A Step-by-Step Plan for Teaching Argumentative Writing

February 7, 2016

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For seven years, I was a writing teacher.  Yes, I was certified to teach the full spectrum of English language arts—literature, grammar and usage, speech, drama, and so on—but my absolute favorite, the thing I loved doing the most, was teaching students how to write.

Most of the material on this site is directed at all teachers. I look for and put together resources that would appeal to any teacher who teaches any subject. That practice will continue for as long as I keep this up. But over the next year or so, I plan to also share more of what I know about teaching students to write. Although I know many of the people who visit here are not strictly English language arts teachers, my hope is that these posts will provide tons of value to those who are, and to those who teach all subjects, including writing.

So let’s begin with argumentative writing, or persuasive writing, as many of us used to call it. This overview will be most helpful to those who are new to teaching writing, or teachers who have not gotten good results with the approach you have taken up to now. I don’t claim to have the definitive answer on how to do this, but the method I share here worked pretty well for me, and it might do the same for you. If you are an experienced English language arts teacher, you probably already have a system for teaching this skill that you like. Then again, I’m always interested in how other people do the things I can already do; maybe you’re curious like that, too.

Before I start, I should note that what I describe in this post is a fairly formulaic style of essay writing. It’s not exactly the 5-paragraph essay, but it definitely builds on that model. I strongly believe students should be shown how to move past those kinds of structures into a style of writing that’s more natural and fitting to the task and audience, but I also think they should start with something that’s pretty clearly organized.

So here’s how I teach argumentative essay writing.

Step 1: Watch How It’s Done

One of the most effective ways to improve student writing is to show them mentor texts, examples of excellent writing within the genre students are about to attempt themselves. Ideally, this writing would come from real publications and not be fabricated by me in order to embody the form I’m looking for. Although most experts on writing instruction employ some kind of mentor text study, the person I learned it from best was Katie Wood Ray in her book Study Driven (links to the book: Bookshop.org | Amazon ).

Since I want the writing to be high quality and the subject matter to be high interest, I might choose pieces like Jessica Lahey’s Students Who Lose Recess Are the Ones Who Need it Most  and David Bulley’s School Suspensions Don’t Work .

I would have students read these texts, compare them, and find places where the authors used evidence to back up their assertions. I would ask students which author they feel did the best job of influencing the reader, and what suggestions they would make to improve the writing. I would also ask them to notice things like stories, facts and statistics, and other things the authors use to develop their ideas. Later, as students work on their own pieces, I would likely return to these pieces to show students how to execute certain writing moves.

Step 2: Informal Argument, Freestyle

Although many students might need more practice in writing an effective argument, many of them are excellent at arguing in person. To help them make this connection, I would have them do some informal debate on easy, high-interest topics. An activity like This or That (one of the classroom icebreakers I talked about last year) would be perfect here: I read a statement like “Women have the same opportunities in life as men.” Students who agree with the statement move to one side of the room, and those who disagree move to the other side. Then they take turns explaining why they are standing in that position. This ultimately looks a little bit like a debate, as students from either side tend to defend their position to those on the other side.

Every class of students I have ever had, from middle school to college, has loved loved LOVED this activity. It’s so simple, it gets them out of their seats, and for a unit on argument, it’s an easy way to get them thinking about how the art of argument is something they practice all the time.

Step 3: Informal Argument, Not so Freestyle

Once students have argued without the support of any kind of research or text, I would set up a second debate; this time with more structure and more time to research ahead of time. I would pose a different question, supply students with a few articles that would provide ammunition for either side, then give them time to read the articles and find the evidence they need.

Next, we’d have a Philosophical Chairs debate (learn about this in my  discussion strategies post), which is very similar to “This or That,” except students use textual evidence to back up their points, and there are a few more rules. Here they are still doing verbal argument, but the experience should make them more likely to appreciate the value of evidence when trying to persuade.

Before leaving this step, I would have students transfer their thoughts from the discussion they just had into something that looks like the opening paragraph of a written argument: A statement of their point of view, plus three reasons to support that point of view. This lays the groundwork for what’s to come.

Step 4: Introduction of the Performance Assessment

Next I would show students their major assignment, the performance assessment that they will work on for the next few weeks. What does this look like? It’s generally a written prompt that describes the task, plus the rubric I will use to score their final product.

Anytime I give students a major writing assignment, I let them see these documents very early on. In my experience, I’ve found that students appreciate having a clear picture of what’s expected of them when beginning a writing assignment. At this time, I also show them a model of a piece of writing that meets the requirements of the assignment. Unlike the mentor texts we read on day 1, this sample would be something teacher-created (or an excellent student model from a previous year) to fit the parameters of the assignment.

Step 5: Building the Base

Before letting students loose to start working on their essays, I make sure they have a solid plan for writing. I would devote at least one more class period to having students consider their topic for the essay, drafting a thesis statement, and planning the main points of their essay in a graphic organizer.

I would also begin writing my own essay on a different topic. This has been my number one strategy for teaching students how to become better writers. Using a document camera or overhead projector, I start from scratch, thinking out loud and scribbling down my thoughts as they come. When students see how messy the process can be, it becomes less intimidating for them. They begin to understand how to take the thoughts that are stirring around in your head and turn them into something that makes sense in writing.

For some students, this early stage might take a few more days, and that’s fine: I would rather spend more time getting it right at the pre-writing stage than have a student go off willy-nilly, draft a full essay, then realize they need to start over. Meanwhile, students who have their plans in order will be allowed to move on to the next step.

Step 6: Writer’s Workshop

The next seven to ten days would be spent in writer’s workshop, where I would start class with a mini-lesson about a particular aspect of craft. I would show them how to choose credible, relevant evidence, how to skillfully weave evidence into an argument, how to consider the needs of an audience, and how to correctly cite sources. Once each mini-lesson was done, I would then give students the rest of the period to work independently on their writing. During this time, I would move around the room, helping students solve problems and offering feedback on whatever part of the piece they are working on. I would encourage students to share their work with peers and give feedback at all stages of the writing process.

