too early for teenagers to come home. • discuss the legal situation in your country. • comment on why some parents give their children strict guidelines on when to come home.

Write about 300 words and give your essay a title!

Essay 4 : Becoming Happy By Helping Others

Subject : A youth magazine is planning an essay competition on happiness. You decide to take part in the competition. It wants you to write about the following statement: “The only way to happiness is by helping other people.”

In your essay you should • analyse the reasons for helping other people. • give examples • express your opinion on why it can make you happy

Write an essay of about 250 – 300 words and give your essay a title.

Essay 5 : Immigrants In A New Country

Subject : A magazine is planning to publish a special section on immigration. It has asked readers to send in their opinions on the problems that immigrants have in their new country. You have decided to take part and send in an essay.

• why people want to leave their home country • the kind of life immigrants leave behind • the problems that they face in their new country • how long it may take them to fit in with their new environment

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Free Practice Tests for learners of English

B1 is one of the CEFR levels described by the Council of Europe.

This page will help you practise for the PET and PTE exams

Sentence transformations (music) For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the the first sentence.

Sentence transformations (rain) For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the the first sentence.

Short message You have lost your jacket. Write a notice to put on the wall in your school.

Email Your family is visiting London next month. You have an English pen friend called Zara who also lives in London. You would like to meet her when you go to London. Write an email to Zara.

  • Sentences (music)  
  • Sentences (rain)  
  • Sentences (concert)  
  • Short message  
  • Email  

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Preliminary (PET) Writing Sample Tests

Writing can be a scary thing for B1 learners, but with some training the Preliminary (PET) writing doesn’t have to make you run and hide. The important thing at B1 is to be clear, consistent and organised. You don’t need to write the next Charles Dickens novel, you just have to complete the task with good basic grammar, vocabulary, organisation and a little touch of style.

Here we’ve got some top tips for the Preliminary (PET) writing paper and two sample tests for you to use as practice at home or in the classroom. Each one could be used for PET for schools or for the regular adult exam.

writing test

What are the different types of writing for B1 Cambridge?

The first part of the Cambridge B1 writing exam is an email. You will read an email that received from an English friend or family member. Next to this email, there are notes to include in your answer. You must answer the email in 100 words, including all the information from the notes. For more about how to write the perfect B1 PET Writing Part 1, take a look at our post about emails .

The second part of the writing exam has two choices, an article or a story. Each one should be 100 words, but you only write one of them, not both. Some people prefer to practise one type of writing a lot to make it perfect, but it’s always a good idea to be comfortable with both. Sometimes the topic of one writing is strange, so you may prefer the other one. If you only know how to write one type, this becomes a problem.

Top tips for Preliminary (PET) writing

These tips will help you maximise the opportunity for points in the Cambridge writing criteria. Each writing is given a mark out of 5 in Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation and Language.

  • Answer the question (Content) – You wouldn’t believe how many people don’t include all the necessary content in their answers. Part 1 is very controlled and has four notes along the side of each input text. In order to score points in the Content mark, you must clearly include answers to all four notes. For example, if the note say “suggest” , pointing at a comment about what restaurant you’d like to go to, suggest a restaurant. It seems obvious, but it’s the easiest way to both lose and gain points. In Part 2, you’ll have a couple of content points in the article and less in the story, but you still need to stick to the topic. For example, if the story is about a day at the beach, don’t write about a birthday party.
  • Use paragraphs (Organisation) – Another easy fix, but one that can seriously affect the Organisation mark. Even though the text is only 100 words, there should generally be 2-3 paragraphs, clearly separated using a line gap or indentation.
  • Write the correct writing (Content, Communicative Achievement) – If it’s an email, it needs to look like an email with a simple “Hi” and “See you soon!” at the beginning and end. If it’s an article, it should have a title. If it’s a story, it should have a beginning, middle and end. The tone and style of each writing is slightly different too. Look at examples and consider what style is used.
  • Punctuate (Organisation, Language) – Sometimes something as seemingly insignificant as a comma can completely change a writing. Be careful with sentences that are long, confusing and connected together with commas. Make sure you are finishing sentences when they are grammatically complete and not using incorrect punctuation.
  • Use the past (Language) – To show you know B1 grammar, it’s important to use the past. In almost every writing, you will have the opportunity to use the past to talk about something that happened to you. Don’t forget to study the irregular verbs!
  • Use some modal verbs (Language) – Another area of B1 language is modal verbs. Make a recommendation with “should” or talk about possibility with “can” or “can’t” . It’s not advanced language, but it’s something that shows you know B1 level English.
  • Use a relative clause (Language) – If you want to score top points in Language, you have to attempt some complex grammar. Using subordinate clauses like relative clauses is a good way to do this. A sentence like “My brother, who lives in Miami, is going to visit me in Spain this summer” is a great way to include more complex grammar in your writing.
  • Use basic linking words (Organisation, Language) – At B1, you don’t need to use a huge variety of linking words, but you should use “and” , “so” , “but” , “because” and possibly a few other more advanced ones like “however” , “although” and “also” . These should be used throughout all the writings.
  • Make it interesting (Communicative Achievement) – You don’t need to be an expert writer to write an interesting text. For example, there’s a big difference between a story where the school closes because of a flood (interesting) and a day you went to school and did an exam (not interesting). The same applies to articles, if you write an article about travel and you talk about going on an adventure in Hawaii, it’s more interesting than going to the local swimming pool every day.
  • Keep it simple (Everything) – Remember that it’s a B1 writing and in order to pass or even get high marks, you don’t need to make it complicated. Use the language you know to write the best possible writing within the expectations of the task. Don’t be afraid to attempt some complex things, but also make sure you do the basics well.

The materials

Here are two full Preliminary (PET) writing sample tests. These have been designed in the same format as official exams to practise and improve in preparation for the B1 writing exam. Remember that the time limit to complete both parts of the Preliminary (PET) Writing exam is 45 minutes.

PET writing 1

b1 level essay topics

10 Email Writing Topics | B1 Preliminary (PET)


Below is a sample list of email B1 writing topics for Preliminary level students. You can use them to practice writing English essays or to prepare for the Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) exam.

B1 Preliminary (PET) Email: Writing Topics

Example of B1 writing topics that may appear in the exam:

B1 Email Topic / Question 1 | Preliminary (PET)

Olivia’s party

Hello Jane,

I’m writing because, as you know, Olivia is leaving our school and moving to Canada. I thought we could organize a surprise party for her. Do you think it’s a good idea?

