Aspirants Essay

Paragraph on Natural Resources in English (100, 150, 200, 250 Words)


Natural resources are vital assets essential for sustaining life on Earth. They include water, air, soil, minerals, and vegetation, providing the foundation for human survival, economic prosperity, and ecological balance.

(Here, we’ve presented paragraphs in 100, 150, 200 & 250 word samples. All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. Nursery, LKG, UKG & class 1 to class 12).

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Natural Resources in 100 Words

Natural resources are essential for life on Earth. They include things like water, air, soil, minerals, and plants. These resources provide us with food, shelter, energy, and materials for daily life. Water is crucial for drinking, agriculture, and industry. Air gives us oxygen to breathe. Soil supports plant growth.

Minerals are used in construction and manufacturing. Plants provide food and oxygen. We must use these resources wisely to ensure they last for future generations. Conservation efforts and sustainable practices are necessary to protect natural resources and maintain a healthy environment for all living things.

Paragraph on Natural Resources

Natural resources are the gifts provided by nature, like air, water, soil, minerals, and forests, essential for life. They sustain ecosystems and support all living organisms. Air is crucial for breathing, water for drinking and irrigation, soil for agriculture, minerals for industry, and forests for timber and habitat. However, overexploitation and pollution threaten their availability.

Conservation efforts are vital to ensure their sustainable use for future generations. Preserving these resources is crucial for maintaining ecological balance and supporting human livelihoods. Hence, it’s essential to protect and wisely manage natural resources for the well-being of our planet and its inhabitants.

Natural resources are the valuable treasures provided by nature, including water, forests, minerals, and wildlife, essential for our survival and development. Water is vital for drinking, agriculture, and industry, while forests offer timber, wildlife habitat, and clean air. Minerals like coal, iron, and copper fuel industries and support infrastructure. However, mismanagement and overexploitation threaten their availability and biodiversity.

Sustainable practices are crucial to ensure their long-term availability and protect ecosystems. Conservation efforts and responsible usage can help maintain a balance between human needs and environmental preservation. It’s imperative to safeguard these resources for the prosperity of current and future generations.

Natural Resources Paragraph

Natural Resources Paragraph in 150 Words

Natural resources are fundamental for sustaining life on our planet. These resources encompass a broad array of elements, including water, air, soil, minerals, and various forms of flora. Water, for instance, is indispensable for hydration, agricultural irrigation, and powering industrial processes. Meanwhile, the air we breathe is rich in oxygen, vital for the respiration of humans and other organisms. Soil serves as the medium for plant growth, providing essential nutrients and support for crops and vegetation.

Additionally, minerals extracted from the earth are indispensable in construction, manufacturing, and various technological applications. Furthermore, plants not only contribute to our sustenance by providing food but also play a critical role in oxygen production through photosynthesis.

It is imperative to exercise prudent management and conservation strategies to safeguard these resources for future generations. Adopting sustainable practices, such as responsible consumption and waste reduction, is paramount in preserving the integrity of our environment. Through collective efforts, we can ensure the longevity and availability of natural resources, thereby fostering a healthier and more sustainable planet for all inhabitants.

Paragraph Writing on Natural Resources in 200 Words

Natural resources constitute the cornerstone of civilization, supplying essential elements for human survival and societal progress. Across the globe, nations boast diverse reservoirs of these invaluable assets. Consider Canada, renowned for its vast freshwater reserves, which not only sustain local ecosystems but also support agricultural productivity and industrial operations. Similarly, countries like Saudi Arabia possess extensive oil reserves, serving as a linchpin in global energy markets and driving economic development. Moreover, Brazil’s lush rainforests teem with biodiversity, providing invaluable ecosystem services and serving as a carbon sink crucial for mitigating climate change.

Water, air, soil, minerals, and vegetation collectively form the bedrock of human sustenance and prosperity. However, the indiscriminate exploitation of these resources poses grave threats to ecological stability and human well-being. Rapid industrialization and population growth exacerbate pressures on freshwater sources, leading to pollution and scarcity in regions like India and China. Furthermore, deforestation rates in countries such as Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of Congo have escalated, jeopardizing vital habitats and exacerbating climate change.

To safeguard the integrity of our natural heritage, concerted global efforts are imperative. Implementing robust conservation measures, promoting sustainable resource management practices, and fostering international cooperation are crucial steps toward ensuring the equitable and responsible utilization of Earth’s bounty. By prioritizing stewardship and resilience, humanity can forge a sustainable path forward, preserving the richness of our planet for future generations.

Writing Paragraph on Natural Resources in 250 Words

Natural resources are the lifeblood of our planet, sustaining ecosystems and powering human civilization. Yet, unchecked exploitation and unsustainable practices threaten their availability and integrity. Consider the rampant deforestation in the Amazon rainforest, where vast swaths of biodiverse landscapes are cleared for agriculture and logging, contributing to biodiversity loss and exacerbating climate change. Similarly, the unbridled extraction of fossil fuels in regions like the Arctic and the Gulf of Mexico not only depletes finite reserves but also pollutes air and water, endangering both ecosystems and human health.

Moreover, the indiscriminate use of water resources, particularly in arid regions like the Middle East and North Africa, leads to water scarcity and conflicts over access to this vital resource. In addition, soil degradation due to intensive farming practices, as seen in countries like the United States and China, threatens agricultural productivity and food security.

To address these challenges, concerted action at local, national, and international levels is imperative. Implementing stringent regulations and enforcing responsible resource management practices are crucial steps toward curbing overexploitation and mitigating environmental degradation. Investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, can reduce reliance on fossil fuels and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, promoting sustainable agriculture practices, such as organic farming and agroforestry, can enhance soil health and resilience while safeguarding biodiversity.

Educating communities about the importance of conservation and empowering them to participate in decision-making processes fosters a sense of stewardship and ownership over natural resources. By embracing a holistic approach that balances human needs with ecological sustainability, we can secure a brighter future for generations to come.

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Paragraph on Natural Resources

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Natural Resources in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Natural Resources in 100 Words

Natural resources are things we find in nature that help us live. Like water, which we drink and use to clean ourselves. Trees give us wood to build houses and make paper. The sun gives us light and warmth. Oil and coal are dug up from the ground to make cars go and keep our homes warm. Soil helps us grow fruits and vegetables to eat. We must take care of these gifts from Earth so they can last a long time. It’s important to use them wisely and not waste them, so everyone can have enough. (Word count: 100)

Paragraph on Natural Resources in 200 Words

Natural resources are things we find in nature that help us live and grow. Imagine the Earth is a big treasure box; inside, it has air, water, plants, and minerals. These are all gifts from our planet. We breathe air every day to stay alive, and we drink water to keep our bodies working well. Plants are very important because they give us food to eat, like fruits and vegetables. They also give us wood to build houses and paper to draw and write on. Minerals are like special rocks hidden in the ground. People dig them up because they can be turned into things like metal for cars and bikes. Some natural resources, like sunlight and wind, never run out. They are always there for us to use. But we have to be careful with other resources, like water and trees, because if we use too much, they might not be there for us in the future. It’s like when you have a box of crayons; if you don’t share and use them wisely, soon there might not be any left. So, we need to take care of our Earth’s treasures by using them in smart ways and making sure there’s enough for everyone, even when we grow up.

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Paragraph on Natural Resources in 250 Words

Natural resources are materials or substances that are found in nature and can be used by people for food, energy, and making things. The Earth is full of these gifts, like water, air, soil, minerals, trees, and animals. Some of these resources, like sunlight and wind, are always there and don’t run out; we call them renewable because they can be used over and over again. Other resources, such as oil, coal, and natural gas, are called non-renewable because they took millions of years to form, and once we use them up, they’re gone for a very long time. Trees are a special kind of resource because they can be renewed by planting new ones, but if we cut down too many too fast, there won’t be enough left, and it takes a long time for new trees to grow big. It’s important for us to use natural resources wisely. This means not wasting things, recycling when we can, and finding ways to use less, especially of those resources that can’t be replaced. By doing this, we make sure there’s enough to go around for everyone now and for people in the future too. We also help protect our planet, keeping it clean and safe for all living things. It’s a big job, but it starts with each one of us making smart choices every day. (Word count: 250)

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Short Essay: Natural Resources

Natural resources are materials or components that can be found within the environment that offer economic and ecological benefits. These resources, which include water, minerals, forests, and fossil fuels, are foundational to human society and the overall health of our planet. Writing a short essay on natural resources involves examining their importance, conservation, and the challenges they face. This guide will help you craft a focused and informative essay on this critical topic.

Table of Contents


Begin your essay with a compelling introduction that outlines the importance of natural resources. You might choose to open with a striking fact, a question, or a brief anecdote that highlights the significance of natural resources in everyday life.

