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Chapter 3: Simple Present

Daily Habits & Routines

alarm clock and coffee cup

Learning Goals

At the end of this chapter you should be able to:

  • Add -s for the third person singular verb
  • Write yes/no questions and short answers
  • Write information questions using wh- question words
  • Add the plural marker -s ,-es, and -ies to verbs and nouns

Recognize and use

  • the simple present in the affirmative and negative
  • adverbs of frequency

Yellow cup of coffee and funny pages from newspaper

Activity 3.1: Conversation

Directions: Ask your partner or group the following questions about your morning routines. A “routine” is a habit you usually do or a series of actions you do regularly.

  • What do you do before school?
  • Do you ever wake up late? Do you usually wake up early?
  • Do you drink coffee or tea in the morning?
  • Do you do your homework in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, or at night?
  • How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
  • How long does it take you to get to campus? Do you live close or far from campus?
  • How do you get to campus? Drive? Bike? Bus? Walk? Carpool? Dropped-off?

Icon for Read-chapter story

Directions: Read this story out loud with a partner. One person reads a paragraph, then the other person reads the next paragraph. When you are finished, read the story again. This time, read the paragraphs, you did not read.

Yuri & Palani

       Hi! My name is Yuri. I am from Ukraine. I am a student at Clackamas Community College. I have a roommate. His name is Palani. He is from Laos. We live together, but we are very different.

       I wake up early at 6:00 am. Palani pushes the snooze button on his alarm clock many times, so he wakes up very late. He gets up at 7:30 am. I take a shower in the morning, but Palani takes a shower at night. I take a shower at 6:15 am. He takes a shower at 9:00 pm. I eat breakfast at home, but Palani doesn’t eat breakfast. I make coffee, and I eat cereal for breakfast. I bike to school, but Palani drives to school. I am never late. I leave at 7:30 am.  Palani leaves at 7:50 am. I arrive at school early, but Palani arrives late. I arrive at school at 7:45 am. Palani arrives at 8:05 am. Palani sometimes arrives late because he can’t find parking. We are friends, so I always save him a seat next to me. We sit with Jacques and Ana. They arrive early too. Class begins at 8:00 am.

       How often do you arrive late to class? Are you similar to me, or are you more similar to Palani?

Activity 3.2: Comprehension

Directions: Please write the answers to the questions in complete sentences.

1. What is the name of the man who is talking?


2. What is the name of his roommate?

3. What is Yuri comparing?

4. Who wakes up early? Who wakes up late?

5. What time does class begin?

6. Who arrives late? Who arrives on time?

7. How about you? Are you an early riser or a late riser?

8. What time does Yuri wake up? What time does Palani wake up?

Activity 3.3: Noticing

Part 1 Directions: Look at the story about Yuri and Palani. Choose (by underlining or otherwise markin g)  the verbs you find. Don’t choose the BE verb. We are not studying that verb in this chapter.

Part 2 Directions: Complete the table with the verb forms that agree with each subject.

Verb Subject Form
1. wake up I
2. take I
3. leave I
4. arrive I

Activity 3.4: Try It Out!

Directions: Write the correct simple present tense form of the verb (in parentheses) on the line.

1. I (wake up)_________________________ at 6:00 am.

2. He (wake up)_________________________ at 7:30 am.

3. You (eat)_________________________ breakfast on the bus.

4. They (take)_________________________ a shower before bed.

5. He (take)_________________________ a shower in the morning.

6. We (go) _________________________ to a restaurant for lunch.

7. She (have)_________________________ cereal for breakfast.

8. His class at Oregon City (begin)_________________________ at 9:00 am.

9. My classes at Harmony (begin)_________________________ at 6:00 pm.

10. She (wash) _________________________ the dishes in the morning.

man and woman sharing breakfast while sitting on the floor

Uses of the Simple Present

The simple present is used for talking about routines, habits, and repeated activities in the present time. We use the simple present to talk about facts, which are always true. Time expressions (e.g., every day, in the summer ) and adverbs of frequency (e.g., never, sometimes, always ) signal the simple present tense.

line graph showing a habit/routine happening consistently over time

What is a routine? Something you do every morning, every week, every year.

  • I brush my teeth two times a day.
  • You go to the gym three times a week.
  • He makes breakfast for my children every morning.
  • She starts work at 7:00 am.
  • They do laundry every Saturday.

What is a habit? Something you do regularly.

  • My husband reads in bed before he goes to sleep.
  • My cat wakes me up on Saturdays because he is hungry.

What is a repeated action? Action that we do more than once.

  • I shop at Winco (not every week, but I like to go there).
  • She wears shorts in the summer.

What is a fact? Something that is always true.

  • The moon revolves around the earth.
  • She has two children.
  • Vegetables are healthy.
  • Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.

Forms of the Simple Present

Affirmative statements in the simple present.

You must add an -s to the verb with the subjects he , she , and it .

subject + verb

Subject Verb

Activity 3.5: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1. Yuri (wake up)______________ at 6:00 am.

2. Palani (drive)______________ to school.

Man shaving

4. Yuri (make)______________ coffee.

5. I (cook)______________ breakfast.

6. She (eat)______________ cereal.

7. Palani (take)______________ a shower in the evening.

8. They (carpool)______________ together.

9. She (ask)______________ for a pencil.

10. Yuri and Palani (attend) ______________ Clackamas Community College.

11. We (attend) ______________ Clackamas Community College.

12. I (take)______________ a shower in the morning.

13. He (make)______________ and (drink)______________ coffee every morning.

14. She never (arrive)______________ late.

15. Class (begin)______________ at 11:30 am.

16. He usually (find)______________ parking easily.

17. Palani (live)______________ with Yuri.

18. They (brush) ______________ their hair in the morning.

19. We (brush)______________ our teeth twice a day.

20. My cats (sleep)______________ all day.

Activity 3.6: Listening

Directions: Read the paragraph. Then, listen to your instructor read the paragraph. Listen for the verbs and write them on the line. Listen closely for the correct form of the verb.

Ana and Pedro’s Morning Routine

        Ana and Pedro (1)__________ at 6:00 am. Ana (2)__________ coffee. Her brother, Pedro, (3)__________breakfast. She (4)__________a shower at 6:30 am. Her brother (5)__________ a shower at 7:00 am. They (6)__________ and (7)__________ their teeth. Ana (8)__________ the cat. Ana (9)__________ her hair and (10)__________ makeup. Pedro (11)__________ his hair. Ana’s book bag (12)__________ready. Pedro (13)__________ his books in his backpack. Ana (14)__________lunches. Class (15)__________ at 9:00 am. Ana and Pedro (16)__________ the house at 8:30 am. They (17)__________ at school at 8:45 am. Ana (18)__________ out books from the college library before class. She always (19)__________ good books to read. Ana and Pedro (20)__________ to class at 8:55 am. Their first class (21)__________ at 10:50 am.