If I wanted to make the unit even more student-centered, I would provide the mini-lessons in written or video format and let students work through them at their own pace, without me teaching them. (To learn more about this approach, read this post on self-paced learning ).

As students begin to complete their essays, the mini-lessons would focus more on matters of style and usage. I almost never bother talking about spelling, punctuation, grammar, or usage until students have a draft that’s pretty close to done. Only then do we start fixing the smaller mistakes.

Step 7: Final Assessment

Finally, the finished essays are handed in for a grade. At this point, I’m pretty familiar with each student’s writing and have given them verbal (and sometimes written) feedback throughout the unit; that’s why I make the writer’s workshop phase last so long. I don’t really want students handing in work until they are pretty sure they’ve met the requirements to the best of their ability. I also don’t necessarily see “final copies” as final; if a student hands in an essay that’s still really lacking in some key areas, I will arrange to have that student revise it and resubmit for a higher grade.

So that’s it. If you haven’t had a lot of success teaching students to write persuasively, and if the approach outlined here is different from what you’ve been doing, give it a try. And let’s keep talking: Use the comments section below to share your techniques or ask questions about the most effective ways to teach argumentative writing.

Want this unit ready-made?

If you’re a writing teacher in grades 7-12 and you’d like a classroom-ready unit like the one described above, including mini-lessons, sample essays, and a library of high-interest online articles to use for gathering evidence, take a look at my Argumentative Writing unit. Just click on the image below and you’ll be taken to a page where you can read more and see a detailed preview of what’s included.

What to Read Next

argumentative essay lesson plan grade 8

Categories: Instruction , Podcast

Tags: English language arts , Grades 6-8 , Grades 9-12 , teaching strategies


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This is useful information. In teaching persuasive speaking/writing I have found Monroe’s Motivated sequence very useful and productive. It is a classic model that immediately gives a solid structure for students.

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Thanks for the recommendation, Bill. I will have to look into that! Here’s a link to more information on Monroe’s Motivated sequence, for anyone who wants to learn more: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/MonroeMotivatedSequence.htm

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What other sites do you recommend for teacher use on providing effective organizational structure in argumentative writing? As a K-12 Curriculum Director, I find that when teachers connect with and understand the organizational structure, they are more effective in their teaching/delivery.

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Hey Jessica, in addition to the steps outlined here, you might want to check out Jenn’s post on graphic organizers . Graphic organizers are a great tool that you can use in any phase of a lesson. Using them as a prewrite can help students visualize the argument and organize their thoughts. There’s a link in that post to the Graphic Organizer Multi-Pack that Jenn has for sale on her Teachers Pay Teachers site, which includes two versions of a graphic organizer you can use specifically for argument organization. Otherwise, if there’s something else you had in mind, let us know and we can help you out. Thanks!

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Dear Jennifer Gonzalez,

You are generous with your gift of lighting the path… I hardly ever write (never before) , but I must today… THANK YOU… THANK YOU….THANK YOU… mostly for reading your great teachings… So your valuable teachings will even be easy to benefit all the smart people facing challenge of having to deal with adhd…

I am not a teacher… but forever a student…someone who studied English as 2nd language, with a science degree & adhd…

You truly are making a difference in our World…

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Thanks so much, Rita! I know Jenn will appreciate this — I’ll be sure to share with her!

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Love it! Its simple and very fruitful . I can feel how dedicated you are! Thanks alot Jen

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Great examples of resources that students would find interesting. I enjoyed reading your article. I’ve bookmarked it for future reference. Thanks!

You’re welcome, Sheryl!

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Students need to be writing all the time about a broad range of topics, but I love the focus here on argumentative writing because if you choose the model writing texts correctly, you can really get the kids engaged in the process and in how they can use this writing in real-world situations!

I agree, Laura. I think an occasional tight focus on one genre can help them grow leaps and bounds in the skills specific to that type of writing. Later, in less structured situations, they can then call on those skills when that kind of thinking is required.

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This is really helpful! I used it today and put the recess article in a Google Doc and had the kids identify anecdotal, statistic, and ‘other’ types of evidence by highlighting them in three different colors. It worked well! Tomorrow we’ll discuss which of the different types of evidence are most convincing and why.

Love that, Shanna! Thanks for sharing that extra layer.

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Greetings Ms. Gonzales. I was wondering if you had any ideas to help students develop the cons/against side of their argument within their writing? Please advise. Thanks.

Hi Michael,

Considering audience and counterarguments are an important part of the argumentative writing process. In the Argumentative Writing unit Jenn includes specific mini-lessons that teach kids how, when and where to include opposing views in their writing. In the meantime, here’s a video that might also be helpful.

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Hi, Thank you very much for sharing your ideas. I want to share also the ideas in the article ‘Already Experts: Showing Students How Much They Know about Writing and Reading Arguments’ by Angela Petit and Edna Soto…they explain a really nice activity to introduce argumentative writing. I have applied it many times and my students not only love it but also display a very clear pattern as the results in the activity are quite similar every time. I hope you like it.

Lorena Perez

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I’d like to thank you you for this excellence resource. It’s a wonderful addition to the informative content that Jennifer has shared.

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What do you use for a prize?

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I looked at the unit, and it looks and sounds great. The description says there are 4 topics. Can you tell me the topics before I purchase? We start argument in 5th grade, and I want to make sure the topics are different from those they’ve done the last 5 years before purchasing. Thanks!

Hi Carrie! If you go to the product page on TPT and open up the preview, you’ll see the four topics on the 4th page in more detail, but here they are: Social Networking in School (should social media sites be blocked in school?), Cell Phones in Class, Junk Food in School, and Single-Sex Education (i.e., genders separated). Does that help?

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I teach 6th grade English in a single gendered (all-girls) class. We just finished an argument piece but I will definitely cycle back your ideas when we revisit argumentation. Thanks for the fabulous resources!