If so, can you think of a good place to have the party?

Would it be best to have it on a weekday or at the weekend?

Also, I’m thinking of hiring a DJ for the party. Do you know what sort of music Olivia likes best?

Email me soon!

Write your email to Jane using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 2 | Preliminary (PET)

Your visit!

Hi John,

Can’t wait to see you next week. Can you confirm you are arriving at 1 pm?

Please tell me what things you would like to do when you come. What places
would you like to visit?

Also, Mum wants to know what food you’d like to eat.

Finally, what would you like us to do in the evening?

I’m sure we’ll have a great time.

See you soon,

Write your email to John using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 3 | Preliminary (PET)

Summer time.

Hi Mike,

I’m so excited that schools are going to close for the summer holidays. I’d like to invite you to go camping with my family.

When would it be a good time to go?

It’ll be great fun. We could go swimming every day and have campfires at night. We can cook, too. Do you know how to cook?

If not, don’t worry, because my father is a very good cook. Let me know if you have any questions.

See you soon,

Write your email to Ben using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 4 | Preliminary (PET)


Hi Tina,

I know you moved to a new school this year. How is your new school?

Have you made any friends?

It must be difficult at first. Everything is new. You don’t know anyone. What are the teachers like? Are they friendly or strict?

You are such a good student that you always have a good relationship with them. Is your new school close to your house?

Tell me your news 🙂


Write your email to Kate using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 5 | Preliminary (PET)



I’m so glad to see you next weekend.

I was wondering what we will doing when I arrive… Have you planned any activity for us?

I’m thinking about what will be useful for my visit. Will we do anything outdoors, like fishing? I really like fishing.  If so, I will bring my fishing rod and raincoat.

Also, I want to buy a gift for your parents to thank them for letting me stay. What do you think they would like?

See you soon!

Write your email to Tim using all the notes.


Practice, write & improve, b1 email topic / question 6 | preliminary (pet).

Mrs Snow

Dear Class,

I’d like our class to have a party to celebrate the end of the school year.

We could either have a party in the classroom or we could go to the park. Which would you prefer to do?

What sort of activities or games should we do during the party?

What food do you think we should have at the party?

Reply soon!
Tina Snow

Write your email to Mrs Snow using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 7 | Preliminary (PET)

Birthday Plans

Hi Jack,

My parents gave me some money to buy presnt for my birthday!

I’ve got a lot of toys, so I’d like to buy something different for a change.
What do you think I should get? 

I would like to have a great time on my birthday but unfortunately I can’t organize a party.

How about going to the cinema? We could watch some funny comedy and eat popcorn.
What kind of movies do you like?

Bye for now,

Write your email to Jack using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 8 | Preliminary (PET)


Hi Susan,

I know you were in Spain last week. It’s a wonderful country, isn’t it?
How was your holiday there? I heard that the weather was great.

Tell me about your hotel? What was it like?
I hope you had air conditioning 🙂

What did you do every day? I’m sure you’ve been sunbathing a lot… 

Did you meet any interesting people or were you with your family all the time?

I’m looking forward to your reply,

Write your email to Susan using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 9 | Preliminary (PET)

New flat

Hi Brenda,

I’m so glad that you moved house. I know your previous one was very small and there hasn’t been enough space for you since your daughter was born.

How is your new flat? How many bedrooms do you have?

Do you like the neighbourhood? Nice if there were some playgrounds nearby for your daughter.. 

Have you bought new furniture or do you have old ones?

I’d like to come and see your new house as soon as possible.

See you soon,

Write your email to Brenda using all the notes.

B1 Email Topic / Question 10 | Preliminary (PET)

Birthday invitation

Hello Nicola,

I’m very excited because its my birthday on 10th July and I’m having a party at home!!!
You are my best friend. Would you like to come?

I know that you have to do a lot every day but please come! I really want you to be here!
We’ll have great fun.

I’ll try to bake a cake myself. Do you prefer chocolate or strawberry cake? 

Bring someone with you if you like. Your sister or your boyfriend.
Let me know if you have any questions.


Write your email to Nicola using all the notes.

See more B1 writing topics: PET Writing Part 1

B1 Preliminary (PET) Email: Writing Topics Download PDF

Here you will find 10 sample B1 writing topics , similar ones may appear in the B1 Preliminary (PET) exam:

  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Olivia’s party (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Your visit (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Summer time (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: School (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Visit (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Party (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Birthday Plans (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Holiday (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: New flat (PDF)
  • B1 Preliminary (PET) Email Writing Topic: Birthday invitation (PDF)

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Would you pass B1 Preliminary (PET)?

b1 level essay topics

  • Being Healthy

This is an example of how to write an article about being healthy for B1 Preliminary Writng Part 2 Article. It provides practice for the writing section of  the Cambridge English B1 Preliminary exam.  

B1 Preliminary Writing Part 2 Article: Being Healthy

being healthy, B1 Preliminary Writing Part 2

More exercises available for B1 Preliminary Writing Part 2 Article :

  • Reading Part 1 & 2
  • Reading Part 3 & 4
  • Reading Part 5 & 6
  • Writing Part 1
  • Writing Part 2

Part 1 - Read five real-world notices, messages and other short texts for the main message.

  • Notices and Messages How to Video
  • Notices and Messages Set 1
  • Notices and Messages Set 2
  • Notices and Messages Set 3
  • Notices and Messages Set 4
  • Notices and Messages Set 5
  • Notices and Messages Set 6
  • Notices and Messages Set 7
  • Notices and Messages Set 8

Part 2 - Match five descriptions of people to eight short texts on a particular topic, showing detailed comprehension.

  • Films at the Cinema
  • Summer Camps
  • Trip to London

Part 3 - Read a longer text for detailed comprehension, gist, inference and global meaning, as well as writer’s attitude and opinion.

  • Being Special
  • Night Shift Work
  • Procedures for Part 3
  • Rock climbing
  • The Zookeeper

Part 4 - Read a longer text from which five sentences have been removed. Show understanding of how a coherent and well-structured text is formed.

  • Keep on Running
  • Student Budget
  • The Olympic Flame
  • The Puzzle Maker

Part 5 - Read a shorter text and choose the correct vocabulary items to complete gaps.

  • Book Recommendation
  • Mountain Climbing
  • Playing Computer Games
  • Popular Website
  • Saving a Tree
  • Single or Mixed-gender Schools
  • Work of Art

Part 6 - Read a shorter text and complete six gaps using one word for each gap.

