Bonn doctoral and postdoctoral theses online

The electronic doctoral theses and postdoctoral theses (habilitations) have moved and are now available on bonndoc , the repository of the university of bonn., you wanted to access a specific doctoral/postdoctoral thesis and were redirected to this page.

The previous publication server has been taken offline. You can now find all electronic theses on bonndoc . You have the following options to access the documents:

  • If you have the URN of the thesis (e.g. urn:nbn:de:hbz:5-XXXXX), enter it here in the text field and you will be forwarded directly to the document on bonndoc.
  • Search for the author and/or title of the thesis in the search field in bonndoc . You can also browse through all electronic theses of the respective faculty on bonndoc using the following links: The Faculty of Protestant Theology The Faculty of Catholic Theology The Faculty of Agriculture The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences The Faculty of Medicine The Faculty of Arts The Faculty of Law and Economics
  • Alternatively, you can search for all available theses (print and electronic) in bonnus , the search portal of the University of Bonn.

If you cannot find a thesis, please contact [email protected] .

You would like to publish your thesis online?

All information on this can be found on the website of the dissertations department .

Contact persons: Elena Dyck Jaakko Kneissl eMail [email protected] Phone: +49 228 73-9533

© Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn | Stand: 22.10.2020

Universität Bonn

Open Access Service Center

 Servicestelle Open Access

Doctoral theses in Open Access

Open Access means that your doctoral thesis is available for free without others having to pay for it. At the University of Bonn, the publication server bonndoc is suitable for this purpose. Financing of Open Access doctoral theses is possible via the publication funds of the University of Bonn.

The Open Access Service Center and the Dissertations department  will be happy to help you!

Publishing a doctoral thesis in Open Access?

The good news: Yes, it is possible to publish a doctoral thesis in open access! There are different ways:

  • Publication on the repository bonndoc of the University of Bonn. Here you will find instructions from the University's Dissertations department.
  • Publication of articles in an Open Access journal (for cumulative dissertations, in many cases you can also publish them on bonndoc).
  • Publication as an Open Access book in a publishing house
  • However, it is important to check your department's policies to ensure that your dissertation publication complies with all formal requirements. Therefore, please also note the general information on publishing your doctoral thesis from University of Bonn .

Publication forms doctoral thesis

of all Bonn dissertations are published in open access on bonndoc

of articles in cumulative dissertations in Bonn appear in open access

Comic Dissertation

Funding an Open Access dissertation

There are various ways to fund the publication of your doctoral thesis in open access. Here are some options:

  • Use university resources and take advantage of our publication funds! You can easily apply for our publication fund for articles . Doctoral theses published as monographs are also funded under certain criteria .
  • Apply for scholarships and grants! For example, there are funding programs and foundations that support Open Access.
  • Negotiate with the publisher! Some publishers offer open access options. Check your publishing contract and the option to publish for a second time .

Information & Best Practices

Exchange and visibility are especially important for PhD students. At the same time, open access publication during the writing process is still not very common, especially for monographs.

But there are options. A good example is the project "Open PhD Thesis" ("Offene Doktorarbeit"): For the first time, a dissertation was published directly and immediately during the writing process for everyone, freely accessible at any time, under a free license (CC-BY-SA).

You can email us at: [email protected]

University of Bonn MNL Branch Library 3rd floor, Room 2.019 Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4 53115 Bonn, Germany

Universität Bonn

Bonn Mathematics - Studium/Study

Preparation of the Final Thesis

The mathematics degree programs conclude with a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, in which independent work on a mathematical topic is to be demonstrated. The Examination Board has compiled the most important requirements for theses and some assessment criteria as guidelines.

  • Please read the document carefully before you register your thesis.
  • When registering the thesis, you confirm with your signature that you have taken note of the requirements in the document.

The teacher training programs also end with a final thesis. This can be completed in the subject mathematics.


Rules for Theses in the Subject-Specific Study Programs

Here you will find the regulations for registering and submitting final theses that apply to both mathematics programs. Specific deadlines and rules are listed under the respective degree program.

As a rule, students find a supervisor for their thesis on their own initiative.

  • Every professor of mathematics in Bonn can of course assign topics for theses.
  • Many other doctoral lecturers at Bonn Mathematics have been appointed by the Examination Board to supervise theses. You can enquire about this with the person concerned.
  • One of the two reviewers must always be a professor of mathematics at Bonn University.
  • If you have not found a supervisor yourself, you can also have one assigned to you by the Examination Board . In this case, please contact the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.

The thesis must be registered using the form Registration of the Thesis .The form must be signed by both you and the supervisor of the thesis.

  • The form must state the topic of the thesis and your first supervisor.
  • You also confirm that you have taken note of the requirements for the final theses of your degree program.
  • At the same time, you will be registered for the seminar accompanying your thesis.
  • The registration form must be submitted to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics immediately after the topic has been assigned and within four weeks of the supervisor's signature.
  • If the registration form is received in February or August, the thesis can still be assessed in the semester in which it is submitted.
  • For the accompanying thesis seminar you earn 6 credit points. It is registered for the semester in which your thesis is due for submission.
  • During the time you are working on your thesis, there are usually three presentations in the thesis seminar on the topic of the thesis and the results achieved.
  • The examination of the thesis seminar consists of a graded (final) presentation, which should be held shortly before or shortly after the submission of the thesis. 
  • The day on which you give the graded presentation is an examination date and is therefore relevant for your degree.
  • Therefore, please make sure that the presentation takes place before the end of the semester in which you wish to graduate.
  • The deadline for submitting your thesis is calculated from the signature date of your supervisor plus the working time.
  • You can see the submission date of your thesis in BASIS.
  • The deadline for submitting your thesis is strict. If you submit the thesis after this date, it will be failed.
  • Please note that you are responsible for meeting the submission deadline. Your supervisors are not necessarily aware of your submission deadline, and in no case could they change the deadline for you, as this is set by the examination regulations.
  • In the event of illness , the deadline can be extended by up to six weeks.

The thesis must be submitted on time in the required number of copies together with the form Submission of the Thesis at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics . On the submission form, you confirm that you have written the paper independently and have not used any sources or aids other than those specified and that you have indicated any quotations.


  • DIN A4, printed on both sides, with cover page
  • in a bound version (no spiral bindings please!)
  • If programming code or similar is available, it must be attached to each copy of the work on a CD or a USB stick that is as flat as possible (do not send it by e-mail). The CD or stick must be glued to the last page of a copy.
  • A single copy of the submission form must be submitted separately.

Options for submitting the thesis:

  • personal delivery during office hours
  • personal delivery after making an appointment outside office hours
  • by post to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics The date of the postmark is decisive for the submission.

The thesis is evaluated by two assessors.

  • The first assessor is the person who provided the topic of the thesis.
  • The second assessor must be proposed by you when you submit your thesis. You are therefore responsible for finding a suitable second reviewer. On request, the supervisor can of course help you with this.
  • Both reviewers must be noted on the title page of the thesis (see templates for the title page).

As a rule, the candidate is notified of the thesis' evaluation six to eight weeks after the submission date.

Bachelor's Thesis (B.Sc. Mathematik)

  • The topic of the Bachelor's thesis is usually assigned towards the end of the fifth semester.
  • You need to have earned at leat 90 credit points in order to register the Bachelor's thesis.

The working period of a Bachelor's thesis is five months.

  • The Bachelor's thesis is estimated to require a workload of 360 hours.
  • Therefore it earns 12 credit points.

The text part of the Bachelor's thesis must be between 5 and 50 pages long.

  • Deviations from this require the approval of the Examination Board.
  • In this case, please obtain the consent of both your advisors.
  • Then send an application by e-mail to the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics .

The language of the Bachelor's degree program is German. You can write your Bachelor's thesis in English if

  • your supervisor agrees with it and
  • the thesis contains a summary in German.

There is a coursework for the Bachelor's thesis seminar, the training in subject-specific literature research . It will be noted in BASIS when you register your Bachelor's thesis and it is a prerequisite for passing the Bachelor's thesis seminar.

The training courses are offered by the University and State Library in the form of a one-off two-hour course. The course imparts knowledge that is very useful for academic work, especially when writing a Bachelor's thesis, for example the use of the relevant academic online archives.

  • The courses are held in the MNL departmental library in the training room on the 1st floor.
  • Usually three dates are offered every semester, each on a Monday or Wednesday from 16.15 to 18.00 hrs.
  • You can register for a date via an online form.

After you have taken part in a course, we will enter the coursework as passed in BASIS.

  • You must complete this training shortly before or during the time you are working on your Bachelor's thesis.

The title page of your Bachelor's thesis must be agreed with your supervisor.

  • In particular, make sure that you name the correct institute to which your supervisor belongs.
  • Please use our LaTeX-template for the title page of your Bachelor's thesis.

The submission deadline for the Bachelor's thesis is 5 months after the date on which the supervisor signed the application.

  • Three copies of the Bachelor's thesis must be submitted.

Master's Thesis (M.Sc. Mathematics)

  • The topic of the Master's thesis is usually assigned towards the end of the second semester.
  • You need to have earned at leat 30 credit points in order to register the Master's thesis.

The working period of a Master's thesis is twelve months.

  • The Master's thesis is estimated to require a workload of 900 hours.
  • Therefore it earns 30 credit points.

The text part of the Master's thesis must be between 10 and 100 pages long.

The language of the Master's degree program is English. You can write your Master's thesis in German if

  • the thesis contains a summary in English.

The title page of your Master's thesis must be agreed with your supervisor.

  • Please use our LaTeX-template for the title page of your Master's thesis.

The submission deadline for the Master's thesis is 12 months after the date on which the supervisor signed the application.

  • Four copies of the Master's thesis must be submitted. One copy will be made available to the Mathematics Library.

If you would like to apply for a PhD position at BIGS Mathematics you should find out about the application process at the beginning of the third Master's semester.

Reimbursement of the Printing Costs for the Thesis

The printing costs for the required copies of your thesis can be reimbursed upon application. This also applies to theses in the teacher training programs that were written in mathematics.

  • Please fill out the application form and hand it in at the Bachelor-Master Office Mathematics.
  • The enclosed original receipt must show the number of copies printed.
  • Please attach the receipts to the separately printed page 2 of the form using a glue stick.

Please submit the form promptly, as the original receipts are only valid for 6 months.


Examination Office Mathematics

Universität Bonn

Institute of Computer Science

Institut für Informatik

Your thesis and accompanying seminar

Have you already completed most of your degree programme? Congratulations! On this page you will find all the information you need about your Bachelor's or Master's thesis.

1. Schedule

Bachelor's and Master's thesis projects can be started at any time.

The only prerequisite for the Bachelor's thesis project is that you have successfully completed the Projektgruppe. The prerequisite for the Master's thesis project (according to the examination regulations of 2023) is that you have acquired at least 60 ETCS in your Master's programme.

The maximum time you can work on your thesis is:

  • five months in the Bachelor's programmes;
  • six months in the full-time Master's programmes;
  • nine months in the part-time Master's programmes.

This means that the thesis project must be registered five (Bachelor's) or six or nine (Master's) months before the end of the nominal duration of your programme in order to be able to graduate within the nominal duration.

Upon reasoned request to the examination board, using this form , the time you can work on the thesis can be extended by a maximum of six weeks.

2. Topic and Supervision

To obtain a topic for your thesis, please contact a lecturer whose course(s) you took, especially Projektgruppen, seminars or labs. If you have contacted several lecturers without success, please contact the examinations office .

In principle, it is also possible to write your thesis outside the Institute of Computer Science, for example in a company or at another research institute. You can also suggest a topic for your thesis yourself. However, you always need at least one examiner within the institute who is willing to (co-)supervise and grade your thesis. Contact potential examiners in good time.

If the other examiner is not a lecturer at the Institute of Computer Science, (s)he must still fulfil the requirements according to our examination regulations. The external examiner should therefore contact the chairperson of the examination board . The chairperson will then decide, after reviewing the potential examiner's qualifications and possibly an interview, whether an appointment as examiner is possible.

3. Registration

Once you have been assigned a topic, the thesis must be registered immediately . All eligible examiners at the institute have a form for this purpose. The examiners and the student (you) must sign this form. Then you submit the form to the examinations office .

The chair of the examination board then checks whether the topic and the examiners fulfil the requirements of the examination regulations. The chair confirms both the examiners and the topic by signing the form. Only then is the submission deadline entered in BASIS and the student (you) will find the submission deadline as the examination date under the examinations for which you are registered.

4. Application for further studies

If you would like to enrol in one of our Master's degree programmes following your Bachelor's thesis, you must apply before submitting your Bachelor's thesis . Please note the application deadlines !

5. Submission

At least 10 days before your submission deadline, please send an e-mail to  [email protected] stating your surname, first name, matriculation number, the title of the thesis, the names of the examiners, the deadline and, if you plan to submit your thesis before the deadline, the planned submission date.

Achtung:  Only mails that are sent from your university mail address ([email protected]) will be processed.

With the reply email you will receive a link to a Sciebo folder to which you must upload your work as a PDF file by the deadline. Additional files, if any, must be uploaded in a ZIP archive.

In addition, successful submission includes the submission of the declaration of authorship , with which you assure that you wrote the submitted work by yourself. You must make sure that the examinations office receives the declaration with your original signature (on paper, not a scan) within seven days after you uploaded your thesis.

As soon as the submission deadline has passed or the declaration of authorship has been received, the submission link will be deleted. Only then will your work be sent to the examiners for assessment.

If the files are not uploaded on time or if the examination office does not receive the declaration of authorship on time, the thesis project is deemed to have been failed.

6. Presentation

Finally, you must give a presentation on your Bachelor's thesis in the accompanying seminar. You do not need to register for the seminar. You simply need to arrange a date and a time with your examiners. The presentation should take place shortly before or shortly after the submission of the thesis, in the same semester.

Universität Bonn

Geographie Uni Bonn

Master's Thesis

You can register your Master's Thesis after acquiring at least 60 ECTS. For registering and submission you must be a matriculated/enrolled student. It is not allowed to be on a leave of absence while working on your thesis.

Here you can find more information on thesis registration, submission as well as formalities and FAQs.


Research Topic / Examiners

There are two examiners for the Master's Thesis, one has to be a member of the group of university lecturers at the University of Bonn, the other has to be a lecturer from the United Nations University EHS. The first examiner is the main examiner who assigns the topic. The Examination Office allots the second examiner, but the candidate has the right to make suggestions. You can find a list of possible examiners in the FAQ section.

The research topic should be discussed with your main supervisor in the format of a written research proposal.

Research Proposal and Ethics Form (PDF file) (208 KB) Research Proposal and Ethics Form (docx file) (185 KB)

Once the examiner has accepted your proposal, you need to register your Master's Thesis.


Master's Thesis must be registered before starting to work (including fieldwork)!

Download/print out the Master Thesis Registration Form (ER2020) (850 KB)

The first examiner fills out the topic and the date of beginning. The candidate has to submit the form at the Examination Office.

Eine Wissenschaftlerin und ein Wissenschaftler arbeiten hinter einer Glasfassade und mischen Chemikalien mit Großgeräten.

The Master's Thesis has to be submitted in the given time at the Examination Office , which can be done during the office hours (see below), during pre-arranged appointments or via postal way (post stamp/date stamp counts as date of submission):

  • Two printed and binded hard copies incl. one digital version (USB / CD) each
  • One digital version on USB / CD to stay in your file at Exam Office (Note: There will be no way to get your USB back)

      ➔  In total, you have to submit two printed and binded hard copies and three USB flash drives or CDs!

We highly recommend you arrange an appointment with Examination Office in order to submit your thesis in person.

Please do not post your thesis in the mail box in front of our office!

Alternatively, you can hand in your thesis at a post office to make sure to meet the deadline!

Postal address:

Department of Geography, University of Bonn Examination Office M.Sc. Georisk Meckenheimer Allee 166 53115 Bonn Germany


  • The Master's Thesis has to be registered before starting (including fieldwork)!
  • The maximum time allotted for completing the Master's Thesis is six months.
  • You have to use this cover page (34 KB) for the Master's Thesis and you have to sign the statement of authorship.
  • An exmatriculation is not permitted until after submission of the Master's Thesis!
  • It is not allowed to be on a leave of absence while working on your thesis.
  • The Master’s Thesis may not be accepted in the form of a group project.
  • The text portion of the Master's Thesis must consist of a minimum of 100,000 and a maximum of 200,000 characters, including spaces and footnotes.
  • Format/style guidelines as agreed upon by supervisors: 1.5 line spacing for the text body; a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri), font size 12pt; margins: top 2.5cm, bottom 2.5cm, left 4cm, right 2.5cm; printed double-sided.
  • In case of submitting the Master's Thesis via postal way, the date of the post stamp will be the date of submission.
  • The student may reject the topic of the Master’s Thesis only one time, and only within the first two months after its assignment.
  • Master's Thesis not submitted in the given time will receive the grade "insufficient" (=failed).
  • If the Master’s Thesis receives a grade of “insufficient” or is considered to be invalid, the candidate may repeat the Master’s Thesis one time.

Avatar Hilger

Yvonne Hilger

[email protected]

+49 228 73-4291

0.008 (103)

Meckenheimer Allee 166


Here is a list of current open Master or Bachelor Theses:

Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz Humanoid Robots Lab University of Bonn Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8 53115 Bonn

Tel.: +49 (0) 228 73-54164 Secr.: +49 (0) 228 73-4422 Fax.: +49 (0) 228 73-4425 Email:

Office: 2.022

Universität Bonn

Physikalisches Institut

Moritz Breyer: Higgs Mode and Critical Temperature in the BCS-BEC Crossover Bonn, 2023

Andreas Kell: Measuring Excitations of a Strongly Interacting Superfluid Fermi Gas Bonn, 2022

Pascal Kobel: A memory-based quantum network node with a trapped ion in an optical fibre cavity Bonn, 2021

Thorsten Friedrich Langerfeld: Parametric excitation of the quantum vacuum in nonlinear optical resonators Bonn, 2021

Martin Link: Exploring Non-Equilibrium in Ultracold Fermi Gases and Machine Learning in Physics Bonn, 2021

Nicola Camilla Wurz: Quantum Magnetism in the Two-Dimensional Fermi-Hubbard Model and Beyond Bonn, 2021

Jan Henning Drewes: Thermodynamics and correlations of ultracold fermions in a two-dimensional optical lattice Bonn 2020

Marcell Wolfgang Gall: Quantum Simulation of the Bilayer Hubbard Model Using Ultracold Atoms Bonn 2020

Chun Fai Chan: Quantum simulation of strongly-correlated two-dimensional fermions in optical lattices Bonn 2019

Alexandra Bianca Behrle: Driving a Strongly Interacting Superfluid out of Equilibrium Bonn 2017   Timothy Joseph Harrison: Measuring the Gap and Investigating Non-equilibrium in the BEC-BCS Crossover Bonn 2017

Timothy George Ballance: An ultraviolet fibre-cavity for strong ion-photon interaction University of Cambridge, October 2016   Eugenio Cocchi: Analogue Quantum Simulation of the Two-Dimensional Hubbard Model with Ultracold Fermions University of Cambridge, October 2016   Luke Alexander Miller: Ultracold Fermions in Two-Dimensional Optical Lattices: Quantum Simulation of the Hubbard Model University of Cambridge, August 2016

Jonathan Silver: Interaction of a Single Ion with Ultracold Atoms and an Optical Fibre Cavity University of Cambridge, September 2015

Hendrik-Marten Meyer: A fibre-cavity based photonic interface for a single ioncchi University of Cambridge, March 2014

Matthias Steiner: A Single Ion Inside a Miniature Cavity University of Cambridge, January 2014

Lothar Ratschbacher: Investigation of an Atom-Ion Quantum Hybrid System University of Cambridge, April 2013

Enrico Vogt: Collective Modes and Polarons in two-dimensional Fermi Gases University of Cambridge, February 2013

Christoph Zipkes: A Trapped Single Ion Inside a Bose-Einstein Condensate Cambridge, April 2011   Bernd Fröhlich: A Strongly Interacting Two-Dimensional Fermi Gas Cambridge, July 2011   Michael Feld: Low temperature phases of interacting fermions in two dimensions Cambridge, August 2011

Stefan Palzer: Single Impurities in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Cambridge, June 2010

Universität Bonn

IGG - Astronomische, physikalische und mathematische Geodäsie

Master Theses

Schumacher, Franziska, 2024 Modification of a physics-based model to represent thermospheric conditions during the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai awakening.

Bouran, Sahar Gholami, 2023 Global Sea Level Rise and Coastal Vulnerability Assessed via Inundation Maps.

Krishnan, Sree Ram Radha, 2023 InSAR Observation of the Subsiding Pohnpei and Kosrae Islands in Remote Oceania: Constraints on Per-Class Incidence Angle Correction.

Suresh, Simran, 2023 Identifying Trends in the Temporal Signatures of Snow and its Impact on Catchment Hydrology over Europe during 2000–2022.

Ewerdwalbesloh, Yorck, 2022 Finding coherent regions in the ocean in CMIP6 model simulations.

Li, Mingyao, 2022 AVGR: a python-based framework for estimating linear rate uncertainty in geodetic time series using Allan Variance.

Liu, Ziyu, 2022 Investigating Regional Sea Level Change over the East China Sea.

Vliegen, Sophie, 2022 Influence of the assimilation of sea surface height data on the ocean state in the North- and Baltic Seas.

Aschenneller, Susann, 2021 Linking Top-Of-Atmosphere Radiation Imbalance with Observed Variations in Ocean Heat Content.

Berger, Nikola Christiane, 2021 How Large is the Added Value of Swarm and SLR Time-Variable Gravity if Assimilated into a Global Hydrological Model.

Börger, Lara, 2021 Application of realistic ray-tracing algorithms in non-gravitational force modelling.

Bolmer, Eike, 2021 Reconciling GRACE/GRACE-FO data and background models with observations from superconducting gravimeters.

Don, Waruna Sanjaya Kannangara, 2021 How fast are western tropical Pacific Islands uplifting? Geodetic constraints from GPS, satellite altimetry and tide gauge.

Gärtner, Matthias, 2021 Deep learning for recovering high-resolution terrestrial water storage anomalies.

Mielke, Christian Alexander, 2021 The Quantification of Drought and Water Loss using GNSS in South Africa.

Packbier, Carolin, 2021 Reconstructing the Global Density of the Thermosphere from Satellite Observations Using Deep Learning.

Sosimi, Samuel, 2021 Hydrological extremes in West Africa: A case study of the 2012 flood event in the Niger basin and the Inner Niger Delta.

Hacker, Charlotte, 2020 Deriving a DDK-Filter in the context of GRACE-FO.

Kudabayeva, Anara, 2020 The sea-level annual cycle from coastal-dedicated altimetry and tide gauge data.

Taa Tabiri, Daniel, 2020 A toolbox for validating GRACE- and hydrological model-based outputs against in-situ data.

Knauf, Cordula, 2019 Spindynamik ausgedienter Satelliten.

Over, Laura, 2019 Development of a toolbox for validating hydrological model output over Europe.

Schröder, Stefan, 2019 Observability of land glacier mass change with satellite geodetic techniques.

Schunck, David, 2019 The role of inter-satellite links and optical clocks in spaceborne gravity recovery.

Yakhontova, Alisa, 2019 Deriving the highest possible spatio-temporal resolution of the data-driven Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in the Amundsen Sea Embayment.

Anger, René, 2018 Assessing the potential of the Scintrex CG-5 gravimeter for monitoring in an open-pit mining environment.

Kockmeyer, Anne, 2018 Assessing regional and global hydrological models over West Africa using satellite and in-situ measurements.

Offergeld, Lisa, 2018 Estimating ice-mass change signals over Northeast Greenland Ice Sheet.

Bomba, geb. Brockmeyer, Carina, 2017 Assessing hydrological extremes in total water storage and soil moisture data sets.

Gerdener, Helena, 2017 Influence of ENSO and Atlantic modes on climate variables over West Africa.

Schulze, Kerstin, 2017 Methods for the temporal disaggregation of update increments for assimilation of GRACE data into hydrological models.

Vielberg, Kristin, 2017 GRACE Accelerometer Data Calibration and its Impact on Thermospheric Neutral Density Estimation.

Schaaf, Heike Wiebke, 2016 Untersuchung zur Definition und Realisierung der verschiedenen Höhenreferenzflächen sowie deren Konsistenz in Norddeutschland.

Henze, Anna Maria Christina, 2015 On Orbit and Atmospheric Density Estimation for a GRACE-like Satellite Constellation.

Lück, Christina, 2015 Detection of Contemporary Sea Level Changes in kinematic Orbits of SWARM.

Winandi, Christoph, 2015 Relativistische Effekte bei der Bahnbestimmung von Mondorbitern.

Börgens, Eva Susanne Ilona, 2014 Investigating the effects of GRACE filter methods on mass signals from reservoirs, lakes and rivers.

Wachsmuth, Leander, 2014 Reconstructing historic sea levels from tide gauges using EOF techniques.

Springer, Anne, 2013 Contributions of GRACE and complementary data to assessing the Earth's atmospheric water and energy cycles. Masterarbeit, Universität Bonn.

Uebbing, Bernd, 2013 Development of a toolbox for retracking satellite altimeter measurements. Masterarbeit, Universität Bonn.

Universität Bonn

University and State Library

  • First semester students

ULB Bonn - Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn

[USUALLY NO LONGER POSSIBLE] Publishing copies printed yourself

Please note: from publication year 2024, this option is generally no longer offered.

Please note: Since 1 January 2024, the publication of copies you have had printed yourself is generally no longer possible or distribution is no longer carried out by the USL. Please publish your dissertation online on our bonndoc server or use a commercial publisher. Our dissertations department team will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If in doubt, please contact the doctoral office of your faculty.

If you do not want to publish your thesis online on bonndoc or as a book with a publisher, you have the option of only producing printed copies yourself instead (from a printer's or copy shop ). We distribute the copies that you give us to the German National Library and to university libraries in Germany and abroad. This counts as a publication and ensures the dissemination of your research findings.

Icon: Publishing copies printed yourself

Get your PDF file(s) ready for printing

  • Please check whether your  title page and the following page are complete and match the latest template used by your faculty . Before publishing, you may need to enter the date of your oral examination, update the year of publication (i.e. the year you submitted it to us) and/or add the names of more reviewers.
  • For data protection reasons, we recommend removing your curriculum vitae if one is included (however, you are welcome to leave in a list of your academic publications that follows your curriculum vitae).
  • Please feel free to send your PDF file as a download link (e.g. via sciebo ) or email attachment (max. 10 MB) to [email protected] so that other formal aspects can be checked out . We will give you feedback on your file, allowing you to avoid potential problems with publication before they occur.

Printing of the obligatory copies

The number of obligatory copies you will need to have printed will depend on your faculty. Besides the copies for the USL, you may also need to submit additional copies to your institute library, your doctoral office or your reviewers. Proceed as described in the information sheets from your faculty or ask us or your doctoral office .

Requirements for printed copies:

The copies destined for us will be able to be borrowed by library users and will be held permanently at the USL an the German National Library. Specific requirements therefore apply:

  • Permanent binding  · high-quality bookbinding glue (e.g. PUR adhesive), thread stitching or impressBIND binding folder. Not all copy shops can meet these requirements. We would be happy to advise you.
  • Paperback or hardback cover
  • Age-resistant and wood- and acid-free paper
  • Printing on both sides · Single-sided printing is only permitted if it is technically necessary for binding (usually for theses with less than 30 pages).
  • Format depending on the layout of the thesis · Please discuss the format (DIN A4 or A5) with us before you have the thesis printed. Any necessary adjustment of the format (e.g. downscaling to A5 format) takes place during printing, i.e. you do not have to reformat your file.
  • Coloured content in colour · Printing of originally coloured elements (e.g. in figures) in black and white is only permitted if this does not impair comprehensibility.
  • Not permitted : spiral binding and stapling as well as plastic film as cover (i.e. a transparent cover).

Submission of the obligatory copies

You have the following options to let us have your copies. After checking the copies, we will send the confirmation of receipt directly to the doctoral office (If we have your e-mail address, we will send you a copy).

Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn Abteilungsbibliothek MNL - Hochschulschriftenstelle - Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4 53115 Bonn

  • Handover at the loan desk in the MNL Branch Library: during service hours for borrowing and returning items . You don't need an appointment. N.B.: The colleagues at the loan desk do not send a confirmation of receipt. This is only done after checking by the dissertations department (three times a week).
  • Handover at the dissertations department in the MNL Branch Library : If you would like to hand in your copies directly to our office, please make an appointment in advance at [email protected] . Appointments are usually possible on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Final steps

You have now fulfilled your publication obligations vis-à-vis the USL and can obtain your certificate from your  doctoral office provided that you have done everything else required by the doctoral office.

One obligatory copy will remain at the USL and be made available for borrowing. Two copies will be sent to the German National Library, with one being kept permanently in Frankfurt am Main and the other in Leipzig. Additional copies of your doctoral thesis will be sent to a certain number of university partners in Germany and abroad. Any remaining copies will be retained at the USL for four years in case they are requested by other universities or research institutions further down the line.

Your doctoral thesis will be cataloged so that it can be found in library catalogs such as bonnus and those of other institutions such as the German National Library.

Publishing copies printed yourself

Each faculty has its own rules regarding formal design. These web pages have templates for you to download:

  • Faculty of Protestant Theology
  • Faculty of Catholic Theology: not available online unfortunately; please ask the doctoral office
  • Faculty of Agriculture: not available online unfortunately; please ask the doctoral office
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Dr. med/Dr. med. dent.
  • Faculty of Arts (the download is called "Gestaltungsvorschriften für die Pflichtexemplare")
  • Faculty of Law and Economics (the downloads are called "Vorgaben Dissertationsexemplare")

Please read the following explanatory notes:

  • The location to be included on the title page must be your official place of birth (and not, for instance, the town where you live or another place with links to you).
  • For the Faculty of Agriculture, Medicine, Arts and Law/Economics:  the year on the title page must be the year of publication (i.e. the year of delivery of the printed copies to us).
  • For the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences:   the year on the title page must be the year the thesis was originally submitted to the doctoral office for review; the year of publication (i.e. the year of delivery of the printed copies to us) must be entered on the page with the reviewers’ information.

The title page of your doctoral thesis as described above must be the first page inside the printed copies. This is followed by another page with details of your reviewers, the day you completed your doctorate and any other relevant information. The specific requirements for the title page and the following page vary from faculty to faculty (see previous question ).

The actual cover of the book (paperback or hardback) is a different matter, as here you are not bound by your faculty’s restrictions. For example, you could duplicate your title page or, alternatively, put a picture on the cover. The cover can be any color you like but has to contain at least the title of your work and your name.  Exception:  for doctoral theses in the Faculty of Medicine (Dr. med./Dr. med. dent.), you will need to print your title page in the specified layout on the cover too, meaning that you are not free to choose your own design here.

The weight (“grammage”) of the paper used for your doctoral thesis should be between 80 g/m 2  and 110 g/m 2 . If you choose a paperback cover, we recommend a grammage of at least 300 g/m 2 for the cover.

Although neither the central administration nor University Communications have any objections in this regard, the design and look of your thesis should always be agreed with your faculty. You can find information on how to use the logo correctly on the University of Bonn’s corporate design web page .

Yes, of course! University of Bonn doctoral theses can be published subsequently online on our bonndoc publication server for free.

Essentially, you can follow our step-by-step guide to online publication .

However, you should bear in mind the following:

  • The electronic version of your doctoral thesis must have the same content and form as the version that your faculty approved for publication. Please leave your file in the condition it was in originally when you published your thesis for the first time and do not change the year of publication.
  • We do not need permission from your faculty or your doctoral supervisor.
  • You do not need to submit any more printed copies (please skip step 4 and 5 of the guide).
  • When you are registering via our online registration form, please select "ja" (yes) when you get to “Nachpublikation” (“Subsequent publication”).

Dissertations department

We receive all the doctoral theses written at the University of Bonn, publish theses online and help doctoral students through the publication process. Availability by e-mail and phone:  Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm.

MNL Branch Library Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4 53115 Bonn 2nd floor, room 2.013

On-site appointments only by prior arrangement!

Avatar Dyck

[email protected]

+49 228 73-9533

Avatar Kneissl

Jaakko Kneissl

New Bonn-St Andrews joint appointments cement strategic partnership New Bonn-St Andrews joint appointments cement strategic partnership

The second round of the partner universities’ joint appointment scheme welcomes four distinguished researchers..

First launched in 2022, the Bonn-St Andrews joint appointment scheme builds upon the long-standing and dynamic strategic partnership between the University of Bonn and the University of St Andrews. The two institutions signed a strategic partnership in 2018 and have been linked as "Sister Universities" since 1911.

St Andrews

By appointing joint professors across a diverse range of academic disciplines, the scheme aims bring benefit to academic communities at both universities by not only enhancing the existing research and teaching collaborations, but also fostering new exchanges of ideas and expertise.

Over a period of three years, the joint appointment scheme supports colleagues from both institutions in devoting 20 percent of their working time to research and teaching at the other university.

The new joint professors are:

• Professor Alison Beach, School of History (University of St Andrews) • Professor Silvia Paracchini, School of Medicine (University of St Andrews) • Professor Cornelia Richter, Dept. of Systematic Theology (University of Bonn) • Professor Ulrich Schlie, Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (University of Bonn)

These four researchers now join the founding cohort of joint appointments announced in 2023.

Professor Ineke De Moortel, Master of the United College at St Andrews, a role which oversees the strategic planning of Schools, said: “The joint appointments with Bonn continue to be a key driver of our strategic partnership as we expand and deepen our collaborations across research and teaching. We are actively exploring further opportunities and models of joint appointments to make sure all staff at both institutions can benefit from our partnership.”

Professor Birgit Ulrike Münch, Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the University of Bonn, added: “The Joint Professorships give us scope to work really closely together to develop joint formats for teaching and research and thus place our internationalization efforts on a more sustainable footing. This structured program is the only one of its kind in Germany and wouldn’t have been possible without the incredibly close-knit working relationship we enjoy with St Andrews, our strategic partner in our Global Network.”

Reflections from the newly appointed researchers:

“I am so pleased to have been selected for a Joint Research Professorship at the University of Bonn. I look forward to deepening my existing connections to Gisela Muschiol, Lehrstuhl für Kirchengeschichte (Chair of Medieval and Modern ChurchHistory in the Faculty of Catholic Theology) and beginning a new collaboration with Alice Toso in the Institut für Archäologie und Kulturanthropologie (Department of Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology). It is especially rewarding to have this collaboration among female scholars supported in this second round of joint appointments!” Alison Beach, Professor of Medieval History

“I am truly grateful for the opportunity to further develop my existing research collaborations with Professors Nöthen and Forstner in the field of psychiatric genomics as well as to actively foster new connections across our medical faculties. I am particularly enthusiastic about strengthening our partnership in the field of health data science which is a key strategic area for both institutions. The launch of the Bonn / St Andrews partnership has already enhanced my research programme and through this appointment as Joint Research Professor, I am keen to make a positive contribution.” Silvia Paracchini, Professor of Neurogenetics and Genomics

“I’m delighted and supremely honored to have the opportunity to take up a joint professorship with the University of St Andrews’ School of Divinity. Together with Judith Wolfe and William Tooman, we’ll be working on an understanding of interdisciplinary hermeneutics that stretches beyond the boundaries of theology and philosophy and looks at the hermeneutics of law and economics, politics and various fields of medicine and the life sciences. After all, we need to comprehend how differently we address the concepts of ‘understanding,’ ‘justifying, judging,’ ‘truth,’ ‘fiction’, ‘not understanding’, and ‘misunderstanding’ across the different disciplines before we can even begin to really tackle the big challenges facing our society together. The exchange is designed to help build a research and teaching partnership over the long term and enable doctoral theses to be supervised jointly as part of the Cotutelle program.” Cornelia Richter, Professor of Systematic Theology and Hermeneutics

“I would like to use the joint research professorship to establish a close cooperation between the Bonn Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) and the School of International Relations at the University of St Andrews. In particular, this partnership aims to benefit the cooperation in the context of the Strategy and International Security Master’s degree programme.” Ulrich Schlie, Director of the Center for Advanced Security, Strategic and Integration Studies (CASSIS) and Henry Kissinger Chair for Security and Strategic Studies

Further information:

The new joint professors

Applications are now being accepted for the next round of joint appointments. The deadline is Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 12 noon. The information is available on Confluence (INTERNAL):

Prof. Dr. Birgit Ulrike Münch Vice-Rector for International Affairs at the University of Bonn Phone: 0228 73 68774 E-mail: [email protected]


  1. uni-bonn-thesis-template/abstract.tex at master · tcassanelli/uni-bonn

    uni bonn thesis

  2. Thesis Uni Bonn

    uni bonn thesis

  3. Uni Bonn Thesis Guide

    uni bonn thesis

  4. Master Thesis

    uni bonn thesis

  5. Uni Bonn Master Thesis Economics

    uni bonn thesis

  6. Master Thesis Uni Bonn

    uni bonn thesis


  1. ULB Bonn :: Dissertationen + Habilitationen online

    Alternatively, you can search for all available theses (print and electronic) in bonnus, the search portal of the University of Bonn. If you cannot find a thesis, please contact [email protected]. You would like to publish your thesis online? All information on this can be found on the website of the dissertations department. Contact ...

  2. Thesis Guide

    University of Bonn thesis. This template can be used directly for PhD, master and bachelor theses in physics and astronomy. With small adjustments, it is also possible to write a habilitation thesis using this style. The template is intended for the typesetting program LaTeX and can be downloaded as a tar archive or from the University of Bonn ...

  3. Master Thesis

    The Examination Office will take care of having the thesis registration forms duly signed by the supervisors. Please note that you have to register your Master thesis immediately once you have agreed on a topic with your supervisor. When registering, you need to specify the exact topic of your Master thesis. You may change your title later, but ...

  4. Doctoral thesis

    Doctoral theses in Open Access. Open Access means that your doctoral thesis is available for free without others having to pay for it. At the University of Bonn, the publication server bonndoc is suitable for this purpose. Financing of Open Access doctoral theses is possible via the publication funds of the University of Bonn.

  5. Publishing doctoral theses

    We receive all the doctoral theses written at the University of Bonn, publish theses online and help doctoral students through the publication process. Availability by e-mail and phone: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. Address. MNL Branch Library. Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4.

  6. Master's Thesis Guidelines

    The text part of the Master's thesis must contain at least 120,000 characters including spaces and notes (or 60 A4 pages) and may not exceed 200,000 characters including spaces and notes (or 100 A4 pages), unless otherwise specified in the programme-specific regulations. The content and form of the thesis must meet the standards of academic ...

  7. Publishing online on bonndoc

    Dissertations department. We receive all the doctoral theses written at the University of Bonn, publish theses online and help doctoral students through the publication process. Availability by e-mail and phone: MNL Branch Library. Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4. 53115 Bonn. 2nd floor, room 2.013.

  8. Publishing a habilitation thesis

    Option a: Publishing online on bonndoc. We can publish your habilitation thesis from the University of Bonn online for free on bonndoc, the University's publication server. The procedure is similar to that set out in our guide for publishing doctoral theses online, with the following differences: You do not need permission from your faculty.

  9. Theses

    The mathematics degree programs conclude with a Bachelor's or Master's thesis, in which independent work on a mathematical topic is to be demonstrated. The Examination Board has compiled the most important requirements for theses and some assessment criteria as guidelines. Please read the document carefully before you register your thesis.

  10. Thesis

    5. Submission. At least 10 days before your submission deadline, please send an e-mail to [email protected] stating your surname, first name, matriculation number, the title of the thesis, the names of the examiners, the deadline and, if you plan to submit your thesis before the deadline, the planned submission date. Achtung: Only mails that are sent from your university mail ...

  11. Master's Thesis

    The Master's Thesis has to be registered before starting (including fieldwork)! The maximum time allotted for completing the Master's Thesis is six months. (34 KB) for the Master's Thesis and you have to sign the statement of authorship. An exmatriculation is not permitted until after submission of the Master's Thesis!

  12. Bachelor's Thesis Guidelines

    Scope and requirements. The text part of the Bachelor's thesis should contain at least 70,000 characters including spaces and notes (or 35 A4 pages) and may not exceed 120,000 characters including spaces and notes (or 60 A4 pages). The content and form of the thesis must meet the standards of academic work at "Bachelor of Arts" or ...


    Submission: The Master thesis needs to be submitted in the Economics Examination Office in three printed and bound copies. Moreover, an electronic version (PDF file) of the Master thesis needs to be simultaneously sent to [email protected] via email. In case you exceed the submission deadline, your thesis will be graded as fail (5,0).

  14. Theses

    Theses. Theses. Here is a list of current open Master or Bachelor Theses: Loading. Contact: Prof. Dr. Maren Bennewitz Humanoid Robots Lab University of Bonn Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 8 53115 Bonn. Tel.: +49 (0) 228 73-54164 Secr.: +49 (0) 228 73-4422 Fax.: +49 (0) 228 73-4425 Email:

  15. Publishing a cumulative doctoral thesis

    We receive all the doctoral theses written at the University of Bonn, publish theses online and help doctoral students through the publication process. Availability by e-mail and phone: Monday to Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. Address. MNL Branch Library.

  16. Term paper and thesis guidelines: Linguistics

    M.Ed. thesis 80,000 - 120,000 16,000 - 24,000 For your orientation: One page of text contains about 2,000 characters or 400 words. *Term papers for the Issues courses in the 2 nd semester should have an approximate number

  17. PDF Guideline for the Master's thesis

    independence are part of the thesis and must therefore be firmly bound. The paper version must be submitted by post no later than one week after the submission of the digital version. Please send the three copies to the following address: University of Bonn Faculty of Philosophy Bachelor/Master Examination Board Am Hof 1 53113 Bonn

  18. PDF Leaflet for the Master thesis AFECO

    2/2 - The Master thesis must include a signed declaration on the independent composition of the thesis. - Templates for the title page and the declaration can be found here. 4. Submission of the Master thesis - All students must be registered at university of Bonn on the date of submission of the

  19. Theses

    PhD Theses 2023 ... Bonn, 2023. 2022 Andreas Kell: Measuring Excitations of a Strongly Interacting Superfluid Fermi Gas Bonn, 2022. 2021 Pascal Kobel: A memory-based quantum network node with a trapped ion in an optical fibre cavity ... University of Cambridge, October 2016 ...

  20. Using a publisher

    We receive all the doctoral theses written at the University of Bonn, publish theses online and help doctoral students through the publication process. Availability by e-mail and phone: MNL Branch Library. Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4. 53115 Bonn. 2nd floor, room 2.013.

  21. Master Theses

    Master Theses; Master Theses. 2024. Schumacher, Franziska, 2024 Modification of a physics-based model to represent thermospheric conditions during the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai awakening. 2023. Bouran, Sahar Gholami, 2023 ... Masterarbeit, Universität Bonn. Your E-Mail Address ...

  22. Theses

    PhD Thesis, Bonn University, January 2024 Evolution of Massive Contact Binaries Kai Uwe Förster Bachelor Thesis, Bonn University, November 2023 The Formation Mechanisms of Classical Emission Line Stars Ben James Hastings PhD Thesis, Bonn University, September 2023 The Blue-to-Red Supergiant Ratio in the Small Magellanic Cloud Alexander Iain Dutoy

  23. Publishing copies printed yourself

    Get your PDF file (s) ready for printing. Please check whether your title page and the following page. 2. are complete and match the latest template used by your faculty. Before publishing, you may need to enter the date of your oral examination, update the year of publication (i.e. the year you submitted it to us) and/or add the names of more ...

  24. New Bonn-St Andrews joint appointments cement strategic partnership

    First launched in 2022, the Bonn-St Andrews joint appointment scheme builds upon the long-standing and dynamic strategic partnership between the University of Bonn and the University of St Andrews. The two institutions signed a strategic partnership in 2018 and have been linked as "Sister Universities" since 1911.

  25. PDF Guideline for the Master's thesis

    University of Bonn Faculty of Philosophy Bachelor/Master Examination Board Am Hof 1 53113 Bonn Exceeding the submission deadline If you exceed the deadline for submission, the Master's thesis must be assessed as "insufficient" (5.0). If necessary, please apply for an extension in good time before the