Glad to hear it, Madelyn!

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I’m not a writing teacher and honestly haven’t been taught on how to teach writing. I’m a history teacher. I read this and found it helpful but have questions. First I noticed that amount of time dedicated to the task in terms of days. My questions are how long is a class period? I have my students for about 45 minutes. I also saw you mentioned in the part about self-paced learning that mini-lessons could be written or video format. I love these ideas. Any thoughts on how to do this with almost no technology in the room and low readers to non-readers? I’m trying to figure out how to balance teaching a content class while also teaching the common core skills. Thank you for any consideration to my questions.

Hey Jones, To me, a class period is anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour; definitely varies from school to school. As for the question about doing self-paced with very little tech? I think binders with written mini-lessons could work well, as well as a single computer station or tablet hooked up to a class set of videos. Obviously you’d need to be more diligent about rotating students in and out of these stations, but it’s an option at least. You might also give students access to the videos through computers in other locations at school (like the library) and give them passes to watch. The thing about self-paced learning, as you may have seen in the self-paced post , is that if students need extra teacher support (as you might find with low readers or non-readers), they would spend more one-on-one time with the teacher, while the higher-level students would be permitted to move more quickly on their own. Does that help?

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My primary goal for next semester is to increase academic discussion and make connections from discussion to writing, so I love how you launch this unit with lessons like Philosophical Chairs. I am curious, however, what is the benefit of the informal argument before the not-so-informal argument? My students often struggle to listen to one another, so I’m wondering if I should start with the more formal, structured version. Or, am I overthinking the management? Thanks so much for input.

Yikes! So sorry your question slipped through, and we’re just now getting to this, Sarah. The main advantage of having kids first engage in informal debate is that it helps them get into an argumentative mindset and begin to appreciate the value of using research to support their claims. If you’ve purchased the unit, you can read more about this in the Overview.

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My 6th graders are progressing through their argumentative essay. I’m providing mini lessons along the way that target where most students are in their essay. Your suggestions will be used. I’ve chosen to keep most writing in class and was happy to read that you scheduled a lot of class time for the writing. Students need to feel comfortable knowing that writing is a craft and needs to evolve over time. I think more will get done in class and it is especially important for the struggling writers to have peers and the teacher around while they write. Something that I had students do that they liked was to have them sit in like-topic groups to create a shared document where they curated information that MIGHT be helpful along the way. By the end of the essay, all will use a fantastic add-on called GradeProof which helps to eliminate most of the basic and silly errors that 6th graders make.

Debbi! I LOVE the idea of a shared, curated collection of resources! That is absolutely fantastic! Are you using a Google Doc for this? Other curation tools you might consider are Padlet and Elink .

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thanks v much for all this information

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Love this! What do you take as grades in the meantime? Throughout this 2 week stretch?

Ideally, you wouldn’t need to take grades at all, waiting until the final paper is done to give one grade. If your school requires more frequent grades, you could assign small point values for getting the incremental steps done: So in Step 3 (when students have to write a paragraph stating their point of view) you could take points for that. During the writer’s workshop phase, you might give points for completion of a rough draft and participation points for peer review (ideally, they’d get some kind of feedback on the quality of feedback they give to one another). Another option would be to just give a small, holistic grade for each week based on the overall integrity of their work–are they staying on task? Making small improvements to their writing each day? Taking advantage of the resources? If students are working diligently through the process, that should be enough. But again, the assessment (grades) should really come from that final written product, and if everyone is doing what they’re supposed to be doing during the workshop phase, most students should have pretty good scores on that final product. Does that help?

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Awesome Step 2! Teaching mostly teenagers in Northern Australia I find students’ verbal arguments are much more finely honed than their written work.

To assist with “building the base” I’ve always found sentence starters an essential entry point for struggling students. We have started using the ‘PEARL’ method for analytical and persuasive writing.

If it helps here a free scaffold for the method:


Thanks again,

Thank you for sharing this additional resource! It’s excellent!

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I’ve been scouring the interwebs looking for some real advice on how I can help my struggling 9th grader write better. I can write. Since it comes naturally for me, I have a hard time breaking it down into such tiny steps that he can begin to feel less overwhelmed. I LOVE the pre-writing ideas here. My son is a fabulous arguer. I need to help him use those powers for the good of his writing skills. Do you have a suggestion on what I else I can be using for my homeschooled son? Or what you may have that could work well for home use?

Hi Melinda,

You might be interested in taking a look at Jenn’s Argumentative Writing unit which she mentions at the end of the post . Hope this helps!

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Mam it would be good if you could post some steps of different writing and some samples as well so it can be useful for the students.

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Hi Aalia! My name is Holly, and I work as a Customer Experience Manager for Cult of Pedagogy. It just so happens that in the near future, Jenn is going to release a narrative writing unit, so keep an eye out for that! As far as samples, the argumentative writing unit has example essays included, and I’m sure the narrative unit will as well. But, to find the examples, you have to purchase the unit from Teachers Pay Teachers.

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I just want to say that this helped me tremendously in teaching argument to 8th Graders this past school year, which is a huge concept on their state testing in April. I felt like they were very prepared, and they really enjoyed the verbal part of it, too! I have already implemented these methods into my unit plan for argument for my 11th grade class this year. Thank you so much for posting all of these things! : )

-Josee` Vaughn

I’m so glad to hear it, Josee!!

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Love your blog! It is one of the best ones.

I am petrified of writing. I am teaching grade 8 in September and would love some suggestions as I start planning for the year. Thanks!

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This is genius! I can’t wait to get started tomorrow teaching argument. It’s always something that I have struggled with, and I’ve been teaching for 18 years. I have a class of 31 students, mostly boys, several with IEPs. The self-paced mini-lessons will help tremendously.

So glad you liked it, Britney!

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My students will begin the journey into persuasion and argument next week and your post cemented much of my thinking around how to facilitate the journey towards effective, enthusiastic argumentative writing.

I use your rubrics often to outline task expectations for my students and the feedback from them is how useful breaking every task into steps can be as they are learning new concepts.

Additionally, we made the leap into blogging as a grade at https://mrsdsroadrunners.edublogs.org/2019/01/04/your-future/ It feels much like trying to learn to change a tire while the car is speeding down the highway. Reading your posts over the past years was a factor in embracing the authentic audience. Thank You! Trish

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I love reading and listening to your always helpful tips, tricks, and advice! I was wondering if you had any thoughts on creative and engaging ways to have students share their persuasive writing? My 6th students are just finishing up our persuasive writing where we read the book “Oh, Rats” by Albert Marrin and used the information gathered to craft a persuasive piece to either eliminate or protect rats and other than just reading their pieces to one another, I have been trying to think of more creative ways to share. I thought about having a debate but (un)fortunately all my kids are so sweet and are on the same side of the argument – Protect the Rats! Any ideas?

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Hi Kiley! Thanks for the positive feedback! So glad to hear that you are finding value in Cult of Pedagogy! Here are a few suggestions that you may be interested in trying with your students:

-A gallery walk: Students could do this virtually if their writing is stored online or hard copies of their writing. Here are some different ways that you could use gallery walks: Enliven Class Discussions With Gallery Walks

-Students could give each other feedback using a tech tool like Flipgrid . You could assign students to small groups or give them accountability partners. In Flipgrid, you could have students sharing back and forth about their writing and their opinions.

I hope this helps!

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I love the idea of mentor texts for all of these reading and writing concepts. I saw a great one on Twitter with one text and it demonstrated 5-6 reasons to start a paragraph, all in two pages of a book! Is there a location that would have suggestions/lists of mentor texts for these areas? Paragraphs, sentences, voice, persuasive writing, expository writing, etc. It seems like we could share this info, save each other some work, and curate a great collection of mentor text for English Language Arts teachers. Maybe it already exists?

Hi Maureen,

Here are some great resources that you may find helpful:

Craft Lessons Second Edition: Teaching Writing K-8 Write Like This: Teaching Real-World Writing Through Modeling and Mentor Texts and Mentor Texts, 2nd edition: Teaching Writing Through Children’s Literature, K-6

Thanks so much! I’ll definitely look into these.

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I love the steps for planning an argumentative essay writing. When we return from Christmas break, we will begin starting a unit on argumentative writing. I will definitely use the steps. I especially love Step #2. As a 6th grade teacher, my students love to argue. This would set the stage of what argumentative essay involves. Thanks for sharing.

So glad to hear this, Gwen. Thanks for letting us know!

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Great orientation, dear Jennifer. The step-by-step carefully planned pedagogical perspectives have surely added in the information repository of many.

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Hi Jennifer,

I hope you are well. I apologise for the incorrect spelling in the previous post.

Thank you very much for introducing this effective instruction for teaching argumentative writing. I am the first year PhD student at Newcastle University, UK. My PhD research project aims to investigate teaching argumentative writing to Chinese university students. I am interested in the Argumentative Writing unit you have designed and would like to buy it. I would like to see the preview of this book before deciding to purchase it. I clicked on the image BUT the font of the preview is so small and cannot see the content clearly. I am wondering whether it could be possible for you to email me a detailed preview of what’s included. I would highly appreciate if you could help me with this.

Thank you very much in advance. Looking forward to your reply.

Take care and all the very best, Chang

Hi Chang! Jenn’s Argumentative Writing Unit is actually a teaching unit geared toward grades 7-12 with lessons, activities, etc. If you click here click here to view the actual product, you can click on the green ‘View Preview’ button to see a pretty detailed preview of what’s offered. Once you open the preview, there is the option to zoom in so you can see what the actual pages of the unit are like. I hope this helps!

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Great Content!

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Another teacher showed me one of your posts, and now I’ve read a dozen of them. With teaching students to argue, have you ever used the “What’s going on in this picture?” https://www.nytimes.com/column/learning-whats-going-on-in-this-picture?module=inline I used it last year and thought it was a non-threatening way to introduce learners to using evidence to be persuasive since there was no text.

I used to do something like this to help kids learn how to make inferences. Hadn’t thought of it from a persuasive standpoint. Interesting.

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this is a very interesting topic, thanks!

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Hi! I’m a teacher too! I was looking for inspiration and I found your article and thought you might find this online free tool interesting that helps make all students participate meaningfully and engage in a topic. https://www.kialo-edu.com/

This tool is great for student collaboration and to teach argumentative writing in an innovative way. I hope this helps!

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English - body paragraphs in persuasive writing - grade 8.

argumentative essay lesson plan grade 8

Lesson Plan Outline

Subject:  English

Grade:  Eight

Lesson Objective:  Body Paragraphs in Persuasive Writing

Common Core Standard:   CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.8.2  - "Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content."

Materials:  Select any body of work for the class to work on as a whole, or have each student select a topic they feel compelled to write on.

Teacher Preparation:  The fundamental purpose of writing is to share ideas. Whether reading someone else's work or writing and trying to connect with someone, the ability to articulate thoughts is a life skill of the utmost importance. We're constantly trying to persuade others whether we think we are or not, from what movie is better to the all-time preferred flavor of ice cream.

Anyone can have an opinion. Everyone does have opinions, but being able to articulate that opinion is one thing. And being able to convince someone to see things differently, or at least consider them from another perspective, is another thing entirely. Just like how anyone can have an opinion, anyone can master persuasive writing with these simple steps. The following is a lesson plan to help students create meaningful body paragraphs in persuasive writing.

Starter:  It isn't called brainstorming for nothing. Creating ideas on how to approach a particular subject and the different ways a student can approach it can result in an overwhelming bombardment of too many ideas. This is where research plays its part by assisting the writer with ideas about the subject in general. 

Even reading just a handful of papers, articles, and factoids can help students solidify the stance they want to take in their essay. Researching the topic as a whole, including resources from both sides of the spectrum, will help narrow down the stance a student wishes to take. This also helps eliminate bias in the essay as the writer sees information and can draw conclusions based on facts rather than solely on opinions.