  • Hometown Changes
  • Music Preferences
  • New Year’s Day
  • Party Invitation
  • Special Bike
  • Subject Choices
  • The First Day of Spring
  • The Oldest University in the World

Write about 100 words, answering the email and notes provided.

  • Birthday Money
  • Learning a language
  • New Cooking Club

Write about 100 words, either an article or story.

  • Festival in Thailand
  • Learning and the Internet
  • Music Lover
  • Playing Games

Short Stories

  • A Broken Train
  • A Phone Call
  • Surprised Teacher
  • Weather Warning
  • Woke up late
  • Part 3 - Listening
  • Part 4 - Listening

Part 3 - Gap-Filled Exercise

  • Competition
  • Shopping Centre Visit

Part 4 - Multiple Choice Exercise

  • A Coach Trip
  • Fashion Designer
  • Talking about a Journey

The B1 Preliminary Speaking test has four parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners talks to you and the other examiner listens.

  • Kenza and Mohammed
  • Roberto and Simone
  • Crosswords Puzzles
  • Word Searches
  • Word Puzzles
  • Air Travel Crossword
  • Computer Crossword
  • Crime Crossword
  • Entertainment Crossword
  • Financial Language Crossword
  • Food Crossword
  • Health Crossword
  • Home Crossword
  • Language Crossword
  • Leisure Crossword
  • Money Crossword
  • Natural World Crossword
  • Places Crossword
  • Shopping Crossword
  • Sports Crossword
  • Technology Crossword
  • Texting Crossword
  • Time Crossword
  • Transport Crossword
  • Travel Crossword
  • Work and Jobs Crossword
  • Adjectives with -ing Word Search
  • Art Word Search
  • Bonfire Night Word Search
  • Buildings Word Search
  • Classical Music Word Search
  • Countryside Word Search
  • Drama Word Search
  • Education Word Search
  • Entertainment Word Search
  • Fast Food Word Search
  • Feelings Word Search
  • Food and Drink Word Search
  • Football Word Search
  • Gambling Word Search
  • Haunted House Word Search
  • Health Word Search
  • Home Word Search
  • Internet Word Search
  • Language Word Search
  • Leisure Word Search
  • Natural World Word Search
  • Shopping Word Search
  • Sports Facilities Word Search
  • Sports Word Search
  • Sushi Word Search
  • Technology Word Search
  • Time Word Search
  • Town and City Word Search
  • Travel Word Search
  • Weather Word Search
  • Work Word Search
  • Clothes Word Puzzle
  • Color Word Puzzle
  • Communication Word Puzzle
  • Easter Word Puzzle
  • Education Word Puzzle
  • Entertainment Word Puzzle
  • Environment Word Puzzle
  • Food Word Puzzle
  • Health Word Puzzle
  • Hobbies Word Puzzle
  • Language Word Puzzle
  • Medicine Word Puzzle
  • Natural World Word Puzzle
  • Technology Word Puzzle
  • Time Word Puzzle
  • Weather Word Puzzle
  • Vocabulary Skills
  • Grammar Skills
  • Writing Skills
  • Speaking Skills
  • Air Travel Exercises
  • Animals and Pets
  • British and American English
  • Chinese New Year
  • Computer Exercises
  • Easter (A2 – B1 Levels)
  • Entertainment
  • Environment
  • Environmental Issues
  • Finance Exercises
  • Food and Drink
  • Leisure and Hobbies
  • Money Exercises
  • Phoning and Texting Exercises
  • Places and Buildings
  • Relationships
  • Transport and Travel
  • Work and Jobs
  • Phrasal Verbs
  • Past Simple
  • Past Perfect
  • Past Continuous
  • Order of Adjectives
  • Linking Adjectives
  • Compound Nouns
  • Adverbs of Frequency
  • Article – Schools for Boys and Girls
  • Letter – Most Important Time
  • Email – about University
  • Movie Review – Ted
  • Short Story – Talent Contest
  • Email – New School
  • Email – Summer School
  • Report – Eating out in Berlin
  • Email – Favourite Film
  • Article – Being Famous
  • Article – Work of Art
  • Book Review – The Call
  • Email – Borrowing
  • Report – Features of Glaciers
  • Short Story – The Angel
  • Email – Visiting a relative
  • Short Story – Computer Problems
  • Article – The Cardboard Bike
  • Email – Party Invitation
  • Short Story – In Free Fall
  • Email – Barbecue Invitation
  • Email – Subject Choices
  • Email – Saving Energy
  • Email – Holiday Plans
  • Article – The Countryside
  • Short Story – Art Competition
  • Speech – Course Introduction
  • Email – School Holidays
  • News Report – Bank Robbery
  • Email – Holiday in Thailand
  • Email – Computer Games
  • Blog Post – A New Life in Japan
  • French words using [Ch]

Cambridge English exams are designed for learners at all levels from the pre-intermediate level Cambridge English: Key (KET) to the very advanced level Cambridge English: Proficiency (CPE). These exams give candidates proof of their ability to use English in a wide variety of contexts, relevant to work, study and leisure activities.

A2 Key | B1 Preliminary | B2 First

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B1 preliminary exam format.

B1 Preliminary is made up of four papers developed to test students’ English skills. You can see exactly what’s in each paper below.

The formats below are the same for both the digital and paper-based exams.

Paper Content Marks
(% of total)

(45 minutes)


Shows you can read and understand the main points from signs, newspapers and magazines.

(45 minutes)


Shows you can use vocabulary and structure correctly.

(30 minutes, including 6 minutes’ transfer time)


You have to be able to follow and understand a range of spoken materials including announcements and discussions about everyday life.

(10-12 minutes per pair of candidates; 15-17 minutes per group of three)


Shows how good your spoken English is as you take part in conversation by asking/answering questions and talking, for example, about your likes and dislikes. Your Speaking test will be face to face with one or two other candidates and two examiners. One of the examiners (who could be online, examining remotely) talks to you and the other examiner listens. This makes your test more realistic and more reliable. Examiners may use their mobile phones for entering marks using an app.

  • openbook Reading
  • pencil Writing
  • playlist Listening
  • megaphone Speaking

openbook What’s in the Reading paper?

The B1 Preliminary Reading paper has six parts. There are different types of texts and questions.