Activity 3.7: Interview

Part 1 Directions: Interview your partner.

1. Where do you live?

2. What time do you wake up?

3. When do you eat breakfast?

4. What do you eat for breakfast?

5. How do you get to school (walk, bus, car, etc.)?

6. What time do you go to school?

7. What time do you get home?

8. When do you go to bed?

Part 2 Directions: Write 8 sentences about your own daily routine using the same questions.

1. ________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________

Part 3 Directions: Share and compare your daily activities. Read your sentences to your partner. Your partner reads to you. See if you have the same (or different) daily activities.

Part 4 Directions: Your instructor will give you a Venn Diagram to complete. Write sentences about yourself where it says You. Write sentences about your partner where it says Partner. If you and your partner have any activities that are the same, write them where it says both.

graphic organizer-venn diagram

Adverbs of Frequency with the Simple Present

Adverbs of frequency (AoF) let us talk about how often we do something.

How often do you come to class?      I always come to class!

How often do you shop at Fred’s?     I often shop at Fred’s.

Study the chart below to learn the meanings of the following adverbs.

Adverb Frequency
always 100%
usually 70-90%
often 50-60%
sometimes 30-40%
seldom/rarely 10-20%
never 0%

Adverbs of Frequency (AoF) with the BE Verb 

With the BE verb, the AoFs are added between BE and the rest of the sentence. You will see in the next section that this is different with other verbs.

subject + BE + AoF + rest of sentence

Subject BE AoF Rest of Sentence
I am never late.
is always on time.
are sometimes early.

Activity 3.8: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Put the correct form of the BE verb followed by the AoF on the line.

1. I (be/always) _____________________________________ late.

2. He (be/never) _____________________________________ on time.

3. She (be/often) _____________________________________ busy on Saturday.

4. It (be/never) _____________________________________ cold in August.

5. You (be/usually) _____________________________________ cold in the morning.

6. We (be/never) _____________________________________ hungry in the morning.

7. They (be/seldom) _____________________________________ tired at 9:00  pm.

8. You (be/rarely) _____________________________________ late for school.

9. He (be/sometimes) _____________________________________ tired after work.

10. It (be/usually) _____________________________________ sunny in Los Angeles.

Activity 3.9: Fill-in-the-Blank

1. Class (usually)___________________________ interesting.

2. They (often)___________________________ busy.

3. I (always)___________________________ friendly.

4. You (never)___________________________ hungry after lunch.

5. She (always)___________________________ hungry at 3:00 pm.

6. He (rarely)___________________________ on time for class.

7. They (sometimes)___________________________ confused in class.

8. You (often)___________________________ sleepy.

Adverbs of Frequency with Other Verbs

Man thinking

But, what if we want to say how often we do some activity? In that case, we don’t use the BE verb. We use another verb, like eat, sleep, cook, drive, or talk.

Instead of adding the AoF after the verb, like we did with the BE verb, we add it before the verb. We do this because we are saying how often the activity of the verb happens.

subject + AoF + verb + rest of sentence

Subject AoF Verb Rest of Sentence
I always eat breakfast.
usually does his own laundry.
never walk to school.

We use the AoF to talk about how often or how frequently something happens.

How often do you eat breakfast? I always eat breakfast.

In the sentence above, we are saying how often we eat breakfast (always).

How often does he cook dinner? He usually cooks dinner.

In the sentence above, we are saying how often he cooks dinner. (usually).

How often do they walk to school? They never walk to school.

In the sentence above, we are saying how often they walk to school (never).

Activity 3.10: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the Adverb of frequency (AoF) and the verb in the correct form on the line.

When we use any verb except the BE verb, the AoF goes before the verb.

1. I (never/eat) ___________________ breakfast.

2. You (often/do) ___________________ laundry on Saturdays.

3. He (usually/swim) ___________________ on weekends.

4. She (never/sing) ___________________ karaoke.

5. It (rarely/rain) ___________________ in July.

6. They (seldom/watch) ___________________ movies.

7. We (always/do) ___________________ our homework.

8. She (sometimes/make)___________________ the bed.

Activity 3.11: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Put the AoF and the verb in the correct order.

Ana and Pedro (wake up) _______________________________ at 6:00 am.

Our class (start) _________________________________________ at 6:00 pm.

The college (cancel) ________________________ classes because of snow.

The teacher (give) ____________________________________ us homework.

Vegetarians (eat) ________________________________________ vegetables.

The students (sleep) ____________________________________ during class.

7. sometimes

Ana (make) _________________________________________ lunch for Pedro.

Students (speak) ____________________________________ English in class.

Activity 3.12: Classmate Interview

How often do you… always usually often sometimes seldom / rarely never
wake up before 7:00 am?
eat breakfast?
fall asleep before 11:00 pm?
drive to work?
do laundry
on the weekend?
eat dinner before
6:00 pm?
sleep in on Sundays?
go grocery shopping
on the weekdays?
come to class on time?
do your homework
before class?

Part 2 Directions: Choose 5 of the questions (and answers) from Part 1. On your own lined paper, use the answers to write sentences about your classmate’s activities. Remember to use adverbs of frequency. Turn this in to your teacher. Write your name, the date, and Activity 3.12 on the top of your paper.

Activity 3.13: Game

Directions: The purpose of this game is to practice using adverbs of frequency. Your teacher will give you some AoF game cards (often, sometimes, never).

  • Stand up and find a partner.
  • Ask your partner a question. Begin the sentence “How often…”
  • The partner answers the question using an AoF.
  • If your partner answers your question using the AoF that you have in your hand, give your partner the card.
  • If your partner answers using an AoF that you don’t have, then change to another student and try again.
  • You can only ask two questions before you need to change partners.
  • You can only talk to the same person after you have talked with all your other classmates.
  • Talk to as many partners as you can. When you have no more cards, sit down.

The goal of the game is to give away all of your cards.

Student 1: How often do you eat french fries for breakfast?

Student 2: I never eat french fries for breakfast.

(Student 1 gives the card saying “never” to Student 2)

Student 1: How often do you do your homework?

Student 2: I usually do my homework.

(Student 1 doesn’t have a ”usually” card. Student 1 changes partners and tries again.)