Conclude your essay by summarizing the key points discussed. Reflect on the overarching significance of natural resources and reinforce the call for responsible management and conservation. End with a thought-provoking statement or a call to action that encourages further thought or engagement.

Natural Resources Essay Example #1

Minerals are one of the most crucial natural resources. They are found in rocks, soil, and other geological formations. The extraction of minerals is critical for the production of a wide range of goods, including electronics, construction materials, and vehicles. Minerals such as iron, copper, and gold are in high demand, and their value has been increasing over the years. However, the extraction of minerals can have significant environmental impacts. Mining activities can lead to soil erosion, water pollution, and habitat destruction. Therefore, it is essential to manage mineral resources sustainably.

Fossil fuels are also significant natural resources. They include coal, oil, and natural gas. Fossil fuels are used to generate electricity, power transportation, and heat buildings. However, the combustion of fossil fuels leads to the emission of greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change. Therefore, there is a need to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and transition to renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are sustainable and have a lower environmental impact.

In conclusion, natural resources are crucial for economic development and environmental conservation. Minerals, fossil fuels, forests, water, and wildlife are some of the essential natural resources. However, the sustainable management of natural resources is necessary to ensure their long-term viability. It is essential to balance economic development with environmental conservation, and sustainable management practices are crucial for achieving this balance. We must take urgent action to manage natural resources sustainably and ensure a better future for generations to come.

Natural Resources Essay Example #2

Natural resources are a vital aspect of human existence, providing the foundation for our survival and the basis for our economic and social development. These resources refer to materials or substances that occur naturally in the environment and are used by humans for production or consumption. They can be found in various forms, from minerals and water to air and timber. This essay will explore the concept of natural resources, their types, and their significance to human life.

Natural resources can be classified into two main categories: renewable and non-renewable resources. Renewable resources are those that can be replenished or regenerated over time, such as solar energy, wind energy, and timber. These resources are considered sustainable as they can be used without depleting them entirely. On the other hand, non-renewable resources are those that cannot be replenished or regenerated, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, and gas) and some minerals (gold, silver, and diamonds). These resources are finite and will eventually become depleted, making them unsustainable.

The significance of natural resources to human life cannot be overstated, as they provide the foundation for our economic and social development. For example, the extraction and use of natural resources have contributed significantly to economic growth and development in many countries. The use of timber, minerals, and oil has led to the creation of industries and jobs, while the use of water and soil has facilitated agriculture and food production. However, the exploitation of natural resources also has negative consequences, including environmental degradation, pollution, and climate change. Therefore, the sustainable management of natural resources is essential to ensure their preservation and the well-being of future generations.

Natural Resources Essay Example #3

Natural resources are the basis of our existence, and they are essential for human survival. One of the most important natural resources is water, without which life on earth would not be possible. Water is used for a wide range of activities, such as drinking, agriculture, and industrial processes. The air we breathe is another crucial resource that we often take for granted. The air we breathe contains oxygen, which is essential for our survival. The earth’s minerals, such as iron, copper, and gold, are also essential resources used in various industries. Forests and wildlife are also vital resources that provide food, shelter, and other necessities to human beings.

In conclusion, natural resources are essential for our survival and economic development. However, their overuse and depletion can have negative environmental and social impacts. It is crucial that we use these resources sustainably and reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources such as fossil fuels. By protecting and conserving natural resources, we can ensure a healthy planet and a better future for ourselves and future generations.

Final Tips for Effective Writing

About mr. greg.

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Study Paragraphs

Essay on The Environment In 150 To 200 Words For Students

We all know, the environment is in danger.  We need to do our part and help save the Earth. In this essay, you’ll learn how you can become more conscious of your actions and think before you act in order to help the environment.

Table of Contents

The Environment Essay For Students


The environment is a term that has been used for centuries and refers to the natural world outside of humans. In recent years, the environment has come under increased scrutiny as many people have begun to realize the importance of protecting it.

The environment can be divided into three categories: the natural world, the human world, and the built world. The natural world includes all of the things that exist outside of human influence, such as plants, animals, and landscapes. The human world includes everything that exists within human influence, such as buildings, roads, and landscapes. The built world refers to all of the things that are made by humans, including machines, tools, and furniture.

The environment is important for a number of reasons. First, it is important for our survival as a species. We need to protect the environment so that we can continue to live on this planet. Second, the environment is important for our quality of life . We need to protect the environment so that we can have access to clean air and water and avoid harmful environmental toxins. Third, the environment is important for our economy. We need to protect the environment so that we can continue to produce goods and services that people want to buy. Fourth, the environment is

What is the environment?

The environment is the sum total of all of the physical and chemical conditions in which an organism or group of organisms lives and interacts with its surroundings. It includes air, water, land, plants, animals, and rocks.

What are the challenges of living in an environment?

If you look at the planet Earth, it is an incredibly diverse and beautiful place. There are mountains, rivers, and forests all over the planet. But there are also a lot of challenges that humans face when living in an environment.

The first challenge that humans face is that the environment is changing quickly. The Earth is getting warmer, and the oceans are rising. This means that there are more floods, and more droughts.

The second challenge that humans face is that the environment is changing too fast for us to adapt to it. We are changing the climate, and things are happening faster than we can adapt to them. The third challenge that humans face is that we are not taking care of the environment. We are polluting the air, and we are destroying our forests. We need to start taking care of our environment, or it will take care of us.

How do different people see the environment?

There are many ways to see and experience the environment, and this diversity provides opportunities for both understanding and conservation.

Whilst people may see the environment in different ways, the environmental issues that concern all of us are the same. We need to protect our planet from pollution, climate change, and other dangers.

Here are some examples of how people see the environment:

1. Some people see the environment as a treasure trove of natural resources that should be exploited without regard for the consequences.

2. Others see the environment as a place where they can connect with nature and feel reverence for its beauty.

3. Still others see the environment as a place where they can find refuge from their everyday lives.

Regardless of our individual perspectives on the environment, we all need to work together to protect it.

The environment is one of the most important topics to discuss, as it concerns all of humanity. Climate change is an ever-growing problem, and we need to do something about it. The effects of climate change are being felt by everyone on the planet, and we need to start taking steps towards solving it. We have been talking about the environment for far too long; now it’s time that we take action.

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Essay on Natural Resources

Natural resources are the treasures that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us. They include water, air, soil, minerals, and all living things. In this essay, we will delve into the importance of these resources, their sustainable use, and the vital role they play in our lives and the health of our planet.

let’s talk about the importance of natural resources

Our lives depend on these resources more than we realize. For example, fresh water is essential for drinking, agriculture, and industry. According to statistics, 2.2 billion people lack access to safe drinking water, highlighting the critical need for its preservation.

Natural resources fuel our economy

Many industries, such as agriculture, mining, and forestry, rely on natural resources to thrive. Experts emphasize the importance of sustainable practices in these industries to ensure the long-term availability of resources.

Biodiversity is a natural resource

Our ecosystems, which include plants, animals, and microorganisms, provide us with food, medicine, and clean air. The loss of biodiversity can have devastating effects, as experts warn of the potential consequences for our health and well-being.

Natural resources support renewable energy

The sun, wind, and water are valuable sources of renewable energy that reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. By harnessing these resources, we can combat climate change and protect our environment.

Soil is a crucial natural resource

It is the foundation of agriculture, providing nutrients for crops. Soil erosion, often caused by unsustainable farming practices, threatens our ability to grow food. Sustainable farming is essential to protecting this vital resource.

The air we breathe is a natural resource

Clean air is essential for our health, and pollution poses a significant threat. Experts stress the importance of reducing emissions and protecting our atmosphere for future generations.

Minerals are essential for modern life.

They are used in everything from construction to technology. Mining, however, can have environmental impacts, making it crucial to balance resource extraction with conservation efforts.

Forests are a valuable natural resource

They provide habitat for wildlife, absorb carbon dioxide, and offer recreational opportunities. Sustainable forestry practices are necessary to ensure the health of our forests.

The oceans are rich natural resources.

They provide food and support biodiversity. However, overfishing and pollution endanger marine ecosystems. Experts call for responsible fishing and marine conservation efforts.

The importance of conserving natural resources cannot be overstated.

Sustainable practices, such as reducing waste and conserving energy, are crucial to protecting our environment. Every individual can make a difference by adopting eco-friendly habits.

Conclusion of Essay on Natural Resources

In conclusion, natural resources are the lifeblood of our planet, supporting our existence, economy, and well-being. It is our responsibility to use these resources wisely and sustainably, ensuring they are available for future generations. By valuing and conserving our natural resources, we can secure a brighter and healthier future for ourselves and the Earth we call home.