Part 1 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Read five real-world notices, messages and other short texts for the main message.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 2 (Matching)

What do candidates have to do? Match five descriptions of people to eight short texts on a particular topic, showing detailed comprehension.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 3 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Read a longer text for detailed comprehension, gist, inference and global meaning, as well as writer’s attitude and opinion.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 4 (Gapped text)

What do candidates have to do? Read a longer text from which five sentences have been removed. Show understanding of how a coherent and well-structured text is formed.
How many questions are there? 5
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 5 (Multiple choice cloze)

What do candidates have to do? Read a shorter text and choose the correct vocabulary items to complete gaps.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 6 (Open cloze)

What do candidates have to do? Read a shorter text and complete six gaps using one word for each gap.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

pencil What’s in the Writing paper?

The B1 Preliminary paper has two parts. You have to show that you can write different types of text in English.

Part 1 (Writing an email)

What do candidates have to do? Write about 100 words, answering the email and notes provided.
How many questions are there? 1
How many marks are there? The question has a maximum of 20 marks available.

Part 2 (Choice between an article or a story)

What do candidates have to do? Write about 100 words, answering the question of their choosing.
How many questions are there? Choose one question from a choice of two.
How many marks are there? The question has a maximum of 20 marks available.

playlist What’s in the Listening paper?

The B1 Preliminary Listening paper has four parts. For each part, you have to listen to a recorded text or texts and answer some questions. You hear each recording twice.

What do candidates have to do? Identify key information in seven short monologues or dialogues and choose the correct visual.
How many questions are there? 7
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 2 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Listen to six short dialogues and understand the gist of each.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 3 (Gap fill)

What do candidates have to do? Listen to a monologue and complete six gaps.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

Part 4 (Multiple choice)

What do candidates have to do? Listen to an interview for a detailed understanding of meaning and to identify attitudes and opinions.
How many questions are there? 6
How many marks are there? One mark for each correct answer.

megaphone What’s in the Speaking paper?

The B1 Preliminary Speaking test has four parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners talks to you and the other examiner listens.

Part 1 (Interview)

What do candidates have to do? Respond to questions, giving factual or personal information.
How long do candidates have to speak? 2 minutes.

Part 2 (Extended turn)

What do candidates have to do? Describe one colour photograph, talking for about 1 minute.
How long do candidates have to speak? 3 minutes.

Part 3 (Discussion)

What do candidates have to do? Make and respond to suggestions, discuss alternatives and negotiate agreement.
How long do candidates have to speak? 4 minutes.

Part 4 (General conversation)

What do candidates have to do? Discuss likes, dislikes, experiences, opinions, habits, etc.
How long do candidates have to speak? 3 minutes.

b1 level essay topics

Topics for Writing

The following  Topics for Writing  are just a small sample from the  game ,  Roll Play , by  Dymon Publications .


What would you do if you were late for an important appointment?

What would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didn’t commit?

What would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city?

What would you do if you left something in a locked building?

What would you do if your best friend stole something from you?

What would you do if you didn’t have enough money to pay your bills?

What would you do if your children were caught shoplifting?

What would you do if your car got a flat tire on the freeway?

If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?

If you could change one major historical event, what would it be?


  • Describe a famous park or recreation area in your home country.
  • Describe an interesting neighbor you have had.
  • Describe something you could never give away.
  • Describe a place you will never forget.
  • Describe a sporting event you attended recently.
  • Describe a memorable birthday celebration.
  • Describe a place you go for recreation or exercise.
  • Describe your childhood home.
  • Describe someone you respect deeply.
  • Describe the nightlife in a city you are familiar with.
  • Tell about a recent interview.
  • Tell about a time when you lost something.
  • Tell about one of your fondest childhood memories.
  • Tell about a time when you lied to your parents, boss, or teacher.
  • What is your opinion about cellular phones?
  • What is your opinion about women in the military?
  • What is your opinion about a current politician?
  • What is your opinion about violence on television?
  • What is your opinion about fortune telling?
  • What is your opinion about the tabloids?
  • What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
  • What is your opinion about the welfare system?
  • What is your opinion about cloning?
  • What is your opinion about recycling?
  • Tell about a time when you were treated unfairly.
  • Briefly tell about a movie you saw recently.
  • Tell about something you made ?from scratch.?
  • Tell about a “close call” you had recently.
  • Tell about something you wish had never happened.
  • Tell about a time when you inadvertently caused trouble for someone else.


  • Tell how to find something on the Internet.
  • Tell how to feed family members who drop by unexpectedly.
  • Tell how to dump a boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • Tell how to get from your house to the supermarket.
  • Tell what to do in an earthquake.
  • Tell how to get someone to fall in love with you.
  • Tell how to make a paper airplane.
  • Tell how to get a good table at a restaurant.
  • Tell how to get a discount on an expensive item.
  • Tell how to discipline an unruly child.

Sample Personal Essay Topics

Argumentative Essay Topics (from Glendale Community College, Arizona)

Writing Prompts/Journal Topics  from  Can Teach

TOEFL Writing Topics (from Kazuo.com)

If you have questions or comments about this page, please  contact us .

b1 level essay topics

broken image

In this module, students will learn various strategies and techniques to improve their speaking skills and enhance their overall communication abilities. The focus will be on practical approaches that can be applied in real-life situations. The following topics will be covered:

  • Conversation Openers and Small Talk: Students will learn how to initiate and maintain conversations in social and professional settings. They will practice using appropriate greetings, introducing themselves, and engaging in small talk to establish rapport.
  • Active Listening: Students will develop active listening skills, including techniques such as paraphrasing, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback. They will learn to listen for specific information, comprehend main ideas, and understand nuances in spoken language.
  • Nonverbal Communication: Students will explore the importance of nonverbal cues, such as body language, facial expressions, and gestures, in effective communication. They will learn how to use and interpret nonverbal signals to enhance their spoken messages and better understand others.
  • Pronunciation and Intonation: Students will work on improving their pronunciation, intonation, and stress patterns. They will practice correct pronunciation of individual sounds, word stress, sentence rhythm, and intonation patterns to sound more natural and be easily understood.
  • Expressing Opinions and Giving Feedback: Students will learn how to express their opinions, agree or disagree politely, and support their arguments with reasons and examples. They will also practice giving constructive feedback to others' ideas and contributions.
  • Turn-Taking and Conversation Management : Students will develop skills for managing conversations, including turn-taking, interrupting politely, and signaling agreement or disagreement. They will learn to maintain balanced participation in group discussions and engage in effective dialogue.
  • Presentation Skills: Students will acquire techniques for delivering effective presentations. They will learn to structure their presentations, use visual aids appropriately, and engage the audience through clear delivery and effective body language.