Ideas for Questions: How often do you…

wash your hair?

eat at a restaurant?

call your brother?

walk to school?

Pronunciation and Spelling: Adding -s and -es

We add -s and -es for two reasons:

1. The word is a noun, and we are making it plural.

2. The word is a verb, and it agrees with the subject (he, she, or it–3rd person singular)


In English the same letters can have different sounds. For example, the letter “c” can sound like /k/ in cat , but it can also sound like /s/ in ice .

For words that end in -s or -es, there are three different sounds: /s/, /z/, and /ɪz/. We can predict how the -s or -es ending will sound by the last sound of the word before we add the -s or -es ending.

If the word ends with these sounds: This is the sound made by adding -s or -es: Examples
/f/ /k/ /p/ /θ/ or /t/ → /s/ laughs, drinks, sleeps, births, writes, gets
/b/ /d/ /g/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /r/ /v/ /ð/
and all vowel sounds
→ /z/ grabs, rides, hugs, comes, runs, sings, lives, sees, goes, plays, buys, studies
/ʤ/ /z/ /ks/ /s/ /tʃ/ or /ʃ/ → /ɪz/ changes, quizzes, fixes, kisses, uses, teaches, pushes

/θ/=th as in bath   /ð/=th as in that   /ʤ/=j as in judge    /tʃ/=ch as in church     /ʃ/=sh as in wash

Activity 3.14: Pronunciation

Target Word Ending Sound
(Circle your choice)
1. teaches /s/
2. teachers /s/
3. asks /s/
4. kicks /s/
5. does /s/
6. reads /s/
7. watches /s/
8. begins /s/
9. pushes /s/
10. listens /s/
11. She works at a hospital. /s/
12. He lives with his sister. /s/
13. He puts the book on the table. /s/
14. She goes to school four nights a week. /s/
15. He cooks for her in the evening. /s/
16. We need boxes to move house. /s/
17. The mom buys groceries after class. /s/
18. The mom buys groceries after class. /s/
19. I sweep up the leaves on the sidewalk. /s/
20. The boys play soccer in the park. /s/

Activity 3.15: Listening

Directions: Listen to the teacher say a list of words and then sentences. You will hear each word or sentence two times. Decide if the ending sound is  /s/, /z/, or /ɪz/ and choose (by circling or otherwise marking) your choice.

1.    /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

2.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

3.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

4.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

5.   /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

6.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

7.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

8.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

9.   /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

10. /s/       /z/      /ɪz/

11.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

12.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

13.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

14.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

15.  /s/      /z/      /ɪz/

Activity 3.16: Listening & Speaking

Part 1 Directions: Identify which of the three ending sounds (/s/, /z/, or /ɪz/) is at the end of each of the target words. Write the sound symbol on the line.

/s/                /z/              /ɪz/

1.  changes _____

2.  crabs _____

3.  dishes _____

4.  touches _____

5.  helps _____

6.  books _____

7.  pencils _____

8.  sleeps _____

9.  mixes _____

10. kisses _____

11.  The students eat breakfast. _____

12.  My sister walks her dog. _____

13.  The dogs eat peanut butter. _____

14.  The student catches the bus. _____

15.  I have three cats.     _____

16.  Most teachers have pets. _____

17.  She writes a book.     _____

18.  Natasha buys food.     _____

19.  Yuri wakes up on time. _____

20.  She sees her daughter. _____

Part 2 Directions: With a partner, say the word or sentence. Your partner will point to the sound they hear.

If a word ends in /s/,  /z/,  /ch/,  /sh/  or  /x/ sound    →    add -es

Only add -es for the he/she/it form of the verb (third person singular).

watch   →   watches

wash    →   washes

kiss      →    kisses

I pass out papers.    →    She passes out papers.

I wash the dishes.   →    He washes the dishes.

Activity 3.17: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of the verb in parentheses on the lines.

1. (watch) I __________ TV in the morning, but she ________ TV at night.

2. (wash) They ________ dishes together after dinner. He ________ dishes on  weekends.

3. (fix) My father and I _________ cars together. My husband ________ the bicycle.

4. (teach) They  ________ their daughter Ukrainian. Eva ________ her son Amharic.

5. (brush) I ________ my teeth twice a day. He _______ three times a day.

6. (kiss) She _______ her husband in the morning. I ________ my children before bed.

7. (stretch) I always ________ before exercise. Viktor ________ after exercise.

8. (guess) I never ________ the answer, but Tatiana often ________ the answer.

9. (mix) She ________ Spanish and English. They _______ English and Ukranian.

10. (splash) The kids ______ in the bathtub. My daughter always ________, too.

11. (cash) I ______ my check at the bank. He _________ his check too.

12. (latch) I ________ my screen door. She ________ her screen door.

13. (notice) I always ________ mistakes. She never ________ mistakes when she writes.

14. (touch) He ________ the door. We ________ the window.

15. (brush) They  ________ their hair once a day. He _________ his hair three times a day.

16. (pass) She ________ all her classes. They ________ their ESL classes.

17. (ask) I ________ for vegetarian food. Natasha ________ for Ukrainian food.

18. (ask) He ________ a question. We ________ to play a game.

19. (watch) She ________ Jackie Chan movies. They ________ Jet Li movies.

20. (dance) I ______ twice a week. He ________ once a week.

Activity 3.18: Listening

Directions: Read the story. Then listen to your teacher read the story. Listen for the missing words and write them on the line. Remember that the subject and the verb of a sentence have to agree. If they don’t agree, you should listen again. Some verbs end in -s and some verbs end in -es.

Viktor and Tatiana

        Viktor and Tatiana (1)_________ married. They (2)_________ English at Clackamas Community College. They (3)_________ from Ukraine. Tatiana sometimes (4)_________ angry with Viktor because he doesn’t help around the house. Tatiana (5)_________ dinner and Viktor (6)_________ TV. Tatiana (7)_________ the house, and Viktor (8)_________ English.

Then Tatiana remembers that Viktor (9)_________ the car while she (10)_________ books. In the grocery store, he always (11)_________ the shopping cart. He (12)_________ for her when she is sick. He also (13)_________ the socks when they (14)_________ movies at home. On school nights, Viktor (15)_________ the dishes after Tatiana cooks. He (16)_________ her every day when they leave the house, and he (17)_________ her every night before they (18)_________ asleep. Then Tatiana isn’t angry anymore.

If a word ends in a consonant plus -y, change -y to i and add -es. If the word ends in a vowel plus -y, just add -s.

Consonant + -y

Change -y to i and add -es

cry       →   cries

study   →   studies

pay      →   pays

buy      →   buys

Activity 3.19: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of the verb on the line in the sentences below.

