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  • Research Hall
Research Hall
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The Research Hall is a location in Bloodborne 's The Old Hunters DLC.

  • 1 Description
  • 2 Lamps in the Area
  • 3 Connections
  • 4.1 Ground Floor
  • 4.2 1st Floor Balcony
  • 4.3 Laboratory Floor 2/3
  • 4.4 Patient Room Floor 2
  • 4.5 Patient Room Floor 4
  • 4.6 Patient Room/Laboratory Floor 5
  • 4.7 Laboratory Floor 4 and Patient Room Floor 3
  • 4.8 Rafters
  • 6.1 NPC Hunters

Description [ ]

This hidden research facility of the Healing Church , is dedicated to the knowledge and methods of attaining the transcendence of humanity through the creation of Kin .

From what is gathered by its denizens - the many Clocktower Patients that did not become wildly violent as a result of going mad; including Saint Adeline - and Simon himself, who has guided players thus far, it appears that the many doctors experimented with the minds of these patients, imbibing them with water somehow.

It is implied that the experiments that took place in this hall would culminate with the creation of the Celestial Emissary .

Lamps in the Area [ ]

  • Lumenwood Garden
  • Astral Clocktower

Connections [ ]

  • Surgery Altar

Ground Floor [ ]

The ground floor is composed mostly of the Lamp, the poisonous pit in the center of the rotating staircase contraption, the door to the Balcony, and the shortcut to other floors via the elevator in Saint Adeline 's room. One can find a passive Clocktower Patient looking for its "eyes" here.

When the rotating staircase has been raised, a number of Bound Clocktower Patients will appear on the Ground Floor along with two more items, one of these items being a Lethal Damp Blood Gem.

  • Blood Stone Chunk x4
  • Blue Elixir x1

(These items below can only be accessed once the rotating staircase has been raised)

  • Lethal Damp Blood Gem x1
  • Kin Coldblood (10) x1

1st Floor Balcony [ ]

This area can only be accessed via the Balcony Key . This area seems to share a strong semblance to the Lumenflower Gardens . The 1st Floor Balcony houses a number of Clocktower Patients who can attack using Arcane spells, it also houses the Blacksky Eye .

One can break through the large window in the area much like in a similar way how one breaks through the large window in the Lumenflower Gardens . Through this window, one will end up being on the upper layer of the Surgery Altar . On this upper layer, one can find a Wandering Nightmare and a Pulsing Damp Blood Gem. Lastly, the player needs to jump over a small gap and open a chest for an item .

  • Blacksky Eye x1
  • Pulsing Damp Blood Gem x1

Laboratory Floor 2/3 [ ]

The third floor will have a single Church Servant on it and a naked Clocktower Patient . On this floor one can find a passive Clocktower Patient begging for Lady Maria. Inside the third Laboratory room will be a trio of Wheelchair Huntsman , two wielding Pistols while one wields a Rosmarinus . One can access the first (where Adeline can be found), second and fourth (if the player has opened the short cut) Laboratory rooms from the third room. The third room also serves as a get between to get to the different floors faster.

The second floor can only be accessed from the third Laboratory room. The second floor will have about 3 Feral Clocktower Patients . Also, it's where the player can find the rest of the Decorative Old Hunter Set . One more thing the player can find on the second floor is another passive Clocktower Patient on a Balcony digging through some dirt.

  • Madman's Knowledge x1
  • Beast Blood Pellet x6
  • Decorative Old Hunter Garb
  • Decorative Old Hunter Trousers
  • Frenzied Coldblood (9) x1

Patient Room Floor 2 [ ]

On this floor, one will encounter a surprisingly large number of Clocktower Patients. In the first room one will encounter a large number of Clocktower Patients, these Patients will roam in and out of the room. On the top layer of the room, there will be about 2 Clocktower Patients throwing Bottles of corrosive liquid at the player.

The second room is hidden behind some medical equipment. In this room is a number of passive Clocktower Patients begging for help. Both rooms must be gone through to access the fourth floor.

  • Blood Vial x2
  • Sedative x3

Patient Room Floor 4 [ ]

The main part of this floor can only be accessed through the first room. In the first room, the player will first encounter a Giant Clocktower Patient attacking seemly at random. When the player exits the first room they will witness a Gatling Gun Wheelchair Huntsman gunning down some Clocktower Patients.

In the second room the player will be ambushed by an Infected Clocktower Patient there is also one normal Clocktower Patient just roaming around in the middle of the room. Also from the second room, the player can get to the top layer of the first room, from there, the player can find a Dirty Damp Blood Gem.

  • Blood Vial x5
  • Antidote x2
  • Quicksilver Bullets x3
  • Dirty Damp Blood gem (5) x1

Patient Room/Laboratory Floor 5 [ ]

This floor is important as the very first door will have the elevator shortcut that connects to the ground floor, and it's the only way to get up to the Rafters. The player can encounter the Gatling Gun Wheelchair Huntsman that was gunning down the Clocktower Patients from before on this floor. This is the only floor apart from the first floor that the player can access both the Laboratory Room and the Patient Room without needing to use the rotating staircase.

The Laboratory Room just serves as an elevator shortcut, While Patient Room is a lot more interesting. Outside the Patient Room is a number of Headless Clock tower patients who will wander aimlessly around and aren't hostile to the player. Inside the Patient Room is a number of Clock Tower Patients who are just Heads. Unlike the Headless Patients outside these ones are hostile and will attack the player. Also inside the Room is the Enlarged Head . Another thing to note is beware when leaving the room because a Head will attempt to ambush the player when leaving the room.

  • Blue Elixir x4
  • Enlarged Head x1

Laboratory Floor 4 and Patient Room Floor 3 [ ]

These two Floors can mostly be accessed via going through a secret path from the elevator that leads to Laboratory Floor 5 to Laboratory Floor 3. Laboratory Floor 4 serves no purpose at first. But when the rotating staircase has been raised it serves as a get between to get to Patient Room Floor 3 and to get to the Loch Shield .

When going from Laboratory Floor 4 to Patient Room Floor 3 via the rotating staircase one can access the Loch Shield . Just go down the furthest staircase and one will find a Bound Clocktower Patient and an item, this item being the Loch Shield .

Patient Room Floor 3 holds a small number of Clocktower Patients, one of these Patient being a Bottle Thrower. After getting through the Patients the player will find 4 Quicksilver Bullets and more importantly the Underground Cell Key . But be warned when attempting to get the Underground Cell Key an Infected Clocktower Patient will attack from behind.

  • Loch Shield x1
  • Quicksilver Bullets x4
  • Underground Cell Key x1

Rafters [ ]

The topmost part of the Research Hall and the most important part of it. To get to the Rafters the player must first get pass the Giant Clocktower Patient who is guarding the ladder to the Rafters.

The Rafters unlike most of the Research Hall don't contain any hostile Clocktower Patients but it dose contains few animal type beasts, these animal beasts being Labyrinth Rats and Carrion Crows . This floor is important as it holds the device that can raise the rotating staircase and it holds one of the quest important items for Adeline‘s questline. Also on this floor, the player can find two passive Clocktower patients, The first one is banging his head against a wall while the other one is on a higher layer. The other passive Clocktower patient is important for Adeline ’s questline.

Beware when leaving the Rafters when the device that controls the rotating staircase has been triggered. As when the player reaches the middle part of the rotating staircase a trio of naked Clocktower Patients will run up and attack the player. Also when leaving the player will notice a chest being guarded by a trio of Carrion Crows, this chest will have a Finestrike Damp Blood Gem.

  • Great One's Wisdom x1
  • Blood Stone Chunk x1

(The item below can only be accessed via the rotating staircase and only when the rotating staircase has been raised)

  • Finestrike Damp Blood Gem (5) x1
  • Brador, Church Assassin
  • Saint Adeline
  • Simon the Harrowed
  • Yamamura the Wanderer
  • Clocktower Patient (non-hostile ones)

Enemies [ ]

  • Carrion Crow
  • Church Servant
  • Clocktower Patient
  • Labyrinth Rat
  • Wheelchair Huntsman

NPC Hunters [ ]

  • Church Pick -wielding Yahar'gul Hunter .
  • Female Black Church Hunter who wields Ludwig's Holy Blade .
  • Female White Church Hunter who wields a Threaded Cane .
  • Male Black Church Hunter who wields a Threaded Cane and Repeating Pistol .
  • Living Failures
  • Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower

Summons [ ]

  • It is likely also the tallest, likely rivaled only by the Healing Church Workshop .
  • Said traps can only be found adjacent to large bookcases.
  • There is a wolf figure under the bed in the altar which resembles the wolf figure under the bed the hunter see in the opening cinematic. This suggests that, not only the Hunter , but many people experience the "mere bad dream" during blood transfusion . But, no Messengers statue can be found in the Research Hall, which suggests they don't appear to many and only those who the Messengers choose would become Hunters of the dream. "Ah! You found yourself a Hunter"- The Doll .

Gallery [ ]

Research Hall concept art

  • 1 Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
  • 2 Great Ones
  • 3 Bloodborne Wiki

Bloodborne - Research Hall, Patient Room 2, Patient Room 4, spiral staircase

How to survive the Research Hall in Bloodborne's DLC.

This article explains how to survive the Research Hall in Bloodborne: The New Hunters.

If you're interested in more advice, our complete Bloodborne walkthrough and for the DLC our The Old Hunters guide and walkthrough can help.

To begin the next perilous leg of your journey, climb the staircase to the right of the lamp and enter the majestic Research Hall. At the top, look left and locate the Scurrying Beast near the wall - kill it before it disappears to receive a Blood Stone Chunk.

Next, turn your attention to the pool in the centre of the chamber. There's a brain-headed, non-hostile creature splashing around in the water nearby. As you draw near, it will begin to mourn its missing eyes. Descend the steps and grab the Blue Elixir from the corpse by the central column in the pool. Note that the water is poisonous so move in and out quickly.

To the rear of the chamber, opposite the entrance, you'll spot another Scurrying Beast carrying Blood Stone Chunks. You'll also find a door marked '1st Floor Balcony'. However, the door is currently locked - so, for now, return to the Research Hall entrance.

Approach and climb the spiral staircase

From here, take a right and approach the huge spiral staircase. You'll likely aggro the hostile brain creature above as you near, so be ready to fight. These poor souls are, for the most part, weak and easily dispatched. Occasionally, however, they'll become enraged, and their repeated flailing attacks can do serious damage - so be prepared to dodge clear.

When it's safe to proceed, locate the doorway on the right at the foot of the spiral staircase, signposted 'Laboratory Floor 1'. This door only opens from other side so, for now, begin climbing the spiral steps. Once you reach the first small landing, you'll encounter more hostile brain creatures, with another batch likely spilling down the steps to the right.

Once you've cleared the area, you'll note that there are two staircase leading up from the first landing - one to the left and one to the right. The left-hand staircase winds to the landing above, while the right-hand steps lead to the balcony running around the room.

Kill the enemies inside Patient Room 2

Take the right-hand staircase first and, once you reach the top, pass through the doorway marked 'Patient Room 2' directly ahead. Inside, you'll find a ton of brain creatures wandering around, all of whom will immediately launch an attack. Most annoying of these are the acid-jar-tossing enemies situated overhead - their projectiles can cause significant injury if you're hit. Deal with the creatures on the ground floor then take out the wave of enemies that come pouring down the stairs. Finally, eliminate the hostiles stationed on the upper level of the room.

When the area is clear, take the Sedatives from the corpse in the corner on the ground floor then climb the large stone steps. Pass through the doorway directly ahead and scale the ladder to the left. At the top, you'll encounter a brain creature wielding a medical drip. He's taller and stronger than his brethren, and can pack a real punch thanks to his fast, frenzied pummelling. He's pretty easy to dodge around however, so shouldn't cause you much trouble.

When it's safe to proceed, grab the Blood Vials from the corpse in the far left-hand corner and note the exits on either side of the room. The right-hand route leads to another ladder and a room full of non-hostile patients - but we'll be paying them a visit later.

For now, climb the steps to the left. Take a right at the top, ascend the next flight of steps and pass through the door at the end. You'll emerge on the upper balcony - turn right and follow it along, grabbing that Antidote from the corpse on the left.

As you near the spiral staircase ahead, a wheelchair huntsmen will open fire on a group of brain creatures somewhere above. Be wary here: there's a doorway to the right (marked 'Patient Room 4') and the screams will likely draw the creatures beyond toward their comrades.

Before resuming your journey up the spiral staircase, investigate the room on the right, immediately dealing with any remaining hostiles. Grab the Quicksilver Bullets at the back of the room then ascend the stone steps to the right. You'll emerge overlooking the area where you fought the drip-wielding creature earlier. Take the Dirty Damp Blood Gem (5) from the corpse to the right then about face, descend the steps, and leave the room through the doorway to the left.

- Keep reading for our guide to clearing Bloodborne's Laboratory Floor 5 section.

- For the rest of our Bloodborne: The Old Hunters walkthrough , head back to the index page.

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Bloodborne: Where To Get The Eye Pendant & What It Does


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Key Items have made important and varied appearances in many games over the years, with some recent titles seeking to change up how these crucial tools appear and act. In true FromSoftware fashion, the legendary Japanese developer team has implemented some Key Items in novel ways throughout their many critically acclaimed games.

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From a sword-like key that one must insert into a living lock via a gruesome execution to collecting visceral body parts that would undeniably stain a character's clothing and sanity, Key Items can take a strange and sometimes alarming form.  Bloodborne , partly known for its unflinching horror elements, has this quality in spades.

Those  brave enough to enter The Old Hunters DLC will need to pick up an unusual Key Item in order to enter the Research Hall location that follows The Hunter's Nightmare area. The aptly named Eye Pendant must be collected and then used to activate a lift that brings the player into this area of sinister scholarly pursuits.

Where To Find The Eye Pendant

vicar laurence's unconscious body holding a key item.

While exploring The Hunter's Nightmare area, players will find 2 dominant structures separated by a river of blood, one of which contains the Research Hall of the Healing Church. Within this Grand Cathedral, there will be nothing except the burning body of some huge creature that bears a striking resemblance to the Cleric Beast boss, but on fire.

RELATED:  Bloodborne Guide: How To Beat The Cleric Beast

This will instinctually trigger a cautious response in most hunters, as the room and appearance of the unknown creature pretty much scream "boss fight", especially since the fiend ( Laurence, the First Vicar ) has coarse fur that ripples with clear intent to sway about as the flaming foe unleashes its assault. While this is in fact true, the battle with the burning beast cannot occur yet as the player does not have the required item to initiate it.

In Laurence's beastly outstretched hand, there will be a soft yellow glow that indicates an important item. Interacting with the burning palm will yield the Eye Pendant , which will grant one access to the Research Hall and deeper parts of the DLC.

How To Use The Eye Pendant To Get Into The Research Hall

the lift to the research hall guarded by some enemies.

After acquiring the Eye Pendant from Laurence, proceed to explore the Grand Cathedral until the hunter comes across an area with many beds. Nearby, there will be a woman in robes kneeling at an altar, who must be defeated so that one can interact with this occult and mechanical altar to activate the lift that leads up into the Research Hall.

However, be careful as this robed scholar is not alone. As she rises to confront the intruding player, a hunter will approach from another side of the room. The robed foe will cast spells at the player or attack them with a Threaded Cane while the hunter will attack with a sword. It is recommended to take them down separately by leading the sword-wielder into a nearby corridor to defeat them in a duel before heading back into the altar room to rush and overwhelm the scholar.

Once the area is clear of enemies, loot it and then interact with the altar to use the Eye Pendant and activate the subtle lift to reach the next area: the Research Hall.

NEXT:  Bloodborne: Weird Facts You Never Knew About Lady Maria

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No, someone here posted you can still get summoned as co-operator and this will advance the quest.

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Future Press gone behind the scenes with Bloodborne's creators to unearth every secret hidden within the mysterious city of Yharnam. Your hunt through the streets of Yharnam will be your most exciting and rewarding journey yet, and the road will be hard. But fear not! These guides are your key to mastering the merciless challenges and navigating the darkest depths of the city. [ ]

Adeline, Research Hall Patient

» » Adeline, Research Hall Patient

page revision: 15, last edited: 16 Mar 2024
1F Laboratory 458 610 99 99 99 99 108 89 89 120 180 - -
Physical, Blunt, Thrust, Blood, Arcane, Fire and Bolt. Slow Poison and Rapid Poison. Beasts & Kin.
Location & Discovery Drop & [Rate]
x1 [100%]
x1 [100%] ( )
Multipliers Bonuses Weak against Additional Information
HP Multiplier Is beast Lowest defense: and
Arcane Damage Multiplier Is kin
Fire Damage Multiplier Is weak to serrated
Bolt Damage Multiplier Is weak to righteous
and a former Blood Saint of the Healing Church. You'll encounter her after entering the Floor 1 Laboratory via the connecting elevator, at which point she'll implore you to bring her and offer her blood in return. Do so and she'll make good on her word, do so again and she'll show her gratitude by handling over the ; giving you access to the . Giving her a third her own, enable her to achieve an epiphany and free her from a terrible burden, at this point she will share her discovery with you and fade away in peaceful contentment.
1F Laboratory, accessed through connected elevator, creating shortcut from 1F to upper floors.
Floor 1 Laboratory [Night / Blood Moon]
Speak to Adeline in the First Floor Laboratory and listen to her request for .
Floor 1 Laboratory [Night / Blood Moon]
Obtain from one of two NPC patients in the ; one in the Upper Rafters, and the other is on a landing between floors 3 and 4 next to Church Doctor enemy hunter armed with a and a . Both of these patients are the "Head Only" type and must be attacked in order to obtain the , which one you obtain and hand in makes no difference. Adeline will offer you a vial of her blood and will continue to do so each time you return when not in possession of a unique blood vial.
Floor 1 Laboratory [Night / Blood Moon]
Give Adeline the other obtainable from the NPC patients in the . Note that you must leave the and return at least three times after handing in the first in order to advance to this step.
Floor 1 Laboratory [Night / Blood Moon]
After handing in the second , leave and return to the no fewer than three times. On your third return trip, Adeline will have transformed into the "Head Only" patient type and will be located immediately to the left of the entrance to the lab where you originally met her, behind the open door. Exhaust her dialogue, then attack her only once to receive the third . She will immediately revive; at this point, give her the third to complete her quest and obtain the rune.
x1 [100%]
x1 [100%], only once when in Enlarged Head form at the end of her quest line.
when Oath Caryll rune is equipped.
: by tassssssssss

Adeline, Research Hall Patient

Item Amount Requirements Notes
1 Give Adeline one . The order in which you give them to her has no effect on the quest, but if you are already carrying another special blood vial ( ) you won't be able to receive blood from her. If you speak to Adeline again after changing areas with no other special blood vials in your inventory, you can continue to receive vials of her blood until you complete her quest. -
1 give Adeline the second -
1 give Adeline the third and final -
1 give Adeline the third and final -
Dialogue - voiced by Lotte Rice - [ ; [Wiki] ]
If you want to know more about dialogues visit the page which contains the whole datamined dialogue script ( ) for all characters from the game. .
Also you can look over to the page which has all dialogues ( ) from the base game and DLC, .

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Lore, lore and lore - The Research Hall

Just wanted to share here, yet another take on Bloodborne Lore. This time featuring the Research Hall, some real life comparisons and some crazy speculation! Do you have your own takes on the research hall? Let me know, cheers!

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  2. Research Hall

    The Research Hall is a location in Bloodborne's The Old Hunters DLC. This hidden research facility of the Healing Church, is dedicated to the knowledge and methods of attaining the transcendence of humanity through the creation of Kin. From what is gathered by its denizens - the many Clocktower Patients that did not become wildly violent as a result of going mad; including Saint Adeline - and ...

  3. Research Hall

    Research Hall - Bloodborne Guide - IGN. The Research Hall is the third area in the new DLC, located after unlocking the path in the Underground Corpse Pile . Once you go up the stairs after the ...

  4. Is there a quick way to get to Research Hall? : r/bloodborne

    Unseen Headstone. You'll just have to enter the DLC and progress until you beat the first boss (Ludwig). After that you'll have access to the Research Hall. First playthrough, loving this. I wanna go to Research Hall to do the Blood Stone Chunk exploit.

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    Bloodborne & The Old Hunters Collector's Edition Guides ... Research Hall Entrance: As soon as the altar elevator comes to a stop you'll find the Research Hall lamp directly in front of you, so before doing anything else, make sure to light it. If you wish to head back down to the Recovery Room, simply step back onto the altar and it will ...

  6. Bloodborne The Old Hunters DLC 100% Walkthrough Research Hall (all

    All Items in order:-Frenzied Coldblood (9)-Fist Of Gratia 0:45-Blood Stone Chunk-Great One's Wisdom-Laurance's Skull 1:55-Beast's Embrace - Carryll Rune-Chur...

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    Research Hall. From Ludwig's boss room, take the stairs up and exit through the door on the left side to reach a corridor. Enter the first room on the left for a Frenzied Coldblood. There are Church Servants and Wheelchair Hunters in this corridor as well.

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    Explore the Research Hall, and eliminate the threat in Patient Room 2. Bloodborne - Laboratory Floor 5, Brain Fluid, pressure plates, secret passage Look around Laboratory Floor 5 and grab some ...

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    Guide on how to get all the items, weapons, and attire in the Research Hall from Bloodborne: The Old Hunters DLC. For more on Bloodborne: The Old Hunters, check out our full wiki guide here at ...

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    How to survive the Research Hall in Bloodborne's DLC. Guide by Matt Wales News Reporter Updated on March 9, 2018. Follow Bloodborne Previous page . Page 2 of 3. Next page . This article ...

  13. The Research Hall's real-world location : r/bloodborne

    You go up to get to the Research Hall, above the Grand Cathedral. The altar is below the cathedral, through an elevator on the top floor accessible only through the upper cathedral ward. If anything, the research hall in the real world is an unexplored (most likely sealed off) area in upper cathedral ward, since it connects to the garden. 2.

  14. r/bloodborne on Reddit: how to get up to the top in the research hall

    I can't remember the exact directions off the top of my head, but the way back up is that ladder right next to the Enraged Patient near the top. It's connected to a stairwell, so you should take the elevator all the way up to where you would enter the Living Failure fight, and then look for which staircase path leads to that section. 6. Reply.

  15. Tips and tricks for conquering Research Hall? It's ...

    Beyond that, if you just want to run through slashing indiscriminately, you need about 20 or 30 more levels and a lot more VIT. Your level and weapon is ok. Use bolt paper (those enemies are weak to bolt). I fought one at a time in some parts of the staircases and hallways and rushed my way to unlock the shortcuts.

  16. Research hall: how do I reach the top floor after moving the lever

    Start in the room with adeline, the strapped up blobby chick. Take an elevator (or two) up. Then you'll reach a floor where you need to cross to the other side to reach a staircase, the base of which has a lot of enemies at it. At the top you will find ladders to the rafters. ultima50 (Topic Creator) 8 years ago #7.

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    Bloodborne, partly known for its unflinching horror elements, has this quality in spades. Those brave enough to enter The Old Hunters DLC will need to pick up an unusual Key Item in order to enter ...

  19. What to do with the research hall patients?

    What to do with the research hall patients? ioki 8 years ago #1. There's several big headed patients here that talk. Some ask for death, some ask about Maria and others are just splish-splashin and plip-ploppin. What it do? stonyg 8 years ago #2. Kill the sack ones, the blip blop and slip slop ones. There are 2.

  20. Locked Door on the first floor of the Research Hall

    But then, like me, you'll miss out on a very important Caryl Rune. The Bloodborne wiki has the locations of the brain fluids. 3DS Friend Code: 0404-9320-5852 / Switch Friend Code: SW-6373-7563-6511 / PSN ID: Pr3d4t0r__4lph4 (2 underscores) Chronux 8 years ago #5. I have the fluid, she gave me blood, but then her dialogue isnt changing, she isnt ...

  21. Adeline, Research Hall Patient

    1. Research Hall Floor 1 Laboratory [Night / Blood Moon]: Speak to Adeline in the First Floor Laboratory and listen to her request for Brain Fluid.: 2. Research Hall Floor 1 Laboratory [Night / Blood Moon]: Obtain Brain Fluid from one of two NPC patients in the Research Hall; one in the Upper Rafters, and the other is on a landing between floors 3 and 4 next to Church Doctor enemy hunter armed ...

  22. Who were the Research Hall Patients? : r/bloodborne

    Reply. Spearchucker2000. • 8 yr. ago. Definitely at least one criminal who was experimented on 'as punishment' and one blood saint who underwent them willingly. The rest I would guess were captured just like the yarghul patients were or people who were terribly ill who would've wanted to undergo a crazy experimental treatment to cure ...

  23. Lore, lore and lore

    r/bloodborne • Finally was able to afford PS plus Premium to play Bloodborne on PC, actually it's very enjoyable and i haven't had any problem with the Cloud streaming so far, really liking the atmosphere of the game. I really had a lot of hype to start it