Throughout the module, students will engage in various speaking activities such as role-plays, discussions, debates, and presentations to practice and reinforce the speaking strategies and communication techniques covered. They will receive feedback and guidance to help them improve their speaking skills and build confidence in expressing themselves in English.

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b1 level essay topics

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English Writing Exercises for B1 – A for and against essay

  • English Writing Exercises for B1


More university students should stay in education after their first degree in order to get another qualification.  Do you agree?

1. Read the task and the model essay. Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in the task?

Agrees  ◻   Disagrees ◻

Nowadays, the number of students who do a second degree is increasing. In order to decide if this is a good thing, we must examine the advantages and disadvantages of taking a postgraduate course.

It is certainly true that there is fierce competition for employment, and candidates need something extra in order to get a good job. We should also remember that people with a second qualification can expect to earn more when they start work. Moreover, postgraduate courses offer the chance to focus on a topic which you find particularly interesting. What could be better than spending an extra two or three years studying something you find fascinating?

However, there are disadvantages too. Firstly, it is an expensive option. You often need to pay for your place at university and also support yourself financially during the course. What is more, many young people are understandably impatient to leave education by the time they finish their first degree.

On balance, I believe it is a good idea to continue your studies beyond a first degree, if possible. Although it may be expensive, an extra qualification allows you to find a better job and earn more money.

2. Study the model essay and answer the questions.

In which paragraph (1-4) does the writer …

1   describe the arguments for?

     How many does she / he describe?

2   describe the arguments against?

3   give his / her opinion?

1 2, 3   2 3, 2   3 4

Writing Strategy

Rhetorical questions can make an opinion essay more persuasive, provided you only include one or two. You do not have to answer the questions, but always make sure that the expected answer is clear, e.g.

Some people work long hours for very low pay. How can this is be right? (Expected answer: It can’t be right. )

3. Read the Writing Strategy. Find and underline a rhetorical question in the model essay. Choose the expected answer.

a   everything ◻

b   most things ◻

c   nothing ◻

What could be better than spending an extra two or three years studying something you find fascinating?, c

Writing Guide

More students should do their degree at a university abroad rather than in their own country. Do you agree?

4. Read the task above. Then plan your essay following the paragraph plan below. Use the questions to help you.

Paragraph 1: Rephrase the statement in the task.


Paragraph 2: What are the arguments for doing a degree abroad? Think of two or three.

Paragraph 3: What are the arguments against doing a degree abroad? Think of two or three.

Paragraph 4: Give your opinion

your own answers

5. Write your essay using your plan from exercise 4. Extra exercises

Use signposting phrases ( Firstly, …, Furthermore, …, etc.) to introduce opinions for the statement and against it, and to introduce your opinion in the conclusion ( On balance, … ).

1. Read the Strategy. Then complete the text with the words below.

addition      also      another      furthermore      other      overall

One issue with social media is that it can distract people from work or study. In 1 …………………….., it can create unhappiness and anxiety when people compare their lives to other people’s. 2 …………………….. problem is that some people use it to spread unkind ideas about others.

On the 3 …………………….. hand, thanks to social media, people can build friendships quickly and easily by sharing photos, links, ideas and opinions. Social media 4 …………………….. allows people to ask for help and advice. 5 …………………….., it can educate people about things like health.

6 …………………….., I think social media has more positive than negative effects on everyday life.

1 addition   2 Another   3 other   4 also

5 Furthermore   5 overall

2. Read the task below and write a for and against essay.

Teenage students should spend more time at school studying I.C.T. (Information and Communication Technology). Discuss.

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b1 level essay topics

50 Best Informative Essay Topics

Informative essays have a unique place in academic writing. They do not persuade the audience to hold one view as argumentative essays do or narrate stories as narrative essays do.

Fredrick Eghosa

Fredrick Eghosa

Aug 27, 2024

50 Best Informative Essay Topics

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

What is an informative essay, what makes a good informative essay, tips for choosing an informative essay topic, how to do research, general list of informative essay topics, list of 50 informative essay topics according to different student categories, informative essay topics for medical students, informative essay topics for law students, informative essay topics for engineering students, informative essay topics for political science students, informative essay topics for computer science students, informative essay topics for veterinary medicine students, informative essay topics for music students, informative essay topics for mass communication students, informative essay topics for botany students, informative essay topics for mathematics students.