1. (study) I ___________ in the morning, but he ___________ at night.

2. (worry) He ___________ about money. I ___________ about him.

3. (cry) The cat ___________ when I leave. The babies  ___________ all the time.

4. (play) She ___________ piano. We ___________ violin.

5. (pay) I ___________ for groceries with a credit card. Tatiana ___________ with cash.

6. (stay) He ___________ after class for help. They ___________ after class to talk.

7. (stay) She ___________ at a hotel. I ___________with my mom.

8. (worry) My husband ___________ about school. I ___________ about our health.

9. (enjoy) We ___________ playing board games. He ___________ online games.

10. (say) They ___________ they are busy Friday, but she ___________ Friday is ok.

11. (fly) A bird ___________ south in winter. Birds ___________ north for the summer.

12. (buy) They ___________ paper online. She ___________ supplies at the store..

13. (fly) He ___________ to Paris today. I ___________ to Denver tomorrow.

14. (study) We ___________ before vocabulary tests. She ___________ for grammar.

15. (pay) He ___________ for 2 classes. I ___________ for 3 classes.

16. (try)     I ___________ to study 3 times a week. She ___________ to study every day.

Activity 3.20: Listening

Using infinitives with like, want, & need.

Some verbs can be combined with an infinitive (to + verb) to express a different meaning or opinion about the activity.

Verb Meaning
like + to ski (Infinitive) This shows an activity that is pleasurable or fun.
Example: I like to ski.
want + to go (Infinitive) This shows an activity that I have a desire to do.
Example: I want to go to a movie.
need + to finish (Infinitive) This shows an activity that I have to do.
Example: I need to finish my homework.

Activity 3.21: Fill-in-the-Blank

Part 1 Directions: Complete the sentences by writing like, want, or need on the line.

1. I ___________ to pay my rent.

2. She ___________ to study for the test.

3. They  ___________ to buy a diamond necklace.

4. You ___________ to have an expensive new car.

5. I ___________ to read a book before bed to help me sleep.

6. You ___________ to do your homework.

7. We ___________ to eat dessert first.

8. I ___________ to sleep until 10:00 am, but I __________ to get up because work starts at 7:00 am.

Negative Statements in the Simple Present

Negatives with the be verb, activity 3.22: writing.

Directions: Make these sentences negative by adding not after the verb.

1. She is a hairdresser.

2. He is busy today.

3. They are from Colombia.

4. He is a contractor.

5. It is sunny.

6. They are students.

7. He is a teacher.

8. The dog is in the garden.

Negatives with All Other Verbs

Using auxiliary verbs.

There are three auxiliary verbs in English: BE, DO, and HAVE. We will learn about BE and DO in this class. We will learn about using HAVE as an auxiliary in the next level. You have already seen the first of our three auxiliary verbs, BE, in Chapter 2. We combine the BE verb with the -ing form of the verb to create the present progressive (an action happening now).

When we make negative sentences with other verbs, we use the auxiliary verb, DO. It has two forms: do and does . The negative not comes after do or does and is followed by the base form of the main verb.

The base form is the infinitive without the to . Instead of “to sing” (infinitive), the base form is sing . Do not add -s to the base verb. Let’s look at an example sentence.

subj      do/does    neg.     base verb     rest of sentence

He         does           not        sing               in the shower.

  • He is the subject
  • Does is the auxiliary verb. Do/Does agrees with the subject (3rd person singular: add -es).
  • Sing is the main verb in the base form. Do not add -s to the main verb.

subject + auxiliary DO + not + base form + rest of sentence

Subject Auxiliary DO Negative Base Form of Main Verb Rest of Sentence
do not drink coffee after 5:00 pm.

Negative Contractions

To make negative contractions, we contract the auxiliary verb and the negative.

Subject Auxiliary DO + not
do not = don’t
does not = doesn’t

Activity 3.23:  Choose the Correct Form

Directions: Choose the correct form, and then write the contraction on the line. Remember that the auxiliary DO (do/does) has to agree with the subject.

1. The teacher do not / does not eat meat.                                                 ___________________

2. I am a homemaker. I do not / does not work outside my home.    ___________________

3. She is a driver. She do not / does not work in an office.                     ___________________

4. He is a vegetarian. He do not / does not eat meat.                             ___________________

5. They do not / does not drink coffee in the evening.                            ___________________

6. Palani do not / does not like to wake up early.                                     ___________________

7. Yuri do not / does not want to come to school late.                            ___________________

8. Yuri do not / does not press snooze on his alarm clock.                    ___________________

9. They do not / does not have the same habits.                                     ___________________

10. It do not / does not  look like a good book.                                         ___________________

11. The students do not / does not do their homework.                        ___________________

12. He do not / does not get good grades on tests.                                ___________________

Activity 3.24: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Write the correct form of do or does on the line.

1. (do/sing)        She ___________ not ___________ in public.

2. (do/write)     They ___________ not ___________ on the wall.

3. (do/drive)     He ___________ not ___________ for a job.

4. (do/ask)        You ___________ not ___________ for a diamond ring.

5. (do/play)       We ___________ not ___________ guitar.

6. (do/like)        The dog ___________ not ___________ my cat.

7. (do/type)       She ___________ not ___________ fast.

8. (do/read)       He ___________ not ___________ online.

Activity 3.25: Writing

Directions: Make these sentences negative. Use full forms for numbers 1-5 and contractions for numbers 6-10.

1. I go to work at 3:00 pm.

2. She wants to eat Chinese food.

3. They have two children.

4. He has a dog and two cats.

5. You need to stand in line.

6. She finishes her homework.

7. I eat breakfast.

8. You drink coffee.

9. He drinks diet soda.

10. My car has red seats.

Activity 3.26: Interview

Part 1 Directions: Use the sentences below to interview your partner. Take notes on your own lined paper.

Student A: Tell me a food you don’t like.

Student B: I don’t like eggs.

kid holding his nose and sticking out his tongue

2. Tell me a movie you don’t like.

3. Tell me a place you don’t like.

4. Tell me a sport you don’t like.

5. Tell me a color you don’t like.

6. Tell me a singer or band you don’t like.

7. Tell me a type of music you don’t like.

8. Tell me a book you don’t like.

Part 2 Directions: Now, write 5 sentences about your partner. Use your notes to help you.  Write your partner’s answers in FULL sentences.

Yes/No Questions & Short Answers

Yes/No questions mean that the answer to the question is either yes or no . These questions don’t use wh- question words. Remember, when we use an auxiliary verb, the main verb is in the base form. The auxiliary verb goes before the subject and the main verb goes after the subject.

auxiliary DO + subject + base verb + rest of sentence

Auxiliary DO Subject Base Form of Main Verb Rest of Sentence
Do I
eat breakfast?
Does he

Short Answers

Short answers are quick answers to yes/no questions. Remember that if the question uses the BE verb, use the BE verb in your answer. If the auxiliary DO is used in the question, then use DO in the answer.

Do you have cats?    Yes, I do.

Are you a teacher?    Yes, I am.

Affirmative Negative
Yes, I
do. No, I
do not.
does. he
does not.

Do you drink coffee in the morning?      Yes, I do.

Does he drink coffee in the morning?    No, he doesn’t.

Activity 3.27: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Complete the questions with the missing auxiliary verb and subject.

A: Does she wake up early?

B: No, she doesn’t.

1. A:___________________ do her homework every day?

B: Yes, she does.

2. A:___________________ wash the dishes after dinner?

B: Yes, he does.

3. A:___________________ eat dinner together?

B: Yes, they do.

4. A:___________________ work late every day?

5. A:___________________ drive to school?

6. A:___________________ study vocabulary?

B: Yes, I do.

7. A:___________________ eat lunch at home?

B: No, we don’t.

8. A:___________________ ask questions?

9. A:___________________ practice English at the grocery store?

10. A:___________________ do laundry on Saturdays?

Activity 3.28: Game

Information questions in the simple present.

We have seen several lists of wh- question words in previous chapters. Here is a bigger list. You can practice making questions with the new words and review the ones you have seen in Chapters 1 and 2.

Wh- Question Word Asks about... Example Question
Who a person Who is your teacher?
What information What is your name?
Where location Where are you from?
What time
*(specific and general)
When is your birthday?
What time is your class?
Why a reason Why are you late?
How directions, process,
or means
How do you get home?
How many a number How many children
do you have?
How often frequency How often do you drink coffee?
How much an amount or money How much is our textbook?
What kind one from a group What kind of fruit
do you like?

* What time asks about specific time. When asks about general time.

What time does class start?     Class starts at 9:00 am.

When is your birthday?         My birthday is in August.

We form information questions (sometimes called wh- questions) the same as yes/no questions. Add the question word (who, what, where, when, what time, etcetera) to the beginning of the question.

wh- + auxiliary DO + subject + main verb

Wh- Question Word Auxiliary
Subject Base Form
Main Verb
What time
How many
How often
How much
do I




does he

Activity 3.29: Choose the Correct Form

Directions: Choose the correct question word.

1. Who/What is your teacher?                            My teacher is Susan.

2. Where/What is your address?                        My address is 19 Molalla Ave, Oregon City.

3. Where/When do you wake up?                      I wake up at 7:30 am.

4. Why/Who do you have an umbrella?           Because it’s raining.

5. How/Where do you take ESL?                         I take ESL classes at CCC.

6. When/What do you work?                               I work at 5:00 pm.

7. Why/How do you get to school?                     I take the bus.

8. What/How do you cook hotdogs?                 I boil them, but some people grill them.

9. How much/How often milk do you want?   I want 1 cup.

10. How many/Why cookies do you want?       I want 2 dozen.

Activity 3.30: Fill-in-the-Blank

Directions: Fill in the blank with the correct question word.

1. A:___________ do you go to work?

B: I go to work at 5:00 am.

2. A:___________ is he wearing a sweater?

B: He’s cold.

3. A:___________ do you study vocabulary?

B: I use vocabulary cards.

4. A:___________ are they from?

B: They’re from Italy.

5. A:___________ are you doing?

B: I’m doing my homework.

6. A:___________ often do you sleep in?

B: I sleep in on Saturdays.

7. A:___________ time does class start?

B: Class starts at 6:00 pm.

8. A:___________ do you study?

B: I study at the library.

9. A:___________ is your favorite actor?

B: My favorite actor is Brad Pitt.

10. A:___________ many classes do you take?

B: I take three classes each term.

Activity 3.31: Interview

Directions: Your instructor will give you a worksheet that you can use to interview a classmate.

  • Match the wh- question word with the question. You can only use a word one time.
  • When you finish matching you will have 10 questions and 10 answers. Choose 5 questions to ask your classmate.
  • Write the answers to the 5 questions below.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

Activity 3.32: Error Correction

Directions: There are 10 mistakes in the paragraph below. Find the mistakes with the simple present, adverbs of frequency, negative sentences, or -s / -es endings and correct them.

My name is Jacques. I lives next to Yuri and Palani. I am a student at CCC also. I arrive always early to class. My brother drive me to school. I do not drives. I eat lunch with my friends. We eat often at Ana and Pedro’s house. I doesn’t cook. After class, always I study in the library. I finishes my homework in the afternoon. I study with my friend. My friend Palani finish his homework at night. I live with my family. My mother cook dinner for the family. She wash the dishes after dinner. I dry them.

Man smiling with arms crossed

Activity 3.33: Writing

Directions: Rewrite these sentences to include the adverb of frequency (AoF) in parentheses.

1. (usually) We eat dinner outside in summer.

2. (always) I wear slippers in the house.

3. (never) My family wakes up early.

4. (sometimes) My friends and I watch movies on Fridays.

5. (rarely) We eat uncooked food.

6. (often) They are late to class.

7. (never) I finish my homework on the computer.

8. (seldom) She takes her dog to the dog park.

9. (usually) You are on time.

10. (rarely) She eats fast food.

11. (never) It snows in August.

12. (always) It rains in October.

13. (often) We have homework.

14. (never) They forget books at home.

Activity 3.34: Writing

Directions: Write the question on the line below. Use the answer for extra information. Some questions are wh-questions, and some are yes/no questions.

1. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I wake up at 8:00 am.

2. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: Yes, I do (I have a dog.)

3. A:_______________________________________________________________

B: My birthday is in August.

4. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: No, I don’t. (I don’t do my homework in the morning.)

5. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I take a shower in the morning.

6. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I arrive early for class.

7. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: He drives to school.

8. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: He washes the dishes every day.

9. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: Yes, I do. (I exercise 3 times a week.)

10. A: ______________________________________________________________

B: I eat fast food once a month.

Directions: Write a paragraph comparing your daily schedule with a partner’s daily schedule. Use the simple present tense, adverbs of frequency, and time expressions.