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Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources | Conversation of Natural Resources Essay for Students and Children

May 17, 2023 by Prasanna

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources: Nature is not just about us human beings and our fellow companions that are plants and animals. Nature is much more than living beings. Nature constitutes of water, air, soil, fossil fuels, forests, hills, mountains, sunlight and much more. And without any of the mentioned above, the entire domino on which our planet stands will start falling apart.

Therefore, in this essay on conservation of natural resources, we will be talking about various ways man has exploited natural resources for centuries. We will also be talking about ways in which we can learn to live with our nature without exploiting its resources. Read on to find more about essay writing on Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources.

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Long and Short Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources in English for Students and Kids

In the article, we have provided 600-word essay on conservation of natural resources in daily life for kids, students and school children for their usage in assignments, tests and project work. We have also provided a 200-word short essay on natural resources for kids to use in exams and tests and learn everything about importance of conservation of natural resources, nature and its resources. Students can also get more information from how to protect nature essay.

Long Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources in English 600 Words

The rapid industrialisation, urbanisation, building of skyscrapers and highways, economic boom, technological revolution and much more are all the result of constant hunger that man has for progress and development of his surroundings. While all these progress in mad-made things has, to a certain extent, improved our standard of living, but to the most extent has caused harm, some directly and some in indirect ways.

The development agendas that we see around us, whether its the fast-moving cars or bullet trains or talking robots or large football stadiums, all come at a cost. And this cost is reflected in our depleting natural resources.

Natural recourses, in its fundamental form, are those resources in nature which are formed over millions of years ago without any substantial man-made interventions. Natural resources are usually two types, renewable natural resource and non-renewable natural resources.

Renewable reduces are those that can be replenished and restored in a certain period. Some of the examples of renewable natural resources are wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower and geothermal energies. Non-renewable resources are those that cannot be replenished or replaced by natural means in any fixed period. It will take a lot of time for it to get replenished. Some examples of non-renewable natural resources are oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.

The problems created by population explosion, global warming, deforestation and urbanisation are directly reflected in the depletion of non-renewable natural resources. So what are these non-renewable natural resources that man has been exploiting for hundreds of years?

Types of Non-Renewable Natural Resources

  • Coal: Coal is a resource that is used to generate electricity and run locomotives. They have formed over hundreds of millions of years ago from the remains of dead plants on earthen soils
  • Oil: One of the most exploited natural resource. Oil is known as the engine of economic growth in any country. Oil is needed to run vehicles, flights, trains, pieces of machinery in factories etc. Oil is extracted from oil fields to refine and manufacture products such as jet fuel, diesel and gasoline
  • Natural Gas: Also formed over the remains of dead sea plants and animals over millions of years ago. Due to the presence of methane, it is usually considered as an alternative for gasoline and petrol. Nevertheless, natural gas also is under the threat of depletion due to the never-ending hunger for power and energy created by human beings
  • Nuclear Energy: While this natural resource is not exactly under any kind of depletion, it is popularly known as the necessary evil created by the human race. Nuclear energy is capable of wiping out the entire planet in a fraction of a second. So the threat that nuclear energy posses are different in comparison with the threats the other forms of natural resources pose

How to Conserve Natural Resources?

The crux of this essay on conservation of natural resources is discussed in the following few points

  • Water Conservation: On an individual level, use less water for bathing, and washing. Use sprinkler irrigation methods in agriculture. Governments should install water treatment plans to reuse and recycle wastewater
  • Forestation: Deforestation rate should always be lesser then forestation rate. We need to plant more trees in and around our habitat. The vertical building should be encouraged so that the clearing of forest covers for housing reduces. Sustainable business models should be built which enhances the co-living habits with nature
  • Fossil Fuels: While globalization has its own merits and credits, it has resulted in the exploitation of this golden resource. With this rate, future generations will be left with no fuel to travel and functioning of the economy. Hence measures like pooling, use of public transport, cycling and walking should be encouraged and promoted by governments and business houses

Short Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources 200 Words in English

We have provided a 150 to 200 words essay on conservation of natural resources which can be used by school students and children for their assignments and projects.

Man has been using the blessings of nature in the form of natural resources for his survival and development. Right from the discovery of fire and the wheel to the 21st venture inventions of robots and automation, the use of natural resources has been pivotal for the evolving mankind. But his progress and development have a dark side to it which will lead us to a scary and different future. The exploitation of natural gas, oil, coal, water and forests are at its peak and no governmental organisations and business houses are taking the effects of depleting natural resources seriously.

Depletion of natural resources can lead to global warming, climate change, alteration in agricultural cycles, flood and earthquakes. All these will surely lead to food shortages and we will not be able to feed our ever-increasing population. Disturbances in the food cycle can lead us to famine and unrest among the public, which will then lead to civil wars and chaos.

All these, because the man simply hasn’t learned his place on the planet. We have to stop being selfish and learn to live and let live with nature. This is required both for saving our ecosystem and the very survival of mankind.

10 Lines on Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

  • Natural resources have helped human beings evolve and become the most intelligent animals on the planet
  • Natural resources are mainly of two types, renewable and non-renewable resources
  • Natural resources like oil and gas are the economic engines of the world
  • Depletion of natural resources is a huge impending threat to the existence of the human race
  • Global warming, climate change, floods, famine and drought are some of the consequences we will have to face in the future if natural resources are not conserved properly
  • Use of modern techniques in agriculture like sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, dry farming and rotational grazing should be encouraged to save water as well as reduces cutting down of forest covers
  • Use of alternative resources or renewable resources like solar energy or water energy is the only way out
  • Recycling and reuse of water will help us reduces the rate of depletion of freshwater on the planet
  • Use of solar-powered lights and cars will help reduce the depletion rate of coal, oil and gas
  • Use of technology to reduce paper usage will help in reducing the carbon footprint in the atmosphere

Essay for Conservation of Natural Resources

FAQ’s on  Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources

Question 1. What are the types of natural recourses?

Answer: There are broadly four types of natural resources namely, renewable natural resource, non-renewable natural resource, biotic and abiotic natural resources

Question 2. How to conserve natural resources?

Answer: Using the modern methods of living and changing our everyday habits like travelling, cooking and bathing will help in conserving our natural resources. The businesses also should build sustainable models and innovate to adapt to the new changes

Question 3. Which country has the most abundant reserves natural resources?

Answer: China has the most natural resources in the world. They have millions of tons of reserves of coal, lead, gold, tungsten etc which are required in industrial revolutions. Saudi Arabia has the highest reserve of oil and gas in the world

Question 4. What will happen if natural resources continue to be depleted?

Answer: Non-renewable resources will take hundreds of years to get replenished. With this rate of depletion, there will be no more oil or gas or coal for our future generation to use

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  • Conservation of Natural Resources Essay


Essay On Conservation of Natural Resource

Natural resources are the resources that occur naturally on Earth. It is an indispensable part of our lives. Natural resources consist of air, water, sunlight, coal, petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, oil, etc. However, humans have exploited these resources for their economic gains. Over usage of natural resources has caused depletion resulting in a huge impending threat to the existence of the human race. Conservation of nature means taking care and protecting these resources like forests, water bodies, natural gases, minerals, and fuels so that they continue to be available in abundance.

Long Essay On Conservation of Natural Resource

Conservation of nature means taking care and protecting these resources like forests, water bodies, natural gases, minerals, and fuels so that they continue to be available in abundance. Conservation refers to saving the resources for the use of the upcoming generation. There are enough natural resources which nature has provided to us. It is our duty to save them for our successors. For saving these natural resources we have to gain enough knowledge about that and should work in that direction. 

Natural resources are categorized into renewable and non-renewable. Renewable resources can be replenished naturally. These include air, water, and sunlight. Non-renewable resources consist of coal, natural gas, and oil. These resources cannot be replenished by natural resources easily to keep up with consumption. It takes hundreds of years to recycle these resources. The usage of natural resources has been pivotal for the evolution of mankind. But his progress and development have led to the exploitation of these natural resources. This demands a responsible behavior of conserving the resources to ensure sustainability .If we do not use these resources judiciously then it can create an imbalance in the environment. Global warming, floods, climate change, famine, and drought are some of the consequences we will have to face in the future. So, conservation of natural resources has become the need of the hour. 

Water is the most important and valuable natural resource on Earth. It sustains all life. We use water for drinking, generating electricity, in agriculture for irrigation of crops, in many industries for manufacturing processes. Scarcity of water would cause loss of vegetation and to all plant life, erosion of soil. Forests determine natural vegetation for mankind. It is the major natural resource that helps in economic development. Their use in fuel, timber, and industrial raw material cannot be undermined. Moreover, forests help in the control of soil erosion and control floods

Fossil fuel is the most important natural commodity for everyday activities. Coal, oil, and natural gas produce a lot of energy. Governments and agencies of various countries are employing different measures to conserve nature. Children should be educated about the implications of the exploitation of the environment. Recycling and reusing of water will help reduce the rate of depletion of freshwater from the planet. Farmers must use modern techniques in agriculture like sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, dry farming, and rotational grazing, to save water. They should start the practice of rainwater harvesting. Conservation of natural resources is the need of the present and it is our duty to conserve them.

Alternative resources or renewable resources like solar energy or water energy should be used. Saving electricity can be a step to conserve natural resources such as water, coal, natural gases, and biomass. Basic practices like switching off fans, lights, geysers, and air conditioners must become a habit. The use of solar-powered lights and cars, using public transport, and regular car-pooling will reduce the depletion of coal, oil, and gas. Increase the use of biogas and biofuels. Paper is made from wood, which is a renewable natural source. Trees are being cut at a very high speed but take time to grow. To reduce the usage of paper, modern technology must be used. This will help in reducing the carbon footprint in the atmosphere. We must plant more and more trees to prevent deforestation. 

Dumping of industrial wastes into water bodies must be prevented to protect marine life. The practice of crop rotation techniques can be implemented to increase soil fertility. Burning fossil fuel emits a large amount of carbon dioxide that is responsible for the greenhouse effect. This must be controlled. It is important to realize that natural resources are limited and it is our social responsibility to protect and take care of nature. We need to rationally use these natural resources to maintain the environment and secure our future. Farmers must use modern techniques in agriculture like sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, dry farming, and rotational grazing, to save water. They should start the practice of rainwater harvesting.

What is Biodiversity Conservation?

Biodiversity refers generally to the richness of organisms. It can be defined as the variability of the species in a particular area. The conservation of biodiversity is essential for the balance of nature. We can divide conservation into two types based on their site of conservation.

These types are :

In situ Conservation

Ex-situ conservation

There are different types of conservation in environmental science. These are classified under two categories which are mentioned here. In- situ is generally a Latin word. In means inside and ex means outside. In situ is a type of conservation in which we conserve any of the species in its home itself. While ex situ refers to the type of conservation in which we conserve any of the species out of its residence.

In-Situ Conservation 

In in-situ conservation, we conserve any of the particular species in their natural habitat. It can also be called on-site conservation of genetic resources. It has various advantages over ex-situ conservation. It does not require any advanced technology for conservation. As we are storing any of the species into its natural habitat, it is also cost-effective. Moreover, scientific research is also possible in an in-situ environment. It is also easily adaptable. Wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are some examples of in-situ conservation. 

Ex-Situ Conservation

Ex-situ conservation is when we conserve any of the species out of the site of his residence. In other terms, it is the mode of conservation in which we conserve any particular species out of its habitat.  It helps to rescue the threatened species. In an ex-situ conservation, we can send a particular species to that area where proper natural resources are available for its conservation. Zoo, aquarium, zoological gardens, and botanical gardens are some examples of ex-situ conservation.

The advantages of ex-situ conversions is that it is an efficient way to increase the reproduction of threatened species and requires low maintenance.

Conservation of natural resources is the need of the future generation. It is our duty to conserve them for the future. Conservation of biodiversity is the most essential for the upcoming generations.  It is important to conserve natural resources to maintain the ecosystem and sustainability of these resources for our future generation.  Sustainable development is a theory which states that we should use our resources in such a way that it can also be conserved for our successors.


FAQs on Conservation of Natural Resources Essay

1. What are the types of Natural Resources?

There are two types of natural resources - Renewable resources and non-renewable resources. Renewable sources of energy are those which are inexhaustible in nature and keep producing more and more. Renewable sources of energy are present in nature with enough concentration . Other than renewable resources, non renewable sources of energy are present in limited quantities in nature and can end up due to their overuse.

2. Why is it important to conserve natural resources?

It is important to conserve natural resources to maintain the ecosystem and sustainability of these resources for our future generation. The concept of sustainable development is that we use our resources taking care of future generations. Using the resources in a sustainable manner can conserve the resources for our upcoming generations. For ecological balance , it is necessary that we keep balance in the nature of resources. As the natural resources are present in nature in limited quantities, their conservation is necessary. 

3. How do we reduce the consumption of fuel?

Use of solar powered cars, public transport, car-pooling, maintenance of vehicles periodically can reduce the consumption of fuel. We can also try non- conventional sources of energy. For example, we can produce electricity by hydropower plants and wind energy plants. Using non conventional sources of energy will reduce our dependence on fossil- fuels. Now, most of the countries are committing zero carbon emission and so implementation of new techniques for energy production becomes necessary in today's world. 

4. What modern techniques should farmers adopt to save water?

To save water, farmers should practice modern techniques like sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, rotational grazing, dry farming and rain water harvesting. These techniques not only reduce the water consumption but also are more effective for farming. Water harvesting is also one of the most effective techniques for saving water. It also fulfills our goal to attain sustainable development. Especially, in the areas of water shortage, water harvesting techniques can be very useful for farmers to grow the crop of their choice.

5. What are differences between in-situ and ex-situ conservation ?

In - situ conservation refers to the conservation of various species inside their own natural habitat. While , ex situ conservation involves the conservation of species outside of their habitat. In situ conservation requires less technological advancements and is more effective in increasing population of species. While, ex situ conservation involves less maintenance. Wildlife sanctuaries and national parks are examples of in-situ conservation, while aquarium and zoological parks are examples of ex-situ conservation. 

You can read on various topics about environmental science on Vedantu platform and also can download PDF. 

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Essay on Water Conservation: Samples in 150, 200, 250 Words

natural resources essay in english 200 words

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  • May 8, 2024

Essay on Water Conservation

What makes you curious to write an essay on water conservation? This life-saving resource is essential for all forms of life on Earth. Water is the essential natural resource present on Earth. Out of the total water present on Earth, 97.5% is salt water and 2.5% is fresh water. 70% of the human body is made of water. But, with the growing population , and climatic crisis , we are facing the urgent need to conserve water.

Water conservation is a hot topic, if you need a sample essay on water conservation then, you are at the right place. In this blog post, we have covered essays on water conservation in 100, 200, and 250 words. Further we are also providing a sample piece of writing on essay on water conservation. So, stay tuned and read further to get some ideas about water conservation!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Water Conservation in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Water Conservation in 200 Words
  • 3.1 Water Scarcity
  • 3.2 Ways to Conserve Water
  • 4 Short Essay on Water Conservation

Also Read: World Water Day

Essay on Water Conservation in 100 Words

Water is crucial for all components of life which makes it a necessary resource for day-to-day activities. We use water for domestic activities like cooking, bathing, drinking, washing, etc. So, ultimately the consumption of water is very high. This makes it necessary to conserve water. Just as air, water is also important for life. Besides, water consumption, water pollution, and water scarcity are also some of the major water-related issues that need attention so that we can conserve water.

Every year we celebrate World Water Day on 22 March. This day is celebrated to spread awareness about the importance of water and run campaigns to conserve water on Earth. There are several ways to conserve water such as switching to showers, turning off taps when not in use, don’t pollute water bodies, storing rainwater, etc.

Also Read: Essay on Water Pollution

Essay on Water Conservation in 200 Words

Water is one of the Earth’s most precious resources. But the world is facing water scarcity. As per the SDA report 2022, around 2 billion people worldwide are lacking safe drinking water. This means they are more vulnerable to diseases and unhealthy life. 

Apart from the increasing population, climatic change is also hampering the quality of water. Floods and Droughts are more frequent due to the vulnerability of climate, thereby increasing the need to conserve water.

Water conservation is vital to meet the growing global demand for fresh water. Water consumption is very high for agriculture, industry, and households. By conserving water, we can ensure that there is a surplus amount of water to use and avoid conflicts over this limited resource.

Water conservation helps to maintain a balance in the ecosystem because every living thing on this planet is directly associated with the use of water. Reducing water consumption reduces the energy footprint associated with water supply.

The best ways of water conservation are rainwater harvesting , installing water plants, reusing water for gardening purposes, turning off taps when not in use, proper irrigation, installing automatic tap shut-off devices, not polluting water sources, and many more.

If we don’t want to witness the world die due to water scarcity then, it’s high time to conserve water and save the planet and future generations.

Also Read: Essay on Save Water

Water Conservation Essay 250 Words

Water conservation is a crucial step in protecting the environment. It is an important compound that supports life on Earth. The world has been facing water-related disasters due to scarcity of freshwater. 70% of the earth as well as the human body is composed of water, but there is a limited amount of freshwater to use. Owing to the ever-increasing population, climatic changes, global warming, and pollution, the need for the conservation of water is increasing. To do so, it is our fundamental duty to conserve water by planting more trees, managing water plants, storing rainwater, and making smart use of water. 

Water Scarcity

Water scarcity is a critical global issue that needs strict attention when the demand for freshwater exceeds the available supply of water. It can manifest in various ways, including a lack of access to clean drinking water, inadequate water for agriculture and industrial processes, and stressed or depleted natural water sources. 

Here are some factors that contribute to water scarcity:

  • Climate change
  • Growing population
  • Global warming
  • Inefficient water management
  • Water pollution
  • Increasing demand
  • Poor irrigation techniques
  • Wastage of water, and much more.

Ways to Conserve Water

Conserving water is crucial to help address water scarcity and ensure a sustainable water supply for both present and future generations. You can contribute individually by taking small measures to conserve water like turning off the tap. Likewise, here are some ways to conserve water:

  • Drip irrigation technique
  • Soil management
  • Plantation of drought-tolerant crops
  • Apply Mulching
  • Recycle and reuse water
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Desalination
  • Spread awareness to conserve water
  • Donate to the water cleaning campaign
  • Implement proper water management techniques.

Also Read: Types of Water Pollution

Short Essay on Water Conservation

Find the sample of short essay on water conservation below:

Also Read: Essay on Save Environment: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

Water conservation is the individual or collective practice of efficient use of water. This helps in protecting the earth from the situation of water scarcity. We can individually contribute to water conservation by not wasting water, reducing the over-consumption of water, rainwater harvesting, etc. Water conservation is an important call because there is a limited amount of fresh water available on earth.

Here are 10 ways to save water. 1. Rainwater harvesting 2 Install water plants 3. Reuse water 4. Maintain proper water management plans 5. Fix the irrigation system 6. Use a bucket 7. Turn off the tap when not in use 8. Keep a regular check on pipe leakage 9. Do not pollute water bodies 10. Participate in water cleaning campaigns

Here are 5 points on the importance of water conservation: It helps the ecosystem; Water conservation is necessary for drought-prone areas; It helps reduce costs; Water conservation improves the quality of water; and Maintains the health of the aquatic ecosystem.

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Paragraph on Natural Resources | 100 to 300 Words for Students

  • Post author: Grammar Library
  • Post category: Paragraph

Paragraph on Natural Resources: Imagine a world where we turn on the tap, but no water flows out, or we plant seeds, and nothing grows. This isn’t a scene from a movie; it’s a real possibility if we don’t take care of our natural resources. Natural resources like water, air, and soil are the very foundations of life on Earth. Yet, they’re depleting at an alarming rate due to overuse and pollution.

Without these vital resources, our planet could become a barren landscape. But there’s hope! By understanding the importance of these resources and learning how to use them wisely, we can ensure a green, thriving planet for generations to come. Let’s embark on this journey of discovery and responsibility together.

Paragraph on Natural Resources

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Natural Resources – 100 words

Natural resources are materials or substances occurring in nature which can be exploited for economic gain. India, a country with a vast and diverse landscape, is rich in natural resources. These include water, minerals, forests, and fossil fuels like coal and petroleum. Water is used for drinking, agriculture, and power generation, while minerals and forests support industries and biodiversity.

Coal and petroleum drive the country’s energy sector. However, the sustainability of these resources is a concern. Overuse and pollution threaten their availability for future generations. It is crucial for India to manage these resources wisely, ensuring their conservation and sustainable use.

Paragraph on Natural Resources – 150 words

Natural resources, essential to human survival and economic development, are abundantly found in India. These resources range from water, forests, minerals, to fertile land and diverse wildlife. Water resources, including rivers and lakes, are vital for agriculture, which is a significant part of India’s economy.

Forests provide timber, medicinal plants, and are home to a vast array of wildlife, supporting tourism and conservation efforts. India’s mineral wealth, such as coal, iron ore, and bauxite, fuels its industries and contributes to economic growth.

However, the exploitation of these resources has led to environmental challenges, including deforestation, water pollution, and wildlife habitat loss. Recognizing these issues, India has initiated various conservation and sustainable management practices aimed at preserving its natural heritage while meeting the needs of its growing population. Educating the younger generation about the importance of natural resources and sustainable practices is crucial for the country’s future.

Paragraph on Natural Resources – 200 words

India’s natural resources are a cornerstone of its cultural heritage, economic development, and ecological balance. These resources, which include water bodies, forests, minerals, and fertile land, play a pivotal role in agriculture, industry, and energy production. India’s rivers, such as the Ganges and Brahmaputra, not only support extensive agricultural activities but also hold great cultural and religious significance. The country’s forests are biodiversity hotspots, providing habitat for numerous species and contributing to the global ecological balance. They also offer resources like timber and medicinal herbs, crucial for various industries and traditional medicine.

India is endowed with a rich mineral wealth, including coal, iron ore, manganese, mica, bauxite, and limestone, driving the manufacturing and energy sectors. However, the challenge lies in balancing economic growth with environmental sustainability. Rapid industrialization and urbanization have led to overexploitation and pollution, threatening the very essence of these natural treasures.

Acknowledging this, India has embraced several conservation strategies and policies aimed at sustainable resource management. Efforts include afforestation projects, wildlife protection initiatives, and the promotion of renewable energy sources. Educating the youth about the importance of conserving natural resources is fundamental. By instilling a sense of responsibility and sustainable practices, India aims to ensure that its natural resources continue to support not only the current but also future generations.

Paragraph on Natural Resources – 250 words

Natural resources are indispensable components that constitute the very foundation of human existence and development. In the context of India, a country teeming with diverse geographical features, natural resources range from vast water bodies, fertile lands, rich mineral deposits, to abundant forests. Water, being a pivotal resource, supports agriculture, which is the backbone of India’s economy.

Indian rivers like the Ganges, Yamuna, and Godavari play crucial roles in irrigation, drinking water supply, and hydroelectricity generation. Soil is another crucial resource, with areas like the Indo-Gangetic plains being among the most fertile in the world, enabling India to be a leading producer of crops like rice and wheat. Forests cover about 21.67% of India’s total geographical area, offering timber, medicinal plants, and supporting biodiversity.

The country is also endowed with a wealth of minerals including coal, iron ore, and bauxite, pivotal for the industrial sector. The conservation of these resources is vital for sustainability and has been a significant focus of academic studies in India. Students are encouraged to explore innovative ways to conserve and efficiently use natural resources, ensuring their availability for future generations.

This educational focus not only highlights the importance of natural resources in India’s development but also prepares young minds to be responsible stewards of these invaluable assets.

Paragraph on Natural Resources – 300 words

India, with its rich tapestry of natural resources, presents a unique case study for academic exploration, especially for students from Class 6 to 12. The subcontinent’s geography is adorned with a plethora of resources including water, forests, minerals, and fertile soil, each playing a pivotal role in the nation’s socioeconomic fabric.

Rivers like the Brahmaputra and the Narmada are lifelines, supporting agriculture, providing potable water, and generating hydroelectric power, crucial for India’s energy needs. The country’s forests, spanning from the rainforests of Kerala to the coniferous belts of Himachal Pradesh, are home to diverse flora and fauna, besides being a source of timber, fuelwood, and medicinal plants.

India’s mineral wealth, comprising coal, diamonds, iron, and manganese, forms the backbone of its industrial and economic strength, fueling sectors from manufacturing to energy production. The fertile plains, especially the Indo-Gangetic belt, have made India one of the world’s largest agricultural producers, sustaining a significant portion of the global population. This bounty of natural resources, however, comes with the challenge of sustainable management to prevent depletion and ensure environmental balance.

Academic endeavors within the Indian context, therefore, heavily focus on environmental science and sustainable development principles. Students are taught the significance of conservation practices, the importance of renewable over non-renewable resources, and the role of technology in sustainable resource management.

Through project-based learning, field trips, and research assignments, young learners are encouraged to engage with real-world environmental issues, fostering a generation that is well-informed and proactive about preserving India’s natural wealth for future generations. This holistic approach to education not only enriches students’ knowledge but also instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment and natural resource conservation.

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Natural Resources Essay for Students and Children

February 5, 2022 by Sandeep

Essay on Natural Resources: Mother Nature has given us many wonderful gifts that help us survive and live one life in a prosperous way. One of these gifts is a natural resource. These resources can be both renewable and non-renewable. Consuming natural resources beyond a certain limit leads to depletion. We need to focus on recycling, reusing and limiting excessive usage of certain resources for sustained development. Conservation of natural resources for future generations is the need of the hour. Below we have provided Natural Resources Essay for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 students, written in easy and simple words.

Essay on Natural Resources

Mother Earth hosts our existence and survival and is a giver of numerous things and elements. In return, it is just pleading humankind to stop causing destruction and start respecting and preserving what they have left of it. One of the boons we have received from it is ‘Natural Resources’. These are earth materials used to support life, including oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone, air, sunlight, soil, water, forests, minerals, etc.

They are both biotic and abiotic and are essential for civilization. Not all are available in abundance because some will get extinct if not used judiciously. With the increasing rate of population, these resources are declining, and the measures to prevent them are growing exponentially.

Types of Natural Resources

Natural Resources are broadly classified into renewable and non-renewable resources. The former can be regenerated while the latter is extinctive.

Renewable Natural Resources

Renewable resources are the ones that can grow again and never exhaust. For example, tress grows again even if they are cut, and animals reproduce. Sunlight and air are plenty, and trees at the top provide life-supporting gas called oxygen vital for breathing. Without it, no living creature will survive. Water is the second essential resource potentially used in generating power, agriculture, construction, and households. It is found in oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes and seas. Earth consists of 71% of water, but only some are used as other water bodies are unfit for consumption, even groundwater, wells, dams, and trenches are water sources.

Non-Renewable Natural Resources

These resources are irreplaceable and are depleting at a faster pace due to overconsumption. Most fossil fuels, minerals and metal ores are examples of non-renewable resources. Fossil fuels like oil, coal and petroleum are used in vehicles, aircraft, railways and other forms of transportation. Iron is a good conductor and therefore used in making steel, pipes, electrical wiring, tools, door handles, pots and pans, etc. Coal is used in making dyes, oils, waxes, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. It is an energy source that takes millions of years to configure.

Conservation of Natural Resources

Follow the mechanism of four R’s-Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Refuse to buy the products which cause harm to the resources. Reduce the use of chronic materials—reuse items as and when required to avoid unnecessary surplus. Lastly, recycle the existing things into creative stuff to reduce the demand for redundant goods.

Use electricity cautiously as resources like water, coal and natural gas is used to produce it. Switching off fans, lights, and other electrical gadgets when not necessary. Use energy-efficient appliances to save power. Substitute plastic with environmentally friendly products. Instead of plastic spoons, plates or bags, use paper bags, leaf plates and wooden spoons. Keep away from plastic straws and use metal ones. Owe fuel-efficient vehicles. Bicycling, walking, using public transport and car-pooling are the best replacements. Driving less will also reduce air pollution.

India’s primary occupation is agriculture, and its economy mainly depends upon agro-based industries. Sustainable agriculture is the solution to maintain balance as it encourages organic farming and abstains from using harmful chemicals and pesticides for crops. Rainwater harvesting is the best course of action to save water for future use as it recollects rainwater from roofs and stores it underground.

Essay on Conservation of Natural Resources for Students and Children

500+ words essay on conservation of natural resources.

Natural resources are something that is occurring naturally on Earth. It forms an indispensable part of our lives. It comprises of air, water, sunlight, coal , petroleum, natural gas, fossil fuels, oil, etc. However, they are exploited by humans for economic gain. Natural resources are at depletion because of the overuse. Some of these resources are available in abundance with the capability to renew. On the other hand, some are non-renewable . Thus, it demands a responsible behavior for the conservation so as to ensure their sustainability.

essay on conservation of natural resources

Why Conserve Natural Resources?

Human beings depend upon the natural resources for their development activities. If the resources are not used wisely, it would create an imbalance in the environment. Thus would head us in opposition to an eco-friendly atmosphere. The need for conservation arises from the significance of natural resources. It is as follows-

  • Water is a renewable natural resource . We use it for drinking, producing electricity, irrigation, in various industries and for a number of activities. Its scarcity would cause loss of vegetation, adverse effect on flora and fauna, erosion of soil, etc.
  • Plants and animals provide a wide range of industrial and biological materials. Also, it assists in the manufacturing of medicine and for various other uses.
  • It takes millions of years for the formation of natural resources.
  • Fossil fuels are of great importance. A lot of energy is produced from coal, oil and natural gas all of which are fossil fuels.
  • Forest is the most important natural resource which helps in economic development . Forest provides paper, furniture, timber, medicine, gum, etc. Also, it maintains a balance in the ecosystem. Moreover, it prevents soil erosion and protects wildlife.
  • Land resources support natural vegetation, wildlife, transport. The land also provides us food, cloth, shelter, and other basic needs.

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Ways to Conserve Natural Resources

Different ministries of the Government, national and international agencies have been working for the purpose of conserving the natural resources .

  • Environment education must be imparted by including the same in the curricula of the schools.
  • National Parks are making an effort for the safety of the natural resources.
  • By reducing, reusing and recycling of non-renewable resources.
  • Non-human species must be disturbed only to meet the basic needs.
  • Planting of more and more trees to save our forest resources.
  • Seeking alternatives to non-renewable resources.
  • By increased use of bio-gas and bio-fuels.
  • By preventing the dumping of industrial wastes into the river bodies. This is a measure to protect the rich marine life.
  • Overgrazing must be prevented. Also, poaching of animals must be controlled.
  • Practicing crop rotation techniques helps in maintaining the fertility of the soil.
  • Burning of fossil fuels emits carbon-di-oxide which is a major greenhouse gas. It is responsible for the greenhouse effect. Thus, the burning of fossil fuels must be controlled.

These are some of the measures which we can undertake for the conservation of natural resources. As Human- beings, we have a social responsibility to fulfill towards nature. Thus, while using resources, we shall follow the principle of sustainable development.

Natural resources are a present for the creation. These help in satisfying the human needs to its fullest. Furthermore, the rational use of natural resources maintains the earth’s atmosphere. Also, the wise use leads to protection of bio-diversity. Humans cannot imagine their lives without natural resources. Thus, the conservation of the same is essential.

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Paragraph on Natural Resources – Long and Short Paragraphs

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Table of Contents

Planet Earth is endowed with a number of natural resources. Natural resources refer to the resources that are available naturally without any effort or interference of man. Sunlight, air, water and earth are some of the natural resources on Planet Earth. These natural resources help keep up life. All life forms depend on these natural resources to survive . Natural resources may be renewable or non-renewable. Non-renewable resources should not be wasted or abused as they are limited. As humans we should appreciate the natural resources and use them judiciously so that their benefits may be derived by all life forms.

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Long and Short Paragraph on Natural Resources

You will find here below a number of short paragraphs on Natural Resources and long paragraphs on Natural Resources of varying word lengths.

We hope these paragraphs on Natural Resources will help students in completing their school assignments.

These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences.

Students can select any paragraph on Natural Resources according to their particular requirement.

Paragraph on Natural Resources 100 Words

Natural resources are gifts of nature for life on Planet Earth. We have air that we need to breathe. The oxygen in the air is what we depend on to breathe and live. In the absence of air we would perish. The Earth also has water that is needed to keep life going. Man needs water to drink. Animals and plants too need water. If there are no water bodies there would be no marine creatures on Earth. Sunshine is also a natural resource that life on Earth depends upon. Air, water and sunshine are resources that are available naturally.

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Paragraph on Natural Resources 150 Words

Natural resources serve as the foundation for all that we use to satisfy our needs and wants of life. Natural resources are the resources that occur naturally; they are not man-made.

Natural resources like air, water and sunshine are renewable by nature. When air is used by us for breathing, it does not diminish in volume. The oxygen in the air that we breathe is vital to keep us alive. Plants use up carbon dioxide from the air for the process of photosynthesis to occur in them, and give out oxygen.

Water is also needed for life on Earth. Man needs water for drinking. Similarly, sunshine is available freely. Using up sunshine does not decrease its availability.

Resources like coal are used by man to generate electricity. While coal is a natural resource, electricity is man-made. Coal is, however, a non-renewable resource. When it is used up, its availability decreases.

Paragraph on Natural Resources 200 Words

Natural resources are nature’s bounties. These are generated or created naturally. Man’s actions are not required for their formation.

Natural resources help in sustaining life on Planet Earth. Air, water and sunshine are all natural resources that keep life going on earth. We need oxygen present in the air to breathe. If we do not have air to breathe, we will perish. Similarly, water is a natural resource that life on earth depends upon. If there is no water to drink, we will die. Humans need water for many other purposes. Water bodies are also habitats for aquatic creatures like fishes.

Land and all life forms are also naturally occurring. Plants, all kinds of vegetation and forests are also natural resources. Forests are habitats for a large number of wildlife species. Forests are also vital to maintain the hydrological cycle on earth.

We depend on plants for our food. All herbivorous creatures also depend on plants for their food. Plants also give out oxygen that we depend on to live.

All life forms need sunlight for their survival. Plants require sunlight for carrying out photosynthesis.

We are dependent on natural resources for our life. We should, therefore, not waste them.

Paragraph on Natural Resources 250 Words

We have many needs and wants. Human needs are common to all people whether rich or poor. We depend on natural resources to meet our needs and wants.

Natural resources are available on Earth naturally. Human effort is not required for their creation. Air, water and sunlight are naturally occurring. Air is available around us at all times. We need air to breathe to stay alive. If there is no air to breathe, we will die. Life forms including plants need air to survive.

Likewise, water is essential for the inhabitants of Planet Earth. If there is no water to drink, life forms can perish. If there are no water bodies, the aquatic creatures cannot live.

Sunlight is also an important component that makes life possible on Earth. If the sun’s warmth was not available to the planet, there would have been no life on it. Plants and trees grow because of water, air and sunshine that enable photosynthesis to occur in them. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and give out oxygen that is vitally needed by us to breathe.

Air, water and sunshine are renewable resources because they are re-created naturally without human interference. Resources like forests, and metals and minerals obtained from the earth are non-renewable. Once destroyed, they do not get re-created naturally easily or quickly.

Man-made products also need natural resources for their production. Electricity, for instance, is created by the burning of coal, which is a naturally occurring resource.

Natural resources therefore should be used judiciously.

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Paragraph on Natural Resources 300 Words

Natural resources are classified according to their renewability. There are renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

Renewable natural resources are replenished naturally

Renewable natural resources refer to those naturally occurring resources that are replenished naturally. Air is a natural resource that is always present around us naturally. We need the oxygen in the air to breathe to keep alive. If there is no air to breathe we cannot survive. Plants need the carbon dioxide present in the air to carry out photosynthesis. Plants also need sunlight and water for photosynthesis. Sunlight and water are also natural resources. Sunlight is needed by all life forms. The sun keeps our planet warm. The sun is also a source of light and energy for all life forms.

Water is also vital natural resource. The hydrological cycle replenishes water on the Earth. The heat of the sun evaporates water and the process of condensation brings pure water back to the Earth. Water is necessary for the upkeep of life. Humans need water to drink. Wild and domesticated animals, as also birds too need water to drink. Aquatic creatures like fishes can survive only in water bodies.

Non-renewable natural resources should not be wasted

Plants, all types of vegetation, and forests are also natural resources. Plants serve as food for man and other creatures. All herbivorous animals survive on plant food. Birds also feed on plant parts such as fruits and seeds. Plants belong to the category of organic natural resources.

Metals and minerals like gold, silver, diamonds and coal that are obtained from the earth are all inorganic natural resources.

Natural resources like forests as also metals and minerals are non-renewable resources. When a forest is cleared off, it does not re-appear again naturally. A pristine forest cover provides immense ecological benefits that a re-created forest cannot give. Non-renewable natural resources should, therefore, not be wasted or destroyed.

Paragraph on Natural Resources 350 Words

There are different kinds of natural resources. They may be renewable or non-renewable.

Natural resources occur naturally

Natural resources are nature’s gifts. They are not the result of man’s activities or effort. They occur naturally.

Natural resources like air, water and sunlight are needed by all life forms on Earth. Life depends on these natural resources. If these resources are absent, life will vanish from Earth.

Air, water and sunlight are renewable natural resources

Air, water and sunlight are renewable. We need air to breathe. The oxygen present in the air that surrounds is what we need to breathe and stay alive. In the absence of fresh air, life forms will die.

Similarly, water is needed by life forms to survive. If clean water is not available to drink, life forms will perish. Humans need water for many diverse uses too such as for cooking and for maintaining our bodies clean and hygienic.

Water bodies such as rivers, seas and oceans are also homes for marine creatures. While the water of the seas and oceans is saline, the water of rivers is sweet. Saline water is, however, unfit for consumption. The hydrological cycle maintains water supply on earth. This is a naturally occurring phenomenon. A healthy ecological system keeps the hydrological cycle too in balance.

Sunlight is also a naturally available resource. It is needed by all life forms. Sunlight helps plants and all vegetation in carrying out the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process by which the plants use up carbon dioxide that occurs in the air and give out oxygen. Forests are vital to ecological balance. Forests are habitats for many wildlife species. Forests are important in keeping the hydrological cycle in balance. Man and all herbivorous animals depend on plants for their food.

Natural resources should not be wasted

Natural resources such as minerals and fossil fuels are non-renewable. They get depleted on use. Natural resources should not be wasted. For example, if water is contaminated, it becomes unfit for consumption. Similarly, if water bodies are polluted they become a danger to life. Likewise, if coal is wasted it takes millions of years to be re-created naturally. Natural resources should, therefore, be used wisely.

Paragraph on Natural Resources 400 Words

Natural resources are resources that are available naturally. Such resources are not created by man. Natural resources may be renewable or non-renewable.

Renewable natural resources get replenished naturally

Renewable resources are those which get replenished when used up or are available for unlimited use. It includes resources such as sunlight, water and fresh air. Trees, forests and vegetation, as also animals and life forms are also included in natural resources.

Sunlight is a resource that is available freely. It is essential for all life forms. All vegetation depends on sunlight for photosynthesis. Solar energy generated by using sunlight is eco-friendly and allows greater sustainability.

Non-renewable resources get depleted by use

Non-renewable resources are those resources which get depleted on use. They also include those resources that are naturally replenished only over a long period of time. Non-renewable resources need to be used judiciously and with care. These resources are precious, and should not be wasted or abused. Fossil fuels, for instance, such as coal are non-renewable. Once coal is burned it is used up. With using up of coal, the volume of available coal in the earth reduces. Coal is used in a big way for generation of electricity. If we resort to use of solar energy, a renewable source of energy, we can be more vigilant and judicious in resource utilization.

Minerals that are obtained from the earth are also non-renewable. Using them up depletes their quantity, and they are created within the earth’s surface only over millions of years.

Land is also a natural resource. The land on the surface of the earth is limited. If it is used for one purpose, it is not available for another purpose. For instance, if we build a house on a piece of land, we cannot engage in farming on that same bit of land.

Natural resources must be used judiciously

Natural resources are nature’s creation. They should be used wisely and judiciously. Natural resources that are limited and non-renewable should be protected. If we indulge our fancies we may lose out on vital natural resources. For instance, the tiger is at the apex of the food chain. If we kill off tigers in the forests, we destroy the ecological equilibrium in the forest habitat. The forest is, therefore, affected adversely. We depend on the forest for healthy hydrological cycles. All life forms depend on water for survival, and if water gets depleted all life forms will suffer. Thus our activities can spoil the ecosystem and ecological balance .

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Frequently Asked Questions on Paragraph on Natural Resources

How can we conserve natural resources.

We can conserve natural resources by recycling, reducing waste, using energy efficiently, and planting more trees.

Why are they called natural resources?

They are called natural resources because they come from nature and are used by humans for various needs.

What is a sentence for natural resource?

Water is an essential natural resource for life.

What is a natural resource definition for kids?

A natural resource is something from nature that people can use, like wood from trees or water from a river.

How do you introduce natural resources in class?

Natural resources are gifts from nature that we use in our daily lives, like air, water, and minerals.

What is natural resources in one word?

What is the introduction of natural resources.

Natural resources are materials or substances occurring in nature that can be used for economic gain, like oil, coal, or forests.

What is a short note on natural resources?

Natural resources are valuable materials from the Earth that support life and human activities, including water, minerals, and soil.

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Essay on Natural Resources

Natural resources are commonly referred to the resources that are a gift of nature. They are produced naturally without the intervention of human beings. Sunlight, water, soil and air are some of the examples of natural resources. These are available in abundance in nature. However, there are various other natural resources also that are not found as easily. These include minerals and fossil fuels. Here are essays on natural resources of varying word lengths to help you with the same in your exam. You can select any natural resources essay as per your need:

Long and Short Essay on Natural Resources in English

Natural resources essay – 1 (200 words).

Natural resources are the resources that are available naturally on our planet. We do not require any human intervention to derive them. These resources are essential for the survival of living beings. While some of the natural resources such as air, water and sunlight are used directly; others serve as raw material to produce various items of necessity.

Many of the natural resources are present in abundance and are renewable. This means that these can be recycled and reused. However, there are many others that are non-renewable or take thousands of years to replenish. Many natural resources are depleting fast. This is owing to several reasons. One of the main reasons is the growth in population. The consumption of natural resources is on an increase continually owing to the rapid population growth.

Deforestation is another cause for the depletion of natural resources. Land is being used for urbanization. This has led to the loss of wildlife and trees. The raw material derived from them is thus decreasing by the day. The growing pollution is affecting the water bodies negatively. The coming generations may have to face scarcity of water that was once available in abundance.