Fredrick Eghosa

  • Informative essays educate readers without persuading or narrating. They provide clear, organized, and objective information on a given topic, making complex concepts understandable.
  • What makes a good informative essay?
  • Clarity : The information should be presented clearly and straightforwardly. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that might confuse your reader.
  • Objectivity : Unlike persuasive essays, informative essays should be neutral. Your job is to present the facts, not to sway the reader’s opinion.
  • Engagement : Use accounts, samples, and fascinating observations to make the essay interesting.
  • Thoroughness : To be an informative essay, it must cover the essence of that particular topic.
  • Structure : Informative essays should have a clear structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion just like any other type of essay.
  • Pinpoint Your Passion: Reflect on aspects that you find captivating. If you are passionate about the subject, your writing will be exciting for the reader hence, making it more appealing.
  • Consider their interests and knowledge of the subject matter . Who’s going to read your essay? The answer to this question will help you choose an informative and exciting theme suitable for the audience.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health : Explore how platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter affect the mental well-being of users. Discuss the psychological effects, both positive and negative, and examine how social media can contribute to issues like anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.
  • The Evolution of the Internet : Trace the development of the Internet from its early days to the present. Highlight key milestones such as the invention of the World Wide Web, the rise of social media, and the shift to mobile internet usage.
  • The History of the Civil Rights Movement : An in-depth look at the key events and figures in the fight for civil rights in the United States. Explore the impact of leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, and discuss how the movement influenced subsequent social justice efforts.
  • The Process of Photosynthesis : A scientific exploration of how plants convert sunlight into energy. Explain the chemical reactions involved, and discuss how factors like light intensity, water availability, and carbon dioxide levels influence the process.
  • The Role of Women in World War II : Discuss the various roles women played during WWII, from working in factories to serving in the military. Explore how these contributions challenged traditional gender roles and paved the way for future advancements in women's rights.
  • The Effects of Global Warming : Examine the causes, effects, and potential solutions to global warming. Discuss the role of greenhouse gases, deforestation, and fossil fuel consumption in driving climate change, and explore strategies for mitigating its impact.
  • The Benefits of Meditation : Explore the physical and mental health benefits of regular meditation practice. Discuss how meditation can reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance emotional well-being, as well as provide tips for incorporating meditation into daily life.
  • The History of Space Exploration : A look at the major milestones in humanity’s quest to explore the cosmos. Discuss the achievements of space agencies like NASA and ESA, and explore the challenges and prospects of space travel.
  • How Vaccines Work : Explain the science behind vaccines and their role in preventing diseases. Discuss the principles of immunity, the development of vaccines, and their impact on public health.
  • The History of Artificial Intelligence : Trace the development of AI from its inception to modern-day applications. Explore the ethical implications of AI, its role in industries like healthcare and finance, and the future possibilities of AI technology.
  • The Impact of Fast Food on Health : Discuss the health risks associated with consuming fast food regularly. Explore the links between fast food and obesity, heart disease, and diabetes, and consider the social and economic factors that contribute to the popularity of fast food.
  • The Science Behind Climate Change : An exploration of the scientific principles that explain climate change. Discuss the evidence for climate change, the role of human activity, and the potential consequences for ecosystems and human societies.
  • The History of the Olympic Games : A look at the origins and evolution of the world’s most famous sporting event. Discuss the ancient Greek roots of the Olympics, the revival of the modern Games, and the role of the Olympics in promoting international peace and unity.
  • The Role of Genetics in Human Behavior : Discuss how genes influence behavior and personality traits. Explore the nature vs. nurture debate, and examine the role of genetics in mental health, intelligence, and social behavior.
  • The Impact of Technology on Education : Explore how technology has changed the way we learn and teach. Discuss the rise of online learning, the use of digital tools in the classroom, and the challenges and opportunities of integrating technology into education.
  • The Benefits of Renewable Energy : Discuss the advantages of using renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Explore how these energy sources can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create jobs, and promote energy independence.
  • The History of Feminism : An exploration of the feminist movement and its impact on society. Discuss the different waves of feminism, the key figures and events that shaped the movement, and the ongoing struggles for gender equality.
  • The Science of Sleep : Examine the physiological and psychological processes that occur during sleep. Discuss the stages of sleep, the importance of sleep for health, and the impact of sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea.
  • The Evolution of Language : A look at how languages develop and change over time. Discuss the origins of human language, the factors that influence language evolution, and the impact of globalization on language diversity.
  • The Role of the United Nations in World Peace : Discuss the role of the UN in promoting peace and security around the world. Explore the history of the UN, its key achievements and challenges, and its ongoing efforts to address global conflicts.
  • The Science of Memory : Explore the processes involved in forming, storing, and retrieving memories. Discuss the different types of memory, the role of the brain in memory, and the factors that can affect memory, such as age, stress, and sleep.
  • The Impact of Video Games on Youth : Discuss the effects of video games on the physical and mental health of young people. Explore the potential benefits of video games, such as improved cognitive skills and social interaction, as well as the risks, such as addiction and violent behavior.
  • The History of the Internet : A look at the development of the Internet and its impact on society. Discuss the key milestones in the history of the Internet, such as the creation of the World Wide Web, the rise of social media, and the shift to mobile Internet usage.
  • The Science Behind Addiction : Discuss the biological and psychological factors that contribute to addiction. Explore the role of neurotransmitters, genetics, and environmental factors in addiction, and consider the challenges of treatment and recovery.
  • The Benefits of Exercise for Mental Health : Explore the positive effects of physical activity on mental health. Discuss how exercise can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and provide tips for incorporating exercise into a daily routine.
  • The Role of Art in Society : Discuss the importance of art in culture and society. Explore how art reflects and shapes social values, and consider the role of art in promoting social change and personal expression.
  • The History of Medicine : A look at the development of medical knowledge and practices over time. Discuss the key milestones in the history of medicine, such as the discovery of antibiotics, the development of vaccines, and the rise of modern medical technologies.
  • The Science of Nutrition : Explore the principles of nutrition and how they affect health. Discuss the role of macronutrients and micronutrients in the body, the importance of a balanced diet, and the impact of nutrition on disease prevention and overall well-being.
  • The Impact of Pollution on the Environment : Discuss the various forms of pollution, such as air, water, and soil pollution, and their effects on ecosystems and human health. Explore the causes of pollution, the consequences for biodiversity, and the efforts to reduce pollution and protect the environment.
  • The History of Democracy : A look at the origins and development of democratic systems of government. Discuss the key principles of democracy, the evolution of democratic institutions, and the challenges faced by modern democracies around the world.
  • The Science of Genetics : Explore the principles of genetics and their applications in medicine, agriculture, and biotechnology. Discuss the role of DNA in inheritance, the impact of genetic mutations, and the ethical implications of genetic research.
  • The Role of Technology in Healthcare : Discuss how technological advancements are transforming the healthcare industry. Explore the impact of telemedicine, electronic health records, and medical devices on patient care, and consider the challenges and opportunities of integrating technology into healthcare.
  • The History of the Renaissance : A look at the cultural and intellectual revival that took place in Europe during the Renaissance. Discuss the key figures and achievements of the Renaissance, such as Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo, and the development of humanism, and explore the impact of the Renaissance on art, science, and society.
  • The Science Behind Vaccines : Discuss the principles of immunology and how vaccines work to prevent diseases. Explore the history of vaccine development, the role of vaccines in public health, and the challenges of vaccine distribution and acceptance.
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culture : Discuss how globalization is shaping cultural identities around the world. Explore the exchange of cultural practices, the rise of global media, and the challenges of preserving cultural diversity in a globalized world.
  • The History of the Industrial Revolution : A look at the social, economic, and technological changes that took place during the Industrial Revolution. Discuss the key inventions and innovations of the period, such as the steam engine and the spinning Jenny, and explore the impact of the Industrial Revolution on society, labor, and the environment.
  • The Science of Evolution : Explore the principles of evolutionary biology and how species evolve. Discuss the evidence for evolution, the role of natural selection, and the impact of evolutionary theory on our understanding of life on Earth.
  • The Role of Music in Human Culture : Discuss the importance of music in human societies throughout history. Explore how music is used in rituals, celebrations, and social movements, and consider the impact of music on emotion, cognition, and identity.
  • The History of the Civil Rights Movement : A look at the struggle for civil rights in the United States. Discuss the key events and figures of the movement, such as the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington, and explore the impact of the civil rights movement on American society and politics.
  • The Science Behind Artificial Intelligence : Discuss the principles of artificial intelligence and how AI technologies are being used in various industries. Explore the potential benefits and risks of AI, and consider the ethical implications of AI development.
  • The Impact of Social Media on Communication : Explore how social media platforms have changed the way people communicate. Discuss the benefits and challenges of social media, such as the rise of online communities, the spread of misinformation, and the impact on face-to-face communication.
  • The History of Space Exploration : A look at humanity’s quest to explore the cosmos. Discuss the key milestones in space exploration, such as the Apollo moon landing and the Mars rover missions, and explore the challenges and prospects of space exploration.
  • The Science of Climate Change : Discuss the scientific principles that explain climate change and its effects on the environment. Explore the evidence for climate change, the role of human activity in driving climate change, and the potential consequences for ecosystems and human societies.
  • The Role of Education in Society : Discuss the importance of education in shaping individuals and societies. Explore the impact of education on social mobility, economic development, and cultural preservation, and consider the challenges of providing quality education for all.
  • The History of Artificial Intelligence : Trace the development of AI from its early beginnings to its modern applications. Explore the ethical implications of AI, its role in industries like healthcare and finance, and the future possibilities of AI technology.
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Healthcare Delivery
  • Understanding the Human Microbiome: Recent Discoveries and Implications
  • The Effects of Climate Change on Global Health
  • Advances in Gene Editing: CRISPR Technology and Its Applications
  • The Role of Nutrition in Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • The Evolution of International Human Rights Law: Key Milestones and Cases
  • Understanding Intellectual Property Law: Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks
  • The Impact of Technology on Privacy and Data Protection
  • Comparative Analysis of Common Law and Civil Law Systems
  • The Role of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Modern Legal Practice
  • The Future of Renewable Energy: Innovations and Challenges
  • Advances in Materials Science: Nanotechnology and Its Applications
  • The Impact of 3D Printing on Manufacturing and Industry
  • Understanding Cybersecurity Threats and Countermeasures
  • The Role of Biomechanical Engineering in Medical Device Development
  • The Rise of Populism: Causes, Consequences, and Global Implications
  • Understanding International Relations Theory: Realism vs. Liberalism
  • The Impact of Social Media on Political Campaigns and Democracy
  • Comparative Analysis of Presidential and Parliamentary Systems
  • The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Global Governance
  • The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice
  • Understanding Blockchain Technology: Applications and Limitations
  • The Impact of Cloud Computing on Data Storage and Security
  • Advances in Natural Language Processing: Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
  • The Role of Human-Computer Interaction in Software Development
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Animal Health and Welfare
  • Understanding Animal Behavior: Recent Research and Applications
  • Advances in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging: MRI and CT Scans
  • The Role of Nutrition in Animal Health and Disease Prevention
  • The Impact of Antibiotic Resistance on Veterinary Medicine
  • The Evolution of Music Therapy: Applications and Benefits
  • Understanding Music Cognition: How We Process Music
  • The Impact of Technology on Music Composition and Production
  • The Role of Music in Cultural Identity and Social Movements
  • Advances in Music Education: New Methods and Technologies
  • The Impact of Social Media on News Consumption and Journalism
  • Understanding Media Literacy: Critical Thinking in the Digital Age
  • The Role of Public Relations in Crisis Communication
  • Advances in Digital Broadcasting: Streaming and Podcasting
  • The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Behavior and Culture
  • The Importance of Plant Conservation: Threats and Strategies
  • Understanding Plant Physiology: Recent Discoveries and Applications
  • Advances in Plant Biotechnology: Genetic Engineering and GMOs
  • The Role of Botany in Traditional Medicine and Ethnobotany
  • The Impact of Climate Change on Plant Ecology and Evolution
  • The Beauty of Fractals: Mathematical Concepts and Applications
  • Understanding Number Theory: Prime Numbers and Cryptography
  • Advances in Mathematical Modeling: Simulating Real-World Phenomena
  • The Role of Statistics in Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • The Impact of Mathematical Optimization on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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To edit an academic paper, focus on clarity, and structure, and support your arguments with evidence. To save time and avoid human errors like missing important parts that need correction, use CoWriter AI to streamline the process and ensure your paper meets high academic standards.