Main:  Once a student has taken a particular stance on the subject, formulating those ideas into at least three key points is essential to crafting a successful persuasive essay. One point is addressed in each body paragraph. It may be difficult for students to come up with three ideas, but starting with one topic they plan to address may lead to another that helps their stance. Or, if they only have one idea, suggest breaking that down into three manageable parts. This will allow each body paragraph to stand on its own and help the flow of the writing itself.

Outlining helps ensure that the flow of these ideas is organized to make sense and provides a road map for the student to follow when writing. Each point serves as a body paragraph, and the contents of that are made up of another three points consisting of ways the student will address the specific idea. Once the outline is created, the student has to combine the notes with grammar and punctuation, and it's off to the races.

For example, an outline for a persuasive essay about why dogs are better than cats may look something like this:

  • You cant play with a cat the same way you can play with a dog.
  • Dogs and cats need exercise.
  • Dogs are awake for most of the day; meanwhile, cats are nocturnal.
  • A common misconception is that dogs are bad.
  • How dogs are raised determines their anger, not their breed.
  • Cuddling with animals is clinically proven to reduce stress.
  • Dogs can be taught tricks while cats cannot.
  • Dogs can be trained as service animals.
  • Dogs can even be taught to use programmed push buttons to say phrases about what they want.

The easiest way to craft body paragraphs after the outline is drafted is by using transitional phrases. 'First,' 'furthermore,' and 'finally' are the only three tools needed to kick off body paragraphs. 

Wrapping up a paragraph that somehow ties into the next and introduces an idea that somehow ties into the last is probably the most tedious part of writing. Using transitional phrases helps students stay on the course of their outline without sacrificing content. 'First' is used to open the first paragraph, followed by 'furthermore' as it builds on the original thesis, and 'finally' begins the last body paragraph.

Reflection:  Followed by a transitional phrase, a paragraph or an idea is introduced in the same way the overall essay begins: with a hook. Hooking readers goes back to that element of brainstorming. Students were encouraged to research the topic and find what makes it interesting, so they already have ideas as to what makes it interesting enough to write about in the first place. 

Creating a hook draws the reader in, but it has to be related to the subject and introduced as if it were the reader's first time hearing about it. It's best to leave nothing to chance. A hook is followed up with context, reeling the reader further in and sinking them with the three points created in the outline.

The best way to ensure that body paragraphs in persuasive writing are persuasive is to draft, revise, and edit. Drafting an outline allows relevant information, quotes, and resources to be organized in a way that flows and gives a steady foundation to work from. Revising those ideas and thoughtfully formulating them builds the framework of the body paragraphs. Editing those paragraphs with hook, reel, and sink helps the essay's consistency and flow of ideas. Utilizing 'first,' 'furthermore,' and 'finally' as paragraph starters also helps students keep their ideas in order and make the task of writing more manageable. 

Utilizing any of these methods in your next class will help students compose their ideas and accomplish successful body paragraphs in persuasive writing.

Written by Morgan Andrus

Education World Contributor

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Can You Convince Me? Developing Persuasive Writing

argumentative essay lesson plan grade 8

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Persuasive writing is an important skill that can seem intimidating to elementary students. This lesson encourages students to use skills and knowledge they may not realize they already have. A classroom game introduces students to the basic concepts of lobbying for something that is important to them (or that they want) and making persuasive arguments. Students then choose their own persuasive piece to analyze and learn some of the definitions associated with persuasive writing. Once students become aware of the techniques used in oral arguments, they then apply them to independent persuasive writing activities and analyze the work of others to see if it contains effective persuasive techniques.

Featured Resources

: Students can use this online interactive tool to map out an argument for their persuasive essay.
: This handy PowerPoint presentation helps students master the definition of each strategy used in persuasive writing.
  : Students can apply what they know about persuasive writing strategies by evaluating a persuasive piece and indicating whether the author used that strategy, and–if so–explaining how.

From Theory to Practice

  • Students can discover for themselves how much they already know about constructing persuasive arguments by participating in an exercise that is not intimidating.  
  • Progressing from spoken to written arguments will help students become better readers of persuasive texts.

Common Core Standards

This resource has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards for states in which they have been adopted. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, CCSS alignments are forthcoming.

State Standards

This lesson has been aligned to standards in the following states. If a state does not appear in the drop-down, standard alignments are not currently available for that state.

NCTE/IRA National Standards for the English Language Arts

  • 4. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes.
  • 5. Students employ a wide range of strategies as they write and use different writing process elements appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes.

Materials and Technology

  • Computers with Internet access  
  • PowerPoint  
  • LCD projector (optional)  
  • Chart paper or chalkboard  
  • Sticky notes  
  • Persuasive Strategy Presentation
  • Persuasion Is All Around You  
  • Persuasive Strategy Definitions  
  • Check the Strategies  
  • Check the Strategy  
  • Observations and Notes  
  • Persuasive Writing Assessment


1. Prepare for the game students play during Session 1. Divide the class into teams of four or five. Choose a prize for the winning team (e.g., extra time at recess, a chance to be first in the lunch line, a special snack, a certificate you create, or the chance to bring a special book home). If possible, arrange for another teacher or an administrator to come into your class at the end of the game to act as a judge.

For Session 3, assign partners and pick a second prize for the group that wins the game.
2. Make one copy of the sheet for each group and pair of students. (You will use this sheet to record your observations while students are working during Session 1 and presenting during Session 4.) Make one copy of the , , and the for each student. Make enough copies of the sheet so that every student has a checklist for each set of partners that presents (see Session 4).
3. Make a two-column chart for Session 1. Write at the top of the chart. Write at the top of one column and at the top of the other.
4. If you do not have classroom computers with Internet access, arrange to spend one session in your school’s computer lab (see Session 3). Bookmark the on your classroom or lab computers, and make sure that it is working properly.
5. Preview the and bookmark it on your classroom computer. You will be sharing this with students during Session 2 and may want to arrange to use an LCD projector or a computer with a large screen.

Student Objectives

Students will

  • Work in cooperative groups to brainstorm ideas and organize them into a cohesive argument to be presented to the class  
  • Gain knowledge of the different strategies that are used in effective persuasive writing  
  • Use a graphic organizer to help them begin organizing their ideas into written form  
  • Apply what they have learned to write a persuasive piece that expresses their stance and reasoning in a clear, logical sequence  
  • Develop oral presentation skills by presenting their persuasive writing pieces to the class  
  • Analyze the work of others to see if it contains effective persuasive techniques

Session 1: The Game of Persuasion

1. Post the chart you created where students can see it (see Preparation, Step 3). Distribute sticky notes, and ask students to write their names on the notes. Call students up to the chart to place their notes in the column that expresses their opinion.
2. After everyone has had a chance to put their name on the chart, look at the results and discuss how people have different views about various topics and are entitled to their opinions. Give students a chance to share the reasons behind their choices.
3. Once students have shared, explain that sometimes when you believe in something, you want others to believe in it also and you might try to get them to change their minds. Ask students the following question: “Does anyone know the word for trying to convince someone to change his or her mind about something?” Elicit from students the word .
4. Explain to students that they are going to play a game that will help them understand how persuasive arguments work.
5. Follow these rules of the game:
  While students are working, there should be little interference from you. This is a time for students to discover what they already know about persuasive arguments. Use the handout as you listen in to groups and make notes about their arguments. This will help you see what students know and also provide examples to point out during Session 2 (see Step 4).

Home/School Connection: Distribute Persuasion Is All Around You . Students are to find an example of a persuasive piece from the newspaper, television, radio, magazine, or billboards around town and be ready to report back to class during Session 2. Provide a selection of magazines or newspapers with advertisements for students who may not have materials at home. For English-language learners (ELLs), it may be helpful to show examples of advertisements and articles in newspapers and magazines.

Session 2: Analysis of an Argument

1. Begin by asking students to share their homework. You can have them share as a class, in their groups from the previous session, or in partners.
2. After students have shared, explain that they are going to get a chance to examine the arguments that they made during Session 1 to find out what strategies they already know how to use.
3. Pass out the to each student. Tell students that you are going to explain each definition through a PowerPoint presentation.
4. Read through each slide in the . Discuss the meaning and how students used those strategies in their arguments during Session 1. Use your observations and notes to help students make connections between their arguments and the persuasive strategies. It is likely your students used many of the strategies, and did not know it. For example, imagine the reward for the winning team was 10 extra minutes of recess. Here is one possible argument:

“Our classmate Sarah finally got her cast taken off. She hasn’t been able to play outside for two months. For 60 days she’s had to go sit in the nurse’s office while we all played outside. Don’t you think it would be the greatest feeling for Sarah to have 10 extra minutes of recess the first week of getting her cast off?”

This group is trying to appeal to the other students’ emotions. This is an example of .
5. As you discuss the examples from the previous session, have students write them in the box next to each definition on the Persuasive Strategy Definitions sheet to help them remember each meaning.

Home/School Connection: Ask students to revisit their persuasive piece from Persuasion Is All Around You . This time they will use Check the Strategies to look for the persuasive strategies that the creator of the piece incorporated. Check for understanding with your ELLs and any special needs students. It may be helpful for them to talk through their persuasive piece with you or a peer before taking it home for homework. Arrange a time for any student who may not have the opportunity to complete assignments outside of school to work with you, a volunteer, or another adult at school on the assignment.

Session 3: Persuasive Writing

1. Divide the class into groups of two or three students. Have each group member talk about the persuasive strategies they found in their piece.
2. After each group has had time to share with each other, go through each persuasive strategy and ask students to share any examples they found in their persuasive pieces with the whole class.
3. Explain to students that in this session they will be playing the game they played during Session 1 again; only this time they will be working with a partner to write their argument and there will be a different prize awarded to the winning team.
4. Share the with students and read through each category. Explain that you will be using this rubric to help evaluate their essays. Reassure students that if they have questions or if part of the rubric is unclear, you will help them during their conference.
5. Have students get together with the partners you have selected (see Preparation, Step 1).
6. Get students started on their persuasive writing by introducing them to the interactive . This online graphic organizer is a prewriting exercise that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay.
  or stance that they are taking on the issue.
  Challenge students to use the persuasive strategies discussed during Session 2 in their writing. Remind students to print their maps before exiting as they cannot save their work online.
7. Have students begin writing their persuasive essays, using their printed Persuasion Maps as a guide. To maintain the spirit of the game, allow students to write their essays with their partner. Partners can either write each paragraph together taking turns being the scribe or each can take responsibility for different paragraphs in the essay. If partners decide to work on different parts of the essay, monitor them closely and help them to write transition sentences from one paragraph to the next. It may take students two sessions to complete their writing.
8. Meet with partners as they are working on their essays. During conferences you can:

Session 4: Presenting the Persuasive Writing

1. During this session, partners will present their written argument to the class. Before students present, hand out the sheet. This checklist is the same one they used for homework after Session 2. Direct students to mark off the strategies they hear in each presentation.
2. Use the sheet to record your observations.
3. After each set of partners presents, ask the audience to share any persuasive strategies they heard in the argument.
4. After all partners have presented, have students vote for the argument other than their own that they felt was most convincing.
5. Tally the votes and award the prize to the winning team. To end this session, ask students to discuss something new they have learned about persuasive arguments and something they want to work on to become better at persuasive arguments.
  • Endangered Species: Persuasive Writing offers a way to integrate science with persuasive writing. Have students pretend that they are reporters and have to convince people to think the way they do. Have them pick issues related to endangered species, use the Persuasion Map as a prewriting exercise, and write essays trying to convince others of their points of view. In addition, the lesson “Persuasive Essay: Environmental Issues” can be adapted for your students as part of this exercise.  
  • Have students write persuasive arguments for a special class event, such as an educational field trip or an in-class educational movie. Reward the class by arranging for the class event suggested in one of the essays.

Student Assessment / Reflections

  • Compare your Observations and Notes from Session 4 and Session 1 to see if students understand the persuasive strategies, use any new persuasive strategies, seem to be overusing a strategy, or need more practice refining the use of a strategy. Offer them guidance and practice as needed.  
  • Collect both homework assignments and the Check the Strategy sheets and assess how well students understand the different elements of persuasive writing and how they are applied.  
  • Collect students’ Persuasion Maps and use them and your discussions during conferences to see how well students understand how to use the persuasive strategies and are able to plan their essays. You want to look also at how well they are able to make changes from the map to their finished essays.  
  • Use the Persuasive Writing Assessment to evaluate the essays students wrote during Session 3.
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  • Student Interactives

The Persuasion Map is an interactive graphic organizer that enables students to map out their arguments for a persuasive essay or debate.

This interactive tool allows students to create Venn diagrams that contain two or three overlapping circles, enabling them to organize their information logically.

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Writing curriculum

Argumentative Writing Unit

Writing prompts, lesson plans, webinars, mentor texts and a culminating contest, all to inspire your students to tell us what matters to them.

argumentative essay lesson plan grade 8

By The Learning Network

Unit Overview

On our site, we’ve been offering teenagers ways to tell the world what they think for over 20 years. Our student writing prompt forums encourage them to weigh in on current events and issues daily, while our contests have offered an annual outlet since 2014 for formalizing those opinions into evidence-based essays.

In this unit, we’re bringing together all the resources we’ve developed along the way to help students figure out what they want to say, and how to say it effectively.

Here is what this unit offers, but we would love to hear from both teachers and students if there is more we could include. Let us know in the comments, or by writing to [email protected].

Start With Our Prompts for Argumentative Writing

How young is too young to use social media? Should students get mental health days off from school? Is $1 billion too much money for any one person to have?

These are the kinds of questions we ask every day on our site. In 2017 we published a list of 401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing categorized to provoke thinking on aspects of contemporary life from social media to sports, politics, gender issues and school. In 2021, we followed it up with 300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing , which catalogs all our argument-focused Student Opinion prompts since then, plus our more accessible Picture Prompts.

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Writing an Argument Essay: Planning the Essay Lesson Plan

Writing an Argument Essay: Planning the Essay

This writing an argument essay: planning the essay lesson plan also includes:.

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  • Writing an Argument Essay: Peer Critique (.docx)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Unit 2 Overview (.pdf)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Unit 2 Overview (.docx)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Recommended Texts (.pdf)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Recommended Texts (.docx)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Overview (.pdf)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Overview (.docx)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Assessments (.pdf)
  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Assessments (.docx)
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  • Grade 8 ELA Module 2B Performance Task (.docx)
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It's time for a quote sandwich! Using the resource, pupils learn about the three parts of an effective quotation: introduction, quote, and analysis. Scholars use the model to peer critique each others' writing to show what they learned.

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  • Create an illustration of a quote sandwich to support visual learners

Classroom Considerations

  • Thirteenth lesson from the 18-part Grade 8 Module 2B, Unit 2 series
  • Post learning targets in advance of the lesson
  • Provides suggestions for lesson differentiation 
  • Includes a list of supporting learning targets

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Write a Practice Argument Essay: Analyze and Draft Proof Paragraph 2

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Focus Standards:  These are the standards the instruction addresses.

  • W.8.1, W.8.1b, W.8.5, W.8.10, SL.8.4

Supporting Standards:  These are the standards that are incidental—no direct instruction in this lesson, but practice of these standards occurs as a result of addressing the focus standards.

  • RI.8.1, RI.8.4, RI.8.10, W.8.6, SL.8.1, L.8.4, L.8.6
  • I can identify the reasons, evidence, and reasoning in Proof Paragraph 2 of a model argument essay. ( RI.8.1, W.8.1b )
  • I can write Proof Paragraph 2 for my practice essay. ( W.8.1b, W.8.4 )
  • Opening A: Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lesson 8 ( W.8.1b )
  • Work Time A: Annotated Model Essay ( W.8.1b )
  • Work Time C: Proof Paragraph 2 of Practice Argument Essay ( W.8.1b, W.8.4 )
AgendaTeaching Notes

A. Engage the Learner - (5 minutes)

A. Analyze the Model: Proof Paragraph 2 - (10 minutes)

B. Orally Rehearse Proof Paragraph 2 - (10 minutes)

C. Practice Essay: Draft Proof Paragraph 2 - (15 minutes)

A. Pair-Share: Proof Paragraph 2 - (5 minutes)

A. Revise Proof Paragraph 2: Students revise Proof Paragraph 2 of their practice argument essay, based on feedback and criteria.

B. Independent Research Reading: Students read for at least 20 minutes in their independent research reading text. Then they select a prompt and write a response in their independent reading journal.

– Opening A: Students answer questions as they analyze the role sentences play in Proof Paragraph 2 of the model argument essay. – Work Time A: Students use the Painted Essay® structure to more closely analyze a model Proof Paragraph, to understand how it supports a point/reason with valid reasoning and relevant evidence. – Work Time B: Students orally rehearse their Proof Paragraph 2, sharing points, evidence, and the reasoning that connects back to the main claim. – Work Time B: Students present the ideas for their Proof Paragraph 2 to a partner, determine whether they have relevant evidence and sound reasoning, and then make a plan to enhance their writing as needed. – Work Time C: Students work independently to draft their Proof Paragraph, choosing relevant evidence to support their claims and using logical reasoning to explain their thinking. – Work Time C: Students write a Proof Paragraph that includes a reason that supports the main claim with relevant evidence and sufficient reasoning.

for students to annotate. Synthesizing and listing transitional words on an anchor chart will enhance student understanding.


  • Prepare Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lesson 8, and ensure there is a copy at each student's workspace.
  • Strategically pair students for work in Opening A, with at least one strong reader per pair.
  • Review the Argument Writing checklist to become familiar with what will be required of students over the remainder of the unit.
  • Post the learning targets and applicable anchor charts (see Materials list).

Tech and Multimedia

  • Work Time C: Prepare devices with word-processing capabilities for students to continue drafting.
  • Continue to use the technology tools recommended throughout previous modules to create anchor charts to share with families; to record students as they participate in discussions and protocols to review with students later and to share with families; and for students to listen to and annotate text, record ideas on note-catchers, and word-process writing.

Supports guided in part by CA ELD Standards 8.I.C.11 and 8.I.C.12.

Important Points in the Lesson Itself

  • To support ELLs, this lesson follows the same pattern as Lessons 6 and 7. Students participate in a series of scaffolded tasks that guide students from analysis to independent writing. Students work in groups to analyze Proof Paragraph 2 of the model essay before planning and writing Proof Paragraph 2 of the practice argument essay. Like the two previous lessons, this lesson is highly collaborative and includes ample time for discussion, oral planning, and peer feedback.
  • ELLs may find it challenging to complete their own written version of the practice essay in this series of lessons. Pair ELLs thoughtfully with supportive peers who can help them navigate the complexities of the task sequencing and the tasks themselves, and encourage students to refer back to the model essay, the text, and the Argument Writing checklist , frequently, while writing.
  • Model Essay: "Transportation Choices" (one for display; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 4, Work Time A)
  • Characteristics of Argument Writing anchor chart (one for display; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 4, Closing A)
  • Practice Argument Essay Writing Plan graphic organizer (for teacher reference) (from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 5, Work Time C)
  • Model Essay: “Transportation Choices” (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 4, Work Time A)
  • Argument Writing checklist (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3 Lesson 5)
  • Painted Essay® template (one per student; from Module 1, Unit 3, Lesson 6, Work Time B)
  • The Omnivore’s Dilemma (text; one per student; Module 2, Unit 1, Lesson 1, Closing and Assessment A)
  • Practice Argument Essay Writing Plan graphic organizer (one per student; from Module 2, Unit 3, Lesson 5, Work Time C)
  • Independent reading journals (one per student; begun in Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 6, Work Time B)
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lesson 8 (answers for teacher reference)
  • Entrance Ticket: Unit 3, Lesson 8 (one per student)
  • Devices (one per student; see Technology and Multimedia)

Each unit in the 6-8 Language Arts Curriculum has two standards-based assessments built in, one mid-unit assessment and one end of unit assessment. The module concludes with a performance task at the end of Unit 3 to synthesize students' understanding of what they accomplished through supported, standards-based writing.

OpeningLevels of Support


immediately following the analysis and discussion of the topic and closing sentences in Proof Paragraph 2 of the model essay, to allow for direct transfer of learning. Invite students to share their sentences with other groups to check the clarity of connections between their claims and topic and closing sentences.
Work Time

and ask students to retrieve their Model Essay: "Transportation Choices." Read Proof Paragraph 2 aloud, prompting students to think about these three components of a Proof Paragraph as they follow along.

. Review aspects of Proof Paragraphs with students. Invite students to help record additional important aspects of Proof Paragraphs on the anchor chart.

, gather any remaining materials from the list below, and refer to the Characteristics of Argument Writing anchor chart as they write:
ClosingLevels of Support

and the date in the final column of their Argument Writing checklist if they feel the criteria marked on their checklists have been achieved in their writing in this lesson. Remind students to revise Proof Paragraph 2, as needed.

to explore how a writer connects a counterclaim to the main argument in an essay. Provide ELLs with the Language Dive sentence ahead of time. Invite students who need lighter support to predict some of the questions that the Language Dive may ask. This will improve students' metacognition and challenge their awareness of the most interesting or meaningful elements of the sentence.

to explore how a writer connects a counterclaim to the main argument in an essay. Provide ELLs with the Language Dive sentence ahead of time. Encourage students who need heavier support to independently reflect on this sentence and its meaning before the next lesson. Students may also wish to add any unknown vocabulary to their .


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Argument Writing: Removing Irrelevant Evidence

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Argumentative Essay Writing

  • 25 April 2018
  • Posted by: Sherine McFarlane
  • Number of views: 19034

Argumentative Essay Writing

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Argumentative Writing Unit for Grades 6-8, Opinion Essays, Persuasive Writing

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argumentative essay lesson plan grade 8


Teach 6th-8th grade argumentative essay writing with this step-by-step writing unit ! Cover the basics like thesis statements, text evidence, and paragraph writing ! Your students will be engaged and provided the proper scaffolds they need for learning!

In this unit, students will be introduced to mentor argumentative essays so that they can see what a great essay looks like. They will slowly dip their toes into the argumentative writing world by making claims and addressing counterclaims , writing argumentative paragraphs, and then eventually working their way up to writing full argumentative essays!

Along the way, they will read high interest articles about cell phones in school, athlete salaries, physical education in school, and more! They will use interactive worksheets, games, group work , and so much more to learn the key concepts of argumentative writing! They will also take time to peer edit , review, and reflect on writing.

At the end of the unit, students will conference with the teacher to look at how they have grown and how they can continue to grow!

There are 24 lessons that could span for any amount of time that the teacher prefers. They are based on my own class periods--54 minutes.

I have included ESL/ELL scaffolds and supports in this resource. It is my goal for teachers to have everything they need within each resource that I provide. Because of this, I have put ESL Tips in each lesson plan, and I have included either advice or actual pages that teachers can use to provide their ESL students with everything they need!

This product features:

⭐️ 24 lessons

⭐️ ESL/ELL Resources Information

⭐️ Mentor essays

⭐️ Paragraph writing

⭐️ Argument writing rubric

⭐️ Graphic organizers

⭐️ Peer editing pages

⭐️ Self reflection pages

⭐️ Conference pages

⭐️ Bonus resources and activities

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