  • Write 6 questions to ask your partner. Use 6 different wh-question words. There is a place to write each question in the chart that follows.
  • Answer the 6 questions for yourself.
  • Choose a partner, ask your questions, and then write down your partner’s answers.
Question My Answer Partner’s Answer
  • Use your own 8.5″ x 11″ lined paper. Do not use other paper sizes, please.
  • Heading: Put your full name, the due date, and Ch. 3 Writing Assignment at the top of your paper. Your instructor will tell you where the heading goes (left or right side).
  • Indent the first sentence, skip lines (double space), and leave a 1-inch margin on the sides and bottom.

Writing and Grammar:

  • First sentence: begin writing by using this topic sentence: [Partner’s name] and I are classmates, but we are very different.
  • In your sentences, write your answer and your partner’s answer.
  • Use 3 adverbs of frequency.
  • Write 2 negative sentences.
  • Use full forms; do not use contractions.
  • Use capital letters and punctuation correctly.
  • Use the rubric below to check your work.

Model Paragraph:

My partner and I are classmates, but we are very different. I get up very early at 5:00am. My partner doesn’t get up early. She often gets up at 9:00am. I usually drink coffee in the morning, but my partner doesn’t like coffee. She likes tea instead. I have two children, so I am busy with them. My partner is married, but she doesn’t have any children. I leave for school at 8:30am. My partners never goes straight to school. She goes to her parents house first. She always helps them because they are very old. My parents are still young at age 50 and 55.

Assignment Rubric:

Heading: Full Name, Due Date, Ch. 3 Writing Assignment 1 point
Format: Indent, double space, margins 1 point
Your paragraph has at least 10 sentences 1 point
Every sentence has a subject and verb, & they agree 1 point
There are 3 adverbs of frequency 3 points
There are 2 negative sentences 4 points
Correct use of spelling 1 point
Correct use of capital letters 1 point
Correct end punctuation 1 point
Total 14 points


These were our goals at the beginning of Chapter 3:

At the end of this chapter you will be able to:

  • Add -s , -es, and -ies to verbs and nouns

Directions: Choose yes if you think you achieved the goals or no in the table below if you think you did not achieve the goals. Then, write an example of the goal in the last column.

I can… I achieved this goal: My example:
add -s for 3rd person singular yes


He walks.
write an affirmative sentence
in the simple present


write a negative sentence in the simple present yes


write yes/no questions using the simple present yes


answer yes/no questions using short answers yes


make information questions using wh- question words yes


use AoF with the simple present yes


Explorations 1: Grammar for the Experienced Beginner Copyright © by Susan; Jen; and Kit is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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What's the difference between "doing my homework" and "to do my homework"?

Suddenly I got a question studying participle.

I spent too much time yesterday doing my homework. I spent too much time yesterday to do my homework.

Is no.2 grammatically correct? If so, what's the difference between the two?

  • participles

JS.Kim's user avatar

1: I spent too much time yesterday doing my homework. 2: I spent too much time yesterday to do my homework.

Technically speaking, #2 there is "valid" (if "awkward") - but it doesn't mean the same as #1, and would only make sense if we contrive some unusual context where the speaker spent an excessive amount of time doing something else , and was thus unable to do his homework (note that in the first version, the speaker is saying that the amount of time he spent doing homework was excessive).

For a "matched pair" where both alternatives more obviously make sense, consider...

3: I lost too much money yesterday playing cards 4: I lost too much money yesterday to play cards

...where #3 means the speaker did play cards (yesterday) - but he lost an excessive amount of money. But #4 means the speaker was unable to play cards (either yesterday, or perhaps earlier on the day of speaking) because he didn't have enough money (having lost so much yesterday - feasibly, but not necessarily, by playing cards).

Note that in #4 it's even possible the speaker still has plenty of money - but because he lost so much yesterday, he doesn't want to repeat the experience. In that interpretation, it's contextually almost certain that he lost the money playing cards - not by, for example, placing too much money on losing bets with a bookmaker, or even simply losing his wallet somehow.

In examples #2 and #4, to essentially has the sense of in order to - as in I withdrew some money from the cash machine to play cards . But when the preceding clause includes too [much/many] , this pragmatically implies it wasn't/isn't possible to perform the second action (doing homework, playing cards) , because of some kind of "excess" associated with the first activity.

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i (do) my homework since the afternoon

T075 - Present Tense - Simple and Continuous

Gap-fill exercise.

Fill in the correct form of the Present Tense (Simple or Continuous) :

  • The girls ( NOT ARGUE ) now. They ( WATCH ) a film together.
  • Look ! Mary ( SING ) again. She often ( SING ) this song.
  • My dad ( HAVE ) a lot of work to do every weekend.
  • Please go to the supermarket and ( BUY ) me some food.
  • Emma ( SPEAK ) English and French but her sister doesn't.
  • He usually ( LEAVE ) home at 9.00 o'clock but today he ( LEAVE ) later.
  • I ( VISIT ) my grandmother every Friday. My sister often ( VISIT ) her as well.
  • She ( WRITE ) to her pen friend at the moment.
  • They sometimes ( HAVE ) lunch at work, but today they ( GO ) to a restaurant.
  • She can't talk to you. She ( HAVE ) a shower.
  • Where ( ALEX , NORMALLY, LIVE ) ? - In France.
  • Jane ( GIVE ) a party today because it ( BE ) her birthday.
  • My mother always ( COOK ) in the morning.
  • The lesson ( START ) at 9 every morning.
  • What ( YOU USUALLY DO ) at the weekends ?
  • After school I always ( CHECK ) my Facebook posts before I do my homework.
  • Pay attention ! The teacher ( WRITE ) some examples on the blackboard.
  • She never ( SMOKE ).
  • He ( LIKE ) watching TV but he ( NOT WATCH ) at the moment because he is asleep.
  • My brother can't play tennis because he ( HAVE ) a racket.

i (do) my homework since the afternoon

Present Continuous or Simple Present








Simple Past or Present Perfect Simple

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or present perfect simple).

  • I (just / finish) my homework.
  • Mary (already / write) five letters.
  • Tom (move) to this town in 1994.
  • My friend (be) in Canada two years ago.
  • I (not / be) to Canada so far.
  • But I (already / travel) to London a couple of times.
  • Last week, Mary and Paul (go) to the cinema.
  • I can't take any pictures because I (not / buy) a new film yet.
  • (they / spend) their holiday in New Zealand last summer?
  • (you / ever / see) a whale?

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Present Perfect

For recently finished actions.

Present Perfect For recent completed actions

Table of Contents

In this grammar section we will have a look at the tense Present Perfect to talk about recently finished/completed actions.

A: How long have you worked there? B: I have worked there for 3 years.

A: How long have you been friends? B: We haven’t been friends for long. We have been friends since 2022

The video gives an overview of to Present Perfect for something recently completed/finished actions.

It shows the meaning/usage: when and why to use the Present Perfect.

For the form and the pronunciation have a look a the different webpages:

  • Present perfect form
  • Present perfect pronunciation

Usage/ Meaning

How and when do we use the Present Perfect?

Timeline Present Perfect for recently finished actions just

Present Perfect is also used to talk about something recently finished.

I have just done my homework: This means not so long ago you finished your homework . It is an unspecified time in the past . We don’t know when the person did it, but it wasn’t so long ago . It is usually used to stress that you finished the action and there it no need to do it anymore or no need to worry about it anymore .

Timeline Present Perfect for recently finished actions already

I have already done my homework: This means you finished your homework somewhere before now . It is an unspecified time in the past . We don’t know when the person did it . It is usually used to stress that you finished the action and there it no need to do it anymore or no need to worry about it anymore .

Timeline Present Perfect for recently finished actions yet

Present Perfect is also used to talk about something that is not finished.

I haven’t done my homework yet : This means you did not finished your homework somewhere before now but that you will do it later . It is usually used to stress that you did not finished the action but you will do it somewhere soon in the future.




  • Just: recently finished actions. positive and questions. Between have and the main verb : I have just finished . 
  • Already: finished actions. positive and questions. Between have and the main verb : I have already finished .
  • Yet: not finished, but will finish it later. Negative and questions. At the end of the sentence: I haven’t finished yet .

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Have a look at the questions and write your answers in the comments below . Also give us some more details about when, where, why,….

  • What have you already done today?
  • What haven’t you done yet today, but must still do today?
  • What have you just finished before answering these questions?
  • Have you just had some food?
  • Have you already finished your homework?
  • Have you already studied today?
  • Have you just had a phone call?
  • Have you already had lunch today?
  • Which movie have you already seen more than 2 times?
  • Which goals in your life have you already achieved?

Spread the word

Kristof Abrath Teacher, Trainer, Course Designer Teaching in English on 4 different continents since 2006.

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The past continuous tense

The past continuous tense is used to talk about actions or events that were going on around a particular point of time in the past.

Form: Subject + was / were + ing form of the verb.

  • What were you doing when the guests turned up? I was working in the garage.

The past continuous and simple past tenses are commonly used together. In this case, the simple past tense is used to refer to the shorter action that happens in the middle of a longer background action.

  • I was having (past continuous) a bath when the telephone rang (simple past).
  • We were having lunch when someone knocked on the door.
  • I was doing my homework when the lights went out.
  • She was cooking dinner when guests arrived.
  • I was watching TV when Rahul called.

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate auxiliary verb.

1. What .................................... you doing at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

2. i ........................................ playing with my dog., 3. what ................................................. you doing at 8 o’clock in the morning, 4. i .......................................... getting ready for work., 5. what ............................................... he doing in the garden, 6. he .............................................. watering the plants., 7. what ............................................. sam doing yesterday evening, 8. sam .............................................. watching a movie on tv., 9. what ............................................ maria doing yesterday, 10. maria ...................................... reading some books., 11. what ............................................ the children doing in the evening, 12. the children ........................................ playing in the park..

1. What were you doing at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon? 2. I was playing with my dog. 3. What were you doing at 8 o’clock in the morning? 4. I was getting ready for work. 5. What was he doing in the garden? 6. He was watering the plants. 7. What was Sam doing yesterday evening? 8. Sam was watching a movie on TV. 9. What was Maria doing yesterday? 10. Maria was reading some books. 11. What were the children doing in the evening? 12. The children were playing in the park.

i (do) my homework since the afternoon

Strategies for Parents

Can We Use Yesterday With the Present Perfect Tense?

By: Author Susan Parker

Posted on Published: November 17, 2021

English tenses can be very confusing, but they’re very important because getting them wrong can result in misunderstanding. Verb tenses tell you when something happens, which is simple when we’re just referring to past, present, and future. However, when we’re linking the past with the present by using present perfect, then we may wonder if we can use “yesterday.”

We cannot use “yesterday” on its own with the present perfect tense because adverbs that refer to a completed time in the past only work with past tenses. However, you can use “since yesterday” in the present perfect tense because that expresses a time period that started yesterday and is still continuing. 

This article will explore the present perfect tense and how we should use it. We’ll examine the difference between “yesterday” and “since yesterday” and why we treat them differently. We’ll also consider what tenses we can use with “yesterday” and why.

What Is the Present Perfect?

English has three basic tenses — past, present, and future — and then those three have the perfect, continuous, and perfect continuous forms. Let’s consider the verb “to eat” in each of these tenses to illustrate the point.

Present simpleI breakfast every day.
Past simpleI breakfast yesterday.
Future simpleI breakfast tomorrow.
Present continuousI breakfast now.
Past continuousI breakfast when the mail arrived.
Future continuousI breakfast when you arrive.
Present perfectI breakfast every day this week.
Past perfectI breakfast before she arrived.
Future perfectI breakfast by the time you arrive.
Present perfect continuousI breakfast most days.
Past perfect continuousI breakfast for a while before I saw him.
Future perfect continuousI breakfast for a while by then.

We use the perfect tenses to describe an action that has been absolutely completed or perfected. This is called the “perfect aspect” ( source ). To create the present perfect, we add “has” or “have” to the past participle of the verb.

English speakers use the present perfect tense often, and it has three main uses, as we’ve illustrated in the table below ( source ).

Actions that started in the past and are continuing:

  • She has lived in Australia for 10 years.
  • Jack has worked in advertising since 2004.

Actions that happened at an unspecified time in the past:

  • They have visited the museum many times.
  • Maggie has already finished that book.

Actions that happened in the past but have an effect on the present:

  • How will we get there? Andrew has lost his car keys.
  • Jane can’t walk. She has broken her ankle.

What About “Yesterday”? 

We can use “yesterday” as an adverb or a noun to describe the day before today, or, in some contexts, it can mean just a short time ago ( source ). Consider the sentences below that illustrate these definitions.

  • I had a ballet exam yesterday. (adverb, day before today)
  • I went to that restaurant yesterday. (adverb, day before today)
  • I wasn’t born yesterday. (adverb, a short time ago)
  • It feels like yesterday that you were at school. (adverb, a short time ago)
  • Yesterday was Tuesday. (noun, day before today)
  • I’m not interested in yesterday’s news. (noun, a short time ago)

You will notice that whether we are referring specifically to the day before today or, more generally, to a time period in the past, the concept of “yesterday” is a completed period that has already happened.