How to Write a Synthesis Essay With PDF Download

Aug 26, 2024

How to Write a Synthesis Essay With PDF Download

To write a synthesis essay, you need to have great coordination skills. You will need it to link various sources and research outcomes together while deriving and building on your thesis statement.

10 Thesis Statement Essay Examples + PDF Downloadable

Jul 29, 2024

10 Thesis Statement Essay Examples + PDF Downloadable

These ten thesis statement essay examples we are about to discuss in this article will help you to learn how to write thesis statements that are effective and hit right at the point.

How to Write a Biographical Essay + Downloadable PDF

Aug 20, 2024

How to Write a Biographical Essay + Downloadable PDF

To write a biographical essay, focus on a specific aspect of the subject's life. Your essay should provide depth and insight, which makes it crucial to have a strong purpose to feed your direction and, most importantly, a frame. Choosing the right subject, conducting thorough research, and crafting a compelling thesis are all important points to note.


  1. What is English B1 Level? Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples

    b1 level essay topics

  2. Writing B1 Preliminary (PET): Guía Completa y Ejemplos

    b1 level essay topics

  3. B1 Business Preliminary Writing Part 2

    b1 level essay topics

  4. PLS320 Exam 2 Essay B1

    b1 level essay topics

  5. Exploring Daily Life: Potential Speaking Topics for a B1 Level Final

    b1 level essay topics

  6. For & Against and Opinion Essay

    b1 level essay topics


  1. Learn Advance Level Essay Writing in Urdu #Urdu

  2. PG_B1_Sem2_Epsy_Essay Test_Sample of TOS (G11)_Tr.Rebecca_22-6-2024

  3. Important Essay Topics

  4. IBDP Biology B1.1 Carbohydrates and Lipids (SL) 2025 Syllabus Full Notes

  5. IBDP Biology B1.2 Proteins (SL & HL) 2025 Syllabus Full Notes

  6. IELTS Life Skills B1 Listening Test


  1. What is English B1 Level? Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples

    Writing and Essay Ideas & Examples. English Levels consist of 6 English levels in total. These levels are; A1 and A2 (Basic User), B1 and B2 (Independent User), C1 and C2 (Proficient User). This code system is created by The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). English level B1 is the first level in the independent user ...

  2. An opinion essay

    Top Tips for writing. Write your essay in clear paragraphs. Use phrases like First of all, In addition and To sum up to start each paragraph. Express your own opinion using I think, In my opinion or I believe. Mention other viewpoints with phrases like Some people think and say whether you agree or disagree with them.