It is high time we humans must stop wasting the natural resources and use them wisely.

Natural Resources Essay – 2 (300 words)


Natural resources are the resources that are made available by nature. Man does not have to work to derive these resources. Some of the examples of natural resources include water, air, sunlight, wood, minerals and natural gases. While many of the natural resources are available abundantly in nature others take time to form and are not available as freely.

Types of Natural Resources

While the characteristics and use of each natural resource is different from the other, these have broadly been classified in two categories. These are the renewable natural resources and non-renewable natural resources. Here is a look at these in detail:

  • Renewable Natural Resources : Renewable natural resources, as the name suggests are the ones that can be renewed naturally and used over and over again. Water, solar energy, wood, biomass, air and soil fall under this category. While many of these resources such as water, air and sunlight is easily renewable it takes time to renew natural resources such as wood and soil. Renewable resources are further categorized into organic and non-organic.

When renewable resources are derived from living things like animals and plants these are termed as organic renewable resources. When renewable resources are derived from non-living things, they are termed as inorganic renewable resources.

  • Non-Renewable Natural Resources : These are the resources that cannot be renewed or recycled or take a very long time to form again. Coal, oil, minerals and natural gases are examples of non renewable natural resources. While these form naturally without any human intervention, non-renewable natural resources such as minerals may take thousands of years to form. These are also divided into two categories – Organic and Non-organic.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from living organisms are called organic natural resources. One of the examples of this can be fossil fuel.

Non-renewable natural resources derived from non-living things such as wind, minerals, land and soil are known as inorganic natural resources.

Natural resources, especially the non-renewable resources, must be used wisely so that these are not depleted from nature.

Natural Resources Essay – 3 (400 words)

Natural Resources are the resources that have been available in nature since the beginning of the time. These resources make life possible on earth. Life on our planet would not have been possible without natural resources such as air, sunlight and water. Other natural resources are also as important and have become an integral part of our life.

Natural Resources Employed to Different Uses

While natural resources fulfil the basic necessities of man and other living beings on earth, they also form the basis for deriving various things. These things make life easier and comfortable. Today, man cannot imagine his life without most of these. Here is a look at the various ways in which natural resources are used:

  • Sunlight : It is used to generate solar power which is used in various appliances. Sunlight also enables the process of photosynthesis.
  • Air : Air is used to generate wind energy. Wind mills are employed to generate the same. It is used for various purposes such as grinding grains and pumping water.
  • Water : Water is used to generate hydroelectric energy. It is also used for various cleaning tasks and cooking.
  • Minerals : Minerals are used for generating several items that are used in our day to day lives. Wires, aluminium cans and parts of automobiles are among some of the things that are made with different kinds of minerals. Minerals such as gold and silver are used to craft jewellery.
  • Natural gases : These are used to generate electricity. These are also used in the kitchen for the purpose of heating.
  • Coal : This is another natural resource which is used for the purpose of generating electricity.
  • Plants : Plants offer a number of natural resources such as wood, fruits and vegetables. While fruits and vegetables are essential to keep the living beings alive, wood is used to manufacture various pieces of furniture, paper and other products.
  • Animals : Animals also provide numerous natural resources. They provide milk which is used to produce curd, cheese, butter and many other dairy products. Animal fur and skin are also used to derive various clothing items and other things of necessity. Woollen sweaters and caps, leather belts and bags, silk saris and bed linens are among some of the things made with the natural resources derived from animals.

Thus, natural resources are not only useful in their raw form but are also useful when they are employed to generate other stuff. Man has certainly made use of these resources in the best possible ways to make life better.

Natural Resources Essay – 4 (500 words)

Natural resources are a gift of the nature. These are consumed by the living organisms directly as well as indirectly. Direct consumption of natural resources implies using these resources in their pure form. The best examples of these can be sunlight and oxygen. Indirect consumption of natural resources means using them by modifying them or by generating other goods and services with their help. For instance, minerals, wood and many other natural resources are crafted into different materials before putting them to use.

Uses of Different Natural Resources

Natural Resources offer several uses. Without these, life would not be possible on earth. As per a survey, the developed countries use greater amount of natural resources compared to under-developed countries. Here is how these are used for various purposes:

Natural resources produced by animals are the kind of natural resources that are much in demand. This is because they provide us food which is essential for the survival of the living beings. Animals are tamed and reared to fetch organic natural resources from them. Milk and other dairy products that provide essential nutrients to the living beings are derived from animals. Fossil fuels derived from animal wastes are also employed for various tasks such as heating, running vehicles and generating electricity. Animal fur and skin is used for manufacturing clothes, bags, shoes, belts and other such items.

Plants provide us with fruits and vegetables that are essential for the survival of the living beings. Various medicines for curing different illnesses are also produced from these natural resources. Plants also provide us oxygen and absorb the harmful and toxic gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. This functions naturally without any human interaction. Besides, plant waste also contributes in producing fossil fuels which are used in various ways.

Apart from this, trees provide wood that is used for various purposes such as constructing houses, crafting furniture, making paper and producing various other big and small things that we cannot do without.

  • Minerals and Metals

Metals and minerals are also used for different purposes. All of these have their unique properties and are useful in their own way. Some of the uses of minerals and metals include creating batteries, manufacturing medical equipments, manufacturing automobile parts, crafting jewellery, constructing buildings and manufacturing utensils. These resources are limited and fall under the non-renewable natural resources category.

  • Sunlight, Air and Water

The importance and use of these natural resources is known to all. These are available in abundance in the atmosphere and are used directly in their pure unadulterated form by the living beings. These are also modified and used to run various processes. Fortunately, these are renewable natural resources and are replenished and replaced easily.

We consume a good amount of natural resources on a daily basis knowingly or unknowingly. While some of these are abundantly available in the atmosphere, most of these are fast depleting from earth. It is essential to use the natural resources wisely and stop any kind of wastage to ensure that these are available for our coming generations too. The government of every country must keep a check on the consumption of these resources and take measures to reduce wastage.

Natural Resources Essay – 5 (600 words)

Natural Resources are bliss for the mankind as well as other living organisms. These form an essential part of our lives. In fact, life on earth wouldn’t be possible without most of these natural resources.

Distribution of Natural Resources

Natural resources are distributed unevenly on Earth. Different parts of the planet are rich in different kinds of natural resources. While some places receive abundance of sunlight others remain devoid of the same for most part of the year. Similarly, while certain places have numerous water bodies others have rich mineral fields. There are many factors that influence uneven distribution of natural resources. Climate and land type are among the main factors.

Countries that boast of rich reserves of natural resources include China, Iraq, Venezuela, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United States of America, Canada and Brazil. Here is a look at the natural resources these countries are rich in:

Russia ranks number one when it comes to natural resources. The country boasts of abundance of timber, oil, natural gas, coal and gold. One of the main reasons of its economic growth is export of these valuable natural resources.

China has a rich reserve of coal, timber and various metals. It supplies these resources to various parts of the world.

Iraq is known to have a whopping 9% of the total world’s oil deposits. Besides oil, it is also rich in phosphate rock.

The country is rich in natural resources such as natural gas, iron and oil. It ranks six worldwide when it comes to oil reserves. It exports oil to many countries around the world.

  • Saudi Arabia

The country encompasses the fifth largest natural gas reserve. Timber is also found in abundance in Saudi Arabia.

  • United States

The United States comes on the second position when it comes to the availability of natural resources. It is known for its coal, natural gas and oil reserves and gold and copper deposits.

Canada comes on number four when it comes to the availability of natural resources. It is known for its oil deposits. It supplies oil to various countries worldwide. It is also known for its uranium, phosphate and natural gas reserves and timber production.

Brazil is the world’s second largest iron producer. It also generates a good amount of timber which is supplied to various countries worldwide. Besides, Brazil is known for its deposits of uranium and gold.

Similarly, different regions grow different kinds of fruits and vegetables and export them to other places. Same is the case with animals. All kinds of animals are not available everywhere. The raw materials they produce are thus exchanged between countries.

Impact of Uneven Distribution of Natural Resources

This uneven distribution of natural resources gives way to international trades which promotes businesses and boasts the economic growth of various countries around the world. However, it also has a downside to it. It has led to power play among the countries. Countries that have higher deposits of oil, natural gases, minerals and other natural resources control and exploit those that have fewer resources. Due to this the rich and developed countries are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

While natural resources are essential for us so much so that our life on earth is not possible without the existence of these resources, human beings are using these without any inhibition. They do not realise the fact that most of these resources are non-renewable and many others take thousands of years to renew. We must use natural resources wisely and avoid any kind of wastage to help our future generations enjoy the kind of comfort and luxury we enjoy.

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