Brown-Framed Eyeglasses on a Calendar

Which Tense Is Used With “Yesterday”?

Since “yesterday” refers to a time period that is past, it would be logical to assume that we must use it in the past tense. Using our original verb “to eat,” let’s consider which verbs we can use with “yesterday.” 

Past simpleI breakfast yesterday.
Past continuousI breakfast yesterday when the mail arrived.
Past perfectI breakfast before she arrived yesterday.
Past perfect continuousI breakfast yesterday before I saw him.

Is “Yesterday” Past Simple or Present Perfect?

As you will have noticed, we can use all four past tenses with “yesterday” but none of the present or future tenses. This is because “yesterday” is an expression of time that occurs entirely in the past and doesn’t include the present.

We can always use past simple — or any other past tense — with “yesterday” because it refers to the day before today, which is very clearly something that occurred in the past. Other expressions of time that only work in the past include:

  • Last week 
  • An hour ago
  • A long time ago

All of these can function in the past tenses but cannot work in any other tenses. We sometimes see someone use them incorrectly in the present perfect tense, and we need to recognize the error. Consider the following sentences, which show the incorrect use of “yesterday” in the present perfect tense.

  • I have done my homework yesterday.  
  • Yesterday, Jane has invited me to the dance.
  • They have finished the job yesterday.

None of these sentences make sense, and we need to rewrite them in the past simple:

  • I did my homework yesterday.  
  • Yesterday, Jane invited me to the dance.
  • They finished the job yesterday.

With more context, we could also rewrite them in the other past tenses:

I was doing my homework yesterday when the fire started.I had done my homework yesterday before the fire started.I had been doing my homework for two hours yesterday when the fire started. 

For more on this topic, read “ Can We Use “Yesterday” W ith Past Perfect? ”

More on Perfect Tenses

We use the various tenses to express when something happened, and we use aspect to determine whether we are simply expressing a fact or whether the action is completed or ongoing. 

The simple tenses are by definition simple — they just express a fact:

  • Jack drinks a soda.
  • Jack drank a soda.
  • Jack will drink a soda.

However, we use the perfect tenses to illustrate various connections in time. As we’ve already mentioned, the present perfect and present perfect continuous connect the past with the present. 

Past perfect and past perfect continuous connect two different times in the past. Meanwhile, the future perfect and future perfect continuous connect an action with the future.

The perfect tenses focus on the completed action, while the perfect continuous tenses focus on that action continuing.

Present perfectJack has drunk a soda.
Present perfect continuousJack has been drinking a soda.
Past perfectJack had drunk a soda before he left yesterday.
Past perfect continuousJack had been drinking a soda before he left yesterday.
Future perfectJack will have drunk a soda before you arrive.
Future perfect continuousJack will have been drinking a soda before you arrive.

We use the present perfect tenses most often. Usually, we use them to talk about something we have done in the past that is still relevant today. When you’re introducing yourself or telling someone about your past, you will use these tenses extensively.

We don’t use the past perfect tenses quite as often, but they are still very useful. You will use this tense when telling stories because it helps to differentiate between various times in the past. We can use it to connect two past actions or to connect a past action with a past time. This is why we use this tense with “yesterday.”

We use the future perfect tenses least often, but they’re still useful when talking about plans or goals. You may use this tense to talk about what will have to be completed before a specific future time.

Can We Use “Since Yesterday”?

Since yesterday is an acceptable phrase. If we add “since” to create the phrase “since yesterday,” we are dealing with a different time expression. “Since” means from a time in the past until now, so “since yesterday” means from the day before today until now ( source ).

In this case, “since yesterday” doesn’t only occur in the past. It links the present with the past, so we can use it in the present perfect tense. Consider the sentences below.

  • I’ve been studying since yesterday.
  • I haven’t seen her since yesterday afternoon.
  • Mr. Smith has been painting his house non-stop since yesterday.

Figure, Painter, Job, Decoration, Fun, Cute, Work

Exploring “Since”

We use “since” to express time, and it can work as an adverb, preposition, or conjunction, depending on how we position it in a sentence. 

As a preposition, we follow “since” with a noun:

  • I haven’t been this fit since 2004.

As an adverb, we do not follow “since” with a noun:

  • Jack left last October and hasn’t been home since.

As a conjunction, it connects two clauses:

  • Jill has had many boyfriends since her relationship ended.

As an expression of time, “since” means either:

From a time in the past up until the present

From a time in the past until another time in the past.

In the first instance, when constructing a sentence using “since,” we will always use the present perfect tense in the main clause. However, after “since,” we can either use present perfect to describe the time from the past up until the present or simple past tense to describe the time from the past up until another point in the past.

Consider the examples below that illustrate these two possibilities.

Using present perfect after “since” to describe the time from the past up until the present:

  • Jack has improved his times since he has started training daily. 
  • I have been feeling better since I’ve been taking the correct medication.

Using simple past after “since” to describe the time from the past up until another point in the past:

  • Jack has improved his times since he started training daily. 
  • I have been feeling significantly better since I began taking the correct medication.

In the second instance, we most often use past perfect tense in the main clause and past simple after “since.” Consider the examples below:

Sally’s death was devastating. I had been friends with her since we started school in 1980.

I didn’t know you had been working on that since we opened the business last year.

Sometimes, we use past perfect tense in the main clause and again after “since,” as we’ve shown below.

  • It had been more than a decade since I had asked anyone on a date.

It’s important to remember that “since” is an expression of time in the past. Therefore, we can never use it to describe present or future time.

What About “Ever Since”?

We use “ever since” in two ways, as we’ve illustrated below. This article was written for strategiesforparents.com.

To talk about something that happened regularly from a time in the past up until now:

  • She saw her first ballet at six and has wanted to be a dancer ever since .
  • Bob first went to London in 1982 and has been visiting annually ever since . 

To talk about something that happened continually from a specific time in the past:

  • She has wanted to be a dancer ever since she was a young girl. 
  • Bob has been visiting London annually ever since his first visit in 1982.

Final Thoughts

English tenses can trip you up, especially if you overthink them. When saying “yesterday,” it’s useful to remember that because it refers to the day before today, we can only use it to talk about an action that has occurred in the past.

Thus, you would always use one of the past tenses — past simple, past continuous, past perfect, or past perfect continuous — with “yesterday.” 

The present perfect tense has to have a link to the present and, therefore, cannot work together with “yesterday.” However, a word like “since” can work to create the link to the present, so we can use “since yesterday” with the present perfect tense.


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