  3. Essay Writing Tasks(B1)

    ESS006 - Time Management. ESS005 - Immigrants In A New Country. ESS004 - Teenagers and Their Free Time. ESS003 - The Importance of Learning Foreign Languages. ESS002 - Daily Exercise in Schools. ESS001 - Healthy Nutrition. Language in Use - PDF Worksheets for English Language Learners - Intermediate Level (B1)

  4. B1 writing

    Writing about a pie chart. Look at the pie chart, exam question and sample answer and do the exercises to improve your writing skills. 15. Are you an intermediate (CEFR level B1) learner of English? Practise and improve your writing skills with these texts and exercises.

  5. English Writing Exercises for B1

    Learn how to write an opinion essay in English with examples and exercises. Choose from topics such as healthy lifestyle, electronic gadgets and more.

  6. PDF Writing Tasks

    PDF Grammar Worksheets - Intermediate Level (B1) Home / B1 / Writing. Writing Worksheets (B1) ... ESS012 - Essay : Social Networking Websites; ESS011 - Essay: School and Part-Time Work; ESS010 - Essay: Discrimination of Women; ESS009 - Essay : Home By Ten ? ESS008 - Essay : Extreme Activities; ESS007 - Essay: Becoming Happy By Helping Others;

  7. Writing an opinion essay

    An opinion essay has three parts: Introduction; Arguments or reasons that support your view. Conclusion; Introduction. Paragraph 1. Introduce the topic and give your opinion. Say whether you agree or disagree with the statement or question. It can be a good idea to use a question to grab the reader's attention. Check the two examples below:

  8. B1 Writing Exercises and Tests

    Take a level test Upgrade to pro. Boost your English writing with our B1 lessons! Engage in intermediate exercises, tips, & examples, to elevate your writing proficiency.

  9. B1 Writing topics

    B1 Writing. B1 is one of the CEFR levels described by the Council of Europe. This page will help you practise for the PET and PTE exams. Sentence transformations (music) For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the the first sentence. Sentence transformations (rain) For each question, complete the second ...

  10. B1 PET

    General tips for the Writing part of the B1 PET Practice writing essays. Familiarize yourself with the types of writing tasks required in the exam, such as an informal email or a story. Get feedback. Ask someone to check your writing and give you constructive feedback; this can help you identify areas for improvement. Prepare a plan for the ...

  11. Preliminary (PET) Writing Sample Tests

    The materials. Here are two full Preliminary (PET) writing sample tests. These have been designed in the same format as official exams to practise and improve in preparation for the B1 writing exam. Remember that the time limit to complete both parts of the Preliminary (PET) Writing exam is 45 minutes.

  12. B1 Writing Topics

    Article navigation: B1 Preliminary (PET) Email: Writing Topics B1 Preliminary (PET) Email: Writing Topics Download PDF In Part 1 of the writing B1 Preliminary (PET) test, you will be asked to write an email of about 100 words.. Below is a sample list of email B1 writing topics for Preliminary level students.You can use them to practice writing English essays or to prepare for the Cambridge B1 ...

  13. B1 Preliminary preparation

    On-the-go practice with Test & Train. Test & Train is an easy-to-use practice tool to help you get ready for your B1 Preliminary exam through short, sharp workouts. With over 300 practice questions, you can use it anytime, anywhere and as many times as your like! Get started today.

  14. PDF B1 Preliminary Writing checklist

    Checklist for assessing writing: B1 Preliminary for Schools. This checklist is designed to help you assess your students' writing. It includes a summary of the assessment criteria and useful questions about each writing type in the B1 Preliminary and B1 Preliminary for Schools Writing paper. Use these questions to help you and your students ...

  15. English Writing Exercises for B1

    Practice Listening Tests for B1 with Answers & Transcripts ... Article Level 1. Improve your ability to speak English ... I can write a for and against essay about education and work. Article: a film review. I can write a film review. A narrative. I can write a story. A formal letter.

  16. Being Healthy

    Writing Part 2. Part 1 - Read five real-world notices, messages and other short texts for the main message. Part 2 - Match five descriptions of people to eight short texts on a particular topic, showing detailed comprehension. In addition, we add listening and speaking exercises in order to practise for this part of the B1 Preliminary test.

  17. B1 Preliminary exam format

    B1 Preliminary is made up of four papers developed to test students' English skills. You can see exactly what's in each paper below. The formats below are the same for both the digital and paper-based exams. Shows you can read and understand the main points from signs, newspapers and magazines.

  18. Topics for Writing

    Describe something you could never give away. Describe a place you will never forget. Describe a sporting event you attended recently. Describe a memorable birthday celebration. Describe a place you go for recreation or exercise. Describe your childhood home. Describe someone you respect deeply.

  19. Syllabus Outline for Level b1 ESL Learners

    Explanation of the CEFR B1 level and its learning outcomes. Speaking Skills:Week 1-4: Introduction to speaking strategies and effective communication techniques. Developing vocabulary and expressions for everyday conversations. Role-plays and simulations to practice real-life speaking situations. Giving presentations on familiar topics.

  20. English Writing Exercises for B1

    Do you agree? 1. Read the task and the model essay. Does the writer agree or disagree with the statement in the task? Agrees Disagrees . [1] Nowadays, the number of students who do a second degree is increasing. In order to decide if this is a good thing, we must examine the advantages and disadvantages of taking a postgraduate course.

  21. PDF B1 Foreign Languages ESS003

    B1 Foreign Languages ESS003 A youth magazine The Young World has called on readers to express their opinions on why learning foreign languages is important. You have decided to send in an essay on the topic. In your essay write about • the positive aspects of learning a foreign language. • how a foreign language has helped you in a

  22. B1+ Writing Exercises and Tests

    Writing » B1+ Writing Exercises and Tests. A for and against essay - a balanced essay. An informal email - asking for and giving advice. Narrative writing step by step. How to write an apology email - Saying sorry to your friend. Writing a 'how-to' article for a blog or magazine.

  23. 50 Best Informative Essay Topics

    This article helps you to know what makes good informative essays, as well as provides you with tips for choosing best informative essay topics, and of course, offer a list of the 50 best topics across many academic fields to get started with.

  24. Writing an opinion essay

    An opinion essay has three parts: Introduction; Arguments or reasons that support your view. Conclusion; Introduction. Paragraph 1. Introduce the topic and give your opinion. Say whether you agree or disagree with the statement or question. It can be a good idea to use a question to grab the reader's attention. Check the two examples below: